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Player Name Character Name Dungeon Master

Class / Level Race, Subrace Background Alignment Experience

Attack Hit Damage Notes

Size Height Weight Gender Age

Speed Jump, high std/run Jump, long std/run

Color: hair/eyes/skin Vision/range

Hit Points

Max Damage
Hit Die

Inspiration Armor Class Proficiency Passive

Bonus Perception Max Size Spent

Abilities Saving Throws

STR MOD Athletics Unenc. Encumbered Lift Push/Drag
(x5) (x10) (x15) (x30)

DEX MOD Acrobatics Stealth Sleight of hand AC adj Init adj Proficient

CON MOD HP adj. Resistance Proficient

INT MOD Arcana History Investigation Nature Religion Proficient

WIS MOD Animal Insight Medicine Perception Survival Proficient

CHA MOD Deception Intimidation Performance Persuasion Proficient

SV. Adv.
Proficiencies Failures
Designers Notes
How did this come about? tough compromises about what goes on the
I have been playing D&D on and off for a character sheet, when Wizard of the Coast
couple of decades now. When 5th edition was designed the standard character sheet.
launched I felt a resurgence of that old style
classic D&D feel. This caused me to coerce my This work also took me down a few paths that I
group into playing 5th edition. Up until then we didn’t expect. For instance it made me think of,
had mainly played AD&D 2nd edition. what is the purpose of the characters sheet? Is
it a cheat sheet for the player who made the
One of my players was particularly skeptical. character, is it the permanent record of the
He had played a lot old original D&D, then character, is it a medium that allows you to
dipped into 1st edition AD&D, quickly switched hand off a character to another player and
to 2nd edition and played it for more than a expect her to play it like to original player? Is it
decade. Then he dipped into 3rd edition, but a form that is intended to be filled out by a
switched back to 2nd edition after only a few computer or is it strictly for pen and paper
months. The concept of skipping that many roleplaying?
editions ahead was intimidating.
It also made me think of my game in general.
To alleviate some of the pains of switching What do I emphasize in my game? What rules
edition, I decided to make a 5th edition do I rely on? How often do I hand out
character sheet that was styled like a 2nd inspiration when people play to the flaws and
edition character sheet, but incorporating bonds? With that in mind you start to notice a
elements of even earlier editions. That way few changes when you compare this character
the character sheet would feel like earlier sheet to the standard character sheet. For
editions. instance there is no mentioning of the
traits/bond/flaws/ideals; on the other hand the
My background rules for how long you can jump are there and
I don’t have a background in graphic design, so are the rules for encumbrance.
nor do I have the tools used for such. I am I
computer engineer by trade. My main tool was If you have the time and interests I can
an old version of PowerPoint, coming up on its recommend trying this. You might start to think
tenth anniversary. However I suspect this of things like “Do I want the rules for drowning
would still be a couple of light years ahead of on the character sheet, considering that the
the tools that was used for the old character upcoming campaign is a pirate campaign?”
sheets. Should there be a date on it? Do characters
often get exhausted?
The experience
Working on this, I have gained a new respect The Goal
and appreciation for the work done by Emi This is a generic character sheet. It is not class
Tanji who designed the standard character or race specific. It is intended for pen and
sheets for 5th edition. This was a lot harder and paper roleplaying, - print it out and fill it with a
way more time consuming than I thought it pencil. Yes, you do need another sheet of notes
would be. I realized that the space is very regarding race, class and background specific
limited on the character sheet. There were details, perhaps in combination with
more than a few things that I wanted to put in equipment lists and/or spell lists.
there but I couldn’t. I also suspect there had
have been a lot of very heated discussion and
Enjoy the game.
Michael Nielsen

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