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Team 4


Members –
Pallava Naik
Parthib Kaviraj
Shikhar Maharshi
S. Krishna Prusty
N. Srinand

Project PallavaA (Name could be changed)

Application for mental health analysis and development.

This is an app that deals with people having mental health issues. Around 40 million individuals,
or nearly 18% of the population, suffer from anxiety disorders, which are the most prevalent
mental ailment in the country, according to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America.
We have created a tool that will assist folks all over the world who are dealing with anxiety,
depression, or other mental health difficulties. which we have addressed with project PallavA.
People will be assisted by Project PallavA in overcoming their everyday apprehension about
living in society and developing interpersonal skills. Our major goal is to eradicate all mental
health problems worldwide. Nowadays, it's usual for individuals to have sadness, anxiety, or
other mental health problems.

Concept of the application

As from a recent analysis from WHO, every sixth Indian need mental health help, and yet the
treatment gap ranges between 70% and 92% for different mental disorders.
This application is for people who are suffering from this type of mental health issue. Here we
are building an application with an AI which will keep all the data encrypted and safe, which will
help people to open up about their feelings to the AI that will help us to understand and cure their
mental health issues. The talking will help people to learn about the app and also learn about
themselves. The app will be having many features like live therapy sessions, finding yourself,
personal therapy, and AI.
FINDING YOURSELF – The app will help you find your mental health level through different
sorts of questions and activities; AI will be showing some colors and pictures and record your
reaction and emotion according to your answers.
LIVE THERAPY SESSIONS – There will be live sessions with professional therapists who will
be discussing basic mental health issues among adults, and you can suggest to them what topic
you would like to listen to in the next session through live messages.
PERSONAL THERAPY – AI will be consulting a therapist you can talk to as per your mental
health issues there will be a therapist who has a lot of experience with people who are in
depression and any therapist who is best in his field will be consulted to you.
AI (ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE) – The most advanced feature of this application which will
be handling all the patients and helping them through all their difficulties the AI will not only
just talk to you it will listen to you with your problems and try to understand them and record
and analyze them to use it for your betterment in your therapy.

UI (User Interface)
What Is User Interface?
The user interface is the point at which human users interact with a computer, website or
application. Effective user interfaces should be simple and intuitive to use, requiring little effort
from the user to achieve the desired results.
UI is developed in levels of interaction that engage the senses of the user (sight, touch, auditory
and more). They comprise both output equipment like monitors, speakers, and printers as well as
input devices including a keyboard, mouse, trackpad, microphone, touch screen, fingerprint
scanner, and camera. "Multimedia user interfaces" are devices that interact with several senses.
For instance, standard user interfaces (UI) combine tactile input (keyboard and mouse) with
visual and audio output (monitor and speakers).
The UI of our application is user friendly and a pretty simple one.
1. When you click on the app icon, the app opens with the welcome screen with a Log In,
sign up & continue without registration option.
2. Then you get redirected to one of the sub-screens based on whether you choose the log in
option or the sign-up option, or you can directly go to the next screen.
3. Then comes the analysis screen like, what are your main goals?, Which content would
you like to see more?, Anything else you would like to achieve?, etc., then the options are
given and you choose one of them and based on its analysis you are shown content.
4. Now comes the main screen. It has content regarding the choices you made in the
previous screen, and it also consists of things like navigation tab bar that helps you to
navigate through the application, it also consists of a search button to search for
information. It also consists of an My Account button that leads to all the account info,
settings, privacy policy, contact, subscription, feedback options etc.
5. This UI also takes the help of AI to solve problems that are faced by users.
6. If possible, the UI will also have relaxing background music to help calm the user, help
them have better sleep, and overall improve their mental health.
7. This app supports English and Hindi at first, but as the collaboration and demand
increases in different states with different languages, we will make more languages

Marketing mix
Marketing mix describes the total marketing program, procedure in order to pursue marketing
objectives in the target market. So, there are basically 4 P’s of marketing mix that we are going
to adhere
->product mix
->price mix
->place mix
->promotion mix

1. Product Mix
It is the sum total of product and item that a particular marketer offers in the market.

Brand means a sign or a symbol, which is associated with a product. It means giving a name,
term, logo, colour, design, or a combination of all to separate or product from other apps.
So, or brand name is Psychtherapy.

Logo: -
So, our product main objective is to deal with mental health issues i.e. anxiety, depression, stress,
insomnia etc.

2. Price Mix
Price represents the value attached to the goods and services by a company or firm.
In other words, it is the value set that consumer required to sacrifice in order to pursue their
so, basically there are two pricing strategies that we’re going.

Penetration pricing: -
In this strategy there is a rapid penetration in the market in order to capture the Market share, so
we are going to introduce the subscription for our customers at a minimal amount .

Odd/ psychological pricing: -

It is the typical form of pricing strategy where we will set an odd number of pricings just to
attract the price sensitive consumer into the app. This is our prime strategy in which the amount
is set for three stages
Beginner stage:- 299
Intermediary stage:-499
Advanced stage:- 699
In the beginner stage you will be getting the facility of artificial intelligence
In the intermediary stage you will get the facility of artificial intelligence and live sessions of the
psychologists. And in the advanced stage you will be getting the facility of AI , live sessions and
doctor appointment and there will be one free appointment.

3. Place mix
A place mix refers to the set of decisions that needs to be taken in order to avail the product and
services at the right time and at right price So, we will be launching our app on Play Store for
Android and on app Store for IOS devices.

4. Promotion mix: -
Promotion is the process of communicating with the potential buyers involving information,
persuation and influence. So, following are the two components of promotion mix that we are
going to adhere: -

Advertisement: -
Advertisement is the medium of impersonal sales afford. It is a mass communication of
information to persuade the buyers with a view to maximize the profit. So, our medium of
advertisement of app will be through social media promotion, through digital marketing and by
identified sponsors

Publicity: -
Unlike advertisement publicity is also non-personal and a part of open and mass communication.
But publicity is nonpaid is nature by an unidentified sponsor, publicity will be more trustable by
consumer as it is not paid in nature and impersonal.

Marketing strategy
Adults who are hesitant to acknowledge their mental health concerns or who are unaware that
they could have any issues at all are our target market. Product is in a developing stage In which
we have discovered the cure for many mental issues and we are discovering more ways to cure
many other mental issues.
We have a typical form of pricing strategy where we will set an odd number of pricing just to
attract the price-sensitive consumer into the app. This is our prime strategy in which the amount
is set for three-stage
Beginner stage:- 299
Intermediary stage:-499
Advanced stage:- 699
We have developed a humorous section where we will award consumers XP points for
participating in daily live sessions. You can exchange 500XP for discount coupons from our
partner businesses.
Advertising serves as a vehicle for impersonal sales. It is a widespread dissemination of
information intended to influence consumers and increase sales. Therefore, we will promote our
app through social media, digital marketing, and sponsorship from known companies.
We are putting together a sales and management team that will enable us to receive solid
management support throughout the year and see an increase in sales with each passing year.

Market segmentation: -
The process of dividing a broad target market into
smaller, more specifically defined groups. 1.Hypersexuality
An obsession with sexual thoughts, urges or behaviors that may cause distress or that negatively
affects health, job, or relationships.
2. Clinical depression
A mental health disorder characterized by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in
activities, causing significant impairment in daily life.
3. Anxiety disorder
A mental health disorder characterized by feelings of worry, anxiety or fear that are strong
enough to interfere with one's daily activities.
4. Dementia
A group of thinking and social symptoms that interferes with daily functioning.
Not a specific disease, dementia is a group of conditions characterized by impairment of at least
two brain functions, such as memory loss and judgement.
5. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
A chronic condition including attention difficulty, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness.
ADHD often begins in childhood and can persist into adulthood. It may contribute to low self-
esteem, troubled relationships and difficulty at school or work.
6. Post traumatic stress disorder
A disorder characterized by failure to recover after experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event.
The condition may last months or years, with triggers that can bring back memories of the
trauma accompanied by intense emotional and physical reactions.

Tactical Targeting-:
Tactical targeting identifies the ways in which the company can reach these strategically
important customers in an effective and cost-efficient manner. It does not exclude any
potential customers.

Porter’s 5 Factor Analysis

Porter's five forces model is a framework for industry analysis and business strategy
development formed by Michael E Potter of Harvard business School in 1979. Porter referred to
these poses as the microenvironment to contrast it with more micro environment. The Five forces
include 3 forces from 'horizontal' competition- threat of substitute products, the threat of
established rivals and the threat of new entrants and two forces from 'vertical' competition the
bargaining power of suppliers and the bargaining power of customers.
Description of the five forces model with reference to project Pallava:
1. Threat of new entrants: Profitable markets that yield high returns will attract new firms. This
results in many new entrants which eventually will reduce profitability for all firms in the
industry. With the growth of mental awareness around the world and increase in the number of
cases for mental health issues there are many new potential entrants that can be released in the
market and give Pallava direct competition as our app is itself new to the market.
2. Threat of substitute products or service: The existence of products outside of the realm of the
common product boundaries increases the propensity of customers to switch to alternative.
Alternative for a mental health app is simply offline therapy that is visiting therapists for help.
3. Bargaining power of customers: The bargaining power of customers is the ability of the
customer to put the firm under pressure which also affects the customer's sensitivity to price
changes. The customers may not take our subscriptions if they think the price is too high or the
service provided is not up to the mark which will automatically lead us to lower the prices.
4. Bargaining power of suppliers: The term suppliers consist of all sources of inputs that are
needed to provide goods and services. The bargaining power of suppliers is also described as
market of inputs. The doctors and therapists who will provide our subscribers with live therapy
sessions and group talks may charge a high rate.
5. Intensity of competitive rivalry: This force describes intensity of new competition between
existing players in an industry. Moodkit, Talkspace, Headspace, iBreathe etc, are apps that
already exists in the market which provide mental health services.

SWOT Analysis:
S.W.O.T is an acronym for strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats. Strengths and
weaknesses can be identified by analyzing the internal environment and opportunities and threats
can be identified by analyzing the external environment.
Strengths: Our app provides live therapy sessions from therapists, group discussions online,
surveys related to the issues, questioning rounds, soothing music sessions that means it comes
with a complete package of everything.
Weaknesses: As our app is a new one getting the best therapists around the country for now is a
hard job.
Opportunities: India is now going to bring mental health insurance for its citizens which is a
great opportunity for us to grab. Along with therapy we can also provide mental health insurance
to our subscribers.
Threats: High professionalized therapists are a threat as people may choose to directly go to
them. Apps with free services are also a threat.

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