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Terry Torres Fiorella Giselle


-Jean Pierre Martin Arroyo Vargas(Note taker)

-Angela Brillit Inocente Rosales(Monitor)
-Rubi Dominique Ccoyllo Nina

Creating healthy habits allows us to live longer, it also brings positive effects for our body
such as weight loss and avoiding diseases, but generating a habit takes time. For example,
a study was conducted among adults which indicates that it takes an average of 66 days for
the healthy activity you do to become a habit. In conclusion, performing a healthy habit
frequently and constantly helps it become permanent and is good for our health.

Good Sleep for good health

Sleep, like exercise and a good diet, is important for good health. Sleeping well helps your
mood and brain performance.According to the Health Essentials newsletter, not getting
adequate sleep would be doing damage to our health such as contracting heart disease,
stroke, and some disorders such as the most common sleep disorder is insomnia.In
conclusion, adequate sleep is essential to carry out our activities of the day, it also helps us
to prevent diseases.

Creating healthy habits

We must bear in mind that changing bad habits is not easy, it is a process, for example one
of the good habits that we must create is our good diet, thus we help the health of our body.
Another habit that we must create is knowing how to choose the right path so as not to make
mistakes in our decisions or actions. The third habit that we must take into account is to think
about our future and what we must do to reach our goal. In the process of creating new
habits we must use tolerance and calm.

NIH NEWS IN HEALTH. (2021, APRIL). Good Sleep For good Health.

Basaraba, S. (2022, August 01). How to build a healthy habit. Verywell Mind.


Perez Duran, J. K., Medina Ortega, D. F., & Ramírez Piñeros, J. D. (2022). Proyecto

construyendo hábitos

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