HTML5 - Basics

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Job Guaranteed Programs for Software Engineers

Front End Technologies HTML5 Duration: 1 Day

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1. Understand the basics.html which was already created

2. Develop your own web page basics.html with all the following html tags
Html, head, title, body
Heading, Paragraph, Italic, Bold, Anchor, Unordered List, List Item, label,
Blockquote, Horizontal rule, Image, Division, Span

3. Navigate within the page to a different section.

4. Use pseudo classes and elements into your webpage

Good to know:
Difference between HTML, HTML5, CSS and JAVA Script
Difference between span and div

JALA Technologies offers Job Guaranteed Programs for Fresher’s to 12 years’ experience with salary range of 2-16 lakhs per
annum on JAVA / .Net / Python / Automation Testing / Dev-Ops / Cloud Technologies / Cyber Security / Data Science and for those
who want to be a software engineer in 100 Days. Know more Details at:

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