HTML5-Input Attributes

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A Job Guaranteed Program for Software Engineers

Front End Technologies HTML5 Duration: 1Day

Input Attributes and Restrictions


1. Design the web page using all the below input attributes
type =text, password, submit, reset, radio, checkbox, button,

2. HTML5 input Types

type=number, range, color, date, file, time, month, week, email

3. Apply all of the below input restrictions

disabled, max, maxlength, min, readonly, required, size, value

4. Develop a web page using target attribute.

5. Use I-frames and Marquee in your webpage.

Good to know:
1. Try applying as many attributes and restrictions and observe the form behavior
2. Understand the difference between target:blank and target:self.

JALA Technologies offers Job Guaranteed Programs for Fresher’s to 12 years’ experience with salary range of 2-16 lakhs per
annum on JAVA / .Net / Python / Automation Testing / Dev-Ops / Cloud Technologies / Cyber Security / Data Science and for those
who want to be a software engineer in 100 Days. Know more Details at:

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