The Washington Post - Year 146 Issue 53667 (12 Nov 2023)

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is tied to
“Have we forgotten that students should be reading for pleasure?”
rivals take tania Galiñanes, librarian at Tohopekaliga High School in kissimmee, Fla.

aim at his pipeline

Verbal fumbles become
political fodder for Biden ColoNel had key
team and GOP field alike Nord Stream role
2022 bombing severed
BY M ARISA I ATI gas links to Europe

The Desantis campaign re- BY S HANE H ARRIS

cently posted a thread of more AND I SABELLE K HURSHUDYAN
than two dozen clumsy or confus-
ing remarks by former president A senior Ukrainian military
Donald Trump, positing that “this officer with deep ties to the coun-
is why his handlers won’t let him try’s intelligence services played a
debate.” central role in the bombing of the
Former U.N. ambassador Nikki Nord stream natural gas pipe-
Haley, speaking to Jewish donors, lines last year, according to offi-
mocked Trump for speaking posi- cials in Ukraine and elsewhere in
tively about the leaders of China europe, as well as other people
and North Korea, saying he is knowledgeable about the details
evidently “confused” about which of the covert operation.
countries are American allies and The officer’s role provides the
which are adversaries. most direct evidence to date tying
And the Biden campaign has Ukraine’s military and security
also stepped up its posts about leadership to a controversial act
Trump’s verbal fumbles, includ- of sabotage that has spawned
ing a minute-long video compila- THomaS SimoneTTi For THe WaSHingTon PoST multiple criminal investigations
tion of various miscues. In press and that U.s. and Western offi-
statements, it has slammed cials have called a dangerous at-
Trump for mispronouncing
“Hamas” and for musing aloud
that the abbreviation for United
states is spelled like the word
Loving books was not enough tack on europe’s energy infra-
Roman Chervinsky, a decorat-
ed 48-year-old colonel who
“us.” served in Ukraine’s special opera-
As Trump’s Republican rivals A Florida librarian wanted to encourage students’ reading, not police it. So she quit. tions forces, was the “coordina-
face growing pressure to stop his tor” of the Nord stream opera-
momentum, while Democrats tion, people familiar with his role

seek to neutralize concerns about t was her last Monday morning in the BY R UBY C RAMER she exhaled loudly. “Freedom Week.” said, managing logistics and sup-
Biden’s age, the two sides are library, and when Tania Galiñanes walked IN KIssIMMee, FLA. “oh, good,” he said. “You know about this.” port for a six-person team that
converging on a common argu- into her office and saw another box, she Yes, Tania knew about it. It was one more rented a sailboat under false iden-
ment — that Trump’s cognition told herself that this would be the last one. thing the state had asked of them, a manda- tities and used deep-sea diving
has declined too far for him to Inside were books. she didn’t know how tory recitation of parts of the Declaration of equipment to place explosive
lead the country again. many, or what they were, only that she would Independence “to reaffirm the American charges on the gas pipelines. on
The Biden-Harris HQ account need to review each one by hand for age-ap- ideals of individual liberty,” along with some- sept. 26, 2022, three explosions
on X, formerly known as Twitter, propriate material and sexual content as thing else she had heard from the district. caused massive leaks on the Nord
see Trump oN A9 defined by Florida law, just as she’d been “They asked us to please not celebrate Banned stream 1 and 2 pipelines, which
doing for months now with the 11,600 books Books Week,” Tania said. run from Russia to Germany un-
Oil money: Trump courts industry on the shelves outside her door at Tohopekali- she was tired. Her husband was always der the Baltic sea. The attack left
he aided for contributions. A4 ga High school. reminding her: Tania, you have no sense of see ukrAIne oN A16
Last box, and then after this week, she self-preservation. she had thought about
would no longer be a librarian at all. pushing back against the district, had imag-
she heard the first-period bell ring, 7:15 ined putting up posters all over the walls from

AI-generated a.m. she’d wanted to get to the box right away,

but now she saw one of the school administra-
the American Library Association celebrating
“freedom to read,” a final act before her last Ground war
images show reveals depth
tors at her door, asking whether she’d heard Tania Galiñanes day on Friday. But even if she did put up the
about the latest education mandate in Flori- shares a goodbye as posters, who would be there to see them once
da. she nears her last she left? The library would be closed after this

a world “What’s the name of this thing?” he said.

“Freedom Week?”
day as a high school
week, until they found someone to take her
see LIbrArIAn oN A6 of Hamas’s
of stereotypes firepower

Artificial intelligence image

tools have a tendency to spin up
Va. House nominates first Black speaker AND A LEX H ORTON

JERUSALEM — early in Israel’s

disturbing clichés: Asian women invasion of Gaza, an antitank
are hypersexual. Africans are RICHMOND — Don L. scott Jr. Setting up possibility that Black lawmakers contention to become the first missile fired by Palestinian mili-
primitive. europeans are worldly. has been in the Navy, in law Black majority leader, which tants struck an armored person-
Leaders are men. Prisoners are school and in prison, and that will run both General Assembly chambers would complete an unprecedent- nel carrier, killing — by incinera-
Black. unusual path has brought him to ed concentration of Black leader- tion, concussion, shrapnel — at
These stereotypes don’t reflect the doorstep of someplace com- BY G REGORY S . S CHNEIDER ship in the former capital of the least nine Israeli soldiers. other
the real world; they stem from pletely new. Confederacy, and possibly in the armored assets in the convoy
the data that trains the technol- scott, 58, of Portsmouth, be- south. were also hit.
ogy. Grabbed from the internet, came the first Black person cho- “It is historic,” former gover- That oct. 31 attack, on Gaza’s
these troves can be toxic — rife sen to become speaker of the nor L. Douglas Wilder, the first sandy northern periphery, repre-
with pornography, misogyny, vio- Virginia House of Delegates African American elected gover- sented the single largest cluster
lence and bigotry. since the body’s origins in 1619, nor of any state since Recon- of Israeli casualties in the ground
stability AI, maker of the pop- the same year the first Africans struction, said in an interview war. It also showed the evolution
ular image generator stable Dif- arrived in chains on Virginia’s with The Washington Post. “It’s and expansion of Hamas’s fire-
fusion XL, told The Washington shore. celebratory, but it’s not an end- power.
Post it had made a significant The selection of scott as game — it’s a beginning in terms Where years ago Israeli forces
investment in reducing bias in its speaker-designee during a Dem- of what needs to be done.” faced stones and molotov cock-
latest model, which was released ocratic caucus meeting saturday, But the transformation of tails thrown by Palestinians, they
in July. But these efforts haven’t widely expected following the leadership in Richmond is a now confront weapons such as
stopped it from defaulting to party’s majority win in Tuesday’s major symbolic shift in a city that laser-guided missiles and anti-
cartoonish tropes. The Post legislative elections, sets up the treasures symbolism, where just tank munitions in Gaza. Hamas
found that despite improve- likelihood that Black lawmakers three years ago the graffiti- has been “arming itself to the
ments, the tool amplifies outdat- will run both chambers of Vir- covered statue of Confederate teeth,” one military analyst said.
ed Western stereotypes, transfer- ginia’s General Assembly, an- Gen. Robert e. Lee towering over The Israel Defense Forces is
ring sometimes bizarre clichés to other historic first. Lt. Gov. Win- Monument Avenue became an now inside Gaza City, fighting
basic objects, such as toys or some earle-sears (R), the first international icon of racial reck- Hamas above and below ground
homes. Black woman elected statewide oning in reaction to the murder — among civilians, around hos-
“They’re sort of playing whack- in Virginia, presides over the of George Floyd by Minneapolis pitals, schools and mosques — in
a-mole and responding to what state senate, where sen. L. Lou- JoHn c. clark For THe WaSHingTon PoST police. see GAzA oN A20
people draw the most attention ise Lucas (D-Portsmouth) is the Del. Don L. Scott. Jr. (D) addresses media last week after his Today that statue is gone,
to,” said Pratyusha Kalluri, an AI first Black woman to serve as party captured Virginia’s House in Tuesday’s elections. taken down after 131 years of Global standing: Blinken receives
researcher at stanford Univer- president pro tempore. glorifying the lingering spirit of warnings on support for israel. A22
sity. When Democratic senators Spanberger 2025: congresswoman plans run for Va. governor. C1 the Lost Cause. scott said he
Christoph schuhmann, co- choose their leadership, sen. Ma- understands the stakes if he Rapid deterioration: Hospitals in
see AI oN A14 mie Locke (D-Hampton) is in GOP fallout: angry lawmakers seek House leadership change. C1 see SpeAker oN A12 gaza face near-total collapse. A20


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CONTENT © 2023
The Washington Post / Year 146, No. 53667
adventures in crashing There was never a band Far off the tourist track,
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dolphins’ mike mcdaniel. doesn’t want to forget it. parts of authentic italy.
A2 eZ Re the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

Haley has momentum, but can she pass DeSantis to face Trump?
For home delivery comments
or concerns contact us at Nikki Haley’s or stock has risen in
send us an email at the Republican or call Party, and recent
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679 polls bolster her
TO SUBScRIBE claim that she
800-753-Post (7678)
Dan Balz would be the
TO ADVERTISE The Sunday party’s strongest Take general election
Classified: 202-334-6200 candidate against
Display: 202-334-7642 President Biden
next November. Right now,
202-334-6000 however, she is on a collision
course with Ron DeSantis in a
TO REAcH THE NEWSROOM competition that will intensify
Metro: 202-334-7300; ahead of January’s Iowa
national: 202-334-7410; There is little mystery left to
the Republican nomination
Business: 202-334-7320; contest. Former president Donald Trump holds a wide lead
sports: 202-334-7350; over his opponents and appears likely to prevail. A remaining
investigative: 202-334-6179; question is whether anyone can emerge as his principal
style: 202-334-7535; challenger and, if that were to happen, would it change the
Letters to the editor: Haley, a former U.S. or call ambassador to the United
202-334-6215 Nations and a former governor
opinion: of South Carolina, and DeSantis, the second-term governor of
Florida, are the only two
candidates in the race with any
c O R R E c TI O N realistic hope of becoming
Trump’s lone opponent. Both
have executive experience and
l An Oct. 13 A-section article would represent a generational JonAthAn newton/the wAshington Post

about the war in Gaza incorrectly change for their party, but they Nikki Haley after Wednesday’s GOP presidential debate. Combined results from six swing states in polls by the New York Times and Siena
said 7,423 bombs were the most are stylistic opposites. College showed former president Donald Trump leading President Biden by four percentage points but Haley ahead of Biden by eight.
dropped by the U.S.-led coalition DeSantis has presented
in any year during the war in himself as a more competent abortion rights into state about TikTok. It wasn’t the first Recent general election polls (R), who has sparred with
Afghanistan. It was the highest version of Trump, someone who constitutions, as happened in time she had put down the have shown Trump leading Trump. The endorsement caught
number since the U.S. Air Force shares many of the former Ohio on Tuesday. hectoring Ramaswamy. At the Biden nationally and in some many Iowa political activists by
Central Command began president’s positions but with On Social Security, Haley said Reagan Library debate in key battleground states. Those surprise. For DeSantis, the
releasing strike data on a the claim that he could get done she is open to raising the October, an exasperated Haley same polls have shown Haley as timing could not have been
monthly basis in 2006, not since what Trump did not. Haley retirement age for younger shot back at him, “Every time I an even stronger candidate better.
the start of the war. struggled earlier with how much workers and to limiting benefits hear you, I feel a little bit against the current president. DeSantis also has more
to distance herself from Trump for wealthy Americans. DeSantis dumber for what you say.” Combined results from six significant campaign
but now calls him a certain loser answered the question about the Her exchanges with swing states in polls conducted infrastructure, thanks to his
the washington Post is committed to in the general election. She future of the entitlement Ramaswamy, however, by the New York Times and well-funded super PAC Never
correcting errors that appear in the offers herself as real change, the program by talking about highlighted the limited utility of Siena College showed Trump Back Down. He plans to
newspaper. those interested in face of the future of the bringing down overall inflation these debates to help Republican leading Biden by four campaign in all 99 counties.
contacting the paper for that purpose Republican Party whose appeal and forcing Congress to spend voters sort out a choice between percentage points but Haley Haley is running a much
might be broader than less money. He did not explicitly Haley and DeSantis. ahead of Biden by eight. slimmer campaign and is taking
call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be DeSantis’s. answer whether he would Ramaswamy has made little DeSantis led Biden by one point. a more-targeted approach. If she
connected to the desk involved — Haley and DeSantis are support raising the retirement progress attracting support and In individual battleground stays on her course, she can
national, Foreign, Metro, style, sports, conservatives, but they differ on age. is seen less favorably now than states, the Times-Siena surveys expect a barrage of negative ads.
Business or any of the weekly sections. some important questions, as On the debate stage, DeSantis when he started. He is now a put Haley’s lead over Biden as In New Hampshire, Haley is
Comments can be directed to the Wednesday’s debate in Miami is, as one Republican strategist distraction at a time when it bigger than Trump’s in Arizona, in second place in the polls and
Post’s reader advocate, who can be highlighted. One is the issue of put it, something of a talking- becomes more urgent for Michigan, Pennsylvania and ahead of DeSantis. But other
reached at 202-334-7582 or continued U.S. support for points politician who responds Republicans to find the Wisconsin. obstacles exist there. One is the Ukraine. The hawkish Haley is to questions by offering snippets strongest challenger to Trump. Haley’s path to becoming the presence of former New Jersey
strongly for it. DeSantis fudged, of his memorized stump speech. A substantive debate between main alternative to Trump is governor Chris Christie, who has
skirting a direct answer with In the best characterization, he DeSantis and Haley could reveal slightly better than DeSantis’s, built his campaign with a New
references to securing the U.S.- is disciplined and on-message. things about their strengths and but to do so, she must do well in Hampshire-centric focus and as
Download The Mexico border and to the threat In less charitable terms, he weaknesses that these Iowa. The most recent Iowa Poll the toughest critic of Trump.
China poses in the Indo-Pacific comes off as robotic and overly multicandidate debates have showed each at 16 percent to If Haley comes to the New
Washington Post app region. scripted. not. That probably is not in the Trump’s 43 percent. But she was Hampshire primary with some
stay informed with award-winning On abortion, Haley is strongly Haley is scripted as well but is offing, although it’s too soon to rising and DeSantis falling a bit. momentum from Iowa, Christie’s
national and international news, opposed to the procedure but more agile, with more natural know whether any of the five Their differing trajectories hold on anti-Trump Granite
PLUs complete local news coverage argued that her party needs to communication skills, which she candidates onstage this past suggest that she has momentum State voters would complicate
of the D.C. metro area. Create talk more inclusively about the uses to her advantage. Her week will fail to qualify for the and that his campaign is her ambition to break from the
customized news alerts, save issue. She also said that performances in the three Dec. 6 debate in Alabama. sputtering there. But the rest of the field. New Hampshire
articles for offline reading in My Republicans are misleading the Republican debates have raised The competition between caucuses are still two months off Gov. Chris Sununu (R) is
Post, browse the daily print edition public with talk of a national her profile and boosted her Haley and DeSantis principally — they are scheduled for Jan. 15 weighing an endorsement and is
and scroll through our the Discover abortion ban, rightly noting that standing. That Haley was the will play out in campaign — and the Florida governor has focused on either Haley or
tab to find stories that interest you. there are not 60 votes in the target of more attacks than appearances and through other assets in Iowa on which to DeSantis.
Senate for any such policy. anyone else in Wednesday’s television advertising in Iowa, draw. To isolate Trump in a one-on-
Free to download on the App store
DeSantis, who signed a bill in debate reflects the view that she New Hampshire and South One is that, among all one contest, Haley will need a
and Play store, subscribers enjoy Florida banning most abortions is the one candidate with Carolina. If one of them hasn’t Republican candidates, he is strong second in New
unlimited access. after six weeks of pregnancy, did momentum. lapped the other ahead of the seen more favorably than any Hampshire and the swift
not highlight that fact in the She is also sharp-tongued and Super Tuesday contests in other, including Trump. Also, collapse of the rest of the field as
debate. He focused on the value combative in the face of attacks. March, Republicans face a more Iowans name him as their the campaign moves to her
of letting states make their own “You’re just scum,” she said to repeat of 2016 in which it was second choice than pick Haley. home state of South Carolina.
decisions while criticizing tech entrepreneur Vivek Trump against a big field. That is DeSantis got what could be a She might seem well-positioned
groups opposed to abortion for Ramaswamy at Wednesday’s the ideal setup for the former major boost in the past week to claim that status after the
being “flat-footed” in the face of debate after he cited her president, who benefits from when he was endorsed by early states cast ballots, but the
state referendums that have put daughter in a back-and-forth splintered opposition. popular Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds road ahead will be bumpy.

House GOP unveils ‘laddered’ funding plan, raising shutdown risk

BY J ACOB B OGAGE cies to expire at different times, aid, and meaningful policy chang- legislation, the people said, speak- on X, formerly Twitter, “I 100% the speaker’s proposal, Johnson
AND J EFF S TEIN according to three people familiar es at our Southern border,” ing on the condition of anonymity oppose,” because the bill funds the would need to rely on Democratic
with the House leader’s plans, re- Johnson said in a statement re- to describe private conversations government at current spending votes to extend funding and avert
With less than a week before quiring Congress to confront mul- leased on social media. between lawmakers. If a new levels. a shutdown — a red line for some
federal spending laws expire, tiple deadlines in the coming Funds for military and veterans spending law isn’t enacted before Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-Tex.), conservatives, including a small
House Speaker Mike Johnson months or risk repeated partial programs, agriculture and food the current one expires, the feder- chairman of the House Budget band that forced Johnson’s pred-
(R-La.) on Saturday unveiled a government shutdowns. agencies, and the departments of al government will shut down at Committee, told reporters last ecessor, Rep. Kevin McCarthy
novel and uncertain plan to tem- The House speaker described Transportation and Housing and 12:01 a.m. on Nov. 18. week the staggered plan was “po- (R-Calif.), to give up the speaker’s
porarily extend funding — but it’s the two-step proposal as a move to Urban Development would run The two-tiered proposal was litically DOA,” because it did not gavel after he allowed a previous
already been rejected by the avoid the massive spending bills through Jan. 19. The remaining originally favored by the far-right have Democratic support. spending bill to pass on a biparti-
Democratic-controlled Senate that historically have been consid- government funding — covering House Freedom Caucus, whose The “laddered” CR has never san basis.
and White House, increasing the ered by Congress. the State, Justice, Commerce, La- views often influence Johnson. before been attempted. The impasse threatens to send
odds of a government shutdown. “Separating out the CR from the bor and Health and Human Ser- But key members of that group Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), millions of federal workers home
Johnson’s proposed stopgap supplemental funding debates vices departments, among others have more recently been skeptical chair of the Senate Appropria- without pay while suspending a
funding bill, called a continuing places our conference in the best — would expire on Feb. 2. of the plan because it lacks spend- tions Committee, on Friday called broad range of government ser-
resolution or “CR,” would leave position to fight for fiscal respon- The plans are fluid and may ing cuts. the staggered funding plan “the vices, including national parks,
funds for different federal agen- sibility, oversight over Ukraine change as the House considers the Rep. Chip Roy (R-Tex.) posted craziest, stupidest thing I’ve ever key IRS functions and federal dis-
heard of.” aster relief.
Passage of the measure in the The U.S. government has come
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sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re A3

Politics & the Nation





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analysis found that the planet is closer than ever to a global warming benchmark that could trigger irreversible ecological damage.

Past 12 months probably were Earth’s

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Hungary, Montenegro, Algeria planet averaged 1.7 degrees Cel-

hottest in 125,000 years, analysis finds and Ukraine.

That heat was most intense
across Europe and Africa in recent
months, with temperatures in
sius above the norm for October
during preindustrial decades,
from 1850 to 1900.
And through the first 10 months
both Switzerland and South Su- of 2023, global temperatures are
BY S COTT D ANCE century levels. od in light of the schedule for COP tion. During the past year, 9 in 10 dan averaging 2 degrees Celsius averaging 1.43 degrees Celsius
In sharing the analysis, scien- 28, which begins Nov. 30. people experienced at least 10 (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer above preindustrial levels, accord-
Earth just endured its hottest 12 tists professed hopes it would spur That meant the analysis includ- days of such heat, the analysis than preindustrial levels from ing to the Copernicus data. That is
months in the modern era, and action and underscore its urgency ed relatively cooler months of late found. Nearly 3 in 4 people en- May through October. a tenth of a degree Celsius warmer
probably the hottest in 125,000 as global leaders prepare to con- 2022 and early 2023, as well as the dured it for 30 days or more. As extreme as those hot spots than observed during the first 10
years, according to an analysis vene an annual United Nations dramatic surge in planetary heat Scientists linked the warming may seem, the observations are in months of 2016, which holds the
published Thursday. climate change conference, COP observed over the past several climate to calamitous disasters line with past global warming ob- record as Earth’s hottest ever mea-
That means nearly 3 in 4 people 28, later this month. months. July, August, September around the world: hospitals over- servations and projections, said sured.
experienced more than a month’s “If we don’t phase out fossil and October each brought record- whelmed with heat-related ill- Andrew Pershing, vice president And scientists said they don’t
worth of heat so extreme that it fuels now and stop burning them high average global temperatures, nesses, thousands dead and mil- for science at Climate Central. expect the surge of warming to
would have been unusual in the imminently, this will be a very cool all but guaranteeing that 2023 will lions displaced from floods, and “We should expect to set rec- slow down.
past but became at least three year soon,” said Friederike Otto, a be Earth’s warmest calendar year 23 million without secure food ords because we live on a warming When the planet surged to rec-
times more likely because of hu- senior lecturer in climate science on record. supplies in Africa alone because of planet,” he said. “2023 is very con- ord warmth in 2016, it was on the
man-caused climate change, sci- at the Grantham Institute for Cli- Using what is known as attribu- drought. sistent with that long-term trend.” tail end of an episode of El Niño,
entists at Climate Central found. mate Change and the Environ- tion science, the analysis found “The past year was quite ex- the global climate pattern known
And it means that the planet is ment at Imperial College London. that billions of people around the traordinary,” said Joyce Kimutai, A surge of global warmth not to release vast stores of Pacific
closer than ever to a global warm- world have recently experienced principal meteorologist at the expected to subside soon Ocean heat into the atmosphere.
ing benchmark that scientists Billions have faced heat waves extreme heat waves that probably Kenya Meteorological Depart- Separate data that European Now, a strong El Niño is still build-
have predicted could irreversibly intensified by climate change would not have been as intense or ment. scientists published Wednesday ing toward an expected peak this
damage, if not destroy, entire eco- The Climate Central analysis as long-lasting if fossil fuel emis- The analysis found that average underscored how dramatically winter, meaning its influence
systems — 1.5 degrees Celsius looked at the influence of climate sions had not warmed the planet temperatures over the past year the warming trend has accelerat- could make for an even hotter
(2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above change on weather over the 12- so dramatically over the past cen- have met or exceeded the 1.5 de- ed just in recent months. 2024.
preindustrial norms. month period from November tury and a half. gree-Celsius warming threshold The European Union’s Coperni- “El Niño is going to push these
Data shows that a surge of 2022 through October 2023. The It focused on temperatures so in nearly a dozen countries in Eu- cus Climate Change Service said temperatures higher,” Pershing
warming this year has pushed av- nonprofit climate science and extreme that they are at least three rope and northern Africa: Roma- that October brought record glob- said. “We’re going to continue to
erage planetary temperatures 1.3 news organization’s leaders ac- times more likely today than they nia, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Moldova, al warmth for a fourth consecutive set these records as we move on
to 1.4 degrees Celsius above 19th- knowledged they chose that peri- were before the Industrial Revolu- Morocco, Switzerland, Austria, month. Temperatures across the into next year.”

Ohio, Pa. lay groundwork for large-scale network of 500,000 EV chargers

BY I AN D UNCAN “We’re really seeing the states a former Transportation Depart-
feeling empowered by these pro- ment official who helped to design
Ohio is on course to open the grams,” Rafalson said. “It’s not the programs as a congressional
first electric vehicle chargers something I would say has been aide, said the program is on track
funded by $5 billion from the politicized.” to fulfill its intended purpose.
infrastructure law, securing a While the new funding might “It wasn’t to solve the entire
modest place in history for a truck be a modest increase for a state need to transition to electric vehi-
stop outside Columbus and taking like California, it amounts to 10 cle charging infrastructure across
a key step toward the Biden ad- times what some states in the the board,” he said. “It was to
ministration’s goal of having a South and Midwest — including supplement private investment,
reliable network to plug in. Ohio — have invested in charging not supplant it.”
The state has led the way in the networks, according to data com- Ohio announced Oct. 18 that it
program, aiming to be first in line piled by Atlas. For a handful of broke ground on the first char-
in case charging equipment states, the money is likely to be gers. The state has awarded 27
proves to be scarce, and expects to their first public investment in contracts to charging providers
have the first stations online this charging infrastructure. who will supplement the federal
year. Pennsylvania also broke Researchers at the National Re- funding and operate the ports.
ground on its first chargers in newable Energy Laboratory lik- Spencer Burget, who tracks EV
recent days, and about a half-doz- ened the charging network to a data for Atlas, said seven other
en other states are not far behind, tree. The biggest part, but the states have finished the initial
expecting to start construction af- hardest to see, is the roots — the contracting process, setting them
ter awarding contracts worth charging ports at homes and up to begin construction. Federal
$100 million. workplaces. The branches are officials expect almost every state
The project at the heart of Pres- public ports at places like down- to have at least started the process
ident Biden’s environmental towns and shopping malls, where by the end of the year.
agenda has a goal of half of new drivers might plug in and stay The national lab study estimat-
cars being fully electric or plug-in awhile. The fastest roadside char- ed the cost of building the public
hybrid by 2030, which officials say gers are expected to be the fewest portion of a national charging net-
can only happen if drivers have OhIO DepArTmenT Of TrAnspOrTATIOn in number but form the trunk. work would be between $31 bil-
places to charge. But as construc- An electric vehicle charging station is under construction near Columbus. Ohio expects to have the first The federal laboratory put the lion and $55 billion. To date, it has
tion begins and Washington stations online this year, aiming to be first in line in case charging equipment proves to be scarce. need for at-home charging ports counted almost $24 billion in
marks the infrastructure law’s at 27 million, backed by 1 million planned investment, a figure the
second anniversary, experts say be stuck where I can’t get re- critical part of a network that the the costs seen in Ohio and Penn- medium-speed chargers in public study’s authors concluded put the
federal funding is likely to fall well charged,’” DeWine said. “So I National Renewable Energy sylvania. At that price, the first places and 182,000 of the fastest total within reach.
short of reaching the administra- think that our job is to try to roll Laboratory, a research center affil- two years of infrastructure money chargers by 2030. Those numbers In addition to direct federal
tion’s goals for a charging network this out as quickly as we can.” iated with the Energy Depart- made available to states would are in line with other recent esti- money, the lab counted planned
that ultimately could cost more With 4.3 million electric vehi- ment, forecasts will need at least 1 fund 9,200 ports needed to fill mates. investments by companies, elec-
than $50 billion. cles on U.S. roads, they account for million by 2030 — double the gaps along highways, with the Federal officials have called on tric utilities and local govern-
Under that scenario, the flag- almost 10 percent of new vehicles president’s goal of 500,000. That’s entire program paying for about states to ensure they have a mini- ments. It said federal tax credits in
ship federal program would sold, according to Atlas Public the equivalent of about 400 new 42,000. mum of four charging ports every the Inflation Reduction Act also
amount to about one-tenth of the Policy. Buyers can tap federal chargers daily through the end of But the money could have an 50 miles within a mile of major could be a significant source of
cost of building out a national credits up to $7,500 on some mod- the decade. outsize effect because of where it highways. Federal rules also set money.
network. But the early moves are els. The number of public charg- Ali Zaidi, Biden’s top climate will be spent. standards for reliability, aiming to But securing funding is only
significant steps toward bringing ing ports has also grown to more adviser, said the administration’s States had to submit plans to address frustrations with the part of the picture.
high-speed chargers — those that than 150,000. goal is to reach 500,000 as quickly the Transportation Department number of out-of-service char- “Even if the funding is in place,
can repower batteries in about But Ben Shapiro, an analyst at as possible, while making sure to access federal funding included gers. actually having the scale of manu-
half an hour — to every corner of environmental advocacy group rural and low-income communi- in the 2021 law. Officials said they If states meet those targets, the facturing for the equipment and
the country, particularly in re- RMI, said while automakers are ties aren’t left behind. were encouraged when every charging network would cover the installers ready and all of the
mote areas that private compa- producing increasingly diverse “We know the private money is state met the deadline, despite 92 percent of the nation’s inter- grid ready for the ramp in demand
nies have less incentive to reach. fleets of battery-powered cars and flowing in a bunch of other places criticism of the push toward EVs state corridor, while officials esti- is one of the big challenges,” said
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) SUVs, more progress is needed on for a bunch of other reasons,” from some congressional Repub- mate $3.5 billion would be left for Eric Wood, the lead author of the
said it’s going to be up to consum- charging. Zaidi said. licans. chargers along smaller roads or in national lab study.
ers to make the switch to electric, “The vehicles seem to be mate- The infrastructure law money Sara Rafalson, senior vice presi- communities. The Biden administration opt-
but the government can help tack- rializing,” he said. “On the charg- is a major federal investment, but dent for market development, The first round of an additional ed to delay “Buy America” require-
le the range anxiety that gives ing infrastructure side of things, high-speed chargers are expen- public policy and external affairs $2.5 billion from the infrastruc- ments for chargers, a decision the
pause to would-be buyers. we aren’t moving quickly enough.” sive: A joint office of the Energy at EVgo, the company installing ture law is expected to be made Federal Highway Administration
“They always say, ‘Well, I’m go- The types of chargers being in- and Transportation departments the Ohio and Pennsylvania char- available soon to cities, counties said allows “acquisition and in-
ing to go see my grandmother in stalled outside Columbus and in expects each port to cost about gers, said federal funding “democ- and tribes for charging projects in stallation to immediately pro-
Pennsylvania and I don’t want to Pittston, Pa., will be a small but $150,000, a figure that matches ratizes” the investment. neighborhoods. Andrew Wishnia, ceed.”
A4 eZ re the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

DeSantis group’s ad attacks Haley with facts but puts forth false conclusions
“China’s eyes and a fiberglass company.” indication it is a spy center for she would call on Chinese
ears — That fiberglass company, China, as suggested by the ad’s companies to leave South
dangerously close, China Jushi, is the subject of this use of the phrase “eyes and ears.” Carolina. “I would say, ‘Look,
too dangerous to ad. Let’s go through the ad line by When the South Carolina we’re going to make sure we
lead.” line. Senate approved a bill this year know exactly what you’re
— Voice-over “This Chinese company, run banning Chinese citizens from doing,’ ” she said. “What we need
The Fact in an ad aired by by Communist Party officials, buying or controlling property in to do is make sure there’s no
Checker Never Back supplies materials for the Red South Carolina, Frank Win, an sensitive technology being
Glenn Down, a super Army.” employee of China Jushi, stolen.”
Kessler PAC supporting China Jushi, which Forbes says testified: “I just believe the A Never Back Down
Florida Gov. Ron has 14,000 employees and $2.7 people working at a Chinese spokesman had this to say:
DeSantis (R), billion of revenue, is a partially company, they do not represent “While Nikki Haley was wooing
released Nov. 2 state-owned enterprise. China the political regime in China.” Chinese Communist Party
National Building Material The bill made an exception for officials and calling China a
China has emerged as a flash Company Limited, a state-owned companies already doing friend, China was infiltrating our
point in the battle between company, owns nearly 27 percent business in the state, so, in country, stealing seeds from Iowa
DeSantis and former South of China Jushi, according to theory, China Jushi could expand farms and hacking the personal
Carolina governor Nikki Haley China Jushi’s website. in the future. We repeatedly information of millions of
for the GOP Republican Meanwhile, the company has a sought comment from the Americans.” The spokesman
presidential nomination. Haley, dedicated Communist Party company about the ad. Although added, “Haley may naively
who also served as the U.S. Committee with 618 members. JoNaThaN NeWToN/The WashINGToN PosT we were promised a response, we believe this CCP-run company
ambassador to the United President and vice chairman Republican presidential candidates Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis did not receive one. praised by Xi himself poses no
Nations, has pitched herself as a Zhang Yuqiang serves as the appear at the presidential debate Wednesday in Miami. Never Back This year, the Biden threat to the U.S. military bases
hawk on China. This slashing company’s party committee Down, a super PAC supporting DeSantis, ran an ad leaving the administration enacted a rule nearby, but Ron DeSantis
attack ad in support of DeSantis secretary, and board chairman impression that Haley made a national security blunder by that foreign nationals or understands the threat, and
suggests that, as governor, Haley Chang Zhangli is a party welcoming a Chinese fiberglass company to South Carolina. companies would need to get that’s why he banned China from
allowed a Chinese company to committee member. Several top approval from the U.S. buying land in Florida.”
get “dangerously close” to a U.S. officials of CNBM also are party 400 new jobs” and investing chaired by the state’s commerce government before buying land (Soloveichik, meanwhile, cited
military base and that therefore officials. $300 million “right here in secretary, who is appointed by within 100 miles of eight U.S. Air as an example of hypocrisy two
she is “too dangerous to lead.” The company supplies at least Columbia!” the governor, provided about $7 Force bases in six states. The instances in which she said
This is one of those cleverly one product to the Chinese As we noted, she recently took million in incentives to facilitate move came after a Chinese DeSantis, who in May signed a
crafted ads that string together military. On China Jushi’s credit for recruiting the the Jushi deal. So the state company last year bought 370 bill restricting Chinese land
verifiable facts to create a website, the company advertises company. government certainly played an acres for a corn-milling plant that purchases, allowed Chinese
compelling narrative. Let’s see that the end-use markets for its When the ad mentions “land important role in luring the would have been about 12 miles companies to expand in Florida,
how well it adds up. products include “Military, she gave them,” the ad displays company to the state. from Grand Forks Air Force Base, but we could find no evidence
Defense and Security.” The the text “197 acres free” and an The company factory is about one of the military installations that he was involved or provided
The Facts website displays a Chinese image of Haley holding out her five miles from Fort Jackson. on the list. Permission for state incentives.)
In her campaign for president, military armored scout car, the hands as if she’s handing over a “Where they fly China’s flag, acquisition was revoked after the
Haley has warned repeatedly Norinco QL550, which was seen gift. The ad cites one of our fact serve China’s interests. China’s military raised objections. The Pinocchio Test
about Chinese investments in the operating in Tibet in October checks, in which we said the eyes and ears — dangerously The regulation was an Never Back Down tends to
United States. “Chinese investors 2017. company would receive almost close, too dangerous to lead.” expansion of an existing rule that have rigorously researched ads,
have bought nearly 400,000 “America’s army trains over 200 acres of county-owned land This is where the ad makes a lists about 200 sensitive military and this one makes verifiable
acres of American land, much of half of all new soldiers at a free if promised investments huge leap in logic. facilities that would require statements until the dots fail to
it near military bases,” she wrote South Carolina base.” were made. During this voice-over, the text government approval for land connect at the end. An ordinary
in a Wall Street Journal article in Fort Jackson, which says it As we explained: “According to of the ad says: “Haley’s favored purchases by foreign entities viewer is left with the impression
June. “I’ll do everything in my provides basic training to more the contract between the county company ‘deeply implemented within one mile. But Fort that Haley made a serious
power to prevent China from than 45,000 soldiers per year, and China Jushi, a key part of the red culture.’” Jackson, besides being five miles national security blunder when
buying any more land and force it trains 54 percent of all new deal was the company’s receiving This line refers to a China from China Jushi, is not on the she welcomed a Chinese
to sell what it already owns.” soldiers and 61 percent of all 197 acres of land, valued at $4.9 Jushi report, issued in 2022 in list. In South Carolina, only a fiberglass factory to her state.
Yet, as governor from January female soldiers, Lt. Col. James million. The company would English, that extols the Marine Corps station in Beaufort But notwithstanding the
2011 to January 2017, she Allen, the fort’s director of have been required to pay back company’s achievements, and Shaw Air Force Base in company’s ownership, there is no
recruited Chinese companies to operations, told the State part of the land’s value if it did including: “We have publicized Sumter are listed as sensitive indication that this fiberglass
her state. Chinese capital newspaper in 2016. not invest an expected amount of and implemented the 20th facilities. factory is designed to spy on a
investment in South Carolina “The connection? Governor money or create an expected National Congress of the CPC South Carolina residents military base five miles away.
more than doubled, from $308 Nikki Haley helped the Chinese number of jobs.” [Communist Party of China] and perhaps should be more worried Fort Jackson is not even on a list
million in 2011 to nearly $670 company set up shop five miles In other words, no money deeply implemented the about the company’s of sensitive facilities — and the
million in 2015. from our base — on land she gave changed hands. That’s certainly innovative practice of red environmental practices than factory is not close enough to
Nachama Soloveichik, the them.” different from paying for land, culture.” The Chinese whether it poses a national merit additional government
communications director for the In 2016, China Jushi although Soloveichik responded Communist Party seeks to security risk. South Carolina scrutiny even if Fort Jackson
Haley campaign, says the threat announced that it would that it was also different from promote revolutionary and officials imposed nearly were on the list.
perception has changed since establish a manufacturing plant “free” land. She also noted that socialist values through what it $500,000 of fines, among the Never Back Down earns Three
Haley was governor. As we have in South Carolina’s Richland the contract was between the calls red culture, such as through largest in recent state history, for Pinocchios.
previously noted, Haley has County — an announcement that company and the county, not the art, literature, music and other the company’s violation of
sought to distance herself from Haley in a news release called “a governor. endeavors. environmental regulations.
the specifics of these deals, but huge win for our state.” On But the South Carolina Okay, but what they are In a July 30 interview with
she acknowledged at an Iowa Facebook, she declared: “Get Coordinating Council for making at the South Carolina “Face the Nation” on CBS, Haley
town hall last month: “I recruited excited! China Jushi is creating Economic Development, which is plant is fiberglass. There is no demurred when asked whether


Trump courts donations from oil barons, who thrived during his first term
BY J OSH D AWSEY who had previously been eyeing options, such as DeSantis and
AND M AXINE J OSELOW other candidates. Haley. “They hang out at Houston
Not all donors are making the Country Club,” this person said.
Earlier this summer, oil billion- bet. Some of the country’s most “Their wives don’t like Trump.
aire Harold Hamm called for prominent donors, including Ken They still want someone else.”
Donald Trump to drop out of the Griffin and Paul Singer, are hold- This person had given a large
presidential race. He made con- ing out hope for Haley, DeSantis check to Sen. Tim Scott of South
tributions to the presidential or another Republican to beat Carolina. “Maybe that was a mis-
campaigns of Florida Gov. Ron Trump. In the oil industry, several take,” he said with a laugh.
DeSantis and former U.N. ambas- people with knowledge of the The campaign calculus of the
sador Nikki Haley and ques- matter said, many of the top do- energy industry reflects what
tioned publicly whether Trump nors are just staying on the side- many big donors are thinking,
could beat President Biden in the lines. according to Republican opera-
2024 election. Joseph W. Craft III, the presi- tives. Many still wish Trump was
Then late last month, Hamm dent and chief executive of coal not likely to be the nominee but
showed up at the Mar-a-Lago producer Alliance Resource Part- are begrudgingly cutting Trump a
Club in Palm Beach, Fla., brought ners, and his wife, Kelly Craft, the check — or are unwilling to give to
a $200,000 check for a pro-Trump former U.S. ambassador to the another candidate because they
super PAC, and attended a private United Nations, have each donat- think they are wasting their mon-
meeting with Trump and an inti- ed to six of Trump’s rivals for the ey.
mate fundraiser with the former GOP nomination, according to Trump advisers say they’ve en-
president, according to three peo- Federal Election Commission fil- joyed a fundraising windfall in
ple familiar with the matter who ings. recent weeks, with a 1,200-person
spoke on the condition of ano- Each gave $6,600 — the maxi- event at Mar-a-Lago that raised
nymity to describe donations and mum amount allowed by law for $6 million and two events with
private meetings. individual donors — to DeSantis, 400 or more donors in Texas.
The reversal came as Trump Haley, entrepreneur Vivek Ra- Texas billionaire Tilman Fertitta
and his team aggressively court maswamy and former New Jersey held another large event in Dal-
donations from the oil and gas BraNdoN Bell/GeTTy ImaGes governor Chris Christie, the fil- las, attendees said, with about
industry, one of the main benefi- Former president Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Houston on Nov. 2. As he pursues oil and gas ings show. Each also donated 400 guests.
ciaries of his time in the White donors who have backed his rivals, he has a clear message: that he is the inevitable GOP nominee. $6,600 to former vice president “Harold is an early tell,” the oil
House. Over the course of four Mike Pence, who suspended his executive said. “He wants to be
years, the Trump administration porting DeSantis. “They know Trump vowed to open up more ronmental rules and denying campaign last month, and $3,300 close to power. That’s his M.O.
weakened or wiped out more than who they need to get on the federal lands to drilling, support global warming while in the to Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, He’s not going to let the opportu-
125 environmental rules and pol- Trump train, and they’re doing pipeline projects such as Key- White House, Trump withdrew who dropped out of the race in nity go away if he sees Trump is
icies, many of them designed to what they need to do to get those stone XL, and reinstate oil and the United States from the land- August. the guy.”
limit planet-warming emissions folks.” gas leases in the Arctic National mark Paris climate accord. The contributions come after Hamm, who previously sup-
from fossil fuels. Biden, by con- Eberhart and others said that Wildlife Refuge, attendees said. “There aren’t enough hours in Trump declined to endorse Kelly ported Trump’s campaigns in
trast, has reversed many of DeSantis had also cultivated do- He talked of eliminating electric the day to discuss how horrific the Craft in last May’s Republican 2016 and 2020, has attracted
Trump’s policies and enacted doz- nors from the energy industry vehicle mandates, dismantling former president’s record is when primary for Kentucky governor. some other donors back to the
ens of measures aimed at moving and held large fundraisers in Tex- environmental regulations and it comes to climate change, clean Yet Trump’s presidency was a fold.
the nation away from oil, gas and as, and that he believed the do- crushing liberal climate policies air, clean water and public lands,” boon for Joseph Craft’s coal busi- A range of affluent Texas oil-
coal. nors were “split” between the two such as the Green New Deal. said Tiernan Sittenfeld, senior ness, as the Environmental Pro- business people attended recent
Hamm, executive chairman of men. In private, he has mocked cli- vice president for government af- tection Agency weakened federal Trump fundraising events, ac-
the oil giant Continental Resourc- Nearly 400 wealthy Texas do- mate change, according to people fairs at the League of Conserva- limits on carbon dioxide emis- cording to his advisers, such as
es, did not respond to a request nors — many from the oil and gas who have met with him. He has tion Voters. “So the fact that Big sions from coal plants and eased George Bishop, Cody Campbell,
for comment. A person with industry — recently piled into the previously called global warming Oil is coming back to him is requirements for storing toxic John Sellers, Marcia French,
knowledge of Hamm’s thinking, compound of telecommunica- a “hoax.” perhaps not surprising.” coal ash. Joseph Craft met with Mark Rollins, Elpidio Balderas
who spoke on the condition of tions billionaire Kenny Troutt, He sometimes will get into Steven Cheung, a Trump Scott Pruitt, Trump’s first EPA and Al Gonsoulin.
anonymity to talk frankly, said the with some paying $23,200 to snap technical minutiae in a way he spokesman, responded: “As Presi- chief and a longtime friend, more On Wednesday, hotel magnate
Oklahoma businessman realized a picture with Trump. Another doesn’t always on other subjects, dent Trump has said on the cam- than half a dozen times, agency Robert Bigelow, the largest indi-
that Trump was going to be the fundraiser in the state attracted a talking about the myriad benefits paign trail multiple times, we records show. vidual donor to a super PAC sup-
nominee and efforts to stop him set of wealthy oil donors. he sees of fracking. need to increase energy produc- Kelcy Warren, the billionaire porting DeSantis, said he was
were going nowhere. Trump’s talking points at re- In other words, he promises tion in order to help supercharge co-founder of the pipeline compa- considering switching his alle-
In recent weeks, Trump and his cent fundraisers have included a the oil executives what they want. the economy and ease inflation ny Energy Transfer, has also do- giance to Trump. Another promi-
team have targeted donors from lot for oil barons to like, according “We are going to drill for so much caused by Biden’s disastrous pol- nated tens of thousands to DeSan- nent GOP donor, Bernie Marcus,
the oil and gas industry by hold- to people who have attended oil,” he said at a rally on Wednes- icies.” tis, according to FEC filings. War- said he was endorsing Trump on
ing two large events in Texas and these sessions. He has railed day in Florida. “We are going to The days-long tour in Texas ren previously held a fundraising Thursday after other GOP candi-
calling some of the country’s rich- about electric cars, falsely claim- drill, baby, drill.” was designed for Trump to collect bash in 2020 that raised $10 mil- dates tried to woo him. Earlier
est executives. The campaign’s ing that the batteries often break “Trump was good on energy, oil and gas money as he portrays lion for the reelection of Trump, this year, the former Home Depot
pitch has been straightforward: down. He usually goes on a riff and I think energy policy under himself as the inevitable GOP who approved Energy Transfer’s CEO said publicly that he was
Trump is going to be the GOP about wind turbines, a renewable Trump would be fine,” said Eber- nominee. His team has continued controversial Dakota Access pipe- undecided.
nominee, so these donors should energy source that he has falsely hart, who continues to support to cite strong poll numbers in line a month after taking office. “Who would you want as a
get on board now. linked to cancer. He claims that DeSantis. wooing potential donors, to un- One prominent oil executive, commander? I’d want somebody
“Trump 2024 is actively court- solar panels are ineffective and Environmentalists say they’re derscore his inevitability. who spoke on the condition of that would be a hell of an ass-
ing the right people and trying to argues we need to drill for much not surprised by oil donors’ em- “We’ve seen a lot of movement anonymity to discuss private con- kicker if he needed to be,” Bigelow
get them on board, but specifical- more oil underneath the United brace of Trump, whose climate in the past month or two,” one versations, said many donors still said in an interview with the
ly the oil industry,” said Dan Eber- States. legacy they describe as disas- person in Trump’s orbit said, re- want a candidate other than Financial Times. “On the face of
hart, an oil executive who is sup- At a recent fundraiser in Texas, trous. In addition to axing envi- ferring to campaign contributors Trump and are assessing other it, you lean toward Trump.”
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE A5

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A6 eZ re the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

A school
her limit
LiBrAriAn from A1

Tania had planned to spend
the rest of her career in the
osceola County School District.
She was 51. She could have stayed
for years at Tohopekaliga, a
school she loved that had only
just opened in 2018. The library
was clean and new. The shelves
were organized. The chairs had
wheels that moved soundlessly
across the carpet. The floor plan
was open, designed by architects
who had promised “the 21st cen-
tury media center.”
That was before the school
board meeting on April 5, 2022,
when Tania watched parents read
aloud from books they described
as a danger to kids. It was before
she received a phone call from
the district, the day after that,
instructing her to remove four
books from her shelves. It was
before a member of the conserva-
tive group moms for Liberty told
her on facebook, a few days later, PhoToS by ThomaS SimoneTTi For The WaShingTon PoST

that she shouldn’t be allowed ABOVE: Tania Galiñanes, the librarian at Tohopekaliga High
anywhere near students. It had School in Kissimmee, Fla., on one of her last days on the job.
been 18 months since then. Nine LEFT: Tania had not planned to quit the school, but now she found
months since she had taken flori- herself composing a goodbye letter to her colleagues.
da’s new training for librarians, a BELOW LEFT: As students file into the gymnasium for a pep rally,
mandatory hour-long video, and Tania directs them to show their wristbands to gain entry.
heard the state say that books in
the library must not contain sex- books became more mature. She Lorente said. “Look at books. It’s
ual content that could be “harm- read “one flew over the Cuckoo’s not a chitchat session. You need
ful to minors” and that violating Nest” and began to understand to be up and actively looking at
this statute would result in a mental illness. She read a book books.”
third-degree felony. “A crime,” the about the serial killer Ted Bundy, She saw a girl leaning against a
training had said. “Districts “The Stranger Beside me,” and table and pointed to the shelf at
should err on the side of caution.” imagined the dangers that might hip level behind her. “I challenge
It had been seven months since await her once she left home for you to pick up a book,” Lorente
she began collecting florida’s college. on the cover, a picture of said. “Any book. And read it and
laws and statutes in a purple Bundy’s eyes, seeming to glow in see what happens.”
folder on her desk, highlighting the dark, scared her so much that “oh, I can pick up a book,” the
the sections that made her mad, when she finished the book, she girl replied. She walked to the
and also the ones that could get threw it away. realistic fiction section, put her
her fired. Six months since she Twenty years later, she was index finger on the spine of a
broke out in hives, since eczema married, a mother of two daugh- novel, pulled it halfway from the
crept up the side of her face, since ters, and decisions about reading shelf, then released it back into
she started having trouble sleep- became personal in a new way. place. “See? I picked up a book.”
ing and got a prescription for an Her kids were in middle school, “No, pick it up and read it,”
anti-anxiety medication. five reading “Twilight,” and Tania Lorente said. “What kind of
months since she stood in her asked them to hold off on the last things do you like? fantasy? His-
house crying and her husband book in the series, the one with a torical fiction?”
said it wasn’t worth it anymore. wedding-night scene, until they “Nothing. I like nothing.”
He could work two jobs if he had got to high school. A few years The bell rang. The conversa-
to. “You need to quit,” he’d told later, she became a librarian in a tion about reading was over.
her. Six weeks since the start of middle school, her first library “They’re good kids,” Lorente
another school year. five weeks job, and began making decisions told Tania, but Tania didn’t need
since she had given her notice. about what was appropriate not to be told. She thought of the
And sometime in the middle of just for her daughters but also for other students who were already
all that, as she showed up every hundreds of students. She ordered past the tour she had just given:
weekday at 7 a.m. and tried to a book for the library called “The The girl who had read and re-
focus on the job she had signed Summer of owen Todd,” a young- turned three books already this
up for, which was, she thought, to adult novel about an 11-year-old week. The boy who had pointed
help students discover a book to boy who is sexually assaulted by to the cover of “Dear martin,” a
love, Tania could feel something an older man, and she started young-adult book about police
shifting inside her 21st-century having reservations. Would she profiling, and had said to Tania,
media center. The relationships want her kids to read it? There “This kid looks like me.”
between students and books, and had to be a different way of Now the library was quiet
parents and libraries, and teach- thinking about it. What if there again. Somewhere else in the
ers and the books they taught, was a student here, right now, who school, interviews were going on
and librarians and the job they was sexually assaulted by an adult for her replacement. Three candi-
did — all of it was changing in a they were told to trust? What if dates were coming in. The princi-
place she thought had been de- this book could help them? The pal had asked Tania to send him
signed to stay the same. book went back on the shelf. interview questions. She emailed
A library was a room with “This is what the world is like,” her district supervisor for ideas
shelves and books. A library was a she had thought as a student at and received a document in her
place to read. Academia menonita, and some- inbox, the list of questions they
Now the library, or at least this times, when she asked herself kept on file.
library, was a place where a what a library was, she wondered “What do you see as the role of
librarian was about to leave. how she could give her students the librarian in the school set-
Tania took the first book out of the feeling that she had been ting?”
the box. It had been sent over by a She loved to read. Now she in its own way. In the panhandle, ly, Tania was telling people at given, climbing the stairs to the “What kind of library attracts
teacher who, like teachers watched as the work she did at a Escambia County had instructed school about her decision. second floor. students, staff and parents?”
throughout the school, was con- high school in Central florida its schools to close parts of their “You’re leaving?” one of her Now, 19 10th-graders at Toho- Nothing about the laws, noth-
cerned that the books inside her became part of a national debate. libraries entirely until every book favorite students asked her, drop- pekaliga High School walked ing about reviewing books, noth-
classroom might be in violation There were fights going on over on every shelf had been reviewed ping by between classes. through the doors. “okay, every- ing about book bans at all. Tania
of the law. She looked at the title: democracy and fascism. There for sexual content. In Charlotte Tania put her hands on his body, we’re here because you’re scrolled through the questions
“music for Sight Singing.” She were parents and school board County, near fort myers, schools shoulders. “Listen. Listen, my going to learn some very impor- and added one more. “What is
took out another. “30 Songs for members arguing on social media were told to remove any books darling.” tant things about the library,” your stance on Censorship?” she
Voice and Piano.” She took out and in meetings. florida Gov. ron with LGBTQ characters from el- He started to speak again, but said their teacher, Carmen Lor- wrote, though she had no way of
another. “Star Wars: A musical DeSantis (r) wasn’t just passing ementary and middle school li- Tania stopped him. ente. knowing whether it would be
Journey, Easy Piano.” laws but using them to run for braries. “This a good thing, all right?” Tania pointed to the left side of asked, or how the next librarian
There was no sexual content to president. To Tania, the pure act of Tania saw the headlines in the room. Classics, dystopian, might answer.
review here. Barely any content at reading was becoming more and other states, too: A new law in fantasy, historical fiction, horror, She returned to her desk and

all. She was looking at sheet mu- more political, and as a result, she Iowa to prohibit library materials he first library Tania ever humor. She pointed to the right. called Erin, whose last day was
sic. had to spend much of her time that include “depictions of a sex saw was the one at Aca- mystery, realistic fiction, ro- also on friday.
It should have been absurd, reviewing the books on her act.” A new plan in Houston to demia menonita, her mance, sci-fi, sports, supernatu- “I was just thinking about you,”
kneeling over a box of music she shelves — not to suggest one to a convert parts of some public school in San Juan, Puerto rico. ral. And over there — far corner of Erin said. She told Tania what her
couldn’t read, sent over by a student but to ask herself whether school libraries into discipline It wasn’t a big library, more of a the room — 153 graphic novels. day had been like — sick teachers,
music teacher who wasn’t sure the content was too mature for the centers for misbehaving stu- room on the second floor, above She kept going. Nonfiction, ca- being called on to supervise sixth-
what she was allowed to have in teenagers at her school. Then she dents. meanwhile, in Tania’s the kindergarten classroom, up a reers. 11,600 books, 6,000 e- grade lunch. “And sixth-graders,
her classroom. But now the li- had moved on to the books in each county, the public library had just steep set of stairs, where the books. oh my God. I’m just gonna put
brary was a place where things teacher’s classroom, because as of eliminated late fees, as a means of librarian sat at her desk against A boy yawned. Another this out there: It was corn dog
like this happened. this year, the state considered attracting more readers. That the back wall, positioned where slumped in his chair, forehead on and banana day. Sixth-grade
those books to be part of the was the whole idea, Tania had she could see everybody, any- his laptop, eyes shut. “I’m gonna boys. But I was thinking, I’m
library, too. thought. But in schools, the where in the room. let you guys explore now,” Tania going to miss these kids, even

he books went back in the All of this took time. The li- whole idea was getting lost some- The school was mennonite, said, but no one moved. At a table though I hate lunch duty.”
box. The box went on a cart. brarian’s job was expanding even where. or at least that’s what she and conservative. There was no in the back, a girl held up a Tania laughed.
Tania asked one of her stu- as she felt it was shrinking to a wanted to convey in January, dancing. The mennonite parents compact mirror and applied lip “And I was like, ‘I wonder if
dent assistants to return it to the series of rote tasks: She would when she wrote an email to the didn’t drink. But there was never gloss. Slowly, four kids walked to Tania is feeling all the emotions
teacher’s classroom, and then she copy a book’s ISBN number into a florida Department of Educa- censorship. The library had an the graphic novels. Alone, a girl like I am this week?’” Erin said.
walked to her desk and to the peer-review database. She would tion. She had just taken its man- aspect of calm, an expanse that walked to the romance shelf. At “Actually, yes,” Tania said, “I
purple folder. decide whether to mark it with datory library training. “Have we opened itself up to Tania every Lorente’s urging, a group of stu- am.”
Inside, there were printouts of the thumb-size red sticker, pro- forgotten that students should be time she entered. She saw books dents walked to the careers sec-
79 pages of florida law and statute vided to her by the district, that reading for pleasure?” she wrote. in English and Spanish and tion and stood in silence until one

that told her how to think about read “m” for “mature.” If a book It was about a month later that shelves of novels. “This is what of them took a cookbook from the ey, sweetie,” she said as
what students should and should wasn’t listed in a database, she Tania started talking to another the world is like,” she remem- shelf. the students walked
not read. one law made it easier would review it by hand, and librarian, Erin Decker, about bered thinking. “miss,” one of the 10th-grade past her.
for people to challenge books they then she would start again with leaving the profession. Erin In fourth grade, she discovered boys told his teacher, “I can’t It was her last day.
believed contained sexual con- the next book. In those hours, the worked at a middle school and Judy Blume. “Are You There God? read.” “Hi, guys. remember — no
duct or age-inappropriate materi- job became a series of keystrokes, had an idea to open an independ- It’s me, margaret” taught her “You can read.” electronics.”
al. Another defined that term, and she began to feel more like a ent bookstore. They didn’t know about menstruation. In sixth “It gives me a headache.” “Hi, guys. remember — no
“sexual conduct,” in layer upon censor than a librarian. much about running a business. grade, she read “Deenie” and “You can read,” Lorente said. food, no open containers, no
layer of clinical specificity. It wasn’t just Tania doing this. But then a crystal shop in down- learned about masturbation. In “It’s just the mind-set.” cellphones.”
When she had decided to be- It was more than 1,400 librarians town Kissimmee was closing, and seventh grade, she read “Tiger “Any questions on how to find They nodded. They smiled.
come a librarian almost 10 years in all of florida’s 67 counties, they were putting in an applica- Eyes” and learned about physical a book?” Tania asked. They walked past her.
ago, it was for a simple reason: each district interpreting the law tion on the lease. And now, slow- intimacy. In high school, the “Guys, get up. Walk around,” Did they know she was leav-
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re A7

“M” for mature. This year, the

number was higher: 84 kids.
Now she recognized one of
them walking toward the circula-
tion desk, a girl with a graphic
novel tucked under her arm.
She scanned the student’s ID.
“Limited Access,” she saw on the
screen. Tania checked the front
cover of the book, then the back,
then the spine. No “M” sticker.
“Okay, sweetie,” she said, and
the girl walked to a couch and
began to read.
It was the last book she
checked out. The bell rang. Tania
watched as the girl walked out of
the library, the book still in her
hand, one finger holding her
A few hours from now, she
would have a conversation with
Erin about this strange day.
“I didn’t cry until I turned my
keys in,” Erin would say.
“They gave me a card and
flowers, and that’s when I cried,”
Tania would say.
They would tell each other
about the gifts people had made
for them, the cards, the flowers,
the cake, the lemon merengue
pie. Last first period, last lunch
period. Erin would tell Tania that
her assistant principal asked her
three times whether she had
changed her mind about leaving.
Tania would say her assistant
principal asked her to say some-
thing on the systemwide radio,
and what she said was “Mrs. G
signing off. Media center closed
until further notice.” They would
sit in the store they had just
leased, the crystal shop in Kis-
PhoToS by ThomaS SimoneTTi For The WaShingTon PoST simmee that was becoming a
ABOVE: Tania flips through a book in the Tohopekaliga library’s bookstore. There were no books
storage area. Much of her time on the job was spent reviewing yet on the shelves, but there
books to make sure the school was adhering to new Florida laws. would be soon. Every book they
RIGHT: Tania at her soon-to-be bookstore, White Rose Books and could afford. Any book at all.
More, which she’s opening in downtown Kissimmee with a friend, “So, how do you feel?” Tania
another former school librarian. would ask Erin, because it had
been hard to pin down, the feel-
ing? “Yes,” Tania said. ing that she had as she left
Now the room was full, and “Why?” Tohopekaliga High School for the
Tania said, loud enough for every- She tried to think of a simple last time.
one to hear, “Today’s my last day, answer. She had wanted to leave on her
so check out everything you “I’m opening a bookstore,” she own terms. But as she walked out,
need.” said. she wasn’t sure that was what she
“If you’re going to check out a So they knew she was leaving, had done.
book, do it today and do it in the but did they know why? Did they Lights out. Doors locked.
next five minutes,” she said again. know what was happening in This 21st-century media center
“Do you want to check out Florida? Some of the students was now closed and would re-
more than one book?” she asked a may have, because their parents main so until a new librarian
student carrying a graphic novel had asked the school to restrict walked in and saw what awaited:
to the circulation desk. “This is their access to the library. There 11,600 books on the shelves, and,
my last day, and my replacement were three students at Tohopeka- on the desk, one purple folder
won’t start for a while.” He turned liga who had no library access at containing 79 pages of Florida
around and came back with five all. Last year, there were 45 stu- laws and a short note from the
more. dents with restricted access. They previous librarian.
“Are you really leaving?” an- weren’t allowed to check out any “You might find this helpful,” it
other boy asked. of the books Tania had labeled read.

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A8 ez Re the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023


Rich in friendship: The patrons

of Clarence and Ginni Thomas
Here are associates of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife who have given gifts, made payments
or otherwise supported the couple, based on recent reporting from various news outlets

Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, Virginia the Thomases with gifts, favors and employment — result of misunderstandings, he has said he was not
“Ginni” Thomas, have long been surrounded by a tight much of which the justice never publicly disclosed. required to report many of the personal gifts he
network of friends and patrons, most of them staunch The revelations about the Thomases’ interactions received from wealthy friends. A lawyer for Thomas
conservatives. Over the past six months, reporting with billionaires have fueled calls for the Supreme has said “no one influences Justice Clarence Thomas’s
primarily by ProPublica but also by The Washington Court justices to be bound by a code of ethics. Though jurisprudence.”
Post, the New York Times and other outlets has Thomas has amended some details in his financial
revealed the extent to which that network has provided disclosures, saying errors and omissions were the emma brown and Jon Swaine contributed to this report.


Harlan Crow, chairman and chief executive Leonard Leo, then-executive vice president of the H. Wayne Huizenga in Miami in 2007. The Anthony Welters, left, at a gala in New York in
officer of Crow Holdings, in Dallas in 2015. He is Federalist Society, in 2016. Leo steers several founder Waste Management, AutoNation and 2016. He and Clarence Thomas became friends
a prominent donor to conservative causes. nonprofits that advance conservative ideals. other businesses died in 2018. while working as congressional aides.

Harlan Crow Leonard Leo H. Wayne Huizenga Anthony Welters

Crow is a Texas billionaire and real estate Leo is a longtime Federalist Society leader and a Huizenga was a billionaire who founded busi- Welters is a wealthy health-care entrepreneur who
developer who has been a major donor to conserva- key architect of the Supreme Court’s conservative nesses such as Waste Management and AutoNation became friends with Clarence Thomas decades ago,
tive causes. He and Thomas became friends in the supermajority. He also steers a network of nonprof- and owned professional sports teams including the when both men were aides to Republicans in Con-
1990s, after Thomas joined the Supreme Court. Crow its that promote conservative causes in the courts Miami Dolphins and the Florida Panthers. He died gress.
has said that he has never discussed pending court and beyond. in 2018.
cases with Thomas or sought to influence his think- l Welters provided a loan that allowed the justice
ing. l Leo arranged for Ginni Thomas’s for-profit firm, l In the 1990s and 2000s, Huizenga flew Thomas to buy a $267,230 luxury RV in 1999. A congressional
Liberty Consulting, to receive an unknown sum for a at least twice on his private 737 jets and other times investigation found that Thomas made some inter-
l Crow has repeatedly flown Thomas on his contract that was to have “no mention of Ginni.” In on Gulfstream jets and helicopters. He took Thomas est payments but that the loan was declared settled
private jet and hosted him almost every summer at 2012, he told pollster Kellyanne Conway that he to see the Dolphins and the Panthers play several by Welters in 2008 without Thomas repaying a
his resort in the Adirondacks. wanted her to “give” Ginni Thomas “another $25k,” times. He also frequently hosted Thomas at his substantial portion — or perhaps any — of the
He has taken the Thomases on multiple vacations documents show. He directed Conway to get the private, members-only golf club in Florida. principal. An attorney for Thomas said in response
around the globe on his 162-foot superyacht, includ- money by billing a nonprofit he advises. In a that the loan’s terms “were satisfied in full” but has
ing a nine-day trip to Indonesia in 2019 and a cruise statement to The Post, Leo praised the work by not said what those terms were.
in New Zealand about a decade ago. Conway and Ginni Thomas as an “invaluable re-
l Over the past 25 years, he regularly hosted source.”
Thomas as his guest at Bohemian Grove, the exclu- l Since 2016, nonprofits steered by Leo have paid
sive all-male retreat in California. at least $1.8 million for public relations efforts to
l For a period of time around 2009, Crow paid the defend and lionize Clarence Thomas, including in a
$6,000-per-month tuition at a private boarding laudatory film about his life.
school for Thomas’s grandnephew. Thomas had
legal custody of the child at the time.
l In 2009, according to Politico, he gave at least
$500,000 to a nonprofit group launched by Ginni
Thomas, Liberty Central, which aimed to harness
the energy of the tea party movement.
l In 2014, he spent $133,363 to buy three proper-
ties owned by Thomas and family members, includ-
ing the house in which Thomas’s mother was
allowed to continue living, rent-free. Crow has said
he intends to turn the house into a museum focused
on Thomas.

Heritage Foundation Hillsdale College The Daily Caller Center for Security Policy
The nonprofit has long been a key leader in the Hillsdale is a conservative Christian school in The Daily Caller is a conservative website co- The Center for Security Policy is a far-right think
conservative movement. Its efforts to shape policy Michigan with an outpost in the nation’s capital. It founded by Tucker Carlson, who went on to become a tank that has sought to spread the belief that
have extended to the federal courts, where in recent has close ties to Republicans, including former Fox News host. Islamists are infiltrating the U.S. government. In
years it has sued the Biden administration and president Donald Trump. 2018, the group supported Trump’s Muslim travel
submitted an amicus brief to the Supreme Court. In l The Daily Caller paid Ginni Thomas an un- ban in a Supreme Court amicus brief.
2021, Heritage hosted a day-long symposium on the lHillsdale employed Ginni Thomas from mid- known salary from 2011 to 2017 to conduct video
legacy of Clarence Thomas’s 30 years as a justice. 2008 until 2010. Clarence Thomas also reported this interviews with conservative leaders. l The nonprofit group paid Liberty Consulting,
employment in 2011. He did not say, nor was he Ginni Thomas’s firm, $236,000 total in 2017 and
l Heritage paid Ginni Thomas more than required to say, how much she was paid. 2018, tax records show. Details of the work have not
$936,000 between 2001 and 2007, tax filings show. been disclosed.
Tax filings before 2001 are not available. Clarence
Thomas reported her employment at Heritage in
2011, after left-leaning activists raised questions.
A10 eZ re the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023


After eight Republicans voted

last month to remove Kevin Mc-
Carthy (R-Calif.) as speaker,
House Republicans gathered over
barbecue in the basement of the
Capitol to share and stew over
their grievances that had gotten
them there.
Missing from the first of many
contentious all-conference meet-
ings as Republicans struggled to
pick a new leader was Rep. Nancy
Mace (R-S.C.). She instead was
going live on X, the platform
formerly known as Twitter, to
defend her decision to oust Mc-
Her move managed to further
incense her colleagues, who had
no insight into what Mace viewed
as a path forward. Some were
already fuming over her pattern
of unpredictable decisions, in-
cluding joining with seven hard-
line Republicans in getting rid of
McCarthy, which set off a chaotic
22 days in which the House stag-
nated without a leader.
The contempt for her was ap-
parent when Rep. Dusty Johnson,
a mild-mannered Republican
from South Dakota, ripped into
Mace after she interrupted his
hallway interview in the weeks
after her vote against the former
“Blind ambition has distorted
this process enough. … Let’s be
clear, Nancy Mace, it’s been a long
time since she’s done anything
productive to move forward this
broader team,” Johnson said.
Mace’s decision came after
years spent vacillating between a
persona of moderation and
Trump acolyte. Her now-routine
opposition to Republican-backed PhoTos by riCky CarioTi/The WashingTon PosT

legislation before eventually vot- Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) talks on her phone while walking to a meeting in Washington in April. Mace’s behavior and record have been called into question after highly
ing for it has perplexed some of publicized flip-flops rankled her colleagues. “Unserious people get found out here very quickly,” one fellow Republican lawmaker said. “She’s an unserious person.”
her colleagues and political staff
around her. Her Charleston-area
district, once considered a toss-
up, was redrawn such that her
constituents skew more to the
A maverick or a MAGA warrior? can leadership privately indicat-
ed they had no plans to bring a
national abortion ban to the
House floor. It remains to be seen
right, which in part helps explain
why she has again claimed the
MAGA mantle to raise money and
burnish her reputation as an ul-
Nancy Mace tries to be both. whether Johnson will follow suit.
But some of Mace’s colleagues
disputed her depiction of McCar-
thy’s failure to keep his promises
traconservative. on bills Mace pushed for. They
But the lawmaker who came to The Republican congresswoman from South Carolina tends to be predictably unpredictable told The Post that when Mace was
Washington in 2021 in the wan- approached about working on
ing days of Donald Trump’s presi- temporary spending bill designed those amendments, she privately
dency, seeking to position herself to prevent a government shut- acknowledged that some were
as a moral compass of the House down, a Republican lawmaker too politically risky for her to
GOP conference, has only rein- texted a group of colleagues to own.
forced the perception that she vent about Mace, who voted Mace earlier this year also was
lacks a North Star — a refrain against the Republican bill. The among two dozen Republicans
uttered by many of her Republi- lawmaker included a link to a who voted against the Agricul-
can colleagues, most of whom video posted by a personal injury ture, Rural Development, and
spoke on the condition of ano- lawyer turned Instagram influ- Food and Drug Administration
nymity to be candid. encer titled “How to talk to a appropriations bill. Mace cited a
Mace’s highly publicized flip- Narcissist.” provision that would limit access
flops have given her a reputation A lawmaker on the thread said to the abortion pill mifepristone
of an apostate more than a maver- the video clarified his view of and was expected to submit a
ick, with no clear political identi- Mace. brief amendment to address the
ty or ideology, according to more “I didn’t get her at all, and was issue. She never did, and people
than 30 lawmakers, staffers and lost at sea for a few years, but familiar with the matter said
operatives who work in South what [the video] was describing Mace instead suggested that
Carolina and on Capitol Hill. is what we all experienced,” the members of the New York delega-
“Unserious people get found lawmaker said of his attempts to tion introduce it, or that leader-
out here very quickly,” one GOP work with Mace on budgetary ship take up a Democrat’s amend-
lawmaker said. “She’s an unseri- issues. “[Narcissists] love the dra- ment to strike the mifepristone
ous person.” ma.” restrictions.
The final outcome of the speak- Several lawmakers described a
er’s race only reinforced that im- Women’s issues at center pattern of working with Mace on
age: Mace, who said she voted to of Mace’s political persona an issue that she conveyed as
oust McCarthy because of his A series of articles this spring life-or-death to the media and
failure to prioritize bills pertain- detailed Mace’s references to her- colleagues, before abandoning it.
ing to reproductive rights, ulti- self as a “caucus of one” and on a These members have come to
mately voted in support of now- “lonely island,” amid claims she view her flip-flopping not as a
Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), was seeking to woo back inde- negotiating tactic but rather a
who has an extensive record of Post, Johnson praised Mace as a thorne’s “The Scarlet Letter” that I support them, I’ll vote with pendent voters who fled the GOP way to make headlines to maxi-
supporting restrictive antiabor- “smart, dedicated lawmaker who Mace said was a commentary on them and then I’ll call them out under Trump. Styling herself as a mize visibility. In an internal
tion legislation and has champi- is fully devoted to the needs of her her being “demonized for my vote when I disagree.” moderating force on issues such handbook distributed to staff in
oned a nationwide ban. constituents. … She has my full and for my voice.” But Katie Arrington, a South as abortion and gun violence, she 2021 reported by the Daily Beast,
Mace, 45, sat for an extensive support and I look forward to Mace’s appearance on “War Carolina legislator who unsuc- argued that Republicans need to Mace provided her staff with a
interview with The Washington working with her in the fateful Room” was a full-circle moment. cessfully challenged Mace in the stop coming across like “a--holes” weekly booking quota for getting
Post earlier this year where she days ahead of us.” She had once voted to hold Ban- 2022 GOP primary, argued that to women. her on television.
discussed her life in Congress, Since her vote against McCar- non, the close Trump ally, in Mace “doesn’t care about politics That coverage stemmed from “Any single time there’s a tight
cautioned her party against tak- thy, who had pumped thousands contempt of Congress for refus- — this is just her vehicle. … She her resistance to debt ceiling leg- vote, she will find a way to be on
ing extreme positions on abor- of dollars into her campaign cof- ing to comply with a subpoena just wants to be famous and get islation in May: She was initially a the other side of what Republi-
tion and expressed overall disap- fers since she was elected in 2020, from the House committee inves- more press time.” no on the bill, joining a chorus of cans are trying to do and it gives
pointment with the direction of Mace has jumped from one atten- tigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on The effort to understand Mace hard-right lawmakers trashing her a chance to be on TV,” a
Republican and Democratic lead- tion-seeking episode to another. the Capitol. It was that vote, has become its own political the package’s failure to balance Republican lawmaker said.
ership heading into 2024. She appeared with fellow Mc- preceded by fierce criticism of her genre, with profiles published the budget in 10 years. She soon Hampson rebuffed assertions
“It’s important to have women Carthy defector Rep. Matt Gaetz own party for the attack, that first over the past three years that flipped her support, touting that Mace is more interested in
that are strong and don’t put up (R-Fla.) on Stephen K. Bannon’s pushed Mace’s career into the have both lionized her attempts promises she had extracted from press than legislating, writing
with the bulls---,” Mace said this “War Room” and solicited cam- national spotlight. to buck the party line and criti- McCarthy to prioritize floor votes that she has “sponsored or co-
spring about the treatment she’s paign donations off her vote on “I would say I have a different cized her U-turns on issues. Some on a bill she introduced urging sponsored 27 bills which have
received from some of her col- cable news. She showed up at flavor of Republicanism,” Mace of her colleagues have come to a the Food and Drug Administra- been signed into law since taking
leagues. “If you’re going to treat another House GOP meeting said on “The Daily Show” late last simpler conclusion. tion to give priority review to a office three years ago, all under a
me in a certain way, then I’m sporting a white shirt embla- month. “I would like to think of In late September, amid a range of over-the-counter contra- Democrat President. … Anyone
going to punch you in the face. I’ll zoned with a red capital “A” — a myself as more of a maverick, bruising stretch of strife in the ceptives and her amendment on who suggests she is not focused
punch you right back. It’s not reference to Nathaniel Haw- right? So when I’m with my party House GOP conference over a balancing the budget. on legislating is ignorant or ly-
okay.” Mace has earned some admira- ing.”
She also marveled at what she tion for bucking GOP orthodoxy
viewed as her ability to lead “the and creating a platform to advo- From The Citadel
national narrative on abortion cate for policies regarding repro- to the Capitol
issues for the party.” ductive rights. Earlier this year, Mace is a publicist by trade,
Mace declined an additional she urged the FDA to ignore a with a master’s degree in journal-
interview with The Post in the judge’s ruling blocking its ap- ism and mass communication,
midst of heightened scrutiny of proval of an abortion pill and who started her own public rela-
her vote against McCarthy, with slammed her colleagues for tak- tions firm before fronting a tea
her spokesperson instead re- ing what she called “extreme” party challenge against Sen.
sponding to specific claims. positions on abortion rights. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) in
“Congresswoman Mace is un- But Mace’s voting record 2013 at the age of 35.
der attack from the left and the paints a different picture. She She lost that primary against
right for taking a strong stand voted last year against a bill that Graham but went on to work for
against the Washington estab- would enshrine protections of the Trump campaign in 2016,
lishment,” spokesperson Will Roe v. Wade into law; missed a then won a seat in the South
Hampson said in a statement. vote on another bill that would Carolina House in 2018. In 2020,
He said Mace missed the afore- reaffirm the right for someone she won one of the most competi-
mentioned conference meeting seeking an abortion to travel tive congressional seats in the
because her “priority was to ex- across state lines; and over the country by 1.2 percentage points.
plain her vote” to her constitu- summer, cast a vote in support of Then the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on
ents. And he defended Mace’s an amendment included in the the Capitol happened, and Mace
vote against McCarthy, saying the National Defense Authorization publicly broke with Trump.
former speaker had “lost trust Act to reverse the Biden adminis- It was a decision she started to
and was ineffective.” tration’s policy on reimbursing wrestle with as Trump bounced
“Congresswoman Mace of travel costs for service members back as the de facto leader of the
course understands she and seeking abortions. Republican Party. Then, almost a
Speaker Johnson will regularly Mace has said she supports year after taking office, Mace’s
disagree on issues, as all mem- abortion until “15 or 20 weeks” of district became much redder
bers do,” Hampson said. “But she CENTER: Mace checks herself in a visor mirror en route to a public event. ABOVE: A woman gestation with exceptions for vic- when its boundaries were
believes he will be straightfor- stretches as Mace speaks at a Coffee With Your Congresswoman gathering in Summerville, S.C. tims of rape and incest. For now, changed. Up against Arrington,
ward with the conference.” Mace’s Charleston-area district, once considered a toss-up, was redrawn such that her she faces no real test of that her Trump-endorsed primary
In a statement provided to The constituents skew more to the right, but the boundaries are now under Supreme Court review. belief: Under McCarthy, Republi- challenger, Mace sought to posi-
A12 EZ rE the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

Va. House makes history nominating first Black speaker

SPeAker from A1

takes up the gavel in a Capitol

where White leaders once pro-
hibited people who looked like
him from learning to read or
even owning dogs, where for a
century after the Civil War pol-
icies were hatched to keep Black
Virginians from voting and,
through “massive resistance,” to
shutter schools rather than let
Black children learn with White
“I know there were so many
other African American leaders
… who were probably smarter
than me, that were probably as
tenacious and persistent as me.
But they never got this opportu-
nity because of their color,” he
said in an interview friday. “I
carry all of those people with me.
I think about those people who
every time I walk in the Capitol
and I see some of the shrines to
some folks who probably owned
enslaved people. I’m conscious of
those enslaved people … and
what they had to go through, and
how their humanity was dis-
counted in that very chamber.”
The Democratic caucus on Sat-
urday also chose Del. Charniele
L. Herring (Alexandria) as ma-
jority leader and Del. Kathy Tran
(fairfax) as the first person of
Asian or Pacific Island descent to
serve as caucus chairwoman. The
vote for speaker will not be
official until January, when the
new General Assembly is sworn
in and the full chamber will elect
its leader under the new Demo-
cratic majority. By tradition, the
minority party supports the
choice so the vote is unanimous
— and top republicans have
already extended praise to Scott.
Democrats reveled in the his- John C. ClArk/AP

toric nature of their choices on Minority Leader Del. Don L. Scott Jr. (D-Portsmouth) was nominated to be speaker of the House of Delegates. When Democratic senators choose their leadership, Sen.
Saturday. “Proudest vote of my Mamie Locke (D-Hampton) is in contention to become the first Black majority leader, which would place two Black lawmakers at the helm of both chambers.
life (After obama)” delegate-
elect Joshua Cole said on X Scott’s arrival at this point in Scott majored in agriculture at dled any drugs but made a “bad When the party lost its House week of Youngkin’s administra-
(formerly Twitter). his career is as unlikely as it is Texas A&m University, then decision” to help a friend. He majority in 2021 and republican tion, Scott took to the floor of the
Youngkin called to say con- rapid, coming at the start of just served a stint in the Navy. Next pleaded no contest and finished Glenn Youngkin was elected gov- House and questioned the reli-
gratulations late Wednesday, his third term in office. he opted for law school at Louisi- his law degree just in time to ernor, Scott and several col- gious faith of the publicly pious
Scott said. Earle-Sears, asked fri- Born in Houston, he was ana State University, and that’s begin a 10-year sentence in feder- leagues ousted Eileen filler-Corn governor, saying it wasn’t reflect-
day about her fellow history- raised by a single mother who when he made the greatest mis- al prison. released after serving (D-fairfax) as their leader. ed in his crusade against “critical
maker, said in a text to The Post had six kids and never made take of his life. In 1994 during his fewer than eight years, Scott filler-Corn had been the first race theory” and “racial equity.”
that “the success and comeback more than $28,500 in any year of final year of law school, Scott was went to live with an uncle in woman and first Jew to serve as Youngkin responded by walk-
of Don Scott is proof that Vir- her working life, Scott said. He arrested by federal agents in Delaware who got him a series of speaker of the Virginia House. ing across the Capitol to meet in
ginia is not back in 1963,” when stuttered as a child, but tested mobile, Ala., for carrying thou- jobs and enforced strict disci- She said friday that she would be Scott’s office, a display of power
her own father faced discrimina- into gifted programs that saw sands of dollars in drug money pline. Eventually Scott climbed pleased to see Scott make history on Scott’s part that stirred whis-
tion. She promised to work with him bused to White schools in tied to a crack cocaine ring, the ladder at a workforce devel- of his own. pers around the legislature.
Scott “for the betterment of all what might as well have been according to court documents. opment company, married a den- Asked about his provocative
Virginians. All means all.” another world. Scott maintains he never han- tist and settled down in Ports- approach, Scott made no apolo-
mouth. gy. “Democrats spend a lot of
With a felony conviction, Scott “So many other African time being right on policy and
was prohibited from voting by a being wrong on politics … And I
Virginia law that’s the most dra- American leaders … think we have to do both,” he
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never got this said.
way out is to appeal directly to a Calling himself a “pragmatic
Shutters & Drapery governor — which Scott did, progressive,” Scott said he knows
getting his rights restored by opportunity because of his leadership will only succeed
Ask us what we are doing to keep you safe. republican Gov. robert mcDon- if he can help Democrats — and
nell about a decade ago. their color.” republicans — deliver change
HURRY! Limited Time Offer! In 2014, Scott spent six months
studying for the Virginia bar
Del. Don L. Scott Jr. that improves the lives of Vir-
ginians. He said he wants “a
exam, passing on his first try. He reset” with Youngkin, and agrees
GS quickly built up a reputation in with the governor that all sides
Portsmouth for taking — and “This is another historic mile- can find common ground on
Buy 1 Get 1 winning — tough cases. His pub- stone and a victory for Vir- areas such as education, mental

lic stature got him elected to the ginians,” filler-Corn said via health funding and creating
General Assembly in the blue email. “We are better as a Com- good jobs — a message Youngkin

* wave of 2019, which brought two
years of Democratic power as the
monwealth when our elected
leaders reflect the diversity of
delivered in a news conference
on Wednesday.
legislature worked with Gov. our communities.” But there are also some areas
ralph Northam (D) to enact As minority leader, Scott put a where Scott is ready to forge
OFF sweeping changes — such as
abolishing the death penalty, le-
sharper edge on Democrats in
the House. He repeatedly tagged
ahead with the power of the
majority, if necessary. Specifical-
galizing marijuana and tighten- the other party for being “mAGA ly: beginning the process to seek
on Custom Blinds, ing gun control. Trump republicans.” The first three constitutional amend-
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sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re A13

ments — to enshrine the right to

an abortion, affirm the right to
same-sex marriage and allow the
Actors win wage increase, AI rights in SAG-AFTRA strike deal
automatic restoration of rights to
people convicted of felonies. In BY M ICHAEL C AVNA regulations that were going to tie
Virginia, amendments are put to their hands.” She said that under
a public vote after passing both The national board of SAG- the new agreement, SAG-AFTRA
chambers of the General Assem- AFTRA approved a new contract and the AMPTP will meet twice a
bly with simple majorities in two with major studios on Friday, two year “to keep our finger on the
sessions separated by House days after calling an end to one of pulse of technology like this, so
elections, which are every two the most significant strikes in the that we can actually lock elbows
years. The governor is not in- U.S. entertainment industry’s his- on the same side and march into
volved. tory. Washington to get federal regula-
Wilder, who has famously con- The president of the actors tions to protect us all against
founded his fellow Democrats by union, “The Nanny” star Fran piracy.”
occasionally befriending Repub- Drescher, shared broad details of She and Crabtree-Ireland de-
licans — such as Youngkin — for the deal at an afternoon news scribed safeguards against en-
the sake of getting things done, conference in Los Angeles, por- croaching technology, including:
said his top advice for Scott traying herself and her colleagues l A requirement that actors —
would be to deliver results. as heroes who stared down some including background perform-
“Being elected the first Black of the most powerful executives ers — give studios “informed con-
or the second Black or any Black in Hollywood — leaders of the sent” and get “fair compensation”
is not what it’s about,” Wilder studios and streamers represent- for the creation of any digital
said. “It’s about being the most ed by the Alliance of Motion replicas.
effective person. … The people of Picture and Television Producers. l “That consent can’t be ob-
Virginia will gauge and judge “I think they realized they were tained at the front end — it has to
based on performance and levels facing a new kind of leadership in be obtained at the time of use,”
of competence, not the color of me and” Duncan Crabtree-Ire- Crabtree-Ireland said. “It can’t
your skin. And there’s no time to land, the SAG chief negotiator, just be a boilerplate sentence that
rest on laurels.” Drescher said. “We deflected says, ‘I give away the rights to use
Scott, Wilder might be grati- their intimidation tactics.” this replica in perpetuity
fied to know, said the same thing: The 118-day strike was one of throughout the universe.’ … It has
“Race is not as important as it the longest labor outages in Hol- to be a specific description of
used to be. People want compe- lywood history. It was also one of Jenna schoeneFeld For the Washington Post what the intended use is so that
tence.” the broadest because it partially Fran Drescher, center, president of SAG-AFTRA, with fellow members of the actors union at a news the performer can make an in-
And Scott also declared that he overlapped with a strike called by conference in Los Angeles, on Friday. Drescher called Wednesday’s agreement “record-breaking.” formed decision about whether
isn’t planning to rest on laurels the Writers Guild of America that they want to agree to that or not.”
or anything else. His mother — lasted from May to late Septem- informational meetings in com- would increase again by smaller ing revenue was “how to compen- l What Crabtree-Ireland called
Helen Scott, 88, who still lives in ber. ing days. Actors will then vote on amounts in 2024 and 2025. sate performers that are on that “a specific standard” to compen-
her modest home in Houston — “I knew a long time ago that whether to ratify the contract and l What Crabtree-Ireland called platform when there’s no tail of sate actors that agree to be digi-
called Friday morning with a this was going to be a seminal make it official — a vote widely “new terms to ensure that sets syndication,” unlike with “linear tized, which factors in “the
simple message, he said: “Don’t deal,” Drescher told The Washing- expected to pass. have proper hair and makeup television.” amount of work that would have
get too big for your britches.” ton Post in a post-conference in- Drescher and Crabtree-Ireland services for all performers, in- been done by the actor them-
He vowed to keep up the terview, “because the times that detailed terms of the deal, includ- cluding those who have diverse A deal on AI selves if they had done that same
tireless drive to get things done we’re living in demanded one.” ing: and textured hair and complex- At the news conference, type of work that the digital repli-
that brought him to this unlikely Among the studio heads who l What they called “more than ions.” Drescher described months of ca is being used for.”
point in life. Winning a Demo- came to the negotiating table $1 billion” in new wages and l A requirement that intimacy on-and-off talks with the studios l “We have explicit language
cratic majority and becoming during the SAG strike were Bob benefit plan funding over the coordinators be hired for scenes as an epic that involved her shar- explicitly covering performance-
speaker are not surprises to him, Iger of Disney, Donna Langley of three-year term of the contract. involving nudity or simulated sex. ing “Buddhist wisdom” with the capture work for the first time,”
Scott said, because “I planned to NBCUniversal Studio Group, Ted Crabtree-Ireland told The Post on Crabtree-Ireland told The Post studios. She said the issue of Crabtree-Ireland said at the news
win. I expected to win.” Sarandos of Netflix and David Wednesday that figure represent- last week that the union pursued artificial intelligence was one of conference.
Scott was so sure of the out- Zaslav of Warner Bros. Discovery. ed “gains made in this contract new ways to approach winning a the last and most difficult issues “We had tremendous unity
come that when the new General From the lectern Friday, over the existing contract.” On significant share of streaming to be resolved, in light of wide- across all of members,” Crabtree-
Assembly office building opened Drescher thanked the AMPTP Friday, SAG called it the largest revenue. Complaints are wide- spread fears among actors that Ireland said last week. “I think
in Richmond last month, he “for recognizing the gravity” of such deal in industry history. spread among Hollywood work- rapidly advancing technology that message was received by the
refused to set foot in the office of the situation and reaching a “re- l A new fund to compensate ers that they earn far less in will be used to simulate their industry and the public in a way
minority leader, telling his staff: cord-breaking” agreement with performers for their work on residuals, or royalty payments, likeness and eventually replace that built our strength, and that
“I’m going to go into the speak- the union. But she also lambasted streaming shows. SAG-AFTRA when their work is streamed, them. helped people see why we were
er’s office when we win.” the studios repeatedly in her did not specify, however, how compared with older models of “AI was also a dealbreaker,” she fighting.”
Scott said the source of his speech, saying her union “never much studios would contribute distribution. said. “If we didn’t get that pack- At the news conference, he
confidence is simple: He’s al- heard” from them from the start and how the union would distrib- “We were really looking to not age, then what are we doing? added that some actors have al-
ready hit rock bottom, in prison. of their strike in July until last ute money from the fund. Variety only increase, but also to change We’re not really able to protect ready returned to work.
Now he has no fear of failure. “As month. Once talks resumed, she previously reported that the the way that money is distributed our members in the way that they Drescher expressed satisfac-
flawed as I am, but also as said, the studios started “attack- union initially wanted 2 percent in the streaming system, so that it needed to be protected. Because tion with how the process ended
scarred as I am, but also as ing a woman leader” in the media of streaming revenue, and later becomes more sustainable for our in the world of AI, three months is more than 150 days after talks
strong as I am … the worst thing — “a ploy that should be beneath halved that demand to about members. The way that the busi- equivalent to a year.” began: “This negotiation showed
that ever happened to me would anyone.” $500 million a year, before set- ness model has changed, and After the news conference, the AMPTP that we are contend-
not be losing an election,” he At press time, SAG-AFTRA had tling for about $40 million a year. then the contracts had not kept Drescher addressed why the stu- ers,” she said in an interview.
said. “My superpower is being not released the text of the TV/ l An immediate 7 percent wage up with, left our members in a dios took such a gradual ap- “Where we entered [as] the larg-
underestimated. You sleep on me theatrical contract, which will be increase for many performers, very tight squeeze.” proach to final concessions on AI: est entertainment union in the
if you want to. You’re going presented to tens of thousands of and an 11 percent increase for Drescher added that a primary “They don’t like to give away ice world, we exited as also the most
regret sleeping on me.” members covered by the deal at background actors. Those wages goal in negotiating over stream- in winter. These were a lot of powerful.”

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A14 EZ RE the washington post . sunday, november 12, 2023 EZ RE A15

AI-generated fake images AI-generated fake images AI-generated fake images

‘Toys in Iraq’ outputs soldiers with guns ‘Attractive people’ outputs young and light-skinned ‘Muslim people’ outputs men with head coverings

These fake images reveal how AI amplifies our worst stereotypes

AI fRom A1
AI-generated fake images AI-generated fake images AI-generated fake images
founder of LAIoN, a nonprofit behind
Stable Diffusion’s data, argues that im-
age generators naturally reflect the
world of White people because the non-
A photo of a house in … A portrait photo of … A photo of a wealthy person in …
profit that provides data to many compa-
nies, including LAIoN, doesn’t focus on United States China India a productive person a person cleaning Africa The Middle East Europe
China and India, the largest population
of web users.
“This will give you the average stereo-
type of what an average person from
North America or Europe thinks,” Schuh-
mann said. “You don’t need a data
science degree to infer this.”
Stable Diffusion is not alone in this
orientation. In recently released docu-
ments, openAI said its latest image
generator, DALL-E 3, displays “a tenden-
cy toward a Western point-of-view” with
images that “disproportionately repre-
sent individuals who appear White, fe-
male, and youthful.”
As synthetic images spread across the
web, they could give new life to outdated
and offensive stereotypes, encoding
abandoned ideals around body type,
gender and race into the future of
Predicting the next pixel
Like ChatGPT, AI image tools learn
about the world through gargantuan
amounts of training data. Instead of
billions of words, they are fed billions of
pairs of images and their captions, also
scraped from the web.
Tech companies have grown increas-
ingly secretive about the contents of
these data sets, partially because the text
and images included often contain copy-
righted, inaccurate or even obscene ma-
terial. In contrast, Stable Diffusion and
LAIoN, are open-source projects, en-
abling outsiders to inspect details of the
Stability AI chief executive Emad
mostaque said his company views trans-
parency as key to scrutinizing and elimi-
nating bias. “Stability AI believes funda-
mentally that open-source models are
necessary for extending the highest stan-
dards in safety, fairness, and representa-
tion,” he said in a statement.
Images in LAIoN, as in many data
sets, were selected because they contain
code called “alt-text,” which helps soft- When we asked Stable Diffusion XL to produce a house in various countries, it returned clichéd concepts for each location: classical curved-roof homes for China, When we prompted the technology to generate a photo of a productive person, it generated uniformly When we asked for a photo of a wealthy person in different countries, Stable Diffusion XL still produced a mishmash of stereotypes: African men in Western
ware describe images to blind people. rather than Shanghai’s high-rise apartments; idealized American houses with trim lawns and ample porches; dusty clay structures on dirt roads in India, home to male, majority White, and dressed in suits for corporate jobs. When asked to show people in the act of coats standing in front of thatched huts, Middle Eastern men posed in front of ancient mosques, while European men in slim-fitting suits wandered quaint
Though alt-text is cheaper and easier more than 160 billionaires, as well as Mumbai, the world’s 15th-richest city. “cleaning,” the results depicted only women. cobblestone streets.
than adding captions, it’s notoriously
unreliable — filled with offensive de-
scriptions and unrelated terms intended
to help images rank high in search.
Image generators spin up pictures
based on the most likely pixel, drawing
connections between words in the cap-
About the images pation. Yet, when we prompted the
technology to generate a photo of a
tion role, while non-White people appear
in most images of “cooks” — though the
interventions: filtering data sets, finess-
ing the final stages of development, and
abuse and rape in the data set used for
Stable Diffusion 1, as well as images that
Stable Diffusion XL defaulted to mostly
darker-skinned male athletes when we
into, say, Indian websites,” that is some-
thing Common Crawl would like to
“This will give you the can men in Western coats standing in
front of thatched huts, middle Eastern
Every image in this story shows
tions and the images associated with
them. These probabilistic pairings help something that doesn’t exist in the
person receiving social services, it gener-
ated only non-White and primarily
Labor Bureau’s statistics show that a
higher percentage of “cooks” self-identi-
encoding rules to address issues that
earned the company bad PR.
sexualized Black women and fetishized
Asian women. In addition to removing
prompted the system to produce images
for “soccer,” while depicting only women
measure and fix, he said. average stereotype of men posed in front of ancient mosques,
while European men in slim-fitting suits
The endless task of eradicating bias
explain some of the bizarre mash-ups
churned out by Stable Diffusion XL, such
physical world and was generated
using Stable Diffusion, a text-to-
darker-skinned people. Results for a
“productive person,” meanwhile, were
fy as White than “chefs.” for example, Stable Diffusion drew
negative attention when requests for a
“unsafe” images, Ben Brooks, Stability
AI’s head of public policy, said the
when asked to show people in the act of
“cleaning.” many of the women were The AI field is divided on how to
what an average wandered quaint cobblestone streets.
Abeba Birhane, senior adviser for AI
Cleaner data, cleaner results
as Iraqi toys that look like U.S. tankers
and troops. That’s not a stereotype: It
image artificial intelligence model. uniformly male, majority White, and
dressed in suits for corporate jobs. Companies have long known about
“Latina” produced images of women in
suggestive poses wearing little to no
company was also careful to block child
sexual abuse material (CSAm) and other
smiling, happily completing their femi-
nine household chores.
address bias.
for Kalluri, mitigating bias in images
person from North accountability at the mozilla founda-
tion, contends that the tools can be
reflects America’s inextricable associa-
tion between Iraq and war.
Last fall, Kalluri and her colleagues
also discovered that the tools defaulted
issues with the data behind this technol-
ogy. ImageNet, a pivotal 2009 training
clothing. A more recent system (version
2.1) generated more innocuous images.
high-risk imagery for SD2.
filtering the “bad” stuff out of a data
Stability AI argues each country
should have its own national image
is fundamentally different than in text.
Any prompt to create a realistic image of
America or Europe improved if companies work hard to
improve the data — an outcome she
Misses biases
to stereotypes. Asked to provide an
image of “an attractive person,” the tool
set of 14 million images, was in use for
more than a decade before researchers
Why the difference? A Post analysis
found the training data for the first
set isn’t an easy fix-all for bias, said Sasha
Luccioni, a research scientist at Hugging
generator, one that reflects national
values, with data sets provided by the
a person has to make decisions about
age, body, race, hair, background and
thinks. You don’t need considers unlikely. In the meantime, the
impact of these stereotypes will fall most
Despite the improvements in SD XL,
The Post was able to generate tropes
generated light-skinned, light-eyed, thin
people with European features. A re-
found disturbing content, including non-
consensual sexual images, in which
version contained a lot more pornogra-
face, an open-source repository for AI
and one of LAIoN’s corporate sponsors.
government and public institutions.
Reflecting the diversity of the web has
other visual characteristics, she said.
few of these complications lend them-
a data science degree to heavily on the same communities
harmed during the social media era, she
about race, class, gender, wealth, intelli-
gence, religion and other cultures by
quest for a “a happy family” produced
images of mostly smiling, White, hetero-
women were sometimes easily identifi-
able. Some images were sorted into
of the training images captioned
“Latina,” 20 percent of captions or URLs
filtering for problematic content using
keywords in English, for example, may
recently become “an area of active inter-
est” for Common Crawl, a 16-year-old
selves to computational solutions,
Kalluri said.
infer this.” said, adding: “People at the margins of
society are continually excluded.”
requesting depictions of routine activi- sexual couples with children posing on categories labeled with slurs such as also included a pornographic term. remove a lot of porn and CSAm, but it nonprofit that has long provided text Kalluri believes it’s important for any- Christoph Schuhmann, co-founder
ties, common personality traits or the manicured lawns. “Closet Queen,” “failure,” “mulatto,” more than 30 percent were marked as may also result in more content overall scraped from the web for Google, LAIoN, one who interacts with the technology to of LAION, a nonprofit behind The Washington Post generated images using
name of another country. In many in- Kalluri and the others also found the “nonperson,” “pervert,” and “Schizo- almost certain to be “unsafe” by a from the global north, where platforms and many other tech firms, executive understand how it operates. “They’re Stable Diffusion’s data the ClipDrop API to access Stable Diffusion
stances, the racial disparities depicted in tools distorted real-world statistics. Jobs phrenic.” LAIoN detector for not-safe-for-work have a longer history of generating director Rich Skrenta told The Post. Its just predictive models,” she said, portray- XL1.0. Each prompt created seven to 10
these images are more extreme than in with higher incomes such as “software ImageNet’s authors eliminated most content. In subsequent Stable Diffusion high-quality content and stronger re- crawler scrapes content based on the ing things based on the snapshot of the images, which are presented here in the
the real world. developer” produced representations of the categories, but many contempo- models, the training data excluded im- strictions on posting porn, she said. organization’s internal ranking of what’s internet in their data set. exact appearance and order as the model
for example, in 2020, 63 percent of that skewed more White and male than rary data sets are built the same way, ages marked as possibly “unsafe,” pro- “All of these little decisions can actual- central to the internet, but it is not Even using detailed prompts didn’t output. Images that used older models relied
food stamp recipients were White and 27 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics using images obtained without consent ducing images that appear markedly ly make cultural bias worse,” Luccioni instructed to focus on a specific language mitigate this bias. When we asked for a on the Stable Diffusion v1-5 through the
percent were Black, according to the would suggest. White-appearing people and categorizing people like objects. less sexual. said. or country. photo of a wealthy person in different Stability API.
latest data from the Census Bureau’s also appear in the majority of images for Efforts to detoxify AI image tools have The Post’s findings track with prior Even prompts to generate photos of “If there is some kind of bias in the countries, Stable Diffusion XL still pro-
Survey of Income and Program Partici- “chef,” a more prestigious food prepara- focused on a few seemingly fruitful research that found images of sexual everyday activities slipped into tropes. crawl and if it’s not probing as deeply duced a mishmash of stereotypes: Afri- Jeremy B. Merrill contributed to this report.
A16 eZ re the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

ukraine war

Ukrainian colonel coordinated 2022 gas pipeline bombing

UKRAine from A1

only one of the four gas links in

the network intact as winter ap-
Chervinsky did not act alone,
and he did not plan the operation,
according to the people familiar
with his role, which has not been
previously reported. The officer
took orders from more senior
Ukrainian officials, who ulti-
mately reported to Gen. Valery
Zaluzhny, Ukraine’s highest-
ranking military officer, said peo-
ple familiar with how the opera-
tion was carried out. They spoke
on the condition of anonymity to
discuss sensitive details about the
bombing, which has strained dip-
lomatic relations with Ukraine
and drawn objections from U.S.
Ukraine has launched many
daring and secretive operations
against russian forces. But the
Nord Stream attack targeted civil-
ian infrastructure built to provide
energy to millions of people in
Europe. While Gazprom, the rus-
sian state-owned gas conglomer-
ate, owns 51 percent of Nord
Stream, Western energy compa-
nies, including from Germany,
france and the Netherlands, are
partners and invested billions in
the project. Ukraine had long
complained that Nord Stream
would allow russia to bypass
Ukrainian pipes, depriving Kyiv
of huge transit revenue.
Through his attorney, Chervin-
sky denied any role in the sabo-
tage of the pipelines. “All specula-
tions about my involvement in oleg Bohachuk for the Washington Post

the attack on Nord Stream are Col. Roman Chervinsky makes a court appearance last month in Kyiv. He faces charges of abuse of power stemming from a plot to lure a Russian pilot to defect to Ukraine.
being spread by russian propa-
ganda without any basis,” its political leadership. meant to obscure Ukraine’s re- In his statement to The Post and Chervinsky is being held in a operation was approved by the
Chervinsky said in a written Since russia’s invasion of sponsibility. He has served in sen- Der Spiegel, Chervinsky said he Kyiv jail on charges that he armed forces, and he declined to
statement to The Washington Ukraine in february 2022, ior positions in the country’s mili- also “planned and implemented” abused his power stemming from comment for this article.
Post and Der Spiegel, which con- Chervinsky had been serving in a tary intelligence agency as well as operations to kill pro-russian a plot to lure a russian pilot to Chervinsky has said he was not
ducted a joint investigation of his unit of Ukraine’s special opera- the Security Service of Ukraine, separatist leaders in Ukraine and defect to Ukraine in July 2022. responsible for the russian attack
role. tions forces and was focused on the SBU, and he is professionally to “abduct a witness” who could Authorities allege that Chervin- and that in trying to persuade the
Spokesmen for the Ukrainian resistance activity in areas of the and personally close to key mili- corroborate russia’s role in sky, who was arrested in April, pilot to fly to Ukraine and hand
government did not respond to a country occupied by russia, peo- tary and security leaders. shooting down malaysia Airlines acted without permission and over his aircraft, he was acting
list of questions about Chervin- ple familiar with his assignments He has also helped carry out flight 17 over the eastern Donbas that the operation gave away the under orders. He calls his arrest
sky’s participation. said. He reported to maj. Gen. other secretive operations. region in 2014, which killed all coordinates of a Ukrainian air- and prosecution political retribu-
Chervinsky’s role illustrates Viktor Hanushchak, a seasoned In 2020, Chervinsky oversaw a 298 passengers and crew on field, prompting a russian rocket tion for his criticism of Ukrainian
the complex dynamics and inter- and respected officer, who com- complex plan to lure fighters for board. Last year, a Dutch court attack that killed a soldier and President Volodymyr Zelensky
nal rivalries of the wartime gov- municated directly with Zaluzh- russia’s Wagner mercenary convicted two russians and a injured 17 others. and his administration. Chervin-
ernment in Kyiv, where Ukraine’s ny. group into Belarus, with the goal Ukrainian of murder in the down- Hanushchak, who is no longer sky has said publicly that he sus-
intelligence and military estab- Chervinsky was well suited to of capturing them and bringing ing, which was caused by a rus- serving in the special operations pects Andriy Yermak, one of Zel-
lishment is often in tension with help carry out a covert mission them to Ukraine to face charges. sian Buk surface-to-air missile. forces, has said publicly that the ensky’s closest advisers, of spying


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sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE A17

ukraine war

for Russia. He has also accused

the Zelensky administration of
failing to sufficiently prepare the
of being “afraid of challenging
U.S. officials have at times pri-
The Russian news agency Tass
reported, “It is known that the
Fall In Love
country for Russia’s invasion. vately chastised Ukrainian intel- attack was planned by an agent of
“The operation to recruit the ligence and military officials for the Security Service of Ukraine
Russian pilot involved units of launching attacks that risked pro- (SBU) on orders from the Ukrai-
the SBU, the Air Force, and the voking Russia to escalate its war nian special services.”
Special Operations Forces,” on Ukraine. But Washington’s un- Some of those who described
Chervinsky said in his written ease has not always dissuaded Chervinsky’s participation in the
statement to The Post and Der Kyiv. Nord Stream attack defended the
Spiegel. “The operation was ap- In June 2022, the Dutch mili- veteran intelligence officer as act-
proved by the commander in tary intelligence agency, the ing in Ukraine’s best interests.
chief Valery Zaluzhny.” MIVD, obtained information that They argued that bombing the
Chervinsky’s participation in Ukraine might be planning to pipelines helped to keep Russia
the Nord Stream bombing contra- attack Nord Stream. Officials at from filling its coffers from natu-
dicts Zelensky’s public denials the CIA relayed to Zaluzhny ral gas sales and deprived Putin of
that his country was involved. “I through an intermediary that the a means to use the flow of natural
am president, and I give orders United States opposed such an gas for political leverage.
accordingly,” Zelensky said in operation, according to people The Russian leader had dem-
press interview in June, respond- familiar with those conversa- onstrated that he was willing to
ing to a report by The Post that tions. use energy as a tool of retaliation.
the U.S. Central Intelligence U.S. officials believed the at- Nearly a month before the explo-
Agency had learned of Ukraine’s tack had been called off. But it sions, Gazprom stopped flows on
plans before the attack. turned out only to have been Nord Stream 1, hours after the
“Nothing of the sort has been postponed to three months later, Group of Seven industrialized na-
done by Ukraine. I would never using a different point of depar- tions announced a forthcoming
act that way,” Zelensky said. ture than originally planned. Key price cap on Russian oil, a move
But the Nord Stream operation elements of the plan, including intended to put a dent in the
was designed to keep Zelensky the number of people on the Kremlin’s treasury.
out of the loop, people familiar bombing team, as well as the use The German government with-
with the operation said. of a rented boat, diving equip- held final authorization of the
“All of those involved in plan- ment and fake identities, re- Nord Stream 2 pipeline days be-
ning and execution reported di- mained the same. fore Russia invaded Ukraine, fol-
rectly to [chief of defense] Zalu- In an interview with The Post lowing months of pressure by
zhnyy, so Zelensky wouldn’t have in June, Zaluzhny said the CIA Washington. Before the war, Ger-
known about it,” according to had never asked him directly many got half its natural gas from
intelligence reporting obtained about any attack on Nord Stream. Russia and had long championed
by the CIA that was allegedly He said that after the explosions, the Nord Stream project in the
shared by Jack Teixeira, a mem- in September 2022, he received a face of opposition from other

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ber of the Massachusetts Air Na- phone call from Gen. Mark A. European allies.
tional Guard, on the Discord chat Milley, then chairman of the Joint Chervinsky’s supporters have
platform. Officials in multiple Chiefs of Staff. “He asked me, ‘Did shown up in court to defend him;
countries have said privately they you have anything to do with it?’ I a few have sported a T-shirt em-
were confident that Zelensky did said, ‘No.’ A lot of operations are blazoned with his face and a
not personally approve the Nord planned, a lot of operations are #FREECHERVINSKY hashtag.
Stream attack. going on, but we have nothing to For some, he is a symbol of the
Other secret Ukrainian opera- do with it, nothing at all.” Ukrainian military’s willingness
tions targeting Russian forces,
including the one involving the
Zaluzhny suggested in the in-
terview that Russian propagan-
to make hard choices in a fight for
the country’s survival.
It’s the season for gratitude here at Miracle-Ear®.
Russian airplane, also were de-
signed to bypass the Ukrainian
dists had tried to tie him and the
Ukrainian military to the opera-
In his statement, Chervinsky
said, “I have devoted my entire
We are so thankful we can help our community
president, people familiar with
their planning said.
The Dutch military intelli-
life to the defense of Ukraine.” He
called the charges against him with their hearing health needs by offering
Chervinsky has blamed Yer- gence service also reported to the related to the Russian airplane
mak and several other Zelensky
advisers for botching the plan in
Americans that the Ukrainians
planned an attack on another
operation “groundless and far-
fetched, which I will definitely
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2020 to ensnare Wagner fighters pipeline in the Black Sea, called prove in court.”
after they traveled to Belarus. TurkStream. It’s not clear why
That sting operation failed, that operation was never carried Khurshudyan reported from Kyiv.
Chervinsky said in a 2021 press out. Souad Mekhennet in Washington
interview, because of a leak from
Zelensky’s inner circle.
In October 2022, Russian Pres-
ident Vladimir Putin said that his
and Samuel Oakford in New York
contributed to this report.
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“It is not just one ‘mole’ [in country’s security services had
Zelensky’s administration], it is a prevented a Ukrainian attack on The Post and Der Spiegel
bunch of people,” Chervinsky TurkStream. But Russian author- collaborated on reporting and wrote
said, naming Yermak as well as ities have provided few details separate stories that the news

two other Zelensky advisers. He and are not known to have organizations agreed to publish at
accused administration officials charged anyone in the alleged the same time.

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A18 eZ re the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

McConnell is taking a back seat on negotiations to keep the government funded

Mitch McConnell — because had he not done so, he Cornyn, a veteran of many
@PKCapitol has a message for would have fallen behind the rest failed border-immigration
Paul Kane the rest of of the party. negotiations for more than 15
Washington: Quit “I think that is, he’s sensing years, sees this latest effort as
expecting him to where the conference is,” Sen. more simplified than those
bail Congress out of every crisis. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), who has previous bids. No one is
The Senate minority leader, in often fought with McConnell over discussing a path to citizenship
speeches from the chamber floor the last decade, said Thursday. for the millions of undocumented
and in news interviews, has tried Those close to the GOP leader immigrants, which is anathema
to signal up and down noted that he tried to steer Biden to many conservatives.
Pennsylvania Avenue that he administration officials away “Virtually everybody in our
cannot dictate the outcome in the from requesting a small aid conference believes that what’s
myriad negotiations taking place package for Ukraine six weeks happening at the border is
now. ago and toward asking for one big unacceptable and that this is a
Asked at an Oct. 31 news bill later this year, only to point of maximum leverage,”
conference what he would begrudgingly go along with the Cornyn said.
support to keep the government ill-fated $6 billion request. But Democrats aren’t about to
funded, whether to include McConnell has talked about just accept a conservative border
money for the defense of Israel the need for border provisions plan, not when they hold the
and Ukraine, the Kentucky ever since Biden sent a request Senate and the White House. “By
Republican grew exasperated. for an emergency supplemental tying Ukraine to border,
“It’ll be up to the majority bill that included more than Republicans are sadly making it
leader,” McConnell told reporters. $100 billion for Ukraine, Israel, harder — much harder — for us to
He suggested Senate Majority Taiwan and the southern border. help Ukraine in their fight against
Leader Charles E. Schumer (D- But many security hawks, Putin,” Schumer said in a Tuesday
N.Y.) and the new House speaker, Democrats and Republicans speech.
Mike Johnson (R-La.), needed to alike, worry that some of these All these disputes over Ukraine
engage with each other. “I assume JaBin BoTsford/The WashingTon PosT demands from Johnson and his and the U.S.-Mexico border have
the majority leader and the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Capitol Hill on Nov. 1. McConnell has said friends for tough border policy made it very unlikely that the
speaker will have to reach some the leaders of the House and the Senate needed to reach an agreement as a shutdown looms. are just as much about sabotaging security package can be attached
kind of agreement on that.” the overall security package. to whatever government funding
A little later, facing more reign of dealmaking and passive approach to talks on Lee (Utah), who clashed with Johnson outlined a proposal plan passes by Friday. Plus, there’s
questions, he again deferred to dealbreaking that has infuriated government funding and global McConnell last decade to little that would tie the release of funds now a chance that no such plan
Schumer and suggested there was both Democrats and far-right security, particularly on avail. Now, up to a dozen or more to Ukraine to actual decreases in will pass and Congress could
not a big role for him as minority conservatives over the years. providing more effective weapons Senate Republicans publicly the southern border-crossing stumble its way into shutting
leader. During the eight years of the to Ukrainian President second-guess McConnell’s surge: “Any kind of border down the government.
“I’m just speaking for myself,” Obama administration, Volodymyr Zelensky’s troops and decisions, leaving him less able to security measure that we attach The new speaker unveiled a
McConnell added. McConnell served as the GOP’s not getting tough with China. wheel and deal like he so often to the Ukraine funding isn’t just complicated funding bill on
He has even appointed a break-the-glass closer, often “On every front the Biden did a decade ago during fiscal strong language, isn’t just a policy Saturday, appeasing Johnson’s
working group of four working with then-Vice President administration’s response has showdowns. change, but literally benchmarks right flank, despite its bipartisan
Republicans — a cross section of Biden to avert some fiscal fallen short,” McConnell said in “He’s a master at the process,” that have to be met, tied to the rejection in the Senate, and
GOP senators ideologically — to calamity. Yet he understood how an Oct. 26 speech. said Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.), actual release of the funds.” Schumer has yet to unveil a
serve as the lead negotiators on a and when to wield his clout for Adding insult to injury, who aspires to succeed McConnell has tried to lay out a proposal of his own for keeping
border policy prescription that is conservative causes, effectively McConnell’s protégé lost McConnell whenever he steps pathway for other Republicans, as the government open.
now the Republicans’ demanded claiming a GOP-appointed Kentucky’s gubernatorial race on aside. “But I think there is a little well as Democrats and Biden, to Back home in Kentucky,
trade-off in exchange for up to majority on the Supreme Court Tuesday, while “Team Mitch” more individuality, shall we say, see how each of the four pieces of McConnell’s political machine had
$60 billion in Ukraine defense for the next generation. alumni won every other down- certainly in the Republican this security puzzle fit together: big success and yet still couldn’t
funds. But now, as the intraparty ballot statewide race. The conference.” That Russia, China and Iran are topple Beshear. The next big
This is not a new phenomenon politics have turned so sharply governor’s race turned on the That individuality has been on aligned in the attack on Ukraine, statewide race in the Bluegrass
for the GOP leader, who has away from that type of leadership, Democratic incumbent, Andy deep display as those staunch which further aligns them in State is not slated until 2026, when
periodically stepped back and let McConnell understands the Beshear, carving up his opponent, conservatives have worked to support of Hamas’s war with McConnell’s term is up.
others cinch important deals. He limitations of his power. Kentucky Attorney General block McConnell’s repeated Israel. A variety of health issues
did so in the spring when he At 81, he finds himself deeply at Daniel Cameron, as a far-right efforts to approve a massive “The challenges facing prompted some questions about
stayed in the background as odds with his party’s ascendant zealot with extreme abortion security package to Ukraine. America and our allies today are whether he would finish his term,
President Biden and Rep. Kevin isolationist and Trumpian wing, views, more in line with former His critics inside the GOP view not an a la carte menu of projects but the octogenarian has
McCarthy (R-Calif.), then the even as those policies and their president Donald Trump than the McConnell as a weakened leader. we can address at our leisure,” he repeatedly said that everything is
House speaker, reached a debt candidates fall flat in elections thoughtful conservative Cameron He failed to attach about $6 said Wednesday. fine healthwise.
and budget deal. and turned the House Republican was believed to be when he was billion in Ukraine funding to a But some Republicans So far, at least for now,
But this latest deferential majority into a fractious, part of McConnell’s Senate staff. stopgap bill in late September continue to see the issues ambitious Kentucky Republicans
stance follows an early fall in ungovernable dumpster fire. McConnell’s closest friends that kept the government open separately. are steering clear about whether
which McConnell — through the In Schumer, McConnell sees a recognize his past hold on the for almost seven weeks, until “Mitch, of course, has been they are angling for his seat.
force of near-daily floor speeches partisan leader who takes glee at Senate GOP has slipped as the last Friday’s looming deadline, but unequivocal. And I agree with “As a former McConnell intern
in public and private discussions watching the internal GOP civil three elections have brought in met resistance from most of the him that all these are connected and as a devoted supporter of
with his colleagues — tried to will war continue without working nearly 10 senators who answer Republican caucus. with what’s happening in Israel, Mitch McConnell and a loyal Mitch
Congress into a more aggressive quickly to avert the coming crises first to Trump. These newcomers These critics view McConnell’s what’s happening in Russia, McConnell supporter, I’m going to
posture in defending Ukraine. on Capitol Hill. emboldened a small group of recent rhetorical focus on border what’s happening in Asia. But support Leader McConnell as long
And it comes after 17 years And he often rails against Republican antagonists, such as security in exchange for Ukraine there are others that have as he wants,” Rep. Garland “Andy”
leading the Senate GOP, a historic Biden’s advisers for taking a Sens. Ted Cruz (Tex.) and Mike aid as a smart tactical maneuver different opinions,” Cornyn said. Barr (R-Ky.) said.


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sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post eZ su A19

The World
indefinite detention had been
“one of the darkest chapters in
Australia’s history” and those
who suffered it should be com-
pensated, he said.
From one prison to another
Like Arulruban, Jhaidul, who
goes by one name according to
Bangladeshi tradition, had no fa-
vored destination in mind when
he paid a people smuggler to ferry
him to safety in 2012.
He had just spent nine years in
a Bangladeshi prison for a mur-
der he didn’t commit. The charge
was pinned on him in an appar-
ent retaliation for an episode
years earlier when he defended
his sister against an acid attack.
When he was eventually par-
doned and released, he was
forced into hiding. “I could not
show my face in the area,” he said.
His boat was intercepted by
Australian authorities, and
Jhaidul was placed in immigra-
tion detention, where he earned
the nickname “The Master” be-
cause of his chess skills. At night,
he sang — recording Bollywood
hits and Bangladeshi songs on the
karaoke app, StarMaker.
Ten years and one day later,
Jhaidul was released. He was 46
and had spent more than a third
of his life locked up.
Jhaidul got a job welding parts
for the mining industry. He got
his driver’s license and bought a
car. But he remained in a constant
state of visa limbo. That is likely
to continue, despite the High
Court ruling.
His original plan had been to
find a place to settle and sponsor
his family to join him. But while
PhoTos by mridulA Amin for The WAshingTon PosT he’s in immigration limbo, reunit-
ing with his family — a son, and a

MElBOurNE, australia — Ree-

Stories from the ‘dark underbelly’ of daughter he has never met —
remains impossible.
Alison Battisson, a human

Australia’s long-term refugee prisons

ta Arulruban put in a video call to rights lawyer, said Jhaidul’s asy-
her son, Dixtan. Today they were lum claim is strong. She suspects
making kesari — a sweet, spicy his release, along with a handful
semolina dish. For a moment, of other long-term detainees, is a
they forgot their situation: A tactic designed to prod them to
mom on the outside. A son locked return to places where their lives
up by the country he chose as his Asylum seekers could be held indefinitely, until the practice was struck down last week are at risk.
refuge. “Detention didn’t work. So
Arulruban’s face glowed as she they’re trying something else,”
described the recipe, putting on a she said.
brave face although inside she When the former corporate
was aching. Dixtan, now 26, held lawyer started acting pro bono for
up the saucepan to show her the refugees, it was rare to find peo-
finished dish. “Yummy,” he de- ple who had been detained for
clared. more than five years. Now, eight
That September afternoon years is a starting point for
marked 12 years since Arulruban Battisson getting involved in a
arrived in Australia, fleeing per- case.
secution on a crowded boat. And
four years since Dixtan was put in Broken boy soldier
immigration detention here. Af- Battisson said many people
ter the call ended, she lay on her have been caught out by the word
bed staring at his picture on her “permanent” in their visas, un-
phone. It is like having a plate of aware they could be canceled
your favorite food in front of you under laws tightened to make it
and being told you can’t eat it, she easier to deport migrants on char-
said. Each week she drives an acter grounds. Like William
hour across Melbourne for a brief, Yekrop.
supervised visit. On bad days, Yekrop has flash-
Australia has one of the strict- backs to the day his father, a
est regimes for undocumented soldier in the South Sudanese
migrants in the world. The civil war, was killed in front of
“Operation Sovereign Borders” him. He was 5 years old. Yekrop
program — which recorded its was taken to a rebel camp to be
10-year anniversary in September trained as a child soldier.
— has been cited as the inspira- Eventually he made it out, with
tion for British Prime Minister his mom and siblings, to a refugee
Rishi Sunak’s plan to “stop the camp in Egypt. At 16, he was
boats” crossing the English Chan- granted asylum in Australia. But
nel in search of a better life. without any counseling to help
Similar conversations are hap- deal with his childhood trauma,
pening across Europe. In Italy, he turned to alcohol and drugs.
the far-right government is in- That led to bouts of jail time; the
creasing powers to detain and longest 13 months.
deport migrants. In 2014, Australia canceled his
But in a landmark ruling this visa and Yekrop was taken into
week, the High Court ruled that immigration detention. A refugee
Australia’s practice of indefinite A shocking decision Melbourne’s Park Hotel briefly tribunal that year found he had a
immigration detention is unlaw- In 2009, Arulruban’s husband into the spotlight. Conditions in- “well-founded fear of persecu-
ful when there is “no real pros- was killed when Sri Lankan forc- side have progressively wors- tion” in South Sudan. The tribu-
pect of removal from Australia es shelled a market where he was ened, making them “factories for nal has the power to review some
becoming practicable in the rea- buying groceries. She learned af- mental illness,” according to med- visa decisions, but it is the coun-
sonably foreseeable future.” The ter his death that he had been ical experts. try’s immigration minister who
plaintiff in that case has already providing intelligence to the Tam- “There are so many places in gets the final say in a system
been released, and the govern- il Tigers, a guerrilla group that Australia you can hide people,” advocates say gives them “godlike
ment has said it will immediately fought for an independent state said Pamela Curr, a longtime refu- powers.”
release others, although the tim- in northeast Sri Lanka during a gee advocate. “We’re supposed to Yekrop left South Sudan before
ing and conditions for release 26-year civil war that ended with be this easy laid-back country the war-torn country became in-
remain unclear. their defeat that year. where everything is hunky-dory. dependent and has been told by
It is unclear what it means for When Sri Lankan soldiers There’s a dark underbelly.” officials there that he has little
Dixtan, who is still hoping the came to question her, she was Unlike the United States and prospect of regaining citizenship.
government will review decisions sexually assaulted, she said, as most liberal democracies, Aus- The decision to cancel his visa
to reject his asylum claim. Dixtan cowered in the next room. tralia has no Bill of Rights guar- leaves him effectively stateless,
Australia’s migration laws had She fled the country, leaving anteeing liberty and the right to and in limbo, like the others. His
allowed the government to indef- Dixtan, then 15, with his grand- be treated with humanity. Succes- family, including a 14-year-old
initely detain a noncitizen who mother. She did not know where sive efforts to fight the incarcera- daughter, live here. But that
does not hold a visa — including the boat was taking her. She just TOP: Jhaidul, 45, a ton political issue here, akin to tion of immigrants in federal doesn’t stop Australian officials
those who lawyers say have legiti- needed to escape. Bangladeshi refugee, was debate over migrant crossings of court have been thwarted — with from routinely asking him if he
mate claims of asylum. Housing a Arulruban planned for Dixtan released from immigration the southern U.S. frontier. brief legal victories capped by wants to go back to North Africa.
person in immigration detention to follow as soon as it was safe. detention in Melbourne In 2012, Australia hardened its new legislation, or, on several In prison, Yekrop undertook
costs upward of $250,000 per But it didn’t work out that way. In recently, where he spent 10 defenses amid a growing exodus occasions, challenges settled out drug and alcohol counseling. He
year. But the cost of appearing 2013, the government made it years. MIDDLE: Reeta from places such as Myanmar and of court when it looked as if the cleaned up his act. He worked in
“soft” on border control has effectively impossible for boat ar- Arulruban, a Tamil refugee Afghanistan — reopening off- government might lose, accord- the prison kitchen. In immigra-
helped topple governments here, rivals to bring their families here, and sexual assault shore detention centers on re- ing to lawyers. tion detention on Christmas Is-
and the hard-line system is rarely relegating visa applications to the survivor, packs food for mote Pacific islands where un- Even after the case in the High land, a remote Australian outpost
questioned, even when it catches bottom of a backlogged immigra- her son Dixtan, who has documented migrants were Court overturned the practice in the Indian Ocean, he was
people who thought they were tion system. spent more than five years housed while their asylum claims last week, the immigration minis- locked up 22 hours a day, sur-
Australian. Dixtan and his grandmother in prison. ABOVE: Reeta were processed. The policy pro- ter initially said the government rounded by razor-wire fences bor-
More than 1,000 people are in were frequently harassed by offi- teaches Dixtan to cook vided the inspiration for the U.K. would wait for the detailed ruling dered by jungle. In September,
immigration detention and 127 cials demanding to know his kesari on a video call from plan to send asylum seekers to before considering how and authorities flew him in handcuffs
have been detained for five or mother’s whereabouts. When his her home. Rwanda. when to release people, citing to Yongah Hill Immigration
more years. The average stay is grandmother died, life became What is not widely known is “community safety.” Detention Center in the Western
709 days, and the longest-held even more challenging. In 2019, ruban, now 55, was granted a visa that many of the world’s vulner- “The government’s response is Australian wheat belt.
has been there 16 years, according Dixtan flew to Sydney on a fake allowing her to stay in Australia able people have been locked pathetic and culpably negligent," Yekrop’s only escape from the
to official figures. Many are afraid passport provided to him by a permanently — Dixtan was given away in plain sight, in repurposed said Nick McKim, an Australian Outback haze is exercise. Ap-
to speak for fear of jeopardizing migration agent. The first his a deportation notice. hotels and immigration facilities Greens lawmaker. "They should proaching 40 with the figure of a
their cases. But before the court mother learned of his plans was in major cities as well as behind be working to release people in young man, Yekrop wakes at 6
ruling, several agreed to share when she received a call from ‘One of the darkest chapters razor-wire fences in the Outback. the scope of the ruling as soon as a.m. for cardio and dead lifts. “I’ve
their stories with The Washing- border officials who’d detained in Australia’s history’ The detention of tennis star possible rather than delaying and been locked up for 101/2 years now.
ton Post, providing a rare glimpse Dixtan at the airport. Policing Australia’s vast ocean Novak Djokovic for breaching obfuscating.” If not for the exercise, maybe I’d
of life behind the barriers. In June — just days after Arul- borders has long been a hot-but- coronavirus restrictions brought The 20-year-long practice of give up long ago.”
A20 EZ rE the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

israel-gaza war

Hamas antitank strikes shed light on its upgraded arsenal

GAzA from A1 weapons can be disassembled
and the individual parts hidden
areas the IDf says are honey- in food and aid shipments.
combed with tunnels. Among the antitank weapons
This is still asymmetrical war- possessed by Hamas, some are
fare. Israel fields one of the produced inside the Strip, such
best-armed, most technological- as the Tandem 85 warhead, said
ly sophisticated forces in the Amael Kotlarski, a senior analyst
world. Hamas brigades today and weapons expert at the de-
may have advanced weapons, but fense intelligence firm Janes.
they are clearly outmatched. These kinds of projectiles use
But in the close-quarter fight- two charges to punch through
ing in Gaza, Hamas operatives modern armored vehicles. They
have displayed some of their are Iran’s signature weapons pro-
upgraded arsenal: a large num- vided to allied militants, such as
ber of shoulder-fired rocket-pro- Hamas, and were used to devas-
pelled grenade launchers and tating effect against U.S. troops
antitank missiles, military ex- in Iraq.
perts say. The propaganda arm of
many of the weapons have Hamas has released numerous
been smuggled into the Gaza edited images of militants firing
Strip via tunnels, land crossings rockets and missiles at Israeli
and the sea during the past vehicles. While the videos may
decade, from the spillover of show fiery explosions, it is some-
wars in Iraq, Libya, Syria and times unclear whether the hits
Sudan, and also manufactured have destroyed or damaged vehi-
by Iran and even North Korea. cles.
Variations of these weapons Israel has developed a defense
also have been assembled with to these weapons called the Tro-
increasing sophistication inside nEiL hALL/EPA-EfE/shuTTErsTocK phy active protection system,
Gaza in underground factories. An Israeli tank crosses the security fence between Israel and Gaza on Friday. Israel fields one of the most technologically sophisticated said ryan Brobst of the founda-
Analysts say Israel has been forces in the world. But Hamas has spent years boosting its firepower to include antitank missiles and other arms. tion for Defense of Democracies.
closely tracking the types of It works by using radar to track
weapons held by Hamas: mod- Though recent days have seen The deployment of large num- ers taken hostage. also originally russian; as well as incoming munitions and then
ern sniper rifles, paragliders, some limited “humanitarian bers of antitank units by Hamas Since the beginning of the a North Korean version called intercepts them with its own
rPGs, “magnet bombs,” one-way pauses” in the fighting — along- is especially worrisome for Is- ground invasion, 41 IDf soldiers the f-7, military analysts said. defense projectiles. It’s been
attack drones, mini-subs, land side demands for an all-out raeli forces — so much so that the have been killed in Gaza, Israel’s other systems seen in Hamas largely successful. But — as with
mines, antitank missiles and the cease-fire from regional powers IDf appears to be focusing its military said. The IDf says it videos in the past include the missile barrages against Israel’s
long-range rockets, which now — Israel shows no sign that it is intelligence on finding targets would have lost more if it had not russian-style Kornet and Iron Dome air defense — the
can strike as far north as Haifa stopping its offensive, as its for air and ground forces to wipe spent the last decade improving Konkurs, as well as the Iranian Trophy system can be defeated
near the Lebanon border and as tanks surrounded hospitals in them out. its armor defenses. raad, which is a version of the by overwhelming it with large
far south as Eilat on the red Sea, northern Gaza this weekend and Every few days, the IDf media In a may 2021 war, primarily Soviet malyutka. numbers of projectiles or projec-
though still without much accu- the medical facilities sheltering office releases information about between Hamas and Israel, “Together this cocktail of for- tiles fired at close range, Brobst
racy. displaced people say they have its troops targeting and killing Hamas antitank missile teams eign weapons can complicate said.
Hamas and its fighters — an come under fire. (The IDf says Hamas antitank commanders. were able to launch strikes that even the most high-tech of Notably, Brobst said, the U.S.
estimated force of 30,000 or Hamas “cynically” deploys clin- Hamas does not always confirm killed military personnel and armies in an urban combat sce- Army received Trophy systems
more — are so fully armed and ics and patients as “human the deaths of its operatives, civilians — proving more effec- nario,” Taleblu said. for its Abrams tanks in 2019 and
well-trained that its brigades, shields.”) making the Israeli claims often tive than drone attacks, said He added: “Expect more, not deployed them to Europe.
designated as terrorist organiza- Israel security officials say impossible to independently ver- Behnam Ben Taleblu, senior fel- less, of an emphasis on antitank Kalisky, the Israeli analyst,
tions by the United States, re- tanks and troops have encircled ify. low at the foundation for De- weapons and antitank warfare said that in the 1967 Israel-Arab
semble “state armies,” said mi- several hospitals and they are Yet it is already clear that this fense of Democracies, a think by Hamas as the IDf moves war, Israel in Sinai needed three
chael milshtein, former head of demanding that staff and pa- war in Gaza — compared with tank in Washington. further into Gaza.” divisions to defeat the Egyptian
the Palestinian department in tients evacuate. fighting in 2009, 2012, 2014 and “Hamas drones and rockets During the past decade, many army in six days.
the IDf and a senior analyst at Avi melamed, a former Israeli 2021 — is the most deadly. were intercepted,” he said. “Their of the antitank weapons were Now the IDf has been using
the Dayan Center at Tel Aviv intelligence official and the Israeli bombing and ground unmanned midget subs were smuggled into Gaza, through the the same force for almost a
University. founder of Inside the middle assaults have killed more than stopped. Cross-border tunnel op- tunnels from Egypt’s Sinai Des- month with very different results
Watching the first two weeks East, a nonprofit organization 11,000 people, many of them eratives were detected.” But ert into the Gaza Strip and via in Gaza.
of the ground invasion unfold, focused on education, said Israel women and children, according “their antitank forces punched trucks traveling across the rafah “This is a different war. It is a
milshtein said, “There is actually will face “very challenging” con- to the Gaza Health ministry. on through and landed blows,” he border crossing with Egypt, the very difficult war,” he said. “They
nothing new or surprising in the ditions with Hamas and its oct. 7, the Hamas assault on said. analysts said. are equipped.”
weapons themselves. The main armed allies in Gaza. “It is a farming communities, military The antitank systems de- Yehoshua Kalisky, an arms
surprise is the quantity.” massively armed enemy,” he said, bases and a rave concert along ployed by Hamas include the expert and senior researcher at nakashima and horton reported
milshtein said Israel faces “a “not a gang of little kids running the Gaza border, at least 1,200 Bulsae-2, a North Korean copy of the Institute for National Secu- from Washington. hazem balousha
much more powerful Hamas.” around with pistols.” Israelis were killed and 240 oth- the Soviet-era fagot; the rPG-7, rity Studies in Tel Aviv, said the in cairo contributed to this report.

Israeli forces push into Gaza City amid ‘catastrophic’ struggles at hospitals
BY L IZ S LY, ered as Israeli tanks rumbled
C LAIRE P ARKER through the streets.
AND S ARAH D ADOUCH Contacted by telephone, Doaa
Danaf said she had taken refuge
BEIRUT — Gaza’s embattled hos- with her husband and child on the
pitals faced near total collapse ground floor of her building in a
Saturday as fuel, power and water central residential neighborhood
dwindled, fighting raged outside since hearing Israeli tanks outside
and Israeli tanks and troops ad- late the night before. “We can’t
vanced deep into residential move at all,” she said, as the sound
neighborhoods in the heart of of explosions echoed down the
Gaza City. line. “We don’t have food or water
The rapid deterioration is oc- here, and we can’t go upstairs to
curring amid mounting interna- bring any.”
tional outrage at the suffering in- reem Akkila huddled with her
flicted on the civilian population family in their home in rimal, a
in a war that has included weeks neighborhood in Gaza City near
of intense Israeli bombardment the fighting. Their house is not on
and now urban fighting as Israeli a main road, so she couldn’t see
ground forces seek to crush Israeli tanks or soldiers, she told
Hamas militants. The Washington Post. But she esti-
The International Committee mated that Israeli forces were less
of the red Cross said it was than 200 yards away.
“shocked and appalled” by the re- The sounds of explosions, gun-
ports coming from Gaza’s hospi- fire and drones could be heard in
tals. Doctors Without Borders de- voice messages she sent to The
scribed as “catastrophic” the situ- Post, alongside the burbles of an
ation at al-Shifa Hospital, Gaza’s infant. The family’s house sus-
largest. tained damage in a previous
Doctors and health officials bombing, she said, “and today it is
reached by telephone described shaking from every airstrike or
scenes of panic, fear and death as artillery launch from the tanks.”
power ran out entirely at some “We feel all of us that we will die
hospitals and ran low at others, at each moment because of the
shutting down incubators, inten- bullets we hear or an artillery
sive care facilities, machinery and shell that may reach our house,”
lights. she said. “We sit with the children
Israeli tanks closed in on sev- in an area of two meters and pre-
eral Gaza hospitals friday, forcing LoAy Ayyoub for ThE WAshingTon PosT vent them from moving for fear of
some patients, medical staffers Palestinian families in the Gaza Valley on Salah al-Din Street on Saturday. Across Gaza City, civilians cowered as Israeli tanks rumbled standing in front of the windows
and civilians to join an exodus through the streets. The Gaza Health Ministry said it was unable to tally Saturday’s casualties because of the fighting. and walls and being bombed.”
heading to southern areas of Gaza As the situation for civilians in
in hopes of finding greater safety. ers on nearby roofs and other the gunfire now.” lives in Gaza by late friday, the the city had to abandon five pre- Gaza deteriorated, Arab and
Israel has frequently asserted that combat hazards made the streets Israel denied that its forces Gaza Health ministry said. mature babies on incubators Islamic leaders attending a sum-
Hamas uses facilities such as al- impassable, said mounir Abdal- were targeting or blockading al- for the first time since the war when staffers and patients man- mit in Saudi Arabia’s capital, ri-
Shifa Hospital to hide military lah al-Borsh, the director general Shifa Hospital. “There is no shoot- began, the ministry said it was aged to escape under intense shell yadh, called for an immediate halt
infrastructure, including under- of the Gaza Health ministry. ing and there is no siege,” said Col. unable to tally Saturday’s casual- fire, according to mohammed Abu to the fighting and for Israel to be
ground tunnels. Al-Shifa’s admin- Escape was impossible because moshe Tetro, who heads the Gaza ties because of the intensity of the mughaisib, the deputy medical held accountable for possible war
istrators and doctors have denied Israeli forces are “striking us from Coordination and Liaison Admin- fighting. coordinator in Gaza for the Doc- crimes.
the claims. all sides,” he said, speaking by istration. “We [the Israeli mili- Panic also spread through tors Without Borders. It would They failed, however, to agree
But the intensity of the fighting telephone from inside the hospi- tary] can coordinate with anyone al-Quds Hospital as Israeli tanks have been more dangerous to re- on a tougher set of measures pro-
on Saturday meant escape from tal. Wounded people are lying un- [who] wants to leave the hospital.” reached within 20 yards of the move the babies from the incuba- posed by some countries that
most of the hospitals was impossi- tended in the hospital’s grounds, Later, Israeli military spokes- hospital gates, the Palestine red tors “so they left five babies alone would have included severing dip-
ble, the officials said. where as many as 15,000 local man rear Adm. Daniel Hagari Crescent Society said. The facility in the intensive care on the ma- lomatic relations with Israel. The
Al-Shifa appeared to be the civilians have taken refuge, be- said that the Israel Defense forces was under intense bombardment chines and ventilators,” he said. summit offered a semblance of
worst affected. Two premature in- cause staffers cannot go outside to would help evacuate the infants and sniper fire and “we are in Another hospital, al-rantisi, Arab and Islamic unity on the
fants died when power was cut to treat them, and the hospital’s ICU, from al-Shifa. “The staff of Shifa constant fear about the safety of had come under fire because crisis, bringing together former
the incubators, and 36 more ba- maternity wing, and third and Hospital has requested that to- our team there,” spokeswoman Hamas fighters had been seen try- rivals such as Saudi Arabia and
bies’ lives were at risk, health offi- fourth floors were hit by shell fire, morrow we will help the babies in Nebal farsakh said. ing to escape among the civilians Iran, whose president, Ebrahim
cials said. four patients died he said. the pediatric department to get to The hospital is down to its last who were seeking to evacuate, an raisi, was among the attendees. It
when the intensive care unit shut The bodies of scores of dead a safer hospital,” he said in a state- drops of fuel, she said. Babies were Israeli military spokesman said. was the first visit by an Iranian
down. A fire that broke out when people also were strewn around ment. “We will provide the assis- among the 500 patients, 100 medi- maj. Shay, whose last name was leader to riyadh in more than
one wing of the hospital was the hospital grounds because tance needed.” cal workers and 14,000 displaced withheld in keeping with Israeli seven years.
struck by artillery fire could not be staffers could not reach them to The war broke out on oct. 7 civilians taking shelter there who military rules, said Israeli forces
extinguished because there was bury them, he said. with a blitz into Israel by Hamas are suffering from dehydration had conducted what he called a Parker reported from Jerusalem and
no water. The accounts from Gaza “They are striking anything that left at least 1,200 people dead because of the lack of milk and “military operation” to root out Dadouch from beirut. carrie Keller-
could not be independently con- that moves inside or outside the and more than 240 hostages in the water, she added. Hamas assets within the hospital Lynn in Tel Aviv, Ellen francis in
firmed. hospital,” he said, as firing sound- hands of militants. Israeli attacks medical staffers at al-Nasr Chil- buildings. London, and Dan rosenzweig-Ziff in
Israeli tanks in the streets, snip- ed down the line. “You can hear had claimed more than 11,000 dren’s Hospital farther south in Across Gaza City, civilians cow- Washington contributed to this report.
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re A21

israel-gaza war

The punishing military doctrine that Israel may be following in Gaza

Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Today’s WorldView Dahiya refers to the southern
Ishaan Tharoor Beirut suburbs where Hezbollah
maintained its strongholds and
which were pummeled by Israeli
A few days after Hamas’s horrific jets after hostilities began when
Oct. 7 rampage through southern Hezbollah fighters abducted two
Israel, a top Israeli military Israeli soldiers. The onslaught
official was blunt about his then took Hezbollah by surprise,
nation’s military response. Israeli whose senior leadership had not
security officials repeatedly expected to see their
stress the steps they take to headquarters turned into rubble
minimize civilian harm and nor had planned for such a
claim they are only striking relentless bombardment. “I said
legitimate military targets. In that we shouldn’t exaggerate,
recent days, Daniel Hagari, that Israel will just retaliate a bit,
spokesman of the Israel Defense bomb a couple of targets and that
Forces, accused Hamas of would be the end of it,” a
“cynically” deploying its assets in Hezbollah operative told former
civilian areas and near critical Washington Post reporter
infrastructure, like hospitals. But Anthony Shadid in 2006.
when speaking in the offensive’s The doctrine that emerged out
early stage, Hagari revealed that of the conflict was most famously
the “emphasis” of the IDF’s articulated by IDF commander
reprisal was “on damage and not Gadi Eisenkot. “We will wield
on accuracy.” disproportionate power against
At that time, Israeli warplanes every village from which shots
had already dumped hundreds of are fired on Israel, and cause
tons of bombs on targets in the immense damage and
Gaza Strip. The ongoing destruction. From our
campaign in the month since has perspective, these are military
claimed more than 10,000 lives bases,” he told an Israeli
in the besieged territory, newspaper in 2008. “This isn’t a
including those of more than suggestion. This is a plan that
4,000 children. It’s triggered a has already been authorized.”
humanitarian crisis, displacing Around the same time, former
the bulk of Gaza’s 2.3 million Israeli colonel Gabriel Siboni
people and driving tens of wrote a report under the aegis of
thousands into a desperate Tel Aviv University’s Institute for LoAy Ayyoub for the WAshington Post

search for food, safety and water. National Security Studies that The ruins of a mosque after it was hit in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza on Wednesday. Daniel Hagari, spokesman of the Israel Defense Forces,
Hunger and disease stalk Gaza’s argued the necessary response to when speaking in the offensive’s early stage, revealed that the “emphasis” of the IDF’s reprisal was “on damage and not on accuracy.”
blasted neighborhoods. Aid militant provocations from
agencies place little hope in Lebanon, Syria or Gaza were operation during a round of correspondents and security American media, which dwelt on Israeli politician or security
Israel’s latest decision to offer “disproportionate” strikes that hostilities between Hamas in analysts repeatedly reported that the description of Israel’s actions official has explicitly invoked the
four-hour “pauses” in its aim only secondarily to hit the Gaza and Israel at the end of the Dahiya doctrine was Israel’s as ‘self-defense.’” “Dahiya doctrine” as a template
operations so that residents in enemy’s capacity to launch 2008 and beginning of 2009. A strategy throughout the war in In the present environment, for the destruction unleashed in
north Gaza can trek southward. rockets or other attacks. Rather, U.N.-commissioned report Gaza this past summer,” Israel’s right to self-defense has Gaza.
There are reams of the goal should be to inflict regarding that conflict, which observed Palestinian American indeed been championed by “I don’t think this doctrine
commentary on what Israel’s lasting damage, no matter the saw the deaths of more than scholar Rashid Khalidi in the fall lawmakers and commentators applies today,” Siboni, now of the
strategy and endgame may be as civilian consequences, as a future 1,400 Palestinians and Israelis, of 2014, after another Israeli across the West. Given the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy
it seeks to nullify the long- deterrent. determined that Israel’s campaign left more than 1,460 unprecedented scale and horror and Security, told French
standing threat posed by Hamas “With an outbreak of campaign was “a deliberately civilians dead, including almost of the Oct. 7 attack, there appears newspaper Le Monde last month,
and purge the Islamist militant hostilities, the IDF will need to disproportionate attack designed 500 children. “Let us be frank: to be a hardened consensus in arguing that everything Israel is
faction from its Gaza redoubts. act immediately, decisively, and to punish, humiliate and this is actually less of a strategic Israel that its military should do targeting are explicitly military
But looming behind it — and with force that is terrorize a civilian population, doctrine than it is an explicit whatever it takes to neutralize targets.
implicit in Hagari’s “emphasis” disproportionate to the enemy’s radically diminish its local outline of collective punishment Hamas. To that end, a host of Siboni added that Israel’s
on damage over accuracy — is a actions and the threat it poses,” economic capacity both to work and probable war crimes.” Israeli politicians have called for efforts to coax Palestinians in
long-standing Israeli military he wrote. “Such a response aims and to provide for itself, and to He added: “Not surprisingly, the wholesale destruction of northern Gaza to flee to the
doctrine that appears to be in at inflicting damage and meting force upon it an ever increasing one found little mention of the Gaza, the depopulation of the south was a sign of its
play now. out punishment to an extent that sense of dependency and Dahiya doctrine whether in territory and even its humanitarian approach. “As for
The so-called “Dahiya will demand long and expensive vulnerability.” statements by U.S. politicians, or resettlement by Israel. those who remain, too bad,” he
Doctrine” took shape in the wake reconstruction processes.” The doctrine endured in the in the reporting of the war by Eisenkot is now a member of told Le Monde. “They choose to
of the bruising 2006 war between The doctrine appeared to be in years since. “Israeli military most of the mainstream Israel’s unity “war cabinet.” No put their lives on the line.”

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A22 EZ rE the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

israel-gaza war

U.S. is warned about

its global standing as
toll on civilians rises
Israeli leaders also were tense, as
Prime Minister Benjamin Netan-
Arab leaders admonish yahu and his top lieutenants
Blinken, pointing to ceded little ground to U.S. con-
cerns about civilian safety, main-
American aid for Israel taining that Hamas operatives
are hiding among innocent by-
standers in Gaza. Even in Tokyo,
BY M ICHAEL B IRNBAUM at a gathering of nations typical-
ly supportive of the United
NEW DELHI — A month into the States, foreign ministers had
Gaza war, President Biden’s contentious conversations about
steadfast support for Israeli lead- the U.S. handling of the Gaza
ers, even as the Palestinian civil- crisis, although the European
ian death toll mounts, risks last- Union’s chief diplomat, Josep
ing damage to Washington’s Borrell, directed most of his ire
standing in the region and be- at his German counterpart for
yond, Arab leaders and analysts taking the U.S. side rather than
say, warning that the perceived backing Borrell’s effort to deliver
U.S. acceptance of attacks on a sharper call to Israel to halt its
refugee camps, hospitals and offensive. French President Em-
apartment buildings could shat- manuel Macron later broke with
ter American influence for years the U.S. position, calling for a
to come. cease-fire.
Anger over the campaign’s As massive pro-Palestinian
enormous civilian collateral is demonstrations were held
increasingly directed at the Unit- throughout the world, hundreds JonAthAn Ernst/Pool/AP

ed States, not just at Israel, and of thousands of people in Indo- Secretary of State Antony Blinken sits on his plane as he departs Israel en route to Jordan on Nov. 3. He had tense conversations with
has been a constant source of nesia, Pakistan and elsewhere Israeli leaders during his trip, which was his second to the region since Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack.
friction throughout Secretary of criticized Israel and its American
State Antony Blinken’s travels in backers for the death toll, which Hamas attack on Israel that left avert a wider regional conflict. “There’s something happen- edge their discomfort with Isra-
the Middle East and Asia over has surpassed 11,000 Palestin- 1,200 dead, but the current situa- They “didn’t answer,” he said. ing in terms of the reaction to el’s targeting of Hamas positions
the past week. Prime ministers ians, many of them children, tion will probably accelerate and “This is their policy. But they are this crisis that is unlike anything within groupings of civilians.
and diplomats have admonished according to the Hamas- deepen the fallout, analysts said. wrong.” I can remember in recent years, Blinken has repeatedly publicly
him over Israeli actions, with controlled Gaza Health Ministry. And the close ties between the The anger toward Washington maybe even dating back to the declared his pain at seeing im-
many charging that the attacks Biden administration officials United States and Israel over the has given Russia and China an Gulf War and other episodes of agery of Palestinian children be-
are facilitated by U.S. weaponry acknowledge the challenge they approach in Gaza has left Arab opening to portray themselves as U.S. policy in the Middle East,” ing pulled from rubble — which
and that efforts to push for face while balancing between leaders unwilling to be seen defenders of Palestinians, boost- said Suzanne Maloney, director the father of two young children
“humanitarian pauses” rather support for Israel and the steep doing any favors for Washington. ing their image in the developing of the foreign policy program at also mentions in his closed-door
than an enduring cease-fire is a civilian toll in Gaza. Officials say “What the Americans are do- world and using their propa- the Brookings Institution. meetings with fellow top diplo-
formula for continued violence they are hopeful that if the Israeli ing now, this policy, is damaging ganda outlets to amplify the “There’s a sense” in the devel- mats, officials say.
against noncombatants. response ends quickly — say, by them. At least 1.3 billion people connection between the United oping world that there is a And over the course of his
“The whole region is sinking the removal of top Hamas leader- in the world are going to hate States and Israeli actions in “double standard in terms of travels in recent days, he has
in a sea of hatred that will define ship — then the long-term impli- them,” said Gen. Abbas Ibrahim, Gaza. Moscow hosted senior victims,” she said — an unfair considerably sharpened his tone
generations to come,” said Jorda- cations for the United States will a former top Lebanese official Hamas leaders last month, earn- perception, she added, given that as Netanyahu slow-walked ef-
nian Foreign Minister Ayman be lower. There is hope, too, that who has been involved in negoti- ing praise from the organization Russia invaded a weaker neigh- forts that would ease the human-
Safadi, speaking alongside Blink- instances of unintended death ations to secure the exit of for- and condemnation from Israel. boring country that did not pose itarian disaster.
en in Amman. He called for and injury will diminish as the eign nationals trapped in Gaza. For a world already split over a security threat, leading to the “Far too many Palestinians
Washington to put a halt to bombing campaign is supplant- “And it’s not just about Muslims Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the deaths of Ukrainian civilians, have been killed. Far too many
Israeli attacks on civilians. “The ed by ground operations, even as anymore. There are people dem- Gaza crisis is offering fodder, for while Israel is responding to an have suffered these past weeks,
U.S. has a leading role to play in Blinken expresses a sense of onstrating all over the world.” those who want to seize it, that ongoing threat from Hamas fol- and we want to do everything
these efforts. And on it and on all urgency over civilian safety. He said that he relayed as Western nations care more about lowing an attack. possible to prevent harm to
of us fall the very heavy responsi- American concerns about much, bluntly, to U.S. officials the deaths of White Christian Still, the war’s toll has put U.S. them,” Blinken said Friday in
bility of ending this catastrophe.” waning influence in the Middle who traveled to Beirut in recent Ukrainians than non-White Mus- officials in an untenable posi- New Delhi, at the conclusion of a
Blinken’s conversations with East long predate the Oct. 7 days as part of the diplomacy to lims in the Middle East. tion. Many privately acknowl- nine-day tour that stopped in

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sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re A23

greater tolerance for collateral search Institute-Malaysia.

civilian deaths than does the The Biden bear hug isn’t just
United States, say U.S. officials symbolic, officials say, and the
who have discussed the issue decision to unwaveringly back
with the Israelis. Israel is coming from the top.
Yet no matter how hard the Even if Biden’s Democratic coali-
Biden administration pushes Is- tion is increasingly uncomfort-
rael, the White House is unlikely able with the scale of Palestinian
to break free from assuming losses, he faces little pressure
blame for its most divisive ac- from Congress to shift course,
tions on the battlefield, analysts officials familiar with the situa-
said, invoking images of the bear tion say.
hug that the U.S. president gave Nor is it obvious that the
to Netanyahu on his visit to United States has leverage to halt
Israel soon after the Hamas at- the Israeli assault, even though it
tack. is Israel’s biggest military backer.
“There is a degree to which The Biden administration be-
people in the Arab world and the lieves that Israel has a sufficient
Global South are drawing a line arsenal already in hand for it to
between Gaza destruction and complete its objectives in Gaza,
the presidential embrace of officials said, meaning that even
Prime Minister Netanyahu,” said if U.S. military aid were cut off
Jon Alterman, director of the immediately, Israel would prob-
Middle East program at the Cen- ably keep up its assault. U.S. help
ter for Strategic and Internation- would become more paramount
al Studies, using a phrase, Global in the event of a two-front war.
South, that refers to many of the Senior administration officials
nations of Latin America, the say that sometimes Washington’s
Middle East, Asia and Africa. role is not to be loved, but to be
“There’s a way that the United effective. During Blinken’s trip —
States is hitched to what the his second visit to the region
Israelis want to do, whether the since the crisis began — Israeli
United States wants to do it or officials asked U.S. diplomats to
not,” he said. push Arab leaders to give them
With protests flaring around space. Arab leaders, in turn, told
the world and some countries the Americans that if they did
withdrawing their ambassadors not get the Israelis to pay more
from Israel in protest, the frus- attention to humanitarian con-
tration extends far beyond the cerns, the outrage among their
LoAy Ayyoub for the WAshington Post immediate region. In Malaysia, own populations would prolifer-
The aftermath of a blast in the Gaza Strip on Nov. 7. The Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry says the war’s death toll exceeds 11,000 for instance, Prime Minister An- ate.
Palestinians, many of them children. Israel has hit refugee camps, hospitals and apartment buildings in Gaza. war Ibrahim said at a pro-Pales- Neither side declared much
tinian rally last month that the appreciation for U.S. policies —
eight countries and the West communications cutoffs that im- publicly, in part because it that when it has hit camps, invasion of Gaza was the “height but they also said that they felt
Bank. pede ambulances from reaching doesn’t want to be seen as deny- ambulances and areas near hos- of barbarism.” that the Americans were the only
At the outset of his travels, the injured. ing support to an ally in its pitals, the intended targets are His response has been an interlocutors who could effec-
when Blinken met with Netanya- Prolonging civilian suffering, moment of need. “The real work Hamas operatives or infrastruc- effort to shore up domestic sup- tively pressure the other side.
hu and other Israeli leaders in Tel U.S. officials say, risks radicaliz- of diplomacy doesn’t happen in ture. U.S. officials say they back port among Islamists, but it is “American power is going to
Aviv, he told them that there ing young Palestinians and the public statements, it happens Israel’s intelligence informing also a reflection of popular senti- be assessed not by how this
could not be another week of heightening the chances of a behind the scenes,” Maloney those strikes, but they have ment in Malaysia, where percep- starts,” Alterman said, “but how
carnage such as the one that had regional war if Iran and its proxy said. “We’re in this place where pushed its leaders to change tions of Israel and of the United this ends.”
just occurred, with scores of forces feel a need to respond. people are reacting to the public their calculus about how many States are at an “all-time low,”
refugees dead when their camps But the administration faces a rhetoric and not to the results of civilian deaths are acceptable in said Bridget Welsh, an honorary rebecca tan in singapore and
were bombed, dwindling sup- complicated task in how it the private advocacy.” exchange for each high-value research associate with the Uni- Liz sly in beirut contributed to
plies of food and water, and frames its message to the Israelis The Israeli government says Hamas target. Israel has a far versity of Nottingham Asia Re- this report.

Di gest

sUDAN lived fragile transition to sent from Srinagar, the main city ever-larger habitat for the the only place in the world where executive director of the Golden
democracy following a popular in Indian-controlled Kashmir, monkey. the small, copper-colored Lion Tamarin Association.
U.N.: More than 800 uprising that forced the said Mir Aqib, a fire officer. Until recently, the bare and monkey whose face is framed by “Otherwise the monkeys start
killed in attack overthrow of longtime The cause of the fire is being dry land they were replanting a silken mane can be found. With mating within their own
strongman Omar al-Bashir in investigated. Aqib said some belonged to a ranch owner who fewer than 5,000 individuals, it families.” Ferraz says monkeys
Fighters from a paramilitary April 2019. cooking gas cylinders exploded had torn down its trees for cattle is considered an endangered are too scared to cross the few
force and their allied Arab In recent weeks the RSF after the blaze started in the pasture. species. hundred meters of bare land that
militias rampaged through a advanced in Darfur, taking over houseboats where tourists from Rampant deforestation over “One of the biggest problems sometimes separate two isles of
town in Sudan’s war-ravaged entire cities and towns across the outside Kashmir come and stay. centuries has decimated this is the fragmentation of the green vegetation.
region of Darfur, reportedly sprawling region, despite the Police are trying to find out part of Brazil’s Atlantic Forest, forest,” said Luís Paulo Ferraz, — Associated Press
killing more than 800 people in a warring parties’ return to the whether the bodies were those of
multiday attack, doctors and the negotiating table in Saudi Arabia tourists or local workers.
U.N. said. late last month. The first round — Associated Press
The attack on Ardamata in of talks, brokered by the United
West Darfur province earlier this
month was the latest in a series
States and Saudi Arabia, failed to
establish a cease-fire.
BRAZiL On Thanksgiving Day,
Trying to save Brazil’s
of atrocities in Darfur that
marked the months-long war
— Associated Press
golden monkeys all Home Delivery customers will receive a special
between the Sudanese military KAsHMiR
and the paramilitary Rapid Dozens of young people knelt
Support Forces, RSF. 3 charred bodies found under the scorching sun this
Sudan has been engulfed in after houseboats’ fire week in Rio de Janeiro’s rural
chaos since mid-April, when interior, planting a green
simmering tensions between A massive fire Saturday corridor that will be a future safe
military chief Gen. Abdel-Fattah engulfed several wooden passageway for the region’s most
Burhan and the commander of houseboats anchored in Indian- emblematic and endangered
the paramilitary Rapid Support controlled Kashmir’s popular species, the golden lion tamarin.
Forces, Gen. Mohamed Hamdan Dal Lake, officials said, and three The 300 tree seedlings they
Dagalo, exploded into open charred bodies were recovered planted this week — only inches
warfare. from the wreckage. tall at present — will eventually
The war came 18 months after Five houseboats and some connect two patches of forest
both generals removed a huts embedded in water were together. It is the latest in a
transitional government in a reduced to ashes in the intense series of incremental forest
military coup. The military blaze that was extinguished after growth initiatives driven by
takeover ended Sudan’s short- nearly two hours by fire engines environmentalists, providing an

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a24 eZ Re the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

SUNDAY Opinion
Dana Milbank

The House is most definitely not in order

efore Mike Johnson became net. Asked by HuffPost’s Arthur Delaney
speaker, the House of Represen- whether he’d had any luck finding Joe
tatives had voted to censure one Biden’s supposed Ukrainian bribe in the
of its own members only seven bank records he subpoenaed, the chair-
times in 100 years. Since Johnson became man shot back: “I could pull gold bars out
speaker, members of the House have of his refrigerator, you would write bad
tried to censure each other eight times in stuff. You would blame it on Trump.”
two weeks. Now, now, Mr. Chairman. No one is
In the latest effort, the successful asking for gold bars. But can’t you come
censure of Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) up with anything other than dross?
for antisemitic statements, the House

floor degenerated into sobs, heckling, fist t would be unfair to dismiss the
shaking and screaming. Johnson speakership as entirely un-
Rep. Max Miller (R-Ohio), who is successful so far. After all, he has
Jewish, violently pounded the lectern: presided over a golden age of censure. To
“Never again, dammit, means never recap:
again!” Rep. Jack Bergman (R-Mich.) filed a
Rep. Michael Lawler (R-N.Y.) alleged resolution to censure Tlaib.
that Tlaib “believes Israel should be Greene filed a resolution to censure
eradicated.” Tlaib.
“It is a lie!” Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) Rep. Lisa McClain (R-Mich.) filed a
called out, and she and Rep. Summer Lee resolution to censure Bowman.
(D-Pa.) continued heckling. Greene filed another resolution to
Bush, in her own remarks, ignored the censure Tlaib.
gavel and, yelling between gasps for Miller filed a resolution to censure
breath, said the censure is “not surpris- Tlaib.
ing because this place is where McCormick filed a resolution to cen-
1,700 members of Congress, this elected sure Tlaib.
body, enslaved Black people!” In retaliation, Rep. Becca Balint
From the back of the chamber, (D-Vt.) filed a resolution to censure
Rep. Warren Davidson (R-Ohio) shouted: Greene, and Rep. Sara Jacobs (D-Calif )
“Show some respect for this place!” filed a resolution to censure Rep. Brian
Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) bel- Mast (R-Fla.).
lowed at Republicans that “maybe be- The only one to pass so far is McCor-
cause of your lack of diversity you lack mick’s censure of Tlaib — which was a
the cognitive and emotional ability to JaBin BoTsfoRd/The WashingTon PosT source of intense jealousy for Greene. She
recognize diverse opinions when they House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) listens during a news conference on Capitol Hill on Thursday. produced a 13-minute video rant excori-
speak truth to power!” ating Republican leaders for favoring
“Pull a fire alarm!” taunted Rep. Pat amendments to the Financial Services As Republicans held a closed-door Still in the dark was Maine’s Susan McCormick’s censure over her “very
Fallon (R-Tex.), referring to Bowman’s and General Government appropriations caucus meeting in the House basement Collins, the top Republican on the Senate harsh” alternative. “We have a terrorist,
misdemeanor guilty plea for triggering bill, only to pull it moments before the last week to discuss their plans for Appropriations Committee. She told Rashida Tlaib, serving as a member of
an alarm during a key vote in September. scheduled vote on Thursday morning. avoiding a shutdown, an aide to NBC News’s Frank Thorp on Wednesday Congress,” Greene alleged, mentioning
Rep. Richard McCormick (R-Ga.), who This time, moderate Republicans re- Rep. Mike Collins (R-Ga.) held a poster that “I’m getting anxious.” Why? “Be- “Terrorist Tlaib” twice more.
introduced the censure resolution, ac- belled over a provision in the bill that featuring three images of Gru from “Des- cause we don’t have a plan.” In reality, Tlaib’s main offense had
knowledged that there had been “a lot of would allow employers in D.C. to dis- picable Me” (the greatest criminal mind The absence of a plan was the one been to promote the chant “from the
screaming, a lot of accusations, you could criminate against women who have an of the century!) and the message “Collins commonality running through the vari- river to the sea, Palestine will be free” —
say, on both sides.” He assured the cham- abortion or use contraception. for Conference Vice Chair.” ous activities of the House this past week. which she implausibly denied is meant,
ber that “I don’t really care what race, Republicans were back in the same Was he proposing that House Republi- Two major pieces of legislation went as it is widely understood, as a call for the
religion, gender or orientation you are.” ungovernable state they had been in cans steal the moon with their SR-6 down in flames. House Republicans destruction of the Jewish state. Rep. Ja-
“Yes, you do!” Bush heckled. before Johnson’s ascension. “I don’t think Shrink Ray? It was as well-formed a plan couldn’t even get two other spending mie Raskin (D-Md.), though leading the
The House is not in order. Under the Lord Jesus himself could manage this as anything else they’ve produced. As bills out of committee because of parti- debate against censuring Tlaib, told the
Johnson, the House is utterly out of group,” Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Tex.) told NBC part of his campaign for the junior san provisions and poison pills. Among House “the phrase ‘from the river to the
control. News. leadership post (the position Johnson the various riders: provisions dropping sea’ is abhorrent to me, even with her
It’s not just the speaker’s inability to Soon after the Republicans’ second held before his elevation), Collins also the pay of Mayorkas, Defense Secretary published explanation of what she means
curb the proliferation of censure resolu- spending bill collapsed, Rep. Marjorie released a video that seemed to troll his Lloyd Austin and Transportation Secre- by it.”
tions, which have turned the chamber Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) went to the floor to fellow Republicans. It showed, among tary Pete Buttigieg to $1 apiece. There Tlaib richly deserves reproach. Her
into a seething den of recriminations. In unveil a resolution calling for the im- other things: Rep. Greg Steube (R-Fla.) were attempts to cut the salaries of the river-to-the-sea belief leaves only two
just five days, the federal government mediate impeachment of Homeland Se- showing off his military-grade handguns White House press secretary and the possibilities for millions of Jews in Israel:
will shut down after a temporary exten- curity Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. and high-capacity magazines during a Securities and Exchange Commission exile or death. She defended herself on
sion in funding (which cost Kevin The House must now take that up this House Judiciary Committee hearing; chairman to $1 and to defund the office of the floor by saying, disingenuously, that
McCarthy the speakership) expires. And week amid the scramble to avoid a Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) inquiring Vice President Harris. “the idea that criticizing the government
Johnson (R-La.) has been fumbling in the shutdown. about “nonhuman spacecraft” at another The serial failures are the direct result of Israel is antisemitic . . . is being used to
dark. In the fortnight he has been speaker, hearing; Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.) of GOP leadership’s stubborn insistence silence diverse voices speaking up for
He squandered the week without tak- Johnson has managed to take the one asking a hearing witness, “Do you believe on passing spending bills with Republi- human rights across our nation.” But her
ing action on a plan to avoid a shutdown. issue that commands overwhelming bi- that we should place a ban on spoons?”; can votes alone — in contrast to the own words, as I have noted, have gone
His plan — finally announced late Satur- partisan support — sending military aid and Fallon, at still another hearing, say- Senate, where all 12 appropriations bills beyond criticism of the Israeli govern-
day afternoon — will come to the floor to Israel — and put it in jeopardy by ing, “I’m going to get on my unicorn and command bipartisan support. ment into alleging shadowy conspiracy
just days before the lights go out. It was attaching it to a partisan attack on the IRS. ride it to a pool to visit my mermaid that Also in the no-plan category: the House theories involving Jews globally.
the convoluted, “laddered” type of tem- Aid to Ukraine, which also commands was financed by a leprechaun.” Republicans’ effort to impeach President The larger question isn’t whether
porary funding patch that Democrats broad support, is similarly bottled up. “This is my team,” Collins wrote in an Biden. This past week, they finally got Tlaib deserves condemnation, but who
had already panned, and it immediately “I refuse to put people over politics,” accompanying message. He lost. their chance to grill the prosecutor over- doesn’t. “If we are going to start censur-
generated complaints from right wing- the new speaker wrote in a fundraising seeing the Hunter Biden case, David ing anybody who says something we

ers, who called it a “bad bill” and “beyond email to supporters this month. Was this utside the caucus meeting where Weiss. But instead of holding a public don’t like, all we will do from now on is
crazy.” a typo? Or a statement of policy? House Republicans were debating hearing, as the Justice Department of- censure each other all day,” Rep. Jim
“I’m not going to tell you when we’ll their various options for avoiding a fered, they opted for a private deposition. McGovern (D-Mass.) pointed out during
bring it to the floor, but it will be in time,” shutdown, lawmakers coming and going Apparently, they feared another embar- the debate. “My Republican colleagues go
Johnson said during a news conference had no idea what plan their leaders would rassing spectacle in which they failed to on and on about cancel culture, and here
last week. “How about that? Trust us. settle upon. They offered endless varia- produce any evidence of wrongdoing by they are today trying to cancel someone.”
We’re working through the process in tions of evasions to reporters in the the president. The fear turned out to be Will they next be censuring Mast for
a way that I think the people will be hallway: Uh, we’ll find out. . . . Working on justified: Weiss, a Trump appointee, told comparing Palestinian civilians to Nazis
proud of.” it. . . . We’re looking at all the options. . . . the lawmakers that he had full decision- last week? (I later listened to him defend
“Trust us” would not seem to be a What? Johnson, for his part, called the making authority in the case and didn’t his “pretty damn good comparison.”) Or
compelling argument, given the early aimless session “a refreshing, construc- experience any interference. Miller for talking about bombing Gaza
record of the Johnson speakership. tive family conversation.” Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) acknowl- into a parking lot? Or Johnson himself
The House wasted hours on Tuesday Rep. Drew Ferguson (R-Ga.) told Polit- edged that the Republican inquisitors for supporting sodomy laws?
debating and voting on amendments to ico that the plan was as “clear as mud.” got “almost nothing” from the highly There have been only 26 censures on
the Transportation, Housing and Urban Others used the phrases “train wreck,” anticipated session. the House floor in U.S. history. At the
Development appropriations bill, only to “all over the place, like usual” and “I don’t Oversight Committee Chairman current pace of the Johnson speakership,
pull it from the floor before the final vote have an opinion on it because I don’t James Comer (R-Ky.) was undeterred by we could have that many in a year.
because of a revolt by Republicans from understand it.” House Appropriations the latest failure to find evidence. Im- Maybe Johnson will step in and tell his
the Northeast over more than $1 billion Committee Chairwoman Kay Granger mediately after the Weiss deposition, he censorious colleagues to cease their cen-
in cuts to Amtrak. (R-Tex.) assured the outlet that “we’ve got issued subpoenas to Hunter Biden and to sures. Or maybe he will continue to
The House then wasted hours on RiCky CaRioTi/The WashingTon PosT a plan” to avert a shutdown — “but I can’t James Biden, the president’s brother. refuse to put people over politics.
Wednesday debating and voting on Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) tell you until it’s a real plan.” Ssshhh! Comer is getting testy about his empty Trust him? Not after this start.

alyssa rosenberg

Your kid has a B average in school. Do you know what that really means?
s the first report cards of the who runs the Center for Education Data cy — turned over their grades, test scores test results are published and searchable, the school year. If students can’t be
school year arrive, parents and Research at the University of Wash- and data on chronic absenteeism from but these snapshots are less frequent. scored below 50 percent on an assign-
should ask questions and ington, and Maia Goodman Young, a PhD 2017 through 2022. This research noted Making grades meaningful is especial- ment or in a course, parents should know
schools need to respond. What candidate at the university — report a something odd, too. ly important now. Many post-pandemic that. Schools could also give parents a
does an A or B mean? What are grades concerning trend. By 2022, the schools had many more academic recovery programs require benchmark for what their kids bring
even for? Before the pandemic, grades and students than in 2019 who were both families to opt in, which too few are home, such as how last year’s ninth-
Agreeing what grades represent is scores rose roughly in step. Afterward, absent for 18 days or more each year and doing. A Brookings Institution survey graders performed in algebra or Euro-
critical to getting kids the help they need not so much. During covid-19 scoring below par for their age on state found that just about a quarter of parents pean history. If schools don’t offer that
as they try to catch up following the disruptions, state officials encouraged tests. Yet more of these struggling stu- are sending a child to summer school or sort of data, parents need to ask for it.
pandemic. dents were earning B averages or better tutoring or were interested in these. Less And schools shouldn’t feel as though
From kindergarten through high in their core classes. This investigation than 40 percent of students getting C’s or they have to massage the numbers.
school, grades have been puffing up for was done by Learning Heroes, EdNaviga- worse were participating. According to Bibb Hubbard, president of
years. In some schools, pressure to juice For all their flaws, grades tor and another nonprofit, the TNTP. Missing out on catch-up assistance has Learning Heroes, surveys show parents
college applications is to blame. Others Covid-19 policies varied among states real costs down the line. The City Univer- overwhelmingly want “complete, honest,
might inflate grades so as not to discour- are still the most regular and school systems. And standardized sity of New York reported that nearly half truthful information” about their child’s
age struggling students. Yet for all their tests have well-known limitations. Still, of its freshmen who had been educated academics, “even if it is bad news.”
flaws, grades are still the most regular indicator that parents the divergence between grades and test in the city’s public schools needed reme- It could also help if report cards put
indicator that parents and kids get of scores that these two studies flag is a dial classes to tackle undergraduate grades in context. Schools could publish
academic performance. and kids get of academic warning: Parents and school systems work in the first semester of the 2022- the whole distribution in each course, or
Now two new studies suggest that need some accurate measurement of 2023 school year. At a cost of $210 per color-code grades to show whether they
covid-19 cranked up the helium — that performance. student learning. credit, these students were paying for place a student in the top, middle or
grades might be giving a false sense of “If any of us went to the doctor and help they might have gotten free earlier. bottom third of their class. A B-minus in
how students are doing. Deceiving had an MRI and it gave a false reading, On a policy level, gaps in evidence chemistry might be a warning sign
families about whether children need more generous grading, and average we would be up in arms,” TNTP chief about kids’ lagging performance might rather than cause for relief if it means a
help during the window when interven- marks rose, for example, from B’s to A’s in executive Tequilla Brownie told me. “Yet lead to misguided support for one pro- child is in the bottom 10 percent of their
tions would do the most good is not all subjects. As restrictions eased, we’re kind of ambivalent about the fact gram over another. For instance, priori- class.
kindness. This is no “victimless crime,” grades returned to pre-pandemic levels. as a nation that we’re giving false data to tizing student mental health by adopting Students deserve the truth. It’s not
says Tim Daly, chief executive of EdNavi- Test scores, though, were below parents.” a four-day school week might make sense caring to conceal what a child doesn’t
gator, one of the nonprofits involved in pre-pandemic norms. Did a B pre- and Part of the problem is a mismatch in if kids are truly achieving at high levels. know until they’re floundering in college
the research. post-pandemic mean that students had how different kinds of education data are If they’re not, less teaching could com- or unable to meet the demands of their
The first study looked at 10 years’ mastered the same material? Goldhaber collected and delivered. Parents see chil- pound an unfolding educational disaster. first job. The kindest thing adults can do
worth of grades and test scores from and Goodman Young have their doubts. dren’s grades regularly; states can be One way to course-correct would be is to have tough conversations with kids
middle and high schools in Washington In a second study, two school districts slow to analyze trends or might not for principals and superintendents to about what they are learning — and what
state. The researchers — Dan Goldhaber, — anonymized to protect students’ priva- release them. By contrast, standardized explain what grades mean at the start of they’re not.
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re a25



Why neurodiversity activists are wrong about a crucial work program

BY A MY S . F . L UTZ debates is motivated by the same commitment: to Consider the core assumption of Employment virtually all the comments to the UCCR favored
help those with autism and severe intellectual and First, a framework developed by the Labor Depart- preserving this model, the commission recommend-

ou can’t miss my son Jonah, 24. He’s the one developmental disabilities live full, meaningful ment’s Office of Disability Employment Policy and ed its elimination anyway.
spinning while blasting “Sesame Street” lives. But as the parent of a profoundly autistic son, I adopted by 38 states: “All individuals, including It is incumbent on the Labor Department — as it
songs from his iPad in the back corner of find the discourse by anti-14(c) activists alarming those individuals with the most significant disabili- is on all agencies, bureaucrats and legislators
Costco. The one popping up from a table at because of how little their narratives reflect reality. ties, are capable of full participation in Competitive crafting disability policies — to privilege the
Five Guys, splashed with so much ketchup he looks These are the facts: Rather than going to for- Integrated Employment.” This sounds lovely and experiences of the profoundly disabled individuals
like a murder victim. The one pounding on his head profit businesses, 93 percent of 14(c) certificates are inclusive, but it ignores the lived experience of who are the greatest consumers of disability
in agitation, sometimes for obvious reasons (he was held by nonprofit community rehabilitation pro- profoundly autistic people and their families. services. This is not a small group: The Centers for
directed to the pink waterslide instead of the blue grams. And no participants are expected to live off Disease Control and Prevention recently reported
one) and sometimes for seemingly no reason at all. the wages they earn. Typically, 14(c) placement is that almost 27 percent of people with autism
Jonah is incapable of passing through the world part of a suite of federal and state benefits — spectrum disorder meet the criteria of “profound
unnoticed — except, somehow, by policymakers and including Supplemental Security Income, transpor- Critics of an employment program autism” as specified by the 2021 Lancet Commis-
certain neurodiversity activists who seem intent on tation and residential services — whose costs fre- sion — including intellectual disability (IQ below
denying that people with his level of disability exist quently run into the six figures per year per person. for those with autism 50), limited language and the need for around-the-
and require extensive accommodation and care. Most important, 14(c) programs are extraordi- clock supervision.
Take, for instance, the Labor Department, which narily popular with participants and their families. or developmental disabilities have My son has too many challenging behaviors to
announced in late September that it plans a “com- In 2020, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights work in a 14(c) program — which suits him fine,
prehensive review” of Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor (UCCR) considered the future of the subminimum a problem. Their narratives because his idea of a good life includes lots of long
Standards Act, which allows some vocational pro- wage. In doing so, it solicited comments from the walks, hamburgers and soft pretzels, and an atten-
grams to pay some adults — overwhelmingly people public and received nearly 10,000 — more than it don’t reflect reality. tive caregiver to sit with him and take dictation of
with significant cognitive impairments — a submin- had for any other issue. his “fun lists” (numbered phrases about animals,
imum wage based on standardized assessments of Almost all the comments (98 percent) favored people and colors). But I advocate for the program’s
their productivity. preserving 14(c) and cited many factors, including There is no evidence, for example, that closing preservation for the same reason I support other
These programs offer job training for intellectual- the supportive environment and participants’ pref- 14(c) programs catalyzes significant migration into models that would never be appropriate for him: I
ly disabled adults interested in pursuing competi- erence for a community of similarly disabled peers competitive minimum-wage employment. The believe the range of potential settings should be
tive minimum-wage jobs, as well as long-term — the chance to work alongside others while sparse data available suggest the opposite. A constrained only by the limits of our imagination,
opportunities for those whose impairments pre- engaged in a variety of tasks, such as shredding 2012 update from Washington state noted that not by government regulations trying to shoehorn
clude conventional employment but who benefit documents, recycling plastic, slipping greeting despite an investment of $50 million into employ- every member of an extraordinarily diverse popula-
from the structure, dignity and satisfaction of work. cards into envelopes, or sorting and shelving items ment services for the intellectually and developmen- tion into one option.
That, however, is not how critics describe 14(c) in a thrift shop. But the biggest reason, typically tally disabled, only 17 percent of severely affected To get to that point, we need to have honest
settings, which for years have been targeted by articulated by parents on behalf of adult children adults were able to find jobs. A 2015 George conversations about impairment — not pretend it
disability rights activists perpetuating an image of whose impairments make self-advocacy impossible, Washington University analysis of the impact of away.
evil capitalists getting rich off the sweat of impover- was that their kids are simply not capable of closing 14(c) programs in Maine reported that,
ished, disabled workers. To date, 16 states have competitive, minimum-wage labor. post-closure, use of non- employment day services Amy S.F. Lutz is a historian of medicine at the University of
eliminated this subminimum-wage model. That this basic truth has become so controversial (what some parents describe as “glorified babysit- Pennsylvania, a founding board member of the National
Now, advocates on both sides are wondering illustrates a deeper problem with much disability ting”) increased by almost 500 percent. Council on Severe Autism and the author, most recently, of
whether the Labor Department’s review represents rights advocacy: It is predicated on a sanitized The Labor Department has promised to solicit “Chasing the Intact Mind: How the Severely Autistic and
the death knell of 14(c). version of disability in which there is no such thing public comment as part of its “comprehensive” 14(c) Intellectually Disabled Were excluded From the Debates
I want to make clear that I think everyone in these as severe cognitive impairment. review. But that doesn’t mean it will listen. Although That Affect Them Most.”

leTTers To The ediTor School vaccine mandates save lives ann Telnaes

Panda diplomacy’s biggest lesson I read with great interest the Nov. 8 Metro article Her day in court
“Schools vaccine mandate repealed,” about the
The pandas are gone, having been flown to their repeal of the coronavirus vaccine mandate for
home country on Wednesday. It is hard not to feel a D.C. schoolchildren. Officials said the vaccination
touch of melancholy about the absence of three of mandate is seen as largely no longer necessary and
our favorite D.C. residents. For more than 50 years, was never enforced. The article highlighted the
pandas have entertained generations of visitors at equity issues involved.
the National Zoo. Tens of millions have stopped to A disproportionate number of Black children
watch them devour bamboo, climb trees and, if we would face being barred from school because of the
are being honest, sleep. Millions more watched lagging vaccination rates among Black students.
them on the panda cam. This deplorable fact adds to the appalling health-
Visitors could not get enough of these black-and- care disparity between Black and White children.
white furballs, marveling at their capacity for play, As a retired D.C. school nurse, I know very well
relishing the chance to see them clumsily roll down that school-based vaccination mandates are among
a hill on a rare Washington snow day. But these the most successful public health efforts ever
cute and lovable bears provided something else far launched.
more valuable: a message about how to heal a Thousands of children’s lives have been saved
divided, threatened world. because diseases such as polio and measles have
Pandas are a vital source of cultural diplomacy — been kept at bay. This happened only because of
using the arts, sciences and history to help nations school-based vaccine mandates.
find common ground with the hopes of building on I also know that vaccination programs have
our shared humanity to create a more peaceful become a victim of their own success. We think
world. The pandas were a bridge between the we don’t need them because we no longer see
American people and the Chinese people. the diseases they prevent or we somehow think
Pandas show that humans can work together to these diseases are no longer dangerous. Nothing
heal the planet. In 1972, Chinese Premier Zhou could be further from the truth. The coronavirus is
Enlai sent two giant pandas to the American people and remains a serious threat. We have effective
as a gesture of goodwill after President Richard measures against this threat now, including
M. Nixon’s groundbreaking state visit. vaccines.
Collaboration between Chinese colleagues and We must be aware of and vigilant about the anti-
the Smithsonian’s animal care staff, scientists and vaccine movement that would remove all school-
researchers has been the cornerstone of those mandated vaccination.
efforts. Working together, these conservationists Adriana van Breda, Alexandria
made significant contributions to the global
knowledge of giant panda biology, behavior,
reproduction, health and habitat. Through decades College football’s glory days
of cooperative conservation work and investment,
the global conservation community has brought Regarding Jerry Brewer’s Nov. 4 Sports column,
pandas back from the edge of extinction to “Sign-stealing mess is the scandal that college
“vulnerable” status, a huge win. football deserves”: I prefer the “before times” —
If we can save this iconic species, then surely, we when we could pretend that college athletics wasn’t
can work together to tackle some of our greatest all about money. The curtain was raised in 2023
challenges, including climate change and with the media rights agreements, “super
preservation of ecosystems around the world. conference egotism” and now this latest scandal.
Lonnie G. Bunch III, Washington The hubris of it all!
The writer is secretary Adam Silbert, New York
of the Smithsonian Institution.

Ellen Stofan, Washington  read more letters online:

The writer is undersecretary for science and Letters:
research at the Smithsonian Institution. op-eds:
a26 eZ re the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023


They opened the door. The dictators were waiting.

ARADA TAING was worried sick.
A U.S. citizen who was born in Cambodia, he
was running from Washington an online, inde-
pendent news broadcast for audiences in Cam-
bodia and around the world. On his weekday Khmer-
language video talk show, which draws between
50,000 and 80,000 viewers, he airs investigative
reports on corruption, money laundering, land grabs,
deforestation, human rights abuses and human traf-
ficking — challenging the authoritarian government.
On June 19, just weeks before a Cambodian elec-
tion, Sarada got two audio messages on Facebook
Messenger from a pro-government social media ce-
lebrity in Cambodia. In the first message, the man
told Sarada he “would chop my head off if I entered
Cambodia.” In the second, the man
EdiTOrial asserted that he had friends outside
Cambodia and “they also don’t like
you.” The threat was repeated in a Facebook Live
conversation the celebrity hosted from Cambodia on
June 22, during which the man said he would not
hesitate to kill Sarada.
With a history as a human rights investigator in
Cambodia and years of journalism experience with
Cambodian radio, Voice of America and Radio Free
Asia, Sarada was accustomed to confronting hostility,
but now he felt directly threatened. He has a young
son, and his wife’s elderly parents live with the family.
He replaced the locks on his doors, added a digital
security code and installed video surveillance. Then
he wrote an email to the FBI and the State Depart-
ment. “I fear for my life and the life of those close to me
due to my work as a journalist,” he wrote. “I am so
scared.” Two FBI special agents interviewed him and
checked back later, saying they are pursuing the case.
He is not alone. Around the world, dictators are
dispatching assassins, kidnappers, secret police and
private investigators to abduct, harass, intimidate and
harm dissidents, journalists, academics and others far
beyond their borders. Transnational repression, as it is
called, is spreading faster than democracies can cope greg Kahn for the washington post

with it. As Freedom House noted in a landmark study Sarada Taing, creator of the video talk show “The Cambodia Daily,” at his home in D.C. on Sept. 13.
21/2 years ago, dictatorships struck back at activists and
journalists who were using the internet to campaign an increase, including several high-profile cases
for human rights from afar. The authoritarian regimes brought by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III.
learned to respond in the same way, through spyware But the law is essentially a registration and disclo-
and online harassment, and have taken their cam- sure statute — it does not address the underlying
paigns a major step further, with surveillance, threats, misbehavior. Justice Department officials say they
disruption, kidnapping and violence. are fighting transnational repression with the tools
Freedom House has built a database of incidents they have. According to the GAO, these include laws
over the past nine years involving direct physical prohibiting money laundering or murder-for-hire,
repression. The list had 608 cases when unveiled in tactics often used by perpetrators. The U.S. govern-
February 2021 and now contains 854 incidents by 38 ment can also use sanctions and visa bans such as
perpetrators in 91 countries. The top 10 perpetrators those imposed after the assassination of Post contrib-
in the database are China (253), Turkey (132), Tajiki- uting columnist Jamal Khashoggi. By exposing the
stan (64), Russia (46), Egypt (45), Turkmenistan (36), plots, prosecutors hope to deter others and signal to
Uzbekistan (36), Belarus (30), Iran (23) and Rwanda despots that the United States won’t tolerate their
(18). A report by Human Rights Watch recently dirty methods here.
documented cases of killings, kidnappings, attempt- Stronger tools are needed. Freedom House pub-
ed kidnappings, forced disappearances and physical lished a detailed set of policy recommendations that
attacks targeting Rwandans living abroad. But the include putting transnational repression in the an-
Government Accountability Office concluded in re- nual State Department human rights reports and
port last month that U.S. law “does not specifically calling attention to it in travel advisories.
criminalize or define” transnational repression and FARA should be revised to give law enforcement a
that a “lack of common understanding” about the stronger tool to identify and stop those who are
threat, especially among state and local law enforce- frederic J. Brown/afp/getty images secretly doing the bidding of overseas autocrats. The
ment, has hampered the response. Chen Weiming poses beside his sculpture “CCP Virus” in Yermo, Calif., in June 2021. U.S. government should take steps to raise awareness
This editorial is part of a series, Annals of Autocra- of transnational repression among officials in law
cy, examining how authoritarian regimes around the Federal prosecutors also revealed the existence in dent journalist and women’s rights activist Masih enforcement and intelligence and those who work
world work. Transnational repression is one of their New York of what they called an “illegal police Alinejad, a U.S. citizen born in Iran who has contrib- with refugees and asylum seekers, so they can better
tools. It targets people who have done nothing more station,” an outpost for transnational repression op- uted to Voice of America’s Persian service and written spot it and report it. Several bills have been intro-
than exercise their rights to free expression, associa- erated by the Chinese government in Lower Manhat- for The Post. According to court filings, they re- duced in Congress that would take steps to codify
tion or belief — people who are struggling for democ- tan. The station had the ostensible function of allow- searched travel routes from her residence in Brooklyn transnational repression as a crime, such as the
racy and basic human liberties. In many cases, they ing overseas Chinese to renew their driver’s licenses, to the waterfront, where she could be spirited away in Transnational Repression Policy Act, which calls for
were forced to flee their homeland. but it also had a back-office mission to track down a speedboat to Venezuela and eventually back to Iran. updating U.S. laws to criminalize “the gathering of
They are pursued by dictators without borders. dissidents. The Justice Department has charged two Eighteen months later, the Justice Department an- information about private individuals in diaspora
New York men with conspiring to act as unregistered nounced it had uncovered another Iranian plot to and exile communities on behalf of a foreign power
‘Totally get rid of him’ agents of the Chinese government in setting up the assassinate her, this one involving an Eastern Euro- that is intending to harass, intimidate, or harm an
China is the world’s primary perpetrator of trans- station. pean criminal gang, one of whose members drove by individual in order to prevent their exercise of inter-
national repression. It has long targeted groups such China has established such stations all over the her house with an AK-47-style assault rifle and 66 nationally recognized human rights.” The GAO has
as Falun Gong believers; Tibetans and Uyghurs; and, world. They are supposedly citizen “service centers” rounds of ammunition. also suggested pressuring perpetrators that benefit
more recently, Hong Kong democracy activists. but have a more sinister purpose, set up with the In going after critics, authoritarian regimes often from U.S. arms exports by using a provision of the
Prominent and outspoken dissidents and critics have United Front Work Department, the Communist help one another. In 70 percent of the transnational Arms Export Control Act of 1976 barring arms sales to
been kidnapped from abroad and brought to the Party agency that seeks to co-opt ethnic Chinese repression cases documented last year, both the countries engaged in a pattern of intimidation or
mainland for secret trials and long prison sentences. individuals and communities living outside China. perpetrator and host countries were rated “not free” harassment directed at individuals in the United
But Beijing’s methods are growing more brazen: The human rights group Safeguard Defenders has by Freedom House. For example, Turkey, ruled by States. Saudi Arabia and Egypt are among the top 25
China has been setting up outposts in other countries published three reports revealing how the network autocratic President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, increas- arms-transfer recipients.
to hunt for dissidents and using cutouts, or third was created. At first, China was seeking to nab ingly has acted as an agent of other repressive states, Any new enforcement effort must safeguard rights
parties, to mask the secret role of China’s security criminals and fugitives abroad. Then China’s security such as China, in seeking to capture ethnic Uyghurs and be careful not to stoke more fear or xenophobia.
services. services launched international long-arm policing who fled in fear of being incarcerated in concentra- Giving victims a reliable portal to report abuse can
These new trends are evident in a series of 16 operations known as “Fox Hunt” and “Sky Net,” tion camps. make a difference.
criminal complaints involving Chinese transnational supposedly aimed at fugitives involved in corruption, For years, Mr. Erdogan has attempted in vain to All democracies and open societies must be vigi-
repression that the Justice Department has filed since who were coerced to return. Sometimes the targets extradite Fethullah Gulen, a cleric living in exile in lant about repressive regimes that abuse the Interna-
March 2022. For example, in that month, the Justice were harassed and kidnapped by Pennsylvania, who had built a net- tional Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) to
Department charged two men, Fan “Frank” Liu and agents abroad. annals of autocracy work of schools and social services force the arrest and return of dissidents or political
Qiang “Jason” Sun, and a former Florida corrections This was followed by the crea- in Turkey. Mr. Erdogan has accused opponents who have sought refuge in other coun-
officer and bodyguard, Matthew Ziburis, with plot- tion in the past few years of the read the previous installment him of masterminding a 2016 coup tries. In 2016 and 2017, the organization adopted
ting to harass and ruin a Chinese dissident artist in “police stations,” known as “110 in this series: “in wuhan, doctors attempt, which Mr. Gulen denies. reforms to provide an extra layer of legal review to
California. What made the plot unusual: Mr. Sun, a Overseas” after the Chinese version knew the truth. they were told Unable to seize him, Turkish intelli- avoid the wrongful use of “red notices” and diffusions
tech company official, allegedly ran the operation of 911. They were established by to keep quiet.” gence agents grabbed his nephew, — notifications sent between countries that law
from Hong Kong, acting on behalf of the Chinese Chinese provincial police bureaus Selahaddin Gulen, a teacher living enforcement authorities seek the arrest of a specific
government, while Mr. Liu allegedly pursued dissi- — in Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangsu in Kenya, and spirited him back to person — for politically motivated arrests. A State
dents from within the United States and hired the provinces — usually without telling Turkey. He is serving a three-year- Department and Justice Department joint report to
bodyguard to go after the artist. Although the court the host government. Safeguard Defenders has found and-four-month sentence on charges of belonging to a Congress in August 2022 found that progress has
filings don’t identify him, the target of the operation there are now at least 102 police stations in 53 terrorist organization. Turkey labeled the entire Gulen been made but abuses “still occur.” Repressive re-
was sculptor Chen Weiming, who had created a countries. organization as “terrorist” and has spent years abduct- gimes disguise their requests as based on ordinary
satirical bust of Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s head as a These police stations are the scaffolding of China’s ing its members. In a 2021 report, Freedom House crimes so that Interpol won’t detect they are political-
giant coronavirus particle. Titled “CCP Virus,” it was dictatorship without borders. identified 58 people taken from 17 countries by Turkey ly motivated.
unveiled in Yermo, Calif., on June 4, 2021. The Chinese government is not alone in transna- since 2014 — and said that was likely an undercount. Dictators also misuse the labels “terrorist” or “ex-
The court filings describe an elaborate plot to tional repression, but its “level of aggressiveness is tremist” to define their foes. Russia and China do this
discredit the artist and ultimately to destroy his unique,” Alan E. Kohler Jr., then-assistant director at What to do about transnational repression frequently. Freedom House found in 2021 that in 58
works on U.S. soil. The plan was “to totally get rid of the FBI, said in a news conference announcing the Many of the China cases brought by federal pros- percent of the cases in its database, states used the
him,” Mr. Liu reportedly wrote. criminal complaints in 2022. “We have dozens of ecutors allege violation of the Foreign Agents Regis- “terrorist” label to go after their enemies.
At one point, according to the court filing, the transnational repression cases,” he added. “However, tration Act (FARA), which requires representatives of Why do they make such an effort to reach beyond
China handler asked the bodyguard to “destroy all we believe we should have hundreds.” The FBI has a foreign government to register with the U.S. attor- their borders? Autocrats hold on to power by coer-
sculptures and things that are not good to our lead- created a web portal and “threat intimidation” guides ney general when engaging in a broad range of cion. Any challenge is seen as a threat to be extin-
ers.” In 2021, soon after it was unveiled, the “CCP in dozens of languages to advise potential victims on activity. Most of these cases have not yet reached trial; guished. In Russia and China within the past year,
Virus” sculpture was burned to the ground. Its secu- what to do. But many are too fearful and mistrustful the accused face other charges, including obstruction citizens have been arrested for holding up a blank
rity cameras had been disconnected. to report threats. of justice and money laundering. piece of paper in protest. The autocrats don’t practice
Mr. Chen, the artist, knew full well who had come China has frequently threatened the families of By itself, FARA is an imperfect tool for fighting democracy or the rule of law. They don’t build civil
after him. “Something like this is not a personal those individuals it targets overseas, saying it will transnational repression. It was enacted in 1938 to society in their own countries, and they don’t respect
action but a Chinese Government action against us arrest and detain relatives back home unless a victim combat Nazi and communist propaganda. Generally, it in others. “In effect,” Freedom House found in its
and the American system of free speech,” he said after cooperates. Using the families in this way — essential- a person who “willfully” violates the act may face up to 2021 report, “states can now threaten, kidnap or
the fire. He rebuilt the sculpture, this time in steel. ly holding them hostage — has proved a potent five years in prison and up to a $10,000 fine, but murder exiles with little fear of punishment.”
The Justice Department has brought charges against weapon. The victims often give in. enforcement lagged for many years. Between 1966 The United States cannot and should not tolerate
the alleged Chinese plotters and two others accused Iran’s intelligence agencies have repeatedly and 2015, the Justice Department brought only seven the long arm of these dictators wreaking havoc on our
of helping them; the case is pending. schemed to kidnap or assassinate prominent dissi- criminal FARA cases. In recent years, there has been soil.

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sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post ez re a27

katHLeen Parker george F. WiLL

At GOP debate, The fossil fuel

Haley’s comet era isn’t done
shone the yet, not by
brightest a long shot
ikki Haley was not especially he International Energy
kind to the babbling badger Agency has its opinion. Dar-
Vivek Ramaswamy — who, if no ren Woods has his. If you are
one has thought of this yet, would the betting sort, wager on
make an excellent comic-book villain — Woods. He just wagered $59.5 billion.
when she called him “scum.” The IEA, which thinks consump-
But Ramaswamy earned the appella- tion of petroleum will peak and begin
tion with unsettling ease. to decline by 2030, says the world is at
Moderator Hugh Hewitt had asked him “the beginning of the end of the fossil
how he could justify banning TikTok in the fuel era.” Woods, ExxonMobil’s CEO, is
United States, as he has vowed to do as spending $59.5 billion to buy Pioneer
president, when he himself uses the plat- Natural Resources, whose CEO told
form. Rather than answer, the youngest the Financial Times that, including
candidate swiveled toward Haley and the natural gas and natural gas liq-
screamed that Haley’s own daughter had uids with the oil, what ExxonMobil is
used TikTok “for a long time.” buying in the Texas-New Mexico
Okay, maybe it just felt like a scream. Permian Basin is “as big as Saudi
Haley fired back in the politest way possi- Arabia.”
ble: “Leave my daughter out of your voice!” Chevron, America’s second-largest
Allow me to translate. “Voice” came out oil company, also recently placed a big
of her mouth before she could stop it. What bet. By buying Hess petroleum com-
she was really saying was: If your filthy pany for $53 billion last month,
mouth ever mentions my daughter again, JAnek skArzynskI/AFP/getty ImAges Chevron gets Hess’s large North Da-
a cow’s tongue in a Tiffany box will be Former prime minister Donald Tusk, Poland’s presumptive next leader, in Warsaw last month. kota position in Bakken Formation
delivered to your door. That will be a shale and Hess’s almost one-third of a
warning. (Please see Carrie Fisher.) Lee Hockstader major recent oil discovery — the
Then Haley really did say, “You’re just estimated 11 billion barrels of oil
The audience, which had begun loudly
booing, apparently agreed. Is Ramaswamy
just insane? This is a serious question. At
Donald Tusk’s task is to pick equivalent crude off Guyana’s coast,
where production is expected to rise
from today’s 400,000 barrels a day to
1.2 million by 2027. Chevron CEO
best, his opposition research staff needs to
grow up. The worst they could come up
with about Haley was that her daughter,
like millions of other daughters around
Poland’s authoritarian lockbox Mike Wirth: “We live in the real world,
and have to allocate capital to meet
real-world demands.”
Voters are demanding less green
the world, once joined TikTok. Weak, bossiness. Sweden’s government has
cheap, immature — the list of derogatory WARSAW tion to its methodical takeover of state Yet as he prepares to regain his old cut fossil fuel taxes several times in

adjectives could fill the rest of this column. iracle.” That’s the word institutions whose independence is job, he will face the task of cutting a the past 12 months, taxes that have
But Ramaswamy was just getting you hear repeatedly critical to democratic societies. gargantuan web of Gordian knots, fueled populism. British Prime Minis-
warmed up. Something tells me he’s al- when urban, educated Prominent opposition figures and methodically woven by Law and Jus- ter Rishi Sunak, with a general elec-
ways getting warmed up. The man seemed Poles — meaning Poles their families were viciously targeted tice to seal its hold on state institu- tion impending, has announced a
possessed, his fire-breathing assault on committed to mainstream European in the pervasive government-con- tions. five-year delay, until 2035, on banning
Haley bordering on something like hatred. ideas of democracy, tolerance and trolled media, sometimes on account The obstacles start with the na- the sale of internal-combustion cars.
When she was given an opportunity to pluralism — describe their country’s of their teenage children’s troubles tion’s judiciary, packed by Law and Germany, with the right-wing popu-
respond to his personal attack, Haley elections last month. They feel an and transgressions. Judges were slan- Justice with roughly 1,700 new judges, list Alternative for Germany party
bridged to China, driving this very strange emotion beyond joy or relief at having dered, denied promotions to higher nearly 20 percent of the total, whose gaining strength while denouncing
candidate to utter distraction. Haley can’t defeated a populist government that courts or suspended for not toeing the common qualification is party loyalty. “green fascism,” has said green home-
talk tough on China, Ramaswamy seethed, subverted the rule of law, traded in governing party’s line. Independent- They constitute a blocking force on heating rules will be delayed. Last
because she once referred to our greatest aggrieved nationalism and flirted minded businessmen were jailed on the Supreme Court and other top month, General Motors, bowing to
enemy as a “great friend.” with antisemitism over eight years in trumped-up charges meant to bring tribunals, and they owe their jobs to obdurate consumers, announced that
Haley’s overture apparently was made office. them to heel. an appointment process unconstitu- its target of building 400,000 electric
during her tenure as U.S. ambassador They feel a sense of deliverance. Even more pernicious was the gov- tionally hijacked by the party. Remov- vehicles (current average price for
to the United Nations. She was recogniz- “The election,” Adam Szlapka, a ernment’s installation of military- ing them, as some in the incoming EVs: $53,000) by mid-2024 must wait.
ing China and Russia’s cooperation in lawmaker from the victorious Civic grade spyware on phones of promi- government favor, could invalidate Ford has moved its EV production
negotiating with her to create “the largest Coalition, told me, “was a victory over nent government critics whose infor- their past rulings; that could create target out a year.
set of sanctions against North Korea in a fear.” mation was weaponized to smear judicial chaos. But before climate scolds despair,
generation,” which, she said, led to the No other major country lately has them publicly. Similarly, the governing party re- they should consider what Peter
rogue nation’s cessation of ballistic- managed to slip the yoke of an author- As in Poland’s dark communist purposed state-owned media as a Huntsman recently told the Wall
missile testing. itarian regime that spent years build- past, party loyalty was the only assur- gusher of insidious propaganda and Street Journal. The CEO of Huntsman
Sometimes one’s enemy is one’s friend. ing a matrix of dubious laws, bogus ance of avoiding trouble that could used Poland’s dominant state-owned Corp., which has annual revenue of
Sometimes not. But all things geopolitical institutions and extraconstitutional threaten your promotion, your apart- companies to improve its electoral about $8 billion from turning hydro-
are subject to change, which even Ramas- procedures, all designed to create an ment, your career — or your dignity. odds. Even as gas prices rose else- carbons into products, says the fol-
wamy ought to know. In another zinger, un-pickable lock on power. The ruling No wonder many opposition lead- where in Europe this year, they plum- lowing: In 1970, global cooling was
Haley fired back: “You would never have right-wing Law and Justice party cap- ers insist on justice. That means not meted ahead of the balloting in Po- supposedly going to disrupt agricul-
been able to get that negotiation done.” I tured huge state-owned companies, only parliamentary investigative land, courtesy of the state-controlled ture and other things, the ozone was
feel safe in saying that no one in the state-controlled media, courts, pros- commissions — those will sprout like oil giant run by a Law and Justice ally. going to disappear, and acid rain was
audience doubted it. ecutors, security services, even the mushrooms in a Silesian forest — but In many cases, prying loose the going to deforest New England. To-
Talk about exhausting. Can you imagine central bank. Yet in a result few pre- also trials and convictions for the party’s tentacles will require new laws day, the real U.S. GDP is four times
having an everyday marital disagreement dicted, a jaw-dropping three-quarters worst offenders. More broadly, the or finding loopholes in ones devised larger than in 1970, but Americans’
with Ramaswamy? If he didn’t pound you of Poles turned up at the polls and a new government will seek new mech- by Law and Justice. But almost any activities are emitting about the same
to death with his high-velocity verbiage, convincing majority tore down what anisms to ensure state entities can legislation can be vetoed by President number of metric tons of carbon
you’d play dead to shut him up. looked like the party’s indestructible never again be used as repressive Andrzej Duda, a former Law and dioxide, even while using much more
I’ll refrain from further mention of monolith. tools by a governing party. Justice stalwart who rarely breaks electricity, and driving and flying
tongues, unless, obviously, Sen. Tim Scott Poland, a linchpin in the West’s “People demand justice,” Radek ranks with the party. Duda, whose many more miles. Why? Better tech-
(S.C.) succumbs to glossolalia, which is struggle to help Ukraine survive Sikorski, a former foreign minister term extends until August 2025, can nologies and processes; we learn and
always possible when he has the floor. Vladimir Putin’s onslaught, can now and prominent opposition figure, told impede much of the new govern- adapt.
Scott was at his evangelical best during the shed its pariah status in the European me. “This is the No. 1 issue.” ment’s reform agenda. The California Air Resources
debate when he signaled to Iowa voters Union and regain its rightful spot at The trick is to seek accountability “The problem is that they’re com- Board, a slow learner, this year an-
that he and Jesus are tight. This is the Tim the heart of the continent. that doesn’t look like payback, and to ing to power, but they will not have nounced a goal of reducing Califor-
Scott we know and love — an unapologetic Yet Poles are also at a dangerous reform corrupted institutions in a power,” Piotr Buras, of the European nians’ vehicle miles traveled (VMT)
Christian who often acknowledges God juncture. The new government, set to way that isn’t the mirror image of Law Council on Foreign Relations, told 25 percent by 2030 and 30 percent by
and Jesus for grace in his life. Not that take over next month, will struggle to and Justice’s authoritarian power me. 2045. The Breakthrough Institute’s
there’s anything wrong with that. But it resurrect the rule of law and seek grabs. Tusk’s task is to rehabilitate the Jennifer Hernandez, writing in City
does seem, given the war between Gaza justice for Law and Justice’s abuses The man likely tasked with striking robust democracy that was once the Journal, notes that VMT rose 15 per-
and Israel and the rise of antisemitism in a way that does not resemble that balance is Donald Tusk, the for- key to Poland’s shining reputation as a cent between 2009 and 2019. CARB’s
here at home, that now might be a good retribution. mer prime minister who returned to post-communist success story, with- 2045 goal would require cutting VMT
time to hit the pause button on America as In my interviews in Warsaw, I Polish politics in 2021, reenergized out deepening divisions in an already about 2.5 times what the pandemic
a Christian nation. heard chilling examples of Law and the dejected opposition and spear- polarized nation. If he can pull it off, lockdowns and unemployment did.
Honorable mention goes to Chris Chris- Justice’s pernicious excesses, in addi- headed its stunning electoral victory. that would be the real Polish miracle. The pandemic was paradise for green
tie, who should begin thinking about obsessives.
which Cabinet seat he wants. Florida Gov. CARB wants to double by 2030 the
Ron DeSantis delivered his best debate capacity of public transit, which the
performance thus far. He seemed less a public dislikes: Use of it in California
deer in the headlights and more confident, aLexandra Petri has declined 32 percent since 2005,
especially when telling Israel to “finish the and in 2019, it accounted for just
job.” He’s still in second place among GOP
voters, waaaaay behind Donald Trump
nationally (14.4 percent to 58.5 percent,
Joe Manchin is leaving the Senate 2.2 percent of commuting trips. Un-
daunted, CARB proposes vast social
engineering: land-use restrictions to
according to RealClearPolitics), but Haley
is closing in at 9.0. Scott barely registers.
In a general election, however, it’s a tie
to unite the country (behind Donald Trump) compel high-density communities.
And making roads inconvenient by
multiplying bike, scooter and bus
among Trump (45.6), Biden (45.1) and lanes. Meanwhile, Southern Califor-
Haley (45.5). Come on, Republicans. De- I got an early draft of Joe Manchin’s around our shared values of family, free- My candidacy would make sense. Ev- nia officials sensitive to public prefer-
bate-wise, Haley outdid the competition — retirement announcement and annotated dom, democracy and dignity. (I am threat- eryone who has worked hard to support ences are spending $413 million on
again. it for you! ening to embark on a quixotic third-party me says, “The next president should cer- 16 miles of toll roads to reduce delays.
On foreign policy, she’s plainly the campaign for president that will almost tainly be Joe!” Then they say another word Hernandez says “this minute addition

strongest Republican candidate. In an- reat News (for Republicans)! certainly toss our nation into the arms of a after that, but I am not listening. I assume to the thousands of miles of existing
other swipe at Ramaswamy — do I sense a I, Joe Manchin, am leaving the would-be despot whose plans for his sec- it’s my last name! “Please don’t do any- freeways” is actually projected by the
drinking game in the making? — she said Senate (to Mitch McConnell) to go ond term are looking more autocratic by thing to mess that up! Democracy is in a state to “induce” more than 100 mil-
of his foreign policy bona fides: “I’m telling and unite the country (behind the minute!) Don’t everyone thank me at precarious place right now!” they add, and lion additional VMT annually.
you Putin and President Xi are salivating Donald Trump)! I have searched my soul once. I give them a big thumbs-up. I would never Because radical revisions of public
at the thought that someone like that (but found no shame), and this is what I I would love to stay in the Senate (where dream of it. preferences and behaviors are unlike-
could become president.” must do (to uproot my legacy and leave my vote matters), but instead I must go They also say, “Without your vote in the ly, VMT hawks and other climate
On the key Democratic issue, abortion, Washington worse than I found it). (on a fool’s errand that will benefit no Senate, how will we hope to confirm, say, warriors must hope for oil scarcity. In
she managed to thread a microscopic nee- People from both sides of the aisle are one). Specifically, I must go around and an ambassador or a justice?” Fear not: 1914, the Bureau of Mines said U.S. oil
dle. Though pro-life, Haley said she doesn’t crying out for Joe Manchin (to stop). I am listen very, very closely to see whether I There won’t be any obstacles to a justice in reserves would be exhausted by 1924.
want to judge pro-choice women or be the No. 1 candidate in many people’s can hear an overwhelming groundswell of my place. Indeed, Justice is the name of In 1939, the year a global war powered
judged for her position. She urged letting minds (when those people are both men in popular support getting ready to surge for my probable successor. He’s a Republican, by petroleum began, the Interior De-
states determine their own destinies while suits on a stage In Conversation At A me. I will hear it any minute now, I think. not that that’s important. partment said the world had only
the country works toward consensus. Washington, D.C., Think Tank) when they That is what I must urgently do, and I have I know this might hit some of you hard. 13 years of reserves. The postwar
Once again, she reminded voters that a ask the question: Who can bring the to leave the Senate to do it. I can’t hear You might say, “What a time to hand the boom was thirsty for oil. And in 1951,
federal ban on abortion is impossible — for country (club) together? anyone clamoring for me from the Senate, Senate to Mitch McConnell!” But, to you, I the Interior Department reported
now. This is what the American people at but maybe if I got out somewhere quieter, say, “I have achieved everything I sought that the world had 13 years of re-
“Consensus” is a word we don’t often large (if “large” is the name of an obscure I might hear something. Currently, the to achieve” (for coal! Yay, coal!). I have also serves. In 1970, there were an estimat-
hear these days. On abortion, consensus is coal-based lobbying group) have been clamor is drowned out by the voices of achieved some things I didn’t think I ed 612 billion barrels of proven re-
probably a pipe dream — for now. But the clamoring for. I must give the people what people saying, “Joe Manchin, don’t do would get to achieve, like getting Ted Cruz serves. By 2006, after an additional
sentiment is a welcome shift from some of they want (to avoid). this! Joe Manchin, think of the cost! What and Tom Harkin to attend a gathering on 767 billion barrels had been pumped,
the hardened, draconian positions that What I will be doing is traveling the do you want your legacy to be?” and Mitch my boat, Almost Heaven! proven reserves were 1.2 trillion and
have surfaced since Roe v. Wade was over- country and speaking out to see whether McConnell cackling and things of that Some may say, “Joe Manchin, what growing. (See above: Guyana.)
turned. My bet is women are hearing her there is an interest in creating a move- nature. about your legacy?” To them, I say, the Many of the people who say climate
loud and clear. ment to mobilize the middle and bring I know what you will say: I am needed world will soon be boiling and no trace of change poses an “existential” threat to
Men, well, you know how they are. A Americans together (to elect Donald in the Senate. But I have been in the Senate human habitation will remain on its sur- life on Earth also say, “Hands off my
woman’s voice, if they can hear it, drives Trump to a second nonconsecutive term). since 2010 (apparently not paying atten- face; what benefits me a legacy then? gas stove!” To which statement do you
some of them crazy. Because I believe it’s time for bipartisan, tion to what has been going on there!). This is what America deserves! (Prob- think most of these people are most
Just ask Vivek Ramaswamy. common-sense solutions and to gather Please don’t annotate these remarks! ably.) committed?
A28 EZ RE the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

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book world Sunday, novemBer 12 , 2023 . Section B eZ ee

illusTrATiOn By Zé OTAviO fOr The WAshinGTOn POsT; BeTTmAnn ArChive/GeTTy imAGes; WillA CATher ArChive

Illuminating I
n the early summer of 2022, I flew into Lincoln, Red Cloud. I gave a talk about Cather’s 1922 novel, “one
neb., picked up my rental car and drove into a Willa of ours” — set, as so many of her novels are, on the
Cather novel. Stretched out before me was an prairie, but extraordinary for its vivid depiction of the
expanse of farmland alternating with tall, undulat- 1918 flu pandemic and World War I. ernest Hemingway,

Willa Cather’s
ing grass. once in a while, an isolated house would whose contempt was always a reliable marker of how
appear in the distance and a truck would rumble by, threatened he felt by the gifts of another writer, quipped
heading in the opposite direction on the two-lane road. in a letter to critic edmund Wilson that the war had been
After the prolonged Zoom-box confinement of the “Catherized” and suggested, falsely, that she’d lifted her

life in letters
pandemic, driving for hours through such an expanse battle scenes from D.W. Griffith’s “The Birth of a nation.”
made me giddy. Here’s how Cather, who lived for decades How peeved Hemingway must have been when “one of
in new York City, described returning home to Red ours” won the Pulitzer Prize in 1923.
Cloud, neb., in a 1933 letter to fellow writer Dorothy And how very exasperated Hemingway would be by
Canfield Fisher: this “Year of Cather” that’s now drawing to a close.
“The certainty of countless miles of empty country and To mark a flurry of Cather anniversaries in 2023 — the
A new biography caps off a year of tributes open sky and wind and night on every side of me. It’s the 100th anniversary of that Pulitzer Prize; the sesquicen-
happiest feeling I ever have. And when I am most tennial of her birth near Winchester, Va.; and the
BY M AUREEN C ORRIGAN enjoying the lovely things the world is full of, it’s then I publication centenary of one of her most haunting
am most homesick for just that emptiness and that novels, “A Lost Lady” (as well as the reprinting of the 1903
untainted air.” poetry collection “April Twilights, and other Poems”) —
The occasion for my own trip into that glorious space celebrations and staged readings of Cather’s work have
was the annual Willa Cather Conference, held that year in See Cather on B8


how guns changed from mere rethinking parole as a pathway from Oklahoma to france, these in a relationship with an owl, a
products to mythic symbols. b3 to second chances. b4 detectives are on the case. b5 connection to all of nature. b7
b2 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023



You should know the name

Jonathan Evison because he’s
the author of several
exuberant, thoroughly
Reincarnation? Oh no, comments by Oscar Wilde. But like an actual
cat, Whiskers doesn’t pay attention to anyone
but himself, and so we’re left with only a few
hairballs about the great playwright.

charming novels, including
“West of Here” and “The
Revised Fundamentals of
Caregiving.” But unfortunately
here we go again. Other stories — involving Lewis and Clark
and World War II — rotate through Eugene’s
repertoire with even less import. And then,
after suffering through all this, we begin to
you’re more likely to have suspect that we’re not really in the presence
heard of him because he’s one of the writers of a 1,100-year-old man after all. Eugene is
most frequently condemned by book- and Again.” But, alas, no one will feel informs his writing about the special simply chronically lying, a habit he picked up
banning tyrants gnawing through our public particularly excited to read it either. Despite relationships that can develop with people to compensate for a cruel childhood and an
schools and libraries. the promise of its premise, the high-concept whom society has written off. But moving exceptionally lonely life. The only thing being
Evison’s “Lawn Boy” was widely praised plot of “Again and Again” never manages to erratically between several different times reincarnated in the Desert Green elder-care
when it appeared in 2018. Writing in The rise above its lax execution and clashing and settings puts enormous pressure on the facility is the Jell-O.
Washington Post, Carol Memmott called it intentions. quality of these various tales. It’s true that A stronger editorial hand might have
“an effervescent novel of hope that can The story opens with an old man named Angel seems captivated, but his alternative is saved “Again and Again” by cutting away the
enlighten everyone.” Library Journal Eugene telling us about his lonely existence scrubbing toilets or sweeping up toenail tall tales with their stale aura of fantasy and
recommended it as “an effective coming-of- as a resident in the Desert Green elder-care clippings; we readers need Eugene’s stories allowing a fuller exploration of the traumas
age novel.” And the American Library facility. His beloved wife, Gladys, passed away to be considerably more engaging. that produced this gruff but creative man.
Association named “Lawn Boy” one of the a few years ago, and now he has nothing left. again and For instance, a millennium ago in “Seville, Eugene’s actual past and his friendships with
year’s 10 adult books that have “special “If eleven centuries have taught me again or Ishbiliyah as it was then known, during members of the staff are rich subjects.
appeal to young adults.” anything,” he says, “it’s how to travel light.” By Jonathan the golden age of Abd al-Rahman III in al- But even then, the whole story would need
Nonetheless, offended by the novel’s frank That’s not your standard shuffleboard Evison Andalus,” young Eugene is a poor orphan to be given a full-body sponge bath to wash
language, protesters soon began collecting psych-out. Eugene insists that he was first Dutton. prowling the streets looking for easy targets. away the sweat of sentimentality. As written
dry sticks. They claimed that “Lawn Boy” was born in 10th-century Spain and has since 318 pp. $28 One day at the market, he steals a purse from here, the old man’s insistence that he first fell
pornographic and depicted pedophilia. In been reincarnated many times, too many a powerful Moor and runs as fast as he can. in love with one of the women at the nursing
2021, the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom times. “I’m ready to die,” he says. But a new Seeing he’s about to be apprehended, a home back in 10th-century Spain vibrates
announced that “Lawn Boy” was the second- housekeeper named Angel — symbol alert! — beautiful woman named Gaya hides him. between corny and creepy. And Eugene’s
most challenged book in America, and Evison keeps interrupting Eugene’s pity party. When they’re both captured, they fall in love affection for Angel finally reaches a
revealed that he’d been receiving death Desperate for connection, despite his and scheme to escape while serving the saccharine crescendo that reads like a bake-
threats. irritable exterior, Eugene eventually opens rebellion against the Moors. off between Mitch Albom and Nicholas
Considering what an ordeal Evison has up and begins regaling Angel with memories Unfortunately, this story is not told with Sparks.
endured, I was looking forward to reviewing of his remarkable lives. Once reticent, he’s either the specificity of lived experience or “I only hope,” Eugene says, “that I am not
his new novel, “Again and Again.” I hoped suddenly Scheherazade, trying to keep the intensity of great melodrama. born again.”
that another successful book might provide himself alive with one cliffhanger after That problem feels even more acute when I don’t think you have anything to worry
some welcome distraction from the snarling another. Eugene describes his life as Whiskers, Oscar about, Eugene.
of censorious prigs. That’s a promising start. Evison has a big Wilde’s cat. There’s only one reason anyone
I have good news and bad news: No one heart for sad-sack characters, and his former should bother listening to Oscar Wilde’s cat, Ron Charles reviews books and writes the Book
will feel particularly excited to ban “Again experience as a personal-care attendant and that’s to hear witty and scandalous Club newsletter for The washington Post.

Revisiting American housewives, senseless conflict brewing outside her gated

McDermott sets her most affecting se-

and colonial folly, in Vietnam quence in a Catholic leprosarium and subse-

quent trip back to Saigon. Escorted by Dom,
Tricia and Charlene encounter a magnetic
physician who’d emerged from his own mercy
BY H AMILTON C AIN class yet aspirational, arrive on a year-long mission in the humid forests. They’re attract-
assignment. Armed with a Betty Crocker ed to and repulsed by him as he recounts the

n the morning of Nov. 22, 1963, Presi- cookbook, the naive, gauzy-eyed Tricia trans- human toll: “He’d believed at first, in the
dent John F. Kennedy delivered a key- forms into a hostess-with-the-mostest, im- absolution falling darkness, that he had stumbled on a
note speech at a crowded breakfast mersing herself in the luncheons and charity By alice kind of jungle slaughterhouse, neatly staged
sponsored by the Fort Worth chamber of work of her wifely peers while privately McDermott in a narrow clearing. The stench of rotting
commerce. Before his remarks (and just be- yearning for a baby. She’s embraced by the Farrar, Straus meat, the tangle of bone and flesh, brown
fore the first lady’s choreographed entrance, gregarious Charlene, another spouse and the and Giroux. blood caked like mud, blood indistinguishable
pink pillbox perfectly poised), the luminaries mother of young twins, Rainey (a girl) and 336 pp. $28 from mud. … It was the tatter of clothing that
on the dais were introduced to thunderous Ransom (a boy), and an infant, Roger. Char- gave it away, he said. Even before the clarifying
applause, among them Vice President Lyndon lene bristles beneath the veneer of domestici- sight of crushed skulls and swollen faces.”
Johnson, Gov. John Connally and leading ty; she dabbles in the pharmaceutical black Do-gooders like the sheltered American wom-
figures in the business community, all White market, funding her outreach to the impover- en can’t save these victims.
men. As afterthoughts, their wives’ names ished and infirm. She’s a “white savior,” as “Absolution’s” pacing slackens in Rainey’s
were also announced: Each “Mrs.” stood brief- Tricia acknowledges. section — it feels like an interlude from a
ly, waving a gloved hand, and then the presi- Charlene’s chief project is the distribution different novel — but then McDermott shocks
dent took his position at the lectern, cracking of toys and sweets; she enlists a talented local us with a twist, bringing past and present
a joke about the national obsession with seamstress, Lily (actually Ly) to cut and sew BEowulF SHEEHaN together. She probes the intricacies of parent-
Jackie Kennedy’s haute couture. The rest, as miniature ao dai dresses for “Saigon Barbies.” ing, its tender pleasures and primal instincts:
they say, is history. Charlene tucks the dolls into gift baskets and Contra Charlene, it’s not all teddy bears and
These types of “helpmeets” form the core of drops them off at hospitals and orphanages; prototype for Charlene), a stopover in Char- lemonade.
Alice McDermott’s crystalline, searching “Ab- Tricia shadows her, deferential, adapting to lottesville that altered the trajectory of her The Kellys return to the comforts of their
solution,” an homage to Graham Greene’s her friend’s mercurial moods, a good cop. life. Rebellions, both loud and silent. stateside lives just before the overthrow of the
“The Quiet American.” McDermott, a National With her flashing green eyes and lit cigarettes, McDermott spins gold from sensuous de- Diem regime and JFK’s assassination (which
Book Award winner for “Charming Billy,” Charlene towers over “Absolution,” flirting tails. “Most days, I would bathe in the morning occurred only three weeks apart); Charlene
rewinds the clock 60 years as the charismatic with handsome men who cross her path, and then stay in my housecoat until lunch, and her family soon follow. Were their con-
JFK, troubled by growing U.S. involvement in plotting her way forward with an iffy moral reading, writing letters home — those fragile, sciousnesses raised? Have they stripped off
Vietnam, was fomenting a plan to withdraw a compass. pale blue airmail letters with their complex their noblesse oblige? McDermott doesn’t
cadre of military and corporate advisers, The novel is structured as three letters folds,” Tricia recalls. “I’d do my nails, compose offer definitive answers; her themes dwindle
many cloistered with their families in Saigon exchanged in the present, between the elderly the charming bread-and-butter notes we were away, like contrails of B-52 bombers. Both
amid villas and servants, swimming pools and Tricia and Rainey, now a middle-aged Balti- always exchanging — wedding stationery with Tricia and Rainey weigh the war’s suffering
boozy parties. There’s a whiff of colonial folly more socialite, who has recently run across my still-new initials, real ink, and cunning from skybox perspectives, finding in them-
in “Absolution”: The French had pulled up Dominic, a grizzled veteran. As a 20-year-old turns of phrase, bits of French, exclamation selves a lack of empathy when it was sorely
stakes a decade earlier, leaving behind the soldier, Dom helped Charlene in Saigon, vol- marks galore. The fan moving overhead and needed. Beautifully conceived and executed,
corrupt Diem regime and its unofficial first unteering for the odd task or errand. Tricia Alice the heat encroaching even through the slatted “Absolution” stares down the assumptions
lady, the ruthless Madame Nhu, who lobbied narrates most of “Absolution,” filling Rainey in McDermott’s blinds of the shaded room, the spice of and loyalties that cage us all.
to outlaw contraception and cheered on the on her mother’s schemes while also splicing in new book is an sandalwood from the joss stick on the dresser.”
self-immolation of Buddhist monks. her own pre-Vietnam backstory: how she met homage to If Tricia is romanticizing (fetishizing?) a mo- Hamilton Cain is a book critic and the author of
Against this backdrop a newlywed couple Peter on a Manhattan sidewalk, a civil rights “The Quiet ment and place, then the novel is wiser, “This Boy’s Faith: Notes From a Southern Baptist
from Yonkers, Peter and Tricia Kelly, working- trip to the South with college pal Stella (a American.” interrogating her complicity in the grisly, upbringing.” He lives in Brooklyn.
b4 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023


Maggie Higgins, Berlin bureau chief for the

New York Herald Tribune, gets a military
briefing along with other correspondents in
the late 1940s. As a reporter during World
War II, she pressed to gain access to the
battlefield, a first for female journalists.

was having an affair there with a married Ameri-

can military officer and father of four, she was
sent to the Tokyo bureau, at the time a new
backwater. While her colleagues were busy cover-
ing Japan’s economic recovery, though, she saw
trouble brewing in nearby South Korea. Contest-
ed national elections soon developed into the
Korean War, which landed Higgins on the front
lines for the first time.
Her courageous coverage in Korea is ren-
dered in wonderful detail by Conant, from
muddy foxholes to a valley where Higgins was
stuck in the crossfire and administered plasma
to injured troops. When the Navy refused her
entry onto a ship because of a lack of women’s
facilities, she slept on the cold dock night after
night while the male correspondents enjoyed
hot meals and warm beds.
Her Korean War stories would win her a Pulit-
zer — the first awarded to a female foreign corre-
spondent. At a time when women were barred
from the National Press Club and the White
House Correspondents’ Dinner, Higgins was the
subject of a photo-studded feature-length article
in Life magazine and became the most famous
news reporter in America. She would be feted
with awards and attract the attention of televi-
sion executives and Hollywood studios eager to
tell her life story. But those projects never came to
fruition, partly because of Higgins’s objections to
the fictionalized scripts.
She would make enemies with some of the
biggest names in the business: Homer Bigart, her
competitor at the Tribune, hated her and even-
tually admitted, “She made me work like hell.”
The wife of one of her colleagues wrote a thinly
veiled novel about a seductive female correspon-
dent who would do anything for a scoop. “If you
listened to all the stories,” said Life photographer
Carl Mydans, “you could conclude that she slept
army SigNal corpS/NatioNal archiveS aNd recordS admiNiStratioN with the entire U.S. Army.”
By the early 1960s, Higgins had settled in
Washington and had the inside track to the Ken-

A trailblazing reporter nedy family, writing about the Cuban missile

crisis and finally, Vietnam — her own personal
Waterloo. The Korean War and her experiences in
Europe had made her a staunch enemy of com-

who defied journalistic sexism munism. As a result, Higgins would clash with
Vietnam correspondents David Halberstam and
Neil Sheehan, eventual journalism legends who
were just young reporters at the time and whose
clique she referred to condescendingly as the
Rover Boys. Ultimately, as Conant clearly shows,
BY H ELENE S TAPINKSI California, raised by a World War I veteran look at their notes, stealing their stories out- Higgins’s missteps in covering the Vietnam War

father and a demanding French mother. Inher- right or sleeping around to get access to her would land her on the wrong side of history. Her
round 9 p.m. on many nights in the iting traits from both parents, Higgins had “the subjects. Higgins liked to have sex, Conant tells luck had run out, and not only journalistically.
early 1960s, an exclusive by the jour- face of an angel” but earned a reputation as us, which was taboo for any woman in 1940s She would die at age 45 from a disease she
nalist Maggie Higgins would roll off “something of a hellion.” and ’50s America. “Men were congratulated for contracted while covering the war.
the New York Herald Tribune’s Like many great reporters, Higgins was not a their office conquests, but women always Though Conant’s prose is plain and straight-
presses, and editors at the New York team player. Once, when her class at Columbia wound up being judged for them,” she writes. forward, her subject is so full of life that it makes
Times would call to ask their Washington staff University’s Graduate School of Journalism was Her hard work always paid off, to the conster- up for any lack of literary flourish. Her painstak-
to match her scoop for the next day’s paper. For assigned to write on a specific subject, Higgins nation of colleagues, who would end the day in ing detail would not have been possible without a
years, Higgins drove her competitors into fits went to the campus library and checked out every the bar while she was still out in the field hustling. woman named Kathleen Kearney Keeshen, who
of jealousy and resentment. journal and book on the topic, infuriating her Higgins also had a knack for being in the right Fierce spent 12 years in the ’70s and ’80s interviewing
It is neither cliché nor exaggeration to say fellow students. More maddening was that she’d place at the right time, sniffing out the next big AmbiTion Higgins’s fellow reporters, military officials, hus-
that Marguerite “Maggie” Higgins stood on the often use her good looks and feminine charm to story. But luck was only part of the equation. She The Life and bands and lovers for her master’s and PhD theses.
front lines of history. Not just American history, work her way into a job or a story. Pretending to simply worked harder than anyone else. Legend of War It’s fortunate that Keeshan — whom Conant
but women’s history. In addition to covering be a maid, not once but twice, the blonde, blue- After landing a series of big scoops, Higgins correspondent thanks on both the dedication page and at length
D.C. and New York, Higgins was a war corre- eyed Higgins gained access to interviews others convinced her bosses to send her to Europe in maggie Higgins in the book’s acknowledgments — was not as
spondent who fought the military brass to could not (to a wealthy tycoon’s wedding and later the last days of World War II. At age 24, she By Jennet competitive as Higgins. Because of Conant’s and
allow her — and hence all women — access to to a labor leader’s hotel room). would be one of the first to witness the libera- conant Keeshan’s collaboration, Higgins’s life is now ren-
the battlefield. Before Higgins, female corre- “There were so many barriers to women tion of both Dachau and Buchenwald, inter- W.W. Norton. dered in full, no longer lost to the march of
spondents had to hang back while the men got entering what was historically a man’s field, it viewing dozens of emaciated prisoners for 396 pp. $32.50 male-dominated history.
the scoops. But Higgins changed all that. was hardly surprising Maggie would resort to hours, after the other reporters couldn’t handle
In her latest biography, “Fierce Ambition,” some devious shortcuts,” Tenant writes in a it anymore. Helene Stapinski is the author of three memoirs:
Jennet Conant examines Higgins’s life and credible defense. “Since it was not a level After covering the Nuremberg trials and the “Five-Finger discount: a crooked Family history,”
legend, telling us where she came from and playing field, she saw no reason to play fair.” Soviet takeover of Czechoslovakia and Poland, “Baby plays around: a love affair, With music” and
how she found fame, if not fortune. She de- There are countless complaints from she was promoted to the Herald Tribune’s Berlin “murder in matera: a true Story of passion, Family,
scribes Higgins’s youth in Hong Kong and scooped reporters, accusing her of stealing a bureau chief. But when her bosses learned she and Forgiveness in Southern italy.”

The case for parole in an age of mass incarceration

BY K RISTEN M ARTIN indeterminate sentencing — minimum and son served time at the same time, Austen
maximum ranges, like those given to Veal and chooses to tell their stories in different direc-

e’ve been living in the age of mass Henderson — a practice originally adopted in tions. The book begins with Veal’s November
incarceration for more than half a 1870 as a means of acknowledging that a judge 2020 parole hearing; it’s not until a third of the
century now. In the past decade or so, or prosecutor could not predetermine when a way through that we turn back to the begin-
works like Michelle Alexander’s “The New Jim person would be sufficiently reformed. Inde- ning of his sentence. Austen alternates Veal’s
Crow” have opened Americans’ eyes to the scale terminate sentencing went hand-in-hand story with Henderson’s, which he relates
and ravages of a penal system that dispropor- with discretionary parole, designed “to con- chronologically. Each chapter contextualizes
tionately punishes Black men. We now under- tinually evaluate people in prison, to encour- the men’s experiences against the backdrop of
stand the major forces that drove the popula- age their pro-social behavior,” Austen writes. the larger penal system. The structure makes
tion in state and federal prisons to reach a peak By the time Veal and Henderson entered for an elliptical and sometimes disorienting
of more than 1.6 million in 2009 (it fell to just prison a century later, it was clear that the correcTion timeline, returning to key time periods, like
over 1.2 million by 2021), including the tough- promises of indeterminate sentencing and Parole, Prison, the 1970s, again and again.
on-crime policies of the 1970s, the war on drugs discretionary parole had failed to materialize. and the Structural qualms aside, “Correction” pro-
of the 1980s and ’90s, and the harsher sentenc- People in prisons across the country, from Possibility vides a revelatory lens for examining mass
ing laws that accompanied both. Attica to Folsom, rose up to demand better of change incarceration. As Austen writes, “Parole con-
We focus less on what happens to people conditions, including an end to parole, which By Ben austen veys the story of the country in all its fevered
once they are in prison, or how they might had proved a highly corruptible process. “The Flatiron. conceptions of safety and punishment.” Espe-
someday leave. One way to freedom is parole, finish line of a sentence could be moved again 323 pp. $29.99 cially effective at demonstrating this are
the term for both the process of assessing an and again as a way to discriminate against or scenes of parole hearings, where board mem-
incarcerated person for conditional release punish racial minorities, political activists, bers — civilians appointed by a state’s gover-
before the end of their sentence and the state women, or anyone deemed different or unsa- nor — seem forever tempted to retry the
of being supervised after release. In 2020, vory,” Austen writes. Indeterminate sentences, original case. Unless the candidate can coun-
there were more than 860,000 people on meanwhile, had ballooned to “fantastical ter the story of the crime with a story of how
parole — more than four times the number of JoN loWeNSteiN ranges” as judges sought to reassert their they’d transformed since, “the board members
people who were in prison in 1973. Author and journalist Ben Austen. power. turned back to the original offense, which
As journalist Ben Austen’s “Correction” at- In the mid-1970s, states began to abolish never stopped being heinous and forever dis-
tests, parole is a process full of its own discretionary parole for most crimes; the respected the law,” Austen writes. The tenden-
inequities and injustices, raising existential Chicago housing project. Veal was found guilty federal government did away with the practice cy of parole boards to get hung up on the
questions about what incarceration is sup- as an accomplice to the 1970 murders of two in 1987. Around the same time, the country crime, which cannot be changed, at the ex-
posed to accomplish and how much punish- police officers, a killing that forever changed established mandatory minimum sentences pense of considering the person who commit-
ment and rehabilitation a person must under- Cabrini-Green; he has always maintained his for specific crimes. But the criminal legal ted the crime, who can change, mirrors, Aus-
go after committing a crime. Parole is also, as innocence. Meanwhile, Austen met Hender- system wasn’t responding to the demands of ten says, the system as a whole. By locking up
Austen writes, “central to a correction, to a son through the Chicago lawyer Sara Garber, prison uprisings; lawmakers were motivated violent criminals for decades without a clear
change in the country’s values.” His book is a who represented Veal at parole hearings. Un- by the political popularity of tough-on-crime rationale for what imprisonment is meant to
critical contribution to discussions of how to like Veal, Henderson acknowledges his guilt in rhetoric and the mistaken idea that ever- do besides enact vengeance, we stay stuck
reform American criminal justice, illuminat- the 1971 murder of a White teenager in East St. harsher punishments would deter crime. forever in the past.
ing how we might change the process of giving Louis. Like Veal, Henderson had been incar- Since Veal and Henderson were convicted “Correction” makes a compelling case that
people second chances and re-envision the cerated for more than 40 years and denied before Illinois abolished parole, they were still expanding access to parole — a subjective
very purpose of our carceral system. parole several times when Austen met him. eligible to be considered for release. Crucially, means of determining freedom that neverthe-
Austen constructs his investigation around Austen interviewed his two main subjects Austen connects how changes in the country’s less offers people in prison “an opportunity to
intimate portraits of Johnnie Veal and Michael more than 100 times. His extraordinary access philosophies toward and narratives of crime literally be seen and heard” and for the public
Henderson, two Black men convicted of mur- allows him to present them in their full and punishment affect people already serving to “contend with their humanity” — can help
der as teenagers in 1970s Illinois. Each was humanity — a vital factor in a book that argues time and their odds of being granted a second us move forward.
sentenced to 100 to 199 years with the possibil- that violent criminals, who make up the ma- chance. One chapter illustrates this with snip-
ity of parole. Veal’s imprisonment formed a jority of the incarcerated and have been left pets of letters that the Illinois Prisoner Review Kristen martin is a cultural critic based in
footnote in Austen’s first book, “High-Risers: out of recent prison reforms, deserve more Board sent to Henderson over the years ex- philadelphia. her debut narrative nonfiction book,
Cabrini-Green and the Fate of American Pub- thorough consideration for release. plaining why he had been denied parole. “the Sun Won’t come out tomorrow,” is
lic Housing,” which focused on the infamous “Correction” traces the rise and fall of But despite the fact that Veal and Hender- forthcoming.
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post EZ EE B5

Book World

On his deathbed, Anthony was sociable and flirtatious, while her

Hecht turned to his beloved husband was moody, tormented by PTSD
wife, Helen, and said, “I pray I and racked by frequent writer’s block. The
shall be among the English marriage broke down, and Harris soon wed
poets.” These were, according a wealthy European banker, taking the
to David Yezzi in “Late couple’s two little boys to live with her
Michael Romance: Anthony Hecht — abroad. Hecht would spend years in therapy.
Dirda A Poet’s Life,” his last words But, as in one of Shakespeare’s late
before drifting into a final romances, the middle-aged poet was
sleep. Whether this dying wish will be unexpectedly granted a second chance,
granted only time will tell, but you can indeed a second life: In 1971, he happened to
decide for yourself now: Simultaneous with meet again Helen d’Alessandro, one of his
Yezzi’s critical biography, a new one-volume former Smith students, and three months
edition of Hecht’s “Collected Poems,” edited later they married. As Yezzi stresses, Helen
by Philip Hoy, has just been published. brought happiness, serenity, a new son and
Besides the six major collections issued inspiration to her poet-husband. In 1979,
during the American poet’s lifetime, it also Hecht produced “The Venetian Vespers,”
contains late and uncollected work. which many readers regard as his finest
A consummate master of formal verse, single volume. In 1982, he began a two-year
Hecht was equally formal in his public term as consultant in poetry at the Library
persona. He dressed in well-cut, of Congress, soon afterward accepting an
conservative suits, carefully coifed his hair, appointment as a university professor at
spoke with what many regarded as an Georgetown. In these years, he wrote
English accent and in later life sported a masterly if sometimes overly august essays
beard worthy of an Elizabethan cavalier. eventually collected in three volumes, as
Among friends, however, he could unwind, well as “The Hidden Law,” a book-length
especially after a martini, and could be quite study of Auden. The elegantly decorated
funny, as some of his light verse shows. Still, home he and Helen established on a quiet
to judge by passages in his poetry and life corner of Nebraska Avenue soon became a
story, Hecht would have called pride his own regular stopover for writers visiting D.C.
particular sin, along with its little cousin, Following a slow decline in his later 70s,
envy. Hecht died of cancer at age 81 in 2004.
Not that Hecht was ever precisely For all the variety of its contents, Hecht’s
rivalrous: He profoundly admired the work “Collected Poems” repeatedly exhibits his
of Robert Lowell, James Merrill, Richard particular fondness for interior monologues
Wilbur, Sylvia Plath, Joseph Brodsky and by imaginary characters, as well as his
Anne Sexton — all of whom he knew and regular use of ekphrasis (the description of a
counted as friends. For him, they formed painting), scenes imbued with symbolic
contemporary poetry’s A-list. But was he on significance (what the French call “paysage
it too? moralisé”), a liking for radical contrasts, and
Mostly, Hecht believed he was — and I frequent allusions to the Bible, Shakespeare
certainly would place him there — but he and other poets. Often a sensual opening
could be flattened by a negative review. His will lead to an unexpectedly horrific or

He strove for
polished veneer disguised a lifelong fragility, heartbreaking finale: “The Deodand,” for
sometimes leading to depression, at other instance, juxtaposes an Orientalist painting
times to self-doubt, anger or writer’s block. of Parisian ladies pretending to be harem

poetry’s A-list.
Even in his later years, this recipient of the girls with the dreadful torture imposed on a
Pulitzer Prize, the Bollingen Prize, the French legionnaire captured during a
Robert Frost Medal and a half-dozen other colonial war in Algeria. In the wrenching
literary honors, as well as numerous “More Light! More Light!” — perhaps
distinguished fellowships and grants,
actively yearned for at least a few more
stamps of approval, notably a MacArthur
That’s where Hecht’s best-known poem — three
Buchenwald prisoners are psychologically
manipulated in a cruel game that ends in

he belongs.
“genius” award, which, he once noted, their even crueler deaths.
“many of my juniors, and not a few of my Yet no matter how dark or light his theme,
inferiors have received.” Hecht’s verse always remains musical,
Hecht’s last collection was starkly titled flowing and immensely readable, though
“The Darkness and the Light” (2001), but in undeniably showy in its diction rather than
Yezzi’s view trauma and darkness dominated plain-spoken. Hecht’s full power can be
most of the poet’s early life. An unhappy JACK mItCHEll/gEttY ImAgES experienced only through long quotation,
childhood, experiences of antisemitism, the but his linguistic impudence and bravura
horrors of war and the Holocaust, post- are hinted at in such phrases as “Swooning
traumatic stress disorder, the anguish of an lAte RomAnCe: ColleCted lubricities and lassitudes,” clouds like “giant
unhappy marriage, two much-loved sons he Anthony Hecht — Poems confections, impossible meringues,” an
could seldom see — these are the serious A Poet’s life Including late and overgrown field that reveals “the busy
themes Yezzi rightly favors but perhaps By David Yezzi Uncollected Work undergrowth of gross neglect,/ The sadness
slightly belabors. While many readers would St. martin’s. By Anthony Hecht. of lapses,” and even the capsule portrait of
place Hecht in the elegant and Waspy poetic 480 pp. $40 Edited by Philip Hoy. our congressmen as “spouters of solecistic
company of Wilbur and Merrill, Yezzi Knopf. filibusters/ Smug, well-heeled heels of the
instead probes the deeply Jewish and 640 pp. $50 legislative powers.”
indirectly confessional aspects of his major To my good fortune, I got to know Tony
works, implicitly situating him with Sexton, Hecht after I reviewed “The Venetian
Lowell and Plath. Vespers,” and over the years I often received
As a result, “Last Romance” does tend to little notes from him, either gently
downplay Hecht’s wit, light verse and who periodically attempted suicide and what he saw at the Flossenbürg correcting or more rarely praising what I’d
fondness for the mildly risqué. “The Ghost in ended up working as a salaried employee for concentration camp, where its already written about this poet or that novelist. By
the Martini,” for instance, depicts the his rich in-laws. Hecht’s mother regarded skeletal prisoners were essentially worked to then, he had passed through most of the
thoughts of a middle-aged poet, harangued her older son as “mediocre” and lavished her death in a nearby quarry: For years, he shocks and torments related in Yezzi’s
by his younger self, as he seduces a willing affection on his younger brother, who would awake shrieking from the nightmares. biography, what he once described, in
younger woman, while “An Old Malediction” suffered from epilepsy and other ills. At the After the war, Hecht enrolled as a special “Circles,” as “long inventories of miseries
modernizes one of Horace’s most famous prestigious Horace Mann School, Hecht’s student at Kenyon College, absorbing the unspoken,/ appointment books of pain,/
odes: grades were, in fact, mediocre, though Tony, lessons and some of the manner of the attars of love gone rancid,/ the pitcher
What well-heeled knucklehead, straight as he was known, found a friend in his courtly poet and critic John Crowe Ransom, broken/ At the fountain.” Though his
from the unisex classmate Jack Kerouac. Not having gotten then later finding a champion in Allen Tate. intellectual precision could be intimidating,
Hairstylist and bathed in Russian into Oberlin, Hecht subsequently enrolled at Hecht’s mature work, however, bears the even then he was, at heart, kind and
Leather, Bard College and one day announced that he deeper impress of T.S. Eliot and W.H. Auden. generous, especially to several younger
Dallies with you these late summer intended to become a poet. A family friend, After his first collection, “A Summoning of writers whom he devotedly mentored.
days, Pyrrha, Theodor Geisel — better known as Dr. Seuss Stones,” was published in 1954, he (too When, in 2004, I again wrote about Hecht —
In your expensive sublet? For whom do — tried unsuccessfully to dissuade him. harshly) judged it apprentice fare and didn’t this time for an obituary appreciation — I
you During World War II, Hecht joined the bring out another book for 13 years. But called him an “irreplaceable poet.” It’s
Slip into something simple by, say Army, expecting to perform intelligence when “The Hard Hours” appeared in 1967, it almost 20 years later, and he still is.
Gucci? … work, but to his chagrin and surprise he won a Pulitzer Prize.
Of course, Yezzi supplies all the spent the conflict’s last months in Europe as During the 1950s and ’60s, Hecht taught michael dirda is a Pulitzer Prize-winning
biographical facts one expects. Anthony an infantryman. Yezzi reveals that Hecht at various colleges — Bard, Smith, the columnist and the author of the memoir “An
Hecht was born in 1923 into a well-to-do but kept secret his immense guilt over being University of Rochester — and one day Open Book” and of four collections of essays:
dysfunctional New York Jewish family. His unable to fire his weapon at the enemy. precipitously married a beautiful model “Readings,” “Bound to Please,” “Book by Book”
father proved to be a terrible businessman Worse than guilt, however, was his horror at named Patricia Harris. Unfortunately, Pat and “Classics for Pleasure.”

mY steRI es
by Karen macPherson

The detectives in these new mysteries top suspect. The quest to clear her
include four senior citizens living in an granddaughter’s name becomes an emotional
English retirement community, a Cherokee lifeline for Lana while also providing a
archaeologist in rural Oklahoma and a driven possible path toward healing between her
L.A. real estate broker. Despite their and Beth. Simon’s depiction of the difficult
differences, they all share a common trait: a family dynamics is engrossing, but she also
tenacious desire to see justice done. offers a riveting whodunit that will keep
readers guessing to the end. (William
‘Glory Be,’ by Danielle Arceneaux Morrow)
Police have pronounced the death of her
best friend a suicide, but Glory Broussard, an ‘A Château Under Siege,’
outspoken Black woman in Lafayette, La., by Martin Walker
isn’t buying it. Sister Amity Gay was a murder of an old friend, an antiques dealer and Emma Lou were the only survivors of a French village policeman Bruno Courrèges
beloved community organizer and religious named Kuldesh Sharma. As the four amateur murderous night in which their best friend, is once again thrust into international
leader with a zest for life, and there was no detectives search for a mysterious package Luna, and her parents were targeted by intrigue in Martin Walker’s “A Château Under
sign that she was considering taking her own that may have led to his death, they find gunmen who then burned down their house. Siege.” As this 16th installment of the “Bruno,
life. To Glory, who grew up in the segregated themselves menaced by art forgers, drug Syd believes Emma Lou’s disappearance is Chief of Police” series opens, Bruno is
South, the suicide finding is yet another dealers and hired killers — not exactly the somehow related, and despite violent efforts attending a reenactment of the 1370 Battle of
example of the police’s lack of interest in usual mix of people in their quiet retirement to stop her investigation, Syd vows to find her Sarlat when Brice Kerquelin, the person
solving crimes involving African Americans. community. But the hunt also is a distraction sister. With this immersive tale, Lillie, a playing the hero, is apparently knifed
So Glory, a part-time bookie, starts her own from the sorrowful situation facing one of the citizen of the Cherokee Nation tribe, also onstage. Kerquelin is no ordinary actor: He’s
investigation into who killed her friend and foursome and deeply affecting them all. provides a valuable insider’s look at the also a tech whiz who has been touted to be
immediately finds herself targeted by some of Osman’s brilliant idea of creating a cast of injustices that continue to be part of daily life France’s next intelligence chief, and the
the city’s toughest criminals. With “Glory Be,” elderly, clever gumshoes pays off handsomely for many Native Americans. (Berkley) attack puts French defense officials on high
Danielle Arceneaux offers a remarkable in this volume as readers find themselves alert. Tasked with protecting Kerquelin’s
debut novel that blends a character study wondering whether to laugh or cry. (Pamela ‘Mother-Daughter Murder Night,’ family and friends who have gathered in the
with a tightly woven mystery that delves into Dorman) by Nina Simon area for their annual reunion, Bruno
dark corners of racism and corruption. Lana Rubicon, a driven L.A. real estate discovers that the Kerquelin incident may be
(Pegasus Crime) ‘Blood Sisters,’ by Vanessa Lillie broker, and her adult daughter Beth, a nurse, related to a secret terrorist effort by Russia
Memory and revenge take center stage in have always been at odds with each other. and China. Walker, a former journalist who
‘The Last Devil to Die,’ Vanessa Lillie’s gripping “Blood Sisters,” When Lana receives a cancer diagnosis, covered world security issues, creates a
by Richard Osman which shines a light on the alarming number however, she is forced to accept her believable story of terror in France’s
Richard Osman brings his trademark mix of missing and murdered Native American daughter’s offer of hospitality and moves to Dordogne region, while pleasing series fans
of humor, heartbreak and mystery to a new women. The story opens as Bureau of Indian the small California coastal town where Beth by exploring further complications in Bruno’s
emotional level in “The Last Devil to Die,” the Affairs archaeologist Syd Walker, a Cherokee shares a home with her teenage daughter, tortuous love life. (Knopf )
fourth book in the “Thursday Murder Club” who has made a new life in Rhode Island Jack. Things are tense, and Lana is bored and
series. This time, the quartet of with her wife, Mal, returns to her childhood miserable until Jack, who has a part-time job Karen macPherson is the former children’s and
septuagenarian sleuths — Elizabeth, Joyce, home in rural Oklahoma after her younger guiding kayak tours, discovers a dead body. teen coordinator at the takoma Park maryland
Ibrahim and Ron — are investigating the sister Emma Lou disappears. As kids, Syd Police say it’s murder, and suddenly Jack is a library and a lifelong mystery fan.
B6 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

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and milk cans, which survived despite the detailed author’s note is as impressive as her with each other.
‘In the Pines: A Lynching, ghetto’s destruction. Adam Paskow, a fiction- storytelling. (Doubleday, Dec. 5)
a Lie, a Reckoning,’ al archivist, writes about residents’ daily 3 deMOCraCy aWaKeNING (Viking,
by Grace Elizabeth Hale lives — arguments, jokes, plans for what ‘Dazzling,’ $30). By heather cox richardson. the
As a history professor specializing in white they’d do in a better world. As Adam by Chikodili Emelumadu author of the popular newsletter
supremacy, Hale urges White Americans to look becomes close to Sala, a married mother of Emelumadu’s clever feminist rethinking of “letters from an american” warns that
honestly at their family lore, and she uses her two, an impossible relationship blossoms. Nigerian folklore explores themes of legacy america is trending toward autocracy.
own as a lesson. She was told that her grandfa- Meanwhile, a clandestine offer of escape and obligation filtered through the modern 4 THe WaGer (Doubleday, $30). By
ther, a Mississippi sheriff, heroically guarded forces them to make unthinkable choices. story of two girls. Treasure and her mother are David Grann. after enduring storms,
the jail where a Black man accused of raping a (Algonquin, Nov. 28) poverty-stricken and hungry after her father’s sickness and a shipwreck, the surviving
White woman was being held in 1947; yet death, so she makes a deal with a spirit who crew members of the hms Wager turn
despite his efforts, the prisoner was killed. ‘All the Little Bird-Hearts,’ promises to bring her father back to life in against each other.
When Hale read about the incident in the local by Viktoria Lloyd-Barlow exchange for completing one harrowing task.
newspaper archives, she found a very different Longlisted for the Booker Prize, Lloyd-Bar- Ozoemena, meanwhile, has a conflicted rela- 5 THe CreaTIVe aCT (Penguin, $32). By
story, but she kept her findings to herself until low’s tender debut novel about the changing tionship with her inherited responsibility: to rick rubin. a Grammy-winning music
white supremacists attacked her students dur- relationship between a mother and her ado- protect her homeland and its inhabitants by producer shares how artists work and
ing the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottes- lescent daughter is informed by her own turning into a leopard. But when students at suggests ways to foster creativity in
ville. Vague lessons about racial injustice aren’t personal and professional experience with her boarding school start disappearing, her everyday life.
enough, she realized. People need to expose autism. Sunday, who charmingly consults burden becomes increasingly vital. The girls
buried family secrets like hers to counteract the old-fashioned etiquette books to help her face the consequences of their choices — and 6 PreQUel (crown, $32). By rachel
“denial of black humanity at the heart of white understand proper behavior, prefers days their destinies — as their worlds collide. maddow. a narrative history of the
supremacy.” (Little, Brown, Nov. 7) filled with routines but will settle for disrup- (Overlook, Dec. 5) wide-reaching plot to promote
authoritarianism in early 20th-century
america and the effort to prevent it.
7 GOING INfINITe (W.W. norton, $30).
By michael lewis. the author of “the
Big short” gives an insider’s account of
the rise and fall of cryptocurrency
l I T era ry C a leNda r exchange ftX and its founder, sam
nov. 12 - 18
8 HIddeN POTeNTIal (Viking, $32). By
12 SUNday | 1 P.M. McKay Coppins discusses 7 P.M. David Swinson discusses “sweet thing” with 7 P.M. Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore discusses adam Grant. the author of “think
“romney: a reckoning” with Jeffrey Goldberg at Politics Dana King at one more Page Books, 2200 n. “touching the art” with Jennifer Natalya Fink at Politics again” gives a framework for
and Prose, 5015 connecticut ave. nW. 202-364-1919. Westmoreland street, arlington. 703-300-9746. and Prose. achievement that relies on growth
rather than innate ability.
3 P.M. John B. Judis and Ruy Teixeira discuss “Where 7 P.M. Sunu P. Chandy, Jody Hobbs Hesler and Martha 16 THUrSday | 7 P.M. Hajar Yazdiha discusses “the
have all the Democrats Gone?: the soul of the Party in Anne Toll present their works and discuss lifting up struggle for the People’s king” with Gene Demby at 9 THe COMfOrT Of CrOWS (spiegel &
the age of extremes” at Politics and Prose. marginalized voices at the Potter’s house, 1658 loyalty Bookstore, 827 upshur st. nW. 202-726-0380. Grau, $32). By margaret renkl. in 52
columbia rd. nW. 202-232-5483. chapters, the author of “late
5 P.M. Mark Kurlansky discusses “the core of an onion: 17 frIday | 6:45 P.M. Kevin Dennehy discusses migrations” chronicles the evolution of
Peeling the rarest common food — featuring more 7:30 P.M. Alexia Arthurs presents her works with nine “the D-Day Visitor’s handbook, 80th anniversary her backyard over the course of a year.
than 100 historical recipes” with Theresa McCulla at emerging local writers in poetry, fiction and nonfiction at edition,” streamed through smithsonian associates.
Politics and Prose. shaw’s tavern, 520 florida ave. nW. 202-518-4092. $20-$25. 10 eNOUGH (simon & schuster, $30). By
13 MONday | 7 P.M. Sigrid Nunez discusses “the 15 WedNeSday | 10:30 a.M. Rhonda Roumani 7 P.M. Michael Cunningham discusses “Day” at Politics cassidy hutchinson. a memoir by the
Vulnerables” with Molly McCloskey at Politics and Prose. discusses “tagging freedom” at Politics and Prose. and Prose. former White house aide who testified
before the house Jan. 6 committee
7 P.M. John Gallagher and Gale Galligan discuss “max 5:30 P.M. Sally Jenkins, Deborah Kalb, Angie Kim, Liza 18 SaTUrday | 1 P.M. Richard O. Prum discusses about President Donald trump’s
meow 5: attack of the ZomBees!” and “marvel super Mundy, Mary Quattlebaum and others present their “Performance all the Way Down: Genes, Development, actions before and during the 2021
stories” at scrawl Books, 11911 freedom Dr. reston. works at meet the authors night & Book fair at the and sexual Difference” at Politics and Prose. attack on the u.s. capitol.
703-966-2111. university club of Washington Dc, 1135 16th st. nW.
2 P.M. I.S. Berry presents “the Peacock and the
202-862-8800. rankings reflect sales for the week ended nov. 5. the
14 TUeSday | 2 P.M. Crystal Hamlin-Tramack sparrow” at Bards alley, 110 church st. nW, Vienna. 571- charts may not be reproduced without permission from the
discusses “she needs to move something to live” at the 6:45 P.M. Coleen Murphy discusses “how We age: the 459-2653. american Booksellers association, the trade association for
Patrick henry library, 101 maple ave. e, Vienna. 703- science of longevity,” streamed through smithsonian independent bookstores in the united states, and
3 P.M. Anna Pitoniak discusses “the helsinki affair” with copyright 2023 american Booksellers
938-0405. associates. $20-$25. association. (the bestseller lists alternate between
Evan Thomas at Politics and Prose. hardcover and paperback each week.)
6:45 P.M. Jon Bonné discusses “the new french Wine: 7 P.M. Valzhyna Mort discusses “music for the Dead and
5 P.M. Lisa Gornick discusses “ana turns” with Susan
redefining the World’s Greatest Wine culture,” streamed resurrected” with David Keplinger at american
Coll at Politics and Prose.
through smithsonian associates at university’s school of international service, founders $20-$25. room, 4400 massachusetts ave. nW. 202-885-1600. for more literary events, go to
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post eZ ee B7

Book World


arl Safina’s account of how he and his
family adopted a screech owl, named
her Alfie and raised her to adulthood
is, on one level, the story of human
beings thrown in close contact with a
familiar but wild animal. He digs much deeper,
however, than Sterling North did for raccoons
in “Rascal” and Margarete Sigl Corbo did for
backyard birds in “Arnie, the Darling Starling.”
You can imagine Safina driving around with
one of those “Who rescued who?” bumper
stickers, but with his showing a silhouette of an
owl instead of a dog or cat.
Yet “Alfie and Me” is more than that. Safina is
determined to turn this experience into a win-
dow on humanity’s relationship with the rest of
nature. Reading it sent me back to William
Blake’s poem “Auguries of Innocence.” Like
Blake, Safina sees the world in a grain of sand,
holds infinity in the palm of his hand. In
addition to Blake’s poetic insight, Safina brings
a great deal of scientific knowledge to his work;
he is a renowned ecologist, the author of nu-
merous acclaimed books and a MacArthur
Safina’s primary theme is how inattention
numbs connection and leaves us living a less
passionate life, less aware of our vast animalian
community. But learning how to stay connect-
ed requires practice and knowledge. “To be
human is to ask questions,” he says simply. And
ask them he does. Often, if not always, Safina’s
interrogation of each interaction results in
provocative, insightful asides, a pulling-togeth-
er of the many tributaries of attention to a
particular animal, employing his career in the
life sciences and the vast reading of world
literatures and philosophies that flow into his
sprawling narrative.
Like the contemporary naturalist Lyanda
Lynn Haupt, Safina is determined to see pHotoS CourteSy of CArl SAfINA

through labels, biases and assumptions when

regarding the natural world and our place in it.
He wants to interact on a personal level with an
individual animal. He knows that a squirrel is
not a field-guide distillation of identifying
traits. It is an individual living creature. It has
What owls can teach us to a frazzle. This fussiness derives in part from
his urgent seriousness. But even an admirable
desire to preach connectedness — because he
knows that we care to protect only what we love

about being human

eyes, hands, feet, hunger, fear. Like us, it scur- — can become tiresome when the author keeps
ries around seeking food and avoiding danger. revisiting favorite points.
Like us, it has a history that traces back to the Safina also maintains a greeting-card cute-
big bang. Safina lacks Haupt’s lyrical grace, but ness throughout. He refers to their dogs as
his thinking aloud still makes for lively and “doggies,” describes the mated owls as “honey-
exciting conversation with an author — sponta- mooners” and their mating as “so much bonk-
neous, if not polished; vivid, if not elegant. ing going on.” Afterward, Safina speculates that
Describing Alfie’s behavior, Safina writes: “She Alfie was “too in love and perhaps too well-fed
might perhaps even pounce on the occasional by Plus-One” to return to him or take food. He
mouse who’d sniffed out some birdseed I’d even entitles his acknowledgments page “Grat-
sprinkle in there, so she would not forget what itudes” and writes it as beatitudes, beginning
her talons and her fascination with motion by bestowing a halo on people such as himself:
were for or how to use them at speed.” “Blessed are the compassionate, who find wild
Safina and his wife and children permit Alfie babes rendered helpless by circumstance and
the run of their spacious home on Long Island, feel moved to help.”
then move her out to a coop, then leave its door I’m glad that people feel moved to help and
open, then continue to feed her as she hunts alFiE and ME that well-informed writers feel moved to share
and returns to this doting family. She finds a What Owls their stories. There is no larger theme than the
mate whom they dub Plus-One. With the sec- Know, What intricacies of our relationship with a single
ond-guessing of a Trollope hero, Safina worries humans other living individual, human or otherwise.
over each step: “I joked with Patricia that I was Believe And scientific knowledge of life’s intricacy only
trying not to feel too hurt or left out. Then I by Carl Safina deepens the intuitive insights of the past. “Alfie
wondered if I was entirely joking.” Despite this W.W. Norton. and Me” is a colorful if uneven guide to living
kind of remark, Safina seldom steps back 384 pp. $32.50 more deeply through interaction with others
enough to see the humor in his helicoptering of who share our experience of inhabiting an
a different species. He is a fussy foster parent. animal form. “What is the best we can make of
How he worries about this little bird! He our existence?” asks Safina. “Connection.
worries that she won’t eat (she does), won’t That’s my answer.” The book ends with Alfie
fledge (she does) and that she may get killed in still a part of their lives.
a storm (she doesn’t). He worries about the
effects of his intervention in Alfie’s life. He Michael Sims’s books about nature include
refrains from jazz drumming during Alfie and “Adam’s Navel” and “In the Womb: Animals,” a
Plus-One’s “courtship.” At times Safina frets companion book to the National Geographic
until he seems worn, as my mother used to say, Channel series.

TOP: Ecologist Carl Safina with Alfie, a young screech owl he and his family rescued and raised to adulthood. ABOVE: Alfie and a friend.

How to save the world? Try kindness — and money and tech.
BY E LIZABETH H AND Their altruistic counterparts are also drawn in
broad strokes. In addition to Martha, there’s

his is the way the world ends: not with a Zimri’s Black wife, Selah, and Ellen Bywater’s
bang or a whimper, but an alert from an nonbinary child, Badger, both of whom feel like
early-warning system sent to one’s per- authorial nods to inclusivity rather than fully
sonal device, signaling imminent apocalypse. realized characters. A foul-mouthed Russian
The alert isn’t for you or me or the billions of computer genius friend of Zehn’s exists mostly to
others on our planet. It’s sent to the three tech explain how AI can never develop consciousness.
moguls who effectively rule the world, giving At one point, Zehn reflects on the work of
them a few days’ head start so they can be flown Ayn Rand. “Her most famous book was a
(genuinely under the radar) to their respective fantasy that if a few wealthy and powerful
thE FuturE
bunkers, where they’ll be joined by a few family people disappeared, the world would end.”
by Naomi
members and friends who will help them re- “The Future” engages in an equally simplistic
boot civilization once the catastrophe subsides. form of wish fulfillment. Instead of Rand’s
Simon &
That’s the premise of Naomi Alderman’s Objectivist triumphal vision of capitalism and
immensely readable if frustrating new book, the cult of the individual, Alderman suggests
415 pp. $28.99
“The Future,” set a decade or so from now. that, with enough money, kindness and yes,
Alderman likes Big Ideas: Her previous novel, tech, our world could be transformed.
“The Power,” imagined a world where, over- “There is a beautiful world on the far shore,
night, young women develop the ability to where we’re not destroying all the species
deliver electrical shocks, upending gender, cul- anymore and our cities are clean and beautiful
tural and political dynamics. Do they use this and full of wild birds, and our cars are all
ability for good? Or are brutality and the urge to electric and all shared, and the streets are safe
power hard-wired into our species? for kids to play in, and we get to keep TV and the
“The Future” is a thought experiment of a ANNAbel Moeller internet and concerts and ballgames and all
similar vein. If technology could only be liber- that good stuff, and fine, we’re eating mostly
ated from the chokehold of capitalism, might Sodom and Gomorrah, drawing parallels be- shooting: She’s the target. She escapes, with a vegan food but it’s good, and if we can just get
we save the world in a year or two? Its epigraph tween the fate of those cities and the current clever shout-out to the fate of Lot’s wife back in through the pain barrier as quickly as possible,
comes from a translation of Lao Tzu by Ursula state of the planet: Sodom. It’s a great scene and setting, reminis- then we’re there.”
K. Le Guin, another science fiction writer who “Abraham was saying something … about cent of William Gibson’s glittering dystopias Isn’t it pretty to think so.
didn’t shy away from exploring the dynamics of how even if you do happen to be incredibly and engulfing paranoias. Yet before we can Still, when Alderman chooses to linger on a
power and gender in her imagined worlds. powerful, you can’t just walk away when things absorb what’s happened, there’s a flashback, character, she creates some breathtaking
Alderman’s novel starts by introducing us to go bad. That’s not what your power is for. … If then a flash forward, then some more survival- scenes. Her glimpses of a future just a few
those three tech CEOs: Lenk Sketlish, the you’ve got power, use it to help.” ist postings, then some backstories, the history nanoseconds removed from our own are terrif-
Harvard-educated founder of the social net- And so, after a lengthy preamble, we finally of a survivalist cult, a recurring and tedious ic — a Davos-style conference on selling post-
work Fantail; the brilliant, philandering and meet the novel’s protagonist — 33-year-old Lai debate regarding Neolithic hunter-gatherers apocalypse tech; wildlife protection corridors
emotionally detached Zimri Nommik, who cre- Zhen, a “Hong Kong Chinese slash British slash vs. the first agriculturalists, and some welcome patrolled by swarms of drones that keep away
ated the data-driven purchasing giant Anvil; American lesbian.” Zhen is a popular contribu- hot sex between Zhen and Martha Einkorn, humans; survivalist bunkers as bonkers as they
and Ellen Bywater, who since the death of her tor to Name The Day, where she’s the top- Sketlish’s personal assistant. are eerily beautiful. She effectively skewers the
beloved husband has helmed Medlar Technol- ranked expert in technological survival. A sur- The crosscuts, shifting points of view and tech triumvirate, whose hubris and greed mas-
ogies, the planet’s most successful personal- vivor of the fall of Hong Kong (following a cascade of cataclysmic events are presumably querade as altruism.
computing corporation. The Pynchonesque takeover by mainland China) and subsequent intended to heighten the novel’s tension, or Alderman hedges her bets in the novel’s
monikers and the correspondences between internment in a refugee camp, Zhen spends her perhaps impart a sense of Alderman’s frag- Naomi slingshot ending, which I found perversely
real-world figures and corporate history (Med- time making and posting videos with titles like mented depiction of the future. Instead, it’s all Alderman reassuring. It turns out that, even in a fictional
lar’s co-founder is ousted from the company he “What Goes through Your Mind When You’re confusing and underscores her emphasis on writes about utopia, some problems can’t be solved by the
started) seem to place us in the realm of satire. Being Shot At.” Lonely and disaffected after a ideas rather than human interaction. Zhen and tech moguls application of money, tech and good intentions
But the story immediately takes a turn to romantic breakup, she’s wandering through a Martha are the only two characters who really and — human nature among them.
heavy-handed parable, when it jumps to a Singapore megamall when shots pierce the come to life. The tech tycoons are straw people survivalists in
survivalist online forum called Name The Day. window of an electronics store. for Alderman’s central thesis: “If you’ve got an apocalyptic Elizabeth hand’s most recent novel is “A Haunting
There a frequent poster recounts the tale of Zhen quickly realizes this isn’t a random power, use it to help.” near-future. on the Hill.”
B8 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023


Celebrating Willa Cather

and her pioneering spirit

Calla Kessler

The sun sets on the Willa Cather Memorial Prairie in Red Cloud, Neb., the town where the novelist’s family moved in 1882, when she was 9.

CAThER from B1 says that “she believed in luck, particularly her friend Elizabeth Shepley Sergeant in which In 1899, Cather met Isabelle mcClung. The
own, and believed in the luck-making power she laments: “If only I could nail up the front two women shared a bedroom at mcClung’s
been going on around the country. In June, of desire.” As a girl, Cather clearly had the door and live in a mess, I could simply become parents’ house in Pittsburgh for five years.
Cather’s preeminence as an American writer power to inspire others with her vision: Her a fountain pen and have done with it — a mcClung eventually married, a devastating
was made manifest in bronze when her father borrowed money for her tuition, and conduit for ink to run through.” Perhaps, in event for Cather, who went on to meet Edith
sculpture was unveiled in Statuary Hall at the before that, her parents carved out a make- addition to housekeeping, what Cather Lewis, the editor with whom she lived from
U.S. Capitol. Holding a walking stick in one shift room of one’s own for their eldest yearned to be “done with” was sexuality. 1908 till her death.
hand, a notebook in the other, Cather scans daughter in the attic dormitory she shared Taylor is an especially nuanced commenta- “Probably” is a qualifier the scrupulous
the Nebraska landscape she immortalized in with her six brothers and sisters. tor on the vexed “Was she or wasn’t she?” Taylor frequently resorts to when dealing with
her novels, among them “o Pioneers!” (1913), During college, Cather began a decade-long question of Cather’s sexuality. The bald bio- subjects he feels are resistant to a biographer’s
“The Song of the Lark” (1915), “my Ántonia” career of practicing what we would call “cul- graphical facts read as follows: Cather as a scrutiny. So it is that he deploys “probably”
(1918), “A Lost Lady” (1923) and “The Profes- tural journalism,” churning out the kind of girl was unconventional (wearing boy’s cloth- when considering the question of Cather’s
sor’s House” (1925). reviews that earned her the appellation “meat- ing, chopping off her hair and experimenting sexual identity in that Louise Pound letter:
Benjamin Taylor’s slender, discerning new ax girl” from an early editor at the Nebraska with male signatures like “William Cather “The letter is a profession of love. … Is it
biography, “Chasing Bright medusas: A Life of State Journal. She held writing, editing and Jr.”). In college, she had a fierce friendship consciously lesbian? The answer, though not
Willa Cather,” might also be numbered among teaching jobs in Pittsburgh until she received with a fellow intellectual named Louise easy, is probably no. … rather than speaking
these tributes. Cather, of course, has long a life-giving invitation in 1906 from mcClure’s Pound, which generated the single letter in of one kind of love, the letter prefers to talk
attracted the attention of some superb long- magazine to move to New York and become an Cather’s vast archive that speaks at all to the about love at its most exalted, above the reach
form biographers and critics, tops among editor and contributor. Still, Cather was driv- issue of her sexual identity. “It is manifestly of mere carnality. Willa saw herself as excep-
them Hermione Lee and Joan Acocella. Apart en by grander ambitions for her writing. unfair,” Cather wrote to Pound in 1892, “that tional rather than homosexual. But that she
from the cluster of Cather anniversaries, the Taylor quotes a 1913 letter she wrote to her ‘feminine friendships’ should be unnatural.” was homosexual is obvious, astounded though
spur for this new biography was the expiration she would have been to know it.”
in 2011 of the legal strictures against quoting This is a quick two-step of a paragraph, but
from Cather’s letters. famously insistent that rather than being evasive (which, doubtless,
her work, not her life, should be the focus of some readers will take it as being), it seems to
critical attention, Cather set up a trust in her me a rigorous effort to fathom how Cather
will to enforce that ban after her death in 1947. understood herself. Throughout his discus-
Years before, in one of those awful incendiary sions of Cather’s novels, Taylor underscores
moments that flare up in literary history, his steady insight that, for her characters,
Cather burned the letters she’d written to the “sex is … the worm in the apple.” To name but
great love of her life, Isabelle mcClung. Earlier one instance of many, marian forrester, the
biographers were restrained to paraphrasing luminous heroine of “A Lost Lady,” fades into
Cather’s letters, often resulting in AI-like the novel’s “lost lady” because of her humili-
approximations of her arresting voice and ating erotic liaisons. Similarly, marriages are
descriptions of nature. Taylor, happily, had full mostly lonely affairs in Cather’s fiction;
access to Cather’s “Selected Letters,” pub- instead, friendships are always the most vital
lished in 2013, as well as to the 2,700 or so relationships. Consider the charged bond
letters that have been digitized in the ever- between Jim Burden and Ántonia Shimerda
growing Willa Cather Archive at the Univer- in “my Ántonia” and the two clergymen in
sity of Nebraska at Lincoln. “Death Comes for the Archbishop.” Even in
Taylor says in his prologue that his biogra- “Paul’s Case,” the intense 1905 short story
phy “arises from a debt of love” to Cather for that Taylor rightly deems “Cather’s first
her writing. It’s a graceful, old-fashioned undoubted masterpiece,” the eponymous
gesture of a statement that signals the tone of main character — whom we readers today
this biography, which is designed for, to certainly view as queer — yearns, above all
borrow Virginia Woolf ’s term, “the common else, to merge himself with beauty and art, to
reader.” But “Chasing Bright medusas” should “chas[e] ‘bright medusas,” to use Cather’s
appeal to anyone — novice or expert — ready phrase, rather than content himself with
to explore Cather’s life and work in the andrew HarniK/aP ordinary life. Was the wish to “become a
company of a critic so alert to the shimmering fountain pen and have done with it” some-
subtlety of her style and the hard years of thing of a liberating fantasy for Cather?
effort that went into crystallizing it. Probably.
Taylor’s most recent book, “Here We Are,” Two summers ago, during my brief pilgrim-
was a memoir of his friendship with Philip age to red Cloud, I was fortunate to be shown
roth — another American literary genius the place where Cather’s transformations be-
whose hometown (in roth’s case, Newark) gan: the “story-and-a-half frame house” that
was the gift that kept giving. Here, Taylor her parents bought in 1885 for their growing
summons up red Cloud, where Cather’s family. I climbed to the attic dormitory and
family moved in 1882 when she was 9. At that peered into the shadowy little room, “a corner
time, the town and surrounding prairie and of the L-shaped attic” that had been parti-
farmland were populated by immigrants ChAsing tioned off for Willa alone. Her girlish flowered
from Scandinavia and Central Europe, as Bright wallpaper was still mostly intact. As Taylor
well as quiet eccentrics like the English clerk MedusAs notes, the heroine of “The Song of the Lark,”
William Ducker, who read Virgil and ovid in A Life of Thea Kronborg — an aspiring opera singer
the evenings with the young Cather. This Willa Cather and stand-in for the young Cather — dreams of
swirl of immigrant friends and neighbors By Benjamin her destiny in a fictional evocation of that very
instilled in her, as Cather once put it, “a Taylor same room: “from the time when she moved
feeling of an older world across the sea.” Viking. up into the wing, Thea began to live a double
Doubtless it helped form what Taylor sees as 192 pp. $29 life. During the day, when the hours were full
Cather’s bedrock anti-modernism. Contrast- of tasks, she was one of the Kronborg children,
ing her to her younger contemporaries — but at night she was a different person. … She
Hemingway, faulkner, fitzgerald and Dos had an appointment to meet the rest of herself
Passos — whom he characterizes as “men ABOVE: sometime, somewhere. It was moving to meet
who wrote mockingly about the illusoriness A statue of her and she was moving to meet it.”
and deceptiveness of ideals,” Taylor says: Willa Cather, With great feeling and deeply informed
“What makes her the greatest of anti-mod- holding a perception, Taylor helps us readers realize
ernists is that ideals were what was most real walking stick anew the sustained effort it took for Cather to
to her.” (I object to sweeping fitzgerald into and a meet “the rest of herself,” in her novels and her
this cynical crowd. After all, “The Great notebook, is life.
Gatsby,” which Cather read and told fitzger- unveiled in
ald she enjoyed, tells the story of a doomed the Capitol in Maureen Corrigan, who is the book critic for the
dreamer who yearns to repeat the past.) June. nPr program “Fresh air,” wrote the introduction to
She left red Cloud at age 16 for the LEFT: Cather the Vintage 100th anniversary edition of “a lost
University of Nebraska. Taylor evocatively aP in 1931. lady.”
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post
KLMNO eZ re C1

METRO sunday, november 12 , 2023 eZ re C

high today at JOhn Kelly’s WashingtOn Maryland Obituaries
approx. 3 p.m.
two Vietnam veterans U-md. condemns lyn mclain, 95, founded
8 a.m. noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
55° who met briefly during the antisemitic statements the D.c. Youth orchestra,
precip: 0% war are reunited decades expressed during a bringing classical music to
44 52 53 46
° ° ° ° wind: nne
7-14 mph later at D.c.’s memorial. C3 pro-palestinian protest. C4 thousands of kids. C5

Spanberger For Md.,

to run for
governor, FBI win
sources say boosts
Va. congresswoman equity
looks poised to announce
campaign ‘imminently’ officials welcome
bureau ‘home’
Emphasis on selection
RICHMOND — Rep. Abigail span- uplifting Black enclave
berger (D-Va.) will not seek reelec-
tion in Virginia’s 7th District next
year so she can run for Virginia BY L ATESHIA B EACHUM
governor in 2025, according to AND E RIN C OX
two people familiar with the Dem-
ocrat’s plans. As critics of the Biden admin-
spanberger, who won a third istration’s decision to award a
term last year in one of the state’s new FBI headquarters project to
most competitive swing districts, Maryland attacked the process,
will announce her gubernatorial state and local officials said the
bid very soon, according to the prize was long overdue for Prince
two, who spoke on the condition of George’s County, a wealthy Black
anonymity because the congress- enclave whose leaders have long
woman had hoped to make her sought to secure parity with
announcement a surprise. one of neighbors in the Washington
the two said she was preparing to metropolitan region.
launch her campaign “imminent- In pitching the Greenbelt site
ly.” The other was more specific, for the $3 billion facility, Mary-
saying she would do so Monday land strategically emphasized
with the release of a video. michael s. williamson/the washington post how it would further the Biden
spanberger’s campaign de- Jake Good, a nursery technician for the virginia Department of Forestry, inspects young white dogwood trees at the agency’s tree administration’s goal to invest in
clined to comment. fields in Crimora, va., on Oct. 23. Private citizens contribute tons of acorns that they collect in their yards and elsewhere. communities overlooked by the
The congresswoman’s interest federal government, a point the
in seeking the Executive Mansion state’s first Black governor made
has hardly been a secret but her
“imminent” entry, whether it’s
Monday or even a few months
Acorn by acorn, gathering seeds to save forests in conversations with the presi-
dent and bureaucrats.
“We know this is going to have
away, would be unusually early — such a lasting impact,” Maryland
nearly two years before Election Gov. Wes Moore (D) said in an
Day in november 2025.
no one from either party has
formally jumped into the race to
succeed Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R),
who cannot seek reelection in Vir-
o n a sunny fall day at the edge of
shenandoah national Park, Jake
Good, a nursery technician with the
Virginia Department of Forestry, was get-
ting acorns and chestnuts into the ground.
Virginia tree program
is also a tool against
cient soil to grow.
The process wasn’t gentle but in about
18 months would result in a crop of
seedlings that could be sold to landowners
and the timber industry. In this way,
interview Thursday, the day after
the General services Administra-
tion announced that Greenbelt
had been selected.
“We’re talking over 7,500 jobs.
ginia, the only state that bars its
governors from serving consecu-
More than three tons of them.
Here at the state’s nursery, about 140
climate change Virginia’s arboreal future would be secure
— thanks in part to acorn enthusiasts who
We’re talking billions of dollars
of economic activity. And that is
tive terms. Youngkin formally de- miles southwest of Washington, this plant- donated more than a million specimens going to serve as a catalyst for the
clared his candidacy for the 2021 ing was an industrial operation. Poured this year as part of a state program. larger tech revolution that’s tak-
sEE sPaNberGer on C3 from sacks into a machine, these seeds — BY J USTIN W M. M OYER Good was already excited for early 2025, ing place in the state of Maryland
future Chinese chestnut and white oak when the seedlings would be ready for right now,” Moore said, referring
trees, many collected from donors around IN CRIMORa, Va. harvesting and distribution: “You see them in part to Baltimore’s recent
the state — were filtered into tubes that come up . . . that’s all my hard work.” designation as a federal technol-

Leadership cast them on a row of earth about seven

feet wide. Workers walked behind the
machine, stepping on the acorns and
The operations at the Crimora nursery
use contributions from an acorn donation
program that Virginia’s forestry depart-
ogy hub.
Prince George’s County Execu-
tive Angela D. Alsobrooks (D)

fight ahead chestnuts that were not covered by suffi- sEE PlaNtiNG on C2 credited the persistence of the
Maryland delegation and its
sEE GreeNbelt on C4

for Virginia
House GOP These women bought a D.C. building 40 years ago and became a family
Janice location, lot size and building
Washington never dimensions. What it won’t
Some legislators blame expected to own a contain — what it can’t contain
abortion-heavy campaign home. — is what she noticed the
she told that to moment she met the women who
for loss of lower chamber a reporter in 1986, live there. They had built
just three years something special within those
Vargas after she and a walls.
BY L AURA V OZZELLA group of tenants “I didn’t really realize what I
bought the D.C. building where walked into,” spencer said as she
RICHMOND — A group of Repub- they had been renting sat with the women. “This is
lican legislators, angry with Gov. apartments. such a success story. The fact
Glenn Youngkin and his political In an article that reporter that you’re still together, through
team for spotlighting a 15-week wrote at the time, the purchase thick and thin, and through all
abortion ban ahead of Tuesday’s was presented as a success story, the housing crises.”
elections, said they will try to as an example of what It is impossible to spend time
overthrow House speaker Todd low-income D.C. residents with the women and not feel
Gilbert for failing to push back could achieve with the help of a you’re witnessing a unique
against a strategy that they say nonprofit and the D.C. housing situation and an even
cost the GoP control of the House, government. Each of those more unique bond. Their
according to three delegates in- tenants earned less than experience shows how, with
volved in the effort. $15,000 a year. intentionality from
At a closed-door meeting in Forty years after that organizations and government
Richmond on sunday, just days purchase, four women who were agencies, housing stability and
after Democrats flipped the among the original tenants still generational wealth can be
House of Delegates and held onto live in the building, and they still created. They also care about one
the state senate, House Republi- marvel at what they made another in a way that goes
cans plan to elect their caucus happen. beyond neighbors. They raised
leadership. As speaker, Gilbert “never,” Washington told me children in that building and, at
(R-shenandoah) was in line to on a recent afternoon as those times, looked after one another’s
become minority leader given his women sat nearby. “never, did children, nieces and nephews.
party’s loss of the majority. we, as a group, imagine owning theresa Vargas/the washington post They learned each other’s work
But some Republican delegates this building.” From left, Janice Washington, bettie Perry, Joanne Jenkins and earlie Hendricks recently decided to schedules (three of the women
want to remove Gilbert from lead- The building is a six-unit sell the six-unit apartment building in Northwest Washington that they bought together 40 years ago. held jobs in health care), and
ership, saying he should have re- complex that sits on a quiet they helped one another through
buffed Youngkin and leaders of stretch of northwest They held on through illnesses and together, they recently made 1983 for $75,000, according to illnesses and injuries.
the governor’s spirit of Virginia Washington. From the outside, and deaths in their families. the decision to sell it. that newspaper article, which “We have been a family,”
political action committee, which the building doesn’t stand out as They held on through the births Letting go of the home they’ve ran in The Washington Post. Washington said. “There’s
in late september launched a $1.4 unusual. It is neither stunning of their children and the births known for most of their lives similar buildings in their Park nothing we haven’t done
million TV campaign based on nor a blight. But inside the of their grandchildren. They held won’t be easy, they told me. They View neighborhood now sell for together.”
the governor’s plan to ban most building, up a stairwell, in on as they watched the also agreed it was time. one of more than $1 million, and one on the day we talked, she sat
abortions after 15 weeks. separate apartments, live four neighborhood change and the women is 97, and the others recently sold for about $2 on a sofa in the apartment of
Abortion appeared to be a mo- women who know they occupy a familiar faces get replaced by are in their 70s. The stairs have million, said noelle-Kristine Earlie Hendricks. Hendricks,
tivating force for Democrats and unique space. In a city that has new ones. become difficult for them to spencer of TTR sotheby’s who is 97, was the first of the
female voters in Virginia, the only seen many Black and low-income The arrangement the women climb. They also recognize that International Realty. four women to live in the
southern state that has not im- residents pushed out by housing formed is probably one of the selling the building now will give spencer, who has been building.
posed new restrictions on the pro- costs and rising rents, the four longest-standing co-ops in the them the chance to benefit from working with the women, will “I moved here in 1967,” she
cedure since the supreme Court African American women long city. It will also soon come to an all the work they have put into soon post a public listing of the said. “And I’ve been here ever
overturned Roe v. Wade last year. ago claimed a piece of the city, end. Together, the women made maintaining it over the decades. property. That listing will since.”
sEE va. GOP on C3 and they held on. the decision to buy the building, They bought the building in contain all the standard details: sEE varGas on C4
C2 eZ sU the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

Virginia’s rebuilding of forests pays off for economy, climate and leaf-peepers
plaNtiNG From C1 monwealth. Eventually, mature state’s forests. If these countless next generation of oaks and
trees are felled to provide raw acorns, nuts and seeds can be other species, according to
ment has run for about a dec- materials for builders, furniture conveyed to facilities such as Dickerson.
ade. Last year, the harvest was a makers and others. Crimora, new forests eventually But people can help trees
formidable eight tons of acorns With its collection program, will be born. reproduce if they take the time
and nuts — enough to produce Virginia facilitates this cycle, “All you have to do is get to pick up acorns instead of
1.5 million seedlings. This year, stabilizing the forest canopy as people to scoop this stuff off of treating them as refuse.
donors sent 12 tons. trees come and go. money from their driveway,” he said. “It’s a “It’s something they walk
No matter how many seed- the sale of seedlings also is contribution to the universe.” past every day that they might
lings the program produces, invested back into the nursery, Alexis Dickerson, the Potomac step over,” Dickerson said. “You
however, there is room for according to Swift-Turner. Conservancy’s senior director for can simply collect those things
more. Virginia has about 16 one of the state’s more community conservation, said and get them to the right person
million acres of forestland and diligent acorn collectors is the nonprofit helps facilitate that can create the next genera-
more than 108,000 residents 69-year-old mike ortmeier, who acorn-collection programs tion.”
employed in forestry and relat- started gathering them as a throughout the D.C. region with Brittany Blackwell, one of the
ed industries. This is big busi- retirement project after leaving its “Tomorrow’s Trees” program. workers pushing seeds into the
ness: The commonwealth’s for- the Department of Energy in With expanding construction ground at the Crimora nursery,
estry industry is worth $21 2009. As a young boy, he and his and development, Dickerson said she and her children went
billion annually, according to twin brother had dreamed of said, areas of the river’s water- to a farm her family previously
forestry department spokes- planting forests, he said. Now, shed are paved over or convert- owned to gather Chinese chest-
man Cory Swift-Turner. by contributing trees-to-be to ed into manicured lawns. When nuts as part of this year’s collec-
This dollar amount is more the Crimora nursery, he was michael s. Williamson/the Washington Post acorns fall, they cannot take tion effort. When the farm’s
than simply the value of the helping Virginia do just that — Jake Good, a nursery technician for the Virginia Department of root in asphalt or concrete or current owner thanked her for
logging industry’s timber. Trees and fighting global warming in Forestry, holds some Northern Red Oak tree seeds on Oct. 23. are dismissed as yard waste by doing yard work, her response
filter the water and air, reduce the process. landscapers. Any that become was: “What yard work?”
temperatures to decrease de- “I can’t go out and suck out collector,” ortmeier said he erty. Undertaking this mission, saplings may be devoured by This wasn’t a chore. This was
mand for electricity during hot every carbon molecule from the gathers as much as 1,000 he faces an unexpected enemy: deer displaced by loss of forests keeping an important species
months and bring in autumn’s atmosphere,” ortmeier said. “I pounds of acorns and other tree landscapers. Among the detri- and habitat. As a result, the alive.
“leaf-peeping” tourists who see myself as a cog in the wheel.” seeds per year from public tus cleared from gutters and developed area becomes a “des- “We’re starting the future
spend money across the com- A self-described “super- streets and other people’s prop- lawns are the future of the ert” that cannot produce the population,” she said.


Operator settles land dispute for high-speed rail between D.C. and Baltimore
BY L ORRAINE M IRABELLA to Baltimore-Washington rapid pleted as proposed, eventually co-founder of the Westport Com- call home,” Allen said. mine the value of the formerly
rail (BWrr) that would allow for would extend to cities and air- munity Economic Development But she cautioned that commu- industrial property and set a
BALTIMORE — The operator of a the continued planning of a ports north to New York, the rail Corp., said she was glad to hear a nity members still know few de- deadline by which the railroad
proposed high-speed rail system $10 billion superconducting mag- company said in a news release. settlement was reached that tails about the settlement. would need to acquire it.
linking Baltimore and Washing- netic levitation rail system. “BWrr always maintained would retain plans for the com- “As of right now, our stance, the BWrr, a private company,
ton and the developer of a pro- The deal would allow Stone- that both projects can coexist,” munity-supported waterfront de- Westport CEDC, we do not sup- eventually plans to build the 311
posed waterfront community wall to develop and build the one Bill Scott, the rail company’s pres- velopment and not harm the ex- port maglev coming through the mph rail line between Washing-
have reached a settlement over Westport housing project as ident and chief operating officer, isting Westport neighborhood community,” she said. “This does ton and New York. The proposed
disputed vacant land in Balti- planned and approved, said ray wrote in an email. and quality of life. not turn into an automatic sup- system promises to cut travel
more’s Westport neighborhood. Jackson, a Stonewall principal, in The one Westport develop- There is “fear of homes being port for maglev.” times to 15 minutes between Bal-
Stonewall Capital, the owner of a recent email. ment is expected to offer access to taken, or living too close to more The long-simmering condem- timore and Washington and one
43 acres planned for residential BWrr would be granted an the waterfront and to existing infrastructure that would devalue nation suit had been headed to hour between D.C. and New York,
and commercial development, easement for its northbound light rail transit. homes of predominantly Black trial in Baltimore Circuit Court in the rail operator said.
has agreed to grant an easement route into Baltimore that, if com- Keisha Allen, board chair and people in a neighborhood they August . A jury trial was to deter- — Baltimore Sun


A month from winter’s start, fall shows its splendor in color and comfort
BY M ARTIN W EIL ous as the one before was gray But Saturday seemed less sug- ery. Leaves that earlier might ington average for the date, the the sky with brilliant fire at
and gloomy. gestive of winter than as a bright have reached a compromise be- temperature bestowed comfort sunrise.
on Saturday we moved to As the 11th day of November, reminder of why autumn seems tween fading green and en- that summer or winter exists In its orange and scarlet bril-
within a month of winter, while Saturday brought the realization to have so high an approval croaching gold now seemed to only in wishes and dreams. liance, the dawn seemed a visual
reveling in the splendors of au- that the winter solstice, which rating among Washington sea- have gone all gold. After a rainy Friday, fog fanfare, and the day that fol-
tumn in Washington, on a day falls on Dec. 21, lies exactly 30 sons. With a high of 61 degrees, formed early Saturday. It gave lowed seemed clearly worthy of
that seemed as sunlit and glori- days away. Trees still flaunted their fin- three degrees above the Wash- way to clouds enough to stripe it.

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sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post EZ sU k C3

After crossing paths in the Vietnam War, two disparate veterans meet again
In 1970, the U.S. the team got called up. the minute they touched down in Census Bureau. This past may, he
Army sent Adib “my mother was scared to the tall savannah grass. saw on TV that there was a
sabree to death for me,” said Adib, 74. “my “my job as a machine-gunner Vietnam War exhibit on the mall.
Vietnam. peggy father just told me to go and do was to work my way to the front He grabbed a handful of photos
Kelly was already my best.” of the column and force them to he’d taken in ’Nam and headed
John there. Peggy started out at Tuy Hoa get their heads down,” he said. down.
Kelly's “I thought it Air Base. There was an actual “At some point they were lobbing “out of curiosity, I went into
Washington all the so unfair that red Cross Center there, a grenades. one exploded close one of the tents,” he said. “I was
men were building where men could relax enough that I got a stomach being sarcastic. I said, ‘Anybody
getting drafted by shooting pool or playing wound.” know this lady here?’”
and they did not ping-pong. A few months later Adib received a Bronze Star It was a photograph of a
have a choice,” Peggy told me. she was sent to the more spartan and a Purple Heart for his 21-year-old Adib in a flak jacket
“And women had a choice. I base at Cu Chi. Adib was nearby, actions that day. He later and boonie hat, leaning against
wanted to help out the guys.” at a firebase outside of Cu Chi. received a second Bronze Star. the sandbags of a firebase, his
And so Peggy joined the “That city was famous — or At the first Thanksgiving after right hand grasping the hand of
American red Cross’s infamous — because we couldn’t she was back home in rochester, a young woman in a light blue
Supplemental recreation figure out how the enemy would the only person Peggy could skirt and top.
Activities overseas program, in disappear,” Adib said. “It turned really talk to at dinner was her one person did know that
which female college graduates out they had a whole city cousin Larry, who had served in woman. one person is that
from the ages of 21 to 24 were underground.” Vietnam. woman: Peggy Kelly, who lives in
sent to Vietnam or Korea to red Cross workers like Peggy “You come back and people Vienna.
boost troop morale. She left were called “Donut Dollies.” FAmily photo are talking about very trivial on Veterans Day, Adib will
rochester, N.Y., for two weeks of “No, we did not have peggy Kelly, a red Cross volunteer, and soldier Adib sabree during things,” she said. “Your mind think about the men who didn’t
training in Washington and doughnuts,” she said. “That the Vietnam War. They reunited in May at an exhibit on the Mall. wasn’t really on trivial things make it home and those who did.
arrived in Vietnam in November name came from World War II after being there for a year and “We’re not looking forward to
1969. and the Donut Dollies in Europe. one time, Peggy was walking Dollies visiting. Was his morale seeing what people saw.” any special attention,” he said.
“my mom and dad, they It was just a term of endearment from her Quonset hut, pink boosted? After Vietnam, Adib left the The vets, he said, are just happy
always knew I was sort of an that stuck.” rollers in her hair, her head “Do you know, it really was,” Army. He moved to rochester, to be remembered — and for
adventurous type,” said Peggy, In the morning, Peggy and covered by what they called a he said. “It was short-lived, but it N.Y., and worked for Kodak for a people to understand that “to
76. another Donut would don their boonie hat when a gust of wind was fun. I know it sounds sexist, while. He put off visiting the varying degrees some of us are
Adib was drafted after losing light blue outfits, board a swept away the hat. but we were soldiers. We were Vietnam Veterans memorial in still suffering from that
his student deferment. The helicopter and chopper to a “These GIs saw the curlers in men. To see American women, it Washington. experience.”
football scholarship that had firebase. There, they’d present a my hair and they went crazy,” she was a boost to our morale.” “It was too emotional,” he said. Peggy will think about those
taken him from his hometown of TV-style quiz game to engage the said. “That was America to them. In June 1970, Adib and his unit “Finally a buddy of mine said in days, too: “We were trying to
Savannah to Kentucky State soldiers, remind them of home They hadn’t seen curlers in like a were deposited by helicopter in ’92 or ’93, ‘I’ll go with you.’” make it better for our guys, who
College ran out of funding. “and have them forget where year.” what was called a “hot LZ.” The Adib lives in the District now are still our guys no matter
Several freshman members of they were for an hour,” she said. Adib remembers the Donut enemy was firing at them from and is retired from a job at the what.”

Some GOP lawmakers eye House leadership change after losing the chamber
VA. gOp From C1 But Youngkin and his team
tried something new after the
The three delegates, who spoke Supreme Court gave states the
on the condition of anonymity to right to outlaw abortion last year
share private caucus delibera- and a backlash to the ruling hurt
tions, said the governor’s PAC did republicans across the country in
not consult them about the ad buy midterm elections months later.
or the flurry of mailers on the Youngkin embraced what he
same theme that the PAC sent to billed as a compromise between
some districts. They also said the total bans adopted in some states
PAC ignored their concerns and and the laws on Virginia’s books,
made last-minute demands for which allow abortion for any rea-
them to appear at Youngkin-led son through the second trimester
rallies and other events, which (about 26 weeks) and in the third
they said were primarily meant to only if three doctors agree it’s
promote his potential last-minute needed to preserve the mother’s
bid for president. life or health.
“We literally ran on one of the He proposed banning abortion
third rails of politics,” said one of after 15 weeks, with exceptions for
the delegates, who said he raised rape, incest and when the life of
questions about the strategy to the mother is at risk.
Gilbert months ago. “We told Several republicans backing
them, this is the year to run on Kilgore said they had no beef with
inflation, grocery bills, gas bills, Youngkin for staking out that po-
fuel costs, freakin’ child care. … If sition for himself, but said they
we’re not providing an answer or objected to aggressive TV and
a solution to those things, then mail ads promoting that in their
the people are looking at us, ‘Why districts. Some said they agreed
are you talking about abortion?’” with the message but not the
Youngkin’s office did not re- intense emphasis on it or the
spond to a request for comment, timing; the TV ad rolled out after
and neither did Gilbert’s spokes- some delegates believed they had
man. Spirit of Virginia officials sufficiently responded to Demo-
also declined to comment, but crats’ attacks on that topic and
PAC Chairman Dave rexrode de- had turned the page to new
fended the PAC’s work on X, for- issues, such as crime.
merly known as Twitter. Youngkin’s approach initially
“Despite difficult odds from drew some favorable national
the outset & an onslaught of Dem- reviews, with neutral political
ocratic spending, in excess of at observers speculating that by pro-
least $50m, Governor Youngkin’s posing limits less severe than
PAC contributed to these races in those adopted in the rest of the
an unprecedented way, providing John C. ClArk/Ap South since the fall of Roe, he
a roadmap for republican suc- some Virginia House republicans want speaker Todd gilbert (r-shenandoah) removed from leadership for not pushing back against gov. might have found a way to stave
cess even in competitive or glenn Youngkin and his political action committee’s focus on a 15-week ban on abortion ahead of last week’s general Assembly election. off an abortion rights blue wave.
difficult environments,” rexrode Even after Tuesday, some ob-
wrote in a long thread that also gram, the role of abortion and the “coordinated campaign,” the term of the chamber in 2021. White House bid on the line, servers say he might have done
noted House and Senate republi- thoughts behind our strategy to for the House, Senate and PAC’s In a letter to fellow House re- Youngkin and his team made just that.
cans won 13 districts that Presi- combat the attacks (most of them campaign efforts. one of the del- publicans, Kilgore said he was abortion a central theme with all “VA-Dems went all out on abor-
dent Biden won in 2020 and seven completely false), and why we egates disputed that claim and best suited to help the caucus 140 House and Senate seats on the tion against the GoP and only
where congressional Democratic invested in certain races. I look said Kilgore opposed the strategy. rebound in the next elections, in ballot and both narrowly divided won the legislature by 1% of the
candidates prevailed last year. forward to all of that.” “I have worked with the gover- 2025. “While we are at a cross- chambers up for grabs. vote after a favorable redistrict-
matthew moran, the PACs ex- The infighting suggests Young- nor and support his agenda roads that we neither wanted nor The strategy was a notable shift ing map for them,” conservative
ecutive director, wrote on X that kin could have trouble with his wholeheartedly,” Kilgore said in a expected, now is the time to come for Virginia republicans, who Erick Erickson wrote on X. “The
he looked forward to addressing party as he faces a General Assem- written statement to The Wash- together and move forward,” he have tended to play up kitchen VA-GoP compromise probably
any criticism at a panel discus- bly controlled by Democrats. ington Post. “However, this isn’t said in the letter, a copy of which table issues — such as the econo- mitigated the attacks.”
sion monday night, called After more immediately, the strife about the governor — it’s about was obtained by The Washington my, schools and crime — and rNC Chairwoman ronna mc-
Virginia Votes, put on annually by pits Gilbert against Del. Terry the future of leadership in the Post. downplay abortion. After wooing Daniel claimed on the “ruthless”
the nonpartisan Virginia Public Kilgore (r-Scott), a veteran legis- House of Delegates, and making The letter made a broad pitch GoP caucus voters with a vow to podcast the day after the election
Access Project. lator from the state’s far south- the changes we need to make to be for Kilgore, thanked Gilbert for “protect the life of every Virginia that the party did not put enough
“Losing sucks, and I’m never west corner, who is challenging successful in the long term for the his leadership and did not criti- child born and unborn,” Youngkin emphasis on abortion.
afraid to wear anything on my him for minority leader. Kilgore Virginians we represent.” cize the speaker’s decisions on himself said little about abortion “I watched all the ads in Vir-
chin,” moran wrote. “You can’t be has served as majority leader un- Kilgore has sought to lead abortion or anything else. The in the 2021 general election. He ginia, the candidates on our side
prepared to take the credit if der Gilbert for the past two years. House republicans before, with delegates said the strategy dis- was captured on video saying he did not address [abortion],” she
you’re not also prepared to take As majority leader, Kilgore was unsuccessful bids for minority pute was a big part of the attempt- had to downplay the issue to win said, prompting sharp pushback
the criticism … I expect a good familiar with the abortion strat- leader after the party lost control ed ouster. swing voters but promising to “go from Spirit staffers, who tweeted
discussion on the effect of the egy and approved of it, according in 2019 and for the speakership With prospects for his con- on offense” against the procedure headlines about Youngkin’s focus
Secure Your Vote Virginia pro- to two people familiar with the after republicans retook control servative agenda and potential once elected. on the issue.

Spanberger planning run for governor

spAnberger From C1 Jason S. miyares are widely expect- trict, which she won again in a tight
ed to seek the GoP’s nomination. race in 2020. She pulled off a more
contest in January of that year, a A former CIA operative who re- comfortable, four-point win last
month after the announcement of cruited spies overseas, Spanberger, year over republican Yesli Vega
former Democratic governor Terry 44, has been considered a rising after redistricting shifted the dis-
mcAuliffe, who was seeking a star among Virginia Democrats trict north of the richmond sub-
Candidates might be inclined to
make ever-earlier entrances given
the enormous sums required to win Her “imminent” entry, whether it’s Monday or even
the post in recent cycles. Last time
around, mcAuliffe spent $69 mil- a few months away, would be unusually early —
lion and Youngkin $68 million. By
bowing out of a reelection bid now, nearly two years before Election Day in
Spanberger also gives Democrats
more time to recruit candidates to November 2025.
run in the 7th District.
richmond mayor Levar Stoney,
a Democrat, has said for months since 2018, when she defeated re- urbs where she lived.
that he is mulling a bid for his publican Dave Brat in a longtime While in the House, Spanberger
party’s nomination. Politico report- GoP stronghold in a suburban-ru- has championed some liberal is-
ed last week that Stoney has assem- ral swath of central Virginia. sues such as abortion rights but
bled a team and plans to announce Her CIA credentials and past bucked her party’s leadership at
before the end of the year. on the work as a federal law enforcement times and taken the left wing to BryAn Woolston/Ap

republican side, Lt. Gov. Winsome officer helped her appeal to moder- task for its “defund the police” mes- rep. Abigail spanberger (D-Va.) speaks at a campaign rally for Virginia state sen. Monty Mason on
Earle-Sears and Attorney General ate republicans in the swing dis- saging. nov. 4. she allegedly won’t seek reelection and is instead planning a gubernatorial run.
C4 eZ re the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

Theresa Vargas

After four decades, co-owners of a D.C. apartment complex are ready to move on
vArgAs from C1 could be repaid in 20 years at 3 and Washington recalled with food and surrounded by
percent interest. walking long distances over the people.
Joanne Jenkins showed up in University Legal Services still years to get to government “I loved having parties,” she
1971. Washington came a year helps D.C. residents with offices to sign checks and said. “I loved cooking. I loved
later. Then in 1983, Bettie Perry housing. Executive Director paperwork. They also had to stay having people all around me.
joined them. The rent at the Jane Brown said the on top of maintenance work that You can imagine how I feel some
time was $89.50 a month. “I still organization now focuses less on was needed. days now having no one around
have the receipts,” Jenkins said. facilitating purchases of “It was like a second job,” me.”
That year, the owner decided properties and more on helping Washington said. When they sell the building,
to sell the building and, by law, people maintain and renovate “We went to every meeting Hendricks plans to move into a
had to give the tenants a chance buildings that were bought the government held,” senior housing complex in the
to buy it. The Post article decades ago with the city’s Hendricks said. “We used to go city. Perry plans to go with her,
detailed how that sale took assistance. That allows to Southeast, Northeast, and Washington hopes to follow
place: The four women, along affordable housing to remain everywhere.” them. (Jenkins said she wants to
with Hendricks’s older sister, available to city residents. During that time, they find a one-story house in
maud Patterson, and Timothy Brown said the women’s watched the neighborhood maryland.)
Harmon, a Howard University building gave them and their change from one where drug use “Whatever building they go
student, purchased the building. families stable housing for 40 happened openly in the streets to, they need me,” Washington
They couldn’t afford an attorney years, and that’s a “great (and a man would sing in their said. “And I need them. I’m
at the time, so they sought help success.” She also said they have stairwell nightly) to one where going to miss my family. I’m
from University Legal Services. the right to decide now what the loudest sounds some going to miss this building. I’m
The nonprofit organization makes the most sense for their afternoons are children going to miss it.”
helped them complete the situation. theresa Vargas/the Washington Post laughing as they walk home She said she recently had a
purchase in part by persuading “If it wasn’t for our health and A clipping of the 1986 Washington Post article on the building’s from school. But it’s not only the dream that assured her that
the city to lend them $46,780 these steps, I wouldn’t be selling purchase. Three of the women pictured still live there. outside of the building that has selling the building was the right
toward the price of the building, today,” Washington said. grown quieter. Hendricks’s decision.
which they had to repay only if “I’m ready to go,” said Jenkins, spot,” she said. “Now, we have The women, who all worked apartment was where everyone “I know it’s going to be a
they sold it within five years, and whose niece now also lives in an this big opportunity to get full-time jobs until retiring, said in the building used to gather. happy ending for us all,” she
$50,000 toward rehabilitating apartment in the building. “I’m something out of all we’ve put it wasn’t always easy to hold During holidays and normal said. “The thing is, I’m not ready
the building, an amount that tired of fighting for a parking in.” onto the building. Hendricks days, her table was often topped for the ending.”


U-Md. condemns antisemitic messages during pro-Palestinian protest

BY S USAN S VRLUGA CAUST 2.0.” on social media friday. the Israel-Gaza war. on behavior that crosses the line respond to a request for comment
Jonathan Allen, who works in University of maryland As those tensions boil over, into unprotected speech, such as friday. Last month, a coalition of
The University of maryland on government relations for the spokeswoman Katie Lawson said students, alumni, faculty and do- persistent harassment of individ- student groups at U-md. posted a
friday denounced “hateful, anti- Anti-Defamation League, shared organizers from the pro-Palestin- nors at many schools have called uals or groups, or credible threats statement saying they condemn
semitic sentiments” expressed a photo and video of the incident ian event had chalked over the on university leaders to take a of physical violence,” they wrote. the loss of innocent life but de-
during a pro-Palestinian protest a online friday. “HoLoCAUST 2.0” message stand — or to amend the messag- Lawson said the vast majority cried what they called university
day earlier, and said campus po- In an interview, Allen said that when they were alerted to it, and es already sent. of vigils, teach-ins and demon- leaders’ silence about “ongoing
lice had launched an investiga- he was not on campus Thursday that university staff had then on friday, the University of strations at U-md. since the war ethnic cleansing and genocide of
tion. but that the images were shared permanently removed it. California president, michael V. began have been peaceful and Palestinians” and asked the ad-
The university also said offi- with him by a student he knows The U-md. statement affirmed Drake, and the 10 University of respectful. She shared a recent ministration to heed students’
cials were conducting “real-time who told him she didn’t feel safe support for free expression while California chancellors issued a message from maryland Hillel call to end “the indiscriminate
threat assessments” to hold peo- on campus. The images resonat- condemning antisemitic rheto- joint statement to “condemn the praising positive dialogue on killing of Palestinians in Gaza.”
ple accountable, according to the ed with Allen, who was U-md. ric. “The offensive actions of a alarming, profoundly disap- campus. Leaders of the Jewish Student
statement posted on the social student body president from 2018 few should not reflect on the vast pointing acts of bigotry, intoler- The U-md. chapter of Students Union and Terps for Israel at
media site X, formerly known as to 2019. The response from uni- majority of protesters who were ance, and intimidation we have for Justice in Palestine had called U-md. could not be reached for
Twitter. versity leaders was unequivocal, there to peacefully express their seen on our campuses over these for a protest on campus Thursday comment friday. Photos from
The school’s statement did not he said. But despite the powerful views,” officials wrote, “but there past several weeks.” They wrote to advocate for a cease-fire in the campus showed many students
detail the incident but said the words, some students are still is no place for any antisemitic that both antisemitism and Israel-Gaza war and to reiterate draped in Israeli flags at a dem-
messages were expressed during uncomfortable, given the graffiti message, behavior or action at Islamaphobia would not be toler- demands to the university. “Stand onstration using red balloons
a Thursday demonstration orga- they are seeing and expressions the University of maryland.” ated, and that while free expres- on the right side of history tied to empty folding chairs sym-
nized by Students for Justice in they are hearing, Allen said. The state’s flagship university sion would be protected, there AGAINST GENoCIDE,” SJP bolizing people taken hostage.
Palestine. Photos apparently The Anti-Defamation League was one of many campuses across were limits. wrote on an Instagram post pro-
from the College Park campus of Washington said it was deeply the country that has faced fierce “our campuses have and will moting the demonstration. Bryan Pietsch contributed to this
showed a chalk message, “HoLo- disturbed by the graffiti in a post divides and bitter protests over continue to impose consequences Leaders of the group did not report.

Once ‘overlooked,’ Pr. George’s celebrates new chapter in FBI headquarters win
greenbelT from C1 Alsobrooks, who is running for documents ranked Greenbelt viding ammunition to Virginia belt, he noted, has been ripe for With years to go before walls
U.S. Senate. “Now that the fBI is first on five criteria — the leaders hoping to change the change since it was created by are slated to rise on the site
shared vision for the county — coming home to Prince George’s weighting of which sparked outcome. President franklin D. roosevelt’s outside the Greenbelt metro sta-
not only as a beacon of Black County, we are all overjoyed to fierce debate among the politi- maryland’s leaders, however, resettlement Administration as tion, Virginia officials pledged to
wealth and upward mobility but watch as our community flour- cians fighting for the project — spent most of friday affirming part of the New Deal in 1937 — a continue fighting the move, rais-
as a destination for transforma- ishes.” except for proximity to the fBI’s why they believe Greenbelt is the planned community that was ing questions about the selection
tive development that for so long The GSA ended a more than facility in Quantico. best choice and vowing to make initially only open to White resi- process. Sen. mark r. Warner,
has passed the county by. decade-long fight over the fBI fBI Director Christopher A. sure the community gets its due. dents. (D-Va.) has called for an inspec-
“This equitable selection by headquarters when it picked Wray said in an internal email to “While we’re a wealthy county Greenbelt has taken action to tor general review of the
the GSA means so much more Greenbelt over two other sites, employees that he had concerns by national standards, in the correct previous harm to minori- decision.
than another building,” said Landover and Springfield. GSA about the selection process, pro- region, there are those who look ty communities by establishing a Jeffrey C. mcKay, chair of
at Prince George’s County as the reparations commission, voting fairfax County’s board of super-

Revitalize Your Kitchen Affordably: Kitchen Saver’s less affluent jurisdiction,” David
Iannucci, president and chief
executive of Prince George’s
in its first Black woman council
member and electing what will
be the first majority-female
visors, accused metro officials
friday of “putting their hand on
the scale,” drawing attention to a
Custom Cabinet Refacing Delivers Quality & Savings! County Economic Development
Corporation, said in an inter-
council. more recently, the ma-
jority of voters in the city said
they would approve of voting
September 2022 decision in
which the metro Board author-
ized staff to negotiate a joint
With Kitchen Saver’s custom cabinet refacing process, you’ll get Prince George’s County has a eligibility in city elections for development agreement with the
median household income of just noncitizens. GSA for the sale of up to 40-acres
the best of both worlds; a quality product and installation at a over $91,000, trailing the Dis- “Greenbelt’s evolved over of metro property at the Green-
fraction of the cost and time of a total kitchen remodel. trict and fairfax, Loudoun and time,” Jordan said. belt metro station without hold-
montgomery counties on that maryland leaders on friday ing a competitive solicitation.
same metric, according to census credited Alsobrooks’s predeces- mcKay said he complained
data. sor, rushern L. Baker III, with about the legal procedure ahead
The county’s standing will making the case for the fBI to of that vote by the board, which
change, Iannucci said. come to Greenbelt early in the includes officials from Virginia,
“We’re already a different process; part of a broader effort maryland, D.C. and the federal
county today than we were yes- Baker oversaw to bolster the government. The move, he said,
terday because of the decision,” reputation of a county mired in made it seem like the site had
he said. “This changes Prince political scandal. more regional support than it
George’s County in real terms officials noted his focus on did.
and in branding.” luring businesses needed to di- “It seems like an unnecessary
The GSA estimated that the versify the tax base and his legal step that was made only by
timeline for closing on the efforts to lure amenities for design to make it appear like it
Greenbelt property would be county residents tired of watch- had the full support of metro
nine months and projected a gap ing the shops they wanted go and, therefore, the full support of
of nearly three years between the elsewhere. the region,” mcKay said about
closing date and the start of Sen. Ben Cardin (D-md.) reit- the agreement for the GSA to
construction, according to the erated friday that part of the develop as many as 40 acres at
site selection decision. mission in bringing the fBI to the Greenbelt site, adding that
With so many requirements to maryland is rectifying what he requested without success
fulfill, Iannucci projected it maryland leaders saw as long- that the vote on the agreement
could take slightly more than standing unfair distribution of be deferred until after the GSA
three years for construction to federal resources. made its decision.
begin for the building he sees “This county was overlooked In a statement, metro Board
Schedule Your having “generational change” at- for many years on the types of Chairman Paul Smedberg said,
tached to it. federal facilities that we saw in “The Board of Directors did not
Pay Zero Out of Pocket and Save 10%
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quarters at the J. Edgar Hoover
building, a hulking edifice that
the Washington area,” Cardin
Even with the elation of top
have any involvement in GSA’s
selection decision” and neither
did metro staff. “Additionally,
Virtual or In-Home occupies an entire block of prime officials, some residents have metro was made aware of this
Coupon must be presented at the time of estimate. Offer cannot be combined
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Custom Cabinet Renewal: uniting premium processes, premium people, and ington, is falling apart and project might bring. mcKay countered, “They
premium products to bring life back to the heart of your home. doesn’t meet the agency’s secu- District 4 Prince George’s might not have been involved in
202-996-3561 DC rity requirements. County Council member Ingrid the negotiations but they were
Greenbelt, a small city of S. Watson said her constituents involved in terms of signaling
301-264-8319 MD about 25,000 people, has waited have expressed concerns about support of the Greenbelt site to
in limbo for more than a decade the potential impact on schools the GSA.”
Prepare to be impressed.™ 703-552-4050 VA while trying to figure out how to in the area if families relocate
grow the area, said reelected nearby to be close to the head- antonio olivo and Justin george
MHIC#28743 District of Columbia Basic Business License #420214000004 Virginia Class A Contractor’s License #2705152898 mayor Emmett V. Jordan. Green- quarters. contributed to this report.

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Mark Preston Edmondson died on Septem-
in Fenwick Island, Delaware, building bonds
of affection, making memories, and giving
ber 11, 2023 at his home in Los Angeles, generous and gentle guidance to the young-
CA. Mark was born on November 27, 1968 er generations on everything from education
and grew up in Fairfax City, VA. He loved to golf.
music and played four musical instru- Following his graduation from the University
ments. After moving to Los Angeles, he of Maryland, his Alumni activities included
worked as an audio engineer in television serving as a Board Member and President of
and won an Emmy in 2009 for his work on the Terrapin Club, Member of the Business
Sound Design and Mixing for the Oscars. School Hall of Fame, Trustee of the Board
Mark was the son of Frank Edmondson of Visitors and Trustee of the Maryland C.P.
and brother of Amy Edmondson. He was Foundation. His community activities on civic
predeceased by his mother, Marigusse Ed- and corporate boards included the Suburban
mondson. Trust Company Bank, the Better Business
A Celebration of Life will be held on No- Bureau, and Blue Shield. While he was still in
vember 18, 11 a.m. at Cherrydale United California he continued to work with the Uni-
Methodist Church, 3701 Lorcom Lane in versity of Maryland to set up Alumni Groups
Arlington. A reception will follow in the in Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Orange Coun-
church social hall. ty and San Diego. In 2013 he and Jean re-
ceived the Spirit of Maryland Award from the
LINDA FREEDMAN Alumni Association.
Born: December 20, 1942Died: Novem- WALDO HOWARD BURNSIDE In California, Waldo’s community activities
ber 12, 2020Loved and missed every day Waldo Howard Burnside, husband, father, included serving on the Board of Directors of
by your adoring famly grandfather and great-grandfather, passed Security Pacific Bank, the Los Angeles Cham-
and countless friends away peacefully on November 5, 2023, his ber of Commerce, the Los Angeles Sports

95th birthday, while his family surrounded Council, the Southern California Automobile
him with love. Throughout his long life, he Club Association as well as the national
was a beacon of light for his kindness, gen- board of the AAA.
erosity of spirit, and humble service to his His interest in healthcare led to a volunteer
DEATH NOTICE SUSAN JEAN FLANAGAN family and communities. effort with Saint John’s Healthcare Foun-
In Loving Memory In a life marked by business leadership and dation as a Trustee as well as the Hospital
Susan Jean Flanagan, born on September civic engagement, Waldo’s major interest Board in Santa Monica for a number of years.
21, 1949, in Pittsburgh, PA, left this world
ARTHUR on October 7, 2023, at the Riderwood Se-
nior Living Community in Silver Spring, MD.
was his family. He met Jean Culbert, his wife-
to-be, in high school. They went to the Uni-
versity of Maryland at the same time and af-
In 2009 he and his wife Jean received the
Spirit of Saint Johns Award.
Waldo was an avid sports fan and followed
roberT a. reeder/The WashingTon PosT Susan was the beloved daughter of Mary ter they graduated, were married on June 24, his beloved Terps to any number of football
GUY B. ARTHUR (Age 84) Louise Flanagan and Thomas Mark Flana- 1950. As of this year they were married for games (including Bowl Games) and basket-
Lyn McLain leads the D.C. Youth Orchestra Program in a rehearsal Born in New Rochelle, NY on October 2, gan. She joined them and her sister, Marlie, ball games (including ACC tournaments).
1939, passed on November 6, 2023 in Ash- 73 years. They were blessed along the way
in the afterlife, leaving behind her surviving with four children, 11 grandchildren, and ten Clearly his major preference in sports was
in 2004. A “no-nonsense” teacher, he founded the program in 1960. burn, VA. Retired Federal Judge and Col. brother, Mark Flanagan, sister-in-law Patri- great-grandchildren. golf which he enjoyed playing at Columbia
USAF. Survived by his son, daughter-in-law cia Paterno, brother-in-law Joe Bauer and Country Club in Maryland, Los Angeles Coun-
and grandson. A Mass will be celebrated Waldo was born in Washington, DC and
a wonderful group of cousins, nieces and raised in Hyattsville Maryland where he at- try Club (President) and Pine Valley Golf Club
at St. John Neumann Catholic Church, nephews. (NJ), as well as trips to Scotland and Ireland.
11900 Lawyers Rd., Reston, VA 20191 on tended Hyattsville Elementary School and
Lyn McLain, 95 Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 11 a.m.,
Susan Jean’s life was a testament to
strength, resilience, and a deep love for
Hyattsville High School. He then enrolled He also managed to attend the Olympic
in the Business College of the University of Games in Montreal, Los Angeles, Barcelona,
with visitation at 10 a.m. Interment at Ar- family. Known for her love of the outdoors, and Atlanta.

By teaching D.C. youth

lington National Cemetery at a later date. Maryland in 1945 and graduated in 1949.
Susan Jean found solace and joy in the He joined the Gamma Chi Chapter of Sigma Mr. Burnside was predeceased by his moth-
Visit for a more in beauty of nature. She had a special affec- er, Eleanor Tavenner, his father Waldo Burn-
depth obituary. Chi Fraternity. After graduation he became
tion for animals, particularly cats, and was a member of their alumni chapter and was side, and a sister Virginia Burnside Cox. He
known to have a house filled with feline the recipient of the Significant Sig Award. He is survived by his wife Jean and his four chil-
friends, each one holding a special place

music, he diversified
was also a member of the Phi Kappa Honor dren – Diane, Leslie (Joe), Arlene (Greg), and
in her heart. For three decades, Susan Jean Society, Bill, his 11 grandchildren – Gretchen, Drew,
dedicated herself to public service, serving After college he entered the business com- George, Lauren, Jaime, Katie, Tony, Michael,
BRABBLE as a traffic enforcement officer for the City
of College Park, MD. Her commitment to
munity when he joined Woodward & Lothrop,
a department store in the retail industry in
Brian, Phil, Rachel, and his 10 great grand-
children. His presence and mentorship will

American orchestras
her work was unmatched. Her proficiency Washington, DC. There he worked in various be sorely missed by all.
in writing traffic tickets made her a stand- capacities including Trainee, Buyer, EVP of Friends may visit with the family on Friday,
out! Merchandising and Sales Promotion as well November 17 from 4 to 7 p.m. at Gawlers Fu-
A celebration of Susan Jean Flanagan’s as Chief Operating Officer and President. neral Home in Washington, DC. A memorial
life will be held on Monday, November 14, In 1980 he left Woodies to join Carter, Haw- service will be held on November 18 at 10
2023, at Riderwood Chapel. In lieu of flow- ley, Hale as Vice-Chairman and Chief Operat- a.m. at St. Francis Episcopal Church in Poto-
ers, the family requests that donations be ing Officer, and he and Jean moved to Los An- mac, Maryland. Interment will be limited to
BY E MILY L ANGER students, Mr. McLain was cred- made by check to: “Riderwood Benevolent geles. He retired in 1991 as President. They family. Memorial contributions may be made
Care Fund” in Susan’s name, mailed to: Ri- continued to live in Los Angeles until 2018 to the University of Maryland CP Foundation
ited with helping, slowly, to derwood Philanthropy Dept., 3110 Grace- when, after 38 event-filled years, he and Jean (
Lyn McLain, who brought change the largely White world field Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20904 moved back to Maryland.
Over the years, though the children migrated
classical music into the lives of of classical music. In 1990, Post to various parts of the country, Waldo and
tens of thousands of young music critic Joseph McLellan Jean cherished bringing the whole family
together at Christmas and, for decades, in
people as founder of the D.C. reported that DCYOP had summer to gathering at their beach house
Youth Orchestra Program, an trained a quarter of minority
initiative that has risen over six musicians working in American
decades to international re- orchestras at the time. FREEMAN
nown and was credited with “Major orchestras are not ELIZABETH WILLIAMS BRABBLE
diversifying the ranks of sym- going to have what would be On Thursday, October 19, 2023 Elizabeth

phony orchestras across the considered a reasonable repre- peacefully transitioned in Rockville, MD.
She is survived by her devoted children
United States, died Oct. 25 at his sentation with minorities,” said Cordelia Sam, Valerie Dorsey, Celestine
Brabble, and William W. Brabble, Jr; her
home in Washington. He was Mr. McLain, “until the educa- loving grandchildren Joseph Weaver, Jr. home, so she could be there when her
95. tional process makes these (Nazish), Jason Gardner, Sheree Carter children got home from school. Lynne was
(Walter), Khalid Bostick, Thornton Brown a proud mother to Nan (Patricia Hutchison)
The cause was end-stage re- things available.” IV (Jeanine), Bryanna Brown, Ruby Roane, Curran and Dr. Laura Hutchison. She loved
nal disease, said his wife, Sally Evaluating the work of DCY- dear sisters Mayetta Brockman, and Har- nothing more than being Nana to her grand-
riet Elliott and a host of great grand, and daughter Hannah (Curran) Matthews and
McLain. OP, McLellan wrote that while great-great-grandchildren, family and Old Nana to her great-grandson, Kayden
Trained as a clarinetist, Mr. “others may be more presti- friends. On Friday, November 17 a visi- Matthews.
tation will be held from 10 a.m. until the
McLain began his career as a gious, and some are certainly Memorial Service hour 11 a.m. at the New Lynne was an avid reader, and you rarely
Vision Fellowship Church, 2100 Ritchie Rd., saw her without a book, or later a Kindle, in
union musician before realizing more affluent,” there is “no District Hts., MD Condolences to her hand. She enjoyed watching MSNBC and
in his mid-20s that he wanted musical institution in the Dis- getting furious at the state of the world. She
was an active member of the Rockin’ Ru-
“something else,” he said — trict of Columbia . . . more im- bies & Rhinestones chapter of the Red Hat
something other than the night-
clubs, weddings and other gigs
portant than the Youth Sym-
phony Orchestra.”
CANNON On October 21, 2023, husband of Ann
Freeman, father of Veronica, Michael and
Society. She looked forward to her Red Hat
events and made some dear friends who
encouraged and supported her during her
Sabrina Freeman, and grandfather of Kobe health challenges in recent years.
where he had made his living to Linwood Gerald McLain was Driver. Mass will be held on Thursday, No-
that point. born in Binghamton, N.Y., on vember 16, at St. Thomas More Catholic She loved to knit and cross stitch. Her tal-
Church, 4275 4th St. SE, Washington, DC. LYNNE CRITES HUTCHISON (Age 76) ents are on display in framed cross-stitched
He gave up his itinerant life April 17, 1928. His parents, both viewing at 10 a.m. followed by service at Lynne Crites Hutchison died Saturday, No- gifts all over the country, and countless
and settled in Washington, amateur musicians, worked for 11 a.m. Interment will follow at Chelten- vember 4, 2023, at Fair Oaks Inova Hospital. babies have been swaddled and others
ham Veterans Cemetery. Attendees are en- warmed by her knitted creations. She was a
where he was hired in 1956 as a a shoe manufacturer, his father couraged to wear their favorite basketball She was born December 26, 1946, in Haver- long-time member of the knitting ministry of
music teacher at Calvin in the warehouse and his moth- shoes in honor of Sandy. hill, MA, to John Crites and Ruth (Giles). her church, Providence Presbyterian.
Coolidge High School. Four er as a seamstress. As a child, she appeared on local Massachu- Lynne was kind and thoughtful. She remem-
years later, on the request of the Mr. McLain studied music setts television as Jolly the Elf, in The Lady bered every birthday and anniversary and
D.C. public schools system, he
founded what became the D.C.
from an early age, learning to
play instruments including the
When the and the Bookshelf.
After the family moved to Virginia, Lynne
loved making her own cards to send. When
her health was poor, or her printer wasn’t
working, she’d send e-greetings. And she
Youth Orchestra Program piano in addition to the clari- need arises, attended James Madison High School in
Vienna, VA, where she met the man she
would spend her life with. Fred remembers
had already ordered everyone’s Thanksgiv-
ing hams.
From an initial cohort of 60
net. As a teenager, he played in a
local orchestra. He continued let families noticing her for the first time when she was
performing a pantomime of “Mention My
In addition to her immediate family, Lynne is
survived by cousins she considered siblings,

find you in the

Name in Sheboygan” during a school talent brothers- and sisters-in-law, daughter-in-
members who met at Coolidge his music studies at Ithaca Col- COL. DANIEL P. CANNON show. They snuck a kiss whenever they saw law Molly, nieces, nephews and countless
High, DCYOP has grown over 63 lege in New York, receiving a On Saturday, October 28, a rabbit and had regular dates at Conrad’s, friends. She will also be missed by her and
years to enroll a total of more
than 50,000 students from the
bachelor’s degree in 1952 and a
master’s degree in 1958.
2023, of Germantown, MD;
Retired Colonel of the U.S.
Air Force passed away. Born
Funeral Services where Lynne worked (and, showing her true
self even from a young age, she got repri-
manded for making kids’ ice cream cones
Fred’s beloved dog, Trouble.
In accordance with her wishes, there will be
District, Maryland and Virginia,
many of them minorities, and
Mr. McLain was based for a
period in New York City while
in Bethlehem, PA in 1934 to
James and Helen Cannon and
graduated Lehigh University. Daniel is sur-
Directory. too big). They married on August 20, 1966,
and marked their 57th anniversary earlier
this year. They remained close with many
no services. The family requests that every-
one raise a glass of Coke in her honor.

vived by his loving wife of 61 years, Anna other members of JMHS’s class of ‘64. Donations may be made to the Animal Wel-
many of whom might not other- he traveled around the country Cannon; his three children, Mike Cannon, To be seen in the Lynne attended the Washington School for
fare Institute, 900 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE,
Washington, DC 20003; Packages for Pree-
wise have had the opportunity working gigs. “I was a regular Mark Cannon, and Dawn Michelle Messier;
to learn to play an instrument. union musician,” he told The
and two grandchildren, Robert, and Sa-
mantha Messier. Dan was deeply loved by
Funeral Services Secretaries and held the same job through-
out her career, as secretary to the Animal
mies, P.O. Box 2155, Windsor, CA 95492;
Planned Parenthood Federation of America,
DCYOP, which now meets at Post. “I played in New Jersey, I his family and friends.
“Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of
Directory, please call Welfare Institute and personal secretary to
its founder and chairperson, Christine Ste-
123 William Street, 10th Floor, New York, NY
10038; or the American Cancer Society, P.O.
Takoma Elementary School in played ’em in Brooklyn, played Earth… Put out my hand, and touched the
face of God.” Friends and family may call
paid Death Notices at vens. Box 1749 Vienna, VA. 22183-1749. The on-
line guest book is available at
Northwest Washington, pro- ’em in upper Manhattan . . . in at DeVol Funeral Home, 10 East Deer Park 202-334-4122. When it came time to start a family, Lynne
vides group classes for children the Catskills.” Drive, Gaithersburg, MD on Wednesday, made arrangements to do her work from
November 15, 2023, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
as young as 41/2 and beginning, He was on a stop in Moline, In lieu of flowers and memorial donations,
intermediate and advanced Ill., when he encountered a please leave a kind memory of Daniel on
his obituary at
training through elementary, tenor saxophone player three
middle and high school. Rather decades his senior. After speak- DEATH NOTICE
than subjecting interested stu- ing with the man, Mr. McLain
dents to auditions for his en- recalled, he thought to himself, BLOBAUM MINARIK
sembles, Mr. McLain accepted “Geez, you know, here I’m about ROGER JOHN BLOBAUM EILEEN MINARIK
everyone who applied. 24 or 25, and [I realize] I may Roger John Blobaum died in Washington, DC speech writer for Senator Humphrey and
Eileen Marie Dowds Minarik passed away years she welcomed children of former stu-
“The door’s open,” he told The very well look at this same scene on October 29, 2023, after a long illness. was a Deputy Press Secretary in Senator
Humphrey’s subsequent campaigns for Vice November 2, 2023. Eileen was a Montes- dents to the school, and also added former
Washington Post in 2001. “Any- when I’m 56, just like he is, and I He was born in Nebraska to Gus and Rosella President and held various positions in the sori early childhood educator, touching students to the SHMS staff. In both 2022 and
Blobaum in 1929, the eldest of eight chil- Humphrey presidential campaign. hundreds of lives over almost half a cen- 2023, Sunset Hills Montessori was voted the
one who wants to come in, don’t really want to do that.” dren. He worked on the farm every day from tury, beginning as a supportive parent and best Montessori school in the Washing-
advancing to become a teacher, teacher ton-Maryland-Virginia region by Washington
comes in.” Mr. McLain moved to Wash- the age of five, which gave him a profound He then opened his own consulting busi-
trainer, and eventually a school founder and Parent magazine. Eileen served the commu-
understanding of and empathy with families ness that focused on family farms and,
But once they came in, Mr. ington to study music at Catho- on small farms. He attended a one-room eventually, organic agriculture. The scope principal. The capstone of her career began nity through charitable work of the SHMS
in 1994 when Eileen founded Sunset Hills PTA and the SHMS students themselves.
McLain demanded from his stu- lic University. He was soon elementary school and a small rural high of his contributions to organic agriculture
Montessori School (SHMS), with the mission Eileen was a loving wife of almost 53 years
school in Arispe, Iowa. He then volunteered is evident from the size and scope of the
dents excellence and discipline, hired at Coolidge High School for his then-required military service. He papers he donated to the Wisconsin State to offer a staff that is dedicated to inspiring to Joseph John Minarik; the loving mother to
each student to realize his or her potential; two daughters, Mara Minarik Perry (married
with rehearsals on school and retired from DCYOP in then attended a junior college in Creston, Historical Society, which became the core of
to foster independence of thought and tol- to Jim) and Sara Minarik Applegate (married
Iowa, and ultimately graduated from the a growing collection of organic agricultural
nights and Saturdays and long 2006, after nearly half a century Iowa State University, where he was a mem- materials from persons across the United erance for the ideas, beliefs and cultures of to Scott), and the doting grandmother of
Olivia Marie Perry, Preston Scott Applegate,
ber of the Farmhouse Fraternity. States. Roger was honored by the University other peoples; to give children a joy of learn-
hours of practice in the with the program. of Wisconsin College of Agriculture & Life ing to last a lifetime; and to work in partner- and Marley Page Applegate. While Olivia Ma-
summer. DCYOP alumni include John His later years of college were interrupted Sciences with an award for his work in or- ship with parents to create a caring school rie Perry attended Montessori school near
by a call to active duty during the Korean ganic agriculture. community where the child comes first. In her home in St. Louis, Missouri, Preston
“He was a no-nonsense guy, McLaughlin Williams and the War. He served in the administration of a 2003, after success in her original location, Scott Applegate and Marley Page Applegate
Eileen took the giant leap of purchasing completed their full Montessori educations
and that’s what set the trajecto- late Michael Morgan, both con- military hospital in Japan. Roger is survived by the five children born
the former United Christian Parish church at Sunset Hills Montessori School. A virtual
Roger earned an M.A. in journalism and to Roger and his first wife: Christopher from
ry for me in music today,” John ductors; Daniel Foster, princi- politics at the University of Wisconsin at Atlanta; Elizabeth from Tuscon; Mathew on South Lakes Drive in Reston, vastly ex- memorial service and an in-person visitation
panding the school’s capacity and quality. at Sunset Hills Montessori School to recog-
Wineglass, an Emmy Award- pal violist with the National Madison. During this time, he worked for from Lincoln; Gregory from Tuscon; and Ree-
The reach and depth of her commitment nize her life and contributions will be held
the Capital Times, where he covered stories sa from San Francisco.
winning composer who played Symphony Orchestra; Timothy ranging from Badger football to national to quality, principled education was such on Saturday, November 18, with details at
that, beyond the success and happiness of the website of Adams-Green Funeral Home.
with DCYOP, principally as a Butler, a cellist with the NSO; politics. Roger is also survived by his wife of for-
hundreds of individual students, over recent
ty-two years, Frances R. Hill, a professor of
violist, from age 6 until his the saxophonist Marshall Keys; He then joined the Associated Press bureau law.
graduation from the District’s and trumpet player and com- in Chicago as an editor. This position led to
a scholarship from the American Political Services are to be private.
Banneker High School in 1990. poser Chris Royal. Science Association to work for a year for
members of Congress. He chose to remain
The DCYOP operated on
what a Post reporter once de-
Alumni outside professional
music include D.C. Mayor Muri-
in Washington, where he worked for several
members of Congress, becoming especial-
ly close to Senator Hubert Humphrey and
scribed as “a budget thinner el E. Bowser, who played the Senator William Nelson. He served as a the North. In 1974, Tony went on to lead
than a violin string,” with fund- flute. the State of Alaska’s Commerce and Eco-
nomic Development Department and later
ing from D.C. Public Schools, Mr. McLain’s marriages to in 1977, he took charge of Citizens for the
foundation grants and other
donations. During its most diffi-
Phyllis Long and Sandra Brig-
nole ended in divorce.
CATRON Management of Alaska Lands. In 1981,Tony
was appointed United States Ambassador
to Brazil by President Ronald Reagan. He
cult periods, costs outstripped Survivors include his wife of more extended family and friends. later served as Assistant Secretary of State
for Inter-American Affairs. In 1985, Tony
revenue. 39 years, the former Sally Stout, Jane was a serious student of poetry and left government service to found an inter-
But through relentless fund- a violinist, of Washington; a son American and Russian literature. Teaching national trade consulting firm. Secretary of
was her passion. Jane’s career included State George Shultz presented him with the
raising, Mr. McLain managed to from his second marriage, Kev- over thirty years of teaching high school Department of State’s Distinguished Honor
Award upon his departure. From 1985 to
take his ensembles to the Ken- in McLain of Wilmington, N.C.; English. To young public-school children,
she taught religious education at her par- 2003, Tony co-chaired the Department of
nedy Center, the White House three children from his third ish, St. Joseph’s Church in Herndon VA. Her State’s ambassadorial seminars, which he
classes for adults through George Mason’s coined, “Charm School,” for first-time am-
and on tours around the world marriage, Patrick McLain and Osher Lifelong Learning Institute were well bassadors. In 1999, Tony was appointed by
— to Europe, Asia, Latin Ameri- Sean McLain, both of Washing- received and regularly sold out. She also Secretary of State Madeline Albright to the
was a Docent at the Folger Shakespeare Li- Overseas Presence Advisory Panel. He later
ca, the Soviet Union and Africa. ton, and Kathleen McLain of El brary in Washington, DC. When a high school went on to serve on the executive commit-
“It changed the lives of so Cerrito, Calif.; and a sister. class came there for a tour, she would enlist LANGHORNE ANTHONY MOTLEY tee of the Board of Directors of the Ameri-
a few volunteers from the class to teach “Tony” can Academy of Diplomacy. Tony was pre-
many students,” said Kenneth “Once you accomplish some- them a scene from a Shakespeare play. At Langhorne “Tony” Anthony Motley passed ceded in death by Judy, his wife of 56 years,
Whitley, who played cello with thing, that can become a habit,” the end of the visit they would all assemble away peacefully at home with his daughters who passed away in May. He is survived by
in the theater and the newly minted actors by his side on October 14, 2023. Tony was his daughters Allison Motley (Andrew) Ellis;
DCYOP while a student at Mr. McLain told The Post, re- and actresses would perform the piece! She born on June 5, 1938, in Rio de Janeiro, Bra- daughter Valerie Langhorne Motley (David
Warren); grandchildren Hunter Ellis, Tyler
Montgomery Blair High School flecting on his hopes — and his made learning fun! Parents, young students, zil. As a son of an American expatriate, Tony
Ellis, and Lilly Ellis.
SARA JANE CATRON and adult learners all recognized her gifted graduated from The Citadel in 1960 with
in Silver Spring, Md., in the late expectations — for his young Sara Jane Catron, MA, passed away at 89 teaching ability, and many gave her credit a degree in political science and a regular A memorial service will be held on Janu-
years on November 5, 2023, in Ashburn VA. for their love of poetry. commission in the United States Air Force. ary 12, 2024, at the Mariner Sands Coun-
1970s and later became a con- musicians. “Just as not accom- She was born in 1934 in New York, NY. Jane While in the Air Force, he met Judith “Judy” try Club in Stuart, FL and a burial of both
ductor with the group. “It gave plishing something can become was preceded in death by her beloved hus- A Mass will be celebrated at St. John Neu- Jones, and they were married on April 8, Tony and Judy at Arlington National Cem-
band John. She is survived by her younger mann Church, 11900 Lawyers Road, Reston, 1967. After 10 years in the Air Force, Tony etery, date yet to be determined. In lieu of
students in this area access to a habit. . . . Kids will really do brother John Maher and his wife Lucy of VA 20191 on Monday, November 13, 2023 completed his military service while living flowers, please consider a donation to the
something that was not avail- something if you give them Keene NH, cousin Patti Kaiser and her hus- at 11 a.m. Interment Chestnut Grove Cem- in Anchorage, Alaska. He began a career in Autism Society of North Carolina (IGNITE
Raleigh),The Citadel Foundation, or the Mar-
band Chris of Reston, VA, cousins Jack and etery, Herndon, VA. Arrangements by Ad- real estate and also served on the Board
able to them prior.” something that they consider Aileen Holland of Alton Bay, NH and many ams-Green Funeral Home. of Directors of the Alaska National Bank of iner Sands Foundation.
Beyond changing the lives of worth it.”
C6 EZ RE the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

James Jennings, Jr. peacefully transitioned William J. McLaughlin, Ph.D. passed away Dr. Murray Grant passed away John Kahl Shotzberger, 76, of Germantown,
on Sunday, November 5, 2023. He is sur- peacefully on November 6, 2023 in Reston, on November 11, 2023. Be- MD, passed away on November 7, 2023,
vived by his wife Theresa Jennings; sons VA at the age of 75. loved Husband of Trudy Grant; after a brief illness. He was born on April
James (Jimmy) Jennings, III and Clifford Dr. Bill, as he was lovingly referred to, is loving father of Dr. Bradley 1, 1947, in Baltimore, MD, to the late Clar-
Billingslea. Family and friends may visit on survived by his wife of 33 years, Molly L. (Monee) Grant, Dr. Schuyler ence and Annabelle (Lickle) Shotzberger.
Thursday, November 16, 2023 from 10 a.m. Gregory; his daughter Jennifer Merola (Da- (Margi) Grant, Stephanie (Gary) John was the devoted husband of Eliza-
until time of service at 11 a.m. at Great- vid Merola) of Summit, NJ and son William Knauer, Darryl (Susan) Grant, Valerie Grant; beth (Adams) Shotzberger, beloved father
er St. John Cathedral, 11425 Old Marlboro W. McLaughlin (Kristen McLaughlin) of Dan- devoted grandfather of Alana, Jordana (JP), of Valerie Shotzberger and Michelle Shot-
Pike, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772. ville, VA. He had four grandchildren, Chris- Shiri (Tyler) and Aliza, Gabrielle, Ari, Jacob, zberger Robinson, and proud “Grampy”
topher Merola, Mackenzie Merola, Jayden Avi, Alec (Jamie), Makayla, Brayden; cher- to Shanee’ and Eriq Robinson. He was
Dagner and Riley Dagner, all of Summit, ished great-grandfather of Everett and preceded in death by his sister, Caryle Tu-
NJ. He is also survived by his four siblings, Kruzman. ohey, and brother-in-law and best friend,
Mary Tierney of Clifton, NJ, Madeleine Brod A Graveside service will be held on Mon- William Adams. A memorial service to cel-
of Smithfield, ME, Eileen McLaughlin of Po- day, November 13t, 2023, 12 p.m. at Gar- ebrate John’s life will be held on Saturday,
tomac Falls, VA, and James McLaughlin of den of Remembrance Memorial Park, November 18, 2023, from 2 to 4 p.m., at
Leonardtown, MD and 14 nieces and neph- 14321 Comus Road, Clarksburg, MD 20871 DeVol Funeral Home, 10 E. Deer Park Dr.,
ews. He was predeceased by his daughter, with interment to follow. Family will be ob- Gaithersburg, MD 20877.
Meaghan Dagner (Tyrrell Dagner) of Sum- serving Shiva on Tuesday at the home of
mit, NJ. Darryl and Susan Grant. In lieu of flowers,
Dr. Bill was born on July 31, 1948 in Brook- memorial contributions may be made to
VIRGIL JACKSON HOOD (Age 96) lyn, New York to Dr. William J. McLaughlin THOMAS H. MEREDITH JR. (Age 67) Tunnels to Towers Foundation (www.t2t.
Passed away peacefully on October 14, and Madeleine Clark. Peacefully entered eternal rest on Sunday, org) and JSSA ( A Remem-
2023 in Washington, DC, while holding the
hands of his children. He is survived by his
daughter, Sandra H. Magwood; son, Virgil
He graduated from Brooklyn Prep in 1965,
Georgetown University in 1969, and later
earned his PhD from Catholic University. He
October 29, 2023. He leaves to cherish his
memory his mother, Martie C. Meredith;
brother, Mark C. Meredith; sister, Alison M.
brance of Murray’s life will be held on
November 25 on their 72nd anniversary.
Services entrusted to Sagel Bloomfield
J. Hood, Jr.; grandchildren; Kirsten Mag- maintained a private practice for 40 years Shepheard (Sharnn); uncle, Lowell S. Chavis Danzansky Goldberg Funeral Care.
wood and Virgil J. Hood, III, other loving in Vienna, Virginia, improving the lives of and a host of relatives, friends and church ERIC B WENTWORTH On October 26, 2023, Eric Bartlett Went-
relatives and friends. A celebration of life everyone he came into contact with. family. On Monday, November 13 from 10
will be held on Thursday, November 16, a.m. until 11 a.m. friends may visit with the worth passed away peacefully of natural
Dr. Bill was a family man and an accom- causes at his home in Washington, DC. He
2023 from 6 to 9 p.m. in Chevy Chase, MD. plished home chef who enjoyed learning family at Metropolitan AME Church, 1518
Please RSVP to to M Street, NW where services will be held is survived by his children John Wentworth
new recipes. “The Commish” ran the fami- of Mammoth Lakes, California, Elizabeth
secure your attendance. Contributions can ly March Madness pool each year, keeping at 11 a.m. Rev. William H. Lamar IV, Senior
be made to his tribute page to The Alzhei- Pastor. Interment Maryland National Cem- “Sissy” Yates of Middleburg, Virginia, Al-
everybody entertained with his informa-
mer’s Association at
DEATH NOTICE tive and witty emails. He loved being at etery. Services by Paradise Mortuary. exandra Wentworth Stephanopoulos of
New York City, and Thomas Wentworth of
the family beach house in Jamesport, Long Brooklyn, New York; grandchildren Angus,
JOHNSON Island with a crossword puzzle in front of
him. He became an avid fan of baseball
and kept the scorebook for each of Billy’s
Jack, and Josie Yates; Elliott and Harper
Stephanopoulos; and Clay, Vaughn, and
Ava Wentworth; as well as his half-brother,
games. Landy Bartlett of Arlington, Vermont, and
A celebration of life will be scheduled at a cousin John Morgan of Newark, Ohio. He
later date. In lieu of flowers, memorial con- is predeceased by his son, Benjamin Owen
tributions may be made to the Washington Wentworth, his half-sister Elisabeth “Lib-
Nationals Youth Academy. by” Sturgis, and cousin Daphne Langlois.

HUGHES He leaves behind two ex-wives whom he

counted as friends, Muffie Cabot of Bos-
ton, Massachusetts, and Jan Wentworth
SHIRLEY TEMPLE (TURNER) HUGHES of Darien, Connecticut. A memorial is
Shirley Temple Turner of Arlington, Virginia. planned for the spring of 2024 with details
She passed away peacefully in Little Rock, DEATH NOTICE to follow at
Arkansas on October 24, 2023. was born
June 10, 1936 in Culpeper, Virginia to Tom
and Mildred Turner. She met and Married
John Hughes in 1956 and moved to her be-
loved Arlington, VA.
She retired from DC Public Schools as a
Purchasing Agent Supervisor and would
Dr. Nooreddin Mirmirani MD, 80, passed DEATH NOTICE
eventually work again at the FBI building
where she would retire again. Shirley’s let families away on October 16, 2023, near his family
home in Amol, Iran.
find you in the
husband, John Hughes passed away in CLAUDETTE JUNE JOHNSON After completing his residency at George
1995 the following year she met Lloyde Claudette June Johnson of Washington, DC Washington University, Dr. Mirmirani
England and they married in 2004. WILLIAM DAVID RINGLE “Bill”
passed away peacefully on Sunday, Octo- worked as a psychiatrist in the DC met-
Shirley is preceded in death by: husbands,
John Hughes and Lloyde England; son,
ber 22, 2023 at the age of 75. Claudette
was born on May 16, 1948 in Georgetown Funeral Services ro area for over 45 years. In addition to
co-founding the Northern Virginia Institute
1/03/1930 - 10/30/2023
William “Bill” David Ringle of Port St. Luc-
ie, Florida, passed away on Monday, Oc-
Meyer Hughes; stepdaughter, Dorothy

Guyana, South America and immigrated to of Psychiatry to provide individual and tober 30, 2023. Bill was born on January
Brown; stepson, Lloyde “Drew” England; the United States in 1972. She settled to group counseling, he was the Director 3, 1930, in Washington, DC. He graduat- CYNTHIA ANN WRIGHT
grandson, Calvin Brown; brothers, Lee K. build a home Washington, DC and enjoyed of Psychiatric Services at INOVA Mount (Age 65)
Turner, Joe C. Turner, Karl B. Turner, Edward ed from Woodrow Wilson High School in
working as a Chef for Marriott Corporation. Vernon Hospital for 20 years. In his many 1948 and received an associates degree Cynthia Ann Wright Gordonsville, VA, died
Turner, and Tommy Turner; sisters, Ocie L. years of emergency and in-patient psychi-
Butler, Virginia Turner, Jean Turner Brock
Gray, Dorothy Jackson, and Virginia Bundy
Her hobbies were gardening, and cooking.
Claudette is survived by her four children, To be seen in the atric care at multiple DC area hospitals, he
in applied sciences from the Capitol Radio
Engineering Institute (CREI, now Capitol
on August 24, 2023 in Charlottesville, VA.
Born January 19, 1958 in Camden, NJ, she
treated over 40,000 individuals. Outside
She is survived by one daughter, Felicia
Philip, Gail, Joanne, and Claudette; and four
grandchildren Nina, Aidan, Aaron Jr. and Funeral Services of his passion for patient care, his other
Technology University), where he later
taught college level calculus. After serving
was the daughter of Carl and Betty Wright
and was preceded in death by them.
greatest passion was spending time in the
Overton (Lawrence); stepson, John Hughes
(Martha); grandsons, Jovan (Sarah), Neville
Noah. An evening visitation for Claudette
will be held on Friday, November 17, 2023 Directory, please call tranquility and beauty of nature.
in the Army, Bill worked as a supervisory
engineer for the Department of Defense
She is survived by three sisters and one
brother. Cindy was the absolutely best
(Bibi), Derrek (Trina), Malik, Nathaniel, and
Russell; granddaughters, Debra (Eric), Ro-
from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Little Church on
Fort Lincoln Cemetery, 3401 Bladensburg paid Death Notices at Dr. Mirmirani is survived by his only child,
(Navy Yard, NAV WESA 5) for 30 years. Af-
ter retiring in 1985, Bill moved to Port St.
aunt to her four nieces and one nephew.
She received the Distinguished Civilian
Troy; his sister Farideh and her husband
mona, and Violet; stepdaughters, Cerise,
Nancy, Phyllis and Florence; stepsons, Mi-
Road, Brentwood, MD 20722. A visitation
will occur on Saturday, November 18, 2023 202-334-4122. Don; his ex-wife Mary; his niece Manely
Lucie, FL. Bill loved boating and fishing. He
is survived by his wife of 67 years, Mary
Service Medal for a nearly 34-year career
serving the National Geospatial Intelli-
at 11 a.m. A celebration of life will occur and her husband Dan and their children; Louise (Grubb) Ringle; his daughters Nan- gence Agency, the Intelligence Community,
chael and Timothy; 18 great-grandchildren on Saturday, November 18, 2023 at 12 p.m. his nephew Hadi; his niece Mana and her and the Department of Defense. Cindy felt
along with a host of nieces, nephews. Ser- cy (Christopher) Murray and Judith (Marc
Service of committal and interment will husband Milad and their child; his nephew Siegel) Ringle; and grandchildren Austin a deep obligation to serve and protect her
vices will be held on November 16, 2023 occur on Saturday, November 18, 2023 at Masood. country.
11 a.m. at Mount Zion Baptist Church, 3500 Smith, Dan (Wendy) Murray, and Katie
1 p.m. at Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Murray. Family and friends will be invited In her free time, she loved spending time
South 19th Street, Arlington, Virginia.
DEATH NOTICE Celebration of life arrangements will be
announced in the future. For those inter-
to attend a celebration of life at a later
date. Please send messages of condolence
with her family and her dogs and cats.
Much of her energy went to helping care
ested and able, memorial donations are to and good will to Mary Ringle c/o Life Care for the dogs at Rikki’s Refuge in Orange, VA.
KISTNER be made to the Northern Virginia affiliate
of the National Alliance on Mental Illness at
Center of Port St. Lucie, Rm. 417, 3720
SE Jennings Rd., Port St. Lucie, FL 34952.
Memorial contributions may be made to
Rikki’s Refuge.
A private memorial service will be held at
volved/donate/ a later date.
passed peacefully and in the presence of
her immediate family.
Patricia (Trish to many friends and family)
JACKSON was born in Takoma Park, Maryland on June
29, 1944 to Thomas P. and Eleanor M. Elliott. CODORI
She grew up in Wheaton, MD and graduated
EVELYN M. JACKSON from Wheaton High School in 1962. Air Force Base in Edwards, CA where he that few were permitted to witness. When
1926 - 2023 She married her high school sweetheart, trained to be a mechanic for a variety of air- they were little, he enjoyed giving them
Evelyn passed away on November 5, 2023, William “Bill” Kistner in September 1963, craft, including the F-80, F-82, F-86, and P-51. whisker kisses, tickling them with the Winkus
at her residence in Springfield, VA at the living first in Rockville, MD before buying He served in the Korean War, spending 13 Wonkus, and building raging “Christmas
age of 97. She was born September 2, 1926 their first house together in Wheaton, MD. months in Japan and 11 months in Kunsan fires.” In addition, he happily attended Grand-
in the old St. Paul Hospital in Dallas, Texas In retirement, Trish and Bill moved first to Air Base (Korea), that he affectionately called, parents’ Days, baseball games, and Irish
to Col. Tom B. Miller and Irene Stein Miller. Youngsville, NC, then to The Villages, FL. “Kunsan by the Sea.” There, he experienced dance competitions and he was always will-
Her grandparents were Lt. Gov. Barry Miller Patricia was preceded in death by her par- the coldest winter of his life and witnessed ing to provide extra cash for arcade games.
and Minerva ‘Minnie’ Miller whose father ents, Tom and Eleanor Elliott, and is survived the horrors of war. Always one to bring levity While his grandsons are now young men, his
had built Millermore the ancestral home by her loving and devoted husband, Bill, her to a situation, Laurence jokingly bragged that affection for them remained and he beamed
now restored in Old City Park, Dallas, TX. son, Bill, Jr. (wife: Kristy), her daughter, Sher- he had “travelled extensively in the Orient” with pride each time he saw them. Laurence
Evelyn spent her early years at Millermore ry Bostic (husband: Tom), her granddaugh- and he referred to himself as “a veteran of sincerely wished that each would find happi-
and is the last of the Miller Family to have ter, Brittany Celeste (husband: Jarrod), and foreign wars who defended democracy from ness and fulfillment in his life.
lived there. She married Billy Jones Jackson her great-grandsons, Caspian and Almanzo. the communist hordes.” After returning from
following his graduation from SMU as a Lt. A viewing and a short service will be held for Korea, he was stationed at Andrews Air Aside from family, Laurence’s passion was
in the Air Force. They spent 25 years in Patricia on November 13, 2023 from 3 p.m. Force Base, where he met his future wife of training harness race horses and he was truly
the service moving 11 times before Lt. Col
PATRICIA MARY KISTNER to 5 p.m. at Baldwin Brothers Funeral Home, 68 years, Helen, at the NCO club. gifted at it. He owned and trained a number
Jackson’s death at Andrews Air Force Base (Age 79) 3990 E. SR44, Ste. 105, Wildwood, FL. 34785. over the years and often raced them himself
(Joint Base Andrews), Maryland in March, On November 7, 2023, Patricia Mary Kistner In lieu of flowers, we would be honored if Following his honorable discharge from the at Rosecroft Raceway, Ocean Downs, Har-
1974. He is buried at Fort Sam Houston, (née, Elliott), of The Villages, Florida passed you could make a donation to Cure PSP at Air Force, Laurence worked briefly for the rington Raceway, Freehold Raceway and Do-
San Antonio, TX. Evelyn remained in Mary- away of Corticobasal Degeneration. She CIA and then Pepco, but concluded that he ver Downs, among others on the East Coast.
land and raised their five children. She is LAURENCE M. CODORI JR. did not like working with electricity. In 1957, One great regret was losing one of his favor-
also survived by her five grandchildren and On November 3, 2023, Laurence M. Codori, Jr. he started working for C&P Telephone (later ite steeds, Okay Helen, in a claiming race.
eight great grandchildren. Graveside cere-
mony will be private at The Fairfax Memo-
rial Park in Fairfax, VA.
PETERSON departed this life peacefully following several
years of declining health due to Parkinson’s
disease. His five daughters, their spouses,
Bell Atlantic and Verizon), first as a lineman
and later as a skilled telephone technician
at multiple government agencies in Wash-
Despite his demanding work schedule, for
many years Laurence was at the racetrack
barn early every morning, prompting others
and his two grandsons are broken-hearted, ington, DC, including the EPA and State at the track to wonder if he ever slept. Being
her mother’s death in 1991 and she proudly but they feel some measure of solace know- Department, where he was responsible for with his horses truly made him happy.
served as CEO until her passing. ing that he is no longer suffering and is now ensuring telephone-line security for confi-
In addition to her full-time career, Gail was in the warm embrace of his late wife, Helen dential conversations. He had the pleasure Laurence is survived by his loving children
an active philanthropist. She served on the M. Codori (nee Bucci), who passed away sud- of meeting Henry Kissinger and recounted and their spouses Ann Marie Codori (George
Committee of Daffodils & Diamonds for for- denly in June 2022. that Mr. Kissinger referred to him as his fa- Fisk), Nancy Codori (Richard Boardman),
ty years and was a former Chairperson of vorite tech, because “he got the work done.” Margaret Codori (Tina Mayes), Michele Co-
their annual luncheon and fashion show Laurence M. Codori, Jr. was born in Philadel- Following over 35 years of service, Laurence dori (Susan Spence) and Jeanne Codori-Hurff
benefiting The National Cancer Foundation. phia on August 20, 1931, the first son and retired in 1994. (Christopher Hurff), his cherished grandsons,
JACKSON Friends will remember the addressing lun-
cheons she hosted in her home each year.
She was also a member of the Women’s
fifth of six children of the late Dr. Laurence
Murray Codori, Sr. and his wife, Marie Agnes Laurence and Helen were married in 1954
Evan Codori Boardman and Aidan Laurence
Hurff. In addition to his parents and his infant
sister, Nancy, Laurence was predeceased
Silk. He was reared in Philadelphia in the Irish and they welcomed five daughters in ten
Board of The American Heart Association. neighborhood known as “Swampoodle” and years. In 1968, they settled in their beloved by his three sisters, Margaret Kozakowski
She was a supporter of their annual “Affair enjoyed playing sandlot football and pick-up home in Marlton for which they selected Youell, Blanche Murphy, and Marie Arneo-
of the Heart” for decades. She was also a basketball games. He was educated in the the floor plan and the finishes and proudly dau, and brother, John Codori. Laurence is
long-time member of Hoe’n Hope Garden Philadelphia Catholic school system attend- watched it being built. One could say that also survived by his brother-in-law James
Club and was especially interested in their ing St. Columba School and graduating from Laurence was a meticulous keeper of his Bucci, Sr., his sisters-in-law, MaryLu Bucci
charities to Save the Bay, The Washington Roman Catholic High School in 1949. He was lawn and not one weed could be found. and Maryanna Bucci, and his step-grandchil-
Home, and The Children’s Inn. known for his sharp wit and irreverent sense While Laurence viewed his family as a bless- dren Katherine Anderson (William), Maxwell
Gail was a fun-loving person that enjoyed of humor, which at times was not fully-ap- ing, it was simultaneously a source of finan- Fisk (Gabrielle) and step-great-grandchildren
music, dancing, and a good party. She also preciated by some of his teachers. Laurence cial worry, since he took his responsibility Camden Anderson, Madeleine Fisk, and Hen-
enjoyed her time at the beach. She made enjoyed spending summers with his sisters as the provider seriously. Consequently, he ry Fisk. Laurence is also survived by many
GAIL M. PETERSON life-long friends in her younger years at and brother at Medford Lakes, NJ where spent much of his young adult life working nieces, nephews, grandnieces, grandneph-
Gail passed away peacefully at her Ken- Whiskey Beach and later entertained in her he enjoyed the family’s log cabin, the quiet six to seven days a week, taking on as much ews, and great-grandnieces and great-grand-
wood home on October 31, 2023. She was home at Rehoboth Beach. She was an avid wooded surroundings, swimming in the cool overtime as possible to ensure his family nephews.
the loving and devoted daughter of Wallace book lover and voracious reader. She was lake, and the thrill of horse jumping, which had all they needed and most of what they
F. Peterson and Fay M. Peterson. She is sur- willing to share her book collection with sparked his life-long passion for horses. wanted – his work ethic was exceptional. In Laurence’s family respectfully invites rela-
vived by Randa Isbell, Shannon Isbell Blau, others. In honor of her memory she would Throughout his life, Laurence enjoyed watch- addition, Laurence instilled in his children the tives, friends, neighbors, and colleagues to
Brad Isbell, and his wife, and their children ask that you: Live, Laugh and Love! ing boxing matches and could easily recount importance of education and paid for Cath- the visitation / Christian Wake Service on
as well as long-time cherished friends. Her Memorial Service will be November his favorite bouts and boxers spanning from olic school tuitions from first through 12th Monday, November 13 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Gail was a native Washingtonian born in 18 at 11 a.m. at Pumphrey Funeral Home his youth to present day. In addition, Lau- grade and continued some financial support at George P. Kalas Funeral Home, 6160 Oxon
1943 and celebrated her 80th Birthday this of Bethesda. Guests are welcome to ar- rence loved music and derived great comfort during college. To say he was proud that his Hill Road, Oxon Hill, MD. A visitation at 10
past July. She was a member of both Con- rive at 10 a.m. for a social gathering prior from it. He could recite musicians and songs five daughters are all college graduates is a.m. and funeral mass at 11 a.m. will be held
JEAN DODSON JACKSON gressional and Kenwood Country Clubs. She to her service. There will be an opportunity even in his last days and some of his favor- an understatement. As his daughters grew on Tuesday, November 14 at Most Holy Ro-
August 14, 1932 – November 1, 2023 graduated from National Cathedral School to share your fond memories at the end of ites included Dean Martin, Nat King Cole, up and started their own families, Laurence, sary Catholic Church, 9961 Rosaryville Rd.,
Peacefully entered eternal rest on Wednes- in 1961 and continued her education at the service. Interment will be held at a later Al Martino, Dick Haymes, Jerry Vale, The Ink along with Helen, continued their generosi- Upper Marlboro, MD. Interment will follow at
day, November 1, 2023. Survived by three Queens College. She obtained a B.A. in Pub- date. Spots, Johnny Mathis, George Shearing, and ty by hosting annual family vacations in Sea Resurrection Cemetery, 8000 Woodyard Rd,
children, other relatives and many friends. lic Relations from The American University Flowers may be sent to 7557 Wisconsin Glenn Miller. While he spent much of his life Isle City, NJ – a tradition that lasted for more Clinton, MD. Memorial contributions may be
Viewing will be held on Tuesday, Novem- in 1966. While studying at AU she enjoyed Ave., Bethesda, MD 20814 for her service. in the Washington, DC area, he remained a than 20 years and regrettably came to end in made to the “Laurence M. Codori, Jr. ‘49 En-
ber 14 at St. Margaret of Scotland Cath- her work on the school newspaper: “The In lieu of flowers, donations can be made staunch Philadelphia Eagles fan. 2022 due to Laurence’s declining health and dowed Scholarship” at Roman Catholic High
olic Church, 410 Addison Rd., S., Capitol Eagle.” in her memory to a charity of your choice. Helen’s death. School ( or
Heights, MD 20743 at 11 a.m. until Mass After her first job in public relations with Please visit Gail’s online memorial by going Following high school, Laurence enlisted in to the Parkinson’s Foundation (www.parkin-
of Christian Burial, 12 Noon. Interment pri- Goodyear, Gail’s career shifted to the family to the United States Air Force, underwent ba- Later in life, Laurence was blessed with two
vate. business which her father started in 1934. sic training at Sampson Air Force Base near grandsons, whom he loved dearly, and he re- She assumed ownership of the firm upon Rochester, NY and was stationed at Edwards vealed to them a silly and affectionate side




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sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE C7

Additional surviving siblings include sisters, Susan Nagler was born in Washington, DC kind of medicine he practiced he always an-
Sharon Boyle of Reston, VA, Mary Phifer and and grew up in Hyattsville, MD. She gradu- swered “the best.” He loved what he did and
husband Jim of Leesburg, VA; brother, Mike ated from Northwestern High School and considered it an honor to assist in bringing
Boyle and wife Gaye of Asheboro, NC; in ad- the University of Maryland at College Park new life into the world.
ditional to numerous nieces and nephews and began her career at the US House of A true renaissance man, he was as comfort-
including David Wofford of Gastonia, NC Representatives, as an Applications Ana- able in an art museum as in the operating
who helped care for her in her final years. lyst for House Information Systems. It was room. He thought nothing of driving hours
Patricia also had a special bond with her there she met her future husband, Charlie, to an art show that piqued his interest. His
cousin, Carol Sherman of Lady Lake, FL, who and they were married in 1989. They quickly sense of adventure and thirst to keep learn-
shared many cherished moments together. had two children, Paul and Julia. Sue stayed ing was inspirational. One of his proudest
home with the children and managed a accomplishments was completing the 500
Patricia was a devoted single mother. Pat- boisterous household full of love, life, and mile hike on the “Camino de Santiago” in
ty’s only daughter, Sara, fulfilled her dreams animals of all kinds. The family moved to Spain, with various members of his family.
of becoming a veterinarian, a testament to Annapolis in 1994. When her children en- He is survived by his wife of 59 years Emi-
the support, encouragement, and sacrifices tered school, Sue began volunteering at the lie, son Dr William Gillanders (Jeanne), son
her mother made throughout her life. Patri- SPCA of Anne Arundel County. Her passion Dr Robert Gillanders (Julie), daughter Dr
cia’s love for her daughter was immeasur- for saving animals led her to employment Elizabeth Gillanders, son John Gillanders
able, and she took immense pride in Sara’s there and over a few years she rose to be (Jody) and his sister Diane Donahue. He was
accomplishments and boasted about her Executive Director. Under her leadership, predeceased by his daughter Tia Gillanders
daughter’s achievements to anyone who the SPCA made dramatic improvements in Garner and his two sisters Gerry Roemer
would listen. Her love extended to her be- care and professionalism, which continue to and Cappy Ogrudek. He was a loving grand-
PATRICIA ANNE BOYLE “Patty” loved grand-dogs, cats, and horses. She pro- SUSAN NAGLER BEATTY define the organization today. ROBERT JAMES GILLANDERS father to Emma, Ian, and Teddy Gillanders,
vided them with endless affection, treats, Sue Beatty, a lifelong protector and rescu- After retirement, Sue missed helping an- “Gil” William and Emilie Garner, and Jacklyn and
In Loving Memory of Patricia Anne Boyle and belly rubs, and they, in return, offered er of animals, died peacefully, surrounded imals and founded the Maryland Animal Robert James Gillanders “Gil” passed away Mitch Gillanders.
October 12, 1957 – October 29, 2023 her unwavering companionship and com- by her closest family on Saturday, October Adoption Center, an innovative rescue orga- peacefully on November 7, 2023 with his The family would like to thank the staff of
fort. They will miss her dearly. 28, 2023. She was diagnosed with cancer in nization for dogs and cats that uses trans- wife Emilie, at his side. The son of Irish Capital Caring Hospice who cared for Gil,
It is with heavy hearts that we announce early July and fought it bravely to the end. port networks for disadvantaged animal immigrants Catherine Toner Gillanders of especially his nurse Young, health aide
the peaceful passing of Patricia “Patty” In remembrance of Patricia Boyle, we kindly She was 70 years old. shelters paired with local foster caregivers. Donegal and William James Gillanders of Kwame, and loyal volunteers Marcia and
Anne Boyle, a beloved mother, sister, aunt, request that, instead of traditional condo- Sue loved animals from the time she was In a few years, MAAC placed nearly a hun- Monaghan, he was born in New York City on Nikki. In addition, thanks to the wonderful
and cousin, after enduring the challenges lences, you share your cherished memo- a small child and made a home for dozens dred animals in loving homes. June 3, 1938. staff at the Adler Center where Gil spent the
of early-onset dementia with courage and ries and photos of her to celebrate her life. over the years. She was filled with love for Sue is survived by her husband Charlie, her After high school at St Ann’s Academy in last few days of his life.
resilience. A 3-time cancer survivor, Patty’s Patty’s spirit was filled with love, compas- all living things and was a selfless mother, son Paul (Annie) of Edgewater, MD, and her New York City, he attended The College of The funeral mass will be held at Holy Trinity
journey on this earth came to an end on Oc- sion, and kindness and though her life was wife, sister, and daughter. She made friends sisters Betty Smith (Greg) of Winfield, IL, and the Holy Cross graduating in 1960. In 1964 Catholic Church in Georgetown on Friday,
tober 29, 2023, at the age of 66, surrounded regrettably cut short, we aim to honor her easily and her friends had no better confi- Janet Nagler (John Hanifin) of Edgewater, he graduated from Georgetown University November 17 at 1 p.m., with visitation be-
by loved ones in Radford, VA. Despite her beautiful legacy by preserving the profound dant or generous ally. Sue had a subtle and MD. She was predeceased by her daughter Medical School followed by an internship at ginning at 11:30 a.m.
battle with dementia, Patty’s sweet and love she shared with those around her. subversive sense of humor that brought joy Julia, and her parents, Ken and Nan Nagler. St Vincent’s Hospital in NYC and a residency In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made
caring spirit touched the hearts of all who to those close to her. She had little use for A celebration of Sue’s life will be held at 23 in Obstetrics and Gynecology at George- to Capital Caring ( or
knew her. We kindly request your assistance in helping pretentiousness and would skewer it with Wallace Manor Rd. in Edgewater, MD at 2 town. He practiced medicine in Vienna, a charity of your choice.
her beloved daughter, Sara, in keeping her wit and grace. Sue was a talented musi- p.m. on Saturday, December 2. There will be Virginia from 1968-2007. When asked what
Patricia was born in Washington, DC, to mother’s memory alive by sending photo- cian, playing the flute throughout her life. a supervised play area for those who wish
the late Joseph and Dorothy Brown Boyle. graphs and/or stories to pattyboylelegacy@ She studied flute after college and played to bring dogs that Sue helped adopt. Dress
She is survived by her loving daughter, Sara or P.O. Box 973, Ocoee, FL 34761. semi-professionally with a guitarist, at wed- is casual and cheerful. In lieu of flowers, do-
Boyle, of Ocoee, FL, who was her pride and
joy. She was preceded in death by her el-
A Celebration of Life will be announced in
the weeks to follow.
dings and on Sunday mornings at the Crate
Café in Annapolis.
nations may be made to MAAC at mdadopt.
dest sister, Kathy Wofford, of Belmont, NC.
Cynthia Brumback to be near her sister,
Anne Flues Johnson, and family. Margie
worked at the Peace Corps and founded

Roommate Referral Service in Georgetown
with a partner. In the 1980s she co-owned a
KENNEDY handcrafts shop, One Step Up, in Bethesda
with her good friend Kitty Hempstone.
He found his career in journalism, writing Margie married William (Will) R. Haley in
Washingtonians. They traveled the world and editing for 34 years at the then-daily 1965 at Christ Church, Georgetown, where
in what they dubbed the “B.C. – before newspaper, The Christian Science Monitor. both were longtime parishioners. Margie
children – era.” Harold fell in love with the He was the Southern correspondent, cover- served on the church’s Altar Guild and Ves-
homeland of Margaret’s family in County ing the Civil Rights Movement from 1967-69, try, and Will on the Vestry. Their marriage of
Kerry, Ireland, and until his death, read Irish then Washington correspondent, then edito- 52 years was a union of devotion, mutual
newspapers online every day. rial writer, and a managing editor. He retired respect, and love. Margie was a member of
on a Friday in July, 1991. After fidgeting all the Chevy Chase Club for over 40 years, the
The B.C. era ended in 1983 with the birth of weekend in retirement, he went back to Trowel Garden Club, and Colonial Dames.
his son, Sean, who was joined in 1985 by work the next Monday, this time at AARP’s She volunteered with the Lorton Art Pro-
daughter Kate. They lived in the Moyaone member newspaper, the Bulletin — happily gram for five years, teaching handcrafts
Reserve in Accokeek, Maryland, across the writing and editing once again. After vainly to women, and the Jubilee Jobs and Unity
Potomac from Mount Vernon, until 2000. As chasing his grandfather’s record of work- Health Care Ex-Offenders Program in Ana-
a father, Harold was gracious, encouraging in ing 73 years, Bob retired for the last time costia, assisting the formerly incarcerated
all things, and made an effort to be a youth in 2000. MARGUERITE JAMIESO HALEY find housing and employment. She often
soccer coach despite having no knowledge (Age 89) spoke of how helping others attain new
of the game. After U.S. News, Harold worked Bob leaves his wife of 64 years, Nancy October 17, 1933 – October 12, 2023 skills and build new lives was immensely
for the U.S. Bureau of Mines and later served Henson Hey; their daughter, Julie Lillis; Marguerite “Margie” Jamieson Haley died rewarding to her.
as editor of National Defense magazine. He son-in-law, Dick Lillis; and granddaughters, peacefully at her home in Washington, DC Margie was a much-loved wife, mother, sis-
retired in 2006, and spent a decade as a vol- Kristina and Carolyn King (Eric Nieminen). with her daughter and beloved caregivers ter, aunt, grandmother, and friend to all that
unteer docent at the National Museum of by her side on October 12, 2023, just days knew her. She is survived by her daughter,
the Marine Corps. He enjoyed nothing more ROBERT PIERPONT HEY At Bob’s request, there will be no funeral. before her 90th birthday. The daughter of Amelia Haley Perez (wife of Lawrence D.
HAROLD ROBERT KENNEDY JR. than reading, watching the news, ruffling Robert Pierpont Hey passed on November Interment will be private. No flowers, please; Marguerite and Norman Jamieson, Margie Perez); son, Hutch; grandchildren, Amelia
Harold Robert Kennedy Jr., an intrepid jour- the velvety ears of a succession of boxer 8, 2023. Born in 1935 in East Providence, if you wish, consider making a modest do- was born in Toledo, OH, and raised in near- and Will Perez; and nieces, Jane Simchak
nalist and voracious reader, died Wednes- dogs and sipping fine Irish whiskey, prefer- Rhode Island, he was the son of Grace Pier- nation to the charity of your choice. A Cele- by Ottawa Hills. She graduated from Ottawa and Molly Strother. In lieu of flowers, please
day, November 8, 2023 at Inova Alexandria ably Bushmills. He raved about Margaret’s pont and Daniel Chase Hey. He enrolled at bration of Life will be held at a future date. Hills High School in 1951 and Northwestern send donations to the Outreach Program at
Hospital. He was 80. cooking and delivered heartfelt prayers at Harvard College at age 16. Drafted by the Please view and sign online family guest- University in 1955. She taught school for Christ Church, Georgetown. A memorial ser-
family meals. In his last year, he diligently Army, he served for two years active duty book at the next seven years, including two years at vice will be held at Christ Church (31st & O
Harold was born to Harold Robert Kennedy documented his family history in a serialized and four in the Reserves. Punahou School in Honolulu, an experience St. NW, WDC) on Wednesday, December 20,
Sr. and Virginia Rhodes Kennedy on Novem- narrative sent by email, and enjoyed visits she treasured. She moved to Georgetown 2023, at 11 a.m.
ber 24, 1942, in Bradenton, Florida, where with his infant grandson, Finn. He exempli- in the late 1950s with her childhood friend
generations of Kennedys sank their roots. fied “Semper Fidelis,” and in his memory, we
A quintessential Floridian, his father drove say “Oorah!”
a truck for Tropicana. When the time came
for Harold to choose a path, he was most
impressed by the Marine recruiter in his
Harold is predeceased by his parents and
sister Barbara Morris. HISE KONECNY
summer dress blues.
Harold is survived by his wife of 53 years, in Lung, Brian Schwartz, and Tyler Hise (Car- of Prisons.
During his time on base in Okinawa, he was Margaret Kennedy; his brother, Steve Ken- oline), and his niece, Sabinne Matsumoto. In his free time, David enjoyed following
taken by the words of Hemingway, Fitzger- nedy of Orlando, Florida; his sister Kathy the Pittsburgh Steelers, staying updated
ald and Steinbeck. He decided to become King of Parrish, Florida; his son, Sean and his Conrad was preceded in death by his step- on politics and world events, and watching
a journalist. At the University of Florida, he wife, Amber, and son Finn, of Chesapeake, father, Robert J. Thomas, his brother, Lee United States history documentaries. He
was editor-in-chief of the Florida Alligator Virginia; his daughter, Kate, and her partner, Matsumoto, and his maternal grandparents, cherished spending time with his grandchil-
and met his future bride, Margaret O’Brien. Sean Young, of Frederick, Maryland; beloved Joseph and Margaret Yap, as well as his pa- dren, attending their school performances
in-laws, Bill and Elizabeth O’Brien, niece Em- ternal grandparents, Genorosa and Graeme and sports activities. David also found joy in
Upon graduation, he joined the editorial ily, her husband Thijs, and great niece Fiona, Hise. playing with his loyal dog, Lola.
board of the then-Atlanta Constitution. Har- all of Silver Spring, Maryland. David is survived by his loving, devoted
old and Margaret married in 1970, and Har- With his love for cooking, he and his wife spouse, Elizabeth (Betty) Keffer Platt. He is
old joined the Atlanta bureau of U.S. News & A private service is planned. In lieu of flow- opened a restaurant in August 2019 named survived by his stepson Richard Platt, his
World Report. Within months, he received an ers, donations can be made to So Others Momo&Poke in Alexandria specializing in wife Davina, and daughter Kerry. He is also
offer to join the Washington, DC, office and Might Eat (SOME), where Harold was a vol- authentic Hawaiian and Himalayan soul survived by his stepson Stephen Platt, his
the Kennedys began their lives as unteer, by visiting foods. His customers became his Ohana, wife Amy, and their children Sierra, Chase,
especially locals. and Logan. Additionally, David is survived
by his brother-in-law Rev. Robert F. Keffer:
A celebration of life to honor Conrad will be brother-in-law Charles J. Keffer, his wife
held at the Waterford Events Center at 6715 Barbara and family: brother-in-law Richard T.
Commerce St., Springfield, VA 22150 on Sat- Keffer, his wife Mary Rose and family: many


urday, November 18, 2023, at 11 a.m. Dress
is Aloha/Casual attire. DAVID A. KONECNY
cousins, nieces and nephews, and longtime
friends. He was loved by his kind caregivers
Gladys, Hellen, Maria, Josie, Rhonda, Tina
Conrad Henry Hise, 43, was born on July 20, (Age 74)
1980, in Honolulu, Hawaii and passed away For more information and to sign the family David A. Konecny of McLean, VA, passed and Molli.
In 1964, she married James V Kimsey, and David was preceded in death by his father
stayed in United States to eventually be- on October 30, 2023, in Alexandria, Virginia. guestbook online, please visit away on October 28, 2023. He was born on February 23, 1949, in Pittsburgh, PA, to the Rudolph F. Konecny, mother Mildred M. Graf
come a citizen. Konecny, brother Daniel J. Konecny, and sis-
Bronwen maintained her connection with Conrad was a loving husband to his beauti- late Rudolph F. Konecny and Mildred M. Graf
ful wife, Lauren Baucom Hise. He is survived Konecny. ter Linda L. Lyons.
South Africa, working at the embassy for David graduated from St. Mary’s High School
many years. As a proud member of the by his mother, Kathleen Thomas, his father, David was a kind-hearted, caring, and gen-
Henry Hise, his uncles, Thomas Yap, James erous man who loved his wife, family, and in Sharpsburg, PA, and went on to earn his
Washington Redshins, she was among the Bachelor’s degree from Duquesne Universi-
first women in DC to play organized wom- Yap, and Howard Hise (Jennifer), his aunt Jo- friends. His life was defined by his gentle-
Ann Lung (David Schwartz); his cousins, Kev- FUNERAL CHAPEL ness. He was a passionate and focused ty in 1971. He later pursued his Master of
en’s soccer. She was also an avid tennis Arts from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
player and fan. Pittsburgh Steelers fan, always cheering
them on with enthusiasm. David had a ful- in 1976 and obtained a degree in Business
In 1989 she started her own company, the Informatics from Marymount University in
Abacus Exchange, which embarked upon filling and distinguished career in various
areas of information technology and com- 1993.
bringing art and jewelry created in South
LANE puter instruction. He worked with several Services for David will be private. The Cre-
Africa to the United States. mation Society of Virginia is assisting the
She is survived by her three sons, Michael companies, including Honeywell Federal
Systems, Electronic Data System, Booz Al- family with the arrangements.
Kimsey, Mark (Sarah) Kimsey, and Raymond David A. Konecny will be deeply missed by
(Petra) Kimsey; her grandchildren Emma len Hamilton, and retired in 2016 as an IT
an active member of St. Rose of Lima Parish Specialist for the Federal Government, spe- his family, friends, and all who knew him.
Kimsey, Sophia Kimsey, Maya Kimsey, Jack- and its “Team X” small faith community. Joe May his gentle soul rest in eternal peace.
son Kimsey, Benjamin Kimsey, and Etta Kim- cifically the Department of Justice, Bureau
raised tens of thousands of dollars through
sey; and by her two sisters, Thalia (Graham) his famous VIP dance, which benefited St.
Lindemann and Cheryl (Andrew) Veitch. Rose’s social concerns ministry.
BRONWEN DIANE KIMSEY Services will be held at the McLean Project

Bronwen Diane Kimsey, 82, of McLean, VA, for the Arts at the McLean Community Cen- After retiring to Bethany, he continued his
passed away on November 5, 2023 after ter, 1234 Ingleside Ave., McLean, VA 22101, civic and charitable work, often with St.
succumbing to the complications from sur- on November 17, 2023 from 3 to 6 p.m. Ann’s Catholic Church. Joe spent countless
gery a few weeks prior. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that hours organizing the annual “Very Important
Bronwen was born on June 7, 1941 to Grace donations be made to one of the following Charities” dance benefiting St. Vincent De career, working primarily with the U.S. Navy.
and Geoffrey Krummeck in Pretoria, South charities: Wounded Warriors, Doctors w/o Paul, Joanne’s Book Giveaway Project, and CJ maintained an active membership at
Africa. borders, World Wildlife Foundation. Online Rise to Hunger organizations. He served as Manor Country Club since 1970. Upon his
Bronwen’s family moved to Washington, DC condolences and fond memories may be chairman of the town’s annual Fourth of July retirement, he enjoyed playing up to 300
in 1954 where she completed high school offered to the family at parade, worked with Meals on Wheels, local rounds of golf a year, as well as organizing
and was an accomplished diver at Woodrow library fundraising, the parish Men’s Club golf events and trips, including numerous
Wilson High School in 1959. and Voice of the Faithful. Friends will also outings as President of Maryland Interclub
cherish memories of the large-group trips Seniors Golf Association (MISGA).
he organized over 20 years to visit numer- As a consummate perfectionist, CJ will be
ous places on four continents. remembered for his engineering talents
which were put to good use in multiple
D. JOSEPH LANE Joe simply loved sports – coaching, playing ways, ranging from meticulously sewing

RUST D. Joseph “Joe” Lane, husband, father, grand-

father, great-grandfather, lifelong lover of
and watching. He enjoyed (a cold beer af-
ter) playing tennis, basketball, and tolerated
his daughters’ matching holiday outfits to
ensuring that all framing was plumb and
square when finishing basements for his
people, passed away on Tuesday, November jogging to try to keep up with Dorothy. He
7, 2023. Joe died at home in Bethany Beach, coached basketball and was president of childrens’ homes.
in the DC Metro area, including his family’s Survivors include his children, Douglas My-
early residence in Old Town, Alexandria. As Delaware, where he and his beloved wife, the I-270 Youth Basketball league. In Beth-
Dorothy, have lived for the last 30 years. He any, he played tennis and was active with ers, Cindy Retterer, Linda Kindred (Steve),
his career progressed, he focused on resi- Robin Groves, and Cassondra Schaedig
dential remodeling projects. His expertise was 88 years old. Bayside Tennis.
(Tim), daughter-in-law Susan; brother-in-
as a remodeler and restorer of old homes law Al Faulkner; 16 grandchildren, and 13
became well known in Northern Virginia and Joe was born January 18, 1935, to his Irish Joe was a true “people person” and will be
immigrant parents, Mary (O’Sullivan) and dearly missed by family and a large circle of CLARENCE J. MYERS great-grandchildren. He was preceded in
the Washington, DC area. Tom and Susan Clarence J. “CJ” Myers, 91, passed away death by his wife, Dorothy V. Myers, son,
divorced amicably and continued to work Patrick Lane, on Allison Street in NW Wash- friends. Among our favorite memories are
ington, DC. He is survived by his loving his affectionate roasts, which he presented peacefully at his home in Olney, MD on No- Stephen, grandson Wesley, sons-in-law
together for many years. Tom handed over vember 4, 2023. CJ was born in Butte, Mon- Jeff Retterer and Robert Groves, parents,
the day-to-day management of Rust Con- wife of 63 years, Dorothy S. (Rogers) Lane; as public proclamations that always began
his children Daniel (Karen), Patrick (Claire), with, “Whereas …” Joe loved life and loved tana on August 25, 1932, and was the 10th brothers, Glenn (Connie) and Louie (Carol);
struction to his sons, Tom Locke and Sam, of 12 children born to Glenn and Martha sisters: Marie (Johnny) Schumacher, Martha
in 2019. He continued to work in the office Anne-Marie Smith (Raghu Raghavan); son- us all – so very well. We will always be grate-
in-law David Schwartz, Matthew (Jane Kim), ful and we will always miss him. Myers. The Myers were a close family, and (Ken) Newton, Kay (Don) Brunell, Betty (Jack)
daily until the start of the pandemic, after their Catholic faith was an important part of Parker, Anne (Joe) Mooney, Frances (Mel)
which he continued to provide his sons with Brendan (Bonnie). Joe was predeceased by
daughter Mary, in 2007. He is also survived A funeral mass will be held at St. Ann’s in the family fabric. At age 19, CJ enlisted in Mooney, Bernice (Bob) Weeks, Gertrude
much appreciated technical support and in- the U.S. Navy and was assigned to the USS (Tim) Downey, and Geri Faulkner. He was
valuable business advice until his last days. by 14 grandchildren and three great-grand- Bethany Beach on Tues., November 14 at
children. 11 a.m., with visitation starting at 10 a.m. Oriskany. Following his honorable discharge previously married to Carol Shaffer Smith.
A lunch reception will follow. A wake is as a Petty Officer – ever an ambitious man Funeral mass will be held at St. Patrick
Many will remember Tom fondly for his qui- – CJ earned his bachelor’s degree in electri- Church, 4101 Norbeck Rd., Rockville, MD
et charisma, his reputation as a fine home- Joe graduated from Gonzaga College High planned at De Vol Funeral Home in Gaithers-
School in 1953. After serving in the Army, burg, MD on Thursday, November 16 from 2 cal engineering from Montana State College 20853 at 11 a.m. on Saturday, November 18.
builder, and love of dogs. Tom was an artist (now MSU). Upon graduation, he was hired In lieu of flowers, the family asks for dona-
at heart. He was passionate about design, he graduated from Georgetown University to 4 p.m. and burial at Gate of Heaven Cem-
and began a lifelong career with IBM, which etery in Silver Spring on Friday, November by General Electric and moved his growing tions to be made to The John Ritter Founda-
THOMAS LOCKE RUST III had a knack for drawing, and a natural abil-
17 at 11:30 a.m. family to Syracuse, NY. In 1966, he took a po- tion for Aortic Health [johnritterfoundation.
3/26/1944 - 11/6/2023 ity to draft complicated building details by took his family to Denver, Colorado, before
returning the family to Maryland where they sition with ITT Gilfillan, moved his family to org], TGR Foundation [], or
Thomas Locke Rust III “Tom”, age 79, of Alex- hand. Tom is survived by his partner, Kimber- Los Angeles, and subsequently transferred the charity of your choice.
andria, Virginia passed away on November ly Keleher; his children - Thomas Locke Rust settled in Montgomery Village, Maryland. In lieu of flowers, the family requests dona-
Joe and Dorothy lived in “the Village” for 18 tions to Gonzaga College High School or St. to Maryland in 1968 for the remainder of his
6, 2023. He was born on March 26, 1944, to IV, Sarah Rust Johnson, and Samuel Nelson
Sophie Stuart Rust and Robert Nelson Rust Rust; his siblings - Robert Nelson Rust III, Rog- years before retiring to Bethany Beach. Vincent de Paul Society at St. Ann’s Catholic
of Arlington, Virginia. He attended Wakefield er Stuart Rust, John Whitney Rust, and Mary Church in Bethany.
High School (class of 1962) and went on to Delashmutt Rust, and his grandchildren - Al- While living in Montgomery Village, Joe was
obtain a Bachelor of Arts from the University
of the South in Sewanee, TN (class of 1966).
exander, Sophie, Rowan, Amalie, and John.
Services will be held at St Paul’s Episcopal
When his father died suddenly in 1973, Tom Church at 228 South Pitt St. in Old Town
assumed leadership of Rust Construction,
steering it through ebbs and flows of pros-
Alexandria, VA on Friday, November 17 at 1
p.m. In lieu of flowers, the family requests
WAUGH-FELICIANO ter raising six children, Joan embarked on a
wonderful career spanning 18 years at Fred-
perity alongside his then wife, Susan. In the donations be made to the St Paul’s Founda- die Mac Corp. She brought love, devotion
early 1970’s, he managed the construction tion or the Alexandria Seaport Foundation. ard G. Waugh, Jr. ended in divorce. Together and vibrancy to everything she did. Joan
of some of the first solar homes ever built they raised three sons in suburban Wash- was preceded in death by her beloved hus-
ington, DC, last residing on Hayfield Farm: band of 67 years, James Francis Price. She is
Jay J. Waugh, Sr. (Amanda Van Winkle) of survived by her six children, Mary Joan Shea

ST. CLAIR Albuquerque, NM, Roy E. Waugh (Penny) of (Jim), James F. Price, Jr. (Rachel), Judy Kettl,
Oak Hill, VA, and Richard G. Waugh, III (Maria (Dave), Stephen Price (Robin), Michael Price
Avelar) of Southern Shores, NC. She is also and Jane (Jenny) Price-Smith (Greg) as well
MARY KATE STOCKNER ST. CLAIR survived by 11 grandchildren and seven as her 16 grandchildren and six great-grand-
great-grandchildren. children. Family and friends are invited to
Mary Kate Stockner St. Clair passed away in Greensboro, NC and Fairfax, VA during her Joan’s Celebration of Life at KALAS FUNER-
the early morning hours of Tuesday, October husband’s career in the telecommunica- She relocated to Albuquerque with her sec- AL HOME, 6160 Oxon Hill Rd., Oxon Hill, MD,
24, 2023 at age 95. Kate, as she was known tions industry. She moved to Charlottesville, ond husband, Juan Feliciano and helped on Thursday, November 16, 2023, from 1 to
much of her adult life, was born in Havaco, VA in 2006 to be closer to her daughter and raise his two daughters, Anita and Andrea. 3 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. A Mass of Christian
WV, the third of four children born to Ray- her family. She fell out of love with her second husband Burial will be offered at St. Mary’s Catholic
mond Early and Alma Hayes Stockner. She She was a member of Providence Presbyte- but completely in love with her lifestyle in Church of Piscataway Our Lady’s Chapel,
was predeceased by her husband, Richard rian Church while living in Fairfax and later the Land of Enchantment and spent her final 13401 Piscataway Rd., Clinton, MD 20735
Otis St. Clair, her siblings and their spous- was a member of Meadows Presbyterian days there. on Friday, November 17, 2023, at 11 a.m. In-
es, Camilla Jeanne Stockner Brunschwyler Church while living in Charlottesville. terment will follow. In lieu of flowers, please
(Richard Grant), James Robert Stockner (Pa- She is survived by her daughter, Allison St. Edith was a lifelong supporter of Civil Rights JOAN PATRICIA GAFFNEY PRICE consider a donation to either Catholic Chari-
tricia Galbraith), Carol Ray Stockner Schell Clair Schildwachter and son-in-law, Thomas and Women’s Rights. Her love was felt by Joan Patricia (Gaffney) Price passed away ties USA at or
(Erwin Haskell), and brother-in-law Charles Schildwachter; her grandchildren, Brooke many, and her annual holiday cards were peacefully on November 7, 2023. Joan was the Smile Train at https://www.smiletrain.
Wade St. Clair (Patricia Coley). Schildwachter Kilfoil (Brendan), Meredith EDITH L. WAUGH-FELICIANO legendary. a loving wife, mother, grandmother and org . Online guestbook is available at
Kate grew up in Havaco and Welch, WV, at- Schildwachter Wenskoski (Todd), Hayes St. great-grandmother. Family, faith and friends
tending the local Welch schools. She then Clair Schildwachter; her great-grandchil- (nee Muller) were the heart and soul of her being. Af-
June 22, 1937 - November 1, 2023 She passed peacefully and gracefully with
pursued her interest in teaching, graduating dren, Ashton Evangeline, Andrew Hayes and her family and closest friends by her side.
from Lees-McRae College in Banner Elk, NC Hugh Campbell Kilfoil, and Cashman Henry There are no services scheduled at this time.
and Concord College in Athens, WV, with and Pryor Camilli Wenskoski, as well as 11 Edith was born in Newark, NJ to Charles
degrees in education and library science. nieces and nephews and many cousins. Richard Muller and Edith Ball of New York,
NY. In lieu of flowers, her family requests that
She was a member of the Sigma Sigma Sig- A burial service will be held at 12 p.m. at
ma sorority while at Concord College (now
University) and later often hosted Tri Sigma
Monticello Memory Gardens on Monday,
November 20, 2023, followed by a memorial She was a graduate of Kearney High School,
donations be made to St. Andrews Presby-
terian Church of Albuquerque, NM. POST YOUR CONDOLENCES
Alumnae gatherings in her home in Fairfax. service at Meadows Presbyterian Church on St. Lukes Hospital School of Nursing, and Now death notices on allow
NVCC, and was a practicing Registered Please visit our online guestbook for Edith at
She taught high school in Gary, WV, Winston Angus Road at 1:30 p.m.
Salem, NC, and was a long-term substitute Condolences may be shared with the fam- Nurse until her retirement. She was an you to express your sympathy with greater ease. Visit today.
ordained Presbyterian Elder and most re- FRENCH – Westside
teacher in the Fairfax County, VA schools. ily at
She married Richard St. Clair on December
29, 1950 and lived in Winston Salem and cently a Deacon at St. Andrew Presbyterian
Church of Albuquerque. Marriage to Rich-
9300 Golf Course Rd NW
505-897-0300 GHI
C8 EZ RE the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

Estate Development practice. Dan practiced ing cancer patients, her true calling. While She came to America at the age of two, set-
law for more than 33 years, assisting local, Doris was very active socially- President tling in Baltimore, MD.
regional and national clients throughout the of Alianza Ibero Americana twice, a Board Sarah attended American University and
state of Maryland. Dan was also a member Member of National Rehabilitation Hospital, Georgetown University. She married Ron
of the Prince George’s County Bar Associa- member of Capital Speakers Club, member and they raised their daughter, Kierstan, in
tion, previously serving as Co-Chairman of of the Bolivian Ladies Association - most Washington, DC, later moving to Harpers
the Administrative Law Committee. of her time was spent helping others. For Ferry, WV, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ, and An-
Dan’s fondest childhood memories were over 40 years, cancer patients from differ- napolis, MD.
summers spent at the beach in Madison, ent parts of the world came to her for as- Sarah was a gifted teacher, poet and writer.
Connecticut, where his love of the ocean sistance in their health care. She worked Sarah’s beloved qualities include her sense
and sailing began. Dan shared his love closely with the NIH National Cancer Insti- of humor, her love of art, music, plays and
of the ocean with his wife, Jennifer “Jen” tute and over years became a fixture there, cultural activities, and her fierce dedication
White at their vacation home in Ocean City, guided by doctors who would assist her in to womens’ rights. Sarah will also be re-
Maryland. Dan met his beloved wife in An- her mission to try to get the best treatment membered for her sense of style, her hand-
napolis, Maryland where their relationship for those sick, never asking or expecting crafted jewelry, and her love of a good party
flourished. They later moved to Baltimore, anything in return. When a patient excelled with great food, music and dancing.
Maryland. In recent years, Dan and Jen built and survived, no one was happier than Do- Sarah is survived by her loving daughter, Ki-
memories on the Maryland shores, where ris. She became known as the person to go erstan Boyd and son-in-law, Tom Rodilosso;
they spent countless hours listening to Bos- to if you needed help. Doris continued this her beloved grandson, Sam Rodilosso; her
sa nova, Frank Sinatra, and Jack Johnson on until well into her 80’s until her decline in sister Flora Garb and brother-in-law How-
their balcony, while watching the waves. health prevented her from doing any more. ard Garb; nephew Merrick Garb and niece
DANIEL FRANCIS LYNCH III Dan was predeceased by his father, Daniel DORIS LOPEZ-VIDELA GUZMAN She is survived by her daughter Elizabeth SARAH (SHIRLEY) HOROWITZ BOYD Leanna Garb, as well as other loving family
Daniel “Dan” Francis Lynch III, age 60, of Bal- Jr, his paternal grandparents, Daniel Sr. and Doris Lopez-Videla Guzman passed away Tracy (Michael), her brother Charles Videla Sarah Boyd, 77, passed away on November and friends.
timore, Maryland, passed away comfortably Loretta Lynch and maternal grandparents, November 7, 2023. Doris lived a rich. full (Carolyn) and many cherished relatives and 8, 2023 in Annapolis, Maryland and is joyfully A Celebration of Life for Sarah will be held
at home on Wednesday, November 8, 2023. James and Mable Lezotte. He is survived by life caring for her family, dedicated to her friends. Viewing will be held on Tuesday, reunited with her beloved husband Ron. on November 18, 2023 from 3 to 6 p.m. at
Dan was born on July 31, 1963, to Daniel his wife, his mother, his siblings Jeffrey (Liz), church, spending many happy times with November 14, 2023 at Pumphrey Funeral Born in 1946 in a displaced persons camp 302 Edgemere Drive, Annapolis, MD.
Francis Lynch Jr. and Judith Lezotte Lynch Julie (Leo), and Jim (Kim). He is also survived friends and especially helping those in Home Bethesda from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Mass in Germany, Sarah was the first child of Ho-
in Waterbury, Connecticut. His family were by his three cherished sons and stepdaugh- need. Before coming to the United States of Christian Burial, Wednesday. November locaust survivors Israel and Libby Horowitz.
prominent members of the community, ter, Danny (fiancé Anabelle Barnett), Colin in 1955 from Bolivia, where she was born, 15 at St. Jane Frances de Chantal Catholic
where his grandfather was the proud owner (Meryll), Christopher, and Katelyn White; as Doris worked in Foreign Affairs in the U.S. Church in Bethesda, MD at 10:45 a.m. Buri-
of Wolcott Tool & Manufacturing Corpora- well as, his granddaughter, Raegan, who Military Command. Then in the U.S., she had al immediately to follow at Gate of Heaven
tion. affectionally called him “GranDan.” Dan will several administrative positions including Cementery in Silver Spring, MD. Memorial
Dan was a graduate of Holy Cross High always be remembered for loving his family working at International Trade and Technical Donations may be made to the NIH National
School in Waterbury, Connecticut. He re-
ceived his Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1985
from Catholic University of America in Wash-
more than the world. They will deeply miss
A visitation will be held at the John M. Tay-
Services and at WTTG Fox TV. Her life then
took a different trajectory and she began
working as a Spanish teacher, primarily to
Cancer Institute (NCI) Gift Fund. Information
may be found on their website or by calling
ington, DC, where he was on the Dean’s list, lor Funeral Home, 147 Duke of Gloucester have more time to dedicate herself to help-
a Class Representative, and a contributing Street, Annapolis, MD 21401 on Wednesday, returned to Washington, DC, where Mrs. Lef-
writer for the Student Government News- November 15 beginning at 12 p.m. where a fall worked at the U.S. Department of Health,
paper. He later received his Juris Doctorate Memorial Service will be held at 2 p.m. in Education, and Welfare, and Dr. Leffall joined
in 1989 from Catholic University of Ameri- the Taylor Chapel. A tribute can be found the faculty of Howard University Medical
ca School of Law. Dan excelled in his legal for Dan at www.johnmtaylorfuneralhome. School.
career as a partner in the former Law Firm com where you may leave memories and After the birth of Ruth and LaSalle’s son, La-
Knight, Manzi, Nussbaum and LaPlaca, PA
for twenty years. Dan joined the prominent
expressions of sympathy for the family. Any
donations in Dan’s honor may be made to
HALLGREN Salle Doheny Leffall III (known as “Donney”),
Mrs. Leffall devoted her time to raising her
law firm of McNamee Hosea, PA as a partner Maryland Public Television https://donate. son, and to civic and charitable activities.
in 2011, where he continued to find incredi- as well as his great-grandchildren Connor President Lyndon B. Johnson offered to
ble success in his Land Use, Zoning, and Real and Dylan. nominate Mrs. Leffall for a seat on the City
Council of the District of Columbia, which,
Dick was a man of many accomplishments in the days before Home Rule, was a pres-
and interests. He always loved participat- identially appointed position. Mrs. Leffall
PANKIN ing in a good, engaging debate and never
swayed from a challenge, especially if it
declined the offer, but did accept President
Johnson’s subsequent request to serve on
required analyzing and processing informa- the Board of the Peace Corps and its Nation-
gree in library science from the University of tion. He received his PhD in Meteorology al Advisory Council. Later, President Jimmy
South Carolina in Columbia, SC. and Physics from Penn State in 1960. Dick Carter appointed Mrs. Leffall to the Advisory
She was an academic librarian for her entire served for 2 years in the Korean War as an Board for the John F. Kennedy Center for the
professional career, first at Marshall Univer- Air Force weather forecaster and liaison of- Performing Arts.
sity in West Virginia, then the University of ficer for the Strategic Air Command. RUTH MCWILLIAMS LEFFALL Other civic involvement of Mrs. Leffall in-
Maryland, and later for many years at Gel- Ruth McWilliams Leffall, a civic leader and cluded service on the boards of governors,
man Library at George Washington Univer- Throughout his career, Dick made signif- philanthropist, died on June 20, 2023, in directors, trustees, or advisory committees
sity in Washington, DC. She was a brilliant icant contributions to the field of mete- Washington, DC. of the American Red Cross DC Division, the
researcher and many of her articles were orology. He served as the Director of the Ruth, also known as Ruthie, was born in Bishop John T. Walker Preparatory School
selected to be printed in various historical National Weather Service, Acting Director 1930 in Richmond, VA, to Frank McWilliams for Boys (Development Committee for the
journals. In addition, she also served on sev- of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric and Lillian Grasty McWilliams. school’s founding), the Children’s Defense
eral committees for the American Library Administration (NOAA), President of the Mrs. Leffall came from a family with a his- Fund (DC Advisory Committee), the Chil-
Association and volunteered for many years World Meteorological Society, and Executive tory of civic involvement and an education- dren’s Museum, DC Prep (initial Advisory
at the Arlington, VA public library. Director of the American Meteorological So- al legacy that traces back to the origins of Board), Family and Child Services, the Fol-
Mary Faith met the love of her life, Mark RICHARD EDWIN HALLGREN “Dick” ciety. His expertise and dedication earned Historically Black Colleges and Universities. ger Shakespeare Summer Festival, Ford’s
David Pankin, during her years at Marshall (Age 91) him numerous awards and the respect of The Richmond Planet newspaper indicated Theater, the Greater Washington Research
University, where he was a math professor Dick Hallgren, 91, of Silver his colleagues. that Ruth Leffall’s maternal great-grand- Center, The Lab School, and the National
at the time. They were married for over 40 Spring, MD, passed away on No- father, Enoch H. Grasty, from Danville, VA, Symphony Orchestra Association. Ruth’s
years, prior to his death in 2021, and they vember 5, 2023. He was born on The family will host a Celebration of Life in was a graduate of the first class of Howard love of music came from her mother Lillian,
shared the love of traveling both interna- March 15, 1932, in Toby Valley, the Spring, around the time of Dick’s pre- University, and the superintendent of Afri- who accompanied the singer Marian Ander-
tionally and domestically. She was an avid PA, to the late Edwin ‘Scotty’ ferred ideal ambient weather temperature can-American schools in Culpepper County, son on the piano when Ms. Anderson visited
MARY FAITH PUSEY PANKIN gardener and, in her retirement, perfected Hallgren and Edith Caimi Hall- of 64.2 degrees Fahrenheit (Dad’s Meteo- VA. The Richmond Planet and the Pittsburgh Virginia Union. Ruth Leffall chaired or co-
Mary Faith Pusey Pankin was born on June her water-coloring acumen, often painting gren. Dick is survived by his wife of 69 years, rologist kinda joke!). In lieu of flowers, do- Courier also reported that Ruth Leffall’s chaired many events including those for the
6, 1943, in Washington, DC to William Webb pictures of the places they visited on their Maxine Hope Anderson Hallgren, their be- nations can be made to the American Me- maternal grandfather, Captain Towson S. Black Student Fund, the Children’s Museum,
Pusey, III and Mary Hope Smith Pusey. She travels. loved rescue dog, Toby, (named after their teorological Society or the Humane Society. Grasty, was a graduate of Oberlin College Iona House, the Lab School, the National
died of complications from Alzheimer’s in She will be very much missed by her sister, hometown) and their three children, Scott and Howard Law School, and the only Afri- Symphony Orchestra Opening Night, Read-
Charlottesville, VA, on October 14, 2023. Her Diana Pickral (James) of Lake Monticello, VA; Edwin Hallgren and his wife Toni, Douglas Dick Hallgren’s legacy will live on through can-American officer on the staff of a Major ing Is Fundamental, and the United Negro
early childhood years were spent in Lexing- her nephew Michael Pickral (Jennifer) also Harry Hallgren and his life partner, Pam, and his contributions to the field of meteorol- General during World War I, serving as Judge College Fund.
ton, Virginia. She later attended Chatham of Lake Monticello, her niece, Mary Hope Lynette Hallgren Scaffidi and her husband ogy and the impact he had on his family Advocate of General Court Martials. Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Leffall supported many orga-
Hall, Chatham, VA, for several years and Pickral (Marc Perdue) of Charlottesville, VA, Rick. He will also be dearly missed by his and friends. He will be remembered as a Leffall was also related through her father, nizations including the National Museum
finished her high school years at Southern her great-nephew, Nicholas Perdue also grandchildren Jessica Hallgren Haines and dedicated husband, father, grandfather, and Frank McWilliams, to Ora Brown Stokes, the of African American History and Culture
Seminary College, Buena Vista, VA. Always of Charlottesville, her great-niece Rachel her husband Richard, Jeffrey Hallgren and great-grandfather. May his soul find eternal civic leader, and her husband, the Rev. Wil- (Founding Donors), the National Gallery of
an excellent student, she went on to grad- Pankin of Hampton, VA; her cousins, Julia his girlfriend Alexa, Douglas Hallgren, Karis- peace. liam H. Stokes of Ebenezer Baptist Church, Art, the Washington National Cathedral,
uate from Washburn University with a BA Moore of Akron, OH, Richard Moore (Dianne) sa Scaffidi, Samie Scaffidi, and Cory Scaffidi, of Richmond, VA. Howard University, and Florida A&M Uni-
in French. After graduation from Washburn, of Port Orange, FL, and many very special Mrs. Leffall attended Richmond public versity.
she worked briefly in Alderman Library at friends. A memorial service will be held at schools and graduated from Armstrong Mrs. Leffall was known for her upbeat per-
the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, a later time. Memorial Contributions may High School. Following her parents and her sonality, thoughtfulness, insight, elegance,
VA, as a Library Assistant in the Manuscript be sent to the Goodwin Living Foundation, older sister, Margaret, Ruth attended Vir- and sense of style and fashion. She and her
Department before earning a master’s de- 4800 Fillmore Ave., Alexandria, VA 22311. ginia Union University and graduated with son were featured in the book Mothers and

LOONEY a degree in history. After graduation, Ruth

moved to Washington, DC, to work at the
Pentagon. She later worked at Freedmen’s
Sons by Marianna Cook.
Mrs. Leffall was a member of several social
organizations including PEN/Faulkner, the
SCURLOCK born on October 17, 1940 to Pascal and
Mary Looney of West Sunbury PA.
Hospital (now Howard University Hospital),
while Margaret worked for the Dean of the
Howard University Medical School. Marga-
Smithsonian Luncheon Group, St. Albans
Tennis Club, and the Waltz Group, where she
served on the Board of Trustees. In addition,
large households in Virginia and Bermuda. ret introduced Ruth to a medical resident, she attended many of the events of orga-
He was a research chemist at U.S. Steel, LaSalle Doheny Leffall, Jr., who had gradu- nizations her husband belonged to, such as
Nancy was a gregarious and generous physical science administrator at the U.S.
person who took a keen interest in other ated from Howard’s Medical School. They the Confrerie des Chevaliers du Tastevin,
Department of Commerce and conserva- married in 1956. the Cosmos Club, and the Metropolitan Club
people. Her winning smile and knack for tion program manager at the Electric Pow-
conversation put everyone at ease. She had In 1957 the Leffalls moved to New York City, (where both her husband and son served on
er Research Institute. He received a PhD in where Ruth worked at the American Col- the Board of Governors).
many devoted friends from coast-to-coast, Chemistry from the University of Pittsburgh
including in her beloved Bermuda. lege of Physicians, and later at IBM, while Ruth M. Leffall was predeceased by her hus-
(1972), and was a member of Alpha Chi Sig- Dr. Leffall had a senior surgical oncology band, Dr. LaSalle D. Leffall, Jr., and is survived
She is remembered as having a great flair ma, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, the American
for entertaining, fashion and interior dec- fellowship at Memorial Sloan Kettering Can- by her son, LaSalle D. Leffall III, of Washing-
Chemical Society, and the American Associ- cer Center. After the fellowship, the couple ton, DC.
orating. She enjoyed creating beautiful ation for the Advancement of Science.
domestic surroundings and carried on her moved to Munich, Germany, where Mrs. A memorial service will be held at St. John’s
mother’s extremely high housekeeping Leffall worked for Radio Free Europe, and Church, Lafayette Square in Washington, DC,
After retiring, Quentin, an avid cook and Dr. Leffall was assigned to the U.S. Army’s on Saturday, November 18, 2023, at 10:30
standards. She was an avid reader and history buff, combined his passion for food
enjoyed learning about etymology and the Second Field Hospital. In 1962, the Leffalls a.m.
and local history as a board member of the
history of idiomatic expressions, as well as American Institute of Wine and Food (Cap-
about politics and current events. itol chapter), DC Culinary Historians and
Nancy was a loving, affectionate and empa- Friends of Peirce Mill (Rock Creek Park). By
thetic mother and grandmother. nature an introvert, Quentin was a master
Nancy was preceded in death by her first QUENTIN LOONEY story teller whether talking about industrial
husband Nick Yonick in 1976, her husband
Arch Chilton Scurlock in 2002, her brother
Quentin Looney (82), after a long struggle
with Alzheimer’s disease, passed away
energy conservation or 19th C. grist mills. O’LEARY
NANCY MORRISON SCURLOCK George Robert Morrison in 2019 and her peacefully on September 28, 2023, at home Quentin’s kindness and generosity are a
The long, fascinating life of Nancy Morrison stepson Marvin Curtis Scurlock in 2012. in Ellicott City, MD. legacy and legend to his family and friends, Mexico and the Philippines. Mr. O’Leary
Scurlock, 92, ended at her home in Seat- Nancy is survived by her younger sister in whose memory he will continue to live. was a First Lieutenant in the U.S. Army on
tle, Washington on November 4, 2023. Her Mary Ellen Morrison Stalvey of Freder- He is survived by his wife Deborah Dough- Donations in his name can be made to the active duty and a Captain in the U.S. Army
daughters were by her side. Nancy was born icksburg, VA; and by daughters Tracey erty; daughter Heather; and granddaughters Alzheimer’s Association and to Friends of Reserves. His extensive community service
on November 10, 1930 in Washington, DC to Ainsworth Yonick (Richard Lane) of Seattle, Brontë and Camille. Also survived by two Peirce Mill (Washington DC). Memorial ar- included leadership positions with the Marin
mechanic William Robert Morrison of Ken- WA, Mary Scurlock Adamson (Peter) of Port- sisters, nieces and nephews. Quentin was rangements pending. County Human Rights Commission, the City
tucky and homemaker Mary Ellen Ainsworth land, OR, Nancy Scurlock Collins (Michael) of of Tiburon (CA) Planning Commission, the
Morrison of Northern England. A graduate Woodstock, VT and Tucker’s Town, Bermuda, Council for Civic Unity of the San Francisco
of Fairfax High School in Virginia, Nancy and Margaret Ann Scurlock of New York, NY. Bay Area and the Western Art Council of the
worked hard to send herself to Radford She is also deeply mourned by eight grand- Desert Museum in Palm Springs.
College in southwest Virginia where she children, Nicholas Madison Lane (Rachel) of
excelled at English and earned a degree in Palm Springs, CA, Colby Scurlock Adamson Mr. O’Leary is survived by his wife of 27
Secondary Education. Nancy often recalled
the seminal role a female mentor played in
nurturing her collegiate ambitions.
of New York, NY, Amelia Chase Adamson
(Sam Selig) of Oslo, Norway, Madeleine Col-
lins Chenoweth (Keith) of London, England,
MEYER years, Barbara (Strand); daughter Karen (Wil-
liam Abrams) of Seattle; son Kevin (Elaine
Schweitzer) of Taos, NM; granddaughters
A skilled seamstress, Nancy dressed for Emily Weld Collins of New York, NY, Deirdre Kathryn and Alexandra, and their mother,
Janeway Collins of Boston, MA, and twins olina. Her successful proposal funding pro-
success and was employed in numerous fessional ambulance services in Western, Karla; sister Maureen (Crinnion) of Mt. Lau-
capacities as a young woman. Early jobs at James Morrison Collins (Sarah Jane) and rel, NJ; stepsons Jeffrey Larroca (Shannon)
William Scurlock Collins both of Bermuda. NC, led to her directing a three year hospital
G.C. Murphy’s five & dime gave way to glam- research study to determine a better way of Arlington, Mark Larroca (Cicela) of Sevil-
orous positions in New York City at Vogue Two step-children and two step-grandchil- la, Spain, Raymond Larroca (Meleah) of San
dren survive her. They are Arch Chilton to predict the nursing care hospitals needed
Magazine and in Washington, DC at the Pen- on any given day. The system she helped de- Francisco, and stepdaughters Gail Larocca
tagon, General Dynamics and lastly Atlantic Scurlock, Jr. of Annandale, VA, Susan Scur- DONALD J. O’LEARY of New York and Denise Sheehan (John) of
lock Theiler (Mike) of Alexandria, VA, and velop was based on the needs of indiviutal
Research Corporation. Wilmington, NC; seven step-grandchildren;
Given her remarkable beauty and quick wit, the children of her step-son Marvin, Aaron patients rather than number of patients in (Age 92)
a nursing unit. Encouraged to disseminate Donald J. O’Leary of Alexandria, VA, passed and many loving nieces, nephews, and other
Nancy received at least a dozen proposals Michael Scurlock of Fairfax, VA and Alysia family and friends who adored him. He was
Desbiens (Shawn Thompson) of Vienna VA the new system (GRASP) she founded her away on August 14, 2023, after a coura-
but married only twice. In 1953, Nancy wed own company. When Diane sold the rights to preceded in death by his wife of 40 years,
screenwriter Ernest W. “Nick” Yonick, Jr., and their children. Nancy also had one new geous fight against dementia. He was born
GRASP 10 years later, it was in use at more on March 19, 1931, in the Bronx, New York, Loris (Leedy); sister Eileen (Devine); and
father of Nancy’s first daughter. In 1962, great-grandchild, Celine Weld Chenoweth, brother Kevin.
born in 2023. than 500 hospitals in the U.S., Canada, and to the late John and Mary O’Leary, the first
Nancy married Arch Chilton Scurlock. Dr. the U.K., with offices in North Carolina, Colo-
Scurlock was the Founder and President of Services are being planned at a later date to of four children. Mr. O’Leary graduated from
rado, California, Toronto and London. GRASP the School of Foreign Service at George- No man was kinder nor more positive than
the Atlantic Research Corporation. ARC was take place at the Little White Chapel of the Mr. O’Leary, who always had a good word
Annandale Methodist Church in Annandale, was purchased by FCG Inc., CA, and subse- town University in 1952 and received his law
a pioneer space ordnance company and at quently sold to Diane’s former employees. for everyone and never said a bad word
one time the largest private employer in the VA. In lieu of flowers, the family requests degree there in 1956. Mr. O’Leary received
Diane continued her healthcare career a Master’s degree from the School of City about anyone. He was a life-long learner and
Washington area. The couple were blessed donations be made to The Bishop John T. a world traveler with friends everywhere.
Walker School for Boys in Washington, DC or indentifying and promoting best practices and Regional Planning of the University of
with three more daughters. for the Veterans Health Administration in He had a particular love of Mexico, where
A highly competent office manager, Nancy the Seattle Opera Guild. California, Berkeley in 1970. Mr. O’Leary be-
Washington, DC. She also served on boards gan his career as a Trial Attorney with the he had homes in Puerto Vallarta and Baja
transferred these skills to the running of California. He took great delight in sharing
DIANE ALEXANDER MEYER of a Hospital and a Hospice in North Caro- Antitrust Division of the Department of Jus-
Diane completed her service here on No- lina, and was a charter member and long- tice. He went on to key executive positions his vast knowledge of U.S. history. He loved
vember 2, 2023 two weeks shy of her 78th time Common Cause volunteer. During her with several NYSE and private corporations, his family and was very proud of them. He

SHOEMAKER birthday. She was born to Samuel N. Alexan-

der and Eleanor F. Magazine on November
15, 1945 in the District of Columbia, her fa-
working years, Diane volunteered at The
Carpenter’s Shelter and library in Alexn-
dria, VA. In retirement, she continued her
including counsel and Managing Director
with the Del Webb Corporation and Vice
President of Castle & Cooke subsidiary Oce-
was a wise and gentle man.
A memorial service will be held at 1 p.m. on
ther was an internationally known computer volunteer and community building efforts anic Properties in California. He was the first Saturday, November 18, at St. Paul’s Episco-
and an operating room nurse for many years as a receptionist, publicist and grant writer pal Church, 228 South Pitt Street, Alexan-
in both Rhode Island and Virginia. science pioneer. Diane was dedicated to her General Manager of The Sea Ranch, a 5200-
friends and to making life better for those for an adult daycare center, a volunteer and acre planned community in Northern Cali- dria, VA 22314. Donations in lieu of flowers
who were less fortunate. She met her first Board member for a community food bank, fornia. He developed and managed residen- may be made to St. Paul’s or to the charity
Mary Ann was a very skilled seamstress and and founder of a non-partisan citizen action of your choice.
embroiderer. In addition to clothes for her- husband Raul in Synagogue and was his tial and other projects in the United States,
sidekick from middle school to their mar- organization addressing national and local
self, she made numerous dresses, vests, and issues. In 2021, Diane was recognized as
Halloween costumes for her grandchildren. riage at college. It should have worked, but
it didn’t. Her second husband, Dan, was 12 one of the most influential people in the I-19
A life long history lover, Mary Ann became Corridor by the GV News. There will be no
active in the Fairfax County Chapter of the years olders, divorced with four children. It

shouldn’t have worked, but it did -- for 54 memorial service at her request. If you wish
Daughters of the American Revolution, was to honor her life, help somone less fortunate
a regular docent at the DAR Museum in years. A co-worker once said they were
“kindred spirits,” which they engraved in- or consider a contribution to the Diane Alex-
Washington, DC, donated numerous books ander Meyer Scholarship Fund at American
of Nelson County KY to the National DAR side their wedding rings. After graduating
from BCC High School and getting degrees University assisting First Generation women her career after marrying and having three
Library and put together a book of her an- pursuing careers in public service, social sons, but with her children in school she re-
cestry which she also donated to the DAR at Universities of Maryland and George
Washington, Diane worked with various justice and human rights https:giving.Amer- turned to GEICO as an occupational nurse.
library. Mary Ann and Hugh traveled exten- Joanne loved playing tennis with her friends
sively in their later years with many cruises social programs in DC including VISTA Asso-
ciates, Job Corps, Model Cities and a JOBS Enough already, Shalom. in Potomac and belonged to multiple four-
and tours of Europe, South America, Aus- somes. She enjoyed walking on the beach
tralia, New Zealand, the Panama Canal and program at a furniture factory in North Car-
in the morning at Hilton Head and having a
China. glass of wine in the afternoon everywhere.
Joanne was a member of St. James Episco-
MARY ANN DICKERSON SHOEMAKER Mary Ann was predeceased by her devoted pal Church in Exchange, Pennsylvania and
(Age 86) husband of 63 years, Hugh Shoemaker and attended St. Francis Episcopal Church in
Mary Ann Shoemaker passed away on No-
vember 8, 2023 at the age of 86. Mary Ann
a much-loved daughter, Jenifer Shoemaker.
She is survived by three remaining children
Mike Shoemaker, Tim Shoemaker (Sarah)
REEDER Potomac until she moved to Frederick to be
near her son.
was born in Bardstown, KY on September 8, She is survived by her sons: Marc Sen-
1937 and was the oldest of eight children. and Ann Mahoney (Kevin); two grandchil- chapter in Winchester with Jill LeTourneau. newald and wife Sarah, Daniel Sennewald
She graduated from St. Catherine’s Catho- dren Theresa and Mitch Mahoney; and sev- and wife Kelly, and Douglas Sennewald and
lic High School in New Haven, KY and then en siblings. Jack pursued a career in graphic design and wife Kathleen, as well as her grandchildren:
attended St Joseph Nursing School in Louis- editing, working for American University, Ryan Sennewald, Amy Sennewald, Kaitlin
ville, graduating as an RN. On June 11, 1960, Her family thanks the caring staff at Bright- founding a typesetting company, and serv- Sennewald, James Sennewald and Alexan-
she married Hugh Shoemaker and began view Woodburn in Annandale, VA along with ing as editor for Army Times and as editor der Sennewald. She is also survived by her
the life of a Navy wife. Over the course of VITAS Hospice for their devoted care of and publisher of The Construction Specifier. niece and sister-at-heart, Christine Fyfe; her
20+ years they lived in Florida, Maryland, Mary Ann. Funeral services will be held 10 JOANNE MARIE (RITTER) SENNEWALD sister-in-law, Louise Ritter; her brother-in-
Scotland, Virginia, California and Rhode Is- a.m. Tuesday, November 14 at the Joseph L. Jack spent many weekends hiking and Joanne Marie (Ritter) Sennewald, 88, of law Perry Sennewald, and many nieces and
land. Mary Ann enjoyed the travel and ex- Greenwell Funeral Home in New Haven, KY camping with family and friends in Shenan- Frederick, Maryland, passed from this life on nephews. She is predeceased by her hus-
periences that the Navy provided her family, with burial to follow in St. Catherine Cem- doah National Park (SNP). The ruins of Monday, October 30, 2023 at Spring Arbor of band Karl; her brothers Gordon Ritter, Wil-
most notably their three years in Scotland. etery. homes discovered on “bushwhacking” hikes Frederick. She was the wife of the late Karl bur Ritter, Jr., and William Ritter; and sisters
She worked as a head nurse while in Florida led Jack and Carolyn to publish three books Sennewald. Born on March 20, 1935, in Wat- Irene Cole and Eleanor Gottschall.
about the families displaced by the forma- sontown, Pennsylvania, she was the daugh- A memorial service will take place at St.
tion of the park. Jack was an active member ter of Wilbur Ritter and Annie (Ellis) Ritter. Francis Episcopal Church in Potomac, Mary-
of the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club in- Joanne graduated from Watsontown High land at 11 a.m. on December 1, 2023,
cluding serving 5 years as President. He and School, Class of 1953, and the Williamsport In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions

POST YOUR Carolyn led volunteers on trail maintenance Hospital School of Nursing, Class of 1956. may be made to Frederick Health Hospice,
trips in SNP. Jack was appointed to the C & Upon graduation she practiced hospital PO Box 1799, Frederick, MD 21702.
O Canal National Historic Park Commission nursing before beginning a new career as an Expressions of sympathy may be offered to

by the US Secretary of the Interior. underwriter analyzing claims for GEICO, the the family at
JACK S. REEDER (Age 87) insurance company. She took a break from
Jack Sanborn Reeder of Winchester, VA died Jack was preceded in death by wife Caro-
on November 2, 2023 after a short hospital- lyn and brother Wallace Cookson. He is sur-
ization. vived by partner Jill LeTourneau, son David
Now death notices on (Andrea Laine) and David’s two children, allow you Jack was born on January 8, 1936, in Wash-
ington, DC to Fred William and Cynthia
daughter Linda (Christopher Anderson), and
nephew Arthur Cookson.
to express your sympathy with greater ease. (Ruth) Sanborn Reeder. He grew up in Lor-
ton, VA and graduated from Mount Vernon A memorial service will be held at the Omps
Visit today. High School in 1953. He earned degrees in
music from American University in 1957
Funeral Home on Amherst St. in Winchester
at 11 a.m. Saturday, November 18. In lieu
Now death notices on allow
and 1959. On August 15, 1959, he began a of flowers, donations may be made to the you to express your sympathy with greater ease. Visit today.
GHI 53-year marriage to Carolyn O. Reeder. They
lived in Greenbelt, MD, Washington, DC, and
Glen Echo, MD. In 2013 Jack began a new
Potomac Appalachian Trail Club or Shenan-
doah National Park. GHI
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE C9

of Peace Presbyterian Church. Don was an early adopter of the use of com-
puters in investment decisions. He wrote a
Becky was student body president of Mere- book entitled Financial Ratios and Invest-
dith College, Raleigh, NC, 1954-55. ment Results, which became a text book in
many university MBA classes. He discovered
She began her writing career as continuity that there was a link between the value of
director of radio station WPTF, Raleigh, NC. certain financial ratios and stock prices.
In 1960 she joined the headquarters staff of From this discovery, he developed the “prin-
Terry Sanford’s successful NC gubernatori- ciple of strategy before selection,” a proce-
al campaign and that of John F. Kennedy’s dure that was rarely used at that time. He
presidential campaign in the Tar Heel state. advised banks and brokerage firms and later
During Sanford’s administration she was became an investment advisor to individuals.
women’s director of the NC Democratic
Party. Don was a kind and gentle soul, beloved
by all who knew him. Upon his death,
Becky was Robert W. Scott’s speechwriter in one friend recalled him in this way: “I
his successful 1964 campaign for lieutenant shall miss his elegant presence, his warm
governor of NC. In Scott’s successful 1968 smile, his beautiful and graceful golf swing,
gubernatorial campaign, she was public and his ability to encourage all of us to
relations officer and, in those pre-Internet see what is right and good in the world.”
INGRID ANN JOHNSON CAVERLY DONALDINE STEWART FINEGOLD days, directed statewide mass mailings. Golf was his favorite sport, although
Ingrid Ann Johnson Caverly, 88, died on (Age 92) REBECCA CALLOWAY DANIEL DONALD M. PETERSON he was known to excel at any game
October 13, 2023, at her residence at Vin- “Becky” She was editor of North Carolina’s state- 8/02/1932 - 11/4/2023 that involved a ball. He shot his age
Passed away on October 8, 2023 in Tuc- wide magazine Roadways and later asso- on numerous occasions and enjoyed a
son Hall in McLean, VA after a courageous son, AZ. She was preceded in death by Rebecca “Becky” Calloway Daniel, Rider- Donald M. Peterson of Tucson, Arizona,
eight-year struggle with Parkinsonism. wood Village, Silver Spring, MD, passed ciate editor of Nutrition Today, a national formerly of Bethesda, Maryland, died on hole-in-one on his 75th birthday, in the
her husband of more than 45 years, Ed- magazine for nutrition professionals, then company of his son-in-law, Dan Beers.
She was predeceased by her husband of mund S. Finegold. Donnie is survived by away peacefully on November 4, 2023, of November 4, 2023. He was 91 years old.
56 years, Michael Kent Caverly, and is sur- cardiovascular disease. Born May 31, 1933, published in Annapolis, MD. Don was born in Jamestown, New York on
daughter, Allyn, son-in-law, Howard, and He is survived by his wife of 60 years, Shirley
vived by their three children, Megan Cav- granddaughter, Leah of Washington, DC; Becky was the daughter of Walter Earl and August 2, 1932, into the family that then
erly (Jay Hinton), Erin Kuhn (George Kuhn), Atha Howell Calloway, Concord, NC. After moving with her family to Maryland in owned the Crescent Tool Company. His D. Peterson; as well as two daughters, Katie
son, Mitch and daughter-in-law Phuong of 1969, Becky was coordinator of volunteers Beers of Los Altos, CA, and Sarah Maxwell of
and M. Tiffin Caverly (Jill Schauer Caverly); Seattle, WA; and a loving extended family. grandfather Karl Peterson invented the
and five grandchildren: Elora, George and Becky is survived by her husband of 66 for MD Rep Tom McMillen, House of Rep- Crescent wrench. After graduating from Dallas, Tx. HIs four granddaughters, Kimberly
Donnie was born in Santa Clara, CA but resentatives. Her husband, Ted, was chief Beers, Allison Beers, Katharine Maxwell, and
Aubrey Kuhn, and Owen and Spencer Cav- lived most of her life in the Washington years, Ted L. Daniel; sons, Ted Daniel, Jr. (Ju- Philips Andover Academy, Don earned un-
erly. A memorial service will be held at the lia) of Silver Spring, MD, and William C. Dan- of staff for two successive NC members dergraduate and graduate degrees from Claire Maxwell, were a constant joy to him.
area, and in Tucson after retirement. She of congress. She was president of the NC He was also very proud of his sons-in-law,
time of her interment at Arlington National was a graduate of both Stanford and Johns iel (Julie) of Bryantown, MD; granddaughters, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He then
Cemetery, at a date yet to be determined. Elizabeth, Kathryn, and Jillian Daniel; and Democratic Club of Washington. served in the Navy for four years before Daniel Beers and William Maxwell,; as well
Hopkins Universities and spent her career his grandsons-in-law, Philip Bent and Mi-
Donations in lieu of flowers can be sent to working in international development. A brother Albert (Lorine) Calloway of Raleigh, returning to the Wharton Graduate School
The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkin- NC. A celebration of life service will be held at of Business where he earned his MBA. His chael Constant, all of whom he introduced
celebration of life will be held in January Riderwood Chapel, Silver Spring, MD, at a to golf. He was a member of the Chevy
son’s Research ( 2024 in Tucson, AZ. final academic degree of Ph.D. in Finance
A long time resident of Crofton, MD, Becky time to be determined. An inurnment ser- was awarded by American University. In Chase Club in Chevy Chase, MD, and the La
was Citizen of the Year in 1996. She served vice will be at Arlington National Cemetery later years, he studied philosophy at Ox- Paloma Golf and Country Club in Tucson, AZ.
for years on the town board and held the at a future date. ford University and Cambridge University. No Services at this time.
office of secretary. She was editor of the
weekly Crofton Courier and was first wom- In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions
an elected president of the Crofton Kiwanis may be made to the Prince of Peace Presby-
Club. In 1970 she co-founded the Crofton terian Church, 1657 Crofton Parkway, Crof-
Chorale. She was a choir member at Prince ton, MD 21114,

COLEMAN life-long passions.
In 1973 he moved to Washington, DC where
JOHNSON he decided to make a dramatic career
change and entered the travel profession,
becoming a travel agent for the next 43
grams and Resources in the Office of Secre- years. His career as a travel agent proved
tary of Defense; Mr. Lewis I. Libby. ideally suited to his social personality, his
Throughout Gail’s service, she received early fascination with geography, and his
many awards for her Outstanding Perfor- remarkable memory for names and plac-
mance and for her Superior Performance. es. He travelled extensively around the
She received a Certificate of Merit and a globe (Jim estimated he had been to Europe
Joint Meritorious Unit Award for Exceptional more than 75 times) and became a well-ap-
Service. preciated travel consultant in Washington
Gail also served twice at the United States political, legal, media, and cultural circles,
Mission in Geneva, Switzerland. providing his distinguished clients with per-
Gail sang in her church choir for many years sonalized travel experiences and his travel
and was a member of the Westover Baptist colleagues with experienced advice.
Church in Arlington. In 1985, he met the love of his life, attorney
Gail loved all animals, especially cats and Arthur A Warren, who became his life-long
she had many of them in her lifetime. She partner and, eventually, husband. Most of
PAMELA FRINKS CONNOR loved them all and mourned for each one as their life together was spent in an historic
RUTKOWSKI they passed away. JAMES M. PRIDGEN 1914 town house in DC’s Kalorama neigh-
GERALD PATRICK COLEMAN For many years Gail volunteered as caretak- “Jim” borhood which they restored and filled over
Pam passed away on July 12, 2023 after the years with a collection of antiques and
Went to his eternal home on Monday, Oc- struggling with medical problems for al- er’s assistant for the Animal Rescue League James (Jim) M. Pridgen, a well-known travel
tober 16, 2023, after a brief illness. He was in Arlington, VA until ill-health prevented agent in Washington, DC died peacefully in fine art. In addition to travel, one of their
most a decade. She is the mother of Bry- other passions together was attending and
the beloved husband of Elizabeth Lueders an and Jon Connor and the stepmother of her from continuing. She also volunteered his husband’s arms at home on October 9,
Coleman for 45 years. He was the loving GAIL MEREDITH JOHNSON to work at the Arlington Free Clinic where 2023 surrounded by his nephews and close supporting theater, in particular Signature
Liesl Rutkosky. She is the grandmother of Theatre of Arlington VA. Jim was a long-
son of Deloise Swanson Coleman and four grandchildren. Her third son Andrew Gail Meredith Johnson, 81, was born she served as an interpreter to translate En- friends. The cause of death was complica-
Charles Coleman (deceased), loving broth- 3/23/1942 in Champaign Illinois. She passed glish to Spanish for the community of Span- tions from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis time member of Foundry United Methodist
Rutkowski passed away at age 17 due to church and was particularly appreciative
er of Charles (Marsha) of Hyattsville, MD medical malpractice. She was a member into Eternal Life on October 27, 2023 at ish-only speakers. (ALS).
and Cynthia of Bowie, MD; uncle of Dana Georgetown University Hospital in Wash- Gail was a cheerful person with a kind and Jim was born on September 24, 1945, the of its music program, which he generously
of the Baptist Temple Church on Common- supported.
Coleman and Candyce Coates, great uncle wealth Avenue in Alexandria, VA. ington, DC. Her parents were Col. Arnold loving heart. She had smiles and kind words younger of two sons of N. Frank Pridgen &
of Khary, Khadir, Khamali, and nephew of T. Johnson, USAF and Mrs. Muriel C. Angell for everyone she met. She enjoyed life and Minnie Woods Pridgen. Jim grew up in Do- Jim was a devoted uncle to his nephews,
Pam was a beautiful person. She made Franklin (Amy) and Windham (Tara) Pridgen
Brenda Swanson. He is also survived by friends easily and enjoyed meeting new Johnson. As a military “brat”, Gail lived was always fun to be with. She was a very than AL, which was known as the peanut
many other relatives and friends. in many states and in London, England. generous and genuine person, and had a capital of the world. His father was a found- of Atlanta and took great pride in their ac-
people. She held no malice towards others. complishments and those of his great neph-
A celebration of his life will be held on She lost her older sister Patricia Frinks in She graduated from Washington-Lee High happy, flamboyant, free spirit. She loved er of Dothan’s National Peanut Festival,
Saturday, November 18 at the Lutheran School in Arlington, VA. She attended the shopping for clothes and shoes and hats which continues to this day. From an early ews and nieces, Andrew, Alden, Ruthanna,
September 2022. Her younger sister June Mamie Carroll, Ford, and Henry. He had the
Church of St. Andrew, 15300 New Hamp- Frinks lives in Staunton, VA. University of Tennessee in Knoxville and and loved bright colors. age Jim demonstrated an interest in art, and
shire Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20905. Visita- studied at the University of Maryland. She In retirement Gail enjoyed being home with studied for years with Dothan’s “Attic Paint- capacity for strong and deep relationships
Pam was a loving sensitive supportive and brought great joy to his many friends
tion at 10:30 a.m., with service following mother and a wonderful partner to Mark graduated from Strayer Business College in her cats and visiting with friends and family. ers,” enjoying some local renown in Dothan
at 11 a.m. Washington, DC. As a Secretary / Stenogra- For ten years Gail moved back home to be junior art circles. He was voted “most tal- with his wit and kindness and thoughtful
for 45 years. friendship. His passion for good food, nur-
She spent her last seven years at Westmin- pher, she soon found employment. a companion/caretaker to her mother. It ented” in his class when he graduated from
Her long career included the following as- was a difficult duty, but one that she felt she Dothan High School in 1963. After one tured by his mother’s skill and love of cook-
ster at Lake Ridge in Lake Ridge, VA. ing, inspired many great dining experiences
No Services at this time. signments: wanted and needed to do. She was a very year at Birmingham’s Samford University,
She worked for the Department of the Air loving daughter. he transferred to Auburn University where and enduring memories among his circle of
Force Directorate of Plans & Arms Policy She moved six years ago into Goodwin he studied industrial and graphic design friends and acquaintances.
Branch. House, now called “Goodwin Living” in Falls and was an active member of Pi Kappa Al- In his last year, Jim battled ALS heroically
She worked at the Pentagon Federal Credit Church, where she could enjoy a carefree pha social fraternity. During his collegiate and with incredible grace. He was an inspi-
Union. retirement with all the services and ameni- summers, Jim worked at a series of national ration to all who knew him. His candor and
She was a Stenographer in the Juvenile ties provided there. parks around the country, his first experi- bravery and continued interest in their lives
Court at the Arlington County Court House, Gail is survived by her loving sister, Doris ence at what would become his personal allowed his many friends to surround him
and in the Department of Inspections Me- Goodlett, and loving brother-in-law, Warren and professional passion, travel. He cred- with love and admiration and tenderness.

chanical Division. She was secretary to the
Chief Boiler Inspector.
Goodlett of Fairfax, VA and loving cousin,
Judy Massey of Maurertown, VA.
ited these summer jobs with exposing him
to cultures outside the American south and
expanding his horizons literally and figura-
Jim’s journey with ALS was greatly eased by
the care he received from his home health
aides, in particular Pedro Martinez who be-
She worked for the Stanwick Corporation Gail will be sorely missed by her family and
in Rosslyn. all her loving friends and especially by her tively. After receiving his BFA from Auburn came his devoted and trusted companion
She worked for USDA Forest Service Admin- best friend, Thomas Linehan. in 1968, Jim worked as a graphic designer through the difficult last months of his life.
istrative Services and in Forest environment A Memorial Service will be held for her on in advertising, first in Nashville and then for Jim will be greatly missed. He is survived by
Research, Forest Service Management and Saturday, November 18 at 11 a.m. at Murphy three years in New Orleans. He always con- his devoted husband, his nephews and their
Forest Service Engineering (Geometronics). Funeral Home, 4510 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, sidered his time in New Orleans as import- families, and by numerous friends.
She worked for the USAF Europe/Nato Divi- VA. There will be a light luncheon served af- ant formative years where he nurtured an A memorial service will be held at Foundry
sion Directorate of Plans & Operations. ter the service. Interment of her cremains indelible love of fine food, architecture, and UMC, 1500 16th Street NW, Washington DC
She worked for the Director of Planning In- will be private at a later date. historic preservation, all of which became 20036, at 11:30 a.m. on November 18, 2023.
tegration Directorate of Plans. In lieu of flowers, you may donate in mem-
She worked at HQ USAF / PR DCS / Pro- ory of Gail Johnson to the Arlington Animal
grams & Resources in Washington, DC. Rescue League.
She was Personal Secretary to the Deputy
Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Pro-

Mike began his career in the U.S. Air Force
in 1966, serving as a JAG Corps officer in the
MURPHY Office of Special Investigations and contin-
ued to serve as a reservist until he retired
MILDRED KEEFE COLLIGAN (Age 82) in 2002 as a Lieutenant Colonel. In 1971, he
On Friday, November 3, 2023, KEVIN ANTONY WYNN her Irish red hair to the end. She often said began his more than 20 year career with the
of Kensington, MD. Beloved Passed away suddenly on Thursday, Octo- her secret to life was drinking Coca-Cola, Federal Bureau of Prisons which included
wife of the late Francis S. Col- ber 12, 2023. He is survived by his loving eating chocolate, and enjoying chardonnay serving as Director of the Federal Bureau
ligan; mother of Michael (Mar- mother, Edith Wynn; aunt, Mollie Dawson each evening. of Prisons from 1987 until his retirement in
tha) and Kevin Colligan; grand- (Charles) and a host of other family mem- 1992. Mike joined CoreCivic in 1995 as the
mother of Alanna, Ronan, bers and friends. Preceded in death by his A devout Catholic, Pat was also an avid head of their Strategic Planning Division and
Avery and Matthew; loving cousin of Molly father, Horace A Wynn. Memorial service reader and traveler, had a wicked “Far Side” served as the President and Chief Operating
Buckey and Barbara Marhoefer. Visitation will be held at Sargent Memorial Prese- sense of humor, and as her college year- Officer from 1999-2002. He spent the re-
will be held at St. Catherine Laboure Cath- byterian Church, 5109 Nannie Helen Bur- book said was “always up for a party”! She mainder of his career at CoreCivic consult-
olic Church, 11801 Claridge Rd., Wheaton, roughs Ave., NE on Friday, November 17 played golf, and at the young age of 80 made ing in various capacities. During his lifelong
MD on Tuesday, November 14 from 9:30 to from 10 a.m. until service at 11 a.m. Inurn- a hole in one! All Murphy family members career in public service, Mike earned nu-
10 a.m., where Mass of Christian Burial will ment at Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. have love affairs with their dogs and Pat was merous awards and recognitions, including
follow at 10 a.m. Interment Gate of Heaven no exception. Her last dog Casper, which the Presidential Distinguished Rank Award
Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may j/84371638361?pwd=L1ZpOWRWUjk4d- she rescued when she was 85, was one of (1988), the Presidential Meritorious Rank
be made to the Christ Child Society, 5101 EdyVS8ybUFRTzRndz09 her favorites; she never met a dog she didn’t Award (1991), the Attorney General’s Excep-
Wisconsin Ave. NW, Suite 102, Washington, Meeting ID: 843 7163 8361 love. Birds, however, were not her favorite! tional Leadership Award (1991), the National
DC 20016. Password: 5109 J. MICHAEL QUINLAN “Mike” Public Service Award of the National Acade- Pat is survived by her three daughters Kathy J. Michael “Mike” Quinlan of Ashburn, Vir- my of Public Administration and the Ameri-
Zimpel, Karen Baer (Dave), and Krissy Coile, ginia, passed away peacefully on Saturday, can Society of Public Administration (1992),
and grandchildren Mitchell Baer, Kalli Baer November 4, 2023, surrounded by his loving and the ER Cass Award from the American
family. Beloved husband of 50 years to Mary Correctional Association (2003).
Died peacefully at home on October 27,
Holleran (Tim), Murphy Coile and Mack Coile.
The family wants to thank all their dedicated
Quinlan; loving father of Kara Q. Davis (Jon-
athan) and Kristen Q. Calder (Vic); devoted Mike had many professional accomplish-
2023, in Naples, Florida. Born in Clinton, caregivers for the loving care they gave Pat grandfather of Katherine and William Davis, ments, but he was most proud of his family.
DC Board of Education, Chair of the D.C. these past several years, along with Avow and Allison, Lindsey and Kyle Calder; loving He especially enjoyed traveling with Mary
City Council’s Committee on Cops, Chair of Iowa in 1929, Pat graduated from Clarke
College with a degree in Art. She taught ele- Hospice who helped with her transition. Pat brother of Marilyn Higgins (Larry), Margaret and their family and being with their five
the Communications Workers of America’s wanted to stay in her condo and watch the Rogers (James), and Maureen McNamara grandchildren. He was a kind, humble, and
Affordable Housing Committee, Associate mentary school and spent a few years skiing
in Denver before meeting her husband, Ken gorgeous Naples sunset each night and that (James); and caring uncle to many nieces generous man who was deeply loved by his
Pastor of Metropolitan AME Church, Wash- is exactly what she did. In lieu of flowers, and nephews. family and friends. He will be dearly missed.
ington, DC and, President of the DC Legend- Murphy. Pat boldly took a teaching job and
moved to South Carolina before marrying memorial contributions may be made to
ary Musicians, Inc. Avow Hospice Foundation at 1095 Whip- Mike was born on November 2, 1941 to the A funeral mass will be celebrated on Tues-
Ken in Washington, DC in 1958. In addition to
being a wonderful mother and teacher, she poorwill Lane, Naples, Florida 34105. Pat’s late Joseph Charles and Harriet Veronica day, November 14, 2023 at 11 a.m. at St.
Further, she worked with a developer to ashes will be buried alongside her hus- (Gorman) Quinlan in Rockville Centre, New John Neumann Catholic Church, 11900 Law-
raise 2.5 million dollars to redevelop and re- worked for years in sales at Bloomingdale’s
in northern Virginia. She was always well band’s in Fairfax Memorial Park in northern York. Raised in Hempstead, New York, he yers Road, Reston, Virginia 20191. A private
store the Campbell Heights Senior Citizens Virginia later this year. graduated from Chaminade High School in interment will be held at a later date at Ar-
Apartments and resurrect the history of the dressed and fashionable and maintained
1959, received a B.S.S. degree from Fair- lington National Cemetery. In lieu of flowers,
name of the space as the Paul Laurence field University in 1963, a law degree from memorial donations may be made to the
Dunbar Apartments at 15th & U St. NW as Fordham Law School in 1966 and a Master Alzheimer’s Association in Mike’s name.
well as worked with the Ellis Brothers rede- of Law degree from George Washington Uni- Fond memories and online condolences
velop the Historic Howard Theatre, which versity in 1970. may be left for the family at
was closed for 20 years. She is preceded
in death by her parents Emma Mae Taylor
and Tancil Butler. Her maternal grandpar-
ents Lucille Taylor and John Evon Taylor,
and her paternal grandparents Francis E. just like her own childhood home, Maria’s
REV. DR. SANDRA BUTLER-TRUESDALE Tancil and William Butler. She is survived by house was open to everyone. It was a warm
November 15, 1939 - October 28, 2023 her daughter, Tonya Butler-Truesdale, Esq. place where magic and adventure lived, and
Rev. Dr. Sandra Butler-Truesdale left this
world on October 28, 2023 the same way
and her grandson Logan Butler-Henderson,
along with countless friends, colleagues,
where everyone loved Maria.
Maria loved life—riding horses, gardening,
she moved through it…loved, boldly on her and those she mentored. Family and friends working with children, and finding hidden
terms and with the consistent pursuit of will celebrate what was her big life at the treasures at flea markets. But it was her surgeon on aircraft carriers. Following his
being an advocate. In one of her last inter- John F. Kennedy Center on Wednesday, No- kindness and welcoming spirit that made military service in Pensacola, Florida, Dr.
views before her passing, Sandra was asked vember 15, 2023 at 6 p.m., which would’ve her who she was. Reynolds, his first wife (Rebecca Settle) and
what she would miss when she was gone, been Sandra’s 84th birthday. In lieu of flow- Maria was also a prolific and versatile art- their two young children (Arthur McKinley,
“I’ll miss my daughter and grandson, I’ll miss ers, the family prefers donations to D.C. ist. Her journey as an artist began at the III and Beverly Ann) moved to Berryville, Vir-
long walks outside in D.C., but I mostly will Legendary Musicians (at P.O. Box 53227, Art Institute in Berlin. While she specialized ginia. There, as the town’s country doctor,
miss talking to people, just engaging with Washington, DC 20009 or in watercolor and pen-and-ink, her artistic Dr. Reynolds once received as payment a
them.” []) a 501(c)(3) non-profit or- passions extended to porcelain painting nine-pound ham for delivering a nine-pound
ganization Sandra started, that preserves, and the creation of elaborate gingerbread baby.
Sandra served as Chair of the D.C. Demo- protects, and promotes the artistic legacy, houses, some of which were displayed at In 1960 Dr. Reynolds moved his family to
crat Party, Chair of the Ward 4 Democrats, contributions and well-being of Washington, the German Embassy and The Smithsonian Northern Virginia, where he became the
ANC 4C07, Ward 4 Representative to the DC’s professional musicians. Institution. Every Christmas, she hosted gin- area’s ninth ophthalmologist. He enjoyed a
gerbread parties for her grandchildren and long career in the field, teaching from 1963
shared her artistic creations with friends. -1995 at the Center for Sight at Georgetown
Maria was also a gifted illustrator, and her University Medical Center, serving as pres-
Maria Freiin Nickles, devoted wife, mother,
whimsical images grace the pages of many
children’s books.
ident of the Northern Virginia Academy of
Ophthalmology (1972-74) and being hon-
and grandmother, passed away on Novem- An active member of the community, Maria ored as Physician of the Year at Sibley Me-
the Vietnam War and then traveled across ber 2, 2023, in Great Falls, Virginia. She was loved her hometown friends, her German morial Hospital (1993).
the United States. Donald told many stories born on November 29, 1937, in Göttingen, “Kaffeklatsch,” her China Painting group, He was an enthusiastic tennis player, alpine
about his years out West and in Cincinnati, Germany, to Albrecht Freiherr Knigge and and all the friends she made in Hawaii and skier, amateur pilot, sailor and saxophone
visiting with his large extended family in Col- Louise Sophie Freifrau Knigge, (née Gräfin Maine. She also treasured her close ties ARTHUR MCKINLEY REYNOLDS JR. MD player. He and his second wife, Janet Reyn-
erain, working construction as a young man, von Hardenberg). She shared 61 years of with her family in Germany, often traveling “Mack” olds, loved sailing all over the Chesapeake
and eating Skyline chili dogs. marriage with her beloved husband, Peter to reunite with loved ones. Arthur McKinley “Mack” Reynolds, Jr. MD, of Bay – especially with their daughter, Susan
Don attended Marquette University and John Nickles. Maria saw all the beauty in the world and Mason Neck, Virginia passed away peace- – and traveling the world with their friends
the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and Maria grew up on a farm in Bredenbeck, embraced it, both through her art and her fully on October 31, 2023, in Alexandria, and family. Together, they developed lifelong
then worked for Ernst & Young as a CPA. Germany with her five siblings, and was life. She will be deeply missed by her family Virginia. Ninety-five years young, he lived an friendships wherever they went.
He subsequently began two successful known for her creativity and adventurous and friends. Her wonderful, gentle spirit was amazing life and spent his last few weeks Dr. Reynolds was preceded in death by his
computer software businesses, Aardvark spirit. Nature was her playground, and her truly unique, and her memory will forever visiting with family and friends at the Good- wife of 42 years, Janet Powell Reynolds, his
and then Shoreland, Inc., traveling across adventures in the vast fields, woods, and or- live on in the hearts of all those she touched win House, and listening to big band music. older sister Sue and his two younger broth-
the globe for work. Don had a talent for re- chards of her youth provided the grounding with her kindness and love. Dr. Reynolds was born in Danville, Virginia on ers (Marvin and Franklin). He is survived by
membering faces, connecting people, and for her life and the inspiration for her artistic Maria is survived by her husband, Peter; her August 6, 1928 to Methodist minister Arthur three children, Susan Spies (Donald) , Bever-
providing a network of support to friends voice. three children, John (Shelley) Nickles, Philip McKinley Reynolds, Sr. and Susan Minton ly Raudabaugh (Joseph) and Mack Reynolds,
and colleagues. He was known by many for While living in Boston, Maria met Peter (Laura) Nickles, and Aletta (Robert) Martin; Reynolds. Always a fast learner, Young Mack III, (Mary); seven grandchildren, Owen Spies,
his intelligence, unique sense of humor, and Nickles. Following a short courtship, they eight grandchildren, Sophia, Clara, Johnny, skipped two grades in primary school, en- Cooper Spies, Rebecca Raudabaugh, Joe
love of Wisconsin frozen custard and family, married on July 28, 1962, at her childhood Kealani, Ethan, Louisa, Annie, and William; rolled at Randolph Macon College at the age Raudabaugh, Molly Osborne, Meg Reynolds,
especially his grandchildren. farm in Germany. They settled in Great Falls, two siblings, Helene Gräfin von Reichenbach of 15 and graduated at age 18 in a wartime Mack Reynolds, IV and five great-grandchil-
Don is preceded in death by his parents, Virginia, where they would create a lifelong and Albrecht Freiherr Knigge, as well as class of seventeen young men. His experi- dren.
Raymond and Marie Cook, and is survived home. many beloved family members and friends. ence at Randolph Macon proved formative; Two services have been scheduled: a burial
DONALD C. COOK (Age 79) by his five brothers, Ron, Steve, Greg, Chris, As a mother, Maria was a pillar of support A memorial service in honor of Maria will be he kept in touch with his classmates, at- service at 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, Novem-
Donald C. Cook, devoted hus- and Ken; wife Margaret; two daughters, to her family. Whether it was manning the held on Saturday, November 18, 2023, from tended most reunions, sponsored a lecture ber 18, at the St. Luke’s Historic Church in
band, father, and grandfather, Elizabeth (Zach) Davis and Kimberly (Mark) hotdog stand at a basketball game, score- 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Great Falls Method- series that bears his name and was award- Smithfield, Virginia; and, a celebration of life
passed away peacefully at home Delaquil; and five grandchildren. keeping at a Little League game, creating ist Church. ed a doctorate in humanities in 2019. at 3 p.m. on Sunday, November 19, at Good-
on November 4, 2023, surround- Services are private. In lieu of flowers, the perfect Halloween costume, or holding In lieu of flowers, donations in Maria’s mem- After a proud, but brief stint as a high school win House/Alexandria. Valet parking will be
ed by family. memorial donations can be made to the a horse before an event, you could always ory can be made to ‘Lift me Up!’ a therapeu- physics teacher, Mack enrolled in medical available at Goodwin House.
Don grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio, Wounded Warrior Project, https://support. count on Maria. tic horsemanship charity, at school at the Medical College of Virginia In lieu of flowers please make contributions
and then Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin, graduat- She created a magical childhood for her donations or by mailing a check to P.O. Box (now VCU School of Medicine). After grad- to the Salvation Army, or the Goodwin Living
ing from Dominican High School. Don hon- children, nurturing their dreams, and turn- 104, Great Falls, VA 22066. uating, Dr. Reynolds joined the Navy during Foundation (Staff Support Fund).
orably served in the Marine Corps during ing their house into a loving home. And the Korean conflict to serve as a flight

The Weather

A cool, calm Sunday Today Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday OFFICIAL REC ORD
Mostly sunny Sunny Breezy in the Partly sunny Clouds and Mostly cloudy
Any morning clouds and morning sun and mild Temperatures AVERAGE RECORD ACTUAL FORECAST

northeasterly breezes around 15 mph

should clear and calm a bit during
the afternoon. A quick, stray shower
is possible. High temperatures swing
back below-average in the cooler upper 40s to
mid-50s. Overnight we should stay mostly clear,
with breezes perhaps fully calming near dawn.
This clear, calm scenario often allows us to get
55° 36 ° 60° 43 ° 59° 39 ° 60° 43 ° 66° 49 ° 69° 49 °

FEELS*: 54° FEELS: 59° FEELS: 58° FEELS: 59° FEELS: 67° FEELS: 67°
chilly along with wide-ranging temperatures in CHNCE PRECIP: 0% P: 0% P: 0% P: 5% P: 10% P: 25%
the region — possibly upper 20s to mid-30s. WIND: NNE 7–14 mph W: SSW 6–12 mph W: NNW 8–16 mph W: SSE 6–12 mph W: SSW 4–8 mph W: S 6–12 mph
HUMIDITY: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate
Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu
Statistics through 5 p.m. Saturday

REGION NAT ION Weather map features for noon today.

National Dulles BWI
High 61° 3:10 p.m. 61° 1:05 p.m. 61° 2:45 p.m.
Low 38° 2:39 a.m. 31° 5:49 a.m. 38° 1:00 a.m.
Harrisburg Philadelphia
50/32 Normal 60°/43° 58°/37° 59°/38°
51/28 Record high 78° 1949 78° 2006 77° 2006
Hagerstown Record low 26° 2017 16° 1973 21° 2017
54/31 Dover Difference from 30–yr. avg. (National): this month: +1.1° yr. to date: +1.8°
Davis Cape May Precipitation PREVIOUS YEAR NORMAL LATEST
Washington Annapolis
50/30 55/36 51/37
52/35 OCEAN: 55°

Charlottesville Ocean City

59/34 54/38
OCEAN: 57°
60/34 Virginia Beach
60/47 National Dulles BWI
Norfolk OCEAN: 58°
59/45 Past 24 hours 0.00" 0.00" 0.00"
Total this month 0.17" 0.26" 0.22"
Kitty Hawk
Normal 1.12" 1.19" 1.21"
OCEAN: 64° Total this year 26.91" 26.80" 32.52"
Normal 36.62" 38.00" 39.37"
Pollen: Low Air Quality: Good
Grass Low Dominant cause: Ozone
Trees Low
Weeds Low UV: Moderate Moon Phases Solar system
Mold Low 3 out of 11+
Rise Set
Sun 6:47 a.m. 4:57 p.m.
Blue Ridge: Today, mostly sunny. High 40 to 50. Winds Moon 5:58 a.m. 4:25 p.m.
T-storms Rain Showers Snow Flurries Ice Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front Nov 13 Nov 20 Nov 27 Dec 5
north–northeast 6–12 mph. Tonight, a starlit sky. Low 35 to Yesterday's National World
New First Full Last
Venus 3:00 a.m. 3:03 p.m.
39. Winds northwest 6–12 mph. Monday, sunny. High 47 to High: Plant City, FL 93° High: Wilcannia, South Africa 111° Mars 6:57 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
Quarter Quarter
<–10 –0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+ Low: Fairplay, CO 1° Low: Delyankir, Russia –46° Jupiter 4:26 p.m. 6:00 a.m.
54. Winds west 8–16 mph. Tuesday, partly sunny. High 48 for the 48 contiguous states excludes Antarctica Saturn 1:33 p.m. 12:14 a.m.
to 53.
NATIONAL Today Tomorrow Des Moines 65/37/s 64/40/s Oklahoma City 66/44/s 67/42/pc WORLD Today Tomorrow Islamabad 76/52/s 77/53/s Rio de Janeiro 93/79/c 89/80/s
Atlantic beaches: Today, sunny, but some clouds in the Detroit 51/38/pc 60/34/s Omaha 65/33/s 66/37/s Addis Ababa 75/51/s 74/51/sh Istanbul 68/58/c 64/55/r Riyadh 87/65/s 86/65/pc
south. High 51 to 59. Winds north 10–20 mph. Tonight, a Albany, NY 45/26/s 49/37/pc El Paso 68/51/pc 65/46/pc Orlando 84/67/c 84/69/sh Amsterdam 49/40/pc 57/51/sh Jerusalem 77/64/c 79/62/pc Rome 68/48/pc 69/57/pc
star–studded sky. Low 35 to 45. Winds north 7–14 mph. Albuquerque 60/36/s 61/40/s Fairbanks, AK 12/6/pc 28/19/sn Philadelphia 50/32/s 54/40/s Athens 73/61/pc 74/55/sh Johannesburg 86/60/pc 82/56/t San Salvador 89/68/t 88/69/t
Monday, sunny. High 54 to 58. Winds west–southwest 6–12 Anchorage 24/17/s 29/20/sn Fargo, ND 55/30/s 49/41/pc Phoenix 85/62/s 86/64/s Auckland 68/50/s 69/51/s Kabul 67/42/s 64/41/s Santiago 69/46/pc 73/48/s
mph. Atlanta 60/48/c 68/50/pc Hartford, CT 47/25/s 49/34/s Pittsburgh 52/34/pc 60/35/s Baghdad 87/59/pc 87/58/pc Kingston, Jam. 89/80/c 90/79/pc Sarajevo 52/37/pc 55/36/pc
Austin 60/54/c 61/55/r Honolulu 86/74/sh 87/72/pc Portland, ME 42/23/s 42/31/pc Bangkok 92/78/t 91/79/c Kolkata 89/71/s 89/69/s Seoul 43/22/s 47/27/s
Waterways: Upper Potomac River: Today, mostly sunny. Wind north– Baltimore 54/31/pc 59/40/s Houston 68/54/c 63/56/r Portland, OR 57/47/c 56/39/c Beijing 47/24/s 48/24/c Kyiv 48/40/r 46/35/c Shanghai 56/35/c 55/40/pc
northeast 6–12 knots. Waves 2 feet or less. Visibility unrestricted. Billings, MT 60/38/pc 62/39/pc Indianapolis 59/38/s 63/35/s Providence, RI 46/26/s 49/37/s Berlin 47/35/pc 46/43/sh Lagos 90/78/sh 90/78/t Singapore 89/77/t 90/77/t
• Lower Potomac and Chesapeake Bay: Today, sunny. Wind north Birmingham 63/51/c 67/53/pc Jackson, MS 72/56/c 68/56/c Raleigh, NC 62/39/r 64/42/s Bogota 68/49/r 69/51/r Lima 73/66/pc 73/66/pc Stockholm 39/32/r 35/29/r
7–14 knots. Waves 1–2 feet on the Lower Potomac; 1–3 feet on Bismarck, ND 55/28/s 54/30/pc Jacksonville, FL 66/58/c 68/60/c Reno, NV 66/34/pc 63/32/pc Brussels 48/43/c 59/51/r Lisbon 71/61/pc 71/57/pc Sydney 79/65/pc 72/62/pc
Boise 62/42/pc 59/39/pc Kansas City, MO 68/39/s 66/42/s Richmond 60/34/pc 63/37/s Buenos Aires 74/59/sh 66/58/pc London 51/48/c 59/49/r Taipei City 71/60/r 64/61/r
the Chesapeake Bay.• River Stages: The stage at Little Falls will be
Boston 45/31/s 48/39/s Las Vegas 71/49/s 71/49/pc Sacramento 72/47/pc 68/45/pc Cairo 86/70/sh 86/67/s Madrid 67/52/pc 66/49/pc Tehran 69/54/s 68/56/pc
around 2.60 feet today, with no change of 2.60 Monday. Flood stage Buffalo 47/34/pc 53/40/pc Little Rock 67/44/pc 65/51/pc St. Louis 64/43/s 66/40/s Manila 91/79/s 88/78/pc Tokyo 56/48/r 57/48/sh
Caracas 79/64/t 78/64/t
at Little Falls is 10 feet. Burlington, VT 38/27/pc 41/37/c Los Angeles 83/55/s 76/54/pc St. Thomas, VI 89/79/s 89/79/s Copenhagen 46/39/sh 45/41/c Mexico City 77/52/pc 75/53/pc Toronto 43/36/pc 54/38/pc
Charleston, SC 58/49/c 69/46/pc Louisville 63/39/s 68/39/s Salt Lake City 60/43/s 64/46/pc Dakar 89/76/pc 89/76/s Montreal 37/27/s 38/32/r Vienna 50/35/s 46/43/r
Charleston, WV 59/32/pc 62/32/s Memphis 68/47/c 71/52/pc San Diego 79/49/s 75/48/pc Dublin 52/47/r 54/47/r Moscow 44/37/r 39/36/c Warsaw 44/39/c 44/37/c
Today’s tides (High tides in Bold)
Charlotte 63/40/r 65/43/pc Miami 87/74/s 87/75/pc San Francisco 67/52/pc 65/55/c Edinburgh 46/40/pc 49/39/r Mumbai 98/81/pc 98/80/c
Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, r-rain,
Washington 1:44 a.m. 7:04 a.m. 1:38 p.m. 7:15 p.m. Cheyenne, WY 59/30/s 64/37/s Milwaukee 57/43/pc 60/38/s San Juan, PR 90/78/pc 90/78/s Frankfurt 49/42/c 58/49/r Nairobi 74/61/t 75/61/pc sh- showers, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow flurries,
Chicago 60/41/s 63/38/s Minneapolis 57/36/s 54/42/s Seattle 53/45/c 51/36/r New Delhi 80/58/pc 80/59/c sn-snow, i-ice
Annapolis 3:35 a.m. 9:58 a.m. 4:44 p.m. 11:00 p.m. Geneva 52/47/sh 60/54/r
Cincinnati 57/36/s 63/37/s Nashville 70/42/pc 72/45/pc Spokane, WA 48/39/c 48/34/pc Oslo 36/23/c 33/28/pc Sources:; US Army Centralized
Ocean City 12:01 a.m. 6:20 a.m. 12:42 p.m. 6:37 p.m. Ham., Bermuda 72/65/c 69/64/c Allergen Extract Lab (pollen data); (air
Cleveland 52/38/s 58/39/s New Orleans 75/64/c 66/63/r Syracuse 45/28/pc 52/40/sh Helsinki 42/32/r 34/29/sn Ottawa 36/25/pc 40/32/sn quality data); National Weather Service
Norfolk 1:56 a.m. 8:24 a.m. 2:48 p.m. 8:38 p.m. Dallas 66/52/pc 65/51/sh New York City 46/36/s 50/43/s Tampa 86/68/pc 84/72/c Ho Chi Minh City 93/76/t 92/75/t Paris 57/53/r 63/52/r * AccuWeather's RealFeel Temperature®
combines over a dozen factors for an accurate
Point Lookout 5:41 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 7:27 p.m. none Denver 63/34/s 65/39/s Norfolk 59/45/pc 58/45/s Wichita 68/39/s 69/40/pc Hong Kong 78/64/c 73/63/pc Prague 45/32/pc 48/44/sh measure of how the conditions really “feel.”

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SPORTS SunDay, november 12 , 2023 . Section D EZ M2


M Mike
ike McDaniel’s batteries are fading, and survive on junk food and energy drinks alone.
like usual, it’s his voice that goes first. “No one signed up for 50 or 25 percent of me,” he
The Miami Dolphins coach is normally says. “They deserve the best that I have. I’m always
upbeat and witty, a little on the goofy side, wearing the idea that you can’t be two places at once, so

all part of his considerable charm. But . . . um . . . the second that . . . ”
McDaniel’s mental gears don’t turn so much as they This is next to go: McDaniel’s ability to complete a
grind. one of his friends jokes that, at any given time, sentence. When this happens, a co-worker says,
there are no fewer than three conversations going on in McDaniel isn’t talking. He’s buffering.

his head. “Uh . . . that . . . the second that . . .” he continues.
“If I’m focusing on just one thing,” McDaniel says “The second that all things are taken care of to the
after one long day, his words a heap of dead leaves, esteem of my particular . . . um . . . level of expectation,
“how many other things am I ignoring?” whatever the . . . that?”

a reboot
so much talking and thinking. It wears on a man: The machine needs a reboot. McDaniel can feel it.
leading an organization, fine-tuning one of the most He’s an NFL coach, though, with a formidable to-do
explosive offenses in NFL history, rebuilding a talented list. He could always grab a nap on his office sofa, just
quarterback. When McDaniel watches film in his past the Yale football helmet and fake ferns —
office, usually it’s on the TV and the projector screen. something McDaniel’s wife, Katie, encourages. after
Visitors pop in, and the coach engages with each one. Before the Dolphins coach could break all, this is a business in which the great ones never step
eventually the cranial dam springs a leak, and McDan- away; the 100-hour workweek is an unquestioned path
iel starts forgetting stuff. Basic things, such as that the the NFL, he had to fix himself to the super Bowl.
human body requires water. one colleague is always That’s precisely why McDaniel does question it.
issuing reminders that he hydrate, lest he attempt to BY K ENT B ABB IN MIaMI GaRDeNs, FLa. see MCDAniel oN D6

The evidence is Wolverines, sans Harbaugh, run full steam ahead Ovechkin ends
stacked against his drought as
Rivera staying Michigan 24,
Penn state 15
Capitals sweep
in Washington back-to-back
There are eight
games remaining STaTE COLLEGE, Pa. — as the caPitals 4,
in the Washington daffiest american sport had one of islanders 1
Commanders’ the battiest saturdays of its 154
season. That’s a lot screwball years, a famous college
of football to be football coach couldn’t coach be- BY B AILEY J OHNSON
Barry played. and yet, it cause he couldn’t get a timely re-
svrluga is almost straining order from a court in ELMONT, N.Y. — It had been only
impossible to see a Michigan. His assistant who ran six games since alex ovechkin
path in which Ron Rivera things did an on-field TV inter- scored, but for the Washington
oversees the 2024 roster and Ron view weeping after a win and stat- Capitals, it had to feel like much
Rivera coaches the team in 2024. ing his love for his boss while longer. Though the Capitals have
That’s not counting losses lacing that love with the pungency found their footing since a 1-3-1
before they’re earned. Indeed, a of sweet swear words. start, their scoring woes have re-
win sunday in seattle would pull The winning fans at No. 3 Mich- mained a theme, and ovechkin’s
the Commanders back to .500 igan’s 24-15 victory over No. 10 two goals in 12 games were the
and, in theory, could elevate them Penn state spent the closing min- fewest to start a season in his
into the seventh and final playoff utes singing, “It’s great to be a career.
position in the NFC. Michigan Wolverine.” The losing so when the captain scored on
How could anyone’s fans chanted at the winning fans: a designed play after a faceoff win
professional future be “Cheaters! Cheaters!” by evgeny Kuznetsov midway
determined with all those games a muscle collection of a 5-foot-8 through the first period saturday
still to come? Michigan running back turned up night at UBs arena, it appeared a
see svrlugA oN D9 for interviews with dried blood weight had been lifted — from
splotched around his face, espe- ovechkin and his team. The goal,
Commanders at Seahawks cially near the nose. He spoke in see CApitAls oN D10
4:25 p.m., Fox front of a Big Ten draping while
Inside: The pressure is on for the BARRy REEGER/ASSOCIATED PRESS the school he represents lawyered Golden Knights at Capitals
Commanders to rush the passer. D9 Assistant coach sherrone Moore led Michigan on saturday in place of the suspended Jim Harbaugh. see MiCHigAn oN D2 Tuesday, 7 p.m., Monumental

Michigan State 3 9 Mississippi 17 Miami 20 18 Utah 28 USC 7 Texas 29 8 Alabama 49 Stanford 17 13 Tennessee 7 Maryland 13 Virginia Tech 48 UAB 6
1 Ohio State 38 2 Georgia 52 4 Florida State 27 5 Washington 35 6 Oregon Late TCU 26 Kentucky 21 12 Oregon St. 62 14 Missouri 36 Nebraska 10 Boston Coll. 22 Navy 31

ColleGe football SoCCer hIGh SChoolS

Maryland wins on a last-play field goal to lock up bowl In her final match, Megan Rapinoe is injured early In both Maryland and Virginia, new state champions
eligibility; Georgia has no issues with Mississippi. D2-4 as OL Reign falls to Gotham FC for the NWSL title. D10 are crowned in field hockey and cross-country. D11-13
d2 ez M2 the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

d i g es t
Terps end four-game skid to secure bowl eligibility
golf Canada level after Barbora
Krejcikova had beaten Marina turn around and have a big run
seeking first tour win, Stakusic, 6-2, 6-1, to give the Maryland 13, and a pass interference on third
noren leads bermuda Czechs the early advantage. nebraska 10 and long — obviously extremely
The 20th-ranked fernandez disappointing,” Nebraska Coach
alex noren got up-and-down got right back on the indoor matt rhule said.
on his last two holes Saturday, hard court to help gabriela BY K ENT W OLGAMOTT All of Nebraska’s turnovers
one for a birdie to regain the lead Dabrowski defeat Krejcikova were forced by the Terrapins’ sec-
and another for par to complete a and Katerina Siniakova, 7-5, 7-6 LINCOLN, Neb. — Jack Howes ondary, which came into Satur-
4-under-par 67 and keep a one- (7-3). connected on a 24-yard field goal day’s game focused on takeaways.
shot advantage in the Bermuda In Sunday’s final, Canada will as time ran out to lift maryland to “The last games we haven’t
Championship in Southampton. face Italy, which saw off Slovenia, a 13-10 win over Nebraska on played as well defensively as we
Noren will be going for his first 2-0, after winning both singles Saturday. want to,” said defensive back
PGA Tour victory and his first matches. . . . maryland’s victory, its first Dante Trader Jr., who had a pair
worldwide win since the french Ugo humbert claimed his first since late September, snapped a of interceptions. “This week,
open in 2018, the year the Swede ATP tour title since 2021 by four-game skid and made the coaches told us to get back to the
played in the ryder Cup. beating alexander Shevchenko, Terrapins (6-4, 3-4 Big Ten) bowl standard. It’s all in the fine detail
“This is what you dream of, 6-3, 6-3, in the final of the moselle eligible. Nebraska (5-5, 3-4) that we’re trying to do to win
having a chance to win and being open in metz, france. dropped its second straight and games. You’ve got to get to take-
up in the final group on a Humbert, a metz native, will must still win one of its final two aways, to go out there and do
Saturday, Sunday. I really enjoyed finish the season at a career-high games to play in a bowl for the rebeccA s. GrAtz/AssociAted press what we did.”
it today,” Noren said. “I came off No. 20, which will make him the first time since 2016. Jack howes, right, booted his first game-winning field goal since Purdy, the younger brother of
maybe a little colder start, but I top-ranked french player. “This feeling is not like any- high school to lift the Terrapins (6-4, 3-4 Big Ten) as time expired. San francisco 49er quarterback
played good enough to kind of get thing else in sports,” Howes said Brock Purdy, came into the game
that 4 under in the end.” skiing after his first game-winning kick of time on the clock and just being I can’t give enough credit to our after No. 2 quarterback Jeff Sims’s
for most of the breezy day at Mikaela Shiffrin dealt with a since high school. “I kind of conscious of the time. The o-line defense. They created a bunch of fumble was turned into a mary-
Port royal, Noren was trying to bone bruise in her left knee missed it for a little bit, but I’m working their butts off. It just turnovers. They kept playing with land field goal that tied the game
keep a nose in front of camilo following a recent training crash glad it’s back.” kept punching and kept working. their back against the wall, and at 10.
Villegas and Ryan Moore. to finish fourth in the first Nebraska turned the ball over They really did the job for us.” when we needed them to get us Sims’s second turnover, an in-
Villegas hammered a long iron women’s World Cup slalom of the on three consecutive fourth-quar- The last-second win, maryland the ball back, they got us the ball terception, set the Terrapins up to
to about 12 feet to set up a season. ter possessions, the final one Tar- Coach michael Locksley said, was back.” take the lead. But roman Hemby
two-putt birdie on the par-5 17th The defending overall heeb Still’s interception of third- a result of perseverance. maryland players described gave it back to Nebraska with a
and momentarily tie Noren. champion trailed winner Petra string quarterback Chubba Purdy “They found a way to get it the postgame locker-room atmos- fumble on the 3-yard line.
Villegas finished with a 65 and Vlhova by 0.42 seconds after the in the end zone with 3:37 left. done and fought through some phere as euphoric. for Nebraska, Purdy drove the Huskers 90
will be in the final group for the opening run but ultimately That set up maryland’s 12-play, adversity because it wasn’t pretty the feeling was quite the opposite. yards to the maryland 5-yard line
second straight week. finished 1.70 behind the 75-yard game-winning drive. today,” he said. “our offense made “for it to go back and forth like before throwing the interception.
moore came up short of the Slovakian skier, who dominated “The last drive, I think, we plays when we needed to make that and have the ball at the end — Associated Press
green at the 17th and watched his the race by clearly winning both played very smart, running the plays. our quarterback did a tre- with a chance to take the lead
ball roll down a steep slope into runs in Levi, finland. ball,” Terrapins quarterback Tau- mendous job on that last drive with three minutes left and to michigan at maryland
the rough, taking away a sure Shiffrin’s team said she lia Tagovailoa said. “We had a lot and put us in position to go win it. have that interception happen, to saturday, noon, Fox
birdie opportunity. He shot 67 sustained a significant bone
and was two strokes behind along bruise on her tibial plateau
with Matti Schmid, who had five during the crash but she did not
straight birdies on the front nine
and closed out his round with an
eagle and a birdie for a 65. . . .
hurt her ligaments. Hours after
the race, the American said her
knee swelled up.
Without Harbaugh, Michigan turns aside Penn State
Emily Kristine Pedersen had Lena Duerr of Germany was
three birdies over the final five 1.41 behind in second, and former MIchIgan from D1 fire.” Defensive back Will Johnson stints at Louisville and Central They ran so much that the clock
holes for a 6-under 64 that gave slalom world champion said, “our mind-set was having a michigan. It’s a wonder, given all ticked hurriedly. They ran six
her a three-shot lead at the Katharina Liensberger placed up to take the Big Ten to court. killer game,” and, so, “Do it for else of the past three weeks, that times out of nine plays on their
Annika in Belleair, fla., where the third for the Austrian’s first Even by the standards of an Coach Harbaugh.” Acting coach Harbaugh didn’t turn up dis- 75-yard drive that ended in the
scoring was so low that Pederson podium result in 15 slaloms since Alice-in-Wonderland sport, it had Sherrone moore, up from his usu- guised as a visiting coach from second quarter and made it 7-3,
posted only the seventh-best January 2022. . . . been a day. al post as offensive coordinator, elsewhere — perhaps Central and they ran four times out of six
round of the day. The inaugural World Cup If that weren’t enough oddity, said of Harbaugh, “He wanted michigan. on the 78-yard drive that made it
amy Yang, who shot a 61, and downhill at the storied bloody running back Blake Co- them to play angry.” Keegan said: Harbaugh already served a 14-3 six minutes before halftime.
two-time major champion Lilia matterhorn mountain in Laghi rum’s team had just run the ball as “We took it extremely well. The three-game suspension to start Corum ran 44 yards left on that
Vu, who got back into the mix Cime Bianche, Italy, will have to if it was the 19th century — on all adversity that hit, we just punched the season related to improper latter march — “Was just green
with a 62, were tied for second at wait at least one more day after a of its final 32 official offensive it in the face, so it’s awesome.” recruiting during the coronavirus grass,” he said — and Donovan
15-under 195. . . . race was canceled because of plays, including all 30 in the sec- Corum said, “obviously it sucks pandemic, and during the week as Edwards slipped off to the right
Max homa will take a one- heavy snowfall and strong winds. ond half, almost as if it blithely, [to learn on the inbound plane],” suspension talk brewed he told and ran 22 yards for the touch-
shot lead into the final round of manfully didn’t care if it gave away but then again, “It made us stron- moore, “Hey, if something hap- down there. mcCarthy ran with
the Nedbank Golf Challenge after figure skating its own signals. ger.” pens, you’ll be the guy.” After the them: eight times for 34 yards,
the American shot a 3-under 69 adam Siao him Fa of france “The storm’s coming,” michi- In an unprecedented set of game, moore spoke to Jenny Taft including a big third-and-10 con-
in Sun City, South Africa. upstaged two-time defending gan offensive lineman Trevor Kee- words and realities, michigan left of fox and through the TV to version on the first touchdown
frenchman Matthieu Pavon, world champion Shoma Uno of gan said afterward. “We are the its hotel for the stadium around Harbaugh, his sentences includ- drive.
who entered the day sharing the Japan with a dazzling free skate storm.” 9 a.m. with a bus full of souls but ing the eternal, “I f---ing love you, “I think one of our strengths is
lead with Homa, slid one shot to win the gold medal in the It all happened under Big Ten not the head coach who might or man!” Soon Harbaugh spoke to his being able to adapt to what the
behind after his 70. Danish pair men’s event at the Cup of China clouds with a game that spent might not then coach those souls. team through faceTime, of which defense is giving us,” mcCarthy
nicolai hojgaard and in Chongqing. almost 26 minutes of its second Harbaugh did not come to the quarterback J.J. mcCarthy said, said, “and with one of the best
Thorbjorn Olesen are both two Japan’s hana Yoshida came half with the contentious scores stadium because he did not get “He was the jolly good fellow.” offensive lines in the country and
shots back. from third place after the short 14-9 and 17-9, and it became that that temporary restraining order moore called it “a crazy 24 two of the best backs.” So they ran
program to win the women’s funky chapter of college football that might have restored his ca- hours, but at the same time our still more. They ran even after
tennis competition for her first career annals wherein everyone spent pacity to coach Saturday. His ca- team is built for this, our staff is Penn State converted two fourth
Leylah Fernandez led Canada Grand Prix title. the morning uncertain of who pacity to coach Saturday met de- built for this.” He detected not a downs late in the second quarter
into the Billie Jean King Cup final Canadians Piper gilles and might coach michigan on that railment with the unusual suspen- flinch in the locker room as he toward a touchdown that left the
by beating Wimbledon champion Paul Poirer took first place in the same day. The 110,856 inbound for sion the Big Ten office issued fri- relayed the verdict — or the non- halftime score 14-9 and curious.
Marketa Vondrousova and ice dance competition, and Skate Beaver Stadium might have alter- day, which got the jump on an verdict — from the court in Washt- They ran in part because their
helping secure a 2-1 win over the Canada champions Deanna nated between wondering and ongoing NCAA investigation. The enaw County, mich. And then the defense set the environment for
Czech republic in a decisive Stellato-Dudek and Maxime whingeing about traffic. Then the Big Ten office assumed a certain big wrestling match out there end- safe running, holding Penn State
doubles match in Seville, Spain. Deschamps finished first in the Wolverines (10-0, 7-0) won with villainy in maize-and-blue prov- ed and so: “I’m a pretty calm guy, (8-2, 5-2) and 19-year-old quarter-
fernandez’s 6-2, 2-6, 6-3 pairs event. their might — 227 rushing yards, inces such that michigan itself but this was just lots of emotions. back Drew Allar to two first downs
victory over Vondrousova pulled — From news services including 145 from Corum — and declared that the conference it has Been here six years, feel like this from halftime until Corum finally
with their ninth-year coach, Jim inhabited for most of the past 127 place is home. What Coach Har- ran 30 yards with 4:15 left to set
Harbaugh, across town at the ho- years “has not acted legally or baugh has done for me,” and then the score at 24-9 and douse any
tel, where he served the first game fairly.” he spoke of that and said: “So it’s embers of suspense.
television and radio of a three-game Big Ten suspen- The whole thing will go to court very deep. I wore my heart on my maybe they ran, too, because
nfl sion as an unblamed figurehead this coming friday, six days after sleeve. . . . Love that man with all now their apparel and their ethic
9:30 a.m. indianapolis vs. new england » NFL Network, WJFK (106.7 FM) for the elaborate michigan sign- the possibility of a court ruling my heart.” say,“michigan vs. Everybody” and
1 p.m. green bay at pittsburgh » WUsA (ch. 9) stealing scheme that has bull- wafted through a weird Saturday for that 59-year-old man with because they wanted to counter
1 p.m. cleveland at baltimore » WttG (ch. 5), WbFF (ch. 45), WbAL (1090 AM), dozed all other college football morning spewing doubt and sus- his fondness for gritty, bloody those who surmise that their ap-
WbAL (101.5 FM) conversation while threatening to pense, until 10:30, when everyone football, michigan played gritty, parent violation of NCAA bylaw
4:05 p.m. detroit at los angeles chargers » WJz (ch. 13) ruin many a Thanksgiving table knew Harbaugh wouldn’t coach bloody football. The blood on Co- 11.6.1, about scouting future oppo-
4:25 p.m. washington at seattle » WttG (ch. 5), WbFF (ch. 45), WbiG (100.3 FM) chat. and Athletic Director Warde man- rum’s face had begun when — “I’m nents with videotaping at the sta-
8:20 p.m. new york Jets at las vegas » Wrc (ch. 4), WbAL (ch. 11), WteM (980 AM)
In a world where athletes and uel issued a statement calling Big not sure,” he said. “It’s kind of all diums of future opponents, ex-
nba coaches scour for the slightest Ten Commissioner Tony Petitti’s game.” All the running left mcCar- plains their transition from a 49-
3 p.m. washington at brooklyn » Monumental sports Network, WteM (980 AM) slights that can ferment into moti- ruling “completely unethical.” thy with passing stats not so much 22 record in Harbaugh’s first six
vation, the Wolverines had a About 80 minutes later, the old-school as primordial-school: 7 years to 35-3 since.
nHl freight train of incentive stream- Wolverines emerged from the tun- of 8 for 60 yards. Well, 87.5 is a hell That view, Keegan said, insults
1 p.m. chicago at florida » NHL Network ing through their heads. Corum nel Harbaugh-less, led instead by of a completion percentage. their toil.
6 p.m. dallas at minnesota » NHL Network
said, “We didn’t really have to say the 37-year-old moore, a former Against the No. 1 rushing de- “We really changed this pro-
men’s college basketball too much; [the suspension friday] oklahoma offensive lineman in fense and yards-per-play defense gram as one,” he said, soon adding,
12:30 p.m. asheville championship, third place: maryland vs. uab » espN2, was already enough fuel to the his sixth year at michigan after in the country, the Wolverines ran. “We know who we are.”
WteM (980 AM)
2 p.m. lehigh at north carolina » Acc Network
3 p.m. asheville championship, final: davidson vs. clemson » espN2
7 p.m. robert morris at towson » Monumental sports Network college basketball roundup
7 p.m. army at indiana » big ten Network

women’s college basketball

1 p.m.
3 p.m.
maryland at south carolina » WJLA (ch. 7), WMAr (ch. 2)
connecticut at north carolina state » WJLA (ch. 7), WMAr (ch. 2)
Hoyas fall short against hard-charging Crusaders
4 p.m. depaul at louisville » Acc Network
5 p.m. indiana at stanford » espN pelled the revolutionaries past the Huskies (2-0). coming out of halftime Saturday,
5 p.m. auburn at rutgers » big ten Network holy cross 68, the Tribe at Smith Center. “These games are important,” and the all-Big East center re-
6 p.m. davidson at north carolina » Acc Network
georgetown 67 Bishop added five rebounds Hurley said of Saturday’s rout. sponded with a flurry that helped
auto racing and five assists for George Wash- “We need to be able to play these put away the Bison in omaha.
4 p.m. nHra finals » Fox sports 1
ington (2-0). maximus Edwards young guys, these freshmen, let on the first possession of the
F ROM NEWS SERVICES finished with 15 points and 11 re- them build some confidence be- second half, Kalkbrenner took an
golf AND STAFF REPORTS bounds, and Garrett Johnson fore we start playing these mon- entry pass from Baylor Scheier-
11 a.m. pga tour: bermuda championship, final round » Golf channel scored 15 points. ster games.” man and converted it into an easy
2 p.m. lpga tour: annika, final round » Golf channel Joseph octave scored 33 points Sean Houpt had 17 points and l hOUSTOn 82, TEXaS basket. The 7-foot-1 senior scored
4 p.m. pga tour champions: charles schwab cup championship, final round » and the Holy Cross men buried a four assists for William & mary a&M cORPUS chRISTI 50: 11 of his 13 points during a decisive
Golf channel three-pointer with 57 seconds re- (2-1). Chase Lowe scored 16 points, J’Wan roberts had 17 points and 16-0 spurt over the first four min-
soccer maining to seal a 68-67 victory and Gabe Dorsey had 15. nine rebounds and L.J. Cryer add- utes of the second half that put
over Georgetown at Capital one l cOnnEcTIcUT 107, ed 15 points to power the seventh- Creighton (2-0) up 57-31.
7 a.m. fifa under-17 world cup, group e: south korea vs. united states »
Fox sports 1 Arena on Saturday night. STOnEhILL 67: Connecticut ranked Cougars to a rout of the Damari Wheeler-Thomas
7 a.m. fifa under-17 world cup, group f: mexico vs. germany » Fox sports 2 octave also contributed 11 re- Coach Dan Hurley said his team Islanders in Houston. paced North Dakota State (2-1)
9 a.m. english premier league: nottingham forest at west Ham » UsA Network bounds for the Crusaders (1-1). Bo needs games such as the one the Cryer had 12 points and roberts with 15 points.
9 a.m. french ligue 1: toulouse at lille » beiN sports montgomery added 15 points and Huskies played Saturday to pre- 11 in the first half to drive Houston
11 a.m. french ligue 1: olympique lyonnais at rennes » beiN sports eight rebounds, and Joe Nugent pare for the tougher competition to a 14-point advantage at the golden Eagles knock off Illini
11:30 a.m. english premier league: manchester city at chelsea » UsA Network finished with eight points. that is coming. break. Liza Karlen scored 22 points
Noon italian serie a: roma at lazio » cbs sports Network
Jayden Epps finished with 22 Tristen Newton scored 22 Ja’Vier francis scored 13 points and Jordan King added 19 with
2:45 p.m. french ligue 1: olympique marseille at lens » beiN sports
7 p.m. usl championship, final: phoenix at charleston » espN2
points and two steals for the points to lead five players in dou- for Houston (2-0). The Cougars clutch free throws in the closing
4 a.m. fifa under-17 world cup, group b: spain vs. mali » Fox sports 2 Hoyas (1-1). Georgetown also got ble figures as the sixth-ranked forced 17 Islanders turnovers, seconds to propel the marquette
(Monday) 17 points and two steals from row- Huskies routed Stonehill in Hart- which they converted into 19 women (2-0) to a 71-67 upset of
an Brumbaugh. ford, Conn. points. No. 23 Illinois in milwaukee.
tennis “Congratulations to Holy Cross; freshman Stephon Castle had Lance-Amir Paul scored 10 Camille Hobby had 18 points
6 a.m. atp finals, singles and doubles round robin; billie Jean king cup, finals » I thought they played a very smart 17 points, eight rebounds and five points and Jordan roberts added and seven rebounds for Illinois
tennis channel game, and they made some timely assists for the defending national nine for the Islanders (1-1). (1-1).
men’s college soccer shots,” Georgetown Coach Ed champions, who have won 19 con- l cREIghTOn 89, nORTh l La SaLLE 62, aMERIcan

11 a.m. big east tournament, final: georgetown vs. Xavier » Fox sports 1 Cooley said. “We missed some secutive nonconference games, DaKOTa STaTE 60: ryan Kalk- 53: Emily Johns scored 22 points
Noon big ten tournament, final: penn state at indiana » big ten Network timely shots and free throws down which includes last season’s run brenner was mostly invisible on and Lauren Stack finished with 16
Noon acc tournament, final: north carolina vs. clemson » espNU the stretch — simple things I through the NCAA tournament. the offensive end in Creighton’s points, seven rebounds and three
thought beat us tonight.” Donovan Clingan added 16 opener and again in the first half steals, but the Eagles (1-1) finished
women’s college volleyball l gEORgE WaShIngTOn points in 17 minutes, Alex Karaban against North Dakota State. just 2 for 19 (10.5 percent) from
Noon north carolina state at virginia tech » Acc Network 95, WILLIaM & MaRY 89: scored 15 points and rutgers But the eighth-ranked Bluejays beyond the arc and fell to the
1 p.m. georgia at kentucky » sec Network
James Bishop’s 32 points pro- transfer Cam Spencer added 12 for made it a point to feed him the ball Explorers (2-1) in Philadelphia.
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post ez m2 d3

college football

Bulldogs put on best show of the season in rout of Rebels

GeorGia 52,
mississippi 17

aTHENS, Ga. — Carson Beck

threw for 306 yards, Kendall
Milton ran for 127 yards and
Brock Bowers made a trium-
phant return for Georgia, which
punctuated its return to the SEC
championship game with a 52-17
rout of Mississippi on Saturday
The Bulldogs (10-0, 7-0, No. 2
College Football Playoff ) turned
in their most impressive per-
formance of the season on a cool,
rainy night in Georgia, seeming-
ly peaking at just the right time
to make a run at their third
straight national title.
No team in the poll era has
captured three straight national
titles, but this group appears to
be playing with the same drive,
passion and determination as
the two previous squads.
Georgia scored touchdowns
on its first four possessions,
building a 28-14 halftime lead
against No. 9 Mississippi (8-2,
5-2) and cruising the rest of the
way to its 27th consecutive victo-
Beck completed 18 of 25 pass-
es, including a 29-yard touch-
down to Ladd McConkey and an
eight-yard scoring connection
with Bowers, the star tight end
who had missed the two previ-
ous games after undergoing sur-
gery for a high ankle sprain.
Milton and Daijun Edwards
ran for two touchdowns apiece
as Georgia piled up 293 yards on
the ground and 610 yards over-
all. Milton essentially finished
off the Rebels with a 33-yard John BAzemore/AssocIAted Press

scoring burst right up the middle Georgia quarterback Carson Beck reacts after one of the Bulldogs’ four first-half touchdowns against Mississippi on Saturday. Beck completed 18 of 25 passes for 306 yards.
early in the third quarter.
Even before the kickoff, the The Bulldogs beat Florida and surgical procedure. He didn’t opening up the field for his becoming the first team since of touchdowns early on.
Bulldogs had reason to celebrate. Missouri without their most dy- have a huge game — three catch- teammates. Georgia averaged 10 2021 to beat Georgia. The Rebels In a further blow to the Reb-
They clinched the SEC East and a namic offensive weapon, but the es for 34 yards — but the touch- yards per snap, piling up more went for it three times on fourth els, quarterback Jaxson Dart was
Dec. 2 showdown against Ala- red-and-black faithful were sure down reception in the opening than 300 yards in each half. down, converting twice, and also knocked out of the game late in
bama when Missouri blew away glad to have him back. minute of the fourth quarter was Eliminated from contention pulled off a fake punt. the third quarter after being
Tennessee, 36-7. A huge cheer went up from the a reminder of what he means to in the SEC West by Alabama's It wasn’t nearly enough sandwiched between two Geor-
Then there was the return of crowd when Bowers was shown the offense. 49-21 victory over Kentucky ear- against a Georgia team that is gia defenders while running the
Bowers, who was injured in an on the video board as one of the Bowers’s mere presence re- lier in the day, Mississippi pulled chasing history, even with Quin- ball.
Oct. 14 victory over Vanderbilt. starters, just 26 days after his quires defenses to lean his way, out all the stops in hopes of shon Judkins running for a pair — Associated Press

Penix accounts for three TDs, and Huskies’ defense dominates second half
utes Saturday and left the Hus- the 10-0 mark came in 1991, when big plays in the passing game, and how it should be every game. We Washington took a 33-28 lead
WashinGton 35, kies sitting at 10-0 for only the the Huskies claimed a share of the Washington’s defense made key should come out and play like we on Penix’s 33-yard touchdown
Utah 28 second time in school history. national title with Miami. adjustments at halftime after be- did in the second half every pass to Odunze in the third quar-
Penix threw for two touch- “It’s all the work we’ve put in. ing unable to slow down the Utes game,” Washington cornerback ter and appeared on the verge of
downs and ran for another, and We’re right where we saw our- in the first half. Jabbar Muhammad said. extending the lead only to see
BY T IM B OOTH Washington pitched a shutout in selves at. We just have to continue Washington watched Utah Penix hit Rome Odunze on linebacker Alphonzo Tuputala re-
the second half to rally for a 35-28 to keep working,” Penix said. score touchdowns on four both of his touchdown throws turn an interception 76 yards
SEaTTLE — For all the attention win over No. 18 Utah. “We’ve got two more in the regu- straight possessions at one point and ran for a two-yard score in before dropping the ball at the
quarterback Michael Penix Jr. has The Huskies (7-0 Pac-12) ex- lar season to try and finish off of the first half. In the second half, the first quarter. Penix was 24 of 1-yard line on his way into the end
deservedly received this season, it tended the second-longest active with two more wins, go 12-0, and Utah had six possessions and 42 passing for 332 yards. Odunze zone. Washington ended up get-
was the oft-maligned defense for winning streak in the nation to 17 it’s right there in front of us.” crossed midfield only once. had three catches for 111 yards, ting a safety on the next play and
Washington, No. 5 in the College games and stayed in the middle of Penix wasn’t at his best on a “We know we didn’t come out and Dillon Johnson rushed for had a 35-28 lead after three quar-
Football Playoff ranking, that the playoff conversation. The only blustery day on the shore of Lake and play our best brand of foot- 104 yards a week after running for ters.
showed up for the final 30 min- other time Washington reached Washington. But he made enough ball in the first half. But that’s 256 against Southern California. — Associated Press

national roundup the Mountaineers (6-4, 4-3) in

Norman, Okla.

Seminoles’ rivalry victory Gabriel passed for 423 yards

and five touchdowns and ran for
50 yards and three scores. He sur-

keeps playoff hopes alive passed the previous touchdown

record of seven set by Baker May-
field in 2016 and matched by Kyler
Murray in 2018.
of those components that you l LSU 52, FLORIDA 35:
Florida state 27, can’t fake.” Jayden Daniels accounted for 606
miami 20 Miami (6-4, 2-4) controlled total yards and five touchdowns as
both lines of scrimmage and the No. 19 Tigers (7-3, 5-2 SEC)
played turnover-free football for roared past the Gators (5-5, 3-4) in
A SSOCIATED P RESS most of the game. It wasn’t enough Baton Rouge.
to overcome Florida State, which Daniels continued to make his
Keon Coleman and dozens of has won 10 of 14 in the series. case for the Heisman Trophy, be-
his Florida State teammates ran “There’s a lot of development, a coming the first quarterback in
across the field as the final seconds lot of improvement,” Hurricanes Football Bowl Subdivision history
ticked off the clock and started Coach Mario Cristobal said. “We with at least 350 yards passing and
leaping into the stands. Coleman came here to win. We didn’t come 200 yards rushing in a game. He
stood on a wall as fans jockeyed to here for a consolation prize.” completed 17 of 26 passes for
get near him and reveled in the l OHIO STATE 38, MICHI- 372 yards and three touchdowns
Seminoles’ latest triumph. GAN STATE 3: Marvin Harrison and ran 12 times for 234 yards and
A 16th straight victory. Perfect Jr. caught two of Kyle McCord’s two touchdowns.
in ACC play. A three-game win- three touchdown passes and l ARIZONA 34, COLORADO
ning streak against rival Miami. rushed for another score, helping 31: Tyler Loop connected on a
This one was special, and every- the top-ranked Buckeyes (10-0, 7-0 24-yard field goal with no time
one knew it. Big Ten) pound the Spartans (3-7, left, and the No. 21 Wildcats (7-3,
Trey Benson ran for two touch- 1-6) in Columbus, Ohio. JAmes gIlBert/getty ImAges 5-2 Pac-12) rallied to beat the Buf-
downs, Coleman hauled in a score McCord threw for a career-high Trey Benson scored two touchdowns for Florida State, which has won 10 of 14 games against Miami. faloes (4-6, 1-6) in Boulder, Colo.
and Florida State, No. 4 in the 335 yards for Ohio State, which l IOWA 22, RUTGERS 0:
College Football Playoff ranking, overwhelmed Michigan State ington, Ky., to secure the confer- l MISSOURI 36, TENNES- season. He now has five straight Drew Stevens kicked three field
held off the Hurricanes, 27-20, in with touchdowns on five of its six ence’s West Division title. SEE 7: Cody Schrader ran for 205 100-yard games, the first Knights goals, and the No. 22 Hawkeyes
Tallahassee on Saturday to main- first-half possessions. A week after rushing for a ca- yards and a touchdown, caught back to do that since Kevin Smith (8-2, 5-2 Big Ten) added two
tain its hold on a playoff berth. l TEXAS 29, TCU 26: Quinn reer-best four touchdowns in a five passes for 116 yards and led in 2007. fourth-quarter touchdowns to
“It’s a feeling that you can’t buy,” Ewers threw for 317 yards and a 42-28 victory over LSU, the sopho- the No. 14 Tigers (8-2, 4-2 SEC) to a l TEXAS TECH 16, KANSAS seal their win over the Scarlet
said Seminoles safety Akeem touchdown in his return from a more used his arm and his feet to rout of the No. 13 Volunteers (7-3, 13: Gino Garcia hit a 30-yard field Knights (6-4, 3-4) in Iowa City.
Dent, who grew up in South Flori- shoulder injury, helping the No. 7 surpass that total. 3-3) in Columbia, Mo., that ended goal with three seconds remain- l TULANE 24, TULSA 22:
da. “Three straight? Especially for Longhorns (9-1, 6-1 Big 12) edge l OREGON STATE 62, STAN- a four-game skid in the series. ing, and the Red Raiders (5-5, 4-3 Makhi Hughes ran for 131 yards
me down south. Three straight? I the Horned Frogs (4-6, 2-5) in Fort FORD 17: Damien Martinez ran Schrader’s 321 yards from Big 12) upset the No. 16 Jayhawks and a touchdown, Shedro Louis
got stuff to talk about.” Worth. for 146 yards and a career-high scrimmage were 12 shy of the pro- (7-3, 4-3) in Lawrence, Kan. returned a kickoff 100 yards for a
Florida State (10-0, 8-0), as it Texas also got a big lift from four touchdowns to lead the No. 12 gram record set by Devin West in Behren Morton completed score, and the No. 23 Green Wave
has several times this season, ral- Jonathon Brooks, who rushed for Beavers (8-2, 5-2 Pac-12) to a blow- 1998. passes of 16, 14 and 32 yards as (9-1, 6-0 American Athletic Con-
lied in the second half to win. This 104 yards and two touchdowns out win over the Cardinal (3-7, 2-6) l CENTRAL FLORIDA, Texas Tech went 63 yards in 20 sec- ference) held on to beat the Gold-
one wrapped up the program’s and set up another score with a in Corvallis, Ore. OKLAHOMA STATE 3: R.J. Har- onds to set up the game-deciding en Hurricane (3-7, 1-5) in New Or-
10th perfect mark in ACC play. 73-yard gain on a short pass before Martinez, the Pac-12 freshman vey had a 92-yard touchdown run kick. Tahj Brooks finished with leans for its eighth straight win.
“When you see the commit- getting hurt late. offensive player of the year in and the Golden Knights (5-5, 2-5 133 rushing yards and a touch- l KANSAS STATE 59, BAY-
ment and the belief and the work l ALABAMA 49, KENTUCKY 2022, surpassed 1,000 yards for Big 12) forced four turnovers in a down for the Red Raiders. LOR 25: Will Howard became the
ethic and the relationships, it’s 21: Jalen Milroe had a career-high the season. He did most of his rout of the No. 15 Cowboys (7-3, l OKLAHOMA 59, WEST all-time leader in touchdown
what makes it special,” Seminoles six touchdowns, three each rush- damage in the first half, with 5-2) in Orlando. VIRGINIA 20: Dillon Gabriel ac- passes in program history, leading
Coach Mike Norvell said. “We’ve ing and passing, and the No. 8 136 rushing yards and all four Harvey finished with 206 yards counted for a school-record eight the No. 25 Wildcats (7-3, 5-2 Big 12)
got an incredible group, and they Crimson Tide (9-1, 7-0 SEC) rolled touchdowns, including a 59-yard and three touchdowns to give him touchdowns to help the No. 17 past the Bears (3-7, 2-5) in Manhat-
care about each other. That’s one past the Wildcats (6-4, 3-4) in Lex- score in the first quarter. over 1,000 rushing yards on the Sooners (8-2, 5-2 Big 12) roll past tan, Kan.
d4 eZ m2 the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

college football

Mids win with big plays, tight defense S COrEBOArd

on the victory by returning an 10:08 left in the game. NCAA No. 1 Ohio State 38, No. 5 Washington 35,
nAvy 31, interception 97 yards for a Navy Arline completed 7 of 10 passes sATURDAY’s REsULTs Michigan State 3 No. 18 Utah 28
UAB 6 touchdown with 2:03 left. for 94 yards and carried 19 times EAsT
Army 17, Holy Cross 14 miChigAN sTATE ................... 0 3 0 0— 3 UTAh ........................................ 7 21 0 0 — 28
The Midshipmen kept UAB out for 109 yards to lead Navy (4-5, Georgetown 50, Bucknell 47 (OT) ohio sTATE ........................... 14 21 3 0 — 38 WAshiNgToN ....................... 10 14 11 0 — 35
Marshall 38, Georgia Southern 33
of the end zone and pitched a 3-3). Alex Tecza added 82 yards Howard 50, North Carolina Central 20 fiRsT QUARTER fiRsT QUARTER
A SSOCIATED P RESS second-half shutout, allowing the on nine carries. Michigan 24, Penn State 15 osU: Harrison 19 run (Fielding kick), 11:20.
WAsh: Penix 2 run (Gross kick), 6:06.
UTAh: J.Jackson 2 run (Becker kick), 3:37.
Navy 31, UAB 6 osU: Harrison 26 pass from McCord (Fielding kick), 6:56.
Blazers just two Matt Quinn field Jacob Zeno was 25 for 36 for Syracuse 28, Pittsburgh 13 WAsh: FG Gross 41, :19.
Xavier Arline threw a 45-yard goals in the first half. 206 yards for UAB but threw two Villanova 33, Towson 10 sECoND QUARTER sECoND QUARTER
Virginia Tech 48, Boston College 22
osU: Harrison 9 pass from McCord (Fielding kick), 14:58.
touchdown pass and raced Navy had a 7-6 lead at halftime interceptions. Jermaine Brown soUTh msU: FG J.Kim 53, 5:38.
UTAh: Suguturaga 6 pass from Barnes (Becker kick),
50 yards for a score with just over and was up 10-6 after three quar- Jr. gained 55 yards on 15 carries, Alabama 49, Kentucky 21 osU: Henderson 9 run (Fielding kick), 3:30. WAsh: Odunze 34 pass from Penix (Gross kick), 6:59.
Alabama State 20, MVSU 3 osU: Stover 18 pass from McCord (Fielding kick), :15. UTAh: Vaki 53 pass from Barnes (Becker kick), 5:59.
five minutes left to lead Navy to a ters following Nathan Kirkwood’s but the Blazers managed just Appalachian State 42, Georgia State 14 WAsh: D.Johnson 5 run (Gross kick), 3:17.
31-6 victory over UAB on Satur- 31-yard third-quarter field goal. 115 yards rushing. Clemson 42, Georgia Tech 21
Coastal Carolina 31, Texas State 23
UTAh: J.Jackson 7 run (Becker kick), :57.
osU: FG Fielding 36, 11:56.
day at Navy-Marine Corps Memo- Arline engineered a 20-play, East Carolina 22, FAU 7 Attendance: 105,137. ThiRD QUARTER
East Carolina at Navy Florida State 27, Miami 20 WAsh: FG Gross 38, 8:02.
rial Stadium. 80-yard drive capped by a two- Georgia 52, Mississippi 17 michigan state ohio state WAsh: Odunze 33 pass from Penix (pass failed), 4:09.
Rayuan Lane III put a button yard run by Daba Fofana with saturday, noon, esPNews Furman 37, VMI 3 First Downs ..................................... 11
Total Net Yards ............................. 182
WAsh: safety, :24.
James Madison 44, Connecticut 6 Attendance: 70,976.
Liberty 38, Old Dominion 10 Rushes-Yards ............................. 29-94 32-177
LSU 52, Florida 35 Passing ............................................ 88 353 Utah Washington
Memphis 44, Charlotte 38 (OT) Punt Returns ................................ 1--2 1-11 First Downs ..................................... 17 26
Middle Tennessee 40, FIU 6 Kickoff Returns .............................. 0-0 0-0 Total Net Yards ............................. 382 459
New Mexico State 38, Western Kentucky 29 Interceptions Ret. ........................... 0-0 0-0 Rushes-Yards ........................... 27-115 33-127
North Carolina State 26, Wake Forest 6 Comp-Att-Int .......................... 13-25-0 26-34-0 Passing .......................................... 267 332
Richmond 38, Elon 24 Sacked-Yards Lost .......................... 2-4 0-0 Punt Returns .................................. 0-0 3-4
South Carolina 47, Vanderbilt 6 Punts ...................................... 8-40.375 3-43.0 Kickoff Returns ............................ 4-55 4-114
South Florida 27, Temple 23 Fumbles-Lost .................................. 0-0 0-0 Interceptions Ret. ........................... 0-0 2-80
Troy 45, Louisiana Monroe 14 Penalties-Yards ............................ 5-36 3-25 Comp-Att-Int .......................... 17-30-2 24-42-0
Tulane 24, Tulsa 22 Time Of Possession .................... 28:48 31:12 Sacked-Yards Lost .......................... 0-0 2-19
UCF 45, Oklahoma State 3 Punts .......................................... 5-41.2 4-40.5
William & Mary 31, Hampton 10 pAssiNg Fumbles-Lost .................................. 1-0 1-1
michigan state: Houser 12-24-0-92, Schorfhaar 1-1- Penalties-Yards ............................ 8-97 11-100
miDWEsT Time Of Possession .................... 25:25 34:35
Illinois 48, Indiana 45 (OT) 0-(minus 4). ohio state: McCord 24-31-0-335, Kienholz
Iowa 22, Rutgers 0 2-3-0-18. pAssiNg
Kansas State 59, Baylor 25 RUshiNg Utah: Barnes 17-30-2-267. Washington: Penix 24-42-0-
Maryland 13, Nebraska 10 332.
Missouri 36, Tennessee 7 michigan state: N.Carter 11-52, Jar.Mangham 9-35,
Northwestern 24, Wisconsin 10 Houser 7-6, Joiner 2-1. ohio state: Henderson 13-63, RUshiNg
Ohio State 38, Michigan State 3 X.Johnson 4-40, Trayanum 7-35, Pryor 7-20, Harrison Utah: Barnes 6-39, Glover 8-37, Jackson 10-29, Parks
Purdue 49, Minnesota 30 1-19. 1-15, (Team) 1-(minus 1), Vaki 1-(minus 4). Washing-
Texas Tech 16, Kansas 13 ton: D.Johnson 23-104, Rogers 2-24, Nixon 1-13, (Team)
soUThWEsT 2-0, Penix 5-(minus 14).
michigan state: Henry 3-11, Fitzpatrick 2-23, Joiner
Auburn 48, Arkansas 10 RECEiviNg
2-14, Parachek 2-6, Morris 2-3, A.Brown 1-20, Foster
Cincinnati 24, Houston 14 Utah: Vele 5-145, Vaki 4-67, King 2-20, Parks 2-17,
1-11. ohio state: Harrison 7-149, Stover 7-79, Tate 2-26,
Oklahoma 59, West Virginia 20 Jackson 2-8, Suguturaga 1-6, McClain 1-4. Washington:
Thurman 2-18, Henderson 2-14, Fleming 2-12, Trayanum
Texas 29, TCU 26 Westover 7-64, Bernard 6-63, Polk 4-55, Odunze 3-111,
2-12, X.Johnson 1-31, Egbuka 1-12.
Texas A&M 51, Mississippi State 10 D.Johnson 2-28, Culp 2-11.
UTSA 34, Rice 14
Arizona 34, Colorado 31
No. 2 Georgia 52,
California 42, Washington State 39 No. 9 Mississippi 17 No. 7 Texas 29, TCU 26
Colorado State 22, San Diego State 19
Oregon State 62, Stanford 17 mississippi ............................ 7 7 0 3 — 17 TEXAs ...................................... 7 19 0 3 — 29
Utah State 41, Nevada 24 gEoRgiA ................................ 14 14 10 14 — 52 TCU ........................................... 6 0 0 20 — 26
Washington 35, Utah 28
TCU: FG Kell 41, 7:41.
miss: Judkins 15 run (C.Davis kick), 10:30.
TEX: J.Brooks 2 run (Auburn kick), 6:53.
UgA: Edwards 1 run (Woodring kick), 7:28.
Maryland 13, Nebraska 10 UgA: McConkey 29 pass from Beck (Woodring kick), 3:09.
TCU: FG Kell 56, 4:35.


mARYLAND ............................. 0 7 0 6 — 13 TEX: FG Auburn 30, 14:50.
NEBRAsKA .............................. 0 0 10 0 — 10 miss: Judkins 4 run (C.Davis kick), 14:16. TEX: FG Auburn 32, 8:32.
UgA: Edwards 1 run (Woodring kick), 9:58. TEX: A.Mitchell 6 pass from Ewers (pass failed), 1:01.
sECoND QUARTER UgA: Milton 7 run (Woodring kick), 2:27. TEX: J.Brooks 22 run (Auburn kick), :12.
mD: Felton 16 pass from Tagovailoa (Howes kick), 2:31.
UgA: Milton 33 run (Woodring kick), 9:15. TCU: E.Bailey 17 run (Kell kick), 14:02.
NEB: Bonner 2 run (Alvano kick), 11:35. TEX: FG Auburn 49, 8:53.
NEB: FG Alvano 38, 8:26. UgA: FG Woodring 27, 3:50.
TCU: Richardson 3 pass from Hoover (pass failed), 5:51.
foURTh QUARTER foURTh QUARTER TCU: S.Williams 14 pass from Hoover (Kell kick), 3:28.
mD: FG Howes 35, 12:42. UgA: Bowers 8 pass from Beck (Woodring kick), 14:12. Texas TCU
mD: FG Howes 24, :00. miss: FG C.Davis 29, 8:50. First Downs ..................................... 22 20
Attendance: 86,830. UgA: Paul 4 run (Woodring kick), 4:12. Total Net Yards ............................. 482 390
maryland Nebraska mississippi georgia Rushes-Yards ........................... 41-165 28-88
maddIe malhotra/getty Images First Downs ..................................... 19 18 First Downs ..................................... 18 27 Passing .......................................... 317 302
Total Net Yards ............................. 384 269 Total Net Yards ............................. 352 628 Punt Returns .................................. 0-0 2-29
Kyron Drones ran for 135 yards and threw two touchdown passes for the Hokies on Saturday afternoon. Rushes-Yards ........................... 26-101 40-183 Rushes-Yards ........................... 46-180 35-300 Kickoff Returns ............................ 1-15 0-0
Passing .......................................... 283 86 Passing .......................................... 172 328 Interceptions Ret. ........................... 1-2 1-38
Punt Returns .................................. 1-6 1-6 Punt Returns .................................. 0-0 1-8 Comp-Att-Int .......................... 22-33-1 24-36-1
Kickoff Returns .............................. 0-0 1-10 Kickoff Returns ............................ 2-26 0-0 Sacked-Yards Lost .......................... 0-0 3-24
Punts ........................................ 4-39.25 4-37.5
ArEA rOUNdUP Interceptions Ret. ......................... 4-40
Comp-Att-Int .......................... 27-40-1
Interceptions Ret. ....................... 1--21
Comp-Att-Int .......................... 13-23-1
20-27-1 Fumbles-Lost .................................. 0-0 2-1
Sacked-Yards Lost ........................ 1-11 1-3 Sacked-Yards Lost ........................ 2-17 0-0 Penalties-Yards ............................ 7-59 6-51

Hokies start fast and roll past Eagles

Punts ...................................... 3-37.333 2-44.5 Punts .......................................... 4-46.0 1-41.0 Time Of Possession .................... 34:18 25:42
Fumbles-Lost .................................. 2-2 1-1 Fumbles-Lost .................................. 1-0 0-0
Penalties-Yards ............................ 9-67 5-55
Penalties-Yards .......................... 10-92 1-15
Time Of Possession .................... 28:54 40:25 Time Of Possession .................... 29:09 30:51 Texas: Ewers 22-33-1-317. TCU: Hoover 24-36-1-302.

pAssiNg RUshiNg
Texas: J.Brooks 21-104, Baxter 18-61, Ewers 1-0, Red
maryland: Tagovailoa 27-40-1-283. Nebraska: Sims 8- mississippi: Dart 9-16-1-111, S.Sanders 4-7-0-61. geor- 1-0. TCU: E.Bailey 21-98, S.Williams 1-7, Battle 1-4,
going over 400 passing yards for USA regular season champion, 13-2-62, Purdy 1-3-1-24, Haarberg 1-5-1-0. gia: Beck 19-26-1-323, Vandagriff 1-1-0-5.
virginiA tech 48, the third time this season. improved to 10-0 (7-0) with its win RUshiNg RUshiNg
Richardson 1-2, Cook 1-1, Hoover 3-(minus 24).
Boston college 22 l HOWARD 50, NORTH over the Monarchs (4-6, 3-3 Sun maryland: Hemby 16-74, Tagovailoa 5-27, McDonald 2-5,
Littleton 2-1, O.Smith 1-(minus 6). Nebraska: E.Johnson mississippi: Judkins 22-75, Masin 1-24, Bentley 6-23,
S.Sanders 5-21, Dart 8-20, M.Jones 2-12, Griffin 1-4,
Texas: Worthy 10-137, Sanders 4-47, J.Brooks 3-74,
A.Mitchell 3-61, Baxter 1-1, Cook 1-(minus 3). TCU:
CAROLINA CENTRAL 20: Belt). 17-84, Purdy 3-33, Sims 10-33, Boerkircher 1-11, Fleeks
Watkins 1-1. georgia: Milton 9-127, Edwards 12-59, S.Williams 11-164, Wiley 6-65, Richardson 3-23, Robin-
3-11, Grant 3-9, Bonner 1-2, Haarberg 2-0.
Quinton Williams threw three l RICHMOND 38, ELON 24: R.Robinson 2-37, Paul 6-32, Beck 4-30, McConkey 1-11, son 2-37, Nowell 1-10, Earle 1-3.
RECEiviNg C.Jones 1-4.
F ROM NEWS SERVICES touchdown passes and ran for a Kyle Wickersham threw for two maryland: J.Jones 5-86, Felton 5-73, Dyches 5-40, RECEiviNg
AND STAFF REPORTS score, Jarett Hunter added more touchdowns and ran for another Prather 4-39, Hemby 3-15, Howard 2-11, Littleton 1-10, No. 8 Alabama 49, Kentucky 21
Knotts 1-5, McDonald 1-4. Nebraska: E.Johnson 3-9, mississippi: Wade 3-45, Judkins 3-14, Prieskorn 2-48,
than 100 yards rushing and two to lead the Spiders in a battle of Kemp 2-30, Fleeks 2-11, Lloyd 1-25, Fidone 1-9, A.Bull- Tre.Harris 2-12, Watkins 1-33, Wolfe 1-18, Bentley 1-2. ALABAmA .............................. 21 7 7 14 — 49
Virginia Tech Coach Brent Pry touchdowns, and the Bison rolled CAA contenders in Richmond. ock 1-2. georgia: McConkey 4-81, Lovett 4-77, Bowers 3-34, KENTUCKY ............................... 7 0 7 7 — 21
Edwards 3-34, R.Thomas 2-54, Rosemy-Jacksaint 1-22,
came into the game against Bos- to a win at Greene Stadium. Wickersham finished 20 for 27 Milton 1-12, Delp 1-9, Luckie 1-5. fiRsT QUARTER
ton College hoping to steal posses- Eden James had 84 yards rush- for 169 yards for Richmond (7-3, Virginia Tech 48, ALA: Niblack 26 pass from Milroe (Reichard kick), 9:38.
ALA: Prentice 40 pass from Milroe (Reichard kick), 5:32.
sions from the Eagles. ing for Howard (5-5, 3-1 Mid-East- 6-1). The Phoenix (5-5) dropped to Boston College 22 No. 3 Michigan 24, ALA: Milroe 1 run (Reichard kick), 5:12.
UK: T.Robinson 6 pass from Leary (Raynor kick), 1:30.
The Hokies did that on the very ern Athletic Conference). Davius 5-2 in conference play. viRgiNiA TECh ...................... 10 21 7 10 — 48
No. 10 Penn State 15
first play of the game. Richard threw a touchdown pass l FURMAN 37, VMI 3: Carson sECoND QUARTER
BosToN CoLLEgE ................... 7 0 8 7 — 22
miChigAN ................................ 0 14 3 7 — 24 ALA: R.Williams 26 pass from Milroe (Reichard kick), 10:14.
Virginia Tech cornerback and ran for a score for the Eagles Jones threw for 226 yards and four fiRsT QUARTER pENN sTATE ............................ 3 6 0 6 — 15
Dorian Strong intercepted a long (8-2, 3-1). touchdowns, and the Paladins vT: FG Jo.Love 27, 12:40. fiRsT QUARTER UK: R.Davis 2 run (Raynor kick), 10:53.
BC: Broome 4 run (Connor kick), 9:00.
pass attempt on the first play from l GEORGETOWN 50, BUCK- wrapped it up early against the vT: Tuten 7 run (Jo.Love kick), 1:28. psU: FG Felkins 20, 2:17. ALA: Milroe 3 run (Reichard kick), 6:29.

scrimmage, then picked off Thom- NELL 47 (OT): Tyler Knoop Keydets in Greenview, S.C. sECoND QUARTER sECoND QUARTER foURTh QUARTER
miCh: Corum 3 run (Turner kick), 11:56. ALA: Milroe 1 run (Reichard kick), 14:48.
as Castellanos again later in the threw four touchdown passes and With the exception of a third- vT: S.Gosnell 22 pass from Drones (Jo.Love kick), 13:07.
miCh: Edwards 22 run (Turner kick), 6:07. ALA: Miller 3 run (Reichard kick), 9:46.
vT: Lane 5 pass from Drones (Jo.Love kick), 7:04.
first quarter, and the Hokies also Joshua Stakely scored on a one- quarter field goal, Furman (9-1, 7-0 vT: Tuten 4 run (Jo.Love kick), 1:33. psU: Allar 11 run (pass failed), :29. UK: R.Davis 1 run (Raynor kick), 7:46.
Attendance: 61,936.
pulled off a surprise onside kick on yard plunge in overtime to give the Southern) did all of its scoring in ThiRD QUARTER ThiRD QUARTER
miCh: FG Turner 22, 3:36. Alabama Kentucky
Saturday to beat Boston College, Hoyas (5-5, 3-2 Patriot League) the the first half. Collin Shannon vT: Tuten 4 run (Jo.Love kick), 8:50. First Downs ..................................... 23 11
BC: Skeete 8 pass from Castellanos (Bond pass from foURTh QUARTER
48-22, in Boston. win in Lewisburg, Pa. threw 148 yards for VMI (4-6, 3-4). Castellanos), 2:52.
miCh: Corum 30 run (Turner kick), 4:15.
Total Net Yards ............................. 444
Rushes-Yards ........................... 39-159
“That sets the tone,” Virginia Knoop’s last touchdown pass, a l MORGAN STATE 20, foURTh QUARTER psU: Th.Johnson 8 pass from Allar (pass failed), 1:59. Passing .......................................... 285 158
Attendance: 110,856. Punt Returns ................................ 2-22 0-0
Tech linebacker Jayden McDonald 25-yarder to Jimmy Kibble, SOUTH CAROLINA STATE 17: vT: M.Thomas 35 run (Jo.Love kick), 14:53.
Kickoff Returns .......................... 4-103 2-30
vT: FG Jo.Love 46, 10:54. michigan penn state
said. “Everybody is fired up and capped a five-play, 69-yard drive Jordan Toles returned a fourth- BC: Coleman 1 run (Connor kick), 4:26. First Downs ..................................... 15 17
Interceptions Ret. ........................... 1-0 1-0
Comp-Att-Int .......................... 16-25-1 17-31-1
everything because of the momen- with 1:45 left to force overtime quarter kickoff 73 yards for the Attendance: 33,665. Total Net Yards ............................. 287 238 Sacked-Yards Lost .......................... 0-0 3-21
Rushes-Yards ........................... 46-227 35-164 Punts ...................................... 3-45.333 6-42.0
tum change. To come out in the after the Bison (3-7, 1-5) had scored go-ahead touchdown, and the virginia Tech Boston College
Passing ............................................ 60 74 Fumbles-Lost .................................. 1-1 1-1
First Downs ..................................... 24 14
first play and do that, that really 29 unanswered points. Bears defeated the Bulldogs in Or- Total Net Yards ............................. 600 262 Punt Returns .................................. 3-7 1-5 Penalties-Yards ............................ 6-64 4-19
Rushes-Yards ........................... 51-363 29-124 Kickoff Returns .............................. 0-0 0-0 Time Of Possession .................... 33:25 26:35
set the tone for us.” l WILLIAM & MARY 31, angeburg, S.C. Interceptions Ret. ........................... 0-0 0-0
Passing .......................................... 237 138
Kyron Drones ran for 135 yards HAMPTON 10: The Tribe took Offense was at a premium as Punt Returns .................................. 3-9 0-0 Comp-Att-Int .............................. 7-8-0 11-23-0 pAssiNg
Kickoff Returns ............................ 2-11 1-22 Sacked-Yards Lost ........................ 1-10 1-9 Alabama: Milroe 15-22-1-234, Simpson 1-3-0-51. Ken-
and threw for two touchdowns advantage of five turnovers by the Morgan State (4-5, 3-1 MEAC) out- Interceptions Ret. ......................... 2--4 0-0 Punts .......................................... 5-29.8 5-49.0 tucky: Leary 17-31-1-158.
Fumbles-Lost .................................. 1-0 1-1
and Bhayshul Tuten ran for three Pirates, including Kevin Jarrell’s gained South Carolina State (4-6, Comp-Att-Int .......................... 14-21-0
Sacked-Yards Lost .......................... 1-6
0-0 Penalties-Yards ............................ 6-50 5-33 RUshiNg
touchdowns for Virginia Tech, fourth-quarter pick-six, for a vic- 2-2) 244-191. Punts .......................................... 2-42.5 6-37.833 Time Of Possession .................... 33:12 26:48 Alabama: McClellan 9-43, Milroe 8-36, Haynes 6-33,
Williams 6-20, Miller 6-11, Simpson 1-9, Young 2-4,
l VILLANOVA Fumbles-Lost .................................. 5-2 0-0
which bounced back from a tory in Hampton, Va. 33, TOWSON Penalties-Yards ............................ 5-25 4-35
pAssiNg Bond 1-3. Kentucky: Jefferson 2-73, Davis 12-26,
michigan: McCarthy 7-8-0-60. penn state: Allar 10-22-0- B.Brown 1-7, Sumo-Karngbaye 4-7, Leary 5-(minus 18).
31-point loss at Louisville by scor- William & Mary (6-4, 4-3 Coast- 10: Connor Watkins threw for Time Of Possession .................... 35:59 24:01
70, Allen 1-1-0-4.
ing 35 unanswered points for its al Athletic Association) scored all 299 yards and three first-half pAssiNg RECEiviNg
RUshiNg Alabama: Prentice 4-74, Niblack 2-38, Williams 2-30,
first road win of the season. of its points after Hampton (5-5, touchdowns as the Wildcats beat virginia Tech: Drones 12-17-0-219, Wells 2-3-0-18,
Watson 0-1-0-0. Boston College: Castellanos 10-20-2-
michigan: Corum 26-145, Edwards 10-52, McCarthy Bond 2-24, Hale 1-51, Dippre 1-30, Benson 1-15, Law
8-34, (Team) 2-(minus 4). penn state: Allen 12-72, Allar 1-11, Miller 1-8, McClellan 1-4. Kentucky: Davis 5-32,
The Hokies (5-5, 4-2 ACC) 3-4) turnovers. the Tigers in Villanova, Pa. 110, Morehead 3-7-0-28.
10-49, Singleton 13-43. Key 4-46, Kattus 2-38, T.Robinson 2-10, B.Brown 2-3,
amassed 600 total yards to pre- l NORFOLK STATE 44, DEL- Pringle’s 79-yard catch-and-run RUshiNg Bates 1-33, Leary 1-(minus 4).
serve their chances of making a AWARE STATE 21: X’Zavion Ev- for Villanova (8-2, 6-1 CAA) virginia Tech: Drones 20-135, Tuten 16-78, Wells 1-60,
Watson 4-39, Thomas 3-38, Coney 3-7, Duke 3-5, Black
michigan: C.Johnson 2-24, S.Morgan 2-17, Loveland 2-7,
Barner 1-12. penn state: Warren 2-25, Cephas 2-11,
bowl and halt a five-game winning ans raced 66 yards for a touch- opened the scoring in the first 1-1. Boston College: Broome 9-56, Castellanos 11-46,
Th.Johnson 2-10, Saunders 1-13, Lambert-Smith 1-6,
No. 12 Oregon State 62,
Coleman 5-14, Hines 1-5, Ferrucci 1-4, N.Johnson 1-2,
streak for the Eagles (6-4, 3-3). down on the third play from quarter. Chris Watkins led Towson (Team) 1-(minus 3).
Singleton 1-6, Allar 1-4, Meiga 1-(minus 1). Stanford 17
l JAMES MADISON 44, scrimmage and the Spartans kept (4-6, 3-4) with 90 yards rushing. RECEiviNg sTANfoRD .............................. 7 3 7 0 — 17
CONNECTICUT 6: Jordan Mc- on running, rolling past the Hor- l CATHOLIC 34, JUNIATA virginia Tech: Felton 4-101, Wright 4-58, Lane 3-32, No. 4 Florida State 27, Miami 20 oREgoN sTATE ..................... 14 20 21 7 — 62
S.Gosnell 1-22, Duke 1-16, Greene 1-8. Boston College:
Cloud threw for a career-high nets in Dover, Del., to earn their 20: Madden Lowe threw for Franklin 3-52, Tomlin 3-19, Skeete 2-20, Bond 2-15, fiRsT QUARTER
miAmi ...................................... 0 10 3 7 — 20
457 yards and four touchdowns, first MEAC victory in four starts. 368 yards and three scores while Jose.Griffin 1-16, Gordinier 1-14, Harris 1-2. fLoRiDA sTATE ...................... 7 3 10 7 — 27 oRsT: Martinez 7 run (Sappington kick), 9:52.
oRsT: Martinez 59 run (Sappington kick), 5:33.
and the Dukes overcame a slow Norfolk State (3-7, 1-3) scored adding a touchdown on the ground fiRsT QUARTER sTAN: Daniels 7 run (Karty kick), :23.
start for their 13th consecutive the first 27 points of the game and as the Cardinals beat the Eagles Navy 31, UAB 6 fsU: Benson 5 run (Fitzgerald kick), 7:13. sECoND QUARTER
win dating from last season. held a 34-7 halftime advantage (1-9, 0-6 Landmark Conference) to UAB .......................................... 3 3 0 0— 6 sECoND QUARTER oRsT: Martinez 15 run (Sappington kick), 13:44.
oRsT: Terry 40 pass from Uiagalelei (Sappington kick),
McCloud connected with Reg- over Delaware State (1-9, 0-4). finish 5-5 (3-3) on the season. NAvY ........................................ 7 0 3 21 — 31 fsU: FG Fitzgerald 33, 14:09. 10:17.
l LIBERTY 38, OLD DOMIN- l SHEPHERD 49, MERCY- miA: Jac.George 3 pass from E.Williams (Borregales
gie Brown on scoring throws of 80 fiRsT QUARTER kick), 2:42.
sTAN: FG Karty 28, 3:04.
oRsT: Martinez 5 run (kick failed), :15.
and 55 yards, Zach Helton from ION 10: Kaidon Salter threw HURST 25: Seth Morgan was 18 NAvY: Velez 45 pass from Arline (Kirkwood kick), 2:49. miA: FG Borregales 27, :00.
UAB: FG Quinn 37, :30. ThiRD QUARTER
21 yards and Phoenix Sproles from three touchdown passes and ran for 21 for 296 yards and four touch- ThiRD QUARTER oRsT: Fenwick 13 pass from Uiagalelei (Sappington
five yards as JMU (10-0) pulled for two more, all in the first half, as downs as the Rams (9-2, 5-2 Penn- UAB: FG Quinn 29, 6:22.
miA: FG Borregales 51, 12:11. kick), 8:09.
oRsT: Chiles 1 run (Sappington kick), 3:48.
fsU: FG Fitzgerald 22, 9:32.
away from the Huskies (1-9) in the Flames kept their perfect rec- sylvania State Athletic Conference ThiRD QUARTER fsU: Benson 38 run (Fitzgerald kick), 5:48. oRsT: Fenwick 37 run (Sappington kick), 1:43.
sTAN: Ayomanor 75 pass from Daniels (Karty kick), 1:30.
Harrisonburg, Va. ord intact in Lynchburg, Va. East) defeated the Lakers (2-9, 1-6) NAvY: FG Kirkwood 31, 9:13. foURTh QUARTER
McCloud finished 33 for 37 while Liberty, already the Conference in Shepherdstown, W.Va. foURTh QUARTER
foURTh QUARTER fsU: Coleman 6 pass from Travis (Fitzgerald kick), 11:00.
oRsT: Sharp 28 pass from Chiles (Sappington kick), 5:54.
NAvY: Fofana 2 run (Kirkwood kick), 10:08. miA: Jac.George 85 pass from E.Williams (Borregales
NAvY: Arline 50 run (Kirkwood kick), 4:12. kick), 8:22. stanford oregon state
NAvY: Lane 97 interception return (Kirkwood kick), 2:03. Attendance: 79,560. First Downs ..................................... 17 29
Attendance: 29,078. Total Net Yards ............................. 324 598
miami florida state
Rushes-Yards ............................. 32-82 40-277
UAB Navy First Downs ..................................... 13 16
Passing .......................................... 242 321
First Downs ..................................... 18 15 Total Net Yards ............................. 335 322
Punt Returns .................................. 1-9 1-3
Total Net Yards ............................. 321 363 Rushes-Yards ........................... 34-131 31-57
Kickoff Returns .............................. 1-0 1-15
Rushes-Yards ........................... 30-115 47-269 Passing .......................................... 204 265
Interceptions Ret. ........................... 0-0 4-37

Passing .......................................... 206 94 Punt Returns ................................ 1-16 3-62
Comp-Att-Int .......................... 14-32-4 18-28-0
Punt Returns ................................ 2-15 3-20 Kickoff Returns ............................ 2-37 1-21
Sacked-Yards Lost ........................ 6-38 1-7
Kickoff Returns ............................ 6-79 3-62 Interceptions Ret. ........................... 0-0 1-0
Punts ........................................ 4-38.25 3-40.0
Interceptions Ret. ........................... 1-0 2-139 Comp-Att-Int .......................... 10-30-1 19-31-0
Fumbles-Lost .................................. 2-0 0-0
Comp-Att-Int .......................... 25-36-2 7-10-1 Sacked-Yards Lost ........................ 2-15 3-39
Penalties-Yards ............................ 4-45 5-51
Sacked-Yards Lost ........................ 4-13 1-2 Punts .......................................... 7-49.0 7-49.0
Time Of Possession .................... 29:13 30:47
Punts .......................................... 5-43.6 3-41.667 Fumbles-Lost .................................. 0-0 1-0
Fumbles-Lost .................................. 0-0 2-1 Penalties-Yards ............................ 7-40 3-35 pAssiNg
Time Of Possession .................... 29:20 30:23
Stories of the past, rediscovered. Penalties-Yards ............................ 5-35
Time Of Possession .................... 26:45
stanford: Daniels 10-16-3-200, Lamson 4-16-1-42. or-
pAssiNg egon state: Uiagalelei 12-19-0-240, Chiles 5-8-0-75,
Gulbranson 1-1-0-6. pAssiNg miami: E.Williams 8-23-0-175, Van Dyke 2-7-1-29.
UAB: Zeno 25-36-2-206. Navy: Arline 7-10-1-94. florida state: Travis 19-31-0-265. RUshiNg
stanford: Daniels 9-37, Lamson 17-21, Bachmeier 1-15,
RUshiNg RUshiNg Smith 4-7, Butler 1-2. oregon state: Martinez 15-146,
UAB: J.Brown 15-55, Beebe 5-43, Zeno 8-9, Witherspoon Fenwick 5-61, Reichle 3-31, Newell 9-26, Chiles 4-14,
miami: Chaney 12-85, Fletcher 16-47, B.Smith 1-6,
2-8. Navy: Arline 19-109, Tecza 9-82, Heidenreich 5-60, Uiagalelei 2-3, (Team) 2-(minus 4).
E.Williams 5-(minus 7). florida state: Benson 16-80,
Fofana 7-12, Chatman 5-8, (Team) 2-(minus 2).
Toafili 6-9, (Team) 1-(minus 2), Travis 8-(minus 30).
RECEiviNg RECEiviNg stanford: Roush 4-33, Ayomanor 3-122, Bachmeier 3-41,
UAB: Payne 5-41, J.Brown 5-6, A.Thomas 4-33, Beebe Smith 2-15, Harris 1-21, Farrell 1-10. oregon state:
3-8, Farrier 2-18, Witherspoon 2-13, Damous 1-42, miami: Jac.George 5-153, Young 2-29, B.Smith 2-18,
Velling 3-55, Bolden 2-36, Terry 2-35, Irish 2-32, Marti-
Palmer 1-26, T.Jones 1-13, Rudolph 1-6. Navy: Heidenre- I.Horton 1-4. florida state: Wilson 5-82, Coleman 4-24,
nez 2-16, Gould 1-61, Sharp 1-28, Caufield 1-21, Fenwick
S0129-3x2.75 ich 3-26, Chatman 2-25, Velez 1-45, Tecza 1-(minus 2). J.Douglas 3-69, Bell 3-41, M.Douglas 2-21, Benson 1-17,
1-13, Valsin 1-13, Wells 1-6, Noga 1-5.
Morlock 1-11.
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post eZ sU d5

NFL week 10

Washington Commanders (4-5) at Seattle Seahawks (5-3)

Time: 4:25 p.m. TV: Fox. Radio: WBIG (100.3 FM). Line: Seahawks by 51/2.
For in-game analysis, live stats and discussion, read our live updates at

c om mand ers s eah awk s

r o ste r ros t er
1 Jahan Dotson WR 5-11 182 0 Devin Bush LB 5-11 234
2 Dyami Brown WR 6-0 195 1 Dee Eskridge WR 5-9 190
3 Byron Pringle WR 6-1 203 2 Drew Lock QB 6-4 228
4 Curtis Samuel WR 5-11 195 4 Michael Dickson P 6-2 208
5 Tress Way P 6-1 220 5 Jason Myers K 5-10 190
6 Joey Slye K 5-11 213 6 Quandre Diggs FS 5-9 197
8 Brian Robinson Jr. RB 6-1 228 7 Geno Smith QB 6-3 221
12 Jacoby Brissett QB 6-4 235 9 Kenneth Walker III RB 5-9 211
13 Emmanuel Forbes Jr. CB 6-0 180 11 Jaxon Smith-Njigba WR 6-0 197
14 Sam Howell QB 6-1 220 14 DK Metcalf WR 6-4 235
17 Terry McLaurin WR 6-0 210 16 Tyler Lockett WR 5-10 182
20 Jartavius Martin DB 6-0 195 19 Jake Bobo WR 6-4 207
23 Chris Rodriguez Jr. RB 5-11 224 20 Julian Love S 5-11 195
24 Antonio Gibson RB 6-2 220 21 Devon Witherspoon CB 6-0 185
25 Benjamin St-Juste CB 6-3 200 22 Tre Brown CB 5-10 185
26 Tariq Castro-Fields CB 6-1 197 23 Artie Burns CB 6-0 187
29 Kendall Fuller CB 5-11 198 25 Kenny McIntosh RB 6-0 204
31 Kamren Curl S 6-2 198 26 Zach Charbonnet RB 6-1 214
32 Terrell Burgess S 5-11 202 27 Riq Woolen CB 6-4 210
34 Christian Holmes CB 6-1 205 30 Michael Jackson CB 6-1 210
35 Percy Butler S 6-0 191 31 DeeJay Dallas RB 5-10 214
36 Danny Johnson CB 5-9 190 32 Jerrick Reed II S 5-9 196
40 Alex Armah RB 6-1 255 33 Jamal Adams SS 6-1 213
41 Jabril Cox LB 6-3 235 38 Brady Russell TE 6-3 250
45 De'Jon Harris LB 6-0 245 41 Chris Stoll LS 6-2 255
47 Khaleke Hudson LB 6-0 220 44 Nick Bellore LB 6-1 250
50 Andre Jones Jr. DE 6-5 258 51 Olu Oluwatimi C 6-3 309
51 David Mayo LB 6-2 240 52 Darrell Taylor LB 6-4 267
52 Jamin Davis LB 6-3 234 53 Boye Mafe LB 6-4 261
54 Camaron Cheeseman LS 6-4 237 54 Bobby Wagner LB 6-0 242
55 KJ Henry DE 6-4 255 55 Dre’Mont Jones DE 6-3 281
61 Julian Good-Jones OT 6-5 313 56 Jordyn Brooks LB 6-0 240
63 Nick Gates C 6-5 312 57 Frank Clark LB 6-3 265
69 Tyler Larsen C 6-4 335 58 Derick Hall OLB 6-3 254
71 Andrew Wylie G/T 6-6 309 59 Jon Rhattigan LB 6-0 236
72 Charles Leno Jr. T 6-3 302 60 Phil Haynes G 6-4 322
73 Trent Scott T 6-5 320 63 Evan Brown C 6-2 320
75 Chris Paul G 6-4 324 66 McClendon Curtis G 6-6 325
76 Sam Cosmi T 6-6 309 67 Charles Cross T 6-5 311
78 Cornelius Lucas T 6-8 327 68 Damien Lewis G 6-2 327
80 Curtis Hodges TE 6-8 240 70 Jason Peters T 6-4 328
82 Logan Thomas TE 6-6 250 74 Jake Curhan T 6-6 316
83 Jamison Crowder WR 5-9 177 75 Anthony Bradford G 6-5 332
85 Cole Turner TE 6-6 240 78 Stone Forsythe T 6-8 307
86 Mitchell Tinsley WR 6-1 205 79 Raiqwon O'Neal OT 6-4 305
87 John Bates TE 6-6 259 83 Dareke Young WR 6-2 224
91 John Ridgeway III DT 6-5 321 84 Colby Parkinson TE 6-7 265
93 Jonathan Allen DT 6-3 300 87 Noah Fant TE 6-4 249
94 Daron Payne DT 6-3 320 89 Will Dissly TE 6-4 265
95 Casey Toohill DE 6-5 254 90 Jarran Reed NT 6-3 306
96 James Smith-Williams DE 6-4 265 93 Cameron Young DT 6-3 304
97 Efe Obada DE 6-6 265 95 Myles Adams DE 6-2 290
98 Phidarian Mathis DT 6-4 312 97 Mario Edwards Jr. DE 6-3 280
99 Leonard Williams DE 6-5 300

d e p th c h a r t
d ept h ch art
QB Sam Howell Jacoby Brissett oFFense
RB Brian Robinson Jr. Antonio Gibson JOhN MCDONNell/The WashiNGTON POsT
WR Terry McLaurin Jamison Crowder QB Geno Smith Drew Lock
RB Kenneth Walker III Zach Charbonnet
Jahan Dotson
Curtis Samuel
Dyami Brown
Byron Pringle
Commanders quarterback Sam Howell threw for a league-high 722 yards over the past two weeks after changes on the offensive line. WR DK Metcalf Jake Bobo
TE Logan Thomas John Bates WR Tyler Lockett Dee Eskridge
LT Charles Leno Jr. Cornelius Lucas WR Jaxon Smith-Njigba Dareke Young
LG Chris Paul Julian Good-Jones TE Noah Fant Will Dissly
C Tyler Larsen Nick Gates LT Charles Cross Stone Forsythe
RG Sam Cosmi Nick Gates b y t he n u mb e rs LG Damien Lewis Phil Haynes
RT Andrew Wylie Cornelius Lucas C Evan Brown Olu Oluwatimi
RG Phil Haynes McClendon Curtis
RT Stone Forsythe Jason Peters
deFense and specIal teams 722 passIng yards average of 4.3 yards per carry ranks ninth in the league. in short-yardage
DE James Smith-Williams Efe Obada
in the past couple of weeks, after the Washington Commanders situations (three or fewer yards to go), the Commanders have converted deFense and specIal teams
DT Daron Payne John Ridgeway
26 of 33 rushes into first downs for a league-best rate of 78.8 percent. DE Dre'Mont Jones Myles Adams
DT Jonathan Allen Phidarian Mathis altered the interior of their offensive line, with Tyler larsen taking over at NT Jarran Reed Cameron Young
DE Casey Toohill Andre Jones Jr.
MLB Jamin Davis David Mayo center and Chris Paul filling in at left guard, sam howell has seemed to DE Leonard Williams Mario Edwards Jr.
OLB Khaleke Hudson De'Jon Harris 30th In thIrd-down conversIon rate OLB Boye Mafe Derick Hall
CB Kendall Fuller Danny Johnson come into his own. No quarterback had more passing yards across ILB Jordyn Brooks Devin Bush
CB Emmanuel Forbes Danny Johnson Weeks 8 and 9 than howell’s 722. On the season, he is second in the NFl The seattle seahawks are coming off one of their worst performances ILB Bobby Wagner Nick Bellore
CB Benjamin St-Juste Christian Holmes OLB Darrell Taylor Frank Clark
FS Kam Curl Terrell Burgess with 2,471 passing yards. Only Kirk Cousins, who threw for 2,716 in 2016 in years on both sides of the ball. During a 37-3 loss to the Baltimore CB Devon Witherspoon Michael Jackson
SS Jamal Adams Julian Love
RCB Percy Butler Quan Martin
and 2,474 in 2017, had more yards through the first nine games of a Ravens, seattle was especially dreadful on third down, converting FS Quandre Diggs Jerrick Reed II
K Joey Slye
P Tress Way season for Washington. howell is the only quarterback in NFl history to 1 of 12 attempts to bring its total over the past two weeks to 5 of 24. On CB Riq Woolen Tre Brown
H Tress Way K Jason Myers
PR Jamison Crowder Jahan Dotson have a 66.0 competition percentage or higher, throw for at least 2,600 the season, the seahawks have converted only 31.9 percent of their third P Michael Dickson
H Michael Dickson
KR Antonio Gibson Byron Pringle
yards and rush for at least 190 yards in the first 10 games of his career. downs to rank as the third-worst team in the league. That bodes well for PR DeeJay Dallas Jake Bobo
LS Camaron Cheeseman
the Commanders’ defense, which is coming off a strong showing on third KR Dee Eskridge Zach Charbonnet
LS Chris Stoll
20.9 rushIng attempts per game down against the Patriots. Washington allowed only three conversions on
Washington’s gaudy passing numbers require context. howell has 12 attempts and, through Week 9, ranks 16th in the league in opponent
thrown the ball more than any other quarterback through Week 9 third-down conversion rate at 39.5 percent. also good for the
(353 attempts, 39.2 per game). No team has averaged fewer rushes per Commanders: The seahawks are just as bad defensively on third down,
game than the Commanders (20.9 attempts), and no team has rushed at also ranking as the third-worst team in opponent conversion rate
a lower rate on early downs (32.5 percent), per the website TruMedia. But (45.3 percent).
when they do run the ball, the Commanders can be efficient. Their — Nicki Jhabvala

schedu l e

week 1 week 4 week 7 week 10 at seahawks week 13 vs. dolphins week 16 at Jets
at Commanders 20, Cardinals 16 at eagles 34, Commanders 31 (OT) at Giants 14, Commanders 7 4:25 p.m. (Fox) Dec. 3, 1 p.m. (Fox) Dec. 24, 1 p.m. (CBs)
week 2 week 5 week 8 week 11 vs. giants week 14 week 17 vs. 49ers
Commanders 35, at Broncos 33 Bears 40, at Commanders 20 eagles 38, at Commanders 31 Nov. 19, 1 p.m. (Fox) Bye Dec. 31, 1 p.m. (Fox)
week 3 week 6 week 9 week 12 at cowboys week 15 at rams week 18 vs. cowboys
Bills 37, at Commanders 3 Commanders 24, at Falcons 16 Commanders 20, at Patriots 17 Nov. 23 (Thurs.), 4:30 p.m. (CBs) Dec. 17, 4:05 p.m. (CBs) Jan. 6/7; date, time and TV TBD

o ther ga me s

colts (4-5) at patriots (2-7) in Frankfurt, germany, 9:30 a.m. saints (5-4) at vikings (5-4), 1 p.m. » as a kid, Josh Dobbs wanted to be lions (6-2) at chargers (4-4), 4:05 p.m. (wJZ-13) » With losses only to
(nFl network) » sorry, Frankfurt, these can’t all be Dolphins-Chiefs an astronaut or a quarterback. he found a mixture of both last sunday seattle and Baltimore, Detroit is second in the league in yards per game
games. For some inexplicable reason, Mac Jones threw the ball 44 times with an otherworldly performance when he was pressed into duty by an (390.6) and fifth in yards allowed per game (296.9).
in New england’s loss to Washington. he is ninth in the NFl in pass injury to Jaren hall days after being traded to Minnesota. Playing for his
attempts with 304 and 29th in yards per attempt with 6.1. fifth team in 11 months, he completed 20 of 30 passes for 158 yards with giants (2-7) at cowboys (5-3), 4:25 p.m. » Dallas lost to Philadelphia in
two touchdowns and no interceptions — and led a 75-yard drive in the final typically excruciating fashion, but it should be noted that it outgained the
browns (5-3) at ravens (7-2), 1 p.m. (Fox) » The Ravens are one of only eagles 406-292. That may say more about Philadelphia than Dallas, but
two minutes in atlanta (his hometown) for a win Minnesota sorely needed.
two teams (along with the Chiefs) whose defense has held opponents to there will be gains to be had against New York; only three teams have
fewer than 25 points in every game. That’s a good thing because they’re in packers (3-5) at steelers (5-3), 1 p.m. (wusa-9) » Pittsburgh is the only given up more yards.
a tight division in which all four aFC North teams would qualify were the team in the super Bowl era to have a winning record through eight games
playoffs to begin today. and now the Ravens must face a tough Jim despite being outgained — by 790 total yards — in every game. and lest Jets (4-4) at raiders (4-5), 8:20 p.m. (nbc) » No wonder las Vegas fired
schwartz defense. Quarterback Deshaun Watson is 0-3 in division games anyone think Pittsburgh can’t make a nice little run, here are its next five Josh McDaniels and Dave Ziegler. Under their guidance, the team was
on the road since his Browns career began in December. opponents: Browns, Bengals, Cardinals, Patriots, Colts. 30th in the NFl in scoring, 31st in yards and last in rushing despite having
Josh Jacobs, the league’s leading rusher in 2022. The Jets have managed
texans (4-4) at bengals (5-3), 1 p.m. » Joe Burrow vs. C.J. stroud is one titans (3-5) at buccaneers (3-5), 1 p.m. » Tampa Bay has lost four in a just eight touchdowns on offense all season and had fewer (seven) only in
of the more intriguing quarterback matchups of the day. While Burrow and row, erasing the optimism of its 3-1 start, but wide receiver Mike evans is 1976 under lou holtz and in 2020 under adam Gase. That puts pressure
the Bengals are returning to super Bowl form, stroud put up a 11th in the league in yards per catch (16.1) and 15th in receiving yards on Zach Wilson to keep the Jets winning until aaron Rodgers can try to
147.8 passer rating last week that was the highest in NFl history by a (594). Tennessee rookie quarterback Will levis passed for 500 yards and return “in a few fortnights,” as he enigmatically put it.
rookie with a minimum of 30 attempts, and his 470 passing yards were four touchdowns (with one interception) in a victory over the Falcons and a
the most by a rookie in NFl history. he’s on pace to pass for 4,823 yards. loss to the steelers over the past two weeks. broncos (3-5) at bills (5-4), 8:15 p.m. monday (abc, espn) » Buffalo, a
strictly for comparison purposes, Peyton Manning passed for 3,739 over popular preseason pick to advance to the super Bowl, is in dire need of a
Falcons (4-5) at cardinals (1-8), 4:05 p.m. » arizona mustered just win with four losses to aFC teams and the possibility of a winning streak
16 starts as a rookie.
58 yards against the Browns in a shutout loss. Now, though, the Cardinals looking unlikely with upcoming games against the Jets, eagles, Chiefs and
49ers (5-3) at Jaguars (6-2), 1 p.m. » san Francisco has lost three in a are about to see whether Kyler Murray can salvage some semblance of Cowboys. Denver’s defense has improved, and the Bills have lost to the
row. Jacksonville has won five in a row. success (and/or ruin any chance at the No. 1 draft pick — the Cardinals Jaguars, Patriots and Bengals recently while narrowly beating the Giants
have six picks over the first three rounds). and Buccaneers.
— Cindy Boren

aFc nFc

EasT W L T PcT. PF Pa souTh W L T PcT. PF Pa NorTh W L T PcT. PF Pa WEsT W L T PcT. PF Pa EasT W L T PcT. PF Pa souTh W L T PcT. PF Pa NorTh W L T PcT. PF Pa WEsT W L T PcT. PF Pa
Miami 6 3 0 .667 285 225 Jacksonville 6 2 0 .750 193 156 Baltimore 7 2 0 .778 239 124 Kansas City 7 2 0 .778 208 143 Philadelphia 8 1 0 .889 252 195 New Orleans 5 4 0 .556 195 171 Detroit 6 2 0 .750 200 165 San Francisco 5 3 0 .625 218 140
Buffalo 5 4 0 .556 240 160 Houston 4 4 0 .500 187 165 Cincinnati 5 3 0 .625 155 162 L.A. Chargers 4 4 0 .500 201 174 Dallas 5 3 0 .625 220 148 Atlanta 4 5 0 .444 166 192 Minnesota 5 4 0 .556 206 190 Seattle 5 3 0 .625 171 175
N.Y. Jets 4 4 0 .500 132 156 Indianapolis 4 5 0 .444 232 242 Cleveland 5 3 0 .625 181 139 Las Vegas 4 5 0 .444 156 193 Washington 4 5 0 .444 191 245 Tampa Bay 3 5 0 .375 158 167 Green Bay 3 5 0 .375 160 159 L.A. Rams 3 6 0 .333 178 204
New England 2 7 0 .222 135 228 Tennessee 3 5 0 .375 148 160 Pittsburgh 5 3 0 .625 133 163 Denver 3 5 0 .375 172 226 N.Y. Giants 2 7 0 .222 101 217 Carolina 1 8 0 .111 153 242 Chicago 3 7 0 .300 204 255 Arizona 1 8 0 .111 151 240
D6 eZ Su the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

Professional Football

After fixing parents, who themselves had

married just two weeks after
meeting. A few weeks after that,

himself, Katie flew to Denver to meet

mike’s mom, Donna.
“This is real,” Katie remembers

McDaniel thinking.
If it wasn’t, it was about to be. A
few weeks later, Kyle Shanahan,

breaks NFL mcDaniel’s old work buddy from

Houston, called. His dad was set
to be the coach in Washington,
and Kyle would be his offensive
McDanIeL from coordinator. A few old Houston
guys would fill out the staff. There
Just 30 minutes away, he says, was a job for mcDaniel if he
“the greatest energy reset known wanted one. He did.
to man” is waiting. So with this in Katie wanted to come with
mind, pro football’s most against- him.
the-grain figure does something “Are you sure?” he asked. “You
truly revolutionary. He turns off need to know what you’re going
the film and heads home. into.”
The life of a football coach isn’t

sizzling day on the miami easy; neither is that of an NfL
practice field, and mcDaniel spouse: long hours, questionable
is in sweats, bouncing from priorities, chronic stress that can
one position group to the next. He be corrosive to marriages and
goes up on tiptoes to rest a hand good health. Coaches’ wives have
on a lineman’s shoulder pad. He a grim name for their club: “foot-
glides toward the wide receivers, ball widows.”
some of the fastest men to ever But there was something be-
suit up and the key to the Dol- witching about mcDaniel’s posi-
phins’ warp-speed attack. tivity. Katie had never left Califor-
The coach is 40 and slender, nia. She had gone to school to be
5-foot-9 in a land of giants. Else- an aesthetician and would have
where in the multiverse, his Ivy been happy to live simply, on the
League education, aviator shades pasture or in a salon. She had just
and off-white Air force 1s would gotten swept up by a force of
make him the swaggy but unusu- nature, and three months after
al fellow in your office’s internal lynne SlAdky/ASSociATed PreSS meeting mcDaniel, Katie was
audit division. He eats like hell, ready to follow him anywhere.
too, an affront to the NfL’s veer

toward monitored micro-diets. veryone said to make time for
He claims to have avoided vegeta- a date night, the NfL wives’
bles until college, after an uncle secret to connection. So Ka-
“traumatized” him years earlier tie made a reservation at a nice
with a plate of green beans. “I restaurant on one of the first
dry-heave to this day,” he says. fridays of the 2011 season.
But here’s the weird part: At mcDaniel was asleep at the table
work, he doesn’t yell or berate or before the entrees came.
shame, tools as central to the “This sucks,” Katie remembers
coaching arsenal as the whistle. thinking. “mainly for him.”
He allows players to control the NfL coaches, like lots of ambi-
music, assistants to establish tious people, are notorious self-
their own work schedules, every- deniers: of rest, sustenance, hob-
one to ask the NfL’s most taboo bies. These aren’t necessities,
question: Why? from the crusti- they claim. They’re luxuries.
est veteran to the greenest rookie, Signs of a lack of commitment
mcDaniel isn’t “Coach.” He’s and grit.
mike. mcDaniel barely slept unless it
“It’s amazing what can hap- SouTh FloridA Sun-SenTinel chriS o'MeArA/ASSociATed PreSS was on the team plane. He
pen,” he says, “if you just let go of Mike McDaniel has brought a new dynamic to the Dolphins, avoiding yelling at or berating players and allowing assistants to bragged about going four days
doing anything out of insecurity.” establish their own work schedules. “It’s amazing what can happen if you just let go of doing anything out of insecurity,” he says. without a shower. It made no
If the past century has proved sense to Katie.
anything, it’s that success in the She turned their sofa into
NfL relies on a few unarguable “Couch fort,” layering it with
principles. The first is that sleep shared his own failures, not snap- few were listeners. mcDaniel did. maybe, if he were “Presentations for players, dai- blankets and pillows. Next to it
is for losers. Kansas City’s Andy shots of his brilliance. He wanted This was a generation taught different, his dad would come ly routines, schedules — the guy was a selection of mcDaniel’s
reid worships at the altar of the co-workers to see his devotion to to value obedience, toughness home. He made straight A’s and you work hand-in-hand with,” favorite snacks: chips, pizza, one
22-hour workday, and the staff of work, not the appearance of and respect. Emotion was weak- became a Denver Broncos ball- Kubiak says. time a hunk of chocolate cake.
mike Shanahan used to go work. ness; if insecurity and doubt boy, where he met Coach mike It was grueling, sometimes After work, whenever work end-
through 20 pots of coffee a day. “I know in the course of my couldn’t be overcome, they were Shanahan. He fell in love with keeping mcDaniel at work until ed, he could walk in and crash.
Those guys won two Super Bowls career I’ve been worried about to be ignored. The boss was the football and observed how Shan- 5 a.m. The boss believed in him, When he awoke, something odd
each. people seeing me at my desk,” he boss, and, yeah, he pushed you. ahan and offensive coordinator but it wasn’t Kubiak’s approval happened: He could . . . function.
The second is that family is says. “And at some point, you’re Paul “Bear” Bryant, who won six Gary Kubiak interacted with the young man craved. So When he spoke, his words made
critical. Nothing matters more, so like: Why?” national championships, kicked a their sons. Kubiak’s three boys mcDaniel transformed himself, sense. He noticed important
long as a coach’s wife is willing to This represents a full-on con- player after he collapsed with ran around on the field, playfully this time into someone who things he had forgotten hours
raise the kids, manage the house- frontation of the steel-sharpens- heatstroke. Vince Lombardi competing for who could be fast- didn’t need a father. earlier, and on friday evenings,
hold, clear the decks while her steel handbook that supposedly screamed at his quarterback and est to get the ball back to the Booze helped. Sometimes he mcDaniel and Katie could watch
husband does the “important” creates leaders, raises high- forced his tight end to play on a huddle. Shanahan’s son, Kyle, would show up to work still “Dateline” or Netflix without him
stuff. When Joe Gibbs coached achieving children and wins broken foot. was always at his old man’s side. wobbly from the night before. dozing off.
Washington, his wife, Pat, record- Super Bowls. It’s the handbook This wasn’t bullying or abuse. They seemed like best friends. other times he overslept. “He’s like a machine,” she says.
ed fake dinnertime conversation Tagovailoa grew up on. If he had a It was tough love. The price of mcDaniel wanted that, so, just “Where in the hell is mike?” “He gets an update, a reboot.”
so Joe could catch up on what bad game or bad grade, his father greatness. And anyone who like Kyle, he played wide receiver Kubiak says he boomed more And once running smoothly,
their two sons were doing. He didn’t exactly spare the rod. A didn’t understand that was either for his high school team. At the than once. Lafleur or Kyle Shana- Katie decided, it could operate
won three Super Bowls. fear of failure may, in fact, have disillusioned or soft. Broncos’ facility, he glued himself han would be dispatched to that way longer without addition-
The third and most important: pushed him into the starting When mcDaniel was in fifth to Kubiak, almost a fourth son. mcDaniel’s apartment to pound al strain. During the season, she
Players aren’t people. They damn lineup at Alabama, onto the na- grade, a friend lived in a big The kid could remember every- on the door. paid bills and oversaw the home.
sure aren’t peers. In America’s tional championship dais, into house with otherworldly com- thing, a walking computer, and it After one of those times, Kubi- If there was a problem or a
most cutthroat sport, a $20 bil- the NfL. forts: lights that turned on with a showed when he got into Yale. He ak had to fire him. financial issue, Katie handled it.
lion-a-year industry in which ev- But last year, when he suffered button, for instance, not a tradi- studied history and walked on to “I hate having to do this,” he If she felt worry or loneliness or
eryone is fighting for their profes- a gruesome concussion and tional switch. Donna mcDaniel the football team as a wideout. says he told mcDaniel. “But anxiety, she internalized it. She
sional lives, thinking of anyone in crumbled to the turf, it wasn’t worked for a beef distributor in When he was done, mike Shan- sometimes things like this are the wanted mcDaniel to succeed, to
terms beyond that of a fungible flores or Nick Saban or his dad Colorado, making ends meet ahan offered him an internship best things that can happen to focus entirely on football, so she
asset is a trap. New England’s Bill Tagovailoa called out for. medical without such frills. Her son was with the Broncos, where mcDan- you.” kept everything quiet and kept
Belichick has proved this one six and team personnel had no doubt confused by what he saw at the iel tinkered with data and tech- the runways clear and the planes

times over. whom he wanted because he kept friend’s; the boy was terrified of nology as new ways to identify ne night in 2010, Katie landing.
one of Belichick’s many disci- muttering the same thing. disappointing his dad, mcDaniel patterns and holes in coverages. Hemstalk was at a night- It was astonishing how well
ples, Brian flores, coached the “Where’s mike?” he said. says, and the “whole house was When the Houston Texans hired club in Sacramento when the system ran. At work, mcDan-
Dolphins before mcDaniel. He miserable.” Kubiak as coach in 2006, he filled she met a scrawny guy who didn’t iel saw holes in coverages that

did things the old way. The prov- cDaniel grew up not just “People don’t even have a his staff with young and deter- believe in secrets. A few nights few other coaches noticed. By
en way. When quarterback Tua watching his friends’ chance to be themselves if some- mined iconoclasts: robert Saleh, later, she was wearing his Yale then, Washington offensive coor-
Tagovailoa struggled as a rookie, dads but studying them. one doesn’t unconditionally love matt Lafleur, Kyle Shanahan. football ring. Her grandfather dinator Kyle Shanahan was beta-
flores lit him up. If Tagovailoa He did the same with his coaches. them,” he says. “They’re inherent- mcDaniel, then 23, wasn’t so joked that the guy must have a testing a modernized version of
looked rattled during a game, Some were frothing drill ser- ly trying to be something else.” much a coach as Kubiak’s person- drawer full of them. his dad’s famous offense, a never-
flores benched him. Then started geants. many were impatient. A Without his father, that’s what al assistant. Katie didn’t care. before-seen combination of pow-
him the next week. Then benched She had just moved back to er, speed and surprise.
him again. small-town Northern California mcDaniel’s role in this elabo-
But flores got fired, the Dol- from San Diego. Her parents were rate production was modest: as-
phins hired mcDaniel, and in there. So were her grandparents, sembling video montages to dem-
came a philosophy that’s unusual “I know in the course of my career I’ve been worried about people just one pasture down. There was onstrate what Shanahan and his
in this business — albeit less and something different about lieutenants were imagining.
less in the rest of society. miami’s seeing me at my desk. And at some point, you’re like: Why?” mcDaniel, whom she had run mcDaniel took it seriously,
rise comes amid a cultural reex- into while celebrating a friend’s though, not just stuffing plays
Mike McDaniel, on his devotion to work rather than the appearance of work
amination of leadership, people birthday. Something new. into a video but using it as a form
management and parenting, a mcDaniel told her that he of explanatory storytelling. Then
growing belief that successful, wasn’t here because coaching in at practice, mcDaniel would tell
confident people should be nei- the United football League was the quarterback to ignore his
ther brutalized nor microman- his dream. He had gotten fired instincts. Don’t throw to a receiv-
aged. That it’s possible to be good from his last job for getting drunk er. Throw to a space. Play design
at your job and be happy. too often. Now he was in transfor- and physics would take care of
mcDaniel is the only child of a mation mode, banished to the pro the rest.
single mother in Colorado. He football hinterlands, trying to fix “After practice, he’d tell you,
grew up being reminded that he himself. ‘See, I told you,’ ” says robert
was so smart, so driven, so special “from a young age,” mcDaniel Griffin III, Washington’s quarter-
that he could do anything. His says, “I was set on righting my back in 2012. “You immediately
grades earned him a Game Boy own life’s wrongs.” feel like, ‘Holy cow, this guy
when he was a kid, a ford mus- Almost immediately, Katie knows everything.’ ”
tang when he turned 16, and his learned that among mcDaniel’s It was around this time that
mom never withheld (or threat- many ambitions was to be a dad. the American workplace began
ened to withhold) her affection if A good dad. It’s something he changing. Talented millennials
he fell short. When he someday never had, having met his father tuned out dictatorial bosses who
had his own children, he wanted only a few times, and it made him expected blind fealty to their
to raise them the same way. curious about what had scared preferences and impulses. Young-
“I had this whole theory,” the man off and why other fathers er workers pushed back on being
mcDaniel says, “that a kid has a seemed more committed than productive beyond the point of
chance in this world if they feel others. burnout. These habits even
like they’re the most important This was a little before Thanks- reached NfL offices in 2013, after
thing in the world to someone.” giving in 2010. Katie absorbed mcDaniel’s mentor, Kubiak, col-
So when he got the Dolphins mcDaniel’s story, felt the resolve lapsed on the Texans’ sideline
job, he didn’t turn over a table or in his voice, told herself the Yale during a game and Denver Coach
punch through a whiteboard to ring was unique and that he was John fox was hospitalized with a
assert his dominance. He strove serious when he vowed to marry heart problem.
for emotional connection. He Tony AvelAr/ASSociATed PreSS her. A month after they met, Katie “We all kind of realized it
showed players vulnerability and McDaniel, left, and current Packers coach Matt LaFleur worked together for several teams. invited mcDaniel to meet her around the same time,” mcDaniel
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post ez Su D7

Professional Football

says. “ ‘Whoa, we need to chill ular Raheem Mostert and deebo

out.’ ” Samuel, speedy multitools with
Some coaches established backgrounds scarred by trauma.
boundaries between their work Mostert has no relationship with
and home lives. Mcdaniel set his biological parents, and his
aside distractions and electron- stepfather has been in prison
ics, devoted himself to being “su- since 2014, when he was convict-
per present” and becoming “noto- ed of shooting Mostert’s half
riously impossible to get a hold brother four times. Samuel’s fa-
of.” ther had helped raise him, but his
“i can’t talk to you,” he says, biological mother had fallen into
“and be on my phone at the same the streets. Mcdaniel shared his
time.” own story, including the uncer-
Younger workers also shoved tainty simmering at home.
aside the old one-size-fits-all “He’s got nothing to hide,”
management structure in favor of Mike LaFleur says. “everyone
a need to understand the individ- knew how bad they wanted a
ual. Mcdaniel saw this in the baby. Mike is pretty comfortable
coaches’ office, too: He, for exam- being uncomfortable, you know?”
ple, could see coverages so clearly San Francisco started the 2019
in his mind. But different aspects season 8-0, with Mostert and
of the job come easier to others, Samuel combining for 15 touch-
he realizes, such as the way Sean downs. even with the team surg-
McVay, then Washington’s wun- ing to a 13-3 finish, Shanahan
derkind tight ends coach, just reserved one night for family
seemed more mature. time, and Mcdaniel noticed how
“He’s got this manhood thing this seemed to re-energize col-
figured out,” Mcdaniel recalls leagues. if senior-level coaches
thinking, and he had a hunch finished their tasks, they were
why: McVay was close with his free to go home.
father. “So many life obstacles Mcdaniel had no children,
that were a result of having zero though, and Katie was in “a really
direction as a man.” good place,” she would say. So
again in transformation mode, Mcdaniel kept working. often
he tried to simulate this psycho- the last thing colleagues would
social concept. Many of his play- see as they left work was Mcdan-
ers were in their first jobs, and iel fine-tuning the running game,
some felt isolated and vulnerable his face illuminated by a comput-
while separated from their fami- er screen.
lies for the first time. Mcdaniel JeD JaCobSohn/aSSoCiateD PreSS one morning Mandy Shana-
could relate, so why not share this han picked up Katie for a work-
piece of himself ? out. the pain in her side was
“We’re subconscious geniuses,” unbearable, and Katie threw up
he says. “You feel when people in the car. She did so again after
give a s---. You feel when people Mandy drove her back home be-
are working; you feel when you’re fore insisting she go to the hospi-
a priority.” tal. She underwent a blood test
griffin was his first big test that usually screens for ovarian
case. in 2013, griffin was simulta- cancer, and a specialist suggested
neously one of the most famous exploratory surgery.
and isolated people in sports. there were no tumors, but the
teammates stayed away. Coaches, surgeon found severe endometri-
even the younger ones, kept their osis, a common but difficult-to-
distance. Mcdaniel, though, diagnose gynecological disease
probed griffin’s well-being, his that leads to scar tissue and
motivations, his hopes on and off near-constant pain. the disorder
the field. He told griffin about his is rare, leads to significant in-
drinking, about Katie, about the flammation, almost certainly had
absence he felt in never knowing affected Katie’s fertility. the sur-
his dad. geon used a laser to remove the
He and griffin went to dinner Joe Mahoney/aSSoCiateD PreSS GoDofreDo a. VáSquez/aSSoCiateD PreSS damaged tissue, and Mcdaniel
sometimes and saw comedian Mike McDaniel coached with Kyle Shanahan, lower right, with several teams, including the staff of the Super Bowl-bound Falcons broke down film next to her
Mike epps together. they talked in 2016, lower left, and as offensive coordinator with the 49ers in 2021, top, before his Dolphins faced San Francisco in 2022. hospital bed and slept in a chair.
long and deep about relation- on the last Saturday of January
ships and humanity. they met 2020, with the 49ers preparing
and got to know each other’s for the Super Bowl, Mcdaniel was

significant other. y 2016, with the crew now me a positive [test]. Just give me a father my whole life. and she be similar to the loss of a loved in his office, ranking run plays on
“that’s dangerous for coaches,” coaching the Falcons, Kyle hope here.” knew that,” Mcdaniel says. “the one. You don’t fix it. You scar. and his computer. Katie was at home,
griffin says. “it was a unique Shanahan was perfecting When Mcdaniel came home, burden of me having a child, go about your life.” and with her period seven days
approach, and i didn’t under- his offense: an outside zone rush- she insisted she was fine. a blood that’s not for her to bear. But late, she took a pregnancy test.

stand it in the moment. Mike ing scheme that allows ballcarri- test in atlanta had revealed low literally, try telling her that.” nce they moved on, they then a second one.
knows how to get guys motivated. ers to read and hit openings levels of a hormone that suggest- He took a fertility test, almost could focus on recalibrat- She called Mcdaniel, but his
they look at him like, ‘i don’t mid-play. Football is ultimately a ed poor ovarian reserve. She said wishing for a poor result so he ing. they wanted to see phone was . . . somewhere. She
want to let this guy down.’ contest about who can exploit the nothing to Mcdaniel about the could adjust his lifestyle or be the europe together. Katie took a kept trying, Facetiming coaches
“Because you don’t have to be field’s geometry. Shanahan and persistent and mysterious pain in reason they were struggling to girls’ trip to San diego with her and co-workers, until finally
perfect. You just have to be hu- Co.’s concepts kept defenses off her abdomen, severe menstrual conceive. He considered lying, no best friends, and when the guys someone answered. a colleague
man.” balance and challenged them to cramps, intensifying fears that matter the results, and telling disappeared before the draft in walked through Mcdaniel’s door.
patrol impossibly large spaces. sometimes kept her awake. Katie the problem was his. But, 2019, Mandy Shanahan took the He saw Katie’s face on the col-

atie’s anxiety wasn’t so bad Mcdaniel, meanwhile, estab- “it’ll happen,” Mcdaniel says no, nFL wives take care of the wives to Cabo San Lucas, where league’s phone, tears streaming.
when Mcdaniel was home. lished a gift for identifying mis- he assured her. of course it will, medical stuff, so she called the her iconic father-in-law has a She held the two testing sticks
He’s a calming presence, matches and stumping for the Katie replied. doctor’s office to learn that home. near the camera.
she says, and the summer months little guy. one was Mohamed When he went to work, Katie Mcdaniel was plenty fertile. “i wasn’t really worrying about “positive!” she said.
were blissful getaways from the Sanu Sr., a wide receiver Cincin- scream-cried into a pillow. She “ ‘oh, well, f---, it is me,’ ” she the things i had been,” Katie says.

nFL grind. Because Kyle Shana- nati had drafted but discarded, confided in no one. after co- says. “it’s not fair. ‘You can leave “Mike is with me; he has my he pregnancy wasn’t easy,
han kept hiring some of the same eroding Sanu’s confidence. this workers in atlanta again con- me and, like: ‘Go! Be with some- back.” but with the coronavirus
guys and because nepotism and wasn’t a red flag, Mcdaniel be- fronted Mcdaniel about his body else and have a family.’ ” that’s all that mattered. She pandemic shuttering all
troublesome “coaching trees” fa- lieved. it was an opportunity. drinking, he quit entirely. But not She didn’t tell him that, either. took up intermittent fasting, got nFL facilities, Mcdaniel was able
mously power the football leader- “that feeling where you get Katie. When she went out with Mcdaniel, feeling this widening into barre, slowed and eventually to be home for much of it. then,
ship structure, the couple had a picked first in Little League,” friends, she pretended to be care- gulf, insisted this was their jour- stopped her drinking. the pain in in october 2020, Mcdaniel blew
built-in friend group in Washing- Sanu says. “the best feeling, that free. She ordered another ney, not just hers. her side was still there, but it had off the first team meeting of his
ton, then Cleveland, then atlanta. somebody believes in you that Casamigos and soda, lots of lime, “What do you do,” he says, always been. Weekly acupuncture career because here at last came
“You didn’t really ever feel much. Why not believe in yourself then another and another until “when you literally can’t make all but eliminated her anxiety. ayla June Mcdaniel, born with
alone,” says Mike LaFleur, Matt’s as much as they believe in you?” she blacked out. something better?” Mcdaniel believed he had fixed her eyes open.
brother, who joined the crew in the Falcons went 11-5 in 2016 “no stop switch; i’m going His voice trembles. the problem, or at least patched Her daddy just stared into
2014 as an offensive assistant for and made it to the Super Bowl. full-bore,” she says. “You shut “You can’t,” he says. it, which allowed him a renewed them.
the Browns. “Just kid-less cou- San Francisco announced im- your brain off, just don’t think all he could do was transform. focus on work. “i’ve been an ambitious person
ples, all having a good time.” mediately after the Super Bowl about it, beep-boop.” Mcdaniel accepted that children “it’s very easy to change my whole life,” he says. “i’ve been
then training camp started that it had hired Shanahan to be Mcdaniel, who keeps no se- wouldn’t be part of their story. He course,” he says. “i’ve done it obsessed with trying to achieve
and the husbands disappeared. its coach, so now the friends were crets, sensed his wife’s torment says he did, anyway. multiple times. it’s just some- things, and now i feel like i’m
Katie tried to ease her loneliness heading west: Mcdaniel, Saleh, but couldn’t understand why she “i had to,” he says. “i got so thing that you do. that wasn’t my closer to proper perspective be-
and calm her thoughts. She called Mike LaFleur. Saleh and his wife kept everything to herself. Why invested in her emotional journey story. and that doesn’t mean i cause i live, work, shape myself,
her mother in California. She had their fifth child in 2017, and wouldn’t she talk to him? no that i just . . . ” can’t affect people. that doesn’t model myself after her.
went to pilates with Mandy Shan- Mike and Lauren LaFleur wel- matter how Katie masked her He pauses. mean i can’t do things that fa- “i immediately have a purpose.
ahan, Kyle’s wife, then to happy comed a second baby boy. stress, he says it was always lin- “i stopped thinking about be- thers do.” a real purpose. not a hamster-
hour. any relief was temporary. “You’re a dad,” Mcdaniel said gering. ing a dad,” Mcdaniel continues. He bonded with players who wheel purpose or a self-indulgent
She and Mcdaniel had set a to Mike LaFleur, his eyes wide “i had been gearing up to be a “it’s a loss. a loss of identity has to felt as broken as he did, in partic- purpose. god, it is — it is so —
wedding date for June 2014. But with fascination. “You made a gratifying to live life with some-
after Washington fired Mike human being. What are you even thing else driving you.”
Shanahan’s coaching staff, she going to do tonight?” the 49ers’ season didn’t end
worried they couldn’t afford a “Well, Mike, it’s a baby,” because Mcdaniel missed a few
wedding. Where would they live? LaFleur told him, “so not much.” “Basically I was able to be myself. meetings. nor did it in 2021,
Without a return address, was it a Mcdaniel went home to his when Mcdaniel noticed that his
mistake to send out invitations? wife. He fell into Couch Fort while He told me that being myself is enough.” work actually improved when he
Kyle and Mandy Shanahan had Katie worked on a puzzle, then he spent time at home. He ignored
Tua Tagovailoa, Dolphins quarterback, on the advice Coach Mike McDaniel gave him
three children. Matt LaFleur had woke up and they watched tV his phone, as he did any tempta-
a son, too. Katie hadn’t grown up together, their weekend routine. tion to watch film or sketch out
playing with dolls or associating “this is my life,” Katie says. plays while holding ayla. He
her identity with possible moth- “this f---ing sucks.” found that this emotional lift
erhood. She had been “a-oK,” she But with football going so well, gave his intellect a break, allow-
says, “not having a kid.” But after she didn’t tell him that. Katie ing the productive part of his
marrying Mcdaniel, the pressure loved him and didn’t want him to mind to recharge.
accumulated. Her mother’s feel guilty about work. Besides, “i need that part to be the man
friends asked when the couple Mcdaniel, now in his mid-30s, that i want to be,” he says. “and i
would start a family. they were was climbing the organizational need her, and i need my wife, and
already in their early 30s. did chart and coordinating San Fran- i need my family. it makes me feel
they not want kids? cisco’s running game. Katie sup- bulletproof in my job.”
in fact, she had changed her pressed thoughts that she had When Miami hired Mcdaniel
mind. She now yearned to be a done what nobody wants to do: in 2022, the new coach called his
mom and build a family. “i want- let Mike Mcdaniel down. new quarterback from the jet.
ed a little Mike,” Katie says. But She “wanted to give him a over the sound of a squeaking
seasons and breaks kept ending family,” she says, but the years toddler, the coach told tagovailoa
without a pregnancy. passed and nothing changed. if that he was why Mcdaniel had
in atlanta, when she and someone asked about when they gotten into coaching. He had
Mcdaniel went out, small talk would have children or recom- greatness within him. almost im-
invariably led to family plans. mended in vitro fertilization, mediately, Mcdaniel set out to
Wasn’t it time to grow up, put with hormone treatments she prove it — mostly to the player
down roots, settle down? knew weren’t for her, she would himself.
Katie’s brother was already a reply with sarcasm. She was tak- He would call tagovailoa to
father, then his wife delivered ing 50 doses a month of canna- remind him that he’s special. He
their second child, then their bidiol, or CBd, for menstrual even compiled a 700-play tape of
third. What were the Mcdaniels pain, went to weekly acupuncture tagovailoa’s most impressive mo-
waiting on? appointments and took herbs to ments to bolster that message. in
“Like, everybody” was asking, soothe her churning mind. doing so, Mcdaniel discovered a
Katie says. “it’s the most isolating “praying, as hard as it is, for a aaron M. SPreCher/aSSoCiateD PreSS trend: Rather than hesitate until
feeling.” miscarriage,” she says. “Just give Tua Tagovailoa was taken off on a stretcher with a concussion in a 2022 game in Cincinnati. Continued on next page
D8 eZ su the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

Professional Football

from previous page follow the dot as it moves from

Dolphins headquarters to fort
a receiver beat a defender, Lauderdale, where the family
Tagovailoa could sense an open- lives.
ing before it happened. His re- Katie is on hype duty, and she
lease came quicker even than builds anticipation by singing
most star quarterbacks. He their “Daddy” song.
wasn’t naturally afraid of mis- It’s time to play
takes. This fear had been learned. We’ve been waiting on him
The quarterback says now that All day-ay-ay
he and mcDaniel bonded over Driving is the one time mcDan-
having been “raised differently.” iel puts his mind into quiet mode.
Tagovailoa is close with his father, it’s the middle of the week, and
galu, but his left-handed dad had the Dolphins have a game to
forced his naturally right-handed prepare for. miami’s offense isn’t
eldest son to throw with his left remarkably different from shan-
arm. if Tua threw an interception ahan’s, though mcDaniel’s ver-
or had a bad game, he could sion uses more speed, more
expect to come home to his father presnap motion, more attacks on
wielding a belt. the boundary. His plays aren’t
“He can go 15 for 15 with four complicated. They’re just pre-
touchdowns,” galu Tagovailoa sented in new ways, and they take
told espN in 2018. “But when he advantage of something mcDan-
throws a pick, it’s the worst game. iel discovered about himself long
it’s the worst game.” ago: that one person cannot be in
Tagovailoa’s first NfL coach two places at once.
tended to agree. under flores, By the time ayla was born,
miami ran a no-frills power rush- mcDaniel had decided how to
ing scheme designed to minimize right his life’s biggest wrong. The
risk. Tagovailoa rarely threw one that had shaped him, threat-
downfield. if he did, or if he ened to destroy him, tortured him.
missed a read or threw a pick or if it was as simple as coming home.
he looked rattled after getting parenthood, he learned, isn’t hard.
sacked six times against Denver, sometimes a dad is good just
flores benched him. The pressure because he cares. Not because he’s
built and threatened to cave in on perfect but because he’s human.
the young man. “i just do my best, and i think
reports surfaced that flores that’s good enough,” he says. “To
demeaned Tagovailoa and openly me, it was pretty bottom-line: if i
lobbied for his replacement, BrennAn Asplen/miAmi Dolphins was going to be a dad, that child
claims the coach has denied. still, would know how important they
the young man wilted under the are to me. so i just try. i’m going
psychological strain. to be happy about certain things i
“Do i suck?” he has said he do as a dad. i’m going to be mad
asked himself while looking in about certain things: ‘maybe i
the mirror. should’ve handled that different-
one night mcDaniel was work- ly.’
ing late, something he still does “The key to the whole thing
occasionally, and when he went isn’t that you retroactively regret-
home, he was too excited to sleep. ted it. You were mindful and
He came back to the office and working at it and humble enough
called a staff meeting for 8 a.m. to not be comfortable or compla-
The front office was considering cent, and that is an absolute
free agent blockers to give home run for kids. it’s all it is: just
Tagovailoa more time in the pock- trying.”
et. mcDaniel argued he didn’t some nights, ayla’s dad reads
need them. The offense instead to her or watches a movie with
needed speed — playmakers who her. usually they dance or sing.
could beat defenses and get open. They play on the floor. Then he
The NfL game hadn’t been too tucks her into bed.
fast for him. if anything, flores Courtesy of mCDAniel fAmily miChAel proBst/AssoCiAteD press When the dot reaches fort
and his staff had slowed the game Mike McDaniel, shown at lower left with wife Katie on the 49ers’ sideline, became the Dolphins’ coach in February 2022. Lauderdale, Katie says, she and
down too much for Tagovailoa. Meanwhile, he found perspective by being a dad to 3-year-old Ayla June. “I immediately have a purpose. A real purpose,” he says. ayla begin cheering it on: “Come
The Dolphins traded for wide on, come on, come on!” When it
receiver Tyreek Hill, lining him up gets to their neighborhood, ayla
across from speedster Jaylen Wad- and her mom move into the foyer.
dle. They signed mcDaniel’s old office. By then coach and quarter- eo. He encouraged Tagovailoa to But Tagovailoa couldn’t help no- and his wife, annah, were expect- Katie says her 3-year-old’s hands
friend raheem mostert and draft- back had become close, and after see a doctor, who then placed him ticing the calendar with monthly ing a baby boy. They would name feel like mcDaniel’s. she’s restless
ed De’von achane. miami recent- Tagovailoa was carted off the field in the concussion protocol. The postcards picturing a little girl, him ace. like him, a comet of energy like
ly traded for Chase Claypool, a big in Cincinnati last season, mcDan- investigation led to more specific the photo of a small family posing any advice to a first-time par- him, a hater, just like him, of any
and fast wide receiver. all were iel told reporters that, if not for symptoms, including a visible outside the Dolphins’ jet, wooden ent? food fibrous and green.
capable of blazing speed, but each his obligations to the rest of the loss of balance, being added to frames decorated with ladybugs “Be present,” Tagovailoa says They wait, watching through
needed a quarterback who could team, he would have left paycor the guidelines’ “no-go” checklist. and acorns. mcDaniel told him. “Just the joy, the floor-to-ceiling windows.
anticipate the space they could stadium to be with Tagovailoa at The quarterback said last offsea- He learned all about ayla, and the unconditional love that i’m When she sees the headlights
create. it took time, but Tagovailoa a nearby hospital. son that he consulted with neu- because mcDaniel keeps no se- able to give him, that he gives me.” veer toward the neighbor’s house
started to believe. a joint investigation by the rologists and his family before crets, her mom and dad’s journey and illuminate the palm trees, the

“Basically i was able to be NfL and NfL players association deciding to continue his career. to parenthood. n those nights mcDaniel’s girl starts jumping. Then the
myself,” he says. “He told me that found that the Dolphins had cor- “oh, he comes back,” galu “a lot of the conversations hard drive overheats, after vehicle parks, and it’s not “Coach”
being myself is enough.” rectly followed existing concus- Tagovailoa told a reporter during turned to that,” Tagovailoa says. he shuts off the projector or “mike” who steps out. it’s
Last fall, as Tagovailoa recov- sion protocol, and it had been a brief interview last January at Tagovailoa asked questions, and walks past the Yale helmet Daddy, and when Katie opens the
ered from multiple concussions mcDaniel who, last December, the polynesian Bowl. shared his deepest thoughts, re- and fake ferns, Katie unlocks her door, here comes little ayla June,
that roiled the league, he spent spotted unusual behaviors in his as Tua recovered, he and vealed to his coach why he was so phone. she shows the screen to sprinting and smiling as she
hours each day in mcDaniel’s quarterback while reviewing vid- mcDaniel talked ball, of course. curious about being a dad. He ayla, she says, and together they jumps into his arms.

If Belichick is finished, it will take two to replace him nFL notes

We have reached this point as things have only quickly, who have strong résumés displacing ryan Tannehill as the
Former Raider Hayden
killed in Houston crash
On the point in the gotten worse since we last took and ample experience but who starter, something vrabel seemed
the NFL New england the pulse of the league about the also are young enough to provide more hesitant in embracing than
Jason patriots’ descent patriots. They have few stability and productivity well some in the league expected.
La Canfora where fan and discernible strengths, they no into the days when Kraft’s son, sure, he signed a contract
media fiction have longer have any semblance of a Jonathan, is running everything. extension in early 2022 — but so F ROM STAFF REPORTS in 2021. He finished his profes-
intertwined, with home-field advantage, they have specifically, that would be did robinson, and he barely made AND NEWS SERVICES sional career with 328 tackles,
fever dreams emerging about one of the weaker rosters in the former patriots linebacker mike it through Thanksgiving that year. 4.5 sacks and four interceptions.
whether (and how) Bill Belichick’s NfL, and they have yet to win a vrabel as his coach and longtime There’s no comparison to be made D.J. Hayden, the 2013 first- former Houston teammates
ultimate demise might play out game outside the afC east after patriots personnel executive Nick between the patriots and Titans round draft pick who overcame a Zachary mcmillian and ralph
this weekend. stumbling in foxborough against Caserio as his gm, czar of football franchises. The chasm in pedigree life-threatening injury to play oragwu were among the six killed
some would have you believe the Commanders on sunday. New operations or some such title. of ownership is, frankly, massive, eight NfL seasons, was one of six in saturday’s accident. a third
that the vince Lombardi of the england is 27-33 since the start of That could be the master plan for and that is the characteristic people who died early saturday in teammate, Jeffery Lewis, sur-
salary cap era might find himself 2020 — its first without Tom life after Belichick, and it might Belichick has always told his a Houston car crash that also vived.
munching on a currywurst Brady as quarterback — giving the not be all that far-fetched, even pupils to weigh most heavily claimed the lives of two former — Glynn Hill
sunday afternoon following yet franchise one fewer win in that considering vrabel is employed as when considering potential teammates. Hayden was 33. l SAINTS: New orleans wide
another troubling defeat, still span than the raiders, who just the Titans’ coach and Caserio has career opportunities. some in the The accident occurred around receiver michael Thomas faces
adorned in a tattered hoodie fired Belichick protégé Josh finally turned around the Texans league are already suggesting 2 a.m. when a car sped through a misdemeanor charges after being
while contemplating how mcDaniels, and one more victory after a tumultuous stint as their Kraft would pursue a trade for red light while an suv carrying arrested friday evening following
gardner minshew ii and the Colts than the Commanders, who general manager. vrabel if need be. Hayden had the right of way an alleged incident with a con-
got the best of him in frankfurt, as multiple general managers and Both general managers, who “i think those two guys could through a green light, according struction worker, the Kenner
owner robert Kraft saunters into personnel executives believe will know Caserio fairly well and have work together there, too,” the first to the Houston police Depart- (La.) police Department said.
the locker room to inform him he be moving on from ron rivera at least a decent feel for what life gm said of Caserio and vrabel. “i ment. Drivers of both vehicles Thomas was released friday
will need to arrange his own barring quite a second half. in Houston is like for him, think the egos and personalities lost control and the suv flipped, night about three hours after his
transportation back to perhaps most ominously, New maintain all is not perfect despite could fit. i think Kraft could according to Houston television arrest, according to the police. He
massachusetts. it’s quite a visual england and Washington rank the club’s ascent in the standings; probably pull that off.” station KTrK. was charged with simple battery
bouquet, for sure, but i would 21st and 22nd in victories since that he’s an odd mix for that part No matter what Kraft does, it four people were pronounced and criminal mischief.
reckon the biggest postseason the start of 2020; every franchise of the country; and that it’s quite seems a stretch that anyone dead at the scene. four others according to police, the worker
winner in NfL history will make below them on that list already different working for Cal mcNair, would inherit the virtually were taken to a hospital, where said that Thomas “began yelling
it through Week 10 no matter has made a coaching change since who is, shall we say, a far less unfettered levels of power two more were pronounced dead. at him about parking in front of
what this game in germany has to 2021, and some have made steady owner than Kraft. and they Belichick amassed over his time police said one of the surviving his house and verbally threatened
offer. even if it were to drop his multiple. believe Kraft could get creative in in New england; some separation passengers is in critical condition to harm him.” Thomas became
record to 2-8. “it’s over in New england,” said terms of a potential job title and between coaching and football with life-threatening injuries. an- “upset” when the worker began
That’s not to suggest that there one NfL general manager who has description to provide Caserio a operations is in order. surely, the other was alert and talked to recording the alleged incident,
isn’t a smorgasbord of rumors, discussed the patriots situation promotion above the standard owner grasps that now. investigators, police said. police said, and picked up a brick
rumblings and opinions swirling with many power brokers in the gm position, making it more going from Belichick to Hayden was an all-conference and threw it at a truck wind-
about where Kraft will turn when league. (He spoke on the condition difficult for the Texans to block someone totally unproven at cornerback at the university of shield, “causing little if any dam-
— not if — he inevitably moves on of anonymity because he is not their advances. (it’s worth noting either position also probably Houston in 2012 when he was age.” according to the worker’s
from Belichick in 2024. it would permitted to publicly discuss the these franchises already have wouldn’t sit well with Kraft, injured during a collision with a account, Thomas approached the
take a remarkable turn of events inner workings of other NfL quite a history after a tug-of-war although patriots inside teammate at practice. He com- worker and “knocked the phone
for the patriots not to be among teams.) “Kraft is already starting to over team chaplain-turned-team linebackers coach Jerod mayo will plained of chest pains and breath- from his hands, shoved him and
the half-dozen or so teams looking sniff around.” another gm said: executive Jack easterby back in undoubtedly be a serious ing difficulty before being diag- told him he did not want to be
for a new coach next season. and, “Belichick knows what’s up. He’s the day.) candidate for the coaching nosed with a tear of the inferior recorded,” police said.
much more immediately, Kraft got something up his sleeve. He’ll as for vrabel, well, there was opening once it becomes official. vena cava, the primary vein that — Mark Maske
finally finds himself, after decades know where he’s going before he’s the oddly timed firing of staying within the patriots carries blood from the lower half l BILLS: Buffalo’s injury-de-
of mulling parade routes by gone. Trust me on that.” Tennessee general manager Jon family seems a safe bet to those in of the body to the heart, and pleted defense will be without
Thanksgiving, having to join hoi of all that i have heard this past robinson, another former the league who have been sizing underwent lifesaving surgery. two more starters after safety
polloi of owners who endure week week, the concept that rings most Belichick guy, in the middle of last up Kraft. pulling off a vrabel and five months after the injury, micah Hyde (neck/stinger) and
after week of pathetic displays correct — and the endgame i season, and the coach is still in the Caserio coupling almost certainly Hayden was drafted 12th overall cornerback Christian Benford
while soliciting advice from believe would most appease Kraft feeling-out process with new would be championed by his fan by the oakland raiders. He went (hamstring) were ruled out from
trusted advisers about who — is a reconnection with general manager ran Carthon. base and renew hope that not all on to play eight seasons with the playing against the Denver Bron-
should manage his football accomplished men who lived the This team was considered among was lost when Brady went to raiders, Detroit Lions and Jack- cos on monday night.
operations throughout the year as patriot Way at its peak. a coach the afC’s elite not that long ago, Tampa — and that life after sonville Jaguars. starting linebacker Terrel Ber-
well as on game day. and general manager who have and now it’s transitioning, with Belichick doesn’t have to be as Hayden spent several months nard is listed as questionable.
There’s not much to belabor at the chops to win at least relatively rookie quarterback Will Levis bleak. on Washington’s practice squad — Associated Press
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post eZ M2 d9

aNalysis NBa ROUNdUP

Pressure is on to generate consistent pass rush Brown

and Tatum
Trading Young, Sweat
leaves the Commanders
lead Boston
evaluating edge options
to easy win
CELtICs 117,
In the Washington Command- raptors 94
ers’ first game without Chase
Young and montez Sweat, the pass
rush didn’t produce. The team had A SSOCIATED P RESS
one sack (negated by a penalty)
and its lowest pressure rate this Jaylen Brown scored 29 points
season (21.7 percent). But, to be and Jayson Tatum had 27 as the
fair, the New England Patriots Boston Celtics cruised to a 117-94
didn’t afford the pass rush many home victory over the Toronto
opportunities. They used lots of raptors on Saturday night.
quick-passing concepts, and quar- Kristaps Porzingis added 21
terback mac Jones consistently got points and seven rebounds in 28
the ball out of his hands fast. minutes for the Celtics, who won
This past week, no one in the their second straight after a 14-
building, pass rushers or coaches, point victory over the Brooklyn
seemed concerned about a dimin- Nets in their first NBA in-season
ished pass rush. tournament game friday night.
“Anytime a team throws as Pascal Siakam led the raptors
much quick game as [the Patriots] with 17 points and seven re-
throw, you’re not going to get home bounds.
a lot,” defensive coordinator Jack Toronto, which had won its pre-
Del rio said. “our defense played vious two games — both on the
well.” road — shot just 10 for 37 on
But in the aftermath of the seis- three-point attempts.
mic trades of the two defensive Brown scored 14 in the third
ends, questions loom: Who are the quarter when the Celtics pushed
future edge rushers for the Com- their nine-point halftime edge to
manders? If this season ends with 24 points. He started his scoring
Sam Howell as the franchise quar- spree with a left-corner three and
terback, then is edge rusher the capped it with a putback jam,
team’s top need? If so, what will the coming in on the baseline.
edge market look like? And what l HEAT 117, HAWKS 109: In
are realistic expectations for JohN McDoNNell/the washiNgtoN Post Atlanta, Bam Adebayo scored 26
whomever the team drafts or Casey Toohill, left, and James Smith-Williams are backups turned starters after the Commanders dealt away their top two defensive ends. points with 17 rebounds and rook-
signs? ie Jaime Jaquez Jr. added a career-
Let’s zoom in for a second. for ual success,” he said. “obviously, I sure at disappointing rates this with double-digit sacks, though regimes, the franchise flipped an high 20 points as shorthanded
the rest of this year, at least, the want to play well and for the team season; Allen is near a career low he’s on pace to this year (6.5 elite talent for less than he was miami won its fourth straight.
edge plan seems set. There are the to reward me for it. But when I’m in (9.9 percent), and Daron Payne is through 10 games). worth. Despite Sweat’s success, the The Heat was playing its first
backups turned starters (James the game, it never crosses my at one (5.8 percent). Both are big Poles’s decision highlights threat seems heightened with game since leading scorer Tyler
Smith-Williams and Casey Toohill) mind.” parts of the Commanders’ future, Washington’s coming predica- Young. Even though he sometimes Herro sprained his right ankle in
and the rookies turned backups okay, let’s zoom back out. The though, so the front office would ment. for all the salary cap reali- lacked discipline, he also looked Wednesday night’s 108-102 win at
(Andre Jones Jr. and KJ Henry), urgency to bolster the pass rush have to bolster the pass rush by ties and unmet expectations, powerful and explosive. He has the memphis Grizzlies. Herro is
and Efe obada will probably play a this offseason will be inextricably adding an edge rusher. Young and Sweat were tough-to- generated pressure on 17.2 percent expected to miss at least two
sizable role. The line should have a linked to Howell, who, despite his Surveying the market, Washing- find talents. most of the league’s of his rushes this season, according weeks. Another top scorer, Jimmy
better chance to generate pressure promise, is still not a guarantee to ton might come away disappoint- best edge rushers went in the first to NfL Next Gen Stats, which is Butler, missed the game for per-
Sunday in Seattle because Sea- be anointed the franchise quarter- ed. The free agent class is made up round of the draft, with a few nota- one of the league’s highest rates. sonal reasons.
hawks quarterback Geno Smith back, especially if there’s a new of mostly aging veterans. The only ble exceptions. (Cincinnati’s Trey And Young, for his part, wasted Kyle Lowry scored 17 points for
holds the ball. Smith’s average time coaching staff and front office in high-level edge rushers entering Hendrickson went in the third no time suggesting he would be miami, and Josh richardson had
to throw this year is 2.95 seconds, 2024. one way to look at the trades their primes who could hit free round; Las Vegas’s maxx Crosby better off without Washington. At a 16, also a season high. Duncan
tied for the sixth-slowest mark in is as a hedge: If Howell is truly the agency are Young, who will be 25; went in the fourth.) But now, no news conference monday, he told robinson scored 11 points in his
the NfL, though the metric also answer, great; if he’s not, the picks Carolina’s Brian Burns, 26; and edge rusher on the Commanders San francisco reporters the trade first start of the season.
captures Smith’s ability to extend acquired for Young and Sweat Jacksonville’s Josh Allen, 27. was picked higher than the fifth didn’t upset him because, with the Trae Young led Atlanta with 27
plays and throw on the run. could help Washington move up in In the draft, experts seem to round. 49ers, “the culture, the vibe is a lot points, including 14 in the fourth
“There’s some things that you the draft and select another quar- regard the edge rusher class as And if Howell is the guy, the different. I definitely know that I’m quarter, and 11 assists. Dejounte
can do to help the pass rush,” Coach terback. good but not elite. There are a few Commanders will only have two in a building with winners.” murray had 23 points.
ron rivera said. “We’ll work on finding a quarterback is more prospects projected for the top half more seasons — 2024 and 2025 — “Just the players. The spirit in Jaquez, making his third start,
those things, and hopefully it’ll important than the pass rush. Just of the first round, including Ala- to build around his rookie contract the locker room. The spirit of the almost doubled his previous high
show on Sunday.” ask the San francisco 49ers — or a bama’s Dallas Turner, Penn State’s before it expires. coaches,” he explained. “You know, of 11 points against memphis. The
more snaps will allow the five pass rusher already on the Com- Chop robinson, UCLA’s Laiatu Under a different coaching staff it’s just different. . . . It’s kind of that first-round pick from UCLA hit a
edge rushers — three veterans on manders. Latu and florida State’s Jared or front office, maybe Young and same thing at ohio State, where it’s buzzer-beating three-pointer to
expiring deals and two rookies — to “Defensive line, you can only Verse. No one is considered genera- Sweat could have produced more like you’re expected to win.” close the first half.
argue they should be part of the affect the game so much,” defen- tional, as Young once was. or more consistently. We’ll never rivera, asked about Young’s l MAGIC 112, BUCKS 97: Pau-
pass rush’s future. The three vets sive tackle Jonathan Allen said. He It’s notable that Chicago Bears know. for the rest of their careers, comments, said: “I really appreci- lo Banchero had 24 points and 12
have proved capable of doing their pointed out that in 2021 against the General manager ryan Poles if they play well and Washington ate who he was for us. [He] did rebounds and the Wagner broth-
jobs and complementing the star Green Bay Packers he had two looked at the same markets and bet fails to find suitable replacements, some nice things, and [I] just wish ers combined for 43 points as host
defensive tackles. Smith-Williams sacks, three quarterback hits and huge on Sweat. The Bears, with one the trades could look shortsighted. him all the luck in San francisco.” orlando dealt milwaukee its sec-
is probably the strongest candi- two tackles for losses — and Wash- of the league’s worst defensive The team could have kept Young or In just a few months, Washing- ond straight loss.
date to be retained because he’s the ington lost by two touchdowns. “If lines, gave up a second-round pick Sweat; managing partner Josh ton will be looking for edge rushers Bucks star Giannis Antetok-
youngest (26) and seems the most Tom Brady has a good game, you’re to the Commanders and then Harris greenlit trading both. and Young will be looking for a big ounmpo had 35 points, 10 re-
trusted (23 career starts). But he probably going to win.” signed Sweat to a four-year, There will be pressure on Wash- new contract. It seems extremely bounds and seven assists two
said he’s not thinking about the Going forward, the team could $98 million deal, the fifth-highest ington (and Harris) to succeed unlikely the two would reunite. nights after a 54-point effort in a
future. just go cheap at edge and leave its edge rusher contract in the league without Young and Sweat, to not The Commanders have pretty loss to the Indiana Pacers. mil-
“I want to win, and that takes pass rush to the highly paid tack- by annual average ($24.5 million). have a redo of the Trent Williams much bet their future at edge rush- waukee played a second game
precedence for me over my individ- les. But both have generated pres- Sweat has never finished a season trade, in which, in the transition of er on anyone else. without Damian Lillard, who has
a sore left calf.
franz Wagner scored 24 for the
magic, and moritz Wagner came
BaRRy svRlUga Any mid-level rivera-ologist off the bench with 19 points and
can recite the stats: In his 11 full four rebounds. Jalen Suggs added

Rivera hasn’t shown why NfL seasons — not counting this

year’s 4-5 and the 5-7 he posted
before being fired in Carolina in
20 points.
The loss ended milwaukee’s 14-
game winning streak against the

he deserves another year 2019 — rivera was 6-10 twice, 7-8-

1 once, 7-9 three times, 7-10 once
and 8-8-1 once. Yawn. In his three
magic and marked its first loss in
orlando since march 14, 2018.
76ers’ Oubre hit by vehicle
winning seasons, he is 28 games
SvRlUGA from D1 ticked and the calendar has over .500. In his other seasons, he Philadelphia 76ers guard Kelly
flipped, and he really hasn’t is 21 games below .500. oubre Jr. sustained undisclosed
“To me, it’s all in front of us,” proved anything about why he That’s not a small sample size. injuries when he was struck by a
rivera said this past week. “I deserves to stay in 2024 and That’s a pattern, a track record vehicle, the team said, and is ex-
really do believe that.” beyond. that is established. pected to miss significant playing
from where he sits — with a 4- I don’t want to link Harris to This is the season that’s going time.
5 team, a developing quarterback “The Process” undertaken by his to force Harris to overlook all that The 27-year-old was transport-
and a 9-3 record in November Philadelphia 76ers and say that evidence? ed to a hospital in stable condition
with Washington — it’s a means he will employ a dramatic Parse rivera’s argument for after being hit and released a few
reasonable way to think. But it lose-to-win plan here. But it can’t keeping himself a little further. “A hours later. The team said he is not
says here there’s no realistic, be completely ignored, and it JoNathaN NewtoN/the washiNgtoN Post lot of change, a lot of things that expected to miss the rest of the
reasonably attainable route for suggests that deciding on Ron Rivera still has eight games left this season to prove his worth, we’re doing differently” is a season but did not provide infor-
rivera to keep his job. Certainly leadership in both roster- but his 26-32-1 mark in 31/2 years with Washington speaks volumes. reference to installing Sam mation on his injuries.
not as the czar of personnel and building and coaching will be a Howell as the quarterback to run The 76ers said oubre was walk-
roster-building. But not as on- logical, analytical endeavor. audition.” Now, back to the winning. a new offense installed by first- ing near his home in downtown
field head coach, either. rivera has roamed the sideline At least he understands that By now, we know who rivera is year coordinator Eric Bieniemy. Philadelphia when he was struck.
That’s not a bet against the in Washington for 59 games. He is last part, and clearly. as a coach. When he was hired recent trends are positive for l WIZARDS: Washington an-
Commanders this Sunday against 26-32-1. His first draft choice here As always, when it comes to before the 2020 season, I focused both. nounced that backup guard Delon
the (equally middling) Seahawks. was the second overall pick in assessing rivera’s tenure, it’s on rivera’s high points over the But asking for more time to Wright has a sprained left knee
Nor is it to say that Washington 2020, whom he just traded to the worth noting the tumultuous course of nine seasons with maximize the offense is an and will be reevaluated in three
couldn’t string a few wins San francisco 49ers for a third- times in which he took the job — Carolina: 12-4 in 2013, 15-1 in 2015 attempt at obscuring how badly weeks.
together, because rivera’s teams round pick. with a pandemic and a national and 11-5 in 2017. rivera and his front office — led The team said the injury would
have done that around this time Where to hang your hat? If this reckoning on race arriving before The hiring of a new football by martin mayhew and marty be treated “conservatively” after
of year more than once. season represents rivera’s he coached his first game here, czar should inherently bring Hurney — messed up the offense Wright was hurt in the fourth
rather, it’s a sober assessment audition for Harris, what with Daniel Snyder’s troubles optimism, but the biggest reason for the first three seasons. oh, quarter of friday night’s loss to the
of the results rivera has achieved evidence could rivera bring to his with the NfL and Congress a to point to the positive was that and the defense? It ranks 29th in Charlotte Hornets.
across his career, an new boss that shows, clearly, he relentless black cloud over those Panthers seasons directly yards allowed per play, 30th in Wright, 31, has averaged 17.6
acknowledgment that the club is has built a solid foundation and everything the team did. He has contrasted what had been points allowed per game and minutes and 5.0 points per game
under new management and an better days are in both the near navigated so much with dignity. possible in Washington. Here’s 28th in yards allowed per game. this season.
educated guess that said new and distant future? “first of all, the man that he is,” the spot in which we remind But, mr. Harris, all we need is
management isn’t going to look at “I just think as you look at what tight end Logan Thomas said. everyone that Washington hasn’t more time? Wiz aRd s ’ N e x T Th Ree
the on-field product and say, we’re doing and we continue to be “He’s straight-up with you. He posted a season with 11 or more Watch the Commanders on
“We’re clearly headed in the right competitive, that’s probably the ain’t going to sugarcoat wins since — are you serious? — Sunday and root for them — even at Brooklyn Nets
direction.” biggest thing right now,” rivera anything.” 1991. if losses would mean better draft
Think about it. said. “We’ve had a lot of change, a “He’s extremely transparent So it wasn’t unreasonable to picks for whoever will be today 3 Monumental
Josh Harris’s charge as the lot of things that we’re doing with the team in what he acknowledge that Washington’s entrusted with making them in
(still) new owner of his differently and just trying to put expects,” star wide receiver Terry new coach had repeatedly pulled the future. But in pulling for your at Toronto Raptors
hometown NfL franchise: fix the it together. I mean, for me, the mcLaurin said. “When we come off something Washington hadn’t team, be realistic about that tomorrow 7:30 Monumental
fan experience, sure. But fix the biggest thing is just to continue to out there, we know what’s done for three decades. But in future, too. Nothing in rivera’s
football, too. play hard and continue to do the expected of us at practice, how we that case, focusing on the highs past indicates he is about to put vs. dallas Mavericks
rivera began his first training best we can and hopefully win come in the building and team meant overlooking all the dreck together the final pieces of a
camp under Harris 31/2 months some football games more so meetings, how we’re supposed to that accompanied them. And by résumé that will blow away his wednesday 7 Monumental
ago by saying, “I’ve got a lot to than anything else. present ourselves.” now, midway through his fourth new boss. There may be a lot of
prove.” Halfway through the “I mean, the truth is, this is That kind of consistency and Washington season, it’s not the football ahead, but there’s a lot of Radio: WTEM (980 AM)
season, that remains the case. about winning. That’s the biggest clarity matters to professional highs that have been replicated. football behind, too, and that or WDCH (99.1 FM)
The problem: The clock has thing that comes from the athletes. Good on rivera. It’s the dreck. evidence is damning.
d10 eZ M2 the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

Gotham wins NWSL final; Rapinoe leaves injured soCCer roundup

After hot start, Tottenham

Gotham 2,
reiGn 1 su≠ers second loss in row
BY S TEVEN G OFF two-goal lead for the second time
tottenham 2, in three league matches and also
SAN DIEGO — megan rapinoe’s wolverhampton 1 lost key player rafael Leão to inju-
remarkable soccer career ended ry in a drama-filled 2-2 draw at
abruptly and cruelly Saturday, less Lecce in Serie A.
than three minutes into the NWSL A SSOCIATED P RESS milan appeared to be heading
championship game. for its first league win in more
on the final day of a journey The honeymoon is over for than a month following goals from
splashed with World Cup titles Ange Postecoglou after consecu- olivier Giroud and Tijjani
and global acclaim for leading po- tive losses for the first time as reijnders but Lecce drew level in
litical and human rights causes, Tottenham manager. the second half with two goals in
the 38-year-old winger for Seat- Stoppage-time goals from Pablo four minutes from Nicola Sansone
tle’s oL reign was pursuing Sarabia and mario Lemina se- and Lameck Banda.
Gotham fC’s maitane López when cured a 2-1 comeback win for host Lecce had what would have
she crumbled to the ground with a Wolverhampton on Saturday that been a stoppage-time winner
noncontact injury. stopped Spurs from moving back ruled out by the video assistant
As rapinoe reached for her low- to the top of the standings. referee, moments after milan for-
er right leg, her facial expression “It’s part of the pain of football ward Giroud was sent off. . . .
was a mix of disbelief and sadness. when things happen in those cir- Juventus moved a point clear at
Before the medical staff reached cumstances. You’ve just got to take the top with a 2-1 win over Cagliari.
her, it was clear rapinoe’s night — it,” Postecoglou said. “I can’t fault l spaiN: Girona fought back
and her 15-year pro career — was roByN Beck/aGeNce FraNce-PreSSe/GeTTy iMaGeS the players’ effort or their commit- for a 2-1 victory at rayo Vallecano
over. Megan Rapinoe, right, exited her final professional game in the sixth minute after a noncontact injury. ment.” to ensure it kept its surprising lead
She pulled her blue jersey over The visiting team led after atop the Spanish league. . . .
her face. After being helped up, attention back to the game. tance, pulled on an oversize goal- than 100 matches per season. The Brennan Johnson’s goal just three real madrid routed visiting Va-
rapinoe was embraced by In its first championship ap- keeper jersey. previous deal had reaped $1.5 mil- minutes in and was poised to re- lencia, 5-1, with Brazilians
Gotham’s Ali Krieger, one of her pearance, Gotham went ahead in martin was not tested; Lavelle’s lion annually from CBS. gain first place from manchester Vinícius Júnior and rodrygo get-
best friends who also announced the 24th minute. midge Purce beat free kick from 19 yards smashed The return of the Utah royals City. ting two goals each.
earlier this year that she would three players on the right flank into the defensive wall. moments and expansion into Northern Cali- Postecoglou made league his- l GERMaNY: Harry Kane
retire this fall. before crossing to Lynn Williams later, the final whistle blew. fornia with Bay fC will increase tory by winning a hat trick of scored twice as Bayern munich
With her fiancée, retired bas- for a seven-yard one-timer. Purce, a Silver Spring native the number of teams to 14. Boston manager of the month awards in survived a scare to beat promoted
ketball star Sue Bird, looking on, five minutes later, oL reign who played at Good Counsel High, is next, in 2026, and Berman said his first three months in England’s Heidenheim, 4-2, and move to the
rapinoe threw her arms over the drew even when Bethany Balcer, was voted championship game “more than a dozen qualified in- top flight after a 10-game unbeat- top of the Bundesliga. . . .
shoulders of team personnel and rapinoe’s replacement, threaded mVP. vestor groups” have expressed in- en run. But the loss to Wolves Serhou Guirassy scored in his
gingerly returned to the bench. a through ball to rose Lavelle for a The final culminated a bright terest in the No. 16 slot. followed monday’s 4-1 defeat return from injury to guide Stutt-
reign Coach Laura Harvey said breakaway and a cool finish into 11th season for the NWSL. Attend- But the NWSL will face greater against Chelsea. . . . gart to a 2-1 win over visiting Bo-
she did not know the extent of the near side of the net. ance grew 26 percent to an aver- competition for players. Increased With his fourth goal in 246 ap- russia Dortmund.
rapinoe’s injury, which she said In the 38th minute, Purce hit age of 10,869, led by the San Diego investment in women’s soccer in pearances, Victor Lindelof eased l FRaNCE: Kylian mbappé
she thought was to her ankle or the near post with a header and Wave’s 20,718. five games drew Europe could begin to attract the pressure on Erik ten Hag as scored a hat trick and Gianluigi
Achilles’ tendon but was not sure. Yazmeen ryan pounded the re- 25,000, with a league-record more players from the NWSL. And host manchester United beat Lu- Donnarumma made six decisive
“for that to happen so early in the bound off the crossbar from equal- 34,130 for rapinoe’s regular sea- starting next fall, a new U.S. circuit ton, 1-0. saves to send Paris Saint-Germain
game was obviously devastating ly close range. son home farewell in Seattle. By is slated to start with eight teams: The center back swept home a to the top of the french league
for her and for us,” Harvey said. Gotham was clinical in stop- contrast, the WNBA, which enjoys the USL Super League, operated 59th-minute winner at old Traf- with a 3-0 win at reims. . . . .
“It’s not obviously the fairy-tale page time as Purce’s corner kick far greater TV exposure and media by the organization that runs sec- ford to secure back-to-back league Third-place monaco lost
ending we wanted for her.” met Esther González, a member of coverage, averaged 6,615 fans last ond- and third-division men’s pro wins for United for only the sec- ground in the title race after draw-
rapinoe’s pain and disappoint- Spain’s World Cup-winning season. leagues. ond time this season. . . . ing, 0-0, at Le Havre and lags three
ment were compounded by the squad, for an eight-yard header It’s not all rosy at the NWSL box “We know this is a moment not William Saliba scored his first points behind PSG.
outcome: a 2-1 defeat against New into the left side. office. While new teams in San to be complacent,” Berman said. goal of the season as Arsenal l Mls: Griffin Dorsey scored
Jersey-based Gotham, which com- fifteen minutes into the second Diego and Los Angeles have been “It’s a moment to invest for the climbed into second place with a the decisive goal in a 4-3 shootout
pleted a worst-to-first turnaround half, Lavelle’s crafty work set up immediate hits and soccer-rich future. It's a moment we don’t take 3-1 home win over Burnley despite victory, and the Houston Dynamo
after winning just four games last Veronica Latsko for a breakaway, Portland continues to pack in big for granted. We believe we have an finishing the game with 10 men. advanced to the Western Confer-
year. It was a bittersweet crowning but mandy Haught made a bril- crowds, the league has struggled unprecedented opportunity to Saliba headed home a corner to ence semifinals after a 1-1 draw
moment for the 39-year-old Krieg- liant save. in Chicago, orlando and Houston, grow this league. . . . our aspira- restore Arsenal’s lead in the with visiting real Salt Lake in the
er, the captain and Northern Vir- With Krieger anchoring the re- among other places. tion is to be the best league in the 57th minute, shortly after Josh rubber match of the first-round
ginia native who hoisted the sistance, Gotham yielded few oth- Viewership on the CBS-owned world, and we’re prepared to make Brownhill had equalized against mLS Cup series.
NWSL trophy for the first time. er quality opportunities. In the Paramount Plus streaming service the decisions and investments the run of play at the Emirates. . . . Houston will play Sporting
rapinoe’s injury threatened to fifth of six minutes of stoppage increased by 83 percent, accord- that are necessary to make that a Newcastle’s seven-match un- Kansas City in the conference
overshadow the match, played be- time, however, Haught reached ing to Commissioner Jessica Ber- reality.” beaten league run ended with a semifinals.
fore an announced 25,011 at Snap- outside the penalty area to punch man. And on Thursday, Berman The NWSL can certainly boast 2-0 defeat at Bournemouth. . . . Diego Luna and Danny musovs-
dragon Stadium, an NWSL cham- the ball from danger. Play contin- announced the league had en- balanced competition. This year’s Everton’s 3-2 win at Crystal Pal- ki misfired for real Salt Lake in
pionship record. But a thrilling ued, but video replay showed the tered into a four-year deal, valued final featured No. 4 (oL reign) vs. ace moved it up to 14th in the the shootout. Adalberto Carras-
first half — and an incredible fin- infraction. Haught received a red at a reported $240 million, with No. 6 (Gotham), and Gotham be- standings and eight points clear of quilla, Thorleifur Ulfarsson and
ish — produced by two teams seek- card, and defender Nealy martin CBS Sports, ESPN, Prime Video came the fourth different team in the relegation zone. Amine Bassi scored the other
ing their first title brought the took her place and, with assis- and Scripps Sports to carry more four postseasons to win the title. l italY: AC milan wasted a shootout goals for the Dynamo.

nhl roundup
Ovechkin helps Caps earn second victory in two nights
Fabbri and Detroit rally, Capitals from D1

extend Columbus’s slide his first in five-on-five play this

season, helped the Capitals to a
4-1 win over the New York Island-
with 23 points, because of illness. ers, who had shut them out just
red winGs 5, His absence showed as Tampa Bay nine days earlier in Washington.
blue jackets 4 struggled to generate offense for ovechkin added a second goal,
long stretches. the 826th of his career, when he
l CaNaDiaNs 3, BRUiNs 2 hit the empty net with three sec-
A SSOCIATED P RESS (Ot): Kaiden Guhle scored in onds left.
overtime, and host montreal Hunter Shepard, in his second
robby fabbri always seems to snapped its 10-game losing streak NHL start, made 36 saves to im-
bounce back from an injury-relat- against Boston. prove to 2-0. Semyon Varlamov,
ed absence. Unfortunately, the Bruins goalie Jeremy Swayman the former Washington netmind-
Detroit red Wings forward has suffered his first loss of the sea- er who stymied the Capitals in
plenty of experience doing it. son, albeit not one in regulation. their previous matchup, stopped
Playing in his second game Boston forced overtime on Brad 24 of 27 shots. The Capitals helped
since a month-long absence be- marchand’s goal at 12:58 of the Shepard by blocking 32 shots;
cause of a lower-body injury, fab- third period. forward Beck malenstyn and de-
bri scored as the host red Wings l sENatORs 4, FlaMEs 1: fenseman Lucas Johansen led the
beat the Columbus Blue Jackets, Host ottawa snapped a five-game way with five apiece.
5-4, on Saturday, handing the Blue home-ice losing streak with a win “Everybody was all-in,” ovech-
Jackets their fourth straight loss. over Calgary. kin said. “It was back-to-back. We
over the course of his NHL It was a team effort, with ma- played against good team. We all
career, fabbri has battled back thieu Joseph, Drake Batherson, knew what they were going to do.
from four knee surgeries. rourke Chartier and Travis Everybody played smart, played
“It’s just a mental battle more Hamonic all scoring. Joonas Kor- simple. Shep today was unbeliev-
than physical,” fabbri said. “I’ve pisalo was solid in goal, stopping able. makes huge saves. ‘D’ do a
done it a few times, so I kind of 24 shots. great job blocking shots.”
know where to keep my mind at, l staRs 3, JEts 2: Wyatt In their first nine games, the
and then that helps me get my Johnston had a goal and an assist Capitals (7-4-2) scored first just
body ready.” as Dallas defeated host Winnipeg. once. They now have scored the
Lucas raymond, Alex DeBrin- Thomas Harley and matt Duch- first goal in each of their past four
cat, Daniel Sprong and Jake Wal- ene also scored for the Stars, who games, a run ovechkin extended JohN MuNSoN/aSSociaTed PreSS

man also scored for Detroit, while did all their scoring in the second with his first-period tally Satur- alex Ovechkin scored his first goal in five-on-five play of the season, then added a late empty-netter.
Ville Husso made 17 saves. period. day. The Islanders (5-5-3), who
Alex Texier, Adam fantilli, Sean Scott Wedgewood made were idle friday night as Wash- change the momentum. C apitals ’ n e x t th ree Capitals’ defense — despite miss-
Kuraly and Patrik Laine had goals 31 saves for Dallas. ington beat the New Jersey Devils The second period was frenetic, ing martin fehervary, who left the
for Columbus. Spencer martin The loss snapped a three-game in Newark, clearly looked like the with scoring chances and odd- vs. Vegas Golden Knights Devils game with a lower-body
stopped 23 shots for the Blue winning streak for the Jets. fresher team, and their speed in man rushes at both ends. But injury — preserved the lead.
Jackets. l MaplE lEaFs 5, Ca- transition gave the Capitals is- despite the chaos — one sequence Tuesday 7 Monumental Though the Islanders had the ma-
With Detroit trailing 3-2 late in NUCKs 2: Noah Gregor had a sues. But after ovechkin fired a featured Capitals winger Sonny jority of the possession and gener-
the second period after taking an goal and an assist and Tyler Ber- wrist shot into the far side past milano tumbling into the net with vs. Columbus Blue Jackets ated lengthy sequences in their
early 2-0 lead, DeBrincat convert- tuzzi, max Domi and Bobby mc- Varlamov at 9:18, Washington set- Varlamov after a scoring opportu- Saturday 7:30 Monumental offensive zone, Carbery said he
ed a one-timer from the right mann had two assists apiece as tled in. nity, then the Islanders’ Casey was pleased with how his team
faceoff circle for his 10th of the host Toronto defeated Vancouver. ovechkin has had similar looks Cizikas working against defense- vs. Buffalo sabres limited New York’s dangerous
season but his first goal in eight l pENGUiNs 4, saBREs 0: this season, but he was finally able man rasmus Sandin on a one-on- scoring opportunities and held on
games. Erik Karlsson scored twice and to score on one Saturday. one rush the other way — Wash- Nov. 22 7 Monumental to sweep the back-to-back.
Sprong’s fourth goal of the sea- Evgeni malkin had a goal and an “me and Kuzy talk about right ington scored twice to regain, “Difficult circumstances with
son put the red Wings ahead for assist as host Pittsburgh blasted before the faceoff,” he said. “Kuzy then extend, its lead. Radio: WJFK (106.7 FM), the back-to-back, on the road, los-
good at 18:19. Buffalo. tell me what to do, and then it At 13:05, the Capitals’ fourth WFED (1500 AM) ing a few bodies mid-trip,” Car-
Walman pushed the lead to 5-3 Tristian Jarry had 35 saves for works. I have to listen more [to] line recorded its third goal in two bery said. “for us to find a way — it
early in the third period, and the the shutout for Pittsburgh. Kuzy.” games when center Nic Dowd bat- plenty of space to put the Capitals wasn’t pretty at times, and [we]
insurance was needed when l COYOtEs 7, pREDatORs A Shepard turnover behind the ted a loose puck past Varlamov. ahead 3-1 with just 40 seconds left had to defend quite a bit, but we
Laine pulled Columbus within 5: Sean Durzi scored a tiebreaking net led to the Islanders’ tying goal, Winger Nicolas Aube-Kubel, who in the period. found a way. . . . It’s a character
one on a power-play goal at 11:30. goal on a power play with just over scored by defenseman Alexander had a goal and an assist in Wash- “Those second and third goals win for our group and a great
l HURRiCaNEs 4, liGHt- three minutes to play, michael romanov with 43 seconds left in ington’s 4-2 win over the Devils, . . . those are big,” Capitals Coach couple days.”
NiNG 0: In Tampa, Sebastian Carcone scored twice and Logan the period. Then Capitals defense- put the first shot on Varlamov Spencer Carbery said. “Now you Note: fehervary was placed on
Aho and Brent Burns each had a Cooley had three assists, helping man Alex Alexeyev was whistled before Dowd ensured it crossed can play from in front, and you injured reserve Saturday. Sandin
goal and an assist, Pyotr Kochetk- Arizona win a wild one against for holding with less than two the line. can see what happens tonight. was a game-time decision with a
ov stopped 23 shots for his fifth host Nashville. seconds remaining, setting up The depth scoring continued The Islanders had a ton of good “sore face” after taking a high hit
career shutout, and Carolina beat filip forsberg scored two goals New York to begin the second for Washington when third-line looks, lot of [offensive] zone time, against the Devils, so the Capitals
Tampa Bay. and set up one for the Predators. period with momentum and a forward Aliaksei Protas finished but they’re pressing. They’re recalled Dylan mcIlrath from
Carolina won for the sixth time l BlUEs 8, aValaNCHE 2: power play. Though the Capitals an opportunity created by winger throwing things at the net. Now Hershey, their American Hockey
in eight games. In Denver, Brayden Schenn and killed the penalty, extending their matthew Phillips off the you’re forcing the issue.” League affiliate, as insurance on
Tampa Bay played without for- Pavel Buchnevich each had a hat streak without allowing a power- forecheck. Phillips picked up the Washington was under siege the blue line. Sandin was able to
ward Nikita Kucherov, who en- trick, and St. Louis blasted Colo- play goal to 18 shorthanded op- puck behind the net and sent a for much of the third period, but play, so mcIlrath was a healthy
tered the game second in the NHL rado. portunities, it didn’t do much to pass in front to Protas, who had Shepard’s work in goal and the scratch.
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post EZ M2 d11

SC O ReB O A Rd Md. 2A FIeLd HOCKey


Eyre sisters
EAsTERn confEREncE
nHL nCAA men
MLS Cup playoffs
fiRsT RoUnD
finish off
epic era for
sATURDAY’s REsULTs ATLAnTic gp w L oT pts gf gA
Boston ........................ 14 11 1 2 24 46 28 EAsT wEDnEsDAY, ocT. 25
See D4. ATLAnTic w L pct gb EAsTERn confEREncE
Detroit ........................ 15 8 5 2 18 55 49 Canisius 70, St. Bonaventure 67
Philadelphia.................................. 7 1 .875 — Toronto ....................... 15 8 5 2 18 55 54 Connecticut 107, Stonehill 67 at New York 5, Charlotte 2
Boston .......................................... 7 2 .778 2
Florida......................... 13 8 4 1 17 40 37 George Washington 95, William & Mary 89
no. 14 Missouri 36, New York ...................................... 4 4 .500 3 wEsTERn confEREncE

Montreal..................... 14 7 5 2 16 42 48 Holy Cross 68, Georgetown 67 at Sporting KC 0, San Jose 0 (Sporting KC wins, 4-2 PKs)
Brooklyn ....................................... 4 5 .444 31/2
no. 13 Tennessee 7 Toronto......................................... 4 5 .444 31/2
Tampa Bay.................. 15 6 5 4 16 53 54 La Salle 79, Northeastern 74
Buffalo........................ 15 7 7 1 15 44 47 Loyola (Md.) 77, Brown 75 (OT) qUARTERfinALs
TEnnEssEE ............................. 0 7 0 0— 7 Ottawa........................ 13 6 7 0 12 50 44 Marist 65, UMBC 59 Best of three
MissoURi ................................ 0 13 9 14 — 36 soUThEAsT w L pct gb Maryland Eastern Shore 83, Cairn 65
Miami ........................................... 5 4 .556 — Mount St. Mary’s 74, Coppin State 60
EAsTERn confEREncE
METRopoLiTAn gp w L oT pts gf gA fc cincinnATi ELiMinATED RED bULLs, 2-0
sEconD qUARTER Atlanta ......................................... 5 4 .556 — N.Y. Rangers............... 13 10 2 1 21 43 28 Providence 79, Milwaukee 69
Orlando......................................... 5 4 .556 — Seton Hall 85, Fairleigh Dickinson 55 Game 1: at Cincinnati 3, New York 0
MiZZ: FG Mevis 31, 14:16. Carolina....................... 15 9 6 0 18 51 49 Game 2: Cincinnati 1, at New York 1 (Cincinnati wins, 8-7
TEnn: Thornton 46 pass from Milton (C.Campbell kick), 12:25.
MiZZ: Schrader 7 run (Mevis kick), 10:33.
Charlotte ...................................... 3
Washington.................................. 2
Washington ................ 13 7
Pittsburgh .................. 13 7
2 16 32 37
0 14 46 34
South Alabama 70, Buffalo 56
oRLAnDo ciTY sc ELiMinATED nAshViLLE sc, 2-0
glenelg 4,
MiZZ: FG Mevis 46, :00.
Indiana.......................................... 6

New Jersey ................. 13 7
N.Y. Islanders ............. 13 5
x-Philadelphia............. 14 6
1 15 48 49
3 13 32 40
1 13 44 44
East Carolina 77, Campbell 63
Longwood 95, St. Mary’s (Md.) 43 Game 1: at Orlando City 1, Nasvhille 0
Game 2: Orlando City 1, at Nashville 0
Hereford 0
Mississippi State 87, UT Martin 63
MiZZ: Cook 3 run (pass failed), 10:04. Milwaukee.................................... 5 4 .556 1 Columbus.................... 14 4 7 3 11 38 49 Richmond 90, Siena 48 cREw AnD ATLAnTA UniTED TiED, 1-1
MiZZ: FG Mevis 23, 2:38. Cleveland...................................... 4 5 .444 2 Utah Tech 81, Jacksonville State 79 (OT) Game 1: at Columbus 2, Atlanta United 0
foURTh qUARTER Chicago ......................................... 3
Detroit .......................................... 2
cEnTRAL gp w L oT pts gf gA Wofford 99, High Point 98 Game 2: at Atlanta United 4, Columbus 2 BY E MMETT S IEGEL
MiZZ: Burden 21 pass from Cook (Mevis kick), 6:21. Dallas.......................... 13 9 3 1 19 40 33 MiDwEsT Sunday: Atlanta United at Columbus, 7
wEsTERn confEREncE x-Colorado .................. 12 8 4 0 16 41 38
MiZZ: Carnell 38 interception return (Mevis kick), 5:50. Ball State 73, Old Dominion 68 Union ELiMinATED REVoLUTion, 2-0
Attendance: 62,621. Winnipeg .................... 14 7
Arizona ....................... 14 7
2 16 49 47
1 15 54 47
Bowling Green 81, Arkansas State 75 Game 1: at Philadelphia 3, New England 1 High school field hockey teams
soUThwEsT w L pct gb Bradley 72, Utah State 66 (OT)
Tennessee Missouri Dallas............................................ 7 2 .778 — x-St. Louis .................. 12 6 5 1 13 32 34 Cleveland State 82, Ohio 78
Game 2: Philadelphia 1, at New England 0 in Maryland will consider them-
First Downs ..................................... 15 26 Houston........................................ 5 3 .625 11/2 Minnesota .................. 14 5 7 2 12 47 56 Creighton 89, North Dakota State 60 wEsTERn confEREncE selves lucky Saturday was the last
Total Net Yards ............................. 350 530 New Orleans................................. 4 5 .444 3 Chicago ....................... 12 5 7 0 10 31 41 Eastern Michigan 70, Georgia Southern 60 spoRTing kc ELiMinATED sT. LoUis ciTY sc, 2-0
Rushes-Yards ............................. 23-83 51-255 San Antonio.................................. 3 6 .333 4 Nashville..................... 14 5 9 0 10 47 54 Georgia State 77, Western Michigan 70 Game 1: Sporting KC 4, at St. Louis City SC 1 time they will have to watch AJ
Passing .......................................... 267 275 Memphis....................................... 1 8 .111 6 Game 2: at Sporting KC 2, St. Louis City SC 1
Punt Returns ................................ 1--1 0-0 pAcific gp w L oT pts gf gA
Kent State 79, Fresno State 69
Louisiana Monroe 74, Central Michigan 64
and Brinkley Eyre take the field
soUnDERs ELiMinATED fc DALLAs, 2-1
Kickoff Returns ............................ 2-32 0-0
noRThwEsT w L pct gb Vegas .......................... 15 12 2 1 25 58 32 Northern Illinois 91, Appalachian State 78 Game 1: at Seattle 2, FC Dallas 0 together.
Interceptions Ret. ......................... 1-36 1-38 Vancouver................... 14 10 3 1 21 61 31 Saint Louis 80, Illinois State 71
Comp-Att-Int .......................... 22-34-1 18-24-1
Denver .......................................... 8
Minnesota .................................... 6

11/2 x-Los Angeles............. 13 8 2 3 19 54 38 Texas State 75, Miami (Ohio) 65
Game 2: at FC Dallas 3, Seattle 1 The University of Maryland-
Sacked-Yards Lost .......................... 1-5 3-11 Game 3: at Seattle 1, FC Dallas 0
Punts ...................................... 6-43.667 3-36.667
Oklahoma City.............................. 5 4 .556 3 Anaheim ..................... 13 7 6 0 14 40 40 Toledo 87, Louisiana 78
Los AngELEs fc ELiMinATED whiTEcAps, 2-0
bound sisters were responsible
Portland........................................ 3 5 .375 41/2 x-Seattle..................... 14 5 6 3 13 38 49 Western Carolina 71, Notre Dame 61
Fumbles-Lost .................................. 3-2 0-0
Utah.............................................. 3 7 .300 52
1/ Calgary........................ 14 4 8 2 10 37 52 soUThwEsT Game 1: at Los Angeles FC 5, Vancouver 2 for all of Glenelg’s goals in a 4-0
Penalties-Yards ............................ 9-95 7-50 x-Edmonton ................ 12 2 9 1 5 31 50 Game 2: Los Angeles FC 1, at Vancouver 0
Time Of Possession .................... 20:04 39:56 San Jose ..................... 14 2 11 1 5 17 63 Houston 82, Texas A&M CC 50 win over Hereford that secured
pAcific w L pct gb North Texas 75, Omaha 64 DYnAMo ELiMinATED REAL sALT LAkE, 2-1
pAssing Golden State ................................ 6 4 .600 — x-Late game Tulsa 85, Incarnate Word 71 Game 1: at Houston 2, Real Salt Lake 1 the Gladiators (13-2) their third
Tennessee: Milton 22-34-1-267. Missouri: Cook 18-24-1- Sacramento .................................. 4 4 .500 1 wEsT Game 2: at Real Salt Lake 1, Houston 1 (Real Salt Lake consecutive 2A crown.
275. L.A. Lakers.................................... 4 5 .444 11/2 fRiDAY’s REsULTs wins, 5-4 PKs)
Phoenix......................................... 4 5 .444 11/2 Washington 4, at New Jersey 2
Arizona State 63, Texas Southern 52 Game 3: at Houston 1, Real Salt Lake 1 (Houston wins, AJ, a senior, and Brinkley, a
RUshing Seattle 71, Montana State 68 4-3 PKs)
Tennessee: Milton 10-36, J.Wright 7-22, Sampson 3-20,
L.A. Clippers ................................. 3 5 .375 2 at Buffalo 3, Minnesota 2 UNLV 71, Stetson 55 junior, have dominated the com-
at Florida 5, Carolina 2 sEMifinALs
Small 3-5. Missouri: Schrader 35-205, Cook 12-55, fRiDAY’s REsULTs
at Toronto 5, Calgary 4 (SO)
Wyoming 80, Cal Poly 66
EAsTERn confEREncE
petition since they arrived to play
Burden 1-0, (Team) 1-(minus 1), Peat 2-(minus 4). Charlotte 124, at Washington 117 at Vegas 5, San Jose 0 Cincinnati vs. Columbus/Atlanta United winner, TBD for the Howard County power. In
REcEiVing Philadelphia 114, at Detroit 106
Tennessee: Keyton 4-57, White 4-53, Webb 4-38, at Boston 121, Brooklyn 107
Philadelphia 6, at Anaheim 3 Holy Cross 68, Georgetown 67 Philadelphia vs. Orlando City, TBD their three seasons together, the
J.Wright 2-21, Nimrod 2-17, Sampson 2-13, Thornton Minnesota 117, at San Antonio 110 holy cross (1-1)
Sporting KC vs. Los Angeles FC, TBD
Gladiators have reigned supreme
1-46, Warren 1-9, Browder 1-8, Castles 1-5. Missouri: at Houston 104, New Orleans 101 Washington 4, at N.Y. Islanders 1 Kenney 3-6 1-2 7, Batchelder 0-6 0-0 0, B.Montgomery
Schrader 5-116, Burden 4-26, Marq.Johnson 2-56, M.Mil- Utah 127, at Memphis 121 at Detroit 5, Columbus 4 5-10 5-6 15, Octave 12-21 7-8 33, Nugent 3-6 0-0 8, Houston vs. Seattle, TBD each time.
ler 2-35, Wease 2-17, Norfleet 2-16, Cooper 1-9. at Dallas 144, L.A. Clippers 126 Dallas 3, at Winnipeg 2 Coulibaly 1-2 0-0 2, Williams 1-1 0-0 3, Singleton 0-2 0-0 confEREncE finALs “We talked a lot leading up to
at Sacramento 105, Oklahoma City 98 Carolina 4, at Tampa Bay 0 0, Ryan 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 25-54 13-16 68. EAsTERn confEREncE
L.A. Lakers 122, at Phoenix 119 at Ottawa 4, Calgary 1
georgetown (1-1) sATURDAY, DEc. 2 this,” AJ said. “It was a wave of
UCF 45, no. 15 Oklahoma State 3 Cook 3-6 2-6 8, Fielder 1-5 0-1 3, Brumbaugh 6-11 2-2 17, Semifinals winners, TBD emotions of sadness and excite-
at Montreal 3, Boston 2 (OT) Epps 7-19 4-4 22, Styles 3-9 0-0 7, Heath 2-7 2-4 8,
okLAhoMA sTATE ................. 0 0 3 0— 3 at Orlando 112, Milwaukee 97
at Toronto 5, Vancouver 2 Bristol 0-3 2-2 2, Mutombo 0-0 0-0 0, Grant 0-1 0-0 0.
sUnDAY, DEc. 3
ment, and we came into this game
at Pittsburgh 4, Buffalo 0 Totals 22-61 12-19 67.
Ucf ......................................... 14 10 14 7 — 45 at Boston 117, Toronto 94 Arizona 7, at Nashville 5 halftime: Georgetown 37-32. Three-point goals: Holy Semifinals winners, TBD very confident. And just to have
Miami 117, at Atlanta 109
fiRsT qUARTER Cleveland 118, at Golden State 110
St. Louis at Colorado, late Cross 5-20 (Nugent 2-5, Octave 2-5, Williams 1-1,
B.Montgomery 0-2, Singleton 0-2, Batchelder 0-5), MLs cUp fun — that was our main goal.”
Edmonton at Seattle, late
Ucf: R.Harvey 1 run (Boomer kick), 11:50.
sUnDAY’s gAMEs Philadelphia at Los Angeles, late Georgetown 11-29 (Epps 4-11, Brumbaugh 3-6, Heath Saturday, Dec. 9 It’s hard to imagine they didn’t.
Ucf: Ko.Hudson 7 pass from Plumlee (Boomer kick), 2-4, Fielder 1-3, Styles 1-3, Bristol 0-1, Grant 0-1).
9:08. Washington at Brooklyn, 3 sUnDAY’s gAMEs Rebounds: Holy Cross 39 (Octave 11), Georgetown 29
Easily recognizable by their
Charlotte at New York, 12 Chicago at Florida, 1 (Cook 10). Assists: Holy Cross 8 (Batchelder 3), George- dynamo 1, Real Salt Lake 1 neon headbands, the sisters oper-
Memphis at L.A. Clippers, 3:30 town 15 (Brumbaugh, Epps, Heath 3). Total fouls: Holy
Ucf: FG Boomer 30, 14:04. Indiana at Philadelphia, 6
Dallas at Minnesota, 6
Cross 17, Georgetown 13. A: 7,621 (20,356). hoUsTon wins, 4-3 pks ated on a higher plane than any-
Columbus at N.Y. Rangers, 7
Ucf: Ko.Hudson 75 pass from Plumlee (Boomer kick), Dallas at New Orleans, 7 Vancouver at Montreal, 7 REAL sALT LAkE 0 1 3 1 one else on the field at Paint
10:35. Denver at Houston, 7 hoUsTon 1 0 4 1
Detroit at Chicago, 7
San Jose at Anaheim, 8 Branch High in Burtonsville.
ThiRD qUARTER first half: 1, Houston, Baird, 9 (Herrera), 28th minute.
Miami at San Antonio, 7 MonDAY’s gAMEs George Washington 95, second half: 2, Real Salt Lake, Luna, 7 (Oviedo), 65th. They navigated tight spaces with
oksT: FG Hale 25, 10:00. first overtime: None.
Ucf: R.Harvey 92 run (Boomer kick), 8:56.
Oklahoma City at Phoenix, 8 N.Y. Islanders at Edmonton, 8:30 William & Mary 89 second overtime: None.
comfort, frequently leaving Here-
Minnesota at Golden State, 8:30 Colorado at Seattle, 10
Ucf: Ko.Hudson 14 pass from Plumlee (Boomer kick),
4:09. Portland at L.A. Lakers, 10 william & Mary (2-1) penalty kicks : Real Salt Lake, Cristian Arango, G; Rubio ford (13-3) defenders in the dust
TUEsDAY’s gAMEs Williams 4-10 0-0 12, Houpt 6-13 2-2 17, Moss 4-17 0-0 Rubin, G; Diego Luna, NG; Brayan Vera, G; Danny
foURTh qUARTER MonDAY’s gAMEs Vegas at Washington, 7 11, G.Dorsey 5-10 0-0 15, Karasinski 1-8 2-2 5, Lowe 5-6 Musovski, NG. Houston, Adalberto Carrasquilla, G; and acting as the catalysts of the
Ucf: R.Harvey 2 run (Boomer kick), 9:00. Washington at Toronto, 7:30 Boston at Buffalo, 7 4-4 14, Case 3-7 1-1 7, Hamilton 0-0 0-0 0, C.Dorsey 2-4 Thorleifur Ulfarsson, G; Amine Bassi, G; Nelson Quino- Gladiators’ attack.
0-0 6. Totals 31-76 9-9 89. nes, NG; Griffin Dorsey, G.
Attendance: 44,046. New York at Boston, 7:30 Calgary at Montreal, 7
george washington (2-0) goalies: Real Salt Lake, Zac MacMath, Gavin Beavers; Forty-five seconds into the
Chicago at Milwaukee, 8 Pittsburgh at Columbus, 7 Akingbola 1-2 0-0 2, Autry 2-4 0-0 5, Bishop 8-18 15-16 Houston, Steve Clark, Andrew Tarbell.
oklahoma state Ucf Cleveland at Sacramento, 10 Anaheim at Nashville, 8 32, Edwards 5-11 3-3 15, Johnson 4-7 6-6 15, Buchanan Yellow cards: Baird, Houston, 20th; Savarino, Real Salt
third quarter, AJ unleashed a
First Downs ..................................... 15 21
Total Net Yards ............................. 277 592 TUEsDAY’s gAMEs
Arizona at Dallas, 8 4-5 5-6 13, Hutchinson 1-5 1-2 4, Schröder 3-4 3-5 9. Lake, 46th; Arango, Real Salt Lake, 66th; Vera, Real Salt backhanded shot for her first of
New Jersey at Winnipeg, 8 Totals 28-56 33-38 95. Lake, 72nd.
Rushes-Yards ............................. 25-52 51-293 Atlanta at Detroit, 7 Tampa Bay at St. Louis, 8 halftime: George Washington 43-42. Three-point goals: Real Salt Lake, Zac MacMath; Justen Glad, Bryan three goals. Then came Brinkley’s
Passing .......................................... 225 299 Indiana at Philadelphia, 7
Punt Returns .................................. 0-0 2-9
Miami at Charlotte, 7
Florida at San Jose, 10:30 William & Mary 18-44 (G.Dorsey 5-10, Williams 4-7,
Moss 3-8, Houpt 3-9, C.Dorsey 2-4, Karasinski 1-5, Case
Oviedo, Brayan Vera; Emeka Eneli, Andres Gomez (Rubio
Rubin, 82nd), Diego Luna, Braian Ojeda, Nelson Palacio,
moment, a strike from the top of
Kickoff Returns .......................... 4-104
Interceptions Ret. ........................... 0-0
3-10 Orlando at Brooklyn, 7:30 0-1), George Washington 6-17 (Edwards 2-4, Autry 1-3, Jefferson Savarino (Danny Musovski, 90th); Anderson the shooting circle to double
Hutchinson 1-3, Johnson 1-3, Bishop 1-4). fouled out: Julio (Cristian Arango, 46th).
Comp-Att-Int .......................... 19-39-3 12-19-0 San Antonio at Oklahoma City, 7:30 Capitals 4, Islanders 1 Hamilton. Rebounds: William & Mary 32 (Lowe 8), Houston, Steve Clark; Franco Escobar, Micael, Erik Glenelg’s lead.
Sacked-Yards Lost ........................ 1-11 2-10 Dallas at New Orleans, 8
Punts .......................................... 6-40.0 3-44.333 Portland at Utah, 9
wAshingTon ......................... 1 2 1 — 4 George Washington 31 (Edwards 11). Assists: William & Sviatchenko; Artur, Corey Baird (Thorleifur Ulfarsson, After another third-quarter
n.Y. isLAnDERs ...................... 1 0 0 — 1 Mary 23 (Williams 8), George Washington 9 (Bishop 5). 82nd), Adalberto Carrasquilla, Griffin Dorsey, Hector
Fumbles-Lost .................................. 1-1 1-1 L.A. Clippers at Denver, 10 Total fouls: William & Mary 23, George Washington 13. Herrera; Amine Bassi, Nelson Quinones. goal, AJ’s hat trick-securing tally
Penalties-Yards ............................ 5-45 4-40 Minnesota at Golden State, 10 fiRsT pERioD
Time Of Possession .................... 25:15 34:45 Memphis at L.A. Lakers, 10:30
was assisted by Brinkley with just
scoring: 1, Washington, Ovechkin 3 (Kuznetsov), 9:18. 2,
pAssing N.Y. Islanders, Romanov 1 (Horvat), 19:17. over a minute left — a fitting end
oklahoma state: Bowman 19-36-3-225, Rangel 0-3-0-0. sEconD pERioD no. 6 Connecticut 107, nWSL playoffs to an illustrious era.
Ucf: Plumlee 11-18-0-299, McClain 1-1-0-0.
Magic 112, Bucks 97 scoring: 3, Washington, Dowd 1 (Carlson, Aube-Kubel), Stonehill 67 qUARTERfinALs “I’m super happy for her,”
RUshing 13:05. 4, Washington, Protas 1 (McMichael, Phillips), fRiDAY, ocT. 20
stonehill (1-2) at OL Reign 1, Angel City 0 Brinkley said. “I’m sad that she’s
oklahoma state: Gordon 12-25, Nixon 6-22, Vailahi 4-20, MiLwAUkEE ...................... 25 24 23 25 — 97 Pavlidis 1-8 1-2 3, Semona 1-2 0-0 2, Zegarowski 1-3 0-0
(Team) 1-(minus 5), Bowman 2-(minus 10). Ucf: Harvey oRLAnDo ........................... 29 36 23 24 — 112 ThiRD pERioD 2, Benigni 9-14 0-0 22, O’Dell 2-5 0-0 4, Felder 2-8 3-4 8, sUnDAY, ocT. 22 leaving me, but I’m excited for
Gotham FC 2, at North Carolina 0
24-206, Plumlee 14-74, Richards 2-10, Richardson 7-9, MiLwAUkEE: G.Antetokounmpo 15-22 5-12 35, Middle- scoring: 5, Washington, Ovechkin 4 (Malenstyn, Sand-
Stinson 3-7 3-3 10, Brogna 2-2 0-0 6, Triplett 1-2 1-2 3, her.”
Townsend 1-1, McClain 2-1, Ko.Hudson 1-(minus 8). McGill 0-3 0-0 0, Stone 2-2 0-0 5, Abrams 1-1 0-0 2, sEMifinALs
ton 4-8 0-0 10, B.Lopez 3-7 1-2 9, Beasley 0-4 0-0 0, in), 19:57 (en). Meuser 0-0 0-0 0, Marquardt 0-0 0-0 0, Rywolt 0-1 0-0 0. sUnDAY, noV. 5
“It means the world to me,” AJ
REcEiVing Payne 6-8 0-0 14, Beauchamp 2-7 1-3 5, Crowder 0-1 1-2 Totals 25-59 8-11 67.
1, Livingston 0-0 0-0 0, Portis 4-11 3-4 13, T.Antetokoun- shoTs on goAL
connecticut (2-0)
Gotham FC 1, at Portland 0 added. “I couldn’t ask for a better
oklahoma state: Owens 6-85, L.Johnson 6-61, Presley mpo 0-0 0-0 0, Connaughton 1-3 1-2 3, Green 1-3 0-0 3, OL Reign 1, at San Diego 0
5-52, Gordon 2-27. Ucf: Jav.Baker 4-112, Ko.Hudson Jackson Jr. 2-3 0-0 4. Totals 38-77 12-25 97.
wAshingTon ......................... 7
n.Y. isLAnDERs .................... 12
6 — 28
16 — 37
Karaban 5-8 4-4 15, Clingan 8-15 0-2 16, Castle 5-7 7-7 end of my last high school season
17, Newton 7-11 4-4 22, Spencer 3-11 4-4 12, S.Johnson chAMpionship
3-96, Townsend 2-46, A.Holler 2-45, Pittman 1-0.
oRLAnDo: Banchero 10-22 4-5 26, F.Wagner 8-16 6-7 power-play opportunities: Washington 0 of 1; N.Y. 4-5 0-0 8, Ball 2-4 2-2 7, Ross 2-6 0-0 5, Diarra 1-1 0-0 3, sATURDAY’s REsULT — in sAn DiEgo
ever, last game with my sister.”
24, Bitadze 1-5 0-0 2, Black 1-3 0-0 2, Suggs 5-11 8-10 20, Islanders 0 of 1. goalies: Washington, Shepard 2-0-0 (37 Stewart 1-2 0-0 2, Hurley 0-1 0-0 0, Roumoglou 0-0 0-0 0, Gotham FC 2, OL Reign 1 Outside of a brief surge at the
Isaac 3-10 2-2 10, Okeke 0-0 0-0 0, M.Wagner 7-9 4-5 19, shots-36 saves). N.Y. Islanders, Varlamov 2-3-0 (27-24). Singare 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 38-71 21-23 107.
Texas Tech 16, no. 16 Kansas 13 Ingles 1-5 2-2 5, Anthony 0-3 4-4 4, Fultz 0-0 0-0 0. Totals A: 16,519 (17,113). T: 2:20. halftime: Connecticut 52-30. Three-point goals: Stone- end of the second quarter, Gle-
hill 9-25 (Benigni 4-5, Brogna 2-2, Stone 1-1, Stinson
TExAs TEch .......................... 10 0 3 3 — 16
36-84 30-35 112.
1-3, Felder 1-4, Rywolt 0-1, Semona 0-1, McGill 0-2, GOLF nelg controlled the game from
Three-point goals: Milwaukee 9-29 (Payne 2-3, Middle-
kAnsAs ................................... 0 0 0 13 — 13 ton 2-4, B.Lopez 2-5, Portis 2-5, Green 1-3, Connaughton
Red Wings 5, Blue Jackets 4 Zegarowski 0-2, Pavlidis 0-3), Connecticut 10-31 (New- start to finish. The Gladiators
ton 4-7, Spencer 2-10, Diarra 1-1, Ball 1-2, Ross 1-3,
fiRsT qUARTER 0-1, Crowder 0-1, G.Antetokounmpo 0-1, Jackson Jr. 0-1, coLUMbUs .............................. 2 1 1 — 4 Karaban 1-4, Castle 0-1, Clingan 0-1, Hurley 0-1, Stewart PGA Tour spaced the field flawlessly to gen-
Beauchamp 0-2, Beasley 0-3), Orlando 10-26 (Isaac 2-4, DETRoiT .................................. 2 2 1 — 5
TTU: T.Brooks 5 run (Garcia kick), 10:18. Suggs 2-4, Banchero 2-5, F.Wagner 2-6, M.Wagner 1-1,
0-1). fouled out: Brogna. Rebounds: Stonehill 23 (Pavlid-
is 4), Connecticut 41 (Castle 8). Assists: Stonehill 11
bERMUDA chAMpionship erate an abundance of scoring
TTU: FG Garcia 32, 3:24. fiRsT pERioD At Port Royal Golf Course; in Sandy’s Parrish, Bermuda
Ingles 1-4, Anthony 0-1, Black 0-1). fouled out: None.
Rebounds: Milwaukee 36 (G.Antetokounmpo 10), Orlan-
(Felder 5), Connecticut 24 (Spencer 6). Total fouls: purse: $6.5 million; Yardage: 6,828; par: 71
ThiRD qUARTER scoring: 1, Detroit, Raymond 5 (Compher), 3:41. 2, Stonehill 16, Connecticut 12. A: 14,606 (16,294).
do 43 (Banchero 12). Assists: Milwaukee 25 (G.Antetok- Detroit, Fabbri 2 (Fischer, Petry), 4:26. 3, Columbus, ThiRD RoUnD
You wouldn’t know from their
TTU: FG Garcia 31, 2:56. ounmpo, Middleton 7), Orlando 24 (Banchero, Ingles 5). Texier 2 (Severson), 5:33. 4, Columbus, Fantilli 3
Total fouls: Milwaukee 24, Orlando 17. A: 19,354 (18,846) (Marchenko, Voronkov), 18:14. Alex Noren .................................... 61 66 67 — 194 -19 play that their coach, Martie
foURTh qUARTER no. 7 Houston 82, Camilo Villegas ............................. 67 63 65 — 195 -18 Dyer, took the job only a week
kU: Neal 60 run (Keller kick), 12:12. sEconD pERioD Ryan Moore ................................... 65 64 67 — 196 -17
kU: FG Keller 24, 4:44. scoring: 5, Columbus, Kuraly 4 (Gudbranson, Werenski),
Texas A&M CC 50 Matti Schmid ................................ 64 67 65 — 196 -17 before the season began.
kU: FG Keller 22, :26. Celtics 117, Raptors 94 5:41. 6, Detroit, DeBrincat 10 (Petry), 16:01. 7, Detroit, Texas A&M cc (1-1)
Stewart Cink ................................. 64 67 66
Kramer Hickok .............................. 67 65 66

-15 With Glenelg looking for its
TTU: FG Garcia 30, :03. Sprong 4 (Kostin), 18:19. Clark 2-7 0-1 4, Dease 2-12 1-2 7, Giwa 2-3 3-4 7,
Attendance: 47,233. ToRonTo ........................... 26 20 25 23 — 94 Humphrey 2-9 1-1 5, Jo.Roberts 3-5 0-0 9, Amir-Paul 4-9
Satoshi Kodaira ............................ 64 65 69 — 198 -15 third coach in as many seasons,
bosTon ............................. 30 25 33 29 — 117 ThiRD pERioD Adam Scott ................................... 65 67 66 — 198 -15
Texas Tech kansas
2-4 10, Jackson 0-2 0-0 0, Prim 0-2 0-0 0, Washington 1-4
0-0 2, Wright-Forde 2-6 0-0 4, Parker 0-3 0-0 0,
Vince Whaley ................................ 63 70 65 — 198 -15 Dyer insisted she planned to re-
ToRonTo: Anunoby 3-13 0-0 8, Siakam 6-17 5-6 17, scoring: 8, Detroit, Fabbri 3 (Walman), 2:33. 9, Colum- Carl Yuan ....................................... 70 63 65 — 198 -15
First Downs ..................................... 21
Total Net Yards ............................. 312
344 Poeltl 6-10 0-0 12, Barnes 4-15 0-0 10, Schroder 3-7 7-7 bus, Laine 2, 11:30. Allen-Johnson 1-2 0-0 2. Totals 19-64 7-12 50.
Adam Long .................................... 66 68 65 — 199 -14
tire after a long career at various
houston (2-0)
Rushes-Yards ........................... 44-136 45-207 14, Achiuwa 1-5 0-0 2, Boucher 2-4 0-0 6, McDaniels 0-2
shoTs on goAL Francis 5-7 3-4 13, J.Roberts 6-10 5-10 17, Cryer 4-13 5-5
Taylor Pendrith ............................. 65 68 66 — 199 -14 stops. But she eventually accept-
Passing .......................................... 176 137 0-0 0, Porter Jr. 1-2 0-0 3, Young 2-3 0-0 4, Dick 1-4 2-2 4, Dylan Wu ...................................... 63 69 67 — 199 -14
Punt Returns .................................. 0-0 0-0 Temple 1-2 0-0 2, Flynn 5-7 0-1 12. Totals 35-91 14-16 94. coLUMbUs .............................. 7 8 7 — 22 15, Sharp 3-8 3-3 11, Shead 1-3 0-0 2, Tugler 1-3 0-0 2,
Ryan Brehm .................................. 64 65 71 — 200 -13 ed the position, familiar with
DETRoiT .................................. 9 11 8 — 28 Arceneaux 2-5 1-2 5, Wilson 2-6 0-2 4, Walker 3-6 0-2 8,
Kickoff Returns .............................. 0-0 0-0 bosTon: Brown 12-20 2-3 29, Tatum 10-18 4-6 27,
power-play opportunities: Columbus 0 of 3; Detroit 0 of Dunn 1-4 3-6 5, Elvin 0-1 0-0 0, Lath 0-1 0-0 0. Totals
David Lipsky .................................. 67 66 67
D.A. Points .................................... 64 67 69

many of the players on the team
Interceptions Ret. ........................... 1-0 1-0 Porzingis 9-14 0-1 21, Holiday 4-9 0-0 8, White 2-5 0-1 4, 28-67 20-34 82.
Comp-Att-Int .......................... 19-25-1 10-25-1 Banton 0-1 0-0 0, Hauser 4-6 0-0 12, Horford 3-5 0-0 7,
3. goalies: Columbus, Martin 1-4-1 (28 shots-23 saves).
halftime: Houston 41-27. Three-point goals: Texas A&M
Davis Riley .................................... 64 68 68 — 200 -13 from her time on the club circuit.
Detroit, Husso 6-3-1 (22-18). A: 19,156 (20,000). T: 2:27. Akshay Bhatia .............................. 65 66 70 — 201 -12
Sacked-Yards Lost ........................ 3-24
Punts .......................................... 5-46.4
Kornet 1-1 0-0 2, Mykhailiuk 0-2 0-0 0, Brissett 0-0 0-0 0, CC 5-21 (Jo.Roberts 3-3, Dease 2-5, Allen-Johnson 0-1,
Lucas Herbert ............................... 66 71 64 — 201 -12
Knowing the talent at her dispos-
Pritchard 2-5 2-2 7. Totals 47-86 8-13 117. Humphrey 0-1, Prim 0-1, Washington 0-1, Clark 0-2,
Fumbles-Lost .................................. 1-0 0-0
Three-point goals: Toronto 10-37 (Boucher 2-3, Flynn Parker 0-2, Wright-Forde 0-2, Amir-Paul 0-3), Houston
Mark Hubbard ............................... 68 65 68 — 201 -12 al, she envisioned another title as
Penalties-Yards ............................ 4-45 4-31 Patton Kizzire ............................... 69 66 66 — 201 -12
Time Of Possession .................... 31:23 28:37 2-4, Anunoby 2-8, Barnes 2-9, Porter Jr. 1-2, Schroder Hurricanes 4, Lightning 0 6-22 (Walker 2-3, Sharp 2-5, Cryer 2-7, Dunn 0-1, Elvin
0-1, Shead 0-1, Tugler 0-1, Wilson 0-1, Arceneaux 0-2).
Justin Lower ................................. 67 67 67 — 201 -12 a distinct possibility.
1-3, Achiuwa 0-2, Dick 0-2, Siakam 0-4), Boston 15-44
pAssing (Hauser 4-6, Porzingis 3-7, Brown 3-8, Tatum 3-9,
cARoLinA ............................... 1 1 2 — 4 Rebounds: Texas A&M CC 39 (Clark 8), Houston 51
Peter Malnati ................................ 71 66 64
Ben Martin .................................... 65 70 66

“I thought we could do it,” Dyer
TAMpA bAY ............................ 0 0 0 — 0 (J.Roberts 9). Assists: Texas A&M CC 9 (Dease, Hum-
Texas Tech: Morton 19-25-1-176. kansas: Ballard 9-20-
Horford 1-3, Pritchard 1-3, Banton 0-1, Holiday 0-2,
phrey 3), Houston 16 (J.Roberts, Shead 4). Total fouls:
Ryan Palmer ................................. 67 68 66 — 201 -12 said. “. . . They had to learn a little
Mykhailiuk 0-2, White 0-3). fouled out: None. Rebounds: fiRsT pERioD Doc Redman .................................. 65 66 70 — 201 -12
1-124, Bean 1-4-0-13, Neal 0-1-0-0. Toronto 37 (Siakam 7), Boston 46 (Horford, Porzingis 7). Texas A&M CC 23, Houston 17.
Austin Smotherman ..................... 64 68 69 — 201 -12 bit of a different style and what I
scoring: 1, Carolina, Teravainen 9 (Necas, Aho), 3:10
RUshing Assists: Toronto 25 (Achiuwa 5), Boston 30 (Holiday 7).
Total fouls: Toronto 14, Boston 14. A: 19,156 (18,624)
(pp). Brendon Todd ................................ 65 66 70 — 201 -12 expect of them, and they adjusted
Texas Tech: Brooks 33-133, Valdez 4-14, Morton 7-(mi- sEconD pERioD nCAA women to it well.”
nus 11). kansas: Neal 19-137, Hishaw 13-35, Ballard
10-20, Bean 3-15. scoring: 2, Carolina, Aho 4 (Slavin, Svechnikov), 4:32. sATURDAY’s REsULTs LPGA Tour Dyer met the Eyre sisters when
EAsT they showed up to one of her
REcEiVing Heat 117, Hawks 109 ThiRD pERioD Canisius 78, St. Francis (Pa.) 62 AnnikA DRiVEn
Texas Tech: Price 5-29, Bradley 4-91, Eakin 3-29, McCray MiAMi ................................ 41 22 30 24 — 117 scoring: 3, Carolina, Burns 3 (Skjei), 11:20. 4, Carolina, Colgate 57, UMBC 51 At Pelican Golf Club; in Belleair, Fla.
purse: $3.3 million; Yardage: 6,349; par: 70
camps in elementary school. As
2-(minus 2), Cupp 1-8, Sparkman 1-8, Brooks 1-6, Noesen 3 (Bunting, Burns), 17:54. Duquesne 82, Niagara 79
X.White 1-5, J.Brown 1-2. kansas: Arnold 2-44, Skinner
ATLAnTA ........................... 24 28 30 27 — 109
La Salle 62, American 53 ThiRD RoUnD
she coached them for the final
2-32, Fairchild 2-20, Neal 2-12, Locklin 1-25, Emilien 1-4. MiAMi: Highsmith 3-13 5-7 11, Jaquez Jr. 8-17 2-2 20,
shoTs on goAL Lehigh 62, Stonehill 50 time Saturday, she saw them
Penn 74, Marist 51 Emily Pedersen ............................. 63 65 64 — 192 -18
Adebayo 9-12 8-8 26, D.Robinson 5-15 0-0 11, Lowry 4-8 cARoLinA ............................. 15 9 8 — 32
5-5 17, Cain 0-0 0-0 0, Love 2-4 2-2 7, Richardson 6-7 1-1 TAMpA bAY ............................ 9 3 10 — 22 Saint Joseph’s 66, Yale 45 Lilia Vu .......................................... 67 66 62 — 195 -15 reach the heights they and their
Amy Yang ...................................... 69 65 61 — 195 -15
no. 17 Oklahoma 59, 16, Smith 4-8 0-0 9. Totals 41-84 23-25 117. power-play opportunities: Carolina 1 of 3; Tampa Bay 0 St. Bonaventure 70, Robert Morris 52
Stony Brook 82, Le Moyne 61 Alison Lee ..................................... 68 67 62 — 197 -13 teammates have become accus-
of 3. goalies: Carolina, Kochetkov 1-3-0 (22 shots-22 Gaby Lopez .................................... 65 67 65 — 197 -13
West Virginia 20 ATLAnTA: Hunter 4-11 2-2 10, Johnson 4-8 0-0 9, Capela
4-6 0-0 8, Murray 9-16 0-1 23, Young 7-19 10-11 27,
saves). Tampa Bay, Johansson 5-3-4 (32-28). A: 19,092 West Virginia 71, Pittsburgh 62
Azahara Munoz ............................. 64 69 64 — 197 -13
tomed to — another champion-
(19,092). T: 2:30. soUTh Patty Tavatanakit ......................... 63 72 62 — 197 -13 ship.
Okongwu 0-3 2-2 2, Bey 3-9 0-0 8, Bogdanovic 5-13 0-0
wEsT ViRginiA ....................... 7 7 6 0 — 20 15, Matthews 2-2 1-2 7. Totals 38-87 15-18 109. Appalachian State 71, Ohio 64 Minami Katsu ............................... 63 67 68 — 198 -12
okLAhoMA ........................... 14 17 14 14 — 59 Ball State 86, Troy 71 Megan Khang ................................ 67 69 63 — 199 -11
Three-point goals: Miami 12-38 (Lowry 4-6, Richardson
fiRsT qUARTER 3-4, Jaquez Jr. 2-7, Love 1-3, Smith 1-3, D.Robinson 1-10, Senators 4, Flames 1 Davidson 57, Wake Forest 52
Eastern Kentucky 86, Northern Kentucky 75
Stephanie Kyriacou .......................
Ruoning Yin ...................................
70 65 64
68 68 63

wVU: Donaldson 13 run (Hayes kick), 11:00. Highsmith 0-5), Atlanta 18-46 (Murray 5-9, Bogdanovic cALgARY ................................. 0 1 0 — 1 ETSU 51, Lafayette 43 Amanda Doherty ........................... 66 68 66 — 200 -10
okLA: Gabriel 2 run (Schmit kick), 8:27. 5-12, Young 3-9, Matthews 2-2, Bey 2-7, Johnson 1-3, oTTAwA .................................. 1 1 2 — 4 Elon 90, Gardner Webb 69 Wei-Ling Hsu ................................ 67 68 65 — 200 -10
okLA: Gabriel 2 run (Schmit kick), 3:16. Hunter 0-4). fouled out: None. Rebounds: Miami 39 Georgia Southern 82, Eastern Michigan 58 Lexi Thompson .............................. 64 70 66 — 200 -10
(Adebayo 17), Atlanta 48 (Capela 12). Assists: Miami 23 fiRsT pERioD Georgia Tech 91, Furman 56 Lindy Duncan ................................. 67 65 69 — 201 -9
sEconD qUARTER (Highsmith 5), Atlanta 23 (Young 11). Total fouls: scoring: 1, Ottawa, Joseph 4 (Sanderson, Stutzle), Kentucky 82, South Carolina Upstate 54 Sarah Schmelzel ........................... 68 66 67 — 201 -9
Miami 14, Atlanta 19. A: 17,722 (18,118) 11:21. Old Dominion 59, Buffalo 48 Jaravee Boonchant ....................... 66 68 68 — 202 -8
okLA: FG Schmit 23, 13:54.
okLA: Stogner 3 pass from Gabriel (Schmit kick), 9:06. Presbyterian 76, Johnson C. Smith 40 Brooke Henderson ........................ 62 75 65 — 202 -8
sEconD pERioD Samford 65, Central Arkansas 62 Ariya Jutanugarn .......................... 64 70 68 — 202 -8
okLA: Gibson 32 pass from Gabriel (Schmit kick), 6:20.
wVU: K.Taylor 3 pass from Greene (Hayes kick), :07. scoring: 2, Ottawa, Batherson 4 (Chychrun, Tkachuk), Southern Mississippi 77, Akron 60 Gina Kim ........................................ 70 65 67 — 202 -8
Cavaliers 118, Warriors 110 3:07 (pp). 3, Calgary, Coleman 4 (Pospisil), 15:52. UNC Greensboro 61, South Carolina State 30 Nelly Korda .................................... 67 68 67 — 202 -8
ThiRD qUARTER Wofford 74, UNC Wilmington 49 Rachel Kuehn ................................ 66 69 67 — 202 -8
cLEVELAnD ....................... 30 38 16 34 — 118 ThiRD pERioD Wichanee Meechai ........................ 66 66 70 — 202 -8
okLA: Stoops 60 pass from Gabriel (Schmit kick), 13:48. goLDEn sTATE .................. 31 21 31 27 — 110 MiDwEsT
wVU: D.Carter 7 pass from Greene (pass failed), 9:28. scoring: 4, Ottawa, Chartier 1 (Batherson, Kubalik), Cornell 80, S. Illinois 77
okLA: Stoops 9 pass from Gabriel (Schmit kick), 4:34. cLEVELAnD: E.Mobley 6-10 7-7 19, Strus 6-9 2-2 16, 3:50. 5, Ottawa, Hamonic 1 (Stutzle, Giroux), 5:12. Fort Wayne 124, Crusaders 41
Allen 2-6 8-9 12, Garland 6-13 4-6 19, Mitchell 7-22 5-6 shoTs on goAL Green Bay 88, Illinois State 62 H IGH S CH O OLS
21, Bates 0-0 0-0 0, Niang 0-4 0-0 0, T.Thompson 0-0 0-0 Marquette 71, Illinois 67
okLA: Stoops 9 pass from Gabriel (Schmit kick), 13:46. 0, Wade 2-4 2-2 8, Jones 0-0 0-0 0, LeVert 8-18 4-5 22, cALgARY ............................... 12 11 2 — 25 Southeast Missouri State 82, Stars 60
okLA: Gabriel 5 run (Schmit kick), 7:59. Porter 0-0 1-6 1. Totals 37-86 33-43 118. oTTAwA ................................ 12 14 12 — 38 St. Thomas (Minn.) 101, Falcons 62 sATURDAY‘s REsULTs
Attendance: 83,525. power-play opportunities: Calgary 0 of 3; Ottawa 1 of 5. soUThwEsT fooTbALL
goLDEn sTATE: Green 3-4 0-0 8, Wiggins 6-12 0-2 13, goalies: Calgary, Wolf 0-1-0 (38 shots-34 saves).
west Virginia oklahoma Looney 1-2 0-0 2, Curry 9-24 8-8 30, K.Thompson 5-16 2-2 Kansas State 77, UALR 39 D.c.
Ottawa, Korpisalo 4-4-0 (25-24). A: 18,874 (18,572). T:
First Downs ..................................... 17 25 14, Jackson-Davis 0-1 1-2 1, Kuminga 2-7 8-11 12, Saric SMU 96, Alabama State 47 Ballou 13, H.D. Woodson 6
Total Net Yards ............................. 330
Rushes-Yards ........................... 41-176
2-5 1-1 5, Joseph 1-2 0-0 3, Moody 2-4 2-2 8, Paul 4-7 0-0
9, Payton II 1-4 1-2 3, Podziemski 1-2 0-0 2. Totals 37-90
Sam Houston State 67, Houston Christian 65
Texas State 74, Bowling Green 48
Dunbar 49, Theodore Roosevelt 6
pRiVATE Searing
Passing .......................................... 154
Punt Returns .................................. 2-5
Kickoff Returns ............................ 2-55
23-30 110.
Three-point goals: Cleveland 11-30 (Garland 3-5, Strus Maple Leafs 5, Canucks 2
San Diego 71, Portland State 43
Archbishop Carroll 27, Bishop Ireton 21
Concordia Prep 28, St. Mary’s-Annapolis 7 nocturnal pain…
2-3, Wade 2-4, Mitchell 2-6, LeVert 2-7, E.Mobley 0-1, San Jose State 61, Cal Poly 56 Trinity Episcopal 30, Flint Hill 28
Interceptions Ret. ........................... 0-0
Comp-Att-Int .......................... 10-31-2
Niang 0-4), Golden State 13-38 (Curry 4-14, Green 2-3, VAncoUVER ........................... 2
ToRonTo ................................ 1
0 —
2 —
Santa Clara 62, Hawaii 51 Woodberry Forest 34, Episcopal 28 Read “Medical Mysteries,”
Moody 2-3, K.Thompson 2-5, Joseph 1-2, Paul 1-2, UC Irvine 74, Seattle 43
Sacked-Yards Lost .......................... 0-0 2-14 VoLLEYbALL
Punts ...................................... 6-41.333 3-38.0
Wiggins 1-4, Kuminga 0-1, Payton II 0-1, Saric 0-3).
fouled out: Cleveland 1 (Wade), Golden State None.
fiRsT pERioD ViRginiA Tuesdays in Health
Fumbles-Lost .................................. 0-0 2-1 Rebounds: Cleveland 45 (Strus 8), Golden State 55 scoring: 1, Vancouver, Miller 9 (Pettersson, Hughes), Battlefield def. West Springfield 3-2 (29-27, 24-26,
Penalties-Yards ............................ 2-20 5-60 (Looney 13). Assists: Cleveland 23 (Mitchell 5), Golden 5:43 (pp). 2, Toronto, Knies 4 (Domi, Bertuzzi), 8:37. 3, Marquette 71, no. 23 Illinois 67 25-20, 27-29, 15-9) & Science.
Time Of Possession .................... 30:32 29:28 State 26 (Paul 9). Total fouls: Cleveland 24, Golden Vancouver, Suter 4 (Hronek, Beauvillier), 15:48 (pp). Colonial Forge def. W.T. Woodson 3-2
iLLinois ............................. 16 18 16 17 — 67
State 29. A: 18,064 (18,064)
sEconD pERioD MARqUETTE ...................... 14 23 19 15 — 71
James Madison def. Cosby 3-0 (25-16, 25-8, 25-12)
James Wood def. Loudoun County 3-0 (25-15, 28-26, 25-15)
S0461 1x3.5

west Virginia: Greene 10-27-1-154, Marchiol 0-4-1-0. scoring: 4, Toronto, Nylander 10 (Tavares, Bertuzzi), illinois (1-1) Langley def. Deep Run 3-0 (25-22, 25-20, 26-24)
oklahoma: Gabriel 23-36-0-423. 4:53. 5, Toronto, Gregor 2 (Rielly, McMann), 14:22. Bostic 6-7 2-2 14, Shoup-Hill 2-5 0-0 4, Bryant 4-14 1-2
11, McKenzie 3-6 0-0 6, Peebles 3-6 2-3 8, Bollin 0-0 0-0
T ennI S ThiRD pERioD 0, Hobby 7-9 4-5 18, Dolan 0-1 0-0 0, Rhodes 2-4 2-2 6, Flint Hill def. Bishop O’Connell 3-1 (25-19, 25-17, 18-25,
Totals 27-52 11-14 67 25-17)
west Virginia: Donaldson 14-79, White 9-39, Greene scoring: 6, Toronto, Robertson 2 (Domi), 4:56. 7,
Marquette (2-0)
10-24, J.Johnson 3-13, Marchiol 2-10, Gallagher 1-4, ATP Toronto, Kampf 1 (Gregor, McMann), 9:13.
Hottinger 5-8 1-1 11, Karlen 11-16 0-0 22, Hare 1-5 1-2 4,
boYs’ soccER
Horton 1-4, Fox 1-3. oklahoma: Sawchuk 22-135, Gabriel MARYLAnD
MosELLE opEn shoTs on goAL King 4-14 9-10 19, Nkumu 5-6 0-0 12, Cracknell 0-0 0-0 0,
11-50, Farooq 2-29, Smothers 2-6, Beville 2-5, T.Walker
1-(minus 2), (Team) 2-(minus 2). At Arenes de Metz (France) VAncoUVER ......................... 12 11 10 — 33
Forbes 1-3 1-1 3, Volker 0-2 0-0 0, Totals 27-54 12-14 71
Three-point goals: Illinois 2-10 (Shoup-Hill 0-3, Bryant
Damascus 3, North Harford 2
fiELD hockEY
More health
purse: $603,179
surface: Hardcourt indoor
ToRonTo ................................ 4 13 5 — 22
power-play opportunities: Vancouver 2 of 6; Toronto 0 of
2-7), Marquette 5-16 (Karlen 0-2, Hare 1-5, King 2-4,
Nkumu 2-2, Forbes 0-2, Volker 0-1). Assists: Illinois 17
ViRginiA and wellness?
2. goalies: Vancouver, Demko 7-3-0 (22 shots-17 saves). Independence 1, First Colonial 0
west Virginia: Carter 3-67, Ray 2-56, Fox 2-15, Clement
singLEs — chAMpionship Toronto, Samsonov 3-1-2 (33-31). A: 19,107 (18,819). T:
(Bostic 4, Bryant 4, Rhodes 4), Marquette 20 (Hare 7). Loudoun Valley 2, Gloucester 1
1-13, Taylor 1-3, Donaldson 1-0. oklahoma: Stoops fouled out: None. Rebounds: Illinois 24 (Hobby 7),
N0302 1x1

10-164, Ni.Anderson 4-119, Stogner 4-69, Gibson 2-38, Ugo Humbert (4), France, def. Alexander Shevchenko, 2:26. Tabb 6, Meridian 0
Russia, 6-3, 6-3. Marquette 28 (Hottinger 8). Total fouls: Illinois 17,
Farooq 2-30, Freeman 1-3. Yorktown 1, W.T. Woodson 0
Marquette 17. Technical Fouls_None. A: 1,428.
d12 eZ M2 the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

High Schools
maryland girls’ soccer semifinals Virginia class 4 field hockey final

An unprecedented step Clarke rallies Vikings to their first championship

has Blazers on big stage louDouN VAllEy 2, thoughts, then smiled and added:
“I haven’t cried yet. I guess that’ll
breather. Ferrara did not substi-
tute the entire game, riding her
her a clear shot at the vacant net.
She did not miss.
GlouCESTER 1 (oT) come later.” 11 starters for the full 60 minutes “I had to be faster than her,”
season at Blair, said the Blazers The dramatic victory had in- plus overtime. Clarke said. “I had a teammate I
BlAiR 2, had a good junior foundation in deed left Coach Melissa Ferrara “I know they were tired — both could have passed to, but I
pERRy hAll 0 2019 when they appeared in the BY M IKE H OLTZCLAW and the rest of the Vikings shed- teams were,” she said. “But when thought I could get past the
program’s first state semifinal and ding happy tears. Loudoun Valley you get to this point, it’s not just goalkeeper and I decided to go for
fell to Perry Hall. He thought Blair Moments after Katie Clarke’s (20-2) had kept pressure on stamina. It’s intensity. We domi- it.”
BY N ICKY W OLCOTT could build on the progress the overtime goal Saturday night Gloucester’s goal for most of the nated a lot of this game, but we Ferrara acknowledged quite
following season, but there was no gave Loudoun Valley the first night but had trouble putting the couldn’t put it away and we really simply: “As soon as [the goalkeep-
Bia Da Silva locked eyes with 2020 state tournament because of field hockey state championship ball in the net. needed to grind it out.” er] went down, I knew it was
Blair teammate Alma Zhong and the coronavirus pandemic. in school history, 2-1 over Gloucester scored an early Almost six minutes into the over.”
knew to get behind Perry Hall’s Gibb felt the same way about Gloucester, she tried to describe goal, and the Dukes’ 1-0 lead held first overtime period, Clarke had Clarke, a junior who has com-
defense. last year’s state semifinalists. This how it felt. up until the end of the third the ball on her stick and an mitted to play for Delaware, was
The senior sprinted by her de- season’s group of 11 seniors — with “Not real,” she began. “It’s hon- quarter, when Clarke converted uncontested path toward the the Vikings’ top offensive threat
fender and latched on to Zhong’s nine returning starters plus the estly unreal. When everyone was on a corner with no time left on goal. Gloucester goalkeeper all season, sporting an almost
pass before poking the ball past addition of Zhong — vindicated piling on top of me, I was so the clock. Addyson Zabicki came out to cut instinctive sense around the goal.
the Gators’ goalkeeper and into his outlook by advancing to the pumped full of adrenaline that I That 1-1 tie remained intact down the angle and lunged to “She has a tremendous work
the back of the net. program’s first state title game, a was still feeling like we were throughout the fourth quarter, make the play, but Clarke trusted ethic,” Ferrara said. “She’s talent-
Da Silva’s goal three minutes moment etched in writing when going to get up and keep playing.” with both coaches using timeouts her instincts and powered her ed, but she’s also a worker. She’s
into Saturday’s Maryland 4A girls’ Da Silva penned the school’s She paused to collect her to give their players a quick way past the goalkeeper, leaving an intense competitor.”
soccer semifinal helped Blair set- name, with three exclamation
tle in and qualify for the first state points, on a parent-made bracket
final in program history with a 2-0 after the win.
win over Perry Hall in Gambrills. “Over the past four years I’ve
“A lot of people, including my- been on this team, we’ve always
self, came into this with a lot of had very solid teams, but I think
excitement but a lot of nerves at that this year, this shows that
the same time,” Da Silva said. there’s something special about
“Getting that first goal so early us,” Da Silva said.
definitely made us confident.”
The Blazers (16-2) will take on Whitman eyes three-peat
two-time defending state cham- Whitman will have the oppor-
pion Whitman in this week’s 4A tunity to three-peat as state cham-
state title game. pion next week after blanking
Zhong, Blair’s leading goal Glen Burnie, 3-0, in Saturday’s
scorer, played a different role than second semifinal.
usual in the Blazers’ opening goal. Riley DeMartino’s hat trick lift-
The senior entered Saturday’s ed the Vikings past the Gophers,
semifinal with 15 goals and nine who were making their first state
assists in her first season with the semifinal appearance on their
Blazers; she previously focused on home field.
club soccer commitments during Whitman (13-1) will take on
the fall. Zhong added her 10th Blair for the state title next week.
assist of the season on Da Silva’s The Vikings bested the Blazers,
early tally. 1-0, in the regular season matchup
The Blazers took their 1-0 ad- between the Montgomery County
vantage into halftime after a back- programs.
and-forth first half but controlled
much of the final 40 minutes and Mount Hebron advances in 3A
were rewarded for their play half- Mount Hebron advanced to its
way through the second half. third consecutive 3A state final
Meron Koro picked up an er- with a 1-0 win over Oakdale in
rant pass by Perry Hall (6-8-2) and Frederick.
drove toward the end line before Olivia Hoover scored the deci-
she saw the goalkeeper off her sive goal for the Vikings in the 21st
line, expecting a cross. Koro saw a minute. Mount Hebron (15-1) has
vacant back post and unleashed a won 15 consecutive games since a
looping shot that sailed over the 2-1 loss in its season opener
goalkeeper’s head and nestled against nationally ranked
into the bottom corner to double McDonogh School and will take
Blair’s lead in the 57th minute. on Severna Park next week for the
Coach Robert Gibb, in his 35th state title.

maryland boys’ soccer semifinals

Raiders reach 4A final

with a laser in overtime Craig hudson for the Washington Post

have played nothing but tight Mount Hebron players surround Coach Jeannette Ireland on Saturday after securing the first field hockey state title in school history.
lEoNARDToWN 2, matches this postseason, win-
WhiTMAN 1 (oT) ning all four playoff games by
maryland 3a field hockey final
one goal. That included a 1-0 win
over North Point in the second

Leonardtown sophomore
Noah Kowalko knew he had end-
round that avenged the team’s
only loss.
“I think the turning point in
our season was that first loss to
For coach, title worth the 33-year wait
ed the game the moment he North Point,” Kokolios said. “It
kicked the ball. Saturday’s Mary- caused a change in mind-set. The A decade ago, Ireland’s Vikings than a minute remaining, Tylar Northern’s junior varsity team
land 4A boys’ soccer semifinal boys realized nothing was going MouNT hEBRoN 5, were on this same stage but suf- Fleck put the finishing touches on along for the bus ride to Paint
between the Raiders and Whit- to be given to us, no matter how NoRThERN 1 fered a one-goal loss. For years the win with a tap-in. Branch to build excitement.
man was two minutes into the good we are. We had to earn after, Mount Hebron couldn’t ad- “Honestly, it means more than “It’s not always going to go our
first period of sudden-death everything.” vance out of its region to earn a words can tell,” Machiran said. way, and we should be proud of
overtime when the ball fell to BY E MMETT S IEGEL shot at redemption. “. . . When I received my medal, I everything that we accomplished
Kowalko on the back end of a Damascus holds on in 2A This preseason, though, Ire- started tearing up a bit.” this year,” said Tozzolo, wrapping
corner kick, and his shot was too When Steve Pfiel took over at Jeannette Ireland waited for land foresaw that this team had a Mount Hebron’s two fourth- up her fifth year guiding the pro-
perfect not to go in. Damascus in the spring, he met this moment for 33 years. As the chance. She had seen talented quarter strikes sealed the deal, gram. “I mean, if somebody would
“I had that feeling right away; I with departing coach Andre Wise coach of Mount Hebron field players grow up within the pro- but it was the connection between have told me in August that this is
just hit it so nicely,” Kowalko to learn a bit about the roster. hockey, she has seen her teams gram and knew this squad, with a Annabelle Kazanas and Avery where I was going to be today, I
said. “And then the only thing Wise, who had coached the Hor- come close to a state title but fall bevy of talented upperclassmen, Maslow that powered the Vikings. would have told them they were
going through my head was, nets for 13 seasons, told his just short on multiple occasions. had the potential to bring home They assisted each other’s goals, crazy.”
‘That better go in because that replacement the group had the On Saturday at Paint Branch the school’s first state title. putting on display the precise Of all people, Ireland knows as
was a great shot.’ ” potential to go to the state cham- High in Burtonsville, her Vikings “Don’t waste this opportunity,” passing and opportunistic corner well as anybody how hard it is to
Kowalko’s laser strike did go pionship game. finally finished the job with a she told her players. play that gave Northern trouble. win the final game of the season.
in, and it handed the Raiders a “At that moment, I decided to comprehensive 5-1 victory over When the Vikings (16-1) circled Despite the result, an upbeat But when presented with her first
2-1 win at Glen Burnie High. coach the team like it could win a Northern in the Maryland 3A for a timeout with 7:34 remaining CoraJo Tozzolo was quick to point opportunity to put her hands on
In this week’s 4A final, the state championship,” Pfiel said. championship game. Saturday, it was clear they weren’t out the positives of an impressive the trophy, the calm-mannered
Raiders will face Prince George’s “So starting in the summer, “Still in disbelief, honestly,” Ire- going to. Just seconds earlier, sen- season for the Patriots (15-2) that coach took a step back and let her
County power Northwestern. through the preseason, into the land said after the game. “I’m ior midfielder Natalie Machiran included a Southern Maryland players lift it first.
The Wildcats, who last won a season — this team has held itself proud of them. They did the work. had rocketed a shot into the goal Athletic Conference champion- After 33 years, what difference
state title in 2021, defeated Urba- to a very high standard.” They deserved it.” to give them a 4-1 lead. With less ship. The coach even brought does a few extra seconds make?
na, 2-1, in similar fashion Satur- On Saturday afternoon at Bel
day. Senior midfielder Josue Air High, the Hornets secured a
Mejia Rico scored the game-win- spot in the state championship
ning goal in the first period of game for the first time in pro- Virginia class 3 field hockey final
extra time. gram history with a 3-2 win over
Kowalko’s goal provided a sud-
den and dramatic end to a tense,
defensive match. Leonardtown’s
North Harford in 2A.
Senior forward Nick Weaver
opened the scoring with a free
Mustangs end their campaign proud if not perfect
Lincoln Bauer gave the Raiders kick, giving his team an early 1-0
the lead in the 18th minute, and lead. The Hawks leveled the we’ve come. We’re going to re- Tabb dominated the ball part of Saturday’s loss was know-
Whitman sophomore Endric score, but Damascus (15-2-0) TABB 6, member all the good things throughout but led just 2-0 at ing it was the last time her
Lotsch equalized for the Vikings found another goal minutes later, MERiDiAN 0 about this season, not just how it halftime on goals by Kira seniors would wear Meridian
(11-5-0) in the 50th. Otherwise, substitute Sam Kaganzev provid- ended.” Takahashi-Trader. She scored her uniforms. She does not believe
the teams spent a cold afternoon ing a perfect deflection in a Meridian (21-1) was undefeat- third goal early in the second any of them will play college field
mostly fighting small, physical chaotic box. BY M IKE H OLTZCLAW ed until it ran into York County’s half, and the Tigers never let up. hockey, other than perhaps at the
battles for possession in the mid- Senior midfielder Lawrence Tigers. A year ago, the Mustangs They scored their sixth and final club level, so she said the last
field. Ahwireng Jr. put the Hornets up VIRGINIA BEACH — In the regu- were region runners-up and lost goal with three minutes left. game of the year would be tough
“There were three things we 3-1 in the second half. That lar season, the Meridian field in the state quarterfinals in a Afterward, Tabb players under any circumstances.
talked about before the game: two-goal margin proved pivotal hockey team allowed just four heartbreaking penalty shootout; jumped, danced and chanted, “For a lot of these seniors, it’s
positivity, belief and toughness,” when North Harford scored a goals. Saturday’s Virginia Class 3 this year, they were region “Three-peat!” the last time they’ll ever play,”
first-year Leonardtown coach late tally. state championship game went champs and made it to the state Carmody said the Mustangs she said. “That’s where the sad-
Luke Kokolios said. “The tough- Damascus will face Century, differently. title game after Carmody scored knew how good the Tigers were ness comes from. It’s a great
ness factor was huge today. We out of Carroll County, this week Tabb beat Meridian, 6-0, at the winning goal against Poquo- but came into the game with group of kids, and they’ve meant
had to be locked in for every at Loyola University in the cham- Kellam High to win its third son in a semifinal. confidence. so much to this program.”
second. . . . But then in overtime, pionship game. consecutive state title. After- Meridian Coach Anne Steen- “We prepare the same way for Asked how the bus ride home
we had to hold our heads up and “Next week I just want to see ward, Mustangs senior Caroline hoek described Tabb as “very every game — you’re always ex- would be, Carmody shrugged.
believe.” this team dig as deep as they dug Carmody still managed a muted skilled, very athletic and very, cited to play and a little nervous,” “Bittersweet,” she said. “We’re
After winning the Southern today,” Pfiel said. “We’re going to smile as she held her state run- very tough.” She pointed out that she said. “It’s unfortunate what sad right now, but we’re going to
Maryland Athletic Conference ti- have their physicality and their ner-up medal. most of the Tigers’ roster plays happened today, but we’re still think about everything we ac-
tle at the conclusion of the regu- heart. If we can do that, we’ll be “I’m a little bit bummed,” she field hockey year-round for club proud of the season we’ve had.” complished together, and then
lar season, the Raiders (13-1-1) in it.” said. “But it’s super cool how far teams. Steenhoek said the hardest we’ll get excited.”
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post eZ su d13

High Schools
VirginiA ClAss 6 field hoCkey finAl VirginiA Cross-Country ChAmpionships

For Patriots, redemption was a year in the making In Class 6, Woodbridge,

YOrktOwn 1, W. Springfield live large
Baskin said. “We came so close
last year. We wanted to feel this,
Shipley said. “We knew they were
strong defensively, and their goal-
But late in the second overtime
period, Ingson stopped a shot by
w.t. wOOdsOn 0 (2Ot) and now we’ve got it. We knew ie is a phenomenal player. But the Alexis Williams, and the rebound
deep down that we could do this. more opportunities you get, the came to Baskin. With Ingson out said.
We all got really hyped up for this.” higher the chance that you score.” of position after the initial save, In the boys’ Class 6 champion-
BY M IKE H OLTZCLAW Yorktown (19-2) had scoring Shipley said her team likes Baskin had a clear shot on goal.
Vikings boys back up ship, Woodbridge prevailed
opportunities throughout, start- overtime, both psychologically “I saw the ball coming to me, their preseason title talk; thanks to top-10 finishes by ju-
VIRGINIA BEACH — This time, the ing in the first quarter when Ele- and because the format fits well and I saw the open goal,” Baskin
Spartans girls repeat nior Hayden Goodman (fifth,
Yorktown field hockey team was na Reiser’s penalty shot clanged with the Patriots’ speed. Her play- said. “I only had a second to think, 15:44) and senior Nathanael
on the right side of a 1-0 result in off the left goal post. But Woodson ers seem to buy into that philoso- and what I thought was, ‘Keep McMahon (ninth, 16:04). Scoring
the Virginia Class 6 champion- goalkeeper AJ Ingson made sev- phy, having won their semifinal your stick down.’ That’s what I 62 points, Woodbridge finished
ship game. eral key saves, and the Cavaliers matchup and the title game in did, and it paid off.” BY M ICHAEL H OWES comfortably ahead of Lake Brad-
After losing to Fairfax by that worked to clear the rebounds. overtime. Shipley said the state title was dock (86).
score last year, the disappoint- The longer the game remained Twice during overtime Satur- the perfect ending to a gratifying As a freshman, Aidan The Vikings approached
ment stuck with the Patriots until scoreless, the higher the likeli- day, Yorktown’s Olivia Stafford season. MacGrath told her coach, “I’ll Coach Kelly McGreal in July stat-
Saturday, when junior Paige hood that a fortuitous bounce or a had clean shots on goal. Her first “We really didn’t know what never be able to do that.” Skinny ing the goal for the upcoming
Baskin scored with three minutes simple mistake could be the dif- opportunity, midway through the this year was going to be like,” she and small, as she described her- season was to win the state cham-
left in the second overtime period ference. first overtime period, went just said. “We lost a lot of seniors, and self, the West Springfield High pionship. Then the team worked
to give Yorktown a victory over “You keep getting those oppor- wide of the net. The second, a few these girls really had to figure runner did not believe she could out daily in the summer heat in
W.T. Woodson. tunities, and you hope one will go minutes into the second over- some things out. They put in the win a state competition. preparation.
“It’s the best feeling ever,” in,” Yorktown Coach Olivia time, was blocked by Ingson. effort, and it definitely paid off.” Three years later she proved The Vikings wore their confi-
her younger self wrong, darting dence on their sleeves, literally, as
to a first-place finish at the Vir- McGreal printed championship
ginia Class 6 girls’ cross-country T-shirts before the event began to
meet to cap her senior season and wear at the awards ceremony.
vault the Spartans to a team vic- “We knew we had the talent,
tory with 62 points, just ahead of and we also knew that there was
Robinson (64) and W.T. Woodson no team out there who wanted it
(65). as much as we did,” Goodman
“It’s like your dream came said. “We knew going into it that
true,” MacGrath said after finish- another team was going to have
ing the 5K race at Oatlands in to outwork us, which we didn’t
Leesburg in 18 minutes 11 sec- think was going to happen.”
onds. “. . . I’m just happy I was South County senior Nayan
able to push through it and hear Kasperowski won the boys’ race
everyone cheering and coming in 15:09, but the Stallions weren’t
first.” part of the team competition.
MacGrath began consistently Kasperowski said his goal was to
going on long runs her junior stick with the race for the first 21/2
year to strengthen her body, she miles before speeding up for the
said. She also started to monitor final stretch.
what she was eating to keep her- “I saw a little gap being
self in a healthy physique. formed, and I knew that those
“I just stopped caring, really, guys were kind of dead,” Kasper-
overall about what other people owski said. “I wanted to just get
said and what my body looked away from them and try to make
like versus what a healthy body my move and then try to hold on
looked like,” she said. “Once I until I got to the finish line.”
noticed all of that and I actually In the Class 4 meet, also at
put in the work to do what’s right Oatlands, Broad Run senior
to keep myself healthy is when I Tarek Benlamkaddem was the in-
started seeing all the work pay off dividual champion, finishing in
and got me here.” 15:33.
The Spartans secured their “I’m really tired, but I think
second straight team title for the most of that happiness covers up
first time in school history — the exhaustion,” he said. “It was
even after falling to rival W.T. all about mental prep while get-
Woodson in the district and re- ting ready for states and winning,
gion championships. most importantly, and that really
“We didn’t win the small prize came to fruition.”
and we didn’t win the medium The Loudoun Valley girls, who
prize, but we won the large prize, were led by senior Ella Peterson’s
and that’s the one that goes down fourth-place finish, were second
in history,” Coach Chris Pellegrini in Class 4.

mArylAnd Cross-Country ChAmpionships

Einstein shows its love

Craig hudson for the Washington Post

Crofton won its second straight state championship, this time in Class 4A after one in Class 3A in 2022, by shutting out Churchill.
and loves its top finish
Despite Frederick having the in-
mArylAnd ClAss 4A field hoCkey finAl dividual winner, the Wildcats had
For girls, Walter Johnson three runners finish in the top 15:

Cardinals seniors set a lofty standard holds on, Severna Park

rolls to dominant victory
Megan Raue in fourth, Mirae
Denaro in sixth and Carolyn
Hultman in 13th.
There were no surprises in 3A
as the Severna Park girls, last
win over River Hill. This year, title game for the third straight sure on all game long. BY S AM J ANE year’s 4A champs, coasted. With
CrOftOn 5, there was no drama: With a com- year but were left with runner-up After Charlotte DeForest every runner donning a shirt that
ChurChill 0 fortable cushion, Cardinals medals yet again. When the final tipped in a shot by Emily Najarian The Einstein boys’ cross-coun- said “We > Me,” the Falcons’
Coach Amy Skrickus was able to horn sounded, Churchill senior just over midway through the try runners aren’t shy about shar- stacked roster stayed true to the
give goalie Ryleigh Osborne a Emma Datch embraced team- first quarter, the floodgates ing their love for one another. program’s mantra in a 53-point
BY E MMETT S IEGEL curtain call and bring in senior mate Jenna Pigott as the Cardi- opened. In the second quarter, Each keeps a “dap track,” de- win over second-place Howard.
Downing Lose for the final few nals’ celebration unfolded behind Olivia Feeley and Sophia Galarza signed to gauge how many high- Great Mills senior Carter Broth-
This is Crofton High’s fourth minutes. them. added their names to the fives and handshakes the team erton ran an 18-minute 33-second
school year of existence. Its varsi- Crofton (16-2) has one of the “That was a really emotional scoresheet. Second-half goals by does at meets. 5K to take home the individual
ty field hockey team has played most talented rosters in the state, moment for me,” Datch said. “. . . Mary-Cate Parks and Feeley set- At the Maryland Class 4A championship.
for just three but has soared to but moving up to 4A presented a We’ve gotten so close as a team tled the margin of victory. championship Saturday at Here- On a Severna Park team loaded
elite status in the blink of an eye. new challenge. this year, and I’m proud of where Crofton’s seniors built a stron- ford High in Parkton, there were with talented runners, Saturday
The Cardinals kept rising Sat- “We understood that we need- we’ve gone. It’s just hard that it’s ger foundation than anyone could so many daps the Titans could was Josephine Kamas’s turn to
urday by securing back-to-back ed to fight this entire game,” said the end.” have imagined. The standard has barely keep track. That tends to show out. The freshman placed
state championships. They out- Osborne, who made two diving In Thursday’s semifinal win been set as they step away. happen when you win the first fourth in 19:27. As has been the
played Churchill for a 5-0 win in stops at the goal line. “. . . We over Broadneck — last year’s 4A “Definitely upsetting that I’m state title in school history. case all season, Severna Park’s
the Maryland 4A title game at weren’t going to let up, because if champion and the team responsi- leaving, but I’m very happy for Fueled by senior Patrick depth was its main theme.
Paint Branch High in Burtons- we did let up we know that this ble for Crofton’s only losses this this team,” said Corcoran, who got Mozden’s sixth-place finish, Ein- Also, the Falcons’ boys’ team
ville. team is very capable of scoring.” season — the Cardinals scored to carry the trophy into the locker stein (121 points) narrowly beat placed second (87) behind Tow-
Last year, Crofton lifted the 3A Saturday brought a familiar first and dared the Bruins to beat room. “They’re going to be great Churchill (126) and Whitman son (72).
trophy after Kylie Corcoran feeling for Churchill (16-2), too. Osborne and their sturdy defense. next year — hopefully win an- (128). When Coach Eric DaSilva “It’s really nice to see [the girls’
scored a late winner for a narrow The Bulldogs advanced to the 4A On Saturday, they kept the pres- other state championship.” saw numerous baby-blue check- team] where we were, just to have
ered shorts near the front of the the program be great on both
pack midway through, he knew sides,” 11th-place finisher Caden
his team was going to do what Lazzor said.
VirginiA ClAss 5 field hoCkey finAl past teams thought wasn’t possi- Severna Park is a team with no
ble. single star, but Howard intro-

In program’s fifth season, the Tigers break through As each Titans runner crossed
the finish line, they huddled
around one another, using all
duced a pair of runners to the
state cross-country scene at Here-
ford. The Lions had second-place
their math knowledge to try to finishers in the 3A girls’ and boys’
opponent. “There’s no team I’ve been more “Stay low, stay strong, and figure out where they stood in the meets: Freshman Claire Sivitz ran
independenCe 1, “Honestly, we’ve been prepar- proud of than this team right communicate,” Darrow said. standings. 19:01, and senior Joey Ensor fin-
first COlOnial 0 ing for this since the first practice here.” “That’s all it takes.” “They were the first group in ished in 16:00.
in July,” Perez said. “Our goal all Perez scored the game’s only According to MaxPreps, this my 17 years [of coaching] that Sivitz came on late in the year,
along was state.” goal midway through the second was the first time First Colonial said, ‘This is possible; we’re going but even she didn’t expect to run
BY M IKE H OLTZCLAW The Ashburn school is in its quarter, batting a rebound out of has been shut out since 2020. to go for it,’ ” DaSilva said. as well as she did, nor did her
fifth year of existence. In each of the air chest high from the left Perez said the Independence Einstein was not considered a coach.
VIRGINIA BEACH — It took 60 mi- its first four seasons, the field side of the goal. players and coaches had the op- true contender but had a clear “I was speechless; it was like,
nutes of playing time Saturday for hockey team had lost in the state “I saw the ball come off the portunity to watch First Colonial strategy going in: place as many ‘Oh, my gosh, that happened,’ ”
Independence to win the Virginia semifinals. This time, the Tigers goalkeeper, and I didn’t have time play during the semifinals Friday, runners in the middle of the pack Courtney Mann said.
Class 5 field hockey state champi- (22-0) finished things off, win- to think,” Perez said. “It was just and the scouting helped them as possible by sticking together. It The host team, Hereford (65),
onship, but junior midfielder ning the athletic program’s instinct.” prepare for the championship did just that as five runners secured the 2A girls’ title, edging
Jaelen Perez reflected on a 10th state title. From there, the Tigers’ airtight game. finished in the top 45. The tight- Centennial (67). Century fresh-
journey that was several months Before coming to Independ- defense in front of goalkeeper “They are very fast with the knit group also used its incon- man Taylor Colson finished in
long. ence, Coach Jennifer Darrow had Quin Demcsak did the rest. Dar- ball — that was really obvious to spicuous reputation as motiva- 18:51 to secure the individual
Moments after her team won two state championships as row called a timeout midway see,” Perez said. “We held up a tion. championship.
capped its undefeated season an assistant at Westfield. After through the fourth quarter to little bit, stayed back a little more “We weren’t on the radar, but The Centennial boys’ team
with a 1-0 victory over First Colo- winning her first as a head coach stress to her players that the state on defense than we usually do, we knew we should have been,” took home the 2A championship,
nial, Perez stood on the field at Saturday, she wiped tears from title was within reach. because we knew how fast they Mozden said. with David Herzberger placing
Kellam High and tried to explain her eyes before the medal cer- She said her team has a simple are. But really we just tried to play The girls’ 4A race was also a fifth. Southern junior Eric Penka-
how she and her teammates had emony. philosophy when it comes to the our regular game of tough de- close finish as Walter Johnson la won the individual race in
shut out such a highly skilled “It’s very emotional,” she said. defensive side of the game. fense.” (70) narrowly beat Frederick (71). 15:47.
D14 EZ RE the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

sunday, november 12, 2023 Arts&Style eZ ee e

Rush frontman documents
his band’s history and that
of his family in his new
memoir, ‘My Effin’ Life’


ershon eliezer Weinrib’s dark
hair still falls past his shoul-
ders. In most rooms of his
home, a bass sits within reach.
and as he watches his beloved
Blue Jays from his seat behind home
plate, there’s always some guy lingering
nearby, waiting for the moment to thrust
out a hand and blurt: “I just wanted to say
hi. I’m a huge fan.”
Weinrib, better known as geddy Lee,
played his final show as the octave-
bending frontman of Rush eight years
ago. at the time, though, he still held out
hope for an encore, which didn’t seem
unreasonable. the prog-rock trio was a
giant of 1970s FM radio, filling arenas
with a sound that melded the proto-
metal of hendrix or Led Zeppelin with
the nerdy, noodling precision of Yes or
early genesis, while their graduate-level
lyrics evoked ayn Rand, samuel R. Dela-
ny or John Dos Passos, to the delight of
fans who kept coming back for decades
even after they cut their hair and sold
their trans ams.
Lee can talk eloquently about bird-
watching, baseball and what he looks for
in a great burgundy. But his response is
blunt when he’s asked if he misses his
“F---, yeah.”
a band, it’s often said, is like a mar-
riage. except most married couples get to
spend a few hours apart each day. a band
eats together, bunks together and ram-
bles together from gig to gig in that rusty
econoline or, when fortune strikes, a
posh tour bus. and if that band is lucky
enough to score a bona fide hit, the bitter
battles over money, credit and fame can
rupture the union as brutally as a divorce.
But Rush was an unbreakable unit
from the moment Lee, guitarist alex
Lifeson and drummer Neil Peart began
see GEddy LEE ON E8

Musician Geddy Lee. Work on his

memoir came out of a series of losses
over the past decade — of his band, of a
beloved bandmate and of his mother.
richArD siBBAlD

critic’S notebook inSide

A tragic story eclipsed her art.

This show restores the dazzle.

ome artists are so personally mag- ing down a long, dark tunnel.
netic, their biographies so engross- that’s not the way life works. It’s not
ing, that their lives overshadow how art works either.
their art. It’s an old problem that be- the job of museum curators is to save
comes most acute when the artist has art from the distortions of dramatized
died young, succumbed to addiction or biography and return our attention to the
been confined to a psychiatric hospital — work. so we should all be thankful for
all plot points that make the nostrils of “Camille Claudel,” an exhibition at the
biopic producers quiver. art Institute of Chicago. By assembling
Many people know the sculptor Ca- most of Claudel’s best sculptures, the
mille Claudel (1864-1943) through the show transforms a dark tunnel into a
1988 film about her. “Camille Claudel” beautiful and wide-open expanse.
starred the tautly luminous Isabelle ad- Organized by the art Institute’s emer-
jani as Claudel and the magnetic, billow- son Bowyer and anne-Lise Desmas, a
ing gerard Depardieu as auguste Rodin, curator at the getty Museum in Los
her mentor and lover. I watched it again angeles (where the show will travel in the
this week. It’s a fine film. But when you spring), this is the first U.s. show devoted
know where the narrative is heading,
every scene doubles as a portent of
exclusively to Claudel since a 1988 retro-
spective — coinciding with the French Vibrant show celebrates
impending demise. the result is claustro-
phobic, the narrative equivalent of look-
film’s release — at the National Museum
see cLaudEL ON E10 Black dance traditions e4
PLUS: The Jar invites people from different
Musée Joseph-DenAis, BeAuforT-en-AnJou camille claudel’s “The Little Lady” depicts a girl said to have posed for 60 hours. backgrounds to experience art together e2
E2 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023


Art fosters community at The Jar

The Boston-based project invites people who wouldn’t normally cross paths to share an evening of creative expression and conversation


n a chilly night in the Roxbury neigh-
borhood, dozens of people — White,
Black, Asian American, straight, gay,
nonbinary, you name it — gathered
for an invitation-only event that was
equal parts about making art and making
friends. Seated on the stage were Yo-Yo Ma, the
celebrated cellist, and Liza Donnelly, the New
Yorker cartoonist, who had been paired for the
evening by the moderator, Guy Ben-Aharon, to
explore how their creative lives might con-
As Ma played and Donnelly sketched him on
a tablet projected onto a large screen, the
audience was treated to a rare intersection —
and another installment of The Jar, a pioneer-
ing nonprofit that aspires to knit a disparate
citizenry together. Founded four years ago by
Ben-Aharon, a 33-year-old stage director who
previously ran his own Boston-based theater
company, Israeli Stage, The Jar has developed a
gentler model of social engineering. Its goal is
forging comradeship via conversations about
artistic experiences among groups that other-
wise find few opportunities to commingle.
“There’s something so invigorating about
making friends as an adult,” said Rokeya Chow-
dhury, a Boston restaurateur and Jar propo-
nent. “To be intent about creating a space
where you all feel stronger together — I feel that
is really meaningful.”
Bolstered by a $750,000, three-year grant
from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, The
Jar is in the vanguard of a movement seeking to
capitalize on the communal powers of the
visual and performing arts — what’s often
referred to as “community engagement.” But
the concept has more complex implications
than that clinical terminology connotes. In a
society that feels ever more tribal — even in
cities that may have progressive cultures but
checkered racial histories — inviting someone
demographically unlike you to share a drink
and an opinion is sometimes akin to a radical
“If you want to see a diverse and vibrant
cultural community come to fruition, you have
to build it,” Ben-Aharon said over breakfast.
“With The Jar, you’re actively invited to build
the world you want to live in.”
Invitation is the password unlocking the
group’s mission. Here’s how The Jar works:
Several people of divergent backgrounds agree
to be “conveners” for a Jar program or “happen-
ing,” centered on a preselected reading, poem,
playlet, painting or other work. Each convener
agrees to bring five others to the event, at $10 a
head, with the goal of an audience capped at 96.
One invitee in each “jar” of six people is an
intimate of the convener; two are “usuals” —
friends or colleagues. But two others must be
“unusuals,” people the convener barely or only
incidentally knows. Or as Ben-Aharon put it,
“people who you wouldn’t normally experience
culture with — two people who may not look like
you, love like you, pray like you.”
“The profoundness of it is that it invites
people to do it themselves,” he added about the
process, which on some evenings focuses on a
solo performer or even an object, and other
times pairs wildly different artists, such as Ma
and Donnelly. The group looks for spaces in
various spots around Boston and its suburbs —
sometimes even in private homes — for the 40
happenings and salons it sponsors over a season.
“It invites them in, in a way that they don’t
really know what effect it will have on them,”
Ben-Aharon said. “Let’s say you go to church,
and you’re a White gay man, and you go to this
church with your husband, and your normal
circle is White gay men — why wouldn’t that be?
That’s just the way society dictates we live.
“But suddenly you’re invited to The Jar and
you have to think of who are the two ‘unusuals,'
and you invite a Black lesbian couple from that
church. And suddenly you create a friendship
with them. Suddenly you create a bond — and
this actually happened, by the way.”
If it all sounds a little “Kumbaya,” well, you Eric KorEnman

have only to sit in on a session of The Jar to feel

the welcoming vibe — the purposeful acting on
a conviction that we’re all too unconnected.
Unlike, say, a religious community, where faith class and ethnic makeup. The renovated brick-
provides the link, Ben-Aharon and The Jar walled space was donated for the happening by
count on the creative soul as its spiritual source. Chowdhury, who was also one of the conveners
“He represents a generation of young people for the Ma and Donnelly mash-up.
who want a more porous social fabric,” said Rob “We all have inner lives, but sometimes we
Orchard, formerly founding managing director can’t locate them, because we’re too busy,” Ma
of American Repertory Theatre in Cambridge, said, as he played a selection of classical pieces,
Mass., who taught Ben-Aharon at Emerson each prompted by Ben-Aharon’s questions
College and now attends Jar happenings. “It’s about the emotional states art communicates.
unusual, using the arts as the catalyst for under- Seated next to him, Donnelly attempted in bold
standing differences. You hear people who ex- and softer strokes and colors to depict Ma and
perience the same piece as you, and you get to the audience.
appreciate how their response to it is totally “Do you play anger — are there times?”
different from yours.” Donnelly asked at one point. Ma responded
Ben-Aharon and his handful of staffers have with a fake roar, which got a laugh. And then he
had no trouble finding like-minded Bostonians; added, “Part of being a musician is you can put
the catch is that the gatherings are small by yourself in whatever frame of mind you need to
design, and cracking the next challenge — how be in.”
to grow the project, expand it perhaps to other You could sense the audience’s pleasure, not
cities — remains elusive. only in meeting these artists up close, but also in
“What we’re trying to do is scale intimacy,” having been asked, individually, to be there. “I
said Jeff Kubiatowicz, The Jar’s executive direc- like the people that I meet; it’s good to have
tor. “On one hand, we need to use technology in places like this,” said Cornell Coley, who came to
order to make that happen. On the other hand, the happening from Mattapan, another Boston
we have to keep it really, really personal. And neighborhood. “They created something that
we’re trying to balance those two things as we brings you out.”
grow it.” For artists, too, the invitation to be part of The
The Jar’s participants seem to share a pas- Jar can elicit joy. Donnelly, who draws for the
sionate belief in the outstretched hand. “The New Yorker and has also worked for CBS and
Jar’s model is very radical, very subversive,” said had cartoons in publications such as Vanity Fair,
Samantha Tan, an executive leadership consul- said in an interview that she hadn’t been sure
tant who chairs the board. “First of all is joy, what to expect. What struck her was that she
right? Come here and enjoy yourself — enjoy was able to make a connection herself. “Car-
meeting people who are not like you. Enjoy tooning is communication, dialogue with other
yourself!” people. It’s not like me trying to show how
Which was the feeling that suffused the room anna olivElla clever I am.
a few months ago in Roxbury, long a Black TOP: Cartoonist Liza Donnelly, moderator Guy Ben-Aharon and cellist Yo-Yo Ma at The Jar. Donnelly and “I really loved the intimacy of the room, and I
neighborhood that has, like so many enclaves in Ma were paired by Ben-Aharon to explore how their creative lives might converge. ABOVE: The invitation- could feel the diversity. I could feel the inclusive
gentrifying cities, undergone changes in its only audience reacts to the session featuring Ma and Donnelly in Boston’s Roxbury neighborhood. nature of it,” she added. “I felt the warmth.”
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post eZ ee e3

Great works, in focus

An 1,100-year-old sculpture addresses the unity and division of gender


I love spending time in the Asian galleries of art museums, where the
scaffolding of time itself collapses and almost every work seems to open
doors onto the deepest philosophical questions.
This beguiling sculpture, at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New
York, was carved from sandstone in Cambodia about 1,100 years ago. It
depicts a divine figure whose body is divided vertically. One side, with the
swell of a breast and a long skirt, appears female. The other side, with its
flatter chest and shorter waist garment, appears male.
The god, a Hindu deity, is Ardhanarishvara, the half-male, half-female
form of Shiva. In Hindu cosmology, Shiva is the god from whom all life
emanates, the god of destruction and lord of time.
“You are a woman. You are a man. You are the youth and the maiden
too.” So goes a verse from the Upanishads, the Hindu scriptures that
present a vision of the world, in all its diversity, as having a single source.
“Having no beginning,” the same verse continues, “you are everywhere.
[You] from whom all worlds are born.”
If being born requires a separation, so do both the generation of new
life and indeed time itself. The generation of new life requires the
separation of male and female. Ardhanarishvara is unusual in bringing
them together. So what is its significance?
One explanation for this sexually unified deity (as the Met’s John Guy
has explained in an essay on sexual syncretism in Indian art) comes from a
legend about Shiva and his divine consort, Parvati. To achieve acceptance
by Shiva, Parvati performed acts of extreme asceticism and penance. He
rewarded her by absorbing her into himself.
The resulting unity, represented in this beautiful sculpture, precluded,
however, the possibility of sexual activity and procreation. There is a
residual tension in early representations of Ardhanarishvara, where
Shiva is shown with an erect phallus, suggesting that the figure itself is
still straining against resolution, striving for the division that creates
desire and regeneration.
But no such overt sign is visible in this Cambodian sculpture, which is
uncommonly serene. The breast is relatively flat, the hips are only slightly
wider on one side, and the different lengths of cloth feel like a minor
Nonetheless, when you come upon this sculpture in the Met’s galleries,
the asymmetry remains striking. The imbalance is oddly activating. A
unity has been achieved, but you are left with a sense of latent division.
Desire is so paradoxical. It is like an arrow that transforms the void into
a wound, which in turn aches for the arrow. In Hindu cosmology this
ongoing cleavage is the source (as Roberto Calasso wrote in “Ka,” his
retelling of Hindu myths) of “time, all time, all the time there ever would
be, all of history, all the stories that would invisibly cloak all existence.”
Without desire, in other words, everything would exist in an undifferenti-
ated present.

The Half-Male,
Half-Female Form of Shiva, 921-945
A Cambodian sculpture in sandstone from the Angkor period at
the metropolitan museum of Art, New York.

A series featuring art critic Sebastian Smee’s favorite works in

permanent collections across the United States
the metropolitAN mUSeUm of Art
Lisa-Marie Mazzucco

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Artists of Ballet West in The Nutcracker. Photo by Beau Pearson.


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E4 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023


steve Pisano

Charles Turner and show creator LaTasha Barnes, right, perform in “The Jazz Continuum,” to be held at the Kennedy Center this month. The show honors the impact of Black artistry in dance and music.

Finding common threads

in Black dance traditions
BY C ELIA W REN music show. It’s not just a show,” says “Jazz
Continuum” creator LaTasha Barnes, an ac-
To connect with the Lindy Hop, a form of claimed dancer, choreographer, scholar and
swing dance born in Harlem in the 1920s, you Army veteran. She calls the production an
can look beyond the Lindy Hop. offering to “the truth of the continuum” in
At least that’s the premise of “The Jazz Black American music, dance and culture.
Continuum,” running at the Kennedy Center “That is to say, of American music, dance
on Friday and Saturday. According to the and culture,” she adds. “Because, if we’re
vision of this performance-meets-party- honest, from the Black music experience and
meets-historical-eye-opener, there are echoes the Black dance experience, absolutely, we get
and affinities that link the historic dance style what we call popular dance and music in
to more recent modes such as hip-hop and America — and globally.”
house. As for the “jazz” part of the title, Barnes
Staged in different iterations at Jacob’s says, it refers not only to jazz music and
Pillow Dance Festival and elsewhere, the dance, but also to jazz-associated traits such
production celebrates the decades-spanning as “innovation, the coolness, the willingness
ties between manifestations of Black artistry to integrate all of the things around you to
in music and dance, including social dance. make something beautiful and evocative.”
Expect DJing, improvisation, tributes to hoof- This edition of “The Jazz Continuum” will
in’ legends such as Earl “Snakehips” Tucker be tailored to the Washington area. Local
and “Queen of Swing” Norma Miller, nods to artists will help shape the piece during a
musical styles including dancehall and go-go, five-day residency with Barnes at the Ken-
and more. nedy Center and then perform in the produc-
“It’s not just a dance show. It’s not just a tion.

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Aquarium Board of Trustees. © Hope Gangloff.
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post PG ee E5


D.C.-area specialties like hand-dancing — a

type of swing dance — and Beat Ya Feat, a
dance style rooted in go-go music, are likely
to make an appearance.
Barnes, 43, is from Richmond, where she
grew up in a family so passionate about dance
that they had their own line-dance routine.
“If you couldn’t keep up with the steps, they
very gracefully guided you farther back in the
formation,” she said by phone from Phoenix,
where she is a member of the faculty of
Arizona State University.
Barnes’s family also has a tradition of
military service. At age 18, she enlisted in the
Army, working in satellite communications
in Europe and at the White House Communi-
cations Agency.
Before concluding her military career with
the rank of sergeant first class, she was hit by
a car and seriously injured. When a physical
therapist recommended dance therapy,
Barnes signed up for a class in popping, a
dance style based in muscle contraction and
The practice accelerated her healing.
“Dance literally gave me my life back,” she
From there Barnes got involved with
Urban Artistry, a Silver Spring, Md.,-based
nonprofit group focused on performing and
preserving urban dance. Through relation-
ships with other artists, she gained a keen
appreciation for dance forms like the Lindy
Hop and house.
Barnes became a whiz at house, typically
performed to house music with rapid, intri-
cate footwork and rippling movements of the
torso. In 2011, she and a teammate won in a
partnered category at the Paris-based Juste
Debout competition, a prestigious forum for
house dance.
She also began to notice patterns. “I was
able to put together points of alignment,
from authentic jazz dances through to con-
temporary hip-hop and other street/club PhotoS by Steve PiSano

dance forms,” she says. “And I became

interested in how they lived and influenced
each other.”
As an example, she points to a technique
seen in house: stalking, in which dancers
mirror, or riff off, each other’s movements. In
Barnes’s view, stalking — a way to commune
creatively with another person — echoes the
partnering of Lindy Hop.
Barnes’s fascination with dance intersec-
tions has an intellectual component — at
New York University she designed and com-
pleted a master’s degree in ethnochoreology,
Black studies and performance studies. But it
also, she says, “gave something really differ-
ent and rich to my movement.” Her realiza-
tion that other dancers, too, wanted to
explore these intersections spurred her crea-
tion of “The Jazz Continuum.”
Interest in the show may testify to its
canny balance of exuberance and historical
and artistic insight. Alicia Adams, the Ken-
nedy Center’s vice president of dance and
international programming, says she doesn’t
know of any project that explores Black CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Show creator
dance history in quite the same way. The line
of inquiry is especially valuable, she says,
LaTasha Barnes, center, in “The Jazz
Continuum”; Barnes and Tyedric Hill; and Get your FREE ESTIMATE today!
because “social dance is such an important
piece of the fabric of society.”
Imani Arrington. The show will be
performed Friday and Saturday at the
Family Owned
& Operated
For Diyanna Monet, a D.C.-based multidis- Kennedy Center in D.C. Barnes says her For 41 Years or visit
ciplinary artist who performed as a dancer creation celebrates the historic “truth of the
and DJ in the Boston edition of “The Jazz
Continuum” and will return for the Kennedy
Center run, the production has been a
continuum” in Black American music, dance
and culture. D.C.-area specialties such as
hand-dancing — a type of swing dance — and
revelation. She now sees jazz as the link Beat Ya Feat, a dance style rooted in go-go
between the way people move on the street to music, are likely to make an appearance at
her own particular passion: the fusion musi- the Kennedy Center performances.
cal style that is new jack swing.
“I see jazz in the way people speak,” Monet INVENTORY
says. “I see jazz in the way people dance and
how they’re able to sequence their phrases ®
and make it all make sense.”
Conceptual heft notwithstanding, it was Personalized Gutter Protection Solutions
the sheer ebullience of “The Jazz Continuum”
that wowed dancer and American University
lecturer Ama Law when she saw it at Maine’s
Bates Dance Festival in July.
“We were all dancing in the aisles,” says
Law, who will perform at the Kennedy Center.
“I mean, there was a point in the show where
we just couldn’t even sit still anymore.”
As Barnes says, “The Jazz Continuum” is
an opportunity “to experience community

The Jazz Continuum nov. 17-18 at the Kennedy




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E6 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

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S0108 6x3
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post EZ EE E7

No story is
more global.
More profound.
More extreme.

This is
N0642 6x21
E8 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

Alex Lifeson, left, and
Geddy Lee perform in
Springfield, Mass., in 1976.
Neil Peart is on drums. The
three began playing
together in July 1974 and
became an inseparable unit
until their last tour in 2015.

“They lived that,” said Les Clay-

pool, the frontman of the 1990s
funk-metal band Primus. “When
we toured with them in europe,
we got a lot of s--- from the press
because it’s, like, why are you
cutting-edge guys playing with
these old dinosaurs? … From our
perspective, these were our he-
And what about the voice of
Geddy Lee? In truth, it ranged no
higher than that of robert Plant,
the keening powerhouse of Led
Zeppelin, but early on, the
strained, reedy quality of Lee’s
vocal stylings was arresting —
instantly recognizable and easily
mocked. “A guinea pig with an
amphetamine habit,” wrote the
Montreal Gazette. “A munchkin
giving a sermon,” sniffed the new
York Times.
It didn’t matter. Lee had heard
Growing up in Toronto in the
1960s, the greasers teased him
about the size of his nose and
joked that he rode to school on the
“Jew bus.” It was only when he
became friends with steve shutt
— a future Hall of Fame hockey
star — that the bullying let up.
Mary had tried to prepare her
three children for this. she told
them all about her journey — how
fIn costeLLo/redferns/getty ImAges
she and her future husband, Mor-
ris, were just teenagers when they
were rounded up by the nazis and
sent to Auschwitz. About the mir-

Geddy Lee lost GEDDY LEE FroM E1

playing together in July 1974. no

2-to-1 votes; everything had to be
of the rush guys ever did. I just
never understood it. What the f---
did you do when you went back to
your hotel room?”
so Lee decided to take stock of
his own memories. And he began
work on a project he had never
intended to take on.
acle of their survival and their
reunion after the war, and about
the antisemitism she feared they
would face, as well.

so much. He unanimous. Debates were fine,

but voices were never raised;
drumsticks never flew through
the air.
The trio’s personal lives mir-
rored their collective commit-
ment to the band — a relationship
that Lee contemplated as he tried T
here never was a band like
rush. Despite the occasion-
al forays into platform
not long after Lee’s 12th birth-
day, Morris came home from work
with what he thought was the flu.
Lee remembers waking up later in

didn’t want to “I mean, I’m sure there were

differences of opinion at times,
but they always managed to work
it out,” says Terry Brown, who
to cope with a series of losses over
the past decade.
He lost rush in 2015 after that
final tour. He lost Peart in 2020.
shoes and satin, none of them
looked or acted much like rock
stars. They mastered the kind of
technical precision — experi-
the night to the screams: His
father had had a heart attack and
was dead at 45.
For the next 11 months, Lee

lose his story. produced rush over its first dec-

During the era of the golden
god, when jean-stuffing rockers
And he lost his mother, Mary, and
their saturday lunches and Yid-
dish one-liners, in 2021, when she
died at 95. Those losses and the
menting with synthesizers and
changing time signatures mid-
tune — that gets you labeled as
“classically trained,” which they
found himself even more socially
isolated, spending every day at
shul to honor his father, in abid-
ance of Jewish law. The experi-
roamed the earth searching for isolation of the pandemic left Lee, weren’t. And in the era of head- ence set him apart and formed
drugs, groupies and TV sets to 70, struggling with an over- banging and “Cat scratch Fever,” him as the nerd frontman he
toss, the members of rush seemed whelming sadness. they were singing 11-minute songs would become, forever shy yet
content keeping to themselves. He had looked to his mother as inspired by the epic poetry of anxious if he didn’t properly ac-
BELOW, CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Geddy Lee plays “every night after a show, the girls a model of resilience. A Polish Jew, samuel Taylor Coleridge. knowledge his fans, never con-
guitar in 1966 while visiting cousins in Detroit, in the earliest would line up, and my God, you she had survived the concentra- “Conform or be cast out,” Lee vinced he was truly a part of the
known photo of him playing the instrument; Lee’s parents, can even be an ugly bastard like tion camps and found strength sang in “subdivisions,” a 1982 rock star club.
Morris and Mary Weinrib; Rush plays a high school gym in the me and get laid,” Gene simmons and purpose in preserving and song about the pressure to be like Canada probably had some-
early years, with original drummer John Rutsey; Nancy Young of Kiss recounted in a 2010 docu- sharing the stories that others everybody else, which rush thing to do with it, as well.
and Lee met in 1971 and were married five years later. mentary on the band. “And none preferred to forget. would never succumb to. “Growing up in Toronto, you
were just sort of made to feel like a
dollar’s worth 74 cents,” said co-
median and actor rick Moranis, a
grammar school classmate of
Lee’s. “You felt more like an ap-
pendage of the states or some-
thing like that. I mean, we drove
to Buffalo to buy Beatle boots or
blue jeans. … It felt very much like
a foreign place that things hadn’t
reached. except on the radio.”
While his mother worked long
hours at the family discount store,
Lee and his siblings were left
either with their deeply religious
grandmother Bubbe rose or
largely to their own devices. Lee
took to going to rock concerts
with shutt, and one day they both
bought bass guitars.
A couple of weeks later, shutt
was at Lee’s house when Lee put a
record on and started playing
“He’s just playing it. Boom,
boom, boom, boom,” shutt re-
called. “And that’s when I knew
Ged was going to be a bassist, and
I was going to be a hockey player.”
Mary, boggled by the cultural
upheaval of the decade, was unim-
pressed with her son’s musical
acumen — and infuriated by his
ever-growing hair. rather than
have a bar mitzvah photo taken of
her son, Mary commissioned an
artist to create a portrait. In the
painting, she could keep his hair
“she would go into his room
with a scissors when he was sleep-
ing,” remembers susie, his sister.
“And I remember coming after her
and grabbing her and going, no,
no, no, you can’t do this.”
Geddy spent more time in his
bedroom, listening to music and
practicing. eventually he dropped
out of high school, to his mother’s
dismay. Yet the two were very
much built from the same stuff,
said his younger brother, Allan.
“There’s a Holocaust instinct
that comes out, like no matter
what happens, we keep moving
forward,” he added. “In 1965,
women don’t go and take over a
business and run a store and raise
three kids. And [Geddy] clearly
photos from geddy Lee ArchIve has a creative gene that needed to
be nourished, and that’s what car-
ried him through. … That sort of
see GEDDY LEE on E9
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post eZ ee E9

Rush performs its final

show at the Forum in Los
Angeles on Aug. 1, 2015.


survival drive helped him stick

with it. And he was very fortunate
to meet partners who were like-
minded. That is the real miracle of

o … I’ve got a brain tumour.
Sounds like a joke right
there, I know — but alas, no
The email from Peart came in
August 2016, just as Lee was be-
ginning to contemplate that rush
might really be over.
The band had come to a similar
crossroads in 1998, after Peart’s
19-year-old daughter was killed in
a car accident and, less than a year
later, his wife died of lung cancer.
But Lee and Lifeson had given
Peart space and emotional sup-
port, never asking him to play
again until one day he said he was
ready. And so rush carried on for
another dozen years.
They had no trouble filling
rooms. Long after the heyday of
their radio-friendliest hits —
dawn-of-mTV songs such as “Tom
Sawyer” in 1981 — they retained a
deep fan base of guitar enthusi- rICH Fury/InvISIon/ap

asts, headphone-wearing bros,

the quiet army of young men in
suburban basements across Lifeson (or “Leke,” as they called came back to him. The day he met you have to put it down on paper.” on three of their signature songs.
North America who needed a lit- him). Lifeson, through an introduction “He needed to do this. But writing helped as he con- At the after-party, Paul mcCartney
tle more fiber in their hard-rock One day, instead of offering from their mutual pal Shutt. His sidered his losses. So much so that congratulated them and urged
diet and didn’t care if it was no him ice, Peart asked if Lee wanted first kiss with Nancy, then a red- To sit down and really the manuscript swelled to 1,200 them to get back on the road.
longer “cool.” bacon. He also wrote Lee a note headed teenager, in 1971. His trip pages long. (There would be edit- “It had been a taboo subject,
(And yes, it was mostly guys, addressing him as “Baby.” Lee’s with his mother to Poland, where write about Neil [Peart] ing.) and playing those songs again
which is why the scene of Paul many nicknames within the band they toured the barracks and gas “He needed to do this,” Young with a third person was the el-
rudd and Jason Segel air-guitar- included Deke, Dirk, Dekey — but chambers at Auschwitz, the and his mom and the said. “To sit down and really write ephant in the room, and that kind
bonding at a rush concert in the never Baby, and this left him deep- World War II death camp run by about Neil and his mom and the of disappeared,” Lee said. “It was
2009 comedy “I Love You, man” ly rattled. Nazi Germany. All the early days history. It was really history. It was really very cathar- nice to know that if we decide to
felt so true.) “He’s losing his life, but I’m of rush, from their production tic. I could see it.” go out, Alex and I, whether we
Lee was frustrated when an watching his gray cells diminish, choices to their sartorial decisions very cathartic. I could went out as part of a new thing, or

exhausted Peart limited their and this was the most incredible (those silk robes!). His gradual ate in “my Effin’ Life,” the whether we just wanted to go out
40th-anniversary tour to 30 dates mind that I had personally known embrace of his Jewish identity see it.” author reconsiders his and play rush as rush, we could
in 2015, opting to go home rather so intimately,” Lee recalled. (years after Kiss’s Simmons, also Nancy Young, dream of an encore. do that now.”
than extend to Europe. Still, he Nancy Young, his wife of 47 Jewish, told him to avoid wearing Geddy lee’s wife, He thought he had said good- maybe they will. maybe they
hoped his friend would come years, suggested he find a thera- his mezuza necklace while they on the new memoir bye to rush. But then, last year, won’t. But in October 2022, for the
around again — that rush would pist to try to cope with his friend’s were touring the South). rush fanboy Dave Grohl called first time in years, Lee and Lifeson
carry on again, eventually. Until illness. It wasn’t enough, and soon richler would read his work, fix with a request. He was putting on went down into Lee’s home studio
he got the email. he saw his mother begin to fail, as a word or a sentence, or nudge a pair of star-studded tribute con- and jammed.
for the next three years, Lee well. He began to consider the him to explore a moment more certs, one in London, one in L.A., The idea lingers. Lifeson was
maintained a promise not to talk gravity of all this, “the potential of deeply. Sure, that dinner was to pay tribute to his late foo excited as offers rolled in after the
about Peart’s illness, even when losing a life’s worth of memories.” “great fun.” But tell me more fighters drummer, Taylor Haw- Hawkins shows. Then he thought
other friends tried to ask about He talked about his grief with about it. kins, who had died that march. about sitting in a hotel room as he
him. The drummer was so private, his friend Daniel richler, a one- “It was like a detective story,” Would Lee and Lifeson perform? waited for the next gig. He also
he hired a publicist to keep the time punk rocker turned DJ and Lee says now. “It was me trying to They had hesitations. How had surgery in July for his long-
news from getting out. TV host, who lost his mother remember. So it became a memo- could they play without Peart? standing stomach problems. He’s
“The thing he feared most was around the same time. They had ry game. And maybe after a few Would fans assume that rush was improving but still wakes up feel-
people sitting in his driveway worked together on “Geddy Lee’s weeks, Daniel said, ‘You’re writing reuniting without him? And who, ing nauseated.
singing ‘Closer to the Heart’ while Big Beautiful Book of Bass,” a a book?’ I said, ‘I am.’” literally, could handle the gig? Does Lee plan on nudging his
he was going through this thing,” more-than-400-page chronicle of “my Effin’ Life,” which will be rush songs are hard. But they pal to get back onstage? Of course
Lifeson says. “He was a very pri- Lee’s collection of instruments released Tuesday by HarperCol- finally enlisted a few ringers — not. He doesn’t even plan to bring
vate person. If you became his from 2018. richler proposed a lins, is in effect the project that Tool’s Danny Carey, Omar Hakim, it up.
friend, he was wonderful. But if new exercise. publishers had been trying to Chad Smith from the red Hot “He needs to feel good and feel
not, he could be very aloof and “I didn’t immediately suggest coax Lee into writing for years. Chili Peppers and Grohl himself healthy and strong,” Lee says.
tough.” he write a memoir,” richler re- But Lee wasn’t yet ready to look on a section of “2112,” a classic “And then maybe we have a dis-
Lee and Lifeson would fly out to called. “I said, ‘Let’s just send each back. “my story is not finished. rush epic from 1976, clocking in cussion.”
visit Peart, or “Peke” as they called other some amusing anecdotes by And I didn’t even like to think of at 20 minutes.
him, in connection with some email of the earliest things we can my life as a story. And God, it’s It felt good to hang out with on nov. 17, Geddy lee will appear at
long-ago joke. Peart would pour remember in life, just for fun.’” such a self-conscious, in a way musicians and remember how MGM national Harbor to read from
them two fingers of macallan, and Lee would sit on his couch, egotistical thing to do, to think much rush was loved, and even his memoir, discuss his life and
then they would make fun of punching out memories as they your life is so f---ing important better to stretch out with Lifeson answer questions.


RIGHT: Geddy Lee’s

collection of basses is the
subject of a 400-page
chronicle published in 2018.
ABOVE: Work on his new
book started as an exercise
in trading anecdotes with
his friend Daniel Richler, a
onetime punk rocker turned
DJ and TV host, who lost his
mother around the same

rICHard SIbbald
E10 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023


Claudel LEFT: Camille

proved her Claudel's “Study of

Left Hand,” c. 1889.


brilliance “Wounded Niobid,”

modeled 1906, cast

XaviEr EEckhout collEction GalEriE Malaquais

CLaudEL from E1

of Women in the Arts in Washington.

The works, in terra cotta, plaster, bronze
and stone, range from portrait busts to body
fragments, full figures and multi-figure com-
positions. many are powerfully expressive of
deep emotion, charged with palpable eroti-
cism and enlivened by vectors of thrusting
energy. one or two (I’m thinking particularly
of Claudel’s final, veiled version of “The
Waltz”) feel intensely modern in their tilting,
abstract audacity.
So there’s something restorative about this
show. finally, we get to see a superb sculptor
on her own terms, apart from the legacy of
Auguste rodin, about whom the romanian
sculptor Constantin Brancusi once said:
“Nothing grows under the shadow of great
Brancusi, mind you, was lucky. He wasn’t in
love with rodin.
In the catalogue, Bowyer and Desmas la-
ment the ways in which the “biographical
miasma,” that is, “the sensationalist and melo-
dramatic tales of doomed romance, victim-
hood, and madness” around Claudel, have
“tended to obscure — or even excise — the
sculptor’s art and agency.” The point is well-
taken. But it’s not easy to tiptoe around the
Claudel “miasma” without ignoring the truth.
The truth is that Claudel was a brilliant
sculptor who, after a long, mutually beneficial
(until it wasn’t) affair with rodin, mentally
unraveled. Showing signs of “systematized
persecution delirium,” as her medical records
described it, she began to destroy her works.
In 1913, shortly after her father died, she was
admitted to a psychiatric hospital. She re-
mained hospitalized until her death, 30 years
The catalogue includes a chronology of
Claudel’s life. It’s full of incident until 1913,
after which it thins out dramatically. Some
years are omitted entirely, presumably be-
cause there is no record of anything happen-
ing. There are many years when the only entry
is “CC receives a visit from Paul.” Paul Claudel
was Camille’s brother, a career diplomat who
in 1926 became france’s ambassador to the
United States. (In that role, 15 years after his
sister’s hospitalization, he gave a speech at the
opening of Philadelphia’s rodin museum).

laudel’s work was first seen in the United
States 130 years ago at the World’s
Columbian Exposition in Chicago. De-
spite that, U.S. museums today own fewer
than 10 works by her. Happily, this show was
prompted by two recent acquisitions. In 2018,
the Getty purchased Claudel’s powerful
bronze “Crouching Torso of a Woman,” and in
2022 the Art Institute acquired “Young ro-
man,” a newly discovered polychrome portrait
of Paul Claudel as a 13-year-old, in the style of a
renaissance bust.
Claudel took to sculpture in her teens,
making busts of famous historical figures
(Napoleon, Bismarck) and riffing on mytho-
logical and biblical themes (Daphnis and
Chloe, David and Goliath). female sculptors
were rare but far from unknown in late-19th-
century france. But sculpture, which required
mastering difficult logistics, also depended on
public commissions and a network of support.
for women, opportunities were few and ob-
stacles many.
Claudel moved to Paris to study at an
academy in 1881. After an earlier encounter
with rodin, she began working in his studio in
1884. She was tremendously talented and very
committed. It wasn’t long before she had
evolved from being his student to someone the
writer mathias morhardt described as a “wise
and discerning collaborator” whom her teach-
er “[consulted] on everything.”
They had meanwhile fallen in love. In 1888,
Claudel moved out of her parents’ home and
into an apartment, with a small, spartan
studio, rented for her by rodin. Even while
assisting him on his own projects — “The
Gates of Hell,” “The Burghers of Calais” — she
was able to make her own work.
Claudel modeled for at least two portraits
by rodin. She also posed as allegorical figures
in more symbolic compositions, such as
“Thought,” which depicts Claudel’s pensive,
watchful head emerging from a heavy block of
marble, its immensity pressing up into her
delicate chin.
A few years into the relationship, Claudel cEntrE national dEs arts PlastiquEs, Paris/collEction dEs MuséEs dE la villE dE PoitiErs
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post eZ ee E11


flipped the dynamic. Her “Bust of Rodin”

became her most famous and frequently
exhibited portrait. Its impressionistic finish
scatters the light, subtly dramatizing Rodin’s
big, meaty brow, sunken eye sockets and
boxer’s nose. His beard flows into the bust’s
base, emphasizing his adamantine, almost
geological presence.
Claudel and Rodin both reveled in youth,
dance and eroticism. But they also depicted
the wretchedness of old age, the obstacles
impeding the flow of love and solace, and the
connections between bodily discomfort and
mental anguish.
Claudel worked for two years on “Sakunta-
la,” a large-scale marble of a male nude
kneeling at the feet of a seated female nude
who sags into his arms. Carving was usually
outsourced to skilled artisans, who worked
from the artist’s plaster original, but Claudel
was a perfectionist and carved this entirely
herself. Sakuntala was a figure out of the
Hindu epic the “Mahabharata.” Claudel later
revised the title to reflect a story out of Ovid’s
“Metamorphoses.” The story, in other words,
wasn’t the point: It was the tableau’s emotion-
al expressiveness.
More ambitious work followed as Claudel
tried to move away from her subordinate role
in Rodin’s studio. She won praise for several
works, including a small-scale portrait, “The
Little Lady,” which depicted a 6-year-old girl
she had met while staying at a country estate
in the Loire Valley. The girl is said to have
posed for more than 60 hours, which might
account for the portrait’s intensity. Her face,
with its staring, upturned eyes, was described
by one critic at the time as “strangely know-
ing” and “already too alive, already too open to
the mysteries of the universe.”

or years, being associated with Rodin,
the greatest, most innovative sculptor of
the late 19th century, helped Claudel’s
career. Apart from all that she learned in his
studio, it gave her access to a network of
supportive collectors and critics. But as their
relationship unraveled, their association be-
came increasingly burdensome. Despite
promises he made to Claudel, Rodin wouldn’t
leave his long-term companion, the former
seamstress and laundress Rose Beuret. Other
issues arose, possibly including an abortion,
and Claudel felt increasingly isolated.
At the turn of the century, shunning the
rhetoric of symbolism, she made a series of
small, enchanting domestic interiors that felt
genuinely original. Each showed a single
woman seated on a simple chair and leaning
against the mantelpiece around a fireplace.
Some were in marble, others in bronze; others
still combined marble, alabaster and bronze.
By now, Claudel was desperate for money
and trying to think of novelties that might
appeal to a market. (One version of her
fireplaces included a small red lightbulb to
provide a red glow.) Venting her frustration,
she wrote to her dealer, Eugène Blot, saying
that sculpture was “better suited for ugly
dupes and those with long beards than for a
woman relatively well endowed by nature.”
Claudel knew she had talent. She just didn’t
know whether she could win the backing she
The critic Octave Mirbeau, who said many
nice things about Claudel, once described her
as “a revolt of nature: a woman genius.” To be a
creatively brilliant woman, Mirbeau was sug-
gesting, was to be at odds with the natural way
aRt inStitute of cHicago/JoSePH WinteRBotHaM/anne SeaRLe Bent/ceLia anD DaviD HiLLiaRD of things.
Statements like this, which reveal the depth
CLOCKWISE of sexism with which female artists had to
FROM TOP: contend, have caused many to question the
“Young Roman” is a very idea of genius. The concept, they argue, is
newly discovered so tainted by biased assumptions, and so
portrait of Claudel’s heavily associated with an outmoded philoso-
brother Paul as a phy — romanticism — that it is best aban-
13-year-old, in the doned.
style of a I think there’s a better alternative. We can
Renaissance bust. hold onto the concept — it’s useful — but
“Man Stooping,” c. dispense with its unwanted associations. We
1886. can admit that some romantic ideas (especial-
“Abandonment” ly those associated with creativity) might not
(detail), cast be as outdated as they appear. And we can
around 1905. acknowledge that the concept of genius has
nothing to do with masculinity. Rather, it’s a
quality possessed by certain very unusual
human beings, as judged by other human
Rodin was that kind of unusual human
being. Was Claudel also?
It may not be the most interesting question
to ask about her. But Mirbeau seemed to think
so. Others called her a prodigy. This show
makes a powerful case for her importance. If
it’s hard to say more than that she was brilliant
and full of promise, it’s because her career was
cut short and she destroyed much of her work.
Frustrating as it is, not knowing quite how
to appraise Claudel brings her closer to us. It
shows that her story is, after all, important.
And it reminds us that, whatever else it may
be, genius is a quality that depends on oppor-
tunity. When that opportunity is thwarted, it
has no chance at all.

Camille Claudel through feb. 19 at the art

PRivate coLLection PHoto: aLain LePRince/La PiScine - MuSée D’aRt et D’inDuStRie anDRè-DiLigent, RouBaix institute of chicago.
e12 Pg ee the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

Is it ‘selfish’ to turn down constant requests for money from unstable family?
Dear Carolyn: dysfunction. Also note that “once and for that” — until they finally realize
This is an Your family members, all” is completely independent their pushback will not break
uncomfortable meanwhile, apparently aren’t of “so they stop asking.” Once- through limits you set for your
question, but well enough to separate their and-for-all controls only your own protection.
what do I owe my pathologies from their earning choice (not to help anymore). Just from your letter, I
family? I am in potential. If that’s the case, then They can still choose to keep believe they won’t break you,
Carolyn my late 20s and your money will just be coming at you anyway. either. But to serve all of you,
Hax living on my own. temporary relief from whatever And to make it clear that I’m steer anyone who asks you for
I have a decent underlying problems keep them not beating up on family help toward institutional-based
job and can from supporting themselves. members who are obviously support, which addresses
support myself, but I am Therefore, you’d be lighting unwell: Anyone can keep problems at scale in ways no
definitely not rich. And I come that money on fire, coming at you after you say no individual can. Try my resource
from a family with financial compromising your ability to “once and for all,” like a zombie page ( or the
problems. They have always had help anyone in any sustainable apocalypse, if that’s what they Substance Abuse and Mental
them. Parents and grandparents way, yourself included. Like I think is going to work. That’s Health Services Administration
and siblings. said — not good for any of you. why your skill at an (, which has a
They also have other Emotionally: You care about unequivocal but also name-your-need hotline, 800-
problems, including your family enough to think unfailingly kind “no”— where 662-HELP (4357). The point of
relationship problems and big-picture and weigh the you do not engage with these resources is to distribute the
problems getting or holding consequences of giving your requests, or anything else you weight so it doesn’t drag down
down jobs and addiction and, money away out of guilt and don’t want to discuss with well-meaning people like you.
you get it, it’s a big mess. without a plan. Yet for having people or sit for lectures about
I wish I could help all of the maturity to do that famous — is one you want to develop. Write to carolyn hax at
them, but I don’t have enough bit of caregiving — i.e., for Soonest. get her
money or time, and they all putting your oxygen mask on We all need it, not just you or column delivered to your inbox each
come to me all the time asking first — how does your family others pulled in tough morning at
for favors, usually money. And thank you? By lashing out in directions by struggling loved
if I turn them down, I get a anger. ones. And it means holding a  Join the discussion live at noon
lecture about how selfish I am. Short of saying, “We’re too calm line — “I’m sorry you feel fridays at
Sometimes I think I need to messed up to care about you,” nick galifianakis for the Washington Post that way” or “I’m sorry to hear -chats.
leave town and change my it’s hard to think of a clearer
name to get away from them. way for them to get that exact
Most of my friends come from message across than by refusing
stable middle-class families to respect you or your right to
that aren’t as needy as mine. say no. Mike Du Jour By Mike lester
I feel like having a family These get at what you’re
meeting and telling them once really looking for here: their
and for all that I can’t help willingness to sacrifice and
them financially anymore, so work hard toward fixing their
they stop asking. Do you have a own problems before they’d
better approach? dream of turning to you. When
— Anonymous you see a family member make
that kind of sincere, sustained
Anonymous: You owe your effort, then it could be well
family compassion, integrity worth it to you, long-term, to
and, where warranted, your find a sustainable way to help
sympathy. But you do not owe out.
them a dime. Until then — yeah. You may
You know the practical have threatened a move and
reason: If you gave them name change facetiously, but
everything they asked for, then you seem aware that you might
you’d all be broke. No one need to relocate out of their
benefits. reach for real. You’d hardly be
But the emotional and the first, since it’s not perfect
functional reasons for saying no but often it’s enough.
are the ones I think you’re Whether you’re ready for that
asking to hear. or not, first make yourself clear
Functionally: You are well to anyone who asks you: “I have
enough to keep your messes reached my limit on helping.
and problems — which we all Please don’t ask me anymore.”
have, certainly — from affecting Period. End of discussion. It is
your ability to earn and manage not their business whether the
an income. Good for you, by the limit is about your money,
way; tough to do amid patience or [grrr].

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sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post eZ ee e13

i n Th e Ga l l er ies

hemphill aRtwoRks

Sculptor and painter explore

curves with some new twists
BY M ARK J ENKINS lighter ones are unnotched.
With such meticulous schemes, Rotenberg
Massive curving forms, abstract but expresses her mastery over the material.
suggestive of nature, link the styles of (Remarkably, the artist fabricates her pieces
sculptor Rachel Rotenberg and painter without the help of studio assistants.) She’s a
Steven Cushner. The concurrent surveys of machinist as much as anyone who makes
the two veteran artists’ work at the American functional metal devices. Yet her attraction to
University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center wood’s natural qualities is evident. She values
are extensive, but not career spanning. Both cedar for its appearance and, it appears, for
exhibitions focus on pieces made in the past its possible evocation of the human body. Far
few years. removed from the trees that provided their
That the artworks are recent may be more lumber, Rotenberg’s sculptures nonetheless
immediately obvious to viewers of the Cushner feel somehow alive.
works. The D.C. artist’s allover canvases, The Cushner show won’t startle anyone
heavily worked and patterned with seemingly who has followed his career, but it offers a
botanical motifs, have been shown often in few twists on his customary loops, spirals
local venues such as Hemphill Artworks. (In and fan shapes. The 34 artworks include
2014, Cushner even did a stint in a retail space several woodcut prints, and while they’re
at 1700 L St. NW, where paintings could be inevitably upstaged by the large canvases,
viewed in process.) The Toronto-born printmaking does seem to inform paintings
Rotenberg is less known to D.C.-area such as “Mirror Mirror.” These recent
audiences, although she lived in Baltimore for pictures give a new emphasis to line,
two decades before moving to Israel in 2015. separating the central motifs from their
Rotenberg works primarily in wood, backdrops more strongly than in Cushner’s
supplemented by details in metal and cast earlier work.
concrete. The surfaces are sometimes partly Where foreground and background were
painted, or covered in gold leaf. But the colors once interrelated and often intertwined,
and textures of wood, mostly cedar, are they’re now more distinct. Some of the
prominent. This endows the sculptures with a pictures overlay figures rendered with black
biological quality that’s bolstered by forms lines atop fields of soft, drippy daubs in a
that suggest eggs, tendrils and internal rainbow of hues. There’s even a painting
organs. Yet certain aspects of the pieces, punctuated by four circles of unpatterned,
including their sheer scale, suggest heavy near-white blankness. These voids — unusual
machinery. if not unprecedented — come as a mild
The tension between organic and surprise in one of the artist’s intricate
industrial is dynamic in the selection’s tallest paintings. Perhaps Cushner means to provide
sculpture, which stands in the three-story a few pathways into his profusely flowering
space outside the lower-ceilinged gallery that imagery.
holds the rest of the show. The towering piece Rachel RotenbeRg

consists of eight wooden globes stacked atop TOP: “The Wind” by painter Steven Cushner. ABOVE: “Layers on Layers” by sculptor rachel rotenberg and steven Cushner through
each other, supported by a four-pronged Rachel Rotenberg. They make up a two-artist show at the American University Museum, Dec. 10 at the american University museum, katzen
pedestal. The six darker orbs are notched, Katzen Arts Center. Cushner pulls new experiences from his established style of loops, arts center, 4400 massachusetts ave. nw.
with curved forms inside each slot; the two spirals and fan shapes. Rotenberg’s large-scale works maintain a sense of intimacy. 202-885-1000.
E14 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

Fred Zafran
A camera lens is a portal, a sort of window
onto moments that can be self-evident or
enigmatic. For “Reflection Unknown,” Fred
Zafran pointed his camera at openings,
whether actual or figurative. The Multiple
Exposures Gallery show is “an allegory of
doubt and inquiry,” according to the photogra-
pher’s statement.
The most expected subjects are windows
and doors, literal portals that become meta-
phors for discovery, transition and hidden
depths. Zafran’s color pictures, many of which
are overwhelmingly black, gaze into unknown
interiors. In one photo, there’s someone on the
other side of the glass, peering outward
through a bank of curtained windows. More
characteristic is a picture of a person at an
entrance, a moment rendered in a whoosh of
motion that supplies a sci-fi feel. A simple step
through a doorway appears to be occurring in
Not all of Zafran’s subjects are literally
enterable. He also portrays shadows, lights,
mist and bodies of water, from puddles to
oceans. The liquid is reflective, like glass, but
trickier. One picture of the moon over the sea
depicts the natural satellite — also a reflector
of light — and two white patches on the
surface below. The three small illuminated
areas are openings in the darkness, but they
aren’t actually entrances. Zafran shows us
visual paradoxes: things that appear perme-
able but actually offer no way in.

Fred Zafran: Reflection Unknown through nov.

19 at Multiple exposures Gallery, torpedo Factory,
105 n. Union st., alexandria. 703-683-2205.

Irene Pantells
Most of the paintings in Irene Pantelis’s “Of
Water Too Are the Grasses” are strongly
vertical and semiabstract renderings of foli-
age that stretches above and below a layer of
earth. Yet, as the Studio Gallery show’s title
indicates, these elegant pictures have a liquid
quality. The local artist achieved this by
brushing paper with water and then making
the image on the wet surface with watercolor,
sumi ink and other substances. The pigments
mixed with the water, yielding imagery that is
soft and seemingly fluid.
According to her statement, Pantelis was
initially inspired by the lawns of her suburban
Maryland neighborhood, but later thought of
her childhood summers in Uruguay’s grassy
pampas. Yet, with their muted or all-gray
palettes, the pictures aren’t especially sum-
mery. They’re more autumnal, although “All
Along” depicts a nest of bulblike forms be-
neath a narrow strip of brown dirt, suggesting
the promise of rebirth when the weather
The show, which also includes a single wire
sculpture, depicts grass and its roots on a
near-epic scale. Some of the paintings are
large, and even the smaller ones amplify
simple stalks and roots into parables of eco-
logical peril and promise. In her watery
microcosms, Pantelis finds something all-en-
irene Pantelis

Irene Pantelis: Of Water Too Are the Grasses “All Along” by Irene Pantelis is included in her exhibit “Of Water Too Are the Grasses” at Studio Gallery, which examines foliage above and
through nov. 18 at studio Gallery, 2108 r st. nW. below ground level. She achieves a liquid quality by brushing paper with water and then making the image on the wet surface with 202-232-8734. watercolor, sumi ink and other substances. The pigments mixed with the water yield an imagery that is soft and seemingly fluid.

Engagements | Weddings
Anniversaries Spouse wants to bring up husband’s weight gain
To place an announcement: Dear Amy: I 20 years ago.” So his weight gain 50th reunion. We want to honor members in your reunion
email: Ask Amy admit it, I’m bossy does not seem to be all that our classmates who have passed celebration. You seem to believe
phone: 202-334-5736 Amy and controlling. sudden (although he might have with a picture and obituary, and that there might be more grief or
fax: 202-334 - 7188 Dickinson My husband of 30 reached a new threshold I have been helping to find those anger regarding a classmate who
years naturally recently). documents. died by suicide, but I submit that
pushes back when You describe yourself as bossy One of our classmates died by any premature death is a deeply
I pressure him too much, and I and controlling, and though I suicide a few years after felt loss, and you should shed
Declare Your Love! try very hard to accept that he’s applaud your efforts over time to graduation, I believe as a result any supposition of shame or
an adult and is entitled to his change, your entire narrative is a of postpartum depression. I was embarrassment for these
Announce your Engagement, Wedding or Anniversary in The Washington Post’s choices if they don’t affect me. search for ways to boss and saddened to hear about this. survivors.
Sunday Arts & Style Section. (Birthdays, Graduations & other Special Events It’s taken a long time to get there, control your husband, now. Your Although I did not know her If it is at all possible, I think it
have moved to Thursdays.) You may provide text and photos. Color is available. and reading your column has perspective seems to be that this personally, she was a person I would be a great idea to invite
Many packages include keepsake plaques of your announcement. helped! would be the perfect time to offer admired throughout high school. any local family members of
To place an order and for more information, including rates:
But he has put on a lot of lots of unsolicited advice to your I located her obituary, and classmates who have died
Contact The Weddings DropBox at:
weight recently and is now at an husband, but you’ve used up found that she left behind two (including elder surviving
Or call 202.334.5736, toll free 877.POST.WED, fax 202.334.7188
unhealthy weight, with a big your lifetime supply. young children. I searched to see parents).
waistline (not good for a 65-year- Your husband already knows if they still lived in the
All materials must be received by Monday at 1 p.m. old). I squandered my allotment he is overweight. He might in community, and I found her Dear Amy: Many thank-yous for
of unsolicited advice years ago, fact have discussed this with his daughter on Facebook. your compassionate response to
but now it really matters! I physician — but maybe he I wondered if my classmate’s “Feeling Very Manipulative,” the
hoped a recent doctor visit doesn't want to discuss it with daughter would be interested in Israeli American mom who was
would bring about a realization, you. meeting some of her mother’s so worried about her husband
but evidently she said nothing to You should ask — not tell — friends at our class reunion next going to Israel to fight in the war.

Try new foods him about his weight.

I think doctors are just wary of
advising people about weight
these days, but he was pretty thin
until 20 years ago and has never
your husband if there are ways
he would join you in establishing
or maintaining a healthier
lifestyle. Would he join you on a
daily long walk? (Perhaps he
year. If she is interested, it could
be a healing moment to learn
about her mother and hear how
loved she was. At the same time,
her daughter might have strong
I cried when I thought about
what this family was going
— Saddened

Search our database of tested paid attention to his weight. I would rather plug into a juicy feelings of sadness or anger Saddened: I found this dilemma
don’t know what to do now. podcast and go on his own.) about her mother’s death. absolutely heartbreaking.
recipes by ingredient or name. Any advice on how I can get Otherwise, my instinct is that Should I contact her to invite him to accept that some changes the less you worry, push and her to our reunion? I’m happy to amy's column appears seven days a
need to be made? I’ve had a interfere, the more your husband drop the idea if she is reluctant week at
heart-to-heart about how I want may face the realization that he in any way. I’m wondering if my Write to
him around for a long time, but (not you) bears the responsibility idea is compassionate — or or amy Dickinson, P.O. Box 194,
it didn’t result in any changes. for his own life and health. creepy. Your opinion, please? Freeville, n.Y. 13068.  You can also
— Still Bossy, But Trying —J follow her @askingamy.
Dear Amy: I am working with
Bossy: According to you, your some of my high school J: There is nothing creepy about © 2023 by amy Dickinson. Distributed by
S0115-2x2.75 husband was “pretty thin until classmates on our upcoming including surviving family tribune Content agency.
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post EZ EE E15

MOVIE DIRECTORY (!) No Pass/No Discount Ticket

Sunday, November 12, 2023

DISTRICT The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 11:30-

The Persian Version (R) CC:
Cinemark Egyptian 24 and XD
7000 Arundel Mills Circle
The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 11:00-
Regal Waugh Chapel & IMAX
1419 South Main Chapel Way
Tiger 3 (Hindi) 11:30-3:00-6:30-
The Marvels - The IMAX 2D
Experience (PG-13) CC: 10:05-
Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13)
Regal Kingstowne & RPX
5910 Kingstowne Towne Center
AMC Georgetown 14 Radical (PG-13) 11:45-3:00-
It's a Wonderful Knife (R) 10:40- The Marvels (PG-13) XD: 11:30- The Marvels (PG-13) 11:20-
Regal Cinemas Majestic What Happens Later (R) CC: 12:50-7:40 Killers of the Flower Moon The Marvels (PG-13) 11:15-
3111 K Street N.W. 1:00-3:20-5:40-8:00-10:20 6:00-9:15 2:20-5:10-10:50; 2:50; 9:40-10:05- Stadium 20 & IMAX 12:00-12:50-2:00-2:30-2:50-3:40- 11:00-1:45-4:30-7:15-10:00 The Marvels 3D (PG-13) CC: (R) 2:55 11:30-11:45-12:00-12:15-12:45-
The Marvels (PG-13) CC: 2:00- The Holdovers (R) CC: 10:30- 12:00-12:50-3:20-3:35-5:40-6:20- 4:50-5:10-5:40-7:40-8:10-8:30-
900 Ellsworth Drive The Creator (PG-13) CC: 11:00- 12:20-3:10-5:55-8:45 Journey to Bethlehem (PG) 1:30 1:00-2:00-2:15-2:45-3:00-4:45-
4:30-7:00-9:30 MARYLAND 5:00-8:15 8:30-9:00-9:20 The Marvels (PG-13) 10:00- 9:40-10:30 5:00-8:15-10:30 Tiger 3: The IMAX 2D Experience Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (PG- 5:00-5:15-5:30-5:45-6:15-6:30-
What Happens Later (R) CC: Killers of the Flower Moon (R) 10:15-10:45-11:15-11:30-11:45- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) 4:10-10:20 13) 12:00-3:45-6:30-9:15 7:30-7:45-8:15-8:30-9:00-9:15;
AFI Silver Theatre
6:15-9:15 Cultural Center CC: 12:00-4:40-7:00-9:00 3:30 12:40-12:55-1:20-1:25-1:55-2:10- (PG) 11:15AM CC: 11:00-1:45-4:30-7:15-10:00 The Marvels (PG-13) CC: 9:05- The Marvels (PG-13) 12:20 10:15
A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) 8633 Colesville Road Journey to Bethlehem (PG) CC: 2:40-3:30-3:45-4:00-4:15-4:45- What Happens Later (R) 10:45
The Exorcist: Believer (R) 4:25; Scarface 40th Anniversary (R) 9:35-11:50-2:30-5:10-8:10 Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) The Marsh King's Daughter
CC: 4:50 10:30-1:15-4:00-6:45-9:30 10:35-1:35-7:15-10:10 5:00-5:15-5:30-6:30-6:45-7:00; Scarface 40th Anniversary (R) 3:00-7:00 The Marsh King's Daughter (R) 2:10 (R) 3:45
The Holdovers (R) CC: 2:00-5:00- Dragnet Girl (Hijosen no onna) Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) Saw X (R) 4:20 7:45-8:00-9:20-9:35-10:30 3:00-7:00 The Persian Version (R) CC: OC: 1:35 Cinemark Tiger 3 (Hindi) 11:00-2:35-
(NR) 3:30
8:00-9:30 CC: 10:30-1:20-4:00-5:05-7:00- Priscilla (R) 2:10 The Marsh King's Daughter (R) Killers of the Flower Moon (R) 11:30AM Journey to Bethlehem (PG) Fairfax Corner and XD 6:10-9:50
Killers of the Flower Moon (R) Clash of the Wolves (1925) 8:00-10:00 Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour 5:10-7:55 1:30-6:00-9:20 Radical (PG-13) 12:00-3:00- OC: 4:20 11900 Palace Way Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
CC: 12:35-5:40-7:20 (NR) 1:30 Journey to Bethlehem (PG)
Anatomy of a Fall (R) CC: 12:45 (PG-13) 2:45 Tiger 3 (Hindi) 10:40-2:20- 6:00-9:45 Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) The Marvels (PG-13) 9:30-12:50- (PG) 11:05-1:40-4:10-6:45
Journey to Bethlehem (PG) CC: Why Be Good? (NR) 5:45 The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: The Marvels 3D (PG-13) XD: 5:50-9:15 12:00-3:00-6:00-9:00 The Holdovers (R) CC: 12:45- CC: 10:20-1:05-3:50-6:45-9:30- 3:40-6:00-6:30-9:20 The Creator (PG-13) 9:40
Priscilla (R) OC: 2:30
12:00-7:00-9:55 11:00-1:55-4:45-7:30-10:30 4:10; 8:00; 12:30-6:10 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) 4:10-7:15-10:30 10:40 Tiger 3 (Hindi) 10:45-2:25- Killers of the Flower Moon (R)
Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) Valley Girl (1983) (R) 11:00AM Saw X (R) CC: 10:00AM The Marvels (PG-13) 11:00- (PG) 11:50-2:30 2:10-5:00-6:40-10:20 Journey to Bethlehem (PG) CC: The Marvels (PG-13) OC: 10:50 6:05-9:45 11:20-3:50-8:20
CC: 2:35-5:15-7:55-10:30 The Holdovers (R) 12:30-3:15- Priscilla (R) CC: 10:15-1:00-3:45- 1:50-7:30 What Happens Later (R) Priscilla (R) 11:30-12:40-3:40- 12:00 Journey to Bethlehem (PG)
6:00-8:45 AMC Worldgate 9 What Happens Later (R) 9:25-
Anatomy of a Fall (R) CC: 1:05- 6:30-9:15 The Marsh King's Daughter (R) 4:40-7:15 6:30-10:40 Anatomy of a Fall (R) CC: 13025 Worldgate Drive 12:05-8:10 10:50-1:35-4:25-7:10-9:55
6:05-9:25 Killers of the Flower Moon AXCN: Ghost in the Shell 2:30 9:55-12:40 Scarface 40th Anniversary (R) An All-Star Salute to Lee Green- 11:15AM Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13)
Priscilla (R) CC: 12:25-4:40- (R) 5:00 wood 2:00 The Marvels (PG-13) CC: 11:00- Scarface 40th Anniversary
Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour Tiger 3 (Hindi) 11:25-3:10-6:50-
3:00-7:00 The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: 1:45-4:30-7:15-10:00 (R) 3:00 10:30-1:20-4:30-7:20-10:10
7:15-9:50 AXCN: Ghost in the Shell 9:00 (PG-13) CC: 12:15-4:15-8:15- 10:30 Radical (PG-13) 12:00-3:10- After Death (PG-13) 12:05 12:45-3:45-6:30-9:30 Priscilla (R) 11:10-2:10-5:10-
AXCN: Ghost in the Shell 2:30 Farewell My Concubine (Ba The Marvels - The IMAX 2D Ex- Saw X (R) CC: 11:00-7:30-10:30 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie The Holdovers (R) 12:45-3:55-
10:15 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 6:10-9:10 (PG) CC: 11:00-1:15-4:15 7:05-10:15 8:10
Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (PG- wang bie ji) (R) 7:40 After Death (PG-13) CC: 11:00- (PG) 9:35-10:10-1:05-6:45 Killers of the Flower Moon (R) perience (PG-13) 1:20-7:00-9:50 Priscilla (R) CC: 11:15-2:00-4:45- Killers of the Flower Moon (R) The Marvels 3D (PG-13)
13) CC: 12:00-2:00-5:40-8:45 The Marvels: An IMAX 3D Tiger 3 (Hindi) 11:45-3:00-
AMC Academy 8 12:50 The Equalizer 3 (R) 11:15-5:20-
11:40-4:10-8:30 7:30-10:15
6:15-9:30 12:25-4:50-8:30 2:30-8:00
The Marvels 3D (PG-13) CC: 6198 Greenbelt Road The Marvels - The IMAX 2D 10:55 Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) Experience (PG-13) 4:10 An All-Star Salute to Lee Green- What Happens Later (R) CC: 6:30 Journey to Bethlehem (PG) 9:40- It's a Wonderful Knife (R)
1:15-3:45-6:15-8:45 The Marvels (PG-13) CC: 10:00- Experience (PG-13) CC: 11:00- What Happens Later (R) 9:30- 11:20-12:20-3:20-6:05-7:05-8:10- The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 12:40- wood 2:00 12:00-2:50-5:25-7:55
The Marvels (PG-13) CC: 1:45-7:15 3:30-6:10-9:00 AXCN: Ghost in the Shell 2:30 Killers of the Flower Moon (R) 12:15-2:50-5:25-8:00-10:50
10:45-1:15-4:00-6:30 12:15 9:00-10:00
CC: 12:00-3:30-7:45-9:00 Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) The Marvels (PG-13) 10:45-
12:15-12:45-2:45-3:15-5:45-7:45- Killers of the Flower Moon (R) The Marvels: An IMAX 3D Expe- The Nun II (R) 8:05 Journey to Bethlehem (PG) It's a Wonderful Knife (R) 4:10- Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (PG- 1:30-7:00-9:45
8:15-10:15 rience (PG-13) CC: 4:30 10:50-1:30-4:25-7:10-10:00 7:50-10:35 13) CC: 2:15-6:00-9:45 Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) 9:50-10:55-1:50-4:35-5:45-7:20-
CC: 10:10-1:00-4:00-6:50 Scarface 40th Anniversary CC: 10:55-1:30-4:15-7:00-9:40 9:15-10:20 The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 4:15
The Marsh King's Daughter (R) Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) The Marvels 3D (PG-13) CC: (R) 3:00 Anatomy of a Fall (R) 1:20 AXCN: Ghost in the Shell 7:30 After Death (PG-13) CC: 11:45AM The Marvels (PG-13) 12:30-
OC: 3:00 7:45-10:30 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 8:10 Priscilla (R) CC: 11:15-2:00-4:45- Jigarthanda DoubleX (Tamil)
CC: 11:00-1:40-4:20-7:50 Radical (PG-13) 9:55-1:15-4:20- Regal Westview & IMAX The Marvels - The IMAX 2D 7:25-10:00 10:10-5:40 3:15-6:00-8:45; 3:30
What Happens Later (R) OC: 3:40 Saw X (R) CC: 10:30-1:30- It's a Wonderful Knife (R) 4:30 7:40-11:00 Saw X (R) 10:00 5243 Buckeystown Pike Experience (PG-13) CC: 12:00- Priscilla (R) 9:35-2:00-4:50-
Keedaa Cola 11:30-1:00-4:00- Regal Manassas & IMAX
A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) 4:10-7:00 Tiger 3: The IMAX 2D Experience The Holdovers (R) 10:10-1:20- Priscilla (R) 10:05-12:50-3:35- The Marvels (PG-13) 11:10- 2:45-5:30-8:15 7:40-10:30
7:00-10:05 11380 Bulloch Drive
OC: 12:05 10:15 4:30-7:40-10:50 6:15-9:10 The Marvels 3D (PG-13) CC:
Journey to Bethlehem (PG)
Priscilla (R) CC: 10:20-1:20-
The Marvels (PG-13) OC: 5:00 Killers of the Flower Moon (R)
1:00-3:30-6:15-9:00 Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (PG- An All-Star Salute to Lee Green- The Marvels (PG-13) 11:20-
5:15-8:10 The Marvels - The IMAX 2D 7:50-8:50 13) CC: 2:30-6:10-9:45 wood 2:00 12:10-2:00-2:30-2:50-4:50-5:30-
OC: 4:30 The Marvels 3D (PG-13) CC: The Holdovers (R) OC: 1:45 9:50-6:40 Experience (PG-13) 11:00-4:30- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie It's a Wonderful Knife (R) 7:15 Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (PG- 6:30-7:30
The Marvels (PG-13) OC: 5:15 The Marvels 3D (PG-13) CC: Journey to Bethlehem (PG) 7:30-10:20 Last Suspect (Zheng jiu xian yi The Marvels 3D (PG-13) CC:
2:30-5:15-7:45 (PG) 11:20-12:50-1:30-3:40-6:20 12:15-3:00-5:45-8:30 13) 12:30-4:15-8:00 Tiger 3 (Hindi) 11:00-2:40-
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - 12:00-2:45-5:30-8:15-11:00 10:45-1:30-7:00-9:45 The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 1:40 Scarface 40th Anniversary (R) ren) 4:30 After Death (PG-13) 9:45AM 6:20-8:00
AMC Annapolis Mall 11 Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - Keedaa Cola 10:35
DC Bryant Street 1020 Annapolis Mall Road AMC Magic Johnson It's a Wonderful Knife (R) 10:10- 3:00-6:55
Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) The Marvels (PG-13) CC: 8:45 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
630 Rhode Island Ave NE 10:00-10:25-11:05-12:45-1:15- 12:30-2:50-5:25-7:50-10:15 Killers of the Flower Moon (R) Killers of the Flower Moon (R) One Loudoun Japan (Tamil) 2:05-9:40
The Marvels (PG-13) CC: 10:20- Capital Center 12 (PG) 10:55-1:25-3:50
Pulp Fiction (R) 6:00 4:05-4:45-6:15-6:50-7:35-9:00-The Marvels (PG-13) 2:25 11:00-3:30-8:00 11:30AM 20575 East Hampton Plaza The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 12:20- Radical (PG-13) 12:00-3:30-7:35
12:15-1:00-2:50-5:25-6:20-8:00- 800 Shoppers Way
The Fugitive (1947) (NR) 9:30 The Marvels (PG-13) CC: 1:00- 9:35-10:25 The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 12:10- Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) AMC Potomac Mills 18 Pulp Fiction (R) 6:00 3:10-8:50; 1:55-7:35
9:00-10:35 Saw X (R) 10:20-1:25-7:25-10:20
3:00-6:00-8:40 The Marvels (PG-13) 10:00-1:00- The Marvels (PG-13) XD: Killers of the Flower Moon (R)
The Marvels (PG-13) 10:00-1:00- 10:50-1:40-4:30-7:40-9:10
The Marsh King's Daughter (R) 3:35-9:00 2700 Potomac Mills Circle
4:00-7:00 11:00-3:10-6:40
4:00-7:00-10:00 CC: 12:50-5:00-11:00 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Jigarthanda DoubleX (Tamil) Regal Germantown Priscilla (R) 11:50-4:20-7:20 The Marvels (PG-13) CC: 11:00- 10:30-11:05-1:20-4:10-4:45-7:00- Journey to Bethlehem (PG)
Mister Organ 7:45 (PG) CC: 1:20-3:40-6:00-8:20 7:00-10:55 20000 Century Boulevard An All-Star Salute to Lee Green- The Holdovers (R) 6:45 9:50-10:25
What Happens Later (R) CC: 1:45-4:30-7:15-10:00 11:10-1:50-4:40-7:30
The Killer (R) 10:45 Scarface 40th Anniversary Priscilla (R) 11:20-5:00-7:50-The Marvels (PG-13) 11:30- wood 2:00 The Marsh King's Daughter (R) The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 10:00 Regal Ballston Quarter
10:00-2:30-6:30 10:55 The Marvels (PG-13) 11:00-5:00- Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13)
Killers of the Flower Moon (R) The Holdovers (R) CC: 11:20- (R) 3:00 12:00-12:40-1:30-1:40-2:50- The Marvels - The IMAX 2D Ex- CC: 11:45AM 671 North Glebe Road 12:50-3:40-6:50-8:05
10:45-12:00-4:45-8:30 Freelance (R) CC: 2:30 An All-Star Salute to Lee Green-
3:10-4:20-5:10-6:00-6:30-7:10- perience (PG-13) 12:00-5:40-8:20 Tiger 3 (Hindi) 11:20-2:45- 8:00; 2:00
3:30-6:15-10:20 wood 2:00 The Marvels (PG-13) 11:10-2:00- Priscilla (R) 1:10-4:20-7:10
Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) Radical (PG-13) 12:00-3:00- 8:20-9:10 The Marvels: An IMAX 3D 6:20-9:50 Angelika Film Center Mosaic 3:10-4:10-4:40-6:00-7:00-7:20- The Marvels - The IMAX 2D
Killers of the Flower Moon (R) Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (PG- Experience (PG-13) 3:00
10:30-1:30-4:30-7:30-10:30 CC: 10:00-2:15-6:30-9:15 6:00-9:00 Tiger 3 (Hindi) 1:00-5:20-9:00 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 2911 District Ave 8:40-9:40 Experience (PG-13) 10:50-
Anatomy of a Fall (R) 3:45 Killers of the Flower Moon (R) 13) 3:30-6:30-7:15-10:15-11:00Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 1:00- (PG) CC: 11:00-12:00-2:20-4:50 The Marvels (PG-13) 11:30-2:00- Tiger 3 (Hindi) 11:20-3:00-6:30- 4:10-7:00
Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) After Death (PG-13) 10:40AM 3:50-6:40-9:30
Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (PG- CC: 11:00-2:00-4:50-7:30-10:10 CC: 1:10-6:45 (PG) 12:10 What Happens Later (R) CC: 7:40 3:00-4:30-5:30-7:00-8:00-9:30 10:00 The Marvels: An IMAX 3D
13) 12:00-4:15 The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) Keedaa Cola 10:55 Scarface 40th Anniversary (R) The Marvels (PG-13) 3:20 The Creator (PG-13) CC: 10:15 Tiger 3 (Hindi) 11:45-3:00- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Experience (PG-13) 1:30
The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 11:00 CC: 12:15-3:00-5:45-8:30 Japan (Tamil) 3:25-7:05-10:40 3:00-7:00 Xscape Theatres Radical (PG-13) 12:15-3:20- 6:15-9:25 (PG) 12:00-1:00-3:50
7:40-10:45 Japan (Telugu) 12:10-3:45-7:20 The Marvels 3D (PG-13)
The Marvels (PG-13) 11:00-2:00- Priscilla (R) CC: 10:50-1:30-4:15- Journey to Bethlehem (PG) CC: The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 4:40- Killers of the Flower Moon (R) Brandywine 14 6:15-9:10 What Happens Later (R) What Happens Later (R) 1:20 11:40-5:10
3:00-5:00-8:00-10:30 7:10-9:50 1:15-3:45-6:15-8:45 11:20-3:50-8:30 7710 Matapeake Business Drive The Holdovers (R) CC: 12:45- 10:30-3:35 Scarface 40th Anniversary (R) It's a Wonderful Knife (R) 12:40-
The Holdovers (R) 11:45-3:15- 10:20 Journey to Bethlehem (PG)
Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (PG- The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: Last Suspect (Zheng jiu xian yi
Gremlins (1984) (PG) 1:00- 4:00-7:00-10:15 The Holdovers (R) 11:20-1:20- 3:00-7:00 3:00-5:20-7:50
10:15 13) CC: 12:00-3:40-7:20-9:00 9:00 11:40-2:20-5:00-7:50 4:00-7:00 Killers of the Flower Moon (R) 4:15-7:15 Killers of the Flower Moon (R) The Marvels (PG-13) 11:20-
Priscilla (R) 12:15-3:30-6:30-9:45 ren) 9:25 Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
After Death (PG-13) CC: 10:00- Saw X (R) CC: 5:10-8:00 Bandra 11:45AM
CC: 1:45-6:00-9:20 Killers of the Flower Moon (R) 11:35-4:00-8:30 2:00-7:30
The Marvels (PG-13) 12:00 12:35-3:25 Priscilla (R) CC: 12:30-3:15- 11:50-2:40-5:50-8:50 (PG) 10:10-1:20-3:40-6:40-9:00 Journey to Bethlehem (PG) CC: 11:00-3:15-7:30 Journey to Bethlehem (PG) 1:40- Regal Springfield Town Center
The Holdovers (R) 6:45 The Marvels (PG-13) XD: 10:30-Jigarthanda DoubleX (Tamil) The Creator (PG-13) 10:05-1:05-
The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 11:15- 6:00-8:45 11:15-12:00-2:30-5:00-7:30-10:00 Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) 4:20-7:10-9:50 6859 Springfield Mall
Angelika 1:50-4:25-7:00-9:40 Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (PG- 1:20-7:00-9:50 12:50-4:50-9:20 4:15-7:15-10:20 Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) 1:00-4:05-6:30-9:00 Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13)
13) CC: 12:45-4:30-8:15 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Priscilla (R) 12:30-3:20-6:20-9:30 The Marvels (PG-13) 11:00-1:40- CC: 11:15-1:10-3:50-6:40-7:15- Anatomy of a Fall (R) 9:25 11:50-2:40-5:30-8:20 The Marvels (PG-13) 10:50-
Pop-Up at Union Market The Marvels (PG-13) OC: 3:35
The Marvels - The IMAX 2D Ex- (PG) 3:55 The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 2:00- 11:20-12:20-1:30-2:10-3:10-
550 Penn Street NE - Unit E 4:20-7:00-9:40 10:20 Priscilla (R) 10:45-2:20-4:55-7:35 Priscilla (R) 12:40-3:40-6:40-9:30 4:10-4:40-5:30-6:00-6:30-7:10-
The Marvels (PG-13) 2:10-4:50
AMC Center Park 8 perience (PG-13) CC: 2:00-7:15 Killers of the Flower Moon 4:40-7:40 The Nun II (R) 1:25-7:45 Anatomy of a Fall (R) CC: 11:20- Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (PG- The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 11:40-
4001 Powder Mill Rd. The Marvels: An IMAX 3D Expe- (R) 2:15 It's a Wonderful Knife (R) 1:10- Freelance (R) 10:25-4:35 2:30-5:10-8:00 7:40-8:20-8:40-9:10-9:40-10:10
To Kill a Tiger 2:00-4:40-7:20 2:45-6:10-9:30 13) 12:40-6:00
The Marvels (PG-13) CC: 10:00- rience (PG-13) CC: 4:35 Journey to Bethlehem (PG) 4:153:40-6:10-8:40 Killers of the Flower Moon (R) The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: The Marvels (PG-13) 12:30 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
Priscilla (R) 2:15-4:45-7:15 The Marvels (PG-13) 12:30 (PG) 10:55-11:30-1:50-4:30
11:00-1:30-4:15-7:00 The Marvels 3D (PG-13) CC: Cinépolis Gaithersburg The Marvels (PG-13) 3:30 11:05-3:15-7:35 1:20-4:10-6:50-9:40 AXCN: Ghost in the Shell 7:30
The Marvels (PG-13) 7:30 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 12:25-3:00-5:45-8:30 CMX Village 14 Scarface 40th Anniversary (R)
629 Center Point WayAXCN: Ghost in the Shell 7:30 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 10:35- Saw X (R) CC: 7:10-10:10 Regal Dulles Town Center
Avalon Theatre (PG) CC: 10:20-1:50-5:15-7:30 1600 Village Market Boulevard 3:00-7:00
It's a Wonderful Knife (R) 12:45 The Marvels (PG-13) 10:00- Regal Hyattsville Royale 1:15-4:45-7:25-10:05 Priscilla (R) CC: 12:40-3:30- 21100 Dulles Town Circle
5612 Connecticut Avenue Freelance (R) CC: 11:10-2:10- The Marvels (PG-13) OC: 6:15 Saw X (R) 10:55-1:35-4:25- 6:15-9:00 Stand By Me (1986) (R) 3:30 The Holdovers (R) 11:10-2:40-
10:40-12:00-1:00-1:40-3:00-4:40- 6505 America Blvd.
Joan Baez I Am A Noise 4:40 4:40-8:10 6:00-7:40-9:00 7:05-9:55 An All-Star Salute to Lee Green- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie The Marvels (PG-13) 10:45- 6:10-9:30
The Holdovers (R) 10:45-1:30- Killers of the Flower Moon (R) AMC Montgomery 16 The Marvels (PG-13) 11:45- (PG) 1:10 11:15-11:45-12:00-12:15-12:30- Killers of the Flower Moon (R)
4:30-7:30 7101 Democracy Boulevard Killers of the Flower Moon (R)1:00-1:30-2:00-2:45-3:00-4:15- Journey to Bethlehem (PG) wood 2:00
What Happens Later (R) 6:10 1:00-1:30-2:00-2:45-3:00-3:15- 11:00-3:40-8:10
CC: 10:00-1:00-4:00-6:45 11:00-1:30-6:15 4:45-5:30-5:45-6:30-7:00-8:15- 10:50-2:00-4:30-6:50-9:20 AXCN: Ghost in the Shell 2:30
The Marvels (PG-13) 12:15-2:50- 3:45-4:15-4:45-5:30-5:45-6:00- Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13)
Exhibition On Screen: Klimt and Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) The Marvels (PG-13) CC: Journey to Bethlehem (PG) 8:30-9:00 Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (PG- 6:30-7:00-7:30-8:10-8:45
The Kiss 10:30AM CC: 10:45-1:45-4:50-8:00 10:00-11:15-12:00-12:45-2:00- 5:25-8:00 11:50-12:30-2:50-3:30-6:20-9:20
A Pocketful of Miracles: A Tale 2:45-4:45-5:30-6:15-7:30-8:15- 10:30-11:30-2:30-5:30-8:30 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 10:40-1:30-4:05-7:10-9:50 13) CC: 2:00-6:00-9:45
Radical (PG-13) 12:40-3:45-8:20 Tiger 3 (Hindi) 12:45-4:30-8:20 The Exorcist: Believer (R)
Priscilla (R) CC: 10:30-1:20- Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13)
(PG) 11:40-2:10-5:10 The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 12:10- After Death (PG-13) CC: 4:50
of Two Siblings 2:00 4:10-7:20 9:00-10:15-11:00 Killers of the Flower Moon (R) Killers of the Flower Moon (R) 10:00
10:15-1:15-5:00-8:00 The Nun II (R) 12:05-6:05 2:50-5:30-8:10 The Marvels 3D (PG-13) CC: 11:30-4:00-7:45
Rustin (PG-13) 7:15 Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (PG- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Priscilla (R) 11:45-3:30-6:30 Killers of the Flower Moon (R) It's a Wonderful Knife (R) 10:20- 11:30-3:10-5:00-10:30 11:30-4:05-6:50 Priscilla (R) 12:50-3:50-6:50-
13) CC: 1:10-4:30-7:15 (PG) CC: 10:15-12:45-3:15-5:45- Journey to Bethlehem (PG) Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) 9:50
Landmark 8:15-9:45 Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (PG-
11:50-4:20-7:50 12:50-3:00-5:20-7:40-10:00 It's a Wonderful Knife (R) 11:00-1:45-5:00-9:00
Atlantic Plumbing Cinema The Marvels 3D (PG-13) CC: 13) 12:45-2:45-7:15 The Marvels (PG-13) 10:30- 4:40-10:00 11:10-12:30-1:45-3:15-4:15-6:45 An All-Star Salute to Lee
Tiger 3 (Hindi) 11:05-2:30- Journey to Bethlehem (PG) Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) The Exorcist: Believer (R) 9:10 Greenwood 2:00
807 V Street Northwest 12:30-3:00-5:45-8:30 After Death (PG-13) 4:20-7:30 11:30-12:50-3:30-6:10-9:00 11:30-1:10-2:10-3:50-4:50-6:30- The Marvels (PG-13) CC: 12:15-
6:00-9:30 1:30-4:35-7:10 The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 2:30- The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 11:40-
The Marvels (PG-13) 1:00- AMC Columbia 14 Oppenheimer (R) CC: 12:05- The Marvels 3D (PG-13) Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) 7:30-9:10-10:10 1:00-3:45-6:00-6:30-7:45-8:45- 5:15-8:00 2:30-5:10-8:00
1:30-2:00-4:00-4:30-5:15-6:30- 10300 Little Patuxent Parkway 4:00-7:00 12:10-3:00-5:50-8:40 iPic Pike & Rose 9:15; 2:15; 11:10AM Priscilla (R) 12:25-3:40-7:20
8:45 AXCN: Ghost in the Shell 7:40 The Marvels (PG-13) 8:30 AXCN: Ghost in the Shell 7:30
7:20-7:50 The Marvels (PG-13) CC: 11:00- The Creator (PG-13) CC: Landmark The Exorcist: Believer (R) 11830 Grand Park Avenue AMC Shirlington 7
Killers of the Flower Moon (R) After Death (PG-13) 6:20 Regal Fairfax Towne Center Regal Virginia Gateway & RPX
1:45-4:30-7:15-10:00 11:30-2:45 Bethesda Row Cinema 3:05-8:55 The Marvels (PG-13) (!) 12:30- 2772 South Randolph St. 4110 West Ox Road
1:10-3:10-4:10-7:10-8:00 The Marsh King's Daughter (R) What Happens Later (R) CC: 7235 Woodmont Avenue Saw X (R) 11:40-2:40-5:40-8:40 1:00-3:30-4:15-6:30-7:30-9:45- Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (PG- 8001 Gateway Promenade Place
The Marvels (PG-13) CC: 11:40- 13) 1:00-4:40-8:10 The Marvels (PG-13) 11:50-1:00-
Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (PG- CC: 4:40 10:45-5:00 The Marvels (PG-13) 1:00-2:00-Priscilla (R) 11:50-2:40-5:35-8:30 10:45 2:10-4:50-7:30 The Marvels (PG-13) 11:00-
13) 12:45-3:40-7:00 The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 12:50- 1:30-2:40-4:20-5:20-6:30-7:00- 11:40-12:10-12:40-3:10-3:40-
Tiger 3 (Hindi) 11:10-2:40- The Holdovers (R) CC: 10:00- 3:15-5:30-7:00-7:45 The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 12:30- The Equalizer 3 (R) 11:30-2:30- The Holdovers (R) CC: 12:15- 7:30-8:00-9:10-9:40
6:10-9:40 3:15-6:00-8:45 6:00-11:00 3:55-6:00 4:40-5:40-6:10-6:40-7:40-8:40-
Landmark E Street Cinema 4:30-7:45-11:00 What Happens Later (R) 4:00-7:40 Tiger 3 (Hindi) 2:30-6:10-9:30
What Happens Later (R) CC: It's a Wonderful Knife (R) 12:50- The Holdovers (R) (!) 11:15-2:45- The Marvels (PG-13) 9:10-9:35-10:30
555 11th Street Northwest Killers of the Flower Moon (R) 1:15-6:00 Killers of the Flower Moon (R) 11:15-11:45-12:00-12:15- Oppenheimer (R) 11:30-3:30
The Holdovers (R) 3:15-7:00 12:00-6:20 CC: 12:15-4:45-6:00-9:15 3:15-5:55-8:35
The Holdovers (R) 4:00-6:45-7:45 6:45-10:15 CC: 12:20-3:20-7:00 The Marsh King's Daughter (R)
AXCN: Ghost in the Shell 7:30 Killers of the Flower Moon (R) 1:20-1:50-2:20-2:35-2:50-3:25- Killers of the Flower Moon (R) 12:00-10:25
Killers of the Flower Moon (R) Scarface 40th Anniversary Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) Killers of the Flower Moon (R) Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) 4:25-4:55-5:10-5:25-6:30-7:00- 12:00-4:30-7:10-9:00
12:00-3:00-7:00 (R) 3:00 CC: 11:00-1:45-4:30-7:15-10:00 1:30-3:00-7:15 12:00-2:00-6:15-9:15 CC: 12:00-2:40-5:20-8:00 Tiger 3 (Hindi) 11:20-3:00-6:30-
Regal Laurel Towne Centre 7:30-8:00-8:30 Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) 10:15
Anatomy of a Fall (R) 12:35- The Holdovers (R) CC: 11:45- Journey to Bethlehem (PG) CC: Anatomy of a Fall (R) 1:00- 14716 Baltimore Avenue Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) Priscilla (R) CC: 12:40-4:40-7:20
11:45-3:15-7:00-10:00 Cinema Arts Theatre 1:50-4:50-7:50 Scarface 40th Anniversary (R)
3:45-7:20 3:15-6:45-9:45 11:00-1:45-4:15-7:00-10:45 4:00-8:15 The Marvels (PG-13) 11:15- Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (PG- Priscilla (R) 11:40-12:20-1:10-
9650 Unit 14 Main St. 3:00-7:00
The Marvels (PG-13) 12:00-1:00- Killers of the Flower Moon (R) Anatomy of a Fall (R) CC: Priscilla (R) 4:30-7:30 12:00-12:30-2:00-3:10-4:40-6:00- Priscilla (R) (!) 12:15-3:45-7:15- 13) CC: 12:20-3:20-7:10 3:20-4:10-6:20-9:20 The Holdovers (R) 11:50-3:20-
2:30-3:30-4:45-5:45-7:15-8:15 CC: 11:15-2:00-6:00-9:00 1:30-7:45 Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (PG-
8:00-9:20 10:30 The Marvels 3D (PG-13) CC: What Happens Later (R) 9:50-
Rustin (PG-13) (!) 11:00-5:00- 12:15-2:40 The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 12:30- 6:50-10:05
Priscilla (R) 12:10-5:00-7:30 Journey to Bethlehem (PG) CC: Priscilla (R) CC: 10:45-4:15- 13) 3:30-6:50 The Creator (PG-13) 12:40- 1:15-3:50-6:30 3:10-6:00-8:40
All Dirt Roads Taste of Salt (PG) 10:50-1:30-4:10-6:50-9:30 7:00-9:45 The Holdovers (R) 1:15 8:00-11:00 Radical (PG-13) 9:40-12:00-2:30- The Marvels (PG-13) 3:50 Killers of the Flower Moon (R)
4:10-7:20 AMC Tysons Corner 16 10:55-3:35-8:10
1:15-3:25-7:30 Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (PG- Priscilla (R) 1:45 Killers of the Flower Moon (R) 5:00-7:30
Rustin (PG-13) 12:45-4:00-6:15 CC: 10:30-1:20-4:10-7:00-9:50 13) CC: 12:00-3:45-7:30-10:30
Landmark at 1:30-6:20-8:15-9:00 VIRGINIA 7850e Tysons Corner Center
The Marvels (PG-13) CC: 10:35-
The Holdovers (R) 10:10-1:15- Regal Fox & IMAX
22875 Brambleton Plaza
Journey to Bethlehem (PG)
The Holdovers (R) 12:15 Anatomy of a Fall (R) CC: It's a Wonderful Knife (R) Scarface 40th Anniversary (R) AMC Courthouse Plaza 8 7:20
Annapolis Harbour Center 1:15-3:55-6:35-9:25 Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-
Priscilla (R) 2:25 10:20-7:35 4:00-6:15 3:00-7:00 2150 Clarendon Blvd. Killers of the Flower Moon (R) The Marvels (PG-13) 11:40-
2474 Solomons Island Road Unit H-1 The Marsh King's Daughter (R) 2:15-3:00-4:50-5:50-7:40-8:40- 13) 12:30-3:30-7:00-9:55
The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: Last Suspect (Zheng jiu xian yi Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) The Marvels (PG-13) CC: 11:30- 11:40-7:15
ren) 10:05-1:05-4:00-7:05-10:00 The Marvels (PG-13) 12:45-1:45-
Regal Gallery Place CC: 7:55 Anatomy of a Fall (R) 10:00-1:00- 10:40 Priscilla (R) 11:10-2:10-5:10-
701 Seventh Street Northwest 6:50 11:30-1:00-2:20-3:50-5:20-6:40 12:00-2:40-5:20-8:00
Saw X (R) CC: 10:15 The Marvels (PG-13) OC: 3:30 3:45-4:45-6:30-7:30 Tiger 3 (Hindi) 10:50-2:20- 4:00-7:10 Tiger 3 (Hindi) 1:20-5:10-9:00 8:00
The Marvels (PG-13) 11:00- What Happens Later (R) The Exorcist: Believer (R) 11:50- The Marsh King's Daughter (R) 6:00-9:20
Priscilla (R) CC: 10:25-1:15-4:15- The Holdovers (R) OC: 1:15 2:40-5:45-8:40 CC: 4:30 Priscilla (R) 9:45-12:05-2:35-7:40 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie An All-Star Salute to Lee
7:05-9:50 Priscilla (R) OC: 1:30
4:50-7:10 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie What Happens Later (R) 4:50 (PG) 11:20-1:50-4:20 Greenwood 2:00
8:00-9:00-9:30 The Holdovers (R) 1:00-2:00- Saw X (R) 1:40-5:00-7:30 Oppenheimer (R) CC: 12:30- (PG) CC: 9:20-11:40
An All-Star Salute to Lee Green- Priscilla (R) 11:10-12:20-1:50- The Holdovers (R) 4:15 What Happens Later (R) 12:15 The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 2:40
The Marsh King's Daughter (R) AMC St. Charles Town Ctr 9 4:00-4:45-7:15 3:30-7:20 What Happens Later (R) CC: Scarface 40th Anniversary (R) It's a Wonderful Knife (R)
wood 2:00 11115 Mall Circle 3:20-4:50-6:10-7:45-8:50 What Happens Later (R) CC: Killers of the Flower Moon
11:40AM Killers of the Flower Moon (R) 9:50-12:25 (R) 3:30 3:00-7:00 11:30-2:20-5:00-7:30-10:20
Tiger 3 (Hindi) 10:30-2:10- Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (PG- The Marvels (PG-13) CC: 12:30-3:15-7:00 The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 1:30- 11:40-7:10 The Creator (PG-13) CC: 11:20-
13) CC: 12:00-3:45-7:30 4:15-7:00-9:40 Priscilla (R) 5:05 Killers of the Flower Moon (R) The Marvels (PG-13) 4:10-
6:10-9:40 10:30-1:15-2:00-4:00-4:45-6:45- Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) Killers of the Flower Moon (R) 7:50-10:35 11:10-3:30-7:50 7:10-10:00
What Happens Later (R) 12:35 The Marvels - The IMAX 2D 7:30-9:30 12:45-4:35-7:35 Regal Rockville Center CC: 12:10-2:10-6:30 Scarface 40th Anniversary (R) Cinemark Centreville 12
Experience (PG-13) CC: 10:15- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Priscilla (R) 12:50-3:30-6:50 Journey to Bethlehem (PG) The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 1:20
The Creator (PG-13) 2:50-8:10- 199 East Montgomery Avenue Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) 3:00-7:00 6201 Multiplex Drive 11:00-1:30-4:15-7:00-9:30
1:00-3:45-6:30-9:15 (PG) 1:45; 11:00-4:00-6:30 CC: 2:00-4:40-7:20 The Marvels (PG-13) 10:30-1:20- Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) Reston, VA -
9:35 Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (PG-
The Marvels (PG-13) 11:25- Radical (PG-13) 10:00-1:10-4:05-
Scarface 40th Anniversary (R) The Marvels 3D (PG-13) CC: What Happens Later (R) CC: 13) 1:15-7:20 12:00-12:40-1:10-2:10-2:40-3:20- Anatomy of a Fall (R) CC: 12:05- 7:05-10:05 4:10-7:00-9:50 LOOK Dine-in Cinema
11:30-2:15-5:00-7:45 11:05-12:10-1:50-4:40-6:50-7:30- 11940 Market Street
3:00-7:10 3:30-10:00 Rustin (PG-13) 12:40-3:05-6:453:50-5:00-5:30-6:00-6:30-7:30- 4:20-7:40 The Holdovers (R) CC: 9:30- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 9:40-10:20
Killers of the Flower Moon (R) It's a Wonderful Knife (R) Killers of the Flower Moon (R) 8:00-8:40-9:05 Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (PG- 12:45-4:00-7:10-10:25 (PG) 8:55-9:55-12:25 The Marvels (PG-13) 12:30-
3:40-9:35 Old Greenbelt Theatre Priscilla (R) 12:30-3:20-6:10- 2:00-3:00-4:30-5:30-7:00-8:00-
11:10-3:30 CC: 11:00-1:30-6:00 129 Centerway Tiger 3 (Hindi) 12:50-4:50-9:10 13) CC: 12:00-3:40-7:20 Killers of the Flower Moon (R) Tiger 3 (Hindi) 10:00-1:40- 9:00
Journey to Bethlehem (PG) The Marvels (PG-13) CC: 10:50- Saw X (R) CC: 10:15 What Happens Later (R) 1:00- The Marvels 3D (PG-13) CC: CC: 9:10-1:40-6:10-9:35 5:20-9:00 11:30
Rustin (PG-13) 3:15 The Marvels - The IMAX 2D
10:50-1:40-7:20-9:50 12:00-8:15; 2:45-5:30 The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: 3:40-6:20-9:00 1:30-4:10-6:50 Journey to Bethlehem (PG) CC: Radical (PG-13) 9:10-12:15-3:25- Experience (PG-13) 12:20-9:45 The Holdovers (R) 4:15-7:30-
Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) AMC DINE-IN Rio Cinemas 18 11:15-10:15 Anatomy of a Fall (R) 4:00-5:45
The Creator (PG-13) 4:10 AMC Hoffman Center 22 11:00-1:45-7:00-10:30 7:30-10:35 12:55
Rustin (PG-13) 12:45 The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 11:00-
12:20-10:40 9811 Washingtonian Center After Death (PG-13) CC: 6:15 Scarface 40th Anniversary (R) 206 Swamp Fox Rd. Anatomy of a Fall (R) CC: 10:10- Killers of the Flower Moon (R) 1:40-4:30-7:20-10:10 Smithsonian -
Priscilla (R) 10:50-4:20-7:40- The Marvels (PG-13) CC: Priscilla (R) CC: 10:45-1:30-4:15- Phoenix Theatres Marlow 6 3:00-7:00 The Marvels (PG-13) 3:00-5:45; 4:15-10:45 9:25-7:20 Tiger 3: The IMAX 2D Experience Airbus IMAX Theater
10:30 10:00-11:30-12:45-2:15-3:30- 7:00-9:45 3899 Branch Avenue Freelance (R) 1:30-7:20 12:15-7:45; 11:15-2:15-5:00-10:30 The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: Journey to Bethlehem (PG) 2:50-6:20 14390 Air and Space Museum Parkway
Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (PG- 6:15-9:00 Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (PG- The Marvels (PG-13) 12:00-1:30- Killers of the Flower Moon (R) Killers of the Flower Moon (R) 7:45 10:55-4:05-6:40-10:15 The Marvels (PG-13) 12:45- Journey to Space (NR) 10:20-
13) 12:10-3:50 The Marsh King's Daughter (R) 13) CC: 2:30-6:15-9:15 2:35-4:00-5:00-7:30-8:05 11:50-4:30-8:50 CC: 2:45-6:00-9:00 Priscilla (R) CC: 10:45-1:45-4:35- Jigarthanda DoubleX (Tamil) 1:10-2:40-3:30-4:00-5:20-8:10- 3:00-5:05
The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 10:20- CC: 4:15-7:15 The Marvels 3D (PG-13) CC: Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Journey to Bethlehem (PG) Journey to Bethlehem (PG) 7:25-10:10 10:15-12:40-4:35-8:30 10:25 To Fly! (1976) (NR) 4:30
1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 12:15-3:00-5:45-8:30 (PG) 12:45-3:00-5:30 11:30-2:00-4:40-7:10 4:00-6:45-9:30 An All-Star Salute to Lee Green- Japan (Tamil) 9:05-1:10-4:45- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Aircraft Carrier: Guardian of the
The Marvels (PG-13) 6:00 (PG) CC: 10:40-1:00-3:30-6:15- The Marvels (PG-13) 11:30AM The Equalizer 3 (R) 7:50 Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) wood 2:00 8:20 (PG) 12:15 Seas 12:40
Journey to Bethlehem (PG) 4:30 9:00 Killers of the Flower Moon Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) 11:35-2:20 CC: 11:00-1:45-4:30-7:15-10:00 AXCN: Ghost in the Shell 2:30 Japan (Telugu) 1:50-5:25-9:05 Jigarthanda DoubleX (Tamil) Deep Sky: The IMAX 2D Experi-
Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) Tiger 3 (Hindi) 11:45-3:15-6:45- (R) 9:00 3:00-5:30-8:00 Priscilla (R) 1:20-4:00-6:40 The Marvels (PG-13) CC: 1:30- Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (PG- The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 9:30- 1:45-5:40-9:30 ence 10:55-1:20-3:40
7:50 10:15 Five Nights At Freddy's (PG-13) The Exorcist: Believer (R) The Marvels 3D (PG-13) 1:40- 4:15-7:00-9:45 13) CC: 12:00-3:40-7:15-11:00 3:10-6:00-8:50 AXCN: Ghost in the Shell 7:30 Blue Planet (Il pianeta azzurro)
Priscilla (R) 1:40 What Happens Later (R) CC: 11:45-2:15-5:00-7:45-10:30 12:30-6:05 4:20-7:00 The Marsh King's Daughter (R) After Death (PG-13) CC: 9:00- The Marvels (PG-13) 11:30-2:15- The Marvels 3D (PG-13) (NR) 11:45AM
AXCN: Ghost in the Shell 7:10 11:45AM After Death (PG-13) 10:45AM Saw X (R) 3:15 AXCN: Ghost in the Shell 7:30 CC: 2:45 4:50-10:55 5:05-7:55-10:45 6:50-9:40 The Dream is Alive (NR) 2:10

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Stories of the past, rediscovered.
e16 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

Answers to last week’s puzzle. cros s wor d

“i’M toUched!” (NoV. 5)
“the show MUst Go oN” by rebecca GoLdsteiN noVemBer 12, 2023

across 78 Cosmopolitan
1 Prelude to a rimshot competitor
4 Raring to go 79 Lifetime buds, briefly
9 Loops in on an email, 82 Vegetable sometimes
briefly served with
12 People of the Uintah marshmallow topping
and Ouray Reservation 85 *2021
16 Channel that many 88 Singer Grande, to fans
watch for kicks? 89 Performance spots
18 Do a deep dive, say 92 Warming phenomenon
19 Type of steak 93 WWF, e.g.
represented in a 94 Tony Award won by the
steak emoji starred answers in the
21 “I’ll have what she’s years of their clues
having” 97 Coke Zero alternative
22 Country where ceviche 99 Get ahold of
originated 100 Uno + cinco
23 Stainless stuff 102 Egyptology subject
24 Person born in late 105 Delivers an aside, as
March or early April this puzzle’s starred
The letters in the original phrases that were replaced by aU spell
out Golden Girl, a reference to King Midas’s daughter whom he 25 Instrument that is answers literally do
accidentally turned into gold by touching her. typically about 18 113 Tater
feet long when fully 115 Twinkly topper on a
stretched out princess
26 *1988 116 Cuisine with orange
30 Traveling players blossom rolls
32 Galena and bauxite, 117 Italian for “melody”
Answers to last week’s L.A. Times Sunday puzzle. for two 118 “Goodness me”
33 Took to court 119 “Nightmare ___”
34 *1950 (2021 Guillermo del
38 Cream-filled pastry Toro film)
42 Gator tail? 120 Mary-Kate, Ashley or
43 Trained for roller derby Elizabeth 11 Shortened word after 41 Faux fur fabric 66 Doc treating sinusitis 89 Parisian pal
44 Having burst (open) 121 Reward correlate study or jam 44 Doja Cat or Lady Gaga, 68 Mini ___ (device used 90 Put pitchers on one’s
45 Condo board, for short 122 Great song 12 When to see Phoenix in e.g. to clean a keyboard, card, say
48 One of 23 in a spine 123 “___ this mess” Phoenix or Chicago in 45 Chop shop? briefly) 91 Struts down the
50 Sacred oath (rhyming cross-stitch Chicago 46 A single time 72 Brosh who created the catwalk
51 *1952 phrase) 13 Neutral color 47 Condition that is webcomic “Hyperbole 95 After the bell
53 Early bird hrs. 124 Line in a child’s 14 Insert, as a crossword underdiagnosed in and a Half” 96 See 77 Down
56 Sound at goat yoga drawing of the sun puzzle on a website women 73 Shell-less mollusk 98 Scaredy-cat
58 Hydroelectric power 125 Tablespoon, e.g. 15 Heat, as meat 49 Sources of 74 Mariposa lily 101 “In that case ...”
plant component 17 “I don’t believe you!” photographic evidence 77 With 96 Down, 2020 103 “It’s-a me, ___!”
59 Get-quick connector down 19 Not very exciting 52 Microbrewery jug Olympic all-around 104 Complete ecstasy
60 Sunrise Movement 1 Put a little ___ in 20 Fratty moniker 54 “I’ll Take You There” gymnastics champion 106 Waste, as time
cause your step 27 Actor Omar of “This singer Staples 79 ___ ghanoush 107 Shopper’s lure
67 Enjoyed every bite 2 Get mileage out of Is Us” 55 Reeked to high heaven 80 Lose sleep, say 108 Número that’s half of
69 *2017 3 Pledge drive swag 28 Malevolent Middle- 56 Chutney fruit 81 Receive with a closed 100 Across
70 Chemistry rules items that display a earth monster 57 “Moonrise, Hernandez, hand? 109 Group that disbanded
71 Enjoying a little too three-letter logo 29 Endorse in a PDF New Mexico” 82 “Affirmative” in 1991, briefly
much, say 4 Promo parlance 30 Frog’s kid-lit companion photographer Adams 83 Singer-songwriter 110 Perlman who played
72 H.S. course where 5 Walter White’s product 31 Former CNN anchor 60 Jo Ann Jenkins of AARP, DiFranco who created Ruth Handler in
11/5/23 one may earn college 6 Desperate request Bakhtiar e.g. her own record label “Barbie”
credit 7 50-50 35 CLE baller 61 John on a jet 84 Cheese partner 111 Microscopic, maybe
75 Make a request 8 Muscle targeted by an 36 Manga artist Junji 62 White-hot rage 86 One who is wise 112 Place for crafts at
76 Hello, in Rio overhead press 37 Not many 63 Come to a close beyond their years summer camp?
77 Photography choice 9 Elaborate 45 Down ’do 39 Reputation, briefly 64 “In the Heights” 87 From the Antarctic 113 Cry loudly
that fills in the blanks 10 “Your guide to a better 40 Gage of “The White director Jon M. ___ Circle to the Arctic 114 Soup often garnished
of “In_tagram fi_te_” future” site Lotus” 65 AI film villain Circle with lime and basil
evan birnholz is on paternity leave until January. Please enjoy this crossword from a special guest constructor!

l .a . t i m es s u nda y pu zz le H o ros cope

edited by Patti VaroL aNd Joyce NichoLs Lewis B y G e o r G ia n ic o l s

“WARDROBE 84 “Have our plans 120 Made a choice 19 Pay for 57 Crudely built 86 Office buzzer
MAKEOVER” BY changed?” 121 Wows everyone places? 88 Argon or xenon
Happy Birthday | nov. 12: you are sensual, uninhibited and seductive. you can attract
LYNN K. WATSON 87 Purplish blue 24 Having four 58 Ten below? 89 Really ticked attention. Lucky you. this is a great year to socialize and enjoy life. your creativity, zest
& WILL NEDIGER 89 With a firm tone DOWN sharps 60 Svelte 92 “I owe you one!” and desire for life is strong. have fun, but do not lose sight of your goals. old friends may
90 Ad infinitum 1 Basmati __ 29 Knitting stitch 62 Past 93 Intermission
ACROSS 91 Big name in 2 Mythical 31 Violet kin 64 Secondary 96 Bond player reappear.
1 Happens again convertibles matchmaker 32 Bay Area town image Daniel
7 Stares in wonder 94 Spanish kiss 3 Provide for free whose name 65 Treatment 97 Cookbook
12 Promising player 95 Build-A-Bear 4 Purple yam means “shark” centers author DiSpirito moon alert: there are no restrictions to because you’re in a positive frame of
in the minors creation 5 Rock, Paper, in Spanish 66 Guzzling sound 98 Mudbank
20 Asimov classic 96 Act like a Scissors 33 Bring up 67 Like most frolicker shopping or important decisions. the mind, relations with others are upbeat
21 Catherine of chicken? 6 OxiClean target 34 Pro wrestling wedding 99 Weed B-Gon Moon is in scorpio. and friendly. this is an excellent day for a
“Schitt’s Creek” 100 Art forms? 7 Shiny dental patriarch Hart receptions maker short trip or to study and learn.
22 Sci-fi vehicle 103 Corruption, prosthesis 35 Company 68 Italian port on 101 Large planter
23 1977 Top 10 hit metaphorically 8 Cries of boycotters? the Adriatic 102 Matter taken on aries (March 21-april 19)
for Styx 104 Indiana NBA epiphany 36 Pet rescue org. 69 Pulitzer-winning faith today is a much easier day. you’re in a liBra (sept. 23-oct. 22)
25 Even, as odds player 9 Bear foot 37 Lose on novelist Jennifer 105 Actress Falco good mood, which is why you feel with financial matters, be careful not to
26 Sixth sense 105 Baseball flub 10 Phase of an purpose 70 Midnight trip to 106 Chief exec
letters 106 Domino dot artist’s career 38 Gradually wear the fridge 107 Inactive warmhearted and generous toward go overboard. you might want to be
27 “Belfast” Oscar 109 Solo 11 Authority away 73 Wasn’t feeling 108 Awareness- others. Nevertheless, don’t give away the generous to someone. or you might
nominee Ciarán 112 Collectibles with 12 “Fleabag” star 40 More of a nerd 100% raising ads agree to something that is to your
28 Pickle serving
farm. Generosity is profound, but there is
baseball stars, Waller-Bridge 43 Application 74 Light-haired 110 Shirt part
30 Secrecy e.g. 13 President after entry 75 Sweet stuff 111 Wee, for short such a thing as idiot compassion. Guard disadvantage. be generous, but have a
contract, for 116 Places for Jimmy 44 Acid rock’s acid 78 Actress 113 Wear the merch against being excessive. healthy self-interest.
short Penguins and 14 Ignores feelings 46 “Moi? Never!” Dennings of, say
31 Impressionist Ducks of fullness, 47 Islamic leader 80 Fruit discard in 114 Qty.
Édouard 117 Cut off from perhaps 48 Glazier’s unit a compost bin 115 “__ Twist, taurus (april 20-May 20) scorpio (oct. 23-Nov. 21)
32 Problem-solve escape 15 Gel 50 Caribbean 81 Ocean sheets Scientist”: this is a wonderful day to kick back, relax the Moon, the sun and fiery Mars are in
36 Elite squad 118 Early Ford 16 Big-leaguer native 83 Table animated series
39 Comics dog and enjoy good times with those who are your sign positioned opposite lucky
119 Lacking 17 Word in budget- 51 Gaga over 85 “Not That based on a
41 Adjust an entry intelligence, in friendly brands 52 “Relax, it’s Fancy” singer bestselling closest to you so that everyone can take Jupiter. this favorable influence makes
on a time sheet, British English 18 __ attitude under control” McEntire picture book a moment to enjoy life. conversations will you feel generous, warmhearted and
42 Topiary target be philosophical and lofty. (“have you ready to act on big ideas. you want to do
43 Deceptive seen my pipe, Martha?”) things in a big way. you especially value
estimate your personal freedom.
45 Root vegetable
49 Instigators Gemini (May 21-June 20)
51 Tax agcy. this is an easygoing day. you can saGittarius (Nov. 22-dec. 21)
53 NYC home of you feel surprisingly content. relations
accomplish a lot because you’re upbeat
“Two Roses” and in a positive frame of mind. you’ll with friends and groups are positive and
54 Secret language probably have work-related travel. Group supportive. and this week, with Mercury
55 Theater worker
56 Comment made efforts will bring results. accept help from in your sign, you’re eager to share your
while dusting others if it is offered. enjoy your day. ideas and opinions with others. it’s all
off one’s hands, good.
58 Industry giant cancer (June 21-July 22)
59 Wow accept invitations to enjoy social outings, capricorn (dec. 22-Jan. 19)
60 “Blast from the sports events, the theater, movies, playful this is a wonderful day to schmooze with
past” hashtag
61 Fluffy scarf times with children and any entertaining groups. enjoy teamwork, classes,
63 “Let’s do this!” diversion that appeals to you. you want to conventions and conferences. you will
65 Switching have fun, and you might do so also enjoy athletic competitions, perhaps
outfits, and what
can be found competitively in sports or other physical in sports.
in this puzzle’s activities.
circled letters aQuarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
68 “Big Five” film
festival held in leo (July 23-aug. 22) relations with parents, bosses, teachers,
Germany invite family and friends for good food ViPs and the police are excellent. (ask for
71 Granola morsel
72 Lip balm brand and drink, because this is an excellent permission or approval for something.)
73 “The day to entertain at home. the relations with people from other cultures
Bachelorette” atmosphere will be upbeat and friendly. and different countries will be rewarding.
76 “Didn’t we just you might include people who are
have this?” different or from another culture. pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
77 Gloom Get outta dodge and spread your wings.
79 Nobel-winning
Swedish poet VirGo (aug. 23-sept. 22) travel, see new places and meet new
Tranströmer the power of positive thinking is a faces, or go someplace you’ve never been
81 Sportswear wonderful thing, and today is an example. before that’s right in your own backyard.
brand founded
in Italy
82 Wet weather
83 Wooden pin
11/12/23 ©2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Travel Sunday, november 12 , 2023 . Section F eZ ee

The region of Molise, free from the country’s
overtourism, is a respite from the congestion | F3

Paolo PIccIotto/getty Images

lonely Planet Skiing By the Way concierge comicS

co-founder shares lessons How to choose a multi-resort should you buy insurance Illustrator depicts some of
from decades of experience. F2 pass that’s right for you. F4 to cover your honeymoon? F5 the world’s beloved cattle. F6
F2 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

Tony WheeLer

Lonely Planet co-founders Tony and Maureen Wheeler. Their first publication, “Across Asia on the Cheap,” spawned more than 150 million guidebooks covering 221 countries.

5 big lessons and one ‘mistake’


Tony Wheeler has spent half a

from 50 years of Lonely Planet “It was definitely a real change
from 40 years ago,” he said.
‘A 50-year mistake’
century traversing the globe but
still carries a guidebook. Natural- The day after Tony returned to avoid indirectly aiding the trust their instincts. Lonely Planet tenet. He recom- The company’s name did not
ly, it’s his own. from South America, he shared brutal military regime. After sev- “Things are not always as un- mends always going “two streets stem from a romantic notion
“Just a couple days ago in some of the lessons he has eral research trips, the couple safe as you fear they are,” he said. over” from the main drag for about connecting travelers or
Brazil, I went to Iguazu Falls,” learned from his 50 spins around decided to publish the book in “Once you get to a place and are sightseeing as well as shopping, making the world a less forlorn
Wheeler, 76, said during a recent the Lonely Planet. 1979 but encouraged travelers to out in the streets, you will feel if it dining and lodging. place, but instead from a 1971
video call from a hotel guest room support local businesses and not is okay or not.” “Everyone is in St. Mark’s documentary film called “Mad
in New York City. “I went across Always carry on government-owned ones. On a family trip in Guatemala Square,” he said of Venice. “There Dogs & Englishmen.”
to Argentina and had the Lonely Mishaps happen to even the “The locals really wanted the City, the Wheelers set out at night are other parts of the city you can Over too much red wine at a
Planet guidebook. It said to take most seasoned traveler, and you tourists, and it wasn’t just for the in search of food. The streets go to and find churches that are restaurant in Sydney, the Wheel-
the walk close to the river level just have to roll with it. money,” Wheeler said. “It was for were empty and unnerving. But not crowded with tourists.” ers discussed the film’s song
because everybody heads to the During his recent trip in Brazil, the communication with the out- the next morning, they discov- Another option: Skip the pop- “Space Captain” and the opening
top one. You know, the guidebook the airline repeatedly canceled side world.” ered an entirely different city: ular destination for a lesser-visit- lines sung by Joe Cocker: “Once I
got it right.” his flight to New York. He spent Wheeler is similarly conflicted vibrant, lively, safe. ed city, such as Ravenna, was traveling across the sky/ This
Wheeler and his wife, Mau- four hours standing in line at the by Iran. “The government’s aw- Wheeler has ventured to more which he described as the oppo- lovely planet caught my eye.”
reen, founded Lonely Planet airport counter trying to sort it ful, but the people are wonder- than 170 countries, including site of Venice. “It almost felt Smitten with the lyrics, Tony
guidebooks 50 years ago. In 1972, out. “You can fly across the Atlan- ful,” he said. To illustrate this many that have faced conflict, like it was undertouristed,” he suggested calling the series
the newly married couple bought tic in the Concorde in that point, he described the heart- such as Syria, Libya and Yemen. said. “Lonely Planet.” Maureen agreed,
a ratty old car in London and amount of time and have a meal, warming interactions he repeat- He does not take safety lightly. He but pointed out the misheard
drove east, across Europe, and as well,” he said dryly. Choose a train over a plane word. “It’s been a 50-year mis-
then farther east, to Turkey, Iran Also this year, an incident in This year, Wheeler has traveled take,” he said.
and Afghanistan, where they sold France forced the railway to shut by train in a dozen countries. He
their vehicle. In Australia, their down its entire line. Then a “These were books for people in their 20s with no said his best train experience was
final stop, one adventure ended torrential rainstorm hit. “I was on Amtrak’s Coast Starlight from
and another began. standing around on a platform money. If their parents had gone to Europe, they Seattle through the San Francisco
Tra vel
Their first publication, “Across with rain pouring down for four Bay Area.
Asia on the Cheap,” spawned hours,” he said. were going to Asia. If they were in Europe, they “It was a nice train, and there  Get our newsletter every
more than 150 million guide- Wheeler gamely acknowl- was quite a lot of conversation at
books covering 221 countries. It edged that a traveler’s best ma- were going down to Spain and across to Morocco.” the tables in the bar,” he said. “It
also heralded a new generation of terial often comes from plans Tony Wheeler, co-founder of Lonely Planet was what train travel is supposed  read us online:
travelers who were young, adven- that go awry. to be.”
turous and scrappy. Like true “People like to hear the bad When possible, he chooses  Follow us on Instagram:
rebels, they ventured where few stuff,” he said. “No one wants to edly experienced in restaurants. is intrigued by Nigeria — “It’s the more eco-friendly modes of trav- @bytheway
parents had gone before. hear that my flight left on time, Diners would notice that he was center for movies in Africa and el. For a return trip from Lugano, To respond to one of our
“These were books for people my seat was the one I wanted, I eating alone and spoke English has a lot of entrepreneurial activ- Switzerland, he took the slower articles: email
in their 20s with no money,” he liked the meal and my baggage and would invite him to join ity” — but is cautious about but greener route home: train, call 202-334-
said. “If their parents had gone to turned up.” them at their table. visiting Africa’s most populous from Zurich to Paris, then Euro- 7750 or write: Washington Post
Europe, they were going to Asia. Speaking of lost luggage, he “How often does that happen nation because of safety con- star to London. In Uruguay and
Travel section, 1301 K St. nW
If they were in Europe, they were avoids it by limiting himself to in a restaurant in England or cerns. Many foreign offices, in- Paraguay, he relied on trains and
going down to Spain and across carry-on. He said an opera singer America?” he said. “In Iran, that cluding the U.S. State Depart- buses, which have vastly im- Washington, D.C. 20071.
to Morocco. Instead of escaping friend would have significantly does happen, and I think it’s kind ment, advise travelers against proved since his last overland
the States to Mexico, they’d go reduced her stress levels had she of amazing.” visiting Nigeria. adventures. editor: Amanda Finnegan
down to South America. Their followed suit. On her flight from The eighth edition of “Lonely “You start with the idea that it’s “My bus travel years in South Deputy editor: Gabe hiatt
horizons were getting larger, wid- Munich to his London home, the Planet Iran” is scheduled for re- not going to be totally safe,” he America was a long time ago,” he art directors: Stephanie hays,
er.” airline lost her bags. Several days lease in December 2024, an up- said, “but I’d like to see it one said. “It felt dangerous all the Katty huertas, Allison Taliaferro
In 2011, the Wheelers, who later, a delivery man drove up in a date to the 2017 version. day.” time, the buses were uncomfort- Photo editor: Lauren Bulbin
split their time between London vehicle packed with hundreds of able, and the bus stations were Staff writers: natalie B. Compton,
and Melbourne, Australia, sold pieces of luggage waiting to be Trust your research Explore ‘two streets over’ not good places to be.” heidi Pérez-Moreno, Andrea Sachs,
their publishing company. Red reunited with their owners. and instincts from the main drag This time around, the bus sta- hannah Sampson
Ventures, which also owns the On the subject of crime, For countless travelers, Lonely tion in Montevideo, Uruguay, was Copy editors: rachael Bolek,
Points Guy, took over in 2020. Travel for the people, Wheeler has been fortunate: Planet opened the door to un- modern and had a great break- Jamie Zega
Although they are no longer ac- not the politics He has been a victim only once, known or undiscovered places, fast spot. The buses were com- editorial aide: olivia McCormack
tively involved in the series and Of all the travel guides, Wheel- when he was mugged in Bogo- but some critics say the books fortable and safe. The seats came Travel advertising: ron Ulrich,
have upgraded their travel style, er said Burma caused them the tá, Colombia. He said travel- worked too well and have led to with belts that people actual- 202-334-5289,
they still embody the spirit of the most angst. At the time, people ers should thoroughly re- overcrowding. Wheeler’s solu- ly wore. There was an onboard
“backpacker’s bible.” were urged to boycott the country search a destination but also tion to overtourism is actually a toilet.
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post eZ ee F3

PHoTos by cHico Harlan/THe WasHingTon PosT

The population of Molise, one of the 20 regions of Italy, is declining roughly 1 percent every year, according to national statistics. Here, an empty street in the town of Ripalimosani.

Molise, Italy: ‘A place that is so authentically itself’

BY C HICO H ARLAN It was 7 euros per plate.
IN MOLISE, ITALY One Sunday evening, we found
ourselves in a predicament. Our

oor Molise, I used to kids were tired, and we couldn’t
think. find a place to eat. I called one
It is one of Italy’s 20 restaurant: closed. Another res-
regions, but it seems to taurant: closed. Another restau-
get fewer visitors than certain rant: open, but only from 8 p.m.
restaurants in Tuscany. To the Our daughter would be getting
extent it has any reputation at all, tired by then.
it is as an unremarkable back- A little panicky, I called a
woods. Dismissed by travel nearby agriturismo, Essentia Di-
guidebooks. Overlooked by Ital- mora Rurale, a place Francesco
ians. On the wooden Italy puzzle had recommended, and asked
I bought for my son — a piece for whether they by chance served
every region — Molise is attached dinner. The place was 10 minutes
to Abruzzo. away by car.
Molise non esiste, the saying “Let me ask the chef if there’s
goes in Italian. Molise doesn’t space for tonight,” the voice on
exist. the other line said.
But I realize now, after a week- I waited a moment.
long family road trip from our “Okay. We have one more ta-
home in Rome, that these factors ble,” he said.
allow Molise to hide in the best I didn’t ask any other ques-
way possible. In an era when Italy tions.
is so warped by tourism, when We arrived to find a farmstead
even the “off-the-beaten-path” that opened up to a vast field,
itineraries lead you to crowded soccer goals set up on one side, a
Instagram towns, visiting Molise playground and tables arranged
feels like more than an antidote. under string lights. Beyond, the
It feels like finding the buried rolling hills unfolded in shades of
heart of why travelers fell for brown and green, and a vignette
Italy in the first place. of pink framed the sky. In the
I share all this with a bit of distance, you could see a little
trepidation. We all want to hoard village, the evening lights turn-
our secrets, preserve what feels ing on.
special. And besides, Molise isn’t As we walked in, feeling as if
really conducive to a glossy sales we had entered an eating “Field
pitch. It has no A-level bucket-list of Dreams,” the agriturismo own-
sites. It has some 20 miles of tidy er, Salvatore Zeoli, offered to
coastline, a pittance by Italian Dinner is held at Essentia Dimora Rurale. The author and his family consumed spicy salami, caciocavallo, eggplant fritters and more. guide the evening’s diners —
standards. Its rugged, vast interi- there would be about 20 — deep-
or, with twisting roads and hills er into his farmland. He talked
capped by medieval towns, stone remains of an amphithe- that is so authentically itself. Farms and cheesemaking Italian cow’s milk cheese. about the tomatoes and the
doesn’t look much different from ater and a colonnaded forum, a Understanding Italy means go- It dawned on me after a few Cheesemakers can be big deals in grains and led us to a field of
(ahem) Abruzzo. micro-Pompei. But the site is ing to places that haven’t lost days in Molise that the dearth of Italy, and many offer regular chickpeas. This was his way of
But look at that paragraph virtually unmarked from the anything due to the ramifications visitors bestows a deep benefit. tours of their operations. Mario, a introducing what would turn out
again. The sales pitch is hiding main road. There are no tickets, of tourism.” We saw it in the attention, the former hang-gliding instructor, to be a celestial meal, every
right there. Molise has lovely no opening hours, no ropes keep- Italy saw 48 million foreign energy and the affection gifted to said he gets many visitors at their ingredient from Molise.
beaches without the touristy trin- ing anything out of bounds — visitors in the first six months visitors. Among the people whose farm, too, but given how it went There under the lights, we ate
ket shops; ancient towns that are only a gorgeous spread of one- this year, according to its central jobs entail dealing with tourists, — so unplanned and heartfelt — I spicy salami, caciocavallo, egg-
gobsmacked and delighted to see time grandeur, with wild bank, which tracks international there was no fatigue or cynicism. found that hard to believe. plant fritters and prosciutto
a visitor; and beauty that would sage growing all around, tourism. More than 3.6 million of This might be possible, too, in We saw the cheesemaking where even the fat tasted good.
be extraordinary almost any- where our 4-year-old happily those visitors ended up in Tusca- places with conveyor-belt tour- process, of course, led by his wife, We ate a soup of chickpeas and
where but this country. And to played hide-and-seek in the ma- ny. Only 20,000 went to Molise, ism. But it’s far likelier in Molise. Carmela. Then he invited us to carrots that looked homemade
boot, it has breathtaking food zelike remains. Aside from three making it by far the country’s We spent our first three nights walk with his sheep as they but tasted like something unat-
with stuck-in-the-1980s prices. Belgians, he had the place to least visited region. in the region at Parco dei Buoi, an ambled to a pasture, led by volun- tainable. We ate a pasta of an-
There are towns with all sorts himself. Until this trip, I had never agriturismo, or farm stay, in the teer shepherds. For a while, we cient grains with pesto and toma-
of surprises. Frosolone is a center been to Molise. But it’s a stand-in middle of olive groves and apri- were out there in the field, unsu- to, spiked with a lively olive oil.
for artisanal knives. Carpinone A respite from overtourism for my general Italy travel advice, cot trees. Such places are abun- pervised, snacking on wild black- We ate pampanella, a spiced,
straddles a mountainside so It’s impossible to talk about which is: Trust the place you’ve dant in Italy, and you normally berries. We returned to find Ma- tender pork with peppers. The
sheer you would expect a ski lift. the appeal of Molise without also never heard of. Up in those get a humble room and a good rio wrapping up the day, and he meal stretched for two hours,
Agnone is the base for the world’s talking about the state of tourism forgotten towns, on almost every breakfast, maybe some mosquito invited us into his home. He then nearly three, and we ended
second-oldest family business, a in Italy. It is, in short, a hot mess. hilltop in Lazio and Campania bites. What we found at Parco dei played music for us. He intro- up breaking all the bedtime
foundry that makes bronze bells So many of the country’s most and inland Calabria, there are Buoi was plenty of good food and duced us to his friends. As the boundaries and laughing about
for the Vatican, and where visi- famous places are postcards for churches with 14th-century fres- also a near-instant family: Fran- temperature dipped, he asked not caring. Our 4-year-old, after
tors can walk through the factory the ills of overtourism. Crowds coes, town piazzas with 1 euro cesco Travaglini, Pia Mariani, whether we wanted to meet his finishing his pasta and playing in
floor, dusty and bustling, full of consume the walkways of the cafes and men playing cards, and their daughter, Giulia, soon de- cows, and he grabbed a flannel the field, fell asleep in the stroll-
clay and wax casts and busts of Colosseum; drown out any sense almost inevitably some trattoria parting for college in Milan, and jacket for our son that was about er. Our baby fell asleep in the
popes. of local life in central Venice; serving something great. their son, Gabriele. 12 sizes too big, wrapping it carrier. By the end, it was
Visiting Molise, it must be flock to Sicily’s “White Lotus” That’s true in Molise, where Pia doted so joyfully on our around him as they walked. just eight or nine tables in the
said, requires some commitment. location; and choke off streets in several factors, including depop- 5-month-old that my wife, Lilian, near-darkness, and Lilian re-
Public transit scarcely exists; a Florence, including one alley ulation and the hollowed econo- and I had one morning almost An eating ‘Field of Dreams’ marked that what made the meal
rental car is a must. Patience, too, where the crowd is inexplicably my, make the wonders even more entirely to ourselves. Giulia took Molise’s cuisine is heavy on so special wasn’t any particu-
is a prerequisite. In Molise, queuing for a panino. unlikely. These aren’t easy places our son to harvest tomatoes, meats, cheese and wild vegeta- lar bite, but rather the un-
Google Maps misfires. You’ll find Italy was too crowded even to live; it’s so remote and craggy. which were turned by Pia into a bles. On Google, the restaurants abashed simplicity. No dollops of
yourself guided the wrong way before the pandemic, and during The young, unable to find jobs, pasta al pomodoro so sublime that serve them might have just a any precious delicacy. No eye
down one-way roads. You’ll seek the hiatus, a raft of leaders said it tend to flee to other regions. that the sugo didn’t even need few blurry photos. But, more toward plating.
out restaurants only to find their was time to create a more sus- Molise’s population declines cheese. We ate together at a table often than not, they are gems. Just food that you would want
listed opening hours are pure tainable model. Naturally, noth- roughly 1 percent every year, with local wine. One day we pulled off a highway to eat.
fiction. Eventually, in search of ing happened, and more people according to national statistics. Maybe that was a one-off, I to a little trattoria where you Before we left, Salvatore gave
churches or cafes or ATMs, I put are visiting than ever before. “The almost total rurality of thought, a special stroke of Mo- could smell the smoked meat us two bags of pasta — a parting
away my phone and just talked to Katie Parla, Rome-based cook- the Molise people is the origin of lise luck. But then we found even from the parking lot. The gift for every guest, he said. We
people. book author and tour guide, said their defects and virtues,” the ourselves at a family-run cheese door hung open, just some string carried our children into the car
Even Molise’s comparatively visiting Rome is a “borderline author Francesco Jovine wrote in factory, Azienda Agricola Carme- beads blocking the entrance, and and headed over potholes and
well-known sites seem uninter- required” experience in a life- his book “Viaggio nel Molise,” a la Colavecchio, in the hills out- inside a TV played the U.S. Open. pitch-black country roads.
ested in being discovered. Near time. “But when you’re walking travelogue that we received from side Campobasso. Carmela and We sat down to simple plates If Google sent me headlong
the village of Sepino lies a field of down the street,” she said, “it’s our friend Stanislao de Marsan- Mario had prevailed several days of pasta, served only with down any one-way roads I didn’t
archaeological ruins, a former hard to tell who is local and who ich, president of a park system earlier in a national competition Parmigiano-Reggiano and a jar know, there was nobody else
Roman valley town, with the is not. In Molise, you’re in a place that honors Italian authors. for caciocavallo, the southern of chili flakes. around.
F4 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

Mountain collEctivE snowbiRD REsoRt

The Snowbird resort in Utah. “The Mountain Collective was a response to the Epic Pass,” said Todd Burnette, CEO of Mountain Collective, which encompasses two dozen resorts in seven countries.

How to pick a ski pass — without it being an uphill battle

Buying a pass for multiple mountains can save you money in the long run. We compared the Epic, Icon, Mountain Collective and Indy to help you decide.
BY A NDREA S ACHS The pass costs $1,309 for cus- How to choose the right pass
tomers 23 and older. For less The first question is: Do you
Imagine a ski season in which pricey alternatives, the Ikon Base even need a pass? The answer is
you hop from mountain to moun- Pass, a scaled-back version of its yes if:
tain but never have to care about main pass, goes for $979, and the l You plan to spend at least a
the increasingly steep price of a customizable Ikon Session Pass week or several weekends skiing
lift ticket. Those other people 4-Day is $539. or snowboarding, especially at
griping about how a day on the The sale period closes in mid- some of the pricier resorts.
slopes costs the same as a new December. l You want to try out several
Apple Watch? You can’t relate. mountains in one season or
What differentiates you from Mountain Collective are committed to chasing
other vacationers is neither stock and Indy Pass down the powder wherever it
options nor a winning Powerball Mountain Collective and Indy may fall.
ticket, but a wise, one-season Pass differ from Epic and Ikon on l You have strict vacation time,
investment: a multi-resort pass. several counts. For one, instead because some resorts sell out of
“Is it economical to buy a ski of an unlimited skiing approach, online tickets but will still wel-
pass? Heck yes!” said Sunshine the passes offer vacationers two come pass holders. (Note: Some
Swetnam, an assistant professor days at each resort, plus a dis- destinations, such as Aspen
in Colorado State University’s ski count for extra days: 25 percent Snowmass, Jackson Hole and Big
area management master’s pro- off the third day with Indy Sky, require pass holders to make
gram. “I would be blown away Pass and 50 percent of all subse- reservations.)
if the pass ever becomes a quent days with Mountain Col- The answer is maybe not if
bad thing.” lective. your winter calendar is so packed
The multi-resort pass is a fair- “A woman did 20 resorts [one] that you can only slip away for a
ly new development. In 2008, year,” said Todd Burnette, CEO of day or two.
Vail Resorts introduced the Epic Mountain Collective, which en- “It’s a good option for people,
Pass, a spinoff of the singular compasses two dozen resorts in because it makes ski trips more
resort season pass. Instead of seven countries. “But to get the affordable than going up to the
locking visitors into one moun- MaRiDav/shuttERstock most value, you just have to ski at ticket window,” Mountain Collec-
tain, Vail’s pass granted winter A skier rides a gondola over a mountain in Colorado. To decide whether you need a pass, Stan Gale, a least four days at two resorts.” tive’s Burnette said. “But you
sports enthusiasts unlimited and safety consultant, says to ask yourself questions such as: “How often do you plan to ski, and where?” Another difference: The re- need to visit two resorts for at
unrestricted access to four re- sorts affiliated with the passes least four days to get a good
sorts in Colorado and one in The Epic Pass are not part of a big conglomer- value.”
California. Vail Resorts created the abom- ate. They are the ski industry’s To help with the decision,
That all-you-can-ski deal was inable snowman of multi-resort version of the boutique property Gale suggests asking questions
also a bargain, relatively speak- passes, with full access at 41 ski or the family-run inn. such as: “What do you envision
ing. According to Sara Olson, vice destinations in 15 states plus “The Mountain Collective was your winter looking like?” “How
president of communications for Canada, Switzerland and Aus- a response to the Epic Pass,” often do you plan to ski, and
Vail Resorts, Epic initially cost tralia, whose season occurs oppo- Burnette said. “They have a loose where?” and “How much can you
$579, significantly less than an site the Northern Hemi- association: They are independ- spend on these trips?”
individual resort pass, which av- sphere’s. The pass also offers ent resorts and not owned by a “You really need to tailor it to
eraged $1,800. In addition, the limited access for a set number of corporate entity.” your budget and time off,” he
bulk price was much kinder on days at nearly 45 partner resorts, However, autonomous does said.
the wallet than the a la carte fee. such as Telluride in Colorado, not mean anonymous. The col- If all of your answers are
The same truth holds today, Switzerland’s Verbier 4Vallées lective’s resorts include such il- pass-affirming, the next step is
when same-day tickets can cost and Rusutsu Resort in Japan. lustrious slopes as Arapahoe Ba- choosing one. Epic and Ikon are
upward of $200 or more. Only Telluride requires advance sin in Colorado, Chamonix- ideal for skiers and snowboard-
“The pass pays for itself after reservations. Mont-Blanc in France and Lake ers who expect to spend a chunk
four days or in one vacation,” said Pass holders also receive 20 Louise in Alberta, Canada. Many of the season strapped to their
Adrienne Saia Isaac, director of percent off such extras as food of the Indy Pass’s 183 resorts in board or planks. Between the
marketing and communica- and drinks, lodging, equipment North America, Europe and Ja- two, pick the pass that features
tions at the National Ski Areas rentals and lessons; discounted pan are small regional favorites your favorite resorts or moun-
Association. tickets for friends and family that often appear on high school tains that you have always as-
Since Epic’s debut, three more members; and Epic Coverage, a ski trip permission slips and pired to conquer. Proximity to
passes have appeared on the refund policy that applies when winter weekend itineraries, such home is also key.
domestic and international ski customers face such adversities as Massanutten Resort in Vir- “Epic and Ikon reach a broad-
scene: Mountain Collective, as injury or job loss. This fall, the ginia and Schuss Mountain at er audience,” Isaac said. “They
which celebrates its 11th season company introduced the My Epic Shanty Creek in Michigan. The allow for exploration and flexibil-
this year; Alterra Mountain Com- app, which allows guests to Indy Pass, which added more ity.”
pany’s Ikon Pass (2018-2019); store their pass or lift tickets on than 50 new Alpine and Nordic Mountain Collective boasts a
and Indy Pass (2019-2020). The their phone. ERic Dunn/EPic Pass resorts this season, also en- more curated sampler’s box of
passes are more complementary Of all the Vail Resorts pass- Skiers at Vail Mountain. In 2008, Vail Resorts introduced the dears itself to cross-country ski- resorts, which Isaac describes as
than competitive. es, the Epic Pass is the most Epic Pass, a spinoff of the singular resort season pass. ers by including two days of “bucket-list.” “They’re not trying
Stan Gale, a Colorado-based bountiful — and the most expen- skiing at more than 40 Nordic to be anyone else,” she said.
ski and snow sports safety con- sive, at $969 for adults ages Pricing is tiered, so the earlier Idaho and Canada, including centers in the United States and Indy Pass, meanwhile, caters
sultant, buys Ikon and Epic pass- 13 and older. For vacationers you commit, the more you save. such stalwarts as Steamboat in Canada. Or buy a XC-only pass to families, novice skiers and
es, which do not overlap. The with fewer snow days or tighter In the spring, the Epic Pass costs Colorado, Stratton in Vermont for $99. riders, and visitors more apt to
Ikon and Mountain Collective budgets, Vail Resorts has sev- $909. Prices will rise this month, and Tremblant in Quebec. The The Indy Pass, which costs jump in their car than a plane to
passes share a few resorts, such eral other options, such as before the sale period closes in plan also includes up to seven $399 with blackout dates and get their shred on. “It fits a niche
as Aspen Snowmass in Colorado, the Epic Local, a trimmed-down December. days of skiing at more than $100 more for none, paused sales for people looking for more of a
Jackson Hole Mountain Resort in version of Epic Pass, for 40 partner resorts around the in April because of high demand. ski-area experience than a re-
Wyoming and Montana’s Big Sky. $719 (ages 19 and older); the Ikon Pass world (new additions this season The company released more sort,” she said.
However, for skiers and boarders Epic Day Pass, which covers The Ikon Pass resembles Epic, are Alyeska Resort in Alaska passes to its wait-list members Of course, the truly indecisive
who can’t telecommute, one pass one to seven days at 22, 32 or but with resorts owned by Alter- and Camelback and Blue Moun- starting Oct. 10 and expects to — or ambitious — can double up
could suffice. 38 resorts in North America ra and its associates. Pass holders tain in Pennsylvania), plus a continue doing so as they become on passes. You can do the math
To decipher the quartet, and and Europe (starting at $54); can take advantage of unlimited First Tracks program, 25 percent available. The Mountain Collec- while waiting in the lift ticket
their cost efficiency, we took a and regional passes, such as skiing and riding at 16 destina- off companion tickets and 15 tive’s price tag rises as ski season line, or in between gasps
deep-powder dive into the world the Northeast Value Pass tions in Colorado, California, percent off food, drinks and nears. Skiers can currently pur- over your December-April credit
of ski passes. ($591 for adults). West Virginia, Vermont, Utah, shopping. chase the pass for $650. card bills.
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post eZ ee F5

Should you say ‘I do’ to travel insurance for a honeymoon? Experts weigh in.
Q: We’re
By The Way planning a
Concierge June wedding
natalie B. and
Compton honeymoon to
South Africa
Do I need travel insurance for
my honeymoon? It seems really
expensive. Apparently less than
$500 per person is a good deal.
Does the price depend on where
I’m going?
— Erica Snow, a social media
editor for The Washington Post

A: Long story short: Get the

insurance. Or as Laura K.
Frazier, founder of Bliss
Honeymoons, summed it up:
“Unless they are independently
wealthy and willing to lose
thousands of dollars, they
should spend the money and
get trip insurance every
single time.”
The longer story: I went to
travel planners, insurance reps
and former honeymooners with
your question, and the
overwhelming majority came to
the same conclusion that this is
probably the most expensive
trip you’ve ever planned, so
travel insurance is essential.
Let’s start with how it’s
priced. Steven Benna, the
marketing manager for the
travel insurance marketplace
Squaremouth, says where you’re
going isn’t really a factor. What
matters is how long your trip is,
how much it costs, how old you
are and what you want insured. iLLuSTrATion By MAríA ALconAdA BrookS/The WAShingTon PoST

There are few different types

of travel insurance to consider l A policy through your the family. Worse yet, “we had If you’re curious what other need a special policy if you’re Go into your insurance
for your trip: credit card: If you booked your two different couples call off travelers have done, the partaking in adventure sports shopping with an idea of what
l A trip cancellation or trip with a credit card, you may their wedding last year because honeymooners I surveyed had such as bungee jumping. Most you want covered, and read the
interruption policy: These already have some coverage for they broke up,” Frazier said. mixed feedback. Most said they insurers won’t approve your fine print. As for who to go to,
plans cover the costs associated things such as trip interruption, If you don’t go for a bought insurance because the claim if an accident happens travel advisers say it depends on
with disruptions before or evacuations and lost luggage. comprehensive package, at trip was too expensive to risk. A while you’re under the the trip. But adviser Marisa
during your trip, such as getting l A “cancel for any reason” minimum, you’ll want a medical handful were very relieved they influence. And with general trip DeSalvio said Travelex is a
sick or flight cancellations. policy: This is an expensive add- policy. However, it won’t cover did, such as the couple who got cancellation policies, you can’t favorite for its customer service,
l A medical policy: This will on so you can cancel your trip you if you get sick before your the coronavirus and had to skip the trip for fear of and Piper Fenton of Remarkable
cover you for any illness or beyond those covered reasons. trip. Daniel Durazo, director of postpone, or the spouse who something bad happening. Honeymoons has sworn by
injury during your trip, plus If costly parts of your trip are external communications at was struck in the head by a That’s when you’d need a Allianz for the past seven years.
emergency medical nonrefundable, I’d go with a Allianz Partners USA, says many falling rock on their trip and cancel-for-any-reason policy, If you’re getting sticker shock,
transportation. comprehensive package to Americans are surprised to find needed stitches. Others made which will still only get I have two words for you:
lA comprehensive policy: protect your investment from they aren’t covered by their sure to book an itinerary that you a percentage of your wedding registry. Whether you
These packages are a one-stop the many surprises that could personal health insurance when could be refunded. Some said money back. add a policy as its own line item
shop to protect your unfold. I heard stories from the they go abroad. “If you get sick they skipped buying a policy For some of those concerns, or factor it in to your budget
honeymoon. These bundles can travel planners about their or injured in Mozambique, and relied on their credit card’s you can get an additional from the honeyfund,
include coverage for trip unlucky honeymooners. Some you’re going to have to pay travel insurance coverage. cancel-for-any-reason policy crowdsource the cost from your
cancellations, travel delays, were simple, such as flights for that out of your pocket,” Esther Klijn, an adviser with that will give you more loved ones.
medical emergencies, lost being canceled, throwing he said. “And you probably Cire Travel, notes that travel flexibility. However, “it does
luggage and more. Expect to itineraries out of whack. Then won’t be reimbursed by your insurance isn’t a perfect safety typically increase the policy’s Want to see your question
pay between 5 and 10 percent there were burst appendixes, domestic health insurance net and doesn’t cover premium by about 50 percent,” answered? Submit it online at
of the trip cost for these. emergency rehab and deaths in company.” everything. For example, you’ll Benna said.

Clearing the air: Flight attendants debunk common travel myths

BY N ATALIE B . C OMPTON planes may contain harmful bac-
teria and has avoided the coffee
The internet is rife with old and tea ever since. However, she
wives’ tales about travel. We see does know flight attendants and
video after video professing ways plenty of passengers who do
to fly better, cheaper. To demysti- drink airplane coffee.
fy some of our burning questions,
we turned to those on the front Myth: Flight attendants
line of the industry: flight atten- constantly party
dants. Reality: False
While they’re portrayed in Although some flight atten-
movies and television as chic dants — particularly ones new to
jet-setters or hard-partying ingé- the job — may go all out on a
nues, being a flight attendant has layover, many are too tired after a
gotten a lot less cinematic. long shift do to more than eat,
They’ve had to deal with the sleep and get ready for their next
tumultuous years of pandemic flight. “Sometimes we do go out
shutdowns and border closures, to enjoy the city, but people like
when they were considered es- myself who’ve been doing it a
sential workers and still had to fly long time, . . . it’s a regular job,”
while most of us stayed safe at Antwan said. “I’m on my layover
home. They’ve faced insults and right now, . . . and I’ve been in my
assaults from angry travelers room.”
when enforcing mask mandates. And no, they can’t drink on the
They enroll in self-defense class- job. Flight attendants are subject
es to protect themselves on to regular drug and alcohol test-
board, miss holidays and family ing.
milestones so we can fly to ours,
and have been fighting for years Myth: They know when
for better pay and benefits. air marshals are on board
“It’s not a job. It is a lifestyle,” Reality: It depends
said Beth Bourneuf, a former Some say they always know
teacher who became a flight at- when they have federal air mar-
tendant in 2020. “When you go to shals on their flights. Amber says
work, you’re gone for three gate agents usually alert them or
days. … You’re kind of away from they can see they’re on board via
it all.” a special crew app. “We have an
Because the airport is their app to see all customers so we can
second home, we went to them to iLLuSTrATion By LAurA PAdiLLA cASTeLLAnoS/The WAShingTon PoST; iSTock see all ‘specials,’” she said.
debunk some common travel “And normally they come on
myths. We interviewed flight at- times where the people who actu- Myth: Flight attendants and its brakes are released. Like “But there are a lot of times when board to introduce themselves,”
tendants — some with decades of ally pay for economy plus will call are there to serve you the rest of us, they still have to I’m thinking, ‘Why am I doing she added. “They have to check in
experience and others newer to the airline and ask for a refund Reality: False show up well before takeoff and this to myself ?’” with the pilot first, and then we
the field. Some we interviewed because they saw people moved Their primary job is your safe- sit around through the same have to know where they’re seat-
spoke on the condition that they up for free,” said Amber, who has ty, not collecting your trash or weather and mechanical compli- Myth: They have secret ed. If there’s more than one, then
be identified by their first name been a flight attendant for eight lifting your bag. (They’re not cations — all without pay. places to sleep they have to know where each
only to protect their employ- years. “And we can get terminat- supposed to do the latter any- “Most of my workdays are any- Reality: True other are seated as well.”
ment. ed for that.” more, because doing so puts where between 12 to 16 hours, but “There’s a whole world under- Others say they are only in-
them at risk for injury.) They’re we only get paid anywhere from neath the airport that people formed sometimes, and may find
Myth: Dressing up will Myth: Greeting passengers trained for a number of onboard five to eight of those hours,” don’t know about,” Bourneuf out after landing that an air
get you an upgrade has a hidden purpose crises, such as the medical emer- DiGeronimo said. said. marshal was on board.
Reality: False Reality: True gency Amber tended to a few Some airlines have airport
You can’t charm your way to Welcoming passengers on months ago. At the time, “it didn’t Myth: Flight attendants staff lounges and sleeping rooms Myth: Flight attendants make
first class, but you should still be board is more than just a hello. It look good,” she said, but “I travel free for crew to rest between flights. you check bags out of spite
nice. gives flight attendants the oppor- learned not long ago that it’s Reality: True And on long-haul routes, the Reality: False
“You won’t get an upgrade but tunity to identify able-bodied because we immediately took ac- They do, but it’s not as glamor- crew must take breaks in “secret” Don’t take it personally; it
maybe a free drink,” said Miami- passengers, a.k.a. ABPs, who may tion that we actually helped save ous as it sounds. Although they airplane compartments. “It’s not comes down to physics and tak-
based Trey Antwan, who became be able to help in case of an his life.” can fly free, they must do so on anything luxurious, but we can ing off on time. Maybe your bag is
a flight attendant in 2007. emergency. The flight crew is also standby. That could mean wait- stretch out and lay down,” said too large to fit in the overhead
Airlines have strict systems for looking for suspicious or intoxi- Myth: Flight attendants delay ing hours or days to get a seat on a Tricia, who has been a flight bin, or maybe there is simply no
upgrades, and flight attendants cated travelers, and sizing up takeoff for overtime pay plane. Still, the perk is why many attendant for 36 years. space left.
don’t have the authority to dole carry-ons. Reality: False get into the exhausting industry. “Some bags should not have
out seating assignments. “I know “We look to see how many bags Their pay doesn’t work like “When I’m in Switzerland eat- Myth: Don’t drink been allowed down the jet
that if I were to upgrade someone people are carrying, and we also that. Delta Air Lines made head- ing chocolates — or when I’m airplane coffee bridge,” Antwan said. “Some-
out of order and not go by that have to be conscious of what kind lines last year after announcing hanging out with my best friend Reality: It depends times customer service doesn’t
[upgrade] list, I would get in so of bags they’re carrying,” that it would start paying flight who lives two time zones away Many flight attendants steer catch it and we’re the ones that
much trouble,” said Vinia Di- Bourneuf said. “Anyone with a attendants during boarding. But just because it’s a Tuesday and I clear of hot water on board. catch it.” Either way, don’t make
Geronimo, who’s five years into cooler, we need to ask what’s in for many, the clock doesn’t start was off — it’s worth it in those That’s true for Amber. Years ago, the crew’s day worse — and delay
her career. In fact, “there are there.” until the plane’s door is closed moments,” DiGeronimo said. she heard that the water tanks on takeoff — by arguing about it.
F6 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

World’s most beautiful

cattle are a di≠erent breed

Around the world, cows are celebrated in many different ways. There are parades and festivals, and
people costume, paint and honor their bovine friends for their many gifts and companionship.
Illustrator Cat Willett rounded up the fanciest cattle from across the globe to showcase.
Cat Willett is an illustrator and author based in Brooklyn. You can follow her on Instagram: @catxwillett.

Lovers are leaving locks at the Grand Canyon. Rangers wish they’d stop.
BY H EIDI P ÉREZ- M ORENO about tourists latching “love in the vulture’s digestive tract. al Park Service says. “Those kinds of behaviors are rock, or stacking up stones is
locks” onto metal fences across “Condors are curious animals John Griffin, senior director of connected to this idea of not simply vandalism,” officials wrote
Latching a padlock onto public the park and throwing keys into and much like a small child will urban wildlife programs at the really understanding and re- in the post. “Visitors who build
fixtures has been a symbol for the water. In a Facebook post last investigate strange things they Humane Society of the United specting the natural space in the cairns probably don’t look at
everlasting love around the world month, officials said the practice come across with their mouths. States, said sealing locks and way that we should,” Griffin said. building cairns as vandalism
as couples seal their commit- is a form of “littering” and “graffi- Condors love shiny things,” the throwing keys in the canyon may “It’s all part of not following or since rocks can be unstacked
ments to one another and throw ti” and puts animals throughout post said. “They will spot a coin, a seem harmless, but doing so in- understanding these rules, and easily, but moving rocks around
the keys into open waters. the canyon at risk. A photo wrapper, or a shiny piece of advertently puts wildlife such as not having the right frame of still can lead to resource dam-
The origins of the tradition are showed a ranger removing the metal, like a key from a padlock condors at risk. mind or intelligence we need to age.”
largely unknown, but it’s believed locks. that has been tossed into the The message from the Park respect these spaces.” Griffin puts rock-stacking and
to have become popular in Rome “Love is strong, but it is not as canyon and eat it.” Service is one of the latest warn- In 2018, officials at Zion Na- “love locks” in the same category,
after the 2006 Italian novel and strong as our bolt cutters,” the California condors are the larg- ings to tourists who have sought tional Park posted a similar because they don’t appear to be
2007 film “I Want You,” when a post read. est land birds in North America, to make their mark in parks in warning after a viral trend led to harmful at first glance, but they
couple sealed locks onto a Roman While there are several rare with a wingspan of more than dangerous ways. Travelers have visitors stacking rocks and post- can threaten the parks.
bridge. The tradition has made its and endangered species at the nine feet. The birds have been been seen taking selfies with ing photos under the hashtags “We should have a reverence
way to bridges, fences and gates park, such as big-eared bats and listed as endangered since 1967. animals, harassing or getting too #RockStacks and #StoneStack- for nature and understand the
across the world, including the Kaibab swallowtail butterflies, Their population has increased close to wildlife, licking psyche- ing. Officials said in a Facebook rules while we’re there and not
Pont des Artes in Paris, the Ma- according to the Grand Canyon thanks to captive breeding, and, delic toads, cutting down trees or post that moving rocks around just make a human statement of
kartsteg Bridge in Salzburg and Trust, the National Park Service is as of 2022, there are 561 condors touching geothermal pools. can expose soil to wind, disturb professing our love for another,
the Napa Valley Wine Train Love most concerned about California in the wild and captivity, accord- In June, the agency issued a animals living under rocks or or just putting our own mark on
Lock Bridge. condors in this case. The Face- ing to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife plea for visitors to respect the confuse hikers while they venture the space where it absolutely
It’s even become popular at book post noted an incident Service. They are still dying, how- wildlife they encounter at these through trails. doesn’t belong,” he said. “We’re
Grand Canyon National Park, where a condor had to be operat- ever, due to lead poisoning, con- parks in response to “actions” by “Leaving your mark, whether there to appreciate these incredi-
where officials have recently ed on after swallowing coins. An suming trash and being electro- visitors that resulted in a wildlife carving your initials in a tree ble, natural features and incredi-
grown increasingly concerned X-ray image showed objects stuck cuted by power lines, the Nation- death. trunk, scratching a name on a ble array of wild animals.”
G2 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

BY A NDREW V AN D AM department of data tions, millennials had the means

to delay pregnancy thanks to af-

he U.S. birthrate languish-
es at its lowest level in his-
tory. So when our friend
and colleague Herman Wong
An only-child mystery leads to a fordable, long-acting birth-con-
trol options, said Alison Gem-
mill, a demographer at the Johns
Hopkins Bloomberg School of
suggested running the numbers
on only children, we lit up with
the cheap joy of answering a
question to which we already
revelation about childless millennials Public Health.
“Historically, one of the rea-
sons why we think the U.S. has
had such a high fertility rate
knew the answer. With fewer compared to other countries was
kids overall, Americans are sure- related to unintended and un-
ly cranking out one-hit wonders america’s birthrate remains mired near record lows, but the number of only-child families hasn’t risen at all wanted pregnancies that result-
in record numbers, right? ed in births,” Gemmill told us.
Not so fast! Live births per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44 Average times women have given birth in their lifetime, ages 25 to 44 Now that it’s easier to avoid acci-
Every two years, the Census dental pregnancies, more women
140 35% Zero
Bureau quietly appends a battery are having kids later, or not at all.
of fertility-related questions to Sociologist Sarah Hayford di-
its workhorse monthly question- 120 30 rects Ohio State’s Institute for
naire, the Current Population Population Research and has,
Survey, our go-to source for ev- with Guzzo, studied the living
erything from the unemploy- 100 25 Two daylights out of another key data
ment rate to Americans’ moving source, the National Center for
habits. It’s smaller than the im- One Health Statistics’ National Sur-
80 20
mense annual American Com- veys of Family Growth. She
munity Survey, but it’s one of the thinks millennials may still come
few major surveys that asks how 60 15 around on kids.
many times American women Three “A big part of the uptick in
have given birth. childlessness is delay rather than
As we analyzed the latest fig- 40 10 permanent childlessness,” Hay-
ures, from 2022, our brains spun ford told us. “Even among wom-
in our skulls: Since the mid- en in their thirties, a lot will go
20 5 Four
1980s, the rate at which we pro- on to have a child.”
duce only children has remained Five- If women are able to follow
absolutely flat. Something like 1 0 0 through on their delayed family
in 5 American women ages 25 to 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 plans, much of the rise in child-
44 are one and done. Note: We omitted 2020, due to pandemic-related disruptions. lessness could be erased, accord-
That’s bizarre, given birth- Source: National Center for Health Statistics Source: Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey Fertility Supplement via IPUMS ing to a 2020 analysis of the same
rates! But let’s zoom out and look data set by Gemmill and Caroline
at the whole universe of possible few americans say one child is ideal, and as americans have kids later, fewer of us have time for larger families Sten Hartnett of the University of
family sizes. South Carolina. But with older
First, we noted that families What do you think is the ideal number Share of women in each age group who had a child in the past year millennials in their 40s, time for
with three or more kids plunged of children for a family to have? a reversal may be running out.
in the 1980s, as birth control, When that almost mythical
Zero One Two Three Four Five+ No 12%
education and greater opportu- perfect time to have children
nity helped women pile into the opinion does arrive, some women will
workforce. That’s also when only How many 10 2000-
2000- 2008
2008 2021
2021 find they don’t have the means.
children rose to their current lev- children do Zero 2001
2001 “In the United States, we overes-
el. Families shifted again after you currently timate our ability to get pregnant
the Great Recession when, One 8 later or how readily available
among women 25 to 44, even medically assisted reproduction
having two children lost its lus- Two
might be,” Guzzo said. “I mean, it
ter. The number of women who is available, but it’s crazy expen-
had zero children soared. Only sive. Your average person can’t
children held steady. Three afford it. It’s often not covered by
To be sure, this is partly be- insurance.”
cause women are starting their Four-plus Meanwhile, a 2021 poll from
families later and thus having 2 our friends at Pew Research
second children later. But even 0% 20 40 60 80 100 found that about 44 percent of
among women in their early 40s, 0
childless adults ages 18 to 49 said
the share of only children has Note: Numbers may not total to 100 due to rounding.
15 years 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 they were not too likely, or not at
Source: Gallup telephone poll of 2,028 U.S. adults from June 1 to 22 and July 3 to 27,
barely budged in more than 2023, with a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points
all likely, to have children, a
Source: Census Bureau’s American Community Survey via IPUMS
three decades, crawling from sharp increase from the 37 per-
17 percent in 1990 to 19 percent cent who said the same thing in
in 2022. Childlessness rose when millennials arrived in each age group, and it kept rising even as homeownership recovered 2018.
That suggests a simple expla- And a hefty 56 percent said
nation: If people want kids, they Share of women who have never given birth, by age Share of women whose households own their own home they just didn’t want kids. (The
want more than one. A consis- remainder pointed to medical
tent minority stops at one, be it 100% 80% reasons, financial reasons and
for biological, philosophical or 18-19 lack of a partner. The state of the
logistical reasons. But otherwise, world and climate change came
children seem to be a multiple- in a distant fifth and sixth out of
or-nothing proposition. seven.)
Our friends at Gallup con- 20-24 When we asked about child-
firmed this. A poll this summer 80 first less couples in an earlier column,
found that almost nobody — just millennials many readers pointed to the rise
hit the age
3 percent of Americans — consid- group
40-44 of same-sex marriage. But the
ers one child to be the ideal fam- latest Census Bureau estimates,
ily size. from 2021, show that fewer than
Even if you poll people who 35-39 1 in 100 U.S. households are led
currently have one child, only 25-29 by same-sex couples. Even if
6 percent of them consider one none of those couples had kids,
to be the loveliest number. Zero an absurd assumption, it
is even less popular. wouldn’t come close to explain-
About three quarters of us ing the rise in childlessness.
think two (44 percent) or three 30-34 After consulting our own
(29 percent) children would be first
household — which notably in-
ideal. And the parents who have cludes a brilliant dog but zero
that many kids are much more children — we began to wonder
likely to have the precise number if it may have something to do
of kids they think is ideal. That 50 with millennials being the first
contrasts sharply with parents 35-39 generation that isn’t likely to do
20 25-29
with fewer kids, who almost al- 40-44
better than their parents, accord-
ways think more would be ideal, ing to Opportunity Insights. A re-
and parents with four or more cent WSJ/NORC poll found that
kids, about half of whom think first 78 percent of Americans aren’t
the ideal family is probably millennials confident their children will
smaller than theirs. Whoops. have better lives than they did.
0 40
University of Texas psycholo- 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
We have little data to back up
gist Toni Falbo has studied only this speculation, but many of our
children such as herself since the Note: We omitted 2020, due to pandemic-related disruptions. sources wholeheartedly agreed.
mid-1970s, when they were legiti- Source: Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey Fertility Supplement via IPUMS Source: Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement via IPUMS About 90 percent of kids born in
mately rare. She told us that 1944 outdid their parents; even
(largely false) stereotypes have Some may be reluctant to bring kids into a world where children aren’t likely to be better off than their parents negligent mothers and fathers
led parents to believe that having could produce a surefire success.
just one child amounted to “mis- Why non-parents ages 18 to 49 say it’s not too likely, or not at all Share of children earning more than their parents, by birth year For kids born in 1984, that num-
treating your child by not provid- likely, that they’ll have kids, 2021 ber was just 50 percent. These
ing them with another sibling.” days, when the outlook may be
There’s evidence that only WHY foLKS aren’t LIKeLY to HaVe KIdS 100% even bleaker, there’s intense
children may be more likely to pressure to pump your kids up
Just don’t want kids 56%
divorce than people from large with every available ounce of or-
families and may have higher Some other reason 43 90 ganic superfood, superior school-
body mass indexes in adoles- ing and extracurricular enrich-
cence, Falbo told us. But she’s of tHoSe WHo CIted Some otHer reaSon ment to give them a slim shot at
found little backing for the per- getting ahead.
sistent belief that only children Medical reasons 19 So the decision to avoid having
struggle socially, especially after children may amount to a kind of
kindergarten. Financial reasons 17 performance anxiety in the face
“It turns out only children are No partner 15 70 of intense expectations and weak
not more selfish than others. governmental and social sup-
They aren’t lonelier than others,” Age 10 port, Guzzo said: “If I don’t do
Falbo said. “Ironically, in many 60 everything right, then my kid
State of the world 9
ways, they’re less lonely than will end up living on my couch
other people because they’re ac- Climate change/the
5 forever or be a serial killer. … I
customed to being alone.” environment don’t know if or when I’ll have
So why are people choosing 50 what it takes to be a ‘good’ par-
Partner doesn’t want kids 2
none over one? The biggest de- ent.
terminants of childlessness seem Other 12 “The stakes are so high. I don’t
to be youth, marriage (or lack No answer 19 40 want to screw it up.”
thereof ) and higher education. 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985
The shift toward zero kids came Source: Pew Research Center online survey of 1,617 childless U.S. adults ages 18 to 49 conducted the department of data needs
fastest among younger women, Oct. 18 to 24, 2021, with a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points Source: Opportunity Insights DEPARTMENT OF DATA/THE WASHINGTON POST your queries. Who’s most likely to
especially those in their 20s, live with their adult siblings? Where
though we now see it across the are hailstorms getting more
age spectrum. lows. When the oldest millenni- goes for that other major marker source we consulted pointed to you’re supposed to line up before dangerous? What did the stress
But look deeper at that data, als hit their 40s, even 40-year- of building your own household: the broader economic climate. you have kids. caused by the Beltway sniper do to
and you’ll spot something wild. olds become more likely to go a building. Millennials were late Hammered by the Great Reces- “We have a pretty strong set of expectant mothers in the region?
Women in their early 20s em- childless. to homeownership, which made sion, soaring student debt, pre- prerequisites: You absolutely Just ask at
braced childlessness first, with a Generations are squishy, man- it harder to start families. carious gig employment, sky- should finish school and have a
sharp rise beginning around made distinctions. Outside the But neither offers a full expla- rocketing home prices and the decent job, and you should make If your question inspires a column,
2002. That happens to be when baby boom, it’s rare to see such a nation. Both married and un- covid-19 crisis, millennials prob- a decent income, and you should we’ll send an official Department of
the first millennials, born in vivid generational turning point. married Americans have shifted ably faced more economic head- be in a good partnership, and Data button and ID card. This week,
1981, entered that age group. For We’d love to have a perfect expla- toward childlessness in the mil- winds in their childbearing years you should live on your own,” we’ll make the trek all the way across
women in their later 20s, the nation for it. Send us your theo- lennial era. And levels of child- than any other generation. And, Guzzo told us. “That takes a the newsroom to deliver a button to
jump in childlessness happened ries! lessness have actually accelerat- as sociologist Karen Benjamin while to accomplish, especially Herman Wong, The Post’s deputy
in 2006, just as the first millenni- For now, we can tell you that ed among millennials as their Guzzo, director of the Carolina in this day and age. Some people general-assignment editor … or at
als arrived. marriage rates have steadily de- homeownership rates have re- Population Center at the Univer- may feel like they’re never going least we would if he weren’t out on
As you ascend the age spec- clined, and unmarried folks are cently grown. sity of North Carolina, told us, it to be in a good place.” paternity leave with his first — and so
trum, the millennial echo fol- less likely to have kids. The same Instead, just about every put them behind on everything And, unlike previous genera- far only! — child.
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post eZ ee G3

A new way to woo workers: Child care at airports, schools and poultry plants
chIld cAre from g1 Tootris, a service that connects
parents with child-care providers,
child-care center opens at has seen a sixfold increase in em-
5:30 a.m., so parents can get to ployers — ranging from the city of
their 6 a.m. shifts on the poultry San Diego to mazda Toyota manu-
processing line. Between compa- facturing — looking for ways to
ny subsidies and state assistance, offset workers’ child-care costs
parents pay an average of $1.60 an this year.
hour for care. Executives say they many are offering parents
hope to eventually keep the center $3,000 to $5,000 a year to spend
open until 1 a.m. to accommodate on any type of care, including
night-shift workers at the poultry preschool, summer camps or af-
plant down the street. ter-school programs, according to
“We have struggled to get senior director Eric Cutler.
enough people to work with us “The reality is, most parents
and stay with us,” said Garrett have a variety of care needs, so one
Dolan, who works in human re- solution isn’t enough,” he said.
sources for the company. “That “No matter what your schedule is,
got us thinking: We’re in a child- what your income is, child care is a
care desert, there’s nothing avail- key necessity for a parent to be
able. We’re going to have to build able to stay active and employed.
this thing ourselves.” The brutal reality for working par-
The country was already short ents is: No child care, no work.”
millions of child-care spots before That has been clear at Pitts-
the pandemic, when sudden shut- burgh International Airport,
downs forced 20,000 child-care where executives have taken a
centers — or 1 in 10 nationwide — number of measures — including
to close permanently, according to adding public bus routes to make
the Century foundation. A it easier for people to get to work
$24 billion lifeline from the gov- and creating apprentice programs
ernment kept many afloat until to draw new employees. But one of
September, when the last of those the biggest hurdles remained: a
federal funds ran out. lack of child care in the area,
Since then, lawmakers have ral- which is about 20 miles from
lied for additional money, to no downtown.
avail. President Biden recently re- recently, the airport opened a
ignited that effort when he asked child-care center in a former US
Congress for $16 billion to sup- A new day care at Pittsburgh International Airport serves about five dozen children of employees and is open from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Airways concourse. The facility
port child care. But industry ex- serves about five dozen children
perts say that money — if and nificantly worsened access to suddenly teachers and adminis- “I had five employees who were the area. By the time the factory and is open from 6:30 a.m. to
when it is approved — will barely child care around the country. trators were quitting their jobs, at about to have babies, asking if opens in three years, the company 6:30 p.m., though executives hope
help maintain the status quo. It’s At KinderCare, one of the coun- least for a year or two, because it they could go part time or take a hopes to have enough teachers in to add around-the-clock care to
becoming clear, they say, that it try’s largest day-care operators, was becoming so difficult to find year off,” he said. “And now that’s place to provide child care to accommodate night-shift work-
will take broader, more immedi- the number of employers looking infant care in the area. just not a concern anymore.” 9,000 employees. ers.
ate action to make child care af- for information about on-site His executive assistant left the The U.S. job market has under- “The infrastructure is really Both Trudi and Ben Shertzer
fordable and accessible for work- child care has risen 54 percent in workforce for a year while she gone massive shifts in recent years what’s broken — we need more work at the airport — and now
ing parents. the past year, according to Dan waited for a spot to open up at a as Americans rethink their career people to work in child care, and their son Hunter, 11 months, goes
“Parents and children need so- figurski, president of KinderCare local day care. When she became plans and prioritize work-life bal- we need a career pipeline,” said to work with them, too.
lutions now,” said Jessica Brown, for Employers. Companies are pregnant with her second child ance. many quit in-person work marni mcDowell, the company’s Ben usually drops the infant off
an economics professor at the also increasingly looking for back- earlier this year, Caire knew he early in the pandemic, leaving senior director of global well-be- at the newly opened day care just
University of South Carolina. up care options for emergencies couldn’t lose her again. Using a fields such as education, retail and ing. “People can’t come to work if before 8 a.m., then heads to his job
“They don’t have time to wait and offering tuition subsidies to $100,000 grant from a nonprofit, hospitality in favor of more flexi- they don’t have child care. And as a wildlife administrator. Trudi,
around for policymakers to put employees, covering roughly he converted a space off the school ble, higher-paying office jobs. Em- you can’t have child care if there an operations manager at the air-
through proposals that will make 20 percent to 50 percent of their cafeteria into a staff day care for ployers have struggled to refill aren’t workers. The problem just port, sometimes stops by during
their lives better some day. That’s day-care and aftercare costs. up to eight infants. their ranks: There are still 3 mil- feeds on itself.” the day to say hello.
why companies are filling this gap “The phone continues to ring “We’re losing too many educa- lion more job openings than there Despite the momentum, build- “It was quite the roller coaster
however they can.” with employers asking us to help tors in America,” said Caire, chief are people looking for work. ing an on-site day-care facility can before I was about to give birth:
It makes business sense, too. them solve child-care needs that, executive of one City Schools. “So micron Technology, a semicon- be costly and time-consuming. It Day-care waitlists were so long,
Employers lose an estimated quite frankly, they didn’t think few people are coming into this ductor company based in Boise, can be impractical, too, for com- we were talking to babysitters but
$23 billion a year because of child- they needed to be a part of before field as it is. And now we’re losing Idaho, is preparing to open a day panies whose workforces are we just didn’t know what would
care-related complications, re- covid,” he said. “I think it’s catch- them at the top and in between care across the street from its spread around the country or for come through,” she said.
sulting in a $122 billion hit to the ing many of them off-guard. Every because of issues like child care. headquarters. It is also building employees who’d prefer care clos- The addition of the child-care
U.S. economy, according to a re- employer I speak with says the It’s a desperate situation.” an on-site child-care center near er to home instead of at their center “was absolutely wonderful
cent study from readyNation. The labor market is still tough, finding The center will cost $255 a week an upcoming manufacturing workplace. To that end, many news,” she said. It has simplified
group, part of the bipartisan talented people is still tough.” for infant care after factoring in a plant in central New York. But more companies are providing her family’s commute and given
Council for a Strong America, In Wisconsin, charter school 25 percent subsidy. The best part, first, the company is investing subsidies that can be used any- her peace of mind while at work.
found that the pandemic and “in- founder Kaleem Caire noticed a for Caire: All of his employees are $500,000 to train care providers where, depending on parents’ Plus, she said, her son loves
sufficient policy action” have sig- clear shift after the pandemic — staying. and early-childhood teachers in needs. watching the airplanes take off.


Hotels. Car rentals. Concert tickets.

Hidden junk fees pop up everywhere.
sIngletAry from g1

for internet service.

Last year, the federal Trade
Commission received more than
12,000 comments about junk
fees. The regulator is now seeing
a new round of commentary on a
proposed rule that the
commission says will bring
clarity to hidden fees.
Under the proposal,
businesses would be banned
from advertising prices that hide
or leave out mandatory fees.
Ever see a bill and become
befuddled about some random
The proposed rule would also
prohibit companies from
misrepresenting fees, forcing
them to disclose upfront the WASHINgTON POST IlluSTrATION; ISTOCk

amount and purpose of the fees

and whether they are refundable. efficiency with this deceptive you are seeing.”
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fees NPrm, r207011” on your high inflation, and people budget With our CD special, you’re not only getting a great rate, you’re also getting
comment. You can also mail your carefully for travel expenses. It event ticket fees
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the full experience and commitment of our dedicated bankers. Let’s talk.
Commission, office of the payment shock with undisclosed $100 can be added to a price Call 800.399.5919 or learn more at
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on or before Jan. 8. hotel is the winner and the should not exist at all.”
And don’t just send a form consumer is the loser.” l “Ticket convenience fees are
letter with language copied from some of the most unfair and
a consumer campaign against rental car fees deceptive in the class of fees
junk fees. Tell your story. make it “from hotels to rental cars to under discussion. They can
personal. Be specific. Provide home-sharing sites, there are an sometimes reach 50 percent or
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Hotels that charge these fees platforms when your real, Washington Post News Service and
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G4 eZ ee the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

coffee from G1

The coffee
Two leaders’
disputes turn
Coffee crops — commonly grown in
Brazil, Vietnam and Colombia, among
other countries — are at the mercy of

project into
changing weather. Extreme weather in
Brazil in 2021 reduced the expected
harvest, sending wholesale coffee prices
to their highest level in years.
many small farmers are also strug-
gling to make a profit as they deal with
rising material costs and labor shortag-
time bomb
es. “Somebody can pick coffee all day
long and make $5 for a day,” said mayra Reader: I’m wondering
orellana-Powell, founder of Catracha how to handle a work
Coffee. The company helps small-coffee project that is about to
producers in Santa Elena, Honduras, crash and burn due to
access the specialty coffee market, which interpersonal conflicts
has grown in popularity in the United between the project
States since the early 2000s and general- Work leads.
ly pays farmers better than commodity Advice my supervisor, “Pat,”
prices. KarLa L. has been leading a
overall, the commodity price for ara- MiLLer large externally funded
bica coffee has jumped more than project, with the bulk
40 percent since before the pandemic, of the work done by a
climbing even further last year and few contractors from outside our
dropping slightly this year. organization.
By the time beans are roasted and sold one of these contractors, “rob,”
to cafes, they often cost $10 or more per has been a critical lead for the project
pound, depending on the blend, Crabbe and a good work friend. But his
said. And even if commodity prices go relationship with Pat has become
down, customers are unlikely to see their combative, with Pat being verbally
bills drop. and emotionally abusive to him.
“retailers, once they increase the rob has shown me some of Pat’s
price, tend not to lower it because they messages in confidence, and they
know their margins are going to be have each privately griped to me
squeezed,” said Judy Ganes, president of about the other. rob’s contract is
J Ganes Consulting, which works with about to expire, and he has made it
food and agricultural industries. clear he won’t be returning. He also
orellana-Powell likes to remind peo- holds the expertise and know-how to
ple that their morning mug is the end keep some of the custom solutions of
result of a long and arduous process. the project running.
“People don’t treat [coffee] as a luxury But as I hear it from him, he’s not
item,” said Lowell Powell, her husband planning on any effective
and co-founder. “And they should.” documentation or transition plan to
keep those things operational once
The milk he’s gone. rob has warned Pat for
Another likely ingredient in your weeks now about his impending
coffee is milk. departure but hasn’t received any
Cow’s milk is the traditional comple- feedback about it.
ment. The retail price of dairy milk is Pat has generally been unavailable
$4.36 a gallon, up $1 from four years ago, and incommunicado to everyone for a
according to the U.S. Agriculture Depart- while now, for various reasons.
ment. A few of us full-time staff have
The rising price can be traced, in part, been involved around the edges of
to increasing feed prices, making the this project, and I worry that once
10 ounces or so of milk in your latte more rob leaves, resentment and abuse
expensive over time. and extra work will rain down on us.
But dairy milk is not the only type of Any thoughts on how to help defuse
milk coffee drinkers might choose. In- this potential time bomb?
creasingly, customers are asking for oat,
almond or soy milk. Plant-based milk Karla: Neither of your leads is being
often costs about twice as much as dairy 100 percent professional. Pat sounds
milk, depending on the specific type and like the clear antagonist — no excuse
store, according to commodities price for abuse or abdicating leadership
data firm mintec. responsibilities — but rob’s failure to
Coffee shops often charge a premium help set the project up to succeed
for plant-based milk to make up the beyond his tenure amounts to passive
difference, though shops are increasing- sabotage, if not a contract violation.
ly getting rid of the upcharge as the milk I understand he might not feel
become more popular. Caribou Coffee, inclined to go above and beyond to
one of the largest chains in the United make Pat look good, but a “good work
States, now lets customers who join its friend” won’t knowingly allow you to
Perks program choose any milk for no be collateral damage.
extra cost if they order on the app. You may have to take the lead on
The barista
While coffee and milk prices are up,
their effects pale in comparison to one of
A breakdown of the global e≠ort helping rob help you, however. If he’s
not documenting his own work or
laying out a transition plan, step up
and start asking him the questions
the biggest expenses for cafes — labor,
said Ganes.
restaurant and shop workers have
pushed for higher wages, part of a larger
poured into your daily fuel Pat should be asking.
You don’t need to master every
detail, but you should have a general
chart of the major functions of the
trend that led to a summer of strikes in project, the points of contact, and the
America. many shops have raised wages basic systems, software and platforms
and increased perks to keep workers on involved. That way, even when rob
board and attract new workers. isn’t there to fix his custom work,
Jonathan Townsend, director of you’ll have some idea where to start
barista-training company the Institute tracking down other people with the
of Coffee, said baristas deserve more skills to reverse-engineer it.
money during what he called a “cost of The more colleagues you pull in to
living crisis” driven largely by higher take part in this documentation and
inflation. transition planning, the better —
“It’s an arduous job to be serving after all, they’re also in the blast zone.
customers all day, and there should be Yes, taking over documentation
more money for that role as well as to means more work for you in the short
encourage a more diverse workforce,” term, but you’re going to end up with
Townsend said. extra work even if you sit back and do
Since 2021, Starbucks workers at hun- nothing.
dreds of stores across the country have Taking ownership of this problem
voted to unionize. The coffee giant said now could mitigate some of the
its average hourly wage is now around impact when rob departs and Pat
$17.50. The company announced an- rolls back in like an overdue
other raise to take effect Jan. 1 but said thunderstorm. And it’s easier to get
some of the new benefits would not be these answers from rob now, while
available to unionized stores. he’s under contract, instead of trying
In San francisco, Crabbe says wages to beg help from him after he’s left.
and benefits for her employees make up one political consideration is
nearly 40 percent of the cost of each whether you will be appreciated or
latte. resented for showing initiative and
filling the leadership vacuum.
The business expenses Consider looping in Pat on closeout
Along with paying and training work- emails and discussions — not because
ers, coffee shop owners must keep the Pat especially deserves goodwill and
lights on — literally. That coffee shop you transparency, but so you can avoid
visit every morning has to pay rent, taxes the appearance of conspiring to
and its electric bill. And as you probably undermine Pat’s authority.
know by now — those prices are going Unlike rob, you don’t have the
up. luxury of never having to deal with
The first time Crabbe raised prices, it Pat again, so it’s in your best interest
was to cover the cost of employee health to be a good team player throughout
insurance. more recently, it was because this process. And if a reckoning ever
inflation and supply chain crunches had occurs, you’ll have hard evidence of
made nearly every element of her busi- Pat’s lack of responsiveness.
ness more expensive, from coffee beans Having the foresight to anticipate
and milk to cups and lids. problems, the initiative to address
Crabbe said she tries to keep up with them and the integrity to offer
rising costs without alienating daily giulia Bernardelli for the Washington Post everyone a share in the success can
customers. look good on your performance
“That’s the tightrope we’re all walking product that I order has gone up,” he said. the coffee program at the Good Eating Spice Latte, is heavily anticipated every review and earn you leadership cred,
in the coffee industry,” she said. “We Company, began working in coffee 15 autumn. Since it was introduced 20 if you’re interested in that kind of
need to keep it affordable so it stays a The extras years ago. Then, pour-overs and single- years ago, Americans have purchased thing.
daily habit.” Some days, plain coffee is just not origin beans were just becoming popular more than 600 million servings. Last But protecting yourself and others
In Dallas, Adam Lowes, co-owner of enough. Perhaps you need a pump of with consumers. Now it’s all about the year, sales of products in Starbucks’s from preventable fallout may be
LDU Coffee To Go, said he is “aston- vanilla? A heavy shake of chocolate high-end syrups, such as vanilla sugar pumpkin-spice repertoire grew 17 per- reward enough on its own.
ished” to see what some shops are sprinkles? Some whipped cream? Your made from real vanilla beans. cent. Reader query: retirees and those
charging for coffee right now. Lowes order may vary, but that extra dose of “People want those flavored lattes,” he Despite rising prices, more Americans planning to retire: How much notice
charges a base latte price of $4 to flavor is not free. said. “I think they would destroy us if we drink coffee daily than any other bever- did you give/do you intend to give
encourage customer loyalty, relying on flavored lattes are the most requested took it off the menu.” age, according to the National Coffee leading up to retirement, and why?
volume to generate profits. item for Grant macHamer, who sets up At Starbucks, you’ll pay at least 80 Association. And that’s good news for Employers: How much notice do you
Still, Lowes said that rising costs are cafes for corporate workers across the cents to add a flavor to your grande-size your local coffee shop as holiday drink expect retirees to give you? Let me
squeezing bottom lines. “Every single country. macHamer, senior manager of latte. The seasonal favorite, Pumpkin season begins. know at

Busine ss editor: lori Montgomery • Art Director: emily Wright • Design: andrew Braford • Photo editor: haley hamblin • e-mail: • Telephone: 202-334-9800 • Mail: the Washington Post, sunday Business,
1301 K st. nW, Washington, d.C. 20071 • Advertising: noelle Wainwright, 202-334-7610,
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post eZ ee G5

technology & innovation

tech friend

Two quick ways to upgrade your digital security

S HIRA O VIDE or phone number is verification
Everything doesn’t need to be perfect to optimize account safety. These tweaks can be helpful. of your identity with Google, Ap-
I’d rather scrub tile grout than ple or Microsoft, you may need
tend to my digital security. help getting back into your email.
But two relatively low-fuss That’s why it’s important to set up
changes to your email account recovery options ahead of time.
will significantly improve your
security. If you’ve already done Why texts aren’t ideal for
these, double check. I bet you identity verification
can make a beneficial tweak. I Crooks love stealing people’s
did. mobile phone numbers.
l Add an identity verification If a criminal takes over control
method to block criminals from of your phone number, he might
taking over your email if they be able to tell Google that you
steal or guess your password. If forgot your email password,
you can, pick a verification meth- change it and confirm his new
od that’s something other than a password via a Google text mes-
code texted to your phone. sage to a phone number that he
l Add a backup email address, controls.
phone number or a friend’s con- That could let him take over
tact information in case some- your other online accounts, too.
thing goes wrong, like you forget Criminals can do large vol-
your password or are hacked. umes of phone number thefts. It’s
I’ll walk you through those harder to steal a bunch of people’s
steps for three popular personal physical phones.
email services. The process can be Google deserves special scold-
clunky — I’m looking at you, ing. The company should do
Gmail. Still, this should take more to steer you away from
10 minutes or less. picking phone calls or text mes-
Because email is the gateway sages as the verification to get
for many digital services, email into your email.
security upgrades make your fi- Still, even if you use your mo-
nancial accounts, digital health bile phone number or text mes-
records and other online ac- sages for identity verification,
counts safer, too. you are better protected than
If you make the suggested im- nearly everyone else.
provements, “you’re as locked Remember that our goal is
down as any consumer can rea- security improvement and not
sonably be,” said Tarah Wheeler, perfection, which is impossible.
chief executive of the information
security company Red Queen Dy- One (more) tiny win:
namics. Advanced options
The takeaway message: Perfec- You can use encryption fea-
tion is not necessary to be secure tures from Apple for Fort Knox-
online. An upgrade or two can level protections for email and
make a big difference. other accounts. Google and
If you use something other Microsoft also have advanced
than the three email services protections for accounts includ-
here, the steps should be relative- iLLuSTraTion by eLena Lacey/The WaShingTon PoST; iSTock ing Gmail or Outlook personal
ly similar for others. email.
And the One Tiny Win section Those extras are not necessary
below has more advanced email You’ll see a confirmation address. If you don’t see two-factor au- some cases to confirm you are for most people. They may even
security improvements, if that’s screen. Choose “Turn on.” Your own mobile number is thentication in the Account Secu- you. be counterproductive if you’re
right for you. Once this is set up, when you good, but it’s better if you can pick rity section, click there and follow Under the same Advanced se- not comfortable using them or
want to access your Gmail, a work email or phone number of the on-screen instructions. curity options, check the “Ways to don’t have an account recovery
For Gmail, do this Google may send a pop-up mes- a trusted friend or family mem- Now look at the “Account Re- prove who you are,” including a backup plan.
Find the Security section at the sage to your phone to confirm it’s ber. covery” section. If it says “Not Set different email address. Those One easier and secure alterna-
top (on your phone) or at the really you. You can check a box for If you get locked out of your Up,” click or tap that option. are your backup plans if you lose tive is verifying your identity with
left-hand side (on a computer “Don’t ask again” to skip the email account because you forget Choose either a recovery contact your password or are hacked. a free, reputable authentication
screen). Under “How you sign in verification on a phone or com- your password or it’s taken over or a recovery key. app such as Twilio’s Authy (iOS,
to Google,” check for “2-Step Veri- puter you use regularly. by a hacker, Google uses this The recovery contact is a per- But what if my phone is lost Android), the Microsoft Authen-
fication.” The goal is to make it very recovery information to help you son you trust who will vouch for or stolen and it’s my ticator app (iOS, Android) or
If 2-Step Verification is off, difficult for an impostor who has get back in. you digitally if you lose your verification method? Google Authenticator (iOS, An-
click or tap on that option. In the your email password to access Apple account password or it’s Using a pop-up message to droid).
next screen, choose “Get started.” your Gmail because he’s unlikely For Apple mail, do this hacked. The recovery key is a 28 your phone (or an app on your In Gmail, after you initially set
You may be asked to enter a to have your phone, too. (Or if a Start from your Apple ID ac- digit code that Apple will gener- phone) for identity verification is up your account verification
phone number for account secu- thief steals your phone, he’s un- count here. Sign into your Apple ate and that you need to save much safer than almost anything methods, you can replace phone-
rity purposes. I recommend you likely to also have your email account. somewhere safe. It’s a backup else. or text-based verification codes
don’t do that. Instead, click or tap password.) Look in the “Account Security” plan to regain access. Even if it makes you nervous, with an authenticator app that
the blue text that says, “Show If you’re thinking, what if my section. Most people will see do it. generates constantly changing
more options.” Most people phone is lost or stolen and it’s my “Two-factor authentication” in For Outlook or Hotmail, do It’s definitely safer than leav- numerical codes. That’s a worth-
should choose the Google verification method — see the that section. this ing yourself exposed by letting a while upgrade.
prompt. Select “Next.” section below. Click or tap that Account Secu- Choose “Security” at the top of criminal get into your email with Companies including Google,
In the next screen, many peo- Or if 2-Step Verification is al- rity section and make sure the the screen and then “Advanced just a password that he can steal Apple and Microsoft are also
ple will see the model of smart- ready on, tap on the option and “trusted” phone number or security options.” or guess. making it easier to ditch your
phone you use to read your look at your “Available second “trusted device” listed there are Look for “Two-Step Verifica- Once he has access to your password entirely and use only
Gmail. Follow the on-screen in- steps” for verification. still correct and not a phone that tion” at the top of the screen. If it email, he can reset the passwords your phone protected by a pass-
structions if you don’t see your If one of those options is a you lost or gave away. says OFF, choose “Manage.” to take over your other online code, fingerprint or face scan to
device listed there. voice or text message, I suggest When you access your email on Follow the on-screen instruc- accounts such as banking, shop- prove that you’re you.
Next, Google will ask for a you pick a different option such a phone, computer or web brows- tions. You’ll be asked for a way to ping and social media. Maybe this sounds unsafe but
backup verification option — typ- as an authenticator app. er that you don’t typically use, verify your identity. Most people If you do lose access to your the current system of online pass-
ically your phone number to call For everyone, again under Apple may send a pop-up verifica- should choose the app option. phone, you’ll need to get your words is fundamentally broken
or text. This isn’t ideal. Do it for “How you sign into Google,” fill in tion code to your iPhone or Mac Microsoft will walk you existing phone number set up on and insecure. Killing passwords
now. Keep reading below for why the fields for a recovery phone to make sure it’s really you. (Ap- through downloading the compa- a new phone. entirely and using your phone as
this is a problem. number and a recovery email ple has instructions here, too.) ny’s app that pops up a code in Yes, that means if your phone a “passkey” is an improvement.

Would you pay $17 a month for Facebook and Instagram?

BY S HIRA O VIDE everyone. That information can include from showing ads. without ads to Americans, too. scription in Facebook’s smart-
the posts you like, which websites Maybe you’re thinking there is (Don’t count on it.) phone apps, it costs 12.99 euros
People who use Facebook and Why is Meta offering a paid you visit, your physical location if no way you would pay for Face- The problem with companies (about $13.75).
Instagram in about 30 European subscription option in you have Meta’s apps installed on book or Instagram. But about such as Meta and Google goes Meta also already offers a sub-
countries will soon have a choice. Europe? a smartphone and estimates of 80 million people as of last year deeper. Lots of internet services scription that promises to help
Kind of. European regulators and your age, income and hobbies — subscribed to versions of YouTube try to collect every morsel of who you with problems including
They can agree to see ads based courts want people to have an including how often you travel with features such as turning off you are and what you do — even if hacked accounts. It’s $11.99 a
on Meta’s tracking of what they explicit choice of what’s now an and whether you’re friends with ads. (That figure included people you pay for an app, according to month if you buy the subscription
do online and their whereabouts. implicit agreement: If people use soccer fans. who were getting a YouTube sub- one 2020 research paper. from your Facebook account in a
Or they can stop ads on Facebook Meta, they essentially let the com- Meta said that it believes in the scription free.) Meta is right that billions of web browser, but $14.99 when
and Instagram if they pay about pany collect as much personal value of an ad-supported internet The live-streaming app Twitch people can connect online and you subscribe in the app.
$17 a month. (Or they can quit information as it can get away but that the company respects also has a subscription for $11.99 access news and entertainment If you buy the YouTube Premi-
those apps.) with to show ads. “the spirit and purpose of these a month to remove ads. TikTok is because they’re paid for with ads. um subscription to stop ads in
Facebook and Instagram with- Meta’s subscription is a middle evolving European regulations, among the apps testing the same But companies don’t need to videos plus get access to You-
out ads aren’t available in the ground between people agreeing and are committed to complying thing. stockpile data on every restau- Tube’s Spotify-like music service,
United States. to data-dependent advertising or with them.” rant you’ve visited or all the con- it now costs $13.99 a month in the
The subscription announced quitting Meta apps entirely. Meta’s subscriptions will be Is a paid subscription the tacts on your phone to show you a United States if you purchase
last month — at a higher price The subscription will cost the available in Germany, France, right answer? swimsuit ad. from It’s $18.99 a
than a standard Netflix subscrip- equivalent of about $10.60 a Spain, Poland, Greece, Switzer- Our internet system and the That’s how many apps, such as month if you buy the subscription
tion — appears to be Meta’s savvy month starting in November. Ear- land, Slovakia, Norway and other laws governing it are based on a Google and Meta, work, but it from YouTube’s iPhone app. (In
(or cynical) way to offer a paid ly next year, the price will in- countries. failed principle of consent and doesn’t have to be that way. the Android app, the subscription
version that few people will buy crease to about $17 a month for choice. The answer is to force compa- costs $13.99. Google owns You-
to shut up European regulators people who want to use both Is it worth paying for Companies ask you in long nies to collect less information on Tube so maybe it declined to
tightening the rules of Meta’s Facebook and Instagram without Facebook and Instagram? legal contracts to consent to how everyone, regardless of their will- charge fees to itself.)
business. ads in a linked account. Only you can decide what Face- they use your personal informa- ingness to avoid ads. The price differences are com-
Even so, Meta’s subscription At the price Meta is charging, book and Instagram without ads tion. But your only real choice is panies’ way of at least partly
may be the largest-ever test of the company may figure that not are worth to you. to give up full knowledge and One tiny win offsetting the fees they owe Apple
whether people are so repulsed by many people will pay but the But Europeans who choose a control over what happens to Here is a money-saving tip you or Google as the owners of the
data-gobbling internet advertis- company fulfills its obligation to subscription could bring in more your data, or don’t use the service might not know about: If you buy dominant app stores.
ing that some of them will pay to let people say no to personalized money for Meta. From rough cal- at all. a subscription to Facebook, You- Apple and Google charge a
turn it off. ads. culations from Meta’s financial With Meta’s subscription, the Tube, Audible or X, you will save commission of up to 30 percent of
One wrinkle: For Europeans (It’s not clear yet whether Eu- disclosures, the company gener- illusion of choice remains. Some money buying it from the compa- anything digital you purchase in
who pay for a subscription, Meta ropean regulators and courts will ates less than $8 each month on people get a reprieve from having nies’ websites rather than from an app. They don’t charge a com-
will stockpile as much data about agree that Meta’s subscription average from each person using their personal data harvested for their apps. mission when you buy something
them as before. Meta just won’t fulfills the company’s legal re- Facebook in Europe. financial gain as long as they keep Some companies — including such as an Uber ride or a cook-
use that information to show ads. quirements.) Those figures count people in paying Meta. the ones I just mentioned — book that exists in the physical
Let’s consider two questions: Is In Europe, people using Face- large countries such as Russia What would be better from charge more when you sign up world.
paying for Meta’s apps without book and Instagram already have and Turkey who won’t have the Meta? and pay for a subscription in their Higher prices for the same sub-
ads a good deal? And is it a real the option to limit the informa- option of a subscription without Lower prices couldn’t hurt. If apps. scription depending on which de-
solution to have a creepy Face- tion Meta uses to sell ads. They ads. Meta prices its subscription For example, Meta said its new vice you use to make the purchase
book unless you pay? haven’t been able to turn off ads That means by charging about knowing most people can’t or subscription for Facebook with- don’t really make sense. And the
I’ll suggest that a focus on entirely until now. $17 for ad-free Facebook and Ins- won’t pay, it’s not a real deal. out ads in Europe costs 9.99 euros price differences are rarely explic-
subscriptions is a distraction For Europeans who pay for a tagram, Meta could be making Authorities in the United States (about $10.60) if you buy it from it, partly because Apple and
from what you deserve. Compa- subscription, Meta will still col- more money from a subscription could try to force Meta to offer a your Facebook account on the Google make it harder for you to
nies should collect less data on lect about as much data. than the company would earn reasonably priced subscription web. If you buy the same sub- be an informed consumer.
JOBS zone EZ | 2023-11-12 | G 6 | BLACK


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The best strategies for retaining employees

By Phoebe Finn and Bob Helbig
Companies shine when they retain engaged em- appreciated. In return, they will bring their best to work
ployees who are motivated, productive and willing every day.
to recommend the company to others. Here are 13 Emphasize effective leadership and
proven ideas to reduce unwanted turnover and boost managing for retention: When your workforce
employee engagement. feels leadership knows how to communicate and
Evaluate and address employee pain understands what’s really going on, they are more likely
points: Want to uncover why employees want to to stay. Put effort into developing strong leadership
leave? Ask them directly. Seek feedback through and hiring the right managers.
one-on-one conversations, team meetings, or employee Focus on building a people-first culture:
engagement surveys. Once you have captured that If you’re not intentionally building and nurturing a
feedback, listen and act. people-first culture, you’re left with a culture that will
Offer competitive pay and benefits: When grow in the wild. Employees want to be somewhere
your workforce doesn’t have to worry about financial that enhances relationships, promotes connection and
stability, they’re motivated to do their job and do it right. inclusivity, and encourages two-way communication.
Great benefits keep your workforce mentally and physi- Improve employee work-life balance
cally healthy. and prevent burnout: Employees look for
great workplaces that respect their personal lives and
Prioritize improving employee engage-
prevent employee burnout. Pay attention to workplace
ment: To increase employee retention, focus on im-
flexibility and work-life balance. Done right, employees ways to encourage creativity in the workplace. pack up and leave. While change is inevitable, avoiding
proving employee engagement. When employees are
will be more productive, energized and engaged. That sparks innovation, which is essential to growth big, abrupt changes is in your company’s best interests.
engaged at work, they’re far less likely to leave. Create
Offer professional development and and success. Being transparent about what’s happening sets expecta-
a connection that makes employees feel valued and
advancement opportunities: Employees want Hire the right employees, and onboard tions and helps employees to feel more secure.
to know they are working toward something bigger and effectively: Sometimes, the most talented and Encourage collaboration: Collaborative teams
Advice, events, and Jobs every Sunday. better than where they started. They’ll look elsewhere qualified candidate is not the best fit for the job. are often more engaged and productive because they
when they sense there’s little room for growth. Hiring the right employees is the difference between can rely on each other for support and motivation. That
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a leader in local jobs. feedback and awards: Who and what you Build a strong employer brand: Employees burnout or disengagement. Just imagine how productive
celebrate tells employees a lot about the type of culture want to work for a company that aligns with their an organization can be when that collaboration crosses
Twitter: @washpostjobs you have and the culture you want. Appreciation is one personal beliefs. A strong employer brand and clear team lines and goes interdepartmental.
Facebook: of the simplest, least expensive ways to show employees company values serve as a strong foundation that
they are valued. holds your company together, especially during Phoebe Finn is corporate communications specialist and
Encourage creativity in the workplace: challenging times. Bob Helbig is media partnerships director at Energage, an
Instagram: @WashPostJobs
Employees sometimes leave because of boredom. Avoid significant and sudden changes: employee survey firm that is The Washington Post’s survey The same old work, day in and day out, can trigger a Jarring shifts can leave employees feeling anxious and partner for Top Workplaces. The production of this section did
search for something new. To avoid that, incorporate unbalanced. Frequent changes can also cause them to not involve the news or editorial staff of The Washington Post.

Accounting Associate - Com- Assurance Manager @ BDO Volkert, Inc has openings for Executive, Brunswick Group Hospitalist Physician PIANO REFINISHER. 6 mos exp Business & Integration
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avlbl. services and increase brand ership in development of
travel required) to drive and F JOBS Sammy Kim, 703-995-0770. S&J Exteriors and More LLC, the Hosted team to trou- IT, Info Systs, or rel f’ld &
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BS in Accounting or its equiv- HKP Auto Care seeks Lead for North America and South An applicant for the Roofing Azure administration unanticipated work locations
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resume to Wantanee Ketsa, cution of content; interacting Engineering or related, plus while managing the impact roof for the purpose of repair- administration check, which may inclu drug
President, 6828 Old Dominion of parts. Routine vehicle executive summary. Must 5 years of experience in any reqs Master’s deg in Econ,
w/ the press; managing end- have 2 yrs exp in experimen- Financial Econ, Data Sci, or tax has on their bus. Req ing areas that have been ·Bachelors Degree in Comput- screen depending on work
Drive, Ste C., McLean, VA maintenance. Discuss issues occupation involving energy impacted by hail damage. er Science or Information Sys- assignment. Email resume to
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22101. Tel.: 301-256-7114. tion plans, tactics and out- efficient product industry. E- in Acct, Bus Admin, Tax or Travel is required. The starting tems a plus &
Attn: Arun Pabi, 43185 Broad- technical writing, ISO 13485 mail resume to Emily Roy, job title performing financial
comes; working on large (Quality system regulation), modeling & analytics. Alter- rel + 5 yrs of prgrssve, post- salary is $23.56 per hour. If ·Programming experience in ref job code 1121.
lands Center Plaza, Ashburn, Global Total Rewards & Mobil- interested, send a resume to Python, C#, Visual Basic or
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Business Operations Analyst: require cross-functional col- ity Manager, at Emily.Roy@ Master’s deg or foreign equiv with Java a plus
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13485:2016 7.3, FDA 21 CFR reference Job Code RDS2023. + 3 yr rel work exp. Cert Req: and analytical skills
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structure information, prepar- coordinating organizational el/relocation required as jobs modeling & analytics. Up to Mst have CPA lic or foreign S JOBS ·Ability to work independently
Baristas (Bethesda, MD) Engineer (multiple positions)
ing reports, & more. Req. MS meetings and special events. to be performed at various 80% telework permitted sub- equiv, Enrolled Agent or Mem- and as part of a team – Bethesda, MD : perform
Prep or serve specialty coffee Shift Supervisor, Night Shift: Benefits:
degree in information sys- Mail CV Attn: HR, 19201 Com- unanticipated locations ject to approval from mgmt. ber of the Bar. 80% Washington, DC; O.T. Req’d; research, analysis, design,
tems. Job location: Arlington, or other bevs. Serve food pass Creek Pkwy SE, Lees- Engineering: ICF Incorporat- telecommtng permitted. Mst ·Competitive salary and ben-
such as baked goods or sand- throughout the United States. Up to 10% dom travel to apply email resume to Har- creation & implement of apps
Va. Resume: G&I Consulting burg, VA 20175. Reference Mail resume to Cyberbahn ed, LLC: Managing Consul- required for biz meetings. To be able to commute to desig- efits package, including visa to meet current & future user
wiches to patrons. Take cus- tant, Energy and Sustainabili- vest Eats DC LLC, c/o Faisel Y. sponsorship and relocation
Group. Fax: 703 997 6029. job code IITC-CPC-5523 Federal Solutions, LLC, 1100 apply, send resume referenc- nated local office. Domestic to reqs. Req’s Bachelor's or
tomer orders & convey them ty Engineering (multiple posi- and/or int travel up to 20% assistance
to other employees for prep. N. Glebe Road, Suite 1010, ing job code WCF101 to equiv in Comp Sci, IT, or close-
Arlington, VA 22201. tions) – Arlington, VA: lead req. Please apply by sending ·Opportunity to work on cut- ly rltd fld +5 yrs progressively
40 hrs/wk. Forward resume execution of gov research & your resume to US_PwC_ ting-edge Azure technologies
No calls. resp exp with custom app
Quantum Technologies, Inc.
has mult. F/T perm. Pos. for
to Janice's Espresso & Gift
Shop, 11200 Minstrel Tune Dr, CONSULTANT Domestic dvlpmt (R&D) across ENERGY Career_Recruitment@ Shift Supervisor, Night Shift: ·Collaborative and supportive dvlpmt on open-source tech.
FTI, LLC: Senior Consultant- STAR labeled products port-, specifying Job Washington, DC; O.T. Req’d; work environment 100% telecommuting with
Buss/Sys Analysts. Job Germantown, MD 20876 Nanny – Vienna, VA - F/T, folio + building techs. Req’s ·Opportunity for growth within
McLean, VA. Responsible for 6mos exp in job offered or Code DC3858 in the subject to apply email resume to manager approval. Back-
Loc'ns: Falls Church, VA & Bachelor's or frgn equiv in Financial Analyst: Eval capital line. our company
various unanticipated loc’ns C JOBS managing, processing, & ana- 6mos exp in related position, Electrical or Mech Engg or bgt on investmt & imp. Anlyz Emilie’s LLC, c/o Faisel Y. to
Please send resume to
ground check, which may
in US. Reloc'n Poss. Mail lyzing information to develop have or be able to obtain cost saving & potential include pre-employment drug
solutions for external clients. closely rltd fld +3 yrs relevant cpijobs@ test, req’d. Apply online at
Resumes to: HR, 119 Rowell Carpenter Foreman – North- driver’s license. Call Trevor tech exp in Electrical or Mech impacts on financl outcomes.
CT, Suite B, Falls Church, VA ern VA Area - F/T, 2yrs exp Job req a Bachelor’s in Eco- Hirst @ 202-489-8685 MS in Econ/Fin rltd 6 mos Manager of Real Estate (Job
nomics, Data Analytics, Sta- Engg OR Master's or frgn Number 23180685).
22043 or email
in job offered or 2yrs exp in
a related position. Call South- tistics & 2 yrs of profession- E JOBS
equiv in Electrical or Mech exp. Job in Hyattsville, MD.
Res: Metropolitan Partitions Manage and oversee dev DERMIK LLC. Station Manager. Tech Jobs
al exp performing quantita- Engg or closely rltd engg fld HS. & 2 yrs. exp. Job in Mont-
land Concrete Corp.; 703-471- Energy: Fluence Energy, LLC +1 yr relevant tech exp in and Specialties Company, activities with focus on new
4444 or fax res.; 703-661- tive & statistical analyses. Slry 5018 46th Ave., Hyattsville, res and comml estates, gomery Village. Fax res (301) Business Intelligence Lead
$140,000-$155,000/yr. Send seeks Senior Business Devel- Electrical or Mech Engg. 972-1546. CARFAX, Inc. seeks a Busi- Computer/IT: CGI Technolo-
8740 opment Associate in Arling- Hybrid position; p/t telecom- MD 20781. Tel: 571-488-9730. including proj id, proj feasi- gies & Solutions Inc. seeks
Associate Consultant, Traf- cover letter/resume identify- For details visit: https:// bility, fin analysis, and suc- ness Intelligence Lead for our
fic Engineer - (Herndon, VA) ing job code AI to ton, VA (100% Telework per- muting authorized. Up to 5% Centreville, VA office to lead Software Quality/Test Engi-
mitted anywhere in the US. N. American travel req’d. ICF cessful transition of proj from neer in Fairfax, VA to debug
WSP USA Inc.: Independently construction to ops. Min provision of business intelli-
performs engineering analy- No calls. 20% travel required) to iden- is an equal opportunity gence to internal & external s/w products through the use
tify and acquire customers employer that values diversity Reqs: Bach in Real Estate Dev of systematic tests to devel,
sis, develop traffic studies, Carpenter Needed by W&B or equiv. plus 3ys of exp in stakeholders. REQ: Bach in
operational reports and traffic Brothers Construction LLC in for Fluence Digital’s software at all levels. (EEO / AA – Food Preparation Worker: Comp Sci, MIS or rel IT field apply, & maint quality stan-
product and manage relation- Minorities / Females / Veter- mgmt. role in comml real dards for company products.
engineering plans, specifica- Clinton MD: Construct, erect, Perform food preparation estate dev managing proj, plus 5 years of business intel-
tions and estimates. Req's a install, or repair structures ships with electricity market ans / Individuals with Disabili- duties such as cleaning meat,
Marketing Administrator ligence exp. 3 yrs of exp. must Job req Bach deg in Comp Sci,
COOK. Plans menus, pre- operators. Job requires Mas- ties). TO APPLY: Send resume acquiring and managing real Computer Packages Inc., a Engg, IT, or a rel field & 5 yrs in
bac's in Transportation Plan- and fixtures made of wood, fish & vegetables, slicing estate dev investmts, & incl. executing BI projects &
such as concrete forms; pares & cooks meals for res- ter’s degree in Environmental identifying Job Code ICF152 world leader in intellectual any job title involving exp with
ning and Engineering, Civil idents & employees of insti- meat, fish & vegetables, cook- assisting dev and growth of leading BI development
building frameworks, includ- Management, Computer Sci- to ing rice & preparing sauces. property software, is seeking teams. The anticipated base all phases of the performance
Engineering, or rltd. + 6 mos. tution, such as, meat fish, real estate bus. OR Masters in a Marketing Administrator to
exp. as a Traffic Engineer, Civil ing partitions, joists, studding, ence, Finance, or related field, No calls. F/T, $26,478/yr. Resume to salary range for this position testing life cycle. Full-time
soups, rice, vegetables, chick- plus 2 years of experience Real Estate Dev or equiv. plus work at our headquarters in telework permitted. All offers
Engineer, or rltd. Graduate and rafters; and wood stair- Miso Cafe, 7410B Little River 3ys of exp in mgmt. role in is $152,931.84 to $160,000.
ways, window and door en in variety of styles, in any occupation involving Rockville, MD. Will train a high- of emp are contingent upon
assistantship experience desserts. Specialize in Tpk., Annandale, VA 22003 comml real estate dev man- Final base salary for this role
frames, and hardwood floors. Energy and Energy Markets ly motivated individual, how- will be based on the indi- successful comp of a back-
accepted. 25% (domestic) preparing fancy dishes for aging proj, acquiring and ever some marketing admin.
travel required. Email May also install cabinets, sid- Analysis experience. E-mail ENGINEERING vidual’s geographic location, ground check, which may incl
special diets. Creates & resume to Emily Roy, Global managing real estate dev experience and strong com- drug screen depending on
resumes to: Attn: Julia ing, drywall and batt or roll Civil Engineer II [Engineer 2] investmts, & assisting dev and as well as experience level,
insulation. Includes brattice explore new cuisines. Bakes Mobility Manager, at Food Preparation Worker puter skills are preferred. work assignment.
Savaneli - Ref #7295, breads & pastry. Cooks food- needed by AECOM Technical growth of real estate bus. skill set, training, licenses &
builders who build doors or Emily.Roy@ (Multiple openings) (Roongrat Excellent salary and benefits certifications. In addition to Email resume to recruiting@ stuffs in quantities, according Services, Inc. in German- Based in Fairfax, VA. 15-20% including fully paid health
brattices (ventilation walls or Please town, MD to complete sub- Thai LLC DBA Khao Hom Thai base compensation, this role & ref job code
to menu & number of persons reference Job Code SBDA23. & Sushi) - Full Time Var OT. of travel required. Send insurance, tuition reimburse- 1234.
partitions) in underground surface investigation, geot- resume to alhusainy@pillars- is eligible for an annual incen-
passageways. to be served. Manages all $26,478.00 / year. Help cook ment, visa sponsorship and
foods & domestic appliances echnical design, and con- with “Manager of tive plan. This role is eligible
in preparing food by washing, strong opportunity for growth. to receive additional S&P
Associate Director, Rail & supplies. Keeps records struction for various infra- peeling, cutting & seeding Real Estate Development (VA- Resume only to cpijobs@
Must have completed trade structure and civil engineer- 3917)” in subject line. DVD Global benefits. For more
Infrastructure Planning and school in carpentry, construc- & accounts. H.S. Diploma, veg. & fruits. Clean, cut & COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGI-
2 yrs. Exp. Req’s. Decena ing projects. EIT registration Management LLC t/a Pillars information on the benefits
Logistics tion, or related field Full grind meats, poultry & we provide to our employees, NEER. Analyzes data process-
Network Rail Consulting, Inc. Home Health Care LLC., Job Engineering: ICF Resources, with the ability to obtain PE seafood. Clean work area. No Development Group. ing requirements and confers
time/hours - 40 hours required. To apply, email please see: https://
(Washington, DC) seeks Asso- required. Mail resume to: in Herndon, VA. 40 hrs/wk., LLC: Lead Technical Consul- experience req’d, Jobs in Fair- with data processing system
9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Please resume to AECOM_Resume@
ciate Director, Rail Infrastruc- 5805 Alan Drive, Clinton, MD tant – Distributed Resources fax Station, VA. Submit ourbenefits/CARFAX. & project managers to obtain
ture Planning and Logistics send resume to: (multiple positions) – Reston, Please refer to resumes to 5624 Ox Rd. #A information on limitations,
20735 Job #5937062. Carver Business Group. Mar- Resume to HR Manager: Attn:
to provide proj mgmt for rail VA: advise clients in dvlpmt Fairfax Station, VA 22039. capabilities of existing system
keting Manager. Directing NINA, 5860 Trinity Parkway,
infrastructure work dlvry, of strategies & plans rltd to marketing polices. BA in mar- Suite 600, Centreville, VA & capabilities required for
planning, & logistics for electric Transmission & Distri- keting or rel. fld. & 2 yrs. exp. 20120, job reference data processing projects &
clients (incl operational &
infrastructure improvement Cleaner – Bethesda/MD - F/T
3 mos exp to prfrm cmbntn
Customer Service
bution. Req’s Master’s degree
in Electrical Engg, Engg Formulation Associate
Job in NO.VA . Fax res (571)
Find your #73140391
(Business Intelligence Lead).
projected work load. Ana-
lyzes information to deter-
initiatives, & outage/ROW
access mgmt). Reqs Bache- of cleaning duties. Resume
to SJT Improvement Services
Specialist (Ashburn)
Provide information to cus-
Mngmt, or rltd Energy Engg
fld +2 ys exp with Electric ENGINEERING Guidehouse
Digital LLC, O JOBS first job. mine, recommend, & plan lay-
out for type of computers and
lor’s deg in railway engg, tomers regarding cosmetic Transmission & Distribution Lookout, Inc. has openings in Rockville, MD. Collaborate w. peripheral equipment, or
logistics, sply chain mgmt,
trans. mgmt or rltd field (will
6701 Democracy Blvd Ste 300
Bethesda MD 20817
improvement products and
services. Maintain transac-
Strategy. P/t telecommuting
with authorization. Up to 5%
Reston, VA.
Product Mgr [Req #M020]:
various teams to coordinate
formulation & stability stud- ORIENTAL RUG TECHNICIAN
Find more jobs. modifications to existing
equipment & system, that will
accept combo of edu & exp tion records. Email resume to North American travel req’d. Perf mkt res, dev strategic ies. Req Master’s deg or for- BloomMclean LLC has Orien- provide capability for pro-
as equiv to bachelor’s deg) & Masud Baksh MD LLC ICF is an equal opportunity rdmap, write det specifs eign equiv degree in Chem, tal Handmade Rugs Repair & posed project or work load,
five (5) yrs of exp in railway ( employer that values diversity w/engg to dev cld-based Biochem, Biomed Engg, Cleaning Technician positions efficient operation, & effec-
logistics mgmt. Telecommut- at all levels. (EEO / AA – security platform fxs. 100% Chem Engg or rel fld + 2 in Sterling, VA. Inspects orien- tive use of allotted space. H.S.
ing is permitted. This pos reqs Minorities / Females / Veter- telecommuting permitted. yrs rel work exp. Telecom- tal handmade rugs for stains Diploma, 2 yrs. Exp. Req’s.
little (<24%) domestic trvl. CNC Operator Assistant – ans / Individuals with Disabili- Mail resume to: Lookout, Inc. muting permitted. Up to 10% and other signs of wear for MKZ Barkat LLC., Job in Wood-
Mail CV to C. Austin, JobCode
RIPL423, 1001 Connecticut
Chantilly, VA - F/T, No exp
req’d. Call Ms. Kim @ H.Y.
Find a job. ties). TO APPLY: Send resume
identifying Job Code ICF144
2570 N. First St, Suite 200, domestic travel req. To apply, repair or deep cleaning. To
apply, please mail resume to
Find a job. bridge, VA. 40 hrs./wk., 9:00
am to 5:00 pm. Please send
San Jose, CA 95131. Must please email resume to: gh-
Ave NW, Ste 925, Washington, Kim Cabinet Co., Inc.; 703- to include Req# to be consid- and 14700 Flint Lee Rd, Unit E, The local expert on local jobs resume to:
D.C. 20036. 802-1517 No calls. ered. reference: MD0012. Chantilly VA 20151.

G 6 | EZ
JOBS zone EZ | 2023-11-12 | G 7 | BLACK


Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs Tech Jobs
Computer/IT: CGI Technolo- Data Integration Specialist IT IT Professionals Senior Data Analyst Senior System Architect Sr. Software Developer: SOFTWARE ENGINEERS Sr. Principal Support Manager TECHNOLOGY
gies & Solutions Inc. seeks CARFAX, Inc. seeks Data Inte- (Sterling, VA): Software Devel- Capital One Services, LLC in Global Solutions Precise Inc., seeks a Sr. Soft- FrontPoint Security Solutions Verato, Inc. seeks Sr. Principal Proxicom, Inc. seeks Sr Softw
Software Developer in Fair- gration Specialist for our Cen- Microsoft Corporation cur- opers, Business Analysts, Northern VA; Mult pos avail: mgm technology partners ware Developer to re-engi- LLC seeks Software Engineers Support Manager in McLean, Eng’r in Reston, VA to dvlp
fax, VA (& various unanticipat- treville, VA office to design & rently has the following open- Network Engineers. Multiple Perform quant & qualt analy- is looking for a Senior Sys- neer & modernize legacy in Vienna, VA to accomplish VA to recv, triage, & resp to & maintain large scale Java
ed locations throughout US) develop data integration solu- ings in Reston, VA (opportu- positions. Various worksites. sis of econ data, relating con- tem Architect Global Solu- apps & migrate to cloud. development tasks with min- customer suprt tickets. Moni- & Adobe Exp Manager (AEM)
to research, design, develop, tions. REQ: Bach in Comp Sci, nities available at all levels, May travel to unanticipated stants & variables, restric- tions, to work at its Alexan- Duties include: automate sys imal assistance, across full tor & analyze customer traffic solutions & microservices
&/or modify enterprise-wide Comp Engg or rel IT field plus e.g., Principal, Senior and client sites nationally. Mail tions, alternatives, conflicting dria, VA office as a tech archi- processes; decode & docu- stack of solutions. Telecom- patterns. Build customer rela- functional infrastructure
systems &/or apps s/w. Job 5 years of business intelli- Lead levels). To access job resume to Comprobase Inc, objectives, & their num para- tect & dsgn s/w solutions & ment legacy reporting muting is permitted. Apply @ tionships & manage delivery dvlpd using Java, all running
req Bach deg in Comp Sci, gence exp. Incl. building inte- posting, visit website address Attn: HRGC, 21351 Genty Dr, meters. To apply, visit https:// architecture concepts, incl processes; document source of customer support. Mentor on Amazon AWS. Req’mnts:
Engg, IT or a rel field & 5 yrs grations for Data Lakes and listed. Suite 245, Sterling, VA 20166. capitalone.wd1.myworkday sys sizing, infrastructure & to target mappings; data min- Ref#56996 customer support team to Bachelor’s or foreign equiv
in any job title involving Java Data Warehouses. The antic- and h/w selection, & sys integra- ing, data modeling & data pro- dev, review, propose & test in Comp Eng’g, Elect. Eng’g,
s/w development exp using ipated base salary range for Customer Success Account search "Senior Data Analyst" tion concepts. Must have filing; test & implem support new product functionalities. Electrical Eng’g or rel. field &
Spring including 4 yrs of this position is $146,744 to Manager: Leverage reports, or " R176687". Master’s Deg, or frgn equiv, & rel duties. Must have Bach- Reqs Mstr’s in Info Mgmt or 4 yrs of exp in job offered or
Spring Boot. Must be willing $160,000. Final base salary dashboards, tabular models in CS, IT, Physics, or rltd field. elor’s deg or equiv in CS, S/w Software Test Engineers: rlt’d & 2 yrs exp performing rel. occupation: dvlpng web-
to relocate to various unan- for this role will be based & analytical insights to drive Lead Backend Developer; Must have 10 yrs of exp w/ (1) Engg, IS, or rel & 5 yrs of exp identity resolution on cus- site implementations on
Reston, VA: Develop and sup- Perform manual/automat-
ticipated work locations on the individual’s geographic biz success. Telecommuting working as a tech lead, proj as S/wr Dvlpr or S/w Engg ed/system testing; Systems tomer data using Alteryx; enterprise-level Content
throughout US. All offers of location, as well as experi- permitted greater than or port back-end systems; con- mgr, or architect in mltpl lrg or Progr Anlyst or any job monitoring and analyzing cus- Mgmt Syst (CMS) platform &
tinually develop technology- Analysts: Expand or modi-
emp are contingent upon suc- ence level, skill set, training, equal to 50%, but <100%/wk. cmplx enterprise IT/software title involving s/w dvlpmnt. fy system to serve new pur- tomer traffic patterns on building website apps using
cessful comp of a background licenses & certifications. In forward, cutting-edge soft- projs w/ the corresponding Exper must include use of Kibana, AWS CloudWatch, & Adobe Exp Manager (AEM)
ware solutions to address the Senior Professional poses; Software Develop-
check, which may incl drug addition to base compensa- MSJobs-Customer_Success_ Programmer Analyst proj mgmt tools such as MS DB2/Oracle/ Hadoop; COBOL/ EC2 to reduce downtime CMS; dsgn’g & dvlpng AEM
backend and the downstream ers: Design, develop & modi- impact & API error rate. Occas
screen depending on work tion, this role is eligible for Acct_Mgr Computer Sciences Corpora- Proj, MS Visio, MS Office Java/.Net; Django, Agile templates & multi-variant
assignment. Email resume to systems, including website fy enterprise sftwr systems; telecommuting permitted.
an annual incentive plan. This tion hiring for Senior Profes- Suite, Atlassian Jira, Atlassian frmwrk; UNIX & Win. Job in Database Administrators: components to build interac- & role is eligible to receive addi- Software Engineer: Respon- and mobile app goals; create Confluence Wiki, or similar; Chantilly, VA. Travel/reloc to Mail CV to Alison Webber, tively authorable pages on
and manage APIs that work sional Programmer Analyst in Modify databases & database
ref job code 1337. tional S&P Global benefits. For sible for developing or testing Ashburn, VA (Ref. #6907300). (2) designing, bldg & selling unanticipated client locs Verato, Inc., Attn: SPSM, 1751 AEM built websites; creating
more information on the ben- across devices and multiple mgmt systems; Computer Pinnacle Drive, Ste. 1700, components built using Open
comp software apps, systems Cdes, tsts, debgs, implmnts, s/w architecture, incl (a) sys throughout US may be req’d. Systems Engineers/Archi-
efits we provide to our or services. Telecommuting external partners; among sizing, (b) h/w selection Email resume ref job title to McLean, VA 22102 Services Gateway (OSGI)
other duties. Min. BS +7 years & dcumnts mdrtly cmplx tects: Develop system engi-
employees, please see: permitted <50%/wk. prgams. Crts apprprt dcum- processes, (c) envrmnt mgmt, EOE. spec, services, servlets, cus-
Computer/IT: CGI Technolo- of experience. Travel up to neering; Systems Adminis- tom-dvlpd complex work-
gies & Solutions Inc. seeks natn in wrk assgnmnts sch as & (d) ntwrk & sys landscape trators: Maintain & admin
ourbenefits/CARFAX. 20%. Send resume to D. integration; & (3) data model- flows in AEM CMS to launch
Software Architect in Fairfax, Taube, Sr. Manager Global prgrm cde, & tchncl dcmnttn. comp. networks; All positions
Resume to HR Manager: Attn: Multiple positions available. Dsgns systms & prgrms to ling, & integrating & mngng localized web sites; writing
Virginia to make high-level NINA, 5860 Trinity Parkway, Mobility, VW/Electrify Amer- Fundrise sks Ld Sftwre Engr require travel/reloc. to vari- code in Continuous Integra-
design choices & dictates Some positions req travel meet cmplx bsnss needs. backends w/ relational d/b ous unanticipated client sites Sr. Software Engineer: Bach.
Suite 600, Centreville, VA and/or permit telecommut- ica, 1950 Opportunity Way, such as DB2, Oracle, & MS in Washington D.C. to mange in App Dev, CS, or rel. + 5 tion environments; & work-
technical standards, including Suite 1500, Reston, VA 20190. Pstn rqrs a Bchlr's dgre, or a team of engrs and dsgn, bld, across USA. For complete job
20120, job reference ing. For details (if applicable), foreign eqvlnt, in Cmptr Scnc, SQL. Must also have 5 yrs yr exp. Use Java 1.8, Spring ing in Agile Team environ-
s/w coding standards, tools, #51667-0701 Ref. LBD-VA. No phone calls scle, and dvlp new subsystms details, min. req'mts &/or to ment to dvlp softw apps in
& platforms. Job req Bach including job descriptions & Mthmtcs, or rltd fld, & 6 yrs of exp w/ (1) eCommerce plt- apply, mail resume to HR Mgr., Framework, Enterprise Java
(Data Integration Specialist). min reqs, salary range & ben- please. frms or prtl frameworks like and bus operation wrkflws on Beans, & ECMAScript/Type- Java programming language
degree in Comp Science, of wrk exprnc in job offrd, Aarna Priya, Inc., 13800 Cop-
efits info, and how to apply, or rltd occptn. Will work at SAP hybris, Intershop or Lifer- procssing pltfrm. Telecomtng script to develop web apps. (Java) using Java2 Enterprise
Engg, Info Systems, IT or rel from anywhere in the U.S. is permine Rd, Ste 305, Hern- Edition (J2EE) & Open Source
field & 5 yrs of exp in any job access job posting using web- unanticipated client sites ay; (2) DevOps concepts, build don, VA 20171. F/T. Leidos, Inc. Reston, VA.
site address listed. EOE. throughout the U.S. Telecom- & deployment rltd tasks, incl accepted. To apply snd rsme May telecommute. CV to Java tech frameworks running
title involving working with to in Cloud Computing Environ-
SQL. Must also have achieved V.L.S Systems Inc has multiple NETWORK ENGINEERS muting is permissible. Annual (a) mgmt of distributed sys &
openings for the following Salary Offer: $165,173. Full- clusters, (b) envrmnt maint, with ref#rdk & ref. #6636. Principals only. ments incl Amazon Web Ser-
Pega Certified Sr Systems Sterling, VA & various unantic-
positions to work in Chantilly, ipated locations throughout time hires are eligible to par- (c) OS lvl sys, & (d) IT infra- No calls/visa sponsorship. vices (AWS) or Amazon Elas-
Architect (CSSA) 5.0 or higher Data Science: Marriott Inter- tic Compute Cloud (Amazon
certification. Full-time tele- VA and/or various client sites the U.S: Dsgn, Impl, & Mntn ticipate in the DXC benefit structure mgmt; (3) dsgn,
throughout U.S. Must be will- program. DXC offers a com- architecture & implem of national, Inc.: Sr. Manager, EC2) platforms.
work permitted. All offers of cmplx ntwrks for a wide range Software Engineer – McLean, Card Analytics – Bethesda,
ing to travel and/or relocate of Org. Config Routers (CISCO) prehensive, flexible, and com- authentication & authoriza- Pls apply directly thru www.
emp are contingent upon suc- VA. This position requires up MD: instrumenting data col- & indi-
cessful comp of a background to unanticipated client loca- IT w/diff Routng Protocols (RIP petitive benefits program tion algorithms; & (4) query to 10% domestic travel.
tions throughout U.S. 1) .Net which includes, but is not lim- & script langs like SQL, Perl, lection, measurement, ana- cate job code SD102323AD.
check, which may incl drug V1/V2, EIGRP, & OSPF). Mng Telecommuting permitted up lytics & KPI frameworks for
screen depending on work Software Developer to Microsoft Corporation cur- tech infrastruc & oprtns of ited to, health, dental, and Unix Shell. Must be fluent in to 40% of the week. Design,
develop apps using, vision insurance coverage; English & German to allow Marriott’s Cards business.
assignment. Email resume to rently has the following open- Ntwrk Oprtng Cntr (NOC), incl develop and implement soft- Req’s 4 yr Bachelor’s degree & C#, SQL Server. Ensure tech ings in Washington, DC ntwrk mntrng tools, mgmt employee wellness; life and for providing s/w architecture ware solutions. For reqs & to
PM tasking to teams in U.S. & or frgn equiv from an accred- Web Dvlpr I, Washington, DC.
ref job code 1249. feasibility of UX designs. 2) (opportunities available at all sys, & ntwrk devices such as disability insurance; a retire- apply, visit https:// careers. Design, develop, test, imple-
Business Analyst to perform ment savings plan, paid holi- Germany. 10% domestic trvl & ited university in Math, Stats,
levels, e.g., Principal, Senior switches, routers, & firewalls. & apply to Data Sci or rltd quant fld +4 ment, & maintain webbased
analysis & elicit & document and Lead levels). To access Config & Optimize cloud-bsd days, paid time off; and much 10% intl trvl req. Use case in job #: 210465989. EOE, AAE,
s/w prgmng test is part of app yrs prof, f/t exp with data app systems. Troubleshoot/
business functional reqs, sys- job posting, visit website ntwrk soltns such as AWS, more. Email resume to M/F/D/V. JPMorgan Chase & solve s/w issues. Analyze &
DATA ANALYST tem & process design & cre- process. To apply pls forward analytics OR Master’s degree
address listed. incl advanced features such Co. All rights reserved. or frgn equiv from an accred- integrate new web prod-
RiskSpan, Inc. seeks a Data
Analyst in Arlington, VA to
ate system design specs for
development or enhance- Pro Bono Program
as Virtual Ntwrks, Subnets,
Routing tbls, & secrty groups.
resume must include Ref.
#6907300, full name, email,
your resume & cover letter to
our recruiting team at ited university in Math, Stats, Post your ucts/technologies w/existing
web apps to improve web
identify, analyze, document,
and interpret trends or pat-
ment or customization of
apps utilizing DevOps & CI/CD
Manager: Dvlp a scalable &
effective technical strategy to
Dply, config, mntn, & fix most
ntwrk secrty implmtns. Skills
address & mailing address.
No phone calls. Must be legal- Data Sci or rltd quant fld +3
yrs prof, f/t exp with data résumé and design & app functionality.
terns in complex business
processes using data analysis
to support architecture
changes. 3) Software Devel-
support the rhythm of the req’d: Wireshark, Solar Wind, ly authorized to work in the
U.S without sponsorship. EOE
Software Engineering
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Adventist HealthCare Registered Nurse (RN),

Part Time Day Shift,
Registered Nurse II
(RN), Part Time Day
Therapy Aide/Patient
Access Technician, Day
Registered Nurse (RN),
Night Shift, Intensive
Registered Nurse (RN),
Per Diem Night Shift,
Registered Nurse (RN),
Night Shift, Labor and
Employer Industry: Healthcare/Location: Gaithersburg/Openings: 551— Med/Surg–Rockville Shift, Med/Surg–Rockville Shift, Outpatient Care Unit–Rockville Neonatal Care Unit– Delivery–Rockville
We are a faith-based healthcare organization, based in Montgomery County, Shady Grove Medical Center Shady Grove Medical Center Rehabilitation–Gaithersburg Shady Grove Medical Center Silver Spring Shady Grove Medical Center
Maryland. We are the largest employer in Montgomery County with over seeks to hire an experienced seeks to hire an experienced Adventist HealthCare Outpa- seeks to hire an experienced Adventist HealthCare seeks seeks to hire an experienced
Registered Nurse (RN) for Registered Nurse (RN) for our tient Rehabilitation seeks to Registered Nurse (RN) for our to hire a Registered Nurse for Registered Nurse (RN) for our
6,000 employees! Our comprehensive approach to caring for our community includes three acute- our Med/Surg Unit who will Med Surg/General Surgery hire a Therapy Aide/Patient Intensive Care Unit who will our Neonatal Care Unit who Labor and Delivery Unit who
care hospitals – Shady Grove Medical Center, White Oak Medical Center and Fort Washington Medi- embrace our mission to ex- Unit who will embrace our Access Technician for our embrace our mission to ex- will embrace our mission to will embrace our mission to
tend God's care through the mission to extend God's care Rehab Department, who will tend God's care through the extend God's care through extend God's care through
cal Center – as well as two Physical Rehabilitation hospitals, Outpatient centers, Imaging Centers, the ministry of physical, men-
ministry of physical, mental through the ministry of physi- embrace our mission to ex- ministry of physical, mental the ministry of physical, men-
Urgent Cares, Home Care Services, Employer Health Programs and Physician Networks. We are and spiritual healing.As an cal, mental and spiritual heal- tend God's care through the and spiritual healing As an tal and spiritual healing.As an tal and spiritual healing.As an
nationally recognized and honored especially for our Cardiac, OB, Cancer, Stroke, Orthopedic, Reha- RN, you will: Develop a plan ing.As an RN, you will: Devel- ministry of physical, mental RN, you will:Develop a plan RN, you will: Develop a plan RN, you will: Develop a plan
of care according to patient op a plan of care according to and spiritual healing. As a of care according to patient of care according to patient of care according to patient
bilitation and Mental Health services. Our mission is to extend God's care through the ministry of… population. Identify… patient population. Identify… Therapy Aide/Patient… population. Identify… population. Identify… population. Identify…

George Mason University Global Faculty-Led CAP-BH Project

Programs Administrator– Coordinator–Fairfax
Associate Director of
Financial Aid–Fairfax
Director of Research
Research Technician–
Academic Advisor–
Employer Industry: Education/Location: Fairfax/Openings: 153—George Fairfax The George Mason University The George Mason University The George Mason University The Center for Applied The George Mason University,
Mason University is a university with three campuses, each with a distinctive The George Mason Univer- Department of Social Work is Office of Student Financial Office of the Dean, within the Proteomics and Molecular Antonin Scalia Law School,
sity Global Education Office seeking a part-time Project Aid invites qualified candi- College of Engineering and Medicine (CAPMM) is in the invites applications for the
academic focus that plays a critical role in the economy of its region. At each (GEO), is looking for an enthu- School of Systems Biology/ position of Academic Advisor.
Coordinator for its HRSA- dates to apply for a full-time Computing, seeks a proac-
campus, students, faculty, and staff have full access to all the university's resources, while duplica- siastic and energetic person funded CAP-BH program, Associate Director of Finan- tive, organized, and self- College of Science at George George Mason University has
tion of programs and support services is minimized through the use of technology. In addition to for a full-time Global Faculty- which provides advanced cial Aid position.In addition reliant Director of Research Mason University. CAPMM is an institutional commitment
Led Programs Administrator training to a select group of to a first-class culture at Vir- Administration. George Ma- a world-renown laboratory to the achievement of excel-
the main campus in Fairfax, the university has campuses in Arlington and Prince William Counties. for George Mason Universi- MSW students. George Ma- ginia's largest Public Univer- son University has a strong that focuses on the develop- lence and diversity among its
ty's customized study abroad son University has a strong sity, this position offers:While institutional commitment to ment and implementation of faculty and staff, and strongly
programs. George Mason Uni- institutional commitment to some remote… the achievement… cutting-edge protein analysis encourages candidates to ap-
versity has a strong… the achievement of… and advancing the field… ply who…

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Senior Program

Power Desk Controller– Assistant
Minimum Qualifications: Edu- Superintendent, ATC–
Division Engineer
MOWE–Washington D.C.
General Transit Bus
Financial Analyst I
Garage Mechanic
(OMBS)–Washington D.C.
Employer Industry: Delivery and Transportation/Location: Washington D.C. / Are you searching for a po- cation High School Diploma Are you a dynamic and moti- Minimum Qualifications: Ed- General Hybrid Work State- D- L689–
Openings: 29—The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority operates sition where you can use or GED Experience A mini- vated individual looking for a ucation Bachelor's degree in ment: This opportunity is a This job opening is being
the second largest rail transit system and the fifth largest bus network in the your Program management mum two 2 years of electrical new opportunity? WMATA's Civil, Mechanical or Electrical hybrid opportunity allowing used to fill current and future
expertise to have influence construction, maintenance Signals Maintenance team is Engineering Experience Two for flexibility between virtual vacant positions in this clas-
United States. Safe, clean and reliable, "America's Transit System" transports more than a third of company-wide? Washington and/or design experience currently seeking an ATC As- (2), years of Railroad track, and in-person work subject to sification at various shifts,
the federal government to work and millions of tourists to the landmarks in the Nation's Capital. Metropolitan Area Transit Au- Certification/Licensure Road- sistant Superintendent to join geometric design engineer- the Authority's telework pol- locations and assigned days
thority (WMATA) is currently way Worker Protection (RWP) our team. In this position, you ing, or civil highway design icy. Minimum Qualifications off order of preference: The
Metro has earned a worldwide reputation for security and architectural beauty. WMATA is clearly seeking an ambitious and in- certified within 6 months of will lead a group of supervi- experience. Certification/Li- Education Bachelor's degree selection for Maintenance
the employer of choice for over 10,000 area residents. The Authority was created in 1967 by an credibly experienced Senior hire Certified Power Desk sors and technicians respon- censure Valid Driver's License in, Business Administration/ and Construction is made on
interstate compact to plan, develop, build, finance and operate a balanced regional transportation Program Manager to manage Controller within one (1) year sible for evaluating, testing, from jurisdiction of residence Management, Finance, Eco- the basis of fitness and abil-
and coordinate the overall of hire… commissioning, and… Preferred Engineer… nomics, Public Policy… ity with preference given to:
system in the National Capital area. Construction of the Metrorail system began in 1969. Four area… development of… Maintenance and…

Visit to view complete details and to apply to these and thousands of other listings.

Adventist HealthCare George Mason University Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Dewberry Westat
Healthcare–We are a faith-based healthcare organization, Education–George Mason University is a university with three Delivery and Transportation–The Washington Metropolitan Area Engineering–Dewberry is a leading, market-facing professional Research–Westat, headquartered in Rockville, Maryland, near
based in Montgomery County, Maryland. We are the largest campuses, each with a distinctive academic focus that plays a Transit Authority operates the second largest rail transit sys- services firm with more than 50 locations and 2,000 profes- Washington, D.C., is an employee-owned research corporation
employer in Montgomery County with over 6,000 employees! critical role in the economy of its region. At each campus, stu- tem and the fifth largest bus network in the United States. sionals nationwide. What sets us apart from our competitors serving agencies of the U.S. Government, state and local gov-
Our comprehensive approach to caring for our community dents, faculty, and staff have full access to all the university's Safe, clean and reliable, "America's Transit System" transports are our people. At Dewberry, we seek out exceptional talent ernments, businesses, and foundations. We conduct surveys
includes three acute-care hospitals – Shady Grove Medical resources, while duplication of programs and support services more than a third of the federal government to work and mil- and strive to deliver the highest quality of services to our cli- and program evaluations, provide statistical research, and offer
Center, White Oak Medical Center and Fort Washington Medi- is minimized through the use of technology. In addition to the lions of tourists to the landmarks in the Nation's Capital. Metro ents. Whether you’re an experienced professional or a new related services. Our multiproject environment provides career
cal Center – as well as two Physical Rehabilitation hospitals, main campus in Fairfax, the university has campuses in Arling- has earned a worldwide reputation for security and architec- graduate, you’ll have the chance to collaborate with the best opportunities in health, energy, education, transportation, the
Outpatient centers, Imaging Centers, Urgent Cares, Home Care ton and Prince William Counties. tural beauty. WMATA is clearly the employer of choice for over and brightest and work on innovative and complex projects at environment, human services, and the workforce. We combine
Services, Employer Health Programs and Physician Networks… 10,000 area residents. The Authority was created in 1967 by… the forefront of the industry. Our commitment to excellence… the relevant research area expertise…

Registered Nurse (RN), Registered Nurse II (RN), Global Faculty-Led CAP-BH Project Senior Program Manager– Power Desk Controller– Data Analyst Intern–Fairfax Subcontracts Administrator– Systems Administrator– Experienced Education
Part Time Day Shift, Med/ Part Time Day Shift, Med/ Programs Administrator– Coordinator–Fairfax Are you searching for a po- Minimum Qualifications: Edu- Dewberry is seeking a Data Fairfax Rockville Study Helpdesk Agent
Surg–Rockville Surg–Rockville Fairfax The George Mason University sition where you can use cation High School Diploma Analyst Intern for projects in Dewberry is currently seeking Westat is an employee- (Hourly)–Rockville
Shady Grove Medical Center Shady Grove Medical Center The George Mason University Department of Social Work is your Program management or GED Experience A mini- our Fairfax, VA office. This is an experienced Subcontracts owned corporation providing Westat is currently seeking
seeks to hire an experienced seeks to hire an experienced Global Education Office (GEO), seeking a part-time Project expertise to have influence mum two 2 years of electrical an excellent internship op- Administrator to work at our research services to agencies individuals to work 40 hours
Registered Nurse (RN) for our Registered Nurse (RN) for our is looking for an enthusiastic Coordinator for its HRSA- company-wide? Washington construction, maintenance portunity for an enthusiastic corporate headquarters lo- of the U.S. Government, as per week, Monday to Friday
Med/Surg Unit who will em- Med Surg/General Surgery and energetic person for a funded CAP-BH program, Metropolitan Area Transit Au- and/or design experience and talented individual to join cated in Fairfax, VA.Dewberry well as businesses, founda- (Available 8:00am - 8:00pm)
brace our mission to extend Unit who will embrace our full-time Global Faculty-Led which provides advanced thority (WMATA) is currently Certification/Licensure Road- an exciting team of profes- is a leading, market-facing tions, and state and local gov- to support our field interview-
God's care through the min- mission to extend God's care Programs Administrator for training to a select group of seeking an ambitious and way Worker Protection (RWP) sionals. The position offers professional services firm ernments. Westat's research, ers and respondents on a na-
istry of physical, mental and through the ministry of physi- George Mason University's MSW students. George Ma- incredibly experienced Senior certified within 6 months of a fantastic working environ- with more than 50 locations technical, and administrative tional education study. A suc-
spiritual healing.As an RN, cal, mental and spiritual heal- customized study abroad son University has a strong Program Manager to manage hire Certified Power Desk ment and the opportunity to and 2,000 professionals na- staff of more than 2,000 is cessful candidate must have
you will: Develop a plan… ing.As an RN, you… programs… institutional commitment… and coordinate… Controller… apply the latest… tionwide… located… 1 year customer…

The Emmes Company, LLC American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Fairfax County Government Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority Fairfax Water
Science–The Emmes Company, LLC established in 1977, is a Associations–The American Speech-Language-Hearing Asso- Government and Public Services–Fairfax County, Virginia is a di- Defense / Aerospace–The Metropolitan Washington Airports Au- Science–Fairfax County Water Authority (Fairfax Water) is Vir-
privately owned Clinical Research Organization (CRO). We are a ciation was founded in 1925. It is a not-for-profit scientific and verse and thriving urban county. As the most populous jurisdic- thority operates a two-airport system that provides domestic ginia's largest water utility, serving one out of every five Vir-
public health focused company that is growing and adding staff professional association for speech-language pathologists, au- tion in both Virginia and the Washington metropolitan area, the and international air service for the mid-Atlantic region. The ginians who obtain their water from public utilities. Nearly 1.5
regularly in many areas including clinical operations, data man- diologists, and speech and hearing scientists. ASHA is commit- County's population exceeds that of seven states. The median organization consists of approximately 1,700 employees in a million people in the Northern Virginia communities of Fairfax,
agement, bio statistics, project management, and regulatory ted to the consumers of our services, the more than 42 million household income of Fairfax County is one of the highest in the structure that includes central administration, airports man- Loudoun, Prince William and Alexandria depend on Fairfax Wa-
as well as corporate positions to support our project needs. We Americans with communication disorders. ASHA's mission is nation and over half of its adult residents have four-year col- agement, and police and fire departments. In addition to op- ter for superior drinking water. That's 1.5 million friends, neigh-
are committed to ensuring that our newly hired staff receive to ensure that all people with speech-language, and hearing lege degrees or more educational attainment. Fairfax County erating Ronald Reagan Washington National and Washington bors and family members. We don't need any other reason to
a positive virtual on-boarding experience and the support they disorders receive quality services from well-educated profes- also is home to an extensive commercial office market and is Dulles International Airports, the Airports Authority is respon- demand the highest in water quality standards! Chartered in
need to effectively work remotely. Headquartered… sionals. The American Speech-Language-Hearing… a major employment center. Fairfax County… sible for capital improvements at both airports and… 1957 by the Virginia State Corporation Commission as a…

Sr. Director Global Biostatistician - Remote– Customer Relations Digital Campaign Administrative Assistant III– Administrative Assistant V– Air Conditioning Mechanic Airport Contracting OT Network Analyst– Executive Office
Operations Strategy and Rockville Manager–Rockville Manager–Rockville Annandale Fairfax ($5,000 Sign-on Bonus) Specialist II–Washington D.C. Lorton Administrative Specialist–
Execution in VID–Rockville The Emmes Company, LLC As our customer relations Valued. Be an important part The position is responsible Manages legal notification (Multiple Positions Available)– Compensation Grade: S20. Under the supervision of the Fairfax
US Remote. The Emmes ("Emmes") is a global, full- manager you will provide of ASHA's daily email and e- for all administrative aspects process for land use hearings Washington D.C. Salary Range: $87,059.00- Operational Technologies (OT) Under limited supervision of
Company, LLC ("Emmes") is service Clinical Research assistance to Speech Lan- newsletter communications of the station operation, scheduled before the Plan- Compensation Grade: T19. $126,236.00. Opening Date: Manager, the OT Network General Manager or Deputy
a global, full-service Clini- Organization dedicated to guage Pathologists, Audiolo- using Salesforce Marketing providing support to the sta- ning Commission and Board Salary Range: $32.20-$41.85. November 3, 2023. Closing Analyst I ensures the stabil- General Manager (Executive
cal Research Organization excellence in supporting the gists, and those they serve. Cloud. Trusted. Work with tion commanders and other of Supervisors. Ensures ad- Opening Date: November 6, Date: November 18, 2023. ity, reliability, and integrity of Office), performs executive-
dedicated to excellence in advancement of public health You will provide information, a supportive and energetic station personnel to ensure herence to applicable state 2023. Closing Date: Please Please Note: All job an- Water Production LAN and level administrative and of-
supporting the advancement and biopharmaceutical in- resources, and tools to our team to produce mission crit- overall efficiency of the sta- and local requirements in Note: All job announcements nouncements close at 11:59 WAN data communications fice management support
of public health and biophar- novation. We believe in the membership community so ical email and e-newsletters tion operation. Must maintain coordination with other agen- close at 11:59 p.m. of the day p.m. of the day before the on operational technology and oversees projects and
maceutical innovation. We power of truth, so much so they can focus on supporting daily within Salesforce Mar- confidentiality in personnel cies. This position works un- before the posted closing posted closing date. As an networks at control & Water programs as assigned while
believe in the power of… that we named our… their workplaces and… keting Cloud… matters and possess… der direct… date. As an Air… Airport Contracting… distribution sites… exercising considerable…

Alexandria City Public Schools The MIL Corporation (MIL) The Foundation Schools AARP Capital One
Education–Alexandria City Public Schools is one of the most di- Government Contractor–Established in 1980, MIL provides inno- Education–The Foundation Schools has provided psychoeduca- Associations–AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, social welfare Financial Services and Banking–We Don’t Only Think Big
verse school systems in the country and we celebrate that di- vative cyber, engineering, financial, and information technology tional programs for students since 1975. A variety of talented organization with a membership of nearly 38 million. Our aim Things—At Capital One, We Do Big Things. You’re dedicated to
versity. Our students come from more than 80 different coun- services to the federal government. Our subject matter experts staff members is needed to ensure the smooth and successful is to disrupt preconceived notions about aging, turn goals and your career.You deserve professional satisfaction and personal
tries, speak more than 60 languages, and represent a rainbow help advance customer operations through proven tools and operation of the educational and clinical programs at our three dreams into Real Possibilities, strengthen communities and fulfillment. You belong at Capital One. Here, every day brings
of ethnic and cultural groups. They are economically diverse, methodologies. Dedicated to excellence, service, and support, schools located in Largo, Landover Gaithersburg, Maryland. fight for the issues that matter most to people 50-plus and another chance to do impactful work that matters: helping
but all are rich in that the residents of Alexandria are dedicated MIL recognizes that sustained high-quality service delivery is a Our Administrative Office is located in Largo, Maryland. We of- their families; such as health care, employment security and millions of customers confidently manage their money, build-
to ensuring that each and every one of them achieves success. critical contributor to our success. We are recognized by our fer a supportive working environment, excellent resources and retirement planning. ing stronger communities and delivering truly disruptive tech.
The children of Alexandria have benefited significantly from the clients and industry professionals alike for our integrity, dili- a competitive salary and benefit package. The mission of The You’ll give your all alongside some of the brightest, most resil-
strong support of City Council and the Alexandria… gence, and expertise across our core service areas: Cyber… Foundation Schools is to serve the special education needs… ient people in the industry—and in return, you’ll enjoy…

Middle School Science School Security Officer– Cabling Technician RPA Tester (IT Quality Middle School (Language Dedicated Aide - Special Associate State Director, Program Research Sr. Manager, Product Part Time Branch
Teacher - (Immediate Hire Alexandria (Systems Administration, Assurance, Associate)– Arts/Social Studies) Education–Gaithersburg Communications–Midvale Manager–Washington D.C. Management–McLean Ambassador - Chalmette–
2023-2024 SY)–Alexandria The School Security Officer Analyst)–Washington D.C. Chesapeake Teacher - $3,000 Hiring The Foundation Schools is a AARP is the nation's largest AARP Foundation works to Product Management at Cap- Chalmette
The Teacher facilitates stu- (SSO) primary responsibility Clearance Required: Public Clearance Required: Public Incentive–Gaithersburg special education day school nonprofit, nonpartisan or- end senior poverty by help- ital One is a booming, vibrant The Reimagined Branch Ex-
dent success in academic is to provide for the safety, Trust. Education Required: Trust. Education Required: The Foundation Schools is a which delivers innovative ganization dedicated to em- ing vulnerable people over craft that requires reimagin- perience: Welcome to a new
and interpersonal skills security, and welfare of BA/BS. US Citizenship: Re- BA/BS. US Citizenship: Re- special education day school school programs and sup- powering people 50 and older 50 build economic opportu- ing the status quo, finding idea in banking. Here at Capi-
through implementing dis- students and staff while as- quired. The MIL Corporation quired. The MIL Corporation which delivers innovative port services for children and to choose how they live as nity. Our approach empha- value creation opportunities, tal One, we're redefining how
trict approved curriculum; signed to an Alexandria City is seeking Cabling Technician seeks an Robotic Process school programs and sup- adolescents with emotional they age. With a nationwide sizes equitable outcomes for and driving innovative and people bank. You see, we
documenting teaching and Public School (ACPS) cam- to support a Federal govern- Automation (RPA) Tester to port services for children and disabilities, autism spectrum presence, AARP strengthens populations that have faced sustainable customer experi- believe banking should fit our
student progress/activities/ pus; detect and minimize the ment client at one of our support a federal government adolescents with emotional disorders and other learning communities and advocates systemic discrimination. We ence… customers' everyday lives…
outcomes; addressing spe- frequency and/or severity of Washington, DC Metropolitan client in the Chesapeake, VA disabilities, autism spectrum challenges. For over 40 years, for what matters most to the serve all people 50 plus and
cific educational needs of… harmful incidents; and… area locations… area. The… disorders and… The… more than 100 million… their families. Through…

Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) City Of Alexandria Virginia Chenega MIOS ERP TekSynap
Government and Public Services–Marine Corps Community Ser- Government and Public Services–The City of Alexandria is an Government Contractor–Chenega Corporation’s Military, Intel- Government Contractor–ERP International, LLC is a nationally Government Contractor–The TekSynap founders have worked
vices (MCCS) is looking for the best and brightest to join our award-winning, innovative, and progressive local govern- ligence, and Operations Support (MIOS) Strategic Business respected and trusted health, science, and technology solu- together for over a decade, supporting customers ranging from
Team! MCCS is a comprehensive program that supports and ment that brings together elected leaders, residents, busi- Unit (SBU) provides innovative solutions for federal, DOD, tions provider. We offer management, analytic, and technical small departmental operations & maintenance efforts to lead-
enhances the quality of life for Marines, their families, and oth- nesses, and staff to foster a thriving community. We are an and commercial customers worldwide. Founded in 2005 and services supporting clients in the government and commercial ing broad nationwide deployment efforts for agencies such
ers in the Marine Corps Community. We offer a team oriented independent, full-service city, providing the services typically headquartered in Lorton, Virginia, Chenega MIOS is a shared sectors. In addition, ERP provides medical and clinical staffing as the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. This core manage-
environment comprised of military personnel, civilian employ- operated by both counties and cities in areas such as public services division of Chenega Corporation. As an Alaska Native support to DoD and federal civilian agencies in 28+ states. We ment team has operated in leading companies such as SIGNAL
ees, contractors and volunteers who keep the organization safety, transportation, human services, parks and recreation, Corporation, 100% of our profits benefit our Native sharehold- are seeking energetic and passionate professionals who are Corporation and managed business sectors of over 100M in
functioning smoothly and effectively. As a service-oriented or- planning, and administration. We offer a wide range of exciting ers through preservation of culture and heritage or being rein- interested in delighting their customers while making a posi- annual revenue in industry leading companies such as General
ganization, we never waver in our commitment to our Corps… career opportunities in a variety of fields, with the resources… vested in the business, truly making Chenega a “Corporation… tive impact on our communities and our nation. We deliver… Dynamics.

Accountant–Washington D.C. Program Planner and APD Human Resources Employee Relations Senior Network Planning Enterprise Watch Licensed Practical Nurse - Registered Nurse - Training and Development VTC Scheduler–
Performs professional ac- Construction Cost Labor Relations Division Manager–Alexandria Analyst–Natick (Overnight)–Springfield Flight Medicine Clinic– Cardiology & Cath-Lab– Specialist– Assist staff with VTC instal-
counting tasks in order to Estimator NF4– Chief–Alexandria The Manager of Employee Are you ready to enhance Are you ready to enhance ERP International is seeking ERP International is seeking Assesses training and devel- lations and configuration in
properly account for, manage, Washington D.C. “Preserving the Past, while Relations is a leader in the your skills and build your your skills and build your a Licensed Practical Nurse Registered Nurse to sup- opment needs through sur- addition to providing sup-
and execute funding for Busi- Serves as Program Planner Innovating our Future!” The City’s Department of Human career in a rapidly evolving career in a rapidly evolving (LPN), for a Full-Time position port the Cardiopulmonary veys, interviews, focus groups, port and ongoing usability
ness and Support Services and Construction Cost Estima- City of Alexandria is located Resources (DHR) who over- business climate? Are you business climate? Are you in support of Flight Medicine Clinic and Cath-Lab at Mike and communication with of desktops, laptops, and pe-
Division (MR) Division and tor within the Support Direc- in Northern Virginia and is sees the Employee & Labor looking for a career where looking for a career where Clinic Barksdale AFB, LA. Ap- O'Callaghan Federal Medical managers, instructors, devel- ripheral equipment and soft-
support activities. Works in torate, Construction Branch bordered by the District of Relations division. Reporting professional development is professional development is ply online today and discover Center, Nellis AFB, NV. Apply opers, and customer. Incor- ware.Resolve level 1 up to
collaboration with program (MRD), on the evaluation of Columbia (Potomac River), to this position is a team of embedded in your employer's embedded in your employer's more about this exceptional online today and discover porate Executive Orders and level 3 support issues and as-
and/or support managers, the the overall effectiveness of Arlington, and Fairfax coun- two specialists who provide core culture? If so, Chenega core culture? If so, Chenega employment opportunity. more about this outstand- any other applicable regulato- sist in the diagnosis and reso-
Manpower and Reserve Af- the capital construction pro- ties. With a population of ap- guidance and support to em- Military, Intelligence & Opera- Military, Intelligence & Opera- ing employment opportunity. ry documentation governing lution of higher-level issues…
fairs (M&RA) Financial… gram in accordance with… proximately… ployees and leaders at… tions… tions… Be the Best! Join our team…… the protection of national…

Visit to view complete details and to apply to these and thousands of other listings.

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EZ HOMES & CONDOS zone EZ | 2023-11-12 | G 9 | BLACK


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TAKOMA PARK 5 BR, 2 BA, house, off Condos H Co-ops go with you everywhere
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factors in addition to those protected under federal law. 8 welcome. 202-723-5763 400sf, kitchenette, BR & living room.
The Washington Post will not knowingly accept any advertis- MARYLAND $1050/mo utils incl. 703-980-4701
Politics • History • Culture • More
ing for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons Roommates RENTALS
are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available
on an equal opportunity basis. Wanted Washington Post newsletters deliver more.

S0108 4x2
BERWYN HEIGHTS - Furn room. Senior looking for house to Rent/Buy
$650/month Near public transp. w/owner financing. Handy w/ tools &
Text 301-332-4907 you can still live there. 301-873-0663 S0114 2X2
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on local jobs commercial real estate rentals sales, auctions, tickets dogs, cats, birds, fish 202-334-5782
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For Recruitment advertisements, go to To place an ad, go to Legal Notices: 202-334-7007 or call or call 202-334-6200 Auctions, Estate Sales, Furniture: 202-334-7029
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Collectibles Dogs for Sale Dogs for Sale Cats
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closed his practice in August orabilia, scarf and beanie, price best brindle, 1 male reverse brindle, 1 540-908-5931 ing lot + cars. Sterling VA.
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2022. The practice was located offer. 352-445-6383 male fawn color, up to date on shots
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low miles, 78,000 miles, asking
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Act (NEPA), the U.S. Department of the Air Force (DAF) announces
the preparation and availability of a Draft Programmatic Environmen-
ville, MD 20850.
I have asked my medical record
Musical Instruments call or text 540-660-4685
AKC parents, vet checked, shots.
CHIHUAHUA FOR ADOPTION - Apricot. No-shed. Text pics. SIAMESE KITTENS - Pedigree, wedge-
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1408 Antiques & Classics Charge Facilities (EVCF) Program at multiple Air Force bases (AFBs). EMR, to format the records for
use by Dr. Thomas Troost, ENT
New, used, tuning, moving
all shots up to date. website:
Call 703-851-5802 Call 540-433-2537
The PEA evaluates the following alternatives: doctor with George Washing- MINI SCHNAUZER MIXED - Shots and
ton University Medical Faculty Moving Sale COCKAPOO PUPS - 10 weeks old, wormed, health guarantee, Search our database of tested
Give the
1. Taking no action, where DAF would not implement the EVCF Pro- Associates. He has offered to black, black & tan, black/white spot- Delivery avail. $300. Prefer text
gram. see patients who need to see
an ENT doctor. If the medical
Home Decor Online Store Closing - ted. Great temp. Health guarantee. 301-672-1072 or 434-277-8108 recipes by ingredient or name.
Everything Must Go Ground delivery and training avail-

gift of
2. Installation of EV Charging Stations at select sites within the follow- record company fails to comply able. $1800. Email
CLASSICS - Especially Mercedes,
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ing AFBs: Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB) in Washington D.C., Joint with this request, the records Mens hats; eyeglasses/cases; Small or text 540-808-8042 SHELTIE PUPS AKC - "Lassies".
Base Andrews (JBA) in Maryland, Joint Base McGuire Dix Lakehurst will be destroyed on November Ramen bowls; Water Goblets Sable & tris with full white collar.
Highest prices paid for (JBMDL) in New Jersey, Los Angeles AFB (LAAFB) in California, Tyndall 20, 2023. (Pink/Green/Blue/Grey); Lenticular ENGLISH BULLDOGS - AKC, born Taking deposits. $1500-$1800.

the very best examples. AFB (TAFB) in Florida, and the United States Air Force Academy (US- Posters; Outdoor Camping Chairs 9/15/23. Red & white, Black & white. Call 757-613-6651
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Other Virginia

Chairs; Small Wooden Signs and health tests. Call 304-295-2693
The purpose of the Proposed Action is to provide AFBs with elec- more. Contact Mrs. White 703-819- YORKIES, MALTESE, POODLES -
tric vehicle (EV) charging stations to enable on-base EV usage and 7263 for more information ENGLISH LAB PUPPIES - AKC reg, vet Purebred pups, NOT mixed, located in
charging for government-owned vehicles. The Proposed Action is
Other Virginia 610
checked/shots/deworming, raised in Ruther Glen, VA. For pics and info Gift subscriptions
& needed to increase the number of EV charging stations on AFBs for Dogs for Sale home w/lots of socialization. Avail TEXT Marie at 210-584-8896

creating the necessary infrastructure to expand EV usage, which mid December. Call 540-247-1682
would minimize carbon emissions in the long-run and help DAF meet
White House goals for EV usage under Executive Order (EO) 14008, BORDER COLLIE PUPS - 8 weeks old, FRENCH BULLDOG PUPPIES - ACA & YORKSHIRE TERRIER - 2F, 22wks.
Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, and EO 14057, Cata- parents on premises. CKC reg. Ready 11/24. 3 males. $1250. Home raised in DC, 2nd shots,
lyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability. Call 540-788-4190 for more Vet checked, 1 st shots & wormed. ACA reg, 15 year 3rd gen pedigree.
information leave message. Call James 540-539-0894 202-288-4470 S0390-1x1.5
Call 202-334-7029 or email The PEA assesses the potential impacts associated within EVCF
Program implementation and provides the DAF meaningful points in agency planning and decision making on the relevant environmental

Did you hear The Post today?

information of the EVCF Program. Once a decision is made to imple-
365 ment at a particular installation, the DAF would conduct follow-on
Auction Sales site-specific environmental analysis tiering from the PEA document
using the Checklist in Appendix A of the PEA.
US Customs & Border Protection
Online Auction Wed. 11/15/23 at This Notice of Availability (NOA) starts a 45-day public comment pe-
11am. Abandoned/Unclaimed riod. A copy of the Draft PEA is available online through the Air Force
Items. Previews, Details, Terms @
Civil Engineer Center’s National Environmental Policy Act Center
Circa 1800 Farmhouse in Old Town
Warrenton on 2.3 acres. $790,000.00
Washington Post podcasts
This 3-bedroom, 2.5 bath home is
tal-Policy-Act-Center/. An electronic copy may also be requested by
emailing Mr. Nicolas Post ( Any substantive
comments received will be addressed in the Final PEA. Comments
located within walking distance to
Main Street in Warrenton. This lovely
go with you everywhere
Give the gift must be received by December 23, 2023 and sent to the following
mailing address or email address:
home offers an English Basement
with Red Slate floors, Stone Fire-
places (3), Wide plank wood floors,
of information U.S. Department of the Air Force
Nicolas Post
Tall ceiling on main level. The home
sits on 2.3 private acres surrounded
by trees at the end of a private Road.
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Air Force Civil Engineer Center
Gift subscriptions National Environmental Policy Act Division (AFCEC/CIE) Invest in your future the property is
zoned RT7 for Townhomes.
AFCEC/CZN, Bldg. 1
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For More information or an appoint-
ment to see the home
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G10 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023


Digital Technology for Efficient

Data centers connect us to the world. That’s why World Wide Technology
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to protect digital information, maintaining cool environments is costly
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centers use up to 50 times the energy per floor space of a typical office
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for itself, other businesses, and the environment.

“Cooling can take up to 40% of the data center’s energy

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Cooling 5.9M
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advanced, efficient, and cost-effective
cooling technology — and fast.

At its St. Louis, Missouri campus, WWT ran a new
cooling test using digital technology instead of
water to protect equipment from corrosion. It
lowered utility costs, reduced carbon emissions,
energy usage reduction
and delivered a significant energy usage through digitalization4
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See what makes WWT an

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1, 2021
Gartner, 2023
Global Marketing Insights, 2023;, 2023
Based on previous data, 2023. This is not a guarantee of future
performance or performance in your particular circumstances.

© 2023 Schneider Electric. All Rights Reserved. Life Is On | Schneider Electric is a trademark
and the property of Schneider Electric SE, its subsidiaries, and affiliated companies. All other
trademarks are the property of their respective owners. World Wide Technology and the
World Wide Technology logo are registered trademarks. 998-22863151_WWT-1-NYT

ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman DOONESBURY By Garry Trudeau

BABY BLUES By Rick Kirkman & Jerry Scott

SC2 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023



FRAZZ By Jef Mallett

sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post EZ EE SC3

NANCY By Olivia Jaimes NON SEQUITUR By Wiley



SC4 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023

BLONDIE By Dean Young & John Marshall WUMO By Mikael Wulff & Anders Morgenthaler

DUSTIN By Steve Kelley & Jeff Parker

SALLY FORTH By Francesco Marciuliano & Jim Keefe

BIG NATE By Lincoln Peirce

REPLY ALL LITE By Donna A. Lewis LOOSE PARTS By Dave Blazek

sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post EZ EE SC5


JUDGE PARKER By Francesco Marciuliano & Mike Manley

SC6 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023
sunday, november 12 , 2023 . the washington post EZ EE SC7

RED AND ROVER By Brian Basset

POPEYE By Randy Milholland

SC8 EZ EE the washington post . sunday, november 12 , 2023


How to Play
The rules of Samurai Sudoku are the same as in the popular
Sudoku puzzles that appear in the daily comics section.
As with standard Sudoku, the Samurai version requires no math,
just logic, reasoning ... and an iron will. The goal is to fill in each
column, row and 3X3 box with the digits 1 through 9 without
repeating any. The twist in Samurai Sudoku is that the digits that
appear in the overlapping boxes must work for both puzzles.
A piece of advice to get you started: Don’t focus completely on
one grid at a time. Keep the whole puzzle in mind as you go, because
filling in a number in one grid could give you clues to another. What’s
important to understand is this: Each Samurai puzzle is ONE puzzle,
not five separate Sudoku puzzles that just overlap each other.
Occasionally people claim that, for example, the "bottom right" 9X9
puzzle had more than one solution. Well, yes it may, but the entire
puzzle can be solved in only one way. Never resort to guessing! For
more tips, go to

Last Sunday’s Solution


BALDO By Cantú & Castellanos

PRICKLY CITY By Scott Stantis


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