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November 12, 2023 · Issue No 10,391 · (based on a 7-day subscription)

Style Magazine

Gift Guide for all the family
Jeremy Clarkson:
My life in cars

Hate, intolerance and arrests City where

1 in 5 are

as thugs hijack Armistice Day on NHS

waiting list
Tom Calver Data Editor

6 More than 120 held after Southend is England’s NHS waiting

list hotspot, a new analysis reveals,
with almost one in five residents
far right clash with police awaiting treatment.
A combination of local ill health,
demographics and an underper-
forming NHS are to blame, accord-
6 Antisemitic chants heard as ing to health workers, patients and

300,000 march for Palestine Demand in central and southern

Essex has soared since the pan-
demic, with the number of patients
being referred almost doubling.
Caroline Wheeler, Harry Yorke, Last week Suella Braverman, The city has an ageing population,
Dipesh Gadher and Hugo Daniel the home secretary, accused the while obesity rates in the wider
pro-Palestinian demonstrators of region are higher than average.
Rishi Sunak has told the Met com- being “hate marchers” and “Islam- Almost 41,000 people are on the
missioner he expects the far-right ists”, while in an article for The list in the area, according to NHS
“thugs” and “Hamas sympa- Times she said the Met was “play- England data. Even adjusting for
thisers” who confronted police ing favourites” by failing to ban this the fact that some appear twice,
during violent protests in the capi- weekend’s event. nearly one in five people appear to
tal yesterday to face the “full and As tensions between the govern- be waiting for treatment.
swift force of the law”. ment and the Met escalated, cabi- Last week NHS England
The prime minister said he net ministers privately lashed out announced that 6.5 million
would meet Sir Mark Rowley again at Braverman again. Sadiq Khan, patients — about one in nine — were
in “coming days” and repeated his the London mayor, said the clashes waiting for a total of 7.77 million
threat to hold him to account for were a “direct result” of her lan- procedures.
his decision to approve the pro- guage, and Neil Basu, a former In January Rishi Sunak pledged
Palestinian demonstration on assistant Met commissioner, said: that waiting lists would fall, but the
Armistice Day. “The last Conservative politician to total has since grown by more than
It was the fifth to have taken use this kind of rhetoric was Enoch 500,000.
place since the October 7 massacre Powell, who made my parents’ Dr Haroon Siddique, a local GP,
perpetrated by Hamas in Israel and lives and my childhood hell.” says he and colleagues feel “help-
by far the most violent, with 126 Hundreds of far-right activists less. All you can say is, ‘I’ll do
arrests made. Nine officers were descended on Whitehall shortly Far-right demonstrators confronted police outside parliament before the two-minute silence at the Cenotaph. There were scores of arrests another letter to try to expedite
injured. Last Saturday the number before the two-minute silence your operation,’ but at the same
of arrests was 29. began at the Cenotaph at 11am. ers briefly broke through police Several miles away, 300,000 media showed some demonstra- march included one that stated: time I’m thinking that my letter is
Although the vast majority of Among them was Tommy Robin- lines beforehand. Some bottles pro-Palestinian demonstrators tors shouting “From the river to “Welcome to Gaza, twinned with going to just sit in a pile.”
those arrested were far-right coun- son, the founder of the English were thrown at police and some of gathered from noon near Hyde the sea”, a slogan deemed deeply Auschwitz” and another had an Matthew Hopkins, chief execu-
ter-protesters, Michael Gove, the Defence League, a far-right anti- the crowd were hit with batons. Park. While there had been no offensive by many Jewish people, image of a swastika wrapped in the tive of Mid and South Essex NHS
communities secretary, had to be immigration group, who had Dispersed by riot police, they reported arrests of supporters by along with other more explicitly Star of David. Foundation Trust, said: “We are
bundled into a police van for his encouraged his followers to gather split into several groups and began 5pm, the Met said they were inves- antisemitic slogans. A handful of Throughout the day, groups of working on a number of initiatives
own safety after he was confronted to “protect” the Cenotaph from to spread out. Robinson was seen tigating at least five allegations of people were seen wearing head- counter-protesters repeatedly with our system partners to reduce
by dozens of pro-Palestinian activ- pro-Palestinian marchers. leading several dozen people hate crimes, including antisemitic scarves and headbands that tried to intercept the pro-Palestin- the list as quickly as possible.””
ists while walking through Victoria While the silence passed with- towards Chinatown, where further and racist chants and placards. appeared to imitate those worn by ian march, with officers forced
station in central London. out incident, the counter-protest- clashes took place. Footage uploaded on social Hamas. Posters held aloft on the Continued on page 2 → Full story, page 9

VIEW Starmer’s election guru did not declare £730,000 donations
Gabriel Pogrund and and the public did not know of his lor, a hedge fund manager whose to moderate control. Three of Ed statement was discussed. Shabana reported altogether. It is not
Harry Yorke group’s activities. It was fined after Cayman Islands firm invested in Miliband’s former frontbenchers Mahmood, now the shadow justice known how the undeclared funds
committing almost 30 offences the Russian oil giant Gazprom, and were directors. Rachel Reeves, secretary, is said to have asked if were spent, but McSweeney
Sir Keir Starmer’s right-hand man under his watch, with cash pay- Sir Trevor Chinn, a philanthropist now shadow chancellor, and Wes donors had been forewarned they focused on deep research and poll-
failed to declare more than ments not disclosed or incorrectly and friend of Sir Tony Blair. Streeting, the shadow health secre- might face questions and another ing Labour’s members — whose
£730,000 of donations to the orga- recorded. In one breach, the true McSweeney was Labour tary, were prominent supporters. MP asked McSweeney if donations support would be needed in any
nisation which he ran and which amount of a donation was underre- Together’s full-time director and McSweeney was appointed to run were being declared fully and future leadership contest. In 2020,
played a key role in the election of ported by thousands of pounds. company secretary: the person tra- it in July 2017. promptly. McSweeney assured the Continued on page 2 →
the Labour leader. McSweeney, 46, who will run ditionally responsible for day-to- In 2019, Labour Together’s web- MP they were. They were not.
Morgan McSweeney flouted his Labour’s general election cam- day administration, including site was relaunched and carried Public filings show he initially
responsibility to report funding paign, made no account of compliance with regulations and the line: “You can find out more filed donation reports within 30
received by Labour Together, the £738,492 received from a small laws. The organisation was created about our donations on the Elect- days as required by the Political
low-profile group which sat out Jer- group of millionaire backers in June 2015, during the leadership oral Commission’s website.” Parties, Elections and Referen-
emy Corbyn’s leadership planning between June 2017 and April 2020. contest which Corbyn won, and Beforehand, MPs held a meeting dums Act 2000. But in December
to return the moderates to power. The donors whose money was became a space for MPs to discuss with McSweeney in Portcullis 2017, as he started raising more y(7HA9F6*LNSNRT( |||+&!\'
It meant that party members not disclosed included Martin Tay- reuniting the party and returning it House, Westminster, in which the money, funds stopped being
2 The Sunday Times November 12, 2023


‘Trussonomics’ HOME STRAIGHT


crusader has
peerage denied
A think-tank head has been removed from the former
PM’s honours list after a row with the charity regulator
Harry Yorke Deputy Political Editor will only nominate peers that have
received Holac’s approval.
The head of a libertarian think tank Holac refused to answer questions
credited with influencing the policies of about Littlewood or Truss’s resignation
Liz Truss’s government has been stopped list. However, a source familiar with its
from receiving a peerage.
Mark Littlewood, the director-general
After decision said members of Holac had
raised concerns about Littlewood relat-
of the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), months of ing to previous run-ins between the IEA
was put forward for a peerage by Truss in and the Charity Commission.
her resignation honours list this year. delay The commission wrote to the charity
Littlewood, 51, championed Truss’s
mini-budget and was seen by many as
Truss’s list regulator several months ago with ques-
tions about the IEA, to which it received
having helped to inspire her programme has still responses. Although Holac’s specific
of tax cuts and supply side reforms,
dubbed “Trussonomics”.
not been objections remain unclear, in July 2018
the Charity Commission opened a
In March it emerged that she had sub- sent to regulatory compliance case into the IEA
mitted a resignation honours list despite because of concerns about its political
having been in office for only 49 days. Her Sunak independence.
list contained four life peerages and a In February 2019 the regulator issued
number of lesser honours. the IEA with an official warning over a
Littlewood was nominated for a peer- report it had produced outlining a plan
age alongside Matthew Elliott, the chief for Brexit.
executive of the Vote Leave campaign, The regulator said the report and
Jon Moynihan, a venture capitalist who launch event were breaches of charity
donated £20,000 to Truss’s leadership law and asked the IEA to provide written
campaign, and Ruth Porter, a long-term assurances that it “will not engage in Vintage tractors were hauled out of the shed to compete in the East Lothian Ploughing Association’s annual match at East Fenton Farm in
ally and Truss aide. campaigning and/or political activity that North Berwick yesterday. The perfect furrow is straight, regular and free of straw. Previous champions have gone on to represent Scotland
After months of delay, Truss’s list has contravenes legal or regulatory require-
still not been submitted to Rishi Sunak. ments”.
When he receives her list, he is then It later withdrew its warning — while
expected, under convention, to forward maintaining that the think tank had
it to the King.
Truss’s list is now near to being signed
off. However, Littlewood is no longer on it
breached charity law — noting that the
IEA had promptly removed the report
from its website and complied with the
Hopes for cuts to inheritance tax and stamp duty
and it is understood that his proposed commission’s other guidance.
appointment did not pass the vetting A source at the IEA insisted last night Caroline Wheeler disclosed that his headroom chancellor’s most important The warning comes days
process overseen by the House of Lords that the withdrawal of the warning meant and Harry Yorke had grown to between fiscal rule: to get debt falling after the Bank of England
Appointments Commission (Holac), that it “is entirely false to suggest or imply £13 billion and £15 billion. as a percentage of GDP by warned the economy will be
which is responsible for assessing and that the IEA breached charity law during Tax cuts are back on the table The chancellor had been 2027-28, the last year of the on the brink of recession next
advising the prime minister on the Mark’s tenure”. They added: “The IEA is for the autumn statement expected to wait until the forecast period. year, with four consecutive
propriety of nominated individuals.
Lesser honours are overseen by the Cabi-
in good standing with the Charity Com-
after the chancellor was told
that improved public finances
budget in March to introduce
tax cuts, but worse-than-
Although additional
headroom means the Hunt quarters of zero growth in
GDP predicted if interest rates
net Office.
As part of its assessment, Holac consid-
A spokesman for the commission said:
“The Charities Act gives us authority to
have given him more fiscal
headroom than expected.
expected growth forecasts
are understood to have
chancellor is on course to hit
his target, being in the was follow the path expected by
financial markets.
ers whether a nominee “is in good stand-
ing in the community in general” and
disclose to any relevant information
about our regulatory work with other
Jeremy Hunt is considering
bringing forward plans to cut
encouraged him to
reconsider amid fears that
negative requires the inverse
response, including potential
warned Concerns that Hunt could
miss the chance to cut taxes
with regulators, and whether their “past
conduct” risks bringing the upper cham-
public bodies where appropriate. We
routinely respond to such inquiries
inheritance tax and stamp
duty in next week’s financial
any delay could mean his
headroom evaporated.
tax rises or spending cuts.
According to multiple
negative have also been fuelled by the
fact inflation is predicted to
ber into disrepute.
Its role is advisory and it does not have
providing this does not prejudice due
statement as the Treasury’s
independent fiscal watchdog,
Hunt is looking only at tax
cuts that are less inflationary.
sources, the OBR has told
Hunt it expects the economy
growth rise in January, with a “small
but significant” increase in
the power to block peerages, although
Sunak has suggested previously that he
Littlewood, Truss and the Cabinet
Office declined to comment.
the Office for Budget
Responsibility (OBR),
The OBR calculates
headroom according to the
to suffer negative growth in
the first quarter of next year.
is ahead the energy price cap expected
as energy prices surge.

Labour set to do better than Blair’s

1997 election landslide, poll says
Caroline Wheeler according to an MRP poll of Conservatives’ 156. In 1997 comes amid warnings that
Political Editor 12,128 people conducted by Blair won 418 seats and had a the chancellor will announce
Survation on behalf of the UK majority of 179 seats. that alcohol duty will
Sir Keir Starmer is on course Spirits Alliance. The poll also found that increase by the retail prices
to win more seats than Tony The poll, based on the seat food prices, including the index (RPI) measure of
Blair did in his landslide boundaries that will apply at cost of alcohol, are the inflation on November 22.
victory in 1997, despite the next general election, is pressure most widely felt (by With RPI inflation now at
Labour being divided over its the first since the Hamas 90 per cent). A majority said 8.9 per cent, it means
leader’s refusal to back a terrorist attacks on October 7. alcohol taxes should be cut or another big increase after
ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas It recorded Labour’s frozen in the autumn wine and spirit prices shot up
conflict. national support at 46 per statement (55 per cent), and in August after a
Labour would win a 212- cent — 17 points ahead of the 33 per cent believed taxes restructuring of duty rules.
seat majority if the general Conservatives. This would should rise in line with The poll took place from
election were held tomorrow, secure Labour 431 seats to the inflation. The revelation October 31 to November 3.

Thugs for our freedoms. What we

have seen today does not
defend the honour of our
Starmer’s anomalous £12,500 donation
from Chinn he filed in 2018.
The organisation’s formal
hijack armed forces, but utterly
disrespects them.” guru did response to the watchdog
made no mention of

Armistice Gove was forced to

abandon his ministerial car
close to Victoria station
not declare McSweeney. According to a
letter from the Electoral
Commission in March 2021,
Day events shortly after 4pm due to road
closures. donations Labour Together had instead
referred to “those involved at
Attempting to walk the rest the material time”.
of the journey, the housing It stated that “human
secretary was filmed on his error” was responsible and
→ Continued from page 1 own being heckled and → Continued from page 1 that “frankly it was assumed
to intervene regularly. Later followed down a street close while still at Labour Together, that donations were being
in the day, hundreds again to the station by dozens of McSweeney led Starmer’s properly reported as indeed
tried to force their way up protestors, who shouted leadership campaign. He they had been so reported
Whitehall and clashed with “shame on you” repeatedly. then took a full-time role as up to late 2017 and early
dozens of police officers. A source said he was then his chief of staff. 2018”.
Sunak condemned the put into a police vehicle and The following year, the The watchdog said that did
violence, saying the “scenes driven safely from the station. Electoral Commission not amount to a “reasonable
we have seen today from the They said that he was became aware of the excuse” and issued a fine of
EDL and associated groups “shaken but okay”. donations after McSweeney’s £14,250, the largest that year
and Hamas sympathisers Sadiq Khan, the mayor of successor filed a series of late bar one.
attending the national march London, accused Braverman reports and launched an Labour Together said it
for Palestine” are “wholly of stirring up the far-right, investigation. “proactively raised concerns
unacceptable.” adding that the “scenes of Labour Together turned to about its own reporting to the
He added: “The despicable disorder we witnessed” at the Gerald Shamash, the party’s Electoral Commission” and
actions of a minority of Cenotaph “are a direct result go-to lawyer. McSweeney was “the outcome [was] made
people undermine those who of the home secretary’s consulted as Labour public by the Electoral
have chosen to express their words”. Together’s new team Commission.”
views peacefully. Neil Basu, the former prepared a response. He was McSweeney did not
Remembrance weekend is a assistant commissioner for asked to explain why respond to repeated requests
time for us to come together the Met, said the scenes of donations suddenly stopped for comment.
as a nation and remember violence “ were directly being reported. He was also
those who fought and died related to her comments”. asked about a single Full story, page 15

Subscribe to trusted, 10am-1pm Sunday Morning the former BBC political

insightful journalism. with Kate McCann and correspondent Ross
Choose from a range of Adam Boulton. Guests Hawkins, plus the illusionist
print and digital options include the Tory MP Chris Derren Brown remembers
Skidmore and Utilita Energy the magician David Berglas, chief executive Bill Bullen who died last week
1pm-4pm Alexis Conran, 4pm-7pm Ayesha Hazarika
including Sunday papers (Rick Kelsey sitting in) with
roundup with Dom Joly and the Politics Panel
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 2GN 3


Meet the real-life Del Boy whose wife has just been paid a £141m dividend

Robert Watts perfume went on to build a and still struggles to write, he much as £54 million might development of a 1.2 million frustrated by the island’s
multibillion-pound fortune and his wife appeared on this have been due. sq ft warehouse near government.
and Sam Chambers
through cut-price retail and year’s Sunday Times Rich List The ownership of The Stowmarket, Suffolk, which It’s a proudly family
An £8.99 watch bought recently bought the high- with their combined wealth Range has drawn parallels to he hopes will help expand the business: the Dawsons’
outside a pub has proved to street discounter Wilko out of calculated at £2.025 billion. how the former Topshop firm’s presence in the children Lisa and Christopher
be a pretty decent investment administration. Details of the vast dividend owner Sir Philip Green paid a southeast, and pay down both work for it, and the head
for Sarah Dawson. Within a couple of years of payment to his wife, Sarah, tax-free £1.2 billion dividend sums that the Dawsons had office is named Elsie Margaret
More than 40 years later, meeting in the late 1970s, the 60, are laid bare in the to his Monaco-based wife, borrowed from the company. House after Dawson’s mother.
the cheeky market trader pair married and have since recently published accounts Tina, in 2005. With a nose for a bargain The Range has more than 200
who caught her eye on New built up The Range, their low- of Norton Group, the parent When asked about the and a down-to-earth branches and employs over
George Street in Plymouth cost department store chain company of The Range. dividend paid to his wife, demeanour, Dawson is more 11,000 people.
has given her a dividend of often spoken of as “the poor Although she owns 100 per Dawson said it was “negative” likely to be spotted in the After paying £5 million for
£141 million. man’s John Lewis”. cent of the company, and is to concentrate on the money greasy spoons and pubs of the collapsed retailer’s brand,
She was in her teens and Dawson, 71, is one of therefore the only beneficiary being taken out of The Range. Devon than Michelin-starred Dawson has already
working in a nearby Britain’s most successful and of the dividend, it will not be “We’re passionate about restaurants. He remains relaunched online sales of
department store when she colourful retailers, widely regarded as uncontentious what we’re doing — creating resident in the UK for tax Wilko and plans to have his
came across Chris Dawson, known as “Del Boy”. The because she now lives in jobs and bringing low cost to reasons, unlike his wife. first Wilko-branded shops
who would become her number plate on his Rolls- Jersey. As a result, the more people,” he said. “We’re He has not had everything open before Christmas.
husband, the father of her Royce bears the name of the payment is unlikely to be excited to be reviving Wilko — his own way since his wife Some 45 years after they
two children and her boss. Only Fools and Horses liable for UK tax, now levied The Range’s helicopter of a it’s clearly a name many shifted her residency to the met, Dawson says his wife still
The wheeler-dealer with character. at up to 39.35 per cent on Chris Dawson billionaire but he people out there really love.” Channel Islands in 2016. His has the watch he sold her that
the suitcase brimming with Although he left school such payments. If she were may have the still loves greasy The dividend, he said, was hopes of opening one of his day. When asked if it works,
jewellery, watches and without any qualifications resident in the UK, tax of as Rolls-Royce and spoons and pubs partly used to support the shops on the island has been he replied: “Probably.”

The King unveiled
a statue of his

late mother,
Queen Elizabeth,
at the Royal
Albert Hall last
night before the
annual Festival of
Charles and other
royals including
the Princess of
Wales, and the
prime minister,
Rishi Sunak, and
his wife,
Murty, led the
nation in
the fallen

Champion polluter China to host

William’s Earthshot green awards
The prince hopes to win William, 41, discussed his plans for
China with the prime minister and presi-
China — in which he described the coun-
try’s communist leaders as “appalling old
“Scale and ambition is something the
prince thinks a lot about. He wants to
largest consumers of ivory, William met
President Xi and condemned the illegal
almost 2.1 million hectares of ocean, and
removed, upcycled or avoided more than
the country over to his dent of Singapore last week during his waxworks” — emerged and caused a dip- make Earthshot truly global.” wildlife trade as a “vicious form of crimi- 40,000 tonnes of waste.
eco causes — despite the three-day visit to the country, which
hosted this year’s Earthshot prize awards
lomatic storm.
His meetings with the Dalai Lama,
At the G7 summit in May, Rishi Sunak
said China posed “the biggest challenge
nality”. Later that year, as Xi began a UK
state visit, William appeared on Chinese
China is by far the world’s biggest pro-
ducer of greenhouse gases, accounting
King’s frosty attitude to ceremony. Tibet’s exiled spiritual leader, who of our age to global security and prosper- television condemning the ivory trade. for 29 per cent of global emissions last
Now in its third year, the £50 million describes them as “very close ... the ity”. In July, Oliver Dowden, the deputy Two years later China banned the trade. year, compared with 11 per cent for the
the communist regime global initiative gives £1 million each to best of friends”, including an event in prime minister, described China as the Charles has made some efforts US and 0.8 per cent for the UK. Xi
five winners every year, which they use to 2012 when they were photographed “largest state-based threat” to Britain’s to become more engaged with China. has pledged to peak emissions by 2030
Roya Nikkhah and Ben Spencer scale up projects providing solutions to laughing and holding hands, further economic security. In 2015 he hosted Xi and his wife at and reach net zero by 2060. But in the
some of the world’s biggest environmen- strained relations. William travelled to China in 2015 on Clarence House but steered clear of the first six months of this year China
The Prince of Wales will take his annual tal problems. The next two ceremonies A royal source said: “Prince William an official visit, when diplomatic rela- state banquet at Buckingham Palace approved 52 gigawatts of new coal power,
Earthshot prize awards to China in an will be held in Africa and South America, believes that when it comes to the climate tions were less fractious and David Cam- hosted by Queen Elizabeth, which the equivalent of two new coal-fired
attempt to engage with the country and with China and India expected to follow. and the environment, Asia is critical. He’s eron’s government encouraged trade and William and Kate attended. power plants a week.
accelerate change to its environmental Britain’s relationship with China has of the view you can’t exclude a big chunk investment with the regime. While in the This year’s Earthshot prize awards Tackling climate change plays a key
policies. deteriorated in recent years, with the of the planet when thinking about fight- People’s Republic, one of the world’s ceremony will be broadcast today on role in the country’s politics, partly
He will visit the world’s biggest People’s Republic alienating the West ing for its future. To fast-forward the BBC1, with a film by Sir David Attenbor- because of growing unease about the air
polluter despite severely strained over its human rights abuses of the change and impact he wants, he knows ough and performances from the bands pollution in Chinese cities, which causes
relations between China and the West, Uighur Muslim minority; national secu- he has to engage with China and India — Bastille and OneRepublic. about two million deaths each year. It has
a decision that is in marked contrast rity threats including espionage and two of the world’s biggest economies and The winners feature projects from invested billions in hydroelectric, wind
to his father’s approach. cyberattacks; the erosion of the “one biggest emitters of carbon dioxide. around the world, including Acción and solar energy, and earlier this year
The King, who will be 75 on Tuesday, country, two systems” policy in Hong “This is not him commenting on gov- Andina, an initiative that has planted passed the key milestone of having more
has never visited mainland China Kong; and its increasingly aggressive ernment policy. This is about his more than 6.5 million native trees in the electricity-generating capacity from
because of his views on the regime’s approach to the sovereignty of Taiwan, approach to the environment and ability Andes, and GRST, a Hong Kong-based clean sources than fossil fuels. It also pro-
treatment of Tibet and its human rights which China claims as its own. to create real global change. It is him company that has devised a way to duces 57 per cent of the world’s electric
record. His eldest son is said to believe The King’s animosity towards the Chi- thinking, ‘Where can I deliver impact and recycle lithium-ion batteries. vehicles. All eyes will again be on China at
that you “can’t exclude a big chunk of the nese government is well documented. In change not just here but around the Finalists from the inaugural awards in the Cop28 UN climate summit in Dubai,
planet when thinking about fighting for 2005, diary entries made during his 1997 world?’ That is his longer-term view.” 2021 have protected or restored 7,000 which the King will attend when it begins
its future”. visit to Hong Kong for the handover to A Kensington Palace spokesman said: William meeting President Xi in 2015 hectares (17,300 acres) of land and at the end of this month.

Do I not like that! Graham Taylor outburst saved Elton Our friends electric:
Liam Kelly
arrived early for a board as far as I’m concerned.” says. “It was one of those then I was going to kill Taylor, previously the boss of £10,000 giveaway to
Arts Correspondent
Graham Taylor was well
meeting so he could speak to
John alone. As soon as the
singer sat down, according to
The singer told Watford
Forever’s author, John
Preston, who spent hours
moments when all the
delusions that I’d surrounded
myself with, all the lies I’d told
myself. That was what really
shone through; behind his
anger, I could see that he
Lincoln City, the following
year. Unprecedented success
followed for the Hertfordshire
boost energy projects
known for his ferocious the book, Taylor grabbed a interviewing him at his homes myself, fell away. I was just left really loved me.” club: it finished second in the
temper, but Sir Elton John bottle of brandy from the in Windsor and the south of there, stunned and mortified.” From that day, John swore first division in the 1982-83 Caroline Wheeler be offered to people living
credits a particularly boardroom drinks cabinet France, that Taylor’s outburst Since Reg Dwight became off drinking and taking season and reached the 1984 and Harry Yorke further away.
aggressive outburst for and slammed it on the table made him feel ashamed. “It Elton John in 1969 and cocaine. “Something took FA Cup final. The scheme is expected to
stopping him drinking and in front of him. shook me to the core,” he rapidly achieved wealth and root inside me that day,” John Watford lost 2-0 to People living near new be the most eye-catching
taking drugs. “That’s what you have for stardom, nobody in the music says. “It launched me on the Everton, and John said he energy projects will be announcement amid reforms
“I’ve no doubt that breakfast, isn’t it?” said Graham Taylor with Elton industry had spoken to him road to recovery. Although should have spoken to his offered discounts of up to in the autumn statement to
Graham saved my life. Taylor, who became known John after being made the that way. “I certainly there were plenty of false players before the game. £10,000 on electricity bills as hasten energy infrastructure.
Without him, I would have for his catchphrase “Do I not manager of Watford in 1977 wouldn’t have taken it from dawns along the way, lots “Because I’d played there [at part of efforts to quell Other measures will
been lost,” John says in a new like that” after a documentary, anyone else; I would just have of setbacks and broken Wembley] myself, I wished opposition to them. include plans to help end
book, Watford Forever: How An Impossible Job, aired about told them to f*** off,” John promises, it gave me the kick- that I’d talked to them The payments are delays to grid connection. It is
Graham Taylor and Elton John his time as England says. “But because Graham start I needed. In effect, beforehand and told them intended to increase approval estimated that projects worth
Saved a Football Club, a Town manager in the early came from outside my world, Graham saved my life; I’ve not to be intimidated,” he for onshore wind farms, £200 billion, which would
and Each Other, to be 1990s. “What the somehow that meant I never had the slightest doubt told Preston. sub-stations and pylons. create about 222,000 jobs,
published on Thursday. f*** do you think couldn’t ignore it. I may have about that.” After spending more than Jeremy Hunt, the are waiting for up to 15 years
It was Boxing Day morning you’re doing? been the king of my After a few false starts, £9 million to transform chancellor, and Claire to be connected because of a
in 1981, and Taylor, who You’re letting castle, but that was John has been sober since Watford, John sold the club in Coutinho, the energy lack of capacity. A five-point
managed Watford football yourself down completely July 30, 1990. 1987, but he is still a hero at secretary, are negotiating plan will be introduced to
club, and John, who owned it, and you’re unimportant to him. A Watford supporter since the club and a stand at how the payments will work. remove stalled projects from
arrived at the Vicarage Road letting the club Graham just cared he was a boy growing up in Vicarage Road is named after Households will probably get the queue and reform the
stadium. The dishevelled down. If you ever about me as a nearby Pinner, John took him. It faces the stand named discounts of up to £10,000 process for new connections.
singer immediately poured turn up looking person. About the control of the club in 1976 in honour of Taylor, who died on bills, paid in annual This will include accelerating
himself a whisky. like this again, fact that if I carried on while it was marooned in the of a heart attack in 2017 at the chunks of £1,000 for up to ten connections for the top ten
The next morning Taylor that’s f***ing it the way I was going, fourth division. He appointed age of 72. years. Smaller discounts may projects.
4 V2


Far-right leader returns as thugs

attack police patrolling march
Tommy Robinson was in the front line as hooligans clashed with officers and pro-Palestine demonstrators on the capital’s streets
Nicholas Hellen, Dominic Hauschild, in. Robinson, the founder of the English Hooligans led by Tommy 20 male counter-protesters who were years of far-right activism, enabling him
Dipesh Gadher, Hugo Daniel Defence League (EDL), left the area in a Robinson, top right, said to have punched members of her to insert himself into a succession of con-
black cab just before the violence began. clashed with police near group. Tom Peacock, 27, who was out on troversies in race relations. Along the
He didn’t make it as far as the Cenotaph The Metropolitan police said officers parliament and later in a run, said: “A group of men, about 20, way, he has been jailed six times,
yesterday but Tommy Robinson was in had faced “unacceptable violence” as Chinatown. At the main pretty obviously far-right, bumped into a found guilty of libelling a fifteen-year-old
the thick of the action as several hundred hooligans launched missiles at them. march, opposite, protesters group of the Palestinian contingent. One Syrian refugee and convicted of prejudic-
people rallied in Whitehall to protest Footage that emerged on social media of with Hamas-style of the guys punched one of the Palestini- ing the trial of an alleged child-grooming
against the pro-Palestine march nearby. the riots shows scores of men throwing headbands were seen. ans on the side of the head. Then the gang. He is also a convicted football
There were chants of “England till I die” punches and aiming kicks at police. Many Below, Michael Gove police turned up afterwards and the far- hooligan, having led 100 Luton Town
and “we want our country back”. of them were clutching pint glasses or was caught up in the right people just swanned off.” fans in a violent attack on rivals in 2011.
The counter-protesters consisted of wearing balaclavas. march at Victoria By early evening, 105 people had been His pseudonym honours a prominent
men in face masks and people waving Outside the Duke of York pub near arrested, according to police, the vast hooligan and fellow Luton Town
Union Jacks and the St George’s flag. The Victoria station, police and stewards of majority of them counter-protesters. supporter.
crowd shouted, pushed and threw cans the pro-Palestine march had to step in to Offences included possession of offen- Robinson, 40, grew up in Luton,
of beer at riot police, while police retali- separate 30 hooligans facing off with a sive weapons, affray and possession of where demographic change meant white
ated with their batons. group of young Asian and black men. One drugs. Britons had become the minority by the
The chaos began just after 10.30am, tattooed drinker repeatedly shouted The return of the far-right to England’s time of the 2011 census. His mother
when a flood of counter-protesters broke “scum” at the marchers, while others ges- streets came a week after the return to worked in a bakery and his stepfather
through a thin defensive line of police tured for a fight, saying “C’mon then!”. Twitter/X of Robinson. He used the plat- was employed locally at the Vauxhall car
officers and came within sight of the war Those who had gathered at another form to urge like-minded individuals to plant. Despite passing 11 GCSEs at grade
memorial, climbing on low walls and pub near Vauxhall Bridge threw their join Saturday’s demonstration, declaring A-C, he left school at 16.
crowding the pavement. A brief respite glasses into the main protest crowd in a video: “It’s about our respect for our His undoubted intelligence shone
came as Big Ben struck 11 and the crowd
marked a moment of silence. Men before riot police charged in, while offi-
cers hemmed in potential troublemakers
armed forces — nothing else.”
Robinson, whose real name is Stephen He has through and aged 20 he beat off stiff com-
petition to win an apprenticeship as an
Tension soon picked up, however, as
thugs in hoodies and masks clashed with threw outside at least two other pubs along the
route. At the White Swan, police could be
Yaxley-Lennon, was banned from Twit-
ter for five years and filed for bankruptcy been aircraft engineer at Luton airport. This
career came to an abrupt end after he
officers in Chinatown, in Parliament
Square and outside Westminster Under- punches seen searching drinkers for possible
two years ago, though he never really
went away. jailed was convicted for assaulting an off-duty
police officer.
ground station. Near Vauxhall Bridge,
yobs threw missiles at those supporting a at police One female pro-Palestinian supporter
was taken away in a police van after argu-
The grounds he gave for wading into
the Armistice Day dispute show a popu- six times Bitter at his loss, he found somewhere
to channel his discontent when he dis-
ceasefire in Gaza before police charged ing with officers following a clash with list touch running through almost 15 covered Islamists were recruiting men

Away from the ugly

enemy territory. And targeted the Cenotaph, or I’ve just returned from a like a march for a free
LOUISE everyone was finding it when pro-Palestinian month of reporting in Israel Palestine and more like a
CALLAGHAN unbearably awkward. demonstrators surrounded and the West Bank for The march against the home

scenes, calmer voices

“Errr, after you,” said one Michael Gove at Victoria Sunday Times. I spend my secretary. Some protesters
of the far-right group, as a station, while others marched days talking to families of repeated antisemitic tropes
Muslim family stopped to let in Hamas headbands. Israeli hostages, or those that remain prevalent
them walk across their path. But the protesters and murdered by Hamas, and to across the Muslim world: that

make a plea for decency

“Thanks,” replied the counter-protesters I saw friends and colleagues in Jews control the media, and
On the escalators by Marble father, whose children were walking through London on a Gaza who are living and dying that as a result the plight of
Arch Underground station, carrying signs reading: Free glorious autumn day all under the Israeli the Palestinians is ignored in
four far-right protesters were Palestine. seemed to have come bombardment. the West, or that Jewish
doing their best to look “Lovely day,” said a blonde because they felt that the When I first walked out of funding makes the US
invisible. One had a can of woman with a Union Jack, people in charge were Marble Arch station, the government beholden to
lager in his hand, another who told me she had come to ignoring the things that were protest, and the public Israel.
wore a pin with an England “respect the fallen”, important to them. A right to debate and narrative around People who I guessed
flag on. And all around them, presumably from the First protest. A ceasefire in Gaza. A it in the UK, seemed as far might not have been able to
from the train doors to the World War. two-state solution. Armistice away from that hell as to be point out Gaza on a map five
Pret around the corner, were Suella Braverman might Day. British values, whatever about a different issue weeks ago chanted, “From
Muslims and leftwingers and have called it a hate march that meant. Kurdistan and altogether. the river to the sea, Palestine
people with suspiciously pink and there certainly were ugly Congo and veganism, all of With each person I spoke will be free”, with no
hair. They were deep in scenes as the far right which I saw signs supporting. to, the protest seemed less understanding of how that
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 V2 5


Braverman’s fiery rhetoric

from his home town to fight for the ments on his behalf. He was again jailed
Taliban in Afghanistan. for contempt of court in 2019. In 2021, he
He told the Daily Telegraph in an inter- was hit with a five-year stalking protec-
view in 2013: “I was like, they can’t do tion order for harassing a journalist who

leaves her out in the cold, but

that. In working-class communities, we reported on his alleged misuses of dona-
all know somebody in the armed forces. tions.
I’ve got a mate who lost his legs. And After the defeat of Donald Trump in
these lot were sending people to kill our the 2020 US presidential election, Robin-

could Rwanda save her career?

boys.” son urged him to continue the fight, and
He learnt the power of direct action was in turn praised by the leader of the
when he staged a demonstration that Proud Boys, the white nationalist organi-
prompted police to intervene. “I said, sation involved in the failed plot to keep
‘Look, when we were at war with the IRA, Trump in power. Robinson has a follow-
would we let the Irish stand in the middle ing among anti-Islam groups in Germany
of the town and recruit for the IRA?’ No
we f***ing wouldn’t. So why are we let-
and Denmark.
The outbreak of war between Israel Left isolated in the cabinet after the policing row, the home
ting them?”
In 2009 he founded the EDL and for
and Hamas has presented Robinson with
an opportunity, and the signs are that he secretary’s job may depend on whether her migrant deal
the next four years travelled around Brit-
ain, staging demonstrations in trouble
has learnt from his previous miscalcula-
tions. is ruled to be legal, write Caroline Wheeler and Harry Yorke
spots, challenging what he regarded as He has calibrated his commentary to
the Islamification of Britain and stoking speak to the people he calls “the silent
tensions with Muslims. He stepped down majority”. In the statement he recorded
in 2013, claiming the movement had been for Twitter/X, he said: “You’ve watched Rishi Sunak was in his Braverman’s attacks on the government. One said that found to be unlawful in the whether to sack her on
infiltrated by extremists. the last three weeks . . . Terrorist organi- Downing Street study on police came despite her being doing so would allow her to Supreme Court, any attempt Thursday, but that calmer
There followed a curious episode sations, flags and banners are flying, call- Wednesday night when he told Rowley’s position on the escape the backlash that will to revive the policy would still heads had prevailed.
where he befriended a reformed Isla- ing for jihad and no one gets arrested, but saw the article in The Times protests was defendable. That follow if the government’s end up unravelling. However, some in No 10
mist, Maajid Nawaz, and apologised for they got someone holding a British flag by his home secretary that included legal advice, immigration plans unravel. Another option is to add believe there is a possibility
creating fear among British Muslims, and an English flag. accused police of “playing understood to have been That could happen as soon as more countries to the list of that Braverman could resign.
explaining that he hated extremism, not “Our police and government go for the favourites” with protesters. drawn up internally by the Wednesday, when the “safe states” to which people Several former cabinet
Muslims. However, there were questions easy option. The silent majority have had Only hours earlier he had Home Office, which made Supreme Court rules on who arrive on small boats ministers believe that she
about whether he had taken part in a BBC enough in this country of the abuse and had what sources described clear that the Met’s position whether the Rwanda plan to could be automatically wants to break her links with
television film that charted his journey as the liberties that are being taken on our as a “constructive meeting” was reasonable. Similarly, the deport migrants is lawful. returned. Last week Georgia a government veering
a cynical ploy. sacred day. The 11th of the 11th, to us, is as with Sir Mark Rowley, the home secretary had not It is understood that and India were added to the towards electoral defeat, in
The decade since Robinson stepped important as your mosque. It’s as impor- Metropolitan Police received security advice that Downing Street has a “low list, but Jenrick, the turn bolstering her chances
down from the EDL has been marked by a tant as your Quran. As important as your commissioner, to discuss this contradicted the Met’s own expectation of success” and immigration minister, has as a “clean slate candidate” in
succession of political stunts, legal skir- prophet. You come and you disrespect us weekend’s pro-Palestinian assessment: that the march the Home Office is drawing raised the idea of also adding any contest to become leader
mishes and unedifying disputes. In 2017, in such a way, on that day.” demonstrations. The on Armistice Day would not up contingency plans in the Iraq — a proposal that would of the opposition.
he was convicted of contempt of court for He again trod a careful line, claiming statement issued by the PM cross the legal threshold event it loses the case. be likely to prompt sharp Critics of the prime
filming inside a crown court and calling he was attending as a journalist, while afterwards, when he necessary to trigger a ban. One option that has been criticism from human rights minister, who believe he
the defendants “Muslim child rapists”. In encouraging others to attend. It means defended the right to That Braverman raised internally is to agree a campaigners and refugee should have sacked
2018, he was appointed grooming-gang he cannot be held directly responsible peaceful protest, had been nevertheless attacked Rowley new deal with Rwanda. charities. The Home Office is Braverman on Wednesday
adviser to Ukip by Gerard Batten, its for any trouble. By mid-afternoon, the jointly agreed. publicly has angered a Rather than a memorandum said to be prioritising Turkey night, fear delaying his
short-lived leader, prompting Nigel Far- police had arrested 92 counter-protest- Sources say Braverman’s number of her colleagues. of understanding, this would and Egypt. Either way the decision could open him up
age to quit the party. ers. incendiary comments have “It’s an irresponsible be upgraded to a treaty to be government will face a big to attacks by the opposition.
In the same year he was jailed for Robinson had said: “This is a call to plunged relations between position,” said one. “She’s got ratified by MPs. Advocates backlog of people waiting to Labour is planning to exploit
almost collapsing the Huddersfield every one of you. Make your way to Lon- her and the PM further into herself into a position where believe this would make it be deported. the PM’s perceived weakness
grooming-gang trial after live-streaming don and be in London. But be calm and the deep freeze. she is making public harder to challenge in the Many of Braverman’s by mobilising a campaign
outside Leeds crown court, and PayPal be respectful. This isn’t about a political Sunak, whose allies claim statements but can’t back courts. critics in the cabinet argue warning voters that if the
told him it would no longer process pay- party. It shouldn’t be about me.” he has a “professional them up with action.” However, sources say the that her rhetorical flourishes Tories get a hung parliament
relationship” with While acknowledging legal consensus in the Home are part of a longer-term or a small majority, the
Braverman, did not speak to tensions, one of Braverman’s Office is if the policy was pattern in which she attempts “ghosts of the Tory party”,
her for 24 hours after The allies pointed out that the Met to brush over her failures by including Braverman, Liz
might be seen as a call for safe in Britain since the war Times article appeared. had been notified in advance resorting to ever more Truss, Kwasi Kwarteng and
Israel to be wiped out. began. A man had shouted at A former cabinet minister of the article and the home inflammatory language. Jacob Rees-Mogg will hold the
“Resistance by repressed her on the street, she said, said: “It’s a dysfunctional secretary and Rowley had Sir John Hayes, balance of power.
peoples is always legitimate,” and a friend had been relationship. But he has given spoken on Friday evening. Braverman’s closest Nadine Dorries’s new book
shouted a blonde woman attacked on a night bus. her [Braverman] the benefit The cabinet anger has been backbench ally, has been The Plot: The Political
with a cut-glass accent, who
said she didn’t want to talk to
Today of Farhat, 54, said she was
horrified by the idea that Jews
of the doubt too often so it
must be a convenient political
compounded by the fact that
the article was published days
She makes circulating a letter to
colleagues backing her and
Assassination of Boris Johnson
has not helped. House of
the mainstream media.
“Suella Braverman, Tory
all days, would feel unsafe at the
protest. “This isn’t about
one. He [Sunak] doesn’t trust
her. He put Robert [ Jenrick]
after she had prompted
criticism by claiming that
statements urging them to sign it. A
source said he intended to
Commons officials are so
appalled by some of her
scum.” we want Jewish people, Muslims, into the department to many homeless people but can’t back send it to Sunak tomorrow. revelations, including claims
Palestinian lives were, Christians,” she said. “We feel oversee her and [Oliver] sleeping rough in tents did so After far-right groups an MP stored a laptop
again, being used as a an end like we’re being gaslit on a Dowden has been chairing as a “lifestyle choice”. them up clashing with police in central containing indecent images
political football by both sides
— to slam Labour or the to the grand scale . . . we just want to
stop the killing.”
the emergency Cobra
meetings on the protests.”
Her comments were made
in defence of proposals — with action London and antisemitic
chants and posters were on
of children on behalf of a
relative and that the Tory
Tories. I could have left at this
point, thoroughly depressed
bombing Near Westminster, as the
sun began to set, I met Aaron
When Sunak gave
Braverman back her job as
rejected by the Home Office
last year — that were being
show at the pro-Palestinian
march, a cabinet minister
whips’ office is in possession
of a video of a minister having
about the state of the world. Balick, 50, a psychotherapist home secretary in October internally discussed as part of spoke out in Braverman’s sex, that they have formally
But as the march wore on, from the US who has lived in last year, it was universally a new criminal justice bill, Suella Braverman leaving defence. “There is a lot of made a request to the chief
winding through Westminster London for decades. He was accepted that he had done so outlined in the King’s Speech. home yesterday to attend anger in the country about whip asking for details of
and towards the Thames, I standing by himself on the only out of political necessity. They had not yet been fully the Armistice Day the protests last weekend, what the party knows of these
started speaking to those who side of the road, holding a Securing her approved. Some in the commemorations especially the image of the alleged incidents.
weren’t shouting so loudly. sign that read: “Another Jew endorsement, and that of her government believe that her surrounding of poppy sellers. Such is the disillusionment
Nadia Elwahabi, 39, who standing with Palestine.” backbench followers, was comments were an attempt to I would suggest Suella has in the party that a tranche of
works for the council in He’d been nervous, he told what secured victory for “bounce” Alex Chalk, the latched onto that. There is veteran MPs are thought to be
Streatham, south London, me, about coming to the Sunak in the Tory leadership justice secretary, into genuine disbelief on why poised to announce plans to
said she had come because protest. On the Tube he’d contest and arguably denied accepting the proposal. police don’t intervene quit the Commons in January
she wanted to call for a covered his sign with a bin Boris Johnson a chance to Chalk has publicly on this stuff.” after No 10 asked them to
ceasefire, to save the lives of bag because he was return. distanced himself from MPs and ministers delay their announcements
people in Gaza. “When does concerned about his safety. A year on — and after Braverman’s comments and critical of to the new year.
calling for stopping the But when he arrived, and repeated clashes — the raised his concerns with Braverman believe For those who are
murder of babies become a uncovered it, he’d been wisdom of Sunak’s decision is colleagues including Simon her support on the intending to remain as MPs,
bad thing?” she asked. stopped every few minutes being called into question. Hart, the chief whip. backbenches has the question is turning to who
“British people are decent by people thanking him for Since No 10 broke A government source been overstated. will lead the party. According
and tolerant, I just wish his support. “On social media established protocols to suggested that Braverman Downing Street to an exclusive MRP poll,
politicians would represent it’s just thoroughly divisive, reveal that it had not cleared had agreed to the and the whips’ potential rivals Grant Shapps,
us. Today, of all days, we with no nuance or the article, not a single provocative Times office are the defence secretary, and
should be calling for an end complexity,” he said. “It’s us cabinet minister has offered article in an understood to have Penny Mordaunt, the leader
to the bombing.” and them. And me being here Braverman their support. attempt to estimated her of the Commons, are
Like many British Muslims shows it’s not that. Former home secretaries move the news supporters at between predicted to lose their seats.
I spoke to at the march, she “There’s a basic will among are unimpressed. Labour’s agenda on from six and a dozen, Claire Coutinho, the energy
felt a deep emotional protesters that I’ve Charles Clarke said: “The the tent row. including Lee secretary, who is believed to
connection to Palestine, and encountered to stop the core principle of British However, they added Anderson and Miriam be Sunak’s preferred choice
believed that the failure by violence. It doesn’t matter democracy is the sovereignty that while the Home Cates. It has also been noted to replace him, has told
the UK government to call for where you’re from. It’s the of the rule of law, which both Office team had that a drinks reception held friends she has no aspiration
a ceasefire showed that antithesis of Braverman and police officers and anticipated some by the Common Sense to become the next leader.
politicians believed that the that hate.” government ministers are criticism, the scale Group, which backs However, some in the
lives of people in Gaza were As he spoke, a young man required to respect. of the opprobrium Braverman, was attended party claim the talent pool is
somehow worth less than the draped in a Palestinian flag Braverman has demonstrated had taken them by by only seven MPs. so shallow that the next
lives of others. walked up to him. “I’m from that she neither understands surprise. Regardless of whether leader will be “someone
Her friend Bilquis Palestine,” he said. “And I just nor respects this central tenet However, Braverman’s support is people have not even thought
Mohammedhosen, 35, an want to thank you.” of our democracy, which others believe waning, Sunak appears to about yet”.
engineer from Oxford, said When he walked away, means that she can no longer that Braverman have decided to play for
that, as a woman wearing a they both had tears in their credibly serve as home is looking for a time. A source said there had Robert Colvile, page 24
headscarf, she had felt less eyes. secretary.” way out of been discussion about Camilla Long, page 25


‘I don’t care about my life at all. As a DOAA ROUQA/REUTERS

Staff say Gaza City’s

biggest hospital has
no electricity and
3,000 are trapped
Louise Callaghan
Middle East Correspondent
Anshel Pfeffer Jerusalem
From al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City,
medic Mohammad Hawajreh can hear
shooting and the crash of artillery as Isra-
eli forces draw closer. Patients lie on the
floor: there is nowhere to treat them and
nothing to give them. There is no electric-
ity. Nothing is safe here.
The largest hospital in Gaza City has
collapsed. Patients in the intensive care
unit are being kept alive manually — some
have already died. Staff had been ration- A little girl, left,
ing fuel to keep the generators going, but had her wounds
now that has gone. The 3,000 patients stitched without
and displaced people sheltering there, as anaesthetic; lack
well as the 50 medical staff, many of them of fuel means
volunteers, are trapped. Yesterday morn- surgery is by
ing there was a direct hit on the fourth torchlight. Right:
floor, witnesses said. Outside the walls, Palestinians
Israeli troops and Palestinian gunmen search for
fought in the streets. survivors after an
“We are on a battlefield,” Hawajreh, Israeli strike on a
33, who works for Médecins Sans Frontiè- house in Rafah
res (Doctors without Borders, MSF), said
in a phone call from the hospital. “It’s a tion” at al-Shifa must stop. Martin Grif- area close by was bombed at least once. them women and children, according to world taking a unified stand, the hosts
catastrophe. fiths, the UN humanitarian chief, posted The patients who remained in al-Shifa, the Gaza health authorities. and at least two other members who have
“There’s bombing, bullets, fire on the that “there can be no justification for acts Hawajreh said, were suffering from their On Friday President Macron broke relations with Israel refused to vote on a
street,” he added. “Everyone is anxious of war in healthcare facilities, leaving wounds, but also the lack of medical ranks with the US and other western lead- resolution, endorsed by 11 members, call-
they’ll be targeted. They’re scared, them with no power, food or water”. equipment. Staff were almost out of pain- ers to call for a ceasefire, telling the BBC ing for the freezing of all ties with Israel,
everyone is scared here.” An Israeli officer, Colonel Moshe killers, and even bandages were in short there was “no justification” for Israel’s closing airspace to Israeli aircraft and
Still, Hawajreh will not leave. He and Tetro, acknowledged the fighting outside supply. They had run out of places to put bombing campaign. prohibiting the use of US bases in Arab
his team are doing what they can: stitch- the hospital but denied that al-Shifa was the injured on the ground. The Arab League and Organisation of countries to supply Israel with arms.
ing wounds, bandaging. They will be under siege or direct attack. He said that “Patients with wounds on their faces … Islamic Co-operation held an emergency Senior Israeli commanders are aware
there until the end. safe passage in co-oordination with the infected wounds as well because of the joint summit in Riyadh and called for an that the mounting calls for a break in hos-
“I don’t care about my life at all,” he Israel Defence Forces (IDF) was available infection that comes from the rockets immediate ceasefire. tilities are reducing the time available to
said. “I’m here doing humanitarian for anyone wishing to leave. On Friday, inside their bodies, it makes the wound Among those attending were Presi- achieve their objectives.
work, supporting and trying to save lives. some of those sheltering in the hospital not clean,” he said. “I saw worms coming dent Assad of Syria, who was responsible In recent days, more ground forces
That’s my aim. My aim in my life. I can’t managed to flee south, past Israeli tanks out from the wounds. Hundreds and for the deaths of hundreds of thousands have been sent in, comprised now of
leave them.” and checkpoints. thousands of patients. The majority of of civilians during the civil war in his three armoured divisions (two regular;
Dr Marwan Abu Sada, head of the Children waved white flags or scraps patients are suffering, in pain.” country, and President Raisi of Iran, one of reserve brigades) and most of an
department of surgery at al-Shifa hospi-
tal, said in a voice note that the situation Everyone of paper with their names on, in case
they were killed or separated from their
The medical staff are exhausted. Many
have lost family members. They have not
whose regime backs Hamas, making the
first visit by an Iranian leader to Saudi
airborne division.
These units, working in “combined
in the hospital was “very dangerous” and
that people who had tried to escape that here is parents.
Last night, the Israeli military said it
been paid for months, and some of them
do not have the money to move south.
Arabia in 11 years.
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman,
arms” brigade combat groups that
include tanks, infantry and combat-engi-
day had been shot and killed. He said that
he had been unable to bury many of the anxious would help evacuate babies from al-Shifa
today following a request from the hospi-
Because there is almost no humanitarian
aid coming in, they would have nothing
the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia,
accused Israel of waging a “barbaric war
neering battalions, have been encircling
Gaza City’s “security quarter”, where
dead because of the Israeli attacks.
On social media Robert Mardini, the they’ll be tal administration.
Most of the medical facilities in Gaza
when they arrived.
International pressure is mounting on
against our brothers in Palestine” that
highlighted the failure of the UN security
Hamas’s main offices and headquarters
are based.
director-general of the International
Committee of the Red Cross, declared targeted City have shut. The Indonesian hospital,
one of the biggest, was partially working
the Israeli government to call off the
offensive against Hamas that has killed
council “to put an end to the flagrant Isra-
eli violations of international laws”.
The Israeli forces have two main mis-
sions. First, in the shrinking perimeter in
that the “unbearably desperate situa- on Friday, when witnesses said that the more than 11,000 Palestinians, most of However, despite talk of the Arab the centre of the city, they are trying to
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 V2 7

medic, I can’t leave the wounded’ HATEM KHALED/REUTERS

isolate locations, including medical facili- al-Rantisi Hospital for three days, calling IDF claims later to have later on tracked go from building to building in Gaza City both very surprised and have trouble those sheltering in al-Shifa said that they
ties, where they believe Hamas senior on the staff and patients to leave, but they down the Hamas commander from the and surrounding towns. “They’ve tried now communicating with their under- had no way out. “There’s shooting every-
commanders are sheltering in under- were prevented to do from doing so by hospital, Ahmed Siyam, at a nearby to ambush us many times but we lings.” where,” Hawarajeh said. “There are chil-
ground bunkers. Most of the attention Hamas fighters inside. school building, and killed him in an air- expected much more of that,” said one On Friday the Israeli government dren, women here. Please send a mes-
has been on al-Shifa, which has been On Thursday the force opened an strike. officer. Hamas’s fighting forces are in the accepted the Biden administration’s sage: these people aren’t safe.”
identified by Israel as concealing one of entrance on the side of the hospital so The second objective is to locate tun- tens of thousands and Israeli defence demand for “humanitarian pauses” in “We decided from the beginning to be
the main Hamas strongholds, a claim that they could leave. “We could see nel exits and destroy as much of Hamas’s sources believe that they are mainly hun- the fighting. Israeli officers said that they in the front line. That we will keep going,”
denied by Hamas and by hospital staff. Hamas terrorists coming out among the subterranean network as possible. kering down in their tunnels. “Hamas had already been halting fire in various he said, as explosions sounded in the
There has also been fighting around civilians,” he said. “We didn’t fire because Israeli intelligence officers say they thought that this round would end like parts of northern Gaza to allow civilians background. “I have a message: stop kill-
other hospitals. we didn’t want to cause panic among the have been surprised by the relatively low the previous ones, with Israel only going to leave. ing people. Protect medical staff. Stop
According to Major Shai of the IDF’s civilians and it was hard to accurately number of Hamas counterattacks and to the outskirts of the city,” says one intel- But not everyone can get away. Despite killing the children, stop killing the
Givati Brigade, his unit surrounded the identify the terrorists among them.” The ambushes they have encountered as they ligence analyst. “The Hamas leaders are promises of humanitarian escape routes, women. It’s enough, it’s enough.”

In balmy Tel Aviv, nervous civilians My son is one of

the forgotten Thai
pack rifles for a trip to the bakery hostages of Hamas
have become a common reserve. The military assault share videos taken from outside parliament. Sitting Buddhist Thais believed they
MATTHEW sight, even in bars. on Gaza was “not about security footage and GoPro under a tent near the Knesset
Philip Sherwell Udon Thani
were not at serious risk from

CAMPBELL “Us army reservists are

allowed carry our guns
revenge”, he added. “It’s
about making sure what
cameras of dead Hamas
gates was Jakov Godo, 75,
whose son, Tom, 52, was shot
Manee Jirachart was making
his daily phone call home to
the hostilities between Jews
and Muslims. “The Israelis
because of the situation,” said happened on October 7 never Ricardo Grichener Meitar, dead in the Hamas assault. “I Thailand early on October 7 treated us well. But I also
Mikhail Mereryakov, 40, a happens again.” 56, took out his phone to never agreed with this when the first Hamas missiles worked with people from
lorry driver carrying a rifle as Nothing in the long- show a video of his missing government and now we feel roared over the kibbutz Gaza. They were our friends
he walked along a street in running conflict has had so nephew, Omer Wenkert, 22, real anger against it,” he said. where he worked, close to the too,” said Chumporn. “We
Tel Aviv shorts and flipflops with his traumatising an effect on lying in the back of a Hamas Netanyahu was blamed for Gaza Strip. were working peacefully
wife and two children. “We Israelis. “There are pick-up truck as fighters a policy of supporting Hamas “I told him, ‘Be careful, go together.” He has spent most
Early-morning joggers plod need more people carrying kindergarten classes punched him. “You can see to the detriment of the rival to the bunker if needed, don’t of his adult life working
along the seaside promenade. weapons to keep us and our decimated,” said Shlomi he is still alive, I hope he can Palestinian Authority in the go outside’,” his mother, abroad, including in Israel for
A man arranges plastic families safe.” Codish, 56, director of the be returned to his family.” West Bank. He had allowed Buasri, recalled last week at five years (the maximum
loungers in rows, a game of My introduction to Israel at Soroka Medical Centre in Nearby was Alon Adar, 24, an inflow of funds to Hamas the family’s smallholding in allowed under agreements
beach volleyball is under way war began at the airport Be’er Sheva, southern Israel, an electrical engineering from Qatar in the hope of Udon Thani province, between the two
— and the first bathers are when, having just stepped off where most of the injured student. He held up a photo deepening division between northeastern Thailand. “But I governments). “There are no
venturing into the limpid a flight from London, were taken on October 7. “It’ll of his grandmother Yafa, 85, the two administrations to wasn’t too worried. Why good jobs here,” he said.
shallows. passengers were greeted by a be years before we recover saying: “They grabbed her prevent the emergence of a would Thais be a target?” Most Thais working in
On the surface all looks siren signalling incoming from this.” out of her bed, she’s not very single Palestinian state. Her husband, Chumporn, Israel have stayed on after the
normal in sunny Tel Aviv, rockets. Police shouted Tal Hayom, 46, a lead well, she needs medicine, “This plan blew up in his was equally relaxed. He spent attacks, often saying they
Israel’s commercial and “hurry!” as they led us to operating theatre nurse, she’s in a lot of pain.” face,” said a former five years doing the same job cannot afford to leave. Many
cultural capital, whose balmy shelter behind a reinforced looked back with horror on On Tuesday evening, when government official as Manee in the maintenance borrowed money to pay
weather, pristine beaches door. Muffled detonations the “hurricane” of some 600 he and other family members supporting the protesters. team at the Re’im kibbutz. recruitment fees in the
and bustling restaurants are sounded above as missiles patients brought in for held a vigil to mark the one- In a square down the road Hours later, images expectation of five years’
usually a Mediterranean fired at Ben Gurion airport treatment that day. “I can’t month anniversary of the from the Knesset, a West broadcast by a Hamas- work. Back in Thailand, they
tourism magnet. Now, were brought down by sleep, every night, the sights, kidnappings, a speaker Bank settler with a kidnapped affiliated “military media” are jobless and in debt,
though, the advertising blurb Israel’s interceptor system. sounds and smells come back complained that the Israeli son was peddling an channel were forwarded to although the government has
seems out of date. A distant A Hasidic Jew standing to me,” she said. There are no parliament, the Knesset, had alternative narrative. The her phone. They showed five said they will receive about
rumble wafts across the sea, next to me in black jacket, Among some families of tourists but not displayed photographs of massacre on October 7 was a men, arms tied behind their £1,500 in compensation.
the thud of artillery in a war trousers and large hat began the dead, the kidnapped and plenty of guns the missing, prompting cries “gift from God”, said Kiriat backs, seated against a wall in Families of those confirmed
just over 40 miles away in the murmuring prayers. Two injured, grief is turning to on the streets of “shame” from the crowd. Arba, as he stood with a rifle what appeared to be a tunnel, dead will receive larger sums.
Gaza Strip. young Israeli women anger — not just against of Israel’s The next day, another slung over his shoulder next guarded by a captor in black Among the 8,000 who
Thousands of people, returning home from London Hamas, but against Israel’s second city protest tent had sprouted to a poster saying: “Eliminate uniform wearing a green have been repatriated is
many of them children, are hugged each other, crying. own government: for years, the terrorists. Clear the land. headband with Arabic script. Withawat Kunwong, who was
reported to have been killed After a few minutes, the Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel’s Full control.” The killing, He was training an automatic left for dead with deep knife
in the assault on Gaza, which emergency was over. We longest-serving prime Arba went on, had helped to weapon on the group. wounds in the October 7
followed the slaughter by went on to passport control. minister, had “rally” the nation in the Looking down the sights of attacks. He had moved to
Hamas fighters last month of In Tel Aviv, though, presented himself as greater cause of reclaiming the gun was her son. Israel four years earlier when
1,200 of Israel’s citizens — reminders of the a guarantor of the Palestinian territories. Manee, 29, was among he was newly married with a
mostly civilians — in the most conflict come public security — Teenage girls from a about 30,000 Thai migrant baby daughter. “I knew there
savage attack in its history. daily, thanks to “Mr Security” was religious school sat listening workers employed in Israel — was a conflict but I just knew
One month on, there is not Home Front the jingle of one of as he explained why he was the largest labour force in its other Thais were making
a tourist to be seen in Tel Aviv. Command, a his many political not concerned about the agriculture sector. Thais good money there,” he said.
Images of some of the 241 mobile app campaigns. How safety of his son: “When make up the highest number The workload was heavy —
kidnapped Israelis, including that sounds an could he have there’s war the individual has of non-Israeli victims of the ten-hour shifts, six days a
women and children, are alarm on the allowed such a to be prepared to give himself attacks — 39 dead, 19 injured week — but in good months
plastered on walls — as well as user’s phone calamitous up for the greater good.” and 25 abducted, according he sent home 50,000 baht
on beach lamp-posts. signalling enemy Such rhetoric terrifies the to Thai government tallies. (£1,140). The Thailand
“It makes me so sad to imminent “rocket incursion? “A country’s liberal, secular Parnpree Bahiddha- minimum wage is £7.50 a day.
think of them, frightened, and missile fire in lot went elite. “I’m horrified by what Nukara, Thailand’s foreign One day he hopes to find
suffering,” said Leah your area”. You then wrong,” admitted happened,” said Tomer Ben minister, recently travelled to work abroad again. “But
Feldman, a teacher in a have one-and-a-half Colonel Peter Yosef, a Tel Aviv wine bar Qatar and Egypt, and leaders maybe not Israel.”
tracksuit and T-shirt drinking minutes to get to a Lerner, manager who also “aches” for of the country’s Muslim
a cappuccino at a beachside “protected room”. international Gaza’s civilians. community met Hamas
café. “I hope we can negotiate The Gazan spokesman for the Eitan Amrami, a representatives in Tehran to
their release.” As I paid for my missiles have been Israeli Defence documentary developer, discuss the hostages. There
coffee a waitress said: “I’m so largely ineffective, Forces. believes his country is has been no sign of progress.
glad to hear English being thanks to Israel’s Iron A protest blighted for years. “It is as For generations, men from
spoken. It makes me think it’s Dome defence, but they camp has though we’ve been engulfed Isaan, Thailand’s poorest
not the end of the world.” In a are adding to the trauma sprung up in one by a cloud of volcanic ash region, have travelled abroad
bakery nearby, a man in in the wake of the of Tel Aviv’s which will bring years of for work. Contracts in Israel
sneakers, shorts and a tank slaughter on October 7. main squares darkness,” he said. “They were among the most desired
top carried an assault rifle “It was the most Jews to near the defence won’t change our minds, we — relatively well-paid and
over his shoulder as he paid die in a single day since the ministry, where families won’t change their minds,” he better treated than jobs in the
with one hand for a croissant Holocaust,” said David have assembled while added, referring to Israel’s Gulf or East Asia. Manee was
while holding his bichon Baruch, 60, a bank waiting for news. A rival political camps. “There sending home about 40,000
frisé’s lead with the other. manager in his old army long dining table has is no hope.” He is taking his baht (£900) a month and
Men and women wielding uniform after returning to been set for dinner for wife and two small children saving to build a house. Manee Jirachart is being
weapons in civilian clothes duty in the national 241. Family members to New York. The predominantly held hostage by Hamas
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 2GN 9


Southend, the NHS waiting list capital


People in the city are facing huge delays cash injection into the NHS, waiting lists
were rising, and consultant productivity
for treatment, staff vacancies aren’t was falling. “On its own, that told me
investment wasn’t the answer,” he says.
being filled — and 15,000 patients were His government introduced financial
incentives for trusts to complete more
added to the list in just one month Number of procedures for which
patients are waiting in Southend
operations, and the concept of patient
choice, which allowed patients to choose
where they wanted to be treated.
they’ve got their own challenges: they’re This principle is being used for new
TOM the sort that want everything done today, hips and knees in Southend today: many

CALVER or they’ve done their research and they

want to see a certain specialist”.
patients are being sent to the nearby
Spire Hartswood hospital in Brentwood.
Today, the acute side of the NHS is Demand for treatment This time, Milburn thinks the invest-
managed well, he says: it is rare, for has surged across the ment profile should change to incentivise
example, that cancer patients suffer sub- UK since the end of the keeping people out of hospital, rather
Data Editor stantial delays. And if there is any doubt, pandemic. Southend in than in it. This is the principle behind
it pays to be pushy. particular is struggling community diagnostic centres, three of
Rose Brown, 82, could tell something which are planned for south Essex over
“Him: knee. The one over there, on the was off with her partner Peter Moore, 80. Yet for chronic conditions, Siddique levels in the trust are above average. Responsibility (OBR) suggests that cut- the next two years.
left, he has a heart thing, needs a proce- “He’s always been a good driver, but he laments that he and his colleagues can- Being just outside London has its disad- ting the NHS waiting list in half over five Two new levers should help: better
dure. Man on the right: hip.” had been driving in the gutter,” she says not offer the care they need. “All you can vantages: medical staff can earn 5 per years — with the aim of returning it to its data and genomic science. “Between the
This is not a waiting room at Southend outside Southend University hospital. say is, ‘I’ll do another letter to try to expe- cent more by moving ten miles down the mid-2015 level of 3.5 million — would two, we should predict and prevent ill
University hospital — or even one of the His doctor in Hornchurch told him there dite your operation’, but at the same time road to Basildon, which qualifies for reduce working-age inactivity only by health instead of just diagnosing and
city’s GP practices — but The Last Post, a was probably nothing wrong. I’m thinking that my letter is going to just “fringe” London weighting, and 10 per about 25,000. This is partly because only treating it,” he says.
pub by the high street, where one punter Moore began talking “like he was sit in a pile because there are probably cent more if they move to London. around four in ten people on the waiting Back in The Last Post, Doherty, from a
is providing a study of his fellow drinkers. drunk”, so Brown drove him to South- 100 letters asking for the same thing.” Britain has seen a huge rise in eco- list are of working age. family of miners near Sunderland, would
Pete Doherty, the man on the left, has end’s A&E, where he queued with 100 The local hospital is rated “requires nomic inactivity since 2019, with the Alan Milburn, health secretary under go private if it was a “matter of life or
been waiting for an ablation, a same-day others last Thursday. Scans confirmed improvement” by the Care Quality Com- majority being driven by ill-health. The Tony Blair, realised just how bad waiting death” — but the thought kills him. “I’m
procedure that would cure his irregular the couple’s worst fears: a tumour on his mission. Last summer several nurses quit number who are unable to work because lists were in the late 1990s, when a friend 69 and I’ve paid the government all my
heartbeat. “My doctor warned me at the brain. Three days later, they are back for the trust due to what they said were they are “long-term sick” has risen from died at the age of 39 having been on a car- life. I deserve to get mine on the NHS.”
time that I had to wait a bit longer than another scan. “I can’t speak more highly “toxic” working conditions, partly 2.1 million to 2.6 million. diac waiting list for about 15 months.
usual — maybe around 16 weeks,” he says. of this cancer department,” she says. brought about by short-staffing; vacancy Yet research by the Office for Budget Yet 18 months after Labour’s first big Editorial, page 22
“That was 18 months ago.”
Doherty, 69, has been fit all his life, but
until he has the procedure he must
endure beta blockers and blood thinners
that slow his heart rate, both of which
leave him exhausted. He misses playing
tennis. “I’d still be working but I can’t do
anything physical any more,” says the
former market trader.
Two tables away, Chris Lynch has been
luckier. The 64-year-old has a new hip,
provided by the NHS but with the opera-
tion taking place in a private hospital,
after an official wait of a few weeks.
However, getting on the waiting list to
begin with was a struggle. “I think they
delay saying you need the op,” he muses.
“I had a scan, and was told they would
ring me in six weeks. I waited — delay,
delay, delay — until I rang them and they
said ‘Oh no, you were supposed to call
us!’” He could barely walk by the time of
the operation.
Welcome to Waiting List England.
There are 6.5 million people needing Are you on an
nearly 7.8 million operations between NHS waiting
them, a figure that has grown every list?
month since Rishi Sunak pledged to cut
waiting lists in January. Many more are Have your say at
waiting to be added to it. sundaytimes.
In the NHS locality of Southend, there
are 41,000 procedures planned, out of a
population of 181,000, a figure which
represents the highest rate in the
The scene at the pub is no coinci-
dence: even accounting for the fact that a
small minority are on the list twice, it sug-
gests that if you assembled five people
from Southend at random, one would
probably be on an NHS waiting list.
The local trust says that Southend’s
hospitals take patients from other parts
of the wider Essex region. Yet the Mid and

My doctor
warned me I
had to wait a
bit longer than
usual. That was
18 months ago

South Essex Integrated Care Board —

which manages Southend’s NHS health
needs — also has the highest waiting list of
any care board in England. Whichever
way you cut it, this is a hotspot.
What, therefore, can Southend teach
us about the crumbling healthcare sys-
tem? Since the pandemic eased, demand
for treatment in Southend has surged, in
a manner that many predicted would be
replicated across the country as a whole.
The number of new patients being added
to the local NHS waiting list was nearly
15,000 in September alone, double what
it was four years ago. Treatment levels
have risen, too, but not quickly enough to
keep up with demand for care.
Averaged out, incomes in Southend
are similar to the rest of the country, but
this figure masks huge gaps in earnings
between those who live in its richest and
poorest areas.
Some 21 per cent of the city’s children
are living in poverty, compared with 15
per cent in the rest of the east of England.
Health and income go hand in hand.
Between the most and least deprived
wards, there is a life expectancy gap of
nine years for men and ten years for
women. Air quality readings on the sea-
front are some of the best in the country;
nearer the airport they are some of the
worst, according to Aston Line, the
Labour councillor vying to replace the
Conservative’s Anna Firth as the next MP
for Southend West.
Dr Haroon Siddique, one of South-
end’s most experienced GPs, moved to
the city in 1997, and works from two prac-
tices: one in Thorpe Bay, a rich part in the
east of the city, and another three miles
away in the more deprived centre.
His central practice helps run a service
for the homeless. There are also commu-
nication barriers, with many patients
from Eastern Europe or Afghanistan.
In Thorpe Bay, he says, things can be
“a little bit easier” because a lot of people
can be self-funded or use insurance, “but
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 11


‘If I can plant seeds with my feet, you can dig deep too’
Rebecca Myers toes and planting a cucumber upper limb disability, her harvesting giant beetroot such as secateurs. “I wanted thalidomide damage. The
with her feet. As she moved including short arms and no and planting the flower to show: I’ve done this, it’s a Sunday Times campaigned
Sue Kent has a list of things the soil, she lamented that thumbs, after her mother Akebia quinata, or chocolate good idea, I’m sharing it. But I for proper compensation and
she wants to achieve — such the “one drawback” to took the drug thalidomide for vine, with her feet, while didn’t think about how many fought an injunction at the
as to meet King Charles and gardening this way was that morning sickness. wearing latex socks that she people it would help,” says European Court to report
Pierce Brosnan, to appear on nobody sells foot gloves. She gets “beautiful” letters buys on eBay. Even after she Kent, who will appear in the that the drug’s developers
BBC2’s Gardeners’ World and The video triggered such a from viewers, such as those became a regular face on Gardeners’ World Christmas had not met basic testing
to star in Strictly Come positive response from who have had strokes or are Gardeners’ World, she knew special this year and is an requirements.
Dancing. viewers that the BBC brought struggling with sight loss. the most important thing was ambassador for the Royal Kent says there was a
But she has had to revise her on to the regular roster, “They think: if you can do it, I to “keep it real” and Horticultural Society. “huge amount of goodwill”
the list since getting a job as a alongside stalwarts Monty can do it. When they see me, showcase something viewers Last month, she published towards thalidomide babies.
presenter on her favourite Don, Adam Frost and Carol they think, ‘Well, I’ve got no would see as achievable. “I her first book, Garden Notes, At her convent school,
horticultural programme. Klein. excuse’,” she says. want to show people: this is which is part-manual for teachers were “fantastic”. “I
She was working as a If someone had told her Kent, who has long been what I can do,” she says. helpful horticultural tips and had to play netball, hockey,
massage therapist, using her five years ago she would have an enthusiastic amateur “That’s what inspires part-logbook for people to swim, there was absolutely
feet not her hands, when she had a new career as a gardener, has about three people.” plan their pruning and note no excuse for not doing
first appeared on Gardeners’ presenter on her favourite hours’ help a week from a In return, she gives viewers down varying success with anything. They thought,
World. It was in June 2020, programme in her sixties, she local gardener, and ropes in helpful tips. Her Hampton seeds. ‘We’ll find a way’.”
the Covid lockdown was would not have believed her husband, son and son-in- Court show garden last The can-do attitude was As for the final dreams on
under way, and viewers had them. “I’d think they’d been law to help with heavy lifting summer was designed with installed in her from an early her hit list, she still hopes to
been asked to send in videos drinking far too many and mowing, but otherwise only basic tools to show age. Her parents, Peter and meet Brosnan, and she has
of their gardens. Shot on a margaritas,” she says. she tends her three-quarter visitors what they could Fay Carter, were some of the started taking dance classes.
beautifully sunny day, the clip Kent, who lives in acre plot by herself. An achieve with a trowel and first to campaign for support “You’ve only got one life,
showed her weeding with her Swansea, was born with episode last month showed Kent grows giant beetroot on her three-quarter acre plot normal garden equipment for children born with haven’t you?” she says.

Robbie was so needy he once Sycamore

Gap stump

leapt into my bed for a cuddle.

may shoot
back to life

Even though my wife was in it

Liam Kelly
Arts Correspondent
When the Sycamore Gap tree
was felled, people were
appalled that such a beautiful
icon of the natural world had
DAVE BENETT/GETTY IMAGES been cut down in an
apparently senseless attack.
As the pop star’s documentary series hits It has emerged, however,
that there is hope for the
No 1 on Netflix, Guy Chambers recalls the celebrated sycamore next to
Hadrian’s Wall to come back
madness of their songwriting partnership to life. Andy Beer, operations
director of the National Trust,
which owns the site near Crag
Jonathan Dean Chambers first spotted Williams just Lough in Northumberland
after the singer was kicked out of Take where the tree stood, said the
In August 2000 Robbie Williams took his That in 1995 — Williams was at a radio remaining stump would be
songwriting partner, Guy Chambers, to event in the midst of his drink and drug allowed the chance to regrow
the south of France. It was a summer of addiction. “I remember he looked in- before any attempts were
villas, paparazzi and fizz — plus three secure and I wanted to know why,” Cham- made to replace it.
companions: Chambers’s wife, Emma, bers says. “He didn’t look well.” He said: “We still have the
their baby and the former Spice Girl A couple of years later they met prop- stump of the tree. It should
Geri Halliwell, who was going out with erly when Williams, then 23, was scrab- regrow. You never know.
Williams. bling to forge a solo career. “He asked, “It has been coppiced quite
Footage from the trip is a highlight of ‘Can you write dirty pop?’ ” Chambers brutally. We won’t know until
the Netflix documentary series Robbie recalls. “I said yes and he said, ‘I’ll see the spring, because it’s a
Williams, and it looks wonderful. “It was you on Tuesday.’” Chambers knew what deciduous tree and it’s not
stressful,” sighs Chambers. “Rob was Williams wanted: Oasis but with humour. growing now. And really, we
demanding, so I wasn’t spending time “We both wanted to turn him into a won’t know until another
with my wife or our baby. So Emma left. superstar,” he says. summer. By the second
She thought, ‘F*** this!’ . . . ordered a Their debut record was 1997’s Life summer, you normally get a
helicopter and went home.” Thru a Lens — featuring Angels. When did sense [if it will work].”
Six years later, now with three young Chambers realise the partnership would Speaking to The Sunday
children, the couple flew to Williams’s work? “Second day, when we wrote Times at the charity’s annual
house in Los Angeles for a summer break. Angels.” But it was hard going. general meeting in Swindon,
“It was bizarre,” says Chambers. “He had “I wanted to help him not go mad. He Wiltshire, Beer added: “We
all these dogs — massive dogs. There was was the first person I worked with long want to see what happens in
shit everywhere in the garden, and we term who was in full-blown addiction. It the spring. If the stump
had four, five and eight-year-olds. Rob got was very difficult. We’d wait three days doesn’t regrow we’ve got one
into the bed with me and Emma — to give for him to turn up at a studio. People set of decisions to make; if it
me a cuddle. There were real strains on would go around pubs trying to find him. does then we’ve got another
my marriage, being in this rock-star life.” He would turn up drunk. We’d go out and set of decisions to make. We
Chambers, 60, is spilling the beans he would disappear on some mission. will just have to wait and see.
after being very much a silent partner. In That happened in Robbie-world.” In this job, there is a lot of
the past week Robbie Williams has been Did Chambers succumb to the same waiting.”
the most-watched show on Netflix, the temptations? “I was drinking too much, Even if it did regrow, Beer
latest self-produced documentary follow- smoking too much dope,” he admits. Guy Chambers, pictured with Robbie Williams So who now advises Williams? People said it would probably look
ing offerings from stars including Lewis “But I never did cocaine — it in 2019, says a holiday with the erratic star do try to help, he says, but there’s a prob- different, perhaps with more
Capaldi and David Beckham. Williams makes people selfish.” By 2002, and his then-girlfriend Geri Halliwell drove his lem: “You cannot say no to Robbie Willi- than one trunk coming out of
has said of his own addition to the canon: though, “I was bloated. I wasn’t wife, Emma, below, to catch a helicopter home ams. There is no point. I learnt that the same stump.
“There were no rules. I’m more likely well.” quickly. There were teams trying to help The National Trust has
than most people to leave everything in.” That was the year, after creating him, and still [are], but if he’s got it in his been inundated with
Chambers is in his mews home in five albums, the men stopped work- head to do something, he won’t listen. He thousands of ideas about
north London. It is the house that Angels ing together. Cracks had appeared has a self-destructive side.” what to do with the timber
bought, the soaring ballad that is the big- when Williams moved to LA to flee The two are in touch sporadically — from the original tree — from
gest hit he wrote with Williams. They also the British press. “As soon as he Chambers says Williams has an idea for using it to make benches or
came up with Let Me Entertain You and moved there, things deteriorated,” an album that Chambers would produce, pencils, to medals for the
Rock DJ. At the turn of the century they Chambers explains. “I had children: it but he is focusing on reworking Lemon annual Great North Run, the
were a modern-day Elton John and Ber- wasn’t ideal for me to go away.” The rela- Trees songs for a record due next year. world’s biggest half-
nie Taupin — and Chambers is still the tionship reached its nadir when Williams The hardest part of the Netflix series marathon, which runs from
friend who knows Williams best despite a then wrote his brutal dissection of fame, for Chambers to watch is about their Newcastle to South Shields.
bitter falling-out when the lifestyles of the Come Undone, and Chambers made split; but his favourite bit? When they Lord Sumption, the former
rock star and the family man diverged. changes. “He went apeshit,” Chambers wrote Life Thru a Lens in nine days. Supreme Court judge, was
The mild-mannered Chambers spent says. “He has big trust issues and thought Chambers composed Angels while suffer- among the unsuccessful
his early career as a musician, notably as I was a close friend who now couldn’t be ing from an awful sinus infection, which candidates for election to the
the frontman of the Lemon Trees, a trusted. Things unravelled.” is why its lyrics seem to run out towards National Trust’s council,
prototype Britpop band that did not The duo reunited a decade later but the end — he wanted to go home. “That endorsed by a rebel group.
quite make it. “I was desperate in 1997,” problems Williams once had under con- for me is the best bit, right at the begin- He said the result was
he says. “I was 34 — quite old in pop. I had trol resurfaced, and on tour in 2017, ning,” Chambers grins. “Rob needed “exactly what I was
a leaking roof and was struggling to pay troubled by a bad back, he became redemption back then. He was lost, frus- expecting” because of the
the mortgage. I was very close to a regular addicted to pills. “It was horrible,” Cham- trated, had all this energy. He needed voting system, adding that
job as a teacher. But then I met him — and bers recalls. “I’d be behind him thinking somebody to support him, and I was the trust’s governance was
he saved me, basically.” he could keel over. He could die on stage.” good at that — for a while.” “discreditable”.

Bravery award for ex-bouncer who saved US spy from knife terrorist
Hugo Daniel bouncer, who can bench centre and was walking to her Steve Bunn did research on 99320, including carrying her and they were thought was the knife
press 145kg. car when she was attacked, not realise the obtaining her netball team’s screaming: ‘Help us. We’ve dropping to the floor.” Bunn
After putting his two young Bunn’s actions during the escaped fatal injury by “mere attacker had a fixture schedule and phoning been jumped.’” said he thought he was going
sons to bed at about 7pm, next 30 minutes were to save chance”, because the knife knife until after the leisure centre to ask if he Out of the corner of his to die. “It was terrifying at the
Steve Bunn looked out of the the life of an American spy “fortuitously missed any he intervened at could look around without eye, he saw Bowles running time. In that split second I
window at the cold wet March and have led to him being major organs”. a leisure centre being a member. in. “He ran straight to the thought about my kids. I
night and briefly considered given a judge’s Bowles stabbed her three in Cheltenham Armed with two knives, victim and started what I thought about bleeding to
cancelling his plan to go to his commendation and on Friday times in the thigh, chest and Bowles waited for his victim thought was quite frenzied death on the floor with my
local gym for a sauna. picking up a police award for abdomen. in the car park on March 9 punching,” he said. “I children not near me.”
The fitness instructor bravery. A second man, Alex “It’s miraculous, really. I this year and pounced on her grabbed the guy by the After Bunn had disarmed
usually had one earlier in the Fuentes, was commended for normally go to the [leisure and a friend as they walked shoulders to pull him off the Bowles, the pair were
day but it had been a long day his intervention when the centre] sauna much earlier in into the car park, punching girls, and as soon as I grabbed “staring at each other” in a
at work and he had an early attack began in the car park. the day and had never been her repeatedly. him I saw the knife. It was like 30-second “stand-off ”. Bunn
start the next morning. Last month, the attacker, before that late at night, I He was interrupted by a 9in, thick kitchen knife. I said: “I could almost see the
The decision to have his Joshua Bowles, 29, was jailed don’t know what made me Fuentes, who was on his way immediately thought, ‘I’m fight go out of him. I just said,‘
first late-night session at the for life with a minimum of 13 go, to be honest,” said Bunn, to play football and asked: about to be stabbed here’. Are you all right?’ and he
Cheltenham leisure centre years for the “politically 44, who lives in Cheltenham. “What’s going on?” Bowles “I’ve seen the knife going said, ‘Well, no I’ve just tried
saved a woman’s life — and motivated” knife attack, three “It freaked me out — and punched him in the face but under my arm, frenziedly, to kill her.’ ”
nearly cost his own — after he miles from GCHQ, where the still does — that if I hadn’t the intervention allowed the still trying to get towards the Bunn has received
walked out of the sauna into victim, known only as 99230 walked out at that exact two women to run back to the girl. The girls managed to counselling, blaming himself
an unfolding terrorist attack, to protect her identity, second, she’d be dead and I’d leisure centre, where Bunn back away behind me and get for not intervening sooner,
tackling the man and talking worked for the US National have walked out to a resigning in November last in general, after being was walking through away, as I’m pushing the guy but the reaction of his sons
to him until police arrived. Security Agency. bloodbath, with her laid on year, unhappy with his career “ghosted” by another reception. in the other direction, and in Dexter, 5, and Jackson, 2, has
“I’m a relatively big guy, At Bowles’s sentencing, the floor.” progression. He had American former co-worker, He said: “I saw two females the mêlée I must have meant most to him. “Dexter
6ft 2in, shaved head — I could Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb Bowles had been a developed “anger and who was 99320’s predecessor entering the building. One grabbed his hand or wrist or keeps saying, ‘Daddy’s a
almost see the fight go out of said the victim, who had been software coding developer at resentment” towards his in the job, the Old Bailey was bleeding badly from the something, because within hero’, which is quite
him,” said the former playing netball at the leisure GCHQ for three years until former employer, and women heard. Bowles carried out mouth, her friend was seconds I heard what I endearing,” he said.
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 13


AI helps rugby

star speak again

in his own accent
Rob Burrow, who has letter by letter, using his eyes, into
speech. An infrared camera attached to
example, and can use infrared technol-
ogy to bring up the entire homepage of
motor neurone disease, the computer recognises when his gaze his television so he can choose what he
lingers for approximately one second on wants to watch without any help from his
can host a podcast thanks an individual letter on a keyboard on the wife, Lindsey, or their three children.
to technology based on screen. The Motor Neurone Disease Associa-
It is a time-consuming process, with tion, the charity of which Burrow is
his post-match interviews most people able to type only 12 to 20 patron, has funded 584 banked voices for
words per minute this way. To avoid long people this year, with a total cost of
Louise Eccles Consumer Affairs Editor pauses during the podcast interviews, £80,000, which can now be used with
Burrow wrote them in advance. eye-gaze technology.
Listening to Rob Burrow interviewing “It is particularly special to have my The work is being undertaken by a
Wayne Rooney on his new podcast last own voice,” he said. “Although the great think tank at the association that includes
week, you might forget he has been un- Doddie Weir did use to tease me that I senior innovators at companies including
able to speak for the past three years. should have got a Scottish accent Rolls-Royce, Dell, Intel, Google and
In his thick Yorkshire accent, the rugby instead.” Weir, a close friend, was a Scot- Microsoft, as well as people with MND.
league player was able to quiz the footbal- tish rugby union player who died last It was the brainchild of Stuart Moss,
ler, coaxing Rooney to open up. year from MND, aged 52. 48, head of IT innovation for Rolls-Royce,
Burrow, 41, is thought to be the first Burrow uses a Grid Pad 15, a tablet whose father Brian, 67, died on Christ- Danielle Kemp says she puts her dirty pots and plates in one of her machines and takes her clean ones out of the other
non-verbal person to present a podcast, costing £6,000 to £7,000 created by mas Day in 2014, 17 months after having
made possible by several small British
businesses harnessing artificial intelli-
gence to help people, like him, with
Smartbox, a family-run firm in Malvern,
Worcestershire. It can offer predictive
text to help Burrow choose commonly
MND diagnosed. One in 300 people in the
UK will get MND.
Moss imported eye-gaze technology
Double bubble — twin dishwashers
motor neurone disease (MND).
He plays his voice through a tablet
computer which he controls using his eye
used words to communicate, and
remembers phrases that the user types
frequently to make it quicker for them
from America, and the pair would
exchange texts while he was at work. “We
were having the usual conversations we
are the new middle-class must-have
movements. It has, he said, freed “a still- next time, such as “How was school?” had always had. Then I would go to see
sharp brain stuck inside a rusting cage”. The tablet also has apps for Netflix, for him that night and he would be in bed,
“I can talk to my children, control the completely unable to move except for his Louise Eccles “During the week we Savills in Surrey, said: dishwashers sit either side of
television, message friends on WhatsApp Rob Burrow, with wife Lindsey, can eyeballs, and I couldn’t equate that with Consumer Affairs Editor barely need to unstack the “[Those] with large families, a sink. Richard Jewkes,
and now even do a podcast,” said Burrow, control the computer with his eyes the person I had been texting,” he said. dishwasher, we live out of the or who entertain frequently, managing director of the
who had MND diagnosed in 2019, two “This is the disease that stops you talking When Danielle Kemp moved clean one,” said Kemp, 36, a find having two dishwashers company, said: “It isn’t an
years after retiring from rugby. His voice and we need to stop that.” into her four-bedroom home credit controller, who lives extremely practical when extravagance. It is a practical
“gradually disappeared” in 2020. They are working on technology that last year, she had one with her partner, Liam Smith, cleaning up after larger solution for busy family
The technology used by Burrow is a will enable people to speak with different requirement for her new also 36, and their daughter meals, or when they have homes or even couples. We
long way from the monotone computer- emphasis and emotion in their voice kitchen: it had to have two Luna, 5, in Grays, Essex. “I friends staying for a have five children and two
generated voice used by Professor Ste- depending on whether they are address- dishwashers. have wanted two for ages and weekend.” dishwashers — this morning,
phen Hawking. ing their spouse or child. Crucially for While those with huge everyone thought I was The trend has grown with my breakfast pots were going
To create Burrow’s new voice, the British banter, they are also working on houses have long embraced a mental, but we use it all the the rise of open-plan into the second dishwasher
Edinburgh-based voice technology ways for people to be able to select a lilt brace of the appliances, time. Last night when I was kitchens, since people can no because the first one had
business SpeakUnique listened to to their synthetic voice. including celebrities such as cooking dinner I had one dirty longer shut the door on their already started the cycle.”
hours of his post-match interviews Burrow’s Rooney interview was the chef Jamie Oliver and the one to put all my pans in and a dirty pots and do not want to For many first-time buyers,
from his time as a rugby player at the first in a seven-part podcast broadcaster Ben Fogle, who clean one to take my stuff out stare at their leftover dishes or those renting small flats,
the Leeds Rhinos. Some of the audio series, Seven: Rob Burrow, named has four, the double of. I just keep rotating.” while sitting on their sofa. the idea of having just one
was discounted because Burrow was after the number on his rugby shirt, dishwasher is appearing in The estate agency Savills KC Design House, a kitchen dishwasher is a dream. A full-
too breathless. In others, there was released every Wednesday on BBC more “normal” kitchens too. said houses at the upper end company in West Yorkshire, size dishwasher can cost
too much noise. In the end only one Sounds. Other guests will include Fans say it means the end of the market might have a said about 35 per cent of its between £500 and £1,000,
hour of clear recording from his the former England rugby union of dirty pots sitting on the “show” kitchen and a customers requested a depending on the brand, but
post-game conversations was used player Jonny Wilkinson and kitchen counter while you “catering” kitchen, but this double dishwasher. Some can be a struggle to fit into a
to create a realistic voice. It was the double-Olympic gold wait for the last cycle to trend was “filtering down have three. In some of the small kitchen.
then paired with a tablet computer medallist runner Dame finish, and even removes the into the middle market”. displays in its showroom,
that converts the words he types, Kelly Holmes. need to empty the machine. Simon Ashwell, head of near Huddersfield, two Editorial, page 22
14 The Sunday Times November 12, 2023


Rod Liddle
A brilliant till innovation that reduces
theft and increases happiness: a human

recent hobby of mine is to game, in which other people are either away on that cross trainer is an Chinese scientists have
stand near the self-service tills
in my local supermarket and
to be defeated or ignored. Isolated from
other human beings, we feel we have a
essentially egoistic and narcissistic
Confectionery bar faces axe created a chimeric monkey
with fluorescent green eyes
watch the skanks nicking stuff. right to get away with whatever we can. The banks close their branches. and glowing yellow
The usual trick is to waft The ties that once bound us are Increasingly we shop online so we don’t fingertips. This is terrific
whatever item — bottle of loosened or have withered away even have to see other people, let alone news for all of us, and the
Archers, family pack of entirely. interact with the bastards. Our scientists are delighted.
Monster Munch, job lot of We meet fewer and fewer people. communications with the sinister Previously they had
frozen pies made from recovered meat Our lives are more transient; we move institutions that run our lives — energy inserted human brain genes
by-products — past the scanner but with home more often and thus are less companies, insurance firms and so on — into monkeys and brought
the barcode facing in the other inclined to put down roots, as they say. are more often than not conducted via forth a creature that spent
direction. Nobody cares. Certainly not A survey last year found that only a (fairly stupid) robots. all day watching reruns of
the poor, harassed checkout assistant, minority of us now know the names of I realise that there are certain benefits Cash in the Attic and voted
who has to oversee about ten tills and is our neighbours. The places where we to doing things this way. There is for Reform UK. Next?
probably averse to being glassed in the used to interact with other local people convenience and economic efficiency, Perhaps a fully glowing
middle of her shift. are either gone or in steep decline: the for example. But it is what we are giving monkey that can recite
It is not just the absence of church, the pub, the post office. I up as a consequence that worries me. If Suella aphorisms from Chairman
punishment that has made shoplifting suppose you might argue that these The loss of human contact has played a Braverman can Mao’s Little Red Book while
effectively legal in this benighted days we meet down the gym, but, while part in the huge rise in antisocial crime, survive, there’s invading Taiwan.
country; it is also the absence of people. our wish to remain in the peak of fitness mental illness, drug use, shoplifting — Unless, at some point,
Of human contact. One supermarket has until one day we drop dead from sheer and, of course, loneliness. Loneliness is hope for us all! the scientists suddenly look
recognised this — Booths, a posh chain boredom may be admirable, pounding a killer. The more lonely you are, the at one another in the
operating in the northwest of England, younger you are likely to die. middle of sewing a heron’s
which has decided to dispense with the Am I overstating the case here; just head onto the body of a
self-service tills and reintroduce a revelling in nostalgia for an earlier, panda and say, in the
concept called “people”. simpler time? I don’t think so. Direct manner of that famous
It says it is doing this in response to contact with other human beings, Mitchell and Webb sketch:
customer demand, and I have no reason especially human beings who are part of “Are we the baddies?”
to doubt that. It would be wholly wrong your local community, is not merely
to suggest that the footballers’ wives of important but, I would argue, vital. It
Alderley Edge who make up its clientele bestows upon us a sense of
are more prone to kleptomania than the
rest of us. Whatever the reason, Booths
responsibility to others and it serves to
moderate our behaviour. The perils of minority rule Clobbered for trunk-driving
is to be commended. Let me give you a simple example of
However, this is not simply about this. Venture onto Twitter (or X, if you A chap next to me at a dinner Braverman seems to be Last Monday at 4.30 in the might adversely affect my
supermarkets and their giant profits, must), or for that matter Facebook. You a week or so ago remarked thoroughly hated by a certain afternoon I drove into a tree, writing. My wife laughed and
disdain for the shopper and will immediately be struck by the fury that Suella Braverman was section of the parliamentary wrote off my car and radged said: “The readers will either
determination to make the experience of and spite that abounds. You will witness “the most hated woman in Conservative Party, much as my shoulder. I was conveyed not notice or marginally
shopping as barren and soulless as
possible. The removal of proper human Many of the arguments that descend, after two or
three sentences, into apparently rational
Britain”. I asked if he had
done an audit and then told
was Priti Patel.
The Tories rightly eschew
by ambulance to hospital,
where an admitting nurse
prefer it.”
Meanwhile, my bosses
interaction has accelerated in the past
20 years, mostly to save companies or ills of society people calling each other Hitler. You will
discern a vicious polarisation of opinion
him that there were many,
many women in the country I
the patronising approach
adopted by Labour that
appraised me with visible
irritation and said: “You’ve
here thought I should write
about the possible lessons
the government money. My suspicion,
though, is that it may end up costing us are born of in which each side will brook no
hated much more and
proceeded to list them. I
treats all people who are not
white as victims in need of
come in on the busiest day of
the week.” I apologised and
learnt from such direct
experience, that being the
all a lot more in the long run — and not
just as a consequence of supermarkets the feeling It is inconceivable that this kind of
solipsistic, psychotic rage would develop
suppose it was patient of
him to wait until I had
help. By contrast the Tories
give people of colour top
said that henceforth I would
endeavour to drive into a tree
job of a columnist. Fair
enough. Here goes:
putting their prices up to cover the cost
of skanking opportunism. that we are if the two people talking were doing so
face to face, as we are meant to do. The
reached No 214 (a tie
between Katya Adler and
jobs ... and then get rid of
them, sharpish. Count the
on a Tuesday, or any other
day that suited.
I would strongly advise
you not to drive into a tree. It
Quite a few of the ills of society are
born of a lack of communitarianism, of just avatars in absence of direct personal contact
encourages us to shed our civility and
Miriam Margolyes, since you
asked) before making his
fallen: Patel, Kwarteng, Javid,
Zahawi and soon Braverman,
Since then I’ve been on a
diet of codeine, naproxen,
is a painful, costly and
dispiriting experience, and
the feeling that we are not each part of a
society but a kind of avatar in a video a video game inhibitions. It does so at the supermarket
till and it does so everywhere else.
excuses and leaving.
It is true, however, that
we are told. If I were Sunak,
I’d watch my back.
paracetamol and alcohol,
and I worried that this
the tree will not thank you for
it either.


The secretive guru who


McSweeney also turned his eye to fun-

draising. In his first few months he raised
tens of thousands from Taylor and Chinn.

plotted Starmer’s path

McSweeney reported these contribu-
tions to the Electoral Commission, just as
his predecessors had done. As a group of
party members, Labour Together was a
regulated entity and required to disclose

to power with
all donations within 30 days. Failure to
do so, or to file reports correctly, is an
offence that can lead to civil and, in cer-
tain cases, criminal proceedings. Such
laws are based on the idea that the public

undeclared cash
have the right to know who is paying
money to influence public life.
Yet in December 2017, McSweeney
stopped reporting donations to the
watchdog. That month, Taylor gave his
biggest sum to date: the first of several
lots of £50,000. Chinn donated the first
of several lots of £12,500. Labour
Together was starting to raise money on a
scale and at a speed rarely seen in British
politics. Yet to an outsider, it would have
seemed donors, whose money had
always appeared on the Electoral Com-
mission’s database, had stopped giving.
The omissions were not a one-off. In
early 2018, more wealthy businessmen
started opening their wallets. Many had
given to Owen Smith’s leadership chal-
lenge to Corbyn the previous year. Lord
Myners, a City grandee and former minis-
ter under Gordon Brown, made a dona-
tion of £25,000. Lord Hollick, a Labour-
supporting banking and media tycoon;
Simon Tuttle, a private equity executive
involved with the campaign group Hope
Not Hate; and Sean Wadsworth, owner of
a communications firm, all gave £10,000
each. Richard Greer, another donor to
Miliband, gave the same.
In January 2019, McSweeney hosted a
meeting of Labour Together MPs in
Portcullis House, Westminster, to discuss
the relaunch of the group’s website and
the publication of a series of articles. The
site was going to say: “You can find out
more about our donations on the Elect-
oral Commission’s website here.”
According to a source, Shabana Mah-
mood, the Birmingham Ladywood MP
and now shadow justice secretary, asked
if donors had been forewarned they
might face questions. McSweeney said
they had. Another MP asked if donations
were being declared as required by law.
In the words of a source, the MP wanted
to check if the group was up-to-date and
in line with its obligations. McSweeney
assured them they were.
Morgan McSweeney, 46, spent much of Jeremy Corbyn’s reign researching how moderates might regain In fact, the only money he reported
over two years was £12,500 from Chinn in
control of Labour and turn it into a party of government — but failed to declare donations that paid for it August 2018, months after Labour
Together stopped reporting funds.
Neither McSweeney nor Labour Together
will explain this anomaly.
party’s future, setting Starmer on the The first was Reed. In 2006, McSwee- In total, McSweeney failed to report
GABRIEL path to Downing Street. ney helped him defy disaffection with more than £700,000 in funds. That
POGRUND Labour over Iraq and win Lambeth coun- easily exceeds the amount Unite, the
AND cil back from no overall control. While biggest single donor to Labour MPs, gave
HARRY UP AND RUNNING running Reed’s campaign, McSweeney to parliamentarians between the last
YORKE Labour Together was set up as a company himself failed as a council candidate in general election and this year. Yet
in June 2015, weeks after Ed Miliband nearby Sutton, winning just 149 votes. Labour Together’s project to recapture

resigned as party leader, having lost to In 2008, he had another formative the party from the hard left remained
David Cameron in the general election. experience. He went to Dagenham, in under the radar.
uring the dog days of Jeremy Its founder was John Clarke, an Irish citi- east London, where Labour was facing an
Corbyn’s leadership, a little- zen married to an influential moderate insurgent BNP, which, under Nick Griffin,
known figure within Westmin- councillor in Islington, north London. had won a dozen council seats and was ENTER STARMER
ster approached Sir Keir Clarke had served as director of Blue targeting MPs such as Cruddas and Mar- Sources say McSweeney and Starmer
Starmer, then shadow Brexit Labour, a group that advocated a blend of garet Hodge. McSweeney worked closely started speaking over the summer of
secretary, with a proposal. The left-wing economics and social conserva- with Cruddas and David Evans, a Blair 2019, when Labour remained split over
gist of the conversation in sum- tism to propel the party back to power. official and later Starmer’s general secre- the issue of Brexit.
mer 2019 is said to have been: Clarke resigned less than a year after tary, to focus their campaigning efforts Starmer had only been in parliament
“When this is over, we need to rebuild setting up Labour Together, giving way to on patriotism and crime. Labour routed since 2015 — the result of gentle encour-
the party. I think you might be the man three MPs who had served on Miliband’s the BNP at the 2010 general election. agement by Miliband, when leader, and a
to do it.” front bench. The first was Jon Cruddas, a “He was the real unsung hero of the well-oiled campaign to install the former
The proposer was Morgan McSwee- central Blue Labour figure. He had fought whole thing,” Cruddas later told the New director of public prosecutions as candi-
ney, who ran a secretive group called the British National Party (BNP) in his Statesman. “It got pretty tasty, but date for Holborn and St Pancras, a Lon-
Labour Together. McSweeney had spent Dagenham constituency and believed Morgan was key in terms of organising don safe seat. Despite resigning as a
much of Corbyn’s reign conducting Labour had to become the party of ordi- discipline, sorting out communications shadow immigration minister during
research on how the moderates might nary patriotic people, not metropolitan and systematically analysing the voters.” Smith’s leadership challenge against
regain control of Labour and, in his eyes, Britain. He was joined by Lisa Nandy, the In September 2015, McSweeney ran Corbyn in 2016, Starmer returned to the
turn it into a party of government again. Wigan MP, and Steve Reed, who, before stranger to antisemitism, in 2008 he had the leadership campaign of Blairite Liz Morgan shadow cabinet weeks later and was
Given the factionalism of the Corbyn becoming Croydon North MP led Lam- appeared on an al-Qaeda hitlist in a land- Kendall, who came last in the contest McSweeney, who rewarded with a promotion. He became
era, Labour Together operated under the beth council, transforming it from a mark terrorism trial. Chinn donated with 4 per cent of the vote. After a period ran the secretive shadow Brexit secretary.
radar. Supported by moderates such as redoubt of the Trotskyist “loony left” into £10,000 and was appointed director. in local government, he joined Labour Labour Together In September 2018, Starmer endeared
Rachel Reeves and Wes Streeting, for an award-winning borough with a strong Over the next year, the group served as Together in 2017, becoming its first full- group, has been himself to the pro-EU grassroots by using
several years it did not even have a emphasis on public services. a safe space for “soft left” MPs trauma- time director and serving as company key to regaining a conference speech to raise the idea of a
Twitter account or website. It conducted The three were united in their desire to tised by Miliband’s defeat, Corbyn’s vic- secretary, the role traditionally responsi- control of the second referendum. He declared: “No
clandestine research and polling on reconnect the party with working Brit- tory and Brexit. Its members met in par- ble for a firm’s day-to-day administration, party and setting one is ruling out Remain as an option.”
Labour’s half-a-million members that ain. Their mission appeared even more liament and at the House of St Barnabas, including compliance with regulations. Sir Keir Starmer That line, which drew a spontaneous
might one day be useful to a moderate critical after the shock of September a private members’ club in Soho. By this point, Corbyn had been in on the road to standing ovation in the conference hall,
leadership candidate. For McSweeney, 2015, when Corbyn was elected party office for almost two years and appeared Downing Street was met with fury by Corbyn’s office.
that person increasingly appeared to be leader by 250,000 people, many of them more powerful than ever. Yet McSweeney They viewed it as a deliberate attempt to
Starmer, who already had a high profile trade union members or “registered sup- TESTING GROUND believed many of those who had voted for sabotage their delicately crafted and
among the party’s grassroots. porters” who paid £3 to gain a vote. In the summer of 2017, McSweeney was Corbyn were well-meaning public-sector unpopular fudge: negotiating a left-wing
What followed was one of the most To get up and running, the MPs appointed Labour Together’s full-time workers and progressives who had lost version of Brexit and leaving open the
successful political alliances in recent needed funding. They approached Mar- director, reporting to a board including faith after Iraq. When the time came to question of a second referendum.
party history. In the leadership contest tin Taylor, a Mayfair-based hedge fund Reed, Nandy, Cruddas and Chinn. elect Corbyn’s successor, he thought it What they could see — what allies say
after Corbyn’s 2019 general election manager who had just announced his His route into Labour politics was would be possible to peel these members McSweeney could see too — was that it
defeat, Starmer appointed McSweeney retirement, at 46. Taylor had founded unorthodox. He grew up in Macroom, a — the soft left — away from the more fac- also fired the starting gun on a future
his campaign manager. Today, Starmer, Nevsky Capital, a £1.5 billion fund small town in Co Cork, southwest Ireland tional “hard left” and unite them with leadership campaign. Remainers were
61, is consistently ahead in the polls and launched in the Cayman Islands known and at 17 moved to London, where he centrist members behind a single candi- looking for a like-minded hero and they
appears destined for Downing Street. to invest in Russian companies such as worked on building sites before studying date. McSweeney needed to understand seized upon Starmer, despite his lawyerly
McSweeney, 46, is in charge of the party’s
general election campaign and remains He was Gazprom. A month after Corbyn’s win,
he gave Labour Together an initial dona-
politics and marketing at Middlesex
University. In 1997, inspired by the Good
who they were, what they wanted and
what kind of language appealed to them. Morgan and diffident mien.
According to sources, McSweeney and
his closest adviser. Labour Together has
emerged from the shadows as the party’s the real tion of £40,000, followed by payments
taking his contribution above six figures.
Friday Agreement, he joined Labour.
At first a receptionist at party head-
Then he could identify a leader they
would be prepared to back. He created was Starmer’s initial conversations were
informal. The pair agreed that, when the
“policy shop”, generating ideas to popu-
late the next manifesto. unsung Also committing money was Trevor
Chinn, 88, a Jewish community leader,
quarters, by 2001 he had moved to its
attack and rebuttal unit in Millbank,
four projects. Each began with the
phrase: “What do Labour members think key to time was right, they might work together.
McSweeney had the research and the
There is also a parallel story. McSwee-
ney failed to declare the hundreds of hero Labour donor and friend of Tony Blair,
knighted in the 1990s for his services to
Westminster. He soon pivoted into
campaigns, working with two of the MPs
about ...” followed by, in turn, “the econ-
omy”, “work”, “belonging” and analysis ideas. He also had the money: Labour
Together banked £45,000 after his
thousands of pounds in donations he Great Ormond Street Hospital. No who later created Labour Together. “power”. arrival in 2017, £190,000 in 2018 and
used to pull off his mission. The money, £295,992 in 2019.
provided by millionaire venture capital- The opportunity came in December
ists and businessmen between 2017 and 2019, when Corbyn led Labour to its
2020, amounted to £730,000. He under- INSIDE LABOUR TOGETHER worst defeat in almost a century. On
stated and misreported other payments. January 5, Starmer launched his leader-
For much of this period, Labour ship bid. Three days later, it was revealed
Together’s website claimed its donations McSweeney ran he had appointed McSweeney as cam-
were reported to the Electoral Commis- FUNDERS £700,000 Starmer’s leadership paign manager. He was able to help
sion, as required by law. In January 2019, Never campaign and is Starmer in three distinct ways.
the group held a meeting in parliament declared now his top aide The first was his knowledge of the
and MPs asked McSweeney if donations parliamentary Labour Party, vital for
were being declared fully and promptly. gathering the signatures required to
He said they were. This was not the case. LABOUR TOGETHER become a candidate. Starmer secured the
When the Electoral Commission Martin Sir Trevor Lord Clive Lord Paul Sean Director (2017-20): support of 22 MPs before any of his rivals
launched an investigation in 2021, Taylor Chinn Hollick Myners Wadsworth Morgan McSweeney SIR KEIR — by no means a foregone conclusion for
McSweeney was working for Starmer. His STARMER the relative Westminster newcomer.
name did not appear in Labour The second and most significant was
Together’s response to the watchdog, his knowledge of the party’s members,
a response that blamed the failings on SUPPORTERS the result of Labour Together’s years of
an “admin error”. The regulator said the detailed research. McSweeney helped
group had not provided a reasonable Starmer deliver a pitch-perfect campaign
excuse, found almost 30 offences under All now in Starmer’s that captured the soft left’s imagination
electoral law and issued a fine. McSwee- shadow cabinet by combining idealism with a profession-
ney was never linked to the alism that Corbyn had lacked.
failings. Lastly, McSweeney brought in money.
By then, money at a scale rarely seen in Lisa Rachel Steve Wes Shabana Bridget Lucy Not only did Labour Together raise
Labour politics had already changed the Nandy Reeves Reed Streeting Mahmood Phillipson Powell Continued on page 16 →
16 2GN The Sunday Times November 12, 2023



boss behind
revival of M&S
Stuart Machin, who went from stacking shelves to the boardroom,
has helped the share price double in a year. His attention to detail
involves sizing up butter beans — and he adores his own menswear
Sam Chambers because we are not. In a way, I think we station, which was renamed the “store Rosie Huntington- swear than him — he had his team check
Chief Business Correspondent are only at the beginning”. support centre”. It was all designed to Whiteley is a fan of the numbers — and the slim-fit Italian
M&S reported pre-tax profits of ram home the message that what hap- Stuart Machin’s stretch chinos (£49) are a favourite.
Marks & Spencer’s boss Stuart Machin £360 million in the six months to Septem- pened on the shop floor, rather than in mantra of M&S is reaping the benefits of shutting
had two things at the top of his in-tray on ber, a jump of 75 per cent on the previous corporate meeting rooms, would deter- “positive old stores and opening brighter, modern
Friday: lingerie and butter beans. year. Sales in clothing and food rose by mine whether M&S survived. dissatisfaction”, shops. In 2017, it had 305 larger stores
After a morning spent poring over next 5.7 per cent and 14.7 per cent respec- The chaos of the pandemic gave Nor- a policy that selling food and clothing. Today it has
season’s “shapewear” with one of the tively. It even restored its dividend, albeit man, 69, the cover he needed to cut 7,000 has pushed up 244 and in four years it expects to have
company’s lingerie designers, the model at the modest level of 1p per share. jobs, a brutal but overdue cull. Today, food sales just 180. The majority, Machin said, will
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, he headed The roots of this success can be traced M&S employs about 72,000 people. be smaller outlets on retail parks, where
off to try some of M&S’s new butter bean back to the appointment of Norman in Since being promoted to chief execu- parking is free and it is easy to pick up
samples. He was worried the existing 2017. The former Tory MP for Tunbridge tive 536 days ago (yes, he counts the days) online orders. The plan is that any lost
ones were too small. Wells swept away M&S’s entitled culture. in May last year, Machin has built on Nor- trade will be recouped through higher
This nitpicking is very much “on Paintings by Monet and Lowry were man’s cultural revolution. He has stipu- online sales.
brand” for Machin, the chief executive removed from the executive floors in its lated that none of the 3,800 workers in One of the key reasons investors are
who preaches the mantra of being “posi- head office near London’s Paddington the head office can attain a rating of enthused is a turnaround in clothing,

tively dissatisfied” in everything he does. “meets expectations” in their annual per- which yields fatter profit margins than
“Rosie loves my saying. She has started formance review without putting in the food. M&S is slowly shedding its reputa-
using it with her kids,” he laughed. hard yards on the front line of retailing. tion for frumpy frocks after bosses belat-
Machin, 53, has a lot to cheer about. “Me and every single person in the edly realised its core customers, women
Last Wednesday, M&S wowed the city store support centre has to work seven in their fifties and sixties, still want to
with bumper profits and strong sales in days a year in a store. That’s not just pop- look like they did in their thirties. Design-
its much-lauded food business, as well as ping in, saying hi and doing your shop- ers are moving in that direction, without
its formerly much-laughed at clothing The price of an M&S share on ping — it’s proper work,” Machin said. being too edgy for middle England.
business. The stellar progress has led Friday, up 97 per cent in a year Staff are required to identify a problem “We haven’t gone premium and we
shares in M&S to almost double, to 246p, and resolve it. After an HR manager got haven’t gone ‘high fashion’. The team

over the last 12 months, and returned the chatting to a shop floor worker whose knows what’s on the catwalk and what’s
high street stalwart into the FTSE 100. baby was born prematurely, she con- on trend. We don’t follow all of it but we
The decline of arguably the finest vinced management to introduce a policy follow the direction,” said Machin.
retailer Britain has ever produced had offering up to 12 weeks’ paid leave to any However, M&S’s big strategic play in
been so long and painful, so littered with new parent, so they don’t have to use up food, buying half of Ocado’s retail busi-
false dawns, that seasoned observers their parental leave while their baby is ness, has been something of a disaster.
cannot quite believe what they are see- Hourly amount Stuart Machin earned in hospital. “It is critically important Dire performance at the online super-
ing: a turnaround that looks built to last. as a shelf-stacker. He now earns £2.7m that we are ‘sleeves rolled up’ and market, which switched from Waitrose
The two people who have contributed close to colleagues who serve cus- products to stocking M&S’s ranges,
more than anybody are Machin, the one- tomers,” Machin said. dragged M&S’s group profits down by £23
time Saturday boy who has risen from As a teenager in Gillingham, Kent, million over the past six months.
shelf stacking to boardroom, and Archie Machin earned £3.80 an hour stacking “Buying Ocado was the only way we
Norman, the M&S chairman revered in shelves at Sainsbury’s in nearby Hemp- could go online in food. I thought it was
the City after steering Asda away from stead, and abandoned plans to go to uni- the right decision then and I think it is

Everyone in head
bankruptcy in the 1990s. versity in favour of a career in retail. now,” said Machin, predicting it would not
On a high street that is being deci- Now, earning a total of reach its potential for at least three years.

office has to work

mated, how on earth have they done it? £2.7 million a year, Machin still “When I took this role Archie gave me
“We have gone back to our roots and spends every Saturday morning one bit of advice: take decisions for the

seven days in a
heritage: products at exceptional quality in the aisles of M&S stores scouring lifetime of M&S,” he added. “That’s what
for the price you pay, which equals value for imperfections. He proudly we have got to keep remembering.”

shop, including me
and that equals trust,” said Machin. “I am declares there is literally nobody in
not saying we are great at all of this the country who buys more M&S men- Editorial, page 22

Secretive guru who plotted

Starmer’s path to power
→ Continued from page 15 generating ideas to re- and transparent” as possible. period of three years.” The
£160,000 for its own use energise the centre ground He offered to fine-tune the watchdog can technically
during the contest, none of it and, in due course, promote group’s processes and draw a issue a fine of £20,000 per
declared, its supporters also the basis for a Labour line under the matter. offence, which, in this
gave to Starmer — a total of manifesto. Its administrator The Electoral Commission instance, would have
£205,000 from Taylor was now Hannah O’Rourke, a rejected this offer. By then, it exceeded £500,000,
(£95,000), Chinn (£50,000), former adviser to Tristram had evidence of other although that rarely happens.
Hollick (£50,000) and Myners Hunt, Miliband’s shadow failings. It not only expanded News of the decision
(£10,000), amounting to 30 education secretary. In late the number of donations appeared in a single online
per cent of Starmer’s cash 2020, she realised that for a under investigation but found publication, Business Insider,
donations during the period of almost three years evidence of disclosures with but was otherwise ignored as
campaign. Starmer refused to Labour Together had not incorrect information. In the nation focused on Covid.
disclose such details at the declared hundreds of June 2017, McSweeney had Today, McSweeney is
time, instead staying within thousands of pounds to the under-reported a donation leading preparations for the
the rules but waiting until Electoral Commission. In from Taylor. The paperwork next general election. The
after his election. December that year, she filed said the sum was £18,000; in MPs credited with creating
Publicly, the group claimed a series of “late” donation fact, it was £20,000. It had Labour Together — Reeves,
not to back any candidate. On reports, with one reported as also reported a donation was shadow chancellor; Streeting,
13 February 2020, Mahmood late as 1,292 days after the “cash” when it was “non- shadow health secretary;
wrote: “Labour Together is 30-day limit. Dozens of cash” — in effect, a payment Mahmood, shadow justice
not supporting any particular donations — including more made by a donor directly to a secretary; Reed, shadow
leadership campaign, and the than £730,000 when third-party supplier. Labour environment secretary;
data from our survey is not McSweeney was in charge — Together had also failed to Bridget Phillipson, shadow
and will not be shared with had not been disclosed. She appoint a “responsible education secretary; Lucy
any campaign.” could give no explanation. person”: a requirement of Powell, shadow Commons
It was only after Starmer’s The next month the electoral law giving a person leader; and Lisa Nandy,
victory that its position Electoral Commission formal responsibility for shadow international
changed. It has since launched an investigation declaring funds. development secretary — sit
published statements that into offences under electoral In September 2021, the in Starmer’s top team.
still appear on its website, law. Labour Together quickly watchdog delivered its Labour Together is seen as
such as: “In 2020, Labour retained the services of verdict. It said Labour the incubator of the next
Together helped to rally the Gerald Shamash, a solicitor Together’s claims did not manifesto and unveiled a star-
party membership behind who had represented the amount to a “reasonable studded advisory board,
Keir Starmer: the candidate Labour Party in moments of excuse”. It found the including the Cambridge
who could bring together a crisis since the days of Neil organisation had committed professor Helen Thompson,
divided party.” It also quotes Kinnock. McSweeney was almost 30 breaches of the law former health secretary Alan
Reed saying: “In 2020, consulted by email and involving more than Milburn and pollster Andrew
Labour Together played a key phone and asked to explain £700,000 of donations, and Cooper, who previously
role in Keir Starmer’s why donations suddenly issued a fine of £14,250. A worked for David Cameron.
leadership campaign.” stopped being reported and spokesman said this was This is the first time the
But in 2020, with Covid why the £12,500 was “towards the high end of [the] story has been told of
raging, these inconsistencies anomalously disclosed. scale” and was the largest Starmer’s path to power, the
went under the radar. In On February 20, 2021, penalty issued that year bar man who got him there, and
April, Starmer won the Shamash sent the watchdog a one. They said: “This the undeclared money that
contest with 56 per cent of response. It did not refer to reflected the multiple allowed Labour Together to
the vote. He immediately McSweeney’s personal role or offences committed by transform British politics
appointed McSweeney as even mention him by name. It Labour Together over a under the cover of darkness
chief of staff, making him the simply said those involved and in breach of the law.
most senior adviser in the believed money was being
Labour Party. McSweeney in declared all along, and This investigation is drawn
turn left his post as director of blamed “human error and from interviews, analysis of
Labour Together and got to administrative oversight”. public filings and leaked
work on his three-step plan to Shamash wrote: documents. The Electoral
get Starmer elected: reform
the party; expose the failings
“Enquiries have been made
of those involved at the The Electoral Commission documents were
made available by Paul
of the Conservatives; and
offer a vision for the country.
material time and frankly it
was assumed that donations Commission Holden, an investigative
journalist whose book,
were being properly reported
as indeed they had been so found almost Keir Starmer, Labour Together
and the Crisis of British
GUILTY VERDICT reported up to late 2017 and
30 breaches Democracy, is published
After McSweeney’s early 2018.” He added there next year and is the basis
departure, Labour Together
continued to operate as a
was “absolutely no intention
... to fail to report” and that of the law of a series of upcoming
articles published by the US
kind of Starmerite think-tank, his client had been as “open journalist Matt Taibbi
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 17


Democrats are worried and Trump’s

surging. But Biden’s backing Biden
Although he’s behind in five swing states, the president — 81 next week — believes his economic record will keep him in the White House

David Charter Washington Only two fringe candidates have regis-

tered in the Democratic primary contest
As President Biden addressed car work- to take on the president. Unless a heavy-
ers at an Illinois community centre last weight emerges in the next few weeks,
week, he was startled by the sound of an and barring a health crisis, Biden is
audience member falling over. almost certain to be the party’s nominee.
“You OK?” the president asked, Biden loyalists have been out in force
adding, to laughter: “I want the press to to try to quash dissent in the party.
know that wasn’t me.” Donna Brazile, a former chairwoman
The last thing Biden needs is another of the Democratic national committee,
pratfall to add to the clips of stumbles and told ABC News: “Since age is going to be a
muddles that are mercilessly replayed factor in this election, let me tell you my
by his Republican opponents on social age — I’m old enough to remember when
media and are eating away at his credibil- Reagan was trailing in 1984 for his elec-
ity with voters. Two recent opinion polls, tion. I’m old enough to remember when
for The New York Times and CNN, put Bill Clinton was trailing and Barack
him well behind Donald Trump, his likely Obama was toast right before the 2012
opponent in next year’s election, re-election. Don’t count out Joe Biden.”
prompting some big names to join calls Meanwhile it is full steam ahead at
for him to step aside. Biden campaign HQ in Wilmington, Dela-
Nevertheless Biden was in a jovial The pressure on Biden would have 30 said no, as did 64 per cent of those their damnedest to make sure that we President Biden ware, where they are preparing highly
mood during a week when election been intense had the party not per- aged 30 to 44. A CNN poll put Trump on win the election.” puts on a car targeted ad campaigns to send messages
results around the country showed his formed well in last week’s elections, 48 per cent among 18 to 34-year-olds Biden argued on Thursday that the workers’ union to the particular groups of voters the
Democratic Party performing well, and when it took back full control of the and Biden one point behind on 47 per media was obsessing about unrepresent- T-shirt before party is trying to keep on board, such as
he tried to make light of concerns about Virginia legislature, and Andy Beshear, cent. He won the youth vote by 24 points ative polls, telling a journalist: “You don’t speaking in ethnic minorities and the young. Biden
his age and ability to serve another four a popular moderate Democrat, held the in 2020. read the polls. Ten polls. Eight of them, Belvedere, continues to out-fundraise Trump and
years, even as he approaches his 81st prized governor’s mansion in Republican The window for changing course in the I’m beating him in those places. Eight of Illinois, last week other Republicans, recording $71 million
birthday this month. Kentucky. Abortion rights were backed in Democratic primary contest is rapidly them. You guys only do two. CNN and in the third quarter.
“I’ve never been more optimistic Republican-controlled Ohio, in line with closing. By the end of the year it will be New York Times. Check it out.” Quentin Fulks, the principal deputy
about America’s future than I am today. a pattern of votes across the country impossible for a challenger to register in The RealClearPolitics average of all campaign manager, dismissed concerns
And I know I only look like I’m 30, but I’ve rejecting hardline restrictions imposed enough state primary elections to stand a recent polls has Trump on 45.6 per cent about Biden’s age as “Beltway chatter”,
been around a long time,” he said. by red-state legislators. chance of replacing Biden. and Biden on 44.5 per cent. It has Trump referring to the ring road around politics-
This raised another laugh, but Biden’s Days earlier, however, the New York While social media echoes with calls up 3.6 points on average in Arizona, 1.2 obsessed Washington.
“actuarial” problem — as David Axelrod, Times and Siena College poll put Trump for him to drop out, the president is points up in Pennsylvania, a point up in The campaign instead has faith voters
a former senior adviser to President ahead of Biden in five crucial swing serenely planning for a second term, Michigan, 2.5 up in Nevada, 5 points up in will reward Biden’s economic record. He
Obama, put it — is no joke for many Amer- states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, according to those who know him. “He is Georgia. Biden is up 0.5 on average in is spending billions on infrastructure and
icans nervous that the man who blocked Nevada and Pennsylvania. It found 71 per going to stay on. He is going to run,” said Wisconsin. So it was not clear which is completing the job of recovering from
Trump in 2020 might now be about to let cent of voters thought Biden “too old” to Bob Shrum, a veteran Democratic con- alternative polls he had in mind. the pandemic and war in Ukraine —
him back in. be an effective president. Axelrod called sultant who has worked with Biden and But the age problem is beginning to cut growth hit 4.9 per cent in the third quar-
Andrew Yang, the entrepreneur- it a cause for “legitimate concern” and has an inside track. “Tuesday’s elections both ways ahead of an election likely to ter and unemployment has been below 4
turned-politician who endorsed Biden urged Biden to think hard about whether told us there are some issues that actually be between the two oldest candidates in per cent for 21 months.
after losing in the 2020 Democratic pri-
mary but has since left the party,
Young it was “wise” to run, because “his biggest
liability is the one thing he can’t change”.
motivate people to vote for Democrats —
abortion is one, threats to democracy is
history. Trump, 77, has started to back
away from attacks on Biden’s age and
Trump’s “People don’t care when you’re lower-
ing their healthcare costs or making their
summed up these feelings, saying: “If Joe
Biden were to step aside, he would go
voters Biden’s 2020 coalition appears to be
crumbling, exacerbated by discontent
another. They showed that there was an
issue base for Biden to campaign on. All
infirmity after making a few bloopers of
his own. At a rally in Iowa he once again
made lives more affordable if that’s being given
to them by someone that’s 80 or by some-
down in history as an accomplished are over his support for Israel, with growing we have to do is watch the Republicans said, incorrectly, that Hungary has a bor- bloopers body that’s 25,” Fulks told The Run-Up
statesman who beat Trump and achieved numbers of young, black and Hispanic try to wriggle around on abortion. They der with Russia. Last week, in Florida, he podcast. “At the end of the day people
a great deal. If he decides to run again it drifting voters drifting away from the Democrats. don’t know what to do. mixed up the Chinese and North Korean of his care about kitchen-table issues. The wis-

may go down as one of the great over- A CBS News poll asked last week whether “The age thing is obviously a real con- leaders, saying: “Kim Jong-un leads 1.4 dom that comes with President Biden’s
reaches of all time that delivers us to a the US should send weapons and sup- cern. But I’m in the camp that says Biden billion people and there’s no doubt about own age is precisely what we need to get
disastrous Trump second term.” plies to Israel: 59 per cent of those under is going to run and Democrats ought to do who the boss is.” things done.”

A new foe for Argentina’s chainsaw-wielding Volcanic eruption

‘rock star’ of the hard right: Taylor Swift’s fanbase off Iceland could
cause plane chaos
Harriet Barber Buenos Aires Americana, it noted: “As competitor Massa. “What is
Taylor said: We have a need new in this election is the Ed Halford Reykjavik the Second World War, with
Earsplitting screaming, the to be on the right side of impressively clear age ten million travellers affected
rumble of thousands of feet, history.” segmentation in electoral An “explosive eruption” off and losses estimated at
homemade costumes; at two On Thursday fans preferences,” said Dr Julio the coast of Iceland that between €1.5 billion and €2.5
shows over three weeks plastered homemade anti- Montero, an associate would lead to its main airport billion.
Argentinians have greeted Milei posters outside Estadio professor in political theory being shut could take place One of the reasons the
two very different heroes Mâs Monumental, where at the University of San “within a matter of hours”, eruption proved so disruptive
with near-messianic levels of Swift was playing. “Swiftie no Andrés. “People between 16 the Icelandic Meteorological was the northwesterly wind
adulation. vota Milei” some read, and 30 years old support Office (IMO) has warned. that drove the ash towards
At one event, Taylor Swift followed by a hashtag “Milei Milei, people between 30 and A series of earthquakes Europe. There is no similar
emerged from billowing pink is Trump”. Other showed a 50 tend to support Peronism that shook the southwestern weather pattern at the
parachutes to open her Eras stylised stencil portrait of [Massa’s party].” Reykjanes peninsula and moment.
Tour in Latin America before Swift holding a tray of biscuits The cover band singer- were felt 25 miles away in the An offshore eruption
glitter-covered megafans, of different shapes with the turned-economist-turned-TV- capital, Reykjavik, led the would therefore be unlikely
some of whom had been words “Massa 2023”, a pundit-turned-politician national police chief to to affect aircraft in British and
camping outside the stadium reference to Milei’s mobilised Argentina’s youth declare a state of emergency continental European
for weeks. opponent, the centrist through rampant social on Friday night. Thousands airspace, Barsotti said.
At the other, Javier Milei, a economy minister, Sergio media campaigns and the of householders in the town Fears of an eruption have
hard-right presidential Massa. support of Argentina’s TikTok of Grindavik were forced to led to the closure of the Blue
candidate with a rock-star Attempts had been made influencers. “Above all, his leave their homes. Lagoon, a geothermal spa
image, stood in front of to tear down the posters — party is a gigantic army of Since October 25, Iceland southwest of Reykjavik, until
videos of bombs and whether by image-conscious tweeters, bloggers and has experienced heightened Thursday.
exploding buildings and led a security staff or disaffected YouTubers supporting his seismic activity around Helga Arnadottir, manager
sea of men in fervent chants. Milei supporters was unclear candidacy, defending his Mount Thorbjorn on the of the Blue Lagoon, said:
Since October’s first round — but fans could buy a ‘libertarian’ ideas and Reykjanes peninsula, with “The guests were naturally
of presidential voting, in pristine copy by the gate from attacking his political more than 2,300 quakes worried and aware of the
which Milei came second to an opportunist street vendor. adversaries,” Montero said. recorded. situation, but the majority
qualify for a run-off election, Milei said he had shaken “Like Trump, Milei puts on a The pattern has were very calm.”
an unlikely thread has joined off the comments and the very attractive show for social accelerated in the past 24 President Johannesson
the world’s biggest pop star to Swifties could express “what networks and the media.” hours, with 800 quakes praised Icelanders’ readiness
the libertarian economist they want”. The country is facing an recorded in the area where to evacuate. During a
with the wild hair and Yet the youth vote has been economic crisis, battling magna intrusion is occurring, televised news broadcast, he
penchant for wielding decisive in Milei’s unexpected inflation of more than 100 per the IMO said. said: “We are a small nation.
chainsaws on stage: her fans rise from a relative outsider to cent, while four in ten people Sara Barsotti, co-ordinator It can be good in a pretty
have been working to bring a candidate near the top of live in poverty. The 53-year- for volcanic hazards, said that harsh world. We can turn our
him down. the polls. A third of voters are old presidential candidate “things were changing so smallness into strength.
Swifties, as they call under 29, while an October has pledged to replace the quickly” that a worst case Sometimes we are like a small
themselves, have rallied survey showed that nearly Argentine peso with the US scenario, involving the family. I think most of us
against Milei because of his 27 per cent of Milei’s dollar, close the central bank closure of Keflavik airport, know someone from
social policies. They say that support came from and slash government was being considered. Grindavik. We have friends,
his proposals to revoke access those aged 17 to 25, spending, while Massa’s role At IMO headquarters in acquaintances, relatives.
to abortion, shut the ministry compared with less as incumbent finance Reykjavik, pizza bags lay Then we find the collective
for women and loosen gun than 9 percent for his minister has led many to scattered around tables in an power.”
laws are a “danger to question his role in the crisis. eating area as workers settled Thorvaldur Thordarson, a
democracy”, and have Yet in the first round of in for a long shift. Staff volcanologist, told Channel 4:
criticised his denials the election on monitored four radars “I don’t think it’s long for
of crimes committed October 22, Milei’s looking for ash that could an eruption, hours or a few
by Argentina’s 1976-83 social proposals indicate a significant eruption days. The chance of an
bloody military outweighed on land or at sea. eruption has increased
dictatorship. economic concerns “The possibility of an significantly.”
“Milei is against: for many voters. explosive eruption taking
equal pay, legal “I can’t vote for Milei, place off shore needs to be on
abortion, equal even if economically he the table,” Barsotti said.
marriage. A vote for would be better,” said “What we are observing is a
Milei is like voting for Lucia, a 29-year-old. “He much larger event than we’ve
Trump,” the fan group is too extreme. He is seen in the last ten to 20
Swifties for the Country crazy.” years.”
wrote on social media Milei won 30 per cent Such an eruption offshore
last week. In another of the vote compared with could create an ash plume
post viewed 1.5 million Massa’s 37 per cent in the first almost ten miles high and
times, they issued a round. Polls are showing an “might have a huge impact on
two-page missive increasingly tight race. The the airport”.
calling on each other to two candidates are a week The eruption of
vote against him. In a nod to a away from finding out which Eyjafjallajokull in 2010
comment by Swift in the 2020 of their vastly different Fans of Taylor Swift, who once implored a crowd to make sure they were “on the right side resulted in the largest closure A 2021 eruption on the
documentary Miss visions Argentinians will pick. of history”, are mobilising against Javier Milei, calling him a “danger to democracy” of European airspace since Reykjanes peninsula
18 The Sunday Times November 12, 2023

fast-food purchases
$113 billion
Annual US
Díaz case stirs fear
2024 in the US are made
in drive-throughs
fast-food revenue
Colombia’s kidnap
scourge is returning
Stephen Gibbs Caracas M-19. Petro, the country’s
Joshua Collins Bogotá first left-wing president, had
The said before his election last
proposed As the helicopter swooped year that he would bring
drive-through down to the hilltop clearing “total peace” to the country.
in Atlanta offers where he had been brought The campaign has had scant
multiple options for by his kidnappers, Luis success, with violence in
taking orders, including an Manuel Díaz knew his ordeal rural areas increasing since
app to order in advance, with was finally over. His usual he took office last year.
four lanes to pick up food reserve gave way to tears. Kidnapping is the threat
“It was a cry for the feeling that millions of Colombians
of freedom,” said Francisco particularly dread. More than
1948 Ceballos, a Catholic bishop
aboard the UN chartered
38,000 people are known to
have been abducted in recent
First US aircraft who was one of the decades, mostly by rebel
drive-through first to speak to Díaz, and groups who have used the
opens reassure him that he was safe. strategy to raise funds.
The 56-year-old father of The scourge appeared to
Liverpool’s star winger Luis have slowed after the historic
Díaz was “emaciated, tired, 2016 peace deal, which ended
lame”, said Ceballos. He had Colombia’s more than half-
been held hostage in the century civil war with its
rugged Serranía del Perijá main foe, the Revolutionary
25 cents mountains for 13 days. Just Armed Forces of Colombia,
Cost of an In-N-Out burger walking to the remote pick-up or Farc. But the ELN never
in the 1950s. It is $3.15 today point nominated by his signed up to that peace

Mega drive-throughs
captors had taken two days. arrangement. In August, it
The end of the nightmare — agreed to a six-month
he is expected to travel to ceasefire, which government
England in the coming days negotiators say included
as a guest of Liverpool pledges not to engage in
football club — has brought kidnappings.
mixed emotions to Colombia. Despite that, the first ten

cater for teens with no

Relief that an innocent months of this year have led
man is free. But fear that the to a sharp rise in abductions,
country may be returning to with 70 per cent more than in
its darkest past, when the same period last year. The
kidnappings for ransom were ELN is believed to be still
common, and no one, holding about 30 hostages.
especially those known to Relatives of the famous

taste for conversation

have money, was safe. have long been easy, lucrative
On October 28 Díaz — an targets. The Díaz kidnapping
amateur football coach — and is not the first time the
his wife, Cilenis Marulanda, criminal underworld has
were approached by armed intersected with the world of
gunmen on motorcycles at a Colombian footballers.
petrol station near their In 2000, Andrés Estrada, a
home in Barrancas, in midfielder in the national
northeastern Colombia. They team, was abducted by ELN
had stopped to buy some after attending a Good Friday
Young Americans’ dislike of human interaction is inspiring outlets that can serve 75 cars at a time watermelons. The gunmen
drove off with the couple,
service. He was released after
national outrage.
later abandoning Marulanda. Andy Chelini, a Caracas-
ing orders at American chains including Drive-thru fast ing. Many restaurants were closed for “The drive-through facilitated that Authorities initially based security consultant,
Keiran Southern Los Angeles White Castle, Carl’s Jr, Hardee’s and Del food soon caught extended periods, which broke the con- way of being in American life that hap- believed local criminals were said the border area with
When Harry Snyder opened the first Taco. New technology can identify cus- on after Harry sumer’s habit of sitting at a table to eat, pened after World War Two.” the culprits. A $40,000 Venezuela was so dangerous
In-N-Out hamburger stand close to tomers by their cars and display offers Snyder, above, Bandy said. The drive-through was ready In recent decades some American reward for information was that any relative of someone
Route 66 in 1948, he helped to consum- based on previous purchases. opened the first and waiting for them. cities have attempted to curb their prolif- offered and a search began. known to have money “really
mate the love affair between two of The innovations are delivering grow- In-N-Out burger The first restaurants arrived roughly a eration, citing concerns about conges- But on November 2 the shouldn’t be there”.
America’s favourite things — the car and ing profits for the $113 billion-a-year outlet in 1948 decade after the end of the Great Depres- tion and obesity as well as long-held com- government said that the left- The Díaz case has
fast food. fast-food industry. sion, when many Americans were still plaints that America is too car-centric. wing rebel group the Ejército sharpened public criticism of
A year earlier, Red’s Giant Hamburg in Drive-throughs account for two-thirds scarred by the deprivation of the 1930s. A Drivers, however, seem to be winning. de Liberación Nacional the ELN — whose claims to be
Springfield, Missouri, had become the of all US fast-food purchases, according cost-effective treat proved irresistible. The next generation drive-through (ELN), was responsible. The fighting a popular revolution
first restaurant to feature a drive-up to a report by Revenue Management “The drive-through was a way for food restaurants cropping up across the US are group issued a public are met with deep cynicism
window where customers could order Solutions, and traffic rose 30 per cent to be more affordable than the drive-in a sharp contrast to the humble kitchen communiqué promising to by many — as well as of the
without leaving their vehicles. from 2019 to last year. [restaurants],” according to Adam Chan- that launched the concept. free Díaz, claiming, Petro administration, which
But Snyder took the concept further, The In-N-Out chain, which has a dler, the author of Drive-Thru Dreams: A In classic Los Angeles style, the implausibly, that he had been appears to have hit a wall in
promising food with “no delay” at his res- fiercely committed fanbase in California Journey Through the Heart of America’s original In-N-Out was demolished to abducted “by mistake”. its declared plans to end
taurant in Baldwin Park, California, and a presence in six other western Fast-Food Kingdom. make space for a freeway, but a replica Negotiations began. conflict in the country.
thanks to an innovative two-way speaker states, is still owned by the Snyder family “The old drive-ins had wait staff, they was then built about 75 yards down The ELN’s involvement Díaz has avoided mention
that he built in his garage. and has been valued at $3 billion by had bigger real estate, they had plates the road. was seized on by critics of of politics. In a statement
It was the right vision for the right Forbes, the wealth publication. and cups and utensils and things that cost Manned by Kenny, an employee Colombia’s president. after his release, he thanked
moment: soon, in the postwar glow of Meanwhile the number of customers money. You had to hire a dishwasher. dressed in the same pristine white uni- Gustavo Petro, who in the the public for their support.
1950s America, leather jacket-clad teen- sitting down to eat at a fast-food restau- “What the drive-through model did form that those who helped Snyder flip 1970s and 1980s was a “I love you all,” he said. “And
agers would be rolling up to food stands rant in the first half of the year fell by 47 was basically eliminate all of that and burgers in the 1950s wore, the restaurant member of another armed I am deeply grateful to all of
in gleaming Cadillacs, placing orders per cent compared with the same just give you your takes up barely ten square feet. guerrilla movement, the you for the love and support.”
over the crackle of transistor radios play- period in 2019. food through a window, It does, however, contain an original
ing a new genre of music called Teenagers and young adults are a wrapped in paper with Coca-Cola-branded fridge. Nearby there
rock’n’roll. large part of the shift. Jay Bandy, no plates and no staff to is a retro cigarette machine offering a sin-
Then in the 1970s Wendy’s, McDo- president of the Goliath Con- wash up. gle Lucky Strike smoke for a penny and a
nald’s and Burger King brought drive- sulting Group, which offers “They passed the sav- packet for 20 cents.
through culture to the American masses, strategic advice to restaurant ings on to the customer A price board offers another stark
leading eventually to a backlash in the chains, said it was unsurprising and made it reminder of how times have changed. In
early part of this century. they preferred to eat on the move. accessible the 1950s an In-N-Out burger cost 25
Today, 75 years after Snyder had his “Those kids grew up in drive- to a new cents, a cheeseburger 30 cents and
visionary idea, the popularity of the throughs — drive-throughs have group of French fries 15 cents (today those prices
drive-through has surged to record always been prevalent for them,” he people who are $3.15, $3.50 and $2.15).
levels, fuelled by younger consumers’ said. “It’s kind of like how they were din- Despite the stand’s obviously retro
habits, new technology and a preference grew up with cellphones. They ing out.” look, it still confuses the odd passer-
for less human interaction following would prefer to deal with people in Cheaper cars and by. One day last week a car pulled up
the pandemic. a less direct way, they prefer to be on urban sprawl also fed demand. “Once and its driver approached the counter
Fast-food chains including McDonald’s social media, or on Zoom calls, the suburbs were built, commuters slowly with a slightly quizzical look on
and Taco Bell are building ever larger as opposed to being face-to- wanted places to stop for dinner on the his face.
drive-throughs to accommodate the face with some- way home,” he said. He glanced at the price board, then at
growing demand. The biggest, a Chick- body.” “Southern California is where the the cigarette machine, and asked: “Are
fil-A due to open next year in Atlanta, The pan- drive-through really became part of the you open?” Luis Manuel Díaz, released after 13
Georgia, will be able to handle 75 cars at a demic hastened American experience in terms of Kenny directed him around the corner the father of the days held in the
time across four lanes. the decline of dining and it’s where the car culture to the modern-day In-N-Out. “I get that a Liverpool star mountains of
Artificial intelligence chatbots are tak- indoor din- became iconic. lot,” he said with a smile. Luis Díaz, was Colombia

Jews hide skull caps in France, while Le Pen tries to march away from her party’s history
Peter Conradi Paris Among the most shocking synagogues, Jewish schools Mélenchon, head of the with the trial of Alfred including dismissing the Nazi has been reinforced by a claims that pro-Kremlin
was the stabbing last and community centres. far-left France Unbowed Dreyfus, a Jewish army gas chambers as a “detail of growing identification with forces were involved in
A few days ago Julien weekend in Lyons of a Jewish The march has been party, to boycott the march. A captain wrongly jailed for history”, and for inciting the Palestinian struggle, inciting the stencilling of 250
Bensimhon, a Parisian woman, whose front door engulfed in controversy since supporter of Palestinian passing military secrets to racial hatred. especially among those of stars of David in Paris last
lawyer, was talking to a was daubed with a swastika. Marine Le Pen, of the right causes, he has been Germany. One of Dreyfus’s A study by the Foundation north African origin, which month and spreading images
Jewish neighbour: she Bensimhon, who wing National Rally, said she condemned after denouncing accusers was Édouard for Political Innovation found has intensified since the of them online.
wanted to know if it was safe represents Jewish groups, and leading members of her the event as a “meeting of the Drumont, an antisemitic that men over 65 are far more second intifada, the uprising Nabila Ramdani, an
to display a mezuzah, a says his conversation with his party planned to take part. friends of unconditional writer whose ideas likely than the population as a against Israel in the early academic born in Paris of
traditional decorative case, neighbour is being played out Jewish organisations support for the massacre” [of anticipated much of Nazi whole to harbour prejudices 2000s that prompted attacks Algerian descent and the
on her front door. “She is across the country. Many of accuse Le Pen, a contender Palestinians by Israeli forces]. thought. Marshal Philippe against Jews. This is on synagogues. author of Fixing France, said:
really worried that people those who wear kippahs now for the presidency in 2027, of Macron disappointed Pétain, who led Vichy France especially true of National French Muslims are three “Many French Muslims are
will attack her,” he said. hide them under caps, hijacking the protest for her organisers by saying he from 1940 to 1944, was Rally supporters. times as likely as the linked to former French
Bensimhon understood. remove their nameplates own purposes. They point to would not take part. His complicit in the persecution More alarming, according population as a whole to colonies such as Algeria,
He, too, is Jewish, and family from doors or give false the irony of a party, some of prime minister, Élisabeth of the country’s Jews. to Dominique Reynié, the admit to antipathy towards which went through an
members were among the names when ordering online. whose founders had links to Borne, will be there, as will Le Pen’s father, Jean-Marie, foundation’s director and co- Jews, according to Reynié’s occupation that was every bit
70,000 Jews deported from His seven-year-old son is the Waffen SS, participating leaders of other parties and 95, who founded the National author of the report, is a report. They also appear to as horrific as the kind going
France during the Second the only Jewish child in his in such an event. former presidents. Front, as the party was “new” antisemitism that has be largely responsible for the on in Gaza and the West
World War and murdered by school. “I went to see his Equal consternation has Antisemitism in France has known, is firmly in that emerged in France this surge in antisemitic attacks. Bank. Their support for the
the Nazis. “Everyone is really teacher and the head and been prompted by the a long history, which peaked tradition. He was convicted century. Laurent Nuñez, the prefect Palestinians is rooted in calls
terrified that one day asked them to watch out for decision of Jean-Luc at the end of the 19th century several times of hate speech, This is based, in part, on a of Paris, said cases that had for justice, not antisemitism.”
antisemitic massacres could him,” he said. “It’s something strand of thought prevalent come to trial showed no Benjamin Haddad, an MP
start again,” he said. I would never have done among parts of the French typical perpetrator. “We find for Macron’s centrist
Today tens of thousands of before October 7.” left since the late 19th century all profiles, young kids who Renaissance party, disagrees.
people are expected to march Alarmed at the potential that regards Jews as part of a say very serious things,” but He says previous
through Paris to protest consequences for a country globalised financial elite also “people more rooted in governments were slow to
against an alarming rise in whose Muslim population, at whose loyalty to the French the defence of the pro- acknowledge the rise of
incidents directed against
France’s Jewish population,
five million, is also the
continent’s biggest, President
Everyone is republic is questionable. It Palestinian cause who get out
of hand”.
antisemitism among Muslims
due “to a form of denial or
which at 500,000 is the
largest in Europe.
Macron has taken a tough
line. “The Republic ... will be
terrified Much of the hatred plays
out in social media: a former
political correctness”.
Although wary of Le Pen’s
Since October 7, when
Hamas terrorists murdered
ruthless against those who
carry that hatred
massacres model named as Warda
Anwar was arrested after
attempt to “instrumentalise”
the march, Haddad believes it
1,200 people in Israel,
including about 40 French
[antisemitism],” he said last
week. “Any attack on a Jew is
could start joking about a disputed story
of an Israeli baby “burnt alive
is important not to lose sight
of the big picture: “The main
Jews, there have been at least always an attempt to harm in an oven by Hamas”. issue,” he said, “is to have as
1,247 antisemitic attacks on the Republic”. Some 10,000 Alfred Dreyfus, accused Russian mischief-making many people as possible turn
French soil, compared with police and soldiers have been by antisemites; Marine Le may also play a part: French out to tell French Jews they
436 in the whole of last year. deployed to protect Pen’s party had SS links officials are investigating are safe and not alone.”
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 19


The drug transformed the sex lives of millions. But with anxiety and porn addiction on

the rise, is it now being used as a sticking plaster for deeper problems, asks Matt Rudd

nce upon a time in a research
laboratory in Sandwich, ing pandemic of anxiety — hasn’t helped.
Kent, eight young men were And Viagra can’t fix mental health.”
not responding well to the Of the six times Brian, 27, has used Via-
angina drugs that were being gra, he says it has helped “a little bit” four
tested on them. The chem- times. A marketing consultant by day, he
ists monitoring them in the has not been diagnosed with erectile dys-
ten-day medical trial were function, but when faced with the
disappointed. This was a prospect of sleeping with “someone I
last-ditch attempt to prove really liked”, fear of failure to launch sent
the efficacy of a compound called him to the chemist. “I had been drunk
UK-92480 and it was failing. A nurse had on a previous occasion and hadn’t
noted, by the by, that five of the eight been able to perform,” he says. “That
human guinea pigs had happened to scared me.”
experience “very hard erections”, but Wasn’t he worried about potential
how was that going to help with angina? side-effects? Headaches, nausea, indiges-
What became one of the most lucrative tion and dizziness are common and
accidental discoveries in medical science there’s a one in 1,000 chance of some-
was nearly overlooked. The Pfizer chem- thing more drastic such as cardiac arrest
ists were all young — they didn’t think or, worse, priapism, a never-ending
impotence was an issue. It was only when tumescence. “No,” says Brian, “but my
patients showed reluctance to give the face did go red, which was annoying.”
drugs back — hiding the packets or lying Despite the red face, Brian’s partner
about how many they had left — that they was “enthusiastic” about the Viagra. But
decided to redirect their research. there is still plenty of stigma around the


A few years and several more trials drug, and other men I’ve spoken to are
later, that compound, now called sildena- reluctant to share the underlying reasons
fil, was approved for use in the UK and for their own enthusiasm — “My partner
Europe as a treatment for erectile dys- would think I don’t find her attractive any
function. Under the brand name Via- more,” one of them explained.

gra (so-called perhaps because it
rhymes with Niagara or because the nd what about women? How have
Sanskrit word vyaghra means tiger), they fared? Though some have
Pfizer’s little blue pill hit the market in reported some positive effects after
autumn 1998. It was a watershed moment taking Viagra, there is no equiva-
for sex, drugs and rocking and rolling. lent drug for women — though work
Twenty-five years on, Sandwich has a continues on an injection and a pill that
little blue plaque commemorating that can help with low libido.
moment of lift-off, the chemist leading The designer Diane von Furstenberg
the project has a knighthood and the once described Viagra as “the worst thing
Pfizer patent has long since lapsed. Since to happen to women in the last 15 years”,
2017, in an attempt to reduce the amount arguing that the struggle men face to “get
of fake Viagra being sold on the internet, a it up” in later life used to make it easier for
scandal explored in ITV’s new documen- women to come to terms with their own
tary, The Great Erection Deception, the drop in fertility.
drug and other cheaper generic varia- Some older women concur. Sinclair
tions have been available over the coun- remembers a septuagenarian couple
ter at chemists or online without a pre- who came to see him when he first
scription. On television, adverts featuring became a GP. “He was very keen to have
Monty Python-esque rockets, chimneys Viagra but she wasn’t,” he says. “I think
and big, strong trees are as inescapable as she just wanted to be left alone. Perhaps I
Did Somebody Say Just Eat? shouldn’t have written that prescrip-
Unsurprisingly, use of sildenafil has tion.” After the hurly-burly of the chaise
grown and grown — the amount dished longue and the deep, deep peace of the
out by doctors in the UK more than tri- double bed, not everyone is delighted by
pled between 2006 and 2016. In 2021, the prospect of the chaise longue again.
there were 4.29 million prescriptions, a It’s not hard, not hard at all, to make
record 182,000 of which were issued to jokes about Viagra. But as we mark its 25th
the notoriously randy over-80s. In 2022, birthday, a note of caution is also in order.
it was 4.35 million and the oldest popper An estimated one in ten men now regu-

of pills was one year off his telegram from larly medicalise their sexual experience.
the King. But is the unstoppable rise of What we should really be asking is why?
Viagra unalloyed good news? Or are the Mary Sharpe, chief executive of the
downsides being rather underplayed? Reward Foundation, a relationships and
What was once seen as an old man’s sex education charity, draws a link
affliction (Bob Dole was the 75-year-old between the growth of erectile dysfunc-
face of Viagra’s US launch commercial) is tion and streamed pornography. “This is
now also a common recourse for much the first generation who’ve had access to

younger men. Of course, Hugh Hefner unlimited adult content from a young
took it (in such quantities, his former age,” she says. “They’ve become desensi-
Playmate wife Crystal revealed after he tised. They can’t get aroused with a real
died at 91, that it made him deaf in one partner because they’re overstimulated
ear). And of course Michael Douglas, 79, by what they see on the screen. So it’s an
and Jack Nicholson, 86, have taken it. arousal dysfunction rather than an erec-
But so have Ben Affleck, 51, Ash- tile dysfunction.”
ton Kutcher, 45, and Zac Efron, Sharpe cites a 2020 study of young Bel-
36. Cricketer Andrew Flintoff, gian and Danish men by Gunter de Win, a

45, once told how he was run out Belgian professor of urology, which
while batting for England because he doesn’t increase desire — it only potenti- usual recommended dose, each time he ence”. By 2003, it was more than 34 per found a correlation between porn con-
could only “hop” due to the effects. ates your natural desire by relaxing the planned to have sex. cent and in 2013, it was 41.6 per cent. The sumption and erectile function. “There is
Alex, a 38-year-old who works in tech, blood vessels in the penis. In other “If it helps people get their confidence next survey has been delayed by the pan- no doubt that porn conditions the way we
first took Viagra at university. He is part of words, you still have to be up for it to be back, great, but half the problem is demic but is unlikely to be any less bleak. view sex,” said de Win. “Only 65 per cent
a growing group of younger men who up for it. This, says Murray Blacket, a psy- they’re so focused on getting an erection, Are we in the midst of an impotence of men felt sex with a partner was more
take the drug recreationally. “It became a chosexual therapist, is a common mis- it becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. We crisis? “Not necessarily,” says Ben Sin- exciting than watching porn.” For these
bit of a lads’ thing — who could last the conception. “Before Viagra, erectile dys- need to work on removing the pressure clair, founder of Dr Finlay’s Private Prac- men, at least, cutting out the porn will

longest and have the most sex,” he says of function was thought to be up to 90 per on the act.” tice in Birmingham and a specialist in remove the need for Viagra, says Sharpe.
his university days. “We grew out of it cent psychological and 10 per cent Couples often come to Blacket because men’s health. “The definition of erectile John, 52, tells me he doesn’t watch
pretty quickly, mainly because if you do organic. With everything put out by the the woman, rather than the man, has dysfunction has weakened in order to porn but he does take Viagra. “I’ve been
take some and then don’t end up getting drug companies over the years, that’s decided they need help. “And often, the broaden the market. It used to mean married for 20 years,” says the lawyer.
laid, it can be a pretty long night. None of now reversed. It’s seen as mostly an women aren’t that keen on Viagra as a being unable physically to have inter- “For the last five, I’ve not been the red hot
us really needed it.” organic, physical problem.” solution,” he says. “They want the man to course. Now, it can just be dissatisfaction lover I always thought I was. My wife was
He returned to it recently, in an When Viagra first arrived, it was get help rather than drugs.” Men, on the with an erection. We’re in such an image- very understanding and tried not to take
attempt to revive his sex life and improve mainly older men who used it. “Then the other hand, want a quick fix. “They based culture now, people expect to be it personally. It was just age — we called it

his libido. “I was actually a bit disap- patent stopped and all the other versions become uber-logical and go for the medi- able to perform like a Trojan all night.” the manopause. But I got very depressed
pointed by the results,” he says. “It’s not came along,” says Blacket. “With all the cation, but it’s not like getting your phone It’s no surprise, in our pill for every ill about it and that only made things
as good at stimulating the libido as I marketing and advertising, it soon fixed. You have to do the work.” society, that Viagra is still booming, he harder. Or softer, I suppose. Two years
thought.” He didn’t tell his partner — “It’s became more widely used among According to the National Survey of adds. “But we ignore all the lifestyle stuff ago, I took the plunge and popped the
quite embarrassing to need it when younger men. That’s not to say younger Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles, the rise of at our peril. We need to look at sleep qual- pill. And, wow. It was like being 25 again.”
you’re young because it raises questions men don’t have difficulties, they do, but Viagra has coincided with a rise in the ity, diet, mental health, exercise — all Will he still be taking it when Viagra
about desire and performance that are there’s a recreational side too. I have cli- number of men suffering from some form those things. Young people today are turns 50 and he turns 77? “I don’t know. I
difficult to address.” ents who ‘preload’ before going out. One of erectile dysfunction. Fifty years ago, very aware of the importance of mental can’t imagine stopping right now, but ask
Viagra has taught us something inter- of them — a young man in his twenties — less than 5 per cent of men in relation- health but they can be emotionally frag- me again nearer the time.”
esting about sex. Because sildenafil was taking 100mg of Viagra, double the ships had “problems with sexual experi- ile. The pandemic — and its accompany- Some names have been changed

My journey I
t is 6am at London City millions of people every year. “The next attack won’t come announced a deadline of next
airport, and I am shuffling After almost two decades of at us where we are prepared June for the switch to the new
forward in the security line queues, rows over forgotten for it, where we have built technology. Some airports

trying not to seem shifty. suntan lotion and discarded layer upon layer of redundant are ahead of the curve.
Sandwiched between bottles of Evian, passengers security.” Amsterdam Schiphol and
sharp-suited businessmen, I will break free from the One might argue that this Shannon airport have them
am painfully aware that tyranny of the little plastic stringent security has been a already, and Teesside
there’s a large quantity of bag. price worth paying for safer International was the first in

coke in my bag. Well, in theory. As my bag flying. But the real problem is the UK to make the switch,
Not that kind of coke — a journeys through the the industry has been slow to spending £1 million on two
1.75-litre bottle of the brown scanner, it is flagged for apply technology to meet our scanners. Belfast has spent
stuff. I am here to put the search, and the contents heightened security needs. £6 million for six. Others,

airport’s new liquid rules to emptied. My jumbo Diet Coke “There is no doubt that it’s such as Heathrow, Gatwick,
the test. Since April this year, raises a few eyebrows and is going to be a relief from a Stockholm Arlanda and
passengers have been whisked off for testing. The passenger’s point of view,” Barcelona, have them in
allowed to carry through up businessmen are tutting. says the air transport some lanes only.

with a giant
to two litres, thanks to CT After a few minutes’ wait, the consultant John Strickland. There are about 60 UK
scanners to be introduced to bottle gets the all clear to Katie Gatens brandishes her gigantic bottle of Diet “When the 100ml rule was airports, meaning the bill for
all UK airports by next June. come with me to Edinburgh. Coke after triumphantly arriving at Edinburgh airport introduced it was a huge the new scanners will run
The scanners, which cost My experiment may seem a aggravation — not just for into the hundreds of millions.

stash of Coke
about £250,000, create a 3D little stuntlike, but we could the world fell into line. Shoes 100ml rule, which was passengers but for airports For Heathrow, Gatwick and
rather than a 2D image and be at the beginning of a new became a problem in brought in shortly too.” other big airports, this cost
can measure the density of dawn for flying. December 2001, when afterwards, runs to the many The scanners at London will be absorbed by the
liquids. The rather draining reality Richard Reid hid bombs in his billions. With about 100,000 City can process 550 trays per number of passengers, but
This gives them the ability we live with now is a product boots on a flight from Paris to passengers departing every lane per hour, increasing by regional airports such as
to differentiate between of the early 21st-century wave Miami; he was restrained by day from Heathrow alone, 30 per cent the number of Southend are struggling.
After 17 years of maddening restrictions, liquid types to decide
whether there is a possible
of global terror. Before 9/11,
airport security was fairly lax.
passengers and crew before
he could detonate them.
millions of hours are wasted.
Many have wondered
passengers that pass through
security per hour.
These costs all add up.
Sadly, I had to part from
the 100ml liquid rule is being phased threat and flag it using “smart In the US, passengers waltzed Liquids came later, in 2006, whether the cost of the To fully reap the rewards, my trusty Diet Coke in
algorithms” that identify an on to internal flights. But after after a failed plot to construct checks is worth paying. however, you have to fly Edinburgh, as there were no
out thanks to 3D scanners that can spot ever-expanding list of 9/11, sharp items were bombs from peroxide-based “The thing about 9/11 is somewhere that also has one new scanners, but we’re
dangerous substances. Katie Gatens dangerous goods.
It promises to improve the
banned from the cabin. Full-
body scanners and bag
liquid explosives (such as
hair bleach).
that it took us by surprise,”
wrote Gerard Baker in his
of the scanners. In December
last year, the transport
planning a trip together in the
summer. I’ve heard Belfast is
relishes her new flying freedoms airport experience for checks were introduced, and The economic cost of the Times column this month. secretary, Mark Harper, lovely at that time of year.
20 The Sunday Times November 12, 2023


The storm hit our cruise ship. I went somersaulting through the air
After 100 passengers were injured in the Bay of A lot had walking sticks. They provided reassurance but no The following morning, my paid about £4,000 each.
wouldn’t be very mobile on medical help, because quite a back had seized up and it was Another couple had saved up
Biscay, Peter Wellington, a retired head teacher the street, and as the ship few people had been more excruciatingly painful, for the trip as a celebration
from Basingstoke, tells what it was like on board rocked it became very severely injured than I. After making me cry out. I was because the husband had

difficult to walk. about an hour, I was taken to given painkillers and muscle overcome cancer, so it was a
ver the course of a few classes. The swimming pool By last Saturday, the ship the medical centre in a relaxants. While in our room, big deal for a lot of people.
days, the sea had been had been closed because it had been battered by the wheelchair. Chairs slid up and we had to wedge the coffee What next? Some
growing progressively was too dangerous. We were storm for several days. I was down the corridor as I waited table between the armchair passengers have been offered
more choppy. The clutching on to handrails as in the North Cape bar, trying to see the doctor. I was given and the bed so they wouldn’t counselling. We weren’t sure
further north we we walked around. my best to relax in one of the an ice pack because there slide about. I stood up to get whether we would get a
headed, the worse it got. Given the forecast and the small armchairs, reading a were so many injured. I was x- something at one point and refund, but on Friday evening
From our balcony on D deck heavy weather, many of us novel. My wife, Pamela, was rayed eventually but it was a was thrown across the room we were told that we would,
we could see the waves were baffled by the decision sitting opposite me. struggle. Medical equipment and on to the bed. after the chief executive of
swelling. Some were five not to stay in Gran Canaria With my focus firmly on a Waves five metres high forced the Spirit of Discovery to was thrown from the shelves Even some of the crew Saga Cruises visited the ship
metres high, I was told. and move onwards to A Benjamin Myers’ The Offing return to Portsmouth. Below, Peter and his wife Pamela and crashed to the floor while were scared. Passengers who and said he had gained a
While it was certainly Coruña, in northern Spain, to (heartwarming), suddenly I I was examined. had been on dozens of “greater understanding of
dramatic, funnily enough I stay ahead of the storm. As was thrown backwards, been halted by the liner’s By this point, we had been cruises and crossed the Bay of how traumatic this was”. That
wasn’t scared. I had faith in the seas became rougher, somersaulted in the air and safety system, activated by told to stay in our cabins and Biscay many times had never restored my faith in the
this modern ship, the Spirit some passengers asked to landed firmly on my back the treacherous conditions. not move. At one stage, we experienced anything like it. company.
of Discovery, taking us on a dock in Lisbon. Owing to the several metres away. The Tables in the grand dining were told to sit, hang on to Later, a statement was read Saga estimates that 100 of
14-day Saga cruise around the weather conditions, the port chair landed on top of me. To room were thrown over and something or lie on the floor. out over the loudspeaker that the ship’s 1,000 passengers
Canary Islands. at A Coruña was closed, so we say I was shocked was an cutlery and crockery and All events and entertainment basically said the captain had were injured. So it’s probably
The storm had been attempted to head back to understatement. Everyone bottles sent crashing to the was cancelled and our meals done the right thing. A lot of not a surprise that some were
forecast for days, so we knew Portsmouth. rallied round to help me off floor. In the library, people were brought to our cabins. people felt it minimised what saying they would never go
it was coming, and many of I consider myself pretty the floor but I was in were thrown out of chairs and The food was always lovely had happened. on a cruise again. I think we
the events we were looking sprightly for 73, but many considerable pain. books fell on top of them. but chateaubriand in your We had really been looking would. We might give the Bay
forward to were cancelled, passengers on the ship were We later learnt the ship Fellow passengers fetched bedroom on a paper plate is forward to the holiday. After of Biscay a miss, though.
such as ballroom-dancing in their eighties and nineties. had lurched to the left and a member of the crew, who not what you want. all, a cruise is not cheap — we As told to Glen Keogh

Models, spliffs and stolen buses

inherit the title, or the stately home, and
struggles to find his purpose is a familiar
fate. Beaufort describes Prince Harry’s
memoir, Spare, as “ghastly and saccha-
rine”. Did he read it? “No, but I read the

— meet the Duke of Disorder

extracts in the papers.”
A life-long party boy, the duke first
tried marijuana (“a genuine life-en-
hancer”) as a teenager when the actor
Peter Sellers, a fellow guest on a country
weekend, gave him a joint. There was a
later period of “rather more cocaine than
ADRIAN SHERRATT FOR THE SUNDAY TIMES ideal”, as he writes, but now his drug
A memoir reveals the high-class shenanigans of one of intake seems to be weed and “very occa-
sionally” ecstasy. He always told his chil-

our last true aristocrats. Laura Pullman joins him for tea dren, Bobby and Bella, now in their thir-
ties, that they should take drugs only in
moderation. “But, funnily enough, they
nce the butler has served The Duke of and of playing rounders with Elizabeth hardly do it at all. It’s a terrible, terrible
tea, I ask Harry Beaufort, Beaufort with Hurley, who galloped around “like an disappointment,” he grins. “They’re not
also known as the 12th Duke wife Georgia at attractive but demented gym mistress”. caners by any stretch of the imagination.”
of Beaufort, or Bunter to his Badminton. He is One escapade involved his friends He also chuckles at the memory of
chums, about his one-night on friendly terms leaping onto an idling double-decker bus, Ronnie Wood (another acquaintance)
stand with Jerry Hall. In his with the King, full of Japanese sightseers but minus the being chastised by one of his sons for
new memoir, The Unlikely whose family driver, who’d nipped to the loo, and snorting cocaine off a mantlepiece mid-
Duke, Beaufort recalls sleep- home is nearby drunkenly driving through London, conversation. “Dad, please! Not in the liv-
ing with the Texan model in crashing into parked cars as the terrified ing room,” the complaint went.
her London hotel in the tourists screamed. “Nowadays, I think Beaufort ponders why the younger
early 1980s. Afterwards, discretion was you probably would go to jail for that,” generation seem more restrained in the
required but Bunter couldn’t resist blab- Bunter reflects wistfully. sex, drugs and rock’n’roll stakes. “Cer-
bing and word got back to Hall. “If that In 2017, Beaufort’s life became margin- tainly they work harder. I think also that
boy’s cock was as big as his mouth, he’d ally more serious when his father died in all this sort of MeToo era, you have to
be one hell of a lay,” she reportedly and he became the 12th Duke of Beaufort. be incredibly careful so maybe that
quipped. He inherited an estimated £315 million means less ...” he says, trailing off.
Four decades later, at his ancestral fortune, moved into the vast Badminton Both Beaufort’s father and Beaufort
home, Badminton House, lounging in the House and its 52,000-acre Gloucester- himself during his first marriage regu-
library beneath a brace of Canalettos, shire estate, with his gorgeous new wife, larly cheated. “In my parents’ generation
Beaufort mumbles: “I’m very fond of Georgia Powell, 17 years younger, a ... a lot of people had extramarital
Jerry. She’s still a friend.” Did he get her former obituary writer and the grand- affairs. Whereas jumping two genera-
blessing to brag again? “I sent it to her daughter of the novelist Anthony Powell. tions, my son would be horrified if that
saying, ‘Is this all right?’ She didn’t actu- Beaufort’s ex-wife, the actress-turned- was going on,” he says. “Maybe I was
ally answer, but she didn’t say no either,” environmentalist Tracy Ward, occupies lucky enough to be caught in the middle
he says, chuckling. another house on the estate. generation.” It was in the midst of his
Being welcomed into 116-room Bad- The duke’s name-dropping is top- divorce from Ward that he met Georgia,
minton House by one of Britain’s last true drawer. At his 1987 wedding to Ward, now 54. Was it love at first sight? “I could
aristocrats offers a precious glimpse into Princess Diana and Prince Charles caused see there was something fairly special
a world of upstairs-downstairs hierarch- headlines because Di danced “maniacally there, but I think we were both vaguely
ies, snifters and shoots, the likes of which with a succession of young men”, he tied up in other things.”
is usually only seen on Sunday night telly.
Bridgerton, incidentally, was filmed at
Diana writes. The princess visited Badminton
various times but didn’t click with Beau-
The duke whizzes me on a tour
through one wing: ballroom, dining
Badminton. So how do our aristocrats danced fort’s father, David Somerset. “He was the room, study, sitting room, bigger dining
live today?
Beaufort is certainly an unlikely duke;
maniacally slayer of women,” Georgia recalled, “but
he never got anywhere with Diana
room, vast hallway where the game of
badminton was invented. Countless por-
even at 71, he prefers Ibiza raves to coun- with a because he found her too child-like.” traits look down — “various relatives”,
try hunts, and Glastonbury festival to
grouse shooting. Unlikely, too, because
succession Another anecdote involves a teenage
Prince Harry throwing a succession of
Beaufort mutters. Among the art, armour
and antiques, dotted chamber pots col-
he inherited the title only because his of young girls, fully clothed, into the swimming lect leaks. Georgia appears for lunch with
father’s cousin, the 10th duke, had no
children. Tall (6ft 6in) and twinkly-eyed,
men pool at an 18th birthday party at Badmin-
ton. Bunter and the fellow guests were
her two King Charles spaniels, Vinnie and
Frankie. Cue apologies that we’re having
he’s been the lead singer in rock bands too stunned to stop the prince. “Luckily “posh fish fingers” (goujons with celeriac
called Guzzling Porter and Planet Potato, my father’s butler was around,” Beaufort chips), gossip about billionaire friends
but now fronts the Listening Device, who recalls. “He took Harry by the scruff of his (“we’re rich, they’re very rich”, says
have supported Rod Stewart and the neck and told him not to do it.” Beaufort) and a frankly unprintable story
Who. Think Bill Nighy’s old rock star In the book, Prince Andrew is about Hugh Grant and piles.
character in Love Actually but far posher. described as full of “very bland stories The duke presses a buzzer and a butler
Decades ago, while signed to Peter String- about ‘Mother’” but Beaufort is on appears with a meringue roulade. Cue
fellow’s record label, he believed that friendly terms with the King, whose fam- apologies for a “really puddingy pud-
superstardom beckoned. “In recent ily home, Highgrove House, is nine miles ding”. Some guests pay a pretty penny for
times, the music is much better but per- down the road. “I’m definitely a royalist. the full toff Badminton experience. Some
haps not appreciated by such a wide pub- There’s always going to be problem peo- children of the US media billionaire Ted
lic,” he says. ple in it,” the duke says. “There’ll proba- Turner recently shelled out for a shooting
Nevertheless, his silver-spoon life bly be another scandal of some kind weekend, which costs around £50,000 to
has been one of gigging and gam- quite soon.” £60,000, including food and wine. How
bling, golf and girls. His memoir is a Beaufort has a difficult younger very Succession. “I think they only drank
jolly romp through Eton mishaps, brother of his own. Lord Edward Som- three bottles of wine between them,”
Mayfair members’ clubs, and shoul- erset was addicted to heroin and Beaufort says, incredulously. “And I sud-
der-rubbing with rock royalty and cocaine for years, and was jailed in denly realised I must have drunk about
actual royalty. There are tales of 2014 for beating his wife. “He’s two of those myself.” Cin, cin.
his car breaking down en route to sort of now on a level. He’s liv-
Royal Ascot as a personal guest ing a sensible life,” says Beau- The Unlikely Duke by Harry Beaufort will
of Queen Elizabeth (he ran the fort vaguely. The life of the be published on Thursday (Hodder &
last mile in his top hat and tails), younger brother who doesn’t Stoughton, £25)

Burning rubber: why tyre pollution is speeding us to disaster

Every driver knows his was the year we all
learnt the acronym
from road transport in 2021.
The report said that the
A test carried out in March,
on a circuit near Oxford,
Nick Molden, chief
executive of Emissions
than when it was driven
critiques of moves towards
net zero. Slowing down the
The solution to this
problem may well be more
about the danger “Ulez”, as time, emotion chemicals had a devastating found that the tyres of a Tesla Analytics, suggested that tyre Molden is the first to transition to EVs would be a innovation and there are
of exhaust fumes. and vast political capital effect on wildlife, and Model 3 were notably more emissions rise “pound for concede that this sort of disaster.” welcome signs that this
were spent in an ill- accumulated in the food worn than that of a pound” in proportion to the research represents only the Matt Finch, UK policy process is under way.
But we may have tempered effort to clean the chain. comparable hybrid, the Kia weight of a vehicle. first steps to understanding manager for Transport & Last week, the Earthshot
overlooked the air we breathe. Yet what if in Vehicles globally generate Niro, driven in convoy for Of course EVs are not the the problem. There is Environment, a campaign Prize, created by the Prince of
effects of wheel wear our obsession with exhaust about six million tonnes of 460 miles. To be precise, the only cars with a serious anecdotal evidence that real- group, agrees. “Pollution Wales to find solutions to the
fumes, we have neglected tyre waste, running from fully electric car had lost weight problem — according world EV drivers tend from tyre wear is a massive world’s greatest
and tear, writes another environmental visible pieces of rubber to 26 per cent more tread than to Jato, a motor industry data towards caution, so anxious problem that no one is talking environmental challenges,
Nicholas Hellen disaster in the making? nano-particles that are small the hybrid. firm, the average weight of a are they to conserve the about. EVs are way better named as a finalist a London
This time the finger is enough to harm health. The implications of the car sold in Europe today is range of their batteries. than their fossil predecessors firm, Enso, which aims to
pointing at tyres and brakes, Worse, there are minimal test, conducted by the British 1,600kg, up from 1,328kg in Environmental because they don’t spew out a manufacture a million low-
which, according to a report controls on the composition firm Emissions Analytics, are 2001, and this has largely campaigners are worried toxic cocktail from a tailpipe, emission tyres annually by
from Imperial College of the chemicals used to form potentially enormous. been because of the rising about raising the tyre-based but they are not perfect.” 2026. It is already testing its
London, accounted for high-endurance rubber, The problem with the popularity of the sport utility pollution, because they fear Electric cars do have one product on black cabs in
more than half of which include zinc, lead, and current generation of fully vehicle. that climate sceptics will clear-cut advantage. Dr Euan London and has carried out
small particle polyaromatic hydrocarbons. electric cars is that the weight There is, however, a weaponise the problem in McTurk, consultant battery trials with the Post Office and
pollution These contribute to cancer, of their batteries makes them further problem with electric their fight against electric electrochemist at Plug Life DPD, the logistics firm.
damage the reproductive considerably heavier than cars because they are capable vehicles. Consulting, points out that So rather than more strict
system and cause heart their petrol or diesel of astonishing bursts of “These problems are real EV drivers use their brakes regulation and bans, the hope
problems. equivalents, thus forcing the acceleration. Molden tested a but we don’t want to provide much less than their petrol is that ingenuity will see us
Even more worrying is the tyres to work harder — and conventional VW Golf “driven ammunition to the enemy,” and diesel counterparts, through.
suggestion that electric increasing the release of as crazily as you could, really says Leo Murray, co-founder because most braking is Or, as the Earthshot judges
vehicles (EVs) may make particulates. In the test, the pushed it, but within the of the climate charity carried out not via pads and put it: “It is possible to
aspects of the Tesla weighed 1,718kg, 32 per law”. The tyre wear was Possible. “There’s a chilling discs, but via regenerative reinvent the wheel, and make
problem worse. cent more than the Kia. “about 1,000 times greater” effect of the constant braking, reversing the motor. air cleaner for all.”
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 21


Gaza strife in La-La land for the

catwalk star and Wonder Woman
Bella Hadid and Gal Gadot have become unlikely lightning rods for hate and abuse, writes Charlotte Ivers

hey are two of the most Yet for the past month she has Killing of innocent Israelis is horrific. If
famous and beautiful women dedicated her account to highlighting you don’t feel the same, I think you
on the planet, equally adept to her 61 million followers the devasta- should ask yourself why that is.”
at selling lush fantasies. Gal tion in Gaza. On October 26, the 27- Ofira Asayag, an Israeli television host,
Gadot is Wonder Woman, year-old posted a video of herself wear- responded: “Keep quiet, it’s better for
the corset-wearing, sword-
wielding, cinema-filling DC I’m sent ing a Palestinian keffiyeh, with
accompanying text that begins: “Forgive There
all of us. You live in some Hollywood
movie, and whenever you feel like it,
Comics heroine. Bella Hadid
is the face of luxury fashion, death me for my silence. My heart is bleeding
with pain from the trauma I am seeing were you’re Israeli again.” The actress was
forced to issue a clarification that she sup-
appearing on catwalks and
Vogue covers, along with her similarly threats unfold. As well as the generational
trauma of my Palestinian blood ... fights ported Israel.
Naturally, both women have also been
celebrated sister, Gigi.
Yet over the past month, reality has
every I mourn for the Israeli families that have
been dealing with the pain and aftermath outside subsumed in the torrent of falsehoods
and fake news that has been generated by
come crashing in around these two
women, with family ties drawing them
day of October 7th.”
Her posts have been more carefully her film the conflict. A few weeks ago a photo-
graph of Gadot in uniform during her
into the ferocious and toxic battles being considered than her father’s. Late last national service, taken about 18 years
fought online over Israel and Gaza. month, the millionaire real-estate devel- ago, went viral on Twitter/X, alongside
Instead of fronting advertising cam- oper posted an infographic on Instagram erroneous claims that she had joined the
paigns appearing at movie premieres, that compared Israel to the Nazis. He IDF to fight in the current conflict.
they have become poster girls for the later deleted the post. Last week, another fake news story cir-
global infowars, magnets for vicious trol- Why should you care what a super- culated to the effect that Dior had
ling and hatred, attacked by their own model and a movie star are saying on replaced Bella Hadid with an Israeli
side as well as the other. In this bitter nar- social media? Because the war in Gaza is model as a result of her recent activism.
rative warfare, there are no real winners. not just a battle fought with rockets and Social media exploded in outrage. In fact,
Neither woman has flinched from step- tanks. It is an information battle for Hadid’s contract with the fashion house
ping into the breach. Gadot, 38, is used to hearts and minds that consumes and cor- ended in March last year.
drawing febrile crowds outside Holly- rodes all who take part in it. Of course celebrity activism is nothing
wood screenings. But on Thursday night For most people, particularly those new — think of “Hanoi” Jane Fonda’s 1972
in Los Angeles, a screening organised by under 40, these two women — and other trip to north Vietnam. But conflict in the
Gadot — in the ironically named Museum celebrities like them — are one of their Holy Land has the ability to divide and
of Tolerance — of 47 minutes of footage primary sources of information about the outrage like little else. Hadid and Gadot
provided by the Israel Defence Forces conflict. This immense power has not are the most prominent faces of the con-
(IDF) showing the atrocities committed gone unnoticed by those on either side of flict online, but they are far from alone in
by Hamas during the October 7 massacre, the conflict, both of which have making their voices heard. In a culture
led to fighting on the street. Outside, foot- advanced digital propaganda operations. where “silence is violence”, everyone
age showed protesters carrying Palestin- Hadid’s supermodel sister Gigi feels under pressure to speak.
ian flags clashing with others carrying recently posted on Instagram that “there And so battle lines have been drawn in
Israeli flags. Punches were thrown. is nothing Jewish about the Israeli govern- Hollywood and beyond. On one side,
Gadot is a former Miss Israel and ment’s treatment of Palestinians. Con- actors such as Tilda Swinton and Steve
national icon, voted the world’s sexiest demning the Israeli government is not Coogan were among 2,000 people to
woman by FHM magazine in 2017. Born antisemitic and supporting Palestinians have signed an open letter organised by
just outside Tel Aviv, the granddaughter is not supporting Hamas.” Artists for Palestine calling for a cease-
of a Holocaust survivor, she served, like Israel’s official Instagram account fire. On the other, Jewish celebrities such
almost all young Israelis, in the IDF, in her soon responded: “Have you been sleep- as the songwriter and record producer
case as a combat fitness instructor before ing the past week? Or are you just fine Mark Ronson and the comedian and
her modelling career drew her to Holly- turning a blind eye to Jewish babies being actress Amy Schumer have used their
wood. Her first big break was in the 2009 butchered in their homes? Your silence social media accounts to campaign for
action blockbuster Fast & Furious, the has been very clear about where you the return of the Israeli hostages.
fourth film in the long-running franchise. stand. We see you.” Families have been divided too. The
Hadid is one of the most famous For Hadid and Gadot, this is not an actress Angelina Jolie recently shared a
Palestinians alive and has long been an abstract culture war. Both have family social media post in which she said that
activist for Palestinian rights. Her father, and friends who have been deeply Israel was “deliberately bombing chil-
the property developer Mohamed Anwar affected by recent events. Both have paid dren, women, families, deprived of food,
Hadid, was taken as a baby from Palestine a considerable personal cost for speaking medicine, and humanitarian aid” in vio-
to Lebanon when his family fled the out, receiving a torrent of abuse. lation of international law. Her father, the
1947-49 war. They eventually settled in “I’ve been sent hundreds of death actor Jon Voight, 84, declared himself
Syria before moving to the US. His daugh- threats daily,” Hadid wrote on Instagram. “disappointed that my daughter ...
ter, raised in Washington DC and Beverly “My phone number has been leaked, and has no understanding of God’s honour,
Hills, showed promise as an equestrian my family has felt to be in danger.” God’s truths.”
before becoming a model aged 16. A cursory scan of social media reveals Until now, celebrity PRs have at least
Both women have vast social media that Gadot has been experiencing some- been comforted that the writers’ and
followings. In recent weeks, Gadot has thing similar. “I’m 100 per cent con- actors’ strikes that have cut their clients
posted pictures to her 109 million Insta- vinced all Israelis are mentally ill. Also off from awkward media questions. But
gram followers demanding the return of f*** Gal Gadot she’s a soulless bitch” those are over now, so expect plenty
the 240 Israeli hostages held by Hamas. reads one tweet. Another: “I hope Gal more rows.
Until a couple of weeks ago, Hadid’s Gadot falls off the face of the Earth and Yet for Hadid and Gadot, this is about
Instagram looked exactly as you would rots in hell what an evil bitch.” far more than image and positioning.
expect from the account of arguably the Such is the divisive nature of this con- This is about family, tribe, identity and
world’s most famous supermodel. Hadid, flict that some of the vitriol has come peoplehood. And as is so often the case
angular and striking, on the red carpet. from their own side. In the days following when it comes to Israel and Palestine,
Hadid, tanned and wistful, in a tiny dress, October 7, Gadot posted on Instagram: part of the tragedy is how much they have
staring out at the sunset. “Killing innocent Palestinians is horrific. in common.

Harry Potter and the boy

Hertfordshire, at full pelt. “I the friends took Holmes’s — his father and friends, and
was imagining snitches and Mercedes SLK to the Lake Greg Powell, the Potter stunt
dodging quaffles, and by the District, gunning it up the co-ordinator — have taught
end of the day Chris motorway at 100mph, going him that “accountability” and

he wouldn’t leave behind

Columbus [the director] was walking and having pub tenderness is what makes a
whooping and hollering,” he dinners. “I was able to man. “These men have loved
says. They had their boy — provide an environment me into being,” he says. His
and he could fly. where he could grow as a childhood friend, Tommy, is
Holmes would appear as young man and explore his carer today. “There is no
Radcliffe’s stunt double in six himself,” says Holmes. “It was truer service to a best friend
films, swinging on wires, safe.” Until the accident. than what he has done for me
David Holmes was Daniel Radcliffe’s stunt The Boy who Lived, the title a breathwork therapy, sliding down roofs and Holmes, 25 at the time, was in my life. He is family.”
nod to the first chapter of the meditating by holding his hanging off windowsills. “I’ve rehearsing for a scene in Last year, after 12 years
double until he was paralysed in an accident first Harry Potter book, breath underwater in a pool — probably got more which Harry is struck by the being single, Holmes met his
on set. Now his ‘little brother’ has made him produced by him and his record is 4 mins 25 broomstick air miles than any snake Nagini when it girlfriend, Rosie, who is
the star of a new film, he tells Megan Agnew Radcliffe. It is a story of a man seconds. other human being on the happened. In the moments quadriplegic. He was renting

wice a week, sometimes and ever-reducing —
trapped by and trying to live
with his own body, and the I’ve got more The only way to describe
paralysis, he says, is “being
planet,” he says.
The cast became “a
afterwards he lay on the floor
of the studio, conscious and
her fully adapted villa in
Spain and they started
three, 11-year-old Daniel
Radcliffe would go to
movement in his right. “I am
hopeful and optimistic, and I
tale of a friendship between
two boys that has endured broomstick wrapped tightly in linen, then
buried in sand, with a car
family”, Holmes acting as a
big-brother figure to the
in agony, unable to feel the
stunt co-ordinator pinching
emailing, “moaning about it”.
After some FaceTime dates,
the stunt department on
the Harry Potter film
will be until the very end,
because life is a gift,” he says,
through trials neither of them
could have envisioned. air miles than battery plugged into your
feet. I’m just constantly trying
young cast, and to Radcliffe in
particular. “Dan’s not a tall
his legs.
Radcliffe stuck with his
she came down from
Sheffield to stay with him.
set. He would find his stunt
double, 16-year-old David
sitting at home in Essex, in
front of a fire and a bookshelf
“I always wanted an older
brother,” Radcliffe, 34, told anyone else to not let the bad thoughts
creep in, not dial into the
man,” says Holmes, who is 5ft
1in to Radcliffe’s 5ft 5in. “But
friend throughout, visiting
Holmes at the Royal National
“Everything we get together
means more,” he says. “Every
Holmes —“the coolest person
I’d ever seen” — and they
filled with JK Rowling’s Potter
books. “But 15 years ago, I
The Sunday Times. “And
Dave was one of them. He was on the planet pain. I look for the beauty in
all things. That’s all I’ve ever
being surrounded [in the
stunt room] by small men [in
Orthopaedic Hospital and
watching movies projected
time we’re next to each other.
Every time we can just
would start to play. learnt that life also takes.” someone that really looked been able to do.” the stunt room] that were on to the ceiling in between embrace in whatever way we
The two of them practised Now, for the first time, out for me as I grew up and Holmes was born in confident, that owned it, tests and operations. can. It means more. It’s a
judo, swordfighting and Holmes is telling his story, has continued to and I knew I Romford, the youngest of probably helped him accept “It’s taken a really long tragic love story. I wish it
boxing. They would jump off which has been made into a could trust him. That’s three brothers. At 11, after the fact that, yeah, small men time for us to recognise the weren’t ours. I really do.”
portable cabins, dive on to documentary, David Holmes: something that hasn’t being scouted at his local are cool.” full impact of what Recent tests have found
mats and do flips on changed.” gymnastics club, he became a Radcliffe says: “I had a happened,” says Radcliffe. that, due to a cyst on
trampolines. A new Potter The two friends’ lives have stunt double on the sci-fi really unusual childhood. I’ve “And we’re still realising.” Holmes’s spinal cord, his
film was made almost every been entwined for two movie Lost in Space. missed out on some Once the Potter films neurological level is rated as
year, making Radcliffe one of decades. Their daily realities, At 16, he auditioned for experiences but I’ve also had ended, “there was definitely a C1, the most severe spinal
the most famous children in however, look very different. Daniel Radcliffe Potter — sitting on a bike really cool other experiences period where I didn’t know injury, which is likely to lead
the world. As the Radcliffe is getting rave with his former saddle stuck on to a because of people like Dave. what was important to me,” to full paralysis, making
decade went on, he reviews in a Broadway play, Harry Potter broomstick stuck onto on the That stunt room was an the actor adds. “I’d been independent breathing,
and Holmes became Merrily We Roll Along, living stunt double back of a lorry driving down amazing escape. And Dave doing this thing really speech and swallowing
“like brothers”. in New York with his partner, David Holmes in the runway at the Warner was a guide.” consistently and had all the impossible. “So I’d like to use
And then, in January 2009, the actress Erin Darke, 39, the new film Bros Studios in Leavesden, In a break between filming, structure and then suddenly my voice now before I lose it,”
he was rehearsing a “jerk and their baby son. But every HBO that was gone and I very he says. “I’m still fighting, not
back” for the penultimate so often, he will get a “Dave quickly went into a kind of giving up yet.”
film in the series, Harry Holmes bollocking” over the freefall. It was something I From his home in Essex,
Potter and the Deathly phone, all the way from talked to Dave about and he his support — and bollockings
Hallows: Part One — being Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. was, as he always had been, — of Radcliffe continue. “I can
pulled backwards on a wire, “I call him out,” says a ... guiding star in all that.” vicariously live through his
as if blown backwards by an Holmes. “Tell him to eat well, Holmes says he mourned achievements, knowing the
explosion. But the weight on sleep well, do all the right the loss of his ability to walk, commitment and friendship
the pulley was miscalculated things. You’ve got to love but also to dance, drive fast that we had together has had
and his body hit a padded yourself and love your body cars and have sex. “For a long a knock-on effect for him. I’m
wall at speed. His colleague because you only get one of time, I identified masculinity very proud,” says Holmes.
later said he hung there “like them. So don’t take the piss as sexual prowess. And when “Breaking my neck made a
a puppet with its string cut”. out of it.” it’s taken away from you, like man of me — of all of us.
He had broken his neck. It takes Holmes more than it is with me ...” He pauses. “I That’s the truth.”
Since then, Holmes, 40, two hours to get out of bed. remember saying to my dad
has been paralysed from the He has physiotherapy three in hospital, ‘I just feel like I’m David Holmes: The Boy Who
chest down; his left arm is times a week, two massages, not a man any more’.” Lived will be on Sky and Now
mobile but he has reduced — hospital visits and Instead, the men in his life from Friday
22 The Sunday Times November 12, 2023


Dominic Lawson
Just Stop Oil love to cry
‘fascist’. It’s laughable
A day to forget — not a police
failure but a political one The group is anti-democratic, yet it likens itself to the suffragettes

t is a sad fact that Armistice Day, the Braverman’s allies insisted that yester- hile the politicians concern when he stood in the 2019 European unbearably self-righteous “slow marchers” but
annual commemoration of sacrifices day’s events were in fact a vindication of themselves with the effect on parliament election for the London that the ostensible aim of the demonstrators is
Londoners of pro-Palestinian constituency, he won 924 of the 2,241,681 votes already the official position of His Majesty’s
made by British soldiers in the name her warnings and proof that the march marches claiming that Israel, and cast (or just 0.04 per cent of the total). Opposition. In that sense, there is no
of western freedom, was marked by should not have been allowed to go ahead. not Hamas, is “genocidal”, there Thus, Just Stop Oil declared last week, democratic deficit being met by direct action.
abuses of that freedom. Ugly scenes Consider how all this looked from any is another protest group that “Deeds, not words”, under a release At least the Met felt able to carry out arrests
broke out in central London yester- reasonable distance. Sunak, a prime min- plagues the capital weekly. It is headlined, in capital letters: “SUFFRAGETTE on Waterloo Bridge last week. It was last month
day as groups of far-right protesters ister at the head of a splintered govern- one that accuses our own PAINTING SMASHED”. It went on to boast how that police, for the first time, invoked section 7
government of genocide, of “knowingly two of its supporters had “smashed the Rokeby of the Public Order Act 2023, allowing them to
brawled and clashed with the police. ment, stopped short of demanding that
planning the murder of hundreds of thousands Venus — slashed by Mary Richardson in 1914”. break up any action “which interferes with the
Meanwhile some pro-Palestinian protest- the Met ban protests. He found himself of British citizens”. Not only that, it informs The Rokeby Venus is a painting by Velázquez in use or operation of any key national
ers, having defied pleadings not to march, unable to censure his home secretary said British citizens: “Either you are actively the National Gallery, which indeed had been infrastructure in England and Wales”. The
chanted antisemitic slogans and hounded when she threw down the gauntlet to him supporting [our] civil resistance ... or you are attacked by that suffragette over a century ago: police had sought such a measure, having been
the levelling-up secretary, Michael Gove. and, in effect, went to war with the people complicit with genocide.” Just Stop Oil, which smashed the glass covering humiliated by a decision of the High Court that
More than 100 people — mainly from the charged with keeping London’s streets This is Just Stop Oil, which staged yet the painting, presumably wanted to show itself the Met had unlawfully invoked section 14 of
another of its “slow marches” last week, as acting in the spirit of Richardson. the old Public Order Act when bringing to an
far-right mob — were arrested. The Metro- safe. The King’s Speech on Tuesday, including “lie-ins” across main roads. This one What perhaps the organisation doesn’t end Extinction Rebellion’s London
politan Police and supporting officers mostly a collection of low-key policies on closed Waterloo Bridge for two hours. An know is that Richardson went on to become, in demonstrations in 2019.
drafted in from around the country matters ranging from smoking to tenants’ exasperated driver of a blocked ambulance, its the 1930s, a member of Oswald Mosley’s British Still, the public lose out twice, first because
deserve praise for largely separating the rights, had long been forgotten by the blue lights flashing and siren screaming, told Union of Fascists. And quite a senior member: they suffer from actions that masquerade as
two sides and preventing even worse vio- time 300,000 people massed in the capi- The Daily Telegraph: “I am responding to a life- responsible for the BUF’s Women’s Section in the exercise of “freedom of speech” but are
lence. But the disorder was a worrying tal yesterday. and-death emergency — I am going to pick up a the south of England. That slight wordless obstructions of their own freedom of
team from Guy’s Hospital to save someone’s embarrassment aside, there is something movement; and second because they, through
glimpse of what can happen when there is Sir Keir Starmer, bruised by Labour’s life at another hospital but can’t get through.” distasteful in Just Stop Oil’s identification with their taxes, are compelled to pay the
a gulf of political leadership and populist internal ructions over Israel’s war on Gaza At about the same time the Metropolitan those whose resort to direct action could at incremental costs of policing these stunts.
voices fill the vacuum. in response to the Hamas atrocities of Police put out the following plaintive tweet: least be defended with the point that they did Football clubs contribute to the policing
A drumbeat of Westminster bickering October 7, has his own problems. Imran “The bridge is blocked because your activists not, as women, have the power to vote. costs at their stadiums, but the same principle
heightened tensions leading up to the Hussain, MP for Bradford East and a mem- are laying [sic] in the road, as your video While Just Stop Oil claimed that its attack on doesn’t apply to the equally regular, but less
shows. If the people who are under arrest the Rokeby Venus was a response to the popular, “events” staged by Just Stop Oil and,
event. Rishi Sunak described the timing of ber of Labour’s front bench, has resigned
worked with us, got up and moved to the government’s plan, set out in the King’s formerly, Extinction Rebellion (which between
the planned pro-Palestinian march as over Starmer’s refusal to back calls for a pavement we could have reopened the road to Speech, to issue more licences for oil and gas them receive many millions of pounds from the
“provocative and disrespectful”. Suella ceasefire. The party’s fragile unity will be release the traffic.” My guess is most Londoners exploration in the North Sea, the fact is that the Climate Emergency Fund, a US charity set up
Braverman, the home secretary, branded tested again this week when the House of would rather the police gave up asking nicely. Labour Party has repeatedly said it will not to fund what it calls “disruptive” campaigns).
it a “hate march”. Mark Rowley, the Met Commons votes on a Scottish National No matter how delicate the Met is in its issue any more such licences, should it become Perhaps the law should treat such
commissioner, asserted his force’s opera- Party amendment demanding one. procedures, Just Stop Oil will accuse the force the government. So, the party that now seems organisations as it does football clubs: with
of brutality. Earlier this year this offshoot of overwhelmingly likely to win power at a some proportion of financial responsibility for
tional independence, saying the thresh- Reports suggest that up to a dozen shadow Extinction Rebellion put out on Twitter some general election next year is actually proposing the policing costs they impose on the public.
old for a ban had not been reached, ministers could resign over it; Labour footage of three Met officers arresting one of its what is purportedly the raison d’être of Just Similarly, the fines imposed on those
according to the available intelligence. In whips are said to have spent the past few members. It declared: “Content warning: Stop Oil (its spokesmen have repeatedly said, “climate demonstrators” for criminal damage
truth any member of the public attempt- days ringing round MPs, trying to per- police brutality”, and added that it was “not “We won’t stop until our genocidal government (from paintings to office buildings) are typically
ing to make sense of events last week suade them to abstain rather than rebel. uncommon for fascist regimes such as ours”. ends new oil and gas”). a fraction of the real costs of repair. For
The film actually shows the officers arresting a It could hardly improve the mood of that example, the Extinction Rebellion co-founder
would have been left utterly confused by This was a depressing weekend for
Just Stop Oil demonstrator near Downing infuriated ambulance driver to know that not Gail Bradbrook will never have to pay the
the directionless rhetoric emanating from Britain’s Jewish and Muslim communities, Street with elaborate courtesy, and when he only was his vital work obstructed by these £27,500 replacement cost of the large pane of
those who seek to lead us. and for politics in general. War in the complains that the cuffs being put on him are reinforced security glass at the Department of
Braverman’s intervention on Thurs- Middle East has exposed fissures in both painfully tight, the female police officer Transport that she smashed in 2019. A fortnight
day, when she used an article in The Times main parties. Sunak and Starmer are loosens them and asks, “Is that better?” Like so ago she was belatedly convicted for this, after
to accuse the Met of a “double standard” — struggling to enforce discipline. The much of Just Stop Oil’s communication, this the court decided not to accept her argument
complaint of “fascist brutality” displays a that she “had permission from nature” to
treating left-wing protesters more leni- Tories look intellectually exhausted after comical lack of self-awareness. demolish it.
ently than right-wing ones — was incendi- 13 years in power. A complicated inter- In fact, it is one of the characteristics of Has there ever been any other protest group,
ary. It was an apparent thumbing of her
nose at the prime minister, as well as a
national crisis that tugs on long-standing
left-wing allegiances is casting a fresh light
fascism that it prefers direct action, even
involving physical destruction, to the less Has there ever been in the whole history of this country — or indeed
of the planet they claim to represent —
jeopardising of the Met’s independence,
and it stirred up an already febrile situa-
on Starmer’s refashioning of the Labour
Party after the Jeremy Corbyn years.
exciting procedure of discussion, debate and
democratic elections. The last of those, another protest possessed of such enraging pretentiousness
and self-importance? Although there is some
tion. We will never know how Armistice The fighting in Gaza looks set to grind
though, did not work out well for the co-
founder of Extinction Rebellion Roger Hallam: group so enraging? consolation in the fact that they are, just as
obviously, bonkers.
Day would have gone off without Braver- on with more loss of life. We must avoid
man’s comments, but after the turmoil more demeaning incidents such as the
that unfolded, the recriminations flowed. ones that marred yesterday’s remem-
Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London, said brance. The Tories should remember

Hadley Freeman
the unrest was “a direct result of the home their role as traditional defenders of law
secretary’s words”. Braverman’s shadow, and order. The police must go about their
Yvette Cooper, said it was “the responsi- work without political interference. If
bility of all of us to bring people together laws need to be changed to allow them to

Love Actually: one thing

over this weekend, not divide and be tougher on protests, then ministers
inflame”. This is clearly political point- should propose them for debate and a
scoring by Labour — which is exactly what vote in parliament. That, after all, is what
the Tories were engaged in all week. our democracy is for.

we really should cancel

As the NHS waiting list keeps
growing, our leaders keep quiet
Richard Curtis’s nadir is turning 20. How has it become a festive classic?

Thursday’s news that the NHS waiting list pound spent on public services, is danger-
had hit yet another record high, with ous. We are tacitly moving towards a sys- y now, pretty much all pop culture musing, “Whenever I feel gloomy about the Or perhaps you prefer the touching love
from the (aptly named) Noughties has state of the world, I think about the arrivals story in which a man (Andrew Lincoln) secretly
6.5 million patients needing 7.8 million tem in which the wealthy pay to go private been retrospectively denounced: the gate at Heathrow.” films his best friend’s wife (Keira Knightley),
operations, was the latest data point on for scans or surgery while the less well-off sitcoms were too white, the female Record scratch! Sorry, I’m gonna have to and when she finds out, he murders her, skins
the road to a dystopian reality. But, as we are left to suffer in silence. celebrities were treated stop you there, Hugh: to cheer yourself up, you her and wears her as a costume — sorry, I
have noted before, it was barely acknowl- Steve Barclay, the health secretary, has horrendously, and let’s not even get think about people with long-haul-flight- mean, she thinks it’s sweet and kisses him.
edged by a political class that has long been preoccupied with procuring more started on the TV presenters. But induced bad breath searching in vain for their Incidentally, Knightley was 18 — 18! — when the
there is one relic from that era that lost luggage and a minicab driver who went to film came out, while Lincoln was 30, just in
since switched off when the subject of beds in care homes to ease the strain on
has remained astonishingly impervious to the wrong terminal? Because that is what every case that storyline wasn’t sufficiently creepy
healthcare reform is raised. hospitals, setting out a much-delayed NHS cancel culture. Love Actually turns 20 this sane person associates with that nightmarish for you.
Our data editor, Tom Calver, visited workforce plan and holding the line in pay week, and it is the one product of that time hellhole. But Grant, ie Curtis, sees Heathrow as As for Kris Marshall shacking up with three
Southend, the conurbation in England disputes with striking doctors. Wes Street- whose reputation has grown with age. proof that “love actually is all around”. If, hot American women because “American girls
with the highest number of operations ing, his opposite number, speaks sense Back when it was released, Love Actually was perhaps, not your luggage, which is now en seriously dig a cute British accent”, well, let’s
needed per capita. His report includes about boosting primary care, preventing generally seen as fine, if not a patch on Richard route to Laos. Truly, only someone who flies just say international wars have started over
Curtis and Hugh Grant’s earlier (and much first class, as I assume Curtis does, could have lesser insults, Curtis.
comments from a 64-year-old man who illness instead of simply treating it and funnier) films, Four Weddings and a Funeral happy associations with an airport. But arguing with Love Actually is the
could barely walk by the time he got a hip reform rather than blank cheques. and Notting Hill. Since then it has become a As you might have gathered, I am not a fan of equivalent of Grampa Simpson shaking his fist
operation on the NHS. “I think they delay But both parties are falling well short of bona fide Christmas film, overtaking other (far Love Actually, and this is not because of any at the clouds. While plenty of other (better)
saying you need the op,” he said. “I had a providing the detailed answers Britain superior) ones such as Die Hard and Trading intellectual snobbery. On the contrary, I am films have been deemed “problematic”, Love
scan, and was told they would ring me in needs. Another data point arrived on Fri- Places. It is now widely seen as up there with American (therefore a sucker for Curtis’s Actually merrily sails on, even though it was
six weeks. I waited — delay, delay, delay — day, showing the economy was flat in the the heretofore unassailable king of Christmas Oxbridgey version of Englishness) and Jewish widely agreed in the MeToo era that workplace
films, It’s a Wonderful Life. When I was still ( Jews love Christmas movies, and that’s a sexual harassment and stalking are bad, and
until I rang them and they said, ‘Oh no, quarter to September. With little growth living in the US a decade ago, I heard that one scientific fact). Love Actually should be so far those two activities are what Love Actually
you were supposed to call us!’” and the tax burden already so high, the TV channel showed Love Actually on a loop for up my boulevard that I live in it. But I don’t, thinks are actually love. And this causes a
The degradation of trust in the NHS, pips are squeaking. Creative thinking will the entire Christmas week. Rumours that this is because it is a film in which none of the conflict for me, because while on the one hand
which consumes almost 40p in every be needed. why America then went collectively insane and plotlines work, which is almost impressive, I think cancelling pop culture from the past for
soon afterwards elected a reality TV star as given there are eight. Plus, it’s a rom-com in not adhering to today’s attitudes is stupid, on
president are still being investigated. which “love” is depicted as a powerful man the other I wish Love Actually would be buried
It shouldn’t be like this because, unlike the (Grant playing the PM, Alan Rickman playing a at sea. Really, it’s almost as confusing as a Love

Double dishwasher jeopardy

too-white sitcoms and the dodgy TV boss of a generic trendy company, Colin Firth Actually plotline.
presenters, Love Actually was, even to us playing Colin Firth) sleazing over a woman who Why has Love Actually avoided cancellation?
unenlightened troglodytes in 2003, quite works for him (respectively, the tea lady, his Two reasons, I think: first, it’s such a deranged
obviously a wrong ’un. At The Times and The secretary and his cleaning lady who doesn’t film that it evades any kind of criticism, like a
Sunday Times Cheltenham Literary Festival speak English). hyperactive toddler in a school nativity play
A dishwasher can be a dangerous thing. simply taking clean dishes from one and last month Curtis conceded that he had some who falls off the stage. No one’s going to
regrets about the film, mainly that it suffered complain about lack of acting talent there, are
According to some surveys, “dishwasher putting them in the other after use.
from a lack of diversity and that the frequent they? Second, I think the generation that
etiquette” is the biggest single cause of Far-sighted readers will already have jokes about Martine McCutcheon — who plays a generally does the cancelling (that is,
domestic arguments. Marriages have spotted the risks of this method. It relies tea lady in 10 Downing Street — being fat “aren’t millennials) have such fond childhood
foundered on upward-pointing cutlery, on both partners agreeing on which is any longer funny”. Yet that isn’t because memories of this film that they have given it a
overstacked bowls and inverted mugs. which — adding yet another opportunity people have become more sensitive about fat light pass. They’ll tut at the fat jokes but they
So news of the latest domestic trend is
troubling. As we report today, growing
for marital discord. We fear a wave of
double-appliance divorces.
jokes in the past 20 years — although they have
— but because McCutcheon wasn’t fat in the In this film, sexual won’t kill the film, just as they’ll tell off their
parents for using dated terminology but won’t
numbers of kitchens feature not one but Still, look on the bright side: at least
first place, so the jokes about her thighs were
never funny, just weird. harassment and disown them.
Silly millennials, says this Gen X-er. Thank
two dishwashers. Hardcore devotees say
they never use the cupboards at all,
they won’t have to argue about who gets
the dishwasher.
But then, nothing in Love Actually ever made
sense; after all, the film opens with Grant stalking pass for love heavens I’m more mature and therefore prefer
The Muppet Christmas Carol.
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 23


With a flash
of ginger, the
dormouse is
gone — pray
not for ever

ormice have always been
famous for their charm and
their sleepiness. Now they’re
becoming famous for
extinction. They’ve already
disappeared from 20 counties
in England; since 2019 they’ve
gone from Hertfordshire,
Staffordshire and Northumberland. The
UK hazel dormouse population is down
70 per cent this century. The People’s
Trust for Endangered Species is
campaigning to have them reclassified
from vulnerable to endangered.
One of the reasons for their decline is
what was always considered their
greatest asset: sleep. Hibernation is an
extreme strategy. It’s about going as
close to death as you dare without
actually dying. The heart and breathing
slow right down and the body
temperature drops. Electrical brain
activity goes down by 90 per cent. A
hibernating animal doesn’t respond to
an external stimulus: you can hold one
in your hand like a dead thing.
It looks wonderfully cosy and safe,
but hibernation is as risky a venture as
the long-distance migration of a swallow.
Dormice spend the autumn loading up
on seeds, berries and nuts, building up
the fat layer that they hope will see them
through to spring. Many don’t make it,
but for the survivors spring is the grand
In normal circumstances they wake
after a good six months of slumber, and
with an urgent need to renew their
drastically depleted resources. They

Matthew Syed
feed first, charmingly, on blossom, and
then rapidly shift to invertebrates,
especially caterpillars. They escape the
austerities of winter and wake to the
bounty of spring. That, at least, is plan A.

A cure for the short-termism that’s

But with warmer winters they’re
increasingly prone to waking up before
the grand buffet of spring has been set
out. They mistime their waking, and that
can be fatal.

ruining us could lie in a sundial

Other reasons for decline include the
loss of understorey in woodland. Areas
of bramble, hazel and other plants in
clearings and between trees are being
browsed by an expanding population of
deer, which have no natural predators in
this country. And there’s less light in
woodland when it’s no longer busily

Our very conception of time has been mutated by digital technology. We need analogue thinkers

ne of my editors recently told Minister for the Future will say, “But let’s their job wasn’t just to win the next to be frank, the past 13 years represent
me that readers don’t like consider China’s long-term intentions.” election but to wisely position the UK for arguably the nadir of political
journalists who merely carp at In other words, this would be a ministry the next decade, perhaps even the next competence in our nation’s history. But
the latest policy; they much that not only thought about climate century. In the Victorian age — at the it is also worth recognising that short-
prefer to hear about change, AI, pensions, social care, height of our powers — we built 1,100 termism isn’t just a Tory disease; it has
constructive ideas for the housing and the other critical issues that miles of sewers from which Londoners infected our body politic from Whitehall
future. In this spirit here’s a have been pushed down the road for so still benefit; the Underground remains a to special advisers. We suffer too,
suggestion for a future Keir long, but offered a challenge to the marvel of the modern world. These struggling to lift our eyes from our
Starmer government hoping to arrest chronic short-termism that has become projects were possible only because we devices, from the next trend, the next
the long-term decline of the UK. endemic in Westminster, Whitehall and, were willing to delay short-term like, the next headline. Digital time has Hazel dormice hibernate for six months
My idea isn’t a specific policy or if we are being honest, ourselves. gratification for long-term gain. infiltrated not just our institutions but
strategy, but rather a change to the The ancient Greeks had two concepts Today we see the diametric opposite. our consciousness.
structure of government that might give of time, chronos and kairos. “It’s as if”, For the past four decades the UK has Could a minister for the future managed by humans, which means that
us a chance of shifting the “ethos” of the media theorist Douglas Rushkoff has consistently ranked lowest in the G7 for address all this? Of course not. Like you, the understorey can’t grow.
decision-making. What I have in mind is said, “they understood that time is investment in fixed capital (long-term, I can see a future where a minister is Three species of dormouse live in this
a minister for the future, a position in simply too multifaceted to be described non-financial assets), a problem that sidelined for criticising the latest short- country. The hazel dormouse is native;
cabinet (or perhaps an independent with a single word.” Some of the bedevils both the private and public term wheeze or sacked for asking the garden and the far larger edible
post), leading an interdisciplinary difference between these concepts can sector. Too many business leaders are difficult questions of a prime minister dormouse have been introduced.
department full of the brightest be glimpsed in the contrast between an obsessively focused on the next that brown-nosing colleagues won’t. So Edible? Dormice were delicacies in
thinkers, who would ponder not just analogue watch (or sundial) and the quarterly results, too many of our let me offer a couple more suggestions. Roman times. You could eat them as a
tomorrow’s headlines or focus group digital equivalent. With the former, you politicians on the next trend on Twitter. It should be a five-year appointment, savoury snack, perhaps with pine nuts,
findings but what will happen next year, see the whole day mapped out on the Read a political memoir and you glimpse providing stability of tenure. They or roast them and dip them in honey as a
next decade and, in certain face: how 5 comes before 6, and 6 before leaders whose noses are pressed up so should work “across the aisle” with the sweet treat. Dormice are still savoured in
circumstances, next century. 7, the present nesting within a broader, close to the 24-hour news cycle that they shadow minister for the future, offering Croatia and Slovenia.
I know what you are thinking: it won’t unfolding whole. Digital clocks are can’t see either the wood or the trees. at least the chance of cross-party But they’re even more winning when
work. It can’t work. Politicians can’t different: they convey the time in the And this is why our infrastructure consensus on long-term challenges. It they’re alive. “You know I’ve always
organise a proverbial in a brewery, so here and now; time as a freeze-framed projects flop. Examine the grotesque would also be useful if the post were longed for a dormouse,” says Linda in
they are never going to be able to think moment rather than a flow. fiasco of HS2 and you will note problems launched by the prime minister and Nancy Mitford’s The Pursuit of Love. In
sensibly about long-term change. We often think of digital as superior to with “contingency planning” and leader of the opposition together, so Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland the
Besides, we know that humans are analogue, and in many senses it is. But “contracting”, but it ultimately all comes both parties had skin in the game. Dormouse keeps falling asleep at the
terrible at projections — one thinks of JK when it comes to time, the shift has been back to short-termism. Politicians love Isn’t it worth a try? For my money, it Mad Hatter’s tea party, even though they
Galbraith’s admonition to economic corrosive. The digital conception of time infrastructure projects at the outset (all offers a better way of addressing the pour hot tea over his nose and stuff him
forecasters, whose only function, he is deeply embedded in most of the those photos in high-vis jackets) but epoch-defining problem of short- into the teapot.

said, “is to make astrology look consumer products of the internet age. cower from unpopularity whenever termism than longer election cycles But a wide-awake dormouse is a
respectable”. Communication and relationships, for pylons or railway lines are built near (imagine Liz Truss or Donald Trump creature of all-out action. I visited a

end up half
But bear with me for a moment. What example, used to unfold organically in people’s homes. So they outsource these with a ten-year term) or abolishing dormouse reintroduction scheme run by
I’m proposing here is not someone who the stream of time; today they have been difficulties to the courts, which become elections altogether. Either way, perhaps the Suffolk Wildlife Trust. Dormice had

built, like an
comes up with forecasts, but who seeks replaced by clicks, retweets and swipes, bogged down in weighing incompatible we can all agree that a shift back towards been trapped for monitoring: the instant
to change the texture of decision- all focusing on instant gratification. trade-offs on the environment and the analogue conception of time — as a the trap was opened, it was as if the

making. When Tony Blair says: “We Attention spans have plummeted. human rights. This leaves us with the flow rather than a succession of discrete dormouse had been fired from a gun: up
need to topple Saddam”, the minister for This mindset has infiltrated British worst of all worlds: expensive projects moments — would be a blessing for not the arm, into the branches and away into

the future will say: “Yes, but what politics, too. Read the great political that end up half built, like the Lego set of just the UK but western civilisation as a the canopy: a streak of ginger lighting.
happens next?” When David Cameron biographies of the 18th and 19th an impatient child. whole. As Shakespeare put it: “Like as Woodland is where they live, but you

Lego set
says that the money flowing into centuries and you see leaders who It would be easy to put all these waves make towards the pebbled shore, can walk through a dormouse-filled
universities from China is terrific, the implicitly thought in analogue time; problems at the door of the Tories and, so do our minutes hasten to their end.” wood every day of your life and never
see one. They’re either asleep or way up
there. Best way to establish their
presence is by examining hazelnuts, a
favourite food. If they’re nibbled with a

smooth round rim, then rejoice: your
wood has dormice in it.

Much of the wooded heartland of
dormice is now fragmented. In some
places connecting lines of vegetation
have been planted. I’ve visited elephant
corridors in India and dormouse
corridors in Suffolk and it’s all the same
idea: holding on to wildlife in a world
with ever-increasing human demands.
You can do your bit for dormice by
supporting local campaigns to save
woodland and by joining organisations
(like your local county wildlife trust,
and, yes, there’s one for London) that
run dormouse projects. So one question:
what’s the point in saving an animal
neither you nor anybody else will see?
The answer is that it’s not about you
and me; it’s about dormice.
24 The Sunday Times November 12, 2023


Robert Colvile
To the fury of the left, a ticket to Rwanda
is suddenly all the rage across Europe

his was always meant to be the and those voters who share the home Tories bothering to tell anyone, there all interested in their own versions. You aspiration. Asylum claims in Germany example by leaving the ECHR or
week Suella Braverman hit the secretary’s robust approach to policing, has actually been significant success in might even describe it as global Britain this year are on track to be the highest legislating for some kind of carve-out.
headlines — but for a very protest and immigration. bringing the figures down: the number leading the way in Europe. since 2015, while the Canary Islands are Almost any kind of response will
different reason. The home Yet there is a key point to grasp. The of crossings is down by a third year on In the view of the Home Office and becoming a second Lampedusa. Last cause another almighty row, especially
secretary’s freewheeling prime minister may be riled by his home year. In particular, the deal Sunak No 10, Rwanda or something like it is month Britain and Italy pushed for with the government’s more timorous
freelancing on the homeless, secretary’s language and way of reached to return arriving Albanians to vital to bringing the number of crossings illegal migration to be on the agenda at a members. But Sunak has promised to do
policing and “hate marches” working. But on policy she is not a rogue their homeland has reduced their down further, and also to helping Britain European summit in Granada. It turned “whatever it takes” to stop the crossings.
has drawn everyone’s attention operator. Because the Tories’ tough line numbers almost to zero. Proof, says (and Europe) cope with a historic surge into one of the liveliest sessions at the He has no intention of meekly accepting
away from a hugely important date for on crime and illegal migration is No 10, that deterrence works. in migration over the coming years, event, with leader after leader sharing a reversal in the courts (a decision that
both Braverman and Rishi Sunak: the something that comes as much from him The third point is that immigration driven by climate, conflict or simply their concerns. would also give Braverman the chance to
Supreme Court’s verdict, due on as from her. and asylum is one of the few genuine That’s why it will not just be Britain’s quit as a martyr).
Wednesday, as to the legality of the Many of the same people who would dividing lines with Labour. Keir Starmer government paying close attention to the Rwanda isn’t the only migration
Rwanda scheme. love to see the back of Braverman have has made tough noises about smashing Supreme Court on Wednesday. But that flashpoint. Those who worry about
With their very different characters, it argued that the hardcore line on asylum the gangs that run the crossings, but it is verdict, while of huge significance, is still illegal immigration also tend to be
is easy to see the prime minister and she embodies is a mistake, not just on excruciatingly hard for him both only a staging post in the story. If the sceptical of the legal kind: 61 per cent of
home secretary as polar opposites. On humanitarian grounds but in terms of personally and politically to address the court finds for the government, there voters, and 90 per cent of Tories, think
this reading, whether to keep or ditch raw politics. By promising to stop the pull factors that draw illegal migrants to will still be a huge amount of legal and migration has been too high over the
her is purely a question of political boats, you reveal yourself as powerless the UK. Notably, he has promised to operational work. Before flights can past decade. The release of fresh
calculation. As I noted last week, the when they keep coming. All you’ve done scrap the Rwanda scheme even if it is begin (probably in late February or early migration statistics later this month
Tories have lost two diametrically is raised the salience of the issue and proving a success — a point the Tories March), there will be endless attempts to is likely to be another moment of
opposed groups of voters since 2019: the then created more disillusionment. And intend to make again and again. use the courts to thwart either individual political pain — and another cause of
ones who think Braverman is the worst in the process, with proposals like the Which brings me to the fourth point. deportations or the process as a whole, bitter Tory divisions.
thing to happen to the modern Rwanda scheme, you’ve ratcheted up Under the Rwanda scheme, those not least by appealing to the European But on the matter of the Channel
Conservative Party, and the ones who the repressive (and repulsive) nature of illegally crossing the Channel would be Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. crossings, there is a feeling in No 10 that
think she’s the only good thing about it.
Hence the gasps of horror at her
the asylum system ever further. What
next — leaving the European convention
processed and if necessary housed in
that country, with places in Britain New migration The working assumption in No 10,
however, is that the Supreme Court will
whatever the home secretary’s personal
future, this is one of the few areas where
firebrand speech to last month’s party
conference — but also the rapturous
on human rights (ECHR)?
But there are four counter-arguments
reserved for those applying via safe and
legal routes (which would increase in statistics later rule against it, at least on some of the
points raised. Given that Rwanda pushes
the public mood is on the Tories’ side.
However the court rules — indeed,
applause in the room.
If the PM sacks Braverman, he sets her
to this. The first is that voters really do
care about the increase in small boats.
For most on the left, this is an awful, this month the present human rights framework as
far as it will go, the only option left (if the
whether or not Rwanda itself is the
ultimate destination — the principle of
up as a queen of the back benches, able
to distance herself from the government
There’s a reason Nigel Farage started
filming videos of himself defending the
illegal, inhuman scheme that will make
Britain an international pariah. But our will deepen scheme can’t be adjusted to meet the
court’s objections, or moved to another,
offshoring asylum is becoming
mainstream not just in Britain but across
and get a head start on her leadership
bid. He also annoys a chunk of his MPs
Dover coast. The second is that without
anyone noticing, and indeed without the
continental friends don’t seem to agree.
Italy, Germany, Austria and Denmark are Tory divisions less objectionable country) might then
be to change the framework, for
Europe. And suddenly it is Labour that
finds itself wanting to diverge.

The Sunday Times,
1 London Bridge Street,
London SE1 9GF

Email: letters@ Clarkson’s court battle Greek myths
I can save Jeremy Clarkson a Robert Frazer thinks civil
battle with the planning servants are innumerate but
Johnson was overwhelmed by lockdown zealots
department: he does not fluent in Greek (Letters, last
need to build a pickleball week). I spent nearly 30 years
court of his own (News in the civil service, where my
Mariella Frostrup, Review, last week). If he colleagues included
Jonathan Sumption rightly of actions taken to deal with routine lying; the inability to broadcaster, 61 comes to New Beaconsfield engineers, scientists,
criticises the Covid inquiry Covid, and learn how we master a brief? The tragedy of Ryan Gosling, actor, 43 Hall in Shipton under accountants and commercial
for having decided the might plan more effectively Covid was compounded by Dame Katherine Grainger, Wychwood — just five miles officers. They were all literate
outcome before proceedings for future pandemics. But having a man of so little chairwoman, UK Sport, 48 along the A361 from Diddly and numerate. I don’t think
began (News Review, last that does not mean the integrity at the helm. Anne Hathaway, actress, 41 Squat — we run pickleball any of them spoke Greek. Sir
week) — but then does the inquiry’s methods are “a Gary Cornall, Rochford, Essex Booker T Jones, musician, 79 sessions on Monday and Humphrey is fiction.
same himself in deciding that programme for failure”. Eddie Mair, broadcaster, 58 Friday, 1pm to 3pm. We’re Steve Unsworth, Hayling
Boris Johnson was not Even if we had been better Cummings and goings Amanda Platell, journalist, 66 very friendly, and the timing Island, Hampshire
competent or diligent before prepared in 2020, what we What on earth prompted Neil Young, musician, 78 means you have the added
he has given any evidence. have heard so far suggests Johnson to recruit the foul- advantage of missing lunch — Inn love
He misunderstands the that chaos at the heart of mouthed ranter Dominic thus losing more weight. John Ratcliffe (Letters, last
nature of the prime minister’s government might have Cummings to be his adviser Jeni Smith, Shipton under week) mourns the decline in
office. This is not a obstructed the utility of that (“I’m no fan of rude men like Wychwood, Oxfordshire the number of pubs because
dictatorship: the prime preparedness. Dominic Cummings, but I that is where he met “every
minister is only first among Farces are supposed to be swear he was right about From subtitle to ridiculous one of my girlfriends/
equals. Much though Johnson funny. I have not yet found moron ministers”, Camilla I was intrigued by your article partners/wives”. I wonder if
tried to get a hearing for the anything to laugh about from Long, Comment, last week)? on Gen Z using subtitles on they feel the same way.
downside of lockdown, he The inquiry grilled Dominic Cummings over his language the appalling standards of He must have been aware of TV (Culture, October 29). As Andrew Leslau, Henley-on-
was faced by an NHS and a behaviour the inquiry has the nature of the beast and someone who relies on them Thames, Oxfordshire
scientific establishment perhaps surprisingly, not to it). The rest of the time is revealed, and the obstacles appointed him regardless. because of hearing loss, I find
promoting it. obtain a conviction but to devoted to the expensive such behaviour causes to the Johnson’s downfall was the Anne Hathaway is 41 today that in news and weather Cold calling
Johnson did his best for seek out the truth, using the catharsis of public anger. The proper discharge of public inevitable result, and he is broadcasts they are often You report that personnel at
common sense but was available evidence. This only people celebrating this business. now paying the price for this impossibly mangled. A recent McMurdo research station in
overwhelmed, as any prime
minister would have been.
should also be the primary
aim of the inquiry. Sadly it
charade are the lawyers.
Thilla Rajasekar
Roy Harrington, Woking disastrous decision. Good
riddance to both of them.
ANNIVERSARIES weather forecast at first gave
“Isa Byers”; then stuttered on
Antarctica now have fast
internet to stay in touch with
We now know that his view — seems to be playing second Ashford, Kent Freedom surrendered Peter Lake to “eyes of buyers”. It never loved ones (World News,
that the harm caused by a fiddle to the job of Sumption is right, but it will Rochechouart, France 1912 Search party recovers managed “isobars”. October 29). I spent 28
lockdown would be likely to apportioning blame. Predictable ending make no difference. bodies of Captain Scott and Sylvia Harman, Norwich months in Antarctica from
outweigh any benefits — was Nigel Duckworth, Dartmouth We could save money by Challenge lockdown and you Man of action two of his South Pole party 1969 to 1971. My girlfriend was
right, but that was no help to cancelling the Covid inquiry challenge the whole drift Cummings may be foul- 1984 Nigel Lawson, the Yeomen, no women in Finland. No phone or
him then. He was simply Revenge drama now, as it has obviously away from freedom. This drift mouthed but he had more chancellor, announces that I watched the state opening of internet then: we were
outnumbered. A meaningful inquiry would already reached its is not a conspiracy but a sense of urgency than others £1 note will be phased out parliament last week, and allowed just 100 words of
Michael Tyce have been mundane and low conclusions. One: it was all wider societal trend. That in government. When the 1992 First episode of wondered: in our society of communication a month, in
Waterstock, Oxfordshire key: interrogating the data, Boris’s fault. Two: lockdowns makes it no less grubby and Titanic hit an iceberg, he Absolutely Fabulous aired equality and difference, why and out. Next year we will
assessing the efficacy of are good — we should have depressing. would have been screaming 1997 Brazil rejects UK is it that the King’s Body celebrate our 50th wedding
Truth before blame measures and recommending had more of them. Ben Rapp, London N10 at people to abandon ship — request to extradite Great Guard of the Yeomen of the anniversary. I wonder how
Sumption’s excoriating lessons for future. Cynthia Harrod-Eagles whereas Helen MacNamara, Train Robber Ronnie Biggs Guard is made up entirely many of the present Antarctic
dismemberment of the Covid Instead this inquiry has Northwood, London Destined to implode the deputy cabinet secretary, of white men? Are we to winterers will still be married
inquiry suggests that it is been turned into a media Tim Shipman says, “Boris would have been trying to put assume they cannot recruit in 50 years’ time.
more criminal prosecution
than search for the truth.
circus, where everyone lines
up to take potshots at
Corridors of chaos
Sumption is right to say that
Johnson’s legacy could be
torched by the Covid inquiry”
a committee together to write
a manual on how to leave a AI is better than anyone else?
Tod O’Brien, York
Robin Walker
Swanage, Dorset
For nearly 40 years my job
as a criminal prosecutor was,
Johnson, Matt Hancock et al
(not that they don’t deserve
we need to know more about
the collateral consequences
(News, last week). What
legacy would that be? The
sinking ship.
Ian Shepherd, High Wycombe
no intelligence Letters should arrive by
Oliver Dowden, the deputy
prime minister, says artificial
Microsoft heard midday on Thursday and
include the full address and a
Israel has a duty should pledge to help rebuild breach international
Help to die is not stand without my help. He so intelligence is being used to watchdog’s bark phone number. We may edit
Palestinian homes in Gaza. humanitarian law at will. wanted an end to this speed up decision-making in letters, which must be
to rebuild Gaza Michael Segerman Those who, like me, want ‘playing God’ existence. government (“Switching up What made the difference in exclusive to The Sunday Times
Caister-on-Sea, Norfolk to see Israel thrive must insist His last two days were the red box for a bot”, News, our decision to clear the
The utter devastation of
Palestinian homes in Gaza is The good fight
on adherence to that law. It is
not just the right thing to do;
How dare Alfred Cannan, the
Isle of Man’s chief minister,
spent in hospital. He told a
nurse, “If you gave me a
last week). This is welcome.
After the past few years, any
Microsoft-Activision deal was
not lobbying or political CORRECTIONS &
appalling. The Israeli Dominic Lawson is right: it is the sensible thing to do. say that assisted dying is button now, I would press it.” form of intelligence in influence, but a change in the CLARIFICATIONS
hierarchy may consider this a Hamas is a genocidal The law recognises that, even “playing God with other It’s really time we were all government will make a nice facts (“Brexiety has made our
necessary evil to ensure the organisation, with a clear in war, our adversaries are people’s lives” (News, last offered that “button”. change. watchdogs vulnerable to
country’s survival, but the intent to eliminate not just human too; any sustained week)? Quite the opposite: it Sheila Elliott Gordon Lethbridge political meddling”, Oliver
root cause of the conflict is Israel but all Jews, and peace settlement will need is giving people autonomy in Bridlington, East Yorkshire Sherborne, Dorset Shah, Business, last week). Complaints concerning
the failure of politicians to genocide is an international that recognition in spades. their own life, to decide when Microsoft’s decision to give inaccuracies should be sent to
have any vision for the future. crime (Comment, last week). Colonel Simon Diggins they wish it to be over. We The right words Human failing up the rights to stream complaints@sunday-
Izzeldin Abuelaish’s call for He is right, too, that Israel (retired), Rickmansworth have to stop thinking we have Words are so important in Matthew Syed ably points out Activision games on the or Complaints,
reconciliation (News Review, is not genocidal. However, in the right to decide for others. this debate. It is not voluntary the problems with regulating cloud, handing those rights to The Sunday Times, 1 London
last week), despite the three other areas of Mutual destruction Jo Rees euthanasia or assisted AI and is “optimistic” that we a significant competitor in Bridge Street, London
enormous personal tragedy international law — crimes The declared intention of Winchcombe, Gloucestershire suicide. It is assisted dying, will be able to call a Ubisoft, was a long way from SE1 9GF.
he has been through, is a against humanity, war crimes Hamas is to destroy Israel. for those whose life is already moratorium (Comment, last just a “tweak”. It was a major, In addition, the
reminder that there are and ethnic cleansing — Israel The declared intention of Safety button ending. Banning such week). I fear his optimism is game-changing concession Independent Press Standards
people on both sides who has cases to answer. Israel is to destroy Hamas. My lovely husband died in compassionate help is not misplaced. As with climate that addressed the concerns Organisation (Ipso) will
desperately want a long-term That Hamas itself has Neither is likely to succeed. July. He had mesothelioma, a saving a life: that person is change, any meaningful we had. As a result, we let the examine formal complaints
resolution. When the present committed numerous war All that is certain is that in particularly nasty lung cancer going to die soon anyway. It is moratorium will depend on merger go ahead. The rest about the editorial content of
conflict is over, the Israeli crimes is neither disputed their attempts countless caused by asbestos. His final simply ensuring they do not global co-operation — which was just noise. UK newspapers and
government has a chance to nor the issue. Despite the ordinary people will pay a months were horrendous. He suffer a painful, undignified is something our species is Marcus Bokkerink, chairman magazines. Please go to our
make a start. Alongside horrors of October 7, Israel terrible price. was in pain, lost a quarter of and inhumane end. demonstrably bad at. Competition and Markets website for full details of how
international agencies, it does not have the right to Richard Weldon, Folkestone his body weight and could not Merryn Myatt, Manchester Malcolm Miller, Grays, Essex Authority, London E14 to lodge a complaint.

Some arguments seem to was just a hallucination.” mongoose, but a man-sized missing the point, insisted liked it was Jonathan Dean: exported until after midnight Last week we asked:
hover off screen, ready to be Deepak Puri had suffered blue Burmese cat walking on Fred Walski: “If you could “Wish I’d included that in the on a certain date. We cheated Is the Covid inquiry a good use of taxpayers’ money?
rekindled by one loose word something similar: “Mine his hind legs that kept talking have one last drink with a article — really well put.” by persuading the skipper of
in a comment. Covid is often
that word, but it wasn’t masks
involved trekking to the
South Pole, pulling a sled
to me, singing to me and
telling me off.”
friend who passed, would
you complain afterwards that
Our tales from the early
days of the ST Wine Club
the 11.45pm Channel ferry to
delay sailing. Another team YES NO
or jabs that caught Bryan
Stark’s eye in Matt Rudd’s
behind me. My wife asked me
what I was doing with my
Perhaps she had been
listening to late-era Beatles.
‘it wasn’t the best drink’ or
would you cherish the
brought a rip-roaring
recollection of the beaujolais
used a Harrier jump jet,
which landed in the coalyard
44%From a poll of 28,439 Times and Sunday Times readers56%
account of his brush with the upper body, and I responded, The band’s “new” song did moment? That is Now and run from Revel Barker: “I at King’s Cross.” Do you ever
latest variant: “What’s the ‘Trying to beat Amundsen to not impress Elizabeth Then.” “Blimey, Fred,” wrote was a member of the winning suspect they used to have This week’s question:
‘mongoose’ reference?” Matt the pole.’” Mrs Overton “had Shayler, who thought it “at D Kelly, “that’s brought tears team in 1984. The rule was more fun in the old days? Are you on an NHS waiting list?
Rudd replied: “I’m hoping it hallucinations too. Not a best a weak B-side”. She was to my eyes.” Another who that nouveau could not be Rob Nash Have your say at
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 25


Camilla Long
These marches should have been a dream
for the Tories, then Braverman stepped up

ot a great week for Tory
women, was it? First there was
How can one person be so selfish and
stupid? If you read the article she wrote, Spoilt stars
Nadine Dorries, who wrote a
book. In it, the palpitating,
you will see it is filled with mistakes and
failures of logic (since when should always get the
silk-scarved former culture
secretary tried to present
something be banned simply because
people are “mobbing” poppy sellers?). I girlfriend and
herself as both so stupid that
she was frightened of a menu
didn’t think it was possible for this once-
successful party to present us with the PA at war
at a smart restaurant but so clever and someone more chaotic than Liz Truss,
perceptive that she had single-handedly less subtle than Dorries. But it turns out Who’d be a celeb PA? If you’re
cracked a shadowy, deep-state plot run Braverman is what you get if you dig not changing sheets or
by Michael Gove. down past all the ninth-rate Etonians, scratching backs, you’re being
Sample sentence: “‘You’re a writer. the Nadines, the tractor porn-ers and sued.
You should write the truth about this,’ secret rapist MPs: a home secretary But when Robert De Niro
said one aide in No 10.” (Italics: author’s without a single redeeming feature, who accused his assistant, Graham
own.) It was House of Cards written by is, despicably, using this serious clash on Chase Robinson, of watching
Harriet the Spy. our streets as a showcase for herself. too much Netflix, she sued right
Then there was the home secretary, I don’t even agree with the marches: I back. In an attempt to defend
Suella Braverman, who also wrote think they are frightening and himself from claims he was
something — an article. In it, she said antisemitic and wrong. Marauding the “disrespectful”, De Niro shouted
that the Metropolitan Police were families of war dead is beneath at her in court. “Goddammit, I’m
playing “favourites” with “protesters”, contempt: it reminds me of the protest sorry,” he said afterwards.
giving lockdown objectors “no quarter”, planned by Anjem Choudary, a terrorist, It has, frankly, been bliss.
while Black Lives Matter demonstrators in 2010. He wanted to march 500 fake I’m pleased that Graham (lol)
could “break rules”. coffins through Wootton Bassett to mock has now been awarded nearly
The pro-Palestinian marches, she fallen British soldiers. It is obvious $1.3 million for dealing with him
said, were the same as the old IRA Jewish people need protecting. But why and his foul-mouthed girlfriend
protests in Northern Ireland. Some is it this artless, self-promoting Tiffany Chen: some might say
poppy sellers had been “mobbed”. mediocrity who has to do it? Haven’t this case was, in fact, a ruling
Police were threatened with they suffered enough? against her. It’s often difficult to
“fireworks”. Oooh. And what else? Scan any one of her speeches, see who’s more unlikeable: the
Water pistols? We were later told Rishi articles, reports, and you will find it spoilt big baby celebrity, or his
Sunak hadn’t approved some of it and littered with intemperate, incendiary rude, insecure fourth/fifth wife/
now the prime minister might be images and appalling language: she babymomma.
planning to sack her. Will he, though — speaks of “invasions” (of immigrants, Take John Lennon and Yoko
really? What’s the truth of any of this? naturally) and of “dreams” and Suella Braverman‘s choice of words has landed her in trouble before: in 2019 she was rebuked by the Board of Deputies Ono for example: we are told by
I’ve reached the point where I don’t “obsessions” — this is not the language of Lennon’s former PA, May Pang,
trust a single thing that’s said, or even Thatcher, but of a 16-year-old girl — and that Ono was difficult. Ono
leaked, or tweeted, by any Conservative of Trump (she’s even named after she’s just thick. Hmmm. A Jewish friend her, facts simply do not matter: she is would phone her at 2am with a
politician. Point of fact, though: the someone in an American soap: told me: “We’re embarrassed by her.” happy to liken pro-Palestinian marches to-do list: “something to do with
Whitehall marches should be a dream Sue Ellen in Dynasty). She is the perfect There are people who will see this as to those in “Ulster”, without realising ... bongos for a Jerry Lewis
for the Tories, an opportunity for them politician for our age: she believes in simply a bit of Westminster jostling: that in Northern Ireland it’s the Tory- telethon”. She planned to make
to point to an outside threat, rile nothing except what strikes her as useful Braverman thumbing her nose at Rishi. supporting loyalists who traditionally a dress that she told Pang she’d
everyone up and then rush to the
rescue, telling us they will save us, one
at that moment.
Anything comes out of her mouth.
They will say she is a lone operative, an
outlier, when in fact she is far more
She believes march? I mean: this is basic history.
As for the police, well, it’s quite a feat
have to model, with the breasts
and vagina exposed (she never
poppy seller at a time.
Which is what Braverman was trying
You might think that, having a husband
who’s a “proud Jew and Zionist”, she
dangerous than that: the chief symptom
of a party that has so lost its grip on
in nothing, to make them look like the calm,
reasonable ones. It’s true they haven’t
did). When Ono and Lennon
split up, her solution was to
to do, to bolster her craven “shot at the
leadership”. Only she blew so hard on
understood what might or might not be
an antisemitic trope. You might think
power it now operates only as a loose
collective of reckless, self-interested
except what really been policing these demos: a week
ago 1,300 officers on duty at one protest
offer up Pang as a kind of decoy.
“Why are you doing this?” wept
her dog whistle in publishing her article
that thousands of far-right football
wrong. In 2019 she used the phrase
“cultural Marxism” in a speech: it is a
mini-emperors while the Visigoths pant
at the gate. Braverman is as ideas-free
strikes her as made just 29 arrests. This seems low to
me, given the number of videos of
Pang as they had sex. Bizarre.
It’s clear Ono would do
thugs turned up yesterday, piling onto
the Cenotaph, shouting, “England till I
term that suggests Jews and progressives
conspire to control our cultural life, of
(and as clomping) as any late Roman
general; why should we be put at risk by
useful at that people chanting racist songs or flying al-
Qaeda flags, but they claim they’re
anything to keep Lennon’s
attention, but who’s really the
die”, like drunk zombies. As someone
who has actually been urinated on at an
which “Jews control the media” is just
one example. The Board of Deputies of
anyone as messy as this? Her stances are
all opportunistic: she’s an Erasmus
moment “outnumbered” and can’t arrest
everybody. Yet instead of tackling this
villain in all this? The truth is
that it was Lennon, like De Niro,
EDL march, I can tell you there’s one British Jews rebuked her, but later said scholar who backed Brexit; the daughter shocking, crucial detail — the fact that who had all the power, and got
thing these people don’t turn up for, and she had not been “intentionally of immigrants who said carting people we cannot police our own streets — her to do his bidding. Who’d be
that’s debate. antisemitic”. Translation: she’s not evil; off to Rwanda was her “obsession”. To Braverman has made it all about herself. a celeb wife?

Aasmah Mir
God, I love The Morning
Show. I don’t mean the one
I work on at Times Radio; I
mean the one that Jennifer

Week ending
Aniston’s character, Alex
Levy, works on in Apple’s
hit series set at a New York
TV channel.
Yes, it’s a bit niche, but I
gratefully take it out of the
chocolate box once a week
and enjoy it like a delicious
I don’t watch it for the
glamour, or the storylines
about hacking or takeovers
or US Supreme Court
decisions. I watch it for the
delicious and weird

In my dreams, Darren the pensions Levy’s disgusting alarm

shrieks at 3.30am (a
slacker’s lie-in) and then
adviser chases me with a portfolio she jogs through the streets
of New York to work (a hard
no from me).
The show brilliantly
What keeps you up at night? About 20 years ago my always freelance, so I need to captures the upside-
A letter from the doctor wise mum started regularly get a private pension. But downness of working on an
asking you to come in for a mentioning pensions to me, there are so many types, and early morning show — the
test that stays safely out of but they seemed irrelevant, you need a financial adviser, a siege mentality, the sugar
sight in a drawer? The email complicated. Thirty seemed a stranger to look at your rush of working when you
you still haven’t sent that world away from 65. I also financial affairs and shake should be sleeping,
means your child might get planned to work till I was their head gravely over your followed by a massive
into a good school, even much older — maybe 70 or 75. lack of planning. slump for the rest of the
though they’re still in your Of course, now we are likely So I will probably ignore day as you stumble about,
tummy? to live a lot longer than we pensions for another year or not quite here or there, not
I’ll tell you what cha-cha- used to. so before I bite the bullet and really living in the moment,
chas across my brain every I know all this, and yet I’ve inevitably choose the wrong waiting for the day to end
night. My pension. Or lack of. been paralysed by it in recent one. Hooray. too early so that it can start
How have I got to this grand years. A big “P” for pension again, too early.
old age without one? I have a springs from every cupboard Aasmah Mir co-presents the
mortgage; I have savings; for I open; it peeps over the breakfast show on Times Radio
goodness’ sake I even have an
Isa. But a pension eludes me.
shoulder of everyone I speak
to. I’ve never been employed,
with Stig Abell, 6am to 10am
Monday to Thursday Sickly sweet
A teenage drip — but, NEWMAN’S An elderly neighbour

boy, I made up for it at 25 VIEW occasionally goes through an

old address book and notes
the names of people who are
“Did you have fun?” That’s the girls’ loos and heading no longer alive. He observes
the question I ask my into town to meet boys. But the passing of time in this
daughter most days when I don’t worry, dear reader. I way; for me time is marked in
pick her up from school and made up for it in my a less sad but still affecting
after every birthday party twenties: 1997 was officially way. The things that we clung
she goes to. Because if we my best year. I went on to as children, that we
don’t have fun, what is the clubbing every weekend, thought would never go, are
point? never used my oven and, at inevitably disappearing.
A poll last week claimed one point, dated three Just this year the fizzy
that 55 per cent of us gorgeous men at the same drink Lilt left us; then dark
prioritise fun in life. Barbra time (I really hope my mum chocolate Bounty bars were
Streisand has said in her isn’t reading this). no more. And now time’s up
memoir that she wishes she And now, in my midlife for the Caramac. Yes, it was
had had more fun. And that years, when the fun is thin sickly sweet, but there was
could have been me. and the dating threadbare, I something about the thin
In my teens I devoted always hark back to 1997. I snap of that butterscotch-
myself to studying in a weird remember worrying that coloured bar, slowly melting
monastic way, eschewing maybe I was finally going off on the tongue, that made me
any frivolity. There were no the rails. But actually I was so happy in a way that no
cinema trips and certainly just storing up a lifetime’s other confectionery ever
no drawing on eyeliner in worth of fun. really has.
26 The Sunday Times November 12, 2023

PUZZLES FEEDBACK Comments about our puzzles can be sent to or Puzzles
Editor, The Sunday Times, 1 London Bridge Street,
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1 Surface cavity formed when underlying rock or soil 1 The Who single which followed My Generation (10)
collapses (8) 2 In maths, something that becomes zero when raised to
5 Informally, something that ____ makes sense (4,2) some positive integral power is ____ (9)
9 ____ Lang was Archbishop of Canterbury during the 1936 3 The handle of an axe or knife (4)
abdication crisis (5) 4 The perennial Christmas Bells (pictured) is also called the
13 Eurasian songbird, the male having a pink breast (9) Chinese ____ (7,4)
14 US House of Representatives speaker succeeded by Kevin 6 A casting director’s way of saying an auditionee has been
McCarthy in 2023 (5,6) unsuccessful (4,4,2,4,4,3)
15 Son of Odin (4) 7 A New York state prison, open since 1826 (4,4)
16 Venomous Australian spiders of the genus Latrodectus (8) 8 “A sentimentalist is simply one who desires to have the
17 Promontory which includes the northernmost point of the luxury of an emotion without ____ it” (Oscar Wilde) (6,3)
European mainland (7) 9 One of the black or white shapes indicating a sharp bend on
19 Julian Clary’s performance name in the 1980s (3,4,7,3,4) a road sign (7)
20 Game show hosted by Richard Hammond and Amanda 10 Swimming while using a breathing tube (11) Place the numbers 1 to 9 in the
Byram (5,7) 11 Three bright stars which can be used to find a well-known spaces so that the number in
21 ____ custody is the usual alternative to bail (3-5) constellation (6,4) each circle is equal to the sum of
24 Companion of Julian Clary in his 19A shows (5,3,6,3) 12 Pronunciation test words or phrases (11) the four surrounding spaces,
28 Choral ____ is the BBC’s oldest outside broadcast (8) 18 ____ gin is often sold in stone bottles (8) and each colour total is correct.
30 Character who “has only to walk alone across a drawing 22 Prime minister who owned yachts called Morning Cloud (3,5)

room to offend its definitions” in The Age of Innocence (5,7) 23 Computer chip logo and slogan introduced in 1991 (5,6)
33 Lord’s is the home of ____ (10,7,4) 24 Uncharged molecule with an unpaired valence electron (4,7)
35 Supplement amending a will (7) 25 An arthropod’s hard outer cover (11)
36 Journalist and broadcaster who wrote The Book of Dave 26 Substances which destroy harmful micro-organisms (10)
(2006) and Umbrella (2012) (4,4) (pictured) 27 Co-host of BBC’s Sports Personality of the Year since 2013 (5,5)
37 Abbreviation indicating that a named person is part of a 29 Device which administers a drug as a fine mist (9)
group (2,2) 31 The tarot-reading Bond girl in Live and Let Die (9)
39 American 1960s teenager who devised one of the most 32 An all-in-one winter garment (8)
successful “flops” in history (4,7) 34 Venus as the morning star (7)
40 By ____ a bitmap, it appears to 38 Seaweed burnt in the 18th and
have more colours than are early 19th centuries to produce
available (9) sodium carbonate for glass
41 Adjective which applies to our making (4)
sun but no other (5) Divide the grid into square or
42 Cheap alcoholic drink of poor rectangular blocks, each
quality (informal) (6) containing one digit only.
43 US name for a legume grown Every block must contain the
for its tender long pods (4,4) number of cells indicated by
the digit inside it.

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CONCISE CROSSWORD 1860 MEPHISTO 3298 Paul McKenna Across Down

CROSSWORD 5085 Dean Mayer

1 Old women — grey and 1 Bet is fair bunkum (4)

back together among 2 Supply ordered again —
poetry lovers (8) missing silver’s arranged
7 Admirable senior officer once more (10)
in short order accepted 3 Rising tide covering special
nothing (4) areas of basilicas (5)
10 Irrational fear of happy 4 Merchant's department
boor I unsettled (10) on the point of cut and
11 Depression is behind thrust? (7)
Oddfellow regressing (5) 5 Upcoming opportunity to
12 Approach, as before, grab time for career (5)
article with attention (5) 6 Inform of apparent
14 Worry about upsetting source (7)
guy’s trading area (8, two 7 Lag with manners
words) agrees (8)
17 Witty reply is somewhat 8 Submits ordinary term for
indecent about nearly all addressing many Turks (5)
being topless (7) 9 Bounty is before the wind,
18 Having no blade? heading 157 degrees or
Therefore back retaining so (8)
early payment (7) 13 Screen tart performing
20 Fourth estate stuff (5) here? (10, two words)
21 Commonwealth-era 15 Pole in favour of last of
brigand to free old these nuts (8)
monarch (5) 16 Scots rail at hiding each
NAME ................................................................................... 22 Clinic finally probing new British slight NAME ...................................................................................
Across Down ethics for those who inconvenience (8)
ADDRESS ................................................................................... suffered with TB (7) 19 Cover female put on adult ADDRESS ...................................................................................
4 Knack (3) 1 Unite (4) 23 Stamped on document, article (7)
................................................................................... ...................................................................................
7 Regulating device (8) 2 Antenna (6) “force unit into region” (7) 20 Eg, Welsh plod put up
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22 Tear (3) 17 Dance move (4) eccentricity (10, two words) 11 After this, picked up a bloom (4,3)
19 Nativity group (4) 32 Temper it with female hanky? (7) 5 Butter spread over book (7)
article in Le Monde? (4) 12 Short note about theatre 6 Men declared success at
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Earl replacing one grand 13 Racecourse jockeys not 7 Performers taking bows

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company as an icon (5) 14 Battle against royal
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Drake’s ship once (7) 18 Piece of music as farewell
In the grid, each 21 How Pierre will give you after prison (7)
number represents an opinion (7) 19 Sam is one, and mostly
240 33 280 45 a letter of the
alphabet — all 26
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train (9)
dirty (7)
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The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 27


e learnt last week that bigger signpost than a British accent.
British women are the This was all part of Hollywood’s
heaviest binge determination to create a world in its
drinkers in the world. own plastic-perfect image, and it

And our men did worked. Twenty years ago all my friends
pretty well in the
survey too, finishing
smoked. Today almost none of them do.
And now Hollywood is doing the same
In TV shows now,
in third place behind with alcohol. Out of professional if someone drinks
It might be the
the Romanians and curiosity I watched an Amazon Prime
the Danes. I’m not
sure how the Finns failed to win.
show called Gen V the other day. It’s as
racially diverse as a modern-day car
you know they’re
They’re usually the hot favourites in any advert, and there is one character who is one of the bad guys

bitter end for

drinking contest. Maybe they were all both male and female, so it’s very
completely unable to remember what obviously aimed at young adults. And I
they did last night. couldn’t help noticing that those who minefield. One wrong pronoun or the
However, while the people in most drank were the bad guys. slightest whiff of cultural appropriation

alcohol. Even
western countries continue to enjoy a You see it on social media too. If it had and you’re in the waste basket with
healthy relationship with alcohol — apart been around when I was growing up, it Laurence Fox and JK Rowling.
from the Italians, who limped home in would have been filled with images of So it’s now cool to be healthy and
last place — there is evidence to suggest girls having their hair held back while mentally sharp, and that’s a good thing, I

I’m brewing
that times are changing. they vomited and men with traffic cones suppose. But, speaking as someone who
Figures just out show that in the UK a on their heads. Instead, however, it’s all owns a brewery, I also find it a bit
third of people under the age of 25 do about surfing and hiking and having a worrying.
not drink alcohol at all. If you peer into liver that is pinker than Barbie’s pink Sales of low or zero-alcohol beers

booze-free ale
the gloom at a party these days, you will bits. There’s one girl out there who have more than doubled since 2019. And
notice that in every corner there’s a gang spends all day skipping, which is not in the past year alone they shot up by an
of fresh-faced young adults drinking something anyone can do when they’re almost unbelievable 23 per cent. This
nothing more intoxicating than there’s no point having a bitter lemon To beer or not to pissed. Then you have Andrew Tate, certainly backs up the figures that show
elderflower-flavoured electrolytes. either. This means you have to stand beer, that is the who, before he went in a prison, was the under-25s now want to be sober. And
I have many friends of my age who there, in full view, with no glass in your question for endlessly banging on about the it means that if my Hawkstone brewery
don’t drink either, but this is usually hand. Which makes you feel exposed Jeremy Clarkson importance of being healthy. It’s wants to remain in rude health, we need
because they grew weary at some point and vulnerable, like you’re suddenly not relentless. to stop developing beers that can blow
of waking up in the middle of the Earls wearing trousers. A boffin cropped up on my TikTok your head clean off and stick our foot in
Court Road in a Team America-sized And yet, despite all this, huge feed only this morning to explain which the low-alcohol lake.
puddle of their own sick. Our kids, numbers of young people are happily drink does you the most harm. I was It’s not easy. Just ask Peroni. Making a
however, have not been through this breezing into pubs and bars and parties expecting him to be specific and say beer taste like beer when it has
rather undignified portal. They’re just and proudly asking for some water. absinthe or moonshine or a Burmese infinitesimal amounts of alcohol is like
not drinking. Which raises a question: why? It’s not as whisky called Hankey Bannister, which making a tomato juice taste like tomato
I’ve tried this a number of times over if drink-driving is as issue, because once did Richard Hammond a great deal juice when it has no tomatoes in it. But
the years and it’s tricky. Because, as I see they’re all in Ubers. And it’s not as if of harm. But no: he said the No 1 worst our brewer is now locked away in a cellar
it, there are two reasons for ingesting they’re worried about not being able to drink was “alcohol”. Yup. All of it. with his pipettes and his special yeast,
liquid. You’ve just spent a day in the perform in the bedroom, because One of the reasons the Italians don’t and he’s been told he can’t come out till
sunshine chopping logs and you’re another recent study found that modern drink very much is that they consider he’s solved the problem.
thirsty. Or you want to get pissed. So if kids aren’t having sex either. So what’s losing control to be ugly. And I think Because relying on an ageing client
you’re in a sober period and a barman or going on? there’s some of that going on with base for business is never a good idea.
waiter asks what you’d like, you’re Well, in the recent past you knew that today’s twentysomethings. You need to Just ask Rover. It thought it’d be fine, but
stumped. You can’t have alcohol, and when someone lit a cigarette in a movie, be sharp and in control of your faculties it woke up one morning and all its
you haven’t been chopping logs, so they were the baddie. It was an even when you’re permanently in a social customers had died.

TEASER 3190 “Spade” squares it; “Heart”

halves it; “Club” changes its
sign; “Diamond” divides it
Stuck in the jam in the Smoke
at rush hour, John’s children
were missing Andy’s party.
but each score was
unchanged. Four different
suits were still showing.
Stephen Hogg by the other card’s face
value. Players score their
Playing Mods-In-Suits for
amusement led to one
Mods-In-Suits modified values’ sum (or unusual game. Jo’s initial Send your solution to: The Sunday
Times Teaser 3190, PO Box 29, Amsterdam 8C f London 9C r
In single-pack card game zero if there is a matching score was a positive whole Colchester, Essex CO2 8GZ or email
Athens 20 f Los Angeles 26 s
Mods-In-Suits, players are pair of face values). Players number, Bo’s its negative.
The first two correct solutions opened Auckland 21 s Madrid 18 f
dealt two cards. Each card’s may exchange their second Four different suits and face after next Saturday each win a £20 Bangkok 32 th Mexico City 23 f
face value (Ace=1 to K=13) is dealt card for a fresh card values were dealt. Both Waterstones voucher. Open to 18+ UK &
Barcelona 20 f Miami 28 sh
modified by its suit, thus: from the pack. exchanged their second card, ROI residents only.
Beijing 7 s Moscow 5 sh 26
Belgrade 13 f Nairobi 23 th
David Howell Berlin 8 sh New Delhi 29 s
Sally Brock
Bogota 18 sh New Orleans 23 f
Boston 6 f New York 9 f
I recently faced a dilemma. I Here, however, White was Sometimes the effect of an get a ruff. He underled his
Brussels 10 sh Oslo 2 sl
was eligible to play in the 2023 seduced by a tactical trick. 24 opening lead is far-reaching. ace of hearts, but declarer 6
Budapest 10 f Panama 28 th 6
FIDE Grand Swiss as a member Bxh6? Tempting but flawed. What would be your choice as won, drew trumps,
Buenos Aires 24 th Paris 14 sh
of the world top 100. In the past White now falls victim to a West from the following hand: discarded a heart on the moderate
Cairo 31 sh Prague 8 f
two editions of this event, I had memorable swindle. 24 Be5 clubs and took a diamond
Calgary 7 f Rio de Janeiro 34 f
come within a point of would have maintained a long- Both vulnerable, Dealer South finesse for an overtrick.
Cape Town 23 s Rome 18 sh
qualifying for the Candidates. term edge. 24…gxh6 25 Qd4 West North East South At the other table West 9
Caracas 26 th San Francisco 17 f
Alas, time catches up with all “LPDO”, or Loose Pieces Drop 1♣ * found the superficially
Casablanca 25 f Santiago 18 sh
of us. Chess continues to Off, as the saying goes. It Pass 1♥ * Pass 1NT * worse lead of a low
2♥ * 2♠ Chicago 14 s Seoul 6 s
change. It is no coincidence appears that White will win Pass Pass diamond. Declarer won in
Pass 3NT Pass 4♠ Dubai 30 f Seychelles 28 th
that the majority of prize back the sacrificed piece with hand with the nine, and
All Pass Dublin 10 sh Singapore 29 th 8
winners from this year’s Grand interest. 25…Qa1! A nasty played trumps. West won the
Geneva 12 sh Stockholm 6 r 11
Swiss were young, backed by shock. The threat is 26…Rc1. One club was the normal third round of trumps (East
Gibraltar 25 f Sydney 29 f
significant sponsorship, and Some calculation is required, opening on all balanced discarding diamonds both
Guatemala 24 th Tel Aviv 27 sh
thus able to employ a large but it soon becomes clear that hands; one heart showed times) and led a heart to the
Helsinki 6 r Tenerife 24 f
team of coaches. For players Black is simply winning. 26 four or more spades; one ten and king. Declarer now
based in the UK where chess is Qd2 If 26 Rxa1 Rxa1+ 27 Bf1 e5! no-trump showed 18-19 needed to get to dummy to Hong Kong 24 sh Tokyo 11 r 20 10
Istanbul 19 sh Toronto 6 f
not yet recognised as a sport, it White suffers on the back rank: balanced; two hearts was a draw the last trump. All he rough
Jersey 14 sh Trinidad 29 th 13
is becoming ever harder to 28 Qxc5 (28 Qh4 covers h3, but transfer back to spades. In could do was try his top clubs,
Johannesburg 33 sh Tunis 26 s
compete at the very top level. 28…Rcc1 29 Qxf6 (or 29 Kg2 the final part of the auction but West ruffed the second
La Paz 17 th Venice 13 f 30 moderate
I ultimately chose to Kg7) 29...Bh3 wins for Black) South was offered a choice and was able to cash two
Lagos 29 th Vienna 10 s
commentate on the Grand 28...Bh3 and Black’s point is between three no-trumps heart tricks.
Lima 22 f Warsaw 8 f
Swiss, a role that allowed me to revealed. 26...Qa3 Black’s extra and four spades. What would UK and Ireland forecast
Lisbon 21 sh Washington DC 11 f
enjoy the spectacular chess on piece decides the game. 27 you lead from: This week’s problem A band of thick cloud and rain will move northeastwards
show in the Isle of Man. Rbb1 Kg7 28 g4 Rac8 29 g5 Key c=cloud, dr=drizzle, ds=dust storm, f=fair, fg=fog, g=gales, h=hail, across the British Isles throughout the day, heaviest across
♠ A732 ♠ 76 m=mist, r=rain, sh=showers, sl=sleet, sn=snow, s=sun, th=thunder, w=windy
White: Denis Lazavik Ng8 30 Qd4+ Kf8 31 gxh6 ♥ A976 ♥ A953 southwestern areas through the morning and Northern
Black: Radoslaw Wojtaszek Nxh6 32 Ra1 Qxb3 33 Qh8+ ♦ Q 10 7 4 ♦ K Q 10 5 2 Ireland and central Britain by the afternoon. Northern
♣6 ♣ 73
FIDE Grand Swiss, Ng8 34 Rd3 Rc3 White resigns Britain will be mainly dry with sunny intervals and one or
Douglas 2023 Spot the Move 1401:
White to play.
One West looked no further
than his singleton club. This
♥ K842
EUROPE two showers in eastern Scotland. Light to moderate east to
southeasterly winds for most, perhaps fresh in places
♦ A6
was the full deal: ♣ AKQ652 S

♠ KJ864 West North East South 4

♥ J42 1♠ London, SE England
♦ KJ3 2♣ Dble Pass 4♠ A day of bright intervals and patchy rain. Light to moderate
♣ 10 5 All Pass
southeasterly winds. Max 10C. Cloudy with showers. Min 7C
♠ A732 N ♠ 10 6 7
♥ A976 ♥ Q 10 8 Midlands, E England
W E You lead the king and ace of
♦ Q 10 7 4 ♦ 8652 Patchy cloud and rain in the afternoon. Light to moderate
♣6 ♣ J9842 clubs, partner playing the
S 13 southeasterly winds. Max 9C. Mostly dry and misty. Min 6C
four followed by the eight.
♠ Q95 11 Channel Is, SW and Cent S England, S Wales
This middlegame favours ♥ K53 What now? 11 Thick cloud and outbreaks of rain. Light to moderate
White. The bishop pair Predke-Kuzubov, Douglas ♦ A9 Solution next week. 12
16 18 southeasterly winds. Max 13C. Cloudy with heavy rain. Min 7C
combined with the potential of 2023. What is the only move ♣ AKQ73 15 15
N Wales, NW England, Isle of Man
the passed b-pawn should that gives White a decisive The best way to improve 20
Bright periods and widespread rain. Light to fresh east to
guarantee the upper hand. advantage? The six of clubs was covered your bridge is to play with 15
22 southeasterly winds. Max 10C. Dry with mist and fog. Min 5C
by the ten, jack and ace. an expert. If you are
Send your solution (first move only), to Sunday Times Spot the Move 1401, Cent N and NE England
Declarer played trumps and interested in online playing
The Sunday Times, PO Box 29, Colchester, Essex CO2 8GZ, or email to Bright spells and rain through the afternoon. Light to fresh The first correct answer drawn after next West won an early round, sessions with Sally, email her
¬ A day of sunny intervals ¬ Bright spells and a few southeasterly winds. Max 8C. Mist and patchy rain. Min 3C
Saturday wins a £20 Waterstones voucher. Open to 18+ UK & ROI residents only. hoping to put his partner in to at
and one or two isolated patches of heavy rain across Scotland
showers across Spain, France, the Low Countries, Largely dry with showers in the east. Light to moderate


Across: 1 Anticyclone, 7 Cockboats, 12 Electronic point of sale, 13 Spawn, 14 Orphean, 16 In cuffs,
17 Otto, 18 Ballasting, 19 LA Law, 21 Kyiv Opera, 22 Yootha Joyce, 25 Sugar Sugar, 26 Ring of Fire,
Portugal and the Balearics
¬ Bright periods and showery
Germany and the Alps
¬ Thick cloud and a few
southeasterly winds. Max 6C. Patchy cloud and rain. Min 1C
N Ireland, Republic of Ireland
outbreaks of rain in Italy, scattered showers in Poland, Cloudy with outbreaks of rain and showers. Light to moderate
27 Suffragette, 29 Aaron Paul, 31 Macer, 33 Blue Orchid, 35 Ovid, 37 Potoroo, 38 Caisson, 39 Lined,
SUDOKU WARM-UP CODEWORD 40 Scandinavian Peninsula, 42 End is near, 43 Tigst Assefa Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica and the Baltic states, Ukraine, southeasterly winds. Max 11C. Patchy fog and rain. Min 4C
Down: 1 Ayers Rock, 2 The Last King of Scotland, 3 Catena, 4 Chocolate fudge brownie, 5 Obi, Malta, heavy at times Moldova and Slovakia
6 Expressly, 7 Chianti, 8 Cutting the Gordian knot, 9 Bifocal, 10 An awfully big adventure,
11 St Elsewhere, 15 Pull apart, 20 Horror, 23 Oligarchs, 24 Jaffna, 25 Sesame paste, 28 Erotic art,
30 Lady Diana, 32 Reredos, 34 Uncover, 36 Elands, 41 Pug
¬ Patchy cloud and outbreaks
of rain and showers across
¬ A cold day with outbreaks
of rain, sleet and snow across THE WEEK AHEAD
the Balkans, Turkey, Greece, Scandinavia, heaviest in
MEPHISTO 3297 Croatia, Slovenia and Cyprus southern Finland and Sweden
Across: 4 Hesychast, 10 Parol, 11 Telegas, 12 Plumbago, 13 Raik, 14 Usher, 15 Turn to, 17 Gag-rein, 25 23 24
20 Creepie, 23 Alms-fee, 27 Alchera, 28 Troked, 29 Jager, 31 Cane, 32 Classism, 33 Spelter,
34 Nisse, 35 Thrasonic Down: 1 Oppugnant, 2 Walsall, 3 Pruh, 4 Homers, 5 Statice, 6 Clouted, 7 8 9


7 Herry, 8 Aganippe, 9 Saith, 16 Open-armed, 18 Gammoner, 19 Effects, 21 Relearn, 22 Ivresse,
24 Phasic, 25 Graph, 26 Akela, 30 Gism
11 11 11 12 10 10

SUDOKU 1560 KENKEN CROSSWORD 5084 Sun Sun sets/ Lights Moon Moon
Across: 1 Vitamin, 5 Siberia, 9 Nag, 10 Carpathians, 11 Rational number, 13 Toolroom, 15 Tattie, 14 13 11
rises lights on off rises sets
17 On edge, 18 Websites, 20 Castles in Spain, 23 Acknowledge, 24 Ebb, 25 Foresee, 26 Rosette
Down: 1 Veneration, 2 Tightrope walker, 3 Micro, 4 Narrator, 5 Stains, 6 Bohemians, Aberdeen 07:43 16:01 07:45 06:34 15:25 34 21 15
7 Real-estate agent, 8 Apse, 12 Reasonable, 14 Righteous, 16 Reminder, 19 Reglue, 21 Steps, 22 Calf
Belfast 07:47 16:27 07:49 06:41 15:51
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Birmingham 07:23 16:19 07:25 06:17 15:42
SPOT THE MOVE 1400 CONCISE CROSSWORD 1859 Bristol 07:22 16:26 07:24 06:16 15:49
Patchy cloud and Bright periods and Bright intervals
1 Qxa6! wins: 1…Rd8 (1…Rxa6 2 Re8 mate) Across: 1 Borne, 4 Cash cow, 8 Uninterrupted, outbreaks of rain, scattered showers, and outbreaks of
9 Sycophant, 10 Pal, 11 Eccentric, 15 Ask, Cardiff 07:25 16:28 07:26 06:19 15:51
2 Qxc6 Bxg5 3 Bxg5 (3 g4 is also strong) heavy at times. heaviest in the rain and showers.
3…Qxg5 4 Qxc7 with two extra pawns 16 Flagstone, 17 In high spirits, 19 Shyster, 20 Dolly Cork 07:47 16:48 07:49 06:43 16:11
Down: 1 Bruise, 2 Rain check, 3 Ectopic, Max 14C west. Max 13C Max 11C
Dublin 07:44 16:33 07:46 06:38 15:57
TEASER 3189 4 Curtain-raiser, 5 Squat, 6 Cut, 7 Widely, 10 Pictorial,
12 Rescind, 13 Habits, 14 Feisty, 16 Fight, 18 Hay Glasgow 07:46 16:15 07:48 06:38 15:39
1, 2, 7, 8
London 07:13 16:16 07:14 06:06 15:39
TODAY’S SOLUTIONS Manchester 07:28 16:17 07:30 06:21 15:40
7 7 9
Newcastle 07:31 16:08 07:33 06:24 15:32
88 76 21 11 SUKO CELL BLOCKS POLYGON Norwich 07:11 16:06 07:13 06:04 15:29
4 x 22 19 x 4 15 + 6 7 + 4
beer, bevel, blouse, blue, blur, boer, Plymouth 07:25 16:35 07:27 06:20 15:58 9 9 9 10 12 9
20 10 28 64 bole, bolero, bolo, bolus, boor, bore,
boule, bourse, breve, broo, brose, burl,
10 10 10
The Milky Way arches overhead from the SW to
10 + 10 5 + 5 4 x 7 8 x 8
burse, lobe, lobo, lube, obelus, obese,
26 84 25 23 oboe, obol, observe, obverse, the NE as darkness falls tonight. Saturn shines 26 15 17
overblouse, rebel, rebus, robe, rouble,
lower in the S and Jupiter is prominent climbing
22 + 4 12 x 7 5 x 5 4 + 19
rube, ruble, sleb, slob, slub, sober, sorb,
90 16 100 19 urbs, verb, verbose in the E. Venus is brilliant in the SE before dawn, Thursday Friday Saturday
6 x 15 8 + 8 10 x 10 12 + 7
The Leonids meteor shower peaks on Saturday A day of thick Mainly dry with Cloudy with rain
morning. Its few swift meteors diverge from the cloud and showery sunny intervals in the north and
Winners Crossword 5082 N Finlay, Thames Ditton, Surrey, J Brassey, Framlingham, Suffolk, E Brunyee, Sandbach, Cheshire, P Cook, Purley, Greater London Mephisto 3295 west, dry in the
J Peart, Heybridge, Essex, E Davies, Amersham, Buckinghamshire, B Neville, London N10, R Rougvie, Glenrothes, Fife, P Tozer, Mobberley, Cheshire Teaser 3187 SD Hodges, Sickle of Leo which climbs from the NE horizon outbreaks of rain. and one or two
Kenilworth, Warwickshire, R James, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire Chess 1398 G Anthony, Forest Row, East Sussex Sudoku 1558 D Hughes, Gelli, Mid Glamorgan at 11pm to high in the S at dawn. Alan Pickup Max 10C showers. Max 10C southeast. Max 12C
November 12, 2023 ·



Big retailers brace for a rise in business rates Metro Bank on

Oliver Gill, Harry Yorke,
Sam Chambers
prices. Business rate bills for
larger retailers could rise by
“full expensing” that would
extend the policy beyond its
begun to ease,” 44 business
leaders, including the bosses
Some 1.9 billion pints were
sold in pubs and shops in the
also brews Kronenbourg
1664, said the recent duty
FCA’s financial
Britain’s biggest retailers
will be slapped with a
6.7 per cent in the spring,
Whitehall sources indicated.
The Treasury is finalising
current expiry of 2026. Full
expensing allows companies
to deduct the cost of
of Asda, Sainsbury’s and
Boots, wrote. Supermarkets
are likely to be hit hardest by
third quarter of 2023, the
lowest volume since records
began 23 years ago, according
increase had already cost the
sector £225 million.
Emma McClarkin, chief
crime watchlist
£400 million increase in details of the announcement qualifying investments from the rise, the property adviser to the British Beer and Pub executive of the BBPA, said:
business rates next year as before the autumn statement taxable profit. Altus said. Association (BBPA). “At this acutely sensitive time Jill Treanor a long-running investigation.
Jeremy Hunt looks to on November 22. The Larger firms warned the Pubs and brewers are also The chancellor used his for our sector, the The prospectus is part of
prioritise corporate tax reliefs chancellor is said to be still chancellor against raising the threatening price rises if Hunt budget this year to unveil a government plans to increase Metro Bank has revealed that its efforts to secure fresh
that promote investment. considering calls to freeze business rates “multiplier” in refuses to freeze alcohol duty. new alcohol duty regime that our costs hugely through a it is on the Financial Conduct financing after its shares
The chancellor is rates for smaller companies. September, saying it would The industry reported that increased the levy in line with brutal business rates cliff Authority’s “watchlist” collapsed in October when it
understood to have decided Hunt froze business rates in amount to a £400 million hit. the number of pints of beer inflation starting in August. edge and the second increase relating to financial crime. emerged it needed to bolster
against freezing rates for last year’s autumn statement “An increase to costs at this drunk between July and The next increase is expected in beer duty in six months. The high street bank said its financial position. That led
larger retailers despite at a cost to the exchequer of level could lead to upwards September had sunk to to take place in February. This will leave brewers and that on June 6 it “received to outflows of deposits, but
warnings that an increase £14.6 billion. But his focus is pressure on prices, just as record lows as consumers Paul Davies, boss of pubs with no choice but to confirmation of its position confidence has now been
would cost jobs and push up now on a flagship scheme for shop price inflation has tightened their belts. Carlsberg Marston’s, which charge customers more.” on the FCA watchlist for restored after it secured a
financial crime compliance”. £600 million refinancing of
Companies on the its debt and announced plans
watchlist are required to to raise £325 million from

Royal Mail ZARA FLIGHTS ‘FUEL CRISIS’ address regulators’ concerns shareholders. The deal goes
through what is known as to a vote on November 27.
“enhanced supervision”. Being on a watchlist does
ZARA/EMILY KNECHT The bank said the FCA was not imply financial
looking at the “management implications for Metro and
of financial crime within the the bank said it “continues to

rival kicks
group’s back book [existing engage, update and co-
customers] as well as specific operate with the FCA”. The
concerns over the bank has to disclose details of
effectiveness of financial regulatory matters that may
controls over the group’s affect its performance in the
online account provisions”. prospectus.

off £600m
The embattled bank made It warns shareholders that
the disclosure in a 217-page if they do not back the
prospectus urging fundraising, the Bank of
shareholders to support a England could impose an
£935 billion rescue deal alternative plan.
announced last month. It will Gilinski’s investment

legal fight
raise the stake of Colombian vehicle Spaldy will be entitled
billionaire Jaime Gilinski from to nominate three non-
9 per cent to 52.9 per cent. executives to join the board.
Metro disclosed in its The bank is subject to
annual report in March that restrictions on dividends it
the FCA was “undertaking can pay to shareholders and
enquiries” into its financial bonuses it can pay to senior
Postal giant is accused of Whistl’s plans uneconomic and led to
it suspending rollout of “final-mile
crime systems and a source
confirmed that this had been
managers, thought to include
chief executive Dan Frumkin.
forcing Whistl to abandon delivery” in 2015.
Whistl complained to Ofcom, claiming
plan for final-mile delivery it had been a victim of anti-competitive

Oliver Gill
practices. Ofcom agreed and slapped
Royal Mail with a £50 million fine. A
years-long appeals process followed until
Sunak investment
Royal Mail is facing a £600 million legal
claim that it abused its monopoly
position to force a competitor out of the
the Supreme Court sided with Ofcom in
July last year.
Lawyers for Whistl are now pushing
summit attracts
The former FTSE 100 postal giant is
bracing for a High Court showdown with
for a preliminary hearing in the High
Court next year. Sources close to Royal
Mail said any proceedings were unlikely
Wall Street giants
rival Whistl, which was forced to scale to begin until 2025.
back operations nearly a decade ago with Royal Mail and IDS made references to Jill Treanor the “government is 100 per
the loss of 2,000 jobs. the Whistl proceedings in its annual cent focused on making the
The civil proceedings follow the con- report without referencing the £600 mil- Wall Street bosses will flock to nation truly highly
clusion of a protracted legal wrangle lion quantum of the claim. The report London this month for a investable”. The peer
that led to Royal Mail paying a record said: “Royal Mail believes Whistl’s claim summit hosted by Rishi co-founded Somerset Capital
regulatory fine of £50 million for illegally is without merit and will defend it Sunak to attract billions of with Jacob Rees-Mogg, the
abusing its monopoly position. investment into Britain. Conservative MP.
The spectre of a major financial claim Jamie Dimon, boss of Since the last event, the

will heap pressure on its new chief JP Morgan, David Solomon, government has rowed back
executive Martin Seidenberg as he sets head of Goldman Sachs and on net-zero ambitions, while
out his plans to turn the company around Steve Schwarzman, chief an auction for offshore wind
after a bitter industrial dispute. Seiden- executive of Blackstone, will projects failed to attract any
berg will provide the first glimpse of attend the prime minister’s bidders in September. Data
his vision for the Royal Mail parent Royal Mail fine by Ofcom global investment summit on from the UN has shown that
International Distribution Services (IDS) November 27. Ignacio Galán foreign direct investment into
at the company’s interim results on — chairman of the Spanish Britain collapsed in 2021 but
Thursday. robustly.” A spokeswoman for the com- energy business Iberdrola, has since rebounded.
The Supreme Court last year upheld a pany declined to comment further. Sam Chambers odds with Inditex’s claims to those generated by the UK, which owns ScottishPower — Sunak is expected to be
ruling by the postal regulator Ofcom that Whistl’s claim is being bankrolled by be an “agent of change” that France and Germany will also attend. provided with upbeat news
Royal Mail had engaged in anti-competi- Vannin Capital, the London litigation Inditex, the owner of Zara, has wants to take its commitment combined. The event, co-hosted with this week as data shows that
tive practices in 2014 by squeezing out funder that was sold to US private equity been accused of fuelling the to sustainability to “a new Inditex, which uses aircraft Kemi Badenoch, the trade the consumer prices index
Whistl, then called TNT UK. firm Fortress in 2019. climate crisis by sending level”. The company has to allow it to respond faster to secretary, will also attract was 4.8 per cent in October,
Whistl planned to deliver business Nick Wells, executive chairman of clothes around the globe by committed to more than halve trends, cut its use of air British business leaders, allowing him to claim that he
mail — which included items such as debit Whistl, insisted that he was “very air rather than by sea. its total emissions by 2030 freight by a quarter in 2022, including Amanda Blanc, has achieved his goal to halve
and credit cards on behalf of banks — to confident as to the merits of our claim” A report by Public Eye, a and reduce them by at least but has no plans to eradicate chief executive of Aviva, and inflation this year.
millions of households after trials in a and said interest on the £600 million of Swiss lobby group, said 90 per cent by 2040. the practice. The company Anya Hindmarch, the fashion America could lose its top
handful of cities had proved successful. damages was accruing at a rate of £50 mil- Zaragoza airport handles Air freight, which is also said it prioritised sea and road entrepreneur. credit rating after Moody’s
The company intended to introduce lion a year. 1,600 cargo flights a year for used by the fast-fashion transport and that most of its Boris Johnson held an warned about the cost of
the deliveries to 42 per cent of UK homes Amsterdam-listed PostNL retains a Inditex. Moving textiles from retailers Shein and Boohoo, air freight was shipped in the investment summit in 2021, paying its debt and “political
using its own posties and pay Royal Mail 12 per cent stake in Whistl. PostNL’s Asia to Europe by air produces adds to the industry’s toll on belly of passenger flights. which the government said polarisation”. Fitch and S&P
to deliver to the rest of the country. largest shareholder is Vesa Equity, the 39 times more carbon the environment. The Inditex reported underlying resulted in £9.7 billion of have already stripped the US
Shortly before Whistl expanded its investment vehicle of Czech billionaire emissions than moving them greenhouse gas emissions profits of €4.7 billion on sales investment. Lord Johnson of of its AAA rating.
operations, Royal Mail increased the Daniel Kretinsky — who also owns more by ship, Public Eye said. produced by clothing of €16.9 billion the six months Lainston, the investment
prices it charged third parties to deliver than a quarter of International Distribu- The practices appear at production are equivalent to to July. minister, said the ambition Meet the new masters of
on their behalf. The move rendered tion Services. was to exceed that and show the universe, pages 2-3

Consultants work free of charge to stay busy Don’t ban petrol cars, says BMW green chief
Laith Al-Khalaf perform, rather than at a pre- tactic in previous downturns after a merger. However, with Oliver Gill money on our products combustion engine] car to go allowing sales of internal
agreed rate. The hope is that and it has been used by other the downturn in corporate because they say, ‘It’s the best for an electric or take one of combustion engine vehicles
Management consultant waiving fees will foster a good professional services firms. activity, consulting work is in Banning the sale of new product for me.’ Because they the ICE cars that are already beyond 2035 if they run on
giants are offering their relationship with clients and The firms are believed to only short supply. McKinsey and petrol and diesel cars is not want it and not because they there?’ Wouldn’t it make synthetic fuels.
services free of charge to keep lead to paid work when deploy the tactic for a limited other advisers have also the answer to addressing the have to.” more sense to say: ‘How can Three years ago BMW
staff busy during a downturn demand increases. “They number of clients. announced job cuts. Last global climate crisis, BMW’s Becker, BMW’s global head we get from 30 to 40 [per adopted a target that every
in corporate activity. would rather keep their McKinsey and Boston week PwC said that about sustainability chief has said. of sustainability and mobility, cent of sales, for instance] the second car that rolled off the
McKinsey and Boston people busy than have them declined to comment. 600 consulting staff would Thomas Becker also said that policymakers should fastest way possible?” ramps would be fully electric
Consulting Group are not sitting around because you’re Management consultants go. But industry sources said insisted that Rishi Sunak’s focus on incremental targets The prime minister by 2030. “[The target] is
charging some clients for paying their salaries anyway,” were in high demand during a firms were wary of cutting too decision to delay the UK’s ban rather than imposing a ban angered environmentalists grounded in a market
projects, according to people one consultant said. boom in deals just after the many jobs as they expect a on the sale of new petrol and that was more than a decade and some carmakers in assessment of what we get
familiar with the situation. Another source said: “It is pandemic. McKinsey, for flurry of deals next year. diesel cars until 2035 would away and could be reversed. September by pushing back from our customers and we
The firms are also understood seen as an investment in a example, advised clients on McKinsey is also believed not change BMW’s electric He added: “Why is there the UK’s ban on the sale of will stick to that. So there is
to be accepting more “fees at client so they will be more potential targets for to be redeploying some staff vehicle production plans. this total focus in the policy petrol and diesel cars from no revision of this objective,”
risk” payments, where the likely to hire you when things acquisitions and drew up to internal projects, “We are critical towards debate about ‘When do I 2030 to 2035. The move Becker said.
pay of consultants is look more positive.” plans of how different essentially doing consulting banning,” he said. “We want force the last customer who means Britain is in line with
correlated with how well they Consultants have used the divisions would fit together work on itself. people to spend a lot of may buy an ICE [internal the EU, although Brussels is Irwin Stelzer, page 7
2 The Sunday Times November 12, 2023


6 The pandemic threw Britain’s jobs market into disarray, with 6 For Jenny Holloway, staff shortages
workers quitting in droves, others retiring early, and still others are more acute than ever. She is chief
being laid low by poor health. Staff shortages were executive of Fashion Enter, a clothing
widespread — but that may be easing. Last week, PwC, chaired maker with sites in north London and

by Kevin Ellis, became the latest “big four” accounting firm to Wales producing garments for brands
announce redundancies, letting 600 people go because not such as Asos. “Finding staff is like
enough of them were leaving of their own accord. Experts finding hen’s teeth at the moment,” said
suggested that a drop in “natural attrition” — the departure Holloway, who claimed that other
rate of staff — was a sign that workers were nervous about the manufacturers had even been camping
economy and so staying put in their jobs. EY, KPMG and outside her factories to try to poach the
Some sectors are cutting roles but others Deloitte have also launched redundancy programmes. Most of tailors and stitchers who work for her.
the cuts have been in their consulting departments, whose To attract and retain workers, Fashion
can’t find staff. What is going on in Britain’s services were in high demand just after Covid when City deals Enter has put up its bonuses by an started to automate some tasks, such as
jobs market? Laith Al-Khalaf reports were rife, but where work has since dried up.
It’s not just professional services facing upheaval. Ahead of
average of 25 per cent.
The firm, which was founded in 2006
certain types of fabric-cutting, which is
now done by machine. “We have had to
fresh unemployment figures this week, how is Britain’s labour and has nearly 50 staff, is increasingly take matters into our own hands,”
market coping? using apprentices to fill roles and has Holloway said.

The latest wave of mega hedge funds is luring talent with $10 million golden hellos. By Oliver Shah
ven on Wall Street, the sums lion) for its investors last year — a return

E The new
being thrown at talent by a new of 38.1 per cent and the biggest annual
breed of hedge funds inspires gain in hedge-fund history. Millennium
shock and awe. “I’ve never Management, run by New Yorker Israel
seen anything like it,” said a Englander, made $8 billion, or 12 per
senior figure at a bulge-bracket cent. Steve Cohen’s Point72, previously
investment bank. “They have a scandal-hit SAC Capital, made $2.4 bil-

bunch of people that just spend lion, or 10.3 per cent.
their time meeting for coffees, Their growth has stoked a ferocious
lunches, dinners, with any war for talent. Danilo Onorino, a former
trader who will take their call. They know portfolio manager at hedge fund GLG,
every person, from the first-year analyst said it was “perfectly normal” for new
to the partner … They have an insatiable recruits to be paid a signing-on bonus of
appetite and they’re bidding up talent to $10 million, “just to work on the floor”.
a crazy, obscene level.” Golden hellos of $50 million are not

of the
Asked whether this was a headache for unheard of. In June, Bloomberg cited a
the old big beasts of finance — the likes of headhunter claiming that a big New York
Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan fund had given a senior portfolio man-
and Morgan Stanley — the banker replied: ager $120 million in guaranteed payouts.
“Oh, it’s way more than a headache. Sir Paul Marshall, co-founder of the Brit-
They’ve gutted the street.” ish hedge fund Marshall Wace and leader
This apex predator is the multi- of Griffin’s Telegraph consortium, told an
strategy hedge fund. Whereas the tradi- investment conference in Hong Kong last
tional hedge fund features a team of port- week: “Everybody wants that Cristiano

folio managers and analysts trading Ronaldo on their team, but there aren’t
around a particular style — going long and very many Cristiano Ronaldos. What’s
short on European equities, say, or trying happening is everybody’s getting paid
to profit from corporate activities such as the same as Cristiano Ronaldo.”
mergers and acquisitions — the multi- Millennium, based in New York,
strategy variety can have hundreds of opened offices in balmier Palm Beach
“pods” with different goals. The pods, and Miami in 2021 as part of its offer to
each of which comprises a team trading a staff. Although it is also due to occupy a
different strategy — equities, macro, new skyscraper on Park Avenue in Man-
quantitative — are plugged into a sophisti- hattan, Griffin moved Citadel’s head-
cated tech system and risk-management quarters from Chicago to Miami last year, tail very quickly, otherwise it gives you a tors. Under the old hedge fund model, “Multi-strategy” funds
function. “If a typical hedge fund is a car, saying there was “something very special bloated expense ratio,” said an invest- investors paid a set 2 per cent manage- led by the likes of
these things are Transformers,” said about the government in Florida and ment banker who often does business ment fee, plus 20 per cent of the perform- Israel Englander, left,
Andrew Beer, an industry expert. their focus on delivering traditional val- with multi-strategy funds. “Every Citadel ance above an agreed benchmark. The and Ken Griffin are
The diversification, along with lash- ues”. (No state income tax and a low cor- employee has to take a deep breath before new masters of the universe ask investors making astonishing
ings of “leverage” — the use of borrowed poration tax rate may also have helped.) they go into the office, because they don’t to pay for all their costs — between 3 per returns by splitting
money to magnify returns — has deliv- The flipside is a ruthless culture. know if it’s going to be their last day.” cent and 7 per cent of assets on average traders into pods,
ered astonishing results. Citadel, run by Underperforming pods are sacked en Perhaps the most remarkable thing is last year, according to Barclays. This is each pursuing
Florida-born Ken Griffin, who is support- masse the moment they are “stopped that the bill for the lavish pay deals — plus known as the “pass-through” model. On different objectives
ing one of the bids for the Telegraph out” — that is, when they lose a certain for tech, office rents and even client top of that, multi-strategy funds take up
newspapers, made $16 billion (£13 bil- amount of money. “You have to cut the entertainment — is picked up by inves- to 30 per cent of any outperformance.
Will England, boss of Minnesota-based
Walleye Capital, said in September that
investors were, in effect, giving such
funds a “blank cheque”. He explained
how a theoretical 15 per cent net return
was produced, giving the example of a
firm with $10 billion under management
and 50 pods, each tasked with producing
a return of at least 3 per cent. Applying ten
times leverage would magnify the gross
return to 30 per cent. About half of that —
$1.5 billion — would go to investors. The
other $1.5 billion would be snaffled by the
hedge fund and its staff. “That’s jus-
tified because of the benefits
of putting all these different
strategies together,” said England.
The funds argue that charging such
generous fees allows them to maintain
the resources needed to produce extraor-
dinary results. One of the factors behind
Citadel’s blowout performance in 2022
was its hiring of about 20 weather NET GAINS SINCE LAUNCH
experts, including Nicholas Klingaman,
formerly of the UK’s National Centre for Citadel and Millennium are among the world's most successful hedge funds
Atmospheric Science. Their forecasts,
which turned out to be more accurate Citadel (launched: 1990) $65.9bn
than those of most meteorological offi-
ces, helped Citadel’s traders ride the vol- Bridgewater (1975) $58.4bn
atility in commodities such as gas after
Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
DE Shaw (1988) $51.9bn
nvestors were prepared to let multi-

I strategy funds pass through huge costs Millennium (1989) $50.4bn

when interest rates were close to zero
and their pods were outperforming. Soros Fund Management (1973) $43.9bn
But in a world where cash in the bank
earns more than 5 per cent, fees are com- Source: LCH Investments data from January

Fund goes green Drugs giant cuts

with £750m pot hundreds of jobs
Laith Al-Khalaf be building these new Laith Al-Khalaf significantly over the past five
solutions that allow us to live years and the restructuring
The asset manager Gresham in a more sustainable way,” Hundreds of GSK scientists was not about cutting costs.
House is planning to raise he said. are set to lose their jobs as the “We are making changes to
£750 million to invest in new The fund is also trying to drugs giant embarks on a improve the productivity of
green projects across the UK. provide internet access to major restructuring of its our research organisation,
The company intends to underserved regions. It put research arm. creating new, dedicated
launch its third “British £50 million into Wildanet, a The redundancies will be teams and building in new,
Strategic Investment Fund” company connecting Devon focused on staff in the FTSE advanced technologies to
(BSIF) in the new year. and Cornwall with high-speed 100 company’s research accelerate drug discovery and
The fund has previously broadband. department, which research,” he said.
raised money to invest in Bachmann said that the specialises in earlier-stage The majority of staff that
Fischer Farms, which various companies it invests science before passing have not had their jobs
operates the world’s biggest in employ about 2,000 promising treatments on to eliminated are in a “pool”
automated vertical farm in people. Most of the fund’s development teams. with colleagues to compete
Norfolk and grows leafy capital comes from the Local The pharma company is for roles that will remain. In
greens and herbs. Government Pension splitting its research unit into some pools six staff members
Peter Bachmann, fund Scheme. The £450 million teams embedded in three are competing for two roles.
manager of the BSIF, said that raised in the last BSIF round specialist areas: vaccines and Headcount at the company’s
the fresh money would go included funds from eight infectious diseases, animal testing unit will fall
towards expanding the local pension schemes. respiratory and immunology from 60 jobs to 12.
existing businesses the fund A £469.8 million takeover and oncology. It insisted that This month the company
invests in as well as backing of Gresham House by the only a limited number of staff upgraded its profit forecasts
new firms. He hopes to grow American private equity would lose their jobs as a after strong sales of its
proteins at the vertical farms house Searchlight was given proportion of the research vaccine for RSV, a respiratory
and develop projects to shareholder approval in workforce. A spokesman said illness common in small
conserve water. “We have to September. it had grown its R&D spend children and the elderly.
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 3

6 ’Tis the season for hospitality venues to gear up 6 For Shimayne Smith, who runs Head Shed, a Bournemouth hair salon, 6 Perhaps no sector better illustrated
for Christmas. Eric Snaith owns a number of it is proving hard to find workers. “Recruiting has been very, very tricky,” the tight labour market than logistics. A
Norfolk-based pubs and fish-and-chips shops, as she said. “We offer a competitive package but it doesn’t seem to make shortage of 100,000 HGV drivers in 2021
well as a pizza restaurant. He looks to employ 50 any difference.” She has two staff but is trying to find two more pushed the government to intervene by
people normally and up to 90 in the festive to meet customer demand. “We have people ringing up changing the laws on visas and
period, but said that attracting and retaining staff wanting an appointment for the following week, bolstering training programmes. But
was proving tricky. “Sometimes you need a bit of but we can’t meet that.” Smith, 34, said there Reiss Newport, director of Nuneaton-
luck to get through Christmas hiring.” were only six slots available in the salon based Lesters Logistics, said the
Since Covid, Snaith, 43, has had to put up pay before Christmas. “As a business, it crisis had abated. “Shortages are
by an average of 8 per cent a year to hold on to constrains you. Clients may go not an issue for us,” he added. “We are
staff. “It is a nightmare to recruit, especially for somewhere else, and we aren’t able to finding people and keeping them for
chefs,” he said. grow as quickly as we would like.” a long period.”
Part of the problem is a lack of housing in rural There are signs, though, that cost of living Lester Logistics operates eight country. Newport said the situation had
areas, forcing him to buy a four-bedroom house pressures are enticing workers back. Smith articulated trucks and six larger trucks improved on a few years ago, when the
that some of his staff rent from him. “It is almost a said many of those applying for roles in her salon that it uses to distribute clothing and external delivery firms on which Lesters
necessity; if we didn’t offer that, we would had been out of the industry for a long time but other goods from its Midlands had relied were unable to recruit and
struggle to attract people at all,” Snaith said. were now re-entering the labour market. warehouse to retailers across the train drivers for deliveries.


beat the construction
ship with Millennium. Several observers house money into a business,
said Schonfeld could prove the canary in it’s never going to fail. I
the coalmine as the higher-rate environ-
ment takes its toll on the industry’s I HOW I HOW I believed in what I was doing
so much.”
weaker players.
Multi-strategy funds arguably came of
age as a result of the Volcker Rule, which
theirIT own
MADE IT game Westbury differentiated
itself from rivals by being
more flexible, said Murton. In

— just by playing fair

stopped big Wall Street banks from practice, this meant doing
trading on their own accounts after the refurbishment projects and
financial crisis. While hedge funds irri- refits, as well as emergency
tate banks by poaching their star traders, call-outs for floods and other
the two have a symbiotic relationship disasters. And rather than
(Citadel also competes directly with only offering contracts that
banks in market-making via its securities
arm). One industry veteran said that after SONIA MURTON, HOW I FIVE
HIGH tied customers into monthly
payments, she also offered a
Volcker, banks had, in effect, outsourced
their proprietary trading desks to multi- FOUNDER AND MD OF MADE IT “pay as you go” model.
Another point of difference
strategy funds. My hero … [American was her vow to treat sub-
“It’s a big circle,” he said. “There’s an
unwritten rule where the big multi-strats
WESTBURY FM author and life coach]
Tony Robbins. I listen to
contractors, known in the
trade as “subbies”, fairly —
do loads of business with the banks Hannah Prevett she sold ladies’ fashion. That his podcast and it’s so something surprisingly rare
and pay them loads of money. The banks Deputy Editor, Times was until a recurring chest uplifting because he’s in the construction industry,
give all these guys preferential service ... infection led to doctors always so upbeat. where Murton said it was
The whole thing just goes round and
Enterprise Network
Someone Sonia Murton knew
HOW advising her to work inside.
She picked up a part-time job
My best decision …
taking a bet on a new
common for building firms to
“make them wait longer for
US regulators are now shining a light
on an opaque and potentially risky part
tried to put her off starting
her own business in the male-
at upmarket shoe brand
Russell & Bromley, where she
office in Sidcup, in Kent,
during Covid. It was
payment to keep them
hungry”. When she started
of this picture. A trade favoured by multi-
strategy funds involves exploiting tiny
dominated construction IT
industry. “He said to me, ‘You
thrived on a commission
model: “For every pair of
about 15 times bigger
than our old one and I
out, most of her team were
sub-contractors, but since
differences in the pricing of US Treasury won’t be successful because shoes I sold, I’d get £3, and I’d thought it would take us then, “I’ve been able to
futures and the underlying government it’s an old boys’ network. And get £5 for handbags. And I got for ever to fill. We’re now attract my subbies to come on
bonds. This is known as the “basis trade” you’ll pay everybody [on £40 for working [the shift]. bursting at the seams. permanently because I give
because the gap is often just a fraction of a time] — that’s where you’ll go This was top money.” My worst decision … them the same money, four
percentage point. The funds, which sell wrong,’ ” she recalled. Later she worked in sales was to try factoring weeks’ holiday, and I also pay
futures and buy bonds, make it worth Fortunately, she ignored for an IT firm, where she [borrowing against for their training and give
their while by magnifying the return him. The firm she founded in joined as a trainee and left 18 money owed by a them a vehicle.”
using up to 100 times leverage. 2016, Westbury FM, repairs years later as a director. By customer to help with That extra commitment
America’s Securities and Exchange and maintains buildings, then she had wanted to try cashflow] through my was almost her downfall
Commission (SEC) has tightened disclo- does larger refurbishment her hand at something more bank because I needed a when Covid hit; she had more
sure rules on basis trading, concerned projects, and now employs a creative and set up an couple of hundred mouths to feed and vehicles
about the reliance of hedge funds on team of 70. She took it from interior design business. grand to start a to pay for as trade dried up.
short-term borrowing and their exposure sales of £1.9 million in 2021 to She worked with clients job. I resented “Most of my business was in
to swings in the prices of Treasuries. The £5.5 million in 2022, with a including the Royal paying them a retail and hospitality and they
SEC may crack down further. “Every sin- profit of £300,000. Sales Opera House in Covent cut of my literally closed overnight,”
gle time I speak to every single regulatory reached £4.7 million in the Garden, and then took earnings and Murton recalled. With failure
body, one of the first five questions they first six months of 2023, a job at a London- I didn’t like not an option, she pivoted to
ask is about this,” said the banker who Murton said, and should hit based buildings the service. servicing distribution and
deals with multi-strategy funds. £9 million for the year. maintenance and In the end, I healthcare clients, and
Unsurprisingly, tycoons such as Griffin Customers include the Priory projects firm. She went to my demand for cleaning services
are pushing back. Citadel’s founder, who Group, the mental health stayed for three customers to also rocketed, with the boss
started out trading convertible bonds care provider; Evri, the years before see if we mucking in. “I was out there
from his Harvard dorm room using a courier firm; and pub chains deciding to set could cleaning for 12 hours a day
satellite dish, argues that basis trading Greene King and Fuller’s. up shop on change the [across] three different sites.”
injects liquidity into the government And Murton, 54, says she her own. payment Today, Westbury is a family
bond market because funds need to buy has always paid all her sub- Murton terms to affair, with sons Jack, 31, and
Treasury bills to pair with their short contractors on time. Rather was all-in. make it work Max, 27, working in the firm,
futures positions. than being her downfall, that Not only for us. I’ve as does Murton’s younger
“If the SEC recklessly impairs the approach has helped her was she giving never looked brother. Dad John, 73, helps
basis trade, it would crowd out build a thriving business. up a secure, well- back. out with delivery driving. But
funding for corporate Amer- Murton has an inside track paid job, but it took Funniest getting younger people,
ica, raising the cost of on what her publican £300,000 — the moment … women in particular, into
capital to build a customers want; she grew up proceeds of selling donning a construction remains a
new factory in the Belvedere Hotel, a pub her home in hazmat suit to concern for Murton, who has
or hire more in Abbey Wood, which she Chislehurst in clean six apprentices in plumbing,
employees,” Griffin describes as a “rough” part of Kent — to get alongside my electrics, drainage and
told the Financial southeast London. “There Westbury team during administration.
Times this month. were fights in the pub and it started in 2016. Covid, while She said the government’s
“It would also increase the cost of issu- was an area with lots of “If you’re also wearing a apprenticeship levy
ing new debt, which will be borne by US skinheads. But none of it prepared to headset and programme works well for
taxpayers to the tune of billions or tens of fazed me,” she recalled. put your trying to run the her, but that she tops up the
billions of dollars a year.” At the age of 12 or 13, she company. wages. The national
ing under greater scrutiny. “The moment Giants such as Citadel and Millennium started her first venture, Sonia Best business tip minimum wage rate for an
cracks start to appear in performance, would be able to cope. Analysis by Bar- selling tubs of cockles, clams Murton … Stick to your apprentice is £5.28 per hour
clients will start to question, ‘Why are clays shows that bigger, more established and jellied eels on a stall quit a high- values – even if it — “I would never ask
you paying traders so much?’ ” predicted and even more expensive multi-strategy outside the pub at weekends. paying job means turning somebody to work” for that,
Mario Unali at Kairos Partners, which funds have performed better than others. Her parents would pay for and sold work away. I she said. “Historically,
invests in hedge funds.
Most of these funds lock up their cli- If a typical If a shake-out comes, it is likely to be the
smaller ones that suffer.
her stock upfront, and she
worked out what she would
her house
recently said
goodbye to two
apprentices used to be
treated as cheap labour, but I
ents’ money for several years, meaning
they cannot suffer a stampede of with- hedge fund is And many believe a shake-out is inevi-
table. “The space is too crowded,” said
need to charge for each tub to
make it worth while. “Then I
setting up
on her
clients –
contracts worth
want to treat people fairly. I
want people to feel engaged.”
drawals. Citadel and Millennium are in
any case up more than 13 and 8 per cent a car, these the banker who complained about
poaching. “Returns will fall on the things
could give my mum and dad
their money back and I would
own about £250,000
a year – because
Murton’s work so far has
attracted the attention of
respectively so far this year. But the
underperforming Schonfeld, despite things are they’re doing because there’s too much
money in the space. Finance is doing
have the profit.”
Murton found school
they didn’t treat
us like proper
larger rivals, which, she says,
are regularly knocking on her
having half its investors’ capital locked
up until the end of next year, has been Transformers what it always does when it finds some-
thing very attractive — it takes it to its
“boring” and left at 15, first
working in east London on
partners. People
said I was mad.
door with offers to buy the
business. “It’s flattering, but
pushed into talks over a possible partner- boundary limit until it topples over.” Roman Road Market, where I’m just not interested.”

Richard Harpin
Three tips for avoiding wrong turns on road to success
ave you ever tried to find a someone with a good-sized kitchen table when you are not getting repeat business would guarantee repairs. The first in a different industry. Study it, learn

plumber on a Friday night in that could be used for weekend and are competing with many others. mailshot of 1,000 letters generated 38 from it, improve on it, and then test and
Newcastle? That conundrum company meetings, and a welcoming With losses growing, we had soon run members — an impressive 3.8 per cent launch your product or service. And
was the starting point for a living room that could double up as a out of our £50,000 start-up capital and take-up rate. I stood in front of our 23 keep learning and improving. It never
£4 billion business — though it place to showcase properties for home- desperately needed an investor to keep staff, leapt on a desk with arms raised ends — here I am, still fiercely ambitious
didn’t feel that way at the time. seekers. So we interviewed candidates in us going. We convinced ourselves that A pivot should be and shouted, “We’ve made it!” and still seeking nuggets of wisdom.
It was the early 1990s. My their own homes to get to know them Britain’s newly privatised water firms Earlier this year, HomeServe was sold Second, no matter how confident you
business partner, Jeremy “properly”. Jane Dixon landed the job were crying out for a couple of ambitious celebrated — there for £4.1 billion — but that success was might feel in your idea, approach or
Middleton, and I had decided to strike and was perfect — as was her table. young entrepreneurs with a brilliant never guaranteed. In my 40-odd years as business model, don’t grow too big until
out on our own. We had met as brand What wasn’t perfect was a plumbing plumbing service. They weren’t — except is always a better an entrepreneur, I have made plenty of you have truly found what works. When
managers at consumer goods giant emergency or a broken boiler in our one, South Staffs Water, which in the end mistakes, and each one has provided a it does, light the blue touchpaper and
Procter & Gamble and bonded over our properties, because on a Friday night, gave us £500,000 for half the business. way of doing things valuable, if painful, lesson on how to never lose focus.
shared entrepreneurial zeal; both of us Jane couldn’t find a Geordie plumber for It seemed we were in the clear — yet improve — because it’s very often out of Third, persevere no matter what. A
ran side-businesses buying, refurbishing love nor money. Spotting a gap in the failure struck again. We were still using mistakes that you find success. pivot should be celebrated rather than
and letting out properties in Newcastle. market to offer an emergency service to the flawed Yellow Pages-based model of In my experience, wrong turns, dead avoided because there is always a better
Pooling our efforts, we created a homeowners and landlords, we pivoted pay-per-job and, as the business grew, so company in the south called Sutton ends and failures are just steps closer to way of doing things — something that
property investment business that again, setting up a company with two did our losses — up to £50,000 a month. Water, which ran a successful plumbing winning. Dust yourself off, see what is hasn’t been tried or perfected yet. As
pivoted to become a property plumbing and heating engineers, using In retrospect, we should have tested the insurance business. At last, here was a working elsewhere, and then have the long as you stay nimble, you will find it.
management service for other local the Yellow Pages to reach people. model before expanding it. model that worked. courage to pivot, copy and do an even Take it from me, it can’t be as difficult
landlords. Then we embarked on an We were on our way … until realising We were down to our last £10,000, With South Staffs’ backing, we better job. So, learning from our Geordie as finding a plumber on a Friday night
audacious recruitment drive for our first we had made two crucial mistakes. First, with friends and family urging me to give pivoted, copied the bits of this business plumber farrago, here are some tips to in Newcastle.
employee to run it; audacity is an asset individual customers needed that kind up on my entrepreneur dream and that worked, improved what didn’t, avoid the mistakes we made.
for an entrepreneur without assets. of help only every few years; second, return to Procter & Gamble. Then, by added some new ideas and HomeServe First, don’t be afraid to copy Richard Harpin is founder and chairman
Aside from talent, we needed advertising is expensive, especially chance, we spotted a small water was born — a subscription model that something that already works, even if it’s of HomeServe and Growth Partner
4 The Sunday Times November 12, 2023


Why crypto refuses to die

The king has been dethroned, investors have lost billions and the US regulator thinks it’s illegal. So why do believers still believe?
betting that it is very much the latter. A models, is more uncertain than ever. In
DANNY New York bankruptcy court last week
approved a plan to revive Celsius, a
June, the Securities and Exchange Com-
mission, under chairman Gary Gensler,
FORTSON crypto lender that went under last year sued two of the world’s biggest crypto
TECH TALK stranding nearly $5 billion (£4 billion) in trading platforms, the California-based
customer funds. A group of investors
want to transform Celsius into a profita- Fifteen Coinbase and Binance, an overseas oper-
ator run by billionaire Changpeng Zhao.
ble mini crypto conglomerate including
crypto mining and investing. years on It alleged that both are operating illegal
securities exchanges, which by extension
San Francisco Celsius was led by Alex Mashinsky, a
Ukrainian-American businessman who from means that, in the SEC’s view, most cryp-
tocurrencies are “securities” such as
ven as Sam Bankman-Fried said, famously, that Celsius was “safer
bitcoin’s stocks or bonds. In other words, in the

wallows in a New York City than a bank” and promised to pay people same way that a share is an ownership
prison after being found guilty
of overseeing a multibillion-
double-digit rates on their assets by
investing their crypto smartly in other birth, its slice of a company, the SEC deems digital
currencies to be ownership stakes in a
dollar fraud at his defunct
crypto exchange FTX, moves
projects. As it turned out, he invested
very un-smartly in projects that would purpose given crypto project.
Coinbase, Binance and the rest disa-
are afoot to piece his empire
back together.
soon collapse — and take users’ money
with them. remains gree, and this will be fought out in the
courts. In the meantime, the SEC is fining
And not just his. Indeed, 18
months on from the cryptocur-
The bankruptcy court was flooded
with letters from punters who spoke of unclear and suing countless companies in the
industry. It is, in short, a mess.
rency market collapse of 2022 — which suicide, losing their homes and broken
vaporised $2 trillion in value and marriages. “What has happened to the hich begs the question: does it
exposed the schemers and scammers in
one of the great manias of financial his-
tory — opportunists are scooping up the
assets of dead companies with the prom-
ise not just that they will return all the lost
money. Maybe, just maybe, they can also
revive the crypto dream of borderless
stakeholders of Celsius is an absolute
tragedy,” said Michael Arrington, whose
Arrington Capital was part of the winning
Fahrenheit bidding group. His plan is to
“make stakeholders whole”.
Mashinsky was arrested in July on
multiple fraud counts and has had his
W make sense to rebuild a crypto
exchange in America when the
key regulator is of the view that
the very essence of the business
is, in fact, illegal? This is, after all, why
Bankman-Fried based FTX in the
Bahamas. The SEC, however, has failed to
digital money, liberation from the banks assets frozen. Mashinsky’s lawyers called provide clear guidelines, opting instead
and a remaking of just about everything the charges “baseless.” Separately, New for a “regulation through litigation”
from art and real estate to the web itself. York’s state attorney general has sued approach. James Koutoulas, a lawyer and
However, as with everything in crypto, him for lying to investors about Celsius’s crypto hedge fund manager, said: “You
making sense of where this is all headed is precarious financial health. can’t comply with laws that don’t exist.”
not easy. Yes, former crypto millionaires In Britain, for example, only 43 com-
and billionaires are getting ensnared in TX filed for bankruptcy four months panies are approved crypto asset provid-
global manhunts and being put behind
bars, yet bitcoin’s price has surged: as of
lunchtime yesterday it traded at $37,015,
up nearly 50 per cent since March. Yes,
the value of OpenSea, the premier online
bazaar for NFTs (non-fungible tokens),
has been slashed by 90 per cent as trading
F after Celsius, in November 2022. For
crypto sceptics, the meltdowns were
the final nails in the coffin of the
crypto movement, which promised
to sweep away “too big to fail” banks and
replace them with decentralised, trans-
parent, borderless systems to move
ers. The Financial Conduct Authority this
month added more than 140 companies
to a “warning list” of firms that may be
violating its rules, and introduced new
guidelines about how services can be
advertised. Dan Dolev, an analyst at
Mizuho bank who follows Coinbase, is
in digital art has slowed to a trickle. But money and assets. sceptical not just of America’s biggest
speculation is mounting that any day At the heart of their vision were block- spun up out of thin air. In the era when fund manager, told The Sunday Times exchange, but the industry in which it
regulators will approve a host of bitcoin chains — digital public ledgers that exist interest rates were near zero and people last year that the crypto bubble was noth- operates. “There is no crypto economy.
exchange-traded funds (ETFs), which on thousands of computers around the were awash with Covid stimulus ing more than “a giant fleecing of ordi- It’s a farce,” Dolev said. “The shysters
would lend a new air of legitimacy to the world and record every transaction for all cheques, values soared. But when central nary people”. were it. That was the real stuff.”
digital currency. to see. By replacing trusted third parties banks raised interest rates to kill infla- And yet the story is far from over. It Dolev has set a price target for Coin-
So was the crash simply a necessary with software, the possibilities for tion, money got tight and people lost faith emerged this month that three bidders base of $27 per share — a 70 per cent drop
clearout, like the dotcom collapse that rebuilding industries by directly connect- in what suddenly appeared, quite clearly, are in the running for the assets of FTX, from its already-depressed share price.
swept away a generation of bad ideas but ing sellers and buyers — thus obviating to be worthless digital ephemera. Prices which collapsed owing $16 billion to cred- And yet, builders keep building, and
left the world with a handful of good middlemen such as banks, art dealers collapsed and took down countless itors and its nine million customers. believers keep believing. Clinton
ones, such as Google, Amazon and eBay? and music labels — led to a frenzy. crypto companies with them. Ewan Kirk, Among them is Proof Group, a member of Bembry, 29, is the founder of Slingshot
There is no shortage of people who are Thousands of cryptocurrencies were a Scottish tech investor and former hedge the Fahrenheit consortium that nabbed Finance, a San Francisco developer of a
the Celsius assets. It is unclear what digital trading service that, unlike FTX
Proof, which did not return calls seeking and Coinbase and Celsius, does not take
comment, plans to do with FTX if it wins. possession of punters’ crypto. It facili-
Which gets to the crux of the crypto tates trading through a user-friendly app,
conundrum. Fifteen years on from the but assets remain in each person’s own

GENERAL CLASSIFIED bitcoin white paper that started it all, the

purpose of crypto currency, beyond
price speculation, remains unclear.
digital wallet — so if Slingshot disap-
peared tomorrow, customer assets
would be entirely unaffected.
Changing the digital plumbing of indus- With Sam Bankman-Fried in jail for Bembry is sure, despite the recent tra-
tries has proved far harder than the fraud, a race is on to snap up the vails, that the revolution is coming.
boosters had bargained for. And the assets of FTX, the exchange he “There’s no future where the financial
regulatory status of digital currencies, founded, which collapsed owing system isn’t running on decentralised
the lubricants of these new operating billions to creditors and customers finance. I’m absolutely convinced.”

Dating apps in need of love

Investors are Apps, a site that analyses data
from apps. The number of
model was similar to before it. Tinder
that way.” But the market has
also fragmented and dozens
cooling on the users sits at about 300 million makes most of its money from of personalised apps are now
but is expected to reach 500 monthly fees. Users can buy available, which could mean
business of online million by 2027. subscriptions to Tinder Plus users are less likely to pay for
matchmaking. By At, one of the (£19.49 a month in the UK), any premium perks.
first paid-for services on the Tinder Gold (£29.49 a month) Righter is the dating app
Laith Al-Khalaf internet, Kremen said he and Tinder Platinum (£38.99). for conservatives, Salams is
understood that for a match- The more expensive the for Muslim daters and Kippo
Gary Kremen had tried maker to be truly powerful, it subscription, the better the is marketed towards people
everything to find love. He had to have scale. So, during exposure to possible dates. who play video games. The
met women in bars and an intense growth period, the That exposure comes via most famous and successful
through friends and placed company let people use the perks including “boosts”, competitors to Tinder are
countless personal adverts in service for free. Then it which allow your profile to be Hinge and Bumble, which try
newspapers, but he could started charging about $30 a seen before others in your to style themselves as more
never find “The One”. month. The business area; “passports”, which let female friendly than their
“It drove me crazy … I felt I expanded rapidly: at one users engage with others in rival, which soon attracted a
was missing out,” he said. So, stage, traffic was growing at 3- different countries; and the reputation for being “the
armed with a computer 4 per cent a day. Match went ability to message people hook-up app”. Bumble only
science degree and an MBA, through a series of owners before they “match” and allows women to approach
he took matters into his own before listing on Nasdaq in accept their advances. men first.
hands. In 1995, he launched 2020. While interest in its site Tinder is not alone in Experts believe the sector’s
Registration Numbers PPP 1, the world’s first
dating website, with modest
has generally waned, it has
also bought rivals OKCupid,
punting digital extras: Hinge,
also in the Match stable,
big players need more
innovation to woo users.
£175,000 02077303095 ambitions: “I wanted to get Plenty of Fish, The League charges users $2 for a “rose”, Unlike other platforms such
more dates for myself.” and, crucially, Tinder, which which can be sent to others as Netflix, dating apps have to
The hopeless romantic now makes up more than half on the app and is meant to keep regenerating new
went on to found a love of Match’s $3 billion convey a keen compliment. customers every few years.
empire. Today, Match Group revenues. Despite all these extra Hinge bills itself as “the dating
is worth $8 billion (£6.6 Tinder, started in 2012, was features, in its third-quarter app designed to be deleted”.
billion) and caters for about an immediate hit. Anh Luong, results at the end of last Some expect that artificial
16 million paying users of its a business professor at month, Match Group intelligence, inevitably, could
brands, which include Tinder Warwick Business reported a 6 per cent play its part — helping craft
and Hinge. Kremen has also School, said its drop in Tinder’s paying profiles to maximise the
inspired others to make accessible “swipe customers in the US. chance of securing a date.
millions match-making. But right” motion for The company is now For its part, Tinder is
last week, one of the leading connecting with a eyeing up a plan that trying to move towards a
entrepreneurs in the sector, possible date was would cost weekly subscription model,
Whitney Wolfe Herd, stood perfectly designed consumers $6,000 a which would cost users more
down as chief executive of the for the smartphone year — “a jarring money. Bumble has also said
female-focused dating app era. “It amount of that it is gearing up for more
Bumble. Although she will benefited from money”, said expensive bundles for “high
stay as chairwoman, her exit the growth of Nagle. It is intent” users.
from the top job comes at a social media ... not clear The chase for revenues is
tumultuous time for the It’s just very exactly what no longer a concern for
sector. Valuations are falling easy, very people Kremen, whose own
and the industry leaders, convenient, and would get relationship with
Bumble and Match, have that’s why it can for this VIP was not built to last. By 1996,
downgraded their revenues take on an option. he had been booted out of the
in recent weeks. Curtis Nagle, entertainment, Other apps company after the board
an analyst at Bank of and possibly are already disagreed with him that
America, said there were addictive, pursuing the Match should broaden its
question marks over dating value.” high-end offering to LGBT people.
apps: “The big debate is While its customer. The Kremen is now a tech
whether this is still a growth platform may League is a dating investor in California, and is
industry or in decline.” have been site that targets happily settled with his
Globally, dating apps made revolutionary, more selective partner of seven years, whom
about £4 billion last year, with its business users, charging up he met online — though he
£2.5 billion of that coming to $100 a week. Its won’t say on which app. “I’ve
from Match Group, according Whitney Wolfe motto is: “High created some love and that
to figures from Business of Herd: love lost standards? Keep it feels good,” he said.
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 5


1998 Wasserman moved into sport, buy-
ing the Los Angeles Avengers, an Ameri-
can football team that competed in the
indoor Arena Football League. The team
went out of business in 2009.

super agent
Wasserman rose to some prominence
in the UK in 2006 when he bought SFX, a
talent agency that represented Gerrard,
Michael Owen, Alan Shearer and rugby
stars including Jonny Wilkinson. Struan
Marshall, Gerrard’s agent, says the chief
executive immediately impressed the

targets the
SFX team with his ambition and ability to
fit in as “one of the boys”.
Wasserman says there was “scepti-
cism” that an American business could
operate in English sport but it worked
out. European football, and England’s
Premier League in particular, has grown

rapidly. In 2006, the Premier League’s
record transfer fee stood at £30.8 million;
today, several players have transferred
for more than £100 million. With bigger
transfers and bigger player salaries come
bigger fees for agents.
Wasserman is not the only US investor
to have taken an interest in football. Half
of the Premier League’s 20 clubs have
major American shareholders. Wasser-
man names many as friends, and says he
Casey Wasserman is eyeing up A-list footballers and informally advised some of them on their
actors as his LA talent empire expands in the UK When he claims “you can’t fault” what
US investors have brought to the league,
I, as a Chelsea season ticket holder, tell
him the jury is still out on Todd Boehly
WILLIAM TURVILL and his consortium. Wasserman says it’s
too soon to judge his friend and adds: “If
in ten years they’re still 15th in the table,
and don’t have a new stadium, that’s a
fair assessment.”

Wasserman and his friends believe
that there is more to come from “global
football”, as he calls it. He expects the
hen Steven Gerrard left entertainment. In 2021 it bought the live 2026 World Cup in North America to fuel
Liverpool for LA Gal- music arm of Paradigm, whose clients more US interest and revenue opportuni-
axy in 2015, fans could include Coldplay and Billie Eilish. And in ties. Beyond that, he’s convinced that the
be forgiven for forget- September it acquired Brillstein, a TV business of all sports will continue to
ting about how this production and talent agency that repre- grow because “it’s predictable and
upheaval might affect Casey sents Russell Crowe, Brad Pitt, and unique in a world where nothing else is”.
his family. Millionaire Wasserman’s Florence Pugh. Last month, Wasserman And if this vision doesn’t work out, well,
footballers rarely make staff helped bought CSM, a sports and marketing at least Wasserman has investments in
for good sob stories. Steven Gerrard agency based in the UK and chaired by music, entertainment and beyond.
“They’re just human move to Los Lord (Seb) Coe, the former Olympian. What next for Wasserman, the man
beings — sometimes we forget that,” says Angeles to play It seems that Wasserman’s private and the company? It is just 12 months
Casey Wasserman, the founder and boss for LA Galaxy. equity backer — Providence, which since Providence bought in, which prob-
of a global talent agency, called Wasser- Other clients bought a minority stake last November ably means some stability of ownership
man, that represents Gerrard and is paid include Billie from RedBird and Madrone Capital for a few years. The company’s expan-
to care about such things. Eilish, centre Partners — is keen to accelerate growth. sion shows no sign of abating. A week
In exchange for their fees, Wasser- below, and Wasserman, who retains a controlling after the CSM deal, it announced the
man’s agents — known collectively, and Florence Pugh stake, suggests that it is a coincidence acquisition of another marketing agency,
rather toe-curlingly, as TeamWass — offer that his firm has just completed two big build their “brands” and make money. J1S, based in Dallas.
clients a wide range of services, many of
which go above and beyond what you
deals: “We’re opportunistic.”
As a result he now controls a sprawling
Coe, a longstanding friend of Wasser-
man who advised him on his Olympics THE LIFE OF The boss is confident that his Olympics
role will not disrupt his work. Because LA
might expect.
Footballers, for example, can expect
empire with 3,500 employees, including
agents, marketing special-
work and is now part of the company,
explained the rationale from a sports- CASEY WASSERMAN has hosted the Games before, he says, it
has much of its infrastructure in place. “I
help with transfers, contract negotia- ists and media production man’s perspective: “When agents are say- don’t think if my day job wasn’t in and
tions, sponsorship deals, social media professionals. The idea is ing, ‘I’ve got you a shoe contract and I’ve Born: June 28, 1974 executive of Wasserman around the Olympics, I could do both,”
and PR. But they are also offered diary that having all these got you an extension to an existing con- Status: Divorced with a wakes up at 6am, has he says. “I can do the job.”
management, restaurant bookings and businesses under one tract or a better relationship with X, Y, Z,’, son, 20, and daughter, 18. coffee with his partner, Days after my meeting with Wasser-
relocation services. metaphorical roof offers they’re saying: ‘Yeah, great. What about Has a partner, Jenny, an turns on the television “to man, Hamas terrorists attacked Israel on
“Stevie Gerrard and Robbie Keane [the clients — sports stars, podcasts? What about my social media artist see what’s going on in the October 7, sparking a conflict that has
former Tottenham striker] moved to LA, actors, musicians and numbers?’” School: Brentwood School, world” and tries to get claimed thousands of lives. As a Jewish
and guess what? They had young kids businesses — new It is the CSM deal that brings Wasser- Los Angeles through emails before man with close friends in Israel, Wasser-
who had to get into school,” says Wasser- and improved man to the UK, where he has 1,000 University: University of starting the day. Usually man says he feels a “deep connection”
man, explaining how “unsettling” such opportunities to employees. We meet in a cramped con- California, Los Angeles hehas a breakfast meeting with the country.
obstacles can be. ference room at the Connaught hotel in First job: Working for the at about 8am. The working Catching up with him by phone,
Wasserman, 49, is a busy man. He is Mayfair. In appearance, Wasserman is investment company of the day consists of internal and Wasserman adds that he has been dis-
president of the Los Ange- everything you’d expect from an LA billionaire Ron Burkle external meetings in turbed by antisemitism he has seen since
les Olympic Organising mover and shaker. He has film-star looks Pay: Not declared. “God, offices or over Zoom. “I’m on social media.
Committee, which is — great hair, neat beard, toned forearms no.” one of those people who “It’s amazing how brave people are
responsible for staging exposed by rolled-up sleeves — and the Home: Hollywood Hills believes being in the office when they can say things anonymously
the Games in his home- outfit of a jetsetter, complete with a Car: Electric Porsche is valuable and important.” with no consequences,” he says. Wasser-
town in 2028. His com- zip-up gilet. He is engaging — no Taycan Wasserman goes to sleep man adds that, while he encounters
pany is growing fast. mean feat given that he’s Book: The Catcher in the at about 10pm at the latest, antisemitic abuse most often online, he
Since starting out as a recently touched down from LA Rye unless out. He tries to be a also experiences it in his day-to-day life.
sports management and — but guarded. When I ask him, Film: The Bourne series. “If “home body” when in LA. He chooses not to go into detail, but adds:
marketing agency in 2002, for this interview’s “Life Of ” I were BS-ing you, by the “It’s not unique to me, obviously. It’s a
it has made more than section, to tell me how much he is paid, way, I would have said ET DOWNTIME sad state of affairs.”
40 acquisitions to his response is: “God, no.” because my grandfather Watching TV, sport or films, Shortly after the Hamas attack, Was-
build its reach. Over In the Hollywood Hills, which Wasser- made it” entertaining friends and serman was due to deliver a speech at an
the past couple of man calls home, his name precedes him. Music: “A band that is true exercising. “I work out International Olympic Committee meet-
years, Wasserman His grandfather, Lew Wasserman, was a to my heart is the Beastie every day. I don’t consider ing in India. He chose to focus some of his
has expanded into the talent agent who became the head of the Boys” it downtime but it’s good address on the plight of Israeli and
realms of music and film conglomerate MCA Universal. The Drink: “The thing I drink for my mental health and Palestinian victims of the conflict. In an
New York Times dubbed him “the last of most of is sparkling water” my physical health. When I emotional speech, Wasserman spoke of
the legendary movie moguls” when he Last holiday: “Sardinia this have downtime I do a how his family had fled Ukraine to
died in 2002. summer with my kids” whole lot of nothing. I move to America because of the
For Wasserman, the family heritage is Watch: Rolex GMT actually enjoy being at “pogroms that eliminated much of the
a blessing and a curse. Although it has Gadget: iPad home on a weekend. If I Jewish population”.
opened some doors, he seems a touch Charity: The Wasserman don’t leave the house from Wasserman tells me he felt compelled

Sport frustrated that he still faces questions

about his grandfather’s achievements.
Foundation, a family trust Friday night until Monday
morning, I’m
to speak out, saying it was “important to
me, as one of, I think, two Jewish people

is unique “There’s nothing I’m more proud of than

being Lew Wasserman’s grandson,” he
If in Los Angeles, the chief
good with
in the entire room, to not let this go

in a world says. “But that’s not who I want to be.”

After attending Brentwood School in Wasserman’s
“At its worst, the Olympics is a
platform for evil,” he says, refer-

where Los Angeles Wasserman studied political

science at the University of California,
most recent
holiday was in
ring to the 1972 Munich massacre
of members of Israel’s Olympic

nothing Los Angeles. He remains politically

engaged, counting the Clintons as
Sardinia, while
his move-mogul
team by Black September, a Pales-
tinian terrorist group. “But at its

else is friends, and recently attended a state din-

ner at the White House. Wasserman
was involved in
best, it’s an opportunity to
show the world, in the face of
began his career at the investment com- making ET unspeakable evil, the power of
pany of the billionaire Ron Burkle. In the human spirit.”
6 The Sunday Times November 12, 2023



ackstage in May 2010, Ed
Sheeran was preparing to
perform as a comparative
unknown. The singer-
songwriter began freestyling
with Example, the rapper
and main act for the night at
the Waterfront in Norwich. A

grainy video of the pair
singing Nando’s Skank would
later go viral after being posted on You-
Tube. Sheeran, 19, was making his first
steps towards stardom. And singing “We
eat chicken for free, / cause he’s got a
black card you see” put him on track for
free peri-peri chicken. Amount of loyalty benefits
Nando’s “High Five” or black card — customers built up in first
Example claims to be one of the first five year of chain’s scheme
holders — allows the bearer, and four

friends, to eat free. The entitlement cri-

teria is shrouded in mystery.
“Asking for one is simply the
biggest taboo — a definite no-no,”
the chain said.
Is it a publicity stunt? Probably.
But it is working. The black card
may just be for the select few, but Value of loyalty benefits
Nando’s also offers a loyalty scheme Number of loyalty scheme that customers had not
for the masses. Customers can earn members just over a year claimed by end of last year
“Chillies” every time they spend £7 or after it was launched
more at its restaurants. It has been so suc-
cessful that customers were sitting on up

How a Pizza
to £20 million worth of unclaimed
chicken, chips, soft drinks and other loy- McDonald’s, admitted that
alty benefits at the end of 2022, according “maintaining a strong value propo-
to filings. sition has been challenging”. The new
Nando’s fans are not the only ones. loyalty scheme would allow the Ameri-
Pizza Express customers built up neys. Pizza-Express Club combines free- can fast food giant “to accelerate our digi-

Express gold
£5.2 million of loyalty benefits during the bies and discounts with a classic loyalty tal business, allowing us to learn more
first year of the chain’s scheme, accounts scheme to encourage returning custom- about our customers and their purchas-
revealed. Others are jumping on the ers. Free dough balls are the reward sim- ing habits”, Howcroft added. In other
bandwagon. ply for signing up to the restaurant’s words: McDonald’s is watching you.
“This is a golden age of loyalty. More revamped app. More rewards are McDonald’s now has ten million mem-
schemes are being launched than we’ve triggered as stamps are collected and bers signed up in the UK, little more than

card became
ever seen,” said Adam Daniels, chief customers pass from bronze, to silver a year after launching its scheme. At
executive of IAG Loyalty, which runs and then gold levels. Customers need 12 Burger King, the loyalty scheme means
British Airways’ air miles scheme, Avios. stamps to reach gold status over a nearly one in five of its customers now
Why? For starters, restaurants were 12-month period. This guarantees them pay through the app. It enjoyed its best
desperate to wean themselves off dis- the status for the following year. week ever in loyalty sales earlier this
counts. The Nineties and Noughties were Somewhat paradoxically, gold status month. KFC, meanwhile, has followed

a must-have
marked by a proliferation of casual din- triggers a reward of a Pizza Express cook- the success of Nando’s black card with its
ing chains popping up on Britain’s high book. Other benefits include children own version that gives holders — who
streets. Amid fierce competition it was eating for free between Monday and include Holly Willoughby and Joey Essex,
not long before vouchers became the Thursday and a free Romana base the reality TV star made famous by The
main weapon to steal rivals’ customers. upgrade when ordering a normal pizza. Only Way Is Essex — up to £200 of free
“People generally have a repertoire of Other dining chains are following suit. food every day. And last week Domino’s
eight or nine restaurants that they will The Ivy Collection unveiled a scheme this Pizza unveiled plans for a loyalty scheme.
think of going to when they are going year that will have 200,000 members by Loyalty schemes are not just about
out,” said Eleanor Scott, hospitality and the end of the year. Bill’s is also consider- repeat custom. In a digital world, per-
leisure partner at PwC’s consulting arm
Strategy&. She added that restaurants
Dining chains have swapped discounts for loyalty ing the launch of a loyalty programme.
Nando’s scheme is based on the simple
sonal data is more valuable than ever.
With the customers’ permission it can be
“just want that next visit to be them,
rather than the one down the road”.
schemes to reward regulars, while digesting their data collection of a stamp every time custom-
ers spend £7. Ten stamps qualifies for a
sold or used to commercial advantage.
For instance, every time a customer
Groupon exacerbated matters. A play whole chicken meal. Extra benefits such makes a purchase online or through an
on the words “group” and “coupon”, sub- the things that has led to the destruction pens for “six, twelve, twenty-four as attending menu launches and brand app , that sale can be compared with his-
scribers signed up to the company and of the casual dining industry. I can’t over- months, it becomes the base price people events engender loyalty. Nando’s fans torical averages, Scott said. This is part of
could buy deeply discounted goods and emphasise how big a mess that was.” expect to pay”, said Ed Bignold, head of also get exclusive access to merchandise sophisticated measuring of a customer’s
services in return. The money from cus- The problem with vouchers and dis- hospitality and leisure at the consultancy and competitions. worth to any given company.
tomers is passed on to the restaurants, counting was twofold. First, discounts Alvarez & Marsal. Now 25 years old, Nando’s scheme “You can also look at it in terms of
after Groupon takes its cut, in advance. were supposed to make customers more Scott said: “It took a long time for them boasts three million members. Pizza response to marketing to loyalty,” she
Such was Groupon’s popularity that in loyal to a certain brand or chain, as had to unwind that because they had reset the Express, by comparison, has grown added. “If you are signed up to a loyalty
2011 it launched the biggest stock market proved to be the case with retailers, such value expectation of customers.” quickly since its launch in December 2021 programme and they send you a trigger
float by an American internet company as Tesco or Boots. But applying retail Hence the switch to loyalty schemes as and this month hit two million members. email or notification on an app, you can
since Google seven years earlier.
Groupon would quickly flop. While still
logic to the hospitality sector is flawed,
according to Osmond. Because eating out
a means of driving repeat business. Such
programmes usually require long-term
Last year, the burger chains hit back,
with the launch of YourBurgerKing and The then measure a direct impact of whether
the customer turns up.”
listed in the US, its $300 million valuation
is a shadow of the $12.8 billion it com-
Ed Sheeran can
enjoy free food
is discretionary, discounts attract diners
to the cheapest option rather than engen-
commitment from shareholders to bank-
roll the proposition.
MyMcDonald’s in the UK. Both compa-
nies seem intent on banishing vouchers whole Osmond remains wary, however. By
offering giveaways, loyalty schemes can
manded on debut 12 years ago.
“The whole voucher thing was, is and
at Nando’s with
his black card
dering loyalty because they enjoy the ser-
vice, food and all-round experience. “You
Pizza Express is a relatively recent
entrant in the field. Allan Leighton, the
on the back of bus or car park tickets, or
coupons in newspapers and magazines. voucher quickly morph into discount clubs. Like
Sheeran and Example, however, he is a
will continue to be a complete disaster,”
said Hugh Osmond, the millionaire res-
are doing exactly the opposite of reward-
ing loyalty. You are rewarding people for
City grandee and Pizza Express chair-
man, hired the loyalty guru Arslan Sharif
Both offer a free cheeseburger just for
signing up. At McDonald’s, spending £15 thing big fan of Nando’s. “People are trying to
copy the really successful chains like
taurateur and pub tycoon. “It is one of shopping for vouchers,” he added.
Second, there was an issue that dis-
in April 2021 to spearhead its new
scheme. Sharif is credited with oversee-
equates to 1,500 points, entitling mem-
bers to their choice of a mini McFlurry, was a Nando’s, whose loyalty scheme uses data
really well and really does reward people.
counts “reset” customers’ expectations
on price. People would turn up to a res-
ing the digital transformation of the likes
of Costa Coffee, British Gas, and E.ON
hash brown, small fries, side salad or
drink. Alternatively points can be total Their black card scheme is legendary,”
Osmond said. “They created a whole
taurant and think nothing of searching on
their phone for a discount code when it
and is also advising the board of First-
Group on how to improve the way it uses
exchanged for donations to charities
including the BBC’s Children in Need. disaster aura with celebrities who pushed
Nando’s — and what do you get for a black
came time to pay the bill. Once this hap- the data it collects from passenger jour- Kat Howcroft, director of digital at card? Some free chicken. It’s genius.”

LSE chief ’s
standing behind trillions of top 20 best-performing Redburn Atlantic, said the Workspace. Schwimmer
trades in euros after Brexit. stocks in the index this year. business was “entering the hinted at more changes.
That fear, for now at least, has At the same time, while second stage of its growth “There are desktop offerings

date night to
proved unfounded. talking up the health of the evolution. The acquisition of out there with roughly the
Within a year of joining, London market, Lseg Refinitiv was a real shift in the same user interface that
Schwimmer had given up on surreptitiously played down revenue mix.” people have been using for
dreams of merging Lseg with the “London” bit of its name The key now is to prove 20 years or so,” he said. “The

woo sceptics
other exchanges, and instead in a recent ad campaign, that growth in earnings can opportunity we have is to be
began the £20 billion which focused on its be accelerated when Lseg sets the disruptor in this space
takeover of Refinitiv, a firm expertise in foreign markets. new three-year targets. and build a product that is
that provided data on shares The pressure is on to keep Analysts at Bank of America easier to use.”

of tech vision
and bonds, offered risk the momentum going and hope for a rise in the annual The word “disruption” also
management systems to big maintain, even speed up, growth rate from up to 7 per gets to the heart of
financial firms and was a growth without the help of a cent to closer to 8 per cent. Schwimmer’s push to show
challenger to Bloomberg. deal the size of Refinitiv. Over The market wants Lseg can be treated by
That 2019 deal made a huge two days of presentations this evidence of how a deal with investors less as a “stock
difference: in the first nine week, Schwimmer also needs Microsoft, announced last exchange”, often with volatile
David Schwimmer is trying to convince months of 2018, Lseg had
generated £1.7 billion of
to address lingering anxiety
about who will replace the
year, will boost performance.
The tech giant took a 4 per
revenues, and more as a type
of more highly valued data-
investors that he can create a financial revenue; in the first nine finance director Anna Manz, cent stake in Lseg and has provider company.
months of this year, it made who is joining Nestlé in May. hundreds of people working The shareholder register
data powerhouse to rival Bloomberg £6.2 billion. The new head of the data there to find ways to design has changed dramatically as
Fees at the stock exchange division, Satvinder Singh, will products for customers using the Blackstone consortium,
Jill Treanor the City is in the midst of soul- were a small proportion of also deliver a closely watched generative AI. which owned 34 per cent of
searching about its future as a Lseg’s turnover in 2018, and presentation. He arrived just The Microsoft tie-up might Lseg as a result of the
Just over 100 analysts and financial centre — after the that share is now even three months ago, succeeding be how Lseg steps up its Refinitiv deal, has sold down
investors will gather for UK’s exit from the EU and smaller: just £171 million of the former Bloomberg competition with Bloomberg, its stake to just 11 per cent.
dinner on Thursday in the amid a drought of flotations. revenue in the first nine executive Andrea Remyn whose terminals are Nick Train, co-founder of
City of London to be But the New Yorker is months of 2023, compared Stone, who left in July 2022. prominent on traders’ desks. the fund management group
entertained by David growing used to his role as a with £3.9 billion from Schwimmer took control of Refinitiv has a rival data Lindsell Train, which owns
Schwimmer — not the actor mouthpiece for his adopted providing data. There is some the arm personally in the platform called Eikon, which about 3 per cent of the stock,
who played Ross in the US home’s post-Brexit fightback. merit to Lseg’s claim to being interim. is not nearly as popular as recently pointed out to his
sitcom Friends, but the “London is a great place to do a data company. Russell Quelch, an analyst Bloomberg but has been investors how well Lseg’s
former Goldman Sachs business,” he says from his The Refintiv deal has had a at equity research firm overhauled and renamed shares had held up despite
banker who runs the London office, which offers a bird’s- rocky reception. At first such a large sale. “It should
Stock Exchange Group. eye view of St Paul’s investors loved it, sending the Schwimmer, be much less of an overhang
Rather than trying to raise Cathedral. “We’re a great shares rocketing to almost who began the to share price performance
a laugh, the softly spoken example of that.” £100 in February 2020 — exchange’s going forward,” he said.
American will be giving his Schwimmer has before knocking them back to transformation For Schwimmer, this
pitch for the future of the transformed the business about £56.18 months later on with the week’s event is about
business he calls “Lseg”. since arriving in 2018 during a concerns about the costs and £20 billion convincing investors what
Schwimmer, 54, is on a period of turmoil. Brussels complexities of integrating takeover of data Lseg is about. “It’s a really
mission to prove that his had just blocked its merger the business. firm Refinitiv, good opportunity to talk
company is not just the with German rival Deutsche Schwimmer has been is hosting a about what the future looks
owner of the London Stock Börse, and it had been rocked trying to convince investors dinner in the like, [to] help our investors
Exchange, home to the FTSE by Sir Christopher Hohn’s TCI that their concerns are City this week, really understand the
100 index, but a fast-growing hedge fund, which was overblown, with some where he will business.”
provider of data to financial agitating for board change. success. This year, the shares outline his plans As he sets out targets for
dealers on the biggest trading There was also uncertainty are up 20 per cent — for the future the next three years,
desks around the world — in over whether the London outperforming the FTSE 100, Schwimmer says he is in no
short, that Lseg is a tech firm, Clearing House, in which which is largely flat — at rush to leave. “I am very
not a stock exchange. That Lseg has an 82 per cent stake, £85.10, giving Lseg a market happy ... and we have a lot
might seem a tall order when would be stripped of its role value of £46 billion. It is in the more to do.”
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 V2 7


Oliver Shah
Scandals show we need a new kind
of boardroom diversity — dissent

e are living through a life melt. Half of all chief executives diversity puzzle. It usually has no visible dissent. You can see how someone might North America business, its most
golden age of boardroom ousted from big American companies markers and is difficult to quantify — arrive determined to change the status important, and succeeded Sir Ivan
misjudgement. At last year went due to allegations of sometimes even to discuss. There have quo and end up being assimilated by it. Menezes as chief executive before his
NatWest, the directors personal misconduct, according to the been attempts to tackle the effects of Obviously, chairs should be braver in untimely death in June.
who initially tried to cling Conference Board, a business think workplace imbalance, though: a report their choices of headhunters and Diageo had reassured the market in
on to Alison Rose as chief tank. Yet directors seem as ill-equipped by the City of London Corporation last candidates. Effectiveness reviews should late September that everything was on
executive after the to deal with them as they were before year claimed that people from non- be done by independent third parties, track. Either consumers in that part of
indiscreet dame admitted the advent of the #MeToo movement, privileged backgrounds progressed not the search firm that installed the the world have abruptly cut their
to being the source of an inaccurate BBC Black Lives Matter and the culture wars. 25 per cent more slowly and earned up directors in the first place. And investors spending or Diageo’s regional team has
story about Nigel Farage’s finances have Other than the Barclays board of 2018, to £17,500 a year less than their peers in should rattle boards’ cages a lot more dismally failed to manage expectations.
now decided to confiscate most of her which stood by Staley despite fines from financial services. vigorously. I am sure that part of the This is a big early test for Crew, a
outstanding pay and bonuses. BP is regulators on both sides of the Atlantic Putting a (theoretical) woman of problem is the shrivelling of active former US military officer who has
searching for a successor to Bernard over the whistleblowing affair, all the colour educated at a top public school equities. These days, corporate raiders worked at consumer brands such as
Looney, having neglected to do due companies listed above met the most and Oxbridge on to a board of white men and hedge funds are often the only ones PepsiCo. “I would expect her to be
diligence on the upstream oilman’s obvious diversity requirement — women Alison Rose was ousted from NatWest who went to the same seats of learning impolite enough to speak up on applying significant grip, very quickly,”
personal life before appointing him. made up at least a third of the non- will probably not produce radically underperforming companies’ registers. says someone who knows her.
Barclays is mired in headlines about executives. BP did not have any directors minority member. The argument is that different thinking. Until boards are Investors will want answers. The real
Jeffrey Epstein’s links to its former boss from an ethnic-minority background in as well as being a moral imperative, prepared to recruit non-executives from Stiff drinks needed at Diageo worry will be whether this foreshadows
Jes Staley, after backing him during 2019, although it does now. Overall, diversity leads to better decision- a far wider gene pool, including people There may be rapid rewriting of scripts a slump in America, whose drinkers
numerous mini-scandals, including his these appeared to be boards with a making. It isn’t clear that the latter is whose upbringings reflect those of at Diageo Towers before a capital guzzle more of Diageo’s premium tipples
efforts to unmask a whistleblower. governance-friendly mix. materialising, though. Another dame — customers and workers, they are likely markets event on Wednesday. than anyone else.
Rio Tinto’s head miner Jakob Stausholm The FTSE 350 has made good Helena Morrissey, founder of the 30% to continue suffering from groupthink. A sudden warning that sales would
continues to apologise for his progress on both fronts. Women Club campaign — says: “I thought that if (To be fair, though, outsourcer Capita’s plunge by a fifth in Latin America and The last-minute award goes to …
predecessor’s detonation of ancient occupied 40 per cent of board seats as of we introduced more women and shook appointment of employees to its board the Caribbean — read Brazil and Mexico Don’t let me put you off. There’s still
Aboriginal caves — which also blew up last year, although the proportion in up the cosy club of the boardroom, that has done nothing for its share price.) in particular — sent shares in the maker time to nominate a colleague for our
his career. senior executive roles was slightly lower. would in turn shake up the thinking. In There is also the broader point that of Don Julio tequila and Johnnie Walker 2024 Non-Executive Director Awards,
Boards are increasingly confronted by The latest update to Sir John Parker’s all honesty, the jury’s out on that in a boardrooms can be intimidating places Scotch crashing last week. It was a organised by Peel Hunt. Go to
non-financial issues as boundaries review found that 96 per cent of FTSE fairly major way.” to outsiders. Standard etiquette steers nightmare induction for Debra Crew, before Friday.
between the corporate world and real 100 boards had at least one ethnic- Class is the missing element in the participants away from challenge and who previously ran the FTSE 100 giant’s

Hunt gets tax boost, but faces Wheels come off

difficult spending decisions green revolution
David Smith Economic Outlook Irwin Stelzer American Account

hings have returned to some Higher inflation and the rise in to healthier public finances through ight years ago, 194 nations plus invest in EV factories. It seems that early
kind of normality after Covid, government bond yields — though they making the public sector more efficient the EU agreed in Paris to adopt adapters were not representative of the
during which big fiscal have fallen back from their highs — and productive, and limiting the size of policies to limit the rise in the broader car-buying population: the
announcements came thick and increase the government’s debt interest the state’s workforce. Higher public planet’s temperature to 1.5-2C typical owner of a taxpayer-subsidised
fast, sometimes involving tens
of billions of extra government The chancellor bill. In March, the OBR predicted that
the debt interest bill would average
sector productivity would make
“implausibly” tight public spending
above levels existing before
industrialisation took millions
Tesla is a white male homeowner with
an annual household income over
spending. Now we are back to
two fiscal events a year, and the does not want to nearly £90 billion a year over five years.
Its new projections are likely to be
plans look much more realistic. Hunt’s
Treasury colleague, John Glen, the chief
out of poverty. Now, a reckoning.
Later this month, the world’s
Which brings us to the final policy
second is soon — Jeremy Hunt’s autumn
statement on November 22. risk a repeat of higher than that and Hunt and his
Treasury officials know there is not a lot
secretary, has been conducting a review
of public sector productivity.
oil and gas big wheels will trundle to
Expo City, Dubai in the United Arab
failure. EVs are powered by, no surprise,
electricity, and about 60 per cent of US
I have chosen this weekend to do a
curtain-raiser, not least because the last year’s disaster they can do about that.
What the chancellor does think,
A programme designed to achieve this
could allow the chancellor to claim that
Emirates — which accounts for 21 per
cent and rising of global production of,
electricity is generated from fossil fuels,
making EVs partially reliant on those
Sunday before the actual event will be though, is that there is something he can his increased room for manoeuvre is er, natural gas — to attend Cop28. King greenhouse gas emitters — which is one
thick with the detail of the chancellor’s do about public spending. The genuine. It might even enable him to Charles will deliver the keynote address, reason why green policy aims to
forthcoming announcements — to the Resolution Foundation is blunt, offer some modest crowd-pleasing tax an embarrassingly short time after increase reliance on wind and solar to
point where there will be few, if any, of the current fiscal year, government describing the apparent increase in fiscal cuts next year. To be fair, it is a better reading out a King’s Speech that generate electricity. But those sources
surprises revealed on the day. I am old borrowing, while still over £80 billion, headroom due to stronger tax receipts as thing to do than pour more and more included parliament’s decision to shed are proving more costly than originally
enough to remember when such details came in almost £20 billion lower than the an “illusion”, because “it assumes higher money into unreformed public services. much of his nation’s green clothing. thought. Billions of dollars are being
were closely guarded secrets and there official forecaster, the Office for Budget inflation increases taxes but does not Public sector employment, at just under America and most other industrialised written off as uneconomic offshore wind
was kudos to be won for extracting them Responsibility (OBR), expected. One of drive up public service spending”. 5.7 million, is up by about 400,000 on countries promised in Paris to sharply projects are cancelled, and the Biden
from the Treasury. the reasons for this was the big stealth The IFS had a similar message in its pre-pandemic levels. curtail, or better still, eliminate the use of administration is adding billions of
The nearest I came to a genuine scoop tax increase from freezing income tax green budget last month, saying: “UK Experts, it should be said, are sceptical fossil fuels; get ICE (internal combustion
recently was just over a year ago, when, and national insurance allowances and public finances are still in a parlous about the scope for delivering public engine) vehicles, which produce 29 per
a few days before it was delivered, I thresholds at a time of high inflation. state, and the case for tax cuts at this sector productivity improvements in a cent of US greenhouse gas emissions, off
heard the full details of Kwasi Kwarteng’s Thus, most of the undershoot, time remains exceedingly weak — way that will make much difference to the the roads; and increase reliance on solar
September 23 “mini” budget — the one £15 billion, was due to tax receipts particularly as the government’s ‘true’ outlook for the public finances. There and wind power to generate electricity
that blew up the markets due to coming in more strongly than expected, fiscal position is almost certainly weaker have been plenty of efficiency reviews in for a nation already running short of
measures including, most notably, the according to the Resolution Foundation. than official forecasts suggest.” The the past, and none has successfully electric power.
short-lived abolition of the 45 per cent It expects stronger receipts to be a public spending projections for the delivered sustained savings. Alas, each of those policy pillars
very top rate of income tax. feature of future years, not because period after the next election “look tight There is also a phoney element about proved more ornament for politicians
Unfortunately, Sunday had already inflation will stay as high as it has been — perhaps implausibly so”, it added. all this. The next proper spending than support for sound policy. President
happened, though it appears I got to but because it will take time to fall back, This is not the only issue for the public review is not due until autumn next year. Biden did his best to rid America of its oil
know about it a few days before the Bank leaving the economy larger in cash terms finances. Current projections assume That is also the most likely time for the industry by denying permits for drilling,
of England did. than previously expected. Taken on its Hunt will reverse the 5p-a-litre cut in fuel general election, suggesting it is likely to and discouraging investment in the
The backdrop to this month’s autumn own, this inflation-linked boost to tax duty announced by Sunak in response to be postponed. The issue of mending the sector. But US oil production has risen
statement is that inflation is on the cusp revenues would leave the public the cost of living crisis, and also increase public finances and dealing with by 40 per cent to a record level since
of a significant fall, as figures this finances in a much healthier state. the duty in line with inflation. There is spending pressures will be top of the Paris, and the world’s big oil producers
Wednesday should show, while growth
has stalled. However, Hunt does not
Unfortunately, the boost to tax
receipts cannot be taken on its own.
zero chance of that happening.
The chancellor, however, sees a path
next chancellor’s in-tray. plan to extract twice the amount of fossil
fuels by 2030 as would be consistent Policy made with
want to take the expected further drop
in inflation for granted, and the
It was a relief to see, in Friday’s figures,
with stopping further warming. Cop28’s
host, the UAE, is planning a 25 per cent unwarranted
chancellor certainly does not want to BORROWING IS UNDERSHOOTING FORECASTS ... that UK GDP was unchanged in the third rise in oil production capacity by 2030.
certainty and in a
risk a repeat of last year’s disaster, which quarter, in line with the Bank of A necessary adjunct to a less-oil policy
is why he has ruled out tax cuts for now,
if not for next year.
Cumulative public sector net borrowing
Net borrowing - ONS provisional estimate Net borrowing - OBR forecast
England’s expectations — rather than
falling by 0.1 per cent, as many analysts
has been to encourage an alternative
means of transport. Enter electric panic can be costly
The pressure on him to cut taxes now had feared. It was a relief because a vehicles (EVs), along with a variety of
— from Tory MPs who appear to have £140bn 0.1 per cent decline would have taxpayer subsidies to encourage people dollars of new tax breaks to the failing
short memories — has intensified triggered a thousand headlines about to abandon their gas-guzzling vehicles, solar industry’s tariff protection.
following last week’s lacklustre set of 120 the economy sliding into recession and auto manufacturers to produce the In addition, existing electric grids —
King’s Speech announcements, even if 100 rather than just stagnating. In fact, there emissions-free vehicles. In the US, there needed to carry power from wind and
Rishi Sunak’s legislation to phase out is very little practical difference between will be subsidies of $12 billion solar sites to consumers — are not up to
cigarette smoking, by ensuring that no 80 the two. The economy is flatlining, as it (£10 billion) to get auto companies to the job. BloombergNEF experts estimate
one born after the start of 2009 will ever has done since early last year. switch factories to the production of that $160 billion will be spent by utilities
be able to legally purchase them, will It was quite a close-run thing. Some EVs, still more to subsidise the this year to “green” and fortify the
have a longer-lasting impact than most 40 will have been surprised that a monthly production of batteries. Consumers will present grid, with billions more to come
things governments do. Whether the GDP sequence of down 0.6 per cent in receive $7,500 for buying an EV made to create a stable, reliable system with
chancellor can hold out against the 20 July, up 0.1 per cent in August and up largely of US materials. sufficient capacity to meet consumers’
pressure will be a test of his resolve. 0 0.2 per cent in September was There are three problems. First, EVs needs. Construction will require
The narrative leading up to this year’s consistent with flat GDP rather than a rely on some of the most overcoming environmentalists’ use of
statement — from the Resolution Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb small fall. This was because the starting environmentally damaging materials on, the courts to prevent the building of the
Foundation think tank, the Institute for Source: ONS, OBR 2024 point for July’s fall, the June figure, was or under, the earth. If the environmental 20ft tall towers needed to carry the
Fiscal Studies (IFS) and others — is that high, and above the second-quarter costs of mining and processing materials wires, with some litigation consuming
while most of us have been reeling from
the impact of high inflation, the
As it was, GDP did decline a little in
such as cobalt and lithium, and the toxic
effect on groundwater from battery
more than a decade.
That is where the war on climate
government has been benefiting from it. the third quarter, by £163 million in disposal, are counted in — as serious change stands. Fossil fuel production is
Central government debt interest (net of APF)
There are two ways of describing inflation-adjusted terms. But this fall, environmentalists now insist — EVs may rising rather than falling, EVs are not top
gross domestic product (GDP). The first, Outturn OBR (March 2023) Updated projection 0.02 per cent, was not enough, on prove more damaging to the planet than of consumers’ wish lists, the grid cannot
which forms the basis of 5% of GDP rounding, to be counted as a drop. ICE vehicles. move power from some wind and solar
announcements on how well or badly Otherwise, there was not too much to Second, China dominates the installations to consumers, battery
we are doing, is in real terms — and, Forecast celebrate in these figures. If we take GDP production of batteries and materials manufacture and disposal are damaging
using this measure, the performance 4 per head, probably a more relevant needed to make them, as well as solar to the environment, and the high price
over the past 18 months or so has been figure, it did fall by 0.1 per cent in the equipment. Increased dependence on of many green consumer products, at a
disappointing, close to stagnation. But 3 third quarter, making three declines in that country is not exactly a strategic time of inflation-straitened finances, is
GDP in so-called nominal or money the past seven readings. goal of western democracies. mitigating against their adoption.
terms has been rising strongly because it 2 GDP per head is in fact lower in these Third, consumers suffering from Policy made with unwarranted
includes the impact of inflation. And latest figures than it was at the end of range anxiety don’t want these vehicles, certainty and in a panic can be
nominal GDP is what matters in the short 1 2021 and in the first half of 2022. A at least not in large numbers. Dealers are expensive. At times, it’s best to take
term for the public finances. flatlining economy is not delivering any offering deep discounts of as much as Ronald Reagan’s advice: “Don’t just do
Higher inflation and faster wage meaningful progress for the population a third off the list price for EVs, which something, stand there.”
growth — even if real wages are falling — 0 as a whole. The opposite is happening, linger on lots twice as long as
boost tax revenues, and this is what has 2018-19 2020-21 2022-23 2024-25 2026-27 as you might expect. conventional vehicles. Ford, GM, Tesla
been happening. In the first six months Source: OBR, Resolution Foundation and Honda recently scaled back plans to Irwin Stelzer is a business adviser
8 The Sunday Times November 12, 2023


Laith Al-Khalaf

Haves and have yachts

of what it paid for them. It was
Intrepid retail Patience key at FUNNY BUSINESS

Knight Frank that slapped

duo’s top effort such charitable valuations on
CBI conference
sail into choppy waters High street luminaries
the properties two years ago.
Sources close to the estate An update on the CBI’s non-
gathered last week for an agent were keen to point out annual conference, now
Superyachts are meant to be a 2020, an international arrest evening of fizz and gossip to that the homes weren’t vacant dubbed the “general election
source of pleasure, not pain. warrant was issued for him. celebrate the 12th anniversary when they were valued. countdown”.
Spare a thought, then, for the Last year, Swallowfalls filed of the headhunter Clarity. Prufrock isn’t sure that just The event in Westminster
banking dynasty scion Nat a petition for bankruptcy There was a warm embrace that can explain the huge on November 20 was missing
Rothschild, and other wealthy against him in the UK. The between the former decline in their value. a “political keynote” speaker
folk who fell foul of a boat saga reaches a crescendo this Sainsbury’s boss Mike Coupe after the business secretary,
maker a decade ago.
Rothschild, along with the
week with Landers due in
court in Monaco on charges of
and his successor, Simon
Roberts. Peter Williams, once
BESTSELLING BOOKS Kemi Badenoch, was said to
have turned down an invite.
property tycoon Robert forgery, fraud and fraudulent of Selfridges, particularly The CBI says a “senior cabinet
Tchenguiz, was a client of bankruptcy, according to the caught the eye in a lurid minister” will speak. Rather
The Diary of a CEO HB
Monaco Yachting & Journal de Monaco. yellow suit. But it was the Steven Bartlett than the morning slot, as first
Ebury Edge (14,241)
Technologies, run by the He is not expected to show attendance of the White Elon Musk
billed, they will speak at the
German businessman Peter
Landers. It fell behind on
up and is believed to be on the
run in Europe — so Rothschild
Company boss Mary Homer
and Cheryl Potter, the newest
2 Ashlee Vance
Profile Books (5,859)
end. That’s one way to ensure
delegates stay for the drinks
The Diary of a CEO PB
building yachts, triggering may never get his €17 million. addition to the board of Marks Steven Bartlett reception, at the unusually
lawsuits. In 2015, the High But at least he took delivery of & Spencer, that was Ebury Edge (4,465) early time of 16:40.
Court ruled that Landers the yacht, which featured in particularly noteworthy. The Going Infinite
Fund will have to TWITTER POLL
Michael Lewis
owed Rothschild’s the film Tenet. Rothschild pair had only recently Allen Lane (4,254)
Swallowfalls firm €17 million briefly put it on the market for returned from a trek to the The Coming Wave
for Nato, a 73m (240ft) boat $100 million but, alas, it is summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. 5 Mustafa Suleyman & Michael Bhaskar
The Bodley Head (2,987) stick or twist Yes No

55% 45%
with a helipad and spa pool. apparently no longer for sale. Prufrock doffs its cap to them.
The Psychology of Money
Landers did not pay up. In “He loves it!” a source said. Nat Rothschild, with his wife Loretta Basey, is owed €17m
6 Morgan Housel
Harriman House (2,773)
Keep an eye on Wednesday’s
shareholder vote at the
6So long Dominic Burke, former chief executive of the
JUST SAYING . . . Knight Frank When McKinsey Comes to Town European Opportunities

comes up empty 7
insurance company Jardine Lloyd Thompson, who Walt Bogdanich & Michael Forsythe Trust. The blackjack-playing
Vermilion (2,721)
announced last week that he would be stepping down as a Chip War American hedge fund
director of the troubled investment manager St James’s Place.
The company’s shares have been on the slide since the
It has been challenging to watch Prufrock suspects that there
were red faces inside the
8 Chris Miller
Simon & Schuster (2,402)
manager Boaz Weinstein is
pushing the fund to launch a
regulator pressured it to overhaul its fee structure. from the sidelines. I believe that ... a imposing, glass-sheathed
Start With Why
Simon Sinek bigger-than-expected
With the heat rising, Burke has chosen to leave his role after
just a year. The press release from St James’s Place
reorganisation will enable WeWork offices of the estate agency
Knight Frank last week.
Penguin (2,349)
buyback of shares. His Saba
Capital has stakes in about ten Northern supermarket
announcing the change attributed it to Burke’s commitments to emerge successfully Home Reit, the scandal- 10 Yanis Varoufakis
The Bodley Head (2,222) trusts. The vote could chain Booths is axing self-
elsewhere, including to Aptia, a pension administration plagued social housing determine just how successful service tills and returning to
business that he founded in June. But the geniuses at SJP seem Adam Neumann, ousted founder of the company, auctioned off 153 Bestseller List prepared by Nielsen using Weinstein’s campaign to manned checkouts. Should
data supplied by and copyright to Nielsen
to have sent the note out a day early, judging from the date on office space provider, reflects on its largely empty homes for BookScan, taken from the TCM for the
make money from the usually its rivals follow suit?
the release. Would you trust them with your money? filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy last week £24.4 million, just 35 per cent four-week period April 30 - May 27, 2017 sleepy sector will be. @TimesBusiness

Consumer prices index current rate prev. month

It’s worth
benchmark — by 10 per cent Unlike many rivals, PPHE USD > GBP 6.7% 6.7%
to £136. That compared with owns a big chunk — over 8,000
CPI including housing current rate prev. month
an average figure of £120 for 80 per cent — of its portfolio,
booking a trading over the first nine
months of PPHE’s year, and
and many of these hotels are
prime sites in big European
7,800 V 0.0151
12-month high: $1.3142
6.3% 6.3%

long stay at
low: $1.1149 Retails prices index current rate prev. month
was also well ahead of pre- cities. “Its property is worth 7,600
pandemic levels. considerably more than the EURO 8.9% 9.1%
Inflation is still taking a bite balance sheet suggests, and V 57.18 H: 8,047.10 EUR > GBP

this hotel
7,400 Average weekly earnings prev. month on last year

V 0.77% L: 6,864.13
out of the hotels sector, but we believe the value of the
not as voraciously, and PPHE assets is under-appreciated at
£661 V 0.5% U 6.9%
paid a confident interim the current share price,” said FTSE 250 V 0.0087 Unemployment current rate prev. month

2023 12-month high: €1.1773
It’s been a busy checkout dividend of 16p — up from Jack Cummings, an analyst at Source: Factset
low: €1.1126 1.44m 4.2% 4.2%
desk for PPHE Hotel Group only 3p a year earlier. The Berenberg bank.
YEN Manufacturing output on the year on last month
— not just at its properties, company is also nearing Less positive are PPHE’s RISERS FALLERS
which include the Park Plaza completion on a £300 million near-£700 million debt and a Lancashire Holdings: 654p, U 11.2% on Diageo: £28.50, V 10.74% on results YEN > USD
0.1% 0.1%
high returns Marks & Spencer: Flutter Entertainment: £121.55,
brand, Arena hotels and the investment in new properties net debt to ebitda ratio of 246.4p, U 10.74% on result Digital 9: V 12.33% on forecast 4imprint Group: Retail sales on the year on last month
art-inspired chain art’otel, and sprucing up older ones, 5.6 per cent, though this is
but for investors. Its shares with openings including forecast to fall to 3.7 per cent V 130.75 H: 20,614.77
50.8p, U 9.96% on volatility Associated
British Foods: £23.30, U 9.7% on gains
£43.95, V 13.31% on weak demand
Ceres Power Holdings: 198.8p,
U 2.15
12-month high: ¥151.55
V 1.4% U 0.4%
low: ¥127.23
are down 19 per cent on this art’otels in London, Belgrade by 2025. “I think PPHE is a V 0.73% L: 16,866.23 Source: Factset V 13.57% as fall extends UK trade latest 3 mths prev. 3 mths latest 12 mths

time last year and a third and Rome. two-year play,” said Neil Shah OIL
balance (£bn)
-5.97 -13.10 -50.33
cheaper than they were five Half-year results in August of investment research firm DOLLARS/BARREL Gross domestic latest quarter prev. quarter annual change
years ago, now standing at
£10.40. While stock in some
industry rivals, such as
showed operating profits up
166 per cent to £45.2 million,
and PPHE reckoned on a
Edison Group. “It did very
well to survive the pandemic,
and now demand looks set to
1,755.62 $81.86
V $3.37

Budget deficit
U 0%
last month
U 0.2% U 0.6%
prev. month year to date
U 221.78 H: 35,679.13 V 460.86 H: 22,700.85 V 3.33 H: 1,758.95
InterContinentalHotels further £25 million in profits increase further, plus there U 0.65% L: 30,206.28 V 2.61% L: 14,597.31 V 0.19% L: 1,016.04
12-month high: $98.57
low: $71.84
(PSNB) in £bn
-14.3 -11.4 -81.7
Group, have stormed well from four new hotels opening are new openings on the
ahead of their pre-Covid over the coming months. horizon. The company NASDAQ SHANGHAI SENSEX GOLD
price, PPHE is still suffering. should see a rerating.” 13,798,11 3,038.97 64,904.68 DOLLARS/TROY OZ
Is it worth investors PPHE Hotel Group Backing PPHE involves U 319.83 H: 14,446.55
U 2.4% L: 10,207.47
U 8.17 H: 3,418.95 U 540.90 H: 67,927.23
$1,937.95 10-YEAR BOND YIELDS %
booking a stay? The firm’s betting that demand will stay U 0.27% L: 2,885.09 U 0.84% L: 57,084.91
most recent trading update, strong, energy prices won’t
for the three months to
soar again, and that annual
S&P 500 CAC 40 ALL ORDS 12-month high: $2,085.40
low: $1,631.10
variation 12 months

September 30, showed property revaluations will

4,415.24 7,045.04 7,176.60 high low

U 57.00 H: 4,607.07 V 2.46 H: 7,581.26 U 1.50 H: 7,779.40 BITCOIN UK 4.332 U 0.039 4.760 2.900
positive trends: revenues rose 12 continue to drive up net asset DOLLARS
U 1.3% L: 3,647.42 V 0.03% L: 6,183.41 U 0.02% L: 6,964.10
9 per cent to £141 million and
higher occupancy, as well as
slightly higher prices, helped 10
values. It’s a punt, sure, but
PPHE has strong brands, a
strategic partnership with


U 0.104

V 0.059


lift revenue per available 2023 hotel giant Radisson, and U 618.22 H: 33,772.89 U 45.14 H: 16,528.97 V 224.55 H: 20,843.21 12-month high: $37,015.70
low: $15,508 GERMANY 2.719 U 0.071 3.027 1.735
room (RevPAR) — the industry Source: FactSet growing RevPAR. Buy. U 1.93% L: 25,661.89 U 0.30% L: 13,022.64 V 1.13% L: 18,692.06 Price at 12.15pm Saturday


Market cap ranking PricePrice Change 52-week
Change 52-week Mkt Cap Market cap ranking PricePrice Change 52-week
Change 52-week Mkt Cap Market cap ranking PricePrice Change 52-week
Change 52-week Mkt Cap
Mkt Cap Market cap ranking PricePrice Change 52-week
Change 52-week Mkt Cap
Mkt Cap
Yield Yield Yield Yield
V on week
on week high high low low (£m) V on week
on week high high low low (£m) V
V on week
on week high high low low (£m)
(£m) V
V on week
on week high high low low (£m)
104 Abrdn 165.8 –2.8 236.7 150.9 3107.7 126 Direct Line Insurance 171.3 +13.2 235.3 133.9 2246.4 80 Kingfisher 226.0 +3.5 291.5 201.2 4267.2 191 Savills 826.5 –9.0 1055.0 763.5 1193.4
48 Admiral 2550.0 +59.0 2550.0 1881.5 7810.8 171 Domino’s Pizza 343.8 –23.4 424.6 256.6 1386.1 156 Lancashire Holdings 654.0 +65.0 664.0 524.5 1595.8 63 Schroders 388.0 –5.1 506.8 361.4 6255.0
81 Airtel Africa 113.5 –4.8 133.7 103.7 4265.5 194 Dr Martens 118.8 –4.4 292.4 114.7 1161.1 76 Land Securities 599.8 –16.6 743.2 559.4 4467.6 43 Segro 774.0 –9.6 920.2 679.2 9501.6
18 Anglo American 2018.5 –189.5 3672.5 1970.0 26999.0 150 Drax 422.5 –15.9 708.5 401.5 1624.8 34 Legal & General 220.5 –2.2 265.8 205.8 13183.1 148 Serco 150.0 +3.2 172.6 136.9 1655.3
35 Antofagasta 1299.0 –58.5 1805.0 1297.0 12806.3 86 DS Smith 294.1 +4.5 368.5 263.7 4051.1 19 Lloyds Banking Group 41.8 –0.7 54.0 39.8 26535.1 47 Severn Trent 2635.0 –58.0 2975.0 2265.0 7880.9
192 Ascential 268.2 –6.0 281.0 188.3 1192.3 131 Dunelm 1047.0 +9.0 1275.0 939.5 2113.9 12 London Stock Exchange 8554.0 +260.0 8774.0 7104.0 46295.0 127 Shaftesbury Capital 114.0 –1.9 131.3 100.7 2226.6
190 Ashmore 168.4 –8.8 286.4 166.3 1200.3 105 EasyJet 394.1 +2.9 528.0 324.6 2987.3 138 Londonmetric Property 175.7 –4.1 207.0 156.4 1914.4 1 Shell 2629.5 –23.0 2772.5 2200.5 173487.4
22 Ashtead 4926.0 –32.0 5874.0 4444.0 21566.7 85 Endeavour 1651.0 –90.0 2184.0 1498.0 4063.1 155 LXI Reit 93.6 –1.9 126.4 82.8 1603.9 45 Smith & Nephew 989.0 +7.4 1314.5 896.2 8637.9
30 Associated British Foods 2330.0 +206.0 2330.0 1505.0 17829.1 163 Energean 848.0 –49.0 1529.0 808.0 1518.4 115 Man 216.7 –12.2 286.8 202.0 2605.4 68 Smiths 1633.0 +4.0 1797.5 1526.0 5675.3
179 Assura 44.2 –1.1 58.6 39.5 1312.3 67 Entain 925.6 +6.0 1587.5 884.4 5912.6 70 Marks & Spencer 246.4 +23.9 246.4 118.8 4860.8 135 Smithson Investment Trust 1231.0 +7.0 1485.0 1170.0 1982.8
145 Aston Martin Lagonda 205.4 –6.6 395.4 121.8 1691.8 20 Experian 2683.0 +34.0 3160.0 2390.0 24649.7 56 Melrose 515.0 +25.2 543.2 260.3 6899.7 52 Smurfit Kappa 2826.0 +28.0 3596.0 2554.0 7357.6
2 AstraZeneca 10090.0 –180.0 12294.0 10082.0 156386.4 185 Fever-Tree Drinks 1076.0 +5.0 1456.0 963.5 1255.5 71 M&G 203.6 +1.0 219.3 177.8 4807.6 118 Softcat 1288.0 –17.0 1534.0 1071.0 2570.3
64 Auto Trader 682.0 +56.8 682.0 515.6 6229.0 23 Flutter Entertainment 12155.0 –1710.0 16725.0 11200.0 21487.7 178 Mitchells & Butlers 225.0 +2.4 236.2 128.1 1344.9 102 Spectris 3291.0 +64.0 3841.0 2935.0 3351.5
38 Aviva 404.3 –3.0 462.4 369.2 11072.1 186 4imprint 4395.0 –675.0 5350.0 3900.0 1238.2 168 Mitie 104.8 +3.2 106.0 72.0 1400.5 60 Spirax-Sarco 8536.0 +60.0 12350.0 8058.0 6296.7
130 Babcock International 419.0 +14.4 419.0 269.0 2118.4 94 Frasers Group 835.0 +15.5 899.0 672.0 3782.1 58 Mondi 1382.5 +29.0 1601.0 1180.0 6712.8 29 SSE 1680.0 –11.0 1900.0 1508.0 18359.2
16 BAE 1103.5 +21.5 1117.5 714.0 33538.6 93 Fresnillo 516.6 –42.4 968.0 509.2 3806.8 165 Moneysupermarket 271.6 +2.4 280.4 185.5 1458.1 160 SSP 195.8 +2.1 281.2 179.5 1559.6
143 Balfour Beatty 315.8 –4.2 393.4 295.4 1735.9 98 Games Workshop 10500.0 +70.0 11700.0 7065.0 3456.0 14 National Grid 984.4 –12.4 1162.0 932.0 36306.4 96 St James’s Place 650.2 –18.6 1304.5 610.8 3567.0
152 Bank of Georgia 3535.0 +90.0 3730.0 2370.0 1619.8 172 Genus 2094.0 –190.0 3272.0 2008.0 1382.7 31 NatWest 197.1 +10.1 309.9 176.1 17385.2 32 Stand Chartered 621.8 +2.6 790.8 562.8 16571.3
25 Barclays 135.6 –0.8 189.7 129.2 20437.6 11 Glencore 427.1 –12.5 578.1 411.5 52469.2 133 Network International 392.2 +1.6 397.0 238.8 2089.4 119 Tate & Lyle 636.0 –4.0 831.5 612.0 2554.6
77 Barratt Developments 444.1 +1.7 506.4 392.3 4328.1 153 Grafton 780.0 –7.3 988.7 751.0 1609.3 44 Next 7382.0 +52.0 7424.0 5508.0 9415.3 84 Taylor Wimpey 117.1 +2.8 128.2 99.6 4136.5
92 Beazley 569.5 +30.5 687.5 503.0 3829.9 140 Grainger 249.6 –7.4 271.8 217.6 1850.9 162 Ninety One 168.0 –0.1 220.0 156.8 1528.3 164 TBC Bank Group 2730.0 –40.0 2995.0 2060.0 1512.2
112 Bellway 2220.0 +16.0 2500.0 1861.0 2651.7 116 Greggs 2538.0 +26.0 2904.0 2196.0 2595.2 82 Ocado 514.6 –27.6 976.4 343.4 4261.6 182 Telecom Plus 1592.0 –54.0 2500.0 1448.0 1265.8
75 Berkeley 4242.0 +15.0 4504.0 3696.0 4500.7 8 GSK 1398.4 +2.8 1535.8 1316.0 57264.9 176 Onesavings Bank 347.2 –5.8 568.5 280.8 1367.1 27 Tesco 277.7 +1.9 284.6 222.3 19696.3
134 Big Yellow Group 1034.0 –24.0 1290.0 910.0 2028.7 17 Haleon 325.0 +4.6 353.5 277.5 30007.8 200 Oxford Instruments 1938.0 +26.0 2855.0 1712.0 1121.4 26 3i Group 2026.0 +33.0 2109.0 1237.0 19719.3
69 B&M European 523.8 –14.2 590.6 357.2 5252.4 53 Halma 1931.5 +35.5 2498.0 1810.5 7332.9 175 PageGroup 416.6 +10.0 491.6 365.0 1369.0 109 3i Infrastructure 305.0 –12.0 346.0 276.7 2813.2
177 Tp Icap 174.7 +6.3 199.5 141.0 1365.1
199 Bodycote 587.0 –6.0 715.0 554.5 1123.8 189 Hammerson 24.5 –0.2 30.5 20.9 1223.7 57 Pearson 969.6 +16.6 995.2 754.0 6815.6
170 Trainline 291.0 +10.8 340.7 216.4 1387.3
6 BP 477.9 –12.0 567.6 450.0 81265.0 100 Hargreaves Lansdown 713.4 –37.2 949.6 690.4 3383.8 139 Pennon 724.0 –28.5 1000.0 551.0 1892.0
159 Travis Perkins 738.6 –38.0 1082.5 715.8 1569.6
158 Bridgepoint 198.1 +3.7 256.0 166.9 1581.3 157 Hays 100.4 –0.3 130.7 92.6 1593.2 95 Persimmon 1149.0 +33.5 1531.0 960.4 3670.1
110 Tritax Big Box Reit 145.7 –6.1 168.3 123.6 2773.8
10 British American Tobacco 2477.0 –49.5 3430.5 2403.0 55395.7 91 Hikma Pharmaceuticals 1752.5 –52.0 2205.0 1334.5 3874.4 147 Petershill Partners 147.4 –5.0 201.5 142.0 1671.1
125 Tui 444.0 –2.4 704.4 369.6 2253.0
107 British Land 313.7 –12.0 471.4 291.8 2908.8 169 Hill & Smith 1734.0 +32.0 1810.0 1092.0 1390.2 167 Pets at Home 302.0 +1.6 397.6 263.4 1438.8
4 Unilever 3949.0 +94.5 4443.5 3821.0 98741.4
132 Britvic 840.0 –20.0 936.0 751.0 2106.8 99 Hiscox 984.0 +20.5 1193.0 938.0 3415.6 72 Phoenix 464.2 –8.4 647.0 441.6 4649.1
83 Unite 954.0 +2.0 1053.0 847.0 4157.4
36 BT 121.5 –2.7 160.4 110.7 12082.1 97 Howden Joinery 645.6 +5.0 759.2 560.4 3542.2 184 Playtech 408.0 –16.4 634.5 370.0 1261.9
54 United Utilities 1068.5 –12.0 1102.5 900.8 7286.0
40 Bunzl 2921.0 +3.0 3225.0 2687.0 9873.0 3 HSBC 599.2 –3.0 659.0 470.2 116515.5 195 Plus500 1439.0 +19.0 1951.0 1286.0 1150.5
197 Vesuvius 416.8 –2.0 454.2 372.4 1130.4
66 Burberry 1677.5 –43.0 2641.0 1677.5 6014.6 124 IDS 240.0 –15.0 272.4 196.1 2294.9 181 Primary Health Properties 94.9 –4.4 120.1 85.5 1269.0
180 Victrex 1501.0 +16.0 1913.0 1326.0 1306.2
188 Bytes Technology 512.0 +5.0 541.5 360.6 1226.2 117 IG Group 664.0 +1.0 836.5 611.0 2588.3 21 Prudential 882.4 –17.0 1371.5 829.6 24294.4
129 Virgin Money 163.6 +4.8 197.9 138.1 2190.2
141 Caledonia Investments 3335.0 +60.0 4065.0 3110.0 1823.0 89 IMI 1521.0 +19.0 1680.0 1287.0 3967.7 136 QinetiQ 341.4 –1.0 379.8 297.2 1975.9
114 Vistry 759.0 +14.5 946.0 596.0 2624.2
173 Carnival 902.6 –11.2 1356.5 566.2 1381.0 33 Imperial Brands 1754.5 –48.0 2185.0 1580.0 15666.6 187 Quilter 88.0 –0.9 107.2 71.3 1235.6
24 Vodafone 76.4 –2.3 105.8 70.1 20681.6
46 Centrica 152.1 –1.2 172.5 82.3 8308.1 111 Inchcape 651.0 –41.0 941.0 645.0 2688.7 146 Rathbone 1548.0 –26.0 2220.0 1458.0 1672.2
174 Watches Of Switzerland 574.5 +43.0 1037.0 486.0 1376.3
193 Close Brothers 783.0 –25.0 1131.0 734.0 1178.2 142 Indivior 1293.0 –318.0 1998.0 1293.0 1783.6 13 Reckitt Benckiser 5492.0 +80.0 6570.0 5412.0 39382.4 73 Weir 1787.0 +36.5 2021.0 1644.5 4639.3
198 Coats 70.6 –0.2 80.8 63.7 1128.1 41 Informa 711.8 –6.8 776.0 552.6 9807.8 149 Redrow 498.4 –13.1 545.0 427.4 1648.6 151 WH Smith 1240.0 +34.0 1714.0 1160.0 1623.3
49 Coca Cola HBC 2085.0 –30.0 2565.0 1910.0 7679.4 42 InterContinental Hotels 5858.0 +112.0 6298.0 4675.0 9651.2 9 Relx 2955.0 +120.0 2955.0 2235.0 55802.1 62 Whitbread 3264.0 +13.0 3678.0 2467.0 6258.4
15 Compass 2082.0 +30.0 2235.0 1788.5 35625.3 87 Intermediate Capital 1387.0 –30.5 1511.5 1104.0 4030.8 128 Renishaw 3048.0 –6.0 4232.0 2950.0 2218.6 144 Wizz Air 1655.0 –171.5 3158.0 1546.5 1710.2
106 Computacenter 2592.0 –28.0 2662.0 1880.0 2958.5 51 International Airlines 151.6 +1.1 173.6 123.8 7449.4 37 Rentokil 446.5 +4.3 655.2 406.4 11263.1 50 WPP 701.2 –42.8 1051.5 681.2 7536.8
79 Convatec 208.2 –3.4 248.6 196.2 4267.7 122 International Public Partnerships 124.8 –0.6 158.8 115.4 2385.2 183 Rhi Magnesita 2680.0 –12.0 3060.0 2050.0 1262.7
137 Cranswick 3592.0 –62.0 3654.0 2906.0 1935.9 65 Intertek 3807.0 –67.0 4528.0 3755.0 6144.2 90 Rightmove 481.7 +11.7 615.4 462.9 3885.0
61 Croda 4508.0 –50.0 7218.0 4076.0 6294.8 103 Investec 496.2 +11.7 546.4 406.1 3201.3 5 Rio Tinto 5259.0 –71.0 6377.0 4559.0 85323.4
120 Darktrace 349.4 +0.3 420.0 210.2 2446.6 121 ITV 59.7 –7.1 90.1 59.7 2420.1 28 Rolls-Royce 232.0 +11.1 232.4 84.8 19526.7
74 DCC 4603.0 –50.0 5024.0 4030.0 4546.4 166 IWG 144.0 +2.8 197.7 127.4 1449.6 113 Rotork 306.4 +4.8 342.2 279.4 2637.8
78 Dechra Pharmaceuticals 3782.0 –4.0 3820.0 2544.0 4307.4 55 JD Sports 133.9 +2.6 186.6 113.2 6942.8 101 RS Group 709.6 +17.0 1035.0 660.4 3359.7
123 Derwent London 2052.0 –4.0 2726.0 1779.0 2304.2 108 Johnson Matthey 1540.0 –25.5 2373.0 1446.5 2825.2 154 Safestore 737.0 –18.0 1074.0 653.0 1606.9 52-week highs and lows are intra-day figures, not end of day.
7 Diageo 2850.0 –343.0 3847.0 2850.0 63924.2 196 Jtc 694.5 –22.0 820.0 627.5 1149.6 39 Sage 994.0 +24.0 1039.0 732.2 10207.7 Excludes exchange-traded funds. nc = no change. — = not applicable.
88 Diploma 2986.0 +18.0 3308.0 2584.0 4002.3 161 Kainos 1232.0 +52.0 1740.0 1087.0 1541.7 59 Sainsbury’s 267.0 –7.5 289.6 210.9 6322.9 Source: Morningstar
November 12, 2023

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Unregulated and often unqualified

— would you trust a financial coach?
s money worries mount up, Shaheen-Zaffar learnt about budgeting
more people are seeking pro-
fessional help with their
from a financial coach. She started comb-
ing through her subscriptions and cancel-
finances — but they may not ling the services she no longer used. “Lots TO A RETURN OF 19 PER CENT’
realise the dangers of taking of people struggle with money, whether
cut-price advice.
Those looking for gui- More people are seeking cheaper it’s impulsive spending or getting to 50
and not having a pension,” she said.
Jessica Lorimer
bought her husband,
invested about
£14,500 in wine
dance may turn to one of
many so-called financial alternatives to advisers, but experts warn Owen, online financial
literacy classes as a
through a platform
called Oeno, and says
coaches, but will find that
that they may be entering a new Wild West, FINDING A RELIABLE COACH wedding present last her portfolio is up
they offer “guidance” rather than advice. A number of regulated firms offer finan- year. “We learnt how about 4.5 per cent.
These words might sound like one and the
same thing, but there’s a crucial differ- reports Lily Russell-Jones cial coaching services along with full-
blown advice. Many ensure that their
to work out our net
worth, how to budget
She has invested
£4,400 in the
ence: one is regulated and one is not. coaches have undergone training or have and invest in different cryptocurrencies
A financial coach cannot advise you on formal qualifications. areas. It was amazing,” bitcoin and ethereum
exactly what to do with your money, or The investment platform Bestinvest Lorimer, 34, said. through the platform
recommend specific products, instead offers a free 45-minute session with a After their six Zoom Kraken, and said her
they show you various options for what financial coach. All its coaches are quali- sessions of 60 to 90 stake has grown
you could do. For example, they could tell fied financial advisers, it said. Alice Haine minutes each, 19 per cent.
you about tax-free saving in an Isa from Bestinvest said: “There are qualifica- Lorimer decided to Lorimer would have
whereas a qualified financial adviser tions that coaches can get which are manage her £38,000 been unlikely to hear
could pick one for you that paid the best accredited by industry bodies so, as a pension pot without about unregulated
rate. minimum, you would want your coach to a financial adviser products such as
Financial coaches have become wide- have one of these.” and also started cryptocurrency from
spread — a search on social media sites Customers who use Octopus Money’s putting money into a regulated financial
such as TikTok is likely to leave you inun- digital advice service pay a fee of 0.75 per alternative adviser.
dated with influencers offering financial cent a year and get free coaching sessions. investments such as Millward said:
tips. One financial coach offered to pray It then costs £299 for a personalised finan- cryptocurrencies and “Most advisers will
for clients to have a “financial break- cial plan. Its coaches complete an eight to wine. recommend
through”, others told followers that twelve-week course accredited by the “I didn’t know it was regulated products
investing would let them “get rich quick”. London Institute of Banking & Finance. an option before. such as Isas, Sipps
Financial advisers have to be registered The investment platform Hargreaves When I learnt you and investments in
with the Financial Conduct Authority, the Lansdown is trying out a coaching ser- could invest in stocks, shares and
City regulator, but there are no regula- vice. The wealth manager Charles Stanley tangible assets like bonds. A good
tions governing financial coaches — any- offers customers a free 15-minute coach- watches, wine, art and financial coach would
body can set themselves up as one. ing session and one-hour sessions for property, that was be likely to talk to you
This lack of regulation could mean that £150. really interesting to about the same types
thousands of customers are getting poor “There is a real danger that if a me so I started of products. If
information, experts say. coach steers somebody wrong that looking at higher- someone starts telling
“You can train to be a financial coach in can have a big impact on their risk things,” you about
the same way you can train to be a life finances. That is one of the Lorimer unregulated assets
coach. It’s a Wild West where you have reasons we use qualified said. this is normally a red
regulated advisers alongside unqualified advisers,” Lisa Caplan She flag.”
coaches telling people about products from the firm said.
that most advisers would not touch with a
barge pole,” said Ian Millward of the regu-
lated advice firm Candid Financial Advice.
“But financial advice can be prohibi-
ents down, ask about their risk appetite,
what kind of yield return they need. We
tively expensive, so financial coaching is advise them in a broad way and educate Part of the problem is that millions of peo-
potentially a really valuable service to give them on the current climate,” he said. ple are falling through the so-called advice
people guidance and offer a sounding “We are a bit more nimble and smart gap. Most financial advisers only take on
board. However, like anything, there are than the cookie-cutter advice you would wealthy clients — some insist that they
some massive pitfalls if people who are get from an independent financial have at least £250,000.
unregulated and unqualified provide adviser. They play to the bland and to the Holly Mackay from the financial educa-
financial information.” safe. You can’t rely on that.” tion site Boring Money said: “There is a
Tom McPhail from the financial con- If you are misadvised by a regulated clear need for a solution like coaching and
sultancy the Lang Cat said: “There are adviser you can complain to the Financial digital advice, but the industry is new and
some really good regulated firms offering Ombudsman Service, which can award still evolving. Some bigger brands do
financial coaching and guidance. The compensation. This is not normally the really rigorous training, but you also have
problem is that not all firms are regulated. case with financial coaches. individuals who do coaching and there is
Some have only been operating for five The FCA has promised a review into the a vast range of quality out there.”
minutes and don’t know what they are boundary between financial advice and Yasmin Shaheen-Zaffar, 52, has ADHD
talking about.” guidance. At the moment personalised and dyslexia and struggled to manage her
One financial coach, who is an expert recommendations involving specific money before getting help from a finan-
in foreign currency trading, charges cli- products, such as a fund to invest in, cial coach. In 2021 she signed up for
ents £9,800 a year to learn his techniques. counts as advice, whereas general gui- coaching after bailiffs came to her home
He has no formal qualifications in teach- dance suggesting that you invest in funds to demand she pay a congestion charge
ing or investing, but told Money that he is not counted as advice. fine that had grown to £489.
had spent “many years in an institutional “The difficult thing is making sure that “Trying to navigate the congestion
trading environment”, and was studying firms can give good guidance without charge website was really difficult
to take A-level maths. He said that finan- opening the door to bad actors who use it because of my dyslexia. I tried to pay and
cial coaches offer a wider range of options as a licence to flog inappropriate prod- sent a letter. I felt terrible that I’d been
than more traditional advisers. “We sit cli- ucts,” McPhail said. careless by not paying on time,” she said.

Johanna Noble Money Editor

King Charles didn’t mention
pensions in his speech, so I will

f a pension were an athlete earnings, of which employers been trying to address these word was not mentioned.
it would not be doing the must pay at least 3 per cent. issues with more changes. I don’t necessarily agree
100m sprint or skiing Yet although more people In July the chancellor, that the Mansion House
down the French Alps. are saving for their Jeremy Hunt, announced the reforms will be able to deliver
Instead the race it would retirement, it is not enough. Mansion House reforms, on the chancellor’s promises
be most likely to take part in Someone over 50 now is which included a voluntary — the £1,000-a-year figure felt
is the marathon. Slow and predicted to have an average pledge by nine of the biggest plucked out of thin air when
steady with plenty of pension pot of £78,623 when defined-contribution pension it was bandied about in July,
endurance before finally they reach 66, according to providers (the type of scheme and putting workers’ lifetime
reaping the reward. the pension company most employees are now savings into illiquid, high-risk
Saving for retirement is a PensionBee. enrolled in, where what you investments rings a lot of
race you need to run for But the Pensions and get is based on what you pay alarm bells.
decades to get a decent Lifetime Savings Association, in), including Aviva, Legal & However, while driverless
result. Sadly, it looks as an industry body, suggests General and Phoenix, to cars and a phased ban on
though it’s the same when it that you need a pension pot invest at least 5 per cent of smoking, which were
comes to pension reform. of £248,000 to buy an the assets in their default included in the King’s
Pension simplification — annuity that would give you pension funds in unlisted UK Speech, make better
which included allowing enough income on top of the firms by 2030. These higher- headlines and get the
savers more options for full state pension for a risk investments should offer government in the news, it is
accessing their pension — moderate standard of living a higher chance of growth, concerning that retirement
began in 2006 but was only a in retirement. and Hunt claimed that planning, which affects all of
fraction of what was needed The pension industry has average earners would be us, didn’t make the cut.
to plug the retirement savings more than £1,000 a year There is an onus on savers
gap. better off in retirement as a to save more and for longer.
Auto-enrolment, If you would like the free result of these reforms. But for the pension dream to
introduced in 2012, got weekly Money email bulletin, It was highly anticipated be attainable, we need an
millions of employees saving visit that pensions would be urgent reform of our pension
into a company pension moneybulletin. The bulletin included in the King’s system. If not, the next
scheme. The minimum is exclusive to digital Speech, which outlines the generations of pensioners
contribution to a worker’s subscribers. government’s priorities for face a bleak future.
pension is now 8 per cent of the year ahead — but the @JohannaMNoble
10 The Sunday Times November 12, 2023


‘I’m 55 and bringing

after the children over half-term and
Prunella will stay overnight once a
“We are doing a lot of childcare but I
don’t see any alternative, and we like

up another four
having them,” she said. “I think you have
to support your children in every way
possible — if you can, then you should.”


children’: welcome
Some grandparents may choose to retire
early to spend more time with their
grandchildren. Some 14 per cent of
grandmothers and 5 per cent of grand-
fathers ended their careers early, accord-

to granny daycare
ing to research by the insurer Royal Lon-
don, but this could leave them with less
money for later life because they are
reducing their pension contributions.
A 55-year-old earning £40,000 a year
with a £100,000 pension pot could
expect their pot to grow to £244,700 by
the time they hit state pension age (which
will have increased to 67 by then), assum-
ing total monthly contributions of 10 per
cent, 2.5 per cent annual wage growth
Grandparents are having to juggle their own jobs with and investment growth of 5 per cent.
But if they halved the amount of hours

raising the next generation, writes Lucy Alderson they worked to help out with childcare,
their pot would only grow to £212,400 —
about £32,000 less. If they stopped work-
f there was a prize for supergran of age of two typically costs more because have to pay extra for meals, nappies and ing altogether, they would miss out on
the year, Carla Bertans would be a there are more teachers per child. trips. It means that many families are about £65,000.
strong contender. The 55-year-old You can get extra help from the still struggling to afford the childcare “This is an age and stage of life when
from Milton Keynes spends three government once your child turns three. they need. they would normally be paying the most
days a week looking after her four All children aged three to four years old There is also a separate tax-free child- into their pension,” Clare Moffat from
young grandchildren — and juggles are entitled to 15 hours of free childcare a care scheme for working parents. For Royal London said. “This can leave them
two jobs as well. week. This increases to 30 free hours a every £8 you pay into the account, the with significantly lower retirement sav-
Between 7.30am and 5.30pm week if both parents are in work or on government will add an extra £2 to pay ings. This particularly affects women,
every Monday, Tuesday and shared paternity or maternity leave, and for approved childcare, including child- who are more likely to take early retire-
Wednesday, she will be changing each earn less than £100,000 after pen- minders, nurseries and nannies or before ment to care for loved ones than men.”
nappies, doing the school run, making sion contributions and other deductions. and after school clubs.
lunches, playing with the children and This scheme is being slowly expanded You can get up to £500 every three hundreds of pounds a month. With such adds up. On average grandparents are
dealing with toddler tantrums. so that children get the 30 free hours months (up to £2,000 a year) for each high fees, many are left with no choice spending £45.96 a week on grand- CREDIT FOR CARE
Bertans, who works for a finance firm from nine months, with two-year-olds child, which goes up to £1,000 every but to drop out of work. This particularly children aged under one, which goes If you care for a child or grandchild you
and does shifts at a pub, has two daugh- getting 15 free hours from April 2024, three months (up to £4,000 a year) if affects women, who are often left to bear up to £113.19 for those aged between one can apply for childcare credits, which
ters who live nearby, Hayley and Tayla. nine-month-olds getting 15 hours from your child is disabled. This is available the brunt of childcare responsibilities. and three. can boost your state pension if you don’t
Hayley, 31, is a neonatal nurse and has September 2024 and all children aged until your child turns 11 (or 16 if your child According to the careers website Total- “Unfortunately it seems inevitable that get the full amount because you haven’t
two children, Inessa, three, and Brianna, nine months and over getting 30 hours is disabled). You are not eligible if you jobs and the Fawcett Society, a women’s grandparents will continue to provide made enough national insurance contri-
nine months. Tayla, 28, is a primary from September 2025. earn more than £100,000 after pension charity, one in ten (nearly 250,000) support because for many there is simply butions. You need 35 years of contribu-
school teacher and has two children, But the help only goes so far. The free contributions and other deductions. working mothers have given up their job no other option,” said Mark Screeton tions to get the full state pension, which is
Luke, four, and Miley, nine months. hours are only available during term time But even with the help, many parents to care for children. from SunLife. £203.85 a week.
“I have a very good bond with all four for 38 weeks of the year, and you may are still left to foot childcare bills worth Pamela Williamson, 75, from Biggin You need to be under the state pension
of my grandchildren,” Bertans said. “But Hill in Kent, spends about £60 a month age (66 years old) and care for grandchil-
sometimes I get tired, I’m not 20 any Prunella, Poppy GRANNIES AS NANNIES on treats and trips out for her three dren under 12 to qualify. You can back-
more — I’m 55, and bringing another four and Mason with It often falls on grandparents to step in. grandchildren, Poppy, 11, Mason, eight, date a claim to April 2011, but you must
children up is difficult sometimes.” their gran Pamela More than half of grandparents are and Prunella, three. Before Prunella have been under state pension age while
But without their mother, Hayley and Williamson. looking after grandchildren during the turned three and got 30 hours of free providing the childcare to be eligible.
Tayla wouldn’t have been able to work Above, Carla working week, standing in for 22 hours childcare a week, Williamson and her To get the credit the parents must be
because of the crippling cost of childcare. Bertans with and saving families about £13,000 a year husband, Peter, 78, used to contribute registered for child benefit, even if they
The nursery nearby charges £11.48 an Inessa and on average, according to SunLife, an half the cost of Prunella’s £176 a month are not eligible for it. The parent who is
hour for each child. Brianna over-50s insurance specialist. nursery fees. registered for this benefit must sign a
“I think it’s appalling that parents have In total grandparents provide £96 bil- Williamson does the morning school form agreeing to pass the national insur-
to pay so much to put their children in lion a year in free childcare. run every day, and says that grandpar- ance credits over to you.
nursery,” Bertans said. “I don’t know Younger grandparents are taking up ents account for about 40 per cent of the You don’t have to be a grandparent to
how families without grandparents the most slack but even grandparents in adults dropping off the children at claim these credits. Other family mem-
cope. I enjoy having the children. But it their seventies are lending a hand. Some school. The grandparents often look bers, such as siblings (if they are over 16),
shouldn’t be expected of me — and it’s not 71 per cent of grandparents aged between aunts and uncles, can too.

my daughters’ faults either.” 40 and 50 help out with childcare, then Many grandparents have no idea that
about 56 per cent of those aged between the scheme exists. Almost two thirds of
50 and 60, some 52 per cent of those aged people aged over 50 don’t know that they
THE RISING COST 60 to 70, and 37 per cent of the 70 to can apply for childcare credits, according
Nurseries charge £47.59 a day on average, 80-year-olds. to a survey of 4,000 adults by Royal Lon-
according to the Office for National Statis- It’s not only free labour that grandpar- don. Fill out the CA9176 form on,
tics, up from £44.26 in 2022. A nursery ents are providing — the extra cost of The annual value of the childcare print it and post it to HM Revenue & Cus-
place for babies and children below the essentials like nappies, food and toys also provided by grandparents toms. The address is listed on the form.

The latest investment

trend: luxury student digs
Ali Hussain accommodation analyst, said How to invest Another option is to buy
there was already a lack of Hamptons said more property. Places where
Property developers have supply, helping to push up developers are offering property prices are higher
turned to luxury student rents about 10 per cent over a investments in student tend to offer a lower return, or
accommodation as university- year. It estimates a shortfall of housing — particularly in the yield on your investment. The
goers no longer content to live 490,000 beds by 2026. north of England, where lowest yields are in areas such
in cramped and grotty digs Universities are building more property prices are lower so as Cambridge where the
seek gym access and parking. housing, as are developers, the yield tends to be higher. average rent is £1,760 a month
The promised returns are but there are significant risks If you google “investing in but the average property is
high. But should investors to investing in them. student accommodation” £513,040, according to
wade in or steer clear? Knight Knox is the first Hamptons, giving a 4.1 per
Knight Knox, a Manchester- How demand is changing sponsored ranking. It sells cent annual yield before costs.
based developer is offering With students now used to student apartments from In Nottingham the average
“assured” returns of up to taking on debt to pay fees, it about £80,000, offering monthly rent is £1,180 but the
8 per cent from purpose-built seems they have become “assured” returns of 7-8 per average property price is
student accommodation. It reluctant to accept lower cent a year after costs over £195,630, meaning a 7.2 per
has sites near universities that standards of accommodation. three to ten years. The cent yield.
plan to have parking and Over the past decade there developments being built in Buying properties directly
gyms. One has a cinema room. has been renewed interest in Sheffield, Huddersfield, Stoke- has its own risks.
Knight Knox is one of many the “quality and impact of the on-Trent and Salford will have Aneisha Beveridge from
property developers offering accommodation experience”, amenities such as private Hamptons said: “In some
buy-to-let investment in according to a survey of gyms, coffee shops, parking, cases what can look like a very
student accommodation as 20,000 students by the estate concierges and study areas. All promising gross yield on
private landlords leave the agency Knight Frank and are within walking distance of paper for these types of
sector in droves because of Ucas. The average annual cost the university campus. properties can quickly turn
tougher regulations and more of private purpose-built Investment in the into an average net yield or
demanding student tenants. student flats is £7,865, developments is not profit after energy bills,
Listings for student housing according to Knight Frank and regulated, and there is no maintenance, finance costs
by private landlords have Ucas. This compares with protection from the Financial and taxes.”
fallen 45 per cent since 2019, £6,160 for university-run Services Compensation Emma Wall from the
said the estate agency housing and £6,860 for private Scheme if the firm holding investment platform
Hamptons. In Medway, Kent, house shares. your money goes bust. The Hargreaves Lansdown said:
they are down 85 per cent, scheme protects up to “With direct property
and in Sheffield, Dundee and Why are landlords £85,000 if a regulated investment there is little or no
Salford they’re down more leaving the sector? organisation you invest with diversification, and they aren’t
than 70 per cent. Since 2018 landlords need goes under. You may also easily bought and sold. It is
This is despite huge and licences to let property where struggle to sell your also one of the least tax-
growing demand for student five or more people from at investment since it cannot be efficient ways to invest.”
accommodation, particularly least two different households traded like shares. Another way is buying
from a higher number of live. Houses in multiple The Knight Knox website shares in established student
overseas applicants who are occupation (HMO) licences states: “Guarantees and accommodation firms such as
willing to pay much more than cost about £1,000 every five protections when investing in Unite, a real estate investment
their domestic counterparts. years. Before 2018 they were property can come in the form trust (REIT). These are
There were 2.18 million only needed for properties of of things like rental guarantees investment companies that
domestic students in the three storeys or more. All for a set number of years or are listed on the stock market,
2021-22 academic year, up rooms now have to meet build warranties to name a making them easier to trade.
15 per cent over five years, minimum size requirements. few.” Knight Knox was Unite is a FTSE 100 company
according to the Higher approached for comment. with a portfolio of 157
Education Statistics Agency. properties across 23 cities, and
Over the same period the has been around since 1991. Its
number of non-EU students — share price is up about 9 per
most overseas applicants cent over five years (compared
come from outside Europe — with 4.3 per cent for the FTSE
increased 79 per cent to nearly 100), with a dividend yield of
560,000. The number of 3.62 per cent.
students from the EU fell Another REIT is Empiric
13 per cent to about 120,000. Student Property, a FTSE
In 2022 there were a record 250 company that has been
767,000 applicants through around since 2014 and has
the Universities and Colleges about 80 properties. Its share
Admissions Service (Ucas). price is down about 6.5 per
Ucas predicts there will be a cent over five years (compared
million by 2030. with 6.8 per cent for the FTSE
StuRents, a student Huddersfield University, where new flats are being built 250) and it yields 3.9 per cent.
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 11


Ian Cowie Personal Account

India’s economy is growing far more
strongly than Britain’s. Happy Diwali!

emembrance Sunday and
the start of Diwali, the Hindu
cent discount to their net asset value
(NAV) compared with JII’s, which are
wealth manager Evelyn Partners, said:
“Unlike China, which has an ageing popu- Pandemic
festival of light, coincide priced 19 per cent below the NAV. lation and a shrinking workforce, India
today, and will be marked by Neither investment trust pays a divi- has a positive demographic profile.
millions of people of many dend, but both may benefit from rising “The average age in India is 28.7 years,
faiths in Britain and India.
Both events remind us about
tensions between America and China.
Multinational companies have reduced
and almost 35 per cent of the population
is under 20, which should help drive sent WeWork
the possibility of peaceful their reliance on hostile regimes since growth for decades.”
coexistence despite all the Russia’s invasion of Ukraine underlined Many investors already have substan-
violence elsewhere. important differences between doing tial exposure to the subcontinent
India has overtaken Britain as the business in dictatorships and democra- through shares listed in London or
world’s fifth biggest economy, according cies. elsewhere in Europe because the under-
to the International Monetary Fund. India is the world’s biggest democracy lying businesses are global. For example, What can investors learn from the
More importantly for investors, the Bom- where human and property rights are the consumer goods giant Unilever collapse of WeWork, the global office-
bay Stock Exchange (BSE) has beaten protected by an independent judiciary. (ULVR), the world’s biggest food busi- sharing giant that filed for bankruptcy
London’s FTSE 100 index over the past None of those advantages applies in ness, Nestlé (NESN), and the drinks on Tuesday? How did it plunge from a
decade, five-year and one-year periods. China, and some of the world’s largest group Diageo (DGE), which happen to $50 billion value a few years ago to less
Share prices on the BSE soared 233 per companies are reallocating their resour- be my sixth, seventh and tenth most than $50 million on Friday? Who
cent, 85 per cent and 6.2 per cent respec- ces accordingly. valuable shareholdings, have big Indian produced these property valuations,
tively, while the FTSE 100 followed far For example, as reported here last subsidiaries. Donald Trump?
behind with 59 per cent, 5 per cent and year, the technology giant Apple (AAPL) Perhaps the most extreme example of The first point to make is that the gap

0.6 per cent. So investors keen to maxi- this is ULVR, which has a London stock between what buyers and sellers know
mise returns should consider exposure market value of £97 billion. More than a about any business is never greater than
to the subcontinent. third of that consists of a 60 per cent it is with start-ups or stock market
Perhaps this small investor had better stake in Hindustan Unilever, whose BSE flotations. Put bluntly, if the private
’fess up to personal bias because India is shares are worth a total of £57 billion. equity spivs are selling, why would we
home to my first ten-bagger — a stock India has become an increasingly want to buy?
whose price soared tenfold. In 1996 I paid important consumer as its middle class I like to be able to examine a
63p a share for an investment trust that trades up to premium brands. This can company’s revenues, profits and
was then Fleming Indian, but is now mean forsaking local firewater in favour dividends over many years. Ideally,
JPMorgan Indian (stock market ticker: JII) of DGE products such as its single malt I also like to see a business that has
and which cost £8.54 on Friday. Godawan, which is named after the great survived the world wars and the Great
To be fair, you would need £1.92 today The price this week of shares Indian bustard, an endangered bird that Depression. By contrast, WeWork
to buy what £1 bought in 1996, according in JP Morgan Indian that the distiller is paying to protect. began offering trendy offices with
to the Bank of England. But India’s econ- Cowie bought for 63p in 1996 But a profit warning on Friday free beer in 2010. Many institutional
omy is growing more strongly than Brit- knocked DGE back by 15 per cent, so I investors started to question the
ain’s, and this fact is reflected by stock topped up at £27.41 and also bought some emperor’s new clothes only when
market valuations. is transferring the production of more ULVR at £39.64. WeWork sought a stock market
Unfortunately for this long-term share- iPhones from China to India. India consumes nearly half the whisky listing in 2019.
holder, JII’s performance for the past Gaurav Narain, the IGC fund sold on the planet. That is why our Second, beware asset valuations
decade has been poor. While the Associa- manager, said: prime minister Rishi Sunak discussed produced by professionals who are
tion of Investment Companies’ Indian “Apple is local tariffs on the drink with his opposite paid to produce desirable numbers
subcontinent sector delivered average already number Narendra Modi at the recent rather than the open market where
returns over the standard three periods exporting G20 economic summit in Delhi. Both people put their own money where
of 173 per cent, 49 per cent and 4.2 per over $1 billion men happen to be Hindu and neither their mouth is. Property developers
cent respectively, JII lagged behind with of phones out drinks alcohol. sometimes joke: what’s the difference
156 per cent, 38 per cent and 0 per cent. of India every Investing internationally is an effective between a consultant and a
Fortunately, I began turning paper month. way to diminish risk by diversification. supermarket trolley? The trolley has a
profits into real ones as long ago as 2006, “Motorola [MSI] Whether that is through global emerging mind of its own, but you can get more
so I really musn’t grumble, and more has also shifted part markets funds or single-country shares, it food and drink into the consultant.
recently diversified into the India Capital of its phone manufac- makes sense to consider India, which is Third, expect the unexpected.
Growth fund (IGC), where I paid £1.21 a turing from China to now the world’s biggest nation, with a WeWork might have worked if the
share in September 2021. IGC’s focus on India. This has hap- population of more than 1.4 billion — or worldwide web and the pandemic had
medium-sized and smaller companies is pened for several rea- nearly a sixth of humanity. not enabled and then enforced working
paying off, and the shares cost £1.64 at sons including India’s from home.
close of play on Friday. labour costs being one Sad to say, for many company
That valuation follows total returns third of those in China ST DIGITAL pensions stuffed full of commercial
over the usual three periods of 359 per today.” For a breakdown of property, the saga of how WeWork went
cent, 94 per cent and 21 per cent. No won- Jason Hollands, man- Ian Cowie’s “forever fund” to WeBroke will not be the last casualty
der IGC shares trade at a modest 7 per aging director of the of WFH.

As interest rates reach a peak,

investors play it safe with bonds
David Brenchley throughout their terms, and if many bonds in case interest
the price of that bond falls rates have not yet peaked.
Investors are moving money and you buy it at £96, the Even if rates are set to fall,
out of the stock market and yield (often known as the “the best-performing area
into risk-free government yield-to-maturity) rises to will still be equities”, he said.
bonds for the first time in
four years.
5.2 per cent, because the
interest that you get (still £5) You can If interest rates are cut
sooner than expected,
UK government bonds,
known as gilts, have become
is larger as a proportion of the
price you paid for the bond. lock in a however, it could be because
the UK has fallen into a
more attractive as interest
rates have risen. Those who decent recession. This would
probably be bad for the stock
believe that rates will fall in SHOULD I BUY THEM? income market and potentially good
the near future may want to Whether you invest in gilts or for bond prices. “Having a
snap up more of these “safe
haven” investments while
not depends on which way
you think interest rates will and look mix of bonds and stocks in
your investment portfolio will
they can. go. If you think that they are
likely to come down over the forward help reduce volatility in this
instance,” said Sam Benstead


next year or so, then gilts look
like an attractive investment. to a gain from the investment platform
Interactive Investor.
Government bonds are Many people are
essentially IOUs issued when forecasting this. Gilts were
governments want to borrow the most popular fund sector government bonds is when HOW TO INVEST
money to pay for public for investors in September, interest rates are relatively You can buy gilts directly on
spending. In return for according to the trade body high and are expected to fall, an investment platform.
lending cash to the the Investment Association. which is exactly the situation Some are available to buy
government, investors get A net £237 million was we find ourselves in.” online, others only through
regular interest payments invested in gilt funds during Investors trading in bonds telephone dealing.
(usually every six months) the month, taking total net can buy them while they are However, regular investors
and then their initial investment to £1.6 billion cheap and sell them if prices can’t buy government bonds
investment back when the since April. Tom Stevenson go up, which should happen at issue, meaning that the
bond matures. from the investment firm if interest rates fall. “This is price you pay for a gilt may be
Gilts are seen as one of the Fidelity International said: one of those quite rare higher or lower than its par
safest investments because “The best time to buy opportunities when you can value of £100. How much you
the UK government is lock in a decent income and pay for your bond will affect

unlikely to default on its then look forward to a capital the yield you get, and the
debts. However, that safety gain as well. The potential gains or losses you make if
means that they tend to total return from government you hold it until maturity. For
provide lower long-term bonds is as good today as it example, if you buy a gilt for
returns than riskier has been in a long time,” £102 and hold it until
investments such as Stevenson said. maturity, you will get £100
company shares or funds that Steven Hay from the fund back, giving you a capital loss
invest in stocks. The net investment in house Baillie Gifford is of 2 per cent. But this may be
Once inflation is factored gilt funds since April cautious about buying too worth it if you have made a
in, gilts have returned 2.4 per decent income along the way.
cent a year for the past 50 Bonds are complex, so
years, while UK equities have
SEARCHING FOR SAFETY most investors would be
gained 4.5 per cent, Money flowing in and out better using a bond fund
according to figures from Gilt funds UK equity funds rather than buying directly. A
Barclays. Over 20 years gilts passive fund will track a
produced a zero per cent £0.5bn diversified basket of bonds
return after inflation, versus for a low cost. Sheridan
3.8 per cent for stocks. 0 Admans from the investment
The yield is essentially the platform Tillit suggested the
return that each bond -0.5 L&G All Stocks Gilt index
provides. The yield moves fund, with a 0.15 per cent fee.
inversely to the bond’s price -1 To further diversify, you
— when the bond price falls, could consider government
its yield rises and vice versa. bonds from other countries
When issued, each bond such as the US, Stevenson
costs £100 (this is known as said. He highlighted the
par value). If the yearly -2 Colchester Global Bond
interest payment is £5, then Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep fund, which is run by a
the yield is 5 per cent. Bonds 2022 2023 government bond-specialist
are bought and sold Source: Investment Association asset manager.
12 The Sunday Times November 12, 2023


The simple admin

and 6 per cent bonds while de-risked
funds were made up of 33 per cent stocks
and 42 per cent bonds. How your money is invested in the build up to retirement
Isio said that someone on a starting sal-
ary of £25,000 at 22 who retired at 65 and 20 years from retirement At retirement

mistake that could

saved 8 per cent into their pension
throughout their career could expect to Equity Bonds Equity Bonds
have £283,000 in their pot if they were 83.3% 6% 33% 42.4%
de-risked 15 years before retirement. If
their money stayed in the growth fund,
they would have £308,000. It assumed

hurt your retirement

salary increases of 2 per cent a year.
Moving away from equities too early
can dampen your investment returns. In
2019 the insurer Aviva estimated that a
typical pension saver could expect
£4,000 less in their pension at retirement Cash Other Cash Other
age if their target date was set three years
too early. 0.4% 10.3% 10.3% 14.3%

Source: Isio

De-risking your portfolio too early can take thousands off SHOULD WE JUST to get a beter annuity rate. Selby added:
STICK WITH RISK? “If you are planning to leave your pen-
the value of your pension pot, warns Lily Russell-Jones

Bonds are seen as a hedge against stock sion invested, however, moving towards
market movements because they tend to bonds could leave you in a whole heap of
go up in value when share prices fall. This trouble, as we saw last year.”
illions of savers risk being important things to get right is to make and so they are considered very safe means that moving your money into Bond prices fell dramatically last year
worse off if they don’t tell sure your pension scheme has your tar- investments. bonds can protect you from stock market after the government’s mini-budget. Over
their pension firm when get retirement age so that de-risking Isio analysed the performance of volatility. However, turmoil in both the the year, the price of gilts fell about 24 per
they plan to retire. begins at the appropriate time,” said 13 pension schemes. It said that in the stock and bond markets last year served cent, according to AJ Bell and FE Fun-
Most pension schemes Mark Powley from the consultancy Isio. three years to October, growth funds gen- to undermine this long-held theory. dinfo.
move your money away “Otherwise you won’t get the full bene- erated average returns of about 8 per cent Powley said: “In 2022 conventional The annuity income available
from stocks and shares
and into assets that are
fits of the investment growth phase and
will end up with less money than you
a year, while de-risked funds returned
about 3 per cent. It found that growth
thinking about de-risking was blown out
of the water. The Ukraine invasion meant
for a 65-year-old with a pension
pot of £100,000
considered safer, such as were expecting.” funds typically held 83 per cent stocks that stock markets suffered, there was a YOUR PENSION IS DOING
government bonds, as spike in inflation and the mini-budget Information about how your money will
you approach retirement. This is known caused the bond market to suffer. This be de-risked should be available from
as a lifestyle strategy or de-risking. The WHAT IS DE-RISKING? was an outlier. De-risking works for the AJ Bell said that lifestyling strategies were your pension firm’s website. If you can’t
idea is that stocks are more volatile than Many pension schemes will start to majority of people the majority of the outdated and worked best for customers find it, give them a call or fill out an online
bonds, so moving your money can help move your money from a growth time. If you invest in riskier assets who planned to buy an annuity with their query form.
to protect the value of your pension when fund, which is mainly made up of such as stocks in the final years pension pot when they retire. Annuities You should also check that your target
you do not have as much time for invest- stocks and shares, to a consoli- before retirement, you have are insurance products that pay a fixed retirement age is up to date — some
ments to recover from a sudden dip. dation fund where the less time to recover.” income in exchange for a lump sum up schemes allow you to do this online. If
Pension firms choose when to de-risk dominant asset is bonds, Alistair McQueen from front and their prices are linked to the you don’t want your investments to be
your money based on your expected about five to 15 years Aviva said: “Last year was yield of long-term government bonds de-risked, you could ask for your money
retirement age, with most asking new before you are due to anomalous. The power of (gilts). A bond’s yield is found by dividing to be moved out of the scheme’s default
customers when they hope to retire. retire. Bonds are basi- the lifestyling option is its price by the amount of interest it pays. fund and into an alternative fund that will
However, many savers are not keeping cally loans issued to that it takes the heavy A £100 bond which paid £5 of interest a not be lifestyled.
their pension scheme up to date about governments or com- lifting by moving their year has a yield of 5 per cent. When bond “Everyone’s retirement needs and risk
this and don’t know how their money is panies in return for a life savings from a prices fall, the yield goes up. tolerance are different. A one-size-fits-all
being managed. fixed rate of interest. more volatile environ- He said: “De-risking is a one-size-fits- lifestyling approach may not align with
A survey by the wealth manager Inter- The rate on the level ment to a safer all approach and may not suit your risk your financial goals and circumstances,”
active Investor found 65 per cent of over- of risk you take — gov- environment so that appetite. If you are planning to buy an said Myron Jobson from the platform
55s did not know whether their money ernment bonds typi- you are not facing annuity then lifestyling works perfectly Interactive Investor.
was being moved into less risky invest- cally pay less because shocks and surprises.” well because you are shifting towards If you want even more control over
ments in the build-up to retirement. there is little to no risk Not everyone bonds.” A rise in bond yields will push up your money you could set up a self-
“At 50 it can be difficult to know when of the borrower agrees. Tom Selby from annuity rates, which means that even if invested personal pension (Sipp) and
you plan to retire, but one of the most defaulting on the debt the wealth manager your bond is worth less, you will be able manage your own investments.

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The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 13


Any chance you can persuade

When Ms X called SLC to query her
repayment, our team was only able to
advise based on the information on her
account, provided to us by the University
of Bristol.”

Virgin Money to have a heart?

After several phone calls by a very
proactive press officer, the Student
Loans Company has been able to
establish that your course was
intercalated, and the £1,368 in loan
payments incorrectly deducted from
your salary has been refunded to you.
This does make you wonder why all the
people you have spoken to during the
past year at the Student Loans Company
couldn’t do the same.

Widow hit with mortgage early repayment charges and other bills after her Sucked into a Dyson
husband’s sudden death finds that some firms are more compassionate than others vacuum repair vortex
Dyson took my vacuum cleaner at the
beginning of October for repairs. I was
in July 2022, then started my first job in phoned three days later to be told it was
QUESTION September 2022. This means I should
have started paying off my student loans
unrepairable. Dyson offered a
refurbished upright for £99 or a new
OF MONEY in April 2023. However, I started having one. I was unsure of what to do because

payments taken from my salary for both my vacuum cleaner was in working
my bachelor’s and post-graduate loans as order when it left me; it just had an issue
soon as I started working last September. with the seal on the head.
I have contacted the Student Loans I replied saying that I would accept the

Company on numerous occasions trying refurbished one. However, I’ve since
to resolve this but have got nowhere. rung and been left on hold countless
Every time I call I speak to someone times. When someone does answer, they
y husband took his life in different and often get different advice. give you a case number — I’m on my fifth.
October 2021, leaving Recently the Student Loans Company I’m promised call backs from a
two young children and told me to ask the university for an complaints department but that has not
quite a raft of challenges. “electronic change of circumstances” happened.
His sudden suicide has (the first I had heard of this after several When I contacted the Dyson chat line I
had a huge impact on our calls). When I asked the university for was told that the refurbished vacuum
family and the whole this, the relevant people said they had cleaner I had been offered was out of
community because he never heard of it. After lots of back and stock. I asked for a similar one and it
was highly respected and forth with the university and with several seems that everything is out of stock. I
in the prime of his life people involved, they managed to then asked for my Dyson upright to be
when he sadly couldn’t see a way out. He provide student finance with the sent back. I was put on hold and
was receiving mental health support as necessary paperwork, and yet the issue miraculously some equipment was
an inpatient at a local secure psychiatric is still not resolved. found in the warehouse. When I said that
unit when he was allowed out for an A total of £1,368 has been deducted would be acceptable and could I
unescorted walk. He was found dead on from my salary towards repayment of my purchase it, they couldn’t arrange that.
the morning of our son’s 13th birthday student and postgraduate loans between This has been going on now for nearly
party. It was the most shocking, sad September 2022 and March 2023. Your a month. It’s an appalling way to treat
birthday and, despite umpteen sessions assistance with getting this resolved customers. I wondered if you could help.
with Child Bereavement UK, we are a would be very much appreciated.
broken family. Jill replies
I have been supporting our two boys Jill replies I asked Dyson to honour its original offer
with their grief along with trying to Approximately one third of medical of a refurbished vacuum cleaner, which
juggle running a family home, adjusting students intercalate and some you were more than willing to pay for. It
to being a widow and single mum universities make it compulsory, so the was horrified by the treatment you had
overnight and taking over my husband’s Student Loans Company should be received, apologised and told you it
buy-to-let hobby. completely up to speed with how this would provide feedback to all relevant
I have worked most of my career in
administration roles in General Electric
back to say that “after careful
consideration” this would not be
demanding business at the best of times,
which this so clearly isn’t. Student loan payments system works.
You had been struggling to sort out
teams. More importantly for the state of
your floors, it sent you a brand new
for over 26 years. Sadly, my husband’s
death has triggered trauma-based
I understand the rules around early
You stated plainly in the letters you
sent to Virgin that your husband had
kicked in too early this mistake for more than a year when I
asked the Student Loans Company to
vacuum cleaner free of charge.

depression and anxiety and I have had to

go on sick leave while I try to recover
repayment charges but other lenders
have agreed to waive charges given the
taken his life and that you were
struggling to deal with the aftermath. UK
I need help regarding my two student
loans. I intercalated — took a year out in
look into your case. It told me that
although you considered your course to CAN WE HELP YOU?
from the desperate situation we have circumstances. I would so appreciate banks can deal sensitively with such the middle of my bachelor’s degree to be intercalated, the information Please email your questions to Jill
been left in. your guidance. situations; your husband’s other lenders complete a master’s — an option that provided to the Student Loans Company Insley at questionofmoney@sunday-
So getting to the point of my request, I acted generously straight away. many universities offer to medical, by the University of Bristol in your first or write to Question of
decided that I needed to scale back my Jill replies Sainsburys Bank wrote off a £7,626 bank dental and veterinary students. academic year (2016-17) did not confirm Money, The Sunday Times, 1 London
husband’s property portfolio. I could not What a devastating situation for you and loan in full, Godiva Mortgages and You cannot graduate from your it was an intercalated course. “As a Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF.
manage all the properties as they are in your children. To make matters worse, Coventry Building Society both repaid master’s until you have completed your result, based on the information Please send only copies of original
Liverpool and I live in London. Rents are you have been left in limbo, as the £125 mortgage exit fees (the mortgages bachelor’s degree, and you are meant to provided by the University of Bristol, we documents. Letters should be
low and maintenance and mortgages are inquest into your husband’s death has were already out of their early start repaying your student loans from treated Ms X’s study as two separate exclusive to The Sunday Times.
increasing, so I decided to sell two of the been postponed several times and you repayment charge time frame), and the April following your graduation. courses. This resulted in two separate Advice is offered without legal
buy-to-lets to lighten the load of dealing are still awaiting a new date to be set HMRC cancelled all late penalty charges I graduated from both my bachelor’s repayment dates, instead of the one responsibility. We regret Jill cannot
with tenants, insurance, gas certificates some time next year. for your husband’s tax bills. and master’s at the University of Bristol repayment date she believed she had. reply to everyone who contacts her.
and maintenance. On top of this, you are having to deal Reading the letters sent by Virgin
My husband had a mortgage in his with running your husband’s property Money, I was certain that you were being
sole name with Virgin Money for the first portfolio — a complicated and dealt with by a very junior member of
property I sold in March this year. The staff not wanting to come off script, or
amount borrowed was £46,323, but as were facing a case of “computer says
the early repayment penalty period no”. Both letters used the same wording,
didn’t end until July 1, 2024, an extra even apologising “for any inconvenience
charge of £2,025 was added to this. that this may cause you”.
I wrote to Virgin Money to outline my Inconvenience? I despair.
tragic case and ask for compassion or I suggested to Virgin Money that your

I was certain
leniency for the early repayment charge. request had not been passed up high
It wrote back to say that after enough, to someone with the authority

you were being

management consultation it has decided to make a sensible and humane decision.
that the early repayment penalty should I asked it to look at your case again to see

dealt with by a
still apply. if a different stance was possible.
I decided to offload one more The next day you emailed me to say:

very junior staff

property. The £53,899 mortgage on this “I can’t thank you enough for your
one was in joint names, and when it was intervention with Virgin Money

member not
sold in August there were just 58 days regarding the two early redemption
until the early repayment penalty period penalties. This evening I had a call from

wanting to
ended. Virgin Money added a charge of Virgin Money and after your input they
£2,153 to the final balance. have decided to fully reimburse me for

come off script

I again wrote to Virgin Money to see if both property early redemption penalty
it would waive or negotiate the early fees. You have worked your magic for me
repayment penalty but it swiftly wrote and I am extremely grateful.”

If you don’t think child benefit is

fair, here’s how to call for reform
Ali Hussain The income threshold at retrospectively claim back
Play fair on which the benefit is clawed national insurance credits if
A petition that would force back has remained the same they had not registered for
the government into a debate
about reforming the broken child since 2013. If it had risen in
line with inflation it would
the benefit.
You need 35 years of
child benefit system has one
month to gain 100,000
signatures before it closes.
benefit now be about £67,000.
The petition has had more
than 2,000 signatures, but
contributions to get the full
state pension (worth £203.85
a week, or £10,600 a year in
The petition on the needs at least 10,000 to force 2022-23). One year of
parliamentary website is the government to respond to claiming child benefit is
calling for the government to it and 100,000 for it to be worth one credit, equal to
increase the income level at considered in a debate in one year of national
which child benefit is parliament. The petition will insurance contributions.
withdrawn to take account of close on December 15. One credit is therefore
inflation and to assess The government has worth roughly £300 a year
eligibility based on already said it will make in state pension at the
household income rather two of the changes to present rate.
than just the highest-earning child benefit we began The government has also
parent. These goals align with campaigning for in January. said that it will scrap the
the Sunday Times campaign The first change will stop requirement to pay back
for an overhaul of they stay-at-home parents from child benefit using a tax
system — although we are losing out on their state return. It said it is exploring

calling for the reforms to go pension if they choose not to ways to “streamline” the
further. get child benefit. Some system. For example, parents
Child benefit, which is families simply don’t register may be able to repay the
worth £24 a week for a first for the benefit because they money via adjustments to
child and £15.90 for others, earn above £60,000 and their tax code, so that the
stopped being a universal would just have to pay it all money was automatically
benefit in 2013. If one parent back. However, those who do taken from their income.
in a family earns more than not register are at risk of one The Sunday Times’s final
£50,000 a year they start to parent losing some state demand is for the
lose child benefit entitlement. pension because they will not government to soften the
Once they earn £60,000 or get the national insurance blow so that there is a wider
more the family is entitled to credits that are automatically gap between the income at
nothing. It means that two granted to non-working which you start to lose the
parents earning £49,999 each parents who register for benefit and the point at which
can keep the full benefit while child benefit. you get nothing.
a single parent earning The weekly amount The government has said The petition is online at
£60,000 will get nothing. you get for one child that it will let parents
14 The Sunday Times November 12, 2023



I was sacked
always done property. I almost own my
property — I still have a mortgage. I’m
trying to teach the children to be better
about money than I am. They should
teach our children at school. Tax,

from a filing
mortgages, bill paying — it’s basic, isn’t
it? Tell people to put a percentage of the
money away when you get paid.

What has been your best investment?

job. I had just

My children and my garden. The first
thing I did when we moved into our
house was put a large pond in. It’s like
half a lake really, it’s so beautiful. I
planted about 20 ornamental cherry
trees. I just love it. That’s about three

put all the

acres, and then I have a vegetable
garden that’s about a third of an acre. It’s
my downtime, my hobby, my passion
and my sanity. The garden is what keeps
me going. I draw and paint the garden

files behind
too. Maybe one day I’ll sell my pictures —
I like the idea of having some small
exhibitions. I’ll never really make any

I was a cheese rep,

money at it, but people do ask me on
Instagram if they can buy my pictures.

dressed as a Dutch

a cabinet
And your worst?

girl, handing out

I’ll spend money on a coat or
something, far too much money,

bits of edam
hundreds of pounds. And then it will sit
in my wardrobe and I’ll stare at it, but I
won’t get rid of it because it cost me so
much. I’ve stopped doing it now. My
Caroline Quentin, above, in an daughter buys all her stuff from second-
The Jonathan Creek actress says money sense advert for Philadelphia cream cheese
and, below, with Alan Davies in
hand and vintage shops and I’ve started
to do that a lot more, because spending
isn’t really her thing — her weaknesses are plants, Jonathan Creek, and Johannes money on clothes, there’s just no point

Radebe in Strictly Come Dancing for me. A lot of it ends up as landfill.
theatre tickets and black cabs, writes Holly Mead
Your most extravagant purchase?
aroline Quentin found fame opening night of Merrily We Roll Along I bought my mother a Cartier
playing the long-suffering and we saw Sweeney Todd. I have zero wristwatch. It probably doesn’t sound
Dorothy in the BBC sitcom sterling though. I rarely carry any cash, much to some people, but it cost £7,000
Men Behaving Badly. She’s like most of us now. But I have some and this is going back a while. She loved
a self-confessed theatre dollars because in New York I found that it and wore it every single day. She
addict — “You’re going to ask tipping is still done in cash. adored it. I don’t remember the reason
me where my money goes I bought it — maybe we were just going
aren’t you, and I’m telling What credit cards do you use? past and she saw it and loved it. My
you right now it’s theatre I don’t know what they’re called, let me daughter will wear it one day.
tickets” — and her stage have a look. I have a Mastercard, is that
career began in the chorus of Les an answer to that question? I have a What’s your money weakness?
Miserables in 1985. More recently she has Lloyds card, a Nationwide Building and not much telly, so that’s always you about £500 a week for theatre. Theatre tickets. The children, obviously.
hosted a Channel 4 documentary series Society card, and an old Barclays one. a low-earning year for me. They’re not spoilt but they still cost a lot
exploring the UK’s national parks, and I try not to use credit cards because I’m Are you better off than your parents? of money to run. The animals — I’ve got
this month resumes her role as Wes in not very good with money and I have Have you ever been hard-up? Yes, I think so. My mum was a stay-at- two dogs and four cats, and the vet bills,
the Sky TV sci-fi series The Lazarus in the past got into a bit of a mess with Oh yes. My parents separated and my home parent and my dad, when he was particularly as they get older, really eat
Project. Born in Reigate, Surrey, them. Money is really not my thing. mother was very ill. I was 16 and we young, was in the RAF. They managed to into my finances. When I was younger
Quentin, 63, now lives in Devon with her were in a rented flat, and we lived buy their own house but it was never I bought a lot of art and pottery but
second husband, Sam Farmer, who was Are you a spender or a saver? without electricity and heating for a easy, and there was never a lot of money Barbican theatre and then in the West I don’t do that any more.
a TV runner working on Men Behaving A spender, spender and a spender, and year and a half. We had a meter but floating about. So yes, I’m better off — End, and I’d never earned a regular
Badly (she was previously married to the then a spender. I spend on my garden, didn’t have enough money to put in it. now at least. Until Les Mis I was doing wage before. I remember being out with What if you won the lottery?
comedian Paul Merton). She and Farmer on plants, theatre tickets, my children We were proper, proper broke. And that temp work. I was trying to break into girlfriends and thinking I had to go and I don’t think it would change much.
have two children, Rose, 24, who last and soft furnishings — I like the house to went on for quite a long time. There acting and they kept giving me jobs in get the Tube and then I realised, actually I’d pay off the mortgage and probably
month appeared with her mother in the look nice. At the moment I spend it wasn’t any money around. I was broke places where I was expected to be able no, I don’t have to get the Tube or a bus, put a bit aside so I didn’t have to worry
stage show Infamous about the life of paying the bloody heating bill. And art for years. I don’t think I earned a proper to add up. I worked as an edam cheese and I hailed a cab. And for years that was about bills and tax. I don’t think it
Emma Hamilton, and William, 20. supplies because I draw and paint a lot. wage until I did Men Behaving Badly, or sales rep. I was dressed as a Dutch girl, my big extravagance — getting a London would change my life though, I want to
when I got a role in Les Misérables for in clogs and a big white-winged hat, black cab. I still get an enormous buzz keep working. I’m not a car person or
How much is in your wallet? How much did you earn last year? £300 a week, which was a lot of money handing people bits of edam on a stick out of getting into one. I’d done little bits anything like that. I suspect it would
About $70 — I just got back from a trip I don’t know exactly, but it wasn’t a at the time. The wages haven’t come in a supermarket in Lincolnshire that in BBC dramas but they were one-offs, just buy you more time, more time with
to New York with a friend. We saw the big-earning year. I did mostly theatre on much since: they’re still only giving doesn’t exist any more. I’d stand there and with Men Behaving Badly you got my husband just chilling out, I’d like
saying: “Have you tried edam, have you paid for rehearsals and paid to go into that. I’d probably just give it to people —
tried gouda?” I was the Dutch cheese the studio. It felt like untold riches.The I have friends who don’t have two brass
girl. I got about £7 a week. And then discrepancy between theatre and telly farthings. I’d help the kids out — my
I worked for Securicor. I got sacked — money was huge. With telly you’d get a son is at university and my daughter
I was meant to do filing, and couple of grand in your paycheque, and is a fledgling actress and works in retail
it was writing all the that was amazing. the rest of the time. What did I say
numbers, blocks, when she told me she wanted to be
quantities — and I just Do you invest in shares? an actress too? “Thank God, you were
can’t understand No, I don’t. I invest in my garden born to do it.”
numbers. So I’d just put and theatre tickets. I should
them behind the filing probably do it one day. But the The most important lesson you’ve
cabinet. And my boss, he thing with me is I either have learnt about money?
was so sweet, he said: money or I don’t. If I do When people say that money doesn’t
“Caroline, you’re so great, theatre for six months matter, they have never been poor — it’s
we have a lovely time, but I don’t have money, then if one of the most idiotic things people
I’m going to have to sack I do telly I have money and say. On the other hand, huge amounts
you.” Then he pulled back then I live off that while I do of money doesn’t make people happy.
the cabinet and there were theatre again. And when I’ve got But having enough to feed your family
all these files on the floor. money I just like to enjoy it. and pay your bills does. Having zero
money is shit.
Do you remember What’s better for
the first time you retirement, Series two of The Lazarus Project is on
felt wealthy? property or pension? Sky Max and Now from November 15.
When I was in the chorus I think pension is Caroline Quentin is on Instagram
of Les Mis. It was at the better, but I’ve @cqgardens

If you would like the

free weekly Money
email bulletin, visit
Hair-raising surge in curler claims
moneybulletin. The bulletin is Ali Hussain damage claims involving been switched off and put on
exclusive to digital subscribers electrical equipment, hair a pile of laundry. The Admiral
Shoppers have been warned products, make-up and customer, who did not wish
to be on their guard after a perfume has increased 25 per to be identified, said that no
Contact us Money, surge in the number of cent since the start of 2022 to one was hurt in the fire but if
The Sunday Times, insurance claims made after almost £2,300 per claim on it had been another 90
1 London Bridge Street, electrical beauty products average, according to the seconds the outcome could
London SE1 9GF caught fire. insurer Admiral. have been “totally different”.
There was a 50 per cent A recent house fire was In other examples people
Advertising If you would like to rise in fires caused by caused by a device that had have caused damage by using
buy an advertisement in Money, hairdryers, straighteners and hairdryers to blow debris off

email curlers in the 12 months to laptops.
or call him on 07917 598422 the end of May, according to Admiral recommended
data collected from 27 fire buying products from
services by the charity reputable source, only using
Electrical Safety First. appliances for their intended
South Yorkshire had the purposes, storing them

most fires. Rise in fires caused by carefully and always

The cost of accidental electric hair appliances following the instructions.


Average working week for employees in 2022 The average working
week in the EU was
Greece 41 hours 37.5 hours last year,
according to the
Spain 37.8 hours European Commission,
which only counted
time spent at a main
France 37.4 hours job. Office for National
Statistics figures for the
UK, which included
Italy 37.4 hours main jobs as well as any
second jobs, still put
The average sum lost by Germany 35.3 hours our average hours at a
cryptocurrency scam lower 31.7 a week.
victims this year, according The longest working
to Lloyds Bank, up from an
Britain 31.7 hours weeks were in Greece,
average of £7,010 over the Source: ONS; Eurostat Poland and Spain.
same period last year
November 12 2023

Toy story
Jeremy Clarkson: my life in cars,
from Dinky models to The Grand Tour
After the guns on the Western

THIS WEEK IN Front finally fell silent on

November 11, 1918, marking

the end of the First World War,
people took to the streets to
celebrate in Piccadilly, central
London. This picture has

been restored by the expert

colourist Jordan J Lloyd.

18 Secret weapon 44 Driving

7 Matt Rudd
Alex Miller reports on a new
project to end mass shootings

26 Intensive care
The Mercedes-Benz GLC — an
unsung hero, says Nick Rufford

46 Health and fitness

Help! I’ve found a bald spot Yasmin Butt on the fight to Simon Usborne debunks the
save her premature twins male menopause and Rosie
8 Relative Values Stockley’s balance exercises
The Libertines’ Pete Doherty 32 COVER Drive me crazy
and his film-maker wife, Jeremy Clarkson: cars I have 58 A Life in the Day
Katia deVidas, on turning the loved, lost and lusted after The broadcaster and former
camera on his addiction

10 Interview: Nadine Dorries

Boris Johnson’s champion talks
10 39 Table Talk
Skye McAlpine’s one-dish
wonders, Charlotte Ivers hits
footballer Jermaine Jenas

© Times Media Ltd, 2023. Published and

licensed by Times Media Ltd, 1 London
Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF (020 7782
posh boys, Tory sleaze and Keir Starmer’s local and Will 5000). Printed at Walstead Bicester Limited,
that peerage. By Nick Rufford Lyons breaks out the beaujolais Oxfordshire. Not to be sold separately

The Sunday Times Magazine • 5


Thanks to my barber’s mirror,

I now know the bald truth
have been going to the same barber for years for But what about the rest of my life? Shoe polish?

two simple reasons — he’s not chatty and he’s Maybe. The full Rooney? Too painful. Superglued
quick. I’ve found quick, chatty barbers and I’ve pubes? No. Bald ancient Egyptians rubbed burnt
found slow, monosyllabic ones, but quick and not hedgehog prickles, honey and alabaster on their
chatty is very rare. Unique perhaps. And I love it. pates, but alabaster is very expensive. Julius Caesar
I turn up, I say “The usual” and I settle into our used ground mice, horse teeth and bear grease, but
comfortable silence. I don’t have to tell him where bear grease is even more expensive. Perhaps I’ll just
I’ve been for my holidays. He doesn’t have to tell never sit down if other people are standing? I’m six
me how business has been. Chop, chop, chop, foot four. A person would have to be at least seven
“Would Sir like some wax?” and out ten minutes foot tall to see the top of my head, and if they’re
later with shorter hair. Perfect. seven foot tall they have their own problems.
Except it all went wrong on Saturday morning. It So that’s what I’ll do. I’ll be the last man standing
wasn’t his fault. Well, it was. He forgot that I have no while I try to come to terms with this new affliction.
interest in seeing what the back of my head looks like. “Lots of men have bald patches,” Harriet says
It would have been nice if he’d remembered. I’d been when I take her to a nice restaurant to break the
quite clear about it in the past. But he forgot and news that she’s married to a bald man. “They don’t
there, for the first time in three or four years, was refuse to sit down.”
the back of my head. It’s different for me. Every bald person I know
“Great,” I said because what else can you say? And suits being bald. I don’t. I have a rugby ball for a head
then it was all a bit embarrassing because I’d hate to and a pencil for a neck. The one and only time I had a
think he thinks I think the back of my head is great. buzz cut, I didn’t look like Bruce Willis in Pulp Fiction
That’s the main reason I thought we’d agreed he or Stanley Tucci in that Whitney Houston biopic.
wasn’t going to show me the back of my head — I looked like Ming the Merciless an hour after his
to avoid this sort of social discomfort. I could have doctor has given him six weeks to live. And this is
said “Great job” to make it clear I was talking worse. A receding hairline might have been OK
about his work rather than my head, but by the but I’ve got a monk’s tonsure. Maybe, once
time I’d thought of that it was too late. Harriet has inevitably left, that’s what I’ll do.
“Very nice,” I added as he moved the mirror I’ll join an order. It’s not a bad life — early
from left to right. “Very … oh bum.” starts, chastity, quite a lot of gardening, sure,
He’d got carried away. He was doing little ta-da but at least there’s no talking.
flourishes, like a matador with his muleta, and that’s A lot of academics have spent a lot of time
when it happened. Somehow he got the mirror studying baldness. Some of them have even tried
angled to show me the top of the back of my head. to conclude that a bald head is the equivalent of
And there it was, bold as you like, bald as you like, a peacock’s plumage, signalling to our peahens
a bald patch. that a) we’re male and b) we’re up for it. This
“A bald patch,” I said, the colour draining from feels like balderdash.
the front of my head. More convincing is the study that found that
“No,” he stuttered as he quickly ditched the bald men are consistently ranked as less attractive
mirror and started fiddling with a brush. “No, it’s than non-bald men. That’s just a cross us baldies
just the crown.” have to bear. But the same study concluded that bald
He wasn’t fooling anyone. It was a bald patch. It is men are also seen as more intelligent, influential

a bald patch. I have a bald patch. and knowledgeable. We are considered socially
I got out of there fast. Obviously I can’t ever go mature. So nerr.
back. I’ll have to become a hairdresser nomad again. This is the silver lining on my unhairy cloud.
Wherever I lay my toupee, that’s my barber. I must forget the bear grease and hedgehog prickles
and embrace my new status. I must act like the
distinguished, sophisticated man my bald spot will
Every bald person I know make people think I am.
“OK, but can you just sit down now please,” Harriet
suits being bald. I don’t. says, looking up from her menu. “No one cares.”
“In a minute,” I reply, on tiptoes in case of seven-
I have a rugby ball for a head footers. And I wish I’d brought a baseball cap after all n

The Sunday Times Magazine • 7


Pete Doherty and Katia deVidas

The Libertines frontman and his film-maker wife on finding love amid addiction

Pete that, but I can’t even remember it happening.

When I first met Katia in 2008, I didn’t really see her If I’m being brutally honest, there were many
face. She’d been commissioned by a French music years when I couldn’t imagine it would be possible
paper to film gigs with my band, Babyshambles, and to live without drugs. I talk about addiction in the
she was always hidden behind the camera. I’m not film and some of my spiel sounds very profound, as if
saying I fell in love straight away; it was more a case of I understand it. I don’t and I don’t have any answers.
wondering if someone so wonderful would ever want Moving to France has made things easier. No one
to share her life with an addict. gives a f*** who you are. Unfortunately, alcohol is cheap
Relationships have been ruined by my desire for hard in France and that is a problem. I used to have a morning
drugs. It wasn’t that I’d given up on love, but I tried to Bloody Mary but Katia gets me to wait till after lunch,
make love work in tandem with drugs. That was never then a bit longer. Suddenly, I don’t want one. She’s made
going to happen with Katia. As we spent more time me cut down the smoking and lose a bit of weight too.
together and became good friends, I could see that she Meeting Katia was life giving me another chance.
had no interest in drugs or fame. Being with her made In the Jack Nicholson film As Good as It Gets he says to
me feel safe. It was a refuge. Helen Hunt, “You make me want to be a better person.”
When we finally fell in love, I was still in active I’m in tears every time I watch it. That’s me and Katia.
addiction but there were periods of clarity that allowed
us to have conversations about whether I might be able Katia
to stay clean for a few weeks. It was like a huge tug-of- I am not a music fan. When I first met Peter I had no
war in my head. I’ve never considered myself the poster idea who he was. I only learnt about his life as I started
boy for drugs but I did feel a certain loyalty to crack and filming. Yes, I saw drugs. So what? They are a rock band.
heroin. I’d got so much from them. But the longer I witnessed Peter’s behaviour, the more
Katia didn’t put pressure on me. I just found that as I realised that we weren’t talking about recreational
time went on, the more difficult it became to go back drug use. This was addiction. I couldn’t just ignore it,
to my old ways. As clichéd as it sounds, this beautiful so it became the subject of the film.
flower was blossoming and I didn’t want to let it die.
Was I nervous about Katia turning all that candid
film she’d got into a documentary about me and
addiction [Peter Doherty: Stranger in My Own Skin]? Of
“Amy Winehouse told us, ‘You two
course, but my gut told me I could trust her. That’s the will get married and have babies.’
key word: trust. I’d finally found someone who wasn’t
going to f*** me over. I could depend on her as a friend Aϰţ¾łϰŊüÿěĐÿě÷μϰ)ľãϰũĢŏϰÙľ¾űũςϞϭϜ
and maybe my wife.
The idea of getting married came into my head long
before it actually happened. I held back because I know
what I’m like, making rash decisions. When I did
propose, I did it as a joke in case it went wrong. I was
frightened by how much marriage and a family meant.
We had a baby in the summer. I don’t want to say too
much about my other kids [Doherty has a son, Astile,
and a daughter, Aisling, from previous relationships],
but fatherhood is different this time. I’ve been clean for
three years and that’s allowed me to be fully immersed
as a parent. I can look into Billie-May’s eyes and feel
connected to her. I’m the master nappy changer. Main: Pete, 44,
Blindfolded, one-handed, no problem. and Katia, 41, at the
Do I miss heroin? At the moment, I’m still in the Kooples flagship
early stages of recovery. I’m still fragile. Does it seem store in Paris last
like it was all part of somebody else’s life? No, it feels month. Right: the
horribly close. Maybe when it does seem like someone couple in Thailand,
else’s life, I’ll find it easier to watch the scenes of me where Pete was in
shooting up. I do wonder why I allowed Katia to use rehab, in 2015

8 • The Sunday Times Magazine


This is not something completely new to me; there where he was catching butterflies with a net and it
have been addicts in my family. Addiction can happen
STRANGE made me think that he was doing the same thing in his
to the loveliest people in the world. When you meet HABITS life. The real Peter was the delicate butterfly; you must
Peter, you quickly realise that he is one of those lovely catch him before he flies away.
people. He is charming, kind and makes me laugh. Pete on Katia Those first two years of being clean were the hardest.
At first it was just friendship but when I saw how She gives Lockdown helped. It wasn’t so easy to visit a dealer and
hard he was trying to fight his addiction, I started to fall inanimate drugs became three times more expensive. I did my
in love. There was a period where Peter was losing one objects best by trying to provide love, a comfortable home,
friend to drugs every month and I actually said to him, personalities. a healthier diet. We moved to France, away from the
“If you are not careful, you are going to be next.” If the car has places and people he associated with drugs.
There is a scene in the film where Peter was a flat tyre, she My own family were a bit nervous at first but they
supposed to catch a plane to rehab in Thailand. He says it’s lost one have fallen for Peter in a big way and see that he is an
kept missing the plane and that pissed me off so much of its slippers amazing father. Like everything else, having a baby
I could no longer just be a film-maker. “Will you get on had to be planned. It was only when Peter felt strong
the bloody plane! Why are you trying to mess it up?” Katia on Pete enough. Will I let Billie-May see the film? Maybe when
Sometimes I wondered if he was showing the same He is the world’s she’s 30 and she’s had lots of preparation!
behaviour that you see in small children. Where they biggest Columbo In the early days of filming, before we fell in love, we
test boundaries, waiting to see if you rescue them. fan. He goes went to Amy Winehouse’s home to pick up a guitar. As
I don’t want to sound too arrogant by saying that online and wins we were leaving she said, “You two will get married and
I helped Peter, because it wasn’t just me. There were all the trivia have babies.” Peter was laughing but I was thinking,
other good people around him like his manager, Jai competitions “Not a chance. Are you crazy?” Amy, you were right ■
Stanley, and Carl [Barât, co-founder of the Libertines]. under an Interviews by Danny Scott.
In the end, it has to be the addict who makes the assumed name Peter Doherty: Stranger in My Own Skin is in
decision. We were fortunate that, once we got to cinemas. The Libertines release a new album,
Thailand, everything came together. There was one day All Quiet on the Eastern Esplanade, next March

The Sunday Times Magazine • 9

What drove Nadine Dorries to pen an assassination of her Tory
colleagues? Was it love for Boris Johnson — or revenge for a
denied Lords seat? Nick Rufford gets the uncensored lowdown

Was I
worthy of
a peerage?
I was absolutely

10 • The Sunday Times Magazine
The Sunday Times Magazine • 11
own council house. She went to Halewood Grange
Secondary Modern and trained as a nurse before
starting a childcare business, which she sold to a
blue-chip company in 1999 for an estimated £2 million.
Entering politics in 1997 as a party worker, she was
elected MP for Mid Bedfordshire in 2005 and went on
to be awarded a clutch of ministerial jobs before
becoming culture secretary.
Now she may be about to blow apart her 26-year
political career with a much-hyped book that reveals
what she says are the “political dark arts” behind a
conspiracy to force Johnson from Downing Street in
the summer of 2022, hence the melodramatic title:
The Plot: The Political Assassination of Boris Johnson.
In it she claims that a small group of high-powered
Conservatives — including senior members of the civil
service, Dominic Cummings, Johnson’s former chief
adviser, and Michael Gove, the secretary of state for
levelling up — conspired to bring down the former
prime minister as soon as he had delivered Brexit.
The Plot is based on interviews with more than
adine Dorries learnt the importance of keeping up Below right: with 50 “insiders”, Whitehall officials, Johnson, the former
appearances from her Irish grandmother. A few weeks Boris Johnson and Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith, an unnamed former
after watching her former parliamentary seat of Mid Michael Gove, a man prime minister, cabinet ministers both former and
Bedfordshire disappear to Labour, the largest Tory who has “done real current, and, she hints, at least one member of the
majority it had overturned in a by-election since 1945, damage to the Secret Intelligence Service. She describes it as part
she arrives for work in Gucci shoes, Frame jeans and country”, Dorries political exposé, part airport thriller (which you’d expect
carrying an Alexander McQueen jacket. “I do look a bit says. Bottom: from Dorries, who is also a prolific writer of historical
dolled up today,” she muses, checking herself in the watching Carrie sagas). She quit as an MP to write it, which makes it, she
mirror of a lift of the News building in central London, and Boris Johnson says, a labour of love. Or is it revenge? Or both? Her
home of both The Sunday Times and Talk TV, on which on the day of his infatuation with Johnson seems to have no bounds. And
she hosts a weekly chat show. “Maybe too much lippy?” final speech as PM, the “dark forces” that brought down Johnson were the
Her grandmother always kept the outside lav of September 6, 2022. same ones, she claims, that stole her peerage from her.
the family’s shared rented home spotless for visitors, Opposite: Dorries Dorries has skin in the game and it’s a very sore
she explains. Guests who had to traipse through the refers to Dominic subject. “I’ve had such a torrent [of negative comments]
backyard to use the facilities were at least greeted by Cummings as on the internet and in the media about ‘should she be
gleaming porcelain and a polished wood seat. Dorries, “Oddjob” after entitled to a peerage?’” she seethes. “I was a nurse in
66, started poor as Nadine Bargery, brought up in what the Bond villain the NHS for ten years. I started my own business from
was then the run-down Anfield district of Liverpool.
She had hoped, of course, that her rags-to-riches
story would have culminated in a peerage. Having risen
to the rank of secretary of state for digital, culture,
media and sport in Boris Johnson’s government, she
was one of his staunchest allies and most vocal
cheerleaders. She stuck by him while his leadership
crumbled in June last year, and he promised her a place
in the Lords — the prerogative of departing prime
ministers. But when the honours list was published this
June, her name was mysteriously missing.
The shock news was delivered in a phone call from
Steven Swinford, the Times political editor. “I was
walking the dog and it was a lovely summer’s evening,”
she says. “Steven rang me and said, Nadine, I’ve seen
the list that’s going to be announced and you’re not on
it. So I rang Boris, who was in Egypt doing a speech, and
he said, bollocks, Steven Swinford’s just winding you
up. It’s absolute bollocks. I’ve been in to see Rishi.”
So certain were her TV production staff that she was
about to be honoured that they stocked up on Baroness
Nadine wine (a brand of chardonnay), to be served on
air. She warned them the celebrations were tempting
fate. Had she considered what her title might be?
Baroness Dorries of Anfield? She hadn’t. “I stopped
them doing it because somewhere inside of me I knew
all along that was never going to happen. I had a sixth
sense, perhaps because people from my background
think it’s never going to happen to them.”
Her loyalty to the Conservative Party stems from the
Thatcher era, when her family were allowed to buy their

12 • The Sunday Times Magazine

an original idea — an incredibly successful business. She believes that after Johnson’s departure the
I’ve sold almost three million books. I’ve served at rest of the old establishment closed ranks on her, the
every ministerial level and as secretary of state. Was working-class girl. She also blames snobbery and
I worthy of it? I was absolutely worthy.” misogyny for the way she was treated. There are others
She met her sources and informants clandestinely who claim she may not have been considered peerage
at a private members’ club in Hertford Street, west material because of her appetite for publicity, a
London — her “Mayfair nook”. In the book she has propensity to speak her mind only to change it, the
awarded them Bond-themed names such as M and unhelpful lobbing of incendiaries on Twitter/X, which
Moneypenny — to protect the identities of some and earned her the nickname Minister for Culture Wars
to stop her being sued by others. Its publication was when she was in the cabinet, and her occasional gaffes.
stalled until now because of legal issues. The room was She once complained that the BBC needed to “be more
accessed by two sets of stairs so she could usher visitors accessible to people from all backgrounds, not just
in and out without them bumping into each other. people whose mum and dad worked there”, but
The principal villain is “Dr No”, a political veteran neglected to mention she had once employed two of
and “a key player in [Conservative] Central Office and her daughters in secretarial roles in her private office.
No 10”. Allegedly this figure once nailed a dead rabbit, As secretary for culture, while discussing the future of
mafia-style, to an ex-girlfriend’s door. His chief offence? Channel 4 she wrongly claimed the channel was “in
According to Dorries, he is the arch manipulator who receipt of public money”. Her plans for selling it off
engineered the plot to oust Johnson and install Rishi were later ditched.
Sunak. “When Dr No says ‘jump’, Rishi says ‘how high?’” Certainly her political career hasn’t followed the
Time will tell whether the contents are as “seismic” usual path. After becoming an MP in 2005, she didn’t
as its publishers claim. Unquestionably it’s a rattling land her first ministry until 2019, when Johnson made
read — a page-turner with the intrigue of a Jack her his minister for mental health. The fact that her
Reacher. She refused Cabinet Office demands to vet its cousin had taken his own life had given her an insight
contents and remove any confidential material, which
gives it the added allure of the illicit. But the dark arts
she describes sound like, well, politics. Michael Gove
comes off particularly badly. He’s depicted as Her TV crew were so certain she was about
treacherous and fond of “dancing in an Aberdeen
nightclub with teenage revellers in the early hours of to be made a peer that they stocked up on
the morning”. She confesses he’s someone she can
“only ever visualise as Brutus — the first person to stab
“Baroness Nadine” wine to be served on air
Boris in the back in 2016”, she says, referring to the
moment Gove, who was justice secretary and Johnson’s
campaign manager at the time, ambushed him with a
surprise entry into the Conservative leadership battle.
Dorries burst into tears when Johnson made his
announcement that he was quitting the leadership race
and later described the events as more dramatic than a
Game of Thrones episode — “but with more blood”.
“He’s the man who’s done real damage to the country into the dangers of depression, she said. During Covid
over and over again,” Dorries says of Gove today, she oversaw vaccine procurement and in 2021 Johnson
pursing her lips. “The Conservative Party is — will be handed her the culture job, a promotion that dismayed
— a much better place if he resigns the day after this the arts establishment, which didn’t regard her canon

book comes out. He’s a very complex, tragic character. of chick lit as “culture” and argued that her media
Even Boris describes him as this brilliant orator and experience consisted mainly of her appearance on
debater [but] he keeps shooting himself in the foot.” 2012’s I’m a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here! in which
Cummings is “Oddjob” to Gove’s “Goldfinger” she ate an ostrich anus and a lamb testicle.
(or “Govefinger” as Boris christens him). The former She stuck up for herself in cabinet, where she was
is portrayed as weaselly and cunning. Sunak is another surrounded by colleagues better schooled in debating
“posh boy who went to Winchester and Oxford”, a and public speaking. “I’m a Scouser so I could hold my
second-rater like “Major, May and Brown”. In cabinet own,” she says. “I’d be utterly terrified about speaking
she claims Sunak would fix her with an “unnatural grin, in cabinet, but then when I did I was always glad that
the bleached dental white of his teeth almost blinding I had and I always tried to do it with humour. I was
me in reflected light”. fortunate to be sitting between Jacob Rees-Mogg and
When Sunak is tested at the ballot box the results will Alister Jack, who were the two nicest men in cabinet

be calamitous for her party, Dorries predicts. “We’re and probably the wealthiest. I used to joke with them,
definitely going to lose,” she says. “Even though there ‘Look at us three. We’re all from estates but only mine
is no love for Keir Starmer out there, none whatsoever, was owned by the council.’ ”
which actually makes it worse. We’re going to lose badly She doesn’t hide her disdain for an “inbred” elite
against someone — Starmer — that the country are that dominated No 10. She has described David
going to turn to because there’s nobody else.” Cameron, the former prime minister, along with
“The Conservatives will have to reinvent George Osborne, his chancellor of the
themselves,” she says. “If the party wants to win the exchequer, as posh boys who didn’t know the
only person that it could have [as leader] is Boris.” price of a pint of milk. Does she? “It’s £1 in the
Which seems unlikely, but Dorries remains fiercely Co-op.” And a loaf of bread? “I make all my own
loyal to the former PM. She has, she tells me, been a bread,” she says, and grows her own tomatoes
guest on more than one occasion at the Johnsons’ and celery. Yet she seems to have unending
grade II listed Oxfordshire mansion. admiration for Johnson, who was an Old Etonian ➤

The Sunday Times Magazine • 13

member of the Bullingdon Club, the notorious elite
dining society at Oxford. She “utterly hates” her nickname. “It’s lazy,
After receiving the news in June that her peerage
wasn’t happening, she announced she was standing incredibly sexist and misogynistic. They’d
down as an MP “with immediate effect” — only to then
hang on for another 78 days. She says she wanted to find
never say ‘Mad Nad’ about Nadhim Zahawi”
out more information about whether Sunak had
intervened to block her nomination.
“I actually wanted to go,” she insists. “But I also knew
something really seedy had gone on behind the scenes.
I wanted to retain my parliamentary privilege to be
able to speak if I needed to.” Her scathing resignation
letter to Sunak in late August warned that she was
an unexploded bomb: “You hold the office of prime
minister unelected,” she wrote. “You have no mandate my house, filming while my daughter was at home
from the people [and] you have squandered the during the week on her own. That would not be allowed
goodwill of the nation.” Then the stinger: “I shall take today after Jo Cox and David Amess [the MPs
some comfort from explaining to people exactly how murdered in 2016 and 2021 respectively].”
you and your allies achieved this undemocratic Dorries, who has a granddaughter, now has CCTV
upheaval in my book,” she warned. Clockwise from at her Cotswolds home and two dogs — West
During her drawn-out resignation over the summer below: enduring Highland terriers, Darcy and Teddy, that are “better
she was accused of leaving her constituents in limbo. a Bushtucker Trial than burglar alarms”.
One criticism was that she hadn’t lived in her on I’m a Celebrity…
constituency for years but moved out to a bucolic orries has overcome more than her

in 2012; Dorries
bolt hole 50 miles away, in the north Cotswolds. She spent a decade fair share of tragedy. Her father was
says she moved on police advice after being harassed working as a nurse a bus driver, then a lift operator.
by a stalker whom she tried to have prosecuted in 2014. before entering “He got Raynaud’s disease and had
The Crown Prosecution Service wouldn’t pursue the politics; visiting a to have his toes amputated. Then
case, a refusal that enraged her and she says wouldn’t temporary hospital worked the elevator in Boots on the
happen today. at the ExCel Centre corner of Bold Street and Church
“He [the stalker] would have been nailed and banged in London during Street in Liverpool. He used to sit in
up in prison now. He put a camera up on a post outside the Covid pandemic this little wooden seat, pull the cage closed and take
people up and down.” She came home one day to the
house they shared and found him dead at 42. She was 20.
Not long afterwards her younger brother, John, died
in a motorcycle accident aged 27. She married Paul
Dorries, a mining engineer with whom she has three
daughters, Philippa, 37, Jennifer, 35, and Cassie, 31. Her
husband suffered from multiple sclerosis, then died of
bowel cancer. “The doctor said, ‘I’ll give you about four
months,’ and he died four months to the day on June 7,
2019. We never were out of each other’s company for
a single moment from the minute he was diagnosed
with cancer. He died in my arms. We were all with
him, our three girls and me. It’s been said that Paul and
I divorced in 2007. We didn’t. We separated then
divorced much later. We’d spend every Christmas,
every family holiday, every Sunday together the entire
time we were separated.”
Despite being proudly defensive of her own tough
upbringing and state education, two of her three
daughters attended Ampleforth, the £43,000-a-year
private school. “When we moved to the Cotswolds, the
school they loved was Chipping Campden
comprehensive. So they went there, but just for sixth
form two went to Ampleforth.”
She formally quit as an MP on August 29, forcing last
month’s by-election — and the loss of one of the
country’s safest Tory seats to Labour — a taste of what
the Conservatives can expect in the general election,

Dorries warns. When Alistair Strathern, the new Labour

MP for Mid Bedfordshire and Dorries’s successor, was
announced in parliament, Sunak responded, “I suspect
the new member for Mid Beds might actually support
me a little bit more than the last one.”
Is she bitter? No. But injustice casts a long shadow.
She has vowed to expose what she identifies as the
small group of people, “some elected and some
totally unknown outside of a tight Westminster ➤

The Sunday Times Magazine • 15

Dorries burst into was Carrie who held things together, she writes.
tears as Boris “Carrie, a total trooper, floated around like a
Johnson ruled supermodel in her hot pink Harmur dress and J.Crew
himself out of the shoes trying to cheer everyone up. She was serene,
running to be PM in resigned; the rest of us were bereft.”
2016. Below: since Hang on, though. In the eyes of many Tory voters
February Dorries Carrie was the Delilah who cut off Samson’s hair.
has hosted a show Instead of a fun-loving prime minister who was going to
on TalkTV. Johnson restore the freedoms of Merrie England, they ended up
was her first guest with “Boris Thunberg” — so-called because of his focus
on green policies. Dorries fumes at the suggestion.
“Why would anybody say it was the wife and not the
father? Why would nobody say it’s Stanley who has
been Boris’s influence? Stanley has been an
environmental campaigner all his life.”
Through the pages of The Plot it’s clear her loyalty
to Johnson is undimmed. At one point she describes
how a remark he made resonated with her after a
conversation: “Bliss was it to be in that dawn alive.” She
checks and finds it’s a quote from Wordsworth. “Boris
is the only person I have met in my life who has the
ability to effortlessly insert a great poet into daily
conversation without missing a beat,” she says gushingly.
Her adoration for him is obvious. Some might say naive.

bubble, operating at the heart of the Conservative

Party”. This group frequently tried to overrule her She alleges that “Dr No” tampered with
while she was in office and, she claims, still controls
the levers of power. Exhibit A: as culture secretary she documents in her red box before it reached
chose the television executive Michael Grade to head
Ofcom against the group’s chosen candidate of
Downing Street for Johnson’s rubber stamp
Stephen Gilbert, the former Conservative deputy
chair. When she stuck to her guns, she alleges that
“Dr No” tampered with documents in her ministerial
red box before it reached Downing Street for Johnson’s
rubber stamp. A telephone call from No 10 alerted her
that the name had been switched to Gilbert. Johnson
overruled the plotters and installed Grade — her
preferred candidate.
Dastardly deeds or conspiracy theory? Some may say She sits back in her chair. “The thing about Boris is,
this is all just politics as usual. But she takes issue with he could have gone into banking, he could have gone
the boys’ club at the heart of it. There were campaigns into anything with his intelligence and charm. He’d
to discredit her too, including various nicknames have made a fortune years ago straight from university.
implying she was dizzy and incompetent. Mad Nad is He never went down the path of making money. He
one she “utterly hates”. “It’s lazy, because it’s incredibly went down the path of where his interest was, which is
sexist and misogynistic, and because it’s not true. They politics. Now he’s a rich man, again, owning a bloody
do it with women all the time. They’d never say ‘Mad big mansion in Oxfordshire with multiple millions in
Nad’ about Nadhim Zahawi but for a woman it was easy the bank. Will that money keep him happy? I think the
to do. Apart from anything else I was mental health only thing that will keep him happy is being able to
minister for two years and I just think [mad used in that deliver on big visions — and he had a big vision for the
way] is a bad, bad word.” country. He loves the UK and he loves it when we’re
world-beating. Whether that’s our markets or whether
he meanest smear tactics, she says, that’s our building projects or whatever it is, he does

were reserved for Carrie Johnson, believe in the ‘great’ in Great Britain. He really had a
dubbed Princess Nut Nut by allies vision to deliver that and sadly it was taken from him.”
of Cummings, owing in part to the In the book she harks back to Johnson’s departing
demands she made on her husband’s words on the steps of No 10, when he invoked Lucius
time. “There was a mountain of lies Quinctius Cincinnatus — the Roman statesman who
about Carrie and the one thing I can left his plough when citizens called for him to lead
say is that none of it is true. She is them into battle. She reminds me that Boris achieved
somebody who never speaks to the media. She’s kept a larger share of the vote in 2019 than Tony Blair

herself very much in the background. She’s followed very managed in the 1997 Labour landslide. In the words of
much in the steps of Samantha Cameron. She doesn’t Cincinnatus — or possibly Arnold Schwarzenegger
want to be in the public arena and a lot of what’s directed — he will be back. And if he is, so will she n
towards her is just to get at Boris and it’s pure misogyny.”
In the book she describes Carrie as stoically The Plot: The Political Assassination of Boris Johnson
supporting Boris, his anchor in stormy seas. After his by Nadine Dorries (HarperCollins £25). Order at
resignation, when “the atmosphere was funereal”, it Discount for Times+ members

The Sunday Times Magazine • 17

As America reels from yet another gun rampage,
two scientists say they have found a way of
stopping the epidemic. Alex Miller reports


Right: students
are led out of
Columbine High
School in Littleton,
Colorado, where
13 people were
murdered in 1999.
The killers have
since acquired a
cultlike following

ittleton, Colorado, isn’t famous for pizza. that the ghoulish trip may temper her son’s may have craved. We have changed names
Even if it was, Blackjack Pizza probably isn’t interest in school shootings — would prove in this story and won’t be listing precise
the sort of place you’d cross state lines to to be a very bad bet. statistics to maintain that anonymity.)
visit. But that’s exactly what Jeremy and Jeremy had suffered from depression and Before the attack he wrote a letter urging
Eliza did, and Jeremy was ecstatic. It was, paranoia since he was a teenager. He had the world to remember Columbine.
for him, the perfect end to the perfect tried to kill himself multiple times and was He had intended to be killed by police,
mother and son vacation. It was at this placed in psychiatric care after sending a or kill himself, but his plan failed and
restaurant that the two boys who killed 13 schoolmate a video of himself with a gun. Jeremy survives in a prison to this day.
people at Columbine High School in 1999 But despite the obvious danger to himself Last month, at a bowling alley and bar
had worked together as cooks. And they and others, he was free within weeks and in the small city of Lewiston, Maine, the
were Jeremy’s heroes. assigned to a social worker, who immediately deadliest attack of the year took place, with
In the early Noughties, Jeremy — not his realised something was very wrong. 18 people killed and 13 injured. A 40-year-old
real name — had spent months trying to She tried to enrol him at an inpatient US army reservist and firearms instructor
convince his mother to take him to the psychosis treatment programme, but used an AR-15-style assault rifle to carry out
scene of the most notorious mass shooting they wouldn’t admit him. He missed their the rampage before killing himself.
in US history. Now he led her on a unique next appointment, so she called him There were warning signs. In the months
tour. He wanted to buy a trenchcoat, he repeatedly. He never picked up. A few leading to the mass shooting many feared
wanted to try a pepperoni slice and he weeks later, after one final failed attempt the gunman’s mental health was declining.
wanted to see the school itself. at suicide, Jeremy’s darkest thoughts He had told his family that he was hearing
The teenager recorded their whole manifested: he shot and killed his father voices, after which they contacted police
trip on his camcorder, monologuing at home, took a cache of weapons into the to alert them to their concerns while he
breathlessly throughout: “This is the high school from which he had graduated had access to guns. This summer he had
neighbourhood where [one of the killers] the year before and opened fire, injuring reportedly spent two weeks in a mental
used to live,” he gushed. “Just look at this multiple students. (Criminal experts health facility after threatening to attack
place. It’s beautiful.” In the driver’s seat advise that responsible reporting on an army base. Military officials were also
beside him, Eliza smiled unenthusiastically. mass shootings should avoid naming worried and asked a local sheriff to carry
Four months later, her gambit — hoping perpetrators, to deny any attention they out a welfare check on him in September.

Shootings in schools Gun violence on US campuses and

playgrounds since 1966 (figures
and colleges refer to number of murder victims)

of Texas

Elementary Middle High College/University Other

1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 19

A friend had warned that he might “snap that offered context to their crimes.
and commit a mass shooting”. The sheriff ’s When marriage led him to Minnesota,
office made two visits to his home but failed Densley took a position at Metropolitan
to make contact. Six weeks later he carried State University and turned his attention
out the attack. A state investigation is under to gangs in New York’s South Bronx.
way. But what’s clear is that despite the red Meanwhile, down the hall, a psychologist,
flags, he still legally had access to guns. Jillian Peterson, was working on the
Unlike the Maine shooter and the great relationship between mental illness and
majority of mass killers, Jeremy is still alive. violence. They began to collaborate.
Though otherwise he is depressingly Peterson, 43, had begun her career
unremarkable. Mass shooters are not meeting death-row inmates at New York’s
uncommon in America. There have been most notorious jail, Rikers Island. Instead
580 mass shootings this year already, of finding them to be monsters, she
defined as four or more people killed or discovered deeply damaged people.
wounded. More than 600 people so far have “We had to work out, how do we
lost their lives in these incidents in 2023. Above: a vigil convince a jury that they should give them
Jeremy is one of five perpetrators who for victims of life instead of death?” she says. Often, the
have contributed countless interviews to the shooting in answer would be to share her understanding
the most significant study on mass shootings Lewiston, Maine, of the abuse, neglect and mental illness
in American history, the Violence Project. last month, which these people had suffered. Peterson would
Today he cannot recognise the person he claimed 18 lives. analyse their lives right up until the
was when he attacked his school. He hopes Below: psychologist moment they committed their crime.
the interviews will help in some way. Jillian Peterson and Like the rest of America, the colleagues

In June 2022 the most important piece sociologist James watched helplessly every time a mass
of gun legislation since the 1990s was Densley, creators of shooting occurred. “We were fed up with
passed, the Bipartisan Safer Communities the Violence Project the daily drumbeat of gun violence,” ➤
Act, which, among other things, extended
background checks for people under
21 looking to buy a gun. The Violence
Project was the central text upon which
the act was based. It is a source of hope, a
strategy for stopping the American mass
shooting epidemic and, strangely enough,
it all started in south London. IF ANYONE
James Densley, 41, is the son of a
Leicestershire special constable. While
his sister followed their dad into the police,
Densley chose to get even closer to the
criminals. He spent his twenties moving in
and out of gangs across London, studying
them for his PhD. One morning he would
be in Stockwell, the next in Peckham or
Croydon. He watched them sell drugs and HAD A MENTAL
fight, and then went for dinner with their
families. His study was game-changing, ILLNESS.
revealing for the first time the phenomenon
of “county lines”, the drug-dealing tactic
that involved inner-city children being
sent to sell narcotics in rural areas. Most
importantly, Densley saw that even the
most violent people he met had stories

Sandy Marjory
Columbine Virginia Stoneman Robb
Tech Hook
13 26 Douglas 21
32 17

Santa Fe

95 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025

Densley says. “And one day Jillian just asked
if anyone actually knew how many of these
mass shooters had a mental illness.”
The answer was no, no one did. The more
they looked, the more they realised that
barely anything was understood about
these shooters. There was no national
study, no statistics, nothing. “We started
by trying to figure out what number of
perpetrators have a diagnosable mental
illness,” Peterson says. “But then it grew.”
They would approach it from different
angles; Peterson, the psychologist, wanted
to know the personal histories of mass
shooters. Densley, the sociologist, wanted
to know how America itself was helping
incubate these tragedies.
“We’re trying to better understand the
lives of these individuals,” Densley says.
“So that the next time people who might
perpetrate a shooting are there in front
of us, we can see them and we can do
something about it.”


In 2018 NBC Nightly News aired a
segment called “Inside the Safest School
in America”. A credulous presenter smiles
gamely at children demonstrating their
training by hiding behind textbooks. He
jogs through the corridors shaking locked
doors as though he were an active shooter.
This journey is captured by cameras FAMILY HE
mounted in the ceiling, their footage beamed
directly into a monitoring facility. From here WAS HEARING
men in uniform watch his every movement
before flicking a switch to unleash fierce
jets of smoke directly into his face. Seeing
him choke, Southwestern High feels less
like the Safest School in America and more From top: Barack Obama meets
like the Most Aggressive School in America.
This is a good introduction to the
families of Sandy Hook victims,
2016; some American schools
philosophy behind most institutional
responses to school shootings: they are
recently sent children home
with survival tips “from MIGHT SNAP
going to fight their way out. Leading Winnie-the-Pooh” and friends
them into battle is a $2.7 billion security
industry producing countless expensive
innovations, from bulletproof backpacks their education. But these are not air-raid tropes we all now know, from the choice
to corridors with extra corners to hide drills and there is no invading force. The of an educational institution as its target
behind. It’s profitable, but is it effective? shooters are in the classroom being trained to the media’s breathless rolling coverage.
“There’s no evidence that anyone alongside everyone else. Despite stretching back six decades
has ever used a bulletproof backpack to the Violence Project is a thoroughly
save themselves in a school shooting,” PROFILING AMERICA’S SHOOTERS modern document, with more than half
Peterson says. When Peterson and Densley unveiled the shootings it recorded happening after
Inside these militarised schools cowers a their study in 2019, it included the first 2000, and 33 per cent after 2010. The
generation of specially trained children. For comprehensive database of every mass death toll from mass shootings in which
most American students, school-shooter shooter in America. They built their model at least four people died also climbs,
survivalism will be one of the longest- by applying the FBI’s definition of a mass from an average of 8 lives per year in the
running subjects on their curriculum. murder — four or more people killed 1970s to 51 in 2019.
A school district in Dallas this year sent — to events in a public space. In 2021 Looking at this data set, Peterson
four-year-olds home with a book explaining they published their findings in a book, and Densley now knew the scale of the
how to deal with an active shooter: “If there The Violence Project: How to Stop a Mass problem, but not its root. To do that, they
is danger, let Winnie-the-Pooh and his Crew Shooting Epidemic. would need to research every killer on the
show you what to do: Run, Hide, Fight.” This Their study begins in 1966, when a list and, where possible, speak to surviving
pamphlet features an illustration of Piglet 25-year-old veteran sitting in a tower at shooters themselves. “We had a list of about
in boxing gloves, presumably about to fight the heart of the University of Texas campus 150 individuals,” Densley explains. “Of
a man carrying an AR-15. in Austin shot and killed 15 people. This those, about 30 were alive.” Five agreed to
In some states, students will be forced to marked the beginning of the modern mass correspond by letter. Which is how they
do more than 70 drills during the course of shooting as the assault bore many of the met Jeremy:

22 • The Sunday Times Magazine

I received your letter and I thank you for
taking the time to write me. I have considered Mass shootings by year Civilian firearms
your request and have decided that I am
Firearms per 100 people Firearms
interested in being a part of the work you are
Covid 1 USA 120.5 393.3m
doing to prevent violence from happening in 800 pandemic
the future. I wish you the best during this 2 Yemen 52.8 14.9m
holiday season and thank you again for 3 Serbia 39.1 2.7m

contacting me. I will look forward to your 600

4 Canada 34.7 12.7m

response. God bless you!

5 Uruguay 34.7 1.2m
400 6 Finland 32.4 1.8m

It took them multiple letters to coax 7 Lebanon 31.9 1.9m


meaningful information from him as his

8 Austria 30 2.6m
responses were literal to the point of
9 N Macedonia 29.8 0.6m
one-word answers. Nevertheless, over a
tranche of staccato correspondence he 10 Norway 28.8
29.8 1.5m
began to paint a picture of himself. 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 UK 4.9 3.2m

Q: How would you describe your childhood? Mass shootings (four or more The US has the highest
A: It was generally happy, but there were killed or wounded) in the US rose number of civilian firearms
some scary and confusing incidents. dramatically post-pandemic per population
Q: What were the scary and confusing
A: My father showed me pornography as a
young child, and it disgusted me. My father childhood trauma. In the normal This continued for months until he sent
would sometimes hit or grab my mother. population, it’s about 16 per cent. her a VHS tape of himself holding a gun,
Q: How often was there violence in your “For many mass shooters,” they write, “an threatening suicide. Michelle’s family
house? Were you afraid as a child? unpredictable and chaotic upbringing is reported him and he was placed in a
A: Violence was not an everyday thing in their first step on their pathway to violence.” psychiatric hospital. Just weeks later,
our house, but more like several times a year. Over the course of these interviews the however, she bumped into him at the
Yes, at times I was afraid as a child. self-portrait Jeremy painted was almost cinema. His lips were gnawed and bleeding
identical to that of many others like him. as he approached her to apologise. Two
What he describes was a life traumatised Four terrible stages of his downfall would weeks later, just before he attacked the
by abuse: become a blueprint for Peterson and school, Jeremy wrote Michelle a letter
Densley’s ultimate goal, a sort of unified promising that he wasn’t going to shoot
I started to suffer from some depression during theory of mass shooters: her sister, who was a student there.
my childhood, although it was not diagnosed 1. He had been traumatised by childhood Asked how his mental health was prior to
at the time, nor did I realise it. I was probably abuse. the crime, Jeremy told the Violence Project:
around six or seven. Around age 15 I began 2. He had worshipped the Columbine

to suffer from anxiety, and then at 17 shooters. Not good. I was paranoid, depressed, anxious,
I developed severe depression and paranoia 3. In the weeks leading up to the attack he obsessive, homicidal and suicidal … Pictures
and suicidal thoughts … Towards the last had suffered a serious psychological crisis. were staring back at me and [I thought] there
years of adolescence I was determined to 4. (Most obviously) he had access to were cameras or recording devices in the air
commit suicide. I tried to kill myself when firearms. vents … My family knew I had begun to suffer
I was 15, 17 and 18. A year before the crime, Jeremy from mental health problems but not how
graduated. He enlisted in the army but, bad they were.
Peterson and Densley dug into publicly after completing basic combat training,
available information on previous shooters he had a breakdown. “I tried to kill myself Of mass shooters, 86 per cent aged
to see if they also had traumatic histories. with a shotgun and spent a week in the 20 and under tell people their plans
It was not always possible but, for the psychiatric unit,” he wrote. “I felt relieved beforehand. Of the shooters in Peterson
60 per cent of shooters for whom they when I was asked to leave.” Now discharged, and Densley’s database, 80 per cent were
could uncover enough information, Jeremy began sending an old classmate, in a state of crisis leading up to their attack.
more than half of them had identifiable Michelle, letters declaring his love. “That was the one thing that emerged from
the study,” Peterson says. “People always
say that they knew something was wrong.”


When reading Jeremy’s journal entries
leading to his crime, what stands out —
along with a receipt for the gun he bought
in a Walmart — is his obsession with
Columbine. It opens with a photograph of
one of the two killers and the words, “I’m
going to do it!” When asked about the trip he
Police evacuate took with his mother, he said, “I admit that
children from Sandy I was very excited and happy to see the high
Hook, site of the school and the town that I had read about
second deadliest for almost a year. It was overwhelming.”
school shooting But while Jeremy’s obsession is ➤

The Sunday Times Magazine • 23

strange, it isn’t rare. The killers at Virginia and access to firearms. As such, an effective
Tech in 2007, Northern Illinois University method of triage would be to try to counter
in 2008 and Sandy Hook Elementary each of them. Of course there is no panacea.
School in Connecticut in 2012 were also “Everything that would make schools
Columbine obsessives. This has a name, better in general will also make schools
the Columbine effect, and a Wikipedia page safer in general,” Densley says. “There’s a
that cites 70 planned or completed mass reason why people send their kids to private
shootings that were inspired by the atrocity. school, right? It’s small class sizes and
“They turned those two kids into individualised attention. These are basic
antiheroes,” says Tom Teves, 63, who has principles of good education. If kids can
dedicated his life to stopping the media read and write and feel safe, they’re not
making stars of mass murderers. Teves’s going to shoot one another.”
charity, No Notoriety, insists that by Peterson and Densley suggest that
printing names, publishing manifestos schools get rid of the culture of
and obsessing over motives, the media militarisation and active-shooter drills,
encourage future shooters. “We should be instead creating warm and trusting
focused on the heroes, the victims, the first environments. They can train staff in
responders,” he says. “Those are the ones identifying traumatised people and
that I believe people want to hear about. Had de-escalation. One school counsellor they
they reported on Columbine differently back interviewed was confronted in her office
then, I truly believe Alex would still be alive.” by a young pupil with a gun. By chance she
Alex was Tom’s son. He would have had once taken part in a hostage negotiation
turned 35 this year, but in 2012 Alex was course and she employed this training. After
killed along with 11 others while watching hours of talking, he gave her the weapon.
The Dark Knight Rises at a cinema in If there is a central theme to the Violence
Colorado. When shots began, he threw Project it is that small acts can make big
himself over his girlfriend. She survived. differences. “A common misconception,”
The killer became famous, covered in the Densley says, “is that problems can only
news across the world, while Alex Teves, be fixed by a certain professional or
a hero, was largely forgotten. policymaker. If it’s a mental health problem,
This red carpet coverage of mass shooters we assume the only person who can
was defined at Columbine. At the time TV make a difference is a doctor, professor or
channels broadcast the manifestos of the psychiatrist. Actually, it can just be a mum
two killers so successfully that they have who gives a kid a hug. And that might be
thrived as objects of obsession across enough to get someone through the day.”
multiple generations, like a classic album. Of course, America does not have a
Even now you can buy from Amazon monopoly on traumatised young men, a
replicas of the T-shirt worn by one of bloodthirsty media or large class sizes.
them. Reddit boards are full of obsessives “I’m not stupid,” Densley says,
swapping interpretations of the crime. And exasperated. “I know it’s guns.” Today, there
on TikTok, in a very 21st-century iteration, are more guns in the country than there are
music videos sample images from Massacre people. “Study after study finds that ready
at Columbine High School, a 2004 episode access to lethal weapons in the United States
of the documentary series Zero Hour. creates opportunity for lethal violence to
How US media occur,” Peterson and Densley write, citing
“I FEEL PRETTY SICK NOW” reported the shootings their finding that 63 per cent of guns used in
When I ask if he’s seen these TikTok videos, at Columbine, Sandy mass shootings were legally acquired. “But,”
David Hickman, 63, sighs. Twenty years Hook and Marjory Densley says, “if the best we can do is wait
ago, Discovery Europe commissioned the Stoneman Douglas for the abolition of the Second Amendment,
British director to make a documentary High School then nothing is going to happen.”
built from survivor testimony and dramatic In 2018 the deadliest high-school
recreations of the Columbine shooting. shooting in US history happened in
“I tried to watch the film before I spoke to Parkland, Florida. Seventeen died. Later
you,” he says. “And I feel pretty sick now.” that year a woman supported a conspiracy
Massacre at Columbine High School is one leading to another 0.3 attacks, meaning theory on Facebook calling the shooting a
incredibly popular. Endlessly pirated, it that if four mass shootings are covered in hoax. In 2019 she filmed herself harassing
regularly appears on YouTube for a month the media, a fifth is guaranteed. a teenage survivor of the shootings. In 2021
or so, racking up millions of views, before While the mainstream media wrestle the woman, Marjorie Taylor Greene, was
being taken down. Within days, it’s back up. with how to cover mass shootings, which elected to the US House of Representatives.
I get the impression Hickman wished he do well for ratings, social media users are Guns are more than an American political
had never made it. running riot with names, photos, theories. blind spot, they drive it mad.
“There was an incident, I think in On social media as on Fleet Street, if it In the final letter Densley and Peterson
Washington State, where one of these bleeds, it leads. received from Jeremy, he wrote:
school shooters murdered his parents and
then shot up his school,” he says. “Left on HOW TO END THE EPIDEMIC Thank you for writing to me and for seeking
his computer was my film. Which is a very Peterson and Densley’s work gives us four my assistance. Thank you for doing this
depressing and upsetting thing to hear.” identifiable characteristics shared by most research and the time you and your helpers
Peterson and Densley’s study proves mass shooters: childhood trauma, a recent have put into this. Take care now and may
that mass shootings are infectious: each personal crisis, an interest in other shooters, God bless you! I will always pray for you n

The Sunday Times Magazine • 25

My miracle
One in thirteen babies is born
prematurely in the UK. Yasmin
Butt recalls the trauma of seeing
her newborns clinging on to life
Yasmin with her children today. From top left: baby Rafi weighed
The Sunday
less than 4lb when he was born; his sister Violet wasTimes
tinier • 27
and despair. We knew the twins were non-identical and
decided to find out the sex as I needed to feel a close
connection with them, whatever the outcome. This
meant I knew it was my daughter who was struggling,

which brought an added emotional distress.
About 60 per cent of twin pregnancies result in birth
before 37 weeks, whether spontaneous or induced,
and about 75 per cent of triplet pregnancies result in
birth before 35 weeks. Over the past 40 years there
has been an upward trend in multiple births, partly
on account of a huge increase in people turning to
fertility treatments such as IVF and women starting
families later: multiple births are more common in
older mothers.
an autumn morning in 2008 two months before my Most of the staff I met were incredible, but I do
due date, I was told that the twins I was expecting remember one thoughtless consultant scanning my
needed to be delivered urgently. I had known for three notes and asking, “So we are going for delivery at 32
months that they were going to be born prematurely weeks, regardless of the death of twin two in utero?”
as one was growing at an alarmingly slow rate, but Thankfully another doctor reassured us that the outlook
the doctors had been trying to buy us as much time was more hopeful. If we could reach 32 weeks, one
as possible to give both children a fighting chance. twin would have a 90 per cent chance of survival and
Now, at 31 weeks and two days, that time was up. The the other a 50 per cent chance. But now, just shy of
doctors had discovered a reverse blood flow through the 32-week mark, our luck had run out.
the umbilical cord of one of the babies, indicating a Back on the ward at the Queen Elizabeth, where I had
serious condition where the placenta was no longer chosen to give birth, staff were calling round London
supporting the baby sufficiently and which, left and beyond to find a hospital that could accommodate
untreated, can lead to foetal death. The twins were us. There was even talk of sending us to Scotland. Every
coming and I felt terrified — and things were about hour of delay meant the odds of survival of twin two —
to get worse. The neonatal intensive care ward at our as they referred to my daughter — were diminishing.
local hospital, the Queen Elizabeth in Greenwich, Medics advise you never to google anything but,
south London, was full, which meant we were now pacing the floor in a side room as I waited for news,
in a race against time to find another place for us all. I couldn’t stop myself. Several sites echoed the same
This was 15 years ago now, almost to the day. But opinion — that the reversal of the blood flow was a sign
still thousands of parents each day are facing similarly
terrifying situations. In 2023 about 60,000 babies in
the UK were born prematurely — before 37 weeks
— which amounts to 1 in 13 babies according to the
60% foetal demise was imminent. I became increasingly
agitated and, with no resolution in sight as the day
came to a close, the nurses gave me a mild sedative.
One of the fears gripping me was the prospect of
latest figures from the charity Tommy’s. Worldwide, of twins being separated from my babies once they were born.
15 million babies a year are born prematurely, and of When I was pregnant in 2008, one in eight mothers
these a million will not survive. Complications caused
are born of multiples ended up in a different hospital from her
by preterm birth are the leading cause of death in premature. babies. A colleague had loaned me a maternity book
children under 5. World Prematurity Day on Friday is For triplets with delivery stories, and I remembered one woman’s
designed to raise awareness of its impact on families. account of giving birth to premature triplets who
I was 36 when I conceived and from its very earliest
Ŋüãϰż÷ŏľãϰ were sent to separate special care units. As she darted
days my pregnancy was difficult. On a work trip in rises to 80% between the hospitals, one by one the babies died. I was
Holland shortly after I found out I was pregnant I began terrified this would happen to us, and if it hadn’t been
bleeding, and on the train home I sobbed on my friend’s for the sedative I wouldn’t have slept at all that night.
shoulder, fearing the worst. At an appointment at the The next morning there was some good news: the
early pregnancy unit at St Thomas’ Hospital in central Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading would take us.
London, my partner, Matt, and I were relieved to I was blue-lighted in an ambulance more than 50 miles
discover that I hadn’t miscarried and learnt the through London and out onto the M4 with Matt and
wonderful news that we were expecting twins. Still, my midwife, Karen. Upon arrival I was prepped for
from that moment on I couldn’t shake the feeling that an emergency C-section and within an hour I was
something would go wrong. wheeled into surgery.
My sense of foreboding became a reality at my Suddenly my twins were here. The midwife briefly
20-week scan. As one junior doctor measured the showed me my son, Rafi, who was pink and crying.
second twin and called out the numbers, the other, I kissed his head before he was whisked away to an
who was inputting the figures into the database, incubator. Then my daughter, Violet, was born.
stopped typing and turned to look at his colleague. During the procedure they had had to unwrap the
She nodded and whispered, “I know …” Feeling really umbilical cord, which had been wound tightly around
distraught, we were sent straight from the Queen her neck, and she emerged silent, grey and less than
Elizabeth to King’s College Hospital in Camberwell half Rafi’s size. We glimpsed her before she, too, was
to undergo a barrage of tests. rushed away. It was such a flood of emotions to see
The reason for the lack of growth of one baby was finally the baby that for months I had been fretting
thought to be either placental insufficiency, an over suddenly in the world.
infection or Down’s syndrome. At weekly scans they We had already chosen names for them, thankful
checked the blood flow through the umbilical cord of for the distraction while plodding from check-up to
the smaller twin and calculated the odds of survival for check-up. Violet was the name of Matt’s grandmother.
both, which was a near-constant rollercoaster of hope Rafi, my beloved father, died 11 years before the twins

28 • The Sunday Times Magazine

Yasmin cradles her
daughter Violet,
who was small
enough to fit into
the palm of her
father’s hand when
she was born and
spent the first seven
weeks of her life in
an incubator, right

“One nurse mentioned that their skin was so paper-thin

it could tear. I was petrified of touching them”

were born. Honest and loving, he had a pragmatic babies with ear buds and cotton wool pads and
approach to life that would have been appreciated very changing their size 0 nappies before the consultants
much in the trying times before and after the birth. started their morning rounds and we were herded into
After a restless night, Matt wheeled me to the the parents’ room to discuss our children’s progress.
neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) to see our In those early, scary days, I was always in search of
newborns, who were nestled in two incubators in hope. In one quiet consultation room there was a book
a corner. Rafi weighed just under 4lb (1.8kg) and had no full of photos of babies who had been treated and
eyebrows or eyelashes, but was fairly robust for such a discharged, sent in by their grateful parents. I leafed
tiny chap. I was almost scared to look at Violet: at only through it once or twice a day, comparing the weights
1lb 15oz, she resembled a newly hatched chick. She had and gestation periods of each child with mine.
enormous eyes and a large head and feet, contrasting On other occasions, it was harder to feel hopeful. Two
dramatically with her spindly arms and skeletal body.
In a daze, we listened to staff explaining the stack
of monitors and tangle of tubes keeping them alive,
delivering fluids and nutrition. I remember one nurse
mentioning their skin was so paper-thin it could tear
20%of child
or three times a day I retired to a small room for mothers
to express their breast milk. The kits were stored
alphabetically and mine was next to that of a mother
of premature triplets, one of whom had passed away.
Every time I sat in that room I stared at the triplets’
easily, so I spent the next few days petrified of touching name tag, wondering whether they would now become
them. On the third day a nurse asked if I had held either
deaths known as the twins or still be referred to as triplets. It
of my babies and I burst into tears and shook my head, under the made me cry, as I wasn’t sure if I would be faced with
so she arranged for me to hold Violet. The moment ¾÷ãϰĢöϰżŢãϰ the same dilemma. Then I’d cry again, feeling selfish
I had her in my arms for the first time was incredible. for comparing their tragedy to my situation.
I was so nervous but felt an overwhelming wave of love
are due to Two weeks after they were born, space opened up for
and pride for how hard my baby had fought to survive. premature Rafi and Violet at the Queen Elizabeth. They couldn’t

birth be transported together in the same ambulance as there

ike many parents of premature babies, we felt was room for only one incubator and neonatal clinician
fear and uncertainty during the earliest days at a time, so the team made the journey twice. At 6pm
of our twins’ lives. The day after he was born, Violet arrived, and just after 10pm the neonatal transfer
one of Rafi’s lungs collapsed and for several team returned with Rafi, having sacrificed breaks and
days he was kept alive by a ventilator. Both extended their already long shift to get them both there
twins were also diagnosed with jaundice, which affects on the same day. Fifteen years later I still feel a surge of
about 80 per cent of premature babies. gratitude when I think of the moment they wheeled his
I was discharged after nine days and we moved in incubator through the hospital doors. There was still
with friends who lived close to the hospital until special a long way to go, but knowing the twins were nearby
care places became available in London. Matt and I made all the difference.
spent our days on the unit. Our next breakthrough came two weeks later, when
The NICU had a daily rhythm. In the mornings the Rafi was discharged after reaching a respectable 5lb.
parents sat at their respective incubators cleaning their Unfortunately, Violet’s progress was much slower. ➤

The Sunday Times Magazine • 29

She needed to be 4lb and feeding well to come home, ne in ten of all premature babies will
but she was still reliant on a naso-gastric tube. At six have a permanent disability such as lung
weeks she required a blood transfusion, which I later disease, cerebral palsy, blindness or
discovered is fairly common in premature babies with a deafness, according to the pregnancy
low birth weight. I was distraught when I learnt I wasn’t charity Tommy’s. Babies born before
Baby Rafi, left,
a match and watched her like a hawk during the four- 32 weeks are especially at risk: they have had less time
and Violet, both
hour procedure, checking for any signs of an adverse to develop in the womb and reaching developmental
home at last, aged
reaction. But the transfusion was the boost she needed milestones — such as learning to roll over, crawl or
about three months.
and her weight gain the week after was excellent. walk — can take longer for premature babies compared
Below: now 15, the
With Rafi at home and Violet in hospital, for more with babies born at full term. Even though the twins
twins are preparing
than three weeks Matt and I worked as a tag team, and were home now, we took nothing for granted.
for their GCSEs
I don’t know how I’d have done any of it without him In our case, although it was Violet who was the
and my mum. Just before Christmas, we got the green smaller twin and who’d had the harder start to life,
light: Violet was strong enough to come home. She left it was Rafi who had tough days ahead. Aged four
hospital on December 21, seven weeks after their birth. months and still only the size of a newborn, Rafi started
We could finally start planning life as a family of four. having terrifying seizures. I spent a week with him on
a children’s ward while he underwent tests and doctors
tried to get cannulas into his tiny veins. One day I was
asked to hold him down while they performed a lumbar
puncture, which nearly broke me. We also had to film
him when he was having seizures in order to show the
consultants, which was nightmarish.
He attended the Evelina Children’s Hospital for
several electroencephalograms: recordings of brain
activity. On the right medication Rafi’s seizures
became less frequent, but we had to take him for
frequent eye tests as the steroids he was now taking
could cause permanent damage to his peripheral vision.
When he was eight months old the seizures stopped,
although for several years I didn’t dare to hope he was
cured. We never found out the cause, but doctors think
prematurity could have played a part.
I worried that Rafi had been affected in other ways
too. As a young child he didn’t always reach milestones
at the same time as his sister. He needed intensive
speech therapy until he was six as he struggled to be
understood by anyone apart from us. He couldn’t hold
a pencil well as his grip was weak, so learning to write
and draw became an arduous task for him. I left more
than one parents’ evening in floods of tears, devastated
by what I perceived as Rafi’s lack of progress. I wish
now that I had rejoiced at every step he made. Happily,
“One in ten premature babies over time he caught up with his twin.
Fifteen years on, Matt and I couldn’t be prouder of
has a permanent disability such them. They are healthy, happy and studying for their
GCSEs. Rafi loves gaming, history and politics, is a
as cerebral palsy or deafness. good fencer and, at 5ft 8in, towers over me. Violet is a
keen artist, loves music — especially old indie classics,
We took nothing for granted” to my delight — and enjoys bouldering. Last week at
the gym she deadlifted 75kg (165lb). Not bad for
someone who weighed less than 2lb and could fit into
the palm of her father’s hand when she was born.
This Halloween, Rafi and Violet celebrated their

15th birthday with a joint party, as they do every year.

They went trick or treating with friends and piled back
to the house for apple bobbing. Every Halloween I am
reminded of how lucky we are.
Another annual ritual is that Matt and I send a photo
to the Royal Berkshire to show off the twins’ progress.
When Rafi and Violet were eight years old, a former
colleague contacted me. She had given birth to her first
child, a little girl born at 26 weeks, and spent a couple
of months at the Royal Berkshire, taking solace as I had
in the book of NICU graduates. She was delighted to
see the pictures of Rafi and Violet doing so well.
I will for ever be grateful to the medical teams at
the Queen Elizabeth, the Royal Berkshire, Guy’s and
St Thomas’ and the Evelina, who ensured we could
add our family’s story to that book n

The Sunday Times Magazine • 31

Clarkson at Diddly Squat Farm
comparing a real limited edition
Ford GT with a model Ford GT40
from his childhood


I could say “Maserati”
before “Mummy”
Jeremy Clarkson has always lived for cars.
Now, at 63, he says he has grown out of doing skids
in stubble fields. What’s up with him?
fur door linings and removing the black Cropley, who was editing Car magazine
paint from the Rostyle wheels and adding at the time, letting him know that I was
more lights and a graphic equaliser. And available. And he kindly wrote back
eventually a set of Wolfrace seats. thanking me for keeping him in the loop,
One day I fitted the engine with a but inviting me to go away.
chromed sports air filter and convinced I then applied for jobs with every other
my friends that it added another 100 car magazine and when that didn’t work
1 horsepower. They would talk about their either I wrote to all of the advertising
cars and then the sun would come up agencies that had a car account, asking
and we’d all drive home because none of for a job in their copywriting department.
us drank back then. Going to the pub This appealed to my fundamental laziness
wasn’t about the pub. It was about the because when you review a car for a
drive there and back. magazine you have to write thousands of
Naturally I wanted to work with cars, but words, whereas in an advert you just have
this was likely to be a problem because I’m to come up with “Coke is it” and then go for
2 mathematically backward and less practically lunch. I mean “Vorsprung durch Technik”.
minded than a Californian fentanyl Those creative boys didn’t even bother
enthusiast, so engineering was out of the translating that into English.
question. I also had another problem. All the agencies had me in for an interview
Everything I ever draw looks like a dog, so and afterwards all of them invited me to go
I knew I’d never be a stylist, and I was too away as well. So I ended up getting a job as a
much of a sporting spanner to be much cop travelling salesman for my mum and dad’s
as a racing driver. However, I could write. toy company.
3 By which I mean I could spell. I had also It wasn’t exactly what I’d had in mind, but
won a poetry prize at school, and after three my company car was a Volkswagen Scirocco
years on the Rotherham Advertiser and two GLi (5) — 1,588cc, Bosch K-Jetronic fuel
block release courses in Sheffield, I had a injection — which I’d ruined by fitting tyres

have always loved cars. I could piece of paper from the National Council that were so wide the steering wheel felt as
say “Maserati” before I could say for the Training of Journalists that said I’d though it was set in cement.
“Mummy”. I would go to bed passed the relevant exams and was I loved that car like I loved my ability to
every night and peer for hours at therefore a qualified hack. Which, in my move about and see things. And what I
the drawings in my Ladybird Book mind, made me Bob Woodward. loved most is that Car magazine said it did
of Motor Cars, and when my dad, I therefore wrote to a chap called Steve 0 to 60 in 8.1 seconds, which made me
a travelling salesman, came home more of a man than Andy Scott, whose
after a week or two on the road, Vauxhall Chevette HS 2.3 (6) took 8.3
he’d always bring me the latest seconds. Weirdly, girls used to find our
model from Corgi or Dinky.
I was especially fond of the WHEN I WASN’T discussions about this quite uninteresting.
It turned out that I was a terrible
Citroën Le Dandy Coupé (1),
which sits even now on a shelf
in my new house. And the
DRIVING MY FORD salesman. I’d walk into a toyshop and ask
the owner if he’d like to buy a stuffed dog or
maybe a preposterous 3ft-tall felt Captain
Buick Riviera (2), with jewelled
headlights that flashed when you
put your finger over the rear
CORTINA I COULD Beaky. He’d say “No” and I’d say “OK” and
that would be that.
But the job did at least mean I could do
window. And the king of them
all, the bright orange Alfa
BE FOUND WASHING a huge amount of driving. I’d get up. Drive
to Swansea. Discover that no one wanted a
Romeo OSI Scarabeo (3).
The highlight of my year
was our annual pilgrimage to
IT, MAKING FUR stuffed dog or a 3ft-tall felt bird. And then
I’d drive home again. And the next day I’d
go to Dorchester and repeat the process,
the Cathedral of Turtle Wax,
otherwise known as the Earls DOOR LININGS AND before heading off the following day to
King’s Lynn to learn that no one there
Court Motor Show. My dad and I would stay
at a small hotel in nearby Barkston Gardens
and have some impossibly exotic spaghetti
ADDING A GRAPHIC wanted my wares either. In my first year on
the job I sold absolutely nothing at all, but
I covered 54,000 wonderful, exciting and
at the Palio restaurant on the Earls Court
Road. And then the next morning, after a
night bathed in breathless anticipation, I’d
EQUALISER liberating miles in my beloved Scirocco.
When I got back to London I’d drive it
some more. Before the killjoy-in-chief
be there bright and early to collect as many installed traffic lights at Hyde Park Corner,
brochures as possible. Which I’d then cut I’d meet up with my like-minded mates and
up to make a collage on my bedroom wall. we’d take it in turns to see how many people
My first actual car was a ten-year-old Ford we could get to blow their horns at us in a
Cortina 1600E (4) and when I wasn’t driving single lap of the traffic island. Geoff always
it I could be found washing it and making won, once with a blistering sideways lap in

4 5 6 7 8 9
From left: Clarkson
revisits his youth for
a festive Top Gear,
1997; with staff at the
Rotherham Advertiser
in the early 1980s.
Bottom: the Top Gear
team in 1992

his blue metalflake Alfa Romeo GTA (7), for a chicken madras. Then I’d trudge back
where he scored a massive 14 honks. to the Vomitorium, the house I was renting
And then, the next morning, I was back with three mates. Actually, two mates and a
in the car and off for another pointless foray man who got up very early every morning
into the dying world of stuffed toy retail. and sat in the bath listening to Radio 4.
Then, one day, while sitting at the lights Which is not what you need when you’ve
in an Oxfordshire town called Wallingford, been at the pub all day and have a headache.
I noticed the local newspaper offices and It was called the Vomitorium because
wondered if they had a motoring column. It that’s mostly what we did in it. After a
seemed unlikely. So then I began to wonder couple of months things were so bad that
if maybe any local paper had one. And later, you could never stand still for very long or
as a man in the local toyshop told me he you’d stick to the carpet.

wasn’t interested in my stuffed dog or the Incredibly, though, after just two years
felt bird, a thought struck me. the Motoring Press Agency was flying.
If I reviewed a car, I could send the same Mainly thanks to Jonathan, we’d secured
review to a hundred papers all round the a number of accounts, including the
country. They’d get a well-written (well, Shropshire Star, a newspaper on
well-spelt) review for maybe £20, which Humberside and Lincolnshire Life, which
made it good value for them. And I’d get once changed “Aston Martin” throughout
£2,000 a week for doing something I wanted a review I’d written to “Austin Martin”.
to do anyway. In the pub I told my friend To make matters worse, it turned out my The cash was dizzying. In year three, once
Jonathan Gill about this wheeze and the next poor selling technique wasn’t limited to soft we’d split the income evenly and deducted
morning, instead of driving to Wednesbury, toys. I’d ring the editor of the Black Country the cost of our photography, we each took
I resigned from the toy industry, went to Bugle, ask him if he’d like a car review every home £1,600. Which today would be
Prontaprint, bought some headed paper week for £20, he’d say “No” and I’d say £6,400. And that is what Sir Starmer
and in the front room of Jonathan’s house “OK” and that would be that. Again. would call “well below the poverty line for
the Motoring Press Agency was born. To make it even worse, I was experiencing hard-working people in the community”.
It was a disaster. It turned out that a great the misery and humiliation of not being You wouldn’t have guessed it, though, if
many local newspapers did in fact have a any good as a salesman and not even having you’d seen how we were living. Because
motoring correspondent and that he took a long drive to look forward to afterwards. we had a few outlets for our reviews we
umbrage at any attempt to dislodge him There was nothing for it. Jonathan and I could borrow cars from the manufacturers,
from what he saw as a cushy number. Also, repaired to the White Horse in Fulham which would be delivered every week full
we quickly discovered that most local and pretty much lived there for a year. of fuel and fully insured. So I was going to
newspapers were part of large groups that We’d occasionally pop back to his house work in a Renault Fuego Turbo (8) or an
had access to centralised features on travel, to watch Danger Mouse, and in the evening Alfa GTV6 (9) or a Toyota Supra (10) and it
home improvement, fashion … and cars. we’d go to the Shahin on the Fulham Road was costing me nothing. ➤

10 11 12 13 14 15
And that was just the start of it. Twice a With Richard
week we’d be invited to a “press launch”, Hammond and
which meant flying to Cannes or Madrid or James May on a
Rome, staying at the best hotel, eating the Grand Tour of
finest and completely free food and, the next California, 2016
day, driving whatever car was being launched
on the best roads the company’s PR team
had been able to find. I got to know La
Réserve in Beaulieu so well the doorman
recognised me. Not in my wildest dreams
had I ever thought such a job even existed.
Daihatsu once invited me to go to Japan
and try out a new little buzz bomb called
the Charade GTti (11). This meant flying
first class on Cathay Pacific to Hong Kong,
spending a couple of all-expenses-paid days
at the five-star Regent hotel before heading
northeast in great luxury to Kyoto. Here,
I climbed into the car and immediately St Tropez drinking Château Pétrus. But at that most people couldn’t afford an Austin
crashed it. And having been told not to least the pay was awful. I was offered £180 Metro either. “So if you are going to review
worry because “we make one every 23 a day and in the first year earned £360. cars that are out of most people’s price
seconds” I flew first class again, to Hawaii, But, and this is the kicker, what the Top range, they might as well be very out of their
where our little group spent a couple of Gear job meant was: I was now first in line price range because at least that way they’d
days jet-skiing around Maui before heading to try all the hot cars and the speed be exciting to look at.”
off, at the front of yet another 747 obviously, machines. I was the kid who’d gone to sleep And so it was, without actually getting
to San Francisco for a long weekend at the after playing with his Alfa Scarabeo and permission as such, that I spent a breathless
Fairmont on Nob Hill. reading his Ladybird Book of Motor Cars, couple of days with a director called Dennis
Then I came home to find I couldn’t in a bedroom festooned with glossy car Jarvis filming every single Lamborghini we
afford to pay the bill for the long-term pictures, and now I was going to be driving could lay our hands on. We had a Miura (15)
parking at Heathrow. I was living a life Elton this sort of stuff on TV. and an LM002 (16), and we raced a Diablo
John could only dream about while earning It took a while. Some of the old guard at (17) against a Golf GTi (18) to demonstrate the
even less than Sir Keir Starmer’s dad, who Pebble Mill saw no reason to review cars difference between a fast car and a Lambo,
— in case you’ve been on Jupiter for the that “people can’t afford”, but I pointed out and we used Pulnix minicams on the end
past five years — was a toolmaker. of the sound man’s mike pole and a Bad
And then it all came crashing down. I was Company soundtrack, and the bosses were
at the launch of the Citroën AX (12) at a appalled. But we’d spent so much money
fancy spa hotel full of wet idiots in sliders
and, over lunch, found myself sitting next I WAS OVERTAKEN making the film, they sort of had to show it.
And it worked. It turned out the country
to a man who had Jay Leno’s chin and Brian
Sewell’s accent. It turned out he was called
Jon Bentley and he was a producer on the
RECENTLY AND I was rammed with people like me who liked
fast cars, so Top Gear did an immediate
handbrake turn. And instead of William
BBC show Top Gear.
A month later he called and asked me to
do a screen test, so I prepared something
DIDN’T MIND. IT Woollard signing off at the end of the
programme saying, “Well, that’s another
show done, as it were. Next week we’re
about a Range Rover (13). But Jon produced
a Citroën 2CV (14) and with no warning
DIDN’T DENT MY heavily into second-hand cars, basically in
Nottingham. Lots and lots of good advice to
asked me to do something on that as well.
It’s strange when you first talk on television,
because when the director said “Action”,
EGO. I MAY EVEN pick up if you want to. Until then. See you
then. Drive safely. Goodnight,” we had me
driving round a corner too quickly on full
I suddenly became aware, for the first time
in my life, of my hands — and they were HAVE MUTTERED opposite lock asking viewers to drive fast.
I was captain of the toybox and I ended
enormous. It was as if I had two marrows on
the ends of my arms and, to make everything
worse, each of the 40 muscles in my throat
“MANIAC” AS THE up going round the world, making shows
about motoring culture and jets and
speedboats and this all culminated, in 2002,
had started to spasm, causing me to swallow
constantly. Still, I spoke for two minutes
about ladies with sturdy shoes, whales and
HEARSE WENT PAST with the birth of new Top Gear, with the
Stig, Richard Hammond and, eventually,
James May. Which, after Top Gear became
Monsignor Bruce Kent, and despite being the most-watched TV show in the world,
Edward Marrowhands I got the gig. gave rise to that monstrous opening for
This meant I had to be available at short The Grand Tour in the California desert.
notice for filming duties, which meant I And then …
could no longer realistically spend quite so Even until quite recently you only had to
many balmy evenings on the terrace in show me a small part of a car, an indicator

16 17 18 19 20 21 22
lens or a door handle and usually I’d be able Carmakers have always been forced to Couple this to the fact that if the car
to tell you immediately not just which sort make small, economical cars for people were invented today, no government in the
of car it was and which model, but quite often who didn’t have much spare cash at the end world would allow normal people to drive it.
which model derivative. An L, a GL or a GT. of the month. But they did their best to They’d say it was too dangerous for ordinary
I used to entertain myself on the make those small cars interesting. Which mortals. Which is why they’re all so hell
motorway at night by looking at a car’s is why we got the original Mini (19) and bent on Ulez and net zero and making sure
tail lights from half a mile away and seeing the Citroën 2CV and the Fiat 500 (20), that the small number of teenagers who
if I could work out what it was before I and even as recently as the Nineties the want to take a driving test can’t.
caught it up. And I could. Never wrong. Daihatsu Charade GTti. I didn’t drive it I don’t mind, though, because my God I
Now, though, you could stand me in for very long in Japan before I crashed it, lucked out on the timing. I was there in 1971
a car park in broad daylight and point at but I do remember being amazed that when music reached its zenith and Hunky
a modern-day SUV thing that is 10ft away something with a one-litre engine could Dory, Who’s Next and Led Zeppelin IV were
and I wouldn’t have a clue. I went to produce more than a hundred horsepower. all released within months of one another.
Silverstone this year for the grand prix and That really was people power. I was there when comedians were allowed to
was ferried across the circuit in a car that But now look at what they’re giving us. be funny and television was a smorgasbord
was blue. That’s all I can tell you. Look at that ridiculous electric Citroën of gems such as Blackadder and Fawlty
AMI (21). I’m not sure that even qualifies as Towers. And my time as a petrolhead sits

nd there’s more. When I was a car. And then examine the bestselling cars neatly between the bookends of the first Ford
18 I literally could not drive in the UK so far this year: the Ford Puma Mustang (26) and the last Nissan GT-R (27).
past a stubble field without (22), the Nissan Kumquat (23) and the Plus, by the time they get round to making
being overcome with a wave Vauxhall Corsa (24). There’s nothing there driving so difficult it will no longer be worth
of uncontrollable desire to to titillate a small boy’s underpant zone. anyone’s while, I’ll be landfill. Just remember
go into it and spend a few There isn’t even a fast version of any of them. to put a picture of that Alfa Scarabeo in my
minutes doing skids. Now? And the fourth bestseller is a bloody Tesla coffin. And at the funeral play a soundtrack
I have stubble fields of my Model Y (25). Which is basically a kettle. of the Lexus LFA (28) at full chat n
own and the impetus has
gone. Drive round in them
for fun? I’d rather roll around
in them naked.
It’s the same story on the
road. I used to blast past
everyone all the time. But now I drive at
whatever speed the vehicle in front is
doing, and that’s fine by me. I was even
overtaken recently, which I’m fairly sure
has never happened before, and I didn’t
mind. It didn’t dent my ego. I may even have
muttered “maniac” as the hearse went past.
Age is partly responsible for a lot of this
and there’s no question I’ve spent a very
long time in the chocolate factory. When
you can drive pretty much anything that
takes your fancy, it does eventually become
dull. That’s why Warren Beatty became
gay. Actually, I’m not sure he did become
gay, but I bet he did reach a point where
he said, “No, Carly, you cannot bring
Raquel over tonight. I want to press
flowers instead.”
And when it comes to losing interest in
cars, I’m not alone. Young people, and Calling all car sleuths. existence. It hasn’t been
especially young men, have always loved Clarkson’s first car was a 1969 scrapped or exported, nor has
cars. But today that love seems to be on Ford Cortina MkII 1600E, it been declared an insurance
the wane. Many don’t even bother to get a registration number AWT 610G, write-off. It’s listed as originally
licence, saying they’d rather use Uber and with fur-lined doors and racing gold in colour — although it
that coaches have free wi-fi. Some of this, seats. His dad also had a MkII could since have been
I’m sure, is down to Gen Z’s obsession with Cortina. “I didn’t know there resprayed. If it’s out there,
net zero Just Stop Oil ecoism, but there were other cars,” Clarkson we want to find it and we need
must be more to it than that. It takes more says. “I was raised in a Ford your help. Write to magazine@
than one snot-nosed Swedish kid to end Cortina.” But where is Jeremy’s, preferably
our century-old love affair with the car. first car? A number plate with a photo of the car, or post
Unless she’s being actively aided and check suggests it’s still in in the online comments.

abetted by the car industry itself. And she is.

23 24 25 26 27 28
ay dinners

Skye Mc

PLUS Budget beaujolais from Will Lyons ● Charlotte Ivers visits Keir
Starmer’s favourite pub ● Does beans have to mean Heinz?
The Sunday Times Magazine • 39
ffortless” can feel (I like to drizzle especially

misleading in cooking generously over the chicken
— there is no such skin so it goes all crisp) and
thing. But there is a sprinkle liberally with salt.
spectrum: “a day in the
kitchen and a mountain 2 Toss in the sprigs of thyme
of washing-up” at one and put in the oven to bake for
end and “maximum 30-35 min or until the figs are
return for minimal tender, the chicken is golden
work” at the other. and the juices run clear when
These recipes are as you insert a knife into the
low maintenance as you can get: thickest part.
dishes you can bung in the oven
and forget about. Play with the Sausages with fennel
flavours: instead of figs, pair the and grapes
chicken with potatoes (seasoned This is one of those dishes
with lemon slices and fresh that you can happily take into
thyme or rosemary), or roasted the colder months. The fennel
grapes, persimmon or apple. is tender but with a tasty
For the orzo, swap the mackerel crunch to it; the onions are
for green peas and courgette, melt-in-your-mouth soft, just
or halved baby tomatoes, black caramelised in parts; and the
olives and melting mozzarella. grapes offer a pop of intense,
By Skye McAlpine jellied sweetness. If you can,
get your hands on sausages
peppered with fennel seeds
— a flavour combination that
works especially well — but any
Chicken thighs with figs good-quality pork sausages
You could, of course, roast a will do nicely.
whole chicken to serve with
jammy, thyme-infused figs, but Ingredients
the thighs cook quicker than an (Serves 4)
entire bird and tend to be the • 2 medium fennel bulbs,
most flavoursome part anyway, thinly sliced lengthways
making this dish a win-win. • 1 small red onion, thinly
sliced lengthways
Ingredients • 4 tbsp olive oil
(Serves 4) • Salt flakes 2 Roast for 20 min, then turn it has a pleasingly stodgy
• 1 tbsp honey • 6-8 sausages the sausages so they colour quality, and yet the combination
• 5 tbsp olive oil • 350g grapes evenly and roast for another of sunshine-yellow saffron
• 4-6 skin-on, bone-in 10-15 min until they are and buttery, salty mackerel
chicken thighs 1 Heat the oven to 200C fan/ browned all over. You can with sweet raisins makes
• 8 figs, quartered gas 7. Combine the fennel and test to see if the meat is this the kind of dish you
• Salt flakes onion on a large baking sheet. cooked through by inserting could — and should — readily
• Small bunch of fresh thyme Drizzle with 3 tablespoons of a knife into the middle of a make for even the most
the olive oil and season sausage — it should feel demanding of dinner party
1 Heat the oven to 160C fan/ generously with salt. Toss to warm to the touch when it guests.
gas 4. Combine the honey combine. Arrange the sausages comes out. Serve immediately.
and oil in a small bowl and on top of the vegetables, Ingredients
whisk with a fork. Arrange spacing them out evenly. Orzo pasta with mackerel, (Serves 4)
the chicken thighs and figs in Nestle in the grapes, broken pine nuts and raisins • 1 vegetable stock cube
a roasting dish, then drizzle into small bunches. Drizzle There is something deeply • 1 tsp saffron strands
the honey mixture over over the remaining olive oil. comforting about orzo: • Salt flakes

40 • The Sunday Times Magazine

Tasted! The best


Waitrose Essential
Nice! Sweet, tomatoey
sauce with a perfect
consistency. Get me a
baked potato now. 4/5

Heinz Beanz
Instantly recognisable
but a bit too sweet and
ketchupy, although the
sauce definitely tastes
of tomato. 3/5

M&S Food
Can’t fault the flavour but
the watery sauce would
drown your toast. 3/5

Tesco 50p,

A faint taste of tinned
tomato soup. Otherwise
very bland. 2/5

Sainsbury’s So Organic
Very thin sauce that
tastes weirdly like
chestnuts and almost
crunchy raw beans. 2/5

Branston £1,
• 400g orzo 2 Combine the orzo, raisins Woah, this is sweet! A
• 50g raisins and pine nuts in a roasting spoonful will suffice. 2/5
SAVE • 20g pine nuts dish (roughly 23x33cm),
FOR LATER • 1 smoked mackerel fillet then crumble in the mackerel Co-op 49p
(roughly 80g) fillet. Pour the stock over Very bland and in an
You can share • 1 lemon, cut into wedges, the pasta and put in the almost brown sauce.
and save to serve oven, uncovered, to bake for Will need tarting up with
recipes from 25-30 min, until all the liquid salt and cheese. 1/5
our digital 1 Heat the oven to 200C fan/ has been absorbed and the
editions gas 7. Dissolve the stock cube orzo is plumped up but still HP £1,
in 900ml boiling water. Using has bite in the centre. The sauce tastes of
a pestle and mortar, grind absolutely nothing.
the saffron strands together 3 Take the dish out of the Bizarre. 1/5

with a pinch of salt flakes into oven, cover with tinfoil and let
a fine powder, then add to it rest for 5 min. Serve with the Hannah Evans,
the boiling stock. lemon wedges n deputy food editor
R E S T A U R A N T S Charlotte Ivers l

Sir Keir’s local? Pints for a fiver

and food in fifty shades of beige


nd so to Keir Starmer’s

favourite pub. I’ve
always thought you
can tell a lot about
someone by what they
choose to put in their
mouth — and where
they choose to do it.
So how better to
understand the man
who would be king
than a pilgrimage to his local?
Now, look (as David Cameron
used to say). Let me be clear. It’s
not unknown for our politicians
to pull the name of a random
pub out of their proverbial to
prove their common touch. But
Starmer does actually love the
Pineapple, which is not in
Islington, where everyone
thinks he lives, but Kentish
Town, where he actually lives. invited the finest minds in The others trickle in, along
Admittedly they are spiritually political journalism — the with a bottle of house white **************************************
pretty much the same place. finest available at short notice (£20). The nerd is dispatched THE DAMAGE
Other regulars say they’ve on a Friday night, anyway. First for food. The Pineapple, like **************************************
seen him there. He once to arrive is a lovely nerd from many British pubs, serves Mixed platter A: corn cakes,
described the place as his one of those publications you Thai food. Lore has it this spring rolls, onion rings,
“church”. So I head along in the buy to impress the neighbours began at the Churchill Arms, golden triangles £5.25
hope of feeling His presence. but never actually open. an Irish pub in Kensington.
The Pineapple is one of those He emerges grinning. “Five During the early 1990s the Mixed platter B: chicken
cramped little pubs with the pounds thirty for a Neck Oil!” landlord noticed that punters satch, fishcakes, prawn
bar in the centre and a maze I hate that we are excited by kept slipping away for dinner, toast, prawn tempura, Thai
of rooms surrounding it. They that. I remember my fury when and his Thai bartender dim sum, spring rolls,
make me anxious. You always pints went over a fiver but, by suggested they might stick golden triangles £7.25
have to awkwardly negotiate London standards now, £5.30 is around if the pub could offer
your way through a group of practically free. “Everyone here some nosh. Thai food caught Bottle of house white £20
old boys who have been looks like Keir Starmer,” the on in pubs across the land
sitting there since 2pm, and nerd giggles. On interrogation because its components freeze Pint of Neck Oil £5.30
indeed since 1975. I do exactly this turns out to mean that well and you don’t need much
that and commandeer a table there’s a lot of rosy-cheeked space for a couple of woks. Sir **************************************
out the back. middle-aged men, lots of plaid, Keir should mention that next Total £37.80
To facilitate communion and “everyone looks like they time some politician says that **************************************
with the spirit of Starmer, I’ve spend at least £35 on their hair”. multiculturalism has failed.

42 • The Sunday Times Magazine

Or maybe not. Given what
arrives, we’d be closing the
borders immediately. I told
you I was here to understand
Starmer — and I’m sorry, Sir DRI NK l Will Lyons
Keir, I didn’t want to do this,
but the irresistible adjective
here is “beige”.
Let’s break down the beige.
Here’s something nouveau:
Spring rolls: containing the
thinnest slither of veg. bargain beaujolais
Samosas: either with the
same ingredients as the spring
rolls or perhaps different

ingredients, processed ne of France’s most famous wine 2022 Château d’Emeringes
down sufficiently to be regions has its moment in the sun Beaujolais-Villages Vieilles
indistinguishable. Sweetcorn this week as a few diehards gather Vignes (13.5%) The Wine
fritters: enjoyable in the same to celebrate the arrival of the first Society, £9.50 Lovely spicy
way that eating a bag of Haribo bottles of beaujolais nouveau. depth of flavour, with hints
on a hangover is enjoyable. I’ll be away, but even this wine of cherry and a silky texture.
Flaccid onions rings, that columnist has been known to
noted staple of Thai cuisine. attend the Soho watering hole 2022 Specially Selected
Then, fishcakes. Monstrous. the French House to raise a glass Fleurie (12.5%) Aldi, £9.49
A texture only God could on the third Thursday of This smooth, easy-drinking
forgive. The texture of an November to this frivolous, fleurie is packed with the cru’s
omelette left sweating in the garishly coloured and immature red. characteristic floral aromas
sun. The taste of something The world fell out of love with nouveau and bright, tart red fruit.
unholy stuck in the drain when — and the gimmicky race to get the first
you’ve finished washing up bottles of the new vintage across the 2022 Taste the Difference
the fish knives. Some around Channel — almost as quickly as it fell in Beaujolais Supérieur (13%)
the table think there might with it and now this region of 30-odd miles, Sainsbury’s £11 A keenly
be prawn in these miserable sandwiched between southern Burgundy priced, balanced beaujolais
little discs. It’s hard to say. I’m and Lyons, is busy reinventing itself as the from Mont Brouilly delivering
allergic to prawns and I ate one producer of altogether more serious wines. plenty of cherry and blueberry.
and emerged unscathed. And There is still enough cheap and cheerful
thanks to this inconvenient jug wine to keep the dwindling nouveau 2022 Vavril Beaujolais-
allergy I can’t tell you what the crowd happy, but today Beaujolais makes Villages Gamay Noir (13%)
prawns in filo pastry tasted some of the most interesting, reasonably Haynes Hanson & Clark,
like, or the prawn toasts. priced bottles in France. At the forefront £14.25 A classic beaujolais-
Luckily, if you want to know you of this revolution are the ten crus (Brouilly, villages: light and refreshing,
can pop to the nearest Iceland. Chénas, Chiroubles, Côte de Brouilly, with vitality and crunchy fruit.
Wash it down with another Fleurie, Juliénas, Morgon, Moulin à Vent,
bottle of wine and a few more Régnié and St Amour) that sit on granite 2021 Château de Ravatys
just-over-a-fiver Neck Oils. soil and produce an expression of the gamay

Côte de Brouilly (12.7%)

I wake the next morning grape that is age-worthy, structured and Majestic, £15.99 This organic
feeling guilty. We didn’t have a complex. At their best these wines possess brouilly is full of character
main course. I drag a colleague a silky texture, lightness of touch and and combines earthy spice
back for lunch: “Japanese uplifting floral aromatics. And unlike their with succulent dark fruit.
noodles” I could probably make neighbours in Burgundy, whose prices have
better at home and a massaman hit the stratosphere, they’re still affordable. 2021 Dominique Piron
curry I couldn’t. The noodles Take, for example, the juicy, spicy 2019 Morgon La Chanaise (13%)
are slightly overdone, the rice Juliénas from Georges Duboeuf, which you Waitrose, £15.99 A powerful,
that comes with the curry can pick up for £13 at Morrisons. generously flavoured morgon
slightly underdone. These reds go so well with with balance and mellow
Still, it’s £6.50 a dish and I’m cold meats, terrine or a hunk tannins. Perfect with poultry.
gearing up for a U-turn worthy of cheese, but my heart also
of any politician. This is a really soars at the simple pleasure
good pub. Airy conservatory, offered by a glass of Bargain of the week
decent garden, cheap pints. beaujolais supérieur
Sod the food — eat beforehand. or beaujolais-villages, 2022 The Best Touraine
Maybe get some spring rolls if which sit below Sauvignon Blanc France
you feel brave or drunk or both. the crus in the (13%) Morrisons, £10 Here’s
Here’s a slogan for you, Keir. classification a wonderfully fresh, grassy
Starmer’s Britain: it’s beige, pyramid. Both are sauvignon with abundant
but maybe that’s not the worst light years ahead zesty citrus and green fruit.
thing in the world n of nouveau n

The Sunday Times Magazine • 43

D R I V I N G Nick Rufford l

A Golf in posh clothing that you

can pimp to your heart’s content
sales charts, making it the new version is 21mm narrower). from BMW and Audi. But, hang
REVIEW company’s most popular car last
year with global sales of more
It’s better-looking than its
predecessor too, with an extra
on, a diesel hybrid? New diesels
are these days much cleaner,

MERCEDES- than a third of a million.

Like the humble Ford Cortina
70 litres of luggage space. This
smoothed, pimped, updated
and this one is very much Ulez
compliant. The cheapest petrol

BENZ GLC or the Nissan Qashqai, the GLC

is a car for its time. It may not be
especially quick or glamorous
GLC has been a long time in
the making because, mindful
of the car’s commercial success,
version (the GLC 300 4MATIC
AMG Line) costs £1,970 more.
If you want a shinier halo,
but it’s a practical all-rounder bosses at Mercedes’s Stuttgart there’s a plug-in hybrid electric
— although Mercedes won’t HQ wanted to avoid fixing version, which should cover up
welcome such a humdrum something that wasn’t broken. to 80 miles before running out
hen the history of description. Possibly they’d be The biggest changes are in of charge. This extra range has

ICE — internal happier with “like a Volkswagen the powertrains, the propulsion the added benefit of making the
combustion Golf, only posher”. system that moves the car GLC cheap to tax as a company
engine — cars Need a car to minimise the along. The new GLC range is car with a benefit-in-kind rate of
is written, the hassle of the daily commute? leaner and greener and uses 5 per cent. It has a smaller fuel
Mercedes-Benz A GLC will do nicely. Want electrical power to supplement tank, however: just 49 litres
GLC is unlikely something for a family holiday? traditional engines, providing compared with 62 litres on the
to get a mention, It’ll fit two grown-ups, three a best-of-both-world solution. ICE cars and the diesel plug-in.
but it should. youngsters, a dog and a bootful Cheapest is the mild hybrid The other sacrifice is luggage
Dismissed by of camping gear. You can turn (non-plug-in) diesel, starting at space. To accommodate the
sceptics as a up at a swanky hotel or collect £52,880 for the, deep breath, battery, in the PHEV car it’s
Mercedes C-class on stilts flat packs from Ikea. It’s tall GLC 220 d 4MATIC Line. 470 litres instead of 620. Still,
when it appeared in 2016, it has enough to see over traffic but not That’s a price low enough to for people not ready to make
slowly but surely climbed the too fat for width restrictors (the fend off strong competition the full leap into electric vehicle

44 • The Sunday Times Magazine

You can turn up at a
łţ¾ěĐũϰüĢŊãēϰĢľϰÙĢēēãÙŊϰŽ¾Ŋϰ COLLECTORS’
packs from Ikea in this Jaguar E-type

When the E-type roared

onto the scene in 1961, it
brought a splash of colour
to a monochrome motor
industry. Enzo Ferrari was
so dazzled he called it the
most beautiful sports car
ever made, even though it
put a crimp in his own sales.
At £2,098 it was less than
half the cost of Italian rivals
as well as fabulous-looking,
with a distinctive forward-
opening long bonnet and
ownership, the PHEV is a good panel and wireless phone eased back on the touchscreen — on early models — glass-
bridge. (Though note that the charging. Oh, and a fingerprint technology, by keeping climate covered headlights.
diesel PHEV is the heaviest in scanner that tees up the car controls on display, for example, Celebrities adored it. When
the range, half a tonne more with your personal settings. so you don’t need to dig through George Best said, “I spent
than both the entry-level petrol On higher trim levels you’re submenus to find them. The a lot of money on booze,
car and the Premium Plus paying for panoramic roof, steering wheel haptics are still birds and fast cars — the
version that I drove.) surround sound system and frustrating, though, especially if rest I squandered,” he was
Choosing your powertrain is head-up display. But even in your fingers are slithering about reputedly talking about his
just the start of the selection the lowest spec the GLC’s while driving on an uneven road. E-type. He is pictured
process. Next is trim level, of cockpit has a nice roomy feel Just to complicate things, above with his car and his
which there is a huge array but and the driver’s position is there are also two Mercedes- model girlfriend, Siv
all variations get the same comfy. It’s a little tighter for AMG versions of the GLC, the Hederby, in 1976. Other
nine-speed automatic gearbox passengers travelling three-up 43 and 63, that are genuinely stars including Steve
— 9G-Tronic Plus — and in the rear, where the middle sporty and can be hustled along McQueen bought it for its
four-wheel drive system. They passenger has to straddle a at a fair lick. The latter is a wolf racing pedigree, based as it
all have a choice of 64 ambient transmission tunnel. in sheep’s clothing. On the was on Jaguar’s D-Type
lighting colours, heated sports To its credit, Mercedes has outside it’s an eco-friendly racing car, which had won
seats, an oversized touchscreen learnt from past mistakes and plug-in, but its electric motor is the 24 Hours of Le Mans
paired with a turbocharged race three years in a row.
2-litre engine to boost power to With a claimed 150mph
The Ruffometer a monstrous 670bhp — enough top speed and a lively
Mercedes-Benz GLC 300 4MATIC to whisk you from standstill to 0-60mph of under seven
62mph in 3.5 seconds. seconds it was fast for its
AMG Line Premium Plus A range-topping Edition 1 time and captured the spirit
with all bells and whistles can of the Swinging Sixties. In
be yours for £130,820. And in the closing credits of the

case you still can’t find what BBC’s Dee Time, the era’s
you’re looking for among the favourite chat show, Simon
GLC’s 19 combinations of Dee pulled up in his white
powertrains and trim levels, E-type to allow a blonde
there’s a new slope-backed in a minidress to leap in,
4,716mm 2,075mm coupé version of the GLC due before racing off. Dee was
in January that will add another dropped by the BBC in
Engine 1999cc, 4 cylinders, petrol Power 254bhp Torque eight variations. 1969, but the car’s fortunes
295 lb ft Acceleration 0-62mph: 6.2sec Top speed 149mph Why so many? Better to offer kept climbing. Now it costs
Fuel 37.7mpg CO2 1741g/km Weight 1,925kg Price £64,850 too much choice than too little, from £25,000 for a “fixer-
Release date On sale now as they say in Stuttgart. It would upper” to £250,000 for a

help if they streamlined the pristine model. NR

Nick’s rating names, though n

The Sunday Times Magazine • 45

testosterone. “This is a
mistaken attempt to compare
what’s going on in men with
what’s going on in women,” says
H E A LT H Channa Jayasena, a consultant
in reproductive endocrinology.

“The manopause” — you’re joking? Jayasena says testosterone levels

dip when men hit their forties
at a rate of about 1 per cent a
year. But only 2 per cent of men
Robbie Williams says he has it. Experts say it’s a misnomer will suffer noticeable symptoms
such as erectile dysfunction
as a result. “Whereas women
undergo a profound change
ecent news that staff The controversial guidance Is it a real thing? The NHS over a matter of a few years.”

at the East Midlands for the ambulance employees says terms such as male Jayasena says the problem
Ambulance Service refers to “andropause”, a term menopause and “manopause” often starts with men googling
could take up to a used to describe a drop in are unhelpful. That doesn’t the things that go wrong in
year of paid sick testosterone levels. It says that mean men have nothing to middle age: weight gain around
leave for the “male men affected by it should not be worry about in midlife. But the the belly and chest (the dreaded
menopause” raised made to feel embarrassed and symptoms they may experience “man boobs”); sleep and
many questions, not should be offered portable fans as they age mostly have nothing memory loss; a reduced ability
least among women or heaters, or even time off. to do with hormones such as and desire to exercise; libido
of a certain age. Meanwhile, the singer issues. These can come with
Chief among them: Robbie Williams has said (and fuel) anxiety, irritability,
“You’re joking, right?” he’s a sufferer. “The hair is moodiness and depression.
It was no laughing matter for thinning, the testosterone Search results are awash
women such as the broadcaster has left the building, the with supposed solutions, and
Mariella Frostrup. The 60- serotonin is not really here and testosterone is increasingly
year-old has called the idea the dopamine said goodbye a being pushed as a magic bullet
of a manopause “a land grab, long time ago. I’ve used up all by private and virtual clinics
a ludicrous and blatant of the natural good stuff,” he that offer at-home blood tests.
appropriation of women’s told The Sun recently. “I’ve “Testosterone prescriptions
midlife health problems”. got the manopause.” have doubled worldwide — it’s

rom elite athletes to

F I TNE S S sprightly grandparents,
one of the keys
to staying strong,
Six ways to injury-free and
probably living longer
boost your is working on what
keeps the body
balanced. Good
balance musculature supports
our skeletons better,
keeping us upright and giving
us a better posture, spreading
stresses and strains more Heel raises Single leg hinge
evenly across the body. Great for strengthening Strengthens the leg and pelvis.
These simple exercises are calves, ankles and feet — Start standing straight, feet
brilliant for improving balance, vital to promote good mobility. together. Raise one leg off the
co-ordination, basic movement The core also kicks in to keep floor behind you, hinging the
patterns and stability — and you balanced, which aids body forwards like a seesaw.
it’s never too early or late in posture. These can be Keep the back straight and
life to start doing them. performed holding a chair engaged, not dropping lower
By Rosie Stockley, for support, or without to than the height of the leg.
founder of Mamawell; increase balance. Stand with Return to standing and join the feet slightly apart, toes facing legs back together. Aim to
forward. Rise up through the keep both hips and shoulders
foot, hold and then lower. facing forwards. Now do the
Repeat 10 times. other leg. Try 5 repeats of each.

46 • The Sunday Times Magazine

“The testosterone has left the “The first reaction
building,” says Robbie Williams shouldn’t be to say, ‘Oh, I need
testosterone,’ ” Jayasena warns,
“It should be, ‘Well, this may be
a multibillion-dollar industry,” a sign of other health problems
Jayasena says. “But desperate — what can I do about it?’ ”
men can get caught in a rabbit Anyone with concerns
hole, and private prescribers should start at the GP’s surgery,
are under commercial pressure where Jayasena says doctors
to be affirming.” are increasingly having to tell
Low testosterone levels can men who may no longer be able
play a role in some of these to afford private testosterone
symptoms, particularly among prescriptions that the NHS
the small number of men who won’t continue them.
have a real deficiency called Even if testosterone levels do
hypogonadism, which can be dip slightly, this is more likely a
treated with hormone therapy. result of the other symptoms
But in the vast majority of cases, and lifestyle factors rather than
testosterone is neither the a cause of them. A doctor may
problem nor the cure. Jayasena suggest getting more sleep,
warns that too much of it can eating better and exercising
cause serious heart problems. more to reduce stress levels.
Antidepressants or talking
therapies can also help.
“It’s a mistaken For men who may be
feeling that their best years
attempt to are behind them, “the key
thing to know is that this is
compare what reversible”, Jayasena says. “You
goes on in men can still optimise your health
and, by doing that, optimise
with what goes your testosterone without
thinking about it.” n
on in women” By Simon Usborne

Box step up Kneeling to standing Lateral side walks Dead bugs

Helps co-ordinate the lower Getting up and down to floor These support good posture, A great core strengthener,
body, activating the legs, level in a balanced way is utilising the hips, glutes and activating abdominal muscles

pelvis and abdominals. Use a crucial movement pattern. outer thighs. They also help that aid posture. Maintaining
a step or a stool at home. This move utilises the lower with knee, hip and back pain. torso strength reduces back
Place one foot on the box body as you go down, and the Use a looped resistance band pain and keeps you balanced.

and step up, then step up abdominals kick in as you above the knees. Bend your Lie flat on your back with your
the other leg so you are stand. Start from standing, knees with the back straight. feet off the ground, knees bent
fully standing on the box. kneel down with one leg, Take a sideways step and reset at 90 degrees. Keep your spine
Step down and join both then move the other leg down the legs again before repeating. pressed to the floor. Move one
feet on the floor. Keep your to join it, keeping the back Do 4 each way, then swap, arm back nearly to the floor
back vertical and straight. straight. Kneel up with the first repeating for 30 seconds. Try and back up, then swap. Do 10
Add weights for a great leading leg and come to not to close the feet, keeping and then add the opposite leg,
burn on the legs. standing. Repeat 5 or 10 times. some resistance on the band. stretching away and back n

The Sunday Times Magazine • 47

with alcohol and gambling. Ellie
was my guide during that first
couple of years. She was the one
getting me up in the morning,
A LI F E I N THE D AY into a routine, telling me that
everything was going to be OK.
We have a One Show meeting
Jermaine Jenas at 3pm, but I like to get there
early. There’s a nervous tension
involved with live telly that
Footballer turned One Show presenter, 40 reminds me of my early days at
Forest. The butterflies I used to
get in the tunnel. The two jobs
are very different but
enas was born in presenting has given me back

Nottingham and made his that desire to succeed, putting
debut for Nottingham myself under pressure to
Forest at the age of 17. He deliver the goods. I still make
spent the majority of his mistakes; emotions sometimes
career at Tottenham get the better of me and I say
Hotspur and won 21 caps for the wrong thing. You have to
England. Jenas is now a learn from those mistakes.
regular presenter on The One That’s important because it’s
Show and a pundit on Match how life works.
of the Day. He hit the Lunch at the studio is around
headlines last month for an 4pm — something light, a bit of
X-rated tweet criticising a pasta and salad — then I don’t
referee, for which he later eat until I’m home. Usually
apologised. He lives in north when I get back to the house
London with his wife, Ellie, the kids are in bed, so Ellie and
and their three children. He I make a point of sitting down
also has a teenage daughter for dinner and talking about
from a previous relationship. the day. I want to know all the
details: what they did at school,
There’s no such thing as a lie-in homework, how many hours
at our house. If my eldest they spent on social media.
daughter is over from America, There are so many good
you’re talking four kids … 16, 10, things about the internet,
7 and my 2-year-old son, Jacob. but it’s also become the new
That’s a lot of characters and a home for racism. When I first
lot of noise. This morning I had started out, you had fans
Jacob in bed with me, gave him throwing bananas at John
his bottle, changed his nappy, Barnes as he was running
then we had breakfast together. down the wing. Now you get
I had my protein shake, he had When I look back at those idiots chucking banana emojis
his cereal. When work takes you times, I realise that they
WORDS OF WISDOM into Bukayo Saka’s socials.
away from your family all the contributed to who I am. They Best advice I was given At least we’re having these
time, little moments set you up made me a more rounded You have to work harder if conversations, which can only
for the day. person, someone who’s able to you want to be a positive be a good thing.
I have read a load of stuff confront racism. A few years ago influence in this world Ellie and I watch telly in the
saying that we live in a luxury I actually bought that house. I’m evening, but she has to work
house. Yeah, this place is very very grateful for the beautiful Advice I’d give very hard to get me to watch
different from where I grew up home Ellie and I have, but I To be a footballer, you need anything other than sport. I can
in the Clifton area of want to be able to take the kids to work on the technical be up till 3am if I get caught
Nottingham, on one of the up there and say, “This is where stuff. The physical side of up in a golf tournament. Ellie
biggest council estates in the story started.” Nice bit of the game will fall into place tells me to listen to my body
Europe. It might not have been grounding for us. as you get older more and I do feel better when
a “luxury” house, but it was Making the change from I get my eight hours. If you’re
always bursting with love. football to TV presenting wasn’t What I wish I’d known up against four kids in the
That’s a testament to my easy. When you’re a footballer, There are a lot of people morning, you need to be at the
parents really, because we got a it dominates everything. In my out there who will try to top of your game n
lot of racist crap thrown at us. case, an injury forced me to bring you down Interview by Danny Scott.
Especially after they split up retire in 2016 and I just felt lost. Jermaine Jenas has
when I was 11. You can imagine That can be a dangerous time; collaborated with Dune
what it was like — a single white you hear stories about London for its AW23
woman with a mixed-race kid. footballers getting involved collection;

58 • The Sunday Times Magazine

November 12, 2023

of the epic
Ridley Scott reveals why he
is taking on the historians
with his Napoleon blockbuster
My Picks Twitter/X @timesculture @TheTimesBooks Instagram @timesculture

of the Saltburn
and our
4 Cover story From ad man to
blockbuster director — Ridley
Scott meets Jonathan Dean to
discuss modern cinema and his

obsession new historical epic, Napoleon
with class
8 Art Timothy Spall’s unlikely
Film, p6 second career as a painter

10 Books Michael Connelly

Patricia Nicol on his battle to stop AI writing
crime fiction in his name
l On until December at arthouses across
the UK is Cinema Unbound: The Creative Critics
Worlds of Powell and Pressburger, celebrating 14 Film Is Justine Triet’s Cannes
the dazzling visual genius of the British- winner Anatomy of a Fall worth
Hungarian film-making pair. I’m booked for watching? Tom Shone’s verdict
my favourite Hebridean romance, I Know
Where I’m Going!. But I’m tempted by others 15 Theatre Plays that make you
too: The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, A laugh are rare — a Queen Mum
Matter of Life and Death and The Red Shoes. comedy has cracked the code
l The Chemical Brothers
Live at the O2 arena
last weekend was an
20 Book of the week Why do
extraordinary experience
we find kittens, Pokémon and
— son et lumière for
Shirley Temple so cute?
unrepentant ravers. My next
big gig experience should
22 Politics Tim Shipman
be quite different: Bruce
dissects Nadine Dorries’s great
Springsteen in Cardiff in May.
Westminster conspiracy
l The fascinating Gwen John: Art
and Life in London and Paris is on at
26 Royalty A new book about
the Holbourne Museum, Bath, until April.
Edward VIII tries to rehabilitate
I saw it at Chichester’s excellent Pallant
a careless king
House Gallery. It’s a wonderfully thought-
provoking, quietly powerful show.
27 Fiction Paul Auster’s novel
reckons with freak accidents
Patrica Nicol is the Sunday Times
radio and podcast reviewer
TV & Radio

Cover Joaquin Phoenix in Napoleon. Right Rosamund 29 The best guide to the
Photograph by Ruven Afanador Pike in Saltburn week’s programmes

© Times Media Ltd, 2023. Published and licensed by Times Media Ltd, 1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF (020 7782 5000). Printed at Walstead Bicester Limited, Oxfordshire. Not to be sold separately.

12 November 2023 3
Cover story

Ridley Scott is probably
Britain’s most successful
— and outspoken —
director. Ahead of his epic
Napoleon, the 85-year-old
legend rages against
superheroes, politicians,
film critics and history
Jonathan Dean mopes after his cheating wife, Josephine French connection Joaquin Phoenix and
(Vanessa Kirby, who played the young Vanessa Kirby in Napoleon. Below: Ridley Scott
Interview Princess Margaret in The Crown). The movie
feels even bigger than Napoleon’s ego. Phoenix. “I don’t think it matters,” Scott scoffs.
Years ago Stanley Kubrick wanted to make “I’ve never experienced it in my life but I always
n 1977 a brash young British ad man called a film about the icon. Steven Spielberg planned see it, mature women with immature men.”

Ridley Scott, who’d made a bit of a name for one too, as did Baz Luhrmann. But their There is plenty more for historians to nitpick.
himself with the nostalgic “boy on a bike” versions hit the buffers, for various reasons At one point, in a spectacular scene, Napoleon’s
Hovis commercial, went to Los Angeles. His including finances and death. Nobody could cannons fire at the Pyramids. “I don’t know if he
mission was to flog his first film, an arthouse stop Scott, though. When I mention those did that, but it was a fast way of saying he took
Napoleonic number called The Duellists, directors who only tried where he succeeded, Egypt,” Scott says.
and plot his planned follow-up, a take on the Scott says: “Stanley called me the week Alien “Like all history, it’s been reported,” he adds.
medieval romance Tristan and Isolde. opened. He said: ‘It’s Stanley Kubrick.’ I said: “Napoleon dies then, ten years later, someone
Within days Scott’s hopes were dust. The ‘F*** off!’ He said: ‘No, it’s Stanley Kubrick.’ writes a book. Then someone takes that book
studio had ordered only seven copies of The He said: ‘I just watched Alien — how did you and writes another, and so, 400 years later,
Duellists. To cheer himself up the director went bring that creature out the guy’s chest?’” there’s a lot of imagination [in history books].
to see a new film that was creating a buzz. It He is on rollicking, slightly unhinged form at When I have issues with historians, I ask:
was called Star Wars — and it changed his life. his home in Provence. He had been shooting a ‘Excuse me, mate, were you there? No? Well,
He was sitting near the front of the cinema, he sequel to another of his blockbusters, Gladiator, shut the f*** up then.’”
recalls. “I’d never experienced such audience before it got postponed by the actor’s strike. He Scott was born into a military family in
participation. It was like a rock concert. I has kept himself busy editing: Napoleon in the South Shields, Co Durham, in 1937. The
thought: ‘Why the hell am I doing Tristan and cinema is two and a half hours long, but when it family moved about a lot before he went down
Isolde?’ I was depressed for a month. Then, out hits the streaming site Apple, Scott is adding an south, to the Royal College of Art to study
of the blue, someone sent me a script called hour. “Can cinema audiences really take more photography. There he made a short film,
Alien.” Scott never looked back. Star Wars than three hours?” he asks, ever the crowd-
showed him what he really wanted to do: make pleaser. “But longer is perfect for streaming.
big films that people would watch, and boy did You can press pause, get a beer, resume.”
he stick to his guns. After Alien came Blade Which scenes won’t make the cinema cut? “I
Runner, Thelma & Louise, Gladiator, The Martian am obsessed with the fact Napoleon had piles,”
— popcorn cinema with brain as well as brawn. says Scott, who believes that the failed invasion
At 85 Scott is still on a roll, and now comes of Russia in 1812 could have been different if I will ask
his latest really big one, Napoleon. “Frankly, the man in charge had not had haemorrhoids. historians:
he was one motherf***er — wow,” Scott gushes Judge for yourself in the streaming edit. “It’s
of the soldier, visionary and emperor who like having a migraine up your butt! I’ve never
‘Excuse me,
modernised France and terrified its neighbours. had them, but it’s a horseman’s dilemma.” mate, were
Joaquin Phoenix plays Bonaparte in a biopic I ask about the film’s respect for history. In you there? No?
that zips through his greatest hits and misses real life Josephine was six years older than her Well, shut the
— Austerlitz, Moscow, Waterloo — while Boney husband, while Kirby is 13 years younger than f *** up then’
4 12 November 2023
know who they are — so rich it doesn’t matter
— and already we are experiencing global crises
and these wankers are not taking it on board.”
I assume he means Elon Musk or Mark
Zuckerberg, but before I can ask he rushes
off again on another tangent. “Do you have
kids?” Yes. “I’m very concerned about the
future. The stupidity of how we have seen
global warming coming at us like a tidal wave.
How stupid can you get?”
He blows a raspberry. “The world is
bowling along with this blind notion that
somehow it will be OK, but it won’t.” Scott grew
up during the Second World War, so is no
stranger to existential dread. “I’m a war baby,
so I was under the stairs or in the shelter every
night while we got bombed by this lunatic from
Germany. He was mad, cray-zee.”
David Chase, the writer of The Sopranos,
once compared the threat of climate change to
Cold War fears about nuclear Armageddon, I
say. “The atomic bomb is nothing compared to
what is about to happen,” Scott says. “Mother
Nature can shake us off like a flea — she wouldn’t
even know we’re here. They’re advertising
holiday resorts in places where it’s 112 degrees
[Fahrenheit]. Are you kidding? We’re going to
be living by night and sleeping by day.”
All of which sounds like a decent plot for
a film, although the director has his plate full.
Once the strike ends it is back to Gladiator 2,
with Paul Mescal in the lead. Then Scott will
make a western. Then a film about banks.
“I always work three or four ahead.”
Does he think modern audiences, raised
on simplistic superheroes, can cope with the
Boy and Bicycle, starring his “very talented antiheroes Scott has made a career from, even
young brother”, Tony, who went on
to be a director too, making Top Gun and RIDLEY SCOTT RANKED up to his recent forays into the Getty and Gucci
families? Is there a lack of nuance in modern
Enemy of the State before taking his own life in cinema? “In big movies yes,” he says. “But
2012. No family wowed Hollywood quite like 1 Alien 1979, Disney+ in TV something is changing. I have to have
those British brothers. The unsurpassed masterclass a bedtime story so I always watch something
The older Scott puts a lot of his success down in sci-fi tension. Stomachs before bed, and little by little television is
to his early career in advertising, which he fell explode and an iconic offering something challenging, not the usual
into because it was better paid than the BBC. ET decimates the crew — suspects saving the world. I’m not someone
“I took off in that job,” he says, learning how but not their cat. who loves superheroes.”
to communicate fast, telling stories in 30 or This is the crux of Scott: a man who makes
60 seconds and never forgetting the need to 2 Blade Runner 1982, buy/rent blockbusters with mass appeal but respects his
be efficient. “My own definitive plan is that Opt for the director’s final cut audience’s intelligence. He goes on to argue that
there is no plan,” he explains. “Since Gladiator here. Philip K Dick’s story his own characters are heroic — superheroic
I’ve made 19 movies — I’m busy.” about what is “human” became even — but without the need to “fly off the
Martin Scorsese has a fear of his time Scott’s most emotional — and screen” wearing a cape. Ford’s character, he
running out. Does Scott share that concern? quoted — film. says, is a hero in Blade Runner, fighting to find
“Well, since he started Killers of the Flower Moon the truth about who he is. Sigourney Weaver
I’ve made four films.” So he is not weighed 3 The Martian 2015, Disney+ is too, as Ripley versus the alien. And so was
down by mortality? “No, I don’t think about it. A latter career triumph. Russell Crowe, in Gladiator, against that bad guy
I get up in the morning and say: ‘Ah great! Matt Damon holds our the Roman Empire. His point, delivered in his
Another day of stress.’” attention as the only person own blunt way: “You can do a superhero film
What Scott is weighed down by, though, is on Mars, just trying to grow well or as a piece of crap.”
one review that a renowned critic gave Blade some vegetables. What an underrated director Scott is. He
Runner, nearly 42 years ago. “My career has has never won an Oscar. Does that bother
been paved with perceived disasters,” he rages. 4 Thelma and Louise 1991, him? “Well, it’s a bit late for me,” he says,
“The biggest? I got crucified by Pauline Kael MGM/Prime Video without sounding sad at all. “I care more about
[in The New Yorker] for Blade Runner. I was Scott does well with female being well enough to cope with what I’m doing,
stunned. It got personal. I was furious because leads — never more so than so my health is far more important than a
I knew I had done something special.” The here, when Susan Sarandon and f***ing gong.”
story of Deckard (Harrison Ford), replicants Geena Davis drive off a cliff. He smiles. “I did get a knighthood, though.”
and rain is an unsurpassed sci-fi noir. “It is Well deserved, Sir Ridley — the man whose
a sophisticated view of the possible future,” 5 Gladiator 2000, Netflix entire career seems based on that immortal
he adds. “It says: ‘AI has feelings.’” The re-creation of Rome was cry of Maximus Decimus Meridius in Gladiator:
How will artificial intelligence change his extraordinary, the battles were “Are you not entertained?”
industry? “We haven’t felt it yet,” Scott says. brutal — the epic that paved
“But my concern is it getting into the hands of the way for Napoleon? Napoleon is in cinemas from Nov 22, before
people with absolutely no conscience. You streaming on Apple TV+
12 November 2023 5
Emerald Fennell has risen
to be the hottest property
in film — now she’s tackling
Britain’s greatest obsession.
By Jonathan Dean

‘Class is
hat, exactly, is the

best measure of
how posh one is?
Serviettes, forks,
Actually, nothing
reveals the divide between our
upper classes and Britain’s
aristocrats more than how
they serve tomato ketchup.
The director Emerald
the scab
we can’t
Fennell discovered this on
the set of her latest film,
Saltburn, a vicious satire of
the British class system. She
filmed it in Drayton House,

stop picking’
Northamptonshire, the seat of
the Stopford-Sackvilles, and
served ketchup in a decanter
for a dining scene. The staff
grew restless. There is nothing
so naff, they wailed — ketchup
stays in the bloody bottle.
Fennell laughs. She knows Fennell’s punchy Promising Career interested in everyday cruelty,”
her place, despite enjoying one Young Woman. highs From she says, smiling. “And the
of the quickest, most eclectic “There is always top: Emerald diligent pursuit of a goal.”
rises to the top: she starred in conversation about my Fennell in Call Few directors have Fennell’s
Call the Midwife and The Crown, acquaintance with this sort the Midwife; ability to put across such a
wrote series two of Killing Eve of world, but the British class Jodie Comer wide variety of characters so
and won an Oscar for system is so stratified,” Fennell in Killing Eve; quickly. In Promising Young
Promising Young Woman, a says with a laugh, curled up as Camilla in Woman those characters were
superb revenge thriller that she comfily in an armchair in The Crown; the men that Mulligan sought
wrote and directed. a chichi London hotel. “I Carey retribution against. In
Educated at Marlborough could barely get a look-in at Mulligan in Saltburn we meet Felix’s
College and Oxford University, a place like Saltburn!” Oliver Promising family — his mother played
she is well aware of her own is treated snootily by the Young by Rosamund Pike and father
privilege and, crucially, the Cattons and I ask if Fennell Woman; by Richard E Grant — and feel
difference between new and has also experienced snobbery Alison Oliver like we have known their
old money among Britain’s from those even higher up in Saltburn eccentricities for years.
elite tribes. She said of her role the ladder. She has a gimlet eye for
as a young Camilla Parker- She thinks, for a long time. detail. Halfway through our
Bowles in The Crown: “I play a “The thing is,” she says interview a waiter serves me a
chain-smoking posho making eventually, “because of my job black coffee. “You hate joy!” she
cutting remarks — it’s not a as an actress and writer I’ve opines of my choice of drink.
stretch.” Her father, the taken myself out of all that. You “It says you are confident and
celebrity jeweller Theo, went are necessarily a court jester in don’t need comfort — you just life that Saltburn’s opening
to Eton, and Elton John any place you go, so I’ve always I’ve had to want something acrid!” That half, at university, feels like a
allegedly spent £200,000 in his been, up to a point, a source of get thick- sort of observation is all over documentary. It is set in 2006,
shop in one ornate swoop. ridicule. I mean, I have to skinned her work, so I ask if she has when Fennell was a student,
There are the Fennells, and introduce myself to people stacks of notes about people and captures that powder-keg
with a straight face as
about how she has met, and whether any of hormones and intoxicants.
then there are aristocratic
families like the Cattons, the ‘Emerald’. I’ve had
absurd I of the characters in Saltburn But she does more than gawp
fictional inhabitants of the to get thick- am as a are based on people she at the “hot mess” of being
eponymous stately house, skinned person knows. “Well, I hope almost an adult. She talks
Saltburn. The story is a riot of about how anybody would be passionately about being
desire as the seemingly humble absurd I am delighted to be in the young, away from your family
Oliver Quick (Barry Keoghan) as a person.” film!” she quips. for the first time, and how
meets the hot, rich Felix Catton I ask what “But the truth is difficult and, indeed,
( Jacob Elordi) at Oxford and themes Saltburn both ‘no’ and ‘of disappointing that can be.
is invited to spend summer shares with Promising course’. I hope to “It’s your first time colliding
chez the Cattons. Young Woman, in always be with the world,” she says.

To say more would risk which Carey Mulligan respectful. I don’t “That time is electric — you can
spoilers, but Saltburn tackles set out for vengeance use people.” make up the person you want
the haves and want-to-haves against men. “I Such is to be, but then the world tells
with a brio that matches suppose I’m Fennell’s grasp of you, ‘Oh, it’s not about how
6 12 November 2023
Louise Brealey
My The actress and writer, 44,
hard-working you are, but how cynical one, and she plays Cultural on taking acid at her first
sexy you are.’ How interesting.
It’s the awful realisation that
the rules are much more
with our expectations about a
subject we thought we knew.
For instance, while Saltburn
Firsts gig and the moment she
knew that Sherlock was a hit
complicated than you have seems to be about the
been led to believe.” She is aristocracy and Oliver’s
38 now, with a couple of yearnings for what he does
children. She smiles. “Then not have, it is also a First concert I went to meet John Travolta because I’d
life wears you down and commentary about online I would like to say an unknown seen him star in The Boy in the
you’re just happy to be alive. culture, and how people are band called Blur in a tiny tent Plastic Bubble, a film in which
And vaguely functioning!” obsessed with those who are at Reading in 1994, but I he plays this kid that can’t step
With her first two films better off — scrolling endlessly accidentally took my first and outside a little plastic tent or
Fennell joined an invigorating and enviously through the lives very much last acid tab off an he’ll die. The other was asking
group of young directors who of the rich and famous. apprentice plumber called to meet the pop star Paul
tackle our complex world with “We have a sadomasochistic Tony from Swansea and Young. I figured I had a better
a shared pop philosophy — relationship with those who not watched the The on the big chance with him because he
only don’t care about us but stage instead. It was all fine was from Luton. At least I
don’t even see us,” Fennell until the music started to didn’t do what my brother did
says. “It is voyeurism that is creep up from the grass and write to Jimmy Savile to
tinged with condescension. It’s right up my legs and I ask to meet Rolf Harris.
this cycle: ‘I’m looking at this was surrounded by
person and I want to f*** them,
but that makes me feel bad
terrifying gargoyles.
WATCH IT First time I cried at
the cinema
about myself, so I hate them.’ First pop-inspired Such Brave Girls Watership Down
We can’t help ourselves and fashion trends I starts on Nov 22, at the Palace in
have never been so voyeuristic. adopted at 10pm on Wellingborough when
We’ve never wanted to I’m afraid I was an BBC3 I was five or six. It was
consume so much. It is a unfashionable child. I the first time I had any
tension online between was a square and listened clue that creatures die. I was
desire and revulsion and, to 10cc’s I’m Not in Love and very affected by it — I called
in this country, we have the Eagles’ Desperado on my next rabbit Bright Eyes.
had that relationship with the repeat. I did love Robert Smith
big houses.” [from the Cure], but First actor I admired
In the past stories I didn’t wear enormous Joan Greenwood in Kind
of the elite were often jumpers until my twenties. Hearts and Coronets. She was
aspirational, but thanks the single most beautiful
to various prime First time I realised the BBC woman I’d ever seen — and I
ministers, Eton, drama Sherlock was going was fascinated by her voice.
their messes and the to be a huge hit
Bullingdon Club, that The read-through was First thing I did to embody
gloss is now tarnished. electric, which is not normal. my new character Deb in
Has our relationship Usually it’s nerve-jangling Such Brave Girls
with the upper classes because everyone is terrified I started with her voice.
become less reverential? they’re going to be sacked. I wanted to use the
She collects her A few weeks later I was Northamptonshire accent.
thoughts — I feel like I’m watching the scene where It’s the land of my birth and
in a seminar. “Yes, our Benedict [Cumberbatch, who how my whole family talks
relationship with [elites] played Sherlock] first stuck except for me because I was
has changed enormously, his head round the lab door a scholarship kid at a posh
and that’s rightly to do and said to Martin Freeman: school, and I’ve never worked
with our government. “The name is Sherlock in it before.
But we still look. It is Holmes and the address is

more sadomasochistic 221b Baker Street.” And I First famous person I met
when you know better. thought, “Yes it is.” But really I I didn’t meet anyone
Bo Burnham (Eighth Grade, And we as a country can’t stop realised it was going to be famous until my first proper
Inside), Greta Gerwig (Lady picking that scab.” huge when I was on early job, which was as a film
Bird, Barbie), Jordan Peele (Get There is a startling Twitter and the show went off. journalist. The most exciting
Out, Us). While directors such confidence to Fennell, both in When Sherlock kissed thing to happen was to go to
as Martin Scorsese and Steven person and on film. Saltburn [my character] Molly I a film set and sit in Michael
Spielberg look to the past, this is every bit as brash as her got 60,000 Caine’s trailer. He asked:
new generation chronicles our remarkable debut. As befits followers in an “Would you like to marry
times, each bringing their own her background, Fennell is hour. me?” I blushed and
slice of life to the big screen. utterly self-assured about the started stammering
And Fennell’s specialist reception to both films. “I’m First TV show at him. And then he
subject? Class. She truly is not a psychopath, it’s not that I enjoyed politely pushed a little
excellent on our national I’m so confident that I don’t Like everyone at dish of Murray Mints in
obsession and welcomes the feel nerves,” she insists. school I was obsessed my direction and I
fact that people compare “You’d have to be a liar to say by Jim’ll Fix It. I put realised that he’d
Saltburn to other British you’re impervious to two letters into actually said:
stately home stories like The criticism.” Still, I don’t sense one envelope “Would you like
Remains of the Day by Kazuo any nerves here at all. to double my a Murray Mint?”
Ishiguro or The Go-Between chances. One
by LP Hartley. She is a savvy Saltburn is in cinemas from was to ask to Jake Helm
film-maker rather than a Friday
12 November 2023 7

‘Life imitating CAN YOU


art is a cliché, CELEBRITIES

TO THEIR ART? Pierce Brosnan

but it’s true’ A

Timothy Spall took up painting while preparing

to play JMW Turner. It’s left him in the grip of an
obsession that’s changed his life. By Katie Gatens

ome actors are known It’s as far away from the art
for going to great establishment as it gets. Spall
lengths to prepare for is unassuming, wearing
a role — then there’s black-rimmed glasses, a shirt
Timothy Spall. In 2010 People and a black waistcoat, and is
the director Mike Leigh may think much thinner than the Turner
told Spall he wanted him to I’m just a from Leigh’s 2014 film — a great
play the titular character in Mr poncey grunting hunch of a man who,
Turner, his biopic of the British Spall says “felt like he could
painter. Spall immediately got
actor have come out of the mud of
to work — on his brush skills. who’s got the Thames”.
Over two years he completed a hobby Immediately, Spall wants to
an art foundation course, set the record straight about
receiving one-on-one tuition his exhibition. “I’m very aware
with the artist Tim Wright. The sky’s the that I’ve jumped a few queues,”
“I’d never painted before,” limit Timothy he says. “That people may
Spall says. “But we did Spall think I’m just a poncey actor D
it all — painting and who’s got a hobby. Quite rightly
life drawing and that would annoy people,
sketching.” particularly brilliant artists
Turner proved to who don’t get a look-in.”
be a life-changing role It may have been playing

for Spall. Not only Turner that ignited the spark,

did he win a slew of but it was on the set of the
awards — including 2019 film Mrs Lowry & Son, in
best actor at Cannes — which Spall was playing the
it also kick-started his Lancashire artist, that
unlikely career as painting became an
a painter. obsession. Spall was so
This month his inspired he started
second exhibition, painting on set.
Winter Sun, opens at “I couldn’t stop. It
the Pontone Gallery became a compulsion.
in Mayfair, London. It I painted whenever
comprises 15 startling I could between
landscapes, each takes,” he says.
priced at £4,500, He started to

little Turneresque. style instead of

“It’s a classic simply copying them and invited Spall to stage Spall veers from the
cliché — life imitating paintings. To an exhibition. profound to the self-effacing
art and all that,” promote the Spall’s landscapes are a when talking about his work.
Spall, 66, says, film on its combination of imagined On the inspiration for his
rolling his eyes. release, some places and photographs landscapes he says: “They have
“But in this case it of Spall’s snapped on his phone. an emotional resonance I can’t
really is true.” paintings were They range from ribbons explain — it’s an ineffability.
I meet Spall in put on display in of green northern lights in They’re all a little sneak into
a café in a tired a gallery in Salford, Iceland to Birkenhead and the vastness beyond us.” Then,
shopping centre Lowry’s home town. Margate, a Turner favourite, while you’re contemplating
in Stratford, east Dominic Pontone, where Spall’s mother lived, the profundity of his words,
London, where he the owner of the unbeknown to him, in a flat he’ll add, in his thick south
is having a costume Mayfair gallery, a few doors down from London accent: “That’s all
fitting for another film. chanced upon Turner’s boarding house. the bullshit side of it. The
8 12 November 2023
2 3 4 5 6

Jim Moir Lucy Liu Ronnie Wood Timothy Spall Johnny Depp




reality is I see something that know what? They’re all right.’ ANSWERS cut me to the core. They some degree of success, he
really affects me, then I try And sometimes I look at 6A have made me feel like a piece is always trying to work on
and bang it out with loads them and think: ‘You stupid, of shit. I can never remember his humility.

of colours.” jumped-up old twat. What do 4B the good ones, ever. But I As for his art, he says: “At
For all his warmth and you think you’re doing?’” 3E can quote you some of the the end of the day, I say, with
joviality, Spall is his own worst Changing lanes from acting 2C bad ones.” all sincerity I’m just a bloke in
critic. He doesn’t even seem to to painting “is really exposing”, 1D At Spall’s first exhibition at my sixties and if other people
enjoy painting and describes he says. He is aware that he is the Pontone Gallery in 2021, like it, then great. I did get
“ending up in the foetal opening himself up to criticism every painting sold. At the time asked to paint them. Just like
position, hating myself” during — not a thing he takes well. of going to press, a week before I do get asked to act.”
the process. “There is huge He reads every review of his the second exhibition opens,
self-loathing that goes on,” he acting. “I get very, very deeply three out of 15 have already Timothy Spall, Winter Sun,
says. “Sometimes I look up at hurt,” he says. “Recently been bought. He concedes that is showing at Pontone Gallery,
the pictures and I think, ‘You I have read a couple that have as an actor who has achieved London W1, Nov 18-Dec 23
12 November 2023 9

I’ve been
ripped off,
like a victim
of crimeMichael Connelly has
racked up 85 million book sales
with Harry Bosch and the
Lincoln Lawyer — now he’s
fighting to stop ChatGPT
writing sequels in his name

Laura copyright infringement. was heavy with the stench of crime reporter, before turning
Hackett Connelly makes a clear death, a familiar companion to a full-time career as a
Interview distinction between his pursuit to his years on the force. novelist, but still has a nose
of justice and that of his lawyer If that evocation of a wall is for a story. His new book,
character. “The lawsuit I’m AI can be anything to go by, I don’t think Resurrection Walk, was finished
involved in is not criminal,” beneficial. we’ll be seeing ChatGPT long before he got involved in
t’s early morning in Los he says, “although one of the shortlisted for any prizes the lawsuit against OpenAI, but

But not
Angeles, and from his reasons I’m involved in it is where it (although looking at this year’s the ethical questions around AI
study Michael Connelly because I feel like I’ve been Booker shortlist, who knows?). form an important part of the
has a view of the Hollywood ripped off, a victim of crime.”
takes my But for Connelly, who hasn’t novel. AI is used to recreate a
Hills. It’s a vision of quiet Connelly was horrified by the work and tried the experiment himself crime, but that re-creation
serenity, far from the extent of ChatGPT’s intrusion puts it in (“I don’t want to venture into differs from the official line,
fast-paced thrills of his 38 into his life’s work. Not only a blender those waters”), that’s not the sparking a debate. “What I put
bestselling novels and the had the software absorbed point. “I don’t think it will into the book, I hope, is a sense
television hits they have Connelly’s work, it revealed that ever replace writers, but that that AI is here to stay and that
spawned. His two protagonists, it could use all those hundreds doesn’t mean it’s not a threat. it can be beneficial to humanity
the LAPD detective Hieronymus of thousands of words to write Someone could say, ‘Write me … I’ll benefit from AI at some
“Harry” Bosch and the defence a new Harry Bosch or Lincoln a Harry Bosch novel, but point in my life. But not where
attorney Mickey Haller, now Lawyer novel. Any other change the name,’ and it would it takes my work and puts it in
also the star of the Netflix series reader must pay for Connelly’s be very derivative of what I’ve its AI blender.”
The Lincoln Lawyer, rarely books; ChatGPT, he alleges, done. That bothers me.” Connelly became interested
experience such peace. just took it for nothing. “That’s The author wants to make in crime aged 16 when he saw
But now the 67-year-old my creative product,” Connelly clear he’s no Luddite. “I’m a man stash a gun in a bush
author’s life has inched a says. “Through this new not Mr I-Hate-AI.” There are and run away. He reported the
little closer to his fiction: in advancement in technology, I’ve plenty of useful applications incident to the police and was
September Connelly filed a lost consent, I’ve lost control for AI — healthcare, asked to identify the culprit
class action lawsuit against and I’ve lost compensation.” education, even driving. from a line-up (he refused

OpenAI, the company behind Before our interview, I asked “I just want to be able to to identify the man they
the generative AI app ChatGPT. ChatGPT to write a scene with work and live and create suspected, to their frustration).
Alongside the Authors Guild, Harry Bosch. It obliged. in a world where I’m not He devoured his mother’s
the US’s biggest trade union for Detective Harry Bosch leaned threatened by that being Agatha Christie novels, which
writers, and 17 other named against the old brick taken away from me.” were scattered all over the
plaintiffs, including Jonathan wall, his eyes fixed Connelly spent house, then, at 19, discovered
Franzen, George RR Martin, on the crime 14 years as a Raymond Chandler. He
John Grisham and Jodi Picoult, scene before journalist, mentions one chapter from
he is suing the company for him. The air mainly as a The Long Goodbye, in which
10 12 November 2023

Bosch Magpie Murders Reacher Tokyo Vice

LITERARY (2014-21, Prime Video) (2023, iPlayer) (2022, Prime Video) (2022, Lionsgate+)

CRIME A modern noir based

on Michael Connelly’s
Anthony Horowitz
adapted his tricksy novel
Don’t waste your time
watching Tom Cruise
Based on a memoir by
Jake Adelstein, this
DRAMAS crime novels in which
Titus Welliver plays a
about a murder mystery
within a murder mystery
as Jack Reacher.
Instead, enjoy this
swaggering drama is
sublime. Ansel Elgort
YOU CAN weary Los Angeles
homicide detective who
into a six-parter. It stars
Lesley Manville as a book
thrilling series based on
Lee Child’s books, with
plays an American
journalist who must
WATCH NOW investigates murders
while driving away those
editor turned sleuth
charged with finding out
the enormous Alan
Ritchson as the police
upend his newspaper’s
toxic relationship with
who love him. It sounds who pushed an author investigator falsely the police with the help
a cliché, but has charm. off a tower. accused of murder. of an inside man.

Marlowe drives around LA “and

in very sardonic and cynical
tones describes the city”. It
inspired Connelly. “I read that
chapter a few times a year.”
It was Connelly’s childhood
reading that prompted him to
join another campaign: PEN
America’s campaign against
book bans in Florida,
to which he has donated
$1 million. The organisation
recorded 3,362 cases of books
banned in 2022-23, with 40 per
cent of those in Florida, where
Connelly grew up and he still
owns a home.
One of the many novels
caught up in the American
controversy is Harper Lee’s
To Kill a Mockingbird, criticised
for its use of racial slurs.
Connelly read it when he was
Truth meets 12, sheltering from the Florida
fiction humidity in the school library
Matthew (“The librarians made you
McConaughey read — they didn’t want you
as the Lincoln just soaking up the air-
Lawyer. conditioning”). The novel
Below: changed his life. “If I hadn’t
Michael read To Kill a Mockingbird, I
Connelly wouldn’t have become a writer.
I wouldn’t be sitting here
talking to you now.”
With all this campaigning, I
wonder how Connelly has time
to pump out a novel a year.
That’s easy, he tells me, thanks
to “14 years as a journalist
where I had deadlines every
day”. He starts writing a book
in November and finishes it by
June. But even with 85 million
book sales under his belt, and
the Lincoln Lawyer Netflix
series racking up 260 million
hours of viewing in less than a
month, he refuses to become
complacent. “I have to raise
the bar every time. I’ve been
given an amazing opportunity
for the life I lead and I have to
There’s a respect it.”
Raymond Resurrection Walk by Michael
Chandler Connelly (Orion £22). Buy from
chapter or call
that I read 020 3176 2935. Discount for
every year Times+ members
12 November 2023 11




Let me entertain me
Robbie Williams is a narcissist searching for meaning in his life — and finding there is none
Where to begin with Robbie pulsed with fury and bitterness. I went The ego has landed Robbie Williams
Williams, a documentary about the Robbie Williams from hardened Williams fan — the hair, through the ages
singer Robbie Williams? Netflix the humour, the rippling charisma —
Well, I could say I was seriously to never wanting to spend a single didn’t mean I couldn’t.” Qué? As for
looking forward to it: Williams is, as he The Buccaneers minute in the presence of this tedious, his feud with Gary Barlow, “It’s Lord
tells us over four crazed episodes, a Apple TV+ withered “want monster” again. of the Flies stuff,” he mooed over
“born entertainer”. And there’s no Did he actively wish to repel the footage of Barlow looking fat. Lord of
doubt there is plenty of material: 30 Stacey Dooley: viewers? Looking at what he was the Flies? The Goonies, more like.
years of private footage of him baring Inside the wearing (dirty Y-fronts, the occasional The overwhelming impression was
his arse, pulling faces, doing funny Undertakers horrible off-the-catwalk mess) I would one of a man searching for meaning in
walks, throwing himself round the BBC1, Thu say yes. Cameras lovingly followed him what he had done, only to discover
globe on one huge tour, for which he as he stepped into the shower, or rolled there wasn’t any. And, having
had “93 trucks” and his own plane (a around in bed. But we had to contend discovered there wasn’t any, he had
747) with an RW symbol on the front. with endless crotch shots while his unleashed a titanic wave of nihilistic
But every time something jewellery clanked. He looked fretful, fury aimed at his “critics” (ie everyone),
outrageous happened — say, his tour frail, like a 90-year-old Chrissie Hynde. delivered, Achilles-like, from the depths
doctor murmuring “I will murder him” Subjects that didn’t interest him — of his Gucci tent.
while preparing to jab his bum full of Take That, his huge payday from EMI Time and again we came back to his
steroids — we’d come back to Williams, (£80 million) — were dealt with in a public breakdown in Leeds, when,
now 49, sitting mostly naked and thin matter of minutes. And then we were hysterical on drugs, paranoid and
in his bed in Los Angeles, telling us, on to the subject he really cared about: angry with the tabloids, he had a
amid despair and depression, how himself, and his enormous suffering. 90-minute “panic attack” on stage. I
hated, resentful and angry he felt. I must say, for an obvious narcissist, I thought the whole point about panic
“I am trying to sort out the wreckage wonder how helpful watching himself, attacks was that you couldn’t do
of the past,” he’d say, rasping. as he did on his laptop, while talking anything, much less sing Angels to
It was the opposite of PR. about himself, really is. 90,000 people. But reality isn’t one of
I know it’s a typical documentary of Williams’s suffering took many Williams’s strong suits.
now: rich, lucky man moans about his We had to forms. There was the drink and drug The real victim in all of this was the
rich, lucky life, while the camera pans abuse: “I was literally drinking a bottle director: a talented man who made the
over his pool, his gorgeous kids, his
contend with of vodka the night before going into brilliant documentary on Bros. Imagine
sexy wife, his house, which, in endless crotch rehearsals.” Most of the things he said having to watch, cut and edit 30 years
Williams’s case, is so big it looks like shots while were motivational-style nonsense. of Williams and end up with this
some plastic liberal arts college. I seem his jewellery “Just because in this moment I couldn’t Rudebox-level lasagne of sighs and
to watch one a week. But this show clanked figure out how to live, I knew that it self-pity. I think he probably hoped to
12 12 November 2023
Radio & Podcasts

The best new true crime

find another subject who was comically
furious, like Matt Goss, but what he
found was a man who refused to get out
of bed, to put clothes on, to offer up
any friends or colleagues for insights.
We didn’t even get the thoughts of
Bible John, the judge doing God’s work and a spooky murder
Dave, his manager, a wheezing posho
who looked like he’d never had a client Patricia The Kids of Rutherford murder-suicide, here
who got through a show. Nicol County fascinatingly unfolded by the
What we actually got was a From New York’s legendary journalist Tristan Redman, his
self-obsessed bully who wanted the Serial Productions, this is an brother-in-law.
camera only on him, whose only eye-popping piece of Southern Redman’s ripping yarn is
reason to break America was “to piss gothic true crime. While spurred by an extraordinary
a lot of people off back home” (no Bible John: Creation of a listening I kept thinking of coincidence. Some years ago
wonder he failed). Can you fathom Serial Killer Louis Sachar’s YA novel Holes, his parents invited the family
the negativity of that mindset? The unsolved murders of set amid a flyblown Texan of his wife, Kate Dancy, over
Asked in an interview about the Patricia Docker, 25, Jemima youth correctional facility. to their Richmond home. On
show, he has said it was “traumatic”, MacDonald, 31, and Helen The series reports on a mass arrival her grandfather told
and “I hope it is for the viewer too”. Puttock, 29, in Glasgow in miscarriage of justice in them that his mother (Kate
Why do a show? the late 1960s have been Tennessee throughout the and Hugh’s great-grandmother)
On Apple TV+ there was The obsessively (sometimes 2010s, involving the regular had been murdered next
Buccaneers: a hot pink period romp. gratuitously) raked over for unlawful arrest and door. In the early hours of
You may recall the version released more than 50 years. All three incarceration of children — November 23, 1937, Dr Naomi
in 1995, in which a load of American were mothers killed, seemingly some as young as seven — for Dancy, a pioneering surgeon,
actresses, gussied up in taffeta, by the same man, after a night often mind-bogglingly minor had been shot dead while she
threw themselves at Greg Wise. Edith out at the Barrowland Ballroom offences. Meting out justice slept; her brother Maurice
Wharton’s unfinished novel has now in Glasgow. Now, after this BBC was the judge Donna Scott Tribe, a deeply damaged
been updated to appeal to the Gossip podcast series, Police Scotland Davenport, the self-styled First World War veteran,
Girl generation, so the Buccaneers are examining whether police “mother of the county”, who had then tried and failed to
shout, “Be the party!” or down corruption and prejudice believed she was “carrying out shoot her husband, Dr John
champagne while screaming, “We interfered with the God’s work”. Extraordinary. [ Jack] Dancy, before slitting his
always come first!” I find Below Deck investigation of their killings. own throat.
more nuanced and sophisticated. In revisiting their cases, the Ghost Story What made these gruesome
Arriving in search of “a real-life Scottish investigative journalist The makers of television’s details even more spine-tingling
dook” is our heroine, Nan (Kristine Audrey Gillan wanted to Who Do You Think You Are? for Redman was that he had
Froseth). I think it is absolutely a stroke restore some dignity to the must be kicking themselves often felt an eerie presence in
of unintentional genius that she should murdered women and their for neglecting to explore the his teenage bedroom, which
look like Amanda Knox. If you were to families. She had last reported ancestry of the English actor adjoined the murder scene. A
describe the spirit of the Buccaneers on the investigation as a Hugh Dancy (Law & Order, vase would be moved when he
it is: rich, entitled, oversexual, young reporter in the 1990s. Downton Abbey: A New Era, awoke; subsequent residents
dangerous, sassy, rude. Throw in Re-examining the “Bible John” Hannibal, Mr Claire Danes). reported beds being shaken
today’s morbid self-obsession and who police files, she was shocked In his family’s past is a violently. Rooting around more
embodies that more than Foxy Knoxy? by the casual misogyny of the spectacularly gruesome recently, he discovered a
Nan herself is a younger sister in a descriptions of the women, National Archives blog asking
“family from Saratoga”, so, like Knox, objectified as “promiscuous” whether this could actually be
is officially of no interest at all. Except, and “fond of male company” a double murder.
when the smouldering Dook of Tintagel — but also her own failure to You can see why Redman
tells his mother, “I will never marry notice that in 1996. might be drawn to all this as a
anybody who hunts me for the sake of Gillan’s arresting, serious, Redman had often subject, but also why his wife’s
felt an eerie

my title,” we can’t help thinking of her. thought-provoking family might not want their
This was an enjoyable bit of punky investigation, sensitively presence in his understanding of the past
frippery designed to lure the Bridgerton sound-designed by Joel Cox, teenage challenged: Jack Dancy, known
crowd. Most of the first episode was a succeeds as both a probing, bedroom as “Feyther”, is a beloved
comedy of manners, played by a sea of even explosive, true crime familial figure. A joy of this
British actors, who throng American investigation and a vigorous twisting, psychologically
shows like this like Polish builders feminist inquiry into past compelling series is that
(they’re cheap, available and foreign). and present mores. It has those sceptical about the
I enjoyed it mostly for Fenella Woolgar, won awards, but its supernatural can be
the chilly Lady Brightlingsea. most moving drawn in by the
I’ve left no space for Stacey Dooley: achievement is the historical true crime
Inside the Undertakers: she spent a support it has elements, while
week hanging out with corpses. This received from the those who yearn for
was a great hour of telly in which dead women’s the uncanny will be
Dooley barely stopped crying. She children. I missed rewarded with a
found “the subject of death completely this on its release seance. Personally
terrifying”, so each day had her last year, thinking I was hooked from
groping around, as if blindfolded on I knew these the second that
a Japanese endurance show, for a women’s stories. I Dorothy L Sayers, a
response that wouldn’t involve more am happy to admit queen of the golden
horror or shame. What do you say, for I was wrong. age of detective
example, when the man you’re sharing fiction, made a
a van with, in which there are five Spooky family real-life cameo. After
corpses, says he’s putting on the fans drama Claire Danes subscribing I binged
because of “the smell”? and Hugh Dancy to the end.
12 November 2023 13
The Critics Film
have made a straightforward
drama about a martyred
innocent, which is what, I
suspect, this film really wants
to be, beneath its elisions
and smudges.
Finally, a Nicolas Cage role
worthy of his comeback. In
Dream Scenario he plays
Paul Matthews, a professor
in evolutionary biology who
seems to have sealed away
all his anger and aggression
behind the permanent smile
of the people-pleaser, but you
can see that he’s buckling at
the edges with the effort. Then
one day an ex-girlfriend tells
him he has been appearing in
her dreams. “You don’t do
anything, you’re just there,”
she says. Other people — his
students, complete strangers
— report the same thing,
dreams in which Paul just

Did she push him?

stands there, in the middle
of an earthquake, say, or in
a roomful of alligators, doing
nothing. “I don’t intervene at
all?” he asks, appalled.
A courtroom drama that swept up at Cannes, plus Nicolas Cage is back This idea, by writer-director
Kristoffer Borgli, is brilliant, and
harnesses the two strands of
One day Samuel is found dead Did she or Hüller is magnificent: Cage’s onscreen persona — his
Tom with a bloody head wound, didn’t she? intelligent, shaken, believably surrealism and his sad-sack
Shone seemingly having fallen from Sandra Hüller grieving, summoning a level mundanity, Vampire’s Kiss on
a third-storey attic. He must and Swann head to defend herself against the one hand and Adaptation on
have hit his head on the shed Arlaud in each outrageous accusation. the other — to wonderful effect.
at the bottom of his fall, Sandra Anatomy of At one point she even admits The whole film allows Cage
Anatomy of a Fall reasons with the help of an a Fall to lying about something to to deliver a kind of meditation
Justine Triet, 15, 152min old lawyer friend, Vincent “avoid looking guilty”, which on the nature of movie-star
HHH (Swann Arlaud). Was it a is the sort of thing that only fame — what it is like to fill the
suicide? “I did not kill him,” clever, innocent people say. dreams of strangers and how
Dream Scenario she says. “That is not the And therein lies the chief little it has to do with you. A
Kristoffer Borgli, 15, 102min point,” Vincent says. “Nobody flaw in this otherwise flawlessly “remarkable nobody”, Paul is
HHH is going to believe that.” executed film. Apart from soon deluged with posts on
Why not? There’s no Triet’s elision of the actual Facebook, interviewed by the
evidence that Sandra struck death — which we never see, TV news, and sees his
Ambiguity is good for you. him — no murder weapon, no except in reconstruction — the popularity rocket with his
Everyone says so. It’s like motive, no witnesses beyond film’s ambiguity is something students and daughters. A social
spinach. We never find out their blind son, who wasn’t of a ruse. Sandra’s accusers media company wants him to
what happened in the Marabar even in the house — but the are all sexist pedants. The endorse Sprite, because what
caves in A Passage to India, or prosecutors indict her after evidence is non-existent. And manufacturer doesn’t want
what’s in the suitcase in Pulp a recording of a vicious fight Hüller is a model of quiet, people dreaming about their
Fiction. Because it’s not about between the couple surfaces. falsely accused dignity. You products? Maybe Barack
the solution but confusion and Perhaps marital discontent is never really believe she might Obama could dream about him?
complexity and nuance and all evidence enough? have done it for a second. Borgli’s script is pleasingly
those other things that are the There are times in Triet’s Why not cast in the role of thought out. Just as suddenly,
artistic equivalent of eating your film when you find yourself the prosecutor a debonair the dreams turn to nightmares
greens. So what’s to stop asking: “Is the French justice charmer such as Mads Mikkelsen — Paul as knife attacker,
someone with a clear story to system really this bad?” Sandra or Claes Bang, then arm him mugger, murderer — as all his
tell simply blurring it a little to Prosecution of the case falls Hüller is with some decent evidence? pent-up aggression and anger
create the requisite artful effect? to a bully with a buzzcut a model The film flatters its literate, come pouring out. His students
Justine Triet’s Anatomy of who casts a dark cloud of novel-reading audience that start to feel unsafe around him
a Fall swept the top honours speculation and insinuation
of quiet, they are seeing the petty, and he is “cancelled”. All of
at Cannes this year with its over Sandra’s marriage. A falsely pedantic truth of legal which makes for an excoriating
elliptical courtroom drama psychiatrist accuses her of accused bureaucracy deconstructed reflection of modern fame —
about a successful novelist, “castrating” her husband, dignity before their eyes by the messy but somewhere in there the
Sandra Voyter (Sandra Hüller), forensics experts and police complexity of real life — but film gets stuck in nightmare
married to a less successful officers pick over her HHHHH KO what is the point of invoking mode. What was Paul’s original
one, Samuel (Samuel Theis), infidelities, her bisexuality, HHHH A-OK the messy complexity of real sin, exactly, besides being out
living in the French Alps with even her novels for proof of HHH OK life if every last scrap of it points of touch with his own feelings?
their visually impaired son, murderousness. “I am not a HH So-so towards exonerating your We still dream of a happy
Daniel (Milo Machado Graner). monster,” she insists, quietly. H No-no heroine? Triet might as well ending for him.
14 12 November 2023

A right royal giggle POP & ROCK

This tale of the Queen Mother and her butler
made me laugh more than any play this year Cinematic and stunning
David Holmes feat Raven Violet delivers lyrics
Dominic on stage for 15 years because he has Raven Violet about mental health, societal
Maxwell been making films (from Beauty and Blind on a Galloping fracture, political chicanery
the Beast to Dracula Untold) at the Horse and the twin poles of cruelty
rate the rest of us make sandwiches. HHHH and compassion, but which
And from the moment he steams on Heavenly manages to fetch up at a
Backstairs Billy stage, orchestrating the placing of positive place. When People
Duke of York’s Theatre, London WC2 flowers in Christopher Oram’s DJ, producer Are Occupied Resistance Is
HHHH fondant fancy of a drawing room and composer Justified arrives at a
set, we’re in safe hands. His Billy is a for film and contentious moment, but, as
To Have and to Hold powerhouse of outré, pseudo-posh television Holmes, who grew up during
Hampstead Theatre, London NW3 self-possession. (Ocean’s the Troubles, would argue, the
HHH There is a touch of Noël Coward Eleven, Killing issue is timeless. The album
and Joe Orton in the air as Billy Eve, Steve McQueen’s veers all over the place:
brazenly flirts with a new footman, Hunger): David Holmes throbbing Eighties
It’s not often you sit in a theatre then passes off a south London is a one-man industry. ALBUM synth-pop on It’s
and laugh and laugh. In fact,
theatreland tends to cling on tight
pick-up from the night before as
an African prince. Too silly? No,
Perhaps that’s why
it’s taken the Belfast
OF THE Over, If We Run Out
of Love; a retro, filmic
to the shows that can pull it off. It’s Michael Grandage’s production is musician 15 years to WEEK pulse on You Will
why Noises Off is back in the West so in control of its heightened tone release a follow-up to Know Me By the Smell
End for the fifth time. It’s why The that it gets away with most things, his previous solo album. of Onions; swirling goth
Play That Goes Wrong has stayed including two sets of visiting aristos The result is an ensnaring mix on the savage I Laugh Myself
there for more than a decade. making outspoken smalltalk. of beats, moods, samples and to Sleep. Well worth the wait.
It’s why Steven Moffat’s play There is menace from a stiff cinematic sweep, over which Dan Cairns
The Unfriend returns next month, royal secretary who wants to oust
with added Lee Mack. And if the our loveably licentious hero. Boo!
rumours are true that James And there is co-dependent love Baby Queen Cat Power
Corden is reviving One Man, between a central pair (“there are Quarter Life Crisis Cat Power Sings Dylan
Two Guvnors — the Richard Bean two queens in this house”) whose HHHH HHH
comedy that brought belly laughs bantering sense of equality is — we Polydor Domino
to the National Theatre and beyond are reminded in an ending that
— expect a box-office bonanza. restores the status quo with brutal Arabella Latham appeared in, Recorded live at the Royal
I suspect we will see revivals whimsy — there entirely at Her and contributed songs to, the Albert Hall, this intriguing
of Backstairs Billy one day too. Majesty’s Pleasure. series Heartstopper. As Baby album is a song-by-song
Already this new comedy about the Backstairs Billy offers us foolish Queen, the South African recreation of Bob Dylan’s
Queen Mother and her longtime behaviour, but no fools. That same writes edgy, candid alt-pop infamous “Judas” gig in
butler, William Tallon, has made respect for superannuated central songs about addiction, body Manchester in 1966. Chan
me laugh more than any other play characters fuels Richard Bean’s dysmorphia and depression. “Cat Power” Marshall’s deep
this year. The playwright Marcelo comedy To Have and to Hold. Her fantastic debut album feeling for the source material
Dos Santos powers these farcical It’s no One Man, Two Guvnors, teems with them. DC is evident throughout. DC
shenanigans with nimble dialogue, but a loving portrait of two
a keen sense of absurdity and nonagenarians in a North Yorkshire
traces of tenderness too. semi greeting decrepitude and
Certainly it helps that Penelope
Wilton and Luke Evans play the
isolation with obstreperous wit.
Alun Armstrong excels as the
leads. That the always excellent former policeman Jack Kirk, telling
Wilton makes big funny lines feel stories (borrowed from Bean’s dad, Kodaly, Bartok obvious pairing, perhaps, but
casual and intimate comes as a joy, who was a police officer) or chafing Te Deum & Psalmus an inspired one, beautifully
but not a surprise. Her Queen at his wife, Florence. Marion Bailey, Hungaricus, Cantata realised by the Transylvania
Mother, whom we meet aged 79 at as Florence, chafes back a treat too. Profana & Transylvanian State Philharmonic Choir and
Clarence House in April 1979, is a There are laugh-out-loud lines, yet Dances Orchestra and some superb
figure of perennial wit and fitful the evening ends up drifting. The HHHH soloists under Foster. Kodaly’s
pique (do not underboil Her actors playing the middle-aged Transylvania State Philharmonic Te Deum is wonderfully lush,
Majesty’s eggs). Sidelined Kirk children have less Choir and Orchestra, cond turbulent and devotional,
by her royal children, rewarding parts. What plot Lawrence Foster while his Psalmus Hungaricus
this Queen Mum seeks there is — to do with a dodgy Pentatone — expertly sung — are both
the consolations of fun. direct debit — is half-cooked. universal and inescapably
The surprise is how Richard Wilson and Terry Johnson Composers local. Bartok’s lighthearted

good Evans is as the direct and in a perfect world with shared Transylvanian Dances canter
man who made it would have demanded Hungarian- and frolic to playful effect,
happen. The Welsh one last draft. What’s the Romanian drawing superb performances
actor hasn’t been saying? Dying is easy, roots who from the Philharmonic. In
comedy is hard. were lifelong Cantata Profana, by contrast,
Ma’am Penelope friends with a love of the orchestra and choir dig down
Wilton as the For tickets, visit region’s folk music — an into the murky depths. DC
Queen Mother
12 November 2023 15
The Critics Art

The genius
painting. In any battle of the


truths, the drawings always feel
more trustworthy.
All this brings the Tudor
court to life more vividly than

artist who the entire bookshelf of Hilary

Mantel. This is what art can do.
It’s what Holbein would later
do for Henry VIII when he

reinvented him pictorially as
the man mountain with the
cowboy stance. If Holbein had
not given us such a memorable
Hal, would the Tudor obsession

Henry VIII that still grips us have burnt

with such a fire? No, I don’t
think it could or would have.
Holbein’s priceless gift to
the benighted Tudors was
Hans Holbein’s paintings and sketches immortality. Having six wives
bring the Tudor court to life more vividly feels like one kind of act when
it’s described in the history
than the entire bookshelf of Hilary Mantel books — and another when
you can meet four of them, and
they’re so alive that you feel
Waldemar The superb portrait of their breath. A theoretical
Januszczak More that Holbein painted in beheading becomes something
England is now in the Frick different when a pictorial
Collection in New York, where genius is ensuring that neither
it hangs opposite Holbein’s the victim not the perpetrator
portrayal of Thomas Cromwell: can ever fully die.
Holbein at the Tudor Court is mortal enemies staring across That said, Henry himself is
both a wondrous show and the popish divide. Dropped only stiffly present here. The
a tragic one. It’s wondrous into this murderous religious autograph likenesses of him
because it’s full of Holbeins, mess, Holbein, who probably that survive are scattered about
and Hans Holbein is one of the had Catholic sympathies but the museum world and the
dozen or so true geniuses ever seems cleverly to have kept his Royal Collection can confront
to have lifted a paintbrush. mouth shut on the subject, us with only an assortment of
It’s tragic because the fates painted More and his family in copies. By the time Holbein
dumped him in the orbit of a group portrait that would rose high enough in the
Henry VIII, thereby thrusting have been one of the greatest painterly ranks to paint the
him deep into the problematics achievements of European king, Henry would tolerate
of the English Reformation, portraiture had it survived. It only kingly self-promotion —
a cultural earthquake so was destroyed by a fire in 1752. big paintings of him and his
destructive that it annihilated What if … dynasty. None of the
1,000 years of native creativity What is still with us — Thrillingly them instantly if you met them miraculous intimacy that
and filled the cosmos with cries thrillingly — is the suite of alive Thomas in the street — while working Holbein achieved in his
of “What if?” Poor Holbein. He drawings Holbein made for More and with coloured chalks and drawings is continued here in
should have gone to Paris. the commission. They remain Anne Boleyn, occasional ink highlights is a his portrayals of the king.
He was born in Germany, in in the Royal Collection and are drawn by measure of artistic greatness The show also has ambitions
Augsburg, c 1497, but moved to on show at the Queen’s Gallery Holbein. A that very few have passed. to bring the Tudor court to life
Basel, Switzerland, in his teens in a ring of startling likenesses miniature of Holbein keeps doing it. in other ways. The huge suits
because that was where the that keep proving Holbein’s Henry VIII Being able to compare the of armour, made by German
work was. He became a master talents as a draftsman verged by Nicholas drawings with the paintings craftsmen for the royal King
craftsman working for the print on the miraculous: More, Hilliard for which they were preparing Kong, tower above us in the
industry and painted a handful blue-eyed, stern, with a five is also telling. Sir Henry main gallery: my, what a
of heartfelt devotional images o’clock shadow; his son, John, Guildford, a high-up in whopper Henry was! Beautiful
that marked him out as a long-necked, thin, reading a Henry’s court, looks thoughtful goldsmiths’ work, some of it
religious artist to watch. book; his adopted daughter, and sad in his drawing, but designed by Holbein, glitters
The present show, with a Anne, looking out over our fierce and determined in his gorgeously in the cabinets. A
cheeky flourish, opens with shoulder, as if she has painting. William Reskimer, variety of miniatures, by some
a scene of Mary Magdalene glimpsed the future. short-haired, long-bearded, of Europe’s best hands, enlarge
meeting the risen Christ in the All this has been in a proto-hipster fashion, our sense of the Tudor court’s
garden after his Crucifixion, done with coloured is younger in the international presence.
the famous Noli me tangere chalks, finished off drawing than in the I left the show, with a final
moment, imagined by so with black ink. It’s a stare at Holbein’s popish Noli
many excellent popish artists. way of working that me tangere, thinking: “Britain
Holbein seems to have painted tests the genius used to be like this. And it was
the scene in England on his of the artist’s hand all destroyed. What if, what if,
first visit here, in 1526, when he steeply. Producing what if …?”
worked for Sir Thomas More, portraits that appear Holbein’s
who was later beheaded by as present as priceless gift Holbein at the Tudor Court is at
Henry for refusing to take the Holbein’s do — so alive to the Tudors the Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham
Oath of Supremacy. you would recognise was immortality Palace, London SW1, until Apr 14
16 12 November 2023
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The dark
side of cuteness
From Hello Kitty figures to anthropomorphic condoms,
what we find adorable is intriguing — and disturbing

(admittedly self-devised) field Cutie pies things is only one part of the harmless; for the critic Eiji
Book of the week of cute studies, any mobile Kittens trigger Otsuka it represented a
hold the round-cheeked and
Irresistible How Cuteness phone that could not support our pleasure soft-bodied have over us. “feminised” consumer culture.
Wired Our Brains and emojis vanished from the centres. One of Dale’s primary tasks Dale, however, explains how
Conquered the World Japanese market. Behind the Below: furries is differentiating Japanese ideas Japan has a long history of
by Joshua Paul Dale pastels, cuteness is a cultural at Anthrocon of cuteness — or kawaii — and enjoying cuteness. In The
Profile £18.99 pp288 Godzilla in Hello Kitty clothing 2023 in their western iteration. Japan Pillow Book, a text written
— soft power in every way. Pittsburgh is the big squashy heart of the more than 1,000 years ago
Victoria Segal Like a giant cuddly turnip cute universe — Dale describes by the female courtier Sei
mascot opening its arms for a seeing kawaii illustrations on Shonagon, the author makes
hug, Dale’s survey of modern bank cards, buses and manhole a “list of adorable things” —
In the 1970s Japan’s fancy- cuteness, Irresistible, is both covers (see also “smiling among them “pretty white
goods industry started selling intriguing and disturbing. By anthropomorphic condoms”) chicks who … look as if their

stationery sets imprinted with mixing evolutionary biology, and points out the country’s clothes are too short for them”
sweet little characters, among cultural history and gender love of miniaturisation, and the more nightmarish
them the worryingly mouthless studies, Dale shows just how whether bonsai, haiku or “child’s face drawn on a
feline Hello Kitty. Japanese close cuteness comes to the Pokémon (“pocket monsters”). melon”. There’s also the
schoolgirls, already keen core of humanity. In 1943 the For the artist Takashi beloved 12th-century artwork
letter-writers, were spurred on Austrian psychologist Konrad Murakami, creeping Scroll of Frolicking Animals, a
to new levels of tweeness by Lorenz devised his kawaii revealed gorgeously drawn parade of
these products, sending notes “Kindchenschema” postwar Japan’s desire playful frogs, rabbits and
that not only rounded and (“child scheme”) to show the US it was monkeys that is often called
plumped traditional Japanese of loveable traits the first manga. A country that
writing, but also came sprinkled — among them enjoyed long periods of peace
with pictures of hearts, stars large head, and followed a religious
and faces — proto-emoji that “predominance of tradition where laughter and
would later translate the brain capsule” fun might placate the gods was
beautifully to the digital age. and “clumsy, wobbly Japan is the receptive to such delights.
According to Joshua Paul movements” — but big squashy Western cuteness, Dale
Dale, an American academic the desire to nurture heart of the argues, was slower to
in Tokyo and a pioneer of the small, vulnerable cute universe crystallise. He explores how
20 12 November 2023
I’ll just make
their careful theorising about
how wolves were domesticated
into more huggable dogs, and
what that process might
explain about human
evolution, our own process of
domestication. Cuteness, he
a note of that
argues, isn’t just a visual game,
something to trick caregivers From Agatha Christie to Henri Matisse, the
into being kind; it’s a matter humble notebook is surprisingly revealing
of socialisation, of ensuring
co-operation and kindness
among groups of people. its notebooks to cult status in
Being an alpha male, he
History the 1990s. Buy a Moleskine,
argues, might not be the flex The Notebook A History with its rounded-off pages and
some people think; what if of Thinking on Paper elastic band closure, the
friendliness was a more by Roland Allen subliminal message ran, and
desirable commodity? Profile Books £25 pp416 you too could be sauntering
At times Dale could enliven around the world thinking
his book with the academic Kathryn Hughes important thoughts and
writing equivalent of a scented meeting interesting strangers.
Miffy gel pen: he could have While Roland Allen can’t
more fun with his subject. You can tell a lot about a writer help sounding cynical about
Even when he is dressed up from their notebooks. While the Moleskine phenomenon,
as a blue wolf at a furry living in Europe, Patricia he isn’t remotely sceptical
convention — a gathering for Highsmith had her Columbia- about the importance of the
those who have an animal branded stationery imported notebook per se in the creative
“fursona” expressed through from NYC (she was an Old process of authors, artists,
dressing up in a lavish Columbian). Agatha Christie, scientists, architects and even
“fursuit” — he remains usually so extravagant with accountants. Charles Darwin
eminently sensible. her knick-knacks, insisted on worked out the theory of
He glides too smoothly over cheap school notebooks in evolution by jotting down in
certain aspects of his subject which she scribbled with his fieldnotes things like, “Why
too. Spend just five grisly whatever came to hand — Biro, 2 [species] of ostrich in South
NSFW minutes on the internet pencil, it was all the same to America?”, while the actor
and you see how rapidly her. Virginia Woolf was more Alec Guinness packed his
cuteness can tip into the particular: The Waves came to commonplace book with
grotesque or be part of life in seven small hardbacks, theatrical anecdotes. That’s not
more sinister processes of written in fountain pen. forgetting utilitarian iterations
infantilisation and fetishisation. Meanwhile there are Bruce such as the policeman’s
The fact his cousin is a furry Chatwin, Ernest Hemingway notebook or the paper pad
means he fails to interrogate and Henri Matisse, all of whom of the waitress (since replaced
the subculture’s more felt passionately about their by digital equivalents, the
children in paintings before unsavoury sexual aspects or its notebooks, at least if you bodycam and the tablet).

the 18th century were merely appeal to young people. believe the marketing spiel While there have been
portrayed as tiny unfinished There is no interrogation of from Modo&Modo, the notebooks for as long as there

adults, shadowed by high the links between paedophilia company that trademarked the has been writing, right back to
infant mortality rates. and the “cute” images of Moleskine brand and propelled parchment and codex, Allen
Discipline and piety were manga or Lolita fashion either. suggests that the beginning of
vital parenting tools — Dale Even when Dale assesses Noted A fresco from Pompeii notebook culture really lies in
mentions that crawling babies Shirley Temple’s career as showing Sappho with tablet 14th-century Florence. It was
were not considered a child-star phenomenon, here that merchants started
endearing, their movements quoting instructions from 20th using small, portable ledgers to
were too close to those of Century Fox’s Darryl Zanuck record trades and calculate
animals. It was only as child — “keep her skirts high” — he profits. This new science
survival rates rose and families shies away from diving too of double-entry book-
shrank that the concept that deep into the moral swamp. It keeping demanded
a child should be happy, its would be useful to read more notebooks in such
innocent naughtiness indulged, about the pernicious influence a variety of sizes
took hold. The etymology of of cute’s dark side on the and shapes —
kawaii suggests blushing at Tumblr generation’s aesthetic giornale,
something exciting. “Cute”, and moral compass, and memoriale,
though, comes from “acute”, maybe less about wolves. quaderni,
containing sharp intimations Even so, by opening up new squartofogli —
of cunning and mischief that perspectives on cuteness in and in such
chime with American versions all its fluffy, big-eyed forms, quantities that
of the aesthetic: Shirley Irresistible displays a large they spilt
Temple, the plucky orphan head and predominant out into every
with a pet duck, or Kewpie brain capsule full of good other sphere of
dolls, hideous but wildly ideas. Aw. Kawaii. Florentine life.
popular 20th-century cherubs. Leonardo da Vinci
Dale includes chapters on Buy from was the biggest fan
evolutionary biology that or call 020 3176 2935. Discount here, describing the
necessarily slow the pace with for Times+ members continued on page 22 ◃
12 November 2023 21

It wasn’t a
◃ continued from previous page publishing, makes the good
sketches he dashed down in his point that defining a
notebooks as his “guides and notebook’s subject makes it,
masters” once he returned to paradoxically, less useful.
his studio to work up finished You only have to look at those

single plot,
drawings. Everything products in today’s stationery
imaginable poured into his stores with “Reader’s Journal”,
notebooks: pumps, pipes, “Wine Notes” or “A Mindful
valves, siphons, fountains, Walking Log” splashed across
lifts, hoists, presses, furnaces, their cover to feel a chill
grinders and mills. One of his descend. No one likes being
final entries was a plan for
prefabricated mobile homes
in which the court could stay
on hunting trips. From this
rich, fertile soil grew some
bossed about by a pad of paper.
Even so, one of the nicer
specialist productions was the
album amicorum, or friendship
journal, that flourished in
there were
of the most sublime finished
paintings in the history of
art, not to mention crucial
practical inventions too.
Leonardo used his notebook
Germany and the Low
Countries in the 17th century.
The idea was that young men,
especially those training for the
priesthood, should pack their
so many...
as his second brain. Stammbuch (a teeny 9x7cm) Nadine Dorries says there was a grand
Writers followed suit, jotting with the autographs of
down anything that caught everyone significant they conspiracy to replace Boris Johnson with
their fancy, from a literary encountered. It was a way of
quotation to their feelings commemorating one’s place in Rishi Sunak. But the former PM was a
for the girl next door. The
notebook itself could be
the social and intellectual
hierarchy. In retirement, you
victim of many forces — not least himself
large or small, luxurious or could flip through the names
utilitarian. Some better-off and fondly relive your warm-hearted, far from the
writers, such as Boccaccio, formative days. The habit
Politics caricature the left loves to
the author of The Decameron, travelled and persisted: The Plot The Political hate. Civil servants whose
had his zibaldoni made of Beethoven kept an album Assassination of judgment I trust say she was
expensive parchment. Others, amicorum, as did Mozart, Boris Johnson one of the more effective
who placed style above although, tellingly, he didn’t by Nadine Dorries ministers they worked with at
substance, paid professional get beyond 11 signatures. HarperCollins £25 pp352 the culture department. Her
scribes to make fair copies of The English found this belief in Johnson’s ability to
their notebooks, turning their pastime both ponderous and connect with the public was
random jots and squiggles into sentimental, the sort of “dull”
Tim Shipman well founded.
a kind of abstract art. thing that “Germans” went in The second thing to say is
From here you could branch for. These days, Allen points Last year Nadine Dorries that this is a right riveting read
off into more specialist uses, out, it is the way relationships invited me to join her for that skips along at pace. Her
although Allen, a first-time are managed in every corner lunch at 5 Hertford Street, the account of the eponymous plot
author who works in of the world. Facebook started Mayfair private members’ club takes in a dizzying array of
as an American student’s that has become the canteen of meetings and assignations
desire to keep his friendship the Tory right. I arrived with with multiple Deep Throats,
group connected. Social notebook and voice recorder, disguised here by a series
media has become our modern believing I was interviewing of monikers appropriated
album amicorum. her for my forthcoming book from the Bond movies. My
The best cognitive Allen is not being sneery on the Brexit saga, only to favourite are two old codgers
tool available to us here out of a sentimental discover that she wanted to labelled “Bambi” and
was invented in hankering for the thick, interview me for the book she “Thumper”, Blofeld’s sidekicks
the 15th century creamy pages of the real thing. was writing about the plot to in Diamonds Are Forever.
Rather, he points to new bring down Boris Johnson. What Dorries has tried to
academic research that shows A week ago Dorries’s construct is a kind of unified
that when we write things publicist got in touch with The field theory of politics, that
down in a notebook and then Sunday Times to suggest that everything malign over the
bring them to mind later, our I should not review the book. past decade can be traced
brains light up in those areas I am mentioned in it, so there back to a group of men called
relating to memory and visual was a “conflict of interest”. the Movement: Dominic
imagery. It doesn’t happen to This is certainly a book Cummings (“more anarchist
the same degree in people who that comes with baggage: an than strategist”), Theresa May’s
use digital notebooks. Despite author widely admired and communications director
what Apple, Evernote and derided, depending on which Robbie Gibb, Mark McGregor
the like might try to tell us, side of recent political divides and Dougie Smith, the
the best cognitive tool available you reside; a serialisation that secretive Tory fixer of whom
to us today was invented in put up in lights some of the just two photographs exist.
the counting houses of more explosive, but less These men have been
Renaissance Florence. Elastic typical, sections of the book; associated since the 1980s with
band closure optional. and a backlash from those the Federation of Conservative
she is criticising. Students, an organisation so
Buy from The first thing to say is right-wing that even Norman
Second brain A “tree of life” or call 020 3176 2935. Discount that I’ve always liked Nadine Tebbit tried to shut it down. At
sketched in Darwin’s notebook for Times+ members Dorries. In person she is the fulcrum of it all, Dorries
22 12 November 2023
Loyal Nadine Dorries does not question
Dorries and why people might have wanted
Boris Johnson to remove these leaders. Truss
during prime took over the British economy
minister’s at a fragile moment, but
questions proceeded like a bull in a china
shop to the destruction of it
and her. Johnson here was
destroyed by the vengeance
of others. But most Tory MPs
would say they lost faith not
because Cummings told them
to — or even because his
Downing Street was pandemic
party central — but because
Johnson’s handling of one
crisis after another (Owen
Paterson, Wallpapergate,
Partygate, the Pincher affair)
was characterised by denial,
obfuscation, lies and chaos. My
suspicion is that there was no
one plot, but several “plots”.
All that said, there is much
here that is illuminating and
concerning. The book lifts the
lid on the tawdry world of
The Westminster power broking,
Movement where the “dark arts” and
often latent sexism are a
plotted fact of life. There are serious
the fall of allegations about an MP who
Cameron, his own whips office believe
May and is a rapist, along with the
Truss comically lurid — an MP having
sex with a prostitute on a
writes, “all roads lead to by Dougie Smith, the master of there are factual errors and, billiard table while four
[Michael] Gove”, whom she the dark arts, is also revealing. perhaps more importantly, colleagues watched.
portrays as a demonic presence He helped Sunak to secure his errors of interpretation as Dorries, who became
and the puppet of Cummings. seat in Richmond, North well as telling omissions that famous for her condemnation
She traces the often hidden Yorkshire, and a post at the undermine the credibility of the “posh boys” at the top
links between these men Policy Exchange think tank of the main thesis. of the Tory party “who don’t
and posits that they were before he was elected. Smith By seeing everything as a know the price of a pint of
responsible for plotting the told Johnson that Sunak had branch of the plot, Dorries milk”, is an outsider and seems
downfalls of David Cameron, to be chancellor long before wants us to see these men genuinely shocked by what
Theresa May, Boris Johnson it happened. If Smith has not just as malign but also as she found. This still has the
and Liz Truss and that they done half the things of which cleverer and more farsighted potential to be an influential
have all spent the past seven Dorries accuses him (and an than they probably are. She book. What matters for the
years scheming to install Rishi anonymous character called has assembled circumstantial future of Conservative Party
Sunak as prime minister. Dr No, a device to satisfy the evidence to make the case for politics is not whether Dorries
There are passages that will libel lawyers), many will think an overarching conspiracy. But has proved every point she
embarrass the prime minister, that the fact that he lets him it requires other facts to be left makes, but whether the
whom she says is “squeaky” continue to hold a Downing out. For example, to claim, as grassroots of the Tory party
with “no presence”. Dorries Street pass undermines any she does, that Gove, Cummings believes the thesis — and there
reveals that he had cleared out claims Sunak has to represent and Gibb were insincere it is clear she is pushing at a
his office in Downing Street decency in politics. Brexiteers will come as a door that is more than ajar.
the day before his supposedly Dorries also entertains surprise to people who saw However, the verdict on
impulse resignation; asked the idea that billionaire City Cummings weeping with the Johnson’s demise that still
Treasury ministers to support mates of Sunak and Smith emotion of his and Johnson’s makes the most sense to me
him if he ran for the leadership deliberately rocked the achievement on Brexit night comes from a source who
in February, five months markets after Truss’s in January 2020. said: “If you are so convinced
before Johnson fell; and mini-budget to force her It stretches credulity to everyone is trying to shoot
petulantly turned his back on out and clear the way for argue that the Movement you, why would you leave so
Johnson in cabinet to signal his Sunak’s arrival in No 10. My spent a decade building up many boxes of ammunition
distaste in the latter’s final Dorries, understanding is that this is Sunak as a “Manchurian lying around?”
weeks (I have heard the same who is an something Truss believed candidate”, then deliberately The Movement might have
from cabinet ministers). outsider, when it happened and may undermined him by leaking taken up arms against him,
In Dorries’s telling, Sunak seems still do. Experts say it is not details of his wife’s non-dom in their different ways and at
went to Chequers to suck up possible for a few players to status to keep him on a short different times, but Johnson
to Johnson a few days after
genuinely upend things in this way. leash, as Dorries claims. There supplied the bullets.
he had set up a leadership shocked Dorries has told me that are plenty of people around
campaign website. by what everything in the book has Sunak who believe that a Buy from
The degree to which Sunak she has been checked by lawyers and Johnson loyalist was behind or call 020 3176 2935. Discount
was groomed and supported found a forensic barrister. But I fear that story. for Times+ members
12 November 2023 23

Inside the mind of Tolkien

The author was a quiet radical whose letters are funny, bolshie and profound

places. How very interesting Hobbit isn’t the cosiness of the Shire,
Letters that John Ronald Reuel forming where the tale begins before
The Letters of JRR Tolkien should so often be Tolkien in opening out into the terror
Tolkien edited by voted the modern world’s his study and sublimity of those majestic
Humphrey Carpenter best-loved author. at Merton landscapes of Middle-earth,
with Christopher Tolkien His wonderful letters — College, a bit like the Devonshire
HarperCollins £30 pp708 funny, peppery, profound — Oxford countryside?
are the closest thing we have Well, no. If anything,
Christopher Hart to an autobiography, reissued Tolkien said, the Shire is rural
in this invaluable expanded Warwickshire “about the period
edition. Among more than 150 of the Diamond Jubilee”, ie
When JRR Tolkien learnt that newly published letters here, 1897, before most of it was
an eighth of the world spoke there’s a dismayed portrait, swallowed up by Birmingham.
English, he felt anything but during the Suez crisis, of “dons But he disliked his imaginary virtually a pacifist, although
imperialist pride. “Damn yelling ‘fascist!’ at high table, world being mistaken as an not quite, and his early life was
shame … I shall have to at colleagues who in mild allegory for the real one. desperately sad.
refuse to speak anything voices venture to disagree His father Mordor is not Nazi Germany, His father died when he
but Old Mercian.” with them”. And how brilliant died when he tirelessly insisted, and the was three and his mother when
Here is the very heart to learn from another new Ring is not the atom bomb. he was 12. He and his brother
of the man: bolshie and letter that The Lord of the Rings
he was But in its inescapable sense were brought up by a much-
mischievous, hating modernity was started in September 1938 three, his of tragedy, its fallen-ness, loved but stern Catholic priest.
and uniformity, and loving in … Sidmouth, that most mother Middle-earth is certainly our He fought on the Somme, saw
human variety and localism, pleasingly sleepy and un-epic when he wartorn world as Tolkien saw most of his battalion wiped
distinctive languages and of English towns. But then was 12 it. A lifelong Catholic, he was out, and was invalided home

General hardbacks Last Weeks in

General paperbacks Last Weeks in
The week top 10 week top 10

Sunday 1 The Woman in Me

Britney Spears
(Simon & Schuster £25)
1 2
1 The Future of Geography
Tim Marshall
(Elliott & Thompson £9.99)
1 6

Times The teenage pop icon and global

superstar reveals the truth
How the new geopolitical space
race could revolutionise life on

Bestsellers behind the headlines (35,340) Earth (3,400)

Matthew Perry’s 2 Be Useful Arnold Schwarzenegger

(Ebury Edge £20)
Life advice from the champion bodybuilder
2 4
2 Killers of the Flower Moon David Grann
(Simon & Schuster £9.99)
A series of murders expose a dark
2 6

autobiography, Friends, turned Hollywood action hero (10,630) conspiracy in 1920s Oklahoma (2,950)
Lovers and the Big Terrible
Thing, re-enters the general
hardbacks chart this week.
3 Rambling Man Billy Connolly
(Two Roads £25)
An exploration of the stand-up comedian’s
3 4
3 Surrounded by Idiots Thomas Erikson
(Vermilion £10.99)
How understanding personality types can
3 69

Sales of the book, released in philosophy and how it has shaped him (8,235) improve human interaction (2,185)
November last year, jumped
4,133 per cent week-on-week 4 How They Broke Britain James O’Brien
(WH Allen £20)
The broadcaster on the downfall of
— 1
4 The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine
Rashid I Khalidi (Profile £10.99)
A history of the struggle for Palestine, based
14 1

after the actor’s death, from

Britain and who is to blame (7,605) on research and personal experience (1,565)
156 copies sold in the week
ending October 28 to 6,604
copies sold in the week 5 Diddly Squat: Pigs Might Fly
Jeremy Clarkson (M Joseph £22)
The ups and downs experienced in another
4 2
5 Prisoners of Geography Tim Marshall
(Elliott & Thompson £9.99)
Ten maps that tell you all you need
4 164

ending November 4. year at Clarkson’s Cotswolds farm (7,560) to know about geopolitics (1,380)

The 18th book in Jeff

Kinney’s Diary of a Wimpy
6 Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing
Matthew Perry (Headline £25)
The Friends star on fame, fortune and
— 11
6 Atomic Habits James Clear
(Random House £17.99)
The minuscule changes that can grow
6 115

Kid series was the biggest his struggles with addiction (6,605) into life-altering outcomes (1,285)
children’s book in the UK
last week, selling 21,549
copies. More than £70
7 Keira & Me Noel Fitzpatrick and Laura
McKendry (Seven Dials £18.99)
Illustrated tale of the Supervet‘s time
7 2
7 The Golden Mole Katherine Rundell
(Faber £10.99)
A globe-spanning tour of the world’s strange
— 1

million has been spent on with his canine companion, Keira (6,485) and awe-inspiring animals (1,235)
books in the series in the UK
since the first in 2008. 8 Shakespeare: The Man Who Pays the Rent
Judi Dench (M Joseph £25)
Intimate, informal conversations on
6 2
8 The Making of the Modern Middle East
Jeremy Bowen (Picador £10.99)
The history of the Middle East and
5 2

the English playwright (6,300) what the future could hold (1,215)

The lists are prepared by and

the data is supplied by (and
copyrighted to) Nielsen
9 Ghosts: The Button House Archives
Mathew Baynton et al (Bloomsbury £20)
The unseen lives of the characters
5 2
9 The Body Keeps the Score
Bessel van der Kolk (Penguin £12.99)
Understanding psychological trauma and
7 19

BookScan, and are taken in the BBC sitcom Ghosts (5,515) a new approach to healing (1,210)
from the TCM for the week
ending 04/11/23.
Figures shown are sales for 10 Unruly David Mitchell
(M Joseph £25) Tales of England’s monarchs
from the Cambridge history alumnus (5,350)
8 6
10 Diddly Squat: ‘Til the Cows Come Home
Jeremy Clarkson (Penguin £9.99) Tales from
another year at Diddly Squat Farm (1,185)
11 21

the seven-day period.

24 12 November 2023
with trench fever. By 1918, marriage with his beloved Far East that does not fill me Wise Gals The Spies Who
when he was 26 — as he wrote Edith, another orphan, with regret and disgust,” he Built the CIA and Changed
with terrible bluntness in the proposing to her as soon as he wrote to his son Christopher. the Future of Espionage
foreword to The Lord of the could “on the night of my 21st Other letters are very by Nathalia Holt
Rings — “all but one of my close birthday”, and also that he moving, like the one written in Icon Books £11.99
friends were dead”. valued his male friendships so 1971, in failing health, and only
Hardly surprising, then, that much. His happiest moments days after the death of his In this
he viewed history as nothing were in the pubs of Oxford beloved wife, to a patient in thrilling
but a “long defeat”, and with his fellow academics and Broadmoor. “I am glad you book, as
modernity as a nightmarish writers, the Inklings, especially have read my book again ... and propulsive
Age of the Machine. In June CS Lewis. One letter here also that you are feeling better as classic
1945 he wrote: “Wars are reassures Lewis that he didn’t … If you want to, or wish to John le
always lost, and The War mind him being so loud in The have anything explained, write Carré,
always goes on”; and he was Eagle and Child. “I know no again,” and he signs off wishing Nathalia Holt
incandescent that some people more pleasant sound than the patient “love and peace”. tells the
seemed to be rejoicing at the arriving at the B and B ... and It’s a painfully common story of a handful of women
suffering of German refugee hearing a roar, and knowing experience to pick up who shaped the CIA from the
columns, fleeing before the that one can plunge in.” a biography of some 1940s to the age of global
Red Army. There seemed to In the 1960s he was appalled much-admired author, only to terrorism. They include Jane
him no “compassion, no by the sight of young women discover he was an utter pig. Burrell, the first CIA agent to

imagination left in this dark in trousers with unkempt hair, With Tolkien, you need have be killed on active service;
diabolic hour”. and a house down the road no such anxiety. Crusty, dusty Adelaide Hawkins, a single
And how is this for a where some young men were and prickly though he may mother with a high school
complex prophecy: “As “aiming to turn themselves have appeared, he was at heart education; and Eloise Page,
the servants of the Machines into a Beatle group ... The a profoundly kindly man. a Southern debutante.
are becoming a privileged noise is indescribable.” But These revised and amplified They are a diverse crew,
class, the Machines are there was an unpredictable letters are an absolute treat. far more so than the Identikit
going to be enormously radical under all that tweed boys alongside whom
more powerful.” and pipe smoke. “I know Buy from they worked.
It’s no surprise that he nothing about British or or call 020 3176 2935. Discount Kathryn Hughes
raced into an early romantic American imperialism in the for Times+ members

Fiction hardbacks Last Weeks in

week top 10 Fiction paperbacks Last Weeks in
week top 10 Children's
Diary of a Wimpy Kid:
1 The Secret
Lee Child and Andrew Child
(Bantam £22)
1 2
1 Simply Lies
David Baldacci
(Pan £9.99)
8 2
No Brainer
Jeff Kinney
Jack Reacher races to discover A former detective becomes week (Puffin £14.99)
the link between a series of locked in a battle of wits with a 1 Greg and his friends
suspicious deaths (19,000) dangerous con artist (11,985) Weeks try to save their school
in top 10 from closure
2 (21,550)

2 The Last Devil to Die Richard Osman

(Viking £22)
The Thursday Murder Club probe the murder
3 8
2 The Christmas Book Club Sarah Morgan
(HQ £8.99)
Three lifelong friends reunite at a cosy hotel
1 2

The Blunders
of an old friend in the antiques trade (13,930) for their annual book club holiday (11,960) 2
David Walliams and
Adam Stower
3 Loyalty Martina Cole and Jacqui Rose
(Headline £25)
The unbreakable bond between two close
4 4
3 Lessons in Chemistry Bonnie Garmus
(Penguin £9.99)
In 1960s America a chemist becomes
3 36 week
(HarperCollins £14.99)
A family of upper-class
Weeks twits try to save their
friends is severely tested (5,525) the star of a TV cooking show (8,215) in top 10 crumbling home
4 (12,805)
4 The Running Grave Robert Galbraith
(Sphere £25)
Cormoran Strike and Robin Ellacott try to
5 6
4 Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow
Gabrielle Zevin (Vintage £9.99)
The story of two friends brought together
5 19

That’s Not My
rescue a man trapped in a cult (4,570) by a shared love of video games (7,760)
Christmas Tree
Fiona Watt
5 The Exchange John Grisham
(Hodder £22)
A new case takes Mitch McDeere to Libya, 15
7 3
5 Really Good, Actually Monica Heisey
(4th Estate £9.99)
A 29-year-old woman embraces her
4 6
(Usborne £12.99)
A festive addition
years on from the events of The Firm (4,210) new status as a divorcée (6,935) Weeks to the bestselling
in top 10 That’s Not My ... series
1 (6,860)
6 Alex Cross Must Die James Patterson
(Century £20)
An American Airlines plane is shot down
8 2
6 Wildfire Hannah Grace
(Simon & Schuster £9.99)
Two students who had a passionate
7 5

A Christmasaurus
by a rare, stolen machinegun (3,745) one-night stand cross paths again (6,730)
4 Carol

7 Fourth Wing Rebecca Yarros

(Piatkus £20)
A young woman is among many candidates
10 23
7 The Drift CJ Tudor
(Penguin £8.99)
Three ordinary people face imminent
— 1 Last
Tom Fletcher and
Shane Devries
(Puffin £14.99) William
to become an elite dragon rider (3,550) dangers in a deadly snowstorm (6,250) Weeks tries to stop Christmas
in top 10 being cancelled
8 The Christmas Appeal Janice Hallett
(Viper £12.99)
A murder threatens a theatre group’s
12 1
8 Christmas by Candlelight Karen Swan
(Pan £8.99)
Tensions rise at a university reunion
11 1 4 (6,455)

production of Jack and the Beanstalk (3,160) after guests are snowed in (5,775) The Beano Annual
5 2024
9 A Stroke of the Pen Terry Pratchett
(Doubleday £20)
A collection of unearthed short stories
11 3
9 The Bullet That Missed Richard Osman
(Penguin £9.99)
The Thursday Murder Club investigate the
10 26
(DC Thomson £11.99)
Beanotown legends
11 unite to celebrate Bash
written in the 1970s and 1980s (3,150) death of a journalist 20 years ago (5,760)
Weeks Street School’s 85th
in top 10 anniversary
10 Sharpe’s Command Bernard Cornwell
(HarperCollins £22) Sharpe is dispatched
deep behind enemy lines in Spain (3,110)
9 4
10 The Pumpkin Spice Café Laurie Gilmore
(One More Chapter £9.99) A city girl is offered
a fresh start when she inherits a café (5,555)
9 3
1 (5,385)

12 November 2023 25
recounting of the events as
Royalty they unfolded in 1936. There
Once a King The Lost are also striking transcripts of
Memoir of Edward VIII interviews Murphy conducted
by Jane Marguerite Tippett with Wallis in 1954 for her
Hodder, £25, pp384 book. So much here is new,
yet it’s hard to argue that
Erica Wagner much is surprising.
The reader is never in doubt
about whose side the author
A May morning in 1948; is on. She sets out her stall
a rented, eight-bedroom clearly: she means to correct
mansion nestled in the wealthy the impression given in Peter
community of Oyster Bay, New Morgan’s The Crown that the
York. The Duke and Duchess of duke was a selfish ne’er-do-well
Windsor — the former Edward and the duchess an inveterate
VIII and his wife, Wallis, once schemer; and she gives short
Mrs Simpson — are in exile, as shrift to the case made most
they will be for the remainder recently by Andrew Lownie
of their days. But now the duke in his book Traitor King that
has decided to share his story Edward’s attraction to the
with the world thanks to a rising power of Nazi Germany
fabulously generous offer went much further than naive
(worth more than £1 million in flirtation. To Tippett these are

The king of
today’s currency) from Life hapless, charming people
magazine. Charles Murphy, yearning only for love and
a shining star of American personal fulfilment. She does
narrative journalism, has not reckon with the duke’s
been assigned to assist him. banality and blindness. “The
“His clothes beautiful,”
Murphy wrote in a diary
entry. “Pink with blue plaid,
beautifully pressed. The shoes
with a Guardsman’s polish ...
carelessness saddest thing of all in the
Battle of the Somme was the
human sacrifice,” he muses.
You don’t say, the reader may
be forgiven for thinking.
he filled a pipe with special A trove of lost interviews casts light on Edward and Tippett believes the
cartridges made of Dunhill accusations of Nazi collusion
in London ... The day the the former Mrs Simpson — but it’s hard to sympathise are overblown, but even if
Duchess had a little cold, whole with a hapless man who didn’t want to be monarch they are, here is a man who
household stopped. Butlers described Hitler as “very
tiptoeing around the Duke vigorous, very serious” and
disturbed, harassed with a wild love,” he said, his words Exiled were defined by hubris, by the who, recalling a 1937 visit to
and worried look in his eyes ...” breaching the dam of regal The Duke and sense that things would always the home of Reichsminister
It is a brief, perfect sketch of decorum. The private lives of Duchess of be as they had been. Hermann Goering, said:
the brittle, obsessive dynamic the members of Britain’s royal Windsor The tale of the abdication “The house was very
between the duke and duchess, family would be ever after in 1941 has been told so often that interesting. He was very proud
whose love story — if it can perceived as fair game. one could be forgiven for of his maids ... all dressed in a
really be called that — continues I hold no special love for the wondering whether there is sort of peasant costume and he
to fascinate although nearly monarchy. Yet I treasure my anything left to add. Yet Jane was very proud of the rooms
a century has passed since collection of china made to Marguerite Tippett, an he made for them, and each
Edward VIII abandoned the commemorate the coronation American archivist, has done room had the name of the
throne. He met Wallis at the of Edward VIII. They are yeoman’s work in accessing maid on the door.” These are
home of his mistress at the time, liminal objects, celebrating Murphy’s papers, 17 boxes of from conversations held in
Thelma Furness, in 1931; Wallis an event that never occurred; them, deposited at Boston 1948 and 1954, respectively.
was still married to her second Schrodinger’s crockery, University in the mid-1990s. Let that, as they say, sink in.
husband, Ernest Simpson. existing and not existing all The collection proved to be Wallis comes across as a
By 1934 Wallis’s marriage was at once. Some bear a date, a trove of material, drafts and tragic figure, trapped by her
all but over, and she had May 12, 1937 — on which interviews and diary entries lover into marriage and kept
become a fixture in the life of Edward’s younger brother not only for the articles in the dark about his plans to
the Prince of Wales. But a king Bertie, George VI, was in fact eventually published in Life abandon the throne. “I was
could never marry a divorced crowned in Westminster Abbey magazine but for what would without weapons,” she told
woman, so, just over ten alongside his wife, Queen become the duke’s 1951 Murphy. “All I could say was no
months after his accession Elizabeth. I have one cup memoir, A King’s Story, as well to a man who was determined
Edward chose passion over marking this true coronation, as much material relating to to marry me, and he would
duty, abdicating his kingship. which was clearly made from Wallis’s account of their not listen.”
His radio broadcast to the the same mould as one for the Wallis romance, The Heart Has Its Tippett may find the duke
nation on December 11, 1936, vanished king: a simple erasure. comes Reasons, eventually published and the duchess sympathetic
remains a landmark of royal The story of the abdication across as in 1956. characters; it is much harder
and media history. “I have shares some elements of a tragic Once a King weaves together for the reader to do so. They
found it impossible to carry another compelling Edward’s recollections from were careless people, as
the heavy burden of 20th-century tale, that of the
figure, the later 1940s with letters F Scott Fitzgerald said.
responsibility and to discharge sinking of the Titanic in 1912. trapped and memos from Murphy and
my duties as King as I would Both events took place before by her other significant players, Buy from
wish to do without the help violent conflagrations that lover into setting them against an or call 020 3176 2935. Discount
and support of the woman I would remake the world; both marriage efficient and thorough for Times+ members
26 12 November 2023
Paul Auster’s swansong? misadventures in long,
cumulative sentences, one
thing after another, in
death of his wife, Anna Blume,
another writer, in a freak wave
accident ten years ago. He feels
conventional diction. The her absence as an amputee
Written while he was ill with cancer, this intimate novel clarity of his writing has always feels the missing limb, a trope
distils a lifetime writing about chance, love and desire given much readerly pleasure. he is delighted to discover —
This orderly prose, though, “He is a human stump now, a
presents us with a world half man who has lost the half
ago he left a pan on the flame. Beyond determined by chance, a view of himself that had made him
Fiction He grabs it and scorches his criticism of life Auster has often credited whole.” In the last chapter
Baumgartner hand. The phone rings. It’s the Paul Auster to seeing another boy struck Baumgartner looks forward
by Paul Auster daughter of his cleaner to say dead by lightning right next to the arrival of an erotically
Faber £18.99 pp202 that she won’t be coming to him when he was 14. His promising young grad student


because her carpenter father 2017 Booker-shortlisted novel studying Anna’s work — if
David Sexton has just severed two of his 4321 imagined one man’s life accident doesn’t intervene …
fingers with a buzz-saw. A following four different paths Paul Auster, 76, was
young man arrives to read the as chance intervened, at diagnosed with cancer last
The first chapter of Paul meter. It’s in the basement, wearying length. These year. His wife of over 40 years,
Auster’s 18th novel is a tour de but Baumgartner misses his opening 25 pages of the writer Siri Hustvedt, has
force. A chapter of accidents, step and crashes down. violent mishap are much revealed that he completed
which is what Auster has Slumped in more concentrated, a Baumgartner while already ill,
always shown life to be. the kitchen, he classic Auster story speaking of his writing life as
Sy Baumgartner, a 70-year- contemplates the in themselves. behind him. This novel
old academic, is at work at burnt pot and recalls They are followed, imagines how life after the end
home in his second-floor buying it 50 years though, by four of a long and happy marriage
study, or “cogitorium”, on his ago and glimpsing in chapters that are might be felt by its survivor.
monograph on Kierkegaard’s that thrift shop the self-indulgent, almost Criticism stands aside.
pseudonyms when he needs to girl who was to a ragbag. Recovered
get a book from downstairs. become his adored, from his fall, Buy from
En route he smells burning now dead wife ... Baumgartner tells us or call 020 3176 2935. Discount
and realises that three hours Auster narrates these about his grief over the for Times+ members

12 November 2023 27

Should this A mysterious death at

drone win the
Bad Sex prize? a Lagos megachurch
A psychologist’s race to clear a bishop’s name plus dark dealings
Fiction in the world of biotech — and a murder stalks Alfred Hitchcock
Jungle House
by Julianne Pachico eggs. Kobler combines a
Serpent’s Tail £14.99 pp208 CRIME FICTION surprising plot with sensuous

Mia Levitin ROUND-UP descriptions of what her

characters cook during
pauses in the investigation.
Joan Smith
As AI expands exponentially, buckle up The Wolf
for bot-sex. In Julianne Pachico’s third PICK by Samuel Bjork,
book, a security drone likes to land
between the heroine’s legs, “jammed in
by Femi Kayode
OF THE MONTH trans. by
Charlotte Barslund
there tightly, vibrating his body. Apart Raven £16.99 Bantam £18.99
from the shock of feeling him ... there”, Evangelical megachurches Samuel Bjork’s first novel,
she decides that “there’s something are a feature of everyday life in I’m Travelling Alone, was
about it that feels quite nice ... The Nigeria. The arrest of a bishop a bestseller when it was
pressure, rubbing. The noise of his on suspicion of the murder of published in 2016. It was
engine grows louder and louder.” his wife causes a sensation in the first in a powerful series,
Twenty-year-old Lena has been raised Femi Kayode’s outstanding set in an unorthodox police
in the jungle by a neurotic, artificially new novel, Gaslight. The unit in Oslo. The Wolf is a
intelligent house. “Mother” tells her church hires an investigative prequel, going back to the
she was abandoned there as a baby. psychologist, Dr Philip Taiwo, days when the unit was
Lena’s only human friend is the to clear the bishop’s name, but still assembling personnel,
homeowners’ daughter, Isabella, who he’s suspicious of organised including a raw recruit from
also enjoys the drone’s thigh-bruising religion, even when it starts the police academy, Mia
attention until she disappears. to look as though the bishop Kruger. She’s brought in to
Brought up in Colombia by English has been set up. When the investigate a double murder in
and American parents, Pachico was missing woman’s body is Norway that resembles a case
strong out of the gate: her debut, The found and her death ruled in Sweden eight years earlier
Lucky Ones (2017), a story collection a suicide, Taiwo continues when the staged bodies of two
about coming of age amid Colombia’s his investigation, discovering boys were found in a field.
civil war, was shortlisted for this paper’s that the church operates Written in Bjork’s habitual
Young Writer of the Year award. But The more like a global business. cool prose, it’s an absorbing,
Anthill (2020), about a woman returning Taiwo is a classic outsider, twisty novel.
to Colombia, was less compelling, in working on a temporary
part because of its sci-fi interludes. contract in Lagos after Shot With Crimson
In Jungle House, Pachico doubles experiencing racism by Nicola Upson
down on the speculative elements that back home in the US. This is Faber £16.99
are not her forte. Billed as Never Let Me Kayode’s second novel in the Nicola Upson’s intense new
Go meets Lord of the Flies, it offers Taiwo series and it brings a novel is set in 1939 as the film
neither the chilling revelation of the refreshing new perspective to director Alfred Hitchcock starts
former nor the high stakes of the latter. contemporary crime fiction. shooting his version of Daphne
Its plotline has more commonalities du Maurier’s Rebecca. The
with Kazuo Ishiguro’s Klara and the Sun, Deep Dark Blue author Josephine Tey, who is
but the question of consciousness that by Seraina Kobler, the main character in Upson’s
drives most AI narratives is moot as the trans. by Alexandra Roesch fine series of historical crime
bots present as sentient from the start. Pushkin Vertigo £14.99 novels, boards the boat train
The lap-jamming drone is as Seraina Kobler is a Swiss to visit the shoot in Hollywood.
stimulating as it gets. The Bad Sex in novelist with an unusual A crew has just returned from
Fiction award, on hiatus since 2020, heroine, a police diver in a the mansion in England that
risks being skipped again this year for maritime crime unit in Zurich. was the model for Manderley,

a dearth of sex. So do submit your The unit is small and informal, the sinister house in du
nominations to Literary Review. but Kobler’s subject could not Maurier’s book, when news of
Cybersex, authors are be more high-tech. It takes us a murder follows them to Los
reminded, is fair game. to the cutting edge of genetics, Angeles. It’s one of Upson’s
where scientists are working most evocative novels,
Buy from on modifying human embryos including flashbacks to tragic to eliminate hereditary events in the First World War
or call 020 3176 2935. diseases. Detective Rosa and displaying a clear-eyed
Discount for Zambrano is stunned when knowledge of human nature.
Times+ members she realises that a body pulled
from Lake Zurich is her doctor, Buy from
Sci-fi interludes a fertility specialist. She’s just or call 020 3176 2935. Discount
Julianne Pachico had a procedure to freeze her for Times+ members
28 12 November 2023
The best of the week ahead
intensified, with reports that this final
THE CROWN season would include “Diana’s ghost”

TV &
in conversation with Imelda Staunton’s
Thursday, Netflix Queen Elizabeth II and Dominic West’s
Prince Charles. With this suitably
Since its first series in 2016, The Crown divided sixth series — the first four
has validated its existence with claims starting on Thursday, the last six from
that it “humanises” the royal family December 14 — viewers can make a final

through excellent performances and call on whether it’s “humanising” or
the writing of Peter Morgan. Yet there tasteless, a judgment that will also need
is something disconcerting about applying to the wedding of Charles
fictionalising real people. As The Crown and Camilla (Olivia Williams) and the
has moved closer to the unhappiest romance between Prince William
period of recent royal history, the (Ed McVey) and Kate Middleton (Meg
controversy around the show has again Bellamy). There’s so much more story
to tell, but for now at least, The Crown is
Recreating history Elizabeth Debicki wisely stepping back from royal duties.
returns as Diana, Princess of Wales Victoria Segal

Jared Harris Elizabeth Vanessa Kirby Josh O’Connor Claire Foy as
as King Debicki as Princess as Prince Queen
George VI as Diana Margaret Charles Elizabeth II
Harris may Australian Vanessa Kirby Josh O’Connor Despite fine
have featured in actress Debicki preceded is a standout performances
only six episodes, but his took over the role of Diana Helena Bonham Carter and star of series three and four, from Olivia Colman and
commanding turn as from Emma Corrin in Lesley Manville as Margaret taking on the role of a Imelda Staunton as the
Elizabeth’s father, King season five, delivering a with an exceptional principled young Charles Queen in later series, Foy is
George VI, set a high nuanced and very well- portrayal of a young and raging against the royal the original and the best.
standard for the show. observed performance. deeply vulnerable princess. machine and his parents. Tim Glanfield
12 November 2023 29
BBC 1 BBC 2 ITV 1 Channel 4 Channel 5
6.00 Breakfast Headlines. 6.25 Countryfile Rural life. (R) 6.00 James Martin’s French 6.20 Cheers Comedy. (R) 6.00 Milkshake! Children’s fun.
7.55 Match Of The Day (R) 7.25 Beechgrove Garden In Adventure In Bresse. (R) 6.50 The King Of Queens (R) 9.55 The Smurfs Cartoon. (R)
9.00 Sunday With Laura Winter Advice. (R) 7.00 Gino’s Italy — Secrets Of 7.40 Everybody Loves 10.10 Spongebob Animation. (R)
Kuenssberg Discussion. 7.55 Breakfast Headlines. The South In Bari. (3/6, R) Raymond Comedy. (R) 10.25 Entertainment News
10.15 CHOICE Remembrance 9.00 Weatherman Walking 7.25 James Martin’s Saturday 8.30 The Simpsons Cartoon. (R) 10.30 NFL End Zone Action from
Sunday — The Cenotaph Derek Brockway walks a Morning With West End 9.30 Sunday Brunch With Leah the latest matches.
David Dimbleby presents route around Hirwaun in star Beverley Knight. (R) Brotherhead, Chris Harris, 11.00 News; Weather Reports.
live from Whitehall. Rhondda Cynon Taf. 9.25 News; Weather Reports. Alfie Boe and Joe Wilkinson. 11.05 Friends US sitcom. (R)
(See Critics’ choice) 9.30 Landward Dougie Vipond 9.30 Love Your Weekend With 12.30 Jamie’s One-Pan Wonders 12.30 A Little Christmas Charm
12.45 Lifeline Charity appeal. joins the Cairngorm Martin Shaw, Michael Ball Chickpea casserole. (R) Drama, with Ashley
1.00 News; Weather Reports. Mountain Rescue Team. and Julia Bradbury. 12.40 The Simpsons Cartoon. (R) Greene and Brendan
1.15 CHOICE Songs Of Praise 10.00 Saturday Kitchen Best 11.30 Fletchers’ Family Farm 1.40 The Great British Bake Off Penny. A jeweller teams
Remembrance Sunday at Bites With Matt Tebbutt. The Fletchers gather their A trio of desserts. (R) up with a reporter in the
RAF Cranwell, Lincolnshire. 11.30 Jimmy’s Food Factory (R) flock for a health check. hope of returning a charm
12.30 News; Weather Update. 2.55 FILM: Shrek Forever
(See Critics’ choice) 12.00 Hairy Bikers — Pies & bracelet to its rightful
After With the voice of
1.50 CHOICE War Horse Stars Pasties Recipes. (R) 12.40 FILM: Smallfoot With the owner before Christmas. (R)
Mike Myers. A magical
Jeremy Irvine. A boy seeks 12.15 MOTD Women’s Super voice of Channing Tatum. 2.20 Christmas In Scotland
trickster leaves the
his horse after it is sold to League: Tottenham Fair animation. (2018, PG) Romantic drama, with Jill
grumpy ogre stuck in
the British Army. (2011, Hotspur v Liverpool. Live Winternitz and Dominic
2.30 Premiership Rugby an alternate world.
12; see Film choice) coverage from Brisbane Watters. On a trip to
Union: Northampton Satisfactory. (2010, U)
Road. Kickoff at 12.30. Scotland, an installation
4.05 News; Weather Headlines. 2.45 Trampoline & Tumbling Saints v Exeter Chiefs. Live designer helps a community
coverage. Kickoff at 3.00. 4.45 FILM: Peter Rabbit Stars
4.20 Regional News Update. World Championships create a festive display.
5.15 Tipping Point — Best Ever Domhnall Gleeson and
4.30 Countryfile John Craven Live coverage of day four, Rose Byrne, with the 4.10 A Reservation For
revisits the Gloucestershire held at Utilita Arena in Finals Endgames. (R) Christmas Romantic
5.45 News; Weather Update. voices of James Corden
village where he used to Birmingham, featuring the and Margot Robbie. A drama, with Melissa Joan
work on the local paper. (R) finals of eight disciplines. 5.55 Regional News Headlines. Hart and Michael Gross.
6.00 Mamma Mia! I Have A mischievous rabbit takes
5.20 CHOICE The Earthshot 5.00 Flog It! Selling items. (R) on a farmer in a battle of An event co-ordinator
Prize A celebration, Dream The Sophies and faces problems when a
6.00 Remembrance Sunday wits. Frenzied. (2018, PG)
launched by Prince William Skys find themselves college sweetheart checks
— The Cenotaph This
and David Attenborough, paired up for the first time. 6.30 News; Weather Reports. in at her family lodge. (R)
morning’s national service
of the best ideas and 7.30 Gino’s Italy — Secrets Of 7.00 World’s Greatest Train 6.05 Greatest Christmas Ads
of remembrance.
initiatives to help save the The South Gino D’Acampo Journeys From Above (R) Julian Clary revisits
7.20 Eva Longoria —
planet. (See Critics’ choice) explores Cisternino and 8.00 Handmade — Britain’s memorable festive-themed
Searching For Mexico
6.20 Planet Earth III Footage the Itria valley. (4/6) Best Woodworker The advertisements. (R)
The actress explores
of animals that live in 8.00 CHOICE Three Little Birds five remaining contestants 8.00 Rich House, Poor House
Mexico City’s history, food
freshwater environments. Leah and Hosanna race must make a four-poster A businesswoman and her
and culture, travelling by
7.20 Strictly Come Dancing to save Chantrelle. (4/6; bed for the big build friend swap lives for a week
boat down a network of
Featuring a Remembrance see Critics’ choice) challenge, while in the with a hard-up couple who
Aztec canals to a floating
Sunday routine from the 9.00 Six Four Michelle returns skills challenge, they carve have two children and
vegetable garden. (5/6)
professionals, before two to Scotland in order to an Indian printing block. manage on a single
8.00 Antiques Roadshow Fiona
couples face the dance-off. help Chris search for 9.00 CHOICE Bill Bailey’s income. (Last in series)
Bruce presents the show Annabel. (Last in series)
8.00 Survivor Joel Dommett from the grounds of Australian Adventure 9.00 Captain Tom — Where
hosts as the biggest twist 10.00 News; Weather Update. New series. The comedian Did The Money Go? A look
Belmont House in Kent, 10.20 Rolf Harris — Hiding In
yet sends shockwaves where items include a travels across Western at questions raised about
through both tribes, rattling Plain Sight The downfall Australia, beginning in the money raised from the sale
David Hockney painting. (R) of Rolf Harris. (2/2, R)
alliances and changing 9.00 Wild Caribbean Liz Bonnin far south, where he of Captain Sir Tom Moore’s
the game forever. 11.15 Premiership Rugby Union paddleboards with former books, asking if much
explores the Central Highlights Round five.
9.00 Time Abi and Kelsey bond American coastline, which NBA star Luc Longley. of it went to his family
after the birth of Kelsey’s 12.20 EFL Highlights (R)
supports an extraordinary (See Critics’ choice) rather than to charity.
baby; and Orla faces the 1.40 Catchphrase Game. (R)
array of wildlife and is home 10.00 Gogglebox Opinions. (R) 10.30 Adults Only: Sex In The
consequences of her 2.15 Cash Trapped Quiz. (R)
to some of the world’s 11.00 Dispatches The story of a Future. With virtual-reality
actions. (Last in series) 3.05 Motorsport UK (R)
most endangered animals. group of women searching porn expected to soon be
10.10 News; Weather Reports. 3.55 Unwind Daily relaxation.
10.00 The Yorkshire Ripper for their sons in Ukraine. worth over £15bn, a look at
5.10-6.00 Fletchers’ Family
10.40 Match Of The Day 2 Files — A Very British 12.15 Dignity Fact-based drama how technology is changing
Farm Health checks. (R)
Recent action, including Crime Story The arrest, about the hunt for a Nazi people’s sex lives. (R)
Chelsea v Manchester City. trial and conviction of Peter cult leader in Chile. With 11.25 Getting Kinky — It Hurts
12.00 The Women’s Football Sutcliffe. (Last in series, R) Antonia Zegers. (German So Good! Insights. (R)
Show Match highlights. and Spanish with subtitles) 12.20 ICC Cricket World Cup
11.00 FILM: All The President’s
12.45 MOTD Top Ten: Goals By India v Holland from M
Men Stars Robert Redford 1.15 FILM: Anais In Love Stars
Defenders. Memorable Chinnaswamy Stadium.
and Dustin Hoffman. Anaïs Demoustier and
strikes from defenders. 1.20 Casino Show Gambling.
Political drama. (1976, 15) Denis Podalydès. Romantic
1.20-6.00 Joins BBC News 3.20 New Lives In The Wild
comedy drama. (2021, 15;
1.15 Question Time (Signed, R) Double bill of editions,
French with subtitles)
SCOTLAND 12.00 Sportscene 2.15 Mortimer & Whitehouse with Ben Fogle. (R)
— Premiership Highlights. 1.00 — Gone Fishing (Signed, 2.55 The Great British Bake Off 4.55 Divine Designs (R)
The Women’s Football Show. Last in series, R) — An Extra Slice (R) 5.20 House Doctor Advice. (R)
1.45 MOTD Top Ten: Goals By 2.45-3.35 The Newsreader 3.50-6.05 Come Dine With Me 5.45 Entertainment News
Defenders. 2.20 BBC News. Drama series. (Signed, R) Prize initiative (BBC1, 5.20pm) Parties in Leeds. (R) 5.50-6.00 Children’s Shows

Variations 11.00-12.00 Seven Days STV

6.00 James Martin’s French
10.20 Rolf Harris — Hiding In Plain
Sight 11.15 Premiership Rugby
I’m afraid your correspondent is incorrect
about Strictly Come Dancing (BBC1).
BBC2 WALES 5.00 Scrum V Adventure 7.00 Gino’s Italy — Union Highlights 12.20 EFL
Secrets Of The South 7.25 James Highlights 1.40 Catchphrase 2.15 “Couple” is a unit of two and thus a singular
Sunday 8.00 Doctor Who @ 60 —
A Musical Celebration 9.30 Wild Martin’s Saturday Morning 9.25 Cash Trapped 3.05 Motorsport noun. Plural would be “couples”.
You say

Caribbean 10.30 The Yorkshire News; Weather 9.30 Love Your UK 3.55 Night Vision 5.10-6.00 John Mendleton
Ripper Files — A Very British Crime Weekend 11.30 Fletchers’ Family Fletchers’ Family Farm S4C 1.00
Story 11.30 The Secret Genius Of Farm 12.30 News; Weather 12.40 Clwb Rygbi 3.20 Mamwlad 3.50 “Couple” is a singular noun but in a category of
Modern Life 12.30 Red Dwarf 1.00 FILM: Smallfoot 2.30 Premiership Ffermio 4.25 Clwb Rygbi 6.10
nouns called collective nouns which means that
Planet Earth: A Lion’s Tale BBC Rugby Union. Live 5.15 Tipping Pobol Y Cwm 7.15 News 7.30
Point — Best Ever Finals 5.45 Dechrau Canu Dechrau Canmol it is grammatically singular. Tess Daly is quite
SCOTLAND 10.00-10.30 The
Sunday Show 7.00 The Seven News; Weather 5.55 Regional 8.00 Prosiect Pum Mil 9.00 correct in saying, “The next couple is...”
7.15 Premiership Highlights 8.15 News 6.00 Mamma Mia! I Have A Owain Tudur Jones — Ar Faes Steve Turner
Loggerheads 8.45 Rewind 1980s Dream 7.30 Gino’s Italy — Secrets Y Gad 10.00 Drych — Meddwl
9.00 The Firm 10.00 Still Game Of The South 8.00 Three Little Yn Wahanol 11.00-11.35 Richard Send your comments to:
10.30 Designing The Hebrides Birds 9.00 Six Four 10.00 News Holt —Yr Academi Felys

30 12 November 2023
Critics’ choice Remembrance
Bill Bailey’s Australian
Sunday: Lest we forget
Adventure (C4, 9pm)
Not many celebrity travelogues Remembrance Sunday — The
feature a man playing an antique Cenotaph (BBC1, 10.15am)
accordion to a forest, but then not covers the National Service of
enough celebrity travelogues are Remembrance on Whitehall in
presented by Bill Bailey. In the London. Nearly 10,000 veterans
first part, the comedian visits the are expected to take part in
far south of Western Australia, the march-past that honours
revelling in the opportunities the the contribution given and
state offers to commune with sacrifices made by the British
nature. Showing a sensitivity not and Commonwealth military and
always apparent in TV travel civilian men and women involved
shows, he begins by participating in both world wars and beyond. It
in a welcome ceremony hosted by is followed by a special edition of
a First Nations elder, before Songs Of Praise (BBC1, 1.15pm).
setting out across a state that is Tim Glanfield
home to a Greater Manchester-
sized population over nearly a The nation will remember
million square miles. Bailey fans sacrifices made
will recognise his happiest places:
hugging stones in an ersatz henge,
seeking the region’s 600 bird
species, and singing a robust
sea shanty with the internet
sensations the Albany Shantymen,
all the time eyeing up a future role
for himself as “local eccentric”.
Victoria Segal Luc Longley, a three-time basketball Olympian, with Bailey (C4, 9pm)

The Earthshot Prize

(BBC1, 5.20pm)
The Remarkable Journey Of
Bernard Levin (BBC4, 10.30pm)
Three Little Birds (ITV1, 8pm)
Chantrelle (Saffron Coomber)
Film choice
Driven by what its organisers have Despite his humble origins, panics because rape by Ernest War Horse (BBC1, 1.50pm)
branded “urgent optimism”, this Bernard Levin achieved an (Arthur Darvill) is a real threat. So Steven Spielberg brings his
award was founded by Prince impressive double career. As well Leah (Rochelle Neil) and Hosanna best-known powers — his gift for
William in 2020 as a ten-year plan as being a Times columnist for 27 (Yazmin Belo) go on a risky action scenes and his faith in
to help to save the planet. Its aim: years — writing about topics such cross-country journey in an unabashed pathos — to this
to reward initiatives that protect as music and food, not just politics attempt to rescue her. But can they adaptation of Michael Morpurgo’s
the environment and fight against — he was a television personality get there on time? Replace their car 1982 novel about a steed caught up
doom-filled inertia. During this who emerged in the 1960s satire with a carriage, and this in the First World War. As well as
ceremony, hosted by Hannah boom and later made travelogues. compelling instalment of offering young viewers a glimpse
Waddingham, awards of £1 million In this clip-rich tribute, he’s largely Lenny Henry’s six-part drama into the horror of the trenches, the
will be presented to the winners in remembered by fellow journalists, could be a Victorian thriller in film can show them the appeal of
five Earthshot categories, including including Arianna Huffington, his which virtuous heroines try to foil old-fashioned sentimental movie-
Fix Our Climate, Build A Waste- girlfriend in the 1970s. a wicked employer. making. The painterly visual
Free World, and Protect And compositions (peopled by a cast
Restore Nature. Previous inventive Six Silent Killings — Ireland’s that includes Jeremy Irvine,
champions include the air-saving Vanishing Triangle (Sky Benedict Cumberbatch and Emily
Kenyan enterprise Mukuru Clean Documentaries/Now, 9pm) Watson) recall 1940s and 1950s
Stoves; the seaweed-based plastic Between 1993 and 1998, six women Hollywood. (2011)
alternative Notpla; the City Of disappeared in an area of eastern
Milan’s Food Waste Hubs and the Ireland known as the Vanishing 3.10 To Yuma (Film4, 11.25pm)
entire country of Costa Rica. Held Triangle. Geraldine Niland explores James Mangold’s western is a useful
in Singapore, the event will also their stories in this documentary, remake of the 1957 film about a
feature David Attenborough and talking to relatives, detectives and hard-up rancher guarding a bandit
musical appearances from a forensic scientist. in custody — roles played here by
OneRepublic and Bastille. VS Bernard Levin (BBC4, 10.30pm) John Dugdale Christian Bale and Russell Crowe.
Its gunfights have modern action-
movie flair, but the story still values
On demand Frasier’s brother Niles and the
head writer Joe Keenan) were the
comeback stories can be found in
Zack Taylor and Seth Smoot’s 2016
the code of honour seen in old
cowboy flicks. (2007)
○ Frasier (C4 streaming) secret to its success. Check out the profile of the format’s endearingly
Anyone wondering why the recent Keenan episodes The Matchmaker, humble inventor, Lou Ottens. The Killer (Netflix)
reboot of this much-loved 1990s Out With Dad and The Doctor Is Out. Starring Michael Fassbender as
sitcom isn’t quite hitting the mark ○ The Jim Cummings Collection a hyper-efficient hitman, David
should check out a recent Daily ○ Cassette — A Documentary (Arrow Player) Fincher’s latest film mirrors its
Beast article by Nico Lang entitled Mixtape (Prime Video) The New Orleans film-maker is one hero’s finesse and sangfroid in its
Frasier Was A Very Gay Show For The unlikely resurgence of the of the most inventive directors and delivery of a smoothly polished,
Straight People. Lang argues that music cassette as a popular music actors working on the margins of relentless tale. Thriller fans would
the original show’s roots in format was recently celebrated in Hollywood. His low-budget films be foolish to miss it, and anyone
Molière, Wilde and Noël Coward Marc Masters’s excellent music are wild, funny insights into the fond of Tilda Swinton should see
plus a plethora of gay talent history book, High Bias. An earlier madness of America. her excellent cameo. (2023)
(including David Hyde Pierce as salute to this most unlikely of Andrew Male Edward Porter
12 November 2023 31
BBC 3 BBC 4 ITV 2 ITV 3 E4
7.00pm Top Gear Test-driving 7.00pm Kiri Te Kanawa At 5.25pm FILM: Antz With the 4.55pm Poirot A philandering 4.25pm The Big Bang Theory
the Mastretta MXT. The BBC Highlights of voice of Woody Allen. husband is found dying Back-to-back episodes of
8.00 FILM: William the soprano’s career. An ant sets out to prove after being shot during a the American comedy.
Shakespeare’s Romeo + 8.00 Montserrat Caballe his love for a princess house party where Poirot
6.50 FILM: Sister Act 2 — Back
Juliet Stars Leonardo The Spanish soprano and help her escape their is a guest. (Series 9, ep 4)
In The Habit Stars Whoopi
DiCaprio and Claire Danes. sings and is interviewed. brutal colony. Unoriginal 7.00 Flying For Britain David
Goldberg. A singer who
The children of two 9.15 Kiri Te Kanawa The New animation. (1998, PG; Jason meets members of
posed as a nun joins the
feuding families fall in Zealand soprano talks includes FYI Daily) the RAF’s Battle of Britain
order again to save a
love. Flamboyantly hip to Bernard Levin and Memorial Flight, and takes
school. Entertaining
adaptation. (1996, 12) sings operatic arias. 7.10 FILM: Johnny English to the skies in their historic
sequel. (1993, PG)
10.30 CHOICE The Remarkable Stars Rowan Atkinson. Spitfires and Hurricanes.
9.50 Where It Ends Comedy Journey Of Bernard Levin A bumbling British secret 8.00 Long Lost Family 9.00 FILM: Jack Reacher
short, with Jack Robertson. The life of the influential agent sets out to unmask A woman brought up by Stars Tom Cruise and
10.00 FILM: 1917 Stars Dean- journalist and broadcaster. a mysterious villain. white adoptive parents Rosamund Pike. A former
Charles Chapman. Two (See Critics’ choice) Likeable spy spoof. (2003, looks for her birth family. military police investigator
British soldiers try 11.25 Edward Hopper — Arena PG; includes FYI Daily) 9.00 Joanna Lumley’s Great takes on the case of a
to cross enemy lines. A profile of the famous Cities Of The World The random shooting for
American realist painter. 9.00 Big Brother Daily roundup. actress visits Berlin where
Stunning drama. (2019, 15) 10.00 Big Brother — Late & Live which an army sniper
12.05 HMS Brilliant Life onboard she attends the Festival has been framed. Clever,
11.50 Drugs Map Of Britain the Royal Navy warship. 11.05 Family Guy Meg joins the of Lights and meets an fast-paced thriller. (2012, 15)
12.20 Man Like Mobeen 1.45 As 7pm basketball team. (Series 21, all-female motorcycle club.
1.10 BBC New Comedy Awards 2.45-3.45 Monuments Of ep 14) 11.35-12.05 Family 10.00-12.05 Endeavour 11.35-12.35 Gogglebox The
1.40 RuPaul’s Drag Race UK Remembrance The stories Guy Brian’s estranged A suicide throws Morse armchair critics appraise
2.50 The After Shave behind First World War television star son turns up in at the deep end as he I’m a Celebrity, Blue Planet
3.05-3.55 Man Like Mobeen cemeteries and memorials. in Quahog. (Series 12, ep 11) returns to work. (S2, ep 1) II and The Weakest Link.

Drama Sky Arts Sky Max Sky Atlantic Talk TV

4.45pm Catherine Cookson’s 6.00pm The Music Of Buddy 6.00pm Merlin Arthur incurs 5.25pm Succession Kendall 7.00am Talk Today David Bull
Colour Blind Feature- Holly And The Crickets the wrath of Queen Annis, and Logan arrange a secret presents the breakfast
length drama, with Niamh Celebrating the life of the whose actions endanger meeting with PGM CEO, show, with news, weather
Cusack. A girl returns to Texan singer-songwriter. the people of Camelot – Rhea Jarrell. (Series 2, ep 4) and lively opinions.
her Tyneside home newly 8.00 Classic Movies — The providing him with his first 6.35 Succession Kendall 10.00 Peter Cardwell The
married to her black Story Of Brighton Rock test as king. (S4, ep 5, R) makes his case to Naomi Westminster insider scours
husband, and encounters A look at John Boulting’s 7.00 FILM: The Twilight Saga Pierce. 7.50 Succession the latest news from
bigotry from all sides. 1944 film noir, starring — Breaking Dawn: Part 1 As Logan works to finalise parliament, featuring
8.00 Inspector George Gently Richard Attenborough as Stars Kristen Stewart and a deal, a threat emerges. exclusive interviews.
The adopted child of a a psychopathic gangster. Robert Pattinson. A human 9.00 The White Lotus Rachel 1.00 pm Alex Phillips A look at
middle-class couple is 9.00 The Directors The life falls pregnant after is blindsided by an arrival; the day’s talking points.
kidnapped and suspicion and work of John Huston, marrying a vampire. and Armond’s renewed 4.00 Trisha Goddard The
immediately falls upon the whose films include The Boring sequel. (2011, 12) commitment to sobriety is broadcaster takes a look
natural mother. (S5, ep 3) Maltese Falcon, The put to the test. (S1, ep 4) through the week’s stories.
10.00 Traces New series. Emma Treasure of Sierra Madre 9.05 An Idiot Abroad 3 Karl 10.05 Landscapers Drama with 7.00 The Sunday Night Club
is on the cusp of seeing and The African Queen. Pilkington goes on a world Olivia Colman. Charting Host Mark Saggers
her mother’s murder case 10.00 The Art Of Film Ian Nathan tour from Italy to China the true story of seemingly reflects on the sporting
finally solved; and Daniel is takes a look at the new with Warwick Davis. (R) ordinary couple who weekend and more.
in Dundee to give evidence wave of horror films that 10.00 The Blacklist The Task find themselves the 10.00-1.00 Peter Cardwell The
against Phil. (Series 2, ep 1) emerged in the late-1960s. Force try to anticipate focus of a murder. (1/4) latest from parliament,
11.00-1.35 Jonathan Creek 11.00-12.00 Discovering The life Red’s next move. (Series 11.10-12.20 True Detective featuring interviews with
Feature-length mystery. and career of the actress 10, ep 21, R) 11.00-12.00 Amelia tries to uncover political heavyweights.
Jonathan is stumped Octavia Spencer, who The Blacklist The future of the whereabouts of the Available on Sky 522; Freeview 237;
by disappearances won an Academy Award the Reddington Task Force mysterious one-eyed Virgin 606; Freesat 217; YouTube,
in a Gothic mansion. for the film The Help. is decided. (Last in series, R) man. (Series 3, ep 7) connected TVs and smart devices

SKY CINEMA SELECT 5 STAR 9.00 FILM: The Breakfast Club

Films 5.55pm The Hunger Games —
Mockingjay Part 1 (2014, 12)
Entertainment 6.00pm Police Interceptors 9.00
FILM: Robin Hood. Adventure 11.15
11.00 Jimmy Carr In Concert. From
Bloomsbury Theatre 12.50 The Ricky
SKY CINEMA PREMIERE 8.00 The Hunger Games: ITV4 FILM: Final Destination. Horror Gervais Show 1.50-2.20 Digman!
4.15pm Puss In Boots — The Last Mockingjay — Part 2 (2015, 12) 5.35pm FILM: Rio Lobo 8.00 1.20-2.15 Killer At The Crime Scene
Wish (2022, PG) 6.05 The Last Premiership Rugby Union Highlights YESTERDAY
10.20-12.40 The Matrix. A computer
Rifleman (2022, 15) 8.00 Big George 9.00 FILM: A Fistful Of Dollars 5 USA 6.00pm Bangers & Cash 8.00 ’Allo
hacker joins with rebels to free
Foreman. Biopic of the world 11.10 Robson And Jim’s Fly-Fishing 5.00pm Columbo 7.05 Columbo ’Allo! Triple bill 10.00 Bangers &
humans from virtual-reality. (1999, 15)
heavyweight boxing champion. Adventure 1.10-2.15 Motorsport UK 9.00 NCIS. US drama 10.00 Law & Cash — Restoring Classics 11.00
(2023, 12) 10.20-12.20 Palm Trees FILM4 Order: Special Victims Unit 12.00 Abandoned Engineering. Camp
MORE4 NCIS 2.00-3.35 Blue Bloods
And Power Lines. A disconnected 4.30pm Scrooged (1988, 12) 6.40 Hero 12.00-1.00 Bangers & Cash
5.50pm Come Dine With Me 8.00
teenage girl enters a relationship Jumanji — Welcome To The Jungle.
999 — On The Front Line 9.00 24 SKY WITNESS DAVE
with a man twice her age. (2022, 15) Four high-school students are
Hours In A&E 10.00 The Emergency 6.00pm Nothing To Declare 8.00 6.00pm Rick Stein’s Road To
drawn into a video game. (2017, 12)
SKY CINEMA THRILLER Ward 11.00 Emergency Helicopter Caught On Dashcam 9.00 Blue Mexico 7.00 Mediterranean With
9.00 Jumanji — The Next Level.
5.55pm Three Days Of The Condor Medics 12.05 The Good Doctor Bloods. Danny witnesses a shooting Simon Reeve 8.00 Border Force
Players of the rebooted Jumanji
(1975, 15) 8.00 Snatch. A boxing 1.00-2.05 999 — On The Front Line 10.00 FBI 11.00 FBI — International — America’s Gatekeepers 9.00
return and try to rescue one of
promoter and his sidekick are 12.00 FBI — Most Wanted 1.00 Have I Got A Bit More News For You
their own. (2019, 12) 11.25-1.45 GOLD
drawn into a match-fixing racket. Departure 2.00-3.00 Lincoln Rhyme 10.00 All Girls Live At The Apollo
CHOICE 3:10 To Yuma. A rancher 6.00pm Only Fools And Horses 8.00 — Hunt For The Bone Collector
(2000, 18) 9.50-12.20 Goodfellas. escorts an outlaw on a journey to Dad’s Army 8.40 Only Fools And 11.00 Two Pints Of Lager And A
An Irish-Italian boy is taken under board a train that will take him to Horses 10.00 Blackadder Goes Forth W Packet Of Crisps 12.20 Red Dwarf
the wing of a mobster. (1990, 18) jail. (2007, 15; see Film choice) 11.20 Harry Enfield And Chums 12.00 5.40pm Miranda 7.00 Nurses On 1.35-2.40 Question Team
Upstart Crow 12.40 Blackadder Goes The Ward 8.00 Inside The Operating
4.35pm Dad’s Army (1971, U)
6.00pm Tell Me Another 6.30
Forth 1.20 Harry Enfield And Chums Theatre 9.00 Louis Theroux’s Factual
2.00-2.35 Blackadder Goes Forth Forbidden America 10.20 Kathy
6.15 Dad’s Army. The captain Piccadilly Incident. A Wren is NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC
Burke’s All Woman 11.20 Inside
of a seaside town’s Home Guard pronounced missing in action, SKY COMEDY 6.00pm Primal Survivor — Extreme
The Ambulance — Coast And
platoon contends with German but returns three years later to 6.00pm Will & Grace 6.30 The US African Safari. Great Rift Valley 7.00
Country 12.20 Ambulance Australia
spies. (2016, PG) 8.00 The Dam find her husband has remarried. Office 9.00 Saturday Night Live 1.25-2.15 Dating With My Mates Air Crash Investigation 8.00 Border
Busters. An engineer designs a (1946, U) 8.30 Colonel March Of 10.25 Curb Your Enthusiasm Protection Spain 9.00 Hitler’s Last
bouncing bomb to target Germany’s Scotland Yard 9.00 Manhunt 11.00 Saturday Night Live 12.30 COMEDY CENTRAL Stand 10.00 Hitler The Junkie
industrial heartland. (1955, U) 10.10- 10.05 Sex Education 10.35-12.45 Intelligence 1.30-3.15 Flight Of 5.55pm Friends 6.25 Friends 6.50 11.00 Bloody Tales Of The Tower
12.20 Operation Mincemeat (2021, 12) Only Two Can Play (1962, PG) The Conchords — Live In London FILM: Harry And The Hendersons 1.00-2.00 Atlas Of Cursed Places

32 12 November 2023
5 Great shows . . . Radio & Podcasts
Travel ○ Poetry Extra
(Radio 4 Extra, 11am)
Marking the death of
Watson’s Military
Veterans Podcast talks to
veterans from Britain and
Dylan Thomas on the US.
November 9, 1953, Daljit

Race Across The World A travel TV Nagra presents a ○ Sunday Feature
(BBC iPlayer) classic: Michael selection of programmes (Radio 3, 6.45pm)
Pairs attempt epic Palin goes global about the poet. Gwyneth Part of the Afterwords
journeys with little Lewis, a poet, recalls series on important
money, no air travel or Thomas’s early influence, cultural figures with audio
modern technology. and his friend William archive, today’s
Scott remembers a man programme looks at

James May — Our who would break into a Richard Hoggart, a
Man In Japan (Prime room with reprobates, Reflection: Dylan Thomas founding father of cultural
Video) The former Top demanding a party. (Radio 4 Extra, 11am) studies. Those
Gear presenter is a very commenting on his
watchable guide from ○ Ceremony Of H-Hour podcast, Hugh influential works —
Hokkaido to Kyushu. Remembrance From Keir, an ex-sniper with the famously Uses of Literacy
The Cenotaph Parachute Regiment, talks — are his son, the

Michael Palin — (Radio 4, 10.29am) to former military journalist Paul Hoggart,
Around The World Paddy O’Connell leads personnel, including a the writers Lynsey Hanley
In 80 Days (iPlayer) the coverage, one of the moving show with Tim and Dan Evans, the
His 1989 adventure in few broadcasters who Owen, the ex-military pilot novelist DJ Taylor and the
the footsteps of Phileas can cover Eurovision and and co-founder of the author and cultural critic
Fogg is the godfather of events of great gravitas suicide prevention charity Nathalie Olah.
modern travel TV. with perfect pitch. In the Three Dads Walking. Gavin Clair Woodward

Travel Man — 48 Hours
TIMES RADIO 12.50 Shakespeare’s Restless World 11.00 Journey To The East With
in ... (C4 streaming) 2.00 The Eric Morecambe And Kirill Karabits. In a new series, the
Richard Ayoade and, 10.00 Sunday Morning With Kate
Ernie Wise Show 2.30 Tony’s 3.00 conductor examines the musical
McCann And Adam Boulton 1.00
latterly, Joe Lycett take Alexis Conran 4.00 Ayesha
Desert Island Discs 3.45 David heart of eastern Europe and central
whistle-stop city breaks Attenborough’s Life Stories 4.00 Asia, exploring its traditions,
Hazarika With Times Radio Drive
The Destruction Factor 4.30 The influences and connections,
accompanied by famous 7.00 The Best Of Times Podcasts
Price Of Fear 5.00 Poetry Extra beginning with Ukraine 12.00
8.00 Stories Of Our Times 8.30
friends from Dawn 5.30 Grandmothers 6.40 Inheritance Classical Fix. Featuring a bespoke
Red Box 9.00 Highlights From
French to Bob Mortimer. Tracks 6.50 Shakespeare’s Restless classical playlist for Radha Modgil
Times Radio 10.00 Darryl Morris
World 8.00 The Eric Morecambe (R) 12.30 Through The Night
1.00 Highlights From Times Radio
And Ernie Wise Show 8.30 Tony’s

Anthony Bourdain — 9.00 Desert Island Discs 9.45 CLASSIC FM
To get in touch with the Times
Parts Unknown Radio studio, text TIMES plus your David Attenborough’s Life Stories 10.00 Andrew Marr 1.00 Joanna
(Prime Video) message to 87222. Texts cost 10.00 Mark Watson Talks A Bit Gosling 4.00 John Humphrys
your standard message charge. About Life 10.30 Brian Appleton’s 7.00 Charlotte Hawkins 9.00
The chef travels the Unofficial Multi-Media Lecture 10.45 Moira Stuart Meets — The Hairy
world uncovering RADIO 4 We Know Everything 11.00 Small Bikers 10.00 Myleene Klass 1.00
fascinating lesser- 9.15 The Archers (R) 10.29 Scenes 11.30-12.00 The Skivers Bill Overton 4.00 Lucy Coward
known cultures and Ceremony Of Remembrance From LBC RADIO 2
The Cenotaph. Live at Whitehall
their cuisines. 11.45 Short Works (R) 12.00 News 10.00 David Lammy 1.00 Sangita 9.00 Steve Wright 11.00 The
12.01 (LW) Shipping 12.04 Paul Myska 4.00 Ali Miraj 7.00 Leading Michael Ball Show. Michael talks
Tim Glanfield Sinha’s Perfect Pub Quiz (R) 12.30 Britain’s Conversation 10.00 Nick to the Sir Terry Wogan Young
Food Programme 1.00 The World Abbot. Discussion 1.00 Richard Fundraiser of the Year Award
This Weekend 1.30 Killing Death Spurr. Debate 4.00 Ian Payne finalists 1.00 Elaine Paige. A look
Row. The issue of whether or not at musicals with a strong dance
DISCOVERY lethal injection causes pain 2.00 element 3.00 Sounds Of The 70s
6.00pm Gold Divers 7.00 How The
Universe Works. The Milky Way 8.00
Sport Gardeners’ Question Time (R)
2.45 Opening Lines 3.00 Drama:
9.00 Sunday Morning 12.00 Private
Passions 1.00 Lunchtime Concert.
5.00 Rob Beckett 7.00 Tony
Blackburn’s Golden Hour 8.00
The Lost Lincoln 10.00 Wheeler SKY SPORTS MAIN EVENT The Betrothed. Eileen Horne’s Esther Yoo and Jae Hong Park play The Paul Gambaccini Collection
Dealers 11.00 Kindig Customs 6.00am News 7.00 Good Morning adaptation of Alessandro violin sonatas by Debussy and 10.00 Radio 2 Unwinds 12.00 Phil
12.00-4.00 Deadliest Catch Sports Fans 8.00 LIVE ICC Cricket Manzoni’s novel 4.00 Open Book. Grieg (R) 2.00 The Early Music Williams 3.00 Alternative Sounds
World Cup: India v Holland 11.30 Chris Power speaks to Teju Cole Show. Philippe Herreweghe directs Of The 90s 4.00 Owain Wyn Evans
PBS AMERICA LIVE SPFL: Livingston v Rangers. about his new novel, Tremor 4.30 music inspired by Petrarch 3.00
5.55pm Great War Diaries 9.35 Kickoff at 12.00 2.00 LIVE Super The Exploding Library. Desiree Choral Evensong (R) 4.00 Jazz VIRGIN RADIO
Pandemic — The Flu That Killed 50 Sunday: West Ham United v Burch unravels Octavia E Butler’s Record Requests 5.00 The Listening 9.30 The Graham Norton Radio
Million. The 1918 flu pandemic Nottingham Forest. Kickoff at 2.00 novel Parable of the Sower Service. Tom Service investigates Show 12.30 Stu Elmore 4.00
10.55-12.00 Nazca Desert Mystery 4.00 LIVE Super Sunday: Chelsea v 5.00 Disability And The Adult the humble recorder (R) 5.30 Tim Cocker 7.00 Sunday Special
Manchester City. Kickoff at 4.30 Industry (R) 5.40 Profile (R) 5.54 Words And Music. Works inspired by 8.00 Bam. Music and chat
SKY DOCUMENTARIES 7.30 LIVE NFL 9.15 LIVE NFL Shipping 6.00 News 6.15 Pick Of the experiences of women during 12.00 My 80s Playlist 1.00 Sean
5.10pm Steve McQueen — The Lost 12.30 NBC’s FNIA 1.20 LIVE NFL. The Week 7.00 The Archers 7.15 wartime (R) 6.45 Sunday Feature. Goldsmith 4.00 Steve Denyer
Movie 7.00 Val. Actor Val Kilmer Kickoff at 1.20 4.30-6.00 News Who Runs The World 7.45 The The life and ideas of the literary
9.00 CHOICE Six Silent Killings TALKSPORT
State Of The Art 8.00 Feedback critic and cultural theorist Richard
— Ireland’s Vanishing Triangle. TNT SPORTS 1 (R) 8.30 Last Word (R) 9.00 Hoggart, in his own words from the
Investigating the disappearances of 7.00am Premier League Legends 9.00 The Sunday Edition 11.00
six women in the 1990s. (See Critics’ Money Box (R) 9.25 Appeal (R) archives as well as those who knew,
7.30 Original Documentary 8.00 The Warm Up 1.30 The Sunday
choice) 10.00 Burden Of Proof — 9.30 Loose Ends 10.00 The loved and were inspired by him 7.30
LIVE World Rallycross 9.00 WWE Session 6.30 Final Word 9.00
Who Killed Jennifer Pandos? Margie Westminster Hour 11.00 The Drama On 3: The Spanish Tragedy.
Raw Highlights 10.00 WWE Trans Europe Express 12.00 A
is offered a deal 11.10-1.40 Kurt Moral Maze (R) 12.00 News 12.15 Pauline Harris and Emma Smith’s
Smackdown Highlights 11.00 Talksport Special 1.00 Extra Time
Cobain — Montage Of Heck Sideways (R) 12.45 Bells (R) 12.48 adaptation of Thomas Kyd’s bloody
National League Highlights 11.30 Shipping 1.00 As World Service Elizabethan revenge play. With
SKY NATURE LIVE Serie A 1.30 What Went Down
Robert Glenister and Joanna RADIO 4 FM 92.4-94.6 MHz
2.30 LIVE Premiership Rugby RADIO 4 EXTRA
6.00pm Land Of The Far North Vanderham 9.05 Record Review LW 198 kHz (1515m), MW 720 kHz
8.00 David Attenborough’s Wild Union: Northampton Saints v Exeter
10.00 Desert Island Discs 10.45 Extra. Hannah French offers a LBC FM 97.3 MHz
City 11.00-12.00 Monkey Life Chiefs. Kickoff at 3.00 5.15 The
David Attenborough’s Life Stories chance to hear at greater length RADIO 3 FM 90.2-92.4 MHz
Rugby Review 6.00 WWE Friday
11.00 Poetry Extra. An edition the recordings discussed in CLASSIC FM FM 100-102 MHz
DISCOVERY HISTORY Night Smackdown 7.30 LIVE Serie A
focusing on Dylan Thomas and yesterday’s Record Review, including RADIO 2 FM 88-90.2 MHz
6.00pm Tony Robinson’s Wild West 9.45 UFC 12.45 UFC — The Ultimate
King Charles III 11.30 Grandmothers the recommended version of TALKSPORT MW 1053,
8.00 Shed And Buried 10.00-12.00 Fighter 4.45 UFC Fight Flashback
12.40 Inheritance Tracks Dvorak’s Symphony No 9 in E minor 1071, 1089, 1107 kHz
Salvage Hunters — The Restorers 5.15-6.00 Sign Up — Into Football

12 November 2023 33
BBC 1 BBC 2 ITV 1 Channel 4 Channel 5
6.00 Breakfast Headlines. 6.45 Villages By The Sea (R) 6.00 Good Morning Britain 6.05 Countdown Game. (R) 6.00 Milkshake! Children’s fun.
9.15 Morning Live Magazine. 7.15 Bargain Hunt Curios. (R) 9.00 Lorraine Lifestyle chat. 6.45 Cheers Comedy. (R) 9.15 Jeremy Vine Debate.
10.00 Scam Interceptors (R) 8.00 This Farming Life 10.00 This Morning Features. 7.35 Everybody Loves 11.15 Storm Huntley Opinions.
10.45 Dr Xand’s Con Or Cure (R) Insights. (Signed, R) 12.30 Loose Women Debate. Raymond Comedy. (R) 12.15 Alexis Conran Debate.
11.15 Homes Under The 9.00 Nicky Campbell Debate. 1.30 News; Weather Reports. 8.25 Frasier Sitcom. (R) 12.50 Entertainment News
Hammer Auctions. (R) 10.00 News; Weather Reports. 2.00 James Martin’s American 9.55 Find It, Fix It, Flog It (R) 12.55 News; Weather Reports.
12.15 Bargain Hunt In Ardingly. 12.15 Politics Live Discussion. Adventure In Boston. (R) 10.55 The Great House 1.00 Home And Away Zara tries
1.00 News; Weather Reports. 1.00 The Boss Quiz show. (R) 3.00 Lingo A brother and sister, Giveaway A run-down to convince Mali of their
1.45 Doctors Scarlett is 1.45 Lightning Quiz show. (R) a Highland couple, and a semi in Cramlington. (R) potential together. (R)
mortified when word gets 2.15 Eat Well For Less? (R) mother and daughter 11.55 News; Weather Reports. 1.30 Christmas On The Alpaca
out about last night. 3.15 Oceans Documentary. (R) compete in the game. (R) 12.00 Steph’s Packed Lunch Farm Drama, with Kirsten
2.15 The Bidding Room (R) 4.15 This Farming Life (R) 4.00 Tipping Point Gameshow 2.10 Countdown Game. Comerford and Matt Wells.
3.00 Escape To The Country 5.15 Flog It! Items in Norfolk. (R) with Ben Shephard. (R) 3.00 A Place In The Sun In A woman teams up with a
3.45 Antiques Road Trip New 6.00 House Of Games With 5.00 The Chase Quiz show. (R) Oliva, in Spain’s Valencia single dad to bring festive
run. Raj Bisram and Irita Toussaint Douglass, Mark 6.00 Regional News Update. region. 4.00 A Place joy to an alpaca farm.
Marriott are in North Wales. Foster, Sheree Murphy 6.30 News; Weather Reports. In The Sun Seeking a 3.15 Haul Out The Holly
4.30 The Repair Shop (R) and Sian Williams. 7.30 Emmerdale Bernice holiday home in Almería. Comedy, with Lacey
5.15 Pointless Quiz show. 6.30 Strictly — It Takes Two has vanished, leaving 5.00 Help! We Bought A Chabert. A woman visiting
6.00 News; Weather Reports. Fleur East chats to the a trail of debt; Charity Village A Catholic holiday her parents for Christmas
6.30 Regional News Update. latest couple to leave. plans a trip; and Marlon village turned B&B. finds they have gone on a
7.00 The One Show Features. 7.00 Between The Covers Sara tells Mary his secret. 6.00 Four In A Bed At Manor trip, and ends up pulled
7.30 EastEnders Alfie heads to Cox is joined by Adrian 8.00 Coronation Street Bernie House Inn in Haltwhistle, into the local festivities.
the hospital with Linda to Edmondson, Annie dreads her punishment; Northumberland. (R) 5.00 News; Weather Reports.
receive his PSA results; and Macmanus, Angela Barnes and Amy puts her 6.30 The Simpsons Marge 6.00 Dogs Behaving (Very)
the Beales band together. and Chris McCausland. coursework on hold to takes up lumberjacking. Badly With Graeme Hall. (R)
8.00 Panorama Exploring why 7.30 Mastermind Specialist comfort a troubled soul. 7.00 News; Weather Reports. 6.55 News; Weather Reports.
the search for buried subjects include Peter the 9.00 CHOICE The Playboy 7.55 Rory Peck Awards 7.00 Motorway Cops —
carbon in almost every part Great, Robert Harris’s Bunny Murder Marcel Meeting the Iraqi families Catching Britain’s
of the globe is continuing. Cicero Trilogy and the films Theroux looks at a series of whose homes are next to Speeders After a driver
8.30 Countryfile Matt Baker, of Quentin Tarantino. murders of young women the flames of oil-field flares. refuses to confirm his real
Charlotte Smith, Margherita 8.00 Only Connect Victoria that have remained 8.00 Air Fryers — Are They name, the officers take
Taylor, Joe Crowley and Coren Mitchell hosts the unsolved since the 1970s Worth It? Denise van advantage of new facial
John Craven join groups quiz show as the Roadies and reveals a dark side Outen presents an recognition technology. (R)
around the country taking take on the Stitchers. hidden beneath the wealth assessment of the device 7.55 News; Weather Reports.
part in the Children in Need 8.30 University Challenge The and glamour of exclusive that has recently captured 8.00 The Motorway A multiple
Countryfile Rambles. (R) second round of this year’s corners of London’s consumer interest, car pile-up blocks the M60
9.00 MasterChef — The contest continues, as the nightlife at that time. particularly since the hike and patrollers are left to
Professionals The final University of East Anglia (1/2; see Critics’ choice) in the price of energy. (R) clean up the mess, but
week of heats gets under face the Open University, 10.00 News At Ten Bulletin. 9.00 24 Hours In Police one of the drivers involved
way, with four more chefs with a place in the 10.45 A Time To Die Exploring Custody Cameras follow has just seen another crash.
aiming to impress, and a quarter-finals at stake. the human cost of the as detectives from 9.00 Wife On Strike Two
dish of crispy squid 9.00 Simon Reeve’s Return To current British law on Bedfordshire police are couples swap who does
croquettes served with a Cornwall The explorer called in to investigate after the household chores, with
assisted dying through the
garlic mayonnaise is goes back to the county as a man is found dead in a a man taking over from his
stories of five people who
required in the skills test. the cost-of-living crisis park in Peterborough. (R) husband, and woman
all want the right to die at a
10.00 News; Weather Reports. began to take its toll, to 10.00 999 — On The Front Line putting her kids to work.
time of their choosing.
10.40 Have I Got A Bit More find out what life is like for A young man has curvature 10.00 CHOICE Shoplifters
12.10 Heathrow — Britain’s
News For You Richard the locals after the summer of the spine, a high — Stripping The Shelves
Busiest Airport (R)
Ayoade hosts, with guests crowds have gone. (R) temperature, low blood At West Orchards
12.40 All Elite Wrestling
Jamie MacDonald and 10.00 Cunk On Earth Spoof pressure and a fast heart Shopping Centre, guards
— Dynamite Action. (R)
Steph McGovern. (R) documentary telling the rate — all triggers for the keep a close eye on a
2.20 Loose Women Debate. (R)
11.25 Louis Theroux Interviews: story of human civilisation life-threatening condition newly opened toy store.
3.05 For The Love Of Paul
Anthony Joshua. Louis from prehistoric times to sepsis. (Last in series, R) (See Critics’ choice)
O’Grady A tribute. (R)
meets the two-time world the present day. (1/5, R) 11.05 Dispatches Investigators 11.05 Police — Suspect No 1 An
3.55 Unwind Daily relaxation.
boxing champion. (R) 10.30 Newsnight Headlines. seek evidence to prosecute altercation leads to a man
5.10-6.00 Monster Carp (R) Russian President Putin
12.10 The Graham Norton Show fighting for his life. (R)
11.15 CHOICE The for the deportation and
With guests including the 12.05 Motorway Cops —
Conversation Stars Gene brainwashing of thousands
American rapper Diddy (R) Catching Britain’s
Hackman. An obsessive of Ukrainian children.
1.00 Blankety Blank (8/10, R) Speeders Insights. (R)
surveillance expert makes
1.40-6.00 Joins BBC News 12.20 Embarrassing Bodies A 1.00 NFL — Monday Night
the mistake of getting
patient with hair loss. (R) Football: Buffalo Bills v
personally involved in a
SCOTLAND 6.30 Reporting 1.15 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell (R) Denver Broncos. The week
dangerous case. (1974,
Scotland; Weather. 10.40 2.05 24 Hours In A&E (R) 10 match, live at Highmark
12; see Film choice)
The Firm. 11.40 Have I Got 3.00 Grand Designs (R) Stadium. Kickoff at 1.15.
A Bit More News For You. 1.05 Countryfile (Signed, R) 3.55 Unreported World (R) 4.30 Entertainment News
12.25 Louis Theroux Interviews: 2.00 Money For Nothing In 4.20 Couples Come Dine With 4.40 Divine Designs (R)
Anthony Joshua. 1.10 The Altrincham. (Signed, R) Me Parties in east Kent. (R) 5.05 House Doctor Advice. (R)
Graham Norton Show. 2.00 2.45-3.30 Garden Rescue 5.10-6.05 World’s Most Secret 5.30 Entertainment News
Blankety Blank. 2.40 BBC News. Makeover. (Signed, R) Dispatches (C4, 11.05pm) Hotels Documentary. (R) 5.40-6.00 Children’s Shows

Variations 11.00 Burnistoun 11.30-12.00

Scary Adult Things STV 6.00
3.55 Night Vision 5.10-6.00
Monster Carp S4C 6.00 Cyw 12.00
Is it not time to make the use of the word
“absolutely” on news programmes a criminal
BBC1 WALES 11.25 Would I Lie To Good Morning Britain 9.00 Newyddion A’r Tywydd 12.05 Dau
Lorraine 10.00 This Morning Gi Bach 12.30 Heno 1.00 Adre 1.30 offence? As soon as someone uses the dreaded
You? With Stephen Hendry, Laura
Whitmore, Chris McCausland and 12.30 Loose Women 1.30 News Cymry Ar Gynfas 2.00 Newyddion word, we switch channels.
You say

Maisie Adam 11.55 Louis Theroux 2.00 James Martin’s American A’r Tywydd 2.05 Prynhawn Da Alan Prior
Interviews: Anthony Joshua 12.40 Adventure 3.00 Lingo 4.00 3.00 Newyddion A’r Tywydd 3.05
The Graham Norton Show 1.35 Tipping Point 5.00 The Chase Dylan Ar Daith 4.00 Awr Fawr Bill Kenwright’s shows on Radio 2 were sublime.
BBC News BBC SCOTLAND 2.00 6.00 Regional News 6.30 News 5.00 Stwnsh 6.00 Dan Do 6.30
Softly spoken, knowledgeable and witty — a
Sign Zone: Landward 2.30 Grand 7.30 Emmerdale 8.00 Coronation Rownd A Rownd 6.57 Newyddion
Street 9.00 The Playboy Bunny 7.00 Heno 7.30 Newyddion A’r great presenter. His Golden Years programme
Tours Of Scotland’s Rivers 3.00
This Farming Life 4.00-4.30 Murder 10.00 News At Ten 10.40 Tywydd 8.00 Sgwrs Dan Y Lloer was the best music show ever broadcast.
Beechgrove Garden In Winter Scotland Tonight 11.05 A Time To 8.25 Cais Quinnell 8.55 Newyddion RIP Bill and thanks for the music.
7.00 The Last Stone 8.00 This Die 12.40 All Elite Wrestling — A’r Tywydd 9.00 Ffermio 9.30 Philip Boyd
Farming Life 9.00 The Nine 10.00 Dynamite 2.20 Loose Women Sgorio 10.00 Gwesty Aduniad Send your comments to:
River City 10.30 Style Fixers 3.05 For The Love Of Paul O’Grady 11.00-11.35 Pobol Y Rhondda

34 12 November 2023
Critics’ choice Not for those with
The Playboy Bunny Murder
anxiety issues
(ITV1, 9pm)
In 1975, five years before Dorothy The Curse (Paramount+)
Stratten, a Playboy Playmate, was This comedy drama comes from
killed in America, another Hugh Nathan Fielder and Benny Safdie,
Hefner employee — Eve Stratford, the architects of the deft cringe
a Playboy bunny girl — had her creations The Rehearsal and
throat cut in her east London Uncut Gems. Fielder and Emma
home. In the first leg of a Stone play Asher and Whitney,
two-part investigation, Marcel newlyweds trying for a baby while
Theroux, the author and filming a dubious reality TV pilot.
journalist, looks into a second Safdie plays their director pal,
murder by an unknown killer — of Dougie, and the whole experience
Lynda Farrow, a casino croupier, is dark, uncomfortably funny and
in 1979. Exploring possible links packed with creeping dread.
between their deaths, he Andrew Male
interviews Eve’s boyfriend and
Lynda’s mother, quizzes retired Stone and Fielder
detectives and meets David (Paramount+)
Wilson, a criminologist who is
sceptical about the theory that the
same man killed Eve and Lynda.
Tomorrow, Theroux adds two
further unsolved murders in 1970s
London to the potential series,
and investigates whether a
policeman may have killed one or
more of the four young women.
John Dugdale Eve Stratford, a bunny girl who was murdered aged 21 (ITV1, 9pm)

The Sky At Night Meets The

Infinite Monkey Cage
Grime Kids (BBC3, 10pm)
A coming-of-age story following the
Eyewitness To History — Norma
Percy On The Fifty Years War
Film choice
(BBC4, 10pm) fortunes of east London pals in that (BBC4, 10.30pm) The Conversation
Last month, the venerable space excruciating liminality between Norma Percy, an Emmy-winning (BBC2, 11.15pm)
science series modelled itself on leaving school and becoming men. documentary maker and recently After hitting the big time with The
BBC1’s Question Time as the Based on the memoir of DJ Target, the producer of BBC2’s Putin vs the Godfather, the director Francis
presenters took questions from an a grime pioneer, this has been West, looks back at her 1998 series Ford Coppola allowed himself a bit
audience. Now, in the final edition expanded into a lively ensemble The Fifty Years War: Israel and the of artiness in his next movie, this
of 2023, they team up with their drama by Theresa Ikoko, a Arabs. Careful and detailed, it story of a surveillance expert (Gene
counterparts from Radio 4’s larky Bafta-nominated writer. Ian Aryeh contains insights into the fog of Hackman) racked by doubts. It still
science show The Infinite Monkey and Abdou Cisse co-direct with war, such as the 1948 Massacre at succeeds as a robust thriller:
Cage. Amateur astronomy is the colour-saturated superhero comic Deir Yassin, misreported by overheard words hint at possible
subject as Maggie Aderin-Pocock, flair, guiding their cast with a sure Palestine sources in such lurid danger, and the tension steadily
Pete Lawrence and Chris Lintott hand. Gritty, yes, but with the detail their people fled villages to rises. Yet the drama also muses on
join forces with Brian Cox, Robin sweetness of Gregory’s Girl. which they would never return. self-deception and the subjectivity
Ince and their guest Dara Ó Briain. of how we read the world, and the
If they are uneasy about adopting Shoplifters — Stripping The film’s crafty use of sound design
other people’s formats for entire Shelves (C5, 10pm) underlines these themes. (1974)
consecutive editions (or about Retail theft results in nearly a
having to be funny throughout billion pounds filleted from Uncharted
one), more conventional Sky At shopkeepers’ pockets every year. (Sky Cinema Family, 1.55pm)
Night fare is on offer too. Lawrence However, this new show will tickle Although its weak reviews put it on
hosts a stargazing party outside the more funny bones than a dicy path at first, this treasure-
BBC’s HQ in central London, and consciences, such as hearing a hunt adventure movie found its
George Dransfield hears about security guard announce: “We’ve way to a respectable heap of
opportunities for “citizen got a runner from Toytown.” box-office gold. Mark Wahlberg
scientists” in space science. JD Grime music dreams (BBC3, 10pm) Helen Stewart and Tom Holland play its
roguish heroes, and the latter is
especially nimble in the boisterous
On demand problematic workplace dynamics.
Revisiting it, Lost seems doubly
concerning an adopted nine-year-
old boy who is experimented on by
action scenes. Dir: Ruben Fleischer
○ Lost (Disney+) unsettling, a show about poisonous his foster parents and then sent out
For those who missed it, it’s hard group behaviour and white-saviour on lethal spy missions. Lover Come Back (BBC iPlayer)
to convey how expertly JJ Abrams’ narratives made amid an alleged Rock Hudson, the subject of a
2004 series about island-bound real-life toxic atmosphere. ○ Crash Course (YouTube) recently released documentary, All
aircraft crash survivors held us Lily Gladstone’s star turn in Martin That Heaven Allowed (rent/buy), is
in its thrall. For six seasons we ○ Joe 90 (BritBox) Scorsese’s Killers of The Flower characteristically deft and suave
embraced the mystery and dread Although they made just 30 Moon has led many people to seek in this rom-com. It pairs him with
and hoped for answers. When the episodes between 1968 and 1969, out her earlier performances. None one of his regular co-stars, Doris
final episode was broadcast in this Gerry and Sylvia Anderson are more charming than her Day, in a story of rival advertising
2010, answers came there none. puppet show remains one of the appearance in this 2017 online executives trying to outdo each
Maureen Ryan’s Hollywood exposé defining TV experiences of the educational series about film other. Dir: Delbert Mann (1961)
book, Burn It Down, revealed Sixties. It’s a decidedly odd opus, production. AM Edward Porter
12 November 2023 35
BBC 3 BBC 4 ITV 2 ITV 3 E4
7.00pm Top Gear Motoring. 7.00pm Great British Railway 6.00pm Catchphrase — 5.55pm Heartbeat A woman is 6.00pm The Big Bang Theory
8.00 Race Across The World Journeys On Anglesey. Catchiest Moments suspected of stealing a Leonard accompanies Amy
Five pairs of competitors 7.30 Winter Walks Selina Scott Stephen Mulhern presents baby from outside a shop. to a colleague’s wedding.
travel around the globe. explores Wharfedale. his favourite moments (Series 2, ep 8) 6.55 (Series 5, ep 3) 6.30 The
9.00 The Rap Game UK 8.00 Simon Schama’s Power from the quiz show. Heartbeat Blaketon is Big Bang Theory Penny
Two artists enter the Of Art Vincent van Gogh’s 7.00 Ant & Dec’s Limitless Win eager to halt a crimewave arranges a date for Raj.
competition fighting to Wheat Field with Crows. With Rylan and David before the assistant 7.00 Hollyoaks Chester soap.
take a spot in the line-up. 9.00 Art That Made Us The Walliams, and Jimmy Carr chief constable arrives. 7.30 Young Sheldon Dale and
10.00 CHOICE Grime Kids New splintering that occurred and Katherine Ryan. 8.00 McDonald & Dodds Five Meemaw tackle relationship
drama series about a group under the Stuart kings. 8.00 Bob’s Burgers Gene falls friends take a hot-air issues. (Series 4, ep 5)
of young adults growing 10.00 CHOICE The Sky At Night out with his best friend. (S9, balloon trip but only four 8.00 Modern Family Mitchell
up in the early 2000s. Meets The Infinite ep 8) 8.30 Bob’s Burgers come back down alive, gets a new job, so he and
With Juwon Adedokun. Monkey Cage Astronomy- Tina and her science leaving the pair to untangle Cam throw a party. (Series
(1/5; see Critics’ choice) themed edition featuring partner contact aliens. a web of lies spanning 30 9, ep 15) 8.30 Modern
10.50 The Bold Type Kat tries to the presenters of both 9.00 Big Brother Daily roundup. years. (Series 2, ep 1) Family Gloria and Mitch
get a movement off the shows. (See Critics’ choice) 10.00 Big Brother — Late & Live 10.00 DCI Banks When the body are invited to a party
ground. (Series 5, ep 5) 10.30 CHOICE Eyewitness To AJ Odudu and Will Best of a lawyer is washed up by at Oprah’s house.
11.30 RuPaul’s Drag Race UK History — Norma Percy host the companion show. an underground river, a 9.00 Married At First Sight UK
The queens’ melodramatic On The Fifty Years War 11.05 Family Guy Carter adopts disgruntled employee It is time for the vow
acting skills are tested. (See Critics’ choice) a young girl from an becomes a suspect. (S4, ep renewals stage of the
12.40 BBC New Comedy Awards 10.45 The Fifty Years War — orphanage. (S21, ep 15) 3) 11.05-12.05 DCI Banks social experiment.
1.10 The Rap Game UK Israel And The Arabs 11.35-12.05 American Dad! With Geoff now a marked 10.00 Made In Chelsea Tristan
2.10 Grime Kids Drama. (1/5) 1.15 As 7pm Steve discovers a strange man, he and Evie are put invites the Chelsea set for a
2.55-3.55 Charlotte In 1.45 As 8pm secret about Channel 3 under watch as the search weekend in the country.
Sunderland Double bill. 2.45-3.45 Art That Made Us News. (Series 17, ep 21) for Mullen is widened. 11.05-12.05 Gogglebox

Drama Sky Arts Sky Max Sky Atlantic Talk TV

6.00pm ’Allo ’Allo! General von 6.00pm Tales Of The 6.00pm Stargate SG-1 Daniel 5.35pm Succession Shiv, 6.00pm The Talk A panel of
Flockenstoffen launches a Unexpected A girl is investigates an ancient Kendall and Roman head to famous faces debate the
raid to capture Churchill. followed by a strange curse. (Series 4, ep 13, R) the UK to negotiate with hot topics that everybody
6.40 Last Of The Summer Wine man. (Series 2, ep 10) 6.30 7.00 Stargate SG-1 The their mother. (S2, ep 7) is talking about.
On Truly’s advice, Compo Tales Of The Unexpected team tries to disrupt an 6.40 Succession The Roy 7.00 Prime Time With Rosanna
parades a more daring and A woman learns her alliance between the clan travels to Logan’s Lockwood The presenter
glamorous image. 7.20 husband plans to kill her. System Lords Apophis hometown of Dundee. takes a look at the big
Last Of The Summer Wine 7.00 Alfred Hitchcock and Heru’ur. (R) 7.50 House Of The Dragon news stories of the day.
Compo, Clegg and Truly Presents: Hooked. A man 8.00 Movie Megastars — Made Rhaenyra navigates 8.00 Piers Morgan Uncensored
dispense advice to a hen- plots to get rid of his In The 80s The biggest continued speculation The host presents his
pecked husband on the run wealthy wife. 7.30 Alfred film stars of the decade, about her children. (6/10) verdict on the day’s global
from his overbearing wife. Hitchcock Presents: Pen including Tom Cruise, with 9.00 The Gilded Age Period events with an hour of
8.00 Miss Marple With Joan Pal. A prisoner breaks out contributions from Peter drama set in the 1880s debate and interviews.
Hickson. The spinster is of jail to meet his pen pal. Andre and Sinitta. following the fortunes of a 9.00 The Independent
sent to convalesce in 8.00 Andrea Bocelli — The 9.00 A League Of Their Own young woman who lives Republic Of Mike Graham
Barbados, where she finds Journey The tenor Romesh Ranganathan with her wealthy aunts in The host looks through the
life decidedly dull, until a embarks on a spiritual hosts as Mary Earps and New York City. (S2, ep 3) morning newspapers.
double murder breaks the pilgrimage around Italy. Guz Khan join regulars 10.10 Unwanted The ship docks 11.00-12.00 Piers Morgan
monotony. (Series 3, ep 2) 9.00 Classic FM Rising Stars Jamie Redknapp, Micah in Tunis, but the authorities Uncensored The host
10.20 New Tricks A skeleton Julian Lloyd Webber Richards and Jill Scott. (R) refuse to accept the presents his verdict on
is uncovered in the showcases five young 10.00 Cobra — Rebellion The migrants. (3/8) 11.15- the day’s global events.
foundations of a swimming classical musicians. government frantically 12.20 Unwanted Tareq’s Available on Sky 522; Freeview
pool. (Series 12, ep 8) 10.00-12.30 Andre Rieu — Live searches for the stolen past life is discovered 237; Virgin 606; Freesat 217;
11.40-1.40 Dalziel & Pascoe In Maastricht IV The weapon. (Series 3, ep 5, R) by Ibrahim. (Italian and YouTube, connected TVs and
Drama. (Series 7, ep 3) Dutch violinist performs. 11.00-12.00 Brassic (S5, ep 7, R) English with subtitles) smart devices

SKY CINEMA SELECT 10.15 MotoGP Highlights 11.15 5 STAR 10.00 Dylan Moran — Off The Hook
Films 6.00pm To Catch (1955, PG) 8.00
Sleepless In Seattle. A boy tries to
Motorsport UK 12.20 Minder
1.25-2.30 The Professionals
6.00pm Home And Away 7.00 GPs
— Behind Closed Doors 8.00
11.50 Russell Howard & Mum —
Globetrotters 12.50-2.20 South Park
SKY CINEMA PREMIERE Casualty 24/7 — Every Second
find his widowed father a new wife
4.10pm The Last Rifleman (2022, 15) MORE4 Counts 9.00 Killer At The Crime YESTERDAY
via a radio show. (1993, PG) 9.50
6.05 She Came To Me. A composer 5.50pm The Secret Life Of The Zoo Scene 10.00 Sleeping With My 6.00pm Great British Railway
Kate & Leopold. A space-time hiccup
sets out for inspiration. (2023, 15) 6.55 The Dog House 7.55 Grand Murderer 11.00 Ambulance — Journeys 7.00 Antiques Roadshow
lands a 19th-century bachelor in
8.00 Big George Foreman. The life Designs 9.00 Matt Baker — Travels Code Red 12.00 Trauma Room 8.00 Abandoned Engineering 9.00
modern-day New York. (2001, 12)
of the former world heavyweight With Mum & Dad 10.00 Princess One 1.05-2.50 Revenge Bangers & Cash 11.00 Abandoned
11.50-1.25 Miss Potter (2006, PG)
boxing champion, from his Olympic Diana’s ‘Wicked’ Stepmother 11.05 Engineering 12.00-1.00 Great
gold medal win to his comeback. FILM4 24 Hours In A&E 12.10 Matt Baker 5 USA British Railway Journeys
(2023, 12) 10.20-12.20 Palm Trees 4.20pm The Legend Of Zorro (2005, — Travels With Mum & Dad 6.00pm NCIS 9.00 The Blacklist
10.00 Law & Order: Special Victims DAVE
And Power Lines (2022, 15) PG) 6.55 The Greatest Showman 1.15-2.20 999 — On The Front Line
Unit. Double bill of the drama 12.00 6.00pm Rick Stein — From Venice
(2017, PG) 9.00 Terminator Genisys. To Istanbul 7.00 House Of Games
SKY CINEMA THRILLER A time traveller sent on a rescue GOLD NCIS 2.00-3.35 Blue Bloods
6.00pm The Family (2013, 15) 8.00 6.00pm The Green Green Grass 8.20 Would I Lie To You? 9.00 QI XL
mission learns of a plot to change SKY WITNESS 10.00 Big Zuu’s Big Eats 10.40 Mock
Gone Baby Gone. A private eye history. (2015, 12) 11.30-1.50 The 6.40 The Good Life 7.20 Dad’s
searches the Boston neighbourhood Army 8.00 Dad’s Army — The 6.00pm Border Security — The Week 11.20 QI 12.00 David
Sum Of All Fears (2002, 12) Australia’s Front Line 8.00 The Mitchell’s Outsiders 1.00-2.00 Have
where he grew up to find a missing Animations 8.40 Dad’s Army 9.20
four-year-old girl. (2007, 15) TALKING PICTURES TV Only Fools And Horses 10.00 Live At Equalizer 9.00 The Good Doctor I Got A Bit More News For You
10.00 Departure 11.00 The Rookie
10.00 Reindeer Games. A former
convict assumes the identity of
6.00pm The Footage Detectives
7.00 Do You Know This Voice?
The Apollo 11.00 Upstart Crow 11.40
The Young Ones 12.25 Only Fools 12.00 Private Eyes 1.00 Transplant
2.00-3.00 Air Ambulance ER
his dead cellmate. (2000, 15) (1964, PG) 8.35 The Coach And Horses 1.00 Live At The Apollo NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC
11.50-1.35 Kindred (2020, 15) Travellers In 1965 9.00 The Gold 1.55-2.35 The Young Ones W 6.00pm Lost Treasures Of Egypt
Robbers 10.05-12.45 The Falcon 6.00pm Junior MasterChef Australia 7.00 Air Crash Investigation 8.00
SKY CINEMA GREATS And The Snowman (1985, 18) SKY COMEDY
7.20 Nigellissima 8.00 999 Rescue Hitler’s Last Stand 9.00 To Catch A
5.40pm A Beautiful Mind (2001, 12) 6.00pm The Conners 6.30
Squad 9.00 24 Hours In A&E 11.00 Smuggler 10.00 Ice Road Rescue
8.00 Where The Crawdads Sing.
A young woman in the Deep
Entertainment The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air 7.00
Will & Grace 8.00 The US Office
Stalkers 12.00 One Born Every Minute
1.00-2.05 Dating With My Mates
11.00 Air Crash Investigation 12.00-
1.00 Airport Security — First Class
South is accused of murder ITV4 9.00 Last Week Tonight 9.40 Veep
when her suitor is found dead. 5.30pm Minder 6.35 The Best Of 11.00 Last Week Tonight 11.40 COMEDY CENTRAL DISCOVERY
(2022, 15) 10.10-12.25 The Hunt The 90s 6.45 LIVE Snooker — Real Time 12.50 Sex And The 6.00pm Friends 8.00 Most Ridiculous 6.00pm Salvage Hunters 7.00
For Red October (1990, PG) Champion Of Champions City 2.00-3.00 Intelligence 9.00 Rhod Gilbert’s Growing Pains Wheeler Dealers 8.00 Railroad Alaska

36 12 November 2023
5 Great shows . . . Radio & Podcasts
Science fiction ○ Book Of The Week
(Radio 4, 9.45am)
Irresistible — How Cuteness
pianist and one of the few
jazz harpists, and after her
husband’s death became
Wired Our Brains And involved with Indian
Conquered The World is a spirituality.

Battlestar Galactica Back to the book by Joshua Paul Dale,
(BBC iPlayer) island: who is the founder of the ○ You’re Wrong About
One of the finest modern Evangeline academic field of ADHD (Global podcast)
sci-fi epics, Ronald D Lilly in Lost cuteness studies (yes, this The Classic FM presenters
Moore’s 2004 imagining is a thing). He is a Katie Breathwick and Sam
of the story of a group professor at a Tokyo Pittis were diagnosed with
of humans in search of university and therefore ADHD late in life — Pittis
home is captivating. well placed to look at at 38, Breathwick at 51
how the Japanese Cute thinking: Joshua Paul — and their new podcast

The Last Of Us “kawaii” aesthetic of Dale (Radio 4, 9.45am) looks to offer advice and
(Sky/ Now) cuteness has taken over support to an increasing
After a pandemic the world and discover ○ Composer Of The Week number of adults who are
destroys civilisation as what makes something (Radio 3, noon) receiving a diagnosis. That
we know it, a teenager cute. Here, he discusses Kate Molleson and Kevin Le ADHD Story (BBC
could hold the key to the Picachu festival, the Gendre look at the lives of Sounds) features Patrycja
saving humanity. Lolita culture and the John and Alice Coltrane, Borka, from Radio
experience of seeing a pioneers of avant-garde and Northampton, who

Lost (Disney+) roadblock made from spiritual jazz. John’s album examines the subject
Despite not having Hello Kitty characters A Love Supreme reflected while waiting for her own
an ending that carrying rainbows. Book his own religious quest; official diagnosis.
impressed everyone, of the week, page 20. Alice was an acclaimed Clair Woodward
this is an epic sci-fi
mystery about
TIMES RADIO RADIO 4 EXTRA 4.30 New Generation Artists.
strangers stuck on Geneva Lewis performs 5.00
an island. 5.00 Rosie Wright With Early 5.00 The Blackpool Detective 5.45 In Tune. The violinist Francesca
Breakfast 6.00 Aasmah Mir And Short Works 6.00 Galbraith And
Dego performs live 7.00 Classical
Stig Abell With Times Radio The King Of Diamonds 6.45 Dick

Silo (Apple TV+) Mixtape 7.30 In Concert. Fiona
Breakfast 10.00 Matt Chorley Barton — Special Agent 7.00
Talkington presents a performance
Ten thousand people live 1.00 Mariella Frostrup 3.00 Jane Grandmothers 7.15 The Old Wives’
of Francisco Guerrero’s Missa Pro
Garvey And Fi Glover 5.00 John Tale (R) 7.30 Welcome To Our
below ground in a silo, Village, Please Invade Carefully
Defunctis by the Cererols Choir
Pienaar With Times Radio Drive under Marc Diaz at Barcelona’s
but why are they there? 7.00 Pienaar And Friends 8.00 8.00 Steptoe And Son 8.30 The
Basílica de Sant Just i Sant Pastor
The Evening Edition 10.00 Wordsmiths At Gorsemere 9.00
10.00 Music Matters. Tom Service

Star Trek — Strange Carole Walker 1.00 Stories Of The Write Stuff 9.30 Ring Around
speaks to the French pianist
Our Times 1.30 Red Box 2.00 The Bath 10.00 The Blackpool
New Worlds Highlights From Times Radio Detective 10.45 Short Works 11.00
Bertrand Chamayou about his
new album Letter(s) to Erik Satie
(Paramount+) Galbraith And The King Of Diamonds
(R) 10.45 The Essay. Eric Hippolyte
To get in touch with the Times 11.45 Dick Barton — Special Agent
A prequel to the original Radio studio, text TIMES plus your tells the story of the djembe, a
12.00 Grandmothers 12.15 The Old
television series, this message to 87222. Texts cost Wives’ Tale (R) 12.30 Welcome To
West African drum created in the
show follows the USS your standard message charge. 12th century that has travelled
Our Village, Please Invade Carefully
around the world 11.00 Night
Enterprise under Captain RADIO 4 1.00 Steptoe And Son 1.30 The
Tracks 12.30 Through The Night
Christopher Pike. Wordsmiths At Gorsemere 2.00 The
5.30 News 5.43 Prayer 5.45 Write Stuff 2.30 Ring Around The CLASSIC FM
Farming Today 5.58 Tweet Of The Bath 3.00 The Blackpool Detective
Tim Glanfield Day (R) 6.00 Today 9.00 Start 3.45 Short Works 4.00 Galbraith 6.00 Tim Lihoreau 9.00 Alexander
The Week 9.45 Book Of The Week: And The King Of Diamonds 4.45 Armstrong 12.00 Anne-Marie
Irresistible — How Cuteness Wired Dick Barton — Special Agent 5.00 Minhall 4.00 Margherita Taylor.
Our Brains And Conquered The Grandmothers 5.15 The Old Wives’ Classical favourites 7.00 Zeb
World, by Joshua Paul Dale 9.45 Tale (R) 5.30 Welcome To Our Soanes 10.00 Ritula Shah 1.00
9.00 Wheeler Dealers. Mike Brewer
is seduced by a Land Rover
Discovery Mk1 10.00 Shorty’s
Sport (LW) Daily Service 10.00 Woman’s
Hour 11.00 Fed With Chris Van
Village, Please Invade Carefully 6.00
Steptoe And Son 6.30 Wordsmiths
Bill Overton 4.00 Lucy Coward
Dream Shop 11.00 Expedition SKY SPORTS MAIN EVENT Tulleken. Exploring the happiness At Gorsemere 7.00 The Write Stuff
Unknown 12.00 Moonshiners 6.00am News 7.00 Good Morning of chickens farmed for meat 11.30 7.30 Ring Around The Bath 8.00 6.30 The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show
1.00-2.00 Wheeler Dealers Sports Fans 10.00 The Football Show The Bottom Line (R) 12.00 News Radiolab 8.55 Inheritance Tracks 9.30 Vernon Kay 12.00 Jeremy
11.30 Ref Watch 12.00 The Football 12.01 (LW) Shipping 12.04 You 9.00 Mastertapes 9.30 Doctor Vine 2.00 Scott Mills 4.00 Sara
PBS AMERICA Show 1.00 Lunchtime Live 2.00 And Yours 1.00 The World At One Who: Tenth Doctor Adventures Cox 7.00 Jo Whiley 9.00 The
5.50pm The Stuarts 6.55 Royal Sports Desk 5.00 News 7.00 LIVE 1.45 The Great Post Office Trial. 10.00 Paul Sinha’s Perfect Pub Blues Show With Cerys Matthews
History’s Biggest Fibs. Lucy Worsley Grand Slam Of Darts 11.00 News New series. Sub-postmasters who Quiz 10.30 Brian Gulliver’s Travels 10.00 Trevor Nelson’s Magnificent
examines key moments in Britain’s 1.00 LIVE NFL 4.30-6.00 News were falsely accused of stealing 10.55 The Comedy Club Interview 7 10.30 Trevor Nelson’s Rhythm
history 8.10 Elon Musk’s Twitter 2.00 The Archers (R) 2.15 Drama: 11.00 The Now Show 11.30-12.00 Nation 12.00 OJ Borg 2.30
Takeover 10.40-12.00 Royal TNT SPORTS 1 Forty Nights In The Wildebeest One Hit Wonders With OJ Borg
How To Build A DJ, by Michael
History’s Biggest Fibs 6.00am PL Review 7.00 WWE NXT 3.00 Pick Of The Pops (R)
Southan 3.00 Brain Of Britain 3.30
Highlights 8.00 Premier League LBC 4.00 Owain Wyn Evans
SKY DOCUMENTARIES The Food Programme (R) 4.00
9.30 Original Documentary 10.00
6.00pm The Seventies 6.55 The Infinite Monkey Cage (R) 4.30 7.00 Nick Ferrari 10.00 James VIRGIN RADIO
National League 12.00 Uefa Europa
Hostages 8.00 The Man Who Played The Digital Human 5.00 PM 5.54 O’Brien 1.00 Shelagh Fogarty 4.00
League Highlights Show 1.00 PL
With Fire 9.00 Hatton 11.00-1.00 (LW) Shipping 6.00 News 6.30 Tom Swarbrick 6.00 Andrew Marr 6.30 The Chris Evans Breakfast
Review 2.00 Premier League Stories
1972 — Munich’s Black September I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue. New 7.00 Ali Miraj 10.00 Ben Kentish Show 10.00 Eddy Temple-Morris
2.30 National League Highlights
run 7.00 The Archers 7.15 Front 1.00 Richard Spurr 4.00 Ian Payne 1.00 Jayne Middlemiss 4.00 Ricky
3.00 Ligue 1 Highlights 4.00 Uefa
SKY NATURE Row 8.00 Nato’s Newest Member. Wilson 7.00 Bam. Music and chat
Champions League Highlights 6.00 RADIO 3
6.00pm Gangs Of Lemur Island Documentary 8.30 Analysis. 10.00 Amy Voce 1.00 Sean
PL Review 7.00 Premier League —
7.00 Monkey Life 8.00 Animal Examining if reading for pleasure 6.30 Breakfast 9.00 Essential Goldsmith 4.00 Steve Denyer
The Big Interview 7.30 The WRC
Empires 9.00 Wild Latin America is in decline 9.00 Young Again (R) Classics 12.00 Composer Of The
Magazine 8.00 World Rallycross TALKSPORT
10.00 Gangs Of Lemur Island 9.30 Start The Week (R) 10.00 Week: John And Alice Coltrane 1.00
11.00-12.00 Tales From Zambia Championship Highlights 9.00
The World Tonight 10.45 Book Lunchtime Concert. Live at London’s 5.00 Early Breakfast 6.00
Fishing — On The Bank 10.00
At Bedtime 11.00 Lights Out. Wigmore Hall, the violinist Julia Talksport Breakfast 10.00 Jim
DISCOVERY HISTORY Goals Reload 10.30 Ariel Helwani
Homelessness in London’s queer Fischer in Mozart’s Dissonance White And Simon Jordan 1.00
6.00pm Combat Dealers 7.00 Hunt Meets 11.00 WWE Raw Highlights
communities 11.30 Today In Quartet and Janacek’s String Hawksbee And Jacobs 4.00
For King Arthur’s Castle 8.00 Tony 12.00 WWE Smackdown Highlights
Parliament 12.00 News 12.30 Quartet No 2 2.00 Afternoon Drive With Andy Goldstein
Robinson’s Wild West 9.00 Combat 1.00 LIVE WWE Monday Night
Book Of The Week (R) 12.48 Concert. The Hong Kong Phil And Darren Bent 7.00 Kick Off
Dealers 10.00 Salvage Hunters Raw 4.15 What Went Down
Shipping 1.00 As World Service performs Brahms’ Symphony No 3 10.00 Sports Bar 1.00 Extra Time
11.00-12.00 Shed And Buried 5.30-6.00 Classic Premier League

12 November 2023 37
BBC 1 BBC 2 ITV 1 Channel 4 Channel 5
6.00 Breakfast Headlines. 6.20 Bargain Hunt Curios. (R) 6.00 Good Morning Britain 6.05 Countdown Game. (R) 6.00 Milkshake! Children’s fun.
9.15 Morning Live Magazine. 7.05 Antiques Road Trip (R) 9.00 Lorraine Lifestyle chat. 6.45 Cheers Comedy. (R) 9.15 Jeremy Vine Debate.
10.00 Scam Interceptors (R) 7.50 Expert Witness (Signed, R) 10.00 This Morning Features. 7.35 Everybody Loves 11.15 Storm Huntley Opinions.
10.45 Dr Xand’s Con Or Cure (R) 8.20 Robson Green’s Weekend 12.30 Loose Women Debate. Raymond Comedy. (R) 12.15 Alexis Conran Debate.
11.15 Homes Under The Escapes (Signed, R) 1.30 News; Weather Reports. 8.25 Frasier Sitcom. (R) 12.50 Entertainment News
Hammer Auctions. (R) 8.50 Lifeline Charity appeal. (R) 2.00 James Martin’s American 9.55 Find It, Fix It, Flog It (R) 12.55 News; Weather Reports.
12.15 Bargain Hunt Curios. (R) 9.00 Nicky Campbell Debate. Adventure Exploring 10.55 The Great House 1.00 Home And Away Dana
1.00 News; Weather Reports. 10.00 News; Weather Reports. Salem, Massachusetts. (R) Giveaway A decrepit and Harper discuss their
1.45 Doctors Bear saves a life. 12.15 Politics Live Discussion. 3.00 Lingo Adil Ray hosts. (R) home in Garforth, Leeds. (R) uncertain futures.
2.15 The Bidding Room (R) 1.00 The Boss Quiz show. (R) 4.00 Tipping Point Gameshow 11.55 News; Weather Reports. 1.30 A Maple Valley Christmas
3.00 Escape To The Country 1.45 Lightning Quiz show. (R) with Ben Shephard. (R) 12.00 Steph’s Packed Lunch Romantic drama, with
3.45 Antiques Road Trip 2.15 Eat Well For Less? (R) 5.00 The Chase Quiz show. (R) 2.10 Countdown Game. Peyton List and Andrew W
4.30 The Repair Shop (R) 3.15 Oceans Documentary. (R) 6.00 Regional News Update. 3.00 A Place In The Sun In Walker. A rancher has
5.15 Pointless Quiz show. 4.15 This Farming Life (R) 6.30 News; Weather Reports. southern Costa Blanca. spent her whole life on
6.00 News; Weather Reports. 5.15 Flog It! Items in Norfolk. (R) 7.30 Emmerdale Bernice tries to 4.00 A Place In The Sun the family farm, until a
6.30 Regional News Update. 6.00 House Of Games Sheree escape police involvement; Near Monpazier, France. new arrival makes her
7.00 The One Show Features. Murphy, Toussaint Mack’s plans are scuppered 5.00 Help! We Bought A question what she wants.
7.30 EastEnders Harvey Douglass, Mark Foster and and Rhona struggles to Village The owner of a 3.15 Snowed In For Christmas
encourages Rocky to come Sian Williams take part. process this news. French hamlet works to Drama, with Kayla Wallace.
clean about his involvement 6.30 Strictly — It Takes Two 8.00 The Martin Lewis Money improve accessibility. A young au pair finds
in the fire after Kathy is Fleur East chats to some of Show Live in Manchester, 6.00 Four In A Bed Contest. (R) herself unable to return
arrested; and Phil worries the remaining couples. the money expert shares 6.30 The Simpsons Marge home for the holidays
Alfie will tell his secret. 7.00 This Farming Life Pedigree tips on how to celebrate obsesses with getting the when a snowstorm
8.00 MasterChef — The Beltex and finest Suffolks Christmas without perfect holiday photo. derails her plans.
Professionals The four go head to head in the breaking the bank and 7.00 News; Weather Reports. 5.00 News; Weather Reports.
remaining hopefuls young handlers contest how to get the best 7.55 Rory Peck Awards Gaelle 6.00 Dogs Behaving (Very)
compete in the final heat at the Royal Highland deals before Black Friday. Borgia looks at rumours of Badly A nature-loving
where they are challenged Show. (Last in series) 9.00 The Playboy Bunny families selling children. couple’s hyper-reactive
to make the perfect plate 8.00 CHOICE Secrets Of The Murder The investigation 8.00 The Great British Bake Off doberman makes it hard
of cavatelli pasta and dish Aquarium New series takes an unexpected turn The remaining bakers to enjoy walks. (R)
up a pineapple pudding. going behind the scenes at when modern technology tackle sausage rolls and a 6.55 News; Weather Reports.
9.00 The Met Detectives the National Marine reveals a new victim chocolate cake in the 7.00 Shoplifters —Caught Red
investigate the fatal Aquarium in Plymouth, and Marcel learns that competition’s first party Handed A detective tails
stabbing of a motorcycle with the new curator detectives are flying out week, and the showstopper two suspects who have
stuntman on a video shoot; attempting a high-risk to the Far East. (2/2) sees them making an evaded capture before.
and a manhunt team move for a misbehaving 10.00 News At Ten Bulletin. ‘anything-but-beige’ buffet. 7.55 News; Weather Reports.
searches for a suspect shark. (See Critics’ choice) 10.45 Inside M&S Filmed 9.15 Banged Up Tom Rosenthal 8.00 Police 999 — Clear &
on the run, accused of 9.00 CHOICE Louis Theroux over a year and with smuggles some tobacco Present Danger A criminal
raping a 12-year-old girl. Interviews: Pete Doherty. unprecedented access, for in traditional prison is on the run; West Midland
10.00 News; Weather Reports. The film-maker meets the the first time, cameras fashion and a surprise police uncover a man’s
10.40 Roman Kemp — The Fight singer at his home in have been invited inside cell search sees Neil secret; and a Birmingham
For Young Lives The Normandy, where they talk every corner of M&S. (R) Parish facing punishment officer tries to apprehend a
presenter seeks to move about his sobriety, passion 11.40 Long Lost Family — Born from the governor. man in a moving vehicle.
the conversation from for music and his complex Without Trace Davina 10.15 Gogglebox Another 9.00 Portillo’s Andalucia
encouraging young people relationship with Libertines McCall and Nicky Campbell chance to see the Michael Portillo visits
to talk about their mental band-mate Carl Barat. tell the story of two girls edition in support of Malaga in time for August’s
health, to making sure they (See Critics’ choice) Stand Up To Cancer. (R) feria, one the biggest
abandoned in Chesterfield
are properly supported 9.45 Live At The Apollo Ria Lina 11.20 Uefa European Qualifiers street parties in Spain.
in the late 1980s. (R)
when they speak out. (R) hosts the comedy show Preview A look ahead to 10.00 The World’s Most
12.35 The Switch Quiz show. (R)
11.40 Charlotte In Sunderland filmed at London’s the final two rounds of Expensive Hotels A look
1.25 Cash Trapped Quiz. (R)
Charlotte Crosby juggles Hammersmith Apollo, Euro 2024 qualifiers. at Claridge’s in London’s
2.10 Loose Women Debate. (R)
motherhood and running introducing routines by 11.55 Gogglebox Viewers’ Mayfair — the luxury hotel
3.00 Made In Britain (R)
her business. (R) 12.10 fellow comedians Lucy opinions on recent TV. (R) renowned for catering to
3.20 Unwind Daily relaxation. (R)
Charlotte In Sunderland Beaumont and Josh Pugh. 12.50 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell (R) the rich and famous. (R)
4.45-6.00 The Masked Dancer
The reality star dedicates a 10.30 Newsnight Headlines. 1.40 The Last Leg Comedy. (R)
Featuring the semi-final. (R) 11.05 FILM: Cold Pursuit
tattoo to Nana Jean. (R)
11.15 CHOICE Film Stars Don’t 2.35 FILM: Shankar’s Fairies Stars Liam Neeson and
12.40 Survivor A fierce battle
Die In Liverpool Stars Stars Shreeja Mishra and Laura Dern. A grieving
at sea leads to a shock
Jamie Bell and Annette Jaihind Kumar. How the snowplough driver seeks
result and a surprise
Bening. A romance sparks daughter of a senior police out revenge against the
visitor for both camps. (R)
between a young actor officer in Lucknow in the drug dealers who killed his
1.45-6.00 Joins BBC News
and the ageing Hollywood 1960s became friends son. Awkward. (2019, 15)
superstar Gloria Grahame. with the family servant.
SCOTLAND 6.30 Reporting 1.20 Casino Show Gambling.
(2017, 15; see Film choice) Strong drama. (2021, PG)
Scotland; Weather. 7.00 River 3.20 New Lives In The Wild (R)
City. 10.40 The Scotts. 11.10 The 12.55 Clean It, Fix It The team 4.10 The Great Pottery Throw 4.10 How The Victorians Built
Edit. 11.25 Roman Kemp — The heads to south London. Down Competition. (R) Britain Documentary. (R)
Fight For Young Lives. 12.25 (Signed, Last in series, R) 5.15 Strangers On A Plane (R) 5.00 Friends Comedy. (R)
Charlotte In Sunderland. 1.25 1.40-3.40 MasterChef — The 5.45-6.05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 5.25 Entertainment News
Survivor. 2.30 BBC News. Professionals Contest. (R) Aquatic antics (BBC2, 8pm) On the Isle of Wight. (R) 5.40-6.00 Children’s Shows

Variations 9.00 Lorraine 10.00 This Morning

12.30 Loose Women 1.30 News;
3.20 Night Vision 4.45-6.00 The
Masked Dancer S4C 6.00 Cyw
Why do Marcus Wareing and Monica Galetti
need to massage each other’s ego while
BBC1 WALES 10.40 Paranormal Weather 2.00 James Martin’s 12.00 Newyddion A’r Tywydd
American Adventure 3.00 Lingo 12.05 Codi Pac 12.30 Heno 1.00 3 performing the skills tests on MasterChef
— The Girl, The Ghost And The
Gravestone 11.10 Roman Kemp 4.00 Tipping Point 5.00 The Lle 1.30 Ffermio 2.00 Newyddion (BBC1)? As for Gregg Wallace, why does
You say

— The Fight For Young Lives Chase 6.00 Regional News 6.30 A’r Tywydd 2.05 Prynhawn Da he need to shout with excitement and pull
BBC2 WALES 1.45 First Minister’s News; Weather 7.30 Emmerdale 3.00 Newyddion A’r Tywydd 3.05 ridiculous faces of astonishment?
Questions 2.45 Lightning BBC 8.00 The Martin Lewis Money Y Fets 4.00 Awr Fawr 5.00 Mike Nettleton
SCOTLAND 7.00 Snow Dogs 8.00 Show 9.00 The Playboy Bunny Stwnsh 6.00 Adre 6.30 Sgorio
Beechgrove Garden In Winter Murder 10.00 News At Ten 10.40 6.57 Newyddion 7.00 Heno 7.30
Scotland Tonight 11.05 Inside Newyddion A’r Tywydd 8.00 The Beeb will soon have to change the title
8.30 Aberdeen Harbour 9.00 The
Nine 10.00 David Wilson’s Crime M&S 12.00 Long Lost Family — Pobol Y Cwm 8.25 Rownd A of Sunday With Laura Kuenssberg (BBC1)
Files — Scams & Scandals 10.30 Born Without Trace 12.55 Rownd 8.55 Newyddion A’r because it rarely is these days, unfortunately.
Paramedics On Scene 11.30-12.00 Heathrow — Britain’s Busiest Tywydd 9.00 Gwesty Aduniad Rosemary Mathew
Darren McGarvey’s Scotland Airport 1.25 Cash Trapped 2.10 10.00 Rocco Schiavone 11.05- Send your comments to:
STV 6.00 Good Morning Britain Loose Women 3.00 Made In Britain 11.40 Arfordir Cymru — Mon

38 12 November 2023
Critics’ choice Netflix swings into
Louis Theroux Interviews :
action with live sport
Pete Doherty (BBC2, 9pm)
For all his much-vaunted exile to The Netflix Cup (Netflix)
France, where the notorious For some, this show will be a
Noughties rocker has (mostly) heavenly synthesis of beloved
cleaned up his act, he would sports; for others, an unholy
appear to have the spotlight back mash-up of golf and motor-
on him. In September Channel 4 racing. The platform has united
aired Pete Doherty, Who Killed My stars from Formula One — Drive
Son? about the death of Mark To Survive and Full Swing. Four
Blanco, an actor, at a party. Then pairs — each of one driver and one
a film by Doherty’s wife Katia de PGA Tour professional — will play
Vidas, Peter Doherty — Stranger In a tournament at the only 18-hole
My Own Skin, opened in selected golf course on the Las Vegas Strip.
cinemas on November 9. And now Expect it to be fast, furious — and
this. At least on the BBC, Louis maybe infuriating.
Theroux retains top billing. Victoria Segal
France appears to suit the singer:
gone is the heroin-addicted rake; On a different
now he’s a shambolic Obelix the driving range:
Gaul. The pair chat warmly on a Carlos Sainz
battered red Chesterfield sofa in a
room filled with memories of his
previous lives with Kate Moss and
the Libertines, but the film is at its
most intriguing when Theroux
steps back to let Doherty and Carl
Barat commune before a gig.
Helen Stewart Theroux’s interview with Pete Doherty strikes a chord (BBC2, 9pm)

A Murder At The End Of The

World (Disney+)
Will’s Book — Shakespeare’s First
Folio (Sky Arts/Now, 8pm)
Drugs Map Of Britain
(BBC3, 9pm/9.30pm)
Film choice
Emma Corrin stars as Darby Hart, There is so much rich detail in this These stark documentaries offer Django Unchained
an amateur internet sleuth and superb documentary marking 400 tightly focused snapshots of drug (Sky Cinema Greats, 11.45pm)
hacking prodigy in a murder years of Shakespeare’s First Folio use in different regions, beginning Quentin Tarantino’s first western
mystery that feels like it’s been that you’ll be quoting facts from it with ketamine usage in Cornwall stars Jamie Foxx as a gun-toting
put together by a committee based for days. A series of tiny lectures by and Devon. Next comes a bleak former slave looking to free his
on “stuff young people like.” It brilliant academics comfortable little film about Fife, where “you wife (Kerry Washington) from an
largely succeeds thanks to with discussing engraving, can get half a gram quicker than evil Southern grandee (Leonardo
epic budgets and a hammy older copyright or printers’ urine, it you can get a taxi” and charities DiCaprio). As a lurid, exaggerated
cast. Hart is a high school freak vividly shows how this precious dedicated to supporting young tale of the cowboy era, it harks
who is alert to societal misogyny monument to Shakespeare’s genius people are now dealing with back to spaghetti westerns,
thanks to the number of dead came together as a volatile families where two or three and in the way it champions a
women her coroner father heaves collaboration between printers, generations are affected by tireless black avenger, it evokes
out of icy pools. Her book (yes, publishers and his friends. substance abuse. blaxploitation movies. As usual,
she’s a writer as well) about Tarantino reworks his influences in
tracking down a murderer has Secrets Of The Aquarium his own distinctive and exhilarating
come to the attention of the shady (BBC2, 8pm) style. (2012)
tech billionaire Andy Ronson (Clive In this series about Plymouth’s
Owen). And no sooner can he say, National Marine Aquarium, Film Stars Don’t Die In Liverpool
“I guess you’re wondering why I stars include the shark El Diablo, (BBC2, 11.15pm)
gathered you all here,” than she banished from another joint for This poignant dramatisation of a
finds herself holed up in a snow- “not being a very good tank-mate”, true story features Annette Bening
bound hotel with a cast of and the feisty turtle Friday. Watch as Gloria Grahame, a Hollywood
mysterious do-gooders, some of out for the piscine recreation of the star in the 1950s. Here we see her
whom are evidently intent on Friends “pivot!” scene. out of the limelight in 1979, when
doing bad. HS Sleuth: Emma Corrin (Disney+) Victoria Segal she fell in love with the jobbing
actor Peter Turner (played by Jamie
Bell). Dir: Paul McGuigan (2017)
On demand investigation, the showrunner
Heitor Dhalia has created a series
collapse of a midwest US mining
county at the end of the 19th Maigret
○ Criminal Code (Netflix) all about the micro and macro of century. (Buy as stream/download)
Based on the real-life exploits of drug enforcement, where forensic Gérard Depardieu plays the
Brazil’s Federal Police and centred science goes up against meticulous ○ Alfresco (YouTube) detective from Georges Simenon’s
around the illegal drugs trade, this criminal logic and brute force. In 1983, four staunchly British wits novels in this film of 1954’s Maigret
eight-part Portuguese-language (Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie, Emma And The Dead Girl. The murder
drama comes on like an ultra- ○ Wisconsin Death Trip Thompson, Ben Elton) and two referred to in the title sets the
violent CSI: Paraná crossed with (BBC iPlayer) defiantly Scottish performers tone for a downbeat movie, with
Denis Villeneuve’s 2015 cartel Based on the 1973 book by Michael (Robbie Coltrane, Siobhan the sleuth in especially sombre
drama Sicario. From the Lesy, James Marsh’s 1999 Redmond) were recruited for mood — a good showcase for the
meticulously executed heist of an documentary is a mix of flickering Granada TV’s answer to Not The star’s world-weary charisma.
insurance company to the finely black and white reenactments and Nine O’ Clock News. Dir: Patrice Leconte (2022)
detained scenes of small-scale DNA colour reportage detailing the Andrew Male Edward Porter
12 November 2023 39
BBC 3 BBC 4 ITV 2 ITV 3 E4
7.00pm Top Gear Designing a 7.00pm Great British Railway 6.00pm Catchphrase — 5.55pm Heartbeat The visiting 6.00pm The Big Bang Theory
vehicle for elderly people. Journeys Visiting Bangor Catchiest Moments funfair causes a furore. Sheldon’s old adversary
8.00 Race Across The World and Betws y Coed. Stephen Mulhern presents (S2, ep 10) 6.55 Heartbeat Wil Wheaton returns.
Panama City. (S2, ep 2) 7.25 Winter Walks Drovers’ his favourite moments The surgery is raided. (S5, ep 5) 6.30 The Big
9.00 CHOICE Drugs Map Of roads in Dentdale, Cumbria. from the quiz show. 8.00 Midsomer Murders With Bang Theory Sheldon’s
Britain The increase of 7.55 Some Mothers Do ’Ave 7.00 Ant & Dec’s Limitless Win Neil Dudgeon. Anglers and mother comes to visit.
ketamine usage in Cornwall ’Em Frank joins a dancing Jimmy Carr and Katherine mud-runners clash at the 7.00 Hollyoaks Chester soap.
and Devon. 9.30 Drugs class. (Series 3, ep 3) Ryan continue their climb village of Solomon Gorge, 7.30 Young Sheldon Mary is
Map Of Britain The drug 8.30 Yes Minister Jim stands up up the money ladder. with the bitterness leading mistaken for a university
culture in Fife, Scotland. for equal opportunities. 8.00 Bob’s Burgers Louise, to someone dying after student. (Series 4, ep 6)
(See Critics’ choice) 9.00 The Australian Wars The Gene and Tina engage in a being electrocuted. 8.00 Modern Family Mitch and
10.00 Stacey Dooley — Inside absence of memorials for heated turf war. (Series 9, 10.00 DCI Banks When the body Cam head off to a yoga
The Undertakers One of the conflict in Tasmania. ep 10) 8.30 Bob’s Burgers of a student is found in a retreat. (Series 9, ep 18)
the UK’s busiest family- 10.00 HMS Brilliant Tensions Linda learns about the ravine, the investigation 8.30 Modern Family Jay is
run funeral businesses. mount on board the vessel. world of essential oils. into his stabbing reveals worried when Gloria’s ex
11.00 The Bold Type Jane, Kat 10.50 HMS Brilliant The 9.00 Big Brother Daily roundup. surprising details about turns up. (Series 9, ep 17)
and Sutton face big choices ship heads to Istanbul. 10.00 Big Brother — Late & Live his extracurricular 9.00 Married At First Sight UK
as they each evaluate their 11.40 Little Ships — The Miracle 11.05 Family Guy Peter and his activities. (Series 4, ep 5) The remaining couples
own paths towards bright Of Dunkirk The boats that cronies go on a quest to 11.05-12.05 DCI Banks prepare for vow renewals.
futures. (Last in series) rescued thousands of seek out and confront God. The team traces Hexton 10.20 Rick And Morty The long-
11.40 Drugs Map Of Britain allied troops from Dunkirk. (Series 12, ep 13) 11.35- to Gerald and Elaine suffering duo get stuck on
12.40 Grime Kids Drama. (1/5) 12.40 Edward Hopper — Arena 12.05 Family Guy Peter Foster’s house, but the a project. (Series 7, ep 5)
1.25 The Rap Game UK 1.20 As 7pm and Quagmire decide to former undercover officer 10.50 Naked Attraction’s
2.30 Top Gear Magazine. 1.50 Winter Walks In Cumbria. form a singer-songwriter has already kidnapped Best Naughty Bits
3.35-3.45 Press X To Continue 2.20-3.20 The Australian Wars partnership. (S12, ep 7) lap-dancer Melanie. 11.55-1.00 Celebrity First Dates

Drama Sky Arts Sky Max Sky Atlantic Talk TV

6.00pm ’Allo ’Allo! Rene 6.00pm Tales Of The 6.00pm Stargate SG-1 General 5.25pm Succession Logan, 6.00pm The Talk A panel of
determines to flee to Unexpected A man plots Hammond makes a shock Kendall, Gerri and Tom famous faces debate the
England with Yvette. to kill his overweight wife. announcement. (S4, ep 15, testify before Congress. hot topics that everybody
6.40 Last Of The Summer Wine (Series 2, ep 12) 6.30 Tales R) 7.00 Stargate SG-1 (Series 2, ep 9) 6.35 is talking about.
Billy sets Nora’s heart Of The Unexpected Carter uncovers the truth Succession Logan weighs 7.00 Prime Time With Rosanna
a-flutter. 7.20 Last Of A physician plots to kill behind an alien race. (R) up a huge decision to Lockwood The presenter
The Summer Wine his wife. (Series 3, ep 1) 8.00 Movie Megastars — Made salvage the company’s takes a look at the main
Marina gives up on men. 7.00 Alfred Hitchcock In The 80s The biggest tarnished reputation. news stories of the day.
8.00 Dalziel & Pascoe The Presents: The Baby-Blue film stars of the decade, 7.50 House Of The Dragon 8.00 Piers Morgan
detectives investigate Expression. A woman including Nicole Kidman. (R) King Viserys calls for Uncensored The host
a series of apparently and her lover plot her 9.00 Flintoff — Lord Of The an end to infighting presents his verdict on the
accidental deaths, and husband’s demise. Fries Andrew Flintoff and between members of day’s events with an hour
their inquiries lead to a 7.30 Alfred Hitchcock Rob Penn enjoy the sights the Great Houses. (7/10) of debate and interviews.
rose-grower. (Series 2, ep 3) Presents: The Man Who and sounds of Scotland. (R) 9.00 Landscapers The pressure 9.00 The Independent
10.00 New Tricks A bloodstained Found The Money. A man 10.00 Never Mind The of police questions takes Republic Of Mike Graham
bust is uncovered during reports to the police that Buzzcocks With guests its toll on Susan and The host takes a look
construction work in a he found $92,000. Anne-Marie, Jade Thirlwall Christopher. (2/4) through the newspapers.
cemetery and the evidence 8.00 CHOICE Will’s Book and Nish Kumar. (R) 10.05 The Gilded Age Peggy 11.00-12.00 Piers Morgan
points to a murder seven Taking a look at the story 10.50 Brassic Cardi sets out to gets welcomed back to Uncensored The host
years earlier. (S12, ep 9) behind Shakespeare’s First buy a white fluffy bunny 61st Street. (Series 2, ep 2) presents his verdict on
11.20-1.20 Dalziel & Pascoe Folio. (See Critics’ choice) for Lola. (Series 5, ep 7, R) 11.15-12.20 Billions Prince the day’s global events.
The murder of a retired 9.15-12.15 Shakespeare 11.55-1.00 The Blacklist encourages his team to Available on Sky 522; Freeview
detective leads Dalziel to — Richard II The RSC’s The Task Force must try find new investments as 237; Virgin 606; Freesat 217;
uncover deception among 2013 production of the to anticipate Red’s next Wendy prepares for the YouTube, connected TVs and
his own officers. (S7, ep 4) play, with David Tennant. move. (Series 10, ep 21, R) future. (Series 6, ep 8) smart devices

SKY CINEMA SELECT 9.00 Curb Your Enthusiasm 11.00 COMEDY CENTRAL
Films 4.20pm Charlie’s Angels (2000,
15) 6.05 Charlie’s Angels — Full
Entertainment Breeders 11.30 Tonight Show 12.30
Romantic Getaway 1.30-2.50 Veep
6.00pm Friends 9.00 FILM: Old
School. Comedy 10.45 Jimmy Carr
SKY CINEMA PREMIERE Throttle. The trio hunt down villains ITV4
Live — Comedian 11.45 Your Face
4.05pm Magic Mike’s Last Dance who have stolen two encoded 5.30pm Minder 6.40 Nine Dart 5 STAR Or Mine 12.45-2.45 South Park
(2023, 15) 6.05 She Came To Me. Finishes 6.45 LIVE Snooker. The 6.00pm Home And Away 7.00 GPs
rings. (2003, 12) 8.00 Bridget
Comedy. (2023, 15) 8.00 Big Champion Of Champions 10.15 All — Behind Closed Doors 8.00 Rich YESTERDAY
Jones’s Diary. A woman begins a
George Foreman. Biopic of the Elite Wrestling — Rampage 11.20 Holiday, Poor Holiday 9.00 FILM: 6.00pm Great British Railway
new year by resolving to find love
former world heavyweight boxing FILM: Renegades 1.30 Auto Mundial Rush Hour 3 11.05 Junior Doctors Journeys 7.00 Antiques Roadshow
and give up her bad habits. (2001,
champion. (2023, 12) 10.20-12.25 2.00-2.35 Motorsport Mundial Down Under 12.05 Murdered For 8.00 Tony Robinson’s Marvellous
15) 9.40 Bridget Jones — The Edge
Palm Trees And Power Lines. A Of Reason. The hapless journalist Revenge 1.05-2.50 Revenge Machines 9.00 Bangers & Cash —
teenage girl enters a relationship spends time behind bars in a 5.50pm The Secret Life Of The Zoo Classics 10.00 Bangers & Cash 11.00
with a man twice her age. (2022, 15) Thai prison. (2004, 15) 11.35-1.50 6.55 The Dog House 7.55 Grand Abandoned Engineering 12.00-1.00
6.00pm NCIS 9.00 Law & Order
Bridget Jones’s Baby (2016, 15) Designs 9.00 Super Surgeons — 11.00 Law & Order: Special Victims Great British Railway Journeys
6.00pm Snitch. Thriller. (2013, 12) A Chance At Life 10.00 24 Hours Unit 1.00 NCIS 2.00-3.35 Blue Bloods DAVE
8.00 The Manchurian Candidate. In A&E 11.05 Billion Pound Cruise 6.00pm Rick Stein — From Venice
4.10pm We Bought A Zoo (2011, SKY WITNESS
A war veteran is drawn into a 12.10 Emergency Helicopter Medics To Istanbul 7.00 House Of Games
PG) 6.35 Crocodile Dundee II. The 6.00pm Border Security —
conspiracy. (2004, 15) 10.15-12.15 1.15-2.20 999 — On The Front Line 8.20 Would I Lie To You? 9.00 QI
adventurer lures drug dealers to the Australia’s Front Line 8.00 The
The Saint. An international thief outback. (1988, PG) 9.00 Olympus GOLD Equalizer 9.00 Blue Bloods. Erin 10.00 Have I Got A Bit More News
accepts a job to steal a scientist’s Has Fallen. A secret service agent 6.00pm The Green Green Grass feels the pressure when her new For You 12.00 Mock The Week 12.40
formula for cold fusion. (1997, 12) tries to redeem himself when 6.40 The Good Life 7.20 Dad’s Army boss shadows her. 10.00 For Life Would I Lie To You? 1.15-2.25 QI
terrorists take control of the White — The Animations 8.00 Dad’s Army 11.00 The Rookie 12.00 Coroner 1.00
5.50pm Ghost (1990, 12) 8.00
House. (2013, 15) 11.20-2.05 Bad
Times At The El Royale (2018, 15)
9.20 Only Fools And Horses 10.00 Transplant 2.00-3.00 Private Eyes Factual
Live At The Apollo 11.00 Upstart
Dallas Buyers Club. A man sets up W NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC
Crow 11.40 The Young Ones 12.20
an organisation to smuggle drugs TALKING PICTURES TV 6.00pm Junior MasterChef Australia 6.00pm Lost Treasures Of Egypt
Only Fools And Horses 1.00 Live At
for treating HIV into the US. (2013, 6.00pm The Black Arrow 6.30 The Apollo 2.00-2.30 Upstart Crow 7.30 Inside The Ambulance 8.00 7.00 Air Crash Investigation 8.00
15) 10.00 Six Minutes To Midnight. Scotland Yard 7.05 The Four Just 999 Rescue Squad 9.00 24 Hours In Inside The SS 10.00 World War II —
The daughters of Nazis are sent to Men 7.55 Thunderbirds 9.05 SKY COMEDY A&E 11.00 Stacey Dooley — Stalkers. The Apocalypse 11.00 Air Crash
an English school. (2020, 12) 11.45- Maigret 11.00-12.50 The Mutations. 6.00pm The Conners 6.30 The Cases of stalking 12.00 One Born Investigation. A top-secret mission
2.30 CHOICE Django Unchained A mad professor subjects his pupils Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air 7.00 Will Every Minute 1.00 Dating With My 12.00 To Catch A Smuggler
(2012, 18; see Film choice) to bizarre experiments. (1973, 18) & Grace 8.00 The US Office Mates 2.00-2.25 Date Night 1.00-2.00 Banged Up Abroad

40 12 November 2023
5 Great films . . . Radio & Podcasts
Motor racing ○ The Reinvention Of
Italy (Radio 4, 11am)
The latest part of Anne
million Syrians, who fled
there during the war,
encouraged by the
McElvoy’s journey €6 million given to the
examining political and country to discourage

Ford v Ferrari Speed demon: cultural change sweeping Syrians heading to Europe.
(2019, Disney+) Tom Cruise in through Europe reaches
Matt Damon and Days Of Thunder Italy. Giorgia Meloni, the ○ Podcast Graveyard
Christian Bale star in the right-wing populist, (podcast)
story of the visionary swept to power last year More than 93 per cent of
American car designer to the surprise of many, podcasts never make it to
Carroll Shelby. with a mission to restore more than seven episodes.
and defend Italy’s This comes as no surprise;

Rush (2013, Netflix) national identity. A snapshot of Italy: Giorgia everyone thinks they can
Ron Howard directs this McElvoy visits Padua in Meloni (Radio 4, 11am) make one until they try. In
gripping film about the the prosperous north, this new series, James
rivalry between the where traditional Italian ○ The Documentary Bishop asks what goes
1970s racing drivers values come face to face (BBC World Service, wrong and where podcasts
Niki Lauda and with an immigrant 9.30am/8.06pm) go to die, including The
James Hunt. population who are In My Forgotten War, Life & Performance
drawn in by the chance Hannah Lucinda Smith Podcast with the athletes

Days Of of better prospects. visits Turkey to examine its Greg Rutherford and
Thunder McElvoy asks what a fall relationship with its huge Andrew Steele, which
(1990, ITVX) in birth rates means in a population of refugees and managed two episodes
Tom Cruise plays country where family is asylum seekers. These before its death in 2016.
Cole Trickle, a traditionally at the fore. include more than three Clair Woodward
hot-tempered Nascar
racing driver.
TIMES RADIO RADIO 4 EXTRA 7.30 In Concert. The BBC National
Orchestra of Wales and conductor

Talladega Nights — The 5.00 Rosie Wright With Early 5.00 Blood Sugar 6.00 Julie Enfield Ryan Bancroft perform two works
Breakfast 6.00 Aasmah Mir And Investigates: Murder West One 6.45
Ballad Of Ricky Bobby Stig Abell With Times Radio Dick Barton — Special Agent 7.00
by Schumann, and Christianne
(2016, Sky/ Now) Stotijn joins them to sing Mahler’s
Breakfast 10.00 Matt Chorley Grandmothers 7.15 The Old Wives’
Kindentotenlieder 10.00 Free
Will Ferrell stars in a 1.00 Mariella Frostrup 3.00 Jane Tale (R) 7.30 Making The Best Of It
Thinking. Lisa Mullen is joined by
Garvey And Fi Glover 5.00 John 8.00 The Goon Show 8.30 King
fine comedy about a star Street Junior 9.00 Quote … Unquote
authors Pen Vogler and Rebecca
Pienaar With Times Radio Drive May Johnson and the academics
who finds his position at 7.00 Pienaar And Friends 8.00 9.30 The Change 10.00 Blood
Lindsay Middleton, Zayneb Allak
the top of motor racing The Evening Edition 10.00 Sugar 11.00 Julie Enfield
and Sara Read for a conversation
challenged. Carole Walker 1.00 Stories Of Investigates: Murder West One 11.45
about food, class and luxury
Our Times 1.30 Red Box 2.00 Dick Barton — Special Agent 12.00
10.45 The Essay. The radio-maker
Highlights From Times Radio Grandmothers 12.15 The Old Wives’

and runner Ricardo Burt hits the
Senna (2010, ITVX) Tale (R) 12.30 Making The Best Of
London streets to chart the
To get in touch with the Times It 1.00 The Goon Show 1.30 King
Charting the remarkable Radio studio, text TIMES plus your thriving scene of DJ-run crews,
Street Junior 2.00 Quote … Unquote
career of Ayrton Senna, message to 87222. Texts cost 2.30 The Change 3.00 Blood Sugar
exploring connections between
from his first season your standard message charge. running, music and community
4.00 Julie Enfield Investigates:
11.00 Night Tracks. Late-night
in 1984 to his death a RADIO 4 Murder West One 4.45 Dick Barton
listening 12.30 Through The Night
decade later. — Special Agent 5.00
5.30 News 5.43 Prayer 5.45 Grandmothers 5.15 The Old Wives’ CLASSIC FM
Farming Today 5.58 Tweet Of The Tale (R) 5.30 Making The Best Of It
Tim Glanfield Day (R) 6.00 Today 8.31 (LW) 6.00 The Goon Show 6.30 King 6.00 Tim Lihoreau 9.00 Alexander
Yesterday In Parliament 9.00 The Street Junior 7.00 Quote … Unquote Armstrong 12.00 Anne-Marie
Life Scientific 9.30 One To One 7.30 The Change 8.00 TED Radio Minhall 4.00 Margherita Taylor.
9.45 Book Of The Week 9.45 (LW) Hour 8.50 Inheritance Tracks 9.00 Classical favourites 7.00 Zeb
Daily Service 10.00 Woman’s Hour Mastertapes 9.30 Doctor Who: Soanes 10.00 Ritula Shah 1.00
6.00pm Salvage Hunters 7.00
Wheeler Dealers 8.00 Railroad Alaska
Sport 11.00 The Reinvention Of Italy.
Anne McElvoy finds out what it
Tenth Doctor Adventures 10.00 Best
Medicine 10.30 Mr And Mrs Smith
Bill Overton 4.00 Lucy Coward
9.00 Gold Rush 10.00 The World’s SKY SPORTS MAIN EVENT means to be Italian today 11.30 10.55 The Comedy Club Interview
Biggest Drug Lord — Tse Chi Lop 6.00am News 7.00 Good Morning Moving Pictures. An examination 11.00 The World Of Simon Rich 6.30 The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show
11.00 Expedition Unknown 12.00 Sports Fans 10.00 The Football Show of Ambulance Call, by Jacob 11.30-12.00 Think The Unthinkable 9.30 Richie Anderson. Sitting in
Moonshiners 1.00-2.00 Gold Rush 12.00 Lunchtime Live 2.00 Sports Lawrence 12.00 News 12.01 (LW) for Vernon Kay 12.00 Jeremy
Desk 5.00 News 7.00 LIVE Grand LBC Vine. Current-affairs chat 2.00
Shipping 12.04 Call You And
PBS AMERICA Slam Of Darts 11.00-6.00 News Yours 1.00 The World At One 1.45 7.00 Nick Ferrari 10.00 James Scott Mills 4.00 Sara Cox 7.00 Jo
5.50pm The Stuarts 6.55 Royal The Great Post Office Trial 2.00 O’Brien 1.00 Shelagh Fogarty 4.00 Whiley 9.00 The Jazz Show With
History’s Biggest Fibs With Lucy TNT SPORTS 1 Jamie Cullum 10.00 Trevor
The Archers (R) 2.15 Drama: Tom Swarbrick 6.00 Tonight With
Worsley — Armada 8.10 The Seabees 6.00am Uefa Champions League Nelson’s Magnificent 7 10.30
Elsinore, by Sebastian Baczkiewicz Andrew Marr. Discussion 7.00
On Iwo Jima 9.20 Afghanistan — Magazine 6.30 Goals Reload 7.00 Trevor Nelson’s Rhythm Nation
(R) 3.00 Short Cuts 3.30 Lady Ali Miraj 10.00 Ben Kentish 1.00
The Wounded Land 10.30-12.00 PL Review 8.00 National League 12.00 OJ Borg 3.00 Pick Of The
Killers With Lucy Worsley (R) 4.00 Richard Spurr 4.00 Ian Payne
Royal History’s Biggest Fibs 10.00 Fishing — On The Bank 11.00 Pops (R) 4.00 Owain Wyn Evans
Law In Action 4.30 A Good Read.
World Rallycross Championship RADIO 3
SKY DOCUMENTARIES Harriett Gilbert talks books with VIRGIN RADIO
Highlights 12.00 The WRC Magazine
6.00pm Seventies 6.55 Hostages India Knight and Emma Dabiri 6.30 Breakfast 9.00 Essential
12.30 Premier League — The Big
8.00 Man Who Played With Fire 9.00 5.00 PM 5.54 (LW) Shipping 6.00 Classics 12.00 Composer Of The 6.30 The Chris Evans Breakfast
Interview 1.00 PL Review 2.00
Burden Of Proof — Who Killed Jennifer News 6.30 Best Medicine. Ria Week 1.00 Lunchtime Concert. Show 10.00 Eddy Temple-Morris
Goals Reload 2.15 The Rugby
Pandos? 10.10-1.00 Phoenix Rising Lina champions CT scans and Nicolo Foron conducts the LSO Wind 1.00 Jayne Middlemiss 4.00 Ricky
Review 3.00 Badminton 5.00
Caroline Rance charts the history Ensemble in Strauss’s Serenade in Wilson 7.00 Bam. Music and chat
Badminton Weekly 5.15 Goals
SKY NATURE of inhalation 7.00 The Archers E flat, Op 7 and Suite for 13 wind 10.00 Amy Voce 1.00 Sean
Reload 5.30 Premier League
6.00pm Gangs Of Lemur Island 7.15 Front Row 8.00 The Today instruments in B flat, Op 4, and in Goldsmith 4.00 Steve Denyer
Netbusters 6.00 Premier League
7.00 Monkey Life 8.00 Wild Family Debate 8.40 In Touch 9.00 All In Jonathan Dove’s Figures in the
Ties 9.00 Monkey Life 10.00 Gangs Stories 6.30 Original Documentary TALKSPORT
The Mind 9.30 The Life Scientific Garden 2.00 Afternoon Concert.
Of Lemur Island. Tensions rise 8.15 Premier League Reload 8.30
(R) 10.00 The World Tonight Jaap van Zweden conducts the 5.00 Early Breakfast 6.00
11.00-12.00 Wild Birds Of Australia Rio Ferdinand’s Between The Lines
10.45 Book At Bedtime 11.00 Now Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra Talksport Breakfast 10.00 Jim
9.00 WWE Monday Night Raw 11.30
You’re Asking With Marian Keyes in a performance of Mahler’s White And Simon Jordan 1.00
DISCOVERY HISTORY Uefa Champions League Goals
And Tara Flynn. New series 11.30 Symphony No 1, and the RIAS Hawksbee And Baker 4.00
6.00pm Combat Dealers 7.00 Ghosts Reload 11.45 Uefa Europa League
Today In Parliament 12.00 News Chamber Choir sing sacred works Drive With Andy Goldstein And
Of Stonehenge 8.00 Wings Of War Goals Reload 12.00 NBA Tip-Off
12.30 Book Of The Week (R) 12.48 by Haydn 5.00 In Tune. Music and Darren Bent 7.00 Kick Off 10.00
9.00 Combat Dealers 10.00 Salvage 12.30 LIVE NBA 3.00 LIVE NBA
Shipping 1.00 As World Service arts news 7.00 Classical Mixtape Sports Bar 12.00 Extra Time
Hunters 11.00-12.00 Shed & Buried 5.30-6.30 Inside The NBA

12 November 2023 41
BBC 1 BBC 2 ITV 1 Channel 4 Channel 5
6.00 Breakfast Headlines. 6.30 Escape To The Country (R) 6.00 Good Morning Britain 6.05 Countdown Game. (R) 6.00 Milkshake! Children’s fun.
9.15 Morning Live Magazine. 7.15 Antiques Road Trip (R) 9.00 Lorraine Lifestyle chat. 6.45 Cheers Comedy. (R) 9.15 Jeremy Vine Debate.
10.00 Scam Interceptors (R) 8.00 Nadiya’s Simple Spices 10.00 This Morning Features. 7.35 Everybody Loves 11.15 Storm Huntley Opinions.
10.45 Dr Xand’s Con Or Cure (R) Recipe ideas. (Signed, R) 12.30 Loose Women Debate. Raymond Comedy. (R) 12.15 Alexis Conran Debate.
11.15 Homes Under The 8.30 Tales From A Kitchen 1.30 News; Weather Reports. 8.25 Frasier Sitcom. (R) 12.50 Entertainment News
Hammer Auctions. (R) Garden (Signed, R) 2.00 James Martin’s American 9.55 Find It, Fix It, Flog It (R) 12.55 News; Weather Reports.
12.15 Bargain Hunt Curios. (R) 9.00 Nicky Campbell Debate. Adventure The chef’s 10.55 The Great House 1.00 Home And Away Cash
1.00 News; Weather Reports. 10.00 News; Weather Reports. culinary journey takes him Giveaway A family home ruins a moment between
1.45 Doctors Luca is caught up 11.15 Politics Live Discussion. to the Hamptons. (R) in Middlesbrough. (R) Felicity and Tane. (R)
in the family revelations of 1.00 The Boss Quiz show. (R) 3.00 Lingo Adil Ray hosts. (R) 11.55 News; Weather Reports. 1.30 Dashing Home For
an end-of-life care patient. 1.45 Lightning Quiz. (R) 4.00 Tipping Point Gameshow 12.00 Steph’s Packed Lunch Christmas Romantic
2.15 The Bidding Room (R) 2.15 Eat Well For Less? (R) with Ben Shephard. (R) 2.10 Countdown Game. drama, with Paniz Zade and
3.00 Escape To The Country (R) 3.15 Oceans The Red Sea. (R) 5.00 The Chase Bradley Walsh 3.00 A Place In The Sun On the Adrian Spencer. Trying to
3.45 Antiques Road Trip Irita 4.15 This Farming Life (R) presents the quiz show. (R) Greek island of Aegina. (R) get home for Christmas, a
Marriott and Raj Bisram 5.15 Flog It! Items in Norfolk. (R) 6.00 Regional News Update. 4.00 A Place In The Sun A woman encounters no end
explore the Midlands. 6.00 House Of Games Sheree 6.30 News; Weather Reports. holiday home in Tenerife. of problems until she
4.30 The Repair Shop (R) Murphy, Toussaint 7.30 Emmerdale The ruck 5.00 Help! We Bought A meets a fellow traveller. (R)
5.15 Pointless Quiz show. Douglass, Mark Foster and between Billy and Aaron Village A Normandy hamlet 3.15 A Sugar And Spice
6.00 News; Weather Reports. Sian Williams take part. continues; Gabby throws owner begins renovations. Christmas Romantic
6.30 Regional News Update. 6.30 Strictly — It Takes Two Dawn a baby shower; and 6.00 Four In A Bed The third comedy, with Jacky Lai. An
7.00 The One Show Features. 7.00 Celebrity Antiques Road Rhona plans to meet Gus. visit of the week is to Hotel architect returns home and
7.30 EastEnders Cindy hides at Trip Friends and 1980s 8.00 Coronation Street Amy is Ellenby in Scarborough. (R) finds herself competing in
the Vic after her fallout with pop stars Samantha Fox cuffed and arrested for 6.30 The Simpsons Todd a gingerbread bake-off
Ian; Eve goes on a date; and Sinitta travel through criminal damage during an Flanders announces that he alongside an old high-
and Sharon and Keanu Kent and Surrey on the anti-spiking march; and no longer believes in God. school classmate. (R)
prepare for Albie’s lookout for items to sell at Audrey breaks the news 7.00 News; Weather Reports. 5.00 News; Weather Reports.
hospital appointment. auction, aided by Steven to David and Maria that 7.55 Rory Peck Awards The 6.00 Dogs Behaving (Very)
8.00 The Repair Shop The Moore and Tim Medhurst. she is selling the barbers. story of a mother searching Badly A dog with severe
experts restore a chrome 8.00 The Secret Genius Of 9.00 CHOICE Return To for her son in a community separation anxiety and
barber’s chair from the Modern Life Hannah Fry Lockerbie Lorraine Kelly of drug addicts in Kabul. attachment issues. (R)
1960s, a stringed Iranian focuses on the vacuum returns to the scene of 8.00 Location, Location, 6.55 News; Weather Reports.
instrument, a carousel cleaner, learning about the Europe’s deadliest terror Location Kirstie Allsopp 7.00 Shoplifters — Caught Red
horse and a roulette origins of the device and attack, 35-years after Pan and Phil Spencer help two Handed A look at how
machine that stopped how the motor in modern Am flight 103 exploded couples from east London Britain’s high streets are
spinning years ago. (R) models spins faster than mid-air killing 270 people get out of their rented fighting back against the
9.00 Shetland Calder decides that of an F1 racing car. in the town of Lockerbie. accommodation in a rising tide of shoplifting.
to stay on in Shetland and 9.00 CHOICE Shakespeare (See Critics’ choice) market where homes 7.55 News; Weather Reports.
Tosh welcomes the — Rise Of A Genius A 10.00 News At Ten Bulletin. are selling quicker than 8.00 Vanished — The Search
support after uncovering a series of hit plays sees the 10.45 Peston Political magazine. they can show them. For Britain’s Missing Dan
tattoo that sends the case Bard at the top of his game 11.40 A Time To Die Exploring 9.00 Banged Up As the Walker investigates more
in a sinister new direction; — only for several disasters the human cost of the experiment comes to an cases of missing people,
and Tom Knox is identified to throw his life, purpose current British law on end,HRVY is roped into a and speaks to loved ones,
as the main suspect in the and family into chaos. With secret drone delivery and families, friends, police and
assisted dying through the
case, but a confession contributions from Judi Marcus Luther hunts for an experts from charities.
stories of five people who
about his relationship with Dench and Brian Cox. illicit phone to watch his 9.00 Cause Of Death Dr James
all want the right to die at a
Ellen send the team back (2/3; see Critics’ choice) son online. (Last in series) Adeley and his team look
time of their choosing. (R)
to square one. (S8, ep 3) 10.00 Upstart Crow Will’s new 10.00 Britain’s Most Expensive into the death of a man
1.00 Long Lost Family —
10.00 News; Weather Reports. play goes missing just as it Houses Broker Constance whose body was found
Born Without Trace (R)
10.40 CHOICE BBC New is about to be presented to is on a mission to get the in a wood, having been
1.50 Cash Trapped Quiz. (R)
Comedy Awards Rosie Queen Elizabeth, and listing for Laura Comfort’s arrested a few days before
2.40 Loose Women Debate. (R)
Jones hosts as the six suspicion points to his best £12.5m home as the singer due to a domestic incident.
3.25 After Lucy Letby —
finalists take to the stage at friend. (Series 1, ep 2, R) wants to downsize to a 10.00 Mummy’s Little Murderer
Silence On The Wards? (R)
Glasgow’s King’s Theatre 10.30 Newsnight Headlines. £4m pad in Chelsea. (R) — The Killing Of Emily
3.50 Unwind Daily relaxation.
to impress the judges Josh 11.15 Unspun World With John 11.05 The Great British Bake Off Longley Investigating the
4.50-6.00 The Masked Dancer
Pugh, Zoe Lyons and Simpson Global news. The bakers tackle sausage events surrounding the
Contest. (Last in series, R) rolls and a chocolate cake
Darren Harriot. (See Critics’ murder of the 20-year-old
11.45 CHOICE My Old Lady in the competition’s first
choice; last in series) by Elliot Turner. (R)
Stars Maggie Smith and ever party week. (R)
11.25 Game On! Radio 1’s Vick 11.30 Sleeping With My
Kevin Kline. A penniless 12.20 The Simpsons Cartoon.
Hope and gaming expert Murderer The case of a
New Yorker hopes to sell 12.50 Taskmaster Contest. (R)
Steffan Powell host a mother found dead by her
his dead father’s flat in 1.45 First Dates Hotel (R)
celebration of all things young daughter. (R)
Paris, only to find an
gaming from Nottingham’s 2.40 Hullraisers Sitcom. (R) 12.30 ICC Cricket World Cup
eccentric Englishwoman
Confetti X esports arena in 3.30 Naked, Alone And Racing 1.25 Casino Show Gambling.
is living there. (2014,
aid of Children in Need. (R) To Get Home (R) 3.25 New Lives In The Wild (R)
12; see Film choice)
1.30-6.00 Joins BBC News 4.25 Handmade — Britain’s 4.15 Building Victorian Britain
1.25 DNA Family Secrets Best Woodworker (R) With Michael Buerk. (R)
SCOTLAND 2.15 Politics Scotland. (Signed, Last in series, R) 5.20 Strangers On A Plane (R) 5.05 Divine Designs (R)
3.00 The Bidding Room. 6.30 2.25-3.25 MasterChef — The 5.45-6.05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 5.30 Entertainment News
Reporting Scotland; Weather. Professionals (Signed, R) Judi Dench (BBC2, 9pm) A lesson in vintage cars. (R) 5.35-6.00 Children’s Shows

Variations 4.00 Tipping Point 5.00 The

Chase 6.00 Regional News
12.05 Colleen Ramsey — Bywyd A
Bwyd 12.30 Heno 1.00 Richard
The Reckoning (BBC1) was a horrific story
that needed to be told, but all the critics failed
BBC1 WALES 8.00 Weatherman 6.30 News; Weather 7.30 Holt: Yr Academi Felys 1.30 Cais
Emmerdale 8.00 Coronation Quinnell 2.00 Newyddion A’r to acknowledge Steve Coogan’s Emmy-worthy
Walking 10.40 BBC Wales Live
11.10 BBC New Comedy Awards Street 9.00 Return To Lockerbie Tywydd 2.05 Prynhawn Da 3.00 portrayal of the monster that was Savile.
You say

11.55 Game On! 1.55 BBC News 10.00 News At Ten 10.40 Newyddion A’r Tywydd 3.05 Having met Savile 20 years ago, I fully
BBC SCOTLAND 7.00 Paramedics Scotland Tonight 11.05 Peston Owain Tudur Jones — Ar Faes Y recognised Steve Coogan’s excellent
On Scene 8.00 Highland Cops 12.00 A Time To Die 1.20 The Gad 4.00 Awr Fawr 5.00 Stwnsh performance of the Jekyll and Hyde character.
9.00 The Nine 10.00 River City People’s History Show 1.50 Cash 6.00 Arfordir Cymru — Mon
Mike Haigh
10.30 Dog Days 11.30-12.00 The Trapped 2.40 Loose Women 3.25 6.30 Rownd A Rownd 6.57
Scandals That Shocked Scotland After Lucy Letby — Silence On Newyddion 7.00 Heno 7.30
STV 6.00 Good Morning Britain The Wards? 3.50 Night Vision Newyddion A’r Tywydd 8.00 None of Richard Osman’s Pointless (BBC1)
9.00 Lorraine 10.00 This Morning 4.50-6.00 The Masked Dancer Pobol Y Cwm 8.55 Newyddion replacements have come close.
12.30 Loose Women 1.30 News; S4C 6.00 Cyw 11.20 Dysgu A’r Tywydd 9.00 Gogglebocs Graeme W Kirkup
Weather 2.00 James Martin’s Gyda Cyw: Caru Canu A Stori Cymru 10.00 Prosiect Pum Mil Send your comments to:
American Adventure 3.00 Lingo 12.00 Newyddion A’r Tywydd 11.00-11.35 Sgwrs Dan Y Lloer

42 12 November 2023
Critics’ choice Remarkable story of
Return To Lockerbie (ITV1, 9pm)
a team driven to win
On the night of December 21,
1988, Lorraine Kelly — who was Brawn — The Impossible
TV-AM’s young Scotland Formula 1 Story (Disney+)
correspondent — received a call Remember when who won
about a “light aircraft” that had F1 titles had yet to become
crashed in the town of Lockerbie. predictable? This film looks
One of the first reporters to arrive back to 2009, when Britain’s
at the site, Kelly instead saw the Ross Brawn stunned his rivals
nose cone of a Boeing 747 in a by winning the constructors’
field, the debris from the terrorist championship with his newborn
bombing that killed all 259 people team Brawn GP. And the team’s
on board Pan-Am flight 103, as British race ace Jenson Button
well as 11 residents of the town. In claimed his only drivers’ title. It
this powerful and moving was Brawn GP’s sole triumph too,
documentary, Kelly returns to as Mercedes then bought it.
Lockerbie to see how that night John Dugdale
affected the people who lived
through it, their harrowing Winning
eyewitness accounts underlining formula: Ross
the scale of the horror and the Brawn (Disney+)
grief. Kelly uncovers a shared
history of untreated post-
traumatic stress disorder, yet also
finds that bonds forged between
Lockerbie residents and families
of the victims have helped with a
slow process of mutual healing.
Victoria Segal Lorraine Kelly when she was TV-AM’s Scotland reporter (ITV1, 9pm)

BBC New Comedy Awards

(BBC1, 10.40pm)
The Lazarus Project
(Sky Max/Now, 9pm)
Who Killed Santa? A Murderville
Murder Mystery
Film choice
Since its launch in 1995, this search Like a mash-up of Groundhog Day (BBC3, 10.30pm) Drive My Car (Film4, 10.50pm)
for new talent has helped to and Spooks, Joe Barton’s brain- Murderville is an American A short story by Haruki Murakami
accelerate the careers of an teasing drama mixes sci-fi and reworking of Murder In Successville, becomes a long movie in this
impressive comedic roll-call, spies, future-saving trips to the past in which Will Arnett plays the Oscar-winning Japanese production
among them Peter Kay, Romesh and more conventional missions equivalent of Tom Davis’s DI Sleet, from 2021. Ryusuke Hamaguchi’s
Ranganathan, Saran Millican and abroad. As series two begins, the and the BBC sitcom’s celebrity film earns its three-hour running
Joe Lycett. More than 1,000 world is in even more danger of impressions are ditched. In this time with a quietly engrossing
stand-up hopefuls applied for this extinction than in the first run. Christmas special, the actors Jason drama about the challenges of
year’s competition. Here, the six So the Project Lazarus team could Bateman (Arrested Development) fathoming other people — the story
finalists emerge from the jostle of do with George’s (Paapa Essiedu) and Maya Rudolph are the of a theatre director (Hidetoshi
the regional heats on to the stage of skills and guts. But he’s in disgrace script-less guest stars who have to Nishijima) getting to know the
Glasgow’s King’s Theatre. There and now has to prove himself all improvise as they assist Arnett’s woman (Toko Miura) working as
will be one final battle of wit(s) over again. senior detective Terry Seattle. his driver. Hamaguchi’s other 2021
before one secures the title of BBC movie, Wheel Of Fortune And
New Comedian of 2023. Hosted by Shakespeare — Rise Of A Genius Fantasy — a collection of three
Rosie Jones, the grand final will be (BBC2, 9pm) tales about nuanced, oddly fated
judged by the stand-up comedians William has become England’s meetings — is on Film4 in the early
Josh Pugh, Zoe Lyons and Darren leading playwright, writing hours of Friday (1.10am).
Harriott. Dan Tiernan, last year’s mid-career masterpieces such as
winner, does the traditional Henry IV and now able to stage My Old Lady (BBC2, 11.45pm)
Eurovision thing of giving one them at the new Globe theatre. But Maggie Smith enlivens this oddly
more special performance before his only son’s death and other gloomy comic drama about an
handing over his crown. Watch blows result in the darker vision of American (Kevin Kline) who
now, and predict who will be on tragedies such as Hamlet. inherits a Paris apartment only
Would I Lie To You? by 2025. VS Paapa Essiedu (Sky Max/Now, 9pm) John Dugdale to find that its elderly resident
has the right to stay. Kristin Scott
Thomas, as the woman’s daughter,
On demand Plus, at five episodes, each a brisk
30 minutes, you can barrel through
○ Veep (Sky/Now)
In the list of great 21st-century
completes the film’s household of
stars. Dir: Israel Horovitz (2014)
○ Nothing (Disney+) the series in one afternoon. comedies, few have maintained
Luis Brandoni, the great Brazilian the high standard of Armando Bone Tomahawk
actor and former politician, plays ○ Little Trains & Big Names Iannucci’s foul-mouthed political (Mubi/Prime Video)
Manuel Tamayo, an ageing (C4 streaming) satire. Originally conceived as This cult favourite begins as a
restaurant critic, and eternal There is no more soothing show a US variant of The Thick Of It, it typical western, complete with a
procrastinator who must suddenly than this confection in which Pete grew over its seven-year run into whiskered sheriff (Kurt Russell).
fend for himself when his maid of Waterman, the music producer and a magnificent portrait of American Eventually, though, it becomes
40 years dies. Shot on location in model railway enthusiast, visits political corruption. Julia Louis- more of a horror movie than a
Buenos Aires, and with a surprise fellow famous ferroequinologists. Dreyfus is simply perfect as horse opera. Be prepared to saddle
pivotal role for Robert De Niro, it’s Sceptics may sneer, but until you’re Selina Meyer, a nightmarish US up for a ride into flamboyant
a sweet, funny rumination on age, seen Jools Holland’s vast historical vice-president. violence. Dir: S Craig Zahler (2015)
loneliness, style and friendship. layout then reserve judgment. Andrew Male Edward Porter
12 November 2023 43
BBC 3 BBC 4 ITV 2 ITV 3 E4
7.00pm Top Gear A race 7.00pm Great British Railway 6.00pm Catchphrase Stephen 5.55pm Heartbeat A violent 6.00pm The Big Bang Theory
between a car and a yacht. Journeys Michael Portillo Mulhern presents more of criminal is released from The gang celebrates
8.00 Race Across The World explores Snowdonia. his favourite moments. prison. (Series 3, ep 2) 6.55 Halloween. (Series 5, ep 7)
A state of emergency is 7.30 Winter Walks A coastal 7.00 Ant & Dec’s Limitless Win Heartbeat One of Nick’s 6.30 The Big Bang Theory
declared at the teams’ next walk from Ravenscar to A husband-and-wife team colleagues is suspected of Penny and Bernadette shop
checkpoint in Ecuador. Robin’s Hood’s Bay. take on the money ladder. robbery; and Greengrass for bridesmaid dresses.
9.00 Charlotte In Sunderland 8.00 Australia — Earth’s 8.00 Bob’s Burgers The develops a keen interest in 7.00 Hollyoaks Chester soap.
The reality star heads out Magical Kingdom Belchers are determined to a villager’s greyhound. 7.30 Young Sheldon The
to Ibiza. 9.30 Charlotte How the nation’s wildlife help Teddy start dating 8.00 Lewis The murder of a youngster’s first day of
In Sunderland Rain has adapted to survive. the girl of his dreams. babysitter whose elbows college is derailed by a
puts a damper on the 9.00 Brian Cox’s Adventures (Series 9, ep 12) 8.30 Bob’s and wrists were tied after teacher. (Series 4, ep 7)
summer fashion launch. In Space And Time Burgers Bob and Linda her killing leads Lewis and 8.00 Modern Family Mitchell
10.00 The Skinny Jab The search for alien life. argue on Valentine’s Day. Hathaway into a world of arranges a police ride-along
Uncovered Investigating 10.00 Making Out Modern 9.00 Big Brother A roundup of squats, swinging and fetish for Cam. (Series 9, ep 19)
the black market in management hits New recent events in the house. photography. (S6, ep 3) 8.30 Modern Family
cut-price ‘skinny jabs’. Lyne Electronics. (S1, ep 5) 10.00 Big Brother — Late & Live 10.00 DCI Banks When the victim Dede pays a surprise visit.
10.30 CHOICE Who Killed 10.50 Making Out Chunky AJ Odudu and Will Best of an attack is found in the 9.00 Married At First Sight UK
Santa? A Murderville and Queenie wed. 11.40 host the companion show. woods, the team wonders The group reunite for
Murder Mystery Making Out An executive 11.05 Family Guy Chris learns whether it is random or the first time since the
Improvised comedy show. manager arrives. 12.30 he is the heir to Carter’s related to the location. (S5, experiment ended.
(7/7; see Critics’ choice) Making Out Orders from fortune. (Series 12, ep 14) ep 1) 11.05-12.05 DCI 10.25 Mafs UK — It’s Official!
11.20 Him & Her Three episodes. head office threaten chaos. 11.35-12.05 Family Guy Banks A woman commits New series. Yasmin Evans
12.50 Charlotte In Sunderland 1.20 As 7pm Peter asks Quagmire and suicide and leaves a note dissects the drama from
1.50 The Skinny Jab Uncovered 1.50 Winter Walks Joe to help him get his confessing to murder — Married at First Sight UK.
2.20-3.50 Him & Her Comedy. 2.20-3.20 As 9pm mojo back. (Series 12, ep 9) but Banks is dubious. 11.00-12.05 Gogglebox

Drama Sky Arts Sky Max Sky Atlantic Talk TV

6.00pm ’Allo ’Allo! René and 6.00pm Tales Of The 6.00pm Stargate SG-1 Daniel 5.30pm Succession Kendall 4.00pm Vanessa Feltz
Edith meet an old friend Unexpected A swindler learns how to defend the plans his next move. (Series Political debates, and
who has changed sides. buys a painting. (Series 3, Earth. (S4, ep 17, R) 7.00 3, ep 1) 6.40 Succession exclusive interviews.
6.40 Last Of The Summer Wine ep 2) 6.30 Tales Of The Stargate SG-1 The team is Kendall tries to find more 6.00 The Talk A panel of famous
Barry tries to become more Unexpected A man is transfixed by a beautiful allies in his fight to take faces debate hot topics.
assertive; and Howard shot in a locked room. but deadly device. (R) over control of Waystar. 7.00 Prime Time Rosanna
takes up weightlifting. 7.00 Alfred Hitchcock 8.00 Strike Back — Silent War 7.50 House Of The Dragon Six Lockwood uses her
7.20 Last Of The Summer Presents: Make My Death Adventure. (S7, ep 5, R) years later, the succession journalistic experience to
Wine Smiler works as a Bed. A woman has an affair 9.00 CHOICE The Lazarus plans for Driftmark become explore the day’s stories.
door-to-door salesman. with a married singer. Project Thriller, with Paapa critical; and Rhaenyra 8.00 Piers Morgan
8.00 Signora Volpe When the 7.30 Alfred Hitchcock Essiedu. (Series 2, ep 1, tries to strike a bargain Uncensored The host
son of an old friend is Presents: The Doubtful see Critics’ choice, R) with Rhaenys. (8/10) presents his verdict on
arrested for murder, Sylvia Doctor. A man sees things 10.00 A League Of Their Own 9.00 The White Lotus Belinda the day’s global events.
interrupts her hunt for a two years back in time. With Christian Horner tries to redirect Tanya’s 9.00 The Independent
stolen truffle pig in order to 8.00 Portrait Artist Of The Year and Alex Brooker. (R) focus to her business Republic Of Mike Graham
investigate. (Last in series) The celebrity sitters are proposal; and Rachel thinks The host looks through the
11.00 FILM: The Expendables 2
10.00 New Tricks The team Josh Widdicombe, Nicky about her future. (S1, ep 5) morning newspapers.
Stars Sylvester Stallone
investigates the murder of Spence and Shirley Ballas. 10.10 Tin Star — Liverpool Jack 11.00-12.00 Piers Morgan
and Jean-Claude Van
a political activist 15 years 9.00 Discovering Fredric arrives in Liverpool hoping Uncensored The host
Damme. The mercenary
earlier. (Series 12, ep 10) March The life of the actor. to reunite with Angela presents his verdict on
team battles a rival band
11.20-1.20 Dalziel & Pascoe 10.00 Stories From The National and Anna. (Series 3, ep 1) the day’s global events.
of hired guns who have
A convicted murderer Portrait Gallery Portraiture 11.10-12.15 Unwanted The Tunis Available on Sky 522; Freeview
killed one of their number.
escapes, and the next through the ages. authorities refuse to accept 237; Virgin 606; Freesat 217;
Nostalgic daftness.
morning a barmaid is 11.00-12.45 Record On Paul the migrants. (3/8; Italian YouTube, connected TVs and
(2012, 15; ends at 1.00)
discovered dead. (S8, ep 3) Weller’s album Wild Wood. and English with subtitles) smart devices


Films 5.50pm Sabrina (1995, PG) 8.00
Maid In Manhattan. A case of
5.50pm The Secret Life Of The Zoo
6.55 The Dog House 7.55 Grand
11.00 Skin A&E 12.00-2.35 Revenge 6.00pm Great British Railway
Journeys 7.00 Antiques Roadshow
SKY CINEMA PREMIERE Designs 9.00 Love It Or List It 10.00 5 USA 8.00 Great Canal Journeys 9.00 The
mistaken identity leads to romance
4.15pm The Last Rifleman (2022, Trains From Hell — Caught On 6.00pm NCIS 9.00 Criminal Minds. Americas 10.00 Bangers & Cash
between a hotel maid and a wealthy
15) 6.10 She Came To Me. A Camera 11.05 24 Hours In A&E 12.10 Four men disappear in Oregon 10.00
politician. (2002, PG) 10.00-12.20 11.00 Abandoned Engineering 12.00-
composer with writer’s block sets Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Notting Hill. Comedy. (1999, 15) Emergency Helicopter Medics 1.00 Great British Railway Journeys
out in search of inspiration. (2023, 12.00 NCIS 2.00-3.35 Blue Bloods
1.15-2.15 999 — On The Front Line
15) 8.00 Big George Foreman. FILM4 DAVE
The life of the former world 4.30pm It’s A Wonderful Life (1946, GOLD 6.00pm Rick Stein — From Venice
6.00pm Border Security —
heavyweight boxing champion. U) 7.10 Daddy’s Home (2015, 12) 6.00pm Still Open All Hours 6.40 To Istanbul 7.00 House Of Games
Australia’s Front Line 7.30 Nothing
(2023, 12) 10.20-12.25 Palm Trees 9.00 Taken. A former CIA agent The Green Green Grass 7.20 The 8.20 Would I Lie To You? 9.00 QI XL
To Declare 8.00 The Equalizer
And Power Lines. Drama. (2022, 15) sets out to rescue his daughter from Good Life 8.00 Dad’s Army 9.20 10.00 David Mitchell’s Outsiders
9.00 The Rookie 10.00 9-1-1 11.00
a gang of sex traffickers. (2008, 18) Only Fools And Horses 10.00 Not The Rookie 12.00 FBI 1.00 FBI — 11.00 Live At The Apollo 12.00 Mock
SKY CINEMA THRILLER 10.50-2.25 CHOICE Drive My Car Going Out 10.40 Live At The Apollo The Week 12.40 Would I Lie To You?
4.15pm Snitch (2013, 12) 6.10 Layer International 2.00-3.00 FBI
(2021, 15; see Film choice) 11.40 The Young Ones 12.30 Only 1.20-2.00 Big Zuu’s Big Eats
Cake. A dealer trying to go straight Fools And Horses 1.05 Not Going W
is sent to find a mobster’s daughter.
(2004, 15) 8.00 The Da Vinci Code.
6.00pm For The Love Of Ada 6.30
Out 1.45-2.40 Live At The Apollo 6.00pm Junior MasterChef Australia
7.30 Inside The Ambulance 8.00
An academic falsely accused of Sherlock Holmes And The Secret SKY COMEDY 999 Rescue Squad 9.00 24 Hours In NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC
murder uncovers a dangerous Weapon. Mystery thriller. (1942, PG) 6.00pm The Conners 6.30 The A&E. Two episodes 11.00 Stacey 6.00pm Lost Treasures Of Egypt
conspiracy. (2006, 15) 10.35-12.25 8.00 Public Eye 9.05 A Prayer For Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air 7.00 Will & Dooley On The Psych Ward 12.00 7.00 Air Crash Investigation 8.00 Car
The Commuter (2018, 15) The Dying. An IRA hitman faces a Grace 8.00 The US Office 9.00 One Born Every Minute 1.00 Dating SOS 11.00 Air Crash Investigation
crisis of conscience. (1987, 15) Breeders 9.30 Romantic Getaway With My Mates 2.00-2.25 Date Night 12.00 To Catch A Smuggler
SKY CINEMA GREATS 11.15-1.20 Eyewitness (1981, 15) 10.30 The Tonight Show 11.30 Girls 1.00-2.00 Banged Up Abroad
4.10pm The Young Victoria (2009, 12.40 Tig Notaro — Boyish Girl COMEDY CENTRAL
PG) 6.05 The Last Of The Mohicans.
(1992, 15) 8.00 Jaws. A police chief
Entertainment Interrupted 1.45-3.15 Bounty Hunters 6.00pm Friends 9.00 Michael
McIntyre’s Big Show 10.00 Michael
6.00pm Salvage Hunters 7.00
has to deal with a giant killer shark ITV4 5 STAR McIntyre — Showtime 11.00 Al Wheeler Dealers 8.00 Railroad Alaska
preying on tourists. (1975, 12) 10.10- 6.35pm Hot Shots 6.45 LIVE 6.00pm Home And Away 7.00 GPs Murray — The Pub Landlord: 9.00 The Garden — Commune Or
1.00 Django Unchained. An escaped Snooker. Champion Of Champions — Behind Closed Doors 8.00 Beautifully British Tour Live At The Cult? New series. A mysterious
slave tries to rescue his wife from a 10.15 All Elite Wrestling 12.20 The Casualty 24/7 — Every Second O2 12.00 The Ricky Gervais Show community opens its doors to
sadistic plantation owner. (2012, 18) Professionals 1.25-2.30 Minder Counts 9.00 Trauma Room One 1.00 Digman! 1.30-2.30 South Park outside cameras for the first time

44 12 November 2023
5 Great shows . . . Radio & Podcasts
Westerns ○ Carrie Jade Does Not
Exist (podcast)
If you enjoyed the
stories, including about
his career as a radio
newsreader and visiting a
compulsive Believe In bar called Carpe Diem,
Magic (BBC Sounds), the “which I’ve always been

Justified (Disney+) Ruthless: series uncovering the meaning to go to”.
Timothy Olyphant Ian McShane secrets behind a charity
stars as the deputy US in Deadwood started by a sickly young ○ Free Thinking
marshal Raylan Givens, a woman and her mother, (Radio 3, 10pm)
maverick Old West-style then this one is for you. Naomi Paxton and the
cop in modern times. Sue Perkins and academics Sophie Oliver
Katherine Denkinson, a and Ana Baeza Ruiz

Yellowstone journalist, look at Carrie discuss the art of female
(Paramount+) Jade Williams, a disabled Taking a closer look: and gender non-
Kevin Costner leads an woman who became Sue Perkins (podcast) conforming artists tied to
excellent cast in the story internet famous after she three new exhibitions.
of a ranching family in posted a video on TikTok ○ Glenn Moore’s Almanac Tate Britain’s Women in
Montana fighting for claiming to have been (Radio 4, 6.30pm) Revolt! is a survey of
their land. discriminated against. The comedian looks at feminist art in Britain
However, it transpired world events and what he between 1970-1990; eco-art

Deadwood that Williams’s identity was doing at the time, and activism is celebrated
(Prime Video) and story were lies, and starting with how the 2011 at the Barbican Centrek
A compelling saga set the real story was of royal wedding provided the and Modern Art Oxford
in a lawless gold rush deception that was bigger backdrop to a love-life presents the work of the
town filled with big than anyone could have crisis. The show’s quality eco-feminist Monica Sjoo.
characters and even imagined. gags are woven into great Clair Woodward
bigger secrets.

TIMES RADIO RADIO 4 EXTRA 5.00 In Tune 7.00 Classical
Westworld (Sky/Now) Mixtape 7.30 In Concert. The
Sci-fi combined 5.00 Rosie Wright With Early 5.00 The Curiosity Cabinet 5.45 violinist Alina Ibragimova and
Breakfast 6.00 Aasmah Mir And Short Works 6.00 Julie Enfield
with traditional Stig Abell With Times Radio Investigates — Murder West One
fortepianist Kristian Bezuidenhout
western themes, join forces with the Basel
Breakfast 10.00 Matt Chorley 1.00 6.45 Dick Barton — Special Agent
Chamber Orchestra for two
Westworld offers Mariella Frostrup 3.00 Jane Garvey 7.00 Grandmothers 7.15 The Old
Mozart concertos. Plus, a Haydn
And Fi Glover 5.00 John Pienaar Wives’ Tale (R) 7.30 Shush! 8.00
viewers gunslingers and Hancock’s Half Hour 8.30 Ballylenon
symphony and a world premiere
With Times Radio Drive 7.00 10.00 Free Thinking. Naomi
robots — what more Pienaar And Friends 8.00 The 9.00 Counterpoint 9.30 The Right
Paxton is joined by academics
could you want? Evening Edition With Kait Borsay Time 10.00 The Curiosity Cabinet
Sophie Oliver and Ana Baeza Ruiz
10.00 Carole Walker 1.00 Stories 10.45 Short Works 11.00 Julie
to discuss exhibitions at Tate
Of Our Times 1.30 Red Box 2.00 Enfield Investigates — Murder West

The English (iPlayer) Highlights From Times Radio One 11.45 Dick Barton — Special
Britain, the Barbican and Modern
Art Oxford 10.45 The Essay. A
A visually stunning Agent 12.00 Grandmothers 12.15
linguistic tour of modern Scotland,
To get in touch with the Times The Old Wives’ Tale (R) 12.30 Shush!
revisionist western, this Radio studio, text TIMES plus your created as part of the Multitrack
1.00 Hancock’s Half Hour 1.30
2022 series stars Emily message to 87222. Texts cost Ballylenon 2.00 Counterpoint 2.30
Audio Fellowship 11.00 Night
Blunt as an English your standard message charge. Tracks. An adventurous, immersive
The Right Time 3.00 The Curiosity
soundtrack for late-night listening
woman in search of those RADIO 4 Cabinet 3.45 Short Works 4.00
12.30 Through The Night
who killed her husband. Julie Enfield Investigates — Murder
5.30 News 5.43 Prayer 5.45 West One 4.45 Dick Barton — CLASSIC FM
Farming Today 5.58 Tweet Of The Special Agent 5.00 Grandmothers
Tim Glanfield Day (R) 6.00 Today 8.31 (LW) 5.15 The Old Wives’ Tale (R) 6.00 Tim Lihoreau 9.00
Yesterday In Parliament 9.00 Life 5.30 Shush! 6.00 Hancock’s Alexander Armstrong 12.00
Changing 9.30 Just One Thing. Half Hour 6.30 Ballylenon 7.00 Anne-Marie Minhall 4.00
Michael Mosley reveals benefits of Counterpoint 7.30 The Right Time Margherita Taylor 7.00 Zeb
walking backwards 9.45 Book Of 8.00 A Broadcasting Life 9.00 Soanes 10.00 Ritula Shah 1.00
10.00 Gold Rush — White Water
11.00 Expedition Unknown 12.00
Moonshiners 1.00-2.00 The
Sport The Week 9.45 (LW) Daily Service
10.00 Woman’s Hour 11.00 Nato’s
Short Cuts 9.30 Doctor Who —
Tenth Doctor Adventures 10.00
Bill Overton 4.00 Lucy Coward
Garden — Commune Or Cult? SKY SPORTS MAIN EVENT Newest Member (R) 11.30 Being I Don’t Know What To Say 10.30
6.00am News 7.00 Good Morning Roman. Mary Beard reveals the Date Night 11.00 The Harpoon 6.30 The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show.
PBS AMERICA Sports Fans 8.00 LIVE ICC Cricket story of a young woman fighting 11.30 The Skewer 11.45-12.00 Vernon Kay is in Derby for the
5.50pm The Stuarts 6.55 Royal World Cup. The first semi-final 4.30 for her family in the chaos of a The Problem With Adam Bloom second day of his Children in
History’s Biggest Fibs. Lucy Worsley Sports Desk 5.00 News 7.00 LIVE brutal civil war 12.00 News 12.01 Need challenge 9.30 Richie
examines the reign of Queen Anne Grand Slam Of Darts. The last-16 of LBC Anderson 12.00 Jeremy Vine
(LW) Shipping 12.04 You And
8.10 1945-1953 — From World War the tournament 11.00-6.00 News Yours 1.00 The World At One 1.45 7.00 Nick Ferrari 10.00 James 2.00 Scott Mills 4.00 Sara Cox
To Cold War 9.20 Afghanistan — The Great Post Office Trial 2.00 O’Brien 1.00 Shelagh Fogarty 4.00 7.00 Jo Whiley 10.00 Trevor
The Wounded Land 10.30-12.00 TNT SPORTS 1 Nelson 12.00 OJ Borg 3.00
The Archers (R) 2.15 Drama: Tom Swarbrick 6.00 Andrew Marr
Royal History’s Biggest Fibs 6.30am Premier League Netbusters Alternative Sounds Of The
Elsinore (R) 3.00 Money Box Live 7.00 Ali Miraj 10.00 Ben Kentish
7.00 WWE Monday Night Raw 9.30 90s With Dermot O’Leary (R)
SKY DOCUMENTARIES 3.30 All In The Mind (R) 4.00 1.00 Richard Spurr 4.00 Ian Payne
Ariel Helwani Meets 10.30 FIM 4.00 Owain Wyn Evans
6.00pm The Seventies 6.55 Sideways 4.30 The Media Show
X-Trial World Championship RADIO 3
Hostages 8.00 The Man Who Played 5.00 PM 5.54 (LW) Shipping 6.00 VIRGIN RADIO
Highlights 11.30 World Rallycross
With Fire 9.00 Six Silent Killings — News 6.30 Glenn Moore’s 6.30 Breakfast 9.00 Essential
Championship Highlights 12.30 The
Ireland’s Vanishing Triangle 10.00- Almanac. New series. The Classics 12.00 Composer Of The 6.30 The Chris Evans Breakfast
WRC Magazine 1.00 The Rugby
12.10 Life Of Crime 1984-2020 comedian reveals what he was Week 1.00 Lunchtime Concert. Show. Music and chat 10.00 Eddy
Review 1.45 Fishing — On The Bank
doing at the time of various world The mezzo Catriona Morison Temple-Morris 1.00 Jayne
2.45 Ligue 1 Highlights 3.45
SKY NATURE events 7.00 The Archers 7.15 Front sings Lieder by Strauss, Brahms, Middlemiss 4.00 Ricky Wilson
National League Highlights 4.15
6.00pm Gangs Of Lemur Island Row 8.00 AntiSocial (R) 8.45 From Mahler and Berg, with the pianist 7.00 Bam 10.00 Amy Voce 1.00
Uefa Champions League Magazine Sean Goldsmith 4.00 Steve Denyer
7.00 Monkey Life. Two editions Fact To Fiction (R) 9.00 When It Malcolm Martineau 2.00 Afternoon
4.45 LIVE EuroCup Basketball:
8.00 The Big Dry 9.00 Great Blue Hits The Fan (R) 9.30 The Media Concert. Jaap van Zweden conducts
Besiktas Emlakjet Istanbul v London TALKSPORT
Wild 10.00 Gangs Of Lemur Island Show (R) 10.00 The World Tonight the Hong Kong Philharmonic
11.00-12.00 Wild Birds Of Australia Lions. Tip-off 5.00 7.00 Premier
10.45 Book At Bedtime 11.00 Big Orchestra in a performance of 5.00 Early Breakfast 6.00
League 8.30 Premier League Reload
Little Questions. Amy Gledhill and Brahms’s Symphony No 4; and the Breakfast 10.00 Jim White
DISCOVERY HISTORY 8.45 Goals Reload 9.00 WWE NXT
Chris Cantrill explore the world of RIAS Chamber Choir sing sacred And Simon Jordan 1.00 Hawksbee
6.00pm Combat Dealers 7.00 Sex, 10.45 WWE Raw Highlights 11.45
accents 11.15 The Skewer 11.30 choral music by Haydn 4.00 And Jacobs 4.00 Drive With
Lies, And The Taj Mahal 8.00 Wings MotoGP Rewind 12.00 Reload 12.30
Today In Parliament 12.00 News Choral Evensong. Live from Andy Goldstein And Darren
Of War 9.00 Combat Dealers 10.00 LIVE NBA 3.00 Fishing — On The
12.30 Book Of The Week (R) 12.48 Hereford Cathedral, with music Bent 7.00 Kick Off 10.00
Salvage Hunters. Quirky items in Bank 4.00 Ligue 1 Highlights
Shipping 1.00 As World Service by Guest, Watson, Byrd and Reger Sports Bar 1.00 Extra Time
Dorset 11.00-12.00 Shed And Buried 5.00-6.00 MotoGP Highlights

12 November 2023 45
BBC 1 BBC 2 ITV 1 Channel 4 Channel 5
6.00 Breakfast Headlines. 6.30 Escape To The Country (R) 6.00 Good Morning Britain 6.05 Countdown Game. (R) 6.00 Milkshake! Children’s fun.
9.15 Morning Live Magazine. 7.15 Antiques Road Trip (R) 9.00 Lorraine Lifestyle chat. 6.45 Cheers Comedy. (R) 9.15 Jeremy Vine Debate.
10.00 Scam Interceptors (R) 8.00 Big Little Journeys The 10.00 This Morning Features. 7.35 Everybody Loves 11.15 Storm Huntley Opinions.
10.45 Dr Xand’s Con Or Cure (R) adventures of pangolin and 12.30 Loose Women Debate. Raymond Comedy. (R) 12.15 Alexis Conran Debate.
11.15 Homes Under The a tamarin family. (Signed, R) 1.30 News; Weather Reports. 8.25 Frasier Sitcom. (R) 12.50 Entertainment News
Hammer Auctions. (R) 9.00 Nicky Campbell Debate. 2.00 James Martin’s American 9.55 Find It, Fix It, Flog It (R) 12.55 News; Weather Reports.
12.15 Bargain Hunt Curios. (R) 10.00 News; Weather Reports. Adventure The chef 10.55 The Great House 1.00 Home And Away Justin
1.00 News; Weather Reports. 12.15 Politics Live Discussion. takes in the sights and Giveaway Property. (R) and Leah’s lives are in
1.45 Doctors Ruhma and Jenny 1.00 The Boss Quiz show. (R) food of Philadelphia. (R) 11.55 News; Weather Reports. serious danger. (R)
are questioned about their 1.45 Lightning Quiz. (R) 3.00 Lingo A father and son, a 12.00 Steph’s Packed Lunch 1.30 My Perfect Christmas
difficult day at St Phil’s. 2.15 Eat Well For Less? (R) pair of sisters and a couple 2.10 Countdown Game. Family Comedy, with Clare
2.15 The Bidding Room Items 3.15 Oceans Documentary. (R) take part in the quiz. (R) 3.00 A Place In The Sun A Bowen. A single woman
include an Evel Knievel doll 4.15 This Farming Life (R) 4.00 Tipping Point Gameshow, woman and her son seek a recruits her best friend and
and a 6-ft long tuna. (R) 5.15 Flog It! At Dover Castle. (R) with Ben Shephard. (R) holiday home on Spain’s her baby nephew to pose
3.00 Escape To The Country 6.00 House Of Games With Jimi 5.00 The Chase Quiz show. (R) Costa del Sol. (R) 4.00 A as her husband and
Steve Brown helps a Famurewa, William Hanson, 6.00 Regional News Update. Place In The Sun A woman child for a contest.
couple move from Sinitta and Maisie Smith. 6.30 News; Weather Reports. seeks a holiday home 3.15 A Christmas Spectacular
London to rural Suffolk. (R) 6.30 Strictly — It Takes Two 7.30 Emmerdale Rhona is around the town of Comedy drama, with Ginna
3.45 Antiques Road Trip The The designer Vicky Gill takes shocked by the situation Albufeira in Portugal. Claire Mason. A high
experts Raj Bisram and a look at what the couples she finds herself in; 5.00 Help! We Bought A Village society bride walks out on
Irita Marriott start their will be wearing at the Dawn has concerns; A couple explore a network her wedding in 1958, to
journey in North Wales. Blackpool Tower Ballroom. and Chloe dreams of underground tunnels. pursue her dream of
4.30 The Repair Shop The team 7.00 Villages By The Sea The while Mack machinates. 6.00 Four In A Bed The Crown becoming a dancer.
restores a shattered archaeologist Ben Robinson 8.30 Britain — On The Sick? Inn in Derbyshire. (R) 5.00 News; Weather Reports.
jewellery box. (R) views the well-preserved Adam Shaw investigates 6.30 Four In A Bed The 6.00 Dogs Behaving (Very)
5.15 Pointless Quiz, hosted by lime kilns in Solva, Wales. why the number of people winner is announced. (R) Badly Graeme Hall meets a
Alexander Armstrong. 7.30 CHOICE Mary Makes It not working because of 7.00 News; Weather Reports. greedy labrador that
6.00 News; Weather Reports. Easy Mary Berry teaches long-term health problems 7.55 Rory Peck Awards constantly scavenges for
6.30 Regional News Update. the dancer Anton Du Beke has risen sharply and is 8.00 The Great British Bake Off things to eat on walks. (R)
7.00 The One Show Features. how to create assorted now at the highest level — An Extra Slice Jo Brand 6.55 News; Weather Reports.
7.30 EastEnders Sharon reels dishes. (See Critics’ choice) since records began. hosts the companion show 7.00 Waitrose — Britain’s
after the news at Albie’s 8.00 Saving Lives At Sea On 9.00 Inside M&S The team at to the baking contest, as Poshest Supermarket
hospital appointment and the northeastern tip of Marks & Spencer’s try to series fans Aisling Bea, Documentary uncovering
finds herself lashing out at Scotland, the crew at Wick get the Lakeside Shopping Scarlett Moffatt and Nabil the inner workings of the
Keanu for continuing to begin a frantic search to Centre branch ready for Abdulrashid help her review supermarket brand.
plan their engagement find a paddleboarder who Christmas; and Davina the first ever party week. 7.55 News; Weather Reports.
drinks; and Cindy invites has drifted a mile out to sea. McCall pitches to the 9.00 Taskmaster Julian Clary 8.00 Inside The Tower Of
Kathy and Rocky to 9.00 The Newsreader The company’s lingerie team. makes smart use of a London It is May and the
move back into No 45. plummeting stock market 10.00 News At Ten Bulletin. fishing rod; and Lucy Tower is preparing for
8.00 MasterChef — The mirrors Helen’s personal 10.45 Regional Programme Beaumont asks Alex the crowning of a new
Professionals The last descent as the office 11.15 DNA Journey The actors Horne to sit on a sled. monarch — among those
quarter-final sees the chefs receives contact from a Neil Morrissey and Adrian 10.00 Hullraisers Toni decides featured is the first female
asked to deliver a dish that gossip columnist intent on to teach Craig a lesson. yeoman warder to take
Dunbar embark on a
represents sunshine — a exposing her tumultuous (Series 2, ep 3) 10.30 part in a royal coronation.
journey across UK and
bright, light and colourful past. (Series 2, ep 3) Hullraisers Rana’s mum 9.00 The King’s Guard —
Ireland to explore their
dish that transports the 9.50 The Fast And The risks being accused of Serving The Crown
family histories.. (R)
diner to sunnier climes. Farmer-ish Northern involvement with a gang. New documentary series
12.20 All Elite Wrestling
9.00 CHOICE DIY SOS Designer Ireland’s Bogmen and 11.00 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does going behind the scenes of
— Rampage Hard-hitting
Gabrielle Blackman, a team Determinators go up Countdown Sean Lock the elite regiments of the
action from America. (R)
of experts and well-known against each other, and Harry Hill take on Jon British Army’s Household
1.15 Cash Trapped Quiz. (R)
faces including Sam Ryder tackling extreme racing, Richardson and Rosie Division in one of the
2.05 Loose Women Debate. (R)
build a bespoke counselling reversing and mowing Jones in the gameshow. (R) busiest years in its history.
2.55 Ellie Simmonds — Finding
and therapy centre for challenges to grab a place 12.05 Bangers — Mad For Cars 10.00 Broadmoor — Serial
My Secret Family (R)
bereaved young people in the semi-final. (R) The best cars of the 1980s, Killers & High Security
3.50 Unwind Daily relaxation.
in Risley, Derbyshire. 10.00 Mock The Week With Ed 1990s and 2000s. (R) An insight into the workings
Byrne, Rhys James, Athena 5.05-6.00 Moneyball (R)
(See Critics’ choice) 1.00 Iris Prize Best British of the high-security
10.00 News; Weather Reports. Kugblenu, Laura Lexx and Shorts: Internal Conflict. psychiatric hospital. (R)
10.40 Question Time Fiona Bruce Alasdair Beckett-King. (R) 2.20 iTales Short films. 11.30 Police Interceptors A car
hosts the debate from 10.30 Newsnight Headlines. fails to stop for officers in
11.15 Wild Caribbean Central 2.50 FILM: Unsane Stars Claire
Bridgwater, Somerset. Worksop, and the driver
American coastline. (R) Foy. A woman is committed
11.40 Newscast A weekly then escapes on foot. (R)
to a psychiatric institute,
roundup from Westminster. 12.15 Secrets Of The Aquarium 12.30 ICC Cricket World Cup
where she is confronted
12.10 Survivor Challenge. (R) Behind the scenes at 1.25 Casino Show Gambling.
by her greatest fear.
1.15-6.00 Joins BBC News the National Marine 3.25 New Lives In The Wild (R)
Uneven thriller. (2018, 15)
Aquarium in Plymouth. (R) 4.15 Get Your Tatts Out —
SCOTLAND 11.15 Bargain Hunt. 1.15 Louis Theroux Interviews 4.30 Love It Or List It (R) Kavos Ink Body art. (R)
12.00 First Minister’s Questions. Documentary. (Signed, R) 5.25 Strangers On A Plane (R) 5.00 Divine Designs (R)
6.30 Reporting Scotland; 2.00-4.00 Strictly Come 5.50-6.05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 5.25 House Doctor Advice. (R)
Weather. 7.00 River City. Dancing (Signed, R) Building lives better (BBC1, 9pm) Items in South Wales. (R) 5.50-6.00 Entertainment News

Variations American Adventure 3.00 Lingo

3.59 STV Weather 4.00 Tipping
6.00 Cyw 12.00 Newyddion A’r
Tywydd 12.05 Dim Byd I’w Wisgo
If you ever needed a reason to hand back
your TV licence, The Travelling Auctioneers
BBC1 WALES 1.10 BBC News Point 5.00 The Chase 6.00 12.30 Heno 1.00 Mamwlad 1.30
Regional News 6.30 News 7.30 Pobol Y Rhondda 2.00 (BBC1) is it. Contrived and phoney, with two
BBC SCOTLAND 7.00 Scotland’s
Home Of The Year 7.30 The Great Emmerdale 8.30 Scotland Newyddion A’r Tywydd 2.05 patronising presenters. Should be on CBeebies.
You say

Food Guys 8.00 Scotland’s Tonight: Donor Conceived Prynhawn Da 3.00 Newyddion A’r Kath Almond
Weather — Our Changing Children 9.00 Inside M&S 10.00 Tywydd 3.05 Gwesty Aduniad
Seasons 8.30 Landward. Reports News 10.30 Regional News 10.45 4.00 Awr Fawr 5.00 Stwnsh 6.00 Simon Schama’s Shakespeare, superb; David
on rural and agricultural Britain — On The Sick? 11.10 The Y Sioe Fwyd 6.30 Sgwrs Dan Y Lloer
Olusoga’s Union, gripping; and now new
developments 9.00 The Nine Motorbike Show 12.05 Long Lost 6.57 Newyddion 7.00 Heno 7.30
Family — Born Without Trace Newyddion A’r Tywydd 8.00 Shetland, brilliant... BBC you are spoiling us!
10.00 Shetland 11.00 Sportscene
11.45-12.00 Growing Up Scottish 12.50 Sorry, I Didn’t Know 1.15 Pobol Y Cwm 8.25 Rownd A Rownd John Hepworth
STV 6.00 Good Morning Britain Cash Trapped 2.05 Loose Women 8.55 Newyddion A’r Tywydd
9.00 Lorraine 10.00 This Morning 2.55 Ellie Simmonds — Finding 9.00 Y Frwydr — Stori Anabledd
12.30 Loose Women 1.30 News; My Secret Family 3.50 Night 10.00 Y Byd Yn Ei Le 10.45 Send your comments to:
Weather 2.00 James Martin’s Vision 5.05-6.00 Moneyball S4C Bwmp 11.00-11.45 Rygbi Pawb

46 12 November 2023
Critics’ choice It was ‘Bye-bye’ and
JFK — The Home Movie that
now its ‘Eh-oh’ again
Changed the World (ITVX)
When John F Kennedy was Teletubbies Let’s Go (ITVX)
assassinated in Dallas on In March 1997 children said “Eh-
November 22, 1963, a local oh” to Tinky-Winky, Dipsy, Laa-
garment maker called Abe Laa and Po for the first time and
Zapruder happened to capture prompted a panic that the cuddly
the most complete record of the characters’ semi-formed language
shooting with his home-movie and demands of “Again! Again!”
camera. Before the 60th might turn infants into spoilt,
anniversary of the president’s inarticulate, screen-obsessed
death, this documentary follows idiots. As this spin-off CGI series,
the course of JFK’s final day, with first shown on YouTube, makes
testimony from eyewitnesses its way to ITVX, it’s a huge relief
heard over archive news footage; that this did not come to pass.
Zapruder’s story — who he was, Goodnight children, everywhere.
why he was in Dealey Plaza to Helen Stewart
watch the motorcade, his reaction
to seeing bullets hit Kennedy — is They’re back!
deftly woven into the overall
narrative. Foreshadowing the way
amateur phone images now
provide key visual evidence of
news events, the 26-second
“Zapruder film” was used by the
Warren Commission on the
assassination and later acquired
for the national archive.
John Dugdale The rights to Zapruder’s film were acquired for $16 million (ITVX)

DIY SOS (BBC1, 9pm)

For the second year running,
The Art Of Film
(Sky Arts/Now, 8pm)
JFK — The Final Evidence
(Sky History/Now, 10pm)
Film choice
Radio 2 teams up with DIY SOS as Sky Arts’ film school with Ian On the instruction of President Planet Of The Apes (BBC4, 8pm)
Nick Knowles and co make their Nathan, the film critic and writer, Biden, the US National Archives Its use of actors in ape suits might
annual contribution to Children In looks tonight at how war is released 13,173 documents relating stagger viewers who take CGI for
Need. Last year, DJs donned hard depicted on screen. The fact that to the assassination of John F granted, but the first film based on
hats and hi-vis as Chris, Jules, those of us with phones in our Kennedy. If he thought that would Pierre Boulle’s 1963 novel about a
Billy and Gabrielle (plus their pockets are seeing the most stop the conspiracists, he was world of dominant apes is still
volunteer army) constructed a safe brutal conflicts unfold daily wrong. About 4,400 files remain fantastic entertainment. The story,
space for vulnerable girls and on our timelines goes unaddressed, classified, and they occupy the with its wild ideas and satirical
young women in Leeds. This but his structured approach is a imaginations of those behind this ending, is popular science fiction at
time, they create a building for blessing, picking over those history series, which charts the its best, and Charlton Heston is on
Treetops Hospice in Derbyshire films that were propagandist in birth of the CIA, the rise of JFK and good form as a human astronaut.
where young people experiencing nature and those that began the the history of an odd chap named The rugged star (featured in an
traumatic bereavement can receive postwar recovery. Lee Harvey Oswald. episode of Talking Pictures on
support and counselling, and are BBC4 at 9.50pm/2.55am) keeps his
joined by presenters including Mary Makes It Easy dignity despite a beard-and-
Zoe Ball, Kate Bottley, Scott Mills (BBC2, 7.30pm) loincloth makeover. Dir: Franklin J
and Jeremy Vine (but not the Mary Berry spends a summer day Schaffner (1968)
Radio 2 DJ Vernon Kay, who is in in Bournemouth teaching Anton du
training to run 115 miles over four Beke, the dance show judge, how The Big Man (Film4, 9pm)
days for Children in Need). There to make basic family meals. Taking Starring Liam Neeson as a
are poignant interviews with some inspiration from his approach to Lanarkshire miner forced into
of the youngsters who will benefit, choreography as a Strictly pro, she bare-knuckle boxing, David
and a concluding reveal that keeps the recipes simple yet adds Leland’s film is a tough drama with
includes an appearance by Sophie a bit of razzle-dazzle. a terrific fight scene thrown in. It
Ellis-Bextor. JD Step by step (BBC2, 7.30pm) Helen Stewart features actors you might expect
to see in a film about working-class
Scots — notably Ian Bannen and
On demand in the way. Thirty years on, it’s
those monster-of-the-week
corrupt modern city on the brink
of moral and financial collapse.
Billy Connolly — and one you might
not: Hugh Grant. (1990)
○ The X-Files (C4 streaming) episodes that stand up the best.
Back in 1993, Chris Carter’s ○ Once Upon A Time In Northern Parasite (Netflix)
paranormal sci-fi drama seemed to ○ Suburræterna (Netflix) Ireland (BBC iPlayer) Netflix has added a classic to its
be primarily about the FBI agents In 2008, a new kind of organised One of 2023’s TV triumphs was movie catalogue with the arrival
Fox Mulder and Dana Scully (David crime flourished in Rome, James Bluemel’s five-part of Bong Joon-ho’s Oscar-winning
Duchovney and Gillian Anderson) documented in Stefano Sollima’s documentary analysis of the thriller. A story of crafty schemers
investigating a government 2015 crime drama Suburra and its Troubles. It was a chronological (led by Song Kang-ho) preying on
conspiracy about the alien Netflix spin-off, Suburra — Blood On tale of individuals that gradually a rich family, it highlights the tiers
colonisation of Earth. Occasionally Rome. Now comes the next chapter. revealed how human lives were in South Korean society, and the
there’d be one-off episodes about Harking back to Italy’s 1970s shaped, changed and destroyed by audacious plot keeps revealing its
paranormal events or cosmic “Poliziotteschi” crime films, this is these grim and harrowing events. own dark new levels. (2019)
horror, but they just seemed to get gritty, brutal storytelling about a Andrew Male Edward Porter
12 November 23 47
BBC 3 BBC 4 ITV 2 ITV 3 E4
7.00pm Top Gear A search 7.00pm The Sky At Night Meets 6.00pm Catchphrase Lady 5.55pm Heartbeat An 6.00pm The Big Bang Theory
for the world’s best taxi. The Infinite Monkey Cage Leshurr, Gabby Logan and attempted murder leads Sheldon has to face his fear
8.00 Race Across The World Astronomy-themed show. Adam Thomas take part. Nick to investigate a local of birds. (Series 5, ep 9)
The teams venture through 7.30 Great British Railway 7.00 Ant & Dec’s Limitless Win landowner. (Series 3, ep 4) 6.30 The Big Bang Theory
Peru’s high altitudes. Journeys Michael Portillo Two friends return to try to 6.55 Heartbeat A wedding Stuart asks Amy on a date.
9.00 RuPaul’s Drag Race UK travels from Aberystwyth climb up the money ladder. is thrown into confusion by 7.00 Hollyoaks Chester soap.
The queens compete in to Newtown, Powys. 8.00 Bob’s Burgers Tina is a family death; and Kate is 7.30 Young Sheldon George Sr
a makeover challenge. disheartened when Jimmy displeased when a relative learns Georgie has been
8.00 CHOICE Planet Of The
10.00 The After Shave Review. Jr fails to ask her out to brings important news. missing class. (S4, ep 8)
Apes Stars Charlton Heston
10.20 Love, Victor Rahim and prom. (Series 9, ep 14) 8.00 Vera DCI Vera Stanhope is 8.00 Modern Family Things
and Roddy McDowall.
Victor skip school. (Series 8.30 Bob’s Burgers called to the scene when get awkward when Haley
(1968, PG; see Film choice)
2, ep 9) 10.45 Love, Victor Louise wins a contest to the body of an addiction meets Arvin’s parents.
Victor and Felix consider 9.50 Talking Pictures A look be the principal for a day. support worker is found in (S9, ep 21) 8.30 Modern
their futures. (Last in series) at Charlton Heston’s 9.00 Big Brother A chance to the bleak woodlands of Family Gloria’s dinosaur
11.20 Fleabag The first episode television appearances. catch up on what has been Northumberland National party for Joe is ruined.
of the comedy, with Phoebe 10.30 FILM: All The President’s going on in the house. Park. (Series 11, ep 2) 9.00 Married At First Sight UK
Waller-Bridge. (S1, ep 1) Men Stars Robert Redford 10.00 Big Brother — Late & Live 10.00 DCI Banks The search for a It is the final reunion and
11.45 Fleabag Dumped by and Dustin Hoffman. Taut AJ Odudu and Will Best missing devoted husband the group look back on the
her boyfriend, Fleabag tries political drama. (1976, 15) host the companion show. and father soon escalates experiment. (Last in series)
to rekindle romantic fires. 11.05 Family Guy Stewie helps into a kidnap and ransom 10.25 Married At First Sight NZ
12.15 RuPaul’s Drag Race UK 12.45 Talking Pictures Chris battle some school case. (Series 5, ep 3) New run of the social
1.15 The Big Proud Party 1.25 As 7.30pm bullies. (Series 12, ep 15) 11.05-12.05 DCI Banks experiment, beginning as
Agency An anniversary. 1.55 Australia — Earth’s 11.35-12.05 Family Guy The team is thrown when a the brides and grooms go
1.45 Charlotte In Sunderland Magical Kingdom Wildlife. Three fairy tales are retold recently rescued kidnap on their hen and stag dos.
2.45-3.45 As 9pm 2.55-3.35 Talking Pictures Quahog-style. (S12, ep 10) victim is found murdered. 11.30-12.35 Gogglebox

Drama Sky Arts Sky Max Sky Atlantic Talk TV

6.00pm ’Allo ’Allo! General Von 6.00pm Tales Of The 6.00pm Stargate SG-1 Carter 5.30pm Succession Tom 4.00pm Vanessa Feltz
Klinkerhoffen decides to Unexpected An acid- takes a cadet under her makes a potentially life- Political debates, and
restart the local newspaper. tongued gossip columnist wing. (Series 4, ep 19, R) altering offer. (Series 3, ep exclusive interviews.
6.40 Last Of The Summer Wine gets his comeuppance. 7.00 Stargate SG-1 An 3) 6.40 Succession Logan 6.00 The Talk A panel of famous
Compo, Clegg and Truly (Series 3, ep 4) 6.30 Tales alien probe takes over the and Kendall have their first faces debate the topics
meet a man testing for Of The Unexpected A computer system and meeting together with Josh, everybody is talking about.
earthquakes. 7.20 Last Of selfish woman needs help. accesses sensitive data. (R) a serious investor worried 7.00 Prime Time Rosanna
The Summer Wine Truly 7.00 Portrait Artist Of The Year 8.00 An Idiot Abroad 3 Karl about their family feud. Lockwood reports on the
buys an old lawnmower, The celebrity sitters are Pilkington and Warwick 7.50 House Of The Dragon day’s stories, with expert
which Compo and Clegg Josh Widdicombe, Nicky Davis land roles in a Alicent enlists help to analysis and lively debate.
promptly help him to sell. Spence and Shirley Ballas. Bollywood movie and track down Aegon; and 8.00 Piers Morgan
8.00 The Mallorca Files 8.00 CHOICE The Art Of Film watch a sunset. (R) members of the Great Uncensored The host
Miranda and Max try to find Ian Nathan looks at how 9.00 Cobra — Rebellion Houses of Westeros affirm presents his verdict on
a masked assailant who film-makers have depicted Goddard demands that their allegiance. (9/10) the day’s global events.
stole the famous Icon of St war, including expanding Sutherland resign or the 9.00 The Gilded Age Period 9.00 The Independent
Nicholas. (Series 1, ep 3) understanding of the Damocles weapon will drama set in the 1880s Republic Of Mike Graham
9.00 The Mallorca Files nature of war and humanity. be fired. (Last in series) following the fortunes of a The host looks through the
The duo investigate the (See Critics’ choice) 10.00 Brassic After discovering young woman, with Louisa morning newspapers.
mysterious disappearance 9.00 Discovering A profile of Manolito has been playing Jacobson. (Series 2, ep 3) 11.00-12.00 Piers Morgan
of a supermodel. the actor Tom Hanks. them, the gang sets out to 10.10 Billions Senior and Chuck’s Uncensored The host
10.00-12.00 New Tricks Pilot 10.00 The Eighties The events frame him. (Last in series) friends take Chuck on a presents his verdict on
episode of the crime of Ronald Reagan’s two 11.00-1.00 Movie Megastars retreat to regroup. (S6, the day’s global events.
drama, with Amanda terms in the White House. — Made In The 80s A look ep 10) 11.20-12.25 Billions Available on Sky 522; Freeview 237;
Redman, Alun Armstrong 11.00-12.00 The Directors The at some of the biggest film A discovery sets off chaos Virgin 606; Freesat 217; YouTube,
and James Bolam. (S1, ep 1) life and work of Rob Reiner. stars of the decade. (R) at Michael Prince Capital. connected TVs and smart devices

SKY CINEMA SELECT 10.15 FILM: A Fistful Of Dollars. Stars 5 STAR YESTERDAY
Films 6.00pm Maid In Manhattan.
Romantic comedy. (2002, PG) 8.00
Clint Eastwood and Gian Maria
Volonte. Western 12.20 Minder
6.00pm Home And Away. Two
episodes 7.00 GPs — Behind Closed
6.00pm Great British Railway
Journeys 7.00 Antiques Roadshow
SKY CINEMA PREMIERE 1.25-2.35 Dempsey And Makepeace Doors 8.00 Junior Doctors Down
Notting Hill. A bookshop owner falls 8.00 Bangers & Cash — Restoring
4.25pm The Last Rifleman (2022, Under 9.00 Ambulance — Code Red
for a film star, but media interest Classics. The team take on a Series 1
15) 6.20 She Came To Me (2023, makes the relationship tricky. MORE4 10.00 A&E After Dark 11.00 Trauma Land Rover 9.00 Bangers & Cash.
15) 8.00 Big George Foreman. (1999, 15) 10.05-12.10 Downton 5.50pm The Secret Life Of The Zoo Room One 12.00 GPs — Behind Two editions 11.00 Abandoned
The life of the former world Abbey — A New Era (2022, PG) 6.55 The Dog House 7.55 Grand Closed Doors 1.00 Killer At The Engineering 12.00-1.00 Great
heavyweight boxing champion. Designs 9.00 Ancient Egypt By Crime Scene 2.00-2.50 Revenge British Railway Journeys
(2023, 12) 10.20-12.10 The Pope’s FILM4 Train. With Alice Roberts 10.00 Sky
Exorcist. The chief exorcist for the 4.10pm The Wackiest Ship In The Coppers 11.05 24 Hours In A&E 5 USA DAVE
Vatican investigates the possession Army (1960, U) 6.25 Star Trek Into 12.10 Emergency Helicopter Medics 6.00pm NCIS 9.00 Jesse Stone 6.00pm Rick Stein’s Mediterranean
of a young boy. (2023, 15) Darkness (2013, 12) 9.00 CHOICE 1.10-2.15 999 — On The Front Line — Stone Cold 11.00 Law & Order: Escapes 7.00 House Of Games
The Big Man. An unemployed Special Victims Unit. Two episodes 8.20 Would I Lie To You? 9.00 QI
SKY CINEMA THRILLER Scottish miner turns to bare-knuckle GOLD 1.00 NCIS 2.00-3.35 Blue Bloods 10.00 Gavin & Stacey 10.40 Two
6.00pm A Walk Among The boxing. (1990, 18; see Film choice) 6.00pm Still Open All Hours 6.40 Pints Of Lager And A Packet Of
Tombstones (2014, 15) 8.00 Angels The Green Green Grass 7.20 The SKY WITNESS
11.20-1.10 Dredd (2012, 18) 6.00pm Nothing To Declare 8.00 Crisps 12.00 Mock The Week 12.40
& Demons. Four cardinals in line to Good Life 8.00 Dad’s Army. Double Would I Lie To You? 1.20-2.20 QI
become Pope are kidnapped by a TALKING PICTURES TV bill 9.20 Only Fools And Horses The Equalizer 9.00 FBI 10.00 FBI —
International 11.00 The Rookie 12.00
mysterious sect. (2009, 12)
10.25-12.25 Revolver. A gambler is
5.05pm The Shillingbury Blowers
(1980, U) 6.45 Between The Tides
10.00 Not Going Out 10.35 I’m Alan
Partridge 11.15 The Young Ones 9-1-1 1.00-3.00 FBI — Most Wanted Factual
helped by two enigmatic loan 1958 7.10 Saloon Bar (1940, PG) 12.00 Only Fools And Horses W NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC
sharks to exact revenge on his 8.40 Mortimer’s Musings 9.00 12.40 Not Going Out 1.15 I’m Alan 6.00pm DIY SOS 8.00 999 Rescue 6.00pm Lost Treasures Of Egypt
deranged former boss. (2005, 15) Rumpole Of The Bailey 10.05-12.00 Partridge 1.55-2.35 The Young Ones Squad 9.00 24 Hours In A&E 11.00 7.00 Air Crash Investigation 8.00
A Kiss Before Dying (1956, PG) Stacey Dooley — Back On The Psych Ultimate Supercar 9.00 Ice Road
SKY CINEMA GREATS SKY COMEDY Rescue 10.00 Drain The Oceans
Ward 12.20 One Born Every Minute
5.45pm World Trade Center (2006,
12) 8.00 Nope. The residents of a
Entertainment 6.00pm The Conners 6.30 The Fresh
Prince Of Bel-Air. Philip’s former
1.25-2.15 Dating With My Mates 11.00 Air Crash Investigation
12.00 To Catch A Smuggler
lonely valley in inland California ITV4 girlfriend visits 7.00 Will & Grace COMEDY CENTRAL 1.00-2.00 Banged Up Abroad
bear witness to an uncanny and 5.30pm Minder 6.35 World Of Sport 8.00 The US Office 9.00 Girls 10.15 6.00pm Friends 9.00 FILM: The
chilling discovery. (2022, 15) 6.45 LIVE Snooker. Champion The Tonight Show 11.15 Breeders Breakfast Club 11.00 Michael DISCOVERY
10.15-12.20 Interview With The Of Champions. Coverage of the 11.45 Sex And The City 12.55-2.05 McIntyre 12.00 Reno 911! 1.00 Ugly 6.00pm Salvage Hunters 7.00
Vampire. Gothic horror. (1994, 18) evening session on day four Drew Michael — Red Blue Green Americans 1.30-2.30 South Park Wheeler Dealers 8.00 Railroad Alaska

48 12 November 2023
5 Performances... Radio & Podcasts
The Queen ○ 28 Dates Later
Grace Campbell’s
Wrote. In a London Review
of Books podcast, What is
British Humour
world-weary delivery is Anyway?, Jonathan Coe
perfect for this new discusses what makes our

Claire Foy Helen Mirren twice-weekly series on comedy special and UK
(The Crown, Netflix) in The Queen the horrors of modern political satire with Malin
The original star of the dating. Running up to Hay.
drama, Foy won popular Valentine’s Day, the
and critical acclaim for comedian and writer ○ Gangster
her fine performance as aims to go on 28 dates (BBC Sounds)
the young monarch. over two months, going In this new series of
out with men who are Gangster, Livvy Haydock

Helen Mirren different from her usual Date night: Grace Campbell looks at Birmingham’s
(The Queen, Disney) type. There’s post-match (28 Dates Later podcast) Burger Bar Boys, a gang
She won an Oscar for (or badly matched) formed after the 1983
her role in Stephen analysis with Grace and ○ Great Lives Handsworth riots who
Frears’ drama about her friends Roz and Dan, (Radio 4 Extra, 9pm) fought with machineguns.
the royals in turmoil. who offer tough love on Penelope Keith nominates They murdered two
her behaviour. Good to Morecambe and Wise with teenage girls in a drive-by

Olivia Colman hear a man involved in the help of Eric’s son, Gary, shooting in 2003, and the
(The Crown, this, as there are too and Martin Sterling, the deaths led to the gang’s
Netflix) many dating podcasts Coronation Street script grip being loosened as
The second actress to play which involve women editor and the consultant those terrorised by them
the part in The Crown, endlessly dissing their on the comedy based on spoke out.
Colman won a Golden hapless suitors. the duo, The Play What I Clair Woodward
Globe and an Emmy.
TIMES RADIO RADIO 4 EXTRA 5.00 In Tune 7.00 Classical

Emma Thompson Mixtape 7.30 In Concert. Live
(Playhouse Presents 5.00 Rosie Wright With Early 5.00 The Curiosity Cabinet 5.45 from City Halls, Glasgow, Alpesh
Breakfast 6.00 Aasmah Mir And Short Works 6.00 Julie Enfield
. . . Walking The Dogs, Chauhan conducts the BBC
Stig Abell With Times Radio Investigates — Murder West One
Scottish Symphony Orchestra in a
YouTube) Breakfast 10.00 Matt Chorley 1.00 6.45 Dick Barton — Special Agent
concert of Strauss and Mahler
A retelling of the 1982 Mariella Frostrup 3.00 Jane Garvey 7.00 Grandmothers 7.15 The Old
10.00 Free Thinking. Matthew
And Fi Glover 5.00 John Pienaar Wives’ Tale (R) 7.30 The Break 8.00
palace break-in by Dad’s Army 8.30 Second Thoughts
Sweet is joined by guests
With Times Radio Drive 7.00 including the authors Una
Michael Fagan. Pienaar And Friends 8.00 The 9.00 The Unbelievable Truth 9.30
McCormack and Naomi Alderman
Evening Edition With Kait Borsay Stockport, So Good They Named It
to discuss Ursula Le Guin’s The

Jeannette 10.00 Henry Bonsu 1.00 Stories Once 10.00 The Curiosity Cabinet
Ones Who Walk Away from
Of Our Times 1.30 Red Box 2.00 10.45 Short Works 11.00 Julie
Charles Highlights From Times Radio Enfield Investigates — Murder West
Omelas 10.45 The Essay. Artists,
writers and thinkers talk about
(Various) One 11.45 Dick Barton — Special
how they have been shaped by
To get in touch with the Times Agent 12.00 Grandmothers 12.15
In films from Radio studio, text TIMES plus your their ’ways of being’ (R) 11.00
The Old Wives’ Tale (R) 12.30 The
The Naked message to 87222. Texts cost Break 1.00 Dad’s Army 1.30 Second
The Night Tracks Mix. Sara
Gun to Austin your standard message charge. Mohr-Pietsch with a magical sonic
Thoughts 2.00 The Unbelievable
journey for late-night listening
Powers. RADIO 4 Truth 2.30 Stockport, So Good They
11.30 Unclassified. Music by Lisa
Named It Once 3.00 The Curiosity
5.30 News 5.43 Prayer 5.45 Cabinet 3.45 Short Works 4.00 Lerkenfeldt and Makoto Nomura
Tim Farming Today 5.58 Tweet Of The Julie Enfield Investigates — Murder 12.30 Through The Night
Glanfield Day (R) 6.00 Today 8.31 (LW) West One 4.45 Dick Barton — CLASSIC FM
Yesterday In Parliament 9.00 In Special Agent 5.00 Grandmothers
Our Time 9.45 Book Of The Week 5.15 The Old Wives’ Tale (R) 5.30 6.00 Tim Lihoreau 9.00
9.45 (LW) Daily Service 10.00 The Break 6.00 Dad’s Army 6.30 Alexander Armstrong 12.00
Woman’s Hour 11.00 From Our Second Thoughts 7.00 The Anne-Marie Minhall 4.00
9.00 Survive The Raft. A newcomer
comes ready to light a match and
watch the raft burn 10.00 Naked
Sport Own Correspondent 11.30 A Good
Read. Harriett Gilbert talks books
Unbelievable Truth 7.30 Stockport,
So Good They Named It Once 8.00
Margherita Taylor 7.00 Zeb
Soanes 10.00 Ritula Shah 1.00
SKY SPORTS MAIN EVENT with India Knight and Emma The Real Comedy Controllers — Bill Overton 4.00 Lucy Coward
And Afraid Brazil 11.15 Expedition
Unknown 12.15-1.15 Moonshiners 6.00am News 7.00 LIVE DP World Dabiri (R) 12.00 News 12.01 (LW) The Things That Made Us Laugh RADIO 2
Tour Golf 8.00 LIVE ICC Cricket Shipping 12.04 You And Yours 9.00 Great Lives 9.30 Doctor
PBS AMERICA World Cup. The second semi-final 12.32 Sliced Bread 1.00 The Who — Tenth Doctor Adventures 6.30 The Zoe Ball Breakfast
5.45pm Israel — A Twice Promised 4.30 Sports Desk 5.00 LIVE PGA World At One 1.45 The Great Post 10.00 It’s A Fair Cop 10.30 The Show. Vernon Kay is in the Peak
Land 6.55 Royal History’s Biggest Tour Golf. The RSM Classic 7.00 Office Trial 2.00 The Archers (R) Lawrence Sweeney Mix 11.00 District 9.30 Richie Anderson
Fibs 8.10 1945-1953 — From World LIVE Grand Slam Of Darts. Day six 2.15 Drama: Elsinore, by Sebastian State Of The Nations 11.30-12.00 12.00 Jeremy Vine 2.00 Scott
War To Cold War 9.20 Afghanistan 11.00 News 12.00 LIVE NFL 4.30- Baczkiewicz. Unrest at King A Look Back At The Future Mills 4.00 Sara Cox 7.00 Jo
— The Wounded Land 10.30-12.00 6.00 LIVE Formula 1. The Las Vegas Hamlet’s increasingly repressive Whiley 10.00 Trevor Nelson’s
Royal History’s Biggest Fibs Grand Prix first practice session LBC 12.00 OJ Borg 3.00 Sounds Of
regime forces his brother
Claudius to act. With John Light 7.00 Nick Ferrari 10.00 James The 90s With Fearne Cotton (R)
6.00pm The Eighties 6.55 Hostages and John Heffernan (R) 3.00 O’Brien 1.00 Shelagh Fogarty 4.00
6.00am Reload 6.30 Serie A — Full
8.00 The Man Who Played With Fire Open Country 3.27 Appeal (R) Tom Swarbrick 6.00 Andrew Marr VIRGIN RADIO
Impact 7.00 Ariel Helwani Meets
9.00 You Were My First Boyfriend 3.30 Open Book (R) 4.00 Legend 7.00 Ali Miraj 10.00 Ben Kentish
7.15 WWE NXT 9.00 Badminton
11.00-1.00 Sergio Leone — The — The Joni Mitchell Story. 1.00 Clive Bull 4.00 Ian Payne 6.30 The Chris Evans Breakfast
Weekly 9.15 Reload 9.30 The WRC
Italian Who Invented America Exploring the years 1970 to 1974, Show 10.00 Eddy Temple-Morris
Magazine 10.00 LIVE World Rally RADIO 3
including the recording of Blue 1.00 Jayne Middlemiss 4.00
Championship. Special stage 1 in the
SKY NATURE 4.30 Inside Science 5.00 PM 6.30 Breakfast 9.00 Essential Ricky Wilson 7.00 Bam
Rally Japan 11.00 African Football
6.00pm Gangs Of Lemur Island 5.54 (LW) Shipping 6.00 News Classics 12.00 Composer Of The 10.00 Amy Voce 1.00 Sean
League 12.00 PL Netbusters 12.30
7.00 Monkey Life 8.00 Australia’s 6.30 It’s A Fair Cop (R) 7.00 The Week 1.00 Lunchtime Concert. The Goldsmith 4.00 Steve Denyer
PL Stories 1.00 National League
Hidden Islands 9.00 Wild Castles Archers 7.15 Front Row 8.00 Law violinist Elena Urioste and the
3.00 Premiership Rugby Union TALKSPORT
10.00 Gangs Of Lemur Island In Action (R) 8.30 The Bottom pianist Tom Poster play Strauss’s
11.00-12.00 Wild Birds Of Australia 5.00 WWE Friday Night Smackdown
Line 9.00 Inside Science (R) 9.30 late, highly virtuosic Violin Sonata 5.00 Early Breakfast 6.00
6.30 WWE Monday Night Raw 9.00
In Our Time (R) 10.00 The World alongside Luise Adolpha Le Beau’s Breakfast With Alan Brazil 10.00
Tonight 10.45 Book At Bedtime Violin Sonata in C minor 2.00 Jim White And Simon Jordan
6.00pm Combat Dealers 7.00 World Rally Championship. Special
11.00 The Today Podcast 11.30 Afternoon Concert. The Vienna SO 1.00 Hawksbee And Baker 4.00
Hidden City Of The Incas 8.00 stages 2, 3 and 4 in Japan 1.00
Today In Parliament 12.00 News perform Richard Strauss’s Ein Drive With Andy Goldstein And
Wings Of War 9.00 Combat Original Documentary 2.30
12.30 Book Of The Week (R) 12.48 Heldenleben; plus, Ensemble Darren Bent 7.00 Kick Off 10.00
Dealers 10.00 Salvage Hunters NBA Action 3.00 LIVE NBA
Shipping 1.00 As World Service Polyharmonique in concert Sports Bar 1.00 Extra Time
11.00-12.00 Shed And Buried 5.30-6.00 Serie A — Full Impact

12 November 23 49
BBC 1 BBC 2 ITV 1 Channel 4 Channel 5
6.00 Breakfast Headlines. 6.45 Villages By The Sea (R) 6.00 Good Morning Britain 6.05 Countdown Game. (R) 6.00 Milkshake! Children’s fun.
9.15 Morning Live Magazine. 7.15 Antiques Road Trip (R) 9.00 Lorraine Lifestyle chat. 6.45 Cheers Comedy. (R) 9.15 Jeremy Vine Debate.
10.15 Homes Under The 8.00 Gardeners’ World 10.00 This Morning Features. 7.35 Everybody Loves 11.15 Storm Huntley Opinions.
Hammer Interior designer (Signed, Last in series, R) 12.30 Loose Men Topical debate, Raymond Comedy. (R) 12.15 Alexis Conran Debate.
Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen 9.00 Nicky Campbell Debate. with an all-male panel. 8.25 Frasier Sitcom. (R) 12.50 Entertainment News
explores a three-bedroom 10.00 News; Weather Reports. 1.30 News; Weather Reports. 9.55 Find It, Fix It, Flog It (R) 12.55 News; Weather Reports.
terrace near Bristol. 12.15 Politics UK Updates. 2.00 James Martin’s American 10.55 The Great House 1.00 Home And Away
12.15 Bargain Hunt Jean- 1.00 The Boss Quiz show. (R) Adventure The chef ends Giveaway In Leicester. (R) Eden and Remi swerve
Christophe Novelli and 1.45 Lightning Quiz. (R) his culinary road trip 11.55 News; Weather Reports. Kirby’s solo launch. (R)
Rustie Lee take on Heather 2.15 Eat Well For Less? (R) around the United States in 12.00 Steph’s Packed Lunch 1.30 A Magical Christmas
Small and Rick Wakeman. 3.15 Oceans Exploring. (R) New York. (Last in series, R) 2.10 Countdown Gameshow. Story Drama, with Erin
1.00 News; Weather Reports. 4.15 This Farming Life (R) 3.00 Lingo A South Wales 3.00 A Place In The Sun A Cahill and Steve Lund. A
1.45 London Kills Drinking links 5.15 Flog It! In Nottingham. (R) couple, a father and Runcorn couple try to woman whose husband is
the end of a dead man’s 6.00 House Of Games Sheree daughter duo from London find a property on Spain’s missing presumed dead
marriage, his son’s Murphy, Toussaint and a pair of Birmingham Costa Blanca. (R) 4.00 keeps his memory alive
attempted revenge and Douglass, Mark Foster and brothers compete. (R) A Place In The Sun through the stories she
David’s absence. (S4, ep 4) Sian Williams take part. 4.00 Tipping Point Gameshow, Friends seek a suitable tells their daughter.
2.30 The Bidding Room 6.30 Strictly — It Takes Two with Ben Shephard. (R) home in Fuerteventura. 3.15 The Christmas Stocking
A tin plate toy boat and Janette Manrara is on hand 5.00 The Chase Bradly Walsh 5.00 Help! We Bought A Fantasy, with Mykelti
a vintage petrol pump with more exclusives. presents the quiz show. (R) Village Ongoing works Williamson and Tamala
are offered for sale. (R) 7.00 Villages By The Sea Ben 6.00 Regional News Update. threaten to overshadow Jones. An angel returns
3.15 Escape To The Country Robinson heads to Beer in 6.30 News; Weather Reports. the start of the new season. to the land of the living
Jules Hudson helps a Devon, home to Beer stone 7.30 Emmerdale Pressure 6.00 News; Weather Reports. on a mission to help his
couple find a new home in which has been quarried builds for Mack; Kim heads 7.00 CHOICE International sisters to reconcile.
the Welsh Borders. (R) since Roman times. to see Cain; and Jimmy and Football Jules Breach 5.00 News; Weather Reports.
3.45 Antiques Road Trip Raj 7.30 Beechgrove Garden In Nicola make secret plans. presents live coverage of 6.00 Dogs Behaving (Very)
Bisram and Irita Marriott are Winter George Anderson 8.00 Coronation Street Sean England v Malta in the Badly Graeme Hall meets a
in coastal Lincolnshire. and Carole Baxter answer puts a stop to Dylan and Group C Uefa Euro 2024 family struggling to adjust
4.30 The Repair Shop The viewers’ questions and Mason’s vape enterprise; qualifier at Wembley after adding a third dog
team works wonders to offer more tips and advice. Jenny receives a sad Stadium. Kickoff at 7.45. to their household. (R)
revive a treasured leather 8.00 Monty Don’s American update on the future of the (See Critics’ choice) 6.55 News; Weather Reports.
braid bracelet. (R) Gardens The presenter Rovers; and Amy’s vigilance 10.00 Gogglebox The armchair 7.00 Shop Smart, Save Money
5.15 Pointless Quiz show. explores gardens of early saves a woman from a critics share their opinions Angellica Bell and Ortis
6.00 News; Weather Reports. independent America, dangerous drink-spiker. on what they have been Deley help a mum and her
6.30 Regional News Update. learning how the history of 9.00 Big Brother Will Best watching during the week, daughters choose the best
7.00 CHOICE Children In Need the South is still very much and AJ Odudu present, with cameras capturing products at the right price.
Ade Adepitan, Mel evident in the places and as the rebooted reality their instant reactions. 7.55 News; Weather Reports.
Giedroyc, Chris Ramsey, people he meets. (R) show comes to an end, 11.05 CHOICE The Last Leg 8.00 Susan Calman’s Grand
Alex Scott, Jason Manford 9.00 The Newsreader As the with the final few Adam Hills, Josh Day Out The presenter
and Lenny Rush front this hype builds for the 1988 housemates hoping they Widdicombe and Alex enjoys scenic views from
year’s appeal night live bicentennial, Geoff’s have what it takes to walk Brooker are joined by the the stunning shores of
from Media City UK, telethon is interrupted by a off with the £100,000 prize actor David Tennant and Loch Lochy, and has a
featuring one-off sketches protest, thrusting Aboriginal the comedian Thanyia go at axe throwing. (R)
money. (Last in series)
from some of the UK’s activist Lynus Preston into Moore for a comic review 9.00 The Good Ship Murder
10.30 News; Weather Reports.
most-loved TV shows — the spotlight. (S2, ep 4) of the significant moments The luxury liner sails to
11.15 The NFL Show Craig Doyle
including MasterChef and 9.50 The Fast And The of the past seven days. Sicily and a saga unfolds
presents action from the
Race Across The World Farmer-ish The best (See Critics’ choice) involving a terminally ill
opening match of week 11
— and music by Jerub, tractor driving teams from 12.10 International Football businessman, his children
between Baltimore Ravens
Leigh-Anne, and the UK’s England and Wales prepare Jules Breach presents and his new wife. (6/8)
and Cincinnati Bengals.
Junior Eurovision act Stand for the first semi-final. (R) highlights of the Group C
12.10 The Voice Contest. (R) 10.00 FILM: The Dirty Dozen
Uniqu3. (See Critics’ choice) 10.00 Red Dwarf Holly’s new Uefa Euro 2024 qualifier
1.25 Cash Trapped Quiz. (R) Stars Lee Marvin and Telly
10.00 News; Weather Reports. invention hurls the crew between England and
2.15 Loose Men Debate. (R) Savalas. Twelve convicts
into a parallel universe Malta at Wembley Stadium.
10.40 FILM: Pretty Woman 3.05 Angela Black (5/6, R) are sent on a mission to
inhabited by their
Stars Julia Roberts and 3.55 Unwind Daily relaxation. 1.05 FILM: Pitch Perfect 3 destroy a French chateau
opposites. (Last in series, R)
Richard Gere. A millionaire 5.05-6.00 Made In Britain (R) Stars Anna Kendrick, Rebel being used as a German
10.30 Newsnight Headlines.
businessman hires a Wilson and Brittany Snow. military base. A wartime
11.05 The Secret Genius Of
prostitute for a week, and Following their win at the powerhouse. (1967, 12)
Modern Life Hannah Fry
falls in love with her despite world championship, the 1.00 Casino Show Gambling.
looks at the technology
their many differences. Bellas reunite for one last
that goes into the modern 3.00 Bad Girls Behind Bars (R)
Glossy romcom. (1990, 15) singing competition at an
vacuum cleaner. (R) 3.45 The All-Inclusive —
overseas tour. Directionless
12.35 RuPaul’s Drag Race UK A 12.05 Shakespeare — How Do They Do It:
comedy sequel. (2017, 12)
makeover challenge. (R) Rise Of A Genius (R) And Should You? (R)
1.40-6.00 Joins BBC News 1.05 Panorama (Signed, R) 2.40 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 4.30 Divine Designs (R)
1.35 Saving Lives At Sea A struggling restaurant in 5.00 House Doctor Advice. (R)
SCOTLAND 6.30 Reporting Documentary. (Signed, R) Washington needs help. (R) 5.20 Entertainment News
Scotland; Weather. 12.35 A View 2.35-3.15 Eva Longoria — 3.30 Come Dine With Me (R) 5.30 Children’s Shows Fun.
From The Terrace. 1.35 RuPaul’s Searching For Mexico In 5.40-6.05 Strangers On A 5.45 Entertainment News
Drag Race UK. 2.40 BBC News. Mexico City. (Signed, R) Host: Adam Hills (C4, 11.05pm) Plane Travel contest. (R) 5.50-6.00 Children’s Shows

Variations 3.00 Lingo 4.00 Tipping Point

5.00 The Chase 6.00 Regional
3.05 Prosiect Pum Mil 4.00
Awr Fawr: Blociau Lliw 4.05
Why on earth is ITV foisting I’m A Celebrity...
Get Me Out Of Here! on us once again?
BBC1 WALES 1.35 BBC News News 6.30 News; Weather 7.30 Cymylaubychain 4.15 Caru Canu
It is so far past its sell-by date — along with its
BBC2 WALES 7.30 Scrum V. Live Emmerdale 8.00 Coronation A Stori 4.25 Blero Yn Mynd I
Street 9.00 Big Brother 10.30 Ocido 4.40 Ne-wff-ion 5.00 two presenters.
9.30 The Newsreader 10.20 The
You say

Fast And The Farmer-ish BBC News; Weather 11.00 Regional Stwnsh: Larfa 5.05 Tekkers 5.35 Bob Watson
SCOTLAND 7.00 The Seven News 11.15 The NFL Show 12.10 Rygbi Pawb 5.50 Newyddion Ni
8.00 Scotland — The New Wild The Voice 1.25 Cash Trapped 2.15 6.00 Cais Quinnell 6.35 Bex Thanks are due to ITV and its team for showing
9.00 Still Game 9.30 Burnistoun Loose Men 3.05 Angela Black 6.57 Newyddion 7.00 Heno 7.30 the Rugby World Cup matches in full. Great
10.00 Children In Need 3.55 Night Vision 5.05-6.00 Newyddion A’r Tywydd 8.00 Mike coverage and knowledgeable commentary
11.00-12.00 A View From The Made In Britain S4C 6.00 Cyw Phillips — Croeso I Dubai 8.55
has made for a most enjoyable watching
Terrace STV 6.00 Good Morning 12.00 Newyddion A’r Tywydd Newyddion A’r Tywydd 9.00
Britain 9.00 Lorraine 10.00 This 12.05 3 Lle 12.30 Heno 1.00 Y Lleisiau Eraill — Aberteifi 10.00 experience. Very well done.
Morning 12.30 Loose Men 1.30 Sioe Fwyd 1.30 Sgwrs Dan Y Lloer Sgorio Rhyngwladol — Uefa Abi Tudor
News; Weather 2.00 James 2.00 Newyddion A’r Tywydd 2.05 Euro 2024 10.30-11.35 Jason Send your comments to:
Martin’s American Adventure Prynhawn Da 3.00 Newyddion Mohammad — Stadiymau’r Byd

50 12 November 2023
Critics’ choice England host Malta as
Children In Need (BBC1, 7pm)
they play for top spot
Although the children’s charity
(which was launched in 1980) England have already qualified for
raised more than £35 million in Euro 2024 after beating Italy 3-1 at
2022, there’s no denying that over Wembley last month, so this
the past few years takings have penultimate game against Malta
dropped, which puts some (C4, 7pm; ko 7.45pm) — much
pressure on the hosts of tonight’s like their trip to North Macedonia
extravaganza. Old hands Jason on Monday — may offer a chance
Manford, Ade Adepitan, Alex for Gareth Southgate to mix things
Scott, Chris Ramsey and Mel up in the starting XI. However, the
Giedroyc don’t seem too team will be keen to keep up the
perturbed, and with the addition momentum and finish top of the
of the child actor Lenny Rush group, so don’t expect the Three
(Am I Being Unreasonable?) as Lions to take their foot off the gas
co-presenter, they hope to target until the final whistle blows.
that all-important kid audience Tim Glanfield
and harness “pester power” to
persuade parents to donate. For Gareth
all the technical whizz-bangery, Southgate
this promises to be a night of (C4, from
old-fashioned variety, with a treat 7pm)
from the Doctor Who team, a
puppet takeover of the MasterChef
kitchen and a parody of Race
Across The World, with the town of
Pudsey the ultimate destination
all in aid of a very good cause.
Helen Stewart Your hosts: Adepitan, Scott, Ramsey, Rush and Giedroyc (BBC1, 7pm)

Angelheaded Hipster — The

Songs Of Mark Bolan & T Rex
Country Music Awards
(BBC4, 10.35pm)
The Last Leg (C4, 11.05pm)
Now in its 29th series, this
Film choice
(Sky Arts/Now, 9pm) With at least two truck-themed chat-show challenger to Have I Got Renfield (Sky Cinema Premiere,
On the glitter-cheeked face of it, songs in the running for prizes News For You’s comic current 12.10pm/8pm)
this is a film about a “happening” here, it’s fair to say that the 57th affairs throne has lost none of its Nicolas Cage, who often draws his
brought about by the veteran music Annual Country Music Association satirical vim as time passes. lifeblood from juicy, over-the-top
producer Hal Willner and the Who Awards isn’t on an urgent mission Stalwart presenters Adam Hills, roles, sinks his teeth into playing
manager Bill Curbishley, who to shift any paradigms or shatter Josh Widdicombe and Alex Brooker Dracula in this horror comedy. Set
welcomed an impressive line-up of any clichés for 2023. Bob Harris are back to scrutinise the week’s in the present day, Chris McKay’s
musicians, from U2 and Nick Cave will be guiding British viewers news. They are joined by Thanyia film centres on the vampire count’s
to Joan Jett, Beth Orton, Maria through highlights from this year’s Moore, the stand-up comedian and undying henchman, Renfield
McKee and Bolan’s own son Rolan show in Nashville, Tennessee, with actor, and — in the spirit of the (Nicholas Hoult), who is now
and had them each interpret a performances from Jelly Roll, Chris imminent Doctor Who 60th desperate to be rid of his toxic
song. Willner, who died of Covid-19 Stapleton and Tanya Tucker, as anniversary celebrations this boss. The mix of humour and gory
in the year of the record’s release, well as a Jimmy Buffett tribute set. month — David Tennant. action is neither all-out funny nor
says: “Bolan was hardly ever talked truly scary, but Cage’s performance
about as a ‘composer’. It was all Unwanted (Sky Atlantic/Now, — a full Bela Lugosi routine overlaid
about what a great rocker he was, 9pm/10.05pm) with rock-star glamour — is well
how innovative he was, how David Based on Fabrizio Gatti’s worth seeing. (2023)
Bowie took his essence and Bolan bestselling book Bilal, this Italian
was in his shadow.” One can’t help show dramatises the conflicts of Daddy Long Legs (TPTV, 8.10am)
but think that Bowie would illegal migration as a cruise ship This musical is rather out of step
approve of this film, which rescues 28 shipwrecked refugees. with modern views on male stars
assembles dazzling archive footage In this double bill, desperate paired with younger women — Fred
and imagery of his friend and measures escalate the tension as Astaire plays a middle-aged tycoon
shows how Bolan came of age with Tareq holds the ship hostage. who falls for an orphan (Leslie
colour television itself. HS Marc Bolan (Sky Arts/Now, 9pm) Victoria Segal Caron) whose education he has
anonymously funded. Yet those
two great dancers work superbly
On demand organisation Monarch, the series
also unfolds in the post-apocalyptic
comes an eight-episode anime
sequel that reunites the original
together in the film’s carefree tale.
Dir: Jean Negulesco (1955)
○ Monarch — Legacy Of 2010s, the older Shaw now played cast: Michael Cera, Mary Elizabeth
Monsters (Apple TV+) by Kurt Russell (Wyatt’s dad). As a Winstead, Kieran Culkin, the lot. Cutthroat Island
Anyone hoping for mega-lizard piece of franchise expansion, this is (buy as stream/download)
battles in this latest addition to the ambitious stuff. It’s the Russells’ ○ Nothing To See Here (Netflix) This jokey take on swashbuckling
Godzilla/King Kong franchise will show and the father-son duo invest Alexis Arroyo, a blind Mexican pirate adventures has been
be disappointed. Created by Chris it with a welcome charm and soul. comedian, plays a fictionalised reissued in a restored version. It
Black (the Severance producer) and version of himself in this Spanish- might boost the growing belief that
Matt Fraction, a comic book artist, ○ Scott Pilgrim Takes Off language comedy drama about an Renny Harlin’s rumbustious movie
this ten-part series is about human (Netflix) aspiring comic with a manager(Kike (starring Geena Davis and Matthew
drama. Partly set in the 1950s, as Thirteen years on from Edgar Vázquez) who has cerebral palsy. Modine) was unlucky to be a box-
Wyatt Russell’s Lieutenant Lee Wright’s live-action adaptation of Funny, bittersweet and inspiring. office flop. (1995)
Shaw establishes the secretive Bryan Lee O’Malley’s graphic novel Andrew Male Edward Porter
12 November 2023 51
BBC 3 BBC 4 ITV 2 ITV 3 E4
7.00pm Top Gear The trio create 7.00pm Top Of The Pops Reef, 6.00pm Catchphrase Peter 5.55pm Heartbeat One of Kate’s 6.00pm The Big Bang Theory
a street circuit in Spain. Curtis Stigers, Radiohead Andre, Georgia Toffolo, patients receives threats; 7.00 Hollyoaks Chester soap.
8.00 Race Across The World and Pulp from June 1995. Helen Flanagan and Alison and Greengrass takes the 7.30 Young Sheldon Georgie
For the next leg, the teams 7.30 Top Of The Pops Hammond play for charity. law into his own hands. gives Missy some brotherly
choose whether to travel With Michael Jackson, 7.00 Ant & Dec’s Limitless Win (S3, ep 6) 6.55 Heartbeat advice. (Series 4, ep 9)
through Bolivia or Chile. Annie Lennox, U2 and the A married couple try to Nick is left with a sore head 8.00 Modern Family The return
9.00 FILM: Words On Bluetones. 8.00 Top Of climb the money ladder. following an incident in a of the comedy, with Ed
Bathroom Walls Stars The Pops With Rozalla, 8.00 Bob’s Burgers Bob ends graveyard; and Blaketon’s O’Neill. (Series 10, ep 1)
Charlie Plummer. A Tina Turner and Michael up working at a local home life is suffering. 8.30 Modern Family
teenager struggles to keep Jackson. 8.30 Top Of The sandwich shop. (Series 9, 8.00 Marple The sleuth looks Gloria suspects Manny’s
his mental illness a secret Pops With Elton John. ep 16) 8.30 Bob’s Burgers into the murder of her old girlfriend is made up.
while falling in love. 9.00 Linda Ronstadt — The Gene tries to save a friend Father Gorman, using 9.00 Gogglebox Memorable
Sensitive drama. (2020, 12) Sound Of My Voice misunderstood plankton a list of names sent by the moments of 2021, featuring
Documentary about the blob from being destroyed. priest moments before his some of the country’s
10.45 Some Girls Amber versatile female singer. 9.00 Big Brother The final of the death to bring the guilty favourite celebrities.
struggles to cope with 10.35 CHOICE Country Music reality show sees the last party to justice. (S5, ep 1)
her feelings for Brandon. 10.00 FILM: Jack Reacher Stars
Awards Highlights of the few housemates hoping 10.00 DCI Banks When a fellow
(Series 1, ep 5) 11.15 Some Tom Cruise and Rosamund
57th staging of the awards. they have what it takes officer is brutally stabbed,
Girls Saz is determined Pike. A former military
(See Critics’ choice) to win the prize money. Banks becomes obsessed
to lose her virginity. police investigator takes
11.35 The Old Grey Whistle 10.30 Big Brother — Late & Live with one suspect — and
11.45 Charlotte In Sunderland on the case of a random
Test: Linda Ronstadt. AJ Odudu and Will Best Anderson questions if he
12.45 The Skinny Jab Uncovered shooting for which an
A performance from 1976. host the companion show. is up to the job. (S5, ep 5)
1.15 The Rap Game UK army sniper has been
12.25 Sisters In Country — 11.35-12.05 Family Guy Brian 11.05-12.10 DCI Banks A
framed. Brash action yarn.
2.15 Grime Kids Drama. (1/5) Dolly, Linda And Emmylou passes on herpes to suspended Banks prepares
(2012, 15; ends at 12.35)
3.00-4.00 Some Girls Comedy. 1.25-3.25 Top Of The Pops Stewie. (Series 12, ep 16) to confront Steve Richards.

Drama Sky Arts Sky Max Sky Atlantic Talk TV

6.00pm ’Allo ’Allo! Michelle 6.00pm Tales Of The 6.00pm Stargate SG-1 The 5.30pm Succession Kendall 4.00pm Vanessa Feltz
tries to steal the Fallen Unexpected A crooked team revisits a planet they and the Waystar team work Political debates and all
Madonna from Herr Flick. antiques dealer tries to con helped free from Goa’uld together at the annual the latest from parliament.
6.40 Last Of The Summer Wine a farmer. (Series 3, ep 6) enslavement. (Series 4, ep shareholders’ meeting. (S3, 6.00 The Talk A panel of famous
Howard hires a surveillance 6.30 Tales Of The 21, R) 7.00 Stargate SG-1 ep 5) 6.40 Succession faces debate hot topics.
team to follow Pearl. 7.20 Unexpected A scorned The team pays a visit to Logan and team head to 7.00 Plank Of The Week
Last Of The Summer Wine husband seeks revenge. the Tok’ra homeworld in Virginia for a conservative Presented by Mike Graham.
Truly investigates the case 7.00 Guy Garvey — From The Cronos’s mothership. (R) political conference. 8.00 Friday Night Nadine
of a bus that disappeared Vaults The Elbow frontman 8.00 A League Of Their Own 7.50 House Of The Dragon Dorries presents her take
between stops. introduces clips from the Guests Christian Horner While mourning a tragic on the week with guests.
8.00 Father Brown The priest television archives from and Alex Brooker take on loss, Rhaenyra tries 9.00 Piers Morgan
is determined to find out 1981. 8.00 Guy Garvey a G-force challenge. (R) desperately to hold the Uncensored Best Of
why the body of a young — From The Vaults realm together. (10/10) The week’s global events.
9.00 FILM: The Expendables 3
man was taken from his Television appearances 9.00 CHOICE Unwanted Tareq 10.00 Plank Of The Week
Stars Sylvester Stallone,
graveyard. (Series 4, ep 8) by Britpop era bands. orders the ship back to Italy. Mike Graham presents.
Mel Gibson and Jason
9.00 Father Brown The 9.00 CHOICE Angelheaded (5/8) 10.05 Unwanted The 11.00 What Just Happened?
Statham. Soldier of fortune
sleuthing priest tries to Hipster — The Songs Of ship is surrounded by the Kevin O’Sullivan wraps up
Barney Ross recruits a new
solve the murder of an Marc Bolan & T Rex military; and Dilleta finds another eventful week.
team to battle an arms
aeronautics magnate’s son. Celebrating the band. she is pregnant. (Italian with 11.30-12.00 The World
dealer with a score to
10.00 New Tricks The team (See Critics’ choice) subtitles; see Critics’ choice) According To Mike
settle. Familiar thriller
reinvestigates the murder 11.00-12.15 Chuck Berry — 11.10-12.10 Funeral For A Dog Graham The host explores
sequel. (2014, 15) (R)
of a policewoman. (S1, ep 2) Brown-Eyed Handsome The owner of the bar the week’s biggest stories.
11.20-1.20 Dalziel & Pascoe Man A collection of 11.15-12.15 The Lazarus Project suggests Felix’s death may Available on Sky 522; Freeview 237;
A tourist is found battered performances of songs Sci-fi thriller, with Paapa not have been an accident. Virgin 606; Freesat 217; YouTube,
to death. (Series 8, ep 1) by the rock’n’roll pioneer. Essiedu. (Series 2, ep 1, R) (3/8; German with subtitles) connected TVs and smart devices

SKY CINEMA SELECT 12.40 Romantic Getaway. Two 11.30 FILM: Harold & Kumar Get The
Films 3.20pm The Hobbit — An
Unexpected Journey (2012, 12)
Entertainment episodes 1.40-2.35 The Rehearsal Munchies. Stars John Cho 1.10
Digman! 1.40-3.05 South Park
SKY CINEMA PREMIERE 6.20 The Hobbit — The Desolation ITV4 5 STAR
4.20pm Retribution (2023, 12) 6.05 Of Smaug. The party of dwarves 5.10pm Minder 6.15 Made In Britain 6.00pm 101 Adorable Puppies 7.00 YESTERDAY
The Last Rifleman. Drama. (2022, 15) 6.45 LIVE Snooker — Champion Of GPs — Behind Closed Doors. Patients 6.00pm Great British Railway
and their hobbit ally face a dragon.
8.00 CHOICE Renfield. Dracula’s Champions. The opening semi-final with chronic pain issues 8.00 Million Journeys 7.00 Antiques Roadshow
(2013, 12) 9.05 The Hobbit — The
henchman tries to make a new life 10.00 All Elite Wrestling — Dynamite Pound Motorhomes 9.00 FILM: Robin 8.00 Secrets Of The London
Battle Of The Five Armies. Dwarf
away from the Count. (2023, 15; 12.05 Extreme Salvage Squad Hood 11.15 FILM: Final Destination Underground 9.00 Bangers & Cash
king Thorin descends into madness
see Film choice) 9.50-12.10 Big 1.05-2.10 The Professionals 1.20-2.15 Trauma Room One 11.00 Abandoned Engineering 12.00-
as his homeland stands on the
George Foreman. The life of the brink of war. (2014, 15) 11.40-2.50 1.00 Great British Railway Journeys
former boxing champion. (2023, 12) The Lord Of The Rings — The 5.50pm The Secret Life Of The Zoo 6.00pm NCIS 10.00 Law & Order: DAVE
SKY CINEMA THRILLER Fellowship Of The Ring (2001, PG) 6.55 The Dog House 7.55 Grand Special Victims Unit. Two episodes 6.00pm Rick Stein’s Mediterranean
4.10pm Revolver (2005, 15) 6.10 Designs 9.00 For Life 10.00 24 Hours 12.00 NCIS 2.00-3.35 Blue Bloods Escapes 7.00 House Of Games 8.20
Reindeer Games (2000, 15) 8.00 In A&E 12.05 Emergency Helicopter QI 9.00 FILM: Kill Bill — Volume 1
3.35pm El Dorado (1966, PG) 6.10 SKY WITNESS
Inferno. A professor suffering from Medics 1.10-3.20 24 Hours In A&E 11.20 Mock The Week 12.40 Would I
Transformers — Revenge Of The 6.00pm Nothing To Declare 8.00
amnesia tries to stop a lethal virus Lie To You? 1.20-2.20 Taskmaster
Fallen. The shape-changing robots GOLD The Equalizer 9.00 FBI — Most
from killing millions. (2016, 12) 10.05
Shaft. A tough-talking cop quits the
fight for control of an evil machine.
(2009, 12) 9.00 Darkman. A
6.00pm Still Open All Hours 6.40
The Green Green Grass 7.20 The
Wanted 10.00 Blue Bloods 11.00 The
Good Doctor 12.00 Coroner 1.00
force to bring a racist murderer to scientist disfigured by a criminal Good Life 8.00 Dad’s Army 9.20 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC
Chicago Med 2.00-3.00 Transplant
justice on his own terms. (2000, 18) gang seeks revenge on those Only Fools And Horses 10.00 Not 6.00pm Lost Treasures Of Egypt
11.50-1.40 Snatch (2000, 18) responsible. (1990, 18) 10.50-12.35 Going Out 10.40 Here We Go W 7.00 Air Crash Investigation. An
Dead Man’s Shoes (2004, 18) 12.00 I’m Alan Partridge 12.40 Not 6.00pm DIY SOS 7.00 Inside The engine failure in 2010 8.00 Area 51
Going Out 1.20 I’m Alan Partridge Ambulance 8.00 999 Rescue Squad — I Was There 9.00 Air Crash
6.00pm Top Gun. A pilot causes TALKING PICTURES TV 9.00 24 Hours In A&E 10.00 Ski A&E
2.00-2.35 The Lenny Henry Show Investigation 10.00 Border Protection
conflict when he joins an American 6.00pm No Time For Tears. A 11.00 The Catherine Tate Show Spain 11.00 Air Crash Investigation
navy fighter school. (1986, 12) 8.00 caring matron adopts two ill-treated SKY COMEDY 12.55-1.55 Dating With My Mates 12.00 To Catch A Smuggler
The Patriot. A retired soldier vows to youngsters. (1957, U) 7.45 Bindle 6.00pm The Conners 6.30 The Fresh 1.00-2.00 Banged Up Abroad
avenge the unprovoked murder of (1966, U) 9.05 Ben. A detective Prince Of Bel-Air 7.00 Will & Grace COMEDY CENTRAL
his son by British forces. (2000, 15) investigates the killing of a man by 8.00 The US Office 9.00 Intelligence 6.00pm Friends 9.00 Dylan Moran DISCOVERY
10.50-12.50 Terminator Salvation. trained rats. (1972, PG) 11.00-1.15 10.00 Breeders 10.30 The Tonight — Yeah, Yeah Live 10.00 Beavis And 6.00pm Salvage Hunters 7.00
Sci-fi thriller sequel. (2009, 12) The Ninth Configuration (1979, 18) Show 11.30 Sex And The City Butt-Head 11.00 Ugly Americans Wheeler Dealers 8.00 Gold Rush

52 12 November 2023
5 Sport on TV Radio & Podcasts
○ Where It’s At — discusses favourite works.
Highlights A Short History Of
Girlbands (BBC Sounds)
The Poetry Society’s
podcast features more
As part of the Radio 1 than 100 episodes of
Stories series, the readings by and

Euro 2024 qualifier: Snooker Saturdays’ Mollie King discussions with
Armenia v Wales (Sat, sensation: charts the evolution of contemporary poets. In
2pm, S4C/BBC iPlayer) Mark Allen the Nineties and The Poetry Exchange,
Wales can qualify if they Noughties girl bands. guests discuss poems and
beat Armenia, and Croatia There are contributions what they mean to them.
lose to Latvia. from groups including
TLC, Girls Aloud, Little ○ Born In Bradford

Grand Slam Of Darts (Fri, Mix and the Sugababes, (Radio 4, 11am)
7pm, Sky Sports Arena) who have all earned a Charting the pop hits: Winifred Robinson’s
The PDC event nears place in music history. Mollie King (BBC Sounds) report on the study of
its final stages at She also looks at how growing up in the city and
Aldersley Leisure Village, today’s bands, including ○ The Verb how it affects health. The
Wolverhampton. Flo, Say Now and South (Radio 3, 10pm) latest research involves all
Korea’s Blackpink, are Ian McMillan presents an the teenagers, and she

Snooker— The spreading the word of interview with Colm Tóibín, discusses the mental
Champion Of girl power for a new who published his first health of this group. She
Champions generation. The Women collection of poetry, also discovers that cousin
(Fri, 7pm, ITVX) In Pop podcast features Vinegar Hill, last year. marriage, which can cause
Some of the established and rising There are eight series of genetic disorders in
biggest names female musicians from Frank Skinner’s Poetry children, is decreasing.
in the game around the world. Podcast, where the comic Clair Woodward
battle it out at
the University
TIMES RADIO RADIO 4 EXTRA 7.30 In Concert. Recorded live in
of Bolton concert, Ryan Wigglesworth
Stadium. 5.00 Rosie Wright With Early 5.00 The Curiosity Cabinet 5.45 conducts the BBC SO in
Breakfast 6.00 Chloe Tilley And Short Works 6.00 Julie Enfield
Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring;
Calum Macdonald With Times Investigates — Murder West One

plus music by Arvo Part, Anna
Las Vegas Radio Breakfast 10.00 Matt 6.45 Dick Barton — Special Agent
Meredith and Niculescu 10.00
Grand Prix Chorley 1.00 Ruth Davidson 7.00 Grandmothers 7.15 The Old
The Verb. Ian McMillan presents
4.00 Cathy Newman With Times Wives’ Tale (R) 7.30 Ed Reardon’s
(Sun, Nov 19, Week 8.00 Albert And Me 8.30 Rent
an extended interview with the
Radio Drive 7.00 Ed Vaizey 10.00 acclaimed Irish novelist, essayist,
from 6am, Sky Henry Bonsu 1.00 Stories Of 9.00 The Food Quiz 9.30 Plum
playwright and poet Colm Toibin
Sports F1) Our Times 1.30 Red Box 2.00 House 10.00 The Curiosity Cabinet
10.45 The Essay. Tom Shakespeare
The F1 drivers take to Highlights From Times Radio 10.45 Short Works 11.00 Julie Enfield
reveals his ’way of being’ and
Investigates — Murder West One
the streets in Sin City. To get in touch with the Times 11.45 Dick Barton — Special Agent
relationship with a cultural
Radio studio, text TIMES plus your touchstone, in this case the work
12.00 Grandmothers 12.15 The Old
message to 87222. Texts cost of JRR Tolkien (R) 11.00 Late

MotoGP Grand Prix Of Wives’ Tale (R) 12.30 Ed Reardon’s
your standard message charge. Junction. Jennifer Lucy Allan
Week 1.00 Albert And Me 1.30 Rent
Qatar (Sun, Nov 19, from 2.00 The Food Quiz 2.30 Plum
shares music made through
RADIO 4 chance operations and
2pm, TNT Sports 2) House 3.00 The Curiosity Cabinet
5.30 News 5.43 Prayer 5.45 collaborations with AI 1.00 Mindful
The bikers head for the 3.45 Short Works 4.00 Julie Enfield
Mix (R) 3.00 Through The Night
Farming Today 5.58 Tweet Of The Investigates — Murder West One
Lusail Circuit. Day (R) 6.00 Today 8.31 (LW) 4.45 Dick Barton — Special Agent CLASSIC FM
Yesterday In Parliament 9.00 5.00 Grandmothers 5.15 The Old
Tim Glanfield Desert Island Discs (R) 9.45 Book Wives’ Tale (R) 5.30 Ed Reardon’s 6.00 Tim Lihoreau 9.00
Of The Week 9.45 (LW) Daily Week 6.00 Albert And Me 6.30 Alexander Armstrong 12.00
Service 10.00 Woman’s Hour Rent 7.00 The Food Quiz 7.30 Plum Anne-Marie Minhall 4.00
11.00 Born In Bradford. A House 8.00 Up Close And Personal Margherita Taylor 7.00 Zeb
long-term health study in the 8.30 Soul Music 9.00 Monsters Of Soanes 10.00 Ritula Shah 1.00
9.00 Alien Abduction — Travis
Walton 11.00 Expedition Unknown
12.00 Moonshiners 1.00-3.00
Sport West Yorkshire city 11.30 Mark
Steel’s In Town (R) 12.00 News
Music With Tom Allen 9.30 Doctor
Who: Tenth Doctor Adventures
Katie Breathwick 4.00 Sam Pittis
Alien Abduction — Travis Walton SKY SPORTS MAIN EVENT 12.01 (LW) Shipping 12.04 10.00 Who Runs The World 10.30 I
6.00am News 7.00 LIVE DP AntiSocial. Adam Fleming Think I’ve Got A Problem 10.55 The 6.30 The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show
PBS AMERICA World Tour Golf 1.00 LIVE Ladies examines what culture war Comedy Club Interview 11.00 On 9.30 Gary Davies 12.00 Jeremy
5.45pm Israel — A Twice Promised European Tour Golf 4.00 The F1 arguments are all about 1.00 The The Hour 11.30-12.00 The Boosh Vine 2.00 Scott Mills 4.00 Sara
Land 6.55 Royal History’s Biggest Show 5.00 LIVE PGA Tour Golf World At One 1.45 The Great Post Cox 7.00 Michelle Visage 8.30
Fibs. With Lucy Worsley 8.10 Putin’s 7.00 LIVE Grand Slam Of Darts LBC Michelle Visage’s Handbag Hits
Office Trial 2.00 The Archers (R)
Crisis 9.20 Afghanistan — The 11.00 The F1 Show 12.00 News 4.15 2.15 Drama: Harland 2.45 Close 7.00 Nick Ferrari 10.00 James 9.00 The Good Groove With DJ
Wounded Land 10.30-12.00 LIVE Formula 1 5.45-6.00 My Icon Encounters. The mathematician O’Brien 1.00 Shelagh Fogarty 4.00 Spoony 11.00 The Rock Show
Royal History’s Biggest Fibs and writer Simon Singh celebrates Tom Swarbrick 6.00 Lewis Goodall With Johnnie Walker 12.00
TNT SPORTS 1 Romesh Ranganathan — For The
SKY DOCUMENTARIES a portrait of code-breaker Alan 9.00 The Legal Hour 10.00 Nick
6.00am Rallycross 7.00 WWE 9.00 Love Of Hip-Hop 1.00 Who Are
6.00pm The Eighties 6.55 Urban Turing (R) 3.00 Gardeners’ Abbot 1.00 Clive Bull 4.00 Ali Miraj
Ariel Helwani Meets 10.00 NBA 10.30 We — Doctor Who? 3.00 My Life
Secrets 7.50 Burden Of Proof Question Time. Christine Walkden,
LIVE World Rally Championship. RADIO 3 In A Mixtape 4.00 Sophie
— Who Killed Jennifer Pandos? Matt Biggs and Matthew Wilson
Special stage 8 in the Rally Japan Ellis-Bextor’s Kitchen Disco
9.00 Six Silent Killings — Ireland’s are in Wokingham, Berkshire 3.45 6.30 Breakfast 9.00 Essential
11.15 A-League 12.15 Sign Up 1.00
Vanishing Triangle 10.00-12.30 From Fact To Fiction 4.00 Last Classics 12.00 Composer Of The VIRGIN RADIO
PL Reload 1.15 PL — Big Interview
Kurt Cobain — Montage Of Heck Word 4.30 Feedback 5.00 PM Week 1.00 Lunchtime Concert. The
1.45 Rugby Review 2.30 Champions
5.54 (LW) Shipping 6.00 News Notos Quartett perform Strauss’s 6.30 The Chris Evans Breakfast
League 3.30 Basketball 4.30 World
SKY NATURE 6.30 The Now Show 7.00 The Piano Quartet in C minor; plus, Show 10.00 Eddy Temple-Morris
Rally Championship 5.00 PL
6.00pm Gangs Of Lemur Island Archers 7.15 Add To Playlist. Mahler’s brooding Quartet 1.00 Jayne Middlemiss 4.00 Ricky
Netbusters 5.30 Documentary 7.00
7.00 Monkey Life 8.00 City Wildlife Cerys Matthews and Jeffrey movement in A minor 2.00 Wilson 7.00 Ben Jones 10.00
Rescue 9.00 Wild Family Ties
LIVE Rugby Union: Bath Rugby v Rich Williams 1.00 Olivia Jones
Boakye take a musical journey of Afternoon Concert. Markus Poschner
Bristol Bears. Kickoff 7.45 10.00
10.00 Gangs Of Lemur Island discovery 8.00 Any Questions? conducts the Orchestra della
11.00-12.00 Wild Birds Of Australia Champions League 10.30 World TALKSPORT
8.50 A Point Of View 9.00 The Svizzera italiana in Tchaikovsky’s
Rally Championship 11.00 LIVE
Great Post Office Trial (R) 10.00 Symphony No 3; and Ensemble 5.00 Early Breakfast 6.00
DISCOVERY HISTORY World Rally Championship 11.45
The World Tonight 10.45 Book At Polyharmonique perform sacred Breakfast 10.00 Jim White And
6.00pm Combat Dealers 7.00 Reload 12.00 WWE 1.00 LIVE
Bedtime 11.00 Americast 11.30 choral music by Monteverdi 4.30 Simon Jordan 1.00 Hawksbee And
Treasures Of The Terracotta Army WWE 3.00 Ariel Helwani Meets 3.45
Today In Parliament 12.00 News The Listening Service (R) 5.00 In Jacobs 4.00 Drive 7.00 Kick Off:
8.00 Wings Of War 9.00 Combat LIVE World Rally Championship
12.30 Book Of The Week (R) 12.48 Tune. Quatuor Agate and RIOPY England v Malta. Kickoff 7.45
Dealers 10.00 Salvage Hunters 4.45 Reload 5.00-6.00 LIVE
Shipping 1.00 As World Service perform live 7.00 Classical Mixtape 10.00 Sports Bar 1.00 Extra Time
11.00-12.00 Shed And Buried World Rally Championship. In Japan

12 November 2023 53
ITV 1 Channel 4 Channel 5
6.00 Love Your Garden (R) 6.05 The King Of Queens (R) 6.00 Milkshake! Children’s fun.
7.30 Love Your Weekend (R) 6.55 Frasier Sitcom. (R) 9.55 The Smurfs Cartoon. (R)
9.25 News; Weather Reports. 8.10 Everybody Loves 10.10 Spongebob Animation. (R)
9.30 James Martin’s Saturday Raymond Comedy. (R) 10.20 Entertainment News
Morning Chat show. 9.40 The Simpsons Cartoon. (R) 10.30 Friends US sitcom. (R)
11.30 Ainsley’s Mediterranean 11.40 Formula 1 Action from the 12.30 A Very Merry Bridesmaid
Cookbook Sardinia. (R) Las Vegas Grand Prix Romantic drama, with
12.30 James Martin’s Great qualifying session. Emily Osment and
British Adventure (R) 1.10 Four In A Bed B&Bs. (R) Casey Deidrick. (R)
1.00 News; Weather Reports. 3.45 The Great British Bake Off 2.20 Christmas At Castle Hart
1.15 Racing Coverage of day Party week challenges. (R) Romantic drama, with
two of the November 5.00 News; Weather Reports. Lacey Chabert and
Kin: an eight-part crime drama (BBC1, 9.35pm/10.45pm) Stuart Townsend. (R)
Meeting at Cheltenham. 5.30 Fortress Britain The story
3.45 News; Weather Reports. of Britain’s response to the 4.10 Christmas At The Chalet
3.55 Regional News Updates. risk of nuclear attack. (R) Romantic drama, with Teri
BBC 1 BBC 2 4.05 Mamma Mia! I Have A
Dream Competition. (R)
6.30 Richard III — The King In
The Car Park Charting
Hatcher and William deVry.
6.05 All New Greatest
5.30 FILM: Harry Potter And the hunt for the remains of Christmas Ads Festive
6.00 Breakfast Headlines. 6.15 Hey Duggee Double bill. (R) the medieval ruler. (R) advertisements. (R)
10.00 Saturday Kitchen Live 6.30 Supertato Animation. (R) The Order Of The
Phoenix Stars Daniel 8.00 The Princes In The Tower 7.55 News; Weather Reports.
11.30 Mary Makes It Easy 6.35 Shaun The Sheep (R) —The New Evidence 8.00 Cadbury At Christmas —
Radcliffe and Emma
With Anton Du Beke. (R) 6.55 Dennis & Gnasher Rob Rinder and Philippa Secrets Of The Chocolate
Watson. The wizard forms
12.00 Football Focus Preview. Unleashed! Cartoon. (R) Langley reinvestigate new Factory Behind the scenes
his fellow pupils into a
12.30 Bargain Hunt Curios. (R) 7.05 Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse leads in the case of the as the confectioner gears
secret army to battle
1.00 News; Weather Headlines. Cheese Cartoon. (R) infamous historical up for the festive season. (R)
Lord Voldemort. Dazzling
1.15 MOTD Women’s Super 7.15 Grizzy And The mystery, concerning the 9.00 Michael Barrymore
fantasy. (2007, 12)
League: Chelsea v Lemmings Double bill. (R) fate of the two young — Rise & Fall Of Mr
Liverpool. Live coverage of 7.35 Pokemon Animation. (R) 8.00 The Voice Emma Willis princes who disappeared Saturday Night A look at
the match at Stamford 7.55 Deadly Mission Shark (R) hosts as the blind auditions in 1483, leading to claims the life of the entertainer,
Bridge. Kickoff at 1.30. 8.25 Blue Peter Magazine. (R) continue in the spinning- that Richard III had them who was one of the
3.45 Escape To The Country 8.50 Newsround Update. chair singing competition. killed to validate his own nation’s best-loved TV stars
Properties in Suffolk. (R) 9.00 The Bear Family And Me 9.35 The 1% Club Quiz show claim to the throne. until the death of Stuart
4.45 Garden Rescue (R) Documentary. (R) hosted by Lee Mack. (R) Lubbock, at his house in
5.30 News; Weather Reports. 10.30 News; Weather Reports. 9.45 FILM: White House Down 2001, ended his career.
10.00 FILM: Into The Woods Stars Channing Tatum and
5.55 The Weakest Link New Stars Meryl Streep. 10.45 The Playboy Bunny 10.25 The Greatest TV Of The
run. Romesh Ranganathan Murder Marcel Theroux Jamie Foxx. A policeman 80s A look back at the
Musical fantasy. (2014, PG) on a tour of the White
welcomes eight EastEnders investigates the murders best programmes of the
cast members to test their 12.00 My Million Pound Menu of four women. (1/2, R) House has to save the decade. (Last in series)
general-knowledge skills. (Series 2, ep 2, R) 11.45 English Football League president when terrorists 12.25 Criminals — Caught On
6.40 Strictly Come Dancing Highlights Action from seize control of the Camera Crime. (R)
1.00 FILM: Ice Station Zebra
Tess Daly and Claudia the latest fixtures. building. An entertaining 1.00 Casino Show Gambling.
Stars Rock Hudson. Arctic
Winkleman host live from 12.45 Catchphrase Game. (R) romp. (2013, 12) 3.00 Bad Girls Behind Bars
adventure. (1968, U)
the Blackpool Tower, 1.15 Cash Trapped (R) Documentary. (S2, ep 2, R)
3.20 Australasia — Our Wild 12.20 FILM: Alita — Battle
with an opening routine 2.05 The Switch Quiz. (R) 3.50 The All-Inclusive — How
Adventures Wildlife. (R) Angel Stars Rosa Salazar
from the Strictly cast. 2.55 Made In Britain (R) Do They Really Do It?
4.20 Saving Lives At Sea The and Christoph Waltz.
8.00 Survivor The reward 3.45 Unwind Relaxation. (R) (Series 2, ep 3, R)
crew at Wick search to find Sci-fi adventure. (2019, 12)
challenge has the tribes 5.05 James Martin’s French 4.35 Divine Designs (R)
fighting for food. a paddleboarder. (R) Adventure Double bill. (R) 2.25 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell (R) 5.00 House Doctor Advice. (R)
9.00 Blankety Blank With Oti 5.20 Flog It! Selling items. (R) 7.00 Gino’s Italy — Secrets Of 3.15Banged Up Reality. (R) 5.30 Entertainment News
Mabuse, DJ Target, Yung 6.00 The Tea Trail Simon Reeve The South (4/6, R) 4.10 Hollyoaks Soap. (R) 5.40 Children’s Shows
Filly, Sue Perkins, Eamonn explores the tea industry 7.30 James Martin’s Saturday 6.15Cheers Comedy. (R) 6.00 Milkshake! Children’s fun.
Holmes and Josie Gibson. in eastern Africa. (R) Morning Chat show. (R) 7.10The King Of Queens (R) 9.50 The Smurfs Cartoon. (R)
9.35 Kin New crime drama, with 7.00 Great Asian Railway 9.25 News; Weather Reports. 8.00 Everybody Loves 10.05 Spongebob Animation. (R)
Aidan Gillen, Ciaran Hinds Journeys Indonesia. (R) 9.30 Love Your Weekend Raymond Comedy. (R) 10.15 Entertainment News
and Charlie Cox. There are 8.00 Blondie At The BBC 11.30-12.30 Fletchers’ Family 9.00 The Simpsons (R) 10.20 NFL End Zone Action.
reprisals when the son of a Archive appearances. Farm Documentary. 9.30-12.30 Sunday Brunch 10.50-12.20 Friends Sitcom. (R)
Dublin crime boss gets into 9.00 When Blondie Came To
a violent confrontation Britain A look at the band’s
with a drug dealer. (S1, ep 1) relationship with the nation. SKY CINEMA SELECT
10.25 News; Weather Reports. 10.00 Blondie In Concert Films 5.35pm The Lord Of The Rings Entertainment
10.45 Kin The family deals with — 1979 A performance by — The Fellowship Of The Ring
the fallout of Cunningham’s the band at the Apollo (2001, PG) 8.35 The Lord Of The
6.00pm Little Dixie (2023, 15) 7.00pm EastEnders 8.00 Top Gear
retaliation. (Series 1, ep 2) Theatre in Glasgow. (R) Rings — The Two Towers. Frodo
8.00 Renfield. Dracula’s 9.00 Two Pints Of Lager And A Packet
10.40 Later… Jools Holland is and Sam face the former owner
11.40 The Rap Game UK (R) henchman tries to make a new Of Crisps 11.00 Bad Education
joined by guests Corinne of the ring. (2002, 12) 11.35-2.55 12.45-1.45 Charlotte In Sunderland
life away from the Count. (2023,
12.40 FILM: X+Y Stars Asa The Lord Of The Rings — The
Bailey Rae, Cleo Sol and 15) 9.50-12.10 Big George
Butterfield and Rafe Spall. Foreman. Charting the life of Return Of The King (2003, 12) ITV2
Billy Bragg. (Last in series)
A teenage maths genius the former world heavyweight 5.30pm FILM: Antz 7.10 FILM:
11.25 Blondie At Glastonbury FILM4 Johnny English 9.00 FILM: Identity
finds love while training boxing champion. (2023, 12)
1999 The band’s Pyramid 4.45pm Teenage Mutant Ninja Thief. Stars Jason Bateman 11.15
to take part in the
stage performance. (R) SKY CINEMA THRILLER Turtles (2014, 12) 6.45 Jumanji — Family Guy 12.15 American Dad! 1.10
International Mathematical Welcome To The Jungle. Four
12.35 Blondie At The BBC (R) 6.00pm Snitch. A man volunteers Celebability 2.00-3.00 Unwind
Olympiad. Feel-good high-school students are drawn
comedy drama. (2014, 12) 1.35 FILM: Lullaby Stars Karin to become an undercover
into a video game. (2017, 12) 9.00 ITV4
Viard. (2019, 15; French informant. (2013, 12) 8.00 The
Colombiana. An assassin secretly 6.35pm FILM: Rio Lobo 9.00 English
2.30 Joins BBC News with subtitles; ends at 3.10) Talented Mr Ripley. A man is paid
plots revenge on the gangsters Football League Highlights 10.00
6.00 Breakfast Headlines. to persuade a spoiled youth to
who murdered her parents. (2011, FILM: Death Wish 2. Stars Charles
9.00 Sunday With Laura 6.30 A To Z Of TV Gardening return home to his family. (1999,
15) 11.10-1.00 Meander. A woman is Bronson 11.55 Motorsport UK
Kuenssberg Interviews. With Carol Kirkwood. (R) 15) 10.25-12.25 Gone Baby
locked in a series of strange tunnels 12.55-1.25 Auto Mundial
10.00 Politics Reports. 7.15 Glorious Gardens From Gone. A private eye tries to find
a four-year-old girl. (2007, 15) full of deadly traps. (2021, 15) E4
10.30 Scotland’s Sacred Islands Above Holy Island. (R)
Isle of Skye. (Last in series) 8.00 Beechgrove Garden In TALKING PICTURES TV 5.35pm The Great Christmas Bake
SKY CINEMA GREATS Off 6.50 FILM: Sister Act 2 — Back In
11.30-12.00 Amanda & Alan’s Winter Advice. (R) 5.35pm Forrest Gump (1994, 12) 6.00pm The People That Time
The Habit. Comedy 9.00 Celebrity
Italian Job (1/8, R) 8.30 Weatherman Walking For 8.00 Jerry Maguire. An idealistic Forgot. An explorer leads an
Gogglebox 10.00 Gogglebox
Children In Need (R) sports agent finds himself forced expedition to a prehistoric island to
12.05-2.15 Celebrity First Dates
SCOTLAND 3.45 Garden Rescue. 9.30 Landward Rural issues. to set up business on his own. rescue his friend. (1977, U) 7.50
Transforming a plot in Bracknell. 10.00 Saturday Kitchen Best (1996, 15) 10.25-12.25 Vampire In Look At Life 8.00 Maigret 9.00 The MORE4
4.30 Landward. 5.00 Scotland’s Bites Recipe inspiration. Brooklyn. A bloodsucker begins a Gold Robbers 10.05-12.15 Malice. 5.50pm Four In A Bed 6.20 Four In
quest to find a woman who will A surgeon develops a dangerous A Bed 7.55 999 — On The Front Line
Weather — Our Changing 11.30-12.00 Jimmy’s Food
be his eternal bride. (1995, 15) pride in his abilities. (1993, 15) 9.00 24 Hours In A&E. Double bill
Seasons. Documentary. Factory (Series 1, ep 4, R)

54 12 November 2023
BBC 4 Sky Arts Sky Atlantic ITV3 Radio
7.00pm Extreme Mountain 2.00pm Portrait Artist Of The 1.40pm Succession Shiv, 8.35am Midsomer Murders
Challenge The naturalist Year With Shirley Ballas. Kendall and Roman head to Drama, with John Nettles. ○ The Weekend
Steve Backshall explores 2.55 Tina Turner — What’s the UK. (Series 2, ep 7) 2.40 Midsomer Murders With Documentary (BBC
caves within the mountains Love Live The singer’s 2.50 Succession The John Nettles. The apparent World Service, noon)
in Venezuela. (2/2) 1993 concert in San clan travels to Logan’s suicide of a childless Tanni Grey-Thompson, a
8.00 Britain’s Outlaws Bernardino, California. hometown of Dundee. farmer’s wife puts Barnaby
— Highwaymen, Pirates 5.05 Discovering The life and 4.00 Succession Logan, on the scent of an ancient
former Paralympian, on
And Rogues Sam Willis career of Fredric March. Kendall, Gerri and Tom land feud. (Series 5, ep 2) changing attitudes to
concludes his exploration 6.00 Peter, Paul & Mary — testify. 5.15 Succession 4.40 Midsomer Murders disability. She talks to
of the criminal underworld Live At Newport Logan weighs up a huge Barnaby is called in when people about growing up
of the 17th and 18th Documentary capturing decision. 6.35 Succession the bell-ringers of Midsomer disabled, and to Frank
centuries by looking at the spirit of America’s Folk Kendall plans his next Wellow are mysteriously Gardner, the BBC
urban crime, fraud and Renaissance at its zenith. move. (Series 3, ep 1) murdered one by one
corruption. (Last in series) 7.15 Classic Albums The 7.45 House Of The Dragon — and it seems an ancient
security reporter, about
9.00 Scrublands New drama making of Fleetwood Mac’s Rhaenyra faces continued rhyme may hold the key adapting to becoming
series, with Luke Arnold. 1977 album Rumours. speculation about her to the killer’s motive. disabled after being shot.
A disenchanted journalist 8.30 Discovering The rise of children. (6/10) 9.00 6.45 Snooker Jill Douglas Clair Woodward
is ordered to write a English band New Order. House Of The Dragon presents live coverage of
follow-up piece a year 9.00 Record On The story of King Viserys calls for day six of the Champion
after a mass shooting of New Order’s 1983 album an end to infighting. of Champions from TIMES RADIO
five parishioners by a Power, Corruption & Lies, 10.10 House Of The Dragon Toughsheet Community
young priest. (1/4) 9.50 exploring how the band Rhaenyra tries to strike a Stadium in Bolton, 6.00 Chloe Tilley And Calum
Scrublands Scarsden turned to electronic bargain with Rhaenys. featuring the concluding Macdonald With Times Radio
instrumentation. 11.25-12.35 House Of The Breakfast 10.00 Hugo Rifkind
decides to stay on in semi-final, played over
10.45-12.00 AC/DC — Forever Dragon Alicent enlists 1.00 Alexis Conran 4.00 Ayesha
Riversend to dig deeper the best of 11 frames. Hazarika With Times Radio Drive
into the mystery of Byron Young Documentary. help to track down Aegon. 10.00 Law & Order — UK Brooks 7.00 The Best Of Times
Swift — and comes across and Devlin investigate a Podcasts 8.00 Stories Of Our
two skeletal remains. hospital department where Times 8.30 Red Box 9.00
10.40 The Hollow Crown: The
Wars Of The Roses —
Drama Talk TV three patients have died in
suspicious circumstances
Highlights From Times Radio
10.00 Darryl Morris 1.00
Richard III The ruthless 2.00pm Dalziel & Pascoe A 10.00am Peter Cardwell The in six months. With Highlights From Times Radio
Duke of Gloucester plots tourist is found battered Westminster insider scours Bradley Walsh and Jamie RADIO 4
to seize the throne for to death. (Series 8, ep 1) the latest news from Bamber. (Series 5, ep 1)
5.30 News 5.43 Prayer 5.45
himself. (Last in series) 4.00 Father Brown The priest parliament, featuring 11.00-12.00 Law & Order
Close Encounters (R) 6.00 News
12.50 Yes Minister Sitcom. investigates a case of exclusive interviews with — UK A police hunt is And Papers 6.07 Open Country
1.20 Some Mothers Do ’Ave body-snatching. (Series 4, political heavyweights. launched when a boy goes (R) 6.30 Farming Today This
’Em (Series 3, ep 3) ep 8) 5.00 Father Brown 1.00 Alex Phillips Opinions and missing from a merry-go- Week 7.00 Today 9.00 Saturday
1.55 Extreme Mountain The sleuthing priest tries to discussion on recent news. round, but with more than Live 10.00 Your Place Or Mine.
Challenge (2/2) solve the murder of an 4.00 Trisha Goddard A look one suspect and no Salma El-Wardany makes the
2.55-3.55 Britain’s Outlaws aeronautics magnate’s son. through the week’s stories. physical evidence, the case for Cairo, Egypt 10.30 The
— Highwaymen, Pirates 6.00 The Brokenwood 7.00 James Whale Unleashed search throws up more Kitchen Cabinet. New run 11.00
And Rogues (3/3) questions than answers. The Week In Westminster 11.30
Mysteries Mike and his Commentary and opinions,
From Our Own Correspondent
team explore the world of and chance for viewers to 12.00 News 12.01 (LW) Shipping
antiquities when one of the express their opinions. 12.04 Money Box 12.30 The
hosts of a hit series is found 10.00 That Was The Woke That Now Show (R) 1.00 News 1.10
murdered. (Series 7, ep 1) Was Andre Walker quizzes Any Questions? (R) 2.00 Any
8.10 An Inspector Calls an opinionated panel. Answers? 2.45 The Planet Earth
Adaptation of JB Priestley’s 11.00-1.00 The Late Night Podcast 3.00 Drama: iPromise,
stage play, with David Phone-In Andre Walker by Martin Jameson. (R) 4.00
Thewlis, Miranda gives his take on the Weekend Woman’s Hour 5.00
Saturday PM 5.30 Political
Richardson and Ken Stott. week’s biggest stories. Thinking 5.54 Shipping 6.00
10.00 Manhattan A high-profile Available on Sky 522; Freeview News 6.15 Loose Ends. With
guest shakes things up on 237; Virgin 606; Freesat 217; Tony Iommi, Steven Knight and
the Hill. (Series 1, ep 4) YouTube, connected TVs and Ellie Simmonds 7.00 Profile 7.15
Scrublands (BBC4, from 9pm) 11.00-12.20 Mrs Wilson (1/3) smart devices Quizmaster (BBC1, 5.55pm) The Infinite Monkey Cage. Brian
Cox and Robin Ince explore the
science of coincidence 8.00
11.05 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does 1.00 Lincoln Rhyme —Hunt For The DISCOVERY Archive On 4: I Was 21 Years.
Countdown. Double bill of the
gameshow 1.15-3.25 24 Hours In A&E
Bone Collector 2.00-3.00 For Life 6.00pm Gold Rush 7.00 The Garden
— Commune Or Cult? 8.00 Gold
Sport Billy Bragg marks 40 years since
the release of his seminal song
W Rush — White Water 9.00 Survive SKY SPORTS MAIN EVENT A New England 9.00 The
GOLD 5.40pm My Family 7.00 Miranda The Raft. After a tumultuous start, a 6.00am News 7.00 LIVE Formula 1. Corrupted, by GF Newman (R)
5.00pm Only Fools And Horses. 9.00 The Catherine Tate Show 11.00 new arrival throws fuel into the fire Las Vegas Grand Prix qualifying 9.45 The Skewer (R) 10.00
Five episodes 10.50 Blackadder Ambulance Australia 12.00 One 10.00 Alien Abduction — Travis 9.30 LIVE DP World Tour Golf News 10.15 Add To Playlist (R)
Goes Forth 11.25 The Young Ones Born Every Minute 1.00 Dating With Walton. New evidence reveals the 12.30 LIVE EFL: Notts County v 11.00 Brain Of Britain (R) 11.30
12.55 The Lenny Henry Show My Mates 2.00-3.00 Nanny On Tour Bradford City. Kickoff 12.30 3.00 Uncanny 12.00 News 12.15 The
true story behind the film Fire in the
1.35-2.10 Blackadder Goes Forth Soccer Saturday 6.00 News 7.00 Exploding Library (R) 12.48
Sky 12.00-4.00 Wheeler Dealers
YESTERDAY LIVE Fight Night. Franck Petitjean Shipping 1.00 As World Service
SKY MAX 6.00pm Great Continental Railway PBS AMERICA takes on Adam Azim 11.05 LIVE
5.15pm Hawaii Five-0 7.00 Movie Journeys 10.00 Porridge. Comedy 5.15pm The Stuarts 8.35 Israel — A Women’s Big Bash 2.10 World RADIO 3
Megastars — Made In The 80s 9.00 12.00-1.00 Bangers & Cash Twice Promised Land. Israel after the Cup Cricket Classics 2.35 LIVE 7.00 Breakfast 9.00 Record
A League Of Their Own 10.00 Second World War, focusing on the Women’s Big Bash 4.30 Formula 1
DAVE Review 11.45 Music Matters 12.30
Flintoff — Lord Of The Fries 11.00 end of the war, and the UN vote on the 5.55-7.00 LIVE Formula 1. The Las This Classical Life 1.00 Inside
The Lazarus Project 12.00 Cobra 6.00pm Soapbox Race 2016 7.00 Partition Plan 9.50 Israel — A Twice Vegas Grand Prix. Start-time 6.00 Music 3.00 Sound Of Cinema
— Rebellion 1.00 Brassic 2.00-3.00 Not Going Out 9.00 FILM: Kill Bill — Promised Land. A look at 1948-1967,
TNT SPORTS 1 4.00 Music Planet 5.00 J To Z
The Force — Manchester Volume 2 11.50 Outsiders 12.50-1.50 which was punctuated by wars
6.00am LIVE WRC. The Rally Japan 6.30 Opera On 3: L’Aube Rouge.
Have I Got A Bit More News For You between Israel and its neighbours
SKY COMEDY 7.00 LIVE A-League Women 9.00 Guillaume Tourniaire conducts
10.55-12.00 Putin’s Crisis
6.00pm Will & Grace 6.30 US Office
9.00 Curb Your Enthusiasm 10.15
WWE 10.30 LIVE WRC 11.15 PL
Reload 11.30 Premiership Rugby
the Wexford Festival Chorus and
Orchestra in a performance of
Saturday Night Live 11.30 Tonight NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 7.00pm Shark — British Isles. With Union 12.30 LIVE FA Futsal Erlanger, with Andreea Soare
Show 12.30 Romantic Getaway Steve Backshall 8.00 In For The Kill Women’s Super Series 2.30 LIVE (soprano, Olga) and Andrew
6.00pm Lost Treasures Of Egypt
1.30-2.45 DL Hughley — Goin’ Home 9.00 Big Beasts — Last Of The Premiership Rugby Union: Leicester Morstein (tenor, Serge) 10.00
7.00 Lost Tombs Of The Pyramids.
Giants. Patrick Aryee heads to Africa Tigers v Northampton Saints. New Music Show. Highlights from
SKY WITNESS A team of archaeologists embark on the Ivors Classical Awards, a
10.00-12.00 Nature’s Fast Attacks Kickoff 3.05 5.15 LIVE Premiership
6.00pm Border Security — Australia’s an extraordinary excavation 8.00 Rugby Union: Harlequins v celebration of new classical
Front Line 8.00 FBI. A security agent King Tut In Colour. The discovery DISCOVERY HISTORY Saracens. Kickoff 5.30 8.00 LIVE music and sound art by British,
is killed 9.00 FBI — International of Tutankhamun’s tomb is 6.00pm Combat Dealers 8.00 UFC 1.30 Uefa Champions League Irish or UK resident composers
10.00 FBI — Most Wanted 11.00 revealed for the first time in colour Tony Robinson’s World War One 2.00 LIVE WRC 3.45 Sign Up 12.00 Freeness. With Matana
The Rookie 12.00 The Good Doctor 9.00-2.00 Lost Treasures Of Egypt 10.00-12.00 Secrets Underground 4.30 MotoGP 5.00-6.45 LIVE WRC Roberts 1.00 Through The Night

12 November 2023 55
12 NOVEMBER 2023

(and the dog)
365 luxury
gifts for all
the family
The Barometer Edited by Priya Elan

Fashion! Beauty! People! Things! Welcome to your weekly guide

to the stuff everyone will be talking about. Do keep up

Headboards, but Heating up

make them haute ▲ HORSEGIIRL
Equine DJ big with the
Fancy something tall, sculpted and style crew (Marc
sensational-looking for the bedroom? Jacobs is a fan). Why

Supersize headboards are rising up the long face?
to replace feature walls, and the latest ▲ TOM BLYTH
upholstered launches combine The Hermès-catwalk-
walking actor putting
cosiness, brilliant colours and curves. the “hun” into the
Why not start with the new

Hunger Games
collaboration between the fabric prequel (out Friday)
designer Julia Brendel and The
Additional words: Katrina Burroughs. Photographs: Getty Images,

Headboard Workshop, based on the

architecture of Jaipur (from £1,200),
or interior designers are using Molly ▲ WILD SWIM
Mahon’s hand-block-printed fabrics, SHOW-OFFS
@horsegiirl420, @tomblyth,

such as the blue stripe (£112 a metre), Those in the

▲ STEIN INN know are
to create custom ones. If you’re on a Foodies are making ditching their
budget, dip into Etsy and you’ll find a pilgrimage to Dryrobes
upholstered headboards for under this Isle of Skye for a stylish
pub for fresh version from
£100. Some of the fanciest, though, seafood. Nigella Speedo, out
are at Trove by Studio Duggan, where has been, natch this week
Moorish points and shapely scallops
are covered in fabric — but you have to
be prepared to shell out just shy of
Cooling down
£2,000. We’ll sleep on it. ▼ PASTA WATER ▼ BACKGROUND MUSIC
MARTINI A host of new
Headboard, from £950, Has had restaurants and
more than bars are making a 60 million banging bass the daily
views on
TikTok, but
special (see Bambi,
System, Moko)
Will you ‘woolouflage’
adding pasta
water to gin
this winter?
and olive brine Hiding in plain sight? Now a style flex too.
to make a Twinning your scarf with your jumper —
cocktail? No aka going full “woolouflage” — is big on the
catwalk (Max Mara, Buci), the high street
(Zara, Cos) and with street-stylers. How to get
it right? Ensure your knit and scarf ’s shade
Bacon match perfectly or invest in a set: see Joseph’s
buttie and black and white pairing (above, scarf, £495,
a stiff and jumper, £795, If
coffee or
this new you’re going for patterns, try getting perfect
spray? alignment, otherwise you’ll make passers-by
The Y2K revival no go cross-eyed. The spiced caramel latte in
pooch asked for your hand is, of course, optional.



© Times Media Ltd, 2023. Published and licensed by Times Media Ltd, 1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF (020 7782 5000). Printed at Walstead Bicester Limited, Oxfordshire. Not to be sold separately

The Sunday Times Style • 25

Santa baby
Socks again? Absolutely, found on eBay sat a pair of noise-cancelling
headphones. Now that is a good present. I’m
if they’re cashmere. not saying everyone needs to build stair
desks — it was also the thoughtfulness
Gift-giving is a skill, says and the love that made the gift perfect.
For me, and these things are of
India Knight – and here’s course subjective, the worst presents
how to get it right are expensive and thoughtless. The giver
can’t think of anything to get the giftee, so
they lob money at the problem, thinking
Everyone is supposed to love giving presents, that at least the obvious cost of the gift shows they
which is quite a stressful concept because it care. This would be true if the expensive thought-
implies that the presents you give are always less gift were, for example, a thatched cottage in
successful. Giving wildly successful presents is the woods, but would not be true at all of a random
indeed deeply satisfying, both for the giver and the and hideous piece of jewellery. You never want to
receiver. But it also requires time and effort. Very give a present that causes the recipient to think,
occasionally you’ll see something and think, “Oh, “Hi, have you met me?” Or, “Hi, have you been to
that is perfect for so-and-so,” but more often than my house?” I’m thinking here of the friend (white
not you have to rootle about a bit. And this rootling rooms, challenging art, sparse, carefully curated
takes time, the one thing no one has, especially in furniture) whose best work friend gave her a faux
the already stressful enough period leading up to medieval tapestry cushion of robins. Had it been a
Christmas. So many — most? — people compro- joke, it would have been outstanding.
mise and give merely OK presents. How to get presents right? First, there is nothing
Now, there’s nothing wrong with an OK present wrong with asking people what they’d like. What
provided that it’s to someone other than your this lacks in romance and surprise is made up for by
husband/wife/partner. The giftee quite likes it, the satisfaction of giving someone exactly what
which is good, even if their face does not light they wanted. The rule here is not to deviate from
up with delight. The gifter is middlingly pleased, the brief: if they say wooden spoons, don’t buy them
or maybe relieved, but doesn’t feel the thrill of stainless-steel ones on the well-intentioned basis
having got it absolutely spot-on. When my chil- that they’re longer lasting. This is particularly
dren were little and squealed with excitement important for teenagers: get the specific thing
when they opened a longed-for toy, my mother- they’ve asked for, not the similar thing you prefer
in-law at the time would cry: “I say, it’s a smash the look of (“I know you said black, darling, but
hit!” (A phrase that immediately lodged itself in black is so gloomy so I got you this lovely
family vocab and is now my Christmas gift to you.) turquoise”). You don’t have to like the present —
The smash hits would make her day, make our only they have to love it. If there are children and
day, make the children’s day, and engender much teenagers on your list whose ages you’re quite vague
festive feeling all round. about, I actively recommend asking their parents for
The key to good presents for adults is thought- gift suggestions. If they say money, as is likely, do
fulness and noticing things, like someone once insist a bit — it is sad for young people to have
said they liked nasturtiums or baroque architec- nothing concrete to open on Christmas Day.
ture. I also like a degree of ingenuity. I have a friend Even little presents can feel lavish and magnifi-
who is a broke writer and longed for a shed to write cent. You can’t go wrong with small extravagances.
in. Those sheds cost an arm and a leg, and anyway Nobody, of any age, doesn’t like something they
she doesn’t have the space for one. Last Christmas would never, or could never, buy for themselves,
her partner made her (by himself ) a very well- like cashmere socks or a spenny lipstick in a
considered, perfectly appointed (wallpapered!) writ- weighty case. No keen cooks or eaters would turn
ing space under the stairs. On the vintage desk he’d their noses up at a bottle of fantastic, expensive

The Sunday Times Style • 27

The key to good
presents for adults is
thoughtfulness and
noticing things. I also like
India Knight
a degree of ingenuity
olive oil or a packet of amazing coffee. Someone
who buys utilitarian T-shirts in bargain packs of 1 The Secret of Cooking by Bee Wilson (4th Estate £28).
three would be amazed by the softness and flat- This is my book of the year across any genre. Give it to
tering cut of something costlier. Also good: multi- someone who loves cooking and they’ll love you for ever.
ples of things, as in normal rather than cashmere Super-friendly, packed to the gills with useful tips and
socks, but seven pairs. advice, plus excellent recipes. It is simply brilliant.
The whole presents issue is complicated further if
your recipients are people who are at the age when 2 Chanel Le Vernis nail varnish (£29 each).
they pretty much have everything they need. My The limited-edition ones for Christmas are
solution to this — and my favourite presents, both divine, especially the shade Tuxedo.
to give and to receive — are emotionally resonant
3 A cashmere beanie Everyone of every age
things in frames, by which I mean things that are
welcomes a cashmere beanie at some point over
professionally framed by a framer. Mementoes of
the winter. I like the ones from Cos (£55).
significant events are a lovely thing to give: a restau-
rant menu from a memorable date, boarding passes 4 Shearling Birkenstocks In various unisex
from a joyous trip, tickets to a special sporting event, iterations, including clogs — there is nothing cosier
a letter, a child’s drawing or piece of writing, an old to wear on your feet (from £125).
Polaroid, a funny doodle, a postcard, their late dad’s
bus pass — basically anything that the person keeps 5 A set of bed linen from Piglet in Bed (duvet cover
in a drawer for sentimental reasons and can’t bring from £129), ideally checked, or from Toast
themselves to throw away. But it must be framed as (duvet cover from £99), ideally stripy.
though it were going to be hung in a museum, to
give it heft and make it splendid. 6 C Atherley Geranium No 1 Bath Oil (£39).
Don’t dismiss physical photographs either (again, This smells so delicious, plus has beautiful packaging.
they must be framed) — so much nicer than peering There are alternatives for the bathless.
at thumbnails on a phone. One of my favourite ever
presents, from my youngest sister, was a family 7 A subscription to The Idler magazine (£40),
photo album she had painstakingly compiled from which is wide-ranging, always interesting and the
everyone’s old, half-forgotten pictures. perfect thing to read in the bathroom. Also gift
Things to read, so books, but books that you subscriptions to podcasts, Substacks or both.
know the person is going to love. Here it really pays 8 An Ikea Brobock rattan armchair
to buy offline, from an independent bookshop (£139), with a sheepskin on it.
with sellers you can chat to. Failing which, coffee
table books. Nobody buys themselves coffee table 3
books, and the best of them are ravishingly beau-
tiful. Match the topic to the giftee, obviously.
Don’t discount the practical gift. This doesn’t
mean buying your wife a Hoover, though I was
once given a KitchenAid stand mixer and I’d be 2
lying if I said I was displeased. But buying things
that people actively need is never a bad idea. A
keen hiker would probably love a walking boot
upgrade or better binoculars, a young person could
probably do with better tech accessories, an older
one might like more flattering reading glasses. 5
And don’t discount the gift of time. Your time
makes a fantastic present. If there’s someone you 7
Getty Images, Catherine Garcia

don’t see enough of (that you like), book your- 8

selves a weekend away. It doesn’t even have to
cost you anything: one of my favourite recent
presents — I have three dogs and am kennel-
averse — was a friend who my dogs love saying
she’d move in and look after them so that I could
go away for my birthday. ■ @indiaknight

The Sunday Times Style • 29

Treating someone
special this Christmas?
For the ultimate in bags,
shoes – and a diamond
or two – delve into
Style’s luxury gift guide

Photographs Theresa Marx Styling Flossie Saunders Edit Helen Atkin

Crushed-velvet pumps, £925, Loewe

The Sunday Times Style • 31


2 6








17 Just in time
for Christmas,
Dear Frances has
perfected the
knee-high boot —
this style also
comes in black
and cream 18

1 Flats, £275, 2 Necklace, £4,125, and amethyst pendant, £5,400, 3 Good Girl Liquid Blush, from £36, 4 Velvet blazer, £420, and 5 trousers, £270, 6 Huggie earrings, £325, 7 Rouge Stiletto
Glossy Shine Lipstick, £48, Christian Louboutin, 8 Card holder, £35, 9 Ring, £4,100, 10 Jumper knitting
David Newby

kit, from £107, 11 Earrings, £150, 12 Robe, £235, 13 Siberian Pine & Winter Rose
candle, £60, 14 Manicure roll, £40, 15 Bra, £34, and 16 knickers, £18, And/Or, 17 Boots,
£730, 18 Bag, £1,950, 19 Dior Forever Cushion Case, £23 (case only), 20 Mules, £295,

32 • The Sunday Times Style




Flossie Saunders
Along with an air fryer (who doesn’t
want one of those?) you can’t go wrong
25 with a cookbook — this detailed guide to
salt is the niche Christmas essential your
loved ones will definitely thank you for.
Burberry’s mini sling bag is also sitting
pretty on my wish list — I love the idea
26 of it worn with traffic-stopping shades.
24 1 Bath Oil, £78, Olverum,
2 Air fryer, £100, the Hairy Bikers; 3 Rice Table, £27, Su Scott, 4 Matches, £8, 5 Bag, £1,590, 6 Salt and the Art of
Seasoning, £27, James Strawbridge, 7 Jacket, £1,645,




30 5


21 Jumper, £35, 22 Necklace, £595, 23 Beanie, £340, 24 Nail varnish, £27, 25 Hot-water bottle cover, £95,
26 Trousers, £720, 27 Holdall, £510, WNU x Tusting, 28 Bracelet,
£4,350, 29 Jacket, £1,245, 30 Le Smash Santal
Shimmering Body Moisture Crème, from £19.50, 31 Clogs, £890,

The Sunday Times Style • 33


Saddle up
In metallic silver, this Gucci saddle bag is the ultimate arm decoration. Shoulder bag, £2,470, Gucci

34 • The Sunday Times Style


Laura Atkinson
For the fashion lover who has
everything, Levi’s Lot-1 service is, to
4 my mind, the perfect present. A tailor
takes your measurements and together
you pick everything — from the
5 material to the colour of the thread
— and you end up with a perfect,
personalised pair of jeans that will last
you for ever. The experience is like
getting a suit made on Savile Row,
incredibly special and memorable.
Otherwise, you can’t go wrong with a
great pair of trainers: the new Loewe x
On running ones are top of my list.
1 Enamel plate, £23,
2 Suite 302, £170 for 50ml EDP, 3 Rouge Hermès
10 Lip Care Balm, £62, 4 Tank
Must watch, £2,800,
5 Plant-based 501 jeans, £110,
9 6 Trainers, £375, Loewe x On,


In the perfect
shade of Christmas
tree green, this
Mulberry bag
is a winner

11 3

1 Skirt, £1,530, 2 Sunglasses, £310, 3 Necklace, £2,590, 4 Ring, £7,900, 5 Resurgence Retinal ReSculpt 6
Overnight Treatment, £105, Murad, 6 Pendant, £1,600,
7 Candle, £74, Acqua di Parma, 8 Poudre de Beauté Éclat Soleil Powder,
Ben Parks

£47, Gucci, 9 Tote, £950, 10 Coat, £350, Jaeger, 11 Bracelet, £230, 12 Carry-on, £395,

The Sunday Times Style • 37


Party bag
This embellished bag by Prada is a showstopper worth dancing around. Cleo handbag, £3,300, Prada

38 • The Sunday Times Style



Karen Dacre
I’m pretty sure I’ve had a new pair of 5
trainers on my Christmas list every year
since I was eight. No change this year:
these new issue Air Max 1s are right up
there — I’ll wear them for weekending
and work and everywhere in between.
I’m also obsessed with these
monochrome earrings from Pond.
Looking for more heart-warming ideas?
This insulated and very chic cafetière is
surely the thing everyone really wants
this winter. No more cold coffee! 6
1 Jumper, £269, Patagonia, endclothing.
com. 2 Earrings, £155,
3 Candle, £58, 4 Cafetière,
£99, Fellow,
5 Portraits, As Chosen By…, £40, Kate
Friend, 6 Air Max 1 ’87
trainers, £140, Nike,

Jimmy Choo’s
festive tartan kitten
heels are the perfect
shoes to unwrap on
1 Christmas Day and
put straight on



1 Candle, £103, 2 Nightdress, £220, 3 Mini Dolcevita watch,

Victoria Adamson

£3,700, 4 Jumper, £445, 5 EGF Power Serum, £165, 6 Soft Matte Lipstick, £40, 7 Bra, £60, and 8 knickers, £34,
6 9 Belt, £290, Benedetta Bruzziches, 10 Slingbacks, £750, 11 Ring, £3,360, 12 Vanity case, £650,

40 • The Sunday Times Style


High shine
A Fendi Baguette with added sparkle is 2023’s handbag VIP. Embellished bag, £3,300, Fendi

The Sunday Times Style • 43

Photographs Theresa Marx
Styling and edit Flossie Saunders

Ski goggles,
£855, Loro Piana

Boys’ toys
From gadgets to grooming, these gifts are guaranteed
to raise a smile. Novelty knits need not apply

The Sunday Times Style • 45





This Burberry
scarf is reborn for 11
the countryside in
a fitting “shrub”



14 15

1 Trousers, £129, Patagonia, 2 Bleu de Chanel shaving brush, £82, 3 Chronomat Automatic
GMT 40 watch, £6,500, 4 Backpack, £345, Porter-Yoshida & Co, 5 Cap, £65, Battenwear, 6 Keyring, £340, Prada, 7 Boots, £70, 8 Reverence Aromatique Hand Balm, £25, Aesop, 9 Drinks bottle, £39, Yeti, 10 Scarf, £420, 11 Single watch roll, £240,
12 Wild Mint & Lavandin, £120 for 100ml EDP, 13 Sweatshirt, £215, 14 Trainers, £85, Adidas, 15 Wallet, £85, Comme des Garçons, 16 Overshirt, £69,

46 • The Sunday Times Style

1 3

Priya Elan
Wallace and Gromit knew exactly what
they meant by “the wrong trousers”.
They were probably talking about
corduroy versions, right? It’s very hard
to find a pair that fits well (snug with a
slight flare but not baggy) and has a cut
that is just the right side of “vintage”.
These trousers from Toast tick all the
boxes and come in a delightful shade of
woodland green that’s perfect for that 4
inevitable family walk on New Year’s 5
Day. Shout out too, to this hair serum
from the brilliant Pattern, which does
great products for people with curly hair.
1 Jojoba Oil Blend serum, £25, Pattern, 2 Coffee machine,
£330, Sage, 3 Corduroy 9
trousers, £155, 4 Sonic Life:
A Memoir, £20, Thurston Moore, 5 High-tops, £155, 8


3 10

1 Cosmograph Daytona watch, price on application, 2 Water flosser, £45, 3 Reversible shirt, £2,100, 4 Hypnotist whitening toothpaste,
£17, Selahatin, 5 Clogs, £90, Birkenstock,
5 6 Socks, £20, Beams Plus, 7 Vintage champagne 2013, £205,
David Newby

Dom Pérignon, 8 Bespoke, £65 for 100ml EDP, Hackett,
9 Noise-cancelling headphones, £100, 10 Sweatshirt, £275,
11 Carry-on suitcase, £1,130, 12 Pen, £405,

50 • The Sunday Times Style


The 19th hole

This Louis Vuitton bag will be a winner on and off the green. Golf bag, price on application, Louis Vuitton

The Sunday Times Style • 51




9 The chore jacket

as reimagined
by Paul Smith is the
perfect gift for
8 the man who lives
in denim







1 Bag, £695, 2 Liner vest, £67, 3 Sunglasses, £250, 4 Beach bat set, £245, Frescobol Carioca, 5 Jacket, £225, 6 Beanie, £29, 7 Limited Edition Overactive Mind Sensory Point
Oil, £120, 8 Liner jacket, £160, 9 Fifty Fathoms watch, £340, Blancpain x Swatch; 10 Moustache
comb, £140, 11 Belt, £70, 12 Washbag, £830, 13 Chukka boots, £95, 14 Wallet, £390,
Giorgio Armani, 15 Hot-water bottle and cover, £290, 16 Orange Blossom candle, £345,

The Sunday Times Style • 53


On the ball
Celine’s petanque set is the style essential you never knew you needed. Petanque game, £1,050, Celine Maison

The Sunday Times Style • 55


A chicly
wrapped soap is 6
the grown-up
stocking filler you 5
can’t go wrong
with 7

Under £10
The perfect present doesn’t need to break the
bank – there’s an affordable (and stylish) gift for
everyone on your list
9 13
Edit Helen Atkin



1 Soap, £7, Claus Porto, 2 Nail Paint in Blue Macaron, £8, 3 Earrings, £10, 4 Pinch pot,
£6, 5 Chopsticks, £8 for four, Island Bamboo, 6 Bauble, £8, 7 Make-up bag,
£7.50, 8 Pencils, £6, Monk & Anna, 9 Pencil wrap, £9, 10 Ice sphere moulds, £10, oliverbonas.
com. 11 Matches, £8, John Derian, 12 Socks, £7, 13 Earrings, £10, 14 Black truffle sea salt, £9, 15 Shoe laces, £8, David Shrigley, 16 The Mixer’s Manual, £10, Dan Jones,

The Sunday Times Style • 57


4 8






These emerald- 17
coloured earrings
from Accessorize
are a steal at £10
and will make
any outfit

1 Scrunchie, £10, 2 Coaster, £8, 3 Honeypot, £10, Kilner, 4 Socks, £10, 5 Lime
squeezer, £7, Eddingtons, 6 Eyeshadow in Gaia, £5, 7 Candles, £5 for two, 8 Storage
tin, £9, Hay, 9 Mystery Matchbox puzzle, £5, 10 Sleep mask, £10, 11 Almond and Flowers
Delicious Hands hand cream, £9, 12 Spirit measure, £9, Uberstar, 13 Tumbler, £9.50, Fiorira un
Giardino, 14 Earrings, £10, 15 Organic All Butter Lemon Biscuits, £7,
16 Notebook, £10, Notem, 17 Adventures in the Darkness mint chocolate, £7,

The Sunday Times Style • 59




2 6


8 11



16 Give your
most forgetful
friend a vibrant
notebook that’s
15 impossible
to lose


1 Sunglasses, £6, 2 Bauble, £8.50, Ian Snow, 3 Earrings, £8, 4 Clementine curd, £5,
5 Sailor’s Cure salted peanut brittle, £7, 6 Pastry brush, £9, Iris Hantverk, 7 Measuring spoons, £7, Ernst, 8 Gingerbread cutters, £10, Bloomingville, 9 Bag tag, £10, 10 Letter pendant, £7.50, 11 Orange & Chocolate Biscuits, £7, 12 Shot glass, £10, Broste, 13 Incense, £10, Kuumba, 14 Smoked Chipotle Chef’s Honey, £10, 15 Afternoon Tea, £10, 16 Beanie, £10, 17 Ravioli stamp, £10, Marcato, 18 Notebook, £6, MiGoals,

The Sunday Times Style • 61



Pretty in pink?
Stuff this cap in
their stocking this





1 Home Bird, £5, Megan Davies, 2 Leather bookmark, £10, 3 Felt robin, £8,
4 Reclaimed teak spoon, £10, Originalhome, 5 Hair claw, £8.50, 6 Cap, £10, 7 Touchscreen gloves,
£7, 8 Candlestick, £6.50, 9 Red bra, £10, and 10 thong, £10 for three, 11 Napkins, £10 for two,
12 Matches, £8, 13 Espresso cup, £10, Anna + Nina, 14 Mug, £7.30, HKliving, 15 Sweet
and Smokey Spice Rub, £6, 16 Tomato seeds, £3, 17 Black Cherry chocolate, £6,

The Sunday Times Style • 63

Most brands pay celebrities wagon loads
of cash to wear their clothes. Some of the
world’s biggest names wear Luca Faloni’s
clothes because they want to and they pay
in full. Even royalty. It all started “a few
years ago when one of my customers, who
is a keen polo player and moves in certain

circles, sent us a picture of Prince William
and asked, ‘Is he wearing your shirt?’”
Faloni, 39, explains. He didn’t think about
it too much “until I saw the prince on TV
on a tour of southeast Asia and said, ‘Wait
a second, I think he is wearing our shirts.’”
The future king’s online shopping was
confirmed when Faloni’s cashmere sweater
and denim shirt made it into the prince’s
family Christmas card photograph in 2020. Luca Faloni is the little-known designer
Other famous customers include Stanley
Tucci, Regé-Jean Page, Ronan Keating, transforming Prince William’s wardrobe
the Formula One driver Charles Leclerc,
the chef Giorgio Locatelli and the Disney
(no ties allowed). John Arlidge meets him
CEO, Bob Iger. Another F1 star, Lando
Norris, who drives for McLaren, gets his Prince William
dad to do his shopping for him in Faloni’s wearing a Luca
Milan store before the Monza Grand Prix. Faloni linen shirt
Faloni’s brand appeals to royalty and
business titans because there are no
logos. “They don’t want to be flashy. If
you’re Prince William, you don’t want
60 million people in England to know that
you bought a £10,000 jacket from an
expensive brand. You look for something
that is discreet and classic.” So Luca Faloni
is not fashion? “It’s classic but different —
without going crazy.”
It’s not crazy expensive. A cotton polo
shirt is £125, a wool blazer £675, chinos
£150 and a linen suit £925. Faloni says he
wants to offer value because some of the big
brands have become “greedy” and raised
their prices to “absurd” levels. He knows
what he’s talking about. He grew up in
Turin and bought his clothes from the local
shirtmakers and tailors, who make some of
the most stylish collections from the best
cottons, wool and cashmere “for a fraction
of the price of the big brands”. Research
by Luca Solca, leading luxury analyst at
Bernstein, confirms that 21 out of 23 of the
best-known high-end fashion brands have
jacked up prices over the past 12 months.
Faloni keeps prices lower than his
competitors not just because he wants to
but also by adopting a different business
model. He sells mainly directly to
consumers (DTC) online, rather than
through stores. He does have a handful of
shops — including three in London, where
his business is based — but he regards
stores as “DTC too, because you have direct
contact with the customer”.
He will “never sell wholesale” (selling
stock to third-party online retailers or
department stores, for example) because

64 • The Sunday Times Style

‘I hate ties. It’s all about
pretending to be more
elegant. It’s useless’
“they put up the price so high to cover rent,
tech and warehousing, which means the
customer gets a bad deal. And if they have
too much stock they discount like mad in
the sales, which devalues the brand.”
Faloni has a strict no sales rule, “even
though some of our customers complain
about it”. Why? “Because it’s absurd and
wrong. When you go to a restaurant you
pay full price. When you go to the cinema
you pay full price. No other industry says,
‘Stick around a while and we’ll give you
everything for 70 per cent off.’ That doesn’t Above The Prince of Wales
make any sense. It’s unhealthy for the in Luca Faloni for the family
industry, for the consumer, for the brands Christmas card photograph,
and for the environment.” 2020. Left The autumn/
He developed the idea of upmarket DTC winter 2023 collection.
menswear after studying tech and the Below left Penn Badgley
consumer goods market when he worked and the F1 driver Lando
as a management consultant for Bain & Norris wearing the brand
Company in the UK and US — and thanks to
a chance meeting in San Francisco with The DTC model worked almost immedi-
Edoardo Zegna, son of Gildo Zegna, the ately. Annual revenue hit £1.5 million in the
CEO of the Italian menswear behemoth. fourth year after launch in 2014 and is now
“Edo was working for Everlane in the US at about £35 million, he says, which is enough
the time, earning his stripes away from the to break even. “We’re growing but we invest
family firm. We ran into each other, had a few a lot in marketing in order to grow faster.”
drinks one night and he explained to me Britain is his largest European market, with
exactly how the fashion world worked and 20 per cent of sales. He has offices and
how technology would change it.” Faloni warehouses in the UK and Italy, which has
began to wonder if he could use technology made it easier than for some firms to navi-
to recreate online the world of affordable gate post-Brexit trading regimes.
luxury Italian style he witnessed in Turin. Now that he is established, what’s next?
Men’s winter suits, shoes and more coats
are on the drawing board. Menswear is a
good place to start a DTC brand, since men
tend to buy the same sorts of clothes over
and over again. But womenswear accounts
for 70 per cent of the luxury fashion market,
so, even though it is more complicated with
more kinds of garments, “eventually you
have to do womenswear”. He points out
that brands often considered more for men,
such as Brunello Cucinelli and Loro Piana,
make more money selling to women.
Could both the future queen and king “go
Italian”, rather than stick to Savile Row or
French couture as their forebears have?
Faloni’s “refined, elevated classic and casual
staples” would certainly work for both of
them, he says. “Times are changing.”
But one thing he will never make, not
even for William, is a tie. “I hate ties. All
other clothes are functional. You wear knit-
wear because you’re cold. But a tie doesn’t
The designer make any sense. It’s all about pretending
Luca Faloni to be more elegant. It’s useless. I will never
make one.” You can hear the sighs of relief
on Jermyn Street. ■

The Sunday Times Style • 65

High-neck jumper, £325,

with it
When the mercury drops, stylish women
everywhere have one secret weapon. Laura Craik
dissects the power of the poloneck

66 • The Sunday Times Style

Early November and a long overdue chill fills the air.
Finally it’s jumper weather, and all over the country
women are falling gratefully into the warm embrace of a
winter knit. Only sometimes they’re falling a little too far.
Is that Fiona over there? You’re not quite sure. It looks
like Fiona but you can only see her eyes. The rest of her
is submerged in an oversized navy poloneck, like an
enigmatic submarine.
This season jumpers are back with a vengeance,
reappearing on the catwalks and high street with
almost truculent intent. “Here we are,” they seem to
be saying. “You thought you could live without us, did
you? You thought a mere cardigan could keep you
cosy? Pah. No warmth in those.” Indeed, winter 2023
is the jumper’s revenge and it’s a dish best served
with an ultra-high neckline. Yes, you can still find
crewnecks in the shops, but the smarter money is on
polonecks and funnelnecks. As well as being warmer —
a genuine consideration, given the cost of heating our
homes these days — there’s something pleasingly myste-
rious about a high-neck jumper. While pulling up a hoodie
over your head can make you look rather foreboding,
pulling up your neckline grants you instant mystique.
It’s something the patron saint of chic, Phoebe Philo,
knows only too well. At the end of her Celine shows, the
designer frequently took her bows wearing a poloneck,
while a black-and-white portrait of her in sweatpants,
a Celine coat and a shucked-up polo (shot in 2015 by
David Sims) still lingers on many a woman’s mood board.
When her eponymous collection was finally unveiled on
October 30, fans were happy to see she’d included a merino wool versions (from £30) among the most demo-
plethora of beautifully crafted funnelnecks and polonecks cratic (and useful) around.
in neutral shades of cream, mushroom and grey. Despite Above High necks Polos are also handy for effecting a hair tuck, most
being priced from £750 to £1,600, most sold out immedi- at Max Mara, recently rebranded as a “Taylor tuck”, after Ms Swift sent
ately. Which isn’t surprising. Gauchere and the internet into a frenzy by stepping out looking as
When it comes to finding a cosy but flattering neckline, Andreadamo. though she’d had her hair lopped into a bob. She hadn’t —
everyone’s needs are different. The options for polo-neck Below, from left her look had been achieved with hairpins — but a high-
aficionados are varied. Do you go oversized and cable knit A piece from neck jumper will give the same effect.
or opt for a skinny-fit in merino wool that’s perfect for Phoebe Philo’s It also lends the wearer a degree of comfort — some-
layering under a suit? Of course there is plenty of scope collection; Phoebe thing we’re all in need of. A lot has been written about the
when it comes to price too, with sustainably farmed yak Philo; Linda hemline index, linking the rise and fall of skirt lengths
polos the choice of the fashion darlings (see Phoebe Evangelista on The with the rise and fall of the economy. In prosperous times,
Philo’s chocolate brown option), or Uniqlo’s excellent Super Models hemlines become shorter; in worrying times, they fall
again. Some of us prefer to take our cues from the neckline
index instead. Like hemlines, necklines rise and fall too —
it’s just that nobody makes a fuss about it.
It’s this classic “no comment” simplicity that so appeals.
Linda Evangelista could have worn anything for her
appearance on Apple TV+’s The Super Models, but she
chose a navy rollneck in a power move that reeked of
quiet confidence. Evangelista has spoken candidly
of the extreme measures she took to disguise her jaw
Getty Images, Apple TV+,

and neck after being “brutally disfigured” by a popular

fat-freezing procedure, and was habitually photo-
graphed afterwards with her face tightly wrapped
in a headscarf. While her jumper only revealed
a sliver of neck, it felt like a step forward for
someone who once felt so self-conscious,
that she had to hide the area entirely.
That’s the beauty of polonecks — they
can reveal or conceal at whim. In the
wardrobe of life, they’re the warm hug
you can always rely on. How many
garments can you say that about? ■

The Sunday Times Style • 67

This page Lara wears
silk georgette dress,
£8,500, Gucci. From left,
Mor wears tracksuit
top, price on application,
Adidas Originals by Wales
Bonner. Andrea wears
T-shirt, £85, Sunspel. Polo
top, £515, Commission.
Nicolo wears T-shirt,
£550, The Row. Denim
trousers, £1,000,
Balenciaga. Opposite Lara
wears satin dress, £2,750,
Prada. Daniela wears
cashmere top with feather
trim, £2,180, and trousers,
£3,400, Prada. Earrings,
POA, Bottega Veneta

68 • The Sunday Times Style

The finer things
Indulge in showstopping cocktail dresses that
will make you feel every bit as good as they look
Photographs Giampaolo Sgura Styling Verity Parker Model Lara Menezes
This page Lara wears shirt, £1,070, blazer, £4,020, and shorts, £970, The Row. Nicolo wears satin dress, £2,150, Miu Miu.
Opposite Lara wears dress, POA, Blumarine. Slingbacks, £770, Celine by Hedi Slimane

70 • The Sunday Times Style

Lara wears minidress, POA,
JW Anderson. From left,
Andrea wears top, £4,660,
Bottega Veneta. Daniela wears
bustier dress, £2,220, Saint
Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello.
Earrings, POA, Bottega Veneta.
Watch, Daniela’s own. Mor
wears shirt, £1,220, and shorts,
£895, Prada. Nicolo wears
T-shirt, £550, The Row
The Sunday Times Style • 73
This page Lara wears crepe dress, £6,900, Valentino. Opposite Lara wears sheer dress, £185, Poster Girl.
Hand-crocheted dress, £4,755, Chanel. Nicolo wears denim trousers, £1,000, Balenciaga. Cap, £48, Palace

The Sunday Times Style • 75

This page Lara wears
silk dress, POA, Louis
Vuitton. Satin sandals,
£845, Manolo Blahnik.
Opposite Lara wears
rhinestone dress, £945,
Philosophy di Lorenzo
Serafini. Shoes, £890,
Prada. Mor wears cotton
shorts, £895, Prada

Hair Ezio Diaferia

using Cotril. Make-up
Martina D’Andrea at
Blend. Nails Annarel
Innocente Furina at Blend.
Model Lara Menezes at
Next Management.
Casting SimoBart
Casting. Supporting
cast Daniela Torta at
Mor Mbaw at
Independent, Daniil
Prakapiuk at Tank, Nicolo
Tagliabue at Badd and
Andrea Lai at Crew.
Thanks to Hotel Principe
di Savoia, Milan
The Sunday Times Style • 77
Small world
From stocking fillers to big hitters – your kids’
gift list just got even longer
Photograph Charlie Goodge Styling and edit Flossie Saunders
Set design: Liv Snowden. Cove wood-effect vinyl flooring,

Canopy, £295, Ride-on car, £120, Vilac,

Chair, £90, Oyoy, Toadstool basket, £50,
Rattan Strolley, £120, Olli Ella, Rug, from £99, Zuri
House, Christmas decoration kit, £34,

The Sunday Times Style • 79


8 9


Stylish parents
will love these
stripy PJs from
Nights by Wilder
(just as much 12
as their kids)


1 Velvet ballerina shoes, £49, 2 Jacket, £180, 3 Backpack, £56, Fila x Mini Rodini; 4 Tabby McTat, £7, Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, 5 Nintendo Switch Lite,
£200, 6 Goggles, £16, 7 Wireless headphones, £50, 8 Mushroom
hat, £34, Meri Meri, 9 Trike, £149, Banwood, 10 Nightie, £57, 11 Pyjamas, £56, 12 Ladybird backpack, £29, 13 V-10 sneakers, £111, Veja,

80 • The Sunday Times Style


Verity Parker
16 My husband started my Hermès
collection and I’m hoping he adds to it
this Christmas with this beautiful Kelly
bracelet — the epitome of timeless
luxury — or maybe he’ll buy me this
cosy winter warmer from Celine.
18 A voucher for my favourite garden
centre (@alexandranurseries in
southeast London) is always a hit.
When it comes to gifting, you
can’t go wrong with a River Cafe
cookbook. Delicious!
1 Shopping bag, £95,
2 Cushion, made to order, from £70,
Julie Baby Punch Club,
3 Kelly silver bracelet, £2,810, 4 River Cafe 30, £40,
Ruth Rodgers,
5 Fair Isle jumper, £890,

19 1




14 Stripy jumper, £55, 15 Hairclips, £6.50, 16 Yoto

Player, £99, case, £25, and song cards, £25, 17 Piano, £95, Vilac,
5 18 Dress, £28, 19 Clogs, £30, Crocs,
Rory Payne 20 Advent calendar, £55, 21 3/4 LA electric guitar with

mini-amp, £100, 22 Tracksuit bottoms, £36,

The Sunday Times Style • 81

Whether keen
cook or couch potato,
there’s something
for every type of
homebird this Christmas
Photograph Charlie Goodge
Styling and edit Flossie Saunders
Set design: Liv Snowden. Flowers: Minnow and Wolf Flowers,

Scented candle, £110, Loewe, Leopard vase, £19,

Candle holder, £22.50, and burgundy candle, £14 for two, Stripy candle pot,
£35, Hodge Pots, Bluebell candlestick, £35, Blue candle, £35
for six, Hay, Stripy vase, £38, Glass candle holder, £39,
Hay, Candle, £40 for 20, Anna + Nina, Clear vase, £32
for a set, and Palm candlestick, £165, Floral candle, stylist’s own. Check vase,
£85, Vaisselle, Wiggle candlestick, £52, Tough Love
candle, £30 for two, Anna + Nina, Rattan vase, £42 for a set,

The Sunday Times Style • 83

A decorative
box of matches is
2 the host-pleaser of
the season — no
dodgy flowers 3



9 11




15 16


1 Bauble, £19, 2 Tomato Leaves candle, £82, Loewe, 3 The Inseparables matches, £8,
4 Santoku knife, £120, 5 Scalloped pillowcases, £90 for two, 6 Hip flask, £55,
7 Wave dinner plate, £28, Woven Rosa, 8 Enamel cake stand, £70, 9 Candlestick, £30,
10 Christmas truffle crackers, £130 for six, 11 Chair, £2,020, 12 Glasses set, £230, La DoubleJ, 13 Twisted candle, £32 for six, and 14 rattan ice bucket with tongs, £72, 15 Mug, £25, Anna + Nina, 16 Digital radio, £100, Roberts, 17 First Edition gin, £45,

The Sunday Times Style • 85


2 4



10 9




15 Loewe’s
stripy blanket
is a treat for those
who love to stay
at home

1 Hot-water bottle with cashmere cover, £85, 2 Cushion, £44, 3 Ceramic centrepiece, £385, 4 Tubereuse candle, £68, Diptyque, 5 Glass tumbler set, £175, Stories of Italy, 6 Clam shell pinch pot, £38.50, Minnie-Mae Stott, 7 Monte Carlo, £85, Ségolène Cazenave
Manara, 8 Kettle, £210, 9 Basket, £219, Hay, 10 Espresso cup and saucer,
£26, 11 Mixer, £499, 12 Double egg cup, £13.50, The Old Sun Pottery,
13 Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label Personalisable Arrow, £67, 14 Lucy Mahon Shoreditch print, £250,
15 Marbled cafetière, £45, Mahi, 16 Blanket, £895, Loewe,

86 • The Sunday Times Style



Phoebe McDowell
Wine buff or prefer cheap plonk? It all
tastes better out of a skinny-stemmed
glass such as this one by Nude. Have you
ever seen such a good-looking speaker?
It’s the perfect present whether your
loved one blares Taylor Swift or nods
along to politics podcasts. And no
Christmas is complete without a gift set,
24 so try these nourishing lip balms from
the cult brand Summer Fridays.
1 Hand towel, £48,
23 2 No 5 The Body Oil, £102,
3 Lip Butter Balm Set, £42, Summer
Fridays, 4 Ring, £170, 5 Beosound A5 speaker,
£899, 6 Red wine
glass, £59 for two,



2 3



17 Linen napkins, £47.50 for four, Hot Pottery x Polkra, 18 Belvedere 10
vodka, £185, 19 Spice grinder, £58, 20 Large
Always Pan, £155, 21 Reusable crackers, £62 for six,
22 Christmas wreath, £40, 23 Apron, £95, La DoubleJ,
David Newby

24 Side plate, £40, 25 Where Bartenders Drink, £17, Adrienne

Stillman, 26 Beer mug, £89, 27 Raffia lampshade, £110,
Arbala, 28 Watering can, £20,

The Sunday Times Style • 87

There’s no shortage
of treats in store for your
four-legged friends
Photograph Charlie Goodge Styling Flossie Saunders
Model Teddy the dog Edit Helen Atkin
Set design: Liv Snowden. Thanks to Teddy the dog

Large bouclé dog bed,

Personalised dog bowl,
£95, henryhollandstudio.
com. Happy Pet green rope
tugger, £15, Kong Lobster
toy, £7.50, and Kong Wubba
puppy toy, £5.50,

The Sunday Times Style • 89




8 9
7 10





For the time-

poor (or lazy?)
pet owner, this auto
game of fetch is
a great idea

1 Dog jumper, from £55, Meet the Parents x Wray, 2 Laser Mouse toy, £5.50, All for Paws,
3 Balancing Eucalyptus Dog Soap, £15, Troopets, 4 Dog tracker, £149, 5 Oil Infusion for Joints, £15,
Yoko, 6 Dog bed, £140, 7 Squeaky Squirrel toy, £15, 8 Doggy water bottle, £23, 9 Coaching Cards for New Cat Parents, £15, Dr Marlena Lopez, 10 Reflective cat collar, £45, 11 Gentle Horse Shampoo, £15, 12 Jellyfish cat toy, £25, 13 Itch Relief Balm for
dogs, £10, 14 Birdball seed feeder, £72, 15 Smart Mouse cat toy, £50, The Tech Bat,
16 Pet bowl, £35, 17 Drying mitts, £21, 18 Automatic tennis ball launcher, £152,

90 • The Sunday Times Style

20 23




27 28





Cook up a real
“dog’s dinner” 31
with this
definitive guide




19 Cat scratcher, £60, 20 Treat bag, £288, 21 Silent dog whistle, £22.50,
22 Super Soft Dog Conditioner, £22.50, 23 Dog boots, £34, 24 Longhair cat grooming kit, £40,
25 Dog lead with poo bag holder, £219, Baurdelle, 26 Collar, £200, 27 Waterproof dog coat, £55,
28 Dog tag, £32.50, 29 Dog car seat bed, £119, 30 Cat play tower, £28, Designed by
Lotte, 31 Poo bag charm, £135, 32 Feed Me: 50 Home Cooked Meals for Your Dog, £20, Liviana Prola, 33 Cat bed, £115, 34 Balance + Calm dog treats, £10, Botanical Bones,

The Sunday Times Style • 91

92 • The Sunday Times Style
house is
the next
From rococo to avant-garde,
Karl Lagerfeld’s homes were
as eclectic as the man
himself (including the one he
only spent a single night in),
says Katrina Burroughs
With his trademark black shades and powdered white
ponytail, Karl Lagerfeld was at the heart of the fashion
industry for over half a century, designing up to 14
collections a year well into his eighties. Celebrated for
the prolific creativity of his tenures at Chloé, Chanel
and Fendi, the designer, who died in 2019, is less well
known for his private passion: interiors. In September
Victoria Beckham held her label’s spring/summer 2024
show in the salon of one of Lagerfeld’s former homes
on Paris’s Left Bank. She is not the only one: last month

Left Lagerfeld in 2008, in the photo studio at the back

of Librairie 7L, the bookshop he opened in Paris in 1999

The Sunday Times Style • 93

Design Miami’s inaugural Paris edition pitched up at “The most beautiful house is always the next one,” was
the same mansion in Saint-Germain-des-Prés — Hôtel Lagerfeld’s way of describing his thirst for a new project.
Pozzo di Borgo in Rue de l’Université, to be exact — And his subsequent home was indeed sublime. In the
with the art crowd admiring the mise en scène of early 1970s he purchased a flat on Place Saint-Sulpice, on
crystal chandeliers and chequerboard marble floors. the other side of the Boulevard Saint-Germain, and in
Now a new book, Karl Lagerfeld: A Life in Houses, 1975, ready for an aesthetic fresh start, sold his art deco
reveals the jaw-dropping decor of 13 of his residences. collection at Drouot auction house. But it was the Hôtel
“This collection of interiors reflects the desires, Pozzo di Borgo, where he moved two years later — the
circumstances and whims of its creator and reveals his backdrop to Beckham’s floaty frocks — that marks the
character more fully than any biography,” Patrick most spectacular of Lagerfeld’s transformations. The
Mauriès writes in his introduction. Mauriès, a long- 18th-century architecture is unashamedly grand and, to
term Lagerfeld watcher, adds that “Lagerfeld collected match the majesty of the rooms, he decided to evoke the
interiors in the same way that Don Juan notched spirit of Louis XIV and Madame de Pompadour in the
up conquests.” decor. He bought old master paintings and furniture
The series of love affairs that took him from Paris with gilded rococo curves and neoclassical lines. This
to Biarritz, Rome and Hamburg, began in the Rue was when the designer began to wear his hair in a pony-
de l’Université in 1963, when Lagerfeld moved with tail and carry a fan, entertaining guests by candlelight,
his mother into a second-floor apartment of an like a grand siècle dandy. The extravagant decor spread
18th- century mansion. There he placed from wing to wing, the makeover only
art deco pieces by Émile-Jacques Ruhl- halted by his debts to the French tax
mann and André Groult alongside
Sixties armchairs by Joe Colombo and
‘Each time he authorities — which led to a sale of
much of the Pozzo di Borgo collection at
tables by Eero Saarinen. It was a mix and moved into a Christie’s in 2000.
match made in heaven, but Lagerfeld Marie Kalt, who wrote the chapters
rarely became attached to any of the
house he told on his homes, accounts for the constant
elements of his homes. “It’s collecting himself a story metamorphoses by explaining that his
that’s fun, not owning,” he once said, and houses were never private sanctuaries
accordingly he painstakingly researched and invented a — they were stage sets. She had previ-
and acquired the perfect pieces. Then, life to go with ously worked with Lagerfeld for several
the ensemble completed to his satisfac- months in 2012 when she was editor-in-
tion, he moved on to the next look. that house’ chief of Architectural Digest France

94 • The Sunday Times Style

Left Lagerfeld’s office in his apartment on Place
Saint-Sulpice, Paris. Below In his Memphis
Group-decorated home at Le Roccabella,
Monte Carlo. The table is by George Sowden
and the Riviera chairs are by Michele De Lucchi.
Below The bedroom at Place Saint-Sulpice.
Opposite Lagerfeld in the sitting room of his
Rue de l’Université flat, Paris, 1972

and he guest-edited an issue. “Each time he moved into

a house he told himself a story and invented a life to go
with that house,” she tells me. “It was just as if he had
been designing a set for a film or play and he was the
central character.”
Never one to be typecast, in 1981 Lagerfeld moved
into an apartment on the 21st floor of a high rise in
Monte Carlo designed by Gio Ponti, called Le Rocca-
bella. There he proceeded to create the aesthetic oppo-
site of his 18th-century fantasia, with avant-garde
design by the Memphis Group: Ettore Sottsass’s
Carlton bookcase, Michael Graves’s Plaza dressing
table and Masanori Umeda’s boxing ring.
Ten years later, when Lagerfeld’s Memphis moment
had passed, the collection was sold at Sotheby’s. “He
was very much that sort of person who starts building
something and then he destroys it and then moves on
to something else — which was also the way he treated
his relationships,” Kalt says. “He was very, very close to
some people, then after a while they were banned and
he started a new circle — and on and on and on again.”
The final house in the book, and his last interiors
project, Pavillon des Voisins, in Louveciennes, is a 19th-
century mansion with a neoclassical façade in the coun-
tryside near Paris, which he bought in 2009. It can
scarcely be called Lagerfeld’s home. The designer never
actually lived there, spending a single night and
throwing one dinner party (for his friends Princess
Caroline of Monaco and the event organiser Françoise

The Sunday Times Style • 95

Above The blue sitting room at the Pavillon de Voisins,
Louveciennes. Left The doors leading to the guest bedroom
at the Pavillon are surrounded by vintage German advertising
posters. Below Lagerfeld at the Hôtel Pozzo di Borgo, Paris, in
1990, in front of a bureau attributed to Jean-François Oeben

It was the most

personal of his
properties — here were
all the objects he had
never sold or discarded
Dumas) in the house. But it was the most personal of
his properties. Here were all the objects he had never
sold or discarded. Georg Jensen candlesticks by Johan
Getty Images, Alamy, Shutterstock, Jacques Schumacher, Jérôme Galland

Rohde, which had followed him from Monaco to

Hamburg and Biarritz. Works by Ronan and Erwan
Bouroullec and Martin Szekely brought from his Paris
apartment on Rue des Saints-Pères. He recreated his
teenage bedroom on the first floor and added a repro-
duction of a painting of Voltaire and Frederick II of
Prussia by Adolph von Menzel that had originally
inspired his interest in the 18th century. If not a home,
then this country house was a testament to the shape-
shifting designer’s lifelong curiosity — as well as his
inexhaustible genius for reinvention. ■

Karl Lagerfeld: A Life in Houses by Patrick Mauriès and

Marie Kalt (Thames & Hudson £75) is published on
December 7. To order a copy go to
Discount available for Times+ members

The Sunday Times Style • 97

The truth about
married men
and social media
Think Instagram flirting Photograph Victoria Adamson
is harmless? Roisin Kelly,
30, explains why she’s
had enough of receiving
‘friendly’ messages from
men in relationships
Clicking on to Instagram, I see I have three new
direct messages — a meme from a friend, someone
asking if I received their email and … oh no, it’s that
married guy again. The same married man who, in
the few months since we made small talk at an event,
ignites conversations with me on Instagram almost
daily. It started with harmless, mundane chatter
about work and TV shows. Then a bit of teasing and
banter that, if he weren’t married, I would consider
flirting. He likes every picture I post and one
Saturday night upped the ante with a reaction of
flame emojis to my pre-going-out selfie. There’s
never a mention of a wife or a marriage — not even
a casual “we” in conversation. If it weren’t for the
wedding photos pinned to the top of his profile, I’d
assume he was single. Am I overthinking it? “Get
over yourself, he’s just being friendly,” I tell myself.
And then he asks me out to dinner.
I didn’t go, of course — I stopped replying and
eventually he got the message. But a sense check
with a group of girlfriends reveals a sad truth: this
is just one brief glimpse of a single, 30-year-old
woman’s DMs, and it turns out every woman has a
story of a married man, or a man in a relationship,
flirting with them on Instagram.
“Married guys in your DMs are the worst,” one
friend says, as others roll their eyes in agreement.
I hear stories of them receiving messages that say,
“Need company? Haha” after they’ve posted a
photo of a bubble bath. Or, “U should date a real
man lol *wink emoji*” following a story about a bad
date. These are bold examples, but more often than
not it’s a sly, subtle build-up. For example, a man
I met abroad last year spent hours in deep conver-
sations with me, showering me with compliments.
A nosy browse through his tagged photos while we

98 • The Sunday Times Style

were mid-conversation one evening revealed a liking of other girls’ bikini pictures knows how
moving-in picture with a long-term girlfriend much this hurts. In 2014, a British law firm
and a puppy they had adopted. I wondered if I was found that Facebook and other social media were
reading too much in to the whole thing and stopped cited in a third of divorces — numbers have risen
responding. He unfollowed me a few weeks later. since. And while I’m writing from the perspective
Even worse, a friend tells me about a man she of a woman, this kind of behaviour isn’t exclusive
exchanged numbers with on a dating app. to men. In fact, last year the website The Truth
When he messaged her on WhatsApp, his About Deception found that women were more
profile photo showed him at the zoo with his likely than men to engage in cyber cheating (40 per
wife and children. cent versus 30 per cent).
Sadly this behaviour isn’t as shocking as it sounds. Being on the receiving end of such messages isn’t
Infidelity is nothing new: a survey by YouGov found a compliment. If a woman is single it does not mean
that one in five British adults admits to having had she will be flattered by advances from men who
an affair, while a third say they are in relationships, whether
have thought about it. According that’s on social media or in person.
to another study, conducted A man I met We end up second-guessing
earlier this year, nearly two-thirds
of people who use Tinder are
spent hours ourselves, questioning whether
we’re reading too much into it
already in a relationship. chatting with me or if we’ve given off the wrong
But thanks to social media, signals. We wonder what it is
the question of what counts as on Instagram. about us that makes a man think
cheating and, in turn, what His tagged we would be “that sort of girl”. We
fear confronting them because
people can get away with, is
more complicated than ever. photos revealed we know they’ll gaslight us with
The line has been blurred.
Attempting to cheat on your
a long-term denial; they will tell us to get over
ourselves and insist that they
partner used to require some girlfriend and were simply being “nice”. Instead
effort: people stayed late at the we have to divert the conversa-
office or sneacked off to a hotel their puppy tion, send a polite reply that
with their lover under the guise doesn’t address their intentions,
of a conference or a golfing weekend. Where once a or phase out the conversation without seeming
would-be cheater would have to go to their car rude, all the while worrying about the blissfully
to make an illicit phone call, now it is a much unaware wife or girlfriend sitting next to them.
easier, less suspicious late-night conversation on It’s a risky game to play — all that is needed to
Instagram. Instead of risking flirting with a stranger out someone is a screenshot. Take the Maroon 5
on a night out, we can like photos and send flame frontman, Adam Levine, who was at the centre
emojis without even having to leave the sofa. In of an Instagram controversy last year, when
October, a TikTokker went viral when she spoke a woman shared screenshots of messages
about catching her boyfriend sending X-rated that appeared to be from him, which read:
Instagram messages behind her back. It turned out “It is truly unreal how f***ing hot you are.
he was speaking to an AI bot. Like it blows my mind.” Levine followed with
While these actions aren’t physically adulterous, a statement admitting to using “poor judgment
Styling: Flossie Saunders. Hair: Samuel Broadbent at Hershesons. Make-up: Julia Wren

they do push the boundaries of what is acceptable in speaking with anyone other than my wife in any
at Carol Hayes Management using Nars. Nails: Johanna Horn using Bio Sculpture

behaviour when you’re in a relationship. A study of kind of flirtatious manner”, but insisted that he
1,000 Americans found that 59 per cent of women “did not have an affair”.
believe that sending flirtatious messages is “always For many people, Instagram cheating is about
cheating”, compared with 42 per cent of men. self-gratification and an ego boost more than
Joanna Harrison, a senior clinician at Tavistock wanting to start anything romantic. For others, it’s
Relationships in London and the author of Five simply boredom. But if someone finds that they
Arguments All Couples (Need to) Have, agrees that can get away with it, what starts as messaging can
it comes down to “different ideas of what’s turn into something more. I’ve experienced it
appropriate” — for example, differences of opinion myself: catching a boyfriend firing off flirty Insta-
about following exes and liking posts on social gram messages and forgiving him because “it’s
media. “People often feel the way they use not real cheating”, then kicking myself a year
their phone is so personal, but then it can later when he was sleeping with someone else.
come as a shock that it’s something that needs Many friends have similar stories. And even if
negotiation in the relationship,” she says. it doesn’t lead to physical cheating, what does it
But some things are straight-up inappropriate. say about your relationship if your partner is lying
Anyone who has ever faced the agonising conun- next to you on the sofa, stroking your hair with one
drum of catching a partner sending flirty hand, but telling other women how fit they are on
messages, or fretted over a partner’s constant Instagram with the other? ■ @roisinkatekelly

The Sunday Times Style • 99


100 • The Sunday Times Style

Photographs Chris Mottalini

The fashion label Hill House Home is famous for its

chintzy style, but the house of its owner, Nell Diamond,
couldn’t be more different, says Olivia Lidbury
You might assume the home of Nell house”, so she arguably enjoys the best of
Diamond — founder of Hill House Home both decor worlds.
and the woman responsible for bringing Diamond, 35, and her husband, the
nostalgic smocked dresses into the private equity investor Teddy Wasserman,
mainstream — would be an ode to all things bought the classic brownstone in the West
chintz. But her townhouse in Manhattan Village in 2014, and spent almost three years
is a study in sophisticated splendour. Slabs restoring it from apartments back to a family
of grey marble, not flowery wallpaper, flank home. They enlisted the help of the interior
the enormous bathtub in the principal designer Mark Cunningham to unite
bathroom, and the palette throughout is Diamond’s predilection for all things
skewed towards shades of pale grey with feminine and polished with Wasserman’s
deep aubergine accents. “I designed the affection for symmetry and clean lines.
house with my husband and it’s definitely Diamond is a self-confessed tidy freak, Opposite Diamond outside her West Village
a combination of our tastes together,” so a sense of order underpins each space: brownstone, wearing the Naomi Nap Dress.
Diamond concedes of the delicate dance “I’ve always felt like my mental health is Top “The purples that run through the house
that is compromise. That said, her brand’s affected by a room that feels too cluttered, add depth,” Diamond says. The painting is
headquarters are “an explosion of all of so I like everything to have its place. by the American artist Christopher Wool.
the things that I chose not to do in my Like in the kitchen there are millions Above Some of Diamond’s many books

The Sunday Times Style • 101

Above left “It of appliances, but almost all of them are
feels very British,” behind doors.”
Diamond says There are spirited touches, though — “I’m
of the tub in definitely the type of person that doesn’t take
her bathroom. myself too seriously,” Diamond says. These
Above right are discerningly chosen: a neon Trust Yourself
Diamond on the slogan by Tracey Emin lights up the hallway,
staircase at home, while an Andy Warhol of Queen Elizabeth II
wearing the takes pride of the place in the kitchen. The
Olympia skirt subsequent addition of the couple’s three
from her brand. children — Henry, aged seven, and twins
Left Diamond Willow and Sebastian, three — has also
sleeps in a brought a playful dimension to the home
canopied (the walls of Henry’s bedroom are decked out
four-poster bed, in jungle-themed wallpaper by Hermès).
Kitchen photograph: Kyle Knodell

complete with an Set over five floors, the layout of the house
internal light for reminded Diamond of the style of properties
late-night reading she lived in back in London. Her American
accent belies the fact that she was born in the
capital and, save for a few early years in Japan,
grew up in its most desirable neighbourhoods
(her father, Bob Diamond, was the CEO of

102 • The Sunday Times Style

Barclays). She credits exploring Portobello Friday nights are sacrosanct.“You could not
Market and the vintage section in the get us out of the house — it would have to be
basement of Topshop Oxford Circus as something very important,” she laughs of
having helped mould her style. “That their takeaway-and-movie ritual. But when
originality and taste was electric, figuring her parents, who live uptown, offer to babysit
out what feels good to you regardless of midweek, she takes advantage of the food and
whether it’s on trend or in a magazine.” theatre scene on the doorstep: “I’m such a
She buys into the British look now with city person. I definitely wasn’t looking for a
tableware from UK designers such as quiet corner of New York City.”
Matilda Goad and Mrs Alice and delightful Diamond walks everywhere around town,
“oddities” like pig-shaped cocktail napkins including daily to Hill House Home’s offices
from the website Houses & Parties. in SoHo. What started as a bed linen brand
Not that hosting is often on the agenda. in 2016 has organically mushroomed into a
“Right now home is where I spend private ready-to-wear phenomenon thanks to the
time with my kids and husband and my success of the now trademarked Nap Dress.
extended family. It’s a sanctuary,” she says. Nightie-like and with a smocked bodice

‘I’ve always felt like my mental health is affected

by clutter, so I like everything to have its place’

Above The airy kitchen,

which remains a clutter-free
zone, is where the family of
five congregate. Left A Tracey
Emin neon artwork takes
pride of place in the hallway

(designed so Diamond wouldn’t have to wear

a bra and would still feel “presentable out of
the house or on a Zoom”), the Nap Dress
became a viral sensation in 2020, with drops
of the £150 piece selling out within minutes.
Celebrity fans include Princess Beatrice and
Anya Taylor-Joy, and a collaboration with the
Netflix series Bridgerton catapulted the
brand further into the public consciousness.
Diamond wears various iterations of the
famous frock as loungewear around the
home (never tracksuits). “I really don’t like
the way pants feel. I’ve never found them
comfortable,” she says of her devotion.
Diamond switches off from
entrepreneurial duties by losing herself in
fiction. Her bedside tables are “absolutely
loaded” with titles to get through, while the
TV room in the basement houses her “show
books”, such as a first edition of Zadie
Smith’s White Teeth. The plush window seats
in her bedroom provide the ultimate book
nook. “My husband is also a big reader.
When we’re older we could definitely be
those people that are just, like, living among
books. It makes me so happy to just stare at
big piles of them.” ■

The Sunday Times Style • 103

Booked in for balayage? Think
again. All-over colour is back –
and brunette is the shade of the
season, says Phoebe McDowell
After years of highlights, lowlights, balayage and
bleach, we’re returning to block-coloured hair.
The kind we were born with, but a little, well, better.
Forget pumpkin spice latte, rodeo red, candlelit
brunette, Bambi blonde and blorange, the new
season palette is reassuringly old-school. “Loads
of clients have come back from summer ready for
a colour change,” says Amy Fish, head colourist at
Larry King. “One that’s strong from root to tip.”
In an age of simplicity, when normcore dominates
the way we dress, one-dimensional hair comes into
its own. Blending in is the new standing out. Two
years ago balayage hinted at a sun-drunk summer,
now it’s ubiquitous and screams “the salon” —
which doesn’t exactly chime with the prevailing
less-is-more beauty mood. “The beachy balayage era
lasted long enough. We’ve moved on,” says Zoë
Irwin, colour director at John Frieda salons. “It’s
all-over colour that now feels fresh.”
“Suddenly I thought my blonde bits looked
try-hard,” says Tabitha, a 35-year-old marketing
executive. “My hair looks neater all one colour and it
makes me look more put-together. My mousey-
brown hair was the base for the sun-kissed bits
before, but now it’s the main event.”
According to Cetera Lamb, senior
colourist at John Frieda, “liquid brunette,
which means it has an ultra mirror shine” is
the most requested. Because alongside
skin that looks alive and nails that don’t
bend, people want their hair to look —
and feel — in fine fettle. Going even one
shade darker than your natural colour
replenishes moisture as there’s “no abrasive
lifting”, Lamb says. Manageable and
low-maintenance, in winter particularly, Glossy brunette looks healthy and put-together.
cosy, luxe shades of brown feel as Left Hailey Bieber’s block-colour bob
comforting as swaddling a scarf
Getty Images, Conduit + Zaicew/Blaublut Edition

around your neck. “People used to

come in and say they wanted to look super-conditioned and expensive without you even
like [enter celebrity name here], but having to try,” Fish says.
now the priority is hair health.” Craving change? It’s not just limited to brunette.
This is where single-process colour Take inspiration from old shots of a black-bobbed
(achieving a desired shade in a single Winona Ryder and an auburn-maned Nicole
step), bonding treatments (used to stop Kidman, both as Nineties as metallic cocoa lipstick,
colour fade) and glossing (a semi- ribbed knits and low-rise jeans. Press the reset
permanent treatment that evens out button on your hair colour and go back to your
tone and supplies shine) come in. (literal) childhood roots. “It’s what people want in
“Together they make hair look uncertain times,” Lamb says. ■ @phoebejmcd

The Sunday Times Style • 105

What it feels
like for a girl

“I’d love to have your boobs for a day.” have big boobs it’s a talking point. I’m a
The singer Mahalia’s chest One of my best friends said this to me when 32J and everyone feels they have a right
(size 32J) gets stares and we were in school. It was a throwaway to comment: men, women, strangers in
remark about my big boobs (my very big a nightclub. Don’t get me wrong, I love
comments, plus forget boobs) and I know she didn’t mean to upset women coming up to me and saying
me. In fact, I’m sure she meant it as a that my boobs are amazing — that’s a
finding a bra that fits. She compliment. But it bothered me. She confidence boost. But even with a
writes about the reality of envied my body — but only for 24 hours,
not for the rest of her life.
compliment there are often undertones
that I find slightly degrading. I do
living with very big boobs I’m 25 now and I’ve had to deal with sometimes wish people would be more
comments about my breasts since I was 11. aware and a bit more sensitive.
Photograph Jennifer McCord I imagine I always will because when you I had boobs when I started secondary

106 • The Sunday Times Style

school, but they grew very quickly when
I was 14. I’m from a small town in I do feel
Leicestershire, so for my whole life there
have been things about me that are a
talking point. When I was one of the only
black kids in school it was my skin, then my
on the Tube.
afro, and when my boobs came in I was like,
“F***ing great, here’s another thing.”
I often pull my bag
I studied dance throughout school and
within a few years had learnt that I really
over my chest to
didn’t have the ideal dancer’s physique, even avoid stares
though I was actually really skinny — size 8
on the bottom and 10 on top. But you can’t and ask, “Why did you pick that?” because
wear bras or even sports bras under a leotard I know it’s going to look terrible on me.
as they show up and, of course, big boobs Interestingly, male stylists are often better.
get in the way when you’re dancing. I think because it’s such a different body to
The reaction from men is odd. In theirs, they’re precise and almost
school the boys made comments but mathematical when it comes to boobs.
nothing creepy or sinister. I think they The best dress I wore on a red carpet
were just shocked. All my past boyfriends was by an American brand, Lena
have been obsessed with my boobs. Berisha, for the 2020 Brit awards.
Once on a date a guy told me he wasn’t I bought that dress with my own
a “boob guy”. I was like, “OK, I’m not money too, which comes to another
asking you to be.” My boyfriend now, point: having very big boobs is
Ben, is amazing, and I know he loves my expensive. On average I’ll spend £40
body and isn’t weird about it. But one on one bra, when most of my mates
of his mates asked him: “What’s it like can get two for £20 on the high street.
dating a girl with massive boobs?” I I did once consider a breast
think that’s quite sad. Why do you care? reduction. It was during the 2021
Those things don’t make me angry, I just lockdown and I was feeling low. I started to
think it’s ridiculous. feel like my boobs were getting in the way
I do feel uncomfortable on the Tube, so I went to see a private plastic surgeon in
however. I often pull my bag over my chest London, where I’ve lived for the past few
to avoid stares, and I hate it when a man is years. He weighed my breasts and told me
wearing sunglasses as I don’t know if he’s each one was the weight of a newborn
looking or not. My breasts are oversexualised lamb, which is quite mad. He told me I’d
in a way that smaller boobs aren’t. From top Mahalia in New York in July; need to stop smoking for six weeks (I’d
I’d always wanted to go to a nudist beach at the Brit awards in 2020; and been smoking since I was 16) before any
because I’m actually very body confident performing at BST Hyde Park last year surgery. So I did that and felt amazing
now and want to spread the message about afterwards, so much healthier. I was going
body positivity, especially to young women so anything over my boobs has to be for longer walks and not getting out of
who listen to my music or come to my stretchy material. Underwired bras are a breath running up the stairs. It gave me a
shows. So on a recent holiday with my no-go. Asos sells beautiful, soft, jersey bras different outlook and I didn’t feel I wanted
girlfriends to Barcelona we went to a nudist with no underwire. I buy a lot of my bikinis the surgery. The real clincher, though, was
beach, which was lovely. But as soon as I from Asos too. I’ve never bought a when the surgeon told me I’d be unable to
took off my bikini top, I felt like I’d done maternity bra but have bought maternity breastfeed in later life, as they have to
something wrong. My friends with smaller tops that I’ll wear without a bra. remove and reattach my nipple and this
boobs were not getting the stares I was I think the fashion industry still has a long affects the milk ducts. This was a big no-no
getting — from women — and within ten way to go in terms of designing for very for me. I want kids and want at least the
minutes I’d covered up again. It was large breasts. Most of the time a “fuller bust option of breastfeeding. It all gave me a bit
upsetting. Why do my boobs fascinate collection” only goes up to a G. But if you’ve more appreciation for my body.
As told to Scarlett Russell. Inset photographs: Getty Images

people so much? They’re just breasts! got a 30in back and you’re a double-H cup, Female fans often ask where I get my bras
One misconception about very large for example, the options are really limited. or say my body confidence makes them feel
breasts is that everyone assumes I have We’ve seen brands embrace plus-size women better and that’s amazing to hear. I have
back pain. I don’t at all. Maybe that’s years but they’ve forgotten the “in between”. I this thing when I perform. At the end of
of ballet training giving me a strong back. have always called myself that. I will wear every show I say to the crowd, “No matter
What cause discomfort are bras. Finding size 12-14 trousers, but I probably need a what committee you’re in, big titty or itty
the perfect-fitting bra is near-impossible 16-18 top, so finding dresses that fit is tricky. biddy — you never have to wear a bra.” I say
and I rarely wear one now. It’s much more I notice this most when I’m being styled it so much the audience scream it along
comfortable not to. If I’m on stage I might for a photoshoot or an event. It’s never with me. What I want to say to all women is
wear a sports bra or, especially if I’m playing straightforward with stylists because I think to love your body no matter what. Just
a festival, I’ll wear two bandeau tops, one in most aren’t that experienced working with please don’t stare so much. ■
size XS to keep my boobs in, then a bigger someone with my size boobs. I often see
one over the top. I have to be able to move, something on a rail, like a satin slip dress, Mahalia’s album IRL is out now

The Sunday Times Style • 107

Words Verity Clark

Making scents of it
Perfume can be one of the trickiest gifts to buy – but get it
right and you’ll be in their good books for ever
Buying perfume for someone else is a risky business. Guerlain Tobacco Honey, £290 for 100ml EDP
Buy the right (or the wrong) fragrance and you can “change A seriously addictive unisex scent that’s equal parts
someone’s olfactory world for ever”, the British perfumer smoky (that’s the tobacco leaves), sweet (the honey) and
Lyn Harris believes . Nail it and they’ll always be thankful sexy (hello, sandalwood and oud).
to you for introducing them to their new signature scent.
But misjudge a fragrance gift at your peril. Tom Ford Café Rose, £106 for 50ml EDP
So, how to pick the perfect perfume? Scent is very much Don’t be fooled by the inclusion of rose; here the personality
an extension of personality, and herein lies the secret to a is more tempestuous red rose than delicate pink petal.
successful purchase.“Be guided by who they are,” says Olivia Throw in a double shot of espresso and stir in some spicy
da Costa, the founder of the cult fragrance house Olfactive O. cardamom and you’ve got yourself a head-turner.
“Think about the places they enjoy and what they like to do
for work and pleasure.” Fans of evenings on the sofa sipping
expensive red wine “might enjoy a sensual woody fragrance”,
she suggests. If they’re always at the hot new restaurant, then
gourmet fragrances — with edible ingredients — may please.
According to Harris, confident types are usually drawn to
“dark woods, ambers or expressive colognes”, whereas calmer
souls often prefer “a gentle citrus or floral”.
How someone dresses comes into play too.“If they have
a staple uniform consider a cologne or fresh wood,” suggests
Harris, who says that more eclectic dressers may enjoy
a “dark wood or amber scent”. Cashmere scarves and
tailoring more their thing? Pick a classic cologne,
leather-based or herby scent, all of which scream (or perhaps
whisper) quiet luxury. And don’t overlook gender-neutral
fragrances. Traditionally, rich woods were for men and pretty
florals were for women — but come on, things have changed.
Musky, subtly woody scents have universal appeal. Look at
Maison Margiela and Boy Smells, which offer delicious
genderless fragrances across the board.


They insist on queueing for croissants at 7am on a
Saturday and only drink coffee brewed at that micro-place. FOR THE NEW TRADITIONALIST
Their palates are refined (or so they think). Indulge them The festive season is all about rituals. The same baubles are
with the tastiest of scents. hung, the same songs are sung — but there is always one who
likes to do things a little differently. Duck instead of turkey, a
Jo Malone London Ginger Biscuit, £124 for 100ml EDC Barbie on top of the tree, Taylor Swift over John Rutter … you
If the tree is already up and mince pies have been consumed, get the picture. Traditions with a twist. In perfume terms,
this is for them. An emphatically festive concoction of that means taking a classic scent and turning it on its head.
ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon, topped off with a swirl of
buttery caramel and roasted hazelnuts. Le Labo Lavande 31, £168 for 50ml EDP
If there’s any brand that can make you reconsider lavender
it’s Le Labo. Forget the smell of your granny’s soap or those
stuffed pouches in your knicker drawer, this is full of citrussy
bergamot and neroli and a heady dose of tonka.

Chloé Lumineuse, £95 for 50ml EDP

Red roses? So predictable. If your loved one turns up their
nose at the first sniff of a cliché, fool them with this. Classic
rose is shrouded in a cloud of jasmine and vanilla.
Sweet, yes. Boring, never.

Dior J’adore l’Or, £144 for 50ml essence de parfum

Betina du Toit/Trunk Archive

Dior J’adore is a bona fide classic, a bestseller for more than

20 years, so if it ain’t broke why fix it? Because when you use
the same familiar and deliciously distinctive bouquet of
flowers — jasmine, rose, lily of the valley and violet —
but make it smoother, sunnier and more velvety, you
get something that’s, well, better.

The Sunday Times Style • 109

Harder to buy for than your father-in-law, they were
wearing Baccarat Rouge 540 (by Maison Francis Kurkdjian)
years before it went viral. But don’t worry, the perfumes
below are fash pack-approved.

Burberry Goddess, £95 for 50ml EDP

This delectably creamy number ticks off two firsts.
One: vanilla caviar (the seeds in vanilla pods) is the star
ingredient — never before used in fragrance and totally
addictive. Two: this is the brand’s first refillable fragrance.

Loewe Aire Anthesis, £118 for 50ml EDP

If the Loewe Paseo pleated bag is out of budget, then this
FOR THE ROMANTIC — a rich and discernibly cool amber scent with rhubarb,
Looking to impress? Enter pheromone fragrances, the peony and pear — is the next best thing.
internet searches for which have risen by 350 per cent in the
past two years, while #pheromoneperfume has clocked up Dries Van Noten Rock the Myrrh, £245 for 100ml EDP
over 370 million views on TikTok. For the most arousing Don’t be put off by the holy connotations (although it does
aromas, try musk, leather, heavy woods, vanilla and amber. make for a rather fitting festive gift). This smells like the
expensive materials well-dressed men lust after, including
DS & Durga Deep Dark Vanilla, £155 for 50ml EDP leather and suede. It’s a total knockout.
Does what it says on the tin, really. With its blend of earthy
hay and bewitching dark patchouli, there’s a curiousness Jimmy Choo Rose Passion, £91 for 100ml EDP
to this bold vanilla scent. It lends itself to long, heady Regular H2O? No thanks. It’s coconut water only for the
nights, no mistletoe required. It girls. Happily, that’s the star in this showstopper of a floral
scent. Frangipani, orchid and jasmine aren’t your everyday
Editions de Parfums Frédéric Malle Heaven Can Wait, flowers, but then she’s no ordinary girl.
£185 for 50ml EDP Understated but electric: smelling this
is like locking eyes with someone you fancy across the room
at a party. Boys and girls will go weak at the knees for this love
story between warm vanilla and soft, sultry iris and musk.

Dolce & Gabbana Devotion, £92 for 50ml EDP

Reminiscent of a zingy cocktail, with sweet vanilla,
orange blossom and candied citrus. So bright and sunny,
it will have them hoping a plane ticket to Italy is included.

Gucci Guilty Elixir de Parfum Pour Homme, £124 for

60ml EDP Leather seats hidden in the corners of dark bars.
The smokiness of amber mingles with the spiciness of
nutmeg and patchouli. Sex appeal bottled. Phwoar.

Team Style’s forever favourites

ATKINSON A scent I’ve worn on MCDOWELL Lord knows I love mint Escentric Molecules Penhaligon Cornubia
People stop me and off for years — and My latest squeeze is ice cream, and since Molecule 01 (£95 for was sadly discontinued a
and ask what my always migrate back Byredo Eleventh my signature scent is 100ml EDT) is my couple of years ago, but
perfume is when to eventually — is Hour (£140 for 50ml EDP), Roger & Gallet L’Homme forever favourite. As I stocked up before it
I wear Chanel Le Lion Le Labo Santal 33 which is spicy and Menthe (£35 for 100ml someone who routinely disappeared. I love it
(£200 for 75ml EDP). (£168 for 50ml EDP). warm enough to feel EDT) it turns out I like steals her husband’s because it has a deep
It’s powerful, punchy It’s delicious and it makes snuggly in winter. smelling of it too. aftershave, I also love amber warmth that
and lasts all day. me feel cosy. If it were a that it’s unisex. I haven’t found in other
A stone-cold classic. piece of clothing, it perfumes. It smells like a
would be a favourite sexy, less sweet version
cashmere jumper. of warm McDonald’s
doughnuts. ■

110 • The Sunday Times Style

India Knight
A make-up artist told me this is the best nude eyeshadow
palette she has ever used – and she’s right

My usual issue with bigger eyeshadow palettes is that I only

ever use a few of the shades, even if I’ve bought them
specifically because I’ve thought: “Aha, this is the one! I’ll be
using most of these.” It rarely works out that way. This is
partly because I don’t spend much time on eye make-up —
I like using one shadow and some pencil for most normal
days. When I try to do something more complicated,
punchier and less subtle, usually in the context of a more
eveningy eye, I can’t guarantee the result. I would say I get
the desired look maybe seven times out of ten. Questionable technique aside, I blame the
larger palettes I’m using (I do not have this problem using my ever-reliable Victoria
Beckham Beauty Smoky Eye Brick, £54). Because I’m unpersuaded by some of the shades
these larger palettes contain — I don’t always feel they “go” optimally with each other on
my particular colouring — I wander off and find a “better” brown, or a “nuder” nude from
somewhere else, and quite often the result is a bit of a mess.
The dream, therefore, is to find a big palette with colours that really do all work together
on me. The even greater dream is to find a palette that contains such colours and has help-
fully worked out which three shades look best together, depending on what look you’re
after. That palette, my friends, is the Natasha Denona Biba Eyeshadow Palette (£130).
I was introduced to it by a make-up artist who said it was the best nude palette she has ever
used, and after spending some time with it, I’m ready to join in the praise (somewhat belat-
edly — it’s not a new product). It is fantastic and incredibly user-friendly. The colours are
beautiful — both warm and cooler, slightly 1970s-ish neutrals, as the name suggests, in a
variety of exceptionally good textures, creams and powders that go from completely matte
to shimmer and metallic. These would all work on any skin tone. The top row is made up of
neutral to brown shades, the middle row comprises warmer/redder shades, and the bottom
row is cooler colours. Once blended, these all behave like neutrals, meaning that, for example,
the most wine-looking colour in the pan doesn’t give you maroon eyes (thank goodness) but
goes on as a super-flattering, completely wearable take on reddish brown. I particularly like
the well thought out pale colours in here, which are discreet but still have substance, if that
makes sense — they are not wishy-washy. There’s also an extremely useful deep black, in a
cream-to-powder formula that does not fade to grey or make a mess everywhere.
So yes, new fave, whether you’re skipping about more or less au naturel or piling it on. Not
cheap, but I absolutely promise that once you’ve played around with all the shades and
experimented with combinations, this will become your go-to palette. If you don’t want to
experiment, just use three colours that are in a line. ■ @indiaknight
Once you’ve
played around
with the
INDIA LOVES combinations,
READ Naomi Klein’s book Doppelganger (Penguin £25) is ostensibly about people mistaking
this will
Catherine Garcia

her for Naomi Wolf, who has become an antivaxer (and the rest). But it’s also about how the
recent iteration of the liberal left — so binary and unnuanced — enables conspiracy theorists
and the “populist” right. Klein is particularly brilliant on social media and personal branding,
become your
but the book roams widely and is illuminating throughout. go-to palette

The Sunday Times Style • 113

Dear Dolly
Your love, life and friendship dilemmas answered
by Dolly Alderton

I have been with my boyfriend for six years and have lived with him for four. He has had
the same job since we first met. He works in hospitality and I’m in an office, working
8am-5pm, so our schedule is totally out of sync. When we do get time together he
complains he is tired and doesn’t want to do much. I’m always up for doing something,
even if it’s in the flat. I feel I’m missing out on my late twenties. I’ve moved towns to live
in a place where I don’t know anyone and I’ve only managed to make one friend. We do
enjoy each other’s company when we are together. Do you have any advice on how to
improve things or how to be strong enough to know if it’s the end of this relationship?

The question you ask is one I think about Also, the bottom line is: not seeing your
a lot. I’m rereading Pride and Prejudice at boyfriend sucks. It can be done in the
the moment and it’s a comfort to realise, short term but ultimately it will dislocate
as a 35-year-old woman, that it’s a romantic your relationship. You need time to do stuff,
dilemma that left Regency women in a do nothing, have sex, not have sex, find your
pickle too. What should I want from a favourite TV shows, bicker, snog, travel,
partner? What standard should I have for chill, create new memories together. I’ve
myself ? When am I being too fussy and been in relationships where, for one reason or
when am I not being discerning enough? another, we’ve struggled to have time for each
What makes two people compatible or other, and the next relationship where that
incompatible? What do I think a good rela- isn’t a problem feels like a relief. Relationships
tionship looks like? What, therefore, do I think a good life are challenging enough to make work without the logistics of
looks like? It was a brain-scratcher then and it continues to trying to find the spare hours in which the relationship can
puzzle us now. actually happen. (Of course, in the interests of fairness, I also
My first question will seem obvious, but I also know how have to warn you, other shit always comes up. There’s always
easy it is to keep these huge worries in a relationship to an inevitable game of Whac-A-Mole when you go from one
yourself for fear of what it might lead to: have you talked boyfriend to another. You get rid of one problem and another
to him about it? Have you told him that you’re worried one will come up. No situation is perfect.)
about how much time you’re spending together and the The last thing I’d advise is to try to delineate between
quality of that time spent together? Have you made it clear what feels good and what feels familiar. Familiarity does a
that you’ve made a compromise by moving to a city where good impersonation of contentment, but they’re different
you don’t know anyone, and that you hope he could meet things. You say “we do enjoy each other’s company” as a
you at the same point of compromise by perhaps trying to reason to stay together, which is of course a valid reason,
work different hours, or at least by making an effort to be on but it’s the baseline requirement of a good relationship.
good form when you do have your time as a couple? Ask yourself how much you see yourself spending the next
My inkling is that this is less about a scheduling conflict phase of your adult lives together and how much you’re
and more about a spiritual conflict. Spiritual incompati- using the enjoyment of his company as a way to persuade
bility is one of the biggest challenges between two people yourself to stay in a relationship you may have outgrown.
in a romantic relationship. What do you mean by spirit, Four years is a long time, especially in your twenties.
you daft old hippy? Well, I’ll tell you. Spirit, I think, is a Leaving a relationship of that length is hard when you’re in
mix of outlook and energy that has always made up who the first decade of adulthood because you don’t have many
you are, and is the hardest thing to change. It’s the differ- examples of leaving something familiar and finding happi-
ence between being a pessimist or an optimist; an empa- ness on the other side. Now I’m in the second decade of
thiser or a pragmatist; someone with wanderlust or a adulthood (apparently), I feel much stronger about leaving
homebody. In your case, it seems like you’re a high-energy behind a comfortable, well-worn, well-loved thing that once
person who wants to experience new things, and he may made me happy but no longer does, whether that’s a rela-
Alexandra Cameron

be someone who’s pretty happy with his lot. Neither is the tionship, a work project, a flat, a neighbourhood or a friend-
right or wrong way to be, but it’s worth asking if this is a ship. Because I know that it’s never a disaster. It may feel
part of who he is and whether it would be so different if uncomfortable, scary even, but if you listen to your
you were on the same work schedules. instincts, it’s never a disaster. ■

To get your life dilemma answered by Dolly, email or send a voice note to or DM @theststyle

114 • The Sunday Times Style

November 12, 2023

‘We built an island paradise in the Cotswolds’ 12

Kitchen confidence
Six-page special on the most important room in the house 14-19
2 November 12, 2023 The Sunday Times


Radnage Bottom Farm is a £2.35M
grade II listed farmhouse in
about ten acres of the
Chiltern Hills area of

outstanding natural beauty. It
has four bedrooms, beamed
ceilings and an Aga; outside
are two listed barns, a gravel
drive, a garage and a tennis
court. It’s near the village of
Radnage, which has two
Compiled by pubs, and is seven miles from
The best of this week’s property on sale Property
High Wycombe.
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 3

£750,000 £695,000
t was about 7 on a In some parts of the United

I Sunday morning when

I first heard it — a full-
throttle, ear-splitting
noise, similar to a
pneumatic drill. It sounded
extremely near. It was
particularly unwelcome
States leaf blowers have been
banned after it was ruled that
they can be dangerously loud
(some have recorded levels of
up to 100 decibels; the level at
which sustained exposure can
result in hearing loss is 80-90).
because I was staying at a To put this into context, a jet
friend’s house in a leafy aircraft taking off comes in at
suburb where one of the 120 decibels. The petrol-
delights is to wake to the fuelled leaf blowers used by
ESSEX DEVON sound of birdsong. some professional gardeners
In the village of Little Bardfield, near Braintree, Guivers is a The grade II listed Fitzford Gate House is in the centre of Instead I was rudely also spew out horrible
four-bedroom Arts and Crafts house with leaded windows, Tavistock, ten miles from Plymouth. At present run as a awakened by a man with a leaf emissions.
beamed ceilings and brick fireplaces. It has a quarter-acre holiday let, it has three bedrooms and period features, blower in a neighbouring I might also add that they
plot and a detached double garage. but the kitchen and bathrooms are modern. garden. Furious, I watched raise the cortisol levels in
through the window as he neighbours expecting a
aimlessly blew leaves from one peaceful weekend lie-in. What
side of the lawn to the other. is more, noise pollution over
This continued for some time. 50 decibels has been shown
O/O What is it with gardeners to increase the risk of

£1.4M £650,000 and their toys — do they no

longer want to work
cardiovascular disease.
In America some gardeners
surrounded by the sounds of are fighting back, though,
nature? Surely there is a arguing that their clients
certain joy to be had in don’t want to see leaves soiling
methodically raking autumn their manicured lawns. Leaf
leaves while you listen to the blowers also save time, they
sounds of birds around you. A argue. There are gardeners
feeling of being connected to who say that too many leaves
nature that you can’t possibly can damage lawns by starving
achieve with a leaf blower. them of light and air.
A colleague agrees with me. However, I’m with the
After staying with his parents veteran gardener Alan
EDINBURGH NORTH YORKSHIRE recently, he found sitting in Titchmarsh, who recently
A six-bedroom Georgian terraced townhouse, designed An imposing semi-detached five-bedroom townhouse in the garden virtually wrote in the BBC Gardeners’
by William Playfair, in the centre of the city. It has elegant the centre of Ripon, located within walking distance of unbearable due to the noise of World magazine that he
features throughout, a substantial private garden and a Ripon Grammar School, the city centre, shops and a strimmers, trimmers, leaf doesn’t use power tools on a
double garage to the rear. cathedral. blowers and lawnmowers. He Sunday. “I believe profoundly
lamented the disappearance there should be at least one
of the quiet “whoosh” of the day in the week when we
old-fashioned push mower could go out into our gardens
and the “clip-clip” of hedge and experience a bit of peace
cutters. and quiet,” he wrote.
“If you must power your
£795,000 £3.995M way through Sunday, please
do so between the hours of
9am and 6pm, so that I can
sip my early morning tea in
silence and enjoy my
Leaf blowers can sundowner to the
be almost as loud accompaniment of the
blackbird, rather than the
as a jet taking off Black & Decker,” he added.
I couldn’t agree more.
I’d go further and ask
whether there is a need to do
quite so much maniacal leaf
OXFORDSHIRE WILTSHIRE blowing at all. Leaves are rich
A grade II listed four-bedroom stone cottage in the village A luxurious five-bedroom home in the village of Limpley in nutrients and make a
of Bampton, near Witney, that is filled with character and
has a half-acre garden enclosed by mature evergreen
hedging and trees.
Stoke, near Bath, that was completed in 2021. It has two
split-level floors and a stunning kitchen, a pool and sun
terraces. HOME natural habitat for insects,
worms and hedgehogs.
Across the Atlantic there is

a campaign urging gardeners
to “Leave Leaves Alone” —
we should get on board.
Henrietta Courtauld and
Bridget Elworthy, aka the
Land Gardeners,
£950,000 £2M advocate mulching
flowerbeds at this time
of year with the last of
CAROL the grass clippings and
LEWIS fallen leaves. Leaves
Property editor
are nature’s fertiliser;
we should use them
to feed our gardens
where possible.
We must resist the
urge for pristine
manicured gardens,
in which a fallen leaf
SUFFOLK NORTHUMBERLAND instils panic. Autumnal
Park Lodge is a five-bedroom pad on the fringes of A mile from Morpeth, this modern mansion is tucked away leaves are a good
Woodbridge with lashings of late-Victorian appeal. in about four acres of manicured grounds, while the thing. Where they do
A hall opens to three reception rooms and the kitchen/ house extends to 6,470 sq ft on two floors. It has seven need to be scooped up,
diner. Pubs are within walking distance. bedrooms and six bathrooms. embrace the rake.
4 November 12, 2023 The Sunday Times

There are lots of classic higher when renting to WHAT MUST I DO BEFORE valid notice to quit. You also

THE student properties in the

city, but we would prefer to
students room-by-room, but
you’ve said this wouldn’t be
need to provide “prescribed
information” about its

buy something that we your plan in the longer term. After years of letting a protection within 30 days —

could keep as an investment Over the couple of years property, I recently had but if you don’t, you can still
after he is done and would that your son is studying, an issue with a tenant. validly seek possession if you
prefer that not to be a you’ll probably find the My solicitor told me that provide it late.
student let in the longer difference between buying the I hadn’t given the tenant all The same goes for the other
term so are considering house (versus investing the the relevant documentation key documents: an energy
slightly more expensive same amount of money in at the start of the tenancy. performance certificate, a gas

areas. What sort of yield another asset and paying your Can you tell me what the safety certificate (if there’s a
should we expect, given son’s rent) isn’t significant government regulations gas supply) and the latest
that his rent would be enough in its own right to go require me to give a new version of the government’s
covered? ahead with this plan. It really tenant on signature of an How to Rent guide. You should
James King, Nottingham depends on whether you want assured shorthold provide these before the
exposure to the property agreement? tenancy starts. But if you
Your questions on being a landlord
You’re right to avoid market over the long-term. Matthew, London didn’t, you can do so late and
buying a “classic” (ie We think of this as a similar then proceed to give notice.
and investing in property answered
shabby) student property, situation to wanting to buy a It’s important to comply The ability to provide
as the rising expectations holiday home that you can use with the laws around documents late means you can
SHOULD WE BUY A STUDENT of students has led to this sometimes and rent out the service of documents put your house in order at the
HOUSE FOR OUR SON? type of accommodation rest of the time. In theory it because, as you’ve last minute then go ahead with

My son has just started struggling across many gives you the best of both discovered, if you don’t it can seeking possession — although
university at Nottingham university cities. There are worlds. Often it would work be impossible to serve a valid there’s no excuse for not doing
Trent and has gone areas of Nottingham, such as out better to just make the best notice to end a tenancy. This it at the outset. The nightmare
into halls of West Bridgford, that are investment without thinking means that even if you want to scenario would be to serve
residence. As we live suitable for students and are about your own needs and pay use the “no fault” procedure notice, wait out the notice
close to Nottingham also popular with families out of pocket for your holidays to remove a troublesome period then wait longer for it
we are considering and professionals. (or your son’s rent in this case). tenant, the courts will find to go to court, only then to
whether it would We can’t calculate the If you do go ahead, make against you. find out you’ve missed
make sense to buy a yield for you, but you can sure to look into local rules The most important thing something and have to go back
house that would do this yourself by taking around creating new “houses to do at the start of a tenancy and start again.
remove the need for the expected rental in multiple occupation” is to protect the deposit with
him to pay rent in the income and dividing it by (known as an Article 4 an approved scheme within 30 Rob Dix and Rob Bence are the
second and third years the cost of the type of direction) and the need to days of receiving it. That’s presenters of The Property
— we would rent out the property you’d want to obtain a licence for the because it’s the only mistake Podcast
other rooms. We could own. You should base this property, as well as giving that can’t easily be remedied
purchase without a calculation on the likely level yourself a crash course in the later: if you don’t protect the Submit your questions for the
mortgage up to of rent a family would pay: the legalities of renting out deposit in time, you’ll need to two Robs at
£300,000. overall rent is likely to be property in general. return it before you can issue a sundaytimes
6 November 12, 2023 The Sunday Times

costs estimated by a surveyor because it

may be that it comes to more than the

property value.
“Rebuild costs have risen dramatically
in recent years,” he says. Add in the fact
that a thatched rebuild could require the
expertise of architects or craftsmen, and
adequate cover becomes shorthand for
much higher insurance premiums.
Reading the small print of your policy
is just as important. This will include
stipulations on chimney sweeping and
certification, or requirements to tell
the insurance company that you have
a wood-burner.
“Check that appliances are covered
in the policy because previous owners
won’t always say,” Daniel Hodgson, the
managing director of Sweep Safe, the UK’s
chimney sweep association, says. He
is a chimney sweep himself and always
steers clients to look at their insurance
policy before booking a job.
There is still one caveat to the advice.
Finding an insurance provider prepared
to cover a thatch property with a real
fireplace isn’t straightforward. Nearly all
house insurers offering cover for a wood-
burner and thatch ask for a 1.8m-high
chimney in line with building regulations.
Not only might extending the height of the
chimney involve the cost of a surveyor
checking if a 600-year-old chimney can
take the extra weight, it could also fall foul
of planning if the house is listed.
“If you are in a conservation area in
a listed property, they might say no,”
Karen Crouch from the Thatch Advice
Centre in Hampshire, says. She counsels
homeowners on all things thatch-related
and publishes a thatch directory that
includes a list of insurers. The picture
grows more complicated given that
conservation rules for thatch appear to be

a postcode lottery. “We’ve seen people
spend a fortune restoring a house with
cob, lime and longstraw thatch, and at the
end of the job they just want to put a
temporary straw finial on top, and the
council won’t let them,” she says.
Still, she adds that a few insurers will

TURNED INTO AN INFERNO’ cover listed thatch buildings with low

chimneys. Insurance requirements have
also changed after research that identifies
the main cause of thatch fires as ejected
sparks and embers from the chimney,
Using a real fire to keep a thatched home warm in winter is sustainable but throwing cold water on a long-held belief
that thatch fires were caused by heat
risky — as one couple in Devon discovered to their cost. By Sarah Rundell transfer through solid brickwork.
Despite the challenges, both Crouch
and Hodgson notice enduring demand

he weather in the to collapse and within three hours the risk. Two years after the Above: Laura from thatch householders for a real
mid-Devon village house turned into an inferno. “It was like fire the Parkmans are now back in their and Geoffrey fireplace. “We don’t see any of our clients
of Stoodleigh was one of those films where you see flames cottage after a £600,000 refurbishment — Parkman at their switching to electricity,” Hodgson says.
unseasonably hot and dry for shooting out of the window,” she says. “All paid for by insurance — but they have thatched cottage “Due to the cost of living we’ve seen a
April although the nights that was left was the stone walls and switched to central heating. in Stoodleigh, jump in people inquiring about putting in
still carried a hint of winter chill. two chimney stacks. Everything Others struggle to get insurance or find Devon after it was a wood-burner,” Crouch adds.
Laura Parkman lit inside was destroyed.” themselves caught between insurers rebuilt. Below: Another explanation is the desire to
the wood-burner in the As the winter nights draw requiring chimney modifications and the aftermath of live sustainably. Thatch properties,
sitting room of her and her in there is nothing cosier strict planning laws for listed buildings. the fire that usually made of materials such as cob,
husband Geoffrey’s All that was left than lighting a fire if you All the advice points to the importance gutted the lime, mud and locally sourced and
thatched cottage, just as was the stone live in the countryside. of adequate insurance cover. Andrew cottage naturally insulating straw, already tick the
they had throughout that However, for those living in Chalk from NFU Mutual, one of the few green box. A real fireplace is a good way to
winter. Shortly afterwards walls and two thatched houses, a real fire insurers to cover thatch and wood- let the house breathe and wood-burners
something drifted down in chimney stacks in the house carries added burners, suggests it’s worth having rebuild only heat the room you’re in as opposed
front of the window on the to the whole house, using wood, which is
breezeless evening. She went a renewable and easier option for country
outside, looked up, and the thatch dwellers not on the mains. Not to mention
was on fire. the aesthetic. “If you buy a country house,
“Smoke was billowing from the thatch you don’t want to look at a radiator,”
and then flames came right over the roof, Hodgson says.
over the ridging, and down the other side. What is required is common sense and
It just went up,” she says. following advice such as not stacking
The fire remained in the attic space wood next to the wood-burner, regularly
long enough for the fire brigade to retrieve sweeping the chimney, checking for bird
some of the Parkmans’ possessions. “I nests and applying fire-reduction spray to
won’t tell you what Geoffrey said when the outside of the thatch. Crouch fears
they asked if we wanted to save the farm many of those who moved from the town
accounts,” she says, able to laugh now to the countryside after the pandemic still
although the trauma at the time meant she need to grasp this before winter sets in. “A
couldn’t recall the whereabouts of many lot of the time it’s not the wood-burner
of their precious things. that’s the problem, it’s the people,” she
It wasn’t long before the ceilings started concludes.
8 November 12, 2023 The Sunday Times


CARBON Are hybrid heating systems the

answer for old and leaky homes?
The Brown family tell Martina Lees

POSITIVES how installing one helped them go

green and slash their gas bill


he Brown family their gas boiler after all, they
have gone green. said, by swapping it for a
They have a heat hybrid system. “We jumped at
pump. Not just any it,” Michael says. Without
heat pump — a heat losing garden space or
pump in a hybrid system. insulating walls, “our fossil
Like 90 per cent of families fuel use is about one fifth
in Britain, the Browns — of the level of gas we were
Michael and Amy, and their using before”.
son, Nate, six — had a gas Are hybrid heating systems
boiler that burnt fossil fuel. with pumps the answer for
“We wanted to decarbonise Britain’s old and leaky homes?
our heating,” Michael, a Can they cut your carbon
website manager, says. Two without compromising on cost
years ago they applied to take or comfort?
part in the government’s
“electrification of heat” trial to HOW DOES HYBRID
test heat pumps. HEATING WORK?
There was a problem. A hybrid system combines a
Experts deemed the Browns’ heat pump with a gas (or oil)
three-bedroom house, built in boiler to supply heating and
1902 in an Edwardian terrace hot water. The heat pump
in Gateshead, unsuitable for a runs on electricity, of which
standard air source heat 40 per cent is generated
pump. Their garden did not cleanly from wind or sun (or
have room for the bulky more, if you have solar panels
outdoor unit. Although they or a green energy supplier). It
had loft insulation and double uses the electricity to amplify
glazing, they would need to ambient heat from the air or
spend a “colossal sum” on ground, even at temperatures
solid wall insulation for a heat as low as minus 25C.
pump to work efficiently. Typically, for every one unit
Regular heat pumps of electricity, it produces three
supply hot water at a lower units of heat — or more, if the
temperature (45C to 55C) than system is well designed and
gas boilers (over 65C), so need the home highly insulated.
bigger radiators in well- However, when it gets very
insulated properties to cold, the heat pump uses
provide the same amount of more electricity for the same
heat. In a leaky old house like output, which would ramp up
the Browns’, a straight swap fuel bills. Then the boiler
from gas boiler to heat pump increasingly kicks in to top up
risks leaving you with high heat — using gas, which is 74
energy bills — or a cold home. per cent cheaper (7p per kWh)
Then the experts came than electricity (27p per kWh)
back. The family could rip out but emits far more carbon.

A smart system usually

controls how much heat to
draw from each source. The
Brown family’s system
predominantly uses the heat
pump when the outdoor
temperature drops below 15C.
You can fit a heat pump
alongside a separate boiler as
part of a hybrid system,
potentially keeping your
existing boiler. Or you could
install one new product with
both elements in the same box
— like the Browns, whose
machine went into the garage,
in the same spot where their
old gas boiler had been.
Hot water for taps can be Top: the Brown family at home in Gateshead. Above: a Worcester Bosch heat pump
set up to come from either
the new boiler element or the village, he is going hybrid. His heat pump system, Arntzen WHEN ARE HYBRIDS
heat pump. family have an oil combi says. “We think [hybrid WORTH IT?
boiler, to which they are heating] has a much bigger It may indeed be the answer if
ARE HYBRIDS THE ANSWER adding a heat pump. role than the government you can’t give up space inside
FOR HARD-TO-RETROFIT “Converting my home to a acknowledges right now.” your home for a large cylinder.
HOMES? 100 per cent heat pump An internal Worcester You need one to store hot
Carl Arntzen is the chief system wouldn’t have worked Bosch report calls hybrid water provided by a heat
executive of Worcester Bosch, very well,” he says. systems a “game-changer” for pump. Yet 13.4 million homes
Britain’s biggest boiler Britain has “lots of old, net-zero transition and the in England (57 per cent) have
manufacturer. In his home, a leaky properties” that are not “perfect solution” for up to combi boilers that heat water
1960s property in a Midlands all suited to a 100 per cent 17 million smaller UK homes. instantly without a hot water
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 9

tank, the English Housing decarbonise” period homes. decarbonising and then end although you may be able to
Survey suggests. They could help people to
HYBRID HEATING up with a system that’s mainly keep your existing boiler.
“I think about my sister’s “avoid disruption” and SYSTEM reliant on fossil fuel”. A standard air or ground
house,” says Emma Bohan, the decarbonise “distress Domestic source heat pump qualifies for
manager of IMS Heat Pumps, a purchases” where a gas boiler Control hot water WILL IT SAVE YOU MONEY? a £7,500 grant under the
heat pump installer. “She has suddenly conks out. system Small In the government-funded government’s Boiler Upgrade
a two-up, two-down old But overall, hybrid systems radiator trial, in which the Brown Scheme. But you cannot get
worker’s cottage. I look won’t play a “significant” role, family took part, 742 heat this for a hybrid system. “That
around this tiny place and Dr Richard Hanna of Imperial Gas or pumps were fitted — a fifth is quite a big difference,” says
think, ‘Where am I going to put College London believes. oil boiler of which were in hybrid Katrina Young, a heat policy
a hot water cylinder?’ I can’t fit Hanna thinks high- Heating heating systems. “They manager at Catapult.
it in without making my sister temperature heat pumps, provided heat for the The Brown family’s
give up storage space.” which supply to radiators at homes but the hybrid system cost
With a hybrid system, the same temperatures as a Cold efficiency hasn’t £13,450 in total,
however, Bohan says her sister gas boiler (over 65C), will be water been as high as including £5,300
could use a gas combi boiler a better solution for hard-to- Heat expected,” says for the hybrid
pump Our fossil fuel
“just to do the taps. She would retrofit homes. He co- indoor unit Daniel Logue heat pump and
be mainly decarbonised, authored the Future of Home of the energy use is one fifth of five days of
heating the house on a heat Heating report last year, which Heat pump Gas consultancy work to replace
pump. She would then need a found the flexibility of hybrid outdoor unit Catapult, who the level of gas we all the radiators
smaller heat pump that would heat pumps may help to oversaw the trial. were using with bigger ones
cost less.” Another space- manage the load on the ALL-ELECTRIC For every unit and their narrow
saving solution is a thermal electricity grid during peak HEAT PUMP Domestic of electricity they microbore pipes
hot water
battery, such as Sunamp, times. Control used, the heat pumps with wider ducting.
which heats hot water on To work out if a hybrid is Large tested produced about 2.4 “There was quite a bit of
system radiator
demand but is smaller than right for you, get a heat pump units of heat — compared with disruption,” Michael says.
a hot water tank. engineer accredited by MCS, 2.9 units from standard heat Luckily the government paid
A heat pump topped up by the industry scheme, to assess pumps. That excludes the role because they were in the trial.
a gas boiler may also allow you your home. If they suggest a of the gas boiler element, And the family’s bills?
to stagger upgrades of hybrid solution, ask what which produces about 0.9 Before, their direct debit for
radiators and insulation as you exactly the fossil fuel element units of heat for every unit of gas and electricity was £94.
can afford it, Bohan adds. will do, Bohan says. “Is it just NEEDS UPDATING fuel it burns. This brings the Now it is about £100, despite
Once you are done, “you can kicking in for hot water? Is it efficiency down further. prices “going sky high”,
take your gas boiler out”. kicking in when it’s really cold Cold An air source heat pump Michael says. “But it’s changed
Heat water
The Climate Change outside, or while you can’t pump Domestic can cost from £7,000 to the type of fuel we use, which
Committee, which advises the afford to do the upgrades? You indoor unit hot water £15,000 to fit, depending on is positive environmentally.”
government, says that heat need to understand that.” cylinder the property, according to Eco Their gas bill has fallen from
pumps in a hybrid system may The risk, she adds, is that Heat pump Experts, a group of climate- almost £1,100 a year to £301
outdoor unit Electricity
indeed be more cost-effective you “can get conned into savvy writers. A new boiler for nine months. “That’s been
in the 1.3 million “hard-to- thinking that you are Source: Hybrid Heating Great Britain costs an extra £4,000, a big change.”
10 November 12, 2023 The Sunday Times

Grandmother always used
to keep her drinks there
and father now keeps
his drinks there.”
On the upstairs
landing, she says,
the chest of drawers
and the clock have
resumed the
positions they
occupied in 1947.
She has even returned
some items from her
own home. “Mum and
Dad gave me the side table
from the dining room, when
Granny died, and I sent it back to
them last year so it could go back to the
place it was in. It fitted beautifully.”
The decorator partially recreated
the old interiors, but added plenty of
contemporary touches, including many
of her own designs. A spectacular
wallcovering in the hallway is her
Kelling Home oak leaf wallpaper, and
contemporary decorative lighting
includes her Eloise lamp with a fluted
Bee lampshade. On the bedroom wall


is her Hearts and Minds wallpaper, and
on the floor her Priory rug. In the sitting
room, Kelling’s Peridot Hearts and Minds
cushions are on the couch, with her Beau
lamp with Delilah lampshade on the sofa
table behind.
How easy was working for family?
Deterding says: “It was surprisingly easy.

I’ve done it twice now. I did the house in
Naseby and this house. They tell me I am
improving with time. Dad pretends not to
care. My mother has a great eye and

wonderful taste.”
Jane adds: “The only thing we ever had
a row about was she kept saying, ‘I want
to do hard flooring in the bathrooms.’”
Her parents dug in their heels and insisted
on the comfort of carpet. “Otherwise we
agreed pretty quickly on most things,” she
concludes. David says: “We didn’t dare do
anything else.”
Every room holds memories of a
remarkable family. Her father’s favourite
recollection concerns a toy plane.
“Grandfather was in Colditz. Douglas
Bader was a very good friend of his.
Aged about eight, I made my first model
aeroplane. It was a glider with an elastic
An interior designer refurbished her late band inside to make the propeller go
round. I took it out on the terrace. I

grandmother’s home — but her parents had was about to launch it when I was told
Douglas was a distinguished fighter
pilot and he should launch my plane.
to buy it back first. By Katrina Burroughs Douglas launched my aeroplane and it

went straight into the ground. No,
I didn’t burst into tears. I was
onkey rides, cake making, was not a decision that pleased the bloody cross.”
her grandmother’s pekinese family. He adds: “When we decided to Now the Dollars are
dogs ... the interior designer leave, Emma was furious and so were It’s quite weird comfortably ensconced
Emma Deterding has many the children.” in the newly decorated
happy childhood memories At the precise moment the Dollars redoing your interiors, the only objection
of Cold Ashby Hall in Northamptonshire. were searching for a more manageable grandparents’ they have to their new/old
The Georgian country house that her property, in 2022, the entire nation house is the heating bills.
grandparents bought at the end of the seemed to be looking for a home in the
old house David says: “There’s this
war, where her father grew up, was countryside. Unexpectedly, Cold Ashby perennial problem of not
a favourite haunt for Deterding and Hall turned up on the market, so they being able to have double glazing
her brothers. pounced, buying it in April last year. on a listed house whereas in Naseby
“We stayed with Granny Donkey quite And so Deterding returned to her we had underfloor heating and massive
a lot. We used to do lots of baking with early stomping ground in a professional insulation. So energy bills are up. We
her. We rolled masses of puff pastry with capacity to help to redesign and decorate used to have ground source heating in the
lots of sugar and cinnamon and we the rooms for her parents, who are in new build. Once you’ve done it, it is
thought we were child geniuses.” their eighties. virtually free.”
After her grandmother died, the family “It’s quite weird redoing your His designer daughter has tried every
sold the house in 2008 and Deterding’s grandparents’ house that you remember trick in the book to warm up the interiors.
parents, Jane and David Dollar, built from your childhood,” she says. “We put curtains in, which are lined and
themselves a large property with seven Deterding, whose studio is called From top: Jane and interlined, and we are looking at putting
bedrooms and seven bathrooms, a Kelling Designs, used her recollections David Dollar; Cold in secondary glazing. We sealed off the
swimming pool and stables, on their and her parents’ memories of the Ashby Hall; the loft and added more insulation.”
farm in Naseby, a couple of miles away, interiors as a starting point for the decor. upstairs landing; And she has chosen colours that make
where they had lived for 17 years. “We all remembered the rooms and the snug; Emma the rooms seem — if not actually feel —
David says of the modern house: “We where the furniture went. A lot of the Deterding, who warmer. “The snug was white all winter so
loved it, but we made a bit of a mistake furniture has gone back into the same redesigned the we painted it Farrow & Ball Lake Red. It’s
and made it a bit large, and we felt it was places. The cupboard in the drawing interiors of her one of their limited-edition colours and
too much for us to cope with.” Giving up room that had all the drinks went straight grandparents’ it’s very pretty. That really changed the
a swimming pool, at the tail end of Covid, back to where it was 70 years ago. home feel of the room.”
12 November 12, 2023 The Sunday Times



ou can take the boy out of
Canada, but you can’t take
Canada out of the boy — even
if he’s a Brit. In 1975, when
the Kent-born Anthony
Edmondson was only 17, he took off
for the Yukon. “I was looking for
adventure and fell in love with the place,”
says Edmondson, now 66, who worked in
a silver mine and as a lumberjack.
A British man was so inspired by the Canadian wilds, he transformed
“It was so wild. It was like going to the
moon. You almost felt like you were the a Gloucestershire lake into his own version, complete with log cabins
first person there. There were bears,
wolves, beavers and birds of prey. You
could hear the wolves howling at night. “I was trying to replicate the feel of the The Edmondsons needed income,
I went out for a gap year and ended up Yukon on a smaller scale so that people however, so they started hosting
staying three and a half years,” he says. could get a taste of living in the wild,” corporate retreats. In 2008, when that
“Dad’s always been happy grafting by Anthony says. business collapsed during the financial
himself and living a pioneering lifestyle,” He eventually opened a fish farm, crisis, they opened Log House Holidays,
says his son, James, 33. “He was attracted met his wife and built a log house, Mayo comprising eight Finnish-built timber
to the romance of it.” Landing, named after a village in the cabins where Brits can go wild swimming,
When Anthony returned to the UK and Yukon. It was an idyllic place to grow then warm up beside fire pits.
became a tree surgeon, he yearned to up, James says. He planted reed beds for He may have grown up in paradise, but
recreate that rugged feel. In 1980, when pocket money, trapped eels and camped James yearned for the bright lights of the
looking to start a fish farm, he came on Survival Island, one of 15 on the lake, big city. In 2011, after finishing university,
across a 90-acre lake near Kemble, where he and his sister told each other he moved to London to work as an
Gloucestershire, that resembled a ghost stories by the campfire. “It was a investment banker in the City. “I quickly
moonscape: there were no trees, services very Swallows and Amazons childhood.” realised it wasn’t for me. I enjoyed the
or roads. It was an abandoned gravel pit Anthony took advice on conservation energy and excitement, but it wasn’t a
that had been dug up in the 1960s to build from Natural England. When the fish farm healthy lifestyle. So I came back after a
the M4 and M5. He bought it and spent changed the chemistry of the water, he short time. Having gone away, I realised
four years living in a mobile home on the closed it. By 1994 the site had become how special this place was.”
130-acre site, planting 42,000 trees and such a haven for bird life it was designated James has since got married and had
reed beds to purify the water. Anthony and James Edmondson canoeing in the Yukon a site of special scientific interest. two children, Aubrey and Bernie, and
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 13


From left: Sophie
and James
Edmondson, who
run Log House
Holidays; the
site’s lake; the
barns where the
Edmondsons live;
a bedroom and
living area in
their home.
Right: rowing on
the lake. Below:
the open-plan
dining room

now runs the family business. He and One staircase leads up to two “Log cabins exude life in the slow lane.
his wife, Sophie, started married life in bedrooms, where the couple can see the To have this seclusion in the south of
a Portakabin, but in 2020 built their own lake from their bed. The other staircase, England is a rare thing.”
rustic homestead, a four-bedroom, at the other end of the house past a Guests say they feel like they are
3,700 sq ft oak-framed house built using ground-floor third bedroom, leads up to a in Sweden or Canada. Indeed, Gucci
timber pegs, handmade clay roof tiles and separate first floor, with a fourth bedroom shot a campaign here set in an American
Cotswold stone and perched on an and snug. “Having the two barns is summer camp, while Barbour did
isthmus surrounded by lake. fantastic because when guests stay they a photo shoot with fake snow on
On a sunny autumnal day James drives have their own separate space.” the cabins.
me through a thicket of Norway spruces, It’s irresistibly cosy: you can imagine James prefers not to reveal the budget
maples and flaming liquidambar trees. As Pa entering on a snowy night laden for his house, but Border Oak, which
we pass log cabins and approach his with firewood (the wood-burner is built it, says a typical price for a full-build,
home, which is clad in Douglas fir and fuelled by logs from their property). four-bedroom house is about £500,000-
larch and fronted by a walnut tree, I hear The Edmondsons are also self-sufficient 600,000. They started construction in
the theme song for Little House on in water since Anthony drilled a August 2019 and James moved in in
the Prairie in my head. borehole. Underfloor heating October 2020.
Inside the look is similarly is powered by a water source Anthony is busy planning a new
rugged, with walls clad in heat pump at the bottom of oak-frame house on the site, but that
rough-sawn Douglas fir, the lake; solar panels will be the last. “We have planning
chunky beamed ceilings,
To have this cover half their energy permission for a couple more, but I’m
animal skin rugs and seclusion in the bills; solar glass reduces happy keeping things as they are and
distressed timber furniture. south of England airtightSipmembrane
heat; panels and an focusing on conservation,” James says.
“I wanted an oak-frame keep “The next generation might have a
house; they have character is a rare thing things warm. different take on it.”
and look like they’ve been It’s a tranquil existence. He won’t pressure his children to take
there for a long time,” James says. James starts his day with a over the business. “But it would be lovely
“We asked the company [Border Oak] coffee on the lakefront terrace in his to think the trees planted now will be
to deliberately leave the oak unplaned for Adirondack chair, keeping an eye out for enjoyed by generations to come. If the site
that rustic look.” otters, dragonfly (there are 17 varieties), was sold, I’d feel quite lost without it. It’s
James and his father sketched ideas for bitterns, starlings, ospreys, kingfishers my whole world.”
the house and gave them to Border Oak. and egrets. He ends the day with a bracing In troubled times it’s certainly a haven
James wanted an “irregular” structure of dip in the lake, even in winter. from turmoil. James says: “If we can
two intersecting barns. “I like old houses However, it’s hard graft too. James provide a happy place for people to
where you have buildings from different spends his days managing woodland, escape to, all the better.”
periods joined together. That gave me the clearing scrub, sowing and maintaining
idea of two barns. I wanted it to look like a wildflower meadows, and running the Border Oak exhibits at the Homebuilding &
sprawling farm.” holiday-let business, which is booming. Renovating Show. To claim free tickets for
The ground floor has an open-plan Apart from Covid shutdowns, the eight the event at the Bath & West Showground
kitchen/living/dining room with a wood- cabins have been booked solid for nine (this weekend) and Farnborough
burner and picture windows overlooking years straight. What’s the appeal to Brits? International Centre (January 13-14),
the lake, and a sliding door opening onto “People like coming back to something go to
a shaded terrace. that’s a bit old-fashioned,” James says. pr-sundaytimes
14 November 12, 2023 The Sunday Times


o refresh or renew


a kitchen, look
beyond the usual
brands: some
canny creativity can go a long
way. The key is always to
engage the design insiders’
favourite tactic, the high-low
approach, which is knowing
where to spend and stretch
your cash for maximum effect.
Pinch ideas from Alice
Gaskell, the founder of
Alice Grace Interiors, who
transformed the kitchen
fronts of a client’s grey
Shaker kitchen in Bath
with decorative pine reeding
from B&Q (£7.37 for a 2.4m-
long baton,
To replicate the look, take
off your kitchen doors and
place on a flat surface. “If the
original doors have Shaker
surrounds, the measurements
need to be taken within, top to
bottom,” Gaskell advises.
The doors were lightly
sanded and mouldings were
affixed with Gorilla glue or
Loctite, starting with the piece
in the centre of the door,
working outwards to allow an
equal finishing on each edge.
“Fix in place with veneer pins
top and bottom. Once dry,
apply a water-based primer
and paint. Due to the extra
weight and sometimes depth
of the new doors, you may
need to upgrade the door
hinges to allow for appropriate
clearance,” she adds. Finally,
she repainted in a rich red-
earth shade called Mchanga
for a look that’s still neutral,
but far more interesting than
the original grey.
The wedding dress designer
Kate Halfpenny has speedily
made over a dull pine laminate
kitchen in her Airbnb in
Faversham, Kent, with The couple behind the
minimal fuss. The stylist (who @mytinyestate account (Dean
has dressed Rihanna, Kate Poulton and Borja de Maqua)
Moss and Erin O’Connor) first are renovating a collection of
primed the cabinetry with Georgian buildings in the
Zinsser Bulls Eye 1-2-3 Primer- West Midlands. For their
Sealer (£19.99 per litre, kitchens, they use off-the-shelf followed by a carcasses from Ikea or DIY
couple of coats of Farrow & shops and “bespoke it” with
Ball’s Lichen, a mid-green. simple kitchen fronts cut to
Open shelving (made from size at B&Q. They installed
18mm MDF) and brackets from fancy brass taps and hardware
Etsy replaced an upper and higher-end worktops, and
cabinet for a more modern added definition to the
look. Halfpenny also added cabinetry by fitting skirting to
tongue-and-groove wall the units and mouldings under
panelling (MDF sheets from the worktops.

B&Q) to the splashback: Abi Hugo, a DIY lover from
“This allowed us to run some Essex who posts her upcycling
electrics behind to add wall results @thewhitethistle,
lights under the shelves. wanted to conceal the messy

Another trick is to update contents of a large glass-
inside the cupboards with fronted kitchen cabinet. She
sticky-back marble plastic.” ordered some reeded glass-
Vinyl wraps are an effect film from Purlfrost

inexpensive and rental- (£65 for two panels). “I’m glad
friendly method to revamp I went for the 25mm [the
dated fronts and worktops. largest size] — it’s distorted
Try for professional enough but not overly
architectural wrap to upcycle dramatic,” she says. “I cleaned
kitchen cabinet doors. An the window and sprayed on
average kitchen (about 20 to some plain water before
30 cabinet/drawer fronts, plus peeling the film and placing it
side panels and carcass fronts) on the window. I shifted it into
would cost £200 to £300 for position and once I was happy
material, while worktop wraps
in marble, concrete or wood Upgrade your space with these smart and stylish ideas, from I squeegeed out the excess
water until there were no air
effect average £16 a metre. or water bubbles. I then
Instagram is an excellent
source for semi-DIY shortcuts.
fresh-looking cabinets to quirky handles. By Victoria Brzezinski trimmed down the edges with
an X-Acto knife and voilà:
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 15

Clockwise from painting.” Slather on two coats veneer onto a quality birch ply choose a muted or a bright hacked fronts for Ikea’s Metod remove marks and wear, or
far left: a Studio and once dry, wax the doors from,” she tone in a matte for the fronts.” kitchen as well as its own give them a whole new look.
Fabbri kitchen using Clear Chalk Paint Wax explains. The door fronts in a The Oslo company Ask og cabinets. Its newest design is If the metal surface is sealed
with Plykea (£13.95 for 500ml). finish called Deralam Homapal Eng supplies high-quality called Plate (€340 per with lacquer, coloured
fronts; Alice Tamsin Saunders, the H50/014 set her back £5,400, bamboo fronts for Ikea standard 60cm x 80cm door) anodising or similar, we would
Gaskell used pine founder of interiors studio while the polished brass Kube cabinets, cover panels, filler while its brushed metal doors not recommend sanding.”
reeding in her Home & Found, was enlisted cabinet handles cost £28.80 pieces and plinths, handmade cost €790 each. “If your fronts Don’t be afraid to think
redesign; Matilda to update the Victorian home each from A&H Brass. She in its Norway workshop. Four are made of raw steel you can outside the box. An
Goad laquered of the artist Rosie Copeland. splurged on £600 taps from bamboo door fronts in the sand them either with an enterprising chef, Andrew
knob; an Annie Copeland’s original greige Lefroy Brooks’s Connaught finish Rye transformed the orbital sander or by hand,” Mellon, integrated a £149
Sloan kitchen in kitchen was in good working range to instantly elevate her kitchen in a small studio in suggests Reform’s Rikke galley from a second-hand
Antibes Green order, so Saunders repainted it entry-level cabinetry. Antwerp for €990 (£861). Bodker Christensen. “The Boeing Jetliner 737 into his
Chalk Paint in an earthier shade, Farrow & In her southwest London Get the pared-back Scandi appearance can change cabin’s kitchen in
Ball’s Pigeon, and used Farrow home artist and illustrator look adored by the Danish depending on the direction Aberdeenshire, combined
& Ball’s Salon Drab on the Ofelia Botella has created a fashion labels Stine Goya and you sand and the grit of the with a commercial gas cooking
island to complement the dark Delft-meets-Portugal mood by Designers Remix with Reform sandpaper, but it’s a great way range and stainless steel
granite worktops. She also hand-painting her white-tiled Copenhagen, which sells to freshen up the fronts, counters.
swapped the kitchen handles splashback with her favourite
for a combination of antique local flowers and animals —
brass and high-quality new “mostly ducks from Battersea
ones from British Standard Park” — using blue Pebeo
Cupboards and removed porcelain paint (£5.50,
the tiling behind the to adorn the
range for a bare plain white tiles. This took
plasterwork look, about four hours, and Botella
adding a framed also added a pretty “Casa
panel of 18th- Botella” mural using regular
century Delft tiles. acrylic above one of her
Swapping built-in kitchen cupboards
knobs and complete with a lobster, shell
handles is the and bunch of grapes.
ultimate quick fix. A plethora of firms offer
Trawl eBay for hand-finished fronts, handles
second-hand and custom cabinetry to fit
bargains. Etsy is also proprietary kitchen systems
a good source. from Ikea or Howdens — often
Ironmongery brands a cheaper way to get a bespoke
to consider include Dowsing look than a made-to-measure
& Reynolds, Armac Martin or kitchen company. These
Turnstyle. Matilda Goad include the UK-based HOLTE
designs colourful lacquer studio, Naked Kitchens and
knobs and bamboo-shaped Plykea. Studio Fabbri created
handles (from £20) while a colourful kitchen in
Leicestershire brand deVOL Walthamstow, northeast
handcrafts a range of London, utilising a playful
designs (from £18). Julia range of Plykea
Kendell, an interior components
designer from the including oak and
Homebuilding & Formica fronts
Renovating (£8,500) with
Show, notes: A variety of tones invisi-pull doors
“If you are and materials on Ikea cabinets
keen to change (£3,174.50).
pretty cupboard doors.” Her the metal from will make it feel Slatted oak
top tip is to order the film steel to brass, less ‘kitcheny’ panels also
with 2cm spare on either side you will also need spruce up the side
of the window. to change exposed of an Ikea island by
Hugo used self-priming, hinges for a cohesive Naturewall (£285).
self-sealing Frenchic kitchen aesthetic.” Merilin Kook, design
cupboard paint in a khaki To fake a high-end look, manager at HOLTE studio,
shade called Funky Dora take tips from the interior says: “There’s no need to
(£21.95 for 750ml) to update designer Nicky Mudie of the match the new doors’ tone
her kitchen fronts. Annie west London design company and finish to existing cover
Sloan has a similar Chalk Paint Violet & George. “I didn’t have and side panels as gone are the
range, from £7.95 for 120ml. the same budget as my clients days of matchy-matchy spaces,
“Ensure the cabinets are clean so I used a cheap carcass from all done in one colour only. In
and free from grease before Howdens [£3,600] in an oak- contemporary kitchen
you start painting,” Sloan says effect laminate and then had schemes, a variety of tones
as a caveat. “Use soapy water the doors made to make the and materials helps to break it
and a wire brush to give them kitchen look and feel like a all up and make it feel less
a clean and wait until they’re fully bespoke kitchen. We ‘kitcheny’. If your side and
fully dry before you start veneered a textured Mundy cover panels are in timber,

Tamsin Saunders
of interiors studio
Home & Found
updated the
kitchen of the
artist Rosie
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 17


he best part of

planning a kitchen
is the prerogative
to consume pantry
porn. There is
nothing more satisfying to
scroll than clearly labelled
cook’s ingredients decanted
into labelled clip-top jars and
displayed on the shelves of
custom store cupboards.
That’s why #pantrygoals
has clocked up 325 million
views on TikTok. It’s a passion
that unites the generations.
The Zoomers, sans their own
houses, are obsessed with OPP
(other people’s pantries). At
the older, more affluent end of
the kitchen market (the people
who cook for them), bespoke
pantry design has evolved into
a competitive sport, with
makers vying to devise the
most precisely tailored
creations. Despite their below
stairs origins, pantries are now
the last word in luxury.
According to Merlin Wright,
the design director of the
stealth-wealth kitchen studio
Plain English, when clients
visit his showrooms, it’s the
pantries that exert a magnetic
pull. “People always make 4
a beeline for them and open
them up, and are thrilled by
the reveal. It’s like a cabinet
of curiosities.”
So here is a new pantry for

your Pinterest board. Wright’s
latest kitchen design (the Kew
collection, revealed here and
already installed in his new
Pimlico Road, southwest

London, showroom), features
a colossal cupboard with an
arched door and horseshoe-
shaped shelving. For a
dramatic ta-da moment, the
interior is painted a contrast
colour to the exterior
cabinetry, and drawers are
finished with custom
cupboard pulls in aged cast Pantries may have humble below stairs origins but
brass. Inspired by the 18th-
century kitchens at Kew
Palace, it takes the larder
these storage stars are finally going up in the world
to a whole new level.
The British lust for pantries 1. Plain English food storage) with an

2 3
has persisted since the Kew kitchen, aesthetically and emotionally
pandemic and has lately from £70,000 satisfying solution.
spread across the Atlantic, 2. Davonport As Wright says, “It makes
where US homeowners are Holkham kitchen, people feel happy and
increasingly demanding from £40,000 in control if they’ve got
Georgian-style storerooms. 3. Husk kitchen everything to hand.” And
At the risk of provoking in Verde Brac who doesn’t love feeling
a semantic spat (actually I green, £4,300 happy and in control?
adore a semantic spat), let’s 4. John Lewis of On this wave of storage
acknowledge that on both Hungerford Cool euphoria, pantries have
sides of the Pond the term freestanding ascended from the servants’
pantry is used interchangeably pantry, £7,000 quarters to the status interior
with larder. Pedants may of the moment. Kate Watson-
object that the original Smyth, the author of Home:
function of the pantry was for The Way We Live Now, says,
storing bread and dry goods, “Pantries are the new en
while the larder was a separate suites. Everyone used to want
area designed to keep meat an en suite. Now we all have
fresh. But in the 21st century those, so pantries are the new
we have fridges for our aspiration.” Her new kitchen
perishable foods, and both reveal this autumn created
words have come to signify quite a stir, featuring a pantry
an ancillary room or storage/ We all have off the kitchen, with a run of
display cupboard that often en suites now so plaster pink cabinets and its
takes on the additional tasks of KATRINA own sink. Her ancillary space
secondary food prep area and pantries are the BURROUGHS had been converted from
hiding place for the toaster new must-have @Kat_Burroughs laundry duties to food prep
and coffee maker. and storage.
The genius of the It’s up to you to decide
contemporary pantry is whether your budget is more
that it addresses our most “tweak an existing space” or
common kitchen pain points “splurge the cost of an EV on
(inadequate or inaccessible exquisite cabinetry”.
18 November 12, 2023 The Sunday Times

Keeping surfaces

clear will help

make the room

feel larger

The classic nautical kitchen is
back in fashion. By Lindsay Blair

The Classic English kitchen, from £30,000, Devol; Stowupland kitchen, £12,193, British Standard Cupboards

n social media architect Margarete Schutte- Jeremy Grove, managing space as practical rather than kitchen maker Pluck. “There’s extension to the kitchen are
every kitchen has Lihotzky. Deemed the first director at the interior design for display. “Keeping surfaces a balance to be struck between sensible solutions, but
a vast footprint fitted kitchen, it came with company Sibley Grove, clear will help make the room maximising storage and unassuming areas can also
and a sprawling dedicated cooking and suggests keeping dedicated feel larger and less cluttered,” avoiding the feeling of prove useful.
island. However, preparation areas, and storage tasks to one side or the other. says William Eaves, design and cupboards looming over you.” “A small indent in a wall is a
the small but practical parallel on each side. These days, a “By their nature, galley development director at Think carefully about what perfect place to fit slim shelves
arrangement of a galley functional-first approach is kitchens are through routes, British Standard Cupboards. you need to store, cull and when painted the same
kitchen is where many of us synonymous with a galley and so the risk of injury is greater. “Lower units are the working unnecessary items and colour as the walls they almost
find ourselves cooking dinner. perhaps the reason for its These risks are the same on parts and should include the meticulously plan where disappear. These provide good
The galley is a design with lasting success. boats as in residential settings sink, oven, bin and things will go. Drawers offer storage for glassware and tall
long-sustained popularity. It Wren Kitchens’ showroom with family, children and pets. dishwasher. You could put more space than cupboards. shallow objects, and also
began as the favoured shape development and design “So ensure there are spaces your fridge and freezer below Magic corner racks, twin- create a nice visual where wall
for kitchens on ships, trains director Darren Watts says: on either side of the oven or the work surface to extend the carousel cabinets and sliding space and spots for
and aircraft to make the long, “Modern galley kitchens are hob to place hot items worktop areas and draw the pull-outs can make access ornamentation are in short
narrow spaces functional for on their way to becoming a without having to turn behind eye further into the room.” easier. The narrowest void supply,” says Helen Parker,
cooking and easy enough to key kitchen trend, with a you, and make sure cutting is While you’re likely to have can be turned into storage Devol’s creative director.
manoeuvre around. 52 per cent increase in done on one side of the long lengths of wall to play for chopping boards or While space will be tricky,
By the 1920s the concept of searches in the last year. This kitchen to avoid turning with with too, don’t be tempted to baking trays. this type of kitchen works the
efficiency reached mass more traditional-style sharp implements.” cram them full. “Be mindful of There are clever ways to hardest of them all and a well-
production with the kitchen is perfect for small Long runs of base units the density of the cabinetry boost space too. Relocating a designed one will be the most
revolutionary Frankfurt spaces, which is what makes bring with them plenty of within the space,” says George boiler and using a cupboard practical and efficient, just as
kitchen by the Austrian them so popular.” worktop, but think of this Glasier, co-founder of the under the stairs as an history intended.
20 November 12, 2023 The Sunday Times


Dr Richard Claxton learnt to love gardening and
its health benefits. Arabella Youens meets the GP

octor Richard degree, and later trained in downtime Claxton went out
Claxton grew up psychotherapy while at Guy’s. into his small patch of garden
as the son of an This early interest in mental and soon fell in love with
independent health led to him volunteering gardening.
school teacher. for Aids charity the Terrence “I saw it as a way of
While living in a boarding Higgins Trust. switching off and taking gentle
schoolhouse he was, at one Claxton was married and exercise at the same time — a
time, appointed house captain living in north London and win as I hate going to the gym.
while his father was was about to embark on the Plus, studying medicine and
housemaster, an experience pathway to becoming a science squeezes the creativity
he describes as being more consultant when he decided to out of you, so it felt good to
like a punishment than a switch to general practice in change that.”
privilege. search of a better work-life There was something about
After training at Guy’s and balance. “If I knew then what the cyclical nature of
St Thomas’ Hospital medical I know now I might not have gardening and the connection
school and qualifying, in 1996, been so hasty,” he says. to the seasons that helped to
he went on to specialise in The experience of working ground Claxton, literally.
paediatrics. During his as a junior doctor in the 1990s “Generations and
preclinical training Claxton had taken a toll. To switch off generations of humans have
completed a psychology in his brief moments of had to plant and grow their
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 21

own food to survive, and patients in a care home who garden, while delphiniums,


taking part in that process have undertaken gardening aquilegias and salvias set a
helped me to contextualise my activity during the day are less cottage tone. Around the back
own problems, and those of likely to require assistance door of the house is what
my patients, colleagues and from carers at night because Claxton calls a “Dixter-
family,” he says. they feel calmer. inspired collection of pots” in
When the pandemic arrived Today Claxton works four a nod to Great Dixter, the
Claxton was living with his days a week as a GP, with the garden made famous by
wife and three children near rest of his time devoted to Christopher Lloyd, which is
Benenden in Kent while gardening — he volunteered at seven miles down the road.
working as a partner of a GP Chelsea this year. Now he’s increasingly
practice in Tonbridge. Their Alongside other demands focused on broadening the
family home is a grade II listed on his time, including being a outreach of green therapies
Georgian weatherboarded trustee of the Greenfingers for patients by campaigning
miller’s house with a garden of Charity, which builds for therapy gardens to open
just under an acre and a therapeutic gardens in where there is the highest
paddock. children’s hospices, and a demand. “Often that’s not in a
Sitting on the kitchen table guide at Sissinghurst Castle walled garden down a mile-
is a basket full of Cox and Garden, he has his own plot to long drive of a country house
Braeburn apples collected tend to. but in a densely populated
from the small orchard he The garden is mainly west area.”
planted when they bought the Health, a directory of therapy Left: Richard facing with heavy clay soil, Claxton helped to organise
house. Rows of leafy green gardens that pinpoints Claxton in his and was largely laid to grass a conference with the garden
plants and succulents line all locations that promote garden in Kent. with little or no planting when designer Annie Guilfoyle and
the available windowsills. Two horticulture to help mental Above: the GP’s the couple bought the house. Maggie Haynes of Tuppenny
dogs lie in their baskets. and physical wellbeing. one-acre patch One of the first interventions Barn, a therapy garden, to
“The early days of the “There are a huge number also has a was to design four vegetable navigate a pathway towards
pandemic were brutal. Like of gardens with this intent, but paddock and fruit beds including a fruit the universal provision of
many others I lost patients, many prescribers don’t know cage, brassicas and a nature-based therapies.
friends and colleagues,” about them. Neither do self- particularly productive “This is a game changer,” he
Claxton says. “For a while referrers. I wanted to do asparagus bed. It’s sheltered says. “A typical patient with
before, I’d had the idea of something to address that.” by a yew hedge. mild or moderate depression
hanging up my stethoscope The more Claxton New herbaceous borders or anxiety might put off going
and taking up garden design researched, the more he were established around an to see a GP — they’ll assume I’ll
full time, and I suppose that discovered the benefits of existing pond. Tall shrubs just reach for a prescription or
brush with mortality made me using gardening for therapy, such as variegated put them on a ridiculously
decide not to wait any longer.” reducing the prescription of pittosporum, osmanthus and long waiting list for talking
During lockdown Claxton antidepressants and A&E camellias provide a natural therapy. It’s wonderful to have
started an online diploma and attendance. A study he tells break between the vegetable a third dimension of treatment
put together Gardening 4 me about has found that patch and the rest of the options in therapy terms.”
22 November 12, 2023 The Sunday Times


The trick is to lightly sand
down the damaged sections to


blend in the sharp proud
edges. Then apply a coat of a

My internal specific type of primer that
painted wood adheres to the surfaces very
doors are the well. Products like Zinsser’s
traditional Victorian style. Bulls Eye 123 is ideal for this
They were originally type of job. A couple of coats
painted yellow but I sanded of this type of product will
them down and repainted adhere well to the surface and
them white. Five years later then you can apply the final
one door has been chipped coat/finish/colour.
in a few small places to One point I must stress:
reveal the old colour when sanding any style of
underneath. Are there any woodwork of this period there
quick fixes to cover over is the risk of old lead paint
these imperfections rather being underneath the other
than having to resand and coatings. Ensure you wear a
repaint the whole door? suitable facemask and always
Victor Novak, Essex wet sand the surfaces — never,
ever, dry sand substrates of

When this type of old-style this age as there are risks of
panelled door has received lead poisoning and
many coats of paint over the contamination within the
years, the surface becomes dust. If in doubt consider
hard and brittle. Layer upon using a Painting and


We’ve also got a lovely park on layer of paint can lead to sharp Decorating Association
our doorstep, which is great for dog edges that are prone to member to deal with the issue.

walking. Sadly we suddenly lost our chipping easily. The only real
beloved border terrier Poppy, 13, a solution is to have the Neil Ogilvie, CEO, Painting and
few weeks ago, leaving us all panelled doors professionally, Decorating Association
heartbroken. It has been like a chemically stripped and then
bereavement. She’d sit at my feet you can decide whether to Send tips and questions to
when I was writing. I really spent leave the door with a natural homehelp@sunday-
more time with her than anyone else. wood finish, or refinish in a Advice given
type of paint of your choice. without responsibility
The Brick Lane author on bathtime What is your favourite room at


plotting and a dream to buy in Portugal The top-floor bathroom. It was my

least favourite room until I had it
redecorated a couple of years ago. AFTER REMOVING THE LABEL FROM A JAR, HOW DO
love my three-floor, five-
bedroom Victorian house in
What is your home like?
My husband and I bought it for
I put up some lovely Pierre Frey
wallpaper that has transformed the
Herne Hill, south London, but £740,000 in 2006 following the room. I like to lie in the bath when ... soapy water and Isopropyl alcohol.
there’s always something to success of my debut novel, Brick Lane. I’m trying to resolve a particularly methylated spirits don’t Carolyn Grand
do. I often fantasise about Having lots of floors was good when knotty storyline in a novel. I often lie work for me.
moving into a zero-maintenance flat the kids, Felix and Shumi [now 24 and there until the water goes cold. Julian Glasgow, Suffolk Eucalyptus oil.
now that my son’s left home and my 22], were young and running around, Nicé Muir, Edinburgh
daughter won’t be far behind. and I was trying to find somewhere Where is your dream home? Lighter fluid and a damp
quiet to write. We’ve opened up the Apart from the zero-maintenance flat cloth/kitchen towel. Turpentine substitute.
Where did you grow up? kitchen, built a loft conversion and in London, my other fantasy is buying Richard Savage Mary Maxwell-Irving,
I was born in East Pakistan, now redesigned the garden since moving a property in Portugal, where we had Stirling
Bangladesh. I moved to the UK aged in. I hide away my book awards in a a rural holiday home for several years. Spray with WD-40. Soak for
three, initially just with my English cupboard. I’ve got no idea what it’s If we did move back permanently, we 30 seconds. Rub with paper Put jars in hot soapy water
mother and brother, during the civil worth now but a few years ago a wouldn’t live somewhere so remote. towel. Wash with soap. for 30 minutes. Using rubber
war in 1971. My Bengali father was nearby property sold for £2 million. Ideally, we’d get a place with a sea Mike Faraday gloves push labels off with
stuck in India. At first, we lived with view in Cascais, the beautiful resort thumbs, then use Pink Stuff
my maternal grandparents in their What do you like about the area? on the Portuguese Riviera. Property Paint-brush cleaner followed and a green pan scrub to
four-bedroom semi-detached house Everyone talks about the benefits of there isn’t cheap so we’d look at by warm soapy water. remove the remainder.
in Bolton. I don’t think they were best “the 15-minute city” these days, and Lisbon and Porto too. Celia Johnson Finish with eucalyptus oil
pleased that my mum had returned we’re certainly lucky in that respect. Interview by York Membery and kitchen roll.
with these two little brown children. The area feels like a village. I can White spirit is the answer. Isobel Connell
After my dad joined us 18 months walk to the post office, café and Monica Ali’s latest novel, Love P Harrington
later we moved into a cramped, often bakery to get some bread. What’s Marriage, is out now in paperback. I use a razor blade with a bit
damp, ground-floor two-bedroom more, Dulwich is within easy reach, Buy from or Nail varnish remover or De- of tape over the other edge
housing association flat on the other Brixton isn’t far and I’m on the train call 020 3176 2935. Discount for Solv-it Sticky Stuff remover. to protect fingers.
side of town. My parents slept on the line to London Bridge. Times+ members Hugh Hutchinson, Ealing H Morgan
sofa bed in the sitting room. It was a
bit grim. I lived there until I went to Sticky Stuff remover Zoff wipes are great.
university at 18. from Lakeland. Azra Hussain
Angie Waddell
What was the first home you Cut off adhesive
bought? Use spray polish with a sharp knife
A cottage-style three-bedroom (Pledge). Leave for lubricated with a
terraced house with a back garden two minutes. Wipe off. drop of washing-up
in Loughborough Junction, which Julie liquid.
was then the arse-end of Brixton, Richard Quin, Dorset
south London. It cost £100,000 in Peanut butter. Smear over
the mid-1990s. Shortly afterwards the sticky area. Leave for a
I saw a magazine article saying that while and wash off. FUTURE QUESTION
the area was “best known for its Jan McKenzie How do you keep the
fatal stabbings”, which wasn’t very underside of soap from
reassuring. A few years later, in 2001, Use balls of steel wool. going soggy in its dish?
my husband Simon and I moved to Peter Neild
a four-bedroom Victorian house in Send tips and questions to
East Dulwich, a less edgy part of Label remover spray from homehelp@sunday-
London, which cost about £400,000. Amazon. Advice given
The only oddity was that the shower Top: Monica Ali; Lisbon, Portugal — she’d like to buy a property there. Grahame Crawford, Devon without responsibility
room lay next to the kitchen. Above: Brockwell Park in south London is close to her home in Herne Hill
November 12, 2023

On the JFK trail in Dallas 5 Party-town Ischgl grows up 8 Late-season sun in Greece 16


Say hello
to the
family holiday

Granny and Grandad are fuelling a boom in big-budget, big-ticket trips 22

2 November 12, 2023 The Sunday Times



Life imitates
social media

imitates art
at the Kaeson
metro station
in Pyongyang,
North Korea.
The pastels,
symmetry and
to slip an extra handbag past the gate clean lines
CATHY staff. If you only ever fly business class
you’re missing out on one of the greatest
make this image
a perfect fit for
ADAMS nerve-sharpeners in travel. Accidentally
Ryanair underpromises and Wes Anderson,
overdelivers. It will get you from A to B, an exhibition
probably on time, given the extremely from the
tight turnaround times it operates, for people behind
the cheapest fare going. It’s so cheap that the Instagram

colleague asked whether we I often don’t look elsewhere — indeed, account of
have all fallen back in love The Sunday Times found it to be the the same name
with Ryanair. My answer: cheapest option in seven out of ten cases. celebrating
I never fell out of love. It’s I paid £80 for return Dublin flights this the aesthetic
been two decades of (mostly) summer — the same as a peak train fare of the American
bliss: fastidiously measuring cabin bags to London from the home counties. For film-maker. With
and bouncing down the runway to the Benidorm flights over new year my family more than 200
“you’ve arrived on another on-time of three have paid about £300 in total — images grouped
flight” jingle, pinballing between cities and we’re not forking out for luggage, so by themes such
from Poznan to Perpignan, Rome to I’ll be washing my disco outfit in the sink. as Hotels/Motels,
Rodez. It’s a polyamorous relationship, The airline’s social media manager — Adventures and
but on the whole we’ve been very happy. whose tone is so in tune with the Ryanair Transport, the
As are its customers — its numbers experience — regularly reposts customer show runs from
increased by 11 per cent this summer over moans about the lack of windows or bag December 13
the same period last year, 105.4 million weight limits (including the infamous, to February 17
flying with the airline during the busiest now-deleted “Prince William” tweet). at 79-85 Old
months of the year. (Considering social But is it too much to ask you to read the Brompton Road
media is awash with “I hate Ryanair” small print, weigh your bag in advance in southwest
posts, that’s a lot of haters apparently and figure out how to get to your final London (£13;
still choosing to board.) destination after landing 100
And so too are the miles northeast of it?
shareholders. Those Ryanair has been the
“loony” enough to hold constant in my life. I grew
Ryanair stock have just It is extremely up near Stansted and my
trousered £348 million destinations grew with
satisfying to
Your views
between them with me. From early flights to
its first dividend, which squeeze five days’ Ibiza and Mallorca when
the chief executive I was 19 to summers in
Michael O’Leary had worth of gear Rome while visiting a
pledged he would never into a backpack touniversity friend and trips The best of this week’s emails, posts and comments
give. The reason? Europe’s the cheaper Baltics and
biggest budget carrier is former Iron Curtain countries
doing better than ever: when my student loan ran out. COMMENT OF WORDS OF ADVICE than Pakistani-British, most European
passenger numbers in markets My first trip with my husband, as he is THE WEEK I too have been confounded tourists were scared off by the Foreign
including Italy, Poland and Hungary now, was to Berlin Schönefeld (the East (and irritated) by official Office overreaction.
have grown by double digits, with profits German terminal, now closed); our mini- travel advisories (“What use Paul Heaton, via the
for the half-year topping £1.9 billion. moon was spent in Nice via a Ryanair is Foreign Office advice?” last week),
All this is happening amid increasing flight. During a year I spent abroad the preferring to make up my own mind. I am a retired Foreign Office member
flight costs, particularly for things such browser homepage on my laptop was the The Foreign Office advises against and served in countries to which British
as baggage allowance, mid-air snacks and airline’s homepage — I had a deeper all travel to Iraq except the Kurdistan nationals ignored advice not to travel
speedy boarding, fattening up the budget relationship with it than with my family, region, to which it advises against then experienced problems requiring
airlines’ bottom line. This ancillary flying from Carcassonne and Pau to places all but essential travel, which also them to return the UK at great financial
revenue, or “drip pricing”, could soon nowhere near where they professed to be: affects insurance availability. My wife cost, particularly if they had to be
be a thing of the past, however. This week Paris Beauvais (nearer to the Channel and I — senior citizens — visited Iraq medically evacuated.
the government announced a bill that than the French capital); Frankfurt-Hahn in 2019 (with a tour group) and this Roger Church, Surrey

would ban airlines from obscuring the (basically Luxembourg); Venice-Treviso (a year (independently). At no time did
“real” cost of flights and charging for
extras such as seat selection.
Of course this budget business model
doesn’t suit everybody. A friend of mine
who is a loyal British Airways business-
different city entirely); and let’s not go
near the “Stockholm” twins of Skavsta
and Vasteras, each more than 60 miles
from the Swedish capital.
I remember Ryanair’s original quirks,
T we feel unsafe or threatened, and we
received a friendly welcome wherever
we travelled. A policeman in Baghdad
whipped out his phone and insisted
on having his picture taken with us.
Cape Verde has been saved by tourism
(“Walking on sunshine”, last week).
I went in 2018 and visited settlements
where people had died 20 years earlier
class customer insists that the holiday
starts as you step on to the plane. Before
and even now find them endearing: the T
free-for-all seating, when it really was like
Frustratingly, the Foreign Office gives
the green light for travel to countries
because of a lack of drinking water.
When the big hotels arrived about ten
a budget flight we took together she was
in disbelief that she had to cram her
a bus service; the scratchcards that cost
more than the flight; the constant noise
Travel where the risk of crime and threat to
life is far greater.
years later they brought a desalination
plant that saved the islanders from
stuff into a small backpack to avoid paying that meant you could never catch up on For expert guides Craig Baguley, Greater London dehydration. It is an interesting place
a charge for luggage. the sleep you missed to catch that 5.45am to your favourite and a great holiday destination that
However, for the experienced budget flight — I love it all. We’re a few years off destinations, I was in northwest Pakistan (Khyber will stay with me for a long time.
flyers among us this is second nature. our silver anniversary, Ryanair — can I get plus the latest Pakhtunkhwa) last month when the Hubbell Walker, via the
There is something extremely satisfying free speedy boarding at least? travel news and Foreign Office gave negative advice.
about squeezing five days’ worth of gear the best trips and The problem was confined to Gilgit for KENYA CALLING
into a backpack, sliding a laptop down Do you have a crush on a budget airline? deals to book now, two days. No tourists were affected, but The photograph of giraffes against the
the front of your trousers ( just me?) Or does the mere thought repulse you? see our dedicated there would have been a problem had Nairobi skyline reminded me of the time
and feeling as though you’ve defeated Let us know in the comments online or travel website the an insurance claim been needed. Other I worked in Kenya (“Big Shot”, last week).
Napoleon at Waterloo when you manage email us at
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 3

SHETLAND ISLANDS Whitby Abbey to windswept walks


This far-flung Scottish archipelago along Robin Hood’s Bay and the
is renowned for being the best Captain Cook Memorial Museum,
place in Britain to see the in the 17th-century house where
northern lights (or “Mirrie he did his apprenticeship. A
Dancers”, as the locals call them).
They’re most visible between
UK PLACES TO SEE THE ten-minute drive from the pretty
harbour, Raithwaite Sandsend
mid-October and March, and
Shetland has plenty of curious NORTHERN LIGHTS hotel has tranquil gardens and
a spa with an indoor pool.
pastimes to keep you busy, from Details Room-only doubles from
coastal walks past sweeping beaches £111 (
to Viking settlements and steaming
bowls of local mussels. To up your BALLYCASTLE, CO ANTRIM
aurora-spotting odds, avoid full moons Northern Ireland isn’t as failsafe an
and don’t stay in Lerwick (the only option as Scotland and its islands, but the
town). Instead, head for the rural, Antrim coast does enjoy the occasional
16th-century Busta House hotel in Brae. The Lake light show. The historic coastal town of
Details B&B doubles from £145 Ballycastle is less than an hour’s drive
( District is from Belfast airport and a great base for
an under- exploring the rugged Causeway Coast.
ERYRI, CONWY Stay at the Salthouse, an eco-luxe hotel
Eryri (Snowdonia) became a dark sky the-radar with a roaring fire in the lounge and
reserve in 2015, and it’s a magical place aurora spot outdoor hot tubs overlooking unspoilt
to spot the lights — “Ffagl yr Arth” coastline. In daylight, pick a walking trail
(the bear’s firebrand) in Welsh. at the Giant’s Causeway (25 minutes away)
Forest-wrapped Llyn Geirionydd lake, or have a warming tasting at Bushmills,
close to the town of Betws-y-Coed, is the world’s oldest licensed distillery.
a favourite viewing spot, though you Details B&B doubles from £160
also have sight of snow-capped peaks (
from many low-lying winter walks in
the area. Stay at the Gwydyr Hotel for KESWICK, CUMBRIA
its modern rooms and cosy cocktail The Lake District is an under-the-
lounge, taking walks in Gwydyr radar spot for aurora hunters;
Forest and visiting the quirky in-the-know locals take to
Conwy Valley Railway Museum Derwentwater, the serene lake
and dazzling Dolbadarn Castle. next to Keswick, to photograph
Details Room-only the phenomenon. Classic
doubles from £110 walks nearby include the
( two-hour loop to the
Castlerigg Stone Circle,
BRANCASTER STAITHE, but when it’s too frosty for
NORFOLK rambles Keswick will furnish
The north Norfolk coast has you with brewery tours,
been blessed with bright aurora art exhibitions at the Rheged
lights this year, with fantastic Centre and pub classics at olde-
photos captured in the seaside worlde inns. Stay at the Hazeldene
towns of Brancaster Staithe and for fells views and friendly hosts.
Happisburgh. A blustery winter break Details B&B doubles from £100
here should also take in the 18th-century (
Holkham Hall estate (Christmas lights
and decorations through December), SALISBURY, WILTSHIRE
wild coast walks at Brancaster and Northern lights sightings become rarer
Wells-next-the-Sea and a ride on the the further south you go, but last week
We often took visitors to Nairobi National protesting against the communists Norfolk Lights Express, a festive steam vibrant purples and pinks hovered over
Park, where if lucky we would also see in the 1960s). train. Stay at the White Horse for views Stonehenge in Wiltshire — with glimpses
lions. Landing at the airport you would Stephen Fisher, via the over the tidal marsh and an award- this year as far south as Devon and
often see giraffes and zebras along the winning seafood restaurant — the “Room Cornwall. In laid-back Wiltshire, just
perimeter fence. What a welcome! BACK TO BERLIN at the Top” comes with a telescope. outside Warminster, the Bishopstrow
John Pettinger, Somerset I lived in Berlin during the Cold War, Details B&B doubles from £150 Hotel & Spa is a 20-minute drive from
leaving in 1986 (“Tracing my Berlin ( Stonehenge. Soak in the hotel’s swish
PLACES OF REST roots”, last week). Whenever I travelled spa, then book tickets for Longleat Safari
Poelcapelle, outside Ypres in Belgium, to East Berlin I found the differences WHITBY, NORTH YORKSHIRE Park (a Festival of Light counts down
has almost 7,500 graves (“A tomb with between the two halves of the city Low light pollution and dramatic scenery to Christmas) and explore Salisbury’s
a view”, last week). More than 8 per cent so profound and never expected make Yorkshire a fantastic place to catch The northern medieval old town and magnificent
of those are of unnamed British and reunification in my lifetime. The wall fell the lights. Though they’ve been spotted lights over cathedral, home to Magna Carta.
Commonwealth soldiers killed in the within three years of me leaving West in the Dales, they’re most commonly Derwentwater Details B&B doubles from £169
First World War. This means that fewer Berlin, and I returned to walk through seen around the coast. Try Whitby for and, above, (
people have a connection with the a city no longer divided. I keep going other quaint diversions, from the clifftop Stonehenge Lucy Thackray
place and if there you would probably back, as I find all the changes since
be alone and deeply moved. 1989 fascinating, especially the building


John Irvine, via the boom in the late 1990s near Potsdamer
Platz, which was a logistical wonder
Undercliffe Cemetery in Bradford in terms of bringing all the materials
would give the Necropolis in Glasgow in and out of the city underground.
a run for its money any day. The museums are superb too.
Christian Butt, via the Sharon Boyes-Schiller,
via the
I’ve been to La Recoleta, but for me one
of the most serene places is the Old We visited Berlin nearly ten years ago
Protestant Cemetery in Macau — so and thought that the Jewish Museum
peaceful and the light is mesmerising. was excellent; a fascinating design too,
Jacqueline Brabazon, via the by Daniel Libeskind. The Topography
of Terror permanent exhibition on
Many cemeteries in eastern Europe Niederkirchnerstrasse was also
are in woodland, with the graves worth visiting (free;
crammed among the trees and bushes, Lucy Matthews, via the
and these are wonderful to walk around.
A particular favourite is the Central Share your experiences, opinions and
Cemetery in the Polish city of Szczecin, tips with us by emailing travel@sunday-
which has a number of memorials, tweeting @TimesTravel
— some triumphant (Red Army); some or commenting on one of our stories
poignant (to civilians who died while at
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 5

Travel US
he world has the wrong



idea about Lee Harvey

Oswald,” Pat Hall says
in her singsong southern
twang. “Mr Lee was a
sweet, kind, considerate man who loved
children. When he lived here he would

play hide-and-seek with my brothers
and me in the yard. He would help us
with our homework at the dining table.”
That sturdy mahogany table still
anchors the anachronistic room in which
we’re sitting, beneath a framed picture
of an 11-year-old girl with a blue ribbon
in her hair. It’s an image of Hall taken in
1963, the year that her family’s lodger
shot and killed John F Kennedy.
Hall’s parents and brothers are long
gone, but their house remains frozen in
that year as one of Dallas’ quirkiest tourist
attractions. The Oswald Rooming House,
in the Oak Cliff neighbourhood, runs
multiple tours a day, with Hall often
herding visitors across the fraying lounge
carpet, past a washing machine-sized TV
set and into the bedroom where slept one
of the most famous assassins in history.
Kennedy tourism has always been big
business in the Big D, but especially so
this month, which marks the 60th
anniversary of his assassination in Dealey
Plaza. Global interest has intensified
further in recent weeks with the
publication of a book by one of the secret
service agents on duty that day. In The
Final Witness, Paul Landis — who was 28
when he saw Kennedy’s death at close
range — says that he found a bullet on the
back seat of the presidential limousine
and removed it to deter souvenir hunters.
It’s a revelation that makes the possibility
of there having been a second shooter —
perhaps an accomplice of Oswald on the
infamous “grassy knoll” — more likely.
Dealey Plaza remains ground zero for
conspiracy theorists, history nuts and
ballistics buffs alike, and like the Rooming
House has changed little over the past 60
years. People continue to visit these white
colonnades and neatly manicured lawns
It’s 60 years since President Kennedy’s assassination. Jonathan Thompson
on the western edge of downtown Dallas
to walk through their own theories, poke takes a tour of Dallas — the history trail, the cocktails and the stylised stetsons
about in the undergrowth for other
bullets and weigh up the firing angles Downtown Dallas anniversary with many previously way to familiarise oneself with Dallas’s
12 miles Elm Street
from the grassy knoll and the adjacent and, below, the unseen items, including limousine neighbourhoods and decide which bits to
Texas School Book Depository, where presidential blankets bearing the presidential seal explore further (£17;
Oswald is believed to have been The Sixth Floor motorcade and the blood-stained shirt of the The art deco Texas Theatre is a
crouching on November 22, 1963. Oswald Rooming House moments surgeon who tried to save Kennedy’s life. perennial favourite. It is still a working
The depository is now home to the before the fatal “Even six decades on Dealey Plaza cinema, with the original velveteen seats
Sixth Floor Museum, an exhaustive DALLAS Lockhart Smokehouse shots were fired remains a place infused with a palpable (you can sit in the spot where Oswald
tour of Kennedy’s administration and Bishop constant energy,” Stephen Fagin, the was arrested), while its cocktail bar is
assassination, with some 90,000 artefacts Arts museum’s curator, says as we gaze down a magnet for local scenesters, in their
telling the story, including the subsequent AT&T Stadium district from its notorious sixth floor. “People tight jeans and stylised stetsons.
conspiracies, ranging from the Soviets, 12 miles The Wild continue to wander this plaza as if the From here it’s a short walk to the
Cubans or mafia pulling the strings to a Paradiso Detectives answer is still here somewhere.” Bishop Arts district, a bohemian
Oak Cliff
CIA set-up with Oswald as the fall guy. One of the spots to which enclave of boutiques, bars and
This month the museum unveiled Two 1 mile Texas Theatre those visitors are inexorably restaurants where you’ll find
Days in Texas, an exhibition marking the drawn is the reconstructed some of the city’s best food
sniper’s nest in a corner and drink. Don’t miss
window. Boxes are stacked Kennedy tourism Paradiso, a 1920s-style
as they were on the day cocktail bar around a
of the assassination,
has always leafy central courtyard
including the one on which been big business (cocktails from £12;
Oswald allegedly rested his in the Big D,
$19.95 rifle. The scene is or the Wild Detectives, a
encased in glass, but you can bookstore meets lounge bar
stand at the adjacent window for (
a near-identical view of Elm Street, Lockhart Smokehouse is an excellent
where two spray-painted crosses on place for some traditional barbecue
the road mark the spots where the fatal fare (
bullets ended Kennedy’s 1,000-day Dallas has plenty to offer beyond the
presidency and his life (£15; spectre of presidents past and smoked
According to the Warren Commission meats, though. The city is home to
Report, the government investigation America’s largest urban arts district,
published in 1964, Oswald slipped out of which is home to the spectacular
the building after the shooting and made Norman Foster-designed Winspear
his way back to Oak Cliff. The JFK Trolley Opera House, as well as one of the hottest
Tour traces the events that followed, from foodie scenes in the south (Bon Appetit
his fatal shooting of the police officer JD magazine recently named it America’s
Tippit to his capture at the Texas Theatre restaurant city of the year). It is also one
and his death 48 hours later at the hands of the places to experience live sport,
of the nightclub owner Jack Ruby. with the Texas Rangers having won their
The hour-long bus tour is also a handy Continued on page 6 →
6 November 12, 2023 The Sunday Times

Travel US
→ Continued from page 5 and their young daughter, June. Out of
first baseball World Series this year and character, Oswald spent the night before
the Dallas Cowboys, Mavericks and Stars
all perennial play-off contenders in the
the assassination here, departing early the
next morning after leaving his wedding
NFL, NBA and NHL, respectively; not to ring and life savings on the bedside table. THE JOULE favourite with the local in- first true luxury hotel when it
mention the Fifa World Cup coming to In 2013 the home was restored to how The best boutique hotel in the crowd, while the sleek opened in 1912 and remains
town in 2026. it would have appeared that day, complete city (if not the state of Texas), underground cocktail lounge, one of the finer places to stay
Those World Cup matches will be with holographic representations of the the Joule sits at the heart of Babou’s, nails the sweet spot in the city. With an interior
played at the AT&T Stadium, the key players (including Marina’s friend downtown in the former Dallas between luscious velvety decor modelled after a beaux arts
100,000-capacity home of the Dallas Ruth Paine, who was living with her at National Bank building. Most and luscious velvety drinks. German castle, it’s a fairytale of
Cowboys. As I drive towards the stadium the time of the assassination). The guests make a beeline for the A pretty, sunlit restaurant with open fires, stately portraits and
to catch a game I make one final stop, attention to detail is incredible, right tenth-floor cantilevered pool, tiled floors and huge windows, lofty chandeliers (be sure to
in Irving, where a stray piece of the JFK down to the toys on the floor and the which juts out over Main Street, Léonie will transport you check out the grand piano — the
jigsaw has become another must-see recipe books on the kitchen counter allowing you to float above straight to francophone Europe, twin of the one that sank with
museum. Known as the Ruth Paine (Joys of Jello was my personal favourite). commuters. Meanwhile the while the steak restaurant the Titanic). Despite its heritage,
House, this unassuming one-storey Walking around the ranch-style home award-winning subterranean Stillwell’s is good enough to the Adolphus is far from dusty.
property about 25 minutes’ drive with April Baker, the museum’s assistant spa is guaranteed to stand toe-to-toe with the best in It had a facelift in 2018 and its
from downtown Dallas was the home director, I’m struck by how normal reinvigorate even the most town — which is genuinely rooftop pool deck hosts regular
of Oswald’s estranged wife, Marina, everything seems — as though we’re jet-lagged of bodies, while a saying something in a meat movie nights and parties, while
walking through a 3D photograph of basement speakeasy, Midnight mecca like Dallas. its ground-floor boutique,
serene 1960s suburbia. Perhaps that, Rambler, has one of the Details Room-only doubles Commerce, is a treasure trove
above all, is what makes Kennedy’s punchiest cocktail menus in from £514 ( of stylish clothing, curios and
assassination so difficult to comprehend town. Don’t miss the shrimp accoutrements from the
for so many — the characters and the and grits at the upscale Texan THE ADOLPHUS hippest Dallas designers.

conditions simply don’t fit the colossal brasserie CBD Provisions and The grand dame of downtown, Details Room-only doubles
scale of the crime. save time to check out the the Adolphus became Dallas’s from £436 (
“The attraction here is that there hotel’s quirky art collection
are so many potential truths that fit the — including a 30ft-tall eyeball.
established facts,” Baker says as we Details Room-only doubles
stand in the sun-dappled backyard that from £379 (
Oswald knew so well. “This is simply
America’s favourite puzzle, and for many THE SWEXAN
the quest to find the answer has become “Swiss hospitality meets Texan
the actual end in itself.” charm” is the concept behind
this game-changing newcomer,
Jonathan Thompson was a guest of which opened in the up-and-
Visit Dallas ( British coming Harwood District this
Airways has five nights’ room only at summer. The rooftop infinity
the Hotel Indigo Dallas Downtown from pool has already become a
£1,045pp, including flights (
8 November 12, 2023 The Sunday Times

Travel Ski


ow many naked area of pistes. Martina has
skiers is too
many in an Ischgl’s apres-ski scene is legendary. But its new mega-spa been holidaying here for
40 years and when I asked
Ischgl sauna? her why, she said nothing
The answer
is just the one. Or at least reveals a surprising side to the resort, says Sean Newsom about the Trofana Alm or the
Silvretta Therme. Instead she
it was for me, at the end got her phone out and showed
of last season, in the Silvretta a no-swimsuits rule. But does glistening, from one of the Tyrol region was a byword for broaden the resort’s appeal. me a photograph she’d taken
Therme spa. The £65 million, that also apply to the plunge sauna cabins. She leaned full-throttle après-ski. When Then, in March 2020, that a couple of days beforehand.
state-of-the-art spa opened pool outside? You know, the over the desk in front of I first visited it, 20 years back, rebranding became urgent It was of Ischgl snow,
in December 2022 and this one on the giant balcony me and asked for a fresh one. bars such as the double-decker when Ischgl achieved a wider glittering in the early-spring
two-storey suite of plunge within sight across the valley At which point I decided Trofana Alm lit up every notoriety as one of Europe’s sunlight, freshly groomed
pools, steam baths and of a thousand hotel windows? that actually I didn’t evening with the kind most successful Covid- and still soft and grippy
heated cabins is one of its I hoped for answers to all need any of bright-eyed, infection hubs. Now, not — when other ski areas, lower
centrepieces. Only it’s so big these as I waited for my turn information, good-natured surprisingly, it’s presenting down, were turning slushy.
and multifaceted that it can — naked myself, apart from thanks very energy that itself as more refined and “We’re just here to ski,”
be confusing for the average the towel wrapped very tightly much, and went You can holiday could power restrained. The Silvretta she said. “It’s the altitude
Brit. Perhaps they knew this around my waist. to hide in a a small town at Therme spa is one of the key of the mountains that brings
would be the case because I assumed the couple shower cubicle. here for days Christmas. But elements of that new image, us back every year.” And who
there is actually a help desk behind me in the queue also I didn’t emerge without a whiff there was no even if it was clear that not can blame her? Ischgl was
in the middle of the sauna wanted advice. Though it again until I was doubt the every guest had got the memo. late to the Alpine skiing
area, where I was queueing. didn’t look that way. They sure everyone of Jägerbomb partying could Of course, not everyone boom. Its first cable car
I had several questions. were engaged in the kind of else was behind a occasionally get out needs to modify their didn’t open until 1963, 26
Such as, where do you snog I last saw at the back end closed cabin door. of hand. Even before behaviour. Take Martina from years after the Galzigbahn
start? What’s the difference of a university’s freshers week You may have heard Covid struck, the resort Mainz in Germany. I chatted to in nearby St Anton. But it
between the Panorama and party. At least they were of Ischgl. For a quarter was trying to dial down the her and her son, Christian, on caught up quickly. In part,
Event saunas? And yes, I know wrapped in towels too — unlike of a century between the massed German choirs (Take one of the three gondolas that that was because of its
that in common with nearly the large pink German woman 1990s and the late 2010s, this Me Home, Country Roads was whisk skiers up from the valley natural advantages. Most of
every Austrian sauna there’s who suddenly appeared, mountain town in the Austrian a favourite après song) and floor towards Ischgl’s main its pistes are between 2,300m
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 9

Silvretta Therme
Clockwise from yet — supporting not just new-


Innsbruck left: the resort look projects such as the
by night; Ischgl Silvretta Therme, but the
ISCHGL families have inventive Michelin-starred
shares in the tasting menus at the
lift system; Paznaunerstube restaurant
Kuhstall tobogganing; (four courses from £120;
Paznaunerstube an outdoor, as well as
pool at the innovative hotels such as the
Trofana Alm new Silvretta Zalwonder, where I stayed.
Therme spa A low-key but luxurious new-
build, it’s home to its own
spa as well as a big-window,
unvarnished-pine aesthetic
that’s Alpine without straying
into cliché. Crucially it’s also
well away from Ischgl’s main
cluster of bars. Martina from
Mainz would love it. She
could holiday here for days
without the faintest whiff of
Jägerbombs tainting the crisp
mountain air.
But that’s not to say
traditional après-ski is
completely off the menu. How
could it be, in a resort that still
runs the best programme
of mountain concerts in the
Alps? George Ezra was playing
while I was there. Platoons of
German teenagers, a Greek
father reunited with his two
London-based undergraduate
kids, the odd loud and proud
Brit: we danced for a couple of
hours before clicking back into
our skis to tackle the steep
home run back to the resorts.
When I clicked out of them
again the obvious next step
was into the Kuhstall pub.
The Kuhstall, aka the
Cowshed, hasn’t changed
much since my last visit.
Despite its size, it was still
rammed solid with skiers
and still sparkling with that
extraordinary sense of good
cheer that comes when a
couple of hundred people
pack into a bar — their blood
fizzing from a day of high-
speed adventure — and sup
on even the weakest alcoholic
drink. I was drinking radler
(shandy), and quickly fell into
conversation with Bruno from
Zurich. He said it was his
fourth visit to Ischgl that
winter — but before I could ask
him why he’d joined in with
the next DJ-led singalong.
The song was Der Zug hat
and 2,900m, in the colder, anyone with a lift pass). keine Bremse — and if there’s
eastern half of the Alps,
and thanks to the local
These too are funded by the
lift company, which pays top 3 MORE RESORTS FOR APRÈS-SKI du Berger and you won’t
have far to walk afterwards.
sillier, more raucous song
better suited to a bar full of
terrain, they are mostly dollar for the acts — among Details Seven nights’ Germans (and Switzers),
broad and good for skiers’ them Mariah Carey, Lenny VERBIER, SWITZERLAND Details Seven nights’ B&B self-catering from £1,099pp, then please let me know. The
egos. Not only do they hold Kravitz, Rihanna, Robbie Hard-skiing, hard-partying from £1,790pp, including including flights ( chorus is ostensibly about a
their snow well — they’re also Williams and Kings of Leon Verbier has gone so far flights ( train with no brakes, but the
perfect for those who don’t — and makes sure there’s upmarket lately that ST ANTON, AUSTRIA verse reveals its true import.
get to the mountains more snow to ski on, even if Mother champagne is arguably its VAL D’ISÈRE, FRANCE Days spent off piste in It’s a story of a man who
than once or twice a season. Nature hasn’t lifted a finger favourite tipple. But even The feistier a resort’s St Anton usually end in surrenders completely to
But what really marks to help. As a result, its snow- so, the Farinet hotel is still slopes, the more joyful the MooserWirt, a giant the party spirit.
Ischgl out from its rivals is making system is among the the cornerstone of the its celebrations, so it’s bar set just above the “Come on Sean!” Bruno
its lift company. Nearly 300 fastest in the Alps. most memorable evenings no wonder that Cocorico resort. And with good cried. “Where’s your voice?”
local families hold shares in So it’s well prepared — here, courtesy of its live is so loud and proud snow the atmosphere Half an hour later I left
Silvrettaseilbahn AG — many of in the medium term at least music and a spot after dark, standing is euphoric, even if you Kuhstall, completely hoarse:
them hotel owners with a keen — for our changing climate, of bodysurfing at the bottom of won’t recognise half the but with a smile as wide as the
interest in Ischgl’s continuing and the skiing public knows to reach the bar. two of the most songs. But please, stay off Alps plastered across my face.
success. So it’s no wonder it it. Here’s proof. One day last To continue in the testing pistes in the Jägermeister — once Cheers, Ischgl. Long may
reinvests so vigorously in its January saw Ischgl’s third- same vein, Lumi France. Yes, OK, the music stops you still your party continue —
infrastructure. You’ll see the highest ever sales of lift tickets. should be your many of the skiers have to find your skis amid whether it’s on brand, or not.
effect not only in the whizzy That wasn’t because someone next stop. But you will have caught the hundreds stacked
modern lifts — some of which like Rihanna or Elton John was can also calm things a lift back down outside and get back Sean Newsom was a guest of the
have heated seats and in town. It was simply because down at the Bar à Vin, rather than skied, or taken down into the resort. The Tourism Association Paznaun-
headrests. It’s also evident its snow was good, despite which is open to all despite an alternative route via the Rundeck Hotel is near the Ischgl ( and Hotel
in the reliability of the snow. an unsettling Christmas thaw. being below 67 Pall Mall, piste-side party at La Folie bottom of the piste. Zalwonder, which has half-
Since 1995, one of the key Many lower resorts had been the resort’s new private Douce, above, but it’s still Details Seven nights’ B&B board doubles from £254
features of the Ischgl season doused by rain. club. Hôtel de Verbier the essential Val d’Isère from £1,139pp, including ( Silvretta
has been its opening and In other words the tills will is close to all the action. launchpad. Book Chalet flights ( Therme has half-day tickets
closing concerts (free to be ringing here for some time from £29 (
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 11

Travel UK



stones Go Beyond

A52 Centre

Gentleshaw Ashbourne
Wildlife Centre

1 mile

an indoor inflatable park (quite the

change from my usual Thursday
afternoon in the office) meant it wasn’t all
altruism. There’s no denying the Ready
Brek-style glow all of us volunteers got
from the trip. “It’s lovely to see the big
changes in children over the week,
especially the quiet ones who’ve come out
of their shell,” Daisy said. It’s no wonder
some volunteers become regulars. After
my return I spoke to Jody Kelly, who has
done about 15 breaks since her first in
2017. “I think I get as much out of it as the
young people,” she said. “I always come
back with my heart full.”
It’s not hard to see how the children
benefit from the time away. Remember
how, post-lockdown, we all felt bolstered
by the simplest day out; buoyed by a
change of pace and scene? Now imagine
that effect on children who have never
been on holiday before; who don’t even
go to play areas on their doorstep for fear
of local crime. It’s life-changing.
One teacher from the children’s
school — which has sent groups
previously — came to see them
at the inflatable park. “You
Liz Edwards heads to the Peak District to help out with can see how confident they
are when they come back,”
she said. “It’s all they talk
a charity that gives holidays to kids desperately in need about for weeks and weeks!”
Another teacher from the
same school told Go Beyond:

ould you think twice climbing and kayaking, and gives them timid ones psyched themselves “This will be the best
about a holiday with 24 space, support and equipment so they up to stroke a snake. But it was opportunity that these children
strangers that involved can play — building their confidence and just as wonderful seeing them get for years to come.”
7am starts from a single resilience, via the medium of fun. That all fling themselves about the Go Beyond maximises the benefit
bed, torrential rain, a I could manage. playground, shrieking with delight at to the children from these breaks by
DBS police check and quite a lot of baked At the charity’s Daleside centre, the puddles and rain. Go Beyond has giving them as much notice as possible,
beans? They’re not top of my list, yet they a converted farm in 63 acres of glorious waterproofs and wellies to borrow, and so they can enjoy the anticipation, and
all featured on a trip I took recently — and Peak District countryside, I joined a break a washer-dryer that is almost the seventh From main: helping them to hold on to their happy
it was the most delightful, uplifting, with two other volunteers — Daisy, 32, team member. Liz with some memories. On the last morning each child
intense, soul-swelling break I’ve taken in taking time out from her job with another Back at Daleside, one stonking of the children is given some small gifts, personalised
a long time. It was nowhere exotic and charity, and Alice, 18, working towards chicken pie later, it was time for evening at Dovedale messages from leaders and volunteers,
cost me no more than my train fare, but her gold DofE. Running the show were six reflections — a smart way to wind down stepping and photos of themselves in action.
there were moments of such sweep-you- qualified break leaders, a lovely lot who for bedtime. Children, volunteers and stones; cows Go Beyond has heard from previous
along joy that at one point I even found did everything from bedtime supervision leaders each shared their favourite in Dovedale; participants that these snaps help them
myself in a group singalong — sober and to minibus driving to bingo calling to moments — the owl and the puddles back at the reconjure positive feelings — one woman
irony-free — belting out Dancing in safeguarding. had top billing — and nominated their Daleside centre told them hers were the only childhood
the Moonlight. And then there were the 10 “star of the day”. I picked my new best in Derbyshire pictures she had. We’d all signed cards to
What powerful magic and 11-year-olds. Sometimes friend, Alexander, who’d adopted me be sent to the children on their birthdays,
was this? It came from Go children are referred on the minibus. We’d worked through and they are given a freepost envelope so
Beyond, “the charity giving My job was individually; this group three Where’s Wally? books; I’m still they can write to the charity — many do.
young people breaks of 16 were all in the same seeing stripes. And what do the children have to say?
that last a lifetime”, with to help put class in a postindustrial Trips to Dovedale’s stepping stones and On her new pad Isla wrote a note thanking
whom I spent a few days smiles on Derbyshire village where us adults for “this amazing trip”; James,
volunteering. Founded 30 85 per cent of pupils are who’d seemed harder to reach than some,
years ago, the charity runs faces eligible for free school meals took the marbles he’d been given and
free five-day activity holidays (nationwide it’s 23.8 per cent). solemnly handed one to each adult. The
in Cornwall and Derbyshire for When I arrived they were out in leaders showed me a letter from a child
children aged 8-13 who are having a the farm’s converted barns, dressing at the same school who’d visited last year.
tough time and are referred by a teacher up, playing table football and electric “Every night before bed we would give
or care professional. They might be piano (who taught them Baby Shark?), our favourite part of the day and why,”
suffering abuse or isolation; they might and shooting goals with Omar, the leader it read. “But I think really we should
self-harm; they could be carers or have everyone wanted as their friend. I’d take the time to appreciate the fact that
experienced bereavement or bullying. It’s missed their Monday afternoon arrival you made us have a favourite part of the
frequently a combination, with poverty and Tuesday’s baking and rock climbing. day (every day).”
a common theme. On the breaks children But I was in time for a trip to Gentleshaw
sleep four to a room; for some it’s the first Wildlife Centre. We saw lemurs and Some names have been changed. Go Beyond
time they’ve had their own bed. marmosets; held an owl, a python and breaks are free to children, their families
For potential volunteers, perspective- a bearded dragon; and found urgent and volunteers, though donations of £100
shifting issues such as these might seem distraction in the opposite direction from are suggested for DofE candidates. To
daunting. But my job was to help to put the amorous tortoises. The rowdy kids volunteer, donate or otherwise get involved
smiles on faces. Go Beyond takes children piped down for the animals’ sake; the see
12 November 12, 2023 The Sunday Times

Travel France

More than a century after her Great-Uncle Harry died in the Battle of the Somme,
as Devil’s Wood, and where he
was badly injured in a shell
attack on his trench. Most of

Julia Brookes visits Arras in northern France to seek out his final resting place his company was wiped out.
I can hardly bear to imagine
the terror that he must have

never met my Great- his last days. With the help of souvenir-hunters pedalling felt and it’s almost a relief to
Uncle Harry. In fact I
never knew he existed
the British Army’s war diaries,
I learnt that he was involved
around with live ammo in
their rucksacks).
3 MORE BATTLEFIELD TOURS leave Delville and trace his
final journey, most probably
until one of my cousins in some of the most brutal The matter-of-fact war SELF-DRIVE IN SOUTH AFRICA from February to October, by horse-drawn ambulance,
researched our family battles at the Somme, much diaries don’t give a flavour White stone cairns still dot visits sites such as Pegasus to the No 36 Casualty Clearing
history and found that he died of it hand-to-hand combat. of the horror that Harry faced the Isandlwana battlefield in Bridge and the Pegasus Station (CCS), which covered
aged 23 during the Battle of the Driving from Arras through here, but the German author South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal Memorial Museum to look a square mile next to Heilly rail
Somme in September 1916 — the undulating countryside Ernst Jünger described it in province, below, marking at the glider landings and station. I don’t have to imagine
among the 300,000 deaths in now it is hard to imagine that graphic detail. “The sunken where British soldiers fell first Allied actions on D-Day, what it looked like; the map
one of the bloodiest conflicts anything terrible happened road now appeared as nothing when defeated by the Zulu as well as Sword, Juno and of the site in the National
of the First World War. here — until I spot the war but a series of enormous shell army in 1879. Tours of Gold beaches. Archives shows the position of
Harry, one of eight siblings cemeteries with their endless holes filled with pieces of Isandlwana, and Rorke’s Details Three nights’ B&B everything from the operating
who grew up in Thames Ditton rows of white headstones, uniform, weapons and dead Drift, where a small unit of from £419pp ( theatre to the latrines. If he
in Surrey, had volunteered in each marking a life cut short bodies,” he wrote. “The British soldiers defended was sent to the CCS there must
September 1914. He was a and a family left devastated. ground all round, as far as the a mission station against VIETNAM IN DEPTH have been hopes for his
labourer — 5ft 4in tall with fair The biggest memorial, at eye could see, was ploughed 4,000 Zulus, are at the heart Crawling through the Cu Chi survival, but in those pre-
hair and blue eyes, according Thiepval, commemorates by shells. You could search in of a tailor-made, 12-day Tunnels used by the National antibiotic days it would have
to the recruitment more than 72,000 vain for one wretched blade Classic KwaZulu-Natal Liberation Front (aka been no surprise that he
register. It’s servicemen with of grass. This churned-up self-drive trip. There the Viet Cong) to succumbed to infection.
heartbreaking no known graves. battlefield was ghastly. Among is also a chance launch surprise The cemetery — designed
to think that he And when the living lay the dead.” to spot the big attacks is the by Sir Edwin Lutyens, one
may have been I look more There was more ferocious five on game classic way of the greatest English
anticipating It is hard to carefully I fighting for Harry’s battalion drives in to witness architects — stands in a
an adventure imagine that realise that in Delville Wood, acquired Manyoni Private Vietnam’s war secluded spot at the base
away from a other signs after the war by the South Game Reserve. history, but of a hill. There are 2,890
humdrum life. anything terrible of the conflict African government, which Details Eleven Regent’s War Commonwealth servicemen
Two years happened here still exist: fields built a magnificent memorial nights’ B&B from Legacy Tour goes commemorated here; it also
later Lance with white chalk to its soldiers, who had been £3,305pp, including much further. It also contains 83 German graves.
Corporal Harry stains that are told to hold the wood at all flights and car hire includes visits to the Because so many casualties
Arthur Babbage of the remnants of the costs, and did so, with ( strategically important were expected, trench graves
8th Battalion of the Buffs trenches; fences held up appalling casualties. Pleiku air base; Camp Enari, were dug and some
(Royal East Kent Regiment) with the corkscrew pickets Behind the memorial and CAEN IN COMPANY the former headquarters headstones have up to three
was buried at Heilly Station that were used to string up its immaculate lawns are rows Leger has nearly 50 tours of the US 4th Infantry sets of details, so regimental
Cemetery. His father received barbed wire because they of oak trees, and I walk the exploring First World War Division; the war sites of badges couldn’t be included.
his war gratuity of £7 11s 7d. could be screwed silently pathways named after roads and Second World War Cacteka plantation, Pleime Instead, 117 have been carved
When I realised it was unlikely into the ground. in London, Edinburgh and battlefields, as well as sites and Ban Can; and Camp on a cloister wall.
that anybody had visited his Near Guillemont, where Glasgow and the acorn-strewn key to other significant Holloway, once a US I find Harry’s headstone
grave, I had to put it right. Harry fought, it is still possible remains of the trenches; the wars, including Waterloo helicopter base and home in the middle of the
It’s an easy journey by to see battle debris in the field silence is enveloping. It’s a and the American Civil War, to the Huey assault immaculately mowed lawns,
Eurostar from St Pancras to edges. About 40 tonnes of tranquil spot and on a sunny accompanied by specialist helicopter companies. surrounded by purple asters
the battlefields of northern shells are ploughed up on the day, with the leaves rustling battlefield guides. Next year Details Sixteen nights’ and red Remembrance roses
France, but before seeking out Somme each year. There is so gently in the breeze, it feels marks the 80th anniversary B&B from £3,795pp, the same shade as the
Harry’s resting place — just much unexploded ordnance the perfect place for a picnic of D-Day and the Battle of including flights, guides Flanders poppy, and lay
beyond Heilly, a tiny village that the advice is: if you see — so different from the barren Normandy, and its four-day and some extra meals a wreath on my family’s
between Arras and Amiens — something don’t pick it up (I wasteland of shattered trunks coach trip based in Caen, ( behalf. He shares the grave
I wanted to trace the route of later hear about two Flemish that Harry would have known with Lance Corporal Frank
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 13

Hindson, who died the same old graffiti and the detritus

Wellington Tunnels
day as him. It’s an enormous of daily life, is a haunting
Thiepval Delville Wood comfort to know that they experience, while the
are so well cared for in this recreation of the way in
Guillemont exceptionally peaceful corner which the men took their turn
Amiens Heilly
of a foreign field. to climb out of the tunnels and
Back at the Commonwealth emerge into the horror of the
War Graves Commission front line is gut-wrenching.
centre outside Arras I discover After such an emotional
the remarkable behind-the- day I wanted to toast Harry’s
20 miles scenes effort that goes into memory. Strolling through
maintaining these and other the Place des Héros — the
war cemeteries around the fabulous main square in Arras,
world. The meticulous work with its gothic town hall and
Arras, left, and of carpenters, stonemasons, gorgeous façades of Flemish
in 1916, below gardeners, engineers and gabled houses — it’s hard to
right. Far left, metalworkers is all on display, comprehend that by 1918 the
a First World and it’s astonishing to learn city centre was virtually
War trench; that soldiers’ bodies are still destroyed, so meticulous was
above right, being found on the Somme the restoration. At Chez Marcel
the memorial at the rate of 50 a year; if they I raise a glass of delicious
at Thiepval can be identified they are craft beer to my long-lost
reburied with full military great-uncle. I may not have
honours. known him, but he’s now so
I can’t leave Arras without much more to me than just
visiting one more relic of the a name on my family tree.
war. The Wellington Tunnels
is a subterranean museum Julia Brookes was a guest
that has been sensitively of Hauts-de-France Tourism
created in part of the vast (hautsdefrancetourism.
network dug under no man’s com), Arras Tourism (arras
land by New Zealand miners, the
and other Allied troops in Commonwealth War Graves
1916 in an attempt to surprise Commission ( and
the Germans. Eurostar (
With tin helmets firmly The Mercure Arras Centre
on we descend 20m into the Gare has room-only doubles
cavernous galleries that from £95 ( For
housed some 20,000 soldiers. a Somme battlefield guide
Walking through them, seeing see
16 November 12, 2023 The Sunday Times

Travel Greece
The sun’s out but
not scorching and
the crowds are
gone. Laura Hackett
explores late-season
Athens and beyond

tepping out of Athens airport,
we were hit by that wonderful
wave of heat you spend the
whole flight anticipating. But in
the taxi the radio began playing
an all too familiar jingle: the opening
notes of the Mariah Carey classic All I
Want for Christmas Is You.
It was November 1 and my boyfriend,
Bernie, and I had come in search of causing people to push back their darkening streets, we realised that this (almost) all the ruins missing from the big Above, from left:
autumn sun. We’d looked further afield, holidays to the autumn. holiday would require planning and, hill — from November 1 until March 31 Tolon beach;
but something made us consider Greece, Tui’s all-inclusive resorts can stay open most important, some early starts. tickets at many spots across the city are Monastiraki,
well known for scorching summer heat even if the surrounding area is deserted. Just as I was starting to despair that our reduced or half-price. And lunch at the in the old town
but neglected in winter, when hotels and But we were on the hunt for the lesser- relaxing break was transforming into a museum is not stale sandwiches but of Athens, next
restaurants on many islands close and spotted Greece and well aware we might Duke of Edinburgh-style challenge, we delicious salads with a view of the whole to Plaka; the
the tourist towns empty out. have to work a bit harder to find it. stumbled upon some local colour. Jazz in city. Almost too delicious, in fact, because Parthenon.
It might have been the forecast, which First stop was Athens, where we Jazz is a charming old bar with walls our leisurely meal meant we missed Below: Nafplion
predicted highs of 27C — surely there was quickly ran into the biggest downside of covered in vintage paintings, old shoes, Hadrian’s Library and the Roman Agora,
still life to be found in the Greek low the low season. Having checked into the typewriters and dusty wine bottles. It felt both of which closed at an irritating 3pm.
season? We aren’t the only ones to have chic, friendly Herodion hotel at 3pm and distinctly wintry — and for a reason. The By our third day we’d figured out
considered this. The travel giant Tui has admired the view of the Acropolis from barman told us it closes over the summer a routine. Early morning: activity.
extended its season for Greece and our balcony, we wanted to climb it to see for the staff to head off to the islands; it Bernie went for a run around the
Turkey into November, recognising that the Parthenon. But it had closed for the had reopened on September 4. It doesn’t Olympic stadium (open for jogging
this summer’s extreme 40C-plus day. The Acropolis Museum was about open until 7pm and wasn’t full until every day between 7.30am and 9am,
temperatures were to shut too — as were the other key sites. 10pm, but as we sipped cocktails with the £9); I took a brisk walk up Lycabettus
As we enjoyed some consolatory food, locals, jazz playing in the background, Hill. Early afternoon was for ruins and
it began to get dark. Athens started to feel alive. museums: my favourites were the
It might have been summer We weren’t giving up on the big sites, Benaki art museum, with exhibits
weather, but the sun was though. A thunderstorm delayed our extending far beyond ancient Greece
setting at 5pm. As planned early start, but as we climbed (£10;, and the ancient Agora,
we wandered the the Acropolis the sun emerged. The open until 5pm with beautiful views,
Parthenon was breathtaking up close. a mini museum and space to wander
And while we weren’t alone, there was no the grounds freely, unhindered by
jostling for a view. We had all the benefits swarming tour groups (£5; archaeological
of mass tourism without the masses. Evenings were for walking
The impressive Acropolis through Plaka, the unspoilt old town full
Museum (£9 off-season, of live music, blossom-covered wooden
usual price £13) features doors and restaurants (all with tables
available). We loved Lyra, where I tried
traditional pasta with rooster and the
musicians mixed Greek music
with brief renditions of the
James Bond theme every

The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 17


MYTHOLOGY IN CRETE of St John, is frisson-giving
Crete is the cradle of the romantic, especially after
greatest Greek myths, dark. Dine there in the non-
but trying to channel touristy tavernas open year-
Ariadne and the Minotaur round — preferably on slow-
at Knossos, below, in the baked lamb kapama, stuffed
hot, jam-packed summers with rice and cumin — and
is impossible. In winter, stay at Porolithos Boutique
when temperatures are Hotel, which has bags of
perfect for lingering outside medieval atmosphere.
and admission and car-hire Details B&B doubles from
prices drop, you can £96 (
have it and Crete’s Fly to Rhodes
other myth- via Athens
imbued sights
(Phaistos, Malia, WINING AND
Gortyna etc) DINING IN
to yourself. Stay THESSALONIKI
near Knossos Thessaloniki
in Heraklion, is Greece’s
a short walk from gourmet capital,
time their favourite waitress walked out Dodwellian ignorance, taking in the site In summer we would probably have its archaeology with a vibrant street
(mains from £10; And of the Oracle of Delphi in hushed had time to do it all. With one day and museum, filled with food scene, superb seafood
then there was our hotel’s rooftop hot reverence, helped by the low-season dwindling daylight we picked Bourtzi enchanting Minoan art. and colourful markets that
tub with panoramic views — best enjoyed peace and quiet. This was where the god Castle, fresh from extensive renovations. Kipos Suites has quiet really come into their own
at sunset. Apollo slew a serpent, where his priestess Once a 15th-century defensive fortress, rooms with kitchenettes in the cooler weather. Work
In the end Athens was an utter joy. gave cryptic prophecies to Alexander the later the home of the town’s executioner, five minutes’ walk from up an appetite by cycling
But while capital cities stay open year- Great and where the Pythian Games took then a five-star hotel, the Bourtzi is Heraklion’s centre. along the seafront to the
round, small villages do not. So our next place. Few tourists stay the night and the now a tourist attraction. A boat (£5pp) Details Room-only doubles landmark White Tower,
stop was Delphi. It’s easy to see why the friendly manager at the charming goes there from the harbour every 30 from £38 ( visiting Byzantine churches
ancients called it omphalos, the centre Acropole hotel was delighted to see us. minutes, which is about how long it Fly to Heraklion via Athens glittering with mosaics, and
of the world, because it sits at the top of As were the staff at the signless takes to explore this fascinating little the archaeology museum
a magnificent valley so vast I felt my eyes restaurant listed online as “In Delphi spot — and it is open all winter (£4.50; RHODES FOR ROMANCE packed with treasures from
stretch. But don’t expect a thriving café”, where the slightly domineering With 300 days of sunshine the time of Alexander the
metropolis to match the name. owner insisted we ate pork souvlaki It was time to put on our swimming a year, Rhodes delivers Great. Plus the nightlife
Driving in we spotted and the waiter had us try his costumes and go to the beach — not plenty of vitamin D. In winter, is best in winter when
tumbleweeds on the road. delicious homemade walnut Nafplion’s rocky spot but nearby Tolon, without the crowds and the students are in town,
There was no time to waste, cake. We finished the night which has a proper sandy beach. In cruise ships, you can visit with much of the action
though. It was already after on our balcony overlooking November it’s populated almost beautiful Lindos and actually in walking distance of
1pm, and the ancient sites Capital cities stay the valley, attempting to exclusively by locals — there’s no fighting see it (instead of the back your hotel — stay at the
closed at 3.30pm. Are you down the (undrinkable) for towel space here. You can sunbathe of someone’s head), then Modernist Thessaloniki.
spotting a theme?
open year-round, local wine. without burning, you can swim without walk up to its vertiginous Details B&B doubles from
Later, in the only café small villages But we loved Delphi for shivering, and we weren’t nervous about acropolis without melting. £86 (themodernisthotels.
open at 4pm (everything do not all its eccentricities. This leaving our things. There’s a nearby At this time Rhodes Old com). Fly to Thessaloniki
opened again at 6pm, was a town in the process island you could swim out to if you Town, built by the Knights Dana Facaros
inexplicably), we found a copy of emptying out for the year fancied an adventure, and plenty of
of Edward Dodwell’s Views and — the restaurant was closing in boats available for rowing or kayaking.
Landscapes of Greece. Dodwell was an a few weeks, as was the hotel — but that We forgot it was November. How did they cope with this year’s heat?
Irish archaeology expert who visited meant we glimpsed its stripped-back, Lunch was at the Romvi, a two-star “We survived,” he said, grimly.
Greece in 1801. His observations are slightly wilder side. In the morning we hotel whose defiantly run-down exterior We almost wished we were staying
a mixture of hapless — he falls into a took the Pilgrims’ trail that runs down hides a wonderful beachfront restaurant at the Romvi, we said as we drove back
spring, “to the great amusement of the the valley between Delphi and Kirra. (we’d never have found it without the to Nafplion. But the town remains busy
surrounding Turks” — and insightful: The route is very well signposted, nine recommendation of our tour operator, at the weekends with Greek tourists,
“A traveller must not expect to derive miles in total, winding through villages, Sunvil). The wine comes in a metal jug, and has the infrastructure to meet their
any information whatever from the past a little chapel and down to the Gulf the water laps your feet and the needs — row of bland harbour-front
generality of Greeks upon the antiquities of Corinth. It might have been my menu is full of fresh seafood. Our bars included. The good stuff was
of their country.” favourite moment in the trip. We didn’t waiter told us they were closing in the bowels of the town, such
Nowhere was this more true than in encounter a soul. in two weeks, but the low as the café-bar Allotino, which
Delphi, where historically significant City? Easy. Mountains? Fine. But season is getting shorter. At Kirra spills out on to the street as
ancient ruins are often marked only as could we manage a seaside holiday in one time the Romvi would the night goes on and which
“stadium” or “theatre” or “gymnasium”. November? A four-hour drive to the have reopened in late March. G ul GREECE has a handful of rooms too
f of
It’s best to buy a guidebook if you’re harbour town of Nafplion was one way to This year it was February. C or (, or Aiolos
in t h Athens
there with academic intentions. find out. Nafplion has three fortresses: the He loves November in Taverna, and its drunken
We were content to wander in frighteningly high Palamidi, the smaller Greece — much better than chicken (mains from £13).
and older Akronafplia, and Bourtzi Castle, rainy September, never Is November Greece’s new
on a tiny island in the harbour. mind the horrors of summer. August? It all depends on your
plans. If you want to lie in, get
Nafplion a tan and leave your cardigans
Tolon at home, if island-hopping is your
thing, or if you want to see every
20 miles ancient ruin, November will be too
cold and dark. If you prefer your tourist

attractions emptier, if you’re happy with
early rises and the chance of rain, then
November might just be perfect for you.
It was for us — a brilliant mix of
relaxation, adventure and discovery.
We weren’t slowed down by extreme
heat or queues, and we were welcomed
with real warmth at every restaurant

and hotel. Come February, I suspect I’ll
be itching to go back — as long as I can
operate a BYOB policy in Delphi.

Laura Hackett was a guest of Sunvil, which

has five nights’ B&B in Athens, Delphi and
Nafplion from £1,722pp, including flights
and car hire (
22 November 12, 2023 The Sunday Times

Travel Trend
And any travel boom that’s led by

RISE OF THE Multigeneration holidays are

on the up — as is the money we
boomers means there are frequently
big budgets involved. Money is no object
when it comes to making memories, they

reason. James Bell, the managing director
of Turquoise Holidays, says: “The
are willing to spend on them. pandemic made our clients realise that
time and opportunity are not indefinite
and that those long-planned, or dreamt-of
Katie Bowman picks the best
trips need to become a reality.” So much
so, he says, that “a £100,000 holiday is
of the five and six-figure breaks not far off becoming normalised”.
Can you imagine spending a six-figure
sum on a holiday? More people do

than you might think. The villas team at
Abercrombie & Kent reveals that they
“are almost sold out of large group villas
for next year, and some cost more
than £100,000”.

ultigenerational holidays, But however big your wallet, you still
3G breaks, trips with “the need expert advice and value for money.
fam”… whatever you call You need a trip that’s going to be
them, however often unforgettable, the type of adventure that
you take them, you — your grandkids’ grandkids will hear
grandparents, parents and kids — are part about. So, here’s our pick of the 25
of a travel boom, with operators seeing a greatest 3G trips on the market:
continuing rise in bookings for extended
At the travel company Black Tomato, Which Insta-icon wasn’t in Croatia this
for instance, bookings from summer? We saw the Beckhams SUP-ing
multigen families and off Lopud, Katy Perry yachting on the
groups have increased Dalmatian coast and Usher wandering the
35 per cent for 2023 compared streets of Dubrovnik. Be the A-listers in
with 2019. “People now prioritise your own mega-Med trip, on a luxury
spending time away with their ten-day circuit that -stops in Hvar, Split
families and friends,” says the and Dubrovnik. The itinerary features
co-founder Tom Marchant. kayaking around Dubrovnik’s city walls,
Groups of eight or more account snorkelling the Pakleni Islands, hiking
for 25 per cent of all Black Tomato along Hvar’s southern coastline and
bookings in 2023, he says. zip-wiring across the Cetina River.
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 23

later relax in the overwater spa, enjoy


dinner on a secluded sandbank, or ride
the kids’ club waterslides.
Details Seven nights’ half-board from
£16,225 for a family of four, including
flights and seaplane transfers


The ultimate multigen trips aren’t just
luxurious, but also tick off adventure,
world wonders and — if Mum and Dad
hide it in the itinerary well enough —
education. So, it’s not enough to sit on
a Greek-island beach for a whole week.
Instead, start in Athens (Acropolis, tick;
Olympics site, tick; Monastiraki markets,
tick), staying at the five-star Hotel Grande
Bretagne with its outdoor pool. Then
move on to the capital’s most accessible
and ravishing coastline at Porto Heli on
the Peloponnese (less than three hours’
drive). This is where your brood will
discover Amanzoe — recognise it as the
location for Glass Onion, Grandad? — a
once-in-a-lifetime hotel that consists of
private, temple-style stone villas among
olive groves and lavender.
Details Room-only doubles at
Hotel Grande Bretagne from £355
(; B&B doubles at Amanzoe
from £910 ( Fly to Athens


If Granny and Grandad don’t already own
a house here, you can bet they wish they
did. The Algarve, with its year-round
flights and winter warmth, has been a
firm favourite with British families for
decades. Before the olds sign on the
dotted line, give local life a spin at Vila
Vita Parc, a five-star resort with the styling
Relatives less interested in “likes” can go LIVE LIKE A PROVENÇAL LANDOWNER Clockwise from three — sometimes four — generations to of a traditional Portuguese whitewashed
on a panoramic cable car to the top of High in the hills of the Luberon you’ll find far left: Four travel up to 24 hours by myriad means of village; families can take over one of its
Mount Srd, strut along Hvar’s waterfront Le Grand Banc — “the big seat” — which Seasons Resort transport (the seaplane is so worth it, terracotta-roof cottages and villas, or go
promenade or just go to the beach. isn’t so much a villa as your very own at Kuda Huraa in though, we promise). Pioneering for family rooms and interconnecting
Details Nine nights’ room only from French hamlet. The private estate has a the Maldives; multigen travellers are making the hotel suites. Either way, you have access
£4,705pp, including flights, transfers cobbled street with ten gorgeous stone spot turtles in the journey to observe mass manta ray to the resort facilities, which include
and excursions ( houses on either side, which can Galapagos; feeding, volunteer on turtle conservation Annabella’s Kids’ Park (with trampolines
accommodate up to 24 in total. One house waterparks are programmes, sail a dhoni at sunset, and and playground), a crèche, mini golf,
INSPIRATIONAL, ACCESSIBLE ICELAND has a library, another a funky kids’ bunk fun for all; Abu dive rare coral reefs, all of which are SUPs and kayaks, yacht rental, and padel
It’s been topping family bucket lists for room, while the gardens come with table Simbel in Egypt; laid on for families at Four Seasons and tennis courts. The best part of not
years, but now Granny and Grandad want tennis, pétanque, table football and a the pool at Agnos Landaa Giraavaru and sister resort Four owning your own pad is letting someone
in. Nowhere else offers such otherworldly saltwater pool. There’s a stupendous House in Corfu Seasons Kuda Huraa. You’ll stay for the else cook; road-test the seven bars and
scenery or unforgettable pursuits without outdoor marble table that seats 28, while final four nights at the latter where, 12 restaurants, one of which holds two
an epic flight (we’re looking at you New breakfast is served daily at a second table depending on your age bracket, you can Michelin stars.
Zealand), yet Iceland is just three hours in the heart of your “hamlet” (up to three Details Seven nights’ B&B from £1,260pp,
away. One day of your trip might star a chef-prepared meals each day are including flights and transfers
superjeep tour, the next a quiet soak in a included in the rental). (
geothermal spa, even glacier hikes, whale- Details Seven nights’ full board, sleeping
watching, volcano climbing, and catching 24, from £18,600 ( WILDLIFE IN ECUADOR
the northern lights from your hot tub. The Fly or take the train to Aix-en-Provence AND THE GALAPAGOS
island’s manageable size means you’re or Avignon The holiday fairy grants every generation
never far from base, so family members its wish on this extraordinary trip: a
can opt out and go shopping in Reykjavik MULTISENSORY GLITZ IN ABU DHABI Galapagos cruise aboard the small ship
or laze in the Blue Lagoon, before being Surprise No 1: you don’t need to fly more La Pinta for grandparents; home cooking
reunited with the adventurers. than nine hours for guaranteed heat at a stylish hacienda for the parents; and
Details Six nights’ room only from in deepest, darkest winter; flights to amazing animal encounters for teens and
£9,100pp ( the UAE take about seven hours and tweens, whether that be with marine
Fly to Reykjavik the time difference is as little as three. iguanas, hot-pink flamingos, giant
Surprise No 2: Abu Dhabi, the largest tortoises, toddling penguins or blue-
PRIVATE CHARTER BOAT ON THE NILE emirate, is an underrated option for footed boobies. It’s not all experienced
Live like a family of pharaohs on this families. It’s got that glitz grown-ups through binoculars either, but features
awesome tour, which is unsurprisingly might crave — Michelin stars, six-star up-close interactions, via snorkel trips,
“Abercrombie & Kent’s number-one hotels, designer shopping — but cultural kayaking, swims and hikes. Family-
bestseller and has been for years”. It gets and wildlife experiences unique to Abu focused extras include chocolate tasting,
the multigen vote thanks to Zein Nile Dhabi (that’s Granny and the children swimming with turtles and night treks
Chateau, a private charter boat that can happy). Try a desert safari on Sir Bani through Ecuador’s “cloud forest”.
be taken exclusively by one family (four Yas Island ( or mangrove DetailsEleven nights’ room only from
cabins and two suites). Your trip starts in kayaking, and visit the awesome Sheikh £11,500pp, including flights, transfers
Cairo, taking in the exquisite, new Grand Zayed Grand Mosque. The beaches are and some meals (
Egyptian Museum (expected to fully world beating (see Saadiyat for proof )
open by spring), then sees your crew and teens can be lured away from FAMILY AND OTHER ANIMALS, CORFU
sailing down the Nile, making stops in screens with Yas Waterworld, Ferrari Unlike anything Gerald Durrell ever
style at Aswan, Abu Simbel, Edfu and the World and Warner Bros theme parks. experienced, but with the same idyllic
Temple of Horus. End the adventure Details Seven nights’ room only from location as his family retreat, Agnos
poolside, kicking back at a luxury Luxor £1,650pp, including flights and private House and Little Agnos on Corfu are
hotel — after a hot-air balloon ride over transfers ( heavenly 3G havens. Agnos is the
the ancient wonders at Karnak, obvs. main house and sleeps up to 18 in six
Details Eight nights’ room only from MAKING MEMORIES IN THE MALDIVES beautiful bedrooms, while Little Agnos
£6,820pp, including flights, some Flower-petal bathtubs and lagoon villas — converted from the original olive press
extra meals and excursions might have made the Maldives famous, building — sleeps two and has its own
( but it takes more than that to convince Continued on page 24 →
24 November 12, 2023 The Sunday Times

Travel Trend
→ Continued from page 23 destination for multigen travel “because is the perfect multigen option. However
Japanese culture appeals to all ages and, big your crew, you’re all fed, watered and
private garden and terrace (we predict a while the cities can be intense but entertained for seven days; there’s only
scrap between grandparents). There are fascinating, it’s easy to get out to the one base (and one lot of unpacking) and
gardens for days — frothing with fruit stunning gardens, temples and yet you tick off five or six destinations in a
trees including mulberry, peach, lemon, mountains”. The 13-day Japan Through week. Up for it? Good, in that case, bouji
fig and orange — and a spectacular the Eyes of a Child tour involves time in first-timer families should pick the Italian-
swimming pool in landscaped grounds. Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and the Japanese owned MSC cruise line, as it is home to
We can’t see any reason why you’d leave, Alps, with add-on activities including the Yacht Club. This luxury “ship within
but if you do, the picturesque coves of sushi-making lessons, origami and a day a ship” has spacious suites, 24-7 butler
Corfu’s northeast are less than ten with an expat expert who’ll take you to service, private restaurants, sun decks
minutes’ drive away. cat cafés and video-game arcades. and a dedicated pool. However, kids
Details Seven nights’ self-catering Details Twelve nights’ room only from can still use the wow-factor aqua parks,
for 20 from £13,200 ( £3,570pp, including flights, transfers and waterslides, basketball courts and games
Fly to Corfu some meals ( arcades on other decks. Sail MSC’s Med
voyage for a mix of big city and beach;
There’s something about the Italian Cruise converts are mystified as to why Mykonos, Izmir, Santorini and Naples.
powerhouse cities — unlike hubs in any family still needs convincing that this Details Seven nights’ all-inclusive
Spain or France, say — that grabs the in the Yacht Club from £2,409pp,
attention of every age bracket. It might including flights (
be re-enacting A Room with a View in
Florence, people-watching over a bellini PRIVATE-ISLAND LIVING IN ANTIGUA
in Venice, or mock fighting a gladiator There’s five-star Antigua — and then
in Rome’s Colosseum. Audley’s ten- there’s Jumby Bay. The private 300-acre
day Classic Italian Family Adventure island is just two miles off the coast and
takes in the whole spectrum, with a gives cosseted castaways the chance to
tailored set of activities that’s totally live like Robinson Crusoe by day, before Above: Alta Badia Details Seven nights’ all-inclusive from
different from its standard tour. This retiring to a swanky pad by night. The in the Italian £140,600 at Private Residence Morning
means engaging kids by making pasta Private Residences at Jumby Bay up the Dolomites. Left: Glory, sleeping ten adults and six
with a local chef in Florence, or mask- luxury further still: these are all-inclusive Kyoto in Japan children, including flights, private
making in Venice, as well as exploring villas offering multigen families privacy transfers and UK airport lounge vouchers
Rome on the back of a vintage Vespa. and space, while giving access to the (
Details Nine nights’ room only hotel’s bells and whistles when required
from £5,480pp, including flights (they include a spa, Jumby Explorers LAST HURRAH IN IBIZA
and transfers ( kids’ club, restaurants and more). Visit The top-of-the-range tour op Carrier has
between June and November and you’ll seen such a spike in multigen trips with
ZANY AND ZEN IN JAPAN be there during hawksbill turtle nesting teens that it has launched the Flying the
The folks at Original Travel say Japan is season, which is a bucket list-topper, Nest collection. One destination that both
probably their most frequently booked whatever your date of birth. Gen Z and Gramps will love is Ibiza; the
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 25

business and stay in a three-bedroom gratification and can feed animals. Your See emperor MARCH OF THE PENGUINS IN


residence at Six Senses Ibiza. first private game reserve may look penguins in ANTARCTICA
Details Seven nights’ B&B for six from familiar as it was the inspiration for The Antarctica Here’s one for the 1 per cent. To celebrate
£41,190, including flights and transfers Lion King. Later, you’ll stay at a Maasai 20 years since the release of the
( Mara camp with no minimum age for documentary March of the Penguins, a
game drives, where anybody needing group of up to 12 travellers can join an
FAR-FLUNG FUN IN INDONESIA a change of pace can try horseback and award-winning crew filming emperor
As the kids say, here’s a POV from mountain-bike safaris, foraging, or a trip penguins in Antarctica; you may even
somebody IRL: “This fantastic trip to Maasai Warrior School. spot orca pods and leopard seals too.
delivered exactly what we asked for: Details Eight nights’ full board from These adventurers will become an
adventure, new experiences, cultural £6,500pp ( Fly to integral part of the team as they embark
insights and some downtime. It also made Nairobi on a journey to the remote rookery on
us do stuff that we’d never have thought Snow Hill Island, which can only be
of, much of which turned out to be A-LIST SKIING IN THE DOLOMITES reached by helicopter. Your base is
holiday highlights.” No wonder this Where does Angelina Jolie ski when she Asteria, a 1970s salvage tug given a luxury
family waxed lyrical when you consider has had enough of the US press? Where makeover, where you’ll spend evenings
their Scott Dunn Indonesian escapade does George Clooney slalom when learning about the challenges of filming
featured snorkelling in Bali’s Blue Lagoon, looking for slopes close to his Italian Antarctic wildlife and dining. Crew and
street-food excursions, cooking classes, homes? Alta Badia. Look it up activities are covered, but onboard costs,
temple visits, even whitewater rafting. ( — then keep the name to including those for food, are extra —
The R&R comes in the handpicked hotels, yourselves. This low-key luxe region is there’s no upper limit.
one of which is Nihi Sumba, a remote all about excellent skiing and even better Details Ten nights’ room only from
luxury eco-lodge with private villas, food, but zero pretence. It’s a small £650,000 for 12, including flights, for
perfect for multigenners. nook, just six square miles in the Italian departures in December 2024
Details Ten nights’ room only from Dolomite mountains, with plenty of (
£8,300pp, including flights, transfers easy-breezy blue runs, as well as more
and some meals ( demanding reds and Gran Risa, the MEDITERRANEAN
break includes digi-detox activities such region’s World Cup black run. Off-piste, ISLAND-HOPPING BY YACHT
as mindful-eating workshops, farm visits ULTIMATE SAFARI, KENYA activities revolve around food — steaming It’s the only way to see the Med, don’t
and practices that help maintain a long Whatever your wedge, chances are that apple strudel at a mountain hut or you know? Yacht charters provide total
and healthy life (yoga and Cellgym a safari will be a once-in-a-lifetime gig, so Michelin-starred La Stüa de Michil. luxury, independence and privacy, yet
therapy, for example). There’s time for there’s a lot riding on it. Bring multiple Locals even offer one-off gourmet come with a sense of adventure that no
white-knuckle adventure too — kayaking, generations into the picture and your encounters, such as bread-making with five-star hotel suite could ever emulate.
snorkelling and cliff jumping — and, of choices become even more critical. the baker Nikolas or herb-foraging with Alegria II sails the western Mediterranean
course, Insta-moments for the mum- Black Tomato staff (who have road-tested expert Helga. Stay at the family-friendly each summer — Greek islands, Croatia,
fluencer in the group: a private rooftop each safari with their children) have Hotel Antines with its indoor pool and the French Riviera, but the exact route is
cinema at sunset and an underwater pinpointed Kenya as the best spot for timber-clad good looks. up to you. It’s a sleek 28m Ferretti motor
photoshoot with a local photographer are first-timer families: the itinerary kicks Details Seven nights’ half-board from yacht (if you know, you know), with a
just two options. A multigen family of six off at an elephant sanctuary and giraffe £1,804pp, including flights and transfers spectacular sundeck and tons of water
(four adults and two children) might fly centre so that children get instant ( Continued on page 26 →
26 November 12, 2023 The Sunday Times

Travel Trend
→ Continued from page 25 paddleboards, tennis courts, football ELEPHANTS AND
sessions and Pilates classes. Or try all ISLANDS IN THAILAND
toys, including Seabob diving scooters, the above. It’s all-inclusive, innit? Now that Gen Z has graduated to further-
paddleboards, snorkelling gear and a Details Seven nights’ all-inclusive flung Asia, Thailand has gone mainstream
jellyfish net, as well as a Williams Sportjet from £12,219 for a family of four, and welcomes all ages, not just the
speedboat for swift shore excursions. Eight including flights and transfers backpackers and honeymooners. Exsus
lucky guests are looked after by a crew ( designed its Elephants & Islands trip
of four. Onboard expenses for food are with multiple generations in mind,
extra, though staff will shop for groceries. BLING IN THE BAHAMAS starting with a blast of Bangkok before
Details Seven nights’ room only from Imagine Florida crossed with St Barts moving on to the leafy north to meet
£56,000 ( Fly to your and Jamaica and you have a close elephants at Anantara Golden Triangle
port of choice approximation of the Bahamas. It’s Elephant Camp & Resort. Temples ticked
the crowd-pleaser of the Caribbean off, hilltops hiked and street-food
ENDS OF THE EARTH ADVENTURE islands, with waterparks, stylish stays, devoured, you’ll end the trip on Phuket,
IN NEW ZEALAND AND TAHITI pin-up beaches, sensational seafood dozing by the pool.
Despite busting the £100,000 budget, and an underwater world that few islands Details Ten nights’ room only from
this trip is popular with multigenners who can match. So any multigen escapade £6,250pp, including flights, transfers
hanker after wide open spaces. The tour should cram it all in, starting on the and some meals (
operator Turquoise Holidays says that main island of New Providence, which is
“it’s exclusivity and remoteness that our home to the Atlantis resort (yes, the CHRISTMAS IN LAPLAND
customers crave”. You’ll certainly get that one with the pink architecture, royal You didn’t think we were going to miss
on this 12-night bonanza that incorporates guests, dolphins and shark-tank out Santa, did you? Not when a trip to
the North Island of New Zealand — perfect waterslide). After a few fun-filled days Lapland is among the most popular
for exploring Rotorua, Lake Taupo here, dial it down and island-hop to multigen trips of them all. Make yours
and Tongariro National Park. Then untouched Eleuthera, a sandy strand an extra-special Christmas cracker by
it’s off to Kaikoura, on the South Island, where life moves in the slow lane. Check travelling on Abercrombie & Kent’s
for whale-watching and dolphin the top spend. Thus, perks include à la The Other Side in to the Other Side, a “glamping” site Lapland Family Experience in Finland,
swimming, before Queenstown, the carte meals created by decorated chefs, in the Bahamas that is as glamorous as camping gets — its on which an elf leads you to your
country’s adventure capital and wine wine lists 300-labels strong, 24-hour gorgeous open-air tents have hardwood snow-covered hotel, with possible
hub. The tour ends at the posh Brando room service, use of a Tesla car and floors, four-poster beds and outdoor northern lights sightings. Over the
resort in Tahiti. The accommodation meals at off-site gourmet restaurants, bathtubs. It’s the antithesis of Atlantis, subsequent three days you’ll visit a
throughout is a private lodge or villa. as well as kids’ club entry, childcare with days involving nothing more taxing reindeer farm, and go husky mushing, by
Details Twelve nights’ all-inclusive and a pass allowing entry to local than poolside yoga or taking a which point under-12s will be positively
from £114,000 for four adults and two museums and galleries. Ikos Andalusia paddleboard out to the local turtles’ busting to meet the big man. He lives in
children, including flights and car hire in Marbella, set in 17 beachfront acres of favourite spot. the Santa Claus Secret Forest, Joulukka,
( tropical gardens, is one of the newest Details Seven nights’ room only at where children can decorate gingerbread
in the group. You could test the limits Atlantis Bahamas from £1,729pp, and receive a gift from you know who.
ALL-INCLUSIVE ANDALUSIA of this all-inclusive and see who can eat including flights (; room-only Details Three nights’ room only from
Ikos is to all-inclusive hotels what the most ice cream in a day, or take the doubles at the Other Side from £400 £5,585pp, including flights
Fortnum & Mason is to supermarkets: healthy route and use the free bikes, ( Fly to Nassau (
The Sunday Times November 12, 2023 29

Travel City breaks



istory is everywhere you

H turn in Cordoba, from its

grandest monuments to
the humblest cobblestones.
Even the dishes served in
its restaurants have a story to share. This
Andalusian city has a chequered past,
filled with invasions and conquests, of
Hotel Boutique
Patio del Posadero
Eurostars Patios
de Cordoba
La Corredera
riches brought back from faraway lands, La Axerquía
of Romans, Arabs and Jews, of Catholic La Juderia Hospes Palacio
kings, persecution, war and, ultimately,
del Bailio
peace. Once the capital of both Roman Mezquita
and Moorish Spain, Cordoba might be
best known these days as Seville’s less Guadalquivir
glamorous neighbour. But scratch the River
¼ mile
surface and there’s still magic to be found,
if you know where to look. Fly to Seville or
Malaga — both are about 90 minutes’ drive. from £14; restaurantecasapepe
If Cordoba’s 12th-century cathedral Mercado Victoria
housed within an 8th-century mosque Mercado Victoria’s countless stalls are
doesn’t make your jaw drop then the place to sample Cordobes street
nothing will. With its eye-popping food, such as flamenquin, a deep-fried
marble columns and red-and-white snack of Iberian ham wrapped with pork
arches, the Mosque-Cathedral, known loin, or pastel Cordobes, pastry filled
as the Mezquita, is the second most with sticky pumpkin jam (snacks from £2;
visited site in Andalusia after Granada’s
Alhambra. Although 80 per cent of its
decoration is Islamic, it operates as Jugo Vinos Vivos
a Catholic cathedral. A daily Mass is Gaby Mangeri moved to Cordoba from
held in the chapel at the centre of what New York with her Spanish husband
was once a 40,000-capacity mosque. in 2010 and has never looked back.
Book a tour — Woow has the most Nowadays, she can be found sharing her
enthusiastic multilingual guides love of natural wine with a diverse group
(tours from £23pp; of chatty clients in her tiny bottle shop-
The Jews were expelled from Cordoba, cum-wine bar (wine by the glass from
and the rest of Spain, in 1492, but La £3.50;
Juderia — the Jewish Quarter — remains
one of the best preserved in Europe. At its WHERE TO STAY
heart, in Calle de los Judios (Street of the Eurostars Patios de Cordoba
Jews), you can still visit the tiny synagogue If you want to be close to the action but
from 1315, one of three remaining pre- not smack-bang in the middle of it, you’ll
expulsion synagogues in Spain (free entry). love Eurostars Patios de Cordoba. Guests
Markets and shops make retail a can relax in the hotel’s five open-air
pleasure in the city. Visit La Corredera courtyards, which are filled with candles
food market with the New Yorker Gaby at night. It’s great value (B&B doubles
Mangeri, whose private cooking classes from £52;
showcase the culinary delights of her
adopted home. Feast on delicacies such Hotel Boutique Patio del Posadero
as Iberian ham with almond bread, and This tiny boutique hideaway has only
baby calamari with peaches — whatever’s six rooms but it’s worth booking early to
in season — accompanied by natural wine snag one. The vibe is more convivial B&B
(three-hour cooking classes from £95; than stuffy hotel; there’s an honesty bar, Shop for artisanal leather complimentary tea and coffee and lots
art, known as Cordoban, in Calleja de las of personal touches to make you feel at
Flores (Alley of Flowers), one of the home (room-only doubles from £70;
narrowest lanes in the old town, named
for the colourful hanging flowerpots.
The highlight of Cordoba’s cultural
calendar is its annual Fiesta de los Patios
(courtyard festival). For two weeks in
May, Cordobans open their homes to
the public, showing off their ornately
decorated patios. Many of the best are
CORDOBA Hospes Palacio del Bailio
As plush stays go, Hospes Palacio del
Bailio is in a league of its own in Cordoba.
Breakfast is served in the courtyard
surrounded by 14th-century frescoes.
The garden has a dreamy swimming
around the parish of San Basilio and the
Mezquita. Alternatively, you can visit
Fiestas and Michelin-starred food in ancient Andalusia pool among the orange trees (room-only
doubles from £117;
the 12 exquisite patios of the 14th-century
Palacio de Viana all year (£6; WHERE TO EAT AND DRINK Taberna San Miguel Casa El Pisto IF YOU ONLY DO ONE THING Noor One of Cordoba’s oldest taverns, El Pisto, Cordoba’s first-century Roman bridge
The residential Cañero area isn’t an has been serving hungry (and thirsty) used to be part of the road from Rome
THE COOLEST NEIGHBOURHOOD obvious home for a two-Michelin-star punters in centrally located Plaza de San to Cadiz. Cross it at sunset for exceptional
For eating, drinking and sightseeing, joint. But diners come here for chef Paco Miguel since 1880. Try the Fifty-Fifty, views of the Mosque-Cathedral across the
tourist-heavy La Juderia is undeniably Morales’s “gastroarchaeology”, which a tipple that combines two fortified Guadalquivir River.
Cordoba’s buzziest quarter. But for explores the culinary treasures that have wines, fino and pedro ximenez,
something less chaotic head to the old arrived in Andalusia over the centuries for a not-too-sweet and not-too- By Isabelle Kliger, who was a guest of
silversmiths’ district, La Axerquia. Set and includes dishes such as marinated dry but utterly lethal finish For something Hospes Palacio del Bailio, Noor and
outside the ancient walls of the Moorish fallow deer with yellow beetroot (tasting (mains from £9; less chaotic, Woow Cordoba. Fly to Seville or Malaga
medina, this lesser-known side of the old menus from £125;
town is where you can shop for artisanal
head to the old
jewellery at Kuvo Plata (, Taberna Los Berengueles Casa Pepe de la Juderia silversmiths’
join the locals for a dish of croquetas de Taberna Los Berengueles occupies the An elevated spin on an
T Travel
rabo de toro — oxtail croquettes — in leafy courtyard of a historic building that Andalusian taberna, Casa Pepe For dozens more guides to your
historic taverns such as Taberna Regina used to belong to a local aristocrat. Sit serves the classics on its delightful favourite city-break destinations,
(mains from £8; under an orange tree and sample dishes patio and rooftop overlooking the old and those you’re still to discover,
tabernaregina.cordoba) or sip a cold such as ensaladilla, a potato salad with town. House specials include salmorejo, see our dedicated Times Travel
Cruzcampo beer in the old-school Bar prawns (mains from £11; a thicker, creamier version of gazpacho website
Pancho with its pretty Andalusian tiles. losberengueles). topped with diced Iberian ham (mains
30 November 12, 2023 The Sunday Times




The singer explored her heritage
in Jamaica and went partying
with Brazilians in Salvador
Beverley Knight, 50, was born in Wolverhampton. Her
music career began in the 1990s and she has appeared
in West End musicals including The Bodyguard and
Memphis; this year she won an Olivier award for her role
in Sylvia, in which she plays the social activist Emmeline
Pankhurst. She lives in London with her husband, James Montego Bay in Jamaica, where Beverley Knight surprised her mum and felt a strong connection to the culture

Hands down my most Mum is from St Elizabeth, so I travelled absolutely wowed — ordering room too. I went to a local club where, despite
memorable trip was there to see where she and Dad went service (the best risotto I’ve ever had) their circumstances, people were
to Jamaica to celebrate to school, and also saw the Moravian and looking at this guy and thinking, dancing in couples with abandonment
my mum turning 70. She church on the hill where most of “He’s amazing.” and happiness.
and her best friend went on a Caribbean my Jamaican family were baptised. Last year I visited Tulum in Mexico My most recent holiday was a few
cruise then stayed on in Jamaica to visit Because my dad is no longer with to get beach and culture on one trip. days away in Calpe in Spain, where I
my grandma. She knew that we — the us there was an extra emotional My husband dived in some seriously stayed with a friend for her birthday.
kids — were organising a fancy resonance. During our visit we deep cenotes (sinkholes) while we For her present I took her to see Tom
dinner for her from England, but also went to St Mary, where we were there, but I’m not that brave. Jones perform in Alicante, then as a
didn’t know that James and I visited GoldenEye, Ian Fleming’s We also visited Chichen Itza and surprise we went backstage to meet him.
were going to turn up too. former home. Now it’s a hotel, marvelled at the Mayan ruins. It was wonderful.
Mum is partially deaf and owned by Chris Blackwell of Rio de Janeiro was great because The rest of the time there was on the
when we got to her hotel Island Records — I spotted him it looked like a future version of Britain: beach, shooting content to support my
I cheekily crept up behind swimming there and waved. it was very diverse and no one batted new album. I was glammed up in a long,
her and tapped her on the One of the best places I’ve an eyelid at us, a mixed-race couple, billowy dress and had to paddleboard
shoulder. She turned and let stayed in has to be the San walking down the beach. out to rocks in the middle of the sea and
out a cry of utter delight. The Domenico Palace hotel, But it was Salvador, in the Bahia mime to a video. People must have
party in St Ann’s Bay, where a former 17th-century monastery region of Brazil, that I found to be most thought that we were
my grandma lived, was beautiful. in Taormina, on Sicily. We went eye-opening. I went there in 2001 as insane. It was precarious
Jamaica is the land of my heritage, there in 2007. It’s fabulous inside a Christian Aid ambassador to witness and seriously hot — but
but I’d never been, and when I landed [the second series of The White the work being done to combat Aids, great fun.
in Montego Bay I had an overwhelming Lotus was filmed there]. They’ve and I also visited the favelas. Those
feeling of joy to the point of tears. kept the original façade, so there’s who lived there were so warm and Interview by Caroline Rees
They didn’t speak like me, but groups a rustic feel, and Mount Etna is friendly, but the smell was horrendous,
of elderly men, laughing and joking ever present — the hotel stands in because they’d had to build homes on Beverley Knight is touring the UK to mark
at the tops of their voices, reminded its shadow. It was my first holiday top of an open sewer. her 50th birthday (
me of my family. I just felt a connection. with my husband, and I remember being There was music everywhere in Brazil Her album The Fifth Chapter is out now

we’re just not on the same tea. One three-course dinner

COMPETITION WHERE WAS I? wavelength. So I suggest for two (excluding drinks) at
I told my friend we were that we scout out a country the hotel’s Colony Grill, is also
going near a city, not into it. estate, less than a mile south- included. For details visit
WIN A But he’s not a good listener.
Now he’s broadcasting his
southeast of the green. Many
festivals and jamborees have
The prize must be taken

LUXURY disappointment far and wide.

“We’re only two miles from
been held there, including
a global gathering, 16 years
before March 15, 2024,
subject to availability and

LONDON the home of one of the most

influential products of the
past 130 years — and you
ago, that marked a centenary.
Soon, Friend is on the
crest of a wave, scoffing
excluding December 24-
January 2.

BREAK want to see a duck pond?”

he splutters through
sandwiches and imagining
events that the estate has
WORTH a mouthful of cheese-
and-onion sandwich.
witnessed — notably the
night when a special
Answer the questions and
complete the entry form

£1,518 AT THE Well, yes and no. This

village does have a pretty
regiment’s commander
tried to drive a Jeep up
where-was-i by the end

BEAUMONT pond — home, until quite

recently, to a famous goose.
A future Scottish king was
the stairs of its mansion.
“What fun!” Friend cries.
And what fumes too. At
of Thursday, November 16.
One entry per person.
Full terms and conditions
IN MAYFAIR married here too; the site
of his former property lies
which point I finally despair
of Friend’s sandwich breath.
THE PRIZE Antony Gormley overlooks
apply, and your information
will be used in accordance
within a university college. “Fancy some chewing gum? the entrance. Inside, beyond with our privacy policy
My main interest, though, I suggest. “What kind?” he The winner and guest will the gleaming lobby, you’ll at
is in those influential asks. “Airwaves,” I tell him. stay for two nights, B&B, find 72 rooms and suites,
products. The city may Sean Newsom in a superior room at the including Gormley’s ROOM,
have been their home, but Beaumont, Mayfair. This which inhabits the inside of LAST WEEK’S PRIZE
it was in this village that a sumptuous five-star hotel sits his sculpture. Throughout, The answers are Stourbridge
mass-market use for them THE QUESTIONS on a quiet square in central the style is elegant and art Glass Museum and Catesby.
was first regularly tested 1 What is the name of the London — a few minutes’ walk deco-flavoured and facilities Liz Heads of Northumberland
under licence in the UK. village? from Selfridges, Hyde Park include a white-marble spa, a wins a luxury break in central
Friend heaves a cheese- 2 What is the name of the and the Royal Academy. cocktail bar and terrace, and London worth £2,030 at
and-onion-laced sigh. Today estate? Outside, a giant sculpture by Gatsby’s Room for afternoon L’oscar on Southampton Row.

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