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october 2011 Intercultural Communications Course
In my last newsle,er, I told you that I was a part of a course at JAARS (ICC) during the month of August, where we would be trained in how to be proacAve in learning other cultures, how to relate to others who were raised in those cultures, and what life would be like in Papua New Guinea. Well, I got all that, and much, much more! The course was so enriching and quite life- changing!

a newsletter from brandy ingle

How you can pray

My monthly budget is going up by at least 15% at the end of the year because of cost of living in PNG and rising insurance costs. Praise the Lord that my support is still at 80% of that! Pray for 100% by the end of November. I have at least 3 opportunities to speak to potential partners in the next week. Pray that I can clearly communicate my ministry and the ministry of Wycliffe to them. Pray for the work visa process, as its very slow moving (at least by my standards!). But all in Gods timing...

Heres an abbreviated run down on what we covered: 1. Spiritual Vitality: The most important part, the foundaAon, of how I can survive on the eld is to be proacAve in maintaining My ICC roommates: Amazing women of God and precious friends! my spiritual vitality. As Ephesians 6 says, I must put on my full armor, not only as Im on the eld, but also in my every day walk with the Lord. This means that I need to have invested as much Ame as possible in the Word, in communion with the Lord, and in encouraging relaAonships with other believers. That way, when Im in any kind of spiritual ba,le, Im ready! We studied the book of Ephesians for the whole month, which I recommend to all of you! 2. Culture and Language Acquisi6on: We learned tools and skills that will help us get to know our culture, learn the local language quicker, and relate to the people of that culture. If Im going to build any relaAonships with them, I have to put much Ame and eort in this in order to prove that I care. I could focus all of my a,enAon on my work in accounAng and my relaAonships with the other missionaries, but where would my ministry be? 3. World View: We focused on a few of the most common world views that the world holds today and how to relate to each of them from a biblical point of view. We also covered how to handle intercultural conict and bribery, as well as determining biblical absolutes. 4. Team-Building: This area focused on mulA-cultural teamwork, interpersonal skills, personality (Im an S/ C, if that means anything to you!), conict resoluAon, and authority. I will be working on a team with many other missionaries from several dierent countries in PNG, so this was extremely helpful. We also covered crisis and conAngency planning, MK (missionary kid) issues, single life, learning how to drive a sAck through the jungle, and health issues. Thank you so much for praying me through this training! Spotlight on Papua New Guinea
Music is beau*ful and powerful in any language. Using Scripture as a source of inspira*on, this Doromu-Koki young man is composing a new song. This song and others composed at a song writers workshop will be sung at the dedica*on of the book of Luke in the Doromu-Koki language.

In order to reach 100% of my support (20% remaining!), I need people who will commit to give a set amount monthly. If youre interested in this partnership, please contact me. (Contact info on page 2)


Fellow ICC classmates and leaders

To Donate: Wycliffe Bible Translators P.O. Box 628200 Orlando, FL 32862-8200 *Include a note: Brandy Ingle #227294

To Partner Online:

the journey : october 2011" " Our Fight








brandy ingle

My prayer for you

I pray that out of His glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge- that you may be lled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:16-19 (NIV)

For our struggle is not against esh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authori4es, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms... Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour... For though we live in the world, we do not wage war like the world does. The weapons we ght with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. Ephesians 6:12, 1 Peter 5:8, 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 (NIV) As part of our training, we also discussed spiritual warfare. We must know what Satan is capable of so that we can be prepared in the baDles ahead. Like I said previously, I need to do all I can to prepare, but I also need to ask all of you to pray specically for spiritual warfare in my life. When we do Kingdom work for the Lord, Satan hates it and will do everything he can to stop it. While in Papua New Guinea, I will live in a compound with up to 1,000 other missionaries doing Bible transla*on support work. Someone in our training pointed out, Why wouldnt Satan and his army be encamped around our compound, pouncing on us at every possible moment? Your part in this baDle would be to pray against strongholds, against bad aStudes, against the lies that Satan likes to plant in our minds, and any other thing he might use to slow or stop our work for the Lord. Since Ive been back from training, I have had much-needed rest, family-*me, and friend-*me. God has blessed me with much *me to spend with Him, although I dont take advantage of that oUen enough. Hes been showing me what it looks like to rest in Him, in His love, and just how peaceful that is. His love is eternal, a love that we wont understand in our nite minds, but He sure does pour it out in good measures when we let Him. I went to the beach with my parents for Labor Day weekend. Our favorite place to go is Kure Beach, right outside of Wilmington, NC. Its nothing special to most, but my mom grew up going there so it holds a very special place in our hearts. Ive also taken up running with my dear friend, Emily. My training once I get to PNG will be preDy physically intense, so this not only keeps me healthy, but also prepares me for that! See pictures for more fun ac*vi*es! In the next month, I will travel to Annapolis, MD, for a friends wedding; spend a week at home with my parents (and get to see my brother, sister-and-law, and nephew!); and aDend Libertys homecoming! Ill also have a few speaking engagements for raising support, so please pray for those.

Kure Beach

Contact Information
Brandy Ingle 84 Mount Vernon Cir. Atlanta, GA 30338 678.988.5314



Emily and I got to see Wicked at the Fox!

Step By Step | A Timeline

Apply to Wycliffe Completed August 2010 Orientation Training Completed October 2010 Intercultural Communications Course Completed August 2011 Develop Prayer and Financial Partners In progress (86% complete)

At Christens baby shower. Shes due at the end of October!

Pacic Orientation Course January-April 2012 in Papua New Guinea Lauras wedding in Annapolis, MD, on October 1 Begin my work in Papua New Guinea May 2012

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