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Major: English

Disciplinary Axis: INTEGRATOR II

Transversal Axis: Problem solving and National Context

Name of the curricular component: INTEGRATOR


Teacher: Lic. Yader Carcamo

Year and semester: 1st year / II semester

Prepared by: Luisa Del Carmen Crúz López

Fadeling Linoska Martínez García
Sury Anielka Bracamonte Sánchez
Sayda Elena Lagos Sánchez
Maykol Jackson Pravia Padilla

Date: November 11, 2023

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The role of attention in mental information processing

I. Objectives (page 4)

A. General Objective B.
Specific Objectives

II. Introduction (page 5)

Presentation of the topic

Justification of importance
General objective of the research

III. Development (page 6……….18

A. Rationale for Care

1. Definition and types of care

2. Brain mechanisms associated with attention

B. Attention and Perception

1. Relationship between attention and perception 2.
Effects of selective attention on sensory perception

C. Attention and Memory

1. Impact of attention on the encoding and retrieval of information in
the memory

2. Importance of selective memory depending on attention

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D. Attention and Decision Making

1. Influence of attention on the evaluation of options in decision-making

2. Examples of how attention can improve or harm decision making
informed decisions

IV. Conclusions (page 19)

Recapitulation of the critical role of attention in mental

information processing

V. Bibliography (page 20…….23)

References and resources used

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The role of attention in mental information processing

TO . General objective

Explore the role of attention in the mental processing of information, analyzing its
influence on cognition and behavior, as well as its impact on decision making
in different contexts.

C. Specific Objectives

1. Conduct detailed research on theories and types of care

2. Examine the relationship between attention and sensory perception.

3. Investigate how attention influences the encoding and retrieval of information


4. Identify the role of attention in decision making.

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II. Introduction

Attention, a fundamental cognitive faculty, awakens, guides

and directs the perception and processing of information in the world
around people. From the simplest everyday tasks to the most complex
decisions, attention plays a critical role in how individuals understand,
remember, and act on their environment. This text explores the importance
of attention in mental information processing, analyzing theories and types
of attention, examining the relationship between attention and sensory
perception, and investigating how attention influences memory encoding
and retrieval.

As we delve deeper into this topic, we will discover how

selective attention improves the perception of details, facilitates the
memorization of relevant information, reduces the influence of distractions
and optimizes informed decision making. Attention is not only a passive
process, but a powerful tool that, when properly understood and applied,
can significantly improve our quality of life and our efficiency in diverse
tasks, from learning and communication to problem solving and
communication. stress management.

As you delve deeper into this topic, you discover how selective
attention improves the perception of details, facilitates the memorization of
relevant information, reduces the influence of distractions and optimizes
informed decision making. Attention is not just a passive process, but a
powerful tool that, when properly understood and applied, can significantly
improve quality of life and efficiency in diverse tasks, from learning and
communication to problem solving and communication. stress management.
Throughout this exploration, concrete examples and practical strategies for
applying mindfulness effectively in everyday life are examined. In doing so,
one can appreciate how this often overlooked underlying cognitive function
has a profound impact on experience and how its potential can be
harnessed to live more consciously and make informed decisions.
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III. Development

A. Foundations of care

According to (, 2023)

The foundation of attention refers to the theoretical bases and

cognitive insights that explain how attention works in the brain and how people can focus
on specific stimuli while filtering out or ignoring others. Some of the main foundations of care

Focus: The ability to concentrate on a specific task or stimulus while

filtering out distractions.

Sustainability: The ability to maintain attention on a task for a period of time.

extended period of time.

Selectivity: The ability to choose which information or stimulus will be processed and which
will be given priority.

Alternation: The ability to switch from one task or stimulus to another in a


Splitting: The ability to divide attention between multiple tasks or stimuli at the same time.

Control: The ability to consciously regulate attention and avoid distraction.

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1. Definition and types of care.

Compliant with (, 2023)

Definition of Attention: Attention is the mental process by which

a person selects and concentrates his or her focus on specific stimuli or
information, while filtering or ignoring other less relevant stimuli.

Types of Attention: Selective Attention: This type of attention

involves focusing on a specific stimulus or task while ignoring the rest.
For example, when you read a book and focus on the words, you are using
selective attention.

Sustained Attention: Sustained attention is the ability to maintain

concentration on a task or stimulus for a prolonged period. It is essential for
activities that require prolonged commitment, such as studying or performing
work tasks.

Divided Attention: Divided attention refers to the ability to focus

on several tasks or stimuli simultaneously. This is essential in
multitasking situations, such as driving and talking on the phone.

Alternating Attention: This type of attention involves changing

focus quickly and effectively between different tasks or stimuli. For example, by
engaging in a conversation and then switching attention to a task on the phone.

Synchronous Attention: Refers to the ability to maintain attention

on two or more sources of information simultaneously. It is common
in situations such as reading and understanding text with graphics or images.
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Controlled Selective Attention : This type of attention involves

conscious concentration on specific stimuli, which requires mental effort to avoid
distractions. It is useful in situations of high cognitive demand.

Automated Attention: Automated attention is that which does not

require conscious effort and is developed with practice. Examples of this are
driving a car automatically after years of experience or performing routine tasks.

2. Brain mechanisms associated with attention.

consistent with (, 2023)

Parietal Lobe: The parietal lobe, particularly the superior parietal

cortex, is involved in spatial attention and orientation.
It helps determine the location of stimuli in space and allows the focusing of
attention on specific areas.

Prefrontal Cortex: The prefrontal cortex is involved in executive

functions, such as inhibition, attention control, and decision making. It helps direct
and regulate attention, allowing focus to be changed according to the demands of
the task.

Cingulate Gyrus: The anterior cingulate gyrus plays a role in

attention, error detection, and reward evaluation. It helps maintain alertness and
can influence sustained attention.

Thalamus: The thalamus acts as a relay station for sensory signals

going to the cerebral cortex. It plays a key role in selective attention by filtering
and directing sensory information to specific areas of the brain.

Reticular Attention System: The reticular formation is a

network of neurons dispersed throughout the brain stem that regulates the state of
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alert and surveillance. Controls general attention and responsiveness to stimuli.

Posterior Cingular Cortex: This region is involved in self-oriented

attention (intrapersonal attention) and in processes of self-evaluation and self-

Temporal Cortex: The temporal cortex plays a role in auditory

attention and language perception. Helps in the identification and processing of
sounds and words.

Default Activation Network: This network includes areas such as

anterior cingulate cortex and the inferior parietal lobe and is activated when the

mind wanders or is not focused on a specific task. It has a role in

intrinsic attention and self-reflection. B. Attention and perception

consistent with (, 2023)

Attention: Attention refers to the ability to focus the mind on a

specific stimulus, task, or information, while filtering out or ignoring other stimuli.
It is a fundamental process that allows us to focus on what is relevant at any
given moment. Attention can be selective (focusing on a specific stimulus),
sustained (maintaining concentration for a prolonged period), divided (attending
to multiple stimuli simultaneously), or alternating (switching focus between
different tasks or stimuli).

Perception: Perception is the process by which we interpret and

integrate the sensory information we receive through our senses (such as sight,
hearing, touch, smell and taste). Perception allows us to make sense of stimuli
and build a mental representation of the world around us. This includes
identifying objects, appreciating colors, shapes, sounds, and interpreting depth
and distance.
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1. Effects of selective attention on sensory perception.

According to (, 2023)

Improves perception of selected stimuli: When we apply selective

attention to a particular stimulus, our perception of that stimulus becomes sharper
and more precise. For example, if you are looking for someone in a crowd, by
focusing your attention on that person, you are more likely to perceive their physical
details and distinguishing characteristics more clearly.

Reduction in the perception of unselected stimuli: Selective

attention decreases the perception of stimuli that are not the focus of attention. This
is essential to avoid distractions and sensory overload. For example, if you are
focused on a conversation, background sounds or peripheral visual details may go

Filtering non-relevant information: Selective attention

acts as a filter that highlights relevant information while reducing the perception
of non-relevant information. This is useful for processing information efficiently and
focusing on what is important at a given moment.

Ability to detect changes: Selective attention improves

our ability to detect changes in specific stimuli. If we are attentive to a moving
object, for example, we are more likely to notice changes in its direction or speed.

Perception of details in complex situations: Attention

Selectivity is essential in situations where there are multiple stimuli
competing for our perception, such as when reading in a noisy environment
or when we are in conversation in a room full of people.
people. In such cases, selective attention allows us to focus on the desired
information and isolate it from the noise.
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Interaction with memory: Selective attention also

It influences how we encode information in memory. The details on which we have focused our
selective attention are more likely to be remembered with greater precision.

2. Examples of how attention modifies visual and auditory interpretation.

Consistent with (, 2023)

Examples of How Attention Modifies Interpretation


Optical Illusions: When we focus on certain parts of

an optical illusion, our selective attention can influence how we interpret the image. For
example, in the "Rubin's Cup" illusion, if we focus on the background, we see two faces, but
if we focus on the cups, we see a single object.

Detection of Details: Selective attention improves detection

of details in a visual scene. In a complex painting, if you focus on a specific region, you are
more likely to notice the details and features of that area compared to other parts.

Visual Fixation Effect: When we read a text, our attention is focused on

specific words. Visual fixation influences how we interpret the meaning of words in the context
of a sentence or paragraph.

Examples of How Attention Modifies Interpretation


Selective Listening: When we are in a conversation in a

noisy environment, we can direct our selective attention to the voice of the
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person we are talking to, allowing us to perceive their voice more clearly despite
background noises.

Cocktail Party Effect: The "cocktail party effect" refers to

our ability to focus auditory attention on a specific conversation in the midst
of multiple conversations in a noisy environment. This demonstrates how auditory
attention can influence what we clearly perceive.

Interpretation of Ambiguous Sounds: In situations where

sounds are ambiguous, our attention can influence the interpretation. By

For example, if you hear a noise at night and focus on it, you might

perceive it as an unusual or threatening noise, while if you do not pay attention

attention, you can interpret it as something common C. Attention and memory

According to (, 2023)

Attention and memory are intimately connected. Attention

facilitates the encoding of information in memory, influences selective memory, and
plays a role in memory retrieval.
Understanding how these two functions are related is essential both in everyday life
and in research into human cognition.

1. Impact of attention on the encoding and retrieval of information

in memory.

Consistent with (, 2023)

Impact of Attention on Memory Encoding:

Selection of Relevant Information: Attention allows us to select

the information that we consider relevant and worthy of being stored in long-term
memory. When we pay attention to a
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stimulus or event, we are indicating to our brain that this information is important
and should be recorded.

Deeper Processing: Selective attention involves a

deeper information processing. When we focus on specific details or concepts,

we tend to process them more deeply and elaborately, making it easier
to retain them in memory.

Improves Coding: Attention increases the efficiency of

the coding of information. The details or events in which we have

given selective attention are encoded with greater clarity and precision in the

memory Impact of Attention on Memory Recovery:

Facilitates Information Retrieval: Selective Attention

at the time of encoding facilitates the subsequent retrieval of
information. When we focus on a specific detail during encoding, we
are more likely to be able to remember that detail more accurately.

Attention as a Recovery Clue: Selective attention

can act as a recovery track. If we pay attention to a particular aspect of
an event, focusing our attention on that aspect at the time of retrieval can
help us remember more details related to it.

Visual Fixation Effect: Visual fixation during

Encoding influences how we remember what we saw. In visual memory
experiments, attention directed toward a specific part of an image has
been shown to affect subsequent retrieval of details in that area.

2. Importance of selective memory depending on the

attention. consistent with (, 2023)

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Efficiency in Information Retention: Memory

Selectivity allows us to retain relevant information while filtering out or ignoring what is
not relevant. This is essential to avoid information overload and maintain cognitive efficiency.

Focus on the Task: Selective memory helps us to

maintain focus on a specific task by remembering the information necessary to
complete it. By paying attention to critical details during the task, we can remember and
apply them.

Improved Decision Making: By remembering information

selective related to a specific decision, we can make more informed and effective decisions.
Selective memory allows you to remember the pros and cons relevant to a choice.

Increased Communication Efficiency: Memory

Selective facilitates the retention of information in conversations and discussions.

Remembering key points and relevant details helps in effective communication and
understanding of the information shared.

Facilitates Problem Solving: By remembering information

relevant to a particular problem or challenge, selective memory may be essential for generating
effective solutions or strategies.

Optimizes Learning: Selective memory in the learning process

Learning allows us to retain and remember critical concepts, facts, or skills, which
improves our ability to apply what we have learned in relevant situations.

Reducing Cognitive Stress: By avoiding the burden of remembering

non-essential information, selective memory contributes to reducing cognitive stress and
promotes a feeling of control over the information we handle.
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Cognitive Flexibility: Selective memory allows

adaptation of attention and retention of information as tasks and circumstances
change. This is crucial for flexible decision making and effective problem

D. Attention and decision making

Consistent with (, 2023)

Attention is essential for making informed and effective decisions. Us

It allows us to focus on relevant information, filter out distractions,

consider consequences and evaluate options. In turn, the decision-making process
may require selective attention to analyze and decide between available
alternatives. The relationship between attention and decision making is
fundamental to human functioning in a variety of situations.

1. How attention influences the evaluation of options in the

decision making.

According to (, 2023)

Focus on Relevant Details: Selective attention

It allows us to focus on the details and specifics of the available options. By paying
attention to relevant details, we are in a better position to evaluate options more
accurately and completely.

Comparison of Key Features: Attention allows us to compare

the key features of different options. By focusing on critical attributes, such
as costs, benefits, risks, and advantages, we can evaluate how they align with
our goals and preferences.
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Prioritization of Decision Criteria: Attention allows us

prioritize the decision criteria that we consider most important in a given
situation. This means we can give more weight to factors we consider
crucial when evaluating options.

Consequence Evaluation: Attention is essential to

consider the possible consequences of each option. By focusing on the
short- and long-term implications of our choices, we can make more
informed decisions.

Minimizing Biases: Attention also helps us

minimize biases in the evaluation of options. By paying attention to
objective data and relevant facts, we are less influenced by personal
biases or emotions that could bias our decisions.

Reducing the Influence of Distractions: Attention

Selective evaluation can help reduce the influence of distractions

and irrelevant factors in the evaluation process. By keeping the
focus on key options and criteria, we prevent non-relevant elements from
influencing our decisions.

Ability to Analyze Carefully: Attention too

It allows us to carefully analyze each option, thoughtfully considering
its pros and cons. This is essential to evaluate the implications and make
decisions that are in line with our objectives and values.

Focus on Personal Priorities: Attention allows us

Focus on our personal priorities and goals. By considering how each option
aligns with our goals and values, we can make decisions that reflect our
individual preferences.

2. Examples of how attention can improve or harm

informed decision making.

Consistent with (, 2023)

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How Attention Can Improve Decision Making:

Focus on Relevant Data: Imagine you are evaluating different online

purchasing options for an expensive product, like a car. By paying attention to key
features and specifications, you can make an informed decision based on objective data,
increasing the likelihood of choosing the option that best suits your needs.

Risk and Reward Assessment: If you are considering investing in the

stock market, selective attention to financial news and company performance allows you to
evaluate the risks and benefits of different investments. This contributes to informed and
data-driven decision making.

Consideration of Long-Term Consequences: When you are

Making long-term financial decisions, such as retirement planning, paying attention to
the future implications of your choices allows you to make decisions that align with your
long-term goals, such as saving and investing for retirement.

Avoid Emotional Influences: By paying conscious attention and focusing

on facts instead of impulsive emotions, you can make more rational financial decisions and
avoid making decisions based on fears or momentary euphoria in the markets.

How Attention Can Harm Decision Making:

Distraction During the Assessment: If you are taking a

important decision, such as choosing a health insurance plan, and you become distracted
by electronic device notifications or interruptions
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constants, fragmented care can make it difficult to carefully evaluate

available options.

Confirmation Bias: Selective attention to information that

confirm your existing beliefs or preferences can lead to biased decision
making. This can lead to overlooking relevant information that could
influence the decision.

Information Overload: Too much information can often be

harmful. Imagine you are researching investment options and you are
faced with an avalanche of data and conflicting opinions. Attention to a
large amount of information can overwhelm and make decision
making difficult.

Diversion of Attention towards Minor Elements: When paying

With excessive attention to minor or trivial details, you can lose sight
of the most important aspects of a decision. This can lead to suboptimal
decision making.
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IV. Conclusions

In summary: the importance of attention in information

processing is undeniable. Attention acts as a filter that allows us to select
which stimuli and data are relevant in a world full of information. In
addition, it influences our ability to concentrate, make decisions and retain
information. Without adequate attention, our information processing
becomes deficient, which can negatively affect our ability to learn and
problem solve. Attention plays a crucial role in how we perceive, understand
and use the information around us.
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V. Bibliographies

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