Healthy Brain, Healthy Life1

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Healthy Brain, Healthy Life: The effects of Diet and Exercise Bradley J Baranowski - PhD (Candidate) Department of Health Sciences Brock University ot Canadian Nutrition Society Société canadienne de nutrition Learning ia ikea Bs... Healthy brain, healthy life: a review of diet and exercise interventions to promote brain health and reduce Alzheimer’s disease risk* Bradley J. Baranowski, Daniel M. Marko, Rachel K. Fenech. Alex J.T. Yang. and Rebecca E.K. MacPherson Gain an understanding of: 1. Alzheimer’s disease as a metabolic disorder 2. The negative effects of an obesogenic diet and sedentary behaviour 3. The beneficial effects of exercise anda healthy diet Alzheimer's Disease + A progressive neurodegenerative disorder — characterized by: + Impaired cognition * Perturbations in brain energy e a metabolism a /\ * Considered to be the most common | form of dementia ~ accounting for approximately 60° yes wiry ALZHEIMER'S or another dementia. + Major pathological hallmark — Amyloid beta peptides * Sporadic vs. Familial Familial Sporadic * <5% of cases * Most common * Genetic * Late onset (65+) —PS1, PS2, APP * Lifestyle/Metabolic Risk Factors 1. AGE (>65, the risk doubles every ~5 years) 2. Other risk factors... USA Diabetes mellitus 10.3% Midlife hypertension 14:3% Midlife obesity 131% 225% Depression 19-2% Smoking 20-6% Low educational attainment 133% Combinedt Adjusted combined§ 45% (2-0-7-3) 8.0% (2-2-15-1) 7.3% (4-3-10-8) 21.0% (5-8-36-6) 10.8% (3-0-19:8) 73% (4-4-103) 527% (25-9-72:8) 306% (14-5-45:3) Combined risk increase: 41% 240 (107-389) 425 (119-798) 386 (226-570) 1115 (308-1942) 588 (395-796) 574 (159-1050) 386 (236-544) 2796 (1374-3858) 1622 (771-2401) Norton et al. 2014 1K Obesity and Alzheimer’s Disease > 2888 Ain age-adjusted ‘AD mottality rate AK -0.70-0.65-0.60-0.55-0.50-0.45-0.40 log obesity prevalence -40: 09 08 07 0.6 0.5 -0.4 log percent physically inactive Fajardo et al. 2017 6E10 positive pixel / total pixel time to the platform quadrant AB plaque 2, + nco0s 0.25 0.2 0.15 O41 0.05 control HFD Probe trial phase (ee) 50 p _**p<0.01 control. HFD Maesako et al. 2012 Starts early! P<.05 P<.05 Normal Overweight + Obese Luciano et al. 2015 How Does Metabolic Syndrome Impact the Brain? + Western Diet* ’ 7 Sedentary + Simple A / Lifestyle carbohydrates *Western Diet: * High in calories, sugars, trans and saturated fats, salt, and food additives * Energy dense Neurodegeneration ea ~_ hi, 6 Obesit o— ——— > | oxidative stress | —____> o = A OowTm Insulin Resistance _— Strategies to promote a healthy brain Benefits of foods bal — Are there strategies that reduce the risk of dementia/AD? Benefits of exercise — Can exercise reduce the risk of dementia/AD? Ml N D Di 1 Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay e Mediterranean diet & Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet “ABheimers Demon. 2013 Sepicmber; 119) 1015-1022. dat 101016) jalz2015 04011 Mediterranean Diet MIND diet slows cognitive decline with aging Martha Clare M Sacks, MDS, moose , .0.', Christy C. Tangney, Ph.D, Yamin Wan a L Barnes, Ph.0.348, David A Bennett, M.O:$8, and + MIND diet score that specifically captures dietary components shown to be neuroprotective and related it to change in cognition + 960 participants over an average ~S years + difference in the top MIND diet scores versus the lowest was equivalent to being 7.5 years younger Leafy green vegetables, at least 6 servings/week “Tetnrs Bee 015 Sepicbers TV@Y TOOT-TOTA, GTO NOT ale FTE TDD Other vegetables, at least 1 serving/day MIND Diet Associated with Reduced Incidence of Alzheimer's Disease Berries, at least 2 servings/week Whole grains, at least 3 servings/day i i Martha Clare Mortis, §.0.", Christy C. Tangney, Ph.0.2, Yamin Wang, Ph.0.', Frank M. Fish, 1 serving/week Sacks, MO, David & Bennet, MD. and Neolum T- Aggarwal, MD." Poultry, 2 servings/week _ + 923 participants ( 58 - 98 years), followed 4.5 years. Beans, 3 servings/week + Estimated effect was a 53% J in the rate of AD for Nuts, 5 servings/week persons with the highest MIND scores Olive oil * 35% J for the middle tertile of scores i} reck nti Key Components Insulin sensitivity Neuroinflammation + 4Neurotrophins Hagan et al. 2016. * Oxidative stress + AD progression * J Ab production/ aggregation Devore et al 2012. 38 Antioxidants Unsaturated FAs Examples oe Examples es Examples == > “ Effect Effect Effect + ®Cognition * Neuronal damage «A Cognition * AD progression * J Neuroinflammation + Avallone et al. 2019. . e ® Obesity | Ve es 3 e \ AD pathology Can Exercise Reduce the Risk of Dementia/AD? Exercise + _— Neuroinflammation NY ( “8 Obesity’ me EE ny 2 a 7 Insulin Resistance Cognitive Decline Neurodegeneration Exercise and the Brain Hippocampus »2 ck e iso | Exercise G ¥ wi | T j* Stretching Listy ok] Can Exercise Reduce the Risk of Dementia/AD? Neuroinflammation Insulin Sensitivity Change S; %) -20 = 20 = Control LowiMod Low/High High/High Be fee Running wheel Gi $t6 roup £12 (Houmard et al., 2003) gos 8 os § 02 * 00 (Kohman et al., 2012). Plasma BDNF (pg/mL) Control MICT VICT — SIT Exercise Increases BDNF MM Control lll BDNF 20 CO Fe BS Pos 1 t 2 10 Tt 9 ¥ Reycraft et al. 2020 MSSE Baranowski et al. 2020 — under review ina rhythmic manner fora prolonged period of time. This will increase the individeal’s heart thing rate to meet the demands ofthe body's movement. Over time, this will strengthen the cardio-respiratory systems. Recommendations: ‘© 150 min per week of moderate intensity (elevated breathing rate, light sweat) or vigorous intensity (sweating, heavy breathing rate) (CSEP 2019 Guidelines) Moderate Intensity Examples Brisk waking, swimming, cycing, general yard work Vigoross lntenity Eas Breck nti How Does Exercise Have This Effect? Neuroprotective cao a yn Ce E=Z= oe \ AD pathology Summary Healthy Brain LS BDNF Inflammation 4 Insulin sensitivity Unhealthy Brain ) BDNF G Inflammation 2) - AL Insulin sensitivity <& V+ western Diet + SFA se / + Simple (menor bohytt2S ee oe = <— | Sedentary ¥ Lifestyle, ea ( PUFAS MuFAs ‘Omega 3 MIND diet (My £ > Grem4) \ * Polyphenols + Antioxidants KL | + Obesity er | Thank you CNS and APNM The Lab Team Dr. Rebecca MacPherson Alex Yang (PhD Student) Chantal Ryan (MSc) INNOVATION.CA Danny Marko (MSc) FoRINNOVATION | POURLINNOVATION Alex Brown (MSc) Roopan Dhaliwal (MSc) Mike Finch (MSc) NSERC Jake Sweezey Munroe (undergraduate) CRSNG Ahmad Mohamad (undergraduate) Ahmed Bagit (Research Assistant) Funded by NSERC CGS D Canadian Nutrition Society a Immo Société canadienne de nutrition

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