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Systems Engineering

Prof.Dr. Thomas Baar

Winter 2014/15

Lect. 01: 2014-10-09 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 1
Organisational Remarks

Lect. 01: 2014-10-09 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 2
Short CV of Thomas Baar
1990 – 97 Study of Computer Science at Humboldt-University,
Berlin, Germany

Areas of study:
 Programming
 Algorithms
 Software Engineering
 Artificial Intelligence
 Heuristics

Lect. 01: 2014-10-09 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 3
Short CV of Thomas Baar
1997 – 99 Doctorate candidate, HU Berlin

1999 – 03 Doctorate candidate, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

Areas of research:
 Quality-oriented software
development processes
 Verification of software wrt.
formal specification
 Specification languages and
their semantics

Lect. 01: 2014-10-09 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 4
Short CV of Thomas Baar
2003 – 07 Post-Doc, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
(EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland

- Areas of research:
 System development
 System specification
 System test
 System verification

Lect. 01: 2014-10-09 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 5
Short CV of Thomas Baar
2007 - 11 Senior Engineer, Software Consultant Company, Berlin

- Clients and areas of work

 Telecommunication industry

Team restructure, Process optimization, Tool change
 Postal Services

Web Portal Development - Planning, Requirements
Elicitation, Implementation, Integration with other
Systems, Evaluation with Customers
 Federal Office of Administration

Product Definition - Requirements Elicitation, Formal
System Specification
Lect. 01: 2014-10-09 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 6
Short CV of Thomas Baar
from 2011 Professor for Software Engineering,
HTW Berlin

Areas of work
 Teaching in Course Program 'Computer
Engineering' (Bachelor)
 Teaching in Course Program 'Systems
Engineering' (Master)
 Cooperations with Local Industy (Internet
Security Solutions, German Railways, Real
Estate Management, Engineering Services)
 Own Research (Configuration Management,
System Re-engineering, Model-Based
Software Engineering)
Lect. 01: 2014-10-09 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 7
Who are you?

Lect. 01: 2014-10-09 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 8
Format of Teaching
• Lecture
- Thursday, 8:45 - 10:15 a.m.
- Don't be late!
- Classic lecture but you can ask/interrupt at any time.
- Homework assignments at end of most lectures.
 To be solved individually.
• Excercises
- Thursday, 10:30 - 12:00 a.m.
- Don't be late!
- Solution of homework
- Work on bigger project
Lect. 01: 2014-10-09 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 9
• (not yet) available at
• central place to put all artefacts produced in
this course:
- my slides, homework assignments, etc.
- your homework solutions, project documentation
- further readings, links, etc.
- software (snippets)
Lect. 01: 2014-10-09 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 10
Change in Schedule
• No Lecture/Excercise next week (October 16th)
- Reason: I will attend a conference in France.
- New date for this lecture: to be announced

Lect. 01: 2014-10-09 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 11
Exam of this Course
• Form is not decided yet :-(

Lect. 01: 2014-10-09 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 12

Lect. 01: 2014-10-09 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 13
Today's Topic
Systems Engineering -- Basic Terms
System Engineering is a discipline that proposes methods, approaches,
heuristics for solving problems, no matter of which type the problems
are. System Engineering has many overlaps with other disciplines, e.g.
Project Management, Systems Thinking, Design Thinking .
System Engineering stresses the need to first describe a problem
adequately, i.e. to uncover all persons, technical systems that are
involved in the problem or that might be affected by its solution.
Problem descriptions are often formulated using natural (informal)
language (such as English), but sometimes special notations are used.

These notations aims at showing the essence of the problem, i.e. to

reduce complexity of the problem description. Reduced complexity can
help to find simple and appropriate problem solutions.
Lect. 01: 2014-10-09 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 14
What is a "Problem"?
Current Desired
Situation Situation
∆ (Delta)
• Current Situation
- at the beginning, usually not all information are available
- description is not independent from Desired Situation
• Desired Situation
- is to be formulated explicitely: final goal, constraints, variants
• ∆ (Delta) == PROBLEM

- is "difference" between Current and Desired Situation

- might trigger a project to bridge the gap (problem solving)
Lect. 01: 2014-10-09 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 15
Problem Solving

Domain- Situation- Systems

Psychology Ethics
Knowledge Knowledge Engineering


Systems Engineering = System Thinking + Methodology

Note: Systems Engineering alone, however, does not solve any problem!

Lect. 01: 2014-10-09 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 16
System Thinking
• Aims at
- structuring phenomena
- describe relations and dependencies between
identified entities
• Results in
- better understanding of the problem (Current +
Desired Situation)
- larger possibilities to change the situation
Lect. 01: 2014-10-09 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 17
• defines the steps to reach the project goals
- steps are comparable even across projects in
different domains
- aggregates single steps to manageable chunks
- identifies roles of persons (stakeholders)
together with their responsibilities wrt. the
identified steps

Lect. 01: 2014-10-09 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 18
Definition Systems Engineering
"Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary approach and means to enable the
realization of successful systems. It focuses on defining customer needs and
required functionality early in the development cycle, documenting
requirements, then proceeding with design synthesis and system validation
while considering the complete problem:

Operations, Cost & Schedule, Performance, Training & Support, Test, Disposal,

Systems Engineering integrates all the disciplines and specialty groups into a
team effort forming a structured development process that proceeds from
concept to production to operation. Systems Engineering considers both the
business and the technical needs of all customers with the goal of providing a
quality product that meets the user needs."
Source: International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
Lect. 01: 2014-10-09 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 19
What is a System?
• consists of elements
• elements are interrelated
• all elements together are considered to form
one whole

Open System -
- elements have also relations to elements outside
the system
Lect. 01: 2014-10-09 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 20
System Boundary
• separates elements
inside/outside the system Surrounding/Environment

• usually hard to define because

- elements inside the system
might have relations to
elements outside
- Note: relations inside the
system are considered to be Boundary
more important

Lect. 01: 2014-10-09 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 21
Example Factory
• Elements
- Employee, Department, Organizational Rule, Machine,
Product, Material, Intermediate Product, Building
• Relations
- Material Flow, Information Flow, Supervisor
As Open System
• Elements
- Customer, Supplier, Regulations/Laws

Lect. 01: 2014-10-09 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 22
Challenges of Project Management
• Project Management has ...
 "to translate complex requirements into working
 "to deal with fuzzy and shifting requirements "
 "to assess and manage risk"
 "to organize and manage teams"
 "to satisfy customers"

Lect. 01: 2014-10-09 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 23
Systems Engineering

Prof.Dr. Thomas Baar

Winter 2014/15

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 1
Organisational Remarks

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 2
Exam of this Course
• Solving Homework-Assignments is strongly
- Feedback will be given
- However, no grades
• Course exam is written test at the end of semester
- Proposal for date:
 last week in teaching period
 Thursday: Feb 12th 2015, 8:45 - 10:15 a.m.

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 3

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 4
Today's Topic
Domain Modeling
Systems engineers and all other stakeholders of a project must
be able to understand each other, no matter what the
professional background of each person is. Stakeholders need a
common understanding of the basic terms within the problem
Domain modeling is a technique to represent the knowledge on a
certain problem domain. Unlike the glossary, which is held
informally using natural language, domain models are
formulated by using Class Diagrams.

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 5
A model …
- is a simplified representation of (an abstraction from)
the real world
- should serve a well-defined purpose
- has an tremendous impact on how a problem is attacked
Modeling is a fundamental activity in all engineering disciplines
- Architecture (architect’s plan)
- Physics (Bohr’s atom model, different models of light)
- Chemistry (carbohydrate compounds)

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 6
A model can explain some but not all phenomena
- Models have limitations
- If a model is too abstract we cannot deduce all
properties that are relevant
- If a model is too detailed we need extra effort to
distinguish the important from the less important facts

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 7
Model - Example

(a pictur of)
the real world

Source: Oct. 2014

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 8
Model - Example


Purpose ?

Source: Oct. 2014

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 9
Model - Example


Purpose ?

Source: Oct. 2014

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 10
Model - Example


Purpose ?

Source: Oct. 2014

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 11
Systems consist
of Elements (aka. Objects)
• A system
- consists of elements
- elements might have relationships
- boundary of system not always clear cut

To characterize elements of systems more precisely, we will

regard them as objects. Objects are not only characterized
by relationships to others, but also by attributes and
Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 12
Object Modeling
Object Modeling means that the model is given as an ensemble of

- An object represents (or models) an individual, identifiable

item, unit, or entity, either real or conceptual, in the problem
domain. The object is an abstraction of the real-world entity
- Objects have attributes (aka. properties) whose values form
the state of the object
- Which properties of a real-world entity are modeled by an
attribute and which properties are ignored by the object
depends on the purpose of the object model

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 13
Objects -- Examples
The printer Talisker, of type Laserwriter, made by Canon, located in
room PBH2003...

Mr. Rich, business man, 42 years old, living in Zug, Switzerland,

married with Mrs. Dufour, ...

The bank account of Mr. Rich with La Banque du Crédit


The student Sven Svenson has just arrived in Berlin, attends the
Systems Engineering course and is still looking for a flat ...
Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 14
Objects: Identity and State
Identity is the property that distinguishes an object from all
- The identity of an object cannot be changed
- The name of an object should not be confused with its
The state of an object is given by the values of its attributes
- It is always possible to distinguish two distinct objects,
even if they are in the same state

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 15
Attribute Values
A data(value) is a characteristic that can be measured, or it is
defined by agreement. A datavalue has no existence by its own, and
therefore no identity.

In domain modeling, the values of attributes should be always

datavalues and never objects. We often restrict the possible values
for an attribute by assigning the attribute to a datatype, i.e. a
representation of a set of values

The attributes of an object remain the same, but their values may
change. The pair <attribute, value> for an object is also called slot.

The attributes describe static properties of an object; they retrieve

or hold information about the state of the object. Attributes, whose
information is retrieved from the state, are called derived
Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 16
Pre-Defined Datatypes
It is handy to agree on name and values of certain data ranges, i.e. to
agree on pre-defined datatypes:

- Integer represents the infinite set of numbers …,-2,-1,0,1,2,…

 one can also use ranges of numbers, e.g. 1..4 represents the
values 1,2,3,4
- String represents all possible sequence of characters; a
concrete string is (usually) set in single or double quotes:
"Hello", 'I am a string, too'
- Boolean is the set true, false

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 17
Examples of Attributes
"The height of this building is twelve meters."
• this building is an object,
• it has the attribute height,
• which has the value twelve.

"A floor is added on the top of the building."

• the identity of the building remains the same,
• the building still has the attribute height,
• but its value is changed.
Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 18
Enumerations as
User-Defined Datatypes
Sometimes, there is a need to agree on the name of (finitely many)
datavalues and to give the set of all these datavalues a name. Such
datatypes are called enumerations.

- typical examples of enumerations are

 set of (occurring) colors
 different status an object can have (e.g. a bill can be
prepared, signed, sent, rejected, paid, etc).
Stereo type

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 19
Examples of Attributes
"The color of the building is navy blue."
• the possible values for attribute color are subject of agreement
• What is the difference between blue and navy blue?
• Color could be different for outside / inside - Do we have only one
attribute color?

"The building was built in 1980."

• the attribute constructionYear has the value 1980

• the derived attribute age has the value 34.

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 20

Identification of Objects and Attributes

• Identify objects with their attributes and values on the following
picture. How would you communicate what you have identified?


-Tram 1
Color= Yellow

-Tram 2
Color= Yellow

-Tram 3
Color= Yellow


Relationship (shown @)

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 21
A class describes a set of objects that share the same attributes,
relationships, and operations. The members of the set are called
instances of the class

Each class declares the attributes which are common among all its
instances. The declaration of the attribute’s datatype is optional in
the domain model

Whereas a given set of objects can model only one situation (a

snapshot) of the real world, a set of classes can model many
situations (all, which are represented by an object set that is an
instantiation of the class set)

The classes of a Domain model are also called concepts

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 22
Graphical Representation of Objects :
Object Diagrams
Each Object-Diagram
• represents an ensemble of objects

- an object is represented by a rectangle with two (or more)

- an object is shown with its slots and its relationships to other
objects (called links)
class (aka
type of object)

object identity
Object identity
(attributename = value)

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 23
Graphical Representation of Classes:
Class Diagrams
• A Class diagram shows the name and structure of classes (and thus the
structure of all their instances) together with possible relationsships
between instances of classes. The structure of a class is given by its set
of attributes (Note, that the value of an attribute belongs to a concrete
object, not the class! Thus, Class diagrams DO NOT show attribute
values!) and its set of operations.


Class Classname Literal

Attributename Attributetype

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 24
Combined Class and Object diagram

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 25

Identification of Objects and Attributes

• Show for the above identified objects and their state a

graphical representation in form of class-/object-diagram.

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 26
(Binary) Associations
A (binary) association between (two) classes denotes a relationship that can hold
between the instances of these classes.

- The occurrence of the association between two concrete objects is

indicated by a link in the Object diagram. We also say that the relationship
holds for these two objects.
- For each association there is at most one link between two given objects.
The identity of the link stems from the identity of the connected objects.
Multiplicity Association name
Read direction arrow

Association Role name

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 27
(Binary) Associations
Multiplicity Association name
Read direction arrow

Association Role name


Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 28
Association – Optional Adorments
Class1 role1 Asso > role2 Class 2
Mult 1 Mult 2

• Association name
- describes the Relationship between objects of connected classes
- 'Reading direction arrow' is often not shown
• Role name
- Characterize the Role an object plays wrt. to the opposite object
- Default-Wert ist If no role is shown, the default role is the 'lowercased'
class name at this association end (PrinterMng --> printerMng; only first
letter is made lowercase)

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 29
Association – Optional Adorments
Class1 role1 Asso > role2 Class 2
Mult 1 Mult 2
Each object of Class1 is connected with mult2-many objects of Class
- Is given as a range
 0..1 - zero or one
 1,4,7 - exactly one, exactly four, or exactly seven
 1..10 - one to ten
 1..* - one or more
 0..* - zeor or more
 * - abbreviation for 0..*

 if no multiplicity is given, 0..* is assumed as a default value

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 30
Assoziation - Examples

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 31
Class-Diagram: Example

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 32
Class-Diagram: Example

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 33

Finding Attributes

• Find appropriate attributes:

- A person who might receive a letter
- A person suspected in a criminal case
- A person having a bank account
- The person the phone bill is sent to
- An employee of a company using a security access

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 34

Domain Model

• Draw the Domain Model for the following classes and

- A person can work for one or several companies
- A car is owned by a person, a bank, or a company
- Banks give loans to persons for buying cars

Lect. 03: 2014-10-23 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 35
Systems Engineering

Prof.Dr. Thomas Baar

Winter 2014/15

Lect. 04: 2014-10-30 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 1
Today's Topic
Advanced Class Diagrams
So far, we have used for Domain Modeling only basic constructs
of Class Diagrams. Although this fragment of Class Diagrams is
already quite expressive and can model many phenomena, there
are further constructs to be used. Examples for such
constructs are Packages, Generalization and Composition.

Lect. 04: 2014-10-30 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 2
Packages - Structuring Class Models
Problem: Class Diagrams can become very large when they model real

- It might become hard to keep an overview

- Danger: when creating a new class, an already existing class name
might be chosen for the new class
 would contradict rule that class names have to be unique

Lect. 04: 2014-10-30 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 3
Packages - Structuring Class Models
Solution: Distribute all classes across different packages. You can
think of a package as being a folder to place classes.

- Packages have the following properties. They ..

 can contain classes
 can contain other packages (i.e. packages are nested)
 create a namespace: Inside a package, each item (class/package)
must have a unique name

The (full/qualified) name of a class/package is the concatenation of

the full name of the parent package, a delimiter (e.g. "::") and the
(normal/simple) name of the class/package.
Lect. 04: 2014-10-30 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 4
Packages - Structuring Class Models
Classes within Package Nested Package

Full name: event

Full name: event::Contract
Full name: location::company::Contract
Lect. 04: 2014-10-30 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 5
Generalization is a binary relationship between classes.
Semantically, this indicates that all instances/objects of the
subclass have also all attributes/operations of the superclass.
The relationship is indicated by a connecting line with a triangle
at the superclass' line-end.

Generalization Superclass


Lect. 04: 2014-10-30 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 6
Semantics of Generalization
Generalizations express a IS-A-relationsship for the objects of two
connected classes.


is also a Payment-object

Payment Venn-Diagram
Cash- Card- Check-
Payment Payment Payment

Lect. 04: 2014-10-30 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 7

Propose Generalization-Relationsships for

the following Concepts
1) Person - Student - Teacher - ForeignStudent
2) Company - Bank - Manager - Employee - TaxPayer

Which attributes would be useful for each of these


Lect. 04: 2014-10-30 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 8
Abstract Classes
One can declare a class to be abstract.
Semantics/Meaning: Class has no direct instance
Notation: Set the classname in italic or add stereotype <<abstract>>


Cash- Card- Check-

Payment Payment Payment

Lect. 04: 2014-10-30 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 9
Keep Object Type Static!
The type of an object is that class from the class diagram, which the
object is an instance of. Class hierarchies should be modeled in such a
way, that there is no need to change type of an object during the
object's lifecycle.

poor better

Lect. 04: 2014-10-30 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 10
Composition is a stronger form of an association (binary
relationship). It is used to indicate a Container-Element- (or
Whole-Part)-relationship between instances of the connected
classes. A composition is marked by a filled diamond at the
Container-end of the connecting line.

Lect. 04: 2014-10-30 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 11
Composition - Example

"A company consists of

divisions and exactly one
management board (the top
management). During the
lifecycle of a company,
divisions might be added or
closed, but the management
board will remain the same. A
division consists of multiple
working groups (at least one)
and a management board."

Lect. 04: 2014-10-30 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 12
Composition -- Examples
"A company consists of units (at least one). A unit can either be
atomic or it can consists of other units (which are subunits). An
atomic unit is also called ProjectTeam. "

The XOR-constraint is not necessary

here because it is imposed by the two
(a Unit-object must have exactly one
parent, either a Company-o r a

Lect. 04: 2014-10-30 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 13
Constraints for Associations
Multiplicities at association ends constrain the number of links an object can
participate in. Sometimes, however, multiplicities are not expressive enough. In this
cases, one can add further constraints in form of notes.

Syntax: Constraint is formulated a semi-formal text, which is enclosed by curly braces

All constraints are satisfied

Constraint as Note

Constraint for p1-headOf-d1

is broken
Lect. 04: 2014-10-30 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 14
Constraints for Associations
All Constraints are satisfied

Constraint for c1 and c2

is broken
Lect. 04: 2014-10-30 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 15
Derived Associations
• Derived Associations are (as derived attributes) redundant, but
they can improve clearness of a class model
- derived associations are marked with a starting "/"
- a note clarifies how links of derived assocation can be computed
from the current state

Lect. 04: 2014-10-30 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 16
Reification means to model a relationship between objects of two classes
in terms of an additional class. This technique allows to substitute in a
class model an association by a class.

Error (not allowed)

Lect. 04: 2014-10-30 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 17

(Meta-)Modeling Packages and Classes

When class diagrams are used to describe the structure of

a language, we use the term metamodeling.

You should create a class diagram that expresses the usage

of packages (see the beginning of this lecture) and the
relationship between packages to packages/classes (e.g. a
package contains other packages or classes; the qualified
name for a class/package is computed based on the
container package).

Lect. 04: 2014-10-30 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 18

Find Classes, Associations, Attributes

Create a domain model of the 1. Bundesliga (German Soccer League).
Model things like players, teams, matches, stadiums, results, current
leage table, etc. Get an inspiration from the web portal > Sport > Fussball Liveticker

Lect. 04: 2014-10-30 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 19

Graph / Multigraph
Create a Domain Model for ...
• ... Graphs. A Graph consists of nodes and directed
edges. Each edge connects exactly two nodes. Any two
nodes are connected by at most one edge (for each
• ... Multigraphs. A Multigraph is a graph, where any tow
nodes can be connected by an arbitrary number of
edges. Furthermore, edges within a multigraph have a

Lect. 04: 2014-10-30 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 20
Systems Engineering

Prof.Dr. Thomas Baar

Winter 2014/15

Lect. 05: 2014-11-06 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 1
Today's Topic
So far, we have used Domain Modeling for describing facts and
phenomena from different problem domains (sports, university
adminstration, business structure).

Domain Modeling can also be applied to describe the structure of a

language. In this case we prefer the term Metamodeling over (the
less specific) term Domain Modeling. The described languages can
either natural languages (e.g. English, German) or textual technical
languages (e.g. programming languages like C, C++, Java) or graphical
technical languages (e.g., SysML, UML).

A metamodel uncovers the internal structure of a language and can

be of much help when learning a language. Metamodeling became
popular in the 1990ies. Before, the structure of languages was
described by grammars.
Lect. 05: 2014-11-06 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 2
Example: English
Suppose, you had to decide, whether the following sentences
are syntactically correct. How would you do this?
1)I read a book.
2)Tom needs some money.
3)He reads these books.
4)Cats need dogs.
5)This boy wants this girl.
6)These dogs want those cats.
7)This dog want this cat.

Lect. 05: 2014-11-06 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 3
Structure of English Sentences

Subject Predicate

noun phrase noun phrase

noun verb article noun

1) I read a book.

Lect. 05: 2014-11-06 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 4
Structure of English Sentences

Subject Predicate

noun phrase noun phrase

noun verb article noun

2) Tom needs some money.

3rd Person

Lect. 05: 2014-11-06 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 5
Structure of English Sentences

Subject Predicate

noun phrase noun phrase

noun verb article noun

3) He reads these book.


3rd Person Plural

Lect. 05: 2014-11-06 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 6
Structure of English Sentences

Subject Predicate

noun phrase noun phrase

article noun verb article noun

6) These dogs want those cats.

Plural Plural

Lect. 05: 2014-11-06 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 7
Structure of English Sentences

Subject Predicate

noun phrase noun phrase

article noun verb article noun

7) This dog want this cat.

Inconsistency with 3rd Person

Lect. 05: 2014-11-06 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 8

English Grammar Rules

Sufficient to Explain Given Examples
1) A sentence consists of a subject and a predicate.
2)A subject is noun phrase.
3)The predicate consists of a verb and optionally a noun
4) If the noun within the subject is a 3rd-Person-noun,
then the verb within the predicate ends with an 's'
5)A noun phrase consists of an optional article and a noun.
The article and noun must be either both singular or
both plural.
Lect. 05: 2014-11-06 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 9


Create Metamodel for English

Formalize the above rules for the English language in form
of a Domain Model (class model)

Lect. 05: 2014-11-06 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 10
Object Model for Parsed
Sentence (Metamodel-Instance)

Lect. 05: 2014-11-06 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 11
Object Model for Parsed
Sentence (Metamodel-Instance)

Lect. 05: 2014-11-06 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 12
Metamodeling the Syntax of
Class Diagrams
• When metamodeling the syntax of Modeling Languages
(such as Class Diagram) we
- uncover the inner structure of the Modeling Language
- abstract from graphical representations of language
constructs, e.g.
 that a class is represented by an rectangle
 that the class name is put in the first compartment of the
rectangle and the class' attributes in the second
 that multiplicities are placed near the association ends
 ...

Lect. 05: 2014-11-06 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 13
Syntax of Class Diagrams Enumeration

Class Classname Literal

Attributename Attributetype

Multiplicity Association name

Read direction arrow

Association Role name

Lect. 05: 2014-11-06 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 14
(Simplified) Metamodel for Class Diagrams


Lect. 05: 2014-11-06 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 15
Representing a Class Diagram as MM-Instance

Lect. 05: 2014-11-06 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 16

Representing a Class Diagram as MM-Instance

Lect. 05: 2014-11-06 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 17
Excerpt from Offical Metamodel for Class Diagrams(UML 1.4)

Lect. 05: 2014-11-06 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 18
Excerpt from Offical Metamodel for Class Diagrams(UML 1.4)

Lect. 05: 2014-11-06 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 19
Syntax of Object Diagrams
class (aka
type of object)

object identity
Object identity
(attributename = value)

Lect. 05: 2014-11-06 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 20

Metamodel of Object Diagram

Create a (simplified) metamodel for Object Diagrams.

Lect. 05: 2014-11-06 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 21

Metamodel of Floor Plan

Create a metamodel for Floor Plan Diagrams.

Lect. 05: 2014-11-06 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 22
Systems Engineering

Prof.Dr. Thomas Baar

Winter 2014/15

Lect. 06: 2014-11-13 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 1
Today's Topic
Problem: Systems interact with their environment by (1) consuming input
signals (e.g. press a button) and by (2) generating output signals (e.g. switch
on a light). The mapping INPUT -> OUTPUT is in most cases not a static
function ( f(i) = o ). Rather, the generated output depends not only on the
input but also on the current state of the system. Unfortunately, neither
pure mathematical concepts (like sets, functions) nor pure informal
descriptions in natural language are appropriate to describe this input-

Lösung: Statediagrams offer useful concepts (Event, State, Transition, ...),

in order to describe the Input-/Output-Behaviour of systems in a compact
but precise way.

Lect. 06: 2014-11-13 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 2
• Martin Fowler: UML Distilled.

Lect. 06: 2014-11-13 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 3
History of State-Diagrams
• In Computer Science, the state automaton is a very old and proven
- By consuming an input signal, the automaton can switch to a new state
 state change can cause an output signal
• David Harel, Professor at Weizman Institute (Israel) has added in the
80ies many useful concepts to classic state automata and called the
resulting formalism State Charts . The added concepts are:

- Hierarchical States

- Concurrent States

- Conditions for State Transitions

- (History States)
• State Diagrams are heavily influenced by State Charts

Lect. 06: 2014-11-13 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 4
Example Digital Watch–
Informal Description
• 2 Modes
- Display the current time
- Set the watch
 Done via

Press Button 1: choose which of
the time's constituents (hour,
minute, second) is set

Press Button 2: Increase the
value of the selected
constituent by 1
Lect. 06: 2014-11-13 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 5
Example Digital Watch–
Model 1
Initial State Aktion


Lect. 06: 2014-11-13 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 6
Example Digital Watch–
Model 1
• States:
- "Time Displayed", "Adjust Hours", "Adjust
Minutes","Adjust Seconds"
• Events:
- "pressBtn1", "pressBtn1"
• Actions:
- none (only explicit state changes)
• State Variables
- "hours", "minutes", "seconds"
Lect. 06: 2014-11-13 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 7
Example Digital Watch–
Model 2

More Detailed than

Model 1

Lect. 06: 2014-11-13 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 8
Example Digital Watch–
Model 1 2
• States:
- "Time Displayed", "Adjust Hours", "Adjust Minutes","Adjust
• Events:
- "pressBtn1", "pressBtn1"
• Actions:
- none (only explicit state changes)
• State Variables
- "hours", "minutes", "seconds"
- "flashingH", "flashingM", "flashingS"
Lect. 06: 2014-11-13 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 9
Example Digital Watch–
Model 3

Same Behaviour as Model 2

but with entry/exit actions

Lect. 06: 2014-11-13 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 10
Example ParkingTicketMachine


Same event at
transitions starting
in same state

Lect. 06: 2014-11-13 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 11
Syntax of State Diagrams

Final State
Lect. 06: 2014-11-13 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 12
• Always finite number of states
• Represents abstraction for different behaviour of the system
wrt. input signals
• During system execution, there is always one "active" state
• Initial State
- Represents start of the system
- No (!) incoming transitions
- Outgoing transitions always without event
• Finale State
- Represents end of system execution
- No outgoing transitions
Lect. 06: 2014-11-13 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 13

Event Types:
- Receiving of a message (e.g. button pressed, card
- Time event
 after(4Sec)
- Entry/exit – Events for entering/leaving a state

Lect. 06: 2014-11-13 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 14
• State change from Pre-State to Post-State
• Transition "fires" if
- Pre-State of transition is active state of system
- und Annotated Event occurred
- und Annotated Condition (Guard) holds in active state
• Fired Transition causes
- change of active system state Pre-State -> Post-State
- execution of annotated actions

Lect. 06: 2014-11-13 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 15
• Represents observable behaviour
- Sending a message to the environment
- Updating system variables
• Triggered by transition execution

Lect. 06: 2014-11-13 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 16
Simulation of Entry-/Exit-Actions

both are equivalent

SU XX: XX.XX.14 T.Baar: Systems Engineering XXXX, HTW Berlin 17


States of a Door
• Please formalize the following informal statements in form of a

- One can open and close the door

- One can lock and unlock the door
- A door can only be locked when it is closed
- A locked door cannot be opened

initially the door is open

Lect. 06: 2014-11-13 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 18

Theater Tickets
• Please formalize the following informal statements in form of a

- A Ticket is always sold as a single ticket. There is a fixed number

of tickets available.
- Tickets for the theater can be bought in advance or at the
evening box-office.
- Only tickets bought in advance can be given back. They have to
be given back before the evening box-office opens.
- There is a fixed number of tickets that can be sold in advanced
(this number is less than the number of available tickets).

SU XX: XX.XX.14 T.Baar: Systems Engineering XXXX, HTW Berlin 19


Theater Tickets
• Please formalize the following informal statements in form of a

- A Ticket is always sold as a single ticket. There is a fixed number

of tickets available.
- Tickets for the theater can be bought in advance or at the
evening box-office.
- Only tickets bought in advance can be given back. They have to
be given back before the evening box-office opens.
- There is a fixed number of tickets that can be sold in advanced
(this number is less than the number of available tickets).
Create a MM of State Diagram- HMWK II

Lect. 06: 2014-11-13 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 20
Systems Engineering

Prof.Dr. Thomas Baar

Winter 2014/15

Lect. 08: 2014-11-27 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 1
Hierarchical State
Hierarchical States contain other states, which react on
(some) events the same way. Hierarchical States can be of
great help to simplify State-Diagrams.

Hierarchical states can be used as start- and end-points of transitions.

These transitions can be read as abbreviations for transitions from/to the
contained sub-states. More precisely:
• An incoming transition
- Abbreviation for transition to that sub-state, which is an initial state
• An outgoing transition
- Abbreviation for all transitions from all sub-states (except initial and final
states) to end-state of transition
Lect. 08: 2014-11-27 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 2
Hierarchical State
Hierarchical State

is equivalent to

Lect. 08: 2014-11-27 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 3
Game with Markers
Which state is reached after input sequence of events?

• In which state are both systems after ...

- ade ; ahb ; aacf ; aaddeech

Lect. 08: 2014-11-27 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 4

States of a Door
• Please formalize the following informal statements in form of a State-Diagram:

- One can open and close the door

- One can lock and unlock the door

- A door can only be locked when it is closed

- A locked door cannot be opened

- Initially, the door is open

• Solve this problem using a state diagram, which has a Hierarchical State.

Lect. 08: 2014-11-27 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 5
Using State-Diagrams to Control (the State of)
Other Objects
So far, we encoded the whole system as a State-Diagram (including variables to
store some values). Let's point out input (events), output (actions) and internal

(here shown
as attributes)

Operations show
on which events
an object can react
Lect. 08: 2014-11-27 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 6
Using State-Diagrams to Control (the State of)
Other Objects


Lect. 08: 2014-11-27 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 7
Using State-Diagrams to Control
(the State of) Other Objects
The outgoing actions were without any effect, so far. However, the
outgoing actions can be the input event for another system.

Lect. 08: 2014-11-27 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 8
Using State-Diagrams to Control
(the State of) Other Objects
Please identify input (events), output (actions) and internal variables:

Lect. 08: 2014-11-27 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 9
Using State-Diagrams to Control
(the State of) Other Objects
Please identify input (events), output (actions) and internal variables:

Lect. 08: 2014-11-27 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 10
Using State-Diagrams to Control
(the State of) Other Objects
Connecting Controller with Controlled-Object

Lect. 08: 2014-11-27 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 11
Using State-Diagrams to Control
(the State of) Other Objects
Please identify input (events), output (actions) and internal variables:

Lect. 08: 2014-11-27 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 12

Theater Tickets
• Change the solution for the homework 'Theater Tickets' in such a
way, that also Hierarchical States are used in a meaningful way. Do
you think that the new model is now more readable?

Lect. 08: 2014-11-27 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 13
Systems Engineering

Prof.Dr. Thomas Baar

Winter 2014/15

Lect. 09: 2014-12-04 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 1
Determinism vs. Non-Determinism

Lect. 09: 2014-12-04 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 2
Deterministic vs. Non-Deterministic
- Whenever an event occurs and multiple transitions could fire, the
machine can decide which transition to take
- Structural Criterion: Outgoing transitions annotated with the same
event do have disjunct guards
- Normally, one is interested in deterministic State-Diagrams

- There is at least one combination of state and event, so that
multiple post-states are possible.

Non-deterministic State-Diagrams indicate a very high

level of modeling abstraction.
Lect. 09: 2014-12-04 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 3
Example Non-Determinism

On occurence of 'b', there
is no unique post state

Lect. 09: 2014-12-04 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 4
Resolving Non-Determinism --
1) Explicit Guards

Resolving Indeterminism:
Guard is added with disjunct

Lect. 09: 2014-12-04 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 5
Resolving Non-Determinism --
2) Refinement of State

Resolving Non-Determinism:
Pre-State is refined by
Hierarchical State

Lect. 09: 2014-12-04 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 6

Online Banking Account:

• Please formalize the following informal statements in form of a
Before the bank client can use an online banking account, the bank
has to unlock his account. After this, the bank client can login in
order to use all the features of the account. However, after the
client provides three times a wrong password when making the
attempt to login, the bank locks the account. In this case, the bank
client has to go and see bank employees in order to ask to unlock
the account again.
After successful login, the bank client can use the features 'Display
Account's Balance' and 'Money Transfer' as often as he wishes. If
the client does not make any input for 10 minutes, the client is
logged out automatically. He can also log out by himself at any time
he wishes.
Lect. 09: 2014-12-04 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 7
Choice - Construct
When there are multiple outgoing transitions from a pre-state with the
same event, then there must be excluding(disjunct) guards annotated to
the transitions to make the State-Diagram deterministic.

The Choice-Construct is a shorthand notation for this case. It can have

one outgoing transition without any guard - this is taken as default when
all guards on the other outgoing transition are evaluated to false.
Excluding (disjunct) guards
make state-diagram deterministic

Choice Construct

Default Outgoing

Lect. 09: 2014-12-04 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 8
Parallel Composition

Lect. 09: 2014-12-04 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 9
Parallel Composition
• Parallel Composition is the besides Hierarchical States the 2nd
form of state composition
• A Parallel (Composed) State consists of so-called Regions.

- Semantics: When the Parallel State is entered (i.e. when it

becomes the active state), all regions of it are activated in
parallel. Each region can consume events independently from
other regions. When the same event triggers multiple
transitions in multiple regions, then all these transitions are
fired simultaneously.

Lect. 09: 2014-12-04 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 10
Parallel Composition

Parallel State

Incoming transitions of the

Parallel State activate start
state of each region

Each region changes its active

state when an event for a
"waiting" transition occurs and
the transition's guard is true


Lect. 09: 2014-12-04 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 11
Parallel Composition

When outgoing transitions fire,

then all regions are deactivated

Outgoing Transition

Lect. 09: 2014-12-04 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 12
Parallel Composition

Often, one wants to model that

the Parallel State is left
whenever all its subregions
reach their final state.
Unfortunately, Yakindu does not
support final states (with the
usual semantics) within regions.
However, one can use a
Synchronization Bar to achieve
exactly the behaviour described
above. The event 'always' is
predefined in Yakindu and means
to fire the annotated transition
Synchronization Bar whenever possible.

Lect. 09: 2014-12-04 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 13
Example Parallel Composition

Lect. 09: 2014-12-04 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 14

States of a Door and Window

• Please formalize the following informal statements in form of a

- One can open and close the door

- One can open and close the window
- One can lock and unlock the door
- A door can only be locked when it is closed
- A locked door cannot be opened
- Initially, the door and the window are open

Lect. 09: 2014-12-04 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 15
Systems Engineering

Prof.Dr. Thomas Baar

Winter 2014/15

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 1
Today's Topic
Formal Grammars
In the past, we have seen metamodeling mainly as a technique to describe
the structure of technical languages, such as Class Diagrams or State
Diagrams. Often, these languages have a graphical syntax.

However, as the example of the metamodel for the English language has
shown us, metamodeling can also be applied for textual languages.

Traditionally, the internal structure of textual languages is specified by

formal grammars, or grammars for short. In this lecture, we will learn about
the main features of grammars, how to define them, and how grammars can
be applied to define textual languages.

There is a close relationship between grammars and metamodels and we will

discuss the link between both. Technical languages, which usually have a
graphical syntax (such as Class Diagrams), can usually also be defined with a
textual syntax using a grammar.
Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 2
• XText Documentation:

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 3
EBNF - The Traditional Form to
define Formal Grammars
• EBNF - Extended Backus-Naur-Form
- formalism to specify formal grammars
• Became fundamentally important in Computer Science
(CS), because CS deals with many textual technical
languages, e.g.
- programming languages such as FORTRAN, PASCAL, C++,
Java, ...
- input languages, e.g. in Excel
 Example: compute the content of a cell (e.g.
= SUM(A19, A22))
Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 4
EBNF - Extended Backus-Naur-Form
• John W. Backus (1924 – 2007)

- US Computer Pioneer
- Head of IBM's development team for
 Developed FORTRAN-Compiler
1954 – 57
 Invented the Backus-Form to define Source: Wikipedia

structure (syntax) of FORTRAN

- Turing-Award in 1977

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 5
EBNF - Extended Backus-Naur-Form
• Peter Naur (1928 - )

- Danish Computer Science Pioneer

- Worked on programming language Algo-60
and refined the Backus-Form for syntax
definition to what we know today as
Backus-Naur-Form (BNF)

- Turing-Award 2005
Source: Wikipedia

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 6
EBNF - Extended Backus-Naur-Form
• is formalism to define a grammar
- Grammar defines the syntax of textual languages
- Grammar is the basis to decide, whether a given text (e.g.
"Cats need dogs.") is a syntactically correct sentence of the
language. The process of checking the correctness is called
• Grammar consists of
- Set of (Deriviation)Rules: LHS : RHS
 LHS/RHS – Left-Hand Side/Right-Hand Side
 LHS is a Non-Terminal Symbol
 RHS is made of Non-Terminal and Terminal Symbols
Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 7
Non-Terminal Symbol EBNF – Example Terminal Symbol

digit : "0"|"1"|"2"|"3"|"4"|"5"|"6"|"7"|"8"|"9"

num : digit + Operators, e.g. | * +

char : "a"|"b"|...|"z"|"A"|"B"|...|"Z"

name : char (char | digit)*

factor : num |name

term : factor mulop factor

Derivation rule of form
exp : term addop term

mulop : "*" | "/"

addop : "+" | "-"

Start-Symbol is exp
Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 8
• Terminal Symbol – such as "CREATE", "a", "4"
- Atomic part of a sentence

- Quotes (" or ') are used in the language to mark a symbol as terminal symbol
• Non-Terminal Symbol – such as name

- Occurs always as LHS in ONE rule

- Represents a part of a text, which has a structure according to the RHS of the
• (Derivation)Rule – digit : "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"

- Meaning: LHS can be substituted by RSH

• Startsymbol – exp

- one Non-Terminal Symbol to start the deriviation when parsing a concrete


Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 9
EBNF - Operators
• Sequence X Y
- Meaning: Representation of (Non-Terminal or
Terminal Symbol) Y follows directly after
representation of X
 The representations of X and Y are separated by a
whitespace-character (' ' or tabulator or new line)

Example: A : "x" "y" "z"

 Possible derivation: x y z

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 10
EBNF - Operators
• Alternative X | Y
- Meaning: Either (represention of) X or
(representation) of Y

Example: A : "0" | "1" | "2"

 Possible Derivations: 0 or 1 or 2

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 11
EBNF - Operators
• (mandatory) Repetition X +
- Meaning: (presentation of) X repeated as many
times as necessary, but at least once
 Remark: (Some) Dialects of EBNF use curly braces
{ X } instead of X +

Example: A : "1"+
 Possible Derivations are 1 or 11 or 111 or ...

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 12
EBNF - Operators
• (non-mandatory) Repetition X *
- Meaning: (presentation of) X repeated as many
times as necessary; represent perhaps also
empty input

Example: A : "1"*
 Possible Derivations are (empty) or 1 or 11 or 111 or
Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 13
EBNF - Operators
• Optional Occurrence X ?
- Meaning: empty input or (representation of) X
 Remark: (Some) Dialects of EBNF use square brackets
( [ X ] ) instead of X ?

Example: A : "x" "y"? "z"

 Possible Derivation: xyz or xz

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 14
EBNF - Operators
• Grouping ( X Y )
- Meaning: Groups the enclosed part (here symbols
X, Y) together; Operators put on () apply to what
is enclosed

Example: A : "x" ( "y" | "a")* "z"

 Possible Derivations: xz or xyz or xaz or xyya or xyaz
or xayz or xaaz or ...

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 15
Definining Grammars with XText

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 16
• Open-Source Eclipse-Plugin
- Installation:
 Download installation package (Full Eclipse) from
 Create a new folder on your machine
 Unzip the downloaded file into this folder
• same authors as Yakindu-Plugin (we used for
drawing state diagrams)

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 17
Usage of XText
• Create an XText-Project ( File > New > Other ... > XText
> Xtext Project )

- Provide Project- and Language-Name

- Extension: File-Extension of those files, that should later be parsed
by this grammar
• Edit the grammar (file with extension .xtext)
- this file is automatically opened; a toy grammar is presented as
 Right-click in .xtext-editor and choose Run As >
Generate XText Artifacts to generate the so-called
language infrastructure (editors, parsers, etc.)
!!!Attention!!! If a red question in the console shows up, press 'y' and
Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 18

Usage of XText
• Right-click in the Project Explorer on that project, in which
the .xtext-file is located and press Run As > Eclipse
- This will start another Eclipse
• (In the New Eclipse) Create a project via File > New >
Project > General > Project
- Provide Project-Name
• (In the New Eclipse) Create a file in the newly created project by
right-click on the project and by choosing New > File
- the file-name should have the same file-extension as the one you
defined when defining the grammar (for the toy language: .mydsl)
 During opening this file, you should get a dialog asking whether your project
should use the NATURE you defined by the grammar
Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 19
Grammar Constructs in XText
Lexical Elements:
- '0'..'9' (range) - any character within the range
- . (dot) - any character
- '/*' -> '*/' (until) - all characters until the following
char sequence (aka token, here '*/') occurs
- '#'(!'#')* '#' (negation) - all characters that are
different (here from '#')
- EOF (end of file) - the token representing a file end
(cannot be negated)
Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 20
Grammar Constructs in XText
• Parsing rules
- always finished by a semicolon (;)
- variables to store subexpression of RHS
 State : 'state' name=ID 'end'

what has be represented by ID is stored in variable name
– any variable name can be used
– variable name has a special meaning
 assignment operators for variables: +=, ?=, =

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 21
Grammar Constructs in XText
Parsing rules
- CrossReferences
 refer to other elements in the sentence

referred element seems to be a rule, but is actually a type (which
coincide in many cases with the rule)

 marked by '[' ']'

Transition: event=[Event] '=>' state=[State]

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 22
Example English Language

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 23
Example: English
Suppose, you had to decide, whether the following sentences
are syntactically correct. How would you do this?
1)I read a book.
2)Tom needs some money.
3)He reads these books.
4)Cats need dogs.
5)This boy wants this girl.
6)These dogs want those cats.
7)This dog want this cat.

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 24
Structure of English Sentences

Subject Predicate

noun phrase noun phrase

noun verb article noun

1) I read a book.

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 25
Structure of English Sentences

Subject Predicate

noun phrase noun phrase

noun verb article noun

2) Tom needs some money.

3rd Person

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 26
Structure of English Sentences

Subject Predicate

noun phrase noun phrase

noun verb article noun

3) He reads these books.

3rd Person Plural

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 27
Structure of English Sentences

Subject Predicate

noun phrase noun phrase

article noun verb article noun

6) These dogs want those cats.

Plural Plural

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 28
Structure of English Sentences

Subject Predicate

noun phrase noun phrase

article noun verb article noun

7) This dog want this cat.

Inconsistency with 3rd Person

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 29

English Grammar Rules

Sufficient to Explain Given Examples
1) A sentence consists of a subject and a predicate.
2)A subject is noun phrase.
3)The predicate consists of a verb and optionally a noun
4) If the noun within the subject is a 3rd-Person-noun,
then the verb within the predicate ends with an 's'
5)A noun phrase consists of an optional article and a noun.
The article and noun must be either both singular or
both plural.
Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 30

Simplified English Grammar Rules

1) A sentence consists of a subject and a predicate.
2)A subject is noun phrase.
3)The predicate consists of a verb and optionally a noun
4) If the noun within the subject is a 3rd-Person-noun,
then the verb within the predicate ends with an 's'
5)A noun phrase consists of an optional article and a noun.
The article and noun must be either both singular or
both plural.
Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 31

Grammar for English

• Formalize the above Simplied Rules (non-
gray) in form of grammar rules.

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 32
Metamodeling and Grammar
Grammars can be mapped (at least partially) to metamodels. If we know the
metamodel of a language, it is often straightforward to define a
corresponding grammar.

digit : "0"|"1"|"2"|"3"|"4"|"5"|"6"|"7"|"8"|"9"

num : digit +

char : "a"|"b"|...|"z"|"A"|"B"|...|"Z"

name : char (char | digit)*

factor : num |name

term : factor mulop factor

exp : term addop term

mulop : "*" | "/"

addop : "+" | "-"

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 33

Metamodel vs. Grammar for English

• Which metamodel would correspond to the

above grammar of English?

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 34

Metamodel vs. Grammar for Class Diagram

• Define a grammar that reflects the following

metamodel for class diagrams:

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 35

Metamodel vs. Grammar for State Diagram

• Define a grammar that reflects the following
metamodel for state diagrams:

Lect. 10: 2014-12-11 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 36
Systems Engineering

Prof.Dr. Thomas Baar

Winter 2014/15

Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 1

Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 2
Today's Topic
Use Case Model
Problem: At the very beginning of a project, the customer has
only a rough idea what the system under development (SuD) is
supposed to do and who will use the system.
Use Case (UC) modeling is a technique to express the desired
behavior (i.e. functional requirements for SuD) in a structured
way. After the UC model has been developed, both customer
and system developer have a clear and common(!) idea on the
purpose, possible users, and desired behavior of the SuD.

Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 3
Ivar Jacobson:
Use cases - Yesterday, today, and tomorrow; In Journal on
Software and Systems Modeling, 3:210-220, 2004.
• Interesting notes on the history of use cases

Alistair Cockburn:
Writing Effective Use Cases; Addison-Wesley, 2001.
• Most influential book on the art to formulate use cases

Kurt Bittner, Ian Spence:

Use Case Modeling; Addison-Wesley, 2003.
Many real-world examples

Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 4
Introductory Example
Money Machine (aka Automated Teller Machine (ATM))

How can the functionality of this

system be specified?

Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 5
Introductory Example
Money Machine (aka Automated Teller Machine (ATM))

Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 6
Use Case Model - Diagrammatic Part
Subject Boundary (system, subsystem)

Use Case Automated Teller Machine (ATM)


WithdrawCash «actor»
Customer BankSystem



Role Name

Role Name MaintainATM

Actor – Use Case communication

Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 7
Use Case Model - Diagrammatic Part

The diagrammatic part gives an overview on the desired context of the subject and
interactions between users and subject. UC diagram identifies the desired
functionality (use cases) including all involved actors.

Use Case – represents interaction between actors and subject, UCs are
labeled with the goal of the primary actor

Actor – Primary Actor: uses the subject and tries to achieve a certain goal

Secondary Actor: is used by the subject

Subject boundary – identifies the border between subject and its

Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 8
Use Cases
A Use Case describes how an actor uses the system to do something
important, i.e. to achieve a certain goal.

• UCs must be uncovered early (just after the start of a project)

- engineers should interview users and other stakeholders

- choose the right granularity (rule of thumb: < 40)

• A full Use Case consists of two parts:

- Diagrammatic part shows only label of use case

 label should indicate the goal of the primary actor
- Textual part describes how actors and system interact
 flow of events that is necessary to achieve the goal of primary actor
Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 9
Use Case -- Labels
• Labels should identify goal of actor

- Active verb phrase ( WithdrawCash, DepositMoney, ... )

- goals are formulated in user's language and not at system level

Technical Language
User's Language (System Level)

 "Ensure consisting formatting of a  "Define a style, apply a style, change a

document" style"
 "Format two files with the same  "Import a style"

Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 10
Automated Teller Machine (ATM)

WithdrawCash «actor»
Customer BankSystem

Represent users interacting with DepositMoney


the subject in a certain role ServicePerson

Typical roles are: MaintainATM

 Customer, Caller, Callee

 Manager, Trader, Administrator, SalesRepresentative
 ServicePerson, Cashier, SupportEngineer
 BillingSystem, BankingSystem

• Can be a person, groups of persons or an (external) system

- Even System under Development (SuD) can have goals and is

seen as an actor

Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 11
Automated Teller Machine (ATM)

WithdrawCash «actor»
Customer BankSystem

Represent users interacting with DepositMoney


the subject in a certain role ServicePerson


• The same user may play multiple roles

- Don't mix actor names with job titles of involved persons!

• Can be categorized into two groups:

- Primary Actor: Actor with goal on system

- Secondary (Supporting) Actor: Actor used by system

Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 12
Actors and Goals
A high number of actors simplifies the finding of use cases.

G enerateS oftwareK eys MaintainDiaries

HandleC ustomerQueries E nterC ustomerOrders


G enerateS oftwareK eys MaintainDiaries

HandleC ustomerQueries E nterC ustomerOrders

SupportManager TeamManager OrderAdministrator

Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 13
Layout of Diagrammatic Part
Automated Teller Machine (ATM)

WithdrawCash «actor»
Customer BankSystem




Computer system
actors are not shown
in stickman notation

Primary actors on the left and secondary actors on the right

Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 14
Use Case Model –Textual Part
UC-Descriptions (aka. Stories, Scenarios)
• Story – flow of events showing an interaction between user and subject

• The textual part provides 90% (!) of the UC value

• Events can

- be triggered by user actions

 Customer inserts card, Caller lifts telephone receiver
- be caused by system response
 System checks PIN, System asks BackupSystem
- be time-triggered (At the end of month...)
• Stories have

- basic flow ("Happy Day Scenario"),

- alternative flows
 optional behavior or exceptions/errors
Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 15

Story - Example
DepositCash (basic flow)

1) The Customer inserts the bank card into the ATM and enters the Personal
Identification Number (PIN).

2) The System validates the PIN and queries BankSystem to validate the Customer’s

3) The Customer indicates the wish to deposit cash and inserts all banknotes for deposit.

4) The System checks the banknotes and notifies the overall amount of inserted money.

5) The Customer approves the amount.

6) The System informs the BankingSystem to book the amount on the Customer’s

7) The System ejects the card.

8) The Customer takes the card.

9) The use case ends.

Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 16
Story – General Structure
1) The primary actor sends request and data to the

2) The system validates the request and the data

3) The system alters its internal state

4) The system replies to the actor with the result

Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 17
Use Case Models -- Practice
UC models ...
• are developed at the very beginning of a project
• have to be complemented by other artifacts

- Glossary with informal description of domain terminology

- Domain Model
• allow effective communication among all stakeholders
• help to understand and to communicate the goals of the stakeholders

- Ask yourself: Is this goal fully intended? Are there alternatives?

• allow simplistic/abstract view on the system
• are never perfect

- use cases are corrected/refined in later phases of system

Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 18
• Describes the main entities of the problem domain

• Is written in informal style

• Helps to avoid lengthy descriptions

• Helps to avoid redundant information

- define a technical term once and use it at various
Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 19
Glossary -- Example
• Log:
A permanent record used to prevent against data
loss in the event of a subsequent system failure.
The log contains the following information for
each transaction:
 The identifier, date, and time of the transaction
 The location of the ATM
 The Customer's bank number
 The type of transaction
 The amount of the transaction
Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 20
Glossary -- Example
• Personal Identification Number (PIN):
An identification number, chosen by the Customer,
used in conjunction with the card for security
purposes. The PIN can be up to 6 numbers in length
and must not include an repeated digits. A PIN is
used to verify the identity of the Customer by
asking the Customer to reenter the PIN; when the
Customer enters the same number as the PIN stored
on the card, the Customer's identity is considered
Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 21
UC Description - How to Formulate
Clear and consistent writing style makes both reading and writing
easier and more enjoyable.

• Use Simple Grammar: Subject + Verb + Object + PrepositionalPhrase

- Subject: actor/system who is controlling the action (who has the ball)
 The System deducts the amount from the account balance.
• Show clearly "Who has the ball“

- A scenario is similar to a group of children (actors/system) kicking the ball

(message/data passed from actor to actor).
 The Customer takes the card.
• Write from a Bird's Eye View

- Don't fall into the trap to take only the system's perspective.
 The Customer puts card and PIN into the ATM. 
 Get ATM card and PIN. 
Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 22
UC Description - How to Formulate
• Show the process moving forward
- Find the right granularity for events.
- Ask "Why is the actor doing that?"
- Cockburn: Good main scenarios don't have more than 9 steps.
 User enters name and address. 
 User hits tab key. 

• Show the actor's intent, not the movement

- Don't pollute the use case with your current idea of the user
 1. User enters name and address. 
1. System asks for name.


 2. User enters name.

 3. System prompts for address.
 4. User enters address and clicks "OK".
Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 23
UC Description - How to Formulate
One step in reality is one step in description
 1. The Customer enters the order number.
 2. The System detects that it matches the winning number of the
 3. The System registers the Customer and order number as the
month's winner, and sends an email to the SalesManager.
 4. The System congratulates the Customer and gives them instructions
on how to collect the prize.

Instead of
 1. The Customer enters the order number. The System detects that it
matches the winning number of the month. The System registers the
Customer and order number as the month's winner, and sends an email
to the SalesManager. The System congratulates the Customer and
gives them instructions on how to collect the prize.
Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 24
UC Description - How to Formulate
'Validate' instead of 'Check Whether'
- If the system has to verify something, 'check' is a poor word
 Does not move the process forward
 You always had to write later "If the check passes..." "If the check
 Better words to use: 'establish', 'validate', 'ensure', 'verify'

1. The System validates that the password is correct.

2. The System asks the Database for User's profile.

Instead of
1. The System checks whether the password is correct.
2. If it is, the System asks the Database for User's profile.
Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 25
UC Description - How to Formulate
'Validate' instead of 'Check Whether'

If the system has to verify something, 'check' is a poor word
– Does not move the process forward

You always had to write later "If the check passes..." "If the check
• Better words to use: 'establish', 'validate', 'ensure', 'verify'
 1. The System validates that the password is correct.
 2. The System asks the Database for User's profile.
Instead of
 1. The System checks whether the password is correct.
 2. If it is, the System asks the Database for User's profile.

Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 26
UC Description - How to Formulate
Idiom "Do Steps x - y until Condition"

- Occasionally, one step or group of steps should be repeated. This can

be expressed in the step itself or in form of meta information.
The User selects one or more products.
The User searches through various product catalogs until he finds the one he
wants to use.

1. The Customer supplies either account identifier or name and address.

2. System brings up the Customer's preference information.
3. Customer selects an item to buy, marks it for purchase.
4. System adds the item to the Customer's "shopping cart."

Customer repeats steps 3-4 until indicating that s/he is done.

5. Customer purchases the items in the shopping cart.
Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 27
UC Description - How to Formulate
• Prevent 'should'/'could' that make sentence weaker

- Keep in mind you describe the solution.

The System validates the amount entered.

Instead of

The amount entered should be validated by the System.

• Be precise

- Avoid vague terminology like 'very', 'more', 'rather', 'appropriate',

'relevant', 'sufficient'.
• Write in present tense

- Avoid 'will do'/'shall do' what is often found in other requirement

• 'if' only in meaning "if cond then action else skip"

- Flow expresses linear sequence of actions

- Branches for conditionals are explored using extensions

Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 28

Story – Example WithdrawCash

• Explain why the UC description given below has some deficiencies. Which important
information are missing? How would you rephrase the text?

WithdrawCash (basic flow)

1) The use case starts when the Customer inserts the bank card.

2) The system reads the card and requests the Customer to enter the Personal
Identification Number(PIN).

3) The system presents a menu of choices.

4) The Customer indicates the wish to withdraw cash.

5) The system requests the amount to be dispensed and the Customer shall enter
the amount.

6) The desired amount of cash is dispensed and card is ejected.

7) The Customer will take the cash and card.

8) The use case ends.

Lect. 12: 2015-01-08 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 29
Systems Engineering

Prof.Dr. Thomas Baar

Winter 2014/15

Lect. 13: 2015-01-15 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 1
Today's Topic
Advanced Use Case Modeling
The last lecture has introduced the most basic elements for
use case modeling: Actor, subject (system), use case, flow of
events, ‘Happy Day Scenario’.

Today, a new element is introduced that makes use case

descriptions more expressive: Alternative flows allow to
specify the behavior of the system in exceptional or abnormal
situations. Alternative flows are formulated as an Extension to
the Happy Day Scenario.

Lect. 13: 2015-01-15 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 2
Template for Use Case Descriptions
Use case descriptions are often formulated in a semi-formal way. We use
the following template:

Use Case: Name of the use case.

Brief Description: A summary of the use case.
Primary Actor: The actor who triggers the use case.
Main Success Scenario: The description of the normal, expected
path through the use case (path taken by most of the users most of
the time).
Extensions: Description of variant or optional behavior as part of
the flow of events. They are defined relative to the use case's main
success scenario.

Lect. 13: 2015-01-15 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 3
Example: BuyDrink
Use Case: Buy Drink

Brief Description: The Consumer wants to buy a drink from the drink
vending machine. This involves the exchange of a certain amount of money
for a drink.

Primary Actor: Consumer

Main Success Scenario:

 1. Consumer introduces a coin into the machine.
Step 1 can be repeated as many times as the Consumer wishes.
 2. Consumer selects a drink.
 3. System validates that there are sufficient funds for the selection
and takes the specified amount of money (returning the excess amount
of money to Consumer).
 4. System dispenses drink.
 5. Consumer obtains drink from machine.
 6. Use Case ends.
Lect. 13: 2015-01-15 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 4
Example: BuyDrink
 (1-2)a. Consumer requests ejection of money.
(1-2)a.1. System ejects money.
(1-2)a.3. Use Case ends in failure.

 1||b. DVM is out of order:

1||b.1. System releases inserted coins.
1||b.2. Use Case ends in failure.

 3a. System determines that there are insufficient funds for the
3a.1. System informs Consumer.
3a.2. Use Case continues at step 1 or 2.

Lect. 13: 2015-01-15 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 5
Example: BuyDrink
 4a. System determines that there are no drinks left in that
4a.1. System informs Consumer.
4a.2. Use Case continues at step 1 or 2.

 5||a. Money Box informs System that it is full:

5||a.1. System informs Consumer that it is out of order*.
5||a.2. Use Case ends.
- * The System stays out of order until reset by a Service Person.

Lect. 13: 2015-01-15 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 6
Example: Authenticate
Use Case: AuthenticateCustomer

Brief Description: The Customer wants to identify him/herself to the

System. A project constraint states that identification is made with a card
and a personal identification number (PIN). The System uses the service of
a Bank Authentication Server (BAS) to verify PIN.

Primary Actor: Customer

Main Success Scenario:

 1. Customer inserts card; System reads card details*.
 2. System validates card type.
 3. Customer provides PIN to System.
 4. System requests BAS to verify identification information*.
 5. BAS informs System that identification information is valid, and
System informs Customer.
5.5 system informs customer
 6. Use case ends.
* -- technical terminology is explained in the glossary
Lect. 13: 2015-01-15 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 7
Example: Authenticate
 (1-5)a. (at any time) Customer cancels the authentication process.
1-5.5 (1-5)a.1. System ejects the card.
(1-5)a.2. Use case ends in failure.

 1||b. System is out of service:

1||b.1. System ejects the card and informs the Customer that it is
currently out of service.
1||b.2. Use case ends in failure.

 2b. System ascertains that card type is unknown.

2b.1. The System informs the Customer about unknown card type
and ejects the card;
2b.2. Use case ends in failure.

Lect. 13: 2015-01-15 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 8
Example: Authenticate
 3b. System times out on waiting for Customer to provide PIN.
3b.1. System ejects the card.
3b.2 Use case ends in failure.

 5b. BAS informs System that password is incorrect.

5b.1. System informs Customer and prompts him/her to
5b.2. Use case continues at step 3.

5b.1a. System ascertains that Customer entered an incorrect

PIN for the third time.
– 5b.1a.1. System swallows card and informs Customer to
see Bank for further details.
– 5b.1a.2. Use case ends in failure.
Lect. 13: 2015-01-15 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 9
Example: Authenticate
 5c. BAS informs System that card information is invalid.
5c.1. System informs Customer and ejects the card.
5c.2. Use case ends in failure.

 5d. System times out on waiting for response from BAS.

5d.1. System informs Customer that it is now out of
service and ejects the card.
5d.2. Use case ends in failure.

Lect. 13: 2015-01-15 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 10
Bird’s Eye View on Scenarios
Use Case starts

Happy Day Szenario

- State

- Event


Use Case ends Use Case

with success fails

Lect. 13: 2015-01-15 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 11
Success and Failure
A use case is usually described by both
successful and unsuccessful scenarios.
Success Scenario
 All of the interests of the actors are satisfied (goal
was achieved). The goal of the primary actor A was achieved
Failure Scenario
 Goal was not achieved.

Lect. 13: 2015-01-15 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 12
Primary Actor
Primary actor
 the actor who has invoked the use case and whose goal
should be achieved
 if the use case is triggered by a (time) condition, the
System itself is the primary actor

Lect. 13: 2015-01-15 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 13
Numbering scheme
Each step is numbered by a sequence of digits, characters and
auxiliary symbols.
• The last element in the sequence is always ‘.’ (dot), which do not
belong to the current number.
 1. Customer inserts card.

Instead of
 1 Customer inserts card.
• Consecutive numbers mean one after the other (unless you have
specified that order is not important, e.g. “Step 1-4 can occur in
any order")
 1. Customer inserts card.
 2. System validates card type.
Lect. 13: 2015-01-15 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 14
Numbering scheme (contd)
There can be some nesting in the occurrence of events. We distinguish 3

- Alternative flow: CurrentNumber Character

 3.1. Customer selects product
 3.1a. Customer cancels selection dialog.
(If branch 3.1a is taken, the event of 3.1 has not occurred)

- Additional flow: CurrentNumber "||" Character

 3. The Customer buys a product.
 3||a. The Customer has qualified for bonus program:
3||a.1. System adds 10 bonus points to Customer's profile
(If condition of 3||a holds, then event of 3||a.1 occurs in addition to
occurrence of event of 3.)

Lect. 13: 2015-01-15 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 15
Numbering scheme (contd)

- Sequential flow: CurrentNumber "." Digit

 3.1a. Customer cancels selection dialog.
3.1a.1. System informs Customer about re-initialization of
Customer's shopping cart.
3.1a.2. Use case continues at step 2.

Lect. 13: 2015-01-15 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 16
Types of Extensions
Extensions are necessary in one of the following situations (among others):

- There exists an alternate success path

 Clerk inserts a shortcut code.

- Lack of response from actor, e.g. time-out for response on

 System times out on waiting for Customer to provide PIN.

- Alternative flow for unsuccessful validation

 The System ascertains that the inserted password is not valid.

- Internal failure within the system, which must be detected

 The System detects a jam at the cash dispenser.

Lect. 13: 2015-01-15 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 17
Phrases to Structure the Flow
 (1-5)a (at any time in steps 1..5)

 Use case continues at step 5

 Steps 1-4 can be executed in any order

 Steps 1-4 are optional

Lect. 13: 2015-01-15 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 18
Metamodel/Grammar for UseCase
• We have used a template to capture the textual part of
UseCases. The template provides slots, for example, to name the
primary actor or to formulate the Happy-Day-Scenario or the
Extensions of it.

- You are asked to develop a metamodel for the syntax of the

textual part of UseCases (i.e. the template). The metamodel
should also cover the structure of the text one provides in the
slots 'Main Success Scenario' and 'Extensions'.
- Once the metamodel has been finished, please propose an
alternative textual syntax and formalize it in form of an
grammar for XText.

Lect. 13: 2015-01-15 T.Baar: Systems Engineering Winter 2014/15, HTW Berlin 19

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