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Analysis of an Open Access Scheduling System in Outpatient Clinics: A

Simulation Study

Article in SIMULATION: Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation International · August 2010
DOI: 10.1177/0037549709358295 · Source: DBLP


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2 authors, including:

Yuehwern Yih
Purdue University


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Analysis of an Open Access Scheduling
System in Outpatient Clinics: A Simulation
Sangbok Lee
Yuehwern Yih
School of Industrial Engineering,
Purdue University,
315 North Grant Street,
West Lafayette, IN 47907,
{lee309, yih}

Open access (OA) is a scheduling system which leaves the majority of the slots open to same-day
appointments (SDAs). The OA is expected to reduce patient waiting time and no-show rate, and,
in turn, increase clinic performance including patient satisfaction. Although many success stories
have been reported, there is no study investigating the impact of OA configuration considering envi-
ronmental conditions. In this paper, we conducted a simulation study in an outpatient clinic setting.
The clinical environments we consider include the demand variability, no-show rate, and the ratio of
SDA patients. The OA configurations are constructed by the slots for pre-book which is a comple-
ment of SDA and the scheduling horizon for the pre-book. The experimental results demonstrate the
performance of different OA configurations under various clinical environments in terms of patient
waiting time, patient rejection rate and clinic utilization. The results are scrutinized in the method of
a multi-objective optimization.
Keywords: appointment scheduling, discrete event simulation, efficient frontier, open access,
outpatient clinic

1. Introduction that patients who cannot wait that long will use the service
of an emergency department (ED) rather than the primary
The healthcare facilities are experiencing problems with care facilities [2]. This is costly, in terms of the effective
the traditional appointment scheduling (AS) system, such use of clinical resources and the cost of care.
as long waiting times, high rates of no-shows and can- Open access (OA) is an advanced scheduling system
cellations [1]. In the traditional system, patients wait for a developed to alleviate the problems of the traditional sys-
long time to see physicians because the service sessions of tem [3, 4]. The ideal concept of the OA is “do today’s
the physicians in the near future have already been filled work today” [3]. In contrast to the traditional system, the
by previous appointments. This long waiting time results OA opens the majority of slots, which is approximately
in a high likelihood of no-shows and cancellations. Since 65–75% (see [3]) of the slots per day, for patients who
the no-shows and cancellations are difficult to predict, the want to be seen on the same day. It is asserted that the re-
resources are not fully utilized. Consequently, this con- maining slots should be return appointments which were
tributes to further delays for future patients. It is likely deliberately made by a patient or a physician and the wait-
ing time is at most 2 days [3, 5]. The OA reduces no-shows
and cancellations, and, thus, is expected to be a solution
for the problems of the traditional system [6, 7].
SIMULATION, Vol. 86, Issue 8-9, August-September 2010 503–518 The problems of the OA can be induced from its sim-
c 2010 The Society for Modeling and Simulation International ilarity to just-in-time (JIT), although the OA is expected
DOI: 10.1177/0037549709358295 to be a solution to the traditional system. The ideal con-

Volume 86, Numbers 8-9 SIMULATION 503

Lee and Yih

Figure 1. Hybrid system between traditional system and ideal Open Access system

cept of the OA is similar to that of JIT, “Right time, right the results and analysis in Section 4. Section 5 contains
production” [8]. The “production” of JIT is analogous to concluding remarks.
the “service to patients” in the OA. Thus, as JIT pro-
duces products when an order is placed, the OA attempts
to take care of patients who want to be seen on the day 2. Literature Review
when the request for the appointment is made. JIT is oper-
ated properly under a routine production or acute demand This study is on the AS system in an outpatient clinic.
prediction environment [9]. In the case that the demand Since the AS is a major component that affects clinic
stream is not stable and prediction is difficult, hybrid sys- performances [12], there have been many studies on this
tems, which combine JIT and material resource planning topic. In [12] the methodologies employed in the AS stud-
(MRP), is developed and adopted [9–11]. Since patient ies were classified: analytical, simulation, and case study.
demand is not stable and it is difficult to predict the in- In this section we provide a brief overview of patient AS
stability, a hybrid system which incorporates the ideal OA systems and simulation study as a methodology. Research
and the traditional system is required (Figure 1). In this on OA will be addressed in more detail.
paper, we refer to the hybrid system as an alternative OA The AS system can be classified by clinic operation
policy. policies. A clinic can pre-determine the AS rule before
The guideline on the configuration of the alternative its session begins and the employed rule is a one-time
OA policies has not yet been proposed. In [4] it was decision unless there is an administrative need. Mean-
claimed that the modification on the OA configuration while, a clinic can change its scheduling policy contin-
is necessary based on the clinic environments. The 65– uously over a day, monitoring current clinic states. In
75% of the open slots per day [3] is not the absolute [12] they were categorized as static and dynamic sys-
configuration for a universally applicable OA policy tems (Figure 2). That is, the static system configures the
throughout all clinic environments. In this work, various scheduling policies based on overall clinic state informa-
alternative OA policies are simulated in diverse clinic tion relying on the clinic’s historical data. The schedul-
environments and the guideline will be presented. The ing policy configuration of the dynamic system changes
guideline can reduce the time for trial and error to find over the day based on the real-time decision from the
the best fit OA in each outpatient clinic. current clinic’s patient waiting time, available number of
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. physicians, lab room, etc. The static case is more com-
In Section 2 we present a review of the previous research mon in actual clinic environments and much research has
on the AS system and the OA. The simulation model for been concerned with the static system. The dynamic case
this study is described in Section 3, which is followed by was studied in [13–15]. The static clinic environments

504 SIMULATION Volume 86, Numbers 8-9


Figure 2. Static and dynamic scheduling scheme

can be broken down by appointment rule. In this study, not provide an OA policy guideline to improve patient
the “individual-block/fixed-interval” appointment rule (a accesses in the OA. In [30] four clinic parameters were
term adapted from [13]) is applied for clinic modeling. configured: the fractions of SDA patients to AS patients,
The individual-block/fixed-interval appointment rule was the planning horizons for the AS patients, the groupings
employed in [16–18]. of primary care physician (PCP) group, and the overbook-
Simulation is an appropriate methodology to use for ing policy. They examined the OA in various clinic envi-
analysis on the system and the system’s effect on diverse ronments configured by the clinic parameters in terms of
performance measures because outpatient clinics are very clinic throughput and patient continuity of care.
complicated multi-stage queueing systems [12, 19, 20].
That simulation can be a good tool to make decisions in
the healthcare system addressed in [21]. In [22] the first 3. Modeling
simulation study was conducted in the AS. They assumed
that all patients have the same service time distribution In this section we describe a clinic environment and its
and there is no lateness or earliness in their arrival, while system dynamics, which is followed by the simulation
in [16] patient unpunctuality and no-show rates were con- model. A discrete-event simulation model is constructed
sidered. In [22] comprehensive AS was simulated under and the modeling is based on an outpatient clinic of a
various operating environments and the conclusion was medical center in Indianapolis [31]. Through the regular
that there is no globally applicable appointment rule under meetings with clinical and technical staff from the med-
all clinic environments. Fluctuating demand-loads were ical center, the model was modified and validated. The
introduced in [18] and the authors suggested good deci- fundamental clinic environment was set up on the basis
sions in each demand pattern scenario. Further, in [24] of a real data set which was obtained from the year 2003
a review was presented on research studies in healthcare to 2004 when the traditional scheduling system was em-
clinics, which used simulation as a methodology. ployed in the clinic. The AutoModTM simulation package
Although there are numerous successful implications was used for running the simulation model and obtaining
of OA reported [3, 6, 7], in [25] it was declared that the the resultant data.
implementation of the OA is still challenging because the
OA cannot absorb daily variations on patient demand, al-
though mean patient demand and mean clinic resources 3.1 Clinic Environments and System Dynamics
are in equilibrium. In [5], similarly, it was stated that the
problems of the OA come from fluctuating patient de- A typical timetable of the physicians in the outpatient
mand. They suggested a conservative OA configuration, clinic was used in our simulation model. There are 14 ser-
which opens 20% of the slots for same-day appointments vice sessions available per day, per physician and each ser-
(SDAs) and the remaining 80% slots are for pre-booking vice session lasts exactly 30 minutes. In the clinic, seven
(pre-book). The majority of the OA papers [6, 7, 26–28], physicians were regularly working. There was an adminis-
as well as [5], have little quantitative modeling of OA, but trative meeting on Wednesday, and thus, only seven slots
delivered case studies and managerial remarks. In [29] a were available for each physician on the day. The clinic
simulation model was developed of a clinic and an OA operates from 8:00 to 16:00 and the lunch break is from
performance was evaluated in terms of patient through- 12:00 to 13:00. It is assumed that, in our model, there is
put and cycle time in a day. However, the authors did no modification in the timetable over a simulation run.

Volume 86, Numbers 8-9 SIMULATION 505

Lee and Yih

f 1x2 2 1 3 035 4 e3030174x 4

where x is appointment lead time. (1)

This function gives an adjustment rate. That is, if a pa-

tient’s appointment lead time is 1 in a clinic with a no-
show rate of 0.5, the predicted no-show rate for the pa-
tient is improved at most by half, which is close to 0.25.
The value 0.017 is an exponential decay constant of the
no-show improvement determined by their model fitting.

3.2 Simulation Model

When defining clinic environments, three environmental

Figure 3. Patient age composition in an outpatient clinic of a med- factors were employed: patient demand variability, mean
ical center in Indianapolis no-show rate, and the ratio of SDA patients to the total
demand per day (SDA-ratio). First, the demand variabil-
ity is modeled with different variance levels against the
mean patient demand. The prior condition to a success-
The majority of the patients in the outpatient clinic re- ful OA is that the demand and the clinic resource capacity
quired continuity of care. Figure 3 shows the age compo- are in equilibrium [3]. Since this study is on the OA, the
sition of patients in the clinic. More than 70% of the pa- equilibrium between the mean demand and the capacity is
tients were aged 50 or older. They used to visit the clinic assured. A normal distribution is employed with the same
regularly, although the visiting interval was flexible, and mean demand and different levels of demand variabilities.
their allegiance to the clinic was relatively high. Patients The coefficient of variation (CV), C5 2 6 78, measures
who were unable to make an appointment did not leave the the dispersion of a probability distribution. In the model,
scheduling system, but attempted to make an appointment three levels of CV, 10%, 20%, and 30%, are selected as
again. In the model, we designed the number of attempts low variability, moderate variability, and high variability,
to be three. That is, a patient can try to make an appoint- respectively.
ment up to three times. Second, the mean no-show rates are 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5
There are three considerations of system dynamics in following [35], who mentioned the range is from 0.12
patient AS. First, the patient daily demand is not stable, to 0.42. With the no-show adjustment function (Equa-
but is fluctuating. That is, although the mean demand over tion (1)), the predicted no-show rate for individual patients
a year stays the same, the daily patient demand increases can be obtained by the following function f ns 1x2:
when there is an epidemic or decreases in a vacation sea-
son [32]. Second, the arrival of patient calls for making f ns 1x2 2 Ns 4 11 3 035 4 e3k4x 2 (2)
an appointment in a day is not distributed evenly. In [33,
where f ns 1x2 is an individual’s predicted no-show rate
34] it was stated that there is a time-of-day difference in
against appointment lead time x, Ns is the clinic’s esti-
the arrival rate in systems such as telephone call centers.
mated no-show rate, and k is the exponential decay con-
Since the arrivals in our model are patient calls for ap-
stant. The exponential decay constant, 0.017, which was
pointments, it is suitable to adopt the uneven arrival rate
employed in [30], will be modified and stated as k in
over the day. Under an OA scheduling scheme, the clinical
Equation (2). With the value 0.017, the clinic’s estimated
and technical staff in the clinic believe that more calls are
no-show rate can be closely reached when a patient’s lead
received in the beginning of the day because SDA patients
time is greater than 6 months. It was reasonable that the
want to call earlier as there is a higher chance of getting
mean appointment lead time was as great as 6 months
an appointment. Third, the no-show rate is substantial in
when the data was collected. Following the method with
the system dynamics. [35] investigated patient no-show
use of our data, the decay constant is set to 0.076 because
rates in various clinic environments, which ranges from
the mean lead time was 92 days. The decay constant can
12% to 42%. In a clinic, although the mean no-show rate
be calculated using
is estimated, individual patient no-show rates vary and it
is highly dependent on their appointment lead time [30]. f ns 1x2 2 Ns 11 3 035e3kh 2 5 Ns
For example, if a patient’s appointment is on the next day,
the predicted no-show of the patient is likely to be less
than the estimated no-show rate of the clinic [30]. We de- 6 035e3kh 5 0 (3)
veloped an adjustment function to predict an individual’s
no-show rate as follows: 6 035e3kh 9 03001 (4)

506 SIMULATION Volume 86, Numbers 8-9


Table 1. Environmental factors

Environmental factors Levels

SDA-ratio 0.0 7 0.8 incremented by 0.2
no-show 0.1 0.3 0.5
CV 1876 2 level 10% 20% 30% 10% 20% 30% 10% 20% 30%
demand 7 N 184 6 2 8 2 97 8 2 114 8 2 132
6 2 10 19 29 11 22 33 13 26 39

where h is the mean appointment lead time. We designed The exponential distribution was selected because it cap-
that the similarity is achieved when the exponential term tures the diminishing arrival pattern and its memoryless
is less than 0.001. property explains that each patient’s arrival is independent
Third, the level of the SDA-ratio is 0%, 20%, 40%, of the time frame. The operating hours of the clinic which
60%, and 80%. There are two types of patient calls: pa- is the basis of our model are from 09:00 to 17:00. Hence,
tients who want to make an appointment on the same day the exponential distribution is truncated at the end of the
(SDA) and patients who want to schedule in a future day operating hours.
(pre-book). Thus, for example, a SDA-ratio of 20% means Established patients go directly to their preferred pri-
that 20% of the patient calls are SDA patients and the other mary care physician’s queue and non-established pa-
80% are pre-book patients. The preference of the SDA or tients are randomly assigned to any physician. The non-
the pre-book is the patient’s decision. The clinic, however, established patient implies new patients or patients who
can estimate the SDA-ratio through patients’ calls and the do not have primary care physicians. The established pa-
SDA-ratio is highly likely to be dependent on external en- tients in the model are 90% of the demand and the non-
vironmental conditions, such as the spread of a pandemic. established patients are 10% of the demand. This is a typ-
For these reasons, the SDA-ratio is chosen as an environ- ical mix in the clinic studied.
mental factor. Once the assignments are completed, following the
The equilibrium between the mean patient demand and SDA-ratio, the types of the patients are determined and
the clinic capacity must be considered along with the pa- each patient starts to search for a slot. Pre-book patients
tient no-show rate. If a mean patient no-show rate is 0.3, search for a slot in the next days within the clinic’s plan-
then the equilibrium is achieved when D 2 133C, where ning horizon. If a pre-book patient fails to book in an at-
D is the mean patient demand and C is the clinic capacity. tempt, we assume that the patient comes to the scheduling
In the model, thus, the mean number of patients gener- system again in a day within a week. As Figure 4 shows,
ated every day is 133C. As explained above, the number the return interval is assumed to be determined by a uni-
of available slots per week is 114 8 14 8 7 8 14 8 142 4 form distribution, U [14 5]. The sensitivity of the return in-
7 physicians 2 441 and special cases such as days off are terval will be examined in Section 4. When a patient fails
not considered in the model. Divided by five business days in the first attempt and re-enters the scheduling system af-
per week, the daily mean patient demand is 88. Consider- ter a few days, the patient is removed from the queue of
ing the no-show rates 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5, the adjusted patient the day of the first attempt and is moved to the queue of
demands are 97, 114, and 132, respectively. Table 1 de- the day of the next attempt. SDA patients first look for
scribes the environmental factors and their detailed levels. a slot available for SDAs. In the case of pre-book slots
The clinic environments will be called “(no-show, SDA- which have not been booked by pre-book patients, they
ratio, CV)” in this paper. For example, a clinic, (0.3, 0.6, are also available to be chosen by the SDA patients. If
30%) means that the clinic’s no-show rate is 0.3, the SDA- no SDA sessions or pre-book slots are available, the SDA
ratio is 0.6, and the CV is 30%. patients wait until a pre-book patient’s no-show occurs.
Figure 4 illustrates the scheduling logic of the model. When there is a no-show, one of the waiting SDA patients
The overall system is first-come-first-serve (FCFS) based. will occupy the slot. The waiting list will be cleared at
Every day, the model generates patients and the num- the end of every day and the SDA patients on the wait-
ber of the patients follows the normal distribution which ing list at that time will be counted as a forfeit of the
was specified above. All of the patients are queued in the clinic. As described above, pre-book patients with more
scheduling process in the order of their arrival times. As than three attempts are rejected resulting in a penalty for
stated in the previous section, the arrival rate is not the the clinic. Meanwhile, when pre-book patients re-visit the
same over the day. The number of patient calls is large at scheduling system, the patients can choose either a SDA
the beginning of the day and it declines as the day ends. or a pre-book with 50% probability. Since there is no data
The diminishing arrival rate was modeled with an expo- on the probability, we arbitrarily select the value as 0.5
nential distribution with a parameter of 2 hours, which and a sensitivity analysis on the probability will be con-
means up to 60% of patient calls come in the morning. ducted. In the case that the pre-book patient transforms to

Volume 86, Numbers 8-9 SIMULATION 507

Lee and Yih

Figure 4. Appointment scheduling flowchart

the SDA type, the patient follows the SDA route and can horizons for the pre-book slots are considered. Between
be rejected, not reaching the next attempt. This process 2 and 14 pre-book sessions per day per physician will be
is reasonable because, when a pre-book patient changes selected as the proportion of the SDA/pre-book slots. [30]
his/her mind and chooses a SDA, it is likely that the pa- set the planning horizons as 30 and 60 days. In our model,
tient needs to see a physician as soon as possible. Thus, a 10-day horizon is added and, thus, there are three lev-
if the patient fails, he/she transfers to another clinic or se- els of planning horizons, 10, 30, and 60 days. At the same
lects an ED. time, locating the pre-book slots and the SDA slots in a
day is another decision. We located all of the pre-book
slots at the beginning of the day and all of the SDA slots
3.3 Alternative OA Policy of the end of the day. This is suitable for the following rea-
son. Suppose that the SDA slots are placed at the begin-
When defining an alternative OA policy, two factors are ning of the day. Since the SDA patients are only available
considered. One is the proportion of the SDA/pre-book to search a slot after they call in, it is more likely that the
slots per day. The other is the planning horizon for the SDA patients miss the slots which were not occupied.
pre-book slots. The simulation model alters the number Table 2 summarizes the decision factors. In an experi-
of pre-book slots (which are the complement of the SDA ment with 10 pre-book slots and a 30-day planning hori-
slots) per day and tries to find the most appropriate pro- zon, the pre-book patients can search a service session
portion between the SDA and the pre-book slots. Since from every 10 slots at the beginning of the day in the next
the alternative OA policies allow pre-books, the planning 30 days. We call the alternative OA policies “(planning

508 SIMULATION Volume 86, Numbers 8-9


Table 2. Decision factors

tion of more than 90% can be achieved because the SDA
Decision factors Levels patients can occupy a slot whenever it is available. The
Pre-book slots 2 7 14 incremented by 2 SDA patients only search for slots on the same day and, if
(out of 14/day/physician) a slot is available on the day, it means no pre-book patients
Planning horizon 10, 30, and 60 have occupied that slot yet or there is a pre-book no-show.
In terms of the clinic’s satisfaction, the clinic utilization
should be maximized.
A full factorial design is employed [36]. There are three
horizon, pre-book slots)”. That is, a 30-day planning hori- levels of the no-show, five levels of the SDA-ratio, and
zon and 10 pre-book slots is denoted as (30, 10). three levels of CV. Thus, total 45 clinic environments are
constructed. For the alternative OA policies, seven lev-
els of the number of pre-book slots and three levels of
3.4 Performance Measures and Design of the planning horizon make 21 different policies. There-
Experiments fore, the 45 clinic environments are investigated with 21
alternative OA configurations in the simulation. The best
There are two classes in the performance measure, which OA configurations for each clinic environment will be de-
are a measure from the patient’s perspective and another termined by the performance measures. Since there are
measure from the clinic’s perspective. In [12] it was stated three performance measures, a multi-objective optimiza-
that the appointment system is evaluated in terms of the tion methodology is used. In the multi-objective optimiza-
patient waiting time, the clinic utilization and the physi- tion with three performance measures, the efficient fron-
cian overtime work. In this study, the patient waiting time tier [23] should be constructed in three-dimensional space.
is in the class of the patient’s perspective and the clinic In this paper, the three-dimensional space is broken up
utilization is in the clinic’s perspective. Since the study into three two-dimensional spaces.
focuses on the OA scheduling system, the overtime is not
considered. The overtime is meaningful when there is ser-
4. Analysis of Simulation Results
vice time randomness. In fact, the clinic which is the pro-
totype of our study fixes the service time as 30 minutes
The analysis of the simulation results is two phased. In
and there is little overtime for each service session.
Phase I, the overall behavior of the alternative OA policies
The measure from the patient’s perspective has two
over the environmental factors is presented and, then, the
sub-categories: the mean patient waiting time and the
best alternative OA policies for each clinic environment
number of patients rejected. The mean waiting time
are determined in Phase II.
is1only for pre-book patients and is calculated by
1 P W p 27num1P2, where P stands for the set of indi-
vidual pre-book patients and W p implies the waiting time 4.1 Overall Behavior of the Alternative OA Policies
of a patient p, where p 9 P. Here num1P2 denotes total
number of elements in a set P and W p is the time differ- Figure 5 illustrates the rejection rate and the utilization
ence between the call arrival for an appointment and the variations along with SDA-ratio at each level of no-shows.
patient’s scheduled time. If a pre-book patient fails in an Both the rejection rate and the utilization are little af-
attempt and succeeds in the next attempt, the waiting time fected by the scheduling policies when the SDA-ratio is
is only calculated with the latter call. That is, the patient 0.8. Each data point in the figures indicates an individual
call arrival time is updated every attempt. The patient’s alternative OA policy. Throughout the no-show levels, it is
return call interval should not be included in the waiting observed that the rejection rate and the utilization saturate
time because the interval is determined by the patient, and as the SDA-ratio goes to 0.8. That is, all of the alternative
it is the intended waiting time. In [25] this type of wait- OA policies perform similarly in the sense of the rejec-
ing time is defined as “indirect waiting time”. The num- tion rate and the utilization when the SDA-ratio is 0.8.
ber of rejected patients takes the role of a complement to Since SDA patients can make an appointment on any type
the mean indirect waiting time. Patients do not satisfy the of slots available, when there are many SDA patients in a
clinic’s service if their attempts for appointments increase, clinic, the various slot compositions in the alternative OA
even when the mean waiting time is still in an acceptable policies do not have a considerable impact on the rejection
range. Thus, it should be pursued that the mean waiting and the utilization. For example, suppose that a clinic uses
time and the number of rejected patients are minimized at a 1304 122 policy. The clinic allows pre-book patients to
the same time. book in the first 12 slots in the next 30 days. Assume that
Slot utilization is the measure in the clinic’s point of there is an epidemic disease and, thus, the SDA-ratio in-
view. The utilization is obtained from the number of ser- creases to 0.8. The pre-book patients who constitute only
viced slots divided by the total number of slots in a simu- 20% of the daily demand can schedule on the 12 pre-book
lation run. Even when all of the patients are SDA and the available slots which are over 85% of the total slots per
clinic’s policy is to allow only pre-book patients, a utiliza- day. Also, remaining 80% of the demand, SDA patients

Volume 86, Numbers 8-9 SIMULATION 509

Lee and Yih

Figure 5. Rejection-rate/utilization against the SDA-ratio with the CV fixed at 20%

can obtain slots whether those are SDA slots or pre-book Figure 6 illustrates the rejection rate and the utilization
slots left over. along with the CV while we fixed the SDA-ratio at 0.4. In
It is shown that the rejection rate increases as the no- each figure of the rejection rate, the data cluster at each
show rate decreases in Figure 5. If the SDA-ratio is fixed CV level is little different. The utilization, however, de-
at 0.8, the rejection rate is above 0.3 when the no-show creases as the CV level increases from 0.1 to 0.3. That is,
rate is 0.1. The rejection rate, however, is below 0.2 when the utilization is affected by the patient demand variabil-
the no-show rate is 0.5 given the SDA-ratio at 0.8. This ity while the rejection rate is not. If patient demand varies
is obvious because more pre-book patient no-shows mean day by day, it is possible that the demand of a day can
a higher chance of acceptance for the SDA patients. That be less than the capacity or more than the capacity. Thus,
is, when the no-show rate is from 0.1 to 0.5, the rejection- a day with smaller demand is likely to show slot under-
rate decrease comes from the increased number of SDA utilization.
patients accepted. Then, in the case of a SDA-ratio of 0.0, The alternative OA policies can be clustered by their
the rejection rate should be the same regardless of dif- planning horizons in terms of the waiting times. The clus-
ferent no-show rates. However, it is observed that the re- ters, however, overlap as the SDA-ratio increases. Figure 7
jection rate is higher when the no-show rate is 0.1 than illustrates the waiting time of the alternative OA policies
when the no-show rate is 0.5. In the model, if patient fails classified with the planning horizons. The clinic environ-
to find a slot in an attempt, then the patient can be ei- ments in Figure 7 are (0.5, SDA-ratio, 20%) and the SDA-
ther a SDA patient or a pre-book patient in the next at- ratios are 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8. When the SDA-ratio is 0.2,
tempt. This is the reason why the rejection rate is dif- there are three distinctively classified clusters. When the
ferent along with the no-show rates when the SDA-ratio SDA-ratio is 0.8, the three clusters overlap. This is reason-
is 0.0. able because, with a SDA-ratio of 0.8, the number of SDA
Figure 5 shows that the utilization is lower at higher patients is four times higher than the number of pre-book
no-show rate given a fixed level of SDA-ratio. Although patients. Thus, the SDA patients are supposed to get ap-
the slots which are available because of the no-shows can pointments on the same day or leave. When the SDA-ratio
be occupied by the SDA patients, that is not the perfect is 0.6, the waiting time is highly dependent on the OA
compensation for the idle slots. If a SDA patient comes policies. For example, the policies with the 60-day plan-
later than the idle slot and there is no waiting SDA patient, ning horizon, the waiting time spreads from close to 0 to
then the slot stays unoccupied. more than 50 days. This implies that it is highly likely that

510 SIMULATION Volume 86, Numbers 8-9


Figure 6. Rejection-rate/utilization against CV with the SDA-ratio fixed at 0.4

the waiting time can be controlled by how we design the

proportion of the slots in clinics of the SDA-ratio is 0.6. Table 3. Summarized ANOVA tests: Performance measures af-
Table 3 is a summary of analysis of variance (ANOVA) fected by no-show rate, SDA-ratio and CV (W: Waiting time, R:
results. An ANOVA is conducted to explain the variability Rejection rate, U: Utilization)
of the waiting time, the rejection rate and the utilization,
respectively, in terms of the environmental factors. In each OA policy No-show rate SDA-ratio CV
alternative OA policy, the performance measures affected (Planning horizon,
Pre-book slots)
by each environmental factor are presented. For example,
the CV has impact on the utilization when policy 2 is em- (10, 2) W, R, U W, R, U R, U
ployed. Table 3 describes that the no-show and the SDA- (10, 4) W, R, U W, R, U U
ratio have a significant impact on the three performance (10, 6) R, U W, R, U U
measures while the CV affects, generally, only the utiliza- (10, 8) R, U W, R, U U
tion. Similar observations were obtained from Figures 5 (10, 10) R, U W, R, U U
and 6. (10, 12) W, R, U W, R, U U
(10, 14) W, R, U W, R, U U
(30, 2) W, R, U W, R, U R, U
4.2 The Best OA Policy for Each Clinic Environment (30, 4) W, R, U W, R, U U
(30, 6) R, U W, R, U U
In this section, we refer to each alternative OA policy as (30, 8) W, R, U W, R, U U
an alphabetical character. Table 4 is the reference table for (30, 10) R, U W, R, U U
the alternative OA policies. (30, 12) W, R, U W, R, U U
Figure 8 presents the efficient frontiers for the clinic (30, 14) W, R, U W, R, U N/A
environments (0.3, 0.0, 10%). Each data point indicates (60, 2) W, R, U W, R, U R, U
the performance of an alternative OA policy. For exam- (60, 4) W, R, U W, R, U U
ple, in Figure 8(a), each point illustrates the waiting time (60, 6) R, U W, R, U U
and the rejection rate of an OA policy. The data points (60, 8) W, R, U W, R, U U
with a letter written beside each of them are the dominant (60, 10) W, R, U W, R, U U
scheduling policies (efficient frontier) over all of the alter- (60, 12) W, R, U W, R, U U
native OA policies in this clinic environment. Figure 8(a) (60, 14) W, R, U W, R, U N/A

Volume 86, Numbers 8-9 SIMULATION 511

Lee and Yih

Figure 7. Waiting times of the alternative OA policies classified with the planning horizons in the clinic environments of “no-show = 0.5 and
CV = 20%”

Table 4. Alternative OA policy reference

Alternative OA policy (10, 2) (10, 4) (10, 6) (10, 8) (10, 10) (10, 12) (10, 14)
Character a b c d e f g
Alternative OA policy (30, 2) (30, 4) (30, 6) (30, 8) (30, 10) (30, 12) (30, 14)
Character h i j k l m n
Alternative OA policy (60, 2) (60, 4) (60, 6) (60, 8) (60, 10) (60, 12) (60, 14)
Character o p q r s t u

displays the performance measures from the patient point Although the “g” is selected as the dominant policy in
of view. Hence, the objective for the figure is to minimize Figure 8(c), “g” cannot be the best policy because there
a linear cost function, Wtime 8 Rrate , where Wtime is the are three performance measures. Figure 8(c) determines
waiting time and Rrate is the rejection rate. The and are the best policy in terms of the utilization and the waiting
the unit costs for the waiting time and the rejection rate, time. As stated earlier, however, if the efficient frontiers
respectively. The decision maker in a clinic determines the are drawn in a three-dimensional space, the “g” cannot be
weights, and . If a clinic puts more weight on the pa- dominant over “n” and “u”. It is induced from Figure 8(a)
tient rejection than the waiting time, the policy “u” can and (b). That is, “g” does not dominate “n” and “u” when
be the choice because the rejection rate for the policy “u” the performance is evaluated with the rejection rate. All of
is the smallest, although the waiting time is longer than the policies “g”, “n”, and “u” have 14 pre-book slots. That
that of “g” and “n”. Figure 8(b) illustrates the alternative is, consequently, the policies having 14 pre-book slots are
policies’ performances in terms of the utilization and the selected as the optimal policies in the clinic environment
rejection rate. It is recommended to have higher utilization (0.3, 0.0, 10%).
and lower rejection rate. Based on the criteria, the policies Table 5 presents the efficient frontiers of the alterna-
“g”, “n” and “u” are selected as efficient frontiers. Among tive OA policies for each clinic environments. Note that,
the optimal policies, if a clinic weights on the utilization when the no-show increases, the alternative OA policies
rather than the rejection, the policy “g” can be the choice. with higher number of pre-book slots are selected as the

512 SIMULATION Volume 86, Numbers 8-9


Figure 8. Efficient frontiers (with policy named) and inferior OA policies in clinic environments (0.3, 0.0, 10%)

Table 5. Efficient frontiers for the clinic environments

No-show 0.1 0.3 0.5

CV 10%, 20%, 30% 10%, 20%, 30% 10%, 20%, 30%
0.0 g, n, u g, n, u g, n, u
0.2 f, g, m, n, t, u g, n, u g, n, u
SDA-ratio 0.4 e, f, l, m, s, t f, g, e, l, s f, g, m, t
0.6 c, d, j, q c, d, e, j, q d, e, f, k
0.8 N/A N/A N/A

efficient frontiers. For example, the efficient frontiers for any CV) and (0.5, 0.2, any CV). That is, when the no-show
the environments of no-show 0.1 and SDA-ratio 0.6 are rate is 0.3 and 0.5, the clinics of the SDA-ratio 0.2 do not
the policies with six pre-book slots, “c”, “j”, and “q”, and a need to prepare the SDA slots for their SDA patients who
policy “d” having eight pre-book slots. The efficient fron- take up around 20% of the demand. It is reasonable be-
tiers of the clinics with the same SDA-ratio, 0.6, but the cause more no-shows create a higher acceptance rate of
no-show rate is 0.5, are the policies “d” and “k” which the SDA patients.
have eight pre-book slots and “e” and “f” having more Overall, the alternative OA policies which retain the
than eight pre-book slots. It connotes that the clinics with number of pre-book slots as many as the expected number
higher no-show rates select an OA policy with a larger of pre-book patients can be an optimal scheduling scheme.
number of pre-book slots. The clinic environments with Figure 9 illustrates that the number of pre-book slots of the
the SDA-ratio of 0.8 do not have the efficient frontiers. efficient frontiers encompasses the number of pre-book
As described in the previous section, the performance of patients in the clinic. The values in the cells above the
all of the alternative OA policies are similar in all of the gray cells indicate the average daily pre-book patient de-
clinic environments with SDA-ratio 0.8. When the clinic mand per physician of a clinic. The gray cells indicate the
is (0.1, 0.2, any CV), all of the policies with 14 and 12 number of pre-book slots of the selected frontiers. For ex-
pre-book slots constitute the efficient frontiers. The poli- ample, for the clinic environment with the no-show 0.3
cies with 12 pre-book slots, however, are dominated by and the SDA-ratio 0.4, the mean pre-book demand is 11.
the policies with 14 pre-book slots in the clinics (0.3, 0.2, The efficient frontiers are the scheduling policies with 10,

Volume 86, Numbers 8-9 SIMULATION 513

Lee and Yih

Figure 9. Mean number of daily pre-book patients per physician and the number of pre-book slots of the efficient frontiers for each clinic

12, and 14 slots for pre-book which encompass the num- are (0.1, 0.0, 20%), (0.1, 0.2, 20%), (0.1, 0.4, 20%) and
ber of the mean pre-book demand 11. (0.1, 0.6, 20%). Figure 11 has four environments with
In addition, the alternative OA policies which have pre- same SDA-ratios and CV, but different no-show rate at
book slots more than the expected number of pre-book 0.5. The optimal policies are selected among the efficient
patients can be an optimal scheduling scheme. Figure 9 frontiers for each clinic environment from Table 5.
shows that the gray cells are more than one and the most The optimal policies are robust when the return-
of the gray cells extend rightward, when the SDA-ratio attempt ratio to pre-book is up to 0.5 and the 0.5 was the
is greater than 0.4. The reason is that, if a clinic offers modeling assumption. If the return-attempt ratio is greater
more pre-book slots for appointments, it increases the ac- than 0.5, the rejection rate increases and the utilization
ceptance probability of pre-book patients and the SDA pa- decreases significantly, in particular in clinics with a no-
tients who cannot be admitted in the SDA slots can be as- show rate of 0.5. If the return-attempt ratio is greater than
signed to the pre-book slots available due to no-shows. For 0.5, this implies that more than 50% of patients who fail
example, when the no-show rate is 0.5 and the SDA-ratio to book in the first attempt want to be pre-book patients
is 0.8, the gray cells covers 8, 10, and 12 pre-book slots, from the second attempt. Hence, the clinic has an increas-
because there are many no-shows which can be covered ing number of pre-book patients in the scheduling sys-
by the SDA patients. tem. Since the no-show rate is critical to pre-book pa-
tients, it is expected that more pre-book patients cause
lower utilization. Also, an increasing number of pre-book
4.3 Sensitivity Analysis patients prompts a higher rejection rate. The robustness of
the optimal policies in clinics with lower a no-show rate,
When a patient cannot make an appointment in the first 0.1, maintains a return-attempt ratio of 0.7. In case of the
attempt, it is assumed, in the model, that the probability return-attempt ratio of 0.9 in Figure 10, the performance
of the patient’s return-attempt to pre-book is 0.5. From of the optimal policies in clinics with lower SDA-ratio,
the previous analysis, it was shown that the SDA-ratio is such as 0.0 and 0.2, tends to be worsened. This is because
a significant factor on the performances of the alternative the clinic’s ability to give a service to the pre-book patients
policies. The SDA-ratio is a portion of SDA patients in a is close to its limit and more pre-book patients are likely
day. Thus, in addition to the SDA-ratio, the return-attempt to cause a higher rejection rate. The utilization is directly
ratio takes a role in constituting the number of SDA pa- affected by the no-shows and not likely to be covered by
tients per day. Owing to this, a sensitivity analysis on the SDA patients because the number of the SDA patients de-
return-attempt probability is required. creases.
Figures 10 and 11 illustrate the three performance mea- When there is a return-attempt, the return interval is
sures of the optimal OA policies in each clinic envi- assumed to follow a uniform distribution, U [14 5] days.
ronment. Table 6 describes the clinic environments and That is, the patient’s return-attempt occurs on a day
the implemented optimal policies for Figures 10 and 11. equally likely in the next 5 days. The maximum return-
There are four clinic environments in Figure 10 and those interval is 5 days and it is shorter than the minimum plan-

514 SIMULATION Volume 86, Numbers 8-9


Figure 10. Performance measures of the efficient frontiers in the clinics of CV 20%, no-show 0.1, and different levels of SDA-ratio, against
the ratio of the return-attempt to pre-book

Figure 11. Performance measures of the efficient frontiers in the clinics of CV 20%, no-show 0.5, and different levels of SDA-ratio, against
the ratio of the return-attempt to pre-book

Volume 86, Numbers 8-9 SIMULATION 515

Lee and Yih

Table 6. Selected clinic environments and optimal OA policies for sensitivity analysis on the ratio of the return-attempt to pre-book

Figure Clinic environs. Optimal policies Number

No-show SDA CV PH Pre-book slots in the legend
Figure 10 0.1 0.0 20% 10 14 1
30 14 2
0.1 0.2 20% 10 12 3
30 12 4
0.1 0.4 20% 10 10 5
30 10 6
0.1 0.6 20% 10 6 7
10 8 8
Figure 11 0.5 0.0 20% 10 14 1
30 14 2
0.5 0.2 20% 10 14 3
60 14 4
0.5 0.4 20% 10 12 5
30 12 6
0.5 0.6 20% 10 8 7
10 10 8

Table 7. Performance of the optimal policies in clinic environments along with different return-intervals

Clinic environments Optimal policy Return-interval Waiting time Rejection rate Utilization
[1, 5] 1.360 0.111 0.930
(0.1, 0.4, 20%) (10, 12) [1,10] 1.360 0.111 0.930
[1,20] 1.360 0.111 0.930
[1, 5] 1.360 0.111 0.930
(0.5, 0.4, 20%) (10, 12) [1,10] 1.360 0.111 0.930
[1,20] 1.360 0.111 0.930
Clinic environments: (no-show, SDA-ratio, CV)
Optimal policy: (Planning horizon, pre-book slots)
Return-interval: Uniform [a, b] days

ning horizon (10 days) of the alternative OA policies. Thus 5. Conclusion

a sensitivity analysis on the return-interval is conducted.
Three time intervals are studied and those are U [14 5], OA has been reported as a successful advanced scheduling
U [14 10], and U [14 20] days. Only the optimal policies system in outpatient clinics. The system configuration of
with the 10-day planning horizon are used and it implies OA has to be different to fit in each different clinic envi-
that the sensitivity of the time intervals which are less ronment. To date, however, the OA configuration has been
than, equal to, or more than the planning horizon is an- adjusted and implemented by trial and error. In this work,
alyzed. we have studied the OA system in various clinic environ-
Table 7 summarizes the sensitivity analysis. As shown ments with a discrete-event simulation model developed
in Table 7, the values of the waiting time, the rejection with AutoModTM simulation package. The result analysis
rate, and the utilization are identical throughout differ- gives a suggestion of how to configure the OA policies to
ent return-intervals. This implies that the performances of perform properly.
the optimal policies are not affected by the return-interval. The model implemented the daily demand of patients
From the two sensitivity analyses, it is concluded that the which is normally distributed and the different arrival rate
decision to be a SDA or a pre-book in the return-attempt over the day. This work has investigated the effect of
has a considerable impact on the functioning of the al- the slot composition of the SDA/pre-book on the various
ternative OA policies regardless of how long the return- clinic environments. The investigated slot compositions
interval is. are called the alternative OA policies. The clinic environ-
ments were constructed with three variables: the patient

516 SIMULATION Volume 86, Numbers 8-9


no-show rate (no-show), the ratio of SDA patients (SDA- to pursue developing an optimal design of the mixed
ratio), and the demand variability (CV). Since the funda- system.
mental condition of the OA is the equilibrium between the
demand and the capacity, the mean demand was set to the
capacity which is adjusted with the clinic’s estimated no- 6. References
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518 SIMULATION Volume 86, Numbers 8-9

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