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empire state ov morocco moorishe national veepublic federall governmente kalifa kingdom tervitorie counsular court & ~societas republicae ea al maurikanos~ moorishe divpne ande nationall mubenente ob the earthe northe weste amexem + north weste affrica + northe ammerica + the northe gate all abdjoining isslands > ~tempel ob the moon ande sun- the true ande de jure naturall peeples + heirs ov the laude > -i.3.Lam- universal sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous annciente al moroccan moorishe american affidavit of fact Notice of Default Judgement International Document Notice to agent is notice to principal, notice to principal is notice to agent. November 16, [2023] exhibit b: Bill of Attainder: [Account Numbers 0630622330) To: Office of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LIMITED LIABILITY CORPORATION d/b/d MR. COOPER GROUP dba MR. COOPER GROUP and MR. COOPER Subject#Jesse K. Bray dibla JESSE K. BRAY 8950 Cypress Waters, Building One Coppell, Texas [75019] re: makoc+23+sp+cause999+99+0001. all rize ande stande. this is a sovereigne livinge annciente artikle iii moorishe al moroccan kourte acctione, i am the soverreign justice rosetta mecowan in capitis diminuto nolo in red letters and mi free choosen nationale title is rosetta rashida mecowan el. in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, and in propri heredes. i am exercising all of my divine rights at this time, and at all times as an ancient aboriginal indigenous divine natural living being. i, rosetta rashida mecowan el in capitis diminuto nolo in red letters and all moorishe rationales of morocco, are the fiduciaries, executors, trators, kreditores, Klaimants, and beneficiaries of our own estate. we the moorishe nationales at northwest aftica are exercising all of our rights at this time as “one sovereign nation” on our own land, no UNITED STATES CORPORATION or CORPORATE Alfidavit of foct- Notice of Default Judgment aboriginal and indigenous peoples’ documents: northwest amexem / northwest aftica ‘the north gate’ + the mooecan empire + continental united states; ‘temple of the moon and sun’ / tune island” non + domestic, non-resident, non + subject;+ moors / ‘muurs + being the rightfl hers and primogeniture birkright + inheritors of the land COMPANY CITIZEN or any other foreigner, has personam jurisdiction over me or any other moorishe nationale. am the law, and i am the government. my body, all land and all of my personal property are in the jurisdiction of my ancestral inherited mootishe estate a this time and at all imes. i am the ereditoree to your ‘CORPORATION/Company, doing business here in “northwest amexem/ africa, morocco” and the S\vorld.” all U.S, Citizens, Foreign Agents and American Citizens are subjects to the moorishe nationales, here in northwest amexenv africa, morocco, see: constitution for the united states of north america, article 6, clause 2: this constitution, and the laws of the united states which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the united states, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding Stare Decisis Law *ifany tribunal finds over a persona and ct+matter, the case must be dismissed” See Louisville v. Motley, 211 U.S. 149. 29 S.Ct. 42. On or about november 13, 2023, you were served with process at your current employment address via email and postal mail; writ of quo warranto exhibit a and have no valid claim. your default constitutes your admission by silence fo the validity of the facts and claims made in exhibit a, and you have no valid claim. It's therefore Ordered and adjudged that a default Judgment be and the same is hereby entered against you, the [O'fice of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LIMITED LIABILITY CORPORATION dba MR. COOPER GROUP and MR. COOPER) [lesse K. Bray aka Jay Bray d/b/a JESSE K. BRAY aka JAY BRAY CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER and PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER, Office of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LIMITED LIABILITY CORPORATION dba MR. COOPER GROUP and MR. COOPER}, [Office of Nationstar Mortgage Limited Liability Corporation dba OFFICE OF NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LIMITED LIABILITY CORPORATION], [Office of Nationstar Mortgage Limited Liability Corporation dba Mr. Cooper Group and Mr. Cooper], [Office of Nationstar Mortgage Limited Liability Corporation dba MR, COOPER GROUP AND MR. COOPER] In addition, co#conspirators with the judgement debtors in illegal and or unlawful acts (which include breach of trust, interference in allodial proceedings (no jurisdiction) trespassing, Joss and theft), are (hereinafter “judgment debtors”) for the following judgment but are not limited to; collusion, fraud, finan to be recovered by rosetta mecowan (hereinafter “ judgment creditors”): i. The immediate dismissal of with prejudice of cause of action re: mankoct23+sp+cause999+99+ 0001 damage cost conspiracy against rights (18 usc 241) $2,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00 para 1 deprivation of treaty rights under color of law (18 usc 242) from the United States Constitution 1791 denationalization under christian black codes '$ 2000,000.00 inducement to fraud '$§ 1000,000,00 trespass via forced or compelled presentment of natural lawful documentation (by mail) ++ (five thousand) units per document, in accordance with article i section 10 para 1 Affidavit of fact- Notice of Default Judgment shorignal and indigenous peoples documents: northwest amexem / northwest aia / “the nor gals” + the moocean empire + aaral united slates, temple ofthe moon and sun’/ “tu island’: non + domestic, non + resident, non + subject;+ moors / ouurs-+ being the rightful heirs and primogenitue birthright + inheritors of te land. from the united states constitution 1791 $10,000.00 trespass of natural travel via forced or compelled appearance before any non-article II (three) supreme court justice. (ie. privateers doing business as courts,etcetera, etc etera, 100,000 (one+hundred thousand) units per hour, in accordance with article i section 10 para 1 from the united states constitution 1791 $300,000.00 total: $ 7,310,000.00 payable in lawful money of 9999 fine silver bullion coins and/or bars, Itis further OFdered and adjudged that a judgment lien be and the same will be hereby entered against the oaths of office, surety bonds, and the property and assets of the judgment debtors (jointly) and their spouse, their heirs, successors and assigns, including, but not limited to, any and all automobiles , boats, aircrafts, real estate, real property, hereditaments, personal property, common property/ community property, intellectual property, corporeal property, incorporeal property, bank accounts, futures earnings, ‘wages, and pensions in order to secure the performance and payment of this judgment, and to levy upon such property and assets for satisfaction of this judgment if payment cannot be made; itis further Ordered and adjudged that judgement for possession of the ancestral estate in reversion known as the Thirty First Parallel Trust. (and more fully described in the affidavit of fact: adverse claim of title and reversion of ancestral estate is granted to the judgment creditors, in allodium, rightful heirs and absolver by jus sanguinis and aboriginal title. done and ordered at maghrib al aqsa, morocco at northwest amexem affidavit wwe declare and affirm by virtue of divine law, under the zodiac constitution, and upon the united states republic constitution of 1791, and upon the honor of our foremothers and forefathers that the above notice of default judgement is true and correct. excuted this 16" day of November 2023 nothing in this document is consented to be in any jurisdiction other than in the jurisdiction of our ancestral inherited estate, ‘upon my inherited status, I, rosetta Rashida mecowan el, being a descendant of the ancient moabites in other respect known as ~ al moroccan ~ moor, standing squarely affirmed upon my oath to the ‘five points of light’ — love, truth, peace, freedom, and justice; being competent (in my own proper person) to attest to this affidavit upon which i place ‘my autograph; whereas, i state, proclaim, and declare the following to be true, correct, not misleading, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented, ‘colored’ or improper use or purpose, Alfidavit of fact- Notice of Default Judgment aboriginal and indigenous peoples’ documents: northwest amexem / northwest africa / ‘the north gate’ + the mooccan empire + continental united states; “temple ofthe moon and sun’ “turtle sland”: non + domestic, non + resident, non + subject;+ moors / ‘muurs + being the nghtful heirs and primogeniture birthright + inheritors of the land iam nara gadmmemon eff : rosetta rashida mecowan el/eonsul omnia jura reservantis email: Jande of the ancient queens, omthwest amexem, morocco taal anal arellis 4 COURT iy s. orenn \ 2023 NOVENGERTE Crmpiifiie Clerk of Courts / cD = “Saint Elizabeth aco res HAL ROO 2973 NOVEMBER 16 FILED ee 2023 NOVEMBER 16 ‘Suponor Court ‘Sharon Peart Johnson ‘Thurston County Clerk: Affidavit of faet- Notice of Betaalt Judgment orginal snd indigenous peoples" docuinents: northwest amexcen / northwest afica/ ‘the north gate" the mooccan empire + ‘continental waite states; empl of the moon and sun’ /“turlle stand”: nom + domestic, non + resident, non + subject;+ moors / ‘murs + being ths nghtfal beits and primogeniture biedright + inheritors of tke Land,

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