Linking Words I

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1. ☆Furthermore☆ - Adds more information.

- Furthermore, the study shows a correlation between diet and health.
- He is a great athlete; furthermore, he is an excellent student.
- The technology is not only efficient but furthermore, it is cost-effective.

2. ☆However☆ - Indicates a contrast or exception.

- I wanted to buy the shirt; however, it was too expensive.
- He studied hard; however, he didn't pass the exam.
- The project was challenging; however, we completed it on time.

3. ☆Therefore☆ - Shows cause and effect.

- He was late; therefore, he missed the meeting.
- It rained heavily; therefore, the match was postponed.
- We were understaffed; therefore, the process took longer than expected.

4. ☆Moreover☆ - Adds extra information, similar to 'furthermore'.

- She's highly qualified and, moreover, has years of experience.
- The plan is risky; moreover, it's expensive.
- He's a talented musician and, moreover, a good composer.

5. ☆Consequently☆ - Indicates a result or outcome.

- He didn't study; consequently, he failed the test.
- There was a traffic jam; consequently, she arrived late.
- Sales have decreased; consequently, profits have dropped.

6. ☆On the other hand☆ - Presents a contrasting idea.

- The car is expensive; on the other hand, it’s very durable.
- He's good at math; on the other hand, his language skills need
- The phone has a great camera; on the other hand, the battery life is short.

7. ☆In contrast☆ - Highlights differences.

- The old system was inefficient; in contrast, the new system works well.
- In contrast to his brother, he is very outgoing.
- She likes to travel; in contrast, her husband prefers to stay home.

8. ☆In conclusion☆ - Used to start the final paragraph or sentence.

- In conclusion, the evidence clearly supports our hypothesis.
- To sum up, the project was a remarkable success.
- In conclusion, we must take immediate action.

9. ☆Nevertheless☆ - Shows a contrast, similar to 'however'.

- It was raining; nevertheless, we went for a hike.
- The task was difficult; nevertheless, they managed to complete it.
- He was very tired; nevertheless, he continued working.

10. ☆Similarly☆ - Shows similarity between two ideas.

- He plays football passionately; similarly, his brother is dedicated to
- The market was very crowded; similarly, the train station was packed.
- She loves reading; similarly, her children enjoy books too.

11. ☆Therefore☆ - Indicates a result or conclusion.

- She studied hard for the exams; therefore, she passed with flying colors.
- It was a holiday; therefore, the office was closed.
- They didn't follow the instructions; therefore, the experiment failed.

12. ☆Besides☆ - Adds extra information, not critical but useful.

- Besides being a teacher, he also writes novels.
- She can't attend the meeting; besides, she wasn't very interested.
- The phone is affordable; besides, it has many features.

13. ☆As a result☆ - Shows a consequence or outcome.

- He didn't prepare well; as a result, he didn't perform well in the interview.
- The weather was bad; as a result, the event was canceled.
- They worked hard; as a result, they achieved great success.

14. ☆In addition☆ - Adds more information.

- He’s a great singer; in addition, he plays the guitar.
- In addition to her skills in English, she's also fluent in Spanish.
- The car is fast; in addition, it’s very comfortable.

15. ☆Meanwhile☆ - Indicates that something else is happening at the same

- He started cooking; meanwhile, she set the table.
- She's studying in her room; meanwhile, her brother is watching TV.
- The builders were working on the roof; meanwhile, the painters were

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