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Technical Briefs

Adiponectin: Stability in Plasma over 36 Hours and tions we used to collect more than 60 000 blood samples
Within-Person Variation over 1 Year, Tobias Pischon,1,2* mailed to our laboratory from cohort members of the
Gökhan S. Hotamisligil,1 and Eric B. Rimm1,3,4 (1 Department Health Professionals Follow-up Study (HPFS), the
of Nutrition and Division of Biological Sciences and Nurses’ Health Study, and the Nurses’ Health Study II
Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public (25 ). Time to process was defined as 0, 24, and 36 h after

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Health, Boston, MA 02115; 2 Franz-Volhard-Clinic, venipuncture. Samples were centrifuged and aliquoted
Charité, Humboldt-University, 13125 Berlin, Germany; for storage in liquid nitrogen (⫺150 °C) at each of the
Channing Laboratory, Department of Medicine, Har- three time points. Each sample was assigned a different
vard Medical School and Brigham & Women’s Hospital, identification number and was randomly placed in the
Boston, MA 02115; * address correspondence to this au- analysis batch with respect to the three different process-
thor at: Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of ing time periods.
Public Health, 665 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA 02115; In a separate pilot study we randomly selected 300 men
e-mail from the HPFS and collected two EDTA samples 1 year
apart, using methods described elsewhere (25 ). From this
Adiponectin (Arcp30, AdipoQ, apM1, or GBP28), a novel pilot collection, we chose a subsample of 20 men to test
247-amino acid peptide, is secreted predominantly by the 1-year reproducibility of adiponectin. Similar to the
adipocytes and accounts for ⬃0.05% of total serum pro- stability study, each sample was assigned a different
teins (1– 4 ). It is induced early in adipocyte differentiation identification number and was randomly placed in the
(1 ), consists of an N-terminal collagenous and a C- analysis batch with respect to the date of blood collection.
terminal globular domain, and shares homology to sub- In the main HPFS, information about health and disease
units of complement factor C1q (1, 3 ). Adiponectin ex- status is assessed biennially by a self-administered ques-
pression is reduced in obesity and type 2 diabetes, and tionnaire, starting in 1986 (26 ). All participants gave
plasma concentrations of adiponectin are inversely re- written informed consent, and the study was approved by
lated to body weight and insulin concentrations (5– 8 ). the Harvard School of Public Health Human Subjects
Treatment with adiponectin improves insulin sensitivity Committee Review Board.
in mouse models of insulin resistance (9, 10 ), and in Plasma adiponectin was measured by competitive RIA
adiponectin knockout mice, adiponectin substitution can using a commercial reagent set (Linco Research Inc.),
reverse diet-induced insulin resistance (11 ). Adiponectin utilizing a highly purified antibody raised against recom-
is also inversely associated with other traditional cardio- binant human adiponectin. The samples were analyzed in
vascular risk factors, such as blood pressure, heart rate, duplicate, with one reagent set each for the EDTA stability
total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and triglycerides samples, the sodium-heparin stability samples, and the
(12, 13 ). In addition, recent studies suggest that it may EDTA reproducibility samples. We included additional
have antiatherogenic and antiinflammatory properties samples to assess the intraassay variation and found CVs
(14 –19 ). Adiponectin may therefore be an important of 16% (n ⫽ 4) for the EDTA stability samples, 26% (n ⫽
blood biomarker to assess in large-scale epidemiologic 6) for the sodium-heparin stability samples, and 20% (n ⫽
studies of several chronic diseases. 2) for the reproducibility samples.
To gain a reliable risk estimate with a single blood Adiponectin values were ln-transformed to improve
measurement, the within-person variability over time the normality of the distribution and are presented as
should be small compared with the between-person vari- geometric means and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). The
ability (20 ). In addition, the stability of a valid biological Student paired t-test of geometric means was used to
marker should not be substantially affected by length of compare the adiponectin concentrations measured at dif-
storage or temperature (21–25 ). Ideally, serum or plasma ferent time-to-process periods and to compare the concen-
from whole blood should be separated immediately and trations in 2000 and 2001. Intraclass correlation coeffi-
stored in deep freeze. In large epidemiologic studies, cients were calculated by ANOVA to assess the stability of
however, blood specimens are often collected at different adiponectin over time and to assess the reproducibility
times and locations and transported on ice over several from the year 2000 to 2001 (20 ). To account for changes in
hours or days to central laboratories for processing and body weight over time, we adjusted our reproducibility
storage. analysis for body mass index (BMI), calculated as the ratio
The aims of the present study were to evaluate the of body weight (reported in pounds in the HPFS ques-
stability of human adiponectin concentrations in blood tionnaire in the years 2000 and 2002) to body height
specimens collected and stored on ice packs for up to 36 h (reported to the closest inch) squared and expressed as
before processing and to assess the reproducibility of kg/m2, using analysis of covariance. Changes in BMI
human adiponectin concentrations over a period of 1 year. were tested by the Student paired t-test. Pearson correla-
The stability of adiponectin was assessed from samples tion coefficients and partial correlation coefficients were
collected in EDTA (6 male and 6 female volunteers) and calculated to assess the relationship between BMI, age,
sodium-heparin (12 female volunteers) Vacutainers, both and adiponectin concentrations. All analyses were con-
after a 12-h overnight fast. The samples were collected in ducted with SAS 6.12 (SAS Institute Inc.). All P values
three 10-mL Vacutainers and stored with ice packs in presented are two-sided, and P values ⬍5% were consid-
Styrofoam containers. This process emulated the condi- ered statistically significant.

650 Clinical Chemistry 49, No. 4, 2003

Clinical Chemistry 49, No. 4, 2003 651

Table 1. Adiponectin concentrations in samples processed 0, 24, and 36 h after blood collection in EDTA and
sodium heparin.
EDTA samples Sodium-heparin samples
(n ⴝ 12) (n ⴝ 12)

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Geometric mean 95% CI Pa Geometric mean 95% CI Pa
Adiponectin, mg/L
0h 13.07 9.17–18.61 13.70 10.67–17.59
24 h 13.11 9.94–17.28 0.96 14.33 11.34–18.11 0.44
36 h 15.70 11.37–21.67 0.05 13.87 11.00–17.49 0.85
Compared with adiponectin concentrations at 0 h (paired t-test of geometric means).

We found that in the sodium-heparin samples, adi- sure. Random measurement error generally tends to de-
ponectin concentrations were not significantly different in crease correlation and regression coefficients in epidemi-
those specimens analyzed after 24 or 36 h compared with ologic studies toward 0 and bias relative risks toward 1. In
those which were processed immediately (Table 1). In the our study, despite considerably high intraassay CVs, we
EDTA samples, plasma concentrations were similar 0 and found intraclass correlation coefficients for adiponectin of
24 h after blood collection but slightly increased after 36 h ⬃0.85, indicating excellent reproducibility (20 ). Assuming
(P ⫽ 0.05). The overall intraclass correlation coefficients of true relative risks between adiponectin and chronic dis-
the samples processed at 0, 24, and 36 h after blood eases of 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5, an intraclass correlation coeffi-
collection were 0.85 (95% CI, 0.67– 0.95) in the EDTA cient of this magnitude would lead to observed relative
blood samples and 0.85 (0.67– 0.95) in the sodium-heparin risks [RRobserved ⫽ exp(ln RRtrue ⫻ rintraclass] of 1.4, 1.8, and
samples. The intraclass correlations for separate time 2.2 (27 ), indicating only a modest risk reduction. Further-
intervals (0 –24, 0 –36, and 24 –36 h) were in similar ranges more, our results may be an underestimate of the true
(data not shown). Stratified by gender, adiponectin con- intraclass correlation coefficient, as more precise labora-
centrations in the EDTA samples did not change signifi- tory methods to determine adiponectin concentrations
cantly over 36 h (data not shown), and the overall become available. Our study indicates that packing and
intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.46 (⫺0.03 to 0.88) in transporting adiponectin blood samples on ice for up to
men and 0.71 (0.27– 0.95) in women. 36 h is unlikely to produce any systematic error, although
Adiponectin concentrations decreased over a period of adiponectin concentrations were slightly increased 36 h
1 year, from 17.90 (14.39 –22.70) to 15.86 (13.02–19.33) after blood collection in the EDTA samples. We speculate
mg/L (P ⫽ 0.03); however, this was somewhat accounted whether the dissociation of adiponectin from polymeric to
for by changes in BMI. After adjustment for BMI, there monomeric forms might be a reason for this observation
was no significant difference (P ⫽ 0.09) between adi- (28 ). However, this finding may also be attributable to
ponectin concentrations obtained in the years 2000 [17.64 chance because similar changes were not observed in the
(14.71–21.15) mg/L] and 2001 [16.10 (13.42–19.30) mg/L]. sodium-heparin samples.
Furthermore, the two measurements were highly corre- In conclusion, we found that human adiponectin con-
lated (intraclass correlation coefficient, 0.85; 95% CI, 0.66 – centrations are stable in whole blood stored in EDTA or
0.94; BMI-adjusted, 0.84; 95% CI, 0.65– 0.94). Mean BMI sodium-heparin Vacutainers when placed on ice packs
increased from 25.5 ⫾ 2.8 to 25.9 ⫾ 3.2 kg/m2 (P ⫽ 0.13). and stored in Styrofoam containers for up to 36 h.
There were significant inverse associations between the Furthermore, after accounting for changes in BMI, indi-
adiponectin concentrations in 2000 and 2001 and BMI in vidual blood adiponectin concentrations did not signifi-
2000 and 2002 (r ⫽ ⫺0.47; P ⫽ 0.04 and r ⫽ ⫺0.45; P ⫽ cantly change over a period of 1 year but showed a high
0.04, respectively). After adjustment for age, these corre- degree of reproducibility. These findings suggest that a
lations became slightly stronger (r ⫽ ⫺0.54; P ⫽ 0.02, and single adiponectin measurement may be sufficient for risk
r ⫽ ⫺0.48; P ⫽ 0.04, respectively). Age itself was not assessment in epidemiologic studies. Other possible fac-
significantly related to the adiponectin concentrations tors affecting the stability and reproducibility of adi-
(r ⫽ 0.23; P ⫽ 0.33 for 2000 and r ⫽ 0.14; P ⫽ 0.55 for 2001). ponectin, such as long-term storage, temperature, and
The mean age of our sample was 59 years (range, 53– 65 repeated freeze-thaw cycles, should also be considered
years). (29 –32 ).
A multitude of factors potentially affects the assessment
of biological markers, leading to imprecision of results.
Storage time and temperature are important factors that
may affect assay stability of blood and may bias results in We would like to thank Drs. Qiang Tong and Gary
either direction. Therefore, documentation of specimen Bradwin for their expert advice provided on this project,
stability in typical study conditions is essential in large- Alan Paciorek and Guo Tan for their competent technical
scale epidemiologic studies. Furthermore, a single assess- laboratory assistance, and Lydia Liu for helpful statistical
ment of a biochemical indicator may be susceptible to advice and programming review. This study was
short-term variation and not reflect true long-term expo- supported by research grants HL35464 and CA55075.
652 Technical Briefs

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