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Political Economy AnalySynthesis No.

Name: Elisha Anne Bascon
Course & Section: International Development Studies 41
Subject: International Political Economy
Professor: Jumel G. Estrañero

“India’s elderly population will double and overtake the number of children by 2050”
A. News Tidbits
The population of the elderly in India was predicted to double by 2050 and overtake the
number of children in the country, according to the United Nations Population Fund. It is stated
in the news that there is a chance that the elderly will outnumber children aged 0 to 14 years old
and that there will be a decline in people aged 15 to 59 years old. It is also said in a report that
the increase will also be visible across all regions of the world and not just in India. Although
socio-cultural and economic challenges may occur since they can increase the number of widows
and women in rural areas will be more affected than those who live in urban regions due to the
isolation that they might face which are poor transportation, income insecurity, and a lack of
proper health care.
B. Analysis
In this generation, it is undeniable that younger adult tends to plan their future ahead
unlike the previous generation, most of us overthink about the future more often since we think
about how hard it is now to live in this society. Some of us are maybe just like me who think
about not bearing a child since I am thinking of its future and my capacity to provide for their
needs. Another reason is their experiences as a child which makes them decide to not have one.
Maybe these are some reasons why the elderly population overtakes the number of children. If
we think about the situation, more people are becoming career-driven individuals, wherein they
fully give their time to build their careers and improve themselves.
C. Policy Recommendations
The recommendation that I can think of is to improve the healthcare services that the
country has and increase its expenditure in that area. It is also important if the government has
the capacity to provide pensions for the elderly so that they would not have to work. It is still
crucial to focus on economic development in order for young adults or adults to think about
building a family since they are sure that their future is secure.

 Jacob, C. (2023, October 1). India’s elderly population will double and overtake the
number of children by 2050. CNBC.

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