November 2015 Candidates Reviews

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ADC November 2015 Practical Exam Candidates


Abhishek Seth
December 2, 2015
My experience of the November 2015 exam (Melbourne): This is only my opinion
1st day( orientation day )- This one hour convener of the exam talks about the
conduct of the exam and the points in the declaration form with the examiners
sitting and observing the candidates in the room, we do get to clear our doubts
but not basic questions about infection control. In my center many candidates
asked the same questions over and over while some others didn't get the proper
answer they probably deserved. According to me the explanation the convener
gave was almost sufficient.

2nd day- starts with registration and a lecture detailing all the tasks we have to
perform for the day. I was very nervous before starting my set-up for which we
get half an hour before starting for the day this time is very less as we have to
look for any pre-existing damage in the jaw and fill a form and then the convener
will collect the form after verifying the points we mention. I had a small argument
regarding the gingival nicks she didn't agree to consider it as it was near the
endo tooth. So started with class 4 took 2 hrs, cut of the teeth was different in
these machine cut teeth unlike nothing we practice then went on to taking putty
for provisional for the second day and putty for 36 fgc, did class 2 prep on 46
just went in 2mm in the occlusal pit n saw a hole thought i exposed the screw so
wasted time in incident report was very tensed examiner said he will make a
note of it n went off. Had my timetable task communication before the break in
which I got the last avulsion case and the examiner acting as the parent asked a
lot of questions. After the break I came back tensed about the class 2 prep on 46
got half an hour before going for the radiology timetable task, radio task rinn
device was not good especially the one for anterior PA and was confused about
the phosphor plates orientation was panicking and didn't check the placement
properly becoz time was getting wasted DA was very helpful. Completed the 36
fgc task and the endo task on 26 followed by cleaning the jaws at the end.

3rd day- no orientation on this day and started off good becoz setup was done
on the 2nd day but the jaw had too many pre- existing damages. Started with
temporary crown fabrication left finishing for later went on to 43 pfm was very
tricky dunno about the outcome then took on class 2 filling box was very wide
didn't get the contact and filling came out the first time from the box gave
grooves again tried to have a good separation with double wedging got the
contact didn't look good and after removing the wedge tooth became loose so
called the examiner who then cudn't tighten it and took the upper jaw away so
had to take on amalgam task on 36 just 15 mins before the break couldn't
complete it. Was very nervous again on the break had rubber dam just after
break so they took us in 10 mins earlier 17 gingiva was lacerated n no clamp was
stable was slipping down to the root dropped a clamp and was asked questions
on it just put a flexidam sheet on it used a wingless clamp to atleast complete it
on time don't know about the result, went in the bay started with finishing my
amalgam which got a very shiny appearance. 11 class 3 cudn't c ne caries took
a palatal approach n just wanted to finish it then finished my provisional crown
and had an hour for class 2 filling which was again a struggle so after this
experience all I can do is pray to God as u'll can see nothing we do at our
practice can completely prepare us for the ADC examination. Hope this helps
the people who r preparing for future exams.
Allan Pink
January 9
I wanted to write my exam experience after the results were out... and after they
were out i was so overwhelmed that it took me 4 days to gather myself and write
this down. Sorry its a long one but had to share this with you...
DAY 1:
Started with making putty index for provisional crown.. as well as index for fgc...
started with FGC first.. went well had no problems infact i found it easier to work
on 36 than 37.. their hand-pieces are brilliant at melbourne center. then i started
with endo access.. was pretty straight forward but i felt due to anxiety i tried to
be a little more conservative than i usually did during practice.... i was almost
done with it by the time i had to go for here is where the
stress began to build case was avulsion. i welcomed the examiner in and
started explaining him but somehow from the start he had this uninterested
blank look on his face which made me i repeated stuff which
annoyed him more.. didn’t use any medical jargons except for once...however
one good thing i did was ask him repeatedly whether he understood whatever
I’m saying..fortunately he dint ask me many that concluded the
communication and i was a bit stressed after that...i got done with access
opening and it was lunch break so we had sometime to relax. After lunch i had X
ray which was fine... i then started with class 2 was MOD cavity... seems
a simple prep but its time consuming cause u have to be very cautious to avoid
over extension. after that finally i did the class 4 was quite happy with
thats how the first day ended...
DAY 2:
on the second they surprised us with PFM on 43... i started with PFM cause i
always believed to finish off the stressful tasks first and then move on to simpler
tasks..the thing is during the exam the stress keeps on building as the day
progresses so during the later part of the day ur not mentally equipped to handle
new things or difficult things..a lot of candidates though chose to do it in the end
cause they wernt sure. for PFM i initially thought that being direct vision it would
not be so difficult but that was the first time ever i was cutting a 43 so i struggled
with the palatal aspect but managed to get it right...after that i started with class
2 restoration.. from here is where my nerves were really put to test. during my
preparation period i never this was one of the easiest tasks for me.. they asked
us MO on 25. I would always use a tofflemire and stuck to that. now they had
opened up the cavity quite a bit on the palatal side.. so while building the
marginal ridge ther was quite some excess in that area. i usually use a shrap
explorer to take that off. but the explorers at the center wer so blunt and awful
that i kept denting the marginal addition to that the material was setting
so fast that i cudnt carve it well before curing. i explained o the DA she said put
the light off and work. after trying to build it 4 times i finally worked without light
and sumhow built the ridge. finished the occlusal part..and then finished the
proximal area using strips but thr was quite sum excess so i had to use it
aggressively. i was then called for rubber dam. i carried 3 protect sheets and
one flexi sheet. during practice i would always use protect had tried flexi only
once and i was comfortable with protect. we were asked 16 . had 4 clamps 2
winged and 2 wingless. chose the winged clamp felt the adaptation was good so
proceeded. 1 sheet punched holes wronlgy discarded. 2nd sheet placed it there
was a slight tear discarded. 3 rd sheet placed it well.. but later saw that due to
the pull of the sheet the clamp was impinging on the palatal gums tried
adjusting. then i heard a DA saying your left with 10 min. now during practice i
would usually finish rubber dam in 7 i thought lets try doing it
again...(big mistake: don try stunts) i took of the whole thing and decided to use
a wingless clamp. i was tying the floss when my DA came and told me ur left with
4 mins. i froze at that moment. i told her but u jus said 10 min. she said that was
for the radio my mind i thought rubber dam is D for sure. i was left
with flexi sheet. my hands were trembling while punching the holes..started
sweating profusely with the sweat in my eyewear and with a blurred vision thnks
to god i placed it in 4 mins...thanks to the maker of flexi sheets thy just dont
tear...i came bck to my add to my misery when i returned and checked
the contact of class 2, it was open because i had overused the strips...and then
it was lunch...
Amandeep Kaur
January 12
Hi guys...I am writing this experience today as a way of showing my gratitude
towards all those people who helped me reach this goal knowingly or
unknowingly.I used to get motivation from reading experiences of past
candidates and i would be highly obliged if this article is able to help at least
some of you.
I was totally blank when I started ...had no idea about the things required for
exam and from where to start and which coaching to join. I think everyone of us
face the same situation.But I was lucky to have my friend Sukhpreet Kaur in this
journey with me.
So starting from the day we got our OET results we started searching and asking
people for the took up a lot of time and energy just to arrange a
homesetup. The next step was to finalize the coaching institute ....their was a lot
of confusion regarding this issue but eventually we ended up choosing onestep
course for two weeks.
Before starting, we read crown preps from Rosensteel and Shilingburg and
amalgam,gic from Summit and Schwartz. Before joining the course we made
sure to try most of the tasks at least a few times so that we are able to
understand better . So finally we started our course in the last week of August. I
believe it laid a foundation for us. They guided us about almost everything
starting from the burs to materials. Taught us about different techniques and
also showed us ways to correct our mistakes. They are really genuine in their
dealing and I believe that not even a single hour was wasted in those two weeks.
Today I am glad about our decision to join one step. They both are friendly and
positive people.
After the course I went their for assessment every fortnight and took mock test
in October second week. I was actually devastated on seeing my result of mock
as Dr. Bhavna and Dr.Baker are really critical about your work....but this
motivated me to work more hard.
In the last one month I also went to Dr.Zack to get his view on my preps....I would
say going to him was the best decision...he actually changed our outlook of
viewing the was he who emphasized on satisfactory and showed me
how to always be in a safe zone. After visiting him me and Sukhpreet discussed
the criteria for almost two days and made our own strategies and plan for the
exam...we decided no matter what happens we are going to move on to next task
once we feel that we are completing the requirements of satisfactory for that
particular task.
We believe that trying to achieve ideal grade takes up a lot of time and their is no
scope of mistake whereas satisfactory provides you with a wide range of
possibilities and enables you to work within the time frame and is a lot less
I think the key is to be disciplined, and to practice daily and following the criteria
blindly. Nothing can guarantee a pass result but your own hard work and
correct approach and also Gods will.
We too had our share of stressful experiences during the exam, the teeth were
nicked, xray device was not getting aligned , nicked gingiva, deep caries, and so
on...but key is to manage your stress and time very focused and
everything falls into place gradually.
My only advice is to follow just one or two persons....we don't need to rush to
every coaching to learn new techniques...everyone will teach their own way but
ultimately we all find our own techniques that work for us.
Work together...most important and my friend were really open with each
other and discussed every single point ....even though we had our limitations at
home but whatever time we had we made the best use of it. Learn from each
others mistakes, discuss your views and new techniques which you discover
during the course of preparation, be true to each other...keep on appreciating
and motivating each other, be a critical assessor.
Also you don't need costly and fancy things to clear this exam...we just had jaws
and one dental manikin ,no loupes, no fancy instruments...just the
basic requirements. Also make sure to clean your jaws at end of each day as
debris straightaway leads to borderline. However ,the most important thing is to
believe in yourself and God.
I hope this post will help at least few of you....we are always ready to help in
case you guys have any questions as we know this period is really stressful and
even a small piece of advice can make a difference. Here i want to acknowledge
my dear friend Dr. Divya Harjaii who helped a complete stranger like me in the
very initial stages of my preparation when I was facing a lot of
disappointments.....thanks a ton dearie !!
Here is the list of all the dealers from whom we ordered our stuff:
5 Burs and few more things we got from ONE STEP.
Aman Chauhan
January 11
Exam experience.
It's finally time for me to share my experience. Well, it's been a bumpy road I
must say, ups and downs. But I always had one pillar to lean on whenever I felt
ADC was impossible, my husband. I believe everyone must have that one person
they count on when ADC feels like a nightmare.
I thought of ADC as a monster guarding my way to new opportunities. But this
monster has taught me a lot as well and I am grateful for this experience.
I started my preparation right after clearing the written. I had a good friend who
familiarized me with places I could order materials from as I was very new in
Australia. I was lucky that my husband took his time to look for me the materials
and the machine to start up. I booked up with one step with the same friend, this
was the week right after the June examination, in the meantime I kept looking for
a Dental assistant job. My understanding to this exam was that if I do not
understand how australian dentistry works I will not be able to give them what
they want.
One step academy laid down the foundation on how the tasks were to be done. It
was a good insight on what the examiners expected out of you. However, I must
say I have not stuck to any techniques they taught me , I learnt new techniques
at home and after meeting other candidates who had previously passed the
exams. One thing I really took home was how to critique my work. I constantly
looked at good work and tried to replicate that at home. It took time but when my
work started to get consistent I felt confident to appear for the exam.
I made a timetable and I religiously followed it. I entered the room, which I called
my 'clinic', at 8am after my husband went to work and left that room at 6pm. I
pretended as if I had gone to work as well and I had a list of procedures to do on
'kariuki', my patient, the manikin.
During my practice, I experimented with a lot of burs and materials. Some days I
did well and other days I struggled. I did one task until I met the ideal or
satisfactory criteria and then moved to the next. I watched youtube videos, read
textbooks and read a lot of journals on the Internet.
Dental assisting helped me a lot.
1. I hated it so much that it kept motivating me to work harder and not to give up.
I deserved to sit on right hand side and not left hand side.
2. It taught me on infection control.
3. It taught me how to communicate 'the australian way'
4. Also, I met candidates who had previously sat the exam but were
unsuccessful. There is always something to learn from what they tell you.
I was very strict with myself. I looked for perfection always. I was not vocal or
active on Facebook but I enjoyed looking at the pics candidates posted on
certain groups. They always kept me charged up!
One month before the exam,
I did 9 mocks at home and 1 at one step. I always wanted someone experienced
to critique my work very strictly..I could only get this from Dr Baker, Bhavana,
and one of the previously passed candidates, swathi, I met in Melbourne. This
time when i came out of one step I was an expert at critiquing my work as well of
my colleagues.
Next post of the exam.

Aman Chauhan
January 15
Orientation day, Perth center
-Reach 20 minutes before time
-you are directed to a lecture room near the reception area
-familiarize yourself with the place..especially the reception and the washrooms.
TIP: When you are headed to the washrooms you can get a sneak peek of the
examination cubicles. This can prepare you mentally.
- ask as many questions as you can. This is your day! But also note that usually
the examiners will have only one answer' Do it as if it were your own clinic'..this
can be frustrating!
- we asked about the communication scenarios..since they added new
ones..their response..'we forgot to remove the old scenarios from the website,
only the new scenarios will come in the exam' ..How convenient!
- note down the areas where infection control will not apply.
-ask them what you can bring along on the day of the exam..very important!
- have a glance at all the examiners..they are the back benchers...sweet looking
but lethal on examination days.
- also look at your competition. Get charged up for the next day!
Day 1
-Reach 30 minutes before time.
They open up the reception at exactly 8am
- Registration starts ..appear with your letter and identification documents
- before entering the exam room, they tell you all the tasks that you have to that
day. They also tell you that you have different timings for X-ray and rubber-dam
and no one will remind you to go for them, we have to check the timings. this is
where your friends come in handy especially if they are sitting next to you!! I was
lucky I had two of my friends next to me.
-once you enter the exam room they will show you where all the materials are
kept, any extra instruments if required during your exam. Also, they will show
you where rubber-dam and communication will be done.
-After they have shown you the above they expect you to go to your specific
bays, all labelled with your names and candidate number. You then have 30mins
to check for any nicks on teeth or the gums and report them and show the
examiners. Please check very carefully from every angle and be fast as that is
the only time you get to arrange your bay the way you want. At this point they are
not marking you on infection control so please don't let this golden period
-demarcate your clean and dirty zone because if the examiner came to your bay
and couldn't see that they will ask you and that might take a point out of your
infection control.
-use these 30mins to quickly go and get any material you feel from the common
area. COMMON AREA is the area where they keep all the materials , they will
show you that once you enter the exam room.
- look at your timings for rubber dam and X-ray and also look at your colleagues
too. Inform your colleagues to remind you when they are headed for rubber-dam
or X-ray, usually it would be at the same time.
Start time-9am!
- please calm yourself first. It's too much to handle in one day , take deep
breaths and focus on your work. Pretend you are working at home following the
infection control guidelines. You are not the only one stressed in that exam.
-Started with putty of 36, made 2 of them
- class 4 was my nightmare, did a beautiful class 4 the minute I put floss to check
the contact , it flipped out. Did it again and I remember the examiner coming to
look at my work and saying beautiful work..I thought he was being
Please change the water supply in the handpieces its too much..tell the nurse to
reduce it for you.
- then I did class 2 composite prep..went well happy with it. I kept my jaw clean
at all times
- started with full gold..did the occlusal surface only and headed for rubber dam
Left with my friends and the funniest thing, all of us forgot our rubber dams in
our bay..rushed back to get our dams as the timer had started.
I took exactly 30mins to do it. Made sure everything was ok.
- Headed back to do the full gold..was running out of time..looked fine to me but
regretted that I never got ample time to check for undercuts.
Day 2
- surprise pfm 43.. Anyways didn't let that affect my other tasks
-started with class 3 and temporary crown, class 3 happy! But reported to the
examiner that my depth was going more than 2mm , she ignored me!!, temporary
crown ;made 4, picked up the best one.
- Endo was easy. Very conservative prep. Tooth looks very different from the
ones we practice at home
- headed for communication and X-ray
- for some reason they kept me there for about 30 mins in communication
X-ray was a disaster, the tube was very annoying, it kept moving, managed to
stabilize it.
-I think amalgam was on this went well..I remember using their matrix
band which is shorter than the ones we use at home. When I was removing the
band, my mesial marginal ridge fractured. This when your practice at home
help. Practice to trouble shoot in the exam. I rebuilt the mesial marginal ridge
without having to redo the amalgam, looked great
Hope this will help, good luck everyone.
Claudia Rodriguez
January 6
My experience:
Ok... let's pick up the pieces and start all over again. Now with added
experience. This is unpredictable but the only thing in common among the ones
who passed is that they sit until they passed.
Some did at the first attempt, some after a while but there would be no way to
pass if they had given up.
We know exactly what we need to do to pass as is written on the handbook.
Could you please share what you think graded you down so we learn from each
other's experiences?
For me was Iike this:
My unsatisfactory marks: PFM and Endo.
1. PFM: I did a quite 'decent' prep until I checked the margins and saw i was like
0.1 - 0.2 short. As I consistently did during my practice time, I ruined it trying to
fix those little imperfections. I overtappered the tooth and it looked pointy so I
rushed to make it look more 'parallel' and I think I left undercuts. I noticed that I
was stressing and decided to work on something else and come back after to
check and fix it with more calm... time went on and couldn't get back to it.
Issues: time & stress management, consistent mistake of finishing before
making sure the margins depths are adequate... as it was polished when I
noticed the problem i tried to fix with polishing burs which don't cut well and
make u put excessive and uncontrolled pressure... I pretty much always stuffed
up on finishing touches. Need to be aware of that and practice.
Endo: No bloody idea what went wrong. To me, it was perfect.... BUT! I realise
now that when I practiced at home I used to miss out on 'little defects' and kept
taking the tooth out to assess. Obviously, I couldn't do this on exam and missed
something huge... so, in this case I see i need to improve my self - assessment
skills and clarify the concepts and criteria... also I never felt confident checking
the roof bits that stay coz we couldn't use the endo file that I had practiced
with... it is not allowed so don't rely on it as you WILL NOT have it on exam day...
My Borderline marks: communicatiom and Amalgam
Communication task was the Cvek Pulpotomy case. I was nervous but I don't
think this is a surprise for anyone. Believe it or not, I couldn't remember that
when the teeth fragments are missing, patients should be advised to go to the
doctors for further investigation. Patient asked me if he should go to the doctors
and I knew I was missing something out so I started to talk a bit erratically as I
was trying to understand why he asked me for it and I feel I sort of lost track of
the conversation. I don't think the issue was the misinformation about refering
the patient but the fact that I act confused and took attention away from the
conversation to try to 'fix it'.
Again my Amalgam was a surprise. I honestly think that amalgam was the best I
ever did in my life... I even joked to a friend that I was about to take my mobile
phone as I needed to post the photos here lol... my bad!!! Many times I have
heard that they don't like when over do the anatomy. I now think that I must have
left deep grooves and fissures.
I know the borderlines aren't too bad but just sharing what I think it could have
taken marks away from my work.
I hope it helps. In my case... no hard feelings. I don't have conspiracy theories
against ADC. I rather to grow and learn from my mistakes. I still a knowledge
myself and value those many satisfactoriy ones, which I feel are more in amount
and also a better reflection of the hard work and love I put on my preparation.
Congratulations to the ones who passed, as well as the ones who still need
another go to pass. We'll see each other on CPD courses one day... I'm sure! 
Failing is only a step in the way to success.
Entzmi Flora
December 2, 2015

Hi all,
I would not go through the tasks as you all know them by now.
I had to travel to Cairns for exam. JCU dental hospital has a great and
comfortable set issues with instruments and materials at all. exam days
were uneventful and was conducted very well by Dr Tatly. all examiners were
very attentive and this center specially for radiography task is very
convenient and the set up is great.
in terms of accommodation I booked in student lodge. Very convenient as is in
walking distance from hospital. Lodge also has dining room with beautiful menu
every meal.
my advice for candidate:
-please be well prepared and mind time of exam you should know your
own way of approaching tasks.
- also try to behave as professional not as student.
-in terms of infection control cairns was tough and all nurses walking around
and watching you and questioning.
-also please know how to manage stress and keep calm. The way you handle
your stress might relieve you but also may affect other's peace. The candidate
next to my cubicle constantly was complaining of every single instrument and
tooth. And examiners keep telling her it's the same for everyone.
-time management is really important. You’ve got to plan your day.7 hours of
exam goes very quickly.
I hope it helps. All the best to all of us!
Fatima Hasan
December 1, 2015
Hii everyone! This is my experience of the practical exam in nov,15 at the
melbourne venue.
On the day of orientation,we were given a presentation about the exam process
and later we asked questions.Most of those were answered and only a very few(
about loupe handling among others) were not answered.
Day 1- Tasks were- 1. Full metal prep on 36( surprise surprise!)
2. Caries stimulated 46 for composite prep
3. Endo access on 26
4.class 4 restoration on 11
5. Putty for provisional crown on 16
And yes,24 was a practice tooth on which you could do as you like.
34 was practice tooth on day 2.
Day 1 started off with an orientation of the place and allotment of bays. The
damage form and subsequent complaints were duly listened to and noted.
I started with putty for the crown prep and provisional crown. Took putty index
both with their and my own putty. Its a good idea to carry your own stuff as much
as you can.( carry your own disposable scalpel if you can)
Also, for composite restoration, the available shades at the center was b3 and
flowable a2.. So it would have looked mismatched, so use your own. The DA was
extremely helpful and so were the examiners.
Started with the crown prep and took longer than expected. Try to organize your
burs in different bur holders for each task so that your bracket is mess free and
your mind is clutter free. The mouth mirror and suction dropped so i called the
DA who then called the examiner and he asked me what i would do. It’s not
something which they note down or mark you for. So, relax if it something does
fall down. I figured out that there are far too many instruments on your bracket
table so you can actually put some back in the cleanup zone( yeah, that’s the
dirty zone' s name)
Please try and keep small bits such as soflex discs or wedges in small cups so
that it doesn’t fly around. Also the putty for provisional in cups so that you don’t
mix them up.
After break time, it was rubber dam task, and surprisingly the rubber dam after
set up had tears. So, i had ten minutes left and in that i punched a new sheet and
put it up. Barely managed it. So, don’t panic as things will go wrong at the most
unexpected moment.
For caries stimulated tooth, there were three separate cavities, one occlusal (
depth of about 2.5 mm) and two proximal( depth of around 3.5-4 mm).. Had a bit
of tilt which would compromise the clearance and was reported by some.
Day 2- More tiredness but less disorientation.
1. Pfm was the biggest surprise( 43) was a shock for most of us
2. Class 3 on 11
3. Amalgam on 36 with dl cusp building
4. Class 2 composite restoration on 25 mesial.
5. Off course, the provisional.
Started the day and the tooth no.35 was mobile. They quickly screwed it back
but it was a bit tilted lingually. Had to get it repositioned again. So if anything
goes wrong, stand your ground and it will be done.
Amalgam prep i did first and the entire cusp broke off. So, i took a fresh
increment and condensed it fully on the old one. Try not to panic or lose your
mind, otherwise you can’t fix things. This exam is about having nerves of steel
Never ever forget to put retention grooves in all your restorations so that the
material would stay.
I had communication and radiography. All of us got trauma cases and it’s not
about the technicalities but more about your confidence. So keep a smile and
start speaking. Do not use even a single tough word such as radiograph or even
reposition. Simplest of the simple is the key.
For radiography, time is enough so don’t rush away into taking x-rays and take
your time.
After lunch, I had so much left to do and just under 3 hours. Started with pfm and
i was clueless with it. Just did what i could and moved onto provisional crown.
The crown prep had subgingival margins and thus had to push the putty firmly
as two of the crowns came out in supraocclusion. Usually, i like this task but in
the exam, it became the most time wasting one. Finally got it right in maybe the
fourth attempt. And then, the class 3. Couldn’t see any caries at all labially so
tried going palatally. Thankfully, it had a depth of 2.5 mm and bl width of 2 mm..
so i think it’s a good idea to ask your friends in break time about this task and the
composite prep task as well.
I felt that time was less and could not analyze what i did.
So, all in all, it’s done now. Can’t go back and change anything.
Some thought on this,
1. DO NOT STRESS. it’s not matter of life and death. It will help you get the
maximum result even if everything goes wrong.
2. Yes, things will always go wrong in the exam. Even if it’s your favorite task, so
move on. Don’t start passing judgement on your own work and ruin other tasks.
3. Time management is utterly important and you can’t go on honing one task at
the cost of other tasks.
4. Never lose hope. Be positive even if you messed it up. Smile at others and at
The ADC will judge your work and you can spend as many sleepless nights as
you want but it’s never the end of the world.
I hope this long story about my experience helps.
Thanks. Cheers
Josefina Guimaraes
December 1, 2015
Here I go. My exam experience.
(Sorry it took a few days but honestly I don’t know if feeling so tired is normal)
My venue, Perth.
Day one.
Class IV restoration 11
Class II composite prep on Caries simulated 46
Class FGC 36 (surprise number one)
Endo access 26
Rubber dam for 16 Mod
I worked very slow in comparison with the times I was getting at home. The hand
pieces work very smoothly which is good for not overcutting but not if you are in
a hurry. Also constantly stopping, drying and checking takes time. I found hard
to move from one task to another, to just say ok this is enough let’s move on!.
Examiners were really nice, they are very polite, so although I felt watched this
did not make me feel uncomfortable. When I first got to my bay there was
already on my report a nick on 47 and I checked and noticed damage on gingiva
in between 11 and 12 and they wrote it down straight away. I did 46 first. Then
endo access, class 4, rubber dam, and finally and running out of time FGC ( this
was last because is was the one that I was least confident with and I didn’t want
it to mess with my head and ruin my other tasks
Day 2
Pfm on 43 ( huge surprise number 2)
Class II composite rest on 25 OM
Class 3 in 11 M
Communication ( examiners again super nice)
Rx ( right BW, 36 PA, 31 and 41 PA
Provisional on 16 ( took a few putties the day before)
Amalgam 36 OMDL
Again, too slow, had communication and Rx early so it was good to have no
interruptions later on
Did class 3, then class 2, pfm, provisional and finally Amalgam until last minute
and suffering knowing I didn’t have enough time, I was praying when I took out
that matrix band!.
My tips... Good time management.. Don’t get stuck and keep going.. And if
something is not going as expected try to be calm and take it out of your mind.. I
struggled with all of these.
Good luck.!
Mohamed Saad Alwazeer
January 19
Hello guys ,This is my experience in Cairns JCU and thank god I PASSED.
sorry for being late , because of the travel thing and now the cold and cough .
Hmmmm first thing is first , its not about telling you all every single move i did ,
its about telling you about any troubles u may face during your exam . so the
most important thing ever in your exam are two things :
that's right , its not about how good ur preps and rests are , its about how good u
r in controlling ur stress and managing ur time .
there they don't care much about ur stress coz they feel the tasks are easy thing
for you which they really are .
my advice is to start with something u r really good at especially restorations not
preps coz ur hands in first may be little shaking .
first day u got 4 tasks + 30 min task usually equals 5 hrs work and u got more
than 6 hrs
second day u got 5 tasks + 30 min task equals 5.30 hrs work and again u got the
same more than 6 hrs .
actually in my opinion got enough time to do all tasks except if u gonna repeat
one or two task for several times . and here again the importance of controlling
ur stress and managing ur time .
in my opinion don't postpone finishing and polishing till the end , that will stress u
out even more . finish every task in its own time u planned it for .
get always ready for facing any tooth in every task . do every tooth at least once
so u know its difficulties.
Use your own burs from now on till the exam so they will be dull in the exam so
they won't cut so fast .
Again and forever , never try anything new in the exam .
Buy two anti-fog anti-scratch 3M goggles . practice with one and leave the other
for the exam.
And please don't ever hesitate to contact me to explain anything seem unclear to
you . Best of luck to all of you.
Onitsuka Tiger
January 7
Hi guys.
Now that exam is over and results are out, I am writing my feedback as things
sometimes make more sense in retrospect. I started with a course with Dr
Raman in early August. It gave me an idea of things how exam is like as I didn't
have a lot of insight into the exam beforehand. I applied on the last day of
applications and got a place for November. My center was Westmead. When the
course finished I couldn't prepare through September due to my little one. I
started in October and I had about 8 weeks to prepare. Unfortunately in those 8
weeks my turbine broke down and the one from eBay was taking three weeks to
come. Cutting long story short, it took two weeks to finally get the turbine
working. In these six weeks I tried to practice as much as I could but I strongly
felt that time was short. So my aim was to experience the exam and not worry
about result.
Exam day 1:
I had radio and communication in start of the day. At 9:20. This meant that I had
no time to start a prep to be there at 9:10. I chose not to start to use ten minutes
and in the stress of going for radio and communication I also forgot putting the
putty key.
Went for radio and tube was moving. The examiner noticed it and gave a towel to
try fixing it. However time was running short. I had three X-rays to take and tube
was constantly moving. Anyway finally it was over and tried to do the best in
given situation. Then I went to communication.
Communication case was the trauma case for Kim. After finishing when I came
back, time was short and I hadn't done a single task.
I started with endo. The tooth was predictable but slow hand piece was running
very slow. And tooth was cutting differently. I felt it was harder than one dental.
Hand pieces were running very slow and before lunch break I was only finished
with endo. Went for lunch. My friends advised me that I need to pick up speed.
Came back.
Started fgc. Again I was doing this for the first time on that tooth. I reduced the
distal cusp and ended up with 4 cusps only which I later felt was wrong thing to
Then I did class 4. It was ok but during finishing my filling got stained with
mandrel. Lots of time went in correcting that.
Lastly I did class 2 cavity prep. Occlusal caries was pretty straight forward but
proximal was difficult to locate. I was short of time so I did that quickly and by
quick it still meant 45 minutes. Time was passing too fast. Overall I felt I did okay
but wasn't too happy with X-rays and class 2...
Ola Saadi
December 3, 2015

My experience during the 2 days is u face very hard times so u have to be

organized, confident n fast. I gave exam in Perth, ppl were nice but rules is
rules( so no mercy in infection control bec it is a task in the exam).
Day 1:
I checked teeth, jaws head everything was brand new!!! i set up all i need on
napkins n informed them as this is my dirty zone n put transferring tweezer
between dirty n clean zone(clean zone is my bag) bec we only have 1 bench in
Perth. Started to have putty on 16( i did 2) n at the same time take putty for 36
fm. while all in place start to do cl.iv, i did groove n it took one finish but
was not very happy bec i left a bit catch labial. then i left that n moved to 46
caries it was like one dental i asked examiner about caries depth she said don’t
worry about depth but think as this pt in ur surgery! occ was shallow D deeper
than M. rubber dam was very flexi, 2examiner watching me for infection control i
used universal clamp was fit on 17 then when finish nicely found a small hole on
18!!! i called them what to do they said cut oraseal !! it is a tube like flowable, use
it for 1st time i pushed it hard then got too long string wink emoticon took a bit
by flat plastic n put it on hole. I wasn’t sure if they liked it??? after break start
endo, i heard it is different with white floor. I got the access i found 2 red lines on
floor bet orifices, i called examiner she called another examiner i removed one
groove n told them i want to report about manufactured grooves he sat n start
checking or assessing my endo!! he kept asking me as viva for endo n i
answered everything he want then he accepted to fill me a form. Still not sure if
that right or wrong thing to do?! no one can tell u. FM was my last task, i thought
easy but it was bulky too much it took 2 hr. to finish with minor undercut
mesially!! n bec the whole day my eyes got fatigued from chair light i did major
damage to 35 distally n at the end i decided to cover the groove with composite,
polish it by strip. hope n pray a lot to not see this damage. when finished day 1
reported to examiner to move me to another spot bec of the light keep moving
while work she asked me u didn’t say during the day i told her i didn’t want to
waste my time for another setting up.

Day 2:
after registration they called me to move to another chair n said firmly while
looking to my eyes( we don’t have any chairs left to change) i said ok n took my
set up to the new spot. thanks god was good, but this time was at the end of
clinic i was happy n said no one sees me then found an examiner chair just
behind my back all the day. Started with PC i did 3 all of them had some defects
n bec 16 was subging so i needed to work hard on one of them until got it fine i
used flowable to build up one cusp, fill hole n adjust margins so 1hr n half till
finish it. 25 was shallow occ, did grooves n wasted time in matrix band then
when removed it found black area all around palatal wall took me 1hr to finish.
Bec i didn’t know where was caries in cl iii i decided to do amalgam before
break. used 3 capsules of mine all were like stone at 6,7,8 sec. then used theirs
was sdi 3 spills on 8 sec finally got it. my x ray n comm before luch so went to
comm first the new thing that once both examiners opened the room she said
start now!!! at the door i welcomed parent n asked him to come in. then asked
him to sit on dental chair n i sat facing him he was like surprised why to sit on
dental chair!! continue asking me even when time passed n he wasn’t nice n
confusing me by silly behavior frown emoticon tried my best with him but i did
few mistakes. so after that went runnig upstairs for x ray the nurse was tough
with me i did them unconfident with the last one my eyes filled of tears they
noticed that examiner n chief nurse asked me to finish with infection control n
then both tried to calm down my stress. wasn’t happy in both silly tasks. during
break asked ppl about cl iii some did it labial n some palatal! tooth looked
different n no caries in E. i decided to open it labial while shaking n praying god
to get caries there..i found it but was deep called examiner he said same as
other examiner in day 1( u imagine this is ur pt at ur surgery..think, then said r u
worry about depth? or u have to be worry if u leave caries?) he didn’t want to fill
the form. so i removed caries n finish cavity. 43 was my last task i cut the key
before lunch n left scalpel uncovered in the dirty zone!!! this was a mistake bec
sure examiners pass over our bays during lunch to check infection control frown
emoticon however 43 took 2 hr to finish n at the end 5 min before ending the day
did some scratches ling. during polishing 43!! my advice to u practice a lot on
infection control bec they watched us quietly during working in our bays n still u
will forget to do it when rushing with time.
now waiting 6 weeks for result another form of stress plus every day remember
something wrong i did during those days!! best luck to us smile emoticon
Rajwant Kaur
January 11
Sorry for the really late review , just wanted to do it after results . Most of the
things and tasks have already been told by other colleagues so would just share
my own experience .
Day 1
Made a note on nicks in gingiva in the midline , first examiner said it’s not that
important than had to explain that I have a cl 4 composite restoration here and if
they don’t mention this I will get a straight c , she agreed and noted it down .
Started with taking putty for provisional on 16 , than went onto endo on 26 , the
tooth was slightly different than one dental , the water was too much for me I
thought so asked the DA to slow it down , wrong call , got a burn mark on the
tooth ( which later went off as I drilled more of tooth structure ) but made me
panic at that time , so requested her to adjust that again this wasted time ,
realizing that it's better not to adjust their speeds and water flow as they are set
at an optimum level already . Finished with endo , went onto fgc 36 ( had
practiced 36 just two three times before but found it easier than 37 in exam ) no
issues with it , was happy with the crown cutting but took way too much time , it
was lunch break .
After coming had rubber dam (16) straightaway , applied a sheet found a small
hole not in the area concerned but thought have 15 mins can try once more ,
repeated it , got a tiny hole again not in the area of isolation but behind 17 , didn't
hv time to redo so applied oraseal but wasn't even visible . Came out started
with cl 2 cavity cutting (composite ) on 46 mod , made three separate cavities ,
caries simulated tooth same as available from one dental , middle cavity quite
small , proximal ones were deep but supragingival , almost like a deep box , gave
clearance with metal strip . Last task cl4 composite filling , was my fav finished it
well .
Wasn't sure of how things went but thought to myself no major blunder .
Day 2
Early start, started with pfm(43) had never done before , just had to be careful of
the length and thinness of the tooth , gave it extra time and finished alright.
Started with amalgam filling than 36(MODL) finished in 45 mins as knew that
have a lot of tasked to do today , I thought I over carved the cusp just a little bit ,
but didn't wanted to risk doing again , as it was just fine. Went onto cl2
composite filling than , completed the whole filling and just five mins before
lunch , was checking the contact again and the whole filling came out , first real
tensed moment of the exam , as there were so many tasks to do already and
second day has a smaller second half , had my lunch thought of the sequence
how I can complete the tasks but it was looking difficult . After lunch , started
with class 3 , on 11 mesial , couldn't see the caries at all , so took palatal
approach and drilled just beneath the contact point after around 1mm of drilling
found the caries , was not much , the whole cavity depth was around 2mm ,
smoothened the cavosurface and double checked for any debris , after that
started doing composite cl 2 on 25, time was running , just finished with build up
and it was time for communication , got trauma 4 avika ion , patient was standing
outside the room , examiner walked me towards the room saying patients
mother is here, would you please attend her , I opened the door for her , she
asked me where should see sit , other than the dental chair there were two
chairs , I offered her too sit on one of those , it went well though I was worried
about the blank look , and kept checking whether she is getting me , finished in
less than 10 mins, was ok, went for radio had 10 mins to go , went back to the
bay , made a provisional crown , came back for radio , tube is loose , phosphor
films keep moving in the holders , so just took all the X-rays with bisecting angle ,
stabilizing the plate with finger , done with that , less than 1 hour left and had to
finish cl 2 and provisional , started finishing cl 2 composited , all done and good ,
just the panicky hands while finishing with proximal strips went through the
contact , nervous, checked the contact and wasn't happy with it now , was loose
but had provisional to do as well , so moved on , made another provisional as
first one had bubbles, finished it just in time , wasn't very happy as would do
much better at home or clinic otherwise but than its very rare to replicate what
we do at non exam conditions , at least I couldn't do the same . But thankfully it
was good enough to be satisfactory and hence pass smile emoticon
Good luck to everyone, and thanks to the wonderful group.
Few tips:
1. Keep bay clean always , don't confuse with big dirty and clean areas , I just
had my tray and the nearby trolley as dirty all other areas I kept clean .
2. Follow infection control at all times , if anything does drop, can call examiner
and just a little viva of what we will do in our own clinic , I called them and they
don't mark you down for that .
3. Arrange burs for tasks and don't keep extras on tray .
4. Take all your materials with you as you are used to it and saves time .
5. Practice rubber dam with cheeks on manikin(not the thin ones ).
6. Practice on all teeth( they keep changing these days)
7. Practice X-rays well before , ( and should know all techniques, just if one
doesn't suit the condition which arises in exam)
8. Keep calm , tough to do but tensed nerves don't help at all.
I practiced communication with many friends almost daily , may be just on phone
( coz I wasn't good in it)
Did amalgam and rubber dam almost daily for last two three months
Do mock test , I could do just one before exam , but try as many as you can.
Hope it helps, good luck smile emoticon
Reeba Mary Mathew
January 17
Sharing my experience of the exam.
Centre- westmead, sydney
Make sure you make a good note of your scheduled days and timings of
the rubber dam , communication and radiograph tasks. On the orientation
make sure u clarify your doubts. They weren't very clear with whether we
could manipulate the mannequin with gloved hands so made sure we were
clear about that. As it is they don't over scrutinize these things if you don't
make any big blunders so don't worry.
The exam center was good but the whole exam setup can be over
whelming so just keep reminding yourself to stay calm. Before the exam
commences you get 30 mins to make a note of nicks and other problems
with the have good look . i had to keep on calling the examiner ,
but if that happens with you don’t hesitate to make sure you have let them
know. They were friendly so wasn’t an issue. Also familiarize yourself with
the foot control and chair adjustments. If you need help just ask the DA's.
They are available all the time. Assign your clean and dirty areas' kept the
instrument trolley and the trolley behind the mannequin as the dirty area.
Remaining all clean areas. Make sure u arrange all your consumables and
materials in their appropriate place. If you have to dispense putty make
sure you don't touch clean area with your gloves. Follow the same for
composite , amlgam , wedges,fenders, bands, applicator tips etc.
Started with class 4 composite(11).the contacts are real tight so keep that
in mind while practicing. Make undercuts in the teeth so that the
restoration doesn’t crack. Built the palatal and proximal surface .then
built up the rest. Finished and polished with soflex, super snap dics ,
daimond coated cups and occlusal brush. Took around 2 hours to finish.
Started with fgc in 36.cut occlusally first, then the facial surfaces and
finally the proximal. Used fine cutting burs and slow speed to finish. Used
proximal strips to finish and remove unsupported enamel from proximal
margins. Finished with oclusal brush. LUNCH BREAK. Make sure u have
something and don’t encourage discussion and don’t panic. Get yourself
ready for the rest of the day. Had to leave for communication and xray
task after lunch. Communication went fine. Make sure u read the brief
clearly . the patient tried to add new information into the task which
weren’t mentioned in the task sheet. So improvise as they improvise. They
asked me what my approach to soft tissue laceration would be and
questions on immunization were asked. So just be prepared. Even if ur
startled try to remain confident calm and recollect what u've read up. X-
ray task the time flew. Bitewing had to use tabs, both the periapical(31,41,
36) used bisecting angle technique. Make sure you note exposure side
and alphabet a for orientation. Came back finished fgc and went on to
endo(26) .located the canals and made sure to have straight line access
after deroofing. keep the floor and walls smooth. Finished exactly on time.
Just make sure your following infection control protocol throughout. don’t
obsess over any one particular task. Things won’t go as it goes while
practicing. So expect mishaps and just keep calm. Spend sufficient time
on all tasks.
Started with class 2 composite(25). Went fine. Tried not to over finish and
spoil. Checked contacts. Went on to class 2 cavity preparation.. Just
removed caries and smoothened the walls and floor and removed
unsupported enamel. Got clearance with proximal strips. Cavities were
shallow by god's grace. Went on to class 3 kept the thickest wedge.
Approached the caries from palatal .just removed the caries and removed
unsupported enamel. Kept it smooth. Started amalgam restoration.
Unfortunately finished the restoration and noticed from occlusal aspect
that there was no contact, although could hear the snap. So removed it
immediately .then had to go for rubber dam task(isolate 16). Took around
10 mins to figure out the clamp .used my sheet. Used winged clamp.
Placed it fast but near 17 gum was exposed also felt clamp was impinging
on gums slightly. But couldn't start over so used oraseal and left it. Went
for lunch break. Made sure i had something to keep myself going. Came
back started with amalgam. By the grace of god was very happy with it.
Used the floss to check contact a couple of times. Went on to pfm in 43.felt
cutting was insufficient so kept on cutting ended up in over cutting. just
polished it and left it. Lastly did the provisional made 2. Just removed
excess. Made sure not to touch contact. Finished and polished with
supersnap and occlusal brush. Made sure not to touch the margins. Make
sure you remove all the excess from surrounding soft tissues and adjacent
teeth. Make sure the jaws are clean and presentable before the examiner
removes them. Make sure provisional is intact while they remove it. they
can put a tape on it just to make sure it doesn’t pop out on the way. Was
emotional and glad that it was over. grin emoticon . but the feeling after
the exam is a feeling of unsurely but that’s supposedly normal so try not to
fret the days away and leave everything to almighty. Nothing much in our
Rucha Shree
December 3, 2015
Hi everyone,
VENUE: Oral health centre of WA, Perth
27 Nov, Orientation: examiners were friendly and answered almost all of our
28 Nov, Day 1:
In my model, few contacts were loose which I reported and 11 where I had to
restore class 4, was abraded so much already along with 12 and 21; I called the
examiner and reported, he asked me not to start anything there until he comes
back. He came back and said many other model had a same problem so nothing
to worry about. Then I started with the tasks with a very nervous mind and shaky
Task 1: started with class 4, was very very smooth, made some grooves and
finished restoration , while removing flash from cavosurface, whole thing came
out, same thing happened second time too so made more deeper grooves and
did it again, was good on my third attempt.
Task 2: did FGC 36, may be because I didn't practice on practice tooth they
provided, I found it difficult to cut the tooth at first, felt like my burs not cutting
the tooth only, but I got used to it.
Task 3: endo 26, completely different than one dental tooth but I found the canal
orifice location in the same spot where it used to be
Task 4: class 2 composite cavity prep, 3 different cavities on mesial occlusal and
Task 5 and 6:
Communication and X-rays
I was the last candidate of day 1 to perform these tasks. Got trauma case 3.
Once I was ready, I entered the room and one of the examiners went out. So I
had to open the door, greet him and let him in, make him sit and start
For X-rays, I found the phosphor plates very thin to be fitted in the holder , they
provided blu-tack to stick film with the holder.
Day 2:
Task 1: started with provisional crown 16, used their temporary material,
luxatemp, couldn't make it right.. Repeated 5 times and left it there to finish later
Task 2: class 2 composite restoration 25 MO.. Restored with their composite and
did the finishing and left it there to do the final touch later
Task 3: PFM 43
I had only practiced 2-3 lower canines before and while practicing I used to nick
the laterals quite a lot so I placed tofflemire band with retainer on 42 and started
Task 4: Amalgam 36
Made deeper retentive grooves and Used my amalgam (tytin).
Task 5: class 3 prep
Caries wasn't visible at all palatally, labially visible but very very light. So
decided labial approach, it was just above the contact in a depth of 2-2.5
Task 6: Rubber dam isolate 16 for mod
Had this task just after lunch break. They had provided Flexidam with stamp on
it, I tried all the clamps provided for posteriors, none were very stable, used
serrated tooth specific one. After 15 mins noticed a hole distal to 17. Repeated
again, managed to finish in next 10 mins but again a minute hole on the center of
dam, applied oraseal .
Infection control throughout exam,
I did my best not to do anything wrong here. After I came back from rubber dam
task I forgot to wear protective glasses and examiner saw that...
So guys this is how I went with my practicals. All the very best for the results to
all the candidates who appeared this time including me  and I wish luck to
those who are preparing for the next one.. Thanks
Smita Lawande Acharya
December 3, 2015 ·

My center was RDH, Melbourne.

1. Orientation Day: I was pretty relaxed walking into the hospital, after OTC, it
felt like 2nd home wink emoticon Convener was nice, answered most questions.
Except infection control basics and some people pissed her off probably by
asking silly repetitive questions. We received timetable for the 3 tasks.
2. Exam day 1: Oriented us to the clinic. My bay was at the far end. That was an
advantage, because none of the examiners came that side. Again, I was used to
the setup and it helped my nerves a lot.
During setup time, I took 4 mixing pads, pre-proportioned putty on to it. I had
segregated burs task wise. Arranged them in bur holders. Kept this in dirty
I had rubber dam at 10. So started with caries tooth 46. Occlusal caries was
visible and not too deep. Finished it quickly. For proximals, I put a fender wedge
and wooden wedge, got good separation.
Stopped at 9.45, laid putty impression for 16 (provisional) and 36 (fgc).
Wingless clamp was not stable. So used the appropriate winged clamp. Used
flexidam. It was all fine, except for a big fat crease coming from 16 (isolated
tooth) tried fixing but didn't mess a lot with it, fearing I might tear it. Here, I
walked from my bay to rubber dam bay with loupes on (flipped up) That is my
Came back, finished caries tooth. Mesial was sub-gingival. Told examiner. He
said its a common problem and I will make a note. I trusted him on it. Honestly,
the examiners were so sweet, didn't feel like doubting him! I hope I have not
done a mistake here.
Endo. Tooth was different from one dental. Might have over-extended the
internal anatomy. Put second set of putty before break.
After break, arranged for class 4. Finished class 4 and fgc.
3. Exam day 2: Started with class 3, couldn't find anything till 9. Reported. Got
tooth changed. All this activity, I lost 45 min. Amalgam filling in 40 min. Class 2
composite in 1 hr. Provisional in 45 min. My most loyal task came fine in 3rd
attempt though. I forgot to check occlusion. Class 3 in new tooth, in flat 5min. It
was a zombie at work!!
After break, Polished the provisional and immediately had communication.
Trauma case 4. went quite smooth. Radio MESSED UP!! Anterior Rinn device
was loose and not aligning properly. I should have asked for help but gave in to
pressure here. Came back, picked up my spirit and started 43 PFM. Hadn’t tried
a single lower anterior during practice, Another stupidity on my part. Had
problem as no bur was fitting straight on this long tooth. Was cleaning
everything in last 30min, realized amalgam mesial contact looking open. Banded
adjacent teeth and removed the filling and did a super fast new filling. Barely got
time to clean the jaws. I was pretty shaken at the end of it. Frankly, I don’t know
what I have done on day2.
Tianshu Wang
December 3, 2015
Day 2:
1. Pfm 43. Reduce the incisal first, then all the burs can fit the tooth properly.
Cut_stop_check Several times. I stood up 5 times for checking .43 is too long,
cant be protected by fender wedge , I used matrix band. 1 hour 45 min finish it.
2. Move to 25 composite filling before 36 amalgam filling. Because till now all the
instruments are clean. I felt so hot, sweaty, one examiner asked me to push my
eye protection a bit up, I crossed my fingers as pray and answered her: i can’t
do this, can you help me plz? She helped me straight away and give me a big
smile. One more round sweaty( O-M-G).
This is a big gap between 24 and 25. Made a C Shape groove and rough the
inside of cavity, double wedge, build up proximal first, contact is there, remove
the band, build up occlusal.
3. 36 MODL amalgam, large gap in the distal; small gap in the mesial. Double
wedge in distal, used 2 capsule of slow setting ( red capsule, don’t know the
brand)amalgam to do the filling. Feel it was ok, leave it
4. During the lunch break, ppl said could find caries in 11. After break , under
the light , i saw the caries from labial, but very blur. Nervous...scar of making a
wrong access. 5 minutes check and check, used a 1/4 round bur drilled the
tooth, beyond about 1mm found the caries. Reached 2 mm depth, reported, then
kept going, end up with 2.5mm
5. Rubber dam, finished in 6 min. Double check, found a tiny hole on 14. I should
use gel to seal it, but I felt i still got enough time, then decide to redo. The
second time was not as smooth as the first time, 2 min before the limited time, i
finished it. But it didn't look as good as the first one. I could do nothing..
No idea about the quality of my works. No time go back to check. Wash the jaws.
Hand in...
Please note :
1. Set up burs according to the task separately;
2. Bring more protemp tips , you never know how many tips you will use;
3. Manikin is very important;
4. I used portable dental unit, the speed of handpiece is similar like the center;
5. Bring spare burs.
6. Group study is a good way.
7. Practice on one dental 11 caries tooth, similar like the exam.
The exam has finished, but i still worried about lots of things. I wrote these small
tips, hope it will be useful. All the best to my friends.

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