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Facultad de derecho y Ciencia Política






CODE: 201821692




1).- Appeal: It is a resource through which the system allows the hierarchical superior

of whom he has had to hear a cause, to revoke or modify the decisions made in a


2).- Apply the law: It is that which is done to the facts, relations or situations under

and from the validity of the norm that governs them until its repeal or modification by

another norm.

3).- Arrive at a settlement: If there is no agreement, the term established to file the

lawsuit, indicated in the Article of the Civil Procedure Code, will begin to run from the

date of the Conciliation Act.

3).- Breach: It is based on the non-obeying of legality, equivalent to a negative attitude,

in addition to being used for overdue and payable debt.

4).- Covenant: They are used as the supporting document of having reached an

agreement between two or more parties that were in conflict. Thus, a document is

signed that includes various measures, of which the parties have agreed after a


5).- Criminal trespass: It is a crime consisting of entering or staying in someone

else's dwelling against the will of the inhabitant. It is regulated in the Penal Code and

its purpose is to protect the right to the inviolability of the home.

6).- Cross-examination: It is the set of questions asked by the opposing attorney of

the party who proposed the witness.

7).- Direct examination: This is an evidentiary discovery tool that parties can use to

receive answers to specific questions about a case before trial.

8).- Liability: it is that link that unites the active subject (creditor) and passive subject

(debtor). Having the creditor, the right to demand from his debtor a behavior (benefit)

so that he can see his interest satisfied.

9).- On parole: It is the permission that can be granted to a person deprived of liberty

(prisoner), normally due to his good behavior, and that affects only the fulfillment of the

last part of the sentence to which he was sentenced.

10).- Pass a law: It refers to one of the last phases of the legislative process in which

the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies or Senators positively votes on a law

or decree that has been approved by the legislative commissions or that has received

the waiver of paperwork for eventual discussion

11).- Perjury: The person who under oath or promise to tell the truth, in any procedure

before authority, knowingly makes a false statement, denies or silences the truth, will

be punished with imprisonment.

12).- Punitive damages: they are not intended to repair or compensate the victim,

but have a preventive nature, they are a sanction that is imposed to deter future and

similar behaviors by others.

13).- Relief: consists of the compensation that must be made by the person who

offends the victim of the commission of the crime.

14).- Standing to sue and be sued: It constitutes the affirmation of the ownership

that the plaintiff must carry out on the right or interest invoked, and the imputation of

the obligation that must be carried out of the same towards the defendant.

15).- Settle out of court: This is a resolution document that allows you to get out of

conflicts of alimony, child custody, visiting regime, payment of debts, compensation,

evictions, among others, solve them without the need to go to court.

16).- Sospect: Is a person allegedly involved in a crime, in order to carry out the

investigations of the case.

17).- The law stipulates: its objective is to recognize, promote and protect human

rights and fundamental freedoms recognized and contained in the Political Constitution

of Peru.

18).- To carry out an investigation: It focuses on analyzing in depth the nature of a

certain situation or case, based on various investigation techniques .

19).- The law stipulates: The laws establish duties and rights to all citizens equally,

so that social coexistence is possible. Before the law, all citizens are equal, that is,

they have the same obligations, the same responsibilities and the same rights.

20).- Give evidence: Allows to demonstrate the truth of a fact according to the criteria

established by law. Who alleges is responsible for providing the corresponding


21).- Recission: In civil law the general rule is that of absolute nullity, while nullity is

established in each case for less serious cases.

22).- Terms and conditions: Affects the link since in suspensive conditional

obligations it is not known if the event will occur or not, and therefore if the effects of

the business will accrue, while the term affects compliance, deferring the execution of

the effects of the contract.

23).- Mistrial: A trial that terminates without a verdct because of error, necessity,

prejudicial misconduct, or a hung jury see also manifest necessity compare dismissal,

trial de novo.

24).- Mitigating Factors: Refer to those factors involved in a crime that tend to lessen

the sentence for the crime with which the person is charged.

25).- Oath: It is a figure of judicial decision, imposed by one of the parties to his

adversary so that the solution of the specific case depends on his affirmation or denial

of the existence of the claimed right.

26).- Pass Law: Refers to one of the last phases of the legislative process in which

the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies or Senators positively votes on a law

or decree that has been approved by the legislative commissions.

27).- Petitioner: Natural or legal person who files a right of petition or requirement in

any of its modalities or typology.

28).- Prior: Taking precedence as in importance a lien and Prevailing as in importance

a lien and circumstances of fact or law that must serve as the basis for adopting a

judicial or administrative resolution.

29).- Statiement: It is a statement that under oath communicates a situation that has

been perceived and that evokes facts that may constitute the basis for the

determination of the particular object of evidence.

30).- Suspect: Presumption of guilt of a crime committed or conjecture based on

appearances or evidence.

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