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Personal Development

Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600

Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268 Name:
Email:; Website:

S.Y. 2021-2022 First Trimester Grade Level/Section:

PERFORMANCE TASK – Subject Teacher:



 Lesson 1: Knowing Oneself: the lesson that allows you to get to know who you really are, your
strengths, weaknesses, and how you can build a healthy self-image.
 Lesson 2: Developing the Whole Person: the lesson that provides you an understanding the different
aspects of yourself, such as your physical and physiological, affective, behavioral, cognitive, social, moral
and spiritual aspects and understand the connections of these aspects to holistically develop yourself. This
lesson is integrated with:
o Developmental Stages in Middle and Late Adolescence: the lesson that lets you appraise your
stage of development across different developmental stages and theories.
o Developmental Tasks and Challenges in Middle and Late Adolescence: the lesson that
encourages you to become a more responsible adolescent in understanding the expectations of
others and upholding your positive traits and characteristics even in the face of life challenges.
 Lesson 3: Coping with Stress Mental Health and Well-being and Emotional Intelligence the lesson
that provides you in maintaining a healthy lifestyle by identifying and combating personal vulnerabilities
and understanding stress, identifying your stressors, and enumerating positive ways of coping with your
stressors. to provide you with an understanding of emotions, and identifying ways to become emotionally
mature with appropriate expressions of intense and genuine emotions.
 Lesson 4: Powers of the Mind: the lesson that helps you learn best through learning the different parts of
the brain and mind mapping techniques to optimize your brain functions.
 Lessons 5: Personal and Social Relationships: the lesson that gives you an understanding of attraction,
love, commitment when it comes to romantic relationships; and relating to social structures of leadership
and the roles play in families, schools, or communities
 Lesson 6: Family Structures and Legacies: the lesson that lets you appreciate family structures and
building and improving healthy relationships within the family.
 Lesson 7: Persons and Careers
 Lesson 8: (Towards One’s) Career Pathways: the lessons that lets you set career goal and assessing
personal interests and abilities that would need to be considered in making a career plan. This also
includes incorporating external factors, and making an actual career plan as a means to achieve the career

Hence, Lessons 1-4 was devoted to lessons that aim to develop you as an individual. It focused on the full
understanding of the self and suggested ways on how to deal, manage, and improve the self. Lessons 5-8 on the other
hand is devoted in aiming to understand the interaction of the self, others, and the future self all correspondent to
insights of one’s holistic personal development (Aben-Bayod et al., 2016) i.e., this culminating performance task

This Culminating Performance Task is that You are now a SHS graduate (ROLE) who is now trying to make
yourself and your parents (AUDIENCE) understand your life choices (SITUATION). In order to evaluate your decision,
you are required to create a personal profile analysis (PPA) (PRODUCT). It is also important that you understood the
Privacy Policy for the UC-IS-SHS Core Subject Personal Development Written Work/Performance
Checks/Tasks/Activities Submittals of Students (SITUATION).
In addition, it will allow you to assess your personal status in deciding on your career. It will serve as the gauge to
know where you are right now, so that you know the direction that you have to take. It will also tell you what needs to
be done so that you are able to determine your path. As your compass, your PPA indicates if you need to go forward or
“take a curb to your right” for more trainings, exposures, and meaningful experiences or even return to the previous
station to relearn the basics.

This module is an intellectual property of the University of the Cordilleras Senior High School. Unauthorized reproduction, modification, distribution, display or transmission in any form,
medium and manner of any of the contents of the modules (digital or printed) for whatever purpose is strictly prohibited.
Personal Development
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268 Name:
Email:; Website:

S.Y. 2021-2022 First Trimester Grade Level/Section:

PERFORMANCE TASK – Subject Teacher:

With one’s insights into his or her personal development, which according to Yena (2011), includes various skills
– communication and time management skills, ability to manage stress, professional image, and management of personal
finances. These were listed as critical workplace skills by employers in the Partnership for 21 st Century Skills report.
These findings suggest that in pursuing one’s career pathway and striving to realize one’s personal mission statement,
these skills will be one’s greatest assets.
Thus, your PPA aims to let you integrate all the things that you have learned since the beginning of the subject.
Although it is aimed in developing the self, it is also aimed at preparing you to make career decisions. In other words,
the ultimate aim of the subject was to develop you as a person for the future in relation to your future career (GOAL).
Regardless of the result of your PPA, you need to celebrate the milestones and your achievements. Career paths are long,
curving, may be rough, but with the proper preparation and mindset you will be successful in whatever career you
choose (Cleofe, 2019).
Your PPA will contain the following:
1. Full name
2. Recent photo
3. About Me Age and Hometown
4. Personal Mission Statement (What is your personal purpose and principle in life?)
5. Skills: What can you do? What are you good at? Identify your Top 5.
Identify two (2) means to develop your skills.
6. Interests: What do you enjoy doing? Identify your Top 5.
Identify two (2) means to develop your interests.
7. Personal Development Areas: Identify one way to enhance each of the four areas:
Communication Skills
Time Management and Stress Management Skills
Personal Care and Personal Appearance
Personal and Social Relationships Management Skills
8. Three career options that you are interested in (show using pictures)
9. ALL TRUTHS NO LIES Complete the statements below:
“I am difficult to deal with when…”
“I respond to my difficult dealing/s with…”
“I feel accepted/supported by…”

This module is an intellectual property of the University of the Cordilleras Senior High School. Unauthorized reproduction, modification, distribution, display or transmission in any form,
medium and manner of any of the contents of the modules (digital or printed) for whatever purpose is strictly prohibited.
Personal Development
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268 Name:
Email:; Website:

S.Y. 2021-2022 First Trimester Grade Level/Section:

PERFORMANCE TASK – Subject Teacher:

“My achievements are…”

Your PPA is like a personalized resume/poster. You are allowed to design it however you want to. It can be
handwritten/designed or digitally made. You can save your work as a picture file or a pdf file. Refer to the example
above. Details are provided below:
This module is an intellectual property of the University of the Cordilleras Senior High School. Unauthorized reproduction, modification, distribution, display or transmission in any form,
medium and manner of any of the contents of the modules (digital or printed) for whatever purpose is strictly prohibited.
Personal Development
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268 Name:
Email:; Website:

S.Y. 2021-2022 First Trimester Grade Level/Section:

PERFORMANCE TASK – Subject Teacher:

This module is an intellectual property of the University of the Cordilleras Senior High School. Unauthorized reproduction, modification, distribution, display or transmission in any form,
medium and manner of any of the contents of the modules (digital or printed) for whatever purpose is strictly prohibited.
Personal Development
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268 Name:
Email:; Website:

S.Y. 2021-2022 First Trimester Grade Level/Section:

PERFORMANCE TASK – Subject Teacher:


Criteria Ratings Pts

About me 5.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts
Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement No Marks
5.0 pts
All details needed 1-2 details Only the hometown and No details
were shown. missing the age were shown. presented

Skills 5.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts
Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement No Marks
5.0 pts
All details needed 1-2 details No way of enhancement No details
were shown. missing given. presented

Interests 5.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts
Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement No Marks
5.0 pts
All details needed 1-2 details No way of enhancement No details
were shown. missing given. presented

Personal 10.0 pts 7.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts
Development Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement No Marks
Areas All questions 1-2 questions Questions were answered No details 10.0 pts
concisely lacked sufficient but lacks depth and presented
answered. answers content.

Career Options 5.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts
Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement No Marks
5.0 pts
All details needed Only 2 career Only 1 career choice No details
were shown. options shown presented presented

ALL TRUTHS 10.0 pts 7.0 pts 5.0 pts 0.0 pts
NO LIES Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement No Marks
All statements 1-2 statements Statements were No details 10.0 pts
concisely lacked sufficient answered but lacks depth presented
answered. answers and content.

MISSION 5.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts
STATEMENT Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement No Marks
Original mission Mission statement Mission statement does No details
5.0 pts
statement given lacks depth and not portray one’s presented
depicts chosen originality chosen purpose
purpose in life

This module is an intellectual property of the University of the Cordilleras Senior High School. Unauthorized reproduction, modification, distribution, display or transmission in any form,
medium and manner of any of the contents of the modules (digital or printed) for whatever purpose is strictly prohibited.
Personal Development
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268 Name:
Email:; Website:

S.Y. 2021-2022 First Trimester Grade Level/Section:

PERFORMANCE TASK – Subject Teacher:

Criteria Ratings Pts

VALUE 5.0 pts 3.0 pts 2.0 pts 0.0 pts
Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement No Marks
Work presented Work presented neatly. Work presented No artistic
5.0 pts
neatly and Could need some artistic needs more effort
artistically. Photo techniques. Photo shown polishing. shown
shown is clear. is clear.

Total Points: 50.0

This module is an intellectual property of the University of the Cordilleras Senior High School. Unauthorized reproduction, modification, distribution, display or transmission in any form,
medium and manner of any of the contents of the modules (digital or printed) for whatever purpose is strictly prohibited.

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