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‭Oct‬ ‭Nov‬ ‭Dec‬ ‭Feb‬ ‭March‬ ‭April‬ ‭May‬

‭Emilie‬ ‭ orest‬
F ‭ ach Lane‬
Z ‭ orthport‬
N ‭ eadow Lake‬ F
M ‭ orest‬ ‭ ach Lane‬
Z ‭ orthport‬
‭Lakeview‬ ‭FL at CLC‬ ‭Noble‬ ‭Neill‬ ‭Lakeview‬ ‭FL at CLC‬ ‭Noble‬
‭EA at PL‬ ‭Sonnesyn‬ ‭EA at PL‬ ‭Sonnesyn‬

‭Sara‬ ‭ eadow Lake‬ F

M ‭ orest‬ ‭ ach Lane‬
Z ‭ orthport‬
N ‭ eadow Lake‬ F
M ‭ orest‬ ‭ ach Lane‬
‭Neill‬ ‭Lakeview‬ ‭FL at CLC‬ ‭Noble‬ ‭Neill‬ ‭Lakeview‬ ‭FL at CLC‬
‭EA at PL‬ ‭Sonnesyn‬ ‭EA at PL‬

‭Nancy‬ ‭ orthport‬
N ‭ eadow Lake‬ F
M ‭ orest‬ ‭ ach Lane‬
Z ‭ orthport‬
N ‭ eadow Lake‬ F
M ‭ orest‬
‭Noble‬ ‭Neill‬ ‭Lakeview‬ ‭FL at CLC‬ ‭Noble‬ ‭Neill‬ ‭Lakeview‬
‭Sonnesyn‬ ‭EA at PL‬ ‭Sonnesyn‬

‭Jenny‬ ‭ ach Lane‬

Z ‭ orthport‬
N ‭ eadow Lake‬ F
M ‭ orest‬ ‭ ach Lane‬
Z ‭ orthport‬
N ‭ eadow Lake‬
‭FL at CLC‬ ‭Noble‬ ‭Neill‬ ‭Lakeview‬ ‭FL at CLC‬ ‭Noble‬ ‭Neill‬
‭EA at PL‬ ‭Sonnesyn‬ ‭EA at PL‬ ‭Sonnesyn‬

‭ orest 1 and 2‬
‭Meadow Lake 1 and 2‬
‭Neill VPK and EA‬
‭Northport 1 and 2‬
‭Zachary Lane‬
‭Family Literacy - CLC - 2 or 3 classrooms (AM only)‬
‭Early Adventures - Fair PL‬

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