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Theme: The Hidden Wisdom 1

Beloved in Christ, we must capture the wisdom of God for the Lord’s work. The
purpose of wisdom is to advance the Lord’s kingdom with us. As you can already see,
the Lord’s wisdom is not ordinary. It is not just a matter on the surface. It is hidden in
Christ. It is a deep spiritual matter. It is located in the unknown region of the spirit.
Should we want to go deeper with the work of God, we must not only do many things.
We must possess the hidden wisdom of God. The hidden wisdom is that kind of
wisdom. It will break new grounds. It will advance the Lord’s kingdom. It will
engage higher powers, and command greater influence. My friends, after we have
considered some things about wisdom, we must now go deeper if we expect more.
Hallelujah! To break rank with stagnation, we need the hidden wisdom. To set new
records we need this wisdom. I hope you are ready for the hidden wisdom of God?
This is what 1 Corinthians 2:6-7 says.

1 Corinthians 2:6-8 KJVS

[6] Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the
wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought: [7]
But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which
God ordained before the world unto our glory: [8] Which none of the princes of
this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord
of glory.

Don’t think this teaching is for everyone. It is only for the matured ones in the Lord.
The perfect ones means the matured ones. These are the ones the Lord brings into
hidden wisdom. Such wisdom is not for the crowd. This is the dividing line between
the average achievers, and outstanders in Christ. Daniel was an example of a man
with such hidden wisdom in his time. Solomon was an example too. He stood out in his
generation. Paul was an example in the New Testament. He laboured abundantly more
than everyone else. Even Peter would see that the supernatural dimension of God is
far closer to the earth than we think. And there are many more in the Scriptures. The
purpose of hidden wisdom is to oversee some strange results in the growth and
advancement of the Lord’s work. Are we ready for this? As advised earlier, may we
pray in the spirit more these days while preparing to absorb this powerful
impartation. Glory!

Theme: The Hidden Wisdom 2

We must never run ahead of the Lord to do His work. We must wait on Him. However,
we need to know why we have to wait. Notice how we can be doing many things and
going nowhere because the Lord is not with us. But when the Lord is with us, He will
provide us the resources for operations. For the service of the sanctuary, God would
not allow the workers to go like that. They must be provided with the spirit of

Exodus 31:1-6 KJVS

[1] And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, [2] See, I have called by name
Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah: [3] And I have
filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in
knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, [4] To devise cunning works, to
work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, [5] And in cutting of stones, to set
them, and in carving of timber, to work in all manner of workmanship. [6] And
I, behold, I have given with him Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of
Dan: and in the hearts of all that are wise hearted I have put wisdom, that they
may make all that I have commanded thee;

The hidden wisdom is simply insight into the Lord’s plan. We have to properly see,
analyze and interpret the Lord’s plan to go ahead to implement it. Those who will
work in the Lord’s sanctuary must have this insight into the hidden plan of God to be
able to produce God’s kind of result. Beloved, there are many today who have results
in the work, but the Lord is not in it. We must be careful that we are not putting
bronze for gold in the Lord’s temple. The Lord is not in every work we see today. But
where is the Lord working? He is working where He has imparted us with His hidden
wisdom. Another example where the Lord’s wisdom preceded His work is in the early
church. In Acts 6:1-7, the first church deacons needed this wisdom to clean tables. My
darling, I believe we will be effective harvesters in these last days if we have the
hidden wisdom of God. When we know some things that only the Lord can know,
we will have no problem catching multitudes of fishes in the same place we have
toiled all night. This kind of weapon is exactly what we should have to man a super
scale evangelistic exploit in our cities. Praying in the spirit expecting deep secrets
from the Lord is the most practical way into this hidden wisdom. In fact, before we
could tell someone about Jesus, the Lord has given us the secrets of their hearts. Such
a person will never reject the Lord. Glory

Theme: The Hidden Wisdom 3

The intention of the Lord is to produce super scale results in the church so that the
world runs to Him. We must be settled about this. God wants to put the church where
no other organism on this earth can stand. We must therefore be hungry to be part of
such work. We must be hungry to see the church established in the top of the
mountains, and be exalted above the hills. Only in this state can we see nations
running into the church.

Isaiah 2:2-3 KJVS

[2] And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's
house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted
above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. [3] And many people shall go
and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of
the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his
paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from

Precious ones, we have discovered the secret to be at this place. It is the hidden
wisdom of God. Perhaps we should start to define what really is the hidden wisdom of
God. Then we should follow to see how we can possess it. The hidden wisdom of God
is critical insight to the plan and purpose of the Lord. For the Lord to achieve His
grand plan on the earth we must possess His wisdom. This wisdom is the deepest
secrets of the Lord handed down to the church. When Paul wrote to the church in
Ephesus he called it “the manifold wisdom.” In Colossians he called it “treasures
of wisdom.” This spiritual resource of divine wisdom is meant to establish the church
on top of the mountains, and exalted above the hills. The amplified Bible rendering
refers to this wisdom as the many-sided, complicated, sophisticated wisdom of God.
What this means is that the Lord intends to bring to us insight, foresight and hindsight
into His plans that no power will ever stand against the church. Imagine that this kind
of wisdom is in 5your hands. We will be able to discern all the fishes in the waters,
even those with coins in their mouth. I believe that we need the hidden wisdom of
God to recruit more souls for the Lord in our cities. Hallelujah!

Theme: The Hidden Wisdom 4

If the church continues in the rate at which she is growing, I am afraid that Jesus will
never return. But there is something that the Lord is imparting to us today. The
secrets that will keep at bae the forces obstructing church growth and kingdom
expansion. This is what Jesus promised the disciples.

Luke 21:15 KJVS

[15] For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall
not be able to gainsay nor resist.
The word gainsay means “to speak against.” With every other matter, we must expect
the reaction of darkness. But when we are in the Lord’s wisdom every darkness go
deaf and silent. They cannot speak against wisdom. Nothing speaks against
wisdom. Everything and everyone obeys wisdom. Beloved, I like to call the
attention of the young ones in the Lord that great excitement, and much noise
doesn’t always mean God is mightier. Where the devil is left stranded, and her
victims are harvested for the Lord is in wisdom. Where deliverance is quietly
executed. There is little, or no noise but the result reveals the Lord wholesomely.
This is the hidden wisdom dimension.

A while ago the Lord opened up some things to me. When I asked the Lord how to
pray about it, He simply responded it is done just because I have seen it. No need to
pray. This was very new to me. With a simple word “go” Jesus sent out legions of
demons packing. This is the hidden wisdom realm. This is the realm that Daniel
brought kings on their knees. Our hunger for the hidden wisdom realm must be
rekindled. My darling, receive that realm now. Noisemakers are not always the most
powerful. Those who see the Lord genuinely make less noise. Wisdom is our way out
of this slow moving train. Shall we pray this way today— Lord I desire from today that
you will fill me with the knowledge of Your will in all wisdom and spiritual
understanding! Make me Lord a harvester of souls in my generation! (Colossians 1:9)

Theme: The Hidden Wisdom 5

Valuable matters are often hidden. Such as the hidden wisdom of God, because it is
valuable it is hidden. The way to get it is for us to dig deeper. This is an important
aspect about this kind of wisdom. It will bring notable results, but it requires a
great price. It is by going deeper in the Lord that we find the hidden wisdom of God.
In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus initiated Peter into this realm. Remember how Peter as a
fisherman applied all the craft and logic he knew about his profession and experience.
After toiling all night, he still caught nothing. Jesus said something that was simple
yet powerful. The Lord’s word to Peter was from the hidden place of the Lord. It was
hidden, else Peter would have it before he met Jesus. Jesus told Peter to launch out
into the deep, and let down his nets for a draught.

Luke 5:4-6 KJVS

[4] Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the
deep, and let down your nets for a draught. [5] And Simon answering said unto
him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless
at thy word I will let down the net. [6] And when they had this done, they
inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake.
Do you notice that launching into the deep means Peter must engage something
deeper? And the result was a great multitude of fishes that broke their net. Jesus was
confident of the result. We must come to a place to speak like Jesus with such
confidence. Precious ones, most of us are still using professional capacity for the
Lord’s word. We have many Bible scholars and theologians today as the Lord’s
workers. And the only result we find in this state is toiling and struggling. To
change the result, we must go deeper in the Lord. The hidden wisdom assures us a
great multitude of harvest in our cities. But the investment is deeper. Our fellowship
must transcend the ordinary. Our prayers must ascend higher. Our meditation must
be profound. We must move away from the surface. If we must break new
records, we must despise comfort and be ready to reach the end of ourselves.
Only here are the hidden secrets of the Lord released. That means going deeper,
further and higher. We must challenge ourselves further in prayers, in fasting and
even in the study of the word. What makes the difference is only for those who do
things differently. The profoundness of Christ is a guarantee for success everywhere
and everything. Hallelujah

Theme: The Hidden Wisdom 6

The application of wisdom is very powerful. Let me share a quick story. Two years ago
I was in a difficult situation. I had dropped my car for a recall due to manufacturing
defaults. Hours later, what was supposed to be free of charge, I would have to pay
over $3000 for other repairs. This was very unplanned, and it was a little much for a
surprise. Have you been in any situation like that too? I believe so. Maybe not in the
same context. It always seems as if there is no way out. No one is ready to negotiate
anything. This sounds exactly as what Peter was in when Jesus met him. In my case,
the Holy Spirit whispered softly in my spirit saying— “you should know better.” I had
previously studied the hidden wisdom by applying 1 Corinthians 2:7.

1 Corinthians 2:7 KJVS

[7] But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom,
which God ordained before the world unto our glory:

So, I knew this was time to apply what the Lord taught me. Speaking wisdom in a
mystery over situations. Just like Daniel presented to the Lord the matter of the
king’s dream.

Precious ones, the hidden wisdom is released by speaking it in a mystery. It is this

mystery that helps to unravel the hidden resources of heaven to our favour. By
hidden wisdom, we import from eternity into the system of time. This is powerful. I
know you want to know the outcome of the $3000 charge on my car. Well, I spoke the
hidden wisdom of God in mystery over the matter. After just 15 minutes I noticed I
had called something like “auto.” I was sure in my spirit that angels specific to handle
this matter were now discharged. And it was so. The company returned to me with
good news. They had exceptionally decided to bear the charges. I got a job for $3000
for no charges on me. The idea of this example is not to put my car on the spot.
Rather, it is to make a point. It is the practical application of wisdom that produces
results. Wisdom is the solution to every time related matter. Wisdom is
transcendent—touch heaven and earth! When properly applied, it will advance the
Lord’s work in great ways. The harvest of the end time church will scale new
heights. Challenges just melt away before this kind of wisdom. How would you like
to learn how to do that?

Theme: The Hidden Wisdom 7

We have discovered enough reason to the relevance of the hidden wisdom of God. It is
our weapon to drive unusual divine operations. In fact, the mighty works of Jesus
were associated with this dimension of wisdom. The people that saw what Jesus did
said, wisdom was in all the mighty works done.

Matthew 13:54 KJVS

[54] And when he was come into his own country, he taught them in their
synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this
man this wisdom, and these mighty works?

Jesus was ordinary, from Nazareth, with the humble background of a carpenter. Yet,
the results that defined His ministry were not ordinary. And wisdom is what He
possessed. From 1 Corinthians 2:6-7 we see that the hidden wisdom of God is a
mystery, or a secret. Certainly, this was the platform to which all miracles, signs and
wonders operate. Only the Lord can make these kinds of secrets known to us. What
must we do then to participate in the unraveling of hidden wisdom? First we must
learn to speak this hidden wisdom in a mystery. How do we do that? According 1
Corinthians 14:2, by speaking in unknown tongues we are speaking mysteries to God. I
believe the mysteries we shall speak in tongues, is the same as the hidden wisdom.
Therefore, the hidden wisdom lies behind speaking in unknown tongues. The believer
that must advance in supernatural speed must learn how to speak mysteries in
tongues. We must learn to bring matters before the Lord this way, before we confront
The soul winner that wants to break new records must learn how to draw from
heaven. We can do this by speaking the hidden wisdom in mysteries. We must do this
deliberately around any matters. This is a way to invite the Holy Spirit to minister
to us the secrets that surround a specific matter. Before we go out to tell others
about Jesus Christ, we must bring them before the Lord by speaking mysteries, or
hidden wisdom in unknown tongues. We must simply tell the Lord we are now
speaking mysteries around this business of soul winning, or what our concern is. Then
when we go out, we will realize that the Lord has prepared some harvest ahead of us.
This principle applies to any complex matter we might be faced with. Learn to speak
in unknown tongues and it will astound you what resource of heaven you connect to.

Theme: The Hidden Wisdom 8

Beloved in Christ, we must be conscious of the wisdom of God always when we must
do the Lord’s work. It is only wisdom that will enable us to reach the standard that
the Lord has set for His work. So, the first step to attain divine standard in the Lord’s
work is by appropriating the Lord’s wisdom to ourselves. We must learn to read every
Scripture that associates the wisdom of God with us. For instance, 1 Corinthians 1:24,
30. We can also read Luke 21:15, 1 Corinthians 2:6-8 or Ephesians 3:10. The way to
appropriate is simple. When appropriating, we take what is given to everyone in
general and make it personal, and specific with us. This is what Philemon 1:6 says we
should do with every good thing that we have in Christ Jesus. When we acknowledge
that we have a matter in Christ, it becomes alive in our spirit.

Philemon 1:6 KJVS

[6] That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the
acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.

When we fail to appropriate, or acknowledge wisdom, we may go praying for it while

we have it all alone. This kind of prayer that we ask what we already should have is
called “asking amiss.” (James 4:3) Such prayers are never answered. We must know
that we have the wisdom of God as Christ in us. This is the first step into the hidden
wisdom of God. Because we are born again and have received Christ in our spirit, we
have also received the wisdom of God. Because Christ is the wisdom of God. (1
Corinthians 1:24) Many years ago I learnt how to appropriate spiritual matters. I began
to confess somethings that are in the Scriptures that belong to every child of God.
Even though my condition was not even close to what I confessed to myself, I
continued to do that. Today, many of those matters are my existential reality. I have
wisdom, I walk in wisdom, Christ is my wisdom. This is how we can begin the journey
into the hidden wisdom of God. Appropriating Scriptures is simply to take the side
of Scripture even in opposing conditions in our life. When we appropriate
Scriptures, we apply faith to what we say until we begin to experience it. My
darlings, many have inquired how to walk in the wisdom of Solomon. We must see
that we have greater than that in Christ. Christ says, He is “the greater than
Solomon.” (Matthew 12:42) If we will just start stating this truth from the Scriptures
in our life, we will take the first step into the hidden wisdom of God.

Theme: The Hidden Wisdom 9

Our appropriation of the reality of wisdom must become a rich experience. When we
have any spiritual matter, we must begin by making acknowledgement that we have
received such and such. Today, we have many prayers that are never answered
because instead of acknowledging that we have received, we are still asking the
Lord. I pray that we will include this practice in our daily walk with Christ. Wisdom is
a matter that we have in Christ. (Revelation 5:12) Some will quote James 1:5 that we
can still pray for wisdom. That is not exactly what that passage says.

James 1:5 KJVS

[5] If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men
liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

The word ask here also means to place a demand. You see, even though we have
acknowledged that we have wisdom, we still have to place a demand when a specific
situation arises. For instance, we may acknowledge that we have a car, but that alone
will not take us where we want to go. We must now learn to drive it to take us to our
destination. Paul told his son Timothy that he has received the spirit of power, of love
and of sound mind, or wisdom. (2 Timothy 1:7) But he admonished Timothy to stir it
for it to walk in him. Beloved, there is no question that we have the wisdom of God
because we have Christ Who is the wisdom of God. But until we acknowledge this
reality, we are yet to experience it.

After we have acknowledged that we have the wisdom of God, we must proceed to
meditate on the Scriptures. Meditation plants the truth deep down in our heart as a
treasure that we can depend on any time. Through meditation, we may realize the
practical portion of our rich wisdom in Christ. If the beloved ones will spend time to
contemplate the rich word of Christ, we will see many wise children of God.
Meditation is a way to let wisdom occupy our hearts. (Colossians 3:16) After David
meditated on the word, he testified that he was now wiser than his enemies. So what
follows our appropriation of wisdom is meditation.
Theme: The Hidden Wisdom 9

Our appropriation of the reality of wisdom must become a rich experience. When we
have any spiritual matter, we must begin by making acknowledgement that we have
received such and such. Today, we have many prayers that are never answered
because instead of acknowledging that we have received, we are still asking the Lord.
I pray that we will include this practice in our daily walk with Christ. Wisdom is a
matter that we have in Christ. (Revelation 5:12) Some will quote James 1:5 that we
can still pray for wisdom. That is not exactly what that passage says.

James 1:5 KJVS

[5] If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men
liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

The word ask here also means to place a demand. You see, even though we have
acknowledged that we have wisdom, we still have to place a demand when a specific
situation arises. For instance, we may acknowledge that we have a car, but that alone
will not take us where we want to go. We must now learn to drive it to take us to our
destination. Paul told his son Timothy that he has received the spirit of power, of love
and of sound mind, or wisdom. (2 Timothy 1:7) But he admonished Timothy to stir it
for it to walk in him. Beloved, there is no question that we have the wisdom of God
because we have Christ Who is the wisdom of God. But until we acknowledge this
reality, we are yet to experience it.

After we have acknowledged that we have the wisdom of God, we must proceed to
meditate on the Scriptures. Meditation plants the truth deep down in our heart as a
treasure that we can depend on any time. Through meditation, we may realize the
practical portion of our rich wisdom in Christ. If the beloved ones will spend time to
contemplate the rich word of Christ, we will see many wise children of God.
Meditation is a way to let wisdom occupy our hearts. (Colossians 3:16) After David
meditated on the word, he testified that he was now wiser than his enemies. So what
follows our appropriation of wisdom is meditation.

Theme: The Hidden Wisdom 10

We must see that wisdom is what we require to implement the plan of the Lord on
earth. Because wisdom is indispensable, we must have clear steps to receive wisdom.
The first step, as we have seen already, is to appropriate what the Scriptures says of
what belongs to us. The second is to practice meditating on what we have now known
belongs to us. Meditation is simply to roll our mind over what we consider
important spiritual truth. We do not necessarily need to read so many things in the
Scriptures. To meditate, we can only take a phrase or create one from a scripture.
Then we keep our mind only on it, pondering, contemplating and musing what it
could mean. It is not necessary to memorize Scriptures when we meditate. We can
produce very short questions in our hearts to the Lord about the Scriptures. This
will provoke the Holy Spirit to breathe responses in our heart. Meditation is a process
that engages the Holy Spirit. However, we begin in our mind, and then our spirit takes
over. Light and life flows to our heart in the aspect we are meditating on. For
instance, wisdom flows from the Holy Spirit, through our spirit and dwells in our

Psalm 51:6 KJVS

[6] Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou
shalt make me to know wisdom.

Isaiah 58:14 KJVS

[14] Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord ; and I will cause thee to ride
upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy
father: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.

Matthew 13:54 KJVS

[54] And when he was come into his own country, he taught them in their
synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this
man this wisdom, and these mighty works?

1 Corinthians 2:6-8 KJVS

[6] Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the
wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought: [7]
But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which
God ordained before the world unto our glory: [8] Which none of the princes of
this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord
of glory.

It is important that we learn to meditate. This is how we plant truth in us, and
participate in the wisdom of God. When we speak wisdom, the life of the spirit
follows to produce the results. We will find it easier to bring more souls to the Lord
this way. When we have life by meditating, we can equally give life to others. Many of
the Lord’s workers fail to work for the Lord because they lack the life that flows from
the Lord’s wisdom. We must see that God’s work is simply to impart life and win many
more souls to the kingdom. Meditation is the process to possess the Lord's life and
release His wisdom for harvest.

Theme: The Hidden Wisdom 11

I hope we will learn to meditate on the Lord’s word. We must mutter the promises of
wisdom into our heart until we get it. That is how we can have the word of God
planted in us in all wisdom.

Colossians 3:16 KJVS

[16] Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and
admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with
grace in your hearts to the Lord.

When we read this passage in the Passion translation, it says let the word of Christ
live in you richly, flooding you with all wisdom. The wisdom of the Lord is the refined
word. It is not on the surface. We have to get deeper, and richer with the word to
receive wisdom. Meditation is obviously the way we achieve this goal. This very rich
practice of meditation draws out everything that is hidden in the word. When we
meditate in the same frequency that we pray, it will amaze us how much we can
receive from the word. Notice that is the manner that we practice the instructions of
the Lord. Wisdom is simply the manner that we practice the word. The Lord wrote to
Joshua to meditate before he can observe to do. (Joshua 1:8) The fruits of wisdom
start to come only when we observe to do the word. Unfortunately, we can only get
here through meditation in the Lord’s word. I hope we are encouraged to start
practicing meditation. These three steps will comfortably land us to wisdom.
Appropriate, meditate and practice the word. A believer who engages the word this
way, will be full of wisdom and win many souls for the Lord.

Theme: The Hidden Wisdom 12

Now we know how to process the wisdom of God. We also see that the word of Christ
is the actual carrier of wisdom. (Colossians 3:16) We must now speak more on the
doing part of wisdom. A major quality of wisdom is to do something for the Lord.
What are we exactly to do for the Lord? Simply, we have to recruit souls into the
Lord’s kingdom. The word says when we are soul winners for the Lord, we are also
wise. Let us read Proverbs 11:30.

Proverbs 11:30 KJVS

[30] The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is

He who is truly wise, wins souls for the Lord. One thing that has bothered me in this
passage is the connection between the first, and the second part. How is the fruit of
the righteous being a tree a life connected with being wise by winning souls? Realize
that, the tree of life is Christ. Christ is also our wisdom. (1 Corinthians 1:30) So the
point is that life and wisdom are connected. Wisdom is simply the release of life
into the work of God. For us to win souls for the Lord, we must be able to transfer
God’s life to others. When we win souls, we demonstrate that we have life and we are
wise. Those who are wise are those who have divine life, and use it to win souls for
the Lord. I hope we can see that we can only be wise by being fruitful as a tree of life
to win souls for Christ? Others must eat of our fruits, and be won for the Lord. Today
there are many who are wise only in ideas. This is the kind of wisdom that the
gentiles had. (1 Corinthians 1:24) To be truly wise, we must be righteous, be a tree of
life, bring forth fruit of life, and by our fruits win souls for the Lord. This is the
context in which the Scripture describes our wisdom. Are we righteous, and do we
think we are wise? Then we must prove that by winning souls for the Lord. Wisdom is
not a fancy gift from the Lord. When the Lord trusts us with wisdom, He also
expects us to show evidence of works for Him. I pray that from today we will
practice our wisdom the right way. We will win souls for the Lord. Hallelujah

Theme: The Hidden Wisdom 13

My darling, we can ask the question one more time—what has wisdom to do with soul
winning for the Lord? Many people who seek wisdom do not want it to win souls for
the Lord. They want wisdom to gain wealth, influence or many other matter. But we
must see that the Lord only gives us to do His will. Soul winning is the Lord’s will for
us all. The business of God’s kingdom is to bring in more souls to the experience of
salvation. Kings only reign as king when they have subjects. Therefore, the Lord wants
as many subjects as possible so that His kingdom is great. Hope we can now get it.
That the wisdom of God is lavishly given to those who work for the expansion of the
Lord’s kingdom here on earth. Those who are in the Lord’s kingdom already, must
have His life. Those who go out to do the Lord’s work must dispense the life they have
to those without. Now we clearly see the meaning of Proverbs 11:30.

Proverbs 11:30 KJVS

[30] The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is
Those who are in the Lord’s kingdom are called the righteous. They are a tree of life,
or where life is generated. They bring forth the fruit of life which in turn brings the
dead souls into the Lord’s kingdom. The greatest wisdom is the dispensing of divine
life. When we communicate the death and resurrection of Christ to the dying world,
we are communicating divine life. This is the wisdom of God. Paul the apostle said
human wisdom is enticing words, but God’s wisdom is to know Jesus and Christ
crucified. This is so rich. We all want to have God’s kind of wisdom. Like Daniel and
the Hebrew boys, we want to be ten times above the league of this world’s wisdom.
But we must observe that the four Hebrews boys were kingdom invested. They uphold
the remainder of what was left of God while the Israelites were captive to Babylon.
My friends, if we must have the wisdom we desire for other matters, we must invest
for the Lord’s own first. The best way to do that is the dispensing of eternal life to
lost souls, thereby winning them to Christ. Soul winning is a strategy for everyone who
seeks to experience the great wisdom of God in other areas of life and ministry.

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