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Media Literacy 8th Edition Potter Test

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Potter, Media Literacy, 8 e – Instructor Resources

Chapter 6: Test Bank

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following statements is true?

a. Mass media industries have exhibited a high degree of commonality in the way
they have developed over time
b. The life cycle pattern provides a useful framework for examining the media
c. Each industry has been shaped by different historical influences, technological
innovations, and audience needs
d. All of the above are true*
Location: All Chapter

2. The life cycle pattern of the mass media, in the correct order, is:
a. innovation, penetration, peak, adaptation, decline
b. innovation, penetration, peak, decline, adaptation*
c. invention, growth, peak, adaptation, downfall
d. invention, peak, penetration, competition, decline
Answer Location: Patterns of Development

3. Which stage of media industry development is equivalent to the “birth” life cycle stage?
a. Genesis
b. Incubation
c. Innovation*
d. Invention
Answer Location: Patterns of Development – Innovation Stage

4. A successful marketing innovation begins with:

a. the invention of new technology
b. the identification of a need*
c. improved content that attracts a new audience
d. none of the above
Answer Location: Patterns of Development – Innovation Stage

5. The invention of the motion picture camera is an example of:

a. technological innovation*
b. marketing innovation
c. adaptation
d. redefinition
Answer Location: Patterns of Development – Innovation Stage

6. The penetration stage of a medium is characterized by:

a. a technological innovation
b. a channel that appeals to a large, heterogeneous population*
c. a medium generating the most revenue compared to other media

Potter, Media Literacy, 8 e – Instructor Resources

d. a loss of audience members

Answer Location: Patterns of Development – Penetration Stage

7. The peak stage is reached when a medium:

a. commands the most attention from the public
b. generates the most revenue compared to other media
c. has achieved significant penetration
d. all of the above*
Answer Location: Patterns of Development – Peak Stage

8. A peak medium which is challenged by a new medium will enter which stage of
a. Competition
b. Challenger
c. Decline*
d. Downfall
Answer Location: Patterns of Development – Decline Stage

9. In the adaptation stage, a medium:

a. redefines its position in the market*
b. converges with other media
c. generates more revenue than any other form of media
d. none of the above
Answer Location: Patterns of Development – Adaptation Stage

10. Repositioning of a medium on the market is achieved by:

a. continuing to meet the same set of needs as in the past
b. competing with a new medium for meeting a set of needs
c. identifying a new set of needs that the medium can meet*
d. none of the above
Answer Location: Patterns of Development – Adaptation Stage

11. When radio lost some its audience to television, it repositioned itself on the market by
means of:
a. eliminating general entertainment programs
b. targeting niche audiences
c. becoming more mobile
d. all of the above*
Answer Location: Comparisons Across All Media

12. What medium reached a peak in the 1960s after taking audiences away from radio and
a. Broadcast television*
b. Newspapers
c. Cable television
d. Magazines

Potter, Media Literacy, 8 e – Instructor Resources

Answer Location: Comparisons Across All Media

13. Broadcast television’s peak stage lasted until:

a. the 1970s
b. the 1980s
c. the 1990*
d. the 2000s
Answer Location: Comparisons Across All Media

14. Which media is currently at its peak?

a. Broadcast television
b. Cable television*
c. Computers
d. Film
Answer Location: Comparisons Across All Media

15. Most of the mass media are currently in which stage?

a. Innovation
b. Decline
c. Adaptation*
d. Penetration
Answer Location: Comparisons Across All Media

16. Broadcast TV has left the peak stage because of:

a. books and magazines have entered the adaptation stage
b. the radio industry has repositioned itself
c. cable channels have eroded broadcast TV’s hold on the audience*
d. all of the above
Answer Location: Comparisons Across All Media

17. Cable TV’s peak is being threatened by which medium:

a. broadcast TV
b. computers*
c. convergence
d. none of the above
Answer Location: Comparisons Across All Media

18. The computer medium can be the delivery system for:

a. books
b. magazines
c. film
d. all of the above*
Answer Location: Comparisons Across All Media

19. The blending together of previous separate channels is known as:

a. multimedia

Potter, Media Literacy, 8 e – Instructor Resources

b. convergence*
c. cross-media
d. combination
Answer Location: Current Picture – Convergence

20. The three types of convergence are:

a. perceptual, psychological, and physical
b. technical, economical, and physical
c. technological, marketing, and psychological*
d. technological, economical, and psychological
Answer Location: Current Picture – Convergence

21. Aside from the digitization of messages, what is another important technological
advancement contributing to convergence?
a. Laser writing
b. Copper wire signals
c. Analog codes
d. Fiber optics*
Answer Location: Current Picture – Convergence

22. generates sales of a million copies of books by selling 10 copies each of
100,000 different books targeted at various niche markets rather than trying to sell one
million copies of a single bestselling book. This is an example of:
a. the least common denominator strategy
b. the niche sales approach
c. long-tail marketing*
d. stratified marketing
Answer Location: Current Picture – Convergence

23. Psychological convergence refers to:

a. the merging of people’s points of view due to biased media coverage
b. a change in people’s perceptions about geographic and social barriers*
c. the coming together of small audiences to form a mass audience
d. none of the above
Answer Location: Current Picture – Convergence

24. The mass media workforce makes up less than what percentage of the adult population in
the United States?
a. 1%*
b. 5%
c. 10%
d. 25%
Answer Location: Profile of Mass Media Workforce

25. Which industries employ the largest percentage of women?

a. Newspapers and computers

Potter, Media Literacy, 8 e – Instructor Resources

b. Books and magazines*

c. Radio and cable television
d. Newspapers and radio
Answer Location: Profile of Mass Media Workforce

True/False Questions

1. Each of the mass media industries has its own unique history.
a. True*
b. False
Answer Location: Patterns of Development

2. Each of the mass media industries began as a technological innovation.

a. True*
b. False
Answer Location: Patterns of Development – Innovation Stage

3. Marketing innovations are developed in the second stage in the life cycle of a medium,
after a technological innovation has been accepted by the public.
a. True
b. False*
Answer Location: Patterns of Development – Innovation Stage

4. At its peak stage, a medium commands the most attention from the public.
a. True*
b. False
Answer Location: Patterns of Development – Peak Stage

5. During the decline stage, one medium loses audience acceptance because another
medium provides the messages needed by the audience in a better way.
a. True*
b. False
Answer Location: Patterns of Development – Decline Stage

6. In our current society, the radio is often on for many hours and usually holds people’s full
a. True
b. False*
Answer Location: Comparisons Across All Media

7. Computers are now in the innovation stage.

a. True
b. False*
Answer Location: Comparisons Across All Media

Potter, Media Literacy, 8 e – Instructor Resources

8. Today, media companies think about all the ways they can distribute their messages
across as many channels as possible.
a. True*
b. False
Answer Location: Current Picture – Convergence

9. Women who are employed in the media industries are usually in positions of lower
status, earn less money, and have less education.
a. True*
b. False
Answer Location: Profile of Mass Media Workforce

10. Reflecting on media convergence processes helps increase media literacy.

a. True*
b. False
Answer Location: Profile of Mass Media Workforce

Essay Questions

1. Explain how the development of the mass media industries can be understood using a life
cycle metaphor.
Answer Location: Patterns of Development

2. State and explain the three types of media innovation.

Answer Location: Patterns of Development – Innovation Stage

3. Radio is a good example of what a mass medium does during the adaptation stage.
Explain how radio adapted after losing its audience to television.
Answer Location: Comparisons Across All Media

4. Explain the three types of media convergence and discuss how they impact media today.
Answer Location: Current Picture – Convergence

5. Discuss the profile of the mass media workforce in the United States today.
Answer Location: Profile of Mass Media Workforce

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