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Nice attempt, however you forgot to include the observations made about Sikhs by the author of the

book you quoted.

Sikhs used to invade the area of the enemy solely for the purpose of plundering, with no other
intentions such as to establish authority over the area . For this reason, they would often withdraw
when a sizable army used to confront them. It was their strategy of plundering the enemy cities and
retreat when you're likely to face any trouble.

You must have observed that every single one of the battles you mentioned took place on Marathas
territory because Sikhs used to raid it, but when Marathas moved forward, Sikhs would just retreat back
with their seized booty.

Why will the Sikhs fight when they don't want to rule that land? Their home was Punjab and they used
to fight for it whenever Abdali used to invade it.

Given that you have consciously disregarded the incidents in which Marathas were subdued.

I'm writing this thread on some encounter of Sikhs and Marathas.

The Marathas joined the Mughal army after Adina Beg invited them for a battle against Afghans, but
they were brutally defeated; Maratha generals were chopped up and their wealth was pillaged by
Afghan General Jahan Khan.

However, Sikhs and the same Afghans engaged in combat, the former killing 2000 of the Afghans who
had earlier massacred the Marathas and Mughals

Dholpur was attacked by Santaji Babale, Makaji Lamphate, and Sultanji Lamphate. The Jat leader raised
his own army and hired 7000 Sikhs right away. Through guerilla warfare, the Sikhs and Jats deceived the
Marathas, killing several and wounding hundreds more. After the Marathas were defeated in Dholpur,
the Jats and the Sikhs also captured one of the Maratha's top generals, Sultanji, who was later freed as a
result of the treaty.

When combine force of Mughals, Marathas and Afghans were defeated by Sikhs.

When the combine force of 19000 comprising of 1000 Marathas were defeated by the force of 6000

We all know that Abdali have defeated Marathas in Battle of Panipat, Najib-ud-daula who allied himself
with Durranis and assaulted the Marathas.

The interesting part is that Sikhs defeated Najib-Ud-Daula many times and he became so scared of Sikhs
that he used to mention in his letters to Abdali that he’s powerless in front of Sikhs please help me.
When Ahmad Shah Abdali’s personal historian praised Sikhs.

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