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The human Race is at war with the Vicious Dalki and when they needed help more

than ever, THEY started to come forward.

Humans who had hidden in the shadows for hundreds of years, people with

Some chose to share their knowledge to the rest of the world in hopes of winning
the war, while others kept their abilities to themselves.

Quinn had lost everything to the war, his home, his family and the only thing he
had inherited was a crummy old book that he couldn’t even open.

But when the book had finally opened, Quinn was granted a system and his whole
life was turned around.

He completed quest after quest and became more powerful, until one day the
system gave him a quest he wasn’t sure he could complete.

"It is time to feed!"

"You must drink human blood within 24 hours"

"Your HP will continue to decrease until the task has been completed"
Chapter 1 Just an old Book

"Don't die by falling over Quinn! "A boy shouted down the hallway.

Quin carried on walking down the school corridor. Harassment had become a daily
occurrence for him but it still bothered him just as much every day and he
couldn't help himself but retaliate.

Quinn stopped and pushed his glasses back up as they had slipped down from his
face. He needed a new pair and just from looking at them, you could tell they were
heavily worn. The sides were covered with tape and they didn't even fit straight
on his face.

Quinn then turned around and immediately gave the middle finger.

"I bet you don't even know how many fingers I'm holding up!"

The boy clenched his fist and started running towards Quinn.

"You level 1 piece of crap! When are you going to learn that you don't belong in
this world?"

The boy then placed both of his hands together and a green ball of light started
to form. When he was only a few meters away from Quinn, the boy threw his
hands forward and the green light shot out from the palm of his hands.

Quinn had nowhere to go and the beam of light was too fast for him to dodge. All
he could do was grit his teeth and bear the pain. As the light hit Quinn, his body
was lifted into the air and sent flying backwards into the corridor wall.

"What's going on?" One of the students nearby said. "Are they fighting on the
last day of school?"

A crowd had immediately formed outside as people were interested in what the
commotion was about. One of the female students ran over to the damaged part of
the wall to check on the student's safety.

The dust started to settle and Quinn's slightly curly black hair was coming into
view. When eventually the dust all cleared up and the female saw who it was, she
immediately backed away and continued her business as if nothing happened.

When the female student had returned to her friends, Quinn could see that they
were laughing at her.

"I can't believe you tried to help him."

"I didn't see who it was." The girl retorted with flushed cheeks.
After that, Quinn stood up and picked his glasses up off the floor. Once again one
of the sides had fallen off.

"Dam it. Not again..."

It was the last day of school for Quinn and he was hoping just once someone
wouldn't try anything with him. Quinn was sick and tired of it and he wasn't the
type to ignore it either. He had seen people who had chosen to keep their head
down and tolerate the harassment and their treatment was far worse than what
he got.

Quinn didn't bother to stay at school like the rest of the students. As he walked
past, he saw people talking to each other. Some were laughing while some had
tears thinking it was the last time they would ever see each other again but Quinn
wasn't a part of any of that and he didn't want to be.

When he finally arrived home, Quinn immediately got to work. Quinn lived in a
single bedroom apartment that had just enough space to fit a single bed and desk.
There was also a TV that was part of the wall but Quinn would only use it as
background noise and didn't actually watch anything.


The apartment was provided to him by the government since he had no living
relatives and was still only 16. On top of his bed was a single suit case that had all
his belongings neatly packed.

When Quinn entered his room, he immediately pulled his drawer open which
contained a book inside. It was a large thick book that weighed about half a kilo.
The front of the book was black in colour and in the centre, it had a ring with lines
going off in all different directions.

"Let's try again today." Quinn said as he placed the book on the desk.

He then immediately went to his bag to pull out a little test tube which had a clear
liquid inside.

"Test 112, Hydrochloric acid. Let's see how it goes." Quinn then started to slowly
pour the liquid out of the test tube and onto the book.

"So far no reaction." Quinn then continued to pour the whole test tube onto the
book but still there was no reaction.

Quinn carefully examined the book to see if there was any damage done but the
book looked the same as always.

"Another failure. Why won't you open? Why did mum and dad even have this
One hundred twelve times. This was the number of different ways that Quinn had
tried to open the book. Not only would the book not open, but it seemed like it
wasn't able to be damaged either. Quin had tried burning the book, cutting the
book, melting the book...but nothing had worked.

Quinn then went to lie on his bed and turned on the TV for some background noise.
He never really paid attention to what was on but the sound of other voices made
him feel less lonely.

The TV was currently tuned into the news station.

"The peace treaty with the Dalki race has lasted for five years now but officials
say that tension is rising once again and we must prepare for another war…."

The mention of war had always been shown on the TV nonstop since that day.
Thirty years ago, the human race received a visit from the so-called Dalki. They
looked like humans except for their dragon-like tail and scale-like skin.

They immediately demanded that the Human race hand over their resources and
wanted to use them as slaves. Of course, the humans decided to fight back but
they quickly found out that their modern technology was useless against them.
Bullets couldn't penetrate their skin and as for tanks, well Dalki had airships.

Every man and woman was told to fight for their planet and that included Quinn's
parents. The war went on for years and Quinn grew up not knowing what his
parents looked like.

When the humans were on the brink of defeat, a select few came forward. These
people had special abilities. They began sharing their knowledge of how they
obtained such power in hopes of turning the tide in the war and it worked. Even so,
the Dalki were still strong and a seemingly endless stalemate lead to the peace
treaty signing five years ago.

Of course, human greed got the better of humanity and instead of sharing these
powers with everyone, the higher ranked governmental officials decided to keep
them for themselves. Only those with money were able to learn the more powerful
abilities while everyone else was left with scraps.

Quinn was given nothing when his parents died. The government agreed to pay for
his living accommodation while he was still in school but that was it. When his
parents died at the age of ten, an agent appeared at his doorstep and handed him
a book. He was told this was the only thing his parents possessed which they
passed down when they died.

"Why is the world so unfair?"

Quinn got out of his bed and started walking over to his desk. He picked up his
glasses that were still slightly broken and decided he needed to fix them. He
noticed that one of the lenses was slightly out of place and tried to punch it back
into its frame.

"Come on, just get in!" He shouted as he pushed down hard.

The lens suddenly smashed into pieces and one of the shards of glass created a
deep gash in his thumb.

"Why does the world hate me."

Quinn immediately started to clean up the little pieces of glass and noticed a piece
had landed on top of his book. As Quinn removed the piece of glass, a drop of
blood from his thumb landed in the centre of the book.

The ring around the centre of the book started to glow and suddenly the book
started to lift itself into the air.

"What the hell is happening!"

The book started to shine brightly and shake uncontrollably. It finally opened up
and page after page was being turned. Quinn couldn't take his eyes off the shining
book as if he was in a deep trance. The words written in the book weren't in any
language he had seen before but for some reason, he felt like he could understand

When the book finally turned its last page, it started to disappear as if it was
slowly turning to dust. At the same time, Quinn's vision was starting to fade. His
body felt weak and his eyes slowly shut.

But just before he passed out, there was a single message that he heard.

<Congratulations you have been granted the Va....>

Unable to maintain consciousness long enough to hear the final words, Quinn
passed out.
Chapter 2 Daily Ques

Gradually, Quinn's eyelids started to flutter open and his vision soon returned.
Although, his head felt heavy and his body was slightly sore. As he lifted himself
off of the ground, he touched his head to see if he had gotten any injuries.

'Why does my head hurt so much?' He thought, bewildered of what just happened
to him.

After making sure that his skull hadn't split open from falling over, Quinn then
went to pick up his glasses that were thrown on the floor not to far from him.
Regrettably, there was only one lens that was left intact, still, Quinn put the
glasses on out of habit. All of a sudden, he felt a little disoriented and his vision
was slightly blurry.

He took them back off and noticed that his vision only turned hazy when he put
the glasses on. Quinn immediately rushed to his desk to grab a pencil. He
proceeded to draw the letter "A" on the wall and stepped back. He continued to
step back until his back had hit the wall that was on the other side of the room.

"What?! But how?!" Quinn screamed in his mind.

Somehow, Quinn's vision was now perfect. He had lived his whole life with terrible
eyesight, but strangely, he could now see clearly. Images then started to flash in
his head regarding what had happened before he passed out. After reminiscing, he
could only think of one thing that caused the miracle - The book.

When Quinn surveyed the room, he started to panic.

"The book! Where the hell's the book?"

Quinn looked everywhere for the book, yet he couldn't find anything. It couldn't
have gone missing in such a small room, so its disappearance was making Quinn go

"Maybe it's like my socks. They go missing all the time. Ahh, don't be stupid. This
is a book we're talking about, not a sock." He muttered, trying to reason the
uncanny comparison.

Quinn attempted to think hard about what had occurred a few moments before he
collapsed. He suddenly started to remember the book hovering in the air. Then,
just before closing his eyes, he heard a few words.

"What was it? It sounded like some type of system message?"

As soon as Quinn said those words, a status screen had appeared right in front of
his eyes.

<User: Quinn Talen>

<Race: Human>

<Level 1>

<0/100 exp>

<HP 10/10>

<Strength: 10>

<Agility: 10>

<Stamina: 10>

"Wow! It's like those really old games that people used to play all the time."

Quinn noticed that, on the status screen, there were more tabs that were placed
on the top. Accordingly, even without doing anything and just by reading the tabs
in his head, the screen automatically switched to the <Skills> tab.


<0 skill points available>

<Skill locked????>

<Skill locked????>


On the skills tab, Quinn wasn't really able to see much. Everything seemed to be
locked and slightly greyed out, so he quickly moved on to the next tab, <Shop>.


<Unlocks at level 10>

"Can I do anything?"

The last tab was the <Quest> tab. Finally, it seemed like a tab that wasn't locked
behind a requirement.

<Main Quest>

<Reach level 10>

<Daily Quest: Drink two litres of water>

<Reward: 5 exp >

After checking everything that the system had to offer, Quinn had to just think
about closing the system and it did. When Quinn thought about opening it again, a
screen would immediately pop up in front of him.

Quinn could only think of one thing - The book that his parents had left him was an
ability book. These books could often be bought at very high prices from the
military or a company. Some were even sold on the market place.

However, the sole issue was that Quinn had never heard of an ability book that
promptly disappeared, granting the user a system such as the one he currently
had. The ability books were designed to be learnt manually. It wasn't something
that one could pick up and instantly understand how to use.

A smile started to slowly appear on Quinn's face. This was great news for him. He
had always been a level 1 ability user because he could never afford to buy any
ability books. To his fortune, he had something that he could use. He readily
contemplated on what to do and ended up moving on to the next phase, which was
testing the ability.

"Water bending, come on!" Quinn said as he raised his right palm forward, acting
like he was going to shoot water out or cause it to flow from the kitchen sink.

"Ok next! Wind, Wind, out!" Quinn did the same again, but there was nothing

After trying out many different things according to all the abilities that he had
seen before, it turned out that he was unable to perform any of them.

"What the hell is this useless thing? Is it really just a system ability?"

Quinn thought about it for a while. If it truly was like a game, then perhaps, by
completing the quests, he would eventually get stronger and unlock more skills. It
was his mistake that he was treating it like an ordinary ability book when clearly,
what he had obtained wasn't something that conformed to the word ordinary.

Usually, ability books were based around one ability. It was important for a person
to select their first ability book since a regular human body would only be able to
perform one ability attribute. If one got transformability as their first ability,
they would only be able to acquire other skills that were related to this attribute.
For example, if someone obtained fire as their attribute, they could solely
dedicate themselves into gathering skills that the attribute fire could utilize.

Quinn went to open his mini-fridge, grabbing the bottles of water that were
inside. He soon began downing the water bottles one by one.

"Damn, how much are two litres? My belly feels like it's going to burst."
After finishing his fourth bottle of water, a new notification message had

<Daily Quest complete, 5 exp has been granted>


"Well, at least I know how the system works now," Quinn said, satisfaction was
evident in his tone.

Unanticipatedly, a loud knock was heard coming from the door. Quinn quickly went
and opened it. As he opened the passageway, standing in front of him was a large,
muscular, bald-headed man wearing a black military uniform. Also, there were
several medals on his garment. His name was written on the area of the uniform
right above his chest - 'Seargent Griff'.

"Boy, it is time for you to vacate your room immediately. The vehicle has been
waiting outside for 5 minutes already."

With everything that had happened, Quinn had forgotten about what was going to
happen to him today.

"It's time for you to head to military school," Griff announced.

Quinn just gulped, staring back at the officer, as tension enveloped the entirety
of his body.
Chapter 3 Miltary School

Due to the War between Humans and the Dalki, every person when they reached
the age of 16 was required to go to military school for two years. Even though
Humans and Dalki were in a peaceful period, everyone knew that it wouldn't last

Every day there was news of one race antagonizing the other and war felt like it
could start at any moment.

Quinn quickly went to the toilet before heading off with Sergeant Griff. His
bladder felt like it was going to burst any second now due to all the water he

Once Quinn stepped out of his room into the outside world, something strange
happened. A new notification screen had appeared.

<Your body is being hit by direct sunlight>

<You are affected by the sunlight>

<All stats will be halved while in the sunlight>

Suddenly, Quinn's body felt extremely sluggish. It felt like he had just gone for a
5k Run and returned, his arms and legs felt heavier and there was nothing he could
do about it.

Quinn then went to check his status and saw that his stats did indeed go down by
half but it wasn't just his stats but his HP as well.

<HP 5/5>

<Strength 5/5>

<Stamina 5/5>

<Agility 5/5>

"What kind of drawback is this!" Quinn thought.

Then a new notification had appeared.

<You have received a new Daily quest: Avoid direct sunlight for 8 hours >

< reward 5 Exp>

Quinn's mood slightly changed as soon as he saw the new daily quest. Unlike the
water one, this was something he was able to do naturally just by sleeping. If the
system worked the same way it did in games, then that meant once Quinn had
reached 100 exp points he would be able to level up and also level up his stats.

So the more daily quests Quinn got, the better it was for him.

"What are you doing walking so slowly! The School will eat you alive if you carry on
like that!" Griff shouted.

Finally, Quinn had reached a large bus which was parked just outside his house.
When he entered the bus, he noticed that it was already full of students all the
same age as him.

He didn't recognize any of the students though, meaning they had all come from a
different school. Quinn then went to sit at the front of the bus which was the
only seat that was still available.

<Stats have returned to normal>

As soon as Quinn had entered the bus and avoided the direct sunlight, his stats
had returned to normal and his body felt re-energized once again.

"Well, at least it looks like it's only direct sunlight."

The students were all talking to each other in excitement but that quickly stopped
as soon as sergeant Griff came on board.

"Alright, it's time for us to head to the military academy."

The bus then started to move and the students were finally on their way. The bus
remained silent during the journey. Whenever a student would start to speak
Griff immediately would look in their direction and the student would shut up.


Griff didn't even have to say anything, they all knew what he wanted just by
looking at him.

Then about 10 minutes into the journey Quinn once again received another

<A substance in the air has been detected >

<You are feeling sleepy>

<Resistance +1>

Quinn found this message quite strange and then when he started to look around
the bus, he noticed that nearly all of the students were either asleep or dosing

Suddenly, even his own eyelids started to feel dizzy.

<Your resistance to the substance has increased>

<Resistance +1>

Then the sound of loud footsteps could be heard coming towards him, as he looked
up he noticed Sergeant Griff hovering above him.

"Looks like a few of you were able to resist the sleeping gas. Then we will just
have to bag you."

Aa black bag was then thrown on top of Quinn's head and his vision now was
completely covered. The gas started to slowly seep through and Quinn managed to
doze off into a nice sleep.

Then the next moment, Quinn could feel a splash of cold water being chucked on
his face. His eyes opened instantly and all he could see was the green grass.

He and several other students started to lift their heads to lock around them.
There were currently a total of 200 students stood out on a plain open field But
when they looked around they were in a place that was completely foreign to them.

"This is where you will spend the next two years of your life."

The students were amazed at what they were seeing. They were currently in a city
like they had never seen before. Everyone was dressed up in military uniform and
there were technology and engineering around them that was too advanced for
their time. Giant robots moving crates and building machines.

Flying ships, and levitating trains. It was a technology that hadn't been given to
the outside world yet and was kept for the military only.

After the first war with the Dalki Race, the humans had managed to make leaps in
technological advancement. This was because they had managed to salvage
equipment from them after the war but of course, the military decided to keep
most of it for themselves.

When Quinn finally stopped being amazed at his surroundings, he noticed that
there was something placed around his wrist. It looked similar to a digital watch
but there was nothing displaying on the screen.

"That there on your wrist is your lifeline. It will identify you as a student at this
military base. It will allow you to access certain areas, pay for food and all sorts.
It is your lifeline at this academy. That isn't the only thing that it will display
though. When not in use the Wristwatch will display a single number and that
number is your power level.

As soon as Quinn heard those words, he gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. He
thought his life might change was coming to military school but it seemed like it
was going to be the same even here.
"With that, we will immediately begin the level test for you all, good luck!" Griff
said with a smile on his face.

Chapter 4 Ability Level

When abilities were first introduced to the human race, people quickly learned
that some were far more powerful than others. With this came the introduction
of the power level system. There was a total of 8 different power levels. 1 being
the weakest and 8 being the strongest. These levels could also be further divided
into 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 all the way to 1.9 and it was the same for each level.

There were two ways for people to obtain abilities. When the war started with the
Dalki Race, people started to share their powers with the outside world. They
wrote down how they obtained this power and putt the information down in things
called, ability books.

These ability books went on for sale to the public and the military kept some of
the stronger ones to themselves. Generally, ability books from level 1 to 5 were
sold to the public. While giant corporations and the military kept the higher ones
to themselves.

The second way to obtain an ability was if you were an Original. Originals were the
first people who had originally discovered the powers for themselves and decided
to pass it down within their family.

Not all ability users chose to share their abilities to do outside world and decided
to keep it within their bloodline. Originals usually had the strongest abilities that
went beyond level 8. There was no way for the government to measure its power
because it wasn't public knowledge.

Because of these two reasons, Quinn had always been a level 1. He had no family
members to support him, so he couldn't afford an ability book and his family had
no abilities themselves so he wasn't an Original.

When Quinn had obtained the book, his first guess was that it was some time of
an ability book, now after all these years, it seemed like he had obtained an ability.
But he had never heard of an ability book like this before and he didn't have a
clue what power level it had given him.
Quinn lifted up his hand to look at the watch which indicated his current power
level was one. When he looked around, he noticed that everyone else's watches
currently indicated the same number.

Griff was currently standing in front of all the students and called names in
groups of five.

These students would then be transported somewhere to take the test. Quinn was
hopeful at first thinking that he might have been able to change his ability level
for once but his mind was quickly changed after receiving a notification.

<You are being hit by direct sunlight>

<all stats will be halved>

Quinn didn't even know how good 10 strength, 10 agility, and 10 stamina was but if
his eyes sight was anything to go by. Then it would mean it was at least the top
condition of a normal human being but right now Quinn felt incredibly weak and

His body felt extremely hot right now and he was sweating buckets of water.
Quinn thought it was a good thing he drank a load of water beforehand, otherwise
he would have been extremely dehydrated.

"Hey, are you okay?" A stranger standing next to Quinn said.

The stranger's name was Vorden, he had slick blonde hair and hazel green eyes
with a chiseled face and sharp jawline. He also stood 6 foot 2 inches tall while
Quinn was 5, 11. This was the type of person Quinn would uselly avoid at his last
shool as everyone would always pay them attention and Quinn hated attention.

"If you want, I can call someone for help?" Vorden said.

"It's okay I'm just a little bit nervous about the testing," Quinn said as he tried
to ignore his tired body and stand up straight.

Vorden looked Quinn up and down. Quinn was quite skinny for his age and didn't
have a lot of muscle on him and right now he looked incredibly weak. Vorden
thought Quinn looked like the type of boy who would have gotten bullied at school
and it was the reason why Quinn was nervous.

If he was to get a level one rating most likely the same would happen here.

"Well don't be, I'm quite strong you know. If anyone messes with you, you can
come and ask me for Help." Vorden smiled.

Quinn didn't usually get on with the energetic positive type of person but Quinn
found it hard to dislike Vordan. When Quinn thought about his time back at
school, he realized he actually didn't get on with anyone.
"The names Vordan," Vordan said as he placed his hand out.

Quinn looked at Vordan's hand, it was actually the first time in his life someone
had treated him this way but Quinn thought that would quickly change. They
always did once they found out his Ability level but for once he would like to
forget about all that.

"My name's Quinn," Quinn said as he shook Vordan's hand.

<Use of ability has been detected>

< The ability has been rejected>

Once the system messages appeared, Quinn looked at them strangely. At the same
time, he shook Vordan's hand the messages came up instantly. He then noticed
that Vordan still hadn't let go of his hand. Then the system repeated the message
once again.

<Use of ability had been detected>

< The ability had been rejected>

Quinn then immediately let go of Vordan's hand. The system was clearly telling
him that Vordan was trying to use his ability on him. Vordan himself even had a
puzzled look on his face as he stood there still.

"You," Vordan said. "What is your ability?"

"I…." Quinn paused thinking for while whether he should answer or not, in the end,
he wanted to see Vordan's true reaction. "I don't have an ability."

Vordan no longer had a puzzled look on his face as if the answer had satisfied the
curiosity of his but before Vordan could say anything, Griff had made an

"Will the students, Quinn Talen, Vordan Blade, Peter Chuck, Layla Munrow, and
Erin Heley please come to the front to take your test."

Chapter 5 No Ability

Once the five students had heard their names being called up, each of them
started to walk to the front were Griff was standing.
Including Quinn and Vorden, there was another boy named Peter. Peter looked
more nervous than anyone there, he would constantly look around him and couldn't
stop fidgeting. His body frame was quite small but it suited him, for he wasn't
that tall either.

Then there were the two girls Named Layla and Erin. Layla had short brown hair
and a tall figure. On her back, she was carrying a bow which surprised Quinn, for
not many people carried a weapon these days apart from a specific group of people
called Pure.

They were a group of people who chose to not have any abilities and used weapons
instead but they were still very rare and Quinn had never met anyone like that in
his life, only heard stories about them.

Finally, there was Erin. Erin was the type of girl that turned all of the boy's
heads. Her proportions were perfect, not too big not too small and she had
beautiful long blonde hair. The only problem was her facial expressions. Even when
walking through the crowds of people, not once did her expression change. It
stayed stiff and neutral.

As Quinn was walking past everyone, he noticed that he didn't recognize one
student there and it seemed like the others didn't either. Quinn could only assume
that this was done on purpose. No one knew who to befriend or who to look out for
because currently, everyone's power level displayed 1.

The group had stopped just behind another group who were being transported to
the testing area.

As soon as Vorden saw the others who were in the same group, Vordan greeted
each one of them with a handshake. Vorden was being very polite so most of them
accepted his greetings apart from Erin.

She merely stared at Vordan's hand when he offered it out to her, then she
turned her head and looked away.

"Come on you don't have to be like that?" Vordan said as he placed his hand on her

This was a big mistake. In an instant, Erin grabbed Vordan's wrist and twisted his
hand. Then slowly his hand was starting to freeze and cover in ice.

Everyone stopped to look at the commotion that was happening near the front.

"Wow, she has ice abilities?"

"Isn't that very Rare?"

"I would let her freeze me any day."

Griff noticed the commotion and started to intervene.

"Stop it you two, if you have that much energy then save it for the test."

Erin immediately let go of Vordan's hand and slowly, Vordan's hand started to
defrost. Vordan then went back in line to stand next to Quinn.

"Can you believe her!" Vordan complained, "I nearly lost my hand."

"You can't just go around touching people without their permission," Quinn replied.

"Yeah I know, she's lucky I didn't wipe the floor with her just cause she's a
pretty girl."

Many people who were near the front had heard Vordan's word and had already
decided to make him an enemy. If they could somehow humiliate Vordan, then
maybe Erin would look the way they thought.

Looking at the people around them, Quinn could tell what the others were thinking.
Quinn then stepped one step away from Vordan hoping that others wouldn't think
the two were friends.

Finally, Quinn and the others were called forward and were told to stand in a box.
It wasn't really a box but just white lines that had been drawn on the ground that
was just big enough to fit the five of them in.

There was then a hooded man who stood just outside of the box.

"Send them away!" Griff said.

As soon as Griff gave the command, the hooded man placed both hands on the
ground and the box started to light up, shining a bright purple color.

"Hmm Transportation magic huh, what a rare ability," Vordan said Just as the
whole group suddenly vanished into thin air.

The next second they were teleported to another outdoor area which looked like
an empty wasteland. There was no sign of life, no trees, no nothing. Standing in
front of the group was a woman dressed in a black military uniform and by her side
was another hooded man.

There was not another person in sight.

The woman held a Tablet in her hand and it looked like she was currently busy
inputting some information. Once she had finished, she looked up at the group and
started to speak.

"Hi everyone my name is Jane, and I will be in charge of your test today. Once the
test has been completed, I will update your information and your score will be
reflected on your wristwatches."
Jane then started to look at the tablet.

"Now who should we call first, oh it looks like we have a couple of previous level
ones?" Jane said as she checked the information that had been passed on from
their previous schools.

"Peter, would you please step forward?"

The nervous small Peter then stepped forward and he looked even worse than
before. Quinn thought he looked bad but he looked to be in perfect condition if
you were to compare the two. At least Quinn was able to stand up whereas Peter
looked like he would fall over any second now.

"Would you please tell me what your ability is Peter?" Jane asked.

"Eh, I don't have any ability," Peter said quietly.

Suddenly, Quinn and the others understood why Peter was so nervous. Having no
ability wasn't rare. Because of the war, many children had become orphans like
Quinn and Peter. This meant there was no chance for them to buy an ability book.

But because Peter had no ability, he was afraid of the treatment he would get
from the others.

"Don't be afraid Peter." Jane said, "Here take this."

The hooded man standing by Jane's side suddenly teleported a book into his hand.
Jane then handed the book over to Peter.

"Wow, seriously you're giving this to me for free!" Peter said in excitement.
"Thank you."

"Please study the book in your own free time and when you have learned to use it,
you can come back to redo the test but for now I'm going to have to award you a
level 1 power status."

Even though Peter had received a level 1 power status he didn't care, for he felt
like his life could finally turn around due to the book that he had just received.

"Now I believe there was another level 1 user here," Jane said, "Quinn is it? would
you please step forward."

Quinn did as he was told and stepped forward.

"Now Quinn, what ability do you have?"

Chapter 6 Resul

Quinn thought the whole thing was ridiculous. It was quite clear to him that Jane
already had all the information on him from his previous school. They knew that he
never had an ability before, the problem was Quinn was struggling with deciding
what to do.

Before coming to military school Quinn had done a bit of research himself. He
knew that the military gave all students who had no ability an ability book. Each
ability book given was the same one. It was an Earth ability book.

The reason they did this was so students who didn't have an ability before, would
suddenly feel indebted to the military. Not only that but the military also had a
hold on nearly all of the Earth type ability books. Meaning if you ever wanted to
increase your strength, you would have to be loyal to the military, and in return,
they would give you more power.

Before Quinn had discovered his own Ability, he actually thought this was the
best option for him. Even if he didn't want to join the military after two years,
the Earth ability was handy to have. It was easy for employment because the
Earth ability was useful in construction.

This was where the problem came in, Quinn already having an ability meant he was
unable to learn a new one. The ability book was practically useless. Not only that
but Quinn was pretty sure they would keep tabs on every student they had given
the ability book to, meaning the teachers would accept him to use earth powers
the next time they saw him.

Quinn took a deep breath and said.

"I don't have an ability."

Just like before the hooded man standing by her side handed her a book and then
handed it to Quinn.

Quinn took the book off Jane at first but then suddenly, a notification screen

\u003cUnable to learn this ability\u003e

\u003cWould you like to convert the book into 10 Exp?\u003e

Quinn had somewhat expected the system to display the first message but the
second one truly had surprised him. Quinn was really tempted to take the book and
use it as a form of Exp but he knew there would be questions asked later on.

"I'm sorry but I don't want it," Quinn said as he handed the book back to Jane.
The students watching and the instructor stood there were both shocked. Jane
hadn't experienced anything like this before. In her five years working as an
instructor, it was the first time someone with no ability had rejected the book.

"Please give me one moment." Jane then stood away from the group of students
far enough so they wouldn't be able to hear anything.

"Yes, Yes, he says he doesn't want the ability book what shall I do?" Jane said
speaking on her earpiece.

"let him take the test." The mysterious man on the phone said.

As the man hung up, he couldn't help but think that Quinn was an interesting
student. He started to look at Quinn's file and what he had said seemed to be
true. The student had no ability and didn't seem to have any relations with the
group Pure.

"Let's see how long you can survive in this cruel world Quinn." The man said.

Back at the testing field, Jane had finished the call with her superior and started
to head back over to the group.

"Sorry for waiting, "Jane said. "Since you won't be taking the ability book, we will
still require you to take the test please."

Quinn thought the whole thing was a joke. If Quinn truly had no ability then they
already knew what the test results were going to be. Was there really a need for
him to take the test. If felt like the only reason they wanted Quinn to continue
was to make himself feel humiliated and small. Eventually, then he would choose to
go to the military and beg for the ability book they were handing out.

"Please follow me."

Jane then took Quinn a little further out onto the field where Quinn noticed that
there were huge craters in the ground, burn marks, and all sorts of things. This
was all done from the previous testing contestants.

"Please proceed to destroy the targets in front of you as quick as you can." Jane
said, " the test will begin immediately."

As soon as Jane finished talking, three targets popped up around randomly around
the wasteland. They were metal round targets with a red dot in the center.

The problem was when Quinn tried to look for the targets, everything seemed like
a blur in the distance. Quinn then realized that his perfect eyesight, suddenly
wasn't so perfect.

"Is this because I'm out in the sunlight?" Quinn thought.

Quinn had no choice but to slowly run-up to each of the targets and hit them with
his fist one by one, his time was incredibly slow of course.

There were then two further tests that Quinn needed to complete. The next test
was a strength test were Quinn was asked to punch into a huge drum-like machine.
Quinn gave it his best shot and hit the drum as hard as he could. The drum
vibrated and made a small sound eventually displaying a digital number in the

"5, strength," Jane said as she noted it down on her tablet.

When the final test had arrived they had brought out another machine. This
machine was a big circular object with many holes on its front. Once the test
started the machine fired holographic spikes at the contestants. All Quinn needed
to do was avoid being hit by the spikes.

The machine went up in levels and eventually got faster and shot out more spikes,
in the end, Quinn managed to get hit and the test was stopped.

"Agility, 5" Jane said once again as she noted it down on her tablet

Quinn had heard the words from Jane's mouth and it started to make him think if
there was some sought a link to the score she had given him. The last test was a
test of strength and Quinn had scored a 5, similar to his system which had stated
he had 5 strength. Then once again this test focused on agility and scored a 5
which was the same as his system.

This meant if Quinn was to take the test at night all of his scores would have most
likely doubled. This also meant as long as he leveled up he could always increase his
score it was as if his ability was the ability to evolve but had some drawbacks with
it as well.

"As expected." Jane said, "Unfortunately your current power level is a level 1."

Quinn clenched his fist and went back to stand with the others. He knew that the
days ahead of him as a level 1 user would be tough but that wouldn't be for much

Chapter 7 Same Ability

The Test continued with Layla taking the text next. She was the only one there
who had a weapon on her back. The weapon she used was a bow but it didn't look
like a regular bow that people used to use a long time ago.

This bow was carved using parts of a beast. It was black in color and looked almost
as if the entire bow was made of gems. Even the string was made of a special
material. The reason the bow looked so different, was because it was what was
known as a beast weapon.

A bow made from the body parts of a beast. When the human race was attacked
by the Dalki, our technology advanced fast by replicating their technology, with
this, the humans learned the ability to travel to other planets using portals.

These planets would often contain different levels of beasts. The stronger the
beast was the better weapon you could make out of it. It was the first time Quinn
had ever witnessed a beast weapon before as no one at his previous school had

It was strange to see someone of such a young age who has most likely never been
to another planet, to have a beast weapon.

Layla stood in the centre of the field and waited for the test to start. Unlike
when it was Quinn's turn, they waited until she was ready before starting. Quinn
could already start to see a difference in treatment.

When the test started, 5 targets all appeared in different areas of the
wasteland. Layla immediately took out 5 arrows and placed them in her bow,
shooting them all off at once in the same direction.

The arrows shot out fast and strong but then suddenly, the five arrows split off
into their own direction, each of them heading to a different target.

"What a good combo." Vorden said, "She was the ability of telekinesis but it's
quite weak, so instead she uses her ability combined with the bow to control the

In an instant, all five of the targets were hit at the same time and she had
completed the first test. Quinn for the first time saw how useful beast weapons
were. Even if you had a weak ability you could make it strong.

Quinn wasn't completely sure what his ability was yet but even if it just increased
his stats as he levelled up, then he thought about how handy something like a
beast sword or something similar would be.

On the strength test, Layla didn't do so well. She used her powers to try to move
her fist even faster when punching the drum but, in the end, her score was only an
The last test Quinn also saw her do quite bad. When the test first started, Layla
tried to use her ability on the spikes coming at her, unknown to her because they
were holograms and not the real thing, it had no effect.

Meaning all Layla could do was rely on her actual body to avoid the spikes, in the
end, Layla ended getting the same score as Quinn.

"It looks like you have the ability level of a level 2 User," Jane said and
immediately the number 2 appeared on Layla's wrist.

Quinn could tell Layla wasn't happy, she stropped back as she walked over to the
group. Quinn thought the test wasn't really fair. Her ability level might be that of
a level 2 but when used with a bow Quinn felt like she could have easily beaten
some level 3 or 4 users.

Quinn was starting to take note that the academy really did only measure the
power level of your ability and not your fighting ability.

The next person to take the test was Erin. She walked forward confidently
without even looking at anyone else. She stood in the centre of the testing field
waiting for the test to start.

Then, 5 random targets appeared across the wasteland. Immediately she formed
an ice spear and chucked it at the target hitting it dead on. She did this one after
the other at an incredible speed, nearly clearing them all just as fast as Layla did.

The next test Erin was even more impressive. She started to gather ice in both
her palms and then after a minute or so of gathering her power, a huge ice collum
was shot from her hands and hit the centre of the drum dead on. The drum rang
out louder than it had before and the number kept going up until it had eventually
reached 50.

"No wonder she's so confident, "Vorden said.

Quinn suddenly thought it was a good thing the two of them didn't fight otherwise
Vordan would have been a dead man.

Finally, when the last test had arrived the instructor told her she wasn't allowed
to use her ability and should just dodge. Erin had no reaction and started the test
immediately. She managed to do well moving swiftly avoiding each spike but
eventually, the machine had gotten too fast and she ended up getting hit.

"Impressive!" Jane said, "best result so far, power level 5."

Erin continued to walk back to her group as if she knew what she was going to get
all along, either that or she didn't really care about the whole thing.

Finally, the last person to take the test in the group was Vorden.
"Time to show you what I got, wish me luck."

Quinn had no clue who Vordan was talking to, but Quinn quickly realized it was him
after Vordan gave a wink in his direction as he walked off to the centre of the

"Could that idiot actually be strong?" Quinn thought.

Most of the time people who strong were either arrogant about their powers or
kept it quiet but Vorden was a strange person. He wasn't exactly arrogant but
more flashy.

When it finally came to his turn and the test had started, everyone's mouth was
left wide open at what they were seeing. On every single one of the tests, Vorden
had done the exact same thing as Erin.

He had used the same ability, the ability of Ice, and had performed just as well.

"See, I told you I was strong!" Vorden said as he showed the number 5 to his new
best friend Quinn.

Just what was Vorden's ability Quinn thought.

Chapter 8 Fate

After seeing Vorden perform well on the test, Quinn couldn't help but think about
what Vordens ability was. When Vorden went to shake his hand that time, it said
that Vorden had tried to use his ability on Quinn. Yet for some reason, his ability
didn't work.

If Vorden's ability was ice, surely his hand would have just frozen, unless Quinn
had an ability to block all ability's but that was highly unlikely. Not only that but
straight after even Vorden had a strange reaction and had asked Quinn what his
ability was. As if he knew his ability didn't work.

Then another thought came into Quinn's mind, why was Vorden so adamant on
shaking everyone's hand he had just met? If Quinn remembered correctly, Erin
refused to shake Vorden's hand but in the end, Vorden still went to touch Erin on
the shoulder, at the time it seemed like a weird thing to do but now Quinn realized
it wasn't and everything was starting to make sense.
Touching was the condition. The last person Quinn touched was Erin, it couldn't be
a coincidence that both of them had the same powers. Which meant most likely
that Vorden's ability, was the ability to copy other people's ability.

It didn't work on Quinn because his ability wasn't straight forward. Quinn
couldn't help his curiosity and had to ask.

"Hey, Vorden is your ability..." Quinn whispered, "are you able to copy other
people's abilities?"

Vorden looked at Quinn and smiled.

"I'm surprised you figured it out so fast, how did you know?"

"When you shook my hand, you were surprised when nothing happened."

Vorden thought Quinn was quite amazing to be able to guess something like that
just form a handshake. After all, it was much more likely that Vorden had
obtained the Ice ability from an ability book. The power for copying wasn't
available as an ability book which meant one thing.

"Are you an Original?" Quinn asked.

Vorden didn't say anything but simply gave a wink back at Quinn, which pretty
much confirmed Quinn's thoughts.

Vorden was an Original, a person from a family who decided to not share their
abilities with the outside world. Someone who was usually able to surpass the
power level of 8.

Once the test had been completed, the hooded man teleported the students to
the front of the academy where they would be staying. The academy was huge and
the tallest building in the entire city. It was as if someone had put together three

There was a total of ten different teachers that were currently standing in front
of the academy. In front of them were groups of students who had all finished
taking the test. The students were told to wait with the teachers until all the
students had finished conducting their tests.

Once in a while, a group of five students would be teleported in front of one of

the teachers. Finally, where Quinn was standing, there now was a total of 20

"Okay, you all need to follow me as I take you around the school." The teacher up
front said.

The teacher was a middle-aged man with blonde curly hair and wore Glasses, his
name was Del.
While Del walked around describing the various places of the academy he couldn't
help but smile. It looked like nothing was able to upset him.

"You guys should start to get to know each other a much as you can," Del said.
"After all, the people you are with now will be your classmates."

Suddenly everyone started to get chattier with each other as they were being
shown around the school but there was something Quinn had noticed. The mid-
levels were trying their best to get friendly with the higher levels, while the low
levels were being completely ignored.

And Quinn and Peter were the only two level 1's in the class. Without realizing it,
they had been pushed to the back of the class, and Peter was plodding along with
his head held down. It seemed to have affected Peter a lot more than Quinn but
Quinn had already suspected this would happen.

Suddenly though, a familiar voice was heard calling out Quinn's name.

"There you are!" Vorden said, "Man people just started jumping all over me, then
all of sudden I look to my right and you're gone. Come on let's look around
together friend."

Quinn truly thought Vorden was a strange person but that wasn't a bad thing.
Vorden then noticed Peter was on his own as well.

"Come on, you come over too, stop being a downer."

Peter looked up and pointed a finger at himself.

"Who else do you think I'm talking to," Vorden said.

The three of them continued to hang at the back of the class while the teacher
continued to tour around the school. They were shown a battle arena, where they
had similar testing equipment to the filed on the wasteland, as well as several
square fighting platforms.

They were also shown their homeroom classes, battle classes, sports rooms, and all
sorts. Del would explain a little bit about each area of the school they visited but
Quinn was uninterested in most of it until they had finally reached the library.

"The library here is split into three floors as you can see. First-year students are
only able to access the first floor, second-year students can also go on the second
floor, and finally, the last floor is only for Military personal."

Quinn was interested in the library because it contained books that weren't
available to the public. Here, Quinn just might find some information about his
ability, he just hoped it would be on the first floor.
Finally, the tour was coming to an end as Del stopped just outside the school's

"And this is where you will be staying during your stay here, once you have
dropped off your things, feel free to explore around the academy. There will be
no lessons today so you will get to have the rest of the afternoon to explore."

Each student was then handed a number on a piece of paper one be one which
displayed which room they would be staying in.

Quinn then noticed form the corner of his eye Vorden coming towards him.

"Hey, Quinn what room number you got?" Vorden asked.

"Err 23."

"No way you're kidding right, I got the same number, maybe its fate bringing us
together," Vorden said excitedly.

"Maybe," Quinn replied.

Meanwhile, somewhere down the hallway, two other students were having a

"Woah what happened to you?" A student said looking at his friend.

"I don't know man some guy just came and hit me out of nowhere and swapped
room numbers."

"Man, should we try to get it back?" the student asked.

"Nah if I saw his wrist correctly, it said he was a level 5 it's best if we just leave

Chapter 9 What system?

After Quinn had finished unpacking, he was free to do what he wanted for the
rest of the day. It was still noon so he had plenty of time to explore the academy
on do what he wanted.

Quinn was currently sharing his room with two people and to his surprise, he knew
both of them. One of them was Vorden while the other was Peter. There were
three single beds in the room each spread out from one another but other than
that the room was pretty empty.
Students were expected to spend most of their time studying or practicing their
skills. there was no time for pleasure.

"What do you guys want to do then?" Vorden asked.

"I'm still unpacking, you two don't have to wait for me, do what you want," Peter

Peter had opened up a little to the two of them, at first he was completely shy and
hardly said a word but slowly Peter seemed to be coming out of his shell especially
around Quinn. Peter most likely felt comfortable around Quinn knowing that he
was a level 1 ability user like himself.

"I was thinking of heading to the library," Quinn replied, "that will probably be too
boring for you."

"Boring, I can make anything fun, besides I haven't read a book in…" Vorden
paused for a while. "I can't even remember the last time I read a book."

The three of them laughed and then Vorden and Quinn decided to head to the
library together. Finally, they had arrived and the first floor was already busy
with students. Quinn noticed that there were multiple round desks spread out
where students were sitting and In the middle of the desk was a glowing orb.

"Ahh, you're probably wondering what that Orb thing is in the middle aren't you?"
Vorden asked, "It looks like they don't have them at public schools. If you touch
the orb, then it allows you to create a space, in that space, only those people who
have been invited can be heard. This way people are able to talk and chat as much
as they want while not disturbing others."

"Technology sure has come a long way."

Quinn and Vorden then chose a table that had two other people sitting on the
other side. Just as Vorden had said, Quinn could see the two talking but couldn't
hear a word of what they were saying. The orb seemed to only have a range of the
table though. Once you left the table others were able to hear you as normal.

Quinn went looking around the library and picked out as many books as he could
about abilities. Most of them describing what different types of abilities the
world had. Vorden wasn't too bothered and decided to just select a random fiction
book to read.

The two sat at their tables while Quinn started to flick away. After reading
several books Quinn had discovered nothing new. He already knew about most of
the abilities written in the book but not one of them mentioned an ability like
Vorden had been keeping a close eye on Quinn and noticed the type of books he
had been picking out.

"What's with all the books, are you looking for something in particular?"

Quinn thought about it for a while before giving Vorden an answer. Vorden wasn't
the brightest person when it came to academics but he was quite knowledgeable
about abilities it seemed. He would have to be because of the type of ability he

"I was trying to decide what ability to get since I turned down the school's

"Oh right, I forgot about that, I thought you might have been one of those Pure
members who hate abilities. Turns out you just didn't want to be a dog to the
military." Vorden replied, "Well is there anything specific you're looking for?"

"Not really, I have no clue. There was one that said something interesting though,
have you ever heard of an ability that is weaker in sunlight."

Vorden suddenly started to laugh out loud.

"What are you crazy, I've never heard of something like that. Abilities are
something our bodies learn. Sure some people have limits and can't learn stronger
spells or can do less than others but for one to get weaker because of the sun.
Sounds like you're a Vampire or something."

Quinn felt a little embarrassed by Vorden's reaction. Of course, Quinn knew this
would be the normal reaction when asking something like this but it was true. As
long as Quinn was in direct sunlight all of his stats would weaken by half.

Quinn continued to look around the library to see if there was anything else he
could find. He had finally gone through every single one of the ability books he
could find but there was nothing. Quinn then looked up at the floor above where
there were some second-year students.

"Maybe there's something up there but I can't imagine what the academy would
do to me for breaking the rules." Quinn thought.

As Quinn continued to walk around the library, he had eventually ventured into the
fiction section and his eyes were drawn to something.

A specific title of a book named "The Truth about Vampires."

Quinn took out the book and gave it a quick look. Vampires were things of fairy
tales, myths even. Even when people started to come out with powers, there was
not one person who came out claiming to be a vampire.
Quinn couldn't help himself but start to read the book. It was a long shot but
maybe he would find something he could relate to.

After reading and skimming through the book, Quinn found most of it was useless.
A lot of the things that Vampires did, didn't relate to him at all. Vampires were
required to eat human blood. Some could transform themselves into bats and cast
illusions. While others were incredibly skilled with the sword and hypnosis but
Quinn had none of these things.

The only thing he could relate to in the book was being weaker in the sun.
Eventually, Quinn decided to close the book and call it a day. It didn't seem like he
was going to find anything from the first floor of the library.

As soon as Quinn closed the book though. A familiar sound was heard.


\u003cYou gained more knowledge about the system\u003e

\u003c10 exp received\u003e

\u003c15/100 Exp \u003e

"It couldn't be, could it?"

Chapter 10 New Ques

Quinn stared long and hard at the message and reread it multiple times.

"It couldn't be, did I get exp from reading that fantasy book?"

Quinn immediately had to test it out, after reading several different books about
abilities, not one had given him exp but for some reason this book did. Quinn then
immediately picked up another fantasy story, one about dragons this time titled
"Reincarnated into a human?".

He did the same as before and skimmed through most of it but made sure to read
the crucial parts, then when he closed the book there was no reaction. This of
course was expected.

Then Quinn wanted to test another thing out, he picked up another book that was
also about Vampires and did the same. When he closed the book though the same
thing happened, the system had no reaction at all.
In the end, Quinn theorized that after reading all the books, he had gained so
much knowledge about abilities that the system had rewarded him for it. That
maybe the system had just given a delayed message.

He couldn't believe that the book about Vampires was somehow related to his
system. Well, he didn't want to believe it.

When Quinn finished checking things out at the library, he noticed that Vorden
had disappeared from the table and was no longer in the library.

"Huh, he must have gotten bored and gone somewhere else?"

Quinn looked outside the window and noticed the sun was starting to set. He had
been in the library for a total of six hours so far and the time had gone flying by.
Then when Quinn was just about to leave, he received another message from the

<Daily quest has been completed>

<Avoid direct sunlight for 8 hours>

< 5 exp has been awarded >

<20/100 Exp>

Quinn had finally completed his second daily quest. The ride from school had taken
them around 2 hours and with the time spent indoors and in the library, Quinn was
able to complete the task with ease.

Each time Quinn received an announcement, he got a satisfying feeling seeing the
number go up closer to 100. He couldn't wait to see what would happen once he
had reached the goal.

His best guess would be a level up. After all, the system even stated that he
couldn't use his shop feature until he was at least a level 10.

The only thing Quinn wished for at the moment was a quicker way to level up. With
just the two daily quests a day it would take days until Quinn reached level two.

Right now though there wasn't much he could do but go by his everyday life as
normal. As Quinn left the library, he decided to head to the battle arena, there
was a theory that he wanted to test out.

But as he was walking through the school hallway, he could see a kid being pushed
up against the wall by another student. The boy on the wall looked like he had
already been hit a few times and had markings on his face.


"So it's started already." Quinn thought.

Quinn managed to catch a glimpse of the boy's wristwatch and saw that the
number on it indicated that it was a 1.2 power level. Quinn was quite surprised at
this as the person doing the bullying was quite weak himself which was a rare

The only people he would be able to bully were people who had a power level of one
like Quinn or Peter. That's when Quinn suddenly realized who was up against the
wall. It was in fact peter. Quinn didn't recognize him at first because his face was
turned the other way.

Quinn was debating with himself whether or not to get involved in the first place.
He hated bullies more than anything. They had ruined his school life and it seemed
like soon he would be a target as well.

Of course, Quinn also wanted to test out his current strength and he had found
the perfect guinea pig. The student in front of him was only at a power level of 1.2
so there was a high chance he could win.

The student lifted his fist again to give peter another punch.

"You think you can just bump into me like that and say sorry!" He shouted as he
swung his fist.

Then as Quinn was walking past, he pretended to fall over and bumped into the
student, causing him to fall off balance and miss.

"Quinn?" Peter said as he looked up.

"What the hell was that for?" The student said as he looked at who had just
pushed into him.

The student then immediately looked at Quinn's watch and suddenly the
confidence in him grew.

"What the hell is a level 1 piece of rubbish like you doing?"

"I was waiting to see how long it would take for someone like you to appear. It
seems like I lost a bet with myself. I thought it would at least take a couple of

"And what are you going to do about it?"

Peter was starting to feel slightly worried about Quinn. He knew at the test site
that Quinn had no abilities while the student he was facing did. Peter thought
they might stand a chance if the two of them fought together but Peter, in the
end, was too afraid.
He had been hurt his whole life and didn't want to be hurt anymore. This was just
how the current world worked. The people at the top with the strongest powers
bullied the weaker ones and in turn, they bullied the even weaker ones.

It was the first time the student had ever met someone weaker than him and
suddenly all the pain he had experienced, he wanted someone else to feel it too.
That way he didn't feel like he was at the bottom of the food chain.

Quinn then noticed that the student had both of his hands held behind his back as
if he was preparing something and the next thing that happened confirmed his

<An ability has been detected>

<Initiating battle mode>

< New quest has been given >

<First fight, power level 1.2>

< Win the fight to gain 50 Exp >

Suddenly, Quinn had a huge grin on his face. This was how he was going to level up

Chapter 11 New Skill

The student stood opposite Quinn was still holding his hands suspiciously behind
his back. Even without the help of the system, Quinn could tell the student was
obviously hiding his ability.

"Come on, what happened to your big balls?" the student said.

"I think you're playing with them behind your back," Quinn replied.

That immediately angered the student which was what Quinn was going for.

"You weak piece of garbage!" the student came charging forward and slashed his
hand out at Quinn.

Luckily Quinn's reflexes were fast and he managed to lift his arm in time to block
the attack and move back a little. However, the student's hand managed to slice
right through the skin of Quinn's arm and caused blood to be drawn.
"Dam it!" Quinn said.

<HP 8/10>

Quinn looked at the student who now had his hands out in view. The student had a
transformation ability that was limited to only his hands. They caused them to
slightly resemble a tiger claw and hardened his fingernails.

Although Quinn was able to block the attack in time, the claw managed to still rip
through his skin.

"Is the system saying if I take four more attacks like that, I'm dead?"

Suddenly everything became a little bit more serious for Quinn. The stinging pain
he was feeling on his arm was real and this was a real fight. The game-like system
had caused him to take things a little too easy. But he was quickly reminded that
this wasn't a game.

The student then immediately started to charge at Quinn once again with his claw-
like hands. As the student swung his right-hand Quinn managed to duck and throw
a punch of his own into the student's stomach.

"What the hell, this guy hits hard!" The student thought.

The student didn't quit there though and decided to strike at Quinn's open back
causing another claw mark to appear.

<HP 6/10>

"Shut up I know!" Quinn shouted as he lifted the student using both of his hands
by the legs and threw up against the side of the wall.

"How did Quinn manage to pick him up like that?" Peter thought, "There roughly
about the same size and he threw him with ease, does he really not have an

Quinn didn't stop there though. It was important for him to teach people like
them a lesson, otherwise, they would just come back for more. Quinn needed to
show him to never mess with him again.

Quinn ran up to the student who was lying and the floor and kicked him in the
stomach with full force. The kick was so hard that it caused the student to cough
up a little bit of blood from his mouth.

<Congratulations Quest has been completed>

<50 Exp Received>

<70/100 Experience points>

"Is he dead?" Peter asked.

Then the student suddenly started coughing some more.

"No, but if he attacks us again, he's going to wish he was."

Quinn was actually quite relieved. He didn't know what the punishment was at the
academy for killing another student, even if he explained that he hadn't attacked
first. He also didn't want the burden of death on his shoulders at such a young
age, so he was happy when the system had rewarded him the experience points,
without having the need to kill the student.

Then suddenly another message had appeared.

<Additional Quest reward>

<Skill unlocked: inspect lv1>

Excitement started to fill Quinn's mind as he had finally received his first skill.
Quinn was hoping maybe this would help him figure out what type of ability he had
but the name of it didn't sound too promising.

"Inspect? So maybe it can tell me the weaknesses of my opponents?" Quinn


Quinn then decided to test his new ability out and looked at Peter who was
standing next to him. Now was the next problem. Quinn had no idea how to use his
skill but the moment he started thinking about the skill "Inspect." The skill had
activated on its own and a screen had appeared right next to Peter.

<Name: Peter Chuck>

<Race: Human>

<Ability: None>

<HP 3/5>

<Blood type A+>



Quinn looked at the information that had been given to him and it seemed like
there were some sections blanked out. Quinn could only assume this was because
the level of his skill was still only at level 1 but the information it did give him, was
quite handy.

It told Quinn what type of ability they had which would be very useful in a fight,
it also told Quinn how much health they had. However, there was one bit of
information that Quinn found strange and that was the Blood type. It was weird
for the system to give him information about such a specific thing and Quinn also
wondered how on earth would this ever help him in the future.

Quinn then went up to the Student who was still laying on the ground in pain and
used the inspect skill on him.

<Name: Kyle Main>

<Race: Human>

<Ability: Transformation>

<HP 1/8>

<Blood type B->

Checking the status of Kyle made Quinn learn a few new things. The information
he was given about the ability, only gave him the type of ability. There were
hundreds of different transformation abilities so it wasn't able to pinpoint it.

The other thing was the HP, It looked like for his victory he only needed to bring
down the students HP to 1 but Quinn still didn't know if 0 meant death or not. It
could also just mean the person had been knocked out.

Right after inspecting Kyle though, Quinn had received another notification.

<Optional Quest has been granted>.

<Drink the blood of your victim to absorb a stat point>

"What the, is this thing crazy!" Quinn thought.

Even if it gave him a stat point there was no way he was going to drink someone
else's blood. The very idea of it made Quinn feel sick.

For a brief moment though Quinn looked to the ground where Kyle had spat out
some of his blood.

"Maybe a little bit wouldn't hurt… Quinn, you're going crazy stop it."

"Come on let's go," Quinn said to peter.

The two of them continued to walk down the hallway but while doing so Peter
noticed that Quinn kept turning his head to look at Kyle who was still on the floor.

"He must be worried about him, Quinn's a nice guy after all." Peter thought as he

But what he didn't realize was that Quinn wasn't looking at Kyle at all, but was
looking at Kyle's blood that was on the ground.
Chapter 12 A second tes

As the two continued to walk down the hallway. Quinn started to feel a strange
surge through his body.

"Hey, shouldn't you go to the doctor, I'm sure they have a healer who can patch
that up?" Peter asked.

"Yeah thanks, I'll head there now," Quinn replied, "You don't have to come with
me, it will be a busy day tomorrow so why don't you head back to the dorm?"

Although Peter was worried about Quinn, Peter didn't want to stick in the halls
for much longer where other students were able to see him.

Quinn could see that Peter was hesitating about what to do.

"look don't worry, Vorden just went to the bathroom he'll be back any second so
don't worry about it."

With that Peter quickly rushed off and headed back to the dorms making sure to
cover up his wristwatch most of the time as well. He didn't want another incident
to happen again.

Quinn on the other hand, immediately rushed to the nearest boy's toilet just down
the hall. When he entered the toilet he immediately started to look at his arm
were Kyle had scratched it with his claws.

While looking in the mirror slowly Quinn could see that his arm was healing.
Though it looked slow, in reality, it was incredibly fast. For someone to be able to
actually witness his skin scabbing over and healing was an amazing sight.

Quinn had actually felt something strange happening to his body during this
process and he noticed it when he was talking to Peter. It was why Quinn was
trying to do everything in his power to get Peter to leave him alone.

If Peter was to see something like this, there was no doubt that Peter would think
he had an ability.

Quinn waited a few minutes and opened up his status screen. It was as he thought,
his HP slowly regained as well.

\u003cHP 8/10\u003e
Eventually, the wound on his arm and back had completely healed up and only the
rips in his shirt could be seen.

\u003cHP 10/10\u003e

\u003cYour HP had been healed\u003e

\u003cYour hunger has grown\u003e

Just when Quinn received the two messages Quinn suddenly started to feel

"Does this mean the system uses food to heal my wounds? It makes sense, the
energy has to come from somewhere." Quinn thought.

The pain in Quinn's belly was very little. It was as if he had just missed breakfast
or something. When Quinn had the chance, he would get a quick bite to eat.

Before Quinn headed back to the dorms there was one more thing he wanted to do
and that was to head to the training room that they had been shown while touring
the school.

It was getting late and the students had an early start in the morning, so most of
the students had already returned to their dorms. This meant it was the perfect
chance for Quinn to head to the training room without anyone seeing him.

Quinn had finally reached the training room in the academy. It was a large oval
dome-like building with a huge empty space in the middle. At the edges of the
room were rows and rows of technological equipment.

There were giant mech robots, shooting targets, and things Quinn had no idea
what they even did but what Quinn wanted to see most of all, was the power level
testing equipment. Inside the training centre, Quinn had also spotted the same
machinery that was used at the testing field.

When Quinn entered the room was completely empty of people as he thought.

Quinn walked over to testing equipment while walking past all the other sorts of
machinery and finale he stopped just in front of the drum-like machine. This
machine was the same machine that tested the user's strength.

Layla had also come to the training room late at night and before Quinn had
entered, she had been testing out her bow and arrow skills, practicing. She always
practiced at night when she was nervous and she couldn't help but worry about

That was when she suddenly heard the doors open to the training room, being her
shy usual self, she immediately hid behind one of the giant robots. Suddenly she
saw the student walk over to her direction then she noticed something.
"Isn't that the boy that I took the test with? If I remember correctly, he had no
ability." Layla thought.

Layla continued to watch Quinn as he approached the large drum.

"Here it goes!" Quinn said as he prepared his fist,

He swung his fist back and prepared to hit the drum as hard as possible. A number
appeared on the drum and the number slowly started to rise until it eventually
stopped at 10.

"Seems like I was on the mark," Quinn said.

Quinn had a theory after hearing his test scores that his status screen stats also
matched the equipment the school used. Although this was only a theory, Quinn
wanted to test it out for himself.

Layla who had been watching from behind one of the robots also noticed Quinn's
new score.

"Ten, didn't he get five last time? Was he hiding his ability? That score's higher
than my score."

Layla was suddenly interested in the mysterious student and continued to watch

Quinn next went to the hologram spike machine. Last time Quinn managed to last
ten seconds against the machine before it got too fast for him to dodge the
attacks. If his theory was right, he should at least be able to last twenty seconds
now that his stats were no longer halved.

Quinn started the test and when the test eventually ended, he got exactly twenty

"It looks like I was right."

With Quinn having confirmed his results, there was nothing left for him to do but
head back to the dorm and wait for the next day to start.

Meanwhile, Layla who had been watching this whole time had seen everything. She
couldn't understand why a student would hide his strength in the school. A low
power level meant you were a target for others.

Layla only had one thought while she looked at Quinn. "Interesting."

She decided from now on she would keep a close eye on Quinn.
Chapter 13 School hierarchy

The next day at 8:00 AM the students were woken up by the sound of an alarm in
the dorm rooms. It was the signal for everyone to wake up and get dressed. Once
everyone was ready, they were to head down to the canteen together for

When Quinn woke up, he was greeted with a nice surprise from the system.

\u003cYou have completed your daily Quest\u003e

\u003c Avoid direct sunlight for 8 hours\u003e

\u003c Reward 5 exp\u003e


The daily quest had reset at midnight and Quinn had slept for 8 hours rewarding
him with his exp. Quinn was pleased as this meant he would easily be able to gain 5
exp without having to go out of his way.

Then a rumbling sound came from his belly.

"I'm hungrier than I usually am for some reason, maybe my body really did use up
a lot of energy in that fight." Quinn thought as he headed down to the canteen.

The canteen was a large hall but it was quite plain. In fact, while walking around
the school Quinn noticed most of the school was plain. Single white walls, no
picture frames, or anything, just windows now and again.

It was the sleek modern clean look that the world had taken. The canteen was
then filled with large tables that we're able to seat three people on each side of
the table. As soon as Quinn entered though he noticed something straight away.

There were no set seats in the canteen meaning students were free to sit where
they liked. This straightaway led to a divide in the school. The low levels sat next
to the low levels and the high levels sat with the high levels.

When Quinn was waiting in line with Peter and Vorden they noticed a student come
late into the queue. He walked past most of the students and eventually cut into
the line ahead of the others. Not one person said a word and the simple reason
was he was a higher power level than them.

Quinn hated these types of actions but right now there was nothing he could do.
Once the three of them got their food they started looking for a place to eat.

"Why don't we go over there?" Voden pointed at an empty spot.

"Are you sure Vorden?" Peter asked, "That's a level one area, you don't have to sit
with us if you don't want to, right Quinn?"

"Yeah don't force yourself," Quinn replied.

"Quit talking nonsense you two, we're friends, I don't care about this stupid
power level hierarchy going on."

The three of them then went to sit down with the other lower levels on a table.
The area slowly started to fill up but not one other person had decided to sit on
their table. There was a simple reason for this, they were scared of Vorden.

They could see his high-power level and the other low levels wanted to stay away.

As soon as the food was put on the table Quinn started to dig in straight away
eating everything that was given to him, even the bits he usually didn't like.

"Hey if you're not going to finish that do you mind if I take it," Quinn asked.

"Sure, go ahead," Peter said.

Quinn not only ate all of his food but also everything the other two had left
behind as well. Not only that but Quinn had grabbed 8 bottles of water as he
wanted to finish his quest as soon as possible.

He noticed last time when he was in the sun, he sweated more than usual and
thanks to the water he drank beforehand, he didn't feel as dehydrated. If they
were to go outside again then this would be a big help to Quinn.

"For a skinny guy, you sure did pack down all that food," Vorden said.

Although Quinn had clearly eaten a lot, for some reason he still had a little bit of
hunger that wouldn't quite go away. Luckily it was bearable and didn't distract him
too much.

\u003cA daily quest has been complete: Drink two liters of water.\u003e

\u003c Reward 5 exp \u003e


Quinn was now only 20 points away from levelling up and he would soon see what
benefits that brought him. Then Quinn suddenly remembered that he had learned
the inspect skill yesterday and decided to use it on Vorden.

\u003cHP 10/10\u003e

\u003cRace: Human\u003e

\u003cAbility: None\u003e

\u003cBlood type: O- \u003e

Quinn paused for a second as he read over what he was seeing. For some reason,
the system was stating that Vorden had no ability.

"Hey, Vorden can you still use Erin's ice powers at the moment?"

"Wow, I didn't know you were so interested in me," Vorden said as he rubbed the
back of his head. "Actually, my ability resets every day and I haven't touched
anyone today. Besides you two of course but you two are duds for my ability."

With breakfast over, it was time for them to head to class. On the way there in
the middle of the hallway Peter and Quinn managed to spot Kyle. Kyle looked like
he was in top condition and had completely healed.

As he walked past though he made sure to avoid eye contact.

"Do you think he'll tell the teacher what happened?" Peter whispered.

"No I doubt it, it's embarrassing for him to admit he was defeated by someone
weaker then him, plus it will only make him a target if people find out."

It was time for the first class of the day and they needed to head to their tutor
rooms together. Their teacher for the day was Del who was the same person who
had shown them around the school.

The students took their seats and just like in the canteen people chose to sit next
to those with the same power levels, all but Vorden of course. Vorden decided to
sit at the back of the class with the level ones and twos and also chose to sit in
between peter and Quinn.

Immediately the other students started to talk.

"What does he think he's doing sitting with those bottom feeders."

"I saw he sat with them in the canteen as well."

"Won't this cause a problem for the hierarchy at school, won't the second-year
students start to do something?"

"Yeah if he keeps breaking the rules, then they will defiantly step in."

The difference in treatment wasn't just a school thing, it was a society thing as
well. The higher power level you had the better job and more pay you could earn.
The more support you would get from the government while the rest were
forgotten about.

The ones at the top didn't have a problem with this of course. The lower power
levels would do anything they asked just to obtain a new skill from them hoping
one day they could increase their power level and anyone who tried to upset this,
where quickly silenced.
It was the whole reason why the Pure group existed in the first place. To fight
against this system and it was also why they were treated like terrorists.

Del started his lecture which was about the introduction fo the school and the
great war.

"When we were losing the great war against the Dalki race that was when they had
come forward. We call them the Originals. This was the first time the whole world
had been introduced to abilities. Unknown to all of us they had kept these abilities
for themselves for hundreds of years only passing it down to their family

Thanks to them they shared their abilities with others of the human race but not
all of them of course. When we talk about an Original we are either talking about
the founders of the ability or a group that decided to not share its abilities to the
rest of the world."

Del then suddenly had a serious look on his face.

"Although we are currently in a time of piece who knows when the war will start
again and that is why you are here."

Once the class had finished it was time for the students to take a break. Vorden,
Quinn, and Peter headed outside to grab a snack. As soon as Quinn stepped
outside though the usual message had appeared.

\u003cAll stats have been halved.\u003e

The three of them sat by a nearby bench and Quinn once again felt weak.

"Hey are you alright, you look sick again?" Vorden asked, "And your sweating like

"Yeah, I just get hot easily," Quinn replied.

The three of them continued to talk about useless things and the experiences
they had at school, until suddenly a group of six male students appeared in front
of them. Each of them wearing a black arm badge indicating that they were
second-year students.

"Looks like the rumours were true." One of the second-year students said.

"We have some business to discuss with you three, do you mind coming with us?"

Chapter 14 Unwritten rules

Quinn, Peter, and Vorden were being escorted by the second-year students to a
separate part of the school. The school was split into different sections and the
second-year building was separate from the first years. This meant the second-
year students didn't really interact with the first-year students.

"Shouldn't we just run?" Whispered Peter.

"It might just make the situation worse, if they were going to do something to us
they would have waited until we were on our own." Quinn replied, "It seems like
they did this in public intentionally, as if to make a statement to all the other low

After walking for a while longer they had eventually arrived at their destination.
It was down one of the sides of the second-year buildings, there were a few
second-year students who were walking past but the place was relatively quiet.

Sitting down just outside of the building on the staircase, was a tall man with
brown hair wrapped in a ponytail.

"We brought them here as you have asked Mono." One of the second-year
students said.

"You guys can leave," Mono replied as he stood up from the staircase.

The second-year students did as they were told and quickly left them to be on
their own.

"It seems there have been rumours going around of a high tier student hanging
around with a bunch of low tier students."

Quinn then noticed Mono's wristwatch which had the number 6 written on it.

"Is it against the rules?" Vorden asked.

Mono started to laugh.

"Not quite but there are some unwritten rules of the academy." Mono then walked
over to Quinn. "You see the moment you start treating this trash like they are
useful to society, they start to get a big head."

Now that Mono was close enough to Quinn, Quinn was able to use his Inspect skill
but when he tired casting it the status screen that appeared was blurry, it looked
like the status screen itself was melting and all the information was unreadable.

"Is it because I'm out in the sun?" Quinn thought.

"Look at this scum." Mono said, "I'm only a few feet away from him and there isn't
even an ounce of fear in his eyes. You know I'm happy that the war started
because it got rid of people like you and only the strong survived."

Quinn's blood started to boil, he hated the war and how it had taken everything
away from him including his parents. He no longer cared if he was going to take a
beating or not, all he wanted to do was punch Mono in the face right there and

At this distance even if Quinn's punch was slow it should still hit. Quinn couldn't
hold in his anger any longer and threw out a punch but before Quinn's punch was
even thrown out fully, Mono had already taken a step back causing Quinn's fist to
hit the air.

Vorden then took this chance to grab onto Mono. However, once again Mono had
moved before Quinn had even started his action, causing Vorden to grab nothing.

"You think I'm going to let someone touch me who's ability I don't even know,"
Mono said. "I didn't come here to fight you guys, today was just a warning, there
are some people in this school that not even the military can touch and if you
continue acting this way, they will get involved."

With that, Mono headed back up the stairs and into the second-year building.

"Do you think he's serious?" Peter asked, "I know at school they didn't like this
type of stuff but it seems even worse now that we're in a military school, why
don't the teachers do something to stop it."

"Because it works in their favour." Quinn replied, "The strong bullying the weak
causes the weak to go on the path to find more power, but if you were weak to
begin with and don't have the family backing to help you, where would you go to
get this power?"

"The military," Vorden answered.

"Exactly, the teachers and the school don't do anything because it benefits them.
After experiencing hell for two years your mind will have been broken down. You
would do anything to seek power and protection and the military can offer that
for you." Quinn said.

Quinn then looked at Vorden.

"it might be best if we comply with their wishes and go our separate ways for

"Why should I listen to them!" Vorden snapped back.

The outburst surprised Quinn as Vorden was strangely against his suggestion.
"Look, I understand Vorden that you might think you are helping me and Peter but
maybe you don't understand because you've never been powerless like us. When
we break their rules they won't go for you, it will be me and Peter they will go

Quinn hated to saying this to Vorden, after all, Vorden was the first person who
has a high-power level who didn't discriminate between people and so far Vorden's
presence had helped. Whenever Quinn and Peter walked around the higher levels
did nothing to them because of Vorden.

But this had only attracted bigger fish, something that Vorden and Quinn couldn't
handle, at least, not yet anyway.

"Fine, have it your way!" Vorden said with anger as he stormed off back to the
dorm building.

"Maybe we should have explained it to him better," Peter said.

"No, it's fine it's better this way," Quinn replied.

Although it looked like Vorden had stormed off in anger due to Quinn's words,
that wasn't true at all. Vorden was angry at the whole situation at the school. Even
here it seemed like people were telling him how he should live his life, who he
could, and who he could not hang out with.

Vorden also didn't want Quinn to get hurt so he knew it was the right choice, but
Vorden wasn't going to just let these people get away with trying to control his
life. Vorden was going to go after them all.

Chapter 15 Finding my next targe

Layla had been tracking Quinn and the others for a while now, she was even there
when Quinn was busy dealing with Mono. Although she didn't plan to help out or
anything, she was just amazed that Quinn was able to attract so much attention in
one day.

The only thing that Layla was confused about was why did Quinn's punch seem so
weak and slow. From the looks of things, it seemed like Quinn really did want to
punch Mono but that defiantly wasn't his best from what she had seen at the
training centre.
After Vorden had stormed off, Peter and Quinn decided that it would be best
that they head back to class for their next lesson. They walked for a while but
just before they got back to the first-year building, a group of first-year
students were standing in front of the staircase.

There were three of them in total and on their wrist watch they had a power level
between 2 and 2.5.

"What are we going to do, Dan asked for 50 credits by the end of this week." One
of the boys said.

"I know, why did they have to pick on us, just cause we're weaker than him."
Another boy replied.

Credits were the School's and city's currency system. Even though they were at
military school, the rest of the city functioned as normal. There were still
restaurants and shops and even fun activities and games to play all around the
city. If you wanted to do these things you would have to pay with credits.

Students received free food while at the school but they also received a daily
amount of ten credits that would be sent to their wristwatch. The students were
able to get more credits by performing well on missions, school activities, and

Peter and Quinn continued to walk past the boys to head the class, that's when
one of the boys called out to them.

"Wait, stop right there you two!" the boy shouted.

Peter stopped immediately while Quinn carried on walking.

"Hey, are you listening I said stop." The boy said, then another boy immediately
got in front of Quinn and pushed him back to where Peter was standing.

Quinn was hoping another incident wouldn't occur at least while out in the sun. If
he got inside the building just in time then he thought he would have had a
fighting chance.

"I think I might have just solved our credits problem; you must be the only level
ones in this whole school." The boy said. "Hand over 10 credits each and you can go

"But that's all the credits we have," Peter complained.

"look I don't want to do this but if I don't, then my arse gets beat. Hand over the
credits now."

Peter looked at Quinn with hope in his eyes, perhaps thinking that Quinn might
have been able to do something like last time but after trying to hit Mono, he
knew he would have no chance. Besides, these were level twos even at full strength
he might not be able to beat them.

Quinn decided that it would be better off to just hand over the credits anyway. It
was better than losing a fight and forcing the credits over.

Just then Quinn received another system message.

\u003c A New quest has been given \u003e

\u003c A Power level difference of 2 has been detected\u003e

\u003c Additional exp will be awarded\u003e

\u003cDefeat the student known as Rylee\u003e

Suddenly, Quinn wanted to test out his chances. The idea of gaining additional exp
and levelling up even further became really attractive to him but Quinn wouldn't
let his greed win him over. Right now there were three level 2 power users but the
system had only asked him to defeat one of them.

The first thing Quinn needed to do was get inside so he could use his inspect skill
and find out which one was named Rylee. Right now if Quinn used it outside it
would only appear as a blur.

In the end, Quinn decided to hand over the ten credits, He placed his watch on
the other boys and the credits were transferred over. Peter ended up doing the
same and the two of them were allowed to enter the building.

"Hey that was a great idea man!" one of the boys said, "Should we just stay out
here until we find someone weaker again."

"What!" Quinn said in his head, he was hoping that once they had paid them, the
boys would enter the building but it looked like they were going to hang outside
for a while. Quinn suddenly stopped and waited.

"What are you two doing, scram unless you want an ass-kicking!" A boy said.

Then Quinn clenched his fist and shouted.


All three boys turned their heads at the same time but not one of them replied.
Quinn bad luck continued but he had one more plan to find out which one of them
was Rylee.

"If you pull this sort of thing again on me Rylee, your dead!" Quinn said.

Suddenly the boy stood in the centre of the three with red hair got up and
"What the hell did you say to me you little punk?"

"Run!" run Quinn shouted.

Like a bolt of lightning, Peter and Quinn ran as fast as they could to their next

"What did you do that for?" Peter asked.

"I just wanted to annoy them a little."

Peter couldn't help but think Quinn was a little mad but he liked the fact that
Quinn didn't seem to take crap from people stronger than him and kind of looked
up to him a little.

Once they were just outside their class Quinn opened up his status screen to
check if the Quest was still active.

"Good." Even though Quinn was now away from Rylee, it seemed like the quest was
still active and Quinn would get the exp as long as he completed it at any time.

And Now he knew which one was Rylee and who his first target would be.

"You're going to help me level up."

Chapter 16 A new look

Classes for the day had finally finished, since it was the first day most of the
classes were just introductions and about what they would learn during their time
at the school.

Peter and Quinn did their best to avoid most of the other students for the day
and it seemed like after everything they had been through, they weren't going to
get into any more trouble.

Once classes had finished it was time to go for dinner. Quinn still had this hunger
in his stomach so he was looking forward to dinner more than usual. This time,
Quinn and Peter both sat on their own at a table in the low-level area. Then Peter
started to look around the room as if he was trying to spot someone.

"I don't see Vorden anywhere, do you think he's okay?" Peter asked.

Quinn then scouted around the room and he too couldn't see Vorden at the
"I wouldn't worry about it too much, trust me when I say this but he is a lot safer
than us at this school."

The two continued to eat and once they had finished dinner decided to head back
to their dorm room. To their surprise, Vorden was already in the dorm room on his
own lying on his bed.

When the two of them closed the door behind them, Vorden lifted his head and
immediately smiled at Peter and Quinn.

"Hey, I've been waiting for you two for a while now," Vorden said as he got off the
bed. "I wanted to say sorry about earlier, I wasn't angry at you guys but just at
this whole situation."

When Vorden got up from the bed, Quinn noticed a slight mark on the side of
Vorden's face. It was a little red and a little swollen.

"What happened to your face?" Peter asked.

"Oh, this?" Vorden said as he touched the marking. "I got into a little scuffle of
my own but don't worry I didn't lose. You don't have to worry about me I'm

Then suddenly, a loud growling noise was heard in the room. Peter and Vorden
immediately looked at Quinn whose face had gone bright red.

"Sorry, I guess I'm still hungry after dinner," Quinn said laughing nervously.

"Why don't you grab something from the convenience store, it's not too far
away?" Vorden said.

Quinn looked at his watch and realized even if he did go to the convenience store
to grab something, he wouldn't be able to buy anything in the first place since he
had no credits but before he could even say anything, Vorden had come over and
tapped his watch against Quinn's.

"Transfer of ten credits successful" The notification sounded.

"Don't even say anything and go grab something," Vorden said with a smile.


With that Quinn left Peter and Vorden on their own while Quinn rushed off to the
convenience store. The convenience store wasn't too far away from military
school. If you walked out, it would take you around 20 minutes.

At the front of the school was a huge gate that had two guards stood at the
entrance at all times, only students, teachers, and certain military personal were
allowed on the school grounds. So when you exited students were required to show
their wristwatch to the guard and same upon entering again.
Once past the gates, Quinn decided to test out how much ten stamina points really
was. He started to jog at a relatively fast pace to the convenience store. After
running for about 5 minutes he realized that he wasn't out of breath or anything
like he usually would be.

He decided to run even faster eventually making it to the convenience store in 7


"I think I was doing about a kilometre in under five minutes, and I'm not even out
of breath." Quinn thought.

The stats given to him were that of an athlete's body, it wasn't the same weak
body he had before but at the same time, it wasn't a supernatural body that
surpassed human limits.

Another thing he noticed while running at night, he could see everything super
clear. Even when there were no street lights, it was as if the moon had lightened
everything up. A type of night vision of sorts.

\u003c Your hunger grows slightly \u003e

"I know, I don't need the system to tell me when I'm hungry."

When Quinn entered the convenience store he went and grabbed a few of his
favourite snacks. Some late-night ice cream and potato chips. That's when he
suddenly spotted Rylee and his friends in the same store down another aisle.

Quinn ducked down quietly and waited for them to finish shopping before doing
anything else.

"What luck, I thought I would have to track him down but it seems like he's come
right to me."

While Quinn was hiding, he noticed he was in the middle of the masks section.
There was one particular mask that stood out to him. It was a fully black mask
that covered the top half of the face so the mouth could be seen. Across the
mask was blood splatter on it.

"Kinda spooky looking."

Once Rylee and the others had left the store, Quinn decided to grab the mask and
snacks and placed them on the counter.

Layla who was also in the store noticed the mask that Quinn had bought.

"What the, it's not Halloween yet, what is he doing buying a mask like that?" she

Layla decided to continue to follow Quinn while Quinn was busy following Rylee and
his friends.
"Hey, we're going to shoot some hoops in the park, you want to join?" One of the
boys asked.

"Nah, you know my ability useless for playing games like that." Rylee replied, "I
think ill just head back and wait by the school gate, see if there are any more
suckers I can leach some credits from."

The other two boys looked at each other, they knew what they were doing was
wrong but were only doing it because they themselves didn't want to get beaten
up by a higher power level. Where it seemed like Rylee was starting to get a little
pleasure from bullying those weaker than him.

Rylee started to head back to school and eventually reached a small park on the
way back. An area that was completely void of people and had very little lights.
There were also plenty of trees for Quinn to hide himself.

"It's showtime," Quinn said as he put the mask on his face.

Chapter 17 Level up

Quinn continued to follow Rylee into the forest until he had eventually reached
the park. It was mostly dark outside and the only visible light in the area was
coming from either the moon or the single street lamp.

After checking if there were any people nearby, Quinn decided it was time to act
and put on his mask.

"Even if he spots me now, he won't know who to come back to for revenge."

Rylee was currently going through the information on his watch, the glowing light
displayed he had a total of 80 credits.

"I'm a genius, I don't know why I didn't do this sooner." Rylee said, "I have more
than enough to pay Dan and keep some for myself, as long as I stay on Dan's good
side, no one will try to attack me."

As soon as Rylee finished his thought, he felt a large impact on his right side.

Just then Quinn had come out from the trees and threw out a kick causing Rylee
to stumble to the ground. When Rylee looked up all he could see was a student
wearing a horrifying mask, with a blood splat on the front.

"What the heck, who are you?" Rylee shouted.

Of course, Quinn wasn't going to answer and wanted to finish the fight fast. He
ran up to Rylee and threw another kick, this time though Rylee was prepared and
lifted his hands manging to block the kick.

When Quinn's legs hit Rylee's hands though, it felt like he was kicking against
solid rock.

"OUCH!" Quinn said as he quickly leapt backward to check on his leg.

He lifted his trousers and saw his leg was badly hurt, it looked like his bones had
even bent in slightly.

"What?" Rylee thought as he saw his attacker fall back. Then Rylee spotted his
attacker's wristwatch, which lit up brightly in the dark and displayed the number

Rylee started to laugh.

"I see now, you're probably one of the students I took the credits from earlier,
And I'm guessing you thought you could get some revenge."

Quinn then quickly used his inspect skill on his opponent.

<HP 8/10>

<Race: Human>

<Abilty: Hardening>

<Blood type: B+>

"Damn it, no wonder my leg felt like it hit a rock."

Although Quinn's surprise attack didn't work, he still felt like he could win this

Quinn charged in once again this time throwing a fist. The attack was faster than
Rylee had expected and he didn't have time to use his hardening skill and he took
the blow right in the face.

"I think he cracked my tooth, how hard does this kid hit?" Rylee thought.

Quinn threw another punch with his other hand but Rylee had predicted this and
hardened his face in time. When Quinn's fist hit Rylee's face, once again it felt
like he was hitting a rock.

< Your fist is broken >

< 7/10 HP >

Quinn then stepped back causing distance between the two.

"Again, what am I meant to do if he keeps hardening his body?"


Then a thought came into Quinn's mind. If Rylee was able to harden his body then
why didn't he just keep it hardened all the time? If he did then Quinn's first
attack wouldn't have gone through.

Did this mean that Rylee was only able to Harden a single part of his body at a
time? It was just a theory but Quinn had nothing to lose and this gave him a plan.

Quinn Ran forward at Rylee one more time shouting.

"I'm going to punch that ugly face of yours if it's the last thing I do!"

Rylee then hardened his face again and was ready this time but at the last second
Quinn changed his punch to a kick in the stomach, causing Rylee to bend over.

"It worked."

Then Quinn went to knee Rylee in the stomach again but at the last second
stopped and punched Rylee on the back of the head. Now Rylee laid on the ground
defenceless. Ray gave one fast swift attack to the back of his head and Rylee was
knocked out.

"Did you really think I would call where I was going to attack?" Quinn said.

<Quest has been completed>

<50 exp will be rewarded>

<Power level difference of 1>

<20 additional exp will be awarded>


<You have reached the maximum amount of exp>

<Would you like to level up?>

"Would I like to level up? Why even bother asking." Quinn thought.


<Once you have levelled up any changes will be irreversible?>

"Who cares, Yes"

<Congratulations! You are now level 2>

<Evolution process has started>

Suddenly, Quinn felt a large stabbing pain in his heart, it started to beat faster
then it had ever done before. The blood started to rush through his veins all over
his body. The pain was so much that Quinn had fallen to his knees but he did his
best to keep in any screams, fearing he would alarm anyone.

The pain continued throughout his body, his broken hand started to heal along
with his legs, and then a sharp stabbing pain could be felt in his teeth. The pain
continued to last for a further five minutes until it had eventually stopped.

<Congratulations, you have successfully evolved>

<You are now a Half-Ling>

Quinn starred at the words the system gave him but it didn't make sense to him,
he had never heard of the term halfling before. Then even more messages started
to appear.

<Your stats have increased>

<A new skill has been unlocked>

<Lv1 Blood swipe>

Blood swipe: A skill that has a range of 5 meters. It will fire out a red line of
energy form the user's hands. To use the skill the user must use their own blood
causing -1HP per Blood swipe.

Before Quinn had time to check out the changes to his stats, another message had
appeared which was the most shocking of them yet.

<Your hunger grows>

<You can no longer suppress your need for blood>

<Your HP will decrease by -1HP every hour until you have consumed Human blood>

Chapter 18 I'm a Vampire

Quinn had to take a few steps back and took a minute to take everything in. He
couldn't believe what he was reading right now. After seeing that last message
there was only one thing that came into his head.

"I'm a Vampire?"
Maybe Quinn was just trying to avoid the truth this whole time but this was the
finale thing to confirm it. Quinn had his suspicion after reading the book, but
everything was adding up, him being weaker in the sun, his night vision, and the
fact the system wanted him to drink blood.

But now it was telling him that he would have to drink blood otherwise he would
die. Quinn stood there looking down at Rylee who was passed out lying on the

Quinn gulped his saliva down, for some reason something was drawing him to
Rylee's body. Without realizing it, he was slowly moving forward and suddenly he
could see Rylee's pulse beating through his neck. The blood flowing through his

<Bonus Quest granted >

<Consume your victim's blood to gain a stat point>

"How am I even meant to do this." Quinn thought as he looked Rylee like a piece of
meat on a plate.

Layla had continued to watch Quinn since he left the convenience store. When she
saw Quinn following Rylee and him holding the mask, she had an idea of what Quinn
was planning to do. She kept a safe distance back while staying in between the
trees to avoid being seen.

That's when she saw the whole thing. She saw Quinn put on the mask and beat
Rylee to the ground but then she was wondering what Quinn was doing. He was
kneeling on the floor as if he was in pain and now, he was looking at Rylee very
strangely she thought.

The next second she saw Quinn go to the ground and lift Rylee's body slightly off
the floor.

"What the…" Layla said, "He can't be planning to... kiss him, what is wrong with
this person?"

Quinn continued to lift Rylee of the ground and place him back down again as he
was deciding on what to do.

"Damn it, in the movies it so much easier." Quinn said, "The idea of sticking my
teeth into someone, I just can't do it."

In the end, Quinn decided to leave Rylee's body there and head back to the

"I wonder what that was all about, in the end, he didn't do anything?" Layla
Quinn started to head back to school and placed the mask back in his shopping
bag. He noticed that the ice cream he had bought had melted but for some reason
when he looked at it, in no longer looked appetizing.

There was a hunger in his stomach that he knew wouldn't be satisfied with food
and he wondered just how long he would be able to hold it in.

When Quinn had finally arrived back at school, he decided to stop by the toilet
first. Quinn was looking at himself in the mirror to see if there were any
noticeable changes but Quinn looked the same as before. Then Quinn lifted up his
lips so he could get a better view of his teeth but they too had stayed the same.


"Phew, at least it looks like no one will be able to tell. I wonder why I felt pain in
my teeth at the time then?"

Quinn then decided to open his status screen to see if there were any differences
from before now that he had levelled up and evolved.

<Name: Quinn Talen>

<Race: Half-Ling>

<HP 15/15>

<Exp 50/200>

<Strength 10>

<Agility 10>

<Stamina 10>

<Attribute points available (1)>

Quinn's health had increased by 50 percent while everything else seemed to have
remained the same. To be honest, Quinn was pretty bumped out about that but
just underneath he could see that there was a single attribute point.

When Quinn pressed on the system it would allow him to increase his strength,
Agility or Stamina by one point. Quinn thought about it for a while and decided to
add a point to his Agility.

<Agility 11>

Even though Quinn wanted to put it into strength in case he met more people like
Rylee, he thought he could overcome that problem with a good beast weapon and
would just be a waste of stats. What he wanted right now was to be able to be
fast and agile like an assassin.
Quinn wondered if there was a reason why the system had only given him one
point, then he started to remember the additional quest that it had given him. As
long as Quinn consumed the blood of his victim, it would give him a stat point.

So far Quinn would have been able to have an additional two stat points while
levelling up only gave him one. If Quinn wanted to get stronger then this would be
the quickest way.

But Quinn was unsure on whether or not he would be able to do it, he needed to
try to do more research into the system and see if there was anything he could
find out.

He had a direction now and knew his system was similar to that of a vampire.
Perhaps if he learned more about them he would be able to figure out if there was
a way around drinking the blood as well.

With that, Quinn decided to head to his room where he could hear Vorden and
Peter practicing together. Peter was trying his best to learn the skill book the
military had given him, while Vorden was tutoring him.

When Quinn had entered the room, Vorden and Peter greeted him as usual.

"What took you so long?" Vorden asked, "We thought you might have gotten lost."

"No, I just went exploring the city a little" Quinn replied, "I'm a bit tired I think
I'm going to go bed early."

"Maybe we should call it a day for now as well," Peter said.

With that, the group turned off the lights and went to sleep. All except for one
person that is.

Quinn was unable to sleep, his stomach was in a tremendous amount of pain and he
had too much on his mind. Eventually though, he finally managed to close his eyes
and drift off.

When he woke up the next day though, the pain was worse than ever. His head was
ringing and his senses felt like they were on high alert. The first thing Quinn did
was open up his system.

<10 hours have passed>

<You hunger grows>

<You have lost -10Hp>

< HP 5/15>

<Your HP will continue to decrease every hour>

This was bad, Quinn finally realized that he had no choice and didn't have time to
figure out another way. He needed to drink human blood and he needed to in the
next five hours.

Chapter 19 Running out of time!

Even though Quinn had lost 2/3 of his HP, it didn't feel like he was hurt or dying.
It wasn't like when he was out in the sun when he felt week, instead, it felt like all
his senses were on high alert.

"Hey Quinn, are you alright man?" Vorden asked seeing Quinn's face in shock.

"Yeah, I just, got to go somewhere," Quinn said as he rushed out of the room,
heading down to the canteen.

Everything that happened so far was a miscalculation on Quinn's part. Although

the system had told him he would lose 1 hp every hour, he didn't expect his body
to react like this. Originally, he only planned to sleep for five hours as he was too
worn out after the fight yesterday.

That way he would still have at least ten hours and a few hours in the morning
before classes started. Quinn started to calculate how much time he had left.
Breakfast was a requirement which lasted from 8 till 9, then classes went on till
12 midday for lunch.

That meant there were four more hours where he was required to be somewhere
in the school. Of course, there was always the option of skipping, but this wasn't
like regular school. The army would severely punish you and hunt you down if you
did. But what did that matter if he was going to die anyway?

Quinn was currently in the canteen queue to be served some food. He was
breathing in deep breaths and in and out slowly, it was helping him get the hang of
his heightened senses. He could hear the conversation from the other side of the

Pots and pans clanging in the kitchen as if they were next to him. Slowly Quinn was
figuring out how to ignore all these and it was making his mind think clearer.

Just then though, Rylee had entered the canteen. He had no markings on his body
from the fight yesterday as he had managed to make a full recovery at the
medical centre but he was in a terrible mood after what had happened yesterday.
As soon as he saw Quinn, he had found a target to take out all his pent-up
frustration on. Rylee walked past all the level ones that were in the queue until he
eventually reached the spot were Quinn was standing.

"Hey Pipsqueak, you got a problem if I cut Infront of you?" Rylee asked.

But Quinn was too busy trying to focus the sounds out from his mind.

"Are you ignoring me? Today is not the day to ignore me." Rylee looked at Quinn's
wristwatch seeing the number 1 shine bright on it. Immediately bad memories of
yesterdays fight had come into his head and how all he wanted to do was kill the
person but that would have to wait for now and Quinn would have to do.

"I said don't ignore me?" Rylee said as he grabbed Quinn by the collar.

But in that instant, Rylee's face was incredibly close to Quinn's. Quinn could hear
Rylee's heartbeat. He could feel the blood flowing through his arm and muscles
lifting his shirt.

Something had taken over Quinn's body and he immediately hit Rylee's arm away
and pounced on him causing the two of them to fall to the ground.

Quinn was now on top of Rylee and had both his hands pinned down.

"Get off me you crazy animal!" Rylee said but when Rylee tried to overpower Quinn
and lift his hands, it was impossible. Even his Ability was useless in this situation.
His ability only hardened his skin, it didn't make him any more powerful.

Then Quinn started to feel something growing in his mouth. Quinn placed his head
just a few inches away from Rylee's neck and was ready. Just as Quinn opened his
mouth though, he felt someone pull him by the back of his collar and chucked him
off Rylee towards the people in the queue.

"Don't touch one of my boys," Dan said.

Dan was a large man for his age with a muscular build. He didn't look like a teenage
boy but more like a bald adult.

"Dan, thank you so much," Rylee said as he stood up from the ground sweating.
"You're dead now boy."

As soon as Dan took one step forward though, Vorden stepped Infront of Quinn
with Peter.

"Do you really want to cause a problem," Vorden said lifting his arm to show the
power level on his wristwatch.

The truth was, Vorden was only bluffing. Vorden's power very much depended on
what ability he copied and right now all he had was Peter's level 1 earth ability. If
they were to get into a fight here, there was no contest on who would win.
But Vorden's plan seemed to work as Dan decided to back down and take Rylee
with him but before Rylee walked off, he signalled to Quinn imitating someone
cutting his head off.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, I can't believe that worked," Peter said knowing
Vorden's secret.

After the canteen incident was over, something became clear to Quinn. That
teaches wouldn't step in no matter what happened. In the canteen there were
many guards standing in each corner of the room but not once did they step in to

After the group finished eating it was time for them to go to their morning
classes but Quinn was unable to concentrate on anything, all he could do was try to
calm himself down while in the middle of class and watch his HP slowly tick away.

It was driving him insane seeing the number go down hour by hour and now wished
he had just bitten into Rylee's neck yesterday.

Then when it came to lunchtime, Quinn once again rushed off without Vorden and
Peter this time to the library.

\u003c1/15 HP\u003e

"What the hell is happening to me?" Quinn said as his hands wouldn't stop shaking.

Each time Quinn's HP would go down, it was getting harder and harder to control
his own body and sooner or later he would go crazy. During class, he had multiple
visions of tearing the place apart and ripping out the blood from their necks.

Without realising where he was walking to, Quinn eventually ended up in the
library. In the quiet corner of the library down one of the isles was the fiction

"Please have something I can use," Quinn said as he took out fantasy book after
fantasy book about Vampires.

In some of the books, Vampires were able to live off animal blood, But Quinn's
system clearly stated he needed human blood. Not just that but it would be hard
for him to find an animal in time. In other stories, there were talks of going to the
hospital and raiding their supply but the hospital in the city was heavily guarded
and he didn't have time for that.

Finally, for the first time, Quinn could feel himself getting weaker. He sat on the
floor and read one last book and found nothing of use. When he closed the book,
he could see Layla standing there opposite him.

"Are you okay?" Layla asked concerned for Quinn as he was starting to look very
Layla then bent down so she was at eye level with Quinn and placed her hand on his
forehead to check his temperature.

"You're so cold? Do you want me to take you to the nurse's office?" Layla asked.

Quinn replied with one word.


He said as he pulled Layla's arm bringing her close to him and bit into Layla's neck.

Chapter 20 A Problem

As Quinn opened his mouth wide, he could feel the ends of his teeth start to grow,
he didn't know what had come over him and it was as if his body had just taken
control, his mind wasn't all there.

His teeth quickly sunk into Layla's skin and at the same time, a gush of blood
entered Quinn's mouth. However, Layla didn't feel any pain from this but instead,
it felt like pleasure. A tingling sensation ran through her body as she felt the
blood rush up through and out of her neck.

Even if she wanted to resist, she couldn't, the bite seemed to have a paralysis

Finally, Quinn's hunger was going away.

\u003cYour hunger has decreased \u003e

\u003cYour hunger has decreased \u003e

\u003cYou will no longer lose HP\u003e

Even though the messages had appeared, Quinn continued to suck Layla's blood

\u003cHP regenerating\u003e

\u003cHP regenerating\u003e

\u003c15/15 HP\u003e

Then when the last message had appeared, Quinn's mind had finally come back to
him. He let got of Layla, causing her body to fall to the ground.
"What the?" Quinn said as he looked around himself, only then noticing Layla on
the ground.

"Did I do that?"

Then images of what he had just done popped into his head, although at the time
he felt like he had no control, in the end, his whole body still working causing him
to remember everything he had done.

\u003cA+ blood type has been absorbed\u003e

\u003c You have gained 1+ strength\u003e

Although Quinn wanted to check what the message had said and what it had it
meant, he needed to get Layla out of the library fast. Even though they were in a
quiet part of the library, there was no telling when somebody would come back.

Thankfully Quinn could see Layla breathing so he at least knew she wasn't dead
but there were two clear bite marks on her neck that needed to be dealt with.
Quinn then lifted Layla up with his two hands, finding her surprisingly lighter than
he thought.

As Quinn headed to the Doctor's office, he couldn't stop thinking about what had
just happened. A part of him thought that the system might have just been
playing tricks on him. Even though he could see his HP going down, he never felt
like he was going to die at any point.

And Quinn didn't even know if going to 0 HP meant death but after what had
happened today, he didn't want to find out.

There were a few things Quinn needed to do. He needed to find out how frequent
his body required blood. To do this meant he would have to once again starve his
body of blood.

But this time he would get blood beforehand, so he would be better prepared. But
before even all that, he had another serious problem in his hands. Layla, would she
remember anything when she got up, or would Quinn have to convince her to keep
it a secret?

If others were to find out of his rare ability it would start a bidding war between
the private companies and military. They would do anything to get their hand on a
new type of ability.

Before anyone could find out about Quinn, he needed to be strong enough to
protect himself.

While Quinn walked down the hallway, he got quite a few looks from the other
students, it wasn't strange to see someone carry an injured person in the school
but it was strange for a boy to carry a girl unless they were an item.
Finally, Quinn had reached the infirmary, where there was a single female doctor
named Hayley, who looked to be in her early thirties. She wore round glasses and
had her hair up in a ponytail. Quinn never got the chance to mess around with girls
while he was at school but looking at the doctor, he couldn't help but appreciate
her natural beauty.

"Another one?" Hayley said. "There's a bed free at the back, take her over

Quinn did as he was told and placed Layla gently on one of the single beds in the
back. The infirmary was quite large, Quinn had never seen a school have one so big.
There was a total of 30 beds but Hayley was the only one working there.

At the moment about half the beds were filled up with students and Quinn
couldn't help but notice most of them were low levels. There were the odd high
levels as well. Even they got into their own fights and disagreements.

Hayley came over to where Quinn and Layla were and started to examine Layla.
She placed her hand around her Wrist and did a few other checks. That's when
she noticed the two small hole marks on her neck.

"What happened? Hayley asked.

"I'm not sure, I was in the library when I saw her on the ground like that," Quinn

"I don't know how long she was passed out for but the wound on her neck looks
like it's already healing on its own." Hayley said, "Still I can't be sure if it will heal
and it would be a shame if a pretty girl like her got a scar."

Hayley then placed her hand on Layla's neck where the bite marks were. She
closed her eyes and after a few seconds, lifted her hands and the bite marks had

"Is it okay if I wait here for her?" Quinn asked.

"Oh, young kids these days," Hayley said laughing. "I didn't realise you two were
like that."

"No, No, no," Quinn said waving his arms. "Were just friends that's all."

After Hayley had gone away to look after other students, Quinn decided to open
up his system.

\u003c Strength 11\u003e

\u003c Agility 11\u003e

\u003cStamina 10\u003e
"It really did give me an extra stat point after all?"

After sucking Layla's blood, it seemed like he had gained a stat point. Quinn
remembered after defeating opponents the system would give him an additional
quest to suck his victim's blood. The reward was a stat point but it seemed like
there was no need for him to get a quest.

Was Quinn able to drink anyone's blood and gain stat points, what happened if
Quinn was to drink Layla's blood again, would he gain another stat? there were so
many questions Quinn wanted answers for.

He looked at Layla lying there peacefully. Right now, he was in complete control of
his body and there was no urge for him to suck on Layla's neck again. After
checking his teeth, he realised that they had gone back to normal.

That's when Quinn decided to look around the room, until he finally found what he
was looking for, a syringe with a needle. Quinn looked around the room and saw
that Hayley was busy dealing with another student. He carefully took the syringe
and hid it behind his back and then quickly scooted over to where Layla was once

"I'm really sorry about this Layla." Quinn said, "But you're going to have to be my
guinea pig."

Quinn took out the syringe and carefully looked at where Layla's veins were.
Luckily Layla was quite pale making her veins more visible.

Quinn searched carefully for the right spot and was ready but just as Quinn was
about to extract some blood, he heard someone crash into the room.

"Is Quinn here." A boy's voice said.

"Isn't that Peter?" Quinn immediately put the syringe in one of his trouser
pockets and went to see what was happening.

"Quinn you're here, come quick, I've been looking everywhere for you. It's
Vorden, he's in trouble!"

Chapter 21 I'm a monster

Although Quinn had no idea what was happening, just from looking at Peter's face
he could tell it was serious. Quinn then looked behind to see Layla lying there still
sleeping away.

It was important for Quinn to be there when Layla woke up. He had to convince
her to not tell anyone her secret but right now it seemed like Vorden was in

Quinn then thought back to the incident at the canteen. When Quinn was in
trouble Vorden stepped up to help him.

Although there probably wasn't much Quinn could do to help, he wouldn't know if
he didn't try.

What kind of person would he be if he couldn't help Vorden now?

"Alright come on," Quinn said. "Let's hurry."

The two of them quickly ran through the hallways until they had finally reached
the assembly hall. It was currently a large empty hall with marble flooring and a
stage at the front. It hadn't been used for anything yet so far but it was the area
where the students would be called if they were to have a meeting.

When the two of them entered the assembly hall, there were already multiple
students there mumbling about a commotion.

"Did you see what happened\u003e"

"Yeah, that guy is a monster how could he do that?"

"Luckily the second-year students were here to stop him."

The assembly hall was complete trashed. Craters and rubble had formed on parts
of the walls and ground. Burn marks and other things were there as well and there
was even blood. Something Quinn could smell the second he had entered the room.

"What happened here?" Quinn asked, "Where's Vorden?"

Clearly, a fight had taken place here and Quinn feared the worst.

"I don't know," Peter replied. "Me and Vorden were busy messing around
practising my earth ability together, that's when a bunch of second years I'd
never seen before came up to us asking for Vorden. Vorden told me not to worry
but of course, I worried so I followed them. That's when I saw them take him to
the assembly hall but two of the students stood guard and wouldn't let me come
inside. I didn't know what to do, so that's when I came looking for you."

Quinn and Peter then went around asking the students what happened but when
they did, the students seemed to avoid the question or completely ignore them, as
if they were told not to tell anyone what they had seen.
While Peter continued to ask the students that were still in the hall about what
happened. Quinn already knew that they wouldn't give him any more answers so he
started to do some inspecting of his own.

The smell of iron in the room was thicker than anything else to Quinn and it led
him to an area where dried up could be seen on the floor.


Name: Vorden Blade

Race: Human

Blood type: O-

Quinn started to inspect the battle scene and found more traces of blood but
when he used the inspect skill on them, it wouldn't show him any information at all.
It would only show \u003c?????\u003e

"Do I have to use the inspect skill on them in person?" Quinn thought.

It was a shame the blood on the floor had already dried up, otherwise, Quinn
would have used the syringe he had on hand.

Just then, Peter had finished questioning everyone and returned to Quinn.

"It doesn't;t look like anyone wants to talk," Peter said.

"Figures, let's just head back to our dorm, who knows he might have returned."

The two of them then headed back to the Dorm room together and when they
entered, they were surprised to actually see Vorden already there. However,
something wasn't right, Vorden wasn't his regular self.

Just by looking at him Quinn and Peter could tell he had been in a ruff fight.
Bruises and scuff marks everywhere, Large cuts on his back. He looked like he had
been in a tough battle. Not only that but Vorden didn't even great them when the
two entered.

The Vorden they had come to know, was not the same Vorden right now. Vorden
just stayed there lying down on his bed.

"Vorden, what happened is everything all right?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, just leave me be I'll be fine," Vorden said. "If you stay near me you will
just get hurt anyway."

"What are you talking about Vorden!" Peter shouted. "Look at you, you have to go
to the doctor's office, come on let's go."

"Just leave me alone please," Vorden said quietly.

"Quinn, come on say something he needs to go to the doctor's office right…" But
as Peter turned around to seek support from Quinn. Quinn was nowhere to be

"Even he thinks I'm a monster," Vorden mumbled to himself.

Just outside the dorm room. Quinn was leaning up against door panting hard and
sweating. Although he had no reaction when looking at people anymore, it was
different when he saw Vorden. Vorden still had fresh cut marks all over his body
and the smell coming off him was strong.

Suddenly Quinn felt like he had a craving for a little bit of blood. It was
something he could control, it wasn't like last time where his body had taken over
but it had brought back bad memories for him and he was a little afraid of what
might have happened.

"I really need to find out what's going on with this strange system ability I have?"

Then a thought came into his head, there was a pending problem that he still
hadn't dealt with. Although Vorden was acting strange right now, Quinn knew he
was safe. Whatever problems Vorden where dealing with now, would just have to

Every second wasted meant there was a chance for Layla to wake up and who knew
what would happen when she did.


Just then at the same time in the doctor's office, in the corner, at the back of
the room, Layla slowly started to open her eyes.

"Huh, what happened?" Layla said, "Where am I?"

As Layla looked around the room, she started to rub her neck and at the same
time images had flashed through her head of what had happened at the library.

She remembered everything.

Chapter 22 Layla's Reques

When images of what had happened to Layla started flashing through her head,
she immediately started to get this tingling feeling over her body. She was
reacting to the memories of Quinn biting into her.
It wasn't a painful memory but quite an addictive feeling. The sensation of the
blood rushing through her body. Her face was starting to turn a little red just
thinking about it. That's when she lifted her hand and placed it on her neck.

"Huh, I can't feel anything?"

"Oh, so you're awake," Haley said with a smile. "You were sleeping so peacefully
there I didn't know when you were going to wake up."

"How did I get here?" Layla asked.

"Oh a boy came in and dropped you off, he said he was your friend, I can't
remember his name but he had short black curly hair," Hayley said with a smile
thinking about the tow of them.

This confirmed Layla's thought. Quinn must have brought her here right after
biting her.

Hayley then noticed that Layla was rubbing the side of her neck with her hand.

"Oh, I got rid of those two marks for you, do you remember what happened."

Once again as she thought back to the memory of Quinn biting her, she started to
get goose bumps all over her body.

"I'm not sure maybe it was a beast?" Layla replied

"A beast?"

"Yeah, I here sometimes a stray can come out with the students while they're
training through the portals," Layla said nervously hoping that Hayley would
believe her lie.

"Well whatever it was, I'm sure someone else will deal with it, it's just a good
thing your safe now."


Quinn was running through the school halls as fast as he could, he needed to make
it to the doctor's office before Layla woke up. He had no idea how Layla would
react, not only that but what were the consequences of biting someone?

If it was like some of the Vampire Novels Quinn had read in the library, some
vampires had the ability to turn others. Right now, Quinn thought that might be a
better situation than everyone finding out about his ability.

Finally, Quinn had reached the doctor's office and he pulled the door wide open.

"Oh hello again," Hayley said. "If you're looking for the girl you just missed her,
she left a little while ago."
"Really? Did she happen to say anything?" Quinn asked, judging by Haley's reaction
it didn't seem like Layla had said anything but he needed to make sure.

"Oh you mean about the wound, she said that a beast might have attacked her,
although I highly doubt that, it looked more like snake bite but how did it manage
to get into the school and all the way up her neck." Hayley continued to ramble on.
She often did this as she was left on her own a lot of the times being the only
doctor stationed at the school. It was a lonely Job.

"Thanks for letting me know," Quinn said as he closed the door.

Why did Layla decide to keep it a secret Quinn thought? He had basically
assaulted the poor girl, good it be that she didn't remember what happened or
maybe she was planning to use at blackmail against him but that didn't make sense,
she had nothing to gain.

Quinn had always thought like this, people when they did something, always did it
for selfish reasons, that's just the way people were. He couldn't believe that
Layla would keep this a secret for no reason.

Just then while Quinn was outside the doctor's office thinking of what to do next.
He felt a hand on his shoulder.

"You and me, we need to talk," Layla said.

Had she been waiting here this whole time, this was bad. Layla clearly indicated
that she knew something which meant losing her memory of the events where

The two of them then headed to the library where then incident took place. Quinn
felt a bit more relaxed, taking him here meant she wasn't looking for a fight as
there were other students in the room.

The two of them sat at a table and activated the Orb so only the two of them
could be heard. As they looked into each other's eyes for a bit, Quinn started to
run multiple scenarios through his head. If worst came to worst, he might have to
silence her.

"What happened at the library, what did you do?" Layla asked rubbing her neck.

"Why bother asking if you already know what happened?" Quinn said. "Just tell me
what you want?"

"I don't know if you know this but I kept an eye on you for longer than you think,
after observing you for a while a came to a conclusion. You're a Vampire, aren't

Quinn started to laugh nervously hoping to throw Layla of track. He was actually
amazed by how she had come to the conclusion so fast when it even took him a
while. Even if she did see everything, he had done so far he didn't think this was
the natural conclusion someone would come to.

"And why would you think that?"

"I saw you lifting, that boy's neck, at the time I thought you doing something else
cause I couldn't see clearly," Layla said as her ears started to heat up a little.
"But after what you had done to me, it confirms it."

Quinn started to sweat slightly at the integration. He wasn't worried about Layla
herself but the troubles she could bring him in the future. Quinn didn't know what
to say and thought he would wait for Layla to make her demand.

Layla then took a deep breath before saying her next words. This is what Quinn
was waiting for, her request.

"I want you to hear me out. I want you to make me a Vampire."

Quinn was so shocked by the words that had come out of Layla's mouth that he
nearly fell out of his seat.

"What, do you realise what you are saying right now?"

"Please," Layla said as if she was begging him. "It's a childhood dream of mine,
this type of things only happens in books or fairy tales and now I have the chance
for it to happen right now." She said with her eyes lit up.

Now Quinn realised why Layla didn't tell anyone, simply put this girl was crazy.

Chapter 23 An asisstan

Layla had grown up her whole life reading fantasy stories and comics about all
sorts of things. Before the whole war started, her father used to work as a
writer, so her home was filled with books and stories and her favourite ones were
always about vampires.

She loved everything about them, how they had to keep their identity secret to
the world, the super-strength they had, the super speed and the fact that they
could live on nearly forever.

When Abilities were realised to the world, it made fantasy stories a thing of the
past. Many people read stories because they were that, fantasy. It allowed them
to imagine doing something that they could never do but now that humans actually
had special powers, what was the point?

However, the love for Vampires never died down for Layla, it only grew. If abilities
exited then that meant somewhere out their maybe vampires did too. When she
saw Quinn's actions, she had already convinced herself that he was a vampire.

Quinn was right when he thought a normal person wouldn't have come to the same
conclusion but that's was because Layla wasn't a normal person.

Layla then suddenly got out of her seat and started to bow down to Quinn on her
knees. The students in the room although couldn't hear their conversation,
couldn't help but look at them.

"Please, I'll do anything for you," Layla said.

"Alright, I understand please get up," Quinn said.

The two of them sat down at their seats again, before Quinn started to speak, he
let out a big sigh, thinking about how he was going to explain this to her.

"It's not what you think," Quinn said, "I'm not a vampire, I became like this from
an Ability book."

Suddenly the smile on Layal's face disappeared.

"You know what that means right?" Quinn asked.

Layla nodded. Quinn was basically telling her it was impossible for him to give her
this ability. The reason was a human body could only activate one ability. When
learning an ability, it mutated the genes inside of your body but once your genes
had been mutated, they could no longer change or add a second mutation.

Because Layla already had the ability of telekinesis, it meant Layla was unable to
learn a second ability.

"Then why did you hide this from the academy, why did you tell them you had no
ability. If you got this from an ability book you can't be an original?"

"Have you ever heard of an ability like this?" Quinn asked.

Layla thought about for a while and realised there was nothing quite like it. There
was never a record of an ability requiring someone to drink blood.

"But if you told the school you got it from an ability book, one that's not even
been registered and you aren't an original, you could make a fortune selling the
book!" Layla said excitedly.

"I wish that was true but I can't do that either," Quinn explained. "When I learnt
the ability the book simply vanished."
Layla was debating whether Quinn was telling the truth or not but she had no
choice but to believe him. It was the only explanation of why Quinn was so
adamant in hiding his ability. Ability books didn't just vanish they were books.
They could be passed on for others to learn.

If people found out about this, multiple companies and the military would put
immense pressure on Quinn to share the ability with the world and with no
powerful family backing him, Layla couldn't imagine what would be done to him.

They would never believe him if he said he got it from an ability book and it

Quinn then proceeded to tell Layla about everything that had happened so far.
About how his ability was a game, like a system and it had given him strange quests
and he could unlock skills. It was nothing like the Vampire stories Layla used to
read but at the same time, it seemed like the system was applying similar rules.

"Fine, I will keep this as a secret but only on one condition. I want you to help you
out." Layla said. "Clearly you don't know much about this thing, so much so that you
had gone out of control and bit me in the neck. We can't have you going around
school biting people. They'll take you away in a heartbeat. If you need to feast on
someone, then feast on me." Layla said placing her hand on herself.

Quinn started to think about the situation, having Layla as a helper was a big
advantage. Quinn himself wanted to test multiple things about the system and
here he had someone offering to help for free.

And it truly felt like Layla was telling the truth. Not only that but Layla seemed to
be more knowledgeable about vampires then himself. Perhaps she would even be
able to help him in his research.

"It's a deal," Quinn said as the two of them shook hands.

Layla was happy that Quinn had accepted. The truth was Layla still hadn't given up
the idea of being a Vampire. Unlike Quinn, Layla wasn't too sure that what Quinn
had was an ability in the first place. An ability was usually a specific set of skills
but Quinn had completely changed as if he was no longer human.

"Alright, the first thing is first, you going to need to take some of my blood."
Layla said, "That way if you're getting hungry again, you can drink some of that.

Layla then pulled down her shirt slightly and started to show her neck towards

"What are you thinking, we can't do it here in front of the library and I'm not
just going to bite into your neck."
As the two continued to talk and chat about things in the library about what to do

Vorden had entered the library and could see Quinn talking to Layla, both chatting
and smiling away.

"So you've forgotten about me that quickly huh," Vorden said, "You're just like
the rest of them, I'll show you what it means to betray me Quinn. If people are
going to call me a monster, then I might as well embrace it and become one."

Chapter 24 A School secre

Peter was currently running around the school looking for Quinn or Vorden. For
some reason, both of his new friends had suddenly started acting very strange and
Peter didn't know what to do about it. His life at his previous school had been hell
and he did everything he could to serve those above him.

And for the first time ever he had made friends that protected him. Quinn, even
though he was a low level himself had stood up for Peter and Vorden who had not
only protected him but helped him learn his new ability. Something had happened
to Vorden and suddenly he was acting strange.

Although Peter had no clue what was going on with Quinn, he had some idea about
what had changed Vorden. It was after whatever had happened at the assembly
hall with the second-year students. But no matter who he would talk to about it,
not one person would give him an answer. Some even begin to threaten him.

That's when Peter could hear a familiar voice. While walking down the hallway
Peter could hear someone speaking, a voice he recognised. As he turned the
corner, he saw that is was indeed Vorden. Vorden stood there staring idly at the
ground. Peter quickly hid back around the hallway corner.

So far whenever Peter had spotted Vorden, he would just ignore him and walk
away without even speaking to him but now it sounded like Vorden was speaking to
someone else.

"Would you two calm down," Vorden said.

There was then a brief pause before Vorden spoke again.

"I don't care if he hurt the little one's feelings, it's not like Quinn isn't allowed
to talk to other people."
Again, there was a slight pause.

"Look if you get involved and hurt them, I won't forgive you. I won't let something
like last time happen again."

The whole time Peter was listening in to the conversation the only voice he could
hear was Vorden's but it was clear that he was speaking to someone. Peter
couldn't take it anymore and decided to take a peak and as he did still the only
person he could see was Vorden.

"Did the other person leave already?" Peter thought.

Just then he saw Vorden start to walk off. The bell had rung indicating that it was
the end of their lunch break and it was time to head to afternoon classes. That's
when the library doors opened and Quinn and Layla appeared out walking together.

"Quinn!" Peter said as he waved him over.

"I'll meet you at the front gate tonight once classes are over," Quinn said to Layla
before leaving to join Peter.

The two of them then started to walk off to class together.

"Hey, are you okay man?" Peter asked. "I was worried about you when you suddenly
bolted out of the room like that."

"Yeah sorry man, I couldn't hold it in any longer otherwise my underwear would
have turned brown."

"Woah, whoa too much information," Peter said. "Anyway, I'm glad you're okay,
look I'm really worried about Vorden. Ever since he came back from that assembly
hall, he's been acting strange."

Quinn placed his hand on Peter seeing that he was clearly startled. This whole
time Quinn had more important things to worry about but now that he had solved
the most pressing matter, he had time to focus on other things.

"Don't worry, we'll find out what's going on together."

When they entered their next class, they could see that Vorden was already in his
seat sat down, ready even before them.

"Oh hey guys, how you doing?" Vorden said with a smile.

Peter went to sit in his seat to the right of Vorden while Quinn went to sit in his
seat to the left of Vorden.

"Hey, are you feeling better?" Peter asked, "Earlier it seemed like you were kinda
"Yeah don't worry, I just got kinda thrown around a bit by the second years and it
got me pretty down," Vorden replied.

"What happened at the assembly hall?" Quinn asked.

Then Vorden's face slightly changed, it was as if he was trying to hold something
back. Vorden clenched his fist for a few seconds and finally relaxed his hand.

"Guy's don't worry about it too much, you know I'm strong and know I can handle

All though Peter was quite satisfied now with Vorden, as he seemed to be his
regular self, Quinn noticed that Vorden seemed to be holding something back, all
most suppressing something when he asked that question.

As other students started to enter the classroom when they saw Vorden they
immediately started to whisper. If Vorden would look back at them they would
turn their head as soon as possible.

As the students sat down the talks continued and several different words could
be heard. Monster, Freak, weirdo, crazy, and all these words were being aimed at
Vorden. It was as if the whole school was sharing a secret that Peter and Quinn
weren't allowed to know and not even Vorden himself would say what had

After hearing these words Quinn noticed that Vorden stayed their motionless
with his head down, he hadn't even written any notes down in his notebook about
the lesson.

Although it seemed like no one would tell him or Peter what had happened, Quinn
now had another ally that might be able to help him and that was Layla.

At the end of class, the teacher Dell projected a screen in front of the whole
class. There was a list of names each sorted into a different category.

"Please look at this carefully and see where your name is, as tomorrow will be the
start fo your combat classes," Del explained.

The list was split up into several different categories each one was different
depending on what type of ability you had. Elemental abilities, Transformation
abilities, Enhancement abilities, and so on.

That's when Quinn also noticed that his and a few other names were not on the
list including Vorden's.

"If your name is not on the list it's because either your Ability doesn't fall into
one of the categories or you are an original with a unique ability. You are free to
choose to go to whichever class you believe suits you. Students are also able to
switch between combat classes if they wish. These are not set in stone but the
schools recommendation based on your ability."

The list of available classes was then sent to each student's wristwatch where
they were to register for the type of class, they would be interested In.

"I wonder what combat class would be best for me?" Quinn thought as he looked
at the long list.

Chapter 25 Testing Blood

After classes had finished for the Day, Vorden had offered to help Peter with his
training again. Especially since tomorrow the two of them would be in the same
combat classes, the elemental class.

"Hey, do you want to come with us?" Peter asked.

"Nah, I won't bother you guys, I wouldn't be much help anyway," Quinn replied.

Peter was pleased that it seemed like the group had gotten back normal again.
There was no tension between the three of them and Peter whished it would stay
that way forever.

Just then when Quinn had left, Vorden and Peter were left in the room, that's
when Vorden asked Peter a question.

"Hey, have you seen Quinn hanging around with a girl lately?" Vorden asked.

"Come to think of it, I saw him exit with a girl at the library. It was the same one
who was at the test with us that day, with the bow and arrow."

After Peter had given an answer, for a split-second, Peter felt like he saw the
expression on Vorden's face change. But Quinn blinked and looked again and
Vorden seemed to be fine.

"Maybe he's gone and got himself a little girlfriend." Said Vorden laughing.


Quinn had, of course, decided to ditch the other two because he had already made
plans to meet up with Layla beforehand. The two of them were to meet at the
school gate. But before the two of them were to meet, Quinn decided to stop by
the science lab.
Although most lessons in military school were about combat or how to use
technology, science was still a core subject. It was because of scientist that the
human race had discovered how to use all the different technologies they had in
the world today.

So students were encouraged to continue to learn science throughout their

service time, in hopes they would continue to in the future.

The classrooms where empty for the day and the important equipment were locked
in a storage room.

But Quinn wasn't looking for anything too fancy, all he needed was some test
tubes and small corks. After searching around the room for a while he found
where they kept the test tubes. He took a total of five test tubes

Even though there were many there, if he took too much it would be suspicious and
Quinn couldn't carry more than five without having to worry about them breaking
or not.

Quinn shoved the five test tubes into a messenger bag he was carrying and
wrapped them up in a spare shirt he took from his room.

Quinn currently had a total of 60/200 Exp until his next level up. 50 experience
points had carried over from the last quest and he had received ten exp from his
two daily quests.

So far with each level up, he would gain one additional stat point and five points of
HP. Although Quinn had gotten stronger through this. It wasn't the fastest way
for him to improve his strength.

Quinn realised the system had offered him the chance to gain an additional stat
point two times as long as he drank his victim's blood but when he drank Layla's
blood, he still gained a stat point. This was what Quinn wanted to test out today.

It was 6 o'clock in the evening and the sun was just starting to set, meaning Quinn
wasn't affected by the sun right now. As planned Layla was standing there waiting
for him by the gate with her bow on her back.

Students who used weapons would carry it with them around most of the time.
There was always the chance of an attack or a beast escaping through a portal.

After the two of them met, they decided to walk to the nearby park that was in
between the convenience store and the school. Then they ventured away from the
trail into the woods where they were behind cover. No one ventured in these parts
and it was hard for them to be seen.

"So are we going to this?" Layla asked excitedly.

Quinn still found it weird that rather than being scared by the whole situation,
Layla was exited.

"Alright close your eyes." Said Quinn.

Layla closed her eyes and was ready. She could still remember the satisfying
feeling from the last time and couldn't wait to feel it again. Although she was a
bit nervous when a thought came to her head that Quinn's lips would be on her

Suddenly though, Layla felt a small prick in her arm.

Layla opened her eyes and noticed that a needle was there.

"What? You didn't think I was just going to bite you, did you?"

Layla's cheeks suddenly went bright red. If it wasn't for the needle in her hand,
she would have tried kicking Quinn away.

Once the syringe had been filled up, Quinn squirted it out into one of the test
tubes he brought with him.

"Is it okay if I fill another one," Quinn asked.

Layla didn't say anything and held out her arm, she was still a bit embarrassed
about what had happened earlier.

Once Quinn had filled up two test tubes, he put one of the blood-filled tubes in
his bag while holding the other.


\u003c Blood of Layla Munrow\u003e

\u003c Blood type A + \u003e

Quinn then looked at Layla and used his inspect Skill once again.

\u003cName: Layla Munrow \u003e

\u003c Race: Human \u003e

\u003c Ability: Telekinesis \u003e

\u003c HP 12/12\u003e

\u003c Blood Type A + \u003e

It was as Quinn thought. When using the inspect skill on the blood it only showed
him what blood type it was and who it was from. Just like the time at the assembly
hall. But if the person was in front of him, it would reveal their ability, HP and
Blood type.
Some of the blood marks in the hall only reviled question marks. Assuming that
Quinn either had to have run into the person before or used the inspect skill on
the person once before.

Quinn looked at the test tube and gulped. He then pulled out the cork at the top
and start sniffing the blood.

"You're not going to drink it right here are you?" Layla asked.

"Why not, I need to know if it will make any changes."

"I don't know it feels kind of embarrassing, I can't explain."

Quinn ignored Layla and looked at the blood again. The fragrance smelt quite
sweet which was different from how he remembered it before. Then suddenly,
Quinn lifted the tube and drank the blood in one gulp as if he was taking an
alcoholic shot.

As the blood ran down his throat, he felt a warm tingling sensation through his
body. The blood was also surprisingly sweet rather than metallic. It seemed like
the race change had also changed his taste buds and sense of smell.

\u003c Your HP is already full \u003e

\u003c The blood will have no effect \u003e

\u003c Blood from this person has already been consumed \u003e

\u003c No stat points will be given \u003e

Quinn was surprised to see at the information he had been given. The blood last
time seemed to have a healing effect on his body. Judging by the message, if
Quinn was injured Layla's blood would allow him to regain HP.

But the second message is what interested him more. The system stated because
he had already consumed this blood before, that no stats would be given. This
meant that as long as it was the blood of someone he hadn't drunk before, he
would be able to get an extra stat point.

Quin smiled at the thought. Of course, this was only a theory of his but Quinn
wanted to test it out straight away.

"I guess whatever you wanted to test outworked, judging by your creepy smile and
all," Layla said.

"If only there was someone else's blood I could test this on."

Just then the sound of two people entering the woods from the playground was
heard. Quinn and Layla immediately ducked down and hid behind a tree.

That's when they saw two students started to walk into the forest.
"Now hand over your credits, otherwise I'll dig you your grave right here and no
one will ever find your body." A boy's voice said.

Quinn immediately recognised the voice. It was Rylee. It looked like he still hadn't
learnt his lesson and was still up to his old tricks.

Quinn then went into his bag and took out the mask he had bought at the
convenience store. Last time he had let Rylee go without taking any of his blood
and now he felt like it was such a waste. But this time Quinn wouldn't let Rylee go.

Chapter 26 Blood Types

As Quinn put on his mask, he moved in closer to where Rylee and the student was.
Making sure to move in and out between the trees.

"Hey, do you want a beating, pass over the credits now!" Rylee said holding up the
student against the tree.

"But I only get ten credits a day, their mine, this isn't fair."

"Since when has this world ever been fair. Blame the people at the top for not
looking out for us." Rylee said.

As Quinn herd those words, he realized that Rylee was in the same position as him.
He was only a level two user and was just part of the weak bunch being pushed
around by those above but that didn't mean he could do it to others.

That would fix nothing.

Layla followed Quinn closely and had taken out her bow and arrow. She knew from
last time if Quinn had put on the mask, he was going to act.

"Do you want me to help out, it will be easier with the two of us," Layla asked.

"It's okay there's something I wanted to test out," Quinn said.

The last time the two of them had fought, Quinn was only a level 1. Now he was a
level 2 and he had also obtained a new skill which he wanted to test and Rylee was
a great test subject.

Quinn started to move closer and closer. He was hoping to finish of Rylee in one
shot and this was the perfect chance while his back was turned. Finally, Quinn was
just about in striking distance that's when the student held up against the tree
spotted Quinn.

"Please help me!" The student cried.

"You idiot!" Quinn shouted as he leapt forward hoping he could be quick enough to
hit Rylee before he could activate his ability.

The students warning had given Rylee enough time to activate his ability and turn
around. However, Quinn's fist was fast and even though Rylee put out his hands to
stop the attack, Quinn's fist still manged to hit Rylee in the stomach.

The impact was just like last time, it was solid and felt like he was punching a wall
but the blow managed to still hurt Rylee a bit. The attack was slighter stronger
and this time Quinn's fist hadn't broken.

"You, I've been waiting for you," Rylee said as he put two fingers in his mouth and

Just then two students came running in from the park and into the forest.

"You think you can take on three of us?" Rylee said.

Quinn looked at the two students running towards them and that's when an arrow
came flying from the words and hit one of them in the knee causing the student to
instantly fall to the ground.

The other students went down to his friend.

"What happened?" the students said. Then he noticed an arrow in the student's
leg. "Where did this come from?"

Quinn saw this as an opportunity and dashed away from Rylee and started heading
towards the other student.

"The skill said five meters right, well show me what you got!"

As soon as Quinn was within five meters, he activated his skill blood swipe at the
same time swinging his hand across. A red line of power came surging out of
Quinn's fingertips and hit the student right on his chest causing a claw-like mark
but it wasn't enough to knock him out.

"Blood swipe, Blood swipe, Blood swipe."

Quinn then cast three more blood swipes swinging his arm out. Each blow managed
to hit the student dead on, with multiple marks across his chest, he had finally
collapsed to the floor.

\u003cHP 11/15\u003e

\u003c An opponent has been defeated, 50 exp granted \u003e

\u003c 110/200 exp \u003e

Blood swipe had no cooldown but did use one point of HP per swipe. As long as
Quinn had HP he could continuously cast out his blood swipe skill.

Rylee seeing his two teammates who were of equal power level to himself be
defeated in an instant, started to feel scared. His body was shaking and all he
wanted to do was get out of there. He turned away from his friends and started
running deeper into the forest.

Quinn's speed was greater though and was easily able to catch up. When his
attack was in range, Quinn cast two more blood swipes aiming for the back of
Rylee's ankles. As they hit, Rylee fell to the ground.

"Please, please don't hurt me I'll do anything!" Rylee begged.

"Oh really," Quinn then placed his watch up against Rylee's "hand over all your

"but if I do, I won't have enough credits for Dan, he'll kill me," Rylee said.

"Is now really the time to worry about Dan?" Quinn asked.

Rylee quickly transferred over 50 credits that he had obtained that day over to

"So will you let me go now?" Rylee asked.

Quinn smiled at Rylee, although, Rylee couldn't tell due to the mask he was

"No!" Quinn said, he then went up behind Rylee and held him in a chocking position.
Rylee tried activating his hardening skill but Quinn's strength was still strong
enough to get through and eventually caused Rylee to pass out.

"That's for pushing me around in the canteen."

Quinn then looked at Rylee's body and noticed that his ankles were bleeding from
where he had used the blood swipe skill. Quinn then went to his bag to pull out a
test tube and held Rylee's leg up allowing the blood to slowly drip into the test
tube, until it filled up. Quinn also filled up a second tube for testing later on.

Next were the other two students. Layla had dealt with the other when she hit
with her arrow earlier and the other student had passed out from the multiple
attacks of blood swipe.

Quinn then did the same for with the other two students collecting blood from
their open wounds and from where Layla's arrow had managed to pierce the
student's leg.
After they had finished collecting the blood, it was time for them to get out of
there and leave the scene. It was getting late and it was almost curfew time. If
the students were out past ten then the guards would go out looking for you. It
seemed like not only did the watches act as a credit device and power level
indicator but it was a tracker as well.

Students who were found injured outside the school would be taken to the
doctor's office. When the two of them arrived at school it was still 9 o'clock, so
they had an hour before they needed to head to their dorm rooms.

That's when the two of them had decided to head to the school roof instead. It
was quiet up there, and no one was around so the two of them could talk freely.

"So what do you need all the blood for?" Layla asked, "you know if you need some
blood you can just take some of mine anytime, I really don't mind."

"Thanks, but I just wanted to test something out."

"Inspect," Quinn had used his inspect skill on each of the containers.

The first was Rylee's blood.

\u003c Blood type B+ \u003e

"Here goes," Quinn said as he popped the cork open and drank the small tube of

\u003c You have regained 5 points of HP \u003e

\u003c 14/15 HP \u003e

\u003c B+ Blood type has been absorbed \u003e

\u003c + 1 point of Agility has been added \u003e

Quinn couldn't stop smiling as he saw the message. He then went on to drink the
second tube of blood. Drinking the blood no longer bothered him once he found out
the taste was quite sweet. All Quinn needed to do was convince himself it was
some type of juice.

\u003c You have regained 1 point of HP \u003e

\u003c HP 15/15 \u003e

\u003c This person blood has been consumed before, no extra stats will be

As Quinn thought, the blood still regained his health, similar to how a potion
worked in a game but once a person's blood had been consumed, it would no longer
give him any stat points.
Quinn then drank the two other test tubes from the other students.

\u003c Blood type A- has been absorbed \u003e

\u003c + 1 strength point has been added \u003e

\u003c Blood type Ab + has been absorbed \u003e

\u003c + 1 Stamina point has been added \u003e

Quinn looked at messages he received and started to notice a pattern. When he

drank Layla's blood which was A+ he had gained a strength point, it was the same
when he drank the A - blood. Rylee whose blood type was B+ had given him an
agility point and lastly, AB + had given him a stamina point.

Assuming being positive or negative blood type didn't matter so far. A type had
given him strength, B gave him Agility and AB stamina. That left one blood group
that Quinn hadn't drunk from yet which was O.

Quinn couldn't help but wonder what would happen if he drank the O type.

Chapter 27 Soul Weapon

After absorbing all the blood tubes apart from the spare one that contained
Layla's blood, Quinn was feeling stronger than ever.

\u003c Name: Quinn Talen\u003e

\u003c Race: Half-Ling \u003e

\u003cHP 15/15\u003e

\u003c 110/200 \u003e

\u003c Strength 12 \u003e

\u003c Agility 12 \u003e

\u003c Stamina 11 \u003e

If Quinn's body before was that of a top athlete in the past, then Quinn now
surpassed the capabilities of regular human power. But he was still weak compared
to those with an ability. Lucky for Quinn, it seemed like Rylee and the other two
students weren't very good fighters.
In Quinn's old school, he would get into fights all the time regardless of what
ability they had. He saw how the others got bullied more than him, while the
bullying for him lessened because they knew he was a target that would bite back.

But because of this, Quinn managed to get a good grasp on how people fought and
a good grasp on different abilities. If Quinn was to face a level two user who was
good with their ability like Layla, at this point it was still most likely he would lose.

What Quinn needed more than ever was more skills he could use. Blood swipe was
great but it only had a distance of five meters and it took away his health. With
other abilities, you would be able to obtain new skills by purchasing books or being
taught by someone who already knew the skill.

Quinn didn't have this option as there was no one who he knew that had the same
ability as him and that, of course, meant there were no skill books either.

Before Layla and Quinn split ways to head back to their dorm rooms, Quinn had
one last request.

"Do you know about what happened to Vorden?" Quinn asked.

"Oh your blonde friend," Layla replied, "Honestly I don't know too much cause
when everything happened I was stuck in the hospital bed because of someone."
Layla pointed at Quinn.

Quinn laughed nervously.

"Well, do you mind finding out for me, it seems like the second years are behind
this and are stopping me and Peter from getting any information."

"The second years are involved in this? Well, that's not good you're not planning
to get involved, are you?" Layla asked concerned.

Quinn thought back to when the second years had called Quinn, Peter and Vorden
out. That Momo person had warned them not to disturb the system within the

Quinn wanted to punch his face in but at the time he couldn't. But now with this
ability, he could grow stronger, without the need of help or relying on others and
he couldn't wait for the day he could punch that Momo's smug face in.

"Yeah but I need to get stronger of course"

There was one big difference between the second years and first years and that
was something called awakening. The second years had learnt how to awaken their
ability. This allowed the user regardless of the power level to get a power boost
for a short period of time.
Once a user had awakened, they then also could form something called their soul
weapon. A powerful weapon unique to each user that was formed in the body itself.
This was different from a beast weapon as a beast weapon could be used by

After finishing everything he needed to do with Layla, the two of them split up
and Quinn said he would contact Layla via his watch when he needed her.

Quinn also kept the test tube containing Layla's blood on him. What he needed to
do now was figure out how long his body could go without needing blood. If Quinn
was to go out on a mission or through a portal to another planet. There might be
times where Quinn wouldn't be able to contact someone for a while.

In these situations, he needed to know how many Test tubes of blood to take with
him. So, for now, Quinn would do his best to avoid blood until the system message
appeared again. If he fought anyone along the way he could keep their blood for
after. He didn't want to waste any precious stat points after all.

Quinn headed back to his dorm room where Vorden and Peter where still
practising their Earth abilities.

"I did it, I finally did it!" Peter shouted.

Peter held a small round solid lump of mud in his hand. As he moved his hands, he
was able to change the shape of the mud. He turned it from a ball into a long
staff. Then back into a ball again.

"The only problem is as a level one user, you will need to keep some type of mud on
you at all times," Vorden explained. "Perhaps it's best you keep it as a round staff
and carry it around with you, then you will always have something to take with

Vorden then grabbed the mud and started to demonstrate, He did the same thing
as Peter and started to change the Mudball into different shapes. But the
difference between speeds was noticeable. While Peter took a long time to form
the shape he wanted. Vorden was changing the mud in seconds.

"Wow is this cause you're a level five user Vorden?" Peter asked.

"No this is something you should be able to do as well, it just takes practise. When
I copy someone's ability, I also copy whatever power level it is at. So everything I
can do with this mud you should be able to as well."

Vorden then turned the Mudball into a sharp dagger and placed it up against
Peter's neck.

"See, not so useless after all."

Peter gulped as he looked down at the sword but then realised that Vorden had
already changed the balls shape into a harmless stick and handed it back to Peter.

"Oh, Quinn your back," Vorden said smiling. "Did you have fun?"

"Yeah, a little bit," Quinn said.

"Vorden here said you got a girlfriend." Peter quickly added.

"What!?" Quinn said.

"You know that girl that was with us at the testing that time."

"Oh her, no we're just…" Quinn started to think about what his relationship with
Layla was. He wouldn't exactly call them friends and they defiantly weren't lovers.
Layla did almost everything Quinn asked without answers. It was almost a master
and servant relationship but If Quinn said that they would defiantly get the wrong

"Were just acquaintances, I was talking about how she got to use her weapon and
discussing what classes to take since I won't be going to the elemental class with
you two."

"Oh, so you finally decided then?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, I'm going to join the beast weapons class."

Chapter 28 Weapons hall

When the next morning had arrived, Quinn made sure to pack some things with
him in his bag. He put in the blood tube that contained Layla's blood. The four
remaining empty tubes and also the mask that he had bought at the convenience

He never knew when a situation would come up when he had to use these things, so
it was better to be prepared than unprepared. The three boys headed down for
breakfast as a group as usual and like always people would give Quinn, Vorden and
Peter looks.

Vorden decided to split form Quinn and Peter and sat on his own on the higher
power level tables. But even then, no one seemed to be sitting next to Vorden. It
was clear for some reason the second-year students where making Vorden a
target, even though he was no longer hanging out with Quinn and Peter.
"Do me a favour will you?" Quinn asked, "Keep an eye on Vorden while you're in
your combat classes today. If anything happens let me know."

"But if something happens, I won't be strong enough to help, and you can't exactly
do anything either," Peter replied.

Peter was right Quinn right now could barely deal with the level 2 first-year
students never mind the second-year students. But at the same time, Quinn hated
the fact that they might be targeting Vorden just because he chose to hang out
with them.

Perhaps Quinn could find a weak one in the group and target him at night for
questioning. These groups always had a weak person acting as a shuttle for them.
Asking them to carry their things, grab their food for them etc.

"I'm not telling you to get involved, I don't think Vorden is expecting you to help
him out either but just to let me know what you see."

Peter then gave a quick look around the room to make sure no one was hearing the
two of them before giving a nod.

Finally, after finishing their breakfast it was time for their combat classes. After
registering what type of class you wanted to attend via the watch. It would then
indicate what room you would be in for training that Day.

Quinn had chosen the beast weapons class after thinking long and hard. Quinn was
known as a no ability user so it was really the only option for him. Otherwise, he
would have to just sit back at the back of the other classes and do nothing.

The weapon class was popular among those that had an ability that was able to
enhance it. Those who could slightly see the future, or had a telekinesis ability like
Layla would attend these classes. But Quinn wanted to find a weapon that would
suit him and his fighting style.

The weapons hall was away from the main school building and off to the side in its
own separate building. It was a single large one-room building that had an Asian
palace feeling to it. To enter the building students needed to scan their watch into
the scanner and then the two large doors would slide open.

Although the outside of the building had an eastern feeling to it. The inside was
completely different. It was a large room where the ceiling was about twenty
meters high. The room had no decorations apart from mountains and mountain of
weapons hung up on the wall and in the centre of the room was a round raised

Standing at the back of the hall was a bald-headed man wearing leather armour
and had a long katana blade by his side. But the katana blade hilt was jagged and
rough and the back of the blade the same. It looked like it had been forged from
an animal that was not of this planet.

The man remained silent at the back with his eyes closed. Quinn could only assume
the man was their teacher, being the oldest one in the room.

The room slowly started to fill up with students and that's when Layla had
entered and spotted Quinn. She immediately came over to him and started
chatting. Unlike when Vorden had spoken to Quinn, the other students didn't
really pay attention because Layla herself was also considered weak.

"This class is a lot more popular than I thought," Layla said.

The room was filled with about thirty students inside. The other classes had
around fifty but it was still more than they had expected.

"Yeah, I wonder what weapon I should pick," Quinn said staring at the wall.

"Well, I already have mine," Layla said pointing to her bow on her back.

A lot of the student in the room already had weapons of their own. Quinn and a
couple of others were the only ones who didn't have anything on them. Just then
while Quinn was busy staring at the wall, the other students started to get rowdy
as someone entered the weapons hall.

"What is she doing here?"

"Isn't she an elemental user, why would she be here."

"Who cares, maybe we can spare with her and if we beat her we can ask her on a

As Quinn turned around to see who the girl was everyone was talking about, it
turns out he had already met her before. It was Erin Heley the ice ability user.

"I wonder why she decided to go to this class instead of the elemental class?"
Layla asked.

Just then the bald-headed man opened his eyes and shouted at the top of his


Everyone froze and turned to look at the old man.

"My name is Leo and I will be your teacher for today." Leo then pulled out his
katana blade from his sheath and pointed it out in front of him. "Your first task
will be to pick your weapon, you must think carefully. Your weapon is your lifeline.
When your ability won't work the only thing you can rely on is your own skills. Now
go and Chose one from the wall around you."
The students fanned out and started to look at weapons. Even those who had
beast weapons already were trying out new ones.

Quinn looked at the wall and saw all sorts of things, axe's, short swords, Spiked
clubs, whips, Scythes there was so much to choose from Quinn was really having a
hard time.

Quinn looked at Layla and her bow. It matched up well with her telekinesis ability.
If Quinn was to pick a ranged weapon, he would never be able to be as good as
Layla. He needed something that suited him right now and his ability.

Quinn then walked up to one of the random swords on the wall and used his inspect

\u003c Korge Sword \u003e

\u003c Tier Basic Beast weapon \u003e

\u003c Strength + 3

\u003c Agilty – 2\u003e

\u003c the sword in incompatible with the skill "Blood swipe"\u003e

The sword Quinn looked at was large in size and looked heavy. Quin needed to be
fast so losing some points in agility was a definite no-no. But what surprised him
was how much information his inspect skill had given him. It even told him if his
blood swipe could be used with it.

Maybe it wouldn't be so hard picking out a weapon after all thanks to Quinn's
inspect skill.

Chapter 29 Picking a weapon

As soon as Quinn realised that his inspect skill would tell him the stats of each
weapon, he started to go around the room looking for the perfect one for him.
Quinn ruled out anything that was too heavy. Although the strength stat it added
was good, Quinn needed to be fast and agile in the night.

All the weapons Quinn had inspected so far was at the basic tier level. The lowest
level a weapon could be. Weapons were categorised into eight different levels
depending on which beast core it was made with. Of course, this was based on
beasts from planets that had already been discovered.
There was sure to be other planets with stronger beasts and abilities that they
had yet to find out about, that may be categorised above that. In the human world
today, there were two known weapons of this class. The world called them Demon
weapons instead.

After searching around the room for a while, Quinn came across a weapon that
stood out from the rest.

< Black Horned gauntlets >

< Basic tier Beast weapon>

<Strength 3>

<Agility 0 >

<Stamina 0>

<Defence 2>

< This weapon is compatible with the skill "Blood swipe". When used with the
gauntlets blood swipe will have an increase of 5% in power.>

The Gauntlets were black in colour and had little tiny horns going up the forearm.
The fingertips where were pointed and bladed at the ends, it made them look
almost like some type of Dragon claw.

There were two reasons why the weapon had interested Quinn. The first was it
was the only one that had also given him a defensive stat, not just a strength stat
but the second one stood out to him even more. It was the fact that it increases
the power of his only skill, blood swipe.

Five percent didn't sound like a lot right now but if in the future Quinn was to get
more powerful, five percent would make a huge difference. There were also other
bonuses. The gauntlets acted as armour for his hands and he could still hold other
weapons if he needed to.

"What a strange choice young boy," Leo said.

Quinn looked to his side to see who had spoken to him, then he noticed it was the
bald teacher.

"It's not many peoples first choice. With a weapon like this, you have to have no
fear and get in close to your enemy. But that is also the reason it is sturdy than
most and can be used as a form of defence."

Quinn had already experienced fighting more than most kids, he was used to using
his fists, with his blood swipe skill as well, he didn't always have to get up right
close to his opponent.
"Do you mind if I try it?" Quinn asked.

"Go ahead," Leo said as he left to check up on other students selecting weapons.

< Basic Horned Gauntlets equipped>

<Strength: 12 (3) >

< Agility: 12 >

< Stamina: 11 >

< Defence (2)>

Now when Quinn checked out his status screen, he had a smaller number next to
his stats which would indicate the equipment level. Quinn now had 15 stat points in
strength. He felt three times stronger compared to before he had discovered the
system and was ready to test out his newfound strength.

Once everyone had finished picking out their weapon. Leo called everyone to
gather around the centre ring.

"Now I won't claim to be an expert in every weapon," Said Leo, "Some of you might
even be able to use your weapons better than me. But what I am an expert in is
fighting with weapons alone. Fighting can be considered a game. You are always
trying to predict your opponent's next move, you measure your opponent's ability
and so on. For your first lesson, I want to see what you've got. We will have a
sparring match. Two people at a time. We will all watch the match and commentate
on what could be improved on. Now, are there any volunteers.

In an instant, Erin was the first to put her hand up. Without even waiting for Leo
to say anything she headed for the arena in the middle and stood inside. She held
a single silver longsword that shined bright. It wasn't one of the weapons that
Quinn had seen on the wall so he could only assume it had been one she already

At first, a lot of the students were hesitant of going up against Erin. Her
reputation for being a high-power level had already reached many peoples ears.

"Oh, I also forgot to add, Abilities will be banned during today's sparing sessions,"
Leo added. "It is important that you know how to use your weapon first, only then
can you truly bring out the full potential of the weapon with your ability."

After saying those words. Students had raised their hands like a rocket. They all
wanted to get the chance to beat the famous Ice queen. Now that she wasn't able
to use her abilities this was their chance.

In the end, A large man was selected from the crowd who wielded a two-handed
axe. He was about double the size of Erin in terms of muscle.
"I think you chose to join the wrong club, your ice abilities will be useless here."
The man said.

Erin didn't reply though and simply took her stance. Waiting for her opponent to
come forward first.

The man charged in wielding his large axe above his head. When he swung it down
Erin spun her body to the side avoiding the blow and at the same time slashed at
the back of the man's legs causing him to stumble.

She then placed her blade towards the man's neck. Inches away from his throat.

"I give up." The man said.

Everything had happened in an instant and the room was suddenly silenced. They
all knew Erin was strong but it was unexpected of her to be so skilful with the
blade. Most ability users, if they had a strong ability like Erin, would rely on that
power and not bother learning a weapon. But it was clear to everyone she had some

After the fight had finished, two men seemed to appear out of thin air wearing a
black military uniform. They then grabbed the student by both arms and escorted
him to the school doctor to get healed up.

The group continued to watch a few fights, the rest of the fights had lasted a lot
longer than Erin's, as most of the students were equally matched when it came to
using weapons. Even when Level 4 power users were fighting against level 2. When
They couldn't use their abilities it all came down to skill and the body.

The next fight that had caught Leo's attention, was the fight with Layla. Even
though Layla could no longer use her telekinesis. With her bow, she was able to
shot ahead and predict where her opponent would turn.

She had trapped her opponent multiple times and continuously asked him to give
up. But her opponent was a level 3 power user and he had his pride on the line. He
didn't want to admit being defeated by a level two user even if he wasn't using his

That's when he got reckless and decided to charge forward. But a few arrows in
the boy's legs stopped him dead in his tracks before Leo had decided to call the
match himself.

"The next pair, Quinn Talen, and Brad Richardson to the arena."

Now it was Quinn's turn.

With the Weapons hall being indoors Quinn was able to use his full stats and his
opponent was unable to use his ability. Finally, for once Quinn was in a situation
where he didn't feel weaker than the person he was going up against.
Chapter 30 Too Strong?

As Quinn walked up to the stage he noticed that Brandon, his opponent's indicator
showed that he was at the power level of three. If this was a fight in the outside
world, where they both could use their abilities Quinn felt like he didn't have
much chance of winning.

But here in the arena, where abilities weren't allowed. Quinn had a body stronger
than most, his speed was faster than most. In the Novels he had read, a Vampires
strength was far greater than the human race before the introduction of abilities.
If they wanted to, they could have ruled the world.

Brandon held a large spear in hand which had great reach. The end was sharp with
a single curved blade at the end.

\u003c Opponent power level 3\u003e

\u003c Bonus exp will be rewarded \u003e

It seemed like Quinn's day was only getting better.

"Begin!" Leo shouted.

Brandon immediately charged in with his spear, while Quinn stood there and took a
fighting stance with both of his hands held out in front of him. When Brandon was
within striking distance, he thrust his spear forward. It was fast and impressive
to the people watching outside.

But to Quinn who had 12 points in agility, it was easy for him to dodge. He avoided
the spear strike and ducked down, then before Brandon could pull the spear back
Quinn went and grabbed the spear with his hand.

"What the hell!" Brandon said as he tried pulling the spear back. "Let go!"

While holding the spear with one hand, Quinn opened up his other hand and swung
out his fist like a claw as hard as he could at the spear. Then a few moments later
the spear had been sliced in half.

"What the, my weapon, it's faulty!" Brandon complained but Leo did nothing to
step in.
Quinn rushed forward and before Brandon could do anything, Quinn punched him
hard in the stomach. Brandon's feet lifted off the ground and it looked like his
body was about to fly away.


\u003cBrandon Richardson\u003e

\u003c Ability: Elemental \u003e

\u003c HP 5/15 \u003e

\u003c Blood type 0 + \u003e

Quinn knew that if Brandon was to fly out of the arena it would be considered his
win but the system wouldn't allow him to win like that, he needed to beat his
opponent down to at least one HP. So before Brandon could be lifted into the air,
Quinn grabbed him and pulled him back down and at the same time kneed him in
the face causing Brandon's nose to bleed and his head to be sent backwords.

And finally, Brandon collapsed lying there on the ground.

"Winner, Quinn Talen." Leo said.

\u003c Opponent has been defeated 50 exp rewarded \u003e

\u003c First time higher power level bonus 50 Exp Rewarded \u003e

\u003c 220/200 Exp \u003e

\u003c Congratulations you are now Level 3\u003e

\u003c 20/400 Exp \u003e

\u003c 1 Attribute point awarded \u003e

\u003c New Skill "Blood Bank" Unlocked\u003e

After defeating Brandon, Quinn had received multiple messages and had even
levelled up. The bonus reward for defeating a level 3 user was higher than when he
defeated a level 2 user. However, it was a shame that the bonus reward was only a
one-time thing.

With the messages, there was also a new skill that had been unlocked. Although
Quinn didn't have the time to look at it now, he needed to get off the stage and
look at it later. Before leaving Quinn looked at Brandon who was lying on the floor.
Blood was dripping from his nose and Quinn just had one thought.

"What a waste."
It was a shame Quinn wasn't able to store or drink Brandon's blood. After all,
everyone was watching, but if he did he would have learnt what the O type blood
did as well.

The two military men again appeared out of thin air and took Brandon away to the
doctor's office but before Quinn could leave the arena a couple of boys shouted
from the crowd.

"That's not fair." A boy said, "Brandon obviously was using a faulty weapon."

"Yeah, and what was with that anyway, that idiot decided to still attack him
anyway after seeing his weapon break, he should be punished." Another boy added.

These two were friends of Brandon. One was a level 2.5 user named Fei while the
other was a level 3 user named Loop.

Leo then stepped up onto the stage and picked up the broken spear of from the
ground and started to inspect it.

"I can guarantee you that all the weapons in this hall are not faulty. Each one has
been given the same care as the next."

"Then how can you explain the weapon breaking. "Fei said, "Unless, it has to be it,
he cheated and used an ability."

As soon as acquisitions were made, the crowd started mumbling to each other.
They could see Quinn's power level but not many knew about Quinn having no
ability. Perhaps he had an ability that simply enhanced his strength the students

"Settle down everyone I can guarantee that no abilities were used," Leo said.

"How can you be so sure?" Fei argued.

Then an unexpected person had chimed in and interrupted their conversation.

"You fool, will you stop being so disrespectful to the teacher." Erin said, "Do you
not know who he Is, Perhaps if I told you his war name you would know. This man is
General Leo, or known as the Blind swordsman."

The chatting between the students had gotten even louder. The name Blind
swordsman was known well between common folk. He had helped out a great deal
when fighting against the Dalki.

"He's blind?" Loop said unsure whether it was true or not. "Doesn't that mean he
definitely couldn't tell if the person used an ability or not."

In that instant, Leo threw a piece of the broken spear in the direction of Loop.
The spear just missed Loop and had hit the back wall.
Loop then started to feel a sharp stinging pain on his cheek, as he touched his
cheek he noticed a scratch mark.

"I can see, and hear very well. Better than most of you. My ability allows me to see
the Aura of people and when people start to use their ability, their aura's change
depending on what ability they are using. And I'm telling you now, Quinn didn't use
a single ability."

With that, the students startled to settle down a bit. It was a memorable first
day for all the students in the weapon club so much had happened. But the class
was finally over and it was time for them to head home.

Leo, however, couldn't stop thinking about the student known as Quinn. He
inspected the spear again and again and found nothing out of the ordinary.
However, what Leo didn't reveal was form the very beginning when Quinn had
stepped into the room, he could see his aura was slightly different from everyone

It wasn't the same as when someone used an ability though, it reminded him of an
aura of that of the beasts or the Dalki had, one that wasn't human.

"Pull up the file on Quinn Talen for me."

"File found." Leo's watch replied.


"No ability, power level 1." The watch said again.

"Hmm, just what are you hiding Quinn?"

Chapter 31 Blood Bank

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Chapter 31 Blood Bank

Once the class had ended, Quinn had to give back the Gauntlets and leave them in
the weapons hall. After all, they didn't belong to him and was only there for the
purpose of him getting used to using a weapon.

Once Quinn went on his first portal outing, then he would be able to hunt for a
suitable beast to make a weapon of his own. At that time, he would also be allowed
to borrow the equipment.

As Quinn was heading back to his dorm room, he decided to first put his stat point
into something. So he opened up his status screen to see if there were any

\u003cHP 20/20 \u003e

\u003cStrength 12\u003e

\u003c Agility 12 \u003e

\u003c stamina 12 \u003e

(All stats are currently halved due to being hit by the direct sunlight)

The system seemed to be consistent with the last time he had levelled up.
Although there was no evolution process this time, he still gained five points of HP
and one stat point. There was one thing that bothered Quinn and it was the fact
that his stat points were halved in sunlight.

There would come a time were Quinn would need to be at full strength even in the
sun. When reading about vampires in novels, he was thankful that he was able to
be in the sun at all, as some of them burnt to a crisp in an instant.

Quinn decided to stick with his plan and add the stat point to agility, as long as he
could hit his opponents without being hit back, he couldn't see himself losing and
worst case if he couldn't hurt his opponent, he could always run away. It was also
handy if he planned to use the clawed gauntlets as his choice of weapon. He would
need to be fast to get in close and use hand to hand combat skills.

\u003c Agility 13 \u003e

The next thing Quinn wanted to check out was the new skill he had obtained from
levelling up.

\u003c Skill: Blood Bank Lv.1\u003e

\u003c The skill "blood Bank" will allow you to store up to a 100 milters of blood in
your reserve. The blood bank will automatically be used to heal the user if HP
drops below 5. Every 10 millilitres of blood will be used to restore 5 HP of the
user. User may also use the blood bank to consume blood at any time for his own
personal pleasure. \u003e
Quinn looked at the skill in disbelief. It seemed like the skill was too good to be
true. Essentially the blood bank acted as a second life for Quinn. As long as his
blood bank was fully stocked up, Quinn was able to restore up to 50 points of HP.

Not only that but it had also solved Quinn's storage problem. Although Quinn had
used test tube and cork to stop the blood from oxidising, it still wouldn't delay
the process of it being spoilt for long. At most Quinn would be able to keep the
blood fresh for 8 hours without keeping in some special type of storage.

Sure he had Layla he could rely on, but Layla wouldn't always be by his side. Quinn
then took out the test tube of Layla's blood and used his inspect skill. It seemed
like the blood was still fine to be used for now.

\u003cSkill Blood bank\u003e

The blood then started to shine bright in Quinn�����s hand and suddenly
vanished from the test tube.

\u003cBlood bank 10/100\u003e

\u003cYour hunger grows\u003e

Quinn has happy that the Blood bank skill was convenient and finally after waiting
for a while he had received a message he had seen once before.

Last time he had seen the message about his hunger the next day the system told
him he needed to consume blood otherwise his HP would drop. With his Blood bank
skill though, he wouldn't have to worry about it as long as he kept it topped up.

After checking out all the information, Quinn had finally arrived back at his dorm
room to see Peter and Vorden a little roughed up.

"Wow, what happened to you two?" Quinn asked, "Was it the second years again?"

"No, no need to worry, this was just during our combat classes, the teacher made
us do a sparing session on our first day."

"Were there any problems?"

"Not really, I was humiliated and lost my fight, of course, I still can't control my
ability well enough. I think I was too nervous. When I brought out the stick of
mud on my back the other students started laughing and I got distracted." Peter
explained. "But Vorden, on the other hand, was so cool, he told those kids to shut
up and asked them to fight him next. Then with the same ability as mine, he
managed to defeat a level 3 user!"

"Oh shut up!" Vorden said as he punched Peter on the shoulder. "You're
embarrassing me."

"But it's true. You were so cool back then."

The three of them continued to share stories about what had happened in their
combat classes. Quinn had even talked about his victory against Brandon. At first,
they were surprised but when Quinn explained that the use of abilities was
banned, they understood.

The three of them were exhausted from their first day of combat classes and
decided to get some rest. The next day when Quinn woke up he was greeted with
another message.

\u003c Daily quest complete 5 exp has been rewarded\u003e

\u003c25/400 Exp\u003e

\u003cYour hunger grows\u003e

\u003cYour HP will now drop by – 1HP every hour until human blood has been

The message had appeared roughly two days after he had last consumed blood.
Meaning this was the time frame before he would need to consume blood again.

\u003cSkill Blood bank\u003e

\u003c 10 millilitres of blood will be consumed, would you like to proceed?\u003e


After selecting the yes option, a sweet fragrance entered his mouth, the hole he
could feel in his stomach had disappeared and once again he was satisfied and back
to normal. Now all he needed to do was meet up with Layla and fill up his blood
bank to the max.

For the next week, combat class was a normal requirement for students. This
would be the case until the teachers were satisfied to take the students on their
first outing through the portals to hunt beasts.

After the students picked their weapons from the wall, once again Leo stood at
the front to give the students further instructions.

"Today's lesson will be sparring once again, but this time you will pick your own
opponents. You will fight with them for a minute each before switching to the next
opponent. On the battlefield, there will be all types of different opponents that
use different weapons and abilities. It is important for you to get used to as many
of these as possible."

The students then immediately got into pairings and Layla had run up to Quinn as
soon as possible.

"Don't worry Quinn, I'll let you win the first one." She said with a wink.
But just then, Leo had walked towards the two of them.

"I'm sorry about this young lady but I'm going to have to ask you to sit out of this
one," Leo said.

Layla then took a step back.

Leo then pulled out his katana blade and pointed it at Quinn.

"Show me what you got boy and don't hold back."

Chapter 32 A lesson

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Chapter 32 A lesson

Without Quinn realising it himself, the rest of the students weren't really paying
attention to their own matches. They were all looking towards Leo and Quinn. They
wanted to see how the so-called blind swordsman fought.

But in the room, three people, in particular, were paying attention to Quinn.

"Look at him, he cheats in my match and now he's getting special treatment,"
Brandon complained.

"Didn't Leo say he didn't use any ability?" Loop asked.

"Don't be a fool of course he did, he managed to break a beast weapon, have you
ever heard of that?" Brandon complained, "Maybe if he had a higher tier weapon
but all the weapons in this room are of the same tier.

"Yeah, I agree." Fei added, "The weakling must have never won a fight in his life
before and then when he saw the opportunity, he just had to do it."

Before the sparring match started, Quinn decided to use his inspect skill, but for
the first time ever, not a single bit of information had come up.

"Does this mean he's too powerful, maybe when the skill levels up I might be able
to see something?" Quinn thought.
Just then though, a new message from the system has appeared.

\u003c A strong opponent has appeared \u003e

\u003c Defeat the opponent for an Instant level-up reward \u003e

Suddenly, Quinn's blood started to rush through his body with excitement, he
wasn't going to go easy on Leo in the first place, but if the match proved too easy
then he was going to ease up a little to not raise suspicion. But with a reward like
this, Quinn would figure out an explanation later.

Every time Quinn levelled up the Exp requirement seemed to double. Making it
harder and harder for him to level up.

"What's wrong?" Leo asked.

"Oh, nothing sorry," Quinn said as he got into a fighting stance.

"Alright students, the minute starts, NOW!" Leo shouted.

In an instant, the sound of weapons clashing around the room could be heard but
the ones closer to Leo and Quinn decided to take it easy so they could watch the
fight and that included Brandon's group.

As soon as the fight started Leo dashed forward with a strike but it wasn't at a
speed Quinn couldn't handle. He blocked the first blow knocking it away. However,
straight after another attack appeared but Quinn managed to block that as well.

"A bit sloppy and rough but your reflexes are good." Leo said, "Now let's take it up
another level."

Before Quinn could catch his breath, Leo attacked again with his blade but this
time even faster than the attacks before. But thanks to Quinn's agility points he
was still able to keep up.

"Ha, ha, I can't believe I'm actually having fun against a student," Leo said

And once again the attack's coming from Leo sped up again. This time it looked
like Quinn was getting knocked around like a rag doll. All the student's watching
from outside thought Leo was playing with him but Leo was truly impressed.
Although Quinn looked silly, Quinn was still able to block each and every one of his
attack with the Gauntlets.

"Now try this!" Leo shouted.

The attack from Leo's katana blade came from underneath, Quinn held out both
his hands to block the attack but suddenly it looked like the blade had
disappeared and phased through his hands. Before Quinn knew it, the blade was
right underneath his chin.

"Oh, looks like our time is up." Leo said, "About level 14 or 13 maybe, that's pretty
good for a first-year student."

Quinn was in admiration for the weapons teacher. At first, he didn't have a lot of
respect for the teachers at the school. They would usually just dominate over the
students and tell them to toughen up and get stronger but Quinn felt like Leo was

Quinn could now tell that Leo was able to beat him in a fight anytime he wanted,
Leo was just testing him to see how strong he was. What Quinn also learnt during
that fight was just getting stronger and faster wasn't good enough, he needed to
learn how to fight properly.

"Please, would you be able to teach me how to fight?" Quinn asked as he bowed

"Unfortunately, the weapon you have chosen I do not specialise in myself.

Although I do think it suits your fighting style, it seems like you have had some
experience in hand to hand combat." Leo explained. "There is one thing I can
suggest to you, there's a popular VR fighting game that the military students from
all the other schools play, the first thing you will need to do is get experience.
Although the use of abilities in the game is not prohibited, so you might have a
hard time but still, I think it will be a good experience for you."

"Thank you so much," Quinn said as he bowed down again.

"Oh, and before I forget, it was the first time I have had fun like that in a while,
as a prize feel free to keep the gauntlets. When you get better in the future
come and challenge me any time, I will be happy to fight you again." Leo said as he
walked off back to the centre of the weapons hall.

After watching the fight, many of the students were quite disappointed. After
seeing Quinn fight well against Brandon, they were hoping he would be able to do
something against Leo but to them, all it looked like was Leo toying with Quinn and
throwing him around like a rag doll.

Brandon then had come up with a brilliant idea and started to whisper into his
friend's Fei's ear.

"Alright students, it is time to get into your next paring," Leo shouted.

Just then before Layla could get up and ask Quinn for a match, Brandon had
gotten up in front of her.

"Do you mind if us two have a round?" Brandon asked

Layla kissed at her teeth and scorned but she didn't exactly have a good reason to
say no. After all, it would only be a minute.

Then another student, Brandon's friend Fei had gone and approached Quinn.

"Please I would like to be your next opponent," Fei asked as he drew out his two
short swords.

"I don't see why not," Quinn said.

Quinn didn't mind too much. So far, every new opponent he faced as long as he
defeated them, would grant him 50 Exp and this was the best chance he had right
now, in the weapons hall where people weren't allowed to use their abilities.

"And Please, Begin!" Leo shouted.

Fei seemed to have some experience using the duel swords. His flow was natural
and he was able to follow his attacks up well from one to the next but after
fighting with Leo, the attacks just seemed slow. Quinn was able to see the path of
each strike.

But just like Leo had said the most important thing for Quinn was the experience,
so rather than relying on his supernatural strength and end the fight in an instant.
Quinn decided he wanted to fight a little longer.

Meanwhile, in Layla and Brandon's match, Brandon didn't seem to be doing much at
all. He didn't charge in and he didn't attack, all he did was avoid Layla's arrows. It
was as if his mind was focused on something else.

That's when a noise was heard. Fei was charging in at Quinn and did some sought
of little battle cry. That was the signal for Brandon to act.

Brandon then lifted his hand and at the right time, cast his wind blast right
behind at Quinn's back.

Quinn saw Fei's blades and was ready to block but that's when he felt a strong
force push him from behind. It knocked him off balance and at the same time,
Fei's blades went right into Quinn's stomach.

\u003c10/20 HP\u003e

"You… Bastar…." Quinn Groaned.

Chapter 33 Next Targe

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Chapter 33 Next Targe

For a brief moment, Quinn had forgotten about a world with abilities. A world
where people didn't try to get up on one another, just for the sake of what? Pride.

He looked down and could see the two blades stuck in his stomach, blood dripping
off the blade. Fei had let go of the blades and took a step back, with his mouth
wide open, acting like everything that had happened was an accident.

But Quinn wasn't buying it and he had a good idea what had just happened. As he
looked around, he managed to catch a smile on Brandon's face. Quinn then grabbed
the hilt half of the two blades and using his strength snapped the ends off.

With the other half of the blades still in his stomach, he started to walk towards

"So you want to play games then." Quinn said, "Then let's play some games, you've
taken some of my blood, so it's only right that I take some of yours."

As Fei heard these words, he couldn't help but move back away from Quinn.
Something was different, the look in his eyes.

"Why is my body shaking, he's only a level one user, calm down."

Then when Quinn was only a few feet away, he swung his clawed hand out.

"Blood swi…"

But before Quinn could finish casting his skill, his hand was knocked away by a

"Enough, stop now," Leo said as he pointed his blade towards Quinn. "Two wrongs
do not make a right."

"And you two don't think your plan didn't go unnoticed. I will not have students
who can't follow the rules in my class. You can leave your weapons here and you are
banned from any more combat classes in the weapon hall."

Just then, two military men had appeared out of nowhere standing by Quinn's

"Take him to the doctor's office and make sure he gets treated," Leo said.
"Wait!" Layla shouted. "Maybe I should go with him, make sure he is okay?"

"He's a strong boy, worry not young lady he can take care of himself."

Although Layla was worried about Quinn being hurt, that wasn't her main concern.
It looked like from the wounds on Quinn's body that he had lost a lot of blood.
Even if vampires could heal at supernatural speeds that energy had to come from
somewhere and would soon need to be replaced.

After grabbing Quinn by both of his arms, after a few seconds, Quinn was
transported just outside the doctor's office.

"Please get some rest once you have healed up." One of the men said before
teleporting away once again.

"What a handy ability to have."

After checking the men had disappeared, Quinn decided to head to the closest
bathroom on the same floor. Nearly all the students were in combat classes at the
moment so the halls were empty. The reason why Quinn had decided to head to
the bathroom rather than to the doctor's office was because he could already
feel his body was healing up.

His status screen also confirmed that fact.

\u003c 12/20 HP \u003e

Just like before as soon as Quinn was out of combat, his body was starting to heal
at an incredibly fast rate. Quinn looked down and it looked like his body had
healed most of the wounds. However, it wasn't able to heal the area where the
blades were stuck.

"This is going to hurt."

Luckily Quinn still had his gauntlets on so he didn't have to grab the blades with
his bare hands.

"1, 2 ,3" He then pulled the blades out as fast he could in one action. The pain was
quick and sharp and he did everything he could to hold in his screams.

Finally, the wounds around his stomach were slowly starting to heal until suddenly
he received some new messages.

\u003c Your hunger grows \u003e

\u003c Your hunger grows \u003e

\u003c 15/20 HP \u003e

\u003c You will no longer heal \u003e

\u003c Your HP will continue to decrease by – 1 HP until human blood has been
consumed \u003e

Quinn looked at the message and was trying to figure out what had happened.
When Quinn did his tests he found out that his body would need to consume blood
once every two days. But this message had come up even though Quinn had only
consumed Layla's blood this morning, it hadn't reached the time limit yet.

Then Quinn thought back to how the blood was able to heal his health. If it
worked the same way then that meant his body was using blood as energy to heal
himself. Once this energy had run out inside his body then he would no longer be
able to heal and he would once again have to consume blood.

Quinn felt a hunger in his stomach and started to look at himself in the mirror, his
clothes were all bloody and he was in slight pain, but he still cracked a smile.
That's when Quinn also noticed that his top two teeth had grown slightly. It was
different to last time when he had panicked this time, he felt calm.

He was used to taking blood and he already knew who his next targets were going
to be tonight.

The hunger pangs were bearable this time, perhaps because Quinn wasn't in a
critical condition. After heading back to his dorm room Quinn threw his bloody
clothes on the floor and changed his clothes out with a different uniform.

While Quinn was busy getting changed, he heard the sound of two students talking
as they walked down the corridor.

"Why did I get kicked out as well, you were the only one who used an ability?" Fei

"Hey, you were fine with the plan when I told you about it earlier, why are you
getting so annoyed about it now?" Brandon said.

"You were the one who dragged me into it all because you lost to a level one,
embarrassing." Fei chuckled.

Just then, Brandon slammed Fei up against the corridor wall and held him by his

"Do I need to remind you that I'm a higher level then you Fei, or do we have to
fight so you can learn your place."

Fei said nothing until Brandon eventually let go of his collar. That's when Fei
decided to walk off in the opposite direction away from the dorm rooms.

"I thought we were friends Brandon, not just some lacky you control cause I'm a
lower level than you."
Then as Brandon entered his dorm room, he slammed the door behind him.

"Oh, a lover's quarrel huh, excellent," Quinn said, as he grabbed his back and
headed out to follow Fei.

The combat classes had finished and the sun was starting to set. With that, a rush
of students was now heading back to their dorm rooms and that included Peter and
Vorden. As the two of them entered the room Vorden's eyes widened as he
spotted something.

"What the, is that Quinn's clothes?" Peter said as he lifted them off the ground.
"They're covered in blood, did he get hurt during training."

Vorden's whole body was shaking as he saw the blood.

"What happened to him," Vorden thought, "Did the second years target him too,
or did something happen in training?"

"I told you we should have kept an eye on him."

"We should have killed those second years when we had the chance."

"Stop it!" Vorden said out loud.

"Huh, Vorden are you okay?" Peter asked.

But without saying anything else, Vorden opened the door to search for Quinn but
as he did, Layla was stood there with her hand by the door as if she was just
about to knock.

"Oh, is Quinn here?" Layla said.

But in the next second Vorden grabbed Layla by the hand dragging her in and
slammed the door behind her. Vorden then immediately pushed Layla up by the
door and pressed his forearm against her neck.

"Tell me what happened to Quinn now!"


Note: extra chapters for hitting the goal will be delivered in one go on Saturday
or Sunday.

After hitting the two goals, each extra 500 stones will = another extra chapter.

Chapter 34 Caught Red handed!

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Chapter 34 Caught Red handed!

Struggling up against the dorm room door, Layla was finding it difficult to
breathe. Vorden was applying an incredible amount of force with his forearm
against her neck and his face was only a few inches away.

"What the... hell's wrong with you!" Layla managed to groan out.

"Hey Vorden, I think you're hurting her?" Peter said quietly.

Vorden suddenly started pressing against her throat even harder, Layla was
struggling with all her might to get air and if she didn't do anything soon, she was
worried she might pass out.

"The little one didn't like you, and the other one told me not to get involved, but in
the end, I'm always the one that has to deal with things," Vorden said.

Layla's face started to turn a bright red, the veins on her neck were popping
threatening to explode as she struggled to breathe.

"Hey! Seriously Vorden you're going too far!" Peter shouted.

"Shut up!" Vorden shouted as he turned to look at Peter. "My name is not Vorden

That's when Layla saw her opportunity, the grip around her neck loosened a little
as Vorden was distracted. She reached down into her quiver that was attached to
her waist and pulled out one of her arrows. Then proceeded to stab the arrow into
the top part of Vorden's thigh.

"Arghh!" Vorden cried as he flinched at let go of Layla.

Layla then quickly pulled out another arrow with her telekinesis ability and
hovered it right in front of Vorden's face.

"Don't you dare move, you psycho!" Said Layla, "I swear if you do, I will not
hesitate to shove this arrow right in your head."

Peter started to panic at the situation that was happening in front of him. There
was no way he could jump in the middle of these to, he was too scared of getting
hurt himself.
"I don't even know why Quinn asked me to look out for you, if you ask me, his
better off without someone like you."

"Wait, Quinn really said that," Vorden said in a gentle tone. "Look, I'm sorry about
what just happened but I just want to know what happened to Quinn."

As Vorden said these words his eyebrows were slightly twitching. His personality
had taken a complete 180 turn and Layla didn't what to make of it. For some
reason, something was telling her that this boy was dangerous and if she could she
would have nothing to do with him.

But right now, she needed to find Quinn, who knew if he was going on another
rampage right now. She was the only one that knew Quinn's secret and Quinn
needed her.

"It was just an accident at the combat classes today." Said Layla, "He wasn't at
the medical bay so I thought he was in his room but it looks like he already left. I
wouldn't worry about it."

Layla then recalled her arrow back into her quiver and walked out of the room in a
rush. Then as soon as she left Vorden lifted the arrow out of his leg with the
copied telekinesis ability and threw the arrow to one side.

"Hey are you alright man, you kinda acting a little strange there?" Peter asked.

"Yeah I'm fine," Vorden said.

"She's lying to you, did you see how she rushed off like that something's up, let's
follow her.".

"Or we could try asking the other students who were in the same combat classes
as Quinn, they might be able to tell us who did this to him."

"Oh, payback I like it, and then on the way back maybe that pretty girl can get
into an accident."

"No, I told you she's just Quinn's friend, can't you see she's just as worried
about Quinn as we are. She's a good person."

"Well, I don't like her."

"I agree, we should get rid of her."

"Err Vorden are you okay?" Peter asked again. "You've been standing there looking
at the floor for a while now.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I just need to head off to the doctor's office get this wound
checked out on my leg. I'll be back when I can.". Vordan said as he left the room
and headed outside.

Quinn had been following Fei form a safe distance for a while now but it didn't
look like he was heading out of the school and time was running out.

\u003c 12/ 20 HP \u003e

If he lost any more health he would have to go search for Layla and find his target
another time. However, Quinn felt like he would never have an opportunity as good
as this one again. Very rarely was there a time when people would be on their own
and especially one that Quinn had a grudge against.

That's when Fei started to head up the stairs and eventually went up to the school
roof door. After reaching the closed door, Quinn quickly moved and opened the
door ever so slightly and started to peek through.

Quinn glances around the rooftop feeling happy for his luck, Fei was the only
person he could see up there.

"Lady luck is on my side today."

Quinn then took the mask out from his bag and put it on his face. Before he moved
onto the rooftop, he used a rag of ripped cloth from his old uniform and wrapped
it around his watch to hide his power level.

There weren't many other level one users who used gauntlets in the whole school.
If Fei was to see his power level on his wrist watch it would be a dead giveaway.

As soon as Quinn would open the door, he knew the metal creaking sound would
notify Fei that someone else was here, he needed to do everything as quick as

"Ready and go!" Quinn then pushed open the door and ran over to where Fei was in
an instant.

And as soon as Fei turned around, he could see was red blood lines in the shape of
a claw coming out from a mysterious masked man.

"What the…" Fei was to slow to react and all he could do was lift his hand but the
blow was extremely powerful, when the red lines touched his skin it immediately
caused blood to be drawn. It felt like five sharp knives were cutting him at the
same time.

Not only that, but the force was so strong it managed to throw Fei into the air.
With his 12 strength and extra 3 from the gauntlets, Quinn now had a total of 15
strength, and then the gauntlets also increased his attack power by 5% making the
attack far stronger than Quinn had predicted.
Fei continued to fly into the air until his body had hit the back of the gated fence,
he then collapsed on the floor and passed out.

\u003c 11/20 HP \u003e

Fei didn't even have the chance to use his ability to fight back. It was over in an
instant. Blood started to drip from his arms and began to create a small puddle of
blood and before Quinn realised it his teeth had grown into fangs.

He slowly walked over to Fei and could feel his heart beating faster. The sweet
fragrances were getting stronger but Quinn didn't care about the blood that was
on the floor. He was more interested in the single vein that he could see pulsating
through Fei's neck.

Quinn then lifted Fei slightly off the ground and without even thinking about it
sunk his fangs into Fei's neck.

Quinn continued to drink Fei's blood until multiple notifications had appeared.

\u003c 20/20 HP \u003e

\u003c Blood bank has been filled 100ml \u003e

\u003c A + Blood type has been consumed \u003e

\u003c + 1 Strength stat \u003e

\u003c 50 exp has been awarded \u003e

As Quinn was enjoying the last few drops of blood when the sudden sound of the
roof door being opened was heard.

"Huh, so why did you want to meet me on this roof again," Loop said rubbing his
head. Then when he looked up. He could see his friend covered in a pool of blood
and a masked man with his teeth in his friend's neck.

"You monster, get off of him!" Loop shouted!

Chapter 35 Heal me

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Chapter 35 Heal me

Inside one of the dorm rooms, Peter was waiting inside patiently for either Vorden
or Quinn to come back. Usually, he would have gone off with Vorden but the way
Vorden had acted earlier, had given him second thoughts.

Even if Vorden was worried about Quinn, it made no sense for him to attack
someone as soon as they opened the door. It was irrational and not just that but
something stuck out to him at the time. The fact that Vorden said that Vorden
wasn't his name.

Peter wasn't exactly sure what he had meant by that. While Peter was busy
worrying about the others, there was a sudden knock at the door.

"Are they back already?" Peter said as he answered the door.

When he opened the door though, Peter immediately tried closing it but a hand
had come out and held the door open.

"Looks like he's not here?" Momo said looking around the room.

It was Momo who was at the door and behind him, he had two other second-year
students. Peter didn't have a good feeling about this. He remembered the last
time they had met and how he had given Vorden a warning. Not only that but one
of the second-year students standing behind Momo, Peter recognized as well.

When Vorden was taken away to the assembly hall, one of the second-year
students stood outside as a guard and wouldn't allow Peter to go past him.

"Well, since you're the only one here, why don't you come with us." Momo said,
"We have some plans and we think you might be the perfect person to help us."

Peter felt like he had no choice but to listen. Momo was a level six user. He was
stronger than any of the current first years and he knew if he refused, he would
become a target. Before Vorden would have been able to help him but not against
these guys, they were too strong.


Back on the school rooftop, Loop had just arrived to see his friend being held by
what looked like some humanoid creature. Loop and Fei had agreed to meet on the
roof to discuss about what combat classes they should change to, now that he and
Brandon had been kicked out.

When Loop had arrived at the roof, he was surprised to see his friend lying there
covered in blood. It was dark so it was hard to see clearly but as the creature
held Fei in his arms and was biting into his neck, he could see glowing red eyes.
Loop mind instantly went thinking that it was some type of monster but that's
when he noticed that the so-called monster, was wearing the same school uniform
as them.

An object started to grow out of Loop's body. It was a long thin white piece of
bone that was the same size as a small sword. He pulled it out and threw it
straight at Quinn.

The flying sword bone flew straight at Quinn but he knocked it away with his
hand. Almost straight after another piece of bone came at him and behind it was
Loop running right towards him.

In both of loops hands, he held two white bone swords and swung them down at
Quinn. However, Quinn managed to grab onto both of the bone swords stopping
them in place. When Quinn tried to use his strength to break the bones
surprisingly, nothing was happening.

That was because of the difference in ability level. Loop was a level three ability
user. The special substance he was able to create out of his body was stronger
than that of a basic tier beast weapon.

As the two were held in place, Quinn realised his strength was greater and
started to push Loop back. When Quinn started to push Loop back, he quickly took
in a deep breath and blew out, straight after, white bone spikes had appeared on
his body all over.

The bone spikes had managed to pierce Quinn's body in several different places,
but luckily he was able to avoid a blow to the head and his hands were protected
by the gauntlets.

\u003c 10/20 HP \u003e

It was a strong attack and it had hurt Quinn badly. Loop retracted the bone
spikes into his body and was ready for the same attack again. As he breathed in
though, he could see Quinn swipe his hand like a claw. Loop ducked down and
instead of hitting him, the attack continued to go past and the red lines eventually
disappeared into nothing.

"Let's see what your hiding under that mask," Loop said as he stabbed one of the
bone swords into Quinn's foot and then lifted another one at his face.

However, Quinn decided to use all his strength to pull his foot from the sword.
The bone sword stuck in his foot had ripped through his skin and tore through his
shoes, his foot was now a mangled mess but at least he was free.

Doing his best to ignore the pain Quinn jumped back a few feet to create distance
between himself and Loop.
This was bad, not only did Loop have a strong ability but unlike the people, he had
faced before, Loop was a good fighter. Quinn's sloppy skills weren't going to save
him. Sure, he had more strength then his opponent but that meant nothing if he
couldn't hit him.

\u003c 5/20 HP\u003e

\u003c Blood bank auto use \u003e

\u003c10/20 HP\u003e

\u003c 90 Millimetres left in blood bank \u003e

In nearly an instant, Quinn's foot had healed. That's when he came up with a plan.

\u003c 20/20 HP\u003e

\u003c 70 millimetres left in blood bank \u003e

Quinn had used the rest of his blood bank to heal himself. With this, he would be
able to bridge the gap in skill. As long as Quinn didn't take a fatal blow to the
head, he was sure the system would heal him in time.

This time as Quinn rushed forward, he was no longer reserved about using his
skills, he cast blood swipe after blood swipe swinging his arms out.

\u003c 14/ 20 HP \u003e

He had thrown a total of six blood swipes in rapid succession. They had come out
fast and all Loop could do was defend with his bones. The first few attacks had
been blocked but Loop could feel how powerful they were.

\u003c 8/20 HP \u003e

After defending against the first six attacks, Loop thought he was done but
another six Blood swipes came straight after and his Bone swords could no longer
take it and eventually snapped.

\u003c 18/20 HP \u003e

\u003c 50 millilitres of blood left in blood bank\u003e

Seeing Quinn continue to rush forward after him and his bone swords were
broken, there was only one thing Loop could do.

He took in another deep breath and just when Quinn was close enough, he blew
out, making bone spikes appear all over his body.

However, Quinn wasn't slowing down and continued to run straight into the bone
spikes piercing several parts of his body, at the same time he threw a punch out as
hard as could sending Loop flying backwards. Then to follow it up Quinn released
another barrage of blood swipes.

\u003c 5/ 20 HP\u003e

\u003c 10/ 20 HP \u003e

\u003c 40 millilitres of blood left in blood bank \u003e

As each of the blood swipes reached Loop's body, he stood his ground reinforcing
his body with bones but not long after he could no longer take any more
punishment and collapsed to the ground.

\u003c Opponent has been defeated \u003e

\u003c 50 exp has been received \u003e


The fight was a lot tougher then Quinn had thought. The only reason why he was
able to be as reckless as he was, was because of his blood bank. Quinn hated to
think about how he would have fought if he didn't have the skill.

Quinn then looked back at Fei who was on the ground. It seemed like after being
bitten by him his targets would stay asleep for some time, which was a good thing
but now it was time for him to feast on a new person.

Quinn walked over to Loop's body and cast his Inspect skill.

\u003cBrandon Richardson \u003e

\u003c Ability: Bone manipulation\u003e

\u003c HP 1/25\u003e

\u003c Blood type: O- \u003e

Finally, Quinn was going to find out what use blood type O had for him.

Chapter 36 Escape

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Chapter 36 Escape

As Quinn looked at Loop's body on the ground, he noticed something strange. His
current health was at 10 Hp and his body was naturally drawn to the blood.
Whenever his health was low, he would get hungrier, that bit was a given but
something that also happened was his two canine teeth would start to grow longer.

When they grow longer it made it easier to pierce his victim's neck. Although Loop
was bleeding and Quinn was able to just drink from the open wound. This would
only give him the extra stat point. He needed a good supply to also fill his blood

When inserting his teeth into his victim, it felt as though he instinctively knew the
best location that would allow him to take as much blood as possible.

Quinn lifted Loop's body from the ground. Only a few inches were separating their

"I don't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing that I'm finding it easier
every time I do this."

Quinn opened his mouth wildly showing his teeth, he brought his mouth near
Loop's neck and finally bit into his neck. A rush of blood entered into his mouth,
the blood tasted sweet.

\u003c 20/20 HP restored \u003e

\u003c O blood type has been consumed \u003e

\u003c 1 free stat point has been added \u003e

\u003c Blood bank has been filled \u003e

Quinn had a few guesses at what the O type would do but this was better than he
had imagined. Quinn quickly opened up his status screen and wanted to decide
what to put the stat into straight away.

\u003c Strength 13 (3) \u003e

\u003c Stamina 12 \u003e

\u003c Agility 13 \u003e

Quinn debated internally for a few minutes whether he should put his stat point
into stamina or not. If he did his stats would become well rounded. But he thought
about all the people who were strong in the world right now. They were usually a
specialist in a certain area. A jack of all trades was something too weak in this day
and age.
Not only that but Quinn felt like his growth would be quicker if he specialized in
strength or Agility. It would allow him to carry on beating weak opponents. Then
when he needed to, he could increase his stamina points at another time. It wasn't
like Quinn was going to be facing an army of opponents any time soon.

\u003c Agility 14 \u003e

In the end, Quinn decided to stick to his original plan and add his stat points into

Quinn stood in place looking at the duos body's wondering what he should do. He
was fairly certain that he had acted fast enough during his fight with Fei. He
hoped that he hadn't seen anything that could give him away, but he couldn't say
the same for Loop.

When Quinn started to inspect Fei's body, he noticed that the bite marks on Fei's
neck from Quinn had already disappeared.

"The doctor said the same thing happened with Layla, perhaps some type of effect
from my ability?" Quinn thought, "Well, that solves that problem, now what to do
with you?" Quinn pondered looking at Loop's body.

Although Quinn wore his mask there was still the chance of someone figuring out
it was him. After all, how many students used gauntlets as a weapon and also would
have a grudge to attack these two.

However, Quinn wasn't that afraid of them finding out his real identity, after all
the school didn't really care if Quinn beat them half to death. Actions like this
were commonplace at the academy.

Quinn wasn't afraid that Loop might tell everyone what he had seen. Even if he
did, no one would believe what he had said. Throughout all of the history of
abilities, there had never been any reports of an ability where someone had to
consume something to gain power. The power had always come from within.

And with no markings on their neck to prove it, they would be treated as madmen
without any type of proof.

While Quinn was in the middle of his thoughts, he was startled when he heard the
door start to open again.

Quinn moved instantly at a lightning speed to try and flee the scene but quickly
stopped when he saw it was someone familiar opening the door.

"There you are," Layla said, she then looked down and noticed the two bodies on
the floor.

"Quick we have to get out of here, the guards will be here any second now!"
Quinn had taken too much time, he wasn't planning to take out two people. When a
student was knocked out in the school or badly beaten the wristwatch was able to
ping their location to the school and inform them, they were hurt.

Then once this message was pinged to them, the guards would pick the student's
up and take them to the hospital.

No one knew how it quite worked as it was amazing, the watch was able to tell how
much health someone had. Rumours were spread that it was an ability of an original
that created the watches.

Quinn and Layla hastily ran down the stairs but stopped as they could hear the
sound of footsteps coming in their direction.

"Oh no! We can't go this way." Layla then started to look around the roof. "I have
a plan, grab me and let's jump."

"Are you crazy!" Quinn said, "Even with my strength from this height, I would at
least break my legs and even if I can heal, I still feel pain!"

"Just trust me, come on, I can use my ability."

Quinn quickly lifted Layla with both arms despite his protest. With his strength,
Layla was lighter than ever. He jumped onto the fence and looked down. The
school was incredibly high, it was at least four stories.

"I'm counting on you," Quinn muttered as he leapt off the building.

As the duo was falling from the rooftop at an incredible speed, Layla closed he
eyes and started to concentrate. Sweat started to form on her brows when
suddenly, the two of them started to decrease in speed. They eventually reached
the ground.

"Hey that was pretty cool, you can fly?" Quinn asked stunned.

"No, my ability isn't that strong yet," Layla replied. "At most I can only slow us
down. Come on let's head back to our rooms."

As the two of them headed to their rooms Quinn explained everything that had
happened on the rooftop.

"Wait what, then aren't you worried that Loop might tell someone what

"Not really, he has nothing to gain from it, without any proof no one would believe
him anyway, but there is one problem. There is the chance that if he does find out
it's me, then he would come back with the others and attack me. I could take
them out one on one, but as a group, I don't feel like I could stand a chance."
"It's true." Layla replied, "A lot of the students have already formed their own
groups and gangs to protect each other, all that's left are the ones that are too
weak to be a part of anything. I know, why don't you create your own group? I
could be like a sub-leader. Of course, we would keep your thing a secret."

"That's not a bad idea, especially if in the future we get targeted even more,
maybe I should ask Vorden if he knows anyone."

The look on Layla's face suddenly dropped as she heard those words.

"That crazy guy, I told you he was bad news Quinn."

"What did something happen?"

"It's best if you hear it from your friend Peter, maybe then you will realize how
bad it was, after all, he saw the whole thing."


In the Doctor's office, the two students who had been beaten on the roof were
currently lying on hospital beds. The single doctor Haley was busy as usual and
especially at night when the guards gathered the beaten students.

"How can the school just let these sorts of things happen, surely there is a better
way." Hayley thought.

As she went to check up on Fei, she noticed he was now sleeping calmly. After
healing the claw marks on him and there wasn't anything unusual. However, when
she looked at Loop, something had caught her eye that concerned her.

In a certain spot on the boy's neck, were two small puncture wounds similar to
that of a snake bite. She had seen these signs before on another student and just
like before the wound was already starting to heal itself.

Hayley then tapped her watch and waited a few moments for it to connect.

"Hey General, I believe there might be a stray beast roaming around the school."

"What, that's impossible, we have seen no signs indicating the presence of one."
The voice on the watch replied.

"But there have been some strange signs on two students, I'm a little bit worried."
Haley said, "Please for me... would just investigate it."

"Fine, fine whatever you want, how can I say no to my daughter."

Just then though as Haley got of her call, two military men came rushing in with
another student on their back soaked in blood.

"Hurry, this student Is in critical condition!" the guard shouted.

They quickly placed the student on the bed and Hayley quickly got to work. She
tried and tried to use her abilities but it was useless, the student was already too
far gone. He had died.

Hayley then tapped her wristwatch once again to open up a digital report log.

"Report, confirming the time of death 9:30 PM, a first-year student named,
Brandon Richardson."

Chapter 37 I'm sorry!

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Chapter 37 I'm sorry!

When Quinn had arrived back in his dorm room, he was surmised to see that
neither Vorden or Peter seemed to be there.

"It's nearly curfew time, I wonder what they're doing out so late?"

It was a shame because Quinn was hoping to either ask Peter or Vorden what
exactly happened between them and Layla but with it getting late and Quinn low on
energy, he decided to get some sleep ahead of the others.

And as soon as his body had hit the bed, he was out in an instant, he didn't even
change his clothes and he just laid there on top of it like an old drunk man.

A few moments later and Peter was the first to arrive back in the dorm room.

He slowly entered the room and didn't even acknowledge the fact that Quinn had
returned. He walked slowly over to his bed and placed the quilt over his head,
slightly shaking.

Then soon after Vorden had arrived. He could see a bulge wrapped underneath the
sheets on peter's bed, then Vorden noticed that Quinn was sleeping.

As Vorden looked at Quinn's peaceful face he smiled.

"Looks like you were fine," Vorden whispered to himself. "I'm sorry."
Each one of them was dealing with their own problems, yet not one of them knew
of the others. With a lot on their mind and no one to share it with, they had to
sleep with their demons that night.

As Quinn woke up he was greeted with his usual morning message.

\u003cDaily quest complete: Avoid direct sunlight for eight hours. \u003e

\u003c135/400 Exp\u003e

Quinn was satisfied with his growth in strength, however, he couldn't say the
same about his levelling speed. He was currently only level three and had two skills
he could use. Unlike other abilities where they gave you the control of something,
Quinn's skills were a one action type thing. IF Quinn wanted to be on an even
playing field with the higher-level ability users then Quinn would need more skills.

After fighting with Loop yesterday Quinn realised he needed a few things. The
first was he needed to get better at fighting. Although his skills had been fine
with defeating low levels so far, he couldn't say the same when it came to
opponents who knew how to fight.

It was only because of Quinn's blood bank yesterday that he was able to win the
fight and fight recklessly. This meant he needed to learn some hand to hand
combat skills. The second thing was he couldn't go out fighting students every

Yesterday was a close call and he still didn't know if Loop knew it was him or not
who attacked. If he wanted to keep this a secret, he would have to limit his
activity at night. Or get strong enough so he didn't have to rely on the gauntlets
which were a dead giveaway.

That left him with a new goal. When checking out the system Quinn remembered
that there was a shop function that would only open at level 10. This was now
Quinn's new target, he had no idea what the shop would detail but so far the
system hadn't let him down.

When Vorden had woken up he acted like his usual self as he always had done in
front of Quinn.

"Hey did you get a good sleep?" Vorden asked, "When I came in yesterday you
were completely knocked out."

"Yeah, I was pretty worn out yesterday after combat classes."

"I heard you got in an accident, is everything okay?" Vorden asked.

"As you can see, I have made a complete recovery you don't need to worry about
"Hey, seriously though, Quinn if you're getting bullied or hurt just tell me. I know
we said not to help each other out so the second-year students wouldn't get
involved but I can handle them don't worry."

Quinn smiled back at Vorden. He couldn't understand what Layla was so worried
about. The Vorden in front of him now was the Vorden Quinn grew to like. Sure, he
seemed to have his problems and lash out at times but who didn't?

Not wanting to ruin the nice atmosphere between the two of them, Quinn decided
that he would ask Peter once the two of them were alone what happened. Besides
if he asked Vorden there was the chance he would get a one-sided view of the

As Peter woke up Vorden greeted him too, but Peter only said very few words
back. Now even Peter was acting strangely Quinn thought.

"Is everything okay Peter?" Quinn asked

"Huh, Yeah I'm fine," Peter replied as he got dressed into a new uniform, a little
bit spaced out.

The three of them then started to head to the canteen and as they were walking
through the hallways. Quinn had spotted someone who he didn't want to see first
thing in the morning, it was Loop.

But as the two of them locked eyes, Loop instantly started to break out into a
sweat and his hands were shaking uncontrollably. When the two walked by each
other, Loop stopped and called out to Quinn.

"Hey is it okay to talk to you, in private?" Loop asked.

Quinn immediately started to look around to see if there were any of Loop's
friends nearby. If Loop was calling out to him it was most likely because he had
figured out that Quinn was the one who had attacked him and Fei.

Quinn had put this into his calculations that they might group up to attack him but
he didn't think something would happen so soon. However, when he looked around
there was no site of Brandon or even Fei nearby.

With multiple students surrounding them, Quinn felt like it was unlikely that Loop
would try anything here, and even if he did, he could at least defend himself
without reviling his skills.

"Hey is everything okay?" Vorden said in a stern voice not breaking eye contact
with Loop.

"Yeah it's fine Vorden, you two go ahead I'll catch up with you in a bit."
As Vorden and Peter walked away, Vorden couldn't help himself, he kept staring
back at where Quinn was.

The two of them then walked off to a nearby classroom just down the hallway to
the canteen. It was breakfast time so classes hadn't started yet and the
classrooms were empty. Of course, Quinn made sure to stay by the door just in
case Loop started to attack. That way he could run out into the hall where the
rest of the students were.

Loop stood there nervous and fidgeting, it seemed like he was struggling to get his
words out, until he finally spoke.

"I'm sorry about yesterday," Loop said as he bowed. "I know we hurt you in
training and you probably coming back at us for revenge but please forgive me."

Quinn was speechless, this was unexpected and he didn't have a clue what was
going on.

"I Promise I won't tell anyone about your secret, please whatever you do just let
me live. I won't bother you again and no one will ever know anything happened."

Although Quinn had his suspicions that this was all an act. It seemed like Loop was
genuine, either that or he was the best actor in the world. But what Quinn didn't
understand was what on earth had happened to get Loop to act like this.

"Thanks for keeping my secret, besides I don't really have a grudge against you.
Although your friends were the one to act on me, you didn't do anything. You were
just trying to help your friends." Quinn said.

"Thank you, thank you for sparing me," Loop said. "I promise if you need anything,
I will help you, I just don't want what happened to Brandon happening to me."

"Brandon?" Quin said confused, "What happened to Brandon?"

Chapter 38 Crazy Boy

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Chapter 38 Crazy Boy

At first, Loop was confused by the words that had come out of Quinn's mouth.
There were two possible reasons he could be acting like this. Either Quinn was
just pretending not to know or when Brandon entered the hospital, he was still
alive at the time. Meaning Quinn thought Brandon was still alive after attacking

"Look I promise I'll keep your secret, I know you attacked Fei because of what
happened at the weapons hall, it had to be you. Who else would attack him and
have gauntlets like you? So you decided to go after Brandon next after taking
down me." Fei explained. "Look I just want to continue living in school as normal, I
don't want any drama. I don't know why you're hiding behind that fake power level
of yours but please, I just don't want to get involved and I'll stay out of your

Quinn was trying his best to process the information he had just been told. Right
now a student had died. To be honest, he wasn't really sure what the process or
punishment was for a student's death and at the same time, he didn't want to find

If the other students were to learn about the attacks on Fei and Brandon, they
would naturally assume it might have been Quinn wanting payback. However, the
one thing that would make them doubt that, was the fact that he was only a level 1

Right now, only Loop knew his secret, so it was no wonder Loop was afraid of him.
With all this information, for now, Quinn felt it was best to play along.

"You don't have to worry." Said Quinn, "Like you said you were only protecting
your friend and you didn't actually do anything to hurt me during the combat class.
As long as you stay out of my way, I will stay at of yours."

"Thank you," Loop said as he bowed down and left the room.

After Loop had left there was a thought lingering on Quinn's mind. Just who did
kill Brandon? Was their anyone in the school that had a grudge against him? They
had only been at the school a few days and the school purposely made sure no one
knew each other before sending them here.

It was hard for Quinn to come up with a suspect, all he knew about Brandon was
what had happened at the combat classes. If a petty person like him was able to
plan an attack like that, then perhaps he had made many enemies already.

After finishing his talk, Quinn headed to the canteen to catch up with his other
two roommates but when he entered the canteen. Instead of seeing Vorden and
Peter sitting together like usual. Vorden was sitting on his own and there was no
sign of Peter.

Quinn quickly grabbed his food and decided to sit next to Vorden.

"Hey, aren't you worried about the second years coming to attack you?" Vorden

"From the looks of it people will continue to bother us anyway, so we might as well
live how we want." Quinn replied, "Hey so where's Peter, didn't you two come here

"You're looking in the wrong places," Vorden said as he pointed in a different

section of the canteen.

The two of them were sat in the low-level section where the level 1 and twos would
usually sit. This was where Peter would usually come to join them as well. But the
direction Vorden had pointed in was the higher-level tables, the level 4 and 5
tables and sitting next to them was Peter.

"What is he doing over there? Are they targeting him?" Quinn asked.

"Who knows, when Peter entered the canteen, he looked and me and said, I'm
going to hang out with some new friends I made the other day. I asked him if he
needed help and he said not to worry."

As the two watched Peter hang out with the others though, it seemed like he was
getting on with them well. He wasn't being asked to grab food or carry their
things like the other lower power levels in other groups.

"Well maybe we should just keep an eye on them for now, it doesn't look like he's
in trouble and we can always ask him about it later."

Just then though as Quinn and Vorden were busy eating their food at their table.
Another tray of food was slammed down.

"I hope you two don't mind but I have come to join you," Layla said as she sat

As soon as Layla sat at her seat, she couldn't stop staring at Vorden and the same
was true for him. In the middle of the two was Quinn. He could feel the heat and
tension in the air with both of them and he didn't have a clue what happened.

"So I see that hole in your leg healed up nicely," Layla said

Vorden face started to twitch slightly.

"Hahaha, what are you talking about, sorry my name's Vorden I don't believe we
have met," Vorden said pulling out his hand for a shake.
"You are crazy if you think I'm going to shake your hand and you're just going to
pretend nothing happened are you?" Layla then turned to Quinn. "Quinn can you
not see this guy is crazy yet?"

"Don't call me crazy," Vorden said slowly saying each word.

"Hey, hey, I think you both need to calm down," Said Quinn feeling like any second
now the two were going to clash in the canteen. "I don't even know what happened
between the two of you, please explain?"

"This Crazy boy attacked me when I went to your room last night, look," Layla said
as she pulled down her uniform slightly to reveal the red marks on her neck. "I
keep telling you Quinn, he's dangerous, leave him."

Vorden was visibly shaking at this point but it was hard to tell if it was with anger
or something else.

"I said don't call me Crazy" And again just like last time. Vorden slowly said each
word, one by one.

Chapter 39 Tutorial

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Chapter 39 Tutorial

Judging by the tone of Vorden's voice, it felt like he was going to snap at any
second and Layla was prepared for it. She kept her senses on high alert ready to
use her ability any second now. Even Quinn was unsure about what Vorden was
about to do.

"Vorden, is what Layla said true did you attack her?" Quinn asked in a soft voice
hoping to diffuse the situation.

After hearing Quinn Vorden stopped shaking and lifted his head up.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry about attacking you, When I saw Quinn's blood, I thought
that maybe the attacker had come back to get revenge. I thought you might have
come in to attack Me and Peter as well." Vorden explained, "I don't know if you
know this but Peter is only a level one, and even though my indicator says I'm a
level five, I have to touch people to use my abilities. When you came through the
door, I had no choice but to act first."

"How can we even believe you?" Layla said still annoyed by the whole thing. It was
clear to her that Vorden was unstable. It was as if his mood and mind were
changing all the time. Just seconds ago she felt like Vorden was going to attack
her again and all of a sudden he's calm, Layla wasn't buying it.

However, Even Quinn felt like Vorden was acting strange, it seemed like Vorden
was always trying to hide something. When Vorden was asked about what happened
between him and the second years, and even now with what had happened between
him and Layla.

"I'll just leave you to be for now," Vorden said "I'm sorry about what happened.
Quinn if you need anything just let me know." He then got out from his seat and
left the two of them alone.

"Do you see what I mean?" Layla said, "The man is unstable, I understand he might
have protected you a few times and he hasn't hurt you yet, but someone like him
can hurt you at any time."

Quinn knew what Layla was saying was right. This wasn't the first time Quinn had
seen Vorden lash out and it didn't seem like it would be the last either. But for
some reason, Quinn was unafraid of Vorden like the others.

All the acts of aggression that Quinn felt, it never felt like it was aimed towards

In the hallway, while Vorden was heading to his elemental combat class, He
decided to quickly step into an empty classroom on the way. He leaned up against
the wall and took a deep breath. As he looked at his hand, blood could be seen.

Vorden had clenched his fist so hard that his own fingernails had pierced his palm.

"Why did you get in my way, we could have taught that girl a lesson."

"What did I tell you, it's because of you we're in this mess in the first place. You
attacked her. It's our fault, to begin with."

"Fine, but you understand that if you keep suppressing us, the little one's anger
will only build up. The more he thinks Quinn is trying to get away the angrier he
will be and then when he takes over. There is nothing me and you can do."

"I won't let it get to that point."

"I'm sorry Quinn for getting you involved in this, but you were just unlucky the
little one chose you."
With breakfast over and done with, it was time for Layla and Quinn to head to
their beast weapons class. When they entered the room, Fei, Brandon and Loop
where nowhere to be seen. Of course, Fei and Brandon were banned from the class
and Loop had decided to make a transfer to another Combat class. Loop just
wanted to be as far away from Quinn as possible.

Leo stood at the front of the class and was prepared to give out his instructions
for today's class.

"Now for today's lesson, it will be individual practise. You have fought for the last
couple of days with your weapon. Now you must learn how to get the hang of it.
How to make it a part of you. Maybe come up with unique ideas to combine the use
of your ability with the weapon. Then tomorrow you shall put today's hard work
into practice."

With that, everyone went into a separate space with their weapon. A few of the
students sat down and started to think about how they could use their ability with
their weapon. One student covered their whip in flames making a fire whip,
another held a shield and managed to alter its shape to form spikes.

While Quinn had no clue what to do. His only skill was easy to use and there wasn't
much to do with it other than swing his hand but what Quinn wanted to do more
than anything, was learn how to fight.

"I wish there was someone who could teach me how to use these things," Quinn
said as he sighed.

\u003c Request of Combat lesson activated \u003e

\u003c A suitable weapon is currently in use \u003e

\u003c Hand to hand combat Lv. 1 Will now be shown \u003e

Just then as Quinn said those words, he seemed to have activated something
within the system. In front of his eyes, a video started to play.

Quinn quickly looked around him to see if anyone else could see what he was seeing
but he seemed to be the only one.

In the video stood a single tall long-haired blonde man, in a large empty room. On
his both of hand's he wore two gauntlets similar to Quinn's but looked a lot more
powerful and his beauty was unmatched. Something Quinn had never said about a
boy before.

There was one other thing that Quinn noticed and it was his piercing red eyes.

"Hello and welcome to hand to hand combat classes for beginners," The blonde
man said in a cheery voice. "I don't know how much time has passed but if you have
come across this video, that means you're one of us. And I hope that the
information that is being provided isn't useless in your day and age."

The appearance of the man and the man's words made Quinn think about who
exactly the man was in a video and he had good reason to believe that he was a

Chapter 40 Taken away

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Chapter 40 Taken away

As Quinn diligently watched the blonde man in the video, he noticed several things
that he read about in fantasy novels that all pointed to the tall man being a
vampire. The ghastly pale skin, the beautiful looks and finally, the red eyes. Not
only that but the man in the video also stated that Quinn was one of them.

If Quinn was trying to understand the meaning behind his words, the man was
stating that he was a Vampire. Although there was also some other strange
wording the man had said as well. The fact that he didn't know how much time had
passed. Did it mean the video was made a long time ago, was the man in the video
even still alive?

For now, Quinn had to put all of the questions he had to the side, as there was
nothing he could do to confirm it.

The video continued to play, and the tall blonde man started to speak again.

"To whomever, this video happens to be shown to, I will now demonstrate a set of
skills that you should be able to perform at your level. Our kind and or abilities
work best when we use a weapon that covers our hands."

The man then proceeded to get into a fighting stance.

"I will cover two sets of basic moves and it's up to you to learn them and figure
out how to use them in fights. If you forget, feel free to open up your system at
any time and watch the videos again."
"The first move is a defensive move; I call it Flash step. To perform this, if the
system has been set up correctly, you will need at least 15 points of agility."

The man then proceeded to perform the flash step. He crouched down and moved
to another corner of the room in an instant, at the same time an afterimage of him
was being shown.

"Now this skill uses up a lot of stamina so even if you have enough Agility points to
perform this skill, be careful not to wear yourself out. I would only use it when
avoiding a fatal blow or going in for an attack. Please also make note that although
the move is fast and hard to be seen by the naked eye, at most it can only move
you at the distance of five meters."

Looking at the move, Quinn straight away realised how handy it would be to have
something like this. In his last fight against Loop, he could have avoided several
blows at the last second. The only thing was it was a shame that Quinn currently
didn't have enough Agility points to practise the move.

"The next skill I will show you is the Hammer strike."

Once again, the man got in a fighting stance, this time he lifted his right foot and
slammed it onto the ground while at the same time he pulled back his left hand and
threw out his right hand. All of this was done in one smooth motion. Just from
watching the video, Quinn could see that the air had slightly moved."

"Cool right," the man said smiling. "For this skill, you will need at least 15 strength
as well. That is all for today, when you are ready, the next set of hand to hand
combat classes will be unlocked for you. If you want a slowed down and more
detailed version of these videos, they will be saved in your system. Good luck my
friend and I wish you all the best."

After the man had finished talking the video immediately ended. As Quinn opened
up his system there was now an extra Tab that stated tutorial and in it, were two
videos of the skills he had just been shown. When watching the videos, it was just
as the man had said.

The video contained slowed down versions of the skills the man had recently
performed, there was even detailed commentary on how the skills would work and
what you needed to do.

Quinn couldn't help but think who this guy was. The way he spoke clearly meant he
knew about the system. Did that mean he was the creator of the Book Quinn's
parents had left him?

But it was hard for Quinn to remember meeting anyone like the man in the video.
He didn't even know what his parents faces looked like that well.
Whatever it was, he was happy that the system was starting to help him out more.
He felt like the system at first had given him a hard time giving him Quests to
drink blood and drawbacks such as halving his stats while in the sun.

But now Quinn was starting to feel happy that he had discovered the system more
than ever.

Quinn immediately started to watch the Hammer strike video. As long as he wore
the gauntlets, he technically had more than 15 strength. He wasn't sure if that
counted but there was no harm in trying.

But as Quinn was watching the video, Leo had come up and approached him.

"Quinn, I'm afraid I have some bad news." Leo said, that's when Quinn also
noticed two military men were standing behind."

"I'm afraid you will have to follow these men; they have a few questions they
would like to ask you. Don't worry I will be coming to."

With that one guard held Quinn, while the other held Leo.

"Hey, what's going on over there." The students said noticing the commotion.

"Is he being taken somewhere?"

"Students we shall be back in while." Said Leo, "Please continue to watch and if I
spot any of you slacking or breaking the rules, you know the consequences."

A few moments later and the two of them were teleported into a small square
room. There were no windows and a few lights above them. Inside the room was a
single table with a hooded female sat on one side and an empty chair on the other.
Standing behind the female was a man who had the rank of general on his clothing.

"Please sit." The general said.

Quinn did as he was told and sat in the empty seat, but with the atmosphere, in
the room, he couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Don't look so worried boy, as long as you have done nothing wrong, you have
nothing to worry about."

Chapter 41 Was it you?
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Chapter 41 Was it you?

A million thoughts started to race through Quinn's mind. Had they found out
about his ability? Were they going to force him to give it up and hand it over? Or
had loop informed them that he had killed Brandon and they were now going to
punish him for it.

Although Quinn was trying his best to calm down, it was nearly impossible. As he
sat in the seat, he could feel his heart beating as if it was trying to escape from
his chest.

"Boy, calm down," Leo said, "I think even the others can hear your heartbeat."

"Now before we begin, I would like to inform you of a few things." The Sargent
said. "A student by the name of Brandon Richardson has passed away recently.
Now your teacher here has informed me that he and another student Named Fei
Lan had attacked you during combat classes yesterday. Now not only has one of
the students passed away but Fei was also admitted to the hospital late last

So it was something to do with Brandon's death after all.

"We currently have no leads to what happened to Brandon, so that eventually led
us to you. Although its hard to believe someone with no ability like you could do
something like this, there is always a way. The woman sitting opposite you here has
the ability to detect whether someone is telling the truth or not. Now please
proceed with her demands".

"It's okay," the lady said, "I just need you to place your hand over mine."

As Quinn placed his hand over hers, he suddenly felt a calming feeling enter his

\u003c An Ability has been detected \u003e

\u003c Unable to block the user's ability \u003e

"Now tell me, did you kill Brandon Richardson last night?" She asked.

The calming feeling allowed Quinn to answer naturally. He felt like he was suddenly
floating on top of clouds.

"No, I did not."

The woman carried on holding Quinn's hand and eventually let go.

"He's telling the truth."

"As I said, I couldn't believe he would do something like this." Leo said, "I mean
how would it even be possible, he's only a level one."

"It looks like we no longer have any leads. It's a shame but an accident like this
happens from time to time. It is expected." The Sargent said. "I'm sorry for
wasting your time, feel free to head back to class."

With the questioning over the two guards grabbed Leo and Quinn by the arm once
again and a few moments later were teleported back to the Weapons hall.

"Boy your heartbeat was starting to give me doubts that you were hiding
something. "Said Leo, "But I'm glad you were not the culprit otherwise I would
have lost a promising student."

With that said, Leo started to walk around the room and give advice out to the
other students. That's when Layla had come over to where Quinn was.

"What happened, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, it seems like it will be for now at least," Quinn replied.

Quinn explained to Layla what had happened at the integration. At first, she was
even shocked to hear that Brandon had died but was happy to find out that Quinn
was now completely cleared of suspicion. But as she thought about it more, she
started to think who in their right mind would be crazy enough to kill a student
and for what reason.

"Hey Quinn, you might not like what I'm about to say but do you think maybe
Vorden did it?"

"What makes you say that, did something happen between Vorden and Brandon/"

"No I mean, is it not strange that Vorden approached you in the first place, He's a
level 5 user while you're just a level one and when he attacked me the other day
he kept shouting about you. And trust me the guy seems crazy enough to do
something like that?"

"Really, but why? It's not like me and Vorden have known each other for long. Do
you really think anyone would go to the extreme just for something like this?"

"Yeah even if I do think he's crazy, I don't think he's that crazy."

With that, the two continued to practise their combat classes. Although Quinn
was trying his best to learn the hammer strike move, he couldn't concentrate. He
kept thinking about the words that Layla had said. Right now there were no
suspects to Brandon's death and Vorden had acted oddly a view times.
And the last thing was the fact that Vorden wasn't in his room when Quinn arrived
back last night. Just what was he doing so late?

As the combat classes had ended, Layla and Quinn decided to hang out with each
other for a while. There were a few tests both of them wanted to do with Quinn's
ability. Quinn wanted to find a way to stop the sun from affecting him and learn
about it more.

While Layla wanted to see if there was any way she could be turned into a vampire.
But as they walked out of the Weapons hall and out onto the ground floor. Them
and several other first-year students had been stopped.

The people stopping them were second-year students and they had asked al the
first-year students to gather at the assembly hall.

"Just what is going on?" Layla said.

"I have no idea," Quin replied

Of course, the second-year students were powerful and the first-year students
had no choice but to agree. Even the higher power levels had agreed to come
afraid something might happen.

Around a hundred of the first-year students had gathered in the assembly hall,
around them was not a single teacher but just several of the second-year
students. Up on the stage, the curtains were drawn and in front of it stood Momo.

"Welcome every single one of you." Momo said, "Today we have a special event, a
special message to all you first years. You see there has been someone going
around trying to go against us, thinking he can break the precious system that has
been around for years in this school. I am here to tell you that this is what
happens to those who do not obey."

Momo pulled down on a piece of string and the curtains on the stage started to be
open up, as the curtains moved away slowly it started to reveal a student who had
been tied up and placed on a large piece of wood. The student was bloody and had
markings of being beaten everywhere.

"Vorden?!" Quinn said.

Chapter 42 Target Practise
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Chapter 42 Target Practise

Finally, the first-year students had gathered in the assembly hall as asked. There
was chatter amongst themselves as there seemed to be no sign of any teachers
and only the second-year students. It was easy to tell the difference between
years with students, as there was a rank embed on their shirt that told the

"Is everyone here?" Momo Asked.

"Yes, everyone from Del's class and the weapon's combat class should be here."

"Let's start the show then."

At that moment Momo pulled a piece of string pulling back the curtains reviling
what was behind them. As the curtains were drawn, a badly beaten up Vorden was
on display, tied to a large wooden plank.

Just then several of the second-year students pulled out carts that seemed to be
filled with large black circular stones. Momo picked up one of the round balls and
held it in his hand.

"This here is a metal ball that had been embedded with the power of a beast
crystal." Said Momo, "When the earth had found a way to mix the beast crystal
with our own weapons, it was a turning point in the war, but what they don't teach
you as first years, is that beast weapons need to be activated with your ability.
Once activated they can give out extra power. The higher the beast crystal used
to make the weapon, the higher the power."

Quinn watching the whole thing couldn't help but look at the badly beaten up
Vorden. He was wondering how on earth Momo could stand there and talk so
casually as if he was giving a presentation to the whole class.

"So us second years have decided to give you from the beast weapons class and
some of you other first-year students a shortcut. Today we will show you how to
activate a beast weapon using these balls."

That's when a first-year student raised his hand to ask a question.

"Um excuse me, but does any of the teachers know about this?"
For a moment there was silence, even the first years couldn't believe why
someone would ask that in this situation. It was obvious that this was being done
behind the teacher's backs.

Then a second-year student had come from the side of the assembly hall and
immediately punched the student who asked the question in the face. The second-
year student repeatedly punched the person until he eventually passed out.

"Are there any more questions?" Momo asked.

The first-year students stood there silent in fear. They didn't want to say
anything especially after they had seen what happened to the boy who had just
asked a question.

"Good." Momo said before continuing, "Now to explain, these beast stones here
were made with the purpose to help you activate your equipment so, to be honest,
they're quite useless but they are handy for demonstrating. Just like when you
activate your ability in your body, you need to concentrate on the ball in front of
you. Think of it as a part of your body and focus your ability on it."

The stone ball being held in Momo's hand suddenly went from a black to a green

"Now usually your weapons wouldn't change colour when activated but as I said
earlier these balls are you just for the sake of helping you learn how to activate
your weapons. Once the colour has changed that means it has been activated and
its strength has increased. Now today we will be practising, target hitting."

The second-year students then moved Vorden down from the stage and onto the
floor with the other first-year students.

"The bored here is special you see, even a bullet wouldn't be able to penetrate
through it, only the power of a beast weapon can, so today's lesson is to throw the
ball and hit the target. Simple right?"

"What, is this really allowed?"

"Won't we get into trouble for doing something like this."

"What do you mean, the teachers don't care when we got beat before why would
they care about something like this now. The second years are doing this only
because they know they can get away with it. They have been here longer than us."

Momo started to look at the crowd, when his eyes finally had met with Quinn's.

"Oh, I almost forgot, the crazy boy here has been targeting us second years one
by one, thinking we wouldn't notice. Not only did he not head our warning but he
completely ignored it and came after us. We dealt with him in this very hall back
then but he still didn't listen. Now, this is a warning to you all. This is what
happens to those who try to disrupt the flow in school."

The second years then poured out the crates of black beast stones and they all
fell out and rolled onto the ground floor. There were more than enough stones
there for each student to throw at least one ball at Vorden.

"Now who wants to go first." One of the second students said. "Hurry now if no
one want's to volunteer then I will just have to pick one of you."

As expected not a single person had volunteered. The students were cruel to
those who were weaker to them but not like this. Usually, it would be a case of
just better treatment but it seemed like the second years were targeting Vorden.
Whatever Vorden had done, he really had annoyed them.

"Alright then, you the girl with the brown hair, you go first." The second-year
student said as he put one of the balls in her hand.

"I… I can't," She said.

"Really, well if you can't then why don't we place you on the bored instead?"

The girl's face suddenly sunk. She was only a level 2 ability user and she had taken
her fair share of punishment but this seemed too much and she didn't want to be
on the receiving end of it.

The girl then started to look to around her side to see if anyone, a single person
would stand up for her, but they all looked away trying to avoid eye contact.

"Good, you know what to do now right?"

As the girl looked at the ball in her hand she started to concentrate. The ball then
started to light up the faintest shade of green possible.

"To be expected of only a level 2 user, a weak colour. Oh well, not to worry, if you
throw hard enough the ball will still hit its target so don't worry. Now if you hit
the boy on the board, we will give you a perfect score."

The female hesitated for a bit as she closed her eyes.

"Throw it!" the boy said.

Knowing that she could delay it no longer. she threw the ball with all her strength,
however, the ball was heavy and managed to just fall short of where Vorden was,
not even reaching him.

"Get out of here." The boy said and the female quickly left. "Next!"

The next student was a male, he had the ability level of 2.5 but when he held the
ball it managed to change in colour more activating the beast core's powers. Unlike
the female, the boy didn't hesitate as much, as he had much time to think about
what he needed to do.

He threw the ball hard and the ball managed to hit Vorden straight in the
stomach. The impact was hard and Vorden, coughed out blood over the floor.

"You see that, now that was perfect, that is exactly how everyone should throw
the ball."

Layla and Quinn had been at the back this whole time watching everything. As
they were one of the last ones to enter the room and even though Layla had her
grudges against Vorden, she knew this wasn't right.

"Those Bastards, how could they do something like that, Quinn go call Leo, if it's
him he might stop this mess." But as Layla turned around to look at where Quinn
was, he was nowhere to be seen.

"Pick me! I want to give it a try." Quinn said with a smile. standing at the front of
the students.

Just what was the crazy boy thinking, Layla was stunned as she watched Quinn.

Chapter 43 Fighting Back

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Chapter 43 Fighting Back

As Quinn volunteered himself next, Nano couldn't help but think he was up to
something. He knew the two of them were friends so why would he volunteer?

In a way, this whole demonstration was to show the first years that they were to
obey the second year's command.

Every year it had become a sort of tradition at the academy. A similar thing had
happened to them when they were first years. A display that there was a power
far greater than them and they were not to become cocky.
To show them that there was something greater ahead, this would draw them to
the fact that they needed more power.

It would strive for them to work harder. It was never meant to get this far. At
first, they had given Voorden a simple warning.

Then Vorden was the one who first started to attack the second years. At the
time Nano and the others decided to show them his place. They dealt with Vorden
on his own or so they thought. He continued to disobey their commands and still
came after weaker second-year students one by one.

That's when they decided to punish him publicly, this way it would solve all future
trouble makers and showed them what happened to them.

Quinn started to look around at all the second years in the room. There were a
total of eight second-year students standing by the edge of the hall, four on each
side that had around fifty first-year students surrounded. There were also two
students by Vorden, one on each side of the board. These students were the
weakest of the bunch.

Each of them had a power level 2 displayed on the watches. Even though they were
second years they all followed Momo which meant they were weaker than him.
There was the chance that they had already learnt how to use a soul weapon but it
was unlikely.

They had only just become second years so there wasn't much chance for them to
learn anything. However, the real problem was Momo and the people by his side.
Momo stood there with the power Level of six and the two beside him where Level

It was unlikely that any of the first years would help Quinn out and even the
strongest first year in the room was Erin and even she was a level five. It was no
wonder even though the first years outnumbered them they were afraid.

As Quinn held the ball in his hand a message had appeared.

\u003c Basic tier beast weapon: Round ball \u003e

\u003c Would you like to activate? \u003e

\u003c Strength of weapon will increase by five percent \u003e

The Percentage stood out to him, it was the same number his gauntlets gave when
using them. Perhaps Quinn didn't need to figure out how to activate the beast
weapons as Momo had said. It seemed like the system would do everything for him.

The black ball started to glow, it glowed brighter than any of the balls the other
students had held before.

"How is that possible, he was able to activate the basic tier weapon fully?" Momo
thought, "That means its strength has increased by at least five percent. If he
had a higher tier weapon I wonder if he could the same. Wasn't he just a useless
level 1?"

Quinn then walked in front of where Vorden was standing. There was now a good
five meters of distance between the two.

"Why do we have these powers." Quinn said out loud, "Isn't it to protect
ourselves, to fight those who harm our friends and family."

Vorden hearing Quinn's words started to lift his head. he had a feeling he knew
what Quinn was planning to do.

"Quinn? No, don't what are you doing?" Vorden mumbled but was unheard.

"I have taken a beating my whole life and I was weak back then, what do I care if
I take another beating now."

Quinn then chucked the ball using all his strength as hard as he could. With the 16
points of strength and the added 5 percent power, the ball came out lightning fast
as it left his fingertips.

Instead of the ball hitting Vorden though like everyone suspected, it landed
straight in the student's stomach standing by the side of the board.

The power was so strong that the student was lifted off his feet and knocked out
in one blow.

\u003c 50 exp gained \u003e

\u003c 175/400 Exp \u003e

"What the hell are you guys doing standing there, get him!" Momo shouted.

Quinn knew there wasn't much he could do against all the second-year students so
he wanted to create as much havoc as possible. The two-level four students who
stood by Momo side started to come towards him but instead of Quinn running
toward them, he suddenly ran towards the crowd of first-years behind him.

He bent down and picked up two more of the black balls on the floor and started
to head for the weaker students around the side while weaving in between the
first-year students. Then when he was within distance, he had found his targets.

The weak level twos who were standing by the side.

Once again he threw out another two black balls aiming for them at full strength,
one of the students managed to avoid the black ball but the other wasn't so lucky
getting hit and knocked out.

\u003c 50 exp gained\u003e

\u003c 225/ 400 Exp \u003e

This was Quinn's plan, so far every level up Quinn was able to obtain an ability, he
didn't know what he would get but he sure hoped it would help him win the fight.
There were enough second-year students for him to take on to cause a level up.

He then went back into the crowd to pick up even more balls while making sure to
use the other students as cover.

"What are you guys doing, to anyone who manages to hit or capture that guy they
will be free from any form of punishment!" Mono said.

The first-year students started to look at each other. They didn't want to be
involved in the first place and were unsure of what to do.

"Why should we listen to you." Layla said, "Just a second ago you dealt with one of
us for asking a question, who knows whether we can trust you or not."

"Fine you don't want to help, attack them all."

Just then the two-level four students who were chasing after Quinn no longer
cared about injuring the first years. The two people started to gather up their
abilities. One of them swung out their arm and with it, a large line of water came
out at them.

But before it could even reach any of the students, an ice ball was shot out and
froze the water attack in place, causing it to fall to the ground.

The person responsible stepped forward and drew her sword out.

"I wasn't going to get involved but you guys attacked me first," Erin said.

"Hah even if you're a level higher than us, do you really think you can take on two-
level fours."

Just then an arrow came shooting out aiming for one of the students but before it
could reach him, an earth wall was raised.

"She won't be alone," Layla said.

To be honest, at first, Layla wasn't planning to get involved. If Quinn wanted to

take a beating there was no reason for her to get one with him. However, she too
had experienced mistreatment in the school.
Layla had no idea how strong Quinn really was but felt like he must have had some
sought of a plan to fight back and it now looked like the first year students were
going to get hurt anyway.

With Layla and Erin distracting the other high levels in the room, Quinn felt like
this was his chance to deal with the rest of the level twos. However, it wasn't
going to be as easy as he thought.

Out from the side, a long thin object came lashing out at him.

Is was too fast for Quinn to react causing him to be hit across his body. Not only
did the attack pierce his chest but it also sent him tumbling to the ground.

\u003c 13/20 HP\u003e

"7 points of HP with one attack, just what was that?" Quinn thought looking at
what had just hit him.

Coming towards him was Momo, in his hand, he held a beast weapon whip by his

"You have caused so much trouble." Momo said, "I don't know how you can activate
the beast weapons so well, and your surprise attacks seemed to work but you will
always be a weak level one."

Before Quinn could even get up, he was already surrounded by the other six
second-year students.

Vorden watching the whole thing from the board felt useless.

"I have to help him, he's only getting hurt because of me this is all my fault,"
Vorden said.

"If you want to help him, then let me take over." A voice said in Vorden's head.

Chapter 44 Finally Free

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Chapter 44 Finally Free

Inside the assembly hall, there was one boy who was unsure of what to do and that
was Peter. He had been there the whole time from the very beginning but chose to
hide in the crowd so he wouldn't get picked. When he saw Quinn come to the stage
to try help Vorden, he felt even more guilty.

Why? Because the whole reason Vorden was tied up on the slab in the first place
was because of him. The other day when the second years came to see Peter, they
had come with a proposal. Help them get Vorden to come to the assembly hall and
he would be protected by the second years.

Of course, Peter felt like he had no choice. If he refused the second years there
and then, they would have tortured him until he agreed anyway. So what was the
use of fighting back if the end result was the same?

After their combat classes had finished, Peter had asked Vorden to go with him to
the assembly hall to help him further practise. When they entered the room, the
second-year students included Momo where hiding waiting for him.

When the time was right, they all came out at once and jumped him. But what had
surprised Peter was in that instant, Vorden had turned and pushed Peter out of
the way.

"Run, I'm sorry this is all my fault," Vorden said.

Vorden thought the second years had targeted him because of what he had been
doing in his free time. He had been fighting the second-year students when they
were all on their own, trying to weaken Momo's gang one by one.

Not knowing what to do, Peter ran out of the room, only later to return with
everyone else. Then when he saw Quinn, someone who was just as weak as him,
stand up to the second years, Peter felt a pain in his heart so strong. He had
betrayed them.

But Peter was going to make things right, while no one was looking and everyone
attention was focused on the fights around them, Peter had managed to leave the
assembly hall.

Meanwhile, at the centre of the assembly hall, Erin and Layla were busy
confronting the two-level four students.

The first years had spread out making sure not to get hurt in the crossfire but at
the same time doing nothing to help. It was unclear who the winner would be and
they felt like if they joined the wrong side it would only make things worse for
"Hey, do you mind if we switch." One of the second-year students said, "My water
abilities are weak against her?"

"I see so you want the level, 2 user, huh." The other student replied. "Oh well, just
finish her off quickly."

With that, the two-second years charged in for the attack. The water ability user
went after Layla, while the earth user went after Erin.

As the earth user got closer, he stomped the ground and a spiked earth mound
followed, heading right for Erin. But Erin remained calm, as the spike came
towards her, she slashed her sword and with a single strike, cut the spike in half
causing it to fall to the ground.

"What the? That beast weapon, if it cut through my earth ability is it an advanced
tier beast weapon?��� The earth user thought.

However, he didn't have much time to think, with her other hand Erin had formed
an ice spear and threw it towards her opponent. The earth user lifted his arms
causing a wall of earth blocking the attack.

He then moved his hands apart and at the same time the wall he had created, split
in two but when the view in front of him was clear, Erin was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, he felt his legs start to feel cold. When he looked down, he noticed
they were starting to freeze.

"For a second-year level four earth user, you are incredibly weak." Before the boy
could react, Erin had whacked him in the back of the head with the hilt of her
sword. Then as he fell to the ground, she froze his arms and limbs in place making
sure he would stay on the ground.

"How did she win so easy?" The first-year students watching said.

"Yeah, shouldn't a match between a level four and five user be closer than that,
and he was a second-year student."

"Maybe they aren���t as strong as we thought?"

Usually, a fight with a level four and five users would be a lot closer, especially
considering the other student was a second year. But there was a major
difference between the two fighters and that was something called, fighting IQ.

No matter how strong someone's ability was or how powerful a punch they packed,
you needed to know how to use your abilities and when. This could be improved
with experience or some people were just naturally gifted. For Erin, she had
always fallen into the gifted category.
Although Erin had finished her match quickly, the same couldn't be said for Layla.
Her attacks were basically useless. As an archer, her skills were best used when
surprising her opponent and when there was a distance between the two.

Here she had neither of them. Every attack of hers was met with a wall of water
that would stop her arrows in their tracks and finally when she was tired. The
second-year student threw out his fist and a ball of water came out towards her.

It hit her dead in the stomach and sent her flying back towards the front of the
hall near Vorden.

The water user started running after her planning to finish her, Layla seeing this
struggled but was to hurt to get up.

"Hey you, free me, I can deal with him."

"What?" Layla said as she looked up noticing that it was Vorden who was speaking
to her.

"Come on hurry, we don't have much time touch my leg."

Layla hesitated for a moment. She still had remembered what had happened when
the two of them were in the room, she still had an odd feeling in her gut telling
her Vorden was a bad person but right now it was the only person she could rely

She crawled over to Vorden's side and touched his leg as he had asked. Then the
shackles tied around Vorden's arms and legs started shaking.

"Come on, help me you bitch!" Vorden shouted at her.

Vorden was using Layal's telekinesis ability but it was weak, it wasn't strong
enough to break from the shackles. Layla then lifted her hand and with the two of
them working together, the shackles were finally removed and Vorden was free.

He started to rotate his wrist as if he was getting used to his body. He shook his
limbs out and started to jump up and down.

"Finally, I get to come out, it's been a long time."

As the water user continued to run forward now that Vorden was free, he was
more cautious. The last time they had fought with him in the assembly hall they
remembered Vorden having earth powers. At the time the last person he had
touched was Peter.

Vorden then started to laugh hysterically and charged towards the water user. It
was an unexpected move, the water user panicked and threw out two lines of
Water blades. These where just as sharp as an attack from a regular blade but
could be thrown out.
As the blades came towards him, at the last second Vorden managed to twist his
body in an odd way avoiding both of the blades. He then lifted one of the black
balls from the ground using his telekinesis and threw it out.

However, the attack was easy for the water user to block, forming a water wall
stopping the ball but then *Crack. Something was felt on the back of his leg and at
the same time a crunching sound was heard, the boy immediately fell to one knee.

As he looked at Vorden in front of him, he could only see Vorden with his hands
held out. Then another striking pain was felt through his body, this time on his
other ankle.

Without realising it, Vorden had attacked him from behind, pulling the other black
balls towards him. The water user was two focused on the attack in front he never
thought about an attack from behind. Also, it had come as a surprise to him that
Vorden was not an earth user as he thought.

Vorden then lifted up two more black balls and swung his hands down. At the same
time, the balls came rushing down at a crazy speed hitting the student in the
forearms, breaking them at the same time.

The student screamed in pain and with his arm's mangled, he could no longer use
his water ability as he could before.

"Finally, I, Raten have returned.

Chapter 45 Seeing the future

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Chapter 45 Seeing the future

The second-year students had Quinn completely surrounded, as he took a step

forward to try to break out of the encirclement, a wind strike came towards him.
He managed to lift his hand to block the attack but at the same, another slash was
felt against his back.

\u003c 12/20 HP \u003e

The attacks continued with a mixture of abilities but most of them were weak
elemental abilities such as level 2 wind users and earth users. However, when he
was being attacked from all sides, the attacks quickly added up.

Quinn continued to block strikes coming from the front of him but still was hit
from all sides.

\u003c 11/20 HP \u003e

\u003c 10/20 HP \u003e

\u003c 9/20 HP \u003e

There was a constant cycle. Once he was injured to a certain degree Quinn's blood
bank would auto-activate and heal him, but even with the blood bank, there was no
getting out of this one. But he knew this would happen to some degree. He never
expected to win in the first place.

Ignoring the pain of the strikes and instead of trying to avoid all the attacks. He
rushed forward towards one of the students. This time two hits had hit him from
each side, casing two big slashes on his body.

\u003c 8/20 HP \u003e

\u003c 7/20 HP \u003e

But he didn't care, his speed was quick and using the strength in his legs he was
able to move himself forward and grabbed one of the second-year students. He
quickly went behind the student grabbing his arm and at the same time kept one
of his claws towards the student's neck using him as a meat shield.

The second years were hesitant to attack afraid they might hit their fellow
classmate. Quinn continued to walk backwards with the student until his back was
up against the wall.

"Me and you both know you're not going to hurt him Quinn." Momo said, "If you
attack too deep and kill him, you'll be in trouble, attack to shallow and we will
pounce on you and make you wish you were dead."

Quin hated to admit it but Momo was right, he couldn't kill the student and at the
same time the second he turned his back to them they would take him out so
Quinn was left with only one thing.

He no longer had his claw hand out but then started to choke the student from
behind wrapping his arm around his neck. He used his strength and carried on until
he eventually passed out.

\u003c 50 exp gained \u003e

\u003c 275/400 exp \u003e

"No point wasting good exp," Quinn said.

As soon as the student fell to the ground the attacks came out fast and furious
from the others. Quinn was able to block most of them now his back was up
against the wall, he started dodging a lot of the strikes, which made him think
back to the test centre.

The situation he was in was similar to the agility test where holographic spikes
came at him. However, these attacks were more powerful and were greater in
number, eventually, Quinn let a strike get in.

\u003c 6/ 20 Hp \u003e

Suddenly the attacks had stopped and Momo had stood forward with his whip in
his hand. Seeing the Whip Quinn remembered that a single attack last time had
brought his HP down by seven points. If he was to receive another attack form it
right now, he would be brought down to below 0.

Quinn still didn't know what happened when his HP would reach 0 but at the same
time, this wasn't the time to find out. He had no choice, he would have to use the
blood bank to heal himself. Even if the others did see him use this, it wouldn't
reveal he was a vampire but they would just think it was some type of self-healing

The problem was Quinn had already displayed abnormal strength. If he then
displayed abnormal healing, things wouldn't add up. A student couldn't have two
abilities apart from rare cases, which meant it would only lead to Quinn being
asked more questions.

Just as Quinn was deciding what to do, Momo sensed something and moved his
head at the last second. As he did a black ball came flying through the air and
went past his head, then the black ball stopped mid-air and suddenly started
moving back towards Momo.

Momo lashed his whip at the ball slicing it in half. As he turned around, he saw
Vorden standing there, when he looked to see what had happened to the rest of
the second years, he could see a few had already been taken down and those who
hadn't been, were busy engaging in combat with Layla and Erin.

"So you got free huh?" Momo said, "Do you not remember what happened to you
last time the two of us fought?" Momo taunted.

"Last time you fought against that weakling, this time you're fighting me." Raten
said, "I'm not as nice as Vorden."

Raten lifted both hands, and with it, two more black balls of the ground lifted up.
Vorden swung his hands in the air and the black balls followed the same path.
There was no need for Vorden to use his hands when using his telekinesis ability
but it allowed him to focus his mind better. Doing this moved the balls at greater
speed and precision, after all, he wouldn't be able to use it as well as Layla who
had the ability most her life.

The balls flowed a similar pattern to his hands, Striking at different directions.
However, Momo would simply step forward, move back or turn his body slightly
avoiding each of the balls. He then grew tired and grabbed one of the balls mid-air
that was heading straight for his face.

"Looks like you really don't remember what happened last time?" Momo clenched
his fist tightly destroying the black ball held in his hands. He then swung his whip
destroying the other without even looking where it was.

Quinn wanted to help. While Momo's back was turned he tried to go in for a strike
but before he even took a step, the whip came flying out and landed just in front
of him.

"Don't even think about it," Momo said.

Before Quinn had taken a single step, Momo had already acted. Then Quinn waited
once again for the right moment and when he thought it was right, he tried moving
in again but the same thing had happened, Momo swung at his whip before Quinn
had moved.

"It can't be?" Quinn thought, So far Momo hadn't displayed anything reviling his
ability but just now and how he had acted before, it seemed like it was part of his

There were two guesses Quinn had, he either had some type of mind-reading
ability or future seeing ability.

If that was the case then the fight ahead would be a tough battle.

Chapter 46 The difference

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Chapter 46 The difference

Quinn's guess about Momo was nearly spot on. Momo could see two seconds ahead
into the future, although it wasn't as clear as others might think.

His ability was activated through his eyes. When he turned on his ability a new
type of vision would appear.

Everywhere Momo looked there was an outline of what a person or object was
going to do next. When Momo's back was turned and the black ball had come
towards him. He could slightly feel the outline of the ball touching him. Allowing
him to move his head just in time.

Just two seconds before Quinn has even begun moving towards Momo, his outline
had already shown where and what Quinn was planning to do.

It was a strong ability that took years for Momo to get a hang of at first. Just
because one could see the future didn't help out in any other aspects. Momo
strength, speed and reaction time all had to be trained with his ability.

Even though Momo's ability was a rare one that was available on the market place,
not many people opted for it for these reasons.

But Quinn wasn't the only one who had figured out Momo's ability. Raten had as

"Who cares if you know what I'm going to do!" Raten shouted, "All I need to do, is
do something you can't block." Ratan then started running towards him.

Momo swung his whip, while Ratan held out his hand slowing the whip down with his
telekinesis ability, the whip slowed down enough allowing him to jump over the

Then with his other hand, something started to form. It looked like water was
starting to surround his hand.

With another swing, a water blade followed. Momo quickly moved to the side
avoiding one strike but what quickly followed was a barrage of water strikes.

Then at the same time from behind, another two black balls had been lifted and
were coming right at him.

Momo could see the black balls coming at him and he knew he could do nothing but
take a hit. He opted to avoid the water strikes, the more powerful of the attacks
and moved so the balls would hit his back.

After being hit with the black balls, Momo moved away from Vorden creating
distance between the two.
"I have to admit, I didn't expect you to be able to use two abilities, you didn't do
something like this last time. It looks like you were hiding a trump card after all."
Momo said, "But you weren't the only one holding back last time."

While in his right hand he held a whip, something started to form in his left hand.
At first, it looked just like a bunch of light particles forming something but then
eventually another whip appeared. Only this felt and looked different, as if it was
alive almost.

Just from holding it alone, the whip would continuously move like a snake.

"Let me show you the difference between the second years and first years,"
Momo said.

Even though Erin was currently busy fighting the other second-year students, she
couldn't help but sense the power in the room.

"So he has one, after all huh, a soul weapon."

While the distance between Momo and the others were far away, Layla had
managed to make a break and get away from the other second-year students.
Honestly, Erin was doing fine dealing with them on her own and she wasn't much
help in the first place.

She Quickly went to Quinn's side and could see he was badly injured. It wasn't so
much that he couldn't move but enough to say he was out of the fight for now at

"Do you need some blood?" Layla whispered.

"No I'm fine, I'm not in any danger don't worry about that, I just don't want to
reveal anything in front of all these people."

"I understand," Layla said as she then looked at Vorden. "Your friend, I hate to
admit it but he's strong."

"Yeah." After looking at Vorden now and seeing how he fought so skillfully as if he
had done it a hundred times before and he was even using two abilities
effortlessly. Quinn quickly realised there wasn't much he knew about Vorden and
that he probably had his very own secrets that he was hiding from everyone
similar to himself.

But again, instead of escaping when he was freed and running away, he had decided
to come help. Although Quinn wasn't strong enough to help now, in the future he
would repay back this kindness.

Now with Momo's soul weapon, the confidence in him grew. He swung his soul whip
and it started to move at lightning speed. In response, Raten created a wall of
water with one hand and started to slow down the whip with the other but the
telekinesis ability was useless and didn't seem to do anything to slow the whip

Then when the whip had reached the wall of water, it suddenly grew in length and
had wrapped around Raten's arm. Momo pulled forward dragging Ratan to the
ground and then swung out his other whip lashing against his back.

Raten tried rolling to avoid the lashes but it seemed like the whip was following
him, predicting where he would roll to next. Raten had been lashed several times
and now his back was covered in blood.

Then with Raten's other hand, he formed a small water blade. He knew that the
whip would be too strong to cut, so instead he went for his own hand complexly
cutting it off from his own body.

The whip was no longer attached to his body and at the same time so was his hand.
Although unlike one would expect for blood to be drawn everywhere. Raten was
using an absurd amount of energy concentrating to stop his blood from spewing out
from the wound with the telekinesis ability.

And he honestly didn't know how much longer he could keep it up.

"Damn you!" Raten shouted, "If only this body wasn't so hurt from before. Now
you have gone and done it, you think a soul weapon is strong enough to defeat us?
Well, think again. Little one it's your turn. It's time to give this man hell!"

Just then though the doors to the assembly hall were swung wide open and in came
a tall silver-haired female and standing behind her was Peter.

"I command everyone to halt this instant," She said, "If anyone does not obey this
command prepare to be punished."

Chapter 47 Second year - head

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Chapter 47 Second year - head

The woman standing next to Peter had long silver hair that went down to her
waist. On her head, she was wearing a beret and be her side was her trusty rapier
sword that was jagged and looked to be made from a long beast bone.

She had a feeling that resonated off her body, she looked like the older sister
type who you were able to trust to get you out of trouble when you needed it.

As soon as she had entered the room, at that moment everyone froze all incept
for one student. A second-year who was too heated in the moment, he had finally
seen Erin drop her guard.

He continued to charge forward and was ready to attack but before even a second
could pass, the female teacher who had entered the room was right by the
student's side and a few moments later he had collapsed on the floor with the
back of his foot all bloody.

"When did she get over there?"

"Hey look at his ankles, do you think she did that?"

As Momo looked at who had entered the room, he immediately put his soul weapon
away. Momo knew a lot of the teachers and high position people in the academy.
After all, he had already been here a year and the person who had entered the
room was not to be messed with.

When she said whoever didn't listen to her would be punished, she meant it. The
female's name was Fay Dallum. She was a sergeant at the academy and was mostly
in charge of squad training.

"Anyone else but her," Momo said.

Not only that but her ability was super speed, the worst matchup for Momo, no
matter how far ahead he could see in the future, her speed was simply was just to
fast to react. Not that he had planned to go against her anyway, he had already
made that mistake last year when Fay was still only a private at the academy.

"Those of you who are injured go to the doctor's office to be treated

immediately, while the rest of you head to the dorms and stay inside until you are
called out again. Do you understand?" Fay said.

Most of the first-year students were silenced. They had no clue who she was or
what was happening right now.

Then from the lack of people answering her with a reply. Fay drew her rapier once
more and after seeing this the students immediately answered, "Yes Miss."

Vorden had gone to the hospital carrying his arm in his hand. The second-year
students went to their own separate part of the building that was located
somewhere else to get treated, while out of the first-year students, no one was
really hurt apart from Vorden and Quinn.

This time Quinn had no choice but to head to the doctor's office. His clothes
were all bloody and he had lost a lot of blood but once he had been out of combat
for more than 10 minutes, his body started to heal itself.

After successfully attaching Vordans arm back to his body, Hayley the school
doctor had gone up to check on Quinn. When she asked him to take off his shirt so
she could directly heal his wounds, she noticed that the markings had mostly
already healed.

"What is this? For this much blood, the wounds should be a lot bigger."

Quinn started to laugh nervously.

"Yeah, my friend has a healing ability and managed to heal me a bit before I got

"Oh another healer." Hayley said surprised, "Well if you get the chance send them
down here, their ability is quite good and it looks like they have done a splendid
job. I could do with help and I would love to have a student of my own."

"Sure," Quinn replied.

Hayley then proceeded to complete healing the rest of Quinn's wounds on his
body, after she was done there was not a mark on him.

During Quinn's own healing process his body had used up quite a bit of energy and
once again the message had appeared stating he was hungry.

\u003cBlood bank 90/100\u003e

After consuming some blood from his blood bank, he no longer felt hungry and
didn't have to worry about going on a frenzy for at least another two days.

Once Quinn and Vorden had arrived back in their rooms, they were told not to
leave until they were notified. Once in a while, a private would call out a student's
name and they would be taken somewhere for questioning.

Inside their own rooms was Vorden, Peter and Quinn.

"Thanks for calling the sergeant when you did, otherwise me and Quinn would have
been goners by now."

"No problem," Peter replied still feeling bad by the whole thing. Although he had
done the right thing by getting Fay, he still felt bad for having tricked Vorden
into going to the hall in the first place.

"What do you think will happen to the second years?" Quinn asked.
"Hmm, I'm not too sure." Vorden replied, "If this was a one on one incident then
I'm pretty sure they would have ignored it but this time there were several
students involved, most likely they will look for one person to pin the blame on."


Meanwhile inside one of the integration rooms. A large muscular man with
forearms the size of thighs was sitting opposite the second-year student Momo,
and on his shoulder, the man had the rank of General. His name was Duke king and
he was head of the second-year students.

"Of all the people it had to be Fay to stop us," Momo complained. "I did as you
asked, and now I might pay for it."

"Will you relax, nothing will come of this I promise you that." Duke replied,
"You're only students and these types of things happen and I will vouch for you."

"Really, so this won't all fall back on me then?" Momo asked.

Then Duke stood up and went up behind Momo and whispered in his ear.

"Of course, as long as no one finds out about our little secret," Duke said with a


Hey guys just a reminder, Mass release of six chapters tomorrow and remember
to vote with your stones so we can have another mass release next weekend.

Chapter 48 Academy leaders

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Chapter 48 Academy leaders

All the students involved in the incident had been interviewed and that of course,
included Quinn and Vorden. However, they weren't asked many questions like the
two of them thought they would be. They were simply asked to recall the events
that happened.
Judging by the fact that the person integrating them didn't seem surprised by
what they had said, it seemed like they had already gathered everything they
needed from the other students and was just doing this as a formality.

The next day had arrived and it was a weekend for students. Just like any other
school students did not have to attend classes and were free to do as they wished
around the city.

Although the curfew still exited so they had to be back in their dorm rooms
before ten in the evening and they were not allowed to leave the city.

However, for the leaders at the school, their day was not as relaxing as the
students for a meeting had been called. Inside the academy on the top floor, the
leaders of the academy had gathered in a fairly large meeting hall.

A large table was centred in the middle of the room. The table was split into two
different sections. At the head of the table there were four seats in total. One
of the seats was a little bigger than the others in this was where the captain of
the academy would sit, currently, this seat remained empty for the meeting.

In the other seats, usually by the captain's side were the three Generals of the
school. There was the head of the second-year student's Duke with his large arms
and muscular build.

Then the head of the first-year students Nathan, who looked the complete
opposite of Duke, he was small in size and wore glasses, he was always casually
dressed for important occasion which annoyed Duke.

The two of them did not get along.

Lastly, there was the third General who was head of staff and the rest of the
privates and teachers in the academy. Currently, his seat was also empty.

The two Generals sat in their seats waiting for the others to arrive and as usual,
there was silence between the two of them.

Then finally the doors opened and eight people had arrived all wearing the military
uniform and each one of them had the rank of sergeant displayed. Out of these
eight sergeants, it included Leo the Beast weapons teacher, Fay the head of
squads and Hayley the school doctor.

The eight sergeants sat in their seats opposite to the generals and finally it was
time for the meeting to start.

Fay was the first to stand and speak.

"We are here today to conduct the meeting on what to do with the second-year
students, who were involved in the case involving primarily the first-year student
known as Vorden Blade and the students who are part of Del's class and Leo's
beast weapons class."

Fay then pressed a little button on a controller she held in her hand. In front of
the generals and the other sergeants, a holographic report was being displayed to

"I believe you have all read the reports but this is here just for your reference. I
would like to ask your opinion on how these students should be punished, General

"Punished?" Duke said, "I see no reason for these students to be punished, if you
look at the report it seems like Vorden was the first to attack the others, they
were simply retaliating, these types of things happen all the time."

"But then why gather the rest of the first-year students?" Nathan casually
added. "It seems like to me other students had gotten involved. I agree the
students fight all time and we purposely do nothing to stop this but this seemed a
little too much, no?"

"Fine, further restrictions will be put on the second years and first-year students.
They shall only meet when necessary. I will be in charge of issuing out the
punishments to the second-year students, is that okay with you Nathan?"

Nathan simply shrugged as if he didn't really care about the matter in the first
place. He had only made his argument to annoy Duke.

"I urge the rest of the Sergeant to take extra precaution." Said Fay. "It was only
recently we had the death of a student in our school. Unlike with Brandon, Vorden
is an original. If his family was to get involved in it would not be good for the

"Tch, filthy scum," Duke said under his breath.

The military didn't have a good impression of Originals. When the war started
they were the ones who risked their lives to save the people of the planet. It
wasn't until it truly looked like the humans would lose the war did the originals
come forward and share their power with everybody and not even all of them did

Then Haley stood up.

"I would like to talk about the matter involving the two students with strange
wounds on their bodies. Were there any reports about a beast escaping from one
of the portals?"

"Your father, who is not present at the moment reported that there was no such
thing. Even using the radar, we were unable to trace anything." Duke replied.
"If it wasn't the beasts, then just what caused those wounds?" Hayley thought as
she sat back down in her seat.

"How is the preparation for the portal outing coming along for the first-year
students?" Leo asked.

"Yes, everything has been all set up." Nathan said, "A green portal has been
selected for the students to go through and the base has made preparations for
their arrival. It should all go smoothly next week."

"Do you know what planet the expedition will take place on?" Leo asked. "Then I
will be able to better prepare my students."

"It's best to ask your students to pack some sun cream and their sunglasses as
they will be arriving on the planet Caladi," Nathan replied.

Planet Caladi, a planet that was mostly covered in desert and contained low tier
beasts. Its day cycles were also vastly different compared to that of earth.
Instead of the 24-hour day and night cycle that earth had. Caladi contained a 72-
hour cycle. It was brilliant for those that loved the sunlight and heat.

Chapter 49 Never betray

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Chapter 49 Never betray

After the incident with second years, Quinn realised that although he had gained
a lot of strength compared to what he was before. There were still others that he
wasn't strong enough to fight against. Although Momo was strong in the group of
second years, he was nowhere near the top of the food chain.

There were many higher levels and even originals whose powers couldn't be
measured. And even out of the first-year students there were those that were
powerful, that included his good friend Vorden and Erin.
If Quinn wished to get on their level, he would have to get stronger. The easiest
way for him to get stronger was by consuming as many different types of blood as
he could possible but there was a major problem.

After the death of Brandon and the second-year incident, security around the
academy had been tighter than ever. More soldiers were put on patrol and it
seemed like they were keeping an eye on everyone.

For now, while tensions why high in the academy it was best that he laid low. So
that left him with another option, to improve his fighting skills.

Quinn still hadn't learnt the two skills yet but just learning them wasn't going to
be enough. After watching Vorden he realised he needed to also learn how to use
them, so he needed experience.

"Hey I'm going to head into town to grab some supplies, do you want to come
with?" Vorden asked.

Quinn hesitated for a while. Originally, he had planned to meet up with Layla to
practise the Hammer strike but at the same time, he hadn't been able to relax in
a while.

In his last school Quinn had never made any friends and was the lonesome type
but now was his opportunity to go out and have some fun.

One day wouldn't hurt, right?

"Yeah, sure I'll come along," Quinn replied.

"What about you Peter?" Vorden asked.

Peter had been avoiding the two of them for a while but since they were
roommates it was almost impossible. He still felt bad about the whole situation but
he had finally made up his mind, he never wanted to do anything like that again.

"Yeah, I'll come as well."

The three of them then proceeded to head into town. They went ahead and
grabbed some food, watched a movie and had a good laugh but as they were
outside, Peter spotted a group of high-level first years he had met before.

They were the same people who Peter had hung out with at the canteen. As Peter
had made eye contact with the group, they had signalled to him they wanted to

"Hey guys, I just remembered that I promised to meet up with a few people from
school tonight." Said Peter. "It was great hanging out with you guys but I'll see
you when you get back to the dorm."
Vorden looked at Quinn, realising that they both though Peter words sounded

"Hey Peter, you know if something is up, tell me I will help you out," Vorden said.

"No it's nothing I promise, I really did make some good friends, I have to rush off
now, Bye you guys," Peter said as he took off out of sight of the other two.

No matter what Peter didn't want an incident like last time to happen. He would
deal with the problems himself. Vorden was strong but from the fight last time,
clearly Vorden wasn't strong enough to handle the upper years and Peter knew
they were the ones behind everything.

Peter finally turned a corner into an alleyway where five first-year students were
patiently waiting.

"Took you long enough." The student standing in front of the group had a scar on
his chin and his name was Earl. He was the leader of the first-year group who was
directly under Momo's gang.

Then suddenly Earl went and grabbed Peter throwing him up against the wall.

"What the hell do you think you were doing, calling the teacher the other day."
Earl said, "Now Momo and the others are giving us a hard time for relying on you."

He then punched Peter in the stomach causing him to kneel over and fall to the

"Why should we be the ones to be punished, this is all your fault." Earl ran up and
kicked Peter once again in the stomach.

The kick was hard and Peter's body was starting to shake, he felt like any second
now he was going to throw up the ice cream he had just eaten with the other two.

Earl walked over to Peter and bent down to grab his hand. He held one of Peter's
fingers and snapped it back hard and fast at the same time a scream was heard.

"What the hell, gag this wimp will you." One of the students then ripped a part of
his shirt and shoved it into Peter's mouth.

"Now we have another job for you Peter and you better do it right this time, you
understand? Just nod if you agree."

Peter then shook his head. He had already decided that no matter what he would
never betray Vorden or Quinn again.

"What, are you saying no?"

Peter then nodded giving his answer to Earl.

The vein on the side of Earl's head was now popping out as the anger inside him
grew. A lowly first-year student dared to go against him and he a level four
student had to work under someone else. This wasn't the life he was expecting to
have at the academy and he needed to take out his anger somehow.

Earl then immediately grabbed Peter's fingers and started to snap them one by
one. Each time he would break a finger he would ask Peter if he was willing to help
them but each time Peter shook his head.

In the end, all five of Peter's fingers had broken and Peter still hadn't agreed to
their request.

"Hey Jerry, get over here," Earl shouted.

One of the first-year students standing behind Jerry came over and knelt down.

"Do your thing Jerry."

Then Jerry placed his hand on top of Peter's, and slowly a warm feeling was felt
and the bones in Peter's fingers were starting to take shape. They reformed to
what they once were and he had been healed.

Then a big smile on Earl's face could be seen. He grabbed Peters fingers again and
repeated the process again and again.

Eventually, after an hour had passed of breaking, hurting and re healing Peter.
Peter's mind had given in. Without him realising it he no longer wanted to feel the
pain and nodded agreeing to their request.

"Good, see, now if you had done that in the first place, we wouldn't have had to go
through all that." Earl said. "Now this time, you better do it right and be sure not
to involve anyone."

Chapter 50 VR Game

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Chapter 50 VR Game
With Peter gone, that Left Quinn and Vorden on their own. They were currently
walking down the high street which was full of clothes shops and restaurants.

Students only received 10 credits a day as an allowance but that didn't stop their
parents from sending them extra money while they were in school. The richer
students were free to spend and buy whatever they liked and sadly the richer
students were usually the stronger ones as well.

Although the city didn't open up to any regular civilians it was still open up to all
the workers.

The city was full of military personal but not all of them were soldiers. There was
still cooks that were needed, admin staff, engineers, building workers and even
general people who would run the shop.

They had all been granted special access from the military and in return were
given nice living accommodations and didn't have to worry about life on the outside

So all though they worked for the military they weren't required to be relied on
for fighting unless absolutely necessary.

While the two were walking Quinn couldn't help but think back to the fight
between Vorden and Momo.

"Hey Vorden, I know you said your ability resets every day but you never said you
could wield two abilities at once?" Quinn asked.

"Didn't I?" Voden said with an awkward smile. "Well, there are some in my family
that can even hold three."

"Really? So how does it exactly work."

"Well if I told you our family secrets Quinn, you would have to become a part of
our family. Either that or I'd have to kill you."

For a second there was an awkward silence between the two. As Quinn wasn't sure
if Vorden was joking or not.

"Relax will you." Vorden said, "But yeah I honestly can't tell you anything, you know
Originals rules and all."

Vorden belonged to one of the Original families that had decided to keep their
ability within their family. Meaning the only people that knew how to copy other
abilities were the Blades. Of course, Vorden wasn't allowed to talk to anyone
about their ability.

"Yeah, sorry about that but if you don't mind me asking. If you copy an ability
you've never received before, how are you able to fight with them so well?"
"Let me show you something," Vorden said.

The two of them continued to walk down the high street which was filled with
shops, until Vorden eventually stopped just outside a game store. The two of them
headed inside and there were all types of games filled on the shelves.

At the very back of the shop was a VR pod for people to test out before they
bought anything. Just like everything else, even the gaming technology had
improved significantly after the war.

Then Vorden pointed at the VR capsule.

"You see that thing, I grew up playing on that."

"What?" Quinn thought, but then Quinn remembered Leo mentioning something
about a VR game that was popular between students. He said if he wanted to get
fighting experience it would be good if he played a certain game, is this what he
was talking about?

"There's a popular game played in the outside world and within the military schools
called Power fighter. The game is simple, it gives you an open empty room and the
two of you fight until one loses. Although it sounds simple the game itself is used
to help people train. The VR capsule can record all attributes of your body.
Anything you do in the real world you can do in the game. The only thing that it
can't do is record your ability."

Vorden then walked up to the capsule and touched the front of the capsule where
there was a round ring. A holographic display appeared with the game's settings on
the top. Vorden then placed his hand on the holographic display and a notification
sound was heard.

"Welcome User ID VBCopy." The machine said.

As Vorden logged into the game, his user ID's information could be seen along
with a dummy model of his fighter which looked nothing like Vorden. It displayed
the total amount of fights Vorden had, and how many wins and losses. Although
Vorden quickly went of that screen on to another, too quick for Quinn to see

Then Vorden was suddenly on an ability tab. The list seemed almost endless.

"Wait I thought you said the game couldn't record your ability?" Quinn asked.

"It can't, but so the game was even more realistic and so it could be used a
training tool, it uploads into its database every ability that is shared out there in
the world that we know today. Of course, only the ones that are made public. So
Original abilities and abilities that have yet to be discovered aren't on this list,
including my own. However, I can select any ability I want, even if I can't perform
it in the real world I can practice with it in the game."

Quinn finally understood how Vorden was able to become well adverse with
multiple different abilities. This was something that would only greatly benefit
someone like him who was able to use whatever ability he wished.

Most people who were playing the game would want to get stronger and better at
using their abilities. That meant they would usually only select their own ability,
what was the point of selecting something that you could never use in the real
world, unless you just wanted to have the experience.

"The game is actually very popular with the other military schools." Vorden
continued to explain. "So much so that the military has designed its own servers so
it only connects to other schools but you can also just play with the outside world
as well. Before you enter the game you can even input your power level. This way it
will match you with those people around the same level. People can lie about their
level but those type of people will never get better at fighting, bullying those
weaker than them all the time."

Quinn then walked up to the capsule and started to inspect it. It sounded amazing
and was exactly what Quinn needed. This way he was able to practise against
other students without others realising it was him.

Then when Quinn lifted up the tag on it, there were more zeros on the thing then
he had ever seen before. There was no way he could afford such a thing. Maybe
some of the other students who could be sent credits from their family but not

Vorden started to laugh.

"Don't worry about it, you don't need to buy one yourself, the academy has a room
full of them."


"Come on, let's head back and give it a go."

Chapter 51 Power fighters

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Chapter 51 Power fighters

The sun was starting to set outside so it was just the right time for Vorden and
Quinn to head back to the academy and when they did, they immediately when
over to the VR room. Just like the capsule in the shop, it was a room filled with
rows and rows containing capsules and off to the side was a small shop and counter
where students were able to buy snacks and refreshments.

The room was currently packed with students, just as Vorden and Leo had said,
the game was incredibly popular. Looking at the excitement in the student's eyes
and faces, Quinn started to feel upset. It felt like there was a world he never got
to experience growing up just because he was poor.

The two of them went up to the front counter that was stationed next to the
small cafe.

"Hi, we would like to rent out two capsules please?" Vorden asked.

"A single capsule will cost you 10 credits per hour." The female replied.

Hearing that number made Quinn gulp. For some reason, he had expected the
capsules to be free but of course, they would have to pay to rent them. With
Quinn's ten credits he received a day at most he could play the game for was an
hour a day.

He didn't need the money for anything else, after all, the school provided the
accommodation and three meals a day for them.

"Alright, are you ready?" Vorden asked.

"Huh, what did you pay?"

"Yeah don't worry about it, come on let's go."

The woman behind the counter had handed Vorden two tags numbered 23 and 24.
The two of them walked around the room until they had found two capsules next
to each other, they both had large numbers displayed on the front of the capsule
in big bold ink.
"Here we are," Vorden said, "With these capsules there only able to link to the
military servers. You can fight with others from other schools but you won't be
able to connect it to the normal servers, you will need to buy your own capsule for
that. When you log into the game you can play as a guest for now and just search
for the ID VBCopy and join my room when you can."

With that, the two of them slowly climbed into the VR capsule. When the machine
sensed they were both comfortably inside, the capsule lid slowly started close in
on the both of them. Then before they realised it, their minds were completely
transported to another space.

Quinn was now in a large empty white room. There were no walls in sight and it
looked like the room was endless. Suddenly a screen appeared in front of him.

"Welcome to Power fighter, would you like to?"

\u003cLog in\u003e \u003cRegister\u003e \u003cPlay as guest\u003e

As Vorden had suggested for now Quinn decided to play as a guest. Then he went
on through the system and started to search for Vorden's gamer ID. Once he had
selected to join the person's room, he patiently waited for Vorden to accept.

"Room invite accepted, transporting in 3…2…1…"

Then in an instant, Quinn had been transported to another empty white space
room, only this time Vorden was there as well but Vorden didn't look like himself.
He looked like a completely different person. Both his hands had been wrapped in
bandages and on his face, he wore a scarf.

He looked like an ancient ninja.

"err Vorden is that you?"

"Oh sorry," Vorden said and the next second he looked like the ordinary Vorden at

"What was that?" Quinn asked.

"That, the game allows you to customize your character so you can make it look
like whatever you want. The clothes I was wearing was skin, although they cost
credits so I wouldn't worry about that."

The sound of the game was just getting even better for Quinn. Allowing the users
to create a character to be used in the game meant that no one would know it was
him, unless they knew his user name.

"Do you want to watch me a play a few games so you know how the game works?"
Vorden asked.

Vorden then created a party, where Quinn was able to spectate. Suddenly in the
white space, four stands appeared forming an arena like shape and Quinn was
teleported to the seating area in one of the stands.

The game tried its best even for spectators to make it feel like the real thing.
Once Quinn was comfortably seated, Vorden went to search for a match. Vorden
selected the power level of two. This way he would only be matched up with level

there was also a quick match option, where it would match you with anyone who
had selected the same option regardless of power level.

The ability he currently had his character set to was earth. He chose this because
Vorden himself had been trying to learn the Earth ability better so that way when
Peter got stronger with it, Vorden would be able to help him use it.

When an opponent was found he too was teleported into space where Vorden
stood. The two of them started out on the opposite side of the room, then Quinn
could see a big countdown appear over the arena.

When the countdown reached zero the match immediately began. Vorden was
going up against another Earth user.

Earth users were the most common ability to be found.

The match didn't last long though, as it was clear that Vorden had the greater
experience when it came to fighting. The match had only lasted a total of five
minutes but while watching the game Quinn started to figure out how it worked.

Above each player's head was a health bar. But there was no way to show how
much health each player had. Judging by what Vorden had said this was most likely
because everyone had a different set of health depending on what the VR headset
was able to read from the body.

Quinn himself knew this because of his inspect skill. Every time he would look at
the stats of a different person some of them had different amount and that
included him. The next thing he noticed was the fact that there wasn't actually
any damage done to the player.

When Vorden would strike or stab the person the system would cause the player
to react to these, either starting the player but it wouldn't permanently damage
the person like it would have done in real life. Similar to a game it would treat hits
on vital parts as a critical hit but the player could continue to fight like normal as
long as their HP didn't hit 0.

After that Quinn continued to watch Vorden play a few more games and before
they knew it their time was up.
Although Quinn didn't have the time to play today, he couldn't wait to try out the
machine tomorrow.
Chapter 52 Blood evolver

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Chapter 52 Blood evolver

It was getting late and it was almost time for their curfew, so Quinn and Vorden
decided it would be best to head back to the dorm rooms.

When they arrived, they noticed that the lights were out and Peter was already in
the room fast asleep.

"Does he look okay?" Quinn asked, as he noticed Vorden was looking around to see
if he could see any markings on his face or body.

"Yeah he seems fine, but even if he was getting bullied, he could have gone to the
doctor's office before coming here," Vorden replied.

"Well, I still think we should keep an eye on him, there's no way higher levels
would just become friends with a lower level for no reason," Quinn said.

Vorden cleared his throat loudly and started to look at himself.

"Of course, there are some exceptions," Quinn said smiling.

With the other two now fast asleep, Quinn was still awake messing around with his
system. He was busy watching the tutorial videos of the Hammer strike. He didn't
have enough points in agility to learn the flash step but with the gauntlets, he did
have enough for the hammer strike.

The video contained the blonde man demonstrating what to do step by step. It was
incredibly detailed, showing everything in slow motion to the point where it also
described the feeling the user should have, every step of the way.

Quinn repeatedly watched the video, as he wanted to learn and test it out in the
game tomorrow. After finally remembering all the steps and believing he had a
confident grasp on the skill. He shut his eyes and went to sleep.

The next day Quinn had woken up earlier than the other two. He immediately
wanted to go to the game to create his character and test out the skill he had
been learning all night. Just in case the others wondered were Quinn was he left a
note before leaving.
When he finally arrived, the VR room was emptier than it was yesterday, most
likely because it was early in the morning and not a lot of students had woken up

Quinn then went on to do the same as Vorden had done yesterday, he went up to
the pretty lady who stood behind the counter and asked to rent a capsule, only
this time for two hours.

There wasn't much use for his credits other than buying late-night snacks and at
the moment, not even that satisfied him.

Ever since he had his first taste of blood, food was starting to taste bland. He
still got hungry like everyone else but the taste of ice cream and sweets just
didn't have the same rush effect it once had. To get that feeling again he could
only get it from blood.

But Quinn made sure to only consume blood when he needed to or to get himself
stronger. He was afraid that he might become addicted to the feeling and if he
did it would only cause more problems for him.

Before entering his capsule, Quinn looked around the room and noticed some
students carrying their beast weapons with them. Not all student used one like
Vorden. But after watching the games Vorden had played yesterday, he did see a
few of his opponents have one.

Which meant most likely that the students bringing their weapons with them,
meant that the game was also able to recognise the power of beast weapons.

Just on the side of the capsule, there was a large rectangular box and underneath
were the words written, beasts weapons. So it looked like Quinn was right after
all. After taking off his gauntlets and placing it into the box the capsule started
to scan the weapons.

\u003cScan complete\u003e

\u003c The beast weapon may now be used with the capsule \u003e

He then hopped in and logged into the game. Only this time instead of logging in as
a guest, he decided to register an account.

\u003c Please create a User ID \u003e

Quinn thought long and hard, he didn't want anything that could give away his real
identity away but at the same time, he wanted a name that would express his
newfound self.

Something like Vampire god just wouldn't work and gave too much information.
Plus the idea of putting Vampire in his name just sent cringe tinkles running down
his spine.
Finally, he had settled on a name.

\u003c User ID created Blood Evolver \u003e

The name was chosen for a few reasons. Quinn could feel his body getting
stronger with each person's blood he drank. It was as if his body was evolving into
something else and in the future, he knew he would be stronger then he was now.

He thought the name was very fitting for himself.

The next step was to design his character. The body proportions of his character
were the same as him but he was able to choose what hairstyle and simple clothing
he wanted on it.

Quinn had always been born with black curly hair and wanted to change it but
never got the chance to. Now it felt like he could be someone else.

After going through all the options, he finally decided on a red spiky-haired
character who wore simpler Villager clothing. It looked like a farmer from an old
fantasy world.

Once the character had been completed, Quinn was once again teleported to the
large white empty room. That's when Quinn noticed something.

While in the room Quinn was able to walk around freely and move his body just like
he could outside. He was currently dressed as the character and even had his
gauntlets on.

Then when Quinn tried to open up his system to his surprise it appeared like usual
showing all of his current stats.

Quinn looked down at his gauntlets and immediately wanted to test something out.

"Blood swipe." And in that instant, a red claw-like line left Quinn's hands and
scratched the ground.

For whatever reason, it seemed like Quinn's system and abilities still worked
inside the game.

Chapter 53 First game

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Chapter 53 First game

After finding out that his blood swiped worked in the game, Quinn immediately
opened up his system to check his stats again. Only unlike the outside world where
his HP would have gone down by 1 – HP. Everything had still remained the same.

Was it because using it didn't actually use any blood?

When Quinn would use blood swipe outside the Red claw-like shape would leave his
hand and at the same time, he felt like a piece of energy inside him had left with
it. The minus in his HP would indicate that it took part of his life force or his

But inside the game world, the attack did no such thing. It was just replicating
what his mind told it to do, while scanning the body inside the capsule to see if it
was possible.

To test this, Quinn swiped his hand's non stop, swipe after swipe. Red lines left
his fingertips in a flurry but at the same time, no HP was lost.

Just in case, Quinn opened up the game system and checked, and right next to his
name where there was a section to fill in your ability, there were the words
written none in the box.

However, another thought came to Quinn's mind. If he didn't lose any HP when
using the skill, this also meant that his skill Blood bank would have no effect in the
game. When he would get attacked it would do no physical harm to his real body on
the outside.

He wasn't actually losing health, so inside the game, he wouldn't be able to rely on
his blood bank to save him out of tough situations.

But the fact that Quinn was able to use these abilities in the game made him
think. Was his system really an ability? At first, he assumed so, after all, he had
received the power from what had looked like an ability book.

Of course, he had never heard of an ability before like this, but there were many
abilities in the world that Originals had hidden and kept for themselves. Then he
thought back to his status change.

Next to race, it stated he was no longer human. Perhaps his abilities were more a
side effect of changing race. Rather than an ability its self. That's why the skills
that he unlocked through the system, didn't really follow a pattern.
What the blood bank could do, differed greatly do what his Blood swipe did. If
Quinn's theory was right, did this mean he could also learn an ability?

He hadn't tried so far because he thought it simply wouldn't have worked but now
if he was to test this, he needed to think long and hard about what ability to learn.

Before going into his first game, Quinn wanted to test out the hammer strike. He
had been watching the video all last night and felt like he was ready.

"Place your foot forward like this and at the same time rotate your body. The
energy should flow through your toes upwards, then as you pull back your hand,
stomp on the ground and at the same time release the energy through your fist."
Quinn mumbled as he went through the steps.

At first Quinn did all of the required steps slowly, making sure he did all of the
steps perfectly not using any of his energy or strength. He did everything step by
step as the video had explained.

After going through it a few times he was ready. In one motion he did all the
steps as fast as he could and just like the video had stated he could feel the
energy rising from the bottom of his feet, into his fist.

The powerful strike left his hand and a loud *Bang* was heard. A small shockwave
in the air was created.

"I did it," Quinn said.

Although the shockwave was nowhere near the size of the man in the video, Quinn
was still happy with the result.

There was no longer any need for him to delay anymore and he went and clicked on
the search function. For his first match, Quinn wanted to go against the same
power level user as him, a level 1.

Technically Quinn himself knew he was beyond Level 1, If he was to take a guess,
he would say he was around the same power level as a 2.5 but for his first match,
he just wanted to make sure of a few things.

The game had found him an opponent and he was immediately teleported to an
arena. When the countdown had finished, it was time for the match to start.

The student in front of him had no beast weapon so Quinn was cautious at first
and at the same time he wanted to test something out.

Quinn got in close to the student and was ready for whatever was to come. That's
when the student had shapeshifted his hands into a claw-like shape and scratched
at Quinn's body.
The attack was slow and Quinn was able to block but chose not too and allowed the
attack to Scratch against his chest.

While playing the game, inside the user's view was his and his opponents HP bar,
placed in the bottom right-hand corner. When the attack went through a small
amount of HP had been taken.

Quinn then quickly stepped back a few steps and proceeded to use his blood bank

\u003c HP is currently full, unable to use Blood bank\u003e

It was as he had suspected. Although he took damage in the game nothing had
happened to his real body outside. With his thought confirmed, Quinn was now
ready to end the match.

He dashed forward and when he was close enough he threw out a blood swipe. The
student lifted his claws to block but the second the blood swipe made impact, his
claws had shattered and followed up behind the first blood swipe was a second

The student's HP was lowered now by around 25 percent. Although Quinn could
have easily finished the match with a barrage of blood swipes now, he chose not

He had wanted to originally play the game to help train his fighting skills, and in
the outside world, Quinn wasn't able to use the blood swipes as he liked.

Quinn got in closer to the student, by now the student's claws had already
regenerated. The student swung again but this time Quinn ducked underneath the
attack and threw out a punch to the students stomach followed by another punch
to the students face and finished him off with a cross-shaped duel blood swipe
with both hands.

\u003cWinner Blood Evolver \u003e

Just then though Quinn had received another message from his own system.

\u003c Opponent has been defeated 25 exp has been earned \u003e

\u003c 305/400 Exp \u003e

It was unexpected but Quinn had received Exp for defeating an opponent in the
game. Suddenly a large grin appeared on his face.


Due to your votes last week we Unlocked another mass release of four chapters.
If you would like another mass release please remember to vote.
3800 Stones = 2 extra Chapters

4000 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

Note: goals increase weekly as we also get an increase in readers weekly. Let's
climb to the top together.

Chapter 54 Flash Step

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8-10 minutos

Chapter 54 Flash Step

After defeating the student inside the game Quinn received 25 exp points
compared to his regular 50. This was a large surprise to him as Quinn didn't
expect a fight in the game to contribute to points in his system but at the same
time, this was great news.

Due to the heightened security around the school, it would be harder for him to
find opponents and draw out their blood. That and the gauntlets he was using a
dead giveaway. Although gauntlets were a rare weapon, there were millions of
military personals playing the game. Even if he was to use them, they wouldn't be
able to pinpoint it to him.

But now that Quinn was able to level up, it solved his current problem of getting
stronger without the need of consuming blood. Although he didn't know why he
had only received 25 exp.

If he had to take guess it could have been because he was wasn't fighting these
people in real life or the fact that the opponent he went up against was too weak.

Without wasting any more time, Quinn immediately went to search for another
game. He set the power level to level one that way he would be matched up against
easy opponents.

An opponent was almost found instantly and Quinn got straight to work. Rather
than reserving his power like in the last game, Quinn decided this time he would
just send out a barrage of Blood swipes at his opponent.
And his plan worked, his first opponent was dealt with so quickly that Quinn didn't
even have time to find out what ability he had.

\u003c 25 exp gained \u003e

\u003c 330/400 \u003e

Quinn's next three opponents were dealt with just as easy as the other two.
There was an earth elemental user who was too slow to cast his spells. He simply
avoided the attacks and then when was in range, would unleash the blood swipes.

The two after that were just as easy as Quinn's previous fights, he would quickly
dodge their attacks and when he was close enough to them he would spam his skill.
Of course, Quinn knew he wouldn't be able to do this type of thing outside the
game. After all the skill had a major setback of reducing his health.

If Quinn was ever in the danger zone and then got attacked, he would be dead in
an instant. But he just wanted to level up as soon as possible and after defeating
the next three, he did.

\u003c 405/400 exp\u003e

\u003cCongratulations you are now Level 4 \u003e

\u003c Race: Half-Ling \u003e

\u003c HP 25/25 \u003e

\u003c 5/800 exp\u003e

\u003c Strength 13 (3) \u003e

\u003c Stamina 12 \u003e

\u003c Agility 14 \u003e

For the first time since Quinn had levelled up, he hadn't received a new ability. He
somewhat had expected this but at the same time was hoping for something
useful. He would just have to keep levelling up and wait for more skills in the

Finally though, what Quinn had wanted had arrived. The reason why he wanted to
level up so fast was because of the free stat point received after every level up.

\u003c Agility 15 \u003e

He immediately put the point into his agility stat and now he could finally learn the
flash step from the tutorial. This time while following the tutorial from the blonde
man, Quinn was able to follow him step by step along with the video.
Unlike when learning the Hammer strike, where he had to watch it repeatedly and
was unable to do everything.

After several minutes of Quinn practising the flash step he finally had a stroke of

"Yes!" Quinn shouted.

However, what Quinn did notice was while he was in the white room on his own, his
body would never feel tired. He was able to perform the flash step as many times
as he wanted without feeling tired.

This did not apply to when he was in a match though. Using the Blood swipe did
take up Quinn's stamina, he felt this affecting him after sending out attack after
attack during a match.

It meant the white room acted like some type of training room, where they were
unaffected by their physical bodies restraints.

With the flash step learnt, Quinn finally wanted to experience a fight with a
tougher opponent. Instead of searching by power level Quinn decided to select,
Quick match and would let fate decide the level of his opponent.

In the real world, you wouldn't be able to choose who you went up against so it was
important for Quinn to have experience fighting in all sorts of situations. Then a
few moments later, a match was found.

This time when Quinn entered the arena floor, he could see his opponent standing
opposite him, He was wearing a long red cape and by his side were two daggers.

Quinn also realised they weren't alone either, there was also a person sitting in
the stands watching Quinn and his opponent.

"Oh don't worry about him," The caped man said, "He's just my senior, his
watching me fight so he can give tips."

Quinn then tried using his inspect skill on his opponent to see what power level or
ability they had but there was no luck. The inspect skill didn't seem to work in the

But before the match began, Quinn made sure to open up his status screen and
decided to leave it open and off to the side. During this match, he wanted to keep
a close eye on it.

When both of them were ready the countdown started over their heads

As soon as the sound dinged indicating the start of the match. The caped man
took out his daggers and swung them out fast. Two wind blades followed, the
attack was similar to Quinn's Blood swipe only the distance the attack could be
used was far greater and faster.

Quinn then decided to attack with his own Blood swipe, the two lines of power
clashed in the middle and cancelled each other out.

"A red colour, what ability is that?"

The caped man was wondering, and at the same time, the caped mans senior was
thinking the same thing.

This time Quinn charged forward, his abilities all required him to be used at close
range, the caped man seeing this threw more wind strikes out but Quinn just
replied back with his own Blood swipes but this time sending out four of them.

When the first two cancelled out the Wind strikes, the next two carried on
moving forward.

That's when the caped man, lifted his cape and spun around, the blood strikes
smacked into the cape but there was no effect and not even a scratch left on the

"Is that beast armour, and a high level one at that." Quinn thought.

The two of them were now in punching distance of one another, The capped man
swung his daggers out fast, Quinn lifted his hands and managed to grab on to the
daggers allowing the blade to just come out from his fingertips.

Then suddenly, the aura around the daggers grew and the wind forming around
dagger allowed the ends of the blade to grow and act more like a sword, piercing
Quinn in both shoulders.

The capped man pulled back and went for another strike.

"I don't know what your ability is but it's over." The capped man said.

But then suddenly, his dagger had hit nothing but empty air and space and no one
could be seen. As he turned around a sharp claw penetrated the man's stomach.
Then another, attack, after attack at great speed was tearing his stomach apart
and to finish him off two more Blood swipes.

\u003c 25 experience gained \u003e

\u003c 30/800 exp\u003e

The man watching in the arena stood up on his feet as he saw his friend lose the
match. The two of them so far had been on a winning streak. Taking it in turns
facing opponent after opponent, the sudden loss had come as a shock to them.
"That skill at the end, what was that?"

Then just as Quinn was about to log out and go find another match, he heard
someone call out to him.

"Wait!" The man in the seats shouted, "Please fight me."

Quinn had no problem with this and accepted but unknown to him the man he was
about to face was one of the strongest students from another military school.


Hey guys we are top 15 in Ranking. Please remember to keep voting for extra
Chapters and a mass release on the weekend.

3800 Stones = 2 extra chapters

4000 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

Thank you for supporting the story.

Chapter 55 A fun one

Read My Vampire System - Chapter 55 A fun one online free - Light Novel

9-11 minutos

Chapter 55 A fun one

The student who had been sitting up in the stands and watching the fight between
Quinn and his friend was known as Nate Snell. He was a second-year from another
academy and in his academy, he was well known for being one of the strongest
second years.

Nate often played in the game to improve his fighting skills as this was important
for him due to the fact it went hand in hand with his ability. He was obsessed with
learning all different types of martial art skills.

There was one area in the game that it didn't allow you to improve on though. Even
though the game allowed you to use abilities, it did not have the system in place to
use soul weapons.
This would be an almost impossible task considering every person's soul weapon
was different, even if they had the same ability.

With a keen eye for martial arts, the second Nate had seen Quinn perform his
flash step, he needed to know who this person was. The footwork in the skill was
so beautiful, so quick, that even he wasn't able to keep track of where Quinn had

After asking Quinn for a battle he was overjoyed that he accepted. For the two
of them to start their match they needed to add each other to their friend's list

\u003c Hardsteely has sent you a friend request \u003e

Quinn accepted the friend request and was happy to fight, honestly, Quinn wasn't
too bothered who he went up against but after fighting against Nate's friend, he
felt like he should have a good match coming up that would help him improve.

\u003c Blood evolver has accepted your friend request \u003e

"Blood evolver? Does his ability have something to do with blood, that would
explain those red lines coming out from his hands but was their such an ability in
the system?" Nate thought.

There were 1000s of different abilities in the system, so Nate wasn't sure of all
of them but he had fought many battles in the game and this was the first time
seeing someone with this type of ability.

Before the match was about to begin, Nate had asked if he could speak to his
friend Sam for a few moments. Quinn agreed as he wanted to check a few things
out himself.

During the match when Quinn used his flash step, he was hoping his own system
would show him something but nothing happened. Of course, this was because he
was in the game, but he knew that the flash step felt like it had taken a
significant amount of stamina from him.

His current stamina points where at a 12, if he was to make a rough guess, he
would say that four strikes of blood swipe took down one stamina point. Meaning
he would be able to perform around 48 blood swipes before running out of
stamina. However, if he did this, he would reach 0 HP before even using up all his

But as the blonde man had said in the video, flash step took a considerable amount
of stamina, at most Quinn knew he would currently only be able to produce it twice
in one game. Meaning it took at least five points of stamina.
Quinn would have to think carefully when using this information in a match, at
first he thought it wasn't so important increasing his stamina, as long as he was
strong enough or fast enough he could win his fights, but in a prolonged battle and
matches against multiple enemies, as soon as his stamina dropped to 0 he would be
as good as dead.

Not only that but Quinn dreaded the thought of having to fight in the sunlight
with these stats.

Over at the other end of the arena, Nate was busy talking to Sam about his

"You are such a fool," Nate said.

"I know I'm sorry," Sam replied.

Nate looked at the flapping cape that Sam was wearing and started to shake his
head. "We just got this incredible thing and you didn't even use it properly in the
fight. When he went out from your view if you hadn't turned around your back it
would have been protected. Or you could have turtled up with the cape."

"It's hard to get used to having something on your back, if someone vanishes in
front of you and you know they're behind you, you naturally turn around. Wouldn't
you?" Sam replied. Sam then started to look at the ground as he was saddened
remembering how he had lost the match. "My win streak." Sam Cried.

Nate proceeded to pat Sam on the shoulder with pity before walking to his
fighting spot. "You know the deal, if I win against him then that means I win out
bet. And you'll owe me those credits.

As Sam headed back to the arena stands, he was praying for Quinn to kick his
friend's ass. He had lost too many bets recently and was running low on credits.

"3…2…1…" And the match had begun.

Surprisingly, both of them at the same time had decided to charge in. Although
Quinn didn't know his opponent's abilities, his attacks were more effective closer
in range. If he was going up against an elemental user, then it was always better
for him to get closer anyway.

And as soon as Quinn was within five meters, he threw out two blood swipes.
Suddenly, Nat's speed dropped dramatically, his skin started to turn into a shiny
material and his footsteps were heavy. As the blood swipes reached and hit his
body, the sound of metal clanging against each other was heard.

For the first time when Quinn's attack had hit an opponent's body, it had done 0
damage what so ever. The metal shine form Nate's body seemed to shift and now
was concentrated in his arm. It allowed Nate to move a lot faster and close the

He pushed his hand forward and out came a long metal silver pole. It was too fast
for Quinn to react to and the pole dug into his stomach and continued to push him
back. The attack was strong and Quinn had lost about ten percent of his health.
The pole continued to grow and push him back and his health continued to fall.

Quinn then grabbed onto the pole with both hands and using all his strength,
managed to stop it's momentum.

"Wow, looks like you strong as well?" Nate said surprised, not only did his
opponent have a ranged attack but seemed to have super strength now as well.

Quinn pushed the pole to the side and swung out his claws, this time firing four
blood swipes. The pole then started to retract quicker than the blood swipes and
absorbed back into Nate's body. He then put both of his hands together and the
metal liquid started to form a large oval shape and eventually formed a shield.

Each strike hit the shield and there was no effect.

However, Quinn had expected this result, when Nate retracted the metal back
into his body, Quinn was in front of him ready to strike, But Nate remained calm
and shifted the metal over his body to the exact spot where Quinn was aiming for
his head.

The punch landed but Nate's head didn't even move a single inch and again the
game had recorded no such damage.

Nate then grabbed Quinn's fist and with his other hand formed the pole, whacking
him to the ground.

"Come on, you should be better than this?" Nate said, the truth was Nate was
purposely shifting the metal into a poll rather than a sword, this way the match
would last longer.

It had been a while since Quinn felt like this, weak. There was only one thing left
for him to try. Quinn lifted himself off the ground and started to breathe in,
calming himself down. Anger would only distract him.

Then he was ready and Nate could see it too.

"Come on!" Nate said as he shifted the metal pole back into his body and into one
of his fists.

Quinn once again charged forward and threw out a blood swipe, Nate blocked the
attack easily lifting his arm and knocking it away but it was only meant to serve as
a distraction in the first place.
When Quinn got close enough, Nate threw out his fist and at the same time, he
responded with Flash step.

Avoiding the strike and appearing behind Nate.

"Too predictable," Nate had prepared for this after watching the last match and
made sure his back was already fully covered in the metal like alloy.

Quinn then lifted his foot off the ground, let the energy go through from his toes
up into his fist, as he stomped down with one foot, he pulled back one hand and let
out another fist.


The sound of too solid objects hitting each other sounded loudly in the distance.
For a brief second the two of them was frozen in place and for the first time,
Quinn was able to do damage and it was a lot.

Nate's eyes grew in shock as he saw the attack bring his health down by nearly
half. Nate knew he was in danger and he could no longer take the fight as easy as
he did before. He swung his body and at the same time had shifted a piece of
metal into a sword.

But once again, Quinn had used the flash step to avoid the strike.

"Damn it, again, how is he so fast!" As Nate turned to look at where his opponent
was, he was surprised to see Quinn collapsed on the ground.

Quinn was breathing in heavy, he could no longer move, the use of using flash step
twice including the fact that he had used hammer strike, he had pushed his body
way beyond its limits.

"Let's do this again sometime," Nate said as he stabbed Quinn on the ground
ending the game.

Although the match had ended in Nate's victory, he was more excited than ever.

"Looks like the Military tournament is going to be a fun one this year."


Please remember to vote with your spirit stones for a mass release on the
weekend. Thank you for all the support.

3800 Stones = 2 extra chapters

4000 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

Chapter 56 Learning more

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Novel Full

6-8 minutos

Chapter 56 Learning more

After finishing his intense battle with Nate, his hour using the VR capsule was up
and Quinn was no longer able to participate in any more matches. Although he had
lost his match, he felt satisfied, he had learnt a lot during his battle with Nate.

His attacks including his blood swipe, were not strong enough to do any damage to
Nate while he using his metal ability. However, his Hammer strike skill was.
Hammer strike didn't increase his strength but now Quinn had a good idea what it
did do. It was an attack that focused on the inside, an internal attack, the perfect
counter to those with abilities who hardened or transformed their bodies.

Quinn couldn't wait to find out what the other tutorials the blonde man had in
store for him, but he had no idea how to unlock them. The blonde man had simply
said when he was ready, they would unlock for him.

There were two things this meant, one might be when Quinn's stats were high
enough to complete the fighting skills requirements or when Quinn was a high
enough level.

The second lesson the fight had taught him was how important stamina was. The
flash step was an incredible skill that allowed him to avoid a strike in an instant
but if he used it more than twice, then he would be done for, and if he was out in
the sun, he wasn't even sure he would be able to use the skill at all.

This made Quinn think long and hard about what to put his stat points into in the
future. Perhaps going for an agility or strength-based character wasn't the best
thing after all.

With that in mind, Quinn had set up an important meeting with Layla today. There
was one thing he needed to learn about more than anything, especially if he wanted
to get stronger in the future.

It was a Sunday so Quinn still had the rest of the day off, before having to go
back to the standard military lessons for the week. The sun was out bright and
early and Quinn was standing outside the school gates patiently waiting for Layla.
Even though it was the weekend, Quinn still wore his school uniform for he didn't
have any other clothes, other than what was provided to him and he had long
grown out of his old school uniform.

"This damn sun!" Quinn said while his body was covered in sweat.

\u003c All current stats have been halved \u003e

Ever since he had evolved from a human into a Halfling, the sun seemed to bother
him even more. He was covered in sweat even though it wasn't that hot and he was
starting to have ringing headaches if he stayed outside too long.

Finally, after waiting a while, Layla had arrived, she was wearing a beautiful red
dress that showed off her long legs nicely along with her short hair. She still
carried her bow and had her quiver by her side and on her back was a fairly large

"You ready?" Layla asked smiling.

Quinn looked at the large bag on her back, it must have been heavy he thought.

"Do you want me to carry that for you?" Quinn asked, although with his stats
halved and his strength draining from his body, he was hoping she would say no.

"It's okay the bag is lighter than you think. I'm using my ability to make it
lighter." Layla replied.

Quinn really wasn't sure if she was being truthful or not and didn't really know
what to do in these types of situations.

Were you meant to insist and be pushy? Or be a gentleman like and offer a hand,
or listen to the girl, If she said she could do it, then she could do it.

In the end, Quinn didn't want to think too hard about it and decided to just let
Layla carry on holding the heavy bag. If she wanted him to really carry the bag
then she should just ask him.

The two of them walked out of the school's premise and carried on walking until
they eventually reached a nice quiet park. There were some students outside
messing around playing with their abilities and at the same time there was some
military personal relaxing on the benches.

"Peaceful isn't it?" Layla said.

"Yeah it's kind of nice," Then a thought came into his head, of all the news he had
heard on TV, about what life was like during the war, how it could start up again
any second and finally the death of his parents. "But who knows how long it will
last, that's why I need to keep getting stronger."
Layla placed the heavy bag on the ground and it seemed like it was a weight off
her shoulders. Even if she was using her ability it would be tiring for someone to
keep it up on the whole walk here.

That's when Layla started to empty out all the contents in her bag. There were all
sorts of things inside, there were several items of thick clothing, such as hats,
scarfs, sunglasses and most of it seemed to be black in colour.

Then she continued to pull out even more stuff, lotions and lotions of sun cream
and finally she pulled out an umbrella.

"Did it cost a lot?" Quinn asked, worried after seeing how much she had bought.

"Don't worry about it, my family sent me the credits and I used up what the
academy gave me." Layla replied, "Besides I got it all from the market place so it
was dirt cheap."

The marketplace was an online store that was used all around the world. It sold
your everyday items such as food, clothes, utilities and other things.

With the use of teleporters, your items were able to be shipped to you in almost
an instant. As long as you could afford one of these, if not you would have to go to
a collection point.

And the military school had one of these collection points for students to use. But
other than just your everyday items, the market place was also used by people to
sell and buy beast weapons, Skill books, Ability books and all sorts of things that
would be beneficial to you in battles.

However, to access this part of the market place you would either need military
personal ID, which all students got a temporary one to use during their time there
or if you were a traveller.

Travellers were people who didn't work for the military but worked for a private
company and often went into portals to explore different worlds.

"So what do you want to try first?" Layla said holding the sun cream in her hand.


Sorry for the short chapter I am incredibly sick today, please support the series
by voting it really helps and will count towards our mass release goal!

3800 Stones = 2 extra Chapters

4000 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

Chapter 57 Weakness

Read My Vampire System - Chapter 57 Weakness online free - Light Novel


8-10 minutos

Chapter 57 Weakness

The two of them had gathered in the park, not just for a casual chat and peaceful
evening but there was a goal in mind. And although Quinn usually found Layla
obsessive, it seemed like her crazy strange self would come in handy.

The whole purpose of today was to find out if there was any way to either, reduce
the effect that the sun had on the system, or even temporarily stop it altogether
and there was no one better than Layla for the job. She knew everything about
vampires having grown up reading about them.

She ordered whatever she thought might have been effective.

Quinn looked at all the items that she had brought over, he then noticed that
noticed a few more things on the ground with her. There was a metal shaped
cross, a clove of garlic and even a piece of silver jewellery.

"Oh those are for later," Layla said embarrassed noticing Quinn staring at her
stuff. "We should also try to find out if you have any other weaknesses of normal
vampires as well."

"Alright, why don't we just try the umbrella first," Quinn said as he knelt down to
pick it up.

He then stood still and popped open the umbrella, it was solid black in colour to
make sure that most of the light didn't penetrate or get through it. Quinn then
adjusted the umbrella a few times to make sure his body was completely covered
in the shadow, then to his surprise.

\u003c Stats have returned to normal \u003e

While Quinn was fully covered under the shade, his stats had returned, then he
lifted his hand and placed it outside the shade zone ever so slightly and as soon as
the tiniest part of his finger was outside the same usual status screen had

\u003c You are being affected by Direct sunlight \u003e

\u003c All stats will be halved \u003e

"Well?" Layla asked.

"It works, but even if a little bit of my body is in the sun then I start to feel

This wouldn't do. Holding the umbrella although would return his stats, it would be
difficult to use in a fight. One hand would be occupied holding the umbrella while
the other would be free. Also, it was a big weak target that the enemy could easily

But at least he found out that if he just carried an umbrella with him, he would no
longer feel weak. It was a good idea to keep one on him for now.

"That's a special umbrella." Layla said, "It's one used to block out the UV from
the sun, although at most it can block out about ninety percent it's not perfect.
To be honest, I'm surprised it worked."

"Is the UV rays why I feel weak then?"

"Not necessarily, I mean Vampire lore is all over the place but these myths had to
grounded somewhere right?" Layla then looked at the ground and picked up the
sun cream. "If the umbrella really worked because of the UV then the sun cream
should have some effect."

Layla then walked up to Quinn squirting some of the cream onto her hand. "You

Quinn then went a little red thinking about Layla applying the cream onto his body.
Looking at Layla now out of her school uniform, he realised she was kind of cute.
So what she was a little strange and knew too much about Vampires. Everyone had
there geeky thing they knew about and was obsessed with.

Then Quinn felt something cold on his leg. She had taken Quinn's silence as a yes
and started to slather the cream all over his body. After making sure everywhere
she could see covered in cream, to finish it off she placed sunglasses over Quinn's

"Although we can stop the UV on your eyelids, we can't on your eyeballs." Layla
said, "Well anything?"

This time, there was no such result, when opening up his status the UV cream
hadn't even made a little bit of impact. Quinn still felt incredibly weak and his
stats were still halved.

"So it looks like it's not to do with the UV then, although the umbrella worked it
can only block so much of the UV and same with the cream, so I was hoping it
would have some effect but this means its most likely some other property in the
sun that we don't know about."

To be honest, Quinn was thankful that the sun cream didn't work. The idea of
waking up every day and doing it as a daily routine, at some point the cream would
ware off too.

He also couldn't imagine in the middle of the fight asking his opponent to wait to
lather and cream himself all over. He had pictures in his head of asking Vorden to
cover for him, while he brought out a bottle of sun cream.

Finally, it was time for the last test, this one Quinn was dreading the most, the
clothes test. He was already sweating and feeling hot as it was and couldn't
imagine putting on a load of black clothing. But he thought it was best to get it
over and done with as soon as possible.

First Quinn placed a sweater over the top of his body, then a pair of black thick
trousers, on his feet, instead of trainers he changed to black boots than on his
hand a pair of leather black gloves. Finally, on his head, he had a large back top

Looking at him, Layla could barely hold in her laughter he looked absolutely

"Breathe, breathe Layla." She mumbled, "Well anything?"

"No, not yet anyway"

"Well, we might as well try the rest."

Layla then continued to place clothes onto Quinn, this time she had covered his
face with a balaclava, and even where his eyes were, she had put a sleeping mask
on. More hats were placed on and now every inch of his skin was covered.


"No!" Quinn shouted, but it sounded muffled through the clothes.

However, Layla didn't give up yet, she felt like if the umbrella had worked then
this had to work as well. She continued to place all the remaining clothes she had
brought with and then finally while Layla was piling on the clothes, Quinn managed
to shout something.

"Wait it's working!" Quinn said.

Although the clothes had worked, Quinn was around three inches thick in black
clothing. Layla quickly helped Quinn take of all the clothing as it seemed like he
was a bit wobbly on his legs and was going to pass out any second now.
Once the two of them were finished, Quinn opened up the umbrella and the energy
started to restore back into his body again. The two of them sat down on the
clean-cut grass and were discussing the results of the test.

"Well, you can't go out like that." Layla said, "You couldn't move in the thing,"

"Agreed but at least we know that the most important thing is to stop the sun
hitting me."

Quinn started to feel the umbrella wondering if perhaps he could get clothes
made out of the same material. Then the problem would be the material would be
too weak. Most likely the reason the clothes didn't work so well was because they
didn't block out the sun enough. He needed more solid but flexible material.

There was some stuff out there that might have worked, like a black latex suit or
something but these weren't strong enough for fighting, it could easily be torn or
ripped and then he would be back to being normal weak Quinn again.

Suddenly a thought had entered Quinn's mind. He started to remember the fight
he had inside The VR game. When he had gone against Sam, he had used a cape
that was able to block his blood swipe. The material was not only flexible but
strong as well.

The cape was most likely made from some type of beast, from one of the portals,
if Quinn could get enough of this material, maybe he could make a suit of some
kind that could not only protect him from the sun but also be strong enough to be
used in combat.

A smile started to appear on his face, he now couldn't wait to be transported to

hunt some beasts.


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Chapter 58 Vampire myths

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Chapter 58 Vampire myths

After finishing the test with the items, Layla was eager to try out a few of the
other things she had brought along with her.

"Do I really have to worry about something like this?" Quinn said as he picked up a
clove of garlic.

"Not really, to be honest, I just wanted to try out everything, garlic always acted
more as a repellent in the first place and the fact that you're holding it like that,
would suggest it wouldn't hurt."

While Quinn looked at the piece of garlic, he decided to use the inspect skill on
just to be sure. If something would harm him, he was sure the system would be
able to tell him basic information such as this.


\u003c A glove of garlic. Due to your heightened senses, the piece may test
extremely bad. Safe to consume \u003e

The good news was the system had informed him that the garlic wasn't poisonous,
which meant it would be able to do with the other items as well. The bad news was,
that he had to still eat the garlic so Layla didn't get suspicious.

He broke the glove into a small piece before placing it into his mouth. The taste
was incredibly strong, it felt like he was eating dog crap. Not that he knew how
that tasted anyway but if he had to imagine this was it.

Quin immediately started to spit on the ground trying to get the taste out of his

"Well, at least you look fine," Layla said.

Quinn had actually expected this result before even using his inspect skill. The
taste of food had slightly changed ever since his evolution. Sweet food such as ice
cream and cakes now tasted bland, it was the same with fruit.

The only thing that still tasted fine for him was meat. Although everything
seemed to taste slightly saltier than before, it was the same with other herbs as
well. Although there was one thing that drastically changed for him and that was
blood, it was a greater taste than anything he had before and was sweet as
caramel itself.
Just thinking about it, Quinn wanted another taste, but he was still able to control
himself just fine. It was the same way when someone thought about chocolate,
they suddenly wanted chocolate but they didn't need it.

Before touching any of the other items, Quinn made sure to use his inspect skill on
each one. First was the metal cross.

"A religious symbol that has no effect." The system said.

Then the chain.

"A sliver Chain that is made up of 92 percent silver. Wearing the item can be used
as a fashion accuracy."

With both the items there was no such warning. Quinn then proceeded to pick up
both of them with no worry. He was starting to trust the system more and more
lately as it had been more helpful and accurate.

"So what's the story behind these two things?" Quinn asked. "I kind of get the
cross but what about the silver, and they just for werewolves?"

Suddenly Layla's eyes started to sparkle up.

"I'm glad you asked, Vampire lore has gone further back then you think even in
Greek mythology they have tales of a vampires. The first Vampire was said to be
cursed by the god Apollo, to be burnt by sunlight, then when the man tried to
touch Artemis bow, she cursed the human further to be effected by silver." Layla
explained, "Of course there are other reasons but this is one of the older ones.
Then with the cross, Vampires have always been seen as workers of the Devil, a
creature that needed to suck blood to live and of course God in the eyes of many,
is a fighter of evil and the cross is a symbol of the god."

Layla then Grabbed both items form Quinn and placed it back in her bag.

"But now looking at you, I can clearly see all of that was a load of rubbish," Layla
said sounding a bit disappointed by the whole experience. "The only Vampire
weakness it seems you have so far is sunlight, although I have to admit that's a
pretty big one, do you feel like you're not getting older yet?"

"What?" Quinn said confused, "How would I even know, it's only been a few days. I
mean I don't feel any older but I could say that about the rest of my life, you kind
of just got older without realising it."

Then a dreaded thought had entered Quinn's mind, if it was true that he would no
longer age, did that mean his appearance would stay the same as it did now? Would
he look like a young teenage boy for the rest of his life?
With test over, it was time for the two of them to head back to their dorm rooms.
Quinn decided to head back to the dorm rooms and see if Vorden and Peter
wanted to hang out and do something for the rest of the evening.

But when he entered the room, once again neither Vorden or Peter was there.
Vorden, Quinn didn't worry too much about, it seemed like he had been getting
into trouble lately with the second years, but currently they were staying well
clear of him after the incident.

It was Peter, Quinn was more worried about. He couldn't help but shake the
feeling that these new friends of Peter weren't actually friends of his and was
wondering what to do.

With that Quinn decided to sleep for the night and wait till the next day.


When he woke up, he was happy to see that the other two had managed to return
to their rooms in the middle of the night. For once the three of them had decided
to head down to the canteen together and in a long time, the three of them
casually eat food and chatted about what they had done yesterday.

Once the three of them had finished eating, it was time for them to head to their
homeroom classes together. On Monday morning they were to attend a morning
class with their teacher Del. This lesson would be a theory-based lesson, either
the history of the human race or even notice about what would happen.

The three of them sat in the back of the class as usual, while Layla sat at the
front with Erin by her side. The students waited patiently until Del had finally

"Alright class I have an important announcement to make, the preparations for

your first Portal outing has been complete. It's time for you kids to go explore
the Universe a bit more."


Short chapter but remember Mass release tomorrow. If you want another mass
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4000 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

Chapter 59 Portal Colors

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Chapter 59 Portal Colors

Before Del was to inform the students about the Portal training they would be
participating in. He needed to explain to the students how the portals worked.
After all, it would be a first for nearly every student there apart from a few of

Portals allowed humans to travel to and back form locations that they had been to
before. They were often used to travel to other planets. The technology was
obtained when humanity managed to take down there first Dalki ship and
discovered a portal inside.

Usually, when such advanced technology was discovered, people wouldn't be able to
dissect and replicate it so easily. Just because you had the technology didn't mean
you understood how it worked. But thanks to a legendary scientist named Richard
Eno, he had easily been able to dissect all of the equipment found on board of the

Another great contributor to the war against the Dalki. Some people assumed that
he had an ability of some sort that helped him along the way but these were just
rumours and no one knew for sure.

However, one thing for certain was he was a great man. Once he had found this
technology, he distributed it not only to the military but also to private companies
as well. He made sure that such power wouldn't just end up in one group's hands.

Back then the world and humans were fighting together but who knew what would
happen once the war had ended.

In today's world, there were generally three different groups of people who had
and owned portals. The military was the first group.

Next were private corporations. They usually had powerful originals backing them,
many of these companies would also form a faction, a group of powerful Travellers
just for exploring other planets.

And lastly was the group known as Pure, a group that didn't believe in the use of
There were three types of portals each different in colour, there was green,
orange and red. Each of these portals meant a different thing.

Green meant that the planet it led to had already been explored and there were
human shelters that had been built. These allowed people to live there if they
wished or just stay their temporarily.

The next was Orange, this meant that the planet hadn't been fully explored yet,
there were some Shelters in place but the level of the beast could be too high in
certain areas or they just hadn't explored everywhere yet.

And finally, the Red portals, these were unexplored planets. There were no
shelters for regular humans to live in. Only travellers or military personal would
usually go into these portals for exploration and the worst thing about them was
they didn't know if the Dalki were on the planet as well.

After all, the Dalki had the same technology so it wouldn't be too strange to run
into them and although under a treaty, if a few people were to go missing on an
unknown planet, it was hard to prove something had happened and the humans
weren't ready for another war just yet.

"And that is all the information you need to know about portals," Del said.

A student then raised his hand who seated in the centre of the class.

"Yes!" Del said.

"What about the beasts that were discovered on those planets, will we learn about
them." The student asked.

"For now, that's all you need to know about the portals, yes this also led us to
discover beasts on these planets and they are what we use to create our beast
weapons but you will be told more detail bout that when you arrive." Del explained,
"Although I will tell you now that you can also thank Richard Eno for that
discovery as well."

Del then closed the presentation that was playing behind him.

"Now for the important part, the portal expedition will take place next week but
before even that, you will be required to form your own team of five. Although on
this trip you will travel as a class, you must have a squad and stick together. Even
the green portals are a dangerous place filled with beasts and the trackers on
your watch will not work outside the academy, we will have no way to come and
save you."

The same student once again raised his hand and Del had a look on his face like it
was starting to get annoying.

"Do you know where we will be going?"

"That information will be reviled to you on the day, many of you here have family
members who if they knew where you were, would send guards out to protect you
on these planets but that wouldn't be fair, especially since we will also be
assessing you on this."

The student once again raised his hand but Del this time stared at him back
forcing him to slowly put his hand down again.

"Now if there aren't any more questions, you're combat classes for today are
cancelled, today you are to form a team of five and report back to us by the end
of the day."

Del then left the room to attend to other business while allowing the students to
form their own group of fives.

Vorden then turned his head immediately.

"Hey Quinn, you want to be on the…."

But standing by Quinn's side already was Layla, who had sprinted from the front
of the class to the back.

"Hey, do you want to make a team with me Quinn?" Layla said smiling.

"Err sure," Quinn answered.

Truthfully, Quinn wanted to ask Layla to be on the same team, they didn't know
how long their first assessment was going to take and if he was to get hurt or
injured, he was going to need a blood source of some type.

Even if Vorden didn't like it, he knew this was going to happen.

"Hey, Quinn you mind if I join as well." He said smiling trying to hide his

"Of course, and Peter as well."

Peter's face was a little shocked at hearing the sound of his name and at the same
time his feelings were confused.

"Yeah, that would be good," Peter said.

Then when the others were just thinking about who the fifth member should be,
Erin had approached Vorden of all people in the room.

"I want to make a team with you."


Mass release day, remember to vote for another one next week.
3800 Stones 2 extra Chapters (Hit)

4000 Stones 4 extra Chapters (Hit)

500+ stones = 1 extra Chapter

Chapter 60 The team

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Chapter 60 The team

Not only were Quinn and the others shocked that Erin had approached Vorden but
so was the whole class. In Del's class, Erin was the strongest student there,
nearly everyone wanted her on their team but over the last few days, when people
had tried to approach her, she had always given a cold response.

It seemed like she was disinterested in everything apart from getting stronger.

"I'm sorry." Vorden said, "But I've already decided to make a team with these

Vorden's response to Erin seemed to be even crazier to everyone else as well.

They had seen Vorden fight that day when they were surrounded by the second
years. After witnessing that, no one would say he was any weaker than Erin.

If the two of them were to combine powers and found a few other strong people,
it meant they could easily come up with the strongest team in the class.

Erin then looked at the group of people who Vorden pointed at, to be honest, she
didn't seem to recognise any of them.

"Who are they?" Erin said.

"What, we took the test together, I even helped you out at the assembly hall!"
Layla complained.
The truth was Erin never took the time to remember people's faces, she only
cared about those who were strong. When she saw how weak there were in the
test assessment, she didn't even bother with them any longer.

Although there was one person who had caught her eye other then Vorden and
that was Quinn. She remembered him throwing the black beast balls at a
lightning-fast speed and taking out a student. Then when she looked at his wrist,
she saw he was only a Level 1 user.

"Why would you stay with these weak people, surely you can get a better grade if
you join me and a few others," Erin said.

The first assessment and future assessments in the portal outing would determine
their final grade. For those who had a cosy family to get back to, it didn't matter
too much but to rest it determined their future.

The grade they got when they left military academy would decide whether they
could join a strong private company, or whether they would just end up joining the
bottom of the barrel being treated even worse than now.

"I don't care about the grades, I just want to have fun while I'm still in school,"
Vorden replied.

But Erin was determined to not give up.

"Fine, I can accept the girl and the strangely strong boy but I can't accept him,"
Erin said pointing at Peter.

Peter heart suddenly started to thumb louder, a fear started to take over him as
he heard Erin speak these words. If he didn't get in Vorden's and Peter team, he
would be in huge trouble.

"Why do we need you anyway?" Vorden said.

"Wait a minute," Layla interrupted, "I think she would make a good addition to the
team, besides Vorden, doesn't your ability rely on those around you to be strong
as well. As far as I remember beast doesn't have abilities so you would have to
rely on us, and we don't exactly have strong abilities."

"Layla, I understand what you are saying but for once I agree with Vorden," Quinn
replied. "I don't care how strong she is, she can't just come in and kick one of us
out. She can join the team but only if Peter stays."

It was good to have strong allies but at what cost. If Quinn was to kick out Peter
to replace him with a stranger, he would just be as bad as everyone else who had
treated him like crap just for being weak. He didn't want to change into one of
those types of people.
Erin then started to look around the room before looking at Vorden once again.
She thought back to how Vorden was able to deal with Momo quite well before the
use of the soul weapon. After looking around the room there didn't seem to be a
single person in Del's class that matched up to him.

"Fine, I will join but I wish for the five of us to have a re-testing to see where we
stand," Erin asked. "Perhaps we can go visit the training centre, display what we
can do to the rest."

Layla and Quinn looked at each other with a half worried look in their eye.

The five of them then headed down to the training centre, it was the same place
that Layla had first spotted Quinn who had sneaked in the place at night.

Right now the room was filled with multiple different people from all sorts of
different classes. All the other classes had also been informed about the
upcoming test and had decided to find out what each other's abilities were.

This would give them the best chance of defeating and capturing as many beasts
as possible and increasing their chances of survival.

"Well, what do you want us to do?" Vorden asked.

"I've already seen your powers, but I can't remember too much about the girl and
the other two, perhaps the girl can go first on the strength machine."

Layla went up as asked and went to the large circular strength machine. She
concentrated her mind and threw out her fist at the same time she used the force
of her telekinesis to push her hand as strong as she could.

The numbers slowly went up on the machine's display until it had eventually
reached number eight.

"Damn it, same as last time, looks like I haven't improved much," Layla complained.

"For a level two that's quite a weak strength score but judging by the bow you're
a ranged user anyway, it will be quite handy to have someone like you on the team,"
Erin said.

She then walked up to the two boys, Quinn and Peter.

"Well, I'm hoping that both of you can at least get the same score as her."

Quinn was starting to get annoyed by all her taunts, but he took a deep breath and
held it in. With her on the team, it would cause fewer troubles with the others.
Even if they did defeat beasts and obtain their crystals, there was a high chance
that another team might target them and try to steal them.

But just having Erin on the team would stop that.

Peter walked up to the machine holding the mud staff in his hand.

"Looks like he's still level 1 then," Erin said.

Level 1 earth user didn't have the ability to extract earth from the ground, all
they could do was reform the earth in their hand, they could only control earth
they were touching rather than the earth around them.

As Peter went to punch the machine the earth around from the pole started to
form around his fist, as he hit the machine the numbers started to go up and
finally, it stopped at eight. The same score as Layla.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Erin said looking at Quinn.


Mass release day, remember to vote for another one next week.

3800 Stones 2 extra Chapters (Hit)

4000 Stones 4 extra Chapters (Hit)

500+ stones = 1 extra Chapter

Chapter 61 Grinding

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Chapter 61 Grinding

As Quinn walked up to the strength machine, all he wanted to do was punch the
machine as hard as he could. He wanted to shut up the arrogant Erin who felt like
she was better than everyone else. Why did she choose to act like this? Simply
because she had a better ability than others?

Because her family was well off enough to buy her a strong ability book? but
Quinn couldn't reveal himself hear, especially in front of the others. They all had
seen him on the test day and they all knew Quinn still didn't have an ability apart
from Layla.
He looked at the machine and started to wonder, If he performed Hammer strike
using all his strength would the number rise up. Surely the number would be above
his sixteen strength.

He readied his fist and redid his footwork. The gauntlets were equipped on his
hands and Quinn let his fist out. He tried controlling the power output hoping to
achieve a similar score to the other two.


His fist collided with the large drum-like machine and the numbers slowly started
to rise.

8..9… and then finally the number had stopped at 10.

Quinn estimated if his current strength with the gloves was sixteen then he
needed to use half his strength when hitting the machine to get an eight. But such
macro-level control was nearly impossible to get right and he had managed to go
slightly over.

"Hey man, didn't you get stronger!" Vorden said surprised, "I thought you got a
five on the test last time, you been working out or something?"

Quinn started to laugh trying to come up with something.

"Actually, it was thanks to that game you showed me." Quinn replied "I met
someone who really helped and showed me how to activate the beast weapons
strength properly. I worked hard hoping I wouldn't be useless for you guys. When
I threw that beast ball that time back in the assembly hall, I realised how useful
it would be if I learnt how to activate the best weapon."

This was a lie. But Quin felt like it was quite convincing.

"Didn't the second years say you needed to treat it like activating your ability
though, I thought you didn't have one?"

"Apparently that isn't a requirement but just to help you visualize activating your
beast weapons," Quinn replied back.

Sweat was starting to run down his face, all he could do know was hope the others
would buy it.

"Well a score of ten isn't that impressive, the only reason we are talking about it
is because you're a level one," Erin said.

For once Quinn was happy Erin's smugness had drawn the attention away from him.

"Is this okay then?" Layla asked.

"Yes." Erin replied, "I still wish to join your team, I believe even with the extra
luggage we have on board, with me and Vorden we can come out as the top team
during this assessment."

After testing everyone's strength the group decided to discuss a few things. Such
as formation and what to do. Although the discussions didn't last for long. If they
were to travel as a group Layla would stay at the back for support and Erin and
Vorden would be at the front.

Usually, the physical damage dealers would be at the front of the squad while
elemental users in the middle. But in this scenario, Quinn and Peter were
considered so weak, that they were placed in the centre for protection.

Erin felt like it was quite useless to practice anything else after finding out how
weak the other two abilities were, so the groups meeting had ended early and she
decided to go off on her own to train somewhere.

"Well if combat classes have been cancelled for the day is there anything you
wanted to do?" Vorden asked.

"Actually, I was planning to head to the VR capsules," Quinn replied, "I've been
trying out a bunch of abilities so I can decide what ability to pick in the future."

Suddenly Vorden started to shiver.

"You can go ahead," Vorden said, "I know I showed you how to play the other day
but to be honest I'm sick and tired of that game. I played it so much growing up
and all."

With Quinn heading off to the VR room that left Peter and Vorden all on their

"Hey so do you want to practice a bit more with your ability, I know you're saving
up so you can buy a few more skill books. Maybe we can get you to a level 2 before
heading off into the portal."

Peter looked around the room at the other students before giving an answer.

"Sure that sounds like a good idea," Peter replied.

But Peter's strange actions didn't go unnoticed and Vorden had a feeling it had
something to do with those students he went to hang around with a few days ago.


Quinn had finally arrived at the VR centre. He paid his ten credits for an hour and
got into his Pod as usual.

At the moment it was the easiest way for Quinn to level up and get stronger. He
decided while inside the capsule he would split his session into two halves.
For the first 30 minutes, he would spend it facing against level ones. On average it
took him around five minutes to defeat an opponent in the level one stage.

Gaining 25 experience points for each opponent he defeated would allow him to
gain around 150 experience points. Then for the second half of the session, he
would use it searching for quick matches battling against opponents of all
different strengths.

This would improve his fighting IQ out in the world.

Quinn entered the game and started his first match with his plan. He did the usual
avoiding the enemies strikes and dealing with his opponent with either the
strength of his two fists or by using a barrage of Blood swipes.

That's when Nate noticed that the ID Blood evolver was online. Nate was still
interested in this person and decided to check him out. As long as they were in
your friends list you were able to spectate their matches.

Nate then was suddenly transported into the arena and began to Watch Quinn's
matches one by one.

And all that he witnessed was Quinn defeating weak level ones in a matter of
minutes. But it was strange, for someone as strong as him just what on earth was
he doing? When Nate thought of him, he never imagined Quinn to be the type of
person to bully the weak.

"Let the grinding begin," Quinn said as he took down his next opponent.

\u003c 170/800 exp \u003e


Mass release day, remember to vote for another one next week.

3800 Stones 2 extra Chapters (Hit)

4000 Stones 4 extra Chapters (Hit)

500+ stones = 1 extra Chapter

Chapter 62 A Hacker

Read My Vampire System - Chapter 62 A Hacker online free - Light Novel

7-8 minutos

Chapter 62 A Hacker

Nate continued to observe Quinn and his fighting style and wondered just why he
didn't fight the same as when he fought against him. Quinn repeatedly went into
match after match and would only go up against level ones.

It was clear to Nate that he had purposely set the system up this way, now some
players would do this if they perhaps were trying out something new but from
watching Quinn, all he could see was Quinn doing the same thing over and over.

He would enter into a game and them immediately dash in either using a barrage of
the red line attacks of his or a furry of punches not caring whether he got hurt or
not. It was clear he was beating them with pure strength and trying to win the
matches as quickly as possible.

Unknown to Nate though, Quinn was purposely doing this, he didn't have much
time left between now and when he was to go out on to his portal training. So the
only thing Quinn could do, was grind a few levels to get stronger using the system.

Finally, thirty minutes had passed and Quinn himself was growing tired of
repeating the same thing over and over again. The only thing that kept him going
was seeing his experience go up little by little. That's when Quinn noticed that he
had a spectator.

Nate who was sat in the seats gave a wave back.

"Oh it's him, I wonder what he's doing here?"

Then a thought came to Quinn's mind, the fact that Nate was watching gave him
the chance to ask him something. He then went onto the game system and sent out
a part invite to Nate.

At first, Nate was just panning to spectate and watch Quinn play a few games, he
wanted to study Quinn a bit more before asking him to another duel. But when he
saw the party invite, he was quite surprised.

The game only allowed for one on one battles so the party invite feature was only
really used between teammates for practising or if they wanted to chat and were
far away. In the end, Nate was too curious and wanted to know what Quinn wanted
and decided to accept.

The arena ground disappeared and now Nate and Quinn wherein a single white
room once again.
"Hey, how you doing I hope you're not planning some type of revenge are you?"
Nate said as he proceeded cautiously towards Quinn.

"No actually I wanted to ask you something, the person who I fought with before,
your friend, I wanted to know more about his cape and where he had received it

"Oh Sam's cape, that's why you wanted to talk to me" Nate then looked at Quinn
standing in front of him. On his hands, he wore his gauntlets. That's when Nate
suddenly realised something, the gauntlets that Quinn were using looked horrible.
They must have been only at the basic tier.

"Wait a minute, are you a first-year?" Nate said.

"Err yeah, I will be going on my first portal outing, I thought if you could tell me
what type of beast you got it from, I would be able to look for it."

Nate was suddenly a little surprised, he went back and thought to how Quinn was
able to damage his solid body even though no one had done such a feat before. He
was sure the person would have at least been a second year.

"Let me give you a piece of advice then, on your first outing they always use the
green portals, you have the chance of going to one of three places. Caladi, Almpin
and Bartnee. Out of these three planets, you want to go to Caladi, there in the
desert, there is a winged creature. I can't remember the name of the winged
creature but there aren't many in the desert so I'm sure if you see one that will
be it. That beast core is what we made the cape out of."

"Wait did you say, a desert?" Quinn asked.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?"

Usually, the word desert meant the place came with heat, the idea of having to
journey through that, Quinn was starting to get tired just thinking about it.

"Nothing don't worry, thank you so much for the information you have been a big
help. I'm going to play a few more games now before my times up."

"Oh, sure go ahead, do you mind if I watch?" Nate asked.

Quinn thought about it for a while, if he didn't want to let Nate watch all he had
to do was block him or delete him of his friend's list, but at the same time, Quinn
felt like there was no problem.

He was just fighting people, it wasn't like he was doing anything that suggested he
was a vampire and it was likely that Nate wasn't even from the same school as him.

"Sure go ahead."
Quinn only had twenty minutes left inside the machine and using his remaining
time, Quinn chose to use the Quick match function on the game. Matching him
with random power levels who chose the same option.

This half of his session would be used to practice his fighting skills. In the
remaining twenty minutes, Quinn was able to have two more games. His first match
he was against a level four user, who had a transformation ability.

His body was made of a rubber-like material and he was able to stretch it as far
as he liked. Quinn struggled against this opponent, the fighting style of the
rubber man was strange and when Quinn wasn't expecting it, he would be hit at an
incredible speed. In the end, Quinn managed to get a few blood swipes in and hurt
the man but still ended up losing.

The next match there was much more success as he was matched up against a level
two user who had a hardening skill similar to Nate only weaker. He had an easier
time dealing with this opponent as his Blood wipe deal damage as well as his regular

In the end though, Quinn decided to take the match just a serious as the others
and ended up finishing it with a hammer strike.

\u003c 195/800 \u003e

With that Quinn's time in the game was up and he had to leave.

Nate after watching Quinn for the whole time had a strange thought lingering on
his mind, just what was Quinn's ability? After their battle Nate had decided to
check out the ability list to see if there was anything similar and he could find no
such thing.

The other thing was it seemed like all Quinn could do was shoot out red lines,
which would suggest either the ability he had at the moment was incredibly weak
or he was currently a low level.

What Quinn didn't realise though that all the opponents he had faced that day
were thinking the same thing as Nate. They were wondering just what ability
Quinn had.

The hardening user Quinn had just fought against was so frustrated with his loss,
he decided to go onto the online forums and make a post. He shared a video of the
match between himself and Quinn titled. "What ability is this? Is he a hacker?"


Mass release day, remember to vote for another one next week.

3800 Stones 2 extra Chapters (Hit)

4000 Stones 4 extra Chapters (Hit)

500+ stones = 1 extra Chapter

Chapter 63 Peter calls for help

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Light Novel Full

8-10 minutos

Chapter 63 Peter calls for help

The online forum had started to gain some traction with users who had fought
against Quinn, they started to post comments just below about the video.

"Yeah I fought against him too and he used those red lines on me."

"I lost in an instant."

"Is there really an ability like that in the game?"

"It looks like wind slash but why are the lines Red?"

Of course, even though the post had gained some traction there weren't many.
After all things like this were posted on a daily occurrence and usually, it was from
some people who couldn't accept a loss thinking the other person must be hacking.

But those who did watch the video started to ping the creators asking If what was
seen in the video was real. Of course, one of the Admin staff for the game came
along and checked the video but this person wasn't any ordinary admin staff, it
was a student at the school named Logan Green.

Logan himself wasn't ordinary for he was the son of the creator of the game and
not only that but was one of the head coders as well. He often visited the forum
to check for bugs and if there were any, he would try to fix them while still
attending school.

Then suddenly late at night that day he noticed that post had started to gain
traction. Usually, he wouldn't have bothered with these things but the staff
where getting tagged in the post more than usual.
After watching the video, suddenly his attention had been caught. Logan
immediately could tell that the video was real. He searched up the two user ID's
that were in the game and then decided to look at the match information.

After searching them up he noticed that the player that was being questioned in
the video had selected no ability.

"No it couldn't be, did he really manage to hack the system?"

Logan then began to dig in deep into the match and checked everything about it.
He checked the log of the game and everything that had been written down as the
match went on but there wasn't a single thing he could find that was wrong.

Logan actually felt relieved, the game so far had been successful not only because
of how it was able to accurately replicate abilities but also because the game had
yet to be hacked.

After finding out this information, Logan had no choice but to think it had
something to do with his ability. Although originals abilities weren't able to be
copied into the game, this was the only answer he could think of.

But one question remained and that was just who was the user behind the user
behind ID Blood evolver. It was company policy to not keep records of any of the
users in the game. The data was scrambled so not even he could get access to it.
But that wouldn't stop Logan.


The next Day combat classes had resumed back to normal, Layla the other day had
gone to register the team with Del and even he was surprised at who was written
on the list.

The group became the talk of the class, after all, they were the only ones with
such a huge difference in power levels between the team. Something that hadn't
happened in the school before.

In the combat class, the group were told to continue training independently and if
they wished to spar with a partner they could politely ask. Leo would go around
giving tips to the students when he could.

In the afternoon, after classes were done, Quinn would head the VR room to
continue his daily routine. He continued facing low-level ones and used the second
half to train.

\u003c 275/800 \u003e

But the more people Quinn played against the more traction the original forum
post was getting and all of this was unknown to Quinn. He didn't even know there
was an online forum for the game. Quinn had never had any of these things in the

He had access to the TV and internet but didn't really know much about games. It
was only thanks to Vorden showing him everything, he knew what to do.

Another Day had passed and Quinn repeated the process.

\u003c 440/ 800 \u003e

Not only was Quinn quickly gaining exp, but he also felt like he was getting a hang
of his abilities more. He knew when was the right time to use flash step and also
learnt how to combine his two skills, so he would be able to disappear and reappear
while using Hammer strike.

In two days, Quinn felt like he would be ready.


Inside the second year's office, a group of first years had been called to into the
General Duke's office. Standing at the front of the first years was Earl. The same
boy who had recently been hanging around with Peter as well as the one who had
broken his fingers.

"I have made sure that the room will be empty for you tomorrow. Make sure you
do as I asked, I need you to get rid of them." Duke said

"Yes sir, we promise."

"Good" Duke replied as he threw over a couple of beast crystals as well as a skill
book. "You should be able to progress to level four with that skill, carry on working
hard and there will be more."


The next day after combat classes had ended, Peter had messaged for Vorden and
Quinn to come to the training room on the east side. This room was usually off-
limits to student since it was also used as a room to store portals.

But after reading the contents of the message, both Quinn and Vorden had rushed

The message simply said that Peter needed their help.

While heading over to the room, Vorden and Quinn had bumped into each other.

"Did you get Peter's message?" Quinn asked.

"Yeah that's why I'm here, I knew those friends of his were bad news." Vorden
said, "Quinn you stay behind, I can deal with this myself."
"No way, he's my friend too, I'm going to kick those guys asses if it's the last
thing I do."

Vorden could see he was unable to convince Quinn so the two of them continued
together and had finally arrived inside the training centre.

The room was large and there were several large metallic objects with an oval
shape in the middle. Each one of them had a glowing circle in the middle shinning
with a different colour. These where the portals that took them to another world.

There were nine machines out in total, three of each colour and for a moment, it
felt like they were unable to take their eyes off the things.

When they had entered the room, they could see that Peter was lying on the
ground badly hurt. He laid on the ground just in front of one of the teleporters
and it looked like he couldn't move.

Quinn and Vorden looked around the room, but were unable to notice anyone. They
both then rushed over to his side. He had bruise marks all over him and he scuffed
up pretty bad with scratches all over.

"What happened to you, was it those first-year students!" Vorden shouted.

"Yeah they got me pretty bad, they went out just a moment ago, I don't think
they're going to come back."

"Alright let us pick you up," Vorden said as he lifted Peter's hand over his

As the two of them picked up Peter, Quinn had a strange feeling, as he looked at
Peter closer, he noticed that even though his clothes were badly torn, he didn't
look to be in such bad a shape that he shouldn't have been able to walk. Even the
bruises didn't look normal almost as if they were drawn on.


Peter Chuck

HP 8/8

"Vorden let go of him, it's a trap!" Quinn shouted.

But before Vorden could even realise what was happening. Peter had broken free
and immediately pushed Quinn as hard as he could. The push wasn't strong and it
didn't hurt Quinn but it didn't need to be, because that wasn't Peter's aim.

That one little push had managed to push Quinn just far enough back to the point
where he had entered the portal.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" Vorden shouted.

The colour of the portal was red.


End of mass release. Please remember f you want another Mass release next week
to keep on voting.

All goals hit.

Extra Goals +500 plus stones is an extra Chapter.

Chapter 64 Fight back!

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8-10 minutos

Chapter 64 Fight back!

The night before the incident, while Quinn was sound asleep waiting for the other
two to return, Peter had been called out by the group of first years. They had
added him as a friend on his communicator watch and was able to send a message
whenever they wanted to call him.

That night, they had asked to meet outside of the dorm room building, five of the
first years were standing outside including Earl.

"So I see it looks like your friends seem to still trust you and you managed to get
on their team then?" Earl said as he lifted his hand to look at his watch. "Oh, I
didn't I say to meet here at eight-thirty? it looks like you're a couple of minutes

Two of the first year's student then rushed over and grabbed Peter. One of them
held his hand behind his back while the other held out his right hand.

"Two minutes late means two fingers I'm afraid." Earl then held one of Peter's

"Wait I'm sorry, I needed to be careful, I had to make sure Vorden wasn't
following me as you asked." Peter cried.
"Fine, fine I'll be generous," Earl said as he pushed down and snapped Peter's
finger. Before Peter could even cry out in anger, he bit his tongue for fear that
they might do something much worse if someone had heard him.

The others watching flinched at the sight. Although they were helping Earl, even
they feared him a little. It wasn't normal for someone to be able to hurt or break
someone's bones so easily like that but Earl was able to repeatedly do it easily as
if it was nothing.

"We will only do one finger then, but you know what will happen if you're late
again," Earl said as one of the first years came over and started to heal Peter's

As the student healed Peter's finger, he could feel Peter's body shaking. His eyes
half-dead, the boy wanted to say he was sorry but knew that was how the world
currently was.

All he had was a healing ability, he had no combat powers and had no choice but to
follow those stronger than him, otherwise, it would be him instead of Peter in this

"I called you out here because the General wants to have a meeting with you," Earl

The group of first-year students including Peter then started to escort him
around the school. That's when Peter noticed that they had left the first-year
campus building and had gone into the second-year buildings.

Instead of going through the front entrance though, they entered through the
back and took the emergency exit stairs. The walk was long but they had finally
reached one of the private integration rooms for second-year students.

Earl knocked on the door before entering and only entered once he heard a voice.

"Come in." The man said.

As they entered the room there was a table and two chairs opposite each other.
Sitting in one of the seats was the General Duke who was in charge of the second

"You guy's wait outside. I would like to talk with Peter on his own," Duke said.

The first years left the room and waited patiently just outside the door.

"Relax take a seat, no need to be afraid," Peter did as Duke asked and sat in the
seat, but couldn't help but wonder why the General had asked to meet him. The
general was one of the highest-ranking members in the whole city, there was only
one person higher than him and that was the Head general.
"It seems those people have gone too far with you." Duke then placed his large
hands on the table and looked Peter dead in the eye. "Peter, would you like to have
the power to fight back?"

Suddenly Peters dead eyes went slightly into life again as he heard those words.

"I looked at your file, you had no ability before coming here and when you entered
school we gave you the earth ability. Right now, you're only a level one but I can
change that for you." Duke then pulled out several earth skill books and threw
them out on the table.

"I know you've been saving up trying to get your hands on these. With this, you
can finally get out of the Level 1 power range and with that, your troubles would
go away. You would be able to graduate the school with a good grade, join a
company to go hunting and earn a good wage for the rest of your life. Sounds nice
doesn't it?" Duke said with a huge smile on his face.

Peter couldn't keep his eyes off the skill books in front of him. These skill books
were ones that only the military had a hold of. Now that Peter had the earth
ability, the only way he could improve his power was through these skill books.
Then finally, he would no longer have to live his life in fear.

"Of course these things don't come for free, the world doesn't work like that.
Those men out there work for me, they do what I say and in return, I offer them
protection within the school and outside of the school. Not only that but they get
rewarded for doing well." He said as he held up one of the skill books.

"You're going on your first portal outing sometime soon aren't you? let me tell you
accidents happen all the time and every year a student dies on another planet.
Now information has it that maybe this year someone from that team of yours will
go missing, you're a smart boy so I think you can understand what I'm saying. Now
maybe that person will be you, maybe not. So, what's your answer going to be?"


Last night it was clear to Peter what Duke was saying, either he did what the Duke
said, or he was the one who would go missing, but the target was never meant to
be Quinn. The target was always Vorden.

When Quinn shouted and had somehow found out Peter was in on the plan, he
panicked, he didn't know what to do and had pushed Quinn into the portal.

His hands were now shaking as the realisation had hit him.

"What the hell have you done!" Vorden shouted.

"I'm sorry." Peter said, "You don't understand I had to do it!"

"What let me guess, because you were being bullied? Because you were being
threatened?!" Vorden shouted as he continued to walk towards Peter and at the
same time Peter would walk back.

"Do you not think Quinn has been going through the same thing as you! He's a level
one just like you. And do you think they didn't try threatening me? When I was
tied up and placed on that thing. So what if they hit you, they punch you and make
you bleed, you can fight back, as long as you are alive you can always fight back!

Vorden then pointed towards the red portal.

"But what you have done, you have basically sent Quinn to death. No matter what
there is no coming back from death. He can't fight back now. Did you even try to
fight back?"

Peter then fell to his knees as his mind was in a mess. Did Vorden and Quinn truly
know what it was like to live his life? All peter wanted was a normal school life, to
go through it without any troubles.

And someone was offering that to him, maybe he took the easy way out but he
didn't feel that way. He had already gone through his own suffering, before
entering the academy and even worse now that he was in the academy. Why did he
have to be the one targeted by Earl and the others?

But there was one thing that Vorden said that did strike a chord with Peter. Did
he ever try fighting back? He always thought it was useless, the outcome had
already been decided so why get hurt even more.

Perhaps that's what made Duke and the others think he was an easy target in the
first place.

Then suddenly, Vorden started grabbing his head. He started moving all over the
place swinging his head like crazy.

"I can't hold him back any more Vorden!"

"You have to try, if he takes over who knows when I'll get control again."

"The shock is too much for him, looking at Peter is only making his emotions

As Vorden looked up, Peter could see his eyes filled with tears, sadness.

Then Vorden looked towards the portal.

"No what are you thinking!" Peter shouted

Vorden then turned around and looked at Peter.

"Peter this is for your own sake, but you better hope I don't come back out here

Vorden then ran straight into the Red portal, his body vanishing from the room.


4900 Stones last week all goals hit! 6 Chapters mass release next Saturday. New
goal, new week.

4600 Stones = 2 extra Chapters

4800 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

We get around 500 new readers every week, so we should be able to hit this goal
easily, let's rise to the top 10 in ranking. Thank you, everyone, for the support.

Chapter 65 Teleporting

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7-8 minutos

Chapter 65 Teleporting

When teleportation devices were first discovered there was hope that they would
be able to set these to travel to wherever they wanted to. At last, the idea of
colonizing planets such as mars was a dream come true.

Spacecraft had been invented but were unable to travel at light speeds needed to
make it viable. However, they were able to create large portals that allowed ships
to travel through.

But the dream was short lived. The Portals were only able to pinpoint planets at a
set location, a place that was not known to their universe, perhaps a whole
different dimension together.

No one knew the truth and scientist could only theorize where exactly these
portals led to, but what they did find was each of these planets harboured deadly
beasts. Beasts that had never been seen before.
Then when the first beast was killed and harvested for research, the beast
crystal located inside it was discovered. Inside the crystal contained a power far
greater than anyone could imagine.

Although many would say the success of defending against the Dalki was due to
the discovery of the originals. This wasn't exactly true, their abilities only took
them so far in the war. There weren't many with powerful abilities strong enough
to go against the Dalki.

Their technology was too advanced compared to humans, nuclear weapons would be
portaled out somewhere before they even hit the ships and bullets did no harm to
Dalki skin.

But then a new discovery was made with the beast crystal thanks to Richard Eno
once again and that was the discovery of beast weapons. Human combining their
abilities with powerful beast weapons was the true turning point in the war, but
not many people remember this fact as they were too fascinated with the
discovery of abilities that happened nearly at the same time.

As Vorend jumped into the red portal he felt a tingling sensation all over his body.
The world around him started to warp and displace and his mind felt like it was

It wasn't a horrible feeling, in fact, the feeling received when travelling through
the teleportation device even felt addicting to some.

A few moments later and Vorden had arrived at his destination. He opened his
eyes and the first thing he noticed was the place was incredibly dark.

The sky was black and the only light source available was from the two moons out
in the distant sky. Around him were crumbled down buildings and structures, as if
at one point the place was used to live in.

Vorden still had his hands held by his head but when he opened his eyes the pain
started to go away and his mind started to clear up.

"It seems like the little one has finally calmed down," Vorden said. "Any longer and
he might have come out and done something."

"What does that matter" Raten argued, "Do you even know where we are, you
jumped through that Red portal!"

Vorden then started to look at his surroundings, it was strange to see building
structures around them. Buildings were the sign of human or an advanced
civilization and so far when discovering other planets there had been no signs of
When there was building work, it would usually be Dalki structure but this was
clearly not Dalki based.

"Aren't the red portals meant to be unsheltered planets? This place looks like a
broken shelter."

"I think you are forgetting something." Raten said. "While orange may mean it's in
the process of being taken over and sheltered being places, Red can also mean it's
too dangerous to build a shelter in the first place. You have basically given us a
death sentence."

"What do you mean?" Vorden asked.

"Are you really being so stupid, sure you might have run through that portal so you
didn't kill your friend but what's the point if we die instead. The only ability we
have right now is that weak level one earth ability. If we run into a deadly beast
we're doomed."

That wasn't the only problem, the place wasn't exactly thriving with people. Not
many people had access to teleporters in the first place. Only green teleporters
the public were able to use, and they were strictly monitored by the company that
owned them.

Meaning the only people that would be around here would be travellers. With no
people around and only beast, Vorden was stuck with his one ability and it would
only last him 24 hours.

Then a thought came to Vorden's mind. Quinn. The portal was unable to send you
to a pinpoint location but it did put you in the same general area, at least within
ten miles of each other. Still, ten miles was a great distance to cover and with the
chance of beast being around every corner, it would be hard to find Quinn.

For now, Vorden would look for a Portal back to the academy while also searching
for Quinn.


Somewhere on the same planet, Quinn had also arrived. His heart was beating
rapidly as it was the first time he had experienced such a thing.

"Peter, what the hell was that!" Quinn thought, "Damn it, he must have pushed me
through the portal, Where am I?"

As Quinn looked around, he could see the similar buildings around him all crumbled
torn and fallen down. The place looked like a city had once existed but had been
left behind for years. However, there was one saving grace about the whole thing,
on the planet it was currently night time.
Meaning Quinn didn't feel weak and had a better chance of surviving. However,
before Quinn had even moved from the spot he was in, he spotted something from
the corner of his eye.

He was standing in the middle of a street surrounded by crumbled buildings on

both sides. But whatever was moving around was quick and was using the buildings
as cover.

Quinn tried to follow whatever it was with his eyes but it would constantly move
around until it had eventually stopped just underneath a pile of rubble from one of
the buildings.

"In the movies, this is where the person would go check it out." Quinn thought, but
there was no way he was going to do that. He was on an unknown planet and all
alone and whatever it was, it was clear it didn't want him to see it.

Quinn started to back away making sure to keep an eye on where he last saw the
figure, then when he was a safe enough distance away, he finally turned around.

In that instant, a sound could be heard from behind, Quinn immediately turned
around and could see a horrible figure running towards him, it clearly wasn't an
ordinary animal and something he had only ever seen in books and TV, it was a


Remember to vote for the series for another mass release.

4600 Stones = 2 extra Chapters

4800 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

Chapter 66 First Kill

Read My Vampire System - Chapter 66 First Kill online free - Light Novel

8-10 minutos

Chapter 66 First Kill

Suddenly, Quinn could hear the sounds of something scurrying towards him at an
amazing speed. As he turned the beast was now in full sight.

It was the same size as a large dog with the head of a rodent. Black in colour and
running on all fours. He would have said it looked like a giant rat however its body
parts were muscular around its arms, while its body remained incredibly thin. So
much so that the outline of its ribs could be seen.

When the creature was a few feet away it leapt in the air and claws appeared
from the creatures two front limbs.

Quinn almost out of instinct swiped his hand letting out a blood swipe. The attack
managed to hit the beast and sent it flying back. The attack had caused a large
cut to appear on the creature's stomach and black blood started to leak from the

While the beast was taking the time to recover, Quinn decided to use his inspect

\u003c Name: Rattaclaw \u003e

\u003c Basic tier beast \u003e

\u003c HP ? \u003e

\u003c ? \u003e

Unlike with humans, when Quinn used the status screen it would show there HP
and blood type, but in this case, he had only received a name and the level of the

Seeing the tier of the beast though, Quinn started to feel a little less frightened.
He was in an unknown place and just because the beast was small in size, didn't
mean it was a low tier. However, something like the Rattaclaw even Quinn should
be able to deal with it.

The Rattaclaw had recovered and charged straight for Quinn once again, seeing
how the blood swipe was effective he waited for the beast to get close once again.

"Blood swipe."

But Quinn had underestimated the speed and the responsiveness of the Rattaclaw.
It had learnt from last time what to look out for and jumped to the side avoiding
the attack.

Then it dashed forward increasing its speed and jumped out at Quinn.

Just in time, Quinn had managed to shove his gauntlet into the mouth of the
beast, as it's two big teeth clomped down onto the gauntlet, he heard a creaking
\u003c Defense 1 \u003e

\u003c Durability of weapon has decreased by 50 percent \u003e

\u003c Strength has fallen 2 (3) \u003e

"You little crap, get off me!" Quinn shouted as he started swinging his arm, trying
to shake the beast off but the beast had clomped down hard refusing to let go.

With the beast stuck to his arm, it was too dangerous for him to use blood swipe
and too close for him to perform a hammer strike. All that was left, was to do it
the old-fashioned way.

Quinn then started to repeatedly pound the beast on its head with his other hand.
With each blow, black blood would gush out of the beast. The blows were powerful
and damaging to the beast and with each strike the grip started to loosen.

"If you had just stayed away, you could have lived!" Quinn shouted as he continued
to punch the beast, until finally, its grip had come loose and it had fallen to the

Quinn looked like he had just come off the movie off a horror set, his arm and
clothes were now completely covered in black blood but he didn't care, for a
message had appeared bearing great news.

\u003c Basic tier beast (Rattaclaw) has been defeated \u003e

\u003c 100 exp points gained \u003e

\u003c First basic tier beast killed, bonus Exp awarded, 200 Exp \u003e

\u003c First time killing (Rattaclaw) bonus Exp awarded 100 Exp \u003e

\u003c 880/800 Exp \u003e

Multiple notifications had been received at once and everything came as quite a
shock to him. Not only did he receive more Exp for killing a beast compared to
fighting against a human but he also received bonus points too.

Similar to when he faced a new power level for the first time, he had gained bonus
points for killing a basic tier, as well as bonus points for killing this specific beast
for the first time as well.

In a way to beasts were a gold mine for his system.

\u003c Congratulations, you are now Level 5 \u003e

\u003c Race: Halfling \u003e

\u003c HP 30/30 \u003e

\u003c 40/1600 Exp\u003e

\u003c Strength 13 (2) \u003e

\u003c Agility 15 \u003e

\u003c Stamina 12 \u003e

Levelling up had given Quinn one extra stat point. Looking at his stats now he
decided to put the stat point into strength.

\u003c Strength 14 (2)\u003e

The reason for this was the skill Hammer strike, it needed a total of 15 strength
to perform, while he had the gauntlets on they gave him an extra bonus of three
strength but when the Rattaclaw had damaged the gauntlets the strength dropped
to two.

If his gauntlets were to be destroyed, then he would no longer be able to perform

Hammer strike correctly. So first Quinn decided he would get his strength up to
fifteen before focusing on stamina and agility.

But the system still had one more surprise for him.

\u003cNew skill unlocked \u003e

\u003c Blood spray \u003e

\u003c Blood spray: The user's palm must be open to perform this skill. From the
user's palm, a spray of blood pellets will be realised spreading out covering a wide
range. The closer the attack is to its target the more damage it will do\u003e

\u003cCost -5 HP \u003e

The skill reminded Quinn of a shotgun he used to watch form the old movies.
Where the small pellets would spread out hitting multiple targets. The problem
was the cost of the skill.

5 HP was a huge amount and even with his blood bank Quinn would have to be
careful when using it. The plus side was that it was a skill designed to hit more
than one opponent.

If Quinn had Layla around, he would like to test the Blood spray out but he didn't
know how long he would be stuck here, so it was best to reserve his HP and as
much blood as possible.

Quinn then walked up to the dead beast on the ground. He had punched the
creature so hard in the skull it was indented and blood was leaking everywhere.

Looking at the black blood it didn't seem appetizing at all. He wasn't drawn to it
like regular human blood and it didn't give off a sweet fragrance either.
Still, there might come a time were Quinn was required to drink it so he needed to
test it out.


\u003c Rattaclaw blood \u003e

\u003c If blood is consumed is piousness to the body – 1 HP for every millimetre

of blood consumed \u003e

It was expected. The signs were a giveaway that his body was telling him to stay

"I wonder why does my body only accept human blood."

The system had been oddly specific when his body started to require blood, this
made Quinn think that even the blood of animals wouldn't work, even though some
were red in colour just like humans.

Of course, there was one person who did know the answers behind everything, and
that was the blonde man in the video.

The last thing he needed to do was rip or cut the body open and look for the beast
core inside. It was a small crystal located in a different part of the body
depending on the beast.

This could be used to either create more beast weapon and armour or even be sold
for credits. Both of these would be a big bonus for him.

Suddenly though, the sound of something running was heard again, as Quinn looked
up, the sight of ten Rattaclaws were running in his direction.

Although Basic tier creatures were weak, it was odd for them to travel alone and
Quinn had just gotten lucky.

After struggling to face just against one, he knew he had no chance against ten.
All he could do was run. He ran down the empty street not knowing where he was

But the Rattaclaws were fast and would soon catch up. That's when Quinn spotted
a building, one that was far less damaged than the others. He went inside but the
space was still too large, he then spotted a stairway to his right nearby.

After quickly running up the stairway and reaching the first platform he stopped
and turned. He knew he had no choice but to fight back. The staircase was
narrower than the rooms and he had the high ground.

With his palm open facing downward he was ready.

"Time to test you out."


Remember to Vote for to support the story for a Mass release weekend.

4600 Stones = 2 extra Chapters

4800 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

Chapter 67 Beast Crystals

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Novel Full

9-11 minutos

Chapter 67 Beast Crystals

Stood on top of the platform Quinn had a clear view of the giant Rat like
creatures coming towards him. He aimed carefully and then when they were about
halfway up the stairs, he activated his skill.

"Blood spray!"

< 25/30 HP >

His arm jerked back as the skill activated and a strong force of blood left his
hands spreading out. The five Rat's out in front were sent flying back and toppling
down the stairs. However, the shot had only hit the ones in front and the Rat's
behind quickly climbed over their fallen comrades.

Quinn decided to head further up the stairs to create more distance between him
and the Rats, but then he could see there was a huge problem in front of him. Part
of the ceiling from the floor above had crumbled and collapsed onto the staircase
blocking his way.

There was no longer any space for Quinn to go up. He turned around and the Rats
were just starting to ascend the second set of stairs. The Rats from before were
quick to make a recovery and were behind them as well.

This time Quinn held out both hands with his palm wide open.

<Blood spray>
The first spray of blood left his hands and knocked the Rat's over, then when the
group behind them started to ascend he cast blood spray again with his other

< 20/30 HP >

< 15/30 HP >

The Rat's had fallen over and were badly hurt by the attack, but knew they would
soon recover. There were several small holes over their body where blood would
leak from but they just weren't deep enough to cause any serious damage.

He made sure to keep his distance away from them and stayed on top of the
stairs. Although Blood spray was good at hitting multiple targets it wasn't as
strong as blood swipe. Only the force of knocking them back was powerful.

If Quinn was to get close, he was afraid that the rats might recover and surround
him, so there was only one thing he could do. He started swinging his hands out
rapidly aiming carefully at each Rat.

< Blood swipe >

< Blood Swipe >

< Blood swipe >


As the red claw-like lines left his hands, at the same time he could hear multiple
messages ding in his head.

< Rattaclaw has been defeated, 100 exp >

< 14/ 30 HP >

< Rattaclaw has been defeated, 100 exp >

< 13/ 30 HP >


The messages continued onward until eventually, all of the Rat's had been killed.
Quinn then fell to the floor on his knees gasping for air. The continues use of the
Blood swipes along with his new skill Blood spray had tired him out.

< 5/30 HP >

< Blood bank has auto activated >

< 30/30 HP >

< 50 millilitres remaining in Blood bank >

< 1040/1600 Exp>

< Congratulations, Blood swipe has reached Lv. 2 >


After sitting down for a few minutes and recovering his stamina Quinn was finally
be able to stand, he took a moment to take in all of the messages he had received.

Only half of his blood bank now remained. As long as he didn't get injured he only
needed to consume 10 millilitres of blood every two days. This meant the
remaining blood in his bank would last him a total of ten days. He didn't know how
long he would be on this planet but he needed to be careful about using his skills.

If he got into a situation where he needed to fight, he needed to use his fists, and
only rely on his Blood skills in an emergency like in this scenario.

Who knew if there was another human being on this planet?

There were only two good things that had come out of the whole situation, the
fact that his blood swipe skill had levelled up. There was no change in the
description on how it worked, but assuming it had now levelled up, he hoped it was
now stronger.

If the system was like a game, then it meant the more he used the skill the
quicker it would level up. The only thing Quinn was unsure about was whether or
not using the blood swipe in the game had helped it level up quicker. There was no
way for him to tell as there was no experience bar for his skills.

The second good thing that had come out of this, was the EXP he had gained. To
gain the same amount of experience points as he had just gained at this moment,
he would have had to play the game for days.

Quinn then walked up to the dead beasts on the floor. Before when he had killed
the first Rattaclaw he didn't have time to extract the beast crystal from its body
but inside the building, it seemed like he was safe from other creatures.

Using the tip of his gauntlets he tore open the beasts, he searched around inside
the chest looking for a glowing crystal. Usually, someone doing this for the first
time it would affect them. Maybe they would have even thrown up a few times
searching around inside the organs of the beast.

But for some reason, Quinn felt like he was unaffected and it didn't bother him at
all. He couldn't help but think ever since he had become a Halfling his view on what
was normal and what wasn't was changing.

After searching around for a while Quinn finally found it. It was a small round
crystal ball with tiny little bumps all over, and around the same size as an adult's
< Basic tier Beast crystal obtained >

<Would you like to store it in your inventory?>

Then another message had appeared.

"Inventory?" Quinn thought, "You mean I had one this whole time!"

Quinn selected the yes option and suddenly, the crystal in his hand slowly started
to vanish away and finally, it had completely disappeared.

He then opened up his status screen and now there was a tab for inventory, as he
selected the tab he could see the single beast crystal stored inside.

"I wonder if I can put anything else in there?"

Quinn then tried using his mind to store his gauntlets into the inventory, if he
could store weapons and other things it would be really handy for future trips. He
tried and tried but nothing appeared from the system.

Whenever he wanted to do something with the system in the past, all he had to do
was think about it and it would work, but even taking off the gauntlets and
touching them, thinking about the inventory while wearing them, nothing seemed
to work.

Although he was able to make the crystal he had obtained, appear into his hand
and back into the inventory at will.

Quinn then went to extract the crystals from the remaining nine Rat's. Each time
he did he found it easier than the last to locate it inside the body and every time
he held a crystal in his hand, the system message would appear.

< Basic tier beast crystal (10) >

He had collected all ten and couldn't help but feel pleased with himself. The beast
crystals could be used to turn into beast weapons or beast armour but looking at
the rat-like creature Quinn had no idea what it could be used for.

Every beast crystal depending what beast it had come from had a different use
and you could try to figure it out from what the beast was like.

For example, if a beast crystal was obtained from a large turtle-like creature then
it would most likely a defensive item could be crafted. Maybe it could be turned
into a shield or even a good piece of chest armour.

But regardless, even if the item created Quinn had no use for, the least he could
do was sell the basic tier beast crystals. Each crystal sold would sell for a total of
ten credits. Which meant he could either use the money to purchase beast gear
himself or he could use it to spend more time in the game.
After tinkering around in his system and his stamina fully recovered, Quinn
decided to try to climb up to the roof of the building. Even though the building he
was in was safe, he was on a strict time scale and needed to find the portal back

He walked around and looked for any cracks and gaps he could see in the stairs.
Eventually, after making a few detours he had reached the top of the building.

The building was about three stories high and wasn't the biggest but at least he
now had a better view of where he was. As he looked around all he could see were
buildings that resembled human structures.

That's when he spotted something, one of the buildings without a doubt had the
same crest as the school he attended.

"So this really is a human shelter, but then why is it all ruined and destroyed?"

The building was large in size and square-like but only two stories high, out of all
the buildings around it, it was in better shape than all the others.

Quinn had recognized the building as they had one in the city, he was currently in.
It was the military storage room. It was where they kept all their high-end
equipment, ability books, skill books and beast weapons.

"There's a good chance the portal might be located in there?" Quinn then startled
to smile, "Even if there isn't, I can't waste this opportunity."


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4800 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

Chapter 68 Guility People Run

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8-11 minutos
Chapter 68 Guility People Run

Unknown to the students at the school there was currently chaos going on
between the upper staff.

Fay one of the sergeants of the school was walking down the hallway at incredible
speed. Even though she was only walking, she was causing gusts of wind to hit the
students as she walked past them.

Using her ability even her walking speed was faster than most people's top running
speed. Eventually, she had arrived at her destination.

A single wooden door in the first-year building which had a sign out front saying
the words "General." On it.

"May I come in sir!" Fay said in a loud demanding voice.

"Sure," Nathan replied.

Fay barged the door open and quickly zoomed to Nathan's desk, the wind that
came along with her caused papers to be flown and scattered all over the room.

"Hey, I was nearly done with that!" Nathan shouted.

As head of the first years, he was a busy person. He would normally be in charge
of looking over the new students arriving and doing research into each of their
backgrounds. It was important for the school to know who belonged to which
family. As they needed to keep an eye on those with a more powerful background.

"The portals have been used!" Fay shouted, "Two students seem to have been
registered to have gone through them."

Nathen started to pick up the papers that were scattered around the room one by
one. "Is that all, well why don't you just go and get them back?"

"I'm afraid it's because they have gone through a red portal, sir."

Nathen then dropped all the piles of paper he had picked up from the floor.
"What, how did this happen, weren't there meant to be guards stationed at the

"Apparently there was a scheduling conflict, when the guards changed shift, their
replacements never arrived."

Nathan then went to sit back in his chair as he struggled to think what to do.
"Stupid parents, this is why I said we should have cameras stationed in the school,
but it was hard enough to allow them to get those trackers put on them."
The original families had a big say in what went on and what didn't. Although it
was compulsory for every person to go to military school for two years at the age
of sixteen, the originals were powerful people in the outside world.

During the war, four big families had emerged from it. Each power as great as
each other and equal to the military. The structure of the world had changed,
money hardly meant anything anymore and a new system was put in place.

The credit system.

Those who were strong and able to contribute to the world, earned credits. An
example of this would be those who could kill high-level beasts and obtain their
crystals to make weapons.

While the others too weak to complete a task such as this, were continued to be
treated as trash and a waste of space.

Of course, the families hated the idea of the military spying on their children.
Afraid that they might try to learn their secrets.

"Do we know which students have gone through the portal?" Nathan asked as he
picked up his cup of coffee and started to sip it.

"The first one is the student by the name of Quinn Talen."

Hearing this name meant nothing to him, he couldn't remember it so most likely it
wasn't anyone important in the school.

"And the second one is Vorden Blade."

At that moment, Nathan spat out his coffee all over the table.

"Him again," After the incident with the second years Nathan decided to look into
Vorden's family background a bit more, and if they were to find out, this would be
bad news. "Make sure his family don't learn anything, we have to keep this a
secret for as long as we can."


The next day morning classes had started, today was the Day of the group
assessment and the first-year students would be heading off to their first portal

As class had started for the Day, Layla noticed that Vorden and Quinn weren't in
their seats. However, Peter was in his and he had his head faced down looking at
the ground.

"Hey Peter, do you know where Vorden and Quinn are today?" She asked.

Peter had completely ignored her.

"Hey, Peter..." She said as she placed her hand on his shoulder.

All she could feel was Peter's body shaking slightly.

"I didn't do anything!" Peter snapped.

"Huh, what?" Layla said confused. "I was asking if you knew where Quinn and
Vorden was, did they not come back to the dorm room yesterday?"

"Oh, sorry, yeah they were there when I went back," Peter said with his voice all
shaky. "I don't know why they haven't come to class this morning?"

Layla noticed that Peter was sweating like crazy, it was normal for Peter to act a
little strange but he was acting extra unusual today. She decided that is was most
likely nothing for her to worry about and sat in her seat as usual.

"They wouldn't miss today, we're meant to go out Portal hunting as a team."

Just then Del had entered the room, he didn't have his usual cheery face on and
instead had a bland serious look. "I'm afraid that I have to inform you all that
today's portal outing has been cancelled for now."

Upon hearing the news, the students groaned and complained.

"What! But I wanted to test out my new beast weapon."

"Yeah, I was hoping to maybe kill a beast as well."

"Quit down!" Del said loudly, "This isn't permanent but at the moment the school
staff are busy with another matter and until they are free, we will be unable to go
on the outing."

A single student then raised his hand in the centre of the class.

As Del looked at the student he sighed.


"What matter are they dealing with.?"

"Now if I could tell you that I would have told you, wouldn't I?"

The class then continued as normal, a few of the students were still annoyed but
then a big question was on everyone's mind, what happened and why was it
suddenly cancelled?

Layla, on the other hand, was more concerned where Vorden and Quinn were. Why
hadn't the teachers said anything about them not attending class? If they were
injured in a fight last night then the guards should have picked them up and taken
them to the nurse's office.
There was also a strict curfew for them and no one skipped class. Yet Dell hadn't
mentioned a single thing about them.

As class ended the students continued to speak and it turned out that, Layla
wasn't the only one who was concerned about where Vorden and Quinn went.

Erin had then come over to where Layla was.

"Any idea about the other two?" Erin said bluntly.

"No, I have no idea, do you want to go look for them with me?" Layla asked nicely.

The two of them didn't know each other well and their interactions with each
other so far had been short. It actually surprised Layla that Erin had come over
to her in the first place.

"No thanks." Erin replied, "Now that the portal training has been delayed, I am in
no rush to find them, but I came over to tell you some news I heard some students
talking about."

Layla leaned in to listen carefully.

"Yesterday, while I was walking by two students, said they overheard the
Sergeant shouting at the general, something about two students going into the
portals. My guess is that's the reason why this whole thing has been delayed in
the first place."

Layla then stood up from her seat and grabbed Erin by the shoulders.

"Wait, what did you say!?"

Erin had moved her head slightly back, she was startled and confused by Layla's
actions and felt a little uncomfortable.

"Don't you see, Vorden and Quinn have to be the missing students, no wonder Del
didn't say anything about them."

Then suddenly, it felt like she was being handed pieces of a jigsaw puzzle one by
one but there was still one missing piece and she knew exactly the person who
could give her the last piece.

As she turned her head, she looked Peter dead in the eye.

Peter felt like Layla was staring into his soul, this whole time he had been worried.
What if someone had seen him leave the portal room? What if the other first-
years reported it was him? He hardly had any sleep last night and couldn't
concentrate on anything.
Then when Layla had spoken to him in the morning he slipped up. He was trying so
hard to act natural it had the opposite effect. And now the look in Layla's eyes
told him she had figured out something.

As soon as Layla took a step forward, Peter got out of his seat and ran for it.

"Erin, we have to get Peter, he knows something."

"What makes you think that?" Erin asked.

"A person who isn't guilty doesn't run away for no reason."


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4600 Stones = 2 extra Chapters

4800 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

Chapter 69 The Chair

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7-8 minutos

Chapter 69 The Chair

Blood was dripping from the top of his head and started to go trickle down to his
eyebrow. He lifted his hand to wipe the blood while holding a dagger made of mud
in his other hand.

"What did I say, you got us killed Vorden!"

"Will you shut up, unless you want to fight the damned thing instead?"

On the floor in front of Vorden was a single defeated Rattaclaw, and next to it
was another one unharmed and injured. When Vorden had arrived, he had
encountered a Rattaclaw out in the wild.

Knowing that there were likely more basic beasts in the area and not wanting to
attract their attention. Vorden had run into the closest building.
It was mainly a large empty warehouse with several broken crates and scrap metal
piles all over the place. With only one entrance, he had no choice but to fight.

His skills faired him well. Even though he only had the Level a one earth ability,
Vorden was skilled. He placed his hand on the ground early on as soon as he had
step foot on the planet and had transformed a piece of earth into a dagger. It was
the weapon he was most comfortable with.

He managed to dodge the Rats attacks at the right time and slice at the beast.
The only problem was the Rat's skin was tough and Vorden's powers were weak.

He didn't have monstrous strength and could only rely on the ability and skill given
to him.

But eventually, Vorden managed to cause enough damage to hurt the Rat
significantly and just as he was delivering the final blow, another Ratttaclaw had
come up behind him. At the last second, he managed to react but its claws had still
sliced the top of his head, causing three small marks to appear.

"Fine, then, let me take control of the seat and I'll fight this damned Rat."

Vorden then left the seat in his mind and allowed Raten to take his place. It was a
pitch-black room with a single chair, and above the chair was a shining white light.
The light above the chair was the only source of light in the whole room.

When Raten sat down, he took control of the body.

Meanwhile, Vorden walked off into the darkness and inside was another figure
that looked just like Vorden, only they were sitting on the floor swaying
backwards and forwards. Their fingers would constantly roll around each other
and part of his shirt was in his mouth.

"How are you holding up, are you feeling better?" Vorden asked.

"Yeah, is Quinn going to be okay?" He said as he continued to sway backwards and


"I'm sure he's fine, you know he's special. We all did from the moment we first
met him."

The other Vorden look alike then smiled.

"Special, just like Caser was, and Marlin, and Fuffu but they all died as well."

Vorden gulped as he could see the swaying getting faster.

"This time is different, me and Raten are here to protect you, you can stay here
as long as you want and when you're ready you can come out once again. Leave all
the talk to me, all the fighting to Ratan and we can do this together."
The swaying started to slow down and at the same time so did Vorden's nerves.

As Vorden went to walk back to the seat he could see that Raten had already dealt
with the beast rather quickly. The Rat was covered in several earth spikes that
were piercing through its body from the ground. It's back tail had been cut off
and black blood was falling from its mouth.

"Did you really have to go that far?" Vorden asked.

"That cheeky little crap ruined our body, I can't let it get away with that."

Raten then stood up from the chair and allowed Vorden once again to sit in the
glowing light and the chair.

Vorden then proceeded to carve out the beast crystals form the two Rat's and
placed them in his trouser leg pocket. It would have been a waste after defeating
them just to throw them away.

But just as Vorden finished extracting the beast crystal, the sound of clanging
was heard from behind. Vorden quickly turned around to see what it was, and to
his surprise, it was a fully grown adult man, he had emerged from just behind one
of the crates.

"I come in peace," the man said with his arms lifted up. Although the man quickly
put his hands down and started to place his hand around his ribs.

Just from looking at him, Vorden could tell straight away the man was a Traveller
and a skilful one at that. The equipment he was wearing was at least at the
advanced tier beast level, and he had armour all over his body including two short
swords on his back.

The man then sat down on the ground, to have a rest and lent his body up against
one of the crates.

Vorden walked over to traveller cautiously, it was rare to even meet a traveller in
this type of place and who knew what the man's true intentions where. Someone
had to be at least at a decent skill level to be asked to enter a Red portal planet.

"Don't worry I won't bite," the man said, "What's a kid like you doing in a place
like this? I didn't know the military was that desperate that they were now
sending a single student to a hell hole like this."

"I got stuck here, it was an accident and I need to find a way out."

Now that Vorden was closer to the man he had a clear few of him. He had short
purple spikey hair and it had several marks on his face. By the way he was holding
his side, it looked like he had some broken ribs too.
"Looks like we both have the same goal at least." The traveller said. "The names
Ian, I came through another portal and was hunting out a beast in the wild, I was
badly hurt and too far away from the original portal, so in a last-ditch effort, I
decided to come to this abandoned shelter. I was hoping to either find some
medical equipment that could heal me or maybe even a portal that led back to

Ian then looked at the two dead Rattaclaw's on the ground.

"You're quite skilful to have defeated two of them on your own, especially for
someone as young as yourself. You have my thanks, I was too badly hurt form the
beast before, that Rattaclaw had chased me into the warehouse and I was waiting
for it to go away. I never expected someone else to be here in this shelter."

"You're welcome" Vorden replied, "Well since we both have the same goal anyway,
do you have any idea where the portal could be?"

"Sure, there were a few buildings I spotted on my way over here, it's best if we
check them out first."

Vorden then held out his hand for a handshake.

"The name's Vorden."

Ian took out his hand and shook Vorden's hand.

"I look forward to us working together."

As the two of their hands connected, an energy started to surge into Vorden's
body, and a smile appeared.


Mass release tomorrow. Remember to Vote for to support the story for a Mass
release next weekend.

4600 Stones = 2 extra Chapters

4800 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

Chapter 70 Intermediate beas

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7-9 minutos

Chapter 70 Intermediate beas

A few hours had passed since Vorden had first arrived on the planet and it
seemed like it was still night outside. It was troublesome for him and made it
harder for him to spot beasts. Especially in the rundown shelter where they could
easily hide between buildings.

There was no lights source anywhere since nearly everything seemed like it had
been destroyed years ago and the only thing that was giving off light where the
two moons in the sky.

Meaning while they were inside, it was even harder for him to see.

"Do you know when the sun will rise?" Vorden asked, "Maybe it will be best if we
travel once the sunlight comes out, then we can spot beasts easier."

"You really don't know where we are, do you?" Ian replied, "This Planet spin cycle
last an entire year and right now, we are only six months in. I'm afraid we won't
be seeing light for a very long time. but if you want to wait six months, you go

With no sunlight, it was hard for Vorden to tell how long he had actually been on
the planet and he could only guess. This was a problem for him. Right now Vorden
had the earth ability as well as Ian, the Travellers ability but without knowing
when 24 hours had passed. He wouldn't know when an ability would disappear.

After waiting a few more moments, Ian was able to stand up again, he winced a
little as he stood up and placed his hands on his side. Vorden noticed it before but
now he was sure of it, the man was badly hurt.

"You're wondering what happened aren't you." Ian said, "I was out hunting an
advanced beast requested from a company. I don't know why they wanted it so
bad, but it was from a specific beast that could only be obtained from this

"Did you get it?" Vorden asked.

Just then Ian pulled out a crystal, the same size as Vorden had gotten form the
Rat, only this one shined a lot brighter and had a clearer layer on the outside. The
core itself of the crystal could be seen better. The clearer the crystal meant the
higher tier beast it had come from.

Once the two of them were ready, they decided to head back outside, while Ian
took the lead. They made sure to travel close to the buildings rather than in the
middle of the street. If anything spotted them they could quickly dart inside for

"Hey Vorden, I have an idea." Raten said, "Why don't we kill the adventurer while
he's weak and get that crystal of his? We could sell it for a fortune or even make
some really good equipment out of the thing."

"Are you an idiot, once we kill him then what would we do? His ability would only
last for twenty-four hours, if we don't find a way out of here in time we would
completely be done for."

Then suddenly Ian stopped as he spotted something.

"Look over there." Ian pointed.

In the middle of the street laid a single dead Rattaclaw, the two of them looked
around before proceeding to move closer to it. When they arrived, they could see
that the Rattaclaw had his head completely bashed in.

"It looks like it wasn't killed too long ago and had its head's been pounded in," Ian
said as he bent down to get a closer look. Then he suddenly pulled out a beast
crystal. "Whoever it was they didn't have time to remove the beast crystal, they
were probably being chased by something else. Strange, I didn't expect to see one
person here but it looks like there's now another."

"Hey, do you think that's your friend," Raten said.

"Maybe, it's hard to tell, we don't even know what Quinn is capable of Afterall,"
Vorden replied.

"Actually," Vorden said out loud. "I wasn't the only one who came through here by
accident, my friend came here with me and I was actually hoping to find him."

"I won't ask for details." Ian said, "But don't get your hopes up, I was surprised
to see you alive never mind your friend."

After hearing from Vorden that there was another student here. Ian felt like he
should try help out. At least confirm whether or not this friend of his was alive.
He knew that the Rattaclaw's rarely travelled solo which meant most likely he was
chased by a few more after defeating the first one.

He started to inspect the Rattaclaw on the floor and found a trail of black blood.
Single drops leading somewhere.

"Come on, let's go see if we can find that friend of yours."

The two of them continued to follow the trail until it eventually led them to a
three-story building, as they entered the first floor it was mostly empty with no
signs of anything, but Ian decided to continue to follow the trail of black blood
that led up the set of stairs.

"What happened here?" Ian thought. As they walked up the first set, they could
see more and more black blood splattered everywhere on the walls. Then when
they walked up even further, the two of them were stunned at the scene.

Lying on the ground where ten Rattaclaws dead, completely still each one with
their beast crystal carved out.

"Who did this? Are there more people here, maybe another team on a mission?"
Ian said. "I'm sorry, I thought perhaps the Rattaclaw outside was killed by your
student friend but it looks like I was wrong. You would need at least a small team
to take out ten at once like this."

Even Ian who was a well-established Traveller felt like he would struggle taking
out Ten at once. Although the beast whereof the weakest tier it was hard to
imagine fighting ten of them and coming out unscathed.

"Do you still think it's your friend?" Raten asked.

"Probably not," Vorden replied, "But if there are others out there. I'm a little
worried, just where is Quinn?"

The two of them then decided to climb to the roof. This way Ian had a bearing of
where he was and could decide where to go next. They stood on top of the roof
and looked down, that's when the two of them spotted something.

"Get down quick!" Ian said.

As the two of them laid on their front, they slowly peaked over the ledge of the
roof to once again confirm what they had seen.

It was a beast that walked on six legs, three on each side, its body stood upright
like that of a human while the bottom half was like that of a scorpion but then
where it's head should be, there was a single largemouth, for arms it had four
large claws. It was a hideous beast that clearly wasn't from earth.

"An intermediate beast," Ian said.

As they continued to watch it, they saw the beast slowly enter into a building.

"Hey what's that building?" Vorden asked, as he noticed the building was in good
condition. "Could the portal be inside there?"

"That's the storage room." Ian answered, "I doubt the portal would be inside
there, usually those places get targeted by thieves and such so they tend to not
make the portal area so obvious and even if it was in there, it would be best if we
let the beast leave first. The way I am now I would stand no chance against the


Mass release Day, please remember to vote for another mass release.

4600 Stones = 2 extra Chapters

4800 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

500 + stones = 1 extra Chapter

Chapter 71 Storage room

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7-9 minutos

Chapter 71 Storage room

The storage building was a single level large floor, which resembled that of a
hanger. The main purpose of the building at a shelter was to keep equipment such
as mechs, airships and all sorts. They also used it as a temporary room to store
things for travellers.

Quinn had left the other building and slowly started to make his way to the
storage room, he had no clue when the sun would rise and needed a place to stay
for the night. After fighting the group of Rattaclaw's he was feeling a bit tired.

Not only that but he was hoping that he might come across some treasures at the
storage room. He just couldn't see the downside of trying to reach the building.

On his way he treaded carefully to make sure he didn't alert any more beasts in
the area, as he walked through form building to building, he spotted a few
Rattaclaw's feasting on something in the middle of the street. '

"Damn there everywhere, there just like Rat's back on earth." Quinn thought.

If there was a single Rat on its own then he might have chosen to confront it, but
while there were three of them out on the street, he didn't want to risk it. The
experience points gained from killing a beast was tempting but to fight three at
once, meant there was a chance he would either have to use his blood spray or at
least his blood swipe skill.

Quinn continued to head towards the storage building until finally, he had arrived.
At the front, there were two large steel doors which slid open. Afraid that they
might make a lot of noise and attract unwanted attention. He decided to walk
around the building to see if there were any other openings or entrance.

After walking around the side of the building, he had no such luck but as he nearly
reached the back of the building, he started to hear strange noises. He slowly
crept down the side making sure to make no noise.

With his back hugging the side of the wall, he peeked out to take a look, it seemed
like there was another Rattaclaw, only this one was squealing and on its back in

Its cries were weak and he wondered just how long had the beast been there for.
After waiting a few moments there was no sign of any other creatures.

He came out from the side of the wall and walked up to the injured Rattaclaw on
its back. As he got closer to it, the Rattaclaw snarled at Quinn and tried to swipe
its claws out, but the attacks were far to slow and the beast could hardly move.

"Still trying to kill me even in this state." Quinn thought. As he got closer the
beast continued to swing it's arms out towards Quinn despite it not being able to
move. Its leg's had been crushed by something and it had a large wound on its

"Let me put you out of your pain." He walked up to the beast and with a single blow
to its head, it had died.

< 100 exp points gained >

< 1140/1600 exp >

As Quinn looked at the back of the building, he could see a small hole in one of the

"Did the Rattaclaw come out from there?"

Before entering he gulped at the thought that perhaps whatever injured the Rat
might be inside. Crawling on his front, he had reached the hole and tried to pop his
head in. It was big enough for a human to fit through but what he was afraid of
was inside the building. If he entered the building there might be a hundred of
those things or something that was stronger than the Rattaclaw itself.
Quinn crawled forward to the entrance of the hole and started to look into the
hanger. Although the hanger contained no light source and was completely void of
light from the moon. His vision allowed him to see clearly inside.

After scouting the area for a while, it seemed like there was nothing inside, but of
course, he couldn't be sure. He thought about it for a while but in the end, the
possibility of getting a new beast weapon or something amazing was too tempting
for him.

He crawled through the hole and entered into the hanger. As he stood up onto his
feet, he was quickly disappointed by the state of the hanger.

Nearly everything inside had been destroyed and just piles of scrap metal and
rubbish remained.

There were no Airships, mechs, and no beast weapons. Whatever was left was
unable to be used. However, the building was large and Quinn wouldn't give up just
form his initial view.

He started to walk around the hanger for a while until eventually, there was a
room stationed in the corner. It was hard to tell how big it was but it seemed like
it went the whole length of the hanger and on closer inspection, it looked more like
a large container.

He walked up to the room and there was a single steel door with a passcode device
next to it. The door was military-grade which meant even those with abilities
would find it hard to break it down. Perhaps it was the reason why no one so far
had been able to enter including the beasts.

But it was clear to him, that whatever was in the container had yet to be
destroyed and most likely whatever was inside was important stuff worth locking.

"Should I try hammer strike on it?" Quinn looked around the hanger, the ceiling
was high and the roof was made of metal. If he was to perform Hammer strike in a
place like this the sound would just echo out.

However, Quinn didn't want to give up that easy, all that stood in front of him and
his treasures was a single door. There must be something he could do?

He looked at the passcode on the side and pressed four random digits before
pressing the enter button.


"Of course, I'm not that lucky." He thought.

Right now, Quinn was desperate and wanted to try everything, he thought perhaps
if he was to use the inspect skill maybe it would give him some information.
< Inspect >

< A passcode machine which is linked to a steel door. Entering the right
combination to the door will successfully open it. >

Just as Quinn was about to give up another notification sound was heard in his

< Inspect skill is now Level 2 >

< Inspect skill will now display more information, about objects, humans, items and
more >

Ever since his Blood swipe skill had levelled up, Quinn was sure his other skills
could level up too but he never thought about his inspect skill too much while using

Looking at the lock again, His gut was telling him to try it.

< Inspect >

< A passcode machine which is linked to a steel door. Entering the right
combination to the door will successfully open it. Please touch the lock for more
information. >

Quinn then did as his inspect skill said and touched the lock. Nothing happened but
then, he used the inspect skill one more time.

< A passcode machine which is linked to a steel door. Entering the right
combination to the door will successfully open. The combination to the door is
2536725364 >

Quinn immediately tested out the number the system had given him.



The door then made an unlocking sound and swung open.


Mass release day, please vote to show your appreciation.

Chapter 72 Inside the container
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Chapter 72 Inside the container

Seeing that the intermediate beast was patrolling around the storage room, Ian
and Vorden had decided to go to a different part of the shelter. As Ian said it
was most likely the Portal wasn't there in the first place.

Even though the portal was in a red zone, the portal on the other end still had to
be placed in a safe place to make sure either beast from the other planet didn't
enter it or destroy it. Of course, a party or a group could bring a portal with them
to get back to their own world but these were very expensive.

Somone at Ian's level didn't have one of these devices because once they had
been set up, they were unable to be taken back with them. It was a onetime use

"Any ideas of where the Portal might be?" Vorden asked.

"My guess is somewhere underground. It's safe from most of the beasts that way.
Most likely they have a special building that looks like any other and a secret

"Wait so are you saying we just have to keep going into buildings?"

"Well we can rule out all the residential buildings, they wouldn't be able to build a
large enough base under those, and any of the small buildings or dangerous areas
you can rule out as well. There are only so many big buildings that would be large
enough to store a big base under."

The two of them continued to look into building after building but there was no
luck or no sign of a secret room. Eventually, they had entered what looked like a
library. Although most of the books had been destroyed and several of the
bookcases had fallen over as well.

That's when a loud grumbling sound had come from Vorden's belly.

"I guess we have been travelling for a while now, why don't we rest here for the
night, it doesn't look like there any beasts here and we can build our own
fortress," Ian said.

The two of them then went up to the second floor of the building. There were
large holes and broken-down walls on the first floor which made it easy for beasts
to attack them. Once they had reached the second floor, the two of them started
to lift up a few of the bookshelves.

It seemed like Ian had the ability of super strength seeing how easily he moved
the heavy bookshelves, but Vorden knew that wasn't true. The reason why Ian
seemed like he had extra strength was actually from the beast armour he was

Certain beast armour once above the basic tier had special properties. If the user
was able to activate these properties, they could increase the base strength of
the user. Giving him more power, extra speed. Overall, it just improved you as a
human being and almost made you seem to be a superhuman.

Vorden could see Ian was still struggling though, most likely due to his injuries but
there was no way he himself could move the giant bookshelves so easily. So instead
Vorden helped out in his own way by clearing a space and moving all the books and
piles of rubbish away.


After an hour or so they were done. Ian had moved the bookshelves to create a
small type of fortress around them.

"It's a nice home isn't it?" Ian said proudly of his work. "Well, what are you
waiting for, come on let's go inside."

As Quinn walked inside Ian followed behind and as he did, he pulled one last
bookshelf around them, sealing them up in a cube-like shape surrounded by
bookshelves. The room they were in was now pitch black.

Ian then punched part of the bookshelves with his fist, creating a hole in all four
directions letting in a little bit of light, but more importantly, it was used to let
them peak through and see if any danger was coming towards them.

He then pulled out a little small stone from his pocket and placed It on the ground
in the centre of the room. He tapped the stone once and a warm orange light
started to shine from it. The light wasn't very strong but in the small dark room,
it made a huge difference.

"Here take this," Ian said as he handed a small circle pill to Vorden.

"Is this a food supplement?" Vorden asked.

"Yeah, I'm guessing if you came here on accident you don't have any with you."

Vorden looked at the pill before shoving it down his throat and into the stomach.
A food supplement was a pill that contained all the things a human needed to live.
As long as a person took one pill of these a day, they no longer needed to eat.
Although it gave the human enough calories and vitamins, it did nothing in terms of
water continent. You would still need to find your own water source. Luckily in the
shelter, it seemed like the waterworks in nearly every building was working.

So it wasn't a problem for Ian and Vorden.

"You get some sleep and I'll keep watch, then will do a little switch later on," Ian
said. "Sounds good?"



As he heard the sound of the door unlocking a grin appeared on his face that
couldn't be contained.

"I love you system, I swear I'll never talk badly about you ever again," Quinn said
as he stepped into the container.

But as he stepped in, his hopes of finding legendary beast equipment or stashes of
beast crystals were soon lost. The room was simply filled with shelves of books,
nothing else but books.

However, as soon as Quinn picked up one of the books closest to him his mind was
quickly changed.

< Earth ability book level 1 >

< Unable to learn would you like to convert into 10 exp? >

It was a container room filled with ability and skill books. Although Quinn was
unable to learn the ability, he immediately converted the book into exp points.

As soon as Quin decided to convert the book into exp, it started to vanish in his
very hands as if it was disintegrating. A sensation was felt form inside and finally,
the message had appeared.

< 10 exp gained >

< 1150/1600 exp >

After absorbing the first book Quinn started to pick up book after book. After
going through the books Quinn found out that a level one skill book would give him
5 exp points while a level 1 ability book would give him 10 exp points.

If he had already absorbed that book again the system wouldn't even pop up with
another message. It was a shame since most of the books inside the container
were earth books that the military had the most control over.

Quinn got closer to the back of the container and found that the level of the
books would increase. A level 2 ability book would gain him 100 exp points, while a
level 2 skill book would gain him 50. This would be the case even if he had already
absorbed the level 1 version of the ability book.

And finally, after absorbing multiple books another message had appeared.

<1650/1600 exp points gained >

< You are now level 6 >


Mass release day, remember to vote for another one next week.

Chapter 73 Skillbook grinding

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Chapter 73 Skillbook grinding

After levelling up Quinn immediately put his stat point into strength, and now
without his gauntlets, his strength was at 15 meaning he would be able to perform
the Hammer strike skill with or without the gauntlets.

As Quinn looked around the room there were still several books he hadn't even
touched yet, the place really was a gold mine for him.

As he went onto the next set of shelves, with it came a new set of books. He
placed his hand on the first one and it was the first Level three ability book he
had come across.

\u003c Level 3 Earth ability book \u003e

\u003cUnable to learn, would you like to convert into 1000 Exp? \u003e

Quinn placed the book down and picked the book up making sure he had heard the
system right, but once again the numbers he had received where correct. The
level three ability book was offering him 1000 experience points.

Without hesitating, he had decided to absorb the book right away.

\u003c 1050/3200 points \u003e

Quinn then picked up the skill book right next to him and as he though it too had
offered him 500 exp points. So far it seemed like a skill book would offer half the
amount of points that an ability book had to offer.

He once again went on rampage grabbing every book he could on the shelf,
absorbing those that he couldn't and tossing the others on the ground. Although
he would have loved to take the books with him as they would have sold for a
healthy price.

The books so far were unable to go into his storage like the crystals and carrying
them would just be more trouble than it was worth. After going through all the
books Quinn was able to level up a total of two more times.

\u003c Level 8 \u003e

\u003c 45/45 HP \u003e

No new skills were unlocked but Quinn still obtained the regular stat points for
every level up. Now that his strength and agility were at level fifteen, he decided
he should finally increase his stamina points.

If there was a fight that needed him to preform flash step and hammer strike
multiple times, he would definitely be in trouble. After putting the two points into
stamina his stats were now looking a lot more even.

\u003c Strength 15 (2)\u003e

\u003c Agility 15 \u003e

\u003c Stamina 14 \u003e

\u003c 510/12800 exp\u003e

Although the Exp needed now was getting further and further away. Which made
Quinn think if there was even a cap to his levelling, or would the exp amount
increase so much so, that it was no longer possible to achieve.

Quinn had now nearly touched every single book that was in the storage room.
Unfortunately, the highest ability Quinn was able to find so far was a level three
ability book. The further he went into the container the higher the levels but for
the last few shelves, it didn't seem to be the case.

It seemed like they were just duplicates of the other level three ability books. As
Quinn picked up one book the system message didn't go off. It was because it was
a level 3 earth ability book that he had already absorbed.

"Hey, maybe Peter could use this?" Quinn thought.

It was only one book, Quinn was sure he would be able to carry it safely with him.
But as soon as he thought about Peter, a memory entered his mind and it wasn't a
good one.

Peter was the whole reason why he was in this place, and he still didn't know how
long he was going to be here or if he would even be able to survive. To be honest,
Quinn was just trying to make the best out of a bad situation at the moment.

As he thought about Peter anger started to enter his mind and body and he ripped
the book up. He was willing to hear Peter out if he ever got out of here alive but
Quinn would no longer help him.

If someone like that betrayed you once, for whatever reason, it only meant there
was the chance that the same thing could happen again.

Then as Quinn looked around the container, he noticed there was one shelf at the
very back of the room where he hadn't been yet. He didn't bother going over
there yet because it looked empty from a distance, but as he got closer, he
noticed there was a single book that had been placed on there.

As he touched the book on the shelf, a new message appeared.

\u003c Level 6 ability book Shadow element \u003e

After seeing the first message appear Quinn couldn't wait to see how much
experience points a level 6 ability book would give. Perhaps it would finally shoot
him up to level ten and he would unlock the use of the shop in his system.

But then something unexpected had happened.

\u003c Ability is compatible with system \u003e

\u003c Would you like to learn? \u003e

Out of shock Quinn dropped the book back onto the shelf and took a step back.

Out of all the books in the room, it was the first time he had ever received a
message of this kind. He wasn't even sure it was possible but the system was
clearly telling him he could learn the ability.

Then Quinn started to think back to the name of the ability "Shadow element." It
was something he had never even heard of before and Quinn was quite
knowledgeable about the abilities of the world.

He then picked up the book once more just to make sure and the same message
had appeared. After thinking about it for a long time, he decided he would try to
place the book in his storage. It hadn't worked with the other books previously
but he thought it might work with this one.
And to his surprise, it worked. The ability book was safely put into his system
storage with his beast crystals.

Before learning the ability, Quinn wanted to make sure he could find out more
about it first. Maybe then he could find out why it was compatible with his
vampire system and if so, maybe they were other abilities that would be
compatible as well.

If that was the case, Quinn didn't want to rush into things. Usually, a human being
was only able to use one ability for their whole lives and it could be the same for

As he continued to level up and get stronger, he thought about it more and more.

His system wasn't an ability, the book that was gifted to him by his father wasn't
an ability book but it had completely changed him. He was no longer Human but
something else altogether and it was why his abilities had worked inside the game
and why he had received the option to learn another ability.

This was the only conclusion he could come to.

After storing the book away, he decided to close the door to the container unit
and remain inside. It was safe here and he was starting to feel tired, at least he
knew the container was strong enough to protect him from whatever beast
remained outside.

He lied on the floor and in an instant closed his eyes.


Mass release day, please remember to vote next week for another mass release.

Chapter 74 Fight or Wai

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Chapter 74 Fight or Wai

His body was pressed against the cold hard floor, his eyelids slowly started to
open and all he could see was a white light. For a moment while Quinn was sleeping,
he had forgotten about everything that happened.

But as soon as he looked around him and realised where he was and he knew that
everything wasn't a dream. Right now he wasn't at the school but was on a
completely different planet miles away from home.

As he stood up and started to stretch, there was no way for him to tell how long
he was out for but his body felt good. It was a surprise that he slept so well on
the floor without a bed. Without realising it, he was more exhausted then he

Not only physically exhausted for fighting against the beast but also mentally
exhausting, the constant fear of the unknown was a terrible thing that slowly
would eat away at him.

\u003c You're hunger grows. \u003e

\u003c Daily quest complete, avoid direct sunlight for eight hours \u003e

And at last, the system message had appeared, this meant that in one more day's
time the system would inform him that he needed to consume human blood. He was
okay for now as he still had fifty millilitres of blood in his bank.

As long as he didn't get in any more fights, he would be fine. The most important
thing for him to do now was to find that portal.

As he went to open the steel door, Quinn was half expecting that the sun might be
out, after all the message appearing meant it was a new day. However, he was
unsure whether the system clock was related to the time on earth.

The daily quest reset every day at midnight, but if he was in another country,
midnight would be different and right now he was on another planet.

But as he opened the door, he was surprised to see it was still night out, however,
his mind was quickly distracted by something else.

Quinn immediately closed the door back up to the container, he placed his hand on
his chest feeling his heart beating at an incredible speed.

"What was that!" Quinn thought. "That was no Rat, that's for sure."

This time Quinn went to the steel door again. He placed his hand on the Metallic
handle once again and slowly opened the door to take a peak and as he did a large
beast stood inside the hanger.
With the body of the human but the bottom half of a scorpion-like creature,
Quinn couldn't make out what it was. From the human half of its body, it also had
two claws on each side.


With his new inspect skill it seemed to now work at a greater distance.

\u003c Scordana \u003e

\u003c Intermediate level beast \u003e

After finding out what little information was available about the beast, Quinn
quickly closed the door once again.

Although Quinn had grown three levels while inside the container, he still felt like
dealing with an intermediate beast would almost be impossible for him.

The weakest of intermediate beasts were at least 10 times stronger than a basic
tier beast. Of course, this would depend on the beast, for there were some beasts
that were just easier to deal with than others no matter what tier they were at.

But looking at the creature, Quinn could tell it would be a tough battle. Instead,
he decided to remain inside the capsule until the beast had eventually disappeared.
It wasn't here when he first entered so there was always the chance it could

After waiting for what felt like a considerable amount of time, He decided to open
the door once again to check if the beast was still there and unfortunately it was.

That was when Quinn noticed something else that was in the hanger that wasn't
there before, there were three round objects right next to the Scordana placed
in a pile of scrap metal.

"Are those eggs?" Quinn thought, "Inspect."

\u003c Scordana eggs \u003e

\u003c Intermediate beast level \u003e

As he saw the eggs a horrible thought had entered his mind. Quinn hadn't noticed
them before meaning she must have just laid them out while he was in the
container, or they might have been hidden somewhere.

But the first was more likely, now the fact that her eggs were here, meant the
beast would protect them until they hatched or at least it wouldn't be moving for
a while.
Quinn had two options, he could continue to wait in the container hoping that the
mother would have to go out and hunt for food for herself in a while, but beast
bodies were completely different compared to humans.

Sometimes a single meal could last them weeks before they had to go hunting
again for another one. This felt like a risky option for Quinn for he himself was on
a time frame.

Then there was the second option, if the Scordana had just given birth then there
was a chance she was weaker compared to usual.

With the second option, he had to make a decision as soon as possible. The longer
he waited the more chance the beast had of recovering.

In the end, Quinn gritted his teeth and stepped out of the container. Before even
thinking of fighting against the beast he would try his best to sneak out.

The entrance to the front of the hanger was completely destroyed, the beast
when entering had ripped apart the two metallic doors before coming in. The
problem was the beast was blocking that exit but that still left Quinn with the
small hole in the wall from where he had entered.

Carefully moving in between piles of scrap metal and rubbish, Quinn slowly moved
across the room to the other side where he had first entered.

Then when he finally had reached the hole, he could see something else entering
form the other side. It was a Rattaclaw.

"Oh no!"

As soon as the Rattaclaw pulled its body through the small hole It immediately
looked up to see Quinn. Before he even had a chance to run away the Rattaclaw
started squealing like mad.

"Shut up, why did you have to come here now of all times."

Then the sound of several steps was heard from behind. Quinn didn't have to turn
around to know what it was but he did so anyway and as he did, a giant claw was
swung down towards his head.

"Flash step."

At the last second, Quinn preformed his flash step skill avoiding the claw but he
couldn't say the same for the Rattaclaw. It had been completely hammered and
smashed to the ground in a single strike.

"I guess we're doing this then!"

End of mass release, please contiune to vote for even more Mass releases.

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Chapter 75 Not A Game

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Chapter 75 Not A Game

Now that the Scordana had spotted Quinn, he had no choice but to stand his
ground and fight. In a red portal planet, there would be more dangerous and
higher tier beasts than an intermediate one.

Although he could make a run for it and head outside, the commotion caused might
attract even more dangerous beasts and that was the last thing he wanted.

Looking at the squashed Rattaclaw, he could tell the beast was powerful and he
needed to avoid getting hit by those claws. Already using the flash step had taken
a considerable amount of stamina and at most, he was able to perform it one more
time during the fight.

As the scorpion creature turned, it immediately started charging forward. Hoping

to scare it away and do some damage, Quinn let out two Blood swipes. This time
the attack was more powerful than before. The lines looked thicker and larger as
they left his hands.

The level two increase in the skill, on top of his extra stat points in strength, had
really improved the attack. However, the Scorpion wasn't stupid and covered
itself with its four claws blocking the attack.

As the Blood swipe made impact, the scorpion was pushed back a few steps but no
damage could be seen, not even a white scratch mark on the claws.

"Damn it, the scorpion's claws are an exoskeleton!"

An exoskeleton beast meant that the beast's skeleton was on the outside, making
the outer shell incredibly hard. As Quinn looked and inspected the creature even
closer, he could see that every part of the beast was covered in some type of
shell, apart from the upper body.

That was the beast's weak point and that's where he needed to hit.

With a plan set in his head, Quinn charged forward once again, the scorpion
opened up its four claws ready to attack. The first claw came down, swiftly he was
able to dodge the attack, then the next set of claws followed.

Avoiding the claws was difficult but right now Quinn was in full concentration
mode, as the fourth claw came out to attack him, the beast's body was now wide

Then as Quinn readied his hand to cast his blood swipe skill, he felt a sharp pain in
his back. As he looked up, he could see something connected to his body and when
he followed it, it went behind the beast.

"A tail, that wasn't there before?"

The beast then lifted Quinn with the tail and chucked him hard up against the
wall. As he fell to the ground his HP had taken a huge hit.

\u003c 13/45 HP \u003e

As Quinn looked into his stomach, he could see a large puncture had been created
and blood was quickly flowing out of his body.

\u003c Critical hit \u003e

\u003c 12/45 HP \u003e

\u003c 11/45 HP \u003e

\u003c 10/45 HP \u003e

As the blood continued to leak out of Quinn's body so did his HP. In order to stop
his HP from continuing to drop he had no choice.

\u003c Blood bank \u003e

\u003c 10 millitiers have been used \u003e

\u003c 40 milliters remaining \u003e

\u003c 15/45 HP \u003e

As he absorbed the blood, the puncture in his stomach slowly started to heal but
it wasn't going to be enough, he needed more blood and with the Scordana
charging towards him he needed it fast.
"Just use it all!"

\u003c Blood bank empty \u003e

\u003c 35/45 HP \u003e

With his health nearly full, his wounds had healed up almost instantly and Quinn
was able to move once again. Looking at the scorpion he noticed the tail truly
wasn't there.

"Is it able to take it into his body and out at will, this is going to be a pain."

If it wasn't for all the level's up he had received while in the container, he would
have already been a dead man and with no more Blood bank, Quinn was unable to
take another blow.

There were no more second chances.

Hoping to stop it's charge forward, he threw blood swipe after blood swipe. The
beast held up all four of its claws and crossed it against its body, protecting it at
all times.

But the beast was powerful and continued to push through despite the blood
claw's coming towards it. It got closer and closer but Quinn never stopped using
his blood swipes.

\u003c 30/45 HP \u003e

\u003c 28/45 HP \u003e


A battle of strength was being displayed between the two. The red swipes were
powerful and started to knock the beast back and eventually, even the claw's
started to crack but neither of them gave up.

\u003c 13/45 HP \u003e

But Quinn couldn't keep it up, if he carried on using the blood swipes then he soon
would completely run out of HP, he had no choice but to change his plan.

When the beast was close enough, finally the tail was revealed from above. While
its claws covered and blocked its body from the swipes, its plan was to attack
from above with its long large tail.

As it fired its tail downward, just before the tail could pierce Quinn again.

"Flash step!"

Suddenly, Quinn was no longer in front of the scorpion and now was directly
behind it. He gathered all his strength from the bottom of his body. It rose up
into his fist and as he slammed down his foot, at the same time he pulled back his
hand and released all the power he had into his attack.

"Hammer strike!"

As soon as the blow had hit the beast's soft human upper body, a large hole was
created, it was around the size of a human head and a chunk had been taken out
allowing him to see completely through the beast to the other side.

Then a few moments later, the beast had collapsed to the ground and so had
Quinn, completely exhausted. As he lifted his hands his gauntlets had completely
shattered. They were too damaged from the Rattaclaw's bite from before and it
was unable to take the impact of his Hammer strike.

The gauntlets no longer gave Quinn the extra attack power it did before but it
was hard for him to be upset for long for a number of messages had appeared.

\u003c Scordana has been killed 1000 exp \u003e

\u003c first intermediate beast kill 5000 exp \u003e

\u003c first Scordana killed 2000 exp \u003e

\u003c 8250/12800 \u003e

Although Now that Quinn was a higher level, it took a considerable amount of Exp
to level up once more. Right now he had a serious problem, his health was
incredibly low.

13/45 HP and with his blood bank empty there was no way for him to heal it back
to normal.

Then a thought had come to his mind, if his system was like a game, if he levelled
up would his health heal back up?

As he looked around the room, he noticed the three egg's still there in the metal
pile heap. After waiting a few moments for his stamina to rise back up, he walked
up to the dead Scrodana's body.

He had no hard feelings tearing the beast's body apart as he looked for the beast
crystal inside. Before the old Quinn might have shown compassion and been
respectful but the fight he just had, was showing him that even on other planets,
the strong ruled.

Before even when he got bullied at school it was never like this, of course, the
strong ruled at school and he couldn't do anything about it but he never came
close to dying. He just took several beatings but for the first time, he truly felt
like he was close to death.
Finally, after tearing and rummaging through several limbs the beast crystal was
obtained and stored in his system once again.

Now Quinn looked at the eggs in the room, as he went forward, he lifted one of
the eggs. They were large and about the same size as football. He took a few
steps back before lifting it into the air and slamming it into the ground.

Black blood had been splattered all across the floor and a little half-grown
scorpion could be seen inside.

\u003c Scordana Egg killed 1000 exp \u003e

\u003c first Scordana egg kill 2000 exp \u003e

\u003c 11250/12800 exp \u003e

To Quinn's surprise, the system had counted the egg as a new beast kill so he also
received the bonus points for that too.

He then went over to the over two eggs and threw them both to the ground
similar to the first one.

\u003c Scordana egg killed 1000 exp \u003e

\u003c Scordana egg killed 1000 exp \u003e

\u003c 13250/12800 exp \u003e

\u003c Congratulations you are now level 9 \u003e

\u003c 13/50 HP\u003e

As Quinn looked at the information displayed, for the first time he was unpleased
with a level up. The system hadn't given his health back like he thought it might
have done. Although his HP had increased nothing else had changed.

It made him realise that although his system was like a game, it wasn't. This was
real life and the next message made him realise that even more.

\u003cYour hunger grows\u003e

\u003cYou can no longer suppress your need for blood\u003e

\u003cYour HP will decrease by -1HP every hour until you have consumed Human

We hit 6000 stones last week! Congrats in unlocking the mass release. New goal
for mass release next weekend.

5800 stones = 2 extra Chapters

6000 Stones = 4 extra chapters

Chapter 76 Find the Portal

Read My Vampire System - Chapter 76 Find the Portal online free - Light
Novel Full

6-7 minutos

Chapter 76 Find the Portal

Due to Quinn's energy and most of his blood being used in the fight earlier, his
body was now no longer naturally healing itself. He was too hungry to heal and
would need blood.

As Quinn looked at his system, a certain number stuck out to him and it was all he
could hear in his head, the number Thirteen.

"With thirteen points that's thirteen hours before I reach 0 and that's only if I
don't use any of my skills or get injured along the way."

He was really struggling with what to do, should he sit and wait, perhaps the
school would send someone after him, or should he walk around and try to find the
portal. If he did, there was the chance he could run into more beasts on the way.

"I have no choice, I have to try to find the portal," Quinn said.

This was his only option. In reality, he would have liked to think the school would
have sent someone after him. This might have been the case if Quinn had a strong
family backing him or he was a potentially high-level user but Quinn was none of

He was an orphan with no family backing and the school still believed he was a level
1 user, someone with no ability. Why would they bother risking their lives for
someone like him? It just didn't make any sense even to him. He had no choice but
to soldier on.
Before leaving the hanger, Quinn had to think hard about just where the portal
would be. All he knew was that they had to place it somewhere safe. Somewhere
the beasts wouldn't be able to get to it.

The shelter was a big place though with many buildings, it wasn't as big as the city
the school was in, but still big. To get from one side of the shelter to the other it
would take him at least two hours and that was walking at a decent pace.

As he walked through the city, he decided to tread very carefully. Even if he came
across a basic tier beast, it would cause all sorts of problems for him. As he
walked through the city he went through at an incredibly slow pace.

Once in a while, he would come across a building with beasts inside. Although
Quinn's eyesight was incredibly handy in situations like these. The beasts too had
good eyesight in the darkness for they had lived on the planet but his seemed to
be even better than theirs.

As he entered the buildings there would be cases where Quinn had spotted them
far up ahead in the darkness, he quickly would shift and hide in the shadows or
behind wall's waiting for the beasts to leave and when he was ready, he would
zoom past and around.

With no direction to go in and just simply wandering around, Quinn had already
used up two hours of his time exploring the place.

\u003c 11/50 HP \u003e

The hunger in his belly was starting to distract him and it was getting harder for
him to focus as his health had gone down.

Then finally, Quinn had spotted another building that was relatively in good
condition. It was a large dome-like shape building. The training centre, a place
where Travellers could come and test out their skills or practice with new

The outside of the dome was made with special material in case practice matches
got a bit out of hand and a stray attack would hit the outside now and then. It was
capable of withstanding attacks from some of the strongest beasts and power
level users.

"No wonder it's in good condition," Quinn said as he looked at the building.

It was the only other place Quinn could think of where the portal could be kept
safe. The place was large and had a sturdy outside that was yet to be destroyed.

As Quinn got closer to the dome building, he noticed there where several mechs
stationed outside that had been destroyed. Their cores completely ripped out.
Mechs were a powerful device used in the war but to power them they required an
incredibly powerful beast crystal of a high tier.

It was a strange thing because the higher power levels preferred to use their own
abilities, while the lower power levels could never afford to use such a thing. Most
of the mechs were used by the military or private companies that hired Low-level
travellers to operate the thing.

However, it was a double-edged sword for a low-level Traveller. Usually, they

would come with contracts, if the mechs were ever destroyed then the user would
be asked to pay for them. Of course, a low level in their whole life time could
never afford to pay back something as expensive as a mech. Causing them to
forever be a slave to the company.

Just another one of the changes that had happened after the war with the Dalki.
During the War Humans were brought together to fight the common enemy but
once the treaty was signed the greed of humans were shown.

If the Dalki knew how ununited earth was at the moment, Quinn was sure earth
would lose the way it was right now.

That's why he needed to get stronger, to protect himself.

As he reached the entrance of the training centre, he could see that two
Rattaclaw's were standing out in front of the building. Before entering he decided
to walk around the large dome carefully to see if there were any other entrances,
but there were none besides the first one he had seen.

He returned back to the entrance and was hidden behind one of the destroyed
mechs around thirty meters away from the entrance. Even though he had walked
around for about thirty minutes the Rattaclaws remained there unmoving.

He decided to wait a little longer hoping that the Rattaclaw's might move.

\u003c 10/50 HP \u003e

But as he saw the message bring his health down once again, he was only getting
even more aggravated. The Rat's didn't look like they would be leaving any time
soon and Quinn needed to come up with a plan.


Two Chapters today go read the next one. Remember to vote for mass release.

5800 Stones = 2 extra Chapters

6000 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

Chapter 77 Losing it all

Read My Vampire System - Chapter 77 Losing it all online free - Light Novel

6-7 minutos

Chapter 77 Losing it all

As Quinn looked around him, he found a broken piece of the mech nearby, it was a
long metal shape looked similar to a pole but he had no idea what part of the mech
it was used for.

He picked it up and looked off into the distance. He aimed carefully at another
mech that was destroyed, far up ahead and off to the side of the entrance.

Using all his strength he threw the piece of metal a great distance. It was an
amazing feat and looked almost super human, of course, Quinn was only able to
perform this because he had super strength compared to others.

The piece of metal landed exactly where he was aiming for making a large clang
sound as it fell on the mech. The Rat's then looked up at where the noise was
coming from and quickly scurried off in the direction of the sound.

"This is my chance."

Quinn using all the powers in his legs, bolted for the entrance. He had finally
reached the dome-like building.

The entrance was like a hallway surrounded by a wall on either side and just a
little further up where two steel doors.

He tried pushing the steel doors open but there was no luck. He noticed that the
doors were undamaged just like the rest of the building meaning most likely it was
made out of the same material. As he looked around the door for anything, he
spotted another access code machine.

He immediately rushed forward placing his hand on the machine and used his
inspect skill.

"I hope these works, don't let me down system."

\u003c An access code machine linked to the two steel doors. The combination is
33346253778 \u003e

However, just as Quinn was imputing the code into the machine, the Rattaclaw's
had returned. As the beasts saw him, they shrieked and called out another two of
its friends. There were now four of the things.

As he heard the sound of the beasts behind him, his hands started to shake.

"Come on… Come on!"


"Damn I must have put in a wrong number!"

His nerves were getting the better of him and his concentration had been broken.
He used his inspect skill once again making sure he had the right code. He started
imputing the numbers again when he suddenly felt something chomp down onto his

\u003c 9/50 HP \u003e

As he looked down it was one of the Rat's and the other three weren't too far
behind it. Quinn then swung his fist down as hard as he could at the Rat smashing
its skull into pieces. The Rat was forced to let go but still wasn't dead.

The other three were now too close and he no longer had any time to input the

"Flash step."

Then Quinn was suddenly behind them, but he was still too close to the four Rats.
Flash step only had a distance of five meters at most.

The Rats turned and all ran forward towards him.

"I have no choice!" He held out his palm and fired. "Blood burst."

A shotgun like spray of blood was released from his hand and it had knocked back
all four of the Rat's killing the already injured one.

\u003c 4/50 HP\u003e

\u003c 100 exp \u003e

He then rushed forward to one of the Rats on the ground, held both hands
together and slammed it down on another Rat's head killing the second one.

\u003c 100 exp \u003e

Now the other two Rat's had recovered and were quickly after Quinn once again.
Out of desperation he swung his hands and activated his blood swipe, although this
time, the blood swipes were strong and had killed each one in a single attack.

\u003c 100 exp\u003e

\u003c 100 exp \u003e

\u003c 850/25600 exp \u003e

\u003c 2/50 HP \u003e

With his time running incredibly low, Quinn didn't even bother to get out the
beast crystals, there was also the fear that more beasts might be coming. He
went up to the door this time inputting the code correctly and as he entered, he
shut the door behind him making sure it was locked.

He was now in what looked like a reception area, a canteen of sorts with several
seats and a desk at the front. It was in top condition compared to the rest of the
city. In fact, it looked like an entirely different place.

They were two hallways one leading to the left and one leading to the right, both
with the words training centre written on them.

With his health running low, he had less than two hours to find the portal. He
entered the main training hall. It was a large room with several seats in the
stands. It reminded Quinn of the game as it looked similar. Everything was white
in colour and had a modern empty look to it.

But as Quinn stared at the empty field in the centre, all he could see was
disappointment. The arena down below was completely empty. There was not a
single thing down there, not even a scrap of metal never mind a portal.

Quinn fell to his knees in despair. He felt like this was his last chance. There was
no way he had the time to go walking around the city looking for another room with
a portal.

But he didn't give up yet. He lifted himself up the ground and searched and
searched around the training centre. He searched in the preparation rooms, the
offices, the gym and even back in the reception area.

But nothing, there wasn't a single thing he could find. He now laid there on the
floor in the centre of the arena. Looking up at the ceiling.

\u003c 1/50 HP\u003e

The pain in his stomach was too strong, his vision was now blurring up and he could
no longer think properly or move.
"So this is how my life ends huh." Quinn said, "Mum, Dad, why did you leave me on
my own, why did you give me this book. I thought when I got this book maybe I
might be able to change something but I guess not."

Then the final hour had passed.

\u003c 0/50 HP \u003e

\u003c HP has reached 0 due to Hunger \u003e

\u003c Transformation will now begin \u003e


Remember to vote with your stones for a mass release next week.

5800 Stones = 2 extra chapters

6000 Stones = 4 extra chapters

Chapter 78 New Destination

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Novel Full

7-9 minutos

Chapter 78 New Destination

That night Vorden struggled to sleep just like every other night.

He couldn't remember the last time he got a good night's sleep.

Some nights he was able to sleep peacefully and dream just like any other person
but then there were times where his mind was sent to the back room. At that time
no one was sat in the chair, no one was in control.

Lately, this was happening more and more frequently.

In the black room, the three of them would usually talk to each other while the
body rested but he always had a worry when he was in that room.
The chair was empty, at any point and time, anyone of them could sit in the chair
and take control. For now, Vorden acted as the gatekeeper but that was only
because the little one allowed him to.

That's when he felt a slight tug on his arm.

"Hey wake up kid, it looks like you were having a nightmare," Ian said.

As Vorden opened his eyes he looked around and noticed that he was still in the
pitch-black room.

"Oh, sorry about that, I hope I wasn't making to much noise," Vorden replied.

"Well this is a scary place, a kid like you shouldn't be here on their own in the
first place, so don't worry about it." Said Ian, "Do you mind if we swap for a bit?"

Ian then switched places with Vorden. While Ian lied on the uncomfortable hard
floor, Vorden would look out of the gaps in the bookshelf, keeping watch.

In almost an instant from behind him, Vorden could hear the sound of Ian's loud
snores. Unlike him, Ian was able to get to sleep almost instantly.

"Hey Vorden, so if you aren't going to kill him now what about when we find the
portal?" Raten asked. "The advanced crystal he is carrying would be very helpful
to us and no one would find out. You've seen how weak he is and now we have his
ability it would be easy to finish him off."

"While I'm in charge nobody gets hurt," Vorden replied getting annoyed.

"Fine but one of these days when we're in trouble, I won't be coming to help you,
and when he sees you're doing a bad job, I will be put in charge instead and I am
not going to let you decide a single thing."

When doing nothing it was hard to tell how much time had past. Vorden didn't even
know how long he had been asleep for and with the sky always showing black, he
had no way of knowing.

After waiting what felt like an entire day, it seemed like Ian had finally woken up.
As he lifted himself off the ground, he continued to wince in pain and hold onto his

"I'm telling you, I can't wait to get home," Ian said.

Vorden turned around to look at Ian, seeing that he was struggling to get up, he
offered his hand once again and pulled him up from the floor.

But as Ian got off the ground, his face suddenly dropped, in one of the hole's he
had made, all that could be seen was a single large eyeball looking through.
Ian immediately went to his waist and grabbed a small dagger throwing it at the
beast's eye. Using all his strength and the added stats of the equipment he was
wearing, the dagger flew right through the eye and out the other end killing it in a
single blow. Then when he pulled his hand back the dagger flew back into his hand.

"Let's get out of here!" Ian shouted as he kicked one of the shelves knocking it
over. As the two of them climbed on top of the fallen shelf they could see that
they had been surrounded.

All around the library, on top of the ceiling, on the side of the walls, where
multiple slug-like creatures everywhere. They had a single large eye on its head
and sticking out of its sides were multiple tentacles coming from the beast's

"I thought you were keeping a lookout?" Ian said.

"I was but the small space would only let me see so far."

Vorden was a little distracted deep in his thoughts but even so, it was hard for
him to see beasts like these. For they were able to scale up the side of the walls
and hang from the ceiling.

They were completely surrounded not just around them but also above as well. A
few of the slug creatures dropped from above, while the ones around them
reached out with their tentacles.

There were too many attacking at once, Ian then held out both of his hands with
his palms open, objects from all over the library started to vibrate. Slowly they
were moving along and coming towards him as if they were being pulled by an
invisible force.

Then shards of metal from all over came flying towards the two of them at an
incredible speed. "Stick close to me kid!" Ian commanded and Vorden did as he was

The pieces of metal from all over the library and a few pieces from outside had
come towards the two of them and formed a ball completely made out of scraps of
metal surrounding the two of them.

The beast from above fell on top of the metal ball but no damage was done as they
slid off. The tentacles from the slugs outside started to attack and made dent's
in the ball, loud clanging sounds could be heard from inside as they continued to
attack. The force of the tentacle strikes were similar to someone swinging a bat
and it would only be a matter of time before the metal ball broke.

At that moment, the ball exploded with an incredible force, just how the scrap
metal had been pulled together, it was now being pushed out. Little pieces of scrap
metal were flung out so hard it had caused several puncture wounds in the beast's
body killing them all as it went through their brains and hearts.

"Good thing this planet is covered in metal huh," Ian said with a smile on his face.
"Come on then, let's not waste these crystals."

The two of them went up to the dead slugs and started to carve out the crystals.
At that moment in time when the slugs had surrounded them, Vorden had tried to
activate his earth ability that he had gotten from Peter on one of the beasts but
there was no such luck.

Which meant that he had at least been on the planet for twenty-four hours now.
However, he still had Ian's ability handy. Touching him in the library had reset the
time frame, so even if Ian was unable to fight or they got separated, Vorden
would still be able to use the ability for another twenty-four hours.

After gathering the crystals Ian had handed Vorden half of them.

"Here take it."

"I can't, I didn't do anything."

"Look these are only basic tier crystals, I could earn these in my sleep."

"Fine," Vorden said.

Although Vorden had agreed, he had no space to put the crystals anywhere. He
hadn't brought a bag, a pouch or a storage unit with him.

After all, it was an unexpected visit. For now, Ian said he would keep the crystals
until they returned back to earth.

Finally, it was time for the two of them to leave the library and search for the
portal once again. The two of them made sure to not attract any beast on their
way and to their luck they hadn't come across any more dangers.

Then finally the two of them spotted something.

"You see that, now if I was going to put a portal anywhere, I would put it in there,"
Ian said pointing at the large dome building.

"What is it?" Vorden asked, "It looks like a training centre."

"That's exactly what it is, and it looks like it was well built, the beast around here
haven't even been able to scratch it, and it's big enough to build a secrete base
The two of them continued walking forward with their next destination in sight,
the training centre.


Please remember to vote for mass release next week.

5800 Stones = 2 extra chapters

6000 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

Chapter 79 Entering the Centre

Read My Vampire System - Chapter 79 Entering the Centre online free -

Light Novel Full

7-9 minutos

Chapter 79 Entering the Centre

Just outside the large dome-like building, Vorden and Ian were preparing to enter.
The front of the dome was an open field filled with all sorts of junk. It looked like
a battle had taken place outside.

They carefully made their way along the field of broken rubbish and Mechs,
keeping cover while inching their way closer and closer to the entrance.

After looking left and right for any beasts nearby and seeing that there were
none there, they decided to make a dash for it.

As they ran forward, they reached the hall and moved towards the door but
stopped just outside as something had caught their eye. Ian bent down to have a
closer look at something lying on the ground.

"More dead Rattaclaw's. Another group of them, even," Ian then dipped his finger
into the black blood. Even though it was slightly dry, it seemed pretty new. "It
doesn't look like they have been dead for long. Looks like someone's already in

Vorden didn't want to say anything but he was hoping that it was Quinn. However,
as he walked past the dead Rattaclaw's, if it really was Quinn, it seemed like the
secret he was hiding from Vorden was bigger than he thought.
"A passcode machine?" Vorden said as he spotted it off to the side of the door.
"Do you know the combination?"

"Are you kidding me, how the hell would I know." Ian then held out both of his
hands as he looked at the door.

He started to concentrate. After a while, Vorden could see a vein bulging on top of
Ian's head. "Damn this door, it's so strong."

Ian continued to use his powers but the door was tightly shut and wasn't going to
be so easy to break. But then, slowly, the door started creaking and the locks
behind the door started to bend.

But the sound of the metal door being pulled apart had attracted some unwanted
attention. Three Rattaclaws started sneaking around, following the sound until
they spotted the two humans by the entrance.

"Ian, you better hurry up!"

"Just deal with the rats yourself!" Ian shouted.

As Ian put more strength into opening the door, part of the door started to bend.
But as it started bending, the loud clanging only attracted more unwanted
attention. Soon another four Rattaclaws joined.

"There's too many!" Vorden then quickly turned to the door and held his hands out
as well.

"What are you doing, at least hold the back or something?" Ian said, but suddenly,
the door was easier to move than before. It was being much more responsive.

As Ian looked at Vorden, he could see he too was visibly sweating. "It couldn't

With the two of them using their powers, they were finally able to tear the door
apart creating a hole just large enough for them to get through. They quickly ran
forward and jumped through the small gap.

Now inside the building, they turned back around and held out their hands once
again focusing all of their power.

The Rattaclaw closest to the entrance leapt forward, and its head had just
managed to get through the hole.

"Close, damn it!" Vorden shouted. Just then, the door bent back, sealing the hole
and slicing the Rattaclaw's head off. A loud thumb was heard as it hit the floor
and slowly rolled away.

The two of them, now inside and with the door shut, noticed something. It was
incredibly dark inside the training centre. There were a few small white LED lights
that were placed on the floor up against the wall, but other than that, the lights
above were completely out.

As Ian took a step forward, he could hear the sound of glass cracking.

"Now why would someone go to the trouble to take out all the lights?" Ian said,
"These places are built to last hundreds of years with the power they have and
the outside looked like it was untouched."

"Maybe it was the person who came in before us?"

"Maybe. Here, take this," Ian said, as he chucked over a small pebble-like item.
Vorden noticed that it was the same item that he had used when they had made
their temporary shelter in the library.

As Vorden tapped it once a small orange glow emitted from the stone and
surrounded him. "What about you?"

Ian then pulled out another stone, tapping it before putting it on his waist.

"Now, are you going to tell me about what just happened, or are you going to keep
that secret as well?"

Vorden let out a little nervous laugh.

"No secrets. My ability allows me to copy other abilities. I copied it when I saw
you use it at the library." Vorden had no reason to lie to the man. He already knew
he could use the same ability and what were the chances that Vorden had the
same rare ability as the man.

However, Vorden wasn't going to reveal the fact that he needed to touch the man
to copy his abilities. That part he would keep to himself.

"That's kind of cool. I wish I could do something like that," Ian said, "Come on
let's go,"

Vorden was surprised by the man's actions. He thought he might yell or complain
that he had done something without his permission, but this was something that he
hadn't experienced before.

The two of them continued to walk along the dark hall. For now, there was only one
direction they could go and the LED lights helped lead them the right way.

"Psst, hey Vorden, this is your last chance, switch with me now," Raten said, "If
the portal's in here, I can save you the hard work and kill him straight away."

"Buzz off, will you."

"Fine, but that was your last chance."

The two of them had finally arrived at the reception room. There were still small
LED lights placed across the room, so at least they had a sense for the size of the
room. Still, just like the previous room, the lights had been taken out.

Each of the lights above were smashed in.

"It must have been a beast," Ian said.

"What makes you say that?" Vorden asked.

"Well, a lot of beasts on this planet are on a cycle. For the year it remains dark,
they go out and hunt. But when the sun comes out, they hibernate for the year. My
guess is that a beast sensitive to light managed to get inside somehow and started
to destroy them all. If it was a human that did this, they could have just found
the source of power and shut them all off at once, or even just used the light

They continued to move forward until they had eventually reached the front desk.
Now, all that was left was to enter the arena and they did so, going through one of
the entrances. When they exited, they had come out into the stands.

"Grahhh!" As soon as they entered, fierce growls started coming from the hallway.

"Quick, turn of your stone!" Ian whispered loudly.

However, it was useless. They could hear footsteps banging against the floor as
something came rushing forward from the arena and into the stands.

"RAKKKKKKKKKK!" A loud screech echoed through the entire arena, as the

creature had spotted its prey and was now running full force towards them.


Please remember to vote for mass release.

5800 Stones = 2 extra Chapters

6000 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

Chapter 80 Bloodsucker

Read My Vampire System - Chapter 80 Bloodsucker online free - Light Novel

8-10 minutos

Chapter 80 Bloodsucker

\u003c Transformation will now begin \u003e

As soon as this message appeared, a shooting pain could be felt all over Quinn's
body. It felt as if his insides were burning with fire. The white of his eyes slowly
started to fill with black and his teeth started to grow in size.

However, the pain didn't stop there, his body would jolt itself up and down as if
something was trying to break free, his nails grew slightly larger and his skin
started to form around his body even tighter. The features of his bones started
to show more and his hair was falling from his head.

\u003c Your mind is unstable \u003e

\u003c Your blood lust has reached its maximum level \u003e

\u003c You are now a (Crazed) Bloodsucker \u003e

\u003c All stats will be doubled \u003e

\u003c Health will be halved \u003e

\u003c While in this form all blood skills are unavailable \u003e

Although he had received message after message about what state he was in,
Quinn was unable to read any of them because his mind was no longer there.

A human figure remained but what was now standing in the middle of the arena
was no longer human. With a Bold scalp and claw-like hands, the creature was
hunched over.

As it opened it's pitch-black eyes and was startled by the light, it stumbled to the
ground as its senses were now super heightened.

"REKKKKKKK!" it then let out a loud piercing screech that echoed through the
large training centre. With its eyes closed, it ran forward at an inhuman speed and
when it reached the side of the wall, it dug it's the claws in and started to climb

It quickly moved up to the ceiling before smashing the light with its fist, the light
was now no more. With the light taken out the Bloodsucker was able to now open
its eyes. It could see just as clear as if it was day inside.

It let go of the ceiling causing it to fall the ground. The drop was at least 30
meters to the top but as it landed it bent its knees and walked off as it had taken
no damage from the fall.
The bloodsucker started to roam around the training centre, as it entered each
room it continued to destroy the lights. It only had one thing on its mind, it was
hungry and was looking for blood.

After transforming into the Bloodsucker, Quinn's thoughts, his emotions

everything that made him human were gone, his body acted on its own and that
single thought of blood occupied him. Finally, he had returned to the arena in the
training centre and as if it didn't know what to do, it started walking in circles
waiting for his prey.

Then a few moments later, Vorden and Ian had entered the room, although they
were quiet. Quinn could hear everything, their soft footsteps against the floor
and even their whispers to each other.

His head turned and saw two bright lights. At first, the light covered the humans
so he was unable to tell what they were but when they turned the lights off, he
could tell his meal had arrived.


Ian and Vorden could hear the sound of something running towards them, but it
was too dark to tell what it was.

Now that they had been discovered there was no need to stay in complete
darkness. Ian went to his belt to touch the stone but before he had reached it,
the beast was already upon him.

Being in the dark had adjusted the two's eyes a little and the LED lights going
across the edge of the arena gave them little light. Now the beast was close
enough he could tell it had a human figure.

As the beast held out its claws, Ian too came out with his fists.

"You want to battle with strength then!"

However, the beast's hands had wrapped around Ian's fist and stopped them in its
tracks. Then using its nails it dug into Ian's fist drawing out blood.

"What monstrous strength, Damn it, to meet a humanoid beast of all types here!"

As it smelled the blood fall from Ian's hands it started to growl and screech even
more. It opened its mouth reviling two huge fangs. It then tried moving its head
forward clomping down its jaws but activating all the strength in the beast
equipment he was wearing, he tried pushing the beast back and managed to stop
him a little.

Then the beast lifted both of its legs off the ground and kicked Ian away causing
him to fly into the nearby wall.
It started to rush forward as it saw Ian was injured but before it could reach
him, a metal chair from the stand came flying out from the side and knocked the
beast away.

Vorden quickly rushed to Ian's side and lifted him off the ground.

"Thanks kid."

"What was that?" Vorden asked.

"I don't know, I've never seen anything like it, but it looked like a humanoid type
beast. I don't know much about them but all I know is there one of the most
powerful type of beast to be discovered on other planets. This is my first time
seeing one." Ian replied.

The chair didn't keep the beast down for long, as the smell of blood was too
strong. It attracted the beast and as soon as it got up from the ground it
immediately started running in the direction of the two again.

"Turn on your light stone!" Ian said.


"Quick the light stone!"

As the two of them turned on the light stone, the beast suddenly stopped, it
covered its eyes and backed away from the two.

"It looks like I was right." Said Ian, "That beast must have been the one to take
out all the lights, it looks like its super sensitive."

But the two were foolish thinking the light stones would be enough to keep the
Bloodsucker away from its prey.

The beast didn't need to rely on its eyes sight to know where the two were, the
smell of Ian's blood was enough. From the stands, it started to rip out the chairs
and proceed to hurl them at the two.

Luckily, the chairs were made out of a metal material, so Ian and Vorden were able
to repel them away. The chairs continued to be chucked at an incredible rate as
each one was ripped from the stands.

Then the beast decided to rush forward with it's eyes closed, as it got close to
the two it started to attack them blindly.

"How does it know where we are!" Ian said.

"Vorden get out of there!" Raten said.

"What do you mean?" Vorden asked.

"Can't you see, the beast is only attacking Ian, something is attracting it to Ian."

With Raten's words, Vorden decided to break away from Ian and ran down to the
arena floor and just like he said, the beast had completely ignored Vorden and
continued to attack at Ian.

"We have to help him, Raten switch with me."

"No!" Raten replied.

"We could die!"

"You had your chance before, it���s time you learn your lesson, get out of this
one yourself Vorden."

Then a new voice was heard from within.

"I will help you."

Ian and the beast continued to do battle. Unfortunately for Ian, the only source
of metal he could control in the arena where the chairs and it took him some time
to attract things toward him. He had two chairs out from the stands and would
use them as shield blocking the beast's attacks.

However, every time the beast would hit with its fist, it would completely tear
through the chairs. the attacks were too powerful.

Then the beast leapt through the air with its fangs wide open. Ian had no choice
but to shove his forearm into the beast mouth, hoping to avoid a fatal blow.

He screamed in pain.

\u003c Blood is being consumed \u003e

\u003c 10/100 \u003e

\u003c 14/100 \u003e

Ian could feel the beast sucking onto his arm. He wanted to push and hit the beast
off him but as soon as the fangs penetrated his skin, it felt like he was under a
slight paralysis effect, his body was unable to move.

\u003c 25/100 \u003e

As the beast was busy feasting on its meal, it was unable to notice the flying sharp
object coming toward it. Like a spear a metal flying object had come out and
pierced the beast's shoulder, the blow was fast and powerful knocking him off

As Ian stood up he looked into the centre of the arena and could see Vorden
standing there surrounded by multiple metal chairs from the arena.
"I just want to find my pet Quinn." The little one said.


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Chapter 81 The little one Vs Bloodsucker

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Chapter 81 The little one Vs Bloodsucker

The paralysis effect from the Bloodsucker was slowly starting to wear off and as
it did, Ian lifted himself off the ground to have a look at just what was going on.
In the centre of the arena, the area was lit up by the small glow stone where
Vorden was standing.

But he wasn't just standing there on his own, he had multiple chairs that had been
taken from the arena surrounding him.

"How is he able to use the ability so well already? Even I would struggle to do
something like this if I was in top condition. Didn't he only copy my ability a while

As the bloodsucker lifted himself off the ground, he pulled the metal object that
had been lodged into his shoulder and dropped it onto the floor.

[20/25 HP]

"Rakkkk!" The Bloodsucker snarled out, its attention was now fully focused on
what had caused him pain.

Instead of going in straight for an attack and charging in though, the Bloodsucker
dug it's claw into the wall and started to climb upwards.
"How are we meant to see him now?" said Vorden. "It's too dark and the beast can
attack from anywhere."

"I have no time to play games." The little one said.

He lifted his hands and started to crumble up each of the chairs into several
metal spikes all looming above his head.

Then he waited, the beast jumped down from above and as soon as the little one
could hear and see him, he immediately repelled all the spikes in that direction.

However, as the beast was falling through the air and the first spike came
towards him, it spun around and grabbed the spike throwing it back at an
incredible speed.

But the little one had prepared for this too. He had already gathered a pile of
chairs from the arena and mushed them together to form a shield. He placed this
on the ground so he could easily pick it up when needed.

As the spike came towards him, he lifted the shield but what he didn't expect was
the blow to be so powerful, that the spike had managed to still penetrate the
shield he created, which was at least 6 inches thick with metal chairs.

"Hahaha!" Raten started laughing, "Looks like I really missed out on this one, did
you see how strong it was? I would have loved to deal with this guy. Vorden you
would have been killed within seconds."

Although the beast was able to throw back one spear, while in the air he was
unable to move. The other spears that were targeted, had managed to penetrate
him, going through his body and sticking him to the ceiling of the dome.

[10/25 HP]

The beast no longer caring for the damage that had been done to its own body, it
lifted its legs up against the ceiling and pushed with all its strength allowing the
spikes to completely go through his body.

However, the hole marks that could be seen in his body quickly healed up. All
though it didn't add to the beast's health it would still allow him to fight as if he
had never been hurt.

He landed in the arena stands and began hitting a few chairs as he landed. As soon
as it stood up it began to rush forward recklessly towards Vorden's direction.

"This thing, why isn't it dead yet!" Vorden said.

A few more chairs had been turned into metallic spikes and he threw them
towards the beast once again.
This time the beast continued to run forward and moved out of the way of each
spike. Its eyes were slowly adjusting to the light that had surrounded Vorden and
now it could see the spikes as it left his side.

As soon the spike left Vorden's side, the beast would react and move out of the
way of each blow.

"Is it me or did that thing just get faster," Vorden said.

"This is bad, the little one isn't at full strength." Raten added, "If only there were
two more ability user's nearby."

The Bloodsucker continued to move forward avoiding each and every spike thrown
at it, then when it was close enough it swung it's claw out.

The shield was raised blocking the blow, but as the claw hit the shield it was
completely shattered unable to be used again.

Now with no more metal surrounding the little one, the beast was able to freely
attack. As it took a step forward though, it felt something sharp pierce into its

As the beast looked down it was another metal spike. It looked in the distance and
noticed that Ian had managed to recover. He had his hand held out and had thrown
the spike out into the beast leg.

[7/25 HP]

Suddenly though, tears started to fall from the little one's face. Now that the
beast was close enough, the light from the stone shown and reviled the face and
clothes of the beast.

The beast in front of him was wearing the same uniform, and although it didn't
look exactly like Quinn, it had similar qualities in its face. He didn't know what
happened to make Quinn turn into a creature like this but he could feel that the
beast and Quinn was the same person.

"I've done it again, I have hurt another one." The little one said.

"What are you doing!" Ian shouted, "Kill it."

Ian then crumpled up another nearby chair and threw out another spike, this time
aiming for the beast's head. It came flying through the sky and was on target to
hit but before it did, it stopped mid-air.

"No!" The little one then moved its hand throwing the spike to one side, then using
its other hand it pulled the other spike out of its leg.

The beast was now free to move around. It instantly looked at the last person who
had hit him and immediately started to run towards Ian's direction.
Ian was still under the effects of the paralysis when he had thrown the previous
spike. When he threw the spike, he had originally aimed for the beast's head but
missed. He still managed to luckily hit its foot though.

Seeing the beast quickly running towards him as every second passed. he panicked
and started to fling out chair after chair but the Bloodsucker was too powerful. It
simply knocked them away with its hands sending them flying through the air.

Ian then pulled out his trusty dagger ready to attack but when he looked in front
of him the beast had vanished from his view, the next second he was staring up at
the ceiling with his back on the floor. Then when he looked down at his body his
legs were now completely detached from himself, blood pouring from them.

The Bloodsucker then dragged the top half of Ian's body away into the hallway
out of the arena, afraid that the other person might disturb its meal.


Mass release tomorrow.

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Chapter 82 The search for a Ra

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Chapter 82 The search for a Ra

The students had just been informed that the portal expedition that was meant to
be going on today, would be cancelled. Although many people didn't know the
reason why, they had a good guess that it might have had something with the two
students who didn't arrive in class today.

Students didn't just, not turn up to class for no reason. The city was their whole
life, the school was their whole life. For the next two years, everything you did
there would decide your future.
Layla had been planning to confront Peter on the situation especially since he had
been acting so strangely but before she could even get to him, he had already run

"Come on Erin, let's go find out what he's hiding," Layla said but as she took a few
steps forward she noticed that Erin wasn't following her.


"I have no need to get involved in your affairs. I don't really care what happened
to the other two. I hardly knew them before choosing to team up with them." Erin

"Look at it this way right. You said you wanted to create the strongest team in the
class yeah? You and Vorden are clearly the strongest in this class and if you want
to outperform the others form the other classes, you're going to have to team up
with each other. Our team has already registered and I don't even know if they
can find a replacement, so we might not even be allowed to take part in the

After hearing Layla's last words her eyes suddenly lit up.

"What did you say? Let's go find that Rat."

The two of them now working together started to look around the school to see if
they were any signs of Peter anywhere but the two were unable to find him. They
knocked on his dorm room door a few times as well but there was no answer. The
dorm room doors each opened via a fingerprint sensor on the door handle.

So even if Peter was in his room the two of them wouldn't have been able to enter.
They could have waited outside but the longer they waited the more Layla started
to worry about Quinn.

If he was unable to get blood, she knew first-hand what Quinn could do.

As they continued to search for Peter, they still couldn't find him but they did
find a group of people who might have known where he was. It was Earl and his
group of five other boys.

"Haven't I seen them hang around with Peter a few times at breakfast?"

The group were inside one of the training centres. This one in particular, was filled
with testing equipment that they used on new students and was also an area where
students were able to practise on the machines.

If they had increased their ability level or obtained new skills, they could test
themselves on the machines, write down the scores and hand them to staff to
upgrade the status on their wristwatch.
If Layla was on her own, she would have never approached the group but she had
Erin by her side.

"Hey guys," Layla said with a smile as she approached the group of boys.

Before replying Earl took a glance at her wristwatch and saw that she was only a
level 2.

"What do you want?" Earl replied.

Layla's eyebrow started to twitch hearing Earls rotten attitude and tone in his
voice, but she was used to this. She had her fair share of bad treatment at her
own school.

"We're not here looking for trouble, just wondering if you knew where Peter was?"
She said putting on a fake smile.

The group looked at each other and started to laugh.

"Looks like they really aren't his real friends, I knew something was going on." She

"Peter?" Earl said, "I wouldn't be surprised if that kid tried running out of the
city by now."

"Yeah Earl, I can't believe he actually did it, if I did that, I know I'd never be
able to live with myself." One of the men standing behind Earl said.

Earl immediately turned his head and gave a scorn look at the man.

"Sorry, Earl." He said.

"Anyway, buzz off you two, we're not saying a single thing, if you want to find
Peter then go find him yourself."

Although Layla was annoyed, there was nothing she could do, she wanted to stand
her ground and beat the information out of them, but Earl was a lever four user,
while the rest behind him were similar level to herself.

She had no choice but to turn and head back on her search for Peter. As she
walked off the group started to laugh but as soon as she passed Erin, she realised
she wasn't following her once again.

"Where are you going?" Erin asked.

"To find peter, these guys won't tell us anything."

"I see no reason for us to find Peter anymore," Erin replied.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, these people clearly by their conversation earlier either know what Peter
did or at least also know where Vorden and Quinn are." Erin then started to walk
up to the group of five. "I don't want to waste any more time."

Mist and frost started to form just above her hands and suddenly, a fully formed
ice spear had appeared. Before the other students could even react, she had
already thrown the ice spear hitting Earl on his shoulder and pinning him against
one of the drum's that were used to show a student's power.

As Earl's body landed on the drum the numbers started to rise until it eventually
stopped at twenty. The group watching this knew she was strong but the machine
had only confirmed their fears.

The group had no intention of fighting back after seeing Erin powers they knew
their place was under someone like her.

However, she didn't care, she then placed both of her hands on the ground and a
trail of ice started to appear travelling across the floor eventually reaching the
group's leg's and freezing them all in place.

"Now which one of you is going to tell me what I want to know first," Erin said.

Chapter 83 Your Choice

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Chapter 83 Your Choice

Layla having witnessed the whole thing was amazed, she knew Erin's strength,
especially after training with her and seeing her fight before but it always seemed
like whoever she went up against, was no match for her.

Although she had a power level of five, she seemed to be much stronger than that.
Layla had seen a couple of level five users before but they weren't this skilful in
using their abilities.

Erin then started to walk up to one of the students whose legs were frozen. It
was the man who had let his tongue slip earlier and Earl had given him a scolding.
She placed her hand on his shoulder and slowly the ice from his legs started to
rise and cover his body.

"Wait, I'll tell you everything, I don't know where Peter is, he was meant to meet
us here a while ago but he never showed up."

"Why is peter hiding?" Layla asked.

"Don't tell them Ben!" Earl shouted still stuck on the machine. "If you do, you're
out of the gang!"

Erin then gathered another ice spear in her hand and threw it once again, this
time aiming for Earl's leg. It seemed like she had thrown the spear with more
force, as the spear stuck into his leg, Earl screamed in pain and the numbers once
again started to rise on the machine.

This time the numbers went beyond twenty and rose up to thirty.

The commotion was starting to cause the attention of other students who were
busy practising away in the arena as well.

"Thirty, I've never got a number that high just how strong is she?"

But Layla knew this wasn't her full strength, at the test site her strength alone
had reached up to the number fifty, she was still going easy on these students.

Erin then looked at Ben and started to form another spear.

"The next one goes in one of your holes and I still need the one your speaking

Crazy was the only thought Ben had, who cares if he was no longer apart of Earl's
gang. As long as he worked hard in school, he could slowly move his way up the
ladder. This was not worth the pain.

"Wait, please. Peter, we're not sure exactly what happened but we heard he
pushed Vorden into a portal, that's all we know, we don't know why Quinn is
missing as well."

Of course, Earl was the one who was behind everything, he and his group had given
Peter the instructions to push Vorden into the portal. When they had heard the
news that two students were missing and confirmed Vorden was one of them. They
though Peter had done what he asked.

Unknown to them, Peter hadn't actually pushed Vorden but Quinn instead.

After hearing their answers Erin did as she said and walked away from the group.

"Wait, aren't you going to free us!" Ben shouted.

"The ice will melt in a couple of hours, or maybe someone in the room with an
ability can help you. That's your punishment for making me wait instead of telling
this girl what she wanted straight away."

As Erin walked off exiting out of the training centre, Layla quickly followed behind

"Thanks for that."

"That wasn't for you, I just hate it when guys think they're better than us,
better show people like that their place."

Although Layla didn't completely agree with Erin's methods. She knew she wasn't
the type to abuse her power to those who were weaker than her.

But Layla had something else on her mind. Did Peter really push Vorden into the
portal and if Quinn was missing as well did that mean he went in after them? She
dreaded the thought that there was the chance that the two of them could have
ended up on some unknown planet.

Even worse, she feared that Quinn might have grown too hungry and had no choice
but to dine in on his friend.

Just then though, as the two of them were about to exit through the doors. The
door opened inward and a familiar face was seen. It was Peter.

Immediately seeing Layla standing there, Peter went running off But Erin had
reached out and grabbed him by the collar pulling him back. She then slammed him
up against the wall. Before he could even think about running away again. She
placed her hands on his and started to freeze him. He was now held up in place on
the wall.

Seeing Peter here must have meant he was planning to meet up with Earl and the
others and judging by his strange actions, what they had said might have been
true, but Layla needed to hear it from his own mouth.

"Peter tell us the truth, did you really push Vorden into the portal?" She asked.

"What are you going to do hit me?" Peter replied, "because trust me I have
already had my fair share of pain. Whatever you plan to do to me, go ahead. I
guarantee you I have already experienced any pain you can think off."

Erin then started to form a small little needle-shaped ice pick in her hand.

"Really, I'm sure there are a few places I could stick this in which would leave you
wishing you'd kill yourself."

Layla then motioned for her to put the ice pick down and was starting to think Erin
had other problems.
"Peter I thought they were your friends, you know, every day Quinn would ask
about how you were to me. He told me that if I ever saw anything strange to come
back to him. Why didn't you just tell him, or even just tell us what was happening."

"You don't know, what would happen if I told you guys? You'd go beat them up,
then what? They would just come back for revenge but do you think they would go
after you, Erin or Vorden. No of course not, they would go after me. So you say
you can protect me but for how long? Could you keep an eye on me twenty-four
hours of the day and then what happens when I leave this academy and you guys
aren't there. My whole life has already been decided for me even before I arrived

Peter then started to break down into tears.

"I didn't want to do it, I didn't have a choice."

Layla had clenched her fist and was ready to punch Peter in the face. She couldn't
believe after all Quinn had done for Peter behind the scenes and all though she
didn't like Vorden. She knew Vorden cared for him too.

Seeing Peter's tearful face, she dropped her hand down to her side.

"You're not even worth hitting Peter, you disgust me."

She then turned and walked off and had one last word.

"You always have a choice."

Chapter 84 Agent 83

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Chapter 84 Agent 83

Inside one of the meeting rooms located in the first-year building. A meeting had
been called. Currently sitting at the head of the table was Nathan and by his side
was Fay, who had been in charge of the investigation of the missing two students.
As they waited, several other teachers started to enter the room. Del, who was
Vorden and Quinn's homeroom teacher, Leo who was the beast weapons teacher
and finally Hayley the school's doctor.

Nathan didn't want word to spread out about what had happened since the 1st
year students were his responsibility. Therefore, he called his most trusted
Sergeant by his side to inform them of what his plans were.

"Fay would you please inform the others of why they have been called here today,"
Nathan asked.

Fay then stood up with a report held in her hand.

"As you have been made aware, two of our students have gone missing and due to
that, we have had to delay the first year's outing. However, if this was a simple
missing persons case we would not have called you all out here today."

Fay then pressed a button on her controller and a hologram appeared revealing a
certain planet and around it, there were two moons.

"The missing students seemed to have entered into a portal but not just any
portal, a red portal."

The faces of the others started to drop as they heard the news.

"How or why we do not know but one of the students was Vorden Blade. An original
from a powerful family. The mission is not to bring him back alive but to at least
bring his body back. That way the family can say their goodbyes and it should calm
down their anger."

"What about the other student?" Leo asked.

"The other student is not a priority; he goes by the name of Quinn Talen. A weak
level one with no family an orphan. There is no need to worry about him."

"Do you know where the portal leads to?" Hayley asked.

"As you can see in the diagram the red portal leads to an abandoned Planet named
Pioletic, it was one of the very first planets the human race had ever created a
shelter on. It was safe for the most part but as the place was filled with weak
beasts. However, that was until a year had passed and nightfall had come. Beasts
stronger than we had ever seen before came and attacked the shelter, we had no
choice but to abandon the place." Fay explained.

"This is why we have called you four," Nathan said as he stood up. "The four of you
will head out through the red portal immediately. Don't worry our latest reports
say that the beasts that attacked the shelter have long since moved on. The place
is mostly filled with Rattaclaw scum and the odd intermediate beast here and
Del then slammed his fist onto the table.

"Why should we risk our lives for a couple of students who may have just jumped
into the portal themselves."

"Would you like to be the one to go to the Blade family and explain to them why
their son has died and gone missing. How even though we insisted on these
watches, to keep track of where they are we still weren't able to keep an eye on
them." Nathan said, "This is an order, not a request."


Meanwhile, Layla was still worrying over Quinn. Now that she knew he had most
likely gone through a portal, her worries only started to double.

"Don't worry too much," Erin said. "If Vorden is with him, he will protect his
friend. Of course, unless they went through a red portal that is.

But she was more worried that Vorden might be used as an emergency ration
during the trip more than anything. Without any food or water supplies with them,
Perhaps Quinn would suck him dry.

As they were walking through the hallway, they noticed that a group of students
were gossiping and as they walked past, they heard Vorden's name being

"What did you say?" Layla asked, "Would you mind repeating that?"

The girl looked slightly nervous as Layla was directly in her face.

"We were just talking about the missing students, Dumbo here has the ability of
super hearing and had heard in on the meeting saying that Vorden was stuck on a
Red portal planet."

After hearing those words Layla felt her blood pressure suddenly rise.

"Damn, maybe I shouldn't have jinxed it." Said Erin.

"Do you remember anything else, the name of the planet, if another student went
with them?" Erin said now shaking Dumbo who was standing next to the female

"um Yeah they said the planets name was Pioletic, and they said something about
Quinn being there as well."

Layla then got out of Dumbo's face and immediately started rushing towards her

"I'm sorry Erin, I've got to run somewhere. Thank's for all the help."
"I wonder what that was all about." With her two teammates stuck in another
world and nothing else for Erin to now do. She decided she would continue training
while she waited for them to return.

Layla had rushed off towards her dorm room as quick as she could after hearing
about what planet they were on. As she entered the room, she locked the door
behind her and placed a chair on the handle.

Her roommate luckily wasn't in at the moment which meant she was free to do
what she had planned. She then bent down under her bed and pulled out a small
little box. As she opened the box a circular black sphere shape ball was inside.

"I already checked the room for any microphones and there didn't seem to be
any." said Layla, "I guess the other families really did put pressure on them not to
invade privacy so much."

She then tapped the top of the sphere and a clicking sound was heard. A white
ring started to light up and went around in circles for a few seconds before it
finally completely lit up.

"Agent 83, what seems to be the problem?" A voice said from the ball. "Is it to do
with the mission?"

"I have found someone who will be a great help to our cause, however, it appears
he is stuck somewhere, would you be able to check if there are any agents on a
planet named, Pioletic," Layla asked.

"Give me a few moments… I'm afraid all our agents have left that planet a while
ago, is there anything else I can help you with."

"No that is it, thank you," Layla said.

"Then may I wish you luck in your mission, may Pure be with you."

"May Pure be with you," Layla replied.

Chapter 85 Turning Back

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Chapter 85 Turning Back

On planet Pioletic, it was still night time outside and it still would be for another
six months. The two moons shone brightly on the shelter showing signs of a great
battle that had once taken place.

Inside the training centre, in the dome-like building. A single boy was alone on his
knees, tears running down his face.

"Was that really Quinn?" Vorden asked. "What happened to him, he looked so…"

"Ugly?" Raten said.

"Shut up!" The little one screamed.

The little one then immediately left the chair inside the darkroom, leaving it open
for Vorden to take control once again. As he left the chair he went into dark
space and sat down on the floor. He held his hands over his knees and started
rocking backwards and forwards.

"I did it again" He mumbled," I hurt another one."

Now that Vorden was back in control the tears had suddenly stopped, Vorden
lifted himself off the ground and started walking forward.

"You do know he will be like that for a while now," Raten said.

"I know, but we have more serious problems to worry about, if that really is Quinn
what happened to him, and can we even help him turn back?"

Vorden then stopped walking forward as he had reached the torn apart body on
the floor in the stands. All that was left of Ian was his two legs that had been
torn from the waist down.

"Well, at least you aren't the one that has to kill him anymore," Raten said.

He then continued to walk forward following the trail of blood. The beast had
taken the top half of the body which left a trail behind which made it easy to

"Hey wait, check the man's trousers. He had that advanced tier beast crystal
don't you remember. Now that he's dead, we may as well take it."

Although Vorden didn't like disrespecting the dead and didn't often agree with
Raten, in this case it made sense to not let such a precious thing go to waste.

Peoples abilities only went so far, apart from original abilities the ones that were
known to the public went up to eight. But even beyond the level eight, there was a
power difference between them all and the simple reason for that was beast

The equipment that could be made from different beast crystals could heavily
sway the favour of the fight to one person. It was the whole reason why the Pure
group was such a threat to begin with, even though they chose not to use abilities.

After searching Ian's trousers though there was no such luck and no crystal was

"Do you really think it's a good idea to follow that thing?" Raten asked.

"I need to see if that thing was really Quinn, you know if I don't, the little one will
punish us."

Vorden then looked around and held out his hand, attracting one of the chairs
form the stands and held it in his hands. He held it in front of him like a shield as
he walked forward.

"Like that's really going to do anything, did you see the same monster as I did?"
Raten complained. "Why does he put an idiot like you in charge?"


The Bloodsucker continued to drag Ian's body across the floor looking for
somewhere safe to eat its meal. It turned and turned several corridors until it
finally arrived at what looked like resting quarters.

As it approached one of the rooms, there was a metal door in front blocking it and
next to it was another access code machine. The beast looked at the door and
kicked with all its strength causing the door to go flying into the back of the

The room was mostly empty as it was only designed for temporary stay. The only
thing that was in there was a single bed, a sink in the corner and a desk.

It then went to the back of the wall before sitting down. It continued to handle
Ian's body like some type of ragdoll turning him around until he was in position,
then finally it opened its mouth wide revealing two of its large fangs and bit into
Ian's neck.




As the beast continued to suck Ian's blood a notification screen appeared slowly
rising up until eventually, the number had hit 100.

[Sufficient blood has been consumed]

[Transformation will now end]

[Your mind is starting to stabilize]

Just then, shooting pain once again started to enter Quinn's body only this time,
it was starting to revert back to normal. His claw-like hands began to shrink down
and go back to shape to what they once were.

His incredibly tight skin softened around his body and face. His ears were no
longer pointed and his teeth too returned to normal and finally, the white in his
eyes could be seen once again.

As his body returned to normal, he started to huff and pant heavily. His whole
body was sore and his mind was ringing like crazy. Then images started to flash
into his head, everything that he had done while he was the Bloodsucker, even
though he had no control he felt like he was there every step of the way.

"Vorden, what's he doing here?" Then more images started to flash into his head
and finally, he remembered slicing a man in half.

As he opened his eyes and the ringing pain had stopped in his head, he looked
Infront of him he could see a half-torn eaten man, with two large puncture wounds
on his neck.

"That was me!"

[First Human killed]

[High-level user detected]

[Reward: Instant level up]

Although Quinn was still in shock that he had killed a human for the first time, he
didn't have much time to think about it as the system had hit him with multiple
messages at once and there were even more to come.

[Congratulations you are now level 10]

[Evolution process has begun!]

"Evolution process?"

Just then Quinn's heart started pounding harder than before, his veins all around
his body started to show as the blood rushed through. Quinn could feel every
little part of his body but it wasn't a nice feeling. It felt like his blood was made
of spikes and as it went through and around his body, he could feel it tearing
everything apart.
Just then, a footstep was heard entering the room, Vorden had arrived.



A few more chapters tomorrow for the weekend mass release. Please keep voting
to show your support for the series.

8000 stones = 6 Chapter mass release next week.

Chapter 86 Evolution complete

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Chapter 86 Evolution complete

The room looked like a prison cell brawl gone bad. Inside was the top half of Ian's
body on the floor, blood still oozing from the bottom half and his gut's spilling out.
If Vorden had never seen a scene like this before, it would cause a normal person
to throw up all over the place.

Then when he looked up, he could see Quinn kneeling on the floor in pain. It was as
he thought, the creature that attacked him before was him. Although he no longer
looked like the beast anymore it was clear, the damaged uniform, the dead body on
the floor.

"Hey Quinn are you alright, is something wrong, do you need anything?" Vorden

"Get away!" Quinn groaned out as the pain continued to shoot through his whole

"Maybe I can help?"

"I said get away!" Quinn's voice sounded deep and dark and as he lifted his head,
Vorden could see his eyes were now glowing red.
"Hey Vorden, I think you better listen to the kid, he could be turning into that
thing again," Raten said.

But it was too late, Vorden had taken one step too many and was now within
striking distance. Quinn lashed out flinging his arm at Vorden. However, he was
able to lift his metal chair up in time blocking the attack but it didn't do much.

The metal chair was immediately ripped by Quinn's hands and the attack managed
to craze Vorden's chest, flinging him backwards.

"Blood!" Quinn screamed, "Give me blood!" The smell coming of Vorden's chest was
so sweet.

"What did I tell you, that chair was useless!" Raten complained, "Quick seal the
door shut."

Vorden no longer hesitated and using his abilities, he pulled the broken door back
in place and using all his powers quickly sealed it up.

Quinn was no longer chasing after Vorden but instead knelt on the floor crying in
pain. Vorden stayed there with his hands held up holding the door in place, fear
that whatever was inside or whatever was happening to Quinn would come out
again and attack him.

The screams continued for a good fifteen minutes until they eventually died down
and stopped.

"Quinn?" Vorden called out softly hoping not to startle him. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah," Quinn replied. "Just give me a few moments, I'll let you know when it's

The pain had finally stopped and Quinn really did need a few minutes to get a hang
of everything. For the system was revealing so much new information to him in one

[Congratulations evolution was Successful, you are now a Vampire!]

[Level 10]

[Race: Vampire]

[0/100 EXP]

[HP 60/60]

[Strength: 15]

[Agility: 15]

[Stamina: 15]
[Charm: 5]

[Blood Family bonus: 0]

Just looking at his status screen alone, so much had changed. Quinn had yet to put
his extra stat point but it seemed like two more options were added to the stats
screen. The first one being the Charm stat and the second being a blood family
bonus. Although with no explanation Quinn was clueless to what these two things

But what he did understand was that he had gone from a Halfling into a full-
fledged Vampire now. Quinn had expected this change might have happened as he
continued to level up, he only hoped that it didn't happen so soon.

For there was the worry, now that he was a Vampire instead of a Halfling what
happened when he stepped into the sun?

However, there were even more messages to come from the system.

[Skill: Blood ritual unlocked]

[0/2 Members]

[New skill: Daze]

[ This skill has no cost and can be used on the opponent to stun them between 0.2
seconds and 0.5 seconds at a time. Must have direct eye contact with the
opponent. The skill has a chance of failing, depending on the strength of the
enemy and on the user's Charm points. The more the skill is used on an opponent
the higher chance they have off resisting.]

Two new skills had been unlocked, although there was no description at all for the
first one which just left Quinn confused. However, now he knew there was some
use for the charm stat.

But the messages didn't stop there.

[Shop has been unlocked]

[New tutorials have been unlocked]

[System level 2 will now activate]

Just then, a screen had appeared in front of Quinn and once again it was the
handsome blonde man he had seen the last time, the man who had taught him the
hammer strike and the flash step.

"Congrats!" The man said. "You have now officially joined the family. I thought
maybe a simple human wouldn't be able to make it this far but it looks like my
little experiment was a success. Now that the system has been upgraded to level
2, I had a good friend of mine install an AI system with my voice. It's amazing
right! Now you'll never feel alone again and if you ever have a question about the
system just ask."

"What!" Quinn thought, "Why wasn't the system like this from the beginning?"

"Now you're probably thinking why didn't I design it this way from the very
beginning, the truth is you needed to be able to get this far on your own. From
your own mistakes along the way, they can only make you stronger."

For some reason, Quinn felt the urge to punch the man if he ever met him in real

"Now before I leave you, although the AI system will help you answer any
questions you have about the system, it is not able to go beyond that, so here are
my final recorded words. I'm sorry but now that you are a vampire, others will
come looking for you. They have already blended into society so it's almost
impossible to tell who is one and who isn't. If you want to live a life of freedom as
I did, then get stronger, create a force of your own and fight back. Good luck my

With that, the recorded message had ended and the screen had disappeared.
Quinn had many questions he wanted to ask the man but he knew it was impossible.

With the new system upgrade and the shop unlocked, he wanted to check out all
the new things but as he looked at the dead body in front of him reality had hit

"I'm really not human anymore, am I?"

Quinn wanted to get stronger to protect himself and others from the abuse of
those above but now he had just killed a man, but for some reason, he didn't feel
sad about it. In fact, it felt like it was just something he needed to do to survive.

Before Quinn was to check out all the new things the system had reviled there
was one more problem he needed to face and it was on the other side of the door.

It was time to confront Vorden.


We reached 9600 Stones last week! Unlocking 6-chapter mass release for next
Saturday. Also, I owe 2 chapters so 8, I haven't forgotten just been really busy
with teacher work as final exams come up.

New Goals! We can do it!

9500 Stones = 2 extra chapters

10,000 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

Chapter 87 Are you scared?

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Chapter 87 Are you scared?

Around ten minutes had passed since Vorden had last heard Quinn say anything.
But he preferred this over the screaming Quinn. Before he felt like at any second,
a rampage might start-up from him, but right now, he was relaxed and no longer
had his handheld up holding the door.

He lent up against the door with his back propped up against it.

"Hey, what are we still doing here?" Raten asked. "Any second now that guy could
be eating us, I don't understand."

"But he isn't, is he?" Vorden replied, "Do you think he couldn't have eaten us just
now, to be honest, I don't even think me holding up the door with my ability would
have been enough to stop him." He then lifted his hand across his chest; the
wound had dried up and was starting to scab over.

Then Movement from the other side of the door was heard, as Quinn started to
lift himself up from the ground.

"Vorden, you still there?" Quinn asked.

"Yeah, I'm here. You alright now?"

"Yeah, I'm okay, you probably want to know what just happened don't you?"

"Well, I would be lying if I said no."

Quinn then took a deep breath as he prepared to tell Vorden the whole tail. It was
hard for him. Unlike Layla, who had been so accepting of it, not everyone was like
her, and he was afraid of Vorden's reaction.

He slowly started at the beginning about how he had obtained a book, and after
using it felt different all of a sudden. Quinn then went on to explain the events at
school and even things that happened with Layla. All up to the point where he had
arrived in the portal world, eventually turning into the Bloodsucker.

There were some details he decided to leave out, though. There was no reason for
him to reveal that his ability was like a system, but only that he grew more
powerful with blood, he also left out everything to do with the system including
the mysterious blonde headed man.

These mysterious was his own problem to deal with, and only he only needed to tell
Vorden what he needed to.

There was silence between the two for a few moments as Quinn finished his story.
Vorden was, of course, shocked by the whole thing. Vampires, he didn't even know
there were such things, and if Quinn had told him this before, he would have
thought he had gone mad.

But Vorden had seen it, he had seen what Quinn had turned into, and Ian's dead
body in the room was proof of that.

"You know, I knew you were different from the moment I met you." said Vorden.

"What do you mean?" Quinn asked.

"Do you know how abilities work? Every person has a number of mutant cells inside
their body that they can activate. The more cells a person can activate the
stronger their ability level, my ability allows me to replicate these cells from one
person into my own body. That's why if someone is only a level one earth user, I
can only copy the same number of mutant cells from them. But when I shook your
hand, I felt the different cells in your body Quinn, just for whatever reason I
couldn't replicate them. It tried and tired, forming and breaking down, but every
time they would end up in failure. it was the first time something like that had
ever happened."

"Are you scared of me, Vorden?"

"Scared, Quinn, everyone has their own secrets that they don't want others to
know, some more so than others. It's understandable why you hid it, the
Government, military and the big families would all be trying to get their hands on
you trying to use your power for themselves."

Vorden then turned around and moved the metal door out and into the corridor.
The metal door was placed to the side, and when he lifted his face, his mouth
remained wide open. To his surprise, Quinn looked almost like a completely
different person. He had a whole new energy surrounding him.

Quinn had grown a few inches in height, his skin looked super smooth and had gone
slightly pale. While his face looked a little more masculine.
"Now this might be a tough one to explain?" Vorden said.


Before leaving the room, Vorden went to check on Ian's body. He continued to
search and search but could find no sign of the advanced tier crystal.

"Was he lying about it?"

But what he did see was two bite marks on the neck of Ian. Right now, Quinn
looked completely normal but looking at the bite marks on Ian's neck. It reassured
him that everything Quinn said was the truth.

The two of them went looking around until they had come across a toilet. Inside
was a mirror for Quinn to look at himself. The changes weren't so drastic that you
couldn't tell it was Quinn, but it looked like he had just gone on a 12-week model
training course.

They continued to walk around and ended back in the arena where the two of them
fought. The two looked at the mess they had caused, Quinn thinking about when
he was a Bloodsucker and Vorden thinking about the little one.

There were scarps of metal all over the place, multiple broken chairs and across
the floor Blood. For now, Quinn was full from his last meal, and he also had maned
to fill up his Blood bank.

Based on Ian's information, the portal was most likely to be in this building, a
secret switch of some sort hidden somewhere but the two of them had no clue
where that would be. After searching around for a while and no success, the two
of them sat down on the arena floor.

Quinn asked why Vorden was even here in the first place, and gave the simple
reply of "I came after you.". Although they didn't stay on the subject for long as
it seemed Vorden kept steering away from the conversation.

Quinn assumed it was it had something to do with Peter, and right now that was
the last person the two of them wanted to speak about.

That's when Vorden stomach started to growl; it had been a while since he had
eaten the last food pill.

"You hungry?" Quinn asked.

"Aren't you?" For a second, there was another awkward silence between the two.

"if you want I can give you some of my blood?" Vorden said.

"You know, I do eat normal food as well!"

The two of them started to laugh and joke about a few things as time passed by.
"It's a shame you can't use your abilities in school. If it was a normal ability, my
family could offer you protection. The military wouldn't try hurting you."

Although Quinn could try pass of the vampire abilities as something normal, there
was the problem that there was no skill like it. They would immediately assume he
was an original. And there was now something that worried him even more.

On the video the system had shown, the blonde man stated others would now be
looking for him. Were others referring to other vampires? If so, he needed to
keep this a secret even more so then before. From the sound of the video, they
didn't sound like they would be welcoming to him.

Then something clicked in his head. There was something he could learn that
wasn't apart of his vampire skills. The level 6 ability book, the shadow book.


The two extra chapters that are owed will be released tomorrow. Remember to
vote for mass release! Number 3 ranking keep it up.

9500 Stones = 2 extra Chapters

10,000 Stones = 4 extra chapters

Chapter 88 A Voice inside

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Chapter 88 A Voice inside

While Vorden continued to search the arena for some type of secret exit, Quinn
was pretending to look for one as well while walking around. Instead, he wanted to
inspect the ability book he had received earlier from the metal container.

As soon as he thought about his inventory, a screen appeared in front of him. Then
when just thinking about the item, the system would come up with a message.

[Would you like to take out the Level 6 Shadow ability book?]
This time rather than a monotone robotic voice the system usually played in his
head. It was the annoying energetic blonde man's voice.


[Level 6 shadow book, can only be learnt by those that have been Blooded]

As Quinn used his inspect skill, a weird word had been added at the end. Blooded?
Was that another name for Vampires perhaps? When Quinn tried the other ability
books, he wasn't able to learn any of them.

It started to make Quinn ask more questions about the book. Why did the military
keep such a high-level book locked away? Was it because everyone had died or
were they planning to sell it off for the future? Either way, he had never heard of
someone possessing a shadow ability before.

Just then, the annoying voice was heard again.

"So it looks like you want to learn more about the book, huh? well, I can tell you if
you want, do you want to know?"

The AI system seemed to be just as annoying as the man himself.

"Please?" Quinn said while gritting his teeth.

"Your guess is correct, blooded refers to those that have been blessed or cursed
whichever way you want to look at it, with Vampire blood. It doesn't matter if
there, a halfling, a vampire lord, or even a ghoul. As long as they possess some of
the vampire's blood, they are able to learn these abilities."

"Do you know why the book was here?"

"I have no clue."

The AI system had surprisingly answered in great detail. It was like the blonde
man said. While the inspect skill was able to tell him information about items, his
system would clarify things to him related to the system.

Quinn was still unsure about whether to learn it or not as he still needed more
information, and it seemed like the AI was the perfect person to ask.

"Is this the only ability book Vampires can learn? And can Vampires learn more
than one ability?"

"Just like humans, Vampires are only able to learn one ability. Whether or not
there are other ability books out there like this, who knows, there may be some
stronger, they may be some weaker."

The AI system was only an AI system after all. Even though the man sounded
intelligent with a stupid voice, it was limited to what it could answer.
The problem was if this truly was another ability that Quinn was unable to use in
the outside world, he didn't want it. Another ability that the world didn't know
about meant he would be targeted. However, the question remained if there even
was an ability that vampires could use as well as Humans.

Quinn had asked the AI more questions hoping to get an answer it had no clue and
would just reply back with sarcastic answers.

With that being said, there was one person in the room that was knowledgeable
about these things, and he might just know about the shadow ability. Vorden.
Although the system stated blooded were the only ones that could learn it, maybe
there were other Vampires out there that had used the ability before.

As the two pasted by each other while making their rounds around the stadium,
Quinn popped the question.

"Vorden, have you ever heard of an ability that uses shadows?"

"Shadows, honestly my gut instinct would be no or at least not the world anyway,
but you were honest with me so its time I'll be honest with you." said Vorden.

The two of them then sat down a few chairs apart in the stadium, one of the rows
that hadn't been trashed form the fight.

"Remember when I said earlier how I kept an eye on you because I couldn't copy
your ability, well you're not the first one. Or not the first one in our family," said
Vorden. "As you know I'm an original, so our powers have been passed down from
generation to generation for hundreds of years. In my great grandfather's
journal, there was a time he said he had come across another user with an ability.
Now back then this was rare, the whole world still didn't know Humans had super
capabilities. But each time we would come across one, our family would log it,
especially since our ability relied on others."

"For the first time, he had come across someone's ability, he couldn't copy."

"So is that why you were so interested in me?"

Vorden's face started to go a little red as he was embarrassed hearing those


"When you say it like that it sounds a little strange, I assure you I don't think of
you in that way." Vorden said awkwardly. But then his face went serious. "Now that
I told you, tell me, how would something the public not know about, would you know

At the moment Quinn lifted the ability book in his hand which had the words
shadow Ability written across it.
For a second, Vorden had to rub his eyes to check he wasn't seeing things. He
thought perhaps Quinn might have learnt something when he turned into a Vampire
about it but to actually have the ability book in his hand itself.

"Whoa you actually found it, I was sure it would have been an original skill, but
there was actually an ability book. Well, what are you waiting for let's learn it now!
We have all the time in the world, and we're stuck here doing nothing."

"Well I really did want to learn it, but the problem is if I did others would be
after me just like they would for the vampire ability."

Vorden started to think long and hard if there was anything he could do to help
him. Then his master plan had come to him.

"I think we can use the situation we're into your advantage," said Vorden. "The
school must know by now that we have been sent to another planet. A red portal
planet at that. There are things that have been undiscovered on these planets all
the time. You can just say you found the book here, that you learnt it for your
survival, they all know your level one trash."

Vorden paused for a moment after saying those words.

"I mean, they all think you're just a level one right? I'll say while we were in the
portal world, I protected you, and as payment, after learning the skill, you decided
to hand the book over to me. That way the people will no longer be bugging you for
it but my family instead."

Vorden smiled as if he had just cracked the toughest case in a Mystery Novel.

"Are you sure your family will be okay with that?"

For a split second, Quinn thought he had seen Vorden's face drop, but when he
blinked and looked again, it was completely normal.

"Yeah, they'll be fine, with the plan or set let's get to learning that ability book. I
can't wait to see the faces of everyone when we get out of here."

"If, we get out of here.�� Quinn said.

"Do you have to be so negative."

Chapter 89 Unlocking the Shadow
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Chapter 89 Unlocking the Shadow

Vorden and Quinn stood opposite each other in the centre of the stadium. Not too
far from each other so they could hear each other without having the need to

"Now, what I'm about to tell you they would probably teach you at the school later
on anyway. But I'm going to tell you now because it should be helpful when learning
the ability book."

Vorden then started to use the magnetism ability he had obtained from Ian, he
pulled over a small bolt and began to levitate around in his hand.

"Everyone knows about the power level system, there are eight levels in total.
These levels are actually determined by how many mutant cells you are able to
activate in your body and not actually determined by strength. Let's take the
earth ability as an example, someone with a low number of cells is only able to
transform the earth they can hold in their hand. While a level 5 earth user might
be able to lift the earth from the ground without touching it. These type of
ability books contain information on how to activate more mutant cells for your
specific type of ability."

"But if the Power levels don't actually determine strength then why the test when
we started school?" Quinn asked.

"Good question," said Vorden. "The test the military gives you is actually to put
you into the subcategories they created, the 1.1 1.2 etc. This can sometimes be
determined by what skills you have as well."

Vorden then lifted up his wristwatch and showed him the number currently
displayed which said 6 on it. Quinn was suddenly confused because he was sure he
had seen the number 5 on it before.

"These watches are the answer. The watches they put on us are able to determine
the number of mutant cells in our body. Before even taking the test, they knew
what level we were at. They simply just set the watches to an off mode the
moment we arrived. When I use my ability, I also copy the number of mutant cells
in their body, which is why the watch now shows the number six."

Quinn seemed to be learning so much, it just proved that the information that was
revelled to originals compared to the rest was different. This also further
confirmed that Quinn being a Vampire, wasn't an ability. The number on his watch
had never changed, or maybe it was the fact that his cells were no longer human.

"Think about it, not every test is able to determine someone's strength. Some
abilities allow you to tell if someone is telling the truth, some allow super hearing
and some can help you see into the future. Although these might not be strong
fighting abilities themselves, they require a high number of Mutant cells to
activate in the first place and now that brings me to your book." Vorden said as he
pointed towards it.

"Not everyone can activate a high number of cells. Some ability books are just too
high for people to learn, they try and try, but they will never be able to succeed.
To put it simply, their fate was decided for them at birth. It might take a while
before we can tell if you have the ability to learn it or not"

It sounded harsh but what Vorden was saying was true. He had heard examples of
rich CEOs who had bought their kids high-level ability books, only to be
disappointed when they weren't able to succeed.

"Now we move onto the second problem, even though you have the ability book,
what about skill books? With no skills, you will most likely only be able to unlock
1/10th of its power. But don't let that get you down. The ability books and skill
books are only shortcuts to learning these things in the first place. When the
originals discovered their powers, they had no books, they learnt and discovered
everything themselves."

Quinn thought about everything Vorden had said, he further went on to explain
that each book would explain a technique that could be used to Mutate a specific
type of cell. The higher the ability book, the more information it would reveal
about the method used. Some abilities just didn't have lower levels and required
people to have a high number of mutant cells to use them.

There was another little bit of information he reviled but decided to not go into
too much detail. It was the fact that your Soul weapon also had something to do
with the number of Mutated cells in your body as well. This would determine how
strong of a soul weapon you had.

The example Vorden gave was Momo. Although Momo's ability wasn't too strong in
a fight, he's soul weapon was incredibly powerful as a level 6 ability user.

Vorden had explained that learning a level 6 ability book of the bat would take
months to learn, but while here they could get a head start.

But Quinn thought differently. There was one thing Vorden didn't know, and it was
his Vampire abilities also worked like a system.

He touched the book once more, and the system message popped up again.
[Would you like to learn the level 6 Shadow ability?]

There was no going back after this.


The book then lifted into the air, and the pages started turning and flashing in
front of him. Suddenly there was the sense of Deja vu. Vorden stood on the side
line and took a step back, he had never seen anything like this happen before.

Then finally, once all of the pages of the book had been flipped, it disappeared and
vanished into thin air.

Vorden immediately rushed over to Quinn, who was holding his head with his hand.

"What happened, are you okay?" Vorden asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

As the pain in his head slowly went away, he looked up, and in front of his vision,
he was greeted with multiple messages.

[congratulations you have learnt the level 6 Shadow ability]

[You have now unlocked the Shadow skills tab]

[You have unlocked the Mutant Cell stat]

[10 skill points have been added]

[New shadow skill dimensional storage has been activated]

[New skill Shadow control Lv.1 has been added]



Mass release goal for next week

9500 Stones = 2 extra Chapters

10,000 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

Chapter 90 Exploring the shop
Read My Vampire System - Chapter 90 Exploring the shop online free - Light
Novel Full

7-8 minutos

Chapter 90 Exploring the shop

The ability book had vanished once again, just like the old book he had received.
This time he had also been given an entirely new tab that was dedicated only to his
Shadow ability in his system.

"Hey Quinn, what's wrong, did something happen? Where's the book!" Vorden

Quinn then went to tap his head a couple of times with his finger.

"Inside? said Vorden "What, you mean it's inside your head?"

Quin nodded.

Vorden was surprised but at the same time not, he had learnt so many crazy things
today, and this one was probably one of the least shocking. He could imagine that
maybe whoever created the shadow book might have put a condition on it.

Maybe once it was learnt to vanish or disappear, it would also explain why many
weren't found or how none were sold on the market.

Vorden didn't ask too many questions and gave Quinn a few moments to sit down
and rest, he didn't really understand what he meant by it was all inside his head.
Of course, this was Quinn's way of getting around telling Vorden it was a system.


[Race: Vampire]

[Ability: Shadow]

[HP: 55/55]

[MC 100/100]

[Strength: 15]

[Stamina: 15]

[Agility: 15]

[Charm: 5]
The first thing he decided to do was check out his stats screen. One of the
messages had stated he had obtained a new stat called Mutant Cells or MC for
short. Looking at his MC stat, it currently displayed 100/100.

"System, can you explain the MC stat is to me?"

"Ho, ho," A cheery voice said, "The MC stat is how many Mutant cells you currently
have in your bod. Every time you use your ability, the MC numbers will go down but
worry not, for it will auto regenerate itself over time."

Quinn then looked at the two stat points he had obtained. One form levelling up to
level 10 and then the other from when he had consumed Ian's blood. But when he
tried to see what he could do with them; he was unable to increase his MC points.
Meaning it was a similar stat to his HP. The question was whether it would increase
on its own like his HP.

"I can tell you the answer to that" The system said. "The answer is no, those
mutant cells have a cap in your body. This can only be increased by a certain
technique specific to the Shadow ability. You would either have to find a higher-
Level ability book or a teacher."

With that said, Quinn decided to put his stat points into Strength and agility as
he has been doing so far. Right now, he only had one skill that required the use of
Charm, and he didn't know how useful it would be.



As he increased each stat point, he could feel the changes in his body ever so
slightly, the feeling was starting to become addictive. But he was still a long way
off from the others. Erin, who was a level 5 ability user, was able to produce a
score of fifty on the strength test. That was also without the use of any beast
gear to improve herself.

While Vorden was still giving him space and walking around the room, it also gave
Quinn the time to check out a few of the other things he had unlocked earlier.
First, there was a new tutorial video. There was a single video called combination

The video was a long watch as it took time to explain the process. Quinn didn't
have time to watch it now and would watch it later.

The next thing was the shop tab.

When selecting this tab, he was able to search by category, and there was a whole
bunch of items, Weapons, armour, Rings, and all sorts, but there were no skill
books or ability books. The only problem was all of the items were greyed out, not
allowing him to select any of them.

To the side of the screen, it showed his inventory, where he had 16 basic tier
crystals, one intermediate crystal and also an advanced tier crystal as well. He
didn't know when he had obtained them, but at some point, he must have done.

"Was it while I was a Bloodsucker?" but Quinn couldn't remember killing anything
other than… Ian. It was the only explanation, when he had murdered Ian did all his
crystals transfer over into his system?

The section to the right allowed him to select the item, he first chose the
Rattaclaw crystals. The shop auto sorted itself and gave a message in the centre.

[No items can be made with these crystals]

Then, when selecting the other two crystals items had appeared up in the centre
this time. Although these items were still greyed out, but Quinn now knew the
reason why.

[3 intermediate crystal required to create this item]

The items required several crystals to make them. After searching through the
shop more, He realised there were some weapons and items that only needed a
number of crystals. While others were more specific and needed a specific type
of beast crystal.

When selecting the advanced tier crystal, the shop auto sorted itself once again,
and a ring was shown on screen.

[1/10 Advanced tier Deathbat crystals]

[Effects: Allows the user to walk in the sun for 3 hours without being affected by
the sun]

This was a fantastic discovery. While Quinn was planning to create an outfit that
completely blocked out the sun, there was a ring in the shop that had the same

The only problem was it required him to kill 10 of these Deathbat's which were
advanced tier beasts. Thinking back to how he had nearly died from the
intermediate beast, there was no way he would attempt to kill an advanced tier

Then there was a second problem, Beasts, especially on the higher tiers, were
Quite specific to what planet they lived on. At some point, if Quinn wanted to earn
the ring from the shop, he would have to come back to this planet through the
All in all, the shop was a good find. Quinn started to question the AI system
further on how the shop worked, and he had explained that as long as he brought
the items that it asked for, it would be able to auto-create it and give it to him.

This was another excellent find, as usually after obtaining beast crystals you
would have to take it to a beast weapons crafter who would charge for the making
of the item. Then a question hit Quinn's mind. Crystals could only be turned into
one type of item which all had the same effect.

The quality of the item created would depend on the crafter, but if the item was
destined to be a ring, a sword was unable to be crafted from the same type of

Did Ian know what item the Deathbat crystal would give him? And if so, why would
Ian need such a thing? It might have not even been Ian in the first place, but
whoever had hired him and taking down the Deathbats.


Schedule Change: Chapters will now be released at 8:00 AM GMT + 8. This chapter
was a little late from oversleeping.

Hit 10,000 Goal = 4 extra chapters

15,000 stones = 6 extra Chapters

Chapter 91 Exploring the Shadow

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Light Novel Full

6-8 minutos

Chapter 91 Exploring the Shadow

With no way of getting any of the items from the shop, for now, he decided it was
time for him to check out the shadow tab. A whole new section of his system that
had been added as soon as he obtained the Ability.
Underneath the tab was a list of around ten different skills. Each one greyed out
apart from the two skills he had learned previously. Below he could scroll down
further, but everything just appeared as several question marks.

The first skill.

[Dimensional storage]

[This skill will allow the user to store items into its shadow storage. As long as
there is a shadow nearby, you can take out and put in items as you wish. This
includes your very own Shadow underneath your feat!]

"If only I had this skill sooner!" Quinn thought.

Back in the storage room, there were many items that Quinn wished to bring with
him. There were multiple skill books and ability books that he had already
converted into exp and wouldn't be able to gain anything again.

At the time he wished to bring them with him to at least sell on the market place,
but was unable to carry them. If he wanted to do that now, it meant leaving from
the safety of the training centre, and heading back outside were the beasts

While Quinn's system allowed him to store crystals and specific ability books
inside, it did not allow him to store anything else. So the Dimensional storage was
a great skill to have.

The second skill.

[Shadow control Lv.1]

[Allows the user to control their own Shadow]

The description was short and didn't really reveal much. Even if he could control
his own Shadow, what use was that? But the significant difference with this skill
compared to the last skill, was the fact that it had a level by the side.

If it was like Quinn's blood skills then as long as he carried on using it, it would
eventually level up. Maybe even allowing him to create shadows or use his own

Quinn then looked at the skills tab again. At the moment, he was able to see ten
skill in total while the rest were covered. Next to each skill was a number.

[Shadow cloak Lv.1 10 skill points to unlock]

There were multiple skills, but shadow cloak was the only one that he was able to
unlock right now. He only had received ten skill points and wondered how he would
be able to obtain more.
Judging by its name, perhaps the skill would be able to surround him like some
type of Shadow. He started to wonder if it would also be able to block out the
sunlight, which made him feel so weak.

His excitement got the better of him, and as long as he could unlock the other
skills later on, what was there to worry about?

[You have successfully unlocked Shadow cloak Lv.1]

[This skill allows you to use your own Shadow to surround you into the darkness.
You opponents will struggle to see you depending on their level of perception. Best
used in the Shadow or at night.]

It wasn't exactly what he was expecting, but it seemed like it was a type of
invisibility cloak, one that would work well on beasts that were weak but not those
of a higher level.

Quinn then stood up from the ground and was ready to test out his skills. He could
see that Vorden was still walking around the stadium, seeing if he could find
anything. It was hard for Vorden to see due to the lights being broken, and he
didn't have the same type of vision as Quinn.

That meant the whole room was dark.


[Shadow cloak activated]

[ -1 MC for every ten seconds of use]

His own Shadow below started to lift up from the ground and slowly crept up his
body. From his toes, to his knees, all the way to the top strands of hair on his

Now when looking from the outside, a strange foggy like mist could be seen
covering him.

As Quinn walked around the arena, he could see that his MC Stat was like a bar,
while using the skill it was slowly going down.

He crept up slowly to Vorden in the stands going between the chairs, and it
seemed his skill was working. While Quinn was stood around 10 meters apart, it
looked like Vorden had no idea he was there.

But then when he took another step closer, Vorden immediately jumped back and
attracted a chair into his hand.

Although Vorden was struggling to see what it was, he could feel strange energy
disrupting the flow around him. The hairs on his body were standing up.
Then when he concentrated, he could see something shifting in the air.

Vorden went to repel the chair, throwing it in Quinn's direction. The chair flew
right past and into the stands.

"Hey wait, wait, it's just me!" Quinn said as he deactivated his skill and could be
seen ducked down.

"What the hell Quinn, you almost gave me a heart attack, do you not remember
just seconds ago I was fighting to the death against you!" Vorden complained,
"I've been on high alert since."

"Sorry," Quinn said as he let out a little nervous laugh.

"But man, you already know how to use the shadow ability already? And that
seemed like a skill?" Vorden asked, amazed.

Usually, it would take months to learn how to use an ability and some skills even
longer. Yet here Quinn was being able to handle everything straight away.

"Like I said, when I read that book, it seems like all the information was inserted
into my head, all have to do is think about it, and I can do it."

Vorden then walked over towards Quinn and took out his hand.

"Do you mind this time?" Vorden asked.

"Sure, go ahead."

The two shook hands, and the same message had appeared as last time.

[An ability has been detected]

[Ability has been blocked]

"What's the meaning of this?" Quinn asked inside his head to the AI system.

"The system will try it's best to do whatever it can to help the user. It will tell
you when abilities are being used on you and all sorts."

"Can I temporarily cancel the feature?" Quinn asked.

"It's not really a feature, it's just informing you of what your vampire body is
naturally doing. Besides, even if the Boy could copy your Ability, he wouldn't be
able to use it."

"What do you mean?"

"That skill book you used is specific for Vampire cells, inside your body right now,
Are Vampire mutated cells. This is the reason why he can't copy it; your body
structures are completely different. But you could always turn him into a blooded
[Would you like to activate skill Blood ritual?]

[Yes] [No]


Goals have been hit for mass release next week!

15,000 Stones = 6 extra chapters for mass release.

Chapter 92 Blood Ritual

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6-8 minutos

Chapter 92 Blood Ritual

Quinn was wondering what the blood ritual was, after all, there wasn't much
information revealed about it. But now that the system was offering for Vorden to
become a blooded one, it all became clear to him.

It was a ritual that would allow Vorden to turn into some type of vampire.
Underneath the skill, it also had the number 0/2. This would assume that at most,
he was only able to turn two people. This number might increase in the future, but
for now, that was how it was.

"I can't just turn Vorden into a vampire, he would have to deal with the same crap
that I had to deal with." Quinn thought, "Maybe I needed it to make myself
stronger, but for Vorden who was already strong, there's no upside."

A thought then came into his mind. The blonde man in the video had told him to
grow his own army, and soon others would come for him. Was this what he was
talking about?

In the end though, Quinn decided it wasn't his decision to make. Vorden had
helped big time, and if he wanted to, then it was his choice. And it would be nice to
have people to go through this with.

"Hey Vorden, if you had the option, or let's say I could turn you into a Vampire,
would you?" Quinn asked.
"I don't want to hurt your feelings or anything like that, but the answer would be
no," Vorden replied. "Being weak for most of the day, sure it's fine while we're on
a planet like this but… besides what would happen to my ability?"

Quinn waited for the AI to answer his concern. The AI actually started to seem
smarter than he first thought. From what he said earlier and also giving him the
option to use his skill. Meant it was listening in on everything that was being said.

"Fine, I can see you're waiting for an answer, His whole cell structure would
change, and he would then become a vampire. Or something like one anyway. Which
yes would mean he would no longer have his ability. Not only that, but it might be a
while before he could learn one as well."

"What do you mean?" Quinn asked.

"You didn't learn the shadow ability the conventional way, there is no longer an
ability book to learn from. It would be nearly impossible for you to teach it to him.
Then you would have to wait until you found an ability book compatible with your
Vampire cells."

"Yeah, sorry Vorden, it probably would get rid of your ability", Quinn said
scratching the back of his head. "I just thought I would ask; you might have been
one of those types obsessed with Vampires."

"There are people like that?" Vorden replied.


The two of them then started to head down the stadium floor, an area that was
designed for combat. They had been looking around the room for an hour now, and
it seemed like they were unable to find a place where the portal could be.

They needed to make a decision. Whether or not to leave the training centre and
head outside to look for another place. But before deciding any of that, Quinn
wanted to get the hang of his new skills.

Vorden was also interested and thought he might be able to help since he had
experience with using elemental abilities before.

The first test was his dimensional storage skill. Just like with his other skills, all
he needed to do was think about it in his head, and it would activate. While
activated, the shadow from his own body started to wiggle and swirl about a bit.
It looked like an ocean continually moving.

Using a piece of metal he grabbed earlier, he slowly pushed it into his shadow, and
the object started to sink in until it eventually disappeared.

"That's kinda neat", Vorden said watching. "Can you get it back out?"
Quinn then placed his hand into his shadow, as he did his arm sunk into it, but he
could feel nothing. He then thought of the piece of metal, and suddenly he could
feel something in his hand, he pulled and out came the piece of scrap metal.

The two continued to do more tests with the dimensional storage. Quinn found out
that not only his shadow could be used to gain access to things but also Vorden's
shadow or any shadow cast by the wall and buildings.

When Quinn touched these shadows, they too would start to wiggle like his own

The next test was to see if they could store items bigger then the shadow itself.
Vorden gathered a bunch of chairs from the stadium and formed them into one
giant flat metal circle. Then Quinn placed one hand on the circle while the other
on his shadow to store the item.

The shadow underneath his foot started to expand into the shadow created by
the large circle. Eventually, the whole thing dropped inside.

It seemed like the size of the item did not matter, and the good thing was it
didn't take up any MC to use it.

The next skill as the one Quinn was looking forward to the most. Shadow Control,
a skill that didn't say much in terms of description.

[Shadow Control lv.1 active]

Then inside Quinn's mind, something had clicked. He felt like he had a new set of
arms he could control. The shadow underneath his legs was alive, and could freely
move about. He lifted the shadow, and it was like a dark moving mist that
continually surrounded him.

"I guess the skill is limited to just the shadow around you for now. It's like a level
1 earth ability," said Vorden. "I wonder why it needs so many mutant cells to
activate and is considered a level 6."

Using the shadow around him, Quinn was able to extend it out and lift the small
piece of metal that he pulled from his dimension earlier. It was like controlling
another person.

After using it for a while, Quinn seemed to get the hang of it. He could move the
shadow to go anywhere around his body, or he could form it into whatever he liked.
Even weapons but when changing it into a sword-like shape and trying to cut the
metal, it did nothing but go around it.

It seemed like the shadow sword did not have the same properties.

"Well, now that you got the hang of it, you want to spar a little?" Vorden asked.

15,000 Stones mass release goal = 6 chapters

Chapter 93 Rescue Team arrive

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6-7 minutos

Chapter 93 Rescue Team arrive

Having the shadow just active and moving about didn't take much MC. It only took
about one point of MC per minute. Which meant he could play about and activate
the shadow for around an hour and a half if he didn't use any other skills.

This didn't change, no matter what he did with the shadow. However, there did
seem to be one downside. While he was using his Shadow control skill, he was
unable to cast Shadow cloak or even use his Shadow dimension.

The shadow underneath him was no longer there and was being controlled. If he
activated shadow dimension, the shadow would immediately fall to his feet again.

Now the two of them stood opposite each other ready to have a friendly fight.
Vorden this time had a couple of metal balls hovering around him instead of spikes.

"Be careful Quinn, although these might not be like the spikes, they can still do a
lot of damage."

"It's alright Vorden, my body can handle it."

Not using his full strength Vorden repelled the ball at a decent speed heading
towards Quinn, at that moment he lifted the shadow from his feat to form a type
of wall. As the two made an impact, the ball seemed to slow down.

It started sinking through the shadow slowly, then part of it could be seen from
the other side. Quinn stared at the ball carefully, and then when the ball had
nearly passed through the shadow wall, it started to accelerate.

"Uh, oh!"
The ball left the shadow wall and slammed right into Quinn's stomach falling to
the ground.

"Argh!" Quinn shouted as he tried to breathe in some air.

"Well, I wasn't expecting that," Vorden said.

"Try again." Quinn groaned.

Vorden then fired the second ball of metal and once again Quinn lifted up his
shadow shield, and the same result had appeared. Only this time Quinn moved to
the side allowing the shadow to stay where it was before moving the shadow, the
ball then carried on moving forward and banged into the stadium wall.

"Let's see how physical attacks work," Vorden said as he moved forward and swung
a long metal pipe he had in his hand.

Using the shadow Quinn blocked again, and the same thing happened, however,
Vorden was easily able to pull the object away from the shadow and attack in a
new place. He also noticed that the shadow was only covering Quinn's front and
was not big enough to go around his back.

If he was to use his attract skill on one of the metal balls, he would easily be able
to hurt Quinn right now.

Vorden continued to attack with the metal pipe, and Quinn continued to block
moving the shadow in the areas where Quinn was attacking.

That's when he released something. Every time Quinn would hit his shadow, his MC
points would go down by a chunk or so. The same thing had happened when he
threw out the balls. The stronger the attack, it seemed the more MC points would
be used from the shadow.

Then when Vorden was about to attack one more time.

"Wait, stop Vorden!" Quinn shouted.

His shadow had vanished, and he had run out of MC points.

The shadow acted as a type of shield; it wasn't solid enough to block attacks but
would be able to slow them down. Later, when Quinn's MC points were restored a
little bit, he did a few other tests.

If Vorden was close enough, he could use the shadow to grab onto him like an
extra pair of hands, or even grab on to his legs, slowing him down.

But there wasn't enough of the shadow to use it in both of these ways. He could
simply either use the shadow to attack or to defend.
"Well, I can see why your ability is a level 6 now." Vorden said, "I think it's more
to do with how freely you can use the shadow and my example would be the skills.
Normally a skill would just be a different type of attack but your ability, your
shadows can actually be used to do entirely new things. A separate storage space,
masking you in the night and even as a defensive shield. Its almost as if you have
three abilities combined into one."

Quinn was happy with the results of the shadow ability and hearing Vorden talk
about made him feel even more confident. He couldn't wait to unlock the other
skills in the Shadow Tab of his system.

With the spar over, the two of them decided that once Quinn was fully rested and
his MC points were back, they would exit out of the training centre and go
exploring again. After all, if they did nothing, they would soon start to starve, and
Vorden didn't want another instance where Quinn got to hungry.

It took around 30 seconds for Quinn to gain back a single MC point so it would
take around an hour for all of his points to be restored. Then they would make
their move back to the outside.


Outside, in the abandoned shelter, somewhere in the city between two broken-
down buildings in the middle of the street. A specific area started to appear
distorted, the space itself looked as if it was bending. Then little sparks of
electricity were seen coming from it.


Suddenly, 4 people appeared holding hands together on the street. As soon as

they saw where they were, they immediately let go.

"Is everyone here?" Fay asked as she did a headcount.

The homeroom teacher Del was here, although he was still wearing clothing like he
was ready to teach. Then there was the Doctor Hayley, she was dressed more
appropriately with high-end beast gear all over. She didn't look like her usual self
in her white robe and looked almost intimidating.

It was what one would expect as her father was one of the generals of the school.

Then there was Leo, he was wearing light armour that fitted tightly to the skin
similar to Fay. Both of their abilities focused on speed, so it was important not to
wear something too heavy.

"Alright, our goal is to find the children", Fay said.

The rescue team had arrived.


Remember to Vote for mass release next week, and mass release tomorrow!

15,000 Stones = 6 Chapter mass release.

Chapter 94 Who is stronger?

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Novel Full

7-9 minutos

Chapter 94 Who is stronger?

When entering the portal, as long as there was one on the other end, it would
throw you somewhere within a one-mile radius of another. As long as there was
already a portal set up on the other end. The reason why the group were holding
hands is to ensure that they would all be teleported to the same place.

Unlike when Quinn and Vorden entered the teleporter one by one, they were
chucked to different locations.

On Del's back was a fairly large rucksack that looked quite heavy. As he walked
with the group, hit footsteps stomped the ground and his back was arched.

"Why do I have to carry this thing!" Del complained.

"Right now you're the weakest of us four right?" Fay replied, "So if you want us to
protect you, it's best that you carry the portable teleporter."

Del then looked at Hayley who was by his side, and even he had to admit she
looked quite frightening for a doctor. She was in a full set of large beast gear. A
frightening-looking chest piece that looked to have a face on it and spikes sticking
out of the shoulder pads. On her back, she was carrying a large single greatsword
that was nearly the same size as herself.

She almost looked like a professional Traveller that went hunting in these types of
places all the time.

'Rich people, that's what happens when your father is a general in the army.' Del
"Fine, I understand that but why even the need to bring the portable teleporter in
the first place? Isn't the teleporter fine on this end?" Del asked.

"It's back up." Leo said, "Look around you and look at this shelter. It was basically
the size of a city, don't you think they had people protecting it as strong as us.
We might encounter a strong beast and have to make an emergency exit, or there
might even be beast blocking the current portal. It's always better to be safe
than sorry."

"Okay with that said and done let's head for the training centre. It was the place
the portal was last known to be, and we can see if it's safe or not. Leo will lead the
way for us. I don't want to stay on this planet for long, and I don't want to find
out what destroyed this shelter.

Leo walked upfront and using his ability, the group were able to avoid trouble. In a
way, although blind, his sight was better than the others. His ability allowed him
to see an aura around things and see them in different colours.

A beasts aura was always red, while humans yellow. It also allowed him to see the
aura through most objects such as building walls and so on. Allowing them to avoid
any confrontation with beasts.

However, if the group saw only a few Rattaclaw that they could deal with, instead
of taking the long route round. Leo and Fay would often head out and deal with
them quickly. The two of them were both swordsmen.

While Fay would use her longsword, Leo would use his katana blade. Not even
giving the rats a chance to live.

As they continued to walk, Hayley had a question on her mind after seeing the two
of them deal with the rats.

"I always wondered, which of you two are stronger?" Hayley asked.

The two upfront suddenly froze, and Del looked at Hayley like she had no sense of
personal questions.

"Hey, you can't just ask something like that?" Del whispered.

Of course, he was interested. Everyone was. These types of questions came up all
the time. Fay and Leo were both of the same ranks. Two of the 8 sergeants at the
school. Talk always happened between the other teachers and soldiers about who
was the strongest out of them all.

This also happened regularly with the three generals.

"It's okay," Fay said. "I can easily answer for you. It's Leo. I don't know if you
two know this, but we had to practically beg him to join our ranks after the first
war. Back then, he was only a private, but he had made so many accomplishments;
it was unbelievable. He had one condition when joining the army. I would like to
become a teacher."

Leo didn't say anything after that, in fact, he never spoke much in the first place,
but Del was still wondering how it was possible. Leo's ability was handy sure, and it
might be a high-level ability. But that was only because it required a high amount
of MC to use.

Not because it was powerful. While Fay had the ability of super speed. If the two
of them fought, there was no way he could see her losing.

In the end, Del thought she must have just said that to be kind to her senior. Fay
was still quite young, after all. Only in her late twenties.

Finally, the group had arrived just outside the training centre.

"We'll make sure the portal is safe first and then after we will go out looking for
the kids," Fay said.

"The entrance looks clear." Said Leo.

They walked onward and eventually saw the dead Rattaclaws just outside of the
entrance. Not only that but the entrance to the place was completely busted. It
had been bent, and miss mangled but was still covering the door.

Fay went to the access machine and tried the code, the sound went off, indicating
that it was unlocked, but the doors wouldn't move. They were too damaged.

"What happened here?" Hayley asked, "Do you think it was the kids?"

"I think you mean Kid," Del added. "Only one of them has an ability, remember?"

"Ah, Vorden the original correct, his ability is to copy that of others. Although we
don't really know how it works, it could be possible. If he copied a strong ability,
then I could see him being able to kill these Rats." Said Fay.

"Well if we find Vorden we can go home, right?" Del asked.

"Are you suggesting we leave and not bother looking for the other one?" Leo

"The mission stated to only find Vorden, anyone else is considered a bonus, would
you risk your lives for one student."

"When I joined that war, what do you think I was doing?" Leo asked, "I was risking
my life for the sake of everyone. For the sake of the human race's future and you
know what. That is these children."
"Enough you two" Fay snapped. "technically Del is correct, but I see you are
passionate about this. We will scout the nearby area using your ability. If we find
nothing, then we leave. Fair?"

Leo didn't say much and started to walk up to the door, he drew out his katana
blade and readied himself.

"Isn't that door made out of Glathrium it's one of the hardest materials we know
of. It's why this training centre remained unharmed in the first place." Del said
chuckling at the idiotic attempt Leo was about to make.

"I'm assuming you wanted to know why Leo is stronger than I am?" Fay asked.

Leo slashed the door with one swing. No sound was made, and it seemed like the
door wasn't even touched. Then a few seconds lather a vertical slash was seen in
the door, and the top half fell backwards onto the floor.

"That's why." Said Fay.


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Chapter 95 Truedream Familiy

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Chapter 95 Truedream Familiy

After entering through the Glathrium door, the group then went to lift the fallen
part of the door up and place it back up. It was heavy, but with Hayley's help, the
door felt extremely light, and they managed to set it perfectly like a jigsaw

While it might not keep the beast out at least, it would deter them from entering.
Del watching the whole thing hated to think just how high a level of beast
equipment Hayley was wearing to be able to lift the door so easily.

They continued to walk in the hallway which was covered in darkness, although for
Leo leading the way it made no difference.

But while walking, Del couldn't get out of his head how easily Leo was able to
break the door. It wasn't like Del was a student he was a professor too. He had
participated in the war back then as well and never saw anything like what he saw

'Could it be a demon level weapon?' He thought.

But he quickly came to the conclusion that it was impossible. At the moment, there
were only two demon level beast weapons in existence. One of them belonged to
the Army, while the other belonged to the group known as Pure.

However, it was clear to Del that what Leo was using was at least a top-level Beast
tier weapon.

They had entered the reception area, where several doorways were leading to
different sections of the training centre. At the front, there was the reception
desk with two hallways leading to the arena. Then there was the actual reception
room which could also lead you to the canteen and the living quarters.

"Wait, stop," Hayley said to Leo and Fay upfront.

She bent down and studied the ground.

"Can you see what this is? It's blood and leading that way." She said as she
pointed to the living quarters.

"How can you tell which direction, it's coming from the stadium as well?" Del

"Well, the blood tail, you can see that it's heading in this direction and there's a
lot of it, almost as if someone was dragged this way."

"Come on, let's hurry, it could be one of the students," Fay said.

They made sure not to rush but quickly headed in the direction of the blood
following the trail. If there was a beast inside, they needed to make sure they
wouldn't startle it.

Leo also no longer took the lead, and instead, it was Fay. Usually, Leo's ability
would allow him to detect auras and abilities through wall's and such, but it didn't
work through Glathrium, and the whole place was made of it.

Although he could still direct himself, he couldn't tell if there was danger up
ahead until actually seeing it.
They followed the trail until finally, it led them to the hallway, with a broken door
outside and a ripped apart chair.

Fay peaked her head into the room with the broken door and immediately turned

"Hayley I think you better take a look at this," Fay said, turning her head away.

Hayley took over and went inside the room, while Del also took a look and turned
his head away.

"Did you see the body?" Del said, "its body was ripped in half, guts spilling

Leo, who was standing next to him, turned his head and looked him in the eye. "No
I didn't see anything, I haven't done so in a while now."

Hayley continued to examine the body, she went around the man's neck.
Underneath his beast armour, she pulled out a coloured dog tag. While holding the
dog tag, she continued to inspect the body, and that's when she spotted

'Again, two bite marks on the neck, just like the other students.' Hayley thought.
'Is there really a beast inside the academy somewhere, the same thing that killed
this man? Or is it something else?'

Hayley then stood up from the body and walked forward.

"Do you want the good news or bad news?" She said.

"Just tell us everything," Fay replied.

"Well, the good news is it's not one of the students." Hayley then pulled out the
tag which was attached to a chain and dangled it in front of the others. "The bad
news is he was from one of the big four families."

Each person's face dropped as soon as they heard the news.

"Which one?" Fay asked.

"The tag says Truedream."

Fay immediately slammed her fist, against the wall as she heard those words.
"Why them out of all the families."

The big four families were the ones who had the power to rival the military. They
were originals with immense power who chose not to share their abilities.
However, the Truedream family were the most unique out of the four.
They had the closest connection with the military, enough to even have a seat at
the council table. This was all because of the head of the family, who had the
ability to steal others abilities.

If anyone ever tried to rebel against the Army, then they would get a visit from
the Truedream leader, and they could never use their ability again.

The only problem was Truedream could only take away their abilities but not use
them. So he needed a strong ally, and that's why he got close to the military.

Then when he felt safe and protected, he started to gather his own men, the
abilities he had taken, he would gift to those he trusted, and they were truly
grateful to him. But there was always this fear in the back of his mind he could be
betrayed by his own.

With no powers for himself, he chose to stay by the military side.

This fear kept people in line, this fear was what made people complacent with the
system the military had today. Although many didn't agree with the cruel ways
and the carrot and stick approach, the current army had. They had no choice.

"We can leave him here for now, but it's best before we leave, we bring his body
and take it to the Truedream family."

"It's a pain, but they should be thankful we brought back one of their own," Fay

After leaving the body be, they decided to follow the trail of blood back outside
and into the stadium, and that's when they spotted the two kids lying down on the

"They're here, what luck!" Del said as he ran forward.

Hayley, Fay and Del immediately went forward while Leo was the only one who
stayed back. For in the centre of the arena he could see a colour of aura he had
never seen before, one which was purple.


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Chapter 96 I'm sick

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Chapter 96 I'm sick

Before the rescue team had arrived. Vorden and Quinn were both sitting down in
the centre of the arena. The two of them didn't have much to talk about, so they
just chatted about there old lives at school.

Quinn's life seemed horrible, he went on to explain how he was raised with no
parents and how he was bullied since entering school. The bullying wasn't really
bad until the treaty was signed. When there was no more war, that's when people
started to go crazy.

However, whenever Quinn would ask Vorden about his school life, he would give a
simple answer and ask Quinn a question. The first few times, he didn't really
notice anything strange, but then, Quinn started purposely asking questions that
were harder to avoid.

But again, Vorden seemed to avoid the question, in the end, Quinn decided to stop.
It wasn't right integrating someone like this. If Vorden had something he didn't
want to share, then it was up to him.

"Hey, I just noticed something," Vorden said as he pointed at Quinn's wrist.

Quinn lifted his hand and looked at it, and even he was surprised by what he was
seeing. The number on his wristwatch was still saying he was a level 1.

"I thought you said it would change when I activated my MC points?"

"Well, that's what's supposed to happen." Vorden then placed his hand on his chin
as he thought about it for a while. "Do you think it's because you're a vampire?
Just like how I can't copy your shadow ability, the watch might not be able to
measure your type of MC in your body."

Hearing this news, Quinn was actually a little upset. With the use and gain of an
ability as well as Vorden's plan. He was looking forward to being able to use his
powers freely. As a level 6 user people would no longer challenge him just as he
walked around the school.

But now, if he showed he had shadow powers and the number on his wristwatch
still indicated one, they would be just as suspicious about him. They would say the
watch was broken and get him a new one, but it would just be the same result.
"I think it's best if you hide your shadow ability for now." Said Vorden. "You've
already hidden your vampire abilities for this long, you can hide your shadow
abilities, right?"

Vorden could see Quinn was a little downhearted by the news he had given him.
After learning what Quinn had gone through at his last school, it was
understandable. In a way, Vorden thought he was helping him by getting revenge
and attacking those second years, but it was just making him and Peter a bigger

'I'm so selfish' Vorden thought.

"Don't look so down," said Vorden. "if we find someone in the school that's good at
technology, we can get them to tinker with the watch. They don't need to find out
about your cells but just get someone to hack it, so it displays the number six. Plus
look at the Brightside, the military tournament is coming up, and it would be good
if you hide your ability until then. Show everyone on the big stage. Besides if you
came back with a level 6 now, they would be more shocked about how you learnt it
so fast, so it works in our favour."

Hearing those words did cheer Quinn up a bit. There was always a geeky person
who was good at technology in the school. The only problem was approaching said
person. Maybe this was something Layla would be better at doing.

Just then the sergeants and professors had entered the room, and surprisingly
the first person who ran up to the both of them was their homeroom teacher Del.
He continued to dash forward until he gave the two of them a big hug.

"I'm so glad your both safe." He said with tears rolling down his face.

Quinn and Vorden thought it was sweet and didn't realise the homeroom teacher
cared about them so much.

But the truth was, Del, didn't care about either of them at all. He was filled with
tears of joy that they wouldn't have to stay in this scary place any longer. He felt
like the longer he remained in this place, the more likely he was to die, especially
after seeing Ian's dead body on the floor.

Hayley then came over to the two of them and did a general check-up to see if
they were okay. "You look a little different from the last time I saw you?" Hayley

"You remember me?" Quinn asked

"Of course, I do, I remember you taking that girl to my office at that time."
Not many people even remembered what Quinn looked like after seeing him the
first time. Which is why the other teachers had no reaction when seeing him, so
he was quite surprised.

"Boys your age do grow quick, you're looking like a man already." She said, smiling.

She didn't know why, but as she was touching Quinn all over, she could feel his
bulging muscles. His body was toned for his age, and a certain feeling was coming
over her a little.

'Looks like the Charm effect is working.' The system said, 'It's a shame you
didn't save up all your stats and put all your points into the thing, she would have
confessed to you right here and now.'

At first, Quinn thought the system was joking but looking at Hayley's face she
really was taking a little longer to check up on him compared to Vorden. Suddenly
she snapped out of it and took her hands away.

After checking all their vitals were fine, she handed both of them a food pill.
Vorden took the pill immediately while Quinn did the same.

Although Quinn felt full, he decided to still take the pill regardless.

However, as the pill went into Quinn's mouth and down his throat, he started
coughing wildly, it was as if he was choking on the pill.

"Is he choking?" Del asked.

"I highly doubt it, the pill is around the same size as a pea, and it dissolves almost

Quinn continued to cough with his hands placed on his knees until he threw up all
across the floor.

Fay, who was standing by his side, had a worried look on her face. "Hayley quick
check up on him, there's blood in his vomit."

Chapter 97 I've changed

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Chapter 97 I've changed

Quinn hadn't eaten anything in the last two days, if this was the case with anyone
else, then they would be starving with hunger. However, it wasn't the case for
Quinn. Before eating the pill, he felt completely full, and he could guess the
reason why. Ian's blood.

The last thing he had eaten was the blood, and it was all he currently had inside
his stomach. For some reason, as soon as he took that pill, it was like his body was
rejecting it.

[Inedible substance consumed]

[ - 10 HP]

[45/55 HP]

Quinn had no trouble consuming foods before, sure his taste buds where bland
compared to before but he could always scoff the food down his throat no matter
what it was.

Hayley rushed over to check on Quinn once again and placed him on the floor. She
checked everything she could and even started to use her healing ability on his
stomach. A soothing feeling came over him as the light emitting from her hands
produced a faint glow.

[A healing ability has been detected]

[unable to block ability]



[55/55 HP]

It was a relief to know that healing abilities still worked for Quinn. In the future,
it would be handy to have one in his circle if he was ever seriously injured.

"Thank you, I feel much better," Quinn said.

[Your hunger grows]

Although she was able to heal him back up to full health, the healing ability could
do nothing about the food he had just spilt all over the floor.

"Did you find out what's wrong with the boy?" Fay asked.
"Not yet," Hayley replied, "But I would need to take him back to the doctor's
office when I get back."

Just then Leo had returned carrying something over his shoulder. As soon as he
entered the room, Quinn was able to tell what it was straight away. The sweet
smell was calling to him.

[Blood bank used]

[90/100 millilitres]

[You are no longer hungry]

After taking some blood from his blood bank he no longer had the urge to go grab
the body of Leo's shoulder, however, the sweet smell did still remain in the room.

"Are we ready to head off now," Leo said, staring in the direction of Quinn.

'Is he looking at me? Can't be right, he is blind after all.'

"Now, you two," Fay said, looking at Vorden and Quinn. "When we head back, I
want a detailed report of what happened. Although we have already heard the
other side of the story, we would like to hear yours, so it matches up."

Vorden and Quinn looked at each other.

"You mean you know someone pushed us into the portal?" Vorden asked.

"Yes, the second year who was responsible came forward and admitted it. General
duke is dealing with his punishment as we speak."

The two didn't know why, but someone was covering for Peter. Which meant that
Vorden and Quinn's suspicions were right, someone had asked Peter to do this, and
it wasn't just anyone. Someone with a high enough backing to be able to cover up
and get a second year to take the blame.

The group started to walk around the training centre with the kids in the centre
and Fay leading the front. Behind them was Leo and now Quinn was sure of it. Leo
was staring at him intently, then he remembered Leo saying something about
telling if someone was using an ability or not.

Could Leo have discovered Quinn now had an ability but if so, why wasn't he saying
anything? Then before he knew it, Leo was by his side and moved his head right
next to Quinn's ear.

"When we're back at the school, let's have a talk just you and me. I promise I
won't hurt you." He whispered.
As soon as he finished saying his words, Leo went back to his position as a guard
behind them. When Quinn turned around to take a look, he could see that Leo had
a big smile on his face.

Quinn was finding it hard to trust people these days, but with a face like that, he
really couldn't see him doing any harm, and he wanted to know what Leo wanted to
talk to him about.

Worst case if he was to meet, he would bring Vorden and Layla along.

Finally, they had reached the reception room, the first place they had arrived at
when they entered from outside. At the desk, there was a computer with a
passcode machine next to it. Fay input the code which allowed her to turn and log
into the computer.

After she typed away a few things, a large mechanical sound could be heard
coming from the direction of the arena.

"Well, we would have never been able to open that thing ourselves," Vorden said.

Although Quinn thought differently. With his inspect skill, he could have at least
got past the passcode machine, but he wondered if it would have helped him with
the computer.

The group returned from where they had just come and this time when entering
the stadium rather than just the plain flooring on the arena floor. Out from
underneath, a large portal had been lifted and placed there.

"It looks absolutely fine!" Del complained, "Looks like I carried this thing for no
reason after all."

As the group walked closer to the portal, Quinn was beginning to hear his
heartbeat louder, and he wasn't the only one.

"What's wrong boy?" Leo said.

"It's nothing." He replied.

But it was a lie. After throwing up the food pill, it was clear to him that his body
had changed after the last evolution. He could eat food and now he couldn't, so
what about other changes.

Before when walking into the sun he would lose half his stats, what if this time he
just burnt to ashes.

Vorden looking at Quinn had realised the same thing. "Hey, do you know if it's day
time or night time on the other end of this thing. I haven't seen the sun for ages."

"The sun should still be out for a couple of hours." Fay replied, "But when you two
get back, I suggest you rest."
Quinn gulped after hearing those words.

'Oh, will you relax!' The system said, 'Don't worry, the sun won't kill you.'


'Yes, why would I lie to you, all though it will have a different effect on you.'

'Like what?'

��Well, just wait and see.'

Chapter 98 Back again

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Chapter 98 Back again

With the system telling him he had nothing to worry about, his heart started to
settle down a bit. It had no reason to lie to him, other than if he was playing some
type of sick joke but then why would it do that. Although knowing the creator's
personality through the videos alone, it was something he would totally do.

The group stepped into the portal and exited out from the other end.

As they opened their eyes, they could see they were in the training hall. The same
one where Peter had pushed Quinn. Since they were indoors, no system message
had appeared telling him his defects.

"But I thought the portal would send us to a random location?" Quinn asked.

"That's actually only the case with Red portals." Fay replied, "It's designed that
way, so beasts are unable to know the location. Also, with a planet that has been
undiscovered, which is usually the case with red portals, it's hard to pinpoint
exact coordinates like we can on earth."

"Vorden you head back to class, there are some checks I still need to do on
Quinn," Hayley said.
They did as they were told, Quinn followed Hayley along while Vorden decided to
head back to his dorm room.

"Del, you're free to go, and Leo you come with me. We will report this back to
Nathan telling him the mission is a success and I'm guessing he will decide what to
do with the Truedream body."


The students were currently in the middle of their classes. Layla was sitting in her
seat, hitting her pen constantly on her table. She moved it up and down in the
middle with her fingers. It was something she would do whenever she had
something on her mind.

She was hoping one of her connections would be able to get Quinn out of there,
but he had to be taken to a relatively unknown planet. The more she thought about
it, the angrier she got, and all that anger was being directed at Peter.

As soon as classes were over and she entered the hallway, she could hear all the
other students mumbling away.

"Did you hear? Apparently, the missing students are back."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I saw Vordenn walking back to the dorms, and Professor Del was cheering
out loudly in the hallway."

'Vorden's back but what about Quinn?' Layla thought.

She immediately rushed over to the boy's dorm to see if the rumours she heard
where true, but before knocking on the dorm room, she hesitated. The last time
she had done something like this, she was strangled by that psycho Vorden.

But she needed to know, she wanted to know if Quinn was safe. She gathered her
courage and knocked at the door. A few seconds later and the last person she
wanted to see had opened it. It was Vorden.

"Look, let me just get to chase, where is Quinn?"

Vorden smiled as soon as he saw who was at the door.

"He's at the doctor's office."

"Thank you." She said as she rushed off.

"Wait!" Vorden shouted. As she turned around, she could still see a huge grin on
his face.

"You're not the only one that knows anymore." He said.

"What do you mean?" Layla asked.

Vorden then started to walk over to her slowly, the grin on his face was beginning
to get creepier by the second.

"I'm saying you're no longer special and not needed by him anymore, because I

Layla turned and continued to run, and as she did, she had the final say.

"I guess your still a crazy boy!"

She ran and ran until eventually, she had finally reached the doctor's office.
When she entered the room, she noticed that Hayley wasn't there, but when she
looked at each of the beds, she had finally found him.

"Quinn!" She said surprised, for a moment she had to look him up and down a
couple of times. His jawline, his clear skin and just something about him was pulling
her towards him.

"What's going on?" she said, "Are you using some type of Charm spell on me?" She
had read enough Vampire Novels to know what was happening. Although she was
fascinated with Quinn because of what he was, she had never thought he looked
handsome, but for some reason, her mind was now running wild with thoughts.

'Can you turn this thing off!' Quinn said in his head.

'Of course, but I thought you would like this?' the system replied.

Of course I do, but if it's like this, she won't really like me, its just cause of the

[Charm stat deactivated]

Suddenly, Layla no longer had the urge. But still looking at Quinn now, he looked
different from before, and she had to admit he was now on the same level as
Vorden with his looks. Although she didn't like Vorden, she knew a pretty boy
when she saw one.

"Are you okay, what happened?" She asked.

While no one else was in the office, Quinn proceeded to tell Layla everything that
happened in the portal world.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't there." She said, "I said I would help you, but I couldn't."

"Hey, don't worry about it," Quinn replied. "I wasn't expecting anyone to jump in
after me, that's practically suicide."

"He did," Layla mumbled just quite enough so Quinn couldn't understand what she
For some reason, she felt like Vorden had one-upped her on the loyalty scale.

"Just remember if you need any blood, you can call me, you don't have to really on
Vorden." She said as she rushed off out of the doctor's office.

It was a nice feeling to have people worry about him. For the first time in his life,
Quinn truly felt like he had friends. It was a strange feeling he had never felt
before, no one had looked out for him when he was hurt.

In the past, when he came back home all beaten up, he always had entered an
empty room. No one would ask if he was okay or how he was doing. But ever since
getting the system things were different.

After Hayley had given Quinn the all okay to leave the office, he finally returned
to his dorm room. Inside Vorden was busy playing on a handheld device.

"Hey man, is everything all okay," Vorden asked. "They didn't find out you were
a…" he looked around the room before finishing the last words "Vampire, did

"Yeah everything was fine, she said she could find nothing wrong with me and my
blood levels were normal. So she sent me back."

As the two of them were talking away, a beep sound was heard from the door.
Indicating that it had been unlocked.

The door opened and in came Peter.

Chapter 99 Same Teams

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Chapter 99 Same Teams

With no one to talk to or no one to help him out of the situation he was in, Peter
would often go out for walks on his own around the campus. His mind was filled
with regret and Layla's words. In a way, he felt like he should have been punished
for what he had done, yet Layla had just left him there.
He felt even less significant than before, he wasn't even worth being hit.

After walking around school a couple of times, he decided to head back to his
dorm room as usual.

But as he entered, he had nearly experienced the shock of his life. The two people
who he had thought had gone missing, possibly dead on another planet were in the

"Guys.." Peter started to say with his eyes watering up.

"GET OUT!" Vorden shouted as he pointed at the door.


"I said, Get out!" Vorden shouted again, "If you don't get out Peter, I don't know
what I will do to you."

"But this is my room as well." He cried.

"I don't care, ask them to change rooms but you are not staying here."

Peter then looked to Quinn for help hoping he would say something. But Quinn just
turned his head away as his body was shaking.

He didn't like what was happening, but it needed to be done. What Peter had done
was unforgivable. He and Vorden could have died, and if he really was still a level
one, he would have been killed by the first Rattaclaw he had seen.

Peter stood there, still in shock. He didn't know what to do. As soon as he saw the
two of them, he was hoping everything would go back to how it was. Before
everything had happened. He wanted to tell them how sorry he was, but they
wouldn't even let him speak.

Vorden then went to his desk and grabbed a book chucking it towards Peter
hitting the wall and falling onto the ground.

"The next one is going for your face if you don't leave." Said Vorden.

"Peter, please just go," Quinn said.

When Quinn spoke those words, it finally hit him. There was no redemption for
him. No matter what he said or did, or even why. They had made up their minds; he
was no longer their friend.

He opened the door and closed it behind him as he left. Looking around, there was
nowhere left to go. It was already night time, it was nearly curfew so he couldn't
go outside and all the other parts of the building would be closed now.

With nowhere to go and no one to rely on, he stayed in the dorm room hallway,
curled up into a ball on the ground and cried himself to sleep.
The next day when the two woke up in their beds, they could hear a commotion
going on outside. As they opened the door, they could see a group had gathered
just outside their room, and they were all circling around something.

"What happened to him?"

"Look, the floors wet underneath."

"Did he cry himself to sleep outside, I thought I could hear something last night."

A boy from the group then knelt down and grabbed Peter by the hair lifting his
head off the ground and waking him up.

"Hey, so it was you that was waking me up in the middle of the night." The boy
said. Before deciding to do anything, the boy looked at Peter's watch and noticed
he was a level one. The boy himself was only a level 2. So he took this chance to
show everyone he wasn't at the bottom of the food chain.

"If you're going to stay out here like a dog, then you need to learn to shut up." He
said as he lifted his hand and slapped Peter across the face.

Peter was already defeated at this point, he didn't care what happened to him.
What were a few slaps, this pain was nothing. What was the pint of fighting back
he would only get hurt more? The only people who had bothered to help him in the
past, he had tried to kill them.

This is what Peter wanted, he wanted to be punished for his actions.

As the boy lifted his hand to slap Peter again, he felt something grab his wrist.
Then before the boy could even turn his head, he saw a fist right in front of his

The punch was so powerful the sound of his Jaw cracking could be heard, and the
boy immediately was knocked out and collapsed to the ground.

As Peter looked up through his watery vision, he could see Quinn standing there
with a look of anger on his face.

"I didn't do that for you." He said, "If anyone was treating someone like a piece of
Sh*t like that, I would have done the same."

Without even looking at Peter, Quinn walked off with Vorden and headed to the

"Hey, who was that?"

"I'm not sure, but he was kinda hot."

"I don't remember seeing him in school, do you?"

"No, me either."
After breakfast, the group was to go to their homeroom class for the usual
morning lesson before heading to combat classes. Everyone sat in their usual
seats. Which meant that Vorden and Quinn were sat next to each other with Peter
on the side.

"They really did come back."

"I heard they got pushed into a portal by some second year."

"It's amazing they managed to survive."

All of the students were talking about the two who had gone missing for a few
days. It wasn't the talk around the school but was talked about frequently in Del's
class since the students belonged to their class.

Del had finally entered the room with a smile on his face, as he prepared to give
an announcement to the whole class.

"Good morning, everyone. Now that everything is back to normal again, I am proud
to announce that your first portal outing date has been confirmed and will now be
moved to next week. So please prepare yourselves as best you can. Oh, and
remember to practise with your teammates. The same teams that were registered
before will be used for this outing."

This meant that Peter, would be on the same team as the others.


Mass release day, 2 more chapters will be released at 0:00 Am GMT + 8

New goal will be released then as well. Keep voting everyone.

Chapter 100 Dreamland

Read My Vampire System - Chapter 100 Dreamland online free - Light Novel

6-8 minutos

Chapter 100 Dreamland

Outside somewhere in the world, there was a city named Dreamland. The place was
condensed packed with buildings and skyscrapers everywhere, and there didn't
seem to be a place of open land that could be seen. A large wall also stood
surrounding it around a hundred meters high.

On top of the walls, were several turrets and mechs standing guard day and night
patrolling for any danger. Because of these things, Dreamland was considered one
of the safest cities to live in. But it came at a cost.

Security was a significant issue, and so was habitable land on Earth. After the
war, many of the old cities were obliterated and destroyed. Too much damage had
been done. Parts of land gone missing, blown into small pieces, too small for
humans to live on.

This was what caused the Humans to create shelters on other planets. It was a lot
cheaper than living on Earth, and often many travellers from different
associations and families would live there protecting the place.

But planet Earth would always be home to many, and it was hard for them to leave.
They hated the fact if they lived on another planet, they might have to live in fear
of beasts attacking them at any moment.

Because of this, the few places left on Earth were only for the very top.

There were only two ways to live in the city of Dreamland. To either be really rich
or to become a part of the Truedream family. Swearing absolute loyalty to the
leader and doing whatever was asked.

In the centre of the city, there was a skyscraper bigger than any of the others
around it. The whole building had been made of Glathrium, the hardest materiel
known in space.

Inside, on the very top floor was a bald-headed man in a nicely fitted suit was
sitting down in his large armchair at his desk. His name was Jack Truedream. The
leader of one of the big four families.

Just then, a female wearing business attire had entered the room.

"Sir, there has been a report that one of our family members have died?"

"What Rank was the Traveller?" Jack asked.

"Rank D sir."

Once students had left the academy, they were able to become Travellers and
either work for a Faction, Family or as a freelancer. The world government issued
these travellers with a Rank depending on the difficulty of tasks they can
At some point, power levels didn't matter too much on the outside. The attribute
that high-level beast gear gave you was much more useful. It was more important
how you used your ability in conjunction with the beast gear.

When starting out as a traveller, everyone started as a rank F. The more tasks you
would complete the more points you would be awarded. Usually, it would take a
couple years between each Rank to level up.

Ranks went from F, all the way to A +.

Because of the way the system worked, it was always hard to gauge an F's ability,
but the strong would usually move quickly through the ranks.

Therefore, travellers seemed to care less for power level and often looked at
Rank instead.

���Our Rank D's die often out in missions, why the need to tell me?" Jack

"Well sir, this one was received to us from one of the military bases, and it was
one of our hopefuls named Ian."

Jack sat there and thought about it for a while. It was usual for him to get
reports from other families and organisations when they found the dead bodies of
his family. They wanted to do anything to get on his good side.

What troubled him, though, was the person who had actually died. To give a person
an ability that he had taken away, he had to touch them and meet them in person.
The low-level abilities he usually didn't remember too much.

But he remembered giving Ian quite a handy ability. He had also only taken a year
to go from a rank F to a rank D and was hoping for better things for him in the

"Send me the report. I'd like to take a look?"

The female then clicked a device in her hand, and in an instant, a holographic
display appeared in front of Jack. He used his hands to navigate through the
pages and quickly read through the information.

There were also some pictures attached of Ian's body.

"Woah what a bad way to die," Ian said as he looked at the picture of his body cut
in half.

But then he spotted something that interested him and started to zoom in, right
on Ian's Neck.

"Alexa bring me up the report of two years ago on Danny Fletchmen."

"Report has been found." His computer system said as it brought up another file.

He looked through them once again and noticed that another family member had
the same mark on his neck. Usually, Jack wouldn't remember details like this, But
Danny Fletchman was a level 8 user and was a B rank traveller.

One of the strongest men that the Truedream had in their family. When he had
died, it had come to a shock to him, and no one knew who or what had done it.

'Could these two cases be linked somehow?' He thought.

"Apparently they coincidentally came across Ian when they out looking for two
students. I don't know much of the details."

"Do you know what military base they are from?"

The worker then placed her hand on her glasses, and images could be seen in the
reflection. Words and articles started scrolling past her eyes.

"Military base two sir."

"Perhaps its time I pay a visit to them. It has been a while, and I could find out
more information. In the meantime, find out what you can about Ian's last

Jack then stood up from his chair and closed his eyes. Inside of him, he could see
around ten little flames swirling around his stomach. Each of them looking slightly
different from the others.

'It looks like I'm running low on abilities again, I guess it will also be a good chance
to stock up as well.'


We hit 22,000 Stones last week and unlocked 6 chapters mass release.

New mass release goal! I will also increase chapter length for mass release
chapters to 1500 words instead of 1000 words for fast pass users.

20,000 Stones = 2 extra Chapters

22,000 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

Chapter 101 Leo's Question
Read My Vampire System - Chapter 101 Leo's Question online free - Light
Novel Full

7-9 minutos

Chapter 101 Leo's Question

With morning lessons over and done with, it was time for Combat lessons to start.
Layla had come over with Erin by her side to Quinn. They weren't exactly friends
now as the two didn't really talk much.

In fact, Erin didn't really say much at all to anyone. However, over the last few
days after searching for Peter together, they started to hang around each other
more often. They had also practised as a team together beforehand, and for the
first time, Erin had actually called Layla by her name.

These were all huge steps forward in Layla's eyes, and before they knew it, the
two of them would naturally just be around each other.

The three of them headed off to the beast weapons class while Vorden had
already left for the elemental class.

Now sitting in the room all alone was Peter just blankly staring at the wall Infront
of him. Even his fake friends were no longer talking to him at the canteen. Earl
and his gang had been avoiding him ever since Erin had threatened them.

They had also already gotten their use out of him and no longer needed him

Peter continued to sit there and think back at all the stupid things he had done. If
only he had done this differently, why did he decide not to ask for help, why did
he agree to help them at the time? It had hurt back then and felt like he was
going through hell, but right now, he couldn't even remember what the pain felt

As all these thoughts ran through his head, and he started clenching his hair in his

Every time a stupid memory came up, he would pull his hair, trying to forget it as
if he was pulling the memories out of his head.

"Why!" Peter shouted as he pulled out a clump of hair.

"Why!" He said again pulling out another.

His hands were now filled with parts of his hair. He could feel something running
down from the top of his head. He had pulled so hard and so much hair that blood
was starting to drip from his scalp.

As Quinn was just about to leave the second-year building to head to the beast
weapons hall, he paused for a second right by the exit.

This whole time he had been back, not once had he set foot outside in the sun and
for the first time, he would be doing so now. He had asked the AI system
repeatedly what the effects were, but he would never tell him.

'Calm down Quinn, you already know you won't die so what's the worst that could

"Hey, Quinn is everything okay?" Layla asked, noticing he had stopped just by the

"Yeah, I'm fine," Quinn said as he took a step forward.


Instantly the effect of the sun had hit him. The ray's affected him more than
ever, and a pounding feeling was heard in his head. He stumbled a little but soon
caught himself.

It took him a few moments, but he finally adjusted to the sudden feeling.

[You are being hit by direct sunlight]

[All stats will be reduced by 70 percent]

'70, are you freaking kidding me!' Quinn shouted in his head.

"Now, now calm down." The System replied. "I thought you would act like this, so I
didn't want to say anything."

"At least I had a chance of fighting in the sun before, I thought if I increased my
stats to at least twenty, suck a few people here and there, I would be like a
normal person in the sun. What am I meant to do now?"

"Well honestly, I never really had this problem before, back at the kingdom we
had plenty of items that stopped the sun form affecting us. Just take a look at
your inventory. That ring you were looking at is given to the weakest of our men."

The System was suddenly revealing a lot more information due to the outburst.
Whenever Quinn would ask the System who he was or if there were other
vampires out there, he would ignore him and pretend he never heard.

However, Quinn needed to deal with one problem at a time and right now, and the
sun was an urgent one.

"Look, I can see you're depressed." The System said. "How about this."
He then opened up Quinn's menu and went to show him the shadow skills tab. Out
of the ten skills, 3 had been unlocked, but seven were still greyed out.

"You just want to be able to fight in the sun, right? You see the skill named
Shadow void, it cost a total of twenty skill points. I would recommend you unlock
that next. The skill allows you to create your own space of shadows. Blocking it
from not only the sun but outside viewers as well."

Although it wasn't a permanent solution to Quinn's problem, it was a solution.

While Quinn struggled to walk Layla quickly came over and pulled out an umbrella
over his head. She had kept it on her at all times for situations like these.

'Heh, heh, Vorden, looks like I'm needed more than you after all.' Layla thought.

Suddenly, Quinn started to feel a lot better.

[The sunlight is being blocked, all stats will return to normal]

"Do you guys have to be lovey-dovey in front of me?" Erin said as she saw the two
walking under the umbrella.

"We're not a couple, he's just feeling sick. The sun gives him heat stroke easily."

"What a wimp," Erin said as she walked off ahead.

Quinn didn't know why, but Erin's words always seemed to sting a bit more
compared to when others said it to him.

The three of them had finally arrived at the Martial hall and no longer needed the
umbrella. Once again as he entered, he started to feel his heart beating faster
than ever. He was nervous; the reason was simple. It was because of Leo.

For some reason Leo had asked that the next time the two of them met, to speak
to him. Although Leo did say that he wouldn't hurt him, those words didn't exactly
reassure him.

The classes had begun as normal with Leo asking the students to warm up by
sparing with each other, but once again Leo had asked Layla to step away as Leo
wanted to be his opponent.

Leo then took Quinn to the corner of the room away from the others, making sure
they couldn't hear their conversation.

"Thank you for saving me in the portal world," Quinn said first, hoping to get on
his good side by sucking up to him.

"I was just doing my job, what happened to your gauntlets, there's no energy
emitting from your hand."

"They broke in the portal world, I'm sorry, I'll pay you back."
Leo raised his hand, telling Quinn to stop speaking.

"Boy there is no need, those weren't expensive in the first place, but for
something to break some beast gear, you must have fought against some beasts

Quinn started to laugh nervously, he wasn't prepared for this and didn't really
know how to answer.

"Oh no, one of those Rat beasts jumped at me, and all I did was lift my hand trying
to protect myself. The beast wouldn't let go, so I had no choice but to take them
off and run."

"I see," Leo said as he stood there silent for a moment. "Quinn, do you know they
say when someone goes blind their sense of hearing improves. Now let me be the
first to tell you that is all a myth. However, my ability does improve my senses,
and I can hear your heart beating ever so loudly."

Quinn gulped as he was afraid of what the old man might say next.

"Do you also know; they say that when a person is lying their heart beast changes
ever so slightly and they start to sweat more. Now, Quinn, the truth is, I don't
care what you are, but I only have one question to ask you."

"Are you on humanities side?


Please remember to vote. New mass release goal! I will also increase chapter
length for mass release chapters to 1500 words instead of 1000 words for fast
pass users.

20,000 Stones = 2 extra Chapters

22,000 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

Chapter 102 The Marketplace

Read My Vampire System - Chapter 102 The Marketplace online free - Light
Novel Full

9-11 minutos
Chapter 102 The Marketplace

Quinn started to think about the question Leo had given him. It was clear that he
knew something about him through his ability, and it was why he had asked the
question in the first place. But rather than out him to his higher-ups, or try to
deal with him himself. He was asking a simple question.

'If I answer this wrong, will he attack me? Or maybe even turn me in?' Quinn

But judging by what he had said earlier. If Quinn was to lie, he would be able to

Everything about the current human society made Quinn feel sick to his very core.
It wasn't just the government or the military but the originals as well.

When his parents were fighting in the war, why did they choose to reveal
themselves towards the end and only then share their powers then? Why did the
military design this cast system that put everyone into categories? In a way, he
wanted to see the current society fail.

But did he want everyone to die? No. Did he want the Dalki to win the war, no, he
didn't want that either.

Now that he thought about it more, he was in an interesting position. He couldn't

exactly call himself human anymore. If they found out what he was, would they
accept him over to their side? Probably not, humans were scared of the unknown.

But two people already had done. Layla and Vorden did know what he was, and
didn't stop speaking to him or treated him any differently.

Quinn knew whats his answer was.

"I'm on my own side but there are people I want to protect on this side too."

For a second Leo just stood there silently. He continually looked at the purple
flame burning around Quinn, and then he turned around and walked off without
saying a word.

'I guess my answer was okay then.' Quinn said as he let out a huge puff of air. He
felt like any second now he was about to have a nervous breakdown.

"Get yourself a new weapon kid!" Leo shouted, "You're going to need it for the
portal expedition, and my offer still stands. Feel free to have a duel with me
whenever you wish."

The combat classes had ended, and Quinn didn't end up doing much in today's
session. With no equipment of his own, he had to pick something else from the
wall. But when he tried using a sword, he realised how much practise you needed
before he could even become half-decent at the thing.

Using his fist just felt natural to him, especially since nearly all of his skills
required him to use his hands. This meant more than anything that he needed a
new set of Gauntlets.

Before leaving the martial hall, he asked to borrow the umbrella Layla had and
decided to head to the library for the rest of the afternoon. There he would be
able to use the public computers.

On the way there he opened up his system to check on a few things. Firstly, it was
his crystal inventory. Right now, he had 16 basic tier crystals, 1 intermediate tier
crystal, and 1 advanced tier crystal.

The system shop had a set of Intermediate gauntlets for him, and all he needed
for them was three intermediate crystals. There was no requirement of what
type. Then there was the advanced tier crystal that could only be used as a ring.

He finally sat down on the computer and went on to the market place. He started
his search to see what was the standard price for selling crystals. Right now, the
basic tier crystals were useless to him.

Before logging in to access the weapons section of the marketplace, he was to

input his military ID number. This wasn't recorded by the system but just proved
that he was allowed to buy and sell weapons.

The marketplace promised to scramble all information once confirmed and

entered. If people were able to tell who was selling these items, then it would
cause a big problem for the seller.

[Enter username ID]

"I'll just use the same one as my game."

[Blood evolver]

A standard basic tier crystal could be sold for 100 credits, an intermediate
crystal 1000, and an advanced crystal 10,000 credits. Right now, he was sitting on
a gold mine. Some crystals sold for more depending on the rarity of them or what
they could be turned into.

Next, he started to search for gauntlets, there weren't as many online compared
to other weapons, but there was still plenty to choose from. He noticed that once
you moved up from basic tier weapons, the description of each item would be quite

It would tell you what crystal was used to create the weapon suggesting that it
might have some other type of attribute other than strength. For example, some
might have fire resistance if made from a beast from a hot planet or ice-resistant
for one from a cold one.

"Let me give you a tip." The system said, "Place you're hand on the computer and
use your inspect skill while looking at the item."

Quinn did as the system asked and was surprised by the result. Suddenly, he could
see the stats of all the weapons that were in front of him.

"But how?" Quinn asked.

"The system you are using, itself is like a computer system. It scans the
information the computer tells it and puts it into numbers for you to easily
understand. Although it will only be able to tell you if the beast crystal is in the
database. I tried my best to put as many different beasts as I could in there, but
there may be some I have never seen."

Quinn continued to search through the items, but something surprised him, none
of them gave the same number of stats like the one in the shop. At most, the
strength they provided was +5. While the intermediate weapon in his system was

Sure it was only one strength of difference, but right now that was a lot. The
second thing was the price of the gauntlets. They ranged from anywhere between
6 to 8 thousand credits. This was because it included the cost of finding all the
crystals, and also paying for someone to forge the weapon together.

Even the basic tier weapons cost were around 2000 or so credits. Quinn didn't
even bother looking at any advanced tier weapons.

He sat there and started to think for a while about what to do and what was the
best option. Without a doubt, he needed a weapon before next week.

In the end, he finally decided, the best thing to do was to sell the advanced tier
crystal. Even though he was able to use it to create a ring that protected him
from the sun. He needed ten of the things and not only that, it required a specific
beast from a red portal planet.

A place where students just weren't allowed to go whenever they wanted. It was
basically useless to him right now, and the credits would be more helpful.

Quinn then started to search for a Deathbat crystal on the market place hoping
to figure out what price to he could sell it at, but to his surprise, there wasn't a
single Deathbat crystal up for sale.

With no clue how much to sell it for Quinn decided to look at other specific
crystals and priced it around there.
He did the base price of the crystal plus around 2000 extra credits selling it for
12,000 in total.

"And done, now all I need to do is wait for it to be sold, then I can buy two
intermediate crystals and get the weapon form the system."


It had only been a few seconds, but someone had already put up the money for the
crystal. With it came a portal confirmation number. All Quinn needed to do was go
to the storage unit and place the crystal in the teleporter. Once entering the
confirmation number, it would teleport the item to the user on the other end.


Somewhere in a dark room, a kid with his hair gelled backwards that looked to be a
similar age to Quinn was on his computer browsing the market place.

"Come on, what happened to that guy, I paid him good money to get that crystal
for me. I only need one more." The kid said.

He never expected to find anything on the market place, but every day he would
check just to make sure. However, the exact crystal he was looking for turned up.

"No way! And only for 12,000 credits. I have to buy this straight away!"

With no hesitation, the boy swiped his card on the computer next to him,
confirming the purchase of the item.

A man then appeared from the shadows and was stood next to the boy.

"Young master, if your father finds out you didn't get the crystals through your
own effort, he will be furious. Every one of us had to go hunt those beasts as a
trial for ourselves." The man said.

"Ha, ha, my father thought he could stop me, now with the ring I can finally leave
this place!"

He then looked at the computer screen once again.

"Thank you, Blood evolver, you have made my day. If I ever meet you in real life, I
promise I will repay this debt."


Remember to vote for your stones for another mass release.

20,000 Stones = 2 extra chapters

22,000 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

Rank 1 in power stone ranking = Webtoon

Chapter 103 Buying from the shop

Read My Vampire System - Chapter 103 Buying from the shop online free -
Light Novel Full

8-10 minutos

Chapter 103 Buying from the shop

After sending away the advanced tier crystal, it didn't take long for Quinn to
receive the money. The Portal delivery box confirmed that the item was real with
a scan and then with a flash, it was sent. At the same time, Quinn's watch made a
ding sound.

He looked at his watch, and 12,030 credits were all his. Never in his life did he
think he would be able to acquire this type of money.

His original plan was to obtain the earth ability from the school. Then he would
work hard and possibly be able to upgrade his ability to a power level of three.
After he could join a hunting faction and become a traveller.

Killing basic beasts and selling their cores. But even then, he would have had to kill
120 basic beasts to make the amount of money he had today.

Before doing anything else, Quinn immediately put up the sixteen basic Rattaclaw
crystals for sale. These didn't take long to sell either. There were always people
and companies looking to buy them. If the beast crystals couldn't be used to make
a weapon, they would be used as an energy source instead.

Powering up vehicles, lights, engines and all sorts. Now the total amount of credits
was 13630 credits. He looked at the number again and again, and a smile couldn't
stop appearing on his face.

Logging back onto the market place, Quinn was now searching for two intermediate
crystals. The shop stated that the gauntlets he was after didn't need any specific
type so he went ahead and purchased the two cheapest ones he could find at 1000
It hurt him seeing his credits go down so suddenly, but this is what needed to be
done. There was a need to spend money before one could make money. The better
equipment would allow him to hunt stronger beasts and earn more money.

Before heading back to the storage room to obtain his crystals, Quinn decided to
search the marketplace a bit more to see if there was anything useful. He also
looked at the items in his shop, but they all required specific beast crystals that
were nearly impossible to find on the market place.

That's when he realised the items in his shop seemed to be quite rare, Even when
searching for a weapon or piece of armour similar, there were no matches found
for these type of items.

After searching and searching, he decided to fork out a load of money on a pair of
black boots. He purposely chose a design that didn't look to fancy but also gave
him the best stats. That way if others saw the equipment, they wouldn't think
anything of it and wondered where Quinn was able to get the money from.

After spending eight thousand on the boots he now only had 3,630 credits
remaining. As he walked over to the storage room, he couldn't help but have a skip
in his step.

Finally, he had arrived and entered the combination for both of his orders and a
few seconds later. A couple of large boxes had appeared in front of him.

Quickly he lifted to two boxes and started to rush off towards his dorm room. As
he entered the room, he was surprised to see Vorden wasn't there nor was Peter
sitting outside.

Although he was too happy to wonder what had happened to them. He placed both
of the boxes down and immediately ripped into them.


[Intermediate Black horned wolf boots]

[Agility + 4]

[Defence +2]

[When boots are active can increase the user's speed by 10 percent for 30
seconds. If hit while active, speed will return to normal]

The boots were a solid black in colour, while the top of them that covered above
his ankles were slightly pointed to imitate the ears of a wolf. Other than that,
they just looked like regular boots which were perfect.
Quinn could have bought cheaper boots but what interested him about these
where they had there very own active skill in them as well. Quinn had heard of
such items having skills, but usually that was the case with hire tier equipment.

It was quite rare for a piece of intermediate beast equipment to have an active
skill. Which was why the item was priced at the higher end.

Next were the two intermediate crystals he had bought, he held each of them in
his hand, and the message had appeared.

[Would you like to store intermediate beast crystals (2) in your inventory?]

After selecting yes, the two crystals started to disappear and suddenly vanished
out of the palm of his hands. Now when he accessed the shop, the gauntlets that
he was looking for were no longer greyed out. After selecting the item, a final
message appeared.

[Would you like to create the "Best standard" intermediate gauntlets?]

[Cost 3 intermediate crystal]

The naming of the item was a bit strange, but that still wouldn't put Quinn off. He
was the only one that could see the name of the things anyway.

After selecting yes, an image was inserted into his head. He could see the three
crystals he had obtained in a black empty space. Each of the crystals started to
slowly move towards the centre of the room, as if they were being attracted by

Finally, when the three crystals touched a large white light formed in his mind,
then when the bright light dimmed down all that was left were the greyish-silver
gauntlets. They didn't look like anything special. In fact, it was hard to tell that
they had even been made from beast cores in the first place, but Quinn didn't
mind, all he cared for where the stat points.

When he opened his eyes and looked down, the gauntlets were there placed in his

"Wow this is amazing, it really did just form itself and appear out of nowhere?"


[Best standard Intermediate beast gauntlets]

[Strength + 6]

[Defense + 4]

[When using the skills Blood swipe and Blood spray attacks will be 5 percent
He then immediately went into the shop again, but this time something strange
happened. He scrolled and scrolled and looked and looked, but the item he had just
created was no longer there.

"If you are looking for the gauntlets they are already in your hands." The system
said, sounding half confused.

"I know that." Quinn replied, "It's just, I thought I could make another one. If I
bought three more intermediate crystals, then I could sell it online and make my
money back."

"Unfortunately, each item in the system is a one-time item." The system answered.
"Once you have created it once, the item may never be created again."

Suddenly, Quinn felt a little depressed. The reason he had spent his money so
freely on the boots was because he hoped he would be able to make another pair
of gauntlets and sell them online.

"Let me show you something cool." The system said. "Open up your dimensional
portal using your shadow skill and place both of the boots and gauntlets in there."

"I'm not going to lose them, am I?" Quinn asked.

"Just trust me."

Quinn had already done a few tests with the dimensional portal so he was sure
that he would be able to get the equipment back. He did as told and opened up a
small shadow portal putting both of the items in.

[Weapons and Armour detected in Dimensional space]

[New skill shadow equip acquired]

"Shadow equip? what does it do?" Quinn asked.

"Just try it out and see."

[Shadow equip activated]

As soon as the skill was active, clouds of shadow surrounded his hands and feet,
he could feel something forming on top of his hands and legs. Then when the
shadow clouds disappeared, the equipment he had put in the portal, were now on

It was like an instant equip, with this Quinn didn't need to wear all his equipment
beforehand. He could even hide high levels of equipment from the eyes of others
and be ready for a fight anytime.

With the new equipment all set up and ready, Quinn was itching to test it out, and
he knew the perfect place to test it. The VR Game.
Unknown to Quinn though, the last time he played, he had caused quite a stir.
People claimed he was a hacked player. And one person in particular, had been
checking the game every day for Quinn to login.

Logan was waiting for him, this time when he logged in, he was going to find out
just who this Bloodevolver was.


We are currently Ranked number 1 Goals down below keep voting.

20,000 Stones = 2 extra Chapters

22,000 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

Rank 1 till the end of the week = Webtoon!

Chapter 104 Combination skills

Read My Vampire System - Chapter 104 Combination skills online free - Light
Novel Full

8-10 minutos

Chapter 104 Combination skills

It was getting late that day, and soon it would be night time. Tomorrow was the
weekend, so once again, the students would be free to do what they want as long
as they didn't leave the city for a couple of days.

With this, Quinn decided to head back to his dorm and call it a night. When he
arrived at the halls of the dorm, he could see Peter sitting up against their room
wall asleep. As Quinn walked past and entered the room, he took a glance at Peter,
who looked to be bruised and beaten.

Not only that, but he seemed to have a couple of clumps of hair missing from his

'Is he still getting bullied, I wonder who ordered him to do it? Maybe Layla will
know more." Quinn thought as he entered the room.
He still hadn't forgiven Peter, and truthfully he never thought he could. But still,
he wanted to stop incidents like this from happening in the future. To do that, he
needed to find out who was at the top giving out the orders.

When Quinn entered the room, Vorden was already inside on his bed relaxing.

"Hey," Quinn said, "Where have you been? I came back earlier, but no one was

"Oh, that," Vorden replied. "Actually, something has been really bugging me about
the whole Peter situation. It's obvious someone asked him to do it, right? And
they had already set up a fall guy to take the blame. But when I tried to find out
what happened to that person today, not a single person knew. Everyone just kept
saying the punishment was dealt with by Duke since he's a second year."

"Why don't you go to the first-year students he was hanging around with before,
maybe they know something?"

"Yeah, I was planning to do that on the weekend, but we need to be careful. If my

hunch is right, this would be involving someone at least at the sergeant level."

"Do you want me to come with you?" Quinn asked.

"No, I think its best if we investigate separately. Plus, if I get caught its harder
for them to touch me, while for you, it's a different matter completely until we
get level on your watch sorted."

"I know!" Quinn said as he snapped his fingers. "Why don't you ask Layla,
apparently when we left they ran into those friends of Peters."

The face Vorden was currently making wasn't one of happiness, but it wasn't one
of disgust either. It was as if he was trying to put on a smile, but his body was
fighting against him.

"Quinn, you do know me and her don't get on right?"

"Well you know you're going to have to, we have the expedition next week. Use
this as a chance to repair your friendship, I've already lost one friend, don't make
me pick and chose between you two Vorden."

Vorden then grabbed the pillow by his side and threw it at Quinn's face.

"Alright man, I'll try."

The two of them then laid down in their bed to get some sleep.

'You're not actually going to try become friends with her, are you?' Raten asked,
'Just kill her and then he doesn't have to choose, we are his best friend, done,
deal end off.'
'Go away and let me sleep.'

With Vorden investigating the situation, that meant Quinn would be free to Head
to the VR room tomorrow, but before he shut his eyes to go sleep, he decided to
have a look at the tutorial video he had unlocked when reaching level Ten.

Once again, the blonde man appeared, who looked like he was in some type of dojo.

"Congratulations on reaching level 10, now in this video no new skills will be learnt,
but instead we will be creating our own. By now you should have also unlocked the
skill blood spray and learnt the skill Hammer strike. Although Blood spray can be
used on multiple targets, to do the most damage its best if you are actually
touching your opponent. What's even better is if you combine the two skills

The blonde man then got into a fighting stance once again, he repeated all the
steps of the Hammer strike as usual but right at the end when the force came
out, he performed the blood spray attack. Rather than spreading out like it usually
did, it was compact and came out together in a thick line. In the video, a loud
sound could be heard.

"Whoops." The blonde man said, "Looks like I will have to make some repairs to the
dojo. This move I call Hammer spray. Now be careful because this attack will not
only use up your stamina but will drain you of your blood as well. Also, the Hammer
spray takes slightly longer to prepare, so it may not be optimal in all situations.
But the point is, if you activate blood spray with a punch in your fist, it will be
several times stronger."

After watching and analysing the video carefully, Quinn finally shut his eyes to get
some sleep.

The next day when they awoke, Quinn was greeted with his usual message.

[Avoid sunlight for eight hours 5 exp gained]

[10/100 exp]

Quinn was glad that after he evolved his exp points seemed to have reset. He
hated to think how hard it would be to level up if his exp kept doubling up all the
time. In fact, it seemed like an impossible task in the future.

As the two woke up, they started getting ready. That's when Quinn noticed
something as Vorden changed out of his uniform.

"Hey Vorden, don't you use a beast weapon or anything?" Quinn asked.

When leaving the city just in case of an attack, people usually carried their
weapons with them. Quinn was keeping his in the Dimensional void for the time
"Actually, most of the time, I prefer to use elemental abilities, which kind of just
get in the way with weapons. Although you're right, I should probably pick one just
in case I get an ability where it would be useful."

"Well, if you could, is there anything your best at or anything you would want?"

"Hmm, I guess I always thought Daggers were cool, but it might be a while before
I can make my own beast weapon. My family don't like to send me money because
they think I should earn everything myself." Vorden said, laughing.

Quinn had actually planned to create a new weapon for both Vorden and Layla.
They had both helped him so much, and he wanted to return the favour. Layla had
helped him learn so much about vampires while Vorden had even come in after him
to the portal world.

There was also the worry that other Vampires or something else might come to
attack them. If that was the case, they might go after those around him, so there
was no harm in making them stronger.

As the two exited out of the room, they noticed that Peter was still up against the
wall sitting there.

"You can go in the room and sleep there while we are out, just make sure when we
come back in, your out of there," Vorden said.

The two continued to walk off until they had finally split ways. Quinn headed to
the VR room while Vorden started to head outside the building.

"That was nice of you," Raten said.

"We can't become worse than what we are trying to get rid of," Vorden replied.

"Speaking of getting rid of people, here's your chance."

Standing just outside the gate was Erin and Layla. Both of them were no longer in
the military uniform. They were dressed in their casual clothes for the weekend.
Layla wore a stunning red dress while Erin was a bit more elegant. It was white in
colour with flowers on the bottom, and on top of her head, she was wearing a large
summer hat to block out the sun.

As soon as Layla spotted Vorden. She turned her head away. Nearly every
interaction with him so far while Quinn was away wasn't a good one. But then she
started to hear the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer.

'No, he couldn't be, is he walking over to us?' She thought.

'Come on Vorden, you're doing this for Quinn. You can do it,' He thought.

Now the two of them were within grabbing distance once again.

For the first time, Vorden was stuttering in his life, but it wasn't because he was
scared, it was because of Raten yelling all sorts of things in his head.

"I need your help." he blurted out.

The look on Layla's face was one she had never made before.


We are rank 1 Keep voting for the top Goal.

20,000 Stones = 2 extra Chapters

22,000 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

Rank 1 end of week = Webtoon

Chapter 105 Bloodevolver Returns

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Light Novel Full

9-12 minutos

Chapter 105 Bloodevolver Returns

As Quinn headed down to the VR room, he was suddenly feeling exited. Now with
his credits, he could spend as much time in the game as he wanted and practice
the skills until he got tired of it. Eventually, though the best thing would be for
Quinn to purchase a capsule of his own. That way, he could play the game in his
room and connect to players not just within the military camps.

But just remembering the price of the thing made him shudder. 100,000 credits.
To purchase the item, he would need ten advanced tier crystals or hundred
intermediate tier crystals. To get that sort of money would take him years.

It was a shame Quinn thought that he couldn't use the system to reproduce the
weapons again and again. If so, he would be able to have an unlimited supply of
money. But it did make him wonder if there was any way he could exploit the
system in some way.
Then the idea hit him, he already knew all the items needed to make the weapons.
In fact, the gauntlets he was using now only required three beats crystals. As long
as he gave the items and his original gauntlets as a reference, a blacksmith should
be able to reverse engineer and create something similar.

'Let's see, three thousand coins for the materials, then two thousand for the
blacksmith fee. That's five thousand coins in total, then if I sell it on the market
place for eight thousand coins, that would be three thousand in profit.'

Quinn quickly realised the problem with his plan. The profit earned from selling
the weapons would not be enough to cover the cost of making the weapons again.
He would either himself need a large amount of capital in the first place or find an
investor who was interested in the idea.

"I would be careful if I was you." The system said in a serious tone. Different
from its usual self. "Do you remember when you searched for the items from the
shop, how none of them appeared on the market place? Well, there's a reason for

"Which is?"

"These weapons and the blueprints that were used to create them, don't belong to

Quinn didn't need to hear him say the name. He knew what the system was talking
about. They belonged to the vampires.

"I'm afraid if you start mass-producing these items and start selling them to the
public, they will start looking for you."

"So I guess that rules out that plan."

"I never said, you couldn't, I just said to be careful."

For now, perhaps Quinn would have to put his money making plan on hold. He still
wasn't strong enough to deal with other humans, never mind vampires, and
besides, he didn't have an investor or someone who could back him up anyway.

Finally, Quinn had arrived at the VR centre and went up to the counter. This time
he deposited 100 credits into his account so he would have ten hours of playing
time. He wasn't planning to play it at once, but this way he wouldn't be

It was early in the morning, so there wasn't a lot of people around yet. Besides
people didn't usually want to spend their weekends playing a game all day.

Quinn made sure he was in between his own capsule and another.
He looked around and then when no one was looking, opened up his dimensional void
to pull out his boots and gauntlets. He placed them both in the scanner and when
the process was finished, proceeded to put them away back in his dimensional void

[Welcome Bloodevolver]

After entering the pod, he was transported to the blank white space. The first
thing Quinn tried to do was look at the ability list. He scrolled and scrolled, but it
was as he thought. The game system had no such ability.

He tried to use his shadow abilities just as he had done his blood abilities.
However, this time they did not work.

"Can the system not record mutant cells? Is that why the abilities have to be
manually inputted?" Quinn didn't really know the answer to his own question and to
be honest, not many people would, so there was no need for him to worry about it
for now.

All he did know was his blood abilities worked in the game while his shadow
abilities did not. But then there was also his new ability Daze that wasn't part of
the shadow.

Before going into matchmaking, Quinn wanted to make sure he had a hang of the
new tutorial he had been shown.

In the game, it didn't take up any of his health, and he could use his blood skills as
many times as he wanted. He watched the video one more time as a reference
before trying to perform the skill himself. On his first try, he was quite

Unlike the other skills, there really wasn't much to learn, it was more a sense of
timing, activating his Blood spray skill at the same time as his Hammer strike.

Quinn then started to just throw out a few regular punches while activating blood
spray, only at the point where his arms would fully extend.

Sometimes he would activate it too early causing his arms to jerk back a little and
sometimes he was successful. The most important thing was to get the hang of the
timing, activating it at that right point.

After practising non-stop for around thirty minutes, his success rate of using
blood spray with his punches was around 80 percent. With hammer strike, he could
get it nearly 100 percent of the time, but like the system had said, it took longer
to charge up the hammer strike when combining it with the blood spray.

"Time to test out these new skills."

[Searching for same level opponents]

The fact that Quinn was a level one still meant he was able to search for
opponents at the same level as himself. To start off with he just wanted some
easy picking to test out his skills, but the second he started to search, his player
ID had gone online.

"Oh, I haven't seen him in a while," Nate said. "I thought he might have stopped
playing the game."

Ever since Nate had fought against the Bloodevolver, he had gained an interest in
the opponent, mainly because of the type of ability he had.

[Now spectating Bloodevolver]

But he wasn't the only one keeping an eye on him. So was Logan. The forum post
had long since died down, but it still bugged Logan that there could be someone
taking advantage of the game he helped create.

He had set up the system so it would ping him as soon as the Bloodevolver went
online. Then he could spectate his games without having the need to be on his
friend's list.

"Come on, let's see how you do it," Logan said as he waited for the Bloodevolver to
find his next game. There was a part of him that was hoping the videos were fake,
he needed to see it with his own eyes whether or not someone was able to break
the system.

After searching for a minute or so, a suitable opponent was found. Each player's
avatars had entered the game.

Equipped with his new boots and gauntlets, his stats were as high as they ever had

[Strength 16 (+6)]

[stamina 15]

[Agility 16 (+4)]

[Charm 5]

The countdown began, and the game had started. In an instant, Quinn rushed
forward. With his new boots, he felt lighter and faster than ever.

"These things are amazing."

The first fight was simply a test of everything he could do. While running, he
decided to activate the skill from the boots, increasing his speed even further for
another thirty seconds. He would run from side to side, his opponent found it
nearly impossible to keep up with him.
It was like looking at a fly, one second he could keep track of it, then suddenly it
would change direction, and he would lose it.

The user then prepared the water held in his hand and started to form a long
blade with it. After running around the room for thirty seconds, the boots had
finally worn off, and now Quinn was heading straight for his opponent.

[Five minute cool down before wind run can be used again]

"He's really going to just run straight at me?" The user thought, and when Quinn
was close enough, he swung his water blade across right at him.

"I probably won't die if that thing hits me, but time to try it out."

He looked at the user in the eye and for the first time, activated his new skill.

[Daze has been activated]

[Your opponent has been stunned]

Suddenly a fear had set into the water user's mind. A shiver was sent down his
spine, and when he tried t move his hand, there was no response.

Quinn then threw out his fist and right when it landed on the user's stomach, he
activated his blood spray at the same time. The user was sent flying through the
air, and a trail of splattered blood followed, leaving from Quinn's gauntlets.

[Winner Bloodevolver]

It had only taken a single punch with Blood spray to finish his opponent off.

"Looks like all my vampire abilities work here, not just my blood skills, well that's
good to know."

Logan had watched the whole thing. He couldn't believe it, it was true the user
could use some type of red energy. It didn't look like any ability he knew off, but
that wasn't the problem. Logan had even checked beforehand and confirmed that
Quinn had selected no ability before entering the game.

He quickly started typing rapidly onto his keyboard and searched for any
information he could pull. Most of the information was scrambled for the user's
safety. He couldn't find out who was in the pod, but he could find out other

After typing away for a few minutes, he finally found the information he needed.

[User Bloodevolver login location: Military base 2]

"Oh, will you look at that, seems like we're quite close after all," Logan said,
smiling at his computer screen.

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20,000 Stones = 2 extra Chapters

22,000 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

Rank 1 end of week = Webtoon

Chapter 106 No Experience points!

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6-8 minutos

Chapter 106 No Experience points!

Up in the stands, Nate found it hard to keep his mouth closed after what he had
just seen. The last time to two of them fought each other, Nate had come out as
the winner but now looking at the new Bloodevolver, he seemed so much stronger
compared to before.

"But how? We only fought a couple of weeks ago, was he holding back, or did he
really just get that much stronger in the short amount of time?"

The speed, the strength and even that weird red energy seemed stronger than
before. Nate knew he also still had the flash step and the Hammer strike in his
arsenal of skills. The more he watched this person, the more excited he started to

After Quinn won his first match, he had a feeling that something was missing, but
he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Ah, wait a minute, where is my exp?"

Before when defeating an opponent, the system would reward him half the amount
of exp he would get for defeating a person on the outside, but this time there was
Just to make sure, Quinn quickly searched for another level one opponent. His
opponent was found, and in this match, he wasted no time in dealing with the

He dashed forward and cast Daze stunning his opponent and at the moment used
flash step to get behind them. Then finishing the opponent off with another
standard Blood punch.

[Bloodevolver Victory]

Again though, there was no system message for exp.

"System, what's the meaning of this?"

"Seriously, do you only like speaking to me when you have a problem." The system
replied. "Anyway, this was obvious, don't you think? You evolved, you're now a level
10, the experience needed was reset. In simple terms your opponent was too weak
for you, so the system didn't reward you any exp."

Quinn cursed underneath his breath, every time he seemed to be getting

somewhere and felt like he could really make progression, the system seemed to
get in his way.

Quinn then used the search function again this time searching for level 2 ability
users. He was quickly put in another match again.

This time when fighting, Quinn wanted to still finish the match fairly quickly but
was a little more cautious. He threw out a barrage of blood swipes to distract the
opponent. Then running behind his attacks, he would use Flash step to appear
behind them just in case they were able to block the initial attack.

However, that wasn't needed, his blood swipe skill was now a level 2, and because
his opponent had never seen such a thing before, he tried to hit it with his basic
tier sword. As soon as the two had made an impact, his sword had shattered. The
blood swipes hit his body and sent him to the ground.

He wasn't dead yet but badly hurt. Then it only took one more hit to finish him

[Bloodevolver Victory]

But still, there were no experience points. Frustrated by the situation, even more,
Quinn went to quick search for his opponent. Hoping it would find him a random
user of a higher level, that would at least give him some experience.

As he used his inspect skill on his new opponent, he was now going up against a
level four user with an earth ability. He was wearing a full set of basic tier
equipment head to toe.
Before the match had started, Quinn failed to notice the stands around him were
getting filled. More people were starting to watch his games.

After the last two opponents he faced had two quick losses, they decided to
inspect his next few games. The users were able to search for the previous
opponent they played against and then inspect their matches.

They had also invited their friends saying they had met a person with a strange
ability they had never seen before. Explaining how they lost in only a few seconds.
Their friends had invited their friends, and now the stands were filled with
around twenty different people inspecting Quinn's next match.

"It seems others are starting to notice you as well," Nate said as he heard them

"Hey, so do you think this is that Hacker?���

"Oh yeah, I remember seeing a forum post about it a few days ago on their
website. A user who used red energy. I thought It was fake though."

"Well, we will just have to wait and see."

Quinn looking at his opponent, was wondering just how strong he might be. It was
the first time he was fighting against a user who wore beast equipment over his
whole body which meant he would have added stats from the equipment.

"Actually, there was another person." The system said, "But you kind of ate him."

Hearing those words from the system reminded him of when he was in the
Bloodsucker mode, and suddenly he felt a little strange.

"Thanks for reminding me just before a fight."

"3…2…1.." The match had finally begun.

This time though Quinn wasn't going to charge in on the get-go. He moved forward
until he was within the five-meter range of blood swipe and swung a single attack
out as a tester.

The earth user then stomped his foot on the ground, and a solid wall of earth rose
from the floor blocking the attack. However, the blood swipe was powerful and
managed to chip away at the wall. Seeing this, the user stomped several times
more adding to the first wall making it even thicker.

Eventually, the red lines disappeared, and the attack was stopped.

While Quinn was thinking how to make his next attack and how to make it go
through. A hard earth spear had risen from behind and stabbed Quinn in the back,
causing him to stumble to the floor.
[46/55 HP]

"Damn, that's what I get for staying still!"

But before Quinn could even fully recover several more spears had risen from the
ground coming straight for him. He rolled and dodged the first few before getting
back up on his feet.

This match was going to be harder than he initially thought.


Priv tier is out, for the cost of one coin read two chapters ahead.

The story will still update two times a day and mass release as usual.

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20,000 Stones = 2 extra Chapters

22,000 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

Rank 1 end of week = Webtoon

Chapter 107 Blood Hammer

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7-9 minutos

Chapter 107 Blood Hammer

Unlike the other users Quinn fought with before this one. He was more skilled. It
reminded him of Vorden a bit. Creative and skilful when using his abilities even
though he wasn't the highest when it came to power level.

[Wind walk]

[Boots activated]

Using the boots skill, he was able to increase his speed and avoid all the spears
coming towards him from the ground.
"Wow, he's quite fast, isn't he?" Someone from the crowd said.

"I think it's those boots, they look pretty plain, but they might be at the
intermediate tier or even the advanced tier."

Although Quinn could finish the match by continually throwing out his blood swipe,
he didn't want to win that way. Right now, this was an excellent experience for a
battle in the real world, where he would have to be careful of losing his health.

"What an annoying little fly!" the earth user shouted. He then lifted both hands
together to create two long walls that went past Quinn.

As he brought his hands together, the walls moved with it.

"Now you can only go in one direction."

With no other options, Quinn had no choice but to run straight ahead, but he had a

"Skill Daze!"

[Daze Failed, user not stunned]

"Oh, crap."

Right now, Quinn's charm stat points were incredibly low, meaning it was unlikely
for it to work against stronger opponents. The higher they were, the lower the
chance it had of working. But so far it had worked every single time.

Part of this was due to Quinn's luck, but the other part was the fact that they
were only Level one's and level twos he was facing before.

Just then the earth user created another wall Infront of him, then started to
punch the wall several times. The parts of the wall came flying out at incredible
speed. The attacks were to fast for Quinn to react in time.

The pieces of rock ended up hitting him one by one and sending him back.

[42/55 HP]

[38/55 HP]

[34/55 HP]

But Quinn gritted his teeth and managed to not fall over, as the next set of rocks
came towards him, he flashed stepped Infront of them all, causing them to miss
and go behind him.

"I guess even with his strange Red powers, he just can't beat a high level."
"Well, did you see the other guys strength? It must be because he's using a full
set of beast gear. No way a normal Level four user could hit a solid wall like that
and cause those rocks to go flying at that speed."

"Well, I guess it was all just hype in the end."

But one person thought differently. "Come on Bloodevolver, I could beat this guy
in my sleep. I know you're better than this." Nate said.

"You know, your lack of experience when it comes to fighting ability users is really
starting to show." The system said.

"Shut up, I know," Quinn said. "Screw this."

Quinn had, had enough, he started charging forward once again. The earth user
created another wall in front of him and had done the same attack as last time,
punching the wall, causing rocks to fly out.

"Let's see what's stronger."

Matching each rock, Quinn started to throw out a blood swipe for every rock
thrown at him. Quinn's Blood swipe was clearly stronger, destroying the rocks and
continuing to go forward.

Seeing this the Earth user had no choice, he jumped back and had put up rows and
rows of walls between the two of them creating a barrier around 3 meters thick.

"Screw your wall!" Quinn then started to make the motion of the Hammer strike,
bringing the energy up from his toes to the top of his body.

"That's it, that's the strike that was used against me!" Nate said excitedly. "But I
don't think it's going to be enough, why not use some more of the red stuff to
weaken the walls first. Or break the walls to your side, which are thin and get
behind him."

Nate was worried, although it was clear the Bloodevolver was strong, it was also
clear he was an amateur when it came to fighting.

"Take this, Blood Hammer!" Quinn screamed as he let out the hammer strike, and
at just the right moment activated his Blood spray at the same time.

The 22 strength, with the additional 5 percent and now combining the hammer
strike with Blood spray, created a powerful attack.

As his fist hit the wall, it instantly started to shatter and burst into pieces all
over the arena. Fragments of the wall came flying out into the stadium. Some of
the audience members dodged avoiding them, while others just stood there.

"Idiots, you do remember this is a game, right? The attacks from there can't hurt
The strike continued to blast through the wall. This was something the earth user
had never expected.

"I'll just have to take the hit then," He said, but as the attack hit him, he
instantly burst into blue particles ending the game.

[Victory Bloodevolver]

At that moment though Quinn had collapsed to the floor. Combining all of the
attacks and using his skills from before had taken up all his stamina. Soon after
though he was transported back to his own lobby space where his strength would
be returned.

The whole crowd was silenced. They didn't know what to say or what they had just
seen. During the entire match, the earth user hadn't been hit once. Even though
he was wearing a full set of Beast gear, he still lost. This would have increased his
defence as well as overall strength, yet it was useless in front of the single

"Just who was that guy?" Someone said.

"I told you he was strange and did you see his weird Red ability?"

"Yeah, I've never seen anything like that, did you?"

"Hey, can one of you upload that, and put it on the forum. Maybe an original has
managed to get their ability in the game somehow."

While the others were exited and chatting away, Nate's whole body was shaking.
He had goosebumps and shivers running all over his body after seeing the last

"That attack, it wasn't the same one he used against me. It looked the same but
was different."

He knew that if he had taken that attack head-on like he did the Hammer strike
last time, Half of his health wouldn't have gone down. It would have been the
whole thing, and he would have been just as dead as the user in front of him.

"So you really did get stronger, well I will just have to get even stronger then."

Back inside the lobby all of his stat points had been returned, So Quinn was no
longer on the floor gasping for air like he had just sprinted a whole Marathon.

"The Blood hammer strike skill took up a lot more stamina then I thought."

Although he had performed the Blood hammer skill several times in the lobby,
while in the lobby the game did not take away any of his strength. Only during
matches would his normal stats be used and it was the first time he had used
Hammer strike in a game.
But a smile was suddenly on Quinn's face.

[User defeated 25 exp Gained]

[40/100 Exp points]

Finally, after defeating a level four ability user, the system had rewarded him for
his hard work. Although Quinn wasn't physically tired the last match had taken a
lot out of him mentally. It was hard to go into the match after the match when it
was that intense.

It was fine when the matches only lasted a few seconds, but it was different when
it was like that. So he decided for today he would take a break.

He exited from the pod and to his surprise, what looked like a little boy was
standing in front of him.

"Hello, Bloodevolver." Logan said. "Looks like we finally meet."


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Chapter 108 Logan an Android

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7-8 minutos

Chapter 108 Logan an Android

The boy standing in front of Quinn was quite short. His height only reached to
about Quinn's chest, and he had dark green coloured hair that had a middle
parting going down both sides. But what was most noticeable about him was the
enormous black bags he had under his eyes.
But hearing the words come out of Logan's mouth took a while for Quinn to
process. He looked around to see if there was anyone else around the two of them.
But the few users who were using pods were either still inside or several rows

"So how did you do it, huh?" Logan asked. He immediately walked past and shoved
Quinn to the side and started inspecting the Pod he was just using.

He placed his hand on top of the machine and closed his eyes.

"Doesn't look like any modifications have been made to the pod. Then how?" Logan

Then when looking at Quinn, he spotted that his watch had the number one

"What, that's impossible though, you used such powerful skills in the game, you
should at least be a level five. I could have sworn you were an Original?"

In return, Quinn looked at his watch and saw the number eight on it. The highest
level the watch was able to display. At that moment, just looking at the number
struck fear into his heart, and he froze.

'Should I make a run for it? If I do, will he attack me right here and now. I had so
much trouble with the level four in the game there's no way I can go against a
level 8 right now. And he might be even higher than that.' Quinn thought.

Although the watches displayed up to a power level of 8, there were actually

people considered stronger than that. The system was based only on the abilities
the military could get a hold of. Meaning the highest power level, they were able
to hand out was that of eight.

But even within their own ranks and between other originals some powers went
beyond. So, by default, if a user mutant cells were beyond, it would display eight.

"You're not thinking of running, are you? Because I haven't finished questioning
you. I need to know how, how did you manage to break my game!" Logan shouted as
he started to go off into a rant. "I could understand if you hacked into the system
but this, this, this. I just don't understand. I need to understand." Logan started
getting closer to Quinn as he rambled like a mad man.

'Why do I seem to attract the strangest people.' Quinn thought.

"If you don't want to answer me here, then you can go with me to my dorm room.
There's plenty of time, and nobody will be able to see us." As Logan touched
Quinn's hand to pull him over something strange had happened.

[Ability detected]
[Alterations to the system are trying to be made]

[Alterations have been blocked]

But the strangest thing was, Quinn wasn't the only one who was seeing these
messages, Logan was too.

He animatedly let go and touched his hand as if he had been scratched by


"You, are you a…."

This was it. Before Quinn could do anything, his cover had been blown. Maybe
Layla and Vorden understood, but there was no way a stranger would understand.
Would he have to fight to the death to keep his identity a secret? Or would he
use his shadow cloak skill to hide and run away?

Maybe he could run to one of the portals and live his life on another planet.

"Are you a robot?!" Logan shouted.

"Huh?" Quinn replied, confused.

"You, you have a system, my ability confirmed it, for the first time as well I was
rejected by a computer. You must be a robot with a powerful master an ability
that goes above mine. Did Richard Eno create you? That would also explain the
game. My system and the level 1 on your watch. A robot can't have any MC points,
and those attacks must be programmed into your artificial brain!"

Looking at little Logan now, he just seemed like an excited little kid. He didn't
seem threatening at all, but this did put Quinn in an awkward situation. Logan know
knew he had some type of system and somehow, he confirmed it with his ability.

Was it better off telling him the truth, or coming up with some other type of lie?

Quinn thought hard, but he could come up with nothing that would explain why he
could use certain abilities in the game without reviling everything.

He took a deep breath.

"I'm not a robot, but for some reason one day I woke up and had this system
ability, maybe it was a gift from a god who knows, the skills you saw are some of
the things I can do," Quinn replied.

"Is it an ability similar to mine then? I wonder who did this to you. Maybe they
turned you into an Android. Android technology has come a long way, but the use
of AI systems inserted into their brain was banned. They were afraid that an
ability user may come along who could take control of them all and use it against
the army. But this is the first time I have seen an android as powerful as
Quinn looked at Logan who now wouldn't stop staring at him. Then a thought came
to his mind. He had been looking for someone who would be able to help him out
with the watch. It was clear that Logan knew a lot about machinery and something
like changing the number displayed on the watch would be easy for him.

"Can you can keep this a secret?" Quinn replied. "Maybe the two of us can work
together, perhaps find who did this to me. There are a few things I need help

Logan was genuinely fascinated by this ability. He had never seen anything like it
before, and the curiosity was already driving him mad. Maybe it was even an
original who was able to pass on his ability like a computer system rather than
training the person.

But then why did the watch not display his level. This was why Logan could only
assume Quinn was a type of android that didn't have MC points and didn't even
realise it himself.

"Of course, it would also give me the chance to study you." Logan then put out his
hand. "The names Logan."

"Quinn." He replied as the two shook hands.

[Ability detected]

[Alterations to the system are trying to be made]

[Alterations have been blocked]

Logan then pulled his hand away again, almost immediately.

"That does not feel good, maybe we avoid touching each other for now?"

"Agreed." Quinn laughed nervously.

Just what was the system, and who created it? Quinn thought. The only person he
could think of was the man in the video. Quinn seemed to recall the blonde man
stating that his experiment was a success. Which would suggest that other
Vampires like himself didn't have a system?

So then, why did he? And why did his parents have the book in the first place?


We are rank 1 Keep voting for the top Goal.

20,000 Stones = 2 extra Chapters

22,000 Stones = 4 extra Chapters

Rank 1 end of week = Webtoon

Chapter 109 Logan the Tinker

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8-10 minutos

Chapter 109 Logan the Tinker

Just outside the school at the front gates, the unexpected had just occurred.
Layla was struggling to stand as she had just heard certain words come out of
Vorden's mouth.

"First, I'm going to have to ask you to step back a bit." Layla said, "And no touchy
touchy from you."

'I keep telling you lets just kill this bitch right here right now' Raten said.

"Look I'm trying to be reasonable here." Vorden said, "Come on, Quinn said that
you could help me."

Every time she looked at Vorden, she remembered when she was being chocked by
him. It wasn't a good feeling, and her senses were still tingling all over the place
every time he approached. If it wasn't for the fact that Erin was standing by her
side, she would have run the second she saw him coming over.

But she had to admit one thing. Vorden for whatever crazy reason he had, seemed
to genuinely care for Quinn.

The two of them soon would also be going to the portal expedition together. It
was important they tried there best to make up while they could.

She let out a big breath and gave in.

"Fine, what is it?"

"Actually, it's related to Peter. Quinn said that you two had spoken to him while
we were away on the other planet, did you manage to get anything out of him?"
"No, I could tell that we wouldn't, it seemed like he was scared of something. Even
with Erin there threatening him. Which meant whatever he was scared off was a
bigger problem then Erin." Layla said.

"Well, I don't think we can get anything out of Peter right now, he's broken more
than ever. Perhaps the only thing that's holding him on is this last bit of hope. I
was hoping by outcasting him like this he would go back to the person who put him
up to this."

"Wait, what!" Layla said, "You mean you're doing this whole thing on purpose. I
understand he needs to be punished, but don't you think you're going a little too

"Too far?" Vorden replied. "You don't even know what really happened there.
Were you nearly killed by a bloodsucking beast, abandoned in a world full of
monsters everywhere?"

"Bloodsucking beasts? So did Quinn really..."Just then, Layla stopped her self as
she turned to look at Erin by her side. She had gotten so heated in the
conversation, she had forgotten all about her. But as the two looked at Erin, she
was bent over looking at a trail of ants going across the floor.

It seemed like she was disinterested in the whole conversation to two were having.

"Anyway, If you can't get anything out of Peter, then try a first-year student
named Earl. He was the one hanging around Peter before this whole thing started
and it looked like to two were going to meet the day we met up with both of them."

"Earl, got it, thanks for the help," Vorden said. "Oh before I go, Erin, do you mind
if I touch your hand."

Erin stood up from the ground and looked at Vorden for a few seconds. When they
had first met, she had refused. She simply believed he was someone weak and
below her. But she quickly came to realise that Vorden was one of the strongest
people in her class.

"I hope you use it well," Erin said as she held out her hand.

With her ability copied, Vorden then turned away and walked off.

"He's a tough one!" Erin shouted, "Even with my threats, he didn't reveal

"Don't worry," Vorden said, smiling back. "I know someone who taught me a few

Vorden continued to walk off back into school.

"Hey Raten, looks like I might have a job for you soon."
As Layla saw Vorden walk off, she still had one thought.

"Crazy boy."


Quinn and Logan were in a different part of the school building then Quinn was
usually in. They were in the dorm room area but were in the floor directly above
where Quinn would usually stay and sleep.

The fact that they were in the same dorm room building meant that the two of
them were in the same year, despite the fact that Logan looked like a middle
school student.

"Were here," Logan said.

As Quinn looked around, he noticed they were fewer doors and were further
spaced apart.

"What is this place?" Quinn asked.

"It's the VIP dorms. If your family make a generous donation to the military
before coming here, then you get access to one of these rooms."

As he opened the door, Quinn was amazed by the site in front of his eyes. The
room was twice the size of the one he shared with three people, and there was
only a single bed.

But that wasn't what amazed him. The whole room was filled with what Quinn
could only call Junk. There wear piles of scrap metal everywhere and lying across
the entire place were gadgets, little spaceships, controllers and all sorts.

There were two things that stood out in the room. One of them was a large
human-sized tube that seemed to be hooked up to a computer and had large tube-
like wires hanging from the top and right next to that was a VR pod. One of the
ones that cost 100,000 credits to buy.

Logan's family was a rare case. Usually, when getting rich, it was to do with power.
Those with strong abilities earnt money by hunting, or from protecting others.
However, Logan's family were one of the very few who managed to amass its
wealth by making the VR game and selling the equipment.

There were a few other families that were able to do the same, such as companies
that built the spaceships and certain beast weapons. But a lot of them still worked
under the umbrella of an original family.

Logan then went to sit into his mechanical chair, that instantly sprouted a load of
arms and started to give him a massage.

"So what did you want help with?" Logan asked.

Quinn was in a strange situation. Layla and Vorden knew he was a vampire but
didn't know about the system. While Logan knew about the system but didn't know
he was a vampire. However, because of what Logan knew, it seemed more
comfortable to explain the system side rather than the vampire side.

"I was wondering if you would be able to hack the watch for me, allow it to display
a number of whatever I want?"

"I should be able to do that easily for you, but first you need to tell me why?"

Quinn hesitated for a little bit. He had only just met Logan. He seemed like a nice
guy off initial impression, but every killer or crazy person out there showed a nice
face to someone at some point.

"I think I know what you're thinking, you're worried that if the government find
out about your ability there going to try to take you away and dissect you." Logan
said, "Well, trust me, I won't be telling the government the military or anyone
anything. I'll be honest with you Quinn, I don't care about you, I care about the
person who was able to input a system into your mind. To find that person I need
you to lead him to me, and before that happens, I'm not letting anyone take you

Logan's words sounded a little scary and harsh to Quinn, but at least they were
honest. Unlike other people where he couldn't tell what they were thinking, Logan
was being completely transparent.

"As you know, my system has a certain set of skills that allowed to use in the
game. But the thing is I actually do have an ability." Quinn then lifted the shadow
and started to move into a giant hand and used it to wave at Logan.

If it wasn't for the fact that Logan was sitting down, he would have fallen down
from the shock.

"What is that, so you really are an original?"

"Not quite, it was an ability the system already had, but for some reason, as you
can see," Quinn said, pointing at his watch. "It doesn't register on the watch."

A thousand thoughts started to race through Logan's mind of why it might be. He
wasn't interested too much in the ability itself. That stuff didn't interest him,
but he wanted to know the reason why.

"The watch is a simple fix, but if I do this for you, I was wondering if you could do
me a favour," Logan said looking at the wired tube machine.

Quinn started to sweat, looking at the thing. If he wasn't going to be

experimented on by the military, he felt like Logan would be doing it anyway.
"Don't look at me like that, the machine there is for the game. Will you let me put
your shadow abilities in the game?" Logan asked.


We are rank 1 Keep voting for the top Goal.

30,000 Stones = 6 extra chapters

Rank 1 end of week = My vampire system Webtoon

Chapter 110 Upgrading the Shadow

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Light Novel Full

7-9 minutos

Chapter 110 Upgrading the Shadow

Quinn decided to think long and hard about Logan's suggestion. For him to be able
to use his ability. He needed to follow and use Vorden's plan. This way, others
wouldn't go after him. But before even that he needed everyone to think his
ability was just like everyone else.

But the problem was the shadow ability was linked to the vampires. Most likely,
only vampires where able to learn this type of ability, and if that was to be added
to the game, it would cause a big problem.

"I'm sorry." Quinn said, "This ability it's not mine, do you know what happened to
me recently?"

"What happened to you?" Logan said puzzled.

Quinn went on to explain how recently he had gone to a red portal planet along
with his friend Vorden. And while there he had discovered the ability book and
learnt the skill only to have the book disappear.

"I see." Logan said, "I guess I have been in my room too much I didn't really focus
on stuff going on outside. So because of your plan with your friend you need the
ability on the watch."
Logan sat down, thinking for a while. The robotic hands had finished massaging
him, and now behind him, coffee was being made from another machine.

"Well how about this, you still help me get the ability into the game but I won't
make the ability public. If you want, you can come up here and play the game on a
private server, and practice using your abilities in the game. You won't have anyone
to fight against, but you can still use your abilities freely while no one is looking. I
get to study you a bit more, and you get to practise, it's a win-win."

As soon as Logan finished talking, he turned around and started to take a sip of
his coffee, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Ahh, the perfect temperature, so what do you think?"

There seemed to be no downside if Quinn was to agree. The only thing was he
would feel a bit like a lab rat being looked at all the time, but this solved a few of
his problems. Before going to the portal expedition, Quinn wanted to unlock the
shadow void. That way if he was in a dangerous situation and in the sun, he would
at least have a fighting chance to survive.

"I say go for it." The system said. "If you want to unlock the Shadow skill I told
you about earlier, you will need to level up your current shadow abilities to gain
skill points. Then you can unlock the Shadow void. This is perfect for you."

Although Quinn found the system annoying, it was clear that it was on his side
trying its best to help out the user.

"Alright Logan, I'll do it."

Logan jumped out of his chair and had a smile on his face.

"Great, let's get to work."

Following Logan's instructions, Quinn did as asked and got into the strange large
glass test tube. Once he was inside the glass lowered, and now he was trapped in a
small space. At the same time, Logan rushed over to his computer and started
typing away.

"Can you hear me all okay, Quinn?"

"Yeah, little nervous this is going to hurt."

"Relax you, big baby," Logan said. "Now, all I need you to do is slowly use your
abilities while in the tube."

Quinn proceeded to use his abilities as instructed. He started off with the shadow
control and started to move it around in the tube. Numbers on the computer
screen were scrolling about like crazy, but as Quinn looked over, it seemed like
Logan wasn't typing anything.
Right now, his eyes were closed and his hand was the only thing on the computer.

'Is it his ability?' Quinn thought.

There were some strange instances where Logan had mentioned a few things. He
had touched the capsule Quinn was using and said it wasn't hacked, and then when
the two of them touched hands, he also could see the system messages. And now
there was this.

The tests continued with Quinn demonstrating his Shadow cloak skill, and also his
Shadow equip skill. The only thing he didn't show while in the test tube was his
dimensional space.

"And we're done," Logan said, rubbing his eyes. He then got out from his chair and
started to walk over to his bed.

"All the data has been uploaded to that VR capsule by your side. If you want to
practice, then go ahead, I'm going to take a nap. I'm beat."

After lying down on his bed, a few seconds later, he was fast asleep, smiling away.

"He's quite trusting to be able to sleep in a room while you're still here." The
system said. "If only he knew what you really were, I wonder if he would feel so

"Looks like you're starting to talk to me now, even when I don't ask you
questions," Quinn replied.

After entering the VR capsule and entering the game, Quinn was transported to
the white space. Just as Logan had said, there was no way for him to start a
match as right now he was in some type of Beta version of the game.

When looking at the list of abilities, his shadow abilities had shown as one of the
options. After selecting the shadow ability, Quinn immediately got to trying a few

He used his shadow skills as usual, and while in the game, his MC points didn't go
down. What Quinn wanted to do was find out ways he could combine his blood skills
along with his shadow control skill.

Over the next week, Quinn continued to come to Logan's room every day to
practice using his shadow ability. Logan had long done as he promised and had
hacked into the watch. Now all Quinn had to do was tap the watch fast three
times to switch between Level one and Level 6.

This was all at Quinn's request because he planned to still keep it a secret just
for a little while longer.
Then finally, after a week had passed, he had achieved what he had set out to do.
His Shadow control skill was now level 2 and so was his Shadow equip skill. Now the
Shadow Equip took only a second to fit his beast gear on.

As the system had said, every time he levelled up the shadow skill, Quinn had
gained skill points. For each level up, he had obtained 10 skill points he could use on
the shadow tab.

Right now, four of the shadow skills out of the ten had been unlocked.

[Shadow control Level 2]

[Shadow cloak Level 1]

[Dimensional void]

[Shadow equip Level 2]

Looking at the other skills, Quinn was tempted to unlock some of the others.
Especially since one of the skills required 50 points to unlock called Shadow eater.
But in the end, he decided to go with the system's suggestion and purchased the
Shadow void skill for twenty points.

[Shadow void level 1 unlocked]

[Shadow void: The ability to create a space surrounded by shadows in a specific

area. The space created will last a total of one hour. - 50MC points to cast the

"50 points, that's half of my MC." But there was no use complaining, in the end, it
was a skill meant to help him use his Vampire abilities. While using his Vampire
abilities, his MC points would slowly start to restore. Then he could switch back to
Shadow abilities.

While in the VR game, Quinn tried to test out the new skill. However, when he
tried using it, nothing had happened.

"Oh, I guess Logan needs to program any new skills into the game as well."

As he exited the capsule, he released it would be the last time he would see the
thing in a while. Because tomorrow was finally the day. The day where the first
years were to go out on their first portal outing.


We are rank 1 Keep voting for the top Goal.

30,000 Stones = 6 extra chapters

Rank 1 end of week = My vampire system Webtoon

Chapter 111 Off to a new Plane

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7-8 minutos

Chapter 111 Off to a new Plane

Finally, the day for the portal outing had arrived. All the first-year students had
been told to gather up in the training hall. Which was located on the east side of
the building. Usually, the training hall was restricted to military personal only,
which didn't include students.

When Quinn entered the room, he noticed it straight away, because it was the
same place he was in before he had been pushed by Peter.

Nearly all the portals in the room had been pushed to the side of the hall, and only
a single green portal stood in the centre.

The entire of Del's class had arrived which numbered around 50 students
altogether, and currently, they were in groups of five. They were required to stay
in the same teams that they had registered for previously.

In the centre of each team was a large rucksack that had been handed to them.

These contained the necessary supplies and needs for every team. There were
food pills that lasted up to a month. Water purifying pills and first aid supplies to
go with it.

"Alright, boys and girls," Del said as he stood just Infront of the portal. "I have
some important information for you before you head in the portal so listen up.
When you enter the portal, the communication device on your wrist will no longer
work. It is important when entering the portal you keep physical touch with the
person next to you. Otherwise, you will be teleported to another location."

Quinn and Vorden both already knew this well.

"Also, you will randomly be teleported somewhere inside the Shelter. Do not be
alarmed. The whole Shelter is safe and guarded by the military and other
travellers. The expedition is to last a week, and the goal is to bring back as many
beast crystals with you as possible. The team with the most beast crystals at the
end of the week will get the highest score. The highest tier beast you will see in a
green portal planet is an intermediate beast. But this is rare, if you come across
one, please avoid confrontation and head to a different location." Del explained.

"Inside the Shelter, there is a military base with a storage room where they will
keep track of the crystals you have obtained. I suggest you do this at a regular
interval, so you do not lose all your crystals. Our class is the first to enter, and
every hour another first-year class will be sent. I hope this class stays
competitive as your teacher."

Del continued to explain about the portal outings. He went on to suggest to other
students to not travel too far from the original Shelter they were based at.
Although there were several shelters scattered around the planet. There was no
one to guide them between each one.

And not every Shelter had a military base.

The test was also to begin as soon as the first team landed on the planet. It was
up to them to decide how they should pace themselves while hunting. The whole
aim was to allow the students to get to the point where they could be self-

But the last bit of information that came from Del's mouth was the worst news
for Quinn.

"Please keep track of time and be well rested. This planets day cycle is 72 hours
of sunlight before it gets dark for another 72 hours, so you will need to keep
track of the time your selves, and that is everything I need to say."

At that moment, Vorden and Layla turned to look at Quinn, who stood there with
his mouth wide open.

"Don't worry Quinn." Layla said, "I packed the umbrella."

"Pft, Umbrella," Vorden said, "I got something even better." Vorden then reached
into the bag to pull out some sun cream.

"I think this might do the trick," Vorden said.

Layla immediately started to laugh as she pointed at the bottle.

"You idiot, that's not going to work."

"How can you be so sure!" Vorden snapped back.

"Guys, can you please all calm down people are staring," Quinn said.

And sure enough, everyone around them was looking at the two in a heated
While Layla and Vorden continued to quietly argue away, Quinn was making sure
everything was in the bag and Erin was playing around with her beast sword. The
only one who wasn't, and hadn't said a word this whole time was Peter.

He had made sure to stay quite a distance away from the others.

One by one groups would be called up to enter the portal, but before Quinn group
had been called, Quinn pulled Vorden to one side to ask him a few questions.

"Hey so, any news on who was behind the thing with Peter?" Quinn asked.

"Nothing," Vorden replied.

"What seriously?"

"Yup, And when I say I roughed up the kids pretty badly, I really mean it. The only
thing I found out from them was you weren't the original target, it was me."
Vorden explained. "Although I did manage to follow them, and it seemed like they
were heading into the second year building an awful lot. I tried to get in to see
where they were going but no luck there. Perhaps I ruffled up a little too many
second years feathers."

"I see, well I guess maybe we should keep an eye on Peter for now."

"Hey, Quinn," Vorden whispered. "Do you really not think this will work?" Vorden
then pulled out the sun cream he had brought with him.

"We already tried it, but thanks for looking out for me."

Just then, the number of their group had been called, and they were ready to
head into the portal. As Erin went to pick up the rucksack from the floor, another
hand had reached for it. As she looked up, she noticed it was Peter.

"Please, let me help." Peter said, "I don't want to be useless and drag the team

"Just let him do what he wants!" Vorden shouted. "The least he can do is carry our

Standing in a row, the group stood behind each other, one in front of the other.
Each was holding onto the shoulders of the person in front. At the back was Peter,
and Vorden at the front.

"Now remember, don't let go," Del instructed. "In seven days, you are to head to
the military base and return through the portal back here."

One by one, they walked through, and an odd feeling came over their body. Then
finally, Peter was the last one to enter.
All their senses were heightened as they went through the portal. Their minds
felt like it was slightly spinning. Then after a few seconds, it was over.

When the group opened their eyes, they were surrounded by townsfolk chatter
and all sorts. Rows of buildings and shops, market stalls selling food and weapons.
They had successfully made it to the Shelter.

But one person wasn't happy about it at all.

[You are in contact with direct sunlight]

[Your stats will now decrease by 70 percent]


We are rank 1 Keep voting for the top goal.

30,000 Stones = 6 extra chapters

Rank 1 end of week = My vampire system Webtoon

Chapter 112 Planet Caladi

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Novel Full

9-11 minutos

Chapter 112 Planet Caladi

The shelter they had just arrived at was just as big as the military base they had
come from. It was a similar size to the old towns that human civilization used to
have. The only difference was there were no tall skyscraper-like buildings and the
biggest building in this shelter was a military one which was only three stories

The ground they stood on top of was hard and solid, a dry orange colour, with no
sign of green life. It was hard t imagine anything being able to grow on these
lands. It was clear that hot blistering sun had dried out the ground.

It was the first time most of the students had arrived at another planet, and even
for Quinn, it was a significant difference compared to the shelter he was at
before. The streets were full of people walking left and right, with the children
by their side.

Stalls everywhere selling all kind of things, hot smoky meat with fresh fruit and

"This looks even better than some places on earth!" Quinn said. "I wonder why
more people don't move to the shelters more?"

"Freedom," Layla said. "If you look around you, most of the people here aren't
Travellers or work for the military. Most likely, all of them were low levels who
could no longer afford to live on earth. They were forced to move here. But I bet
not many have ever left this shelter and gone outside. It means their whole life is
this shelter."

With power, it meant you had more choices. A high level was able to choose which
shelter they wanted to live at and even have a place back on earth. They could
travel in between, and they weren't really restricted to anything. However, it
wasn't the same for these people, they had to pick a place and never leave it.

The shelters themselves were created and funded by companies or the military.
The shelter they were at right now was owned by the government. As such,
everyone was required to pay a credit tax for protection and to live there.

Even travellers who would go out hunting, if they wanted to return back to earth
would be required to pay a tax.

While other shelters were owned by companies and Factions. Most of them owned
by something known as the big four families. They were the strongest known
originals and usually their shelters were a bit higher class and imitated more of a
city back on earth.

With this was the tier system. Each shelter was given a specific tier. Tier 1 being
the highest and tier 5 being the lowest. The higher tiers earnt more money and
were more protected compared to the lower tiers.

The shelter they were in now was a tier 4 shelter.

The higher tiers had the power to protect it from higher level beasts, so the tax
cost more to live on one.

When the group of five landed, they noticed that there was a circle drawn on the
ground where they were and the people walking around were doing there best to
avoid it.

"Come on, we better move," Vorden said.

"Just…" Quin said slowly, as he was already starting to sweat buckets.

"Ahh, Quinn! I'm sorry." Layla said as she rushed over and handed him the

"What's wrong with him?" Erin asked.

"Oh, he just really can't deal with heat and hates the sun. He came from really far
up north, I mean like really far." Layla explained babbling.

Erin looked Quinn up and down, who now had the umbrella propped up over his
head. "You might be even more useless then Peter on this trip. How are you meant
to fight with an umbrella in your hand?"

This was a major problem, although Quinn now had an ability and he could use it to
fight instead of his vampire powers, he still had the weakness of the Vampire. The

If he was to fight during the day unless he used his skill Shadow Void the sun
would still affect him. But Shadow Void took up half of his MC points not leaving
him much to fight with.

The other option was to use Shadow cloak, which when he tested back at the
military base also was able to block out the sun. The problem with this was he was
unable to use his shadow abilities to attack while using shadow cloak. It was just a
stealth ability. He could use his Vampire powers, but that would defeat the whole

Because of these reasons, Quinn still had to hide the shadow ability for a little
longer until he found a solution to the sun.

They did as Vorden said, and after a couple of minutes, another group of five
students had landed in the same circle where they were.

"How did you know?" Quinn asked.

"Although the teleportation is random, it's not completely." Vorden said, "Think of
it like a game with random respawn points. No one knows which point you will end
up at, but they can tell where all the points are."

"Well, where should we go first?" Layla asked.

"Let's head to the Travellers hall. It's a place where they have information for
travellers, you can also trade in your crystal cores for credits there or just trade
in general."

They walked through the shelter and eventually reached a very large hanger like
building. It was an open space with no entrance, so people were free to enter and
go as they pleased.
Form side to side it was filled with counters that were stationed with workers.
Just as Vorden had said. There were blacksmiths here who could forge equipment.
Shops that sold little gadgets and things such as Beast bait. And even a quest

The quest board was mostly filled with other Travellers looking to group up and
complete a task together. Sometimes civilians asking for protection were on there
as well, as they travelled from one shelter to another.

"Looks like we're not the only ones here," Erin said as she looked at the groups.

It was easy to spot the students as they were required to wear the military
uniform. Although some of them had beast gear on, nearly no one had a full suit of
beast gear with them since they were only first years.

"What are they doing?" Layla asked as she saw them go up to the quest board.

"It looks like they're asking for help," Vorden said. "Those from a rich family will
just hire Travellers to do the hunting with them."

"But how is that fair?" Layla asked.

"Since when have they cared about fair?" Vorden replied. "You know those that
have close ties with the military, or have already sold themselves will actually be
helped by the military."

"Well, there's no point worrying about it." Quinn said, "All we can do is focus on us
and do the best we can."

"Says the useless one," Erin added.

The group walked up to one of the stalls that sold all sorts of items that would
help with capturing beasts or even killing them. Behind the counter was an old man
with a digital monocle over one eye.

"How can I help you, young soldiers. I guess it's that time again when they send
you all out to do your first hunt."

"We were wondering if you could provide us with a map with all the hunting areas?"
Vorden asked.

"Sure I can, that will be a total of a 100 credits though."

"100?" Layla said. "Are you sure you're not trying to rip us off."

The old man started laughing.

"Well, that will be 150 now because of the young lady's rudeness."

Vorden brought out a single card that was gold in colour. Since the watches didn't
work on other planets, each student was to bring their own Money card to be used.
However, the others noticed the colour of Vorden's money card for it was very
different from the rest of them. The different colours indicated how much money
could be stored on each card.


"Thank you for your business, the old man said."

"Of course, you're a rich boy," Layla said, looking at the gold card.

"I don't want to hear another word from you, I may have a gold card, but I only
get sent 200 credits a month. You just made me use up most of my allowance!"

"Guy's calm down, I can cover you for the map Vorden so don't worry," Quinn said.

As Vorden heard those words, he smiled back. He thought Quinn was just being
nice. There was no way he would have that type of money, after all, he only
received ten credits a day from the school.

The group opened up the map which was on some type of digital paper. On it, the
map indicated where they were and different areas around them which were
colour coded. It went from green, orange and red. The closer the colour was too
red, the more populated the area was with beasts.

But then something caught Quinn's eye, on the top of the map it had the name of
what planet they were on. Caladi. When he fought against Nate a while ago in the
VR game, he had asked Nate where his friend had obtained the strong flexible

And the name of the planet they said was Caladi. That they had forged it out of a
winged creature out in the desert. If this was true, then he might have just found
the solution to his sun problem.


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Rank 1 end of week = My vampire system Webtoon

Chapter 113 You're Changing
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9-11 minutos

Chapter 113 You're Changing

As the group scanned the map for guidance, they noticed that all the areas closer
to the shelter were more green while the areas that were a bit further away were
redder. The one area which had the darkest red of them all was the harsh sandy

"Is it possible for users to get a list of the beasts that are in that area?" Quinn

"The man we met at the shop earlier might have one. You could probably go ask
him. Let me know if you need any credits, I have a few left." Vorden replied.

While the group was discussing on where they should go, Quinn went back to the
shop. As they guessed, there was a bestiary. It contained information on all the
beasts in the local area. Quinn looked behind him to see the shop keeper talking to
a group of other students. The group seemed to be doing what Quinn's group was
doing earlier.

"Excuse me, how much will a map cost?" A student asked the shop keeper.

"A map will cost you 100 credits."

"Does that include those that are registered with the base?"

"Oh, hahaha, no, of course not. That will cost you just fifty credits." The shop
keeper said with a slight laugh.

As Vorden told him before, certain students had already decided that once their
two years of service finished, they would then join the military. For the students
that choose that, they would get special privileges compared to other students
while out on missions. And that was especially true when they were in a shelter
belonging to them.

Annoyed by the fact their group was being mistreated. Quinn decided to pick up
the book which was sealed by a lock so that others couldn't open it and read it
unless they paid for it. Quinn, however, had a suspicion that the lock would become


[A book containing information on beasts belonging to the planet Caladi]

[Teethworm basic tier beast]

[Wingedlizard basic tier beast]

[Burningsnake intermediate tier beast]

[Please select one to find out more information]

It was a success.

'That's what you get for trying to cheat us.'

As he looked at the list of names, Quinn was deciding which one of the three was
the beast that Nate had talked about. Out of the three of them, only one had
matched the description. It was the winged lizard.

[Winged lizard: Although this beast contains wings, it cannot fly. The wings are
often used to spread above its head to intimidate other beasts from attacking.
They are also the hardest part of the beast's body. The weak point of the beast
is its underbelly. It can be found in the deepest parts of the desert]

The description seemed to match the material of Sam's cape, but if Quinn wanted
to make a full set of clothing from it, he would definitely need a large amount of
beasts cores.

While he was there, he decided he might as well look at the other beasts. There
was always the chance to encounter them, and if they did, it would be handy to
know their strengths and weaknesses.

"Hey you, if you're not buying anything then get out of here."

"I was just looking," Quinn said.

The old man then walked over and snatched the book out of Quinn's hand.

"I said, get out now! Or else."

Quinn stared at the man dead in the eye.

"People like you deserve to be eaten," Quinn said out loud.

"What did you say!" The old man then lifted his hand. "I guess no one taught you
to respect your elders." He swung his hand, aiming right towards Quinn's face to
give him a big slap.

[Skill activated Daze]

[User has been stunned]

Suddenly as the old man's hand was mid-motion, it was suddenly frozen in place. A
second passed, and a shiver was sent down the man's spine.

"You're lucky that people are around," Quinn said as he walked away.
Quinn's blood was boiling, it was people like him that allowed this society to work
in the first place. They just watched and let it happen and although the shop
keeper was weak himself. He still chose to treat the weak differently compared to
the strong rather than help others like him.

'Quinn, your starting to change.' The system thought.

When Quinn arrived back at the group, it looked like they had already decided
where they would head off to.

"Did you get the book?" Vorden asked.

"No, it was too expensive," Quinn replied.

The group had decided that for the first day they would head to one of the green
areas nearby. They were unsure of how powerful the beasts were or what they
were like. After defeating a few basic tier beast, they would make their way into
the red zone.

Although Quinn was eager to go into the red zone to get his crystals, he was happy
with the decision, they had made. It was better to be cautious, they only had one
life after all, and for the first two days, he would be at his weakest.

One day of sunlight had already passed before they had come here, so there was
only two more to go.

As the group made their way towards their destination, Quinn and Vorden were in
the lead and were talking about different things.

"You know, while you were in that shop, Peter kept saying some weird things,"
Vorden said.

"What do you mean?" Quinn responded, confused.

"Well, the truth is, Erin wanted to head straight to the red zone. She was
confident that even if we came across an intermediate beast with the five of us,
we should be able to take one down. But that's when Peter started to shiver. He
was adamant about staying close to the shelter."

"Do you think they might plan to do something on this trip?" Quinn asked.

"I doubt it, unlike the red portal places, there are too many people here. Unless
we went completely off the map, there would be no way they would dare to try
anything. But the important thing is that Peter believes that they will."

The group had finally reached the exit where several guards where stood just
inside of the wall. The whole shelter was surrounded by Galthreium. So the place
was impenetrable to the beasts on this planets attack.
And even then stood up on the wall there were two mechs stood side by side.
After declaring they wished to go outside the gates were opened and the group
was free to travel.

The area they chose to go to on the map was a small little oasis. There was a hill
of sand, and just over it was a pool of water and the first bit of greenery and
plant life they had seen. Sure enough, though they weren't the only group that
was here and it looked like the other groups were already engaged in combat.

The area was filled with beasts known as Teethworms. They would travel under
sand but were easy to spot, as a big lump of moving sand was coming towards you.
When they were close enough, they would pop out from the sand and open their
circular mouth, displaying thousands of small razor-sharp teeth inside.

The worms were about the same size as an average dog but were tricky to deal
with for some, as the only time they would emerge from the sand was when they
would attack.

Peter and Quinn stayed in the middle while they allowed for the others to attack
the worms. Vorden and Erin found it the easiest to deal with the worms. There
was no need for her to even use her sword, as the worms jumped in the air, she
would throw an ice spike through its mouth, and Vorden would do the same.

Layla, on the other hand, found it a little more difficult. When they jumped from
the sand, the attack was fast, and they would soon be inside the sand again. Even
when using her telekinesis ability, her arrow was too slow, the arrow would hit the
sand before even hitting the beast.

The only way she could overcome this was to not use here ability at all, and just
fire at the worms with no fear. Still, it would take a couple of arrow shots for her
before the worms were dead.

As Quinn saw the group killing basic beasts left and right, he felt a little sad. Not
because he couldn't join in. He was happy that others were fighting but the fact
that all of these kills could have been precious exp for him.

As he had this thought, a familiar voice sounded in his head.

"You know, if you blooded one of them, you would be able to gain exp of all their
kills." The system said.

"What seriously!"

"Yeah, as a vampire you are the one who blooded them, which means they would
become a part of your family."

Quinn thought about it seriously for a while. Although Vorden had already
declined, there was still Layla. She had already asked him to turn her into a
vampire and know he really could. The only thing that was holding him back was
that she was a kind of second blood bank to him.

But now Quinn could also rely on Vorden for that. Perhaps it was something he
seriously needed to consider.


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Rank 1 end of week = My vampire system Webtoon

Chapter 114 Weakest link

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Novel Full

7-9 minutos

Chapter 114 Weakest link

While thinking about whether or not to Blood Layla, Quinn decided he would leave
it to her and would ask her later. At a time when the sun wasn't out. If she
became a vampire or something similar, she would have the same weakness as
Quinn right now, and that wouldn't be good for the situation they were in.

Not all beasts were hostile, but the Teethworms were definitely that. The
slightest vibrations would cause them to react, thinking food was nearby, springing
upon its prey and attacking them. Although there were quite a few in number, they
didn't have the hindsight to attack together.

Unlike like the Rattaclaws which were more difficult to deal with. The level of
beast didn't generally mean how strong it was but how strong of a crystal was
produced inside its body. There were some basic tiers stronger than others, and
this was the same as you went up a tier.

Although it was unlikely a basic tier at any strength could match the weakest of an
intermediate tier.
While the group was busy fighting away on the outside, one of the worms managed
to wiggle past there formation and was heading straight for Quinn.

"Damn it! That one went right past me." Layla said as she turned around and saw
who the worm's new target was.

"Quinn!" She shouted, but the worm was too fast.

It had already locked on and jumped from the sand with its teeth wide open.

"It's okay," Quinn replied. As soon as the worm had reached the shade of the
umbrella, Quinn grabbed the worm mid-air by the end of its tail. It continued to
wiggle around stretching its body trying to bite at whatever it was in front of it.

"So ugly," Quinn said as he squeezed it tightly with his bare hands. The centre of
its body was strung like a towel as black blood fell to the floor.

[Basic beast killed]

As long as Quinn stayed underneath the shade of his umbrella, he was at full
strength no matter what came after him. For something as simple as a weak basic
tier beast like a Teethworm, he could deal with it just using one hand.

[10 exp earned]

[First Teeth worm killed 100 bonus exp gained]

[You are now level 11]

[70/200 exp]

[Strength 16]

[Stamina 15]

[Agility 16]

[Charm 5]

[You have received two stat points]

As expected, just like how the system no longer gave him experience points for
fighting low levels in the game. It was now the same for basic tier beasts. Before
Quinn would be awarded a 100 exp per kill now, it was only ten percent.

However, there was some good news. It was the first time he had levelled up since
becoming a full vampire, and he was now receiving two stat points instead of one.
He wasn't sure if this was the case if he levelled up again, but it wouldn't make
sense if it wasn't.

[Stamina 16]

[Charm 6]
For now, Quinn decided to put one stat point into his stamina, as he did, he felt a
little energised. Then for the next one, he put it into his charm stat.

Although half a second didn't sound like a long time. Quinn realised when using it
in the game how useful it actually was in a fight. The second reason was because
he wasn't sure if there was any way he could increase his charm points other than
through the free stats.

Drinking different blood types increased his strength, stamina and agility, but he
was unsure if it would increase his Charm points. When asking the AI system
about this, he said it had been a while and forgot.

The group had taken out a total of 9 Teethworms together, and slowly the number
of Teethworms that were coming towards them started to lessen.

Allowing Erin and Vorden to relax a little. Nearby, a mound was seen right next to
where Peter was standing.

"Was this here before?" Peter said, staring at the thing. The next thing he knew
out from the mound of sand another Teethworm came jumping out. All panicked
Peter fell to the floor, and completely forgot about the earth staff he held on his

But before the earthworm could reach him, a spear of ice came rushing from the
side and killed it in one shot.

"I knew I would be carrying most of this team, but I didn't know I would be
protecting it as well," Erin said. "You should at least be able to deal with this type
of thing yourself."

"Thank you," Peter said. "And I'm sorry, I'm just a bit nervous about the whole

Peter wasn't a horrible fighter. He had training from Vorden when the two of
them were still friends and learnt all the basics. If it was a one on one fight with
an easy basic tier beast like the worm, then he should have dealt with it fine.

But his mind was just far too preoccupied with other things. Even while the others
were hunting, he would constantly look around them.

Right by the oasis another group had witnessed the whole thing and couldn't help
but laugh at Peter's reaction. They were a group of five from a different class.
The leader of the group was named Ben, and he wielded a large club on his back.

After having a good laugh at the weak Peter, they continued to watch the group
and noticed how easily Vorden and Erin were dealing with the creatures.

"Look at that, they're killing so many of the things." One of them said.
"Yeah and there leaving none for us. If we had an ability as useful as that on the
team, we could do the same as well." Ben said.

"Boss watch out!" one of them shouted as a Teethworm jumped from the side.

He reached out for the club on his back and was ready to slam the thing to pieces.
Instead, an ice spear came out from the side and accurately stabbed it through
its body and into the sand. It wriggled about for a few moments before stopping

"You don't mind if I take that one's beast crystal, do you?" Erin said, walking over.

"Sure go ahead," Ben replied with a fake smile.

While students where busy fighting multiple beasts, it was nearly impossible to
obtain the crystals while fighting. It was best for them to fight first until the
beasts stopped attacking. Only then would they receive the crystals.

This caused an unwritten rule to be made. If you killed the beast, then the beast
crystal was rightfully yours.

The Teethworms were no longer jumping out and attacking, and now they had time
to collect the beast crystals.

"How much did we get?" Ben asked.

"A total of four boss."

"Seriously?" As Ben looked over, he noticed that the other group must have
obtained over ten, more than double their hall. Then he noticed something else as

The boy at the back of the Group, Peter didn't seem to gel as well with the
others. In fact, it was almost as if they were treating him as an outcast. They
weren't talking to him and would hand him crystals to put in the bag every now and

"You're only as strong as your weakest link," Ben said with a smile.


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Chapter 115 Red zone

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Chapter 115 Red zone

After a successful haul of 15 crystals plus the one that Quinn had obtained. They
decided to head back to the Shelter. But instead of telling others of the beast, he
had killed. Quinn decided to keep the crystal for himself in the system.

All crystals that were handed into the military base would be counted toward
their points. However, the military would keep ten percent of whatever they gave
in to be counted. So instead Quinn decided to keep the crystal inside his system,
where it couldn't be found and sold later.

Just as Del had said to them. The sun was still burning brightly, and it didn't look
like it would set any time soon, but they knew they had been out for at least 6
hours. Travelling to the location and getting ready beforehand, it all took a long
time and was quite draining.

They then headed straight for the military base, which was located at the centre
of the Shelter. This was square like building that had several different
departments, but for the next week, just in front of the building was a small stand
for students.

At the stand was a single adult soldier and behind him a large digital screen. They
handed the man the crystals they had collected, and after counting them, he took
two of the crystals and retuned the rest back.

The digital screen behind him then was suddenly updated. The name Layla could be
seen, and the number 15 was displayed next to it. Out of all the numbers on the
screen, Layla's name was placed in the middle.

Towards the top of the screen where higher numbers and towards the bottom
were lower. Some groups hadn't handed in any crystals yet and had a score of 0.

"Hey, do you see that? Layla said, pointing at the screen. Towards the top, a single
group had managed to obtain 30 crystals. Almost double the number of crystals
their group had.
Although Erin and Vorden were considered strong, that was only true for their
class. This didn't mean they were the strongest out of the first years, there were
still several other first-year classes.

While looking at the board, Quinn also spotted Logan's name who was second on
the leader board with 24 points. He hadn't spotted him since this expedition but
knew he would be here since he was a first-year student.

"I guess that's what a power level 8 can do, he must have some pretty strong
teammates with him as well." Quinn thought.

After finishing up, it was time for them to rest and sleep for the night. The
solider behind the counter instructed the group where to go next. They did as he
ordered and were led to a building near the edge of the Shelter.

It was a two-story accommodation block that was used just for students during
their outing missions. A room had been given to each team.

There were also several blocks nearby for other students, and it didn't seem like
there were any residents nearby.

When they entered, they were surprised to see how large the space was inside. It
was a lot nicer compared to their rooms at the military school. They each had
their own individual rooms, there was also a cooking area and a living room.

The cost of living was cheap on shelters, so they were able to provide bigger
spaces for the students. Before they were to head off to sleep for the night or
day, they decided that they should have a group meeting on the kitchen table.

The five of them were sat down, and Erin was the first to speak.

"I would like to make a suggestion." She said. "As you all know, my goal is to come
out as one of the top teams during this assessment. Right now, we're just above
average, and I can't accept that. That's why I think tomorrow we should head into
the red zone."

Peter looked like he was about to say something. Contest against the group, but
using her eyes alone, she had shut down Peter, not allowing him to say a word.

"I think we're strong enough," Vorden added. "But the problem are these two."

The two people Vorden was talking about was, of course, Peter and Quinn. To be
honest, Quinn wanted to go to the red zone too. Most likely the Wingedlizard lived
there, but he had planned to go there when the day cycle had changed too night.

He could use his shadow abilities but would prefer to use it when nobody was
around for now. There was still no way that Quinn could trust Peter to keep a
secret if he knew and then there was Erin,, who he didn't really know much about
in the first place.
There was also the fact that he didn't know how many beast crystals he needed.
If he had obtained them as a group, he would have to equally share them with the
group as well.

"I thought of that too." Erin said." As you can see on the map, there is a safe zone
just outside of the red area. Most likely it's a territory where two different
beasts clash, so they don't cross each other's path. The two can wait there while
we go inside and attack."

After hearing Erin's suggestion, Quinn didn't think it was too bad. If they were to
leave him and Peter alone then perhaps Quinn could sneak off at some point to
hunt the Wingedlizards on his own.

"Well, since the two of them haven't rejected the idea, it looks like we have a
plan," Erin said.

The group then went to rest for the night. They slept well as it was a tough night
for them all, and for the first time, they didn't feel cramped and had space all to

When they woke up, it was time for the group to head off once again. They exited
the Shelter, and their destination was the RedZone.

What the group didn't know was another group was following them closely behind.

"We just need to wait for the right moment." Said Ben.


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Chapter 116 From the big four

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Light Novel Full

6-8 minutos

Chapter 116 From the big four

The travel to red zone took longer than to the green zone on their map. It was
located quite a while away from the Shelter, but the area it covered itself was
fairly large as well. It would take 2 hours to travel and 2 hours to go back.

With breaks, it meant they roughly had around 6 hours of time to gain crystals.
After all, their abilities weren't unlimited. Eventually, the body would use up the
MC cells they had, and they needed a period for them to recover back.

When leaving in the morning, it looked like their group wasn't the only one heading
for the Red zone. There was a total of four other groups altogether.

"That's our competition," Erin said, looking towards one of the groups who walked
in front.

"Which one?" Layla asked.

"You see the boy at the front with the Red hair, it's the trait of the Redshield
family. All Originals who learn their magic acquire the ability of fire."

"You mean he's from one of the big four. I didn't realise there was someone in our
school like that." Layla replied.

"Although he isn't anyone special from the family, he is still from one of the big
four and the numbers on yesterday's scoreboard proved it."

"The ability of fire, huh?" Vorden looked at the red-haired student for some time
trying to think up of an idea.

But the one that interested Quinn wasn't the fire user. Instead, it was Logan who
was also apart of one of the groups heading to the red zone.

While the rest of Logan's teammates were walking through the sand. Logan was
sitting on top of a strange contraption.

It seemed like a moving chair. A personal device that he had built for himself. The
legs moved like that off a Dog, while the top half was just a normal chair. Inside
the chair, he was sitting with his eyes closed, sleeping peacefully.

'I wonder what his ability really is?' Quinn thought. It had to be impressive to be
able to get the second-highest score. Throughout the whole time to two of them
were together, Quinn still hadn't figured it out.

And for some reason, Quinn felt like it was Rude to ask. Most high levels would
keep their abilities secret. If two people were to get in a fight knowing their
ability beforehand was a huge advantage.

While the rest of the groups continued to move forward though, Erin's group had
decided to change direction slightly heading off to the left.

"I can't believe we're wasting time, dropping these two off here!" Erin shouted.
"You don't need to babysit us," Quinn replied. "If you care that much about
getting ahead of the others rather than protecting our weak asses, then go ahead
and leave."

After Quinn's words, Erin did just that and decided to head off back to where
the Red zone was located.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Vorden asked.

"Don't worry about it, if trouble comes our way, I have a trick up my sleeve to
fight them off," Quinn replied. "You see that building up ahead, it looks like an
abandoned well of some sought. We will wait for you in there, and come get us on
the way back."

Before leaving, out of Peter's large rucksack, they handed Layla a few food pills
and bottles of water that was placed in Layla's small bag. It would be just enough
for them while they were away out hunting and if they needed some more, one of
them could always come back and get some from Peter.

"Boss, it looks like the group have split into two, maybe the strong ones are
heading to the Red zone. Who should we follow?" One of the men said to Ben.

"We stick to the plan." Ben said, "Our group won't be able to compete with all
those bigshots at the Red zone. It was never our intention anyway. I managed to
do some research on their group yesterday. It turns out that their group had two
Level 5 powers users and wait for it… Two-level ones if you can believe it."

"Seriously? They must be like the only Level ones in their whole class.

"Well, now it makes sense why they have split off from the group. They would
probably get in the way if they were to fight. If we take their crystals they got
yesterday, then we will climb up from the bottom of the leader board. We should
be able to finish off at a decent position for the test."


Back at the red zone, Vorden and the others had finally arrived. Most of the
groups had spread out from each other, making sure that they didn't get in the
way of each other's hunting process.

The red zone was filled with Wingedlizards. But the area was also slightly
different compared to the rest of the sandy desert they had encountered so far.
The area was filled with several large rocks that contained large holes on the

The holes were where most of the lizards would stay. But there were a few
resting on top of the rocks as well. They were quite large in size and were about
double the size of the Teetheworms from earlier.
Before hunting one of the beasts the group stayed and watched patiently for one
of the other groups to attack first. A single person would walk up to the group of
lizards and send out an attack catching the attention of a single beast.

Then the person would lead the lizard to the group, and they would all attack it at
once. They were being cautious not to attract the attention of all the lizards
after all. While attacking the lizard, it seemed to be a much more difficult foe
compared to the Teethworm.

The lizard would constantly block attacks from the beast weapons and certain
abilities using the wings attached to its arms. Eventually, they would manage to
defeat it.

But while the other groups struggled, one was finding it easy. And that was the
one with the flame user named Berg.

Berg's flames were stronger than the beast wings, and it didn't matter what it
did, it would be set aflame, and sooner or later the beast would die.

Watching this Vorden had an even bigger smile on his face. "Now only if there was
some other flame user in our group."


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Chapter 117 A New Fire user

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Chapter 117 A New Fire user

After watching the other groups deal with the Wingedlizards. Vorden and his
group decided to implement a similar strategy. Layla would be the first to
approach one of the rocks and then fire out an arrow hitting the foot of one of
the lizards.

After using her ability, she was able to take the arrow back out and swirl it around
the beast's head like an annoying fly. The lizard followed the arrow easily, and now
it was Vorden and Erin's turn to deal with the beast.

A trail of ice started to form across the floor, eventually trapping the lizard's
four legs. Now that its movements were restricted it was Vorden's turn. He
created ice spikes in his hand and continued to throw them at the lizard. But even
with its feet tied, its arms were still free to move.

It blocked each one of its attacks lifting its wings and shelling up like a turtle.

'You idiot!' Raten said. 'You know from watching the others that it won't work.'

"Either shut up or help!" Vorden shouted as he continued to throw the Ice spikes.
Eventually, Vorden knew the beast would get tired, and it wasn't as if his attacks
were doing no damage at all.

But proceeding this way would take far too long. Before he knew it, he could see
Erin up in the air with her long sword held in her hand. As she fell to the ground,
she sliced downward at the beast's wing.

A large gash was made, and black blood started to pour out. A few seconds later
though the wound that was created started to freeze. Slowly the ice began to
grow until it completely froze the beast's left wing.

Now with one wing frozen in place, Vorden was finally able to throw an ice spear
directly into its body killing it.

"Did we finally do it!" Layla said, looking at the thing.

She quickly extracted the crystal and placed it inside her small bag for now.

"This is a problem," Erin said. "It is taking us far too long to kill a single one of
them. Even if there are many, it takes three of us just to kill one. We would be
better of searching for another group of Teethworms at this point."

Then they heard cheering coming from their left side. The group with Berg in
charge had just finished burning five of them to a crisp at once.

The look on Erin's face was currently one with disgust.

"Come on, let's just go into one of the other areas and find a bunch of
Teethworms to deal with."

"Hold on!" Vorden shouted, "I have a plan."

Berg and his group had just finished killed there eighth lizards and were currently
resting for a bit. He needed some time to recover his MC points before he could
use his abilities again.

"I still have a long way to go," Berg said, looking at his hand. Although his flame
powers were strong and he was considered one of the strongest in school. He
couldn't say the same about his family. They would have been able to go on for a
lot longer and create more powerful flames.

Every original family was different when it came to teaching their members about
their powers. They had their own methods, and for the Redsheilds, it was all about
discovery. After teaching them the basics, they had to learn about the ability
themselves and get stronger.

"Hey, Berg watch out!" A voice from the side said. As he looked up, he noticed a
human body was flying his way, and before he knew it, they had crashed into him.

The two of them tumbled into the sand, and eventually stopped.

"That bitch, how could she do that to her own teammate," Vorden said as he lifted
himself off the ground. "I'm sorry about that, do you need a hand." Just then
Vorden reached out his hand and lifted Berg.

"Hey what do you guys think you're doing!" Another person said as he came running
over. "You just barged into our leader."

"Enough Lippy," said Berg. "I'm sure it was an accident."

Lippy, who was also a part of Berg's team, was surprised by his actions. If a
person usually did something like this, he would have burnt them by now. But the
reason was simple. When Berg looked at Vorden watch, it currently displayed the
power Level of 8 on it.

Not knowing what Vorden's powers were, and the possibility there was someone of
equal strength to himself, he didn't want to get into a fight.

"We're sorry!" Layla said as she came running over with Erin behind. "Our idiot
teammate was being annoying, and I just needed to throw him somewhere."

"Don't worry about it," Berg said. "Accidents happen."

After apologising, the three of them decided to leave the group be and go hunting
once again. Vorden now having the flame abilities was ready to burn some lizards

"Why did you let them go off like that?" Lippy asked.
"That person, he was a level eight user, let's keep an eye on them for a little bit,"
Berg said.

Nearly everyone already knew of Berg's abilities due to him coming from one of
the big four families. However, the same couldn't be said for the other high-level
users or Originals. Keeping an eye on Vorden was Keeping an eye on the

Berg had seen the group just go behind one of the stones, although he wasn't
paying much attention to them before, he was sure that their group was hunting on
the same side of the rock like them.

'Why did they choose to move?' He thought.

The curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to go scout out and hunt a bit
closer to where Vorrden had gone.

After walking around one of the large rock's in the centre, he could see Vorden
and his team. Just as Berg saw them, he could see Vorden burning one of the
Wingedlizard using his fire powers.

"What, but how?" Lippy said, "Is he part of the Redshileds?"

"No, I've never seen him in my life, it looks like we've got some questions to ask."


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Chapter 118 Fire Vs Fire
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Chapter 118 Fire Vs Fire

Before doing anything drastic, the group wanted to test out Vorden's new fire
abilities. They did same as before with Layla drawing out one of the lizards and
then Erin freezing the lizard's movements.

When they were ready, Vorden shot out a stream of fire from the palm of his
hands. The beast screamed and howled in pain. After a few second the beast
caught on fire and Vorden no longer had to supply it with energy.

At this moment, Berg had just turned the corner and witnessed the whole thing.
His mind was going crazy with thoughts. Did someone outside of the family know
how to use the fire abilities? If that was the case, they needed to get rid of him,
before anyone else knew or found out.

While Erin was busy carving out the beast to find its crystal, a fireball was
spotted coming towards them.

"Look out!" Layla shouted.

At the last second, Vorden turned his head and fired a fireball of his own equal in
size. As the two fireballs clashed a small explosion was created, and sparks of
flame flew out onto the sound.

"You must be dealt with, no one is allowed to learn the secrets of the flame!" Berg
shouted. Shooting out fire from the palm of his hands, he was able to propel
himself forward while running, making him move at an incredible speed.

Vorden readied his self planning to fight back with anything Berg would use. If
Berg shot out a fire ball, Vorden would retaliate with the same. If Berg shot out a
stream of fire or made a pillar of fire, then Vorden would do the same only better.

This was how Vorden had won all his fights before. His experience when it came to
fighting, was able to outmatch those that knew their own abilities inside and out.

But then at the last second, Berg propelled himself into the air. Stream of fire
was seen coming from the bottom of his hands and feet. It looked almost like he
was flying in the air.

'Spinning flame kick.' Using one of his legs, the fire would shoot out from the
back of his heel, causing him to spin. Then with the other leg would let out multiple
blades of fire.
"Damn it, I can't do that!" Vorden shouted. As the blades of fire were coming
towards them, Vorden lifted both hands, creating a small wall of fire.

If Vorden thought he was safe, though, he was wrong. As the blades of fire
touched the wall, it ripped right through and continued to go past.

By now, Layla and Erin had long moved to the side and become spectators of the
whole thing, and the same could be said for Berg's teammates as well. It was clear
that all of is attacks were aimed at a single person, and he didn't care for the
rest of the team.

"What is going on?" Erin asked.

"I don't know, but I do know Vorden knows how to annoy a load of people, perhaps
this is just one of them," Layla said.

All though Vorden's flame wall was useless, he was able to see the point of when
the flames would touch the wall. For they would slightly part away apiece of his
wall just before the blades of fire touched. This gave him enough time to dodge
every single one of the blades coming at him.

"This guy is pretty good," Lippy said watching the whole thing from the side.

The second Berg landed on the ground he dashed forward using the flames once
again to propel him. Vorden fired fire ball after fire ball, but then Berg just
covered his hands in flames and would knock them away.

"Looks like your fire is no stronger than mine you thief." He shouted.

Then with his hands covered in flames, he went for a punch towards Vorden's
face. Vorden could see the punch coming towards him. When it came to hand to
hand combat, he was skilled and had years of experience as well.

He could see it coming and was planning to duck, but suddenly, the fist sped up in
an instant and knocked Vorden into the ground with his head bouncing off the

Vorden laid on the ground, unmoving with his eyes closed.

Although Vorden was unable to see what had just happened, the rest did. When
Berg threw the punch, he had done nothing special, but it was what had happened
at the last moment.

Berg had the ability to produce fire from any part of his body. The clothes he was
wearing were specially designed by his family so they wouldn't burn away. As the
last second, before the fist was to hit Vorden, he had produced a strong flame
from his elbow pushing his fist forward and giving it an extra boost.
Vorden was used to elemental abilities but had never come across the fire one
before. It was an original ability, unlike Ice, wind, earth and water. However, none
of these acted like the flames which came from the body itself.

With the destructive nature of fire as well, it was why it was considered one of
the strongest elements.

"What should we do?" Layla asked, "Should we go over and help him?"

"I don't think they'll kill him," Erin replied. "There, too many people here he would
have to silence."

"Well, he is from the big four, right? Would the school really do anything?"

The two of them at that moment looked at each other.

To be honest, Erin hated this feeling, but she knew when someone was stronger
than her. Berg hadn't even taken a single hit from Vorden, and she feared if it
was her, it would have been the same result.

Standing right over Vorden's was Berg. He continually looked at Vorden's still

"Why isn't boss doing anything?" Lippy said as he watched.

He couldn't explain it himself, but for some reason, he felt like if he touched
Vorden at this moment, he would be the one lying on the ground.

Then a few seconds later. Vordens eyes opened.

Inside the dark black room, Vorden had finally woken up.

"Whoa man, you sucked!" Raten said. "That guy really showed you."

"Wait a second," Vorden replied. "If you're here, then who's in the chair?"


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Chapter 119 No Chance

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Chapter 119 No Chance

Quinn and Peter had been walking for a good fifteen minutes as they headed to
what looked like a little abandoned well. Something that was once used to draw
water out. It was used at a time when the shelter was first being built by the

Although building works and such didn't take as long as they used to, especially
since the introduction of earth ability users. Some powerful users would charge
quite a bit for there service as they were able to construct building after building.

While the two of them were walking, not one of them had said a word to each
other, and Quinn was the type that hated an awkward silence between two people.

In the end, he gave in and just had to say something.

"Why did you do it?" Quinn said.

Peter didn't have to ask what he was talking about. It was as clear as day. They
continued walking for a while longer until eventually, Peter replied.

"I don't want to make any excuses, I know what I did was terrible. Everything, I
don't even deserve to speak to you, but you don't understand Quinn, I was scared.
They had already gone for Vorden and managed to catch him…Then they went
after me and….

"Enough!" Quinn snapped back. "I don't want to hear anymore, you were right the
first time when you said you weren't going to make any excuses. But then you went
on to list a bunch of excuses. I'm not saying you didn't have a reason for why you
did it. When someone does something wrong everyone has a reason, be it good or
bad but after everything, we had done for you, why didn't you come to us?"

"Could you really help me, Quinn, would you be saying the same thing if you knew
who was behind everything?" Peter asked.
"Did you give us a chance?" Quinn replied. "Do you know the saying you miss all the
shots you don't take? We were right there next to you the whole time and it
wasn't like stuff like this didn't happen before. You saw what happened to Vorden
did he change? And you should know more then anyone that I got the same
treatment as you from my old school."

The two of them had finally arrived at the village and Quinn turned around to look
at Peter. He could see his teary face, tears on top of tears running down and he
was using his sleeves to wipe everything away.

"When you chose to go against us that day Peter, you where the one who had given
up. You didn't try taking a shot and made your chances go down to zero."

The two of them looked around the abandoned well. In the centre was a giant
machine used to draw water. It had rusted, and just from looking at it you could
tell it hadn't been used in a while.

The only other thing in the place were two abandoned buildings. One room was
completely bare apart from a single window. While the other building had a couple
of broken wooden bed frames.

After taking off the rucksack and putting it on the old bed, Peter finally laid down
and was getting some rest. He had managed to carry the large backpack all the
way through the desert. And unlike Quinn, he didn't have supernatural strength to
help him.

The heat didn't actually affect Quinn much, no more than it did when he was a
human. It seemed like the sun must have contained some other unique property
that affected vampires. As long as he stood under his umbrella, he felt absolutely

But thinking about this, it reminded him he desperately needed those beasts'
cores. If he wanted to craft a special material, he couldn't rely on Vorden and
Layla to gather enough. Then finally, he would be free from the restraints of the

"I���m going to go exploring around for a little bit, are you alright to stay here.
Don't worry, I won't be going too far."

"Are you sure you're going to be safe?" Peter said.

"Yeah, as long as you aren't behind my back I'll have nothing to worry about,"
Quinn said jokingly. "Sorry, that was a low blow."

Quinn pictured the map in his head. He remembered the red zone was quite a large
circular area. They had just come from the left direction, which was where Vorden
and the others went. So as long as Quinn went right and forward, he should be in a
different area of the red zone.
"With that, he decided to head off into the desert with his umbrella in his hand.

Watching all of this happen was Ben and his group.

"It looks like the two of them have split up."

"You three go for the kid with the umbrella. Take off everything, even his money
card and get him to transfer everything over. Me and Hugo will go get rid off the
other one."

They did as told, and three of their men went off to follow Quinn into the desert.
While Ben and his friend Hugo had decided to enter the same building that Peter
was in.

Just as Peter was about to shut his eyes, he heard footsteps enter the room.

"Oh, what a surprise we have here," Ben said. "I didn't expect anyone to be so far
out here in the middle of nowhere. And when I looked earlier, it seemed like not a
single person was around."

In the desert, before Quinn had even reached the Red zone, he could hear the
sounds of people getting closer to him. His vision wasn't as great in the sunlight, it
was about the only thing that was still affected while in the sun. But his hearing
was always top-notch.

"Who sent you?" Quinn said without turning around.

"That's none of your business now is it?" One of the students said. "Now you
better listen to what we say or else."

"Or else what?" Quinn said as he turned. "I'm sorry some people think I'm a bit

The students then lifted up there watches to each reveal their levels. One was a
level 4 student, and the other two level 3s.

"I hope you understand?" the level four user said.

"Oh I see, because you're a higher level than me I should be scared now, right? I
should obey everything you do because I don't want to be hurt."

[Skill active Shadow Void]

Suddenly, from underneath Quinn's feet, his shadow started to spread. It grew
and grew until it encompassed a large area in complete darkness. The shadows that
formed the walls were continually moving. From the outside, it looked like a giant
cloud storm.

Quinn then tapped his watch three times and lifted it up for them to see, the
number had changed. He was now a level 6.

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Chapter 120 The little one's name

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Chapter 120 The little one's name

Vorden stood there, standing in the sand. He hadn't moved for a few seconds now,
and his head was facing the floor. From the top of his head, a trickle of blood was
dripping down onto his forehead, and little by little droplets would fall to the

"Why is the boss just standing there?" Lippy asked.

The truth was Berg couldn't explain it himself. Something about the person he was
facing a few seconds ago had suddenly changed. He felt the same presence as
when he was just about to face one of the elders in his own family.

Then for the first time since being beaten to the floor, Vorden had moved. He
lifted his hand and wiped the blood away before staring at it on his sleeve.

"You guys said you would protect me."

"Hey, don't look at me Sil," Raten said, "Vorden was the one who got knocked out
before I could even do anything."
"Maybe it's time for a change?" Sil said.

"What, and leave this person in charge!" Vorden argued. "If you do this, you will be
lonelier than before, even Quinn won't stay by your side!"

"Quinn. Ah yes, Quinn." Sil said as he looked around at where he was. "I don't see
any Quinn?"

"This will be good." Raten said, "Hey Sil, that man in front of you is hiding Quinn
from us."

Sil then looked at Berg up and down and started to walk towards him, but his face
wasn't peaceful or anything. It was like that of a demon. The anger could be felt,
the emotion, everything. Berg could feel it just coming from his face.

"Stay back!" Berg shouted as he covered his forearms and fist in flames once

As Sil took another step forward, Berg was at his limit and knew, he needed to
attack now. Placing both hands together, he started to fire a pillar of flames from
his hand like a flamethrower.

As the fire came towards him, Sil swung his hands, lifting a pile of sand with it and
dropping it straight on the flames causing it to extinguish.

"When did he get my ability?" Layla said, watching the fight. "And why is it
stronger than mine? I could never lift that amount of sand."

"Vorden's ability is strange," Erin said. "But if I remember correctly, he could

control two abilities. Perhaps it has something to do with that?"

Seeing this, Berg too was shocked. He had thought Vorden was just someone who
had learnt the family secret. Maybe tortured one of their members into teaching
it to them. But now suddenly, he was using another ability. How was this possible?

While Berg was shocked by the whole thing, he started to feel an icy presence
climb up from his feat.

"What is this?" He said as he saw his two legs freezing.

In an instant, he activated the fire to cover his legs causing it to melt the ice, but
all Sil wanted to do was stall him for a second or so, as he formed an ice spear and
threw it directly at his shoulder.

It landed and pierced Berg, but he couldn't complain long as pillars of fire were
already rising from the ground.

"He has your ice abilities as well!" Layla said, "That's three abilities, just how
strong is Vorden really!?"
While using one hand to cast pillars of fire the other hand would continue to throw
ice spears. Berg could only dodge these two attacks for so long.

"Come on, he has to be running out of MC soon!" Berg said.

Inside the black room, Raten was busy laughing.

"I bet you this guy thinks he can win the match as long as he waits for Sil to tire
out. Well, that's not happening."

Right now, Vorden contained three abilities. Whenever he copied a person's

ability, he also copied the amount of MC points in their body. This was also the
same for all the other abilities he stored inside his body. But Vorden's ability and
cells were unique.

As long as he had copied an ability, he would be able to change any of the MC cells
into whatever type he wanted. Using the fire ability was a level 8 ability, Erin's
ability was a level 5, and Layal's ability was a level 2. This meant he had a huge
amount of MC points to use, and if he wanted to like earlier, he would be able to
change all his cells into one type of MC. Which was why Sil was able to lift the
sand to take out the fire. While Layla would have never been able to achieve
something like that with her ability.

As the fight continued, Berg could tell that Vorden wasn't tiring out. He needed
to act fast. As fire came from his right and Ice came from his left. Berg crouched
into a fetal position and started to let the fire build up inside him.

Then when the attacks were right by his side, he expanded his limbs and out came
a sphere of fire, getting rid of all the attacks.

But now Berg was panting and sweating hard. It was a last-ditch effort to protect
himself, but he really didn't know what to do after this.

"Where.. is... Quinn?" Sil asked as he walked over.

Layla and Erin were too far to hear any of the words Vorden had spoken. But were
worried that he might do something drastic.

"Crazy boy, I beg you don't do something crazy!" Layla said.

"Wait!" Vorden shouted. "Raten was lying, Quinn is safe he's somewhere else, let
me take over, and I can show you."

"You damn Rat Vorden!" Raten shouted back. "Now I'm going to get my assed
handed to me."

"I'm tired," Sil said.

Now Vorden had finally reached where Berg was standing.

"I don't want to make an enemy of you, but you attacked us first," Vorden said.

Suddenly the feeling Berg once had, now was gone. When he looked at Vorden, it
was the same as before.

"I'm from the Blade family, it's probably best if our two families don't get into a
confrontation with each other."

As soon as Berg had heard Vorden's second name, he finally understood. The Blade
family weren't as big as the big four, but that was because they chose not to be.
They were a secretive family that didn't choose to have much influence in the
world. Because of this, not many knew about them.

Berg didn't really understand why but his father had always said if he was to meet
someone from the Blade's, to show absolute respect.

Berg placed his head in the ground and started to apologise.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault that this all has happened. Is there anything I can do for

Vorden thought about it for a while. He hated to use his family name like this, but
he was sure at least the big four would know of it, but while he was using it, he
might as well take advantage.

"It's okay, but I'm going to have to have you hand over your crystals you got
today and yesterday over to us," Vorden said, smiling.

"Of course."

While Erin, Layla and the others watched this scene, they couldn't believe what
was happening. They knew Vorden was an original, they even knew of his family
name, but they had never heard of the Blade family before.

But for some reason, someone from the big four was bowing down to him.
Apologizing and even handing over their crystals.

"Just who are you, Vorden." Layla thought.


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Chapter 121 Naive

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Chapter 121 Naive

Berg and his group handed over the crystals they had obtained inside a bag.
Vorden now had a big grin on his face. Just before he had split off with Quinn.
Quinn had asked him to try to get as many Wingedlizard beast crystals as
possible, saying he needed them for some reason.

And right now, in the bag, there were 39 winged lizard crystals in total. After
talking it over with Berg, Vorden eventually decided to head back to Erin and

"Hey, boss you're going to let him go just like that?" Lippy said as he saw Vorden
walk away.

"It's okay." Berg said, "We can always get more crystals, we will soon get our
number one spot back. But it's important to keep the relationship and our lives
intact. That's the most important thing."

Walking over with a skip in his step, Vorden was over the moon about his haul.

As Layla peeked inside the bag, she couldn't believe her eyes.

"What, just, I don't understand." Layla said, "How?"

"Don't worry about that, I think it's best if we head back and hand these crystals
in to be counted towards our score and I'm a little worried about Peter."

"But aren't those crystals useless?" Layla asked. "Most of them have already been

Each crystal inside had a unique pattern to it. Every single crystal was unique,
similar to a human fingerprint. When the crystals are counted, they are placed
into a machine that assigns a certain code to each crystal. These unique codes are
then added onto the teams score board.
Once crystals were counted, students were able to do what they wanted with the
crystals. Sell them for credits, turn them into beast gear or even trade with
them. But what they weren't allowed to do during this assessment, were buy Beast

The whole shelter was under strict instructions to not sell any beast crystals to
any students. This was to avoid a group from buying crystals and registering them
under their points.

But there was a reason why these unique codes were assigned to each team's

"Oh, I guess you guys don't know." Vorden said, "My brother did the same thing 2
years ago, so I have a little bit of insider information, I guess. Although the same
crystals can no longer be registered for points. If the crystals belong to another
team. The unique codes from their score will go onto ours. So while there score
would drop, ours would rise."

This information was purposely kept from the students but was told to a select
few. Either originals like Vorden knew of it, or those who had already registered
with the military.

"Well I hate to say it, but you actually did a really good job this time," Layla said
while pouting. She knew when compliments were to be given, and this was defiantly
one of them.

"Well, while we are ahead, why don't we keep on hunting?" Erin asked.

"The truth is I'm worried about Peter. Because of this, he might be targeted."
Vorden said.

"If you knew about this, then why didn't we leave him at the shelter?" Erin asked.

"If we did, it would just be the same result. Perhaps even more so, people would
attack him as soon as they saw him on the street."

There was acutely a second reason why Vorden and Quinn wanted to bring Peter
along. They were hoping to draw out whoever Peter was afraid of. Peter seemed
pretty sure that someone was going to attack them on this expedition and if so,
Vorden and Quinn thought they could find some answers.

"No one would attack a fellow student like that are you crazy. I understand when
the second years attacked you." Erin said. "You were the one who attacked them,
but why would they just randomly attack another student inside the shelter. Even
if it meant getting their crystals, no human being would just attack another
because of the test. and even so, people would rush over to help him."
At that point, Vorden and Layla looked at each other, and both of them had the
same thought.

"Erin, you do know that Peter is a level 1, right?" Vorden asked.

"What does that have to do with anything?" She replied back.

It was as the two had thought. Erin was unaware of the treatment that lower
Levels received compared to everyone else. The truth was, Vorden and Layla
already knew this to some degree.

Most of the students at the school who were midrange levels didn't experience
much of the bad side, and this was true for Erin as well. The two knew this was
the case, many of the students were just unaware of what happened. But they just
didn't realise that Erin was one of them.

Erin herself never mistreated low levels, but just never paid them any attention
either. She had one goal, and getting to know them wouldn't allow her to achieve

As the three of them started to head back to where the well was. The two of
them began to explain to Erin just what really happened at the school. But not only
at the school but what happened on the outside world as well.

"But the strong would never steal form the weak," Erin said. "Just what does that
prove? We already know we are stronger than them. Wouldn't it make more sense
to fight against those that are stronger than your selves and try to improve as a
person? Just what is there to gain from all of this?"

Erin just couldn't comprehend why certain people would choose to do such things.
In the situation with Vorden and Berg, she could understand. The two of them had
battled it out and had a grand duel. The loser Berg, had gifted Vorden with the
crystals as a prize.

But neither group had aimed or started a fight with the sole purpose of stealing
the crystals.

"Every person is different," Vorden replied. "Honestly if we knew all the answers
of why people acted a certain way, then perhaps we wouldn't be in the situation we
are in right now."

At that very moment, Vorden's fear was becoming a reality, as Ben and his group
had just spotted Peter inside one of the buildings.


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Chapter 122 Crash Landing

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Chapter 122 Crash Landing

As Peter heard the footsteps enter the small little building, he was in. He quickly
realised that he had no way of escape. It was a small room with only one entrance,
and the two men stood in front of him were completely blocking his path. He was

"Now this can be nice and easy for you," Ben said. "All we want are those crystals
in your bag."

Peter then reached out for the earth staff that was placed on his back and pulled
out in front of him.

"Really." Ben said, looking at the thing." Look, we can either do this the easy way
or the hard way. I'm really not into hurting others like some of those sick
psychopaths, all I want is a good score on the test."

As soon as Ben stepped forward, Peter lifted the Earth pole towards Ben's face
and then using his ability transformed the end of it into a sharp tip.

"Please…" Peter said. "Let's not do this, I can't, if you take the crystals away.
They'll hate me even more." Tears were now visibly running down his face and
falling to the ground.

"They already hate me too much, I just can't have them hate me more." Peter
Peter stood firmly, not allowing the spear to move. It was pointed at Ben, who was
standing in front of the other person just below his chin.

"Look its Peter, right?" Ben said.

Suddenly, Peter's face changed a little when he heard his name.

"Do you know why I know your name, we're part of the military to, in fact, Duke
was the one who gave us all the information. I promise you that Duke will reward
you if you hand those crystals over to us."

Although Ben and his group did belong to the military and helped Duke out from
time to time. Duke had requested no such thing. Ben knew using his name would
cause a reaction out of Peter. The low levels always ended up in Duke's hands one
way or another, and it was the same for him.

But by the time Peter knew Ben was lying, he knew Peter wouldn't say anything. He
could complain to Duke, but what would he do, what would he care for a level one
ability user while Ben was a level four.

Seeing the change in Peter' eyes, Ben thought his words were a success, but when
he stepped forward again, Peter decided to go in for a stab.

"I said I'm not letting anyone take them!" He shouted.

As the spear was thrust forward, one of Ben's friends from the side lifted his
hand, and with it, an earth wall was placed between the two of them. The wall
manged to catch the spear in the centre and snap it in half.

Unlike higher-level Earth users, Peter could only control the earth when he was
touching it. As he saw the wall being placed in front of him, he immediately dashed
forward and touched the wall. Using his ability, he created multiple spikes sticking
out from the other end.

While doing so, Peter closed his eyes, waiting to hear the screams from the other
end, but they never came.

Instead, a few seconds later, a huge club had been swung and smashed the wall
into pieces also hitting Peter and sending him flying back. The blow was so
powerful that Peter didn't just crash into the wall, but caused it to collapse and
was now outside covered in rubble.

The wall wasn't very strong and stable from years of decay, and it wasn't very
well built either. But still to be able to knock a human through such a thing an
immense amount of power was needed.

"What a useless struggle, I would have thought someone like you would have been
broken in by now," Ben said as he walked through the hole in the wall and stared at
Peter on the ground.
Peter was barely conscious, a small trail of blood was appearing from his mouth,
and his whole face and hair were covered in debris from the wall.

"Please…Don't… hate me..." Peter said.

Peter mind was a mess, he didn't even know where he currently was or even who
was in front of him.

"I'm sorry, Peter, this is just how the world is." At that moment, Peter passed

Ben went through Peters bag and took the 15 crystals that were obtained in
yesterday's expedition. They then also took Peter's money card, which was white
in colour, the lowest possible card you could get.

They decided to leave everything else intact, the food pills, the water purifiers
and the first aid supplies. Although they were thieves, they were just doing as the
system suggested, they weren't cold-hearted murders.

Ben and his friend had decided they would head to the shelter together, but
before heading back, they would make a stop at the oasis to hunt some more
Teethworms. That was the meeting point to meet the other three who had gone
after Quinn.

As they were walking, one of them spotted something large and black in the sky
coming towards them in their direction. It was flying in the air, and it seemed like
black smoke was coming from the back.

"What is that?" One of them asked.

"I don't know, I think it's a space ship, but I've never seen one designed like that
before?" Ben replied.

The black object drew closer, and it was roughly the same size as a large car.
Then finally just in front of them in the sandy desert, the ship had crashed. It
continued to skirt across the sand and was heading straight for them.

"Get out of the way!" Ben shouted.

The large black ship continued to bump and skirt across the sand until eventually,
it had come to a stop, around fifty meters from their direction.

The space ship was black in colour, but it didn't look like it was made of a type of
metal material like earth's ships. Instead, the outside was bumpy and looked
scale-like. As if it was carved using the outside of beasts. Then in the centre was
an oval-shaped sphere.

But the glass was too thick to see through.

"Do you think they're okay? They're lucky the ship didn't blow up." he said, "I
wonder what happened?"

But while Ben's friend had no clue what it was, Ben was visibly shaking with fear.
He had seen images of one of these before.

"Run, run now!" Ben shouted.

The Sphere like shape opened up and out stepped what was known as a Dalki.


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Chapter 123 Shadow void

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Chapter 123 Shadow void

Out on the sandy desert where the area was mostly covered with rocks and sand,
one area looked different today. From the outside, it looked like a dark cloud
that's was continually moving and shifting, creating a large dome-shaped space.

"What is this?" One of the men said.

The three from Ben's group were now surrounded by moving shadows. Although
the inside of the Shadow Void wasn't pitch black as one would think. The shadows
seemed to give off a slight purple light that allowed the interior to be seen.
"Did you see his watch?" Another one said. "He was actually a level six. We need to
get out of here!"

It was the first time Quinn had cast the shadow void skill. He was unsure of how
big the area of effect would be, and whenever or not, he could deactivate it once
the skill was used. If something like that was seen at the school, it would have
caused alarm bells to ring.

Inside the shadow void, Quinn could feel a connection with the shadows, it was
hard to explain, but it was as if it was created using a part of his own body.

Quinn looked at his stats, and as the system had told him, everything was normal.
There was no weakness to the sun. While Quinn was busy checking his stats, one
of the men tried to make a break for it.

He ran to the edge of the shadow void walls. This was bad, if the three were to
escape from the shadow void, then Quinn would lose his advantage.

Out of instinct as Quinn saw this, he lifted his arm and started to shift the wall
of the shadow into some type of arm. When the man was close enough, he tried
swinging his dagger at the arm, but when it made contact, his arm started to slow
down. And he immediately pulled it back afraid of what was happening.

[MC points 48/100]

Fifty points of MC had already been cast to activate the shadow void, and it
looked like if he used shadow control on the outside walls, it would use up his MC
points. However, the others didn't know this.

They felt like they were trapped, and if they were to go close to the wall, the
arms would once again appear.

One of the students, the level four user had a Mohawk. The situation around him
was starting to frustrate him as he felt more and more trapped.

"Screw this guy!" Mohawk said. "You saw the number on his watch change right?
He's probably a fake and besides, being a level six doesn't mean he has strong

The other two hearing Mohawk's words gave them a bit of confidence.

"Yeah, you're right, and he doesn't even have any beast gear!" One of them said.

Out of the three of them, one of them held a crossbow on his back, while the
other had a set of daggers around his waist. Mohawk, who was in the middle, had a
chest piece that gave him extra strength.

"Get him!" Mohawk shouted.

The crossbow user pulled out his bow and started to fire bolt after bolt towards

[Shadow equip]

Shadow's started to form around Quinn's arms and legs, and suddenly they were
covered in beast gear. As the first bolt came towards him, he lifted his hand,
deflecting the bolt onto the ground.

If Quinn wanted to, he could have used his shadow ability to block the bolt, but
right now it was best for him to use his vampire abilities because he would soon be
able to replenish whatever blood he was about to use anyway.

"What, but that was a beast arrow. It wasn't just made out of metal!" The
crossbow user said.

"Just keep firing the thing!" Mohawk shouted.

He did as ordered, and arrow bolts started to fire one after another. This time as
they came forward, the other user who had remained still had gathered what
looked like a small hurricane in his hands, and then at the right moment, he
brought his hands forward, and a gust of wind came out with it.

The wind seemed weak, but it wasn't his aim to do any harm, it was to support the
bolts making them faster and more powerful.

"Let's see you deal with this."

Opening his palm facing forward, Quinn waited until the right time before using
his skill.

[Blood spray]

[55/60 HP]

A spray of Blood left the palm of his hands and knocked each of the arrows out of
the air, causing them to break and fall to the ground.

"Now it's my turn!" Quinn activated his wind walk on his boots to further increase
his speed. While doing so, he used the inspect skill on each one of them.

The crossbow user had the ability to duplicate items. Although each item that was
duplicated would only be half the strength of the original. This was how the
crossbow user was able to continually fire out the arrows.

The other student was a wind ability user and lastly, Mohawk was a level four
earth user. Just like the one he had faced in the game once, only this one didn't
have a full set of beast gear equipment on.
"First, the annoying one." With Quinn's added speed with the boots and his
reflexes, it was nearly impossible for the crossbow user to hit him and then when
Quinn was close enough, he cast out four blood swipes swinging out his arms.

With no defence, the four attacks each hit him dead in the chest causing large cut
wounds across his chest and to be thrown onto the floor.

[51/60 HP]

Next was the earth user who was by his side, and this time, Quinn wasn't giving
him no chances. One second Quinn was in his view, the next moment Quinn had
performed Flash step, and at the same time, Hammer strike dealing a blow right
on the chest.

His chest piece started to crack until it eventually broke away, then Blood spewed
from his mouth as his insides were ruptured and he too fell to the ground.

[46/60 HP]

Suddenly, a sharp pain was felt inside Quinn's back. As he turned around, he could
see the wind user holding the small little daggers in between his fingers.

"I got you!" He said.

He threw another dagger, and it came out too fast for him to react, hitting
Quinn's stomach.

[42/60 HP]

Quinn then looked at the dagger and pulled it out of his body. As he did, the
wound slowly started healing as the skin could be seen coming back together, until
finally, there was nothing left apart from a hole in his military uniform.

"You monster!" The student shouted.

Continuously throwing blades he manged to hit Quinn repeatedly. Making sure to

cover his face with his hands, Quinn rushed forward not caring for the small
blades hitting his body.

[38/60 HP]

[34/60 HP]

His Hp continued to go down, but Quinn didn't care. Without realising it, the
student was moving backwards out of fear. He continued to move backwards until
he finally felt something grab onto him from behind.

As he looked down around his waist, he could see the shadow wrapped around his
body. He tried to fight against it, and it was working, but he was only moving ever
so slowly from the shadow. It was as if time itself had slowed down for his body
while touching the strange substance.

"Now tell me? Who sent you, and why did you attack me?" Quinn asked.


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Chapter 124 Increasing the Charm

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Chapter 124 Increasing the Charm

The wind user was trapped inside the wall of shadows, but it was a strange feeling.
It wasn't like he couldn't move, but instead, if he tried moving his movements
would be incredibly slow, like he was stuck in some type of glue.

In his panic, he had completely forgotten about his ability. With his mind now
thinking straight, he used his hand to cast a wind blade cutting a piece of the
shadow. It quickly separated and then started to reform again in almost an

The moment the student had cut the shadow with his wind ability, Quinn's MC had

[44/100 MC]

It also seemed that while Shadow Void was active, he would be unable to gain back
his MC points like he initially thought, which meant he had to be even more
conservative if he was planning to use his shadow abilities along with the shadow

But just like when he used shadow control on his own shadow, whenever the
shadow was attacked, his MC points would lower slightly.

The student cast wind slash after wind slash and was slowly able to move more.
Then finally, he was free.

"I did it!" he shouted, but when he looked up, Quinn was there right in front of
him. He grabbed both arms of the wind user and twisted them inward, so his palms
were facing towards his own face.

Then Quinn kicked both feet of the user, causing him to fall to his knees and once
again the shadow had grabbed onto his legs.

With the elemental user, the ability to control the elements came from their
hands and feet. This was different for fire and some other elements. But this
fact was true for the basic ones.

"Now I want you to answer my question from earlier, why did you follow me!"

"I'm s... so... sorry!" The wind user said with a stutter. "It was all Ben's idea, he
said that we would be able to take care of you level ones and take your crystals,
add it to our team's points."

The wind user was deadly frightened; not only had he never seen such a strange
ability before, he was still trying to decide if the person in front of him was
human. It seemed like he was a person with multiple abilities. He could control the
shadow, shoot out red aura from his hands and on top of that, he had supernatural
healing, and now with the wind users' arms twisted, he felt like he had superhuman
strength as well.

"This ben, does he work for anyone?" Quinn asked.

"I mean, we all work for the military, but no one told us to do anything if that's
what you're asking."

Quinn couldn't be a hundred percent sure if he were telling the truth or not. But
judging by his reaction and how frightened he was, Quinn felt like his words were

"You know if you increased your charm stat a bit more, you would be able to get
these weak minded people to tell you anything." The system said.

"Are you kidding me?" Quinn asked.

"No, there are certain skills in your system that will only unlock once you get
enough stat points. One of them is a type of mind control for the Charm stat.
It��s quite handy, if their mind is weak, you can replace their memories, get
them to spill the beans or even if it was really high, you could even get the person
to kill themselves. Of course, that would only be for the very top of Vampire

It seemed like the charm stat was becoming more and more dependable. At first,
Quinn thought it was just an annoyance that only allowed him to get girls, but that
didn't seem to be the case anymore.

"Do you know how many points in charm I need to unlock this skill?" Quinn asked.

"Ten points are needed for the influence skill."

[140/200 exp]

Right now, Quinn and gained 20 exp, for defeating the level three student and 40
exp points for defeating the level four student. Then there was also the two daily
mission he completed bringing him up to 140 exp. Even if he did defeat the wind
user in front of him, that would only bring his experience points up to 160.

It wouldn't be enough to level up. When using his inspect skill at the two around
him, one was blood A type while the other two were blood O. The blood O stat
allowed him to put a point into anything he wished. Still, he was unsure whether
that included the charm stat or not, but it was likely.

But even then, he would only have 8 points in his Charm stat. He needed 10.

The reason why Quinn was so adamant about unlocking this skill after hearing
about it from the system, was because he didn't know what to do. The three users
here were from the same school as him, and they had seen his ability, it would
have been fine if it was just the shadow ability, but they had also seen his blood
abilities as well and his incredible healing.

If he could, he wanted to avoid killing his fellow students, but it was something
that would have had to be done. In the end, they were the ones who attacked him,
and it was a secret he couldn't afford to be let out.

But could he really do it, technically he had killed already but back then he wasn't
sane of mind. Quinn would even argue that it wasn't really him but something else
controlling him. But killing someone while he was fully sane was another thing

Just then, from the corner of his eye. Quinn saw something forming from the
ground. The sharp object shot out like a bullet and Quinn managed to move his
head and doge at the last second.

Suddenly, heavy breathing sounds could be heard. When Quinn looked at the wind
user in the shadow wall, he could see that an earth spike had impaled right
through the wind user's neck. Blood was flowing down the spike as the student
struggled to breathe.

More spikes started to appear from the floor, and when Quinn looked ahead, he
could see that the earth user had regained consciousness and was barely standing
on his feet with his hand held out.

"Die you Bast*rd!" He shouted.

Thinking about the spike, Quinn felt like he had just avoided death. Sure he had
plenty of health points remaining, but if the spike had impaled him through the
head, he was pretty sure he wouldn't have been able to recover from something
like that.

"You just tried to kill me!" Quinn shouted. "When I was just thinking about sparing
your lives."

'Humans are truly disgusting!' Quinn thought. For some reason, he thought if he
could change maybe, they could too. They were still young, and only students, they
had time to change their ways.

In a fit of anger, Quinn sent out blood swipe after blood swipe. The earth user
tried to raise a wall between them, but the wall was far too weak. The second the
blood swipes made an impact, the wall was smashed, and the blood strikes
continued to hit the user.

Quinn continued to fire out blood swipe until a message had appeared.

[A level 4 human has been killed, 80 exp gained]

At that moment Quinn stopped.


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Chapter 125 Influence

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Chapter 125 Influence

[210/200 exp]

[Congratulations you are now level 12]

[28/65 HP]

[2 free stat points have been added]

[10/400 Exp]

Quinn wasn't thinking correctly and purely attacked out of anger. The fact that
someone had almost killed him, he just reacted and what happened was not part of
his plan. But just like when he looked at Ian's dead body, Quinn felt nothing
looking at the earth users body lying there lifeless in the corner.

Then from the back of the shadow void, he could hear a groan.

"pLek sve me!" It was coming from the wind user who still had the earth spike
lodged in his throat. The colour in his face was now turning pale. If Quinn were a
healer then perhaps, he would have been able to have done something, but he had
no such abilities. At least not something that could heal at this level.

After biting his victims and noticing the marking on their necks healing quicker,
Quinn decided to do a few tests with Layla before coming to the Planet. What he
had found was that his salvia seemed to have some type of healing ability.

If he was to cause a cut mark on Layla to draw blood, then rubbed his spit on her,
the mark would heal quickly, but it was clear his spit wouldn't be able to save
someone from something like this.

Walking over to the wind user Quinn looked at him.

"Your own friend did this to you. No, you did this to yourself when you tried
attacking me. I will put you out of your pain."

Casting his blood swipe from above and at a close range he manged to cleanly cut
off the wind user's head and now he was no longer in pain.

[Level 3 user killed 60 exp gained]

[70/400 exp]
"So, I really do get more exp for killing them."

Just like with the earth user, Quinn had obtained the double the number of points
after killing the victim. The reason why he received more for the level three was
most likely because he hadn't knocked out his opponent yet, but straight out killed
them. Allowing him to earn 60 exp points instead of 40.

Looking at the bloody mess instead of feeling sick like a regular person, his
stomach started to growl.

[Your hunger grows]

During the fight, he had used up a lot of blood and had been stabbed several times
and right now the sweat smell coming off the body was only getting stronger.

But his mind felt conflicted. He felt no emotion when seeing the dead, and the
mangled bodies didn't affect him. Even before when he was a halfling, he still had
a little sympathy, but now he hardly felt any.

"I guess I really am no longer human."

Walking over to the body, Quinn lifted the dead wind users arm and using the tip
of his clawed gauntlets, he made a cut across the wrist. At that moment, the
sweetest taste had entered his mouth, and his body started to feel re-energized.

[65/65 HP]

[Blood type O has been consumed]

[1 free stat point has been added]

Before doing anything else, Quinn checked if the free stat point could be put into
his charm skill and just like he thought, it could. He then went on to the next
body, the earth user and had done the same.

This time there was no need to consume a large amount of blood since Quinn's
health was full, and he had already eaten his fill. Putting his equipment back in his
dimensional space, he dipped his finger into the blood and gave it a little lick.

[A blood type has been consumed]

[+1 strength stat]

The last person was the crossbow user who also had the O blood type. He was
already bleeding across his chest. The wounds weren't too deep. It seemed he had
passed out more from the impact rather than the wounds themselves.

[Blood type O has been consumed]

[1 free stat point has been added]

After getting everything he needed, he could finally increase his charm points to

[Charm points: 10]

[New Skill: Influence has been unlocked]

[ Depending on the user's charm points and the mental strength of the opponent.
The user is able to influence the person or creature to do their bidding. This
includes things such as, memory loss, information extraction and so on. Must make
direct eye contact with the target]

Looking at the bow user on the ground, Quinn was tempted to just end his life
there and get the experience points. However, he felt like he really would have
lost a grip with himself if he did. In the end, he decided to try out his new powers,
and if it didn't work, he would have to go through with it anyway.

Lifting the user up off the ground, Quinn slapped him across the face a few times
until the man eventually woke up. As soon as his eyes opened, Quinn activated his
new Skill.

[Skill influence activated]

[Skill successful]

Around the user's eyes, a small red circle could now be seen, and his body went
slightly stiff.

"What do I do now?" Quinn asked.

"Just say whatever you want, and it will happen. If you ask him a question, his
brain will process the information and answer. If you tell him to forget something,
he'll forget it. You can even replace the memory, but that's a little risky, to be
honest, and doesn't work well if he gets pulled in for questioning."

Quinn did as the system said and gave out his instructions.

"I want you to forget everything that happened today. You never saw me, and you
never met me. You just came out to hunt some beasts, and I want you to go back
to sleep."

"Do you think that's enough?" Quinn said.

"Yes, if you can, I would bury the bodies under the sand. Eventually, they will be
eaten by the beasts in this area, but when he wakes up, he will have no clue what
happened and can only assume it must have been a beast."

The colour around the man's eyes returned to normal, and he quickly went back to
sleep as Quinn had ordered.
After burying the bodies into the sand, he started to look round the place for his
umbrella, eventually, he had found it, but it wasn't good news. Sometime during
the fight, the umbrella must have been destroyed.

With his MC points only half full, he would just have to bear the sluggish
movements in the sun for now while he recovered.

Quinn then tried to cancel the shadow ability and slowly from above the shadows
started to shrink and disappear. The fight had lasted about half an hour, so he
still had another thirty minutes of the shadow void left if he wished. But if he left
the shadow void up, his MC points would not return.

The shadow started to slowly clear and shrink back until it all went right
underneath Quinn's feet.

[You are being hit by direct sunlight]

[Your stats have been reduced by 70 Percent]

Immediately, he felt sluggish, and his head started to hurt, once his MC points
had returned, he was sure to use Shadow cloak to cover himself and get out of the
sun. Then just as Quinn was getting ready to set off, he spotted Black smoke off
in the distance.

"Isn't that next to where Peter was? "


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Chapter 126 Follow the smoke

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Chapter 126 Follow the smoke

Vorden and the others started to make their way through the dry, harsh desert.
They didn't encounter many beasts on their way back. It seemed like the desert
beasts were much more of a territorial creature.

The map was quite accurate in indicating where the beasts were located and where
they were not, and as long as they were outside any of the coloured zones, it
seemed like they wouldn't run into any more beasts.

Eventually, after walking through the desert, they could finally see the small Well
area insight.

"That's where Quin said to meet them, right?" Layla asked.

"Yeah, they said they would be here." But just then Vorden stopped and looked
down at the ground.

Rubble from one of the buildings could be seen everywhere but what shocked him
most, was Peter. He was crawling across on the ground towards them. His legs had
been hurt and possibly a few of his ribs broken. The only thing he was using was
his forearms to crawl along the floor towards them.

"Peter, what happened?" Layla asked as she came rushing over and knelt down by
his side. But Peter continued to move forward using his forearms completely
ignoring her.

"I have…. to" Perter mumbled. "I have to get back those crystals. Otherwise,
those guys will hate me. I can't live anymore." Peter said.

Then suddenly, Peter had come to a halt as his hands seemed to hit something.

"Peter, you've done enough," Vorden said, as he knelt down and placed his hands on
his shoulders.

Peter was half-conscious the whole time, yet there was one thing in his mind
keeping him going forward. He had dealt with the gruesome pain of being tortured,
but he couldn't deal with everyone hating him. He realised now that back then, he
had chosen the wrong decision, and he wanted to change that. He wanted to
change himself.

The others hated him, so what, because he hated himself even more. But when he
had heard Vorden's words, something in his mind had clicked and he had snapped
out of his half-dazed state. He looked up and could see Vorden bent over in front
of him.
Immediately tears started to run down his face.

"I'm sorry, Vorden." Peter cried. "They took the crystals, I tried, I really tried to
stop them. I promise."

"I know you did," Vorden replied.

At that moment, all the energy had left Peter's body, and he had completely
collapsed passed out on the floor.

"What do you think happened to him?" Layla asked.

Erin had ignored Peter for the most part and went straight for the bag past him,
it was laid on top of the rubble.

"It's gone." Erin said, "They took our crystals."

"Well, I guess it was pretty clear what happened then," Vorden said.

"Wait a minute, what about Quinn, I don't see him anywhere?" Layla said.

"Well, it's not like we can ask Peter what happened," Erin replied. "They probably
took him away too."

Although it was possible, the other two doubted it. Both of them knew before
heading out to this expedition that Quinn had the shadow ability as well as his
blood abilities. It sounded like if there was ever an emergency in the sun, he was
pretty confident about fighting.

Unless the group that attacked them were high levels, they just couldn't see
Quinn losing in a fight. Vorden also believed that it was unlikely to be a group of
high levels. Otherwise, they would have confronted them without waiting for Peter
to separate from them.

'Was it perhaps one of the group of people working for the second years, no they
wouldn't hurt Peter like this. Even if he refused to work for them, they would
probably kill him in case he told anyone, but instead, they left him alive.' Vorden

Out from the bag, Erin had pulled out a little first aid box. It looked to be made
of metal like a small briefcase and had a small standard red cross on it. Then she
placed it on the ground and pressed the red cross.

The little suitcase started to transform into what looked like a little droid.

"How can I be of assistance?" the droid asked.

"Student Peter chuck over there, administer whatever you can to make him feel
The little Robot then scouted off and started to scan the area until it had
eventually found Peter injured on the ground. It started a scan and brought out
small tools patching up Peter wherever it could.

"Will he be okay after this?" Layla asked.

"He should be, that Robot can deal with some pretty serious injuries. It's like
having a personal doctor with you." Erin replied. ". As long as he isn't near death,
he should be fine. But I do have to warn you guys, we only have one of those
things. Once the medicine has been used to treat any infections and such, it
doesn't really have the supplies to treat us again."

"I'm surprised you actually let Peter use it then." Said Layla.

Erin didn't actually want to use such a precious item on Peter. She felt like it was
useless. Peter would eventually heal on his own anyway, this would just speed up
the process. But after hearing the words of the others and seeing Peter in pain
like that. It made her realise that perhaps the others weren't exaggerating about
the mistreatments of others.

Just then, Vorden spotted the sign of black smoke off in the distance.

"Do you think that's them, probably one of them using their abilities," said
Vorden. "It doesn't look too far away, and we can get our crystals back?"

"But what about Quinn?" Layla replied.

"Why don't we split up?" Vorden suggested. "We can't just leave Peter out here,
I'll stay with him in case anything happens. When he's all healed up, we'll go
looking for Quinn. You two can go get our crystals back, but if it looks too tough,
then fall back and come to the Well."

Layla didn't like the sound of Vorden being the one to rescue Quinn, but it seemed
like the only thing they could really do. If Layla was to go out on her own and a
powerful beast appeared, she could get seriously hurt.

They could send Erin to look for Quinn, but she didn't know his secret, and that
would mean she would be stuck with Vorden.

With them agreeing, it was the only thing they could really do. Vorden stayed with
Peter while the two girls headed off the area of black smoke.


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Chapter 127 The Dalki

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Chapter 127 The Dalki

On earth on one of the very few pieces of land that still existed, was a reasonably
large tower that had been built. It was on a small island where the only thing on it
was the tower itself. The tower was so large and grand in size, that if someone
was to stand at the top of it, they could reach the clouds.

But its purpose wasn't for anything grand like tourism. Such a piece of equipment
as grand as this could never have been able to be built before. But thanks to
Richard Eno and his team, they managed to finally finish it after the war.

This sole tower's purpose was to monitor the activity of each of the planets on
the other side of the portals. It needed a strange source to power it that only Eno
knew off. It was the same source of power used to power the portals.

With this, they were able to get a clear view of what the area looked like. They
had mapped out each planet the portals led them to in that solar system. There
were still many planets left unexplored, but they kept good track of those with
shelters on.

But today, unlike any other day, red alarm bells were ringing inside. The people
were rushing all over the place. In a single room, they had about 200 employees all
looking at a computer screen of their own. Then there was also the main monitor
that resembles a cinema screen.

"Sir! It looks like there's been a breach on one of the green portal planets!" one
of the men at the computer said.
Standing at the back of the room was a man who looked to be in his fifties, he was
mostly bald with hair just sticking out of his sides, and he had small round glasses
on his face. Although he was not one to seem intimidating just from looking at him.
When he spoke, his words gave a certain feeling of trust.

Inside the monitoring room, he was the only one wearing a lab uniform rather than
a military one.

"Bring up the information on the big screen in front of you." He ordered.

They did as asked and managed to pull up a small video. It was of a black flying
object that had entered the planet's atmosphere. It looked to be slightly injured
even before arriving on the planet.

"There are meant to be no Dalki in this area, this is near the start of the Solar,
the Dalki's planets were mostly at the back."

The Dalki and Humans shared the planets in this specific solar system. When they
had entered half of the planets had already been conquered by them, while the
other half remained empty. Although not at war with each other currently, the
two were at a race with each other to see who could conquer more planets.

Each planet had several different resources, and that included the different
beasts that lived on there.

From time to time, this would still cause friction between the two, and a fight
would break out. That was why the large observation tower was built in the first
place. In case any of the Daliki ignored their upper command and decided to

"Send a message out to Daliki station, ask them if it's from any of their known
battalions and tell them we'll get rid of it at all costs."

"Yes, sir!"

"Also, inform the military base, which is in charge of the planet get them to send
someone to deal with this immediately."

"Will do sir."


Out on the desert, the black smoke was now rising into the air more ferocious
than ever. It looked like a signal was being cast and could probably now been seen
for miles out in all directions.

Although Ben had told his friend to go ahead and run away, they both stood there.
As the Dalki got out from the ship, they felt like their eyes couldn't leave such a
powerful being for even a second.
The Dalkis were a lot taller than an average human but not too big that they
looked like giants. This one, in particular, stood around 7 feet tall. However, their
body frames where different. Just like humans, they walked on two feet and had
two arms, but their muscle structure was magnificent.

Nearly every muscle fibre on their body could be seen.

Just like the humans as well, they wore beast gear to increase their power and
right now this one had only a set of bottoms and boots on. While his top part was
open and free.

The Dalki were a race that looked similar to dragons in human myths, only more
human. They had scale-like features running from the side of their body running
up to the top of their neck. Their eyes were slightly pointed and more oval-shaped,
and their hands were shaped like claws with a tail sticking from its behind.

As Ben looked at the Dalki, he noticed that it had a single spike coming from the
back of its spine. This was good news as they had learnt the fewer Spikes they
had meant, the weaker they were. Every time a Dalki went through a type of
evolution, a new spike would appear on its back.

Yet this one had only one, meaning it was the weakest a Dalki could be.

"Maybe we have a chance!" Ben shouted. "It's too late to run now but if we face it

As expected from a half-human – half-beast type creature. The Dalki were overall
just better than humans in every way. They were faster, stronger and even more
intelligent. Ben knew they had no chance if they turned their back, so there was
only one option.

Ben reached for his club on his back and pulled it out.

"Are you ready, Hugo?" He asked.

After asking his question, no words were heard, and a few seconds later, a thud
sound was heard. As he turned his head, he could see his friend's body lying there
in the sand, dead.

Ben didn't even know what happened.

Out of fear he charged in with his club held in his hand and used all his strength
to smash down at the beast, but with a single hand, the Dalki grabbed the club and
then crushed it to pieces.

It came as a shock to Ben for he had the ability of super strength, he was five
times stronger than an average human yet the Dalki was able to block his attack
with ease.
"This place stinks!" The Dalki said.


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Chapter 128 Going back

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Chapter 128 Going back

The two girls continued to walk through the desert. There were no signs of
footmarks in the sand as the wind would quickly blow it away, so the only thing
they could count on for where they were. Was the map and the trail of black
smoke in front of them.

"Wait up! Erin slow down, It's really hot out here." Layla complained.

While Layla was struggling with the heat and wanted to walk at a standard pace, it
seemed like Erin was power walking through the desert. It was to the point that if
she was walking any faster, she would actually be jogging.

"I can't let them take our crystal, if they hand them in and we lose our points
then that means we could lose our place at number one."

"So what? It's not worth risking our lives over, even without those we should still
get a pretty good position. Why do you need to be number one so much?"
For the first time, Erin had paused and stood still in the sand. Her fist was
clenched and just as she was about to say something, she bit her lip to stop

"Come on, we're not too far off."

By now the black smoke had covered most of the view in front of them. It was
hard to make out where it was coming from. But what they did know, was that
there was far too much smoke for it to be someone else's ability and they were in
the desert.

'There wasn't a lot of things that could be caught on fire, so just what on earth
was making that much smoke?!' Layla thought.

Then as they were walking Layla suddenly sped up as she spotted what looked like
a small black spot in the sky, as it got closer she noticed it looked ball-shaped and
saw that something was dripping from the bottom of it.

"Hey what is that!" Layla asked.

"I don't know, it might be someone's ability or something," Erin replied. "Maybe
you can catch it."

Layla planned to do just that. Before the object could hit the ground or come
towards them she would try to stop it in the air. Although Erin was also prepared
in case the object was too heavy for Layla to control.

Finally, when it was a few meters in the air, Layla managed to stop it and slowly
brought it over to their location. But a few seconds later, she forgot about
everything and immediately dropped the object onto the floor.

A thump sound was heard and it rolled onto the sand towards them, with it a trail
of red was sinking into the sand.

"That was definitely a head." Layla said with her voice all shaky. "I'm not seeing
things, right? It was a head?"

"Was it a beast, or maybe something else even, it could even have something to do
with the black smoke," Erin said calmly.

"How are you not affected by this. Come on we need to get out of here. Our lives
are worth more than some stupid crystals!" Shouted Layla. "Let's get back to the
well and tell the others."

But Erin stood there deep in thought.

'If its an intermediate beast and I use my full strength I should still be able to
take it out?' She thought.
"Now is not the time to be playing games, look Erin, I like you and usually I would
just leave someone as crazy as you here but I'm telling you we have to go." Layla
continued, despite the silence.

But then, in the distance, a tall figure could be seen coming towards them. Its tail
slowly moving to the left and right.

"What is that?" Layla asked. For the first time, Erin didn't seem like her
confident self. In fact, Layla had never seen her back down from a challenge. Even
when Vorden was facing off against one of the big four. Although she said she was
weaker, she had never displayed a hint of fear.

However, right now she was different. She had crossed her arms over her body,
hugging herself and shivering in the desert heat.

"Mommy please save me." She said ever so quietly, that the only words Layla could
here was mommy.

Now that the creature was even closer Layla could finally see what Erin could see.
It had appeared many times in many textbooks as they grew up. Constant videos
had been shown to them of their appearance all throughout their school life, it
was a Dalki.

But it wasn't alone. As it walked it seemed to be dragging something along with it.

"Oh? is that another two I see." The Dalki said.

He then looked at Ben's body which he had been dragging with him, it now had no
head but the rest of its limbs were still intact. He placed his foot on the body and
pulled on the arm ripping it from its socket.

"It's a bit closer than last time, but it's not as easy to throw." The Dalki aimed at
the two in front of it, leaned back and speared the arm through the air.

It left at an amazing speed and power that it seemed like the wind around it was
having no effect.

Seeing the arm coming towards them Layla knew this one was too fast for her to
slow down with her ability. They barely managed to dodge it, with Layla pulling Erin
away from the area.

"Erin, we're getting out of here." Drawing her hand back she slapped Erin across
the face leaving a red mark, as she spoke.

But it seemed to have worked. Erin was no longer shaking and she knew the danger
the two of them were in.

"Ice path!" She created an ice path in front of her and then formed blades below
her feet.
"Do you know how to ice-skate?" Erin asked.


"Then hold on." Lifting Layla onto her back Erin started to skate down the ice path
at amazing speed. Every time they would reach near the end of the path, she
would extend the ice in front of her. It was several times faster than the two of
them running and they were able to create distance between the two.

"The best thing to do would be to head to the shelter and get another ship." The
Dalki thought. "Those two girls were probably heading for the shelter. If so, it
would be bad news if they warned everyone before I got there. I guess I better
stop them."

Unluckily for the two girls, if the Dalki knew they were not heading for the
shelter, he perhaps would have left them on their own. Their destination was
actually for the Well, hoping to warn Vorden and the others.

Not only that but the Dalki was actually blocking the path back to the shelter.

They could go around but it would take too long and Erin was afraid the Dalki had
already set its eyes on them. So, the only option she felt like she had, was to rely
on Vorden.


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Chapter 129 My Family

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7-9 minutos

Chapter 129 My Family

After the droid had finished patching up Peter, it went back into the suitcase-like
form that it previously had. Vorden placed it back in the bag and decided to carry
both him and Peter over to the other building which hadn't been destroyed in the
struggle between Peter and Ben.

There was no bed in the second building but it was better than staying outside in
the heat of the desert. Vorden was currently looking at Peter who was bandaged
from head to toe. The little droid had even performed stitches in areas that had
an open wound.

Although it wouldn't matter too much once they found someone with a healing
ability. They would be able to heal Peter up properly and then there wouldn't be
any sign that he had received any damage.

"Did we go too far?" Vorden said to himself.

"Too far, are you kidding me?" Raten said, "You seem to be forgetting that this
person basically sent us off to our death."

"Raten, don't you remember why we were created?" Vorden asked. "Perhaps Peter
was going through something similar to Sil, and it was only thanks to us that Sil
was able to cope with it all. Have some sympathy for Peter."

Just then Peter started to move a little in his sleep, until eventually he opened up
his eyes and slowly lifted the top half of his body off the ground. He touched his
sides when he noticed he wasn't hurting as bad as before.

"I would move slowly if I were you," Vorden said. "Most likely the robot injected
some type of morphine or other painkillers into your body… you probably aren't
feeling the pain right now but the hurt is still there. Just lie down and rest for

Peter did as he was told and laid back down on the floor. Looking at Vorden's
awkward face Peter couldn't tell what he was feeling and started to talk.

"I know you hate me, and you have every right to, but I feel like I need to get
something off my chest," Peter said.

Vorden continued to look away, avoiding eye contact, he wanted to seem

disinterested even though he was interested in what Peter had to say.

"I didn't choose the school or the bullies over you two like you might be thinking. I
chose my family over you two. You see I have an older sister, or maybe I should
say: I had an older sister. My family wasn't as rich as you can probably imagine,
but they wanted us to have a good life. They saved up every little bit of credits
they could and they finally managed to purchase a level three ability book for my
sister, just before sending her off to the military. She was the hope of our family
and they wanted her to become a decent traveller. But in her second year of
military school, she died on an expedition. It was a big shock to us all, but it was an
even bigger shock for my parents. It seemed like their life started spiralling down
from there. There was no way they could afford another ability book for me. They
told me not to worry, not to try and work hard like my sister for fear I would
perish as well."

"But I wanted them to lead a better life so when I came here I promised myself I
would fill the shoes that my sister once had, the only option left for me was to
take the Earth ability from the military and to try and level up by being loyal to
the military, the only thing I didn't realize was the crazy things they would ask me
to do." As Peter finished his story he let out a sigh of relief, it felt like a weight
was lifted from his shoulders.

"Sounds like you had a good family," Vorden said. "You should have listened to
them, what do you think would happen if you were to die? Trust me they are a lot
happier with you alive, no matter what living conditions they were in, rather than
you being dead."

Peter then lifted himself from the ground and looked at Vorden.

"I realize that and that's why I said I picked my family over you guys. I didn't
mind becoming a builder or something, as long as I would be able to support my
family, but then they started targeting me, threatening me on this expedition. I
knew what happened to my sister so I thought the same thing would happen to

"Was it Earl and his underlings?" Vorden asked.

"How do you know about Earl?" Peter asked.

"I know what they had done to you Peter, and trust me they got what they
deserved. I did a lot more than break their fingers and they won't ever bother
you again." Vorden said while smiling.

When Peter heard those words there was a strange look in Vorden's eyes,
combined with that creepy smile. It was sending a tingle down his spine and all he
wanted to do was to get as far away as possible from Vorden.

'Ah, yes I still remember those screams, they were lovely.' Raten said to Vorden.

"No, I mean they were a part of it, but it was someone bigger, someone, near the
Vorden then went over and grabbed Peter by the shoulder.

"Who?! Peter tell me! Was it one of the teachers, or even one of the Sergeants
maybe? I saw them going into the second year building so I know it has to be
someone from that department."

Vorden wanted to make whoever was in charge, pay for this. They had not only
targeted him but got others involved as well. He had heard that some military
schools were bad but clearly something was amiss in this one. It was different
than his brother had described to him.

Peter paused for a second as he was unsure whether he should tell Vorden or not,
he knew the second he did Vorden would be involved in this but at the same time it
was too hard going through everything alone, Vorden also scared him, he wasn't
sure what to do.

Vorden looked at him in a strange way, this made Peter feel scared and made him
start to talk. "It was…" Before Peter could answer. Screaming could be heard
from outside.

"VORDEN! PETER! QUINN!" Layla shouted at the top of her lungs.

The two of them immediately headed outside and could see Layla being carried by
Erin who ice skated through the desert. When the two of them had finally
reached their destination, Erin collapsed into the sand and Layla had fallen off her

"Are you okay?" Layla asked Erin.

"I just used up all my power, I don't think I can help in the fight," Erin said.

Erin had used up all her strength to get her and Layla out of there as fast as she
could. She had managed to create quite the distance between them and the Dalki
but she knew she hadn't outrun the enemy. She could still consistently feel the
pressure right behind her. When they looked over one of the sandhills they could
see a figure coming towards them.

"What happened, are you running from the people who stole the crystals?" Peter
asked with a worried expression on his face.

"No, it's a Dalki." Layla said, the fear was written on her face.


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Chapter 130 Fighting the Dalki

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Chapter 130 Fighting the Dalki

Further in the desert, Quinn was plodding away in the loose sand, walking back
towards the water well. Beads of sweat were dripping from his forehead, they
landed in the sand and dried up faster than he could take a single step. Luckily he
hadn't gone too far away from the well.

The problem was that he felt very weak, and he started to feel weaker by the
minute, this made him move slower and slower.

'Perhaps bearing the sun's heat was not such a good idea' He thought.

Even though his stats were better than those of a normal person, he actually felt
weaker than a normal person would. The only reason he could think of to explain
this, was that the sun seemed to be stronger on this planet than it was on earth
and on the Red Portal Planet where it was night for half the year.

His MC points had now nearly fully recovered, and he couldn't wait to finally cast
his shadow cloak. However, just before he could activate the skill, Quinn received
a worrying message from the system.

[Long exposure to the sun has been confirmed]

[Your body has been weakened further]

[All stats will now be reduced by 80 percent]

"What is this!" Quinn shouted. "80%?!"

At that moment, Quinn had fallen on his knees as his whole body gradually started
to feel weaker. Moreover, he started to feel a slight tingle on his skin. It felt as
if the surface was burning, and now his skin was incredibly itchy nearly all over.

"What is happening to me? System! Help! Please explain!" Quinn shouted to


"You're a vampire now." The system replied. "Don't you remember reading all
those vampire fantasy books? Of course, if you stay outside and expose yourself
to the sun for too long, there will be bad effects."

"What happens if I stay in the sun for too long?" Quinn groaned with a worried
look on his face.

"Well, your stats would continue to decrease further and further, until eventually,
POOF!" The system said casually, as if this didn't bother the system at all, like it
was of no consequence to it.

"Well, I can't take this any longer, I don't want to find out what POOF! means."

[Skill activated shadow cloak]

The shadow at the bottom of his feet began to slowly surround him, travelling
from the soles of his feet all the way to the top of his head. Eventually, he was
like a blur of shadow under the radiance of the sun. He became like a human figure
made out of shadows.

While this skill is activated, it's hard for other people to spot him, and it worked
best within the darkness or among the shadows. In the desert however it made
him stick out like a sore thumb.

Quinn felt his energy slowly returning back to normal, and now he could use his
body like how he could do it normally.

[Stats have returned to normal]

His MC points hadn't fully recovered, Quinn wasn't bothered bout this, he was
returning to the safety of his group, Erin and Vorden could protect him until his
MC points fully recovered. In the meantime, there was no need for him to use his
abilities in battle. So, for now, he didn't worry about it too much and try to catch
up to the others as quickly as possible.


"A Dalki, are you sure?" Vorden asked.

However, before the others could even answer him, they suddenly saw a black
figure flying in the sky. It was coming in their direction, landing right in the
centre of the well at an incredible speed. It crashed into the large metal
machinery, causing it to break apart.

Dust and sand kicked up everywhere, blocking the Dalki's landing place from view.
When the specks of dust and dirt that arose started to settle, the Dalki standing
right in the middle of the wreckage, could be seen.

"What is this junk." The Dalki said as he lifted a piece of metal that had broken
off. "This is not a shelter."

Then, the Daiki looked up at the people who had led him to this place. He could see
four students standing in front of him.

"You should tell me where the shelter is, now." The Dalki said, pointing to the
piece of scrap metal besides Layla.

"M-mm-mee me?" She stammered. "I-it-i-it's over th-there" She pointed, but she
couldn't help but stutter her words as she was shivering in fear of the creature.

"Thank you, but I'm afraid no one can know that I was here." He then
straightened the piece of metal in his hands with his claws. Then, using his
fingertips, he sliced the top half of it to create a makeshift spear.

"I must not fail my mission." He said as he chucked the spear towards the

Vorden immediately arrived in front of the group and conjured an ice barrier.

"No! That won't be enough!" Erin said while still lying on the ground. She then
lifted her hand and helped Vorden cast another wall behind it, making it as thick
as possible, using the last bits of her power.

The makeshift spear crashed through the first ice barrier, it slowed it down
slightly, but then it began to pierce through and hit the second wall.

"I need to help." Layla thought as she focused her mind, doing her best to slow
down the spear's movements.

Also, Peter rushed forward to where the ice wall was.

"Peter what are you doing, watch out!" Vorden shouted.

"I can help too!" Peter shouted back. Just behind the second ice wall, Peter placed
both of his hands on the ground and in that spot, a piece of earth started to
slowly rise, eventually creating a third barrier. The spear continued to go through
each of the three walls until its head poked through the earth wall. Then finally,
the spear had stopped moving.
"Oh! Looks like they've finally started to train you earthlings a bit, I see." The
Dalki said. "Perhaps we need to start waging this war again before you earthlings
grow even stronger."

"Sil! We need your help now!" Vorden said.

"No!" Sil shouted back.

"If you don't, we will all die."

"You said you would take me to see Quinn. I don't even see any Quinn around here!
Why would you lie to me? Are you lying to me like all the others?" Sil asked.

"Just ignore the brat!" Raten said. "Let me take over. We don't have time."

Vorden immediately left the chair and allowed Raten to take over.

The Dalki then rushed forward, and at that moment, Raten placed both of his
hands on the ground and a trail of ice materialized, heading straight for the
Dalki's feet.

"Hey ugly!" Raten shouted at the Dalki, in an attempt to provoke it. "When that
ugly thing stops moving, fire all the arrows you have at it!" He shouted to Layla.

Although Layla didn't like the sudden change of tone in Vorden's voice, she didn't
have time to complain.

The trail of ice eventually reached the Dalki's feet. However, it didn't even slow
the creature down for a second. As the ice touched its feet, it continued to run
forward, breaking the ice with sheer power.

Layla didn't know what else to do, so she fired an arrow at it anyway. She tried to
change the direction of the arrow with her powers to make it unpredictable, but it
seemed like the Dalki was paying no attention to her at all.

In the end, she aimed the arrow to go directly into the Dalki's thigh. However, the
arrow simply bounced off, not even leaving a scratch on it. All Layla had was some
standard steel arrows that were only as hard as regular bullets, it seemed that
she would at least need beast arrows to inflict a wound on a Dalki.

"Damn it!" Raten shouted "Let's have some lizard barbeque" Using both of his
palms, he fired a huge stream of fire towards the lizard. Utilizing both of the
abilities together, the flames grew large and larger until they covered the whole
area where the Dalki was.

They couldn't hear any more footsteps from inside the blazing fire, because of
this the group thought that the attack was a success. But then, the intensity of
the flames started to decrease at an alarming rate as if they were being sucked
away by something.
All of the flames were flowing towards the Dalki like it was a vacuum, travelling in
one stream directly towards the Dalki's mouth.

"Thank you for the meal." It said. "I haven't had anything this tasty in years."

"It's hopeless." Erin said. "It's too strong. We're all going to die." Erin was
shaking in fear the same way as she was shaking earlier, and even Vorden had a
concerned look on his face.

[Skill activated Shadow Void]

The area around them started to be encased in a dark shadow. The group looked
confused as they had no idea what was going on.

"Is this the Dalki's power?" Layla asked.

"No, I've never heard of something like this."

The Dalki himself was equally confused like them. Just what was it that was
surrounding the entire area with them in it?


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Chapter 131 The perfect counter

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Chapter 131 The perfect counter

The black shadow started to surround all of them. It slowly encased the group
until finally, the whole area around them was filled with purple shadows.
"Damn it! We're all going to die." Layla said.

But then Erin noticed that the Dalki was also looking around in confusion at the
shadows, as if it was something unknown to it. "No look, it seems like the Dalki is
just as confused as we are, that's probably why it's not attacking us right now."

It wasn't unusual for someone to be afraid of the unknown, and right now, the
Dalki was seeing something it had never seen before. It got into a crouching
position and was prepared for whatever was to come.

Its senses were telling it something was in the shadows with them, something
other than the four in front of it. Then from behind a claw-like shape of red lines
came flying towards the Dalki. It turned around, sensing the power in the attack it
lifted both of its arms to protect itself, and it placed its arms in an X-shape right
in front of its face.

The lines of power had hit it, but the attack hadn't done much damage, just as it
was about to look up, four more of the same attack came at it. It quickly held up
its hands, it was strongly relying on its hard skin to block the attacks.

Although the attacks didn't hurt the Dalki, for the first time in a long while, it
had been pushed back from its position by an attack.

When it pulled its arms down, it was surprised to see what looked like another
student standing in front of it. "Oh, so it was you?" It said.

It was a young Dalki who had only met a few adult humans on its journey, but not a
single one had given him any trouble or manged to even make him move back with
their strongest attacks, the same could be said for any beast that had attacked
the Dalki. But here on this safe little planet, it had encountered a young human
who had done just that.

As soon as Quinn had released his first attack, his shadow cloak had disappeared
and this had revealed him to everyone, the problem was he was low on MC points.
He had 90 when he first used the shadow cloak, by the time he had arrived, he
only had 80 MC points left.

Then when he had cast the shadow void skill, it meant he only had 30 of his MC
points left, and he needed to use them wisely.

He had also used shadow equip to put his equipment on his hands and feet.

"Is that Quinn!" Peter shouted. "What's with this power? I don't understand."

Then Erin spotted that Quinn's watch, to her surprise it currently displayed the
number six. "His ability requires more MC than mine, does this mean this Shadow
circle his doing? Was he hiding his strength this whole time?!" She shouted.
"He must have had his reasons," Layla said. "But right now, he's going up against an
enemy I think even he can't deal with."

Layla didn't know what to do, at this point her arrows were useless and couldn't
even be used as a distraction, because the Dalki would just ignore them. Erin had
run out of MC, and Peter was far too weak to be of any use. So right now the only
one that could help them was Vorden.

"Please, help Quinn" Layla begged. "You two have to fight it together."

Vorden wasn't the one in control, but Raten was.

'How is the little one doing?' Raten asked.

'He is still sleeping,' Vorden replied.

'So it looks like I'll have to deal with this one.' Raten said.

The Dalki then went and picked up another piece of scrap metal from the ground
that was part of the Well's machinery. Although the roof and area were covered
in shadows, the same couldn't be said for the ground.

The crumbled building and the broken metal pieces remained scattered
everywhere. After picking up a piece of metal, it used its claws to once again turn
the metal into a spear.

"I'm assuming I can't get out of this bubble that you created, so I can't run
away." The Dalki said. ���Otherwise why would you waste so much of your
power creating it."

Of course, the Dalki doesn't know about Quinn's problem with sunlight, actually
the sole purpose for Quinn to block out the sun, is so he can fight at his full

"Let's see how strong you really are!" The Dalki shouted, as he chucked the spear-
like object towards Quinn. It went lightning-fast and was similar to the one that
required all four of the others to block before.

"No, there's no way he can block that on his own!" Layla said. "We have to help."
She shouted.

Peter stayed by Erin's side while Vorden and Layla rushed towards Quinn, but the
spear was going too fast, and they hadn't been able to take a single step before
the spear reached Quinn.

[Shadow Control]

Using his Shadow Control skill, Quinn was able to create a black circular shield.
"That won't be strong enough," Erin said, looking up from the ground. "It took all
four of us to stop it before, why doesn't he try to dodge it?"

But for Vorden seeing Quinn's action made something click in his head.

The spear flew going at lightning speed until the tip had touched the black circular
shadow, at that moment the spear looked like it had stopped in mid-air. However,
Quinn and Vorden knew that it was only moving ever so slowly through the shadow.

Once the spear slowed, Quinn moved to the side, he took the shadow away and
allowed the spear to continue moving forward and out of the shadow void.

"This is perfect," Vorden said.

Quinn's shadow ability was nearly a perfect counter to the Dalki. The enormous
amount of strength meant nothing. No matter how powerful the attack was, it
would be slowed down, because Quinn's shadows blocked attacks in a different
way from how other abilities did.

In a way, Quinn as a vampire was the perfect counter to the Dalki.

Vorden continued to run forward while Layla took cover somewhere off to the
side. It was clear that for the moment the Dalki was stunned by what he had just
seen, and this was their chance.

Vorden threw an ice spear at the Dalki, it shattered into a million pieces once it
hit the Dalki's body. However, it did catch the Dalki's attention, which was what
Vorden was aiming for.

Knowing the Dalki was able to eat fire, it left Vorden only with 2 options, to use
ice and telekinesis to fight the Dalki.

"You are boring!" The Dalki said. "I'm far more interested in that one." Ignoring
Vordens weak attacks, it dashed straight forward heading for Quinn.

Seeing this, even if Quinn was to use the wind walk ability on his boots, he
wouldn't be able to outrun the Dalki. The only thing he could do was fight, but
what could he use. The blood swipe, although powerful did no damage, which was

"Hey, Brat!" Vorden shouted. "Its skin is too tough, use an attack that can hurt it
on the inside."

'On the inside?' Quinn thought. He now knew exactly what to do.

When the Dalki was a few meters away, it leapt up into the air with its claws out
and with both of its hands above its head, ready to smash down. Quinn quickly
placed the shadow above himself, allowing both of its fists to sink into the shadow.

[MC 20/100]
The Dalki could feel its attack slowing down as soon as it touched the strange
shadow-like substance but by using its considerable strength it was able to pull its
hands from the shadow. The problem was with every physical attack, Quinn would
lose MC points. He needed to finish this fight fast.

The Dalki was quick on its feet and didn't allow its first unsuccessful attack to
distract it. It threw out a straight kick at Quinn, and once again Quinn stopped it
with his shadow shield.

[MC 10/100]

'His attacks are so strong, I can only take one more.' Quinn thought.

Quinn needed an opening and just defending wasn't going to do it. The next thing
he was going to do was very risky, but it was the only option he had. As the Dalki
threw another punch towards him, Quinn moved the shadow and wrapped it around
the Dalki's fist.

[MC 0/100]

The shadow void started to disappear, and Quinn only had a few more seconds
before the sunlight would hit him. Quinn could see the Dalkis other hand coming
straight at him, he looked the Dalki in the eyes.

[Skill daze]

Even though the Dalki was a strong opponent and the skill was likely to fail. There
was always a slim chance that it might work.

[Daze successful, your opponent has been stunned]

But for Quinn's next move he would need more time then the Daze would allow. He
flash stepped behind the Dalki and prepared all the motions for the hammer
strike. As he finished his movements, he added blood spray to the last part,
turning it into the most powerful attack he had, Blood hammer.

As Quinn's fist hit the Dalki's hard back, vibrations and a wave of air had been
sent out from around the two of them, the Dalki still hadn't moved from his spot.
But after a few seconds, he fell down on one knee.

This was Quinn's answer, an internal attack.

[You are being hit by sunlight]

[Al stats have been reduced by 70 percent]

When Quinn thought everything was over, a large fist had come out of nowhere
swinging out and hit him right in the ribs sending him flying through the air.

[Critical hit]
[Your ribs have been broken]

[12/65 HP remaining]

The Dalki stood up from the ground and smiled wiping away the green blood from
its mouth.

"I'm not done with you yet, boy."

Chapter 132 Blood Bowl

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Chapter 132 Blood Bowl

My Vampire system Chapter 132

For a moment everyone's morale was increased, for the first time they had a
glimmer of hope again, when they saw the mighty Dalki fall to the ground. They
didn't know why Quinn was so powerful, or why he was hiding it before, and
frankly they didn't care because all of them only had one thought on their mind.

'I want to live!'

After seeing that powerful attack from Quinn, they felt that they might survive
this after all, but that happy feeling didn't last for long. A few seconds after the
Dalki had fallen to the ground, it sent Quinn flying with a single swing of its fist,
Quinn was flying right into the other building, the one that was still intact.

As Quinn hit the building, his body crashed through the wall, and he fell to the

"Is he okay?!" Peter shouted.

"That guy can take a lot more hurt than that," Vorden said. "Trust me, I know
from experience. Something like that isn't enough to kill him."

Layla looked at the sky, she immediately realised there was something else they
needed to be concerned about. As long as Quinn had a steady supply of blood, he
would be fine, but right now, something was holding him back from using his full
powers, of course, she meant the sun.

Now she realised why Quinn had cast a shadow surrounding them all, and how he
was able to fight so well even though the sun was still up. Looking at the sky, she
noticed that it was finally starting to set, the colours were fading from its bright
yellow to orange. It would only be a matter of time before it would finally be night
on this planet.

"We need to get to Quinn!" She shouted to the others.

However, her cries were useless, no one moved forward, including her. She wanted
to go in and help him, but stepping in against such a powerful foe, was like
committing suicide.

"Now that was impressive!" The Dalki said with a smile on its face. Its teeth were
now on full display, they were a little strange compared to regular human teeth. It
looked like those of a crocodile, each tooth was razor sharp and they overlaid one

"I heard there were something called 'martial arts' the earthlings use. I never
believed it could be something useful, until just now. You actually managed to
bypass my hard skin and hurt me from the inside."

As the Dalki began to walk over to where Quinn was, something strange was
happening on its back. The single spike on its back started to pulsate and glow with
a slight blue colour. "Did you know, the more a Dalki gets hurt, the stronger they
get!" It said with an evil grin on its face.

The others could tell that it wasn't bluffing, they could feel a strange energy
coming off its body every time the spike on its back would light up.

When the Dalki tried to take another step forward, it felt something akin to a
force field that was pulling him back and slowing him down. This made its
movements felt incredibly sluggish.

'Is it coming from the kid from earlier? But that's impossible he hasn't moved
since he tried those ice spears.' The Dalki thought.

"Crazy boy!" Layla yelled, looking at Vorden with both of his hands stretched out.

"What is this ugly dinosaur trying to do?" In the black room inside Vorden's mind,
both Vorden and Raten were no longer in the seat, Sil had taken over. "Are you
trying to take Quinn away from me?" He yelled.

The Dalki then turned its head slowly using its strength and saw Vorden standing
there. "The boy from earlier, but how did he get so strong. He wasn't like this
before. You earthlings are nothing like we were told, and you're not even adults,
you're just students." The Dalki said.

The whole situation was filling the battle crazy Dalki with happiness.

The others were amazed at how powerful Vorden's telekinesis powers were right
now. But this was because he was using all the MC points from his other abilities
and had it all focused inside the telekinesis ability.

At that moment Quinn was just lifting himself off the ground. He was so badly
hurt he had no choice but to use his Blood bank.

[100 Millimetres of blood used]

[50 HP has been restored]


[Blood bank is now empty]

As soon as the blood was consumed, his body started to heal almost instantly. The
healing was much faster than when he allowed his body to heal on its own accord.
But there was another problem, the ceiling of the building he was in had collapsed,
it was letting the sun in, and it was hitting him right now, making his movements
extremely sluggish and decreasing his power.

"Vorden, how long do you think you can hold him?" Layla asked.

But Sil didn't reply. His own name wasn't being used, and he didn't talk to
strangers much in the first place. However as powerful as Sil was, he was unable
to completely stop the Dalki's movements. It continued to use its brute strength
to power through the telekinetic field and was now walking towards them.

At the same time, she saw Quinn lifting himself off the ground and the sun
continuing to set behind him.

'Even if it turns to night, how is Quinn going to be able to fight such a thing? It's
just too strong.' Layla thought

Then she seemed to recall something Quinn had told her in the past. That he
seemed to get stronger with each person's blood he drank. Layla didn't know the
exact details but anything they could do to tip the scales in their favour she would
be happy to do right now.

She knelt down to Erin's side and asked her for a favour.

"Erin I know you're weak right now, but do you think you could make a bowl of ice
for me. I know it sounds weird, but you need to trust me."
Erin's was completely exhausted you could see it in her face. It clearly wasn't just
from using her abilities, the whole scenario was affecting her mentally as well. She
didn't reply back to Layla but lifted both hands and ice started to form eventually
creating a small bowl of ice.

The next thing Layla did, she didn't even bother asking for Erin's permission, she
grabbed one of the arrows from her quiver and used the tip to make a small cut on
the palm of Erin's hands. The strangest thing was, that Erin gave no reaction what
so ever, which proved that something was seriously wrong with her.

Then using the bowl of ice, she allowed for the blood to drip into it. Once there
was a good amount of blood, she continued to do the same using her own blood.
Next up was Peter.

"I have no time to explain Peter, but if you want to live, let me do this!" Layla said
with a strange look on her face. Peter had no intentions of going against her order
and allowed for his blood to be put into the bowl as well.

The Dalki was continuing to move towards them, and the sweat was running down
Sils face.

'This stupid dinosaur's strong' Sill said to Vorden and Raten.

"We know, but don't give up, just a little longer!" Vorden shouted. "Just hold on
until the sun goes down."

"Sil, think of everything that ever annoyed you, pretend it's that stupid things
fault!" Raten cheered.

The words of encouragement from the two empowered Sil to continue fighting,
and he was doing his best to hold the Dalki back.

Suddenly, Layla appeared by his side. "I know you're busy keeping the Dalki at bay,
but I need your help, it's for Quinn." She said.

The bowl was almost full, Layla didn't know how it worked or how much she
needed, but she had to do something. Using the arrow, she created a small cut on
the back of Vorden's leg, allowing it to slowly seep into the bowl.

When the bowl was finally full, she started to make her way towards Quinn.

"Just what is that girl doing?" The Dalki thought, but for now, it would have to
ignore her. Right now he had a bigger pain in the backside, it was the boy who was
controlling his movements.

"Quinn, are you alright?!" Layla asked as she came rushing over.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I was just waiting for the sun to go down. I'm not much use while
the sun is out, but it looks like Vorden managed to delay him." Quinn answered.
They both looked at the sun and the faint bit of light that was left. As the sun
continued to go down, strength was returning to Quinn's body.

"Here drink this?" Layla said as she handed over the bowl full of blood.

"What is it?" Quinn asked.

"It's all of our blood, I thought it could help you in some way." Said Layla.

Quinn had yet to drink the blood from, Vorden, Erin or Peter so right now the
blood would give him three extra stat points. He was unsure in what, but right now
he needed everything he could get, to turn the tide.

He took the bowl and gulped it down in one go.

[65/65 HP]

[Blood bank has been filled]

[2 points have been added into agility]

[One free stat point has been added]

A row of messages had appeared giving Quinn a smile on his face, but the last one
was the best of them all.

[You are no longer affected by sunlight]

[All stats have returned to normal]


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Chapter 133 Shadow blood

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Chapter 133 Shadow blood

After consuming the blood in the bowl, Quinn felt like a new person. His blood
bank was filled, and his whole body was now fully healed. But best of all, the sun
had finally disappeared behind the horizon, and it was now night time.

"I can't hold on any longer, I'm too tired," Sil whined. The struggle against the
Dalki was too much for him. He wasn't fighting obsessed like Raten, so he gave up
control and left Vorden in charge once again.

Vorden was the weakest of the three and only knew how to use one mind and one
ability at a time. As soon as he and Sil had switched places, the pressure that the
Dalki felt was immensely weakened.

The Dalki could suddenly move one foot in front of the other again, the amount of
force it felt being exerted on itself, was like nothing compared to before.

'I thought this one was special but looks like all he could do was delay me a bit!'
The Dalki thought.

Quinn seeing this happen, knew he was in trouble. He had gained two agility points
bringing it up to 18 and then with the boots this made 22. Seeing the Dalki head
towards Vorden, Quinn felt like he had to quickly decide what to do with his free
stat point.

He put the free stat point into agility without hesitation, it now brought his agility
stat up to a total of 23. Then using all the speed he could, and activating his boots
Wind Walk ability, he rushed over to where the Dalki was.

Regardless if Vorden was in trouble or not right now, he would have put his points
into agility. The Dalkis strength was too great for Quinn to match, and although it
was fast, it wasn't faster than Quinn, he could follow its movements.

With the extra stat points and his boots active, he would be able to dodge the
Dalki's attacks, although just barely.

Moving at an incredible speed, Quinn managed to cover the distance from the
building to where the others were in only a few seconds. As soon as he was in
range, he cast another blood swipe. The attack ripped through the sand and was
heading straight for his target.

The Dalki pulled his head back at the last second, and the attack skimmed right
past its nose.
It turned its head and looked at Quinn, seeing that the boy was in perfect

"But how is this possible? I'm certain you should be on death's door by now." The
Dalki said.

At the same time, Vorden had collapsed onto the floor. All of his energy and MC
points had been used. "It's up to you now, Quinn." He said. "Good luck."

The Dalki charged towards him, and as it did, Quinn could feel the blood and
adrenaline rushing through his entire body. He was in a state of absolute
concentration as he waited for the Dalki's attack.

A swing was made to for his head, Quinn ducked down and threw out a punch
performing blood spray at the same time, taking advantage of the close range. The
attack managed to push the Dalki back a few steps away from him.

[60/65 HP]

The fight continued in this fashion with Quinn avoiding each of the Dalki's
attacks, and whenever it would get too close, he would use his blood abilities to
push it away.

Slowly but surely his HP was starting to get lower bit by bit.

[48/65 HP]

"What's he doing?" Erin asked. "His attacks are too weak, he's not hurting the
thing at all why doesn't he use the same attack as before?"

"I think he's stalling for something," Vorden replied, now sitting on the floor with
the others. "But for what, I have no idea."

Quinn had to be absolutely sure not to get a hit from the Dalki. Not only were his
attacks crazy powerful, but if he got even a tiny scratch on him, the ability from
the boots he was wearing would deactivate, which would slow him down a lot.

But after dodging for a while, his boots had deactivated anyway as the skill time
then wore off. Another claw was coming at him, and it looked like he was about to
get hit, he had no choice but to perform the flash step and appear directly behind
the Dalki.

'Damn, I can only use the flash step one more time, any more and I'll get worn
out.' Quinn thought.

But the Dalki was getting equally frustrated.

"You little Keenan, I will squash you." It lifted up both fists and smashed them
into the ground, causing a crater to form and rubble to lift off the ground.
It didn't seem like an attack made to hurt anyone. The rocks just lifted into the
air and quickly fell back to the floor. It was actually just a way for it to let out a
bit of frustration. At the same time, it had another effect on everyone, it once
again showed the might of the Dalki.

Quinn had taken a few steps back away from the Dalki and quickly opened up his
status screen.

[MC points 40/100]

This was what Quinn was waiting for, he was waiting for his MC points to return so
he could use the shadow ability again. Since it was night time, there was no need
for him to use the Shadow void skill. Unfortunately though while the skill was
active his MC points would not return.

This whole time Quinn was doing his best to dodge, focusing all his energy into
avoiding the Dalki's attacks, waiting for the right moment. Now he could finally
use his shadow abilities once again.

In truth, he wanted to stall a bit longer to gain more of his MC points back, but
continuously dodging was getting far too risky.

When the Dalki looked up, it was surprised to see that Quinn was the one coming
towards it.

"So you've finally decided to attack, I see!" It shouted.

Quinn flung his hand out with his fingers held together, casting a single Redline of
aura. Then before it could move away from him, the shadow underneath his feet
started to move.

The shadow reached out and grabbed the Blood aura holding it in place, and now
the other end of the shadow was attached to Quinn's hand.

To the others, it looked like Quinn was wielding a large red and black scythe. The
black shadows reached into his hand while the curved blood aura acted as the
blade held tight by the shadow.

The two opponents were still quite a distance away from each other, but Quinn
still swung out the shadow scythe.

Seeing this, the Dalki wasn't afraid, it was slightly confused actually, as the
scythe wouldn't be able to reach him. Suddenly, as the scythe was swung
outwards, it seemed like it was starting to extend.

As Quinn swung it too his side the shadows extended and the red aura part
manged to hit the Dalki right on its side. It was pushed back a few feet and at the
same time could feel a stinging pain, when he looked down, he could see a large cut
had appeared where his ribs were, and green blood was starting to leak from the

This was what Quinn had been practising the whole week in Logan's room. A way to
combine his shadow skills while also using his blood skills and after countless trials
and errors, this was what he had come up with.

Chapter 134 A sacrifice

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Chapter 134 A sacrifice

Whith Quinn's new attack, combining his shadow control with the blood swipe, had
hit the Dalki's body. It had shattered and disappeared just as his normal blood
swipe would.

[47/65 HP]

[35/100 MC]

Combining his shadow skills with his blood skills allowed him to create a more
powerful combination skill. Connecting the shadow to his blood swipe allowed him
to also add his own strength to the power of the blood swipe. The shadow made it
possible for the attack to be flexible, moving it about freely.

This would also add extra force and momentum into the attack making it more
powerful and increasing the range of the attack beyond the five meters that was
blood swipe's natural limit.

There were only two problems Quinn still had to find a solution for. If the shadow
holding the blood swipe was hit, or if he wasn't fast enough, the blood swipe would
escape from the shadow's grasp. The other problem is that when the attack hit it
would disappear, so he could only use it once. Of course, using the shadow for an
attack also used MC points, but there was nothing he could about that.

The Dalki's blood continued to drip from its side and fall into the sand, but now
the spike on its back was pulsating faster and glowing brighter.
Seeing the Dalki injured and bleeding made Quinn feel excited, he charged
forward once again.

"Come on, attack me again!" The Dalki shouted.

And Quinn did just that, this time casting a Blood swipe up in the air before
grabbing it with his shadow. He then swung it from above right down on top of the

The attack was faster than the Dalki had predicted, it could only barely get its
arms up in time to block the attack that came at it from above.

The attack was a success and had caused the Dalki to fall onto the ground. Its
forearms were dripping with green blood, but it ignored its wounds. It just stood
up once again and charged forward.

'Is that Dalki an idiot?' Layla thought. 'I had always heard they were smart. Some
minds even greater than ours, but why does it just keep running forward.'

At this point, even Quinn was starting to worry, his attacks were clearly working,
but the Dalki was acting in a strange way. For now, there was nothing he could do
about it. He went to attack once again with his shadow scythe, only this time the
Dalki managed to jump and avoid the blow.

"Did it just get faster?!" Quinn said.

"You seem to have forgotten." The Dalki said, "I told you already the more we are
hurt, the stronger we become." The Dalki made a fist above its head and threw it
down towards Quinn's face.

Quinn had no choice but to move his shadow to block the fist-attack, but the Dalki
immediately used a kick to his side which was too fast for him to be able to move
the shadow to defend against. The attack hit and he was thrown to the side, his
ribs were broken once again.

[3/65 HP]

[Blood bank has automatically been activated]

[53/65 Hp]

While in mid-air Quinn's body started to heal and his bones went back into place.
Putting both his hands in the sand, he tried his best to slow himself down and
eventually came to a halt.

"I can't win," Quinn said. "Even with my full power, it's still too strong."

"Snap out of it Quinn!" The system shouted in his head. "You only became a
vampire a couple of weeks ago, and you think you can already take out an enemy
like this. You will grow in due time, but the important thing right now is to survive."
But how was he meant to survive? His blood bank had been used up, the only
answer he could think of was he needed more blood. If he could get to where the
others were, and he filled up his blood bank, maybe he could keep firing out his
blood attacks till the thing died.

The cooldown on his boots had reset, and once again, he could use the wind walk
skill. He rushed towards the Dalki who was coming toward him. As it did, Quinn
could see the big smile on its face as if it was enjoying the fight, He also noticed
the horror on the faces of the others.

"I can do this! I have to do this!" Quinn shouted.

Running forward and not changing his direction, he went straight ahead, then just
as the Dalki was prepared to attack—

"Flash step!"

He used his skill, allowing him to avoid the strike and go right past the Dalki. He
continued to run straight ahead and was heading for the others.

During the fight between the Dalki and Quinn, Layla made her way around the
fight and joined with the other three. All of them were watching with in silence,
with awe on their faces.

'What is he doing?!' Layla thought. 'Should we run, is that why he's coming
towards us?'

"I need blood!" Quinn yelled. "I can't fight the Dalki like this, I need more blood!"

Layla didn't ask any questions and immediately started to make another cut on the
palm of her hand, and Erin had already formed another ice bowl. Erin didn't know
what was happening but whatever Layla had done last time had made Quinn
stronger, and Quinn was now their only change to survive.

But when they all looked up, their faces had dropped entirely, for the Dalki was
already right behind Quinn. Not only had its strength gotten higher but so had its
speed. Everything about the Dalki had improved.

It was too late for Quinn to notice, and the Dalki was already mid-attack. Quinn
had never suspected the Dalki would grow so much during the battle, but it
seemed like what it had said earlier was true.

The fist flew forward and penetrated right through flesh and bone, going straight
through his body and out to the other side.

At this point, Quinn had finally noticed that the Dalki was right behind him. He
was too focused on obtaining the blood Layla had gathered, he had failed to
realize what was happening behind him.
Bright red blood could be seen dripping onto the ground with a fist through his
body. But it wasn't Quinn's body that was penetrated. The person who had been
hit, was Peter.

"Quinn…" Peter said weakly, coughing out blood that filled his mouth. "Please…
Forgive... me." His body fell to the ground and hit the soft sand, his blood
continued to soak the sand turning it red.

In the moment Quinn needed help the most, the only one brave enough to step up
and come to Quinn's side was Peter. However, it came at a terrible price…

Chapter 135 Blood Ritual

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Chapter 135 Blood Ritual

As Quinn saw Peter's body hit the ground, a certain reality had hit him. He had
seen people die before. In fact, he was even the case of many. But this was the
first time that someone he knew personally had died.

But what upset Quinn more than anything, instead of what happened to Peter, was
another thought altogether. This thought was…

'Look at all that wasted blood.'

Fortunately though, that quickly changed as he soon realized what had occurred.

"Peter!" he shouted.

"When did he get over there?" Layla asked after hearing Quinn's shout.

"I was too busy looking at Quinn waiting for him back here," Erin replied to her

"The same goes for me. He must have started moving towards Quinn as soon as he
saw the Dalki," Vorden said. "But why did this happen after what we were just
talking about? You had a family that cared for you."
The Dalki looked at Peter on the floor.

"That's quite noble of you. A society should build itself on sacrificing the weak
ones to preserve the strong." That's exactly how the Dalki does it. He was
selfless, and his sacrifice allowed the stronger human genes to be passed on.

"It's a shame though…since you will all be dying with him."

'This was it,' Quinn thought. As the Dalki came closer to him, he had run out of
trump cards. His MC had been used and all he had left was his original skills.

"I'll kill you!" Quinn shouted. "Even if it means killing myself!"

Opening both palms, Quinn soon ran forward. When he felt that he was close
enough, he shot out a blood spray from one hand. The Dalki would slightly flinch in
response to this as his foot shifted back a little.

[48/65 HP]

Usually, these attacks wouldn't inflict any damage. But although he got stronger
the more he was hurt, that didn't mean his defence increased. He had been quite
severely damaged by Quinn's Shadow Scythe attacks.

Another spray of blood fired out again.

[43/65 HP]

Quinn wouldn't let up and rapidly fired out multiple blood sprays.

"Hey! It seems to be working!" Layla shouted out.

But in contrast to Layla's words, Vorden wasn't too sure. He didn't know how
Quinn's attacks worked for he hadn't told the two. Also, he wasn't sure if he was
imagining things or not, but every time Quinn used that attack, his face seemed to
grow paler.

[38/65 HP]

[33/65 HP]

"I'll kill you!" Quinn shouted. "And once I'm done with you, I'll suck out your blood
until you're nothing but a walking skeleton!"

He continued to shout out words of abuse, but he himself wasn't really sure what
he was saying. Fortunately, a nice surprise came to him amidst his combat.

[Blood Spray has levelled up!]

[Blood Spray is now Lvl. 2]

As Quinn shot out the new and improved blood spray, the power seemed to push
his arm back even more as the spray's range grew further as well. As it hit the
Dalki this time, its wounds seemed to be opening up as more green blood was
leaking out of it than before.

[28/65 HP]

[23/ 65 HP]

Now that the two of them were a distance away, the group ran up on Peter to
check up on him. They then moved his body and allowed him to lay on his back.
Surprisingly, even though he had such a big wound, he was still breathing.

"What do we do?" Layla cried out." He'll bleed to death like this. Can't we use the

"No, the robot wasn't meant to patch up injuries like this," Erin replied.

"It might be best if we kill him here," Vorden said all of a sudden.

The two girls looked at Vorden with expressions of shock. They couldn't believe
what they had just heard.

"Look. I know what Peter did against you two was wrong, but can't you just forgive
him?" Layla shouted back in response to Vorden's words.

Vorden shook his head as a reply.

"You're mistaken, Layla. I already forgave Peter a while ago. I'm just saying this
for his sake," he soon said. "Look at him, he's in pain. He's been bleeding for the
last two minutes, and at most, he only has another three before he's completely
gone. It'll be more peaceful to get rid of him now."

But the group didn't have time to decide for they were distracted by something
else. Whenever Quinn would use the blood spray, a sound similar to a small shotgun
would be heard, but the sound had suddenly stopped.

When they looked over, they saw Quinn kneeling down on one knee while the Dalki
was still standing, but green blood was oozing from the multiple wounds on his

Quinn hadn't paid much attention to it, but he had unfortunately run out of
stamina. With the increase of firepower in the blood spray, it also took up more
energy to use it. Right now, it seemed that he had overexerted himself. Sweat was
dripping all over his body while all of his muscles cramped up.

He looked at the Dalki that was still standing, unbelieving that it was still alive
after it had received so much damage.

The Dalki soon started walking over while Quinn looked at it directly in the eyes.

[Daze skill uneffective]

And just like that, the last thing he could do had been tossed out the window.

"Damn it! If Peter can go forward, then at least I can as well!" Vorden shouted all
of a sudden as he charged in with what little power he had left, but all of a
sudden, a large metallic object went flying right by Vorden's head, landing directly
between Quinn and the Dalki.

"You kids get back! Get out of here now! That's an order!" This sound echoed from
the object that just landed, and all of them found out what it was straight away.
It was a mech.

Quickly soon after, another Mech had landed right next to that one. It did not
take for the Dalki and the mechs to be engaged in combat after that. The mechs
had humungous strength and were equivalent to that of the Dalki they were
currently facing.

The only problem was, they were still clunky and not as agile, but the others
noticed that it would take a while before the Dalki was able to destroy them.

"Come, Quinn!" Vorden yelled, putting Peter on top of his shoulder. "Let's get out
of here!"

And with that, the two of them went over to where the others were by Peter's
side. Right now, his face was much paler than before, and not to mention, his
eyelids were drooping as well.

Quinn knelt down by his side and looked at him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry, Peter. You saved me." There were no tears in his eyes like the others,
but there was a hint of melancholy in his voice.

But then, just as he said these words, a voice was heard from the system.

"If you wish to save him, you must act quickly," the system said.

"I can save him? But these wounds are impossible to heal with no healer around."

"That is indeed the case, but if he was no longer human, and a supply of blood from
each of you, he would be able to overcome this fatal wound. As long as his heart
and the core of his brain is not damaged, then he will live. You have the choice, but
you have to decide fast, whether to do so or not."

[Would you like to activate the blood ritual?]


Mass release day!

Please remember to vote for another one next week.

Rank 1 = 8 Extra Chapters

Rank 2 = 6 Extra Chapters

Rank 3 = 4 extra Chapters

Chapter 136 Cursed Family

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Chapter 136 Cursed Family

The system had given him an option at the most crucial time whether to make
Peter into a Blooded one or not. If the system had just asked him out of the blue,
then Quinn probably would have said no. Peter had betrayed them, and although he
might not do it again, there was no way to be sure.

He would have much rather Blooded Layla or Vorden when the time was right. The
two of them had done nothing but help him out during these times.

But right now, it wasn't about loyalty, it wasn't about what was right or wrong but
about whether or not Quinn wanted to save his life.

Surely becoming a vampire was better than dying, right?

"I'll do it!" Quinn said.


After confirming he wanted to make Peter into a Blooded one, a new screen had
appeared in front of his face. One that had given him detailed instructions.

"Quinn, what's up with your eyes?" Layla asked.

Quinn didn't know it himself, but as soon as he had accepted to activate the skill
of his blood ritual, his eyes started to glow. Faint red circles were seen around
the iris. Similar to when he activated his Influence skill.

Right after, he started to follow the instructions one by one.

[Please proceed by inserting the Host's blood into the mouth of the target]

Quinn unequipped his equipment and placed it back into the dimensional space.
Then using one of the tips of Layla's arrow, he inflicted a cut on his hand, creating
a brand new wound. He held his hand just above Peter's mouth, who was now barely
breathing and allowed for the blood to drip in.

It touched the tip of his mouth slowly started to fall inside his body. His fingers
that were once unmoving now started to twitch, and a warm feeling had started in
his body.

Inside the blood cells from Quinn's could be seen latching on to the blood cells of
Peter's and slowly, they were all starting to change throughout his body.

Peter's eyes then opened wide, and now he had red rings around his eyes. Quinn
couldn't quite explain it, but for a moment, he could feel a connection with Peter
and could see what was happening inside his body.

"Quinn this isn't enough, the transformation has only just begun, but he now needs
the blood of the others to live." The System shouted.

"Guys, please, I need you all to do the same," Quinn asked.

Just then, Peter's body started shaking uncontrollably. His wound still hadn't
healed, but he was moving as if he was back alive once again. Quinn quickly grabbed
both of his hands.

"Someone hold his mouth open!" Quinn shouted.

Vorden quickly moved to the top of Peter's head and held his mouth open wide. It
was a struggle as Peter swung his head left and right. "What's happening to him,
Quinn?! It's like he's turned into a crazy beast!"

Just as he said those words, he started to realize what was happening, the look on
Quinn's face said it all. Quinn was going to save his life by turning him into a

The others did as instructed, and each one squeezed out the blood from the
previous wound they had made before, re-opening them.

Finally, a result. The wound around Peter's stomach started to heal as his cells
slowly patched them together. It was at a speed unseen unless one was to use a
healing ability.

"What magic is this?" Erin said out loud.

But the other two had a concerned look on their face as they knew exactly what
was happening. Peter started to struggle less and less until he eventually calmed
down, and his eyes were finally closed.
"Is he still alive?" Layla asked.

Vorden then placed his head onto Peter's chest, and for a while, a heartbeat
wasn't heard, but then ever so faintly he could hear a beat.

"I think so?" Vorden said, half confused. Then when checking his breath, they
realised he was indeed still alive.

At that moment Quinn received another message.

[The ritual was a success!]

[The human has successfully been blooded 1/2]

[A Vampire Ghoul has been created]

[A new family has been created]

[What would you like to name your family?]

When seeing the notifications, there was a couple of things that had surprised
him, and Quinn wanted immediate answers. But the first thing he needed to do was
get rid of the screen in his face which wanted him to name his family.


"Now that you have turned someone, he falls under your ranks, he has your blood,
so he is a part of your family. Every Vampire that turns someone has the
responsibility to look after their family." The system explained.

Right now Quinn could only think of one thing, although he had gotten stronger
thanks to the ability, he now relied on one thing, blood. Without it, he didn't know
how he would survive.

If he went two days without a human by his side, then what would he do? He
couldn't eat the blood of beasts or animals, and if he started fighting using his
blood abilities, it would only cause him to rely on it even more.

[Family name: The Cursed]

This was how Quinn felt at this moment and time.

Just then a loud crash was heard, as the group turned their head they could see a
Dalki on top of one of the Mech's ripping off one of its arms. It was covered in
more blood than before, and it no longer looked human but just that of a pure

"Well, well, looks like we lucked out and it's only a single spike." A voice was heard
from behind the group of students, and when they turned to look, they could see
Leo standing there.
Although he didn't look like his ordinary self—usually he would be wearing his
military uniform and have his katana by his side. But right now, he had a light set
of Black and Red Beast gear on, and his chest had the design of a Japanese demon.
An Oni with horns.

"There will be no need to call the others, or use my soul weapon for something like


Mass release day!

Please remember to vote for another one next week.

Rank 1 = 8 Extra Chapters

Rank 2 = 6 Extra Chapters

Rank 3 = 4 extra Chapters

Chapter 137 Green blood

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7-8 minutos

Chapter 137 Green blood

At the second military base inside one of the schools, another meeting was taking
place. Once again, the Head General wasn't present, leaving Nathan and Duke to
deal with things.

"There has been a report of a Dalki ship crash landing on the planet Caladi,"
Nathan reported. At that moment, the first-year sergeants had expressions of
shock on their faces. "Don't worry. It seems to be a stray ship from somewhere.
The tower made communications with the Dalki, and of course, they said it was a
member who had gone rogue."

"Damn those Dalki!" Duke yelled, slamming the table." Every year, they keep
pushing and pushing into our territory."
"Luckily, it only seems to be a single ship, so at most, there will be two there. Of
course, the tower has asked us to send…"

Before Nathan could even finish his sentence, Leo stood up from his seat and
bowed down in front of Nathan. "Please allow me to go. Those students are too
young to experience something like this, especially on their first outing. They must
be protected."

Nathan was quite shocked to see Leo suddenly volunteering. Usually, when
something like this occurred, no one would willingly go and risk their lives against
the Dalki. Hearing this made Nathan wonder if the rumors were actually true.

That for some reason, Leo had a stronger grudge against the Dalki than most
people. Or perhaps, he just really cared about the students. One thing was for
sure though. He was sure that if they were to send Leo out, then there would be
no need to send out any of the other teachers or sergeants.

As long as the Dalki had no more than three spikes, then Nathan was confident in
him. "Well, I guess the matter is settled. Fay, Hayley, I want to two of you on
standby just outside the portal for their return. If any back-up is needed, then
you go straight through. Hayley, heal anyone who needs immediate medical

The meeting had ended like that and everyone did as they were asked. Leo quickly
put on his gear while the two girls waited outside the green portal. "It seems like
Del's class is having it tough this year," Hayley said.

"I couldn't agree more, its almost as if bad luck has been following them around
wherever they go," Fay replied.

Leo was eventually ready, unhesitatingly entering the portal soon after.


The shelter had responded to the emergency response and had closed all shelter
gates. No citizens were allowed to leave the shelter at the moment without
military clearance. Two mechs had been sent out to look for the Dalki, with both
of them arriving at the crash site. Unfortunately for them, there was no sign of
the Dalki.

This was the reason why it had taken so long for the Mechs to discover the
students and the Dalki. But once the Mechs had discovered their location, they
were able to tell Leo exactly where they were.

"Men, fall back!" Leo shouted.

The two guys in the mechs did as ordered. The Dalki was holding onto one of the
Mechs' arms and the guy had no choice but to allow it to be ripped off to break
free. Afterward, they immediately backed away and went by the students' side.

"Another one," the Dalki said as he saw Leo walking towards him with his hand on
his sheath. "You really are germs to this whole universe, look how many of you
there are on this planet already."

The Dalki looked like he was heavily injured, but that didn't fool Leo. Using his
ability, he could see the strong aura emanating off of him. The Dalki had not given
up just yet.

"Why do you fight us?" Leo asked.

In response to his question, the Dalki ignored him and went in for a strike. Leo
responded to his actions by pivoting forward and using a quick draw, pulling out the
katana from its sheath and putting it back in an instant.

The Dalki felt nothing as his arm had been cleanly sliced off. There was no
resistance like everything else before had, it was as if the sword was able to
ignore all attributes.

The arm went flying up into the air and landed a distance behind Leo while green
blood spewed out from the open wound.

"You!" The Dalki pointed with his other hand. "I know who you are! The others had
warned me about you!" Unfortunately for him, before he could even finish talking,
its head had also been cleanly cut off.

"Was this the only one?" Leo asked.

For a moment, the students had forgotten to speak as they were too amazed at
what they had just seen. The thing they struggled to defeat with all of them
combined was killed just like that.

"Um…yes. That's the only one we saw," Layla replied.

The two mechs soon ran forward and went down on their knees. "Thank you for
protecting us, Sergeant Leo."

"Don't thank me," Leo replied. "Thankfully, the Dalki was already on its last legs.
You two must have done a good job in injuring the Dalki before I got here."

The two soldiers looked at each other in response. They knew that their skills
hardly had any effect on the Dalki. In fact, they hadn't even managed to land a hit
even once. Nearly all of the wounds that were on the Dalki were on it before they
had even gotten there.

'It couldn't have been the students, could it?' they simultaneously thought.
If Leo was able to see the expressions on their face, he too would have realized
that they were not the ones who had injured the Dalki.

Leo and the two soldiers were busy inspecting the Dalki, seeing if they could find
anything indicating why he was here.

While they were doing that, the others were still tending to Peter, making sure he
was okay. In contrast, Quinn's attention was focused on something else.

His eyes were fixated on the Dalki's hand that was not too far away from them.
He started walking over and Vorden soon noticed what he was looking at as well.


[Dalki: A half-human, half-beast race]

"Half-human, half-beast?" Quinn looked at it with a confused expression. Aren't

the Dalki aliens? Although he was curious about this, he inspected the arm, only to
confirm something else.


[Dalki blood]

[Consuming the blood will have unknown effects on the host]

"System, do you know what the Dalki blood will do?" Quinn asked.

"No," The system replied rather bluntly. "But I will tell you this. If it did any harm
to your body, the system would warn you."

Quinn then walked over to the arm and dipped his finger in the green blood. He
sniffed it a little at first. It had a sweet scent with a hint of mint in it, reminding
him of toothpaste.

'Should I?' Quinn thought. 'The system said it wouldn't hurt me, right?'


Mass release day!

Please remember to vote for another one next week.

Rank 1 = 8 Extra Chapters

Rank 2 = 6 Extra Chapters

Rank 3 = 4 extra Chapters

Chapter 138 The assesments end

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Chapter 138 The assesments end

Looking at the green blood Quinn was unsure of what it would do. The system had
already confirmed it would have no negative side-effects. Or at least it wasn't
poisonous. However, it came as a surprise to Quinn that the system didn't know
what it did.

Unless it was keeping information from him, which again was possible. But if the
system was telling the truth, did that mean none of the old or current vampires
ever interacted with the Dalki race? But then how did the system know of beast

Everything was suddenly getting confusing for Quinn as the timelines just didn't
make sense. Humans had discovered the use of teleporters and the Beast planets
in this solar system only once they had fought with the Dalki.

The portal technology was originally there's to begin with.

Yet the vampires had never heard of them, yet still had access to beast weapons.
Right now it was clear that Quinn didn't have all the pieces of the puzzle, and just
thinking about it would give him a headache.

"Well, here it goes." The temptation was too much. Quinn imagined anyone in his
situation would have done the same thing. As the blood touched his tongue, a mint
sensation entered his body. Similar to toothpaste, it wasn't nice, but it wasn't
exactly bad.

As it went down his throat, a weird tingling sensation could be felt in his body and
then, it started to spread all over as if his body was on fire. Right now, Quinn
wanted to do anything to let out the energy.

[Level 1 Dalki blood has been consumed]

[A 10 percent increase in all stats. Will last one hour]

The tingling feeling Quinn felt through his body was hard to describe and the buff
that he got form obtaining it was amazing. It wasn't a set amount like those
before it, but a percentage increase. Which meant as long as he got stronger the
buff increase went up along with it as well.
Quinn looked at the arm again and thought if there was any way of him taking it
back with him. Unfortunately, it seemed like non-living matter was unable to enter
the Dimensional space.

When Quinn was back at the school, he decided to do some more tests. First, he
had placed a flask into the space, and the object had gone in fine. Then using some
blood he had obtained from Layla, he had placed it into the flask and tried to put
it into the space again. But it refused to go in.

Once taking out the blood it would go in again. Quinn then did some more tests by
trying it on certain animals and other things, and it looked like any type of living
matter, including plants were unable to be stored into the space.

It was a shame, but he was unable to place the arm in the space. But by that time.
Leo and the other two were already done with checking out the dead Dalki body.

"These two will escort you back to the school. Make sure that all your injuries are
dealt with."

"Back to the school!" Erin complained. "What about the assessment."

"It's cancelled, all the students in the shelter have already gone back to school,
and anyone outside hunting has been brought back," Leo replied.

At that point, Erin knew there was nothing she could do, but wait for the school to
make an official announcement.

As the others walked off with the soldiers, Leo grabbed on to Quinn's wrist.

"It looks like you stayed true to your word, and you protected them," Leo said. "I
guess you are on our side after all."

Quinn didn't know what to say back, Leo's sudden words were a surprise to say
the least. But as Leo looked past Quinn, he noticed Peter. And he looked slightly
different and had a slight tint of purple to his aura similar to Quinn.

Although Leo had never taught Peter before, so he was unsure whether Peter
always had this aura or not. "I'm still keeping my eye on you two," Leo said. "But
for now, go rest."

Quinn quickly rushed off and followed behind the others, but he couldn't help
think back to the words that Leo had said. He was keeping an eye on us two. If he
wasn't sure about it before he was sure about it now. Leo knew he was different,
and he could tell Peter was now to.

But looking at Peter, Quinn was even unsure of what he was himself. When going
through the blood ritual, Quinn had assumed that Peter would be changed into
either a Vampire or a halfling like he first was. But instead, Peter had turned into
something called a vampire ghoul.
Just then, as the group continued to carry Peter on their shoulders, it seemed like
he was starting to wake up.

"Hey, Quinn get over here!" Layla shouted. "It looks like he's waking up."

As he opened his eyes, Vorden and Layla slowly allowed him to stand on his own two

"What happened?" He asked.

Then images started to flash through his head of jumping in the way to save
Quinn. He quickly looked down at his stomach and noticed a big hole where his
uniform should have been, but his stomach didn't have a single mark on it.

"I think you should talk to Quinn, once we have the time and this is all over,"
Vorden replied.

"Anyway, how are you feeling?" Layla asked.

"I'm feeling good," Peter replied. "Better than usual actually, although I am a bit

As Peter said those words, the three of them looked at each other.


Somewhere in an unknown place in a large room, there was a large rectangle table
that stretched out far and wide. On the table, there was a total of thirteen seats,
and each one had a person sitting in them, all apart from one.

It was a mixture of men and women, and they all looked all sorts of ages, but they
all had one thing in common as they sat in their seats and that was their red
coloured eyes.

Behind each of the seats was a single purple coloured flame just behind them up
attached to the wall and behind the empty seat there was one that had been lit up
as well.

A single man sat at the head of the table and started off the conversation.

"As you can all see, the flame has been lit above the 10th chair."

"Does that mean he's back? But I thought he had died" Chatter started amongst
the twelve in the chairs until the head spoke once again.

"No, I believe he managed to somehow find a someone before he left this world
and they have officially blooded their first, creating a new family."

"But why now, it's been a hundred years!" A female shouted

"I don't know but what I do know, is we must find this new family and bring them
in as soon as possible. Make sure they uphold our laws and if not. We shall get rid
of them all."

End of Arc 1


We unlocked 8 chapters for next week's mass release. Want another one, then
remember to vote!

Rank 1 = 8 Chapters

Rank 2 = 6 Chapters

Rank 3 = 4 Chapters

Arc 2 will begin tomorrow.

Chapter 139 A Curious Boy

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Chapter 139 A Curious Boy

Inside a near pitch black training hall, a certain boy was creeping his way forward
towards a door. He stood just outside the entrance, then he stuck his head
through the door and peeked into the room, looking around to see if anyone could
spot him. And just hovering above him was something that looked like a miniature
bull, a little larger than a human's fist. Although this one also had tiny wings and
two large fangs on the front of his face.

"Did you spot anyone Ham?" The kid asked.

"No, but are you really sure we should be doing this, you could get kicked out of
the family?" The little flying bull replied, fluttering around in the air.
"As if that could ever happen. My dad's one of the thirteen family leaders, and
I'm the one that's going to be his successor." The boy then walked into the large
hall with Ham following in the air closely behind him.

With his gelled back black hair and his dark clothing it was nearly impossible to
spot him at night, but there was one distinctive thing that stood out about the
boy, it would allow you to see him in the dark even if you were quite a distance
away. It was his glowing red eyes, which gave the boy away as a vampire.

His name was Fex, and today he had come to the hall inside his family's castle for
one reason, to go to the human world.

On his back, he carried a relatively large backpack, packed with all sorts of things.
Clothes, toothpaste, a brush and all sorts of essentials. After all, he didn't know
how long he would be visiting the human world for.

Just then out of his backpack, Fex pulled a small silver ring which had ten crystals
embed on the inside and all around. He lifted the ring into the air before kissing

"I have to thank you again Blood evolver wherever you are, because of you I can
finally leave this place." He then placed the ring on the ring finger of his right
hand and was finally ready to go. "Come on Ham, hurry up."

"Wait, I think I hear someone!" Ham said.

Just as Ham said it, the sound of footsteps could be heard. Fex quickly looked
around the hall which was filled with square-shaped machinery on the floor, each
spaced an equal distance from each other, the gap between each one was quite far.

Quickly rummaging through his backpack, Fex pulled out what looked like a piece
of paper. "Come on, where is it, I need to remember that access code!" But the
nerves were getting the better of him, and his fingers fumbled as he dropped the
piece of paper onto the floor.

"Fex there right there!" The bull said now visibly sweating.

"Well, let's just hope I don't end up somewhere too bad!" Fex then rushed over to
one of the square machines on the floor and tapped on top of the machine. A
bright display lit up, asking for an access code.

"Please input the correct access code for your destination."

He closed his eyes and tried to remember one of the numbers form the piece of
paper, but he struggled to remember which one led to where. In the end, he had
to just go for it and type in the only one he could think of.

"Acess code accepted."

The contraption started to open, and mechanical sounds could be heard.

From the hallway, one of the guards who was roaming could hear the mechanical
sounds coming from the room. 'Is someone using the teleporters, I don't
remember an outing planned for today?' The man thought.

He quickly ran into the room, and just then, he could see Fex standing in front of
the circular teleport device.

"Fex what are you doing? Don't go in!" the man shouted.

Fex turned around and looked up at the man, he gave him a huge smile before
saluting the man. He grabbed Ham and jumped backwards into the teleport circle.
Once Fex had gone through, the machine had automatically closed down on its own.

"I knew that kid always did crazy things, but this has just gone too far." The man
said. "I must report this to the family leader immediately."

Meanwhile, inside the teleporter, Fex mind was being distorted, and all he could
see around him was a bright array of different colours. "Ham, you need to
transform, the humans will have a fit if they see you flying above me!"

A small puff of black smoke appeared around Ham. When the black smoke went
away, it was replaced with what looked like a black dangling earing, it was round at
the top with a little symbol of a bull on it. In contrast, the dangling bit was long
and rectangular on the bottom. Fex quickly grabbed it before putting it on his
right ear.

"Finally, here I come, bye dark gloomy world!" Fex yelled excitedly.

Just then the tunnel of colours around him seemed to end, and now something felt
like it was dragging him through to the other side.

When Fex had opened his eyes, he found himself in a large dome-like building with
digital signs going all across the walls showing all sorts of advertisements. But the
biggest one of them all was one that said welcome to Toklon City.

'I finally made it.' Fex thought.

Fex was currently inside what was known as a City station on Earth. In the centre
of the city was a large circular device that glowed a bright white colour and every
so often people would appear from it.

Several different people were coming through, some wearing building equipment,
others in suits, and some were even travellers wearing beast gear. City stations
could usually be found on most shelters on other planets, large factions also owned
them as well as the top corporations.
There were two types of city stations, an arrival station and a departure station.
The departure stations were usually filled with all types of checks. Even those
that were privately owned would receive regular check-ups form the human
federation, they would even send their own guys to work as security. If it didn't
meet a certain standard, then it would simply be put out of commission.

And of course, at each of these stations was an access code that needed to be
imputed. This access code was usually given to only a couple of people who worked
at city stations.

Fex couldn't help but stare around and look in amazement at the place.

"Can you believe it Ham!" Fex said. "We made it, and there are so many humans.
They look nearly the same as us, although there are some incredibly ugly ones."
Fex said a little too loud.

The people around him started to give Fex strange looks as they heard him say
those words, but at the same time, they couldn't help staring at him. Although he
was a teenage boy who looked around sixteen, they could feel a certain charm
pulling them in.

"Fex, you need to suppress your abilities," Ham said.

"Oh that's right, I nearly forgot!" Fex closed his eyes and focused, letting the
aura that was surrounding his body shrink inside himself. Suddenly the people who
were looking at him no longer felt an urge to stare."

Unlike the departure station, the arrivals station didn't have much security
checks, apart from a few guards who stood by the doors to the exit. After all the
checks were done on the other end and only when they sure it was safe, would the
access code be inputted.

There were also several people that seemed to be waiting for their loved ones.

Fex headed for the exit as if he didn't have a worry in the world, but just as he
reached the exit, he could see the doors to the outside where the sun was glaring.
"Time to put this ring to the test," Fex said.

He closed his eyes and took one step out into the open sun, and nothing happened.
There was no itching feeling or burning pain like when he had gone through his
training. It was just the same as when he was in the dark.

With a big smile on his face, he continued to walk forward and started to explore
the city.

From the city station, he was able to see the edge far away in the distance. The
city was surrounded by a large wall that was nearly taller than all the skyscrapers
around them. On the buildings, there were also several advertisements for
different things but what he kept seeing the most, where either companies selling
ability books or those that were recruiting travellers to join their faction.

After walking a while, Fex decided to stop by what looked like a food shop. He saw
a man walk out with a bag full of food and drinks.

'Perhaps I can get this thing called wine, the drink my grandpa was talking about,
from this shop.' Fex thought.

As he went inside, he started to look around the shop in the drinks section for an
item labelled as wine. However, he noticed while he was walking around in the shop
that others would still continually look at him.

"I have my ability suppressed right Ham?" Fex asked.

"Yes, I can no longer feel you're presence."

"It must just be my natural good looks then."

After ignoring the people giving him sideway glances, he had eventually found the
drink labelled as wine.

"There's so many, I guess they all taste the same right?"

He grabbed a random bottle and rushed over to the counter, waiting for his turn.

"I would like to purchase this please," Fex said as he started to get out his money

"ID please." The counter clerk asked.

"ID?" Fex, was confused. Unknown to him every citizen of Earth was required to
carry around an ID. If Fex had paid attention in his classes, then he would have
known that he would obtain a fake one when he reached the age of eighteen.

"How old are you, kid?" The clerk said as he looked Fex over from head to toe.

"Sixteen, can I not purchase this drink then, I have the money," Fex said, with an
innocent smile on his face.

"No, of course, you can." The clerk said, smiling as he proceeded with the payment
as usual.

Then as Fex had left the shop, the clerk immediately opened up his screen and
dialled the number 111. "Hello, I'd like to report someone on Bader street… yeah,
it looks like a student who is committing Draft evasion… Black hair… gelled back…
With an earring. He didn't seem to have an ID on him either."

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Chapter 140 Sanguinis Family

Read My Vampire System - Chapter 140 Sanguinis Family online free - Light
Novel Full

6-8 minutos

Chapter 140 Sanguinis Family

Walking down the street with his backpack in his hand, Fex was smiling broadly.
His grandpa had looked after him nearly his whole life and it was only a few years
ago that he had decided to go into an eternal sleep and give control of the family
over to Fexs father.

But Fex never forgot the stories his grandpa used to tell him, the countless things
earth had to offer them as vampires. Of course, it had been many years since his
grandpa had visited earth but the one thing he would never stop talking about was
this drink called wine.

This was why Fex put it at the top of his to-do list when he would finally visit

"You're being followed you know," Ham said.

"Yeah, I can tell," Fex replied.

"Did the family find us already?" Ham asked.

Fex started to sniff the air when he noticed that there were at least four people
following them from a distance.

"No they don't smell like vampires, most likely they are humans. But why are they
following us?" Fex said.

Although Fex didn't pay much attention during his lessons, there was one law that
was hammered into his head. Never, under any circumstance, reveal yourself to
humans. If they found out what you are you only had two options. Bring them back
with you to turn them into a blooded, or kill them.
Right now he was sure he hadn't done anything to make him look suspicious.
Although there was a law against revealing that you're a vampire, there was no
such law saying anything about fighting with humans. Fex decided to turn around a
corner into a dark alleyway, to confront the humans following him.

"I know you're following me." Fex said. "Is it because I bought this?" He lifted up
the plastic bag that contained the bottle of wine.

"Look I know times are rough but I heard the cities were quite wealthy, if you
want I can buy another bottle for you." Fex offered.

The two men stepped towards Fex. "Relax, we are not looking for trouble." One of
them said. "We just want to confirm your age and if you have any ID on you?" The
other one said.

"It's about my age again, what's with this place? I already said I'm 16 and about
the ID I must have lost it somewhere." Fex exclaimed.

The two men then looked at each other. When people were trying to avoid the
military draft it was quite common for them to get rid of their IDs. They would
try to live their life by other means never showing their ID card.

But Fex looked young and he had also confirmed his age to them. No more
questioning was needed, the actions they had to take where clear.

"Fire when you're ready." The first man said.

'Looks like I might have to fight my way out of this one.' Fex thought. But he
knew he had to be careful not to use any of his vampire abilities. But that didn't
mean he had to hold back from using his regular abilities.

He took a step forward and a small sharp pain was felt in the side of his neck.

���What the..?" as he looked to the side he noticed that something that looked
like a dart had been shot into his neck, inside the dart a green liquid could be seen.

"Why am I suddenly ….feeling…so..sle.." His eyes started to close and he had

collapsed onto the floor.

The two men walked up to the sleeping boy. "Luckily he didn't have a hardening
ability, I was ready to get into a scrap there." One of the men said.


Back at the castle, a certain man was sitting in a large throne-like chair. In his
left hand, a single glass contained a red liquid inside. While his other hand was
busy restlessly tapping on the arm of his chair.
The man looked like the mature version of Fex, they were almost identical with
the exception of the goatee that slightly covered his chin. While sitting in the
chair he had a deep frown on his face. This man was Fex father Lee, Lee Sanguinis.

"Is there any update." He said.

Kneeling down in front of him were five of his subordinates.

"Yes Sir Lee, we discovered that Fex has arrived at the city of Toklon.
Unfortunately, it seems like the humans have managed to get to him before we
could sir." One of the subordinates said.

Just then Lee slapped his hand across his forehead while continuing to shake his

"That boy will be the ruin of this family." Lee said. "The silly boy never paid any
attention to his classes, yet he always listened to my father's crazy stories. Do we
know where they have taken him?"

"Our resources say that he was taken to one of the military bases, to be admitted
into military school. When they found him they thought he was a draft evader."
The same subordinate replied.

Lee was busy thinking about what to do. If the other families got word of what
had happened then his family would become the laughing stock of the vampire
community. Even more worrisome was if their secret was discovered then their
family would also be punished.

Luckily it seemed like the news hadn't spread yet. The other vampire families
were all too busy discussing the new family that had appeared.

Lee then looked at the five subordinates in front of him and was deciding who it
would be best to send.

"Silver." Lee said.

"Yes sir." A female subordinate replied as she stood up. Just like her name
suggested she had bright long silver hair that was tied in a ponytail that nearly
went down to her knees.

"As you are the faithful Blood Knight of the Sanguinis family, I task with
retrieving and returning Fex back to us. Make sure nobody knows about this. You
are free to use whatever resources from the family as you see fit."

Sliver then bowed down once again.

"I shall complete my task without fail." She said, with confidence in her voice.

The meeting had ended and each of them had left the room, leaving Lee with his
own thoughts.
"The human world huh, it has been a long time since I have ventured there.
Perhaps this will be a good learning experience for him." Remembering his own
time on earth, a rage inside his body started to consume him and the glass he held
in his hand shattered to pieces. "It will be a teach him just how cruel those damn
humans are to the other worlds!"


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Chapter 141 Cancelled

Read My Vampire System - Chapter 141 Cancelled online free - Light Novel

9-11 minutos

Chapter 141 Cancelled

All of the students from the expedition had been gathered and were taken to the
First Year Assembly Hall. They weren't allowed to go back to their dorms or put
away their equipment. All they could do was talk to one another and speculate why
the expedition had been cancelled.

Slowly a strange atmosphere started to fill the room. It wasn't normal for such a
thing to happen especially so sudden like that.

"I saw some of the mechs from the city leave the shelter." A student said.

"Seriously? Why would they mobilize those things, I thought they said the highest
tier of beast on the planet was an intermediate tier."

"Didn't you hear?" Another student chimed in. "A student spotted black smoke off
in the distance in the desert. It seemed like it was coming from a ship."

"You don't mean—?" the student gasped.

"That's right, I heard it might have been a Dalki." The other student replied.
A head count was made, and it was made more than once. After the counting had
been completed it looked like the teachers had a worried look on their face as
they talked with each other.

Fay stood in front of all the first years, prepared to make the announcement but
she was still waiting for all the information to arrive. A soldier came up to her side
and whispered something into her ear, after which they did several more head

"Are you sure?" Fay replied. "Have you checked the school, perhaps they have
come back?"

The soldier nodded in response.

All Fay could do was clench her fist, the report had stated that they had found
both Hugo's and Ben's body out in the desert. They were able to confirm they had
died from the Dalki, however, the other three in their group were never found.

The only thing they could assume was that the Dalki had also killed them. The five
of them were part of the group so it was the most logical conclusion.

"Attention!" Fay shouted. The students immediately got in line and saluted her.

Then a holographic screen appeared behind them. It was the scoreboard with all
the teams' scores.

"First things first, as you may know, the expedition has been cancelled," Fay
explained. "What that means for all of you, is that the points you had obtained in
the first two days before the expedition ended will be your final score for this

"What?!" Erin blurted out and she wasn't the only one. Right now their group still
had all the winged lizard crystals they had obtained from Berg's group. They
hadn't had time to head back to the shelter to have them counted.

As Erin looked at their team's position they still had the same score as before and
were placed around the middle of every other group. While Berg's group still sat
at the top.

"Enough, there are more important things than the test!" Fay shouted, calming
down the chatter amongst students. "Right now there is a high possibility that
some of your fellow students have died on this test. And worst of all it was to the
threat we have all been training against, the Dalki."

The chatter started once again and this time she slammed her weapon into the
ground. It caused a loud banging noise to be heard, as its vibrations bounced from
the walls and echoed around the entire hall.
"The Dalki has been swiftly dealt with, and it seems like this was not a planned
attack but a stray ship. This was an unfortunate event but these things happen
from time to time. But this is a reminder to you all why we need to train so hard
every single day, and I hope you will remember that. You will have the next two
days off to rest, after that classes will return to normal, rest up for the night.
You are dismissed." Fay said, ending her speech.

Immediately after Fay had left, the noise in the hall returned to its peak. The
students couldn't believe what had happened and soon started to realize which
group had most likely been killed by the Dalki.

But Erin wasn't bothered about any of that. "You!" She shouted and pointed at
Quinn. "Why did you hide your strength? If you had fought with us that day
instead of hiding under that umbrella we would have gotten a better score."

"Wait, calm down Erin," Layla said as she tried getting in between the two.

"I'm not happy with you either Layla, you knew all this, didn't you?" Erin frowned
at her before turning to Quinn, "And what's with your strange power? How did you
heal Peter? He should have died! No more excuses, I want answers for everything
that happened!" She screamed.

Erin looked at the scoreboard once again seeing that their position was in the
middle and then looked at Quinn back again only this time her face was filled with
tears. "If you were that strong then why didn't you help?" Tears streamed down
her face.

Quinn knew this whole time, from Erin's actions, that this assessment was
important to her, but the way she was acting now was almost obsessive. Everyone
strived to be the best or come out on top but not like this. These actions weren't

"I think it's best if we all head back to our room," Layla said. "We can explain
everything there and I'm sure Peter has a lot of questions of his own."


While the first year students were being informed of what happened the three
generals were having a meeting of their own. They were at the top floor of the
academy and each of them was sitting at a round table in the Head General's
office. The only chair that was left empty was that of the Head General.

Nathan, the head of the first years, Duke the head of the second years and the
last general Mike who was head of communications. His job was to coordinate with
the other military basis and plan either joint exercises or missions together.

The three of them sat there in silence, and Nathan and Duke just couldn't help
having a staring match with each other. Until Duke finally broke the silence.
"I wonder how many of your students would have died on that expedition if it
wasn't for that Sergeant Leo of yours." Duke said. "I doubt you even have the
strength to take on a Dalki yourself."

"Are you upset because you can't bribe him to come over to your side with one of
those Earth ability books of yours?" Nathan replied. "It's a pity that your tactics
of recruiting only works on those weak minded fools."

Duke then stood up from his chair and looked like he was about to hit Nathan but
at the same time, Mike stepped in front of the two. "Guy's both of you calm down,
I'm telling you now, if I see an injury on you when I leave this room or when I walk
around the academy, I won't be healing you, and I won't let you two go to my niece
Hayley either."

Although Mike tried calming the two of them down, he knew most of his words
would fall on deaf ears, these two had always hated each other. But then the one
person who could calm them down entered the room.

The doors swung wide open and a middle-aged man wearing a business suit came
walking in. He had neatly cut hair and a suitcase in his hand. He didn't look like he
was part of the army at all. But as soon as he had entered the room all three of
the men bowed in salute.

"We welcome the Head General!" They all said at once.

"Calm down, this whole situation has caused enough of a headache as it is." The
Head General proceeded to sit down in his seat as he brought up an initial report
for all three of them to see.

"We all know these odd attacks have been happening on our Beast planets for a
while. It seems like these attacks are happening more frequently, but not just
that, if we take a look at the Beast solar system. Every single time an attack takes
place they seem to be getting closer and closer to our starting planet."

"Do you think they're aiming for the city station?" Mike asked.

"It would make sense." The Head replied. "For now I believe these solo Dalki are
just sent as Scouts. They have no clue how strong we have become in this time
frame and they have no clue what security measures we have but I fear this may
mean, that the war will be starting again soon."

After speaking of these matters with the other Generals the Head General went
on to speak about a few other things. It was rare for him to actually be in the
school as he would often get called out for meetings, but after going through all
the things that needed to be done there was one last thing he needed to mention.

"In a couple of weeks, we have a visit from Mr. True Dream, which means I will
need you to prepare some students for him."
The three generals gave awkward glances at each other as they heard this piece
of news.

"Duke, I expect you to do well like you always have." The Head General said.

"You can count on me sir," Duke replied.


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Chapter 142 You're a what?

Read My Vampire System - Chapter 142 You're a what? online free - Light
Novel Full

7-9 minutos

Chapter 142 You're a what?

It was already night, but there was still some time left for the group to talk,
before their curfew would start. Therefore they all decided to head to the boys'
room to discuss what on earth had happened during the fight with the Dalki.

At this point, the tears had stopped falling from Erin's anxious eyes, but none the
less Layla continued to comfort and reassure her along the way. Quinn didn't know
when it happened, but it seemed like the two of them were now closer than ever.
It was strange seeing Layla being the one helping Erin.

When he first arrived at the academy this was a scene that he'd never imagined
he would see. The entire walk through the hallway going towards the boy's room,
everybody kept silent, it was eerie. None of them knew exactly how to explain
what had happened. Peter was especially curious about what had happened after
he jumped between Quinn and the Dalki.

"Hey, Quinn." Vorden whispered, as the two of them were walking in the front,
leading the group. "Are you really going to tell her everything? Can't you just keep
it about the shadow ability, and forget about the other thing?"
"Then how would I explain what happened to Peter? How about all the blood that
Layla was collecting?" Quinn replied.

"You have a good point, but what if she freaks out and starts telling everyone?"
Vorden asked.

Quinn looked back at Erin who was behind him. To be honest, it seemed to him
that her priorities weren't geared towards learning about Quinn or Peter, but on
why he had to hide his strength from her in the first place.

"Actually," Quinn said. "I'm more worried regarding how Peter will react about the
whole thing."

Eventually, they arrived at the boys' dormitory and they were all able to enter the
room in peace. The three boys promptly sat on Vorden's bed while the two girls
sat on Quinn's.

"I suppose I should be the one who starts explaining first." Quinn said while
standing up, he moved towards the centre of the two groups. "Recently, as you may
all know, Vorden and I had entered the Red portal planet. While we were there, I
discovered a strange ability book - one that allowed me to control shadows. It was
a strange book, because it disappeared the moment I learned the ability."

Quinn then tapped the surface of his wristwatch three times, the number
suddenly changed from a one to a six, when he tapped it another three times, it
changed back to one again.

"I knew it," Erin said. "But, why did you have to hide it from us? If you wanted to
keep it a secret from everyone, we could have just hidden and hunted away from
others. Because of you, we probably would've lost our chance at becoming first."

At that point, Quinn took in a deep breath.

"That's because I have an even bigger secret that I was hiding…"

Layla and Vorden stared at Quinn, they struggled to keep their gazes on him. They
knew this must have been hard to say for him. Vorden wasn't too sure if it was the
right thing to, but he had already prepared himself for whatever would come of
this. He knew that Quinn was too kind-hearted to deal with this himself. If Erin
wasn't going to keep it a secret, then Vorden would be the one to do something
about it.

"I'm a vampire," Quinn said, looking at Erin and Peter with a nervous look on his

Peter gave no reaction at all, but it wasn't because he had figured it out or
anything, he just couldn't believe the words he was hearing. Still, it all started to
make sense in a way, with the umbrella and Layla collecting the blood. However, he
questioned himself if vampires were actually real, though Peter's train of thought
was quickly interrupted by Erin.

"What's a vampire?" Erin asked, the innocent ignorance showing on her face.

The others then all turned their heads, now looking towards Erin.

It wasn't that rare for someone not to know what a vampire was in this modern
day and age. A lot of entertainment products connected to vampires had lessened
over the years. There weren't many films, books, or even games that had been
made featuring them. However on TV, there were plenty of times when old films
would be shown, and this was where most of the others got their knowledge of
what a vampire was.

However, Erin had been raised without a life of entertainment. There were no
fantasy books, games, or movies provided for her. All her time and education only
had to do with fighting or learning about the current state of the world.

She wasn't the only one in this position since a lot of them shared her ignorance.
Quinn was in a similar situation himself. He had heard the term vampires, but
didn't really know much about them, so he had to rely on Layla to explain it to him.

With that confession, the others slowly started to explain what a vampire was to
her - How they were weaker in the sunlight and most of all, they required Human
blood to keep on living. All of this news was coming as quite a shock to Erin
because it sounded so fake in her mind.

"So this is what you guys came up with to try to give an excuse why Quinn didn't
use his powers." She said. "Well, I'm not buying it. I don't believe that a human
that needs blood to survive exists. If there were such creatures as vampires, why
haven't they revealed themselves to the world already?"

Erin then went towards the door, pulling it open before saying her final words.

"You guys disappoint me. I was starting to think that we were a team, not a bunch
of liars."

With that, she closed the door behind her and stormed off.

"Do you think she'll tell anyone?" Quinn asked

"Are you kidding? With a reaction like that?" Vorden replied. "She didn't even
believe it herself. She'll have an easier time convincing someone that she's a boy
rather than you being a vampire. Well, how did we expect her to react? 'Oh it's
okay, you can have my blood any time? She's not Layla, for goodness sake."

Layla was annoyed at Vorden's remarks, but at the same time, she couldn't deny
that she had the same reaction when she found out.
"I'm going to go check up on her, just to make sure she really doesn't tell anyone.
I'll give you an update about it tomorrow, Quinn."

Although Erin didn't seem to believe it, Peter for some reason did. He didn't know
how to explain it, but ever since he had left, his body felt different. His hearing
was better, and he didn't feel as weak as before. There was some sort of
connection that he felt between Quinn and him.

It was as if the two of them were now connected, somehow. The last thing that
convinced him was the fact that he wasn't dead. He remembered seeing the
Dalki's fist go through his own stomach.

"Quinn, does it mean that I'm a vampire now too?" Peter asked.

As Peter asked that question, Quinn didn't know what to reply because Peter
wasn't the same as him. While Quinn was originally a halfling, Peter was something
known as a ghoul.

'Just what was a vampire ghoul?' Quinn thought.

"I'm afraid it isn't good news." The system said. "Out of all the possibilities he
could have turned into, this was the outcome I was hoping for the least."

The system's words didn't give Quinn great hope, and what he was about to hear
lessened his optimism even further.


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Chapter 143 Vampire Ghoul

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Chapter 143 Vampire Ghoul

Lately, the system seemed to be the bearer of bad news more than bringing good.
Quinn already had a feeling that the word ghoul didn't have the best sound, but at
the moment Peter seemed fine and Quinn decided to put his worries behind him.
"What's with the look on your face?" Peter said worriedly.

"Oh, it's nothing I just think maybe we should note this down on a piece of paper
or something so you remember what I tell you," Quinn replied.

He then went over to his desk and pulled out a piece of paper from his drawer.
Vorden and Peter were hovering over his shoulder taking a look at what he was
writing. First Quinn put his name at the top and by the side wrote down the word:

He then listed all the strengths and weaknesses he had. Super strength, abnormal
healing, and the ability to see in darkness. He also listed down the powers he had
along with it.

Then underneath with a line branching off from the top he wrote down Peter's
name and wrote the word ghoul.

"I'm a ghoul?" Peter said looking at the word. "What does that mean?"

"First, do you feel any different Peter, or has anything changed like voices in your
head or weird things in your vision." Quinn was trying to see if Peter also had a
system, but he needed to tiptoe around the word.

"Other than my body feeling better, there haven't been any other changes."

"What about your ability?" Vorden asked. "I remember when Quinn asked me if I
wanted to turn into a vampire he said I would lose my ability.

Peter then quickly went over to his desk where he always had a small ball of earth
to practise on he held it on his hands and tried to do what he usually did, but
there was nothing. "What it's not working do I really have no ability at all!" Peter
said all panicky.

"Calm down." Quinn interrupted." Don't worry about it too much, although your
ability is gone you can learn a new one. We just need to find one that's compatible
like my shadow book."

"You mean I can have the same ability as yours?" Peter asked.

Quinn started to laugh nervously.

"Unfortunately after learning the ability is got destroyed by a beast." Vorden

quickly interrupted.

"Anyway, let me try to explain everything I know," Quinn said as he grabbed the
pencils and wrote a pros and cons list right next to Peter's name.

"Are you ready?" the system asked. While the system explained the difference
between a vampire and a vampire ghoul Quinn would write it down on a piece of
paper while explaining it out loud to the others.
"Why don't we start with the positives?" the system said. "First unlike a vampire,
a ghoul is not affected by sunlight."

Peter breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. "I thought I might have to
start carrying an umbrella around everywhere."

The system continued and so did Quinn.

"Ghouls are stronger, faster and can see better than a human. But their main
strength is their incredible healing abilities, they are even more impressive than
yours Quinn. Broken bones chunks of flesh will be instantly healed on the spot."

"That isn't too bad." Vorden said. "Peter, this means we can just say you have a
self-healing ability, there are a few of them out there. Although we will have to
keep it a secret from the school since they all think you have an earth ability."

"What if someone sees, or tries hurting me and finds out?" Peter asked.

"Don't worry, not many people know of the other students' ability other than the
staff, but if push comes to shove, I can try clearing their mind with my influence
skill." Quinn replied.

"Now the next bit of information is more for you Quinn." The system said. "Ghouls
are most loyal to their maker, the main reason for this is because your blood
resides inside their body. Unfortunately what this means is you will need to supply
Peter with your own blood otherwise his body will start to deteriorate and
eventually will cease to exist. As long as he gets a supply of your blood then he will
live on forever by your side."

"What do you mean by loyal?" Quinn asked.

"Similar to how your charm skill works, whatever you command, Peter will feel like
he has no choice but to obey, although this does depend on the amount of your
blood that remains inside his body. The longer he goes without a new does of blood
the less inclined he will be to follow your orders."

Right now Quinn was feeling bad for Layla and Vorden. It seems like a bloody
business was taking place. While Quinn would get his blood form Layla or Vorden
then Peter would need to get his blood from him, which would require Quinn to get
more blood from the others.

"What about Human blood, will I need to drink that," Peter asked as he gulped.
Feeling a strange new hunger in his stomach.

"No there is no need to drink human blood," Quinn replied. "Actually, unlike me who
gets stronger from human blood, it will have no effect on you."

Right now it seemed like they were getting a clearer picture of how a ghoul
worked. It had superhuman capabilities similar to a vampire but had none of the
vampire skills Quinn had at his disposal. But it did have supernatural healing that
surpassed his own as well as being able to retain his strength in the sun.

Although he wasn't too strong now once Peter had an ability the others could see
him becoming quite powerful. The only con so far was the fact that he needed
Quinn's blood. Although Quinn decided to leave the loyalty part out of his

The two of them already felt this strange connection without having to say
anything, and Quinn had a feeling if he asked Peter to do something, he would.

But Quinn knew the system wouldn't have said this was one of the worst options if
this was the only issue with being a ghoul.

"Now, time for the cons." The system said.

Hearing these words made Quinn's hand shake a little, and the others could see
this as he was getting ready to write down what the system was telling him.

"First off, the ability for Peter to eat regular food has completely disappeared. If
he eats regular food, he will immediately throw it back up."

This didn't sound too bad. After all Quinn himself was only in a slightly better
situation. At the moment the only food he could enjoy was meat. Everything else
seemed to give him quite the allergic reaction to thinks, similar to that time he
had eaten the food pill. But as long it was meat, and more specifically red meat he
could still enjoy the taste of it quite well.

"Then does he just have to live off my blood then?" Quinn asked the system.

"No, the blood is a rare thing and will hardly be needed. I would more often feed
Peter just to keep him loyal to you but still, a Ghoul needs a food source." The
system replied.

"Well just tell me already what is it?" Quinn responded in an annoyed way.

"A ghoul needs to feed on human flesh…" The system said, sounding softer at the

The pencil in Quinn's hands had dropped onto the table and rolled onto the floor.

"Quinn is something wrong," Vorden asked.

He then turned to look at Peter.

"Peter, you are not feeling hungry by any chance, are you? Quinn asked.

"I'm feeling a bit peckish, I haven't eaten since this morning after all." Peter
replied honestly.
Human blood was fine, But human flesh, it wasn't like Quinn could chop off Layla's
finger and feed it to Peter every day and more than anything, what would Peter
think of all this.


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Chapter 144 Worst case?

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Chapter 144 Worst case?

During this whole time, Quinn had basically been repeating to the others what the
system had told him. Making sure to leave out the parts that weren't needed.
They had a right to know about the vampire stuff, especially since the two of
them were closely involved but there was no reason for them to know about the

But when the system had said the last line he couldn't hide the shock of the
words that had been spoken and now was thinking how to break the news to Peter.

"Peter... maybe, it's best if you sat down for this." Quinn said.

"What why?" Peter looked at him, fidgeting. "You're making me even more scared."

"Just sit down." Quinn said, but as he said these words his eyes started to glow a
little. Peter didn't know why but he felt like he needed to complete the task
immediately. After sitting on the bed, Quinn was trying to find the best way to
put the bad news into words.

"I can see this is troublesome so let me give you a solution for now." The system
said. "As a temporary measure he might be able to last a few days on raw animal
meat, but sooner or later you will have to grab him human flesh."

He looked Peter in the eyes and finally found the courage to tell him.
"Being a ghoul means you can no longer eat regular food, you're going to have to
eat raw meat from now on."

"Raw meat, as in uncooked food?" Peter questioned. "Won't I get sick from it
though? They carry so many diseases and the human body isn't designed to
process raw food." As Peter continued to speak his words got faster as he
panicked even more. "Maybe you're wrong, why don't I just try eating some normal
food and see how it goes?"

"For goodness sake Peter listen to yourself!" Vorden shouted. "I know this must be
a scary thing but listen. Quinn is just trying to help you here."

Just then, Vorden and Quinn decided to head to the nearby convenience store to
grab some things as a test while they asked Peter to stay in the room. Once again
although Peter was scared and wanted to come with them, a certain feeling was
passing from Quinn and onto Peter making him feel like he had to obey.

'I guess this is what the system was talking about, I can feel a connection
between the two of us.' Quin thought.

As the two of them walked to the convenience store Quinn was keeping awfully
quiet, which made Vorden suspicious that Quinn was holding something else back.

"Go on, tell me then." Vorden said. "You could have gone to the shop on your own
but you wanted me to come along."

"It's about Peter…." Quinn said quietly. "I didn't tell Peter everything, being a
ghoul doesn't mean he has to eat raw meat, he needs to eat raw human meat. Raw
animal meat will only work for a short time."

Suddenly Vorden stopped in his tracks.

"Quinn I'm being serious when I suggest this here, but wouldn't it be better to
just kill Peter… and before you say anything hear me out. He already tried taking
our lives and we know the reason behind it now. But I'm afraid this will just cause
you more problems in the future. He saved your life and you saved his, and if I
kept a scoreboard, he still needs to save you one more time to make it even. He's
not the type of guy who can handle this and if he gets caught then don't think he
won't give you in."

"He won't, he can't" Quinn replied.

"How can you be so sure?" Vorden asked, a bit surprised by Quinn's sudden

It was hard for Quinn to explain, but he could feel the connection between the
two of them now. Essentially Peter's whole existence now depended on him and as
long as Quinn asked for it Peter would do it.
"Well I can tell you won't take my suggestion but let me tell you this then."
Vorden said. "Taking a life isn't as easy as you think."

Although Quinn knew the weight behind Vorden's words, what Vorden didn't know
was Quinn had already done just that and it was easier than he had expected.
Perhaps for a human, it wasn't so easy but the same couldn't be said for a vampire
like Quinn now, especially those people that deserved it.

The two continued to go to the shop and bought all sorts of packs of meat, Vorden
was ready to use his wrist watch but Quinn just straight up paid for it instead.

"When did you become so wealthy?" Vorden asked.

"I have my ways." Quinn winked back with a smile.

Finally, the two had returned to the dorm room where Peter had stayed waiting
for them, he was in the same spot as when the two had left him.

"That smells nice." Peter said. "What did you bring?"

Quinn then pulled out the packs of food. Some were raw pieces of steak and pork
while the others were pre packed food that had already been cooked, Peter didn't
need to see anything because his nose was already telling him which one smelled

It was one of the first clear signs that he had changed. Immediately when they
entered the room the sweet scent had filled the entire room, and it wasn't coming
from the cooked meat.

"Well do you want to try the packed precooked meat first?" Quinn asked. "But I'm
telling you, you're going to get sick from this."

"No it's okay," Peter said, with the sound of resignation in his voice. "Just give me
the other stuff."

They placed the raw steak out on a plate and put it right in front of Peter.

"Is he really going to eat it?" Vorden said.

"I don't know it looks pretty good to me as well," Quinn replied.

"I can't tell if you're trying to be funny or what man." Vorden said, with a
disgusted look on his face.

It didn't take long for Peter to dive in. Seeing the raw steak in front of him,
suddenly caused his hunger to grow more and more to the point he couldn't hold
back, and without even using the knife and fork by his side he picked up the steak
with his two hands and started biting into it.
His once dull teeth had turned sharp like a lions, helping him rip the meat to pieces
and after only a couple of minutes the whole steak had been devoured.

Sobbing then could be heard from his chair.

"I'm a monster." He cried.

"Peter." Vorden said. "You're less of a monster now then you were before, at least
you know what you are and what you did before was wrong. How do you think Quinn
feels after saving your life and you saying that right in front of him?"

Peter knew Vorden was right so he wiped his tears and stood up smiling at Quinn,
as he did his teeth were all bloody from the meal. "Thank you Quinn, I'm sorry for
being so selfish."

With the experiment done and the other two feeling a bit better they placed the
remainder of the raw meat in their fridge. But the only one that got a good night
sleep was Peter, the other two were lost in thought.

Vorden couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he was sleeping in a room with a
cannibal, at least Quinn would only suck his blood but with Peter, he might wake up
with an arm missing.

While Quinn was thinking along similar lines.

"System, do you know how long until he starts craving for human flesh, and will I
still be able to control him?" Quinn asked.

"His hunger will outgrow your commands, but he will not attack you, however about
a time frame I am unsure, best case scenario is a week."

"And worst case?" Quinn asked.



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Chapter 145 The Crystals

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Chapter 145 The Crystals

The next day had arrived and when Vorden had woken up, he had faint bags under
his eyes. Quinn eventually managed to get some sleep, but he didn't seem to have
fared much better either.

"Didn't get much sleep?" Quinn asked.

Vorden shook his head while looking at Peter who seemed to still be sleeping
peacefully away. "At least he still looks like a human."

All of the first-year students had gotten the next two days off after the

With the next two days off Quinn knew he needed to hurry and find a solution for
Peter's situation. It was a large city that not only had the people from the school
but the workers and soldiers outside as well.

There was bound to be a morgue in the city. Although crimes that lead to death
did not occur, like in a regular city since most of the citizens were soldiers, but
that didn't mean there weren't any. One thing was for sure, they didn't want to
get a body from the morgue in the school they were in. It would be too obvious
and another investigation would be carried out.

While Quinn was thinking about what to do a knock was heard at the door. When
they opened the door they were surprised to see Layla there. She was on her own
though but came to update them on the situation with Erin.

"It seems like she has calmed down a bit," Layla said. "And I'll be honest it was
strange. She really wasn't upset by the fact you were a vampire even after I tried
explaining it to her, but just that you could have helped us out more during the
assessment. Anyway, what about him?"

Quinn then went on to explain about what had happened to Peter and how he had
turned into a ghoul. When Quinn mentioned this, her face immediately dropped,
she had read enough books to know some of the downsides of being in close
proximity to a ghoul. Some of them were blood hungry starved creatures, while
others constantly craved human flesh.

And after hearing Quinn's explanation it seemed like she was right.

"You know after seeing you turn Peter, I thought you were hiding something from
me, but I guess this was something you were afraid of and honestly being a
vampire is cool and all, but being a ghoul not so much," Layla said.
Quinn started to think about what Layla had just said, before everything had
happened, he was seriously considering turning Layla into a vampire. However, the
system had stated that this outcome, someone turning into a ghoul, was one of the

"System, if I was to use the blood ritual on Layla would it be the same result?"
Quinn asked.

"Honestly, I'm not sure, it depends on the person and the situation they were in.
Perhaps Peter had turned because of how close to death he was when the ritual
was formed but maybe he would have turned into one anyway considering how weak
his mind was. I can't say that it won't happen, but I believe that Layla would have
a higher chance of turning into something else."

For now, Quinn decided to keep the words of the System to himself. He already
had enough problems to deal with, and he didn't need another one if Layla was to
turn into something else even more problematic than a ghoul.

"Oh. I almost forgot." Vorden said, as he went under his bed and pulled out a small
bag before throwing it over to Quinn who caught it.

Quinn opened the bag and noticed that it seemed to be full of crystals.

"Since, the expedition ended early, we got to keep all of those."

"You mean these are?" Quinn asked, with a look of excitement on his face.

"Yep. The winged Lizard crystals you asked for. " Vorden replied, with a smile.

Looking in the bag there looked to be around thirty of them, Quinn couldn't
imagine what the group must have done to be able to obtain this many. But now he
realised why Erin was incredibly upset, with this amount of crystals, their group
would have come out on top of the whole leader board.

Right now, though he had enough crystals to create a costume for himself. The
cape that Sam used was hard enough to block Quinn's blood swipes while also
being flexible. If he could use this to create a full set of clothing then he would
finally be able to fight during the day.

Although at first, he wasn't sure who he could go to for help to design a costume,
suddenly someone came to mind. Logan, if there was anyone who was good at
creating things and knowing if something was possible or not, he would be the one
to go to.

Still, he couldn't just leave Peter as he was, not with the chance of him turning
into a flesh hungry monster.
Vorden could see that Quinn seemed to be struggling with something. There must
have been a reason why he had told him and Layla to gather as many of those
crystals as possible.

"Just go do whatever you need to do," Vorden said. "Layla and I can deal with the
problem; I have an idea anyway."

"Are you sure, what about the others do you want me to pay you guys for these?"
Quinn asked.

"Are you joking," Layla said. "Quinn if it wasn't for you back then when the Dalki
attacked, we would have all lost our lives and that includes Erin. As much as she
says she's angry at you she can't deny that you saved our lives. The least we could
do is give you these crystals for free.

Quinn looked at them one more time, and knew that if there was anyone he could
rely on, it would be Vorden, and even more so with Layla helping him. "Alright, just
let me know if there are any problems, I should be in the VIP area just above."

After that Quinn quickly rushed out of the room with the crystals in his hand.

"In the VIP area?" Layla said. "I wonder what he's doing there."

"Who knows?" Vorden said as he shrugged his shoulders. Just then Peter was
starting to wake up and rub his eyes. "But right now, we have a bigger problem to
deal with."


Inside the second year building duke was sitting down at his desk smoking a cigar
in his office, he wasn't much of a smoker but when he was under immense
pressure, he found that he tended to smoke a lot more cigars than normal.

"Damn that Truedream guy is coming again!" Duke said to himself.

The door to the room then swung open as one of the sergeants with an afro on the
top of his head and sunglasses on came walking in. His name was Raphael and was
one of the teachers for the second year students. "Sir I have brought the list of
names that you asked for."

Raphael then came forward and handed over a little stick to Duke. When placing it
on the table a digital display of students had appeared.

"Let's see... It looks like we have a good mix of abilities here." Duke said. "And
you've checked the background of all of these? There will be no complaints from
important families if something was to go wrong correct?"

"Yes sir."
At the top of the list of names, one of the students' picture was being displayed.
It was of a picture of Peter Chuck.


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Chapter 146 A Ghoul's power

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Chapter 146 A Ghoul's power

It was their day off and early in the morning, Quinn was going out to meet up with
Logan. He had left both Layla and Vorden behind to keep an eye on Peter. Quinn
had told them that at some point, Peter would be required to eat human flesh, it
could take up to a week, but it could also be tomorrow, there was no way to know
for sure.

'It could also be as soon as today.' Vorden thought to himself. 'We can't be that
unlucky right?' He certainly hoped this was not the case.

Unfortunately, the tasks that Quinn had given to them were quite difficult. Not
only did they need to look out for Peter's safety, but they also had to find a way
to get human flesh without letting him find out about it.

"Come on Peter," Vorden said. "Let's head outside."

"Outside?" Peter asked, his tone slightly confused.

"Well, if I were you, the first thing I'd want to do was to test out my new powers.
Quinn said that you are some kind of superhuman, right? Well, why don't we take a
look at what you can do now?"

"I think that's a great idea," Layla said while bobbing up and down. Although she
didn't like the sound of being turned into a ghoul, perhaps it also had its good
The three of them grabbed a few things and got ready to go outside. Layla even
took her beast equipment with her. A lot of the students carried around their
beast weapons as they walked through the city, but some chose not to. Mainly
because currently, they were in one of the safest places on the planet. However,
since the Dalki had attacked some students during the extra-planar expedition,
everyone seemed to be more on edge and always ready for battle.

Just as they were about to leave, Peter stopped by the entrance.

"Don't worry," Layla said. "Even Quinn doesn't burn under the sunlight. He just
feels weak and sluggish. Besides, just in case Quinn was wrong, I brought an
umbrella with me."

'What are you doing' Peter thought to himself. 'You spent your whole life as a
weakling and now, just maybe, it can start to change.'

After convincing himself, Peter closed his eyes and stepped outside to where the
sun could touch his skin. Just as Quinn had said, he didn't feel any weaker than
before. He felt the same on the inside as he did outside. With this information, a
smile appeared on Peter's face. At the least, he could live a somewhat normal life
without having to hide in the shadows all the time.

The group walked towards the park, and once they arrived, they headed deeper
into the park woods. They followed the man-made trail that was often used for
people to hike through, until eventually leaving the trail, as they travelled farther
away from the beaten path.

They continued to walk until they had finally found a quiet and clear area in the
woods that was devoid of trees; it was also hidden from view. "This place is
perfect. Besides, if anyone comes close, we will be able to hear them in time."
Vorden said.

"What should we test first?" Layla asked.

"How about strength and speed?" Vorden said as he walked up to Layla, holding out
his hand. "Do you mind?"

Layla looked at Vorden. These days, he seemed to be more reliable than before.
She still felt that he was a bit crazy in the head, but couldn't call him an outright
bad person, not without any evidence anyway.

"Fine." She held out her hand and allowed Vorden to copy her abilities.

The two of them then lifted a bunch of branches and stick's off of the ground.
Because Layla's ability was quite weak, the maximum they could lift was two each,
making it four.
"Just do your best to avoid the sticks as much as you can!" Vorden shouted as the
two stood around five meters away from Peter.

"Looks like, not only has his speed gotten better, but his reflexes as well," Vorden
said. "But… He's still Peter."

Peter nodded when he was ready, and the two of them immediately started to
hover the sticks up in the air, aiming to hit Peter with them.

The sticks were light, allowing Vorden and Layla to move them quite fast. They
were easily as fast as regular attacks, and with four of them coming from
different directions, it was like two people were fighting against Peter at the
same time.

For Peter it was the first time that he felt confident during a practice, it was like
he could see the attacks coming towards him. When he told his body to move, it
followed what he wanted to do, avoiding the branches of sticks. It was amazing
since whatever Peter thought in his head, his body reacted and did it, unlike when
his body didn't respond to his thoughts against other people before.

Just then, Vorden timed both sticks at the right time - When one went in for the
attack, if Peter was to avoid it, the other one would be right in time to strike him.
Peter pulled his body back, avoiding the first stick. Then, the second one from
behind came right at his face, but he still managed to catch the second stick out
of the air at the last second just as he pulled his face back.

However, the tip of the stick still managed to cut his cheek, drawing the smallest
amount of blood.

"Oh sorry, Peter!" Vorden yelled as the two of them rushed over. But by the time
they reached him, the blood had fallen on the ground, and the cut that was once
on Peter's cheek was no longer there.

"Looks like the super healing can be checked as well," Vorden said with a smile on
his face. He was actually glad that this had happened, because he was afraid that
if they were to test out the super healing any other way, then it would cause Peter
to grow hungrier even quicker.

The next test they had for Peter was his strength. For this trial, they used a
simple tree. Although Vorden was considered one of the students at the peak
physical fitness for his height and age, even he wouldn't be able to damage a tree
with his bare hands. That was unless he was wearing beast gear or had some type
of ability to help him.

"So you want me to just punch the tree?" Peter asked, looking at it carefully. The
tree was mighty, and its trunk was thicker than Peter himself. Just imagining
punching the thing, he could already feel the pain in his knuckles.
"Just go for it," Layla said. "You already know that you have super healing. "

"But that doesn't mean that I don't feel any pain," Peter said.

But he was also curious to see how much stronger he had gotten. He readied
himself and looked at the tree, then pulling back his fist, he swung it outward.
However, at the last second, he tried pulling back his power for fear of hurting

As he hit the tree, he had done so at an odd angle causing his wrist to bend on
impact. He screamed out in pain. As the two went to take a look, they could see
that a part of his bone had come out and pierced through his skin, but at the same
time, it was healing then and there in an instant. When they looked at the tree,
there was a large dent that had been made.

Not one large enough to cause the tree to fall over, but one that would be
impossible for most humans by using their bare hands.

Once Peter's wrist was healed, he started to twist it around and move it about -
It seemed to be working just like normal.

"Well, we know you have abnormal strength that's for sure, but I think there's a
clear difference between you and Quinn," Layla said.

"What do you mean?" Peter asked, still rolling his wrist around, making sure
everything worked okay.

"Well, let's say if Quinn was to do the same thing, even if he didn't punch the tree
dead on, his wrist probably would have been fine. I think that's because his body
is stronger than that of a regular human." Layla explained. "While yours, although
you have super strength, your body is still just like ours, made of regular bones
and flesh. If you attack at full power, you will probably end up hurting yourself,
breaking a bone just like what you did back then. Heck even humans break their
bones when they fight, so for you with your extra strength it's a little worse.
You're going to have to learn to control it."

As soon as Layla had finished explaining, the wristwatch on Peter's arm started to
light up. When he looked at it, he could see a voice message that had been left.

"This is General Duke. Peter Chuck, you are required to come to my office in the
second year building immediately. I have some important things to discuss with

As soon as Vorden heard the message, there was no longer any need for him to ask
Peter who was behind everything. He had already figured it out. Why else would
the head of the second years have anything to do with a first-year?

The only problem now was, how could he go up against a general of a military base.

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Chapter 147 Bite me or love me

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Chapter 147 Bite me or love me

An order from the general was absolute and a strict punishment awaited those
who disobeyed them. Although there weren't many rules when it came to what
happened between the students themselves, the same couldn't be said for those
who were above them.

If you broke the rules enough times, then you would be led to an underground
dungeon. The school couldn't just kick you out. Those who went in almost never
came back out, and the ones who did come back, came as different people.

There was also a rumour that had been going around that the students who were
sent into the dungeon came back without any abilities at all.

Because of this, even Vorden was worried about going up against a general of the
school. Perhaps he could use his family's power to influence the military's decision
about Duke, but that would require evidence and a lot more than a single testimony
from Peter.

So the group had no choice but to follow Duke's command.

"What should I do?" Peter asked as he walked back to the military base with the
other two.

"We'll follow along as far as we can go, but if they see you with us then they'll
think you're no longer on their side. Just agree to whatever they ask of you for
now and we can figure it out later," Vorden said.
Just then, as they were about to exit the forest, Vorden suggested that Peter
walk up ahead while they followed him from behind. They needed to be extra
careful just in case, but before Peter left the forest Vorden had a few words to

"Peter, I'm taking my chances with you this time. I don't know why but Quinn
seems to completely trust you, and while I have forgiven you, it doesn't mean I
trust you. Not yet, or maybe ever."

Layla nudged Vorden in the ribs. "Give the guy a break will you?" She whispered,
"He went through a near death experience, and now he's just been told that he's a
ghoul. You don't have to say out loud what he already knows." She gave Peter an
encouraging smile.

However, Vorden was dead serious; he still saw Peter as a liability and if it wasn't
for Quinn, he would have gotten rid of him by now.

They had finally arrived at the second year building which was stationed on the
east side of the school. From this point on, Vorden and Layla could no longer follow
as there were second year students standing just outside, and they didn't have a
good reason.

Still, Peter managed to walk straight past the two second year students, as they
had been expecting him, but Vorden and Layla knew they couldn't because they
would be stopped.

Peter entered the building and walked into Duke's office.

"Please, come and sit down, Peter," Duke said as he closed the door behind him
before sitting back in his seat.

"It seems the two of us haven't been able to talk since the last task I had set for
you." Duke then went under his desk and pulled out several books and placed them
on the table. There were three earth ability books numbered from two, up to four.

"Although things didn't go quite according to plan, you still held up your end of the
bargain, and I don't want to seem like a person who doesn't keep his promises," he
said smiling.

If Peter didn't notice it before, he could definitely notice it now, there was
something sinister about Duke's smile.

'Just why was he trying so hard to get rid of Vorden in the first place?' Peter
thought. Isn't everyone on the same side, to fight against the Dalki? But Peter
remembered Vorden's words and grabbed the books.

"Thank you sir, is there anything else you would like me to do?" Peter asked.
"We have a visitor next week and I'm going to need you to learn the earth ability
up to level four. It's why I also gave you books two and three. It should be easier
for you to learn the abilities quickly if you do them step by step. In a couple of
weeks, come back and report to me. You are dismissed."

Peter then bowed down to the general before leaving the room.

'Looks like I've been able to convert another one. In the end, everyone wants to
be at the top,' The Duke thought.

As Peter left the room, he spotted Earl waiting just outside to be called in. "What
are you looking at you dog!" He snapped back. Earl still hadn't recovered from
what Vorden had done to him before the outing, and because he was weaker than
Vorden, he couldn't take it out on him. So he decided to take it out on Peter

Hearing those words and seeing Earl again, sudden images started to appear in his
head, unpleasant images, very unpleasant.

"Hey, I know. Why don't you wait for me out back after this? Me and the boys
have a little surprise for you," Earl said.

"Whatever you say, Earl." Peter replied, secretly smiling on the inside.

As Peter walked down the hallway and towards the back exit of the school he
couldn't suppress the smile that suddenly appeared on his face. "I'll be waiting for
you alright."


While the others were busy doing their own thing, Erin had eventually calmed down
from it all. She thought back and had to admit that even if Quinn had hidden his
powers in the end, he had saved their lives from the Dalki, she couldn't stay upset
about not coming first.

When she thought back to the image of the Dalki, her body started to shiver

'Calm down Erin, deep breaths.' She thought to herself.

She had regained her composure, but now she started to think about Quinn a bit
more. Just what was a vampire actually?

Even though Layla had tried her best to explain it, it really wasn't something she
could comprehend. It didn't sound like an ability, but more like an entirely
different species altogether. But the strangest thing of it all was what species
could survive only on the blood of humans?
'Maybe I can think of them as humanoid mosquitoes. Yeah, that sounds right.
They're humanoid mosquitoes.' Erin thought to convince herself.

If there were no humans how would vampires survive and what would happen to
Quinn if he didn't get any blood? While she was fine with keeping Quinn's identity
a secret, she was nervous about covering her own back, and curious to see just
how dangerous this "vampire" thing actually was.

Eventually, that led her to the library. At first, Erin went down the nonfiction
aisle to see if there was anything she could find, but there was nothing. There
were no vampires and there didn't seem to be anything close to describing them in
the first place.

If it wasn't in any of the official records, it was slowly starting to make sense to
her why everyone wanted her to keep it a secret.

This left her with no choice but to head to the fiction section and nearly instantly,
she found several novels about vampires. But just from looking at the covers, she
found it really hard to tell what vampires were.

"Vampire: The Last Blood"

"Bite Me or Love Me"

"Thicker Than Blood"

Some of the covers even seemed to have men in suggestive poses, while other
books deemed Vampires as vicious killers. But the one thing they all had in common
was the theme around blood. Erin decided to just pick up one of the books at

She picked up the book titled, 'Bite Me or Love Me'

She stood there in the aisle and started reading it, but before she knew it, she
couldn't put the book down. "My word, what are they doing?" Just from reading
the novel, her face started to go red.

"So, you're interested in vampires, huh?" A boy's voice said, coming from her left

As she turned her head to see who it was, she could see a student, one she hadn't
come across before, or maybe she had. Erin had a bad habit of only remembering
people she cared about. But when looking at this boy she had a feeling if she had
seen him she would have remembered him, as something was pulling her towards

"I didn't expect to see a beautiful girl like you here," The boy said as he swept
back his black hair. "The name's Fex. Nice to meet you."

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author notes below!

Chapter 148 A problem

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Chapter 148 A problem

Outside the second-year building, out in the open field, Layla and Vorden were still
patiently waiting. Peter had gone in a while ago, but now they started to wonder
what was taking him Peter so long.

"Do you think something might have happened to him?" Layla asked, looking at the
two second years that stood directly outside the building, like they were guard

"I'm not sure. He doesn't look like the type that's good at lying," Vorden replied
to her question. "Then again, he did fool me and Quinn before, without us having a

"Would you stop being so salty about that? It's getting annoying," Layla said,
getting sick of the fact that Vorden seemed to be putting Peter down whenever
they talked about him. "Right now, all of us are trying to help each other. That's
how it should be. That's how this world should have been in the first place before
the introduction of powers came and changed everything."

Vorden could tell that there seemed to be some sort of pain behind Layla's words.
Then again, it was normal for people, who were of the lower class, to be unhappy
with the current system. Before the war with the Dalki, everyone had a voice in
some way. They had a right to vote and they had the chance to change things.

But after the war that all changed. Now, if you were of a lower class, the people in
power don't care about what you think.
"It's not the powers themselves that are at fault," Vorden replied. "It's the
people at the top who made the current system, who are at fault."

Eventually, the two of them felt they had waited for far too long. They came to
the conclusion that it wasn't likely that Peter was going to come out anytime soon,
they had a feeling something might have happened. With that in mind, the two of
them decided to stop waiting out front, and started to head around the back.
There was no entrance to get into the school from the back since the second-year
building was up against the school walls which surrounded the entire military camp.

But perhaps, they could find some other entrance, either by climbing some walls,
or through some other means.

The two of them needed to be careful that they weren't seen while they were
sneaking around, so the two of them would be using Layla's abilities to make sure
of that. When they got around to the back side of the building, they could see
another student standing guard there. Using Layla's powers, they both lifted up a
couple of stones, and threw them to distract the student.

"Are you ready?" Layla asked with a smile on her face. When she realised what
kind of face she was making, she quickly stopped. She couldn't believe she was
actually having fun sneaking around and causing trouble. And with Vorden of all

"As I thought, you do look a little cute when you are smiling," Vorden said as a


Peter was patiently waiting outside the place where he had suggested. While
waiting, Peter started to look around the place. Since there were no exits, there
weren't many students moving about back here. There was also a plain wall, but it
was nearly impossible for someone to scale unless they had some type of ability.

As Peter continued to look at the wall, he was wondering if he, in his current state,
could do such a thing. But just as he was in the middle of this thought, he heard a
voice from behind.

"Hey! Hey, Peter! It's been a while, hasn't it?" Earl said, as he walked closer
before adding: "You know, lately, Duke has been blaming me for all of the failed
attempts against Vorden, so I haven't been getting any rewards, how are you going
to solve that for me?"

While walking closer towards Peter, Earl looked at what was in Peter's hands,
which were the level 2, 3 and 4 earth ability books. Although Earl was already a
level four earth user and had no need for the books himself, he could always sell
them on the market to earn some money.
"Hand them over, you piece of crap," Earl said as he slapped Peter across the face,
leaving a red mark.

The truth was, Earl didn't really care about the books. And if he asked for them,
then Peter was likely to give them to him. All he wanted to do was vent out his
pent-up frustrations on someone, and Peter was the perfect target.

Just a few moments ago, Duke did not give him any reward for his efforts, unlike
what he had promised. 'Did he fail his task?' Earl pondered. Not at all. He
managed to convince Peter to push his friend, just like they had asked.

With that in mind, why wasn't he being rewarded for it? On top of that, after
everything he had gone through, he had been beaten up by Erin. Soon after that,
his friends had abandoned him, saying they no longer wanted to help him.

To them, it was too dangerous and they didn't want to get hurt by Erin as well.
Then, later on, he was further punished by Vorden. He still couldn't sleep right
after what Vorden had done to him.

Peter looked at the mark on his face. Usually, in a situation like this, his hands
would be shaking. In the past, he had been so mentally broken that even Earl
raising his hands would make him flinch…but not today. Something felt different.

After the scenes of Earl's neck being ripped out had appeared in his head, strange
thoughts started to appear in his mind. 'What if I could make that a reality?'
Peter thought.

Earl then proceeded to kick Peter in the stomach before grabbing him by the
collar and throwing him onto the ground.

Peter was now in a space between two buildings, namely the second-year building
and one of the storage rooms. It was a place that was quite dark, and unless
someone purposely went around the back to find them, no one would find out.

"Well then. Isn't this a quiet little place for the two of us to carry on our usual
business?" Earl asked with a smile.

Peter then stood up and responded with a smile, "Indeed, it is."


After distracting the students who were standing by the side of the building,
using the floating stones, they were able to gradually make their way towards the
back of the second-year building without being seen.

When they arrived they didn't see anything. It was totally empty, nothing was
there, even the set of windows they saw was too high for them to climb up to.
"Come on. Let's keep looking," Layla said. "There must be some way to get into the

They looked around, but unfortunately they didn't find anything…until Vorden
spotted a little alleyway just between the second-year building and the storage
room. "Maybe there's a pipe or something we can us to climb up to the windows."

"You have been watching way too many martial arts movies," Layla said.

Still, they decided to check it out now that they were here anyway. They had
already come this far, and the least they could do is try everything before giving
up. As they made their way to the space between the two buildings, they started
to hear strange sounds. Certain cracking and gobbling noises were made, as if some
type of wild dog was wolfing down its meal.

Finally, they turned the corner, only to see Peter there. However, he wasn't alone.
His hands and mouth were covered in blood while a dead body wearing a student's
uniform laid in front of him.

The student's body had parts of its limbs torn off, also some bones with little bits
of flesh still attached could be seen, and they looked as if someone had hungrily
ripped the meat right off the bone.

"Peter?" Layla said. "What have you done?"

Chapter 149 Strange Device

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Chapter 149 Strange Device

The VIP dorm rooms of the first years building were on the third floor. Quinn had
decided to head here to meet one someone. That someone was, of course, Logan,
as he was the only VIP Quinn knew. Although he wasn't sure if Logan could even
help him or not.
Quinn's plan was to use the winged lizard crystals to create some type of costume
or suit that would cover his entire body. He needed a flexible material so it could
wrap around him but he also needed it to be strong enough to survive in a fight.

It was easy enough for him to find a black suit that covered his entire body that
would help him avoid the sunlight. The problem was the second Quinn would be hit
and the suit ripped then he would be weakened by the sun again.

That's why, when he learnt of Sam's cape through the VR game he had come up
with an idea. Now that he had the materials the only problem left was to craft a
costume out of them.

Most blacksmiths and tailors had a blueprint they would follow. These blueprints
specified the techniques used and which materials needed to be mixed when
creating weapons and armour. But because Quinn was asking for something that
hadn't been made before, he would have to ask someone at the expert designer
level to custom make one for him.

This would be very costly and even if he sold all the crystals and used up the ones
in his hand he wouldn't have enough to pay the cost. This led him to Logan. He saw
how many crazy things Logan seemed to create for himself in his room. He thought
perhaps he might have an idea or, if not he might be able to introduce him to
someone who could do it at a lower price.

At first Quinn knocked on the door but there seemed to be no answer. It was
strange because for the week that Quinn trained using Logan's machine. He
hadn't seen him leave the room once.

When trying to push the door open he was surprised to see that it wasn't locked
nor shut properly. "Hello?" Quinn asked as he crept into the room.

Just at the other end of the room, he could see Logan in his chair. He had some
sort of metallic tool glove in his right hand while a giant pair of goggles seemed to
be hovering over his eyes.

'Oh, he was just busy as usual.' Quinn thought to himself

Quinn then started to look around the room at all the gadgets around him. He
knew when Logan was in his concentration mode no matter what you did you
wouldn't get his attention. So the best thing to do was just to wait until he was

While walking around the room Quinn continued to look at all the storage devices
and whenever he found something interesting he could use his inspect skill.

What he noticed was, some of the devices the system didn't seem to have any clue
what it was. While for other items it would give basic descriptions, such as what
materials the item was made from.
For the others, it would simply show a line of: ?????

These were items that Logan had uniquely created and didn't exist in the world.
But there was one thing they all had in common and that was the name of the
creator, Logan Dyson.

But as Quinn was looking around he spotted a strange circular object on one of the
shelves. It stood out compared to the rest because most of the things in the room
seemed to be covered in dust but not this one.

It was a square-shaped device no bigger than a laptop and on the top, it seemed to
have some type of digital display.


[A return portal device, when the correct access code has been entered it will
return you to the destination that has been pre-set]

[Creator Richard Eno]

Quinn moved in to take a closer look. It seemed to be the only item that wasn't
made by Logan and on top of that, it was a teleporter. But it was one that he had
never seen before. The portal teleporters they currently carried were quite large
devices but this one was small and compact as if the technology was ahead of their
current time.

Quinn reached out to grab it, but just then a voice from behind spoke to him.

"Hey, if you want to get your fingers blown off, then please, be my guest, carry on
and touch it," Logan said sarcastically, his seat was turned around and he was
staring at Quinn. "Then again I would love to see which ability is stronger mine or
yours." He continued.

"Sorry about that" Quinn said as he pulled back his hand. "It looks kind of
interesting. What is it exactly?"

When Quinn finished talking, the robotic gauntlet that was on one of Logan's
hands started to break down. It appeared to break into smaller parts until they
looked like little bugs. Then the bugs went over to where Quinn was, they grabbed
the case and brought it over to Logan.

"This thing has been the bane of me and my family's life," Logan said looking
around it. "As you know my family are originals who hid their abilities from the
world. Before the war started they were researchers who worked privately for
different corporations. Sometimes even governments, different armies and all
sorts of companies. Anyway, on one of their trips around fifty years ago, they
discovered this device. At the time no one knew what it was and it seemed like our
ability didn't work on it either.
Of course, my family tried to research it and eventually when we discovered the
Dalki technology we found similarities between this and the Dalki technology. It
appears to be some type of teleporter. But the question is, why Dalki technology
would exist on earth before they even arrived. Then that just brings us even more
questions, why did the Dalki attack us? Were they here before? But did we just
never know about it?"

Hearing all of these questions were causing Quinn to think about it. Perhaps Logan
was on to something before he would have taken everything the government had
told him as fact. He knew they hid things, governments always did, but just like his
vampire system were they hiding even bigger secrets from the public?

"Anyway." Logan said." It's not like I'm expecting you to know any of these
answers. The one thing we do know is whoever was able to create a compact
teleporter such as this is a genius. Oh, how I wish I could meet him one day."

"Wait, what did you say?" Quinn replied. "Did you say you don't know who created

"Of course I don't. If I did, my family and I would have been chasing him for

This made Quinn sink even deeper in thought. Richard Eno was a well-known
scientist, the person who had discovered not only the power of beast crystals but
also how the Dalki portals worked. Could he have really known everything all along?

Right now though this was too big of a problem to solve especially for someone like
him. He was just one person in this whole thing and he had his own problems to
deal with.

"Anyway," Logan said. "What did you visit me here for, did you want to play the
game again?"

"Actually," Quinn said. "I was wondering if you could help make me a suit."

Chapter 150 Special Mask

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Chapter 150 Special Mask

Quinn had explained the specifics of the suit he wanted to Logan. He elaborated
on how it needed to be made using the crystals he had obtained, and how he
needed it to completely cover him from head to toe, making sure that no sunlight
could touch him.

At first, Logan had some good news for Quinn.

"Well, it seems you've come to the right person," said Logan. "I can design you one

"Really?" Quinn asked, surprised.

"Of course, it will be easier than making some of my other contraptions, since
most of them are powered by beast crystals anyway. I know my way around them.
The fusion process I am using is also one of a kind." He said smiling.

Logan was clearly proud of his work, and Quinn could see this. Whenever he used
to come by for his training, he would often praise his inventions, even if some of
them seemed pointless or a bit out there. Because of this, Logan started to have
more than just professional interest in Quinn, but also started to like him more as
a friend.

However, like with everything, there was also a slight problem.

"What about breathing and seeing?" Logan asked. "If you're going to be covered
from head to toe, you won't be able to breathe. Judging from the cape you
described, the material won't be breathable, and if you cover the eyes you won't
be able to see anything either. I can place a sensory display in front of your eyes.
It will work like the VR game and allow you to see outside, but that doesn't solve
the problem that you won't be able to breathe"

Quinn then started to look around the room while trying to come up with an idea.
It looked like creating this suit wasn't going to be as easy as he thought. He
proceeded to spot a small figurine, with a type of gas mask on it, in the corner of
the room. It reminded him of the mask he first used when he went out hunting.

"Could we create something like this? Maybe if we put some tubes, sticking out
from the side or something, I can still breathe."

"Yeah, that could work, but you definitely won't get any points in the fashion
department," Logan replied.

"Oh and one more thing. If we could make the mask open and close that would be
great, you know, just in case I wanted to grab myself a quick snack while on the
move," Quinn said smiling.
The two of them then sat down together. The crystals were placed in a seemingly
special container while they were going through some type of melting process. Out
of the 39 crystals obtained, Logan had said they would only need thirty, leaving
the rest for Quinn.

Quinn had offered to pay for the process, or even give the remaining crystals to
Logan, but he kept refusing. Stating that he could earn in a minute the amount of
money used to create such a thing, so there was no loss on his side.

On top of Logan's desk, a large metal sheet was placed. Logan then placed his hand
on the sheet and closed his eyes. Just like with the Gauntlet before, the metal
started to break down and move. Eventually turning into little metal bugs again.

The metal bugs started to form a human figure until it moulded something that
vaguely resembled Quinn. The two of them continued to go through the design
process, altering what the metal model looked like.

Each time Quinn would give a suggestion, the robots would move in place. There
was not much that could be done with the suit. It had to be black in colour and fit
skin tight. However, the mask could be altered greatly.

When using the outfit and mask, Quinn wanted to strike fear into his opponent's
hearts - He wanted something quite scary looking. They went through several
designs until it was finally done.

Soon after, Logan went straight to work. The beast crystals that were in the
container had been liquefied, and now Logan had once again put on his tool glove.
He went over to his workbench and started working straight away.

Listening to every detail and simultaneously thinking so much was starting to make
Quinn tired. He eventually drifted off at the desk, until finally he fell asleep.

After a while, Logan nudged the young man to wake up.

"Hey, wake up sleepyhead," Logan said. "It's done."

As Quinn opened up his eyes, he was greeted with a metallic life-size model of
him. It was in the same height and the same body proportions to him. Although, it
had none of his facial features.

But the big difference between the creation and him was the fact that it was
wearing both the outfit and the mask they had designed together.

"It's amazing," Quinn said as he walked over to it and started to stroke the model.

The black suit was skin tight but had a scaled pattern like that of a snake
throughout its entire surface. However, there were a few design touches added to
it from Logan that Quinn hadn't asked for.
"Do you like the additions that I made?" Logan asked.

On the forearms going up to the shoulder, three red claw like marks could be seen
on both sides. Although it looked nice, Quinn was hoping for the suit to be all black
in colour. If he was to also use this at night, he probably would've been seen.

Nevertheless, when he looked at Logan's bags and his tired face, he found it hard
to say no.

"It's great," Quinn replied.

Still, what looked the best out of all to Quinn was the mask - It was made out of a
metallic material that went over the black suit. It covered the mouth all the way
to the top of the nose. On the outside, by the cheeks, two squares could be seen
that stuck out slightly. Over the mouth, a pattern of teeth could be seen

The teeth were moulded outwards to look more realistic, like that of a beast. It
wasn't painted on the outside and when opened, it would look like a large beast was
about to hold you in its jaws.

"Now, I do have to warn you. Although expensive metals were used when making
this, there is a limit to how much it can endure." Logan explained. "They were only
basic tier crystals after all. It will fare well against intermediate weapons, but
anything stronger than that and it will be cut."

Quinn made sure to make note of that, for it would be the same when facing
against beasts. If he was fighting during the day he would be sure to pick and
choose his opponents.

Although suddenly, Quinn's body started to feel a strange sensation. It was a

similar feeling to when he consumed blood, only a tad different. His eyes started
to glow once again, a strange power was surging through his body.

'What the hell is happening?' Quinn thought.

"Hey, are you okay?" Logan said. "Do you need me to go get a doctor or

As Logan stood in front of Quinn, he could see the colour in his eyes change, and
even Logan stepped back a bit. At the same time, little metallic bugs started to
come over and built a metallic suit of his own over his body.

Eventually, the bugs had completely formed a metallic suit that looked like that of
a small mech suite, only without all the clunky parts and more in line with the
shape of a human. These were all precautions that Logan took, just in case Quinn
was to go out of control.
But then, the feeling died down and his eyes returned to normal, but a message
had appeared.

[A family member has grown stronger]

"What is this?" Quinn said. "Does this have anything to do with Peter?"

Then a dreaded thought hit his head.


Want another mass release? Then remember to vote. Stone goals in author's
notes below!

Chapter 151 Another one

Chapter 152 Fake Peter

Chapter 153 No evidence

Chapter 154 A soloution?

Chapter 155 Plan B

Chapter 156 It's starting

Chapter 157 Questioning

Chapter 158 Hello Quinn

Chapter 159 Too Hungry

Chapter 160 Mysterious family

Chapter 161 Right side?

Chapter 162 Starved Ghoul

Chapter 163 Vampire vs Vampire

Chapter 164 Plan B initiated

Chapter 165 Family Ques

Chapter 166 Tricking Duke

Chapter 167 Hand to Hand

Chapter 168 Martial Arts

Chapter 169 Vampire VS Elder

Chapter 170 A Bloody Kick

Chapter 171 A Condition

Chapter 172 Bad Timing

Chapter 173 My Puppe

Chapter 174 Good or Bad

Chapter 175 My word

Chapter 176 Fex's bad plan

Chapter 177 Advantage

Chapter 178 Spying

Chapter 179 Alone

Chapter 180 Tricking Bone

Chapter 181 Logan moves!

Chapter 182 Last one

Chapter 183 Processing

Chapter 184 Dark Marketplace

Chapter 185 Peter Evolving

Chapter 186 Breaking free

Chapter 187 Feeling Useless

Chapter 188 The Starter Ring

Chapter 189 Returning the favour

Chapter 190 Testing something new

Chapter 191 Unique skill

Chapter 192 A new teacher!

Chapter 193 My Sandwich

Chapter 194 The truth about Truedream

Chapter 195 An illegal?

Chapter 196 The thirteen families

Chapter 197 Trouble maker!

Chapter 198 Jack Truedream arrives

Chapter 199 The one rule

Chapter 200 The selected eigh

Chapter 201 To become the stronges

Chapter 202 Falling asleep

Chapter 203 Stolen Abilities

Chapter 204 Saving

Chapter 205 Result of no Truedream

Chapter 206 Pure be with you

Chapter 207 A new ability

Chapter 208 Peter's change

Chapter 209 Someone on the inside

Chapter 210 Will he help?

Chapter 211 A way ou

Chapter 212 Ranks of Pure

Chapter 213 Cursed weapons

Chapter 214 A new world

Chapter 215 Peaceful plane

Chapter 216 Unusual friendship

Chapter 217 Vampire Basics

Chapter 218 ZombieP

Chapter 219 Hitting the limi

Chapter 220 Confronting Layla

Chapter 221 Peter into Pio

Chapter 222 Unlocking the code

Chapter 223 A new Team

Chapter 224 An Addition

Chapter 225 Support Abilities

Chapter 226 Phantom Punch

Chapter 227 Perfecting a skill

Chapter 228 Upgrading the shadow

Chapter 229 Scanning for points

Chapter 230 A jungle out there!

Chapter 231 For Erin

Chapter 232 From Behind

Chapter 233 Battle for points

Chapter 234 New kill

Chapter 235 Too high to handle

Chapter 236 A teachers duty

Chapter 237 The power of suppor

Chapter 238 Berserk mode

Chapter 239 Where are we?

Chapter 240 Purple grass

Chapter 241 A strange item

Chapter 242 A place of darkness

Chapter 243 Problem gone

Chapter 244 Strange crystals

Chapter 245 Dalki or Vampires

Chapter 246 Grinding time

Chapter 247 Blast away!

Chapter 248 Calming song

Chapter 249 Buy me time

Chapter 250 Heroes arrive at the last second

Chapter 251 The real hero

Chapter 252 A special Ques

Chapter 253 Teamwork

Chapter 254 A new level of...

Chapter 255 A diffrent person

Chapter 256 A noble sacrifice

Chapter 257 Last hi

Chapter 258 Friend from foe

Chapter 259 Another big one

Chapter 260 The Bree family

Chapter 261 An increase in power

Chapter 262 Part 2 of the Ques

Chapter 263 Just go to the toile

Chapter 264 Blood Brothers

Chapter 265 A split in paths

Chapter 266 A tomb

Chapter 267 The top of the tower

Chapter 268 A Scam

Chapter 269 A presence too strong

Chapter 270 Obtaining a blood crystal

Chapter 271 Family VS Military

Chapter 272 The winners of the assessmen

Chapter 273 Why them?

Chapter 274 The return of a legend Part 1

Chapter 275 The return of a legend Part 2

Chapter 276 A Strong mind

Chapter 277 Upcoming Even

Chapter 278 Controlling emotions

Chapter 279 Blue crystals and a teacher?

Chapter 280 The return of ...

Chapter 281 The White room

Chapter 282 The Chance to strike

Chapter 283 Been Caugh

Chapter 284 No Plan

Chapter 285 Let him go

Chapter 286 Strange actions

Chapter 287 Addicted

Chapter 288 Less time

Chapter 289 A Change...

Chapter 290 To base one

Chapter 291 Finding Bloodevolver

Chapter 292 Poppy Dome

Chapter 293 Ring name

Chapter 294 Defensive equipmen

Chapter 295 Stealing

Chapter 296 A little game

Chapter 297 Block, Block, Block

Chapter 298 Second Chance

Chapter 299 Finishing the game

Chapter 300 Stand Still!

Chapter 301 Everyone should see

Chapter 302 Leo Vs Silver

Chapter 303 Secret mission

Chapter 304 Prove them wrong

Chapter 305 The wrong person

Chapter 306 The big screen

Chapter 307 This easy

Chapter 308 Supreme Commander

Chapter 309 The new head

Chapter 310 The results of the Crafting even

Chapter 311 A time limi

Chapter 312 The firs

Chapter 313 Very well...

Chapter 314 Don't kill again

Chapter 315 The fighting event begins

Chapter 316 ZombieP vs Blood Evolver

Chapter 317 Octopuncher....six

Chapter 318 Forget everything

Chapter 319 Single Punch

Chapter 320 Kill the illegal

Chapter 321 I'm in love

Chapter 322 Finding power

Chapter 323 The power of a secre

Chapter 324 The crazy 10th

Chapter 325 A love triangle

Chapter 326 Sil Vs Quinn

Chapter 327 I'm going to miss him.

Chapter 328 Goodbye Fex, Goodbye Peter

Chapter 329 The tenth sea

Chapter 330 DID?

Chapter 331 The new guy

Chapter 332 A weak punch

Chapter 333 The Cursed Child

Chapter 334 1..2..3..4..5..6

Chapter 335 Double trouble

Chapter 336 The Shadow hands

Chapter 337 A cryptic messege

Chapter 338 Starting a war

Chapter 339 One more Level

Chapter 340 We’re already friends

Chapter 341 The Final Day

Chapter 342 Soul weapon battle

Chapter 343 Home sweet home

Chapter 344 A parting gif

Chapter 345 Leo's pas

Chapter 346 A grave mistake

Chapter 347 An Error

Chapter 348 I promised a figh

Chapter 349 Cruel Fate

Chapter 350 The third blooded

Chapter 351 Testing and chosing an ability

Chapter 352 Feeding on Negtive energy

Chapter 353 The Dark plane

Chapter 354 The council meeting

Chapter 355 A punching bag

Chapter 356 Working together?

Chapter 357 The Vampire Trial

Chapter 358 Becoming a Numbered

Chapter 359 Back at Lintarnia

Chapter 360 Useless Martial Arts

Chapter 361 A green screen

Chapter 362 The Agent exams

Chapter 363 Eyes everywhere

Chapter 364 I smell Blood

Chapter 365 Blooded Sword

Chapter 366 Master's revenge

Chapter 367 Off again!

Chapter 368 Using the Teleporter

Chapter 369 Not enough Credits

Chapter 370 Partners

Chapter 371 Time frame

Chapter 372 Tell you everything

Chapter 373 Hitting the limi

Chapter 374 A way to level up

Chapter 375 The Night Demon

Chapter 376 The wait is over...

Chapter 377 What I wan

Chapter 378 As Storng as Leo

Chapter 379 Calling him out!

Chapter 380 Duke's power

Chapter 381 Weak punch

Chapter 382 The result of the figh

Chapter 383 Off to a new world

Chapter 384 A foolish act!

Chapter 385 The Chained unleashed

Chapter 386 The strongist powers in one

Chapter 387 Trapped

Chapter 388 The First trial

Chapter 389 A Reward

Chapter 390 Trial 2

Chapter 391 Trial rewards

Chapter 392 A way ou

Chapter 393 Hundred Bodies

Chapter 394 A Horde

Chapter 395 A new type

Chapter 396 Freedom!

Chapter 397 The Boneclaw

Chapter 398 The Boneclaw's Master

Chapter 399 In the trees

Chapter 400 Vampire school

Chapter 401 A new classroom

Chapter 402 Start with a B

Chapter 403 Lesson 001

Chapter 404 Rumors of the tenth

Chapter 405 Family traitors

Chapter 406 The Subclass school

Chapter 407 Who do you like?

Chapter 408 Unknown Author

Chapter 409 Vampire Structure

Chapter 410 Clever creature

Chapter 411 Kill the black Rabbi

Chapter 412 Angry child

Chapter 413 Summoning a Familiar

Chapter 414 Special boy

Chapter 415 Comunication with the Devil

Chapter 416 I said Sit!

Chapter 417 Mystery Vampire

Chapter 418 Ten Death bats

Chapter 419 She's with me

Chapter 420 Stay or go

Chapter 421 The nice teacher cries

Chapter 422 Bat Hunting

Chapter 423 Last hi

Chapter 424 Who are you?

Chapter 425 Fight the Vampire knight!

Chapter 426 Special blood

Chapter 427 A new visitor

Chapter 428 The sturggle in the next evolution

Chapter 429 The new ques

Chapter 430 Call them all!

Chapter 431 A discovery?

Chapter 432 The punihsers return!

Chapter 433 Asking for help

Chapter 434 The eighth family messege

Chapter 435 An extra dead

Chapter 436 A Vampire leader

Chapter 437 Connecting tunnels

Chapter 438 Unknown Skill

Chapter 439 For and Against!

Chapter 440 Xander's opponen

Chapter 441 Xander Vs Vorden

Chapter 442 Return home

Chapter 443 Light up again!

Chapter 444: The tenth's name

Chapter 445: The new tenth?

Chapter 446: Follow the Castle light!

Chapter 447: The tenth's ability

Chapter 448 Tell me why?

Chapter 449 New evolution

Chapter 450 Pick a side

Chapter 451 Jealous Vorden

Chapter 452 A new skill

Chapter 453 Race war

Chapter 454 A simple Ques

Chapter 455 New Green blood

Chapter 456 Quest complete

Chapter 457 Title effects

Chapter 458 Testing the green liquid

Chapter 459 Friend or foe, The Dalki!

Chapter 460 Two Days lef

Chapter 461 Acting Tenth leader

Chapter 462 The return of Borden

Chapter 463 Blood crystal power

Chapter 464 The last day

Chapter 465 Fex's birthday, the final day

Chapter 466 The punisher child

Chapter 467 A split in the leaders

Chapter 468 Blood dome

Chapter 469 A pool of blood

Chapter 470 The bone claw's name

Chapter 471 A diffrent smell

Chapter 472 Blood bullet!

Chapter 473 A lost god

Chapter 474 Let me help you

Chapter 475 Leo changing?

Chapter 476 I want him!

Chapter 477 Straight to the next step

Chapter 478 Best Actor

Chapter 479 Saving Borden

Chapter 480 Last attack!

Chapter 481 The punishers' skill

Chapter 482 Shadow Eater

Chapter 483 The King and Arthur

Chapter 484 The 14th castle

Chapter 485 The first vampires

Chapter 486 The great king

Chapter 487 A Fair Trade

Chapter 488 Gaining the Shadow ability

Chapter 489 The first official king

Chapter 490 Law Enforcers

Chapter 491 The end of Arthur's tale

Chapter 492 The real pas

Chapter 493 The calling

Chapter 494 Proof of the tenth leader!

Chapter 495 The final Verdic

Chapter 496 The New Tenth family

Chapter 497 The first Vampire knigh

Chapter 498 Unexpected problems

Chapter 499 Back to the star

Chapter 500 To the tenth's tombs

Chapter 501 A look into the future

Chapter 502 Through the eyes of another

Chapter 503 Same in and ou

Chapter 504 I'll take her

Chapter 505 The escape!

Chapter 506 Blood hands

Chapter 507 A Vampire Myth

Chapter 508 Turning Human

Chapter 509 The end of Vincent's life

Chapter 510 The voice is gone

Chapter 511 Picking an ability

Chapter 512 Little Army

Chapter 513 Strong Family knigh

Chapter 514 The Green family

Chapter 515 The Dalki's goal

Chapter 516 Ability marke

Chapter 517 The invasion

Chapter 518 Through the portal!

Chapter 519: A new family's task

Chapter 520: Black Rock

Chapter 521 Humans' growth

Chapter 522 The Scream

Chapter 523 Quest rewards!!!

Chapter 524 Not my home

Chapter 525 14th seat gone

Chapter 526 Quinn's suggestion

Chapter 527 Striking a deal!

Chapter 528 Leaving Crew

Chapter 529 A future power

Chapter 530 My answer

Chapter 531 Four more to go

Chapter 532 The new Tenth knigh

Chapter 533 Home sweet home Part 1

Chapter 534 Home sweet home Part 2

Chapter 535 Everyone gone!

Chapter 536 Ticket out of here

Chapter 537 Starting the ship

Chapter 538 Survivors?

Chapter 539 What family?

Chapter 540 Powerhouses

Chapter 541 The spli

Chapter 542 Dead soldiers

Chapter 543 Final goodbye, Vorden

Chapter 544 Blood Evolver again...

Chapter 545 Traveller Ranks

Chapter 546 Into space!

Chapter 547 Crow's Shelter

Chapter 548 Who?

Chapter 549 Special person

Chapter 550 No Soul weapon

Chapter 551 Love sick

Chapter 552 I Control you

Chapter 553 Travler Grade

Chapter 554 Who is Blood Evolver?

Chapter 555 Against the big three!

Chapter 556 Getting along

Chapter 557 Learning a soul weapon

Chapter 558 No Soul

Chapter 559 The fifth person

Chapter 560 Fisher Fex

Chapter 561 Turning poin

Chapter 562 No more quests

Chapter 563 Shadow On

Chapter 564 Paul“s ability

Chapter 565 Reporting back!

Chapter 566 Cursed Child return

Chapter 567 A leader is needed

Chapter 568 Poor Leadership

Chapter 569 The king tier hun

Chapter 570 One Crow Down

Chapter 571 Return of a Nightmare

Chapter 572 A mistake and a ques

Chapter 573 Everything we have!

Chapter 574 A different solution

Chapter 575 The seventh blood ritual

Chapter 576 Moving on

Chapter 577 Military base 2 returns

Chapter 578 Night Demon's Identity

Chapter 579 The best equipmen

Chapter 580 The Graylash's strength

Chapter 581 The man with Hear

Chapter 582 Punches and kicks

Chapter 583 Two Active skills

Chapter 584 Emperor tier equipmen

Chapter 585 The untouchable

Chapter 586 The Sunshields attack

Chapter 587 Don't attack the Blade family

Chapter 588 The lone worker

Chapter 589 An unknown family

Chapter 590 Once a month

Chapter 591 The Collaboration

Chapter 592 Three Flames

Chapter 593 Item Soul or Enhancement?

Chapter 594 Reason of attack?

Chapter 595 A red ligh

Chapter 596 An Unexpected visi

Chapter 597 Top Projec

Chapter 598 The Green's Burden

Chapter 599 Eno and Green Deal

Chapter 600 Find Eno

Chapter 601 The last turner

Chapter 602 Vampire Soul

Chapter 603 The Sunshield's Attack

Chapter 604 Contribute fifty percent?

Chapter 605 Go home! let me figh

Chapter 606 Debt paid

Chapter 607 Turn the tide

Chapter 608 Quinn's Soul weapon

Chapter 609 Diffrent Styles

Chapter 610 It's growing

Chapter 611 The New Faction

Chapter 612 Wanting love

Chapter 613 Paul's stand

Chapter 614 Bree's advice

Chapter 615 Finally a reply

Chapter 616 The real leader

Chapter 617 You started the war!

Chapter 618 The Chained Contrac

Chapter 619 The rescue team

Chapter 620 Vorden is home

Chapter 621 Family love

Chapter 622 Still alive

Chapter 623 Fake family

Chapter 624 The start of it all

Chapter 625 A strange trio

Chapter 626 The man Caser

Chapter 627 A superhero

Chapter 628 The past event starts

Chapter 629 The first kill

Chapter 630 Escape plan

Chapter 631 Saving Everyone

Chapter 632 The first time with black

Chapter 633 History can't repea

Chapter 634 The Event ends now

Chapter 635 Too large of a hurdle

Chapter 636 Mission failed

Chapter 637 Dangerous place on earth

Chapter 638 The deep blue

Chapter 639 Another soul weapon?

Chapter 640 Three for three

Chapter 641 A lost boy

Chapter 642 Annoying person

Chapter 643 Little Borden's will!

Chapter 644 I'm a Green!

Chapter 645 Vorden a villain?

Chapter 646 Shadow's weakness

Chapter 647 Pushing to the limi

Chapter 648 The village elder

Chapter 649 Hidden Blade

Chapter 650 A beast's revenge

Chapter 651 A strong Duncan

Chapter 652 Injured little guy

Chapter 653 The search for stronger fighters

Chapter 654 Green vs Blade

Chapter 655 A replacemen

Chapter 656 Saving Vorden

Chapter 657 Number one suspec

Chapter 658 Out in the open

Chapter 659 To the same place

Chapter 660 The unkillable man

Chapter 661 A blade friend

Chapter 662 A new type of ques

Chapter 663 Quest failed

Chapter 664 Life saving skill

Chapter 665 Twins special skill

Chapter 666 Too Strong!

Chapter 667 Only you

Chapter 668 I'm not Vorden

Chapter 669 Joining the war

Chapter 670 Cruising on the Cursed Ship

Chapter 671 Race to the third sea

Chapter 672 Contacting Pure

Chapter 673 Who's the bad guy?

Chapter 674 The ninth turn

Chapter 675 Unknown subclass

Chapter 676 Dispute

Chapter 677 Parasites game

Chapter 678 An old video

Chapter 679 Catching a cheater

Chapter 680 The black tar

Chapter 681 Strong hunting grounds

Chapter 682 The Cursed team

Chapter 683 The next tier

Chapter 684 Fear of death

Chapter 685 Other contestants

Chapter 686 Brink of war

Chapter 687 The selected five

Chapter 688 The third party

Chapter 689 Super strength!

Chapter 690 Result of the duel

Chapter 691 Three strong teams

Chapter 692 We're famous?

Chapter 693 Spreading Virus

Chapter 694 1 vs 1000

Chapter 695 Should you be here?

Chapter 696 Everyone turning

Chapter 697 Begger

Chapter 698 Who has the winning card?

Chapter 699 Half Transformation

Chapter 700 A deal made

Chapter 701 Break the law

Chapter 702 Moving on

Chapter 703 Poor Equipmen

Chapter 704 Infinite Flame Gauntlets

Chapter 705 The tenth's strength

Chapter 706 Reopening

Chapter 707 How long?

Chapter 708 We are better than you

Chapter 709 I'm differen

Chapter 710 Useless Beast gear

Chapter 711 The tenth Vampire knights

Chapter 712 An attack on the tenth castle

Chapter 713 Protect or attack

Chapter 714 Capture the flag

Chapter 715 Activating true power

Chapter 716 Yellow power

Chapter 717 A Reunion

Chapter 718 An ex leader

Chapter 719 Irrational thoughts

Chapter 720 Taking the blame

Chapter 721 Solving the issue

Chapter 722 The smug tenth

Chapter 723 Living with a Queen

Chapter 724 The tenth vampires fall

Chapter 725 Down to the last few

Chapter 726 A blind man's soul

Chapter 727 The second ability

Chapter 728 The king's power

Chapter 729 The fallen king

Chapter 730 New Era powerhouses

Chapter 731 Making the first move

Chapter 732 Red flush

Chapter 733 Film everything

Chapter 734 Getting cold

Chapter 735 Who's the bad guys?

Chapter 736 Save them please!

Chapter 737 I'm a Villain

Chapter 738 The other factions reactions

Chapter 739 The future vision

Chapter 740 The leader's table

Chapter 741 The new era duel

Chapter 742 The new Cursed Ship

Chapter 743 Ex Head

Chapter 744 Borrowed Power

Chapter 745 Secret of Pure

Chapter 746 Annoying girls

Chapter 747 Blood or Soul?

Chapter 748 An interruption

Chapter 749 Overpowering force

Chapter 750 My love in life

Chapter 751 Pure VS Daisy

Chapter 752 Can't Heal

Chapter 753 Untreatable

Chapter 754 Big Distraction

Chapter 755 Major Quest failed

Chapter 756 Getting the truth

Chapter 757 What is Qi?

Chapter 758 A vampire healer

Chapter 759 Choose a reward

Chapter 760 The new world Leader's table

Chapter 761 Equal postion

Chapter 762 Beyond AAA rank

Chapter 763 Unknown killer

Chapter 764 Stone thrower

Chapter 765 The chains are off

Chapter 766 Starting a war

Chapter 767 A three spike

Chapter 768 Thirty to the hun

Chapter 769 The strength of a demon tier

Chapter 770 Beast gun

Chapter 771 Ice walls

Chapter 772 Waisting the bulle

Chapter 773 How will we succeed?

Chapter 774 The beautiful sword

Chapter 775 The demon tier arrives

Chapter 776 The final skill

Chapter 777 An angry crab

Chapter 778 Bone Claw protecter

Chapter 779 Sil's rage

Chapter 780 Same mistake

Chapter 781 Turning back

Chapter 782 Second stage of Qi

Chapter 783 Under attack

Chapter 784 The Strength of a draugr

Chapter 785 A pure Blood weapon

Chapter 786 Blood Fairy power

Chapter 787 Little man's strength

Chapter 788 Find Quinn

Chapter 789 A new hun

Chapter 790 A final tes

Chapter 791 Second stage Qi Vs Qi

Chapter 792 Unknown man

Chapter 793 Strong rumbling

Chapter 794 Mona's ship?

Chapter 795 The strongest human in the world

Chapter 796 A fool never learns

Chapter 797 Hilston vs the hero of war

Chapter 798 Another Monster

Chapter 799 You have to live

Chapter 800 Two extra

Chapter 801 Summoning the grea

Chapter 802 Chains dropped

Chapter 803 Everyone is better than me

Chapter 804 The blood of all vampires

Chapter 805 One more attack

Chapter 806 The white coa

Chapter 807 A vampire lord!

Chapter 808 Get stronger than me

Chapter 809 The Dalki mothership

Chapter 810 Missing person

Chapter 811 Spreading the news of the Cursed

Chapter 812 Completing the leader Ques

Chapter 813 In the head

Chapter 814 The new guy

Chapter 815 The tenth person

Chapter 816 The last turn

Chapter 817 The New Punishers

Chapter 818 A special item

Chapter 819 Older women

Chapter 820 Breaking the rules

Chapter 821 The second castle

Chapter 822 Secret meetings

Chapter 823 New faces arrive

Chapter 824 High Expectations

Chapter 825 The leader returns

Chapter 826 Choosing the second knigh

Chapter 827 The new group

Chapter 828 Experience is key

Chapter 829 The real tenth leader

Chapter 830 The new title

Chapter 831 Jim's debt

Chapter 832 The new family name

Chapter 833 Yellow eyes

Chapter 834 The thirteenth's son

Chapter 835 Don't trust anyone

Chapter 836 The creator of the Dalki

Chapter 837 Underestimating the tenth

Chapter 838 Useless Title

Chapter 839 Upgrading the Towers

Chapter 840 A true talent

Chapter 841 The problem with yellow eyes

Chapter 842 Mass Turning

Chapter 843 Chain Turning

Chapter 844 Mother's gift

Chapter 845 We want your vote

Chapter 846 A leader's deal

Chapter 847 Who am I?

Chapter 848 Following bread crumbs

Chapter 849 Who, Who, Who?

Chapter 850 Just a pawn

Chapter 851 Returning old memories

Chapter 852 A little pig

Chapter 853 In the middle of a game

Chapter 854 True feelings

Chapter 855 A king's touch

Chapter 856 Ham's warning

Chapter 857 The Boneclaw's master

Chapter 858 The Big Day

Chapter 859 Quest reminder

Chapter 860 Farewell

Chapter 861 Chapter sides

Chapter 862 Clever Peter

Chapter 863 Catching up

Chapter 864 Moving forward

Chapter 865 An obsession

Chapter 866 A Showdown between leaders

Chapter 867 First generation Blood weapon

Chapter 868 The showdown's end

Chapter 869 One more trump card

Chapter 870 Silent steps

Chapter 871 A Breakthrough

Chapter 872 The 13th puppet

Chapter 873 Framed

Chapter 874 Quinn vs six, fight or run?

Chapter 875 Quinn vs the leaders (Part 2)

Chapter 876 Returning after a long time

Chapter 877 The castle duty

Chapter 878 Plan of Hope

Chapter 879 The passing tenth

Chapter 880 The vote for the crown

Chapter 881 The King's Vault

Chapter 882 Finding the fairy

Chapter 883 The original vampires

Chapter 884 MarChapter to the tenth

Chapter 885 Helping from below

Chapter 886 Hold the line

Chapter 887 The statues' power

Chapter 888 Getting rid of all problems

Chapter 889 The cries of everyone

Chapter 890 Double cross

Chapter 891 The last vision

Chapter 892 Protect them little one

Chapter 893 An Original's strength

Chapter 894 A rising energy

Chapter 895 The battle's end

Chapter 896 Winner or loser?

Chapter 897 Aftermath of the tenth

Chapter 898 Turning into a monster

Chapter 899 Behind everything

Chapter 900 Set in stone

Chapter 901 Stuck in place

Chapter 902 - A vampire god

Chapter 903 - Boneclaw's promise

Chapter 904 - A strange new world

Chapter 905 - Leo's little friend

Chapter 906 - Keep your d.e.s.i.r.e strong

Chapter 907 - The Undead King

Chapter 908 - The second half of the tale

Chapter 909 - Another blood fairy

Chapter 910 - Where are all the....

Chapter 911 - The day before

Chapter 912 - Where are the tenth family?

Chapter 913 - Getting an upgrade

Chapter 914 - A red beam

Chapter 915 - The breakout

Chapter 916 - The truth

Chapter 917 - The one behind everything

Chapter 918 - Round two

Chapter 919 - Rooting for the enemy

Chapter 920 - Kill anyone

Chapter 921 - Borden's grudge

Chapter 922 - Attack attack

Chapter 923 - Raining blood

Chapter 924 - Eat it!

Chapter 925 - A king doesn't yield (Part 1)

Chapter 926 - A king doesn't yield (Part 2)

Chapter 927 - Remembering everything

Chapter 928 - Shadow Overload

Chapter 929 - Absolute Shadow

Chapter 930 - Glowing shadows

Chapter 931 - The debt

Chapter 932: You can rest


Chapter 934 - A vampire Hero

Chapter 935 - King is just a title

Chapter 936 - Cindy's darkness

Chapter 937 - Returning memoires

Chapter 938 - Juicy Rewards

Chapter 939 - Answer them

Chapter 940 - Paul's Goal

Chapter 941 - An old castle down, a new one in its place

Chapter 942 - Revote the king!

Chapter 943 - Deciding vote

Chapter 944 - A warning to you all

Chapter 945 - Preparing for the future

Chapter 946 - An invitation

Chapter 947 - On my own

Chapter 948 - A date

Chapter 949 - A teacher

Chapter 950 - Taking along

Chapter 951 - My Choices

Chapter 952 - Pure's secret weapon

Chapter 953 - Planet Earth

Chapter 954 - The Head generals

Chapter 955 - Getting rid of sc.u.m (Part 1)

Chapter 956 - Getting rid of sc.u.m (Part 2)

Chapter 957 - Disappointment

Chapter 958 - A speech

Chapter 959 - Strongest Teacher

Chapter 960 - No ability, take mine

Chapter 961 - The caring teacher

Chapter 962 - Reliving the past

Chapter 963 - A.d.u.l.ts are liars!

Chapter 964 - Class of 2A

Chapter 965 - The Cursed faction Influence (Part 1)

Chapter 966 - The Cursed faction Influence (Part 2)

Chapter 967 - Logan the real superpower

Chapter 968 - Two wrongs

Chapter 969 - Adapt to the situation

Chapter 970 - What is the strongest ability?

Chapter 971 - Who taught who?

Chapter 972 - The missing person

Chapter 973 - Shadow books

Chapter 974 - Replacement teacher

Chapter 975 - Same same, but different

Chapter 976 - The fourteenth castle secrets

Chapter 977 - The Punishers' leader

Chapter 978 - The Punisher Title

Chapter 979 - The return of the king

Chapter 980 - A tricky opponent

Chapter 981 - A waste of time!

Chapter 982 - The strongest fighters in the world

Chapter 983 - Noob fighter

Chapter 984 - The Dalki growth

Chapter 985 - The martial art god

Chapter 986 - Noob fighter vs God fighter

Chapter 987 - Deadly kick

Chapter 988 - Surpassing the Teacher

Chapter 989 - The fear of him

Chapter 990 - Activating new power

Chapter 991 - Best in the world

Chapter 992 - A touching leader

Chapter 993 - Three classes

Chapter 994 - Thumbs up

Chapter 995 - The Turnaround

Chapter 996 - Own Talent

Chapter 997 - Hardy strong?

Chapter 998 - Respect for you

Chapter 999 - Hypocrite

Chapter 1000 - Familiar name

Chapter 1001 - The grand master

Chapter 1002 - Important date

Chapter 1003 - Sil's anger

Chapter 1004 - Spoiled Brat

Chapter 1005 - Young master

Chapter 1006 - Who is the strongest?

Chapter 1007 - Protect the Blade family?

Chapter 1008 - Visiting an old planet

Chapter 1009 - Something in the air

Chapter 1010 - (Updated clear cache) No big event?

Chapter 1011 - Can I stab you?

Chapter 1012 - Who, who, who

Chapter 1013 - Taking over

Chapter 1014 - A mistake!

Chapter 1015 - The Noble vampire

Chapter 1016 - The power of green blood

Chapter 1017 - A single warrior

Chapter 1018 - A bigger enemy

Chapter 1019 - A order powered by will

Chapter 1020 - Fex's Secret (Part one)

Chapter 1021 - Fex's Secret (Part two)

Chapter 1022 - Cursed teamwork

Chapter 1023 - Sacrifice continues

Chapter 1024 - A dangerous man

Chapter 1025 - Three questions

Chapter 1026 - A condition

Chapter 1027 - Help from an enemy

Chapter 1028 - Quinn missing?

Chapter 1029 - The most important figures in the world

Chapter 1030 - Close connection

Chapter 1031 - Announcement to the whole world

Chapter 1032 - Rude or a pass?

Chapter 1033 - You should be dead

Chapter 1034 - The real Eno

Chapter 1035 - Another option

Chapter 1036 - Making a deal everywhere

Chapter 1037 - Trapped between two

Chapter 1038 - The secrets of a clone

Chapter 1039 - The final deal

Chapter 1040 - Evolving the blood

Chapter 1041 - The Blade's power

Chapter 1042 - Cleaning job

Chapter 1043 - No longer getting through

Chapter 1044 - Complications

Chapter 1045 - The special set

Chapter 1046 - Working together

Chapter 1047 - Tired eyes

Chapter 1048 - The best place to be

Chapter 1049 - Nitro accelerate

Chapter 1050 - The Blue Fang Armour

Chapter 1051 - A diffrent skill?

Chapter 1052 - Missing people

Chapter 1053 - The red mark spreads

Chapter 1054 - The mark activates

Chapter 1055 - The infected

Chapter 1056 - Over a 1000

Chapter 1057 - Working with a Demon

Chapter 1058 - The Demon's trick

Chapter 1059 - Killing the Marked

Chapter 1060 - Give us the boy

Chapter 1061 - Uncovering the Demon tier beast

Chapter 1062 - Level up Blood

Chapter 1063 - Two strong forces

Chapter 1064 - What would they do?

Chapter 1065 - The ultimate choice

Chapter 1066 - Live on to the end

Chapter 1067 - Best rewards yet

Chapter 1068 - Important question

Chapter 1069 - I like you

Chapter 1070 - The answer

Chapter 1071 - An intruder

Chapter 1072 - A how many spike?

Chapter 1073 - The city of Zoo

Chapter 1074 - The Mighty Cruncher

Chapter 1075 - A Crossover?

Chapter 1076 - The fat cat

Chapter 1077 - I've found you

Chapter 1078 - The feeling of red

Chapter 1079 - Taking off

Chapter 1080 - The old vs the New

Chapter 1081 - All together

Chapter 1082 - A better pair of weapons

Chapter 1083 - The leader of Pure, Zero

Chapter 1084 - Assassination failed

Chapter 1085 - The glowing eyes

Chapter 1086 - Strong red eyes

Chapter 1087 - The Recording

Chapter 1088 - Owen's Soul weapon

Chapter 1089 - A sick leader

Chapter 1090 - A Special Power

Chapter 1091 - A struggle Within

Chapter 1092 - The secret of the red power

Chapter 1093 - Falling blood

Chapter 1094 - Admitting the truth

Chapter 1095 - Call them V

Chapter 1096 - Eno our saviour?

Chapter 1097 - The missing man

Chapter 1098 - A pick up

Chapter 1099 - The return of a trio

Chapter 1100 - A crystal problema

Chapter 1101 - The passive effect

Chapter 1102 - Two active skills in one

Chapter 1103 - All our strength

Chapter 1104 - Changing the future

Chapter 1105 - Challenge for the seat

Chapter 1106 - A detour

Chapter 1107 - A stronger Qi inside

Chapter 1108 - Two heads collide

Chapter 1109 - Battle for Romeo

Chapter 1110 - Everyone knows

Chapter 1111 - Can thank me or not

Chapter 1112 - It's not easy

Chapter 1113 - Taming a beast

Chapter 1114 - The god of the sea vs a human

Chapter 1115 - The Tour of Blade

Chapter 1116 - Two problems at once

Chapter 1117 - The strongest beast yet

Chapter 1118 - The active power

Chapter 1119 - A family reunion

Chapter 1120 - A third body is needed

Chapter 1121 - Lumped together

Chapter 1122 - One Horn evolving

Chapter 1123 - Two vampire knights

Chapter 1124 - A ticking bomb

Chapter 1125 - The first loss

Chapter 1126 - Plan coming together

Chapter 1127 - The strange plan

Chapter 1128 - Going a bit crazy

Chapter 1129 - Always getting in the way

Chapter 1130 - Bringing one back

Chapter 1131 - The Green's power

Chapter 1132 - Logan activate

Chapter 1133 - An upgrade in powers

Chapter 1134 - Defeated by fear

Chapter 1135 - Finish the story

Chapter 1136 - The odds

Chapter 1139 - Switching bodies

Chapter 1137 - The Supreme commander's fall

Chapter 1138 - Use my body

Chapter 1140 - Do you want to live?

Chapter 1141 - Passing on the Mantle

Chapter 1142 - After the same thing

Chapter 1143 - Chasing it

Chapter 1144 Evolution tiers

Chapter 1145 The fear of the V

Chapter 1146 Inspect skill secre

Chapter 1147 Giant Robots

Chapter 1148 The vampire boy's dream!

Chapter 1149 Is he Cheating?

Chapter 1150 Bucky steps up

Chapter 1151 Best babysitter

Chapter 1152 The faction of monsters

Chapter 1153 Layla's anger

Chapter 1154 Bucky a legend?

Chapter 1155 A copyca

Chapter 1156 A special gif

Chapter 1157 Project: Evolve

Chapter 1158 Pure or Demi-god

Chapter 1159 Solving both

Chapter 1160 Pure scum

Chapter 1161 Unlikely Pair

Chapter 1162 Slight hiccup

Chapter 1163 Agent 2 power

Chapter 1164 Undying Mech

Chapter 1165 Discovering another way

Chapter 1166 Broken strings

Chapter 1167 Overpowered

Chapter 1168 A dark mind

Chapter 1169 Pure's creation

Chapter 1170 The beast's pledge

Chapter 1171 The fourth Evolution

Chapter 1172 Clash of Titans

Chapter 1173 Too muChapter Qi Part 1

Chapter 1174 Too muChapter Qi Part 2

Chapter 1175 A grand return

Chapter 1176 A secret deal

Chapter 1177 Finally Returned

Chapter 1178 Consuming beast crystals

Chapter 1179 The special deal

Chapter 1180 You are not in charge of us!

Chapter 1181 A Changing world

Chapter 1182 World Changing Day

Chapter 1183 The Family returns

Chapter 1184 Blood delivery

Chapter 1185 Speaking up

Chapter 1186 Don't go

Chapter 1187 Ongoing quests

Chapter 1188 The Cursed Faction Family

Chapter 1189 Trophy weapons

Chapter 1190 Preparing for the wors

Chapter 1191 Wide scale

Chapter 1192 4095 days

Chapter 1193 Fight for Freedom

Chapter 1194 Another war



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