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(An Academy of Professionals for CA/ICWA/ CS)

Contact no: 7299953258/ 7299963258/ 7299973258/ 7299993258

1. Sportsmanship can be conceptualized as an enduring and relatively stable

characteristic or disposition such that individuals differ in the way they are generally
expected to behave in sports situations. In general, sportsmanship refers to virtues
such as fairness, self-control, courage, and persistence. and has been associated with
interpersonal concepts of treating others and being treated fairly, maintaining
control if dealing with others, and respect for both authority and opponents.
Sportsmanship is also looked at as being the way one reacts to a sport/game/player.
The four elements of sportsmanship are often shown being good form, the will to

win, equity and fairness. All four elements are balance must be found
critical and a

to be illustrated. These elements may also

among all four for true sportsmanship
cause conflict, as a person may desire to win more than play in equity and fairness

in clash within the aspects of sportsmanship. This will cause

and thus resulting a
but they are
problems as the person believes they are being a good sportsman,
two key components of being
defeating the purpose of this idea as they are ignoring
self centred. the idea of sportsmanship
sportsman like. When athletes become too

the base of elite sport. places

is dismissed. Today's sporting culture, in particular
thus sportsmanship
great importance the idea of competition and winning and
not all sports, sportsmen at the elite level
takes a back seat as a result. In most, if
and no matter whether they like it or not. they
make the standards on sportsmanship
are seen as leaders and role
models in society.

back seat in the current sports culture because:

) Sportsmanship take a

(a) Leaders have become superstars

There is more emphasis on winning

(c) It requires self- control and
(d) Both a and b
to virtues such as:
2) Sportsmanship refers
(b) Fairness
(a) lgnorance
(An Academy of Professionals for CA/
Contact no: 7299953258/
7299963258 / 7299973258/ 7299993258
(c) Persistence
H) Both b and c
3) Select an antonym for the word self centred
Giving (b) Narcissist (c) ldeal (d) Selfish
4) What is the Main idea of the
(a) Sportsmanship is a challenge, which not everyone can take
) Sportsmanship is not just about playing but about being a team player and
(c) Sportsman become super stars and
forget their duties
(d) Life without sports is dull and mundane
5) Sportsmanship is also looked at as
being the way one reacts t0
sport/ganme/player. What does the autihor mean by
saying this?

(a) To play a sport is not an easy task

(b) One needs to learn the game and play it as well
(c) Do not
disrespect any sport or player
AdyThe attitude towards the game and the players makes you a
2. In the year of 1945. United
Nations Organization (UNO)
successor of into being as the came
League of Nations. It began with
its fifty nations
it has 193 member nations members but now as
accounting for almost all the countries of entire earth
except Switzerland. The nations are the members of the
UN General
world body"s chief
deliberate Assembly, the
organ. All the other wings are answerable to it
annual and special through
periodical reports submitted for its consideration. The General
Assembly. discusses the reports and gives its
the judges of approvals, elects General Secretary and
the International Court of Justice, admits new
Assembly. and also elects the members to the
are Economic non-permanent members of various councils. T here
and Social Council, The
Court, General Trusteeship Cqupcil besides the Internationat
Assembly and the Security
Administrative Office of the world body who Secretary
heads the UN Secretaria
presides over the General Assembly meetings and those A
of other organs o
(An Academy of Professionals for CA /ICWA/CS)
Contact no: 7299953258/ 7299963258/ 7299973258 / 7299993258

addition to the above main organs, the UNO has several other specialized agencies
like ILO (International Labour Organization). UNESCO (United Nations
Educational. Scientific and Cultural Organization). UNCTAD (United Nations
Council for Trade And Development), WHO (World Health Organization), ete
These agencies help the parent body in working out agreements on various- related
matters to them and in achieving different objectives and goals. WHO, for example,
plans steps to achieve the highest possible level of good health of the entire human
population of the Earth. S )

1. How many members the General Assembly of UNO has at present?
9 3
2. Which country is not the member ofthe UNO? Switgacucd
3.How are other wings answerable to General Assembly? - Hoaa auwal e)
Spale a pen cdi caul
4. What is the function of General Secretary?
5. State the plan of WHO.

6. List three functions/responsibilities of the General Assembly.

3. Raising funds for elections has been a unique feature of Indian politics from the
to say that it is one of the most dominant
very beginning and it will not be wrong
motive forces behind political corruption. A strange hawala scandal came to light in
which then the chief vehicle exclusively for politicians to raise
January 1996, was
election funds for their parties and themselves via illegal foreign exchange
transactions. This raised huge public attention on both corruption and its linkage

With our great democratic festival of elections. The explosion

of the corrupt fund- in March 2001 was
raising incidents in connection with arms deals by
the next mind-blowing for all. The notorious incidents highlighted the
requirement for reform of party and election finance, including the possible option
clear blotless democracy the need of Political
OI state funding of elections. To have a
are the foundation.
What will happen to our
nance reform is a must as elections
stones have been sunk in the
great building of democratic India if its foundation
waters of corruption before using? There are a lot of working systems managing
funds needed for
finance around the world. The
political, including election, inter-election
various operations of Political parties: election campaigns,
(An Academy of Professionals for CA /ICWA/CS)
Contact no: 7299953258/ 7299963258/ 7299973258/ 7299993258
maintenance of their organizations and political activities, and support of research
and information infrastructure for the
parties. Election campaigns are always the
primary visible activity requiring funds. Unfortunately. this has made political
parties (of the right and centre) unduly dependent on big business houses and
wealthy individuals. On the other hand Parties of the left became dependent on the
collective contributions of workers. often channelled through affiliated trade unions.
Such interests. typically. seek rents as a quid pro quo for political donations.

We have to get to the roots of the problem to bring election finance reform. We need
to have a focused spotlight and restructuring management related to the election
campaign costs, laws to maintain transparency in the election-related fundraising
and checks for correction scandals. It was widely felt worldwide that a free-for-all
system of election fundraising gave excessive power to the rich business
organizations and individuals. not only over left-of-centre parties but even pro-
business parties and politicians.
If we study the fundamentals of political finance reform in democracies worldwide.
we would have certain characteristics conspicuous to us: limits on expenditure
including sub limits on particular expenditure: limits on contributions from
individuals and organizations: public funding. full or partial. of elections and or
parties: and reporting and disclosure of election. party and candidate finances in
some form as an administrative pre-requisite for implementation of any or all of the
Itis a fact that some democracies have more frequently applied limits on
expenditures than limits on contributions to parties/candidates. The point that they
missed is that their limitation laws applied only to election campaigns, usually
limited to the format period of the campaigns, rather than to general party
expenditures. They aimed to reduce costs for all contestants. thus indirectly
addressing the issue of equality of political opportunity. Usually. the limits apply to
the amounts that candidates and/or parties may spend on election campaigns. Within
these overall maxima. there are often limits on the amounts that may be spent on
particular items. for example. broadcasting, advertising. wall posters and billboards.
According to the passage what is/are the reason(s) for warranting a discussion on

political finance reform?

ncreasing costs atlached to political campaigns.
(An Academy of Professionals for CA /ICWA /CS)
Contact no: 7299953258/ 7299963258/ 7299973258 /7299993258

2. The polity 's

concern lor equal
opportunity lor political participation.
3. Instances of corruption.
4. Political parties excessive dependence on big business and wealthy

a. 2 and 4 1and 3
b. 1. 2 and 3 d. 2.4 and3
2. What according to the passage is the difference between parties of the left and
right in the dependence on funds for election campaign?
a. Political parties of the left depend on the collective wealth of the unions whereas
those of the right depend on big business and wealthy individuals
JPolitical parties of the right depend on large business organizations and affluent
individuals whereas those of the left depend on the collective contribution of

houses whereas
c. Politicalparties of the right depend on large MNCs and corporate
of the left depend on contributions from the
common man.
of influential individuals
d. Political parties of the right depend on their networks
whereas those of the left depend on contributions from the trade unions.

3. Political funds are used for which of the following purpose (s)?

1. To influence the electorate.

2. To ensure inter-election imaintenance of the political organization and political

3. To allow for sustenance of research infrastructure for the political parties.
understanding of political issues amongst the
4. To introduce an

a. Both I and 4 c. Both 3 and 4

b.Only 2, 3and 4 . Both 2 and 3

4.Whatis the primary purpose of the påssage
DDiscús the need for reform of political tinance.
Professionals for CA
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7299973258/ 7299993258
b. Discuss the methodology to ensure
political tinance reform.
c. Discuss the ways and means to
bring about stability of
d. Discuss the need for
reducing widespread cynicism about parties and
5 politicians
According to the passage. democracies worldwide focus
characteristics of
on which main
political finance reform?

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