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The Car Strikes Back

Version 0.1.1
JJ Weeks : red text, Luke Yardley : blue text

Table of Contents
Game Concepts 4
High Concept Statement 4
Player’s Role 4
Main Character 4
Gameplay 4
Interaction Model 5
Camera Model 5
Genre 5
Type of Play 5
Target Audience 5
Platform 6
Setting 6
Levels 6
Story 6

Game World 7
Physical Dimension 7
Temporal Dimension 7
Environmental Dimension 8
Emotional Dimension 8
Ethical Dimension 9

Character Development 10
Character Style 10
Stereotypes 10
Sidekick/Ally 10
Player Interest 10
Character Depth 11
Character Growth 11
Archetypes 11
Character Sounds 11
Character Speech 11
Moveset 11

Story 13
Actions 13
Type of Story 13
Granularity 13
Advancing the Plot 13
Prologue 13
Narrative 14
Non-Challenge Actions 14
Scripted Conversations 14
Story Parts 14

User Experience 15
Controls 15
User Interface 15
Interface Details 15
Style Support 16

Creative and Expressive Play 17

Gameplay 18
Types of Challenges 18
Hierarchy of Challenges 18
Difficulty Levels 18
Actions 19
Saving 19

Core Mechanics 20
Major Mechanics 20
Entities and Resources 20
Entities Attributes 20
Entities Mechanics 20
Global Mechanics 21
Source, Drain, and Conversion of Resources 21
Equilibrium 21
Mechanics Actions 21
NPC Mechanics 21

Game Balancing 22
PvP or PvE 22
Relationship Among Player Options 22
Control of Units 22
Difficulty 22
Feedback 23

Level Design 24
Setting 24

Initial Conditions 24
Level Layout 24
Short-Term Goals 24
Challenges and Actions 24
Rewards and Punishments 25
Pacing 25
Story 25
Mood 25

Appendix A - Character Development 26

Appendix B - Story 27

Appendix C - User Interface 28

Appendix D - Mechanics 29

Appendix E - Level Design 31

Game Concepts

High Concept Statement

This game is a car based combat game where you finish races by
shooting at using a variety of weapons and tools to destroy other vehicles in
the race so you can pull out first. This game will be made on PC and Nintendo
Switch platforms. The intended audience is teenage to adults who are
interested in vehicle combat games and action fighting Player vs.
Environment. This game also consists of a secondary gameplay mode in which
you can move around in the game world as a person fighting people and
completing tasks.

Player’s Role
The player’s role is acting as their avatar as a person in this game. Their
role also consists as a race car driver and fighter in the primary game mode.
The player may make several decisions in the secondary gameplay mode as a
person walking around and doing various things such as choosing which races
to participate in and completing tasks fighting other people.

Main Character
In the game you control a person and car as an avatar. As a person you
can customize yourself, being able to change your clothing, gender, hair, (hair
color) etc. As a car you need to use ingame currency to customize your
car–adding patterns and colors. These customizations modify only the cars
textures; car models are different from customizations and have to be bought
as separate entities

The gameplay will be PvE in which the player will need to fight and beat
npc’s and other cars in order to win. The player will need to be able to change
and make their car so that it will be able to stand up to the others to win the
race. Not every combination of weapons is the best and the player will have to
decipher that for themselves.

Interaction Model
Avatar-based, where the player controls two characters: their person as
an avatar, and their car.

Camera Model
The game’s camera model is third person. The player will view the
game’s world from a couple units above and behind themself. This applies to
both the person and the vehicle. When activated, a focus option will allow them
to move closer to their avatar but be able to see objects in greater detail. The
orbiting position is locked to the center of the player, or the vehicle, when in
use. This is the only perspective.

This game falls into a couple of existing genres: racing, vehicular
combat, action. The challenges and actions reaffirm the aforementioned
genres. The player will probably be spending the most of the time driving in a

Type of Play
This game is single-player and has an alternate gamemode of
competitive. With the multi player, a cross machine will be needed for playing
on pc, but on the switch a split-screen will also be available in addition.

Target Audience
The target audience is teenagers and young adults who are interested in
racing and fighting vehicle games. This specific audience will generally be
more interested in playing a combat game.
The age range this game is aimed at is teenager.

This game is gender inclusive mainly because the player will have
control over some elements such as the gender of their avatar. Some main
content to appeal to the target audience is explosions and very combat

In terms of dedication, we aren’t requiring too long of play sessions
since the structure of the game is divided up into championships and levels
where the player can pick up on at any time.

This game will run on two platforms, Nintendo Switch and on Pc. This
game will not require any special hardware such as dance mats.

This game takes place in present day, Salt Lake City

The game will be broken into levels as the different races that take place
in order to complete the game. The typical victory condition for a level would
be finishing a race by destroying all the other cars and going fast.

The game is based upon you playing as your avatar to gather enough
trophies so that you can compete in the championship. You have a rival in this
game who occasionally shows up to fight you in races. In order to beat him, you
need to race against him in the championship to prove yourself the better

Game World

Physical Dimension
This game requires a physical dimension. It is used for movement for the
player and the player’s car, and interactions between the other cars and the
There will be 3 spatial dimensions that are in the game. The game has a
side to side, front and back, and up and down. Objects will be able to move
continuously throughout the third dimension in the game.
The game world is about 50 miles, with the scale not being essential, so
long as it is a generalization.
The game only needs one scale for outdoor areas, since it's most realistic
for the cars to traverse the track as much as anywhere in the city.
The relative sizes of the people will be based off the sizes of the car, and
the track will also be scaled to work with the car. To handle relative speeds of
movement we’ll test the game, find a convenient traveling speed, and call that
The game world is only taking place inside of Salt Lake city and there are
concrete walls along the entire border of the city so that the player will not be
able to leave it.

Temporal Dimension
Time is a meaningful element in the game. Time still precedes if the
player isn’t moving, unless the game is paused.
After a period of time, the game world will become night. At night,
different npcs and races will become available.
Time does not directly affect the player’s avatars. They do not get hungry
or tired.
Time acts as a variable for certain objectives the player needs to
complete such as when it becomes night.
There is a time scale in the game, with 16 minutes being the equivalent of
24 hour intervals. 8 minutes day, 8 minutes night. A clock will displayed as part
of the hud.
There are only 2 major periods of time day and night and both have
specific objectives needed to complete and neither can be skipped in order for
the player to progress in this game.
Day and night does need to be implemented and it will get significantly
darker and street lights will turn on and several npcs will leave to go indoors
and certain objectives will become available. Seasons will not apply.
The player will not be allowed to adjust time. With night and day
changing every 8 minutes, time-skipping is not an essential.

Environmental Dimension
Our game world is set in the contemporary world.
There are many NPCs in this game. The people in this game are human
and have a society extremely similar to our own current society as it takes
place in our current society. This is reflected in the buildings and race
organizations that are in the game.
People value cars and getting trophies from winning races.
The people are neither very superstitious or very religious but it will be a
non applicable factor in this game.
The people in this game are chaotic, flamboyant, competitive, and like
straight lines because curves in the road create chaos.
The people in the game interact with each other and the player very
much in this game.
The game takes place outdoors, The geography looks like Salt Lake City,
but lower poly. There's a lot of tall buildings though.
It is going to be very organized and tense at racing moments with tense
music on the final lap and very calm and chill music during the secondary
gameplay mode of going around the city.
The detail in this game will be sparse and uncluttered in sceneries the
player travels through as part of the map, but details such as the road and
other cars will have a lot more detail

Emotional Dimension
This game does not have a significant emotional dimension but there is
too a degree a few emotional points in this game.
Emotion is not key to this story but it does act as a motivation factor
against the player’s rival.
The main emotion is determination as your mom’s pride is at stake and
you need to exact vengeance for her.

Ethical Dimension
During races, any means necessary are used to win, but outside of races
killing people and doing bad things can lead to imprisonment by the local
You are expected to win races. At the very beginning there will be an
introduction to the world and use all of the means at your disposal to get first
This game includes conflict and competition and it is represented as a
race and also violence such as shooting guns during that race.
You do have many choices as you can choose which races you can go to
and you don’t have to do some races if you don’t want to, you will just get less
money to progress with. You can complete races by not shooting, you will just
get less bonus points and money so you would be punished for not shooting.
You are punished for shooting civilians outside of races.
At the end of the game, achieving the victory condition is acceptable in
any way it is accomplished
Practically all ethics present in the game world are thrown out the
window. There will however, be no options for torturing or enslaving anyone.

There is one moral dilemma that majorly affects the plot and the player
has a big decision to make at the very end of the game.
The violence in this game is just explosions. The level of realism is
appropriate for the level of entertainment value during races.

Character Development

Character Style
The game’s characters are primarily art-based and have a realistic look
and the player may decide to exaggerate their character making them tough or
cute or otherwise in any way they wish.
Through dialogue, gameplay, and random things the character NPCs say
to the player the character will convey their personality and attitude

Several characters such as policemen with their uniforms and security
guards at races have visual stereotypes for instant identification. Your rival will
be more subtle as they use disguises.
Pretty much all characters will look and act the same, unless the
character is a more important one who has more edgy features, they’ll have
more attitude.

During the main single player mode, a NPC will be present with you
during the races, either manning the guns on the car or driving the car while
you shoot, but with the multiplayer mode a sidekick may be present which will
be another real player with you. They will have different avatars as they can
choose to customize their avatars.

Player Interest
The player will be able to customize the avatar, their lower detail player
will look a bit funny.
The player will be able to customize and make the avatar however they
want and the avatar will be tough and act as they want them to.

Character Depth
The main character has had a traumatic experience in their childhood as
their main rival beat your mom and you want to avenge your mom by beating
your rival in the grand championship. The main rival’s background is that they
beat your mom and they want to prove that they are the best racer in the entire

Character Growth
The avatar will remain static throughout the game.

The main character is the hero, the main rival plays the shadow, there is
an old man who helps you at the beginning as a mentor but is a shapeshifter as
you have to fight him later.

Character Sounds
The characters in the game will make walking sounds, and the
cars–which are technically also characters–will make car sounds like tire
screeching, engine roaring, and crash sounds when they crash. The music that
will play for any character of interest is rock. Just rock.

Character Speech
The majority of characters during races and outside of races will
randomly insult the player as they walk by, emphasizing their sour and
competitive attitudes.

They player has several main action movies:
Walking - in development
Driving - concept art

Shooting - concept art

Jumping - in development
Crouching - in development
Rolling - in development


Driving gets harder as the player progresses onto more difficult maps,
the insults change as the the game progresses
The player can choose which option to pick between several race options
and move through the game world at their own pace and speed they want to
move at.

Type of Story
The story in the game will be linear, but at the end of the game the player
will have two options to end the game’s story.
The game will have two endings. It reflects growing as a character, and
either exacting vengeance by destroying the main rival, or show him mercy by
sending him to jail

The game will have a lesser size of granularity, which only will take place
during important events or outside of tournaments. There will be two major
cutscenes taking about two minutes each.

Advancing the Plot

There are several races which must occur that will progress the plot with
certain events taking place.

This game would benefit from a prologue that explains the character’s
objective and makes the storyline relevant.

This game will include a few elements of narrative as when certain
events occur there will be cutscenes that happen. These cutscenes will be
intrical to the plot of the game.
The narrative material will take place as cutscenes, and voice-over

Non-Challenge Actions
There are several NPC conversations that allow you to explore the game
world and get certain information about the game world.

Scripted Conversations
One from the player to the rival at the end, and short dialogue when
purchasing stuff at the shop

Story Parts
This story will all be contained within this game and no story elements
of this game will carry over into any other games; it is a limited series. The plot
is contained in this one game.

User Experience

The game will need a mouse, joystick, or gyroscopic device to move the
camera angle around the player and their car. No pointing device is needed, but
ideally there should be something to incrementally adjust the steering of the
vehicle (i.e. not WASD or a Dpad, but those will still be an option)
When the player enters the car a new button screen will show up in a tiny
box in the corner of the screen letting the player know of the button changes.
This also occurs when re-entering the secondary gameplay mode.
On the nintendo switch, the car will be steered using a joystick, but on
the pc the car will drive towards your mouse location. The movements will
cause rumble on the switch controller but not on pc.
It will be necessary and possible to control the game’s camera at all
times except during cutscenes. The player will be able to adjust the camera
around the player and zoom in near them in order to see distant objects more
clearly. Inputs for camera controls will be derived from mouse and keyboard,
or button and joystick (other combinations are possible).

User Interface
During both the primary and secondary gameplay mode their will be a
small window in the top right corner with a minimap available and at the
bottom left corner your current weapon will be displayed.
The camera model will be in third person, and the interaction model is
still avatar based (a common one). The camera model allows the player to see
objects near them
Yes, because this game is a shooting game and also a vehicle combat
game it is expected to have your weapon on display. This game will use an
intriguing racing element where you drive and shoot other cars off the back of
your own car at the same time. Your ui will reflect a shooter screen but you also
drive the car at the same time.

Interface Details
The game includes menus and uses a breadth interface menu structure.

When cutscenes play text will appear on screen for characters speaking
and when npc’s interact with the player text will also appear on screen. The
language for this game is only english.
The game uses severally typically icons such as a speedometer and other
icons that would be found in a racing game including healthbar, ammo ticks to
represent ammo, lap time, a map, and weapon type shown.
It will be useful for the player to know their numeric values. All of these
values will be presented as digits, as well as power bars for all values except for
speed, which will be shown with a needle gauge.
The symbolic values the player needs to know are low health, which will
be represented by a blinking health bar and a sound that will play once as the
player enters low health, low ammunition, which will turn the ammo icon red.

Style Support
The aesthetic is very clean, the graphics will be fairly good quality in this
There will be several audio interactions such as the engine on the car will
flare and change sound if it is close to being destroyed but all audio of
characters talking to you will also have a text box.
Music supports the theme of the game, and creates an emotional tone,
making the race feel more epic. It can adapt to changing circumstances, and
new race maps/circuits can have different music to suit its aesthetic.

Creative and Expressive Play
A feature to allow the player to define themself in game includes avatar
customization. The player will be able to change physical attributes such as
hair type, hair color, and gender.
In the game, it will have at the top of the page of character customization
that states Character changing does not affect gameplay ability.
This game does not offer creative play or sandbox mode.
This game will not offer constrained creative play or a sandbox mode.
There will be no freeform creative play.
This game features several storytelling play as when some checkpoints
are hit cutscenes will play progressing the plot and story.
Mods will be allowed in this game. The player will be able to create new
maps, and new cars. There will be a map editor that any developers will be able
to use for maps, but car models they will have to make on their own; though
existing car assets will be accessible.
After each race, there will be a share this race button that players who
are connected to the internet can use to let other players see their races.


Types of Challenges
This game will challenge a players mental abilities for the most part.
This game will challenge accuracy, precision, ability to focus on multiple parts,
and be decisive.
This game was designed around a cross-genre element; it contains the
challenges of a racing and shooter game.
There are a few implicit challenges such as navigation throughout the
city in the game, and there are many explicit such as the races.

Hierarchy of Challenges
The overall challenge is winning the grand prix cup, but to do that cups
have to be won first, there will be 3-4 cups, each with four races on different
maps. The priorities of the player in each race are to get first place and not get
destroyed in the process. To win more main races, the player may need to
complete optional races to get better equipment and weapons to make them
more competitive in main races.
The lowest level challenges or atomic challenges are mainly progressing
and navigating throughout the city to get to races and locations necessary to
get to.
The player has several approaches to victory, as all of the races in the
game are open from the very beginning. Only a certain amount of races are
needed to be completed to be able to go to championships. Only a few
championships need to be won to go to the grand championship. The player
may choose which of these they go to in order to complete the game.

Difficulty Levels
There will be some scenarios in the game in which you will lose the
ability to use certain weapons, providing a setback and a higher difficulty in
some levels. Races will be about normal hardness, championships will be hard,
the grand championship will be extremely hard.

To meet challenges, players will be supplied with guns, and their cars
will be able to ram other cars, all to cause damage. Destroying other vehicles is
a key to success for a lot of challenges. Using car acceleration or deceleration
also helps win challenges.
There will be a few options that do not affect the gameplay but allow for
self-expression such as taunting the npc’s, which will cause them to take
actions of “socialization” and increase story participation.

The player will be able to press the escape key or menu button and a
menu with options will appear and the player will be able to save directly from
the menu at any time during the game, and there will be checkpoints that save
automatically for the player as well. The player will have to finish a race in
order to save however, as a player cannot save during a race.

Core Mechanics

Major Mechanics
Of the five major types of mechanics, the game will use physics (driving
mechanics), internal economics (as tangible money), progression mechanics
(winning championships and individual races), and tactical maneuvering (also
driving). Social interaction may be available in multiplayer mode, including
formation of teams, but will take no form in single player mode.

Entities and Resources

There will be tangible money that can be counted and used in the game
for upgrades and new weapons. There will be many different cars that will be in
the game as well that you can acquire.
Guns and cars are separate entities from the avatar.
Guns will include ammo and ammo clip values as part of their definition,
guns have to be equipped to the player’s avatar to be used, and the player’s
avatar may be driving the car, so vehicles may also include the player as part of
the car

Entities Attributes
The car’s attributes will include numeric gas amount, speed, and health.
The car’s paint job will be symbolic not numeric. The guns will have a bullet
count and also have aesthetics. Money will have an amount in this game.
Tangible entities and resources of the game are ammunition, money,
guns, and cars. Intangible resources are wins in a championship. Money can be
in a state of intangibility however, since the player can’t lose money. Cars can
be in a damaged state after races, which affects their appearance.

Entities Mechanics
Physics and tactical maneuvering will provide for the main relationships
between entities such as between cars. Gas in a car that depletes is a mechanic
inside one entity.

Global Mechanics
Physics will be present throughout the entire game. The progression
mechanic governs the way the game changes from secondary to primary
gameplay mode.

Source, Drain, and Conversion of Resources

Ammunition can be found lying around the maps, and will spawn in
random locations. Most other entities, including cars, guns, and perks do not
come as a source, but are outputted every time the player gives enough money
to buy it at a store or specific location.
Money will remain the same in the game until you spend it, in which case
it will leave the game. Gas in a car will drain when you drive your car. Gun
ammo will also drain for each shot you fire.
The conversion process will be created specifically and separately for
both switch and pc platforms, not using the same script for both.

This game can not get into a state of equilibrium as there will be random
events as entropy will occur.

Mechanics Actions
Active challenges might be based on actions of a player. Choosing to
enter a race will cause opponents to spawn, and attack the player.
When the player starts a race, the core mechanics become more physics
based and the gameplay mode changes. Player mechanics have a base set of
options such as running, walking, driving, shooting.

NPC Mechanics
NPC’s are controlled by a couple of main scripted parts where they fulfill
plot progressing and game challenge roles and the AI have a few random
actions that may be taken.

Game Balancing

PvP or PvE
In its standard gameplay mode, this game is a PvE game. However, it can
be both PvE and PvP in multiplayer mode. It is only asymmetric in the choice of
starting positions. The first starting positions will be determined at random,
but then race finishing positions will carry over to the next races.

Relationship Among Player Options

The relationship will be a mixture of both in that there are several
relationships that require an object such as when talking to npc but during
races the player’s options are mainly intransitive.
The game’s objectives become easier when using weapons and taking an
offensive stance, however, that directions more attention to the player, and
can become a risk–but a necessary one in certain situations. Choosing to keep
behind players and fire less will draw less fire upon the player.
One such intransitive relationship will be enemy shooting, however they
will be using different weapons almost every time.

Control of Units
The player will not be able to control a variety of units. The role of the car
differs from the role of the player. The car is more like the protective shield to
the player, but besides that relationship there are no choices of units or variety
of units.
The player will not need to micromanage very much, at most there are
only two things the player can micromanage as the player will need to drive a
car and shoot at the same time. The player may have an npc drive the car for
them when they are shooting and have an npc shoot when they are driving.

The normal races will have a normal difficulty, the championships will
have a hard difficulty, and the grand championship will have an extremely
hard difficulty.
The absolute difficulty of challenges will peak as the player progresses

through tournaments. The player will receive upgrades to their cars, guns, and
other equipment, but if a challenge is still to difficult to a player, they can take
side quests and get better equipment through other means, such as a side
tournament/race. The player’s perception of the game’s difficulty will go up as
they progress and they get better at the game.
The player may choose to not go to championships and just compete in
races where the enemy will be slower and easier to beat in order to complete
the game rather than go the hard route of doing all the championships.

The game will not include positive feedback. However, negative feedback
will be included, and will cause enemies to try to target the cars more in the
front of the race as a priority.
The player may always complete more tasks outside of the racing to level
up and get better gear and also they get to choose which races they compete in.

Level Design

The setting is that the game takes place inside a race track full of
obstacles and other vehicles that compete against you.

Initial Conditions
Each level/race the player will start at the starting line and the player will
start with a certain amount of ammo and fuel. Additional resources are not able
to be acquired during a race but in the secondary gameplay mode of walking
around as a person the player may acquire more ammo and fuel from shops.

Level Layout
The major layout for the primary gameplay mode will just be the race
track, and the player will have complete movement control inside of it however
they want to move and interact. The player may choose to experience easier or
harder paths by choosing to either shoot the other vehicles or just try to
outrace them.

Short-Term Goals
As the player hits progression and reaches checkpoints, text will appear
on the screen informing the player of the reached goal and then tells the player
of the next goal. The player may hit a key to look at completed goals and goals
to accomplish.

Challenges and Actions

The main challenges a player will face is managing supplies and they can
better manage by coming more prepared into races. They will also face the
challenge of shooting and precision accuracy to deal more damage.

Rewards and Punishments
As a player accomplishes tasks the player will be rewarded with money
for their efforts. In the races, as a player places higher in the standings they
will get more money and trophies for use in progression. The player still gets a
“win” as long as they place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in a race but get a lower level trophy
if they place lower than 1st.

The pacing will be controlled by how many trophies the player has
already achieved, determining how difficult the next races will be. For the rest
of the pacing the player has most of the control.

There are several specific races in which contribute directly to the story
as there will be various surprise races where you race against your rival and
progress inside the story.

The mood of each race at the beginning is casual anticipation that builds
up in tension the more laps go by. The aesthetics are very smooth but with
some rough parts. The graphics are very clear and have high quality. The player
will be able to experience high end music, and excellent rotating wind and
weather patterns that add t0 the background and feel of the game.

Appendix A - Character Development

Concept art of a possible avatar One of the many varieties of vehicles

selection the player may make. that the player may access in the races

Appendix B - Story

(Example)Shop Dialogue Script:

● What do you want today?
[Purchasing an item]
● This one rides smooth
● Hope you have insurance
● Vroom.
● (Purchasing the tank) Wait, how did I get a tank in my inventory?
● Nice choice
● Don’t shoot your eye out
● That one goes bang
● Careful, I don’t think those are regulation
● (explosive)Those put on a good firework show
● Always keep spare rounds on you. Never know when you might need them
[Exit shop]
● Come back soon, I have some more exciting stuff that no one except a madman
would want to buy

Plot of the story:

● Your main rival blew up your prized car after a tournament, and got you kicked
out of the high end of the racing league you were both in.
● You have to climb your way back up to the top and get back at him
● Technically everything you’re doing is slightly illegal since bullets are flying
everywhere, so to get revenge on your rival you have to make a deal with people
that requires you to win the ultimate championship
● At the very end of the game, the player has the choice to either run over the
antagonist with a car in a cutscene, or have him taken away to jail

Appendix C - User Interface

Example UIs:

Button Mapping for PC: WASD (move keys/steering keys/accelerate, decelerate) Left
click - use primary weapon, Right click - use power-up, shift - zoom to person (for better
shooting and aiming), mouse: move orbit camera, X: fire special weapon, arrow keys:
secondary aiming axis (incremental), E: open inventory UI, esc: open game menu

Button Mapping for Nintendo Switch: Left Joystick -F: move forward (avatar only) R:
steer/move right L: steer/move left D: zoom to person, move backward. Right Joystick:
move orbit camera (respective directions) right trigger: fire primary weapon, Left
trigger: use power up, a & b buttons: accelerate, x button : decelerate/reverse, y button:
fire special weapon. Directional buttons: secondary aiming axis (incremental), “-”
button: open inventory UI, “+” open game menu

Appendix D - Mechanics
Resource - Ammunition

● Allows guns to fire a projectile, expends one ammunition every time a gun is
fired, does not degrade over time, and cannot be lost
● Animated as a shell casing and linear projectile when used (technically an entity)
Resource - Power-Ups
● Appears in the power-up box of the hud icon
● The icon appears the same as icon
● When the player presses the power-up input button, it consumes the power up,
and gives the effect of the given power up.
Resource - Health
● Recognized by core mechanics as a value up to 100
● Assigned to player’s person and vehicle individually
● Can be restored through health power-ups
● Deducted when player’s avatar and vehicle either collide with an object at high
speeds, gets hit by a bullet projectile, or any other type of weapon
Entity - Car
● Physical Appearance of car depends on the type of car
● All cars have transparent windows, a visible driver, any upgrades or equipment,
(including mounted guns) and can have different color schemes and patterns
● As the car takes damage, the car will appear damaged. At low health the car will
have damaged glass, dents in the frame, broken headlights, etc.
● Used in races, has its own health bar (remaining health displayed as a
● has the driving physics of well… a car, it explodes when no health is remaining
Entity - Player’s Avatar (person)
● Physical appearance determined by the player
● Wield’s handheld guns, have their own health bar, can be shot at in and out of
cars as well as shoot drivers in other cars. If player loses all health they die, and if
they are in a car it looses control until it hits a wall or obstacle, where it will
promptly explode
Entity - Power Ups
● Translucent, appears as a nitro tank (speed boost, green), fireball (extra damage,
orange), heart (health regeneration, red), and a shield (damage resistance, blue)
● The icon appears slightly extruded, to seem 3d
● Acquired as a resource when touched
● Does not have any effect on game physics

Appendix E - Level Design

Concept art for one of the possible racing tracks that players will be able to go on. There
will be many different varieties of race tracks with different routes and obstacles the
player will need to navigate.


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