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In criminal investigation, what is the systematic process of

identifying, collecting, preserving, and evaluating
information for the purpose of bringing a criminal offender What are the primary purposes of an interrogation in a
to justice? criminal investigation?
 Criminal investigation  To gather evidence and establish guilt

What is the primary purpose of interrogation in a criminal What does the Miranda Doctrine include?
investigation?  The right to remain silent
 Questioning a person suspected of committing an
offense Which of the following is considered a common trace of
information that may aid in solving criminal cases?
Which stage of criminal investigation involves tracing and  Directory
locating the suspects and eventually the guilty party, with
the primary objective of identifying and apprehending the What is the golden rule for conducting interviews in the
perpetrators? context of a criminal investigation?
 Follow-up Investigation  Never conduct an interview if the interviewer has
not gone to the crime scene.
Which of the following is NOT one of the bridges mentioned
in the lessons that the investigator should be cautious not What is the term used for the body of the crime or the fact
to burn in a homicide investigation? of specific loss or injury sustained?
 The bridge burned when the crime scene is  Corpus Delicti
When conducting a search and recording activities at a
What is the primary role of information in criminal crime scene, what should investigators consider before
investigation? starting the search?
 To serve as the first tool of investigation  The potential disturbance of evidence

What is the difference between a confession and an What are the three stages of an interview process?
admission in criminal investigation?
 A confession implicates but does not incriminate,  Preliminary, follow-up, and final
while an admission directly admits guilt.
What type of evidence is used to identify the criminal
According to Hans Gross, what is the breakdown of through clues, personal properties, or patterns of procedure
criminal investigation as an art? at the crime scene?
 95% perspiration, 3% inspiration, and 2% luck  Associative evidence

What is the purpose of a follow-up interview in a criminal Which of the following is NOT one of the primary purposes
investigation? of interrogation in a criminal investigation?
 To obtain further information missed during the  To learn of the existence and location of physical
first questioning evidence

What is the golden rule in interviews, according to the In the context of conducting interviews, which of the
lesson? following is a factor to consider when selecting a person to
 Never conduct an interview without visiting the be interviewed?
crime scene  Their ability to observe and remember

In a criminal investigation, where can investigators acquire  To create a detailed record of observations and
information from persons? actions
 Both from conscientious citizens and paid
informants, with variations in application. When taking photographs at a crime scene, what should
investigators consider regarding evidence?
What is the importance of note-taking at a crime scene?  Photograph evidence only after its collection
and packing
In the SOCO process, what is the first step upon receiving a report or complaint about an incident?

 Notify the duty officer or COP about the report

What is the "Golden Rule" in the context of interrogation?

 Make the suspect admit something, no matter how small

What does the "Golden Rule in Interview" emphasize?

 The necessity for the interviewer to visit the crime scene before conducting an interview.

What is the primary purpose of an inquest?

 To determine the basic cause of an incident

What is the primary responsibility of criminal investigators?

 Solving crimes, preventing future criminal activities, and identifying and detaining suspects

How would you define criminal investigation?

 A systematic process involving the discovery, collection, and presentation of evidence to determine what happened
and who is responsible

What is the purpose of a "rouges gallery" in a police investigation?

 To keep a collection of criminal and suspect photographs for identification

What best describes an admission in a criminal investigation?

 An acknowledgment of a fact or circumstance that may imply guilt but lacks full details.

When public prosecutors conduct an inquiry to determine if there are legal grounds to file a criminal complaint, what type of
investigation is it?

 Inquest

What is the primary responsibility of criminal investigators?

 Solving crimes and fact-finding

. What are the three basic tools of criminal investigation, often referred to as the 3 I's?

 Information, Interrogation, Interview

Which of the following is NOT a role of Criminalistics (Forensic Science) as described in the lessons?

 Chemical examination of alcoholic beverages

Why is information considered vital in criminal investigation?

 It provides answers for the 5 Ws & 1 H, helping to solve the crime

In eyewitness testimony, which of the following factors affects the value of identification by a witness?

 The investigator's suggestions

What is the term used for the body of the crime or the fact of specific loss or injury sustained?

 Corpus Delicti

What is the purpose of obtaining a narrative description of the crime scene?

 To provide a running, general terms description of the scene

Which of the following individuals is generally considered a regular source of information for an investigator?

 A close friend of a suspect

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