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No. Absen


Midterm Semester Summative Assessment

Setiap Soal
A. Choose the correct answer! Bernilai 2 poin.

1. … you win the marble in spoon race?

a. Do

b. Did

c. Was

d. Were

2. Diana and Miko … the committee of the Independence Day Celebration last year.

What is the suitable be to complete the sentence?

a. were

b. am

c. are

d. was

3. I … loudly when I heard Delisa’s funny story.

What is the correct word to complete the sentence?

a. smiled

b. spoke

c. screamed

d. laughed
4. Yesterday, the plates accidentally … to the ground because the table was broken.

What suitable verb to complete the sentence is ....

a. fall

b. falls

c. fell

d. lost

5. She laid aside her book and went to answer the phone.

The similar meaning of laid is ….

a. kept

b. taken

c. moved

d. put down

6. The girl shouted hysterically when she met her favourite singer.

The underline word has similar meaning with ….

a. objurgated

b. screamed

c. danced

d. hugged

7. What did the girl do?

a. She wrote a letter to her idol.

b. She screamed her idol hysterically

c. She read a magazine.

d. She took a picture with her idol.

8. I had bad dream last night. It makes me … during the night.

a. relaxed

b. rested

c. worked

d. awoke

9. A: What did you do last night?

B: ….

a. I visited my cousin in a hospital.

b. I accompany my mother.

c. I seeing to the doctor.

d. I didn’t know what her problem is.

10. He ... his day in loneliness last year.

a. living out

b. lives out

c. lived out

d. life out

Text for No. 11–15

Indonesia’s Independence Day is celebrated every year. Any kinds of competition will also be
held to celebrate the commemoration of Independence Day. At that time, my friends and I were
very enthusiastic about participating in competitions held at school. Me, Said, and Bintang took
part in a competition called musical chairs. Most of my friends took part in a soccer competition,
and very few of them wanted to take part in musical chairs. Finally, the three of us agreed to
take part in the competition.

The first competition was football. Meanwhile, the musical chair and the tug of war would start
at 08.30 a.m. The clock struck exactly 08.30 when the committee called us. In the first round,
no one came out of the circle. In the second round, Bintang left the participant because he was
late to sit on the chair. I came out in the fourth round. As for Said, he was able to survive until
the last round, but eventually came out. We didn’t expect that the three of us would be out of
the game. We took photos and then went to the school cafeteria. Bintang bought three cups of
iced tea for us. I bought a loaf of bread and ate it at the canteen seat.

After finishing our meals, Said and I went to the field to see our other friends playing football.
When Said and I arrived, the match score was already 2-2. In the end, our class lost with a
score of 2-3. That’s too bad.
Even though we didn’t win, we were still happy because we could participate in the activity.
We learned about working together, deliberating, and most importantly, about courage and

11. The competitions that usually be held to commemorate the Independence are except

a. sack race

b. working bee

c. cracker-eating

d. marble in spoon race

12. The event was held in the ….

a. school

b. home

c. market

d. canteen

13. “Bintang bought three cups of iced tea for us.” What does the underlined word refer to?

a. Bintang

b. The teacher

c. the writer and Said

d. the writer, Said, and Bintang.

14. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

a. The time of the celebration of the Independence Day.

b. The kinds of competitions.

c. The football game.

d. The end of the event

15. “He was able to survive until the last round” The underlined word has the same meaning
with …

a. live out

b. hold on

c. hang out

d. give in

16. “I bought a loaf of bread and ate it at the canteen seat.’ The present form of the underlined
word is …

a. eaten

b. eated

c. eat

d. etaing

17. All the words below are irregular verb except ….

a. came

b. ate

c. agreed

d. went

18. I didn’t know that he … my money.

a. steal

b. stealing

c. steals

d. stole
19. Ratna (arrive) … here three days ago.

a. arrives

b. arriving

c. has arrived

d. arrived

20. She … a student last year.

a. is

b. were

c. was

d. are

Text for No. 21–25

When I was in elementary school, I always looked forward to August 17 because it was the day
of Indonesia’s independence. There were a lot of entertainments, such as carnivals, competitions,
and much more. On that day, I had a most memorable experience.

When I was 10 years old, I participated in various competitions in my school. At that time,
all the students in my school joined the competition for the prizes that had been prepared by
the committee. I enthusiastically joined all the races too. However, I couldn’t win. The last
competition was the sack race. I walk limply toward the sack then suddenly I hear my friends
cheering me up. I took the sack and jumped quickly. I fell in the middle of the race but I quickly
stood up and continued the race. Finally, I won the last race. I was happy and proud. I get a
trophy and dedicated it to them. Until now, the trophy is still sitting in my desk.

That’s the most memorable experience for me. I could win the last race with the help of my
friends. That trophy became my first trophy in the race on August 17 because I’m too old to
follow it again.

21. What is the purpose of the text above?

a. To describe the competition that the writer joined in.

b. To tell the writer’s experience in the past about a certain event.

c. To tell the procedure of making things.

d. To entertain the reader or present a story.

22. Why did the writer so enthusiasts about the celebration of the Independence Day?

a. Because he was an elementary student.

b. Because there would be parade and competition.

c. Because he got a lot of prizes.

d. Because there would be kinds of food and drinks.

23. “I walk limply toward the sack …” The underlined word is the closest meaning with word

a. strong

b. weak

c. happy

d. sadly

24. “ …but I quickly stood up and continued the race.”

What is the present verb of ‘stood’?

a. Stead

b. Stand

c. Sit

d. Sing

25. “I get a trophy and dedicated it to them.” What does the italic word refer to?

a. The competitions

b. The teachers

c. The writer’s friends

d. The prizes

Setiap Soal
B. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer! Bernilai 2 poin.

1. We (go) to New York last January.

2. Finally, my mother (let) me go to a party.

3. It (be) cold last night.

4. I (meet) John at the weekend.

5. Lucy (pay) the bill, before leaving the restaurant.

6. We (see) the new film yesterday.

7. She (wear) her new coat to the party.

8. I (think) my football team would win.

9. They (put) their bags in the bedroom.

10. Billy (run) after the bus.

Setiap Soal
C. Read the text and answer the questions! Bernilai 6 poin.

The celebration of 17 August is related to folk festival, which is held to entertain all of
society. There are so many competitions that are held to enliven these days like sack races,
inserting a pencil into a bottle, eating-crackers race, mounting nut, and much more. My village
conducted the celebration for 2 days, and the peak of the celebration was on the second night.
On that night, we held a live music show.

On the first day, we hold competitions, such as the eating-cracker race, the sack race,
the race of catching eel, and many more. Many people followed the competition on the first
day. Most of them were children and teenagers. The atmosphere was very festive at that time.
They were very eager to win the race in order to get a present that we had prepared.

On the second day, the competition was still ongoing. That time, we conducted special
competitions for adults, like football, volleyball, karaoke contests, chess competitions,
competitions mounting nut, and others. Because the participants were mostly adults, the
atmosphere of the race became very lively and exciting, especially at the football competition.
We held a football competition for men on the condition that they wear women clothes.
Therefore, the game became more exciting and funnier by looking at their action.

At the peak of Indonesia’s Independence Day celebration, we prepared a large stage to

entertain all citizens of our village. The event was opened with a speech from the head of our
district in the village, followed by the distribution of prizes for the competition winner. The event
was followed by a music show. This music performance lasted until 11.00 p.m. That day was
a great fun day for me because, at the same time, it was my first experience as committee to
celebrate Indonesian Independence Day.

1. What does the text talk about?

2. What was the writer?

3. What is the main idea of the paragraph 2?

4. What made the football match funnier?

5. What was the last event?


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