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TAHUN AJARAN 2023-2024


KELAS : 4 (Empat) / Semester 1 (Satu)



1 Memahami kata, To Be Disajikan soal pilihan ganda, Pilihan 1 Eri … jogging around the house.
frasa, dan kalimat peserta didik menentukan Ganda A. is C. are
yang berkaitan penggunakan to be yang tepat B. am D. don’t
dengan They are pada sebuah kalimat. Pilihan 2 I … cooking right now.
Reading Books in the Ganda C. is C. are
Library. D. am D. don’t
Disajikan soal isian, peserta Isian 21 I … studying math.
didik menentukan penggunaan
to be yang tepat pada sebuah Isian 22 You … listening the teacher.
Isian 23 He … reading a book.
Express Disajikan gambar, peserta didik Pilihan 3 Look at the picture!
ongoing menentukan aktivitas yang Ganda
activities using ditunjukkan oleh gambar.
verb -ing

Arthur and Tom are ….

A. reading a book
B. playing football
C. playing badminton
D. baking a cake

1|STS GANJIL|T.A. 2023-2024| ENGLISH 4

Pilihan 4 Look at the picture!

They are … a book in the library.

A. watching C. eating
B. working D. reading
Pilihan 5 Look at the picture!

Budi is … in the swimming pool.

A. swimming
B. listening music
C. watching movie
D. singing
Pilihan 6 Look at the picture!

Made is … his hand

A. talking C. washing
B. walking D. writing
Pilihan 7 Look at the picture!

They are … to school.

A. going C. dancing
B. studying D. painting

2|STS GANJIL|T.A. 2023-2024| ENGLISH 4

Isian 24 Look at the picture!

What is Alvin doing? Alvin is ….

Peserta didik menentukan kata Isian 25 … are they doing?

tanya yang tepat untuk
melengkapi kalimat. They are playing in the yard.

Disajikan teks berkaitan dengan Uraian 31 Read the following text below and answer the question
aktivitas sehari-hari. Peserta number 31 - 33!
didik menjawab pertanyaan Hi! I am Laras. I am in the park with some friends. We all
berdasarkan teks. love to play in the park. Layla and Gita are playing badminton.
Nino and Bima are playing ball. Wisnu and Rudi just arrived.
They are riding their bicycle. And me, I am jogging here in the
Where is Laras and her friends?

Uraian 32 What are Layla and Gita doing?

Uraian 33 What are Nino and Bima doing?

2 Memahami kata, Number Disajikan gambar yang berisikan Pilihan 8 Look at the picture!
frasa, dan kalimat nomor, peserta didik Ganda
yang berkaitan menentukan nomor yang tepat
dengan It is Number untuk melengkapi kalimat.

How many math books are there? There are ….

A. eighty seven
B. eighty six
C. ninety seven
D. ninety six

3|STS GANJIL|T.A. 2023-2024| ENGLISH 4

Pilihan 9 Look at the picture!

How many pencils are there? There are …. pencils.

A. sixty eight C. fifty eight
B. sixty nine D. fifty nine
Pilihan 10 Look at the picture below for number 10 and 11!

What number is Lucy house? It is ….

A. eighty seven
B. eighty eight
C. seventy eight
D. ninety eight
Pilihan 11 What number is Rose house? It is ….
Ganda A. eighty seven
B. eighty eight
C. seventy eight
D. ninety eight
Pilihan 12 Look at the picture!

There are … apples in the basket.

A. seventy C. ninety
B. eighty D. one hundred

4|STS GANJIL|T.A. 2023-2024| ENGLISH 4

Isian 26 Look at the picture!

It is number ….

Yes it is atau Disajikan gambar yang berisikan Pilihan 13 Look at the picture!
no, it is not. nomor, peserta didik Ganda
menentukan benar atau tidak
nomor yang tepat pada kalimat.

Is it number thirty six?

A. Yes it is.
B. No, it is not. It is number sixty four.
C. No, it is not. It is number sixty three.
D. No, it is not. It is number sixty two.
Isian 27 It is number seventy seven?

3 Memahami kata, Mention house Disajikan gambar, peserta didik Pilihan 14 Look at the picture!
frasa, dan kalimat rooms. menentukan nama ruangan di Ganda
yang berkaitan rumah dengan tepat sesuai
dengan Where is The gambar.

Where is Dido? He is in the ….

A. bathroom
B. living room
C. dining room
D. bedroom

5|STS GANJIL|T.A. 2023-2024| ENGLISH 4

Pilihan 15 Look at the picture!

Where are Aisyah and family? They are in the ….

A. kitchen C. living room
B. garage D. dining room
Pilihan 16 Look at the picture!

Where is ken? He is in the ….

A. garage C. living room
B. terrace D. bedroom
Isian 28 Look at the picture!

Where is Azka and his mom? Azka and his mom is in the …

Isian 29 Look at the picture for question number 29 and 30!

In front of the house there is a small (1) ….

Isian 30 When you enter the house, you are in the (7) ….

6|STS GANJIL|T.A. 2023-2024| ENGLISH 4

Describe Disajikan gambar, peserta didik Pilihan 17 Look at the picture!
house rooms. menentukan kondisi ruangan di Ganda
rumah dengan tepat sesuai

The kitchen condition is ….

A. tidy C. dirty
B. clean D. empty
Pilihan 18

Look at the picture!

The living room is ….
A. large and empty
B. big and dirty
C. large and tidy
D. big and dark
Pilihan 19 Look at the picture for question number 19 and 20!

Where is bedroom 1? Bedroom 1 is ….

A. beside bedroom 2
B. behind the dining room
C. beside the living room
D. behind the kitchen
Pilihan 20 The dining room is … the bathroom and the kitchen.
Ganda A. beside
B. between

7|STS GANJIL|T.A. 2023-2024| ENGLISH 4

C. in front of
D. behind
Disajikan teks tentang kondisi Uraian 34 Read the dialog below to answer questions number 34 and
rumah, peserta didik 35!
menjelaskan kondidi ruangan Vicky : How many rooms are there in your house?
berdasarkan teks. Ella : My house has seven rooms.
Vicky : How is your living room?
Ella : It is big and comfortable.
Vicky : How is your brother’s room?
Ella : It is messy. There are things everywhere.
Vicky : Is your kitchen dirty?
Ella : No, it is not. We always keep the kitchen
clean and dirty.

How is Ella’s living room?

Uraian 35 Is Ella’s kitchen dirty?

Bogor, 23 September 2023

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Siti Musliah, S.Si., S.Pd. Devina Gary Oktiana, S.Hum., S.Pd.

8|STS GANJIL|T.A. 2023-2024| ENGLISH 4

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