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Data sampah

1. Input mistake
2. Sensor tidak berfungsi
3. Data corruption
4. Data duplication
5. Data tanpa standarisasi

Data manipulation = Penyusunan data sehingga data lebih terorganisir

1. Menghilangkan data yang tidak perlu

2. Assisting with data projection
3. Data dibuat konsisten
4. Meningkatkan nilai data

Cleaning and Formatting

1. Basic Movement
2. Sort and Filters
3. Advance sort
4. Remove duplicate
5. Text to column
6. Data export/import
7. Format standardization


1. Try Basic Movements

2. Sort based on the date "ascending"

3. Sort based on the date "ascending" and time "ascending"

4. Do check with "CONCAT" in new column A and remove duplicates from the data

5. Use delimitor "text to column" in column P

6. Export Data as .csv

7. import .txt data in new worksheet

8. Use "&" for name of customer in column Y

9. Get the Promo code (LEFT) - Invoice Code (MID) - Cashier Code (RIGHT) in column Z to AB

10. Do Trim - Proper - Upper - Lower for collab CD available in column AC to AF

11. Try to do Data formatting

12. Explore yourself <3

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