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Graduate School

PHYS 213/ PHYED 231 Unit II


Objective: Research and describe the physical nature, origin, means of propagation, properties
& uses of electromagnetic waves. Use the given matrices to summarize your research.

Activity 1. Physical nature, origin, means of propagation, properties, speed, etc. of EM waves

Table 1. Facts about EM Waves

1. Physical Nature Electromagnetic waves exhibit both wave and particle
properties, propagate through space as oscillating
electric and magnetic fields, and span a wide spectrum of
frequencies and energies. They are central to our
understanding of light, energy, and the behavior of
matter at the quantum level
2. Origin/How was it Through an experiment conducted by Heinrich Hertz,
discovered? electromagnetic waves were first observed. Hertz
conducted his experiments in a lecture hall of the then
technical university, today’s Heinrich Hertz lecture hall
on Campus South of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
(KIT). In his setup, Hertz used a sphere gap in an
oscillating electromagnetic dipole as emitter. The
receiver was a slotted wire ring in which sparks were
observed whenever a flashover took place at the emitter.
3. Means of Propagation Electromagnetic waves propagate through space as
oscillating electric and magnetic fields, with no need for
a material medium. They move at the speed of light in a
vacuum, transport energy, and interact with matter in
various ways.
4. Speed (show formula and V = λf
As for the speed of light (which is an electromagnetic
wave), it was computed by factoring the permeability
and permittivity of free space.

μ 0 ε0
C = 299795287.167
C ≈3x108 m/s
5. Properties Electromagnetic waves are:

Castro Avenue, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, 2900 +63 (077) 600-3469
Graduate School
 Transverse
 Dual natured
 Has the same speed in the vacuum
 Transports Energy
 Travels through vacuum
 Can be absorbed, reflected, diffracted, and
 Travels in straight line
 Can be polarized
6. Name the scientist/s who James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879):
studied EM waves and Maxwell is often considered the father of the theory of
their contribution electromagnetism.
He formulated a set of four differential equations known
as Maxwell's equations, which describe the relationship
between electric and magnetic fields. These equations
predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves.
Maxwell's work provided the theoretical foundation for
understanding the nature and propagation of EM waves.

Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894):

Hertz conducted pioneering experiments in the late 19th
century to verify the existence of electromagnetic waves.
He generated and detected EM waves using an oscillator,
demonstrating their properties, including reflection,
refraction, diffraction, and interference.
Hertz's experiments provided experimental confirmation
of Maxwell's predictions and established the practical
existence of EM waves.

Michael Faraday (1791-1867):

Faraday's work on electromagnetism laid the
groundwork for the understanding of EM waves.
He discovered electromagnetic induction, showing that a
changing magnetic field induces an electric current. This
discovery was crucial for understanding the generation
of EM waves.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955):

Einstein's work on the photoelectric effect demonstrated
the particle-like nature of EM waves.
He explained the photoelectric effect by proposing that
EM waves consist of discrete packets of energy called

Castro Avenue, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, 2900 +63 (077) 600-3469
Graduate School
photons. This concept contributed to the development
of quantum mechanics.

Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937):

Marconi is known for his pioneering work in wireless
telegraphy, which utilized EM waves, specifically radio
He conducted experiments and developed practical
applications for radio communication, laying the
foundation for modern radio broadcasting and wireless

Max Planck (1858-1947):

Planck's work in quantum mechanics contributed to our
understanding of the quantization of energy in EM
He introduced the concept of energy quantization in the
form of quantized packets called "quanta," which helped
explain the behavior of EM waves and their interaction
with matter.

Karl Ferdinand Braun (1850-1918):

Braun developed the first practical cathode-ray tube
(CRT), known as the Braun tube.
His work with CRTs contributed to the study of electron
beams and paved the way for the development of
television and modern display technology, which rely on
the emission and manipulation of EM waves.

Activity 2. Types of EM Waves and their Uses.

Table 2. The EM Waves family.

EM wave Wavelength Frequency Energy and Applications/Uses
(Hz) penetrating
Radiowaves > 1 mm < 3*1011 Low penetration. Radio waves are used for
long-distance communication
and can penetrate buildings
and obstacles with ease.

Microwaves 1 mm - 25 μm 1011 - 1013 Moderate Microwaves are used in

penetration. microwave ovens for cooking
but can also penetrate certain

Castro Avenue, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, 2900 +63 (077) 600-3469
Graduate School
materials, such as plastic and
Infrared 25 μm – 750 1013 - 1014 Limited IR is often absorbed by
nm penetration. materials and is used for
applications such as thermal
imaging and remote controls.
Visible light 750 nm - 400 1014 - 1015 Limited Visible light is visible to the
nm penetration. human eye and interacts with
matter by reflection and

UV rays 400 nm - 1 1015 - 1017 Limited UV radiation can damage

nm penetration. biological tissues and is used
for applications such as
sterilization and mineral
X-rays 1 nm - 1 pm 1017 - 1020 High Used for medical imaging and
penetration. X- material inspection.
rays can
penetrate soft
tissues but are
absorbed by
denser materials.
Gamma rays < 10-12 m 1020 - 1024 Very high They are used in medical
penetration. treatments, such as radiation
Gamma rays can therapy, and for imaging in
penetrate most nuclear medicine.
including lead
and concrete.

Guide Questions

1.Based on the activity, which of the EM wave’s family members has the lowest frequency?
highest frequency?
Lowest frequency – Radiowaves
Highest frequency – Gamma Rays
2.Arrange the EM wave’s family members from least penetrating power to highest
penetrating power.
Radiowaves, Microwaves, Infrared, Visible light, UV Rays, X-rays, Gammarays

Castro Avenue, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, 2900 +63 (077) 600-3469
Graduate School

3.For you, what is the most important EM wave’s family member? Defend your answer.

It's challenging to identify a single "most important" member of the electromagnetic

(EM) wave family because each region of the electromagnetic spectrum has its own unique and
critical applications, and their importance depends on the context and specific field of study.
However, if we were to choose one member that has particularly broad and fundamental
significance, it would be visible light.
First of all, visible light is the only region of the electromagnetic spectrum that the human
eye can perceive. Our ability to see and interpret the world around us is primarily based on the
interaction of visible light with our eyes. Vision is one of our primary senses and plays a crucial
role in our daily lives, from navigation to communication. Using our intellect, one may argue
that humans would have developed alternative ways to progress without the sense of sight but I
do believe that any form of progress would be significantly delayed specially since most
phenomenon involving EM waves started upon witnessing them through “seeing”. Most
observations that lead the curiosity of the scientists were the things that they were able to see.
Secondly, visible light has been instrumental in advancing our understanding of the
universe. It has allowed astronomers to observe celestial objects, study the composition of stars,
galaxies, and planets, and uncover the nature of the cosmos. How would we be able to observe
the cosmos had there been no visible light? Would we be able to observe how the sun moves?
How about the glow of the moon and the twinkle of the stars that suggested the movement of
gases on their surface?
Thirdly, right now, most of the technologies we are using are anchored on the fact that we
could see. Without visible light, televisions would just be the same as radios, photography
wouldn’t be a thing, mobile games are limited to audio games, and paintings wouldn’t be
appreciated. What would then happen to LCD and OLED screens? The internet might not even
have developed to fiber optics and X-ray results, as we know it, would just be a piece of plastic.
Science laboratory would have been a nightmare specially when dealing with strong acids.
Travelling would also be a daily dose of anxiety. Lets not even consider travelling in an airplane
Fourth, lets consider aesthetics. Fashion. Culture. Visible light is a primary factor in
giving value to beauty that can be appreciated only when seen. I, for one, wouldn’t want to miss
out witnessing the beauty of sunset, the majesty of rainbows, and the dance of the auroras.
Lastly, visible light plays a vital role in photosynthesis. Any organism that are
phototrophs needed energy coming from light to convert the solar energy to chemical energy.
This energy flows from the sun to the earth by these amazing organisms. This becomes the
foundation of ecosystem and without visible light, this might cause a huge change to the planet,
as we know it.
While visible light is a strong contender for the most important EM wave family
member, it's essential to recognize that the entire electromagnetic spectrum is interconnected,
and each region has its own vital contributions to science, technology, and our understanding of
the natural world. Different regions serve different purposes, and their importance often depends
on specific applications and scientific inquiries.

Castro Avenue, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, 2900 +63 (077) 600-3469
Graduate School

Activity 3. Reflective Essay

Task: Reflect and make a comprehensive Reflective Essay about your personal encounters with
EM waves. Your output will be graded following the rubric below:

Content (Depth and Quality of Information) = 70 %

Structure and Organization = 20%
Grammar/Mechanics = 10%
Total = 100%

Prepared by:

Vida V. Antonio

Castro Avenue, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, 2900 +63 (077) 600-3469

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