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Research Proposal Format


Project Title: (5 to 15 word count):

Introduction State the basis of the conduct of the study, discuss the
foundation of the research.

Introductory Paragraph ( 2-3 paragraphs) stating

the following:
 Give general introduction to the topic for
broad audience
 Narrow the focus to your particular topic
 State the research problem/s and aims

Literature Review (3-4 paragraphs) stating the

 Summarize the relevant literature on your
 Describe the current state of the art
 Note any gaps in the literature that your
study will address

Research Target (2-3 paragraphs) stating the

 State your research questions
 Briefly describe how you will accomplish your

Identified Problem of the Study What is the gap in literature/current practices you want to
address? You may use key terms

Based on interview, observation, experience, and RRL

Discuss the different problem/literature gap based on your

research with citation you can enumerate it.
Objectives Create at least 3-5 specific objectives of your study
that will answer to the identified problems.

General Objective:

Specific Objectives:
Theoretical and Conceptual Your theoretical framework refers to the underlying
Framework theoretical approach that you adopt to underpin your study.

The conceptual framework defines and organized the

concepts important within your study

THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK: State 2-3 paragraph that discuss

the chosen theory/model in your study. Discuss why it is the
appropriate theory in your study and how it will help you to
achieve the objectives you stated.

CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK: Draw your own conceptual

framework based on your readings to several studies wherein
it presents the different concepts of the study.

Hypothesis: Create your hypothesis in your chosen study.

Null Hypothesis

Alternative Hypothesis

Scope and Limitation of the Study: Formulate your scope and limitation of the study at least 2-4
paragraphs use the provided tips as your reference.
Describe what is and is not included in the scope of your
research, supported by your main research question and
findings of previous studies
The following should also be indicated:
 The profile and demographics of your target
 Your data sources (i.e., new data, data from
previous studies, data to be provided by some
experts, data to be retrieved from social networks)
 The methods for collecting the data
 The coverage areas or locations
 The specific software tool or device
(model/approach) to be used or evaluated
 The duration or time period (e.g., news articles
for the year 2016-2017)

Review Literatures An adequate literature and previous study review is required

in all research proposals. The purpose of the literature review
 Provide evidence to the reader that you are well
acquainted with past and current research in the field of
 Prove that the thesis/capstone project will not duplicate
past or current research.
Indicate how the intended research relates to similar and past
research; in other words, the literature review positions your
research within the existing body of knowledge.

Make the review of literatures a thematic approach at least

5-7 sub theme based on your target research topics. In each
thematic part create 2-4 paragraph with citations as you seen
in the sample and published papers you read.

Methodologies In this part kindly discuss the different part of methodologies

that deals on how you will going to achieve the
objectives/hypothesis you stated above.

• Research Design (1paragraph)

• Context and Participants (1-2 paragraphs)

• Number of participants
• Demographics of the participants (relevant to
the study)
• Where the study was conducted
• Instrument (1-2 paragraphs)
• Describe the instruments and how they are
• Specify the reliability of the instruments
• Data Gathering Procedure (2-4 paragraphs)
• Interview, observation, survey
• Should be very clear
• May include a flowchart for better readability
• Data Analysis
• Use appropriate statistical tools for
quantitative data
• Statistical Treatment/Tools---
• Sampling Technique

References: Provide at least 30-50 references as basis of your proposal.

APA Format

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