A LVL H2 Physics Yearly Edition 2012

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i MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, SINGAPORE in collaboration with UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE [LJ | General Cenicate of Education Advanced Lovel Higher 2 PHYSICS 9646/01 Papert Mutiple Choice Octoberovember 2012 1 hour 45 minutes ‘Adetiogl Maters: Mutiple Choice Ancwor Steet READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST ‘wre a sot pened 1 not use staples, paper ips, highlighters, lve or orecon Mid ‘Wie your nama, Care numba and indax number onthe Anawer Sheet in the spaces provided vnless this has bosn done fr you ‘There are forty questions on this papor. Answer all questions. For each question there are four posse answers A,B,C and. ‘Choose he one you conser corect and record yeu choice in sof nc on the separate Answer Sheet Read the instructions on the Answer Sheet very carefully Each corectsnswer wl scare one mark A mart will nat be deducted fr a wrong answer ‘Any rough working should be done in tis bookie. Turn over corey Physics Paper? 11 A student uses an analogue vairster to measure the poten diference across lamp. The ‘olmoter is mactad every .02V but has zoo or of 008V. The stent not aware oth Zoro sors wos down a vscingof2.16V, Is tho reading accurato an is tries? aezurato_|_ proce alr no 8] yee c| yes. no [Lo] yo | yes _| 2 The equation connecing objet dltance u, mage stance v and focal eng or ls i Asted. atyF ‘A tudor measures value fu anv, wih thei esocatod uncraes. Thess a w= 60mm 3m, v= 200mm men, Ho cscs the value ofa 40mm. iat the uncertainty in tis valu? A t2imm 8 334mm EASmm —-B_AB8mm ‘3 Two cas italy net to each otter and at rest, acolrato inthe same stalght tne at erent flor ats, Aer 3s, Dey ae 12m apt. Itty coninue to seceleate a the same rate, hw fr apart wil they be 6 ater they sated? A tem Boum © 38m Dam sts ty Sgr ee Ph aor22 Heri Popert Later, 108 force is applied to Gin the dreton GX. wnat ithe fal mation ofthe boa? A. itsconerats inthe drocton GX. B_taconteatesin the dection XG © ttmoves a constant ape nthe decton GX 1D ttmoves at constant speed nth dtecton XG 5 Anotjectof mass mis traveling with vetocy Wich equation gives te momentum p ofthe objet in terms of ether m oF and is Knee energy E? 15 The cagiam shous two spheres of masses 2ig and 3kg moving at constant speed along & Sight ne wards one another. amet “The spoods ofthe spheres are Ams and 8ms" respectively. “The spheres catide slestcaly. ‘ich statement expsins why th epheres eannet come to res tthe samo tine? A. Tha mpulaes dring the calision are not equal ns oppose, B_Thomasees ofthe tw spheres ae not eau. (© Tho moments ofthe sphere ae not equal ad oppose. 1 Thosposds ofthe spores er nt ata. eves ance a2 Pantene omer Pe ay ra pryses Papert 7 Asmall bute n some wate Isha the surface with constant velo ‘Tee volume ofthe bubble ie 2.370, 104m, “The dons of waters 10009 9" ‘The dena of are 1290Kgnr hat the mopnitie ofthe viscous force onthe bubs? A 2387 <10°N B 297361086 © 28x 104N, 2526 104N 8 A cupboard i seca to a wall bya scrow at . It ests ona Suppo aT, Atoms show the Groton of tho walt IV of tho cupboard and the horizontal free ofthe ere at 8 on He ie sro best rpresets he dkecson of the foro on he cupboart fom te support 7? w 8 Aratway locomotive pula a train delves a constant power of 2.0 10°W ta th wheels. The fesistve forces are constant at ll peads- Tha maximum speed thatthe ain can achieve 8 lovolack is 4Ome \Winatis the resultant ere acolrating the tain when his wavling a 10me°*? A S0x1N BB 15x10N C 20x10N 0 25x10N, Fest meant re Pryics Papert? 10 Tho top end ofa spring fs tached fo a fixed point and a ras of 4.2kg is tached 10 ks lower nd, The moso i elased afd ear bouncing up ond cov eoveral Eee icomas fo rest at 3 ‘Satan 026m Below is sang poi. ‘ich row avs the gin nthe gravitational potenti energy a the mass and he enn he casts potential energy of he epg E,? en | an al - | -2 al - | « e| +z | 2 o| +2 | {11 What iste mean speed and the mean angular woody of the Eat ints obit around the Son? (The moan race of te oft 1.50% 10") speeds a] 2a9x0 B | 290x108 ce] 100.107 | 109.107 42 A stone cf mss ms sttached to sng. The stone otating in 8 vera ee of rads with ‘8 constant angular speed w 8 shown, “The seclaton fe fis \Whai th vraton magnkude che tenson nf sing cing ane eon fhe sone? A 2a 8 2m ee © ovat 18-8 meteor fal el towers he cane ofan ested epson of au R Wan teaches te sro oft poet te scones 8 Watts acsloraon when at gh 2 ove te sraos? a do 8 fo © de > fo SenocmeometER Ly wa Pryses Papert ‘46 An unpowered arial satelite caled SOHO has boon placed in stale ot areund the Sun st {@ distance of G99R fom tne Sun, where Ft tho abel reds of te Early The satel i ‘heaj onthe rca tno fom the Gun fo to Earth so thet asa poo ff oar, the some os ‘tear sun ont ott sale Wied statement eating to the estate helps to explin how it poss for Ws pio Wo be 1Byear? ‘A. The grvltonal fee ofthe Sun at tho satlit seduced by he presence of te Earth, |B Thegratatonal fore ofthe Earth onthe salto balances the graistonal force of he Sin conte soa {© Thomass ofthe satel much ss than the mass of he Eat, 1D The resultant gravitational forco on the soa Is lass than the gravitational free the Sun xenon 15 Asal of mass 810kg 10 be rleed fom the Earth to 9 height of €2.0%m above the suas ofthe Earth, Wats the necessary incase inthe potntl energy fhe sate? “Tho mass of the Earths 6.98 1049, ‘The mds of he Ear 63704 A Tzx 10) BO T31xt ¢ 722x104 DB Ta1KI0s 16 Insome creunstonces, resonances use andin other tie « musence. \Watis a usetl example o resonance? ‘Te ar column ina clarinet resonatas whon sown over the rod. “The rarvow miner ofa car osonaes al parol engine speed. ‘A suspesion bide resonates ina gusting wind ‘A emement paced on a loudspeaker cabinet rosonates when parca note sounds com> Fenton eame tarot We Pryies ‘Paper? {A 20W tlarent mp has been operating nermaly fran hour go ha is tempecaur is constant. ‘whan he fist aw of barmodynamics fs used to quantal desc the flament ofthe amp ‘rts tne, whlch row caveat doscrbes he appiatin of he fet Bw? TARTRAETS | cata ctheatng | toot soma atime! | tetamensit | worn amen al = 20 ° ) ° v0 e o 2 “2 . 0 20 “0 18 A cylndes, chsed by 8 moveable piston, contains an eal gos et 50°C and atmosphere pressixo ‘10 10°Pa. The piston fe moved out nl th velumo of the gas doubce andthe lomperate fats t025°C, ‘What the now pressure ofthe gas nthe cyedar? A 18x10 8 25x10'Pe © 4ex10'Pe D 19x10" 49 Anideal at has a ole of 870m and contains 1.44 10" molecules. he pressures 080 x t0¢Ps Whats ts tompersture? A 150% B A0K © «20K = 29600. 20 ‘The diagram represents @ tongtuinl,statonary sound wave Set up In a horwontal te contig a. inch statement about a moc tbe ar at poke Pi core? |A. itoactaeshorontly and exparinces Mututing pressure, Boscia horizontally and experiences no varaion of pressure. © Moselle vercay and experiance Muctatng pressure. 1 Wocelites vertcaty and experiences novation of pressure, minnie ogmoeerinn tah Pipes Papin 2 A progressive sound wave lea maans of ranefarrng ener 1 progressive sound wave of consiant ftaquency Ie gonerted in a. Th intenaty of nay traeters dracty proportional another of he wave parameters Wich the folowing is corer? A etensy « (ompiudey* © inlonsy « (S560 B intonsty « pio ey? 1D intersty« wavelength” 2 Stacing waves saat up in tbe of length L, which load a ene ond. The spaed of sound inthe arintho tbe ie. 23 Atwo-soure interference experiments stupas shown single double sereen, at ale + a ‘The source emits foht of wavelength 600 rm. The lnsserence pation onthe seen i shown baw Wine ithe sistance x2 A 38x10'm 8 19x10 G 38x10 D 19%10%m anaimtomentarenenrets og Hepes Papert 24 Light of toquency 6.0 x 10" He pesses trough 2 eiracton grating wih 4.0% 10" lines per ‘comin \What is the angle betwoen the te third-order traction maxim? Aw Ba cm pm 25 Xand Y ae mo pons on a eld tn ina region fect fl, The eer potetas at pont X ‘and Y are Vand Vs respectvay. ‘An clon, ily at ros aX xclrtes towards “The space elacion ts roprionalto which expression blow? AYO 8 we ow Ww 26 I he astanco fom a charged partlefsdouted, now do the new vals of fd strength and potential dooto the charge compare fo tho orghal values? ee “Toa [a ce] f ] Gg 27 Copper has 8.8 x 10" conduction electons per cube mete. A piece of copper wre Ras an area ‘of eae sooton 3:2 10" ne ‘Doar ‘men a polenta ciference ie appllad tothe wits, te elation within & ender of fngth ‘ond? at passport X ln 803. ‘wat te current inthe wie? A OMA B 20A © mA D 340A, np ya osm Hence Papert 28 A call nas a constant electromotive force an intemal reslslance A variate resistor i onmecte eeoss ts trina “The rektance ofthe variable esr is gradual nereasod tom 260 104, yma the fic of his change onthe terminal polenta! derence (4) of the el and also on ‘he power dssipated inthe variables? termined. | power dissipation constant | increases then decreases constant lnoroasos Increases | incrases then decreases eoe> increases Ineroases 20 Awe mado of mato wit resistivity p has length Land ares of cross-section A tis conned {o an elocrea supply and has a pote dtorence V across What etn nergy splat he wen ee? Wag mm vat vot sg em 8 {30 Inthe ort shown, al the tests have the ssme essence. The resistance ofthe volneters Inert sav “The potent erence between the inutteminas is 12V. wnat ithe escing on he voltmeter? A 220 Baw cw Dv Pann per crip hia has Pele orayi0 Hephyscs Papert 1A network ls constructed using fve restos, each af resletance Rand twee swlche Sy, Se Wich etc combination wil ge ee othe maximum ttl eitancebetweon points X and? ands & & & ‘& | cosea | closed | closes B | dosed | open | casos | open | cosed | cocos B] open | cosed | open 52 A109. resistor and hemisior ae connected in serie toa batlory of em. 3.0V and nepigble ‘nara existance. = “Tow graph shows the ourentoage characters of the resistor and of he thermistor. a treme vonage © 030A > 040A Wate thecurent nth cout? A 010A -B 0204 33 A beam of elec, taveling harzontaly towards the right, passes between two horton ‘Charge parle metal ples. “tear “Thao aerial elec Fld between tio plats. Thor is ne defection ofthe beam because of ‘he presence ofa unto magnetic fel inthe region between the plates, Inwhich aration must his magnetic eld be? © vericaly upwares vertically dowrwards A. cutof tha paper B ino te papor Pt tay Seg a ea Pt gory phys Paper [34 non to determine the value of current, is passed into a cure balanes. This consis of 2 Ussbaped we placed n'a corsiart magnet Weil of ix densly 3.6 x 10°7. The U-shaped view has length 0.29m and the sre te 0.085m apart, ne shonn inte Sagem. “The U.shapod wire expences a turing moment about the pivot of value 74x 10°Nm, ina the vale a7? ‘A 00a -B 16A © 28h D 96a {35 In. gorertor ina commercial power station, rectangular col roa ina strong magn old “There vee cols, all onthe same se wah angles of 120" between them. 88 Shown i or How wittne tree ouput eam vary wth tire? A 8 X2ZYxXzY KE coms emt XZYX2YXZ c > KY ZX YER Y emt ome XY ZK YZ KY 4 d tine ‘ine Pinter Semen yy Hess Papert 36 An testing eurent may bo represented by th equation T= 134m 0 ‘whore Fs in amperes and isn seconds. ‘Wich row gives the rockmeancuare cuentZaus and the fequency f of the atomating ren? Ts] te al 9s 0 e| os 300 c| a4 © o| sa 380, 37 Tho equation hf= $+ $ rg? fs used wen studying the photosectic eet ‘mati the meaning ofeach orm inte equation? w é Tie 1 |teereryota | meleast nowy roqured | he maxmum knete photoalacren | toralosse anslecten | energy af photon B [thwererayota | teworkdonebyan | the maximum Knee photetecron | incoming photon energy of phototecton © |thoenorayota | to east energy reir | the maximum kinetic photon causing the | 9 release.an eicczon | energy ofa ghotelecton rotelectic eect D [iheeneryote | heworkdone byan | the maximum Kate ‘hetenesuang the | coming photon energy ofa photon Photoelectric ect .38""Tno restly othe lntinsle semicenducor scan decreases rom 400m at 20°C to 408m at are. ‘ich sitamant, using band theory, Best explang the change In resist of silcon with increase in rperatre? 'A. Conéucton band elections whlch esr curent move fester. 1B More elocrons can move treugh the valence band lang pat in conduction. (© More vence band slocrons canbe promoted tthe conduction band 1D Thocnergy gap between the valence end conduction bands decrasos Pema ney Sonera atc ora PePryacs Papert {39 Tne graph shows how the actos of Wo istopos X and Y vary wih time, a Wat witb he ratio SEM OX str each has decayed fo 8 ours? 2 a 100 a0 © i00 Poot 40 Isotope fos ater to sucessine decays. Each docay canbe ete alphesematon or beta ‘eision. Four oer isotopes, P, a. Rane 8, ae shown onthe gram, ‘0: newton umber 199 18. sa 6. 136. 1 cy | s moot ea proton rimber How many of he iotapes P, , and S ool be the Intl lotope tat, ater two sveneasive ‘een, basse? Ad Be cs Da Peat manatee terete tg Harrys Paver MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, SINGAPORE In callaboraton with UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE General Gerticate of Education Advanced Level Higher2 CANDIOATE: — NAME _ cenme [5 inoex. T NUMBER NUMBER PHYSICS 9646/02 Paper 2 Stutured Questions OctoberNovembor 2012, “tour 46 minutes Candidates answer on the Question Paper. No Acktonal Matar are rule, [READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Wirt your Centre number, index umber and name onal the work you hand in ‘Wino nda be or back pen on bom ise of the pape. ‘YoU may use @ st penal for ary dagrams, crate or rough woking. Do not ve stapes, paper ape ighightre, gle or comecton Mut DONOTWAITE ANY BARCODES, Answer all questions. At the end ofthe examination, aston al your work securely together “The number of marks is given in brackets ] at tha end of each question or part |_For Examiner's Use_| question, 7 2 4 5 6 7 Total uctEs 8 De 2017 Turnover ‘romney Cotage tar amc Systa) aba say jy tt be Cowra Savor (ore Pah aap Sek aos (201s se Pnyice 11 Asping hasan unten ing of 12.0em. The foros Frequredto extend the ering toa Tengen i mossured. “Tho variation wh ha length € fhe feroe Fis shown in Fig. 1. 20. 15: MN 10 os: ° o 80 100180 -200~S=SDS «a etm Fig 13 (@) State and explain whthee he spring obeys Hock law (©) Calclato the work done onthe spring whon It is extended frm € = 12.0 10%m to e=300% 10m wor done = 2o12)'6 HePiyses Poser? {) One end of he ope fed ard an coc M of weight 140N i hung vertaly trom tha other end, Tho object Is pues down and then raleased Tho object ost vorealy “Tho variation win me fo the length €o the spring shoei Fi. 1.2. a0 w0tm Fig. 12 (0. Use Fig. 12 to calculate he maximum speedo M. maximum speed = me (On Fig, 1.3, show the vation with ine Fo he veloc v of M Include a suitable ‘stale on hs vlocty ans. vims Fig. 13 a Paces meer pa piyacs Paper? (8) Tho objet consists of wo parte connected by a sit wite of negltle mass anc volume: he lower pat at Ms imersedn qu aa shown nig uppor part f object M [____— ett coneeting wie | __tomor part of abject Lia Fig. ‘The qu hae a dot o 100g. The volume othe part of M hat is merood In tho iui is 20er®. ()_Dotormine te newlength ote spring. length = vo {ty The cect Ms pul down 4.0 x 10m ands thon released The lover pat of remains inmersed inthe ud a al ines. Sato and explain two aferances that would bo soon in tho osclations whan ‘compared wih hese shown Fi. 12 Psat Epon tae gorayte ‘Paper 2 (@) Actuert nee e apart shown mF. fe determine the spect het cape of a liquid. " rev thermometer. Stee ees Fig.24 ‘Apower supply of potent! eiterence 12V is connected to a heater of resistance 2.49, “Tho mass of quid’ 1409. Tha temperature lhe Bgud changes tom 25°C to 45°C in Csteuate ( epower ofthe hate, owe eee W EB (0) te stacents value er the specie hee eapacty oft quid 206 Neat capac # vse SPH (8 ® “The accepted value forthe spose eat capacty of ie Hq ls 4200 Jeg". The Uunoorandes inthe maasurements in a) cannot account fr tho diferonc. Supget & use fr this ditaronca. FntnsnoimeemeoeaRAWR PAL ag Paper? ‘3 The yapton with poten trence V of erent fora semiconductor cade is shown In Fig 100. 20 60 ima & 5 0 0.20 040 0.60 0.80 1.00 120 Ww Fig. at ( (Deserve the main ostra o Fig 3.1 tat show the charactors ofthe dod a tems of erent, votage end resistance. 4) (1) Uso Fig.8.1 0 dotrins the rosstance of he cose at 080V. resistance =| Feminine memnseroiints — oyoag HEP Paper (©) In an atampt to obtan he graph of Fig. 31 forthe ded, a student oot wp a cout a6 shown in Fg 32 Fig. 32 ‘The oa has an eam‘ of 15 ad naga intra resistance. The resistor Ras & resistance that ean bs vara between 2070 and 1008. ‘Stat and expla why the cout shown in Fig, 3.2 inappropriate or determing the gapholFa. 8. : sal (©) ( nthe space below draw cet lagrar, using he same components as shown in Fig. 82, rom wich he graph of Fi, 2.4 maybe determines. 1 (1) Explain why this crete appropriate fx detrmining tho raph of Fig. Peeper tetann Ma WePnysee Paper? 4 Acrlinger at conta fred amount of an iea! gas shown In Fig. 1, \ Fig. 4 “Te eying ited with a pon that moves ety (©) Expl ow ne meses of he as pote a cs on sen wen hey aie t vol] (©) The gos nthe ojndor hae a volume of 1.6 x 10! at a temperature of 20°C. The oss (S heated toa tomporature of 80°C and expanse under a constant pressure of Seid Pa, (0) Explain In tome ef th force produced by the melacues othe gas, ow the pressure remains constart asthe volume ncasses, 3) (0) Celeatat ne vue ofthe gas at 90°. ou = AU) Caleiate the work dono bythe eas. am? fa) werk done = ences sy Pryce Peper? (© pets cement gs wrote at deri pote {5 (a) Stato Faraday law of lactomagnetcInducton. Fig 8 ‘The outer ool X has 2500 lume an Ie canected to a variate power supply bythe lerminls CD. The lner eat Y has 500 tn, across eectonal ree of 725 x 10m land resatance of 000. Col is connected to a recor offosstance 10.02, “Th variation wih ie ff he magnet tx dansty Bin cllVs shown in Fi. 8.2. 30 20 anor 10 Fig. 52 (0) Caleulate th maximum curentin Re maximum cunt = Ate nanny Sano aosaes peysis Paper? (On Fg. 53, seis ho vation wih ine! of curen in m1. Fig. 53 a {6 Tho aviation wih nusieon number A ofthe ras rof@micleus ls shownin Fig... rm 20) 60 40. 20! “Tho elation between rand Ais thought oon he expression rata ‘where k and mare constants Pata bes Seg he ith Pat orae4 HPs Paper ‘baa from Fg. 6:1 are ured oobi valves fori and in These are pated onthe graph org. 62. Iniem) “228: -s26. -se7. ~<28. -s20. ~ss0. 234 -ss2 -s33 os. 238. a a i i CC (8) Datemine for A =60, OnF9. 62, 1 plottne point corespending o A 60, 2. craw he ling of best tor al the pins. a {W) Us0 Fig. 6.210 doting the gradiont ofthe fine raw in gadiont Faateanametnonmerna tenn earn Pye Papar2 (Show thatthe magnus of Kis 1.3% 10m, 0 (0) Suggeat what to value ok eprocents (6) Use your answers in part (a to determine (tho resus ofa urate. 295 rucleus, sac Prenat emmabiratina ag Piper? (trate dens of a yrogen-t ruceus ‘enety ofa raion 298 naceas aos ws (6) Theatio enaty of hycrogen gas ‘Sel of rain real fe Sxi0*, {@ve to reasons wy the answer fo part oI ifort rom is allo. Pent any Sp os a Pa gorer Phys Paper? 7° "hm eacro moter may be usod to it loads The efeieney no motors given by ‘mechanical power ouput "© Glacial power supped ‘Ta efcianey of « mors thought to dapond onthe angular veloc ofthe motor. The roaton botweon tho loney andthe angular wos of fe moter gy be wtan athe ‘om nae whore a and b ae constants, ‘You are provided wih fw vege elec mata, You may also us qupment ual fourdin a Phyeles laboratory. ny of the ober Design an experiment to determine th value of ‘You should draw abe gram to show the anengemont of your apparatus. tn your account you should pay partularstinton to (2) th dentition and contol of variables, (©) ne equipment you woud use, {@) the proceaur obo allowed, {@) our the eiciency and the angular vlesy ofthe mtor would be datrmine, (@) ary precautone that would be taken to Improve the eccurecy and safely of the periment Diagram Patent SmmoenerainPats arog || MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, SINGAPORE in calaboration with UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE Goneral Certfoate of Education Advanced Lovel Le F bigher2 CANDIDATE, NAME centre [ INDEX Numer |S NUMBER | PHYSICS 9646/03, Paper 9 Longer Stustured Questions CctoberNovember 2012 hours ‘Candidates answer onthe Question Paper "No Adtional Matar are required READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Wire your Cente number, index number and name onal tha work you hain ‘wrt in dark bus orback pen on bot sides o he paper. You may use a 9 penal er any casas, graphs or rough weskng. (Do not use stapes, paper ips, highlighter, gua or oreston fi. BO NOT WRITE I ANY BARCODES. Section A For Examiner's Use ‘Answarall questions 1 Section B L ‘Anwar ary two question. A | ‘You are advise o spend about one houron each secton At the cod ofthe exaination, aston all your work securely eget: ‘The numbar of mare is gen in Bracket [tte endo each quation 4 or par question ucssauosan [Turn over or2y9 Fe physes Peper (©) The sar wae fat dsiance of 49.0 ghtyare fom Earth, One fightyoar i the | [El FlELE Tas 10960 100008140) Sh] ier] 2:10 Atcravely, forsdente who bave at The power P= Ime this equi, the working can Be Aeneid dims H.A Theciitcnbereamn as, a dng sch itr Te eB he fete ioe eons Sctcrihsecon ong ep precip Gp «2-6 Surette cee ih nd ect at Ueland acne Fes "i pe ities oh alent 21.0 For etc ste ch of sie input itne e ‘elena efi nce och iin i wth te ih on siti row pie tno Tat reich coe! 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