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MATLAB finite element programs can be downloaded from the accompanying website hosted by John
Wiley & Sons: www.wileyeurope/college/Fish. A tutorial for the ABAQUS example problems, written by
ABAQUS staff, is also included in the book.
Depending on the interests and background of the students, three tracks have been developed:

1. Broad Science and Engineering (SciEng) track

2. Advanced (Advanced) track
3. Structural Mechanics (StrucMech) track

The SciEng track is intended for a broad audience of students in science and engineering. It is aimed
at presenting FEM as a versatile tool for solving engineering design problems and as a tool for
scientific discovery. Students who have successfully completed this track should be able to appreciate
and apply the finite element method for the types of problems described in the book, but more importantly,
the SciEng track equips them with a set of skills that will allow them to understand and develop the
method for a variety of problems that have not been explicitly addressed in the book. This is our
recommended track.
The Advanced track is intended for graduate students as well as undergraduate students with a strong
focus on applied mathematics, who are less concerned with specialized applications, such as beams and
trusses, but rather with a more detailed exposition of the method. Although detailed convergence proofs in
multidimensions are left out, the Advanced track is an excellent stepping stone for students interested in a
comprehensive mathematical analysis of the method.
The StrucMech track is intended for students in Civil, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering whose
main interests are in structural and solid mechanics. Specialized topics, such as trusses, beams and energy-
based principles, are emphasized in this track, while sections dealing with topics other than solid mechanics
in multidimensions are classified as optional.
The Table P1 gives recommended course outlines for the three tracks. The three columns on the right list
are the recommended sections for each track.
Table P1 Suggested outlines for Science and Engineering (SciEng) track, Advanced Track and Structural
Mechanics (StrucMech) Track.

Outline SciEng Advanced StrucMech

Part 1: Finite element formulation for

one-dimensional problems
Chapter 1: Introduction All All All
Chapter 2: Direct approach for discrete systems 2.1–2.3 2.1, 2.2, 2.4
Chapter 3: Strong and weak forms for 3.1–3.6 All 3.1.1, 3.2–3.5, 3.9
one-dimensional problems
Chapter 4: Approximation of trial solutions, All All All
weight functions and Gauss quadrature for
one-dimensional problems
Chapter 5: Finite element formulation for 5.1–5.4, 5.6, 5.6.1 All 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.6,
one-dimensional problems 5.6.1

Part 2: Finite element formulation for scalar

field problems in multidimensions
Chapter 6: Strong and weak forms for 6.1–6.3 All 6, 6.1
multi-dimensional scalar field problems
Chapter 7: Approximation of trial solutions, 7.1–7.4, 7.8.1 All 7.1–7.4, 7.8.1
weight functions and Gauss quadrature for
multi-dimensional problems
Chapter 8: Finite element formulation for multi 8.1, 8.2 All
dimensional scalar field problems

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