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Nutrition and You 4th Edition Blake

Test Bank
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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) Which of the following statements is correct?

A) Water acts as a solvent within the body. B) Water is used to regulate body temperature.
C) Water is a main component of the blood. D) All of these statements are correct.
Answer: D

2) The condition known as hyponatremia is

A) a severe form of dehydration.
B) a problem resulting from eating too much food during a race.
C) the presence of too much potassium in the blood due to overconsumption of fluids.
D) the presence of too little sodium in the blood due to overconsumption of fluids.
Answer: D

3) Which of the following substances is a major mineral?

A) zinc B) fluoride C) potassium D) iron
Answer: C

4) The body of an average healthy adult is approximately ________ percent water.

A) 70-80 B) 60-70 C) 50-60 D) 40-50
Answer: C

5) Which of the following substances can interfere with the absorption of iron?
A) phytates B) oxalates
C) protein from animal foods D) vitamin C
Answer: A

6) Which of the following actions may not help reduce blood pressure?
A) drinking less alcohol B) following the DASH diet
C) losing excess weight D) increasing sodium intake
Answer: D

7) Which of the following minerals may play a role in lowering high blood pressure?
A) potassium B) magnesium
C) calcium D) All of the answers are correct.
Answer: D

8) In the DASH study, which of the following amounts of sodium was found to be the most effective daily limit for
lowering blood pressure?
A) 1,500 milligrams B) 900 milligrams C) 2,500 milligrams D) 3,000 milligrams
Answer: A

9) Hyperkalemia occurs when a person consumes too much ________ from supplements.
A) zinc B) potassium C) calcium D) sodium
Answer: B

10) Which of the following statements regarding potassium is correct?
A) High-protein, low-vegetable/fruit diets may cause a potassium deficiency.
B) Low potassium levels can cause muscle weakness.
C) A potassium deficiency can result from vomiting and/or diarrhea.
D) All the answers are correct.
Answer: D

11) Which of the following pairs of minerals combines to form hydroxyapatite?

A) potassium and calcium B) sulfur and magnesium
C) zinc and iron D) phosphorus and calcium
Answer: D

12) Which of the following compounds is a typical ingredient in calcium supplements?

A) calcium oxalate B) calcium fluorate
C) calcium carbonate D) All of the answers are correct.
Answer: C

13) Which of the following elements is found in both bleach and stomach acid (though in two different forms)?
A) chlorine B) magnesium C) phosphorus D) zinc
Answer: A

14) The two major electrolytes in the blood and outside of cells are
A) sulfur and magnesium. B) zinc and iron.
C) potassium and magnesium. D) sodium and chloride.
Answer: D

15) Which of the following minerals is found in the amino acids methionine, cystine, and cysteine?
A) selenium B) molybdenum C) chromium D) sulfur
Answer: D

16) The skeleton is completely replaced with new bone about every
A) five years. B) twenty years. C) ten years. D) other year.
Answer: C

17) Peak bone mass typically occurs when a person reaches his or her
A) fifties. B) teens. C) thirties. D) twenties.
Answer: C

18) About two-thirds of the ________ in the body is found in hemoglobin.

A) molybdenum B) chromium C) zinc D) iron
Answer: D

19) Which of the following foods contains nonheme iron?

A) turkey B) fish C) steak D) beans
Answer: D

20) The most common nutritional disorder in the world is

A) magnesium deficiency. B) potassium deficiency.
C) iron deficiency. D) calcium deficiency.
Answer: C

21) Which of the following minerals helps in linking collagen and elastin to synthesize connective tissue and is also
involved in synthesizing melanin in skin?
A) chromium B) iodine C) copper D) selenium
Answer: C

22) Which of the following statements does not correctly describe a function of zinc?
A) It lowers blood pressure.
B) It helps in wound healing.
C) It may reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration.
D) It is important for properly functioning taste buds.
Answer: A

23) Which of the following statements regarding selenium/selenoproteins is incorrect?

A) Selenium plays an important role in the regulation of thyroid hormones.
B) The amount of selenium in foods depends upon the soil where the plants were grown and animals grazed.
C) Selenium functions as an antioxidant.
D) They are proven protection against colon cancer.
Answer: D

24) Which of the following minerals, when added to water supplies, is responsible for lowering the rate of dental
caries in the United States?
A) selenium B) iodine C) calcium D) fluoride
Answer: D

25) Which of the following mineral's main role is to increase the effectiveness of insulin in cells?
A) fluoride B) iodine C) zinc D) chromium
Answer: D

26) A goiter is a deficiency of which of the following substances?

A) iodine B) manganese C) phosphorus D) chromium
Answer: A

27) Which of the following signs or symptoms is characteristic of cretinism?

A) abnormal sexual development B) dwarfism
C) mental retardation D) All of the answers are correct.
Answer: D

28) ________ toxicity can damage the nervous system and cause symptoms that resemble Parkinson's disease.
A) Sodium B) Chloride C) Manganese D) Selenium
Answer: C

29) Vitamin C greatly enhances the body's absorption of which of the following minerals?
A) chromium B) phosphorus C) nonheme iron D) manganese
Answer: C

30) The acronym DASH in the DASH diet stands for
A) Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.
B) Dietary Advancements to Suppress Hyponatremia.
C) Discussions of Allowable Sodium in Hospitals.
D) Determine Amount of Sodium Helpful.
Answer: A

31) Which of the following substances may possibly reduce the incidence of type 2 diabetes in individuals at risk of
the disease?
A) sodium B) calcium C) chromium D) iron
Answer: C

32) Which of the following substances is an antioxidant and may lower deaths from certain types of cancer?
A) selenium B) chromium C) calcium D) iron
Answer: A

33) Which of the following elements is a major electrolyte?

A) selenium B) chromium C) sodium D) iron
Answer: C

34) Which of the following elements is a major mineral of bone?

A) sodium B) iron C) calcium D) selenium
Answer: C

35) Which of the following elements is a major component of hemoglobin?

A) calcium B) iron C) selenium D) sodium
Answer: B

36) Which of the following conditions is defined as too little potassium in the blood?
A) hypokalemia B) hyponatremia C) hypertension D) hypercalcemia
Answer: A

37) Which of the following conditions is a genetic disorder in which individuals absorb too much dietary iron?
A) hemochromatosis B) cretinism C) hypertension D) hypokalemia
Answer: A

38) Which of the following conditions is defined as too little sodium in the blood?
A) hyponatremia B) hemochromatosis C) hypokalemia D) hypertension
Answer: A

39) Which of the following conditions is defined as too much calcium in the blood?
A) hyponatremia B) hypokalemia C) hemochromatosis D) hypercalcemia
Answer: D

40) Which of the following conditions is commonly known as high blood pressure?
A) hypokalemia B) hyponatremia C) hemochromatosis D) hypertension
Answer: D

TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.

41) A feeling of dehydration despite having consumed significant amounts of fluids may be an indicator of
Answer: True False

42) Sulfur, phosphorus, and magnesium are all considered major minerals.
Answer: True False

43) The majority of the sodium in the typical American diet comes from processed foods.
Answer: True False

44) In general, hypertension is characterized by having a diastolic pressure above 120 and a systolic pressure above
Answer: True False

45) Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of potassium.

Answer: True False

46) Over time, a low-calcium diet may increase your risk of osteoporosis.
Answer: True False

47) Calcium supplements are warranted for all age groups because a normal diet will not provide adequate
amounts of calcium.
Answer: True False

48) Phosphorus is the second most abundant mineral in your body, after calcium.
Answer: True False

49) Keshan disease results from eating foods grown in selenium-rich soils.
Answer: True False

50) Some antibiotics, such as tetracycline, can inhibit the absorption of magnesium.
Answer: True False

51) Over-consumption of calcium is the root cause of the development of kidney stones.
Answer: True False

52) Both magnesium and chromium may play roles in decreasing the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Answer: True False

53) Osteopenia is characterized by a lower bone density than occurs in osteoporosis.

Answer: True False

54) Although osteoporosis is often thought of as a condition of the elderly, it has its roots in childhood.
Answer: True False

55) Women with a higher body weight are more susceptible to bone fractures than those with a lower body weight.
Answer: True False

56) Excessive alcohol consumption can increase bone density because it promotes the formation of new bone by
decreasing the loss of calcium and promoting the activation of vitamin D.
Answer: True False

57) Smokers absorb less calcium than nonsmokers.

Answer: True False

58) Eating meat with vegetables increases the absorption of nonheme iron present in the vegetables.
Answer: True False

59) Drinking orange juice with poultry decreases the bioavailability of nonheme iron in the poultry.
Answer: True False

60) Hemochromatosis is a genetic disorder in which dietary iron absorption is severely reduced.
Answer: True False

61) Processed foods provide about half of the sodium intake in the US.
Answer: True False

62) Research has confirmed that taking zinc can reduce the severity and duration of the common cold.
Answer: True False

63) Selenium is a component of selenoproteins, which can function as antioxidants.

Answer: True False

64) A selenium deficiency can result in selenosis, which damages the heart.
Answer: True False

65) The intake of too much fluoride can cause fluorosis, which creates teeth that are extremely resistant to caries but
unappealing in appearance.
Answer: True False

66) The main function of iodine is to increase insulin's effectiveness in cells.

Answer: True False

67) Chromium makes up approximately 60 percent of an individual's thyroid hormones.

Answer: True False

68) In one study, individuals who drank water with high levels of manganese experienced symptoms similar to
those of Parkinson's disease.
Answer: True False

69) The inorganic form of arsenic is poisonous to humans.

Answer: True False

70) Although the majority of water intake is through food and beverages, a small amount of water is also generated
during metabolism.
Answer: True False

71) The movement of water across the cell membrane is called osmosis.
Answer: True False

72) The hormone that directs the kidneys to reduce water loss from the body by reducing urine output is thyroid
Answer: True False

73) If a person weighs less after an activity than before, the weight change is due to loss of body fat.
Answer: True False

74) The overconsumption of fluids can cause hyponatremia, which can be fatal.
Answer: True False

75) Dehydration can result if too much water and sodium have been lost from the body.
Answer: True False

76) Minerals that are important in fluid balance are called antidiuretics.
Answer: True False

77) The bottling and sale of naturally obtained spring water is under the regulation of the FDA.
Answer: True False

78) The degree to which a nutrient in food is available for absorption by the body is known as its biodegradability.
Answer: True False

79) Magnesium is the most abundant mineral in the body.

Answer: True False

80) One advantage of consuming tap water is that it often contains fluoride.
Answer: True False

ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper.

81) Describe the possible causes of dehydration.

Answer: Dehydration can result from not drinking enough fluids, or from conditions that result in too much water
being lost from the body, such as diarrhea, vomiting, high fever, and the use of diuretics. In some cases
inadequate intake and increased loss can occur together.

82) What are some factors that determine the amount of water in an individual's body?
Answer: Age, gender, and the amount of fat and muscle tissue affect the body's fluid content.

83) What is the difference between a major mineral and a trace mineral?
Answer: Major minerals are needed in quantities greater than 100 milligrams per day, whereas trace minerals are
needed in amounts of less than 15 milligrams per day.

84) What is the difference between dehydration and overhydration? Why does swelling occur with overhydration?
What symptoms are shared by these two conditions?
Answer: Dehydration is a state in which the body contains too little water due to too much water being lost, too
little being consumed, or a combination of both. Overhydration is a state resulting from drinking too
much fluid, which dilutes the blood and causes a severely low concentration of sodium. In response to
hyponatremia, water then enters tissues via osmosis, producing swelling. If swelling occurs in the brain,
the person can experience symptoms similar to those of dehydration: fatigue, confusion, and

85) Describe the causes and effects of a diet that contains too little iron.
Answer: A diet that is deficient in iron the world's most common nutritional disorder and causes iron-deficiency
anemia. The body's stores of iron are slowly depleted by such a deficient diet, and when depleted enough
the body cannot produce enough hemoglobin. As a result, the blood cannot deliver the oxygen that body
cells need, causing the individual to experience fatigue and weakness.

86) Describe the signs and symptoms of hyperkalemia, and the individuals who are at higher risk for this condition.
Answer: The common signs and symptoms of hyperkalemia include irregular heartbeat and damage to the heart.
Those at higher risk for hyperkalemia include individuals with impaired kidneys, such as people with
type 1 diabetes mellitus; individuals with kidney disease; and individuals taking medications for heart
disease or diuretics that cause the kidneys to block the excretion of potassium.

87) List the risk factors for developing hypertension. Describe the characteristics of individuals who are at greatest
risk for developing hypertension.
Answer: The risks of developing hypertension (high blood pressure) are of two types. Risk factors that cannot be
controlled include family history, age, and race; risk factors that can be controlled include weight, level of
physical activity, alcohol consumption, and sodium intake. Individuals at greatest risk are those who
have a close relative who has or had hypertension, men over 35 and women who have experienced
menopause, African Americans (as compared to Caucasians), those who are overweight and exercise
infrequently, those who drink more than moderate amounts of alcohol, and those who consume more
than 1,500 milligrams of sodium each day.

88) List the risk factors for developing osteoporosis. Describe the characteristics of individuals who are at greatest
risk for developing osteoporosis.
Answer: The risk factors for developing osteoporosis that cannot be controlled include gender, ethnicity, age, body
type, and family history of fractures; those that can be controlled include level of sex hormones,
medications taken, smoking habits, level of physical activity, alcohol consumption, and dietary calcium
intake. Individuals at greatest risk are those who are female, Asian or Caucasian, over 30 years old,
thinner and small boned, amenorrheal or menopausal (women) or have low testosterone levels (men),
take certain medications, smoke, exercise too little, consume more than one drink (women) or two drinks
(men) daily, and consume less than 3 cups of vitamin D fortified milk or yogurt daily.

89) Describe some ways to increase the absorption of iron from foods.
Answer: Iron absorption from foods can be enhanced by eating foods high in vitamin C and iron-rich foods
during the same meal. Another way to enhance absorption is to eat meat, fish, or poultry with nonheme
iron-containing foods (grains and vegetables). Note as well that cooking in an iron pan can increase the
iron content of foods, which may result in more iron being absorbed.

90) Describe the effects of iodine deficiency on adults and fetuses. What food is routinely fortified with iodine to
prevent these effects?
Answer: In adults, iodine deficiency results in goiter, an enlarged thyroid gland. In developing children, iodine
deficiency early in fetal stages can damage the brain, resulting in mental retardation and (if severe
enough) cretinism, which is characterized by mental retardation, abnormal sexual development, and
dwarfism. The addition of iodine to salt has reduced the incidence of these medical problems.

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