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Ashlie Jane B.

6alidio 6sECE 2-A

. The Four uildinq blodes of a dc regulated power sUPpy aretransfor mer, reoth her, iker and

get AC pov Supply, there fore rech ier is requred o conver Ac power n to DC
In our homes We
most f appliances and gadge work in DC as it ts
tons]stent 1n vo tage delivered.
Power sinde our
can be s4ored.
stored hut DC sionals or pover
Siqnals Can not ye
varies while l0ad
3. In Liae requlaion thu to4d resistance is Cons tan and 4h nput volfagt
load resistance is úarying. Load regulahon specqfiatons
input voltage is fixed and the
Egulahon th the change in resistance, so
can affkct theouttput load like
0wer, the bethe Many changes
n a t Art reliable po wer to
output necsany
for provi ng
to ensun a cwnshant, dependable without load requlahon, ooth
oWE Surply need inf luenced by the outut fréqun ncy.
4ifment: Load requl
ahion is heavily
Connected equipment trouqh
p0wer spikes
the must lbc givtn atenhon espe aaly
ypes of Pover supplits (Ac & oc) Can
dam age and

and dopt. So, for rcgulahon

me load Imp0rn is
when the ipaet input
i aljo important
supplies. The line egal ah
on dr unregulattd power supply
wE buy1ng power The #relinc regulahon
qulated. requlaor
SOurce is unstable or unre
ource be improve d by voltuge
of Dperahions,
bu+ hi can

high for a majority

Usually very
the fo llowin o.
rec#hiahon, me advantagea are
a t wave
Less cost
Cirtui t is very simple and occupies ss S Pate

Disadvanta qes of halt-wave reohhahon ar

Cow output volta ge (Vde 0.s Vm)
Low Recihication effiutncy Go. °Io)
factor (1.21)
high Ripyle
DC $aturahon of ransforvner ore resu4s in hystere sis loss and pro duchon of ormoni cs, in the

Pover upply
Suitodlle only for very low powtr appli cations

Full-wav Centtr+apfe d
Advantage S: Disadvantaces.
-High Dutput voltage han haf wave (Vde 0.437V,) - High test

Expensive to manufacie center

-Rechiaion ercuirncy is high 2%)
Rigole faHer is low (0.4a1) tapped trdnsformer whi ch pocluces
D.C. satur aion Df the cere is avoidtd Cqual vol+aqes on edch half of the
Secondary windings
hi gner Prak Invese Voltap (PN)
Full-wotve ridge type power supplies rated diodts for optration
ros Coms
Four diodes cequired
No need for center -+apped transtor mer Load resi ster and thesowce have nd
The eukpudis tuice 4hat of the cetertapped Common povnt
crtuit for +he savne, secon doary Voltaq w dio des in serier during each hal+
PIV is e ha4 4hat 0f he center t p Cycde of e AC input condutt
ciruit Ckor me sant DC output) 14 nceases total voltag dnp and
. 1f 4e de output volt ae is 400V with
no- 0ad atathe d 4o power supph but decreases to oBV

At ull-load , fnd he percentag voltage sequlation.

NL 4OOV 4/00V-300V 100 0.333 %
VFL 300oV Load requl ation (Y-VL) 100
= VFL 007o % 300
Read: volHaga rtaulation ="%
. A gowr suply has a voltngeof 1 . 14 the no-load volt ags is sov, what is the tall- 1oad

VwL 30ov Soluhon
vo Hage
Load taalah on = o
Load egulahon Jw-VFL0o°
NNLVeL I00 1/.

10030-100VFL. 3oV- 29.1 oD 1'%

NFL 20.1
3000 V- 100VEL-VFL 101 1/%

100 VFL = V^l

3000 V 300DV = VFl + lOo VFL

a9.10V VeL

VFL 29.7V
has no- (oad and full-load
ayailable in 4he marlef.
Fowe supply A
A and b art
wo power supplies which
respechiely whtreau 4hese values art 30V And z1U o r power supply B.
yoltages of 30V and 25V
is abetr power suPply Reg'd:volkage Mgulation ?9
Given A: VN 30V V
2sV (A& )
ower SuPpy
Vw 3oV VFL 2qV
Power s upply B:

The votaee rhulation of Powtr supply

supoy 30 V 35 0D 20/0 iS maller than power suPely A. There fort,

Power suppy 1s DtR han power
he lot 1he.
Sup A siaceoad rtgu 1aion,the
Peter soly
beHtr, stoa ble and eliabll 1s 4he power
Ny-Ve00% 2V
)100 = 3.45 °/.

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