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Module 4.

AI and Competition
Lecture 3: Compendium

Online Resources
Ezrachi, Ariel & Stucke, Maurice, The Rise of the Machines – How Automated Digital
Assistants Can Reduce Competition (and the Cash in Your Wallet), Oxford Business Law
blog, 2016.

“The more we communicate primarily with our personal assistant, the less likely we will
independently search the web, read independent customer reviews, use multiple price-
comparison websites, and rely on other tools. We will entrust our butler to undertake this
effort and report its results. In relying on our butler, we become less aware of outside

Nowag, Julian, Algorithmic Price-Setting by Platforms, Oxford Business Law blog, 2018.

“Based on a recent paper, this post explores questions arising if prices are not set by the
sellers on a platform but by a platform’s algorithm. In other words: what if Amazon would
use an algorithm to set uniform prices for its sellers? On a more practical level: how do we
treat the setting of the prices/fares by ride sharing platforms (e.g. the Uber case, in the end
not decided).”

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