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Principle of Programming Language Lab RCS-553

1) Aliasing in the context of programming languages refers to

(a) multiple variables having the same memory location

(b) multiple variables having the same value

(c) multiple variables having the same identifier

(d) multiple uses of the same variable

2) The most appropriate matching for the following pairs

X: Indirect addressing 1: Loops

Y: Immediate addressing 2: Pointers

Z: Auto decrement addressing 3. Constants

(a) X—3 Y—2 Z—1 (c) X—1 Y—3 Z—2

(b) X—2 Y—3 Z—1 (d) X—3 Y—1 Z—2

3)The- results returned by functions under value-result and reference parameter passing convention

a)Do not differ c) ) May differ in the presence of exceptions

b) Differ in the presence of loops d) Differ in all cases

4) Program subroutines are called by

A)fixed variables B) default constants C) other systems D) other programs

5) Translator which is used to convert codes of assembly language into machine language is termed as

A)Assembler B) attempter c) compiler D) debugger

6)Higher-order functions are not built into the

A)object oriented programming B) structural language C) C++ D) JAVA

7)Language in which single statements can be written to accomplish substantial tasks is termed as

A)machine language B ) assembly language C ) high level language D) medium language

8) Diagram which shows how objects communicate with each other regarding a sequence of messages is called

A) object diagram B ) sequential diagram C) use case diagram D) communication diagram

9) Programming language which uses both object-oriented programming and functional programming paradigms is

A) Scala B ) Ada C) Pascal D) Machine language

10) Procedural language contains systematic order of

A)Objects B ) statements C)classes D) operations

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