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Possible reasons why students are challenged by English language

 Common grammatical mistakes mostly students faced in speaking – For individuals, learning
English grammar is really challenging. The majority of the grammatical mistakes made by
students are when speaking English. They struggle to understand the distinctions between the
proper usage of the past, present, and future tenses.
 Lack of confidence – They lack self-assurance when speaking in public in the English language.
They studied the English language but didn't know how to speak it. This was one of the issues
that most students had in class or in public.
 Fear of making mistakes in speaking English language – The students are worried that if they
make mistakes when speaking English, their friends will make fun of them, make them look
foolish in front of their friends, or even criticize them in class. Making errors is common. No one
is perfect from birth; everyone makes mistakes, but by learning from them, they can improve
their English speaking.
 Lack of motivation – They lost interest in using the English language because they lacked the
motivation to do so.

How to overcome it?

 Get out of your comfort zone – Lack of effort on the part of learners to use the language they
are learning in practical contexts is a common error. It won't be simple at first; you might have
self-consciousness and worry about what other people will think of your mistakes. But keep in
mind that learning is a process and that you are improving every day.
 Learn from your mistakes – Language development takes time. It's easy to react negatively to
criticism when you're already frustrated and your ego is weak. But the truth is that one of the
best things you can do to enhance your learning is to seek feedback and develop an appreciation
for criticism.

Importance of English Language in Critical Reading.

 The development of other associated abilities, such as grammar, vocabulary, and writing, as well
as reading and writing in English, is an essential aspect of learning the language.

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