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Good afternoon. May I speak to Laura's mother or father?

Good afternoon. I'm Laura's father. How may I help you?

This is Laura's teacher, Linda Kennedy, calling from National Economics University.
I'm just calling to talk about Laura's performance in drama class.
Oh, thank you for calling. How is Laura doing in drama class?
You know she just came to Hanoi last month, unlike some students in her class who
have been living in Hanoi for a long time.
So I have been a bit worried that she might not be getting used to it.
There's no need to worry. She is exhibiting a strong performance in her class.
Really? Is that so?
Yes. She didn't adapt to the new environment as quickly as I originally expected
and seemed a bit shy at first.
But a few days later she made a couple of friends and became more talkative and
more involved in class.
Laura is really a role model for others because she has always been an active
participant during class.
She always contributes her own ideas and is very creative.
I didn't expect that. But I can tell that she really enjoys the new school because
she's been talking about it at home frequently these past few weeks.
That's great to hear. I also have to inform you that there's been an adjustment in
the timetable of some subjects next term.
They are microeconomics and mathematics.
Why is that?
The classroom we currently use isn't available due to several reasons.
As there are many more students enrolled in the coming semester, increased class
size means that space is limited to house the whole class.
Also, the new classroom we use is not available during the current timeframe, so
I'm afraid we have to change the time for it.
I see. So when would it be?
As you know, the microeconomics class begins at 730 and the mathematics class
begins at 915.
But the new time of the microeconomics class would be a quarter to 8 and the
mathematics class would be at 1030.
I'm afraid I may have other commitments during that time.
On the other campus, the class still begins at 3.15. But for the campus Laura goes
to, it is the only time available for her classes.
Oh, I see. I'll make some adjustments in my schedule then. No problem.
That's great. Thank you.

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