CPS Week 7

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918/23, 4:38 PM ‘Class Preparation Session (CPS) - Wesk 7.: Attempt review Startedon Friday. 8 September2023,1018 AM State Finished Completedon Friday. 8 September2073, 4:37PM Timetaler $hours# mins Marks 18.00/%8.00 Grade so.ocoutef50.00 400%) Watch the video in MyELT and complete the activities below. 1. Clek HERE to open MyELT and log in. 2. Select “Assignments 3, Select "Video - Predictions" (4a Grammar Summary Review), 4. Play answer activities below as you play the video, Play it a many times as you want. sion 1 Answer the questions ty choosing th corect option or completing the rformation based on the video FORM + Weuse thesame —_y-formof wll mayand mightto make predictions forall persons We do notneed 1 for questions and negatives. + will mayand right ‘vc always followed bythe infinitive without to. Choose thecorrect example: Mom mightcallme! # WilLisnormally convacedatter yy pronouns 2 Rewrite the following sentences using the shor form cf wil: Ieteain v comorrow -Idont thinkshe wil study tonight |dortihinkshet! v study tonight. ‘arthaand)uan arin love. They wl get maved soon gues. Martha and uan areinlove They getmared v so0n, guess hitps:vitual unisabana.edu.coimodiquzireview php attempt=3830 1858mid=1552504 v tousea formof 1 918/23, 4:38 PM ‘Class Preparation Session (CPS) - Wesk 7.: Attempt review ston, + Thenegativeofwillis vont v + Choosethe INCORRECT phrase: emayotiainiater + Themest common way toasksemeoneabouta predictionsis: OayouthinkCarlos wll uerton USE ‘+ Weuse WILL/WONTWwhenweare confident yp aboutapredition v buytheea? ‘+ We commonly use some adverbs lice definitely. cetainiyand probably with wiliwont. Choose the correct option based onthe video: © Myjob willdefintelybe ye nicein the future ‘© Mylather probablywortcome y tovisitnext weekend + Weuse MAYIMIGHT whenweare unsure ¥ sbouta prediction. Example: ight go othe party tomorow hitps:vitual unisabana.edu.coimodiquzireview php attempt=3830 1858mid=1552504 28 918/23, 4:38 PM ‘Class Preparation Session (CPS) - Wesk 7.: Attempt review austond, SUMMARIZING. WILL WONT with definitely probablyorcerainy ‘Weusewillivortwhenweare mostysure about the predctionsf we want to make our prediction sound stronger v -weuse definitely, probably or certainly Ie’simportantto know that definitely probably or certainly go before ‘¥ wont Example: The concert probably wontstarton time, In contrast, definitely, probably or certainly go ster & will Example: Carlos and Siva willcerezinly get. good sors inthe test MAY/MAY NOT MIGHTIMIGHT NCT ‘Weuse maylmay notormightimightnotwhen weare unsure yy aboutthe prediction Examples: Felipe might graduate this year youare not sureabout this prediction). They might not goto the concert (They havent deciedifgoingor not or they havent confirmed) auesion 3. Dragand drop w complete the corversation with the correct prediction based on the function CLAIRE: So, Mike. Haveyou thought about your Masters Degree? MIKE: Wel, notvery much, Education fees[__mayincrease _|¥_(notsure) sol dontknow fl want o study more inthe future. What bout you “CLAIRE: Ithinkscholarships[ _willeenainlybe _J¥_(otllysure)ancptionforme:{ [definitely wonthave] v @otalysurehathugeamount ofmoney they charge Ithinkthe cost] willbe __|¥. (confident almostsure)higherandi[|_mightnothave w= (notsurelenough ‘money by then MIKE: 1getyourpoint. Myparents]___worithave (confident almost sure)enough money ether. |think need to work and save money first andthen [_willbeabletopay |v (confident almostsure)to pay forty Master's Degree. Please let me krow ifyou know of any avalable scholarships. “CLAIRE: Ofcourse! University of Warwick[ __maygive JY. (notsure)somescholarships next month I etyou know or sure. MIKE: Thankyou so much Clare! wontdefnizelyhave]| may increases wilsbe hitps:vitual unisabana.edu.coimodiquzireview php attempt=3830 1858mid=1552504 3a 918/23, 4:38 PM ‘Class Preparation Session (CPS) - Wesk 7.: Attempt review Inermstan & TICKET-N ‘4. Watch the video again (MVELT-Assigaments- Video about Predictions) and complete the Tide in. Click on the Download button. Completeit and have next week fst session, nl ‘Great job! You are now ready for cass! @ nora Practice + Read the text on page 46 "Will a Robot Tae your Job’ and undesline ll the Predictions. aera TAKE YO 2. Analyze the Grammar Predictions Chart, page 47 (write any questions tobe discussed class) 3 Finally Develop Actiity 10 and 1 on page 47- Be ready to use your answers nan activity. during lass cuca (Creatob’ Are you ready for cass? Seleccone 4. Ofcourse! b Yes! © $0.50 4 No hitps:vitual unisabana.edu.coimodlquzireview php attempt=3830 1858cmid=1552504

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