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A Collection of Common Topics

Unit 1 People
Lesson 7 An old person you respect

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Unit 1 People

Now in the first part, I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself.
Part 1
This part lasts for 4-5 minutes.

1. Are you less or more patient when you are angry?
2. How do you feel when other people are not patient?
3. Do you think you are a patient person?

TI: Act as the examiner and keep the time. Then comment on student’s performance.
Unit 1 People
Sample Answer to PART 1

1. Are you less or more patient when you are angry?

For me, I will absolutely become less patient when I’m angry because I will be very
impatient and don’t want to listen to anything or talk to anyone.

2. How do you feel when other people are not patient?

I will become very nervous as they might lose their temper anytime. I’m very afraid
to talk to those people, who will affect my mood, so I will just walk away.

3. Do you think you are a patient person?

As I’m really a quiet person who likes to read, I do think I’m really patient. I’d love to
listen to what others say to me and to do things like painting and paper cutting.

Unit 1 People

You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have
Part 2 one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some
notes to help you if you wish.

Describe an old person you know and respect.

You should say:
• who he or she is;
• how you know this person;
• what he or she is like;
• and explain why you respect him or her.

TI: Act as the examiner and keep the time. Then ask 1-2 questions about S’s statement.
Unit 1 People

Sample Answer to PART 2

My grandmother is about 65 and I admire her a lot for the amiable and benevolent nature she
possesses. Her name is Samantha and she is a well educated and wise woman. I grew up and
passed my adolescent and young age with the love and affection of her.
My grandmother is a highly talented person and a great mentor. Her affable characteristics and
helpful mentality are most attractive. Even a stranger can feel her great heart in few minutes. I
can recall several occasions when she took risks to help others. She was a school teacher until she
retired and there are still so many students who write to her to show their respects and affections.
Personally, I like her because she attaches great importance to education, especially reading. My
father became a voracious reader only because of her. Above all, she is an ideal and successful
mother. I admire her from the deep down of my heart. I love to spend time with her because she
is intelligent and can give proper guidance. She is a reliable critic who often inspires me to work
harder. I really admire her so much not only for her affection and caring, but also for her brilliant
personal charm.
Unit 1 People

Part 3 Discussion Topics. This part lasts for 4-5 minutes.

1. What qualities does a person need to take care of
old people?

2. Do you think that old people should be taken care

of at home?

3. How can people in the neighborhood help the

elderly during the epidemic?

TI: Act as the examiner and keep the time. Then comment on student’s performance.
Unit 1 People

Sample Answer to PART 3

1. What qualities does a person need to take care of old people?
Compassion and patience, I guess. Old people sometimes have unreasonable requests, especially
when they’re sick or insecure. You need to understand these feelings and be patient. For example,
my grandpa has become quite forgetful recently. He often forgets where he leaves his keys or
wallet. This was quite annoying at first but I’m getting used to it now.
2. Do you think that old people should be taken care of at home?
It depends on the family. It is better for an old person to live with his or her family. But, if
everyone is busy, then an old people’s home is a better choice. This type of nursing home has
everything an old person needs, including medical services. And an old person can make friends
with other old people who live here.
3. How can people in the neighborhood help the elderly during the epidemic?
Many elderly neighbors may now lack the ability to get the necessary items they need, like food,
toiletries and medication, so, if you know of an elderly neighbor who could use a hand, simply
call them before you go to the grocery store or pharmacy to see if they need you to pick up some
things for them. Besides, small help, like leaving a package of cookies or reading material on the
porch, can make a big difference to the life of someone who feels isolated or forgotten.
Unit 1 People

End of the Speaking Test

Tutor should comment on the following criteria:

Fluency and coherence
Lexical resource
Grammatical range and accuracy
S’s overall speaking score is: ________


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