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…….. Is a person who provides expert advice to the company (Consultant)

……… Is a situation of danger and difficulty (Crisis)
……… is a new idea or method (Innovation)
……… is something you plan or achieve (Objective)
……… is when someone is raised to a higher position (Promotion)
……… is the sector of a company under government control (Public sector)
……… is a plan for achieving success ( Strategy)
……… is a person with less important position in an organisation (subordinate)


1. Interaction between employers and employees (labour relation)

2. Knowing that there is little risk of losing one’s employment ( job security)
3. Money paid to manual worker ( wages)
4. Advantages that come with a job, apart from pay (Benefits)
5. Things that encourage people to do something (Incentives)
6. To be raised to a higher rank or better job ( promotion)
7. Without any particular abilities acquired by training ( unskilled)
8. Regularly switching between different tasks (job rotation)
9. A company shared attitudes, beliefs, practices and work relationships (corporate culture)

1. A system of authority with different level, one above the other,e.g a series of management
positions, when holder can make decisions, or give orders and instruction (hierarchy or
chain of command)
2. A specific activity in a company, e,g productioAutonn, marketing, finance (function)
3. Independent, able to make decisions without consulting someone at the same level or higher
chain of commands (autonomous)
4. The power to give instruction to people at the level below in the chain of command ( line
5. To be responsible to someone and to take instruction from them (to report to)
6. To give someone else responsibility for doing something instead of you
( to delegate)
1, An invented word combining worldwide and regional concern
2. Thought based on reason and judgement rather than feeling and emotions
3. A face - to face disagreement or agreement
4. Reducing demand or changing options in order to agree
5. Understanding or knowing without consciously using reasons
6. People of influence or importance with whom you are associated
7. To do something when necessary without having already planned it
8. Respect, Prestige or importance given to someone
9. Believing that the group is more important to the other
10. To be humiliated or disrespected in public
11. To cut someone else turn to speak
12. Looking directly at the people you are talking or listening to

1. Product sold to other countries exported goods
2. Property : Buildings such as offices, houses, flats or apartments Real estate
3. Work done and return for money labour cost
4. To move your factory to another region or company delocalize
5. To use other company to do work your company previously did itself outsource

1. ……….. Or ………… is a company reserve of raw components, parts, work in process, and
finished product ( Inventory)
2. A…………. Is any of the piece or part that make up a product or machine component

3. ……………. Is the maximum rate of output that can be achieved from a production process
4. ……… is a collective word for all the buildings, machines, equipment plant
5. ……… mean the geographical situation location
6. A………………. Is a network of organisation supply chain
7. …………………… means buying products and processed material involved in producing and
delivering goods or a service Outsourcing
8. ……………………………. Are the cost savings from other companies rather than
manufacturing them Economy of scale
9. …………….. Is the time needed to perform an activity such as producing and delivering it to
a customers

1. …………………… is correct and exact without any mistakes
2. …………………… is able to move quickly and easily
3. …………………… is a guest of what the size and amount can be
4. …………………… is a statement of what expected in the future
5. …………………… is using small quantities and avoiding any mistakes
6. ……………………. Is designing and managing the flow of goods, information and other
7. ……………………. Is done with the hand
8. ……………………… is to fill something up again

1. Place of business for selling goods to customers
2. All the different products, brands and items a company sells
3. Business that sell goods or merchandise to individual consumers
4. A graphic image or symbols specially created to identify a company or a product
5. Wrappers and containers used to enclose and protect a product
6. The extent to which a consumers are aware of a brand and know its name
7. Surfaces in a store on which goods are displayed
8. The sales of company expressed as a percentage of total sales in give market
9. Consumers who buy various competing product rather than being loyal to a particular brand
1._____ Companies that design advertising for clients.
2.________ The advertising of a particular product or service during a
particular period of time
3._________ The statement of objectives that a client works out with an
advertising agency
4._________ A defined set of customers whose needs a company plans to
5.__________ The amount of money a company plans to spend in
developing its advertising and buying media time or space
6. ___________The choice of where to advertise in order to reach the right
7. ____________ Choosing to spend the same amount on advertising as one’s
8._____________ A small amount of a product given to customers to
encourage them to try it.
9.______________ Free advertising, when satisfied customers recommend
products to their friends.
10. ______________ Trying to get consumers to forward an online marketing
messages to other people


1. _____________ Money placed in a bank
2.______________ A sum of money borrowed from a bank
3.______________ The money invested in a business
4.______________ Certificates representing part-ownership of a company
5._______________ Certificates of debt issued by governments or companies
to raise money
6.________________ When one company combines with another one.
7.________________ when one company offers to buy or acquire another
8.________________ Buying and selling stocks or shares for clients
9.________________ All the investments owned by an individual or
10._______________ The profits made one investment
11. ________________ Unable to pay debts or continue to do business
12.________________ The ending or relaxing of legal restrictions
13.________________ A group of companies, operating in different fields,
which have joined together.
14________________ The price paid for borrowing money, paid to the


1______ what an organization can do better than its competitors

2 __________able to continue over a period of time
3 __________the sales businesses expect to achieve in a particular period of
4 ___________where total costs equal total income from sales and the
company makes neither a profit nor a loss
5 ___________the total income received by a business before any expenses
are paid
6 ___________an investor's plan for getting their investment back and
potentially realizing a profit
7 ____________the people who establish a company or other organization
8 __________the people who are employed in an organization


1 _________The money a company receives minus the money it spends

during a certain period
2 _______ Part ownership of a company in the form of stocks or shares

3_________ Funds operated by investment companies that invest

people's money in various assets
4_________ Funds that invest money that will be paid to people after
they retire from work
5__________ The amount of capital making up a bond or other loan
6.__________ The length of time for which a bond is issued (until it is
repaid) maturity
7 _______The amount of interest that a bond pays
8________ Unable to pay debts
9________ People or institutions to whom money is owed
10 ________Payments by companies to their shareholders dividend
11 __________Businesses that buy and sell securities
12________ The price at which a buyer is prepared to buy a security at a
particular time
13_________ The price at which a seller is prepared to sell a security at
a particular time
14__________ The rate of income an investor receives from a security

UNIT 17:


1. __________A decline in economic activity
2. __________An increase in economic activity
3. __________Beliefs about what will happen in the future
4. __________Purchasing and using goods and services
5. __________The difference between the funds a country receives and
those it pays for all international transactions
6. __________The total market value of all the goods and services
produced in a country during a given period
7. ___________The willingness and ability of consumers to purchase
goods and services
8. ___________The willingness and ability of businesses to offer goods
or services for sale
9. ____________To put money aside to spend in the future
1. Treating some people in a worse way than you treated other people
2. Making something weaker
3. An economic system in which anyone can raise capital, form a business
4. Complying with or following (rules, etc,..)
5. Expressed , given a material form
6. According to generally accepted beliefs based on morals
7. A usual way of behaving
8. To the degree or the extent that
9. Causes damage to
10. supporters , people who argue in favour of something.


1. A situation in which it is easy for companies to hire non-permanent staff
2. Decreasing the number of permanent employees working for an
3. Using other businesses as subcontractors to supply components or
4. Employing two or more people on a part-time basis to perform a job
normally available to one person working fulltime
5. Moving some of a business's activities (e.g. accounting, production) to
another place or country
6. Removing unproductive parts of the management hierarchy to make
organizations more flexible and efficient.
7. Reorganizing a company, business or system in a new way to reduce
costs and improve efficiency and effectiveness
8. Temporary employment by an organization to do a specific project o
piece of work
9. Temporary employment that is not regular or fixed also describe
increasing the size of an organization, perhaps as an attempt to correct a
previous downsizing.

+ Business cycle (Trade Cycle)
+ Consumption
+ Fiscal and monetary policies
+ Keynesiams (Dis/Ad)


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