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Statement No.

96 Sort Code 11-03-23

31 August 2019 Account Number 00188287
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Ultimate Reward Current Account

Your Transactions
Date Pmnt Details Money Out (£) Money In (£) Balance (£)
04 Aug 19 FEE LIPSAY LONDON CD 6752 24.09 1716.82
06 Aug 19 DEB DIAMOND JACKS CD 6752 21.65 1695.17
12 Aug 19 DEB CHARLES TYRWHITT CD 6752 19.45 1675.72
13 Aug 19 DEB MCDONALDS CD 6752 1.28 1674.44
15 Aug 19 DEB E1 DISCOUNT STORE LONDON CD 6752 16.70 1657.74
24 Aug 19 CPT HFX HFX LONDON W CD 6752 23AUG19 62.04 1595.70
30 Aug 19 TFR PLAY4PETS 1900.00 3495.70
31 Aug 19 STATEMENT CLOSING BALANCE 145.21 1900.00 3495.70

Payment types:
DEB - Debit Card FEE - Fixed Serv Chrg BGC - Bank Giro Credit CPT – Cashpoint
DD - Direct Debit

Halifax is a division of Bank of Scotland plc. Registered in Scotland No. SC327000 Registered Office. The Mound, Edinburgh EH1 lYZ. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and
regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

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