Narrative Report For EIM GROUP 4 C

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Narrative Report For EIM (Cleaning Electric fan)

Grade And Section: G-11 IA-3

Group: 4
Leader: Jared E. Partosa
Members: Brayan, Ranel, Deorayom
Date: Oct 19 & 20, 2023
Time Started: 7: 45
Time Ended: 11:30
The Total Number Of Rooms We Clean: 3
Name Of Adviser: Jennifer Navarro Zaño
Materials Used: Side Cutter Pliers, Long Nose Pliers, Combination Pliers, Flat Screw Driver, Philip
Screw Driver.
Procedure: First we do is prepare PPE that we need to use after that we comes up with a plan
that we should clean first and after that we pull out the all Electric fan and remove the dust
after you are done you can now put it back.
Issues/Challenges: There are Four Ceiling fan each room like Speech lab it is challenging first its
veru tiring looking up and romove the Electric fan There are times Teacher’s ask us to clean the
next room but its not our schedule to clean that room we can’t deny that teacher so we clean it
without our teacher consent.
Narrative of Experience: We experience is we really are dumb because it is so easy to follow but
we didn’t follow the rules that maam Jennifer gave us. Well cleaning electric fan is quite fun to
me and I Experience on how hard it is to have work someday.
Room: Speech Lab
Ceiling Fan: Its easy to remove and its easy to clean


Room: Room 12 ICT 3

Ceiling fan: Easy to remove and its easy to clean




Room: Computer Laboratory #1

Ceiling fan: There are four electric fan its very dusty but we manage to clean it



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