Gen. Bio (8-29-23)

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Explain the postulates of cell theory.

Cell theory is a fundamental concept in biology that outlines the basic principles
regarding the organization and functioning of living organisms. It was formulated in the mid-
19th century by several scientists, including Matthias Schleiden, Theodor Schwann, and Rudolf
Virchow. The cell theory consists of three main postulates:

1. All living organisms are composed of cells: This postulate states that cells are the basic
structural units of life. All living things, from single-celled microorganisms to complex
multicellular organisms, are made up of one or more cells. Cells are the smallest entities
that can perform the functions necessary for life, such as metabolism, growth, and

2. The cell is the fundamental unit of structure and function / the cell is the basic unit of
life: This postulate emphasizes that the cell is not only the building block of organisms
but also the functional unit. In other words, the activities and functions of living
organisms are carried out by the various cellular components and organelles within the
cell. Each cell can perform specific tasks and functions that contribute to the overall
operation of the organism. This statement means that cells are like tiny building blocks
that make up all living things

3. All cells come from preexisting cells: This postulate counters the idea of spontaneous
generation, which was once believed to be the way new life forms originated. Instead,
the cell theory proposes that cells are generated through the division of pre-existing
cells. New cells are produced when existing cells undergo processes like cell division
(such as mitosis or meiosis), ensuring that genetic information is passed down from one
generation of cells to the next.

4. Cells of multicellular organisms are interconnected allowing them to function as a

single unit: In multicellular organisms, cells are not isolated entities but are intricately
interconnected to function as a coordinated and integrated whole. This
interconnectedness is vital for the organism's survival, growth, and functioning as a
single unit. The interconnectedness of cells in multicellular organisms allows for the
division of labor, efficient communication, specialization, and coordinated responses to
external and internal changes. This collective effort enables the organism to function as
a single, integrated unit with diverse parts working together harmoniously.

These three postulates of cell theory collectively form the foundation of modern biology and
have played a pivotal role in advancing our understanding of living organisms. The theory has
been supported and expanded upon by subsequent scientific discoveries, including insights into
cell structure, function, and the complex interactions between cells in various organisms.

Development of Cell Theory

Cell theory is one of the foundational concepts in biology that explains the basic unit of
life as the cell. The development of cell theory was a gradual process, involving the
contributions of multiple scientists over several decades. Here is a timeline of key events in the
development of the cell theory:

1. Robert Hooke (1665):

Robert Hooke, an English scientist, used an early compound
microscope to examine thin slices of cork. He observed a
multitude of small, box-like structures that he called "cells"
due to their resemblance to the cells of a monastery.
Hooke's work marked the first recorded observation of cells,
although he didn't fully understand their significance.

2. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (Late 17th Century):

Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch scientist, improved the design of
microscopes and observed various microorganisms, including
bacteria, protozoa, and red blood cells. He described these
microorganisms in letters to the Royal Society of London.
While Leeuwenhoek's discoveries were significant, he didn't
propose a comprehensive theory of cell structure and
3. Matthias Schleiden (1838) and Theodor Schwann (1839):
Gercellnist Matthias Schleiden and German
physiologist Theodor Schwann independently
formulated the first two principles of the cell
theory. Schleiden concluded that all plant
tissues were composed of cells, while Schwann
similarly concluded that animal tissues were
made up of cells. Their combined work
emphasized the universality of cells as the
building blocks of life.

4. Rudolf Virchow (1855):

German physician and pathologist Rudolf Virchow added the third
principle to the cell theory. He proposed that all cells arise from pre-
existing cells through the process of cell division. Virchow's insight
countered the previous notion of spontaneous generation and
provided a crucial aspect to the theory.

5. Consolidation of the Cell Theory:

The combined work of Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow laid the foundation for modern cell
theory. These scientists' ideas were gradually accepted by the scientific community, and by the
mid-19th century, cell theory had become a fundamental concept in biology.

The development of the cell theory was a collaborative effort that integrated
observations from various scientists and merged ideas about cell structure, function, and origin.
The theory was further supported and refined by subsequent discoveries in microscopy, cell
biology, and genetics. Today, cell theory forms the basis of modern biology and provides a
framework for understanding the structure and functioning of living organisms.
Describe the structure and function of major and subcellular

Organelles are specialized structures within eukaryotic cells that perform specific
functions, contributing to the overall operation of the cell. Here's an overview of some major
organelles and their functions, as well as a mention of some subcellular structures:

1. Nucleus:
Structure: The nucleus is typically spherical and surrounded by a double membrane called the
nuclear envelope. It contains chromatin (DNA and associated proteins) in the form of
chromosomes, as well as the nucleolus, which is involved in ribosome synthesis.
Function: The nucleus houses the cell's genetic material and controls cellular activities by
regulating gene expression. It coordinates cell growth, division, and reproduction.

2. Mitochondria:
Structure: Mitochondria are double-membraned organelles with an inner membrane that forms
folds called cristae. They have their own DNA and ribosomes.
Function: Mitochondria are the "powerhouses" of the cell, where cellular respiration occurs.
They produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the primary energy currency of the cell.

3. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER):

Structure: The ER is a network of membranous tubes and sacs. Rough ER is studded with
ribosomes on its surface, while smooth ER lacks ribosomes.
Function: Rough ER is involved in protein synthesis and modification, while smooth ER is
involved in lipid metabolism, detoxification, and calcium storage.

4. Golgi Apparatus:
Structure: The Golgi apparatus consists of flattened membranous sacs called cisternae.
Function: It processes, modifies, and packages proteins and lipids from the ER for transport to
their final destinations within or outside the cell.
5. Lysosomes:
Structure: Lysosomes are membrane-bound sacs containing enzymes.
Function: Lysosomes are involved in intracellular digestion, breaking down cellular waste,
damaged organelles, and foreign substances.

6. Vacuoles (in plant cells):

Structure: Vacuoles are large, membrane-bound sacs.
Function: Vacuoles store water, ions, nutrients, and waste products. In plant cells, they also
provide turgor pressure, helping the cell maintain its shape.

7. Chloroplasts (in plant cells):

Structure: Chloroplasts have a double membrane and contain stacks of thylakoids, which
contain the pigment chlorophyll.
Function: Chloroplasts are the sites of photosynthesis in plant cells, converting light energy into
chemical energy (glucose) through the process of photosynthesis.

Subcellular Structures:
Ribosomes: These small structures are the sites of protein synthesis in the cell.
Cytoskeleton: Composed of microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments, the
cytoskeleton provides structural support, aids in cell movement, and helps in intracellular
Centrioles (in animal cells): These paired structures are involved in cell division and the
organization of the cytoskeleton.
Peroxisomes: These organelles are involved in detoxification of harmful substances and the
breakdown of fatty acids.
Each organelle and subcellular structure play a crucial role in maintaining the overall function
and integrity of the cell, contributing to the complexity of eukaryotic organisms.
 The video explains the characteristics that determine if something is living or nonliving.
 Living things are called organisms and must meet all the requirements to be considered
 There are seven characteristics of life:
- gathering and using energy, responding to the environment, growing, and developing,
adapting to the environment, reproducing, composed of cells, and having an organized

1. Living things gather and use energy in various forms to power their daily functions.
2. Living things respond to their environment and can detect and react to their
3. Living things grow and develop throughout their lifetimes, undergoing structural
4. Living things adapt to their environment with traits that help them survive and thrive.
5. All living things reproduce and pass on their traits to the next generation.
6. Living things are composed of cells, which are the basic units of life.
7. Living things have organized bodies made up of cells that work together to maintain life.

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