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Technology & Livelihood Education Reviewer:

Lesson 1: Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies

Identified Common Competencies Of Successful Entrepreneurs

(Manu, Nelson, and Thiongo 2005)

16 Competencies:
1. Hardworking - the ability to work for long hours when necessary.
2. Self-Confident - believe in yourself.
3. Building for the Future - to build a secure job.
4. Profit Oriented - interest in generating money.
5. Goal Oriented - the ability to set realistic goals or targets.
6. Persistent - being relentless and determined.
7. Coping with Failure - any business, success is not guaranteed.
8. Responding to feedback - to keep track of his/her performance.
9. Demonstrating Initiative - take the initiative.
10. Willing to listen - an active and willing listener.
11. Setting Own Standards - Setting standards of performance
12. Coping with Uncertainty - much more uncertain than employment.
13. Committed - total commitment from the entrepreneur.
14. Building on strengths - build their venture upon the strength/s.
15. Reliable and has Integrity - being honest, fair, and reliable
16. Being a risk taker - the ability to take measured or calculated risks.

NICHE = a comfortable or suitable position in life or employment.

KARTEL = a private organization

Lesson 2: Environment and Market

- the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
- a regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale of provisions, livestock, and other commodities.

S.W.O.T Analysis
_ assists one in creating or making strategic plans and decisions.

Strengths - strong features of a company.

Human Resources - Manpower
Non-human Resources - Machines, Money, Facilities, Raw materials
Weaknesses - the challenges a company may encounter.
Opportunities - favorable conditions that can be taken from external factors/Current trends.
Threats - obstacles that may hamper a company’s success.

Lesson 3: Embroidery
- It is a handicraft about decorating fabric and other materials using needle and thread or yarn.

History Of Embroidery
- It is derived from the old French word “embroder” which means “edge and border”
- nuns and housewives embroidered lavish designs on linens

History Of Embroidery In The Philippines

Calado Embroidery
- The method of decorating a textile by pulling out threads from other parts of the fabric.
(Lumban, Laguna and Taal Batangas)
- Piña and Jusi are the main fabrics by the Bordadoras - native embroiderers.

Basic Embroidery Tools

Crewel Needle - A kind of needle with a large eye and sharp point.
Tapestry Needle - Has a blunt point used for whipped and laced stitches.
Embroidery Thread - Comes in different texture, fiber content, fiber count and colors.
Embroidery Scissors - Small and sharp scissors used to trim the back of embroidery.
Tambour or Hoop - The frame used in embroidery

Other Accessories

Needle Threader – used for threading small needles.

Thimble – a small, bell shaped implement designed to cover and protect the middle finger when sewing.
Stilleto – used to make an eyelet (small hole) or to enlarge a hole in a fabric.

Lesson 4: Principles And Elements Of Design

Principles of Design
Emphasis Or Center Of Interest - place that draws attention.
Balance - equality of visual attraction or equilibrium.
Harmony - the consistent unity of components or elements that fit together.
Rhythm Or Repetition - repetitive movement of elements.
Proportion Or Scale - It denotes the relationship of the size of the object.
Contrast - the modification/alteration in value that creates an element of discord in an artwork.

Elements of Design
Line - It is an element of art used to describe a shape or an outline.
Shape - It is a two-dimensional line with no form and thickness.
Color - This is a phenomenon of light.
dimensions or properties of color:
Value - refers to the lightness or darkness of color.
Chroma - it is the brightness or dullness of color.

3 Ways Of Altering The Color

Tinting - lightening
Shading - darkening
Toning - graying

White, gray and black are considered as neutrals

Color Harmony - to the proper arrangement or organization of one or more colors.

1. Clash or Complementary Colors - directly opposite to each other.
2. Analogous Color Scheme - combinations of neighboring colors.
3. Triadic Harmonies - three colors evenly spaced to each other.
4. Split Complementary Color Scheme - variation of the complementary harmony. It is a
combination of two colors on either side of a color complement.
5. Tetradic Color Harmony - four colors arranged into two complementary pairs.
6. Monochromatic Harmony - Mixture of color, tint and shade

Texture - This element of design deals with the degree

of roughness and smoothness of the surface of an object

Form - It refers to the three-dimensional object that

uses light and shading techniques to produce volume and breadth.

Pattern - This refers to the consistent movement or arrangement

of lines, shapes, forms, and others that organize surfaces or structures.

Lesson 5: Recycling
- the process of turning used products into raw materials that can be used again to
make new products.
- to conserve natural resources by prolonging the life of a product or an object.

Basic Handicraft Tools

Scale or Ruler - Used for measuring short distances.
Try Square - for testing the squareness of a piece of stock.
Marking or Scratch Gauge - Used in marking a line parallel to a straight edge.
Sliding T-bevel - used for setting, and transferring, or marking angles.
Nail Set - It is used for driving nails below wood surface or for boring holes.
Scratch Awl - This is used for marking off points, drawing lines or boring holes.
Mallet - It is a wooden hammer used for driving wood chisels.
C-clamp - This is utilized for holding pieces of stocks.
Chisel - This tool is used for paring, gauging, and engraving wood stock.
Crosscut Saw - This is a tooth-cutting tool used for sawing wood across the grain.
Rip Saw - This tooth-cutting tool is designed for sawing wood along the grain.
Tin Snip - This hand tool is used for cutting metal sheets.
Hand Drill - A tool used for boring or drilling holes.
Pliers - A tool used for holding, bending, or cutting wires.
Claw Hammer - This kind of hammer is used for driving and removing nails.
Lesson 6: Gift Wrapping
Gift Wrapping
- kind of packaging where the item is enclosed in a container, box, bag, or wrapping paper or
plastic, and tied with a ribbon.
Tips For Professional Wrapped Packages

1. Choose a Box - It gives an impression that the item is pretty.

2. Use tissue - enhancing the element of surprise.
3. Finish ribbons - Pre-tied bows and curled ribbons add elegance to boxes and bags, making them into
impressive packages.
4. Use add-ons or accessories - Accessories that are well-coordinated or that match with the theme
wrap can bring excitement, joy and surprise.
5. Stockpile - Keep and maintain a box of gift wrapping tools, pre-tied bows, and other accessories
available at all times for easy gift wrapping works.
6. Match the wrap to the gift - Harmony is achieved if the right presentation package, or theme
wrap matches with the gift.
7. Let the wrap reflect personality - A person’s personality, whether the giver or the
receiver’s can be attributed to the choice of color, theme or accessory for the gift wrap.
8. Match the setting - Unity in gift wrapping is achieved if a gift is displayed in harmony with the
decors, theme or colors of the venue.
9. Choose wrap and accessories as you do clothing - As to wardrobe or home art, principles and
elements of design applied to gift wrap are guides in achieving pleasing fashion or style.

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