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Context #1: Background of the Context

To understand the significance of Cory Aquino's speech before the U.S. Congress in 1986, we must first
examine the backdrop against which this event unfolded. The Philippines had been under the
authoritarian rule of Ferdinand Marcos for over two decades[^4^]. His regime was characterized by
rampant corruption, human rights abuses, and the erosion of democratic institutions. By the early
1980s, the Filipino people had grown weary of living under martial law and the suppression of their civil

In 1983, the assassination of opposition leader Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino Jr., Cory Aquino's husband,
ignited a wave of public outrage[^3^]. Ninoy's death became a rallying point for the opposition, and
Cory Aquino emerged as a unifying figure in the fight for democracy. Her candidacy in the 1986
presidential election posed a formidable challenge to Marcos' grip on power.

3. Context #2: Why They Did It at That Time

Cory Aquino's decision to address the U.S. Congress in 1986 was not arbitrary. It was a strategic move
driven by several factors:

a. Garnering International Support: The international community had been closely monitoring
developments in the Philippines. Aquino's speech aimed to garner international support for the Filipino
people's struggle for democracy[^2^]. The United States, as a longtime ally of the Philippines, was a key

b. Building Pressure on Marcos: By addressing the U.S. Congress, Aquino sought to exert diplomatic
pressure on Ferdinand Marcos[^2^]. She aimed to make it clear that her presidency had international
recognition and support, which would further isolate the Marcos regime.

c. Promoting Democratic Values: Aquino wanted to emphasize the Philippines' commitment to

democratic values and the rule of law[^2^]. By addressing the U.S. Congress, she positioned herself as a
leader dedicated to upholding democratic principles.

4. Biases in Cory Aquino's Speech

Cory Aquino's speech before the U.S. Congress was not without biases. While she advocated for
democracy and human rights, her perspective was inherently shaped by her role as the leader of the
opposition and her desire to rally international support.
Aquino's speech was critical of the Marcos regime, highlighting its abuses and corruption[^1^]. While
these criticisms were valid, they reflected her position as an opponent of Marcos, which could be seen
as biased.

Aquino emphasized the importance of democracy in the Philippines[^1^]. While this was a noble goal, it
was also a reflection of her own political agenda, as she aimed to establish herself as a champion of

Aquino made a plea for U.S. support in her speech, seeking financial aid and political backing[^1^]. This
appeal was biased in favor of American assistance, albeit for a just cause.

6. References

4.Lane, M. (1990, January 1). The Urban Mass Movement in the Philippines, 1983-87.
Australian National University, Research School of Social Sciences.

3. Marcos, F. E. (1974, January 1). The Democratic Revolution in the Philippines. Prentice Hall.

2. Hedman, E. L., & Sidel, J. (2005, November 29). Philippine Politics and Society in the
Twentieth Century. Routledge.

1. Turner, M. (1987, January 1). Regime Change in the Philippines. Department of Political and
Social Change Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies Australian Nationa.

Her speech contributed in understanding the Philippine History, it gave us a sight on how
democracy was put in the line before and how the previous government treated its people. We
can see the regime of Marcos through the speech of Cory and we can all be aware of how strict it
was, even the journalist doesn’t have their freedom of speech. Lastly, it showed how Cory fought
for the freedom and revolution of her people.

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