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Aura Marie Fijer

3rd year Bs-Psychology

“Professionalism is a Journey, Not a Destination.”

Professionalism is a set of skills and behaviors that are essential for success in any
workplace. It is important to start developing these skills early on, and as a third year university
student it is a great time to do so. These junior years are the perfect time to enhance your
behavior, attitudes, and work ethics that will help you conduct yourself in a professional setting.
Being a professional involves more than just wearing professional attire and arriving to work on
time. It is all about being trustworthy, being optimistic, and getting along with others. It also
involves having the ability for analytical thinking and efficient problem-solving.

As a student, there are practical things that I do to help me develop professionalism.

First, I respect and value time. I am responsible for the deadlines I have and I make sure that I
do it on time. By this I can be reliable and trustworthy, people can count on me to do what they
say I will do. I meet deadlines and keep my commitments. This is important in the workplace
because it builds trust with your colleagues and clients. It also shows that I am serious about my
work and that I am committed to my organization. Second, class discussions or presentations
help me enhance my communication skills. In my classroom I am grateful that my environment
allows me to freely share my thoughts and ideas. This helps me to improve my skills that can be
essential in the workplace. I can lead team discussions or facilitate brainstorming sessions that
are beneficial for the organization.

In order for me to act and think like a "grown-up," I need to keep improving my abilities. I
have to keep managing my personal and academic obligations as well. This involves having the
ability to prioritize your tasks, make reasonable objectives, and adhere to deadlines. I also need
to be able to overcome obstacles and failures. This refers to being capable of growing from my
shortcomings, maintaining my optimism, and moving ahead. I could achieve this by surrounding
myself with uplifting individuals, participating in self-compassion habits, and fostering an
improving mindset. I understand now that it's important for me to know about my emotional
intelligence. I believe I need to have healthy relationships with people and learn how to
effectively manage my emotions. This entails having good self-control, interpersonal empathy,
and interpersonal abilities.
In conclusion, I could establish myself for future success by improving these
professionalism-related abilities and traits. Now, I'm determined to strengthen these aspects of
my life, and I hope that doing so will enable me to reach my goals. I'm glad that I'm in a great
position to begin honing these abilities. Numerous options are available to me, including
seminars, mentoring programs, and courses. I'll make the most of these resources and go to
work developing the abilities you'll need to succeed as an individual. Always take note that
professionalism is a journey, not a destination. There is always room to grow and improve as an


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