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1. An athlete once said, “I am student athlete, I give my best, I am ready, I am brave and I
am ENVERGISTA” for you what meaning does this particular athlete want to convey as
Mr. / Ms. Sports Fest?
2. Maintaining good health is crucial for athletes. What steps do you take to ensure your
physical well-being, and how can you inspire others to adopt a healthier lifestyle, both
mentally and physically
3. Sports have the power to motivate people to lead healthier lives. How would you
encourage individuals who are not actively participating in sports to embrace physical
activities and prioritize their wellness, and what initiatives would you introduce to
promote fitness within the community?
4. In what way is a Mr. / Ms. Sports fest candidate like you aiming for a title is similar to an
5. Participation in sports can boost students' confidence and self-esteem. Can you share a
personal experience where sports helped you overcome challenges and build your self-
confidence, and how can this experience inspire other students to participate in sports
and other extracurricular activities?
6. "Michael Jordan once said, 'I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that
is why I succeed.' How do you interpret this statement in the context of sports, and how
has your own experience with failure in sports contributed to your personal growth and
success as an athlete?
7. If you will be given a chance to give a message to all student athlete, what would that
8. In the spirit of our theme, 'Victory is a team effort, without you, there's no team. EU are
the miracle,' how do you define true teamwork? Share an experience from your journey
where you witnessed the power of collective effort, and explain how this principle can
be applied to achieve success not only in sports but also in academics and other aspects
of life.
9. Being a true ENVERIGISTA's Spirit suggests embracing a mindset of continuous
improvement and learning. How do you believe sports can be a platform for personal
growth and development?
10. In your opinion, what role does sports play in promoting cultural understanding and
unity, especially in a diverse school community?
11. Athletes often have busy schedules balancing sports, academics, and other
responsibilities. How do you manage your time effectively to excel in both your sports
endeavors and academics?
12. Sportsmanship is a fundamental aspect of any sporting event. What does sportsmanship
mean to you, and how do you believe it can be promoted and upheld during
competitive sports?
13. Sports have the power to inspire and motivate. Can you share a sports-related story or
moment that has deeply inspired you? And How has this inspiration influenced your
own sports journey and your approach to challenges both on and off the field?
14. In your opinion, what qualities make a great sports leader should have?
15. "Billie Jean King once said, 'Champions keep playing until they get it right.' How do you
believe this mindset can inspire others to keep pushing their boundaries and striving for
excellence in sports?"

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